Specifications Guide: Americas Crude Oil
Specifications Guide: Americas Crude Oil
Specifications Guide: Americas Crude Oil
United States 7
Canada 13
Latin America 15
Revision history 18
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Definitions of the trading locations for which Platts publishes daily indexes or assessments
The following specifications guide contains the primary specifications for S&P Global Platts crude oil assessments in the Americas. All the assessments listed here employ Platts Assessments
Methodology, as published at https://www.spglobal.com/platts/plattscontent/_assets/_files/en/our-methodology/methodology-specifications/platts-assessments-methodology-guide.pdf.
These guides are designed to give Platts subscribers as much information as possible about a wide range of methodology and specification questions.
This guide is current at the time of publication. Platts may issue further updates and enhancements to this guide and will announce these to subscribers through its usual publications of record. Such
updates will be included in the next version of this guide. Platts editorial staff and managers are available to provide guidance when assessment issues require clarification.
United States
WTI M1 PCACG00 PCACG03 AAFCV00 ex-tank Cushing M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI M2 PCACH00 PCACH03 AAFCX00 ex-tank Cushing M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI M3 AAGIT00 AAGIT03 AAGIU00 ex-tank Cushing M+3 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI EFP M1 AAGVT00 AAGVT03 AAGVT02 ex-tank Cushing M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI EFP M2 AAGVU00 AAGVU03 AAGVU02 ex-tank Cushing M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI EFP M3 AAGVV00 AAGVV03 AAGVV02 ex-tank Cushing M+3 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI (Midland) PCACJ00 PCACJ03 AAFCY00 Delivered Midland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI (Midland) vs 1st Line WTI AAGVZ00 AAGWA00 AAGWA02 Delivered Midland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI (Midland) M2 AAYZA00 AAYZA03 AAYZA02 Delivered Midland, Texas M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI (Midland) M2 vs 2nd Line WTI AAXXF00 AAXXF03 AAXXF02 Delivered Midland, Texas M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI MEH AAYRG00 AAYRG03 FIP Houston M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI MEH vs 1st Line WTI AAYRH00 AAYRH03 FIP Houston M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI MEH M2 AAXXE00 AAXXE03 FIP Houston M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI MEH M2 vs 2nd Line WTI AAYYA00 AAYYA03 FIP Houston M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTI-Delta AAEJK00 AAEJL00 AAEJK03 ex-tank Cushing M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
P-Plus WTI PCACI00 PCACI03 AAFCT00 ex-tank Cushing M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
P-5 WTI AAFEN00 AAFEO00 AAFEO02 ex-tank Cushing M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bakken Williston AAXPP00 AAXPP03 AAXPP02 Delivered Williston Basin M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bakken Williston vs WTI CMA AASRX00 AASRX03 Delivered Williston Basin M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bakken Clearbrook AASRU00 AASRU13 AASRU03 Delivered Clearbrook, Minnesota M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bakken Clearbrook vs NYMEX WTI CMA AASRW00 AASRW13 AASRW03 Delivered Clearbrook, Minnesota M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bakken Guernsey AASRR00 AASRR13 AASRR03 Delivered Guernsey, Wyoming M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bakken Guernsey vs NYMEX WTI CMA AASRV00 AASRV13 AASRV03 Delivered Guernsey, Wyoming M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bakken USGC Pipe ABAKA00 ABAKA03 Delivered Nederland/Beaumont, Texas M+1 25,000 US $ Barrels
Bakken USGC Pipe vs NYMEX WTI CMA ABAKB00 ABAKB03 Delivered Nederland/Beaumont, Texas M+1 25,000 US $ Barrels
Bonito PCAIE00 PCAIH03 AAFCI00 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bonito vs 1st Line WTI AAGWF00 AAGWG00 AAGWG02 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Eugene Island PCAFC00 PCAFC03 AAFCJ00 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 2
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
United States
Eugene Island vs 1st Line WTI AAGWD00 AAGWE00 AAGWE02 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
HLS (1st month) PCABD00 PCABD03 AAFCK00 Delivered Empire, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
HLS (1st month) vs 1st Line WTI AAGWP00 AAGWQ00 AAGWQ02 Delivered Empire, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
HLS (2nd month) AAURE00 AAURE13 AAURE03 Delivered Empire, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
HLS (2nd month) vs 2nd Line WTI AAURF00 AAURF13 AAURF03 Delivered Empire, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Kern River PCABJ00 PCABJ03 AAFCL00 AAIIR00 Delivered Kern County, California M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Light Houston Sweet (LHS) AAXEW00 AAXEW03 FIP Houston M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Light Houston Sweet (LHS) M2 AAYRY00 AAYRY02 FIP Houston M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Line 63/Hynes PCABM00 PCABM03 AAFCM00 Delivered Hynes Station, California M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
P-Plus Line 63 PCAFV00 PCAFV03 AAFCN00 Delivered Hynes Station, California M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour M1 AALSM01 AALSR03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour vs WTI M1 AALOM01 AALOP03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour vs Mars M1 AALPM01 AALPR03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour M2 AALSM02 AALSS03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour vs WTI M2 AALOM02 AALOQ03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour vs Mars M2 AALPM02 AALPS03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour M3 AALSM03 AALSV03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+3 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour vs WTI M3 AALOM03 AALOR03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+3 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour vs Mars M3 AALPM03 AALPT03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+3 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LLS (1st month) PCABN00 PCABN03 AAFCO00 AAIIQ00 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LLS (1st month) vs 1st Line WTI AAGWN00 AAGWO00 AAGWO02 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LLS (2nd month) AAURC00 AAURC13 AAURC03 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LLS (2nd month) vs 2nd Line WTI AAURD00 AAURD13 AAURD03 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M1 AAMBR00 AAMBS00 AAMBS02 AAIIM00 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M1 vs WTI AAGWH00 AAGWK00 AAGWK02 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M2 AAMBU00 AAMBV00 AAMBV02 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M2 vs WTI AAKTH00 AAKTI00 AAKTI02 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M3 AAMBX00 AAMBY00 AAMBY02 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+3 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M3 vs WTI AAMBO00 AAMBP00 AAMBP02 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+3 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M1 vs Mars M2 Spread AAWFC00 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M2 vs Mars M3 Spread AAWFD00 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M2 vs Dubai M1 MVDM021 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mars M3 vs Dubai M2 MVDM032 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+3 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Poseidon AABHK00 AABHL00 AAFCQ00 Delivered Houma, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Poseidon vs 1st Line WTI AAGWL00 AAGWM00 AAGWM02 Delivered Houma, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
SGC AASOI00 AASOI03 AASOI02 Delivered Nederland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
SGC vs 1st Line WTI AASOJ00 AASOJ03 AASOJ02 Delivered Nederland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Thums/Long Beach PCACD00 PCACD03 AAFCR00 AAIIU00 Delivered Long Beach, California M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Thunder Horse AAWZK00 AAWZK03 AAWZK02 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Thunder Horse vs 1st Line WTI AAWZL00 AAWZL03 AAWZL02 Delivered LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WCS Ex-Cushing AAWTY00 AAWTY03 ex-tank Cushing M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WCS Ex-Cushing (C$/CM) AAWUA00 AAWUA03 ex-tank Cushing M+1 25,000 - - C$ cm
