(Topic) : Human Resource Function and Practice

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6 FINDINGS 30-32

Human Resource Management (HRM) is an operation in companies designed to maximize employee

performance in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. More precisely, HRM
focuses on management of people within companies, emphasizing on policies and systems.
In short, HRM is the process of recruiting, selecting employees, providing proper orientation and
induction, imparting proper training and developing skills.
HRM also includes employee assessment like performance appraisal, facilitating proper compensation and
benefits, encouragement, maintaining proper relations with labor and with trade unions, and taking care of
employee safety, welfare and health by complying with labor laws of the state or country concerned.

The Scope of HRM

The scope of HRM is very wide. It consists of all the functions that come under the banner of human
resource management. The different functions are as follows −

Human Resources Planning

It is the process by which a company identifies how many positions are vacant and whether the
company has excess staff or shortage of staff and subsequently deals with this need of excess or

Job Analysis Design

Job analysis can be defined as the process of noticing and regulating in detail the particular job duties
and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job.
Job analysis design is a process of designing jobs where evaluations are made regarding the data
collected on a job. It gives an elaborate description about each and every job in the company.

Recruitment and Selection

With respect to the information collected from job analysis, the company prepares advertisements and
publishes them on various social media platforms. This is known as recruitment.
A number of applications are received after the advertisement is presented, interviews are conducted
and the deserving employees are selected. Thus, recruitment and selection is yet another essential
area of HRM.

Orientation and Induction

After the employees are selected, an induction or orientation program is organized. The employees
are updated about the background of the company as well as culture, values, and work ethics of the
company and they are also introduced to the other employees.

Training and Development

Employees have to undergo a training program, which assists them to put up a better performance on
the job. Sometimes, training is also conducted for currently working experienced staff so as to help
them improve their skills further. This is known as refresher training.

Performance Appraisal

After the employees have put in around 1 year of service, performance appraisal is organized in order
to check their performance. On the basis of these appraisals, future promotions, incentives, and
increments in salary are decided.

Compensation Planning and Remuneration

Under compensation planning and remuneration, various rules and regulations regarding
compensation and related aspects are taken care of. It is the duty of the HR department to look into
remuneration and compensation planning.

Features of HRM
Human Resource Management as a discipline includes the following features −
• It is pervasive in nature, as it is present in all industries.

• It focuses on outcomes and not on rules.
• It helps employees develop and groom their potential completely.
• It motivates employees to give their best to the company.
• It is all about people at work, as individuals as well as in groups.
• It tries to put people on assigned tasks in order to have good production or results.
• It helps a company achieve its goals in the future by facilitating work for competent and well-
motivated employees.
• It approaches to build and maintain cordial relationship among people working at various levels
in the company.
Basically, we can say that HRM is a multi-disciplinary activity, utilizing knowledge and inputs drawn
from psychology, economics, etc.
Human Resource Management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the
goals and objectives of each are achieved. In this chapter, we will discuss how important it is to ensure
that the HR functions are properly aligned with the overall business strategy of an organization.

Integrating HR Strategy with Business Strategy

Today, human resource departments have a more precise, strategic role in companies, and an HR
strategy affects the bottom line. Let us look into HR as part of a complete business strategy.

HR Strategy as Business Strategy

In real world, no margin in the sand is drawn between human resources strategy and business
strategy. A successful business owner understands the strong connection between the two.
Progressing human capital is essential to the longevity and success of a business.
Human resources strategy today includes executive leadership teams conferring with human
resources experts to improvise complementary goals for human resources and the complete business.

HR Strategy and Business Productivity

The recruitment and selection process in human resources department is paramount to creating a
productive workforce. Maintaining a workforce where employees enjoy high levels of job satisfaction
and job security converts into a workforce that assists in achieving business goals.

Trends Affecting HR and Business Strategy

Presently, we can say that HR technologies have become an integrated engine in advancing the
broader needs of businesses, supporting far more than the basic transactions, and advancing HR and
business agenda for future.
Human resources information system (HRIS) is integral to the progress of performance management,
recruitment, selection. It also plays a vital role in the rejection of candidates, their promotions and
postings, etc.

Interaction among Executive Leadership

The best way to cultivate a relationship between HR and C-level executives is by demonstrating the
return on investment (ROI) in human resources activities and practices. This may include explaining
the link between reduction in employee turnover and improvement in job satisfaction that improves
the bottom line.


Till now, we are very clear about integration of HR strategy with business strategy, business
productivity, their interdependencies and the way their relationship influences the organization as a
Let us now take an example to understand the concepts better.
Company X functions from the northeast corner of India. Its functions are limited to the local area only
and they have projected their income and gains on that basis.
Due to the prevailing restrictions in the area, the Company has to hire its staff from the local population,
who are not professionally qualified. However, the Company ropes in the services of a professionally
qualified experienced CEO, who is a techno-commercial man and has the duty to manage the
organization centrally.
The CEO interacts with almost all the staff and arranges for on the job training for them. As the
employees are not professionally qualified, there is little fear that they will change the job after getting
In this case, lack of local competition goes in the Company's favor. The Company however ensures
that it recruits hard working, focused and committed personnel. The salary policy of the Company is
such that each candidate is able to earn enough to meet the basic needs.

Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process of foreseeing the requirement of human resources
in an organization. The objective is also to determine how the existing human resources best fit in
their jobs.
Thus, it focuses on the basic economics concept of demand and supply in the context of the human
resource capacity of an organization.

Components of HRP
The following are the components of human resource planning −

Current HR Supply

It involves a comprehensive study of human resource strength in the organization with respect to the
numbers, skills, talents, competencies, qualifications, experiences, age, tenures, performance ratings,
designations, grades, compensations, benefits, etc.
At this stage, the consultants may organize extensive interviews with the managers to understand the
critical HR issues they face and basic workforce abilities as crucial for various business processes.

Future HR Demand

All the known HR variables like attrition, lay-offs, foreseeable vacancies, retirements, promotions, pre-
set transfers, etc. are considered while selecting future HR demand. Further, specific unknown
workforce temporaries like competitive factors, resignations, abrupt transfers or dismissals are also
involved in the scope of analysis.

Demand Forecast

It is important to understand the business strategy and the objectives of the organization in the long
run so that the workforce demand forecast is aligned to the organizational goals.

HR Sourcing Strategy and Implementation

Sourcing strategy and implementation may involve conducting interaction programs with employees,
relocation, talent acquisition, recruitment and outsourcing, talent management, training and coaching,
and revision of policies. The plans are then executed taking into confidence the mangers so as to
make the process of execution smooth and efficient.
Even though HR Planning sounds quite simple as a process of managing the numbers in terms of
human resource needs of the company, the actual exercise may include the HR manager to face
many roadblocks owing to the effect of the current workforce in the company, pressure to meet the
business objectives and prevailing workforce market condition.
Thus, a properly conducted process of HR Planning by an HR Consulting company helps the company
in meeting its aims and objectives in a timely manner with the right HR strength in action.

Job Analysis

It is the process of identifying and choosing elaborated contents of a particular job, thus clearly defining
duties, rules, responsibilities, accountabilities, and skills related to the job.

Job analysis is the process of analyzing the job — what is the demand and requirement for the job, and
not of the individual.
The process of job analysis gives two sets of data −
• Job description − Job description is a written statement including complete information about
what all a job holds, like job title, duties, tasks and responsibilities related to job, working
conditions and hazards, reporting relationships, tools, machines and equipment to be used,
and relationships with other designations.
• Job specification − Job specification includes particulars regarding the capabilities that an
individual should possess to perform the assigned tasks efficiently. This includes educational
qualification, experience, training, appropriate skills, knowledge, and abilities required to
perform the job.

