Fantasy Bestiary 1

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A BEAR............................................................................................................................................................ 3
A BEHOLDER..................................................................................................................................................... 4
EYE POWERS.................................................................................................................................................... 4
A BUGBEAR...................................................................................................................................................... 5
CARRION CRAWLER................................................................................................................................................................6
A CARRION CRAWLER....................................................................................................................................... 6
A DARKMANTLE................................................................................................................................................. 7
DIRE RAT.................................................................................................................................................................................7
A DIRE RAT...................................................................................................................................................... 8
ELEMENTAL, EARTH................................................................................................................................................................8
A SMALL EARTH ELEMENTAL............................................................................................................................. 8
A MEDIUM EARTH ELEMENTAL........................................................................................................................... 9
A LARGE EARTH ELEMENTAL............................................................................................................................. 9
EARTH ELEMENTAL SPECIAL QUALITIES.............................................................................................................. 9
AN ETTERCAP................................................................................................................................................. 10
A GHOUL........................................................................................................................................................ 11
A GOBLIN....................................................................................................................................................... 12
GOBLIN GANG BOSS....................................................................................................................................... 12
A HOBGOBLIN................................................................................................................................................. 13
AN ILLITHID..................................................................................................................................................... 14
A KOBOLD...................................................................................................................................................... 14
LIZARD MEN..........................................................................................................................................................................15
A LIZARD MAN................................................................................................................................................ 15
A NEOGI......................................................................................................................................................... 16
AN OCTOPUS.................................................................................................................................................. 16
AN OGRE........................................................................................................................................................ 17
OGRE MAGE..........................................................................................................................................................................17
AN OGRE MAGE.............................................................................................................................................. 17
ORC .......................................................................................................................................................................................18
AN ORC.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
A HALF ORC................................................................................................................................................... 19
AN OTYUGH.................................................................................................................................................... 19
A SMALL SKELETON (KOBOLD)........................................................................................................................ 20
A MEDIUM SKELETON (HUMAN)....................................................................................................................... 21
SPIDER, MONSTROUS...........................................................................................................................................................21
A TINY MONSTROUS SPIDER............................................................................................................................ 21
A MEDIUM MONSTROUS SPIDER...................................................................................................................... 22
SWARMS, RAT.......................................................................................................................................................................22
A RAT SWARM................................................................................................................................................ 23
A MINOR TROLL.............................................................................................................................................. 24
A TROLL......................................................................................................................................................... 24
UMBER HULK.........................................................................................................................................................................25
AN UMBER HULK............................................................................................................................................. 25
VAMPIRE SPAWN...................................................................................................................................................................25
A WERERAT (HUMAN FORM)............................................................................................................................ 26
A WERERAT (HYBRID FORM)............................................................................................................................ 26
A WERERAT (DIRE RAT FORM)........................................................................................................................ 27
A WOLF.......................................................................................................................................................... 27
A WORG......................................................................................................................................................... 28
A SMALL ZOMBIE (KOBOLD)............................................................................................................................. 29
A Medium Zombie (Human)........................................................................................................................... 29
normal range. Overpowering scents such as skunk
BEAR musk or troglodyte stench can be detected at three
times the normal range.
When the bear detects a scent, the exact location
is not revealed; only its presence somewhere within
range. With an action the bear can note the direction
of the scent and if he moves within 5 meters of the
source he can pinpoint the source as well.
A bear with the scent ability can follow tracks by
smell. The same common modifiers apply to the track
skill check except that modifiers for Clues, Urban
conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are ignored. This
ability when used to track can also ignore penalties
for visibility.


These massive carnivores weigh more than 1,800

pounds and stand nearly 9 feet tall when they rear up on
their hind legs. They are bad-tempered and territorial.
The bear’s statistics can be used for almost any big bear,
including the grizzly.

Strength 15 Intelligence 2
Dexterity 8 Will 14
Constitution 16 Personality 2
Durability: 24/24/12/12 Action check: 12+/11/5/2
Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 3
Move: Sprint 22, Run 14, Walk 4,
Moral Attitude: Neutral
Size: Large

Bite 16/8/4 d4w/d6+1w/d6+3w Li/O
2x Claws 16/8/4 d6+1s/d4+1w/d6+2w Li/O

Defences A Beholder is an aberration comprised of a

Natural armour d6/d4-1/d6-1 floating spheroid body with a large fanged mouth and
+3 Strength Resistance Modifier single eye on the front and many flexible eyestalks on
the top; it was once described as "a big eye with a
bunch of little eyes that eats adventurers for breakfast".
SKILLS A beholder's eyes each possess a different
Bears have the following skills:
magical ability; the main eye projects an anti-magical
Athletics – Climb 1 16/8/4
cone, and the other eyes use different spell-like abilities
Unarmed attack – Brawl 1 16/8/4 ( disintegrate objects, transmute flesh to stone, cause
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 9/4/2 sleep, slow motion of objects, charm animals, charm
Stamina – Endurance 4 20/10/5 humans, cause death, induce fear, levitate objects, and
Awareness – Perception 3 17/8/4 cause serious wounds. ). Many variant beholder
Investigate – Search 1 15/7/3 species exist, such as "observers", "spectators", "eyes
Track 1 15/7/3 of the deep", "elder orbs", "hive mothers", and "death
Resolve – Physical Resolve 1 15/7/3 tyrants". In addition, some rare beholders can use their
eyes for non-standard spell-like abilities; these mutant
SPECIAL QUALITIES beholders are often killed or exiled by their peers.
Scent: Bears have an excellent sense of smell, and Beholders wishing to cast spells like ordinary wizards
normally use this sense when hunting for food. This relinquish the traditional use of their eyestalks, and put
sensory ability allows the bear to detect approaching out their central anti-magic eye, making these beholder
enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects, and to track mages immediate outcasts.
by sense of smell. The bear can identify familiar odours
just as others do by sight.
The bear can detect opponents within 10 meters by
Beholders are extremely xenophobic, to the
sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range
point of being engaged in a violent intra-species war
increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is downwind the
with others of their kind who differ even slightly in
range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong scents such as
appearance. They will sometimes take members of
smoke or rotting garbage can be detected at twice the
other, non-beholder races as slaves. Beholder
communities in the Underdark often wage war on any Investigate – Interrogate 2 16/7/3
and all nearby settlements, finding the most resistance Resolve – Mental Resolve 1 15/7/3
from the drow and illithids. Physical Resolve 2 16/8/4
Beholders worship their insane, controlling Deception 11/5/2 +1 step (U)
goddess known as the Great Mother, though some also, Interaction – Intimidate 2 13/6/3
or instead, follow her rebel offspring, Gzemnid, the
beholder god of gases, who is allied with the illithid god EYE POWERS (no FX points required)
Ilsensine. Each of a Beholder’s eyes possesses a special
magical power. If opponents are within a 90 degree arc
BEHOLDERS IN COMBAT of each other around a Beholder, the creature can bring
When attacking a Beholder, a normal attack only 4 of its smaller eyes to bear. Up to 6 eyes can be
strikes a random location as shown on the table below. used if the opponents are in a 180 degree arc, up to 8
Damage to an eyestalk or a smaller eye (each of which eyes in a 270 degree arc, or all of the smaller eyes if
has four stun and wound points) does not affect the attacked from all sides. Beholder’s do not suffer
Beholder as a whole. Mortal damage to an eyestalk is penalties for using more than eye in a phase, however
treated as wound damage and they can regenerate if they make a bite attack in the same phase that they
one lost eyestalk per week. Of course a character can use any or all of their eyes, a +2 penalty applies to all
elect to strike a specific location, however this is a attacks.
called shot and imposes a +4 penalty to the attack. A Beholder can only use its central eye against
opponents in front of it. In zero-gravity conditions, their
Beholder Hit Location Table preferred combat environment, they tend to float so that
Roll Location Armour Durability the majority of opponents are ‘above’ them, allowing
1-15 Body d6+3/d4+2/d6 15/15/7/7 them to use all of their smaller eyes.
16-17 Central Eye d6-2/d4-2/d6-4 7/7/3/3
18-19 Eyestalk d6+1/d4/d4-1 5/5/-/- CENTRAL EYE – ANTI-MAGIC RAY
20 Smaller eye d6-2/d4-2/d6-4 1/1/-/- Effect: When this ray is activated no magic can function
within its area, which includes the Beholder’s other
The greatest danger to a Beholder is area of effect eye effects. The facing and coverage of the ray can
attacks, like those created by many attack spells or be changed once per action when the Beholder
weapons like grenades and explosives. In these cases, changes its facing.
an area of effect can attack all locations on a Range: 125 meters long in a 90 degree cone
Beholder’s body. A Game Master should consider the Resist: None
origin of an area of effect attack however. If it is
explosive in nature, a blast behind or under the body EYE 1 - CHARM
may cause no damage to some of the eyes and the Effect: One sentient being (of greater than Animal
central eye. Some attack forms like Invocation-magic intelligence) behaves towards the Beholder as if
fire or the breath of a dragon can typically attack all having a Charmed attitude.
locations. Use your best judgement. Range: 100 meters
Resist: Will
A Beholder
Strength 9 Intelligence 12 EYE 2 - KINSHIP
Dexterity 7 Will 14 Effect: One being of Animal intelligence behaves
Constitution 15 Personality 11 towards the Beholder as if having a Charmed
Durability: Special (see above) Action check: 10/5/2 attitude.
Last Resorts: 2 # Actions: 3 Range: 50 meters
Move: Fly 8, glide 4 Resist: Will
Moral Attitude: Selfish or Corrupt
Size: Large (Durability @ 1.5, Stealth at a +1 penalty) EYE 3 - SLEEP
Effect: Effected being falls asleep for 20 minutes less
their Constitution score in minutes.
Range: 25 meters
Bite 15/7/3 2d4w/2d4+2w/2d4m Li/O
Resist: Will
Ray Attacks 13/6/3 Special Special
Effect: This ray allows the Beholder to move and
Natural Armour: Body: d6+3/d4+2/d6
manipulate objects weighing up to 110 kilograms.
Eyes: d6-2/d4-2/d6-4
Only one object can controlled at a time, however
Eye Stalks: d6+1/d4/d4-1
they can do so with extreme accuracy and precision.
+1 Intelligence Resistance Modifier
Range: 80 meters
+2 Will Resistance Modifier
Resist: None, or Strength for animate targets
Beholders have the following skills: Effect: The target of this ray is turned into stone
Unarmed attack – Brawl 6 15/7/3 permanently if the Resolve check fails. They can
Acrobatics – Flight 3 10/5/2 reverse this effect at will.
Zero-G training 2 9/5/2 Range: 25 meters
Ranged attack – Eye Rays 6 13/6/3 Resist: Resolve-physical resolve
Stamina – Endurance 1 16/8/4
Knowledge – Deduce 2 14/7/3 EYE 6 - DISINTEGRATION
Awareness – Intuition 1 15/7/3 Effect: This thin beam of energy will instantly obliterate
Perception 1 15/7/3 -3 step bonus matter. A living target can apply its Dexterity
Resistance Modifier against the attack. Otherwise the thick coarse hair varies in colour from brown to brick
beam will disintegrate up to a 3 meter cube of unliving red. Bugbears seem to contain the blood of some large
matter. Permanent FX Items may be allowed a carnivore. With eyes that recall those of a savage
Durability check to resist this if the Game Master beast, being greenish white with red pupils, and ears
allows. that are wedge shaped rising from the tops of their
Range: 15 meters heads. A Bugbear’s mouth is full of long sharp teeth.
Resist: Dexterity Bugbears prefer to ambush opponents whenever
possible. When hunting, they normally send scouts
EYE 7 - FEAR ahead of the main group that, if they spy prey, return to
Effect: Any living creature struck by this ray will instantly report and bring up reinforcements.
turn and run away from the Beholder at its Sprint rate Bugbear attacks are coordinated, and their tactics
of movement for 5 combat rounds. An affected target are sound if not brilliant.
may be allowed a Resolve-mental resolve check at the
end of each round to overcome this effect. A BUGBEAR
Range: 15 meters Strength 12 Intelligence 10
Resist: Will Dexterity 10 Will 10
Constitution 11 Personality 8
Effect: This ray causes an affected target to suffer a +3 Durability: 11/11/6/6 Action check: 12/6/3
penalty to Action Check scores, they must immediately Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 2
reroll their action check taking the worst result, and all Move: Sprint 22, Run 14, Walk 4,
movement rates are halved. The effects last for 5 Moral Attitude: Despicable
combat rounds. Size: Medium
Range: 120 meters
Resist: Dexterity Attacks
Morning star 14/7/3 d6+2s/d4+2w/d6+2w Li/O
EYE 9 – CAUSE WOUNDS Javelin 13/6/3 d4+1w/d4+2w/d4+3w Li/O
Effect: This ray inflicts 2d4w/2d4+1w/2d6w of En/O (18/36/72) (-1/+1/+2)
damage. Bite 13/6/3 1d4+1s/1d4+2s/1d4w Li/O
Range: 45 meters
Resist: Dexterity Defences
Leather armour, natural armour d6/d6-3/d6-1
EYE 10 - DEATH and small shield
Effect: This ray will snuff out the life force of any living +1 Strength Resistance Modifier
creature that is hit (i.e. all Mortal points of durability are
Range: 30 meters SKILLS
Resist: Dexterity Bugbears have the following skills:
Athletics – Throw 1 13/6/3
Climb 1 13/6/3
Armour Operation 12/6/3 +1 step (U)
BUGBEAR Melee Weapons – Bludgeon 2
Unarmed attack – Brawl 1
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 11/5/2
Stealth – Hide 2 12/6/3
Sneak 1 11/5/2
Stamina – Endurance 1 12/6/3
Awareness – Perception 2 12/6/3
Resolve 8/4/2 +1 step (U)