WCS Ex-Cushing vs WTI CMA AAWTZ00 AAWTZ03 ex-tank Cushing M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 3
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
United States
WCS Ex-Nederland AAYAY00 AAYAY03 FIP Nederland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WCS Ex-Nederland vs WTI CMA AAYAX00 AAYAX03 FIP Nederland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTS Midland M1 PCACK00 PCACK03 AAFCS00 Delivered Midland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTS Midland M1 vs 1st Line WTI AAGWB00 AAGWC00 AAGWC02 Delivered Midland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTS Midland M2 AAURG00 AAURG13 AAURG03 Delivered Midland, Texas M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WTS Midland M2 vs 2nd Line WTI AAURH00 AAURH13 AAURH03 Delivered Midland, Texas M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Wyoming Sweet PCACM00 PCACM03 PCACL03 Delivered Guernsey, Wyoming M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Wyoming Sweet vs 1st Line WTI AAGWR00 AAGWS00 AAGWS02 Delivered Guernsey, Wyoming M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Platts AGS AGSAA00 AGSAA03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
Platts AGS vs NYMEX WTI Strip AGSAC00 AGSAC03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
Platts AGS vs Dated Brent Strip AGSAB00 AGSAB03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
WTI FOB USGC AAYBA00 AAYBA03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
WTI FOB USGC vs NYMEX WTI Strip AAYAZ00 AAYAZ03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
WTI FOB USGC vs Dated Brent Strip AWTUA00 AWTUA03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
ANS PCAAD00 PCAAD03 AAFFL02 Delivered Long Beach, California M+1 300,000 - - US $ Barrels
ANS vs NYMEX WTI CMA AAGWX00 AAGWY00 AAGWY02 Delivered Long Beach, California M+1 300,000 - - US $ Barrels
Bakken FOB USGC ABAKC00 ABAKC03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 500,000 700,000 600,000 US $ Barrels
Bakken FOB USGC vs NYMEX WTI Strip ABAKD00 ABAKD03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 500,000 700,000 600,000 US $ Barrels
Bakken FOB USGC vs Dated Brent Strip ABAKE00 ABAKE03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 500,000 700,000 600,000 US $ Barrels
Basrah Light AAEJH00 AAEJI00 AAEJI02 Delivered USGC M+1 500,000 - - US $ Barrels
Basrah Light vs 2nd Line WTI AAGWV00 AAGWW00 AAGWW02 Delivered USGC M+1 500,000 - - US $ Barrels
Eagle Ford Crude FOB USGC AAYAT00 AAYAT03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
Eagle Ford Crude FOB USGC vs NYMEX WTI Strip AAYAU00 AAYAU03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
Eagle Ford Crude FOB USGC vs Dated Brent Strip AEFCA00 AEFCA03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
Eagle Ford Condensate FOB USGC AAYAR00 AAYAR03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
Eagle Ford Condensate FOB USGC vs NYMEX WTI
AAYAS00 AAYAS03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
Eagle Ford Condensate FOB USGC vs Dated Brent
AEFCB00 AEFCB03 FOB USGC 15-45 days 550,000 800,000 700,000 US $ Barrels
Americas Dated Brent AAQBF00 AAQBF03 AAQBF02 600,000 600,000 - US $ Barrels
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 4
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
United States
WTI MEH M2 AAZDG00 AAZDG03 FIP Houston M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LLS (1st month) AAZDC00 AAZDC03 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LLS (2nd month) AAZDD00 AAZDD03 AAURC03 Delivered St. James, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour M1 AAZDA00 AAZDA03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
LOOP Sour M2 AAZDB00 AAZDB03 In-cavern title transfer LOOP Clovelly Hub, Louisiana M+2 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
SGC AAZDE00 AAZDE03 Delivered Nederland, Texas M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 5
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
US crude pipelines
Pipeline Name Ownership Capacity (Mb/d) Origin Destination
BridgeTex BridgeTex LLC (OMERS Infrastructure, Magellan Midstream & Plains All American) 440 Colorado City, TX Houston, TX
Cactus I Plains All American 390 McCamey, TX Gardendale, TX
Cactus II Plains All American 670 McCamey, TX Corpus Christi, TX
EPIC EPIC Midstream 600 Orla/Wink/Crane, TX Corpus Christi, TX
Gray Oak Phillips 66 900 Orla/Wink/Crane, TX Corpus Christi, TX
Longhorn Magellan Midstream Partners 275 Crane/Barnhart, TX Houston, TX
Midland-ECHO I Enterprise Products Partners LP 620 Midland, TX Houston, TX
Midland-ECHO II Enterprise Products Partners LP 200 Midland, TX Houston, TX
Permian Express Energy Transfer LP 640 Permian Basin Nederland, TX
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 6
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
United States YT
domestic pipeline grades reflects 1,000 b/d of ratable crude, for PACIFIC Eagle Ford Crude
G u lf of M e x i c o
OCEAN Gravity 45 API | Sulfur ≤0.20% Thunder Horse
a minimum of 25,000 barrels in total, delivered over the course Eugene Island Gravity 31.7 API | Sulfur 1.13%
of the pipeline month. Gravity 31.8 API | Sulfur 1.26% Mars
MEXICO Bonito Gravity 29.4 API | Sulfur 1.87%
Gravity 30.8 API | Sulfur 1.68% Poseidon
Light Louisiana Sweet Gravity 29.7 API | Sulfur 1.84%
Gravity 36.6 API | Sulfur 0.37%
Heavy Louisiana Sweet
Gravity 32.6 API | Sulfur 0.38%
West Texas Intermediate (WTI): Platts assesses WTI at Cushing,
Oklahoma; Midland, Texas; the Magellan East Houston (MEH) Olmeca
Gravity 38.9 API | Sulfur 0.83%
terminal and on an FOB basis in the US Gulf Coast. Platts Maya Gravity 30.9BELIZE
API | Sulfur 1.51%
0 200 mi Gravity 21.7 API | Sulfur 3.33%
assesses WTI Cushing three months forward, and WTI Midland
and WTI MEH two months forward. Source: Platts
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 7
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
WTI Calendar Delta: The WTI Calendar Delta reflects the spread Heavy Louisiana Sweet (HLS): This assessment reflects barrels -- and three Middle Eastern crude grades -- Arab Medium,
between front month cash WTI and the front month NYMEX delivered to Empire, Louisiana. Kuwait Export Crude and Basrah Light. The quality of LOOP Sour
light sweet crude calendar month average (CMA). The latter crude changes depending on the amount of the five crudes
reflects the average of the front month NYMEX light sweet Kern River: This assessment reflects barrels delivered to Station delivered into the blend, but will be within the range of the
crude settlement values over a calendar month, in line with 31 in Kern County, California. This crude is synonymous with San five component crude grades. In 2019, LOOP sour API gravity
the US domestic pipeline roll schedule. The WTI Calendar Delta Joaquin Valley (SJV) heavy. averaged 29.93 degrees and sulfur content averaged 2.11%,
fluctuates with first/second and first/third month WTI spreads, according to LOOP, LLC.
and with bids/offers in the market. It rolls to the next month on Light Houston Sweet (LHS): This assessment reflects the
the first business day after the 25th of the month. value of light sweet crude flowing into Houston, Texas, from Platts publishes an outright price and differentials versus
the Permian Basin, Eagle Ford and Cushing, Oklahoma. The both WTI and Mars for LOOP Sour one, two and three calendar
P-Plus WTI: The assessment reflects the price of WTI sold into assessment is for crude delivered on a Free In Pipe (FIP) months forward. The front-month LOOP Sour price reflects
Cushing on the basis of “postings plus.” P-plus deals are invoiced basis out of three Houston terminals: Magellan East Houston barrels trading one calendar month forward, with trading
at a later date on the basis of a differential to an average of one Terminal, Enterprise Crude Houston (ECHO) Terminal and shifting to the next month on the first business day after the
or more crude oil postings. For example, a deal done at P-plus Enterprise Houston Ship Channel terminal, formerly known 25th day of the calendar month. The minimum volume reflected
75 cents would be invoiced at 75 cents more than the previously as the Oil Tanking Houston Terminal. As Houston crude for the LOOP Sour assessments is 25,000 barrels.
