The Impact of Mobile Games To Youth
The Impact of Mobile Games To Youth
The Impact of Mobile Games To Youth
Hello, I am Calvin Marvell and I’m 12 years old. Today I am going to talk
about the impact of mobile games to on youth. First of all, A mobile game is a
game that can be played on any portable devices such as mobile phone and
portable console. And Nowadays, it’s seems like nearly all the every youth people
have mobile devices. Also Now you may ask, what is youth?
According to UN definition (ref :,
Youth people is the people in age between childhood and adult, more specifically
between is persons between the ages 15 and 24 years old. This people are from
middle school and university. Because of that, they still have a lot of extra time and
tends to seek entertainment. Nowadays These day mobile games are the major
entertainment for youth people. Mobile games are popular because you can play
them anywhere and anytime.
The portability itself make people consume too much mobile games and have
impact straight to their life. The definition of Impact is something that forcibly
effects your life and makes you change your life style. Luckily this impact is not
permanent you can still change bad impacts on your life.
The popular bad impact of mobile games is it can cause an The most common
negative impact that happened is addiction. Addictions is something that makes
you want to do, eat, or think it non-stop. An addiction It can cause change of
lifestyle to a much worse lifestyle and could get in the way of you being a
functional human being. Addictions can cause anger, disorders, giving up hobbies,
and more.
Some researchers have found some statistics in their researches for example in
Japan Based on the research by Mihara and Higuchi (ref : ,
“internet game addiction” was carried out in Japan, and the samples that exhibited
signs of Internet Gaming Disorder or called as IGD ranged from 0.7% to 27.5%
the signs of Internet Gaming Disorder or IGD was founded at 0.7% to 27.5% from
total sampels . In Another study on gamers from Norway by C.T.Wittek
( , found that 1.4% of the sample could be
classified as addicted gamers, while 7.3% were problematic gamers. Not only
America and Europe, Several Asian countries struggle with video game addiction
Lomba Buku Erlangga
Nama: Calvin Marvell
Kelas: 7A
Sekolah: Ehipassiko School BSD