Introduction To Semantic Web
Introduction To Semantic Web
Introduction To Semantic Web
The today's World Wide Web's content is designed for humans to read and understand, not for
machines and computer programs to manipulate meaningfully. Computers can adeptly parse
Web pages for layout and routine processing but, in general, machines have no reliable way to
process the semantics. The Semantic Web will bring structure to the meaningful content of Web
pages, where software agents roaming from page to page or from site to site can readily carry out
automated sophisticated tasks for users.
The World-wide web, a system of interlinked, hypertext documents
accessed via the Internet, has transformed many areas of human endeavor. For example,
scientific discovery is increasingly driven by our ability to share, integrate, and analyze data over
the web. However, the current web falls significantly short of realizing its full potential as
envisioned by its inventor Tim Berners- Lee. This is due to the fact that most of the information
that is currently available on the web is designed for human consumption. The semantic web is
aimed at transforming the web into an information space designed to support not only human-
human communication, but also for human-machine and machine-machine communication.
Semantic web is a key enabler of large scale distributed, integrative, collaborative e-science.
Now, We may define the Semantic Web as according to Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of World
Wide Web is,
"The extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better
enabling computers and humans to work in cooperation."
The World Wide Web has changed the way people communicate with each other and the way
business is conducted. It lies at the heart of a revolution that is currently transforming the
developed world toward a knowledge economy and, more broadly speaking, to a knowledge
society. This development has also changed the way we think of computers. Originally they were
used for computing numerical calculations. Currently their predominant use is for information
processing, typical applications being data bases, text processing, and games. At present there is
a transition of focus towards the view of computers as entry points to the information highways.
Most of today’s Web content is suitable for human consumption. Even Web content that is
generated automatically from databases is usually presented without the original structural
information found in databases. Typical uses of the Web today involve people’s seeking and
making use of information, searching for and getting in touch with other people, reviewing
catalogs of online stores and ordering products by filling out forms, and viewing adult material.
The Semantic Web takes the solution further. It involves publishing in languages specifically
designed for data: Resource Description Framework (RDF), Web Ontology Language (OWL),
and Extensible Markup Language (XML). HTML describes documents and the links between
them. RDF, OWL, and XML, by contrast, can describe arbitrary things such as people, meetings,
or airplane parts. Tim Berners-Lee calls the resulting network of Linked Data the Giant Global
Graph, in contrast to the HTML-based WorldWideWeb.
These technologies are combined in order to provide descriptions that supplement or replace the
content of Web documents. Thus, content may manifest as descriptive data stored in Web-
accessible databases, or as markup within documents (particularly, in Extensible HTML
(XHTML) interspersed with XML, or, more often, purely in XML, with layout/rendering cues
stored separately). The machine-readable descriptions enable content managers to add meaning
to the content, i.e. to describe the structure of the knowledge we have about that content. In this
way, a machine can process knowledge itself, instead of text, using processes similar to human
deductive reasoning and inference, thereby obtaining more meaningful results and facilitating
automated information gathering and research by computers.
An example of a tag that would be used in a non-semantic web page:
Encoding similar information in a semantic web page might look like this:
<item rdf:about="">Cat</item>
Upward partial understanding: On the other hand, agents fully aware of a layer should
take at least partial advantage of information at higher levels. For example, an agent
aware only of the RDF and RDF Schema semantics an interpret knowledge written in
OWL partly, by disregarding those elements that go beyond RDF and RDF Schema.
The common use of the term Semantic Web is to identify a set of technologies, tools and
standards which form the basic building blocks of a system that could support the vision of a
Web imbued with meaning. The Semantic Web has been developing a layered architecture,
which is often represented using a fig 2.1 first proposed by Tim Berners-Lee, with many
variations since.
While necessarily a simplification which has to be used with some caution, it nevertheless gives
reasonable conceptualizations of the various components of the Semantic Web. We describe
briefly these layers.