Job Design
Job design is a continuous and ever-evolving process that is targeted at helping employees in making
adjustments with the changes at the workplace. The end goal is minimizing dissatisfaction and
enhancing motivation and employee engagement at the workplace.
There are various steps involved in job designing, but all these steps follow a logical sequence. Every
step has its own importance and no step can be neglected during the designing process. The
sequence is given below −

• What jobs are to be done or what jobs are a part of the job?
• How are the jobs performed?
• What amount of jobs is required to be done?
• What is the procedure of performing these tasks?

All these questions are considered while arriving upon a clear definition of a specific job, thereby
making it less risky for the one performing the same. A well-defined job creates a feeling of
achievement and a sense of high self-esteem among the employees.

Job Evaluation
In contrast to job specification, job evaluation specifies the relative value or worth of each job in a
company by examining the task and ranking the jobs accordingly.
Job evaluation cab be done by any of the following methods −
• Points rating − Different levels are allotted to the various elements of jobs and then the points
allocated to different levels are summarized to get the point score of the jobs. It forms the basis
of pay structure.
• Factor comparison − A comparison of different independent factors of jobs is done and points
are given to each factor scale of individual job. These points are then aggregated to rank the
• Job ranking − A job is not broken into factors or elements; instead, it is evaluated as a complete
process and is compared with other jobs. After proper evaluation, jobs are scaled accordingly.
• Paired comparison − Jobs are compared with each other and points are allocated depending
on being ‘higher, lesser or equal’. These points are added to prioritize the order of jobs. The
jobs with higher priorities are given more attention as compared to others.


What Is HR Software?
HR software is a digital solution for managing and optimizing the daily human resources tasks
and overall HR goals of an organization. HR software makes it possible for HR staff and
managers to better allocate their time and resources to more productive, profitable efforts.

HR software technology has come a long way since the first time computers were employed
to manage human capital data in the 1970s. HR systems became more widely available to
enterprise clients in the 1980s, and the arrival of web-based software in the 1990s made HR
software even more common. Now, most new systems are cloud-based, subscription-based,
easily integrated with other data management programs, and highly customizable to an
individual organization’s needs, goals, and budget. In short, there is now an HR software
solution for every size and type of organization.

What Does HR Software Do?

HR software assists an organization’s human resources department by automating manual
tasks, keeping employee information organized, and creating data-driven reports. This is all
done electronically, eliminating the need for paper documents. HR software can also serve
employees and managers within an organization, assisting with tasks like time tracking,
updating employee directories, and performance management.

Some of the functions HR software can perform include:

• Securely storing and organizing employee data

• Creating workflows and tracking approvals
• Self-service time tracking

• Tracking employee training for development and compliance
• Gauging and reporting on employee satisfaction
• Performance management and goal tracking
• Benefits administration and management
• Pre-boarding, onboarding, and offboarding automation
• Third-party application integrations
• Monitoring all data changes with an audit trail
• Producing custom reports to provide strategic insight
• And much more
All these actions are done with various HR software programs that can be purchased as a
package or a la carte.

What Are the Benefits of HR Software?

While there are many benefits of using HR software, one of the biggest is its ability to reduce
the time spent on repetitive, low-impact administrative tasks, which allows HR professionals
to focus on more productive responsibilities and longer-term strategic outcomes.

Beyond this, other major benefits include:

• Reduced errors
• Improved organization of documents and employee data
• Streamlined processes
• Continuous feedback
• More accurate analytics
• Improvements in succession planning
• Keeping organizations compliant with federal regulations

A Guide to the Best HR Software

The best HR software depends on your company’s unique needs and goals, as the software
solutions for each may vary.

Types of HR Software
Some types of HR software that may help your organization reach its goals are those that
manage applicant tracking and onboarding, performance, and employee engagement.

• Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS): An HRIS plays the core data-
management role needed for multiple HR functions such as recruiting and tracking
applicants, storing employee data, managing payroll and benefits, maintaining regulatory
and legal requirements, etc. An HRIS can be standalone software designed to integrate
with other HR applications, or it may be the central database in an all-in-one HR software
• Applicant Tracking System (ATS): An ATS is recruiting software that helps streamline the
hiring process for an organization from beginning to end. It typically handles tasks such as
posting job openings to multiple job boards, storing applicant data, and screening
applications for potential matches.
• Onboarding:Onboarding software helps streamline and track the process of introducing
new employees to an organization. It often includes elements like electronic signatures,
pre-boarding packages, training tracking, employee questionnaires, and other automated
functions to help HR ensure they are providing a compliant, smooth onboarding experience
for new employees.
• Performance Management: A platform for HR professionals, managers, and employees to
assess employee skills, set performance goals, and track improvement.
• Employee Engagement: Helps improve employee sentiment and increase individual and
team engagement. This is done through everyday work priorities, feedback, coaching, and


The Different Types of HR Software

There are many different types of HR software that can perform a variety of HR tasks. Some solutions are
comprehensive, encompassing most or all of the functions of HR management. Other solutions are specialized
and offer assistance with only one or two HR tasks.

Still other solutions are flexible and offer help with core HR administrative tasks like managing a database, with
the option to add modules that can assist with things like time and attendance tracking and self-service as

HR software includes, but is not limited to:

• Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)

• Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS)
• Human Capital Management (HCM)
• Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
• Payroll Systems

On-Premises HR Software
On-premises HR software is software that is installed on individual computers and operates within a small
network within an organization. The software can only be accessed and used from the computers that it has
been installed on. While this may be secure and lower in cost than cloud-based software, it’s difficult to update
and inconvenient for most organizations.

Cloud Based HR Software

Most HR software that is used in organizations today is cloud based. Cloud based HR software can be called up
on devices that have internet access using logins, allowing for greater flexibility and mobility. This type of access
is especially convenient for mobile workforces, but can also allow employees in any industry to access their own
personal information and make changes if self-service options are in place.

HRIS stands for Human Resources Information System. The HRIS is a system that is used to collect and store data
on an organization’s employees.

In most cases, an HRIS encompasses the basic functionalities needed for end-to-end Human Resources
Management (HRM). It is a system for recruitment, performance management, learning & development, and more.
An HRIS is also known as HRIS software. This is a bit confusing as it implies that different systems can have
different software running on them. However, this is not the case. The HRIS is, in essence, an HR software
The HRIS can either run on the company’s own technical infrastructure, or, more common nowadays, be cloud-
based. This means that the HR software is running outside of the company’s premises, making it much easier to
Other commonly used names are HRIS system and HRMS, or Human Resources Management system. These are
all different words for the same thing. Collectively, these systems are also called Human Capital Management
systems, or HCM. In this article, we will use the terms HRIS and HRIS systems interchangeably.

