LN 1 Fuzzytale Farm and The Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

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Liars Night 2021
A frightful catastrophe has struck the Fuzzytail farm. You are called in to help set
things right. This adventure contains family friendly scares, along with options to
ramp up the horror for older audiences.

A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters.

Optimized For: APL 3
Content Warnings: abuse (harassment, livestock theft), non-painful and non-lethal dismemberment, possible
phobia trigger (spiders, insects, bats).
“Make it Scarier” Optional Content Warnings: gore (dismemberment), death (exsanguination, humanoid as food)

Lead Designer: Greg Marks D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team: Brandy Camel,
Sensitivity Lead: Ma’at Crook Chris Lindsay, Chris Tulach
D&D Adventurers League Administrators: Ma’at Crook,
Editor: Amy Lynn Dzura Amy Lynn Dzura, Claire Hoffman, Greg Marks, Travis
D&D Adventurers League Guildmaster: Chris Lindsay Woodall, Bee Zelda
Art Director and Graphic Designer: Rich Lescouflair Playtesters: Gary Affeldt, Richard Brown, David Krolnik,
Interior Art: provided by Wizards of the Coast Sean Mittelstaedt, Ben Siekertr

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Adventure Primer • Call to Action: The Candy Goat Massacre (15 min).
While traveling through the Feywild, the characters
comes across the Fuzzytail farm and see that it been
There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater badly vandalized. While Farmer is beside himself, as
looking for a brightly-lit front porch. this is not the first attack, Goodie recognizes that maybe
the characters could help! This is the Call to Action.
—Robert Brault
• Part 1: Cursed Confectionaries and Delightful
Distractions (45 min). The characters investigate the
This adventure is designed for three to seven 1st-4th-level attack upon the farm. Many of the workers have their
characters and is optimized for five characters with an own theories about who may have done it, but the curse
average party level (APL) of 3. Characters outside this of the Ghost of the Sour Patch Marsh is high on the list.
level range cannot participate in this adventure.
Finding a clue that leads into the nearby swampy woods
This adventure occurs in the Feywild.
is Story Objective A.

Background • Part 2: The Deep Woods (45 min). Following clues into
the Sour Patch Marsh, the characters must see through
FARMER FUZZYTAIL was once the leader of a harengon ghost stories to confront Silky in his lair, and either
bandit fluffle (a group of wild rabbits) known as the defeat him or convince him to work out his differences
BLOODY BONBONS, but he grew tired of that life. with Farmer. This is Story Objective B.
Looking for an exit, he leapt at the chance to retire and • Wrap-Up: Dessert (15 min). The characters enjoy a
become an actual farmer. Shortly after his retirement he sugary repast as the farm’s future is secured.
fortuned to meet GOODIE SUNNYWHISKERS and the
pair fell in love. Leaderless, his gang broke up and most Adventure Hooks
went straight… that is, all except SILKY GRIMSHADOW,
an ettercap who served as the gang’s muscle in exchange This adventure assumes the characters are traveling
for food and companionship. The group abandoned Silky through the Feywild. Here are a few reasons they might be
when they took up farming, and Silky has grown lonely and traveling past the Fuzzytail farm.
bitter, eventually deciding to take his frustrations out on the Leaving the Witchlight Carnival. Characters that have
Fuzzytail farm. just visited the Witchlight Carnival might chance upon the
farm as they leave. The farm and Sour Patch Marsh fit well
Overview into the realm of Hither.
Fey Friends. Characters with ties to the fey because of
The adventure’s story is spread over two parts and takes background, class, or race might have been offered a favor
approximately two hours to play. The adventure begins to come to the aid of Farmer Fuzzytail by another fey who
with a Call to Action scene. in turn owes him a favor. The trading of favors is central to
fey culture and is a powerful boon that might offer another
future adventure hook for your campaign.
Agent of Candlekeep. Characters with ties to
Candlekeep have met the ogre avowed Little One. In his
research Little One has heard tales of fey marshmallow
goats, which sound like just the anniversary present to give
his friend Portia Underfoot and her wife Elsba.
Grocer’s Messenger. Bunny Carrotbringer (deep gnome)
owns the aptly named Bunny’s Grocery store in Waterdeep.
Bunny’s specializes in pickled goods, particularly carrots,
but Bunny is looking to branch out into confectionaries.
The best candies are currently supplied to the city by
Aurora’s Whole Realms Emporium, importing them from
either Shou Lung or Maztica. With an archmagi customer
who can cast plane shift owing her a favor, Bunny hopes
to one up the Emporium by getting something even more
exotic and dispatches the characters to make a deal with
Farmer Fuzzytail to supply fairy licorice whips! They don’t
need to work out the financials, just get the farmer to agree
to make the deal.

Making it Scarier
Through the adventure you will see the Making it Scarier
sidebar. This adventure is written to be family friendly with
some fun, scary bits appropriate for all audiences. If the
players of your table would prefer a more adult horror-filled
Halloween experience, the Making it Scarier sidebar offers
suggestions on ways to increase the horror.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

call to action
The Candy Goat Massacre
Estimated Duration: 15 minutes and painted a big skull on the barn. Our livestock are

skittish, and some of them are missing. It’s a horrible
he characters are traveling through the disaster. At this rate we will have trouble gathering a
Feywild when they chance upon a busy farm big enough harvest to pay all our workers and keep the
and hear sobbing. It appears the farm may have farm going.
been attacked. Who did it? We’ve tried to find out, but don’t have the
faintest idea. The farmhands tried to post some guards,
Making it Scarier but I don’t think they have seen anything helpful.
The marshmallow goats of Fuzzytail Farm have been Who was on guard? Our foreman Scarn, the one with the
disassembled. Since the goats are made of pillowy sugar, they eye patch and all the muscles: he was in charge of the
feel no pain and are not dead. Although they are irritated. guards. You are welcome to talk to him.
If your players would like more gruesome descriptions, Can we buy from you or trade for sugary goods? We’d
you can describe marshmallow gore, their unmoving definitely be interested, but at this point we can’t be sure
disembodied torsos, heads, and limbs, and a necromantic or we’d be able to fulfill our promises… unless you might be
construct-like reanimation. able to help us stop this from happening again?