Bite: A Bugbear can bite with his sharp teeth using the
Unarmed Attack-brawl skill causing
1d4+1s/1d4+2s/1d4w including any modifiers for a
high strength score.
Darkvision: Bugbears have Darkvision with a range of
20m, allowing them to see in total darkness. What is
seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and is in
contrast meaning that what is normally dark appears
bright, and what is bright appears dark.
Scent: Bugbears have an excellent sense of smell, and
normally use this sense when hunting for food. This
sensory ability allows the bugbear to detect
approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects,
and to track by sense of smell. The bugbear can
identify familiar odours just as others do by sight.
The bugbear can detect opponents within 10
meters by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind,
the range increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is
Of the goblinoids, the Bugbear is the largest,
downwind the range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong
strongest, and most savage. Standing 7 feet tall, their
scents such as smoke or rotting garbage can be
hide ranges from light yellow to yellow-brown and their
detected at twice the normal range. Overpowering
scents such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench can be COMBAT
detected at three times the normal range. The carrion crawler can move along walls, ceilings
When the bugbear detects a scent, the exact and passages very quickly, using its many clawed feet
location is not revealed; only its presence somewhere for traction.
within range. With an action the bugbear can note the When attacking, the monster lashes out with its 2'
direction of the scent and if he moves within 5 meters of long tentacles, each of which produces a sticky
the source he can pinpoint the source as well. secretion that can paralyze its victims. A save versus
A bugbear with the scent ability can follow tracks by paralysation is allowed to escape these effects. They
smell. The same common modifiers apply to the track kill paralyzed creatures with their bite which inflicts 1-2
skill check except that modifiers for Clues, Urban points of damage. The monster will always attack with
conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are ignored. This all of its tentacles.
ability when used to track can also ignore penalties for Carrion crawlers are non-intelligent, and will
visibility. continue to attack as long as any of their opponents are
Skills: Bugbears impose a base +1 penalty to Awareness un-paralysed. Groups of crawlers attacking together will
checks to opponents when they are using a Stealth not fight in unison, but will each concentrate on
skill. paralyzing as many victims as they can. When seeking
out prey, they rely primarily on their keen senses of
sight and smell. Clever travellers have been known to
fool an approaching carrion crawler with a sight and
CARRION CRAWLER smell illusion, thus gaining time to make good their

Carrion crawlers are much-feared denizens of the
underground world. They live in lairs, venturing out in
search of carrion or food every few days. Some
underground inhabitants such as goblins and trolls will
make use of carrion crawlers by leaving the bodies of
dead foes out in designated areas. This keeps the
creatures at a good distance from their own homes and
encourages them to "patrol" certain areas. Some orcs
have been known to chain live prisoners near the lairs
of these fearsome monsters.
Carrion crawlers will sometimes live with a mate or
in a small group numbering no more than 6. This does
not mean that they cooperate in hunting, but merely
share the same space and compete fiercely for the
same food. If 2 crawlers have made a kill or discovered
carrion, they will often fight over the food, sometimes
killing one another in the process.
The carrion crawler mates once a year. Several
days after mating, the female will go off in search of a
large kill. When she has found or killed an adequate
food supply, she lays about 100 eggs among the
carrion. The grubs hatch one week later and begin
Maternal care ceases once the eggs have been
laid and it is not uncommon for eggs to later be eaten
The carrion crawler is a scavenger of subterranean by the female who laid them. Females die a few weeks
areas, feeding primarily upon carrion. When such food after laying their eggs, exhausted by the effort. Males
becomes scarce, however, it will attack and kill living live only a short time longer, having mated with as
creatures. many females as possible. Grubs have been known to
The crawler looks like a cross between a giant consume one another in feeding frenzies, and are a
green cutworm and a cephalopod. Like so many other favourite food of adult carrion crawlers. Few of the
hybrid monsters, the carrion crawler may well be the grubs reach maturity, but those who do have eaten
result of genetic experimentation by a mad, evil wizard. voraciously and will achieve their full size in a single
The monster's head, which is covered with a tough year. When they reach maturity, the mating cycle
hide that gives it Armour Class 3, sprouts eight slender, begins again.
writhing tentacles. The body of the carrion crawler is not These monsters exist on the most basic instinctual
well protected and has an armour class of only 7. The level, having no more intelligence than earthworms or
monster is accompanied by a rank, fetid odour which most insects. The carrion crawler is driven by two
often gives warning of its approach. urges: food and reproduction. It has absolutely no
These creatures are usually found in dark and dank interest in the collection of treasure.
areas. They prefer to dwell underground, but have been
down to inhabit thick forests, the basements of (large) A CARRION CRAWLER
buildings, and the sewer systems of cities. Scavengers, Strength 13 Intelligence 3
they feed on virtually any organic matter, although they Dexterity 9 Will 9
prefer meat. Large amounts of offal or corpses will be Constitution 9 Personality 9
used as a place to lay their eggs. Durability: 9/9/5/5 Action check: 12/6/3
Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 2
Move: Walk 4, Glide 18, Fly 36
Moral Attitude: None A DARKMANTLE
Size: Large (9-10’ long) Strength 13 Intelligence 3
Dexterity 9 Will 9
Attacks Constitution 9 Personality 9
Tentacle 14/7/3 Paralyse Li/O Durability: 9/9/5/5 Action check: 12/6/3
Bite 1w/2w/3w Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 2
Move: Walk 4, Glide 18, Fly 36
Defences Moral Attitude: None
+2 Strength Resistance Modifier Size: Small

SKILLS Attacks
Carrion Crawlers have the following skills: Slam 14/7/3 d4+2w/d4+3w/d4+4w Li/O
Athletics – Climb 2 15/7/3
Unarmed Attack – Brawl 1 14/7/3 Defences
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 10/5/2 +2 Strength Resistance Modifier
Stealth – Hide 6 15/7/3 -2 step
Stamina – Endurance 1 10/5/2
Awareness – Perception 2 11/5/2 -2 step
Darkmantles have the following skills:
Resolve 9/4/2 +1 step (U)
Athletics – Climb 2 15/7/3
Unarmed Attack – Brawl 1 14/7/3
Blindsight: A darkmantle can “see” by emitting high- Acrobatics – Dodge 1 10/5/2
Stealth – Hide 6 15/7/3 -2 step
frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures,
that allows it to ascertain objects and creatures within Stamina – Endurance 1 10/5/2
Awareness – Perception 2 11/5/2 -2 step
30m. A silence spell negates this ability and effectively
blinds the darkmantle. Resolve 9/4/2 +1 step (U)
This ability gives the darkmantle a -2 step to all
Awareness – Perception rolls within 30m. This is SPECIAL QUALITIES
Blindsight: A darkmantle can “see” by emitting high-
cancelled out if the darkmantle’s blindsight ability is
negated. frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures,
that allows it to ascertain objects and creatures within
30m. A silence spell negates this ability and
DARKMANTLE effectively blinds the darkmantle.
This ability gives the darkmantle a -2 step to all
Awareness – Perception rolls within 30m. This is
cancelled out if the darkmantle’s blindsight ability is
Camouflage: The darkmantle can change the colour of
it’s skin to match any rocky surface, gaining a -2 step
to any Stealth – Hide skill checks against rocks.
Constrict: A darkmantle deals 1d4+4 points of Li/O
damage with a successful grab check (see grab
Grab: To use this ability, a darkmantle must hit a Large
or smaller creature with its slam attack from above.
The target must then make a Strength feat check
(with a +2 penalty) in order to avoid the darkmantle
from smothering the head of the target.
If the target fails the strength check, it attaches to
the opponent’s head and can constrict (see constrict
ability above).
Darkness: Black Magic [Con 9] - Darkness [Rank 5
The darkmantle hangs from a ceiling by a muscular (14)] No RB, No check required, Cost 0, once per
“foot” at the top of its body. It can look like a stalactite, by day.
holding its tentacles stiffly under itself, or like a lump of
rock, spreading its tentacles so the membrane between
them covers its body. Its shell and skin usually resemble
limestone, but a darkmantle can change its color to
match almost any type of stony background.
A darkmantle is about 4 feet long from the tips of its
tentacles to the top of its head. It weighs about 30
In combat a darkmantle attacks by dropping onto its
prey and wrapping its tentacles around the opponent’s
head. Once attached, it squeezes and tries to suffocate
the foe. A darkmantle that misses its initial attack often
flies up and tries to drop on the opponent again.
a +3 penalty. Each day, the character must make a
Constitution feat check: Critical Failure or Failure,
worsen to terminally ill; Ordinary, no change; Good,
improve to ill; Amazing, recover completely.
Terminally Ill characters are comatose, although
they can rouse themselves for a few words of
conversation with a Resolve-physical resolve check.
Every 6 hours, the character must attempt a
Constitution feat check: Critical Failure, suffer 2 points
of mortal damage; Failure, suffer 1 point of mortal
damage; Ordinary, no change; Good or Amazing,
improve to extremely ill. If the hero suffers mortal
damage it is treated as if suffered during combat.
Lowlight Vision: Dire rats have low light vision. Their
Dire rats are omnivorous scavengers, but will eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light.
attack to defend their nests and territories. They can grow This reduces obscurity penalties they would otherwise
to be up to 4 feet long and weigh over 50 pounds. Their suffer by 2 steps. This type of vision offers no benefit
backs and heads are covered in a series of bony plates. in total darkness.
Scent: Dire rats have an excellent sense of smell, and
normally use this sense when hunting for food. This
A Dire Rat sensory ability allows the dire rat to detect
Strength 9 Intelligence 3 approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects,
Dexterity 13 Will 10 and to track by sense of smell. The dire rat can
Constitution 6 Personality 5 identify familiar odours just as others do by sight.
Durability: 6/6/3/3 Action check: 10/5/2 The dire rat can detect opponents within 10
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2 meters by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind,
Move: Sprint 40, Run 22, Walk 8, the range increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is
Moral Attitude: None downwind the range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong
Size: Small scents such as smoke or rotting garbage can be
detected at twice the normal range. Overpowering
Attacks scents such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench can
Bite 11/5/2 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w Li/O be detected at three times the normal range.
plus disease When the dire rat detects a scent, the exact
location is not revealed; only its presence somewhere
Defences within range. With an action the dire rat can note the
+2 Dexterity Resistance Modifier direction of the scent and if he moves within 5 meters
of the source he can pinpoint the source as well.
A dire rat with the scent ability can follow tracks by
SKILLS smell. The same common modifiers apply to the track
Dire rats have the following skills: skill check except that modifiers for Clues, Urban
Athletics – Climb 5 14/7/3 conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are ignored. This
Unarmed Attack – Brawl 1 10/5/2 ability when used to track can also ignore penalties
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 14/7/3 for visibility.
Stealth – Hide 4 17/8/4
Sneak 2 15/7/3
Movement – Swim 5 14/7/3
Stamina – Endurance 1
Awareness – Perception 4
Resolve – Mental resolve 1 11/5/2

Disease: Filth fever; bite (marginal disease), Constitution
feat check (-1 step), incubation period 1d4 days.

Check Result Effect

Critical failure Terminally Ill
Failure Extremely Ill
Ordinary Ill
Good No effect
Amazing No effect

If the disease cannot be prevented, the victim

becomes sick. Diseases have the following effects.
Ill characters suffer a +2 penalty to all actions. Each
day, the character must attempt a Constitution feat
check: Critical Failure or Failure, worsen to extremely
ill; Ordinary, no change; Good or Amazing, the
character recovers.
Extremely Ill characters are almost completely
incapacitated. In desperate situations, an extremely ill Green dragons are the third most powerful of the
character may attempt a Resolve-physical resolve classic chromatic dragons. Physically, they are most
check to force himself to his feet, but all actions receive
notable for the large, waving crest or fin that starts at the Young Adult Green dragons have the following
dragon's nose and runs the entire length of the dragon's skills:
body. They also have exceptionally long, slender forked Unarmed attack – Brawl 4 21/10/5
tongues. They smell like chlorine gas. Acrobatics – Flight 6 16/8/4
Green dragons are reasonably good parents, with Dodge 5 15/7/4
both mother and father typically staying close to their Stealth – Hide 6 16/8/4 (+1 penalty)
eggs while they are incubating. Green dragon females Sneak 5 15/7/4 (+1 penalty)
either keep their eggs in a solution of acid or bury them in Stamina – Endurance 6 16/8/4
leaves moistened with rainwater. The green wyrmling is Knowledge – Deduce 3 14/7/3
easily mistaken for a black, due to their nearly black Awareness – Intuition 2 14/7/3
scales. As the wyrmling matures, its scales become Perception 3 15/7/3
steadily lighter in color until they reach the striking green Investigate – Interrogate 2 16/7/3
shade of an adult. The wyrmlings typically stay with both Resolve – Mental Resolve 5 17/8/4
parents until they reach adulthood (approximately 100 Physical Resolve 2 16/8/4
years). Deception 11/5/2 +1 step (U)
The typical green dragon lair will be a complex of Interaction – Intimidate 3 14/7/3 (-1 bonus)
caves and tunnels, with its main entrance hidden behind
a waterfall. The preferred green dragon lair is a cave high
up on a cliff, but such locations are usually hard to find
and thus only home to the oldest and most powerful The Young Adult Green Dragon has several
green dragons. special and magical abilities.

