Procedure - GCC - Building Permit

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Planning Permit / Building Permit

The following procedure is applicable for obtaining planning permission

and building permit for the following types of buildings

Stilt + 3 floors / Ground floor plus Two floors

1 Residential with 16 dwelling units up to a height of 12
meters with 10,000 Sq.ft area.

Stilt + 3 floors / Ground floor Plus Two Floors

2 Commercial up to a height of 12 meters with maximum built
up area of 300 sq.m.

Industries as Maximum height of 18.30 meters with:

industry/ Unlimited built up area
green industry/ Maximum H.P. requirement of 200 H.P.
industry] Maximum of 100 labourers

Maximum height of 18.30 meters with unlimited

4 Institutional
built up area.

For obtaining planning permission of all other buildings other than those
mentioned above, the applicant has to submit the application in CMDA.

In Sl.No.1 up to 5,000 sq.ft, the planning permission application to be

submitted in online and will be processed in the concerned Zonal

For area above 5,000 sq.ft and up to 10,000 sq.ft the application to be
submitted in online and will be processed in Headquarters, Works

All the application to be submitted in online.

Application procedure and documents required for
planning permission (if applicable) and building permit
S.No. Procedure

The applicant has to register in the citizen portal of

the Greater Chennai Corporation by visiting
The details of the site for which the planning
permission and building permit is required is to be
submitted in the application form.
1 Applicant The applicant also selects the registered architects
/ Registered Engineer, which enables the
application details to be forwarded to the
Registered Architect / Registered Engineer to
prepare the drawings and submit the planning
permission (if applicable) and building permit
application for approval.

The registration made by the applicant for the

approval of planning permission and building
permit application will be forwarded to the selected
Registered Architect / Registered Engineer portal
for further process. The Registered Architect /
Registered Engineer upon receipt of the request
made by the applicant shall make a site visit,
collect all the documents from the applicant,
prepare the drawing, submit it online for auto-
scrutiny to ensure compliance with Development
Architect /
2 Regulations / Building Rules.
Engineer The list of documents collected by the Registered
Architect / Registered Engineer is given
in Annexure 1.
The Registered Architect / Registered Engineer
shall enter the registration details, inspection
document details and Auto-DCR details online.
The application fee is to be paid online by the
Registered Architect / Registered Engineer for
admitting the application.
S.No. Procedure

The application submitted by the Registered

Architect / Registered Engineer will be assigned a
unique application number against which all the
documents submitted online will be received in the
Assistant Executive Engineer’s portal for further
process. The Assistant Executive Engineer shall
make a site visit within 7 days from the date of
receipt of application by selecting a date on the
portal, which will also be intimated to the Licensed
Surveyor and applicant through SMS and e-mail.

During inspection, the plan submitted online is

verified for the following:

1. Site boundary measurements

2. Access to the public road

3. Measurement of the road width

3 Executive 4. Surroundings of the plot to ascertain whether
Engineer the plot abuts any drains, channels, water
bodies etc.

5. Zoning of Land

After making the site visit on the scheduled date,

the Assistant Executive Engineer (AEE) shall submit
the inspection report within 48 hours of site
inspection online, which can be viewed by the
applicant and Registered Architect / Registered

After site inspection, the documents enclosed

online are verified by the Assistant Executive
Engineer. If the plan and information furnished by
the applicant do not provide all the particulars
necessary to process the application satisfactorily
the Assistant Executive Engineer within 15 days
from the date of receipt of plans or application
S.No. Procedure

requires the production of such further particulars

and details as it deems necessary. The message
will be sent through SMS and email. The applicant
or Registered Architect / Registered Engineer shall
upload the requested documents online within 15
days from the date of such request made, else the
application shall be processed with the available

If the documents enclosed are sufficient for

approval, the planning permission (if applicable)
and building permit application shall be submitted
for approval to the Executive Engineer.

If any further clarification / documents required by

Executive Engineer, the application will be sent
back to the Assistant Executive Engineer through
the portal.

On receipt of the intimation for requirement of

documents / clarification sought, the Assistant
Executive Engineer shall intimate the
clarification/documents to the applicant.
After receipt of the documents / clarification from
4 the applicant or Registered Architect / Registered
Engineer, the application will be submitted to
Executive Engineer for approval.

If the documents and plan satisfies the

requirement of the Executive Engineer, the
application will be approved in online and the
“Demand Advice” is generated. SMS and e-mail is
sent to the applicant requesting to make the
payment either in online or by way of the Demand

5 Applicant The applicant shall make the payment online

S.No. Procedure

Verifies the payment done by the applicant and
6 Executive
forwards the application to the Executive Engineer.

7 Approves the fees verified by AEE.

Generate the final building permit online. The

applicant will be informed of the approval through
8 Executive
SMS and e-mail.
Applicant shall download the certificate online.

