Title Page: Title of The Article: "A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme On
Title Page: Title of The Article: "A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme On
Title Page: Title of The Article: "A Study To Assess The Effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme On
Title of the article: “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on
knowledge regarding intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients among
* M.Sc. Nursing final Year, Shri B.V.V.S Sajjalashree Institute of Nursing Sciences,
Conflict of interest:None
Word count
Total page: 09
Abstract: 432
Total: 2000
structured teaching programme on intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult
patients among staff nurses in HSK hospital and research Centre at Bagalkot. (2) To find out
transport protocol for critically ill adult patients among staff nurses. (3) To find out the
association between posttest knowledge scores of intra hospital transport protocol for
critically ill adult patients among staff nurses with their selected socio demographic variables.
Materials and Methods: Study approach- This was an evaluative study and follow the
examination plan as pre-exploratory, for example one gathering pre-test and post-test without
control group. The population associated with this investigation was staff medical caretakers
working at HSK Hospital and Research Center at Bagalkot. Tests are staff nurses working at
HSK Hospital and Research center at Bagalkot. Test size is 50 (Total) staff nurses were
remembered for the investigation. Further information were gathered by organized shut
Results: The overall finding reveals that the post-test mean knowledge score was 26.94 with
SD±1.76 which is 84.18% of total score was more when compared to the pre-test mean
knowledge score 15.8 with SD ±3.07 which is 49.37% of total score. The overall
effectiveness of STP on intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients, mean
score was 11.14 with SD ±1.31 which is 34.81% of total score Hence it indicates that the STP
was effective in enhancing the knowledge of the staff nurses regarding intra hospital transport
protocol for critically ill adult patients.As the calculated value was much higher than table
value (1.96) hence the hypothesis H1 stated is accepted. Findings reveal that the difference
between mean pre-test (15.8 ±3.07) and post-test (26.94 ±1.76) knowledge scores of staff
nurses found to be statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance [t= 35.01, p<0.05].
There is no significant association was found between post-test knowledge scores of staff
nurses with working area (X2=67.4, P<0.05), where as there is no association was found
between post test knowledge scores of intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult
patients among the staff nurses and their socio demographic variable like age, gender,
religion, education, monthly income, and year of work experience of intra hospital transport
Conclusion: A significant difference was found between the pre-test and post-test
knowledge scores of the staff nurses. The study proved that STP was effective in improving
the knowledge of staff nurses onintra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult
Intra hospital transport is called the transfer of patients in the hospital for diagnostic
or therapeutic purposes or their transfer to specialized units of the hospital. This usually
involves moving the patient from an area of the hospital such as the intensive care unit (ICU),
the emergency department (ED), the operating theatre department to areas that patients may
not receive the same intensive care. The reduction or change of care and the movement itself
can become, for the critically ill patients, the cause for serious complications and put their
health at risk1.
It is known that any transport of critically patients puts them at increased risk of
significant morbidity and mortality. Adverse events have been cited at anywhere from 30-
70%, and the physiologic changes can be life threatening particularly in ventilator-dependent
Successful intra hospital transportation directly depends on the planning and work
organization of the multidisciplinary team, as well as the use of appropriate equipment (6-7).
receiving the patient so that the safety and continuity of health care is reinforced5.
NEED FOR STUDY: Intra hospital transports are performed daily in hospitals they pose
various risks to patients, which could lead to life threatening complications. Nursing care,
significantly, contribute to achieve the above, although the role of the nurse has never been
studied, separately. The aim of this study was to analyse the risk factors for complications
that usually occur during intra hospital transports and describe the role of nursing in intra
transport protocol for critically ill adult patients among staff nurses in HSK hospital and
intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients among staff nurses.
3. To find out the association between posttest knowledge scores of intra hospital transport
protocol for critically ill adult patients among staff nurses with their selected socio
demographic variables.
