Questions About DRAGONS: 1) Why Are They Called Dragons'?: Green Dragons: FA Races
Questions About DRAGONS: 1) Why Are They Called Dragons'?: Green Dragons: FA Races
Questions About DRAGONS: 1) Why Are They Called Dragons'?: Green Dragons: FA Races
The dragon word comes from the word ‘MaLadaka-DRa-gha-YUN (our galactic local Stargate-5, that is now
the “asteroid belt” in this Solar System, was called “Maldak” as it once served as a regenesis host planet for
various DRa-gha-YUN races that fell from Tara ) or ‘MaLa-Daka DRa-gha-YUN’. Many of these dragon
races (like the Anu) will be having to leave the human bodies that they deceitfully ‘acquired’ as “pets”
during the Amnesty Contract (also called the “Rainbow Reception”). The Dragon form we all know in
mythology comes from an interbreeding between Aquari-Bhendi and some fallen Seraphim (Reptilians
and Draconians, hence the reptilian form of Dragons we all know) and these Dragons have been called
White Dragons.
2) Who is who?
Green dragons : FA races: Metatronic Anu-families=Jehovian and Thotian Annunaki’s. lost the
battle with the Red dragons, and chose for Kryst fall (their Krystic hosts are the Krystic Budhara who once
chose for Kryst fall.) We mainly can remember the looks of the Annunaki’s and Thoth by the images of the
ancient farao’s from Egypt, a lot of them have an expanded skull on their humanoid body. The Thothians
defected from the Kryst Fall Host. (source: sliders 1)
Annu Fallen Elohim Wesadrek metatronic failed host.
They constitute the jehovians, annu seraphim, wesedaks, arcturus, Nephite "hook nose", also the hathors,
Luceferian/samjase Anu .
Leviathan races: Nephilim, Syria sons of Zadok, Hassan king and YAWH Hibiru king, Nibiruian sons of Belil,
Larsa king, Davidic king (Knights Templar), oRion sons of Baal, Taozan-Sadducees
Human Tribe infiltration: Hibiru, Hebrew, Essene, Yu(Chinese/Tibetan) Sumerian/Egyptian/Middle
Eastern and all European/American
Association's: Liberal, political left democratic. Jewish, Christian,Protestants, Urantia Book, Templar-
Melchizedek Mormon text.
Jahovian-Nephite- Nohassim: YHWY/Jehovah god stories/false 12tribe history in Hebrew/Christian text.
Jahovian-Nephite-Adam Kadmon: YHWY/Metatron/Ophanium/Enoch/Archangel Michael and Tibetan
Jahovian-Nephite-Drakonian: Kaballah Hebrew, 10point Sephiroth "Tree of artificial life" removed 6
letters from Atlantian Hebrew alphabet including "J" 25,500BC lucifer rebellion.
Jahovian renegades in galactic federation /Ashtar Command and Nibiruian Council.
Red dragons: FA races: draconians and those politically aligned with them. Many working fall agenda
under direction of whites. Many have sought and obtained albhenyan host with guardians. Thoth-Enki-
Zephelium Anunnaki (Fallen Annu - seraphim hybrid Lyra Avedon wesadrak) wormwood/NET, time rip
agenda. Note: There has been a lot of cross breeding but the Annunaki’s are mainly ‘Green Dragons’ and
not ‘Red Dragons’.
Leviathan Races: Belil, Atalan, Larsa kings, Osirius and thoth Egyptian king lines, Greek-Roman Amulets
kings (hermes), hyksos kings (knights Templar-Freemasons)
Human Tribe infiltration: Bruah (Florida native American) Atlantis, Sumerian Ur, Egypt Giza and Sakkara,
Mayans, African, Peruvian Inca, Muslims, Aztecs, Republican.
Associations: Initiators of the 9560BC OWO Nibiruian-Atlantian Dominion plan. Anunnaki portions of
world management team. Greek-Roman Amulius and Julius Caesar Nubiruian king lines, some Olympian
gods legends. Mayan-Quetzalcoatl, force human tribes to adopt Nubiruian distorted Mayan Calender and
Julian Calender. Egyptian Osirius-Isis mystical schools, the Atlantian Emerald Tablets (stolen CDT by
Thoth in 22,340BC) Brotherhood of the Snake. Led Eieyani Indigo Massacre of 22,326BC Kauai Hawaii.
