Admin 4 NTC
Admin 4 NTC
Admin 4 NTC
g]kfn 6]lnsd
-g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8_
;xfos:t/ tx-$_ sf] k|flalws ;]jf, k|flalws ;d"x, 6]lSgl;og kbsf] v'nf tyf cfGtl/s
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\os|d
k|yd kq M— ;fdfGo 1fg, ul0ft / ;+:yfut 1fg
v08 -s_ –-%)ÜcÍ_
-j:t'ut ax'j}slNks k|Zg @%×@ cÍ Ö%) cÍ_
1. ;fdfGo 1fg
1.1 ljZjsf] e"uf]n – dxfb]z, dxf;fu/, w|'j, cIff+z, b]zfGt/, ;do, b'/L, kj{t>[+vnf,
e"sDk, Hjfnfd'vL, gbL, lxdgbL, tfn, hnjfo'
1.2 Gf]kfnsf] e"uf]n –w/ftlno :j?k, lsl;d, ljz]iftf, hnjfo', xfjfkfgL / hghLjg
1.3 Gf]kfnsf k|fs[lts ;|f]t / ;fwgx? ;DjGwL hfgsf/L
1.4 Gf]kfnsf] O{ltxf;– g]kfnsf] O{ltxf;sf dxTjk"0f{ 36gfx?
1.5 g]kfnL ;dfhsf k/Dk/f, ;fdflhs d"No / dfGotf, snf, ;+:s[lt, l/tLl/jfh, wd{,
hfthflt / efiff efifL, hg;+Vof
1.6 Gf]kfnsf] /fhg}lts ljefhg, ;+3 k|b]z / :YffgLo tx ;DjGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L
1.7 g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg -efu ! / # _
1.8 dfgj hLjgdf k|ToIf k|efj kfg]{ lj1fgsf k|d'vcfljisf/
1.9 /fli6«o tyf cGt/f{li6«o dxTjk"0f{ ;d;fdlos 36gfx?
1.10 ljleGg cfwf/e"t j}1flgs kl/df0f / ltgsf] dfkg (Measurement) CGS, MKS,
FPS, SI System OTofbL ;DaGwL 1fg
1.11 b"/;~rf/ ;]jf tyf ;"rgf k|ljlw;+u ;DalGwt gljgtd k|ljlw, pks/0f tyf
g]kfn 6]lnsd
-g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8_
;xfos:t/ tx-$_ sf] k|flalws ;]jf, k|flalws ;d"x, 6]lSgl;og kbsf] v'nf tyf cfGtl/s
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\os|d
v08 -u_ –-@%ÜcÍ_
-ljifout % k|Zg ×% cÍ Ö @%cÍ_
3. ;+:yfut 1fg
3.1 g]kfndf b"/;+rf/ ;]jfsf] ljsf;s|d / g]kfn 6]lnsdsf] kl/ro,p2]Zo / sfo{If]q
3.2 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8sf] k|jGwkq / lgodfjnL
3.3 g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8sf] sd{rf/L ljlgodfjnL, @)&* sf] labf -kl/R5]b
&_, cfr/0f tyf cg'zf;g -kl/R5]b (_ / ljefuLo sf/jfxL ;DaGwL ;fdfGo
3.4 e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g @)%( sf] e|i6frf/ s;'/ / ;hfo ;DaGwL kl/R5]b
3.5 sDkgL P]g @)^# sf] kl/R5]b @ sDkgLsf] :yfkgf, kl/R5]b # k|aGwkq lgodfjnL
tyf ljj/0fkq, kl/R5]b % sDkgLsf] ;ef
3.6 b"/;~rf/ P]g @)%#, sf] kl/R5]b & / *
3.7 g]kfndf cGo b"/;+rf/ ;]jf k|bfos ;+:yfx? ;DjGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L
g]kfn 6]lnsd
-g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8_
;xfos:t/ tx-$_ sf] k|flalws ;]jf, k|flalws ;d"x, 6]lSgl;og kbsf] v'nf tyf cfGtl/s
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\os|d
låtLo kq M— ;]jf ;DaGwL
v08 -s_ –-%)ÜcÍ_
1. General Science
1.1 Measurement units, Mass and Weight, Laws of Newton, Gravitational
force, Force and Pressure, Pascal’s Law, Archimedes’ Principle,
Density, Specific gravity, Hydrometer, Laws of reflection and refraction
of light, Conductors and insulators, Ohm’s Law, Resistance, Series and
parallel connection of resistors, Basic knowledge of electric circuit.
