BR MG - AUTO04 - v1.0 - RET-CS-200-2021-002-001
BR MG - AUTO04 - v1.0 - RET-CS-200-2021-002-001
BR MG - AUTO04 - v1.0 - RET-CS-200-2021-002-001
$MRK @Proprietary
Autoclave AUTO 04
Configuration Specification
Document Signatures
Revision History
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1 Audience.................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Definitions & Acronyms ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.1 System Description Overview ................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Configuration Decisions ......................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Software Functionality Used Within the System ................................................................................... 7
2.4 Software Functionality Not Used Within the System ............................................................................ 7
2.5 Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.6 Constraints/Dependencies ...................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 System Architecture ............................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 External Interfaces ................................................................................................................................ 10
3.3 Requirements Fulfillment ..................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Hardware Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 11
4.1.1 Hardware Components ............................................................................................................ 11
4.1.2 Hardware Interface Configuration........................................................................................... 11
4.2 Equipment/ Instrumentation/ PLC Configuration ................................................................................ 11
4.2.1 Equipment/ Instrumentation/ PLC Components ..................................................................... 11
4.2.2 Equipment/ Instrumentation/ PLC Interface Configuration .................................................... 12
4.3 Communication Configuration ............................................................................................................. 13
4.3.1 Communication Devices ......................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Software Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 13
4.4.1 System Software Components / Interfaces .............................................................................. 13
4.4.2 System Operational Configuration .......................................................................................... 13 Security Configuration ............................................................................................................ 13 User Defined Levels ................................................................................................................ 13 Security Permissions ............................................................................................................... 13 Security Parameter Configuration ........................................................................................... 14 Performance Configuration ..................................................................................................... 14 Reports .................................................................................................................................... 14 Audit Trail Configuration........................................................................................................ 14 Electronic Signatures............................................................................................................... 15 Fault Tolerance/Recoverability/Backup and Recovery ........................................................... 15 System Availability ................................................................................................................. 15 Archiving Configuration ......................................................................................................... 16 Auto 04 Parameters/Options ................................................................................................... 16 Additional Configurations ....................................................................................................... 16
5.1 Attachment 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 16
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Configuration Specification (CS) is to define the specific current hardware and
software configuration needed to operate the Autoclave AUTO 04 as required by the MSD Site
Montes Claros.
1.2 Scope
This document addresses the Autoclave AUTO 04 system, which is developed and supplied by
Coaltech. The system runs on a COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) application package utilizing a
standard interface and operator functionality that is configurable. In this case, this System
Configuration Specification defines only those configuration items that are used by Merck & Co., Inc.
for the Autoclave AUTO 04 within MSD Site Montes Claros.
1.2.1 Audience
This document is written for all individuals required to support the Autoclave AUTO 04.
Abbreviation Definitions
CR Change Control
FL Functional Logic
FS Functional Specification
Abbreviation Definitions
2 Configuration Considerations
- Server virtualized with MS Windows 2016 Server, containing FactoryTalk View Studio SE
(used to develop and launch SCADA applications), FactoryTalk Historian (where they are
stored as process variables) and Microsoft SQL 2016 (database) for stored such as audit trail
information, alarms and parameters).
- SCADA client with MS Windows 10 used to visualize process variables, alarms, reports and
configuration of system parameters.
- PLC Rockwell Automation, Micro850, used to control and exchange information with
equipment in the field.
The server and client are connected to an ethernet switch on the Shop Floor network. All print jobs
are directed to a local printer connected to the client.
The autoclave automation system (AUTO04) will be based on PLC installation, programming and
configuration (MICRO850) and the development of a SCADA system (FACTORYTALK), which will
perform the local control and supervision of instruments, which will be connected via analog inputs
and digital to the PLC.
In addition to local supervisory control, the SCADA system must store historical system data regarding
instrument instructions, parameter changes and generation of alarms and warnings. The autoclave's
Supervisory control system must be able to ensure correct functionality.
