The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi: Immunities, Inviolability and The Human Right To Life
The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi: Immunities, Inviolability and The Human Right To Life
The Murder of Jamal Khashoggi: Immunities, Inviolability and The Human Right To Life
Marko Milanovic*
1. Introduction
On 2 October 2018, Jamal Khashoggi, a dissident Saudi journalist residing in the United
States, where he was a columnist for the Washington Post, was murdered in the Saudi consulate
in Istanbul. He was visiting the consulate to obtain a certificate of divorce from his former wife,
so that he could proceed to marry his Turkish fiancée, Hatice Cengiz, who was waiting for him
in a car outside the consulate. According to media reports relying on the findings of the
governments of Turkey and the United States, Khashoggi was killed by Saudi agents and his
body was then dismembered with a bone saw; his remains are yet to be found.1
Saudi authorities initially rejected reports of Khashoggi’s death in the Turkish press,
only to be forced by the accumulating weight of evidence, including the existence of an audio
tape of the murder obtained by Turkish intelligence, to acknowledge the killing a few weeks
later. The official line of the Saudi government is that Khashoggi’s killing was a ‘rogue
operation’ and a ‘huge mistake,’ which was not authorized by the country’s crown prince and
de facto ruler, Mohammed bin Salman.2 As part of addressing this ‘mistake,’ the Saudi king
dismissed a number of officials, while 11 unnamed individuals are standing trial for
Khashoggi’s death in Riyadh. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for five of the
defendants.3 However, US intelligence agencies have concluded that Khashoggi’s killing was
premeditated and almost certainly carried out on orders from the crown prince;4 after attending
a closed-door briefing by the director of the CIA, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham stated
* Professor of Public International Law, University of Nottingham School of Law; Professorial Research
Fellow, Deakin Law School. This paper was finalized on 26 March 2019. I would like to thank Anne van
Aaken, Basak Cali, Monica Hakimi, Alexandra Huneeus, Jacob Katz Cogan, Dominic McGoldrick, Mervat
Rishmawi, Sangeeta Shah, Yuval Shany, Sandesh Sivakumaran, Christian Tams, and Philippa Webb for their
See, e.g., ‘Jamal Khashoggi killing: what we know and what will happen next,’ The Guardian, 27 October
2018, at
See ‘White House declines to submit report to Congress on Khashoggi killing,’ Washington Post, 8 February
2019, at
(quoting Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi minister of state for foreign affairs).
‘'Zero chance' Khashoggi murder happened without crown prince, says US senator – video,’ The Guardian, 4
December 2018, at
See ‘Trumplomacy: Five takeaways from Pompeo trip to Middle East,’ BBC News, 17 January 2019, at
Which he most probably did. See also ‘Year Before Killing, Saudi Prince Told Aide He Would Use ‘a Bullet’
on Jamal Khashoggi,’ New York Times, 7 February 2019, at
salman.html?emc=edit_na_20190207&nl=breaking-news&nlid=47276260ing-news&ref=headline (discussing a
conversation between the crown prince and one of his aides, intercepted by US intelligence agencies, in which a
year before Khashoggi’s killing the prince talked about putting him to death if he did not return to Saudi Arabia
willingly or forcibly).
See Art. 7 of the International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility.
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi: details of alleged Saudi hit squad emerge,’ The Guardian, 10 October 2018, at
See Ratner, ‘The Khashoggi Murder: How Mohammed Bin Salman Underestimated International Law,’
Lawfare, 22 October 2018, at
See, e.g., ECtHR, Akkum v. Turkey, no. 21894/93, 24 March 2005, paras. 252-259; Akpınar and Altun v.
Turkey, no.56760/00, 27 February 2007, paras. 84-87; Kovalev v. Belarus, Communication No.
2120/2011,Views of the Human Rights Committee adopted on 29 October 2012, para. 11.10.
See ‘Interview With Brian Kilmeade of The Brian Kilmeade Show,’ 31 October 2018, at
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi's death: joint statement by UK, France and Germany foreign ministers,’ 21 October
2018, at
See ‘Salisbury attack: Joint statement from the leaders of France, Germany, the United States and the United
Kingdom,’ 15 March 2018, at
See ‘PM Commons Statement on Salisbury incident response,’14 March 2018, at
2018. For a discussion, see Akande, ‘The Use of Nerve Agents in Salisbury: Why does it Matter Whether it
Amounts to a Use of Force in International Law?,’ EJIL: Talk!, 17 March 2018, at
See Milanovic, ‘The Salisbury Attack: Don’t Forget Human Rights,’ EJIL: Talk!, 15 March 2018, at
The Act provides for the imposition of sanctions on individuals ‘responsible for extrajudicial killings, torture,
or other gross violations of internationally recognized human rights committed against individuals in any
foreign country seeking to expose illegal activity carried out by government officials, or to obtain, exercise, or
promote human rights and freedoms.’ See at
See ‘Global Magnitsky Sanctions on Individuals Involved in the Killing of Jamal Khashoggi,’ 15 November
2018, at
See at
See Callamard, ‘Preliminary observations of the human rights inquiry into the killing of Mr. Kashoggi
following the country visit to Turkey,’ at
Ibid., paras. 10 and 7. Callamard has also requested an official visit to Saudi Arabia, but the visit had not
happened by the time of her preliminary report – ibid., para. 17.
See, e.g., Jurisdictional Immunities of the State (Germany v. Italy, Greece intervening), Judgment, ICJ
Reports 2012, p. 99; Ferrini v.Federal Republic of Germany, Corte di Cassazione (Sezioni Unite), judgment no.
5044, 6 November 2003, (2004) 87 Rivista di diritto internazionale 539; H. Fox and P. Webb, The Law of State
Immunity (OUP, 3rd ed., 2015) 154-155.
See, e.g., Al-Adsani v. United Kingdom [GC], no. 35763/97, ECtHR, Judgment, 21 November 2001; Jones
and Others v. the United Kingdom, nos. 34356/06 and 40528/06, ECtHR, Judgment, 14 January 2014; Fox and
Webb, supra note 22, at 172-173.
A. Human rights obligations binding on Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United States
Turkey and the United States are both parties to the ICCPR, while Turkey is also a party
to the ECHR. However, Saudi Arabia is not a party to the ICCPR. It is also not a party to the
UN Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, but is a party
to the Convention against Torture (CAT). The only human rights treaty that could have directly
protected Khashoggi’s right to life (and freedom of expression) is a regional convention
concluded within the Arab League, the revised 2004 Arab Charter on Human Rights, to which
Saudi Arabia has been a party since 2009.24 Article 5 of the Arab Charter reproduces verbatim
the language of Article 6(1) ICCPR: ‘1. Every human being has the inherent right to life. 2.
This right shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.’ Article
32(1) of the Charter ‘guarantees the right to information and to freedom of opinion and
expression, as well as the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any
medium, regardless of geographical boundaries.’
Thus, while Khashoggi’s killing is a manifest violation of the right to life, it is important
to be clear about the sources of Saudi Arabia’s obligation to respect his right to life. That source
cannot be the ICCPR, which Saudi Arabia has not consented to; the relevant obligations can
however stem from the Arab Charter or from customary international law.25
The discussion that follows will focus on Khashoggi’s killing as a violation of the right
to life; it will not examine in detail other human rights which may have been violated. In
particular, I will not examine the attack on Khashoggi as an enforced disappearance or an
instance of torture or inhuman or degrading treatment, although it could potentially so qualify.
