Password Cracking: Wire Sniffing: Ethical Hacking Associate Information Security Threats Attacks

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Ethical Hacking Associate

Information Security Threats and Attacks

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Password Cracking: Wire Sniffing

A packet Sniffer tool is seldom used for an attack. This is because a sniffer can work only in a
common collision domain. Common collision domains are not connected by a switch or
bridge. All the hosts on that network are also not switched or bridged in the network
As sniffers gather packets at the Data Link Layer, they can grab all packets on the LAN of the
machine that is running the Sniffer program. This method is relatively hard to perpetrate and
is computationally complicated.
This is because a network with a hub implements a broadcast medium that all systems share
on the LAN. Any data sent across the LAN is actually sent to each and every machine
connected to the LAN. If an attacker runs a Sniffer on one system on the LAN, he/she can
gather data sent to and from any other system on the LAN. The majority of Sniffer tools are
ideally suited to sniff data in a hub environment. These tools are called passive sniffers as
they passively wait for data to be sent, before capturing the information. They are efficient
at imperceptibly gathering data from the LAN. There are a variety of tools available on the
Internet for passive wire sniffing.

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Password Cracking: Password Sniffing ENA

If an attacker is able to eavesdrop on Windows logins, then this approach can spare
random guesswork

u Sniff credentials Off the wire while logging in to a server and then replay them to gain access

u Password guessing is a tough task


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Password Cracking: Password Sniffing

If password guessing is impossible, the attacker can try to obtain it by adopting sniffing
techniques. Password sniffing is one of the popular methods adopted over local area
networks, as detecting sniffers can be difficult due to their stealthy nature. Sniffers are a
great way to learn more about TCP/IP. Password sniffers help the user to determine how the
size of the packets affects the sequence number and how flags are used. Sniffers can record
any raw data that passes through the network interface. Sniffers operate at a low level so
they can communicate directly with the network in a language that it understands.
Most networks use broadcast technology; which means that every other computer on the
network can capture every message emanating from any computer on the network.
Normally, other computers do not take the message, as the intended recipient's Mac address
does not match their Mac address. All computers excluding the receiver of that message will
identify that it is not for them, and so they ignore it. However, if a system has a Sniffer
program running on it, it can scan all the messages, which traverse the network looking for
passwords and other sensitive information. For instance, if a user logs into a computer across
the network, and the attacker's system is running a Sniffer program, the attacker can sniff out
login information such as user name and its corresponding password. This makes it easy for
the attacker to login to the target system as an authentic user and compromise it further.
This technique is called password sniffing.

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Password Cracking: Man-in-the-Middle and Replay Attack ENA

In a MITM attack, the attacker acquires access to the Considerations: communication
channels between victim and server to extract the information 1. Relatively hard to
In a replay attack, packetsand authentication tokens are 2. Must be trusted by one or both sides
captured usinga sniffer. After the relevant info is 3, Can sometimes be broken by invalidating extracted,
the tokens are placed back on the networkto traffic gain access

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Password Cracking: Man-in-the-Middle and Replay Attack

When two parties are communicating, a man-in-middle attack can take place, in which a
third party intercepts a communication between the two parties without their knowledge.
Meanwhile, the third party eavesdrops on the traffic, and then passes it along. To do so, the
"man in the middle" has to sniff from both sides of the connection simultaneously. In a MITM
attack, the attacker acquires access to the communication channels between victim and
server to extract the information. This type of attack is often used in telnet and wireless
technologies. It is not easy to implement such attacks because of the TCP sequence numbers
and the speed of the communication. This method is relatively hard to perpetrate and can
sometimes be broken by invalidating the traffic.
In a replay attack, packets and authentication tokens are captured using a sniffer. After the
relevant info is extracted, the tokens are placed back on the network to gain access. The
attacker uses this type of attack to replay bank transactions or other similar types of data
transfer, in the hope of replicating and/or altering activities, such as banking deposits or

The attacker creates a list Of all possible

Frequency of attacks is less passwords from the information collected The failure rate is high through social

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Rank Key in each

Find a valid Create a list Of passwords from password, until
user possible passwords high probability correct password is
to discovered
Ethical Hacking Associate
Information Security Threats and Attacks

engineering or any other

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Password Cracking: Password Guessing

