A Dictionary of The J G Johann G (Ebooksread - Com)

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Sold by thb MissioNS-BrcBDANDLUNG, Baskl, Switzrhland,
BY TbCbnbr & Co. 57 A 59 Lupoatk Hill, London,
AMD » THE Book Dbpobitory of thb Basxl Mission, Christiansborg, G. C, W. A.

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n.^fV 1 " i'.'f\]


I FEB 27 1S62


Printer: L. RKINHARI>T (formerly C. Sch.iltsc), Batd.

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This Dictionary follo'ws **A Orammar of the Asante and

Fante Language called Tshi (Chtoeef Twi), based on the Aknapem
Dialect, with reference to the other (Akan and Fante) Dialects/
by the same author, Basel 1875. The said Grammar has been
approYcd by several philologists in Germany and France.^) It
has, however, not met with the same favourable reception on the
Gold Coast, at least beyond the sphere of the Basel German
Mission ; but it is hoped that the present Dictionary will be more
welcome to educated Fantes on account of its more prominent
practical usefulness, and because in it the Fante dialect has been
more extensively referred to than in the Grammar.

2. The Dictionary appears now somewhat delayed by the

claims which six other publications in Tshi and three in Akra
made on the author, and its publication has taken considerable
time because its loose sheets were sent to an intelligent native
of the G^ld Coast, whose judgement has been of great value to
the author, for corrections and additions.

If the work has been long in coming out, it is hoped that

it will be the more useful and will not prove short-lived. If it
has become larger than any other existing Dictionary of a Negro
language, this has at least not been the intention of the author;
the ample materials collected with the help of clever and in-
telligent natives made it a matter of course, if not a duty, to
store up whatever may bo useful for his successors.
3. The persons for whose benefit the author has written,
are 1. the missionaries, not only of his own society, in Akuapem,
Akem, Okwawu &c., but also of the Wesleyan Methodists in the
Fante country ; — 2. Europeans who are interested in philology
or in any capacity called to have intercourse with the natives
of the coast or inland countries; — 3. the educated natives, be
they employed in Christian churches and Mission or Government

*) Cf. Lazarus nnd Steinthal, Zeitscbrift fiir Volker-Psychoiogie und

Sprachenkunde 1876, p. 164—172. By the "Institut deFraace" a gold medal
of 300 francs has been awarded to the author.

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VI Preface.

schools, or whatever occupation may he their inducement to the

study of languages; all these may also be helped by the book
in their endeavours to acquire the English language.

4. The materials of the work have been collected during

more than 25 years' study of the language. The words were
gathered from all available sources in the various ways alluded
to in the preface to the Grammar p. Iseq. When the author left
the Gold Coast in 1868, he took with him, besides an entire
translation of the Bible in manuscript t>r in newly revised printed
portions, a good number of other manuscripts and of materials
for a dictionary collected by personal intercourse with natives
of various places and tribes, among whom I reckon first the
helpers at the work of translation, who also, with other assistants,
contributed a good deal of proverbs and other folk-lore &c.
And whilst the Bible was in printing and twenty other new
publications or revised reprints were in preparing, the author
received, besides manuscripts for several of these new works,
many letters and answers on various questions concerning those
different publications, also new contributions for the dictionary
and essays on mythological and historical objects, partly from
the native missionary D. Asante, partly from other educated
natives. — The Vocabulary of H. N. Riis has been carefully
compared and every word or phrase found correct or rectified
has been embodied in the present dictionary, sometimes with
reference to the work of Riis. — A rich source of words has
been opened in the native proverbs, the printed collection of
which embraces more than 3600. The reader is often referred
to this for brevity's sake.

5. The Dialects of the language are described in the Gram-

mar p. XVII seq. & 185-196, where also the claims of both the
Akan and Fante dialects and the intermediate literary dialect
are sufficiently discussed. I do not find any cause to retract
what is stated there, though I have since then become better
acquainted with the Fante dialect through A. W. Parker's books
(see p. XVI), many words and phrases of which have been in-
corporated in this work. I have also obtained some more in-
formation about the Akan and the Br5n or Kam&na dialects,
and may sum up my impressions in this manner:

(1) The Akan dialect is considered to be spoken purest in

Akem; but by its dainty and affected mode of expression (e.g.
the frequent e$ & oo, where most other dialects have simply
e & o, as, adee, a8e§, kore§, Qbo^, sog, = ade, ase, kge, obo, so)

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Preface. VII

it appears less fit to become the common dialect of all Tsbi

tribes. — The dialect of Asante agrees in all essentials with
ihat of Akem, only the pronunciation is "broad and hard (tet^re
dennSnnen)" e. g. they pronounce "kfire" instead of "kyere", —
vhilst in Akem it is ''soft and delicate (boko frenkyemm)."
The other countries in which Akan is spoken are Adause, Asen,
Dankyira, Twiforo, Akwam, all these with little deviations from
Akem and Asante, and Akuapem, on which see No. (2).

(2) The dialect of Akuapem, derived from Akem and Akwam

and having points of contact with Bron and Fante, appears on
the whole the one most suited to become the literary idiom
equally intelligible to all the other tribes. See 6r. p. XIX, and,
on the influences of Fante, the small English-Tshi-Akra Dictionary
of 1874, p. XI.

(S) The Br5n or Eam&na dialects are spoken in the coun-

tries N. & X.E. of the Akan countries, viz. Kam&na, Okwawu,
Nkoransa, Broh Ac, also in Pae (E. of the Volta). These dialects
seem to be genuine Tshi, but are deemed inferior to Akan, prob-
ably on account of archaisms or admixture of foreign elements.
Broil is also spoken beyond the territories of the genuine Tshi
people by tribes which had or still have a separate language
of their own, as Gyaman and the tribes E. of the Volta speaking
6uan, viz. Nt^ummuru, K&rakye, Worawora or Boem, Nkonyfi.

(4) The Fante dialects have not followed the other dialects
In changing the commencing sounds kw, gw, hw, before palatal
vowels, into tw, dw, fw, and in occasionally softening b (espec.
in diminutives) into w &c., but have deviated from them by
changing t, d, n, before (e) e, i, into ts, dz, ny, and by curtail-
ing many terminations by cutting off their final vowels.

6. In the Introductory Notes to my Grammar § 4 (p. XVII

seq.) I had to censure the system of orthography advised by
D. L. Carr and J. P. Brown in their "Mfantsi Grammar**, Cape
Coast, 1868. Now I am under the necessity of criticizing the
orthography chosen by the Eev. A. W. Parker in his translation
of the Gospels of Matthew and Mark into the "Fante Language**,
printed for the Wesleyan Missionary Society, London 1877, and
in three previous smaller publications, however gladly I welcome
these works as the beginning of a Fante literature. Mr. Parker
is right in using ten vowels instead of the five a e 1 o u, but
he employs the diacritical dot under each of those five vowels
in a manner repugnant to the orthography followed in our
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VIII Preface.

numerous books in conformity with the Standard Alphabet of

Dr. Lepsius. If he had no knowledge of the said Standard
Alphabet, of which the secretaries of the Wesleyan Missionarj
Society had officially expressed their cordial approval, he was
at least in the possession of some of our four editions of the
Tshi Gospels, his own translation of the two first Gospels ia
the ^^Fante Language^' affording unmistakable proofs that he
has made use of them, as was proper and right. The Scriptures
in Tshi have been translated and printed by the long continued
labours of Basel missionaries and their native assistants, and
by the generous help of the British and Foreign Bible Society,
without any self-ihterested motives, for the whole Tshi nation^
Fante included. If the Wesleyan Christians in Fante use some
expressions for religious ideas different from those used in the
churches and schools of our Basel Mission, or if they wish to
have portions of the Bible or other books written and printed
in their own dialect, we have nothing to say against that. On
the contrary, we are glad to have the opportunity of comparing
the idiomatic peculiarities of both sides and are ready to learn
and adopt whatever may seem preferable in the treasures of
our western neighbours, or, whenever we on our part may have
to choose between two forms or expressions, to select that which
brings us nearer to them. But if the latter give way to the
opposite tendency, creating an orthography entirely of their own
invention and in their biblical translations studiously substituting
their own expressions to those contained in our Tshi Bible, as
if it were their duty to avoid the suspicion of having trod in
the footsteps of their forerunners, we regret their misspent time
and strength. The orthography adopted by Mr. Parker differs
from ours far more than the Fante dialects differ from the Akan
dialects. The dialects can sarcely be said to be at variance
with each other; they may peaceably exist side by side; but
the two orthographies cannot thus coexist. B. Cruickshank in
his book '^Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast", London 1853.
vol. II. p. 262. says: "Educated natives have frequently failed
in making communications in writing, in their native language,
intelligible to each other, from their disagreement about the
sounds of words, and the consequent employment of different
letters to represent them." Shortly after Mr. Cruickshank^s book
had appeared in print, when he visited the Basel Missionary
station at Akropong in the capacity of Acting Governor, in
Febr. 1854, he could personally convince himself that Europeans

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Prefa<;e. IX

have indeed ''been successfol in reducing the language of the

natives to grammatical rules and to writing in the Eoman
qharacter". Innumerable letters of natives educated in the Basel
Mission Schools and some 40 publications embracing more than
6000 printed pages leave no doubt that now "^a proper repre-
sentation of the language" common both to Asante and to Fante
does exist. There are Fante Christians who have bought and
read our books written after the Standard Alphabet, who also
understand and appreciate them. But the new Fante orthography,
if largely received among the Fante Christians, would almost
prednde mutual intelligibilitj of written or printed communi-
cations between the western and the eastern parts of the Qold
Coast in the native idioms, — not only the Akan division of
Tshi, but also the Akra language, the Dahome (or Ewh6) and
the Yoruba language being likewise reduced to writing after
the principles of the Standard Alphabet. It is as if railways
were built along the coast from Akra to Adi and farther on to
Lagos^ and the Fantes would build a railway of their own of
a different gauge, so that no cars from the western railway could
be used on the eastern, and vice versa. Does is not lie in the
interest of our Fante brethren to accommodate their writing to
the Standard Alphabet approved and recommended by the re-
presentants of the Wesley an Missionary Society in 1855? The
question has been submitted by me to the representants of the
said Society in 1879, in a letter discussing the particular defects
and disadvantages of the new system as well as elucidating the
facilities and difficulties of transition to the Standard Alphabet,
— with what result, I cannot tell.

In order to do every possible honour to the Fante dialect

as represented in Parker^s books, I have carefully perused them
and weighed every word contained therein; accordingly most
of the terms, forms and meanings peculiar to them have been
embodied in this dictionary in adaptation to the Standard Alphabet.

7. Foreign words adopted in Tshi (about 20 from Gfi, Guan,

Marewa, nearly 100 from European languages) have been marked
as such by indicating the language from which they are taken
in brackets. Above 100 more foreign words found in the Tshi
Bible are registered in Appendix A. — New words derived from
words already existing in the language and introduced by the
Basel missionaries, are partly marked by a dagger (t); many
such as well as modern terms, used in teaching the various
sciences, are not found in this dictionary, because not a^ yet

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X Preface.

suffioiently approved. Nearly a hundred of them are contained

in the appendix to Mr. Bellon*8 Instruction in Arithmetic.

8. The arrangement chosen has been, to let the words fol^

low each other in the alphabetical order of their initial con-
sonants, disregarding the prefixes. Cf. the Grammatical Intro,
duction § 10. 14. 18. 20. 25,1. 26-30. Words either similar or
related to each other are placed together. Thus e. g. su, su are
followed by nouns with prefixes: o-su (joined to sii, from which
it is derived); e-su; nsu, osu, asu; then sua, sua, sua and
nsua, o-sua, o-sud,; o-siid. follow; then the various compounds
of all these, intermixed with derivations by suffixes and new verbs,
according to the alphabetical sequence of the letters, as sAa-bise...
sQafo, ... nsu-akyi, sflan, ... siiaw, su-ban &c, — Of compounds the
constituents are marked out by applying the hyphen, or the
primitives are added in brackets. — Nouns formed by the suf-
fixes fo or ni, wa (ba) or ma (Graramat. Introd. § 1 9, 2.3), and
nouns compounded with -de and -sem (=ade, as§m) are so
frequent that not all of them have been put down; the student
will easily find the meaning of such words by resorting to the
simple words. — Of verbs the primitive sense is given first,
and the figurative and free senses are added in rational order.
— The various applications of each word and standing phrases
are illustrated by examples, and for farther illustrations the col-
lection of proverbs and passages of the Bible or other books
are frequently referred to.

9. In the orthography both the full and the shortened writing

(Grammat. Introd. § 25) have found consideration. The forms in
Fante and Akem, different from those in our books, have been
added in many instances; in other cases analogy will guide
those aright who are particularly interested in those dialects.

10. Definitions of words and descriptions of specific occu-

pations or customs, as they were given by native assistants,
have occasionally been added for the benefit of Europeans en-
gaged in acquiring the language. These explanations have the
more value, as they are all idiomatic, presenting the genuine
manner of expressing thought in the language, without being
altered by the endeavours to express thoughts imported by

11. Particular , pains have been taken to add the synonyms

wherever they seem to be demanded. — That under some words
as *ahene, apata, nsa, ntama" lists of different sorts of beads,
fishes, spirituous liquors, textile fabrics &c. are given, may serve

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Preface. XI

as a stimulas to students and teachers to collect snch lists of

other objects. In a similar way the geographical names and
proper names of persons, given in Appendix IIL and G, in-
vite farther collection.

1 2. As it was the writers endeavour to condense the matter

presented in the shortest possible space, a liberal use has been
made of dbhreviations, a list of which is appended to this Preface;
some others will be found in the appendices. — All words not
marked bj v., a., adv^, conj,, interj. are nouns; nouns are marked
by n. only in a few cases to distinguish them from adjectives &c.
Verbal nouns derived by the palatal suffix are marked byt7.fi.;
many simple or compound nouns marked by inf. are likewise
verbal nouns. — Of verhs the transitive and intransitive are
rarely marked by tr. and in(r., because most verbs are used in
both ways even more readily than in English. Parts of the verb
are now and then marked by contin,, pret,, perf.y progr., ftU,,
imp. I dt IL, inf., — affirm., neg. —

13. The writers task would have been much easier, if he

might have issued the work in German; but circumstances de-
manded it otherwise. Most of the English contents of the work
have been revised by Englishmen, and some deficiencies in this re-
spect are made good in the Corrections and Additions pp. 569 seqq.

14. The Additions taken from the translation of the Bible

and other Christian books are meant chiefly for the Christian
student and will help him in thoroughly mastering his object. —
On the Corrections, see p. 569, Bern. 2; they include also the
corrections of the few misprints found on pp. 1-568, and the
answers on notes of interrogation used in some cases of un-

15. A few words about the Appendices. — The Table of Gold

Weights (Appendix B) may require alterations for the Fante
and rectifications for the Akan countries. On foreign gold coins
see Payne's Lagos and West African Almanack. — The Geo-
graphical Appendix (C), though it cost comparatively more time
than any other part of the work, is yet very imperfect. It would,
however, not have been right to leave it out for two reasons:

1. Our knowledge of the countries concerned has considerably

increased since the publication of the Grammar, as a comparison
with § 1 of the Introductory Notes, Gr. p. X. seq., will show.

2. The completenes of a Dictionary demands, that the archaic

elements contained in the geographical names, however unim-
portant the respective towns or villages, brooks or mountains

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Xn Preface.

may be, be not neglected. (This can also be said concerning

the Proper Names contained in the Appendices D^ F, 6.) - Ap-
pendix C may moreover serve as a foundation for a Geography
of the Gold Coast, a desideratum which studious natives ought
gradually to supply; for it is astonishing how scanty, vague
and confused the knowledge of these countries has hitherto been,
even among natives, concerning the places beyond their im-
mediate experience. — Only of Akem, Akuapem and Qkwawu
accounts of some completeness could be given. It is hoped that
a large map prepared by the Basel missionaries on the Gold
Coast will incorporate the geographical knowledge hitherto ob-
tained of the three countries just mentioned and of the Akra and
Adanme countries, on which map also some forty stations and out-
stations of the Basel Mission will be marked, as well as other
places where native Christians are dwelling. — In process of time
materials for a History of the Gold Coast also should be gathered,
similar to what we have already of Sierra Leone. — Payne's
Lagos and West African Almanack contains much valuable
matter, though more of a statistical than geographical character,
and more of Lagos and its vicinity than of the other parts of
the Gold Coast Colony. Its yearly issues might be made the
receptacle for geographical and historical contributions.

16. After every endeavour to render the work as correct

and complete as possible, the author feels how much room there
is still left for augmentation and rectification, and hopes that
many of those who use it, may feel compelled to contribute
additions and rectifications. Of the Akuapem dialect not many
words will be found wanting; but the literary idiom may still
be amply enriched by importations from other dialects, and by
the new-made and foreign worc^s alluded to in § 7.

17. The author begs pardon for the length of this Preface
and the following Introduction. If there be many who will not
read this or that, others may still be helped thereby in their
endeavours to master the language. And so the author concludes
with the fervent wish and prayer that his work may contribute
to a thorough knowledge of this important language, so that
it may more and more become the vehicle of true knowledge
and spiritual light to the numerous tribes to which it has been

Schomdorf, Wurtemberg, August 188 L


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a. Grammatical terms and other English words.

0. or adj. adjective. - {dbt. about.) - adv, adverb. - affirm, affirma-

tive. - App, Appendix. - attrih, adj. attributive adjective. - aux. v,
auxiliary verb. Gr. § 106-112. - {bef. before; hel. below.) - caus.
causatively. Gr. 208,3.4. - cf. confer, compare. - com. common
language. - eonj. conjunction. - conn, connected form. Gr. § 47.49.
cotisec. consecutive form. Gr. § 91. 178f. - contin. continuative form.
Gr. § 9 1 . 1 02. 1 67. - contr. contracted, contraction. - co-ord. co-
ordinate (sentence). - cpds, compounds. - d. penny, pence. - dec.
decent language. - deriv. derivative(s). - descr. descriptive (a. or
adv.) - diff. different. - dim. diminutive. - e. g. exempli gratia, for
example. - emph. emphatically. - esp. espec. especially. - etc. and
80 forth. - &uph. euphemistically. - Europ. European. - except, ex-
cepting. - expr. expressing. - (/*. i. for instance.) - fig. figuratively.

- f. foil, followed, following. - fr. from. - frq. frequentative. - fat.

future tense. - gener. generally. - Gr. Grammar. - id. idem, the
same. -> imit. imitative (adv.) - imp. imperative. - inf. infinitive,
verbal noun. - int. interj. interjection. - interrog. interrogative. -
f nfr. intransitive. -' Introd. Introduction, Introductory. - Z. line;
pound sterling. - lang. language. - lit. literally. - n. noun. - neg.
negative. - num. numeral. - obsc. obscene. - ohs. obsolete. - Ohserv.
Observation. - opp. opposed (to). - orig. originally. - p., pp. page,
pages, -part, particle, -perf. perfect tense, -perh. perhaps. - pers.
person. - Phr. Phrase(s). - pi. plural. - poet, poetical. - poss. pos-
sessive. - pref prefix. - jJr. n. proper noun. - prep, prepp. prepo-
sition, prepositions. - pret. preterit tense. ~ princ. principal (verb,
sentence). - prob. probably. - progr. progressive form. - pron.
pronoun. - prop, properly. - qualif qualifying (adv.) Gr. § 133,4.
134,1. - q. V. quod or quae vide, which see. - red. reduplicated, re-
duplication. - refl. reflexive. - rel. relative (particle). - Bern. Re-
mark. - retrosp. retrospective. - s. see; shilling. - scU. scilicet, to
wit; namely; being understood. - sent, sentence. - seq.sequens, the
following. - sign, signifies. - sing, singular. - suhord. subordinate
(sentence). - ^s^md. symbolically, -syn. synonymous, synonyme(8).-
W. transitive. - usu. usually. - v. (v.v.) verb (verbs). - v. n. verbal
noun. - mz. videlicet, namely, to wit.- wig. vulgar (word, expression).

b. Names of Places, Languages^ Dialects.

Ab. Aburi. - Ak. Akan. - Akp. Akuapem. - Akr. Akropong. -

Akw. Akwam. - Aky. Akyem. - Ar. Arabic. - As. Asante. - Dan.
Danish. - D. Dutch. - Eng. English. - Europ. European. - F. Fante.

- Fr. French. - G. Ga. - G. C. Gold Coast. - Ger. German. - Gr.

Greek. - (Gy. Gyadam.) - Heb. Hebrew. - iL^talian. - Kuk. Ku-
kurantumi. - Ky. Kyebi. - Lat. LaHn. - Mf. Mfante = F. - Og.
Ogua, Cape Coast. - Okw. Qkwawu. - On. Qnomabo. - Port Por-
tuguese. - Skr. Sanskrit. - Span. Spanish. - Tw. Twi.

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XIV Abbreviations &c.

c. Tshi Words; cf. Gr. § 287.

a. ana. - a.s. anase. - @.s. enese. - etod. eto-dabi-a. - n.a. ni ade.

— n.s. ne se. - nh. nhlna. - nt. ntaku. - Nyankp. Nyahkopon. -

Ony., Onyank., Onyk. Onyame, Onyankopon. - tet. tctefo (kasa).

— The leading word of an article in the dictionary is often re-

presented by one, two or three first letters with a dot, sometimes
by a mere middle-sised dash.

d. References to Books or Persons.

Bd., Br,, Or., see p. 637. 665. — Chr, Christaller. — D. As, David Asante.

— Diet, Dieterle. — Gtog, Geography. — Gram. Grammar. — Hist History.

— K, Kurtz, see the list p. XV (No. 12). — Mf, Or. Mfantsi Grammar
(p. XVI). — N. E. Voc. Vocabulary for the use of the Niger Expedition
1841. (Gr. p. VII. B. 5.) - P. Ket Paul Keteku. — pr. proverb (3600 Tshi
Proverbs, $. p. XVI, No. 24). — Frk. Parker (p. XVI> — JB. Riis (p. XV).

— Rem. Remark(s). — Bog. Roget*s Thesaurus of English Words and

Phrases. — Scr. Scriptures. — St. Statutes of the German Evangelical
Mission Churches on the G. C, «. p. XVI, No. 14. — Voc. Vocabulary. —
Zim. Zimmermann^s Akra Grammar or Vocabulary.

e. Books of the Bible.

Ac. Acts. — Am. Amos. — Co. Canticles, Song of Solomon. — 1.2.Ch.
Chronicles. — 1. 2. Co. Corinthians. — Coi. Colossians. — Da. Daniel. —
Dc Deuteronomy. — Ec. Ecclesiastes. — Ep. Ephesians. — Est. Esther.

— Ex. Exodus. — Ezc Ezekiel. — Etr. Ezra. — On. Galatians. — Ge.

Genesis. — Edb. Habakuk. — Sag. Haggai. — He. Hebrews. — Ho.
Hosea. — J«. Isaiah. — Ja. James. — Je. Jeremiah. — Job. — Joel. —
(i.2.3.) Jo. John. — Jon. Jonas. — Jos. Joshuah. — Jude. — Ju. Judges.
1.2. Ki. Kings. — La. Lamentations. — Le. Leviticus. — La. Luke. —
MaL MalachL — Mk. Mark. — Mt Matthew. — Mi. Micah. — No. Nahum.

— Ne. Nehemiah. — Nu. Numbers. — Ob. Obadiah. — 1. 2. Pe. Peter. —

Phi. Philippians. — Phile. Philemon. — Pr. Proverbs. — PiB. Psalms. —
Be. Revelation. — Bo. Romans. — Bu. Ruth. — 1.2. So. Samuel. —
l.Ji. Th. Thessalonians. — 1. 2. Ti. Timothy. — Tit. Titus. — Zee. Zecha-
riah. — Zep. Zephaniah.

f. Various Marks or Signs.

dt and. - dtc. et caeiera, and so on, and the like.
.. between two parts of a verbal phrase indicate the place of an
object to the t;. (when nearer to this) or of an attributive n. or
pron. (when nearer to the word next following); e.g. no., mu,
to hdp (as in 68ono mtk); so ..mn, to lay hold of(M in 68o.n6mi!i).
«.« or . . • stand for three or more omitted letters, syllables or words.
=s is equal to.

=>- is more or larger , i. e, of a wider sense, than . . .

-< is less, i.e. of a narrower sense than (the following word).
* asterisc, serves for reference to notes and other purposes; see

p. 644. (29.^ 644-649. (32-66.) 654 ff. 666.

t dagger, indicates new-made words, see Preface § 7.
§ paragraph, section.

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prepared by the Basel Qtrtnan MUHonariea,
We omit 4 publications previous to 1868, 8 of Bible portions (1869—66)
and 12 others (1866—74), as superseded by new works or editions. —
For brevity's sake we give of No. 6—24. only the English titles. —
The figures in parenthesis refer to the order in which the single publi-
cations followed each other. Cf. 6r. p. YIIL

J. Grrammars and VocdbtUaries.

1. (5.) Elemente des Akwapim Dialects der Odschi Sprache dtc,

von H. N. Riis, Basel 1853.

2. (6.) Grammatical OuUine and Vocabulary of the Oji Language

with especial reference to the Akwapim Dialect, togetlier

with a Collection of Proverbs of the Natives, by H. N, Riis,

Basel 1854.
3.(39.) A DinHonary, English, Tshi (Asante), AJcra, hj J. 6. Christ-

aller, W. C. Locher, J. Zimmermann. 1874.

4.(41.) A Grammar of the Asante and Fante Language called

Tshi &c. hy J. 0. Christaller. 1875.

6.(50). A Dictionary of the same — the present book.

11. The Holy Scriptures.

6.(28.) The entire Bible, 8vo. Old Testament 1871. N.T. see next
7a.(27.) The New Testament, 2d ed. 8vo. 1870.
7b.(45.) The New Testament, 3d ed. 16mo. 1878.

Of the Portions printed 1859-65 (Gr. p. VIII) some may still

be had and used, especially the Four Gospels, 2d ed. 1864, and
the Psalms and Proverbs^ 1865.

III. Books for tJie School, Church and Family,

8.(31.) Primer for the Vernacular Schools &c 2d ed. 1872.
9.(29.) Dr. Earth's Bible Stofies, 2d ed.with many illustrations 1 872.
10.(44.) ^iWciSfories for LittleChildren, 2d ed.withwood-cuts.l877.
1 1.(33.) Words for Learning and Praying, containing: a Catechism
of the Christian Doctrine; (498) select Scripture Passages;
the History of our Lord^s Passion; some Prayers usfed at
church, Prayers for family and private worship, andPrci^^^
for school-children. 1872. •

1 2.(34.) The doctrines of the Christian Beligion, based on Dr, Luther's

smaller Catechism (by J. H.Kurtz, D.D.) with an Appendix
on the Ecclesiastical Year and lists of Bible Lessons. 1872.

Digitized by VjOOQIC

XVI Tshi Literature.

13.(48.) Liturgy and Hyikns for the use of the Christian Churches
of the 6. C. speaking Tshi (containing the order for Baptism,
Coniirmatiou, the Lord's Supper, the Solemnization of Mat-
rimony and the Burial of the Dead; 456 Hyrans; 13 Fante
Songs; Remarks on Versification, Metres and Tunes &c.)
3ded. 1878.

14.(25.) a. Statutes of the German Evangelical Mission Churches

on the Gold Coast. 6. Liturgy of the same (the rest of it,
containing different Prayers and Thanksgivings used at
church, and the order of Consecration of Catechists and
Ministers). 1865.

15.(30.) JRegtdations for Catechists. 1871.

16.(46.) Regulations for Beacons. 1878.

17.(38.) Tunes to the Tshi and Akra Hymnbooks, 2d ed. 1874.

18.(32.) Instruction in Arithmetic. 1872.

19.(37.) Stories from General History (with chronological tables).


lY. Tracts.

20.(47.) Man^s Heart, either God's Temple or Satan's Abode, re-

presented in 10 figures, 2d ed. 1 878.

21.(35.) The Orphan's Letter to his Saviour in Heaven. 1873.

22.(36.) Oguyomi, the Negro Girl at Ibadan. 1873.

23.(43.) The Spread of Christianity in Germany. 1875.

F. Folk-lore.

24.(49.) A Collection oi 3600 Tshi Proverbs. 1879.

All these Books were printed at Basel and are sold at Basel,
London, Christiansborg, as indicated on the title-page of this book.
— These 24 publications contain altogether 5550 printed pages,
the 24 publications here omitted (as mentioned at the head of this
list), 2881 pages.


1. Mfantsi Grammar, by Dan. L. Carr and Jos. P. Brown, 32mo.

Cape Coast 1868.

2. Fanti and English Spelling Book. London 1874.

3. The first Caiechism of the Wesleyan Methodists. 1874.

4. Order of Administration of Sacraments and of the Solemnization

of Matrimony and the Burial of the Dead. 1875.

5. The Gospds of MaUhew and Mark, by A. W. Parker. 1 877.

No. 2-5, printed in London for the Wesleyan Missionary Society,

contain 256 pages.

Digitized by LjOOQIC

to the Tshi Dictionary.


§ I. Tshi we call the language prevalent in the Gold Coast

countries between the rivers Asini and Tanuo on the W. and the
Volta on the E., extending even beyond the Volta, and from the
sea-coast to the upper course of the Volta and the Kong mountains
on the N. — Bern. In the orthography devised for this formerly un-
written language, we write the name "Twi", the true pronunciation
of which might be rendered more exactly in letters of Dr. Lepsius^
SUndard Alphabet by '*Tswi" and in English hy ''Chwee'' ; but
whilst the writing "T^i" may be justified by its simplicity and
sufficiency and by reasons of analogy (with kw, dw, fw &c. cf.
Gr. § 13), the transliteration "Tslii" was chosen to avoid too much
deviation from the former spellings **Tyi, Otyi", and the German
writing ^Tschi" (formerly "Otschi"). We must, therefore, beg to
notice that the "i" in "Tshi" is to be pronounced as in the con-
tinental languages or as "ce^' in English. — On the names Amina,.
Fante, Akan, see Gr. p. XVI.

§ 2. Concerning the position of this language among other

African languages we fully assent to the views of Dr. Lepsius as
displayed in his elaborate "Introduction on the Nations and Lan-
guages of Africa", premised to his "Nubian Grammar".*) In this
work, on p. XXI-XXXII, he describes with reference to 1 2 char-
acteristic points, the distinguishing features of (a) the Bantu Lan-
guages of the Southern Negroes (prevailing over all the continent
S. and 2-5 degrees N. of the Equator, with the exception of the
S.W. corner), contrasted with those of (b) the so-called Uamitic
Languages in the N., N.E. and S.W. and of (c) the Semitic Lan-
guages found in the N. & N.E. of Africa, and shows that (d) the
Negro Languages of the intermediate zone^ of Central and Western
Africa, mubt have been altered by more or less influences of the
Hamitic (and Semitic) Languages, so that they have lost many of
the peculiarities uniting them to the Bantu Languages.

§ 3. Among these mixed Negro Languages (d) we may dis-

tinguish several groups, such as the Mande Group and the Kru
Languages in the West, and the Yornba-Iho-Efik Group on both
sides of the lower Niger; between these three groups we may class
together four languages meeting on the shores of the river Volta
and call them ih^Volta Grotipy viz. a) Ewhe or E^^ (better E<pe),
spoken in Dahome and N., W. and S. of it; ^) Adaumc with its

*) Nubische Grammatik niit einer Kinleitimg ttbor dic.Vdlker uud

Sprachen Afrika's von R. Lepsius. Berlin, W. Hertz, Iba). pp. cxxvi. 506.

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XVIII Grammatical Introduction.

younger branch, the GSL or Akra Language, spoken W. of the lower

Volta and in some parts E. of it; c) Giiaii, spoken by the Nta nations
N. of the upper Volta (about Salaga)*) and by several tribes on
the eastern banks of the Volta and W. of it in Akuapero and some
Fante countries ; d) Tshi, spoken throughout the dominions of the
former Asante empire when it had its widest extension.

§ 4. The known dialects of the Tshi language do not present

any great differences and may be comprehended under these three
names: 1, Akan, the most central and purest dialects; 3. Broii or
Kamana, the northern and eastern dialects, chiefly spoken by
tribes that are or seem to be of Guafi origin and partly speak their
Guah dialects besides; 3. Fante, the dialects of several maritime
tribes in the South. The Fante dialects seem to differ more from
the other and among themselves than the Bron dialects from Akan. *
— All these dialects may unite in (4.) the common liierary dialect
based on that of Akuapom. — For particulars about these dialects
see the Preface § 5.

§ 5. Of the characteristic features of the Tshi language we

shall now mention some (marking coincidences with those 12 points
of Dr. Lepsius, § :5, by L. 1-12) :

A. In points of Phonology,

1, Every syllable ends in a vowel, sometimes followed by a

nasal consonant. L, 10. Every word, when stripped of its prefix
or prefixes, if there be any, begins with a consonant. — A nasal
consonant, serving as a prefix, may by its inherent vowel element
constitute a syllable by itself. L. 11,

2, The Tshi has more and finer distinctions of vowel sounds,

including nasalization, and a greater variety of diphthongs than
other languages, and makes use of them for the variation and dis-
tinction of words, whereas the number and use of consonants is
comparatively limited; e.g there is no "1, v, z", and no stem begins
with '*r". The combinations kp, gb, which are frequent in Guan,
Ga, Ewh6, Yoruba &c., are not found in Tshi. Instead of ts, dz, it
has ky, gy, and besides tw, dw.

3, 1 he great variety of vowels is increased by different tones,

every syllable of every word having its own relative t(»ne, equal
with or different from the neighbouring syllables, either high, or
low, or middle, sometimes in successive degrees. I'his different
intonation, inherent in the original formation of words, is still more
diversified in the conjugation of the verb and by syntactical com-
binations of words and sentences. (L, 12,)

*) That the language of the Ntas at Salaga is essentially Guan,

though their transition to Islamism and much intercourse with foreij^n
traders have caused some linguistic differences from the kindred heathen
tribes, has l>eeu stated by the native missionary D. Asante and the
deacon Theoph.()poku(hoth natives of Akropong and both well acquainted
with the (fuaii of Datj and Kyerepoh), who visited Salaga in 1877. —
Of this language nothing? has yet appeared in print. In its grammatical
forms it resenil)les Tslii, in its phonetic part it is similar to Ga and
E<|)e ; many words are borrowed from Tshi, many entirely different from
Tshi, Ga and E(pe.

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Characteristic Features of Tshi. XIX

4. Of the consonants the hard mutes are pronounced with full

force, yet without any harshness, and, whilst in this case the con-
trast between the strong consonant and the weak vowel is decided,
the desire of easy transition to succeeding sounds and the tendency
to fluency of speech has led to the palatalisation of guttural con-
sonants and of the labial w (Gr. § 10), to assimilation of soft mutes
with corresponding nasal consonants or mutual assimilation of nasal
consonants (Gr. § 18), and to a negligent articulation of w, y, & w
before or between vowels, so that the weak consonants appear
weaker than in other languages. The so ini vowel r has the strange
function of strengthening and diversifying the vowel element of
the words in which it occurs, and is never used in a primary, but
always in a secondary or auxiliary way.

5. The euphonic vowel harmony existing in Tshi (more than

in Yoruba) provides against to great or too small dissimilarities of
vowels in successive syllables. Gr. § 1 7. X. 5.

6> Beduplication, complete or in part, is much resorted to,

especially in the adjective, for the frequentative form of the verb,
and for some plural forms of nouns.

B, In points of Etymology.

7. Nouns are formed by prefixes not so numerous as in the

Bantu languages, but still conveying some classification of persons
as opposite to things, and o{ single or individual existence as opposite
to plural or collect ire existence. — Some suffixes occurring in the
formation of nouns are easily traced back to the process of com-
position. One plural suffix of limited occurrence has a pronominal
character. One suffix, consisting of tlie letter e or i, e or I, serves
to increase the scanty number of forms for different classes of
nouns. — By Composition new nouns are formed with remarkable
6*. The distinction of sex (or gender) is expressed neither in
the pronouns nor in the grammatical forms of the language, but
only in some cases by peculiar words, or by composition with such,
or by the diminutive suffix used to denote female names. L. 2.

9. The personal j)ronouns have the character of nouns and

are virtually the same in the nominative, possessive and objective
cases, though partly adapting their form to this different use. The
aiher pronouns are used as nouns or as adjectives or in both ways.
— A relative particle "a" serves to make up for the want of rela-
tive pronouns, as in Hebrew.

10. Adjectives are in analogy with nouns (prefixes, however,

are not very frequently used), and they have some characteristics
of their own besides, especially with regard to reduplication.

11. Numerals are in analogy with nouns. Ordinal numerals

are wanting, and the deficiency is supplied by circumlocution.

12. Verbs have not so many inflectional forms and "^conju-

^ations" as in the Bantu languages, a. I'he personal pronmins are
prefixed^ partly coalescing with other prefixes. L. 4. — b. For the
tenses and other modifications of the verb prefixes (partly recognised
as verbs) are used, in two cases the suffix e or i. — c. By the use

Digitized by VjOOQIC

XX Grammatical Introduction.

of auxiliary verbs a great variety of compoand forms is obtained.

— d. The passive voice and participles are wanting. — e. Negation
is expressed by a nasal prefix to the verb.

13. Adverbs are for the most part in analogy with nouns;
some are derived from verbs. There are also many onomatopoetic

14. Instead of prepositions, either nouris of place and relation

are used as postpositions (L. 6), or various atwiliary verbs in re-
gular or defective conjugation^ or both together. See Gr. § 1 1 7 seq.

15. Conjunctions are either primitive particles, or derived from

verbs or nouns.

16. Interjections are either primitives, or fragments and con-

tractions of sentences.

0. In points of Syntax.

17. The subject stands before and the object or other comple-
ment (Gr. § 198-220) after the verb. L. 8. 9. (The subject and the
object never stand together; if the object be put first, for em-
phasis' sake, it stands absolute, and either a comma, or the con-
junction "na" separates it from the succeeding subject.)
18. The aUribviive adjective, numeral and adjective pronoun
follow their noun.

19. The attributive noun and pronoun (in the genitive case)
precede their noun. (L. 7.)

20. Double verbs are sometimes used for Eng. simple verbs.
Finite verbs are also frequently employed as auxiliaries, especially
in the way of co-ordination, where the Eng. language uses adjec-
tives, participles, adverbs, prepositions.

21. The tones of verbal forms often change in compound,

especially in subordinate sentences and after the transposition of
any member of a sentence by putting it foremost for emphasis' sake.


§ 6. Simple pure vowels, short&long: In Fante books of A.W. Parker:

a, a (broad) = air. far; ^1= liTnL

a, a (thin) = a » fat;

e, e (broad) = e » very, there;

e, e (middle) = c » bed^ eight;

e, e. (narrow) between e & i;

i, I (close) = i in fill^ ravine;

0, (broad) ^= o » not, nor;

0, o (middle) = o » tobacco; •

0, o (narrow) between o & u;

u, 11 (close) ^= « in full, rule; u = oo » boot.

ItemarTxS. 1. The broad or open vowels a e o, requiring the

widest opening of the mouth, are changed into the lidlf-open vowels
a e (of the 2d degree) when followed by one of the close vowels


a sound unknot
(before i & u).
= e in met, li =

wn in
u in


= ee

» prey.
» pit.
» meet.
» not.


= 00

y> no.
^» foot.

Digitized by VjOOQIC

Sounds and Letters. XXI

i u (of the 4th degree), but remain broad before the half-dose vowels
e (of the 3d degree).

j2. The popular writing omits the dots under a ^ 9. Never-

theless we may distinguish the thin a or the narrow e & 0, if we
bear in mind the following rules: a) whenever a is followed by close
sounds (viz. i, u, middle e, 0, or gya, nya, twa, dwa), .it is thin,
aud h) when e or have a broad vowel before them, they are
narrow, except if they be followed by close sounds,

3. Short and long vowels in Tshi differ only in duration, not,

as in English, in quality. Instead of the long vowels a, ^ &c. at the
end of verbs in the past tense followed by an object, the simple
vowels are doubled. Gr. § 91,3.

§7. Nasalvowels: §,e 6 i o u; F. an, en, in, in, on, un,un.

Long nasal vowels : a 3 I 5. — Bern. In Tshi it is impossible to
mark the nasal character of a vowel by n (or by n, as it is marked
in Toruba) a) beciause many syllables terminate in m, n or n with
either pure or nasal vowels before them, e. g. paro, pam, pan, pan ;

b) because 2 or 3 nasal vowels may follow each other, e. g. toa,

and c) because Mr. Parker uses the same letter n for our n (Eng.w^),
80 that he has only one way to express the three different words pa,
pan & pan. — On the Fante Vowels marked in § 6, see Preface § 6.

§ 8. Diphthongs and triphthongs:

a) ae ae ai; ee ei; oe 6e oi; ui ui; — ai!
h) aw iw an; ew ew (ew) iw; ow ow (ow) uw; — ao !

c) ia la iaw; ea ^a; da, iiaw; Qa iil uae dac; do.

§ 9. Disyllabic combinations of vowels:

a) ia ia ie ic io; ea ea ee ee; ea;
h) na ua ue ue uo; oa 6a oe 6e 00 ; oa;
c) iae iei, eae; uae uei, oae oee, eaw eew.

Bern. 1. Of two or three nasal vowels only the first, or, if this
should be very short, the second, bears the nasal sign.

Bern* 2* In A. W. Parker's Fante books we find not so many

diphthongs as under § 8 & 9 ; e. g. for ae, ee, ua, uae, we find
a, 6, wa or uya, we &c.


§ 10. Simple and compound consonants:

Mutes Fricatives Semi-vowels

a) Labials
h) Dentals

c) Gutturals

d) Palatals

t) Gntturo-labials

D Palato-labials

Bern, L In Fante t & d become ts & dz before (e) e i.

Parker uses the letters n c twh j wh w
for the above given n hy tw dw fw w.

Bern. 2. Instead of tw, d^, the author of the Standard Al-

phabet, Dr. Lepsius, would prefer tsw, dzw ; but the sound of s

hard soft



P b

t d

k K

ky gy


=X ^J

|kw gw



Iku gu
tw dw





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XXII Grammatical Introduction.

(Eng. 8h) is neither so decided as in Eng. churchy nor does it precede

the sound of w. The lips are compressed from the outset, at the
same time in which the tongue is applied to the palate, and are
opened simultaneously with the withdrawal of the tongue. In dw
the sound of z is not heard in correct pronunciation, neither in dwa,
dwe, dwi, nor in dwo, dwu; foreigners not accustomed to the si-
multaneous utterance of w & 7 --= w, will either pronounce dwa,
dwe, dwi, djo, dyu, or dzua, dziie, dziii, dzo, dzii, as the Akras
and Krepes do. - For the pronunciation of fw the mouth is formed
as for whistling, the round aperture between the lips being only a
little larger.

§ 11. In the words of the language we distinguish stemj prefix

and suffix* Many words occur as mere stems, others have prefixes,
or suffixes, or both kinds of affix at the same time.

§ 1 2. Stems are redupUcafed by complete or incomplete doub-

ling. Sometimes the whole word, consisting of a stem and a prefix,
perhaps also a suffix, is repeated, e.g. nsemma-nsemma. Gr.§ 29,4.5.

§ 13. Primary and secondary stems (Gr. § 28) consist of a

consonantal and a vocalic part.

§ 1 4. The consonantal part, with which every root begins, is

any simple or compound consonant (§ 10) excepting r.

Observ. 1. Soft mutes are seldom, and pure semi-vowels arc

never followed by nasal vowels; nasal semi-vowels, when radical
i.e. not transformed from soft mutes, are always followed by nasal

2* The compound consonants ky, gj^ hy, ny, tw, dw, fw,
nw, w, appear before e, e, i; gy, ny, tw (and Ak. dw, fw, nw)
also before a, tw, dw, iiw, w also before o, 0, u, transformed from

e, e, i; kw, gu before a, a; hw, 11 w before a, e, i.

3. The consonant r does not commence any root; in the prefix

re- and perhaps in the word ara (also in the compound 'nera) it
was originally d. Besides these cases it frequently commences sec-
ondary syllables, strengthening or enlarging the vowel element of
the word, and by elision of a very short vowel of the preceding
syllable, espec. before a (e, q), it sometimes appears as a second
initial consonant compounded with the strong consonants p, t, k,

f, s, h, or even with b, d, m, nw.

4. The consonant h does also not begin any root, and occurs,
besides its use as a prefix, as the commencing sound of a word (or
a syllable in a compound word) only in the place of an original g,
when preceded by the prefix n; e. g. iino = n-go.

§ 15. The vocalic part of simple stems occurs in the following

eight varieties :

A. Monosyllables.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

a a

a h

aw (aw)
ae ae

am ah (an ar)





em eh (en er)



eh (en er)

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Formation of Words. XXIII


e §


(er) em en


i 1

i i


(ir) im in



Qe om on

I (on or)


oi cm on


6 5


oe oe

(or) 6m on


a u



(ur) urn un


ia ia


U ua


B. Disyllables,


are ari ane ame

&ra dna

aruw anim

araw &ram aran


ere (§nie)

Sre 6rew Srem eren

eri eni

ea ea

ee ee

ere erew ene

era ena ema

eaw earn eew

eren erem enem

eraw erara eran

ia ia

ie ie i

Ie io(w)
iri iriw ini irni

ira ire ine ima

iriin iruw iriii

iraw irew iren inam



6rQ 6rQW 6ron 6rom

ori oru

oa 6a

oe og

oro orow ono

6roh onoii Snom

ora oraw ona oma

Oram oran onam oman

na ua ue ue uo uru un nnu ura ure una uma

uruw unnm uro nron

Most of these vowels or combinations of vowels and serai-

vowels may assume an additional e or i, the suffix of some forms
of the verb and of some nouns derived from verbs ; but if those
verbal forms are closely followed by an object or other complement,
the suffix is omitted and the final vowel doubled instead of adding
the suffix; if the last letter be in or n, the suffix is omitted without
any compensation, so that the form is distinguished only by its
peculiar tones (ending high and low).

Verbal Stems.

§ 16. Most of the single vowel sounds or combinations of

sounds specified above are found in verbs and nouns, some few
only in nouns. Of verbal stems we have, therefore, eight varieties
according to § 1 5. Another variety of verbs are those which appear
as compounded of two simple verbs, e. g. hata, watiriw.

§ 17. Of the verbs existing in the language about 280 are

monosyllabic, 270 disyllabic, 10 trisyllabic, 1 tetrasyllabic; but
of the monosyllables about 40 have the tones of the disyllables,
and of the disyllables about 50 the tones of the monosyllables. —
Most of the verbs may be rednplicaiedy whereby the monosyllables
hfcoKie disyllabic, the disyllables tetrasyllabic or (in 50 cases)
trisvllabic, and a few of the trisyllables obtain 5 syllables, as, pati-
[»atiriw, or, losing a final syllable, 4 syllables, as, taforo, tafotafo.
By repeated reduplication fa & bare become fofdftfa, bol)db6bare.
Affixes of Nouns Ac.

§ 1 H. Prefixes used in the formation of nouns, numerals and

partly of adjectives and some particles are the following:

Digitized by VjOOQIC

XXIV Grammatical Introduction.

i. § & (e & o), chiefly used in the singular ; they are dropped
when they closely follow after a word ending in a vowel more
narrow than themselves.

2. a (a), in the singular of many words and the plural of others.

3. m (d, n), chiefly in the plural and in names of materials.

4. am (an, an) in the singular form of a few words.

§ 19. Suffixesww^^ in the formation of nouns and some adjectives:
1, The palatal suffix ^, i, or e, i, Ak. also ee, ie. Gr. § 36.
2> The personal suffixes ni, F. nyi, & fQ, Ak. fog. Gr. § 38.

3. The diminutive suffix, originally ba (best preserved in F.), now

usually changed into wa, or, after a word ending in ni or h,
into ma, often only preserved together with a preceding a (or
e or o) in a long a, e. g. akura = akdrowd.

4. The particle uom, found in some plural forms of nouns and


Affixes of the Verb.

§ 20. Prefixes used in the inflection of the verb are
1. the so-called personal pronouns
J, thouj he,she,it; we, yow, thei/;

me wo Q e ye mo wo before a e e o o I in the next

mi wu e ye mu wo before a e i o u I syllable,
m'- wo- w- ye- mo- wo- before the prefix a (a).
2> a (a) in the perfect and consecutive forms.

5. re- (orig. de) in the progressive and future II.

4. m, n, u, in the imperative II, and all negative forms.

5. be-, ko-, (be-, ko-) in the fiiture I d: II. and ingressive forms.

The prefixes 1,2., 1,3., 1.4,, 1.5., 1.2.4., 1.3.4., 1.3,5., 1.3,4,5,,
may be combined. See § 29. — For the meanings of the forms
mentioned under 2-5, see Grammar § 91-96. 166 182.

§ 21. Suffixes used in the inflection of the Verb: the palatal

suffix eori in the past tense and sometimes in the continuativeform.

§ 22. In infinitive forms we find the prefixes o-, a-, m-, and
sometimes the palatal suffix.


Inaccuracies of the Alphal>et.
§ 23. Deviations from two important rules of the Standard
Alphabet, viz. "that every letter should always express the same
sound*' and *'that every simple sound should be expressed by a
simple sign", have been found advisable in the following cases :

1. The letters d, t, in the combinations dw, tw, and likewise

the letter n in the combination ny or as a prefix or in compounds
before y & tw, are not dental, but palatal.

2. The letter fin the combination fw is not formed with the

underlip only, but with both lips; the originally gnttural breathing
became labial by the influence of the succeeding w.

3. The letter m, standing as a prefix or in compounds before

the simple f (not before f^), is not formed with both lips, but with
the lower lip only. Instead of using a new letter (ii), we let the
common m serve for this peculiar sound also. Sometimes a final ii
Digitized by VjOOQIC

Remarks on Tshi Orthography. XXV

or n is retained without changing it into m, as ahenfo(F.), oman-

fo, bat the pronunciation will be the same.

4. The letter h sounds, in the pronunciation of some people,

somewhat raucous, near to German or Scotch ch in HocK\ Greek
jy but only before pare vowels, especially o.

5. The letters by (used only before e, e, i) express a simple

sound (German ch in ich or before c & i, or ^ of the Standard Al-
phabet); but the analogy with gy, ky, demanded its being re-
presented by hy, and the genesis of the sound agrees therewith.

6» In the combination sua, in which the very short u is scarce-

ly heard, the sound of s, in the pronunciation of Qome people,
slightly approaches to that of ^^ e.g. osQd, a kind of monkey. The
same may occur, though in a less degree, in the similar combination
sia; at least in the Akra language, which shows a predilection for
the sound sk, the original form Asiante is changed into Ashanti,
whilst Tshi people pronounce As^nt^.

Defective Writing.
§ 24. One admissible kind of defective writing consists in the
omission of diacritical signs that are not absolutely necessary.

1, The dot under a e o is usually omitted, whereby the letters

a e are made to represent each of them two different sounds; see
§ 6 Retn, 2. and Gr. § 1,^. § 2 Bern.

2. The nas(d sign on vowels is omitted

a) in words of very frequent occurrence, beginning with m or n,

e.g. me (mi), I; mo (mu), gou; mu, inside^ interior; ne, his, gno,
he, no, him Sc, ; oni, person ; the suffixes -ni, -nom ; ani, face &c.
[Bern, ma, a frequent termination of words, has often nasal a,
cf.2c.y and often pure a, cf 4.]

h) in words or syllables terminated by m, n, n, if distinction from

other words is not required, e. g. nam, nim, nom, mem, pern, den,
tenten, hon, poh, kum, pun, anan, anum, ason, akron.

c) on the two vowels of disyllabic stems which have m or n between

them, as the forms ending in ane, ame, ene, ini, imi, ono, unu,
eoa, ema, ina, ima, inam, ona, oma, onam, una, uma. § 15,7.8.

d) on the second of two joined nasal vowels. § 15,^.

S, The marks for the tones are generally omitted in popular

writing; they are also wanting on many words of this dictionary,
either from uncertainty or oversight, or because the tones may be
known from analogy or simple rules, e.g. that in nouns of a mono-
syllabic stem the prefix usually has the low, and the stem the high
tone. In verbs, the monosyllables as well as the disyllables and
polysyllables have their peculiar tones in their various forms. See
6r.§ 40. 47-51. 91.95-101. 112.

4. Sometimes simple m or n is written instead of mm, nn. =

mb, nd, e. g. ma = mba in terminations (nneema, ntrama ^c),
mogya, muka = bogya, bukyia, anadwo, 'ne, 'nera (from edA).

§ 25. Another kind of defective writing consists in ih^ omission

^{letters which are sounded in dignified or slow speech, but not
in common quick conversation, when two syllables do readily co-
alesce into one.

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XXVI Grammatical Introduction.

i. The suppression of a very short vowd often takes place

before a syllable beginning with r. a) We prefer the defective writ-
ing after strong consonants and before open vowels (especially **a*^),
or before syllables made weighty by a long vowel or final m or ii;
e.g. pra, pram, pran, tra, tra, kra, sra, fra, bra, fr§, bebre, frem-
irem; mpren, prow, kron, kronkroh &c. (6r.§20J), instead of the
full writing p&ra, p&ram, p&ran, t&ra.... f^re, beb^rS, f^remf^rem,
mp5ren, pdrgw, k6ron, k6r5hk5rdh, though the tones of pra &c.
are as of disyllables and the very short vowel cannot be omitted
if the proper vowel be nasal and n be substituted for r, as t^na,
k5ndhk5n6n. h) We prefer the fidl writing after weak consonants
and when the vowels are 6, i, o, u, e^ g. h&ra, h&ran, ram&ra, b^ra
(imp, of ba), bftre, sftre, here, biri, boro, bum, piriw, pirim, tiri,
p5row, puruw, turn, kuru, &c. — In all these cases provision has
been made in the dictionary that the word can be found whether
it be sought for in the full or defective writing. — Teachers in
schools should use discretion in such cases and not rigorously info jrce
either way of writing. They will do best by observing the above
rules and taking the orthography of printed books for their standard.

^. The pronouns me, ne (in the possessive case) always drop

their vowel before a noun with the prefix a, e.g. m^ani, n^asd; the
pronouns mo & wo in the same case are written fidl, e.g. moanim,
woano, and the pronouns me, mo, no, wo in the objective case
are likewise written full, though exceptions may take place, espe-
cially in poetry; e.g. "odame ase, oyiwo aye, fweno yiye, m^-
nya mo" is better than **odam' ase, oyiw' aye, f\ven"iye, m^nyam' ".


§ 26. The alphabetical order of the sounds described in § 6

and 10, as observed in the arrangement of words in this dictionary,
is this : a, a, a, a, a - b, d, dw, (dz) - e e e, e, C e e, 6 - f, fw, g,
(gw,) gy, h, hw, by - i i, 1 i - k, kw, ky,' (1) - m, n, ny, n, uw
nw - Q Q, 5, o, 6 - p, r, s t, (ts,) tw - u u, u - w, w, y.

§ 27. Deviafiofi^ from the strict order of arrangement.

1. The sounds e e e, n ii, y Q are sometimes ifUermixed in

the arrangement of the words ; e. g. abegui precedes abehene,
aheukwa — aheiisaw, abeiiiiua — ahenyere, mdno — manno.

J2. Doubled letters are, in the arrangement of words, treated

as if they were simple; e. g. ahenne follows after ahdne (not after
aheiikwa), aman-ne after amane.

3. Prefixes do not affect the arrangement of the words (Pre-

face § 8), except in the midst of compound words, e. g. nsu-ani,
nsu-ano, between su^ne and asua-nu; but here also they are some-
times overlooked, the same way as in the beginning of words ; e.g.
ah6-gden, ah6-Qdeii, stand between abode & ahddom, aho-gyaw
between ah6yaw and aboyeraw, not before abofadi or ab6pae.

§ 28. a. If you wish to consult this dictionary for any word

that has a prefix or (in verbs) several prefixes, you are to divest it
from the prefix or prefixes (§ 29) and seek it under the consonant
with which the stem begins, b. If this consonant be an m, n, ii or

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Directions for the Use of the Dictionary. XXVII

iiw^ yon will in many cases have to seek the word under b, d, g,
di^y and if you meet the consonants nw, nw, ny, it may he doubt-
ful whether it is the prefix n or n before w, w or y, or whether
the stem begins with nw, iiw, ny. On both these difficulties see §30.
§ 29. The different prefixes with tbeir combinations (§ 18. 20.
28a.) may, for practical purposes, be grouped together as follows:
i. a-, am- (an-, an-), m-(n-, n-), in nouns and verbal forms;

§-, 0-, in nouns (and, according to 5, before verbs).

J2. abe-, akg-, amme-, anko-, be-, ko-, I only in

mm-(nn-, nn-), mm§-, mmme-, nko-, nuko-, > verbal

re-, rebe-, reko-, rem-(ren-, reii-), remme-, renko-, I forms ;

3' ^y Q-; me-, mo-, wq-, wo-, y§-, pronominal prefixes, occurring
a) immediately before verbal stems, h) combined with any of
the verbal prefixes under Id: 2; in the latter case ga-, Qa-, mea-
(in the perf. and consec.) and mebe- (in the fut. I) are contracted
into a^, wa-, ma-, me-.
jRem. Succeeding close vowels change every a, §, Q in all these
prefixes into a, e, o, and me, mo into mi, mu; in writing, however,
we do not always follow the pronanciation, but let (me, mo,) wQ,
ijvo unchanged before a-, am- (an-, an-), be-, ko-, rebe-, reko-,
remme-, reiiko-, in order that the pronoun wq-, fhey, be sufficiently
distinguished from wq-, thou^ which is the more necessary because
the dot in wQ (like that in a) is usually omitted. — Examples:

a) The pron. wq (fhou) with other prefixes before the v, fi :

wufl, wAm^fi, wurefl, wtirimfi; wo&fl, woAm^fl, wo^b^fi, wo^k6fi,
woammefi, woankofl, and 6 consecutive forms similar to the pre-
ceding 6 forms of the perfect; w6befi, w6kofi, w6m*mef[, w6nkof£,
w6r^befi, w6r6kofi, w6r^mmefl, w6r^hkofi; likewise the pronouns
me & mo are either changed into mi & mu, or remain.
b) The pron* wo- (tliey) with other prefixes before the v. tu :
w6tu, w6ntu, wontti, wonnt^, wor^tu, worentd; wgAti, woantu, WQk"
betu, wo^k6tu, woammetii, WQahkotd and 6 similar forms in the con-
secutive; w^b^tn, w6k6tu, w6mmetu, wommetu, wQmmmetii, w6hkotu,
WQokotii, wohnkotd, worebetA, wgrekotii, woremmetu, worehkotii.
This last example shows how many combinations also of each of
the pronouns me, Q. e, ye, mo with other prefixes are possible.

§ 30. The difficulties arising from the cases indicated in § 206,

will cease to puzzle beginners if they will pay attention to Gr. § 1 8
and 24,5. and to the nature of the vowel following after the con-
sonants in question, cf. § 15,1. To make it plain and easy, we say:
Seek mma mm§ mme... under b, mma mme... under m;

9 nna nne nnenni... » d,

» nwa nwo nwu » w,

» (nwa) nw§ nwe nwi » dw,

» nnya nnye nnyi » gy,

» nyanyenyi » 7, . .

If three m, n or n be together, the first two are prefixes of

the negative form of the 2d imperative, and the third is either
radical, or transformed from b, d, ^^ gy, dw.

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nna nne nni...


nwa nw6 liwi


nwi nwu


nnya nnyi




Words supplementary to the Dictionary p. 1 — 631.

bakua, stcUk of a plantain- or banana-tree; obrode b., kwadu b.

abebn-de, symbol, prognostic.
berede, a red bead put among the marks in the pot of a sooth-
saying demon; ahene kgkQ bi a wQde to k5ro mu
abo a. s. abebude mu; s, k5ro.
bese, a kind of amulet; sumaii a wode ton ade.
abukd, a kind of amulet; suman bi; s. App. D. IV.
dasuman, a kind oi play; s, agoru.
guam, t;.+ 1,U woguamno atuo abien, he was kiUed by two

guns fired at him at once*

kabere,+ wode kyere nipa a, wawu; '*when somfething has
been stolen, a small cord (hnuahama) is tied round a
piece of wood, then the thief will die",
iiku, a kind of amulet; s. App. D. IV. — amamfS, ditto,
mmanim-pe, inf. [gbanin, pe] ye-, to be longing after men.
amanni-pe, inf. sociality; am. nti onyaa amannifo pi.
mmarutuwa, opening, door or entrance of the round houses of

the Nta people at Salaga.

e-nam, ^.+ nsum' nam-yi, fishing. — iiam-kumfo, butcher.

nfiiikwanseni [Salaga] butcher; = namkumfo. D.As.

nnontwuwa, a kind oi play; s. agoru.
sansanwie: wode asem ato wo so, se nso woadi asem, na wo-
asan, na abo wo.
o-senkam,-f wabgme s. = waka akyere me se obeka a8§m a-

kyere me.
asibelete, esono-nfe-ne-mina, s. agoru.
sudre,+ a beaten path, track, trace, vestige, mark; yehua sono
anammon n^ wohsiiare pi, beboro dakoro kwah po, we
saw many footprints and other marks of elephants for
even more than a day^s journey.
yera, v.+ 6. caus. ode yera nenan so kwan, he seeks thereby to
obliterate his tracks to mislead or frustrate investigation.
7. tew ani yera, to frustrate. Ezr.4,5.
ayera, a kind of amulet; otuo sumaii.

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The Yowel a, nasal a, is changed or shortened into a, a, e^ 0^

e^ 0, &y iy and enlarged into a^ a, or into the diphthongs ae, ae,
ai, *au, aw, aw; Gr. § 1-5. 17,3. 19 A.