Executive Verify the plan final permit and approved plan in

Engineer issued.
Annexure - 1

Checklist of documents to be submitted for Planning Permission

/ Building Permit

1. Copy of documents (sale deed / lease deed / power of attorney)

self-attested by the applicant.

2. Patta and adangal details attested by Deputy Tahsildar, if the

details are not available in the database of revenue department.

3. Field Measurement Book (FMB) / Town Survey sketch attested by

competent official of concerned department.

4. Copy of Patta / Chitta / Town Survey Land Records (TSLR) in

owner’s name.

5. Encumbrance certificate for 13 years (in copy obtained up to the

date which is not prior to 7 days from the date of submitting

6. Death and Legal heirship certificate if any.

7. Will Document or probated will copy, if applicable.

8. If the building is proposed to be located within 15 meters distance

from the boundary of a water body or any channel (or) any type of
water course the applicant shall submit an undertaking that
necessary satisfactory arrangements would be made not to
discharge any effluent into the nearby water body and
contaminate it.

9. If the applicant proposes to put up a culvert across the channel /

water course, then NOC of the concerned Government agency
which is responsible for maintaining the water course has to be
10. If the site lies within a distance of 30 m from Railway property
boundary, NOC from Railways has to be obtained.

11. If the site lies within a distance of 50 m on either side of Chennai

Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) alignment, NOC from CMRL is required.

12. NOC from Civil Aviation department (if required as per special rules
for the vicinity of Civil Aerodromes), NOC from the competent
authority of Air Force (if required as per the notification / order of
the concerned Air Force Authority in respect of the area in the
vicinity of Air Force Stations).

13. Structural stability certificate in Form A,B,C duly signed by the

owner and including the Architect & Structural design engineer
along with their seal and registration number.

14. NOC from Fire and Rescue Service Department.

15. For applications under Green Channel, following documents shall

be submitted:

(i) Form duly filled in for certificate of work as per structural

design sufficiency, Affidavit of undertaking by developer,
architect, structural engineer about the structural stability

(ii) Form duly filled in for supervision.

(iii) Form duly filled in for certificate of work as per structural

safety requirements.

16. Drawing related checklist points

17. Sewage treatment plan details shown in the Building Plan.

1.2 Checklist of documents to be submitted if the plot / land is
in approved industrial layout by SIPCOT / SIDCO:

1. Copy of documents (sale deed / lease deed / power of attorney)

self - attested by the applicant.

2. Encumbrance certificate for 13 years (in copy obtained up to the

date which is not prior to 7 days from the date of submitting

3. Death and Legal heirship certificate if any.

4. Will document or probated will copy, if applicable.

5. If the applicant proposes to put up a culvert across the channel /

water course, then NOC of the concerned Government agency
which is responsible for maintaining the water course has to be

6. Structural stability certificate in Form A, B, C duly signed by the

owner and including the Architect & Structural design engineer
along with their seal and registration number

7. NOC from Fire Service department if required.

8. If the site lies within a distance of 50 m on either side of Chennai

Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) alignment NOC from CMRL.

9. Drawing related checklist points:

(a) Rain water harvesting system shown in the Building Plan.

(b) Sewage treatment plan details shown in the Building Plan.

10. Copy of previously approved plan, if any.

Annexure 2

Undertaking if the building is proposed to be located within 15

meters distance from the boundary of a water body

This deed of undertaking executed at Chennai on the …………. day of

……………….. 20 by Thiru./Tmt / Selvi ……………………………………
Son/Daughter / Wife of ………………. aged …………….. years residing at ..
………………………………………………………………….. infavour of the Greater
Chennai Corporation witness as follows:

1. I have applied for the planning permission for construction at

……………………………………………………………………. by submitting
application. The proposed building is located within 15 meters
from the boundary of water body / channel / water course.
2. I assure that I will make necessary satisfactory arrangements and
would not discharge any effluent into the nearby water body /
channel / water course and contaminate it.

Signature of Applicant / Owner

Annexure 3


(To be submitted before issue of Planning Permission)

I hereby certify that the development / erection / re-erection or for making

alternation in the …………………………………………………………………


………………………………………………………………………………………. shall be carried out under

our supervision and we certify that all the materials (type and grade) and the

workmanship of the work shall be generally in accordance with the general and detailed

specifications, as per NBC standards and to meet out the structural design of the

proposed building.
We undertake not to continue construction without any supervision by the Site Engineer
and submit the respect to the local body.

1. Signature of Architect
Name of the Architect with Reg.No.
Address of the Architect

2. Signature of Structural Engineer

Name of the Structural Engineer with Reg.No.
Address of the Structural Engineer

3. Signature of Site Engineer

Name of the Engineer with Reg.No.
Address of the Site Engineer


I certify to engage the above mentioned Engineers for the active period of
building execution and I hereby assure to give revised certificate, in case of any change
of Engineer, I would ensure no work is taken up in this period till required Engineers
are engaged by me.

In case construction is entrusted by a builders’ agreement to a 3rd party, I would

undertake to include is these conditions as part of the agreement.