Benefits of an HRIS
Using an HRIS has a number of clear benefits. That’s why companies of all sizes implement this tool to support
their people operations. Centrally, the HRIS holds employee information. A wide range of employee data is then
easily accessible, in one system.
• Record-keeping. An HRIS is a record-keeping system that keeps track of changes to anything related to
employees. The HRIS can be seen as the single source of truth when it comes to personnel data.
• Compliance. Some data is collected and stored for compliance reasons. This includes material for the
identification of employees in case of theft, fraud, or other misbehaviors, first contact information in case of
accidents, citizens identification information for the tax office, and expiration dates for mandatory certification. All
this information can be stored in the HRIS. It is essential that data is stored safely and securely, in line
with GDPR regulations.
• Efficiency. Having all this information stored in one place not only benefits accuracy but also saves time. Some
companies still keep a lot of data about employees as physical paperwork. Finding the right folder, and locating
the right sheet, can take up a lot of staff time.
• HR strategy. The HRIS permits the tracking of data required to advance the HR and business strategy.
Depending on the priorities of the organization, different data will be essential to track. This is where the HRIS
• Self-Service HR. A final benefit is the ability to offer self-service HR to employees and managers. This enables
employees to manage their own affairs. When done right, the HRIS can offer a good employee experience. Keep
in mind that not all HRIS systems offer this in a user-friendly manner!
Working with an HRIS has multiple benefits for the organization, HR, and the employee. Using an HRIS becomes
interesting when you have between 30 to 50 employees.
At this time, managing this basic information in Excel becomes cumbersome and simple procedures like approving
employee holidays need to be standardized.
Using an HRIS is especially beneficial for large organizations which typically use more advanced HRIS systems to
support different HR functions. Small businesses would suit a more basic HRIS.

HRIS functions
There are different kinds of HRIS systems and software. Because an HRIS encompasses all the functionalities for
HR, all separate functionalities are part of the system. These functionalities include:
• Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This software handles all the company’s recruiting needs. It tracks
candidate information and resumes, enables recruiters to match job openings to suitable candidates from the
company’s application pool, and helps in guiding the hiring process.
• Payroll. Payroll automates the pay process of employees. Contractual data and information on new hires is
often entered into this system – sometimes combined with time & attendance data – and at the end of the month,
payments orders are created.
• Benefits administration. Another functionality of the HRIS is benefits management. Employee benefits are an
important aspect of compensation and are also managed in this system. More advanced systems offer an
employee self-service model for employee benefits. In this case, employees can select the benefits they are

looking for themselves. One may want more paternity leave, the other one a more expensive company car. This
self-service approach to benefits is also called a cafeteria model.

Reporting and analytics in an HRIS

The common characteristic for all HRIS systems is that they have been designed as transactional systems. They
are databases that record a company’s transactions. An example of a transaction is when new employees join the
A new employee record is entered, and the person is considered ‘active’. If a person leaves the company three
months later, a new transaction is recorded, setting the person’s status to ‘terminated’.
The fact that these systems are designed as transactional systems, makes them bad at data reporting and
analytics. They simply haven’t been designed for this. In addition, not all HRIS systems have all the above
capabilities built-in.
Some functionalities, like payroll, LMS, or ATS could also be recorded in external systems. This makes HR
reporting even more challenging, as it means that data is dispersed into multiple systems. In order to report data, a
new layer needs to be added on top of all HR systems to report and analyze the HR data.
This is the second reason why the practical use of reporting and analytics for these systems is limited. Be aware of
this when you are talking to HRIS providers, as they often tout their systems to be excellent in data reporting and

HRIS suppliers
The HRIS software market is fiercely competitive; there are thousands of HRIS suppliers to choose from. Gartner’s
Magic Quadrant below lists the 11 best-known Human Capital Management suits for midmarket and large
enterprises. These include Workday, Oracle, SAP, ADP, Ceridian, Kronos, and more. Listing all the HRIS suppliers
or declaring the best HRIS, would be impossible.
It can’t be generalized as the best HRIS for your company depends on the specific needs of an organization. These
five HCMs are widely considered to be leaders.

Cornerstone OnDemand is the only company not listed in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant. As one of the largest providers
for Small and Medium businesses, they offer different suites including recruiting, learning, performance
management, and an e-learning LMS.
Workday is arguably one of the best-known HRIS out there. Founded in 2005, it has rapidly grown to a global HRIS
giant with over 10,000 employees. Workday specifically tailors to mid- and large-sized businesses.
SAP is better known as an ERP, or Enterprise Resource System. These are systems that keep track of a
company’s resources, which include among other things financial assets, orders, and people. In 2011, SAP
acquired SuccessFactors, making SAP SuccessFactors one of the major players in the HCM market, especially for
large companies.
Oracle HCM Cloud was released in 2011. It includes modules on talent management, workforce rewards, workforce
management, and work-life solutions.
Ultimate Software
Ultimate Software was ranked by Forbes as the 7th Most Innovative Growth Company. The company provides one
system of records for HR, payroll, and talent management. Systems include time and attendance, onboarding,
performance management, compensation, succession management, and more.

HRIS specialist & HRIS analyst

In terms of job functions, there are two job roles that involve the HRIS. The first one is the Human Resource
Information Specialist. The HRIS specialist is responsible for implementing and maintaining the HRIS for the
This also involves on-the-job training to HR professionals in the use of the system. This function is usually in the IT
arm of the HR department.
The HRIS analyst provides support for the HRIS. This includes researching and resolving HRIS problems and being
a liaison with other parts of the business, like finance/payroll.
As an analyst, you are also involved in the generation of standard and ad-hoc HRIS reporting and improvements of
HRIS processes. This means improving the employee experience in using the systems, coming up with user-
friendly innovations, and implementing new policies to be reflected in the system.
However, HRIS is now an essential skill for all HR employees. Your organization may not have dedicated HRIS
personnel. Generally, large companies do so.

HRIS certification
If you want to learn more about HRIS implementation and building and managing a digital HR strategy, we
recommend looking into our Digital HR Certificate program which will provide you with a solid understanding of
these topics.
Depending on which HR platform your organization is using, you may opt for a vendor-specific certification.
People interested in specializing in HRIS systems are advised to study IT and HRM. IT is useful for understanding
the intricacies of the system while HRM helps understand the processes that the HRIS is supporting.
Combining both enables you to make better decisions when it comes to system implementation and operation.

HRIS implementation in 6 steps

We could write multiple articles when it comes to HRIS implementation. For this article, we will provide a high-level
overview. Software implementation can be divided into multiple stages.
1. Search. In the search phase, the specific demands of the different stakeholders inside the company are inquired
about. Based on these requirements, a long-list of compatible vendors is made. Based on initial inquiries, a
shortlist is created. These vendors are invited to create a proposal. At the end of this phase, a compatible
provider is selected.
2. Plan and align. In this phase, you choose an implementation partner, create a steering committee and an
implementation team. The steering committee usually consists of senior delegates from the vendor/supplier, the
HR director from the company, the internal project manager, and preferably a senior user from the business. The
implementation team is concerned with day-to-day implementation.
3. Define and design. In this phase, user groups are specified and processes and workflows are mapped. Here
the functional and technical requirements for infrastructure, system, and security are further defined. Integration
with any existing systems is necessary, and may need to be built.
4. Configure and test. In this phase, a core test team is created. This team is tasked with testing the system and
suggesting improvements. After this, a user acceptance test is created by bringing in a number of users to
provide final feedback.
5. Train and communicate. Before the Go-Live moment, technical staff needs to be trained, communication plans
need to be created, and Frequently Asked Question and other support documents created to benefit the
software implementation and uptake.
6. Deploy and sustain. This is the last phase where everyone is made ready for Go-Live. Once all support
processes are in place, the system can Go-Live. Feedback needs to be constantly collected and training material
updated with the evolving systems. Constant, accurate communication is key here.

By following these six steps, you can select and implement the best HRIS for your company. Again, if you want to
go into more detail, check out the Digital HR Certification program. This program has courses on Design Thinking in
HR and on building and implementing a Digital HR Strategy. These elements are essential when it comes to
defining user requirements and implementing a software solution.