2L-ypref. 1. of nouns in the sing, and pi. (Gr. § 29,2. 35,2. 42,1.
43.44.71. 104,2), of adjectives {§ 69,1 b.c. 70,2. 72.), of numerals
(77. 78,2. 3.) and of a few particles, viz. adverbs (134, 3), conjunc-
tions (142) and interjections (147,1. 5. 6.) — J2. of the verb in the
perf. and consec. forms (§ 91,4. 8. 92. 95-97.)

a, ret. part, (conj.) 1. having no comma after it, belonging to

I noun, pron., or princ. sent., that = who^ which, where, or any other
rcl. pron. and conj. 5 such as, so that, Gr. § 64. 65. — 2, usually fol-
lowed by a comma, belonging to a subord. sent., if, when, though,

a^ interrog. part, Gr. §142.

a, emph,part. (interj,) Gr. § 75,2. 144. 151.— F. (at the end of

a sent., omitting eye at the beginning) = Uis, Mt 16,12,14, Mk,U, 19,

a = ara, s. under R.

kyhy int. ah! oh! aha!

ai^ al, ai, int. eigh! ah! ah me! alas!

d5, int. what! why! hey! ay! fie!

au, in/.F. ah! MIc, 15,29,

am-, an-, au-, pref, 1, of nouns in the sing., Gr. § 29,2. 35, 5.
2. of the V, in the perf. or consec. neg. forms, § 92. (95, 1-5. with
w=o). 3, of the particles ampd, ^nsa, ^nka.

The consonant b occurs before pure vowels and a in ba;

is changed into m, by an m (n, 11) before it, or into w, in dim.
forms; or, together with e, i (-eb-, -ib-) into o, u; Gr. § 18. 19B.
20, 4; is lost in dim. forms and in the verbal pref. be after the pron.
me. Gr.§37.91,6.

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ba — babayenteii.

ba, V. io come, i. e. to move to or towards the speaker qt

' addressed person; — to come forth; to come io pass, to happen; to
take place^ to arise; to fill: nsu ba, the river fills '^ — to produce:
asase ba aduan, the earth brings forth food. — ba mu, to come
tti, into; to he fulfilled, realized, — ba so, <o come upon, befall , over-
take; to succeed (on the throne); to become famous, renowned, —
de.. ba, to bring; kofa.. ba, to fetch. — imp. bSra; inf. obA, odi
ako-n^-abd, waba ha mmae, ne koree ni ne bae, F.mh&y Mt24,3.
— red. beba, boba. — Gr. § 95. 104.

0-b a, inf., s. ba. — bo . . ba, to beckon (and call or bid) to come;

gye.. ba, by assenting replies to encourage a speaker to continue.

O'h a,j pi. m-, offspring, child, son (obAbanin,gbAbirfmd), daughter

(obAbea); the young of animals; person (esp. in cpds.); me ba, my

brother's child. ba, -ma, -wa, diminutive suffix; Gr. § 37.

0-b a, a kind of beetle.

ba (in cpds., as bakon, basin, batwew, mmati) = basa; s. haw.

aba, (pl.id.) F.amba, kernel, seed, fruit; c/'.adua, aduaba; eggs;
da aba so, to brood; - ball, knob; j?Labaabd, knots, clods, globules.
aba, welcome, salutation; mn,-, to welcome.
aba-o, int. F. welcome! hail! Mt27,29, 28,9. Gr.§147,5.
ba, V. to extend, spread out, s.mpas&a; cf. bae. — red. baba. —
ba mu, to make or give way between; syn. jerew mu.

ba, place, spot; mma nhina, everywhere; s. babi, haw, hew,

bea, here.

0-b a, pl.m-, woman, = qb^B,, g(ba)basia; cf. abawa.

aba, pi. m-, wand, rod, whip, stick for beating, cudgel; pi.
blows, strokes; cf. dua, nsaba, aporiba, poma, twom, mpire, sika-
fere. — Phr. bg.. mma, to flog; cf. fwe; di aba, io receive a flogging
or blows, pr. 31. 1450.2637.
mba, inf., F. s. ba.
hkjpl.a,', botigh, branch of a tree, river; cf. basa, baw, dub A.
b&, a play-card with 6 figures in 2 rows,
b&ba, a sickness of the genitals,
baba, pi. m-, = boba.
O'h&hay pl.m-, daughter, = qh&heaL.

ababa, abdb^wd, pi. m-, maiden, young woman, married or

not, who has not yet bom a child, or only one or two ; syn. abeaf6.
b^bababa, adv. profusely, said of raining; cf.osu.
baba, babac, red. v., s.h&, bae, anim ababae, anobabae.
bab^ddm, an army in dispersion; wgye b., syn. wgbg pete.
Babae-ntwa, pr.n. an epithet of the Asantes; cf. Bae.
Q-bdbaniii, pi. m-, son.
Q-bdbarimd, pi. ra-, son.

o-babasia, j?2.m-, woman; 5. gbea, gba, gbasfa; cf. akatasia,


babayemfi, babayenteii, s. bob...

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gbdbea — bafow. 3

o-babea, plm-y daughter^ = ohahB,.

o-bab6re, pi, m-, a fine, heaittifuly delicate woman,
babl, some place, somewhere; elsewhere; cf. ba, beabi. —
mmabi-mmabi, in different places, here and there, —
babiara, anywhere; in negative sentences nowhere,
babi-mbre, F. = nea, where; senea, how,
o-bdb6, inf. [bo,.ba] beckoning and calling to come,
o-bdbun, pl,m-^ a young, fresh, healthy man, a man in the
prime of youUi; cf, bun.

ababumma, [dirnJ] lad, stripling,

o-babuii, pi, m-, a young, fresh woman in the state of puberty,

maid^ virgin.

o-babumma, [dim.] girl, lass, young woman of 12-16 years,

abadae, the yearning of bowels for a child, pr.3182. cf. odae.
a bad in y names of children; dapenmunnafaasoab.5.Gr.§41,4.
abddom^y obad., pl.m-^ a young, fine, tender, little child,
abadomaba, ¥.id. [infant,

Badu, pr. n, of a man who is tJie tentJi child of a mother.

Baduwa, likewise of a woman, Gr.§41,5.
abaduaba, s. abed...

o-baduedu(^f6, jpZ. m-, rambler, rover, stroller, vagabond,

abadwe, F. a man whose hand is withered. Mtl2,10,Mk.3,l,
o-badwcmmd, pl,m-^ a pensive, thougJUful, prudent, reflec-
ting, considerate, sensible, intelligent person, [fr. gba, dwen, oba;
ewo obanimdefo nh obanyansafo ntam\]
ebddw6m, s, nn\Vonkoro.

bae (mu), v. to disjoin, pad, cleave, sunder, rend; to open,

gape; to unravel, loose, unloose, unstitch, unroU; to distend, extend,
expand, spread, spread oid. — red, babae, baebae. — syn, ba, gua,
gnae, pan mu, san mu, tew mu, terew mu, yerew mu. — Otam no
abac; bae ntama, nhoma, hycn mu abranna no mu! babae asa-
wa no mu! - M6mma^mM open your ranks! make way for going
through! - wabae ne nan mu; woabae won (mpasiia) mu.
Bae, Baebae, Baebac-antwa, surnames of the Asan-
tcs, as a host of endless coming, or, extending so far that they
cannot be surrounded. *^

o-bdeankg(ro), one who came and did no i ore go;pr,43,

bae bae, red, v. 1. s, bae; dua no ab., the tree has spread;
2, anim baebae, the day breaks; s, buebue.

abd^f5 [uea gbae foforo], 7ieW'Comer, new beginner, novice,

abaesaba, F. = abasiaba, abofra, ababa, Mk, 5, 89,

bafaii, -ne, pi, m-, a child who did not learn to walk within
the first 2-7 years; pr, S5. — sluggard^ Inzybones ; onihafo.

bafow, bafoo, (one ivho came a- foraging) forager; pr. 36,

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abafra — abakyere.

abafra, abafraba, mbafraber, mbafram, F. = abofra, abofra,


b^fua, a single thing or person^ one and the same thing.

o-bdgofo [nea g-n6 mma goru], fornicator; 51/n. mmeapefo.
abdgdw, F. relaxation or slackness of the arms; eyemeab.
= ata m'abasam, ama mapa abaw.

b^gua [bo agua], public assembly^ congregationy council^ —

ofra baguam* or baguafom', he is a member of the council.

abaguadd [bagua ade], share of fees for attending a pa--

laver; pr. 37. 370. 2966.

baguaf6, elders and other persons met in council or as-

sembled for public deliberation.

bagya, a fourfooted beast; pr.38.

o-bdgy6, inf. [gje..hsi] exhortation to continue in a speech.
a-bagy6, inf. [gye oba] adoption.

oba-gyigy ef6,|?Z.m-, 1, nurse] J2. a mischievous child; one

who gets other persons into trouble.

bahd (dec. = mposae, com.), dry fibres of the bark of the

plantain stalk; pr. 10. 569. 629.

o-bd-huhuni, pi. m--fo, a worthless fellow \ s. ahuhufo.

bakd, lagoon, lake communicating with the sea; F. lake^
pond; cf. otare.
abdkdn, j>L m-, the eldest child, the firstborn; the state or
birthright of a firstborn son.

bakdnoma, lagoon-bird, heron, stork dtc.

bakasianepO; a bird, s. otwironku.
abdk6, a kind of shea-treeiV, with brown wood used for
furniture; of the seeds oil is made in Akem.

bako, Akp., F., = biako, koro, one; gbako, one person; 6r.
§ 77. 80, 2. mmako-'mako, one by one, each. pr. 2548. 3258.
0-bakofo, obiak., a single person, pr. 455— 459.
Q-bakokonfmma, dim. of the foil, [oba, akoko-nini.]

Q-b akokonini, a conceited, vain glorious woman (like a cock),


bdkoma, plm-, nobleman, lord, prince, person of the royal

family, of high rank or position; high-born; aristocrat] di b.=di
adebyesem, to be imperious, violent, positive, stubborn, wilful, ar-
bitrary, pr. 39. [oba a onam ne kon so, onam na ototo ne kgn kyea.]

bdk6n [ba=ba8a, kgn], wrist.

abakQS^m [nsem a aba kg], history, story of past events; cf.

bakron, nine persons. Gr. § 80, 1. [abasem.

bakua, s, kwadn b.

abakyere [basa, kyere], gold and costly beads tied round

the wrist in honour of one's birth or deed.

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bam — oban.

bam, V. to embrace (in welcoming, syn, fam, ye atu, or in

fighting) ; b. kjinii, to raise and shake a state-umbrella, = pem
bamkyinii; - red, bemmam, bonimam.

bam' = ba mu; ne dae abam'. 6r. § 214 after Bern. 2,

b^m, bambam, adv, expressing the sound of striking^
clapping^ lashing, falling.

abdm, a ceremony performed at the birth of twins, of the

3d, 7th to 11th child, and in their after life by themselves,
before every new crop or harvest. Oye ab., woye abdmfd, he is,
ihey are entitled to the abam ceremony, Wode ad were guare ab.
Fida, pr, 1137, Se adujamforo biara bo a, ab4mf6 anniiare abam
a, wonni hi.

bam, bam6, bams em, imperiousness, haughtiness, inso-

lence; syn, adehyesem, ahenemmasem; odi no so b., he plays the
rich or high-bom'^ he plays insolent, wanton tricks, - haxndi, inf,
bdmma, phm- [ban, ba dim,'] the projecting lower part of
the wall in Negro houses, used as a seat. pr,2252,

b^mma, pi. m-, a stripe of country-cloth] the breadth in

which it is woven; a ribbon-, syn, ntamabamma. At bSna.
ab am m d: woto ab., they put their hands on each other* s necks,

bamfo, -fog, a thorny plant, pr. 1676-77. [pr. 1213. 2791.

bamiawu, a kind of snake.

bamkoii [s. bam & kon, neck]: oto b. kasa, he speaks

haughiUy; ototo ab., he walks with a majestic air.

bamkyinii (kyinii a wopem di bene so), state-umbrella;

bams 6m, s. bam, bame. lpr.1729,

bail, V. to lie or to lay in a proper row, to extend', to string

fntrama, wo hama so); to pile up, to store (ode, putu so); to hem in
(atade ano, with a ribbon); b. ho, syn, sa ho; b. ho, syn, toto ho.
— red, bemman.

ban, i. row, fence, enclosure, frame; esp. the fence round

the yard of a negro-house; watwa ban mu, he had to do ivith the
king's wives, — c/*. faban, dantaban. — 2, = dua-S0y s. duasee, —
3. esp. in cpds. : form, figure, shape; fashion; manner, nature;
race, kind, species; syn, su (wo su n^ wo ban biara nye!) s. ab6a-
bah, abusuab&n, adakabdh, odammiin, dobdn, duabdn, nipabiin,
narabdn, subAh or subah; odabdn, abodabdn, adibdh = aduan',
ahabdn. — 4. a fortified place; si bah, to put people in a place
by authority in order to enforce the laws, or to keep the people in
subjection and prevent their falling off; to place troops in a strong
position', to occupy a place as a garrison,

aban, -ne, (pi, id.) a house built of stone, cf. odah; a large
fine building, palace; pr,31B0. - a large, strong building = abah-
k§8e, fortj casCie.

Q-ban, pi, m-, a string of cowries, 40 cowries; w6t5h no bdh-

bin, WQtonton no abdhabdh, they sell it each fer a string; cf, ntrama.

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dhaii — abantid.

6-b Ah J A beast of prey, the toild cat = aduatii.

bandn, four persons, Gr. §80,1.

o-banana, phm-y grand-son^ grand-daughter^ grand-child,
abanase-abduase, a kind of herb,
abanhina, a j7o^ (ahina) containing palm- wine for a string
of cowries (ban).

0-b a n i m d e f 6 , ph m-, a person of wnder standing^ possessing

knowledge; cf, gbadwemma, Qbanyansafo.

Q-banimmd [obanih, dim»\ cf, abarimAwd, opanyimmd.

0-b an im- mere [ob. -bere], a handsome man\ an e/feminate
o-banim-mone [ob. bone], a bad man. [man,

o-banim-panyin, an old, venerable man.

g-banin, pl.m-y man, male jperson; = gbarima; F. obenyin.
baniufana, armring of a man.
baninfo, pi. brave men.

banlnhd; bravery; gbyeno b., he encourages him.

baninhd-hyd, inf. encouragement.
abanfns6m, manful^ manlike, manly , warlike deeds or be-
haviour, bravery; pr. 391. odi ab., he shows manliness, quits him-
self like a man; syn. mmarimasem, mmaninne.

o-banln-tdn, a man that has children, a father of a family.

o-banin-tr6fo, a lying man, liar.
o-banin-warefo, a married man.
o-banin-ydn, wizard, sorcerer, magician; s. ay eh.
o-banin-y6re, an unborn child, designated by a man to
be his future friend or wife.

bafikdm, a kind of golden ornament, pr,155L

aban-kes6, fort, casUe; cf. abau, abantia.

banker oap em, a kind of bead, s. ahen^.

o-bankii, a kind of food, prepared of ground maize, com-
monly eaten when yam is scarce,
ab^nkiia, s. ^kiia.

0-b hhkyejpl. a-, the cassava, cassada, manioc, jatropha mani-

hot; F. G. duade. pr. 36. 40.

aba no ma, step-child, foster-child, pr.41.

o-bansinl, pl.hsLnsi(6, (a man of) a garrison; s. si ban.
0-b an so a, a bird,
b dns u u, Zon^,=tententeh ; n^anim b. he is long-faced, long^
bdnten(n), long-shaped, long (hama, ntama, nsa). [visaged,
abausos^m, a word talked over the fence, (idle) talk, gossip,
aban-tenten, tower; pi. m- or aban atenteh. [hearsay.

aban-tid, a small fort, as the Mortella tower near Chri-


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abanto — basd^wi.
abdntd, inf. [to aban] (tho act of) buUdinff a stone-house;
masonry^ mason's work,

g-bantoni, ph a--fo, mason^ bricklayer.

blinu, two persons, two together, pr, 44-46, 1390. 2081,
baniim, five persons, Gr. § 80, 1.

b annua [ban dua], any kind octree (ofosow, atoa, ...) tised
for fences.

abannud; the court or yard of large buddings [aban, gua;

adiwo a ewo aban bi mu].

o-ba-nyansaf6, a wise person; sgn, obadwemmA, obanim-

def6, on7an8af6.

o-bannja, a long red intestinal worm,

abanyimfa, F. = (nsa) nifa.
bap on, a disease in the jaw-bone,
o-bdpomma, pi, m-, [oba, pon, oba] a person of high birth,
of wealUi, entrusted with an office^ from the man next to the king
down to the chief of a village; cf. mmopomma.

Q-bapro we, pi, ra-, a spoiled child; s, porow, porowe, poro-

kyewa; ojen nemma mmaprow^, he miseducates, spoils his children.
bira ... s. bra, bSra ... is- yen.

bare, v. (.. ho, .. so) ^ cover, lay over^ overspread'^ s, baw;

to sling, wrap, wind, twine, twist round; to embrace closely, clasp
round, — red. bebare, bobare, bobabobare. — de bare ani, prop,
to twist (the arms, in wrestling) face to face, i, e. to engage in
hattle, to fight hand to hand,

o-barehyia, a cartouch, cartridge-belt all round the loins;

cf. ntoa; ne ntoa ye gb. (when it contains 12 cartridge-boxes);
- di b., to surround,

g-b^rimd, pi, m-, man, male person, = ohtiuih [obanin-ba?]

cf. nini; Gr.§41,1.2. — valiant man, hero, cf. oberah.

abarimd, a man entrusted with an office by one superior

to him, cf. adamfo; adherent, client, subaltern; follower , helpmate,
companion, servant, pr. 1077,

abarimd, -mAwd, jp?. m-, boy, lad,

abarimakwdn, a way for heroes, dangerous way, adventurous

abarimasem, == abauinsem. undertaking^ pr,1077,

g-barimaye, inf, manhood,

g-basd, pi. a-, the arm; the forefoot of quadrupeds; c/". abaw,
nsa;-daa basa, branch of a tree; cf, bk, dub a.

abasa , -saw A, [basa, dim,^ a withered or lame hand or arm;

a person having such,

b^sa, b^sab^Lsa, confused, disordered, disorderly, cf. s^ka...

bksa, three persons, 6r. §80,1.

basawa bi, some few (two or three) persons,

basa^wi^ a large sea-fish [G. gba]; apata bi a gte se sire.

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basafil — batakari.

basafd, a cuhUy eU] cf. abasamfa.

basafawa,=bafan, obnbuafo? obuBufo?/)r. 52,
bdsak5kom', the inner part of the arm at the joint of the
elbow^ s. kokom; cf, mmotoam\

basakuram (?), the upper arm; $, nsata.

abasa-kyga, inf. pr.733.^ s. ky5a, abasatoto.
abas dm'; the space to which a man can extend his arms^ a
fathom, the length of six feet; the strength of the anns. — tu..ab.,
to dishearten, discourage; n'abasam atu, he is disheartened; cf,
ne nsam^ agow or ahodwow, wapa abaw.

abasamfd, a measure of three feet, a yard; cf sin.

abasam-fcu, inf. discouragement; cf. abawpa.
basatiri, batiri, = mmati.

abasa-toto, inf. the swinging of the arms, pr,733.

abds^m, pi. m-, a story that happened'^ history; cf. abakosem.
bas6wd, a clear-sighted, sJdlftd, respected or ambitious man
in a society; aristocrat {?); gye hyew, oye agaasemde.
o-basia^ F. = obabasia; cf. akatasfa, akatamasiaba.
basiaba, adv. even.
basid, six persons. Gr. § 80, 1.
bd-sfgyaw, m-, the state of having no children. —
ii h,, to be without children; s. mmeiS. .. &1 Sam. 15,33,
o-basimma, a young woman, s, obeasimma.

bdsin, F. a-, stump of an arm; one-armed person.

abasiriwd, pi. m-, an infant; a child of 6 to 12 or M years.
abas 5: di ab.^ to stand security] cf. a[ka]gyinam, akabaso; -
menn6 ka, menn^ ab., I owe no debts, neither for myself nor
from standing security.

bason, seven persons. Gr. §80, 1.

bat a, V. (..bo), to be close to, adjoin, lean against; pr,991.

to adhere, cling to; to be connected with, pr, 691. — red. batabata;
ebata[bata] ho kwa, it is a mere appendage.

bdtd, trade, traffic, commerce. — tu b., di b., to trade; odi

ntama b., he deals in cloth; ^ye b., to offer trade, to win a ctistomer,
- Wofa da-bone kg gua a, bata butu wo ; s. butuw.
o-bdtd, a beast of prey like the lynx; it has a longer tail with
more hair on it than at6atoa.

batddewd, F. boat; Ak. obonto; cf. korow.

batddf, inf. trading; s. (di) batd.

bataf6, (pi. id,) wild boar, syn. kokot6. — bataf6-sS, a botn^s

tusk. pr. 42. 43. — batafo-sds6no, a medicinal plant.

batdgy6, inf., s. {gye) hktL

batakari, pi. m-, war-dress, like a shirt without collar

and sleeves; the dress of the Mohammedans.

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obdtdm — abayisem.

o-batdm^ a simpley sUly-, dtdl, half-witted fellow.

o*bd-tdn^ obeatao, pL m-, a woman thai has children, motJier.
o-batani, j??.a--fo, trader, tradesman, merchant; pr.923.l330.
cf. oguadini, ondntef6, gpewadlfo. — batatii, inf., s, (tu) hkti.
b a t i r i , basatiri, = mmati.
batw§w, elbow-, cf. basa, twea.
baw, V. =bare; to besmear, bedaub', —
baw amdnne, to smear a twig with lime for catching birds.

baw = ba, bea, bere, bew, place] Qnk6 baw = babi, he goes
nowhere] cf. gjabaw. ^

baw = ba; bo . . baw == bo . . ba, to beckon, call.

abaw = abasa, the arms] woso no abaw-abaw, tJieg carry him
on the arms. - Wapa abaw, he has withdrawn or dropped his
arms, \. e.heis exhai^ed, quite tired, despairs] cf. ne nsa apa, ne
nsam' agow or ahodwo, n'abasam' atu.
abaw-pa, inf. despondency.
o-bdwa, [oba, dim.] = gbeawa, girl, lass.
abhwsLy pl.m-, maid-servant, serving-girl.
b a w 1 w e , eight persons. Gr. § 80, 1 .
abawu, inf. death of a child, pr.296.
b^ya, bayabaji, tvide open; n'ano b. =tetre; wgagyi-
gyaw won adan ano atoto ho bb.

abdye, inf. [ye oba] careful treatment of children.

abayen, inf. [yen ba] the bringing up of children; abayem-
mone, bad education, pr. 56.

o-bayen, pl.m-j witch, hag; s. ay en.

bdy6re, a kind of yam; s. ode. pr. 57.58.

Q-ba-yeyere, favorite child, the most beloved (son) among

a plurality of children (as yeyere is among a plurality of wives).
bdyi, (abayide, -g6ru, -s^m) witchcraft, sorcery; ye or dew
bayi, to practise witchcraft; b. ye abusuade, witchcraft is inborn,
innate, hereditary.

abayide, = bayi [ade].

o-bayifd, pi. a-, witch, hag; wizard, sorcerer, pr. 59-62- cf.
bayi, ayen, baniny§n, bay§n, obonsam ; ob. kgdgwe, na wgkyeree
DO kabere. The Negroes describe a wizard or witch as a man or woman
yoho stands in some agreetnent with the devU. At niaht, when all people
deepf he {or she) rises or rather leaves his {her) boay, as a s^iake casts
tke slough, and goes out flaming from his eyes^ nose, mmUh, ears, arm-
jnts; he may walk with his head on the ground and his feet stretched
uvward; he catches and eats beasts, or kUls men either by drinking their
Uood or by catching their soid which he boils and eats, whereupon the
person dies; or he bites tfiem that they become fuU of sores. Some change
themselves into leopards, snakes, anteCopes; some use their witchcraft am
for trade in seUing things.

abay ig6rii, = bayi; 6g6ru me ab., he or she practises witc?^

abayisem, =bayi. [craft upon me.

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10 be — b6b6re.

be, adv, used of the effect o£ pinching: otime ara be, he

pinches me sharply, that I feel it keenly; cf. bee, bew, v. & adv,
e-be, pi, m-, proverb t parable, nddle; bu be, to tdter, teU or
make a proverb.

a-be, pi, m-j palm, palm-tree; the species of palm from which
the palm-wine (nsa-fnfu) and palm-oil (nno) is got, the most common
in Western Africa: oil-palm, Elaeis Guineensis; palm-ntU {cf,
befua, adwe); bunch of palm-nuts (bemu); aU the palm-nuts grow-
ing on a tree; pr. 64-69. cf. nO, dwow, sa, sc, pow, tow, twa abe. —
Diff. species of oil-palm: obedam, abefufu, abetuntum, abehene;
other paHns, s. adobe, kube, nkresia, kokosi. ^

be, V. to recite, declaim, deliver in a rhetorical or set manner;

be kwadv^om, to deliver mournful songs; onim kwadwom be.

b e a, V. [red. beabea] to lie Icngthtvise, across, to cross; cans,

to lay lengthidse; gbea h6 t5t6te^; ntamadan'no bb. ho, the teni^
lie stretched down; cf. bew, boa, da, gu, sam.

bed, place ( = ba, baw, bew, here); pi. mmea-mmea, at

differ etU places; manner of state or doing (in cpds. with an inf.^,
0-bea, pi. m-, woman, fetn4le, = {Ak.) gba, obabasia, F. obasia.
beabi, Ak. F. = babi.

beae, place, situation] pi. mmeae-mmeae, at different places,

beae, pi. m-, the beam or pole on which the rafters are put;
b. yi atg nkorasimma yim* akyea, this pole came to lie crooked on
these posts.

beae, a swelling in the groins; mmaninyare bi.

abeaf6, pi. m-, a young, lovely woman, neatly, nicely dressed.
o-b6a-agu^man, pZ. m-n-, s. aguamAn.
bea-kunini, cardinal point; m- anan, the four c. poitUs
North, South, East, West, s. benkum, nifa, apuei, atoe. D.As,
o-beaslmma, a weak sort of woman; a despicable person.
0-bea tan, s. obatdn. [5. oba-simma.

o-b6awa, ob&wa, pi. m-, girl, lass.

beba, beba, red. v.<, s. ba.
beba, beba, ... s. boba, boba.
beba, beba, pi. m-, F. = gbo, pi. a-, stone.
bebare, bebabebare, red.v.^ s. bare, bobare.
be be, red. v., s. bew.
bebebebe: Miinnyae b., pr.
bobge, red. v., s. bee, beeb§e.

ab6be, pi. m-. As. butterfly; winged insect in general. pr.'70. 806,
ab c b e w, j)Z. m-, grasshopper, locust; cf. ho&ikhi (ntunturae),
obfrihkran, otiituy'ura, fwidgm, gkra, opiti, ewi, otwe, odabg.

abeberese, 1. = abete; J2. F. hardship, trouble, tribulation,


beb6re, mtich, many; very much, exceedingly; cf. pi, burn-

bum, ti^^m.

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bebferebe — ebem. n

beb6reb6, F. bebrete, much, many; much, too mmh, too

many; when referred to a v, in the neg., it means (not) enough:
exkso b., it is not large enough,

bebeta, pot-ladle to stir up the corn-dough put on the

fire; dna a wode d^uma an& opampan aseh no tratra a wode
nu mmore mu; cf. beteta.
bebew, red.v,, s. bew.
bebre, bebrebe, bebrete, s, bebSre.. .
bebrebe, hustle, pr, 1158.
o-bebreb6f6, an insolent, itnpertinent, saucy fellow, churl;
n^ano dennennen wo asem biara ho.

abebii, inf. [bu be], speaking in proverbs.

abebiisem, phm-, proverbial saying; s. §be, akasa-bebni.

beb un = abe-bun, cf. akyenkyen.

o-b6ddm, a kind of oil-palm whose ripe nuts have no black
top, but are red throughout (abe hi a ebere wie na eho babi
mmiri se abe-pa); also the nuts thereof; cf. adam.

Q-bedew, pi. a-, a kind of basket roughly made of palm-

branches] berew a woabQ (woanwene) de soa adesoa; wgfre hi
se: ahagya, akyemmedew, akuapemmedew ; c/l akotwe, ky^nkyen,

o-bedefiinu, pi. m-, a chopped and withered palm-tree, of

which the palm-wine has been extracted.

b(3diapan, a certain bright star; osram wu a, ono na odi

n'ade; cf. owii6di, kosoroma.

abediid, palm-tree] more frequently simply abd.

abedud^ mortar to bruise palm-nuts in ; = abe woduA.
abeduaba, abad., a kind of doll, carved out of wood,
abedwa, abedwewA, a young palm-tree] pr.TO.
Q-b6dwo, a half-grown palm-tree; cf. antweribe.
he e J V. to twitch off, pincJi off, nip off, cf. bew; - red. beebee,
bebee . . ho = tetew ho hkakrankakra; wakobebee nam no ho,
he has pinched off little bits from the meat.

e-be^^ Ak. = bew, a pachydermatous animal.

ab$f6 = db^^f6.

a-befud, pi. m-, a single palm-nut with the skins, (diff, bafua.)
abefUfu, a species of oil-palm.
be go r 6, a palm-nut without a kernel.
abegui, place where palm-nuts are cast before the oil is
made of them.

abghene, a species of oil-palm,

bekyekyfere, pot in which the palm-oil is boiled.

§-b e m , right, state of being right, righteousness, guUUessness;
bu b., ma b., ma wodi b., to acquit of an accusation, pronotmce

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12 b6mina — aben.

guiltless, give right iOfjttstify; d i b., to he justified, innocent, guUt-

less\ wudi bem! you are right, I beg your pardon.

b^inma, pi. m-, arrow, cf. b§n, agyan; how, cross-bow wWi
the arrows, cf. ta, kantun; - gtow yen (so) b., otow ne b. sa (wg,
si) yen, he shoots arrows at us, discharges his bow against us. —
bdmma-dua', arrow, = ben, agyan. — b^mma-h^md, bow-string,

bemma-tow, inf. shooting with the bow, archery.

bemma-tofo, pi. m-, archer , bow-m<in.

bembu, inf. acguittance, justification.

bemdi, inf. innocence.

be me, bemme, bemmeme [G. bobe] adv. added to statements

of time, quantity, number : such a long time, such a large quan-
tify or number; already; only\ even, indeed-^ kan, tete, dabidabi b.,
long ago; mfrihyia 20 beme asem na oreka yi? of a palaver of
no less than 20 years does he talk? mede memaa no Rwasida b.,
I gave it him on Sunday already; enyc 'ne b. na ofi ye ade yi,
not since to-day only he does this; atiri ha b. na ogyee ana?
did he indeed ask 100 heads?

abememfi, a place out of the way, at a distance^ eda ab.,

it is far off; ogyina ab., he stands aloof; nnyina ab. sa, na twu
ben me, do not keep away thus, come near to me!

bemmen, bemmen, red. vv., s. ben, ben. pr.3011.

bemmu, = bembu.

bemu [abe mQ], cluster of pdlm-mds.

ben, V. to approach, come or draw near; to be near; oben

no abusuam\ he is a kinsman of his; - red. bemmen ; syn. ben-
kye[n], pinkye.

ben, pron. what (kind of), which. Gr. § 74. F. cb§n, ebena.

ben = aben, horn; won ano kg b. koro mu, they are unani-
mous, in unison.

e-ben, pi. mmemma, arroio; cf. bemma, bemma-dua, agyan ; -

etee se ben, it is as straight as an arrow, i. e. quite right pr.80.

b e n n , straight (dua, hama, kwan) ; etee b., it is quite straight.

ben, V. to ache, pain; red. bemmen; me ti ben me, my head

aches; wohti bemmen won, their head aches.

b6n, V. to become red by boding, to be sufficiently cooked,

boded, roasted; to be done well; to become red by dressing (a
wound with hot water) : watoto kuru no na aben ; to become hot
(a gun, by firing), pr,3386; perf. to he smart, clever, well versed
in any knowledge or business, good or bad, f.i. in political mat-
ters; to be astiUe; - nehO ben, he is healthy; neho mmen, he is
sickly, feeble; -red, bemmen.

-ben, a. (in cpds.), red, yellow; cf. odub^n, oguab^n, osub^n

&c. s. men, kg &c. bere, v.

aben, pl,m-^ horn of animals; horn, flute, wind-instrument,

musical instrument; hy§n ab., to sound the horn ;- mmeiiy pr, 376.

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ebena — bepodwuma. 13

smmenhyen, agora; cf. ben & abentii, ab5rob^n, botowA, odiiru-

gya, agjesod, k^te, nimeus6n, aprMa', ases^b^n, atenteb^n, toro-
Mnt6; nkontw^, adakab^n; ob^ntA, osankA &c.

§-beiia, F. what, which] s. ben ; ebena nyimpa = onipa ben,

what manner of man. e-beiia-dze, F. = ade-ben, deen, den, whai,
§-bena-ntsiri, F. = eden nti, wherefore, wherefrom, why.

benna [bend a], ph m-, a weight of gold = 2 ounzes = 32

ddUars or acJcies = 7L4s.

ben a, bSra, Ak.=bainma, ntamabSna, stripe of cloth, ribbon;

cf, nwa-b^na.

b^na^ b6na: bob., to wail, lament, mourn; 5yn. twa advro.

benabena, pr.3344.

Benada, Brftda, Tuesday. TSr. §41,4.

ben-an5, unmixed palm-wine, as it came from the reed un-
der the tree, cf. dodoben ; opp. mfrasa.

b 6 tin 6, a-, spit, broach(er), — gye or di b. or ab., to act

or be employed as skirmisher (before the twafo, van)^ to begin
the attack, to engage in dangerous fighting] kogye b.; oredi ab.;
eyi de, merekodi ab. = merekob^re, merekoko mabere wo mu.
o-ben nenl, pi. bennef6, skirmisher, sent to attack the enemy,
abenne [bem ade], fees for acquittance in a law-suit,
o-ben em, -n6m, pi. a-, a stinging fly; syn. tutuhunu.
O-ben 6m, name of a month, abt. March.
o-beu-hy§nfo, jpZ. a-, m-, horn-blower, musician.
beiikiim, F. a-, the left hand (nsa b. pr.8t) or side; to
the left (b. so); cf. nifa; north, cf. kwaem'.
o-beukumfo, pl.tL-^ a left-handed person.
benkye[n]^ v. = ben, pinkye, to draw or be near, pr.82.
beiikyi, Eng. bench] cf m&iio'.
b en s 6 r 6 , pl.m-, basin of porcelain.
o-b§ntd, pi. m-, a musical instrument consisting of a curved
branch or stick with a cord made of the fibres of palm-branches,
played in a doleful strain. — obenta-sankfi, j^saZ^r^, lute, va^kwv.
o-bentdu, a word used for a person whose name we do not
know or do not choose to mention; usually: asi^masi s§ ob.,
Such-a-one, WJiat-cCye-call-him (Ger. der und der, Fr. tel, Sp.fullano).
a b e n t i a [aben tia], pi. m-, the short horn, the most common
wind-instrument of the negroes, usually made of a young ele-
phant's tooth and covered with the skin of the twom.
Q-bentia-hyenfo, pi. m-, the king's horn-blower,
h^ntoa, pi. m-, clyster-pipe, syringe, squirt ; b o .. b. 5. bo 102.
obenyin, abenyin-ndem, F. = gbanin, abaninsem.
bepow (bop. pop.), pL m-, mountain, hill, pr.489. cf. bew.
bepowd, small mountain, hillock', cf. koko, pampa, pempe.
bepodVS^uma, work done on the slope of a mountain, pr. 84.

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14 abepow — obere.

abe-pow, inf. the act oilopping off the leaves of an uprooted

bera, bara ... 5. bra ... [patm-tree.

bera, imp.^ s. ba; bera ma yenko, comCy let us go!

o-beraii, -btirane, jp?. a-, a strong^ st&ut, big man\ a potverfidy
mighty 7nan, pr. 85. 86. 1717.

gbSran-mmotoanr-dua, s. krammennua.
aberan-sem, violence] cf. anuodensera.
aberau-so, (after the manner of strong men, i.e.) by force.
aberdnt6,-e, pi. m-, young many youth; syn. akwankwa.
aberant6kwd, aberantewd, j)Z. m-, id.
o-b e r an- 1 e t e t u, pZ. a-, giant (oberan tenten, honton, oberan
a oware na oso te se nea tok«ru da ne mu).

berapae, a wicket serving for a door, made of palm-branches

kept together by three sticks driven through tliem ; cf. aserene.

beraw: to b., to faint, swoon (away), fall in a swoon:

osukom am a wato b., thirst has made him faint] wo4p^m n6 ap^m
n6 ma wato b., they have knocked him about that he is half-dead; -
to cause to faint: ofw6 no ato no b., from the flogging he is half-
dead',, cf to piti, tware.

aberaw, a polite address to a person of equal or inferior

rank, used in reply to a salutation, cf. ya; Gr. §147,9.

aberaw-aberaw, pr. 1363. 2929. scantily 'i so soi

berg, V. 1. to bring (when a personal object, esp. me, yen,

wo, mo, is mentioned; else 'de.. ba, kgfa.. ba, de.. koma* is used).
— ^. b. ase, to lay or put down, bring low, humble, abase, abate,
lessen: obSre neho ase ma me, he humbles himself before me. — 3. to
grow or get(perf. to be) tired, weary, fatigued; to have much to suffer;
not to come to rest; pr. 89. 754. mabSre wo nsa, woama mabSre, I atn
weary of you; adwumaye ama mabere, I am fatigued by work. —
red. bSrebSre.

0-b6re, inf. fatigue, weariness; labour, toil; fa gb., to grow

tired; hye.. b., to tire (out), wear out, weary, fatigue, harass; ode
ne kasa hyeQ me b.

bere, F. manner in which; se-bere 'te do no, Aky. == senea

bere, s. berew. [ete nen, so it is.

bere, r. to redden, to grow, become or make red or yellow; to

cause to redden, pr. 298; bere (sika, awowa, kgbere) h6, to polish
(gold, brass, copper); to ripen, grow ripe, of fruits growing above
ground; perf. to be ripe. — n'ani b., his eye reddens i.e. he covets,
lusts after; he grows angry or grieved; n'ani ab., his eyes are red,
reddish, from weeping, excitement (passion, anger, or deep grief),
drunkenness, old age. — red. berebere. — qualif. adv. ko, pr. 1.504.
-bere, in cpds, blooming, beautiful, handsome; delicate; soft,
gentle ... s. ohahere^ gbanim-mere, tekremabere.
o-b ere, i>/. a-, female, esp. of animals ; cf. gba, gbea, Gr. § 141 , 2.

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ebere — aber§kwasi. 15

e-bere, 1. place (often in cpds, as, dabere, trabere, = dabew,

trabew, trabea); cf. ba, baw, bea, bew, amere;-^. time, season;
pi, mmere, the stages of human Ufe, of man's age; - 3, manner, cf,
bea, abere, amere; - 4. good time; fine manner; bloom, flower, prime
of life; beauty dt strength; •*nana, md wo bo bere so e! king, arise
in iky glory and strength (for warfare, for the pacification of conten-
ding parties).** — Phr, Odi bere (pi, wodi m), he enjoys his life,
lives a luxurious life; he is a loiterer, sluggard, time-killer. Wabu
uemmere mu, lie has died in the prime of life, in the best of his
years, prematurely. Wabgbere, /i€ has (broken up time, i. e.) done
ichat nobody has done, committed a heinous deed.

abere, m-, F. time; aberebi, m-, sofuetimes, once; mber dodo

ara, as often as; mber pi n^ara, from time to time; mber nbina, at
aU times, for ever and ever; mbere, time which.

abere, (obs.) manner: aber' a wope = senea wope.

aber 6, pi. m-, an antelope with small horns, of a reddish hue
and of the size of a goat; = okwadu.

abere be, -bee, a quadruped similar to a cat, eating bananas;

cf. ape^ow.

b6reb6re, berebere, red. w., s. bSre, bere.

berdbere, soft, slow, gentle; softly, gently; pr.3048; comfort-
ably, at ease; gradually, by degrees, by easy or dow steps; -slow,
gradual movement, advance or progress, pr. 3043. 3397. 1201; consid-
erateness, patience, carefulness, pr. 734. — y § h., to go on conrnderate-
hf K- 3558; oje n'ano b., lie assumes a modest speech, uses a niodesi

berebere, smooth, glib, voluble, flippant; oye or n^ano ye b.,

he is loquacious; cf. b^tebet§, birebire, kiirokiiro.
ber§bo, m-, liver.

berebu-w, -o^ pi. m-, nest, bird*s nest, pr.92.

b6re-dQm, troublesome warfare.

b e r e - d u m , v. to be of a deep red tinged with blue, of a crim-

son OT purple colour. Ex. 26, L
bere-ensa, eternity. D.As.

berefi, basket; Akr. tekrekyi; wode nton ni mmew ni knbe-

ahaban na enwene.

b e r e fi [ber§w, efi], bundle or heap of palm-branches.

Q-b§refo, pi. a-, a needy, indigent, poor, destitute man; syn.

ohiani, omanehunufo. JRi. 41,2. 72, 13.
O-ber ekii, a bird of the size of a pigeon, of light brown color,
crying "kn, ku** not only by day, bnt also four times by night, con-
sidered as a spirit (osaman) and fortune-teller, pr. 93. 726.

o-berekuni, an eye red as that of the bereku; owo b., he has

red eyes (considered as beautiful).

ab^rekiirf, a kind of fish, probably the eel.

aber^kwasi, a certain annual festival.

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16 ab^rekyi — besr^de^^

aberekyi, p?. m-, goat; cf, oguan; Ak. F. amponky^; by-

names: add6nnd, aduonnimma (=adii k 6nnd, onni mma, iJie fel-
Imc that does not sleep j that gets no flogging) y ankdma-seperep^, se-
kyerempew6. pr. 94-99. 483.498. abirckyiba, kid. abirckyibere,
she-goat, abfrekyinini, Ak. = opip6, Akr., he-goat. S. abirekyi.
bereman, pr.l933.
beremba, F. = obarima.
aberentse, F. = aberante.
o-berempon, s. obirempoh.
berentuw, s. kwaeb. & ntuw.

berep6w, [berew pow], knot of palm-leaves. — bo .. b., to

strike the head of a respectable person with such a knoty i.e. to apply
to him in order to obtain his p>atronage in a law-suit ; cf. bg 54,

berew, the leaves of the oU-palm, together with or separated

from the midrib ; b. tuatua mpopa ho, the palm-leaves grow from the
sides of the palm-branch; b. taban, a single leaf, leaflet^ pinna. —
Phr. Manya babi a mibu me b., / Jiave found a place wliere I can
live (get food & drink), Cf. bereft, berepow, mmerenkenson,
ber^w, s, ber^bere, 'merew.

bergww, hereo, soft; slow, tardy, pr,820; softly, mildly; slotc-

ly; comfortably, peaceably.
bergwa, = berepow.
aberewd, pl.m- [obere, rZiw.] old woman, matron, mother;
••m'ab.** is even more respectful than **me na*. — Phr. sore kobisa
ab., to get up and go aside fordeliberaffon, cf. tu agyina; ma yehko-
bisa aberew4-ti4, let us go and (ask a very old woman, i.e.) take counsel.
aberewa, a sort of mat, s. kete; a sort of European cloth.
aberewa-ani-nsu, a medicinal plant,
bere-ye, in/*, fineness, beauty; c/*. -here, gbabere.
ber' ol = bSra o! come! Gr. § 144.
abesa, inf. [sa abe], the act of picking out the palm-nuts from
their smashed pulp, s. nnoye.

b^sdn, i. = ab4 as4s6, mmes^s^, aland (piece of ground) on

which palms grow, — J2, a Iwle in which palm-nuts are prepared
for making palm-oil. cf. gsan.

bese, V. to take or break off{ibe^ palm-nuts from the stalk);

to pluck, gather (mako, pepper, from the shrub); pr. 107.

b e s e b e s e , v. to move - ano, the lips - as in speaking, without

emitting a sound, i<Saiw.l,i5. to murmur, grumble; inf. grumbling, pr. 108.
o-b^s§ (op.) the time (quarter) of the year from the beginning
of the latter rains in October till in January ; syn, adommflrow.

ab e s e b li r w' (ap.), com grown in the said time ; maize plan-

ted at the end of the harmattan, in March (before the rainy season
has fully set in), the prosperous growth of which is doubtful, pr. 115.

besea, Ky. s, bosea.

besr^de, fat of the quadruped called bew or bee.

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b^tg — beweondd. 17

b^tg, h^ieheteyWeakyinfirMy feeble, effeminate; soft,mildy

lenient; syn, boko, merew. Ne ho aye no b. = ontumi hka neho;
n'akwa mu aye no b. = nye no den j ne yam' ad wo no b. = ne yare
a ewQ neyam' no, enni ahoeden bio; asem no adwo b. = nye den
bio ; n'asem ye h.^heis a lenient (not a hardy rigorous, severe) man.
b^tebete, glib, voluble, flippant; n'anb ye b., Jie is loquacious;
syn. ber^bere.

abete, a common food of the negroes, consisting of roasted

flour of maize boiled in water, and considered one of the worst meals.

[pr, 1340. 1457.

b e te t d^ a stick to stir up food in cooking, apotstick; cf. bebeta.
bet6kdw, F. patakaw^ a species of small ants; cf. tetea.
b 6t6m, pi. m-, ear of Indian corn or other grain,
o-b etehypl. a-, the full grown palm-tree with a long, slender stem,
abetia = abed^ea, pr.74.

betu, ad we ho nam, the pulp of the palm-nut; cf sa abe.

ab e t u n 1 1\ m , a species of oil-palm.

abetwa, inf. [twa abe] to tap the felled palm-tree and cut out
the opening (to keep it clean) every day as long as the palm-wine

betw^bere, the time of cutting palm-trees, about 2 o'clock in

the afternoon.

bew, 17. [red. bebei^] to steal, filch, pilfer, snatch away; cf. bee;
ntrama a egu ho mprempren no, wabeb§w mu niwa-du ko, he pil-
fered ten of the cowries that were but just lying there; wota bebew
won wara ade, they often pilfer things from their master.

bew, adv. quickly, snatchingly; mede ade no mekotoo ho no,

b§w na wafa.
b e w , a kind o{redd;yellow-striped^\xTo^, cotton cloth,pr. 3334.
bew, t;. fo lie across; to cross, impedCy intervene; cf bea; red.
bebew; wgde abebew won ho, they have covered (marked) their body
wi^ stripes or weals (wales).

abew, (inf.) hindrancCy impediment, detention; abew bew won,

something intervened and prevented them.

e-bew, Ak. bee, a large animal between the elephant and the
§-bew, pi. m-, F. bone. [buffalo,

g-bew, place (cf ba, baw, bea, here), esp. in cpds., as dabew,
tobew, gy inabew, sibew; pi. m-, places, countries; a map.
bew, F. == bepQW, mountain, hill; cf. Abetifi, Bewase.
bew-ase, a low tract of country at the foot of a mountain.
ab§wodu4, abedud, mortar for bruising (wqw) palm-nuts to
separate the edible part from the shell.

b^weoniid, a sweet-scented gum or resin (s. ohfiam); the

tree yielding it. The name (lit. wUl eat i.e. misuse a sister) conveys an ob-
scene notion, meaning that the use of the perfume by a girl will allure even
her brother to lasciviousness; but 8.pr. 2503.

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18 abeya — obibambiba.

ab6y ^, abeyS,^ a sort of hlach earthen vessel y

abeyea, aboyS,l = asanka, ayawa; pr. 465, 2573.

a-b^-y^S, inf. the process hy tchkh oil is made from palm-nuts;


o-bi, ph ebfnom, Gr. § 60,1. somebody j some one, one, a person;

anybody; another (person); in neg. sentences (the negation being
transferred from tbe verb in Tslii to the pron. in Eng.): nobody,
none; pr. 114-142; - onipa yi, me bi ni = me ni ni, this man is a
relative of w/we, belongs to my family.

e-bf, Gr. §60,2. something, sow e^ part, a quantity (pr.2327); any

thing; another thing ; in neg. sentences nothing, none; pr. 111-113. 861.
— cf biribi, ebi-n^bi.

bi (2)ron. used as an adv., Gr. § 134,3 b), also, likewise, too.

bi, pi. bi, binom, Gr. § 74,3. a, an, a certain, one, some; any;
another; in neg. sentences no, not any; pr. 63. 499-501. —
bi! F. = biako! fwo abo bi! Mk. 13,1.
ebia, made into an adiK by ellipsis: (there is) something, m.
some reason or likelihood, that..; perhaps, peradventnrc, ptossibly;
Gr. § 135. pr. 3204. F. bia, anfvvea.
bia, F. = biow, bio, biem, again.
abia, adv. in the tvay of helping, to one^s aid or help; Gr.§131 ,2.
meye no (adwuma) abia, I help or assist him in doing it (in tlie tcork);
mhh no mu abia, I support him; ma yenkana kgdgw me abia, come
with me to help me in my 2)lantation-work ; cnera obedow me ab.,
yesterday he came and helped me in tilling the ground; ote soro te
yen abia = gte s. ma yen ; pr. 3349.

abi <4, a kind of herb the seeds of which are used for beads; cf.
abiirobia, ahene ; pr. 443. 795.

bf abia, small round; n'aniwa ye mmia-mmia {opp. akese).

obi-ade (lit. some one*s propoiy) a servant of a high person.
obi-adee-wo-wo (another's propeHy is in thy hand), an epi-
thet for a thievish person or animal, as the chimpanzee, dog, goat,
biilko, Aky. biek6, Akp. bak6, one; single; cf. eko, koro;
Gr.§ 77. pr. 65. 1005. the same (thing), pr. 27. 2832. — one great muUi"
tude or mass of people or things : f we nnipa biako ! what a great mass
of i^eople! fwe abo biako (F. bi)! Mk. 13^1. — biako no, the one be-
sides that mentioned already, the other, another, F. ekoro no; - ye b.,
to become united, to agree; - mmiako-'miako, one by one, each;pr.789.
o-biak o, gbakO, one man, jyerson or individual; pr. 445-454.
o-biak 6 fo, gbak., id., a single person; pr. 455-459.
o-bfara, F. e-, any body, any one; Gr. § 60,1.
e-biara, any thing; every 2^ossible thing; Gr. § 60, 2. cf. biri-
biara; adv. in any or every possible tvay, to the utmost.
biara, Gr. § 75,3. any, either.
obiba, a person of good family ; gyc ob. a gnsg 'bi ani.
obibambiba, = gba a obi nni no so barosem bi.

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abibiduru — obirebirof6. 19

a b i b i d il r u , negro medicine ^ co hu fry m edicin e.

0-bibi-hy^f6, pi. a- [nea ohye bibiri] dyer in blue,

0-bibinl, pL a--fo, negro, black man, African; pr. 563.

bibiri, dark-bine cotton-yarn or cloth ; dark-blue colour; bye b.,
to dye with dark-blue.

Abibiri(m'), the Negro-country, Africa; r/*. Aburokyiri.

bibitiri, a skein (hank, knot or number of knots) of dark-
blue cotton-yarn; bibiri a wgatee abobo no apgwapow a wgton.

obf diinebi, [ebi dan bi, s. d^ii, n], an amalgam, a mixture or

cotnpound of two things, each of which depends on, or conforms and
communicates its qualities to, the other; f.i. dwete n6 kubere ntwee
ka a woakyim abom', a ring made of silver and copper wire (the
C4)pper enbances the beauty of the silver, the silver enhances the value of
the copper). Kurtz § 228.

bie, V, As. = bue.

biem', Ak. =: bio, again.
abieii' [abienu] Ak. mmiend, two; s. enu.

abiesa, Ak. mmiens^, iJirec; s. esa. Gr. § 77.

b i-h u n u = onipa a gmfa wo ho biribiara, a person of no im-

portance i. e. relationship to one.

c-b i - n e - b i , so-so^ half and half (gfa-ni-fa), middling, in part,

not completely, not fully; indifferently; tolerably; oye n'adwuma bi-
n^-bi, he does his work in a negligent manner; gbaa no b., his coming
was not with uprightness of intention ; enye eb. na wgbae = wgbaa
no nokwarem, wgammd n6 ses^sesa, they did not come half-hearted,
bid in earnest and in uprightness; gte hg bi-ne-bi ara, he lives ivithout
anything in paHicidar or extra-ordinary ; ebi-n^-bi mansofwe, pro-
visional government.

e-biu, Ak. bini, diii, dung, muck, excrement; cf. 6^b6w; dross,
s. dadebin, dwetebin. —

bintuw = bin a eye merew; cf kyerebo.

e-binom, F. birim, 5. obi, bi.

e-bio, biow, Ak. biem', again, further, more, any more; in neg.
sentences no more; mihhu no b., gmma b., minni bi b.

abird, Gr. §31,2. the reverse, contrary, wrong way; aye ab.,
tV has turned otd to the contrary; wakano ab., he has repotied it per-
versely. - bg ab., to reverse, to alter to the contrary, to turn the icrong
way, turn upside down: bg asem no ab. ma yen five, take the case in
. the. opposite way and let us see; wobg asem ab. ka a, wgnte ase, if
yoii represent a matter perversely, it will not be understood; - cjf.

biram, v. to beat, strike, smite with the hands; gdo ne nsa b.

nekoko; cf gnram.

bir^bire, brawl, noisy quarrel, loquacity, pr. 462. — 6y6 b.,

n'ano ye b., he is brawling, loquacious^ prattling: gwg tekrema -b.,
he has a bad, quarrelsome tongue, Cf. berebcre.

0-bir6biref6, pi. a-, prattler, idle talker; syn. okttrokdrofo.

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20 obirebe — abirimmuro.

o-birebe, a kind of bird, pr.3474. — o-bireku, 8, gberekn.

abirekyi, (-ba, -bere, -nini,) i« more correct than aberekyi, q,v.
o-birempou, pi. a-, F. a--fo, a wealtht/y great, powerful man.
abirenkyi-abir6nkyi, kkw. perverse, -ly, distorted; waye
no ab. = bisibasa bi, wabo no abira.

biri, t?. to grow, he, or make Mack, dark, dirty; aduru no

mmiri bebrebe, the ink is not black enough; pr. 810. 3162, wabiri ne
tam, he has soiled his dress; ntamaa abiri, soiled linen; m'ani so biri
me, my head smms, I am giddy; biri n'ani so e ! stun him! obiri ne
mogya ani, he blackens the colour of his blood i. e. does not care for
his blood, exerts himself to the utmost, works hard. — red. biribiri.

biri, adj, in cpds, black, dark; cf. adubiri, akokobiri, oponko-

birii, F. blackness. {hir'idx.

biribi, Gr. § 60,2. something; in neg. sentences nothing; syn.

fwe; won biribi a woye nye biribi pa biara, there is no good in any-
thing they do; nea eye biribi ara na wose: enye biribi, just tluU which
is something makes one say : it is nothing, no matter, pr. 3591. 465-474.

biribi ara, anything, in neg. sentences nothing, nothing at all;

wanse b., he said nothing at all; enye b. na eye ntama, it is nothing
but a garment; pr. 464. — biribi-biribiara, id.

birfbiri, red. v., s. biri; anim bb., s. anim.

biribiri, adv. numerously: nnipa no akyeresob., the people

are thickly crowded; wobehyehy§e odan no mu b., they crowded the
house; syn. pitipiti.

biribiri, adv. (qualifying the vr.him, saw, wosow, to shake,

shiver, tremble), very much, exceedingly; ne ho him b., he shivers
very much.

abiribiriw, epilepsy, lunacy \ twa or y are ab., to be lunatic,


biribiwd [biribi, dim.] a trifle; b. biara, any small matter.

biriboro, dirty, soiled, bemired all over; dqte aye no b., he

is grievously daubed tvith dirt.

birlditwem,-twom, adv. all at once, suddenly; syn. preko-

pe, birim.

abirikd, m-, a run, running, pr. 475.; gallop; canter, trot; tu

or tutu mmirika, to run; ode mm. bae, he came running.

birikyi, t?. <o tremble, shudder, fear; to faint from fear; to be

stunned, startled, bewildered; wayi no ahi am a wab., ehfi ama wab.
= nketenkete akita no.

biri m, a sudden fit, start; suddenly, at once; of wee ase b., he

fell doum plump! bounce! — bob., to shrink, startle, start up with
fright, esp. from sleep; cf. bo piriw, pirim (hg 7).

birim, F. = binom.

birimmirlm (pi. id.) 1. fin, mpata aky i b. = ntetew. 2. nave

or spoke of a wheel.

abirinimur6, a thorny plant with medicinal leaves.

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obirinkrah — bo. 21

0-blrinlu:^n, a kind of locust; s. abebew.

birfsi ^G. bfrlsi'), dark-blue cotton-cloth; blue baft,

abiriwd, blacking, black paint; woaka ne ti ab., they have pain-
kd his or her head with black figures^ a ceremony performed on boys
at the first shaving of their heads, or on girls at the beginning of
puberty. (Kanno, abofra a wadi mfe 4 a gsekaii hkaa no ti da, se
woyi no, a.s. ababa boe bra ye a, wohyew odwQm^ na wode n^ gyli-
biriw no asra ne ti so ayi no samd.)

bisa, t?. i. to ask, question, piU a question to. 2, to inquire,

maJce inquiry about, pr. 1632. 3085. kobi8a(ne ho), to ask advice o/'an
imaginary spirit. 5. b. .. mu, to hear, examine, interrogate, syn. pe
mu, pe or pepe mu; bisa no mu! examine him! 4. to ask for, to beg,
syn. sSre. 5. to ask for, care for; pr. 977. - Fhr. obisa n'ase, a) he asks
of what descent or family he is; b) he woos or courts her, asks or de-
sires her in marriage; (diff. obisa no ase, he asJcs him for an expla-
nation). — red. bisabisa; to inquire after, pr. 1686.

abisabisa, F. qucstianing, questiom; catechism; s. asemmisa.

0-bisabisdf6, pi. a-, one who often asks or inquires for the
way, pr. 479.

abisa-nsii-^-am a-n s a, one who gives wine when asked for

water] gye ab. = gy§ gdefo, ne yam' ye, he is liberal, generous,
bountiful, munificent.

bise, bise-pd, bisekyim, cola- [goro-, gura-] nut, Sterculia

acuminata; the tree bearing it; yr. 480.

bisetord, spurious cola-nut; cf siiabise.

blsT, bisibisi, dark, gloomy, clouded; dim, discoloured;

osoroyeb., n'aniwa ye bb., syn. kusQ, kusukusu; ade no ani ye bb.,
the thing has not tJie proper colour that it ought to have, whether
dark or light.

blsibasa, confusion, disorder; confusedly, disorderly; oye

ne nneema b.; okeka asem no b., he states the casein a vague, illogical
manner] syn. b^sabasa, s&kasaka^ ses^sesa; cf. abirehkyi.

obit^nbfba, some (distinguished) mother's child; monnkohaw

ob. = onipa no, don^t vex that person (who does not deserve to be
vilified) !

bitsi, F. = piti; to b. = to p. Mt 15,32. Mk. 8,3.

ho, V. [red. bo6o] to strike; to be in, or cause, a vigorous mo-

tion. This apparent primary idea of the v. has many ramifications.
We shall arrange the difi*erent significations and combinations with
nouns and other verbs (Gr. § 200 — 220) under the following heads
A — L with the continued numbers 1—106^ and at the end review
in a synoptical manner the combinations with nouns of place and
relation (Gr. § 118, 2. 3. 119).

A. To be in, or cause, vigorous or excessive motion:

1. to throb, palpitate: ne komam' boo no pa, his heart smote him.
18am. 24,5. — 2. to heave, to rise and fall with alternate motions:
asorokye bo, tfte waves rise and fall; epo bg asorgkye, the sea casts
up or raises bUlows. — 3. to break out, burst forth impetuously: asu

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22 bg^

abg, the river has overflowed its hanks, — 4. to heconie loose : ne yam'
abg, his bowels are loose; ebebo ne yam, it will cause mm diarrhoea.

— 5. to emit cjccessive heat: owia bo, the sun shines vehement! f/, burns.

— 6*. to blow vehemcnili/ : mframa bo, the wind blows; cf.15. — tr,
to whirl up: mframa bo tutuw, the wind raises, whirls up the dust. —
7. to start (up), startle: bo birim, pirim, piriw; (from fear) bo mpu-
nimpu, toy am. — 8. to rise or cause to rise in tumultuous disorder:
bo bum, to rise at once; tr. to make havoc; cf. 54 \ bo \vi, twi, nyin-
nyan, to alarm, to be alarmed or confused. — 9. to fall back: bo
pemmo (into a sitting posture), dompemmo (of an army), — 10. to
hasten: bo fwi, pankrah, aperenten. — tl. to move forward with im-
petuosity cf' tumultuous rapidity: bo kirididi, to run to and fro; bg
(kirrr) kg or hyeh.., to rush into; bg hyia or to a,., to rush
against; bg to w or gu.. so, to rush, fall, or come upon. — 7X^. to
rage: bg dam, gje^ to run, go or be 7nad\ to drive mad; s. dagye.

B. To emit a sound that strikes through the air (and makes it

strike the organs of hearing):

13. to strike, ring (to sound by percussion) : gdgn bg (paiih!), the clock
strikes (bang!), the bell rings. — 14. to strike, beat, play on, to cause
to sound by beating (of musical, resounding instruments): bg dgn,
dawurum', donno, mma-mu, sanku, adakabeii. — 15. to roar: mframa
bg bu, the wind roars; cf. 6. — 16. bg mu, bom', to cry (syn. pae
mu, teetec mu, kekaw mu); bom' na ennyigye! cry aloud! to roar,
thunder: gyata bobom', a lion roars; Onyankopgn, gpranna, osu
bom', it thunders.

