Natural Vegetation

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Natural Vegetation

1 0moR 20 nmaR
is any land with its vegetative cover, that has been
Syllabus so declared under a legal provision.
Natural Vegetation
Importance of Forests IMPORTANCE OF FORESTSs
Types of vegetation (tropical evergreen, tropical pProductive Functions: Various trees provide
deciduous, tropical desert, littoral and mountain), us with products such as fruits, leaves, roots and
distributiorn and correlation with their environment.
Forest Con.servation.
tubers of plants.(Wood is used for making furniture in
houses as well as industrial units. Wood and bamboo
pulp are, used for manufacturing paper and paper
boards, Wood is used indiscriminately as a source
Natural Vegetation refers to the plant community which of energy for cooking and for providing warmth.
Tas grown naturally without any human assistance
Forest products, other than timber and firewood
and has not been disturbed over a long time, so asto
allow its individual species to adjust themselves fully includefibres, essential oils, oil seeds and edible
to the climate and soil conditions. Thus, grasses, plants. (Bamboos provide a means of livelihood for
the tribals who make mats, baskets, ropes, etc.
shrubs and trees, which grow on their own without
using bamboo., It is also used in the manufacture
any human interference, constitute the natural
of rayon (yarns and artificial silk fibres)
vegetation of an area.
difference between flora, vegetation and
ity Protective Functions: Forests control the
There is a water flow.(The thick layer of humus in the forests
forest. Flora refers to plants of a particular region or
period, listed as species and considered as a group. prevents evaporation of water, The humus acts as
a natural
For example, the Eastern Himalayas have about 4000 sponge and helps to soak the rain water
species of plants which vary with increasing altitude
frog tropical to temperate and alpine.
Vegetation, the other hand, refers to the
on ba
Recreation Surviya
assemblage of plant species living in association
t h each other in a given environmental
set-up. For
example, the redwood forests, coastal mangroves, Energy i f ep r e s e n a t i o n

roadside weed patches, cultivated gardens and lawns, FOREST WId

ec., all are encompassed by the term vegetation. The Coolstheatmosphere

Eniches soil
Environment protectio
major vegetation types of the world are grouped as er co
1orests, grasslands, scrubs and tundra.
Forest refers to a large tract of land covered with
ees andaccompanying undergrowth of shrubs, herbs
and sustaining thousands of life forms, which include
both plants and animals. In
legal terminology, a forest Importance of Forests

Natural Vegetation 9 1
in the soil, The forest with its complex root system
binds the soil thereby preventing soil erosion and
loss of nutrients. The thick humus over the years is
formed by the decay of forest litter, which increases
the fertility of the soil.
iiy Regulatory Functions: The trees utilise carbon
dioxide and release oxygen during photosynthesis.
is used by the
(The oxygen released by the trees
animal world. Thus, the trees perpetuate the cycles
of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the biosphere They
also regulate the water cycle. The trees absorb water
from the ground, release water (during transpiration)
into the atmosphere which helps to form clouds and
Tropical Evergreen Forests
precipitation, which brings water again into the soil,
thus completing the water cycle. cCharacteristic Features:

