MCQ On Liberal Political Theory

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Multiple Choice Question Bank

1. A Discourse on the origin of Inequality and Social Contract was presented by?
(a) Hobbes (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) None of these
2. ‘Emile’is a book written by …….on education?
(a) Hobbes (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) None of these
3. The General Will is the political concept of?
(a) J. J. Rousseau (b) Hobbes (c) Locke (d) None of these
4. Rousseau’s political philosophy furnished basis for?
(a) Political sovereignty (b) Limited sovereignty
(c) Popular sovereignty (d) Absolute sovereignty
(e) None of these.
5.What do people get in return for surrendering their freedom to an absolute monarch, according to
(a) Preservation (b) Security (c) Peace (d) Nothing of any value
6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born on?
(a) 28th June 1711 (b) 28th June 1712
(c) 26th June 1713 (d) 28th June 1714
7. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in?
(a)London, Britain (b)Geneva, Switzerland
(c) Ermenonville, France (d) None of these
8. How does Rousseau describe man in his primal natural state?
(a) A Noble Savage (b) Solitary, nasty and brutish
(c) A blank state (d) Totally corrupted
9. Rousseau felt that social living corrupted us leading to such ills as private property and Social classes.
Which of the following is his famous phrase arising from this reasoning?
(a)Workers of the world unite
(b) Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest

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(c) Put the child in his place and keep him there
(d)Man was born free, but he is everywhere in chains
10. What was Rousseau's remedy for the corruption and slavery of civilized society?
(a)A new social contract (b) Democratic reforms
(c) Revolution (d) Socialism
11. In Rousseau's view, what would constitute true liberty?
(a)Free enterprise, unrestrained by government interference
(b) A Republic in which there is
12. universal suffrage (for property owning males)
(c) Replacement of autocratic governments by Athenian style democracy
(d) Submission to the "general will" of the citizenry
13. Who among the following used the expression “ forced to be free “ in connection with the liberty of the
(a)Rousseau (b)Locke (c) Green (d)Hobhouse
14. ‘Social Contract’ is a book written by
(a)Hobbes (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) Bentham
15. Who among the following thinkers distinguished between “Real will” and “Actual will”
(a)Rousseau (b) Green (c)Kant (d)Locke
16. Who argues that sovereignty can never be alienated, divided or represented?
(a)Hegel (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) Bentham
17. “A thinking man is a deprived animal” Who said?
(a)Hobbes (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d)Bentham
18. The concept of forced freedom was first enunciated by?
(a)Hobbes (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) TH Green
19. Which one of the following theories regards the state as the result of an agreement entered into by
man who originally had no governmental organisation?
(a)Divine origin theory (b) Social Contract theory
(c) Force theory (d) Matriarchal theory
20. The theory of social contract primarily seeks?
(a)To explore the historical origin of the state
(b) To explain the basis of political obligation
(c) To justify the status quo
(d) To bring out a radical transformation of society by revolution
21. General will is the sum total of?
(a)Real will (b) Actual will (c) Strong will (d) Supreme will
22. “ I authorise and give up my right of governing myself to this man , or this assembly of man,

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on this condition, that thou give up thy right to him and authorise all his action in like manner” With
whose name is this expression associated?
(a)Hobbes (b) Locke (c)Rousseau (d) Marx
23. Why is the Leviathan called 'artificial'?
(a)It is outside of nature
(b) It is manufactured by humans
(c) It is only a fictional civilization
(d) It is outside of nature, and it is manufactured by humans
24. Hobbesian social contract is based on ?
(a)Desire for peace (b) Selfishness
(c) Fear (d) Completion
25. ‘Leviathan’ is written by?
(a)Thomas Hobbes (b) Hegel
(c) Locke (d) None of these
26. What is the original source for the name "Leviathan"?
(a)Hobbes's Leviathan (b) The of job
(c) John Milton's Paradise Lost (d) Homer's Iliad
27. How does matter move in Hobbes's philosophy?
(a)Matter moves itself

