6-Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

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Essential Contact Lens Practice

Medical Ltd

Rigid Contact
Lens Fitting
Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contact lens fitting
Key Points
is often regarded as more complex than soft
key points

An ideally fitting rigid

contact lens should show lens fitting, but in reality, the number of de-
the following attributes:
• A cceptable comfort which cisions practitioners must make is essential-
improves after adaptation
• A dequate centration ly the same when judging the fit of either lens.
(no limbal overlap, BOZD
centred over pupil)
In addition, modern RGP lens designs can fit
• T D approx 1.4mm smaller a wide range of the normal ametropic popula-
than the HVID
• 1 -1.5mm smooth movement tion, so practitioners need only specify the back
with each blink
• L ens alignment over most optic zone radius (BOZR), total diameter (TD)
of the corneal surface,
or alignment along the and back vertex power (BVP) from a particu-
flatter meridian in the case
of spherical fits on toric
lar lens design for the manufacturer to produce
corneas the lens. While using custom-made multi-curve
• N arrow band of edge
clearance lens designs increases the practitioner flexibil-
Tear lens power should be ity in dealing with a range of corneal contours,
calculated to confirm an
alignment fit many spherical and aspheric ‘system’ lens de-
The use of a slit lamp to view signs can cover most eventualities.
the fluorescein fit provides
a better overall assessment
than a Burton lamp

Adapt a routine assessment,

moving from the least to the
most invasive technique
Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

Front optic zone diameter
his article concentrates on basic procedures and
Centre thickness (tc) techniques required to fit RGP lenses in routine
Black optic practice, with more specific detail on both multi curve
zone radius
(BOZR) and aspheric designs available in the literature.1,2 The article
Black optic
zone diameter (BOZD) also introduces the reader to toric RGP lens fitting.
Total diameter (TD)

the ideal Rgp lens fit
(BPR) As in soft contact lens fitting, the assessment of RGP lens fit
FiguRe 1 RGP dimensions
involves the evaluation of both static and dynamic criteria.
Figure 1 summarises basic contact lens parameters. The ideal
RGP fit should show the following characteristics.

The lens should remain centred over the pupil in primary
gaze and maintain reasonable centration with each blink. The
goal of RGP lens centration is to ensure that the visual axis
remains within the back optic zone diameter (BOZD) for as
long as possible to optimise visual acuity and avoid flare. The
lens should also remain on the cornea during all positions of
gaze to minimise conjunctival staining from the periphery of
the lens onto the limbal conjunctiva.

Corneal coverage
Unlike soft lenses, RGP lenses should be smaller than the
corneal diameter. They should have a total diameter of at least
1.4mm less than the horizontal visible iris diameter (HVID)
to facilitate tear exchange under the lens and help optimise
the alignment of the lens fit.

Dynamic fit
As well as allowing metabolic and tear debris to be removed
from underneath the lens, the RGP lens must move to enable
oxygen exchange due to the tear pump. Unlike soft lens
fitting, there is a significant exchange of oxygen underneath
an RGP lens during the blinking cycle.
Lens movement is one of the key characteristics of an ideal
RGP fit. The lens should move around 1 to 1.5mm with each
blink. The movement should be smooth and unobstructed
in the a vertical plane, indicating a near alignment fit. Lens
movement occurs either as a response to the eyelid force
or by upper lid attachment. An immobile lens causes tears
to stagnate beneath its surface, leading to corneal staining
and distortion, while a lens with excessive movement causes
patient discomfort, inconsistent vision and may also be
associated with conjunctival staining.

This is often the aspect of RGP lens fitting that receives
Essential Contact Lens Practice

Examples to show how the site of astigmatism affects contact lens choice

TablE 1
site of
o c u l a r r e fr a c t i o n K- r e a d i n g s cl o p t i o n s
a s t i g m at i s m