iv Accessory Functionst Accessory functions (i) Since this region remains warm and wet
of the trees means that the forests provide habitat throughout the year, it has a luxuriant
for the wildlife.) Forests also provide aesthetics
vegetation of all kinds trees, shrubs
and recreation to human beings through National and creepers which give it a multi-layered
Parks, Wildlife Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserves. structure.
(i) Trees reach great heights of more than
India has a variety of forests and natural vegetation (ii) The carpet layer of herbs and grasses cannot
due to variations in climatic conditions, soil types and grow (because of the dense canopy oi trees
relief features. The Western Ghats and the Andaman which do not allow enough sunlight to reach
and Nicobar Islands are marked with tropical rain the ground.)
forests: the Himalayas have temperate vegetation; (iv) The trees in these forests do not have a
the desert and semi-desert regions of Rajasthan fixed time to shed their leaves, to fiower or
havea wide variety of bushes and thorny vegetation; for fruition. That is
why these forests appear
and the Delta regions have tropical forests and green all the year round.
mangroves The country can be divided into five major The main variety of trees found in these forests
vegetation fegions, which are ) Tropical Evergreen; include roseuwood,
ebony, mahogany, toon, chaplas
(ii Tropical Deciduous; (iii) Tropical Desert; sissoo, gurjan, telsur, etc.
(iv Littoral; and (v) Mountain.
dEconomical Value: Tropical Evergreen forests
1. TROPICAL EVERGREEN OR RAIN FORESTS produce various plant species of high economic
La Climatic Conditions: These forests are found yalue.The timber produced is hard, durable and
in the areas where the annual rainfall is more than fine-grained.However, due to tangled mass of canes
200cm with palms, bamboos, ferns and climbers along with the
short dry season, average annual lack of means of
temperature is between 25°C and 27°C and average transport, these forests have not been
annual bhumidity exceeds 77per cent. fully exploited.
6) Distribution: These forests are chiefly
distributed in the heavy rainfall areas of the western These forests are also known as the mons
nsoon forests.
slopes of the Western Ghats, hills of north-eastern They are the most
widespread forests in India. Bastu
on theavailability of water, these forests are ur
region and the island groups of Lakshadweep, the
Andaman and Nicobar and Tamil Nadu coast. categorised into two types: ithe moist deciduou
forests; and (ii the dry deciduous forests.
92 Total Geography-X
summer when the storage of water is
Further, the sub-soil water is
Tropical Evorgroen not enough for the trees to keep their
Tropical Deciduous Forests leaves all the year around.
Tropical Thorm Forests
be found
Mountain Forests
Littoral and Swamp Forosts
over a large area.
(iii) They are commercially
exploited forests of India.
The common trees of such forests
are sal, teak, arjun, shisham,, mahua,
mulberry, palas, semul and sandalwood.
(d)Economical Value: Tropical
Troplc of Cancer
Deciduous Forests are commercially
the most exploited. Besides providing
valuable timber, they provide various
other products(Sandalwood
in these forests is, in great demand in
India apd abroad.
SEA Forests
OF ) Dry Deciduous
BENGAL aClimatic Conditions: These
forests are found in areas having a
mean annual temperature of 23°C to
27°C, annual rainfall between 70cm to
100cm and humidity between 51 to
58per cent.
ANDAMAN b)Distribution: These forests
SEA are found in the rainier parts
of the
Pennisular Plateau and the plains of
Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
e Characteristic Features: (These
Natural Vegetation of India forests thrive between moist deciduous
forests (in the east) and tropical thorn
The Moist Deciduous Forests forests (in the west).\On the wetter
ayClimatic Conditions: Such forests are found in margins, these
forests have a transition into moist
deciduous, while
areas with
moderate or low annualrainfall of 100cm on the drier margins they degrade into thorn
Inthe northern Indian plains and in the areas of
to200cm and the mean annual temperature of 24°C
and27C and humidity percentage of 50 to 80. higher rainfall in the Peninsular Plateau, these
forests have open stretches in which teak
y Distribution: These forests occur in the north- trees
and, other
are interspersed
with patches of
grass.) During
castern part of the Peninsula, along the foothills of the dry season, the trees in these
forests shed their
theHimalayas and eastern slopes of the Western leaves completely and give the forests a look of a
nats, They occupy a sizeable area in Uttar Pradesh, vast grassland with naked
Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and have The common trees of these forests
sal, rosewood, amaltas, bel, khair, axlewood, tendu,
anarea bigger than the Evergreen forests. etc.
Characteristic Features: d Economical Value: The trees of these forests
The trees in these forests shed their leaves provide timber, fruits and other useful products.
Large tracts of these forests have been cleared for
TOm six to eight weeks during spring and early agricultural activities.

Natural Vegetation 93
terrestrial and aquatic system where the water
ter table
3.TROPICAL DESERT FORESTS at or near the surface of land,
is usually
Tropical Thorn Forests. (alClimatic Conditions: These forests thrive
These are also known as
found remains between 2co
Climatic Conditions: These forests
a areas where temperature 26'C t
in the areas which receive rainfall less than 5025°C
29°C and the rainfall is not more than 200cm
the annual temperature ranges between (b Distribution: These forests are found in

and has humidity below

47 per cent. we
to27 C marshy areas, in river deltas, in tidal or other sWar
These forests a r e chiefly the sea coasts. They are chie
(b)Distribution: areas and along
Uttar rivers the easted
distributed in south-western Punjab, Haryana, distributed in the deltas of large on

