Project Report P-7
Project Report P-7
Project Report P-7
A Report On
Under subject of
Design engineering – 1A
1. Certificate 2
2. List of figures 3
3. Table of contents 4
4. Introduction 5
5. Project background 8
6. Abstract 10
7. List of components 12
8. Component description 13
9. GSM Module 18
11. Accident detection and 20
12. Ultrasonic sensor 21
13. Arduino Nano 21
14. LED 21
15. Vehicle accident 22
identification System
16. Hardware design 23
17. Software design 26
19. Advantages 28
20. Conclusion 28
In the upgrading countries accident is the major cause of death. If we
talk about dangerous roads in the world then all of them are mountain roads
and curve roads. The intensity of the deaths are more in curved roads. In the
mountain roads there will be narrow roads with tight curves. In such kinds
of situations the driver of a vehicle cannot see vehicles coming from other
side. Because of this problem thousands of people lose their lives each year.
while we are talking about mountain roads here other side might be lead to
a cliff.
There are many dangerous roads in the world like mountain roads,
narrow curve roads, T roads. In these someb mountain roads will be very narrow
and they contain so many curves.
For example Kinnaur road in Himachal Pradesh, Zoji La Pass in the Himalayas,
the Road of Death Bolivia, Fairy Meadows Road Some roads have tight curve
with steep climbing. In such kind of situation the driver of the vehicle is not able
to see the vehicle coming from other side and this can be a cause of accident at
mountain roads/hill roads coming from the other side[3].
The GPS based vehicle Accident identification module contains GSM module
and a GPS module connected to the Arduino Uno.GSM is used to establish
cellular connection and GPS is used to trace the position of vehicle. Now-a-days
it is tought to know that an accident has occurred and to locate accidental spot.
Road safety is a multi-sectoral and multi-dimensional issue. It incorporates the
development and management of road infrastructure, provision of safer
vehicles, legislation and law enforcement, mobility planning, provision of
health and hospital services, etc. Road safety includes road infrastructure,
vehicular issues, provision of health and hospital services for trauma cases.
Road safety is a shared responsibility of the government and a range of civil
society stakeholders. The success of road safety strategies in all countries
depends upon a broad base of support and common action from all stakeholders.
Road traffic accidents (RTA) are responsible for 1.2 million deaths worldwide
each year. Moreover, more than 50 millions of people are injured and become
permanently disabled. The golden hour philosophy, which was introduced by
Dr. R. Adams Cowley in 1961, recognizes that casualties will have a much
poorer chance of survival if they are not delivered to definitive care within one
hour from the time of the accident. The golden hour includes the time taken for
callout, travel to the incident site, extrication and transport of the patient to
hospital. This time-scale has no provision for a lengthy extrication time at the
accident scene, if lives are to be saved without much morbidity. In developing
countries where traffic management services are not well developed and due to
overpopulation, the incidence of accidents is higher than in developed countries.
The most commonly affected population in road traffic accidents are
pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and users of public transport.
From the data analysis and physical verification of these ‘black spots’ the major
reasons for such high probability for accidents are mainly due to the following
Majority of the drivers have a tendency to overtake on curves which leads
to accidents since when the drivers try to overtake on a blind curve the
overtaking sight distance (OSD) is almost negligible.
Narrow curves are provided due to the topography of the area. A driver
while driving on these curves must slow down the vehicle but in many
cases due to inexperience of drivers or any other causes, results in
accidents as high speed on these narrow curves often lead to overturning
of the vehicle
The solution for this problem is alerting driver about the vehicle
coming from other side. One of the solution is proposed in this paper. We can
alert driver by placing ultrasonic sensor in one side of the road before the curve
and keeping LED light other side of the curve, so that if vehicle comes from one
end of the curve sensor will sense the vehicle and LED light glows at the
opposite side as Red.
By looking at the Red LED light driver can become alert and
can slow down the speed of the vehicle. And still if an accident occurs we
can save the life of victim by giving medical assistance immediately. This
can increase the survival chances of victim. but this can happen only when
we know the exact location of accidental place. This paper presents an
inexpensive but intelligent framework that can identify and report an
accident to the family
With speed breaker power generator. Automatic signal for
hairpin bend and hill side road turns. Hair pin bend sign with opposite or
upcoming vehicle alert siren to active the person . Hairpin bend accidents
occur mostly because of the driver unable to see the vehicle coming from
the opposite sides of the road curves.
The main motive of this project is to find the accident spot of any
place and make alert to family member through the GPS and GSM network.
Accident detection and prevention system contains ultrasonic sensor for sensing
objects and passing information to the Arduino nano. LED is connected Arduino
nano which will blow as Red after detection of object and it will alert the driver
of the vehicle.