It is possible that, as Saudi Arabia claims, Khashoggi’s death was the result of a botched capture
or abduction operation – Saudi Arabia has conducted a number of such operations in the past
See For
status of ratifications see
Arab-Charter-on-Human-Rights-2004/147. On the Arab Charter see generally Rishmawi, ‘Arab Charter on
Human Rights (2004),’ Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, at Rishmawi, ‘The League of Arab States and human rights,’ in S. Sheeran and
N. Rodley (eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Human Rights Law (Routledge, 2013) 483.
For some of the classical examinations of the topic of customary human rights law, see, e.g., Simma and
Alston, ‘The Sources of Human Rights Law: Custom, Jus Cogens, and General Principles’ (1988-1989) 12
Australian Yearbook of International Law 82; Symposium on customary international human rights law in
(1995-1996) 25 Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law (issues 1 and 2); Dimitrijevic,
‘Customary Law as an Instrument for the Protection of Human Rights,’ (2006) ISPI Working Paper 7, at
See, e.g., ‘Saudi campaign to abduct and silence rivals abroad goes back decades,’ Washington Post, 4
November 2018, at
Cf. Callamard, supra note 20, para. 10: ‘The mission could not firmly establish whether the original intention
was to abduct Mr. Khashoggi, with his murder planned only in the eventuality of this abduction failing.’
See, e.g., UN Human Rights Committee, ‘General Comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life,’ UN Doc. CCPR/C/GC/36, 30 October 2018, para.
I am very grateful to Mervat Rishmawi for her help regarding the authentic Arabic text of the Charter and for
confirming the accuracy of the English translation above.
See, e.g., US second and third periodic reports to the Human Rights Committee, submitted in one document,
UN Doc. CCPR/C/USA/3, 28 November 2005, Annex I. See also Dennis, ‘Application of Human Rights
Treaties Extraterritorially in Times of Armed Conflict and Military Occupation,’ (2005) 99 AJIL 119.
See generally M. Milanovic, Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties: Law, Principles, and
Policy (OUP, 2011).
Let us now briefly look at the different obligations that states have as a corollary of the
right to life. For the purpose of the discussion to follow I will make two basic assumptions.
First, that state obligations under the Arab Charter are identical to those under the ICCPR. This
is in my view a reasonable assumption to make in light of the fact that the language of Article
5 of the Arab Charter is in fact identical to that of Article 6(1) ICCPR, i.e. that it was the clear
intention of the Charter’s states parties to reproduce the terms of the ICCPR, when they could
well have chosen some other formulation.35 Similarly, the final preambular paragraph of the
Charter expressly refers to and reaffirms the UDHR and the ICCPR. I am also not aware of any
official statements of the states parties interpreting Article 5 of the Charter differently.
Obviously there is room for disagreement on how Article 5 of the Charter and Article 6(1)
ICCPR should be interpreted and applied to specific problems, but again in my view it is
reasonable to treat them in the same way.
The second assumption that I will make is more contestable: that the content of the
customary right to life binding on Saudi Arabia is also identical to the content of Article 6(1)
ICCPR. The existence of content of customary human rights is notoriously hard to pin down,
especially because it is impossible to divorce state practice constituting such custom (coupled
with opinio juris) from the practice of applying relevant human rights treaties binding on
states.36 There is nonetheless widespread agreement that customary law protects human rights,
See, e.g., Loizidou v. Turkey, no. 15318/89, ECtHR, Judgment (preliminary objections), 23 February 1995,
para. 62. See more Milanovic, supra note 31, at 127 et seq.
See, e.g., Lopez Burgos v. Uruguay, Human Rights Committee, (1981) 68 ILR 29, Communication No.
R.12/52, UN Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/36/40) at 176 (1981). See more Milanovic, supra note 31, at 173 et seq.
See Milanovic, supra note 31, at 154 et seq.
For example, Article 2 ECHR is formulated very differently from Article 6 ICCPR, even though the
differences are not material for the analysis that follows, in particular Turkey’s obligation to secure or protect
the right to life.
For an extensive and largely sceptical discussion, see Thirlway, ‘Human Rights in Customary International
Law: An Attempt to Define Some of the Issues,’ (2015) 28 Leiden Journal of International Law 495.
See, e.g., Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 24, UN Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.6, 4
November 1994, para. 8; Ratner, supra note 10.
UN Human Rights Committee, ‘General Comment No. 36 (2018) on article 6 of the International Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights, on the right to life,’ UN Doc. CCPR/C/GC/36, 30 October 2018, para. 12. See also
McCann and Others v. United Kingdom, no. 18984/91, ECtHR, Judgment, 27 September 1995, paras. 146-150;
Finogenov and Others v. Russia, nos. 18299/03 and 27311/03, ECtHR, Judgment, 20 December 2011, paras.
206-208. For a general overview of General Comment 36, see Joseph, ‘General Comment 36,’ in (2019) HRLR
See General Comment 36, para. 18.
Ibid., paras. 21-22.
Khashoggi was killed in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul; the relevant treaty is therefore
the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (VCCR). It is useful to contrast consular
privileges and immunities to those of diplomats under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations (VCDR). The VCCR was drafted two years after the VCDR and generally used the
See, e.g., Finogenov v. Russia, para. 209; Velasquez Rodriguez v. Honduras, Judgment, 29 July1988, Inter-
Am.Ct.H.R. (Ser. C) No. 4 (1988, para. 172.
General Comment 36, para. 27.
Ibid., para. 28.
See ibid., para. 28: ‘States should support and cooperate in good faith with international mechanisms of
investigation and prosecutions addressing possible violations of article 6.’ See also Finogenov v. Russia, paras.
268-272 for an overview of Strasbourg case law on the procedural aspect of Article 2 ECHR.
Under Article 22(1) VCDR, however: ‘The premises of the mission shall be inviolable. The
agents of the receiving State may not enter them, except with the consent of the head of the
mission.’ The VCDR thus lacks the qualified consular reference to inviolability, the
designation of premises used exclusively for work of the post, or to a presumption of consent
for the purpose of entry in case of fire or other disaster.47
Second, the VCCR provides for no privileges for the residence of a consular officer or
the head of a consular posts.48 However, under Article 30(1) VCDR: ‘The private residence of
a diplomatic agent shall enjoy the same inviolability and protection as the premises of the
Third, when it comes to the inviolability of the agents of the receiving state, Article
41(1) VCCR provides that: ‘Consular officers shall not be liable to arrest or detention pending
trial, except in the case of a grave crime and pursuant to a decision by the competent judicial
authority.’ Article 41(2) provides for the committal of a consular officer to imprisonment in
See more Foakes and Denza, ‘The Appointment and Functions of Consuls,’ in I. Roberts (ed.), Satow’s
Diplomatic Practice (OUP, 7th ed., 2017) 120, para. 8.31 et seq.
For a comprehensive examination of consular law, see L. Lee and J. Quigley, Consular Law and Practice
(OUP, 3rd ed., 2008).
See also Lee and Quigley, supra note 46, at 355 et seq.
See ibid., at 360-361.
See ibid., at 433-438.
See ibid., at 481 et seq.
See also Lee and Quigley, supra note 46, at 363.