agreed-upon postings basis. transportation infrastructure develops, Platts may consider
additional terminals for inclusion in its LHS assessment basis. Mars: This assessment reflects barrels for delivery to LOOP
Bakken: Platts assesses the value of Bakken crude at four Platts reflects WTI Midland specifications in Houston in its LHS Clovelly Hub in Louisiana.
locations: for injection into the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) assessment, and may normalize Domestic Light Sweet and
in the Williston Basin; for injection at Guernsey, Wyoming; for Eagle Ford crude bids, offers and transactions at Houston to a Poseidon: This assessment reflects barrels delivered to Houma,
injection at Clearbrook, Minnesota; and in pipe and loaded WTI Midland specification basis. Louisiana.
onto Aframax-sized vessels on an FOB basis at the Nederland/
Beaumont terminals on the US Gulf Coast. In the event DAPL Light Louisiana Sweet (LLS): This assessment reflects barrels Southern Green Canyon (SGC): This assessment reflects barrels
is not operating normally, that assessment may reflect Bakken delivered to St. James, Louisiana. delivered to Nederland, Texas.
crude for injection at other Williston locations. Platts Bakken
assessments are published as a flat price and as a differential Line 63: This assessment reflects a blend of crudes delivered to Thums: This assessment reflects barrels delivered to Long
to the NYMEX light sweet crude CMA. These assessments, Hynes Station, California, on Plains All American Pipeline’s Line 63. Beach, California.
including the NYMEX light sweet crude CMA basis, follow the
pipeline schedule published by Canada’s Crude Oil Logistics P-Plus Line 63: This assessment reflects the price of Line 63 Thunder Horse: This assessment reflects barrels delivered to
Committee. The volumes assessed reflect 1,000 b/d of ratable crude sold into Hynes Station on Plains All American Pipeline’s LOOP Clovelly Hub in Louisiana.
crude, for a minimum of 25,000 barrels in total, delivered over Line 63 on the basis of “posting plus.” P-Plus deals are invoiced
the course of the pipeline month. at a later date on the basis of a differential to an average of one WCS: Platts assesses Western Canadian Select crude at two
or more crude postings for Buena Vista crude. locations in the US – at Cushing, Oklahoma and on a Free In Pipe
Bonito: This assessment reflects barrels delivered to St James, (FIP) basis at Port Arthur/Nederland, Texas. Platts publishes
Louisiana. LOOP Sour: This assessment reflects the value of LOOP Sour WCS ex-Cushing and WCS ex-Nederland as outright prices, and
crude traded in cavern via title transfer at the Louisiana as differentials to the NYMEX light sweet crude CMA. These
Eugene Island: This assessment reflects barrels delivered to St. Offshore Oil Port terminal near Galliano, Louisiana on the assessments, including the NYMEX light sweet crude CMA basis,
James, Louisiana. US Gulf Coast. LOOP Sour is a medium sour crude blend follow the pipeline schedule published by Canada’s Crude Oil
comprised of two domestic US crudes -- Mars and Poseidon Logistics Committee. The quality reflects typical specifications
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 8
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
for WCS. Coast, including Corpus Christi, Texas City, Houston, Beaumont, (Platts symbol: TDUCF00). The quality reflects the typical
Nederland and Port Arthur. The most competitive location, on specifications of Bakken crude.
West Texas Sour (WTS): This assessment reflects barrels a cargo-size normalized adjusted basis, sets the value for the
delivered to Midland, Texas. WTI FOB USGC assessment. The assessment reflects a typical Basrah Light: The assessment reflects waterborne barrels of
volume of 700,000 barrels. Bids, offers, and trades that are Iraqi Basrah Light crude delivered to the US Gulf Coast. The
Wyoming Sweet: This assessment reflects barrels delivered to smaller or larger than the cargo-size typical may be normalized minimum volume is 500,000 barrels. Basrah Light barrels are
Guernsey, Wyoming. to reflect the freight economics of the typical cargo size using priced off the second month cash WTI assessment. In the
that day’s US to UK Aframax freight assessment (Platts symbol: absence of bids, offers or trades, Platts uses the Basrah Light
TDUCF00). The assessment reflects WTI Midland crude supplied FOB Iraq assessment plus the Persian Gulf-USGC VLCC freight
US cargo assessments
directly from the Permian Basin on one or more of the following rate as one indication of the delivered price into the USGC.
Platts AGS: This assessment reflects the value of an Aframax designated pipelines: BridgeTex, Longhorn, Midland-to-Echo I/
cargo of WTI Midland crude loading 15-45 days forward on an II, Cactus I/II, EPIC, Gray Oak, and Permian Express. In addition Eagle Ford Crude and Condensate FOB USGC: Platts
FOB basis from locations along the US Gulf Coast, including to pipeline provenance, WTI FOB USGC reflects crude that assesses the value of crude oil and condensate produced
Corpus Christi, Texas City, Houston, Beaumont, Nederland meets the Platts WTI Midland specifications outlined below. in the Eagle Ford formation in southern Texas on an FOB US
and Port Arthur. Platts WTI Midland is currently the only grade Crude delivered as a result of the of bids or offers published Gulf Coast basis. The assessments reflect an Aframax cargo,
reflected in the Platts AGS assessment. The most competitive in the Platts Market On Close assessment process must meet with a typical volume of 700,000 barrels, loading 15-45 days
location, on a cargo-size normalized basis, sets the value for the Platts WTI Midland specifications and should not contain forward from terminals along the US Gulf Coast. The most
the Platts AGS assessment. The assessment reflects a typical any previously cracked or refined material. The WTI FOB USGC competitive location sets the values for the Eagle Ford crude
volume of 700,000 barrels. Bids, offers, and trades that are assessment is published as an outright price, and also as and condensate FOB USGC assessments. The Eagle Ford
smaller or larger than the cargo-size typical may be normalized differentials to a Dated Brent forward strip and a NYMEX WTI crude assessment reflects barrels with a typical API gravity of
to reflect the freight economics of the typical cargo size using forward strip, aligned to the assessment’s 15-45 day loading 45 degrees and a maximum sulfur content of 0.2%. The Eagle
that day’s US to UK Aframax freight assessment (Platts symbol: window. Ford condensate assessment reflects barrels with a typical API
TDUCF00). The assessment reflects light, sweet crude supplied gravity of 52 degrees and maximum sulfur content of 0.1%.
directly from the Permian Basin on the BridgeTex, Longhorn, Alaska North Slope (ANS): This assessment reflects a minimum
Midland-to-Echo I/II, Cactus I/II, EPIC, Gray Oak, and Permian volume of 300,000 barrels basis delivered to Long Beach,
Americas Crude Marker
Express pipelines. In addition to pipeline provenance, Platts AGS California. The pricing basis for ANS is the NYMEX light sweet
reflects crude that meets the Platts WTI Midland specifications crude CMA. Platts rolls its assessment to reflect deliveries in The Americas Crude Marker (ACM) reflects tradable sour
outlined below. Crude delivered as a result of the of bids or the second calendar month forward from the first publishing crude values on the US Gulf Coast. The ACM assessment is
offers published in the Platts Market On Close assessment day on or after the 10th of each month. For example, from composed of Mars, Southern Green Canyon (SGC), Poseidon
process must meet the Platts WTI Midland specifications and April 10 to May 9, the Platts ANS assessment will reflect crude and Thunder Horse. These four sour grades are produced off
should not contain any previously cracked or refined material. delivered in June; from May 10, the assessment will reflect crude the US Gulf Coast and are transported via pipeline to US Gulf
The Platts AGS assessment is published as an outright price, delivered in July. Coast refineries, where the streams can be delivered to Texas/
and also as differentials to a Dated Brent forward strip and a Louisiana refineries.