Password guessing is one of the password cracking techniques that involves attempting to
log on to the target system with different passwords manually. Guessing is the key element
of manual password cracking. The attacker creates a list of all possible passwords from the
information collected through social engineering or any other way and tries them manually
on the victim's machine to crack the passwords.
The following are the steps involved in password guessing:
Find a valid user
Create a list of possible passwords
Rank passwords from high probability to low
Key in each password, until correct password is discovered
Hackers can crack the passwords manually or by using automated tools, methods, and
algorithms. They can also automate password cracking using a simple FOR loop. A hacker can
also create a script file that tries each password in a list. Still, these techniques are
considered manual cracking. The failure rate of this type of attack is high.
Manual Password-Cracking Algorithm
In its simplest form, this algorithm can automate password guessing using a simple FOR loop.
In the example that follows, an attacker creates a simple text file with user names and
passwords and iterates them using the FOR loop.
The main FOR loop can extract the user names and passwords from the text file, which
serves as a dictionary as it iterates through every line:
[file : credentials . txt]


administrator password

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adminis trator


[Etc .

Type the following commands to access the text file from a directory:
c: /F tokens—I , -ti in (credentials . txt)

More? do net use


More? echo outfile . txt

More? && echo acct: pass: >> outfile.

txt c: outfile. txt

The outfile.txt contains the correct user name and password, if the user name and password
in credentials.txt are correct. An attacker can establish open session with the victim server
using his/her system.

Password Cracking: Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger ENA

Attacker installs Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger on victim's machine to collect victim's user names and

Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger runs in the background and sends back all user credentials to the attacker

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Password Cracking: Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger

A Trojan is a program that masks itself as a benign application. The software initially appears
to perform a desirable or benign function but instead steals information or harms the

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system. With a Trojan, attackers can gain remote access and perform various operations
limited by user privileges on the target computer.
Spyware is a type of malware that attackers install on a computer to secretly gather
information about its users without their knowledge. Spyware hides itself from the user and
can be difficult to detect.
A keylogger is a program that records all user keystrokes without the user's knowledge.
Keyloggers ship the log of user keystrokes to an attacker machine or hide it in the victim's
machine for later retrieval. The attacker then scrutinizes them carefully for finding passwords
or other useful information that could compromise the system.
An attacker installs Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger on a victim's machine to collect the victim's
user names and passwords. These programs run in the background and send back all user
credentials to the attacker.
For example, a key logger on a victim's computer is capable of revealing the contents of all
user emails. The picture given in the slide depicts a scenario describing how an attacker gains
password access using a Trojan/Spyware/Keylogger.

Social Shoulder Dumpster Engineering SurfingDiving

Convincing people to revealLooking at either the user'sSearching for sensitive

information passwordskeyboard or screen while he/shein the user's is
logging intrash-bins, printer trash bins, and user desk for sticky notes

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Non-Electronic Attacks
Non-electronic, or non-technical, attacks do not require technical knowledge of methods of
system intrusion. There are four types of non-electronic attacks: social engineering, shoulder
surfing, keyboard sniffing, and dumpster diving.
Dumpster Diving

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"Dumpster diving" is a key attack method that targets a substantial failure in