A. Generally
I will now examine the obligations of states before the attack on Khashoggi had
materialized. The main obligation of Saudi Arabia in that regard is the same as the one during
the attack itself, the negative obligation to refrain from arbitrary deprivations of life, and I will
therefore address it in the next section. Here, however, I will look at the positive obligation to
protect Khashoggi’s right to life on the part of the United States and Turkey.
Three basic questions need to be answered with regard to the positive obligation to
protect an individual. First, at what point does it arise, i.e. what is its scope of application.
Second, once that threshold is crossed, what is the standard of conduct expected of the
protecting state. Third, whether on the facts the state acted accordingly. Human rights bodies
have extensively dealt with these questions in their case law.54 The threshold and the standard
of conduct issues both require that a balance be struck between, on the one hand, the need for
See also ibid., at 74-77.
For an extended discussion of surveillance and consular and diplomatic missions, see Lee and Quigley, supra
note 46, at 346-348.
See supra notes 39-41 and accompanying text.
The Court thus held that the positive obligation will apply if ‘the authorities knew or ought to
have known at the time of the existence of a real and immediate risk to the life of an identified
individual or individuals from the criminal acts of a third party.’57 The applicant does not need
to demonstrate that the state’s failure to perceive the risk to their life was a result of gross
negligence or willful disregard of the duty to protect life.58
Once the risk threshold is crossed, the state authorities will be responsible if ‘they failed
to take measures within the scope of their powers which, judged reasonably, might have been
expected to avoid that risk,’ i.e. ‘did not do all that could be reasonably expected of them to
avoid a real and immediate risk to life of which they have or ought to have knowledge. This is
a question which can only be answered in the light of all the circumstances of any particular
case.’59 As we have already seen, the Human Rights Committee’s approach is very similar, if
somewhat more loosely framed, with state parties being ‘under a due diligence obligation to
undertake reasonable positive measures, which do not impose on them disproportionate
burdens, in response to reasonably foreseeable threats to life.’60
Osman v. United Kingdom [GC], no. 23452/94, ECtHR, Judgment, 28 October 1998.
Ibid., paras. 15-16.
Ibid., para. 116.
Ibid. See also subsequent cases affirming and developing the Court’s approach, e.g. Mastromatteo v. Italy
[GC], no. 37703/97, ECtHR, Judgment, 67-99; Tagayeva and Others v. Russia, no. 26562/07, ECtHR,
Judgment, 13 April 2017, paras. 481-493.
General Comment 36, para. 21.
Compare, for example, the European Court’s finding in Finogenov that Russia had no specific information of
a terrorist plot to take hostages in the Dubrovka theatre in Moscow, to its finding in Tagayeva, at para. 491,
regarding the Beslan school hostage taking that Russia had sufficiently specific information about a planned
terrorist attack.
Cf. Callamard, supra note 20, para. 19.
See supra note 7.
See ‘How the man behind Khashoggi murder ran the killing via Skype,’ Reuters, 22 October 2018, at
ran-the-killing-via-skype-idUSKCN1MW2HA. Qahtani has been in charge of the crown prince’s extensive
efforts to control social media; he has also been involved in Saudi electronic surveillance programmes (with
some of the interception tools having purchased from an Israeli company), which may have intercepted some of
Khashoggi’s messages and increased the regime’s perception of him as a threat. See ‘How a chilling Saudi
cyberwar ensnared Jamal Khashoggi,’ Washington Post, 7 December 2018, at
860ce2a8148f_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.8ab76e6ddf10; ‘Jamal Khashoggi's private WhatsApp
messages may offer new clues to killing,’ CNN, 4 December 2018, at
Supra note 63.
The United States is also in possession of 11 encrypted messages between the crown prince and al-Qahtani,
exchanged in the hours before and after Khashoggi’s death, but does not know their contents – see ‘CIA
Intercepts Underpin Assessment Saudi Crown Prince Targeted Khashoggi,’ Wall Street Journal, 1 December
2018, at
See ‘Crown prince sought to lure Khashoggi back to Saudi Arabia and detain him, U.S. intercepts show,’
Washington Post, 10 October 2018, at
See ‘NSA: White House Knew Jamal Khashoggi Was In Danger. Why Didn’t They Protect Him?,’ The
Observer, 10 October 2018, at
See ‘Key moments surrounding the killing of Jamal Khashoggi,’ Associated Press, 22 October 2018, at
See ‘Aus diesem Grund ging Khashoggi beim zweiten Mal unbesorgt in das Konsulat,’ Die Welt, 26 October
2018, at
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi: murder in the consulate,’ The Guardian, 21 October 2018, at
See ‘Turkey's Erdogan says there's strong evidence to show that the Khashoggi killing was planned,’ CNBC,
23 October 2018, at
Associated Press, supra note 70.
Supra note 63.
C. Due diligence
Let us assume that the risk or foreseeability of threat threshold was crossed for both the
United States and Turkey, so that their duty to protect Khashoggi’s right to life was engaged.
The issue then becomes what these states could reasonably have been expected to do to protect
his life. This is an obligation of due diligence, which, as we have seen in Osman, must not
impose a disproportionate burden on the state. In ordinary policing circumstances, this context-
dependent duty could, for example, require the state to protect persons placed at particular risk
because of specific threats, such as journalists or public figures, through measures such as the
assignment of around-the-clock police protection.78
In Khashoggi’s case, the barest minimum of special measures of protection would have
been for the two states to inform Khashoggi of the existence of the threat against him. That
warning alone would have likely dissuaded Khashoggi, who was already familiar with the
increasingly aggressive tactics of the Saudi regime against those who criticized it publicly, 79
from going to the Istanbul consulate. At the very least he would have lived to see another day.
A possible objection to the duty to warn could be that a warning might potentially
compromise intelligence-gathering sources and methods, and therefore impose a
Supra note 69.
See General Comment No. 36, para. 23.
Cf. Khashoggi’s last column written for the Washington Post, published posthumously – Khashoggi, ‘What
the Arab world needs most is free expression,’ Washington Post, 17 October 2018, at
Consider as just one example the case of a Rwandan dissident living in Belgium, Faustin Twagiramungu, who
was warned by Belgian security services of an apparent plot by the Rwandan government to assassinate him
(Rwanda has a long record of such activity). According to a report, ‘Twagiramungu said Belgian authorities did
not explain the nature of these threats. "They only told me that they were informed about the threat by a third
country," he said. "They talked emotionally. They said this was very serious. I started fearing what could happen
to me. I have to be very careful."’ See ‘Rwandan dissident in Belgium warned of suspected targeted attack,’ The
Globe and Mail, 14 May 2014, at
See supra note 53 and accompanying text.
Cf. A and others v Home Secretary (No 2), [2005] UKHL 71, [2006] 2 AC 221, paras. 47, 68, 92 (House of
Lords holding that evidence obtained through torture would be inadmissible in any legal proceedings, but that
the police should act on information obtained through torture to protect life, e.g. if it disclosed the existence of a
ICD 191, 21 July 2015, section E.1, available at
D. Extraterritorial application
Ibid., section F
See also Goodman, ‘Did the U.S. Fail Its “Duty to Warn” Jamal Khashoggi? How U.S. Directive 191 Applies
to Kidnapping Threats,’ Just Security, 10 October 2018, at
More information might become available soon through leaks to the press or Congressional oversight. A
lawsuit has also been filed by the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University, pursuant to the
Freedom of Information Act, asking for a judicial order compelling the relevant agencies to disclose records in
their possession regarding Saudi threats to Khashoggi and their failure to warn him thereof. See ‘U.S. spy
agencies sued for records on whether they warned Khashoggi of impending threat of harm,’ Washington Post,
20 November 2018, at
8679-934a2b33be52_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.70c96613e5b9. See also at
The decision of the Turkish authorities to allow the assassins entry is to some extent comparable with that of
the British authorities in McCann to allow the entry of three Irish Republican Army terrorists into Gibraltar,
which set the stage for their subsequent fatal encounter with British special forces. See McCann and Others v.