Call to Action
Coming around a bend in the road, you see a damaged Agreeing to help solve the mystery of the attacks on
farm. Great swaths of licorice whip crops have been pulled Fuzzytail Farm is the Call to Action.
up by the roots. Chunks of marshmallow goats are strewn
around a paddock, as humanoids with rabbit features Goodie Fuzzytail
harengon, steady and good-hearted farmer
gather them up and reassemble the distressed, sweet
Goodie, wife of Farmer and mother to Ella Sand, is a good-
creatures. One of the rabbit folk sits on the farmhouse hearted farmer. She grew up a rancher, and after marrying
stoop, weeping next to a smashed jack-o’-lantern as Farmer, worked with him to branch out.
another tries to comfort him. • What They Want. Goodie is most concerned about solving
the mystery of the attacks before someone gets hurt. If the
culprit or culprits are found she’s hoping they will listen
Goodie Fuzzytail offers polite greetings as Farmer continues to reason.
to cry over the damage done to the farm and his worry about • Good and Annoyed. Goodie is irritated at the harassment.
being able to pay all his workers if his crops and livestock She’s particularly upset someone is interfering in her
husband’s farming dreams. She’s a person of action who is
continue to be harmed. Goodie asks the characters for help.
out of ideas as to what she and her husband can do alone.

Spilling the Jelly Beans Farmer Fuzzytail

harengon, retired bandit gone straight
In the Feywild, for mortals everything is more. The colors
are brighter. The sun is warmer. Farmer’s tears are Farmer was once the leader of the Bloody Bon Bons, a
more gut-wrenching. Goodie’s pats on the back are more harengon bandit crew that terrorized the roads of the Feywild.
As his success grew, so did his disillusionment with banditry.
comforting. The harengons are not distracted by it, but it
He swore to go straight, and after he invested in a small farm,
may take the characters a while to get used to.
met Goodie Sunnywhiskers, the daughter of his neighbor.
Despite being bothered by the recent attack, the harengon They fell in love and Farmer retired to the farm, bringing
pair are happy to greet the characters, especially since many former Bloody Bon Bons who also decided to take up
Goodie recognizes skills that might be helpful, so she does a new life.
most of the talking, punctuated by Farmer’s lamentations • What They Want. Farmer is terrified that if the farm fails,
about the disaster that has befallen Fuzzytail farm. he will have no choice but to take up the life he swore off
Who are you? I’m Goodie Fuzzytail and this is my husband to feed his family and friends. He doesn’t want to turn
Farmer. This is our farm. We raise some of the best to banditry again but is utterly distraught to think that he
sweets in all the land. might have no choice. Even worse, he worries that Goodie
What happened? Fuzzytail farm has been attacked during will find out who he once was and become disappointed or
angry with him.
the night three times this week! After we go to bed,
• Nervous. Farmer is jumpy, even for a harengon. He is
someone sneaks onto the farm and wrecks everything! worried about the farm, and between sobs, jumps at
This last attack of vandalism was much worse than shadows fearing some wrong from his past has come back
the previous. to seek vengeance.
What sort of things do they do? They have pulled up some
of our crops, smashed our Liars Night candy pumpkins,

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

P a rt 1

Cursed Confectionaries and

Delightful Distractions
Estimated Duration: 45 minutes choice how the characters might appease the bees, but

might include bringing them nectar, water, or flowers. If
he party is free to investigate the farm and the bees can be befriended and spoken with, they note that
look for clues, many of which point towards the three nights ago a large humanoid creature tried to knock
Sour Patch Marsh. over one of the apiaries, but they chased it away towards
the marsh.

Story Objective Making it Scarier

Finding a clue that leads into the nearby swampy woods is As the characters approach, a spider the size of a dog jumps
Story Objective A. out of the grass potentially startling the characters, but before
they can roll initiative, three giant bees fly down and sting
Setting: Fuzzytail Farm it to death. The agitated bees swarm around the characters
buzzing angrily.
The Fuzzytail Farm is a flurry of activity as the farmhands
try to repair as much of the damage as possible. They give
the characters a wide berth as they investigate.
Chicken Coop
Farm Features The chicken coop is oddly quiet. In all the commotion
The farm has the following general features: elsewhere on the farm, no one has thought to investigate
here. The coop is empty. Someone has stolen all of the
Dimensions and Terrain. The land is generally flat, though
chocolate truffle chickens! A successful DC 16 Wisdom
the property gently slopes toward the northeast, and a
(Perception) check made while searching the coop notes
swampy forested area.
that there are a lot of spider webs underneath it.
Weather and Lighting. The sun is shining brightly and
it’s a pleasant autumn day. In the northeast corner, thick
trees and overgrowth obscure the interior of the swamp, Making it Scarier
despite the cheerful sunlight. One of the chickens remains, but its hard chocolate shell
Farmhands. As secret, former bandits, the harengon has been cracked into pieces and its fudgy center has been
farmhands are nervous around the characters. sucked out. A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
Characters with a passive Insight of 12 or more note check can roughly assemble the chocolate pieces and notice
their nervousness and general avoidance of interacting two stiletto-like holes in the chicken’s neck.
with the characters. Character with a passive Perception
of 12 or more also notice that many of the farmhands
bear old wounds, scars, and signs of rough living. Goat Paddock and Barn
Despite retiring and living quietly, many of the harengons
still align with the Unseelie Court. Ella Sand Fuzzytail, Goodie and Farmer’s daughter,
Sweet Treats. All of the crops and livestock are made is in the goat paddock reassembling a disgruntled
out of candy. The marshmallow goats leap, graze, and marshmallow goat.
bleat— even those who are yet to be reassembled. None
of the harengons think this is strange. It is a faerie farm, Ella Sand Fuzzytail
after all! harengon, young farmer
Ella Sand is Farmer and Goodie’s daughter and has grown up
Apiary in the odd company of her active mother, conflicted father,
and a group of retired bandits. She is a rough and tumble girl
Well away from everything else on the farm are three stacks who gets her hands dirty.
of boxes the size of sheds: an apiary for giant bees (use • What They Want. Ella Sand is curious about who or what is
statistics for giant wasps)! The harengons collect honey causing the attacks. Her theories change each day. Today
from the hives and use it in flavoring some of their sweet she believes that the cause is the Ghost of the Sour Patch
treats. The giant bees ignore anyone who visits unless they Witch, though tomorrow that might change to a wererat
disturb the hives, in which case three giant bees fly out and thieves, a werespider, or maybe the angry remnants of half-
buzz around angrily until the characters leave, or attack. eaten candy spit out by ungrateful children.
Clues. The giant bees can’t speak normally, but should a • Bold. Ella Sand is precocious, and often speaks her mind
character be able to speak with animals, and the bees are without thinking.
befriended, they have information to share. It is the DM’s