(b) Matter is animated by the spirit

(c) Matter moves only when pushed by other matter
(d) Matter Li directly controlled by God
28. In the state of nature why will two natural men inevitably fight if they desire the samething?
(a)They are naturally equal
(b) If they were altruistic they would be exploited
(c) Scarcity of resources
(d) All of the above
29. His social contract represents the triumph of reason rather than hard necessity” this statement is true of?
(a)Hobbes (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) Bentham
30. Who recognises that even in the primitive natural state there are in some sense laws of nature?
(a)Hobbes (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) Bentham
31. Who attempted to justify English revolution of 1688?
(a)Hegel (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) Bentham
32. “An essay concerning Human Understanding” is written by?
(a)Thomas Hobbes (b) John Locke (c) J. J. Rousseau (d) None of these

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33. “Justice is giving everyone his due” is said by?

(a)Rousseau (b) Hobbes (c) Aristotle (d) None of these
34. Which of the political philosophers was more admitted by the American Founding Fathers, and his
thoughts on the importance of private property were reflected in the drafting and historical development of
the American Constitution?
(a)John Locke (b) Thomas Hobbes (c) Rousseau (d) None of these
35. Locke laid down that state is?
(a) An end in itself (b) Means to an end
(c) Unavoidable evil (d) Legal necessity
36. According to John Locke, the best form of Government is?
(a)Monarchy (b) Aristocracy (c) Democracy (d) None of these
37. Which one of the following political thinkers was the first exponent of the liberal theory of states ?
(a)T.H. Green (b) Hobbes (c) Jean Jacques Rousseau (d) John Locke
38. In describing the ‘State of nature’ the concept of ‘the veil of ignorance was introduced by?
(a)Hobbes (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d)Rawls
39. The view that property is natural rights of man is associated with?
(a)Aristotle (b) St Augustine (c) Locke (d) Hegel
40. The liberal democratic theory of representation is based on the principle that the people are supreme
and have the right to elect and remove the government. The origin of this theory is chiefly traced to?
(a)Hegel (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) Bentham
41. Locke distinguished between?
(a)State and government (b)State and sovereignty
(c) legislative power and Judicial review (d) monarchy and Constitutional monarchy
42. Who said “Where there is no law, there is no freedom?”
(a)Karl Marx (b) Locke (c) Herbert Spencer (d) Adam Smith
43. According to Hobbes and Locke Right to life liberty and property are given by
(a)State (b)Nature (c)Society (d)Association
44. The rule of law means
(a)Law is supreme (b) The president is Supreme
(c)Parliament is supreme (d)None of these
45. The statement “where there is no law, there is no freedom” refers to
(a)Liberty and equality (b) Justice and equality
(c) Rights and Justice (d) Law and liberty
46. The three natural rights mentioned by Locke are?
(a)Right to life, liberty and property (b)Right to life, work and religion
(c) Right to life, property and religion (d) Right to life, religion and family
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47. The work ‘Discourse’ is by?

