Voltage Profile Improvement in A Hybrid Distribution System Using Etap

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International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455



K.C.Jayasankar[1],T.Mathumathi[2] and K.Jothy prasanth[3]

Associate professor,Prathyusha Engineering
Assitant professor ,Prathyusha Engineering
UG Student Prathyusha Engineering

To design and analyse the integration of high PV and wind penetration into the Distribution
system.This integration have been carried out on 33kv and 14 bus node test in the distribution feeder
.To show the load flow analysis and impact of adding DG in the medium voltage distribution network
using ETAP software.Renewable energy resources are present a high potential to fulfill the global
increasing power demands. In distribution side ,high absorbs the reactive power so it must be equalize
by renewable energy to improve the voltage level in the distribution network. Additionally, in order to
examine the grid performance during this conditions.In etap software ,Adaptive Newton-Raphson
method was used in the distribution network.

Keywords- Electrical Transient Analysis Program(ETAP),DistributedGeneration(DG),

Photovoltaic(PV),Renewable Energy,Load Flow Analysis.


Power consumption is one of the daily resources without which we can't imagine our modern
life.The demand of consumer is much higher then supply generation and imbalanced.So in 2020 ,20%
of renewable energy integration to the grid.The combination of two energy source is known as hybrid
energy source.Nowadays the conventional energy sources are limited and cause pollution to the
environment.So the government now move to the renewable energy sources such as solar,wind,fuel
cells,biomass,hydro etc.But main drawback in the renewable source is depending upon the nature.While
comparing to other renewable source wind and solar sources are generate high MW power[1].In
conventional energy sources are generated the power in very long distance so it have high transmission
losses to reach at consumers but in renewable energy sources are generated the power in short distance.
Renewable energy sources like wind and solar power form a Distributed Generation (DG). The major
problem today in power sector is losses in distribution network. Wind energy is the fastest growing and
the most promising renewable energy source because it is plentiful, cheap, inexhaustible, widely
distributed, clean and climate benign. The weak buses are the buses where the transmission line
parameters namely voltage, current and power factor are not maintained efficiently, which results in
poor voltage regulation[2].
Now a days the home appliances are inductive load so it absorbs more reactive power from the
generation source.Therefore voltage drop occurs in the distribution networks and also in distribution
network have several branches to separate the power for consumers ,it also make a cause for voltage
drop[1].The impact of PV penetration at a large scale into the electricity distribution networks, at severe
network conditions and location of fault occurrence remains uncertain. This leads to the importance of

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International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455

examining the short circuit level to assure the validity of connecting such DG to ensure smooth network
operation and reliability[3]. There may be disadvantages of connecting distributed generation such as
increasing the voltage profile and exceeding the network short circuit level, and in turn, this may limit
the connection of the distributed generation to the network. This paper will examine the impact of
Doubly Fed Induction Generator wind turbines on short circuit level in distribution test system using
ETAP software[5]. This analysis are done by the ETAP software.This ETAP simulator which is the
most excellent software to represent the real electrical power grid system and to study all the case studies
of electrical power applications[4].Photovoltaic (PV) systems can be hugely advantageous for
commercial as well as domestic institutions which use inverters, generators and other auxiliary sources
to diminish energy costs and also guarantee power continuity in the event of faults/ outages.
The impacts are came while installing the hybrid energy in the distribution network and analysis which
bus gets fault and voltage drop occurs in the network.According to that which place we kept the
renewable energy sources and capacitors to improve the voltage in the distribution network[8].