GREEN DRAGONS IN COMBAT Effect: All creatures within the area must make a
Green dragons initiate fights with little or no Resolve – Mental Resolve skill check with a +3
provocation, picking on creatures of any size. If the target modifier.
is intriguing or seems formidable, the dragon stalks the Range: 50m radius.
creature to determine the best time to strike and the most Resist: Will
appropriate tactics to use. If the target appears weak, the
dragon makes its presence known quickly—it enjoys SPELL LIKE ABLILITIES
evoking terror. Sometimes the dragon elects to control a Effect: One sentient being (of greater than Animal
humanoid creature through intimidation and suggestion. intelligence) behaves towards the Beholder as if
Green dragons especially like to question adventurers to having a Charmed attitude.
learn more about their society and abilities, what is going Range: 100 metres
on in the countryside, and if there is treasure nearby. Resist: Will
They are extremely cunning and duplicitous foes,
and love double-crossing others. A traveler who stumbles BREATH WEAPON
into a green dragon's territory may be able to bribe the Effect: Green Dragons can breath a cone of corrosive
dragon for safe passage, but more often than not the gas once every 1d4 combat rounds. This corrosive
dragon will pretend to agree and then attack the gas effectively splashes anyone left in the area of
unsuspecting offender once her guard is down effect. A constitution Feat check must be made: CF
3d4w*/ F 2d4w*/ O d4w / G no damage/ A no
damage. All damage is En/O.
A YOUNG ADULT GREEN DRAGON *Damage continues each round, diminishing by 1d4
Strength 17 Intelligence 11 each round.
Dexterity 9 Will 12 Range: 12 metre cone.
Constitution 15 Personality 11 Resist: Acrobatics – Dodge with a +1 penalty to avoid.
Durability: 23/23/11/15 Action check: 13/6/3
Last Resorts: 2 # Actions: 3
Move: Run 12, walk 4, easy swim 4, swim 12, fly 36, glide 18 EYE 3 - SLEEP
Moral Attitude: Selfish or Corrupt Effect: Effected being falls asleep for 20 minutes less
Size: Large (Durability @ 1.5, Stealth at a +1 penalty) their Constitution score in minutes.
Range: 25 meters
Attacks Resist: Will
Bite 21/10/5 d6+6w/d8+7w/d6+2m Li/O
2x Claws 21/10/5 d4+3w/d6+4w/d6+1m Li/O GREEN DRAGON SPECIAL QUALITIES
2x Wings 21/10/5 d4+2w/d6+2w/d6+4w Li/O Blindsense: Green Dragons can pinpoint creatures
Tail slap 18/9/4 d4+1w/d6+2w/d4m Li/O within 20m. Opponents the dragon can’t actually see
Acid Cone 40ft cone See below En/O gain total concealment.
Darkvision: Green Dragons have Darkvision with a
Defences range of 40m, allowing them to see in total darkness.
Natural Armour: d6+3/d6-3/d6-3 What is seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and
Damage Reduction 2 / Magic is in contrast meaning that what is normally dark
+4 Melee Resistance Modifier appears bright, and what is bright appears dark.
+0 Ranged Resistance Modifier Immunities: Green Dragons are immune to sleep and
+1 Intelligence Resistance Modifier paralysis effects, as well as acid.
+1 Will Resistance Modifier Water Breathing: A green dragon can breathe
+/-1 FX Resistance underwater indefinitely and can freely use its breath
Immune to Acid weapon, spells, and other abilities while submerged

Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 2
ELEMENTAL, EARTH Move: Sprint 18, Run 12, Walk 4
Moral Attitude: Apathetic
Size: Medium

Slam 17/8/4 d6+4s/d4+4w/d6+4w Li/O

Natural armour d6/d6-3/d6-3
+3 Strength Resistance Modifier

Medium Earth Elementals have the following
Athletics 16/8/4
Unarmed attack – Brawl 1 17/8/4
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 8/4/2
Stamina – Endurance 2 15/7/3
Awareness – Perception 3 12/6/3
Resolve – Mental Resolve 1 10/5/2

When summoned to the Material Plane, an earth

elemental consists of whatever types of dirt, stones, A LARGE EARTH ELEMENTAL
precious metals, and gems it was conjured from. Earth Strength 19 Intelligence 5
elementals speak Terran but rarely choose to do so. Dexterity 7 Will 9
Though an earth elemental moves slowly, it is a Constitution 15 Personality 9
relentless opponent. It can travel though solid ground or
stone as easily as humans walk on the earth’s surface. It Durability: 23/22/11/7 Action check: 7/3/1
cannot swim, however, and must either walk around a Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 3
body of water or go through the ground under it. An earth Move: Sprint 22, Run 14, Walk 4
elemental can move along the bottom of a body of water Moral Attitude: Apathetic
but prefers not to. Size: Large (1.5x Durability, +1 step to Stealth skills)


Strength 13 Intelligence 5 2x Slam 17/8/4 d6+6s/d6+5w/d6+6w Li/O
Dexterity 7 Will 9
Constitution 11 Personality 9 Defences
Natural armour d6+1/d8-5/d6-4
Durability: 11/11/6/6 Action check: 7/3/1
+5 Strength Resistance Modifier
Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 2
Move: Sprint 12, Run 8, Walk 2 All damage is reduced by an additional 2 points after
Moral Attitude: Apathetic armour has been applied.
Size: Small
Attacks Large Earth Elementals have the following skills:
Slam 12/6/3 d4+3s/d4+2w/d4+3w Li/O Athletics 19/9/4
Unarmed attack – Brawl 3 22/11/5
Defences Acrobatics – Dodge 2 9/4/2
Natural armour d6-1/d6-3/d6-3 Stamina – Endurance 2
Resist Pain 1 16/8/4
+2 Strength Resistance Modifier Awareness – Perception 5 14/7/3
Resolve – Mental Resolve 1 10/5/2
SKILLS Physical Resolve 1
Small Earth Elementals have the following skills:
Unarmed attack – Brawl 0 13/6/3 +1 step (U) Darkvision: Earth Elementals have Darkvision with a
Acrobatics – Dodge 0 7/3/1 +1 step (U) range of 20m, allowing them to see in total darkness.
Stamina – Endurance 1 12/6/3 What is seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and
Awareness – Perception 2 11/5/2 is in contrast meaning that what is normally dark
Resolve – Mental Resolve 0 9/4/2 +1 step (U) appears bright, and what is bright appears dark.
Earth Glide: An earth elemental can glide through
A MEDIUM EARTH ELEMENTAL stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except
Strength 16 Intelligence 5 metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its
Dexterity 7 Will 9 burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it
create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A
Constitution 13 Personality 9
move earth spell cast on an area containing a
burrowing earth elemental flings the elemental back
Durability: 13/13/7/7 Action check: 7/3/1
30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it gets enemies, it attacks with its keen-edged claws and
a success on a Stamina – Endurance skill check with a venomous bite. It usually will not come within melee
+1 penalty. reach of any foe that is still able to move.
Earth Mastery: An earth elemental gains a -1 step bonus
on attack rolls and a +1 to damage if both it and its foe AN ETTERCAP
are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or Strength 11 Intelligence 6
waterborne, the elemental takes a +2 step penalty to Dexterity 13 Will 12
attack rolls and a -4 to damage rolls. (These modifiers Constitution 11 Personality 7
are not included in the statistics block.)
Elemental sizes:
Durability: 11/11/6/6 Action check: 12/6/3
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Elemental Height Weight
Move: Sprint 24, Run 16, Walk 6
Small 4 ft. 80 lb.
Moral Attitude: Selfish
Medium 8 ft. 750 lb.
Size: Medium
Large 16 ft. 6,000 lb.
Huge 32 ft. 48,000 lb.
Greater 36 ft. 54,000 lb.
Bite 12/6/3 d4+2w/d6+3w/d4+2m and Li/O
Elder 40 ft. 60,000 lb.
2x claws 12/6/3 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w Li/O
Slow Movement: Earth elementals are slow an
ponderous in their movements, and as such determine
their movement rates by using the figures given for a
+1 Strength Resistance Modifier
combined Strength and Dexterity that is two rows lower
in addition to any modifier for size. +2 Dexterity Resistance Modifier
+1 Will Resistance Modifier

ETTERCAP Ettercaps have the following skills:
Athletics – Climb 5 16/8/4
Jump 1 12/6/3
Unarmed attack – Brawl 1 12/6/3
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 14/7/3
Crafting – Trap making 2 13/6/3
Stealth – Hide 4 17/8/4
Stamina – Endurance 1 12/6/3
Awareness – Perception 6 18/9/4
Resolve – Mental Resolve 2 14/7/3

Poison: Ettercaps have a poisoned bite. The ettercap
must cause damage through the targets armour to
poison them. The poison is an injected Neurotoxin,
and the onset time and duration is outlined below.
The damage is in the second table.
During the onset time, the character feels
progressively worse. The exact symptoms depend on
the poison involved, but nausea, seizures, blindness,
numbness, paralysis, bleeding, and difficulty
breathing are all possible.
At the end of the onset time, the poison runs its
course over the duration of the attack. Roll the
damage and divide its effects over the duration. When
the attack ends, the character suffers no more
Ettercaps resemble hunched, grey-purplish
humanoids with distended white underbellies, spider-like Onset Duration Mod*
faces (fangs and eyes and such), and two sharp, black Ettercap 1 round 5 rounds +1 step
chitinous claws instead of hands and feet. They are not
particularly bright. Ettercaps possess the capability to *This column is the modifier to the victims
shoot sticky webs and have an affinity for spiders. Constitution feat check.
An ettercap is about 6 feet tall and weighs about
200 pounds. Ettercaps speak Common. Poison CF M O G A
Ettercaps are very fond of spiders and other Type
Neurotoxin d6+1m d4+1m d8+1w d6+1w d6+1s
arachnids and often keep them as others keep bees.
From time to time, however, an ettercap has a number of
Web: (Ordinary), Conscious, 8 per day, [Athletics –
monstrous spiders as pets, which are as loyal to it as a
Throw], medium sized targets only by accuracy [20m],
dog to a human master.
Dexterity resistance modifier.
In combat ettercaps are not brave creatures, but
The single target caught in the webs may attempt
their cunning traps often ensure that the enemy never
to break out of them on every phase that they have an
draws a weapon. When an ettercap does engage its
action. This requires a Strength feat check and the Ghouls have the following skills:
quality of the check determines damage to the webs as Athletics – Climb 2 13/6/3
if the character used the Unarmed Attack - Brawl skill. Jump 1 12/6/3
The web surrounding the target has a durability of 3 Unarmed attack – Brawl 1 12/6/3
and has a toughness of Ordinary and an armour value Stealth – Hide 2 14/7/3
of 1d4. Weapons may also be used but a Strength feat Sneak 2 14/7/3
check is called for in order to do so. In addition the Stamina - Endurance 10/5/2
weapon’s attack result cannot be better than the result Awareness – Perception 3 14/7/3
of the feat check. This means that if a character wanted
to hack his way out with a broad sword he would roll a SPECIAL QUALITIES
Strength feat check. As a Good result is generated he Darkvision: Ghouls have Darkvision with a range of
would then roll an attack with the sword (in the same 20m, allowing them to see in total darkness. What is
phase) that could have no better than a Good result. seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and is in
contrast meaning that what is normally dark appears
bright, and what is bright appears dark.
Durability: Ghouls do not have stun or mortal wounds,
GHOUL and are therefore immune to stun damage. Mortals
translate across at a ratio of 1 mortal equals 1 wound.
Instead they have 1.5 times their constitution in
Ghouls are monstrous, undead humans who reek of wounds. Once this wound total is used up, the
carrion. A ghoul is said to be created on the death of a skeleton is destroyed.
man or woman who savored the taste of flesh. They not Ghoul fever: Filth fever; bite (ordinary disease),
only eat the dead, but also prey on the unwary living. Constitution feat check, incubation period 1d4 days.
Ghouls can paralyze their victims with a touch, though
elves are immune. Check Result Effect
Ghouls speak the languages they spoke in life Critical failure Terminally Ill
(usually Common). Failure Extremely Ill
Ordinary Ill
Good No effect
Amazing No effect