Sphere Cylinder Axis Flattest Along Steepests Along

-3.00 -2.00 180 8.00 180 7.60 90 Corneal Spherical RGP,

soft toric

-3.00 -2.00 180 8.00 180 8.00 90 Lenticular FS toric RGP, soft toric

-3.00 0 0 8.00 180 7.60 90 Corneal Spherical soft,

FS toric RGP

-3.00 0 0 8.00 180 8.00 90 None Sperical soft,

spherical RGP

-3.00 -2.00 180 8.00 180 7.80 90 None FD toric RGP, soft toric

-3.00 -3.00 180 8.00 180 7.40 90 Corneal Bi-toric RGP, soft toric

most attention. However, while important, it should not be

viewed in isolation of other aspects of lens fit. The ideal RGP
fit should show alignment of the back surface of the lens with
the cornea over most of the surface. A narrow band of edge
clearance at the periphery is required to enable adequate tear
exchange and facilitate lens removal (Figure 2). The alignment
of the back surface with the cornea allows the force of the Figure 2 Fluorescein pattern of an
lens to be distributed across the maximum bearing surface ideal lens fit
of the cornea. However, slight apical clearance and an area
of light corneal touch in the mid-periphery will enhance
lens centration. Excessive touch can lead to tear stagnation,
staining and/or distortion, while points of excessive clearance
lead to an unstable lens fit in terms of centration, comfort and vision.

Patient response
When all the above are achieved, the patient should
experience stable vision with the appropriate correction. The
lens comfort should also be stable, depending on the degree
of patient adaptation, but initial comfort will of course be less
than that achieved with a soft lens.

• Lens selection: Central keratometry readings (K-readings) are
the principal values used to select the initial trial, or empirically
ordered, lens in RGP fitting. As well as assisting in choosing
the appropriate BOZR, the K-reading in conjunction with the
pupil size, may also be used to judge the appropriate BOZD.
K-readings should be taken as the mean of three readings
measured. The assessment of peripheral K-readings is of limited

Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

value in routine contact lens practice, although in the absence

of corneal topography it can be helpful in fitting the unusually
contoured cornea, such as following refractive surgery or in
cases of corneal pathology.
• Baseline data: As in all contact lens practice, baseline
K-readings must be recorded prior to fitting. An assessment of
mire quality is especially valuable in RGP fitting as a rigid lens
has the greatest capacity to cause distortion and alter this.
• Tear quality: With the lens in situ, the keratometer can be
used to record pre-lens tear break-up time.
• Corneal astigmatism: The keratometer reading should be
used together with the refraction result to determine the site
and degree of any astigmatism. Spherical RGP lenses will
only correct corneal astigmatism through neutralisation by
the tear lens. Of course, this cannot always be achieved with
higher degrees of corneal astigmatism because of unstable
fitting characteristics. In these cases, back surface toric RGP
lenses are required to achieve a satisfactory fit. If astigmatism
is lenticular, a spherical RGP lens will have no effect on its
correction. As a rule of thumb, 0.10mm difference between
K-readings equates to 0.50DC of corneal astigmatism.
Table 1 shows some worked examples of this and some
suggested suitable contact lens options, depending on the site
of astigmatism.
• Lens flexure: With the lens in situ on the eye, over K-readings
will show any flexure of the lens on the eye. Flexure may occur
either as the lens tries to assume the shape of a toric cornea under
the influence of lid pressure, or as a lens becomes distorted with
age or mishandling. Flexure is greatest with steep fitting lenses.
If a satisfactory end-point of refraction cannot be obtained,
then over K-readings can be used to confirm or eliminate
flexure as a possible cause.

Corneal topography
Shape factor
The shape factor (p value) of the cornea is the extent to which
its shape varies from a sphere, which is the assumption made
when K-readings are taken. Topography allows practitioners to
measure the shape factor of the cornea. This can be used to
help choose the lens design and the extent to which the peripheral
curves of the lens need flattening to maintain corneal alignment.
Some videokeratoscopes have software that can recommend
a lens design. While results may not be any more accurate in
routine fitting, it may certainly assist in more complex cases
and reducing the number of trial lenses before achieving
final fit.3 Knowledge of the shape factor can be important in
the analysis of some fluorescein patterns and is an important
4 variable in orthokeratology fitting.
Essential Contact Lens Practice

FiguRe 3 Retinoscopy reflex with centred RGP lens (above left) and
decentred lens (above right)

Apex position and contour

Videokeratoscopy provides a contour map of the cornea, and
this can be of value in looking for reasons to explain unusual
fluorescein patterns or poorly centred lenses. Videokeratoscopy
allows visualisation of the apex of the cornea, which may not
be in line with the visual axis, and hence show the reason for
a displaced lens. It will also show changes in contour due to
pathology, surgery or even normal variations. As well as being
a useful clinical aid, this technique assists the practitioner in
explaining the mechanism of the lens fit to the patient.

Location of astigmatism
Corneal astigmatism can be calculated from any given two
meridans from the centre to the periphery and can be displayed
as a meridian contour map. The principal meridians and degree
of astigmatism can be shown at various positions from the cen-
tre of the cornea. Importantly, this method of measurement
demonstrates that corneal astigmatism is not necessarily uni-
form over the entire surface of the cornea, but varies according
to the location on the cornea.