Unicode and URI(Uniform Resource Locater) : Unicode, the standard for computer
character representation, and URIs, the standard for identifying and locating resources
(such as pages on the Web), provide a baseline for representing
characters used in most of the languages in the world, and for identifying resources.
<class name=”plant”>
<NOT><class name=”animal”/></NOT>
<class name=”tree”/>
<class name=”plant”>
<class name=”branch”/>
<slot name=”is-part-of”/>
RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a basic data model, like the entity-
relationship model, for writing simple statements about Web objects (resources) fig 2.3
The RDF data model does not rely on XML, but RDF has an XML-based syntax.
Therefore, in figure it is located on top of the XML layer.
RDF Schema provides modeling primitives for organizing Web objects into hierarchies.
Key primitives are classes and properties, subclass and sub property relationships, and
domain and range restrictions. RDF Schema is based on RDF. RDF Schema can be
viewed as a primitive language for writing ontology’s. But there is a need for more
powerful ontology languages that expand RDF Schema and allow the representations of
more complex relationships between Web objects.
hasName(‘http://www://’,”Jim Berners”).
hasPrice(‘, “$62”).
Ontology is defined as “explicit specification of conceptualization” or it can be a formal
conceptualization of a domain that is shared and reused across domains, tasks and group of
people. Ontology is a model of the world, represented as a tangled tree of linked concepts.
Ontology is used to capture knowledge about some domain of interest. Ontology describes the
concepts in the domain and also the relationships that hold between those concepts. Different
ontology languages provide different facilities. The most recent development in standard
ontology languages is OWL from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).Basic structure of
Ontology fig. 3.1 is formed by following components,
subsumed by’) their super classes. For example consider the classes Animal and Cat – Cat
might be a subclass of Animal (so Animal is the super class of Cat). This says that, ‘All cats are
animals’, ‘All members of the class Cat are members of the class Animal’, ‘Being a Cat implies
that you’re an Animal’, and ‘Cat is subsumed by Animal’.
• Forms are framework that is used to set the layout for the instances in ontology.
• Constraints are conditions that must be satisfied during the design. A property restriction is
a special kind of class description. It defines an anonymous class, namely the set of class
of all individuals that satisfy the restriction.In OWL properties are used to create
restrictions. As the name may suggest, restrictions are used to restrict the individuals that
belong to a class. Restrictions in OWL fall into three main categories:
a. Quantifier Restrictions
b. Cardinality Restrictions
c. hasValue Restrictions.
We will initially use quantifier restrictions. These types of restrictions are composed of a
quantifier, a property, and filler. The two quantifiers that may be used are:
The ontology has been designed by the process depicted here. The various steps of process are
shown in fig. 4.1.
• Expert Analysis/ Domain Analysis: First step in ontology design process is to analysis the
domain for which we are going to design ontology. For analysis we need an expert of the
particular domain having the knowledge about the knowledge representation for that
domain. The expert will cover the following main issues regarding ontology: Ontology
scope and Knowledge source. In our study scope of our geo ontology is to classify a
satellite image with maximum accuracy.
• Tool and Languages/ Design Structure: The ontology development tools such as Protégé,
SWOOP and many others are freely available. Protégé is one of the best choices for a
free software ontology development platform. Several ontology languages are available
like RDF, RDFS, DAML+OIL, OWL. OWL has three versions OWL lite, OWL DL,
OWL Full. Each language have their own characteristics. We have made use of
RDF/XML language for geo-ontology construction.
Ontology can be expressed in various formats. Each format has its limitations.The various
representation formats are RDF/XML, Notation 3, TURTLE, OWL.
OWL Lite was originally intended to support those users primarily needing a
classification hierarchy and simple constraints. For example, while it supports cardinality
constraints, it only permits cardinality values of 0 or 1. It was hoped that it would be
simpler to provide tool support for OWL Lite than its more expressive relatives, allowing
quick migration path for systems utilizing thesauri and other taxonomies.