If the disease cannot be prevented, the victim

becomes sick. Diseases have the following effects.
Ill characters suffer a +2 penalty to all actions.
Each day, the character must attempt a Constitution
feat check: Critical Failure or Failure, worsen to
extremely ill; Ordinary, no change; Good or Amazing,
the character recovers.
Extremely Ill characters are almost completely
incapacitated. In desperate situations, an extremely
ill character may attempt a Resolve-physical resolve
check to force himself to his feet, but all actions
receive a +3 penalty. Each day, the character must
make a Constitution feat check: Critical Failure or
Failure, worsen to terminally ill; Ordinary, no change;
Good, improve to ill; Amazing, recover completely.
A GHOUL Terminally Ill characters are comatose, although
Strength 11 Intelligence 11 they can rouse themselves for a few words of
conversation with a Resolve-physical resolve check.
Dexterity 12 Will 11
Every 6 hours, the character must attempt a
Constitution 10 Personality 10
Constitution feat check: Critical Failure, suffer 2 points
of mortal damage; Failure, suffer 1 point of mortal
Durability: 0/15/0/0 Action check: 13/6/3 damage; Ordinary, no change; Good or Amazing,
Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 2 improve to extremely ill. If the hero suffers mortal
Move: Run 14, Walk 4 damage it is treated as if suffered during combat.
Moral Attitude: None An afflicted humanoid who dies of ghoul fever
Size: Medium rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A humanoid
who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the
Attacks abilities it possessed in life. It is not under the control
Bite 12/6/3 d4+1s/d4+2s/d4w and Li/O of any other ghouls, but it hungers for the flesh of the
disease living and behaves like a normal ghoul in all respects.
2x claws 12/6/3 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w and Li/O A tough humanoid rises as a ghast, not a ghoul.
paralysis Ghoul’s Paralysis: (Ordinary), Conscious (unlimited
uses), successful Unarmed – Brawl attack with claws
Defences required, target paralyzed for d4+1 rounds. Elves are
Natural Armour d6-3/d4-3/d6-4 immune to this effect.
Undead: Ghouls are undead, and therefore pass any
+1 Strength Resistance Modifier
stamina checks, as well as any Resolve checks. They
+1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier are immune to mind affecting spells. They are also
immune to venoms and poisons.
Resolve 9/4/2

Goblin Gang Boss
Strength 11 Intelligence 9
Dexterity 11 Will 9
Constitution 10 Personality 7

Durability: 10/10/5/5 Action check: 12/6/3

Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Move: Walk 4, Run 14, Sprint 22
Moral Attitude: Selfish
Size: Small

Short Sword 13/6/3 d4+1w/d6+1w/d6+3w Li/O

Leather Armour d6-2/d6-4/d6-2
+1 Strength Resistance Modifier
+1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier

The Goblin Gang Boss has the following skills:
Goblins are small humanoid monsters. They vary Armour Optimisation – Shield 2 13/6/3
in height from about 3 to 3 ½ feet and weigh 40 to 45 Athletics – Throw 2 13/6/3
pounds. They walk upright even though their arms
Melee Weapons – Blades 2 13/6/3
nearly reach their knees. Their eyes vary from red to
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 12/6/3
yellow and are usually dull and glazed. They have a
Stealth – Hide 1 12/6/3 -1 step
broad nose that sits on a flat face with pointed ears and
Sneak 1 12/6/3 bonus
a wide mouth. Their mouth contains small, but sharp
Movement – Trailblazing 1 11/5/2
fangs. Their skin pigment ranges from a deep red
Stamina - Endurance 10/4/2
though nearly any shade of orange to yellow. Members
Knowledge – Goblin 10/5/2
of the same tribe tend to have the same skin color.
Common 1 10/5/2
Based on their ability scores the average goblin would
First Aid 1 10/5/2
be able to lift about 60 pounds over his head.
Tactics – Infantry Tactics 1 10/5/2
Awareness – Perception 2 11/5/2
A Goblin Intuition 1 10/5/2
Strength 7 Intelligence 8 Resolve 9/4/2
Dexterity 11 Will 9 Warcraft – Crude armour 1 10/5/2
Constitution 8 Personality 7 Interaction – Taunt 2 9/4/2
Intimidate 2 9/4/2
Durability: 8/8/4/4 Action check: 10/5/2
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2 SPECIAL QUALITIES
Move: Walk 4, Run 10, Sprint 14 Darkvision: Goblins have Darkvision with a range of
Moral Attitude: Selfish or Despicable 20m, allowing them to see in total darkness. What is
Size: Small seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and is in
contrast meaning that what is normally dark appears
Attacks bright, and what is bright appears dark.
Club 7/3/1 d4+1s/d4w/d4+1w Li/O
Javelin 8/4/2 d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+1m Li/O
(13/26/52) (-1/+1/+2)
Leather Armour d6-2/d6-4/d6-2
Hobgoblins are stocky humanoids with hairy, dark
+1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier red to dark grey hides. The typical hobgoblin is as tall
as an above average height human male, has yellow or
SKILLS dark brown eyes, and sharp yellow teeth. they favour
Goblins have the following skills: brightly coloured garments, especially outfits of blood
Athletics - Throw 8/4/2 red.
Melee Weapons 7/3/1 This fierce race wages a perpetual war against
Acrobatics 11/5/2 other humanoid races. They exist in a military society,
Ranged Weapons 11/5/2 proud of their status, their fighting prowess, their battle
Stealth – Hide 13/6/3 -1 step standards, and the quality of their weapons. War is their
Sneak 12/6/3 bonus way of life, and to be a warrior is the highest calling a
Stamina - Endurance 9/4/2 hobgoblin can have. Even when different tribes of
Awareness – Perception 11/5/2
hobgoblins meet, there will likely be verbal abuse (85%) +1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier
or open warfare (15%) unless a strong leader is present.
Most hobgoblins dwell in subterranean complexes.
A few tribes build fortified surface villages. Still others will
Bugbears have the following skills:
build defences to protect a valued asset or spoil of war,
Athletics – Throw 1 12/6/3
living practically anywhere possible to do so. Hobgoblins
Armour Operation 11/5/2
consider themselves superior to the ‘lesser races’, lording
Melee Weapons – Blade 1 12/6/3
over goblins and orcs whenever possible. The lesser
Acrobatics – Dodge 0 11/5/2 +1 step (U)
races have only one good purpose in the hobgoblin
Stealth – Hide 1 12/6/3
mindset – they make decent battle fodder. In mixed
Sneak 1 12/6/3
groups, hobgoblins often serve as officers in units of
Stamina – Endurance 2 13/6/3
goblins and orcs.
Awareness – Perception 2 11/5/2
Resolve 9/4/2

Military Cohesion: When hobgoblins serve under a
leader from their own tribe or military unit they add an
additional –1 step bonus to the use of Leadership and
Tactics skills. Hobgoblins are considered as being
easy to lead, or use to being given orders, and grant
those modifiers in addition to this benefit.
Racial Enmity: Certain races like Dwarves gain a
bonus to attack rolls against Hobgoblins. This penalty
is discussed in those racial entries.
Subterranean Senses: Hobgoblins gain a -2 Situation
Modifier to all Awareness-perception, Awareness-
direction sense, and Investigate-search checks that
deal with underground phenomenon, tunnels, and
stonework. This can include the Engineering-mining
skill also. They may also use this ability to determine
the depth under-ground in a way similar to human
sensing which way is up.
Thermal Vision: Hobgoblins have thermal vision, or
‘Infravision’. This has a range of 20m, and allows the
character to see into the infrared spectrum,
recognising objects and beings by their heat
signatures. As long as the objects and beings have a
different temperature to the surrounding area, the
character recieves a 3 step reduction to penalties
related to obscure situations, including total darkness

While they do not see Bugbears as equals, they do

respect them for their stealth and hunting ability, allying ILLITHID
with them to function as military scouts and raiders.
Hobgoblins have an extreme hatred of elves. When their
opponents consist of mixed races, they always seek to
destroy elves first.

Strength 11 Intelligence 9
Dexterity 11 Will 9
Constitution 11 Personality 7

Durability: 11/11/6/6 Action check: 12/6/3

Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Move: Sprint 22, Run 14, Walk 4,
Moral Attitude: Corrupt, Conformist, Selfish.
Size: Medium

Long sword 12/6/3 d4+2w/d6+3w/d4+2m Li/O
Javelin 12/6/3 d4+1w/d4+2w/d4+3w Li/O
(16/34/68) (-1/+1/+2)

Leather armour, and small shield d6-1/d6-4/d6-2 The Illithid (otherwise known as a mindflayer)
+1 Strength Resistance Modifier attitude is one of total domination, however they are
wise enough to understand that they cannot with stand those plans among the tribe. General plans and goals
the force of all of those who would oppose them. are common knowledge, and detailed plans are
Instead they, as a species, belong to a loose trading shared with all who ask to allow them to work fruitfully
organization that recognizes territory and areas of for the good of the tribe.
control by others of their kind. The strong urge to ‘hunt Kobolds have specialized laborers, yet the
and dominate’ has been replaced with one of ‘trade majority of Kobolds are miners. Kobold prefer exile to
and dominate’. They live in enclaves near human execution, and in some disputes, Kobolds will split
settlements if they do business, but prefer to keep their tribes in order to spread their kind over a larger
communities apart from other races. Their diet of grey region. Kobolds are also extremely
matter doesn’t change, however they resort to feeding
on non-thinking creatures, or the brains of enemy
sentients of the race they are dealing with.

AN Illithid
Strength 9 Intelligence 14
Dexterity 10 Will 13
Constitution 10 Personality 13
Durability: 10/10/5/5 Action check: 13/6/3
Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 2
Move: sprint 18, run 12, walk 4, swim 4, easy swim 2
Moral Attitude: Corrupt
Size: Medium

Tentacles (x4) 13/6/3 d4-2w/d4w/d4-2m Li/O
Mind Blast 18/9/4 d4+2s/d6+2s/d8+2s special

Natural armour d6-1/d6-2/d6-1
+/-4 FX Resistance Modifier
+2 Intelligence Resistance Modifier
+2 Will Resistance Modifier

Athletics 9; Unarmed Attack 9-brawl 13; Movement 10-
fecund egg layers having the highest birth rate among
swim 12; Stamina 10; Knowledge 14-deduce 15;
humanoids and mature quickly, in 6 years. They often
Metaphysics 14; Science 14; Awareness 13-intuition 14;
lay eggs in a common nest, with specialized foster
Lore 13-space lore 14, psionic lore 14; Resolve 13-
parents to watch over the eggs and wyrmlings (young
mental resolve 14; Deception 13; Interaction 13-bargain
under 1 year).
14, intimidate 15.


ESP 14-mind reading 16; Telekinesis 13-levitation 16, Strength 6 Intelligence 8
psychokinetics 19; Psychoportation 13-dimension walk Dexterity 11 Will 8
16, teleportation 17; Telepathy 13-contact 16, illusion 15, Constitution 7 Personality 8
mind blast 18, mind shield 17, mind wipe 19, psychic Durability: 7/7/4/4 Action check: 10/5/2
armour 16, suggest 15. Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 1
Move: Sprint 12, Run 8, Walk 2,
Moral Attitude: Corrupt
Size: Small
Half Spear 6/3/1 d4w/dw+2w/d4m Li/O
Kobolds are aggressive, xenophobic, yet industrious Light 11/5/2 d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+1m Li/O
small humanoid creatures, such kobolds are noted for Crossbow
their skill at building traps and preparing ambushes.
Kobolds often consider themselves distantly related DEFENCes
to dragons, and are often found serving them as minions. Hide Armour d6-3/d4-3/d6-4
Kobolds speak a version of draconic, with a yipping
accent. They are also vaguely similiar to them in -1 Strength Resistance Modifier
appearance, being, as they are, bipedal lizards. +1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier

Kobold society is influenced by their lawful evil
Kobolds have the following skills:
alignment. They will plan and dig mines industriously,
Athletics 6/3/1
while laying cruel traps for interlopers. If they must
Melee Weapons 6/3/1
confront an enemy, they will mass their troops for an
ambush. Among the monstorous humanoids, they are Acrobatics – dodge 11/5/2
known for cunning plans, unlike many they also share Crafting – Trap making 13/6/3
Ranged Weapons 11/5/2 Dexterity 9 Will 9
Stealth – Hide 13/6/3 -1 step Constitution 11 Personality 9
Sneak 12/6/3 bonus Durability: 11/11/6/6 Action check: 10/5/2
Stamina 7/3/1
Last Resorts: 1 # Actions: 2
Engineering – Mining 9/4/2
Move: Sprint 18, Run 12, Walk 4, Swim 12, Easy swim 4
Awareness – Perception 11/5/2
Resolve – Mental resolve 9/4/2 Moral Attitude: Usually Apathetic
Size: Medium
Darkvision: Kobolds have Darkvision with a range of Attacks
20m, allowing them to see in total darkness. What is 2 Claws 12/6/3 d4+2s/d4+2w/d6+2w Li/O
seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and is in Tail slam 12/6/3 d4+1s/d4+3s/d8+2s Li/O
contrast meaning that what is normally dark appears Club 12/6/3 d4+2s/d4+1w/dw+2w Li/O
bright, and what is bright appears dark.
Javelin 12/6/3 d4+1w/d4+2w/dw+3w Li/O
Light Sensitivity: Kobolds are sensitive to light, and
(16/32/64) (-1/+1/+2)
suffer a +1 step penalty to all rolls when in normal or
bright light.
Natural Armour d6-1/d6-4/d6-4
With small wooden shield d6/d6-4/d6-4
LIZARD MEN +1 Strength Resistance Modifier

Lizard men have the following skills:
Athletics – Jump 1 12/6/3
Throw 1 12/6/3
Melee Weapons – Bludgeon 1 12/6/3
Unarmed Attack – Brawl 1 12/6/3
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 10/5/2
Stamina 11/5/2 +1 step (U)
Awareness – Perception 1 10/5/2
Resolve 9/4/2 +1 step (U)

Natural Attacks: Lizard Men may attack with their
claws causing 1d4+1s/1d4+1w/1d6+1w and their tails
at 1d4s/1d4+2s/1d8+1s. They may add bonus
damage for high strength scores and use the
Unarmed Attack-brawl skill to determine attack
Low Light Vision: The eyes of Lizard Men are
As the name implies, Lizard Men are humanoid extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light, which
lizards with greenish-brown skin, clawed fingers, and reduces penalties he would otherwise face by 2 steps.
heavy, thick tails. They are both short tempered and This ability provides no help in total darkness.
emotional; finding humans and other ‘mammals’ difficult Powerful Lungs: A Lizard Man can hold his breath for
to deal with. Diplomacy with Lizard Men involves moving one minute per point of constitution, or ten minutes on
fast enough to keep them from becoming bored, but average, before having to make endurance checks.
proceeding slow enough so they can keep up. They make checks every minute instead of every
Lizard Men come in an astounding array of physical combat round, however the cumulative +1 penalty still
features resembling geckos, skinks, monitor lizards, and applies.
even Gila monsters. None of these forms change their Dehydration: Lizard Men characters must either wet
abilities, however mutations are not unheard of and are their skin or drink one gallon of water per day or they
quite common among some sub-species. All-in-all; Lizard will not be able to naturally heal any Wound, Mortal,
Men relate to each other in a manner similar to mankind or Fatigue damage. Once they drink or submerse
and all of its diversity. themselves they may begin to heal normally again.
Lizard men speak Draconic. Dry Environments: Lizard Men who spend time in dry
In combat, Lizard men fight as unorganized or desert environments begin to suffer Exposure
individuals. They prefer frontal assaults and massed checks after the first day. One endurance check is
rushes, sometimes trying to force foes into the water, made per day after the first day with a cumulative +1
where the lizard men have an advantage. If outnumbered penalty per check. Note that desert and dry
or if their territory is being invaded, they set snares, plan environments do not always
ambushes, and make raids to hinder enemy supplies.
Advanced tribes use more sophisticated tactics and have
better traps and ambushes. They are usually equipped
with primitive clubs and javelins, and sometimes have NEOGI
small wooden shields. However, they can also attack with
their sharp claws and thrashing tails.