C. Tlf increase by an inward vigorous movement or process (to

full size or maturity) : 17. to grow big, large, ripe, esp. of edible
roots: ne nneema (gde, bankye, koko, ntgmmg, hkate) abg, his
(planted) things have grown large ; brgde no abg, those plantaifis are
well grown; n'aburow abg (= anyinnyin na asow aba, aye akese-
akesc, aboa, abcre), his corn is fully grown j gde abg, the yam is
ripe; emmge e, it is not yet ripe; - tr. n'asase bg (=ba) aduan, lUs
land yields (produces) much food. — 18. to grow big, heavy, old, esp.
of persons : abofra yi abg se gde, the child has become as stout as a yam ;
wabg duru, (a.) he has become heavy with eating, has a loaded sto-
mach; (b.) she is big with child, pregnant; wabg apa, he or she has
grown old; bg akora, akwakora, to become an old man; bg aberewa,
to become an old woman.
D. To grow or turn into : 19. to grow or divide into: dua no
abg nta, the stem divides into ttco branches; abg nkorata an an, it has
got four branches. — 20. to grow or swell into: bg kukudfi'diV, to
bud; abg lioronoa, it has become a blister, a blister or pimple has
arisen; abg dodonkii, it is puffed up. — 21. to turn into: abg abira,
it has turned out the reverse; bg no abira, now take the reverse.

E. To enter into close contact, to join closely (^= strike together):

22. to agree, be in unison or concord: g-ue no bg, he is intimate, on

friendly terms with him; wgbg = wgka, wgafa wgfiho aygnko. - -

23. bg mu, bom' (to strike together in tJie same place, Gr. § 214.
Jiem. 2), to join, unite] to discharge itself into, pr.3084; to agree, he

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jjQ^ 23

joined, nnitedj reconciled^ make friends; wgabom', they have become

reconciled; - cans. ka.. bom\ to reconcile^ inake one; ka or de
(fa)., bom', to join, unite, connect, compact y compose, vonsoUdate;
dc, bo., mu, to admix, to join with: ode ueho bg Kristofo niii,
he enters into the community of Christians; cf. bo asafo (Al). —
<54. bg.. 8 0, to join, fall hack upon (of military movements of parts
of au army); Asikumafo de twitwi b§bgg Akyene so. — 25. bg so,
to fit upon, to he equal, pr. 3232; abrammo uo bg so, the weigJUs are
equal; ebg so pe, it is exactly alike; to he level; cf se so, ta so, te so;
to be well joined^ connected, jammed. — 26, bg ho, to adjoin; to
he double; caus. de.. bg ho, to double, • — 27. to move in company:
bg anan, to join the feet, i.e. to walk together; bg nsa, to join the
hands, i.e. to eat together. — 28. bg ani, to fall in with the enemy
(face to face), to engage in battle. — 29. bg anim\ to have the faces
set opposite each other, s. mmganim. — 30. bg hye, hyeban, fuhye,'
to border upon, confine ivith each other; bo afipam, to be neighbours. —
c^i. bg,. ho, to stick or adhere to, be fastened on: nitiri bg akyeue
ho, a skull sticks on the drum, pr. 1111. nheno bg no nsa ho, heads are
tied round his wrist; caus. de.. bg.. lid, to fasten, tic to. — 32. de..
bo, to tie on: gde hheno abg ne nsa, he has tied beads round his wrist;
ode hama bg n'aseh, he girds his loins with a rope. — 33. to gird,
girdle, hind with a belt, sash dtc. gbg ueho so, he girds himself; wabg
(= wakyekye] ne yam* de resu, she has tied her belly in weeping for
a dead person. — 34. to have tied on or round: ahene, beads, pr.795;
ntoa, a cartridge-belt, pr.984. — 35. bg.. so, to tie on a roof: bo
dan so, to thatch a house with palm-branches and grass tied to the raf-
^r.s, =:kuru dan so, de sare kekye so. — 36. de.. b g . . m u, to dip in:
ode asawa bg iiho mn, he dips cotton in palm-oil; to immerse: bg
(obi, neho, ne kra) asu, to perform a purifying, initiating (f- conse-
crating ceremony; to baptize. — 37. bg.. mu, to fasten to (by bea-
ting): wgbg uo duam' (pa, pam'), they fasten him to a log; bg (de..
bo) asenduam', to affix to the cross; magye asem no mabg ine bo, -=
niafa mate meho so, I have taken the mtdter upon my breast i.e. upon
myself have taken charge of it. — 3S. de. . bg, to make lean against;
gde abofra bg ne bo, he carries a child on his arm so as to make it
lean against his chest ^=^ gde no afam ne koko, oturn uo; - /o put to:
bg hamanka no akgnkgn, = fa to wokgn ho. — 39. to set before:
mede mebgg n'anim, / pointed it out to him (in his face), charged it
to him. upbraided him with it.

F. To remove, resort to a place or person:

iO. to change abode, remove to: mede makgbg Date, I have removed
(with my things) to Late, have taken my residence, have established,
'fettled myself at L. — 41. to join, attach one's self to a person, famUy,
iorieiy: gbea yi afi ne kunu hkyen (ako no, agya no aware) de akg-
bg okiiro-foforo nkyen or ho, this icoman has left her husband and
(Racked herself to (taken up her abode with) another; bg afe, to join
Ofi^s self to one\s equals; bg abiisGa, pr. 2654.3458; bg fekuw, asafo,
to join a society, company (cf. 23. 87.) — 42. to apply, take refuge
to: bg kyeame so, /o call upon, address one's self to, the speaker or
reporter (of a king); woahkgbg kyeame so a, wurenhu bene anim,

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24 bQ^^

if you do not address the speaker first, you will not he admitted to the
king; mede asem no makobo akyeame 8o se w6mina enkodu ahemfi,
/ have set the case before the speakers that they may bring it before
the king's court. — b^ bosom, to surrender or devote one's self with
all one's property to a fetish. — 43. to resort to a shelter or hiding-
place: bg dofoa, bo nkokora. — 44. to desert, fall off, run away: bo ko.

G. To break, spoil; to ruin, destroy; to go to ruin, rush into de-

struction, perish; to sink, fall, fail:

45. to break, knock out: wabo n'aniwa, he has knocked out his eye;
cf. tu; - n*aniwa abo, his eye has been knocked oid, destroyed, his
eye-sight is lost; pr.2295. — 46. to break (tr. & intr.); to crack; to
shatter, dash; red. to smash, be smashed; bo ahina, nwaw, to break
a pot, a snail, pr. 2188. 557; ahina no abo, the pot is broken (in pieces
or only cracked); hg ad we mu, to crack pal m-nut-kernels, cf. abo-
bgbe. — 47. to ruin, destroy : bo man, to ruin a toivn, people, nation;
syn. see, pr. 2005. oman bg, iJie town (people, nation) is going to ruin,
pr. 1995-98. 1371- — 48. bg bere (to break up the time i) to commit a
heinous act. — 49. bg tuo, to destroy one's self by a gun: wabg (neho)
tuo, lie has shot himself. — 50. to fall back, relax: bg tgm' to fall in,
sink, become hollow; n'ano abg atom', his mouth (and cheeks) have
sunk, he is hollow-cheeked from old age and loss of teeth. — 51. to
fail, happen amiss, be marred: dgte-dwini a odii no abg no, pr. 258.

H. To be removed, withheld from, lost to, taken from:

52. to fail, be lost to: n'ahenni abg no, his kingdom is lost to him, he
has lost his k. ; n'adnan abg no, he lacks food ; ntease abg no, Jie is
void of understanding ; Onyk. anuonyam abg yen, we come short of,
miss the glory of God, Rom. 3,23. n'akatua remmg no, he will not
lose his reward, Mt. 10,42. ne gua abg no, he failed in trade; nam a
mekgtg metgne no abg me, I stiff ered a comiderablc loss with the fish
I bought for sale; emu sika fa abg me, Host half the money invested
in the business; gkye a moakye sika no yi, abg me, by your dividing
this money I have come off a loser. — 53. to be taken away from:
wabg nufu, he has been weafied (from tfie breast).

I. To strike, hit, smite; to sting, prick; to knock, beat drc:

54. to strike, smite, beat, knock; to give, fetch or deal one a blow; gbg
no (ade pr. 429, aba, nsa, twere, kutruku), he beats him (with some-
tliing, stick, hand, knuckles, fist); cf. bg .. mma, bobg, boro, fwe, to
beat with many blows, to flog; cf. biram, guram;~mabgno po, bum,
I have struck him severely; gbg no berepgw, bere w a, he applies to him
for help and protection in a law-suit; - bg.. abo (cf. pa., abo, siw..
abo), to stone, to beat, pelt or kill with stones ; bg . . so, to beat upon
in order to compress; cf. abgso. — 55. to inflict: bg no sotgre, give
him a box on the ear; gbg no fe, he inflicts on him a wound in the head;
wgboroo wgh bobgg wgn afe, they struck and wounded tJiem. — 56. to
hit: otuo abg no, a gun has hit him, he has been shot (cf. 49) ; asem
no abg no, the case has been decided against him, he has been found
or declared guilty ; ntonto bg no, the lot falls upon him; n'ani bog
me so, his eye fell or hit on me, he glanced at me; cf. mmganim;
n'ani bgg no so pe ua oliuu no, at tlie first look lie ktiew JUm; to

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bQ^ 25

hefaU: oyare boo no, a sickness befell him, he feU sick. — 57. to stingy
odowa (kotokuroda) abo me, a hee (wasp) has stung me. — 58. bo.,
mu, to pnck, ptincture: obo ne pompo mu, ne mfa mu, Jie opens (by
a puncture) his boUy cuts open his ulcer ca/used by a guinea-worm;
9yn. sa. — 59. to cut asunder: bo abama, to cut the climbers previ-
ous to the cutting of the bush and preparing of the land for a plan-
tation. — 60. to hammer: hq dade, to forge; cf. 89. & tono; pr. 3329.
— - 61. to drive into the ground: wabo no dua, lit he has driven in
a piece of wood in order to produce a magic effect against him^ i.e.
he has cursed him. — 6J3. to counteract a movement, to stop: bo a no,
to prevetU from advancing or spreading, to stop the onward progress;
to ward off, resist, syn. waw ano, so Sno, som'; pr. 2. 3345. bo gy ina,
to cause a stand, to stop; bo., to ho, to defer, dday, put off, ad-
journ, postpone (a case) ; - bo sonsohku, to stand still, stop, stay,
pause, linger.

J. To give a push, to set in motion (other objects, or one's own

body, or single parts) : 63. to push away, aside: bo. . to ho, 5. ^^;
bo obi asem bye, to distort, misrepresent, garble another's word or
matter ; woabo m^asem ahy§ {scU. fam'), lit tJwu hast struck (attemp-
ted to push away) my word and put (hidden) it somewhere (under
something) i. e. you want to put a covering on my word, represent it
only on one side. — 64. to drive (by striking) : bo kowa, to spin a
top. — 65. bo., gu, to spout, spirt: obousu bo nsu gu soro. —
66. to drive or chase away: hq dgm gu, to defeat the enemy; bo.,
fwete, pets, pansam, ampansam, to burst out or dash into and
scatter, disperse (intr.d;tr.); to rout, discomfit. — 67. to set to (flight):
bo woho agua, betake thyself to flight! — 68. to shake, bend, bow:
mframa bo dua no, the wind bends thai tree; ohq ne ti ase, he bows
his head; obo ne mu ase, he bends his back or body dowmoard, bows
(himself down), stoops. — 69. to move the hand: gbo no ba, he beckons
him to come. — 70. to set in motion or employ the organs of speech:
obo nekgn, he speaks through his throat, Ps. 115^7; gbo ne fwene
kasa, he speaks through his nose, snuffles; bg daw, to set the jaw in
motion by speaking, to converse, discourse, = bg semgde, bg nkom-

K To utter sounds by the human voice; to speak, talk.

71. to cough: bg waw. — 72. to whistle: bg fwirema. — 73. to smack
with the tongue: gbgno nkyekyewa, ntwom, he sneers, scoffs at him.
— 74. to laugh: bg seretoa, to smile; bg nserehyehye, to break out
into a laugh, to laugh out loudly. — 74a. to cry aloud; s. 16. bg mu,
bom'. — 75. to shout: bg ose, to give a sJiout, set up a war-cry; bg..
tnUiw=rhuro, to shout at, to deride or revile wiUi shouts; bg .. homo,
to welcome with shouts. — 76. to wail: bg bSna (b6na), bg abubuw,
to lament, set up a lamentation; syn. twa adwo. — 77. to make a
noise: bg nn6, to clamour, vociferate, be quarrelsome. — 78. to dis-
course, converse: bg nkgmmg, bg semgde, to hold or carry on a con-
versation; cf. bg kgh, bg daw, 70. — 79. to rejyort, relate: bg kasee,
aiDannee, to deliver a message; bg (no ho) nsekn, to talk of, speak
>8 of, slander, detract, asperse. — 80, to pronounce^ f. i. a sound or

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26 hQ.

syllable in reading after the phonetic method or according to the

spelling; bo din, to namCy meniion, speak of or about; pr. 1640. 1776.
to pronounce the names i.e. the qualities of, to praise; si/n, kamfo;
wobo no din-pa, - dim-mone, theif praise, - blame or disgrace him ;
bo., mmran, to give an epithet; bg.. nsabran, to pronounce the h(^
nourahle titles of; bo so, to speak out: asem a wode bae no, bo so
(^ka)kyere me! to touch on, mention, allude to, speak of: wgbono
so = wgbo ne din ; woahye mom se obiara mmmg so, they forbade
that any one shoidd mention it; bo no md, state it in a comprehen-
sive manner, givethe main points, essentials. — 81. to utter, speak out:
bgmpae, to invoke, pray, address in prayer; to curse; wabo me bo-
som, he has cursed me by a fetish. — &:^. to utter and address tciih
words of various purports: bg nkuro, to speak out a complaint, to
accuse; bg.. sobo, to blame, reproach; bo., kgkg, to warn; bg..
adafa, to flatter, allure, entice. — 83. to proffer: de . . bg. . bo or abo,
to offer at a price for sale or as a present.

L. To make, procure, cause, practise cCc.

8d. to strike at, set one*s Jiand to: bg ase, to strike the first blow,
break the ground, lay tJie foundation, begin; cf. abgse, inmgase; bg
so, to begin; to continue ; cf. pa so, pern so. — 86. to create, give rise
to, originate; to institute, ordain from the beginning: Onyahkopgii bgg
onipa, God created man, pr. 96S-5. Onyk. ammo no sa, tJiis has not
been ordained so by God from the beginning. Onyk. bgg nna-mmere-
nson, God has made tlie ages (Heb. 1^2). bg aware, to institide matri-
mony: bg ade, to create the things i.e. the world: Odomarikama bgg
ade yi, since God Jias created tfie world; to found or establish a king-
dom or dynasty: Asante bene a gbgg ade no de Kouadu. — 86. to
create, make, appointor nominate to an office: bg.. safohene, to
make or set up as a captain; syn. si. — 87. to make by uniting into:
bg asafo, to form into a company, association, congregation ; cf. :23.
41. — 88. to bring together, assemble, arrange: bg gua, (to join seats?)
to sit toget/ier in council, to institute or fiold a council; gbg no gua,
he convenes an assembly for him, on his account; bg atwe, to insti-
tute a battue. — 89. to make by beating: bg asgw, nkrante, to forge
a fioe, a sword; cf. 60. pr. 3328. — 90. to form into balls or lumps:
bg dgkono, abodo, to form tlie dough for boiling or baking bread. —
91. to form, to shape into: bg kahiri (kare), to make a pad; s. son-
kahiri; bg hankare, dantaban, kontonkron, mfamfid, to make, form,
or describe a Iioop, ring, circle, circuit. — 9J2. to set up: bg apa, to
erect a scaffold; bg nsra, to jntch a camp, to encamp, also to be in
drilling. — 93. to make by removing obstacles : bg kwah (foforo),
to malce a (new) way; bg kwan fita, to level, clear the way. — 91. to
make by digging: bg da, amoa, nkg or nkgmoa, to dig a grave, a
pit, a cavity for planting yam; bg nkonou, to sink a shaft. — 95. to
make by aggregation: bg kuw, to make a lieap, lay or put to a lieap,
accumulate; bg dwetiri, to gather, lay up a capital; bg kaw, to make
or contract a debt. — 96. to bring together and fasten: bg no boa,
make it up into a bundle; cf. 35. bg so ; - bg tgw, to form into a ball,
lump; to gather into a ball; bg pgw, to tie a knot; bg tirim' (pgw),

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bg^ 27

to make a plan, to plan, projecty design, contrive, devise; to make a

resolution, resolve, make up otie's miml. — 97, to invent, fabricate,
forge (a falsehood, lie) : wabo ama me, wabo ato me so, he has im-
puitdtome, fcdsely charged me with; r/*. obomafo. — 98, to procure by
digging, scooping, filling in: bg fa, dote, hyirew, ntwoma, to dig out
tarth, clay, ivhite clay, red ochre, cf tu; bo akoto, to dig for crabs,
j.r. H29. 505. 857. bg nsu, to scoop or draiv under, cf. saw; bg hkyeue,
to buy salt, which is filled into sacks (= kgtg nkyene; ebia wgbg
no boa (96) nti na wgfre no sa). — 99. to procure by cutting and
peeling off: bg apam, to cut sticks for supporting the yam-plant; -
bo adurn, to peel or loosen bark from trees for medicine. — 100. to
procure for one's self: bg (nnosoa-soafo, ad^umayefo) pa, to hire or
engage (carriers, labourers) ; bg . . were, to secure one^s (oum) con-
fidence i. e. welfare or success ; bg (obi hg) bosea, to borrow money
(from another). — 101. to procure for another : bg (obi) bosea, to
lend money (to anotJicr) ; bg.. akghhama, to maintain ov support
(with food). — 10:2. to ap^ply: bg.. bentoa, to apply a clyster; bg..
hyirew, to make strokes with white clay on a person's body ; bg nto-
nto, to draw lots; bg aka, to try by ordeal. — 103. to cause, call
forth: bg mmnsu, to cause, conjure, or do, mischief, pr.555. — 104. to
cause to, bring upon, strike or affect with: bg no mmusu = ka 'mnsu
j^u no so, ka ghene ntam gu no so ; bg.. h(iammg, to disappoint;
bg.. d won no, to confound; F. to astonish, surprise; bg.. yare, to
cause a sickness to; bg.. ahohora, adapa, anyampa, to expose to dis-
grace, dishonour, infamy. — 105. to exert: bg mmgden, to make stre-
nuous efforts; bg mmgforo, to make new efforts. — 106. to perform,
commit, practise: bg . . bra, to leadone^s life, form one^s conduct, con-
duct one's self; bg krgn (krgno), to commit a theft or robbery, to rob;
bg nkyekwakyema, to behave proudly. — 107. to exercise or prac-
tise., against, to treat with: gbg no so dwae, he treats him with in-
solence, haughty contempt; gbg no kah (kane) or ayamgnwene, he
is illiberal or stingy towards him; gbg no atiriragden, he treats him
cruelly, is harsh or cruel towards him.

M. 108. bg with an inf. of a tr. v., to be easy to do; f. i. gdan

bg (:bo) si = wg asiye, a house is easily built; gdan mmo si = ye
osi-na, a house is not easily built; gdan bgyg ana, na woresee me
dan y i ? is a Iwuse so easily made that you are spading my house ?
nhoma kyerew mmg kyerew, writing (books) is not an easy thing;
iihoraa mmg (:mmo) sua, to learn to read and write is not very ea.sy.
This bg or bo seems to be the v. ba, to come, of which the *a* is
ehded before the g or o of the following inf.

N. Some phrases in F. (found in A.W. Parker's books, 1874-77).

100. bg adze : a) = bg ade, to create the world (85) ; b) — bg ase,
to begin (84) ; c) = bg ase or fam', to strike or fall to the ground, cf,
abo-de-ammg; to come to an end: amandzchun no gnkghg adze da,
those torn^nts will last for ever and ever; gya a gmbg adze, tJie ever-
lasting fire, Mt. 25,41. d) bg. . mu adze, to bow down. — 110. bg.,
ham, to rebuke, ML 17,18. 20,31. Mk. 1,25. — 111. bg hu = ho dwiriw
or yeraw . ., to be (sore) amazed, Mk. 1,27. 6,51. 14,33. — 112. bg . •

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28 bo — ebo.

anohoba, = h7e bo, hye ase, to promise, Mt 14^7, Mk 14,11, — 113. bo

gnose, = bom', di or ye nokoro, to agree, live in concord, — 114, bo
(ho) aprow, = twa ho hyia or kontonkron, to compass, go or be rcmnd
about, Mt 3,5, 23,15, Mk, 1,.28, — 115, bo werdam, = ye agyede, to
give a ransom, Mt, 20,28, Mk, 10,45,

0, (Betrospective,) bo ia various combinations with nouns of

place and relation:

ho; (bo ahina ho, to knock a pot, 54,) - hq ho, to be double, eaus.
to d&uble^ 26 ; bo . . ho, to stick, adhere to d^c. caus. to fasten, tie to,
31; to join to, 41, — akyi: (bg pon akyi, to knock at the door, 54.)

— mu: bg mma mu, dawuru mu, to sound dtc, 14; bom', to cry,
roar, thunder, 16; to join, unite, agree, caus. to reconcile, to connect
dtc, 23; de.. bg.. mu, to admix, join, 23; to dip in, 36; to fasten,
affix to, 37; bg.. mu, to crack, break, 46; to prick, puncture, 58; to
hit intOi s, botae. — ani: bg ani, to join face to face, cf, bare ani,
28, — anim: bg anim', to face, cf, mmganim, pem anim, 29; de..
bg . . anim, to set before, 29, — a n o : bg auo, to stop the onward
progress, 62, — ase: bg ase, to begin, 84; bg. . ase, to bend or bow
down, 68, — so : (bg ,, bo, to beat upon, 54,) bg so, to begin, to con-
tinue, 84; to be lilting, equal, level, 25; bg.. so, to gird, 33; to tie
on or to, to thatch, 35; to fall or glance upon, 56; to apply to, 42;
to speak out, mention, 80.

P, (Betrosp.) bo followed by other verbs: gu, 65; hye, 63; gu,

hyen, hyia, ko, toa, tow, 11; gu, fwete, pete, pansam, 66; to bo,
ho y v, to push, cast down; syn, sum; bo no fwe fam', cast him
doum! pr. 488,

bo, v. Ky. = boro, to beat, flog; to suri^ass.

bo, ^. Ak. = bow, to grow weak, become intoxicated dc; to
make weak drc, F. ne ho bo no, he is astonished, Mt, 7, 28,
bo, ebo, s, bgw, ebgw.
e-bo, promise; syn. bghye, nhyease; hye.. bg, to give a promise,
£bo, name of a month, abt. September; s. gsram.
abo, boUs: cf, pomp6, mpobi4.

a bo, odi (no) ab., he serves (him) as a boy at table &c. cf, gbSai.
Q-hOy pounded tobacco; cf bgw.

e-bo, chest, breast, bosom; syn. koko; de abofra bg.. bo, gye asem
bg.. bo, s, bg 38. 37,; stomach: ne bo fono or yerew no, he is qualm-
ish, qtieasy, inclined to vomit, affected tvith nausea, he feds disgust;

- the breast, bosom, as the seat of feelings, affections and passions,

the heart; courage: ouni bo a ode ko, Jie has no courage to fight; -
disposition, temper, mood, passion, anger: ne bo nye, oye bo se, he
is much given to anger, very passionate, cf. bobonc. — Phr, Ne bo
abu, lie is out of breath; - ne bo da ne yam', he is confident, of good
cheer or courage, courageous; - ne bo ad wo, he is in a tranquil state
of mind, contents himsdf, is appeased, satisfied, composed, content,
happy; pr, 492, cf, abodwo; - ne bo afuw (me), he is angry (with
me); nebo afuw abg soro; - nebo haw no, = gyare koma, he is

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ebo — boa. 29

passionate; - ne bo ahurn, Jteis in a rage; - ne bo atg, atQ ne yarn',

he is wdl content, happy, at ease, = ne koma htg ne yam* ; - ne bo
atu, he is in consternation; ne bo wiriw no, F. Ite is greatly amazed,
Mk, 9,15, - ne bo awu, a) he is not given to anger, not irascible,
pindictivc, revengeful ; b) he is disheartened, desponding, lisUess, apor
(hetic; - ne bo ye duru, he is a brave, valiant man; oye Qbarima,
gje nnam. — ObSr§ or gtq or gto ne bo ase, he has patience, is pa-
tient, forbearing, indulgent, waits patiently ; - ghorah ne bo, he puffs
himself up; lie provokes him to anger (?); - waai ne bo sc o-ni no
beko, he undertakes, dares, ventures, to fight with him; - gta ne bo,
he sets his heart at rest, composes his mind; - ot^a ne bo to ne yam',
he appeases, stills, composes, consoles, comforts him, sets him at ease
or at rest.

e-bo, potter's clay; -

tu bo, to dig up clay for making pots; cf anwemm6.

e-bo, pL a-, a piece or figure of brass or other metal, a stone or

seed used for a weight; cf abramm6, abofi, abofunu; -price, value
(perh. = gbo, stone, — in ancient times round perforated quartz-
stones served instead of money); egyina bo koro so, it is of equal
value; enni bo, pr. 10S3; — ebo or ne bo ye den, F. no bo so, oso
bo, it is dear, cosUy, precious; nebo ye mer§w, it is cheap; cf abo-
oden, aboQmerew, brabo. — obg (no) bo, he shows (him) the price,
sets or holds out, offers at a certain price ; mise mepe akoko matg
a, na wgde rebo me abo, when I said I sought for fowls to buy, tliey
cffcred me plenty; pr, 3291. — wodi no bo, tJiey make a bargain about
Mm or it.

Q-bo, pi. a-, stone; rock; flint-stone', pr, 490; bullet, slug cut from
a bar of iron; abo, the marks (cowries, eggs, leaves or other things)
in the pot of a fetish, s. §koro. — bg, pa, or siw abo, to stone, to beat,
pelt, or MU with stones. Phr. anka bo anka poma, all at once; - to
bo, /o ?a^ a bet or wager, cf kyia; oto no bo, lit. he puts a stone for
him; he bets or wagers him; to me bo se ob§ko 'n§ ! wiU you bet me
that Jte will go to day? me ni wo gye akyinnye se obi beba 'ne, na
wase ^dabi na oremma*, na oba a, na meka se : to me bo e ( = ka
kyere me se, meye gnokwafo) ! na wuse : wo bo ni ! if I dispute with
you, whether some one wiU come to-day or Hot, and you say, he will
not come, — when he comes, I say: pay me the wager (= testify to
my truthfulness)! and you say: there it is, you were right! - 5, mkih
wo b6, you are rigid! = wo de wom', wo de abam' I

abo, abo, F. door, gate, Mt 6,6.7,13. 28,2. cf. abobow, aboano,


abo, = abao! a salutation to a stranger arriving; welcome! cf.

mtbo, akwaba.

mbo! F. = mmo, m6, am6! Mt 25,21. 26,49.

b»a, v. to lie, be prostrate, be stretched out; cf bea, bew, sam;

Donan pi boa abgnten so, many sheep are lying in the street; nyisi

binam preko boa no so, five orphans lie i.e. depend on him at once;

earn, with de or f a: fa boa ho! lay it there! mede mato ho, I have

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30 boa — aboadi.

laid it Ihere. — tr. io put in o)r!er: gnye onipa a gboa n^ade yiye,
ommoA n'ade yiye, he does not keep his things in order. — Phr. boa
ano, to lay or bring together, i.e. to gather, collect^ assemble, — red.
boaboa; boaboa neho, to make one's self ready j get ready,

boa, v.l, to ?/e, tell a Hey be mistaken, be wrong ; to err; pr.416J769.

wommoa (kora), you do not lie, it is trne! of. ampa! - J2, to do pur-
posely, to /c/^n= boapa; gboa yco, he did it designedly (n'ani da ho
yiye na gyee); meboa maye, I shall do it xmrposely; meboa na me-
nkyere, I purposely do not shoie it; mammoa, I did not do it inten-

boa, V, to hell), assist; gboaa me ma meyee m'adwuma (or na

meyee m'adw.), = oyeo me adwuma abia, he assisted (helped) me in
(daing) my work,

o-boa, inf, help, asslstanee, — mboa, F. help, grace; cf, gdom.

boa, stand, standing (place to stand in) for hunters waiting

e-b 6 a, F. Akw. 7iet, fishing-net, = as^u. [^or game.

boa, id, = atra; as^u bi a wgde hama aye.

boa, 2)1. m-, bundle, parcel, package, packet; bribe, syn. adan-
mudo, anadwode; - di mmoa, to receive bribes; wamano mmoa,
he has bribed him,

hh6viy pi, m-, animal, beast, creature; in fables: aboa onipa, the
animal (called) man; a rude, ignorant, uncivilized man, p»\ loOT- —
Phr. di.. aboa frequently used in verdicts, e.g. wukum no a, wudi
no aboa (= wubu no aboa), // you had killed him, you would hare
dealt tvith him as with a beast (you wotdd have imposed upon his
quietness, treating him as a beast that does not complain) i. e. yoti
wmdd have killed him innocently, undeservedly; s, aboadi.

ab6 a, ab6awa, pi, m-, [dim,] small animal, insect, worm.

aboab c4ii, kind, sort or species of animal; minnfm n'ab., I do not

know tvhat kind of animal it is,

oboab6, = gsebgw, akw^bg; a large loaf of boiled bread (wg-

boapa na wgbgg no koktir5 sa).

abo-ab6, a, [gbo, red, j;Z.] stony; gkwan no ye ab., the way is

stony. Prov, 13j 15,

boaboa, red. v,, s, boa.

o-boaboafo, one who brings together; gb. ne hena? who will

collect or keep together the fatherless children?

botiddbi, m-, a large kind oflocust, of a dusky colour; syn,

ntuntum6; s. abebew.

aboadi, [gboa ade, or ebg-ade = abghyede] a thing or things

promised by a vote or solemn promise as payment for help obtained ;
thank-offering; gbosom ye nnama, na odi ab., if a fetish is powerfid,
he receives thank-offerings, pr, 616, gmano (n')ab., gye n'ab^ma no,
he pays him his vows, Ps. 22,26. 50,14, 61,9, 65,2.

obo ad ee, F. bgadze, creator [nea gb6() ad«^e, Gr. § 39, 9 b,=

aboadi, inf [di . . aboa] pr. 538, 972, 1813. [gdeb6fo, gbgfo].

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boadifo — boba. 31
boadifo, one who receives a bribe [di mmoa].
boaduam, iooih-aclie, = ades6, gkekaw.
o-bodf6, pi. a-, helper J assist ani, supporter, B6kfo, pr. n.
boafo, a hunter at his stand, waiting for game; s. boa.
a b a-f u f u , a name of the leopard (s, gsebg), used in the hearing
of a king (also of an osumanni) when he is at meals.

boaguru, a breaking mit, cutanemw eruption^ imslules on the

abo-ano, F. = abohow-ano. [hands or feet,

mboaanofo, I\ congregation.
b ap a, t'. #0 do purposely , intentionally ^with predetermination;
to feign, pretend; oboapa yee, he did it on purpose; pr. 558. cf. boa^.
o-boapawfo, = oboayifo. [pr.l643.

boapea, a kind of ape or monkey; cercopithecus? 1. ad6pe.

o-boase, broofn ("bound together below**); syn. ohtiae, gprae.
boaseto, inf. = abotoase, patience, forbearance, endurance.
o-boasomafo, j>/. a-, (civil) commissary, "purposely sent" (for
some special purpose).

aboaiia, (F.ad6pe?) akindoffl^)C, which never climbs trees ;///c

gorilla? though feeding on fruits, it is said to be so fierce as to kill
twenty men at once; ote se onipa na gye tia; na sasabonsam de,
oye tentententen.

aboatsena, pi. m-, serpent, F. Mt. 7^10.

abdatw^wii: obi nka no ab., obi iihawno, nobody stands in

his way, throws any impediment in his way; odi wgn so a obi iika no
*b., he rtdes over them tvithoui restraint.

gboa-yOj inf. a premeditated act; munnsusuw se gkg a me-

kgg hg no ye me awerefiri, na ey^ me gboaye, do not think that I
went there from for get fulness, I went there designedly (meboaa-pa na
m'ani daa hg na mekgg hg); adaka yi ye gboaye, this box is care-
fully made.

aboawa, F.-ba, 5. aboa; mmoawa-mmoawa, all sorts of insects

and nnimalculae, Mf. Gr.p.SS.

g-boayifo [nea wgaboa ayi no] trustee, chosen for some special
purpose; pi. committee, board of commissioners.
g-boayifoni, board officer.

boba, red. v., s. ba.

g-b6ba, grinding-stone, a stone of oval form by means of which

the negro-women grind the corn on a larger stone called wiyamm6 ;

boba, beba, F. = gbo. [syn. wiyamm6ba.

ab6ba, pi. id., bidlet, slug, square piece of lead or iron used as

t^ol; cf: gbo, korAb6, adareb6.

boba' [= baba], bobaw, pi, m-, mmobadua, dry sticks^ twigs
or branches reaching to the thickness of an arm, brush-ivood; wa-
nya ade anya ne mmoba, he has got every thing unto th^ very least,
= wanya ade mS abunkam so.

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32 bobare — ab6b6w.

bob are, boba-bobare, red.v.y s, bare.

b b a y cm f i, (bab. . .) bundle of dry sticks.

bob ay en ten, pole, perch^ stick (mmoba a eyan lio tenteo).

o-bob6, pL a-, a species of wild vine growing in the woods.

bobesd [obobe nsa] = win, wine.

o-b6biri [aboa a obiri, aboa tuntum], pi. a-, a species of anie-
lope, of dark colour, called also ewi ; cf. odabo.
0-bobiri, pi. a-, a black stone.

bobo, red.v. [s. bo, bobow], to beat or knock repeatedly; bobo

(nnua), to strike with the beak, to peck; to cleave wood, pr. 775. —
to break, shatter (nkuku, pots); to crack, pr.l61. - to destroy; mframa
bobo hy§n, the wind breaks ships, Ps. 48,7. - to cut (adoto mu hama)
pr. 546. 652. mekobobo afuw, I go to chop the stems and branches of
the bmh which is cut to make way for a plantation, that all the wood
may be burned completely. MabobQ me nsa ano na makoto m'asase,
I did not let my hands be idle, (lit. / employed, i.e. worked with, my
fingers) and have bought some land.
bobo, noisy crying, pr. 1158.

abobo = abobow ; As. = asSr^ne.

bobo, quiet, silent, stUl, peaceable; pUegmatic, dull, sluggish;

G. b^boka; oye b. = (?y§ komm, oiika neho kora; etod. wode wo
won sa, §tod. nso a oyare ma woye sa.

abobo-ano, s. abobow.

abob6b^i [ab§ a ne hnwea nye den na wghom' a §ye yiye], a

palm-nut the shell of which may be easily cracked with the teeth.

abob6-b6: di ab., to bargain, barter, higgle, haggle; me ni wo

di ab. = meye ade mema wo a, na woma me biribi midi.

abobo-boa, pi. m-, the class of stinging insects (bee, wasp. . .).

abdbadwe, a thorny climber; hama a eho nsge-nsoe; wgde

n^aba tow ware.

abobQe, (pi. m-?) a kind of beans; syn. dtwfe.

boboi, inter j. of surprise; cf. boe.
bobofo, onipa b., a humble man; an indolent, inert man;
one who is to be pitied; sunsum bobQfo (Fantesong 13), spirit of hu-
mility or mercy; cf. mmobg.

ebo-b5n6, propensity to anger, choler, violent passion.

abobonim' = ofi no anim, the place before the entrance to a


abob5nua [nea obobo nnua], a bird of the size of a lark, feed-

ing on insects; wood-pecker.

bobow, red. v., to wind up, roll up (asawa, yam, kete, ntama,
nhoma...); qwq bobo neho, the snake is coiling itself up.

ab6b6w, the wicket or door in the fence of a negro-house, usa-

ally made of palm-branches, syn. berapae ; entrance or gate of a
dwelling or complex of houses; complex of houses belonging to one

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abobow — boe. 33

family; rourt, cmtrf-i/ard; square, qnaiicrs ; divcUing, (Bampo ab.

80 kyen Dako de; Kwaw no OfeeWanyin te ab. bakom'; B6afo ab.
ben ahemii; ab. ue unipa a woteTako, na wowo opanyih bako a.s.
banu; abonteh uk ramroh nh nnantam* na ekyekye ab. mu.)

abobo w-ano, the space imraediately before the door or gate;


ab6b6 w, = go, a kind of reed or rush used for mats (5. go-
kete). Akyemfo tetew ab. no gkwanmu na woakyekye asoa ako nca
worckgto nkyene ho; eho na wode ab. no si nkyenc bo wo bed^w
mu 8oa ko Akyem.

abo-dabaU; L bar of lead or iron [adaban] from which slugs

[abo] may be cut. — J2. Turkey-red satin stripe,

abod^m', 1, caurage, spirit; selfpossession, composure; hearty, ^

determined purpose, firm resolidion; ye no ab. (= yc no berew, mma
wo koma nntu ho), do it confidently; cf ne bo da ne yam\ — 2. name
of a dance,

o-boddmfo, 2)1 » a-, madman, madwoman, insane person ;pr, 547,

o-boddu, pi, a-, cave [obo odan, a house in a stone or rock],

aboddn-seniy words or doings of madness or of a madman.

abode, pi, id, [bo 85 ade] creature.

abodeamin6, bottle of thick Europ. glass [ado a ebo dade

[= ^f\ve ase] a, emmp, a thing which, tvhen it strikes or falls to the
ground, does not break]; syn, tumpdn.

obodede, a full grown shark; cf. ^sq, fcirefilre.

abo dill, ifif [bo din] F, praise. Wo na abodin nhina yg wo

dea, all praise belongs (is due) to thee.

b6d0, bodobodo, soft, tender, fine, usod of things mixed

with water, as mmgre, dough; cf, f^kgfekg, m6humQhu.

a bo do', bread, baked bread of Indian corn; cf dokono, pdno. -

to ab., to bake bread, - abodotofo, pi, id,, baker,

o-bgdym,^. a-, dog; syn, okr^man, otvired.

bod6m, pi, a-, a precious coral or bead; cf, botA, ahene.
bodomm6, a weight of gold == 20 ntaku, ^V2 dollars or
bodommo f4, the half of the preceding. [ackies, 11 s, 3 d.
bodua [aboa dua] s, ahiigyd.

abodwe, F. 3£k, 15,15, 1 Tim, 6,10. s, next.

abodwo, abodVv^oee, inf. [bo dwo] inward rest, contented-

nes8, content, contentment, satisfaction; peace of mind, equanimity,
evenness of temper, imperturbation, tranqmlUty, sedatencss; pr.3592.
pleasure, delight; n'abodwoee ba, a son according to his liking; enye
no abodwo, it displeases, vexes him; ehq nye won ab., they do not
feel comfortable there; cf, nebo ad wo; abotoyam, ahoto.

abodwo-ky§re, inf longsuffering [bo, dwo, & kye, to last],

bgfe! interj, yes! syn, yiw.

boe! inierj, of astonishment, on hearing or recoivingbad news,

or indicating pain.

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34 aboe — abogyaboa.

aboe, r.n. />. bo 23] confluence, meeting or junction ofttvo or

more streams; cf. abomma.
mboe, F. creationy = adebo.
boe, V, to begin; boe wo adwuma ansa-na maba, begin thy
work before I come,

b 6 e boe, red. v. 1, s. boe. — 2. to part in heaps. — 3. anim b.,

s. baebae.

aboedeii, aboeduru, aboemerew, s. abood., ab9od., aboom.

abo-enyim, F. before the door, withoid, ML 12,46. = abobonim.

boewerc w, pi. a-, nail of a finger or toe; cf. awerew.

ab6fi, 1. weights heavier than they ought to be; wo abo yi yc
ab.! cf. abofunu. 2. a weight or price in odd numbers, f.i. any num-
ber of cowries between 5, 10, 15, and 20.

0-b6f6, pi. a-, 1. messenger, ambassador; cf. bg kasee, to deliver

a message. — 2. angel. — cf. osomafo.
0-b6fo,i??. a-, creator; cf. oboadee.

0-b5f6, J)?, a-, hunter, syn. obommof6; pr. 549-551. — di.. abof6,
= di . . yaw, to provide a hunter with food during his lonely stay
in the wood. pr. 549.

0'h6f6fpl. a-, spoiler, destroyer; mischievous, injurious person,

miscreant [nea odi aboro]. pr. 552.553.

abgfo [ab6a fo] carcase of a beast; aboaa wawu da wuram';

syn. afo, ab6ka, funu.

abo-fono, inf. nausea, loathing, 52c^we55 of the stomach, pro-

pensity to vomit, pr. 1098.1099.

obofo-ts^n, F. pi. a-, a regular hunter; s. ten 2.

abofrd, pLm-, 1. child, boy, girl; young; ab. barima, boy, lad;
ab. bea, girl, lass. — 2. servant, attendant; person subordinate or in-
ferior in rank. [F. abafra; gba, forowa = foforo?] pr, 341-343.554-592.

0-b 6 f li , the bark of a tree (as, ofo, opanto) that can be used as
a cloth or sack; s. bofunnua.

bofud, bufua, 1. a kind of tree(?). 2. (ago b.), yellow velvet;

yellow colour; asawa b., yellmv yarn; cf. odubeii.

q-h O'iu^xi J ivhite marble.

abo-fiinu, false (too light) «t'c/r///fe, = abohunu, abo a emfra;

cf. ebo, abofi.

bofunniid, pit. m-, 1. a tree of which bofu is taken ; Antiaris

saccidora Balz. — 2. dua a wgatwa no porow asen ano, a pointed
piece of wood, taken from that tree, tied round with a string, used

as a charm to remove mischief (yi 'musu) or to curse (bg. . b.).

3. menase b., the uvula in the throat.

abofuw, 5. abufuw.
bogya, Ak. F. = mogya, 1. blood; syn. gkafo, danse. —
2. a person related by blood, kinsman, kinswoman, pr. 593-596.
abogy aboa [bogya aboa], pr. 2418.

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abogyabum — obomafo. 35

abogyabum, strokes after tvhich Hood gushes, plenty of bloody

much hlood; s. bum, pr. 97,

abogy adua, an edible berrt/ resembling cberrics; the tree or

^rub producing it.

abogy afra, inf me-neno di ab., tve both are ofthesame blood,

a b gy e , tJie lower jaw or jaw-bone,

a-bogyese, beard, pr. 417, — bogyese-piitu, whiskers,

abogy etiri, the upper end (condyloid process) of the lower

jaw-bone, next to the ear.

abogyewd, j>?. m-, one of the two rafters of a roof forming

the gable.

abogyewayan, aboa abogy e a woayl atoa ne yah so. D,A8.

h oh a, pi, m-, sheath, scabbard, case for a knife or sword; pr.

0-b 0-h e m m a [lit. queen of stones'] very hard white stone, quartz,
g-bo-hene \jpl, a-, precious stone,

abo-hordu, inf. provocation to anger, syn, abnfuwyi. Prov.15,1,

abo-hiiru, inf, fury, rage, wrath; cf. abufuw.
boka, F. east, eastward, leeward; = anafo.
aboka, pr.lS76,

aboka^ carcase of a beast; spoiled meat; syn. abgfo; cf, bomu.

o-bohy e, inf. [hy§ bo] promise, vow, = hhycase.
abohyeafo, i>r.595. — abohyede, 5. aboade.
o-bo-hyen, a white stone,
b5k0, b6koboko, soft (ntama, tenterehfi, nensam ye b.);
tender, feeble, effeminate; syn. bete, merew; softly, gently, slowly,
comfortably, quietly: ye adwuma no b.=berew ; gyina hob.=komm.
hboko J pi. m-, a species of wild fowl; cf, ak6kokwantenni.
b6kwdw, = sukramah^
bom', = bo mo, s, bg, v. 16. 23. (36. 46. 53.)
bom, V. to be quiet from fear, struck with fear, overawed, in-
timidated, terrified; osebo sQ a, mmoadoma hhina bom ; hknra ate
agyinamoa hka nti, woabom; won hhina bommom (red.) = ehQ
ak^ won mS woaye komm. — F.to be depressed, dejected. Mt.26^ 37,
e-b m' , pi. a-, a small pot in which the palm-wine distilling from
the tree is caught; ahinawa bi a ano ketewa-bi a wode sua abe;
pr, 599,946, cf, asahina; p6row, v.
abom' [= ab6 mu], stony ground.

Q-bomma, pi. a-, a long, but comparatively thin kind of drum;

cf. akyene, atumpah.

abommd, pi. m-, [nsu a ebebom'] tnbuiary, tributary stream,

affluent, branch, pr. 3084.

Q-bomafo, [bg 97] calumniator; one who falsely imputes ill

deeds to another.
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36 abomana — bonna.

SLhomansLj pr. 1382.

abomfia, despicable j^crsov ; syn. ketewa, nea omfra, onni a-

nuonyam ; oye ab. = omfra fwefwefwe; obu no ab., ==obuno kakrii-
bi, ketewabi, obu no se omfra, he despises him,

bo m m6, jt??. m-, a vahiable cloth to cover a bed; mpanyintdro

bi a wode kata mpa so.

o-b o ni m f 6 , pi. a-, hunter, sportsman ; syn. Qbof6 ; pr. 600-608.

bommofo-adua, a certain fruit, very red. ^'

abommoyere: goru ab., s, adam, J2.

bom'mou, red. v., s. bon'.
bom mo 11, red. v., s. b6n.

homou6y pi. m-, stink-fishy a kind of dned fish brougbt from

the coast for sale. [G.bomono, fr. Tw.momono, rair, orbon, to stink.]
bommonserewd, a kind of bSrgfo-kcnte, q. v.
abommorowusd, a sbrub with edible fruits.

bomQt6, a kind of beast resembling a beaver.

ab6mpnruwa [ebgmp.], phm-y 1. a small round wooden box
to keep gold-dust in. — ^. a tree with its fruit resembling the pome-
fa 6 m 1 1, a kind of gun. [granate
bom u , 2)1. a- [aboa mfi] a killed beast of chase, game ; s. aboka.
Ab6mmiibuw^fre, F. nea wobo abubuw a wofreno.
boiV, V. to call or cry after or to (from a distance); bgn no!
cry after him!

hbiij V. to crow; akokg b., the cock crou% pr. 353.1673.

boa, V. to imbue or penetratCf asleaven does the dough, pr .2045;
to smelly emit an odour or xmrticular (good or bad) scent; to stink:
pr. 1518. 2496. srade, anowatere bgn no hO, he smells of ointment , la-
vender-water; ne ho bgn, he stinks; pr. 315. 1388. 2427. wuram bg bgn,
tJie bush there emits an offensive smell; gko no abgn wgn f wen em',
they arc weary of, disgusted with fighting.
bon, V. F. = boe, to begin.
o-b on, pi. a-, hole, hollow, cave, den of animals; cf. etO, tokuru,
amoa; v^. 215. 2.359.

O-b 11, 7>?. a-, ralCy valley; bed of a river; oboiihunu, valley with-
out water; cf. osubon, gka.

bon, pi. a-, rind, bark (of a tree, dua ho ab.) ; scales (of a fish) ;
cf. hono. — Phr. gmmgg ho bon e, he has not even mad^ a begin-
abon', F. badness; s. bone. /wiw^ ofU.

abonfi, Ak. = abon; cf. dweteb6na.

b 6 n 3,, stock of a musket, gunstock. s, tub5na, tuo.
bona, Ak. bg bSna = twa a(gya)dwo, kenkan su-dwom, to
recite the praise of a deceased person, to wail, lament.

bonna, m-: gto (mmea) mmonna, he attacks women by night

in order to ravish them. — o-bonnat6f6 [nea gtoa mmea ana d wo
pe se gfa wgn] a lascivious, lewd man, ravishcr.

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bonam — ahonsc. 37

bo nam [ab6a ndm, hanam] venison, game.

b6ne, a. bad, evil, wicked; aboa-bone, a wild, dam/ermis ani-

mal; asem-mone, a bad i.e. hard, unkind ward; evil, wicked deed;
bad i.e. difficult, dangerous palaver; pr. 3864-6, 2548,

e-bon^, «. evil; sin, wickedness. [G. efon, eSa.] Maye bone, I

have done evil, I have sinned; odwen ne kdmam boue, he meditates
evil in his heart; fa me boue firi me or kye me, forgive me my sin(s).
— bone-awosan, original sin, Kurtz § 198, — bone-lafiri, F. ebon-
fafiri, bonfakje, forgiveness of sins.

0'bbn6jpl.&'j 1. = onipabone, a bad, wicked man; nnipa yi,

w6ye ab6n6. — J2. = okwased, a foolish man.

g-bonefo, pi. a-, id, !,<& 2, — abonefosem, wickedness; foolish

tricks; blockishness, tJioughtlessness,

boneiiwdne, bonewone, borew6r6, bayonet,

bouhon, a kind of beads; s, ahene.
o-b6nf, i^^. abAfo, tvaiter, servant at table; cf, abo.
bonnf aye [gba a onni aye?] 1, ungrateful; oye b., he is un-
gratefid. — J2. ingratitudey ungratefulness,

ab n 1 m' [ade a ebo anim] diadem; cf. abotiri.

o-boniu, a barren, unfruitful woman or beast.
o-boiikft, pi. a-, gutter, gully, furrow, channel, ravine formed
by water; cf. obon, oka, osuka.

0-boiiko, pi. m-, lobster, craw-fish, cray-fish.

bohh&vkj pi. m-, travelling-basket, syn. apakah; cf. dinkyc-
d^nky^, osdko.

abonkyi-aboiikyi, a. rough, uneven; okwan so ye ab., the

way is rugged,

bonn6, [bon, do, filling in a gap^^ work done in leisure time,

fr.3497. di b., to do work in short intervals bcticcen other work, to
work in leisure time: mekodi b. kakra wo m'afnwm*, I will use the
little free time (between my other work) for working an my plantation;
se manni b. mankyerew wo na mise meret^en akosi se menya ho
kwan kora de a, en'de anka ebekye. — bonnodi, inf. — obonno-
dwuma, incidental, occasional business; adwobaw-ka y§ ob. —
bgnno-so, occasionally, incidentally,

a-bonsam', inf, [bo nsam'] clapping of (the) hands,

o-bonsam, pl,^-, ra-, 1, wizard, sorcerer, witch, ^= gbayifo. —

2, the devil conceived to be an evil spirit reigning over the spirits
of deceased wicked men^ a demon; sunsum bi a gkyere nnipa
nsommone; gno na ne mma ne abayifo, abosom ne asuman.

g-bonsdmf6,^La-, = obayifo.

abonsdm-kuvow, hell, the place or abode of the devil VLndi

of the spirits of the wicked placed under bis dominion ; the abode
of ev'd spirits.

a b n s e, [obon ase], pi. m-, bottom of a valley.

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:^H (o)b5nsu — bore.

(o)b5nsu, tchale or other animal in the sea spouiing water.

bonsu[w]d, a kind oi pot; s, ahina; a drinking-vessd.
abont6fi (F. abrontsen), i^Z. m-, street, the chief street passing
through the midst of most negro-towns, [hron, ten = tenten.]
abontem-fdu, an esculent herb.

abonteii-ndmp§,ii, a honse with an open front towards the

street; s, Qddmpan.

a b n t e n-k 6 , street-fighting.

0-b6nt6, pi. a-, hoot; cf. batadewa, ahyemma, okSrow.

abontdre, a small edible fruit; the climber on which it grows,
bo n tori-, a tree resembling the poplar.
b6ntor5^ F. [Eng.] hunting, ntama hatahata, of which flags
are made.

abontowiiku, a climber bearing edible fruits.

o-bon t u, a species of goat with long hair, very tame and care-
ful; pr,609.

abonua, j)L m-, axe, hatchet; syn. atwapo; Onyank5pon ab.,

thunder-bolt; a stone resembling a finger, said to fall from heaven
with the lightning and to enter the ground until it meets water be-
low and then returns; the thunder-stone, a belemnite (f).

o-boniiky6refo, name of a large drum, bomma. pr,513.

bgriw6ma, bile, gall, [bore, nwoma = nwene.]

aboodeu, dearness, high price; otoo no ab., he bought it dear;

cf. nc bo ye den. — aboodeii-bo, pi. -abo, precious stone.

aboodiiru, courage, courageousness, bra very ; cf. ne bo yc duru.

aboom6r6w, cheapness, low price; to ab., to buy cheap; cf.

ebo ye merew; abosiri, fowfow.

abO'pae, inf. the quarrying of stones, pr.3593.

o-bop6ii [aboa, pon]|?Z. m-, & large animal, as, esono, susono,
yoma, t5rom, bew, eko.

0-b6-p6ii, a stone table.

bor, bor, F. = bore, bore, boro.

abor a , p^ m-, a European or mulatto-woman, s. ab6rowA.

b r a d e-ky e n a , a fine straw-mat.

aboraiika, -kawa [b5ro, ahka] = akutu. r^ ^^

abor-do, m-, F. = mmoros6, exceedingly, abundantly (tc.Mt. 3^16,

bor e, V. 1. to dig; b. d6 or d^ ase, to dig round about the yarn;

F. bor dadze = funu fam\ Mt. 25,18. — 2. to Jwllow, scoop, cut or
hew out, excavate; b. gdasem', ok6rowm'; syn. tu mu. — 3. to search
out; wabare (abgre abore) akgfd adc no, he has found it out; — to
devise = tu n'adwenem agyina. Obgre ne nsem hye, (= gmpe se
odi nsem nhina wo guam') he buries his ^natters, keeps them to him-
self, keeps tliem secret, manages to hide them.

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bore — boroboro. 39

bore, V. to stir] b. asu, to move about in the water to swim;

cf. boro 2. — obore ne kurnm', lie disturbs, hurts his sore, ne knru
mmore, his sore remains undisturbed; pr. 1079^ 1814- —
bore so, to be engaged in combat or fighting; ye-ni won rebore so.

e-b6re, venom ofsnaJces or insects; gdoa boo me; n'anom' bore

(ne bore) wo me nsam'; - poison at the point of arrows, pr. 372,
Ak. eboro.

e-b5re, a kind of venomotts snake, ^= onSnka.

o-B o r e b 6 r e, a name of God or of a ipy thical Deity; cf. bore 2,

aborehude [ade a wgabore ahu] invention.

bo re sen [s^n a mmore worn'] a vessel in which dough' is
made or kept.

borew6r6, bononwane, bagonet.

boro, V, Ak.bo, 1. to beat, strike, smite (nnipa, mmoa, with many

blows, cf, bo); pr. 611,763. osu b. dan so, the rain falls heavily on
the house; b. dan mu, to beat the clay of which the floor of the house
18 made; b. amu so, to beat (level) the ground over a grave, pr.612, —
b. asawa, osaw, to beat cotton, a sponge of fibres; b. tarn, to smootJte
washed clothes by beating them with a cudgel (aboroba) ; b. hiiasu,
to brush off the dew from the grass and leaves in walking, pr. 356. —
2, to beat the water with hand and feet; b. asubonten, po, to bathe
or swim in the river, in the sea; cf, bore asu. — 3, to be(U, vanquish,
subdue, overcome, pr,3410, — 4, horo so^ to surpass, be more than,
be abundant; syn, bu so, fe ho; wany& neho aboro so, he is abun-
dantly rich,

boro nsa, Ak. s, bow, v,

boro- or buro- in compds. indicates that a thing is from Eu-

rope or of European origin; cf. ab5robe &c. obtironi, ab5rowa.

e borg, Ak. = ebgre, poison, pr, 363,

iboro, injury, damage, detriment, hurt; malevolence, envy;-

pr. 613, 874, 901; ab. wo ne tirim' ; 6y^ kh6ro = ^y e ob6f6, he is a
malevolent or envious fellow, f.i. in showing how to make a thing,
he does not say all. — di.. ab., to damage, do harm, hurt; s. aborodf.

aboroba, i>?.m-, a smooth cylindric ^icce of tcood, serving in-

stead of a smothing-iron. [boro, aba.]

ab6rgbe,i?Z. m-, ananas, pine-apple, [borg, abe; it seems to

have been brought into the country by Europeans.] —
ab6rgbe-dua, the ananas-plant — ab6rgbe-fuw, ananas plantation.
— abSrghe-mma, dim.

ab6ro-b§ii, pl.m-^ European horn, French-horn, trumpet.

g-b6r5bfn, a by-name of the vulture, s. opete. [*• *beh.

bdrdboro. b6rgb5rgb5rg, sweet, agreeable to taste (aduaba a

abere, aduan a nkyene wom*).

aboroboro-sem, a nice, interesting, entertaining story ; as§m a

eniiim a.8. obi nteeda na woankasa abg wotirim ka, a.s. atetesem bi.
boroboro: ohiani b., a really, miserably poor man.

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40 gborode — gborofotefb.

o-boro-de, -dee, the plantain; 1. th^ fruit or fruits; 2. tbe/rc6

(ph^'\ gnam abrodem') =obrode-dua, pU abrode-anua. Otwabrode,
he cuts the hunch witbout cutting tbe stem; odwow brode, he cuts
small clusters or hands (s. osiaw, pi, a-) of 4 to 8 single fruits from
tbe whole buncb (oduru, pi, a-). — Di/f. Jcinds: brode -fnferefu,
-fufu, -hemma, -kokowa, -kwadu; gb6sfm, ag6na-n^-toA, gyebum,
nnwer^.tfa (nny.), okom-bekum-wo, mpantCi, mp^mma, os6boas6.
0-brode-duru, a bunch of plantains, containing 5 to 8 hands
or rings of single fruits (betem, pL m-).

o-brode-dwe, brodee-dwo, roasted plantains, pr. 216S40.6il

- brode-h5no, the husk of the plantain-fruit, the ashes of
which mixed with palm-oil are made into soap. — brode ho bono,
the fibres of the plantain-stalk; s, bah a, mposae.

brode-s e, pL a-, 1, the stump of a plantain-tree cut off, from

which new trees grow; 2. = the next.

o-b r de w d, ^Z. m-, the suckers or shoots from the mother-plant,

plants for transplanting, — brodewd, Ak. s, obdsAw ; cf, baha.

ab6ro-df, inf, action of one seeking another's detriment; obi

rebeye wo yiy^ nk obi akotiam'; w6reye biribi k 6bcye yiy^, na obi
akoye mft anye yiye a. s. wakotwa nkontompo ama dekode no afi
aborodo, F. = abordo, mmoroso. [wo nsa.

aborodo': 6twk ab., he feigns to be unable to fight, h^ deserts

(wantumi ahko), pr.l460. — o-borodoni, i^?. a--fo, desetier.
g-borodomd [b8ro, gdomd] the European fig or fig-tree,
borogfd., As. a weight of gold, = agyiratwefa; s, borowo.
borofere, pl,fi-^ a tropical fruit resembling a melon (fere),
the papaw, and the tree, Carica papaya; pr, 643.3265. —
brgfere-dua, the papaw-trec.

B 6 r fo, F. A-b6rgfo, pi, of 0-btironi; pr. 644... gkasa borgfo,

he speaks a European language,

borofo-hama, pack-thready twine, string, cord of European


borofo-homa, dressed (curried) leather from Europe.

b 6 r f - k e n t e, striped cotton, s, ntama.

borofo-mako, a kind o^ pepper.

b 6 r f - s u k r a n , the tamarind and its fruit.

b 6 r g f - n k a t e e , the bread-fruit-nut and its tree.

borgfom', in the manner, after the fashion of the Europeans.

borgfo-pe, inf. oyh br., he is (foolishly) fond of, or, seeks to

please, th^ European.

bo r g f s a, a string of heads [fr. b6rofo nsa ano, hoto the Eu-

ropeans have j)ut it, or siaw?].

aborg fo-s6m, words, manners, dealings oftlic Europeans.

g-l)6rgfo-tefo, one understanding and speaking a European
language, pr. 646.

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borohaniie — b6sea. 41

borghanne [b6ro, ban, ade] glass. D, As.

borohene [b6ro ohene] the European governor of the Eng-
lish possessions on the Gold Coast.

boro-homa, boro-nhoma, paper; leather.

boro^^O? borokO, br6kobrgko, soft, weaky flabby, flaccid,

as withered leaves, blotting-paper; feeble, e.g. from intoxication or
seediness; mm6rokgmm5rokowafo, effeminate, 1 Cor. 6,9. D. As.

abrok6kokot6, [akoko akora, obsc."] a kind of beads; s. ahen^.

aboro-kyew, a European hat; pr. 2894.

5-b 6 r 6 m, pi. a-, a kind of lizard.

aboroma, -me, pi. m-, a species oi dove, wild pigeon, turUe-

dove; = mmorommorom^, gyamhoho, gy'ahoho.

a b r Q m e , oto no ab., he lags words (riddles) before him to make

hira guess; when he does not find the right answer, he abuses him
in most ofPensive language referring to father & mother; woto ab.,
ma jeiikoto ab., — an immoral play.

borommd [bbrgn, dim.] narrow street, dley, lane.

b6romp6t6, bod., water-pox, chicken-pox (mpete brafo nen).
aborompo, a kind of herb.
boron, i>^ m-, street, lane; cf. abgnten, F. abrontsen.
borou, copper wire, k6bere ntwSe.
boro-nuo, s. bttro . . .
abor6n6 m a, pi. m-, dove, domestic pigeon. [b6ro, anoma.]
o-br6tea, s. opete.

boro-toa, cruet, phial, vial, flask, flagon, botUe.

ab6rot6to, a certain shrub, perh. Strychnos nux-vomica, and
its seed, nnx-vomica, poison-nut, vomica mU; wode sisi ohye, wgde
gye ban.

abort) wd, abgra', European female (woman, lady); midaMo-

woman; to distinguish the former from the latter, she is called
AbGrokyiri abgra. — aborowd-ba, a child of a European mother;
a European lady not yet grown.

borowo, As. a weight of gold, = agyiratwe; 5. borg6fa.

ab6r6w5nuud [b6rg, awonniid], lard brought from Europe.

a b 6 s d m , cliff, crag, rock; chain, shelf, layer, ridge or ledge of

rock or stones; rocky place. F. = abotan, Mk. 4,5.

0-b6sdw [boro, gsaw] a kind of sponge for washing; gbrgde

a wgadwow na emu dua a wgaboro a wgde guare no. Ak. brgd^wd.

abgse [bg 84] inf. beginning, origin; minnim sa asem no ab.

trod 6, I do not know the true etymology of that word; cf. mmgase,
mfiase, mfitiase, nhyease.
b 6 s e a, i>Z. m-, pebble.

b6sea, Ky. b^s^a, loan of money; bg b., to lend or borrow

money; pe b., to borrow money, pr. 2935.2937. mabg no (mapeno)b.,

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42 bosea-ho — ahosoukwa.