NYMEX WTI forward strip, aligned to the assessment’s 15-45 day Bakken FOB USGC: This assessment reflects an Aframax cargo,
loading window. with a typical volume of 600,000 barrels, loading 15-45 days The ACM reflects the most competitive grade. This methodology
forward from terminals along the US Gulf Coast. Bids, offers, and enables each of the four grades to operate as relief valves, with
WTI FOB USGC: This assessment reflects the value of an trades that are smaller or larger than the cargo-size typical may those crude oils forming the assessment at times when any
Aframax cargo of Platts WTI Midland crude loading 15-45 days be normalized to reflect the freight economics of the typical particular grade is tight or subject to supply constraints.
forward on an FOB basis from locations along the US Gulf cargo size using that day’s US to UK Aframax freight assessment
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 9
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Platts selected LLS, the local US Gulf Coast sweet crude Louisiana Sweet, Southern Green Canyon and LOOP Sour at
Eagle Ford Marker
benchmark, as the comparative variable tor the Eagle Ford the Asian market close at 4:30 pm Singapore time, and are an
Due to variability inherent to Eagle Ford, the Platts Eagle Ford Marker. The spot price of LLS provides a better reflection of US addition to the existing set of assessments published at the
Marker (EFM) represents the value of a 47 degree API barrel of Gulf Coast supply and demand fundamentals for light, sweet Americas market close. Platts publishes the prompt month and
Eagle Ford crude oil, based on its product yield. To determine crude. LLS’ gross product worth is calculated using the same next forward month for WTI MEH, LOOP Sour and LLS, and the
these yields, Platts has gathered a variety of Eagle Ford crude product prices as the Eagle Ford Yield. This LLS yield calculation prompt month for SGC.
assays ranging from 40 degrees API to 62 degrees API from is subtracted from the Eagle Ford Yield value to establish a price
many sources. Platts analyzed the relative yields to extrapolate relationship. This relationship is applied to the spot price of LLS The assessments reflect the price prevailing at the close of the
median yield percentages by volume for LPGs, light naphtha, to arrive at the Eagle Ford Marker assessment. market in Asia, taking into account the rise or fall in the cash
heavy naphtha, kerosene, middle distillates, gasoil, and residual WTI market from the time of the assessment at US market close
fuel oil. For example, the Eagle Ford Yield is $100/b and the LLS Yield at 2:30 pm ET until the Asian close. The assessments follow the
is $105/b. The relationship between Eagle Ford and LLS based US roll schedule, with the prompt month rolling over to the next
The base of the Eagle Ford Marker, called Eagle Ford Yield, on these yield calculations is -$5/b. The LLS front-month price month on the first business day after the 25th of each month.
is calculated by applying these median yields for a 47 degree is assessed at $100/b. Based on this spot price for LLS and the In the absence of market indications, Platts uses prevailing
API crude to Platts US Gulf Coast LPG and refined product -$5/b relationship between the yield calculations of Eagle Ford spreads in relevant cash markets to determine a value for the
assessments. This yield is calculated using Platts assessments and LLS, the Eagle Ford Marker would be $95/b. new prompt month assessment on the first business day after
for propane, isobutane, normal butane, non-Targa natural the 25th of each month.
gasoline, standard naphtha barge, jet fuel, ULSD, VGO 0.5% S
Eagle Ford Postings Average
and high sulfur fuel oil.
US crude assessments at London close
In addition to the Eagle Ford Marker, Platts also publishes a
Platts uses its prompt refined oil product price assessments daily average of the available Eagle Ford postings from the These assessments are aligned with the 4:30 pm London
as the basis for the Eagle Ford Yield, with exceptions being following three companies: Energy Transfer Partners, Plains All market close and are an addition to the existing set of
the diesel (ULSD Colonial Pipeline) and jet fuel (Jet 54 Colonial American Pipeline and Enterprise Products Partners. Platts assessments published at the Americas market close.
Pipeline). Due to the prompt nature of the front pipeline also publishes the differential between the Eagle Ford Postings
cycle product assessments into the Colonial Pipeline as Average and the Eagle Ford Marker. Platts publishes the prompt month and next forward month for
they approach scheduling day, Platts uses the second cycle LLS, Mars and WTI MEH, and the three most prompt months
assessments for the Eagle Ford Yield and the LLS Yield. for WTI Cushing. Platts publishes an outright price as well as a
Americas Dated Brent
differential for each of the three crudes — an EFP in the case
A simple yield approach may result in relatively high calculated This assessment reflects the value of Dated Brent at the of cash WTI relative to NYMEX light sweet crude futures, and a
values in times of healthy refining margins, and the opposite in Americas market close of 2:30 pm Eastern Time, taking into differential to same-month cash WTI in the case of Mars and
times of relative weakness in the value of refined products. To account the rise or fall in the movement of Brent futures from LLS. These assessments are published in US dollars per barrel
account for this, Platts compares the relative value of the Eagle the time of assessment of Dated Brent at the European market as well as euros per barrel.
Ford gross product worth to the gross product worth of Light close of 4:30 pm London time until the Americas market close.
Louisiana Sweet, and applies this relationship to the actual spot Dated Brent reflects cargoes loading 10 days forward from the
Platts WTI Midland specifications
price of LLS. This approach creates a “safety net” for the Eagle date of publication to one full month ahead.
Ford Marker value, to ensure that the published value is not Platts global suite of WTI assessments, including both pipeline
overstated in times of strong refining margins, nor understated and cargo, reflects the Platts WTI Midland specifications:
US crude assessments at Asia close
in times of weak refining margins.
These assessments reflect the outright price of WTI MEH, Light Sulfur: 0.2% or less by weight as determined by ASTM Standard
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 10
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Vapor pressure: Less than 9.5 pounds per square at 100F and
4:1 V/L ratio as determined by ASTM Standard D6377;
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 11
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Cold Lake Hardisty AASZX00 AASZX03 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Cold Lake Hardisty vs WTI CMA AASZZ00 AASZZ03 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Cold Lake Hardisty (C$/CM) AASZY00 AASZY03 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - C$ cu m
Condensates AALSF00 AALSG00 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Condensates vs WTI CMA AALSJ00 AALSK00 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Condensates (C$/CM) AALSH00 AALSI00 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - C$ cu m
Light Sour Blend AALRX00 AALRY00 Delivered Cromer, Manitoba M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Light Sour Blend vs WTI CMA AALSD00 AALSE00 Delivered Cromer, Manitoba M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Light Sour Blend (C$/CM) AALRZ00 AALSA00 Delivered Cromer, Manitoba M+1 25,000 - - C$ cu m
Lloyd Blend AALRK00 AALRL00 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Lloyd Blend vs WTI CMA AALRP00 AALRQ00 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Lloyd Blend (C$/CM) AALRM00 AALRO00 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - C$ cu m
Midale AAUCC00 AAUCC03 Delivered Cromer, Manitoba M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Midale vs WTI CMA AAUCE00 AAUCE03 Delivered Cromer, Manitoba M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Midale (C$/CM) AAUCD00 AAUCD03 Delivered Cromer, Manitoba M+1 25,000 - - C$ cu m
Mixed Sweet AALRR00 AALRS00 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mixed Sweet vs WTI CMA AALRV00 AALRW00 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Mixed Sweet (C$/CM) AALRT00 AALRU00 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - C$ cu m
Syncrude Sweet Premium AASOK00 AASOK03 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Syncrude Sweet Premium vs WTI CMA AASOM00 AASOM03 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
Syncrude Sweet Premium (C$/CM) AASOL00 AASOL03 Delivered Edmonton, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - C$ cu m
WCS Hardisty AAPPN00 AAPPN03 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WCS Hardisty vs WTI CMA AAPPP00 AAPPP03 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - US $ Barrels
WCS Hardisty (C$/CM) AAPPO00 AAPPO03 Delivered Hardisty, Alberta M+1 25,000 - - C$ cu m
WTI CMA AAVSN00 AAVSN03 AAVSN02 - - - - - - US $ Barrels
Hibernia AAJKK00 AAJKL00 FOB Whiffen Head, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 675,000 US $ Barrels
Hibernia vs Canada Dated Brent Strip AAJKM00 AAJKN00 FOB Whiffen Head, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 675,000 US $ Barrels
Hibernia (C$/CM) AALSN00 AALSO00 FOB Whiffen Head, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 675,000 C$ cu m
Terra Nova AAJUH00 AAJUI00 FOB Whiffen Head, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 675,000 US $ Barrels
Terra Nova vs Canada Dated Brent Strip AAJUJ00 AAJUK00 FOB Whiffen Head, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 675,000 US $ Barrels
Terra Nova (C$/CM) AALSP00 AALSQ00 FOB Whiffen Head, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 675,000 C$ cu m
White Rose AAVJX00 AAVJX03 FOB Sea Rose Terminal, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 900,000 US $ Barrels
White Rose vs Canada Dated Brent Strip AAVJY00 AAVJY03 FOB Sea Rose Terminal, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 900,000 US $ Barrels
White Rose (C$/CM) AAVPI00 AAVPI03 FOB Sea Rose Terminal, Newfoundland 30-60 days - - 900,000 C$ cu m
33-63 Day Dated Strip (Canada Dated Brent Strip) AALEJ00 AALEJ03 - - - - - - US $ Barrels
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 12
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Canada Hardisty, Alberta. loading. The Canadian cargo markets are assessed at 4:30 pm
London time. These assessments are published in US dollars
Midale (MSM): This assessment reflects barrels injected at per barrel as well as Canadian dollars per cubic meter.