Rajasthan, Madhya on the western coast in salin

Pradesh, central and eastern of Maharashtra,
coast and in pockets
Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, parts Swamps of Sunderbans in West Bengal and coasta
Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. areas of Andhra Pradesh and
c C h a r a c t e r i s t i c Features: (c) Characteristic Features:

vegetation Due
E These forests have Xerophytic
the trees stunted are 4iThey have mainly evergreen species.ofvarying
of rainfall,
to paucity density and height, usually associated with
with large patches of coarse grasses.)
These forests have trees which have adapted
1The tree trunks are supported by number a
themselves to survive in drought like of stilt like roots which remain submerged
and are called xerophytes For example, and can be
under water during high tide
acacia or babool trees have developed long seen during low tide.
tap roots that can reach deep, ground water
with tangle of
survive drought (ii They have profuse growth
resources and therefore can adaptation for survival
likeconditions. Further,|the
acacia trees have climbers, which is an
long thorns and a symbiotic relationship
with in soft and shifting mud.
in the thorns, roots called
stinging ants. These ants live (iv) These forests have breathing
trees and
feed on the nectar produced by
the pneumatophores. Because of waterlogged
of the leaves, conditions, the roots are deprived of oxygen
when an animal takes a bite
tides. So, some mangrove roots
the ants attack the animal. during high
In these forests, plants remain leafless for extend vertically above the ground. These
and look like scrub vertical roots have pores which enable the
most part of the year trees to breathe when other roots remain
vegetation. tide.
The important trees found here
include babool sub merged under water during high
or acacia, date palm, ber, khair, neem, khejri, kanju,
The important trees include keora, amur, bhar
cactii, kokko,etc. rhizophora, screw pines, canes and palms, coasts im
LdEconomical Value: Ber fruit is eaten raw
agar, etc. Mangrove forests grow along
timber is hard,
made into pickle or beverages.(Its to make legs
strong, tough and durable. is used
for bedsteads, boat ribs, agricultural implements,
have medicinal
charcoal, etc. Babool bark and gum
also used as an
value) Date Palm is çaten raw and
for sore
astringent, as a decoction, syrup or paste
and roots have
throat, cold, fever, etc.) (Neem bark
and neem
medicinal properties. )(Neem oil, leaves
extracts are used to manufacture health and beauty
products. It is also used as an insecticide.
most specialised
Littoral or Tidal forests are one of the has a variety
tropical natural vegetation types. Tropical Thorn Forests
of wetland habitats. (Wetlands, are lands between
Important Trees and their Uses
Rosewoodis used for makingfuniture, floor boards,
Vagon parts, ete. It is used as deeorative wood for
carving and for making ornamental ply boarda.and
Ebony is used for onamental carving and for
decoratio0. It is used for inlaying,for nmaking musical
Instiuments, sports goods, piano keys and caskets.
Teak wood is(moderately hard, durable and easy
work) It is used for conatruction purposes,
shipbuilding and making furniture, railway .carriages,
sleepers and bridges.
Exposed Stilt Roots During Low Tide Sandalwood is used for making statues and
ornamentalobjects. It is also used in making aromatic
ihe salt marshes, tidal ereeks, mud flats and estuaries. Substances and for extracting sandalwood oil
They are found in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Sal wood is very hard, heavy and tough) It is used |
andWest Bengal. Other areas of significance include Tor making beams, planking and railing of bridges,
the Mahanadi, the Godavari and the Krishna deltas,
doors, window posts of houses, railway sleepers, etc
CThese forests have Sundan trees, after the name Palas leaves are used for rearing shellacworms.
of which these forests are known as
'Sunderbans Ber(is a fruit which is eaten raw or made pickle
in the Ganga Delta) or beverages Its timber is hard, strong, tough and
Economical Value: Mangrove trees are utilised durable) It ís used to make legs for bedsteads, boat
for fuel whereas sundari trees provide hard durable ribs, agricultural implements, charcoal, etc.
timber Babool's bark and gum have medicinal value.
Neem bark and roots have medicinal properties. It
5Mo NTAIN FORESTS is effective in
In the mountain regions temperature decreases with treating diabetes, allergies, ulcers and
altitude. This has a corresponding effect on the several other diseases. (Neem oil, leaves and neem
extracts areused to manufacture health and
natural vegetation of the mountain regions. beauty
products, Neem is also used as an insecticide.
Ua Climatic Conditions: These forests are found .Deodar(is a medium weight durable wood. \It is|
in areas where annualtemperature is 12°C to 13°C, used for construction work and for makingrailway
rainfall is between 100 and 300cm and annual sleepers. It is also suitable for beams, floor boards,
humidityis between 56 and 65per cent. ports, window frames and light furniture.
lb Relief: These forests occur at an altitude .Sundari trees provide hard durable timber
between 1000m to 4000m. construction purposes and boat making.
YefDistribution: These forests cover the entire
Himalayan zone. In the Peninsular region they are (v) Between the altitude of 1500m and 1750m,
found in the Vindhyas, Nilgiris and the Western Ghats. coniferous trees like Chir pine is an important
eyCharacteristics Features: tree. (At an altitude of 2250m and 3000m blue
UTThese forests contain mixed species of broad pine and spruce are found.
leafed evergreen trees and conifers. They also vi) At higher altitudes, alpine forests, and alpine
Contain scrubs, creepers and ferns. grass upto the snowline are found followed by
1) At the foothills of the Himalayas deciduous mosses and lichens. Beyond the snowline no
vegetation is found.
orests are found.
k)At an altitude of 1000m to 2000m they are the (vii) In the Peninsular regions, the area is only about
moist temperate forests. 1500m in height and vegetation varies from
tropical to temperate forests.
T in the hilly areas of West Bengal and Uttarakhand,
Vergreen broad leafed trees like chestnut and (This is because of their closeness to the tropics
0ak are found. and height of only 1500m above sea level. So the