computer security. The sensitive information that people crave, protect, and
devotedly secure can be accessed by almost anyone willing to scrutinize garbage.
Looking through the trash is a type of low-tech attack with many implications.
Dumpster diving was actually quite popular in the 1980s. The term itself refers to the
collection of any useful, general information from waste dumps such as trashcans,
curbside containers, and dumpsters. Even today, curious and/or malicious attackers
sometimes find discarded media with password files, manuals, reports, receipts,
credit card numbers, or other sensitive documents.
Examination of waste products from waste dumps can help attackers, and there is
ample evidence to support this concept. Support staff often dumps sensitive
information without a thought regarding as to whose hands it may end up in.
Attackers thus gain unauthorized system access using these methods. Likewise, the
objects found can lead to other types of attacks, such as social engineering.
Shoulder Surfing
Shoulder surfing is a technique through which attackers steal passwords by hovering
near legitimate users and watching them enter their passwords. Attackers simply
watch users' keyboards or screens as they log in, and to see if users refer to, for
example, an object on their desks for written passwords or mnemonics. Obviously,
shoulder surfing is possible only in some proximity to the target.
This type of attack can also occur in a grocery store checkout line, when a potential
victim is swiping a debit card and entering the required PIN (Personal Identification
Number), which is typically only four digits, making it easier to observe.
Social Engineering
In computer security, social engineering is the term applied to a non-technical type of
intrusion that exploits human behavior. Typically, it relies heavily on human
interaction and often involves tricking other people into breaking normal security
procedures. A social engineer runs a "con game" to break security procedures. For
example, an attacker using social engineering to break into a computer network
would try to gain the trust of someone authorized to access the network, and then try
to extract the information that compromises network security. Social engineering is,
in effect, a runthrough used to procure confidential information by deceiving or
swaying people. An attacker can misrepresent himself/herself as a user or system
administrator to obtain a user's password. It is natural for people to be helpful and
trusting. People generally make an effort to build amicable relationships with friends
and colleagues. Social engineers take advantage of this tendency.
Another trait of social engineering relies on the inability of people to keep up with a
culture that relies heavily on information technology. Most people are not aware of
the value of the information they possess and few are careful about protecting it.
Attackers take advantage of this fact. Social engineers will typically search dumpsters
for valuable information. A social engineer would have a tougher time getting the

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Ethical Hacking Associate
Information Security Threats and Attacks

combination to a safe, or to a health-club locker, than a password. The best defense is

to educate, train, and create awareness.

Default Passwords
Default passwords are those supplied by manufacturers with new equipment (e.g. switches,
hubs, routers). Usually, default passwords provided by the manufacturers of
passwordprotected devices allow the user to access the device during initial setup, and then
change the password. But often, an administrator will either forget to set the new password
or ignore the password-change recommendation and continue using the original password.
Attackers can exploit this lapse and find the default password for the target device from
manufacturer websites or using online tools which shows default passwords to successfully
access the target device. Attackers use default passwords in the list of words or dictionary
that they use to perform password guessing attack.
The following are some of the online tools to search default passwords:

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Information Security Threats and Attacks

Password Cracker: LOphtCrack

LOphtCrack is a tool designed to audit password and recover applications. It recovers lost
Microsoft Windows passwords with the help of dictionary, hybrid, rainbow table, and
bruteforce attacks, and it also checks the strength of the password. LOphtCrack helps to
disclose the security defects that are inherent in windows password authentication system.
Some of its important features include scheduling, hash extraction from 64-bit Windows
versions, multiprocessor algorithms, and networks monitoring and decoding.
Operates on networks with Windows systems, including 32- and 64-bit environments,
as well as most BSD and Linux variants with an SSH daemon
Performs scheduled scans depending on the organization's auditing requirements
Offers remediation assistance to system administrators on how to take action against
accounts that have poor passwords on Windows systems
Provides better user interface with more information about each user account,
including password age, lock-out status, and whether the account is disabled, expired,
or never expires

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Displays real-time reports in a separate, tabbed interface and displays auditing results
based on the auditing method, risk severity, and password character sets

Displays password risk status in four different categories: Empty, High Risk, Medium
Risk, and Low Risk
Reports the completion of the various password character sets being audited, including,
Alpha, Alphanumeric, Alphanumeric/Symbol, Alphanumeric/Symbol/lnternational
Reports the overall length of the discovered password by account
Delivers summary report of password statistics such as Locked, Disabled, Expired, or if
the password is older than 180 days
Delivers audit summary for the number of Accounts cracked and the number of
Domains audited
Cracks foreign passwords using foreign character sets for brute-force attacks, as well
as foreign dictionary files

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Password Cracker: Ophcrack

ophcrack is a Windows password cracking tool that uses rainbow tables for cracking
passwords. It comes with a graphical user interface and runs on different operating systems
such as Windows, Linux/Unix, etc.
Cracks LM and NTLM hashes
Brute-force module for simple passwords
Real-time graphs to analyze the passwords

Dumps and loads hashes from encrypted SAM recovered from a Windows partition

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Password Cracker: Cain Abel

Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool that runs on the Microsoft operating system. It
allows you to recover various kinds of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted
passwords using a dictionary, brute-force and cryptanalysis attacks, recording VolP
conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing
password boxes, uncovering cached passwords, and analyzing routing protocols. Cain & Abel
tool recovers passwords and credentials from various sources easily.
It consists of APR (Arp Poison Routing), which enables sniffing on switched LANs and man-
inmiddle attacks. Its sniffer is also capable of analyzing encrypted protocols such as HTTPS
and SSH-I, and contains filters to capture credentials from a wide range of authentication