Canadian pipeline assessments
Cromer, Manitoba.
The following spot assessments are published as outright Hibernia: This assessment reflects barrels loading FOB terminal
prices and as differentials to the NYMEX light sweet crude CMA. Mixed Sweet (MSW): This assessment reflects barrels injected basis Whiffen Head, Newfoundland, Canada. The typical cargo
Crudes are assessed for injection in the first forward month. at Edmonton, Alberta. size is 675,000 barrels.
These assessments, including the NYMEX light sweet crude
CMA basis, follow the pipeline schedule published by Canada’s Syncrude Sweet Premium (SSP): This assessment reflects Terra Nova: This assessment reflects barrels loading FOB
Crude Oil Logistics Committee. The volume for Canadian pipeline barrels injected at Edmonton, Alberta. terminal basis Whiffen Head, Newfoundland, Canada. The typical
grades reflects 1,000 b/d of ratable crude, for a minimum of cargo size is 675,000 barrels.
25,000 barrels in total, delivered over the course of the pipeline Western Canadian Select (WCS): This assessment reflects
month. These assessments are published in US dollars per barrels injected at Hardisty, Alberta. White Rose: This assessment reflects barrels loading FOB basis
barrel as well as Canadian dollars per cubic meter. Sea Rose, Newfoundland, Canada. The typical cargo size is
WTI Calendar Month Average: This assessment reflects the 900,000 barrels.
Cold Lake (CL): This assessment reflects barrels injected at average of the front month NYMEX light sweet crude settlement
Hardisty, Alberta. values over a calendar month, in line with the pipeline schedule 33-63 Day Dated Strip (Canada Dated Brent Strip): This
published by Canada’s Crude Oil Logistics Committee. assessment reflects the value of Dated Brent at the London
Condensates: This assessment reflects condensates injected at market close for the loading period reflected in Platts Canadian
Edmonton, Alberta. cargo assessments, with pricing typically occurring 1-5 days
Canadian cargo assessments
after loading. Dated Brent-related differentials for all Canadian
Light Sour Blend (LSB): This assessment reflects barrels The following Canadian cargo assessments are based on spot crude cargoes reflect values relative to the value of Dated Brent
injected at Cromer, Manitoba. transactions for cargoes loading 30 to 60 days forward from that prevails at the time of loading.
the date of publication. The outright price is derived from the
Lloyd Blend (LLB): This assessment reflects barrels injected at forward value of Dated Brent with pricing typically 1-5 days after
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 13
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Latin America
Castilla Blend AAVEQ00 AAVEQ03 FOB Covenas 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Castilla Blend vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBZ00 AAXBZ03 FOB Covenas 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Castilla Blend vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXBK00 AAXBK03 FOB Covenas 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Castilla Blend vs Latin America WTI Strip AAVEQ01 AAVEQ05 FOB Covenas 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Escalante PCAGC00 PCAGC03 AAIIN00 FOB Caleta Cordoba 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Escalante vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBS00 AAXBS03 FOB Caleta Cordoba 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Escalante vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXAX00 AAXAX03 FOB Caleta Cordoba 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Escalante vs Latin America WTI Strip PCAGO00 AAJJN00 FOB Caleta Cordoba 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Liza ALIZA00 ALIZA03 FOB Liza Destiny FPSO 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Liza vs Latin American Brent Futures Strip ALIZC00 ALIZC03 FOB Liza Destiny FPSO 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Liza vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip ALIZB00 ALIZB03 FOB Liza Destiny FPSO 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Liza vs Latin America WTI Strip ALIZD00 ALIZD03 FOB Liza Destiny FPSO 30-60 days 1 million US $ Barrels
Loreto PCAGH00 PCAGH03 FOB Puerto Bayovar 30-60 days 450,000 US $ Barrels
Loreto vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBV00 AAXBV03 FOB Puerto Bayovar 30-60 days 450,000 US $ Barrels
Loreto vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXBG00 AAXBG03 FOB Puerto Bayovar 30-60 days 450,000 US $ Barrels
Loreto vs Latin America WTI Strip PCAGQ00 AAJJR00 FOB Puerto Bayovar 30-60 days 450,000 US $ Barrels
Marlim AAITF00 AAITG00 FOB Sao Sabastiao 30-60 days 750,000 US $ Barrels
Marlim vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBY00 AAXBY03 FOB Sao Sabastiao 30-60 days 750,000 US $ Barrels
Marlim vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXBJ00 AAXBJ03 FOB Sao Sabastiao 30-60 days 750,000 US $ Barrels
Marlim vs Latin America WTI Strip AAITL00 AAITM00 FOB Sao Sabastiao 30-60 days 750,000 US $ Barrels
Medanito FOB Argentina AMTOA00 AMTOA03 FOB Puerto Rosales 30-60 days 450,000 US $ Barrels
Medanito FOB Argentina vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AMTOB00 AMTOB03 FOB Puerto Rosales 30-60 days 450,000 US $ Barrels
Medanito FOB Argentina vs Latin American Dated Brent Strip AMTOD00 AMTOD03 FOB Puerto Rosales 30-60 days 450,000 US $ Barrels
Medanito FOB Argentina vs Latin America WTI Strip AMTOC00 AMTOC03 FOB Puerto Rosales 30-60 days 450,000 US $ Barrels
Mesa 30 AAITB00 AAITC00 AAIZY00 FOB Venezuela 30-60 days 350,000 US $ Barrels
Mesa 30 vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXCC00 AAXCC03 FOB Venezuela 30-60 days 350,000 US $ Barrels
Mesa 30 vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXBO00 AAXBO03 FOB Venezuela 30-60 days 350,000 US $ Barrels
Mesa 30 vs Latin America WTI Strip AAITH00 AAITI00 FOB Venezuela 30-60 days 350,000 US $ Barrels
Napo AAMCA00 AAMCC00 FOB Esmeraldas 30-60 days 720,000 US $ Barrels
Napo vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBX00 AAXBX03 FOB Esmeraldas 30-60 days 720,000 US $ Barrels
Napo vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXBI00 AAXBI03 FOB Esmeraldas 30-60 days 720,000 US $ Barrels
Napo vs Latin America WTI Strip AAMCD00 AAMCE00 FOB Esmeraldas 30-60 days 720,000 US $ Barrels