Natural Vegetation 9 5
and sub
egetation is temperate in the higher regions,
regions of the Western Ghats,
opical on the lower Man has been overexploiting the forests
specially in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka) to
hese temperate forests are called Sholas
in the not only his needs but also his greed. This
to a decline in the forest cover.
is has le satisty
ilgiris, Anaimalai and Palani hills.
The important trees found in these forests include Due to rapid population growth and the der
for more food, forests have been cleared to demand
nagnoia, laurel, cinchona, wattle, plum, etc. them into agricultural land.
to conver

CORRELATION OF THE FORESTS Forests have been converted into pasture la

WITH THE ENVIRONMENT for expanding dairy farming and cattle ranchilan
orests have an intricate interrelationship with the (Overgrazing in the forests
by animals in
nvironment. Forests play a vital role in protecting the tropical and sub-tropical regions has resulte
nviropment by performing the following functions: into large-scale degradation of natural vegetati
Forests are the moderators of climate. They E v e r increasing demand for timber for vario
play an effective role in controlling humidity, purposes due to industrial expansion an
temperature and precipitation. urbanisation has added to the problem o

Forests play dominant role in carbon cycle. They deforestation

absorb atmospheric Carbon dioxide and help LeConstruction of multi-purpose river vale
in maintaining the purity of air and controlling projects has led to submergence of land an
atmospheric pollution. destruction of forested riversides.
soil All these factors have led to the decline in forests
Forests help in controlling soil erosion,
degradation and floods. That is why they are very which have the following effects:

helpful in land reclamation and flood control. iDeclinein the forests, have led to the decline i
Forests help in water percolation and thereby forest productivity.
maintain underground water table. ) Forests influence human environment
Decay of plant leaves provides humus to the moderating climate, regulating water supply
soils and increases their fertility. maintaining fertility of soil and purifying ai

Natural Vegetation of India

Vegetation Climatic Distribution Important Trees

Type conditions

Tropical Temp: 25°C-27°C Western slopes of the Western Ghats, | Rosewood, ebony, mahagony, too
Rainfall: More than hills of north-eastern region, and the | chaplas, sissoo, gurjan, telsur, etc.
200cm Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Tropical Temp: 24°C-27°C | Northern states along the foothills of Sal, teak, arjun, palas, shisham
Deciduous Rainfall: 100-200cm the Himalayas, eastern slopes of the mahua, mulberry, semul, sandalwoog
Western Ghats. Ber, etc.

Tropical Temp: 25°C-27°C South-western Punjab, Haryana, Babool, date palm, khair, neem.
Desert Rainfall: Less Uttar Pradesh, Central and eastern
than 50cm Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and
Littoral Temp: 26°C-29°C Deltas of large rivers on the eastern Keora, amur, bhara, rhizophora, scr
Rainfall: Not more coast, in pockets on the western coast, pines, canes and palms, sunaa
than 200cm in saline swamps of the Sunderbans agar, etc.
in West Bengal and coastal areas of
Andhra Pradesh and Odisha.

