Olayiwola Abdurrahman EEG/2014/087 Ecn 404 Assignment 1 Economics Department
Olayiwola Abdurrahman EEG/2014/087 Ecn 404 Assignment 1 Economics Department
Olayiwola Abdurrahman EEG/2014/087 Ecn 404 Assignment 1 Economics Department
Vision 2010 was a projected economic plan for Nigeria to improve
economically being a less developed country. It was an initiative of the late
General Sani Abacha in 1996, which he tied to change the narratives of
Nigeria’s socio-economic distress. After the death Gen. Abacha, Gen. Abubakar
also endorsed Vision 2010 as he worked in the formation of the plan.
The broad vision statement was that by 2010, Nigeria would have been
transformed into “a united, industrious, caring and God – fearing democratic
society, committed to making the basic needs of life affordable for everyone,
and creating Africa’s leading economy.”
Key Sectors and Objectives
Political System : Stable Democracy, by 1996, the military had ruled Nigeria
almost continuously for 27 out of 37 years since the country’s independence in
1960. It was envisaged that Nigeria would have a stable democracy within
characterized by comprehensive freedom for the citizens, rule of law, openness,
accountability, and orderly and predictable changes of government by 1998 of
which Democracy returned in 1999.
Economy : Decrease on oil dependency, It was envisaged that GDP growth
rising to an average of 10 per cent in 2010; oil stops being the mainstay of the
economy as over 90% of country’s export earnings where from oil and a less
than 5 per cent inflation; manufacturing accounting for 25 per cent of GDP; oil
contribution to GDP less than 20 per cent
Education : Better Educated Population, In 1996, only about 50 per cent of
children between the ages of 5 and 24 years were enrolled in primary, secondary
and tertiary educational institutions, with the enrolment ratio being highest at 88
per cent for primary school children. By the year 2010, primary school
enrolment should be almost 100 per cent and at least 26 per cent of the
government budget (at federal, state and local levels) should be devoted to
Manufacturing : By the year 2010, manufacturing should contribute about 24
per cent to the GDP and should be a major employer of labour. To achieve this
goal, a competitive, market-oriented and private sector-driven strategy, backed
by very generous incentives and adequate infrastructure is required.
Unemployment : Nigeria should have attained virtual full employment of all
able-bodied persons by the year 2010.
Corruption : A history of military leaders have resulted in corrupton for
personal gain at the expense of the people. It was envisaged that by 2010
Nigeria should be a corruption-free society. The achievements of this objective,
however, will require imagination, dedication, resourcefulness, courage and
discipline of all Nigerians to fight the menace. The scourge has hardly abated in
the country. Execution of Vision 2010 ran into hitches, especially with the
sudden death of Gen. Abacha’s sudden death in 1998.
Poverty Alleviation : By 1996, 50 per cent of Nigerians were categorized as
poor. By the year 2010, it was envisaged that not more than 20 per cent of the
population should be categorized as poor. To achieve this, Nigeria’s annual
GDP growth rate over the Vision period should be at least 7 per cent, whilst the
population growth rate should not exceed 2 per cent per annum. The poverty
index as yet to improve.
Value System : By the year 2010, it was envisaged that the Nigerian peoples
would have re-discovered themselves and reverted to being God-conscious and
God-fearing, sincere, honest, accountable in their dealings with public trust, and
proud of their country and heritage.
Possible Solutions to Achieve the Vision
Institute and maintain democratic elections in the Fourth Republic. Nigeria has
a history of military dictatorships and coup d'états ending the short-lived
Increase in private sector to enhance competition.
Money created should allow for infrastructure to be rebuilt.
Increased female access to education and job opportunity should raise literacy
and equal gender rights.
Devote over one-quarter of the government's budget to education.
If better education is promoted, work force can provide for more labor. Criminal
activity and violence have resulted from a lack of youth education. New
scientific and medicinal advancements can be made with better education
VISION 20:2020
The Nigeria Vision 20:2020 is Nigeria’s long-term development goal designed
to propel the county to the league of the top 20 economies of the world by 2020.
“By 2020, Nigeria will have a large, strong, diversified, sustainable and
competitive economy that effectively harnesses the talents and energies of its
people and responsibly exploits its natural endowments to guarantee a high
standard of living and quality of life to its citizens”.
Challenges aimed to be solved by Vision 202020
Vision 20:2020 is important for the following reasons:
• Need for Nigeria to plan development on a long-term basis in order to achieve
structural transformation;
• Need to reduce the country’s overdependence on oil;
• Need to effectively transform the lives of Nigerians in terms of significant
improvements in their standards of living; and
• Need for the country take its rightful position among the nations of the world
The 20:2020 offers strategies towards realizing Nigeria’s potentials and her
emergence as one of the 20 leading global economies in the world by 2020. The
specific actions to be taken in that direction include:
• Urgently and immediately address the most serious constraints to Nigeria’s
growth and competitiveness;
• Aggressively pursue a structural transformation of the economy from a mono-
product to a diversified and industrialized economy;
• Investing in human capital to transform the Nigerian people into active agents
for growth and national development;
• Investing in infrastructure to create an enabling environment for growth,
industrial competitiveness and sustainable development;
Domestic and External Constraints to Growth and Development in Nigeria
Poor and decaying infrastructure
Epileptic power supply
Weak fiscal and monetary policy co-ordination
Fiscal dominance and its implications for inflation and private sector
Pervasive rent-seeking behaviour by private and public agents, including
Weak institutions and regulatory deficit
Policy reversals and lack of follow-through
Inordinate dependence on the oil sector for government revenue/expenditure
Disconnect between the financial sector and the real sector
High population growth which places undue stress on basic life- sustaining
resources and eventually results in diminished well-being and quality of life.
Insecurity of lives and property
Threats of climate change, especially in relation to food production
Vulnerabilities in the global economic environment, in particular, the global
economic crisis and disturbances in the international oil market