HR work is more complex and involved today than it ever has been. There’s so much that goes into the
management of employee information, which is used for everything from recruiting and hiring to training,
evaluations, and so much more. The importance and manpower behind these tasks make it critical for human
resources professionals to have HR management software for more efficient management of HR information.

This is why many companies are now use a HRMS (Human Resource Management System) — a combination of
systems and processes that connect human resource management and information technology through HR
software. A HRMS can be used in candidate recruiting, payroll management, leave approval, succession
planning, attendance tracking, career progression, performance reviews, and the overall maintenance of
employee information within an organization.

The automation of repetitive and time consuming tasks associated with human resources management frees up
some of the companies most valuable employees and allows the focus to shift to culture, retention, and other
highly impactful areas.

How HRMS Software Can Benefit an Organization

Having HRMS software handle HR activities is a common denominator among successful companies; there are
few businesses in any industry that have succeeded without some sort of HR automation in place. Mobile
accessibility has transformed modern HR departments, putting information and task management at the
fingertips of employees and managers. HRMS has helped to effectively break down bureaucracy and “flatten”
many organizations.

A HRMS can help large organizations and small startups increase their rate of growth and productivity. Below are
some examples of additional benefits that an organization can see using a HRMS platform.

• Employees can handle certain clerical tasks pertaining to the input of their personal information, which
puts time back in the hands of HR professionals
• A HRMS comes with built-in security, including authentication measures that restrict access to
authorized users and protect company data
• Most HRMS platforms allow users to customize their workflow to the needs of their organization and get
the best user experience
• Organizational heads can schedule automated reminders and emails through a HRMS, which will
facilitate acknowledgment of the message to save managers time tracking down responses.

Common Functions of HRMS Systems

The function of the human resources department involves tracking employee histories, skills, abilities, salaries,
and accomplishments. Replacing certain processes with various levels of HRMS systems can distribute
information management responsibilities so that the bulk of information gathering is not delegated strictly to
HR. By allowing employees to update personal information and perform other tasks, information is kept more
accurate and HR professionals are not bogged down.

Each module performs a separate function within the HRMS that helps with information gathering or
tracking. For example, hiring would be carried out through the recruitment and onboarding module, employee
performance is carried out through the performance evaluation and management module, and so on.

These HRMS modules can assist with:

• Managing payroll
• Recruitment and onboarding
• Gathering, storing, and accessing employee information
• Keeping attendance records and tracking absenteeism
• Performance evaluation
• Benefits administration
• Learning management
• Employee self-service
• Employee scheduling
• Analytics and informed decision making

Assessing the Need for a HRMS Solution

Before a company makes a decision regarding the selection of a HRMS solution, it is important for the
management team to identify the needs of the company, its processes, and goals for both long term and short
term. It is essential to the success of the project to deeply involve the HR professionals in the process. Depending
on the size and structure of the company, it may be helpful to have an organization-wide meeting or to select
representatives from each department to discuss HRMS goals and options.

Here are some talking points to bring up in this meeting and determine whether your company could
benefit from a HRMS platform:

• Your HR department is overworked and doesn’t have time to perform all of its tasks
• Your company is losing business and money on HR data/compliance errors
• Your office is spread over multiple locations and has no unifying platform to connect them with a direct
• You lack the measures to control unengaged employees and/or have no way to monitor the reasons
behind employee turnover
• Your employees have no responsibility and/or opportunity to manage their own performance appraisal

HR Management Software Security

Security is of great concern when it comes to choosing a human resources management system. The
information stored in a HRMS is highly sensitive, including proprietary company data and volumes of personal

information about employees. It is essential for companies to choose a solution that utilizes a method of secure
transmission such as SSL which encrypts the data as it transmits over the internet.

Internal security is also critical; information should be guarded by passwords that have varying levels of access
in relation to what is needed for the job position. While most companies now allow employees to access
portions of HRMS solutions, employees must understand the importance of maintaining the integrity of the
system and protecting the security of the information it contains (i.e. no password sharing). Safeguards should
also be in place to quickly bar terminated employees’ access to systems.

How to Find the Right HRMS for Your Company

Selecting and implementing the right HRMS for your company can make a huge difference to future growth and
success. While it is possible to take care of HR functions manually, an automated system can help to elevate
productivity levels and can change the way that your company is perceived in the modern marketplace. It is
important to remember that these systems are not “one size fits all,” however; just as each company is different,
so are the systems available on the market to choose from.

Here are some tips for identifying the right HRMS for your industry and organization:

• Understand the basic features of the HRMS and how it can address compliance problems and challenges
posed by a growing workforce and evolving organizational structure
• Identify the strengths of several vendors and compare their performances
• Do your research and discover which technology best meets your needs
• Determine which HRMS offers the best user experience for your employees
• Assess the HRMS company as a whole, including its customer service, practices, and success in addition
to the company’s product

Rely on HR Payroll Systems for Help Finding a HRMS

As a HR department, you’re already busy and don’t have spare time to scan through endless pages of HRMS
vendor information. With HR Payroll Systems, however, finding a HRMS that fits your needs can be fast and easy,
and doing so will provide your HR staff members with the tools they need to effectively manage the employees
of your company.

At HR Payroll Systems, we take the pain out of your search by doing all of the heavy lifting for you and providing
you with a short list of highly compatible solutions. Rely on our tools and our experts to help you spearhead the
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Many organizations are beginning to realize their most valuable asset is their human capital. The skills,
qualifications, training levels and productivity of a workforce can make or break a company. With this in mind,
many companies have begun to dedicate more resources to recruiting, training and maintaining teams of
talented professionals, shifting the view of these processes from that of a necessary evil to a vital investment in
the future of the company.

Human capital management software offers an array of applications designed to assist in the acquisition,
tracking and development of employees – effectively automating and streamlining processes. This article will
discuss some top HCM software functions, how these functions can help a company to operate optimally, how
HCM software differs from other types of HR software, and where HCM software may go in the future based on
current trends.

HCM Features and Functions

HCM software generally offers a few key features such as recruitment, onboarding, training (or at least training
support and tracking) and performance management. The best HCM software can be seamlessly integrated with
other HR software solutions and even third party applications like social media, accounting or payroll
outsourcing. Increasingly, HCM software vendors are starting to offer features that were typically offered with
HRIS and HRMS solutions, like time and attendance tracking.

Tracking time and attendance with an HCM solution can prevent overpayment in payroll and assist in the
accurate calculation of tax payments while minimizing the risk of labor disputes and compliance violations. Shift
scheduling and self-service are also common offerings with HCM software, allowing employees to use mobile
services and web applications to verify their work schedules, make shift trades and learn more about the
availability of vacation time.

How HCM Software Benefits Organizations

HCM software basically helps to bring employees into the organizational conversation from the very start,
empowering employees and strengthening their voice within the company. When HCM software solutions
achieve their main objectives, the employee candidates that are hired are a better fit for the company. Also, they
are placed into actionable positions faster, and they are trained continuously. Succession planning becomes
automatic as employees are always being trained for the next step.

Leveraging Talent Management to Optimize the Development of

Human Capital
In order to effectively manage human capital, companies must first implement strategies for attracting top
talent. Software for talent management is essential for success in any effort to develop human capital because it
gives HR a number of applications for fostering and expanding the services and expertise that are available
within the organization. More than simply attracting talent – it draws in professionals with the proper skills and
makes it easy for them to apply.