Automatic Signal Alert for Preventing Accidents in Bend
Roads.With speed breaker power generator.Automatic signal for bend and hill
side road turns. Pin bend sign with opposite or upcoming vehicle alert siren to
active the person .pin bend accidents occur mostly because of the driver unable
to see the vehicle coming from the opposite sides of the road curves. Our system
uses sensors to detect any vehicles reaching hair pin bend and alerts
immediately on other side vehicles by red signal and also producing alert sound.
If bend road is clear green signal is produced. Thus this system provides safety
for drivers to prevent hill side accidents and ride safely in hill side roads..
Dangerous hair pin bend and hair pin bend accident in road curves.
Like this…
Figure Figure
No. Description
1. The number of deaths and disabilities in Uttarakhand and
hilly districts
2. accidents are mainly due to the following reasons:
3. Circuit diagram
4. IR module circuit diagram
5. Flow chart Vehicle accident identification module
6. Block diagram of Accident detection and prevention
7. Flowchart for working principle of sensor based accident
prevention system
8. Block diagram of Vehicle accident identification system.
1. 2 IR module
2. 2 2N2222A transistor
3. 2 buzzers
4. 2 7805 regulator
5. 6 220 ohm resistor
6. 2 red LED
7. 2 green LED
8. 2 zero PCB
9. 1 meter belt wire
10. 2 9-volt battery
11. 2 Battery cap
12. 2 Switch
Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time, act to
lower voltage levels within circuits. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to
limit current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active elements, and terminate
transmission lines among other uses.
6. LED
LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. LEDs began as exciting but expensive
electronic components in the sixties, used in handheld calculators and other
similar devices. Through research and development, LED technology
advanced, became more efficient and less expensive, until it reached its current
That is a multipurpose PCB or we could say that Zero board PCB is a copper
clad laminated plank used in various digital fields for circuit designing and
testing. The pcb is widely used in various project testing and designing
including electric and electronics jobs, AVR/arduino/raspberry-pi systems,
GSM module:
We have used Micro controller(Arduino Uno),GSM module(SIM 900) and
button as show in fig 4. GSM module has 4 pins .They are VCC, GND, TX and
RX. Here TX pin is output pin and RX is input pin. We are connecting TX pin
of GSM module to pin no 7 and RX pin to pin no 8 of arduino uno and VCC
and GND pins to respected VCC and GND pins of arduino uno. If in case
accident occurs button will get pressed which is placed at bonnet side of
vehicle.This will send the signal to the Microcontroller arduino
uno.Microcontroller will process the signal and it will send the alert message
(“Accident has occurred”) to the respected stored number in coding.
In the above flow chart as explain if accident occurred,button will get pressed
and it will send signal to Arduino Uno. Arduino will process this signal and
using GSM and GPS module it will send alert message and location to the
respected stored numbers.
1. Aravinda B, Chaithralakshmi C, Deeksha, Ashutha K[1] from their
report, it is concluded Accident prevention in U-turn, S-turn, hilly Ghats and
mountain roads using modern sensor technology, Which uses Aurdino UNO,
Ultrasonic sensor, RF module LED etc.
2. R.Saranya, R.Arun Kumar [2] This paper conclude that, Accidents may
takes place in various factors drunk and driving, Texting while driving,
Speeding, Distractions, Sleeping while driving. Among Drowsiness is reason
for most of the accidents.While driving at the speed of 100km/hr. driver falls
sleepy within 4 seconds the buzzer will enables.
3. Ranga Sridhar Gala [3] has studied the basic aim of their paper is to
reduce accidents on hilly and slippery roads. In curve roads the other road end
of vehicle cannot seen by driver. At night time accidents may happens by
intensity of head light from opposite side of vehicles. Also, the light intensity
problem occurs both curved roads and mountain roads; Thousands of people
lose their lives. The solution for this problem is alerting the driver about the
vehicle coming from opposite side. This is done by keeping an ultrasonic
sensor in one side of the road before the curve and keeping a LED light after
the curve, so that if vehicle comes from one end of the curve sensor senses and
LED light glows at the opposite side.
4. Kartik Venkata Mutya, Sandeep Rudra [4] has studied that road traffic
accidents are being recognized as a major public health problem in numerous
countries with alarmingly increasing fatalities in developing countries.
Careless driving as a result of excessive waiting and blind corners is attributed
as one of the most important factor for all road accidents. An estimated 1.2
million people lose their lives in road traffic crashes every year, and another 20
to 50 million are injured. A docile, economical mechanism to prevent these
road accidents is the need of the hour. It is hoped that the mechanism presented
in this article would help in alleviating this concern especially in
correspondence with large vehicle accidents on highways by being easily
implemented in low and middle income countries.