/ have lent him money; mekgbo b^ / am going to borrow motiey;

makobo (no ho) b., mape b., I have borrowed money (from him); bo
me b. dare du, na wobo me a, mesom wo ano, lend me ten dollars,
then I shall serve you for it.

b s e a-b o , a-b o s e a-p e , inf. lending or borrowing of money.

ab6-s§n, injf'. hanging up of stones to avert a threatened event


abosiy inf. [si bo], hazardous enterprise, daring feat.

o-bdsim, a kind of plantain, s. obdrode.

abosfri, a loto or cheap price; maton mama no magye no ab.

bi, / sold it to him at a low price; cf. fow, fowfow, aboomerew.

abosOy F. most high; the Most High. MJcS/-

abosOy 1. girdle. — J2. (boso) batten, the movable bar of a

loom^ which strikes in or closes the threads of a woof (adea otama-
nwenefo de bo asawa no so mk epiw).

abgso-ba, club, cudgel. prSU. [bo 54, aba.]

abo-so-nhwi, moss growing on stones.

g-b s 6 m' , jp?. a-, the moon ; a mofith ; syn. osram'. ML 24^.

g-b6som, pi. a-, tutelar or guardian spirit of a town or family;

imaginary spirits, subordinate to God, worshipped or consulted by
the negroes, generally called fetishes by the Europeans, though the
term fetish would better be restricted to asuman, charm, or, to
avoid confusion, not be used at all. [The word is supposed to come
fr. obo &som(?). Tete ab6s6m no a mpanyimfo som won (a.s. wode
nsa n^ nnuaii kogyaw won) no ye abo ara iiko; ebi ye nnna, se
abe, odnm, ony^; ebi ye siw n.a.; ebi ye koro (s, koro); akomfo
abosom de, ewoho-woho a, wobete se oyi se: mafa obosom, na
oyi se: mafaobosom.] — bg b., 1. to surrender one's self to a fetish
or patron spirit. — 3. to curse (another) by a fetish, s. bg 4J2. 81.

abdsom, a potion drunk when in swearing an oath of alle-

giance or mutual fidelity; wgpftm a, wgnom (or wodi) ho abosom; a
covenant made valid by such a potion; g-n& no wo abosom ; s. nsu 4.

g-b s m - b li w , house or lodging of a fetish.

g-b 6 s m-a k e 1 6 w, -tere, pi. a-, chameleon, pr. 62 1-623.

g-bosomf6, fetishman, syn. gkgmfo; onipa a gbosom wo no so

ni ne mu. pr. 624. 625.

g-bosommd, [-ba], pi. m-, fetish child; a child gotten by the

help of a fetish and therefore given to him.

boso m-m a n [-ban] enclosure, enclosed space sacred to a fetish.

abosom-mg, inf. the calling upon or surrender to a fetish.

g-bosom-muw, s. gbosombuw.

abosompcm-abdsommaguli, the fetislics altogetJier.

g-b s m - p a n y i n , i>?. a- m-, a chief or superior fetish.

g-b s m-p 6Uy pi. a-, a great, pmoerftU, mighty fetish.

abosofi-kwa, pi. m-, [gb. akoa] slave or servant of a fetish*

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abosonno — obotof6. 43

a b s n-n e (j>l. id.), a thing given or belonging to a fetish.

a b s o n-sem, feilsh-religionj fetishism; fetish-matters.

a b o n s n-s 6 d, inf. the carrying of the fetish.

aboson-s6m, inf. fetish-service, the worshiping of fetishes or

idols; idolatry, heathenism.

0-b o s n s m n i , 2^?. a- -fo, a worshiper of fetishes, a heaihen.

aboson-sii, the water in the pot (koro) belonging to a fetish.

b6sonopo, bosoropo, the great sea, ocean, pr. 380.636. 3070.
b s o w: 6j^ b., he is melancholy. [3094.

0-b6sii, [e-bow, osu] dew; ob. gu, dewfaUs; cf mmosuwa.

b o t a, 17. /o mark, to incise, make an incision; woakobota onipa
(akyere) ne, to-day they have marked a man destined to be killed;
ode sekan abota no (ho) kakra, he has given him some incisions with
a knife; - to get a sight of, catch sight or a glimpse of: wo ani bota
no ho dabiara a, fa bisa no ma me, a/ny day you get a sight of him,
ask him about it for me; n'ani ammota ho = wanhu ho; obae, m'ani
ammota no, when he came, I did not see him at all.
b6 td; ayeUowcordl, the most costly of all, = kakawa; s. ahene.
bo tae, v.n. [bota] mark, target, butt; - watow or wabo b. no
mo, he has hit the mark or aim.

^b6tafo w a, i?Z. m-, a child of one or two years, pr. 629.

o-b6 tan, pi. a-, rock; gbo a ^terew' h6. Ez.24^7.

abotar, F. = abotoase; nya ab. = to wo bo ase. Mt. 18,36.

hh6tehj tJie right or full sum, = abo a eye gkwaii mii; the
principal sum ; cf. akoten ; n'4b6ten kofuaa ahannu, the complete
sum amounted to 200 (heads of cowries).

o-botf ri, = aboa ti. pr.633.

abotlrl, tam ab., to wrestle. [G. fo abotiri.]

abotfri, ^^m-, head-band, fillet ; diadem, crown ; ade biara a

wode bo won ti.

abotisi, a triple crown, as the pope's.

abotit6u, a high stately head-dress, turban; abotiri ten ten, ab.

a enye ahnhu-tama bi na eye ntama-pa.

h^tOf pi. m-, sack, bag, bundle; syn. atwea. pr.832.

b5to, a powdered medicine in a small gourd; woahnw (no)

b to, 5. poto. [b- aga ne f ^enem\

ab oto, inf. [to (me) bo]: laying a bet or wager; enam akyin-
ny egye mn na ab. no ba, na ete se nkyia.

abo-to, inf. = abotoy am', ^eaoe, confidence, good cheer.

abotoase, inf. = boaseto, ^a^/ewce, forbearance, endurance.

abdt6, empty or blind nut or other fruit contAining no kernel

or flesh in the shell or husk (brode, nkate, aiikyS &c. aba a eye bono
nko na aduan nnim'); ofa ye ab.

o-botofo, jp?. a-, nea odwenso kete so, who pisses on his mat
[bg tgw J cf. p6tgf6.

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44 botohiihiiw — bow.

botohiihiiw, steam; b. afiri, sleam-enfjine; b. na ede owusi-

hyen nam ; wonoa biribi na wubua so a, b. sinsiane mmuaso no
ho gu fam'.
ab to ku rd, pi, m-, a kind of momCy of a dark hue with light
stripes, living in the wood; syn» odontwi.

b6t6ro, Ak. wabg no b.==wabgno obo a 6bekum^ no, ebema

wato, lie struck him with a deadly blow, he heal him so severely that
he must die from it.

bo tow, v. ^0 abatey to decrease, rdax, become less in vigour,

strength, heat &c. — tr. to abate, reduce, lessen, diminish, remit; -
nfwireh no ab6tow* = akagyaw, the flower has faded, withered; ne
kuru a etuu kokttro no, afei de ab. kakra, his sore that had become
large, has decreased; aduru no ab. yare no, or ama gyare no ab., the
medicine has given a check to the sickness; nsu no ab., the water has
become lukewarm; wabotow, he is cast down, dejected, all his joy
and gaiety has left him, = ne ho afgm no ; wgab. gko no, they have
suspended hostilities, made a truce; wgab. asem no ato hg, they have
brought the palaver into an easier ivay and have laid it aside for a
while (asem no, wonni no denn^nnennen na wodi no berew na wg-
agya mu ato hg kakra).

botowd, p^. m-, 1. small bag or sack, pouch. — 2. a musical

instrument, bag-pipe? pr. 633,

abotgydra', inf. [bo to yam'] ^)eace of mind, joy, happiness;

satisfaction, contentment; cf, abotg, abodwo.

ab6-tu, inf consternation; despondency; eye no ab. = etu ne

bo, ema ne bo tu. — abotdsem, neics of trouble or danger; report
causing frigid or consternation.

botur6b5dw6, lukewarm, tepid ; nsu b.

bo-ii. As. by all means, absolutely, positively; with negation:

by no means; mise, kgfa onipa no bera, bo-fi na se wamma a (Akr.
na se eka no babi emma na ose gmma a), san bSra, I say, fetch thai
man ; but when lie absolutely refuses to come, then return.

bow, V. l.to become tough (of clay in pottery). — 2. s. red.


bow, bundle of tobacco-leaves, commonly called 2ihead or hand

of tobacco.

bo-w, a charm (fetish) hidden in the ground: wasi or wahye

no b. ==gde suman bi akghye fam' ama obi; ebi ye kabere, ebi ye
sumanhunu bi n^ aduru.

e-bow, = omununkum, fog, mist; angpa bgw = angpd bosii;

b. atg =r gbosu agu.

bow, Ky. boro, to grow weak, flag, slacken; tr. to make weak,
slack, flaccid, flabby, flaggy; gpe nti hhabah nhinaabow, on account
of the harmattan the leaves are all drooping; awia abow (= akisa)
nfwiren no, the sun has withered the flowers ; abe no abow, that palm^
is no more as fresh as in the first three days after foiling it. — bow
nsa, to become weakx.Q. intoxicated, to get drunk, by drinking much
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bowema — bra. 45

palm-wine or any liquor or spirits; s. asabow. — ne ho abowno,

he is disheartened^ disgiistedy has lost all joy and vigour; s. ahobow. -
cf. botow, anobow, ahobow.

bowema, F. = bonwoma.

bowere w', pZ. a-, Ak. abgw^re, nail of a finger or toe; claWy
clutch, pounee, talon ; syn, ^erew.

b werewua, a disease which spoils and blackens the nails

of the fingers.

abowi, ^bowuw, contrilmtion, indemnification for expenses

of war, paid by the defeated party; ransom paid by the conquered
chief to redeem his people that they might not be made prisoners
or slaves. — Ye-n6 Asantefo wiee ko no, woma yeboo sonkahiri
ansa-na wogyee yen ab. (sika, nkoa, aguade n. a.), when our war
with the Asantes was over, they made us serve them and then im-
posed on us a contribtUion (in money, slaves, goods); woabo no son-
kahiri ama ab., they have submitted to his rule and have given (the
conqueror) money and men in token of their submission; yegye mo
ab. ansa-na yeakg; Asantefo de ab. na ekyekyeree won ktirow. —
Meyi wo abowuw = mebo wo, I shall release thee with a stroke (in
plays of children: mmofra goru na nea odi neyohko so no yi nea
wantumi no a ope se ogyae no ab., enese obo no).

ahoyky aboy^, Ak. s. ab^yd, asanka, ayawd. F, Mt 14,8.

aboyafo, F. = keka, Mt 8,28, Mk.1,13. ^^^ ^'^^'

aboydm', i. girdle round the waist. F. Mf.S,4.Mkl,6. —

2. (efen hi, a newly framed word) = nea ebo yam'; wuhii a, na wo
yam' abo, wo kon do no, wo ani so no dodo.

bo-yerew, inf. = abofono, sickness of the stomach.

bra, bara, v. 1. to make, enact a late or latvs, to order with
authority, to lay an injunction upon, to command, esp. to forbid, pro-
hibit; mpanyimfo ko apam akobrd ade, the elders have assembled
to^ enact or make laws; mabrano, I have interdicted him ; bra no
ne ara se onnkosi ntew bio, forbid him this very day any more
to join in that play (ntew-si) again; - to fix (by law) the value of:
woabra dare ma aba mman 75. — ^. to settle: matu mabebra ha,
I have removed and taken up my abode here. — 3. to come (i. e. to
he horn) again into this world: owui wo ha na wakgbra (wo) Nkrati,
he died here and has come again at Akra. — 4. to became habitual:
asabow, atoro abra no, drunkenness, telling lies has become habitual
to him, =^ eye ne bra, it is his habit or nature, he is addicted to..;
n'agya nneyee abra no, his fathers manners have become his, he
takes after his father. — 5. to deceive, = twa nkontompo, pr. 1225.
wabva me = wasisi me, wadada me. — ^. bra., mu, fo withhold or
keep back, to hide or conceal something in speaking, to dissemble,
dissimulate: gbraa me asem no mu, he did not tdl me the whole
truth; yebra no kasam', we disguise our speech before him; woka
aaem no ara pe a, bra mu, when you relate the case, do not say all;
gkyerge me kwan no, wabrd m^ mii, ii;hen he showed me the way,
he misled me; cf. mmrabram'.

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46 Obra — brakyew.

o-b ra, (inf,) L tlie coming into this worlds the state of exigence
or life in this world; obra a wo woo me too mu yi, the life into which
I have been horn; mesgre bra yim', I shall depart this life; obra
akyi wo amane, ifi after-life more trouble is met with than in child-
hood; or, in future days trouble may befall you; raeboo obra, men-
nom bi da, as long as I live, I never drank any. — 2. manner of
life, conversation, behaviour, conduct ; pr. 409.634.635, obra a eho
nni dem or akasay^, blameless behaviour; bo bra, to behave, con-
duct, to bear or carry one's self; bo bra-pa, to behave well; bo bra-
bone, to behave ill; 6mpe bra foforo mmg, he shall seek to lead a
new life, shall alter his conduct; n'aso awu nti, woapo ne bra ama
no = woato no kwan, wonni n'asem akyi bio, they have left him
to himself (nobody exhorts him any more). — 3. the nature i.e. th^
menses or monthly courses of women, euph. asabu; ye b. (bu nsa, kg
afikyiri), to menstruate, to have the mofUhly flow or discharge, cf.
bu 5 c. (wobeye b., a nasty abuse). — bra-agoru, a ceremony
performed with a girl having attained to puberty. — bra-tam =
afikyikg-tam, adabu-tam.

abra, falsehood, fraud, deceit, pr. 1024. 1025. 2327.2475. syn. nna-
braba, nkgnkgnsa, nkontompo.

abra, a kind of monkey; sareso akyeneboa bi.

mbra, F. = mm&ra.
bra, 5. bSna.
bra-bdh, manner of behaviour, conduct; ne sa b. nye me fe.

brabo, [bra, v. 1., ebo], set price or rate; fixed amoutit of

fees, fines, indemnities &c. Oman n^ hemfoforo no twitwa nnewa
nhina ho b., the elders and the new king set rates on, fix the pri^c of,
every thing.

abra-bo, inf. [bgbra] life in this world, pr. 3060; way, F.P8.67^.
conduct, behaviour.

Q-brabrdf6, pi. a-, a deceitful, fraudulent, person; syn. ok6n-

tomponi, gkgnkgn6df6.

brad a, enticement, persuasion, temptation. — to b., to deceive

by sweet words, to entice, persuade, talk over; wgto no b. = wgde
nsem dede dada no na wanya amane. — bradam', F. by crafl,
Mk. 14,1. -— brada-to, inf. enticing dec. ; cf. semmradd.

abrada, F. s. abranna.

Q-b r d f6, pi. a-, executioner, hangman; pr. 636. forerunner; a by-
name of the bird apatipere.

g-b r ^f6, pi. braf6, a woman that has her monthly courses.
braka, round-about way, by-way, side-ivay; (merekg no, men-
nam t5 na) mekobuu b. na mede mekofii akura hg, I came to the
village by a round-about way; wabu br. akofA m'akyi, by a side-
way he came in my back; wobebu yen ho b., they wUl go round to
attack us from behind.

b r a-k y e w : obu br., Jiis conduct is crooked, perverse, dishonest.

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bram — bu. 4?

bram (bilram) v. [red, brammram]: i. b... ho, to overlay:

wode sika abram afoa no ti ho, the handle of the stcord is overlaid
with gold; to shut up, close, securej fasten, stop: bram pankran no
ho nbina hyia, make the cask water-tigM all round. — ^. b... ano,
to secure, shut or lock up; to seal up; bram nnipa no ano na woan-
nya okwan amfi adi, shut up or confine those people that they cannot
come out; fa nnadewa bram adaka yi ano, naU this box up; b. pon
no ano fa nnadewa bobom', secure this door with nails, — 5. b. . .
so, to overtvhelm = kata so, bunkam so; dom yi ab^rdm' [akata]
yen so, the enemies overwhelm us, are mare than we*
bram' = bra mu, s. bra, v. 6.
brammram', red. v, bram.

brimmram: n'ano ye b. = birebire, he is a babbler, talker,

tattler, ready to speak evil things. — o-brdmmramf6, pi. a-, onipa a
ne tekrema yaw bebre, n'ani ye den; syn. gkasafo.

Q-brdmmiri [obran, biri] pi. a-, 1. gbran tuntum, a black,

strong man. — 2. 6j^ ab., he is a wrathful man; abufuw ye gb. or
ab., wrath can make a man commit things which otJiervnse he would
never do.

abrammd [bram'abo] weigJU, weights; gkari no sika wg m'ab.

80, he weighs his gold with my weights. — abrammo-kwdumti, true
o-bran, s. gb6ran. [weights.

a-br4nn&', F. abrada, pi. m-, sail [G. abena]; si ab., to set a

sail; screen to keep off the rays of the sun ; gallery, veranda, covered
by the sloping roof of the main building [G. ablana] ; portico, piazza,
covered wcdk, corridor, pillared hall, colonnade, peristyle.
abransgm, abranso, abrante, -wa, -kwa, s. aber. , .
brapa, [gbra pa] F. virtues; s. gbra 2.
brasiam, s. gkgre. — bra-tarn, s. gbra 3.
braw, a-, s. beraw, a-,
bre... bre... s. here... here...
mbre, F., = nea, where, senea, as, how.
abrebo, F. = abrabg.
abr§bretam, F. soft raiment, Mt. 11,8.
mbrehdadze, F. = ahobfirease.
mbrew, F. = 'merew, weak; weakness.

bremba, brempon, F. = gbarima, obirempgn.

abrentse, F. = aberante.
bri... 8. biri...

bro... bro... s. b6rg... boro... btiro...

bru... s. buru...

brd, a. blue, (cf. akase, bibiri, hoa, tuntum);

n. queen's blue, indigo blue; blue starch.

bu, V. [red. bubu] A. to bend, fold; B. to crack, break, cut Sc,

A. 1. tr. to bend, crook, curve; intr. to bend, crook, be curved;
syn. kyea, koa, konton ; - epo abu dgnngn, abu kg asase no mu,
Ihe sea has formed a bay; bu braka, to take a round-about way. —

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48 bu^

2, to bendy fold: bn an o, fo seamy hem a cloth ; bu dukfi no ano ! —

bu. . to ho, to double, pr. 653. — bu . . due so^ (to bend and la^
oveVy) to double. — bu. . bo ho abiesa, fold it thrice. — 5. to make
by bendingy to manufacture: bu kotoku (pr, 768), kyew, mpaboa,
ntoa, to make a bag, haty sandalSy a cartridge-box. — 4.to mak^ by
bending or turning one's own body : bu afiri, to turn or cut a som-
erset. — 5. to bendy move or direct parts of the body* a) bu nkom-
p w , to bend or turn the necky to look roundy about or back: obu
nk. fw§ n'akyi, lie looks back; obu nk. f we won nhina, hs looks round
about on them aU. — &^ bu. . ani, ^o wink at; obu no ani, he winks
at him (gives him a hint by a motion of the eyelids); - obu no ani-
kyew, he casts squint i.e. evil looks at him; - obu n'ani, n'aniwa,
he shuts and opens his eyeSy winlcSy twinkles y blinks y cf. aniwabubu ;

- obu n'ani gu (n'asogden) so, Ae winks aty overlooks (liis disobedi-

ence). Acts 17,30. — c^ b u n sa, orig. to bend the fingers in counting
the (six) days during which a menstruant woman is not allowed to
enter or sleep in her regular dwelling; euph, = ye bra, to menstru-
ate. — d) bu ntwer, F. to bow the knee, Mt. 27,29.

B. 6. to bend a thing so as to occasion a flaw in it, but not en-

tirely to break it; to crack; cf. bukaw. — 7. to break (by bending,
f.i. aba, dua, dompe, Joh. 19,36. cf. bo 50): mabu poma no, I have
broken the stick; intr. poma no abu, the stick is broken; - bu.. mu,
to break in two; s. 29 c. — S. to break downy demolish (gdan, cf. bu-
ruw, dwiriw); intr. to break downy tumble down, fall to ruin: gdan
no abu. — 9. to break o/f (abtirow, the ears of Indian corn)y to reap.
— 10. to cut off: obubu n'awcrew, he pairs (off) his nails ; — to cut
the hair: obu n'anim = oyiyi nenhwi ano; obu n'atiko, = oyi n'a-
tiko hhwi ano. — 11, to cut or hew down, to fell (trees): bu kwae
= dgw, to cut the bush, pr. 652. mekg kwaem' makobu nnua, I will
go into tJie wood to fell trees. — i^. bu mu, to break or cut. in the
middle, to cut off: bu.. mmerem\ a) obu ne mmerem' = wasi so [ore-
nyih na onnya hwiee nyiu] na wapatuw awu, he dies a premature,
untimely death, is cut off in the prime of his life; - b) wabu n^
mm^re {k 6de bewo) mu = ne mmere atwam', she is past age. Heb. 11,11,

— c) bu nna mu, s. abiinndm.

C. i5. bu.. so, to break off the end or point, to blunt, (opp.
son ano), pr. 994. — 14. hn.. bo, to break, transgress, disobey (a law,
command, order, injunction); obu n'asem so= onnyina n'asem so,
he breaks his (own) word, does not keep his promise; obu ne na asem
so, he disobeys (acts against) his mother^ s word. — 15. b u.. so, to
go beyond, surpass: ebu n'abasa so, it goes beyond his power or abi-
lity ; adwuma y i abu me nsa so, this wofk is too much for my strefigtJi ;
edgm no bu yen so, tJie enemy is stronger than we are; syn. kyeii,
bunkam; cf. bramso. — 16. bu so, to run over, overflow: wafwie
nsu agu mu ma abu so, Jie has poured water into it so that it Jms run
or flown over; Ps. 23,5; syn. boro so, fe ho. — i7. b u so, fo tc a5tin-
dant, plentiful, frequent, often met with, common; mama n horn a no
abu so, I have made that book common, caused it to be in the Imnds
of many; cf. ka. — 18. huso, to be common, undean: nni nea abu
so. do not eat unclean things. Acts 10,14.

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bii. 49

D. 19. To break otU or forth: obu fua won so, he broke forth
upon them. — ^0. to end or turn out badit/: n'asem abu, his matter
did not conie to a good end, has turned out badly, — 2L to befall:
abu abu uo, lit. a breaking has broken upon him, i.e. a great calamity
Irnsbe fallen him, — 22, to fail, fall shoti, fall off in respect to vigour,
activity &c. bo bu, to get out of breath; no bo abu, he is out of breath
{s, ebo) = nebonie atew no; ii'ani bu, lit. his eye breaks, i.e. he is
weary of waiting longer; wofwe obi kwan na omnia a, na w.o ani
bu = eye wo abometew.

E. 23, To count (orig. by bending the fingers, cf. 5 c) bu nsa),

1o recko^i, compiUe, calculate, -buakonta, /o cast up an account;
to cipher; o-n^ no bu ak., h^ reckons with him, Mt. 18,23.24. bu ho ak.,
to account for. - bu ano, to cast up, sum up in a total; bu.. fra
(mu), gu.. 80, hye..niu, ka.. ho, si.-so, tia, /o reckon among, to add
to {cf. kan.. fra): buyifra(hye)akontanomu, gu ak.no so, kaak.no
ho, tla ak. no, add this to tlie account; bu sika no si so na yenfwe,
add the money to the former sum and let us see (what the amount
will be); obu n'aka-foforo si dedaw so, he calculates his new debts
and adds them to the old ones, — 24, buakapere,^o balance' an
account, counterbalance a debt: obu me ak., he adjusts his account
due to me by a contra-account (cf. bu tew) or by shifting off payment
to another person indebted to him. — ^5. bu tew, ^o netUralize or
cancel a debt by balancing against it an equal amount owed by the
creditor: mede woka, wonsowodemebi, namayemmu ntew! wode
me dare 10, me nso mede wo d. 4, enti mebu dare 4 yi raatew, na
yi dare 6 a aka no mA me!

F, 26. To account (one) for, consider, think, deem, judge (one

able, capable, apt, fit), acknowledge as; to estimcUey esteem, respect,
honour, pr. 651, 654. 655. obu no kese, he holds him in great esteem ;
mimmii no fwe, I do not respect him at all; — bu.. abomftS, to de-
spise, s. ab. — bu . . animtia, to despise, disregard, hold in contempt;
cf, tiatia.. anim.

G, To observe, pay attention to, regard with care; cf, buw.

^. bu.. bra = bg ..bra, to behave, conduct, bear or carry one^s
self; bu braky^w, s, brakyew. — 28. human, to observe the so-
cial or civil duties: obu man pa, he comports (himself) well with
his fellow-citizens, behaves, demeans, or carries himself well in this
town, is sociable; he rules (or manages the affairs of) the toivn well;
he labours for ilie welfare of the towns-people; obu mam-mone se
biribi, he is extremely unsociable; ye-n^ no mmu man yi = ntra
man yi mu, we can no longer live together with him; ye-n^ nipa yi
bu man yi, we live peaceably together, are on friendly terms; cf,
amammu, araammui. — bu man kwanmu a WQmpam', F. to admin-
i^er judgment impartially,

H. 29, To decide, judge, pronounce judgment : a) b u . . b e m ,

to pronounce sentence in favour of fi person in a law-suit, to acquit
of an accusation; atemmufo (asennifo) abu no bem, the judges have
acquiited him, — b)hn,.iq^to give (bring in) a verdict^ pass sentence
against a person, to pronounce guilty, condemn; woabu no kum fg,
they have sentenced him to be killed. — f?) b u .. n t e n or at e n , to

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50 , bu — bubu.

judgCy to decide a case, to givey pass or pronounce sentence or judg-

ment on (upon) or against: woabu no nea pyee no so nten, tiiey have
passed sentence against him for what he did, — d) hu mn , to bring
to a decision, do atvay toith (a case); wode asem no aliye duam*
abu mu = wgde ab6re mpanyimfo na wgawie asem no di, wgabu
fo n^ bem (etg-dabi-a wgde dna hye dua ntam' bu mu). — ej bu ..
ntenkyew, to judge unrighiemishj, to pass an unjust sentence,
to 2^ervert judgment; - bu.. ananaten, to pronounce an unfair,
partial judgment J to judge partially, — bu Asaute-ten, pr. 740,

I. 30, b u be, to speaJc, utter, use a proverb , to make a proverb;

de bu be, to turn into a proverb, pr. 60.656,681.1361. 1767,

J. 31, bu, Ak. = buw.

bu in combination with nouns of plaeo. and relation:

bu .. mu, s. 7, 12. 29 c) — [bu ani, 5 b), - bu anim, W] — bu ano,
2, 23, — bu so, 13-18,

bu followed by other verbs: bu.. bg hO, due so, to ho, s. 2;

gu so, 5 b); fra, gu so, bye mu, ka ho, si so, tia, 23; tew, 25.

abu, fcdlj ruin, overwhelming calamity, disaster, great misfor-

tune ; cf, asianc ; - abu abu no, a calamity has befallen him (s. bu 21),
c.s. bone a waye aye a.s. nea gpe se gde ye ne ygnko no asau abe-
fwe nahkasa so; - ma abu mmu no! let disaster or ruin befall him,
i.e. may mischief come upon hint!

hii bu, = ^\f plenty, abundantly; gsesdw' (nsu, nsa, nkyene,

niio) no bu bu.

bua, V, [red, bnabua] L to cover, to shut, close, esp. with so;

b. dan (so), to put a roof on or thatch a house; bua adaka no so,
close that box'^ bua aduah no so, cover thai food; cf kata so, mua,
hini; mmuatama; opp, bue, hie. — ,^. bua da, lit. to cover (scil.
the food) and sleep, i.e. to fast, to go to bed witlioul having eaten,
pr.211, — 3. to come down upon: ne'musu abua n'atifi, his mischief
has fallen on his own head. — 4, to grow thick, bushy, luxuriantly,
ranMy (esp. of climbers); to flourish; gd^ no abiia kusri = aye aha-
ban pi; cf, bum. — 5. to answer, reply; mammua no, I gave him
no answer; wgkobuabuaa wgnho, they gave each other (rough) an-
swers, scolded each other; cf, gye so. pr.752. — 6, to congratulate:
kobua wo nua a gresaw no, congratulate your dancing brotfier, —
7. bua.. so, to charge or upbraid ivith, to reproach, to scold or
abus^ by reminding one of some reproachful deed or matter, to cast
something in the teeth of; s, asobua. — 8, bua ntsen, F. = bu nteii.
Mt,7yl. — 9, buabua tun, F. to conclude,

abiia, J)?, m-, tobacco-pipe; c/". abiirobua, taseii.

abuabuagyas5: asankatratrabi a wgde buaaduan so wg gyaso.
abu add, m-, inf, [bua,^.] fasting, fast, abstinence from food; odi
hh, y he fasts {o\\QfC)\ odi mm., /«c/a5fe (repeatedly); wodi mm.y t he f/ fast,

buber, F, = abQrobu-bere, harvest, (of Indian corn). Jlf^ 13^0.

bubu, red. v., s. bu. (2,) to break or bend repeatedly, to double,

fold: bubu hhoma, to fold up a letter. — (7,) to break many things
simultaneously; to break in many pieces; to pluck: bubu asomerewd

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obubuafo — abufuw. 61

ababah noa nom, pluck some leaves together with the stalks of the
herb called asom., boil them and drink the decoction; - to break
mnplrJeJi/y Ps. 10,1,5.37,17. bubii.. mu, Ps. 46, 10. Is. 9,4. bubii abodo,
to crumble bread. — perf. to be broken down by hardships, i.e. fa-
iigtted, exhausted: okwan no ware uti mabiibu, from the long way
I came quite tired or undone; Pa. 38,9; to be lame, s, the foil.
o-bubuafo, i??. a-, a man lamed by sickness, palsy; onipa a
wowoo no mu na oyare abeye no ana nnurui abeduru no na wa-
bnbu gu fako na ontumi nye fwe; - gkasa bubuafo, a lame i.e.
atcktoard language or manner of expressing one's self

nibubui, F. s. mmubui.

abubummaba, abubumma, a kind of worm or moth; ab.-

aiiwdne, the case (made of broken little sticks) in which it lives,pr.658.

Obubuo, name of a month, about November*

abubur, pi. m-, F. = aburuburu, Mt.21,12.

ab u b u- w, -o, 1. public inquiry after something. 2. wailing, crying,

from grief, sorrow, fear, for help in consternation and distress; the
noise made by the people whilst sheep are being offered to the river-
spirit (at Akwam); - gbo ab. = oresu na oredi nkommo, he wails,
laments; ab., wgmmo no kwa.

a b u b u w-b o , inf, wailing, lamentation,

bue, 1'. [red. buebue] to u^icover, disclose, cf. bua. 1. tr* to
open (obue n'ani, n'ano, ne nsam', fihoma mn, he opens his eye,
mouth, hand, a book); bue adaka no (s(»), open the box; kobue poii,
open the door {syn. hie); bue odan no (ano), open the house; diff. tn
ano, san. — J2. bue .. ano, to initiate, inaugurate, dedicate: yereko-
bne asoredan ftno, we are going to dedicate a chapel. — 3. bue so,
to clear (land) from trees; obue n'asase so, he cuts away tJie trees
on his piece of ground^ so that the sun may shine on the land. —
4. bueto so, to turn over (the leaf of a book). — J. intr. to open,
he open: gpoh no abue {syn. ano da ho), the door is open; n'ani
abae or ada ho, his eye is open; n'adwenem' abue or ada ho, his
mind is clear; ne tirim bue, his conscience awakes.

buebue, red.v., s. bue;

anim rebuebue = anim rebaebae, the day breaks. [G. hie gble.]

biie bi\e, interj.

bue pen, a page or pair of two opposite j^fig^s in a book; cf.

kratafa ; wakan ma aka b. kakra hi na wawie, he has read it nearly
through, he has read it all excepting a few pages.
bufo, F. reaper. Mt.13^0.
o-bufo, sloven, ditiy fellow; slut, slattern; s. buru, burum\

biifu^, s. bofua.
a b ufuw, -fuo, inf. [ebo fuw] anger, wrath, passion ; fa or nya ab.,
to grmc angry; yi.. ab., to excite to anger; gy^ ab., he is irascible.
o-bufu-fafo, pi. a-, an irascible man, easily provoked br offended.
abufu-hy<^.w, hot anger, wrath, fury.
abufu-nim' [anim] an angry countenance. Prov. 25,23,

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52 abui — abiintwere.

abui, needle, especially a large one; cf, pane, dorowa.

mbui, F. hreaUng, fall ML 7,27.

biikaw, i\ 1. to bend: ob. ne basa, he bends his arm; ob. ne

nsa to n'akyi, he puts his hand on 7//,v bark; b. wo nan to so, cross
or bend your legs. — 2. to break, crarl\ flaw, i.e. to bend a tbing
so as to occasion a flaw in it, but not entirely to break it; r/\ bu, (J.
— 3. to shift from one master to another, to desert one, cf, guafi.

bdku, Y, ph m-, = brCiku', book.

bukyfii, F. s. mukyia, muka.

bum, V. to spread; to spread or lay over; to cover a place or

a thing completely ; wi'ird no abum kusu, (^^ aye ahaban bebre na
aye fet'efefe) iltat bush has grown rank and luxuriant, filling a wide
space with its foliage; wgto asawu bum mpata so ansa-na woyiyi
won, a net is spread for the fishes before they are caught; ode ntania
abum no so = akata obi (a.s. narikasa) so; fa bum me so = kata '
me so! [ret?, bummum.]

biim, 2^1 * a.-, a spreading or thorough movement or effect: gua

bg bum, tfie whole assembly rises at once (s. bg 7); wgasgre bum =
preko, they have got np in a state of confusion; oguah no abebg
m^aburo mu b., that goat has made havoc in my maize, has eaten a
good port i an of my corn; wgabgyen abum, they have pw/ W5 into
confusion; wgabg aguabum, they have brought the market into cofi-
fusion; ebgg b. no, when the confusion began; abogyabum, covering
or bespattering with blood by blows,

bum, adv. severely, thoroughly, very much; gbgg no ara bum

preko, he gave him one severe blow; wgbobgg nnuan no ara bum
bum bum, they gave or dealt the goats vigorous blotvs; gmanmufo
tan abanmufo b.

bum a, V, to catch, seize, take by force (nnipa, mmoa, mpata);

buma oguan no b6ra, catch that sheep and bring it; wgbebumaa no
akgtgn no, they pounced upon him and took him away to sell him,
[red. bumabuma.]

bum mum, red,v,^ s. bum.

C-bu 11, a. Ak. bunu, 79Z. a-, green, unripe; akutu-bun, an unripe
orange, pr.2344. cf. gbabuh. — c-buu, F. unripeness.

e-buii, pi. a-, abyss, gulf; the depth of the sea; amoa a emu do
a ewg nsum'.

abu-nnam' [nea obu nn^ mu] he who cuts off one's days, an
appellation (or title) of kings; cf. okumnipa.

buiikam, v. (so), to surpass, e.rcecd, be superior to (in num-

ber, valour, power, force): cdgm b. wo a, wuguan, if the enemy is
too strong for you, you flee; wob. yen, wgab. yen so, they surpass
us in number; wanyti ade ma ab. so, = akyeii so, atra so, he has
grown enormously rich; agofo horow abicn a wohyiae no, se atififo
b. anafofo so nti, anafofo antumi wgn.

abuntwere, a green, hard, unripe fruit; akutu no ye ab.,

the orange is unripe; s. bun.

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abunu — abiiro. 53

a b u n u, a kind of great drum ? s. oboniiky^refo. — Cf. cbun.

buo, s. buw.
obuobi-k waw, a kind of bayere; s. ode.

bupe, a kind of cloih from Toam, s, kente, ntama.

abu-peii, parlj portion, share, the result of a division; of.

bu-preko, a bit, morsel, or piece, broken off by a single

breaking; of, tepreko.

aburji, i>?. m-, well, cistern] tu ab., to dig a well.

abiir6 w, maize, Indian corn. pr. 672-80, ab. aben, the corn is
sufficiently ripe for use; ab. aboa, the corn is ripe to perfection. —
bu ab. to break the ear from the stalk; hQan or sunsQane mmetem,
io husk maize ; few or tutu ab., to take out the grains.

abaro-bdtem, pi. m-, cone or ear of Indian corn.

a b li r o b f a, a plant growing frequently in the vicinity of towns,

with red flowers and black seeds; Cannalndicaov spcciosa,pr.661,

aburo-bu, inf. the plucking of the ears of maize; corn-harvest,

aburo-bua, pi. m-, a short tobacco-pipe made of clay, clay-

pipe made in Europe, pr. 662,

abiir5-d6ma, maize fiUl-grotvn, but not yet quite ripe, as roa-

sted and eaten by the negroes.

biiro-dua, the plant or stalk of Indian corn; the spike of a

plant of maize, in which the kernels sit; a cone of maize from which
the grains have been picked.

aburod uaiV, food or dishes prepared of maize: obankn, abete,

dgkono, kyekyere, ammoagyanewa, mpampa, pimpi, sense, oto.
b ii r 6-f u a , pi. m-, a single grain of India^i corn.
a b u r o-f i\ w , a plantation of maize.

abiiro-j^ua, a European cJuiir, arm-chair, chair wWi a back;

cf, akentennua, akonhua.
aburo-guane, = abiirow guannuan, ripe cars of Indian com.
buro-gya, Aky. matches; syn. samannyA. [pr.673,

biir6-h 6 n o, the husk or covering of the cars of maize; pr,679.

a kind of country cloth, s. kente.

buro-ku [iiku]^ pomade, 2)omatum. D.As.

bu ro-kuruwa, a European jar , can, cup, mug dc.

burokiiruwd, pomegranate, s. buruk...

Aburokyiri, the white tu an' s country, Europe and America
respectively. jpi*. 663-6. Ab. nipa, a man who deserves to be sold to Ab.,
a b li r o k y i r i - s ii a, Turkey-red cloth. [pr. 664.

h u r o-n a n , the stalk of maize,

Q-b u r 6 n f , pi. borofo, a-, European, white man ; mulatto* pr. 667-71,

bur 6-0 n y a , Ch ristmas and New-year's-day.

buro-iino, m-, European oil, olive-oil, sweet-oil.

aburo-pata, pr, 680.

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54 aliurotseii — abnsiide.

abiircHtsen, F. abaro a abg yiye pe; s. ten 2.

aburo-wi [awi] wheat. D.As*

bum, fiHhines.% dirtiness, uneleaHnesa, ^orenliness^ i^ttttishness;
neb. nti wo ne no didi a, enye de. — oye b. (e.s. ue ho wg fi na
ne fi ntcw), he is a filthy^ dirty, unclean fellotc, a docen ; cf. ohem-
mnm; bnmm, obnfo.
bum, r. s. buraw.

buriibiiru, bbbb., adc. entirely, totally; odi me nya b. =

obu or gye me akoa papa. [G. bbiblu.]

abaruburuw, pL m-, a species of dove; pr, 68L (ne mmaran

te se akoko de.) F. abubur.

buru k u', F. buka', pL m-, hook.

burakiirawa, a large tree and iU edible fruit similar to a

pomegranate but larger and with larger seeds.

burum\ a filthy, dirty, unclean felloic; sloven; slut, slattern;

oye b., gjc nebo b. = oye neho fifi; s. burn, obufo.

O-bur um, a large quadruped; pr. 682.

aburu-nsumma-beu, a species of rfore (red),

buruw, v. to break down, demolish (gdan n.a.); syn. dwiriw;
to tumble down, fall to ruin ; amoa no ab., tJie sides of the pit hace
broken down; ne fwene buru gu n'anom', he has his nose smastted,
knocked into his mouth, pr. 584

aburuwa, pL m-, 1. nantwi ab., heifer, yomuj cow, that has

not yet calved. — 2 = afana, a female slave, especially one from
the interior with marks cut in her face.

aburuwd-ba, i>i. mmuruwA-mma, a vUe, despicable person.

busu, s. mmusn, ahabosu, abusude &c.

a b u s u a , F. -suia, pi, m-, family, kindred, relatives, especially the

relations of tJie mothers side ; one of the original families of the Tshi
nation. — bg ab., to join a family or tribe, pr. 683-7.

abusua-baii, sort of family or people ; mo ab., moye awi! you

are a thievish family!

abusfia-bo, inf. wufi k&ro bi so aba na abusua biara a wote

nedin a.s. wufim\ wode wohO akghyem'.

a b us fi a -b n e , a sin hereditary in a family.

abusua-de, something hereditary, inborn, inbred, innate] bayi

ye ab. ; eye no hh.

abusiia-duji, the tail i.e. cord or tie which connects a family.

a b u s u a-k u w , family, tribe, clan. [pr. 686.

a b u s u a-ni a u , tribe.

o-busua-ni, 7//. a- -fo, relation, relative, kinsman; syn. oni.

a b u s n a-y arc, family-distemper, hereditary disorder.

o-busufi-panjin, the head of a family, pr.687. F. abusuia-

mpanyin, patriarchs

abiisua-ponni, a member of an important family, pr.687.

abusu-de, a wicked, misehierotis thing or deed; Ul luck, dis-

aster, pr. 118. F. abomination, Mt 24,15.

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abususem — bwe. 55

abusu-sem, wicked^ mischievous words^ behaviour , or conduct;

Uasphemy; cf. mmusubo.

o-busiifo,2?^ a-, a wicked^ mischievous man, s. obusuyetb; a

frolics&me fellow; a rogue (facetiously): oburoni yi ye ob., oto yen
kasa, this European is a rogue, he understands our language^

o-busu-yefo, pL a-, a wicked man doing mischief \n secret;

rogue^ knave, villain, scoundrel, pr. 119.

o-butew, inf comjjensafion, the payment of a debt by a credit

of cquul amouyit; reciprocation , mutual return; ob. ne se: wode
bi ka na ono nso de wo bi na mode atua; a. s. ono ufa ue tiritn' a,
wo nso afa wo tirim; s. bu 20,

butii, a-, 5. butuw, abotn.

Obutu, j)r. n. of the language of SanyS, Afutu Bereku, SimpS
(Winnebah), Ap^, cf. Gr. Introd. § 5,2.

biitu, adv, cmnpletely &c, very muchy = kora, yiye, papapa;

odii aduah no b. (entirely), ka n'anim b. (sharply); wabo no aho-
hora b. (utterly),

butubutu, imit. adv, expr. the sound of drumming: wgka

butubutuw, red, v, [akyene b.

butu-ne-bdte, a kind of beads; s. abene.

abutusem, s, abot...

butuw, v. to overturn, turn upside down, upset; ob. n'agua,

he turns his chair (as the negroes, from a superstitious notion, do
when they rise); b. kurow, to overthrow, capsize a canoe; - intr.
to Ue or stand upside down, to lie on the belly. — k6h'k6 (t6m^re) b.
pon 80, a tumbler stands upside down on the table; pr. 2023, abofra no
de n'ani b. ne na ho, the child laid its face against its mottier, —
b. aba so, to brood, — bata b. wo, your trade fails, goes amiss,

butiiw, s. tekrema-biituw.

buw, v. 1. to sit on and cover eggs or young, as a fowl, to

brood; osansa ko abuw = okoto nkesua na wada so na wasow, =
okobutuw aba so, pr. 2776. — 2, to heap together, to keep together
under a covering (abe, palm-nuts, till they begin to rot, - aburow,
maize, in a vessel or under ground, to malt it for making ahai,
beer), — 3, to spare, save, lay up: obuw ne sika de akoware yere,
he spares his money in order to procure through it a wife, — 4, to
watch, keep sentry, guard; asrafo buw abah, soldiers guard the fort,
— 5. to watch, lie in wait or ambusJi: obuw no okwan so, he way-
lays him, s, tew; b. mogya, to lie in wait for blood. — 6. to watch
or overtake one in the way in order to call him to account; cf. tware.
abuw, inf., s, buw, v. 1,

e-bu w, nest, coop, cage, cot, cottage, hut, lodging; cf, berebiiw,
akokobuw; odah bi a wofre abosom n6 asamanfo wo mu = obo-
86inbuw, abosonnan, asamanfredah. — F. =ntamadan, teni, taber-
nacle, [G. ba.]

buwfr^fo, pi, A-, = gkomf6; onipa a oturoi fre nsamanfo

n^ abosom d& mmonsam ma wubeka won anom' as^m.

bwe, bwobua, V, = bue, buabua.

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56 da.


The consonant d occurs before pure vowels, sometimes before

nasal vowels when tliey are followed by m, n, or ii (e.g. den, dom,
don, dum); d is changed into n by an m (n, ii) before it, Gr. § 18.,
and into n or r by negligent pronunciation, Gr. § 19 B. cf. nne,
nnera, anadwo, anopa, = eda-yi, nne-da, adadwo, adopa. — In
several Fante dialects d is changed into dz when coming before
the vowels e & i, seldom before e. In a few cases d or dz in F.
interchanges with s; cf, adze, dadze, d§,de, adade = ase, asase;
do = so. Gr. § 293, 1 a. h. Bern, 1-3.

The combination dw has nothing to do with the sound repre-

sented by single d, and will be treated afterwards by itself.

da, V. [inf. nna, red. deda] 1. to lie (of a single person or

thing; deda, of many persons; gu, gugu, of many things ; cf. bew,
bea, boa, sam, buw,butuw, ten, tew) ; odafam', he lies on the ground;
gda ayannya, he lies on the back. — ^, to he in a certain place, to
be situated: ne kiiro da bepo^ so, me de da bon mn, his toioti is si-
tuated on a mountain, mine in a valley; ky^lvye da osram nkyen,
the evening-star stands near the moon; - to float, swim, be buoyed
up: base a eda nsu ani, a floating cask. — 3. to live in a place :
odenkyem da nsum\ omampam nso da wuram', the crocodile lives
in tiie water, the guana in the bush; onni dan na oda wuram'. pr. 647.

— 4. to sleep (especially in the perf.): okoda, he goes to sleep; wada,

he is sleeping, pr. 704. gda bebre or dodo, he sleeps much; meseh wo
nna, / surpass you in sleeping, pr. 2892. merekasa no, gfaa mu dae,
whilst I spoke, he fell asleep; - obiara ka wo sa a, da, if any one
tells you so, sleep i.e. take no notice of it; ne ti ada, s. eti. — to die:
ghene dae na wansgre. — 5. to be quiet: ne nsa nna, his hand never
rests, he is industrious, = gy e nsi, gye osifo, gdeygfo. — 6. to remain,
rest: n'asem da m'asom', his word remains in my ear, I do not for-
get it. — 7. to weigh down: nsenea, wotom' torn' a, eda, when you
continue to put in things into the scale, it sinks. — 8. to curd, curdle,
coagulate, congeal, thicken: nufu no ada, the milk has curdled; hno
no ada, the palm-oil has thickened. — 9. da, Ak. = da so, s. 25 c).

Phr. 10. da aba so, to sit on eggs for breeding^ to brood, hatch;
syn. buw, butuw. — 11. da adagyaw, pr. 699. da kwaterekwa, to be
naked. — 12. da adi, to be manifest, evident, open or clear; cf.
da hg> yi adi. — 13. da. dvieh^ to lie and think, to meditate. — da
f we, to consider; s. 28. da tirim. — 14. da afa, to sleep at a sepa-
rate place, pr. .384.705. — lo, da fam\ to be level; ehg da fam*, U is
a lerel place. JPs. 26,12. — l(j. da ogya (ho), da gyentia, to sleep at
the fire; pr. 359. — 17. da ho: a) eh 6 da hg (pefe), it is mani-
fest, evident, obvious; it is open, accessible: asem yi ho da hg, the
matter is now plain or clear, = asem yim' ye pefe; - emu da hg,
it is clear, plain, intelligible, open; opp. emu asiwr me; - gpon a no
da hg, the door is open. — b) n'ani da hg, he is modest, sober^ care-
ful, attentive, mindful, heedful; syn. n'ani ka ase. — 18. d a ho,

— da so, 5^. 25 c). — 19. da hyia, to border upon, to confine with; syn.
bo bye (hyia), bg hyi^bah, to fuhye. — 20. da kapua, to importune^

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(la — da. 57

to urge; to be bent upon. — ^i. da mu, dam': a) to be or lie in or

between; da akuru mu, fo be full of sores, pr. 700. - tokuru da dna
uo mu, there is a hole in the tree, the tree is hollow* — b) to be heard
among other voices and noises: iinawuta da mu. — c) to be guilti/,
in fault: to be bound, to be under obligation (to perform a duty).
Mat. 23,16, — 22, da ano: ne ti da hkrante ano, s, eti; dua no da
opoh ano, s, 1. — 23. da mpan, F. = to be or lay empty, open; cf.
2r, — 2i,d»,asG,a) to lie under (Gr. § 118,3).— 5; to thank (lit.
to lie down); oda no ta no so asc, he thanks him for the tobacco;
meda wo ase, / thank you; miyi me yam' meda wo ase, I thank
you heartily; meda-ase meda-ase, I am much obliged (to yon); meda-
ase aberaw, id, (s, abfiraw); efunu ada-ase, the corpse has passed
(a person or bouse) without pushing; s, afunsoa. — 25. da so, a)
to lie ©r sleep upon, — b) to sleep after having heard a message &c.
wankoda so, it did not let him sleep; otce no, wanna so, he obeyed
it forthwith; wanna so na obae, he came on that very day, — c) to
go on, continue in doing something. When put before another verb,
to denote continuation of the action expressed by da so, that other
verb may be rendered in Eng. by the adv, on, still: oda so kan, he
goes on reading, he reads on; oda so yare, he is still sick; in Aky.
so may be omitted : woda (so) di ako, they are at war still; cf. ko
so, toa so, & Gr. § 107,"l6. — F. da-ho, da-do, da-ro, Mt 19,6. Mk.
Of3o.9,17. — d) oda neho so, he is wary^ cautious, circumspect, heed-
ftd, careful. — e) n'ani da me so, s, ani. — 26, da nsow : oda nsow,
neti An nsow, he bears a mark, has a characteristic, is marked out
or distinguished by some sign or character: onipa yi, ne duabah da
nsow, the figure of this man is of a particular shape or make; cf,
dansow. — 27. da nsram, Ky. Gy. = da yafumpan mu, to sleep
with an empty stomach. — 28, da tirim fwe, to consider, deliberate:
Jisem a woka kycry moyi, meda mafwc, or, me(re)da me tirim ma-
fwe, the matter you tell me, I will consider.

g-da, inf, asase no d^ won di, the country lies open to them.
da, 5. daw.

eda, pi, nna, a day (of 24 hours; nkwa-da a nnonfwerow 24

worn'; emu 12 ye adekyeo, na emu 12 ye adesae); a time definite
or iudefiiiite; da nhinfi. all day; every day, always; nna hhina, all
dags, always; s. da: - eba nna-nna, it comes at times, now and then,
occasionally, seldom, = eto-dabi-a eba, // happens sometimes; da
He'ne, a day or time (occasion) like this ; pr. 690-8 ; this day week;
Gr. § 248,6. — wonnim nna, or obi nnim nna, one does not know
what time brings, = perhaps, pcradventure, Cf. da, da, daben, da-
bi, dafua, dakoro, nnannu... da du, Gr.§80,5. nnaoha, nna-mmcrc-
nson, nna-no, 'ne. — Oregyc nna awu, = ne wuda aben or adu,
ne wu adu so, ne nna rehi = ureye awu, orebewu, his days will soon
he at an end; wahye da, he has fixed a day, it i^ his intention; wato
no da, Jie has appointed him a day; watu ahye da, he has deferred
it for another time.

da at the end of negative sentences = da bi, any day, ever, or,

together with the negation, never, pr. 396. 1479. Id87, Cf. dabi, pen.

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58 oda — (labi(h\l)i.

(Sometimes it merely gives empbasiB to the negation : rainnim no

da, / do not know him at all,)

0-da, pL a-, grave^ tomb; F. nda; cf. obo-da, odamoa; - bo da,

to dig a grave.

nda, F. L = nna, inf. sleep. — ^. = oda. — 3. pi. of eda.

da, V. 1. to open (the mouth to put food in): ne se apam nti

wode dade da n'anom ansa-na wode aduah hye mu. — 2. s. dada.

da, adv. & n. always, ever; continually, constantly, every day,

daily; often; eternally; eternity. Ote ho da, a) he always sits there;
b) he lives for ever; - M an6p4 ohk or ohk anopa da, always in the
morning f every morning he comes; da afe, every year; da adekyee
n^ adesae na mode meye adwuma mema no, I work for him always
by day and night; oba me fi da, he often comes into my house; oye
sa da da or da na gta ye sa, he always does so. — da nkwa, ever-
lasting life. — Cf. dapcm, daba.

da , dawa, ^?. n-, 1. a little belly as hung round the neck of

sheep or dogs, pr.l768\ cf. gdawuru, nnawuta. — 2. menase d., the
uvula in the throat.

daba, d. nhina, dabate, (F.) always; cf. da, dSpem.

o-dabaii,j>Z. a-, bar of iron. — adabampdr6w, bar of lead.

dabduk^, iron crow, crow-bar. Ak. akokobane.

o-dabaw, j)i. a-, (pair of) tongs; nippers , pincers; c/*. awiri,fem.

dabedabe [Kru lang. id."] = dabodabo.

da-be a, = dabere, dabew, pr.2101.

dabe-frama, climate. I). As.

dabekyiri. As. = dabere akyiri, bed-room, sleeping-room.

dd-b6u, tvhich day or time, when? - d. na obac or obaa d.,

when did he come?

o-ddbeii, red woolleti stuff; = nkra-nhoma.

dabere, v. = taforo; okraman d. na gko.

dabereko, flirtation, flattery, hyimcrisy.

da-bere, a place to lie on or sleep in, sleeping-place, pr.2298.

dabere-akyiri, 5. dabekyiri; gkg ne d. = gkg piam' akgda.

dd-bew, = dabere; waf6m ak^dd n^ y{)nk6 d., Ihc lias by mis-

take lain down at his friend's sleeping-place.

d^bi [eda hi] L one day, one time, some time back, once, in
time past, formerly ; = dabihg; cf. nna-no, nna no bi. — 2. some
day, one day, some time, i.e. at a fufnre time; another time; cf. da-
kye; pr. 693.1644. — 3. any day, i.e. ever, together with a negation:
never, usually shortened into da. — 1. no, never; in this meaning it
is the only remnant of a whole negative sentence, s. Gr. § 146,*^

dabi-ara, aiiy day, ever, at any time.

dabf-ara-da, together with a negation, never.

dkhidk, no, never, not at all, by no means, - a more empha-

tical form of denial than dabi i.

d k b i-d (\ I) i , 1. [red. of d a b i i.y long, a long time, a long while :

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d^biho — dadu. 59

gbae d. yi, wunhQu no ana? he lias been here a long lime, did you
not see him? Joh,14,9. woamma ntem, ebe na woko d. yi? t/ou are
coming late; where have you been so long? d. bemme, long agoj long
since, a great while ago. — J2, [red, of d ab i 4/ no, not at all.
d^bfho, = dabi 1.

da bo, a. stnooih, soft, said of cloth; sgn. torotorotoro ; opp.


^-dab6, abiirow dabg, corn roasted while yet in the ear.

o-dabo,pZ. a-, L antelope, - the general name, or only a spe-

cies of antelope with horns, syn, abere. Other kinds are: gbobiri,
adow4, gfr6t6, gkwadu, gtwe, owans4n, ewi. — ^. a kind o^ locust;
s, abebew.

ada-bo, inf. previous attempt; gman-nhyiam' ho ad., a preli-

minary parliament, *

ddb5ddb6 (2)l.id,?)[Krii: dabedabe] duck; mmran: kw^kwli.

addbra, = odompo.

o-dabrabaf6, pi, a-, deceiver, liar, hypocrite, impostor, rogue

<ltc, onipa a n'asem a oka nh. na biribi kotow akyiri; F. ndabraba-
ny\^Mt6,16.7, 5.16,8, — syn, gkonkgnsdni, okontomponi ; cf, nnabrabd.
dad a, a. & adv, Ak. = dedaw.

ad ad a, a bluish earth brought up in digging gold before the

fa which contains gold.

dada, red.v, 1. s, da. — 2. to spread (of trees): dua a wgtewe

enkyi?ena adridii se yi!— 3, to persuade, win over, tohdl;pr,708.709.
to cheat, deceive, delude, impose upon; syn, ma ti da, gyigy^y sisi,
di kusnm; - inf. nnada; onnim abofra nnada.

0-dadafo, pi, a-, deceiver, impostor, swindler, pr.TlO,

dadada, F. always, = daba.

dadadaw, F. long long ago,

dadare, F. s. dare.

dadaw, F. = dedaw, old; already, long ago,

adadaw, F. oldness, Mf,Gr,pr.l01.

dadawra', s. dodom'.

dade, adade, F., As. = asase.

dade, 1. iron. — 2. pi, n-, iron instrument, tool, weapon,

sword, dagger; wgaka no or wgato no dade = wgakum no. — 3.
the barrel of a gun (s. ohum).

dade-biii, slag, dross, or recrement of iron.

dad e-gyd, 1. the first pain of a cid from a sharp iron. — 2.

tlie flashing of bright iron; Nali.2,4. cf. gsekannya.

dade-kofi, tin-plate, white iron, — dade-kwdsi, iron-plate.

dade-ky^ w, iron cap, helmet, pr. 589,

dad6p6ti, a kind of beads, s. ahen6.

dad e-se n, pi, n-, iron pot, iron vessel.

dade wd [dade, dim.']pl. n-, a small piece of iron, nail, spike;

cf. prego, darewa.

da-du, inf. day-break; wgkoe fi d. so kgpem anadwofa.

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60 (ladii — dAji-ere.
da-(lii, ten days, dadu-d^bak6, dadu-nnammien' &c., 11, 12
dai/s dx, dadu-nnannum, a fortnight; Gr. § 80,5. adadnonu^ ada-
duasa, adaduanan &c., 20, 30, 10 days dec. Gr. § 78,2.
daduianyi, F. = deduani, Mt, 27^5.
o-da-dweii, inf. meditation (in lying down), care, mental am-
iety; odi no ho d., he is in anxiety about him; od. rekum no, cares
are icearing him to death; 5. da 13.

adadwo, Ak. = anadwo, night, [eda, dwo.]

dadze, F. = dade, iron.

dildzc, F. = ase, fam\ ground, shore, (on the) land. Mt.l3,4S.

Mk. 6^47. — nam d., to walk on foot, Mt. 14,13. — fwc d., to fcdl down,
Mt. 18,36. — dadze-lwe, = asefwe, fall.

dae, V. d. mu = bae, guae mu, to separate.

dae, (an unusual form) inf. [da]: da nkwa da nnipa nbina
dae, eternal life lies ready for all men.

o-dae, pi. a-, dream. — sO dae, soso adae, to dream.

O-dae, a sickness of the stomach and belly; cf abadae.
0-da6, palm-wine of the preceding day (anad\v(»fasA k wgde usu
afram' de asi gya so, na ado kye anopa a, wgde fra angpa-sji mu
ma 6ye d6n).

a dae, V. n., a place of red or lying doimi.

adae, a festival day, returning every forty-third day; oue
feast, called adae kcse, akwasidae (adwedae), is celebrated on Sim-
day ; another, 24 days later, called awukudae, falls on Weduesday.
The king receives all his elders and honoured guests in his residence
and gives them drink and presents.

o-daefo, one wlio causes separatlan or discord; so mo mu saara,

ntie od., do not listen to one who wishes to cause a separation between us.
a d a e-s o , inf. dreaming. — o-d a e s o f o , pi. a-, dreamer.

a da fa, bo ad., to call, decoy, allure, entice, permiade (gen. with

a good intention); gbo no ad. = woka asempa kyere no a.s. wode
biribi ma ohu se wope se oba wo hkyen.

adafi, twa ad., to betray, disclose, discover, shoio, give notice;

to warn, forewarn, caution; wo ano atwa woho ad. = wo ano adi
wo ho adanse, aka asem no ama wo, wo ano na akum wo, 2 Sam. 1J.6.
woatwano ad. se onnuan, they gave him notice that he should flee.
Acts. 23,30. adall-twa, Inf. (A native in searching for the etymol-
ogy thought of the phrase 6t\\k neh6 dk fd, watwd ad^ fi = wadan
ueho akgda ne nkyen bako: ete so onipa no ada wo asem nom' na
onnim; na woka kyere no a, na etc se wokonyan no na wadah afi
no benkum so akgda ne uifa so, e.s. wafi nea obenya aniane hgako
nea orennya amane.)

da-fiia, pi. n-, a single day: nnafud nnjiawotwe = nna mfaa-

mfua or mmako-mako awotwe, one day after the other for eight days;
gbaa sukti gsram yi mu nnafua du.

dA^gcrc [Dan. & Dutch: lak] sealing-wax. pr. 712.

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dj\":o — addm. 61

d^ go ! inferj. it is a lie! nea woka yi nhina, d. ! all that you are

sailing is a lie, a falsehood y is not true; huw d., to tell lies; cf. atoro.

dt^giia, dear, fair^ bright, of a shining y radiating surface:

afwefwe anim ye d., the looking-glass is fine , bright; onni nkdrnmo
hi dl nti, n'anim tweri or aye d. -= n'anim nliina ye f6fg, because
he has no sorrow j he has an open, cheeiful face.

adagyaw, nakedness y nudity. — da ad., #o be naked,

dagyawe, a naked man. To d. nko a, anka wogoru asafo

^Hypr.328l [pr.2935.

ada-gyew, agyew, timCy leisure: minnf ad., I luivc no time.

da-gye, sleep -walkingy night -walking; obo d., he gets mad

(gets up, runs about y fights) in sleepy is a somnambidiHt, lumitic.

dahd, the leaf or leaves of the adobe, a species of palm-tree,

used by the negroes to cover the roofs.

da-h6-{i-6home, a precious cloth in the possession of the

kings of Asante.

da-liuma, j^l* d-» « common (not festival) day; wonko abo-

sompow mu n. bi.

addka, pi. n-, box, case, chesty coffer, trunkypr,?13; (closely cup-
board;) rectanglCy parallelogram.

adaka-baii, the manner or shape of a box rfr.

ad aka-h oily pi. n-, harmoniuniy 2>i(OwfortCy clavichord , organ;

cf. aben.

adakamaii, F. tombs; Mt 23,29. = ada.

adakan i, (j)l. id.) the lock of or for a boXy case dc.

a da k a-te LI , a press for clothes.

diikoj diikoro, one day; (gba suku) dakoro dakoro, nna-
koro nnakoro, 0ie comes to school) only now and then; cf. dafua,
dakye, dabi. pr. 694.2114.