Oriente PCADE00 PCADE03 FOB Esmeraldas 30-60 days 360,000 US $ Barrels
Oriente vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBW00 AAXBW03 FOB Esmeraldas 30-60 days 360,000 US $ Barrels
Oriente vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXBH00 AAXBH03 FOB Esmeraldas 30-60 days 360,000 US $ Barrels
Oriente vs Latin America WTI Strip PCAGU00 AAJJP00 FOB Esmeraldas 30-60 days 360,000 US $ Barrels
Roncador AAQTL00 AAQTL03 FOB Angra dos Reis 30-60 days 750,000 US $ Barrels
Roncador vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBT00 AAXBT03 FOB Angra dos Reis 30-60 days 750,000 US $ Barrels
Roncador vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXAY00 AAXAY03 FOB Angra dos Reis 30-60 days 750,000 US $ Barrels
Roncador vs Latin America WTI Strip AAQTK00 AAQTK03 FOB Angra dos Reis 30-60 days 750,000 US $ Barrels
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 14
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Latin America
Santa Barbara AAITD00 AAITE00 FOB Venezuela 30-60 days 350,000 US $ Barrels
Santa Barbara vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBU00 AAXBU03 FOB Venezuela 30-60 days 350,000 US $ Barrels
Santa Barbara vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXAZ00 AAXAZ03 FOB Venezuela 30-60 days 350,000 US $ Barrels
Santa Barbara vs Latin America WTI Strip AAITJ00 AAITK00 FOB Venezuela 30-60 days 350,000 US $ Barrels
Vasconia PCAGI00 PCAGI03 FOB Covenas 30-60 days 500,000 US $ Barrels
Vasconia vs Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXCB00 AAXCB03 FOB Covenas 30-60 days 500,000 US $ Barrels
Vasconia vs Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXBN00 AAXBN03 FOB Covenas 30-60 days 500,000 US $ Barrels
Vasconia vs Latin America WTI Strip PCAGR00 AAJJO00 FOB Covenas 30-60 days 500,000 US $ Barrels
Latin America Dated Brent Strip AAXBR00 AAXBR03 - - - - - US $ Barrels
Latin America Brent Futures Strip AAXBQ00 AAXBQ03 - - - - - US $ Barrels
Latin America WTI Futures Strip AAXBP00 AAXBP03 - - - - - US $ Barrels
Latin America Puerto Bayovar, Peru, with a typical volume of 400,000 barrels. Santa Barbara: This assessment reflects barrels commonly sold
FOB Venezuela, with a typical volume of 350,000 barrels.
Marlim: This assessment reflects barrels commonly sold FOB
Sao Sabastiao, Brazil, with a typical volume of 750,000 barrels. Vasconia: This assessment reflects barrels commonly sold FOB
Platts Latin American crude assessments are published as Covenas, Colombia, with a typical volume of 500,000 barrels.
outright prices, and as differentials to WTI, Brent futures and Medanito: This assessment reflects barrels commonly sold
Dated Brent strips. These assessments reflect bids, offers and FOB Puerto Rosales, Argentina, with a typical volume of 450,000 Latin America WTI strip: WTI-related assessments reflect values
trades 30-60 days forward from the date of publication. barrels. relative to the prevailing contract month at the time of loading.
For example, on June 1, Platts would typically be assessing the
Castilla Blend: This assessment reflects barrels commonly Mesa 30: This assessment reflects barrels commonly sold FOB value of Latin American crudes loading in the month of July.
sold FOB Covenas, Colombia, with a typical volume of 1 million Venezuela, with a typical volume of 350,000 barrels. Therefore, the WTI-related basis for Platts Latin American crude
barrels. assessments on June 1 reflects the average of prevailing front-
Napo: This assessment reflects barrels commonly sold FOB month cash WTI values for July 1-31, which would be August cash
Escalante: This assessment reflects barrels sold FOB Caleta Esmeraldas, Ecuador, with a typical volume of 720,000 barrels. WTI for July 1-25 and September cash WTI for July 26-31. Platts
Cordova, Argentina, with a typical volume of 1 million barrels. publishes this Latin America WTI strip on a daily basis.
Oriente: This assessment reflects barrels commonly sold FOB
Liza: This assessment reflects barrels sold FOB from the Liza Esmeraldas, Ecuador, with a typical volume of 360,000 barrels. Latin America Brent Futures strip: Brent futures-related
Destiny Floating Production Storage and Offloading vessel assessments reflect values relative to the prevailing contract
offshore Guyana, with a typical cargo size of 1 million barrels. Roncador: This assessment reflects barrels sold basis FOB month at the time of loading. As with the example above, on
Angra dos Reis, Brazil, with a typical volume of 750,000 barrels. June 1, Platts would typically be assessing the value of Latin
Loreto: This assessment reflects barrels commonly sold FOB American crudes loading in the month of July. Therefore, the
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 15
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
60 W
90 W
30 W
assessments on June 1 reflects the average of prevailing front- Mesa 30
month Brent futures for July 1-31, which would be September Gravity 29.5 API | Sulfur 1.01%
Santa Barbara
Brent futures during the month of July, excluding the last MEXICO Gravity 36.1 API | Sulfur 0.47%
business day of July which would be October Brent futures. Vasconia
Gravity 23.0 API | Sulfur 1.09%
Platts publishes this Latin America Futures Brent strip on a daily Castilla Blend
Gravity 32.0 API | Sulfur 0.58%
Gravity 17.7 API | Sulfur 1.83%
basis. GUY.
30 S
*Isthmus: (0.65*WTI MEH)+(0.35*ICE BRENT)+K
*Olmeca: (0.65*WTI MEH)+(0.35*ICE BRENT)+K Gravity 42.5 API | Sulfur 0.20%
Sulfur content
Sour Sweet
US West Coast, Americas’ Pacific Coast Gravity >= 0.5% < 0.5% Escalante
Gravity 23.9 API | Sulfur 0.18%
*Maya: (0.65*WTI MEH)+(0.35*ICE BRENT)+K Heavy 0 to 22.3
Medium 22.4 to 31.1
Light 31.2 and higher
*Isthmus: (0.65*WTI MEH)+(0.35*ICE BRENT)+K
0 300 mi
Europe, India and the Middle East
Maya: ICE BRENT + K Source: Platts
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 16
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 17
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Revision history May 2019: Platts completed an annual review of the Americas October 2018: Platts completed an annual review of the global
Crude Oil specifications guide. Platts reviewed all content, Crude Oil methodology and specifications guide. Platts reviewed
August 2021: Platts updated this guide to reflect the corrected typos and made minor edits to language. all content, corrected typos and made minor edits to language.