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Talking with Ella Sand. Ella Sand is happy to chat while Most recently, licorice whips have been pulled up by their
working but she is clearly distracted by trying to fix the roots. The farmhands are just beginning to replant them or
goats. While doing so she points out the damage to the harvest those candies that cannot be saved. A successful
crops and the side of the barn that she washed off after the DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check notes that there is
second attack. If at least one character tries to help save no pattern to the attack, and it’s not as bad as it might have
the goats, she shares the following helpful clues. been if someone was trying to methodically destroy the
• She thinks the farm has been cursed by the ghost of crop. This seems more like someone venting their anger.
the Sour Patch Witch, who lures people into the marsh The second patch has three wide green plants with
before turning them into bats, rats, and spiders. At least nearly ripe candy pumpkins. These plants have clearly been
that’s what Scarn told her. replanted and show some damage from an earlier attack.
• It’s her job to take care of the goats, so she is a little Most of this field has broken earth where other plants were
worried that maybe she did something to anger the once growing before being destroyed.
The third patch with wrapped strawberry candies
ghost. After the first attack, she tied one of the chocolate
sprouting from the ground seems entirely untouched.
truffle chickens to a tree in the northeast corner of the
Sadly, the farmhands have walked all over the fields and
property to appease the ghost, but Ella Sand forgot that
destroyed any tracks that might have been found.
it only wants people. Though the chicken was gone too,
so maybe the ghost also eats chocolate? Everyone loves
chocolate, right?
• After trying to rebuild the goats, Ella Sand realizes
that Buttermilk, the farm’s prize magic nanny goat, is
missing. Buttermilk is important to the farm because
her milk magically tastes like whatever the person
drinking it wants. Her milk is a key ingredient in many
of the farm’s confectionaries. Her dad is going to be so
upset that Buttermilk is gone.
Reassembling the Goats. If the characters wish, they can
help Ella Sand fix the goats. A successful DC 10 Dexterity
check attaches a limb back to the body perfectly, the sticky
ends resealing. If a character succeeds on at least three of
the five checks needed to reattach all of its limbs, the goat
gets back up and happily jumps around the paddock. There
is one goat per character.

Making it Scarier
The goats are not dead, but instead their bodiless
marshmallow heads are screaming! While reassembling a
goat, the limbs could have dried out; in addition to the above,
the character must use water or fire to melt the ends in order
to reattach them. The first time a character fails a check, they
melt or torch the body too long, causing one side to turn a
tasty golden brown. The second failure means the whole goat
becomes sticky or catches fire and runs around, spreading
the fire until extinguished!

Clues (Barn). The side of the barn where the skull

was painted in melted candy has been washed away but
the scrubbing has left faint markings in the paint. The
rough outline of a skull is visible, but a DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check notes eight lines, four on each side of
the skull; similar to spider legs.
Clues (Goats). A character examining the wounds to the
goats, before reassembling them, that succeeds on a DC
12 Wisdom (Medicine) or Intelligence (Investigation) check
notes the wounds are tears, not cuts. Someone pulled the
goats apart instead of cutting with a weapon or tool.

Licorice Whip Fields

The fields have been randomly vandalized. The main crops
appear to be licorice whips, candy pumpkins, and wrapped
hard strawberry candies.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Talking with • The farm is probably cursed. The farmer that the
Fuzzytails bought the property from went out of
the Farmhands business after a string of bad luck from bandits and the
like. But really the problem was the Witch of the Sour
The farmhands are cagey around the characters. Many of Patch Marsh. She would lure people into the marsh and
them reply with one-word answers or suggest that Scarn turn them into little creepy crawlies unless you gave
would be better to ask. Behind the characters backs, they her what she liked to eat: bats, rats, and swamp weeds.
whisper about the curse of the Sour Patch Witch Ghost or The witch is supposed to be dead, but it’s said she can’t
make gestures to ward off evil. stay dead, and is a ghost now, come back to harm the
If the characters don’t seek him out, Scarn approaches Fuzzytails.
them, gruffly asking them not to interrupt the lads as • Scarn is particularly concerned about Ella Sand. If it is
they have lots of work to do. Instead, he is happy to talk the ghost of the Sour Patch Witch, he and the others will
with them. do all they can to protect the kid.
• Scarn is the foreman and he’s in charge after Farmer. • He knows that out on the northeast corner of the
• He tried posting two hands as guards, but whatever property there is an old trail that leads to the ruin of
it was snuck past them. To be honest, there’s an even the witch’s hut. He recommends the characters go
chance the guards just fell asleep. check it out.