United Kingdom, no. 18984/91, 27 September 1995, para, 205.
See supra notes 30-34 and accompanying text.
The US position regarding the extraterritorial application of the ICCPR is unlikely to change in the near term,
and is of course tied up with higher-order questions of the applicability of human rights law to US
counterterrorism operations abroad or in armed conflict. A window of opportunity existed during the Obama
administration to change this view, with the then State Department Legal Adviser, Harold Koh, advocating
within the government that its position was untenable and had to be changed. This effort failed due to the lack of
agreement from other major agencies within the US government. Koh’s memorandum on the extraterritorial
application of the ICCPR was then leaked to the New York Times a few days before the consideration of the US
fourth period report by the Human Rights Committee. See more ‘U.S. Seems Unlikely to Accept That Rights
Treaty Applies to Its Actions Abroad,’ New York Times, 6 March 2014, at
actions-abroad.html; Goodman, ‘The Koh Memo’s Impact on the Current US Position (A Reply, in part, to Ben
Wittes),’ Just Security, 11 March 2014, at
See Goodman, ‘Human Rights Law and U.S. Military Operations in Foreign Countries: The Prohibition on
Arbitrary Deprivation of Life,’ Just Security, 19 February 2019, at
See supra notes 17-19 and accompanying text.
I cannot discuss this point more for reasons of space, but also because it has been extensively covered in the
literature. See more Van Schaack, ‘The United States’ Position on the Extraterritorial Application of Human
Rights Obligations: Now is the Time for Change,’ (2014) 90 International Law Studies 20; Milanovic, supra
note 31, at 222-227.
See Milanovic, supra note 31, at 209-222.
General Comment 36, para. 63.
Cf. also ibid., para. 22 (discussing state positive obligation to regulate activities in areas or places subject to
their jurisdiction that have a direct and reasonably foreseeable impact on the right to life of individuals outside
their territory).
F. Conclusion
In sum, it is very possible that the United States or Turkey knew, or ought to have
known, of a real and immediate risk to Jamal Khashoggi’s life posed by agents of the Saudi
state, i.e. that this risk was reasonably foreseeable to them. This is certainly what media
reporting on US signals intelligence regarding Khashoggi would seem to indicate, although no
definitive conclusions can be made in this respect without further inquiry. If the duty to protect
life was triggered, then either state arguably failed to fulfil it by not warning Khashoggi of the
existence of the risk, and in Turkey’s case by admitting Saudi agents onto its territory. The
extraterritorial applicability of the ICCPR is a complicating factor with regard to the United
States, but not insurmountably so.
Other states could easily have been in a similar position. For example, it has been
reported that the British signals intelligence agency, GCHQ, intercepted Saudi communications
See Shany, ‘Taking Universality Seriously: A Functional Approach to Extraterritoriality in International
Human Rights Law,’ (2013) 7 The Law & Ethics of Human Rights 47.
A good point of comparison here would be the approach of the ICJ to the positive obligation of states to
prevent genocide under Article 1 of the Genocide Convention, in the Bosnian Genocide case. The Court held
that the duty to prevent applied to all states, regardless of where a genocide might be committed, but that the
extent of the duty varies with the state’s capacity. See Application of the Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment, ICJ
Reports 2007, p. 43, at para. 183.
Again, this report and its sourcing have not been confirmed by other outlets; the British Foreign
Secretary denied that he personally knew of the threat to Khashoggi, but refused to comment
(and deny) the original press report as such.99 It is thus entirely possible that the UK intelligence
agencies knew of the threat to Khashoggi’s life but failed to warn him. Recall in that regard
that Khashoggi was actually in London from 29 September to 1 October 2018, the day before
his killing.100 That visit alone would likely have obviated any possible extraterritoriality issue
under the ECHR vis-à-vis the United Kingdom. If, in other words, on 1 October the UK knew
or ought to have known of a real risk to Khashoggi’s life, the protective duty was triggered and
the UK manifestly failed to do anything about it.
Let us now move to the moment of the murder itself.
A. Generally
Reports on Khashoggi’s final moments are conflicting, even if most of them are
ultimately sourced to the Turkish government. Khashoggi entered the consulate after 1pm on
2 October. Shortly after 3pm, surveillance footage shows vehicles with diplomatic license
plates leaving the Saudi consulate for the consul-general’s home some 2 kilometers away.
Around 3.30pm Khashoggi’s fiancée reported him missing to the Turkish authorities. At 7pm
See ‘Khashoggi BOMBSHELL: Britain 'KNEW of kidnap plot and BEGGED Saudi Arabia to abort plans,’
The Express, 29 October 2018, at
See ‘Foreign Secretary tells MPs he had no prior knowledge of Khashoggi murder plan,’ Mail Online, 30
October 2018, at
See supra note 70.
B. Saudi Arabia’s negative obligation to respect Khashoggi’s right to life and its
extraterritorial application
As noted above, Saudi Arabia’s violation of its obligation not to deprive individuals
arbitrarily of their life under Article 5 of the Arab Charter and customary IHRL is manifest, in
See supra note 70.
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi's killing took seven minutes, Turkish source tells MEE,’ Middle East Eye, 16 October
2018, at
mee; ‘Jamal Khashoggi Tortured In Front Of Top Saudi Diplomat: Reports,’ Huffington Post, 17 October 2018,
See ‘Saudi Arabia fires 5 top officials, arrests 18 Saudis, saying Khashoggi was killed in fight at consulate,’
Washington Post, 19 October 2018, at
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi’s final months as an exile in the long shadow of Saudi Arabia,’ Washington Post, 22
December 2018, at
See ‘'I can't breathe.' Jamal Khashoggi's last words disclosed in transcript, source says,’ CNN, 10 December
2018, at; ‘'I'm
suffocating': Khashoggi's last words, says Turkish reporter,’ Al Jazeera, 11 November 2018, at
Banković and Others v. Belgium and Others [GC] (dec.), no. 52207/99, 12 December 2001.
Al-Skeini and others v. United Kingdom [GC], no. 55721/07, Judgment, 7 July 2011.
See generally Milanovic, ‘Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda in Strasbourg,’ (2012) 23 EJIL 121, at 127-133.
See Milanovic, supra note 31, at 209-222.
British courts have notably done so in Al-Saadoon, where in the High Court Leggatt J considered that per Al-
Skeini the personal conception of Article 1 jurisdiction as authority and control over an individual exercised by a
state agent necessarily captures the use of lethal force against that individual, while in the Court of Appeal
Lloyd Jones LJ held that he did not think that the European Court intended the principles articulated in Al-Skeini
to go so far, and that it should be for the European Court to extend them if it wanted to do so. See
Surveillance. See Al-Saadoon & Ors v. Secretary of State for Defence [2015] EWHC 715 (Admin), paras. 95-
100; Al-Saadoon & Ors v. Secretary of State for Defence [2016] EWCA Civ 811], paras. 69-73.