amendment to the WTI Midland pipeline provenance standard, Platts also added new sections I to VI. In the Persian Gulf
effective July 15, 2021. Updates also were made to reflect the April 2019: Platts completed an annual update to sections 1 section Platts added reference to an assessment of Murban’s
discontinuation of the Magdalena crude assessment, effective to 6 of Platts Methodology and Specifications Guides in April spread versus front-month Dubai that was launched in July,
July 1, 2021. Typos were corrected and updates and corrections 2019, and moved these sections into a standalone Methodology 2018. In the Asia Pacific section Platts corrected the explanation
were made to typical crude qualities based on current crude Guide. The Global Crude Oil Specifications Guide was separated of how the Dated Brent Strip is calculated. Platts also added
assay information. from the overall Methodology Guide, and split into three regional description of several Asia-Pacific crude oil grades that Platts
guides for Asia Pacific and Middle East, Europe and Africa and currently assesses in the region. In the Americas, Platts updated
April 2021: Platts completed an annual review of this guide in Americas. the guide to reflect the addition of LOOP Sour differential
April 2021, reviewing all content, correcting typos and making assessments; new US crude assessments at the Asia close;
minor edits to language. Platts also updated this guide to reflect January 2019: Platts updated the North Sea and Urals & the change in the Canadian cargo laycans assessed and the
the discontinuation of Flint Hills Eagle Ford crude postings and Mediterranean sections to include annual freight rates underlying Canada Dated Brent strip; the clarification of its
the amendment to the Eagle Ford Posting Average, effective effective January 2, 2019. Platts also updated assessment USGC Basrah Light assessment methodology; the change in the
Oct. 1, 2020. Platts also updated this guide to reflect the launch names in the Urals & Mediterranean section to reflect changes ANS differential basis; the addition of two new USGC Bakken
of the assessment of Guyana’s Liza crude, effective Feb. 16, 2021 to assessment names effective January 2, 2019. Platts removed assessments, and the renaming and redefinition of its existing
and the launch of Argentina’s Medanito crude, effective April 19, assessments for Iran Light and Iran Heavy FOB Sidi Kerir, North Dakota assessment; the renaming and broader scope
2021. which were discontinued effective January 2, 2019 and added of its WTI crude and Eagle Ford crude and condensate cargo
assessments for Iran Light and Iran Heavy FOB Kharg Island assessments on the US Gulf Coast; the discontinuation of its
August 2020: Platts updated this guide to reflect (Med) which were introduced also effective January 2, 2019. The FOB Houston Eagle Ford crude and condensate assessments;
implementation of Platts WTI Midland specifications globally ESPO assessment in the Urals & Mediterranean section was and the change in specification reflected in its Eagle Ford
from August 5, 2020. The update also amended the Bakken updated to reflect that effective January 2, 2019, ESPO will now condensate assessments. In addition the text on WTI CMA
Williston assessment delivery point options. be reflecting cargoes loading two months ahead in line with methodology was edited for further clarity and the assessment
methodology changes to the Asia assessment and announced was added to the table. The Canada Dated Brent strip and Latin
July 2020: Platts updated its guide to include details of the in Singapore. All changes conducted during this review were America strips were also added to the assessment tables. In
Platts AGS assessment. The update also added the EPIC, Gray designed to get the guide in shape for publication early 2019 the Americas section, the text and tables were also reorganized
Oak and Permian Express crude pipelines to the list of pipelines in order to reflect methodology changes due to take effect at In Europe, Platts updated the symbol tables, re-ordering
reflected in WTI cargo assessments and updated its WTI, Eagle the start of the upcoming year. Additionally, the accompanying the groupings and changing headings. Doba crude had its
Ford, and Eagle Ford Condensate FOB USGC assessment typical EMEA Crude assessment table was updated to reflect all conversion factor changed; netback calculations were adjusted;
cargo size from 600,000 barrels to 700,0000 barrels. changes. In the Asia-Pacific and Persian Gulf sections: Platts and a US CIF delivered crude section was added.
removed references to Enfield crude after the assessment
May 2020: Platts completed an annual review of the Americas was discontinued in November, 2018. Updated loading period July 2018: Platts updated its guide to reflect 2018 Worldscale
Crude Oil methodology and specifications guide. Platts reviewed reflected in Platts ESPO M1 and ESPO M2 assessments rates, the addition of several maps, the revision and clarification
all content, corrected typos and made minor edits to language. effective January 2019. Added references to Murban M2 and of text and the revision of cargo sizes in West Africa. Platts
Platts updated Mexican Crude OSP Calculations to reflex recent M3 assessments, launched on January 2, 2019. Removed updated the Asia and Persian Gulf sections to reflect the
changes to formulas and also added information regarding reference to Vietnam’s Su Tu Den crude differential to OSP addition of crude assessments at Singapore close for the
pipeline provenance specifications for the WTI FOB USGC cargo which was discontinued in 2017. following: Indonesia’s Banyu Urip crude, Iraq’s Basrah Light and
assessment. Basrah Heavy crudes, US crude assessments and CFR North
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 18
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
Asia crude assessments. The guide was also updated to reflect in cavern at the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port terminal on the US barrels), Marlim (750,000 barrels), Castilla Blend (1 million
the discontinuation of Su Tu Den crude differential to OSP Gulf Coast. barrels), and Vasconia (500,000 barrels). Prior to April 2016,
effective December 1, 2017. Platts edited and updated the text Platts reflected typical volume sizes of 350,000 barrels with the
for Asia Pacific sections as well as quality chart for Asia-Pacific January 2017: Platts completed an annual update to the exception of Santa Barbara (350,000 barrels), Mesa 30 (350,000
crudes as per latest available assays. Platts updated the guide Crude Oil Methodology Guide, published in January 2017. This barrels), Castilla Blend (500,000 barrels) and Magdalena
to reflect the addition of Troll to BFOE and the inclusion of update moved the location of certain passages in Sections I (300,000 barrels). Additionally, Platts has updated the
previously-loaded oil in the delivered Urals and Mediterranean to VI for enhanced clarity, and removed redundant references assessment period for Alaska North Slope (ANS) crude delivered
MOC markets. Additionally, Platts edited and updated the text to STS and barge practices. Platts also updated Worldscale into the US West Coast. Under the updated ANS methodology,
and tables for the EMEA crude sections. rates to reflect changes from 2016 to 2017. Platts updated the Platts will roll its assessments forward to reflect deliveries in
Crude Oil Methodology Guide to clarify around nomination the second calendar month forward from the first publishing
September 2017: Platts updated its guide to reflect additional procedure for Middle Eastern sour crude cargo deliveries, day on or after the 10th of each month. Platts also updated the
methodology on its Dated Brent CIF Rotterdam assessment. and remove reference to the use of the Aframax Abu Dhabi- Crude Oil Methodology Guide to reflect updated specifications
Platts also completed an annual review of the Crude Oil III as an alternative delivery point in the assessment process of Basrah Light delivered into the US Gulf Coast. The updated
methodology and specifications guide. Platts reviewed all for loading of Upper Zakum cargoes. Platts updated the specifications reflect a typical API gravity 29.5 and a maximum
content and made minor edits to language. Guidance on Crude Oil Methodology Guide to include the Kimanis crude sulfur content of 3%. Prior to March 2016, Platts Basrah Light
outright, differential and spread price was clarified in reference assessment and Murban Quality Premium. Removed references reflected an API gravity of 31-35.5 and sulfur content of 2%.
to increments. In the Americas, Platts clarified calculation to discontinued Canadian crude postings, updated the new Platts also corrected minor typographical errors.
and loading details of Mexican crude prices and added in the MOC timestamps and general review and update of Americas
OSP formula for Maya crude heading to the US West Coast. methodology. Platts also updated the European section February 2016: Platts updated the Crude Oil Methodology
In addition, Platts has removed most Americas crude quality throughout, including procedures around pre-loaded oil for Guide to reflect the addition of US crude export cargo
specifications from the text and compiled them into an Urals Mediterranean, changes to Cash BFOE contract months assessments for Eagle Ford crude and condensate from
Americas crude quality table, updated with details from latest and the discontinuation of Azeri FOB Supsa. Platts made a Houston and Corpus Christi, Texas terminals as well as WTI
assays. In the assessment tables, Platts added in a column variety of edits to its North Sea methodology section for further Houston. Platts also added a new crude oil pipeline assessment
for typical volume sizes, and deleted extraneous columns. clarity around descriptions for BFOE, convergence practices, for Western Canadian Select (WCS) ex-Nederland. Platts also
Platts also clarified the rollover dates for ANS cargoes and the a note that Platts now published assessments for the value of removed references to Canadian crude oil postings that were
Latin America Brent Futures Strip calculations, and removed three forward months of BFOE (instead of as four, previously). discontinued effective July 31, 2015.