Scarn Blackfeet
harengon foreman and ex-bandit
Walking the Perimeter
Characters might attempt to locate where or how the
Scarn is a hard bunny with his huge fuzzy muscles and a
attackers entered the property.
black eye patch over one eye. He is also smart. He recognized
that when Farmer retired the gang wasn’t going to be able
Clues. Characters that succeed in a DC 13 Wisdom
to keep going, so even though regular work isn’t really in his (Perception) check while walking the perimeter of the
heart, he joined the boss on the farm. Of course, being the farm or searching the northeast corner find scuff marks
foreman is basically the same job he had before: scooping and broken branches in the swamp trees, like someone
up the lads and bopping them on the head when they don’t brachiated through the trees to avoid leaving obvious tracks
listen to the boss. in the mud. The trail leads into the swamp.
• What They Want. Scarn wants the adventurers to leave
the farm before they find out about the true past of the
Bloody Bon Bons.
Moving On
• Superstitious. Scarn is very superstitious. Growing up, his When the characters decide to follow the rumors of the
mother used to say his black rabbit feet were lucky. Since ghost of the Sour Patch Witch, or they find the trail into the
he won every fight he has gotten into, he believed it. Now marsh, continue on to part 2.
he won’t step on a crack, throws spilt salt over his shoulder,
leaves food out for fairies, and the like. He also deeply
believes in curses and ghosts. Every misfortune is due to
some malevolent being. In the Feywild, that is often true!

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

P a rt 2

The Woods, Dark and Deep

Estimated Duration: 45 minutes the rafters. A hammock hangs to one side over a battered

trunk opposite a table and pot-bellied stove. The table has
here the Fuzzytail Farm was light and
places set for the number of characters. A pot bubbles on
active, the Sour Patch Marsh is thick and
the stove. Other than stove and candle, the hut is dusty and
smells stale, like old candy. Weird sounds
shows no sign of anyone having been inside it for years.
carried on an ill wind echo throughout
Hanging Objects. The jerky and dried swamp herbs
the marsh.
twisted in humanoid shapes are tied to the rafters by
The signs of Silky’s passage through the trees roughly
bits of yarn or twine and hang just low enough to brush
follow the trail that heads to the abandoned hut. After the
a character’s head as they move about the room. None of
hut, Silky drops to the ground, leaving obvious tracks that
them are dangerous.
head directly to his cave.
Magic. Should a character check, the entire hut radiates
Story Objective magic, though the cause of the magic is not immediately
clear. There is an enchantment on the hut that activates
Either defeating Silky or convincing him to work out their when travelers are near: lighting the candle, setting the
differences with Farmer is Story Objective B. table, and conjuring food.
Stove. Fresh stew, ready for eating, is in the pot. There is
Setting: no obvious cook.

Sour Patch Marsh Making it Scarier

The marsh is foreboding: trees creak, something out of sight The source of the meat is not immediately obvious. A
rustles through the reeds, fog swirls, and weird sounds echo. character that succeeds on DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check
or is proficient in cook’s utensils notices a finger or toe and
Marsh Features realizes the meat is humanoid.
The marsh has the following general features:
Dimensions and Terrain. The land is spongy and wet. Jump-Scare Trunk. When the trunk is opened, a swarm
Water drips from overhead while bugs bite. Waist deep of bats floods out of the trunk! The startled bats fly around
water filled with snakes is everywhere. the room briefly before escaping out the door or window.
Weather and Lighting. A thick fog lightly obscures The trunk is filled with clothing, progressively older the
line of sight. deeper one digs to the bottom. One set of clothes, might
stand out; a very old sailor suit with gold buttons, is in
Scene 1. Witch’s Hut better condition than the others.

After following either signs of Silky’s passage in the trees,

or the old path, the characters come to a hut that was once Making it Scarier
home to the witch of the Sour Patch Marsh. It is night When the bats fly out, jerkied critters hanging from the rafters
when the characters arrive. animate and start clawing and biting at the characters heads.
Any character that fails a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw takes 1
point of piercing damage.
DM Note
This scene provides the DM a location to expand creepy role-
playing, or remove it all together, based on the time available
for play, without compromising the general story.
The three gold buttons on the sailor suit are worth
30 gp each.

A small light flares to life, cutting through the mist and Searching the Outside
darkness. Perhaps a candle, the flickering light illuminates On the far side of the island, heading further into the
what might be a swelling on a low hill. swamp, is an obvious trail of clawed prints. No check is
needed to find or follow those prints.
A character that succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Survival)
A hut is nestled into the crook of a tree, three feet above check notes that in addition to the clawed humanoid
the wet ground. In the cold night, the barely open door footprints (Silky) are other prints that suggest a massive
sways slightly. A candle flickers in the window. Inside dried spider larger than a horse traveling with the creature.
jerky and herbs twisted into humanoid shapes hang from

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Making it Scarier
One of the characters feels a feather-light touch on the back
of their neck, where they cannot see. Something is on them! A
fist-sized spider has dropped down on their neck. If the spider
is gently brushed away, it crawls off on its own business. If
startled, the spider bites! Give the spider advantage on their
attack since they are on the character already.

2c. Trapped Intersection

After traveling a few hundred feet, a side tunnel (2D)
branches off the main path, which continues forward
(2E). The clawed footprints clearly follow the main tunnel.
Before the characters enter the intersection, they need to
deal with a trap!
Falling rocks trap. A strand of thick webbing is strung
along the floor and can be noticed with a successful DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check. The strand leads to and up
along the wall to the ceiling, where there is another cocoon
hidden in webbing above. Stepping on the strand causes
the cocoon to fall, dropping rocks on the character and
causing 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage. A successful DC 15
Dexterity saving throw avoids the rocks.