Al-Skeini, paras. 136-137.
Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 31, Nature of the General Legal Obligation on States
Parties to the Covenant, UN Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.13 (2004), para. 10: ‘a State Party must respect and
ensure the rights laid down in the Covenant to anyone within the power or effective control of that State Party,
even if not situated within the territory of the State Party.’ See also Lopez Burgos v. Uruguay, (1981) 68 ILR 29,
Communication No. R.12/52, UN Doc. Supp. No. 40 (A/36/40) at 176 (1981), para. 12.3: ‘it would be
unconscionable to so interpret the responsibility under article 2 of the Covenant as to permit a State party to
perpetrate violations of the Covenant on the territory of another State, which violations it could not perpetrate on
its own territory.’
See supra note 94 and accompanying text.
See, e.g., Bankovic, para. 73: ‘Additionally, the Court notes that other recognised instances of the extra-
territorial exercise of jurisdiction by a State include cases involving the activities of its diplomatic or consular
agents abroad and on board craft and vessels registered in, or flying the flag of, that State. In these specific
situations, customary international law and treaty provisions have recognised the extra-territorial exercise of
jurisdiction by the relevant State.’ See also Milanovic, supra note 31, at 154-160.
1. Applicability
Moving now to Turkey, let us examine its obligation to protect Khashoggi’s right to
life from third parties, triggered from the moment it knew or ought to have known of a real and
immediate risk to his life. Turkey’s overarching obligation to ensure or secure Khashoggi’s
right to life continued applying after his entry into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. Khashoggi
remained within Turkey’s jurisdiction for the purposes of the applicability of the ICCPR and
the ECHR, even if he was also concurrently within Saudi jurisdiction.115 The area of the
consulate remained Turkish territory and under Turkish control, even if Turkey had consented
to the presence of the consulate and assumed international obligations with regard to its
inviolability. There is no reason of principle why the notion of jurisdiction could not cover such
concurrent scenarios.116
As explained above, Khashoggi was likely killed very shortly upon entering the
consulate, at the most within an hour.117 We know that Turkey has audio recordings of his last
moments and of some of the things said and done to him. It is not entirely clear by which
methods exactly Turkey obtained these recordings. Reports differ on whether Turkey had
listening devices on the premises of the consulate, surveilled the consulate through the use of
Cf. Ilaşcu et al. v Moldova and Russia [GC], no. 48787/99, 8 July 2004; Catan and Others v Moldova and
Russia [GC], nos. 43370/04, 8252/05 and 18454/06, 19 October 2012 (concurrent jurisdiction of Russia and
Moldova over Transnistria).
See Milanovic, supra note 31, at 147-151, 153-154, 159-160.
See supra note 105 and accompanying text.
Now, imagine if, through whatever method, Turkish intelligence services were listening
to the goings-on in the consulate in real time, i.e. had a good idea of what was happening to
Khashoggi as it was occurring, rather than collecting this information through automated
processes and analyzing it only after the fact. Imagine also if the Turkish police had constables
or other security forces available in the vicinity of the consulate, who could be there reasonably
quickly. Both of these assumptions are in the realm of possibility, although they were likely
not borne out on the facts because of the very short time window within which Khashoggi was
killed. But again, it is perfectly possible that Turkish intelligence services knew what was going
on. If they did, the positive obligation to protect Khashoggi’s life could clearly no longer be
met simply by warning him – it was far too late for that. In this scenario, Turkey would have
had to intervene directly to prevent the murder, by force if necessary.
In such a scenario, Turkey would have faced an apparent conflict of norms. On the one
hand, its positive obligations under the ICCPR and the ECHR would be telling it to send its
police forces or other security services into the consulate, to prevent the killing from taking
place. On the other hand, if it did so, it would be in prima facie violation of its obligation to
respect the inviolability of the consulate under Article 31 VCCR, which specifically prohibits
agents of the receiving state from entering consular premises without the consent of the head
of the consular post – that same Saudi consul-general who was, at the time, witnessing the
brutal assault on Khashoggi.119
What, then, should Turkey have done in such a situation?
See the reports in supra note 104: ‘What happened inside might never have emerged were it not for listening
devices planted in the Saudi Consulate by Turkish intelligence. The recordings span several days and capture
operatives discussing in advance of Khashoggi’s arrival their plans to subdue and kill him, according to Western
intelligence officials;’ and supra note 72: ‘Scenarios range from a bug placed in the consulate itself to a
directional microphone focused on the building from outside – both technically within the realms of Turkey’s
capabilities. Another possibility, being discussed in Turkey and elsewhere, is that some members of the hit
squad recorded the abduction on their phones for trophy purposes, or to reveal back home. And that those
recordings were either intercepted in real time or retrieved from at least one of the killers’ phones.’
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi: Turkish police search Saudi consul's residence,’ BBC News, 17 October 2018, at
For a leading treatment of the subject, see J. Pauwelyn, Conflict of Norms in Public International Law: How
WTO Law Relates to other Rules of International Law (CUP, 2003); for a classical study, see Jenks, ‘Conflict of
Law-Making Treaties,’ (1953) 30 BYBIL 401.
See generally ILC, Fragmentation of International Law: Difficulties Arising from the Diversification and
Expansion of International Law, UN Doc. A/CN.4/L.682 (2006) (finalized by Martti Koskenniemi, hereinafter
ILC Fragmentation Study);
See generally Milanovic, ‘Norm Conflict in International Law: Whither Human Rights?,’ (2009) 20 Duke
Journal of Comparative & International Law 69.
See, e.g., Pauwelyn, supra note 120, at 272.
See, e.g., Milanovic, supra note 122, at 73-75. See also ILC Fragmentation Study, para. 34: ‘There is no
single legislative will behind international law. Treaties and custom come about as a result of conflicting
motives and objectives - they are “bargains” and “package-deals” and often result from spontaneous reactions to
events in the environment.’
See generally Weil, ‘Towards Relative Normativity in International Law?,’ (1983) 77 AJIL 413.
As we have seen, it first needs to be established whether the apparent norm conflict
between IHRL and diplomatic and consular law can be avoided through interpretation, so that
one of the conflicting norms gives way to the other. First, in that regard, can Turkey’s positive
obligation to protect the right to life be read down in such a way as to accommodate its
obligation to respect the inviolability of consular premises? As a formal matter, the answer to
that question is a clear yes – recall that the duty to protect life is one of due diligence. It only
See, e.g., Bianchi, ‘Human Rights and the Magic of Jus Cogens,’ (2008) 19 EJIL 491; Milanovic, supra note
122, at 71-72.
See supra note 22, paras. 92-97 (Court holding that there was no conflict between the customary rules of
state immunity and jus cogens rules prohibiting murder of civilians in armed conflict, since the former operated
purely on a procedural plane). See also Fox and Webb, supra note 22, at 324-325.
See Pauwelyn, supra note 120, at 418 et seq.
See Milanovic, supra note 122, at 117-119, 128-131..
See, e.g., Behrami and Behrami v. France, Saramati v. France, Germany, and Norway [GC] (dec.), nos.
71412/01, 78166/01, 2 May 2007, para. 122.
I openly admit to a rights-protective bias in this regard.
See, e.g., Akande, ‘The Julian Assange Affair: May the UK Terminate the Diplomatic Status of Ecuador’s
Embassy?,’ EJIL: Talk!, 17 August 2012, at
status-of-ecuadors-embassy/ (discussing the issue of whether the status of the premises of the Ecuadorian
embassy in London could be terminated due to an unlawful grant of asylum to Julian Assange).