As well as playing a role in refraction, the retinoscope also al-
lows the practitioner to judge pupil coverage by the BOZD of
the lens. The retinoscopic reflex should be regular across the
pupil. If the BOZD is not fully covering the pupil, then the re-
flex will become distorted at the transition between the central
and peripheral radii (Figure 3).

Over-refraction will provide the practitioner with the necessary
information to determine the correct BVP for an individual
patient. Beyond this, it has two further important uses in RGP
lens fitting.
• tear lens thickness: Optically, a RGP lens can be thought of as
correcting ametropia in two ways — the replacing of the natural
curvature of the cornea with a different curvature to correct
the refractive error and the neutralisation of the front surface
of the cornea by the posterior lens surface. The power of this

Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

latter lens, the tear lens, can be calculated by over-refraction.

This provides an invaluable means of assessing the lens/cornea
alignment relationship.
• Lens flexure: Over-refraction can also be used to judge lens
flexure when an optimal visual result cannot be obtained
with spherical lenses or over-refraction. If the practitioner is
confident that the lens is correcting the corneal astigmatism
and that there is no lenticular astigmatism present, then the
flexure in the residual astigmatism produced is due to the lens
flexing on the cornea.

PD ruler
The PD ruler (or preferably the graticule on the slit lamp)
should be used to measure the horizontal visible iris diameter
(HVID), which may be used to choose the initial total diameter
of the lens to trial. It should also be used to measure mean and
maximum pupil diameters that will have an influence on the
BOZD being selected. Finally, it would be used to measure
vertical palpebral aperture size (VPA), both to assist in TD
choice and as a baseline measurement as research has indicated
that the VPA can decrease with RGP lens wear.

Dynamic lens fit
Dynamic lens fit can be both assessed and measured using a slit
lamp with a graticule in the same way as soft lenses.
Lens/corneal alignment
• White light: an optic section can be used to judge the
relationship of the lens to the cornea using white light and no
• Cobalt-blue light: the alignment of the back surface of the
lens to the front surface of the eye is most effectively visualised
using fluorescein. The fluorescein stains the tear film that
makes up the tear lens. When the fluorescein is illuminated
with the appropriate wavelength of blue light it fluoresces a
green colour. The intensity of the green colour is a function of
the thickness of the fluorescein film. The thicker the film, the
more yellow the appearance.4
Fluorescein in the tears fills the space between the back surface
of the lens and the anterior corneal surface. When excited with
the cobalt-blue filter, the distance between the two surfaces is
represented by the intensity of the fluorescent light, with the
brighter the colour seen, the greater the gap and vice versa.
By looking at the change in intensity of the fluorescein across
the lens, the distance between the posterior lens surface and
the anterior corneal surface can be visualised, the so-called
fluorescein pattern (Figure 2).
Essential Contact Lens Practice

As in the use of fluorescein for other purposes, the use of a

yellow barrier filter over the slit-lamp eyepiece will assist in
increasing the contrast between the yellow fluorescein and the
background. In carrying out this technique, it is important to
ensure that excessive fluorescein is not placed in the eye, as
this will make the interpretation of the fit more difficult due to
excessive fluorescein on the front surface of the lens.

Burton lamp
Fluorescein fit
The Burton lamp is a UV light source mounted with a magni-
fying glass in a rectangular frame. It allows the practitioner to
view fluorescein patterns using the UV light to excite the fluo-
rescein. The disadvantages are that the magnification is not as
good as that achieved with the slit lamp and is ineffective when
used with lenses that have a UV inhibitor in the polymer. For
this type of lens, the cobalt-blue light on the slit lamp is the
preferred option.
Pupil size
Maximum pupil size can be measured in a darkened room with
the eye illuminated using the UV light on the Burton lamp.
The pupil can then be easily visualised against the fluorescence
of the crystalline lens.

As with all contact lens fittings, an initial examination is re-
quired to judge patient suitability and evaluate patient needs.

Initial trial lens — choice and insertion

The initial lens to trial should be chosen using the following

Back vertex power

Where possible, this should be as close as possible to the pa-
tient’s final prescription, both to provide the patient with as
natural vision as possible and to minimise the potential chang-
es in fit from variation in power. As the centre of gravity and
edge design of a plus-powered lens is in a different position to a
minus lens, the fit may be different. It is important, therefore,
that hypermetropes be assessed with positively powered lenses
and vice-versa for myopes. If there is a choice of prescription,
the practitioner should err towards under-correction rather
than over-correction of myopes to minimise the chances of
accommodative spasm.

Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

Lens diameter Lens diameter

9.6 10

Lens diameter Lens diameter

9.2 9.6

Lens diameter Lens diameter

9.2 10

FiguRe 4 Selection of total diameter as a function of palpebral aperture,

according to Guillon

Back optic zone radius

The back surface design of RGP lenses may be spherical,
aspherical or a combination of both. Spherical lenses may be bi-
curve, tri-curve or multi-curve and with each different BOZR
the peripheral curve design can result in a constant axial edge
lift or constant axial edge clearance design. Generally, aspheric
designs vary from those with a fi xed elliptical curve (eg e = 0.5)
to those where the eccentricity of the curve varies from the
centre of the lens to the edge (eg polynomial or variable eccentricity).

• Spherical lenses: the initial trial lens should be chosen, based

on the K-readings, using either the manufacturer’s recommen-
dations for a particular lens design or the values shown in Table
2. The practitioner should note that the values provided for the
initial trial lens fitting are guidelines only.
• aspherical lenses: elliptical aspheric lenses generally need a
flatter fitting than spherical lenses to provide alignment across
the corneal surface. However, polynomial and variable eccen-
tricity apsheric designs can be fitted in very much the same
way as spherical designs. The initial trial lens should be fitted in
accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation, which is
generally on, or slightly flatter, than the flattest K.

Choice of BoZr based on K-readings for spherical rGp lenses (7.50 BoZD)
tabLe 2

a S T i G M aT i S M ( B Y K E r aT o M E T E r ) a p p R o X i m at e b o z R

Spherical to 0.75 D Fit on flattest keratometer reading

Fit on flattest keratometry reading to 0.05 steeper than the flattest

0.50 to 1.00 D
keratometer reading
Fit near flattest keratometer reading (0.05 to 0.10 steeper at most) to
1.00 to 2.50 D
minimise flexure and achieve good acuity with a sperical lens5

Over 2.50 D A toroidal back optic zone is recommended

Essential Contact Lens Practice

Total diameter
The total diameter (TD) chosen is based upon the HVID and
lid position. As a generalisation, the TD should be at least
1.40mm smaller than the HVID. The smaller the palpebral ap-
erture, the smaller the TD should be. Guillon recommends that
the choice is made in accordance with Figure 4. Once again,
the initial trial lens recommendation is a guide from which the
optimal lens fit may be judged.

Centre thickness
For physiological reasons, the lenses should be made as thin
as possible to maximise oxygen transmissibility. For most rigid
lens materials today, the realistic minimal centre thickness is
approximately 0.14mm.

Back optic zone diameter

The BOZD should be at least 1.00mm larger than average pu-
pil size in normal room illumination to avoid flare. The BOZD
also has most influence on the corneal alignment of any of the
posterior diameters. As the cornea flattens, a larger BOZD
should be considered to maintain alignment over the cornea.
With ‘system’ lenses, the practitioner often has little control
over this parameter, although it should be considered in rela-
tion to pupil size.

It could be argued that the lens material used for the lens fitting
assessment should ideally be the same as the intended material
for the final lens prescribed. This is to minimise the possibil-
ity of the prescription lens behaving differently from the ini-
tial lens assessed in terms of flexure, centration or wetting. For
physiological reasons, materials of Dk >50 should be routinely
considered for daily wear of RGP lenses. RGP materials used
today include silicone acrylates and fluorosilicone acrylate, the
latter having the advantage of better wettability and fewer de-
posits. However, it requires more careful manufacture and can
be brittle if too thin.

Insertion and adaption

New lenses should be hydrated in a soaking solution for at least
24 hours before an accurate assessment of the fit can be made.
Immediately prior to insertion, patients should be instructed
on the foreign-body sensation they are likely to experience.
They should also be asked to look downwards once the lens is
inserted. This minimises the action of the lid on the lens edge
and reduces the foreign-body sensation.

Once the lens has been inserted, lifting the upper eyelid will
enable the practitioner to judge whether or not any discom-

Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

fort is due to normal adaptation (in which case it will disappear

when the lid is lifted) or a foreign body trapped between the
lids (in which case it will remain).

Once reflex tearing has subsided, the fit of the lens can be
grossly assessed, normally after approximately five minutes.
At this stage, the assessment is only to ensure that the lens is
stable enough for a reasonable trial period. Assessments should
be made with white light and the naked eye to check overall
lens centration and then a gross fluorescein fit assessment. If a
reasonable fit is obtained, patients should be sent for a longer
trial period to enable them to judge their subjective response
and allow some degree of adaptation. This period should be a
minimum of 30 minutes.