Mountain Temp: 12°C-13°C The Himalayan zone. Chestnut, oak, pine, spruce, magno
Rainfall: 100-300cm laurel, cinchona, wattle, plum, C

96 Total Geography - X
Absence ot torest cover leads to soil erosion which Different
iv) Establishing Corridors between
increases load of the rivers (The increased surface be
load reduces water in the rivers for human use.)
Reserved Forests: Wide corridors should
established in different reserved forests to allow
Siltation causes floods which destroy property, the migration of wild animals. This will also help
CFops and living beings. these corridors
numerous species of animals to use
Lack of torest cOver reduces precipitation, thus for their dispersal and migration.
causing droughts.
(v) Using Alternative Sources of Energy: In for carbon dioxide that the India, trees are
many parts of the world including
trees use during photosynthesis. The absence felled for providing firewood. So, in order
to conserve
of forests increases the concentration of carbon
we must use non-conventional or renewable
dioxide in the atmosphere. Thus, increasing
greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. This raises sources of energy, like solar energy, tidal energy,
the temperature of the earth's surface and of hydel energy, etc.
the atmosphere leading to global warming and (vi) Proper Legislation and its Implementation:
its harmful consequences. deforestation.
Strict laws should be made to check
that these laws
Hence, conservation of forest is of vital importance Proper care should be taken to see
for the survival and prosperity of human kind. are strictly implemented.
of the
CONSERVATION MEASUREs Lvii) People's Participation: Participation
local community is of utmost significance if any plan
To arrest deforestation and stop the diversion of forest has to be enforced since the local inhabitants

lands for non-forest uses, the following conservation the ultimate users. Most programmes now

practices must be undertaken: local communities in planning, decision-making and

Increasing the Area Under Forests: Loss of implementation.
forests can be remedied by a massive programme of badlands and barren lands into
tree plantation. Planting trees on degraded lands and
vii) Developing
vegetation belts.
land that is unfit for agriculture will not only help
in improving the environment but will also relieve DRAFT NATIONAL FOREST PoLICY 2018
harvesting pressure on these forests. Draft National Policy 2018 aims at Sustainable forest
Afforestation around Industrial Units: The management by incorporating elements of ecosystem
level of pollution is much higher in areas where
industries are located. For example, in the cities
security, climate change, forest hydrology, robust
framework to monitor and develop forest cover and
having Iron and Steel Plants, pollutants generated
are more than other cities. (This is because during
strengthening the overall environmental balance.
the manufacture of steel, air emissions from the The overall objective and goal of the policy is to
manufacturing plants emit particulate matter, safeguard the ecological balance and livelihood
of people,of the present and future generations,
sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and
hydrogen fluoride which pollute the air. Besides, based on sustainable management of the forests.
these steel plants emit significant dust levels of about eThe country should have a minimum of one-third of
20 kilograms per metric ton of steell To prevent
thetotalland areaunderforest and tree.cover and
pollution, trees are planted around the cities having
two-thirds in the hills and mountainous regions.
Iron and Steel Plants. The trees act as a barrier for This will help to prevent soil erosion and land
the dust and purify the air. degradation and ensure the stability of the fragile
ii Stopping Indiscriminate Felling of Trees: eco-systems.
There should be a strict ban on felling of naturally Reverse the degradation of forest by taking up
growingtrees. If a tree has to be cut, necessary rehabilitation without compromising its natural
permission has to be obtained. Besides, proper
replacement of trees by planting saplings at least profile.
in the ratio of 1:10 (1 tree to 10 saplings) should Checking denudation and soil erosion in the
be undertaken. catchments of rivers and the wetlands through