In a similar vein, in the Tehran Hostages case the ICJ was prepared to in extremis read
down the equally categorical protection of the inviolability of diplomats: ‘[n]aturally, the
observance of this principle [of inviolability] does not mean—and this the Applicant
Government expressly acknowledges—that a diplomatic agent caught in the act of committing
an assault or other offence may not, on occasion, be briefly arrested by the police of the
receiving State in order to prevent the commission of the particular crime.’135
Another useful analogy would be to the categorical inviolability of the diplomatic bag,
which has historically been the subject of much controversy since it easily amenable to abuse,
e.g. through smuggling. A particularly helpful example is the 1984 attempted kidnapping of
Umaru Dikko by Nigerian agents in London. After being kidnapped, Dikko was sedated and
put in a large shipping crate bearing the addresses of origin (the Nigerian High Commission in
London) and destination (the Nigerian Foreign Ministry in Lagos). The crate was however not
properly labelled as a diplomatic bag, and was subsequently found and opened by British police
who rescued Dikko. However in his testimony to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs
Committee, the Foreign Secretary confirmed that even if the crate was a diplomatic bag, his
advice would have been that it would have been necessary to ‘[take] fully into account the
overriding duty to preserve and protect human life.’ The Committee subsequently welcomed
‘this acceptance that the inviolability of the bag cannot take precedence over human life.’136
Until the killing of Khashoggi, perhaps the most notorious example of the use of
diplomatic or consular premises for lethal purposes was the 1984 shooting incident outside the
E. Denza, Diplomatic Law (OUP, 4th ed., 2016) 123.
Van Alebeek, ‘Diplomatic Immunity,’ Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, available at, para. 8 (citing inter alia Denza; Brown ‘Diplomatic Immunity: State Practice under the
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,’ (1988) 37 ICLQ 53, 86-87; Herdegen ‘The Abuse of Diplomatic
Privileges and Countermeasures not Covered by the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,’ (1986) 46
ZaöRV 734.
United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Tehran (United States v. Iran), Judgment, ICJ Reports
1980, p. 3, at 40, para. 86.
Denza, supra note 133, at 203.
The UK government, in dialogue with the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, contemplated the
availability of self-defence as the basis for entry into an embassy without consent. Both the government and the
Committee agreed that on the facts of the London shooting the requirements for self-defence were not met, as
there was no continued shooting emanating from the embassy – see Denza, supra note 133, at 121-122. See also
Higgins ‘UK Foreign Affairs Committee Report on the Abuse of Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges:
Government Response and Report,’ (1986) 80 AJIL 135.
In sum, entry by Turkish authorities into the consulate during the attack on Khashoggi
would arguably not have violated Article 31 VCCR, either because of the assumed consent
exception in Article 31(2) or because of an implicit exception for entry without consent
justified by the urgent need to protect human life.
Alternatively, even if the entry into the consulate would have been wrongful, that
wrongfulness could have been precluded by distress. Under the rule codified in Article 24(1)
ASR ‘[t]he wrongfulness of an act of a State not in conformity with an international obligation
See d’Aspremont, ‘Premises of Diplomatic Missions,’ Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International
Law, available at, para. 32; Lee and Quigley, supra note 46, at 359.
The inclusion of the assumed consent for disasters exception in the VCCR was quite deliberate, as was the
omission of such an exception in the VCDR – see Denza, supra note 133, at 118-119. In fact, the ILC Draft
Articles on Consular Relations, which formed the basis for the negotiation of the VCCR, did not have an
assumed consent exception, even though they expressly considered such a scenario; the exception was included
in state negotiations on the ILC draft. See ILC Draft Articles on Consular Relations, with commentaries, (1961)
2 Yearbook of the ILC 92, at 110.
Lee and Quigley, supra note 46, at 358.
Tehran Hostages, para. 86.
See, e.g., ILC Fragmentation Study, paras. 123-190.
For an extensive argument and more background in this regard, see Simma and Pulkowski, ‘Of Planets and
the Universe: Self-contained Regimes in International Law,’ (2006) 17 EJIL 483, at 491-494, 512-516.
D. Conclusion
This section has shown how Saudi Arabia’s obligations under the Arab Charter and
customary IHRL extended to the conduct of its agents in its consulate in Istanbul, and how
accordingly Saudi Arabia is responsible for violating the negative aspect of the right to life.
Again, it is irrelevant whether the Saudi agents acted on the orders of Mohammed bin Salman
or against them; Saudi Arabia is nonetheless responsible for the ultra vires conduct of its organs
acting in their official capacity.147
Similarly, Turkey’s positive obligation to protect Khashoggi’s life continued even after
his entry into the consulate. It was engaged if Turkey knew, or ought to have known, of the
risk to Khashoggi’s life. If the obligation was triggered, Turkey could have fulfilled it by
sending its police or other agents into the Saudi consulate, if need be without consent. Had
Turkey done so, it would not have breached the inviolability of the consulate under the VCCR,
and even if it did, that wrongfulness would have been precluded by distress. It is only if Turkey
had some other feasible alternative to rescue Khashoggi that the analysis above would have
been different – for example, it is possible that Turkish authorities could have contacted Saudi
ILC ASR Commentary, at 339, para. 14.
Ibid., at 340, para. 15.
Cf. Article 55 ASR and commentary. See also J. Crawford, State Responsibility: The General Part (CUP,
2013) 697 (arguing that the ILC excluded only a narrow core of obligations under diplomatic and consular law
from the remit of legitimate countermeasures, and that countermeasures not affecting that core would be
See Art. 7 ILC ASR.
A. Generally
After Khashoggi’s death, the substantive negative and positive obligations were
extinguished, but the positive procedural obligation to investigate his death was triggered for
both Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Khashoggi was subject to the jurisdiction of both states at the
moment of his death. Like the substantive positive obligation to protect life, the procedural
obligation to investigate is also one of due diligence, i.e. it does not require the state to do the
impossible, but only what could reasonably be expected of it in the circumstances. In other
words, it is inherently flexible.148 Investigations into allegations of violation of the right to life
must always be independent, impartial, prompt, thorough, effective, credible and transparent,
and in the event that a violation is found, full reparation must be provided.149 I will now
examine the obligations of Saudi Arabia and Turkey in this regard, as well as the obligation of
these two states, and also the United States, to cooperate in effectively investigating
Khashoggi’s death.
See, e.g., Al-Skeini, paras. 161-177, esp. para. 168: ‘the Court considers that in circumstances such as these
the procedural duty under Article 2 must be applied realistically, to take account of specific problems faced by
General Comment No. 36, para. 28.
It is my assessment that woefully inadequate time and access was granted to Turkish
investigators to conduct a professional and effective crime-scene examination and
search. Crime-scene protection and meticulous examination are key to every criminal
investigation the world over, especially when it comes to the most serious crimes. Every
minute that passes between the commission of a crime and the examination of the crime
scene is a diminished opportunity to discover crucial evidence. Every minute that passes
without protecting the integrity of the crime scene makes the collection of evidence
more problematic with adverse consequences as to its admissibility. Mr. Khashoggi was
murdered on 2nd October. However, Turkish investigators, accompanied by Saudi
investigators, only had access to the Consulate on the 15th October and to the Consulate
residence on 17th October.