Strength 11 Intelligence 8
Poison Bite: If at least one point of primary damage is
caused, the victim rolls a Constitution feat check. The
poison is a mild paralytic with the following rules:
Penalty: +1, Onset: 1d4 Phases, Duration: 1d8
rounds. Effect is based on the feat check: Critical
Failure, +3 penalty to all actions; Failure, +2 penalty;
Ordinary, +1 penalty; Good or Amazing, no effect.

Neogi appear as a cross between a wolf spider
and a moray eel. The short, furry, eight-limbed body is
topped by a bare, lithe, fleshy neck with a serpentine
head, its mouth filled with needle-sharp teeth. The light
brown fur of the body is often dyed in bands of colour
to signify rank. A Neogi with a bare pelt has no status.
They have their own language and most speak
The Neogi are hated and are often attacked on
sight. The reason is that Neogi are ruthless slayers
and plunderers to the last being, thinking nothing of
eating their enemies, servants, or fallen comrades. Of
the variety that exists in space there is one truth; the
Neogi are a hateful, xenophobic race with no friends.
Neogi are found only in the deepest regions of the
Underdark. They are slavers with an inborn sense of
property. Everything is either owned or owner, slave or
Neogi. Even Neogi are slaves to other Neogi, but these
slave-Neogi may have slaves of their own in a vicious These bottom-dwelling sea creatures are dangerous
hierarchy of domination. Their most important slaves only to their prey. If disturbed, they usually try to
are Umber Hulks. These creatures are trained from escape.
birth to follow their small lords, caring for their needs.
Each Neogi has at least one Umber Hulk slave and
those without any are outcasts and easily enslaved by AN OCTOPUS
their brothers. All other slaves are no more than extra Strength 10 Intelligence 3
muscle, fodder for battle, and eventually food.
Dexterity 13 Will 10
Constitution 8 Personality 4
A Neogi
Strength 8 Intelligence 10 Durability: 8/8/4/4 Action check: 10/5/2
Dexterity 9 Will 10 Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Constitution 9 Personality 9 Move: Walk 4, Swim 14, Easy Swim 22
Durability: 9/9/5/5 Action check: 10/5/2 Moral Attitude: Apathetic
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2 Size: Small
Move: run 12, walk 4
Moral Attitude: Despicable or Unscrupulous Attacks
Size: Small (Lift as if strength was a 6) Tentacle 11/5/2 None/none/1s Li/O
Bite Special (see below) d4s/d3w/d4w Li/O
Bite 12/6/3 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w + Li/O Defences
poison Hide Armour plus natural armour d6-4/none/none
Claw 12/6/3 d4-1w/d4w/d4+1w Li/O +2 Dexterity Resistance Modifier
Natural Armour d6-3/d6-4/d4-3 SKILLS
Octopuses have the following skills:
+1 Strength Resistance Modifier Athletics 10/5/2
+1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier Unarmed Attack – Brawl 1 11/5/2
Acrobatics – Dodge 2 15/7/3
SKILLS Stealth – Hide 3 16/8/4 -3 step
Athletics 8; Unarmed 8-brawl 12; Acrobatics 9; Vehicle Stamina 8/4/2
Operation 9; Stamina 9; Business 10-illicit 11; Knowledge Awareness – Perception 1 13/6/3
10-deduce 11, common tongue 13; Navigation 10; Ship Resolve 12/6/3
Operation 10; Awareness 10-perception 11; Street
Smarts 10-criminal elements 11; Deception 9-bluff 11; SPECIAL QUALITIES
Interaction 9-intimidate 12. Camouflage: The octopus’s skin can change colour,
giving it a -3 step bonus to all Stealth – Hide checks.
SPECIAL QUALITIES Grab: To use this ability, an octopus must hit it’s target
with its tentacle attack. The target must then make a
Strength feat check (with a +1 penalty) in order to avoid Huge 18/9/4 d4+2s/d4w+1w/d4+2w Li/O
being grappled by the octopus. Greatclub
If the target fails the strength check, it attaches to Javelin 17/8/4 d4+3w/d4+4w/d4+5w Li/O
the target, and deals automatic bite damage. The target (22/44/88) -1/+1/+2
can retake this strength check once per action.
Ink cloud: An octopus can emit a cloud of jet-black ink Defences
3m high by 3m wide by 3m long once per minute as a Hide Armour plus natural armour d6/d4/d6-1
free action. The cloud provides total concealment,
+3 Strength Resistance Modifier
which the octopus normally uses to escape a losing
fight. All vision within the cloud is obscured.
Jet: An octopus can jet backward once per round, at a SKILLS
speed of 200 feet. It must move in a straight line, and Ogres have the following skills:
cannot do anything else during that round. Athletics – Throw 1 17/8/4
Low Light Vision: The eyes of octopuses are Melee Weapons – Bludgeon 2 18/9/4
extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light, which reduces Acrobatics – Dodge 1 8/4/2
penalties he would otherwise face by 2 steps. This Stamina – Endurance 1 13/6/3
ability provides no help in total darkness. Resist pain 1 13/6/3
Awareness – Perception 1 10/5/2
Resolve – Physical Resolve 1 10/5/2


Thermal Vision: Ogres have thermal vision, or
‘Infravision’. This has a range of 20m, and allows the
character to see into the infrared spectrum,
recognising objects and beings by their heat
signatures. As long as the objects and beings have a
different temperature to the surrounding area, the
character recieves a 3 step reduction to penalties
related to obscure situations, including total


Ogres are hideous beasts that stand nine to ten

feet tall. They have thick leathery skin, and bad breath.
Long, matted hair serves as a home for a truly amazing
variety of insects.
The ogre is a simple creature, but no less
dangerous for it. What ogres lack in mental alacrity, they
make up for in physical strength.

AN Ogre
Strength 16 Intelligence 6 The ogre mage is a more intelligent and
Dexterity 7 Will 9 dangerous variety of its mundane cousin.
Constitution 12 Personality 7 An ogre mage stands about 10 feet tall and
Durability: 19/18/9/6 Action check: 9/4/2 weighs up to 700 pounds. Its skin varies in colour from
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2 light green to light blue, and its hair is black or very dark
Move: Sprint 22, Run 14, Walk 4, brown. Ogre mages favour loose, comfortable clothing
Moral Attitude: Despicable or Unscrupulous and lightweight armour.
Size: Large (1.5x Durability, +1 pen to Stealth checks) Ogre mages speak Giant and Common.
Ogre mages rely on their spell-like abilities,
resorting to physical combat only when necessary.
Attacks When faced with obviously superior forces, they prefer
Brawl 8/4/2 d6+3s/d6+4s/d6+5s Li/O
to retreat using gaseous form rather than fight a losing can reattach it by holding the severed member to the
battle. stump. Reattachment takes 1 minute. If the head or
some other vital organ is severed, it must be
reattached within 10 minutes or the creature dies. An
AN OGRE MAGE ogre mage cannot regrow lost body parts.
Strength 16 Intelligence 11 Spell-Like Abilities: Ogre Mages have the following
Dexterity 9 Will 11 spell like abilities.
Invisibility: Illusion/Phantasm [Dex (9)] – Invisibility
Constitution 13 Personality 13
[Rank 4 (13)], ‘No RB’ (No Check Required), Cost: 0.
Durability: 19/19/10/7 Action check: 12/6/3
Darkness: Black Magic [Con 13] - Darkness [Rank 4
Last Resorts: 3 # Actions: 3
(17)] No RB, No check required, Cost 0.
Move: Sprint 24, Run 16, Walk 6, Glide 24, Fly 48
Charm Person: Enchantment [Per 13] – Charming
Moral Attitude: Usually Corrupt [Rank 2 (15)] No RB, affects humanoids only, Cost 0,
Size: Large (1.5x Durability, +1 pen to Stealth checks) once per day.
Cone of Cold: Invocation [Con 13] – Ice [Rank 6 (19)]
Attacks Cone of Cold only, Cost 0, once per day.
Huge 17/8/4 d8+5w/2d4+6w/d6+2m Li/O Gaseous Form: Wind Magic [Dex 9] – Body of Air
Greatsword [Rank 6 (15)] Gaseous Form only, Cost 0, once per
Huge Longbow 10/5/2 d6+1w/d8+1w/d6m Li/O day.
(40/80/200) 0/+1/+3 Sleep: Enchantment [Per13] – Hinder [Rank 4 (17)]
Sleep only, Cost 0, once per day.
Leather Armour plus natural armour d6/d6-1/d6-1
+3 Strength Resistance Modifier
+1 Intelligence Resistance Modifier ORC
+1 Will Resistance Modifier

Ogre Mages have the following skills:
Athletics 16/8/4
Melee Weapons – Blades 1 17/8/4
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 8/4/2
Ranged Weapons – Bow 1 10/5/2
Stamina – Endurance 2 15/7/3
Metaphysics – Magical Theory 5 16/8/4
Awareness – Perception 6 17/8/4
Resolve – Mental Resolve 5 17/8/4

Darkvision: Ogre mages have Darkvision with a range of
30m, allowing them to see in total darkness. What is
seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and is in
contrast meaning that what is normally dark appears
bright, and what is bright appears dark.
Lowlight Vision: Ogre mages have low light vision. Their
eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light. This
reduces obscurity penalties they would otherwise suffer
by 2 steps. This type of vision offers no benefit in total
Regeneration: Ogre mages have a natural regenerative
ability. As a result, the ogre mage is assumed to have a
durability one rank greater than the weapon, (for an
effective durability of Good against most weapons) Orcs vary widely in appearance as a result of
against all damage except fire and acid energy types. frequent crossbreeding with other species. In
These damage types do damage as normal. This general, they resemble primitive humans with grey-
applies even to magical or well crafted weapons which green skin covered with coarse hair. Orcs have a
normally do Good damage. slightly stooped posture, a low jutting forehead, and a
In addition, an ogre mage regenerates 2 points snout instead of a nose, though comparisons
of stun at the beginning of it’s first action phase each between this facial feature and those of pigs are
round. An ogre mage cannot regenerate wound or exaggerated and perhaps unfair. Orcs have well-
mortal damage (which can only be inflicted by fire and developed canine teeth for eating meat and short
acid damage). Ogre mages cannot regenerate lost pointed ears that resemble those of a wolf. Orcish
limbs snouts and ears have a slightly pink tinge. Their eyes
Flight: An ogre mage can cease or resume flight without are human, with a reddish tint that sometimes makes
expending an action. While using gaseous form it can them appear to glow red when they reflect dim light
fly at its normal speed and has perfect manoeuvrability. sources in near darkness. This is actually part of their
Change Shape: An ogre mage can assume the form of optical system, a pigment which gives them
any Small, Medium, or Large humanoid or giant. infravision.
Regeneration: Fire and acid deal normal damage to an Male orcs are about 5½ to 6 feet tall, with
ogre mage. An ogre mage that loses a limb or body part females averaging about 6 inches shorter than
males. Orcs prefer to wear colors that most humans Hide Armour d6-3/d4-3/d6-4
think unpleasant: blood red, rust red, mustard yellow, +1 Strength Resistance Modifier
yellow green, moss green, greenish purple, and
blackish brown.
Their armor is unattractive besides -- dirty and SKILLS
often a bit rusty. Orcs speak Orcish, a language Half orcs have the following skills:
derived from older human and elvish languages. There Athletics 12/6/3 +1 step (U)
is no common standard of Orcish, so the language has Melee Weapons 12/6/3 +1 step (U)
many dialects which vary from tribe to tribe. Orcs have Unarmed – Brawl 1 13/6/3
also learned to speak local common tongues, but are Movement 10/5/2 +1 step
not comfortable with them. Some orcs have a limited Stamina 10/5/2 +1 step
vocabulary in goblin, hobgoblin, and ogre dialects. Survival 10/5/2 +1 step
Awareness – Perception 1 11/5/2
AN Orc Outdoors 10/5/2 +1 step (U)
Strength 12 Intelligence 8 War Craft 10/5/2 +1 step (U)
Dexterity 9 Will 7
Constitution 9 Personality 7 SPECIAL QUALITIES
Darkvision: Half Orcs have Darkvision with a range of
Durability: 9/9/5/5 Action check: 11/5/2
20m, allowing them to see in total darkness. What is
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and is in
Move: Sprint 18, Run 12, Walk 4,
contrast meaning that what is normally dark appears
Moral Attitude: Despicable or Unscrupulous bright, and what is bright appears dark.
Size: Medium