0-dakuro, s. odekttro & the foil,

addkuro, nea odakttrow, one who rides over the town.
g-daku-dwom, s. dwom.
da-kye, dakye bi, some future day; in future; another time;
abofra hyew ne nsa a, d. obefwe neho yiye ; afei de waka wo ho
asem yiye, d. de, obeyaw wo. B.p.l6o.—pr.902. [fr. eda & kyc, v.]
Cf. dabi J2.

d am' = da mu, to be or lie in dx. s. da 21. — dam, F. s. d§m.

dam [Dan.] draughts. — to d., di d., to play at draughts.
g-ddm, madness. - bo d., to go, grow (»r run mad; pr.975. od.
na ebgno, wabg d., he is mad; abo no d., it has driven him mad;
ff. bg 12y gye.

-dam, a. red, scarlet; cf. gb^dim, adam 1. ^., aniadam, dam-

ma, dame, damram.

adam, 1. the crest of the cock. — 2. the shell of a kind of shell-

fish, red on one side, pr. 714. — 3. a certain play or ceremony of
banters; osi adam n.s. wugoru abgf6, abgmragyere, bgmmgf6-agorn,

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d^mma — d^u.

e. 8. wo a wukum aboa no wiikura otuo na woto dwom na wotow

tno no na ebinom bg mma mu a.s. vvoka akyene [akyonedAm] a.s.
wgbo dawuram' [dawurudara], na ebinom nso saw ka wo ho.

d^mma, a small welgJd of gold equal in value to 2 pence 1

farthing; pr.716; s. sika.

damma-l)(), the red seed o{k certain shrub, used as & gold-
weight; d. ahaban ye owaw-aduru, the lerwes of the damma skrtib
arc a medicine used to cure a cough.

o-dammd, [gdan, dim.] small house or room; cot, cottage.

ndamba, nnarama, F. Mt. 26,64. hereafter; nd. asendzida no, at
the last dag of judgment.

addinm{lkw{\dw6, a by-name of the leopard; s. gseb6.

o-dam-nidn, the kind or shape of a house; gdan yi d. ye fe;
rf. ban, sibea.

. damankama, s. dom...
damaram, J!??. n-,( a flower with vermilion leaves; the shrub
dainar§.min, i on which it grows; scarlet, cinnabar red.
damas [Eng.] dammk. - Am. 3,12. - ahiafo d., mock satin,
ddm'd^in', chequered; yam atotow no ho d. mmako-mako.
ddme, a red powder from iron ore; 'mosea kgkg a wgasew
a wgde twa (won) anim a.s. asaf%.

od dm f 6, ijZ. a- [gdAm] madman, pr. 719.

damfo, friend (used in addressing a person). F. ML 26,50.

adamfo, j?Z. nnamfo(nom), 1. Ak. [nea m6dkn no] master, su-
perior, patron, — 2. Akp. friend; sgn. awe, gygfiko; cf. abarirna;
fa ad., to make friendship. — 3. hostj who receives or etiiertains and
lodges a guest; sgn. ofiwura.

a d a m f w d, hostess; the tvife of the Jiost of a house where jour-

ney-men are lodged and entertained.

ddmmirifua: gpompono ne nsa hye ne d. mu = gde ne nsa

hye ne nan 2 ntam\ he folds his hands and puts them between Jtis
legs (wode wo nsa hye ho a, na wo were ahow neh a.s. ade ahia wo);
wgde atumpan rema no d. (= due), theg condole with him by beating
the drum. pr. (717.) 1153. 2660.3400.

add mm 6, inf. [bg dam] madness, pr. 13.54.

o-damod [gda, amoa] grave, tomb, septdchre.
Q-ddmpau, [gdan, mpan] a house or room with an open front;
= gdan hunu, gdan a gpoh nsi auo ; gdan a auo tetre a wgtram*
awia di asem, bg semgde na wgnom nsa na wodidi mu. F. Mt.26,58.
Cf. abgnten-ndmpan, nammgn-ndmpan.

0-d a m p d r e, pL a-, rafter, spar, framework of a roof; d. ani,

inside of the roof, [gdan, house, aparew, W6.]
dam ram, -ma, 5. dam&ram.
addm-sf, inf. s. adam 3.
ddii, 17. [inf. a-, red. denndn] 1. to apply to, to seek the protec-
tion of, put one^s self under the protection of a man of distinction &

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daii — dan nail. • 63

inflnonce, ^ve (one's self) over or up to, adhere to; to depend on; ode
neh<^adA.n Brofo; ode iieh5 abedan bosom; Ahitofel de neho bedan
Absalom ; onipa yi dan me (= ode neho bg me bo) ua wanya biribi
adi; odahme or odan me da-yi, he ahva/js applies or comes to me
(for his \\ym^\ pr.720, 2595. — 2. to appeal to: ode asem no kg-
dan Kaesare, he appealed to Cesar. — 3, to claim; to desire; medafi
se menya adwuma-pa bi maye na manya biribi madi, the only thing
I ask or care for is, that I may get some proper work to do in order
to get something to eat. — 4. to call in, demand, exact payment from:
odin me ka, he demands payment, calls in a debt from me; cf. aka-
Am; pr. 721-723. — 5. s. dennan. — ad ail, inf. clieniship, a state
of being under the protection of a patron; ne nkyen a gte yi, eny^
osom, na eye adan.

dau , t?. [red. dan'n^n] to turn, to give another direction, ten-

dency or inclination to; to change, alter; to turn, transform, change
into, to become by a sudden transformation : pr. 724. gbayifo dan nelio
osebg, a wizard transforms himself into a leopard; to convert, to be
converted (into); to retract, revoke, recall, remove nsew, a curse;
wadan me dua a gbggme no. — syn. kisa; san; sakra; ye, nyin. —
Phr. gdan neho, he turns round; gdannan neho, = gd. ne nsa, s.
hcL; gdan n*akyi (kyereme), he turns his back (upon or to me), —
dan., gya, Y. to leave, Mk. 1,20. 14,52. -ds^ti.. kyene = gyakyene,
iogive tip, relinquish, pr. 510 1553. — dan mu, to alter; wadan n'a-
henni mu, he has changed the fashion of his rid^. -dan ani, to turn
me's face, i.e. to turn round; gdan n'ani guane; to turn the face, i.e.
to change, pervert, subvert; gdan asem no ani^ he gives a wrong turn
to (or, he misstates) the matter, perverts judgment. — dan nsa, to turn
ones hand; to trade, negotiate; gdannan ne nsa, he trades, deals;
Luk.19,15. he is industrious (gtg biribi na gtgn, a.s. gtgn nnwinne). —
dan asem, pr.2855. = d. asem no ani, 5. d. ani.

g-ddii, i>L a-, house, negro-house (R. p. 166); room, apadmcnt;

cf. fadan, aban, cfi, asah, gsan, nndn86, pint^ntw^r^, and the diff,
parts or kinds of house or room: abdnkua, abrAnnil', abgutenniim-
pan, dabekylri, gdAmpan, nammgnndmpan, nnantwer6m\ p4kiisu,
pato, ]iiA, pumpunu, asiiso, ntwironod.

g-d A ii-a n 5 , house-door, dom'-tvay, opening or entrance of a house;

odanan6-pon, the door by which the entrance-way is closed ; cf.

dannau, red. v., s. dan', v. to turn many times, repeatedly;

to turn, move or throw this way and that way; mframa d. hyen; -
od. neho, gd. ne nsa, s. dan'.

adanndn, inf. repeated changing, alternation. — di ad., to

ehange, undergo changes; wodi ad. ye, they do it alternately, by turns.

adannaii-di, inf. change, changing, turn; ad. abgde, organic

creature, Kurtz § 174.

g-dannaii, a kind o^ yam; s. gde.

ddnnan-w6-ab6, obi a w6dah no k, w6wh ab6, an unpro

fitahle ma,^er; s. under f o w.

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G4 ddudiid — ddnta.

d aii-diid, pL nndnnua , a tree (pole or slick) cut for Uie build-

ing of a house; timber.

o-dAu-ne-na, a kind oi lizard = ntafontafo, s. oketew.

adannfm' [odan anim] front of a Jtotise; place in front of a

house; wosi dan a, wopAw nnua pakyen ad. ans?i-na wokyei'i adan-
kyf ri, tchen a* house is huilt, the best sticks are taken for the front,
and afterwards the sticks for the back-wall are put in,

0-d a u k a , I?/, a-, poudcr-flask, powder-horn ^ powder-case ; cf, toa.

adkiikdypL n-, hare. pr. 504. F. asoaso, asoket^. fpr.C}92.

adaiikum, s. adenkum.
daukwanser6, a kind of bat; s. ampafi.

o-diliikyeii [odan hkycn] the side of a house.

adaii-kyeii, inf. [kyen dan] the marking or lining out of the

sides of a house and fixing the sticks for the walls; cf. adannim.

adaukyiri [odan akyi] the backy back-wall, rear of a house;

the place behind a house; cf. adannim; mfikyiri.

o-daiimu, the interior or inner part of a house; masiesiemed.,

/ have put my house or roam in order.

adaiiiiiude [dan mu hde]pl.id.y bribes; syn. boa, anadwode;

di or gye ad. = di nimoa, to accept bribes.

0-d da no, the stick in a bird-trap on wbich the bird stops and
causes the trap or snare to spring so that it is caught; the trigger
of a springe ; cf. nterewso.

o-daiiiiow [odan-gow] a house in decay, out of repair, in a

ruinous state.

a d an s&^' handcuff, manacle; woato no ad. or wode ad. atone,

he has been handcuffed.

danse, F. dase, mogya a abiri ko, gore, thick, clotted blood.

add use, witness, testimony; evidence, proof; deposition of a

witness; - di ad. (iiif. adanse-diV to give testimony or evidence, to
bear witness, to witness, testify; - nye ad., to call or take to witness;
pr. 114.164. — wo addnse, thou aii witness; onoara ad., he is witness.

g-d a n s e f 6, i>Z. a-, one who gives testimony, a witness, deponent.

dansebere, s. daasebgre.

adanse-kriim, false witness or testimony.

d a n s e k r u ni f o , a false witness.
d d u-s 5 , the upper part or floor of a house, garret ; cf. abansoro.
da-nsow, a. [nea eda nsow] easy to be known, remarkable,
conspicuous, patiicular; pr. 3254.

da-nsow, donsow, t?. to be distingiiisltcd dr. ne nko ara na

od. [oda hq a ote senea woahye no nsow ; gyi dcnsow, e.s. wo ho wo
adc bi na nnipa nhina nim wo; ne ti d. = esono ne ti nko, etc se
Onyank. ahyeno gyirae; onipa yi, ne duaban d., this man has a
singularly formed body.

o-dan td, a kind of gun.

ddnta, under-garment, loin cloth of the negroes, ~ amoase,
odena, otam; wabo d.

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dantabdn — odasfiwa. 65

dantabilii, circle; st/7t, koutonkron; woboo (wotwaa) no ho

d. = wotwaa no ho hyiao, thei/ surrounded him.

a d d n t a m', pi. n-, [adan ntam' kwan] teat/, passayc, infervenifir/

space between houses.

adantdni' [nea gda or eda ntam'] intermediate, middle (used

0. g. in apposition to a proper name for the sake of distinction, as
Aduobe Adantam\- Aduobe biakd di panyih, na adantdm* di ho,
na akfima ka akyiri).

adantofo, F. = abantofo. Mt. 21, 42.

ndautapii^ ?

o-daii til w, -tuo [odan ntnw] an tininhabiied house or room;

ofie d., a forsaken dwelling.

O-ddnyji, a certain medicinal plant; pr.895.

(1 a-p A J pi. n-, a good, lucky, festival day.

ad a pa, disgrace, disgraceful treatment; r?/*. adagyaw, ahohora,

anyampa; wobg no ad., they maltreat, disgrace, degrade a respec-
table man, as by flogging him in the street, taking away his clothes,
fastening him to the block (cf. edua 6). — F. Mk.9,12.

o-dapaui, pi. a--fo (nea neho da ho kora, otam nkata no so;

onipa a gta ye ahohorade) a shameless person ; one who acts dis-

dap em, a iJiousand times daily; a long time; always, every

often; d. nhina, for ever; d. na woye ade bone yi! you always com-
mit tJ^is wickedness; syn. da, daba.

dapen,pZ. a-, or n-, week; = nnaawotwe. [da, pen, prop,

a set of days'] R.p.lG?- (The names of the seven days, s. Gr.§41,4.)

dapeiis6m, toeekly report.

daponua, p/. n-, a high, festival day. [da, pgn, da, = eda a
eso.] Yedi d. 'ne, to-day we have a feast; Adae nna ye n., the Adae
days are festival days. Cf. dapA, afahye.

ddrd, (pi. id.), dollar; piece of money, silver coin. F. dadare

[fr, Dan. daler, Dutch daalder.]

add re, ^>Z. n-, Ak. adere, hook, hill-hook, large knife, hush knife,
nsed by the negroes to cut down branches and shrubs, pr. 728-30. —
Own ad., pr.3481. fig. the destructive power of death, Death^s scythe.
Phr, me nan tia ad. so, / am on the point of starting {for work on a
plantation or for a journey). Cf adatia, adawd.

adare-bo [dade bo] musket-hall, bullet of iron; cf. aboba.

ddrekana, a sympathizing expression in condoling; mil d.
= ma due or hygdeii, to condole.

darewa, pi. n-, a small fish-hook; cf. dadewa rf- tghkogyei.

adasa, F. men, 2ieople (in general). Mt. 5,11,1^.19. Mk. 9,S1. s. adesa,

adasa-mba, F. men, children of man ; syn. nnyimpa.

Q-dasanyi, F. s. odesani.

Q*dasdwa, a tree and its fruit; s. adesA.

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60 dase — addw5roma.

dase, F. = adanse, Mt.84- Mk,6,lL dzi d., ye adase, = di adanse,

dase, F. bloody gore ; s. bogya, danse, kafo. ^-*^^- -^'^j^^*

da-ase, io thanlCy s. da J24. — ndaase, F. = nnaase, aseda.

g-daase, a log of wood scooped out longitudinally to serve for

a moiiar (rf. owoaduru); fodder-rJiest or wafer-trough for sbeep.

Odaasede, edaho [edaaSe, fara'], owoaduru nso si ho; od. de, akura

na wgye, nanso won a wokyi woadurum' fufu Kwasida na wowow


daascbei'O, [fr. mada-asc mabere, I have thanked I have

become tired] a title given to kings : a benefactor so liberal that he
makes one grow tveary of returning thanks-

adasefo, F. witnesses; adase- torfo, false witnesses, Mt26j55,60,

(\ asT, tight(?); wokyeree no hama d., they bo^md his hands tight.
da-so, to continue, s. da J25 c,
0-d{\s6,i??. n-, coverlet y blanket, quilt (ade a eda [mpa] so); the
cloth on ivhich one sleeps; cf. mrauatam.

o-dasii, pi. a-, [gda su = horow] a division of the night, nighi-

watch (of which the negroes count three: from 6 to 10, lOtol and

1 to 4 o'clock. Woda na wunyah a, wgfre no d. biako; gd. biako

twam' a, na omununkuni ne mframa abetwam'.) Wayi (or wada)

d. biako, he has slept the first part of the night; wgadd ayi d. fa,

they lie in the first sleep: wgada ayi ad. abiefi, they have slept from

the beginning of the nigld till after midnight; wgadd ayi ad. abiesa,

they had slept till about 4 o'clock in the morning; gbaa gd. abien mu,

he came in the second watch; eduu gd. kgnkgn, it was in the middle

of the night; gdasiim' , at midnight, in the night. — F. dcsu, iff. :i44S.

ad a to w a, a sort of cloth; s. ntama. [Jrs.90^4.

a d a t i a, --^ adare tia, pr. 412.

da-tia, a short term or space of time granted to a debtor for

discharging his obligation ; wahye no d. hi.

0-d a w, 1. the jaw, = abogye ; osum d. = gde ne nsa sum n'a-

bogye, he suppoHs his chin with his hand. — 2. conversation; gbg
daw = gbg semgde, he (^ moves his jaw'' =) holds a conversation.

daw a, pi. n-, [eda, dim.] a shoti day or time; yekodii nnawd
bi wo ho na yebae, we spent some fetv days there and then returned.
dawa, pL n-, 1. (a x>air of) fire tongs. — 2. a bell of native
manufacture, hung on sheep's or dogs' necks, s. da.

adawd [adare, dim.] a small bill-hook.

ad aw a, == adewti, a certain play and song of women,
dawadwa, stomach (of man); cf. furu, nsonokese.
d a - w r , a day fixed, yet not punctually kept, a slipping day
(as it were); wahye d., he set a time, but has not kept to it.

a d a w 6 r o in a, favour, kindness, grace, mercy; the word is used

in an elliptical way, and scarcely as the subject of a sentence. — Wo
ad., you are very kind! n'ad.ntia, ahka miwui, but for his kindness,
I shotdd have died; ghene ad. ntia, anka wokura me, but for the

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adawiibo — de. 67

kincfs mercy L should have been put to death; midi no ad. ansa-na
many a od an madain\ e.s. mesomno ansa-na omaame kwan medaa
ne dan mu; - woye biribiara de ma obi na otaa wo so kaw a, wuse:
midi no ad., I procured permission^ hisfavotiry to allow mc.pr. 644,

adawu-bo, inf, = adawuru-bo. — dhwy'iro, pr.3013.

o-dawuru, pl,n-, a kind of bell to be struck with a stick by

ike public crier in making proclamation, also used at public meet-
ings, at certain plays, in the frantic^dances of fetish-men &c. cf,
nnawotd. — dawurudam, s. ad am, 3,

Adawurantu-adawara-nloa [wodah won (bosom) Ntoa] a by-

name of Komah or Akiiropon in the language of the great drum.

ad aye, inf. [da yiye] a good s^ituation ; nekdro-ban wo ad. ma

eye few, the town is beautifully situated,

da-j'^iye! dayiy'o! interj. sleep well! Gr. § 147,3.

de, F. L = se, that; ose de, bera ! =-• oka se : bera ! — .^. = se,
as, even as; de-bre, de-mbre, Mt. 6,2. = senea, like as. — 5. = se
(used elliptically) ; ekd^ d^ = ekd^ s{j, it wanted as (Utile as possible)
i.e. almost, nearly. — 4. = sO, very, very much. — 5. = den, ML 26,66.

de (dew), red. dede (dedew), a., 1. agreeable, pleasant,

sweet, is used of eatables and drinkables: eye de, it tastes well,
pr. 642. 1942. 2103. — of sound, e.g. of the horn, of the drum, of a
tnne, pr.79.2337. of words: akwanmusem dew, pleasant news, pr.l899.
of a person : oye de, he is an agreeable man, pr. 1318. — ^. rigJit,
righteous, used in judicial decisions or sentences: n'asemye de, he
is (in the) nght; n'asem nye de, he is wrong. — Phr. me ho asem ye
(won) de, a lawsuit about me (i.e. my being or getting involved in a
lawsuit or misfortune of any kind) is or would be pleasant to them,
i.e. I am hated by them. On the simple or variously reduplicated
forms and the predicative and attributive use of them, s. Gr.§ 68-70.
0-de, n. s. gdew.

de, v. (Ak.) s. dew.

nde, F. = nne, to-day.

de, V. 1. to hold, have, possess; to own: gno na ode kiiro yi, he

is Uie possessor of this toum; pr. 713. ode neho, he possesses himself
\.^.he is free, his own master, not in bondage; pr.713. — ^. to owe:
ode (me) kaw, he owes (me) a debt; pr. 747. 776. — 3. to hare seized
or befallen: awgw dome, I am cold; okom (osukom) de no, he is
hungry (thirsty). — i. to contain, to be: ne din de den ? what is his
name? — to have the name of, he called: ode Kofi, his name is Kofi.
— oJoholdon, keep on, persist in, continue: ode no fwe ara, he kept
^flogging him; wode bone yg a, iiiede wo fwe ara, if you continue
to do evil, I continue to flog you, i.e. as long as you do evil, I shall
always punish you. pr. 759. — 6. to use, be accustomed to: gnne ap^m-
pensi nh ^pe n'Ade, lit. he does not use extortion and seeks his things,
i.e. it is not his manner or fashioii to enrich himself by extortion. —
7. 1o mean, refer to, allude to, aim at: gde me ygnko, na gnne me,
he means my friend, not me; pr. 1907.1583. -— 8. to mention: gmaii
bo. namenne sika, tJie (wJwle) town or nation is lost, not to mention

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m de^

money, pr. 1998.3524. se wonn6 sd or se wonn^ n n^ ^, asrani abiesfi

wohyia preko, lit. if Uiey do not mention (meeting), in three mofiihs
they meet once, i.e. at least once in 3 months they a^emble. — [This
r. is mostly used in the contin. form only, Gr. § 91,2. 102, 2. 167.,
sometimes in the pret.: okom dee me, I ivas hungry ; seldom in other
forms, as, progr. : a wow rede me, / am beginning to feel cold; perf.:
awow ade me, cold has now (hy degrees) come upon me; fid.: awow
bede me, / shall feel cold.] — The v. de expressing a state, the
action by which the state is produced, is usually expressed by
other verbs, as, fa, to take, nya, to obtain: obefa neho adi, Jie will
become free ; obenya kaw, he will run into debt.

d e is very often used as an aux. t\ introducing an object to

which the action expressed by the principal verb refers, or by means
of which it ts performed, or of which some other thing is made; e.g.
ode afoa bye boham\ he (has a stvord puts i.e.] puts a sword into the
scabbard; ode nkrantetwaadub^, he having a stvord cut off a branch,
i.e. he cut of a branch with a sword; ode nhoma bu kotoku, lit. lie
taking leather makes a bag, i.e. he makes a bag of leather. Intransitive
verbs like b a, to come, ko, logo, fwe, to fall, tra, to sit, when con-
nected with the aux. v. de, assume crt2(^af/r« significations : tohring,
conduct, throw dotvn, to cause to sit or to put; but de never par-
takes of the inflection oi' the jyr inc. v., and in all neg. and imp. forms
it is replaced by the inflective verb fa, to take; e.g. wode no betra
ahennua so, they taking him will (cause him to) sit i.e. they will set him
on the throne; fa no tra agua no so, lit. take him sit i.e. place him on
that stool ; woamfa no antra agua no so, they have not set or placed
him on the stool. Cf Gr. § 108. 205. (pr. 770. 77 A. 781.) 206. (pr. 756. 757,
771. 773.) 208. (pr. 7o8. 764. 766. 779.) 234. (pr. 734. 746. 754. 755. 761-63.)
237. (pr. 733. 736-39. 749-51. 753. 765. 767. 769. 777. 778. 772. 780. 752. 782.)
240-42. (pr. 740-45. 768. 737.)

de, Ak. dee, emph. part, d^conj., by which a person or thing,

or an action (or sentence), is made prominent or opposed to another
or others. [It is derived from the n. ade (s. bel.) which again is de-
rived fr. the V. de.] It means taken apart, concerning, as foi\ as to
(Gr. § 75.3): me de, menk6, my thing or part i.e. as for me, I do
not go. When the sent, or part of a sent., which is made prominent
by d e, precedes a corresponding co-ord. sent., the latter begins with
na or nanso, but, and d c is usually not translated (if we will not
express it by indeed, it is trite, take it for granted, Gr. §1 40.251, r.);
but when it follows after the corresponding sent., de is translated
by but, however: mafr^no d6, n^ ommA, / have called him, bid he
does not come; obekg, na me de, metra ha, he will go, bid I shall
stay here; me de, mete dan mu, na me nua de, gyc adwuma (wo)
adi wo, I am sitting in the hou.se, bid my brother is tvorking outside;
AbCirokyiri (de), gba di n'agya ade; eha-yi de, ente sa, in Europe
a child inherits his father's goods; here, however, it is not so, — The
particle may be used twice; asem yi de de, minhu ase, as to (the
concerns of) this matter, I do not understand it.

de, dee, dea, profi. put instead of a previous noun //*r. atle,
thingJGT,%Q2. me de, mine, also my party my portion; yende, oitrs&c.

[pr. 823. 824.

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od& — deu. 69
o-de, Ak. gdee, F. edwo, ^am, a large esculent tuber or root
of various climbing plants, of the genus Dioscorea, forming, when
roasted or boiled, a wholesome, palatable, and nutritious food;
pr.82o-i^. The difiP. kinds have each its particular names: L ode-
p4 ne: gyawii, akwakg, krukrup^, nkantdmi, dikd, mSde, odanndn,
ode-kwaseii, ammd-ra^nni-anwu (Ab.), amanyakti, nnonko-Agnko,
osu, pepea; 3. hk^nf: nkauih^ne, nkukii, Aniwa-^niwa; 3. hk-
yere: ahabnyere, onyame-bAyere, kSde, kokora, asahiud^ asante-
anbiViit^m, ntonto, obuobi-kwaw, aduoku, kumi-yiw,kwabena-afwi,
kwame-fwi (the last 5 are names of men who first planted these
kinds); 4. afas^w; afase-k^ni, afase-tuntum, apiik'a, adi-amma-
wo-ba; 5. m^nsil (ye fremfrem), nkdmf6 (ye nwene); ayamkaw-
de. — S* fua, bore, pan, tu &c. mmotgkroma, mpgw; fufu.

hd6, Ak. adee, F.adze,j!)?. ade, nn^^ma(F.nnyemba, ndzemba),

nnewa, 1. ihing, substance, espec. an inanimate object; any object of
the senses or of thought pr. 783-88... (cf. asem, any object of speech,
transact tony occurrence, affair, event); something, st/n. biribi; ade-
kgkg, something red; pr. 135.139. 140.814. (sometimes it is left untrans-
lated^ Gt. § 202,1.) cf. adebone, adepa. — ^. vessel^ instrument;
pi. effects, furniture. — 3. property, possession; part, portion; lA.
goods, wares, merchandise, pr.820. goods, riches', fortune, wealth;
pr. 813.83 1.193:^.3514-16. (di, pe,iiya ade, s. 8-10,) — 4. some unknown
agent, poicer or cause: ade atg no so ma wawu, he had an apoplectic
fit from which he died. — 5. a striking act of strength, skill or cunning;
a feat, deed, exploit: wo aye ade, you have performed something great
and praiseworthy! — 6". r/7n///w(78 taken together, the world; bo
ade, to create the world; to found a kingdom; s. bo 85, — 7, the
things visible in daylight or performed in the day-time: ade kyg,
(he things ajfpear, become clear, visible, i.e. the day breaks; ade a-
kye, it is daylight, morning; - ade sa, the things disappear, vanish,
cotnc to an end, i.e. the day closes, etids; ade asa, the things are done,
i.e. it is evening, night, pr. 808.810.811. — 8, Phr, (cf. 3) di (obi) ade
n) to feed or live upon one^s property, be supported by, get presents
of, enjoy benefits of one, pr. 866.873.876. — b) to inherit one^s pro-
perty; pr, 844.877. to succeed in one's office or on the throne, — ^. pe
ade, to seek i.e. endeavour to make a fortune. — 10, ny a ade, to
make a fortune, becotne or grow rich ; pr. 975.3514-16.

ade, a kind of beads, s. aheu6.

de, V, to open wide (gd^nky^m ade n'anom' rebekAme; de

kotoku no ano, na m6mfa ntrama no mfnnu mu); to extend; wotwa
(mpasOa) dee mu, they extended their lines for fighting, ranged the
battle; syn, terew; cf, dede.

de, adv. still, silent, quiet, calm; softly, gently, carefully: fa

koto ho de, nseeuo! — syn. komm, b6rew.

g-de', friend, used by a female addressing a female friend; cf

awe, hwew^.

dea, Ak. = nea, Akr.; F. nyia, he who; dzea, dza, that which;
^^ place wfierc, manner in which, pr, 3354,3359.3116. (3113-3283.)

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70 adi^bisa — detiSdijfc .

ade-b isd, Inf, consultation, inquiry of a fetisb or fortuneteller.

Q-d obi Sato, pL a-, inquirer, pr. 1700,

a d e b 6 [ada-ebo, koko so fikataso] an amulet worn or *^lyin(j on

the breast", of cloth, leather &c.; nknrofo de sebe n. a. ye mu; -
breast-plate, ephoch

ado-bo, inf, creation. — odebotb, creator, = ob6fo, oboadee.

ade-boiio, pi. n-, a bad thiwj, evil, ill, sin; cf. bone.
o-doboueyet'(), pi. n-, sinner, evil-doer, malefactor, criminal;
cf. obone, gbonefo, onipabone.

ad e how 6 ii, pad. — adobonoil, akind of beads. S. kabonoa, -a.

a d b g 11 6 r u w a, bolster; s. kabguoruwa.
ndeda, F. = nnera, yesterday.
ndo-dayi, F, = nne-dayi, to-day.

adodj\de, an old, weU-hiown, common thiny; ■— adc dedaw.

doda-dodaw, red. a. or adv. 1. very old. — .?. long ago, long
since, for a long time.

dedaw', Ak. dada, F. dadaw, pi. a-, a. 1. old (used of thuigs,

seldom of persons, cf. apa, panyifi, akora): odAn dedaw' or odan-
neddw, an old house. — 2. long known, long acquainted: gdamfo
dedaw, an old friend.

dc^djiw, Ak. dada, adv. already: wabii d., he is come already.

ded(S, red. a., s. de.

I) edo , 7>r. n. of a female, said to be the mother of the Ga people

and the elder sister of Kgkg, q. v.
gdodo, Ak. sayings, fame, repoH.

dodo, F. := gy<*gyegye, noise, tumult. Mt.9,2s. Mk.o,38.

g do d c, possessor, oicner, ptroprietor.
ad edo, Ak. = dvVae; a z^ri^m 2J>lay ; yegorg ad.
dCdo, red. r. to sneak, slink, crawl after, to ivatch, lurk for,
lie in wait (agyinamoa dede nkura; gbgmmgfo d. aboa ansa-ua
wakum no; dedt} kgkyere aboa no!).

ad ode n k r u ni a, the castor-oil jjlant, Jiicinus communis, Palma

Christ i.

ado-di, inf. inheriting. — g-dodifo, pi. a-, heir.

g-d e - d o ni fi , a\ domit, horghorg.

g-dedni\ni, j^/. nneduafo, [nea gda duam'] captive, prisoner,

one fastened to the block, cf. dud (». — F. daduianyi.
d e (1 u a-f f , = nneduafo fi, prison.
dog, ad eg, Ak. s. de, ade.

d^fg, a. soft, sweet, flattering; softly; oyh n'ani akyi d. = gd4

n*ani aky\ fefefe (oka n'ani gu so se gredd, nanso eny4 nna n^ greda),
he blinks, twinkles, winks, casts a smiling look (at).
def^ddfg, red. v., to flatter; syn. hoahoa; gdef^d^fe no kgy^
n'dd^ adi, he flatters him in order to inherit his property ; gd. n*aiio,
he speaks softly, appeasingly.

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adefem — dekode. 71

ade-fem, inf, borrowing, — o-defomfo, one who borrows.

ado-ferCj inf. pieff/y rcligiotmicss, reverence, vcneraiiony awCy

hdy fear. — o-defercfo, pi. a-, a pious, godly, religions, reverent,
careful, conscientious, scrupulous, person.

a de-fir I, inf. giving or selling on credit.

o-dcfirifo,i>Z. a-, debtor, = odefemfo.

o-defo, 2)1. a-, a man of wealth, wealthg, opulent, rich man; sgn.
osikanL, obonyafo.

•o-do'foo, benefactor, a good, lind, benign, charitable, liberal,

hountifidy munificent man, used as a respectful or flattering address
to a man of rank, [nea ne bo ade ye fow? adoeyefo?]

ade-foin, inf. offence, tAinsgression, trespass, pr.^167.

o-dc-fufiV, 1. a pudding of yam, s. fufu. - ^. a kind o^ butterfly.

ade-fw ere, inf. (tbe act of) expending or wading money; ex-
penditure. — adefwcrede, costs, expenses; charges.

g-de-i^ufo, pi. a-, founder, caster; type'Caster, letter-founder.

ode ha, [wbo possesses the forest] a by-name of tbe leopard, s.


ade-hilnu, a vain thing, vanity, = ahubude.

o-deh ve, pH^ *-» ^- f^^^ man, free woman; noble man; member
of the king's family; me d. ni, this is one of my sister's children (wben
they are freeborn). pr. 122.839.843-47.134:4. — 2. tbe state or rank of
a free man; pr. 330. 836-38. ko wo kCirom* na kodi wo d., go to thy
cmmtry and live there as a free man. — 3. (adj.) free, not in bondage
free-born. F. no bogy a debye, his most precious blood. Ftk. —
4. (n.) od., an eruption and swelling of the eyelids.

o-dehye-ba, pi. nnebye-mma, free people's children.

adehye-di, inf. libeiiy, personal freedom.

o-dehye-k6fonf, knight; baron. Hist.

o-dehye-panyin, cotint, earl; omantara mu d., landgrave. Hist.

adehye-SQUfi, behaviour of a free, independent man; arro-

gance, presumptuousness ; As. = abantan. - di ad., to be presump-
tuotis; to live as a nobleman^ pr. 849.

adehye-som, inf. service in tbe quality of a free man or re-

laiion, not of a slave.

o-dehyewa, (yomtg) nobleman, pi-. 848. -pi. n-, nobility.

ade-kan, the first thing; first- fruit; cf. abakan.

ade-kdu, inf. counting, reading; cf. gkdn, okenkan, nbomakan.

dgke, s. dekye.

d^kedeke, carefully: woso no (wokura no) d., they carry

(handle) him cautiously.

dekedeke, softly: onam ncnan ano d., he walks silently on

tiptoe; syn. berew.

dekode [ado ko] tchat, which thing (in indirect questions,

Gr. § 60); kobisa no dekode a ofwefwe, go and ask him what he is
looking for; eden na aye no ma osu? minnim dekode.

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72 adekora — demcrekn.

ade-kora, inf, securing of things, pr. 712.

o-dckiiro, adekftrow [nca gdc ktirow] pl.ti- -fo, 1, owner or

chief of a iotvn or village (used as a respectful title or appellation);
kfirow yi mu dekftro ba ne no. J2. gliene safohene a gtc ne krirom'.
cf. ohene, omaiiheue. - 3. htirgmnastery magor, prefect

ode-kwasod, a kind of yam ; s, ode.

deky^, adv. L perccpiiblg; J2, slighilg. (?) Waka no d., he
has touched it injnno24Slg; ade a mcde uiato ha y'u "kit n6 d., the
thing I have put here, do not touch it roughly! rae wura a niesom uo,
onk4me d., my master whom I serve, does not treat me in a hard
manner; wyso^a fiinu no, ank«t d., tchen the corpse was carried, it
did not move in the least; onkA nclio d. ti^ no, he obeys him withotU
any reluctance or opposition.

adc-ky^, inf, 1. dividing: yebaa ad^kye, or, ad^ky^ nti na

yebae, we came to divide the things. — :2. the act of presenting,
m aking presents.

adekyedc, (pi. id.) gift, present, also adekye, akyede.

adeky ee \cf. ado kyc] 1, day-break, morning (cf. anopa). —
4?. the nej't or foJloiving day. 3. day-light (cf, awia), the whole day
including morning, noon, afternoon and evening (anopa, owigyi-
nae, betwabcre a.s. mfaretubero, anwumnicre). Mt.W,6.

adeky ee- ha ma, the first ray or sfre(dc of light at the hori::on
in the morning sky; morning-twilight, dawn, day-break, day-blush,
the xmrple glory of the morning.

adekyee-soroma, morning -star, day-star; s. ko-soroma,

owuodi, kyekyepeaware.

ade-kyere, inf. instruction, teaching.

dem, i. hurt injury, damage, loss; fault, defect, blemish; wadi

dcm, h^i has received a hurt, suffered damage (in his health, from a
previous sickness); onnideni or dem biara nni neho, he is faultless,
w'Uhouf blemish (q^ nesoro bedu fanr nni yare biara). — ^, a last-
ing impression ; residue ; a sticking fast, resting, continuing (in the
ear); edi m'asom* dem, it remains in my ears'^ obi tu wo fo-pa a,
ma enni wo asom* dem.

dem m, a. stdl, quiet, calm; syn. dinn, komm.

dem, F. = sa, sa, so, thus; ML :3/}^ 5.16,19. dcm no, whereupotk,
Mt. 14,7. dem yi, thus, Mt. 3,lo. on this fashion, Mk. 2,12. — deiiiara,
= saara, so, even so, the same, likewise. Mt 5,12.46 47. 7, Vi.

dem-iitsir, F. — nesa nti, therefore. Mt 3,8. 5^48. 6,2.

a (1 e m e ii e , As. — sumSna, pr. 743.

demmere, n-, F. ndzemhir, reed; diff. kinds: i. mfia, used

for wicker-work; 2. kete, used for a kind of flute, keU\ odurugya;
3. oyee, with many thorns (eho wo naoe-nsge se).

g-demerofuji, bush-dog, catches fowls; = odompo, q, r.

demeregu, -kii, adobe 'mercnkensono k wodpo, a branch

of the adobe -/>rt/m. from which the fibres (cdow) are or have been
taken out.

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ademud6 — dennan. 73

ade-mii-d6, (pi, id.)y a Hung preserved^ treasured up in a box

&c., ireasureSy valuables; e.g. ad6muh6ne, ad^musikd; adcmutam,
a precious clothy not used always, but kept for festival occasions.

deii, V, to overcmnCf master, conquer, overp&wer; den so:

to outweigh, overpoise, overbalance ; to be more than, surpass, ex-
ceed, preponderate, prevail. Woden no ne se: nnipa banu fuw bako
fwe no, thcif lay hold of him (and flog him); 'f\Ve no', though it be
omitted, is understood; but it may also be added: woaden no afwe
no, they have together given him a flogging; nsenea gfa yi a den so,
dm side of tlie balance weighs down; eden me so se adesoa duru-
duru, P8. 38,4. onipa k&ra den abode nhina (bebre, abooden), man's
soul is more valuable than all creatures; ne yere a gkowaree no den
no, his wife is more (in rank and every thing) than he; n'as§m a
waka no den no, he has gone too far in saying that.

(e-)deu , F. den, de, Ak. deeben, deen, sen, pron, interrog, Gr. §
60, 2.5. i. what? ivhat thing? ose d^n ? tvhai does he say? wofrc yi
den ? ichat (or how) is this called? eden ni, what is this? It may be
used in the poss. case: ed^n asem ni? = as^m ben ni? eden asem
na moka, what (thing's word) are you talking? — Ji?. ^den, ed^n nti,
for what, from tchat cause, ichy? woyee den na wofwee ase, what
did you do (i.e. how was it) that you fell? moye den na mugyina ha
kwa? Iiow is it that you are standing here idle? — 3, how? woye
nno den ? hmc is the palm-oil made? — 4. den, F. how much? Ak.
sen? Akr. ah^? — Ed^n , contr. = eye den : edeii na wofwefwe,
what i^ it that you seek?

deiiu , red; syn, ko, kgko, yemmenn, yenn.

deii, y. to grow or be hard, severe, difficult; n'adwuma no den

no, his work is (too) hard for him (oye adw. pi); any a aden wo neii
=r ama woabSre, now you have had enough of it; no y are no ad.,
his sickness has become severe; awia no, asem no aden me, the heat
of the sun, the palaver has become too much for me, I am in a strait
about, in trouble on account of it; oko no aden so, the fight has
grown hot.

deu, denneii, dinn^nnennen (denddn, d^ndendenden) or

dinnennen, a. Gr. § 70, 1-5. hard, firm; strong; hardy; sharp, se-
vere; cruel; difficult; opp. merew; - dade ye den, iron is hard;
dua dennen, hard wood; ntama no ye den, this cloth is strong; oye
den, he is hard, cruel; he is firm in his resolution, does not easily
yield; neho ye d., he is (bodily) strong, healthy; nekoh ye d., his
neck is strong (to. carry loads); nekon mu ye d., ne tirim ye d.,
he is valiant, potcerful (said of the leader of an army) ; emu ye d.,
it is hard, important, difficult, troublesmne; owia ano yg d., the sun
shines hot; ebo ye d., it is dear, s. ebo; pr.820. — n'ani ye d., n'ano
ye d., ne nsam* ye d., ne tirim ye d., .9. ani, ano, nsa, tiri.

e-dcn, n. strength ; gbehye nea eye merew no eden.

o-denS, = ddnta, amoase, loin cloth; mekgfaa gd. memoe.

d ennaii, red. v. s, d^n ; to spread, be extended; obobe no aden-
nan, tlic vine is sx)read out, hangs over, Ez. 17,6. dua no ad., tJie tree

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74 o(16neh^ — odesanf.

h(us become thickly covered with foliage; wode ohene iikyinii abed, ho,
the place has been crowded icith the king's umbrellas.
o-de-nc-h{i, = odeba, q, v.
d e n n e h , red. v. s. den.

ad en 11611, inf. equal balance, being in a state of equilibrium,

equipoise. - di (adesoa) adennen, to carry (a load) on the head tcith-
out holding it; odi n'abina ad., =: oso n^ahina na ne nsa nkuram*;
odi nebo ad., he lives carelesslg ; wudi wobo ad. a, wohkye wu.

den II en, dennennen, 1. a. s. den, — ^. adv. hardy strongly,

vehemently; sharply, severely.
ade-nim, inf. = nimdee.

o-donimfo, = onimdefo, a well-instructed, prudent, clever man.

d^iikes(j, bushy, brushy; ne ti afuw d.; odoto bi abu afwe
afaw no so d., the whole mass of the thicket fell on the plantation.

. adenkAm, a sfnall calabash witb a long neck, used for play;

toa a mmea de abene abyebye bo na wobo wo agorura'.

ade-iikye-o! salutation on taking leave in tbe evening: way

you live to see the next morning! — syn. nnopa-5 !

deiikyeb^5, a kind of European cloth.

d^hkyedenkye, swam}), bog, fen, marsh, moor, quagmire;

marshy or boggy ground, deeper tban atekye ; cf. dontori.

d5nkycdeiiky6, adv. in a shaking, vacillating manner;

ebim d., it shakes to and fro. — fi. hammock; cf. abamahka, osako.

o-ddnkyeni, jd. a-, alligator, pr. 859. crocodile; gdenkyem-

rairempoh, pr. 2.S/J0. syn. asuboa. — denkyemmercfu, -funu,|>r. 1171.

o-d e 11 ky e 111 ni 6-0, 1. a glittering, 2)recious stone said to come

from tbe bead of an alligator. — ;^. a certain food (nut?) pr. 745.
a d e n s d [nea eda nsa], Ak, = kapo.

d e n s w , s. da-nsow.
ad e-n y a, inf. becoming rich, acquisition of wealth.
a de-pa, a good or precious thing, something good; goods.
ade-p^, inf. seeking for riches, pr. 1441.

d ep Q, ganglion, a tumor or excrescence on tbe back of tbe band,

adero, Ak. = adare.
dddsa-mma, = nnfpa mma; s. adasa, odesanf.

dde s iV, -saw4, tbe eatable fruit of a large tree, of tbe size and
sbape of a lime, of a yellow and reddisb colour, and of a sbarp
sweet-sour taste ; tbe tree on wbicb it grows.

adesfie [cf. ade sa] 1. evening-time. — J2. the whole day from
morning //// night; Mat. 20,12. maye adwuma ad., I have worked till

g-desj\nf , odas... pi. a--f6, adesa-mma, man as a rational being

("mmoa na efre onipa sa") opp. aboa; od. nye nea [entia ese se]
woye no yiye, wan does not deserve to be treated well. ijr.o09Ml.2375.
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adese — gdeyotb. 75

adese, tootk-a^'he; oyare ad.; si/n. boaduatn, ok^kdw.

ade s e [ade ase a aka, what is left at the bottom of a thinif] sedi-
fHenty residuum y dregs; a mean, useless thing; cf. puw; - ad. Twi,
ajargofi or patois of the Tshi language,

o-desdnl, adesenf, pi, a--fo, = nnipa a womfra, men ofloto

condition y low, mean, common people, the dregs of society; cf, akwani-
humani. F. people living in the bush, not on the coast, bush-people,

ade-see, inf, waste of things, Mt.26^8.

a de-sod, inf, [soa ade] carrying loads; ad. ye yaw, — is


ade soa [ade a wode 8oa biribi] a basket (tckrekyi) or another

thing in which tvomen keep and carry their things (abode, atam),

adesoa [ado a wosoa] pi. n-, nn^soa, load, burden,

adesoa-ky^ufe', an excessive burden; ad. yi de, mintumi!

o-d es dn i, y>Z. a- -fo, carrier, porter.

a d e-s u a, inf, learning, study,

t\Ae^\\fi'Aiii\y school-house^ school-room. - adesuae, school; s, sukfi,

o-desuafo, ji/. a-, learner, student* — adesua-ka, inf, examination,

ade-to, ade-to, inf buying, — o-detof6,i>/. a-, buyer, customer,

ade-tou, ad^-ton, inf selling, trading, — adetoiVdan, shop,
o-detoiifo, pi, a-, seller, trader.

ade-to-wo-so, a single fit as of epilepsy, not of repeated or

frequent occurrence; cf ahunum', abiribiriw.

detse, F. = dote.

dew, V, to flare, flame, blaze; ogyaredew, tlicfireis blazing;

dew bayi, to exercise or practise tvitclicraft; to bewitch; 5. obayifo;
odew 8e okanea, fig. he is very lively, active in his business <&c.

dew, a, s, de.
o-dew, siocetncss, agreeablencss, pleasantness; agreeable taste,
taste fulness, relish; flavour; j^leasure, joy, cmnfort, benefit; wosom
Nyame yiye a, wobete mu dew, if you serve God well, you will have
the benefit of it, you will see how happy it will majce you.
dew, F. joy, Mt, 13,20. 44, 25,21. 28^. — dzi dew, to rejoice,
Mt. 2,10.5,12, — dew-do, = fewso, gladly. Mk.6,20.

adewd [ade, dim.] a little thing, trifle; eny^ ad., it is consider-

oWe, important, = eso kokftro, eso se, eso ampa!

adewd, tet. adawd, a name for several kinds oi play, s, agoru;

a play at funeral customs.

adewd-dwom, a song used in that play, pr, 174.

adewafo, women engaged in that play, pr, 3237,

ad6-wu, inf. bashful ness; syn, adefere.

ade-wid, inf, stealing, theft; cf, kron6, akrommo.

ade-7§, ^^f- doing, doings (cf, nneyee); activity; efficacy,

a d e 7 e (1 e , (pi, id,) instrument,

o-deyefo, -yofo, ;>/. a-, an industrious, diligent man; syn,

osifo; oye od. = oye nsi, ne nsa nna, fie is diligent in his business.

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70 di.

di [red. didi] V. dzi [dzidzi]. This verb of multifarious signi-

fications seems to be related with the v. de; but whilst de chiefly
means to have in hands or hold, and describes a state: di meaus
to take (in hands) and to handlCy or to use, make use of, employ^ aud
describes actions. It is, however, not confined to actions, nor to
objects taken with the hand (for which we have the vi\ fa, gye,
yi, 8om\..), but is most frequently employed with abstract nouns,
and the activity expressed by it is more of an abstract and com-
pound than of a concrete and simple nature. — As in the case of
bo, we arrange the various significations, which di has in connec-
tion with its common or specific objects or other complements, iu
groups marked hy A- Z (to which we superscribe some general
meaning), and subdivided by the continued numbers 1-110.

A, To take and use; to receive, obtain, suffer.

1. to eat J to take <f taste (food) : odi aduan, d^, fufu, mo, kwadii,
nam ; cf. we. pr. 'J26. S62-65. 870. 875. 882 f. 905 f. 914. 1644. 2690. 3111.—
The red. didi is used, when no object is mentioned and the act of
eating is denoted in a general way: mekodidi, I am tjoiny to cat;
odidi, he is at his meal, sits at table. — J2. to eat, live upon: onui afuw,
na odi ntodii, he has no plantaiion, but lives on bmtffht thinf/s, has to
buy his victuals; di.. ade, s. ade 6' a. — 3. to spend, me up, waste:
wadi no sika nhina, he has used up all his money; watgn no adi, he
has sold him and eaten i.e. used up the money received. — /. to use
in traffic: Akyemfo di sika, Akuapemfo di ntrama, the Akcms use
ffold'dust, the Aknapems cowries for their currency ; pr. 917. — 5. to
take or keej) and use for one's self: pr. 1070. se m'akoa di da a, mi-
gye no mman du, if my slave takes a day for hinhself (staying away
on one of the 3 days [Sunday, '^i'uesday, Saturday] beyond which
even hard masters do not sot their slaves to work, instead of coming
to work for me), / take from him ten strinys. — di bore, /o 6f a
loiterer, shiyyard, time-killer. — 6. to use freely, to enjoy: di here,
to enjoy one's time, to live a luxurious life; pi. wodi mmere. — fa
ncho di, to obtain the free use of one's own self to become free, be
emancipated; to live independently, to enjoy one's libeiiy or freedom;
pr. 1075.1439. — 7. to use naturally (Rom. 1,27) j to have sexual inter-
course with; cf. fa (gbea, oyere, sigyafo), euph. ko.. ho, hu, hyia
(2 8.13,14); di u^\\o,pr.881. to practise onanism, masturbation; of
beasts, irr. 3411. — 8. to receive, yet, accept o/'and use up; to partake
of, have the benefit of: di ade, s. ade 6* a; di abaguade, to receive or
draw fees for attendiny to palavers; di mmoa, adaiimude, to receive
presents or bribes; - cf. odi amanterenu-ade, he is a doubt e'deaicr^
insinuates himself with both parties dr. — 9. to inherit: odi n'ade, he
inherits his goodSj is his heir, tie succeeds him in fiis office or on the
tlirone; s. ade 8b; odi nhyira, nkwii, tie receives, intierits a blessing,
life. — 10. to obtain : d i n i m , hkonim, to gain oi get ttie victory^
be victorious, triumpti. — 11. to suffer: opatafo di aba, ttie peace-
maker receives blows, pr.2637. — obedi mmusu, miscliief teill come
upon or bcfatl tiim ; wadi ko-musu, nkogu, tie has suffered a defeat. ^

B. To be meet or fit to receive, to be worth, becoming, right,

12, to require, demand: di ntomii, ntewso, j?r. 2934- — 13. to have

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di^ 77

or fetch a pricCy to he ivortli: n tarn a yi sin di dare fei, two yards of

(his cloth cost half a dollar, — 14, to deserve: odi (sf/n. ose) animka,
fwe, kum &c. he deserves censure, a flogging^ to be killed, — 15, to
he meet, fit, becoming, right: edi sa, se edi ara neo, it is or was didy,
deservecMtj done so; odi ye, he is right in doing so; odi wo fwe, kum,
he is right in flogging, killing yon.

C, To have, possess, cantain,

16, to have capacity for, to be able to lake in, to hold, contain: ahina
yi di nsa siisukora du, this pot holds ten calabashes full of palm-
wine, Joh.2,6. — 17. to have, be infected with: odi dem, he has a
(])liy8ieal) failing ; edi dem, it is defect, Cf, 29. — 18. to possess: odi
nya, he possesses a slave (diff. 60), — 19, neg, nni, not to have;
pr, 907-922, (excpt. 914.917.) cf wo. Gr. § 102,2.'

D, To have or occupy a place, rank, order; to exiM someichere.

20, to be, ea^ist, or live at a place, in the affinn. expressed by wg;
cf. 27, — 21. neg, nni, not to be in a place; nni ho, not to he pres-
ent; nni babi, not to be anywhere, not to exist; pr. 468. 599,1506, 22 10 f
Gr. § 102,3. — 22. to be in some situation (outward circumstances):
kuro no di ka mu, the town is blocked up, blockaded, invested. —
23. to be (first, next, last) m the order or row, or m rank: odi kaii,
he is the first (cf, 35); odi ti, he is at the head; odi won mu tiban,
he is their leader; odi panyin, he i^ the elder or eldest; cf. 42. —
wadi me ahukan, he has seen me first (before I saw him); - odi ho,
he is the secofid; odi so, he follows after (cf, 35); nsem a edidi so
yi, the words here subjoined; - di akyiri, <o &e last, cf. 35, d; ka
akyiri. — di dibea, s, dibca. — 24. di mu, to he among the number:
odi mu bi, he is one of them. — 25. di mu, to be prominent among:
woma edi mu dodo, they make too much of it.

E, To exist in a certain number.

26. to amount to: mahu amane a edi aduasd nhina, I have seen all
the thirty misfortunes, i.e. I have had every possible misfortune; okasa
a edi adnasa, all the innumerable languages,

F, To spend or live or last a certain time.

27. to spend or pass time, to remain, stay, tarry, continue at a place:

odii ho dadu, he passed or stayed there ten days, -di gyina, s. gyina.-
2ii. to attain to some age: wadi mfe (mfrihyia) du, he is ten years old.

G, To be m some state, condition or situation.

29, edi mil, it is complete, entire; odi mu, he is witlwnt blemish or

defect; cf. 17. — 30, edi use, it is equal, an even number ; edi don,
it is odd, an odd number, — 31. odi bem, he is right, innocent, guilt-
l€S:i; odi fo, he is wrong, culpable, guilty ; pr. 247,1611. odi so, he is
btntneahle, guilty; mindzi so wq ne bogya ho, F. Mt, 27^4, I am in-
nocent of his blood. — 32. di hia, to be in poverty, poor, indigent;
di tamu, to live in opulencCy affluence, luxury, to he opulent. — 33.
di sigyaw, to live in single, unmarried state ; di mma-sif^yaw, to be
without children. — 34. di yiye, to be doing well, prosper, thrive.

If. To be in a simple, compound or reciprocal motion,

35. di(..) kan, to walk before, precede, cf. 23; - di(..) anim', to
walk in front of go before; - d i .. aky i, Ak. akyire, a) to walk
behind, to follow (after), pr, 893.898 f. to be younger ; to be mhordi-

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78 di.

naU. - b) to pursue j pr. 300. - c) to jtroseeufe, fottotc up, pr, 873.895,;

to visit (sins upon); - d) to be with, assist, support, help, Ruth 2,4.
1 Sam. 17,37. — d i a k y i r i, i(h (a-c); cf. US. — odi no ntenteso, he
goes along with htm, over against or behind him. — 36. di ahurusi,
to exult. —^ odi atvrasi, he moves in a eirele returning to liisj^laee. —
mmoa di sare no so atwagu, beasts pass over the gra^Hsg jAaec in great
numbers. — odi me so akorokorow, he tpitrudes upon or impotiunes
me by frequent visits. — odi antweri no so aforosiah, he goes up and
down the ladder. — odi yen mu abyemfiri, he goes in and out among
us. — wodi yen barehyia, theg surround us. — edi kyihhyia, it
whirls round. — odi ahodannah, he often turns or ehanges himself
or his dress. — odi ako-n^-ab4 or ^kosaii, he goes to and fro. — odi
atweba, he draivs (it) baekteards and forwards (?). — 37. wodi
atubo, atubra, fheg frequently ehange their abode, have migratory
habits; ef 77. — 38. wodi atata, they run after eaeh other; - wodi
nsianeho, they pass by eaeh other; wodi ntwitwar'ano, id. in run-
ning a raee.

I. To be active inwardly.
39. odi ne tirim, he meditates, ponders, revolves or resolves in Jtis
mind; he musters resolution or eourage; he takes pains; di wo tirim
ma wonsiian wo, bear ttw bleeding manfully; - odi no bo dad wen,
he is anxious about him. — 40. to bear, sustain, to stand: obedi yare
no, he will stand the siehiess; wadi yare no, he has recovered from
the sicl-ness; nea meye no no, orcnni, he will not be able to bear what
I slwill do to him; ose n^asem wonni (= nea oma woye no, won-
tumi), he is haughty, overbearing, ready to repress or subdue by in-
solence or effrontery, (he thinks himself irresistible?). — 41. to neu-
trcdize, render harmless (a blow or cut) ^. 482.

J. To be active in some office or capacity.

42. di bene, amrado, kyeame, sofo, to be and act as king (cf. 47),
governor, speaker (linguist, interpreter), priest (or minister); odi
panyin, he is entrusted with an office (odi me panyin, he is older
than I, cf. 23); - odi adiakyiri, he holds an inferior office; - di
srani, to serve as a soldier; - di bakoma, to play the superior or
nobleman (s. bakoma); di debye, pr. H36. cf. 53.

K. To be active in smne occupation.

43. di.. so, to ride: odi man no so, he rules over the country; odi
kdrow no so, Ite has authority over the city. — 44. to perform some
business or duty: odi boa no = oye no abia, he helps him in what
he is doing. — di adwinni, to do skilful work; di dwuma, to profess
some trade; odi ne dwuma, he is at his work. — di bouno, to work
at intervals, intersecting other work. — di abo, to attend at table; di
pia, to act as steward, chamberlain, valet. — odi no nkommSran, he
is his disciple or accomplice in his fetish-practices; di pa, to serve as
a hired labourer or carrier. — di abofo, di yaw, to provide a hunter
in the bush with food, pr. 549.3389. — 45. to carry on (trade) : di
bata, to traffic, trade; di gua, to carry on a trade ; di nsesa, nsesa-
gua, to barter, exchange, truck; di mpewd, to peddle, hawk. — 46.
to perform a play: di dam, to play at draughts; - wodi asrayere,
they perform their ceremonies for their husbands absent in the ca^np.

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di. 79

— 47. to exhibit in a showy or ostentations manner : di ahene, to

make parade of royalty j to exhibit royal riches and power, cf. 42.

L. To transact or negotiate some arrangement.

48. to negotiate, to stiptdate, to make an agreement : di bo, to make
a bargain; - di abobobo, to barter, bargain, haggle; - di ano, to
agree, make (or come to) an agreement; di kasasie, to make a pre-
mons agreement ; - di mm^ra, to agree upon a latv. — 49. to enter
itiio, incur or be under an obligation ; wodi abosom, they take an oath,
pledge themselves with an appeal to the fetishes (or tutelar spirits);
odi nsew, he binds himself by an oath, declares upon oath, c&nfirms
by offth, protests with solemn asseverations; wodi ntammara, they
swear oaths on both sides; odi iibyease, he gives a solemn promise;
— odi a(ka)gyinam' or akabaso, he stands security. — odi me adanse,
Ite bears or gives witness a) concering me, b) before or to me. — 50.
to plead, to carry on a suit or plea: odii dii dii, na antetam', he did
his best in pleading, bid it was of no avail; - to discuss and settle a
palaver : di asem to carry on a law-suit, compose or settle a litigation,
judge drc. di afisem, to arrange family matters, settle domestic quar-
rels; di amansem, to negotiate or transact piMic chairs; odi ma no,
lie pleads for him, in his favour; odi kg n'afa, he strives or pleads
for hispafiy (oka or odi ma ne mfefo) ; odi ntam\ he mediates, inter-
feres ; odi (ntam') mmow, he mediates, acts as go-between, tries to
bring about a reconciliation.

M. To be active in a general tcay, in word and deed; to exercise

or practise some manner of dealing, to exhibit or display some quality
or character.

51. to proceed, act or deal with: me n^no bedi no bone, I shall deal
witli him in a most unpleasant way, witliout mercy. — 5J2, di asempa,
seDkwanmu, to walk uprightly, deal honestly, lead a good and honest
life. — di nokware, to speak truth, act faithfully or trustworthy, to
be faithful. — di anem, = ye anem, to be diligent, industrimts. —
di d^, to exhibit one's love. — 53. di debye, to live as a free man or
nobleman, pr. 836. cf. 42. — di tumi, to exercise power or authority.

— di bam(e), to behave^ proudly, arrogantly. — di abransem, aho-

edensero, tumisem, to commit violence, exercise power or auUiority
(S;c. — di ahensem, ahenemmasem, adehyesem, to boast of being a
king, prince, nobleman, to be imperiaus, tyrannical, arrogant <S;c. —
di akakab^ns^m, akokobiris4m, akrahkransem, aporisem, ntintim-
m^QS^m, as^nnini, to deed violently dtc. — 54. di asemmone, to lead
a bad life, commit a wicked deed, evil deeds drc. — di asennini, atrA-
trasem, to deal rashly, commit a crime. — di senkyenfe', to perpetrate
«» atrocity. — di ayeyesem, to commit a perverse or exorbitant ac-
tion; to be stubborn, wilful, capricious (?) — di nkwaseas^m, to act
fociisldy, wickedly ; di ahuhusem, to make nonsense, act frivolously.

— di ntuntdnansem, to act insolently, impudently dc.

N. To be active in some or other way concerning other persons.

00. odi no aboro, he envies him, wrongs or injures him. — odi no mfi-
*kyiri, he does something tvithouthis knoivledge, will or approbation.

— otli no kasdm" , he defrauds, cheats him; odi no amim, id., he over-

••eocAc* him, takes him in; — wadi me hdammo, he has disappointed

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80 di.

me. — 56. wodi no kmsa, fhf^ imtke him accoutvt or pn§ for, fine him,
take redrew from him. — 57. odi no were, Ite takes revenge or ven-
geance OH him. — 5^. wodi no mfaanfwe, 04eg hold and flog him,
give him a thrasiuug. — 5'J. odi (no) awu, he cotnmits a murder (on
him). — 60. odi no nya, he treats him tuf a si a re, hard or rntellt^;
ef. JS. — 6fi. odi no ni, he renders him honour, patfS him respect or
homage. — 0^. odi no tow, he renders or pags him tribute; rf. yi
tow. — 63. odi no adaworoma, he np^tties to or craves for his bene-
toteme, favour, kindness.