Subjective response
At the end of the tolerance period, the patient should be tol-
erably aware of the lenses and any reflex lacrimation should
have stopped. If the lens is near the correct power, the patient
should report stable vision in all positions of gaze.

Assessment of fit
Fit assessment should be made, starting with the least invasive
technique and moving on to the most invasive to minimise the
stimulation of reflex tearing, which could alter the fit.

Over-refraction and visual acuity

A spherical over-refraction should be conducted initially with
binocular balancing to relax the accommodation that may have
been induced from the foreign-body sensation of the lens in
situ. The visual acuity should be crisp and stable with a pre-
cise end-point of refraction. If unstable or unacceptable acu-
ity is found, a cylindrical refraction should be carried out. The
refraction should be both subjective, and objective using the
retinoscope. The finding should be recorded so that tear lens
power can be calculated and adjustments made to the central
fit if necessary.

White light
Under white light and with the naked eye, the practitioner
should judge the centration of the lens in primary gaze and on
lateral eye movement. In addition to centration, the movement
with blink should be judged, the lens should move with each
blink under the influence of the upper eyelid and return to
cover the pupil immediately afterwards.

Fluorescein assessment
With the patient at the slit lamp or using the Burton lamp, a flu-
orescein assessment of the fit should be carried out. A minimal
amount of fluorescein should be inserted into the conjunctival
Essential Contact Lens Practice

sac and the patient should be asked to blink. The practitioner

should then systematically assess the brightness of the fluores-
cein in three regions: central, mid-peripheral and peripheral. A
simple grading scale has been advocated by Guillon to assess
the lens fit (Table 3).

Put simply, if fluorescein is seen under the lens during assess-

ment then it can range from a little (alignment or slight apical
clearance) to a moderate amount (+1) or an excessive amount
(+2). If it is difficult to judge because of an apparent even film
of fluorescein, this is an alignment fit. It is generally easier to
detect a steep fit than a flat fit. This may be worth bearing in
mind when selecting the first trial lens.

Interpretation of findings
Subjective response
Comfort with RGP lenses is initially less than with soft lenses,
although, following a 30-minute adaptation period, the patient
should report no more than lens sensation. If ‘pain’ is report-
ed, together with excessive reflex tearing, then the lens needs

Vision and visual acuity should be stable and crisp, with the
correct spherical over-correction in place. If a stable result
cannot be obtained with spherical lenses, a cylindrical over-
correction should be attempted. A stable result indicates that
residual astigmatism exists within the optical correction and
that a toric lens may be required.

Before going ahead with a toric fit, the practitioner should

analyse the results of the over-correction to identify the site
of the residual astigmatism and make sure it is not lens flexure
that is causing the poor vision. If no site for the astigmatism can
be found, or it is variable, the most likely cause is lens flexure.

Grading of fluorescein fit, according to Guillon

TablE 3

+2 +1 0 -1 -2

Gener al fit Excessively steep Slightly steep Alignment Slightly flat Excessively flat

Peripher al fit Extremely wide Slightly wide (0.3 Optimal (0.2 to Slightly narrow Extremely narrow
Width (0.4mm) to 0.4mm) 0.3mm) (0.1 to 0.2mm) (<0.1mm)

Height Excessive More than Optimal Less than optimal Insufficient


Mid-peripher al Hard, well- Poorly defined No contact

fit defined contact contact

Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

Tear lens thickness

rL1 rL2 rL3

rc rc rc

FiGUrE 5 Tear lens thickness

In cases of lens flexure, changes to the lens/eye fitting relationship

are the preferred management option. Table 4 summarises the
causes of poor comfort and vision and the management options.