In this project ,the combination of the solar pv panel and wind turbine are used for hybrid
renewable energy sources.Using this renewable energy sources to improve the voltage level in the
distribution network.
In Solar energy is generating the electricity through the sun radient light and heat.The solar energy is
divided into solar thermal and solar electricity.In solar thermal, the sun ass direct source of heat energy
to supply hot water and domestic uses.In solar electricity, uses photovoltaic for suppling electricity.In
pv is a process of converting the sun light directly into electricity.In this project uses pv panel only for
generating the source.The pv panel is a semiconductor device that transforms solar light into electrical
energy[3]. Typically, it is few inches in size and produces about 1 Watt of power. In order to generate
high power, PV cells are grouped in series and parallel circuits to form a PV module. Hence, numbers
of PV modules are electrically connected in a series-parallel configuration to generate the required
current and voltage. The PV array output power is affected by the operating conditions and the site
conditions such as geometric location, irradiance level, and ambient temperature[5].The process of solar
panal is connect to grid was
 The sun shines on the solar panels generating DC electricity
 The DC electricity is fed into a solar inverter that converts it to 240V 50Hz AC electricity.
 The 240V AC electricity is used to power appliances in your home.
 Surplus electricity is fed back into the main grid.
Whenever the sun shines (and even in overcast weather), the solar cells generate electricity. The grid
connect inverter converts the DC electricity produced by the solar panels into 240V AC electricity,
which can then be used by the property/household[6].
If a grid connect system is producing more power than is being consumed, the surplus is fed into the
mains power grid. Some electricity companies will meter the electricity fed into the grid by your system
and provide a credit on your bill. How much you are paid is determined by the feed-in tariff.
When the solar cells are not producing power, for example at night, your power is supplied by the mains
power grid as usual. The energy retailer charges the usual rate for the power used.
As all of the components in a grid connect system have no moving parts, you can expect a long and
hassle free life from your solar power system! Generous government solar rebates and incentives mean
you can also save thousands on a grid connect system for a limited time[8].

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International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455

Fig.1.block diagram of pv panel.

In wind turbine, the process by which wind is used to generate electricity. Wind turbines
convert the kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power. A generator can convert mechanical
power into electricity. Mechanical power can also be utilized directly for specific tasks such as pumping
water. The US DOE developed a short wind power animation that provides an overview of how a wind
turbine works and describes the wind resources in the United States[4]. Wind is caused by the uneven
heating of the atmosphere by the sun, variations in the earth's surface, and rotation of the earth.
Mountains, bodies of water, and vegetation all influence wind flow patterns.Wind turbines convert the
energy in wind to electricity by rotating propeller-like blades around a rotor. The rotor turns the drive
shaft, which turns an electric generator. Three key factors affect the amount of energy a turbine can
harness from the wind: wind speed, air density, and swept area[7].
Equation for Wind Power P=1/2 ρAV3

Wind speed
The amount of energy in the wind varies with the cube of the wind speed, in other words, if the wind
speed doubles, there is eight times more energy in the wind (z3=2x2x2=8). Small changes in wind speed
have a large impact on the amount of power available in the wind.

Density of the air

The more dense the air, the more energy received by the turbine. Air density varies with elevation and
temperature. Air is less dense at higher elevations than at sea level, and warm air is less dense than cold
air. All else being equal, turbines will produce more power at lower elevations and in locations with
cooler average temperatures

Fig.2. block diagram of wind turbine.

Due to wind the turbine start to rotate through kinetic energy ,the turbine was connected to
generator through the shaft using gear box.The generator was generate electricity and connected to the
grid network. The wind turbine generate reactive power and it is compensate the absorbs reactive power
to the load in the distribution network.But it has main drawback was interference the security radian of

Volume 8, Issue IV, APRIL/2018 293 http://ijamtes.org/

International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455


The load flow analysis is performed on the IEEE 14-bus distribution test system using the ETAP
software as a simulation tool.In the single line existing system have a single generator and 14 bus system
.Using this system to find load flow analysis and find the voltage regulation ,real ,reactive power and
power factor.By using etap software analysis the load flow in the distribution network.In existing
system ,the flow of volage regulation in the buses are very low ,the power factor has been reduced.So
to find the solution to improve the volage regulation and power factor. The single line diagram of
existing system is shown in fig.3.

Fig.3. Existing Single Line Diagram of the IEEE 14-Bus Distribution Test System.