The present study was conducted on a evaluative research approach and pre-
experimental one group pre-test without control group design. The target population is the
staff nurses working at various hospitals of Bagalkot. Accessible population is staff nurses
working at HSK hospital and research centre Bagalkot was selected by a convenient sampling
technique and 50 staff nurses were selected. The data were collected by structured closed
ended knowledge questionnaire. Data analysis and interpretation were performed using
descriptive such as frequency distribution. Mean, median, percentage, and inferential
Percentage wise distribution of staff nurses according to their age in years shows that
majority (44%) of the staff nurses were in age group of 22-28 years old, 30 percent of them
were in the age group of 29-35 years old, and 14 percent of staff nurses aged between 41-50
years. Least of staff nurses were in the age group of 51-60 years old 12 percent.
Percentage wise distribution of staff nurses according to their gender reveals that
majority of (64%) of staff nurses were males and 36 percent of staff nurses are females.
Percentage wise distribution of staff nurses according to their religion shows that the
majorities (52%) of staff nurses were Hindu, 26 percent of staff nurses were Muslim, &18
percent of staff nurses are Christian and 4 percent of staff nurses were other religion.
shows that majority (54%) of the staff nurses had completed GNM, 22 percent of the staff
nurses had completed Basic B.Sc. Nursing, 20 percent of the staff nurses had completed
PB.BSc nursing and there only 4 percent staff nurses had completed M.Sc. Nursing.
Percentage wise distribution of staff nurses according to their monthly income shows
that the majority (56%) of staff nurses monthly income was between 10000-15000,8 percent
of staff nurses monthly income was between 5000-10000, 28 percent 0f staff nurses monthly
income was between 15000-20000, and only 8 percent of staff nurses monthly income was
Percentage wise distribution of staff nurses according to their working area shows that
the majority (34%) of staff nurses were working in ICU, 32 percent of staff nurses were
working Emergency ward, 22 percent of staff nurses were working in casualty, less
experience deficit that, the majority (46%) of staff nurses had below 5 years of work
experience, 42% of staff nurses had 6 to 10 years of work experience, 12 percent of staff
educational program related to intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients
shows that the majority of staff nurses (100%) had not attended the educational program
related to intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients.
any infectious diseases shows that, the majority of staff nurses (100%) have been immunized
Part II: Assessment of the pre-test knowledge of staff nurses regarding intra hospital
transport protocol.
Assessment of the level of knowledge of the staff nurses and findings reveals that, majority
(76%) of the staff nurses had average knowledge, 08 percent of them had good knowledge,
and 16 percent of them had poor knowledge. There were no staff nurses who had very poor
knowledge and very good knowledge regarding intra hospital transport protocol for critically
Part III: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the STP on knowledge regarding intra
After STP (post-test) majority (66%) of the staff nurses had very good knowledge, 34 percent
intra hospital transport of critically ill adult patients and selected socio-demographic
Findings reveal that there is no significant association was found between post-test knowledge
scores of staff nurses with working area ( X2=67.4,P<0.05), where as there is no association
was found between post test knowledge scores of intra hospital transport protocol for
critically ill adult patients among the staff nurses and their socio demographic variable like
age, gender, religion, education, monthly income, and year of work experience of intra
hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients. Thus H2 stated is accepted only in
Table 1:Level of pre-test knowledge of the staff nurses regarding Intra hospital
transport protocol for critically ill adult patients. N=50
Total 50 100%
Table 2: Comparison of level of knowledge of staff nurses in pre-test and post-test.
Pre-test Post-test
No. of No. of
Level of
Percentage Percentage
respondens respondens
Very poor 00 00% 00 00%
Poor 08 16% 00 00%
Average 38 76% 00 00%
Good 04 08% 17 34%
Very good 00 00% 33 66%
Total 50 100% 50 100%
Table 3: Association between the post-test knowledge scores of the staff nurses
regarding intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patientsand
Sl. Chi-square value/ Fisher value
Socio-demographic variables Df
1. Age 1 0.4992
2. 1 0.0056
3. 1 2.6528
4. 1 0.2412
*= <0.05(significant)
A significant difference was found between the pre-test and post-test knowledge scores of
the staff nurses. The study proved that STP was effective in improving the knowledge of
staff nurses onintra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients.
Based on the findings, the following recommendations are proposed for future research.
A similar study can be replicated on large scale for the purpose ofgeneralization.
A similar study can be conducted in national level to bring new programs to uplift the
on knowledge regarding intra hospital transport protocol for critically ill adult patients
policies: the contribution of the nurse, health science journal,( 2014) vol(8)