Over-refraction x
Determining the over-refraction allows the tear lens to be cal-
culated. It is the difference in power between the refraction at
the corneal plane and the power of the contact lens needed to
correct the ametropia. The power of the tear lens is an invalu-
able means of assessing the alignment of the lens to the cornea.
If the lens is fitting steeply, a positive tear lens will result and
the power of the contact lens will require less plus or more mi-
nus than the ocular refraction. If the lens is fitting flatter than
the cornea, the tear lens will be negative and the converse will

possible causes of patient symptoms with rGp lenses

tabLe 4

symptom possibLe Causes Remedy

Poor comfort Excess movement Tighten fi t

Excess edge clearance Reduce edge clearance
Edge too thick Thinner edge
Foreign body Remove and replace lens
Damaged lens edge Replace lens
Astigmatic cornea Modify fi t
Consider an aspheric design
Consider a toric design
Thinner lens design
Patient sensitivity Increase total diameter
Soft lens
Remove and clean lens
Poor wetting Change material

Poor vision Refractive change Refract and change power

Corneal shape change Assess fi t and modify
Residual astigmatism Toric lens
Flexure Flatten fi t
Change material
Deposits Clean lens
Heavy surface scratches Polish or replace lens
Poor wetting Remove and clean lens
Replace lens if old
Change material

Essential Contact Lens Practice

Examples to show how the tear lens power can be used to assess the
lens/cornea alignment

TablE 5
Oc u l a r r e fr a c t i o n C L p o we r i n a i r o v e r - r e fr a c t i o n tear lens f i t t i n g r e l at i o n s h i p

-3.00 -3.00 0 0 Alignment

-3.00 -2.50 0 -0.50 Flat

-3.00 -3.50 0 +0.50 Steep

-3.00 -3.00 -0.50 +0.50 Steep

-3.00 -3.00 +0.50 -0.50 Flat

Management of lens decentration

TablE 6
Lens position possible cause remedy

Continually high, not dropping Flat peripheral zone Steepen periphery

after blink Widen peripheral zone Narrow periphery
Too large TD Reduce TD
Lens too thick Reduce Tc and/or Te
With-the-rule cyl BS toric design
Toric periphery design

Continually low/rapid drop Lens too small Increase TD

after blink Lens too thick Reduce Tc
No lid attachment Add peripheral negative carrier

Continually to one side Displaced corneal apex Increase TD

Soft lens
Lens too small Increase TD
Lens too flat Steepen design
Against-the-rule cyl Back surface toric design
Toric periphery design

Stationary Lens too steep Flatten fit

Excessive decentration Excess lacrimation See symptoms

beyond limbus Lens too flat Steepen design
Excess corneal cyl Back surface toric design

apply (Figure 5). Table 5 shows some worked examples of dif-

ferent tear lenses. A general guide towards calculating tear lens
powers is that 0.50DS difference in over-refraction relates to
0.10mm difference between lens radius and corneal radius.

Lens centration
The lens should remain centred over the visual axis between
blinks and on lateral gaze. Some higher minus-powered lenses
may ‘hook’ on to the upper eyelid, which holds the lens in po-
sition. In these cases, the lens moves with the lid. The same
effect can be obtained by ordering a lens with a front surface
negative peripheral carrier, which may be of value in fitting
hypermetropes whose lenses continually drop. As long as the
BOZD covers the pupil and the edge does not cause excessive

Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

Management of lens movement

TablE 7

s t r at e g y va r i a b l e

Bozr bozd td tc

Increase movement Increase Decrease Decrease Increase

Decrease movement Decrease Increase Increase Decrease

Central fit -1 0 0 +1 +2

Peripher al
+2 (inferior) +1 0 +1 -1
+2 (inferior) +1 0 -1 -1

peripher al +1 +1 0 -1

action Steepen BOZR Try steeper BOZR Dispense Try flatter BOZR Flatten BOZR

Figure 6 Interpretation of fluorescein patterns (courtesy of David Ruston)

pressure on the limbal region, some degree of decentration is

acceptable on rigid contact lens fitting. If either of these re-
sult in fluctuation of vision, glare/haloes, conjunctival or limbal
staining, the lens fit needs modifying. Table 6 shows options
available to improve the centration of a decentred lens.

Lens movement
The lens should show sufficient vertical movement to allow tear
exchange to take place. Typically, this is around 1mm to 1.5mm.
Excessive movement leads to poor comfort, vision and the po-
tential for conjunctival staining. Insufficient movement leads
to tear stagnation, corneal staining and distortion. Options to
increase or decrease lens movements are given in Table 7.

Fluorescein patterns
Figure 6 shows a series of fluorescein patterns, with grading and
recommended management options. Interpretation of fluores-
cein patterns should not be undertaken in isolation; confirma-
tion of the lens/eye relationship should be made by calculating
the tear lens and a steep-looking fit should show a positive tear
lens and vice versa.