Fig.4. Simulation output for existing single line diagram of the IEEE 14-Bus system

Volume 8, Issue IV, APRIL/2018 294 http://ijamtes.org/

International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455


This proposed system is mainly focused to improve the voltage and power factor in the distribution
network.Now a days consumers are using inductive loads only,so that the inductive loads are absorb
the reactive power from the distribution system therefore the voltage becomes reduced .To improve
the voltage means inject the reactive power in the network .Therefore to included the capacitor in the
distribution system and added renewable energy to reduces the transmission loss in the system.Here
pv panel and wind turbine are included in the distribution network.

Fig.5 . Single line diagram of hybrid system using ETAP software.

In this network there are five sources are used to reduces the losses in the network and four capacitors
have been used to improve the voltage level in the distribution feeder.

Source MW KV
Synchronous 100 33
PV panel 1 3 33
PV panel 2 3 33
Wind Turbine 1 25 33
Wind Turbine 2 25 33
Wind Turbine 3 25 33

Volume 8, Issue IV, APRIL/2018 295 http://ijamtes.org/

International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455

There are six sources of power generation, one synchronous generator it must be used as slack bus,two
pv panels and three wind turbines are used in this distribution system. There are three rating of
transformers are used 100 MVA,50MVA,50MVA and the output is connected with the Loads.There
are six different lumped loads are connected in the 14 bus test.

Load Bus line MVA

Lumped load 1 14 20
Lumped load 2 13 15
Lumped load 3 12 47
Lumped load 4 9 15
Lumped load 5 5 35
Lumped load 6 4 68

In the both solar panels are YINGLI manufacture ,YL 280 P-35b at 1000max Vdc,185 size(w),7.64
imp(A) and 8.27 Isc (A). Cells are 10 in series and 1265 in parallel. Synchronous Generator was used
as a swing .ETAP is modern power system simulation software integrating standard and advanced
models present for proper modeling and simulation of different power systems. ETAP is unique in
providing wide variety of analysis including Load Flow, Short Circuit, Arc Flash,Transient stability
etc.There are four capacitors are used in this network.

Capacitor MVAR Bus

Capacitor 1 13 6
Capacitor 2 13 7
Capacitor 3 13 9
Capacitor 4 13 12

NEWTON-RAPHSON METHOD (NR method) is used for solving the nonlinear algebraic equations.
It provides fast response and sure convergence as compared to Gauss Seidel method. The procedure
for load flow solution by the Newton-Raphson method,

Pi (Real Power) = ⎸Vi⎹ ∑ ( ⎸Vj⎹ ⎸Yij⎹cos(∅ij + δj − δi))

Qi(Reactive Power)= - ⎸Vi⎹∑ ( ⎸Vj⎹ ⎸Yij⎹sin(∅ij + δj − δi))
V = voltage at ith bus
Vij = voltage at jth bus
Yij = admittance of ith and jth bus
∅ij= angle of the admittance
∆j = phase angle of the jth bus
∆i = phase angle of the ith bus

J is the jacobian matrix which is used for solving the NR method.

/ /| |
/ /| |

∆ 1 2 ∆
∆ 3 4 ∆| |

Volume 8, Issue IV, APRIL/2018 296 http://ijamtes.org/

International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455

The terms ∆Pi(k) and ∆Qi(k) are the difference between the scheduled and calculated values,known as the
power residuals, given by
∆Pi(k)=Pisch – Pi(k)
∆Qi(k)=Qisch – Qi(k)

The new estimates for bus voltage are

i = i(k) + ∆ i(k)
|Vi(k+1)|=|Vi(k)|+| ∆|Vi(k)|


Fig.6. Load Flow Analysis of hybrid system using ETAP software.

In fig,6., the result of load flow analysis of hybrid system using ETAP software.In this, the voltages
are improved in the distribution network by connecting the hybrid renewable energy sources with
capacitor.In distribution network ,the reactive power are absorbs due to inductive load so, the wind
energy and the capacitors are used to increases the reactive power in the distribution network using
ETAP simulator software.