Adjusting the Scene

Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene:
• Very Weak: The trap causes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
• Weak or Strong: No change.
• Very Strong: The trap causes 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage.
Making it Scarier
Scene 2. Silky’s Cave The trap isn’t filled with rocks. Instead, it contains dead
animals, bones, and a marshmallow goat head that wakes up
The path climbs out of the marsh to a hill. A cave is set in
and starts screaming as soon as it hits something.
the side of the hill with dozens of web-covered trees in front
of it. Webbed cocoons hang from the trees, swaying in a
foul breeze.
2d. Side Tunnel
2a. Cocoons The side tunnel leads to a 30-ft diameter room that is home
The cocoons can be cut open with any bladed instrument. to Silky’s pet giant spider. The spider generally hides in
Inside most are the kind of remains one would find in a the webs on the ceiling unless it hears noise in area 2C or
giant spider-like cocoon—marsh animals and chocolate is called to 2F. A successful DC 22 Wisdom (Perception) is
truffle chickens (caught and eaten by Silky). needed to see the giant spider when it is hiding.

Making it Scarier
2e. Strong Winds and Sticky Webs
The chocolate truffle chickens are hollow, as all of their truffle The wind begin to picks up and become quite strong as the
fudge has been sucked out. One of the cocoons has the tunnel narrows, and the characters must succeed on a DC
blood-drained remains of a harengon, and appears to be one 13 Strength check or be blown against the wall when they
of the Fuzzytails’ neighbors. pass through the narrow area.
Characters that fail their Strength check are blown into
the webs and discover that a white goo, marshmallow
Treasure whip studded with chocolate sprinkles, squeezes out
One of the cocoons contains Silky’s treasure: a backpack from between the strands of web and sticks them tight! A
with 350 gp worth of coins, a 10 gp garnet, a wand of web, character can be freed with a DC 13 Strength (Athletics)
and a potion of healing. check or by burning the webs away, causing them to suffer
3 (1d6) fire damage. If the character is pulled away, they
2b. The Webbed Tunnel are covered in web and marshmallow whip, causing them
disadvantage to all Dexterity attacks, checks, and saving
The cave entrance gives way to a web-covered tunnel. A
throws until they are washed clean or have it burned away.
foul breeze emanates from within, causing strands of web
Using prestidigitation or licking the marshmallow off
to blow back and forth like the cave is a great, breathing
also works.
maw. A few small spiders skitter out of the way as the
characters approach.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

2f. Silky’s Home
As the characters approach, they hear high-pitched
weeping (Silky). The web-covered walls make it impossible
to take Silky Grimshadow (ettercap) by surprise because of
their web sense ability. Silky has moved to the back of the
30-ft. diameter cave, protecting Buttermilk. In a squeaky
voice, Silky demands that the characters leave. He wipes
tears from his face.
Silky does not immediately attack, giving the characters
time to decide whether to fight or talk.

Silky Grimshadow
ettercap, abandoned friend
When the Bloody Bon Bons broke up, the various harengons
went their separate ways or retired to the farm; all but Silky.
With their terrifying appearance and thirst for the blood of
the living, the ettercap was told he wsn’t a good fit to retire
to agrarian living. Farmer told Silky to go into the swamp
and wait for the Bon Bons to come back. And wait he did, for
many lonely years. Eventually Silky grew so upset at being left
by his friends, he decided to act out and show the harengons
just how upset he is!
• What They Want. Silky doesn’t want to be alone anymore
and is willing to hurt others to demonstrate his loneliness
and frustration.
• Superstitious. Silky doesn’t need much: a tasty meal and Adjusting the Scene
friends are sufficient. Even though he kidnapped Buttermilk Here are some suggestions for adjusting this scene:
the goat, he has become very fond of her as a pet. He
• Very Weak: Remove the giant spider
enjoys caring for her and finds her milk delicious; it tastes
• Weak: Remove the spider swarm
like blood to Silky.
• Strong: Add an additional spider swarm
• Very Strong: Add an additional giant spider and a
spider swarm
Fighting. If the characters move to attack, Silky moves
Buttermilk aside so she won’t be hurt and takes his rage Making it Scarier
out on the characters; Silky assumes that Farmer has sent The spider swarm is not present at the start of the fight. The
the party to kill him as a final insult. All the while he wails first time that Silky is injured, the swarm comes out of the
about the evils of Farmer and the Bloody Bon Bons and wound and attacks the one that injured Silky.
how they are bad friends. Silky doesn’t want Buttermilk
to be hurt and attacks anyone that threatens her or
causes her harm. Talking. Silky is agitated and upset but is happy to have
When the combat begins, Silky calls for his giant spider someone listen to him for the first time in what he feels is
pet from room 2D. It arrives one round later. In addition, far too long. Silky explains how upset he is with his friends.
the other spiders in the room form into a spider swarm When they were the Bloody Bon Bons, hunting the roads of
and join the fray. the Feywild, the harengons loved Silky for both his strength
If the characters defeat Silky proceed to Wrap-Up. and his ability to make web traps. But then they all decided
to give up crime and retire and they left Silky alone in the
marsh and someone has to pay! Between sobs and a drink
or two of Buttermilk’s milk, Silky tells the whole story of
how he decided to take his frustrations out on the farm,
because if the farm failed, the Bloody Bon Bons would have
to go back to crime again and then they would need Silky.
Of course, they should bring Buttermilk ‘cause her milk is
delicious, like warm blood!
If the characters say Farmer has changed, sent them to
bring Silky back, or agree to mediate between Silky and
Farmer, Silky is willing to return with them back to the
farm. Proceed to Scene 3: Making Amends.