The evidence made available to us thus far indicates that prior to 15th October, up to
four attempts were made to eliminate forensic evidence from the scene. We were also
told that some re-painting had taken place during that period. In spite of these efforts,
given sufficient time, skilled and well-equipped crime-scene investigators would still
expect to find ‘trace-evidence’ of the commission of a murder such as that of Mr.
Khashoggi. However, premises the size of the Consulate and the residence would take
many days to examine thoroughly, especially if ‘clean-ups’ had taken place.
Delayed and limited access imposed by the authorities of Saudi Arabia to the criminal
forensic investigation, severely limited its potential to produce telling evidence and was
deeply regrettable.150
In short, there is simply no doubt that Saudi Arabia is in violation of the procedural
limb of the right to life.151
Callamard, supra note 20, paras. 10-14.
See also ibid., para. 17.
Ibid., para. 15.
See supra note 101 and accompanying text.
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi's killers carried syringes, electro-shock devices and cutting tools as they left Istanbul,
says report,’ The Independent, 13 November 2018, at
east/jamal-khashoggi-murder-saudi-arabia-syringes-cutting-tools-consulate-istanbul-turkey-a8631651.html. See
also ‘İnfaz timinin X-Ray’e takılan cinayet aletleri: Telsiz, telefon, şırınga, şok cihazı...’, Sabah, 13 November
2018, at
Ibid. See also ‘Turkey releases passport scans of men it says were involved in journalist’s killing,’
Washington Post, 16 October 2018, at
See, e.g., US Department of State, ‘Diplomatic and Consular Immunity: Guidance for Law Enforcement and
Judicial Authorities,’ at, at 17-18.
The second questionable decision of the Turkish authorities was that they allowed the
Saudi consul-general in Istanbul, Mohammad al-Otaibi, to leave the country on 16 October,
the day before his residence was to be searched by Turkish authorities.157 At this point Turkey
definitely knew enough about Khashoggi’s killing, and knew that the consul was involved in
the operation or was at the very least a witness to it. One recording obtained by Turkish security
services allegedly has the consul addressing the members of the hit-team as they were
assaulting Khashoggi, telling them: ‘Do this outside. You're going to get me in trouble.’158 On
6 October, four days after the murder, al-Otaibi led Reuters reporters on a macabre tour of the
consulate, opening cupboards and filing cabinets to show them that Khashoggi was not there,
denying any knowledge of his abduction and dismissing allegations of the involvement of his
mission in Khashoggi’s disappearance as ‘disgusting.’159
Again, at a minimum al-Otaibi was a material witness regarding Khashoggi’s murder,
yet he was nonetheless allowed to leave. Unlike the members of the Saudi hit-team, however,
al-Otaibi was entitled to privileges and immunities, since he was the head of the consular post
in Istanbul. But these immunities are not unqualified.160 While the protection of the
inviolability of a member of a diplomatic mission under Article 29 VCDR is categorical, and
they are exempted from any obligation to give evidence as a witness under Article 31(2)
VCDR, the same is not true for consular officers. Article 41(1) VCCR permits the arrest or
detention of a consular officer for a ‘grave crime,’ while Article 44 VCCR permits the receiving
state to compel a consular officer to give evidence on matters not connected with the exercise
of their functions, as murder obviously is not.161
See ‘Saudi consul general leaves Turkey for Riyadh: Turkish broadcasters,’ Reuters, 16 October 2018, at
riyadh-turkish-broadcasters-idUSKCN1MQ23T; ‘Senior Saudi diplomat in Istanbul when Khashoggi was killed
drops out of sight,’ Washington Post, 12 November 2018, at
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi: Turkish police search Saudi consul's residence,’ BBC News, 17 October 2018, at
See ‘Saudi Arabia opens up consulate after journalist vanishes,’ Reuters, 6 October 2018, at
See also Lee and Quigley, supra note 41, at 435-436.
See also ibid., at 487-488.
This brings us to the most difficult issue in the interaction between Turkey’s obligation
to investigate under IHRL and its duties under consular law – the delayed search of the premises
of the consulate, which only took place on 15 October and was limited in scope. Since almost
two weeks had passed, Saudi authorities had ample opportunity to tamper with the crime
scene.163 The delay was caused by Turkey waiting for Saudi consent to enter the premises, and
deliberate Saudi obstruction in that regard.
Here, however, Turkey was legally impeded from entering the consulate, unlike in the
scenario of entry for the purpose of saving Khashoggi’s life which we have looked at above.
While the threat to Khashoggi’s life could be treated as a disaster requiring prompt protective
action, which could have triggered distress or the assumed consent exception to inviolability
per Article 31(2) VCCR, this is not the case when it becomes known that Khashoggi is already
dead. Investigating Khashoggi’s death is, in other words, not as compelling a reason for an
exception from inviolability as saving his life would have been.
The issue, then, is whether Turkey could have done anything more than it already did
by putting public pressure on Saudi Arabia to provide its consent for entry, especially as a
prompt search of the crime scene would under ordinary circumstances have been an
indispensable requirement for Turkey’s compliance to effectively investigate the killing.
Turkey did have one such option. It could have notified Saudi Arabia that it should provide
consent for the search immediately, and that if it refused to do so Turkey would have no choice
but to sever consular relations between the two states. Severance could take immediate effect,
One such individual was an intelligence officer and the deputy head of the Saudi consulate, Ahmad Abdullah
al-Muzaini. Muzaini made a quick trip to Riyadh after Khashoggi first visited the consulate on 28 September.
He returned to Istanbul the day before the killing and was photographed passing through Ataturk airport with
heavy luggage. He left the country again at 9.35 pm on the evening of Khashoggi’s killing. See ‘Saudi King
Stands by Crown Prince as Outrage Over Khashoggi Killing Spreads,’ New York Times, 19 November 2018, at
Supra note 150.
See Denza, supra note 133, at 147, 396-402
The same goes for the search of any consulate vehicles. The Saudi hit-team appears to
have used at least seven different cars before and after the killing. A number of press reports
Supra note 150.
See supra note 70.
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi's body was 'dissolved', says Erdoğan adviser,’ The Guardian, 2 November 2018, at
See ‘Jamal Khashoggi's body likely burned in large oven at Saudi home,’ Al-Jazeera, 4 March 2019, at
See Lee and Quigley, supra note 46, at 360-361.
This is deliberate – see ILC Draft Articles on Consular Relations, with commentaries, supra note 139, at 110,
para. 9 (noting that only a very few bilateral conventions and municipal systems recognized the inviolability of a
consular residence).
Foakes and Denza, supra note 45, para. 8.39.
6. Conclusion
In short, Turkish authorities have demonstrated a genuine desire to find out what
happened to Khashoggi,175 although that desire is inevitably tempered by political
considerations. That said, some decisions made by Turkish authorities were not required by the
need to respect consular privileges and immunities and were, at least arguably, in violation of
their duty to effectively investigate the killing.
