Design A Single Phase Inverter With A LCL Filter: Abstract
Design A Single Phase Inverter With A LCL Filter: Abstract
Design A Single Phase Inverter With A LCL Filter: Abstract
1 |V inv ( j ωh )|
Lg , min =
Linv ×C f × ω2h −1
× L
( inv +
ωh × λ h × I 2 ) (9)
5 % ×V ❑g (10)
L g ,max = Figure 4. Simulation model of single phase
ωo × I 2
Table 4. The comparison between the calculation and
Inside ω h is the frequency at which harmonics are most the simmulation.
concentrated: Parameters Calculation Simulation Unit
Bipolar: ω h=ω s=2 π f s ∆i max
5.94 6.0793 A
Unipolar: ω h=2 ω s=4 π f s I1 30.0375 30.095 A
Modified Unipolar: ω h=ω s=2 π f s I2 30 30.033 A
V.SIMULATION After passing through the LCL filter, the output current signal
The software simulation is conducted using PSIM, a computer is transformed to become smoother, suitable for applications
aided design (CAD) software used to do analogue and mixed- requiring high current quality.In Fig.5,THD of the current i 1 is
signal simulations. Parameters used in this work are shown in is 7% after passing the filter LCL, it becomes the current i2
Table 3.
with THD=0.04% and THD of V g is 1.58%. In Table 4, the
Table 3. Parameters of inputs and filter:
calculated and simulated values have been compared, shows
Parameters Symbol Value
the largest error in the current pulse with a value of 2.34%.
Power P0 6600 W
This indicates that the design of the filter circuit with the
Grid Voltage Vg 220 VAC requirements set out is correct within the acceptable range.
DC bus Voltage V DC 400 VDC
Power factor cos 1
Current ripple ΔI 1 (20% I 1) 6A
Inductance Inverter side Linv 0.8 mH
Inductance Grid side Lg 0.09 mH
Filter Capacitor 20 µF
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Figure 5. Modified unipolar PWM inductor current, load output current and
load output voltage waveforms
In this paper, the operation of an inverter, which is a DC to
AC voltage converter. Bipolar, unipolar and modified unipolar
modulation methods are given for review and comparison.
Types of L filters, LC and LCL are analyzed. Performing
simulation to verify the inverter design with LCL filter gives
an error result of only 2.34%. THD of the current is below 1%
and the voltage is below 5%.
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