Essential Contact Lens Practice

rL rL rL

rc rc rc

P3 P3 P3
P1 P2 P1 P2 P1 P2

FiGUrE 7 Eff ect of corneal shape factor on fluorescein fi t

Occasionally, a steep or flat-looking fit may occur, even when

the BOZR of the lens and the K-readings of the cornea appear
to match one another exactly. There are two reasons for this:
the trial lens has the incorrect BOZR or it is due to the corneal
shape factor. If the cornea has higher than average eccentricity
(ie e >0.5), it flattens out at a faster than normal rate towards
the periphery and consequently, a spherical lens of the same
central radius may show central pooling (Figure 7). The fit will
have to be modified in the same way as dealing with a steep-
fitting lens.

Interdependency of fitting variables

Every variable in RGP lens design has an inter-dependency on
other variables. If there is a need to change one parameter on
the lens, such as BOZD, then, if the same fitting relationship is
to be maintained, the BOZR also has to be altered to maintain
the same sagittal height. Changing either the BOZD or the
BOZR will also alter the tear lens and hence the power of the
lens/eye system. The extent of these changes will depend upon,
to some extent, the ocular parameters and the lens material

The basic rules of thumb in making alterations to lens param-

eters are outlined below.

• A change in BOZR of 0.05mm is equivalent to 0.25D change

in power if radius is in region 7.80mm

• A change in BOZD of 0.5mm requires the BOZR be changed

by 0.05mm to maintain the same fluorescein pattern.

Toric RGP fitting

In cases where the amount of corneal astigmatism results in an
unsatisfactory fit from a spherical RGP contact lens (usually
when >2.50DC), it is often necessary to fit a back surface toric
lens. This allows the back surface of the lens radii to align with
the steepest and flattest corneal radii as measured by keratom-
etry. This results in more equal distribution of the lens over the
toroidal cornea, better centration and lens stability as well as
subjective comfort for the wearer. The ideal lens fit should show
the same fluorescein pattern as a spherical lens on a spherical
Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

cornea and behave in an identical manner (Figures 8 a and b).

With a closely aligned fit, lens rotation is minimal so the incor-
poration of additional prism stablisation is not required. Any
back surface toric RGP lens will result in ‘induced’ astigmatism
due to the toroidal back surface and difference in refractive in-
dex between the tears and lens material. This usually involves
the need for a small ‘neutralising’ cylindrical correction on the
Figure 8a Spherical RGP lens on a
front surface, but this need not concern the practitioner as the
cornea with 3.00D of astigmatism manufacturer will calculate the amount required to correct the
induced astigmatism and any residual astigmatism that might
exist. Hence the final manufactured lens is actually bi-toric, a
toric back surface to fit the toroidal cornea and a toric front
surface to correct any induced astigmatism.

Although lens fitting can be achieved using back surface toric

fitting sets and sph/cyl over-refraction, it is easier to order a
lens empirically from the keratometry readings and the spec-
tacle prescription. The three easy steps are:
Figure 8b Back surface toric lens
on the same eye (courtesy of David • Measure the steepest and flattest corneal radii with the ker-

• Convert the spectacle prescription into an ocular prescription

(this represents the power required along the steepest and flat-
test BOZR assuming an alignment fit)

• Specify TD, BOZD and peripheral curves should be based on

the same criteria used for a spherical lens design.

Example 1
Spectacle Rx (BVD = 10mm)
Ocular Rx (BVD = 0mm)
Meridonal powers -6.50 and -10.25
K-readings 8.10 along 180. 7.30 along 90
Order lens 8.10:7.00/9.5
C4 axial edge lift 0.13mm –6.50 along
flat –10.25 al steep.

There are times when keratometry readings indicate a near

spherical cornea. However, the spectacle refraction indicates
significant refractive astigmatism. Hence, when assessing a
spherical RGP lens on this eye, over-refraction (as predicted
from the keratometry readings) indicates residual astigmatism
(usually lenticular). To fully correct the refractive error with an
RGP lens, a front surface toric lens is required which must be
rotationally stable. Prism stabilisation is therefore included in
the lens design as well as truncation if further stabilisation is
required. The final lens power can be calculated empirically or
more easily by over-refracting an RGP spherical lens. Correc-
Essential Contact Lens Practice

tion could also be achieved by a soft toric lens in this example.

Example 2
Spectacle Rx (BVD = 12mm)
Ocular Rx (BVD = 0mm)
K–readings 8.10 along 165. 8.00 along 75.
Figure 9 A well-fitted reversed
Trial lens 8.10:7.30/9.20 -3.00D geometry lens (courtesy of David
Over-refraction: +1.00/-1.25x75 Ruston)
Order 8.10:7.30/9.5
C3 AEL 0.14mm -2.00/-1.25 x 75

Add 1.50 prism base down (along 270). 0.4mm truncation along
180 Optional engraving to help with lens orientation and stabil-
ity assessment – dot prism apex and base.