Scene 3. Making Amends

The characters return to Fuzzytail Farm in the company of
Silky Grimshadow, Buttermilk, and possibly a giant spider.
Clubs, pitchforks, and axes come out as the harengons
ready for a fight, but watch in amazement as Silky waves
and squeaks a hello.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Farmer storms out, asking what the characters think they The two aren’t sure how to proceed, so the characters
are doing, while Goodie and Ella Sand come out to greet might make suggestions. Have the characters come up
the farm’s new visitor. with ideas on how Farmer and Silky might forgive each
other and move forward. If it seems appropriate, consider
Mediation allowing the players to roleplay it out or make DC 13
Silky speaks his piece, apologizing for damaging the Charisma (Persuasion) checks as suites the tastes of
farm but trying to explain why he is upset. Farmer looks the players.
nervously at Goodie the whole time, who doesn’t grow • Silky wants to be with his friends; maybe he could
angry, but instead appears disappointed. She always work on the farm. Silky’s webs can be used to make
suspected Farmer and the lads weren’t entirely upstanding, rope, fencing, nets and any number of other helpful
but she feels they can do better. Despite Ella Sand’s things. Silky is pretty strong and comes with a giant
protests she takes her daughter inside until Farmer and spider (which is always helpful), so Silky’s wages and
Silky can work out their differences. accommodations would be well worth it.
• Farmer agrees that the Bon Bons shouldn’t have left
Silky behind. He should have talked with Silky to come
up with a way they could all be happy working on the
farm. Silky is willing to try.
• Goodies and Farmer need Silky to agree to not eat
anyone. Silky loves the magical milk that Buttermilk
produces and would agree to abstain from eating anyone
if he can keep Buttermilk as a pet and food source.
• Farmer and Goodie are upset about all the damage
Silky caused rather than coming to talk about it. Silky
could be convinced to repair the damage, his first tasks
as farmhand.

DM Note
If time is short or a player wants to attempt a roll instead of
negotiating between the two parties, have them make a DC
13 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Three successes before
two failures convinces Goodie and Farmer to hire Silky on at
the farm. Suggesting any of the above solutions should give
advantage on the roll.

Wrap-Up: Dessert
Estimated Duration: 15 minutes
Once the characters come to the wrap-up, choose the most
appropriate ending:
If Silky was defeated and the characters lie about who
was behind it: Farmer and Goodie are relieved that their
farm will be safe now. Farmer and the farmhands never
realize it was Silky who harassed the farm and the secret
of the Bloody Bon Bons is kept from Goodie until Farmer
is ready to discuss it with her. Blissfully unaware, Farmer
and Goodie cook the characters a grand meal consisting
entirely of desserts. The carrot cake is especially good. If
the characters are trying to negotiate a deal to buy from
the farm, they earn 50 gp from whomever sent them
(Little One or Bunny Carrotbringer).
If Silky was killed and the characters tell the truth about
the cause: Farmer is saddened that his actions led to
Silky’s demise. Goodie is very disappointed in Farmer,
Scarn, and the lads when the secret of the Bloody Bon
Bons is revealed. They talk and, in time, work to make
amends. Goodie and Farmer cook the characters a
few desserts to take with them when they leave. If the
characters are trying to negotiate a deal to buy from the
farm, they earn 50 gp from whomever sent them (Little
One or Bunny Carrotbringer).