Great Axe
(18/36/72) -1/+1/+2
A typical otyugh has a body 8 feet in diameter and
Defences weighs about 500 pounds. Otyughs speak Common.
Hide Armour d6-3/d4-3/d6-4 An otyugh attacks living creatures if it feels
+1 Strength Resistance Modifier threatened or if it is hungry; otherwise it is content to
remain hidden. Otyughs slash and squeeze opponents
with their tentacles, which they also use to drag prey
SKILLS into their mouths.
Orcs have the following skills:
Athletics – Throw 1 13/6/3
Melee Weapons – Blade 1 13/6/3
Acrobatics 9/4/2 +1 step (U)
Stamina – Endurance 1 10/5/2
Awareness – Perception 2 9/4/2 -1 step
Resolve 7/3/1 +1 step (U)

Thermal Vision: Orcs have thermal vision, or
‘Infravision’. This has a range of 20m, and allows the
character to see into the infrared spectrum, recognising
objects and beings by their heat signatures. As long as
the objects and beings have a different temperature to
the surrounding area, the character recieves a 3 step
reduction to penalties related to obscure situations,
including total darkness. AN Otyugh
Strength 9 Intelligence 5
A HALF Orc Dexterity 9 Will 10
Strength 12 Intelligence 8 Constitution 11 Personality 6
Dexterity 11 Will 10 Durability: 17/17/8/6 Action check: 9/4/2
Constitution 10 Personality 8 Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Durability: 9/9/5/5 Action check: 10/5/2 Move: Sprint 18, Run 12, Walk 4,
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2 Moral Attitude: Apathetic
Move: Sprint 18, Run 12, Walk 4, Size: Large (Durability x1.5, +1penalty to stealth)
Moral Attitude: Despicable or Unscrupulous
Size: Medium Attacks
Tentacle 11/5/2 d4+2s/d4w+1w/d4+2w Li/O
Attacks Bite 11/5/2 1d4w/1d4+1w/1d4+2w Li/O
Great Axe 12/6/3 d4+2s/d4w+1w/d4+2w Li/O
+1 step (U) Defences
Javelin 13/6/3 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w Li/O Natural Armour d6/d8-5/d6-4
(18/36/72) 0/+2/+3 (U) +1 Strength Resistance Modifier
SKILLS A successful Strength feat check (with a +1
Otyughs have the following skills: penalty) is needed to break out of the Otyugh’s grasp.
Athletics 9/4/2 +1 step (U) Scent: Otyughs have an excellent sense of smell, and
Unarmed Attack – Brawl 2 11/5/2 normally use this sense when hunting for food. This
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 10/5/2 sensory ability allows the Otyugh to detect
Stealth – Hide 1 10/5/2 +1 step (L) approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects,
Stamina – Endurance 1 12/6/3 and to track by sense of smell. The Otyugh can
Awareness – Perception 6 16/8/4 identify familiar odours just as others do by sight.
Resolve – Mental resolve 2 12/6/3 The Otyugh can detect opponents within 10
meters by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind,
SPECIAL QUALITIES the range increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is
Constrict (Ex): An otyugh deals automatic tentacle downwind the range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong
damage once it has successfully grappled a target (see scents such as smoke or rotting garbage can be
the Grab special attack below). detected at twice the normal range. Overpowering
Darkvision: Otyughs have dark vision which has a range scents such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench can
of 30m, allowing them to see in total darkness. What is be detected at three times the normal range.
seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and is in When the Otyugh detects a scent, the exact
contrast meaning that what is normally dark appears location is not revealed; only its presence somewhere
bright, and what is bright appears dark. within range. With an action the Otyugh can note the
Disease (Ex): Filth fever— bite (ordinary disease), direction of the scent and if he moves within 5 meters
Constitution feat check, incubation period 1d4 days. of the source he can pinpoint the source as well.
A Otyugh with the scent ability can follow tracks by
Check Result Effect smell. The same common modifiers apply to the track
Critical failure Terminally Ill skill check except that modifiers for Clues, Urban
Failure Extremely Ill conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are ignored. This
Ordinary Ill ability when used to track can also ignore penalties
Good No effect for visibility.
Amazing No effect Skills: *An Otyugh gains a -4 step bonus to all Stealth
– Hide skill checks (-3 overall) in it’s lair due to it’s
If the disease cannot be prevented, the victim natural colouration.
becomes sick. Diseases have the following effects.
Ill characters suffer a +2 penalty to all actions. Each
day, the character must attempt a Constitution feat
check: Critical Failure or Failure, worsen to extremely SKELETON
ill; Ordinary, no change; Good or Amazing, the
character recovers.
Extremely Ill characters are almost completely Skeletons are the remains of long dead people
incapacitated. In desperate situations, an extremely ill animated by foul necromanctic magics. Whilst some
character may attempt a Resolve-physical resolve necromancers are good, the use of undead is
check to force himself to his feet, but all actions receive generally considered an evil act, and most undead
a +3 penalty. Each day, the character must make a are in the service of evil necromancers.
Constitution feat check: Critical Failure or Failure, Skeletons are fast and relatively immune to non-
worsen to terminally ill; Ordinary, no change; Good, budgening weapons due to their lack of organs or
improve to ill; Amazing, recover completely. tissue. However, they are mindless and follow
Terminally Ill characters are comatose, although they instructions to the letter, and so can be destroyed
can rouse themselves for a few words of conversation easily by a well prepared foe.
with a Resolve-physical resolve check. Every 6 hours,
the character must attempt a Constitution feat check:
Critical Failure, suffer 2 points of mortal damage;
Failure, suffer 1 point of mortal damage; Ordinary, no
change; Good or Amazing, improve to extremely ill. If
the hero suffers mortal damage it is treated as if
suffered during combat.
Grab: If an otyugh hits with a tentacle attack, it can try
and perform a Grab action. The target must make an
Acrobatics – Dodge check to see if the tentacle grabs
the target..


Otyugh’s Ordinary Good Amazing
attack quality: result result result
Ordinary Escaped Escaped Escaped
Good Held Escaped Escaped
Amazing Held Held Escaped

If the target gets an escaped result, then it has

managed to escape the grasping tentacle. If the result
is held, then the otyugh can perform the constrict attack A SMALL SKELETON (KOBOLD)
in it’s next phase. Strength 8 Intelligence 0
Dexterity 9 Will 9
Constitution 6 Personality 9
Durability: 0/9/0/0* Action check: 7/3/1
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 1
Move: Sprint 12, Run 8, Walk 2 Most spiders grow to be no larger than a few
Moral Attitude: None inches across. However, there are several species of
Size: Small spider which just keeps on growing, even reaching
the size of a cart, and bigger! These creatures range
Attacks in size, like most Giant spiders, between the size of a
Club 9/4/2 d4+1s/d4w/d4+1w Li/O dog to the size of a house. They are greyish-black in
Slam 9/4/2 1d4-1w/1d4w/1d4+1w Li/O color, hairy, have 8 red eyes, are heavily yet sleekly
built, and are highly dangerous and powerful. In their
Defences tail is a small but deadly stinger.
Natural Armour d6-4/d4-4/d6-5 (see Immunities below)

Small sized skeletons have the following skills:
Athletics 9/4/2
Melee Weapons 9/4/2
Stamina - Endurance 6/3/1
Awareness – Perception 9/4/2


Strength 8 Intelligence 0
Dexterity 10 Will 9
Constitution 8 Personality 9
Durability: 0/12/0/0* Action check: 7/3/1 Needless to say these spiders are ferocious
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2 predators, and often trap adventurers in their webs.
Move: Sprint 18, Run 12, Walk 4,
Moral Attitude: None
Size: Medium
Monstrous spiders dwell both underground, and in
deep, dark forests. Two different varities exist; the
Attacks hunter and the web-spinner. Hunters roam about, either
Club 11/5/2 d4+2s/d4w+1w/d4+2w Li/O on the forest floor or on the walls and ceilings of a
Claws 11/5/2 1d4w/1d4+1w/1d4+2w Li/O cavern, searching for prey, while the web-spinner stays
in the one place and creates traps which it hopes prey
DEFENCES will eventually stumble into. Hunters can spin webs to
Natural Armour d6-3/d4-3/d6-4 (see Immunities below) act as lairs, but only web-spinners can make tricks and
+1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier traps out of them, sling them, drop them, use them as a
weapon, ETC...
Whether the hunter has found prey on the ground
SKILLS or the web-spinner has prey trapped in its web, they
Medium sized skeletons have the following skills: seem to have similar killing tactics. They lurk either in
Athletics 11/5/2 the shadows, the tree tops, on top of a rocky overhang,
Melee Weapons 11/5/2 and slowly lower themselves on strands of silk before
Stamina - Endurance 8/4/2 leaping in and biting. A web-spinner might toss a web
Awareness – Perception 9/4/2 net over the prey first. Monstrous spiders are
poisonous, and their bite causes an ammount of
SPECIAL QUALITIES corruption to the prey depending on their size. Web-
Durability: Skeletons do not have stun or mortal wounds, spinners can also squirt webs as an attack, hunters
and are therefore immune to stun damage. Mortals have sharp, powerful jaws, and both types can cause
translate across at a ratio of 1 mortal equals 1 wound. damage by kicking prey with their legs. Whatever they
Instead they have 1.5 times their constitution in kill, they eat. Monstrous spiders are highly sensitive
wounds. Once this wound total is used up, the skeleton with their webs, and can sense anything which touches
is destroyed. them. Though often solitary, they sometimes gather
Undead: Skeletons are undead, and therefore pass any together into large groups, all sharing a megaweb and
stamina checks, as well as any Resolve checks. They forming a highly dangerous force against anything
are immune to mind affecting spells. They are also which wanders into their midst.
immune to venoms and poisons.
Immunities: Skeletons are immune from any cold energy
damage, and also ignore the first 3 points of damage
(once any natural armour has been taken off) from
Strength 4 Intelligence 0
slashing and piercing weapons.
Dexterity 13 Will 9
Constitution 8 Personality 3
Durability: 4/4/2/4 Action check: 7/3/1
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Move: Sprint 16, Run 10, Walk 4, Climb 4
Moral Attitude: Animal Tiny 2 rounds 10 rounds -2
Size: Tiny (1’ high and 2’ across) Medium 1 round 5 rounds 0

Attacks *This column is the modifier to the victims

Bite 13/6/3 1s/2s/1w + poison Li/O Constitution feat check.

Poison CF M O G A
Defences Type
-2 Strength Resistance Modifier Neurotoxin d6+1m d4+1m d8+1w d6+1w d6+1s
+3 Dexterity Resistance Modifier
Web: (Ordinary), Conscious, 8 per day, [Athletics –
Throw], Target up to one size category of spider only,
by accuracy [20m], Dexterity resistance modifier
Tiny Monstrous Spiders have the following skills:
Athletics - Jump 5/2/1
The single target caught in the webs may attempt
Melee Weapons – Bite 13/6/3
to break out of them on every phase that they have an
Ranged Weapons – Web 13/6/3 action. This requires a Strength feat check and the
Stealth – Hide 17/8/4 -1 step quality of the check determines damage to the webs
Stamina - Endurance 8/4/2 as if the character used the Unarmed Attack - Brawl
Awareness – Perception 12/6/3 skill. The web surrounding the target has a durability
of 3 and has a toughness of Ordinary and an armour
A Medium Monstrous Spider value of 1d4. Weapons may also be used but a
Strength 9 Intelligence 0 Strength feat check is called for in order to do so. In
Dexterity 13 Will 12 addition the weapon’s attack result cannot be better
Constitution 10 Personality 3 than the result of the feat check. This means that if a
Durability: 10/10/5/5 Action check: 9/4/2 character wanted to hack his way out with a broad
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2 sword he would roll a Strength feat check. As a Good
Move: Sprint 12, Run 8, Walk 2, Climb 2 result is generated he would then roll an attack with
Moral Attitude: Animal the sword (in the same phase) that could have no
Size: Medium (2” high and 6’ across) better than a Good result.
Web-spinners often create sheets of sticky
webbing from 5 to 60 feet square, depending on the
Attacks size of the spider (see table below).
Bite 14/7/3 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w + Li/O
poison Size Web size
Tiny 2m²
Defences Small 4m²
Natural Armour: d6-2/d6-4/d6-2 Medium 8m²
+2 Dexterity Resistance Modifier

SKILLS They usually position these sheets to snare flying

Medium Monstrous Spiders have the following creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground.
skills: Approaching creatures must make an Awareness –
Athletics - Jump 9/4/2 Perception skill check (with a +3 step penalty) to
notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and
Melee Weapons – Bite 14/7/3
become trapped as though by a successful web
Ranged Weapons - Web 13/6/3
attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain
Stealth – Hide 16/8/4 a -2 bonus if the trapped creature has something to
Stamina - Endurance 10/5/2 walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot section
Awareness – Perception 15/7/3 has a durability of 3 and has a toughness of Ordinary
and an armour value of 1d4.
SPECIAL QUALITIES The webs are flammable and any open fire that
Vermin: Spiders are vermin and are therefore immune to contacts the webs will burn voraciously. Every phase
mind affecting spells. past that which the fire was introduced spreads the
Bite: Spiders use their Dexterity score in their bite attack fire 2 meters in all directions. Anyone in the flaming
rolls rather than their strength. webs must roll a Constitution feat check and consult
Poison: Spiders have a poisoned bite. The spider must the Fire Hazard table for damage. A section of web
cause damage through the targets armour to poison will burn for three phases before extinguishing. After
them. The poison is an injected Neurotoxin, and onset the first phase anyone in that section of webs
time and duration depends on the size of the spider, as receives a cumulative bonus of –2 to the Constitution
is outlined below. The damage is in the second table. feat check.
During the onset time, the character feels Any Monstrous Spider can move across this web
progressively worse. The exact symptoms depend on at it’s climb movement speed, and instantly knows
the poison involved, but nausea, seizures, blindness, where any trapped or moving foes are on the web.
numbness, paralysis, bleeding, and difficulty breathing
are all possible.
At the end of the onset time, the poison runs its
course over the duration of the attack. Roll the damage
and divide its effects over the duration. When the attack
ends, the character suffers no more damage.