OWL Full is based on a different semantics from OWL Lite or OWL DL, and was
designed to preserve some compatibility with RDF Schema. For example, in OWL Full a
class can be treated simultaneously as a collection of individuals and as an individual in
its own right; this is not permitted in OWL DL.
Each of these sublanguages is a syntactic extension of its simpler predecessor. The following set
of relations hold. Their inverses do not.
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a family of World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) specifications originally designed as a metadata data model. It has come to be used as a
general method for conceptual description or modeling of information that is implemented in
web resources; using a variety of syntax formats.
Basically speaking, the RDF data model is not different from classic conceptual modeling
approaches such as Entity-Relationship or Class diagrams, as it is based upon the idea of making
statements about resources, in particular, Web resources, in the form of subject-predicate-object
expressions. These expressions are known as triples in RDF terminology fig 5.2. The subject
denotes the resource, and the predicate denotes traits or aspects of the resource and expresses a
relationship between the subject and the object.
For example, one way to represent the notion "The sky has the color blue" in RDF is as the
triple: a subject denoting "the sky", a predicate denoting "has the color", and an object denoting
"blue". RDF is an abstract model with several serialization formats (i.e., file formats), and so the
particular way in which a resource or triple is encoded varies from format to format.
This mechanism for describing resources is a major component in what is proposed by the
W3C's Semantic Web activity: an evolutionary stage of the World Wide Web in which
automated software can store, exchange, and use machine-readable information distributed
throughout the Web, in turn enabling users to deal with the information with greater efficiency
and certainty. RDF's simple data model and ability to model disparate, abstract concepts has also
led to its increasing use in knowledge management applications unrelated to Semantic Web
A collection of RDF statements intrinsically represents a labeled, directed multi-graph. As such,
an RDF-based data model is more naturally suited to certain kinds of knowledge representation
than the relational model and other ontological models traditionally used in computing today.
However, in practice, RDF data is often persisted in relational database or native representations
also called Triple stores, or Quad stores if context (i.e. the named graph) is also persisted for
each RDF triple.As RDFS and OWL demonstrate, additional ontology languages can be built
upon RDF.
We can think of a resource as an object, a “thing” we want to talk about. Resources may be
authors, books, publishers, places, people, hotels, rooms, search queries, and so on. Every
resource has a URI, a Universal Resource Identifier. A URI can be a URL ( or some other kind of unique identifier; note that an identifier does not
necessarily enable access to a resource. URI schemes have been defined not only for web-
locations but also for such diverse objects as telephone numbers, ISBN numbers and geographic
locations. There has been a long discussion about the
nature of URIs, even touching philosophical questions (for example, what is an appropriate
unique identifier for a person?), but we will not go into into detail here. In general, we assume
that a URI is the identifier of a Web resource.
Properties are a special kind of resources; they describe relations between resources, for example
“written by”, “age”, “title”, and so on. Properties in RDF are also identified by URIs (and in
practice by URLs). This idea of using URIs to identify “things” and the relations between is
quite important. This choice gives us in one stroke a global, worldwide, unique naming scheme.
The use of such a scheme greatly reduces the homonym problem that has plagued distributed
data representation until now.
Literals are atomic values (strings), the structure of which we do not discuss further. An example
of a statement is
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”949352”>
<uni:name>Grigoris Antoniou</uni:name>
<uni:title> Professor</uni:name>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”949318”>
<uni:name>David Billington</uni:name>
<uni:title> Associative Professor</uni:name>
<uni:age rdf:datatype=”&xsd:integer”>27</uni:age>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”CIT1111”>
<uni:courseNameDiscrete maths </uni:courseName>
<uni:isTaughtBye> David Billington </uni:isTaughtBye>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”CIT1112”>
<uni:courseName>Concrete maths </uni:courseName>
<uni:isTaughtBye> Grigoris Antoniou</uni:isTaughtBye>
First, the namespace mechanism of XML is used, but in an expanded way. In XML
namespaces are only used for disambiguation purposes. In RDF external namespaces are
expected to be RDF documents defining resources, which are then used in the importing
RDF document. This mechanism allows the reuse of resources by other people who may
decide to insert additional features into these resources. The result is the emergence of
large, distributed collections of knowledge.