Given the high pressures of recruitment, a system for talent management can help businesses reduce spending
by ensuring that these entities hire the right professionals the first time. When the right employees are in place
from the start, training can be geared more strategically and the organization benefits from less down time.
Offering continuous development also helps to keep skills sharp and improve employee satisfaction, which can
boost the company culture and overall reputation.

HCM Software versus HRMS

The lines between HCM software and other types of human
resources management systems (HRMS) software are becoming more blurred as time passes. While the terms
are often used interchangeably and some vendors offering one have started to adopt functionality that is
common to the other, there are some distinctions that differentiate proper HCM software from HRMS when the
terms are used strictly.

On a basic level, the goal of HCM software is to strengthen the workforce, while the goal of HRMS is to make it as
easy as possible to manage all tasks related to human resources management

HCM Software HRMS

• Automate
• Ensure accurate
• Streamline
• Locate and hire skilled workers
• Raise skills standards within the
• Boost company productivity
• Connect
• Establish performance goals and track
recruiting and
training to
• Focus on employees as individuals
database for ease
• Support employee development
of organization
• Broad focus on
workforce as a
• Assistance with

The Future of HCM Software
It is unlikely that HCM software will become more differentiated from other types of HR software in the future – it
is much more likely that the types of software will become more intertwined until there really is no significant
difference. As HCM blends and merges with other types of software, the efficiency with which information
pertaining to human capital is collected, stored and used is bound to improve. Hopefully, the focus on the
employee as an individual and the empowering characteristics of the solution will not be lost.

With analytics utilized in more creative and constructive ways, the merging trend will likely continue until
financial data and other pertinent company information can also be quickly cross referenced with HCM and HR
data to spot patterns and make quick decisions. Since most systems already use cloud-based functionality, all of
this is likely to be accessible from any mobile device by managers and employees with the proper authorizations
in the near future.


An applicant tracking system, also known as an ATS, is software that can help businesses with their hiring
processes. An ATS can automatically track and process hundreds of applications in far less time than it would
take a recruiter to so manually. ATS software even has algorithms that can search for applicants that would best
fit your organization’s open positions.

By using technology, companies can reduce the workload for hiring managers and recruiters. They can also
reduce errors, eliminate paper in the office, and keep all information regarding applicants and hiring in the same
location for easy access.

Benefits of Applicant Tracking Systems

The hiring process can be long and costly. Companies need employees for their open positions, but they also
want to ensure that they get the best possible people for the job. Fortunately, using an ATS can save businesses
a lot of time and money by doing automatically what would previously have to be done by hand.

Faster Hiring Time

An ATS uses an algorithm to match applicants to jobs. Recruiters and hiring managers can choose relevant
keywords in order to find applications that best match the criteria for the job opening. The ATS can then use
these keywords as a filter to find the most qualified candidates.

This is especially helpful when your company receives hundreds of applications at a time. The algorithm can sort
through these applications to find the most qualified candidates faster than any hiring manager could do
manually. Finding the right candidate for a position faster also means that that position is filled more quickly,
improving company productivity.

Good Applicant Experience
First impressions matter. Using an ATS can help your company make that first impression a good one by
providing applicants with a good experience right from the start. Many applicant tracking systems have careers
pages where applicants can apply, as well as find out more about the company. Making the application process
smooth and easy for candidates can help your company attract the best ones.

Finding Top Candidates

Application tracking systems can use the keywords and filters hiring managers and recruiters choose to sort and
rank applications. The ATS can rank applicants based on education and other qualifications so that you know
you’re looking at the most qualified candidates for each job opening you have. This allows companies to save
time by targeting the top candidates for each position.

HRIS Integration
Another benefit of using technology for your applicant tracking is that it’s much easier to integrate with your
existing systems. If your company already uses an HRIS, the data from the ATS can integrate with your HRIS for a
seamless transition from an applicant to an employee during the hiring process.

Coordinated Hiring Efforts

There can be a lot of different people involved in the hiring process. Department managers have specific needs
that hiring managers need to be aware of as well as qualities that would benefit the company as a whole. An ATS
can make the hiring process simpler because it can keep all of the hiring information in the same place. If the
different people involved in the hiring process don’t have the same schedule, an ATS can help coordinate hiring
efforts so everyone is on the same page.

Reaching More Candidates

You’re not limited to only candidates that apply directly to your company when you use an ATS. Applicant
tracking systems often integrate with job boards and hiring websites so that you can reach a larger number of
candidates at once. Using technology to search for candidates also means a wider pool of potential applicants.
You’re not limited by location or whether a candidate is already familiar with your company.

Applicant Tracking Systems Features

Applicant tracking software may come with different features that are better suited to different industries.
Therefore, it is important to ask the vendor questions to ensure all necessary features are included with the
specific applicant tracking software that is being considered for purchase. The features reviewed below are
considered standard with some packages, but may not be included with all packages.

Job Posting
The first step to hiring is informing prospective employees of an open position. It becomes much easier to get
the word out when applicant tracking software is used. The process of posting new job openings can be as
simple as clicking a button once the system is set up. System administrators can set up the posting process so
that key hiring managers within the organization are able to easily post new job openings. Once a new job
opening exists, these employees can post the opening to the ATS along with a description.

Application Filtering
Applicant tracking software can generally be set up to filter through applications by recognizing certain
keywords, specified skills, years of experience, required degrees, or other constraints. Background checks may
also be performed using some ATS. This can save companies many labor hours and also help to reduce human
errors or biases. In addition, this information will be automatically stored along with all of the previously entered
information for the employee candidate, thereby eliminating the opportunity for information to be lost or

Third-Party Website Integration

There are a number of third-party websites frequently used by professionals seeking a position, such as
Monster.com and CareerBuilder. It makes sense for a company to post new job openings to these sites so they
can reach a large pool of qualified candidates. Many types of ATS programs allow system administrators to set
up the program in order for new positions to automatically post to specified websites. When a candidate wishes
to view the position details and apply, the feature directs the individual back to the applicant tracking software
so that information can be entered. Once this information has been entered, it is available and accessible to all
approved members of the organization.

Safety Features
In addition to convenience, ATS may include features that can help to protect workplaces during the hiring
process. Applicant tracking software constraints may have features in place to ensure EEOC and OFCCP
compliance. ATS systems may include minimum qualification questions and reasons for non-selection to avoid
accusations of unfair hiring practices.

Interview Scoring
An ATS doesn’t just help companies find applicants. It also helps guide them through every step of the hiring
process. Interviewers can take advantage of video interviewing software as well as use the guidelines for
interview questions. Some applicant tracking systems also provide scorecards for interviews, so hiring managers
can compare interview results.

Employee Onboarding
Once an employee has been offered a job and has accepted the position, ATS software may continue to benefit
the organization. If the proper features are available, it may be possible to convert the employee’s application,
resume, background information, and any other provided information over to a new file with minimal hassle.

Some systems may be set up to automatically streamline the orientation and training process for specified
departments, such as human resources.


Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is an Indian multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mumbai. Reliance
owns businesses across India engaged in energy, petrochemicals, textiles, natural resources, retail,
and telecommunications. Reliance is one of the most profitable companies in India, [3] the largest publicly traded
company in India by market capitalisation,[4] and the largest company in India as measured by revenue after recently
surpassing the government-controlled Indian Oil Corporation.[5] It is also the eighth largest employer in India with
nearly 195,000 employees.. On 10 September 2020, Reliance Industries became the first Indian company to cross
$200 billion in market capitalisation.[8]
The company is ranked 96th on the Fortune Global 500 list of the world's biggest corporations as of 2020.[9] It is
ranked 8th among the Top 250 Global Energy Companies by Platts as of 2016. Reliance continues to be India's
largest exporter, accounting for 8% of India's total merchandise exports with a value of ₹1,47,755 crore and access
to markets in 108 countries.[10] Reliance is responsible for almost 5% of the government of India's total revenues
from customs and excise duty. It is also the highest income tax payer in the private sector in India.