Size Onset Duration Mod*

Extremely Ill characters are almost completely
incapacitated. In desperate situations, an extremely ill
character may attempt a Resolve-physical resolve
check to force himself to his feet, but all actions
receive a +3 penalty. Each day, the character must
make a Constitution feat check: Critical Failure or
Failure, worsen to terminally ill; Ordinary, no change;
Good, improve to ill; Amazing, recover completely.
Terminally Ill characters are comatose, although
they can rouse themselves for a few words of
conversation with a Resolve-physical resolve check.
Every 6 hours, the character must attempt a
Constitution feat check: Critical Failure, suffer 2 points
of mortal damage; Failure, suffer 1 point of mortal
damage; Ordinary, no change; Good or Amazing,
A rat swarm contains over 300 rats, packed into a
improve to extremely ill. If the hero suffers mortal
roughly 10’ by 10’ area, all clawing and clambering over
damage it is treated as if suffered during combat.
each other.
Lowlight Vision: Rat swarms have low light vision.
A rat swarm seeks to surround and attack any
Their eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to ambient
warm-blooded prey it encounters. A swarm deals
light. This reduces obscurity penalties they would
damage to any creature whose space it occupies at the
otherwise suffer by 2 steps. This type of vision offers
end of its move.
no benefit in total darkness.
Scent: Rat swarms have an excellent sense of smell,
A RAT SWARM and normally use this sense when hunting for food.
Strength 3 Intelligence 3 This sensory ability allows the dire rat to detect
Dexterity 12 Will 10 approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects,
Constitution 10 Personality 3 and to track by sense of smell. The rat swarm can
Durability: 0/15/0/5 Action check: 10/5/2 identify familiar odours just as others do by sight.
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 1 The rat swarm can detect opponents within 10
Move: Sprint 16, Run 10, Walk 4, meters by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind,
Moral Attitude: None the range increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is
Size: Large (many Tiny creatures) downwind the range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong
scents such as smoke or rotting garbage can be
Attacks detected at twice the normal range. Overpowering
Swarm attack Special See below Li/O scents such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench can
be detected at three times the normal range.
When the rat swarm detects a scent, the exact
Defences location is not revealed; only its presence somewhere
+1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier
within range. With an action the rat swarm can note
The swarm of rats only takes half damage from normal the direction of the scent and if he moves within 5
weapons. meters of the source he can pinpoint the source as
SKILLS A rat swarm with the scent ability can follow tracks
Rat swarms have the following skills: by smell. The same common modifiers apply to the
Athletics – Climb 5 8/4/2 -4 step track skill check except that modifiers for Clues,
Acrobatics – Dodge 2 14/7/3 Urban conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are
Stealth – Hide 5 17/8/4 ignored. This ability when used to track can also
Sneak 1 11/5/2 ignore penalties for visibility.
Movement – Swim 5 15/7/3 Swarm attack: A swarm will automatically attack
Stamina – Endurance 1 11/5/2 anything it ends up sharing a space with. The target
Awareness – Perception 4 14/7/3 must make an Acrobatics – Dodge skill check to avoid
Resolve – Mental resolve 1 11/5/2 the attack. The results are shown below:

Disease: Filth fever; bite (marginal disease), Constitution d4+2w d4+1w d4w No No
feat check (-1 step), incubation period 1d4 days. damage damage
Check Result Effect Any attack which causes damage to the target
Critical failure Terminally Ill also passes on Filth fever (see above).
Failure Extremely Ill
Ordinary Ill
Good No effect
Amazing No effect
If the disease cannot be prevented, the victim
becomes sick. Diseases have the following effects. The average troll stands nine feet high and
Ill characters suffer a +2 penalty to all actions. Each weighs roughly 500 pounds, though females tend to
day, the character must attempt a Constitution feat be a bit larger than males. The hide of trolls is
check: Critical Failure or Failure, worsen to extremely rubbery, and usually either moss green, putrid grey,
ill; Ordinary, no change; Good or Amazing, the or mottled gray and green. Their coarse hair is
character recovers. typically iron grey, or greenish-black.
A Troll
Strength 16 Intelligence 6
Dexterity 11 Will 8
Constitution 17 Personality 6
Durability: Action check: 10/5/2
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 3
Move: Run 16, Walk 6
Moral Attitude: Unscrupulous or Despicable
Size: Large (Durability @ x1.5, +1 penalty to Stealth checks)

2 Claws 18/9/4 d4w+3/d6w+3/d6+5w Li/O

Natural Armour d6-1/d6-4/d6-4
+3 Strength Resistance Modifier
+1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier

Trolls initially seem to be somewhat shorter, due
Trolls have the following skills:
to their sagging shoulders and tendency to hunch
Athletics 16/8/4
forward. They walk with an uneven gait, and their arms
Unarmed Attack - Brawl 18/9/4
dangle and drag the ground when running. Despite this
apparent awkwardness, trolls are quite agile. Acrobatics – dodge 14/7/3
Stamina – Endurance 20/10/5
SOCIETY Resist Pain 18/9/4
Trolls tend to live on their own or in small groups. Awareness – Perception 12/6/3
Occasionally, they’ll gather in larger tribes to plunder Resolve – Mental resolve 10/5/2
settlements, but these associations rarely last for long. Physical Resolve 9/4/2
Trolls worship Vaprak the destroyer, who is an
enemy of the giant pantheon led by Annam. Vaprak
has a humanoid form, colored exceedingly horrid INNATE POWERS/SPECIAL ABILITIES
mottled brown and green. Vaprak makes his home in Darkvision: Trolls have darkvision which has a range
Shatterstone, the 524th layer of the Abyss. Vaprak's of 30m.
priests wear blood red plate mail and war helms, and Lowlight Vision: Trolls have low light vision. Their
worship him in their dens. eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light.
This reduces obscurity penalties they would otherwise
suffer by 2 steps. This type of vision offers no benefit
A MINOR Troll in total darkness.
Strength 14 Intelligence 5 Regeneration: Trolls have a natural regenerative
Dexterity 10 Will 7 ability. As a result, the troll is assumed to have a
Constitution 12 Personality 6 durability one rank greater than the weapon, (for an
Durability: 18/18/9/9 Action check: 8/4/2 effective durability of Good against most weapons)
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2 against all damage except fire and acid energy types.
Move: Run 16, Walk 6 These damage types do damage as normal. This
Moral Attitude: Unscrupulous or Despicable applies even to magical or well crafted weapons
Size: Large (1.5x Durability, +1 penalty to Stealth checks) which normally do Good damage.
In addition, a troll regenerates 2 points of stun at
the beginning of it’s first action phase each round. A
Attacks troll cannot regenerate wound or mortal damage
2 Claws 15/7/3 d4w+2/d4w+3/d4+4w Li/O (which can only be inflicted by fire and acid damage).
Rend: If a troll hits with both of it’s claw attacks, it can
Defences try and perform a Rend action. The target must make
Natural Armour d6-2/d6-4/d6-4 a Stamina – Endurance check to see if any extra
damage is caused, as the troll tries to rip the target in
+2 Strength Resistance Modifier half.


Minor trolls have the following skills: Size Marginal Ordinary Good Amazing
Athletics 14/7/3
Minor d4+3w d4+1w d6+3s d4+1s
Unarmed Attack - Brawl 15/7/3
Acrobatics – dodge 13/7/3 Normal d6+5w d6+3w d4+3w d6+3s
Stamina – Endurance 15/7/3
Resist Pain 13/6/3 Scent: Trolls have an excellent sense of smell, and
Awareness – Perception 11/5/2 normally use this sense when hunting for food. This
Resolve – Mental resolve 9/4/2 sensory ability allows the troll to detect approaching
Physical Resolve 8/4/2 enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects, and to track
by sense of smell. The troll can identify familiar odours Athletics – Climb 1 16/8/4
just as others do by sight. Jump 2 17/8/4
The troll can detect opponents within 10 meters by Unarmed attack – Brawl 3 18/9/4
sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range Ranged attack – Confusion Gaze 4 13/6/3
increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is downwind the Movement – Trailblazing 2 17/8/4
range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong scents such as Burrow 3 18/9/4
smoke or rotting garbage can be detected at twice the Stamina – Endurance 1 16/8/4
normal range. Overpowering scents such as skunk Knowledge – Common tongue 1 8/4/2
musk or troglodyte stench can be detected at three Neogi tongue 3 10/5/2
times the normal range. Awareness – Perception 1 13/6/3
When the troll detects a scent, the exact location Resolve – Physical Resolve 2 14/7/3
is not revealed; only its presence somewhere within
range. With an action the troll can note the direction of SPECIAL ABILITIES
the scent and if he moves within 5 meters of the source Confusion Gaze: An Umber Hulk can use an action to
he can pinpoint the source as well. gaze at opponents facing it during a phase. All
A troll with the scent ability can follow tracks by opponents must be within 10 meters and each is
smell. The same common modifiers apply to the track allowed a Resolve-physical resolve or Acrobatics-
skill check except that modifiers for Clues, Urban dodge skill check to avoid any effect. If failed, that
conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are ignored. This person is effected as if by the Enchantment-
ability when used to track can also ignore penalties for confusion spell equal in power to the confusion gaze
visibility. skill check. Characters can gain up to a –4 step
bonus to the roll, however they suffer the same
penalty to actions taken for averting or covering their
eyes. No FX points are required to use this ability.
UMBER HULK Burrowing: An Umber Hulk can burrow at its Walk
movement rate through soft or semi-hard stone and
earth. Only one burrow check is required per round
Umber Hulks are large ape-like insects. Standing of movement.
nearly 9” tall, they are usually found in the Underdark, Tremorsense: An Umber Hulk can automatically sense
they sometimes surface to feed in caves and tunnels in the location of anything moving within 20 meters as
the surface world. long as it is in contact with the ground.
They are also often found in the company of a
Neogi, a small and vicious creature who uses the
Umber Hulk as it’s slave.


AN Umber Hulk
Strength 15 Intelligence 7
Dexterity 10 Will 12
Constitution 15 Personality 8
Durability: 22/22/11/11 Action check: 10/5/2
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 3
Move: run 16, walk 6, burrow 3
Moral Attitude: Despicable
Size: Large (Durability @ x1.5, Lift as if strength was a
23, +1 penalty to Stealth checks)

Bite 18/9/4 1d8w/1d8+2w/1d4+1m Li/O
Claw 18/9/4 2d4w/2d4+2w/3d4+1w Li/O
Confusion 14/7/3 special special

Natural Armour d6+1/d4/d4-1
+3 Strength Resistance Modifier
+1 Will Resistance Modifier

Umberhulks have the following skills:
Lowlight Vision: Wererats have low light vision. Their
eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light.
This reduces obscurity penalties they would otherwise
suffer by 2 steps. This type of vision offers no benefit
in total darkness.
Alternate form: A wererat can assume a bipedal hybrid
form or the form of a dire rat. This takes one round,
and is usually accompanied by snarling.
Rat Empathy: Communicate with rats and dire rats,
and -2 step bonus on Personality based skill checks
against rats and dire rats.