In other examples, the refractive error may be spherical but

keratometry readings show significant corneal astigmatism.
This would also require a front surface toric design to correct
the expected residual astigmatism. In this example, full correc-
tion of the refractive error would be achieved more easily with
a soft spherical lens. A more detailed overview of toric RGP
lens fitting can be obtained from the literature.6,7

Orthokeratology involves the fitting of a RGP lens in such a way
to induce changes in the corneal curvature to, albeit tempo-
rarily, reduce myopia and with-the-rule atigmatism. Increased
interest and use of this technique has resulted from greater
availability of instrumentation that allows the measurement
and monitoring of the corneal topography (videokeratoscope),
reversed geometry lenses that allow greater control and speed
of the change in corneal shape and higher Dk RGP contact
lenses approved for overnight use so as to allow overnight wear
and removal during the day.

Ideally, a well-fitted lens should induce flattening of the central

cornea to reduce myopia while avoiding introducing induced
astigmatism (Figure 9). Average reduction tends to be 1.50 to
2.00D with half of the corneal astigmatism eliminated. How-
ever, predicting the amount of change is difficult. Research has
shown a correlation between corneal shape and induced change.

Orthokeratology is a labour intensive and specialised RGP fit-

ting technique outside the scope of the article. However, prac-
titioners should be aware of the basic principle. More detailed
information on fitting and subsequent care is available in the

Rigid Contact Lens Fitting

Jane Veys MSc MCOptom The practitioner has many parameters to choose from in decid-
FBCLA FAAO, Education Director, ing the optimal fit for a rigid lens. Although system-designed
The Vision Care Institute™ lenses are suitable for many, optimum comfort or visual acuity
Johnson & Johnson Vision Care,
Europe, Middle East & Africa. should not be compromised if an ideal fit cannot be achieved.
Formerly in contact lens research, Skilled laboratories can design lenses to exact specifications,
optometric education and if required. As with all contact lens practice, a systematic
independent practice.
approach should be utilised. Changes to lens parameters should
John Meyler BSc FCOptom not be made unless there is a logical reason to do so.
DipCLP Senior Director
Professional Affairs, Johnson
& Johnson Vision Care, Europe,
Middle East & Africa. Formerly in
independent optometric practice.

Ian Davies BSc MCOptom DipCLP

FAAO, Vice President, The
Vision Care Institute™ Johnson
& Johnson Vision Care, Europe,
Middle East & Africa. Formerly
in contact lens research and
independent optometric practice.


1. Atkinson T C O. A computer assisted 5. Stone J and Collins C. Flexure of gas Further reading
and clinical assessment of current permeable lenses on toroidal corneas. Guillon M (1994). Basic contact lens
trends in gas permeable lens design. Optician, 1984;188: 4951 8-10. fitting. In Rubin M and Guillon M (eds).
Optician, 1985; 189: 4976, 16-22. 6. Meyler J G and Ruston D. Toric RGP Contact Lens Practice (Chapman and
2. Meyler J G and Ruston D M. Rigid Contact Lenses made easy. Optician, Hall Medical), 587-622.
gas permeable aspheric back surface 1996; 209: 5504. 30-35. Young G (2002) Rigid lens design and
contact lenses – A review. Optician, 7. Meyler J and Morgan P. Advanced fitting. In Efron N (ed). Contact Lens
1994; 208: 5467, 22-30. contact lens fitting. Part 2. Toric rigid Practice. (Butterworth-Heinemann).
3. Szczotka L, Capretta DM and Lass JH. lens fitting. Optician, 1997; 5604:213 Gasson A and Morris J (1998). The
Clinical evaluation of a computerised 18-23. Contact Lens Manual (Butterworth-
topography software method for 8. Van der Worp E, Ruston D. Heinemann).
fitting rigid gas-permeable contact ‘Orthokeratology: An Update.’
lenses. CLAO Journal, 1994, 20:4 Franklin A and Franklin N (2007)
Optometry in Practice, Vol 7, 2006; Rigid Gas-Permeable Lens Fitting
231-236. 47-60. (Butterworth-Heinemann/Elsevier).
4. Cooke G and Young G. The use
of computer-simulated fluorescein
patterns in rigid lens design. Trans
BCLA, 1986; 21-26.

The Vision Care Institute™ is a trademark of Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd. © Johnson & Johnson Medical Ltd. 2008


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