The company was co-founded by Dhirubhai Ambani and Champaklal Damani in 1960's as Reliance Commercial
Corporation. In 1965, the partnership ended and Dhirubhai continued the polyester business of the firm.[12] In 1966,
Reliance Textiles Engineers Pvt. Ltd. was incorporated in Maharashtra. It established a synthetic fabrics mill in the
same year at Naroda in Gujarat.[13] On 8 May 1973, it became Reliance Industries Limited. In 1975, the company
expanded its business into textiles, with "Vimal" becoming its major brand in later years. The company held its Initial
public offering (IPO) in 1977.[14] The issue was over-subscribed by seven times.[15] In 1979, a textiles company
Sidhpur Mills was amalgamated with the company.[16] In 1980, the company expanded its polyester yarn business by
setting up a Polyester Filament Yarn Plant in Patalganga, Raigad, Maharashtra with financial and technical
collaboration with E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., U.S.[13]

In 1985, the name of the company was changed from Reliance Textiles Industries Ltd. to Reliance Industries
Ltd.[13] During the years 1985 to 1992, the company expanded its installed capacity for producing polyester yarn by
over 1,45,000 tonnes per annum.[13]

The Hazira petrochemical plant was commissioned in 1991–92.[17]
In 1993, Reliance turned to the overseas capital markets for funds through a global depository issue of Reliance
Petroleum. In 1996, it became the first private sector company in India to be rated by international credit rating
agencies. S&P rated Reliance "BB+, stable outlook, constrained by the sovereign ceiling". Moody's rated "Baa3,
Investment grade, constrained by the sovereign ceiling". [18]
In 1995/96, the company entered the telecom industry through a joint venture with NYNEX, USA and promoted
Reliance Telecom Private Limited in India.[17]
In 1998/99, RIL introduced packaged LPG in 15 kg cylinders under the brand name Reliance Gas.[17]
The years 1998–2000 saw the construction of the integrated petrochemical complex at Jamnagar in Gujarat,[17] the
largest refinery in the world.

2001 onwards
In 2001, Reliance Industries Ltd. and Reliance Petroleum Ltd. became India's two largest companies in terms of all
major financial parameters.[19] In 2001–02, Reliance Petroleum was merged with Reliance Industries. [14]
In 2002, Reliance announced India's biggest gas discovery (at the Krishna Godavari basin) in nearly three decades
and one of the largest gas discoveries in the world during 2002. The in-place volume of natural gas was in excess
of 7 trillion cubic feet, equivalent to about 120 crore (1.2 billion) barrels of crude oil. This was the first ever discovery
by an Indian private sector company.[14][20]
In 2002–03, RIL purchased a majority stake in Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd. (IPCL), India's second
largest petrochemicals company, from the government of India,[21] RIL took over IPCL's Vadodara Plants and
renamed it as Vadodara Manufacturing Division (VMD).[22][23] IPCL's Nagothane and Dahej manufacturing complexes
came under RIL when IPCL was merged with RIL in 2008.[24][25]
In 2005 and 2006, the company reorganised its business by demerging its investments in power generation and
distribution, financial services and telecommunication services into four separate entities. [26]
In 2006, Reliance entered the organised retail market in India[27] with the launch of its retail store format under the
brand name of 'Reliance Fresh'.[28][29] By the end of 2008, Reliance retail had close to 600 stores across 57 cities in
In November 2009, Reliance Industries issued 1:1 bonus shares to its shareholders.
In 2010, Reliance entered the broadband services market with acquisition of Infotel Broadband Services Limited,
which was the only successful bidder for pan-India fourth-generation (4G) spectrum auction held by the government
of India.[30][31]
In the same year, Reliance and BP announced a partnership in the oil and gas business. BP took a 30 per cent
stake in 23 oil and gas production sharing contracts that Reliance operates in India, including the KG-D6 block for
$7.2 billion.[32] Reliance also formed a 50:50 joint venture with BP for sourcing and marketing of gas in India


Chairman and MD: Mukesh Ambani

The number of shares of RIL are approx. 310 crore (3.1 billion).[37] The promoter group, the Ambani family, holds
approx. 49.38% of the total shares whereas the remaining 50.62% shares are held by public shareholders, including
FII and corporate bodies.[37] Life Insurance Corporation of India is the largest non-promoter investor in the company,
with 7.98% shareholding.[38]
In January 2012, the company announced a buyback programme to buy a maximum of 12 crore (120 million)
shares for ₹10,400 crore (US$1.5 billion). By the end of January 2013, the company had bought back 4.62 crore
(46.2 million) shares for ₹3,366 crore (US$470 million). [39]

The company's equity shares are listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and
the BSE Limited. The Global Depository Receipts (GDRs) issued by the company are listed on Luxembourg Stock
Exchange.[40][41] It has issued approx. 5.6 crore (56 million) GDRs wherein each GDR is equivalent to two equity
shares of the company. Approximately 3.46% of its total shares are listed on Luxembourg Stock Exchange. [37]
Its debt securities are listed at the Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) Segment of the National Stock Exchange of India
Limited (NSE).[42]
It has received domestic credit ratings of AAA from CRISIL (S&P subsidiary) and Fitch. Moody's and S&P have
provided investment grade ratings for international debt of the company, as Baa2 positive outlook (local currency
issuer rating) and BBB+ outlook respectively.[43][44][45] On 28 December 2017, RIL announced that it will be acquiring
the wireless assets of Anil Ambani-led Reliance Communications for about ₹23,000 crores.[46]

The company's petrochemical, refining, oil and gas-related operations form the core of its business; other divisions
of the company include cloth, retail business, telecommunications and special economic zone (SEZ) development.
In 2012–13, it earned 76% of its revenue from refining, 19% from petrochemicals, 2% from oil & gas and 3% from
other segments.[38]
In July 2012, RIL informed that it was going to invest US$1 billion over the next few years in its new aerospace
division which will design, develop, manufacture, equipment and components,
including aircraft, engine, radars, avionics and accessories for military and civilian aircraft, helicopters, unmanned
airborne vehicles and aerostats.[47]
On 31 March 2013, the company had 158 subsidiary companies and 7 associate companies. [48]