A. Ultrasonic sensor:
Ultrasonic sensor(HCSR 04) uses +5V DC supply. Its range is from 2 cm to 100
cm. Ultrasonic sensor has 4 pins. They are +5V, VCC, GND, Trig pin and Echo
pin. Here Trigger pin is output pin and Echo pin is input pin. Ultrasonic sensor
sends the signal in the form of pulses from trigger pin. When this signal hit the
object it will get reflected back and is received by the echo pin.
B. Adruino Nano:
The trig pin of ultrasonic sensor is connected to the digital pin 7 of Arduino
nano and echo pin is connected to digital pin 8.VCC is connected to +5V and
GND is connected to GND of Arduino nano. Red LED is connected to pin
number 12 and green LED to 13 of Arduino nano. When sensor detect object,it
sends signal to the Adruino Nano. Adruino process this signal and send signal
to LED with Red LED indication.
Initially Green LED blows indicating that there is no obstacle at other side of
the curve. If any obstactal comes between mountain and ultrasonic sensor Red
LED blow for half minute indicating object at other side.
This device is placed at vehicle. It contains GSM module, GPS module Arduino
Uno and Button.
A. Button:
We are using one button at the bonnet side of the vehicle .If accident
occurs, this button will get pressed and it will send signal to Arduino
B. Arduino Uno:
Arduino will process this signal and it will send the signal to the GSM
and GPS module indicating that accident has occured.
The design of this system mainly consists of two parts; they are hardware
design and software design. Hardware design consists of sensors like ultrasonic
sensor, a microcontroller and LED. Ultrasonic sensor uses +5V DC supply. Its
range is from 2 cm to 100 cm. Microcontroller Software design is done for
sensing the vehicle or obstacle and to operate the LED by using Arduino 1.0.5
IDE tool which is open source software. Programming can be done by using
embedded C or C++. Operating system that we used is windows 8. The LED
light here we used is of green colour and uses maximum +5V DC supply.
A. Hardware Design
We have used Microcontroller (Arduino UNO), LED light and ultrasonic sensor
as shown in fig.
2. The sending andreceiving function of ultrasonic sensor is almost same as that
of bat Ultrasonic sensor has 4 pins. They are +5V VCC, GND, Trig pin and
Echo pin. Here Trigger pin is output pin and Echo pin is input pin. Ultrasonic
sensor sends the signal in the form of pulses from trigger pin.
When this signal hit the object it will get reflected back and is
received by the echo pin. From echo the signal is sent to microcontroller arduino
UNO. Microcontroller arduino UNO processes this data and operates the LED
which is connected to output pin of the microcontroller arduino UNO. LED is
operated according to the command i.e. LED will glow if the signal is reflected
back. In the absence of the object the signal will not reflect back. Hence the
LED will not glow. The simple block diagram is shown in the figure 2. The trig
pin of ultrasonic sensor is connected to the digital pin 9 of microcontroller
arduino UNO and echo pin is connected to digital pin 6. VCC is connected to
+5V and GND is connected to GND of microcontroller arduino UNO. LED is
connected to pin number 12 of microcontroller arduino UNO. In the presence
of vehicle the sensor senses the vehicle; the light will glow at the other end of
the curve. In the absence of the vehicle the sensor will not sense and the light
will not glow. This process repeats continuously.
Flowchart for working principle of sensor based accident prevention system.
We have used fritzing app for simulation and designing purpose of the
circuit. Figure 4 shows the circuit design, and figure 5 shows the schematic
diagram. Fritzing is open source software developed by University Of Applied
Sciences Of Potsdam. Using this software we can obtain Circuit sketch,
schematic diagram and PCB design. This software can also use for writing code
for various arduino boards.
Circuit Design of components sensor based accident prevention
Schematic diagram sensor based accident prevention System.
B. Software Design
Fig. shows the flowchart of software design of microcontroller which is
programmed by using Arduino 1.0.5 IDE tool which is open source software.
Programming can be done by using embedded C. Operating system that we used
is windows 8. As shown in the flowchart first initialize the trigger (9) and echo
(6) pin to input and LED (12) pin to the output. Then send pulse through trigger
and then receive it through echo. Convert the received value into distance. If the
distance is in range, time delay is set to 300 else no actions are taken and the
process is continued. Next check if time delay is zero if it satisfies the condition
then turnoff LED if it does not satisfy the condition then turn on LED and
decrease the value of time delay by one.
Flow chart for software design of sensor based accident prkevention system.
1. Avoid accidents in curve roads mountains roads and hill roads.
2. Saves thousands of lives.
3. Easily implementable to the existing roads.
4 .Fully automated (No person is required to operate).
5. Installation cost is very less.
6. Vehicle monitoring systems can be implemented easily
7.Easily implementable.