Raport: Lucrare de Laborator 4
Raport: Lucrare de Laborator 4
Raport: Lucrare de Laborator 4
Lucrare de laborator № 4
La disciplina: EPDTRM
“ Studiul modului de utilizare a monitorului de pacient
Multi-Parameter Monitor Progetti PG M9000”
Chişinău 2015
Scopul lucrării:
1. Caracteristicile monitorului
With its 12’’ LCD display, this monitor becomes an ideal device to take on the challenge of the
transportation and monitoring of the critical patient. This monitor, that can be connected to a
monitoring station, perfectly meets the needs of any hospital ward.
This product has been discontinued. The Venni 12.1” Multi-parameter Patient Monitor is a
recommended alternative.
Technical Specifications
o Range: 0-100%
o Accuracy: ±2% (70%~100%);
o ±3%(35%~ 69%)
o Unspecified (0~34%)
o Range & Accuracy of Pulse Rate : 20~250BPM ± 1BPM
o Channel : 2 channels
o Range : 0~50°
o Unit : Celsius, Fahrenheit
o Resolution : 0.1°
o Accuracy : ±0.1° (25°~50°)
o Alarm Range : 0~50°
o Channel : 2 channels
o Range : -50~300 mmHg
o Resolution : 1 mmHg
o Accuracy : ±2 mmHg (±2%) without probe, ±4 mmHg (±2%) with probe
o Unit : mmHg , Kpa
o Converter sensitivity: 5 uV/V/mmHg
o Names of pressures: ART/PA/CVP/LAP/RAP/ICP
EtCO2 (side stream)
Technical Specifications
o 3-year warranty
Mersul lucrarii:
2.Se conecteaza monitorul de pacient la pacient si anume manjeta pentru masurarea presiunii
arteriale si traductorul pentru fotopletismografei.