• Jio Platforms Limited, essentially a technology company, is a majority-owned subsidiary of RIL. It is the result
of a corporate restructuring announced in October 2019, resulting in all the digital initiatives and the

telecommunication assets being housed under this new subsidiary. [49] This new subsidiary holds all the digital
business assets including Reliance Jio Infocomm Ltd, which in turn holds the Jio connectivity business - Mobile,
broadband and enterprise and also the other digital assets (JIO Apps, Tech backbone and Investments in other
tech entities like Haptic, Hathaway and Den Networks among others. [50] In April 2020, RIL announced a strategic
investment of ₹43,574 crore (US$6.1 billion) by Facebook into Jio Platforms. This investment translated into a
9.99% equity stake, on a fully diluted basis.[51] Further in May 2020, RIL sold roughly 1.15% stake in Jio
Platforms for ₹5,656 crore (US$790 million) to the American private equity investor, Silver Lake
Partners.[52] Intel became the 12th company to invest in Reliance Jio platforms after it invested ₹1,894.50 crore
($250 million),the total investments in Jio platforms is ₹117,588.45 crore so far. [53] On 16 July
2020, Google announced that it will acquire a 7.7% stake in Jio Platforms for ₹33,737 crore. [54]
• Reliance Retail is the retail business wing of the Reliance Industries. In March 2013, it had 1466 stores in
India.[55] It is the largest retailer in India.[56] Many brands like Reliance Fresh, Reliance Footprint, Reliance Time
Out, Reliance Digital, Reliance Wellness, Reliance Trends, Reliance Autozone, Reliance Super, Reliance
Mart, Reliance iStore, Reliance Home Kitchens, Reliance Market (Cash n Carry) and Reliance Jewel come
under the Reliance Retail brand. Its annual revenue for the financial year 2012–13 was ₹108
billion (US$1.5 billion) with an EBITDA of ₹780 million (US$11 million).[38][57]
• Reliance Life Sciences works around medical, plant and industrial biotechnology opportunities. It specialises
in manufacturing, branding, and marketing Reliance Industries' products in bio-
pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, clinical research services, regenerative medicine, molecular medicine, novel
therapeutics, biofuels, plant biotechnology, and industrial biotechnology sectors of the medical business
• Reliance Logistics is a single-window[clarification needed] company selling transportation, distribution, warehousing,
logistics, and supply chain-related products.[60][61][62] Reliance Logistics is an asset based company with its own
fleet and infrastructure.[63] It provides logistics services to Reliance group companies and outsiders. [64] Merged
content from Reliance Logistics to here. See Talk:Reliance Industries/Archives/2013#Merge proposals.
• Reliance Solar, the solar energy subsidiary of Reliance, was established to produce and retail solar energy
systems primarily to remote and rural areas. It offers a range of products based on solar energy: solar lanterns,
home lighting systems, street lighting systems, water purification systems, refrigeration systems and solar air
conditioners.[65] Merged content from Reliance Solar to here. See Talk:Reliance Industries/Archives/2013#Merge proposals.
• Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited (RIIL) is an associate company of RIL. RIL holds 45.43% of total
shares of RIIL.[38] It was incorporated in September 1988 as Chembur Patalganga Pipelines Limited, with the
main objective being to build and operate cross-country pipelines for transporting petroleum products. The
company's name was subsequently changed to CPPL Limited in September 1992, and thereafter to its present
name, Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited, in March 1994. [66] RIIL is mainly engaged in the business of
setting up and operating industrial infrastructure. The company is also engaged in related activities involving
leasing and providing services connected with computer software and data processing.[67] The company set up a
200-millimetre diameter twin pipeline system that connects the Bharat Petroleum refinery at
Mahul, Maharashtra, to Reliance's petrochemical complex at Patalganga, Maharashtra. The pipeline carries
petroleum products including naphtha and kerosene. It has commissioned facilities like the supervisory control
and data acquisition system and the cathodic protection system, a jackwell at River Tapi, and a raw water
pipeline system at Hazira. The infrastructure company constructed a 71,000 kilo-litre petrochemical product
storage and distribution terminal at the Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) Area in Maharashtra.[citation needed]

• Network 18, a mass media company. It has interests in television, digital platforms, publication, mobile apps,
and films. It also operates two joint ventures, namely Viacom 18 and History TV18 with Viacom and A+E
Networks respectively. It also have acquired ETV Network and since renamed its channels under the Colors
TV brand.
• Reliance Eros Productions LLP, joint venture with Eros International to produce film content in India.[68]
• Reliance Industrial Investments and Holdings Limited (RIIHL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of RIL provides
financial services. The Company owns securities of companies other than banks, as well as offers investment
services.[69] RIIHL bought majority stakes in two companies - logistics firm Grab A Grub Services Private Limited
(Grab) and software company C-Square Info Solutions - for over ₹146 crore in March 2019. RIIHL also
sponsored the Tower Investment trust (InvITs) for the acquisition of 49% equity in RJio’s tower assets for
₹25,215 crore by the Canadian asset management firm Brookfield Infrastructure Partners.[70] On April 22, 2021,
RIIHL acquired the entire issued share capital of Stoke Park Ltd, company that owns and manages sporting
and leisure facilities in Stoke Poges, Buckinghamshire for £57 million.[71]

• Reliance Strategic Business Ventures Limited (RSBVL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of RIL bought a 51.78%
stake in robotics and AI firm Asteria Aerospace for ₹23.12 crore and an 85% stake in NowFloats Technologies
for ₹141.63 crore in Dec 2019.[72] It also holds 18.83% in EIH Limited, the flagship company of The Oberoi
Group, one of the largest luxury hotel chains in India. In November 2019, RSBVL invested an undisclosed
amount in SkyTran Inc. for 12.7%, increased it further to 26.3% by April 2020. In February 2021, RIL became
the majority stakeholder with 54.46% with an additional investment of $26.76 million. [73]
• Reliance Sibur
• Embibe, Bengaluru-based EdTech start-up raised a funding of ₹89.91 crore from RIL in February 2020. Over a
period of three years, Reliance Industries had invested around $180 million in the start-up. A part of it was
towards acquiring a stake of 72.69% from Embibe's existing investors. In December 2019, Embibe, under the
proprietary name (Individual Learning Private Limited), announced that it picked up equity shares in Bengaluru-
based K12 startup Funtoot (eDreams Edusoft). The deal was capped at ₹71.64 crore in cash, which holds for
90.5% in the equity share capital of Funtoot. In February 2020, it acquired the rival platform OnlineTyari. [74][75]
• NowFloats
• Model Economic Township
• Relicord is a cord blood banking service owned by Reliance Life Sciences. It was established in 2002. [76] It has
been inspected and accredited by AABB,[77] and also has been accorded a licence by Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), Government of India.
• Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited (RJIL), previously known as Infotel Broadband, is a broadband service
provider which gained 4G licences for operating across India.[78][79][80]
• Reliance Institute of Life Sciences (RILS), established by Dhirubhai Ambani Foundation, is an institution
offering higher education in various fields of life sciences and related technologies.[81][82]
• Reliance Clinical Research Services (RCRS), a contract research organisation (CRO) and wholly owned
subsidiary of Reliance Life Sciences, specialises in the clinical research services industry. Its clients are
primarily pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device companies. [83]
• LYF, a 4G-enabled VoLTE device brand from Reliance Retail. [84]
Digital Fibre Infrastructure Trust
Reliance Industrial Investments and Holdings owns Digital Fibre InvIT, which in turn owns 51% of Jio Digital Fibre
Private Limited. The remaining 49% in Jio Digital Fibre Private Limited is owned by Reliance Industries directly.
Jio Digital Fibre Private Limited holds all fibre optic assets of the telecom operations of the group.[85]

Former holdings
On March 2017, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) completed the sale process of its 76% equity stake in Mauritius-
based oil retailer Gulf Africa Petroleum Corp (GAPCO) to Total Marketing & Services, a subsidiary of French oil and
gas firm Total SE.[86]
East West Pipeline: EWPL has been acquired by India Infrastructure Trust, which is owned by Brookfield Asset
Management for a consideration of ₹13,000 cr.[87]

As on 31 March 2018, the company had 29,533 permanent employees of which 1,521 were women and 70 were
employees with disabilities. It also had 158,196 temporary employees on the same date which makes a total of
187,729 employees.[38] As per its Sustainability Report for 2011–12, the attrition rate was 7.5%. But currently, the
same attrition rate has gone up to 23.4% in March 2015 as per latest report released by the organisation.[88]
In its 39th Annual General Meeting, its chairman informed the shareholders of the investment plans of the company
of about ₹1,500 billion (US$21 billion) in the next three years. This would be accompanied by increasing the staff
strength in Retail division from existing strength of 35,000 to 120,000 in next 3 years and increasing employees in
Telecom division from existing 3,000 to 10,000 in 12 months.