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RainbowCrack cracks hashes

with rainbow tables. It uses
timememory tradeoff
algorithm to crack hashes '46SIS74

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Password Cracker: RainbowCrack

RainbowCrack cracks hashes with rainbow tables, using a time-memory tradeoff algorithm. A
traditional brute-force cracker cracks hashes differently than a time-memory-tradeoff hash
cracker. The brute-force hash cracker will try all possible plaintexts one by one during
cracking, whereas RainbowCrack pre-computes all possible plaintext hash pairs in the
selected hash algorithm, charset, and plaintext length in advance and stores them in the
"rainbow table" file. It may take a long time to pre-compute the tables, but once the pre-
computation is finished, you will be able to crack the cipher text in the rainbow tables easily
and quickly.
Runs on Windows and Linux operating systems

Provides full time-memory tradeoff tool suites including rainbow table generation,
sort, conversion, and lookup
Offers Unified rainbow table file format on all supported operating systems
Includes command-line user interface and Graphical user interface
Supports computation on multi-core processor
Supports rainbow table o For LM, NTLM, MD5 and SHAI hash algorithms o In raw file
format (.rt) and compact file format (.rtc) of any charset

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How to Defend against Password Cracking? ENA

Enable information security audit to monitor and track password attacks

Do not use the same password during password change

DO not share passwords

DO not use passwords that can be found in a dictionary

2 DO not use cleartext protocols and protocols with weak encryption

3 Set the password change policy to 30 days

Avoid storing passwords in an unsecured location
Do not use any system's default passwords

Copyti%hta hy Ail Rithts Re Aetl, is Strictlw Pmhibited. How to Defend against
Password Cracking?

Best practices to protect against password cracking include:

Enable information security audit to monitor and track password attacks
Do not use the same password during password change
Do not share passwords
Do not use passwords that can be found in a dictionary

Do not use cleartext protocols and protocols with weak encryption

Set the password change policy to 30 days
Avoid storing passwords in an unsecured location
Do not use any system's default passwords
Make passwords hard to guess by using 8 to 12 alphanumeric characters, using a
combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Strong
passwords are hard to guess. The more complex the password, the less it is subject to
Ensure that applications neither store passwords to memory nor write them to disk in
clear text. Passwords are always vulnerable to theft if they are stored in memory.
Once the password becomes known, it is very easy for attackers to escalate their
rights in the application.

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Use a random string (salt) as a password prefix or suffix before encrypting. It nullifies
pre-computation and memorization. Because salt is usually different for each
it is impractical for attackers to construct tables with a single encrypted version of
each candidate password. UNIX systems usually use a 12-bit set.
Enable SYSKEY with a strong password to encrypt and protect the SAM database.
Usually, the password information of user accounts is stored in the SAM database. It
is very easy for password-cracking software to target the SAM database for accessing
passwords. SYSKEY protects password information stored in the SAM data against
password-cracking software through strong encryption techniques. It is more difficult
to crack encrypted passwords than unencrypted ones.
Never use personal information (e.g., birth date, or a spouse's, child's, or pet's name)
to create passwords. Otherwise, it becomes quite easy for those close to you to crack
those passwords.
Monitor the server's logs for brute-force attacks on user accounts. Though brute-
force attacks are difficult to stop, they are easily detectable by monitoring the web
server log. For each unsuccessful login attempt, an HTTP 401 status code is recorded
in the web server logs.
Lock out an account that has been subjected to too many incorrect password guesses.
This provides protection against brute-force and guessing attacks.
Many password sniffers can be successful if LAN manager and NTLM authentication
are used. Disable LAN manager and NTLM authentication protocols only after making
sure that it does not affect the network.
Perform a periodic audit of passwords in the organization.
Check any suspicious application that stores passwords in memory or writes them to
Unpatched systems can reset passwords during buffer overflow or Denial of Service
attacks. Make sure to update the system.
Examine whether the account is in use, deleted or disabled. Disable the user account
if multiple failed login attempts are detected.
Enable account lockout with a certain number of attempts, counter time, and lockout
One of the most effective ways to manage passwords in organizations is to set an
automated password reset.
Make the system BIOS password-protected, particularly on devices that are
susceptible to physical threats, such as servers and laptops.