Alpha-Omega mystery school, Christian protestants distorted text. Merlin channels.
Reds asked white dragons for help to gain grids from greens.
"Later The Thothian shield was shattered by the White Dragons applied and now they do their bidding.
(The Thothians are essentially "no more" since their race shield was shattered and their consciousness
Blue dragons = Krystic Gardian Alliance Bhendi Race: aqutic bird blue humanoid, Ah-MA’-Jha. The
"Blue Dragons" are the first of 3 Aurora Races commissioned to UrTha USG-3, 550mYA, to serve as the
evolutionary safety net in the event that the Amenti Rescue Mission failed. The other two races are Gold
Dragons and the Purple Dragons. Blue Dragons (also known as the "Ma-ja-Ka" or "Majik" Dragons - who
are NOT a reptile-dragon race at all - but rather a blue-hominid - aquatic - bird - Sirius C hybrid (Aquari
Kristiac Azurite Guardian Race) is directly assisting, from 1 billion YA, is directly assisting in Kristiac Bio-
regenesis of numerous "Dragon" race-lines, especially amongst Earth-Human populations. The "Blue
Dragon" Sirian-Azurite-Aquari hybrid races are a fully Kristiac Blue-hominid-Aqurie-Bird Guardian Line
that carry the full 48-Strand Aquari DNA Codes that are the "antidote" to the fallen Equari-Dragon race
mutation. The Aquari Blue Dragons are Aquari Ecka Avatars from the adjacent Eckasha Kristiac territories
who crossed through the Hubs to incarnate in our Veca Sirius C for Azurite hybridization 1 billion YA, to
help regenesis of their fallen Equari-Dragon "cousins". The "Ma-jha-Ka-DRa-gha-YUN "Blue Dragons"
(also known as the "Blue Genies" or "Blue Jinn") are the first of 3 Aurora Races commissioned to UrTha
USG-3 550mYA, to serve as the evolutionary safety net in the event that the Amenti Rescue Mission failed .
(Source: Mount Shasta. May 2006 Workshop)
Golden dragons = Krystic Gardian Alliance Bhendi Race: winged lion bipedal humanoid, E-Sha-NU’-a.
The Ma-jha-Ka Aquari-Azurite-Sirian (blue hominid aquatic), the E-Sha-NeU-A ("winged lion" and winged
feline hominid), Aquari-Elohei-Seraphei-Sirian, and Ra-Ta-jheN (hominid-albino-aquatic-mammal "white
water genies" / jinn) Aquari-Le-AdorA Rama-Sirian, are 3 of the 12 Aquari Aurora Races "Hub Cross
Through" Races that brought the "Gift of Aurora" Density-1 Hub Time Tunnel System to our Veca 550mYA,
to enable Veca evac' to Edon Domains via Starfire in Density-1... in the event that our Veca entered Final
Black-hole Fall. (from Mount Shasta. May 2006 Workshop)
Purple dragons = Krystic Gardian Alliance Bhendi Race: breatherian white humanoid; Ra-tha-jhen-tU.
The Ma-jha-Ka Aquari-Azurite-Sirian (blue hominid aquatic), the E-Sha-NeU-A ("winged lion" and winged
feline hominid), Aquari-Elohei-Seraphei-Sirian, and Ra-Ta-jheN (hominid-albino-aquatic-mammal "white
water genies" / jinn) Aquari-Le-AdorA Rama-Sirian, are 3 of the 12 Aquari Aurora Races "Hub Cross
Through" Races that brought the "Gift of Aurora" Density-1 Hub Time Tunnel System to our Veca 550mYA,
to enable Veca evac' to Edon Domains via Starfire in Density-1... in the event that our Veca entered Final
Black-hole Fall. (from Mount Shasta. May 2006 Workshop)
Note: Thetans are not dragons. They are a fallen hybrid race from the Lyra star system, were forced into
exhile in the Bourgha-Budhara matrix, and later resettled in the Theta-Orion star system. They interbred
with Anu-Elohim-Annunaki’s and Seraphim-Draconians. They have a hominid ‘wraith like’ humanoid
appearance, and are energy vampires with mind control skills. They created the Micca-Mecca complex
and the Threshold Glass-Towers Grid control systems.
(source: sliders 8, summary of drama & mission upgrades of 2006).