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International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455



Bus 1 Bus 2 3.622 -10.110 99.992 187.9 62.6
Bus 5 21.378 10.110 413.8 90.4
Bus 2 Bus 3 -24.039 -33.478 721.1 58.3
Bus 1 -3.622 9.823 99.993 183.2 63.7
Bus 5 26.510 13.995 524.5 88.4
Bus 4 26.150 9.660 487.8 93.8
Bus 3 Bus 4 58.470 41.168 100 1251.1 81.8
Bus 2 24.040 33.242 717.7 58.6
Bus 4 Bus 3 -58.467 -41.349 1253.0 81.6
Bus 2 -26.150 -9.862 99.990 489.0 93.6
Bus 5 -0.180 17.088 299.0 68.7
Bus 6 17.543 24.073 521.2 58.9
Bus 5 Bus 2 -26.510 -14.179 526.0 88.2
Bus 1 -21.378 -10.377 415.8 90.0
Bus4 0.180 -17.158 99.989 300.2 41.8
Bus 9 8.767 12.023 260.4 58.9
Bus 7 8.734 12.012 259.9 58.8
Bus 6 Bus 12 12.673 12.622 322.8 70.9
Bus 13 33.817 13.998 96.956 660.4 92.4
Bus 11 -3.971 -3.656 97.4 73.6
Bus 4 -17.529 -22.964 521.2 60.7
Bus 7 Bus 9 33.722 11.459 642.6 94.7
Bus 8 -25.000 0.001 96.961 541.1 100.0
Bus 5 -8.722 -11.460 259.9 60.6
Bus 8 Bus 7 25.000 0.000 96.961 541.1 100.0
Bus 9 Bus 10 3.971 3.656 97.4 73.6
Bus 14 26.042 10.923 96.959 509.6 92.2
Bus 7 -33.722 -11.456 642.6 94.7
Bus 5 -8.754 -11.469 260.4 60.7
Bus 10 Bus 9 -3.971 -3.656 96.958 97.4 73.6
Bus 11 3.971 3.656 97.4 73.6
Bus 11 Bus 6 3.971 3.656 96.956 97.4 73.6
Bus 10 -3.971 -3.656 97.4 73.6
Bus 12 Bus 13 -28.288 -10.428 96.949 544.1 93.8
Bus 6 -12.673 -12.620 322.8 70.9
Bus 13 Bus 12 28.289 10.430 96.954 544.1 93.8
Bus 14 Bus 6 -33.817 -13.997 660.4 92.4
Bus 14 -7.080 -4.559 96.956 152.0 84.1
Bus 9 -26.041 -10.922 509.6 92.2
Bus 13 7.081 4.559 152.0 84.1

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International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455