(a)Machiavelli (b) Marx (c) Lenin (d) Engels
48. Who learned the idea of separation of ethics and politics from Aristotle?
(a)Aquinas (b) Marx (c) Machiavelli (d) Engels
49. Machiavelli followed………… method in his political philosophy?
(a)Legal (b) historical (c) Institutional (d) Cultural
50. According to is always termed as creature of habits ?
(a)Aquinas (b) Marx (c) Machiavelli (d) Engels
51. Who was the first political thinker who brought the concept of state in political science?
(a)Machiavelli (b) St Thomas Aquinas (c)Engels (d)Hitler
52. . the masterpiece of Machiavelli and is generally taken as the source of his political
(a)Prince (b) Discourse (c)The mandrake (d) The Art of war
53. ‘Felicific Calculus’ was the contribution of:
(a)Bentham (b) Aristotle (c) Plato (d) J. S. Mill (e) None of these?
54. Founder of utilitarian school of thought was:
(a)Edmund Burk (b) Jeremy Bentham (c) J.S. Mill (d) James Mill
55. He is known as the founding father of Utilitarianism?
(a)James Mill (b) Jeremy Bentham (c) C. Wright Mills (d) None of these
56. “Traits –de- legislation” is a book written by?
(a)J S Mill (b) Bentham (c) Thomas Hobbes (d) None of these
57. Greatest happiness of the greatest number is the contribution of ....................?
(a)Mill (b)Green (c) Bentham (d)Kant
58. ‘Liberty is nothing to do with utility’ says.......?
(a)Mill (b)Green (c) Bentham (d) Rousseau
59. Human beings are governors of two masters, pleasure and pain.
(a) Hegel (b) Marx (c) Bentham (d) Green
60. Fragments of Government is written by ................?
(a)St Thomas Aquinas (b) Nicholo Machiavelli

(c)Aristotle (d) Jeremy Bentham

61. Whether an action is good or bad should be judged from the happiness or utility which it produces. This
observation belongs to?
(a)Jeremy Bentham (b) Nicholo Machiavelli
(c)Aristotle (d) St Thomas Aquinas
62. Plato’s ‘Republic’ contains his ideas about
(a)Justice (b) Theory of state
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(c) Theory of education (d) all of the above

63. Bentham supported the theory of .....................?

(a)Natural rights (b) historical rights
(c)Legal rights (d)ethical rights
64. “It is better to be human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied: better be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool
satisfied” This observation is?
(a)The reaffirmation of hedonistic utilitarianism
(b) An improvement of hedonism
(c) A repudiation of hedonism
(d) A form of moral intuitionism
65. Which one of the following is the essential pre requisite of constitutionalism?
(a)A limited government (b)Written constitution
(c) Guarantee of fundamental rights (d) Division of powers
66. The book is written by J.S.Mill.
(a)On Liberty (b) Two Cities (c) City of Joy (d) City Lights
67. Principles of Political Economy is a work by ........................?
(a)Hegel (b) Marx (c) J S Mill (d) Lenin
68. Subjection of Women is a work by.........................?
(a)Hegel (b) Marx (c) J S Mill (d)Lenin
69. . the champion of individualism and liberty?
(a)J S Mill (b)Plato (c) Aristotle (d) Locke
70. Over himself, over his own body and mind the individual is sovereign”?
(a)Hobbes (b) Green (c) J S Mill (d) Engels
71. . .................. stood for qualitative pleasure?
(a)Hobbes (b) Kant (c) J S Mill (d) Marx
72. "Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789)" Was written by?
(a)Jeremy Bentham (b) J.S. Mill (c) John Locke (d) None of these
73. . ...............favoured the idea of plurality of votes?
(a)TH Green (b) Karl Marx (c) JS Mill (d) Jeremy Bentham
74. According to JS Mill, not an ideal form of government ?
(a)Polity (b) Oligarchy (c) Democracy (d) Aristocracy
75. According to............. the reading of this book was an epoch in my life, one of the turning points in my
mental history?
(a)Green (b) Bentham (c) J S Mill (d) Rousseau
76. The view that every law of the state enlarges individual freedom is associated with..............?