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

If Silky and Bloody Bon Bons are reunited: Farmer and
Goodie are relieved that their farm will be safe now. Optional: Declining Advancement
Goodie’s faith in Farmer and the lads is reinforced by Each player can decline advancement if they so choose; this
them making the right decisions, and Farmer and Goodie has its benefits. It is possible for a character to advance
outside of an adventure’s level range, meaning that they’d be
cook the characters a grand meal consisting entirely of
unable to play an adventure as planned. Similarly, advancing
desserts. The carrot cake is especially good. Ella Sand too quickly means that a character won’t earn as much gold
is grateful to be reunited with Buttermilk. In time, she as their peers.
and Silky bond over their love of marshmallow goat
husbandry. If the characters are trying to negotiate a deal
to buy from the farm, they earn 50 gp from whomever Gold
sent them (Little One or Bunny Carrotbringer).
Treasure (including items that have a monetary value
If Silky and Bloody Bon Bons are not reunited: If the
but are not equipment, such as art objects and gems)
characters are not able to mediate a deal between the
remaining at the end of the adventure is converted to gold
farmers and Silky, Silky rides off on his giant spider,
pieces and divided equally among the characters.
vowing further revenge. Farmer is saddened that his
friendship with Silky can’t be saved. Goodie is very Part 2, Scene 1
disappointed in Farmer, Scarn, and the lads for lying • Gold buttons - 90 gp
to her and abandoning a friend. They talk and, in time,
work to make amends. Goodie and Farmer cook the Part 3, Scene 2a
characters a few desserts to take with them when they • Coins - 350 gp
leave. If the characters are trying to negotiate a deal • Garnet – 10 gp
to buy from the farm, Farmer is unwilling to commit
to the deal, knowing the farm might fail. They earn no
renumeration from whomever sent them (Little One or • Pay - 50 gp
Bunny Carrotbringer).
Magic Item(s)
If found during the adventure, the characters can keep
Event Award the following magic items; these items are described in
Regardless of the outcome, Farmer wants nothing to do Appendix 1:
with his former life as a bandit and gives over his harengon • Potion of healing
spirit club. Every player, and the DM, receives this • Wand of web
event award.
Event Award
Rewards For participating in this adventure during the Liars Night
At the end of the session, the characters receive rewards 2021 event, all players also receive the harengon spirit club
based upon their accomplishments. event award. As the DM, you may also claim the harengon
spirit club event award.
Character Rewards
The characters earn the following rewards:
Dungeon Master Rewards
For running this adventure, you earn a Service Reward.
Advancement See the Adventurers League Dungeon Master’s Guide for
A character participating in this adventure gains one level. more information.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Dramatis Personae Goodie Fuzzytail
The following NPCs feature prominently in this adventure. harengon, steady and good-hearted farmer
Goodie, wife of Farmer and mother to Ella Sand, is a good-
Ella Sand Fuzzytail hearted farmer. She grew up a rancher, and after marrying
harengon, young farmer Farmer, worked with him to branch out.
What They Want. Goodie is most concerned about solving
Ella Sand is Farmer and Goodie’s daughter and has grown
the mystery of the attacks before someone gets hurt. If
up in the odd company of her active mother, conflicted
the culprit or culprits are found she’s hoping they will
father, and a group of retired bandits. She is a rough and
listen to reason.
tumble girl who gets her hands dirty.
Good and Annoyed. Goodie is irritated at the harassment.
What They Want. Ella Sand is curious about who or She’s particularly upset someone is interfering in her
what causing the attacks. Her theories change each husband’s farming dreams. She’s a person of action
day. Today she believes that the cause is the Ghost of who is out of ideas as to what she and her husband
the Sour Patch Witch, though tomorrow that might can do alone.
change to wererat thieves, a werespider, or maybe
the angry remnants of half-eaten candy spit out by
ungrateful children.
Scarn Blackfeet
Bold. Ella Sand is precocious, and often speaks her mind harengon, foreman and ex-bandit
without thinking. Scarn is a hard bunny with his huge fuzzy muscles and
a black eye patch over one eye. He is also smart. He
Farmer Fuzzytail recognized that when Farmer retired the gang wasn’t going
harengon, retired bandit gone straight to be able to keep going, so even though regular work
isn’t really in his heart, he joined the boss on the farm. Of
Farmer was once the leader of the Bloody Bon Bons, a course, being the foreman is basically the same job he had
harengon bandit crew that terrorized the roads of the before: scooping up the lads and bopping them on the head
Feywild. As his success grew, so did his disillusionment when they don’t listen to the boss.
with banditry. He swore to go straight, and after he invested
What They Want. Scarn wants the adventurers to leave
in a small farm, met Goodie Sunnywhiskers, the daughter
the farm before they find out about the true past of the
of his neighbor. They fell in love and Farmer retired to the
Bloody Bon Bons.
farm, bringing many former Bloody Bon Bons who also
Superstitious. Scarn is very superstitious. Growing up,
decided to take up a new life.
his mother used to say his black rabbit feet were lucky.
What They Want. Farmer is terrified that if the farm fails, Since he won every fight he has gotten into, he believed
he will have no choice but to take up the life he swore it. Now he won’t step on a crack, throws spilt salt over his
off in order to feed his family and friends. He doesn’t shoulder, leaves food out for fairies, and the like. He also
want to turn to banditry again but is utterly distraught to deeply believes in curses and ghosts. Every misfortune
think that he might again have no choice. Even worse, he is due to some malevolent being. In the Feywild, that is
worries that Goodie will find out who he once was and often true!
become disappointed or angry with him.
Nervous. Farmer is jumpy, even for a harengon. He is
worried about the farm, and between sobs, jumps at
Silky Grimshadow
shadows fearing some wrong from his past has come ettercap, abandoned friend
back to seek vengeance. When the Bloody Bon Bons broke up, the various
harengons went their separate ways or retire to the farm;
all but Silky. With his terrifying appearance and thirst for
the blood of the living, the ettercap was told he wasn’t a
good fit to retire to agrarian living. Farmer told Silky to go
into the swamp and wait for the Bon Bons to come back.
And wait he did, for many lonely years. Eventually Silky
grew so upset at being left by his friends, he decided to act
out and show the harengons just how upset he is!
What They Want. Silky doesn’t want to be alone anymore
and is willing to hurt others to demonstrate his
loneliness and frustration.
Simple tastes. Silky doesn’t need much: a tasty meal
and friends are sufficient. Even though he kidnapped
Buttermilk the goat, he has become very fond of her as a
pet. He enjoys caring for her and finds her milk delicious;
it tastes like blood to Silky.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Creature Statistics Giant Spider
Large beast, unaligned
The following creatures appear in this adventure.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Ettercap Hit Points 26 (4d10 + 4)
Medium monstrosity, neutral evil Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 2 (−4) 11 (+0) 4 (−3)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Skills Stealth +7
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
14 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 7 (−2) 12 (+1) 8 (−1) Languages —
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4, Survival +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces, including
Languages —
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
ability check.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows the
Spider Climb. The ettercap can climb difficult surfaces,
exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
ability check. Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions caused
by webbing.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the ettercap knows the
exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web. Actions
Web Walker. The ettercap ignores movement restrictions caused Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
by webbing. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a
DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) poison damage
Actions on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If
Multiattack. The ettercap makes two attacks: one with its bite the poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target
and one with its claws. is stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points,
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) poison damage. Web (Recharge 5–6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
The target must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing.
or be poisoned for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 12 Strength
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can
a success. also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).
7 (2d4 + 2) slashing damage.
Web (Recharge 5–6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
30/60 ft., one Large or smaller creature. Hit: The creature is
restrained by webbing. As an action, the restrained creature can
make a DC 11 Strength check, escaping from the webbing on a
success. The effect ends if the webbing is destroyed. The webbing
has AC 10, 5 hit points, resistance to bludgeoning damage, and
immunity to poison and psychic damage.