BUS 1 BUS 2 3.865 -8.976 99.994 171.0 95.5
BUS 5 23.124 8.976 434.0 93.2
BUS 2 BUS 3 -25.492 -22.767 598.0 74.6
BUS 1 -3.865 8.689 99.995 166.4 60.2
BUS 5 28.492 12.019 541.1 92.1
BUS 4 3.858 0.200 67.6 99.9
BUS 3 BUS 4 73.999 20.762 100 1344.6 96.3
BUS 2 25.492 22.531 595.2 74.9
BUS 4 BUS 3 -73.995 -20.942 1345.5 96.2
BUS 2 -3.858 -0.218 99.992 67.6 99.8
BUS 5 -5.408 3.643 114.1 82.9
BUS 6 16.008 7.467 309.1 90.6
BUS 5 BUS 2 -28.498 -12.203 542.4 91.9
BUS 1 -23.123 -9.243 99.991 435.7 92.9
BUS 4 5.408 -3.649 114.2 82.9
BUS 9 8.008 3.717 154.5 90.7
BUS 7 7.998 3.699 154.2 90.8
BUS 6 BUS 12 18.118 17.167 279.7 99.2
BUS 13 31.693 4.612 99.034 565.8 99.0
BUS 11 -4.811 -4.503 116.4 73.0
BUS 4 -15.999 -7.077 309.1 91.5
BUS 7 BUS 9 10.992 19.200 390.8 49.7
BUS 8 -2.999 0.000 99.042 53.0 100.0
BUS 5 -7.993 -3.505 154.2 91.6
BUS 8 BUS 7 2.999 0.000 99.042 53.0 100
Bus 9 Bus 10 4.811 4.503 116..4 73.0
Bus 14 26.721 10.072 99.038 504.5 93.6
Bus 7 -10.992 -19.199 390.8 49.7
Bus 5 -8.004 -3.522 154.5 91.5
Bus 10 Bus 9 -4.811 -4.503 99.036 116.4 73.0
Bus 11 4.811 4.503 116.4 73.0
Bus 11 Bus 6 4.811 4.503 99.035 116.4 73.0
Bus 10 -4.811 -4.503 116.4 73.0
Bus 12 Bus 13 -26.336 -0.192 99.031 474.2 100.0
Bus 6 -14.625 -7.166 279.7 89.2
Bus 13 Bus 12 26.843 0.193 99.033 474.2 100.0
Bus 14 Bus 6 -31.692 -4.611 565.8 99.0
Bus 14 -7.759 -3.708 99.035 151.9 90.2
Bus 9 -26.720 -10.071 504.5 93.6
Bus 13 7.759 3.708 151.9 90.2

Volume 8, Issue IV, APRIL/2018 299 http://ijamtes.org/

International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455

This paper deals with a real-time Analysis of IEEE 14-bus distribution network.By comparing the
network using single generator and connected with renewable energy sources. The network in its
existing state under peak loading conditions experiences multiple problems of low voltage, high line
losses, overloaded sections, and future expansion constraints. A methodology is developed in this paper
for deciding the proper locations of pv panels and wind turbines with capacitor. Various case scenarios
are analyzed for various combinations of the hybrid network. It is found that all the above discrepancies
are solved by the combination of pv panel and wind turbine in the distribution network. By using five
numbers of generating source connected at different location where standing load is present and
different capacitors are kept to improve the reactive power, it was found that the proposed methodology
, increased voltage profile, increased active power and improved power factor. The real power and
reactive power losses have been reduced . the voltage profile improvement from bus 6 to bus 12 has
been increased from 96.956 to 99.034,the real power increased from 12.673 to 18.118 and also the
power factor can be improved from 70.9 to 99.2. Also, during future expansion,if additional load to be
supplied it can be utilized from the reserve capacity of the network. In future, the current study can be
expanded to all states in India using the above techniques to reduce line losses,increases the power
factor and improve the power quality in the whole country for good Voltage Regulation. Distribution
restoration plays a critical role in the future “Smart Grid” to enable the power network at the distribution
level a self-healing capability. The loads in the out-of-service area should be restored as quickly as
possible after the fault is isolated. The distribution restoration plan with minimized switching operations
and an optimized switching sequence will reduce the impact of outages and enhance system reliability.
The distribution system restoration problem is a multi-objective, non-linear, combinatorial optimization
problem with numerous constraints, including topology constraints, electrical and operating constraints.


Development of a self-healing power network that is able to anticipate and response to disturbances
has been envisioned in to enhance system reliability and customer satisfaction in the future power
grid.This study development of new tools and techniques in this area which should enable large national
infrastructures to self-heal in response to threats, material failures, and other destabilizers. With the
global focus on energy management and conservation, low power controllers – Internet of Things(IoT)
will extend the connected benefits of the smart grid beyond the distribution, automation and monitoring
being done by utility providers. Management systems for in-home and in-building use will help
consumers monitor their own usage and adjust behaviours – Demand Side Management (DSM). These
systems will eventually regulate automatically by operating during off-peak energy hours and connect
the sensors to monitor occupancy, lighting conditions, and more. But it all starts with a smarter and
more connected grid.

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International Journal of Advanced in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences ISSN NO : 2249-7455


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