O. To be active in certain urags of talking, in gestures rfr.

64. wodi semode, theg hold or ear rg on a jtleasant conversation ; wodi
awerebosem, theg^tavea coloqug (on disagreeable matters); dzi a were-
ho, F. to wail; wodi nkommo, theg converse, discourse, Ju)ld conver-
sation. — 65. odi no nkommodom, he ctmdoles with him tcith a hypo-
critical mind. — 66. odi no ho lew, he tnocks at /lim = ogoru no hd;
wodi no opdrefwe, theg mock, deride, ridicide him (in his back). —
67. odi no (ho) nkasagiia, he mutters, gnimUes about him, publidg
gives vent to his ill feeling against him, get not in his presence. — &^.
odi no nkokod^sem, Ite flatters, coaxes, wheedles, humbugs, hoaxes
him. — 69. odi no or no ho nseku or nsokode, lie calumniates or
danders him. — 70. odi no atem^ he scolds, abuses, reviles him. —

71. odi atoro (Ak. toro), he tells a lie or lies; odi nkontoro, 5. nk.

P. To be active in some wag of doing one's business, in observ-

ing or keeping a command or a special dag.

72. to observe some manner of doing; edi adannan, it umlergoe^

changes; wodi adannan ye, or, wodi no nnyigye, theg do it aUer-
natelg, bg turns. — 73. di so, fo observe an injunction, promise^law :
odi n'asem so, he keei)s to or acts accordifig to his word; odi mm^ra
so, he ke^ps the law. — to adliere or stick to; to be punctual, to arrive
at tlie appointed time: da a wohyee no se 6nsah mm^ra no, wanni
so na odii nnannn guu so, he did not come at the dag appointed to
him, but staged two dags longer. — 74. to keep some observance :
odi abuada, he fasts, wodi mmuada, theg keep a fast, observe fasting;
di afofi, to abstain from plantation-work on ^ome weekdag. — 75*
to observe, celebrate, solemnize a certain day : di fofida, to observe
the day of rest bg abstaining from pi antation-icork; di homeda, to keep
the dag of rest (Sabbath-dag); odi n'awoda, he celebrates his birth-
dag; di dapa, daponna, to have or celebrate a festival dag, a feast; di
afe or afrihyia, to eelebraie a yearlg festival (s. bye fa); Brofo di bftro-
nya, the white people celebrate Christmas or new-gear's-dag ; Guanfo
di bum, the Guang people have their yearlg harvest custom or festi^
val. — 76. to keep a day for some purpose: wodi asennida, tlie^
keep a court-day.

Q. To practise habitually.
77. wodi atubo, tttcg are given to frequent change of abode; (cf 37.)
wodi atiib^, theg have the practice of shooting themselves. — 78. odi
awommawu, she bears children who ttsuallg die soo^i.

It To act in mutual engagement a) in a friendly way.

79. wodi atirimusem, they are on an intimate footing. — SO. wodi
adi (-n6-adi), theg make each otlter presents, send each other portions

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di. „ __ ?1
from their food or meals. — (Si. wodi nnuaromoa, ihey unite in buy-
intj a sheep to kill and share it; wodi nfwebom\ ntontg, ihey have
joined interest ^ have assoeiated, have made cmnmon causey are in
partnership. — <S*^. wodi twaka, twawe, usAwgso, theyiave cmnmti'
nion, eat together dx., are on good or friendly terr)is, on a familiar
footing; wodi nuakranna, they are on a familiar or intiinate footing.
83. wodi akapimafwe, they hare close communion, favour each other
in turn. — wodi aniwabubu, there is a mutual understanding or
agreement between them. — 8i. wodi mmoa, iinoboa, hiafwe, they
aid each other , are alliedj work together, mutually support each other.
— So. wodi aware, they intermarry.

S. To be in mutual relation b) of an indifferent nature.

86. wodi afra, they are intermixed, commingled ; edi atuntamfra, it
is (or, the things are) thoroughly commixed, jumbled or huddled to-
gether. — 87. woadi ananwuram', they have mutually entangled them-
selves, crossed or thwaiied ea<'h other. — 88. wodi iifweanim, mmo-
anim^ they face each other, look each other in the face. — 8.9. wodi
aguma or ^yensin, they wrestle or struggle in a cmnbat for exercise
or for a prize. — iJO. wodi atifra, atipira, they knock their heads .
together, s. pira.

T. To act in a mutual engagement c) in a hostile way.

01. wodi dom, they are at war (with each other); wodi ako, they are
figJUing (with each otJhcr). — if^. wodi akamekame, anobaebae, a-
pcrepere, ntawntaw, atutuw, twemamentwe, they are in contention,
strife, contest, struggle, dispute, bickering, quarrel, at variance dtc.
with each other.

U. To act hostilely towards one^s self.

93. odi neho dom, he commits suicide^ destroys himself — 94. wodi
wonho dommata, they fight agai7ist themselves (their own companions,
by a mistake).

V. To be disengaged or sepanUcd.
95. wodi nkotewmu, nkotetem', they nmtually desist from, or leave
off (break off, give up) fighting, none of the parties having gained
the victory. — 96. wodi mpapaeni', they part, separate, divide, are
divided; wodi likra, they part, separate, bid each other farewell.

W. To meet with or experience.

97. odi.. ye-na, he meets diffictdty in doing (it); e.g. wodi no pata-
na, they have diffictdty in appeasing him, he is not easily pacified;
asempa no dii ho Jiyeii-na, the gospel found no easy entrance there.
X. 98. In the verbal phrase: gye.. di, /o believe (migyo niidi,
I believe^ ogye dii, he believed) the first verb, gye, moans to receive,
and the second, di, probably means to use, to transpose or convert
info action ^or, to enjoy ^); cf. gye.. tie.

r. 99. 100. Other meanings of di red., s. under didi, 3. 4.

Z. 101-110. Some phrases in F., partly identical with some
of the preceding, partly new (found in A. W. Parkers books) s. un-
der dzi.

jI-H". Retrospective view of tlie previously given principal

meaDiugs and verbal phrases:

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82 (li. _ _

a)di with comiDon objects and other complements, or without com-

plements: to eat,l. to live upon, 2. spcnd,3,27, usCy4,G.7^ keep, take
for one's self y 5* receive, 8. inker it,9. suffer, 11. deserve, 14. he worth, 13.
be meet, fit, ri/ght,li). eontain,16. have, possess, 17 -19. to he, 23-26.29.
30. to sustain, stand, endure, 40. to neutralize, 41. ncgotiate,48. pleads
50. to deal (with), 51.

h) di with specific objects and ether complements, alphabetically

arranged: aba, ii. abaguade,^. bakoma,-/;?. bam,bame,5^. abanin-
8cm,/>,5. barehyia,,?(>. abarimasem,5<9. bata,4.o. bem,,?i. bere,5.tf.
ho^ 48. tiho,44. abobobo,4/V. &hofo,44. bonng,44. aboro,55. abosom,
49. abransem,o.9. abuada,74. bfironya,75. da, 5.^. dadwen,5,9. dam,
46. adanmude,<S. adannah,7^. adan8e,4.9. dapa, daponna,7.5. ada-
woroma,^5. ade,8./>. dehje,42.:')3. ad ehyesem,. '■>.?. dem,i7. adi(-ne-
hd\)^80 adiakyiri,4^. dibea,55. do, 5^. dom^91.93. dommata, />-/.
don, ,9^. adwini,-/'i. dwuma,^4. afe (afirihyia),^8.75. few,66. mfia-
kyiri,55. afisem, 50. fo, 31. eSofl,74. fofida, 75. aforosian,.9f?. afra,^tf.
afrihyia,^^f.7o. mfuanfwe,58. afuntumfra,6^6". fweyl4. nfweanim,^KS.
nfwebom\8i. gua,45. aguma,<9.9. agyinam,'/.9. hejie,42. ahene,</7.
ahenemmasem^ ahensem,5^. hia,5^. hiafwe,^5. hg,^.?.^7. neh6,7. a-
hodannan,,^^. ahdedensem,5^. ahomasin^o. homeda,75. hiiamm9,55.
ahuhusem,5^. ahukan,^,^. hiim,75. ahurusi,5^. i)hyease,4.9. ahyem-
firi,^^. nhyira,^^. akaba8o,akflgyinam, i.9. akakabensem, 5^. akame-
kame,.9^. kamu,^^. k&hy23.35. akapimafwe,8.V. kasa,5^. nkasa-
gua,(>7. kasasie,'^^. ako,.9i. hkogu,ii. akokobirisem, 5<?. nkoko-
desem,6VV. nkommaran,ii. nkommo,6\^. nkommodom,6*J. komusu,
11. ako-ne-aba,.V6\ nkOnim, iO. nkontoro,7i. akorok6r6w,.5^. ako-
BAJi, 36. nkotetem'<?o. nkra,<>6. akrankransem,55. kum^ 14. kusnm,
55. nkwa,i/. nkwasea8em,5i. kyeame,4^. akyi, akyiri,^5,55. kyin-
hyia,5^. amansem,5^. amanterenu ade,^?. mm&ra,i<9. mmasigyaw,
33. amim, 55. mmoa,(S4. mmoa,^. mmganim,8«*?. mmgw,5(?. amrado,
42. mil y 24. mu,^.9. mmusn,ii. na,.97. nnakranna,<^5. ananwuram',
87. anem,5^. ni, 61. mm, 10. anim,c^5. animka,i4. aniwabubu, ^.?.
a no, 4^. anobabde, .9^. nngboa, ^'^i. nokware, 5^. iinnammoa, W.
nyii, 18,60. nnyigye,7.^. pa, 44. panyin,4^. mpapaem,.9(). gperefwe,
66. aperepere, .9^. mpewa, 45. pia,44. aporisem, 5.?. nsawgso, iS^.
nse,,?^. nseku,6'.9. hsem 40. 50-54. semgde, 6'i. a8emmone,54. asem-
pa,5-^. asennida, 76'. asc^nnfni, 5.9. 54. 8enkwanmu,5^. 8enkyenf%54.
nsesa, nsesagua, 45. n8ew,4.9. n8ianeh6,.9(*?. sigyaw,,9t9. eika, 5.4. so,
4,9.7.9. 86,5i. sgfo,/^. n8okodc,67>. sranf ,4^. asrayere, 16. ntam\5^.
ntammara,4.9. tamu,,9^.atat&,.9.*y. ntawntaw,^^. atem,70. ntenteso,
.95. ntewso, i^. ti,^.9. atifra,^^. ntintimkns6m,5.9 atipira, .9^>. tirim,
.9.9. atiHmusem, 7.9. ntodii,^. ntomu, 12. ntont6,81. atoro,7:/. tow,/>^.
atratra8em,.54. atAb6,77. atubg, ,97.77. atubra,57. tumi,55. tumiaem,
.5.9. atuntunansem, 54. atutiiw,.9^. atwagu,^6'. t^'aka,tV4?. atwa8i,.96\
twawe,(S^. twe,7. atweba,,96\ twemamentw6,.9^. ntwitwarano, 5^'.
aware, «^5. awoda,75. awommawn,7«*^. awii,5.9. were,57. awerehoscm,
64. yare,4/9. yaw, 44. rtyt^n8in,K9. ayey^.sem, 5 /. yiye, ,9/.

(This list of objects and coinplemoHts may bo increased.)

r) di combined with other verbs: di boa, 44. di ma, di kg n'a-
fa,5^. fa neho di,^. ^ye d\,98. fa di, s. fa 23.

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adi — adidiikyiri. S3

adi, v.n. eating, fcdsting; s, adi-bone, adipaw; wodi adi, fhct/

send portions to one another = wokyokye wgnho ade, pr.904. ef,
^\H0^ adi-ni-adi, adiama.

adi, = adi wo, an open or outer space, opp. to a shut up and

covered space or hidden place; out, outside, withotd, abroad, ont of
doors. — da adi, to lie open, be manifest; fi adi, to come or go md,
forth, F. pue; yi adi, to bring forth or ont, to bring to light, render
visible, diselose, make manifest, pr. 934.

adr, contr. = ade yi, this thing, this, that.

adi-akyfri, pL-fo^ a subordinate offieer, subaltern; onyaa
ad. bi dii, he obtained some inferior office; s. di .9.9a. 43.

adi-ama, sending of portions, pr. 9S6. Est.9Ji2, ef adi-n^-adi.

adi-amnia-wo-ba (wiidi a, w6m'm4 wob4 bi) a kind of
yam, s. od^.

diasekaii, a dish of Indian corn, a kind of abet6.

a d i-a s i e [nea woadi asie] a matter preiHonsb/ arranged or
scaled beforehand, pr. 939.

adi-baiV, -bane, Ak. food; s. aduaiV.

d i-b e a, place, position, rank, occupation ; nnipa a wodi d., men

of rank; ne d. so, he is in a high position; wode no kodii ne d. bio,

he teas re-instated in his office, restored to or put in his former state.

dlbo \Fjng.'\ deal-board. — dibd-dua, ^>7. d.-n-, fir, cypress.

a d i-b on (», bad food; pr. 2600. l^' 103,17.

tidiA^ J fruition, usufruct; enjoyment; benefit, prof il; share. D. As.

didi, red.v. (s. di) i. to eat; to be or sit at meals, at table;

pr.923'933. 1691. 1870.2154. — didi me, to eat enough, pr. 932. —

2. to live on, make one's livelihood by: Brofo ho na yedidi = Brofo

ade na ese se wov^ia, whatever we can get from a white man, by fair

or unfair meam, is right, because he has plenty (!) — 3. to spread

(of an ulcer &c.), to diffuse itself; = bore no adidi ako ne honam

nhina mu, s. fwete 4. — 4. to soak, to get Utrough, to penetrate.

adidf, inf. eating, feasting, meal; pr.97. 935. 2892. ne kara ko


adi di, Turkey-red thread or colour; - adidi-pd, crimson;

adidi-slkd, yellmv thread, orange-red yarn.

d id i-a m f 66, a man who eats much and yet has no fat.
adidf-befl, manner of eating; dining-room.
adidf-bcre, time of eating.

adidi-dc, 1. eatables. — 2. nim6a adldid^ == adidl-ad^, aduan-

nakd, manger.

did if 6, (pi. id.) guest; kgfre me didifo na wommftra!

0-didif6, pi. a- (nea odidi ma etra so) a greedy eater, glutton,
a d i d i f u r u m , gluttony, voracity. f gourmand.

ad idii, place or time of eating; ad.ase, id. — adidii-fwefo, the

master (t^ler, governor) of a feast, steward. Joh. 2fl.
adidiikyiri, the time after a meal.

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84 didikaw — adiiikara.

didi-kaw, a debt for vkiuais.

didi-m§, the act of eating enough, so as to be satisfied, eating

one's fill; hence a feast, feasting , banqueting, including the idea of
drinking copiously, pr, 934 f,

adidi-poii, table, dining -table; dinner-table; r/*. opon, dan-


adidi-trA,s6, ghdtony, voraeity, excess in eating.

adidi-twea, 1, the stomach, — nsonokese. — ^. a bag for


adi-ff , adfn, inf. [fi adi] going otd, going fotih. P?. 1:21,8. Mic.S^.

adifude [cf fu] plenty of things, es^ec. eatables; nianyaadnan

ad., / hare got food for victuals) in eaces% for nothing; odi, ope or
6ye ad. =^ {)ye amfm, he is greedy, — adifudc-j)e, inf greediness,
cupidity. — o-dif'udcj)Of6, a greedy, nnsatiable fellow or person.

udUui^ a stone commemorative of a shameful or criminal act

as rape or murder, committed at the place, on which every passer-
by puts a leaf to protest against the deed. — ad i-ho, s. adi, adi wo.

o-dlhiinuin, revel, reveling; greediness; 6y^ od. = 6y^ adi-

fude, he likes to eat all he can get, or all he htts to-day.
dika, a kind of yam, s. ode.
ad(kaii-0, a salutation addressed by a traveler to one who
went before, after having come up with him; answer: ya ab^raw.

adikaufo, mie (or pi. many) gone before, the fare-most, first.
dikpei, [Ga] dart.
dim-mo, inf s. bo din, nnimmo.
dim-mone, = din bone; dim-[>a = din pa.

e-di II, i. name; ne din de den? what is his name? wgato no din,
they have given him a name; cf Gr. § 205, 4.5. — pae din, s. pae.
bo din, to mention; pr, 1776. on account of; cf. Gr.§243Z>. (the last
ex.) on pretence of: obog adwumaye din bae, he came on pretence of
working; gbg ne d. so, he mentions his name; gbg ne d., he calls upon
him. — 3. the good name, reputation, character; bg din (pa), to
praise; bg din bone, see din, to revile, slander, defame; wgde wgnho-
ho dira-mone bae ^= wgbekaii wgiiho-ho asem, they reproached, up-
braided each other. — 3. a well-known name, fame, renotcfi: wagye
(ne) d., gwg d., he has become renowned, celebrated, famous, he is
renoivned; onipa a gwg d., a man of rank or distinction; ned. ada
kakra, his name sleeps a little, i.e. he is no more spoken of so much;
ne d, atg nsum, he is no more mentioned.

d 1 11 11, d 1 11 11. a., adv. stillj silent; quiet, calm ;pr.3069. Mk.4f39.
syn. demm, koni, krAnanana.

ad In am [ade a wgde di nam] (pi. id.) fork, table-fork.

adi-ne-adi, mutual communication of food; cf. di SO. & adi,

O-dinimfo, 5. onimdifo, [adiama.

adiiikara, linen (nwera) bought of the Europeans, which the

negroes wear as mourning after having variegated it with red and
black stripes, pr. 387.

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dinsed — do. 85

din-see, inf, slander , calumny, pr.2216.

adintrom (obsc) pederast; won a wo-ue mmarimada; r/lturum,

adi-puw, excessive eating; pr. 938,

adiwo, the yard of a nogro dwelliug; adiwo Jio, ,oiU of doors,

without; cf. adi & abaniiiia.

di-w6-afe-mma, a bird of prej larger than akroma, living

OH the young of oUter birds.

adi-yi, inf. manifestation, revelation.

a d i J i s ^ m , prophecy ; the hoolc of revelation.

odiy ini, pi. a- -fo, prophet, Chr. (nkomhyefo, Frk.)

do, y. [red. dodo] 1. to increase in quantity or number , to mul-

tiply, to become numerous; ne sika do, his money increases; ewo no
ado, the honey has increased, has filled the comb ; pr,72L 813. 1348.
woado = woayc bebre, woafew; cf, dosd [do & so], few. — 2, to
bring foiih abundantly: asu no do mmoa minya-manya, the water
swarms with animals, Gen, 1,20. — 8. to 2^yoduce, attract, gather: do
srade, awonnua, to gather fat, to fatten, grotc fat (only of beasts);
l>r. 499. do nkanare, to gatJier rust, to rust, grow rusty. — i. to fill,
becofne full: wado wuw (wadidi pi, n'afuru ahye), he is cramnhed,
stuffed, cloyed (full); wa(lo ntwom, he is full of itch. — 5. to become
hot: nsii no ado, the water is hot; dade no ado, the iron is red-hot;
me ho ado, / am hot = maye hycw, hyerehyere. — 6*. emu dg, to
become dee}), to deepen: asu no mu do, the river is deep; eho de,
emu ung, there it is shallow. — 7. do asuko, to dive. — S. F. to sink
under tlie water, sink down, = raem ; Ml. 14,30. be choked, Mk. 5, 13. —
9, to sifik, infiltrate, penetrate: do mpumpunase: asu no ado mp., the
rividet has lost itself in the ground, flowing or oozing below the sur-
face. — 10. to enter, lose one's self in: ode neho or ne ti ado wuram',
he has absconded, concealed himself in tJic bush. — ii. d o m u , doni\
to go abroad, into foreign countries: ankyc na odom^ koe, not long
afterwards he set out on a journey; wddom', he is away on a journey,
abroad; odom' ko Ililam, ommaee, he icent on a journey to Krepe
and is not yet back; won nhiua dodom' kgo nkfirow so, they all went
abroad into foreign countries. — 12. to enter (the nose, said of the
smoke or scent of something burned &c.) : aduru no (make no) ado
me, the smell of that medicine (pepper) has entered my nose (causing
me to sneeze, making me sick &c.) — 13. to enter deeply, to grieve:
asem no ado me (= ye me yaw), the matter grieves me, — II. to
take refuge to, have recourse to, resort to: wabed6 m^, he has taken
refuge with me; raadgpanyin no, I have resorted to that gentleman;
opanyin na, ade hia wo a, wuguah kodg, you have recourse to a man
of consequence when you are in distress. — lo. to swear by: medo
(= meka) Onyankopgn se asem a meka yi wom*, I stvear by God
that what I say is true, — 16, to love: do wo ygnko se woho, love thy
neighbour as thyself; wgdodg wgnh5, tJiey love each other, Gr. § 57.
pr,2378. - to like, prefer ; pr. 2104. cfi^e^ pe asem, — 17, dg..h6,
to spare, save, take care of: gdg ne nan ho, he does not like to exert
(tire) his feet by walking, pr. 283. — 18, ..ho do, to be of impor-

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86 do — dododo.

tancc to, excite an intense interest or sympathy in : losu ho do (= hia)

yen a, anka yenya ne ho ascni bi ka.

Phr. 19. no kon do, his throat deepens for, i.e. he has an appetiie,
a lonying desire for, eagerly desires, lusts after. — ^^0. do iikraii,
to become wild, fierce, frightful; n*ani do hkran, he rages, chafes. —
21. do,, na, to dislike, s. na. — 22. do aniwii, to be bashful. — 23,
do 80 : to take prerentive measures: odg so ntem siesie lio na amroa
sa, he quickly takes precautiotis that this may not come to j^ass. —
21. do, s. dgw. pr. 33H. — 25. do, do., so, fo suffice, be sufficient;
eyiara do me so, that will just do for me; ddg me so, // suffices me;
anno me so, it is not enough for me.
do, r. s. dow.
do, F. = so, Ak, soo.
do, Ak. = ho; pini do = twiw ko ho; s. dob^.

e-do, s. edow.

O-do, inf. love, affection, pr. 942-944.

o-dg, a kind of river-tish.

o-do, a playing-bidl made of palm-leaves.

ado, a piece of prdm-b ranch or bamboo made into a kind of

needle for the string of f ra used for tying the grass in thatching

do, f(dt'. staringly; of we me do, lie stares at me. 2 Ki 8,11. syn. hn.

o-do', a sickness in the belly; eye wo yam' kuru ma wukyiroa

g-doa, adoa, s. odowa, adowa. ['"ogj*-

ndoba, F. = nngbae, Fs. 67 fi.

do bail, the line or border of a piece of ground selected for
making a plantation, on which the bush is cut first, to show how
far it is to be cut.

adobe [edgw abe] a species of palm-tree, the leaves of which

called daha, are used to cover roofs. — adobe-aba, i. nuts of
the said palm, — 2. & kind of beads, s. ahene. — adobg-oiiwam,
a bird; cf. giiwam, pr.945. — adobcwa, pi. n-Jhe young fidohc- palm.

o-d o b e n [dowe a ebere] red-brown (colour), ruddy, bay.

a d o I) d o b , a kind of beads, s. ahene.

dobosa, tg d., to faint. Jon. 4,8. syn. ye n^nnan; gkgm de wo
na woaye 8i4mo a.s. woanom nsa na egyinagyina wo ani so a, na
woatg d. nen ; rf. tg beraw, piti.

adgb6w, 6s\ ad., adgbow-si, inf. a custom to bo observed by

a woman at the death of one of her husband's relations.

adgd (', a favourite thing, pet, darling. F.honam adgdze, sinful

affections. •

adodc, oyster (fiwora mu nam bi). i>r. 940.

dod o, red. o. s. dg. — bgre no ad. ne honam mu, s. fwote i.
dodo, adv. muchy very much, too much, ejcceedingly. F, dodow.
dodo, Ak. (F. Mt.22,14.) s. d<^dow, a.dn. — o-ilodo, F. hosts.
dodo-ara, F. many. Mt. 7,22. — dododo, F. exceedingly. Mk. 6,26.
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ododoben — odoko. 87

g-d6doben, dor..., a piece of hollow reed or bamboo through

which the palm-wine distills from the felled tree into the vessel
placed under the hole cut in it. pr, 946/.

dodo III', dadawm*, the jxtlalCy roof of t lie mouth; aduan' no

af^m me d., the food cleaves to my palate.

dodom', F. = kokoam'.

dodoiikii, a swelling y bubble j blister; any thing blown np,

puffed up, or, as it were, swollen; ado bi a aye kusu na wunnim de-
kode a ewom*; adc bi a ahon; wokyekyere boa bi a, wuse: bo no
d., na obi anhu uca ewom^; ^^y^ bi hyew wo ua abo hor6n6a a,
wose : abo d. — biirohono d. pr. 679.

dodow, red. v., s. dow; 1. to become brown. — :2. to become

sick by excessive eating. (Oyare ko onipa tuntum honam a.s. n'apow
mu na oy^ ko a, enna wokd se: wadodow. Wadodow no se: wa-
didi ma atra so na oyare). — 8. wododow won yam' su, they weep
frofn secret longing.

dodow, a. much, many. — n. quantity, number, numbers, midti-

tude; dote d6dow k moboe b6ye ah6 ? how much toill the quantity of
clay dug out by you be? won d. si ahe, ivhat are their numbers? (eye
biako pe, // is only one; wosi abien, they are two; wgdoso, they are
a great many.) — a great number of people, pr. 948-50' odi d. akyi
kwa, he merely follows the mass of the people, the multitude, the many.

dodow: po d., to stammer, stutter.

dodow a, pi. nn6dowa-nnodowa, a., small, little, tiny; od6 nn-,

abdrow nn-, cf. nkokore; syn. nketenkete.

dodow a, a wcacer^s spool, bobbin; = hkyekyere^.

dodo we', n-, a., n. brown; brownness.

dodo wura, ^.hwuradodow. (Nnipapiwom'awohycd.kwa.)

adoe, goodness, kindness, loving-kindness, kind-heartedness; fa-

vour, benevolence ; affection. Opanyih yi, oye adge = ne yam' ye,
he is charitable, bntevolent, shows his kindness (by presents or other
manifestations of his love); ode mmSrgsa ye won adoe •-= ye won
aye, ye won yiye, he ingratiates himself with them, courts their fa-
vour^ by dealing rum to them; Onyankopgu adgc a oye wgnnipaho
(or ode ye nnipa) ayi adi wo Kristo mu, God^s loving-kindness to-
wards men luis manifested itself in Christ. — F. adoe (ad we), acts
of love. — adoe -ye, inf. the act o^ practising charity. — g-doe-
yefo, pi. a-, a charitable^ beneficent person.
o-d g f 0, pi. a-, 1. lover. — ^.one beloved; me d., he wliom I love.
dofoa: bg d., to hide, seek a hiding-place; = kohintaw, bg
adgfono, a kind of beads; s. ahene. [nkokora.

dgfowa, ;;/. n-, lover, paramour? d. hk,pr.Sl32.

d6hJia, Ak. = nohoa, nohg.
dohuwa, i>/. n-, amtdet; = sumdn.
o-d 6k 6, a sickness in the bowels leading to diarrhoea, (perh.
prolapse of the rectum?)

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88 floko — dom.

d o kO, dokodgko, fine, soft (of dry things, ground to powder);

cfe dd. = afe aye betebcte, = feko.

doko, dokodokg, sivect, agreeable; mellifluent, fneUifltwus,

smooth; sifti, boroboroboro, dcde, fremfrem.

adokodgkgde, = ade-fremfrem, something sweety pr. 4i)6.

dgkgdgkgseuij = nnoko-nngkg-ascm, mellifluent, smooth

or sweet words, flattery.

g-d g k 6 n o, hulled bread of maize; ef. abodo. irr. 053 f,

dgkoiVkruikyee, As. Id. - pr.9o.5. — adgkonni, pr. 3012.

doku, pL n-, F. monkey. — gdgkyc, pr. 2737.

dgni, V. Y. to belong to; gdom won, =ofi won mu, Mt. 26,33.

d grn, v. F. to go Into another country, ML 21,33. ^^^' ^^'^^'

dom', r. Id. [red.dodoni'] s. do 11. to peregrinate, be away;

wadom', F. = onni ho.

dgm, /;. to seek allies or an alliance with; asafo a wosiia no

kodom nca eso na woafwe won hiada; gye adorn, to seek, take, en-
gage as allies, call In the aid of; wakogye ohene bi &dom. 2 Ki. 7, 6.

e-d g 111 (pL Id., dgm horow, d. afanu) 1. a host, an army;pr. 685.
956.057.060. — 2. the hostUe army, the enemy, pr. 050.2268 2176. —
di dgm, to be (d war. — di nehO dgm, to rommlt suicide. — ^ya dgm,
s. dgm, V. — kd dgm, to wage war, goto W(fr. — y i dgm, to oterconte
the enemy, gain the victory, pr. 2052. woayi dgm, nanso wgadi nko-
nim, they have vanquished the enemy and triumphed. — edgm gu,
a host or the enemy Is defeated, pr.456. — Cpds. dgm-heue, general;
dgnki'inini, tlie main body or gross of the army, main army; dgra-
kuw, a division J brigade; dgm-tow, a regiment. Cf. asafo.

dom, V. to favour, grant favours; to be gracious; to pardon

(a malefactor); to help in distress; to be useful, favourable, to serve
one's turn, pr. l')07 ; to happen. — Wgadom wo, you are favoured;
dom me preko, for once do me the favour! Onyarikopgn adorn n*a-
niwa: wahfi nyansa bebre, God h((s favoured him so, that he has ob-
tained much wisdom ; ene de, osu abedom yen wg ha, to-day we have
been favoured with rain here; ghene adom no kora, the king tins
granted hlni his life; wadom me akyc me ntama, (eus^ me, nso m^ani
nni so,) he presented me with a doth, (undeservedly and unexpectedly);
mekg hg na se gdom ba ho a, meka no asem bi, / shidl go there and
If he happen to come there (as I wish he may) / shdl tell him some-

g-dom, Inf. grace, favour. Onyafik. dom nti na yenya nkwa,

by the grace of God we obtain life. — F. adom, lFet.3,7.

adom, /;//'. a favourmg; the second rainy .season in September

and October, the latter rain Ujjon the maize; =^ adommere, adom-
mnrow, ad6nsii; rf. asnsow.

g-dom, a kind octree, the bark of which is used in performing

an ordeal.

dom, V. F. = dome.

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dommd — adc^mmere. 89

d6mmjl, a wei{jht of gold; Asante dommd is equal in value

to ntaku 14, or 7 s. 10^^ iL Akycin d. = ntaku 18, or 10 s, P/i d,

o-domm ji, pL a-, (F. odomba) a fruit similar to a fig; the tree
bearing it. F. Mt 7,10. 21,19. '

ado m m a [edon, r//m.] hdl; =^ nuonnomma, nnyenennycncmma.

-do mil, in cpds., .$. mmoadoina, adomdkwadec, doinunkama.

do ma, doraawa, d6madoma, «. softy tender, thin, fine, fresh,

young; cf, gba-douia, aburo-domii; ode-d6ma ue gd6 horgboro a

ennyini ua wodi no, Ak. =^ gdc fotbro, Akr. ; gbrgdo no ye d6nia-

doma, ennyinie; onipa no ye onipa dd.

ad 6 ma, w., something soft; pr.491. — cf, abddoma.

do ma, pLn-j a young, tender tree; onya, odum, gfram, ne
DDoma no, wgde si dan.

domma-Ffi, a iceight of gold, the half of dgmmd, q,v.

adomakwadce nbina, all sorts of things.
domamfiri: hye d., to accursc; s. bye.
adom-manade [ado a wgde mra gdom] saerament, Chr,
o-dom-maiiiii, pL n-, odom-marima, a great warrior, hero.

fpr. lUl.
doman k a ma, -koma, a. many, manifold; plentiful, abundant,
copious; syn. bebre. pi, powA. — Ne yiye d. a ode yee no no, wan-
yi n'.\yd (wanna n' &se), he did not thank him for his manifold bene-
fits; [Onyahkopgn yee ade nbina d., God made all things. R.p, 166.]
asem rl., a icorld of palaver, a prolific, incessant, perpetual, inter-
minable, endless palaver or litigation.

0-(16maiikama, -koma, God, the Creator (^he is much above

«^A oyy bebre, wokg babiara a, wuhfi no"). Onyankopgn Od. abg
ade nhina, God, the creator, has made all things. R.p.l66. ()d. bog
nna-mmerenson, w6tg ade a, wontua kaw? since God has created
seven days, has it not (Uways been .so (is it not equally true) that,
what is bought, mn.nt be paidY i.e. why is it that you do not pay me for
such a long time? (F. Nyahkopgn no Doniankoma Ba, the Eternal
Son of God; Nyankopon gnye Ondomankoma Sunsum, God is an
Eternal Sjjirit. Frk.) The word as a name of God seems to mark
him as ////.' boundless, infinite, interminable, immensely rich Being,
or as tlie author, owner and donor of an inejchaustible abundance
of Uiings. (The etymology in Mf. Gr. p. 72 ^the sole benefactor*'
is nutcnable.) Cf Onyaiikopgh.

domarc, [Kng.] romal, a kind of cloth (silk, half silk, or

cotton fabric, orig. from the East Indies).

0-dom-marf uia, pi. n-, s, gdommanin, gsabarfmd. pr.959.

dgmmata, wgadi wgnho d., they have fought against them-

selves, i.e. their own people, by mistake or envy.

dome, V. [inf. n-] to curse, crecrate, imprecate evil upon; syn.

bgdua, hye nsew. (Wadome no, e.s.ose: ohwu, a.s. nhyird mm'md
n6 so dk.)

ad6m-m6re, the second rainy season: s, adorn.

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90 adomffrilw — adond.

a d o m f f r d w : watg ad., he 1ms inadvaicntly fallen into the camp

or into an ambush of the enemy*

domfrdso [Dan. dobhelt-flaske] a four-cornered botlle,

d o m-m a f [dom, boa] a helper in wary an ally.

g-domono, the best sort o^ palm- wine y s. nsafufu.

dompe,7iL u-, bone, syn, kasae, F. ebow.

dompo-boa, pi. n-, vertebrate animal,

dom-pemmo: edom no san koboo d. wo A., the aimy re-

treated tOy fell back upon A. ; cf. ho 9 & pom, pemmo.
o-d m-p i a fo, pi. a-, commander of an army.
0-doinp6, i>/.n-, wild doy^ bush-doy, black, feeding on carcases,
snails &c. ef. odemereffia, hatwea; pr. 505. 530. 85 5-57. 970-7 ii 35:)6'

domponini, a weight of gold (^\ little money sufficient to

buy something to eat. pr. :2943.

dom mum, pi. a- [edom bum] prisoner of war, captive. —

kyere d., to take prisoner y capture; fa nn-, to make prisoners.

dommiimfd, inf. capturcy captivity.

adom-miirow [adorn abiirow] 1. maize planted in the second
rainy seasofi. — Ji. the time of the latter raiuy in which maize is
planted, the second rainy season; cf. adorn, adommere.

don, v. [red. donn6n] to soaky steep, drench; to saturate with

water or other liquid; to soften in water; to penetrate y permeate; a-
bdr6w no adon, adonnon, the corn is soaked, softened, well sodden;
n6 gyfgy^ d6nn6h onipa mu, its sound thrills through one's whole

don, t;. Mf. to prepare "swish" for building purposes.

d rV, V. [inf. n-, red. dorinon] to walk softly, gently, slowly, in

a measured pace; to crawly to move or advance slowly; odon' se
a.y e^oxo, pr. 230. (s. donn); odorinoti se obommofo, se agyiuamoa a
orekQkyere akura.

don n, softly y delicately , slowly and finely; onara d., tic walks
softly drc.y gracefully (onantew mmerantesem mu, for pleasure or
show), he promenades.

o-d on, bell; e-dgh, clock; bo don, to strike the bell or clock; wo-
80 w don, to ring the bell; edgn bo, the clock strikes; cf dghfwcrew;
abo donkoro, the clock has struck one, it is one o'clock; abg nngti-
abieh, it is two o'clock cCt. Gr. § 80,4.

don, odd (number); edi don, it is odd; opp. edi nse, it is even.

ado-na [do, na] prop, a difficulty in loving,- disaffection, dis-

pleasure, dislike, ill-takingy disfavour; wafaraeadgna, he has con-
ceived a disaffectioUy dislike against or aversion to me (opp. wanyH
me adgy^, he has found if easy to love me); yeka asem yi a, obefa
yen ad., when we say this, it mil awaken dislike in him against us.
it will bring us into disfavour with him; osuro adgna, he is afraid
of incurring displeasure, of giving offence. — F. keyi n'ad., go and
teU him his faidt.Mt. 18,16. [Cf. the name Dowuona = do owuo na,

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a(]onkt^M — doiitori. 91
he displeased with Death, scil. that the preceding three or more
children of the same mother did not live; do not ascribe it to men.]

adona-toii, L perverse judgment from fear of incurring dis-

favour ; mmu me ad. ^= nfwe nea wodo no anim mmu me ntenkyew.
— 2. oyino ad., he expresses to hhn his grief, regret, resentment,
not as a complaint.

0-d o n d n w a, pr. 973,

ad 6 n n e [odom ade] gifts of grace. Chr,

donfw ere w [gdon a afwere] pi, n-, an hour; d. biako, one
hour. — F. donfwer', Mt 17,18, Akp. donh6rdw.
d o n-<j^ II i, F. defeat Mf Or, p, 77,

0-d6nk6, 1. a kind of jumping insect, — 2. swing, swinging

line; otow neho (a.s. ne nua) donko, he swings (his brother); brofo
d., parallel bars, parallels (for gymnastics).

o-d o n ko, o-doukon(, pi, nnonko, nngnkof6, a negro from the

interior, such as are brouglit thence and sold as slayes in the coun-
tries nearer the coast, {s, Nnohkg, Gr.p.XV ); hence a slave; pr, 974f,

Odofi k 0, pr. n. given to a boy as the slave of some fetish,

d o II ko o' (n-), war, warfare, warlike deeds, mdltarg eoneerns,

e-dijn-koro, ane d clock ; s. cdon, Gr. § 80,4.

d 6 n k II d n k u , deep ; eye d. ==* emu do ; abura d., a deep well ;

sfjn. ho, hoho', ktirohkfiron.

g-<loiVkrinini, a chief warrior (syn. dommarima). Zeph, 3,17.

do II no, bile cast out by vomiting; bgnwoma a ayarefo fe, =

f^niln; wafe d.

o-donno, a small drum; akyene ketewa bi h, eto ne an6 tir^w

na mfinfmfinf y^ tdatea. pr. 978.

doiinoinma = kgkod^mma; cf. nnonnomma.

don no 11, red. v. .:>•. doii.
don'non, red. v, s. don'.

donnon, a bend or bending, 1, in a road, a round-about way;

2. in the sea-coast, forming a bay or bight, or making the land pro-
ject into the sea; epo, asu, asase no, dom no abu d. ^=: abu bardka,
= abukaw abefa babi.

o-d(')nson, a kind of str In g- Instrument ; s. osanku.

ad<Sn-sd, the latter rain; cf, adom. Adonsu to a, na adommt)-

row ben. Ad. nye ade a eta to da, enti ^to-dabi-a ema biuom abdrow
how (gefs blasted); na enti, so Onyk. doin ma osu to gu so na eye
yiye a, na odom na wadom wo, na ente sc asusow a enMc dii etue

adon-tcii, the main body or gross of the army, main army, or

rather : the centre of an army.
o-donto, a pot fidl of palm-wine.

d6ntori, mud, mire; slough, puddle, muddy plash (dote nh

nsu a afrafram*); ef, denkyedenkye, atekye.

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92 odontwi — adowa.

o-dontw(, n^ abotokura.

adon-we, ivf. [wegdom]///6' chcwitujof the bark of the odom tree.

ado n-w o w a [edom awowa] hostiujc.

adon-iiya-de [ade a wgde iiya odoni] means of grace, Chr.

adon-ye, inf, [ye dgin] slate of war; mobilization.
adope, = aboatia, a kind oi ape.
dorba, F. = dorowa. Mt. L%^4. Mk. 10,25.
do re [rt'c/. dodore] intr. to become muehy increase, accumulate ^
(jather: won ho adore fl, they are covered with dirt; ne kaw adore,
won akaw adodg-dodgrc, /*/.s* debt, their debts have stceUedto a great

0-d6rob(jii, s. gdodoben.

dorowa, As. needle of native manufacture; pr. 758. cf. pane,

ad OS as e [adgw, asase] arable land, plough land. [dorba.

do so, V. [do, so] to be muehy to be enough; edgso, it i^ enough^

neg. enng-s6; when a personal object is added, it stands between

the two parts: edg me so, // is enough for me, enng no so, it is not

enough for him; perf. adgso, ado no so.

adosoa, F. adosoea, Mt.^^ll. s. adesoa. — gdosoaiii, s. odes...

dote, Ak. nngtee, F. detse, .<oil, earth, clag, mud; sgn. efd.

dote-dwiiii, potter's work. — did., to make earthen vessclsy

adotcbe, pr.i^lS. fpr.258.

d o to, do to, adv. to fg w : waigw d., he /s" so(ddng wet.

o-doto, thicket; dua tenten bi si lig, na hania nhina kg ho.
ado tow a (dim.) a small thicket.
do twa, glove, pair of gloves.

dow, V. to till or cultivate the ground; to hoe, to weed; to cut

the weeds or the bush; to mow, pr. H.4>il. d. afuw, to prepare or work
a jdantation (by clearing away the thicket &c.). — intr. to Tlo agri-
cultural work; d. adare, hkrante, asgw, to work ivith a bill-hook, a
sabre or bush-knife, a hoe.
adow, th^ cutting of the bush; tJie tilling of the ground; agri-

e-do w, the fibres (ham a) of the goung leaves oftlie adobe palm;
a kind of twine made thereof; - adobe nkgnmu 'mcrenkensono niu
na woyi dgw; wgmfd nye nnuahama; wgde bg asuman, wgde nwene
gtah, na AUtafo na ciiwene ntama nso; ef. demercku.
edow-tam, a mat-like ivoven cloth.
dow, V. [red. dodow] to become or be brown; uneema a wg-
kyew nhina ho d.; s. asabra.

O-do w a, 1. pi. n-, bee; pr.986. — ;2. a kind of bird;pr. 1955. —

3. a swelling or bump, in the arm-pit, the nape, the loins &c. the
appearance of which is ascribed to a wound, pr. 1857.

adow a, a species of antelopCy the smallest of all antelopes, said

by the negroes to be the king of animals, pr. 984 f.

ado w ;i, the handle of a door made of palm-branches, by which

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dm — nilua. 93

it is opened or shut; berapae mu hama a wode kyekyere a wosom'

hie na wosom' torn'; wosi no ad.

dm... s, duru.

du, V. Ak. duru, to reach, arrive; to be .suffirictit ; — odua ha

'nera, he arrived here yesterdaji; yebodii (fie) ntem, tee shall soon
arrive home; adow-bore or kwa(;bu adu (bo), the time for prejta-
riuff the plantations or for enttituj the hush is come; - sika no n nu,
the nomnj is not snffteient ; Adu jie, // is eraettif the sum; - ddii me
80, lit. it has arrived on me, i.e. // is mij turn; wnnnun babi (korii c),
ym have not come far ifet, — Phr. nc ho du ne ho, he prospers (in
his doings), fares welt.

dn, diidn, Ak. = duru, duruduru, a.

e-du,/f'«. Gr.§77. 78,1.2.

Adu, pr, n. of men, found also in by-names of the kontromfi

and the goat: aduonn<\, aduonnimma.

dun, in the foil, words, is pronounced in F. as diiin, duya.

diia, r. L to plant (in general); to put into the (/round (abilrow,

ase, abrgbe...). [Other verbs used for peculiar ways of planting
are: gu (mo, kokote..), to sow (riee, g^unea-corn) ; fua ode, to plant
yam; tew abe, to transplant palm-trees^'] — to transplant, — ^. (fig.)
a) to plants establish (a new religion) : wode ascmpa no beduaa
Akiiropon akye, the gospel has Iteen brought to Akr, long ago, — b)
to transplant (inhabitants) : Eniresi-brofo de nnipa kodua A'hUa,
abcdua oman bi wo Adata, the English have made a colony at La-
gos; woatu no Akuropgn akodua Aburi, they have removed him from
Mr. and placed him at Ah, — c) to station, to appoint to the occu-
pation of a post, lAace, or office; wode me akodua Akyem; wgamfa
yen ankodua Aky. kora, na yekodii nnawa bi wo hg na ycbac, we
were not really stationed in Ahcniy but stayed there only a short time.

e-du;i, pL n-, 1, plant, tree, shrub. — ^, stem or stalk of a plant

or its leaf or fruit. — S. wood; piece of wood, pr. 9fH. something
made of wood, pr. 1014. — i. stick, pole, — .>. handle, helve (of a hoe,
asgw dua, cf, sokum, Ak. soduro, F. sgbakura). — G. a block or log
rtf wood, to which prisoners are fastened by means of an iron fixed
in it and closing round the wrist; bg (As. to).. duam\ to fasten to
the block, to arrest^ imprison; da duam', to be arrested, fastened to
the block; wode won ano abg no duam'= wode won iino akfi akyere
no so: hkg babi na tra nea wode wo atra hg ara. — 7, privy, neceS'
^ry^ consisting of a scaffold of poles outside the town : gkg dua so,
he is gone to the privy; cf, dua see, tia i<:c. — Phr,: ^f. bg dua, to
eiirse, orig. by driving a piece of wood into the ground and mut-
tering words in order to produce a magic effect. — 9. si so dua,
= hy§ mu den, ma etim.

e-(l li ;i , dua, the tail of quadrupeds or birds. Watwa dua (used

contemptuously), he is circumcised.

adiiil (pi. id.)j kernel, seed, fruit (of trees); odiad., he eats fruit
(ogna, akutu, odgmA, asa...). -^///z.aba, adiuiba, F. eduiaba, eduia-
dzewa. Gm.1,11. Mt. 21,S4. ML lh,;>. Luk.lSfi. 20,10.

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94 dufi — aduan.

dua, duawA, F. duiaba, ^(iiWv) j)^. n-, 1, a small tree, shrub. —

2. a small piece of woody stick, splinter, pr, 1431.

diiaba (= dud aba), aduabd, pL n-, 1, the fnut of any tree,

syn. adna, aba. — 2. lemon, lime; cf. ahka.

diia-b^ii, i. hind of tree; - 2. pendiar shape of the body; cf.

dan sow; - s. ban.

dud-basa,i>Z. n-, = duba, branch.

adiiabfcii, a by-name of the goat, s. abirekyi.
dua-bo, a tree remarkable for the hardness of its wood, com-
pared with that of stone; kwaem' dua a eye den sen nnua nhina;
ewu a, eye den sen n^amono.

du a-b6ii [dua abon] bark of trees.

dud-buroni, lit. a wooden European. Phr. maye meho d.=

maboapa, I purposely misrepresented the matter; woyee woii ho d.
ma ohene aso tee, they secretly informed or apprized the king of it.
dud-da 11, odah a wode nnannua asi, a house of wood.
dua-ddii, = duase-dan, tiafi, &c. privy, necessary (house).
a-dua-ddii, inf. [odah a wodah nnuabo bi] the removal of a
curse; the sheep, money lOc. given to remove a curse.
dua-d6, F. = bahky^, cassada, manioc.
d u a d e w a, pZ. n-, a kind of ntorewa ; pr. 674.
duafo,|?Z. a-, planter; sower; cf. ogufo, okuafo.
o-diiafoQ,2>Z. a-, Ak. a circumcised man; Akr. twetiafo.
diid-hfu, s. duhln.

dua-h o-nhwi, moss growing on trees.

d n a- h 0- m m e r , a spongy excrescence on trees, mushroom.
o-d II d-h y e n', j>?. a-, Ak. efoo, a species oi monkey, eolobusbi-
color, having the body black, the extremities (face, fore-neck, legs
and tail) white, [dua-hyeh = white-tml.]
duak6ro, a kind of chintz; s. ntama.
aduakr6n, ninety.
aduakwam6a, Akw. = abiribiriw.

d 11 a m', d u am' -d a, prison, emprisonment ; pr. 297.

a d u a m m d [aduan ba] greedy eater, glutton, gormand; cf. odidi-
fo; sa abofra yi ye ad. = obd a ope adidf dodo, ohu aduan biara
a, ope.

aduammen, a by-name of the owl.

aduam-foro [aduan foforo] new yam or other victuals.
a d uam-mono [aduan momono] ratv food.
adiia iV, aduanc^., adibane [fr. di, bah] pi. n-, food, victuals, osp.
vegetable food^ consisting or prepared of edible roots (afam-duan)
and grain; the flesh or soft, pulpy substance of fruit, the kernel, cf.
aboto; dish; meal; woawie ad., dinner (breakfast y supper) is ready;
wote ad. h6, they are eating, sit at table; - ad. no atu or ato me
ho, 8. tu.

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aduanndkd — due. 95

aduan-ndkd [aduan' addkd] L a box containing food or

provisions. — ^. crib, manger.

a d u an u d II [aduan' din] store-house, corn-magazine.

aduanaii, forii^, Gr.§ 78,2.

a d u a iJ-f 1 11 [aduan a aye mfin] pi, n-, stale food, pr. 285.932,1115.
a d u a u-k d u (pi. n-), first-fruits.
aduaii-sit, kind of food; ad. ben ni?
aduau-su, a fruitful rain; ad. na ereto yi.
a d u a n t a ^ food withoui salt. D.As.

ad u an ill Ilk ^m, sour-sop if-c. (the fruit aud the tree); cf. adu-

duJiaii wo, the bark of a cei'tain tree in Waaa smelling like

onions (s. Ah^b) and used instead of such.

ad uan-yf [aduan', ayf] : abofra no besee me ad., that boy has

invited me to table in an improper, impolite manner.
a d u a n-y i, inf. the fetching or taking off of the dishes (from the
kitchen or from the table),
diia-poriwa, s. poriwa.
adtiasa, thirty. Gr. § 78,2.
dud-ase, fA6 trunk or root of a tree; cf. duhin.
duasee, privy, necessary; cf. duaso, dampen, kaasee, hkyeree,
mankyiri(-8o), tia, teasee, yane. — duase-diin, vf. dnadan.
dua-siu [dud sin] j)Z. n-, block, log; diff. dunsin, q. v.
dua-s6, ko d., $. dua, 7. & duasee.

d u a-t ti n n i\ r u [dud tinnuru, dut4n]|)7. n-, a large, mighty free.

ad ua-tld, pi. n-, a short-t ailed beast; 1. a beast of prey of the
cat family, attacking sheep ; of the size of a country dog; syn. gban.
— 2. otwe ad., pr. S412.

d u-ba [dud ba or basa] pi. n-, branch.

e-du-bako, eleven. Gr. § 78,1.

0-dub6ii [dua ben] a kind of tree, the yellow troof/ of which is

used to dye b o f n a , q. v.

adu-biri [aduru biri] (black) ink; black paint.

e-du-biako, dercn. Gr. § 78,1.
ad u-b one y pi . n-, [aduru b.] poison.

odud6, a medicine, consisting of the juice of some plant or

bark and water, kept for weeks, to dress wounds with,
dudurn, red. v. duru; F. red.a.Anm.
due, V. [red. duedue] 1. the orig. meaning seems to he to stroke,
or, more gener., to handle, manage, manipulate, use; senea wodue
je afiri no fa no, en'na wofre no sOm, the manner in which they
handle or place and prepare the trap is expressed by the word *sum* ;
fwe n'ano senea odue kasa fa, look at his mouth and the manner he
uses it in speaking! s. duia.5. — J2. to daub, besmear amulets or
things connected with fetish- worship with blood, the yolk of ^ggs,

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96 due — ducdue.

white and red clay etc., in order to impart preventive or palUaike

power y to atone or expiate, or to make thingff turn out favourably;
wode mogya due akyene; odue sumah, e.s. ode hkesua a.s. aduru
n.a. srasra sumah bO na sumah no adi; due sumah ano, pr, 117. —

3. to use as a preventive or palliative (evading accusation or respon-

sibility); Opanyih due: mante, mante, an elder (when called to
account for misdeeds of bis own people, uses as an amulet i.e.) apo-
logizes: I have not heard of it, I know nothing about it! pr. 2601.—

4. bu due so, to double (up), i.e. fo bend or break in the middle

and fold or lag one part upon the other (wgto nc nah na wobu no
due so = wobu no fa so, theg break him so that the feet take tJie way
over tht head), — 5. [red,] to feel or search for with a long instru-
ment, to poke; to p^robe (a wound); to sounds fathom ; fa dua yi due-
due nsu no mu, search in the tvater with this stick, — 6, [red,] t^
search or inquire after, investigate: merekoducdue gmah mu = me'
kofwefwe omah mu asem mafwe, / will irg to gather information
on the sentiments of the people or to obtain a favourable disposition
among the people, — 7, [red,] to stroll abotd, wander, rove, ramble;
cf obadueduefo. — 8, The significations given under ^,3, have given
rise to a peculiar use of the v, in the imp, to express a) pity on any
misfortune that befell the addressed person, b) a threat or predic-
tion on account of some misdeed: a) due! hush! soothe or appease
thyself, set your heart at rest, compose your mind, alleviate your pain
i.e. may your pain be alleviated! (Ade twa obi a, wose: due, due!
obi ni wu a, n^abusuafo sc: due, due!) — due, gener. repeated 2 or
3 times, has become an appeasing and consoling interjection, pro-
nounced towards a person who has hurt himself or met witli an
accident; the thing afflicting or incommodating is added with n^:
due n^ amanehunu = due, na woahu amane, may you bear your
affliction easily! may you recover from your affliction! miinnue n e
ko! I pity you for the trouble and ill success of the fighting! due n^
adwumaye! miinnue n^ adwumaye na adwumaye bekum mo!
you are to be piUed for such hard or grievous work, it tvill kill you!
It is also used in several common forms of salutation: du6-ne-
a wo- 6, said in the morning, when it is cold; du6 -n i-w i' 6, said
in the middle of the day, when it is hot; due-n^-h\v£n*6, said in
the evening, when it is cool; due-n6-su-6, said after a shower of
rain, — meaning, at is were, may you ectsily bear the inconvenience
caused by the cold (awow), the sun (awid), the coolness (ohwini), }nay
you recover from the effect of the rain (osu). — &) d u e! woe unto
thee! munnu6! woe unto you! (Nea woaye yi, due! this thing which
you have done will have grievous consequences! 6\ ade na murewia
yi? miinnu^! what! you are stealing? you will suffer for it!) — .9.
due., adwerewa, s, adw...

due (the interj, or imp, mentioned under d u e «9 a), used as a

noun) a pitiful state or condition, pr, 604, expression of pity. — ma
due, to condole, console, comfort, soothe. Biribi a eye yaw ay^
onipa na woko ne hkyeh kose se: 'mgbo 'mobo! na woaroa no due
a.s. hyedeh neh. pr. 567.604,700. 1039 f

duedue, red. v., s, due 5 — 7. Cf. obadueduefo.

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odiiofoo — duku. 07

o-ddofoo, pi. a-, Ak. besmearer; = nea odue sumilQ — gkoirifo,

pr. 2S63. (Katawere komfo bi, Agyemane oti Asen, na wagye din
yi aye ne de.)

d 11 foky e, a tree that has fallen dawn and lain on the ground
for some time; a large y rotten block, log or piece of wood, pr, 1039-41.

d u-foro, ph n-, sucker, a shoot from the roots or lower part

of the stem of a tree; a young tree, [dua foforo; dua a afiii wg du-
nsin ho.]

adu-fra, inf. [adui-u, fra] pharmacy. — adufrasem, id.; phar-

macopoeia^ dispensatory. — o-dufrafo, pi. a-, apothecary, Chr.

dufudufu, a. feeble. — pr.5S.

dufua, pL n-y a rough kind of seal made of a block; a piece

of wood with a handle, [dua a woafufftaw ho kakra.]

d ufiiaw, a medicine or medical preparation /brmar/w/o balls;

adura biara a woayam no n^ yisA afra abo no tow ahata.

d u-h in, pi. n- [dua hin] a root of a tree in the ground,

adu-hiiam, ^>?. n- [aduru hOamhttam] perfumes^ street herbs,
siceetSy sweet-smelling, odoriferous spices; ode ad. aye, she has nibbed
or anointed herself tvith sweet odours. Syn. ohiiam. Different kinds:
k(irob6w, b^weouM, oslko, oTweut^a, mnJfiwa, p^per^ (=z aloe).

diiia, F. (dwia, Prk.) 1. = dua, v. to plant dec. ML 13,3.31. —

;?. duia (mu, do &c.) = nam or fa (mu, so &c.), to go along, to take
one's way through, over dx. - okoduiaduia mpoano, he went by the
sea-shore ; okoduia abrbkwa mu, he went through the corn fields;
wodze mpa no duiam' si dadze, they let down the bed through (the
opening) ; Mk. 2^13.23.4. - duia hen awuradze do su fre Nyankopon,
c(M upon God, through our Lord: — 3. (= due 1.) to take a (cer-
tain) course, to proceed, deal, act, treat, use, manage in a certain
manner; mbre woboduia ahyira no nyi, thus shall he be blessed,
Ps.l284' wgatse babi-mbre oduia tu won fo, you have heard hotc
]t€ admonishes them ; wgka mbre oduia ye' nyimpa no kyere' won,
they told them how it befell to the man, Mk. 5^16. oduia den bg' nyim-
pa? how did he make man? yeboduia den afwefwe yi? hotv are
we to seek this? mre yeboduia afwefwe Nykp. no mboa nye de,
yebgdwen do da yeduia mboa u'akwan no do, we are to seek the
grace of God in a constant and careful use of the means of grace;
akwah yi, oduia do nda ahen ? hotv long is he to use tJiese means? kc.
wgnfwe habanra' nsukdko mbre woduia nyin, Mt 6,28'

duia,F. =dua, tree dx. — duiaba = dua, ynot^ dtc.Mt.7,3..

aduialia, aduiadzewa, F. = aduaba, fruit. Mt. 21,34. Mk. 12^.

duiafo, F. = oduafo. Mt. 13,3.

o-d li k li , small cask, barrel, keg; cf. dnkbrA, gkwddum, gpihkran.

diiku, diikudukii, a. d adv. reduced to small particles; abodo

no abu dd., the bread has been crumbled entirely; wabubu dua no
mn dd., he has broken the stick into small pieces; mfgte awe ntama
no nhina dd. = pasapasa, the termites have eaten up the cloth, re-
ducing it to very small shreds ; sare no aye dd., the grass has cnnn-
Mcd into small fragments; gpgnkg a\Vc sare no nhinii dd.

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98 diikuduku — duom.
dukuduku, a. dadr. fai and fint, stont; waye d.; oguan no
ado srade d. — dukuduka, id^ ovo mma d. anan, he has four
stotd and UcfJy ihUdreu.

ddku', pi. n- [Dan. dwj, Datch dork] handkerchief; a yard

cf cloth: nnuku abien ye sin, two yards are a fathom; cf. nnnka-
nnukawa, dim.

d u k u d u u , linen ; grey haft,

adukii-ntiiukdm [G. alu^ndugrn] sour-sop, Apiona muri-
cata; street-sop, Anoua squamosa; custard-apjjle; the fruit and the
shrub or tree bearing it ; cf. addantunkum.

adu-kfiro, |>/. n-, a hftle in a free or stone in which water

gathers; dua ma toknru a nsa ta mn na nnoma guare worn'; obo
ad. nso wo ho; nsa nnim' a, wose: ad. a wo. pr. 2917. cf nnokiirogua.
d u m, r. [red. dannum] to go out (of fire); tr. to ptd out, ex-
iinguish, quvnch (fire or a light); pr. 3080. — ogya no adom, the fire
is gone otd; dum kanea, put out the light. — bere-dum, to be of dark
red; ntama yi b.

0-duni, pi. a-, 1. the Odum-iree, a large tree; the wood is used
for timber, furniture, fuel. — 2. As. edura, pillar, supporting a honse
or erected for remembr^ce; tomb-stone; monument; - adum ne
nea wode gyinagytna odan ; abo a Brofo de sisi ada so no ye adum
a wode ye hkae.