redundant language for the Eagle Ford Marker. In the EMEA Platts also added information relating to its updated intraday
region, Platts updated the guide to include the Asgard and BFOE assessments. January 2016: Platts updated the Crude Oil Methodology Guide
Alvheim condensate grades in the North Sea. Also, text on to reflect the inclusion of Al Shaheen and Murban in its Dubai
the delivery and loading dates on Dated Brent was clarified, May 2016: Platts updated the Crude Oil Methodology Guide to and Oman crude oil benchmarks. Platts removed references to
alongside text on the Forward Dated Brent strips. Platts edited include new assessments for WTI 2nd month and at the London Stybarrow crude, which is no longer assessed. Platts started to
and updated the text for Persian Gulf and Asia Pacific sections, close including: WTI MEH M2, WTI Midland M2, Light Houston assess Dubai and Oman derivatives independently of physical
and in table corrected the loading period for ESPO and Sakhalin Sweet M2, WTI MEH M1 (London), and WTI MEH M2 (London). assessments with effect from December 1, 2015.
Blend and loading point for Senipah crude. Maps relevant to key
crude oil assessments were also added. April 2016: Platts updated the Crude Oil Methodology Guide to November 2015: Platts updated the Crude Oil Methodology
reflect typical volumes for Latin American crude oil cargoes to: Guide to reflect Brazilian Roncador crude oil with a typical
April 2017: Platts updated the Crude Oil Methodology Guide to Escalante (1 million barrels), Roncador (750,000 barrels), Loreto gravity of 19.8 API, sulfur content of 0.935%. Platts assessments
reflect the addition of the LOOP Sour crude assessments traded (400,000 barrels), Oriente (360,000 barrels), Napo (720,000 for Roncador have reflected crude of this general quality since
© 2021 S&P Global Platts, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved. 19
Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
2013, when Roncador exports began to reflect a heavier, more to reflect North Sea cargoes loading a full month-ahead. This Platts also updated the description of Angolan Dated Brent
sulfurous specification than had previously been typical for the change to Platts Dated Brent and North Sea crude methodology Strip codes AALGM00 and AALGN00 to their new description,
crude. Prior to 2013, Roncador exports and Platts Roncador also incorporated changes to Platts Cash BFOE; under Platts the ?@15-45 Day Dated Strip?A. In North Sea crude, Platts
assessments had reflected crude with a lighter gravity of new methodology, full cargo date nominations are declared added assessment codes for M4 cash BFOE at the London and
approximately 28.3 API, and a lower sulfur of generally 0.58%. one month in advance. This change also impacted Platts Asian Asia closes, M4 BFOE EFPs, and spreads with WTI.
Platts removed references to Kumkol crude, which is no longer and American Dated Brent assessments, which also reflect
assessed. loadings 10 days to a month-ahead. Platts further clarified the July 2014: Platts completed an annual update to the Crude Oil
convergence and settlement expectations for BFOE partials Methodology Guide in July 2014. In this update, Platts reviewed
August 2015: Platts completed an annual update to the Crude published for assessment under its methodology. Platts all content. Platts consolidated guidelines around publishing
Oil Methodology Guide in July 2015. In this update, Platts updated the description of its West African assessment range information during the MOC assessment process into the
reviewed all content. Platts updated guidance around how to to reflect the value of all West African crude assessments MOC Data Publishing Principles section, and incorporated
report information and expectations for contactability. Platts loading 25-55 days forward. Platts noted the addition of the clarification guidance about how to express interest in bids
also consolidated guidance regarding review of reported Deodorized Field Condensate assessment and the Sakhalin and offers that were published in January 2014 and May 2014.
trades and incorporated information regarding how Platts Blend assessment. DFC will run alongside the existing Ras Gas Platts also incorporated clarifications around book-outs, circle-
accounts for market structure in its crude oil assessments. assessment and will carry the historical data for Ras Gas when outs, and editorial review of reported trades. The guide was
In the specifications section of the guide, Platts reflected the the Ras Gas assessment is discontinued on January 2, 2016. updated to add details regarding new assessments for Das
renaming of Flotta Gold assessment, in line with the change The Sakhalin Blend assessment will run alongside the existing Blend crude; correct the implementation date for valuing Asian
in name by the terminal operator, Talisman Sinopec Energy UK Vityaz Blend assessment and will carry the historical data for crudes versus the ADB Strip to September 2013; remove a
Ltd (TSEUK). Platts added the planned discontinuation dates Vityaz when the Vityaz assessment is discontinued on January reference to Oman quality specifications; add details regarding
of its existing Kumkol and Zarzaitine assessments. Platts 2, 2016. Platts removed references to discontinued assessments Minas and Tapis partials; update Platts QP calculations formula;
incorporated netback calculations for Urals and Mediterranean for Lower Zakum and Umm Shaif following the launch of remove references to Palanca/Soyo, Kole, and Rabi Light,
assessments. Platts added its Baltic Urals crude short option the Das Blend assessment and the removal of the codes which are no longer assessed; update descriptions of Urals CIF
methodology. Language has been clarified in the US pipeline associated with those assessments. Platts added information Rotterdam and CIF Augusta; incorporate additional Azeri Light
crude assessments, US shale crude oils and Americas dated about its new WTI MEH assessment reflecting Midland grade descriptions; revise Urals CFD descriptions; clarify language
Brent and US crude assessments at London close. Latin WTI crude oil trading at the Magellean East Houston terminal. describing the US and Canadian pipeline rolls; update latest
America crude has added clarification around the monthly cash Platts also amended the guide to reflect the renaming of its available API and sulfur specifications for SGC and Poseidon;
WTI assessments along with language to the Mexican crude Canadian Syncrude Sweet assessment to Syncrude Sweet create separate sections for US and Canada cargo assessments
contract pricing formulas. Language around Latin America Premium. This methodology guide was also updated to include for more clarity; include descriptions of its new Bakken basin
assessments FOB has also been clarified. Platts updated this further description of Platts’ processes and practices in survey assessment; remove certain background commentary around
guide to include guidance regarding the inclusion of STS as a assessment environments. Platts made other minor edits US shale markets that was not strictly relevant to methodology
delivery option for Upper Zakum. throughout. itself; remove references to Canadian crude postings that
are no longer published; add explanations of Latin strips; add
May 2015: Platts removed a number of European, Russian December 2014: Platts updated this guide making some minor definitions for Isthmus to USWC and Olmeca to Europe; and
and West African crude oil specifications from the guide and edits. Platts also updated the methodology to reflect the use of incorporate descriptions of Platts’ 3:15 futures assessments.
replaced them with a table format. Previously, the crude oil full cargoes to assess Tapis and Minas crude oil markets from Platts also made minor typographical edits throughout the text
specifications had appeared next to the crude oil’s description. December 2014. As part of the change, Platts discontinued the for clarity.
Now, the specifications appear separately in one table and are use of the partials mechanism to assess Minas and Tapis. Platts
designed as a reference. Platts updated the description of its updated the tables for Asia-Pacific crude to amend the cargo November 2013: Platts updated this guide, making minor edits
Dated Brent and North Sea crude assessment methodology size of Minas to 100,000 barrels and Tapis to 300,000 barrels. through the text. Platts also updated its methodology for Middle
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Specifications Guide Americas Crude Oil: August 2021
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