Reliance Cloud
All in one hr software your team members will love.
Our human capital management (HCM) solution suite, Reliance Cloud, is designed to help you attract and
retain top-quality talent for your diverse workforce, with the tools you need to not only make work
easier and more productive, but also to deliver a great employee experience.

From employee engagement, leadership success, and talent development to flexible performance
management and labor law compliance, our HCM solution helps you manage your people to today’s
emerging human capital management (HCM) trends — all while helping you stay competitive and fuel
organizational growth.

Reliance Cloud Provides:

• A single employee record: You enter employee data just once in a single database and it’s
shared across all applications.
• A single source of truth: With a common reporting function, there’s no need to combine
multiple sources of information. Decisions can be made based on accurate, real-time data.
• A superior user experience: Your users work in the same interface across all applications,
minimizing training and boosting efficiency. And employee self-service and mobile app allow easy
anytime access.
• Convenient cloud-based delivery: With the cloud, you avoid installation headaches, you’re
always on the latest software release — and you only pay for what you use.

HR Solutions
Focus on people — not paperwork and processes
Ke y Be ne fits:
Streamline HR Processes with a paperless system that eliminates duplicate data entry and error-prone
manual tasks so you can focus on your people
Hire Best-Fit Talent with an optional talent acquisition solution that provides a positive applicant
experience and makes it easy to source, track, and evaluate top candidates
Eliminate Paper For Onboarding with reliance cloud by letting employees digitally fill out paperwork
such as withholding forms, benefits enrollment and employee handbooks all while storing this in their
single employee record

Empower Employees and Managers with role-based self service that lets them view and update
information at their convenience
Maintain A Digital HR File on every employee in reliance cloud by storing data that otherwise would
be overflowing from paper file cabinets and files

Timekeeping Solutions
Control labor costs with automated time and attendance
Automate accrual tracking for improved accuracy and consistency
K ey Ben ef i ts:
Capture Accurate Timekeeping Data from time clocks, the web, and mobile sources
Track And Understand True Labor Costs by enforcing user defined pay rules
Manage Exceptions including missed punches and early/late arrivals, in real time
Implement Schedules that tightly align staffing with operational goals
Automatically Enforce organization-specific accrual policies to help drive compliance and impartial
treatment of employees
Speed And Simplify time-off requests and approvals in our timekeeping solution with instant visibility
into each employee’s current accrual balance

Drive efficiency and savings with a payroll solution
that delivers the perfect paycheck every time
K ey Ben ef i ts:
Get Up-to-the-minute Payroll Information at the click of a button
Deliver Timely, Accurate Payments to employees with every payroll
Drive Accuracy of employee withholdings with regular tax table updates
Empower Employees with a mobile app and self-service tools that reduce administrative tasks
Free IT from maintenance and upgrade hassles with a cloud delivery model

Benefits Administration
Streamline benefits enrollment and management
Simplify the benefits enrollment process through self-service

K ey Ben ef i ts:
Empower Employees throughout the benefits enrollment process with self-service options
Minimize Financial and Compliance Risk with an automated rules-based system and premium
calculations that automatically link with payroll
Streamline Benefits Processes for all benefits plans
Gain Deeper Insight into employee benefits plans
Easily Generate Reports for simplified benefits management

Talent Management
Identify and develop top talent
Align your entire organization for success
K ey Ben ef i ts:
Drive Employee Engagement with talent management solutions that help you develop, reward, and
retain a high-performing workforce
Link Compensation To Performance with a Merit Matrix that establishes guidelines for awarding pay
based on performance rating and pay grade segment
Increase Engagement And Retention by enabling managers to continuously monitor employee goals
and deliver ongoing feedback
Streamline compensation planning with automated tools and workflows

Talent Acquisition
Effectively source, track, and evaluate talent to build an
engaged, high-quality workforce
K ey Ben ef i ts:
Automate Recruiting Processes to eliminate paper, streamline administration, and drive efficiency
Create Job Requisitions with automated approval workflows and gain at-a-glance visibility into
applicant status
Proactively Source Candidates by posting job listings to your career website and targeted job boards
from one central location
Focus On Best-fit Candidates by asking pre-screening questions in online applications and leveraging
data about your existing workforce to make better hiring decisions
Deliver A Great Candidate Experience that reinforces your employer brand while making it easy to
search for jobs, upload resumes, and apply online

Optimize Pre-hire Engagement by sending automated notifications and configurable email
communications to applicants

Mobile App
Human Capital Management. When and Where You Want
K ey Ben ef i ts:
Built To Engage This app — available for Apple and Android devices — is designed to delight and built
to engage the modern mobile workforce.
HCMToGo The HCMToGo mobile app provides a responsive, intuitive user interface that lets employees
and managers address common HR, timekeeping, and payroll tasks as quickly and easily on mobile as
they could on their desktops.
Easy Access Employees can access their company hr information in a convenient mobile app
All In One Place Managers can approve vacation requests, monitor employee absence, view all team
members information in one place


1. Here in the study the finding is that the human resource is

the very important either there is software or not because
for operating the software also there is the requirement of
the human resource.
2. Human resource is the division of a business that is charged
with finding, screening, recruiting, and the training job
applicants, and administering employee benefit program.
3. Human resources software is the digital solution for
managing and optimizing the daily human resources tasks
and overall HR goals of an organization.

4. The top 8 software are as follow:-
a. Gusto – best HR software for small business payroll.
b. Deputy – best for never worrying about scheduling
c. Freshteam -Best talent management solution.
d. BambooHR - Best human resources management
e. Sage business cloud people- Best for multinational
f. Zenefits- Best all-in-one human resources software.
g. Namely- Best HR software for mid-sized companies.
h. SAP sucessfactor- Best HCM software suite.

5. Types of HR software:-
• Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)
• Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS)
• Human Capital Management (HCM)
• Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
• Payroll Systems

6. I have study the about the reliance company.

7. Reliance use reliance cloud software in his company:-
Our human capital management (HCM) solution suite, Reliance Cloud, is designed to help you
attract and retain top-quality talent for your diverse workforce, with the tools you need to not
only make work easier and more productive, but also to deliver a great employee experience.

8. HR Solutions:-
Focus on people — not paperwork and processes
9. Timekeeping Solutions:-

Control labor costs with automated time and attendance
10. Payroll:-
Drive efficiency and savings with a payroll solution.
11. Benefits Administration:-
Streamline benefits enrollment and management
12. Talent Management:-
Identify and develop top talent
13. Mobile App:-
Human Capital Management. When and Where You Want It.


1. The reliance company uses reliance cloud as a HR

software in which they maintain their day to day
activities, and manage the things properly.
2. They maintain proper data and in the less time using
3. Software and it also require less time.
4. Management is very nice of the software of the reliance
5. They have their own application for their employee and
for maintaining the records.


• As such the reliance management of software is very

• But they can improve the software and they can take the
suggestion of their employees too as something they
want to be add in the software or some thing they don’t
like in that they can say for removing it also.


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