Stat Block Modifications

While in their cave and on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
ties), Silky can take a lair action to causes the following
magical effect:
• Marshmallow Splat: Silky causes a cocoon filled with
marshmallow whip to burst next to a creature it can see
or that touches its webs. The creature must make a DC 11
Dexterity saving throw or become restrained until the end of
their next turn.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Giant Wasp (Giant Bee) Swarm of Spiders
Medium beast, unaligned Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Armor Class 12 (natural armor)

Hit Points 13 (3d8) Hit Points 22 (5d8)
Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft. Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 1 (−5) 10 (+0) 3 (−4) 3 (−4) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 1 (−5) 7 (−2) 1 (−5)

Senses passive Perception 10 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Languages — Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, petrified,
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2 prone, restrained, stunned
Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 8
Languages —
Actions Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2
Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and
11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If the enough for a Tiny insect. The swarm can’t regain hit points or
poison damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is gain temporary hit points.
stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points,
and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way. Spider Climb. The swarm can climb difficult surfaces, including
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
ability check.
Spider Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the swarm knows the
Tiny beast, unaligned
exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.
Armor Class 12 Web Walker. The swarm ignores movement restrictions caused
Hit Points 1 (1d4 − 1) by webbing.
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the
2 (−4) 14 (+2) 8 (−1) 1 (−5) 10 (+0) 2 (−4) swarm’s space. Hit: 10 (4d4) piercing damage, or 5 (2d4) piercing
damage if the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.
Skills Stealth +4
Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages —
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Spider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces, including

upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an
ability check.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider knows the
exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.
Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions caused
by webbing.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 9
Constitution saving throw or take 2 (1d4) poison damage.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Appendix 1: Character Rewards
If found during the adventure, the characters can keep
the following magic items; it’s suggested that you print off
enough copies of this page to be able to give one to each
of your players (crossing out rewards they didn’t receive
during the session):
Potion of healing
Potion, common
You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion.
Whatever its potency, the potion’s red liquid glimmers
when agitated.
Wand of Web
Wand, uncommon (requires attunement by a Spellcaster)
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an
action to expend 1 of its charges to cast the web spell (save
DC 15) from it.
The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at
dawn. If you expend the wand's last charge, roll a d20. On a
1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
This wand is made of twisted strands of dried ettercap
silk. It remains sticky to the touch no matter how it
is cleaned.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre

Appendix 2. Dungeon Master Tips
To DM an adventure, you must have 3 to 7 players—each
with their own character within the adventure’s level range
Adjusting This Adventure
(see Adventure Primer). Characters playing in a hardcover To determine whether you should consider adjusting the
adventure may continue to play too, but if they play a adventure, add up the total levels of all the characters and
different hardcover adventure, they can’t return to the first divide the result by the number of characters (rounding .5
if they level beyond its level range. or greater up; .4 or less down). This is the group’s average
party level (APL). To approximate the party strength for
the adventure, consult the table below.
New to D&D Adventurers League? Determining Party Strength
Party Composition Party Party Strength
Preparing the Adventure 3-4 characters, APL less than Very weak
Before you start play, consider the following: 3-4 characters, APL equivalent Weak
• Read through the adventure, taking notes of anything 3-4 characters, APL greater than Average
you’d like to highlight or remind yourself of while 5 characters, APL less than Weak
running the adventure, such as a way you’d like to
5 characters, APL equivalent Average
portray an NPC or a tactic you’d like to use in a combat.
Familiarize yourself with the adventure’s appendices 5 characters, APL greater than Strong
and handouts. 6-7 characters, APL less than Average
• Gather any resources you’d like to use to aid you in 6-7 characters, APL equivalent Strong
running this adventure—such as notecards, a DM
6-7 characters, APL greater than Very strong
screen, miniatures, and battlemaps.
• Ask the players to provide you with relevant character
information, such as name, race, class, and level; passive
Perception score, and anything the adventures specifies Safety Tools
as notable (such as backgrounds, traits, and flaws). These tools can help you and your players have a fun game:
Players can play an adventure they previously played as a • Code of Conduct. This group agreement outlines desired
player or Dungeon Master but may only play it once with and prohibited behaviors, confidential reporting, and
a given character. Ensure each player has their character’s possible consequences.
adventure logsheet (if not, get one from the organizer) • Be Welcoming. Encourage respectful and open
with their starting values for level, magic items, gold and conversations about issues before and as they arise. Show
you are listening and avoid defensive responses.
downtime days. These are updated at the conclusion of the
• Pre- and Post-game Discussions. Use the time before
session. The adventure information and your information the game to explain content warnings, set boundaries,
are added at the end of the adventure session—whether and collaborate on a safety plan. At the end of the game,
they completed the adventure or not. decompress and discuss improvements.
Each player is responsible for maintaining an accurate • DM Empowerment. If someone is uncomfortable with a
logsheet. If you’ve time, you can do a quick scan of a specific theme in a content warning, description, encounter,
player’s character sheet to ensure nothing looks out of or trap, make adjustments that remove the negative
order. If you see magic items of very high rarities or strange experience. Keep settings, major story details, and key
arrays of ability scores, you can ask players to provide NPCs largely the same. Don’t change challenge ratings.
documentation for the irregularities. If they cannot, feel And keep character rewards in line with guidelines and the
free to restrict item use or ask them to use a standard adventure’s text.
ability score array. • More Safety Tools. A broad range of tools is available
online. You can also reach out to your event organizer or
Point players to the D&D Adventurers League Players
Guide for reference. If players wish to spend downtime
days and it’s the beginning of an adventure or episode,
they can declare their activity and spend the days now,
or they can do so at the end of the adventure or episode.
Players should select their characters’ spells and other
daily options prior to the start of the adventure, unless
the adventure specifies otherwise. Feel free to reread the
adventure description to help give players hints about what
they might face.

Fuzzytail Farm and the Frightful Candy Goat Massacre


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