0-dumafo [aduru, ma] s. oduyefo.

adum f 6, a kind of executioficrs at Kumasc; s. dunnyi, obrAfo.

dum-gya, /)/. a-, (a pair of) candle-snuffers; extinguisher.

e-du-mlcii', du-mknu, F. du-abien, twelve.
e-dii-iniensa, F. du-abiasa,' ///ir/f r «.

d u m p e u , privy, necessary; cf. duasee.

e-du-nnau, fourteen. Gr. § 78,1.

duiidum, F. s. dum.
o-dunni = dumni, s. pi. adumfo Sl dunnyi.
e-d ii-iJ k r u II , nineteen.
e-dii-nsid, sia-teen.
d u-ii S i u , pi. n-, the stump of a tree. pr. 403. [dua, sin ; dua a
wgativa so na esi ho no.]

e-d 11-11 son, seventeen .

e-dii-nnum, fifteen. — duiinuii), red. v., s. dum.

e-d ii-n w (» t w e , eigldeen.
dunnyi, F. = obrafo, executioner. Mk. 6^. ,
aduo, s. adiwo.

duobo, t?. to he tvanton. Jer. 50,11. anuoden a etra so yo.

aduoku, a by-name of the rat, s. okisi.
adiiokii, a kind of yam (baycro), s. ode.
d uoin, V. only used in the imj). [prob. fr. due mu]; proceed^
go on, come on! Wo-n^ hi kg kwah na gnam berew a, na wuse:
duom nA yenkg y! munuuom!
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adiWnna — adiiru. 99

adii-onnd = adii k 6nnA, a nick-name of the goat ; s. adu.

adii-onijf-inina , — adu a onni mma, dlUOf s. abirekyi.
adu-onu, itcenty. — adu-oiu\in, fifty. Gr. § 78,2.
a d u-o s i a, sixty, — ad u-5 w 6 1 w e , eighty,
du-pa, pj, n-, an old, large tree [dua a anyin a.s. abo apa;
nnupa = nnua akese a esosoe yiye].

d u-p o 11, ^;?. n-, [dua, pon] a large tree. pr. 426.
d u p w , s. ntetea-d.

du-p fi 11, jp?.n-, the hroad and large part of the root of certain
trees above ground, projecting like a buttress from the low part of
the stem ; dua kesc utiiii a aii adi aye kokiiro ; odum, ofram, ofo,
onyii, owataku, ow6wa wo nnupun.

dnr , F. 1, = du, v. Mk. 13,33. — 2. = duru, a,

dura, V, [red, duradura] d. ho, d. so: to cover, deck, line; to
coat, crust, overlay; d. mu: to line, to finish or overlay, to cover or

put in the inside of. Ex. 25,11.28. 26,29 Wode twom-nhoma dura

akukua n^ mmentia ho.

adurad 6, upper-dress, upper-garment, e.g. of Mohammedans,

aduro, aduruo, Ak. s. aduru; cf. soduro. [pr.3085.

duru, Ak. s. du, v.

ddru (dru); v, Ak. du, 1, to descend, dismount, alight, come

or go dotcn; duru (b6ra) ! = si fam' ! cf. si an. — 2. d..mu, to de-
scend into, to strike, of lightning : opranna d. duam' a, esg gya, if
the lightning strikes a tree, it catches fire. — 3. to feel a presenti-
ment, foreboding: nsem a eye hu duru no, he has a presentiment of
or his heart forebodes fearful things; gbra a awerehow nnim' duru
ne kara, his soul has a presentiment of or anticipates a life unthout
grief. — 4. waduru afiforo, he has entered a new-built house and
consecrated t^ by a solemnity of 1-3 days, — 5. waduru afti, he
has a hunch-back. — 6. esQm duru, darkness descends, it gets dark;
owia duru sQm, the sun gets dark, is eclipsed; n'adwenemu adnru
sum, his mind is darkened or obscured, [red. duduru.]

duru, duruduru, a. Ak. du, F. dur, durdur, duduru. l.heavy,

weighty, ponderous; gbo yi ye d., this stone is heavy; obo duruduru,
a heavy stone; ne kotokum' aye d., ne tam ano y§ d., his purse is
well filled; - tmrdensome, Mt.23,4. burdened or bowed dotvn with grief,
Mrk. 14^33. — ^. wabo duru, she is (big) with child ; cf. yem, v. —
3. with m u: thick; dote yi mu, gfasu yim' ye d., this clay, this tcall
is thick; - important, difficult, senous; asem yi, emu ye duru, this is
a difficult matter. — 4. n' anim ye d., he is grave, earnest, respec-
table, venerable. — 5. ne nsam' ye d., Jte is wealthy, op^dent, power-
ful = oye osikani, owo atuo. — 6". ne b o or ne koko ye d., he is
courageous, valiant^ brave, stout, tmdaunied.
duru, duruduru, n. heaviness, iveight.
o-duru, pi. a-, the whole cluster of fruits of the plantain- and
banana-tree, consisting of several smaller clusters (siaw.)

aduru, pZ. n- or nnuruwa-nnuruwa, Ak. aduruo, aduro, poic-

der, tnedicine, drug, physic; ne yare ano ad. ni, this is the medicine

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100 odi'ii*up:ya — dwa.

against his sickness; -perfumery; ant/ cJwmical preparation; any

kind of powder or fluid not used as food, e.g, gun-powder (atuduru),
ink (adubiri), paint.,.; hence also = aduru-bone, adubone, poison:
wato no adurn, he has poisoned him; - wabo ad. = okowawao dua
ho abon abeye adiiru.

o-d uruo:y a, a kind of flute or pipe used in the performance of

mournful music before a king (demere a cho apow-apow ne nsoe pi
a wofre kete no bi).

O'duru-mafo, s. odumafo.

adurii-mu-pe, chemical analysis. — aduru-mu-sem, chemistry;

pharmacy; pharmacology. Chr. — cf. adufrasera, kafra-nyansa.

ad ur u-toa, -toa, pi. n-, a case, box, phial j or cruet for any kind
of powder or fluid, e.g. an ink-stand; a medicine-box. ♦

o-durii-yefo, -yofo, s. oduyefo. pr. 1043. 3540.

dutaii, i^?. n-, [dua, otaii] 1. a large tree, cf. dupii, dnpon;
pr. 1047. — ^. tJie stem of a tree.

du-tdnii urn, pi. n-, a large, niigJdy tree.

adii-to, inf. [to aduru] poisoning. — adut6-duru, potion, ap-

pliance used to poison apcrson ; cf bore. — o-dutoro,i>Z. a-, poisoner.
da tra, pi. n-, shingle, [dua, tra, pi. nnua ntra-ntra.]

add tw^, a moveable pole supported in the middle, for children

to play on; wgtra ad. so, wokyin ad., they .sit on or turn the pivot-
pole, pr. 1048.

adutwiim (orig. pr. n. m.) a kind of cloth, s. ntama.

aduwa, F. beans; s. ase.

diiya, F. s. dua, duia.

o-d u y e f , i>?. a-, [aduru-yefo] ^%^/cmw. F. Mt.9,l2.

The combination of these two letters (dw) is not a compound
of the common dental d and w, but a palato-labial transformation
from the gutturo -labial combination ^w, which has still been re-
tained for it in parts of Fante ; s. Gr. § 1 2. — This transformation
originally took place only before o, e, i; but tho^e vowels, when
followed by a final w or m, have usually been transformed into
o, o, II, and have retained this form also when the final w was
dropped (cf. dwom, dwonto, nnwonkoro). In Ak. the combination
^iia or f^wa (F.) has likewise been transformed into dwa or even
into dziia [G. dfa = dStia]. —

By the nasal prefix (I'l), dw is changed into iiw (iinw).

dwa, Ak. = gua or gwa in Akr. and F.

Words not found under dwa are, therefore, to he looked for under gua.

dwa, V. Ak. 1. = gua, to carve, ciU up, cut in j>icces: to gat,

eviscerate. — ;^. ~- kyia, to saltde. pr. 143.

dwa, V. 1. to .stand out, be prominent, project; ne fwene dwa

ahun mu, jtis nose stands out in the air (perh. he sneers, shows coti-
tempt by turning up his nose); - 2. to state, report; to expose, propose;

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dwadwa — dwe. 101

ode asem no abedwa ho = abeto ho, lie told the matter publielf/, in
the public jAacc,

dwadwa, adv, denoting some sound (?): ode nfwiren no fwee

asa no mu dw.

adwa, Ak. = agua.

o-dwfi, an edible fruit; cf. ogua.

adwabfreni, Ak., s. aguAbirem; a place at Kumase; a place

for assembling, market-place, pr. 2303.

dwae, hauglUiness, arrogance, insolem'c, j>/*Ci»VMWi>/wo/«//f6'A',*

tyranny; oye d^ae = oye mpanyinyo, odi nipauyinsem, Qye ahan-
tan, he is haughty and conttmiptuous, arrogant, pres^umptuous; obo
me so dwae, = obo me so ahantansem, he treats me with insolvnee,
Juiughig contempt, tyrannizes over me ("as African kings despise
others and think they can do with them whatever they like"); ;:=-
odi bam, q,v, — Cf. dwae-dwom.

d\Vae-bo, inf. haughtiness dx., tyrannical hehaviour; ;»•. dwae;

dw. ye wo de! you only delight in overhearing behaviour, effrontery!
dw. abg no dam, he is mad with tyranny.

dwae-dwom, a song of a defying character, sung by the

dancers in the play called dwae.
o-dwileni,i)Z. dwd6f6, dancer or sharer in the said play.
d w a k oro, a kind of snare; osum d w., he lays a snare; s. atiri.
d wane, Ak. = guan, to run away, flee; to trouble: wodwane
me ho dodo, you trouble me too much ; me ho ad wane me, I am in a
afrait, in trouble = me ho hia me.
o-dwane, j>;. n-, Ak. =. oguan.
dwamiwah, Ak. = guannuau,;>r. X259.
dware, v. Ak. = guare, pr.59.
adwareo, inf. Ak. = aguare, bathing.

dwe, a. (piick\ brisk, nimble, used in an elliptical way (without

the verb ye): ne ho dwe = wadi; ode ade no mfia me no, me ho
dwe, = migyei, when he gave me fJie thing, I took it at once, using
it forthwith; cf. pram; gkyekyere adesoa kakra de maa me, na mi-
gyei, me ho dwe, he gave me a heavy load, but I took it at once.

dwe, adv. completely, entirely, totally, utterly; wadi dw6 =

pe; wanom nsu dw6, dua no abu dwe = abu wg so ara we.

dwcd\V6-dwedwe, adv. id. — dua no abubu dw..., tlic stick

is cmnpletely broken into many jiarticles; ahabaii no aye dw..., tlw
leaves have bccotne utterly dry.

dwe, dw(3iin, adv. id. afuw mu atanna ahyew dwe, the heap
or pUe of wood on the plantation is burned completely; ode a wode
kgtoo gya mu no ahyew dwenn, the yam which you put in the fire
is totally burned; otam no ahyew dwenn, enkA hi.

dwe, V. F. = dwo, v. {Prk. jui) to be harmless, Mt.10,16. to be

meek, ML 21^5. to be kind; - to cease (of the wind) Mk. 4,39. - to wither
(of the hand) ML 12,10. — dwedwe, red. v. F. = dwudwo.

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102 (Iwe — odweii.

dwe, n. 1, kernel, s. adwe; fig. pith, marrow, heart, strength;

watu no mu dwe = ahoodeii. — 2. something contained in pustules
in the face, white, round and hard(?), pus, matter? (wumia mfowa
a, na biribi fitafita korokorowa fim' na eye den, na yefre no dwe;
wutu kuru na emu dwe no tu a, enkye wu). — 5. perhaps = mpe?
m^anf as^re dw^, =nna amma m'aniwam' bio,* my eyes have got so
that I cannot sleep; cf. sare.' — i. =gye? perplexity, madness; asem
no dy^ wo so dwe, the matter has become a mad palaver to tJiee, hard
to settle,

adwe, pi. nnwSa (nnwewa), palm-kernel, the stone or kernel of

the fruit of the oil-palm, together with its hard shell, enclosed in the
pulpy substance of which the palm-oil is prepared ; any other nut
or kernel, pr. 1050. 155 1-5 3,1505, bo ad^e, to crack a kernel,

dwfe, dwfedVv^e, adv. expressing a feeling oi pain; moyafu-

nu(m') kaw me or keka me d\Vedwedwe, my belly aclies, I have the

dw6a, poet, a fine, girl, lady.

Dweada, Dweeda, Ak. s. Dwoda.
ad\fr^-ad\Ve, a. [adwe] fnll of bnmps like palm-nut-kernels:
afasew mununkum bi ye adw.

it d w c I) a w, s. adwobaw. f r. 40.
adw('-l)o, inf, cracking of palm-kernels, pr.l55?.
adwe-dae =-- akwasidae, s, adae.
dwed w6, s. after dwe. — dwodwe, red, v, F. = dwudwo.
d >V e d w e w a , adj, close together, narrow (of an opening or
passage); s, adwoku. 0/*. hihia, muamua.

dwedwcjw^, the throaty gorge, wind-pipe; the larynx, head

of the wind-pipe; wdso n6 dw6dw(jwAm' -- watim no amenewA.
o-d w (» h 6 II e , pr, 2472.

adwe-k^', a ring made of the shell of a imlm-kernel,

dw^iiii, s. dwe, dwerebe.
dwell, dwene, v. to think (of); to meditate; to consider; pr. 309.

— odwen ne komam* bone, he meditates or devises evil in his heart,

— d^eh so or ho: to think about, to meditate on, to consider; to

mind, regard, care abotd; mcdwen asem (so), I think about a matter;
odweh ne nua so or ho, he is thinking about his brother; ade a wo-
kgye yi, dwen ho yiye, consider the thing well tvhich you are going
to do; n'asem nhina ye ntwiri, minnwen so, all his talk is slander,
I do not mind it; - F. wand wen do antse (= antie), he neglects to
hear, Mt. 18,17- — ne nsem a gkae hhina, mad wen akyiri mahil,
I have turned over in my mind all lie said, and found it true. — cf.
susuw. — Jled. dwennweii, to care, be anxiouSy d'lstracted^ take
anxious thought. Mat. 6, 25-34. cf, dadweii.

e-dwoii, Mt. egwen, grey hair; edwen aba netirim, neti afuw
dweh, he has grey hair,

o-d w en, a lost thing; a thing found and appropriated; a single

person met on the way and seized as a slave; pr. 451. 1051, — wgafa

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odweu — dwenso. 103

no dwen, or watg dweh» he has been seised and made a slave. Onipa
nam na oto dweii a, obi ua okyere no kwan^^^r. Mato dwen minliu
nea menko, / am at a loss where to go; u'aniwa ato dwen, he is lost
in thinking.

0-dweii, Ak. odwene, a kind of forest-tree; wode ye woma,

wgde n'ahabah bg abodo. pr. 1057, 1538.
adwen, adwcne, a common fish in tbe river Volta, silurus,
silure, sheat-fish? pr. 738,1052-55.1322.

AwQnwhj pL n-, the first appearance of fruit after tbe falling

of tbe flower; tender, early fruit; Cant. 2^ 13.15. — waporow (wate-
tew) akuta dw. no nbina; pr. 1505.

dwen-dVv^eii, red. v. F. = dwehnwen.

dwene, v. s, dwen.

o-dwene, a-, s. odwen, a-.

adwene, inf. (pi. id.), thought, pr.l056. conception, idea; mind;

sentiment; intention, opinion; character. M'adw. baa wo so, (As.) /
thought of gon; n'adwene ankosi bo, that did not come into his mind,
that never entered ifito his head. — F. fa adwen (Prk. ajuin), to
care, consider, be musing. Mt. 6,25.27. Mk. 6,52. Ps. 39^3. — Ne tirim
wg adw., he has good natural capacities, is talented; - gsakran'adw.,
he changes his mind, repents, is converted. — n'adwene ye bete,
he is feeble-minded, fickle, unsettled or easily changed in his opinion.
— n'adwenem' tew, his thoughts are clear, he is intelligent, clever,
shrewd, brisk, lively, sprightly; - n'adwenem* ntew no, he has mis-
givings, is mistrusting. — n'adwenem' abue or ada ho, lie has good
(common) sense, is intelligent. — n'adwenem' ye (no) bare, he is
light-minded, frivolous.

ad*ene-fre, inf. calling for attention; abebu a. s. asentia bi a

wgde fi asem ase de, adwene na wgde fre.

adweiiem-hare, -sem, UglttmindednesSy frivolousness.

adwenem-tew, inf. clearness of thougJU, intelligence, shrewdness,


d weii-fa, 1. inf. appropriation of a thing or person found. —

2. a kind of amulet or charm.

ad we u-h u hiiw, light-mindedness, frivolity; tirim' adw., fancy.

0-dvven-nfni, pi. a-, [oguah or odwane, nlni] ram. pr. 1059 f.

Qye no odwennini-bewo-ba, he makes him believe that a ram will
Umh, i.e. he flatters him (Odwaben Boaten na gkae).

o-<lweiinimma, a young or small ram.

adweniiiininen, a ram's horn\ wasi adw., he has juU a ram^s

horns upon his head.

o-dweiikobiri, a kind of forest-tree; gwgman'akoa(odwennfe8a).

dw^uku, s. dwonku.

a d w e n[e] s ii k a r d , inf. change of mind, repentance, con version.

dwenso, v. to urine, to make water; is more decently ex-
pressed by gu n sn. pr. 1061.

drtrens6, w. urine, water; dw. abg no, he. is sick of or suflers

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lOi (Iwcnsotoa — dwese.

from disury, ischury, is a/fecfed with strangury, pr. 3455. — dwenso-

kiiku, -kdriiwd, j;/. n-, chamher-poL
dwell so- toa, ph u-, the bladder.
dweii-to, inf., o-dwentotb, s. dwonto, odwontofo.
0-d well n wan, -nc, name of a monih; s. osram.

d w e 11 u vve 11, red, v., s. dwen.

o-dweniiwena, -newa, a tree. pr. Wo?,
o-(lwendwenekoma, pr. 1038.
ndwcra, F. (PrJi. njira) = nhwera.
a d vV e 11 11 w ere, Akp ., s. ad were,
dwere, v, to cnishy destroy j kill; to be cut up, crushed, de-
stroyed, killed. Yekoe no, yeantumi won, na wodwerce yen hhina.
Boaten baa Kyebi no, Dwabenfo a ode won bac no nbina, gdweree
won (wg) bg. Osee Yaw dgm a ode baa Akantamasu hbinu dweree
wg bg. Cf, dwerew, Akr., nsed of things, & knm.

dwere, v. to bind, tic, tic up; syn. kyere, kyekyere; dw. no

baraa = kyere no b., bind him tvith a rope; gdvV^re nnaworopewa,
she ties her hair into the likeness of a little stick, — F. to draw to the
shore, bring a ship to port or to land. ML 6,53.
ad were, = araoakua.

ad were (Akp. adw^nhwere), a kind of herb, used in religious

ceremonies to S2)rinklc water tenth it for purification or otberwise to
take away unclcanness; ababan betebetc bi a etc se fan a wgde guare
asum'; wgde bi guare abam; wgyim bi de tare pgmp6 ano mil etu
ntem; wgde adw. a wgayam n^ hno due suman se wgde reyi 11 a
akii suman no; - s. adwerewa.

dwere be, rtr7;'. = dwe, dwenn, korfi&c. completely, etitircly,

totally, utterly; dgm, gmah, knro, afuw no ahyew dw. ; gpe aliycw
nwura dw., aduan no aye dw. (too much burned on the coals); g-
man no abg dw.; kuro no aseedw.; kuro no nbina ye dw., the foam
is quite spoiled, burned to the ground (h:. - Akwamfo aye HuAfo dw.;
mmoa adi m'afum' aduah nbina d\V.; wgabefa ne nbina dw., wgan-
nyaw ebi; - anka 'bi kora wg bg a, na wose no so : dw.
adwerebia , a kind of beads, s. ahen^.

dwerew, Akr. = dwere, to crush, shatter, dash to pieces or

into fragments (nkuku, nkcsua &c.), stronger than bg, bo bo.

adwerewa, adwera', sprinkle, sprinkling-brush; a means to

remove fdfh i. e. falsehood or misrepresentation (blame, accasaUon,
slander?) pr. 1802. due., adw., to confirm; to prove; to bear witness
for or against, to convict; kase a mereb6 no, m^hwie na obeduee
me adw.; gsah se ennini' a, medue no adw., if he deny its being
true, I will prove it against him; osennifo no ama adansefo no redue
nea wanyii asem no ad\v., the judge has adlcd up the witnesses, con-
fronting them with the indictee (ctdprit, defendant), that theif may
take away the f(d sit y of the culprit's a.ssertio7i and leave the tn after
bare as it is.
dwese, warp; = nsa, s. ntamahwene. — dweseboro.

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dwcte — dwiriw. 105

dwct§, F. gwete, sUoer. — dwete-bia, dwete-fl, dross of

silver, — dwete-bonfi, pi. n-, silver-coin^ silverling, — dwete-
dwiimfo, x)l. a-, silver-sfnith. — dwete-tuo, a gun inlaid with silver,
d w6-tiri [gna tiri] a capital Or stock of money to begin trade
tcith; a fund employed in business or any undertaking. — bod w.,
to gatlur such a capital, pr. 1062.

dwetiwd, [dwetiri dim.'] a stmdl cajntal, stock or fund,

dwetiwHiii, a possessor of sonie little property, not exactly
rich, but on the way to become so ; a sparing, saving, thrifty person.
dwidwi: ne ho dw., he Ms a rough skin.

e-dwie, Ak. = dwiw, dwuw, pi. n- louse.

adwima, F. (Prk. ejuima)= adwuma. — dwimfo^ F.=odwiimfo.

adwini, artificial work, as work in gold, silver, brass, leather,

wood; any trade or mechanic ati reducing raw materials to a form
suitable for use; plastic art; sculpture, carved ivork; the art of draw-
ing; design, delineation. — di adw., to make artificial work, to prac-
tise a trade or art; odi sika-adwini fefew, he makes fine things of gold.
Cf. odwumfo.

ad winnade, i>Z. id. or n-, [adwini nnade] tool or machine for

artificial work.

adwf 1)110, pi. id. or n-, [adwini ade] a thing made artificially,
artificiid work, work of art.

adwin-nf, ad\Vin-nf, inf.^ the 2)r act ise of a trade or art.

adwiiini- Gwuma - daii, manufactory.

adwiiini-nyansa, art, talent for any art.

d wira, v. 1. to dash or strike against, to spatter ^ sprinkle. Osu
bo dwira me dan h*o nti, eho hyirew nhina ahohoro, because the rain
strikes veJiemenily against my house, the white earth (with which the
wall had been whitewashed) has been etUirely waslied off; ode prae
dwiraa me, lie struck me with a broom; ode nsu dwiraa m'ani so,
he dashed water in my face. — ^. to cleanse from guilt or moral
and religious uncleanness ; to sanctify; to consecrate. — Obi kum
fi (ofi aba ft bi) a, wodwiram', if one maJces a dwelling (ceremoni-
ally) unclean (if a dwelling has becmne defiled), it is purified; wgde
nnuan mogya n.a. dwira otie, the liabitation is rendered clean again
witfi the blood of sheep dtc. — Se ebia mefom mekodi biribi a mikyi
a, wotew adwenhwere nft owokom' ntwoma na wode adwiradwira
mensa n^ m'ano. Wode nsu dwira no, or, wodwira no Two) nsum*.
Okodwira neho wg pom' e.s. gsorokye no bg ba a, na wakogyinam'.
Cf. ahodwira.

o-dwird, t]ie yam-custom, an annual festival celebrated in the

mouth of August or September, when the first yam is eaten, being
considered also as the beginning of a new year. — twa dwira, to
celebrate the yam-festival. — Wotwa odwira wg Kumase, Akwam,
Akiiropgn; cf. aberekwasi, ohum, akonhuru.
dwiri, dwiridwiriw, s. the foil.

dwiriw, dwuruw, v. 1. to separate, disperse, scatter; odw. gya

(no mu), he scatters the fire-brands or coals as with a poker, rakes

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106 dwiw — dwoasrvina.

out the fire. — J2. to break tij>, break or pidl down, to demolish (odan,
pempe, siw); to prostrate; to ruin (gyare no dwiriw' nipa no pasa).

— 3. ne ho dwiriw no, he is slwckedj druck tvith surprise, horror

or disyusty he is astonished, atnazed, bewildered, confused; me ho
(a)dwinw me, = me ho aye bete, me tirim aye me kos6nenene, a wow
agu me so &c. Cf. ahodwiriw.

dwiw, V. s. dwuw.
e-dwiw, dwuw, Ak. edwie, pi, n-, louse.

dwo, V. 1. to cool; nsu no ad wo, the water is no more hot;

ma nkwan no nnwo ansa, let the soup cool first. — x?. to be calmed,
appeased, allayed; to abate, subside; to become or be soft; to relax
from a stat^ of excitement; to be calm, quiet, gentle, mild, meek, tame,
peaceable, humble, especially in ih^perf. and with bo, ho, an i. —
3, tr. to make quiet, soft, tame, cf. dwudwo. pr. 1064-66. — Aboa yi
dwo, this animal is sitting quietly, not moving; oguanten dwo (ne
ho dwo, n'ani dwo), na abirekyi ani ye den, the sheep is gentle, but
the goat is bold. Epo adwo, the sea is calm. Onipa no dwo, he
is a quiet man; odwo, he is humble (not proud, = onyd mpanyin-
sem); ne bo or n'abufuw adwo, his anger is appeased; n'ani dwo,
ne koma ho dwo, he is mild, gentle; neho dwo, he is meek. — 4.
to come to rest, feel comfortable, pr. 748. Kan-no oye hiani, nnausa-
yi de, ne ho adwo, formerly he was poor, but now he is better off;
me ho adwo me kakra, I feel a little better. — Oman mu adwo, the
town or country is quiet, in peace; afei yen here so adwo, now peace
has come back again. — N'asOm' adwo, he has become free from dis-
turbance, has come to peace. — Ne kete mu dwo, his bed is soft. —
Ne kotokum' adwo (= aye duru, opp. awow), /tis purse is well"
filled, well-stored. — Dwo wo ani, lit. cool thy eye,* i.e. moderate your
liaste, moderate your demand, restrain your passion or desire! dwo
w'ani didi, eat slowly; dwo w'ani bereo! act or proceed softly, gently,
slowly! pr. 622. 1003. — Red. dwudwo, q.v. — Cf. abodwo, ahodwo,
dwo, V. s. dwow, V. to cut.

dwo, V. F. (PrA;. jo) to crush; obodwo no sam, it wUl grind him

to powder. Mt 21,44.

e-d wo, F.yam; fa dwo here me, bring me a yam; cf. brodee-dwo.
adwo: ya adwo, reply on salutations, addressed to one born
on Monday [5. K wad wo] or to any other person.

adwo: twa adwo or agyadwo, to cry aloud, to lametit, wail.

ndwo, F. {Prk. nju) 1. root, = ntini. Mt. 3,10.13,6.21. Mk. 11,20.

— 3. fringe, tassel. Mt 9j20. 14,36. 23,5. {Prk. njo, njuo.) s. edwow.

adwO, a kind of plant.

Ad woa, -owa, F. Agwewa, j^r. n. of a female born on Monday,

dwo a, dwoa, orig. dweba, gweba, j)?. n-, a weight of gold =
ntaku 64 = S dollars or ackies^ half an ounce or 11. 16 s.

dwo a-gy i n a, the same amount minus one taku or 6*Y* d. i.e.
gold dust balancing the dwoa weight in equal scale, without the
usual over-weight, pr. 747.

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dwoasuru — odwontofo. 107

dwoa-siiru,i>^. n-, a weight of gold =.ntaku 32. (or 28?)

adwoa-abiri (nhuwA tuntum) a kind oi beads; s. ahen^.
^dw6baw, ad web. (plAd,) the (chief) branch, twig or shoot of
the yam; ode a esi kiisu na ne nsa ayiyi ua woka batabata bo; bama
no ani a efi kahkyerekyere no; - od^ no ayi adw. — ofupe si a, na
woreka adw.

dwobesare, a twig or shoot growing from tbe root beside

the principal stem ; n'ani bi a efi worn* bio ; efi k6tl (large) na em-
foro pam bio.

adwol)6toku, a kind of beetle,

D woda, Aky. Dweeda, Dweada, Monday* Grr. § 41,4.
dw6dw6, adv, softly, slowly, easily, safely; m6nkgno d^.
na momm^rano dw,! — dwodwodwo, ?(?.
adwogu,i)r. -2955.
d w Qk 0, the iJalsy ; paralysis.

dw6-k6r(3w [edwokokSro] the middle part of a yam, which

in roasting remained, hard; ode a woatotd na anwie ben na woa-
twitwa ho, na nea aka mu na ammeh no, mfinimfini de no, na wode
ato gyam' bio atoto. pr. 1068,

ad wok II, Ak. akye, tveel, wicker-basket, snare or trap made

of twigs for catching fish, = n8ow a, \ cf, eb6a. pr. 3066. Wode mpopa
hwene no se kyerenkye, ne ti tenten, n*ano dwedwewa, ne to k6n-
tenn; na woaye mu k^nyaoh (nwrlinn, nnya-nnya), na nipata fa
ken ten h no mn ho na wobefi a, na kanyann no asiw won kwah.

d worn, V. dw. ano, to dratv or tie together, contract (a bag,

purse, pillow); to pucker; 6dw6ra (gmom) n'akatawia ano, he shuts,
puis up, his umbrella; odwom n*ano, he purses, puckers up, his lips.
e-dwom, Ak. ed^om, jd, n-, song^ hymn, psalm, poem, — to
dwom, to sing; — fre dwom, to lead the choir; - ye dwom, to com-
pose a poem. Qwo 'ne to dwom, he has a (good) voice for singing. —
Kinds of dw.: ebddwom or nnw6nk6ro, odakudw., dwaedw., agye-
roannare, akorododw., kwadw., onnibiamanedw.^sankCidw., antore-
pira n. a.

dw omnia, s. nnwgraraa.
o-dwoni-frefo, the leader of a choir, precentor.
dwonkd, dwehku, the hip, haunch, hip-bone, thigh; cf. asen-
mu, the loins, sSre, the thigh; - to dw., to tvalk lame, hobble, limp\ cf.
to apikkye, to halt, be lame,

a-d w nk u-b d ii, a protuberance an the hip-bone. pr. 2280.

adwonkii-to, inf. s, to dwonku.
dwouiio, confusion; asem no abo won dw. = aye won se
hnwonima n^ hno, aye won sa, siamo, wonhu as@n-kd a wgnka, that
word has confounded or perplexed them, they can find no word to
say or no answer to it,

dwon-td, inf. singing. — dwonto-bca, (pi, id.) air, tune.

o-d wo n 1 fO; dwent., ;;?. a-, singer, songster, poet, bard.

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108 adwotwa — dwumadi.

adw6-twa, inf. lamentation, wailing; diff. dwowtwa.

d wo w, t'. 1. to cut, sever, citt up, cut to pieces, cut down ; odwow'
no, Ji€ cut him down, slew him; 6dw6w abe, he cuts or severs the
single palm-nuts from Uie stalk; pr. 310. odw. brode = otwitwa no
ai»iaw-asiaw fi gsaw ho, lie cuts the hands ofplantcUns from tfw whole
bunch; ode sosow dwow wuram' b^yere, he takes out mid yam with
a digging-iron ; pr.1067, cf. t u (afum' bayere). — 2. to grind roughly,
abCirow, maize, awi, Guinea-corn ; cf yam. — 3, to thrash, thresh.
e-dwow, j>;. n-, tassel; fringe. Cf ndwo, F.

dwow: 6tvfk no d w., he kidnaps him; lie robs or plunders him.

ad wow: y i adw6, L to kidnap; oyii no ad wo ton no, lie kid-
napped and sold him. — 2. topanyar, i.e. to take by force as a pawn
for a debt which one of the seized person's countrymen owes to the
seizor; a creditor may thus seize any person of the debtor^s town
or country, when he has in vain tried to get payment by other
means and has asked permission from his own king and elders;
and the person thus attacked may in defending himself wound or
kill his aggressor with impunity. — 3. Wudi wo yonko anim na ofa
biribi hye wo a, na wofre no adwo-yi; ofa nehO kohintaw wo a, na
wgfre no saara. — 4. yi agyew, Mf. to seize tlie property of on^s
debtor for ones own payment.

d wow-twa, inf. open and habitual robbery, depredation'^ cf.

akwanmuka; diff. adwotwd, lamentation.

o-dwowtwafo, pi. a-, a (liabitual) robber, freebooter, liigh way-

man; syn. gkwanmukifo, an occasional highway robber.
a d w 6 w-y i , inf. panyarring; kidnapping.
0-d w w-y i fo, pi. a-, mansteater, kidnapper.

dwu, V. s. dwuw, V.
e-dwu, s. edwiw.

d wild wo, red. v., s. dwo. Further meanings: 1. to soften:

to tame (with ho): dwudwo aboa no ho, tame that beast. — ;^. to
become soft or tame; ne ho adwudwo, lie has become tame; he is tame
in consequence of a severe threatening or treatment, or from aston-
ishment. — 3. with mu: asase no mu adwudwo, the soil has become
soft, damp, moist.

o-dwiima, the trumpet-tree; its wood is used for fences.

dwuma, biisiness, occupation, employment; duty, office, func-

tion; trade, profcssiofi; - ne dw. a odi ne nuuapdc, apra, asiiko,
ntamahoro n.a., his occupation is chopping wood, sweeping, going
for water, washing cloth dc. — syn. nea gwo ye & the foil.

t\dw6ina,7>Z.n-, F. agwima, adwima, work, labour, espec. agri-

cultural work, manual work; employment of any kind; business, duty
(adw. a mewo ye ma nipa, my duty to man); — ye adw., to work,
labour; ukurofo nhina ko won mfum' akoye won nnwuma, all the
people arc on their plantations to do tJieir work; - gu adw,, pon adw^
to give up or cease working. Cf ob6re; osom.

d w u ni a-d i , inf. avocation, profession, business, employment,

professional labour or exertion.

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odwumafo — dzeiidzeiidzei'i. 100

o-dwiiinafo,i>Z. a- = odwumayeni. (F. Mt.20,L)

adwuma-gu, -poii, ceasing or cessation from work.

a d w 6 m a-y e , inf. working, lahouring ; cf. adeye.

o-d w umayeni, pi. a- -fo, tvorkmauy labourer.

o-dwum 1*6, i>Z. a-, artist, artisan, workman, one doing artificial
work as a carpenter, joiner, gold-, silver-, or coppersmith, brazier,
pewter er, tinman, saddler, umbrella-maker, shoe- or sandal-maker Sa^.
(nea osen apon n^ nnaka a.s. hkonnua, gye ate, opam hkyinii, obn
mpaboa, obu ntoa, a.s. onipa biara a oye biribi a eyo nwonwa na
nnipa Dbina ntumi nye).

ad w u m-p 6 n [adwini, opon] work bench, joiner's bench, (tnr-

mng')lath€, turn-bench, sJiop-board, work-table, writing-desk dtc.

dwuru w, v. F. Akp. = d wiriw. (juru,iVfc. Mt.24,2.26,6L Mk.13,2.)

dwuw, V. 1. to scrape, remove by scraping: wodwuw aduru,

timj pass their fingers through a medicine rubbed over one's body, wg-

de adurn ye won hO babi na wode won nsatea nw6rahw5rari mu. —

2. to clean a place by scraping with a piece of bark or anything. —

3. to scrape or rake together, amass, accumulate; dw. sika, to draw

out a good quantity of gold from the bag; dw. ntrama, to pile up
cowries in a large heap (boa., ano, to collect in a small heap). —

4. dw. dan, to repair (renew) a house in decay; gdan-now bi wg hg

na woremiamia mu aye no yiye; odwuw a wodwuw gdan no da
yi de, eye sikasee ara kwa, this constant (or repeated) repairing of
that Iwuse is mere waste of money. — 5. to revive, return from (the
realm of) the dead; gte se nea w4wu adwuw, he looks as if he had
been dead and had returned from the otiier world (said of one who
is pining away bodily and mentally); cf. sasabonsam; red. wgawu

The combination d z is found in Fante dialects instead of simple

d before tlie vowels e (= e) and i (exceptions: dede = ^y^^j^^y^-,
dehye&c), seldom before e; before a only in d za=^ dzea, dea, nea.

dz, F. = d before (e) e i.

dza, ^^ dzea, F., Ak. dea, Akr. nea.

dzc, = de, se.

dze, == de, 1. V. — 2. adv. hardly; though, hoivever.

adze, ph ndzcmba, nnecmba (Mf. Or. nyemba) =^ ade, nneema.
adze, = ase, Ml. 11,23.23,12.

dzca, = dea, nea, person who, thing which.

dzcbonyefo, i>Z. a-, = gdeboneycfo.

dzcdze, red. v. dze. ML 26,47.

adzefiirfidze, apparel. 1 Pet. 3,3,
adzegyan, vanity.

dzcKO, = dekSde. Mk. 5,14.

adzeky e =t adekyee, daylight; adz. yi nhinara, all this daylong.

dzom, = dem, blemish. Eph. 5^.

ndzemba, = nneema, s, adze,
ndzenibir, = demmere, Mt. 11,7,12^0.27^9.

dzeii, dzeiidzeudzen, = den ; dennennen, straitly. Mk. 5,43.

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110 atlzesa — e.

adz«*sa, = adesae ; adz. ko, ihr darknes^i goes awaif.

adzes<*, = ade-see, irfi^f. Mt. 26\6f.

adze>uea, = adesoa. Mt 11^.

ndzesoeade = nnosoa. Mt234.

ndzeye, = nnejee. Mt. 5J6,

ndzejelsenenej = (nnejee) trcne, righteouAnrss. ML 5fi.

d zi, r. [red. dzidzi] = di [didi] s, di 1-100.
101. dzi = di ano, to cot tenant (for). Mt. 26^15. — 102. dzi adagya,
= da adagjaw, to be naked. Mt 2oM. — (iif.) dzi dase, = di adanse,

ML 26fi2. — 103. dzi dew, to rejoirr; a. dew. ML 2^10 (17.) dzi

dzem, = di dem, to have a blemiiih. — 10 i. dzi adzibew, = di di-

bea, to be in an office. — 105. dzi .. mfamfanto, to foilau: .. afar off.
ML 26,58. — (86.) dzi af5ra, = di afra, to have one's portion with-

ML 24^1. — 106. dzi .. huhoha, to murmur agaipust. Mk. 14^ 107.

dzi ahjem', to make a covenant, testament. — Kks, dzi ahjia, to be

gathered together. — (35.) dzi ..nkyir = di .. akyi, to visit (sins
upon). — (29.) dzi ma, =di mu, to be u:h(Ae ; to be perfect. Mt. 15^31.19^1.

— (96.) dzi mpapem*, = di mpapaemn, to be divided. Mk. 3,24. —

109. dzi primprim, to be urhoie, strong, ivcll, in good health. Mt. 9^2.
ML 2,17. — 110. dzi .. nsembon, to rad at, revde, blaspheme. ML 15,29.

— (64.) dzi awerelio, to mourn, wad, lament. Mt. 24^.

adziban^ = adibane, adoan.

adzibew, = dibea, office, rank.

adzidzi, tsena-, = tra adidii, to sit down at meals. ML 26,20.

adzidzifo, = didifo, guests. ML 22,10.
adzifidzi, ^=^ adifude, intemperance, excess. Mt. 23,25.
edzin, pi. a-, = edin, name.
dzue... dzui... dio... dzu... F. (jue, jui, jo, ju, Prk.) s.
dwe... dwi... dwo... dwu...

The vowel sounds e, e, e, i\ and e, e, 0, e, and oe, ei, and

ew, ew, ew (s. Gr. § 2-5. 17. 19 A^ frequently interchange and are
sometimes intermixed in the alphaoetical arrangement, especially
in compounds.

e in our books represents two sounds : 1, the full e, and J2. the
narrow e. Cf Gr. § 1 Bern. 2. and § 2.

c in Fante books often stands instead of a = a before i, u or

other close vowel sounds.

e- or e-, prcf. of nouns in the sing. (& pi.) s. Gr. § 29,2. 35,4.
43.44., of pronouns, §60,1-3., of numerrds, §77.78,1. — is usually
dri>pped in close connection with a preceding word, Gr. § 49,1 .

e- or e-, a pron. for a thing or things, which is prefixed to the

verb, Gr. § 54. 58. ; in F. also for the 2d. pers. sing. Gr. § 58 Hem. 1.

e, emph. pati., an enclitic sound giving emphasis after a wish

or command, Gr.§144.; diito after the negative preterit tense, §170.

e, an enclitic sound after names in the vocative (§ 46,2. 144.)

and in songs.

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^ — fa, m

e, interj. expressing pleasure, joy, &c. oh! hey!

el, ei, interj, expressing surprise, astonishment: indeed!
e = eh§, interj, implying affirmation, approbation, assent, con-
sent &c., yes! syn, yiw, yie, wie.


The letter f has the same sound in Twi tiiat it has in English,
except in the combination Iw, on which see a later page.
The consonant f occurs before pure and nasal vowels. It seldom
interchanges with other consonants; cf, fotow & pgtow; fromfrom &
F. promprom; few & fwew; funu & hunu; fintsiw, F. = hintiw,
Ak. fwinti, sunti.

fa, V. [red. fefa, fofa] to take; cf, gye, kukuru, tase, m& so, som'
yi, & de, fua, kita, kura. — i. to take to make use of: pr, 1081,
to lay hold on for use. In these senses it takes the place of the aiix, v.
de in all negative and imperative sentences; s, Gr. § 108, 26-29.
205,5. 206,2. 208,3.4. 237. 240 a. c. 241. Cf, 26 (below). — 2. to
take away: hena na wafa me tuo? who has taken my gun? — 3. to
carry off (said also of inanimate subjects): nsu afano, the water
has taken him, i.e. he is drowned; pr. 389. 3085, mframa afa me kyew
ko, the wind has carried off my hai. — 4, to lay hold on, to seize:
wafa no gyaw, he has embraced his legs i.e. implored him, begged
his pardon, — 5. to take up and keep, to appropriate what is found :
pane yi, maha wo fam'; m6mfa ana? / have found this needle on
the floor; may I keep it? fa! you may have it! fa abofo, to find a
dead animal (game) in the bush, pr. 497. fa or tase nwaw, to take
up or gather snails; pr. 1080^ F. to gather (fishes in a net) Mt. 13^7,
— 6, to take i.e. keep for one's own: wubu kyew yi ma hena? mibu
mafa, for whom do you make this cap? I make it that I may keep it,
i.e. for myself; P^, 22,19. cf Gr.§ 109,32. 243 6. Bern, 2, — 7. to take
possession of what is left or prepared by others : asase a Germanefo
no gyawe no, Wendefo befae. — F. fa ahemman tsena mu, to in-
herit the kingdom, Mt, 25,34. — 8. to obtain possession of by force,
to seize, capture, conquer: fa d wen, to seize for a slave, to make booty
of; woafa no dommum, he has been made captive; wgfaannommum
pi, iliey made many captives (in war); wafa kiirow no, he has con-
qtiered the town. — 9. to take and use or misuse: fa gbea, osigyafo;
pr. 167, fa oy ere (fa kun, F.) to take one's wife (husband) illegally,
i.e. to commit adultery. Mk. 10,11.12. — 10. to take, get, win, acqtdre:
fa abarim^, to engage as a servant; pr. 1077, fa ad^mfo, to enter one^s
service; or == fa oyohko, to make friendship with, pr. 1078. — 11,
to obtain, get: wafa afuru, she has got a belly i.e. she is (big) with
ckUd. — 12. to bear in mind: mafa me tirim, I have got (it) in my
head, i.e. / have taken the sense or the warning, I understand it =
iDthu ase; I remember = makae. — F. fa ad wen, to take thought,
concern one's ^e//'=dwendNven, Mt, 0,25^34. fa apam, to take coun-
sel, Mt. 27,1J7. — 13. to take inwardly, to conceive: gfa(mo) abufuw
da, he often grows angry (with me); pr. 1079. wafa me adona, Jie has
taken a dislike to me, — 14. to take, admit; to choose, elect. 1 Tim, 5,9,

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112 fk_ _^

— 15» to take in a passive sense, to get or attch: obdre, fatigue,

weariness, oyare, sickness: ofa ob6re utem, he soon gets tired; wafa
gyare, Jie grew sick, has been taken ill; fa miuusu, to incur a cula-
miiy; to suffer the results of a mischievous deed, pr. 398. 555 f, 1736.

— 16. to take a road, a course, to take one's wag over...pr. 107L1076.

me wura kwan ni, obi mmfa bo! - wofa benkum a, mefa nifa, Gen.lS^.
wamfa abontcn so, na ofaa mfikyiri, he went behind the houses, not
along the street. Cf. 20. — 17. F. fa kwan mu, to be right, lawful,
permitted, Mt. 12,10. 22,17.27,6. — i6'. f a mu, a) to walk through, take
one^s wag through ; ofaa mfenserem' guane, he escaped through the
window. - b) ofaa mu dae, whilst this was goiug on, he fell asleep. -e)
memf&inu,=memfsih6 ^we, I do not care (abottt). - d) F.yefamuben,
what mag we gain by it? — i^. f a s o , a) witb kwah : wgfaa okwah
foforo so kgo won kurom\ Mat.2,12. — b) instead of nam so in imp.
& neg. sentences: (to do) by means of s. Gr. § 108, 27. — c) to fall
into oblivion, to be forgotten or neglected: afa me so = m'ani apa
so, me were afi. — d) to overcome: wafa n^atamfo so, he has over-
come his enemies; eyi na efaa no so kora, at this he was quite over-
come; — e) to make profit, to gain, = famfaso. — 20. fa as e, ^/) or/
as «n aperient, to evacuate the bowels; aduru no befa n'ase, that
medicine wiU purge him. — 21. f& ho, a) to move along, t4)2>ass by;
cf. siane bo, twa bo, twam'; mma mframa mmfa wo bo bebrebe,
do not let the wind play abotit you too much, i.e. keep yourself warm.

— b) to touch on, to concern, affect, import; to have to do with: eyi

fa bo biribi, this has some relation to it; efa bo den? what has that
to do wUh it? wofa b5 den? whcU is it to you? asem no mfd me ho
fwe, or, momfA asem no ho fwe, that business is no matter of mine,
does not concern me ; gfa mo ho biribi, he has something to do with
you = g-n^ mo wg asem bi ; gmfd bo fwe, he will have nothing to
do with it, keeps 7ieutral. — omfA (= emfd) no bo, F. lie shfdl be free,
it is nothing to him, no business or concern of his, Mt. 15,6. 27,4. —
22. fa neb 6 di, lit. to take and dispose of one's self i.e. to become
self-dependent, independent, free, to be emancipated ;pr. 1075.1 439. —
.gmfk nebo nni, lie is not Jus own master; Kwasida mo nbina moafa

mobo adi, on Sunday you (dl are free, have your time for yourselves,
Cf. gfadi, fawoho-kodi. — ;^^. fa di, to take and use up, to consume,
spend, waste; cf. afaadi. — 24. fa (mu) to partake of. — 25. Very
often fa in its imp. and neg. forms and in the inf. is used, in con-
nection with another verb, as an aujr. v. introducing or referring
to a passive object of the principal verb, and at the same time im-
parting to the princ. verb a causative meaning. Cf. de, Gr. § 108,
pr. 136-169. 1072-74. 108.3-88. 3170.E.g. fa b6ra! lit. take come i.e. bring:
kgfa bera, go take come, i.e. fetch; fa kg! take go, i.e. take it off, away
with it! fa tom* or fa to so, lay (it) in or on, add it! fa firi me, for-
give me! Cf. 1 (above). — 26. In other cases fa is used as an out. r.
referring the action of the principal verb to a place, as taking its
way through, or to a means employed; cf. 16. 19b) above; it serves
then to express the Eng. prepositions through, by dr. Cf. Gr. § 108,
27. 109,30. 223,2. — In pr. 3374. fa supplies the place of the Eng.
words up to, as far as.

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efa — ofadi. 113

e-fa, Ak. F. 1, earthy clay, mud; soil; »ivish; Akp. dote; tu fa

= tu dote, to dig earth ; bo fa = bo ntwoma, hyirew, to dig red
or white earth and form it into Ixdls; pr. 1514. cf, bo 98. — 2. the
emih containing gold, underneath afafnnu & adada. — 5. F. diist:
asase fa, dust of the earth.

a fa, hdlows, — ka afa, to blow the bellows.

mfa, weft, woof, the threads that cross the xcarp (nsa) in weaving.
fa, adv. plainly, clearly, really; = fe, pefe, trgnenene, filnh.
fa, V. to become hoarse; ne'ne afS, ^c 0m voice) has become
or is hoarse.

efa, afa, pi. a-, feast, festival, holiday; - hye fa or afa, to cele-
brate a festival, e.s. wgye afrihyiade biara, wodi afe ; oheno bye fa
= oh. behyd di-
g-fa, ph afa, afa-afa, i. the half of a thing or number of tilings;
moiety. — J2. the other side or part of a thing or place, a separate
place. — 3.2)art, piece; cf. sin. pr. 64. 1286. 1858. 3110. S481. gfa-n^-
fa, half and half; only in part; ogyina fa or fababi, he stands apart ,
aside; da afa, to sleep separately, pr. 384. cf. Gr. g 80,7. 84., fftko,
af^nu, afllsa, afanin, & faro\

afa, s. efa & ofa. — afa-afa, F. by halves.

mfa, rofah^md, the Guinea-^orm, Filaria medinensis, a whitish
worm that burrows in the human cellular tissue ; it has the thick-
ness of twine and may attain a yard's length. Oyare mfa, mfa aye
no, he has got a Guinea-worm ; mfi ahy^ ne gyA, the G. approaches
the surface, scratches, itches, pinches, the skin is raised by it; mfa,
no atwe, na aka ne bobo; mfa no abobg kakra. [6. fakpa Ig ed§e.
Si efe dframg, Zim, Vac. p. 43. 65. 67.]
fa, f&fky a. adv. 1. flexible, flexile, limber, lithe, pliable, pliant;
tenacious, tough; syn. fakafaka, fann, hiiS, sa; - mframa bg dua
no a, eye fl {s. bS,) ; onipa yi, ne mu (ne nan, ne nsa) ye fH, wanya
nsa fd. — J2. reeling, tottering, vacillating ; gnam fhf^ he totters,
walks totteringly; cf. to ntintdn.

g-fdbafo, pi. a-, == gfdkg-n^-fibafo, intriguer, tale-bearer, tell-

tale. IVov. 12,2.

{kh^ix, pi. a-, = dgt^ban, mud-wall, pist-wall. [6. fence.l

Q-f a-b e h , red or yellow clay; cf, kgtgfa, ntwoma. Afab6n, pr, n.

afd-b6, (pi. id.) clod, glebe; a lump or pieces of swish (i.e. the
earth of a pise-wall) from a ruined building; ruins.

fa-o b 0- 1 -m e-gy am' flay a stone into the fire for me/ name
of a sickness, = kukrn-me-ta-awiam\

fa-obrebre, a by-name of the aturnkuku.

f a-d ^ iiypl. a-, dgt^din, mttd house, mud cottage, building in pise.
afdde (pi. id.) gain, profit, lucre, acquisition, proceeds : booty,
spoil, plunder ; cf. asade, afowde; earnings; - ade a wunya wg obi
ho fa no tumi so, a.8. wunya no gsom mu.

Q-fadi, inf. 1. using up dtc. s. fa di. — 2. liberty, emancipation;

s. fa neho di, ahofadi.

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114 mfadi — efdm'.

m fadi, inf. the (taking and) keeping of a thing for one^s self.
afa-adi, spend-thnft; bankrupt, insolvent debtor; woaye woho
afa-adi, you have made yourself bankrupt.

a^aOypass, defilee, in mountains; cf. mpotam\

afa-afa, J)?, of ofa; s. afa.

o-fa-fa, inf. partaking j participation.

g-fafafo, pi. a-, partaker.

mfafato, ¥. s. mfamfanto.

afaf^nt6, afef., SLfof.,pl. m-, butterfly; cf. abebew, oyima.

fafarahd; an herb poisonous for goats,

mfafokuwa, F. members. Eph. 5,30.

o-fa-firi, inf. forgiveness, pardon; syn. gfakye, fa-ascm-kye.

mfa-foro, inf. F. a renetced taking or undertaking: ma yemfa no
mf. nsom wo, grant that we may serve thee in newness of life.
fafu, adv. [obs.] entirely = kora &c.
afa-funu, mould, a sort of earth dng up first in digging gold;
cf. fa, asasehono.

fagiide*^, metal [efa, gu, ade, things from the soil that may
be molten and cast].
mfa-haina, s. mfa.

faho-faho, adv. (fa ho, to move along) wofa fah6-f., they sail
along the shore; cf wonam ano-ano, they walk along the shore.
mfahu, tinder; abe ho boh bi akyi na wode ye mf.
afa-hye, inf. festival, celebration of a festival; af. bi dui, somt
festival came on.

faka (taka?), epo f., bay, gulf. Nig. Exp. Vac.

fakafaka, a, flexible dr. s. fa.
mfd-ka-ho, inf. (the act of) adding, addition.
o-fa-ko, s. ofa, Gr. § 80,7. of. a yegyina, wliere we stand.

f d k g-b e w , place where to pid a things pr. 2008 f.

mfa-kokonini, a cutaneous eruption caused by the Guinea-
worm being about to manifest its existence in the body.

o-fdko-nCj-fjlba, inf. talc'bearing ; damfo, w6y^ of., friend,

you tell tales on both sides! — o-fAko-ndA'AhafOj ^= tale-bearer, busy-
body, officious, meddling, meddlesome person ; nea otie nsem koka
na okotie bi beka; cf. ateakosewa.

g-fa-kye, inf. = ofafiri, forgiveness, pardon. F. ye f., to be

forgiving; cf. fa-asem-kye.

fam' = fa mu.
e-fdm' [efd mu] soil, ground, floor, bottom; in the ground, on
the ground, at the bottom; down, below; syn. ase; asase, asase so;
cf. Gr. § 1 19. 1 24,.3. Ofii dua no so sii fam', he came down frmn the
tree; ofii pohkg so sii f., he alighted from the horse; ofii hyeh mu sii
f., he came from the ship to land, he disembarked. Osoro n6 fam\

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ffi-mm — faim. 116

heaven and earth; fam* u^ nsu ani, hi/ land and by sea; efi ue soro
besi ne fan' dem bi nni no ho, from the head to the feet, from head
to foot, from (op to toe, there is no blemish in him; cf. 2 Sam. 14,25. —
iitama no mn tew abien fi soro de-besii fam', the veil was rent in ttvo
from the top tothebottmn. Mat.27f51. — Red. fanf-fam', adv, very low.

nimm, «., adv. red; yellotc; syn, Lg, kokg... Wgde sika aye
ho f.; wgde ntwoma akwaw dan no mu f.

fani, V. \red. femffim, fomfam] 1. to encircle with one's arms,

to embrace; syn, bam, ye atu; abofrd no ab^fam mk kyh me atu,
(he child embraced and hugged me with his arms. — J2. fam ho, to
adhere closely, to cleave^ cling or stick to ; cf bata (ho) ; hama fam
dua ho, the climber adheres to the tree. F. sure fam ho, it is coupled
xcith fear, 1 Pet 3^2- — Cf afammoa, mfomfamho.

g-fam', a kind of thin cake; wgtoto f. ne se: wode nno fgtgw

mmgre na wgde tereterew asahkam' na wgde ahaban momono kata
80, na wgde nsramma gu so ma eben.

fam' [gfamu] what is on the side or part of part, concern, diie,

duty, right; manner; region, direction. Owg dgm film\ he is on tlw
side of the enemy; me fam' de, biribi nsiw wo kwan, on my part
nothing shall prevent ymi; me n^ wo fam' de, ehhia, it is of no con-
sequence to me and thee ; Onyame fwe fam' ye iiwonwa, (the way of)
GodCs providence is wonderful; eha-lam', hereabout; ehg(nom)fam\
thereabout; epo-fAm', seawards.

alam', F. district ^ region. Mt. 15,21. Mk. 7^31. n'afam' dze no, for
his part.

mfamba, F. seed. Mt. 13,31. Mk. 4,31.

afam'd 6, (pi. id., = ade a ewg fam' a.s. efi fam') eartJdy things;
low or mean things; earth, stones and minerals. Kurtz § 173.

af a m'd u a ii [fam' aduan] food growing underground, as yam &c.

mfdmfd, a small brass pan used in weighing gold. pr. 1633.

mfamfanto, F, dzi .. mf. = di .. akyi wo akyirikyiri, Mt. 26,58.

[Mk. 14,54.

mfam fi a, circuit, compass. — bg.. ho mf., to go about or round,

to compass; to surround; to encircle; - bg dan no ho mf. = okyini
dan no ho, he compasses the house in order to see whether there is
any danger, or to find a place to enter ; gk5 bg yen ho mf. = twa
yen ho hyia, there is fighting round about us; afafanto rebetg ka-
neam' anadwo a, gbg ho mf. ausa-na gtgm'; anoma no bg ne bere-
bttw ho mf.

mfdmmiri [fan bin] a dish of dark-green pot-Jierbs, the poorest

meal iV<w7. 15,17.

afam-moa [aboa a efam obi ho) an animal that clings to one's

person or clothes, pr. 1089'

e-f d n, herb, vegetable, pot-Jierb, cabbage, greens, pr. 1340.

fa n n , a., adv. = f^ hiia &c. tough, flexible, dasHc ; n6 md bn f.,
h has a pliant back; ne nsa bu f., he has supple fingers.

fa II 11, a., adv. clear, distinct, plain ; open, straightforward; -

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116 fana — mfaredau.

spn, fenn, fe, pefe; m*aiii tnaa no (Hon se oko, I saw him distincUy
going away; ka no f. kjere me, idl me plainly. [G. t^.]

fana, v. to trouble, harass, faiigue; = f^nii, fona; syn. liaw.

afand, a kind of tree, used for fuel; the frnit is eaten,
afana, Ak. 5. afoa. — o-fanafoo, Ak. = ofoasoafo.
n, f Ji II a, afanawa, F. -ba, pi. m-, female, weneh, especially /Vm/i/e
dare; maid-servant.

nifana-hjia, inf. obyia nomf., he marries her as if she were a dave,

fane, Ak. = fan. pr. 106.

0-fa-ne-fa, s. ofa; of. Kristoni, a half-and-half Christian,
fanos, G. foundation; syn. fapeme, nhyease, mfiase, utoase;-
to f., to lay the foundation (in building).

f an i m, v. impers. to he less had, more toiler able, te> he prefer-

ahle (when a choice is to be made between two or more unfavour-
able things). "N'ani wu" anasc "n'anim gn ase*, efanim nea ewo
he? efanim aniwu (na enifanim animguase), which is the milder
expression: ''lie is ashnmed'' or '^he is ahaslted''? ''to he ashatned''
is not 80 strong as ^to he abashed^' ; efanim eyi, na emfanim eno,
this is less bad than that; eyi ye afanim, this appears to be milder.
fa - 11 n o , petroleum. D.As. fpr- ^091. 2461.

m fan si), a kind of head; s. ahen6.

F Jin to, F. Mfantse, the Fantc (Fanti, Fantee) country and

the language or dialects spoken there. — Fante-kdsjl, the Fante
language. — Fante- man, the Fante nation. — (J-ranteuf,
pi. M--fo (F. Fantsenyi, Mfantsefo), a Fant^ man, Fante 2>eoj>le. —
F ante-pern nhlna, all tJie Fantes and tlteir confederate tribes.
ofantQ, -bia, -biri, 5. ofonto...
fantonyampe: 6y6 f., oye fantonyampeni = hye kwasia-
mankwa; cf. ah woman woma.

g-fanny a, pi. m-, a hill-hook without a nose; = adare.

fa-peme, F. foundation. Mt. 7,25. cf fanes, nnyinaso.

afar, afarbo, afarbodze, afarpata, F. =r= afore, -bo, -bode, -mnka.

fara, s. fra. — afaraw, s. aferaw.

fare, v. [a strengthened form of fa] s. fefare.

fkre, m-, mfarow [fa de?] the trunk of an elephant.

afdrc, a kind of herb, very tender, used as a medicine; ne
tirim ye merew se af., he is tender-hearted.

m fdr e, fresh air; ligld, cool hrecze, gentle wind; mframa a eye
a awow nnim', nso ahohuru nnim'. Mekogye mfare, / am going to
take the air, I want to take an airing; - mfare tu nnoh-abiesa n6
nnon-nah mu, die cooling hreeze cofnes between 3 and 4 o'clock.

ofdr 61) ae [nea ofa* bae] the author or originator of a new play,
song or other thing; onipa a ode agoru hi ana dwom bi ana biri-
biara a woye wo omah mu ba; sa agoru no f. ni! pr. 1098.

m f a r e-d a n, parlour for cooling, summer house. Judg. 5,50. Am. 3,15.

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nifarehd — fe. 117

m fa re ho, inf, [fa li6] compass, circumference^ pcrijjhcri/; cf.


mfarc-fci\-berc, the time from about 3 to 4 o'clock in the aftcr^

noon; cf. mfare & betwabere.

afarfo, F. = apofofo, fishers. Mh 1,16.

afarpata, F. = aforomuka, Mt 23,18.
f a-s a', adv. lit. take it so, \iz. just as it is, = rather, syn. mmom.
Nea wode kosom Asantefo no, fa-sa kosom Aborofo, instead ofserv-
imj the Asantcs, serve rather the Europeans. — FasiidiYm'ase, (Be-
content-with-it-thank-me) pr. n. given to a slave.

afaasoduru [aduru a efa ase] purgative, aperient.

fa-asem-kye, forgiveness; onnim f. pi, titer e is not much
placability in him; cf. gfakje, gfafiri.

afase w, Ak. -see, an inferior kind of yaw; s. odL pr. 858. 1094.
afaso-kani, afasew-tuntum, s. gd^.

mf^s6, inf. gain, profit, benefit, emolument; pr. 1095, - wafa mf.
pi = wafa so pi, he has made or gained much profit.
m f a s 6 - p e , inf. greediness, self-interesiedness.
mfaso-pefo, a self-interested x)erson; greedy of gain or profit.
g-fasii, pi. a-, wall. pr. 328. — to f., to build a wall.
aljisii-t(), inf. building a wall. — mfasu-siii, ruins; cf. afabo.
fata, v. to fit, suit, meet; to become, pr. 2864. F. to be worthy
of. Mt. 10, 10. — f. so, to agree, accord or harmofiize wiHi; to be fit,
titling, suitable, proper, appropriate. Cf. se, se so, & sen, kyen so,
boro so.

f ^ t a f a t a, fa t a f a t a , a., adv. reeling, staggering, fluctuating,

lUckering, fickle, unsteady; dmp^h' tu fatafata, the bat flits, flutters,
flickers; cf. f^re, v.
m f a t a e , m f a t a s o , inf. fitness, aptitude.
ni-t 6 , inf. building in pise (swish).

mfji-to-h5, inf. comparison, similitude, application of a simi-

litade. pr. 1096.

mfd-to-so, inf. a false charge or accusation, imputation; defa-

mation; syn. romotoso, adansekriim.

g-fa-twa, inf. denunciation; sycophancy, tale-bearing; treachery,

perfidy; obia awurakwa akgka ne ygnko awiirakwa bone bi a waye.
o-fatwafo,2?Z. a-, denouncer, sycophant, tale-bearer, traitor.