Signature of Applicant / Owner


With respect to the building proposed construction residential apartments of



………………………………… we certify that the structural plan of the building meet the

structural safety requirements for the situations including natural disasters, as

applicable, as stipulated under part 6 structural design of the national building code of

the India and other relevant codes, the design as been done after detailed soil test and

we are satisfied as to be adequacy of soil test carried out and the information given

there in is factually correct to the best of our knowledge and understanding.

The land is fit for the proposed construction, it has been tested vide soil test report no.


Signature of owner / Signature of Registered Engineer

Builder with date Structural Engineer with Reg.No.

Signature of Architect with Signature of Geo Tech Expert

Reg.No. with Reg.No of the Company

It is certified that the proposed residential building at


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. is

designed to resist earthquake, check has been made and found safe and I hereby

certify that:

1. The minimum grade of concrete is M25.

2. The design and analysis using the code of practice for loading standards as

per IS-875 Part – I to V and seismic force as per code IS-1893, is carried out.

The building will be sound and stable when used for the purpose for which it is


Signature of Structural Engineer

With Reg. No.
Building Plan Approval Process
in Greater Chennai Corporation
 Greater Chennai Corporation is issuing planning permits under the
Delegation of Powers issued by the Member-Secretary, Chennai
Metropolitan Development Authority for the Non-High Rise up to an
height of 12.0 m [Stilt + 3 floors (or) Ground + 2 floors - dwelling
unit not exceeding 16 Kitchen units and commercial area not
exceeding 300 sq.m floor area]. Industrial building & Institutional
building up to a height of 18.30 meters.

 Greater Chennai Corporation issues building permit to all type of

buildings including for which the planning permissions are issued by

 The application in this regard are to be submitted in respective Zonal

Officer / Head Quarters.

As Below:

Place where Powers

Description applications to Delegated to
be received Sanction

Zonal Executive
Planning permission / Building
Engineers (stilt
Permit for Residential & Respective
1 + 2 floors)
Commercial buildings up to Zonal Office
Regional S.E.
5,000 sq.ft FSI area
(stilt + 3 floors)
Planning permission for
Respective Zonal Executive
2 Demolition Application
Zonal Office Engineers
(unlimited area).

Planning permission for Chief Engineer
3 Works
subdivision or layout of land (SWM & TP)

All planning permission /

Building permit for Residential Headquarters,
Chief Engineer
4 and commercial development Works
(SWM & TP)
above 5,000 sq.ft upto 10,000 Department
sq.ft FSI area.
All Planning Permission /
Building Permit for Headquarters,
Chief Engineer
5 Institutional buildings up to Works
(SWM & TP)
18.30 m height and unlimited Department
To obtain orders
Headquarters, from the
Reclassification application for
6 Works Commissioner,
change of land use
Department for forwarding to

Building Application (Planning Headquarters,

Chief Engineer
7 Permission Approved by Works
(SWM & TP)
CMDA) with unlimited area. Department

 The structural design details to be enclosed are to be certified by the

Registered Structural Engineer. Based on the design furnished by the
Structural Engineer the approval is issued. If it is found that the
design details and execution of work is not as per the standards
during construction or after construction the Structural Engineer and
the applicant shall be held responsible and the registration of the
Structural shall for summarily rejected.
 The Structural design shall be vetted by Anna University / IIT / Public
Works Department for High Rise Buildings.

 To make the processing of the planning permission application easier

the whole system of processing are computerized. Each and every
stage of the processing of the applications are being entered in
computer. The applicants / land owners can view the various stage of
their application in the website of Greater Chennai Corporation by
referring the application number allotted to them while submission.

 Moreover SMS alerts / e-mails are sent to the applicants / land owner
at each stages. The applicant can act immediately if a letter is sent
requesting to furnish additional documents / particulars by seeing the
SMS alerts / e-mails. Further if it is sanctioned, the necessary fees to
be paid are made known, so that the applicant can make the
payment immediately and obtain the permits.

 The plans are submitted online for checking for provisions in Tamil
Nadu Combined Development & Building Rules, 2019 and any
correction required are informed through online. The applicants shall
make the necessary corrections and submit the plan for scrutiny. The
Auto-DCR software is used for scrutiny of the plan submitted online.

 A Checklist is used for verification of the documents while submission

of the planning permission application.

 The site for which the planning permission applications / building

applications are submitted by the applicant will be inspected by
Officials of Greater Chennai Corporation within 7 days from the date
of submission of the planning permission application / building
 If any documents / clarification are further required, it is intimated in
online and applicant has to furnish the same in online. On receipt of
the requested documents / clarifications the application is further
processed and approval issued.

 If the requested documents / clarification are not furnished by the

applicant within the prescribed time the application is returned
unapproved, stating the reason for the same.

 On receipt of the payment for the demand advice the planning permit
/ building permit are issued. The SMS alerts / email are sent to the
applicant once the permit are ready.


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