2. Power System
2.1 Basic knowledge of single phase and three phase AC supply; Basic
knowledge of solar power system, solar panel, solar regulators; Primary
and secondary cell, cells in series and parallel, Lead acid and sealed
batteries; Basic knowledge of Transformer and Rectifier; Basic
knowledge of Generator and Motor; Air conditioning units; Checking of
battery; General faults in electrical wiring; Earthing and shielding
techniques for telecom equipment, Lightning protections; Chemical
hazards due to battery, Fire hazards, First Aid.
3. Measuring instruments & Tools
3.1 Various types of mechanical tools, Multimeter, Voltmeter, Ammeter,
Tong tester, Power meter, ADSL Tester, OTDR, VSWR meter.
4. Information and communication technology (ICT)
4.1 General knowledge of computer hardware, internet, modem, general
knowledge of MS office (Word, Excel)
v08 -v_ –-%)ÜcÍ_
5. Access network
5.1 Basic external plant- structure and elements of telephone network,
symbols and maps used in outside plant, Aerial plant installation –
Erection of poles, stay and push brace, splicing and enclosing,
Subscriber installation; Types of faults, Maintenance of network- Types
of maintenance, MCC; FTTH Network- OLT, Level splitter, CPE,
Fusion splicing techniques, Civil works for access network- Manhole,
Handhole, Trenching & Ducting; Types of ducts used in NT network;
5.2 MDF structure, Safety measures for working in outside plant, First Aid.
6. Transmission Network
6.1 Basic transmission network (Backbone, Spur link), basic PDH/ SDH/
SPDH, Microwave radio/ antenna, IP concept for transmission network,
g]kfn 6]lnsd
-g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8_
;xfos:t/ tx-$_ sf] k|flalws ;]jf, k|flalws ;d"x, 6]lSgl;og kbsf] v'nf tyf cfGtl/s
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\os|d
Introduction of IDU/ ODU of PDH/ SPDH equipment; Features &
services of ADSS, OPGW, VSAT
6.2 Recurrent faults in transmission systems- their causes and remedies;
Lightning protection mechanism for transmission equipment.
7. Core Network
7.1 Introduction to NGN, MSAN, MSAG, VoIP DSLAM; ADSL; Concept
of L2, L3 switches, modem and Router; Concept of IP; SIP
7.2 Preventive and corrective maintenance, Protection mechanisms for
switching equipment from electrical shock.
8. Wireless Communication
8.1 Features and services of GSM, CDMA, WiFi, WiMAX communication
g]kfn 6]lnsd
-g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8_
;xfos:t/ tx-$_ sf] k|flalws ;]jf, k|flalws ;d"x, 6]lSgl;og kbsf] v'nf tyf cfGtl/s
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\os|d
प्रमोगात्भक ऩयीऺाको ऩाठ्यक्रभ
तर उल्रेख बएका विषमहरुको ऻान, सीऩ य अनुबिको ऩयीऺण गरयनेछ । प्रमोगात्भक ऩयीऺा
ब्मक्तिगत िा स-साना सभूह फनाएय ऩनन नरन सवकनेछ ।सो को रानग अनतरयि सभमाफनध
आिश्मक बएभा थऩ गनन सवकनेछ ।
g]kfn 6]lnsd
-g]kfn b"/;+rf/ sDkgL lnld6]8_
;xfos:t/ tx-$_ sf] k|flalws ;]jf, k|flalws ;d"x, 6]lSgl;og kbsf] v'nf tyf cfGtl/s
k|ltof]lutfTds k/LIffsf] kf7\os|d
ऩोर य स्टे जडान गने तयीका
एरयमर केिर जडान गने तयीका
एरयमर केिर जोड्न प्रमोग हुने कनेक्टय य ईन्क्रोजय
DP (Distribution Point), CPE, Splitters
6. भभनत सं बाय
ग्राहकराई राईन वितयण गनन ईक्तस्टभेट गने तयीका
ग्राहकको राईन जडान गने तयीका
पल्टको वकनसभ, पल्टको ऩवहिान य भभनत सम्बाय
MDF/ODFको वकनसभ य साईज
केिर,स्िीि फोडन केिर टनभननेशन तथा क्तशल्ड गने tयीका
केिनरङ्ग, जम्ऩरयङ्ग, फ्मुज
Drop wire, Drop Fiber
Megger, multimeter, C-Meterको प्रमोग