human readability) to suggest that one location in the XML serialization is the “defining”
location, while other locations state “additional” properties about an object that has been
“defined” elsewhere. In fact the preceding example is slightly misleading. If we wanted to be
absolutely correct, we should replace all occurrences of course and staff ID’s, such as 949352
and CIT3112, by references to the external namespace, for example
We have refrained from doing so to improve readability of our initial example because we
are primarily interested here in the ideas of RDF. However, readers should be aware that this
would be the precise way of writing a correct RDF document. The content of rdf:Description
elements are called property elements. For example, in the description
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”CIT3116”>
<uni:courseName>Knowledge Representation</uni:courseName>
<uni:isTaughtBy>Grigoris Antoniou</uni:isTaughtBy>
The two elements uni:courseName and uni:isTaughtBy both define property-value pairs for
CIT3116. The preceding description corresponds to two RDF statements.
Third, the attribute rdf:datatype="&xsd;integer" is used to indicate the data type of the
value of the age property. Even though the age property has been defined to have
"&xsd;integer" as its range, it is still required to indicate the type of the value of this
property each time it is used.
Billington who teaches CIT3112 may not be the same person as the person with ID 949318 who
happens to be called David Billington. What we need instead is a formal specification of the fact
that, for example, the teacher of CIT1111 is the staff member with number 949318, whose name
is David Billington. We can achieve this effect using an rdf:resource attribute:
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”CIT1111”>
<uni:courseName> Discrete Maths</uni:courseName>
<uni:isTaughtBy rdf:resource=”949318”>
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”949318”/>
<uni:name> David Billington</uni:name>
<uni:title> Associate Professor </uni:title>
We note that in case we had defined the resource of the staff member with ID number 939318 in
the RDF document using the ID attribute instead of the about attribute, we would have had to use
a # symbol in front of 949318 in the value of rdf:resource:
<rdf:Description rdf:about=”CIT1111”>
<uni:courseName>Discrete Maths</uni:courseName>
<uni:isTaughtBy rdf:resource=”#949318”/>
<rdf:Description rdf:ID=”#949318”>
<uni:name> David Billington </uni:name>
<uni:title> Associate Professor</uni:title>
The same is true for externally defined resources: For example, we refer to the externally defined
resource CIT1111 by using as the value of
rdf:about, where is the URI where the definition of CIT1111 is
found. In other words, a description with an ID defines a fragment URI, which can be used to
reference the defined description.
The advantage of the Semantic Web allows much more advanced knowledge management
Knowledge will be organized in conceptual spaces according to its meaning.
Automated tools will support maintenance by checking for inconsistencies and
extracting new knowledge.
Keyword-based search will be replaced by query answering: requested knowledge will
be retrieved, extracted, and presented in a human friendly way.
Query answering over several documents will be supported.
Defining who may view certain parts of information (even parts of documents) will be
We have discussed four areas where the Semantic Web is most likely to make an impact:
information management, digital libraries, virtual communities, and e-learning. To summarise:
Information Management: The Semantic Web enhances the capabilities of those tools
which form a familiar part of the current Web so that they can become useful information
management tools in their own right. The Web is already an information source of choice
for many learners and researchers. A more structured and directed approach to managing
this information space, both within institutions and across the whole community, can
make this information more useful, with less wasted effort, and more capacity to measure
the quality of information. By making the annotation machine readable, it becomes
accessible to automatic processing, carrying out many routine tasks which consume
people’s time. A further impact is likely to be in the business of running education,
allowing more efficient information flow around institutions.
Digital Libraries: The impact on digital libraries, combined with the Open Access
Initiative and the rise of open archiving is likely to be quite profound. Libraries become
'value-added' information annotators and collators rather than the archivists of externally
published literature and the holders of the published output of institutions. The Semantic
Web, although not a prerequisite or a motivator for this change is nevertheless likely to
smooth its development. The tools are in place for sharing classification schemes and to
allow the community to develop, deepen and share such schemes. The information
infrastructure tools discussed above will have particular impact on the way students and
researchers find information, so these tools may typically be provided and adapted by
libraries who will tailor them to the needs of their own users. The Semantic Web, like the
current Web, has the capacity of being an overwhelming place; libraries are well-placed
to make sense of this for the HE and FE community.
Building communities and collaborations: A major impact is likely to occur in the way
that academic communities work together. The tools for forming virtual communities and
sharing information across that community are simple and lightweight, and, if the
development of blogs and the use of RSS is an indication, can enhance the interaction of
an interested community by an enormous amount. Providing a richer annotation structure
to these can only enhance their usefulness, bringing them into the information
infrastructure as well as providing a means of communication to people across the world.
Support for virtual collaborations is a much larger issue, as it requires tighter control over
resources and security. This is largely taking place in the Grid community and efforts to
construct a Semantic Grid are already well underway, bringing the machine readable
annotation to automate the discovery and negotiation of services onto the Grid.
E-Learning: All of the above can influence e-learning. However, we should also
consider specifically, support for the presentation and delivery of course materials and for
assisting and assessing students. Again, the impact of the Semantic Web is likely to mean
that these can be more closely tailored to the needs of the user, with a choice of learning
objects mediated through selection mechanisms. The Semantic Web can provide context
and co-ordination, with workflow tools providing a supporting infrastructure.
The goal of the Semantic Web initiative is as broad as that of the Web to create a universal
medium for the exchange of data. It is envisaged to smoothly interconnect personal information
management, enterprise application integration, and the global sharing of commercial, scientific
and cultural data. Facilities to put machine-understandable data on the Web are quickly
becoming a high priority for many organizations, individuals and communities.
The Web can reach its full potential only if it becomes a place where data can be shared and
processed by automated tools as well as by people. For the Web to scale, tomorrow's programs
must be able to share and process data even when these programs have been designed totally
independently. The Semantic Web Activity is an initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium
(W3C) designed to provide a leadership role in defining this Web. The Activity develops open
specifications for those technologies that are ready for large scale deployment, and identifies,
through open source advanced development, the infrastructure components that will be necessary
to scale in the Web in the future.
The principal technologies of the Semantic Web fit into a set of layered specifications. The current
components are the Resource Description Framework (RDF) Core Model, the RDF Schema language, the
Web Ontology language (OWL), and the Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS). Building on
these core components is a standardized query language, SPARQL (pronounced "sparkle"), enabling
querying decentralized collections of RDF data. The POWDER recommendations provide technologies to
find resource descriptions for specific resources on the Web; descriptions which can be ‘joined’ to other
RDF data. The GRDDL and RDF a Recommendations aim at creating bridges between the RDF model
and various XML formats, like XHTML. Finally, the goal of the R2RML language (under development)
is to provide standard language to map relational data and relational database schemas to RDF and OWL.
1. Annotea project homepage: [last accessed 25/04/05]
4. Dave Beckett's Resource Description Framework (RDF) Resource Guide: available at: [last accessed 25/04/05]
9. J. Bradshaw et al. (2003). Representation and reasoning about DAML-based policy and
domain services in KAoS. In: J. Rosenschein, M. Wooldridge, Proc. of the 2nd Int. Joint
Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems. ACM Press, pp. 835–842.
10. Brickley and R.V. Guha (2000). RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF
Schema. W3C Candidate recommendation, 27th March 2000. Available at: [last accessed 25/04/05]