The supervision and automation system will be composed as follows:
2.5 Assumptions
All necessary settings for the Autoclave System AUTO 04 are defined in the requirements mentioned
below from User Requirements Specification RET-URS-200-2021-001-001 and will be tested during
the Automation Installation Qualification Protocol tests.
UR-15: The system must be able to configure and generate trend graphs for all process variables in
each sterilization cycle performed.
UR-9: Alarm / warning thresholds and time delays must be configured individually for each sensor as
per specifications.
UR-7: The system must use one of the following date formats when displaying dates on screen and
on prints:
- DD: Dia (01 - 31)
- MM: Mês (01 – 12)
- YYYY: Ano
- x: Separador (/).
- Company Name;
- System name / ID;
- Charge number;
- Material name;
- Printed by (User ID);
- Date / time printed;
- Page number (Ex: Page 1 of 5);
- Departure / batch of the product;
- Sterilization time: hh/mm/ss;
- Drying time: hh/mm/ss;
- "Performed by" and "Checked by" fields;
- Date/Time of start and end of autoclaving;
UR-19: Authentication (login) must be based on at least two authentication factors (eg User +
UR-20: All users must be associated with a unique personal identifier (User ID)
UR-21: Privileges/permissions must be associated with User Groups, corresponding to the tasks
related to the process.
UR-32: For each user input or action, an electronic record in the audit trail must contain:
- Tag;
- Classification (alarm, warning, message);
- Description;
- Date / Time of the last occurrence;
- Recognition status.
UR-35: The System must be able to indicate to the operator that the alarm/warning is:
- active/unrecognized
- active/recognized
- not active/not recognized
UR-36: Alarms and warnings must be activated in case of sensor/equipment failure and if the
measured value exceeds the defined limits.
UR-38: User commands in the system intervention must have a double confirmation to avoid
unintentional commands.
UR-39: Temperature sensor values must be shown to 1 decimal place on the graphic displays.
Pressure sensor values must be displayed without decimal places.
UR-46: It must be possible to back up the program and all parameters, such as alarm limit values.
UR-48: The system must have the function that can print the material sterilization chart and report.
2.6 Constraints/Dependencies
There is no constraints or dependencies onde the Autoclave AUTO 04 is a specific system with a
local supervision of instruments connected to the equipment, which will be connected via analog and
digital inputs to the PLC.
3 System Analysis
System Archtecture
- PLC Micro850
- Switch Stratix 2000
- Factory Talk View Servidor
- Factory Talk View Client
- I/O Modules
4 Functional Configuration
The SCADA server and the client are connected to the PLC through the Shop Floor network, using the
Ethernet TCP / IP protocol.
The HMI model will have the displays and alarms organized in a specific hierarchy.
There are four levels that are used in the display and alarm hierarchy, each level
providing more details than the previous level.
• Level 1 displays are high-level overviews. These displays provide an overview that
can be assimilated quickly, provides clear indication of current performance, and
immediately highlights anything that needs the attentionof a viewer.
• Level 2 displays are the main displays for users to perform their tasks. They contain
information and control required to perform most user tasks. We recommend that you
create these displays first.
• Level 3 displays contain more detail and controls. These displays showdetails of
subunits, individual equipment items, components, and related controls and indications.
The displays are used for detailed investigations and interventions, and for
troubleshooting or manipulating items not accessible from Level 2 displays.
Component Function
LAN Interface Ethernet Card Merck LAN communication
Com Port Adapter RS 232 Instrument/PC communication
Component Component Function
Manager Grants full access to the system with the exception of the right to sign
User Grants limited system access with the ability to read and print Security Permissions
The access levels are assigned permissions as detailed.
Parameter Setting
System idle logout 5 minutes
Password minimum length 8 characters
Access Level Diferent types of Users Performance Configuration
Parameter Setting
N/A N/A Reports
Parameter Setting
Parameter Setting
User rights can be configured in FactoryTalk View Console Application. The system starts
with “default user”, only having the right to view the SCADA monitoring screen and alarm
banner. Only user with admin rights is able to gain access to the operating system.
Parameter Setting
Parameter Setting
Parameter Setting
Parameter Setting
5 References
5.1 Attachment 1