A Wererat (hybrid form)

Strength 8 Intelligence 9
Dexterity 14 Will 9
Constitution 11 Personality 7
Durability: 11/11/6/6 Action check: 14/7/3
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Move: Sprint 22, Run 14, Walk 4,
Moral Attitude: Corrupt
Size: Medium

Bite 11/5/2 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w Li/O
plus disease
Rapier 9/4/2 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w Li/O
-1 step
A wererat in humanoid form tends to be a thin,
wiry individual of shorter than average height. The eyes Defences
constantly dart around, and the nose and mouth may Natural Armour d6-3/d4-3/d6-4
twitch if he or she is excited. Males often have thin,
+3 Dexterity Resistance Modifier
ragged mustaches.
Damage reduction The wererat ignores the first 5 points
A Wererat (human form) Silver: of non-silver, non-magical damage
per attack (after natural armour).
Strength 8 Intelligence 9
Dexterity 11 Will 9
Constitution 9 Personality 7
Wererats in hybrid form have the following skills:
Durability: 9/9/5/5 Action check: 12/6/3
Athletics – Climb 5 13/6/3
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Melee Weapons – Blade 1 9/4/2 -1 step bonus
Move: Sprint 18, Run 12, Walk 4,
Unarmed Attack – Brawl 3 11/5/2
Moral Attitude: Corrupt Acrobatics – Dodge 2 12/6/3
Size: Medium Stealth – Hide 2 13/6/3
Sneak 1 12/6/3
Attacks Movement – Swim 2 13/6/3
Rapier 9/4/2 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w Li/O Stamina – Endurance 2 13/6/3
-1 step bonus Awareness – Perception 4 13/6/3
Light 11/5/2 d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+1m Li/O Resolve – Mental resolve 1 10/5/2
Defences Lowlight Vision: Wererats have low light vision. Their
Leather Armour (plus natural) d6-1/d6-3/d6-1 eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light.
+1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier This reduces obscurity penalties they would otherwise
suffer by 2 steps. This type of vision offers no benefit
in total darkness.
SKILLS Alternate form: A wererat can assume a bipedal hybrid
Wererats in human form have the following skills: form or the form of a dire rat. This takes one round,
Athletics 9/4/2 +1 step (U) and is usually accompanied by snarling.
Armour Operation 9/4/2 +1 step (U) Curse of Lycanthropy: Any humanoid or giant hit by a
Melee Weapons – Blade 1 9/4/2 -1 step bonus wererat’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 12/6/3 succeed on a Constitution feat check or contract
Ranged Weapons – Crossbow 1 12/6/3 lycanthropy.
Stealth – Hide 1 12/6/3 Disease: Filth fever; bite (marginal disease),
Sneak 11/5/2 Constitution feat check (-1 step), incubation period
Movement – Swim 4 13/6/3 1d4 days.
Stamina – Endurance 2 11/5/2
Awareness – Perception 4 13/6/3 Check Result Effect
Resolve – Mental resolve 1 10/5/2 Critical failure Terminally Ill
Failure Extremely Ill Bite 11/5/2 d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w Li/O
Ordinary Ill plus disease
Good No effect
Amazing No effect Defences
Natural Armour d6-3/d4-3/d6-4
If the disease cannot be prevented, the victim
+3 Dexterity Resistance Modifier
becomes sick. Diseases have the following effects.
Ill characters suffer a +2 penalty to all actions. Each Damage reduction The wererat ignores the first 5 points
day, the character must attempt a Constitution feat Silver: of non-silver, non-magical damage
check: Critical Failure or Failure, worsen to extremely per attack (after natural armour).
ill; Ordinary, no change; Good or Amazing, the
character recovers. SKILLS
Extremely Ill characters are almost completely Wererats in dire rat form have the following
incapacitated. In desperate situations, an extremely ill skills:
character may attempt a Resolve-physical resolve Athletics – Climb 5 13/6/3
check to force himself to his feet, but all actions receive Unarmed attack – Brawl 3 11/5/2
a +3 penalty. Each day, the character must make a Acrobatics – Dodge 2 13/6/3
Constitution feat check: Critical Failure or Failure, Stealth – Hide 2 13/6/3
worsen to terminally ill; Ordinary, no change; Good, Sneak 1 12/6/3
improve to ill; Amazing, recover completely. Movement – Swim 5 16/8/4
Terminally Ill characters are comatose, although they Stamina – Endurance 2 13/6/3
can rouse themselves for a few words of conversation Awareness – Perception 4 13/6/3
with a Resolve-physical resolve check. Every 6 hours, Resolve – Mental resolve 1 10/5/2
the character must attempt a Constitution feat check:
Critical Failure, suffer 2 points of mortal damage; SPECIAL QUALITIES
Failure, suffer 1 point of mortal damage; Ordinary, no Lowlight Vision: Wererats have low light vision. Their
change; Good or Amazing, improve to extremely ill. If eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light.
the hero suffers mortal damage it is treated as if This reduces obscurity penalties they would otherwise
suffered during combat. suffer by 2 steps. This type of vision offers no benefit
Rat Empathy: Communicate with rats and dire rats, and in total darkness.
-2 step bonus on Personality based skill checks against Alternate form: A wererat can assume a bipedal hybrid
rats and dire rats. form or the form of a dire rat. This takes one round,
Scent: Wererats have an excellent sense of smell, and and is usually accompanied by snarling.
normally use this sense when hunting for food. This Curse of Lycanthropy: Any humanoid or giant hit by a
sensory ability allows the wererat to detect approaching wererat’s bite attack in animal or hybrid form must
enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects, and to track succeed on a Constitution feat check or contract
by sense of smell. The wererat can identify familiar lycanthropy.
odours just as others do by sight. Disease: See wererat hybrid entry.
The wererat can detect opponents within 10 meters Rat Empathy: Communicate with rats and dire rats,
by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range and -2 step bonus on Personality based skill checks
increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is downwind the against rats and dire rats.
range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong scents such as Scent: See wererat hybrid entry.
smoke or rotting garbage can be detected at twice the
normal range. Overpowering scents such as skunk
musk or troglodyte stench can be detected at three
times the normal range.
When the wererat detects a scent, the exact
location is not revealed; only its presence somewhere
within range. With an action the wererat can note the
direction of the scent and if he moves within 5 meters of
the source he can pinpoint the source as well.
A wererat with the scent ability can follow tracks by
smell. The same common modifiers apply to the track
skill check except that modifiers for Clues, Urban
conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are ignored. This
ability when used to track can also ignore penalties for


Strength 8 Intelligence 9
Dexterity 14 Will 9
Constitution 11 Personality 7
Durability: 11/11/6/6 Action check: 14/7/3
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Move: Sprint 36, Run 24, Walk 8,
Moral Attitude: Corrupt Wolves are pack hunters known for their
Size: Small persistence and cunning.
A favourite tactic is to send a few individuals
Attacks against the foe’s front while the rest of the pack circles
and attacks from the flanks or rear.
A WOLF A typical worg has gray or black fur, grows to 5 feet
Strength 11 Intelligence 2 long and stands 3 feet tall at the shoulder. It weighs 300
Dexterity 12 Will 10 pounds.
More intelligent than their smaller cousins, worgs
Constitution 12 Personality 6
speak their own language. Some can also speak
Durability: 12/12/6/6 Action check: 11+/10/5/2 Common and Goblin.
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
Move: Sprint 44, Run 24, Walk 8,
Moral Attitude: Neutral
Size: Medium

Bite 13/6/3 d4+1w/dw+2w/d4+3w Li/O

+1 Strength Resistance Modifier

Wolves have the following skills:
Athletics – Jump 1 12/6/3
Unarmed attack – Brawl 2 13/6/3
Acrobatics – Dodge 1 13/6/3
Stealth – Hide 1 13/6/3
Sneak 2 14/7/3
Stamina – Endurance 1 13/6/3
Awareness – Perception 3 15/7/4
Investigate – Search 1 11/5/2 Mated pairs or packs work together to bring down
Track 1 11/5/2 large game, while lone worgs usually chase down
Resolve 10/5/2 creatures smaller than themselves. Both often use hit-
SPECIAL QUALITIES and-run tactics to exhaust their quarry. A pack usually
Lowlight Vision: Wolves have low light vision. Their circles a larger opponent: Each wolf attacks in turn,
eyes are extraordinarily sensitive to ambient light. This biting and retreating, until the creature is exhausted, at
reduces obscurity penalties they would otherwise suffer which point the pack moves in for the kill. If they get
by 2 steps. This type of vision offers no benefit in total impatient or heavily outnumber the opponent, worgs
darkness. attempt to pin it.
Scent: Wolves have an excellent sense of smell, and
normally use this sense when hunting for food. This A WORG
sensory ability allows the wolf to detect approaching Strength 13 Intelligence 6
enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects, and to track Dexterity 12 Will 11
by sense of smell. The wolf can identify familiar odours Constitution 12 Personality 9
just as others do by sight.
Durability: 12/12/6/6 Action check: 12+/11/6/3
The wolf can detect opponents within 10 meters by
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 2
sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range
increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is downwind the Move: Sprint 48, Run 26, Walk 10,
range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong scents such as Moral Attitude: Neutral
smoke or rotting garbage can be detected at twice the Size: Medium
normal range. Overpowering scents such as skunk
musk or troglodyte stench can be detected at three Attacks
times the normal range. Bite 15/7/3 d4+2w/d6w+2w/d6+4w Li/O
When the wolf detects a scent, the exact location is
not revealed; only its presence somewhere within Defences
range. With an action the Wolf can note the direction of +2 Strength Resistance Modifier
the scent and if he moves within 5 meters of the source +1 Dexterity Resistance Modifier
he can pinpoint the source as well.
A wolf with the scent ability can follow tracks by
smell. The same common modifiers apply to the track SKILLS
skill check except that modifiers for Clues, Urban Worgs have the following skills:
conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are ignored. This Athletics – Jump 1 14/7/3
ability when used to track can also ignore penalties for Unarmed attack – Brawl 2 15/7/3
visibility. Acrobatics – Dodge 2 14/7/3
Trip: Wolves can trip opponents in combat. Whenever a Stealth – Hide 2 14/7/3
wolf hits an opponent with their bite attack, the Sneak 3 15/7/3
opponent must make a Strength feat check and add the Stamina – Endurance 2 14/7/3
wolf’s strength resistance modifier (+1). If the opponent Awareness – Perception 3 14/7/3 -1 step
fails, then the wolf has managed to trip the opponent, Investigate – Search 1 12/6/3
and they become prone. Track 2 13/6/3
Resolve 11/5/2


Darkvision: Worgs have dark vision which has a range
of 20m, allowing them to see in total darkness. What
is seen appears only as ‘Black and white’, and is in Zombies are slow, but the magic that powers
contrast meaning that what is normally dark appears them grants the zombie unnatural strength, and they
bright, and what is bright appears dark. are very tough. They usually use their powerful slam
Scent: Worgs have an excellent sense of smell, and attack when confronting foes, but are often given a
normally use this sense when hunting for food. This simple club.
sensory ability allows the worg to detect approaching
enemies, sniff out hidden foes or objects, and to track A SMALL ZOMBIE (KOBOLD)
by sense of smell. The worg can identify familiar odours Strength 8 Intelligence 0
just as others do by sight. Dexterity 8 Will 9
The worg can detect opponents within 10 meters by Constitution 8 Personality 1
sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range
Durability: 0/16/0/4* Action check: 5/2/1
increases to 20 meters. If the opponent is downwind the
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 1
range is reduced to 5 meters. Strong scents such as
smoke or rotting garbage can be detected at twice the Move: Walk 4
normal range. Overpowering scents such as skunk Moral Attitude: None
musk or troglodyte stench can be detected at three Size: Small
times the normal range.
When the worg detects a scent, the exact location is Attacks
not revealed; only its presence somewhere within Club 8/4/2 d4+1s/d4w/d4+1w Li/O
range. With an action the Worg can note the direction of +1 step (U)
the scent and if he moves within 5 meters of the source Slam 8/4/2 d4s/d4w/d4+1w Li/O
he can pinpoint the source as well. +1 step (U)
A worg with the scent ability can follow tracks by
smell. The same common modifiers apply to the track DEFENCes
skill check except that modifiers for Clues, Urban +1 Strength Resistance Modifier
conditions, and Soft or Hard ground are ignored. This
ability when used to track can also ignore penalties for
Small sized zombies have the following skills:
Trip: Wolves can trip opponents in combat. Whenever a
Athletics 8/4/2 +1 step (U)
worg hits an opponent with their bite attack, the
Melee Weapons 8/4/2 +1 step (U)
opponent must make a Strength feat check and add the
worg’s strength resistance modifier (+2). If the Unarmed 8/4/2 +1 step (U)
opponent fails, then the worg has managed to trip the Stamina – Endurance 1 9/4/2
opponent, and they become prone. Awareness – Perception 1 10/52


ZOMBIE Strength
Constitution 10 Personality 1
Durability: 0/20/0/5* Action check: 5/2/1
Last Resorts: 0 # Actions: 1
Move: Walk 4
Moral Attitude: None
Size: Medium

Club 11/5/2 d4+2s/d4w+1w/d4+2w Li/O
Slam 11/5/2 d4+1s/d4+1w/d4+2w Li/O

+2 Strength Resistance Modifier

Medium sized zombies have the following skills:
Athletics 11/5/2 +1 step (U)
Melee Weapons 11/5/2 +1 step (U)
Unarmed 12/6/3 +1 step (U)
Stamina – Endurance 1 11/5/2
Awareness – Perception 1 10/5/2

Toughened Durability: Zombies are even tougher
than most other undead, and so do not have stun or
A zombie is the result of foul magics being used to mortal wounds, and are therefore immune to stun
raise the body of the recently deceased, and retains the damage. Mortals translate across at a ratio of 1 mortal
visage of humanity. However, it continues to equals 1 wounds. Instead they have 2 times their
decompose, albeit at a slower rate, making even the constitution in wound. Once this wound total is used
hardened adventurer a little ill. up, the zombie is destroyed.
Undead: Zombies are undead, and therefore pass any
stamina checks, as well as any Resolve checks. They
are immune to mind affecting spells. They are also
immune to venoms and poisons.
Tough as Nails: Zombies gain an extra +1 Strength
Resistance bonus. This is included in the tables above.

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pFad - Phonifier reborn

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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy