Clolms Evldsnce: New York
Clolms Evldsnce: New York
Clolms Evldsnce: New York
NEW YORK (AP) The Sat- Joseph P. Kennedy."
urday Evening Post published In a companion editorial. The
today a copyright article by au- Post called lor what it termed
thor Richard J. Whalen conclud- a "meticulous reexamination of
' ing that there is circumstantial the disputed findings" of the
evidence to support the theory Warren Commission report.
t of a second assassin in the Whalen proposes that Presi-
shooting of President John F. dent Johnson appoint a special
Kennedy. joint committee of Congress or
The article, in the Jan. 14 a citizen's panel of independent
issue of The Post distributed investigators to "weigh every
today, reviews the assassination, shred of evidence, old and
the Warren report and the re- new."
port's critics. Life Magazine called for a
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