The final aspect of the positive procedural obligation that I will examine is the duty of
states to cooperate in effectively investigating Khashoggi’s death. In a situation in which the
evidence required to put together a full picture of a person’s unlawful death is located in two
or more different states, generally the only way of assembling that picture is for these states to
cooperate. Traditionally this has been done through often difficult and time-consuming
processes such as mutual legal assistance or extradition requests, which tend not to work
efficiently even in cases which are political insignificant. Clearly that it hardly going to work
in Khashoggi’s case – we have already seen how, on the one hand, Saudi Arabia has put a
number of individuals on trial and point-blank refused Turkish requests to extradite the
See, e.g., ‘Jamal Khashoggi: Saudi consulate car found abandoned in Istanbul, Turkish police say,’ The
Independent, 22 October 2018, at
arabia-consulate-car-istanbul-turkey-latest-police-investigation-a8596086.html; ‘Turkish police find clothes in
suitcases locked in abandoned Saudi consular car,’ Hurriyet, 23 October 2018, at
This is again a deliberate choice of the drafters of the VCCR; the original proposal of the ILC was to give
consular vehicles the same inviolability as the consular premises, reproducing mutatis mutandis the text of
Article 22 VCDR – see ILC Draft Articles on Consular Relations, with commentaries, supra note 139, at 109.
See also Callamard, supra note 20, paras. 16 and 19.
Güzelyurtlu and Others v. Cyprus and Turkey [GC], no. 36925/07, 29 January 2019.
Ibid., paras. 191-197.
See supra notes 94-97 and accompanying text.
The Court accordingly takes the view that Article 2 may require from both States a two-
way obligation to cooperate with each other, implying at the same time an obligation to
seek assistance and an obligation to afford assistance. The nature and scope of these
obligations will inevitably depend on the circumstances of each particular case, for
instance whether the main items of evidence are located on the territory of the
Contracting State concerned or whether the suspects have fled there.
Such a duty is in keeping with the effective protection of the right to life as guaranteed
by Article 2. Indeed, to find otherwise would sit ill with the State’s obligation under
Article 2 to protect the right to life, read in conjunction with the State’s general duty
under Article 1 to “secure to everyone within [its] jurisdiction the rights and freedoms
defined in [the] Convention”, since it would hamper investigations into unlawful
killings and necessarily lead to impunity for those responsible. Such a result could
frustrate the purpose of the protection under Article 2 and render illusory the guarantees
in respect of an individual’s right to life. The object and purpose of the Convention as
an instrument for the protection of individual human beings require that its provisions
be interpreted and applied so as to make its safeguards practical and effective.180
The Court further emphasized that the duty to cooperate was one of means, not one of result,
and that it only requires states to take reasonable steps, acting in good faith and consistently
with other rules of international law, avoiding possible issues of norm conflict.181
On the merits the Court thus found that Turkey failed to comply with its duty to
cooperate with Cyprus, but that Cyprus did not fail in its duty to cooperate with Turkey. In
particular, the Court held that the submission of an extradition request from Cyprus to Turkey
via informal channels was appropriate in the absence of diplomatic relations between the two
states. It also found that the refusal by Cyprus to submit its whole investigation file to TRNC
authorities was not unreasonable, since it would under the circumstances be tantamount to a
waiver of Cyprus’ jurisdiction over a crime committed on its territory to the authorities of an
unrecognized entity established on its territory.182 Turkey, on the other hand, was faulted for
Güzelyurtlu, para. 221.
Ibid., paras. 232-234.
Ibid, paras. 235-236.
Ibid., paras. 241-255.
Ibid., paras. 258-266.
General Comment 36, para. 28.
In fact footnote 136, which the Committee uses to support this sentence, refers to its 2012 concluding
observations on Kenya, in which it commented on Kenya’s obligation to cooperate with the International
Criminal Court.
6. Conclusion
The murder of Jamal Khashoggi is in many respects a truly extraordinary case. But it
is by no means unique – authoritarian states assassinate journalists and political dissidents with
some frequency. The use of consular premises as the scene of the killing is, of course, one
special feature of this affair. And while diplomatic and consular privileges and immunities are
abused all the time, this is not normally done in so spectacular a fashion.
What makes Khashoggi’s killing so fascinating from the standpoint of an international
legal analysis is the interplay between the human right to life and the rules of diplomatic and
consular law. The fundamentals of the operation of the right to life in its various aspects are
reasonably clear. First, before the killing, the positive duty to protect Khashoggi’s life was
triggered if Turkey and the United States knew, or ought to have known, of a real and
immediate risk to Khashoggi’s life. It seems possible, if not likely, that these two states, and
potentially others as well, did in fact possess such information so that the threat to Khashoggi’s
life was reasonably foreseeable to them. If that was the case, at the very minimum these states
had the duty to warn Khashoggi of the threat, which they did not do.
Second, moving to the moment of the attack on Khashoggi, there is no doubt that Saudi
Arabia was in flagrant violation of the negative obligation to refrain from arbitrary deprivations
of life under Article 5 of the Arab Charter and customary international law. As for Turkey, if
it knew, or ought to have known, of the threat to Khashoggi’s life in the premises of the Saudi
consulate in Istanbul, it would have been required by its obligation to protect his life under
Article 2 ECHR and Article 6 ICCPR to forcibly enter the consulate if that was the only way
of saving his life. Third, Khashoggi’s killing engaged the procedural positive obligation to
investigate his death. As we have seen, while these fundamentals are reasonably clear there are
also many complex questions of scope and applicability, such as the issue of extraterritoriality,
See supra notes 98-100 and accompanying text. See also ‘CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal
Khashoggi’s assassination,’ Washington Post, 16 November 2018, at
9469f1166f9d_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.4f0850758f88 (discussing US intercepts of conversations
mentioning Khashoggi between the crown prince and his brother, the Saudi ambassador to the United States).
See supra notes 22-23 and accompanying text.
See, e.g., Arrest Warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of Congo v Belgium), Judgment, ICJ
Reports 2002, p. 3.
In the Turkish original ‘diplomatik dokunulmazlığa’ – see ‘Kaşıkçı'nın öldürülmesi Viyana Konsolosluk
Sözleşmesi'ni tartışmaya açtı,’ Hurriyet, 25 October 2018, at
See ‘Turkey’s Erdogan says there’s strong evidence to show that the Khashoggi killing was planned,’ CNBC,
23 October 2018, at; ‘Erdogan
says the Vienna Convention hamstrung Turkey’s search for Khashoggi. Here’s what that is.,’ Washington Post,
23 October 2018, at
Cf. Callamard, supra note 20, para. 9: ‘The Turkish authorities’ compliance with these standards [of effective
investigation under human rights law] was seriously curtailed and undermined by Saudi Arabia’s unwillingness,
for some 13 days, to allow Turkish investigators access to the crime scenes. Our interviews suggested to us that
the Turkish government’s concerns over diplomatic immunity and over the risks of escalation of the political
crisis may have been a consideration,’ and para. 22: ‘We were told that that Turkey initially sought not to
escalate the issue [of immunity] further, including for fear of retaliation by the Saudi authorities.’
See ‘How the man behind Khashoggi murder ran the killing via Skype,’ Reuters, 22 October 2018, at
the-killing-via-skype-idUKKCN1MW2H4; ‘Behind Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Rise, Two Loyal
Enforcers,’ New York Times, 14 November 2018, at; ‘Why Saad
Hariri Had That Strange Sojourn in Saudi Arabia,’ New York Times, 24 December 2017, at
See Arts. 30 and 31 ILC ASR.
A good comparison point in that regard would be the public apology given by the UK government to Abdel
Hakim Belhaj for the UK’s role in his rendition to Libya, where he was subsequently imprisoned and tortured –
see, e.g., ‘Britain apologises for 'appalling treatment' of Abdel Hakim Belhaj,’ The Guardian, 10 May 2018, at