Doms Muscle Soreness
Doms Muscle Soreness
Doms Muscle Soreness
Delayed-Onset Muscle
Paul B. Lewis, MD, MSa,*, Deana Ruby, APN, ACNP-BCb,
Charles A. Bush-Joseph, MDb
• Muscle soreness • DOMS • Delayed-onset • Muscle ache
• Stiffness
The novice and elite athlete is familiar with the postexercise muscle discomfort known
as delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after unfamiliar exercises. While common
in occurrence, most patients will self-treat the condition unless symptoms are
progressive in nature. The sports medicine clinician needs to maintain this diagnosis
among their active differential diagnoses. Associated symptomology of muscle
soreness can be quite debilitating and the presentation of this phenomenon is as
diverse as the population that experiences it.
Immediate or delayed-onset muscle soreness with a nonuniform intramuscular
distribution may portray itself as a nonmuscular injury with an unrecalled or vague
traumatic event. The prudent clinician is to base their advisory guidance, medical
management and/or surgical treatments on sound medical and/or surgical principles.
The purpose of this communication is to describe the clinical presentation, cellular
mechanisms, preventative measures, and management options related to muscle
soreness and DOMS for the sports medicine clinician.
Muscle soreness is classified as a type I muscle strain1 and refers to the immediate
soreness perceived by the athlete while or immediately after participating in exer-
cises. Muscle soreness presents with muscle stiffness, aching pain, and/or muscular
tenderness. These symptoms are experienced for only hours and are relatively
transient compared to those of DOMS. The symptomatology of DOMS shares similar
potentiate the nerve endings and perception of pain. Passive manipulation and active
movement alter intramuscular pressures and stimulate mechanoreceptor nerve
endings, contributing to the perception of soreness.19,20,29 –31
Explanation of disproportionate (nonuniform) exercise-induced soreness begins
with the intramuscular architecture.32–34 Each imposed stress on muscles (eg,
concentric versus eccentric actions) recruits different branches of a structural,
intramuscular organization. Demands on selected parts within muscle develop
selective pathways for electrical activity, hypertrophy, and generation of forces.35– 41
The gross manifestation of this intramuscular architecture is the orientation and shape
of muscle. Had such intramuscular architecture not existed, the gastrocnemius would
be a homogeneous, uniform cylinder of muscle tissue between the tendons. The
demanded contractions during unaccustomed exercises may overload underdevel-
oped muscle fibers and lead to cellular damage.42– 44 Subsequent inflammation
remains specific to those posits of underdeveloped myocytes within that architec-
ture.5,9,26 Ultimately, this translates into focal points of tenderness overlying typical
locations of long bone stress fractures or superficial to a ligament’s site of insertion.
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