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Scanning is an attack performed to locate and identify communication channels that are
vulnerable. The main idea of scanning is to discover communication channels that are
exploitable to probe as many listeners as possible, and keep track of the ones that are
responsive or useful to an attacker's need. While scanning, the attacker tries to find out
various ways to intrude the target system. The attacker may also try to discover more about
the target system by trying to find out what operating system is used, what services are
running, and whether any configuration lapses are present in the target system. Based on
the facts gathered by the attacker, he will launch his attack by proper strategy.
The various types of scanning are as follows:
Port Scanning
A port scan is a series of messages sent by someone attempting to break into a
computer to learn which computer network services the computer provides (each
service is associated with a "well-known" port number). Port scanning involves
connecting to TCP and UDP ports on the target system to determine the services
running. The listening state gives an idea of the operating system and the application
in use.
Network Scanning
Network scanning is a procedure for identifying the active hosts on a network, either
to attack them or as a network security assessment.

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• Vulnerability Scanning
The vulnerability scanning is an automated process that proactively identifies
vulnerabilities of computing systems in a network in order to determine where a
system can be exploited and/or threatened. A vulnerability scanner involves scanning
an engine and a catalog. The catalog consists of a list of common files with known
vulnerabilities and common exploits for a range of servers. For example- the
vulnerability scanner could look for back up files or directory traversal exploits.
Scanning engine handles the logic for reading the catalog of exploits, sending the
request to the web server, and interpreting the requests to determine if the server is
vulnerable. These tools generally target vulnerabilities that can be fixed by secure host
configurations, updated security patches, and a clean web document.

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Scanning Countermeasures
The particular network firewall should be good enough so that it can detect the probes that
are sent by an attacker to scan the network. So, the firewall should carry out stateful
inspection with it having a specific rule set. Some firewalls do a better job compared to
others in detecting stealth scans, e.g. many firewalls have specific options to detect SYN
scans while others completely ignore FIN scans.
Network intrusion detection systems should be used to find the OS detection method used
by tools such as Nmap. Snort ( is an IDS that can be helpful, because
signatures are often available from public authors and it is free. Only ports needed should be
kept open and rest should be filtered as the intruder may try to enter through any port kept
open. All the sensitive information that is unnecessary to be disclosed to the public on the
Internet should not be displayed, as they will give the attacker a good database by which
he can plan an attack on that network/system.
Up-to-date vulnerabilities databases are available which give information about the latest
security loopholes. So, tools having such type of databases should be used so that the
information can be availed and accessed. These types of tools update their databases in an
automatic fashion.

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Denial-of-service(DOS) is an attack on a computeror networkthat reduces, restricts,or prevents accessibility

Of system resources to its legitimate users u In a DOS attack, attackers flood the victim system with
non-legitimate service requests or traffic to overload its resources

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hy Re Aetl, Strictlw Pmhibited.

Denial-of-Service (DOS)
DOS is an attack on a computer or network that reduces, restricts, or prevents accessibility of
system resources to its legitimate users. In a DOS attack, attackers flood a victim's system
with nonlegitimate service requests or traffic to overload its resources, bringing the system
down, leading to unavailability of the victim's website or at least significantly slowing the
victim's system or network performance. The goal of a DOS attack is not to gain
unauthorized access to a system or to corrupt data; it is to keep the legitimate users away
from using the system.
Following are the examples of types of DOS attacks:
• Flooding the victim's system with more traffic than can be handled
• Flooding a service (e.g., internet relay chat (IRC)) with more events than it can handle
• Crashing a transmission control protocol (TCP)/internet protocol (IP) stack by sending
corrupt packets
• Crashing a service by interacting with it in an unexpected way
• Hanging a system by causing it to go into an infinite loop
DOS attacks come in a variety of forms and target a variety of services. The attacks may
cause the following:
• Consumption of scarce and nonrenewable resources
• Consumption of bandwidth, disk space, CPU time, or data structures

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• Actual physical destruction or alteration of network components Destruction

of programming and files in a computer system

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