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(a)Idealists (b) Individualists (c) Syndicalists (d) Marxists

77. The positive theory of liberty was advocated by

(a)Mill (b)Green (c)Hegel (d)Marx
78. Individualism advocated...................?
(a)Maximum state control over the individual
(b) least state interference in the affairs of the state
(c) Concentration of all powers in the hands of a single ruler
(d) Guarantee of individual liberty through law
79. The view that the state is “an ethical institution which is indispensable for the full moral development
of man” is attributed to?
(a)Classical Liberals (b) Guild Socialists (c) Idealists (d) TH Green
80. Man is a political animal and as such is bound to obey the state. People can resist the state
authority only for the achievement of common good.
(a)Mill (b)Hegel (c)Lenin (d) T H Green
81. According to ...............the state should try to remove hindrances which stand in the moral
Development of individual”?
(a)T H Green (b) Marx (c)Hegel (d) Engels
82. “Man is a moral being and tries to seek moral perfection” says.........?
(a)Kant (b) Mill (c) Marx (d) T H Green
83. Who among the following thinkers held that “Human consciousness postulates, liberty, liberty
Involves rights and rights demand state”?
(a)Hegel (b)Green (c) Mill (d) Marx
84. Which of the following goals is the immediate aim of the Communists?
(a)The unification of the proletariat into a ruling class
(b) The overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
85. The philosophical concepts of Marxism are in part derived from?
(a)Hegel (b) Locke (c) Rousseau (d) Bentham
86. ‘Phenomenology’ of mind is a work by...............?
(a)Hegel (b) Green (c) Marx (d) Hegel
87. Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences is a work by...................?
(a)Marx (b) Engels (c) Kant (d) Hegel
88. The positive theory of liberty was advocated by?
(a)JS Mill (b) Aristotle (c) TH Green (d)Plato

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89. Philosophy of Right (1831) is a work by .................?

(a)Marx (b) Engels (c) Lenin (d) Hegel
90. Civil society was an antithesis of ...............and people joins it for realising their selfish interests?
(a)State (b) history (c) Religion (d) Family
91.According to .......... , state is divine origin and the essence of state is freedom?
(a)Lenin (b) Marx (c) Engels (d) Hegel
92. To ...............State is the march of god on earth?
(a)Lenin (b) Marx (c) Engels (d) Hegel
93. According to ...........’dialectic explain the logic of history’?
(a)Kant (b) Rousseau (c) Engels (d) Hegel
94. Who was the founder of Hegelianism and Historicism?
(a)George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (b) H. Jackson
(c) Immanuel Kant (d) Horn, David Bayne
95. George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a?
(a)Britain Philosopher (b) German philosopher
(c) Russian philosopher (d) American philosopher
96. Who was the creator of German Idealism?
(a)Immanuel Kant (b) George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
(c) Jeans Jacques Rousseau (d) None of these.
97. Who is the author of ‘ a theory of Justice’?
(a) Rawls (b)Aristotle (c) Plato (d) Rousseau
98. ‘Anarchy, State, and Utopia’ written by
(a) Robert Nozick (b) F.Hayek (c) Rawls (d)Edmund Burke
99. “We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with
a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice” who said?
(a)Hayek (b) Samuel P Huntington
(c) Immanuel Kant (d) Milton Friedman
100. Who is the author of ‘Reflections on the Revolution in France’?
(a) Edmund Burke (b) Hayek (c) Rousseau (d) Laski

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1 C 21 B 41 B 61 A 81 A

2 C 22 D 42 B 62 D 82 D

3 A 23 A 43 B 63 C 83 B

4 C 24 A 44 B 64 B 84 C

5 D 25 B 45 D 65 A 85 A

6 B 26 C 46 A 66 A 86 A

7 B 27 D 47 A 67 C 87 D

8 A 28 A 48 C 68 C 88 C

9 D 29 A 49 B 69 A 89 D

10 A 30 B 50 C 70 C 90 D

11 D 31 B 51 A 71 A 91 D

12 A 32 D 52 A 72 C 92 D

13 C 33 A 53 A 73 B 93 D

14 A 34 C 54 B 74 C 94 A

15 C 35 C 55 B 75 C 95 B

16 C 36 D 56 B 76 C 96 B

17 C 37 B 57 C 77 A 97 A

18 B 38 C 58 C 78 B 98 A

19 B 39 B 59 C 79 C 99 A

20 A 40 D 60 D 80 D 100 A

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