Natural Vegetation 9 7
integrated watershed management techniques
and practices.
It refers to the management and
protection of
Maintenance of the health of forest vegetation and afforestation on barren lands
with the pur foress
and forest soils for enhancing water supplies of helping in the environmental, social
through recharge of underground aquifers and development. Tura
regulation of surface water flows. Social forestry is people-oriented, value based
Safeguard forest land by exercising strict restraint managenment of fores ts with the major objectivejoin
on diversion for non-forestry purposes, and strict satisfying the needs, wants and aspirations of
oversight on compliance of the conditions.
the people and the government. It embraces almhoul
uncultivated most
a limitless range of activities on
Manage protected areas and other wildlife rich and thus, reduces the pressure on the land
areas with the primary objective of biodiversity forest resources. Social Forestry is also nation
conservation and for enriching other ecosystem extension forestry, mined forestry, urban
forestm as
services tree farming, Vanamahotsava, recreation estry
e Increase substantially the tree cover outside livestock forestry, etc. Most of these names indicate
utility of the forest features of Social Forestry
forests by promoting agro-forestry and farm Social forestry 1S forestry 1or
forestry development. It consists of
Integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation restoration, reallocation, reorganisation of
measures in forest management through the existing forest lands for the total developmen
mechanism of REDD+(Reducing Emissions from of the land and the people living on it;
Deforestation and Forest Degradation plus) joint management of the forest and its production
so that the impacts of the climate change is processes; and
minimised. developing the socio-economic structure that
Managing and expanding green spaces in urban makes the above two possible.
and peri-urban areas (outskirts or hinter land)
Objectives of Social Forestry
to enhance citizens' wellbeing. The main objectives of Social Forestry, as recommended
by the National Commission on Agriculture, include
Usefal Terms the following:
Afforestation: Planting trees on lands which are not i) Providing fuel wood, fodder for cattle, timber
previously covered with forest vegetation. and minor forest products to rural people.
Agro-forestry: The sustainable system of managing (i) Utilising the available land according to its
a piece of land through combined production of productive capacity.
agriculturalcrops and forest crops and animal rearing.
toensure the most efficient land use in accordance with
(ii) Developing local cottage industries by providing
raw materials.
socio-cultural practices of the local people.
Deforestation: The clearing or thinning of forests (iv) Providing efñicient conservation of soil and water
by humans for wood, crop lands and grazing land. (v) Providing employment opportunities to the rura
Farm forestry: The practice of growing trees on farm people.
land to produce saleable products like timber, tannin, (vi) Increasing agricultural production by using co
charcoal, etc. and to provide shade and shelter for dung as manure.
stock and crops.
(vii) Fulfilling the recreational needs of the people
Reforestation: Re-establishing a forest by planting
trees in an area from which forest vegetation has
(vii) Improving the aesthetic scene of the area.
been removed. (ix) Achieving all-round rural development as a part
of integrated rural
Social Forestry: The management and protection
of development programme
forests and afforestation on barren lands with the
purpose of helping in the environmental, social and
Agro-forestry is a part of social forestry and represents
rural development the intermediate stage between forestry and agriculture

with proper
to "the sustainable To maintain ecological balance along
Aero-forestry refers system of (iii)
utilisation of farm resources.
managing a piece of land through combined production
af agricultural crops and forest crops and animal the available resources
(iv) To make the best use of all
earing, to ensure the most efficient land use under a like land, livestock, ecological factors,
management system in accordance with socio-cultural forest products such
etc., to obtain a variety of
nractices of the local people." Agro-forestry aims to recreation and a
a s food, fuel, fodder, livestock,
from the
Drovide conservation of the land and its improvement variety of forest products sustainably
inorder to
achieve a combined produce of forest and Same land.
agricultural crops. different from the traditional forestry
Agro-Forestry is
that it is not vulnerable to population
Objectives of Agro-Forestry in the sense
accordance with the socio-
To reduce pressure on natural forests for obtaining stresses. It is created in

timber as well as non-timber forest produce. cultural practices the population. In fact, agro-forestry
and reduces the
co-ordinates with local population
(ii To check soil erosion and to maintain the natural
pressure of population on traditional forestry.
fertility of the soil.

I. Answer the following questions:

Q.1 (a) What is meant by natural vegetation?

Give two points of difference between vegetation and forests.
Name one area where tropical rain forests are found.
(c) (i)
Mention two main characteristics of tropical rain forests.
(d) Give a geographical reason for each of the following:
covered with thick evergreen forests while the Eastern Ghats
(i) The Western Ghats are
by deciduous forests.
all the year round.
(ii) Tropical evergreen forests have tall trees and appear green
i Deciduous forests are commercially most exploited.
Q.2 (a) Give two points Tropical Evergreen and Tropical Deciduous Forests.
of difference between
Forests develop?
(b) What are the climatic conditions under which Tropical Evergreen
(c) (i) What the characteristic features of deciduous

(ii) Name the two types of deciduous forests.

r e a s o n for each of the following:
(d) Give á geographical
difficult to exploit for commercial purposes.
Tropical Evergreen Forests are

is called Sunderbans.
i Delta area of river Ganga
around the cities having Iron and Steel Industries, and Thermal Power
il Forests are grown in and
Vegetation Desert thrives.
Q.3 (a) Mention the areas where Tropical
Littoral forests develop?
(b) Under what climatic conditions do Name two typical trees found here.
of desert vegetation.
(c) (i) State two characteristic features tropical
deserts have stunted
Why tropical
for each of the following:
(d)Give a geographical reason
in India.
(i) The forest area has greatly depleted slope of the Western Ghats
forests are found on the
(1i) The Tropical Evergreen
gixy Acacia has long roots.

Natural Vegetation 9 9

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