[pr. 1097.

fa-woho-kodi ["take thyself go eat''] a name for lc2)rosy {cf.

kwata, piti), because a slave seized by it was set free i. e. left to
himself. Cf di 6.

fe, few, red. fefe, fefew, fef<ife, &c. (Gr. §70.) adj., adv.
l.finc,prdty,nicc,beautiful, amusing; pr. 12 18. 2950. 3555. — after ho,
handsome; pr.28. 1.392- syn. guahn, kama, oso. — 2. glad, in the ex-
pression eye me fe, it makes me glad, gives me joy: eye me fe(w) se
moaba, / am glad that you are come. Cf. few, n., ahogfe.

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118 fe — cf(5.

fe, v., s. fefew.

fe, pL&'j a bleeding wound especially in the head, sf/n. apira-

kuru; wobo no fe, Wobobg no afe= wopirano, wopirapira no, ihey
wound him; ode ne fe no koe, he went with his wound; ne fe no atii,
his wound has become tdcerous.

fe, V. [red* fife] to be or become fine, tender, soft, smooUi by

grinding, pounding; said also of woven things; - kyekyerc no afe
dgkodoko, that meal is very finely ground; fufu no fe, iJie dougfitf
mass of pounded yam (or plantains) is soft; ofe a efe yi, mirensiw
bio, as it is so fine already y I will not pound it any longer ; aduru
no mfei e, the powdered medicine is not yet fine enough; ntaraa yi
ani fe, this cloth is soft, smooth ^ fine, Cf fe, fei, v, & feko, a.

f^, V. [red. fefe] 1. to eject from the stomach, Uic tJiroat, die
mouth; to vomit; pr. 190. — fe ntasn, Ak. ta or to ntasu, to throw
otd saliva or spittle, to spit out ; pr, 2347, — fe h6hore, to throw md
phlegm ; fe ahohora (fig>), to foam out shameful words, to commit
sJmmefid deeds, — ^. fe ho, <o flow over; cf, fere ho, tere ho, boro
80, bu so. — 3, to yearn or long for, to desire, desiderate; to be home-
sick: mafe (= ni*ani agyina) me na, me kiirom, meygiikd yi; ofe
no, wafeno. — 4. fe neho akyiri, to repent; asem a midii no,
mafe meho akyiri sd, I repent very much (of)^ what I have done.
F.id. Mt. 21,32, 27,3'

c-f e, inf, vomiting, pr. 1098.

fe, V, s, few.

fe, adv, completely, entirely; thoroughly; cf, kora, po &c. Gv.%

134,3c. Wadi nenhina fe! wapra odan mn h<? nh. fe; wasesaw
nsu no hh. f^. Cf, fefefe.

fe, V, s, fei.
fe, adv, openly, plainly, clearly; cf, filhh, fenh, p^fe. Eda h6
fe; mihftd no fo.

ffe, adv, deep, deeply, far doton, far below the surfctce, Edaasc
f(^; ehye mti fd; me nsA ak6 nsu no md fe na miiiha.

f e, f e, interj, a challenge to fight and its answer. Se wo asem

te se mede a, twiw bfira na yenko! fefe [= f^^] a word of con-
tem'ipt. pr. 1099. cf mfi, F.

afe, 2^1' (^' id.) mf6f6, a person of equal age, size, rank; jday-
mate, coinpanion, comrade, fellow; F, afe, neighbours, — wo Afe ne
nea wo n^ no se afe; pr. 1826. w6ye me mf^fo; pr. 1104. b g afe, to
enter into fellowship with; pr. 682. — gdem(^. hye af6, gde n'df^ hye
me, he deems me his equal, he obtrudes himself upon me; cf, afehyv,
mpekua, fekuw.

afe, pi, m-, year; syn, afirihyia. — di afe, to celebrate a yearly

festival; cf afedi & di ^8. 75.

afe, j;?. m-, comb,

e-fe, a kind o£ fly-brush, fail for flies, made of the tiny sticks or
fibres of palm-leaves, tied together: berew mu nnua a wgayiyi a-
wcre ho na wgde abom' akyekye ne ti de pra won ho ohurii, gtcn,
nwansana ; emu akese hi wg hg a akgmfo de kgm. Cf mm^f6, asaff.

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mfe — fefefe. 119

mfe, -ban, tl^e side oftJu! body; of man and animals. — mfem\
the side of the body, viz. the inner part of it: me rafem' ye me yaw,
/ have pain, in my side,

ftid, a child that died first in a family (before any of its bro-
thers or sisters); "abofra a wawu yi ye foa". pr. 630.

tea, V, 1. to lay up or by^ to keep, preserve; fa fea ma me =

fa kosie ma me [obs.] — ^. to yive in addition, to add, to repeat (a
blow, shot, punishment): wabo no twere wafea no; wafea aboa no
or watow no tuo afea no = watow no tuo bio; ofea no, he gives him
the last, deadly stroke. — fea so = pa so; cf, foa so, pua; fea ho,
to enlarge. — fe afea ho, to pitff (up), to give a better appearance
to, set off to the best advantage, to improve on reality; mofeafea atoro
bo to me so. — mfeafeaho (inf.) enlargement, augmentaiion.

feafea, a. pointed, tapering, as a pyramid, obelisk, spire,

sngar-loaf; thin, slender: kotokurodu ayaase ye f.

f e a m\ an amulet to bring about a quick delivery of a child,

o-f e a m , 5. ofiam. pr. 1100. ^P^- ^'^^'
mfe-bdu, the side of the human body.
mfeda, F. last year; nnfedan, next year; Mf. Or. p. 136.
afe-ddh, inf. lit. the turning (renewing) of the year; afed^in
sesc, a twelve-mmUh ago; eh a af., a iwelvemonth hence, next year.
afe-df, inf. festival, feast-day, anniversary.

fee, V. with ase, to propagate, to continue, increase or multiply

by generation or successive production (of animals and plants) ; to
breed abundantly. Akoko no ase afee, that hen has got a goodly num-
ber of offspring; mefee m'akoko yi ase, / let this fowl of mine breed;
gd6 no ase afee, that yam has proimgated or spread; mefge me d^
ase, I propagate my yam; duaba a wode maa me no, as6 af6e. Cf.
fefew, foe.

fefa, fofa, red. v. 1. s. fa. — 2. with ho: to wind round about;

owo fefafefa dua no ho, the serpent is wound about the tree in many

fefa, a. flexible dtc. s. fa. Diff. flfa.

fefare, fofare, red. v. [fare = fa] 1. to dry to a certain degree

(in pottery). — J2. to seise, take possession of; to occupy, to fill (a
space). Ekaw afefare mo amcne me, I am dqcply involved in debt.
afefare, inf. extension, extent; the space occupied by some-
thing, the surface included within any given lines, area; circum-
ference, compass; - gdan yi afefare n^ turo yi de se, the area of this
house and thai of this garden are alike; dua yi afefarem' beyg
anammoh anan, the circumference of this tree will be four feet.

f e f e, a. s. fe.
afefede, fi>ne, nice, beaidiful thing or things; s. mfef6w-ade.

fefe, red. v. s. fei. pr. 1101 f.

fefefe, a., adv. a<;curate, exact; exactly; completely, thorough-

ly; oka asem a, okyere ase f.; okyere me ade a, mete ase f.; syn.
pepepe. — cf fb.

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120 fef6fo — fem.

fgf 6 fo, mighty men? Jer. 26,21.

fcfere, red. v. s. fere.

fefere-fefer§, adj. flickering; gkanea no aye f., tJic light

flickers (before dying).

afe fe-sem, a deliglUful thing or matter; odo ye af., enye akyen-

kyenne, love is a matter of free will, not of constraint or compulsion.
fefew, s. fefe, a.

fefe w, red. v. few, to btid, sprout, shoot (out or forth), to put

fofih shoots; to grow (up), i^rosper, flourish, especially of plants; -
ma wo adwuma mf. wg yen mu. Cf. few, fee, fromra.
fcfew-bere,t spring.
mfefewa: yi mf., to teaze; oyi me mf., Jie teases me, excites me
to ungovernable anger, = oborah me bo >- oburu me bo» oyi me
abufa, oyi me^abi. — mftfewA-yi, inf. tcazing.

mfefew-ade, = afef^de; pr. 1103; pomp, state, luxury.

mfefo, s. afe. pr. 1104.

mfe-ho-akyir, F. repentance. MtSJil. cf. nnubo, abonu.

afc-hy6, inf. impudence, insolence, arrogance; disrespect, dis-
paragement, cf. bye afe; - 6y^ af., instead of associating with bis
companions of tbe same age, he puts himself on a par with elder
persons, intrudes himself forces his company upon tliem; - d^n af. nf !
fei (or fe), v. to search by opening or entering into, to prick,
to poke; to jnck; wofei won aniwam\ asom', onipa bo akwaii nb. ran,
ntamam'; wafei n'aniwam' fvie me (fig.), he looks at me sharply,
keenly, with clear eyes. — lied, fefe, fefei, feifei; wof. ne nbwi mu;
wufeifei kara nom^ a, anka wobebu nea pane no bye.

df^f [afe yi?] adv. now, at present ; after that, Uien; ekau-no
wgkoe, afei de, woye biako. — F. afi, amfi, mfi.

af(5-k^e, yearly celebration, anniversary; awoda-di, odwira-

twa ye af., the celebration of tlie birth-day, of the yam-custom, ts a
yearly remembrance of tbe real birtb-day or tbe first institution of
tbe custom.

fek o, feko-feko, a. <& adv., fine pulverized; yam no f., grind it

quite fine; aduru no aye f. = afe aye b^tebetc, nmbilmubu (of dry
tbings), bgdobgdg (of tbings mixed witb water),
m f c k 6 r p a , As. innumerable years.

fekiiw, [afe kuw] a heap or company of persons having about

the same age; any number or body of people forming a company,
society y association, club. Me fekuw so kyeu wo dc, my contempor-
aries are more numerous, my company or party is larger than yours;
obg feku-bone, he keeps bad company. — F. oyer uya okun bo fe-
kwu, the wife enjoys the company of the husband. Frk.

o-f (5 k 11 n i , pi. -fo, member of a cofnjyany, society dx., comrade.

fekQ-nijj^yede [fekuw anigye ade] social pleasures.

fem, V. 1. to lend, loan; to let (for hire), to lease, to hire out;

syn. bo bosea. — 2. to borrow; to hire; syn. pe b6sea. — Mafem no

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afem — mfensa. 121

sika, / have lent him money; mafem ne ho sika, I Imve borrowed

money from him. Cf. firi. — 5. to pinch, squeeze, compress between
or to seize and hold with the fingers, pincers, tongs &c., to nip; to
cramp; ode dibaw a.s. awiri fern gya, he takes a fire-brand with a
pair of tongs, — Q-f§m, inf, — 6hj6 fern •= ofem.

afem, a kind of leopard, smaller than osebg and asabontwi.

f^mm, adv, 1, low, lowly, very low; okotow no f., he bowed
or stooped down before him very low; woabSre no ase f., he has been
deeply humbled. — ^. quite level, even, smooth; nsu no an! ada f.,
the stir face of the water has become perfectly smooth.

f e m , V. to grow blunt, dull, to be set on edge: me se aftjm, my

teeth are set on edge; iem jino or se, to disgust, to cause or excite
dislikcy distaste, disrelish, disgust ; to tire, weary; pa a mekodii no
afem m'ano a.s. me se, = adwama a migyei se m^koye no, eden mo
so nti, mintumi menye, / am tired of the tvork which I engaged to
perform, I have enough of it, can do it no more ; mema afem wo ano,
I shaU make it loatlisome or disgusting to you; kuruwa no afem
n'ano = ne nom ye deii dodo, the cup is too bitter for him.
mfCm', = mfe mu, s. mf^.

mfcmf6m, miistache, mustachio; the whiskers of a cat or other

sach animal.

f e h f e n , hasty, hurried ste2)Sy leaps, bounds, pr. 1107- — onam

fen fen fen, he leaps, skips, capers, Iwbbles.
f6iin, a. s. fann, fe, &c.
e-f(5ii, Ak. efen, efene, Ab. ofen, a newly framed, amusing or
pleasant word which for a time becomes a favourite expression; a
jocose, jocular, sportive, droll word or expression, jest, joke, sport.
Wodi f. ne se : asem biako bi aba na nnipa nhinu. kuram', te se abo-
yam', oyima; asem yi, nnansa yi wode di f.; as§m no adan fene a
wodi; ofen bi aba nnansa yi, wofre no oyima; efene hyia a, wonni
bio (pr. 1108.); yedi won ho fen = few, we make sport of them; wode
no di fen, they make a, fool of him; ntama yi ye fe; ma yenni no
fen = ma yento na yen bauu nko ara mfura nkycre.

fcna, F. = fana, f5na, to trouble; to be troubled, Fs.90,7. Mi.

S,29. 15,22. woreffena akwan, iJiey were toiling in rowing, ML 6,48.
a f e n a , F. = afoa. Mt. 26,47. 51 f
fcndn, bile thrown up from the stomach; f6 a nea oyare atiri-
dii no yam' adc sa a, 6fe kata akyiri; = bghwoma, dunno.
mfendzc, F. wiadze mf., the ends of the earth. Fs. 67,7.

lenemm, fenemffenem, s. fremm, fremfrem.

af^nkwa [fern, akoa] a slave hired from his master.
mfcncwa, mfonowft, a kind of bead, s. ahene.
mfensfi [s. afe, esa] 1. lit. three years; mahye no mf. se omme-
tua ka, I have given him three years' time for the payment oftJie debt;
pr.S47. — 2. a Imig time; wotog ado mf. ni, wommetud kdw? mfe-
nsa yi ara wunwie nhdma yi kyerew ana? mamma ahku a, mf. yi
wodaso gyina ho, duom! mf. ni a obo yi fi da ho ara; seuea wo

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122 mKnsero — gfere.

de wobetraH ho (= wiase ha) mf. ara ni na woreuye adwuma hi?

— 3. [== mfe a ensa] years tJiol have no end, always, for ever,

[pr, 1878.2620.

m f e n s e r 6 [Dutch venstcr, Ger. fenster^ window, window-shuUcr;

cf. apomma. — mfensere-dua, window-frame.

f§nt^m, t;. to level, plain; to make even or level, asase, tJte

ground; cf fgtew, funtum.

fen tern, a. (£• adv. even, level, plain, flat; smooUi; levelled tcilJi
the ground; lazy, idle; quiet. Oda fam' f., he lies flat ofi the ground
and does not stir (or, idle, without stirring); woaye kiirow no f. =
woasee k. n. abubu ho adan hh. agu fam' kora, tfiey have levelled
the town with the ground, evened it with the sod.

inf§ntoin', inf [fem, to, mu] interest, usury; roigyeno mf., /

take interest from him; ma mf., to pay interest; wofem atiri 2 a, wo-
ma atiri 3, wo da si asram 3. (at. 10, — at. 15, — afriliyia); sika
a ode fern no no, onya ohamu anum da afrihyia, he gets 5 percent
on the money Jw lent him. — syn. nsiho, 50 per cent, or less; mpem-
anim, 100 per cent; cf huruw sika.

dfferaw', pi. m-, a large bird with beautiful (groen) plumage,

feeding on fruit; the clock-bird, said to announce the hours by its
cry; by-names: oto-abere, tuakwan.
afere, Ak. id.

f ^ r e, V. [red. fefere] 1. to swing, brandish, flourish. — ^. f. m u,

to bore through, pierce, perforate, drill; of^rc ahen6 no mu = ode
fitii a.s. sekan n.a. fitf mu tokiiru. — 3. f. ho, to trifle, fribble, dabble,
bungle, tamper about or with, to touch here and there. O'f^re aduaii
ho, = odi ho ako-ni-aba, otwa ho pe ntem na onnidi. Ofef^r^ a-
dw^ma no ho: §86 ky5n n6 nti 6ntumi ny^, onennamh6 kwk\ osom'
a, f&t^fata; ot6 ko, t6 ba.

fer(5, V. [red. fer<5f^re] 1. to respect, revere; to fear, to slum;

gmfere Nyankopon mfere nnipa, he fears neither God nor man.
Luk. 18,2. pr. 866. 2159 f — 2. to be cautious, wary, careful, heed-
ful; s. 7. — 3. to be ashamed of. pr. 1929. — d. to be shy at, to be
bashful, timid, to be afraid of pr. 1114-17. 1929. — 5. to be disgraced,
to pine under disgrace, pr. 1113. 2287. — 6. to feel embarrassed or
under restraint, pr. 547. — 7. fere ade, to be conscientious, strict, cor-
rect, duteous, moral, religious, superstitious.

e-fere, afer6, inf respect; bashfidness; shame. pr.lUlf. cf.


e-ferc, 1. pot-sherd, piece, fragment of a pot. — 2. a pot with

a Jwle, used for melting lead, gold &c., melting-pot, crucible.

fere, F. — fe: wabo no f., he has wounded him.

fere, v. [ret?, fefere] f. ho, to fail, to miss hitting, reaching,

attaining or finding; syn. siane ho, tore ho; to have not sufficiaU
room; nhoma no afere ho wo kotokum', the book stands forth or out,
is projecting sideways in the bag, from want of room. Cf. fe ho.

fere, 5. anifere, cf. fei, v. — fere, a. cf. ferefere,

e-fere, gourd, Cucurbiia. pr.lllO.

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afero — gfewa. 123

afere: odan af., the smaU sides of a house(?)pr.3385.

fere fere, a. deow, bare^ exposing the bare grou/iid; yc ho f.;
obotan f. Eze.24;r. cf, feaf^a. — fcreferefere, adv, cteafd^; popa
pon no so f.; wapra dan mn bo f.

Q-f^ref6, pL a-, i. a person respected or revered by another;

me f. nc nipa a mefere no. W6 fyr^fo fl^r^ 4, na woAf^re, pr, 1118.

— 2. one wlw respects or reveres another, pr. 1119.

in fere ho, inf. missing one^s aim.

f6renc, a. excessive , ample? pr.3235. Cf, gkwahf^rene.

afgre-sem, (pi, id^) a disgracefvl, shameful word, deed or
matter; ascm a wudi a.s. woka a, eye aniwu; woadi af. 'ne! to-daif
you have commuted a very shameful deed!
nifete: twa mf. = kyini.

f^tefete, a. light y thin; syn. hdtahata, hamahama.

fetefete, v. f. ho, to tear up or opcriy to slit, rend, cut open;
syn, buebue ho, titi ho.

fetefete, pi, mfetemfetewa,5waW; syn. nketenkete; bonemf.,

ade, asem mf. — mfetemfetewa-de, trifles.

fe tere, t?. <o strip off, draw back, draw up, tuck up (a cover-
ing, a sleeve); syn. worow. — afeterefetere (R.pr.129.) the dem^
ding of the glans by drawing the prepnce or foreskin.

fetew, V. to hoc and level the ground; to plough, cf. fcntem,

funtum. — fetew^-a(le,+ plough.

dffctewd, a kind of free with edible fruits.

mfetewe, a ploughed place; asase a woafetew.

f Q w, V. [red, fefew, q, v.] to thrive (of men and beasts) ; to pros-

})er, flourish; to multiply, to become numerous; woafew = woado,
woaye bebre.

few, t?. to squeeze, pinch; to jam, to wedge in; syn. fem, pen,
ti, titi. Ode n'akantannua afew me nan ; waka no afew dua ntam\

— f. aburow, to take out the grains from tJie ear of maize, = tutu
ab. fi abdrodua ho.

few, 17. F. few ano, to kiss. Mt. 26^48. Mk. 14,44. = few ano.
few, a. s. fe, fefe.
e-f^w, n. 1. fineness, beauty, fairness, handsomeness: ade no,
nef. ne d^n ! ne f. no biribiara nse ! nc few de, wonk^, its fineness
is unspeakable. — 2. gladness ; efew a eye me no, eny 6 adewa ! F.
dzi few, to rejoice. — 3. sport, mock, mockery; di.. ho few = goru..
ho, to make sport with, make a mockery of, mock at.

few, V. [red. fifew] to sip;- to lap; to suck, suck out (dompem*

hon, the marrow of a b&nc); few .. ano, to kiss; mifew n'ano, I kiss
him. Cf. nom, num nufu, fwew & F. few.

m f e w a (pi. id.) 1. wooden spikes fastened to the strings of a

drum. — 2. screw; the screws which hold the lock of a gun; cf.

ofewa, a kind of tree, very hard, but only of a man's height;

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124 ofSwabiri — fi.

uDua ma panyin, dennennen, ketewa s^; wode fwe nnipa, wode tow
8ukud6h. — gfewa-biri, another similar kind of /re^; wode ye
osoku n6 ntweri.

mfow-ano, inf. the act o^ kissing, a kiss.

few-di, inf. the act of mocking , mockery, sportive insult; =

nnoruho; cf. ahlyi.

0-fewdifo, i??. a-, mocker, scorner, scoffer, deridcr; cf. ohiyifo.

f i, V. Ak. firi [red. fifi, q. v.] 1. to come oid, come forth, issue,
appear; syn. pue; owia fi, the sun appears (comes forth from behind
the clouds; diff. pue); osram fi, the moon comes forth i.e. the new-
moon appears, pr. 3044. — mogya bebre fii, much blood ran out; nsu
pi fi bae, Num. 20,11. — 2. to come up, spring, shoot up, out or forth,
to rise above the ground; aba a midiiae no afi, tJie seed which I plant-
ed has come up ; cf fifi; to grow. — 3. to grow fit for proper use:
n'ani afi, his eyes have come forth i.e. he has arrived at the age of
discretion. — 4. to be prosperous, advantageous, come out well: ade
yi afi. — 5. to go off readily, sell wdl, meet with a ready sale or
market: m'aguade fi; me ntama a metone no fii. — 6*. to come out,
become public, be revealed: asem no afi, this thing is known. Ex.2,14.
cf fi adi 14^b). — 7. to become clean: m'atade afi, my dress is clean;
knruwa no ho afi, na emu mfii e, the outside of the jug is clean, btU
not yet tfie inside. — 8. to be justified, be declared guiltless : ne ho
afi. — 9. to come or go from, forth from, out of (a place, person or
thing); to proceed or begin from; in these meanings it is followed
by a locative complement (Gr. § 207. 208,5), and serves most fre-
quently as an atix. v. showing the direction (from some starting-
point) of a movement expressed by another verb and supplying the
Eng. prepp. from (with the complement m u, out of) and since ; cf Gr.
§ 109,30.31. 208,5. 223,4. 224. 229,1. 230,3. 239,1. 240«.&. 265,1.
Ohuruw fii hyen mu too pom', he sprang out of the ship into tJte
sea; wgtow no fii hyen no mu kyenee po mu, they cast him out of
the ship into the sea; ofii dua no so durui (=sii fam'), he came down
from the tree; wanyftn afi nna mu, he has awoke from sleep; nam no
aboh, yi fi kutu mu, the meat is done, take it out of the pot; efii se
ne ba wui no, onserewe da, she has never laughed since fwr child
died. Cf efise. — 10. to come or be from, derive, have origin from a
place (or person) : wufi he? where do you come from? what country-
man are you? mifi Nkran na mereba, I am coming from Akra;
mifi hayi, I am from here; ofi nsuase (ba), he comes up from tlie
bottom of tJie river, pr. 2716. me na asem yi fi me, this matter is from
me, lKi.l2M John 8,47.9,16. lJohn4j.6. — 11. to leave, to go aivay
from; ofii ho koe = ogyaw ho koe, he departed from thence; fi me
so! (go) away from me! mifii n'anim' ho mifii, I went away from
before him. — 12. to escape ; wafi mu afi, he has escaped from it. —
13. to emerge from or appear at a place : Filipo kofii Asoto, PJiilip teas
found at Azotus. Acts 8,40. Cf 14. 18. 20. — i4. f i adi, a> to go or
come out: ofii adi fii ne dan mu, he went out from his house; caus. to
bring out: koyi adaka no fi adi, go and fetch the box out; - h) to
come to lighti become manifest: n*awi afi adi, his theft Juts cotne to

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ofi — cfi. 125

light. — 15, fi gua, to appear publicly, manifest or reveal one's self

in public. — fi gua so, pr, 1452, to come out = 14 h); diff. pr.ll24,

— 16, f i .. akyi, a) especially with the ingressivc prefix be- or ko-

(cf. 13)y to come or appear behind; wabefi m'akyi, he has turned up
in my rear; cf, waba m'akyi; obi amfi m'akyi, nobody came to sup-
port, assist, or help me, pr. 1190. — b) to do behind one i. e. without
one's knowledge: mintumi mimfi ohene akyi nieny6, I cannot do it
without the knowledge of the king, — 17, f i aky iri, a) to go begond
the limits, be carried ov pushed too far; n'asem a oreka no afi akyiri
= akoboro so. — b) to come after, come to pass afterwards = ba
mu (?) — c) to remain behind, be behindhand or backward: wasaw
ma afi akyiri, = wansdw akyene a woka no ano pep^pe, dancing
too sloicly, he has not kept up with the drum. — 18, befi .. mu, fi
mpaaso, to come unexpectedly, unawares: onipa yi abefi mi mA;
wgato won k&ro ho fasn na dom bi ammefl won mu; Asantefo ab^fi
yen mpsiase. — 19. fi .. nsa, to be lost to: me mma fi me nsa a, na
woafi me nsa, Qen, 43,14. anoma no afi mo nsa =r afi me nsam' or
me nkyeh aguah. — 20. befi.. nsam', to come into one's possession:
wabefi me nsdm^ = waba me nkyen, manya no. — 21. fi ase, a)
to begin, commence, syn. boe, fiti ase, hye ase, tu ase; wafi n'adwuma
ase, he has begun his work. — b) to lay the fotmdation; syn. bye
ase, bo ase. — c) to begin at the beginning: fi ase ka, repeat or re-
late (it) from tJie beginning, — 22. fi or f i.. so, <o begin from, with
or at a place, time, person or thing (often supplying the Eng. prep.
frofn or since): won nhina behu me afi won mu akQma so akosi won
mu kesc so, Heb.8,11. Mat. 20,8. ofi baa ha eny6 'ne, Gr.§ 230,3. —
23. fi tan : ofi taii : she goes out the first time after her confinement ;
ofi bra, she returns fronh her retirement during her monthly courses.

— 2d. tr. to cause, to come forth, to send forth, emit: fi fifiri, to emit
.nceat, perspire; fi mogya, to send forth blood, i.e. to bleed: me nsa
refi mogya, my Jiand is bleeding ; fi ani, to get eyes; pr.8119. fi se, to
teeth, breed or cut tcMh.

o-fi, o-fio, pi, afi, home, the place a man lives in, mansion; -
hence 1. a man^s own house, in contradistinction to other houses and
the street; a dwelling including all the houses and the yard be-
longing to a single family (diff, fr. odan & aban, which denote the
house as a particular kind of building) ; bera me ^, come into my
house; y4nko ofie? shall we go home? mesoe ne fi da, I always take
up my lodgings in his house; pr.2782. Gr. § 124,1. — 2, town, in
contradistinction to the forest and field or to the villages belonging
to it (diff, fr, kilrow, denoting the town as a collection of houses, and
fr. oman, usually denoting the inhabitants as an organized political
body), pr. 7 53. 1129. 1680 f, — 3, home, lasting abode: yen fi pa wg
(or nc) gsoro, our true home is Jieaven,

afi, F. = afe yi, this year. — 2. = afci, noia, then. ML 26,65.

^mfi, mfi, F. = afet Mk.l2fi.

nifi, F. then, expressing defiance; cf. ft*.

e-fi, filth, dirt; n'atade aye fi, his dress is dirty; ne ho aye fi,
he is dirty; efi aka no or wagu neho fi = n'akyiwade bi aka no.

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126 efi — fifl.

Jie has defiled himself (by eating something that was forbidden to
him); ne yere de fi abeka no, his wife has defiled him (by adultery).

e-fi, fifi, pi. afi-afi, a. filthy, dirty , nasty, unclean; cf. buru,
bnrum; ne ho ye fi, he is dirty, unclean; 6yh n'dd6 tlft, he does ev-
ery thing in a nasty manner; ghye atadefl, ofura ntamafi or ntama
afiafi, he wears nasty clothes.

e-fi, ph afiaff, bundle, sheaf; sail (= sare fi), nnua-fiy ahabanfi^

borewfi, a bundle of grass, of sticks (cf babayerafi), of leaves, of
palm-leaves; mmfironan afiafi, bundles of maize-stalks.

an, (in compounds, as abememff, ahafi, akwantemfl, atifi) tlie

middle or midst of

mfi-mfi, F. = miinimfini, tJie middle, midst.

mfia, Aky. s. demmere.

afi-adze, F. treasures. Mt 13^2. = afi-ade, akorade.

aflaff-anomfl = atrdn6. pr.ll25.

afiafi, pi. 1. of efi, filthy; 2. of efi, bundle.

mfi-akyiri, inf. [fi 16 6] odino mf., he does it without asking

him; odi Qhene mf., he does not hold or side witli (adhere or stick to)
the king, he acts against his w'dl and without his knowledge.

o-fiam', a kind oi shrew-mouse, pr. 1100.

fiampakwd, hedge-hog; cf. apesee.
fiamparakwa, = hkontompo; twa f., pr.3402.

aflase [ofi ase] the lower part or story of a house; hence 1. store,
store-house, ware-house, magazine; cellar. — 2. prison; cf. dcduafi,
nneduafo fi; pr. 1126. oda af., he is in prison; wgfaa no too af. ; me-
kof we§ no wo af. ; oyii me fii af.

mfiase, inf. [fi ase, s. fi 21.] beginning, commencement; syn.

mfitiase, nhy^ase, mmoase, asefi, asefiti, asehy§.

o-flase-fwgf6, pi. a-, jailer, jail-keeper, keeper of a prison,

a f i b a (p^. id.) s. afieboa. [turn-key.

¥\A9i,Fnday. Gr. § 41,4.

o-fie, s. ofi. Meko fi^y I am going home: wo agya wg ofie ana?

afie-boa, j^Z. irf. or m-, ofie-mmoa, domestic animal, such as

caMle, fowls, sheep, goats, cats drc.

o-f i e-b f 6 [ofie, gbgf6, the house-hunter] a by-name of the cat,

s. agyinamoa.

o-fle-dk-ntiiw, ofiedentuo, ofituw [ofie a eda ntuw] a dwelling

witliout fire i.e. without people limng in it, desolate dwelling; fiisty
mansion, pr. 1131.

o-fle-fwQ, inf. stewardship. — ofiefwe -(a)dwuma, id., admini-

stration; 1 Cor. 9,17. Col. 1,25. cf afisiesie.

0-fic-fwgfo, pi. a-, steward, manager of a houselidd.

o-fie-mans6, civU war; cf. amahko.

o-ile-nipa, a home-born slave.

o-fie-panyin, steward.
f\fi, a. weak; syn. siamo.

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fifi — afipam. 127

f i f i, red. v, 5. fi ; fo come forth or up, to spring (of water and

plants), to shoot up^ out or forth, to grow multitudinoudp ; mmere f.
siw BO, mushrooms grow ofh ant-hills; - to exude, sweat, ooze, perco-
late; ahina yi yc foforo nti, efifi.
a f i f i d e, i>^. wif. [ade a efifi] plant
flfiri [fr. firi, red,] sweat, perspiration; neho fi f., ofi f., f. fi
no, he perspires, sweats; f. gaam no, pram no, he sweats copiously,
f i f i s e [fifiri ase] pricMy-heat, a cutaneous eruption of red
pimples, attended with intense itchi ng of the parts affected ; s, ahokeka.
afi-foro [ofi, foforo] a new dwelling; durn af., to remove or
enter int^ a neicly huiU mansion and consecrate it by a solemnity of
1-3 days.

afi-gu, inf, destruction of a house or family,

afi-hiia [ofi, hua, lit. house-sweeping] a present at parting, given
by a guest or lodger; wama me af., e.s. oreko babi na wagyaw me

fikuw, fikwu, F. household. Mt. 24,45,

afi-kyiri, m-, place heliind a dwelling, pr,535, = okg af. =
wakyima neho, obii nsa, oye bra. — afikyik6-tAm = asdbu-Ulm.

mfikyi-fuw [mfikyiri afuw] plantation, garden, or otiier land

behind the house, = afuw A, opp, afuw-pa.

ni f i k y i-s a s e [mfikyiri asase] land behind tJie house or houses,

within the precincts of a town or village; suburb, Jos, 21,
f i m' = fi mu.
mfiin', mfimii, inf. [fi mu, s.^9,18] 1, an inconsiderate word:
asem yi ye mf. = as^m yi fii no mu, this word escaped his lips un-
awares, he spoke it out at random, inconsiderately, — ^.+ a deriva-
tive word, Oram.
m-fimfin, F. == mfinimfini. Mt 18,2.20,

fin, adv, [Dan. fin, 6. fin] finely, nicely, exactly; oye n'ade
nhina f. = fefefe, pepepe.

-fin, mfi ii, a. stale, old, notfre3h, kept over night, having lost
its flavour from being long kept ; aduan no aye mf., this food (having
been kept over night) has become tasteless; aduamfin ne aduan a
ade akye so; fufQfin, nkwamfin; cf nnyafih.
mfina, F. = nhina, all. Mt 22,28,
{luauiy V. to make fifie or smooth by grinding, pounding, pla-
ning; to grind a second time [G. fra]; it is also used with mu or
so: wafinam awi no (mu) or fufu no ma afe; fa apaso finam so!

mflnigyer [Eng.] vinegar. F. Mt 27^34,

nifinl-mfinl, the middle, midst (of a space or thing); in the

midst of, in, on; mihyiaa no okwan mf., I met him on tJie way,

o-fi-nipa, s, offenipa; mefree m6 fl nipa hi bae, I called one

of the people in my house (a relative, pawn or slave).

fintsiw, V. F. = hintiw. — f.-duia, = hintidua, Mt llfi. 15^12.

afl-pam, inf. Mi, joining of dwellings, neighbourhood; g-n6 mc

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128 fi fiefo — fit^

bo af., our houses are in conneciwn wUh each other j we are neigh-
bours. — o-fi(>amf6, pi. a-, neighbour.

fi-pefo, an unchaste, icanion person.

fir a, V. 1. to twine, twist, spin (asawa, dow). — J2. Ak. —

fura, q. v.

fir, F. = fi, fin. — ofirde, = efise. Mk. 64s.

firi, r. 1. Ak. = fi, q. r. — 2. to take, receive, or tniif (goods)

on trust or credit: mekofirf neho ade (se wokoto ade na wiintaa ka
mprempren na adi nnansa ana nnannan a, na wose: woafiri). —
3. to give or sell on trust or credit: mifiri no ade ; cf. fern, adefiri,
odefiHfo. — 4. de or fa., firi, to forgive, pardon: ode (ncbone)
afiri BO, he has forgiven him (Jtis sin) ; fa me bone firi me, forgive
me my sin!

0-firi, albino, wlute negro, a negro with light-colonred, yellow-

isb hair and complexion. The term ''albino' wsm originally applied bj
the Portugese to the white negroes they met with on the coast oC Africa.
(Webster.) Negroes haying that exceptioiial colour of the skin and hair are
occasionally met with also in the inland countries.

aflrl,^. m-, 1. trap, snare, for catching game or birds; afiri

a wode yi mmoa ne: apd, ns^mma, dwakoro; the diff. parts are
odAan^, oknnti!in, nterew86 or h^ntda, mp^tepra; af. hCian, tlie springe
snaps up; sum or sua af., to set a trap, to lay a snare, pr. 11S6.20S1.
2S81. 3031. — J2. machine, engine, gin, contrivance, frame, form or
mould for any purpose; ade hi a wgye adwuma wom\ se ntama-
nwemfo de (nsadua) &c. turning-bench, satcing-marhine , coffee-mill
d;c. — 5. bu af. {or afiripata?), to turn a somersault (or somerset);
obn af., e.8. ode ne ti kyere fam^ na ne nan ko soro na okogyina ho
a.s. of we ase.

afiri-bii, inf. fs. bef] somersatdt.

afirihyia, s. afrihyia.

a f i r i m , atuo-suman hi.

afiripatd, biribi a mmofra goru so; wode nnua na eye. Cf.

(bu) afiri 3.

a f i r 1-s h d , a f i r i-s li m , inf. laying a snare.

firiwa, pi. m-, cord, siring, twine, made of the fibres of the
leaves of the ananas-plant, cf. nkyekyera.

efi-86, efiri-se, conj. [cfi se, it comes from (the circumstance)

that] 1. because; s'.Gv. § 141,1 B. e. 275,1.2. — 2. [=it begiwi from
(the fact) that] since; s. Gr. § 265; in this sense the two parts arc
separated and written as two words.
a f i-s cm [ofi asem] domestic matter, in-door matter, pr. 1136.

afi-siesie, infj af. -dwuma, management of a household, ad-

ministration, dispensation; Eph. 1,10.3,2. cf. ofiof^c.

fit A, V. to blow, fan; cf. huw, hnhuw; f. ogyam', to blow info

the fire; f. abe, s. ogyaten.

ff tfi, fitaHta, a., adv. clean, clear, pure, white (nhoma, ntama);
wahoa fitaf., he is pale, of a sicMy, yellow complexion; cf. fufu &c. -

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fitae — fo. 129

2. even, plaiUy level; bo kwan fita, io level or clear the road. — 3,

= kora: mepe or medo wo f. [ohs.]

fitae, i>Z. m-, fan; wode fita gyam\ wode demmere na eye.

fiti, V. 1, a) f. mu, to step into, enter: ofitii (= ghyen) daii

mu ara po na Qmaa akye; f. kilrotia, pr. 1137. — h) to cause to enter y
to bore, piercCj pricks stkk: gdo sekan fiti ne nsa aahou no mu, he
prkks his swollen hand with a knife. — ^. f. ase, to lay the foun-
dniion, make the beginning ^ begin; syn. fi ase, hy§ ase; onnya mfi-
tii m^atade ase e, he has not yet begun (to make) my dress.

fiti fiti, red. v. ofitifiti mensem ho = gnennam m'aso.

fitii, pi. m-, gindet (gimblet), borer. [G. fidiboro.]

afi-tid, a private dwelling-house, any dwelling in the town, ex-
cept the king's, yr. 2876.

mfiti-ase, inf. beginning; syn. mfiase &c.

ofi-toto, inf. disturbance in a family.

o-fi-to w, pi. a-, the connplex of houses forming the dtcelling of

one family: afitow a ewg kiiro no mu beboro ha, the single families
in that town will be more than a hundred; mfe anum wgkah af. mu
nnipa mmiako-'miako da, every fifth year the members of all fami-
lies are counted.

fitsi, V. F. 1. = fiti. — ^. == fi. Mt 22,46. 23^39. ofitsi nde dze

kwgr yi = efi 'ne de-rekg yi.

o-fi-tiiw, a-, F. afituo, desolate dwelling, uninhabited house; s.


o-fi-wura,i)?. -nom, master of the house, master of a family,

landlord. — o-fi-wurabea, lady of the house.
afnaba, F. = af^na.
fo, V. Ak. s. fgw.
fo, V. Ak. s. fow. F. Mk.3,27.
fo, a. Ak. s. fow.
e-f Q , guilt, guiltiness. — b u f g , to pass sentence against, pro-
nounce guilty, pronounce to be wrong, condemn; - di fg, to be pro-
nounced guilty by a judicial sentence in a law-suit; to be guilty or
urong; odi fg, syn. n'asem nyd d6.

e-fo, exhortation, good advice. — tu fo, to exhoH, admonish,

give advice; mituu no fo se 6nye papa, I exhorted him to behave
well. pr. 912.

-f 0, Ak. fog, person, possessor, pi. people, inhabitants; a noun

that is now almost exclusively used as a suffix in names of per-
sons, especially in the pi., see Gr. § 38. In some cases it is written
separately, e.g. asase no so fo, the inhabitants of that country.
e-fo, Ak. efog, a kind of monkey, = odiiihy^h, q.v.
mfo, nfo, F. root = ntini. — gy^ mfo, to be rooted, cf. ndwo, F.
-fo, a. (usually compounded with its noun) nasty, bad; paltry,
worthless, despicable; vile; corruptible; useless, spoiled, mined; gkycg
me ntama-f6 hi, he presented me with a paltry piece of cloth; cf.

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130^^ ^_ ofo — foe.

akwamfo, akuro-fo, amam-fo; odam-fo, onipa-fo, asase-fo, asem-fo...

Cf. gfo, afo, & fono, to loathe.

o-l'O, an vghj, nasty , dirty, fellow or person; oyc gfii, = oyo


al'o [rf. fo, a.] 1. rarra.sSf carrion, the dead body of an animal
r-^ efunn, abgfd, ab6ka. — 2. smnething ca.st away, but taken up
again: fa afo, to take up as a forsaken thing, pr. 497. — wdfa m'aseni
afo, e.8. asein bi a woatu bi fo kan na wantie, na akyiri yi wakyin
abesi so, he has first despised bid aft^'rwards appreciated my word.

o-fo, a largo, tree; wgso; wode ne fihii'i poma adare; the bark
may be used as a cloth; s. oboffi, boftlnnua.

fo, 1. adiK applied to breathing; ohome ft> fd (fo), he breathes

heavily, strongly, he pnjfs. — 2. a., s. fgfg.

fo, a. sdent; syn. dcmm, dinn, kbmm, kdni, krananana; —

gkran'kn\n n'ani kyeree abofra no se dnye fd.

foa, V. to add, to give or nse over and above, in surplus; fo

give or demand besides^ again, into the bargain: foa so: wama no
fuffi adi dedaw, nanso ope bi afoa so; wagye n'akatua dedaw, nso
prepe ntama afoa so; wahye atade bi de bi afoa so; wafnra kente
de brofotilm afoa so. — Phr. gfoa no nsemmoa, he sujtports his state-
ment by repeating and confirming it. — Cf. fea, v.

afoa, Ak. afiinii, ]d.m-^ sword; the state-sword which belongs

to the insignia of a king (,s\ ahennee), being paraded before him on
state-occasions; tlie emblem ofjudici(d vengeance or punishment or
of authority and power; Rom. 13,4; destruction by the sword or in
battle; war; dissension (Mat. 10,34); danger. Wakghyen afoa asp,
he has confessed, acknowledged, admitted his crime, submits to the
punishment, pleads guilty before the judge, en; the palaver over-
comes him. Yede towyi (yede) yi yen konmuafda = yen ho mmusu,
by this poll-tax we ward off the danger imminent to us (Kf. Akwatia

[May 1854.)

mfoa, a kind of calabash; toa bi a mmerante wosow de goru

agoru biara a efata mu; cf, toa, kora.

/.. /. , i sw(trd-bearer, the man carrying the kind's

o loalo, «Z. m-, f i i /• i • i •

..~ ^ ^., , } sword betore him on solemn occasions; .v.

o-loasoalo, 1//. a-,l ... ^r r- *• r

' ^ ] gtanatog, atoa, guanuo, gyaaseio.

iiifoa-so, inf. [foa so] addition, additional payment or contribu-

tion, e.rtra-jtay.

a f d a-t I'l n u , /////, handle, butt-end of a sword, pr. 14SG.

afo-hn, inf. \h\\ fg] condemnation, the judicial i\.qXo^ declaring

guilty and dooming to punishment. — afobu-sc'iii [asem a wudi a
wobu wo fg] a deed deserving condemnation*

afo-(lo, nfo-di (inf.), F. afgdze, afodzi, damnation, Mt. 23,33. 14.

fgc, V. to thrive, grow, increase, prosper (bodily or in wealth).
/ (Jfiron. 22,11. — red. fot^iqe^ to become blooming, health fid, vigoron.s
(of bodies of man & beast); waff. — n'anim aye yiye; onipa a wa-
fgn, na afei wafi ase reye kese a.s. waye kese dedaw.

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fofa — fom. 131

fofa, V, red., 5. fa, fefa.

mfofana, sores on the sole of the foot and between tJic toes.
a f o f a n 1 , s. afafanto.

f of are, afof., s. fefare, afef.

afofi [fa ofi] keeping at home, resting or doing domestic work;
refraining from plantation' work, Se woahkg afiira' 'n§ a, wuse : 'ne
mid\ afofi,

fofi-dd, the day of the week oa which the heatheii negroes

do not work in the plantation (da a wonyc adwuma wo afum\ na
abe de, wonu, nanso wgko wnram\ nso woye ofic adwuma biara ;
Akuroponfo f. ne Dwoda n6 Fida); onni f. bio == wabu f. so akoye

Foffe, 1. pr,n. of a fetish or tutelar genius worshipped at

Akuropon, Mampon, Aburi and other places. — 3. pr. n. of the
Friday ten days before Akwasidae.

fofo, F. fofwo, V. to cherish. Eph. 5,29.

f ofO, a. fat; of persons: plump, corpulent, stout; wdy^ f. =

waye kese; ne ho ye f. = ne ho wo srade na ony^ nnompe-nnompe;
of me at: nam no ho ye f. ; of the soil: asase no mu or so ye f. =^
emu dwo. Cf. fow, onofoe.

f 6 fo, a plant with a yellow flower ( wura hi a ofifi wo mfuwam'

wodo boro aky^.kyea; ne nfwiren kgko); - me n^ no banu nhinii
ye f. = nye nnipa pa bi a.s. adehye.
mfofobemma, a kind of ant.
afofontobirij a kind of ftfr^/.

fofore, red. v. fore.

foforo, in cpds. foro, a. (pi. a-) ncto, fresh, yomig; another;

ade-fofor6, something new, something else; ad are yi nye, mil me fo-
f6ro, this hill-hook is not good, give me another; foforo-foforo bi nni
babi bio, tliere is nothing else, no other besides. Cf. oh em foro, nan-
twiforo, ayeforo &c. Gr. § 70.

o-f6f6ro, another (or a new) person.

foforo, red. v. foro. — foforo-ye, inf. renewal, renovation.

fofo w a, a kind oi perfume (ohiiam bi).

fofrahil, a kind of tree; migye wo fof. n6 k(Snniim, I gii)e you

a riddle to guess (?); - s. fafarahA.

o-fo koro, j>?. a-, buff (do, £os bubulus, or, zebu, Indian ox. Bos
Indirus, with a hump on the shoulders and a mane; nantwi bi a
n'atiko wq pow, emu anini no wo una; wonye na (wo) Asante ne
Dwabeh; cf. eko.

f ky e, a.& adv. wet all over, very damp, moist, humid; ne ho

or ok wan mu aye f., no ntama aye or afow f.

fo-kye w, a cap made of monkey's skin. pr. 2889.

f m, V. to draic together; to straiten; cf. hia, guah; ne ho afgm

no {syn. ne ho adwiriw no), he is cast down, dejected, dismayed;
ai-erehow afom no, J 6b 14,1.

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132 fom — fonofong.

fo m, V. to act in a disorderly manner: i. f. so, to err, fail,

go wrong, mistalie, commit a faidt; okasa a, ofom so pi, u*hen he
speaks, he maJces many mistakes, — 2. tr. to miss one's aim, fad:
obo, otuo afom no, the stone, the gun has missed him. — 3, to offend,
trespass against, wrong: mafom no, I have offended him, trespassed
against him; fom mmara so = to mmara, to trespass on or trans-
gress the law. — 4. to take in a disorderly manner: fom adnan ; -
to sweep, snatch, draw or huddle together; to pick up (things cast
away or lying vacant) ; to buy up eagerly, hastily, snatchingly: wg-
fom nam wo gua no so; - <o spoil, rob, jdunder (= paak6de, 1^.76 fi.)
Cf, fow.

0-fo m, inf, trespass (S-c, pr. 1188.

nifom, mistakes. F. Mt. 6,14. s, mfomso.
fomm, a. anadwofa f., late in the evening when it is getting

afoin-akiim : d i af., to aim at bloody vengeance, pr. 903.

fomfam, red. v. film; ntotoanim ne duaa woasen de fomfAm
apoh n^ mfensere anim ma eye fe.

m fom fa mho, inf. a casing of timber-work dr. s. before,

m f m f a m s o , (inf.) plaster, cataplasm.
fom fom, red. v. fom.
fom fori, red. v. fon.
f m f n , red. v. fono.
a f 6 m f 6 n s e m [fom, red., asem] transgression, trespass; - d i af.
to trespass grievously. Eze.U,13.

afom foil uud [fom, red., gua] a mistaken bargain, bad job; -
wadi af , he has made a blunder, committed a fault, done wliat he
ought not to have done.

afoinpata, inf. di B,t,totryto bring about a rcconciUaiion. pr. 903.

fompow [afono, pow] chubby or puffed cheeks, pr. 423.2235.

m f o m s 6, inf. fault, mistake, error, blunder; offence, transgression*
foil, v.to become or grow thm, lean, meager; to fade, fall away,
emaciate; cf. twam, nyam. pr. 1113. 2383.3025.
o-fon, inf. emaciation; atrophy.
fona, V. F. s, f&na, fena; ofonaa neho dodo wo adziban a greye
no ho, she was cumbered too much in making a feast.

(>foiia, F. trouble, affliction; fatigue; syn. haw; f. wiadze yi, this

troublesome world.
afoiia, s. afoa.

m f 11 e e [fono, v.] disgust, loathing, weariness; ne ho ay§ me

mf., lie has become loatfisome to me, I dislike or loathe Iiim.

0-fonni, mfoniiii: ye, di or pe of.; to spoil by violence, Eze.lfi,7.

12.16.18. [gfomno di, under some pretence he robs him (of something)
eats i.e. for his own bcnefd.']
m fo n f n i, mfoiif, picture.

fon () fono, a. damp; nasty, dirty; disorderly; ehg ye f, =

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fono — afore. 133

eho afow ; - oye f. = oyii neho wusuwusu, ont^w neho, ne bo yo

slikasaka, kusukiisu.

fono, V. [red. fomfono] to stir up, disttirb, trouble (nsu, Jo/mt5,4);

to muddle, muddy, make turbid, muddy or thick; to disgust, vex, an-
noy, shock, to turn the stomach; to create or excite disyust; - intr,
to become troubled, - muddy, thick, - vexed; nsu no afono, the water
has been disturbed, has become turbid or muddy. — fono ani, to
disquiet, disturb; f. asem ani (boapa ma asem ani asee), to confound
or disturb a matter, make it intricate; - aduah no afono me, I loathe
that food; akasakasa af. me, / am tired or weary of dispide; moama
afono (= moaraa aye tan po), you have made it disgusting, you carry
the thing to disgust, I have note enough of it and tnore than enough
(ade fono wo a, na eye tan); neho af., he is loathsomCj disgusting,
detestable. — Me b o fono me, / have stomach-ache, inclination to
vomit. [G. mitSine no futa mi; cf. fonUln].

afono, (pl.id.) the check. — afonom', the inner part of the check,
the 2^art of the mouth between the teeth and the check, especially of
monkeys, the cheeks of wliich form a sort of bag or pouclu pr. 1026-

m f o n o-a n i, inf, disturbance.

o-fono ni, a kind of centipede; cf. asasewo.

o-fono no',j?Z.m-, oven, stove, kiln, furnace. [Port./brwo; G.flono.]

fouonono, a. damp, wet; odan mu ho ye f.; s.fgso. [G. fiono,

fon tafontafi, a. dim, not clear, not distinct; misty, hazy;
animaye f., the things are beco7ning dimly visible (anopahemahema) ;
the air is misty, hazy; syn. anim aye sesasesa. [G. futefute.]

font ail, V. to stir up; cf. fono; me yam* (nh.) f. (red. fon-
tdmf^ntah) me, my bowels are stirred or stirring, yet without belly-
ache (ayamkaw). [G. futa.]

mf^ntan-ani, inf. political agitation.

0-font6, a kind of shadowy tree; its edible fruit, similar to figs.

o-fontobia, o-fonto-biri, two similar kinds of tree.

e-fo o, Ak. a kind of monkey, s. oduahyen.

afoo, inf. s. afow.

fora, V. F. = fra. — afora, dzi af., = di afra.
lore, V. to increase in number, become numerous (by genera-
tion); wawo afbre, she has born and brought up many children;
waf. = wadg, n'ase at^rew; aboa no ase af.; ne mma af., his children
have become numerous; woaf. nti won ani nsg nnipa bi; Israelfo
force wo Misri.

fore, V. [red. fofore] to cluster, crowd, swarm, accumulate,

huddle; nt^tea f. asikre no ho, the ants cluster about the sugar; nnipa
no hhina akof. obo biako ho; eden ua mo nh. moakgfore so anafo
ho, why are you all huddled together there below? nkran no iih. fofore
so; nkran af. akoko no ho pitipiti, the fowl is thickly covered with
ants; nhoma af. pon no so.

afore (pi. id.) offering, sacrifice. — bo af., to make an offering,

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134 aforee — foto.

to offer a sacrifice, to sacrifice. — afore-bo, iw/1 the act of offering

any thing to 6o%i or to a fetish. — afore-biio, an animal destined
for an offering. — afgrebo-de, a thing used for an offering. — afgre-
iniikii, afgr6-p<iu, altar; s. muka, gpon. — afgrewa, pi. m-, a small

afo ree [foro, r.] ascent, stair y stile, set of steps; odau abaii no
af. no, w gamma wamforo.

afo ree, 67. a sash with a bell 10 the midst of it^ girded round
the waist; belt. pr. 1140-

fgrfgr, F. = frgmfrgm.
Ofo risuo, name of a month, about April; s. gsram.
fo ro, 17. [red. foforo] to move upward, go up; to get up, ascend,
dimb (a hill, a tree, a ladder), to mount (a hill, a horse, the pulpit);
to scale (a wall); to leap, cover (said of certain animals); foro po,
to launch into the sea, pr. 645.

-foro, a. s. foforo, du-foro, gframforo, akutu-f., gyata-f. &c.

aford, Gy. strap, girdle or belt of leather round the hips,
aforo-siau, inf. di af., to ascend and descend.
g-fbrote, s. frote.
forotowa, s. frotowa.

forgw, V. [red. forgforgw] i. to cut (meat) into small pieces;

syn. twitwa. — 2. to make a stew or fricassee of meat, beans &c. —
3. to serve out liquor. — 4. de.. f., to smear, rub on, besmear, rub
withy syn. sra, due; gbg kesua de f. kabere no ho; wgde nno forg
gsekan ho na wgde apaepae abete no mu ; gde dgte, nku, af. nebo

forgforgw, a slew or fricassee of meat or dried fish, okro,

tomatoes, red pepper and fat or palm-oil. [G. flgu, flguflgu.]

f ro w a, pi. m-, a round brazen box in which the negroes keep

sbca-butter or grease to anoint the skin after bathing or washing,
f.-fi, the rancid refnnants of grease in it. — f.-ti, tlic lid or cover of
tfic box.

fgsO, fgsgfgsg, a. inoistj damp, humid; wet, watery, weU wa-

tered; ehgnom ye f. — Cf. fgw ; syn. fgkyc, taka, HSnonono.
g-fgsgw, a tree with soft wood; wgde ^yQ ban.

iiifgte(e), white ant, termes, termite; pr. 1146-49. kinds: mfgte-pa,

rikumia. — mfgte-heiie, s. kyercbcnkuku. — infgt€-siw, ant-lull,
the conical structure of the white ants, made of reddish clay, and
from 8 to 12 feet high.

fgtg(w), V. to stir uj^; mix; to knead, mould (bread), to work,

(read or trdmplc (clay). Cf. pgtgw.

g-fgtg, a kind octree; wgsg; mmofra de poma sekah.

foto, a bag of leather in which gold dust and the balance and
weights for it are kept; money-bag, purse; pr.434. a bag to keep
clothes in ; cf. gsanna.

afo t OS an, inf. the oldening (loosing) of tlic money-bag, pr. 2980.

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ofotosfuifo — afra. 135

o-fotosanfo, ^Z.a-, treasurer, purser; a person who has charge

of the foto; one of the grandees in a community, who has charge
of the public money or of the finances of the king, = osannani;
the head-servant, who assists his master in money-affairs.
foto, a. depressed (by grief); aye no f.

afo-tii, inf, [tu fo] the act of exhorting or admonishing; ejchor-

tationy admoniiion. — o-fotiifo, pL a-, exhorter, admonishcr, adciscr.

afotii-s6m [afotu asem] exhortation, admonition; good advice.

fow, V. [red. fofow] to become or make wet, moist, damp or
humid, to wet, moisten, drench; fam' afow, the ground is tcet; osu
afgw ntama no kora, the rain has wetted the clotlies thoroughly; -
fow nno, to anoint with oil: wunyft oba a, wobefow no hno ata dan
mu (e.s. woremma Qnye adwuma)?

fow, V. [inf. afow, red. fofow] 1. to collect or gather provisions

or food on plantations in time of war, to forage; wofow abtirow,
brode n.a., (nkiirofo a wokg sa no ko afuw biara a wope kotase
nneema); wokg afow, they are gone to search for provisions. — 2.
to plunder; to ravage.

e-f w, fowf6w, a. abundant, copious, plenteous^ plentiful; plenty,

much of a thing, much for little money; cheap; - abiirow' no ye fow;
mdto abiirow' k ^yb fow or abdrow fowfow = mdto no abogm^r6w;
ne ho ye f. (e.s. wosom no a, wunya biribi di), he is bounteous, gen-
erous, liberal, profitable i.e. granting profit or gain; he is disinter-
ested, gives ample pay or reward. Onyankp. h6 ye fow, gnte se mo
abosom dannah-w6-ab6.

o-fow, n. [cf. efow] abundance, plenty; ample reward; emolu-

ment; advantage; syn. mfaso.

afo w, inf. the act of foraging or providing food; search for pro-
visiofis. pr, 34. — afow-de [fow ade] food or provisions collected;
forage; spoil. (Afowde, wokgfa a, wuhvviaa ade e, efise eye amanne
se: babiara a wgatu sa na aduah biara wg ho a, wgfa di kwa.)

ni fow a, a cutaneous eruption; mf.-abere, with pimples not con-

taining a fluid; mf.-auini, with pustules containing pus; c/*. dwe,^.
f r a, V. [= fara, red. frilfra] to be admixed, be mixed or mingled
with, be among, belong to; nsu fra ne nno mu, water is admixed to
his palm-oil; mo guan afra wo de mu, my sheep is among yours. —
2. gfra {scil. nnipa bi mu), he is a worthy man; womfrA (scil. mma-
rimam^ or nnipam') you are good for tiothing; ado yi mfra kora,
this thing is of no value at all, quite useless. — 5. de.. fra, to ad-
mix, to mix or mingle with; gde nsu fraa nsafufu no mu, he mixed
Ui€ palm-wine with water. — 4. fra (viSih or without mu) often sup-
plies the Eng. ^re/>. among; cf. Gr. § 117, 3/1 Gen. 42,5.

fra, a kind of creeper or climber, the strong filaments or fibres

of which are separated or untwisted by turning (wokylm fra) and
used as string in thatching houses, in wattling or similar work.

afra, F. = abafra, abofra, child.

afra: di afra, to become or be intermixed, commingled; Guanfo

nh Twifo adi afra; cf. afuntumfra.

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136 afradurii — frene.

afra-diirut [fra, aduru] mixitire, a kind of medicine, a compo-

sition of several ingredients; cf, mfrafrae.

frdfr^, red. v., 5. fra.

fr^frafra, adv. hriglitly (of a burning fire or light); okanea

dew f. = framframfram.

frdfra, frdfrafra, a. L thin, used of things that have aflat

extended surface; ahabah frafra, a thin leaf. — 2. flat, plain, level;
syn. tratra; opp. donkudonku.


frain, v. lo he on fire, to hum, hlaze, flame, flare. Dan. 3,23.

o-fram, pi. a-, a large tree yielding excellent timber, also used
to make shingles and for fuel.

mframa, wind, air; gas; mfr. bo. the wind blows; mekogyc
mfr., I am going to take an airing; cf. mfare, ahum; ogyafraraa,
nsuframa. — mrrama-daii, pavilion; cf. mfaredan. — mframa-
tod, air-balloon; s. ahunmuhyeh.

frdmfraiii(fram),a.,a^/'. fs. fra.m, v.] blazing, flawing; bright-

h/, vigorously, flicker Ingly, in a blaze; ogya no dew (orhyew or so)
ff., the fire burns much; ohuruw traa ogya ff. no so, he leaped over
the blazing fire.

franam, v. to be consumed, die away; syn.hyew. Oko a

mereko yi, moammef we me a, meref. ; okom aba hg nti, woref.

o-f r a fi' k a , pi. a-, flag, ensign, cdlmirs, banner, standard. [G.
aflanga]. — si fr., to hoist a flag. — o-fraiika-kurafo, ensign.

o-franta, a large, roimd car/7?C7?t;e5sr? or jpo< with a wide mouth

(for palm- wine) = os^ntere (ahina kese a ano tetero, ennii gpodo
kese; wode nsa f. abesi ho, emu nsa beboro nsdhina 3 ana 4 de).

mfrd-sa [fra nsa] strong palm-wine, palm- wine to which some

that has been kept from the preceding day is admixed; nsa a wode
d^e afrdm*; eye den sen b^nano.

fre, t;. [f^re, red. frefre] to call; to cite, summon: fre no bera,
call him in or hither; mede nedin mefree no, I called him by his
name; pr. 022, cf. hyia. — 2. to call, name, give a name to: wofre
cyi don? what is this called? wofre no den? = nedih de den? cf.
to dMi'^ pr. 122.570. 1623.1872. 2S31.3460.3o03. — 3. fre dwom, losing
■= to dwom ; to lead the choir.

o-fr c, inf. the act of calling; call, demand: mekotie fre na maba,
I am going to hear tvhy I have been called and shall tJien return.
afre-duau, a meal to u^ilch one is invited, pr. 1156.

fr 6 Ilk 6mm, adv. neatly, nicely; wakyekye ne fi f.

f r e m m, a. fine, nice; nea eho uni akasay6, in ichich you find

nothing to blame.

fremm, frftmfrem, a.^f-acf^. [feuemm, fenemf., fi^Y..]swecty

tasteful; syn. brobro, dede, dokodgko; flattering; wo ano yc dew
dodo, wokasa fenemra! - mfremfrcm-ade, .^wcd things; cf.pr.406.

frcne, s. forene.

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afrese — fua. 137

afre-se [ofre ase] the reason of a call.

afre-so, adv, [lit. at a call] suddenly, Frov.6,15, — ^yn. mpo-

firim; gy are no ayi no af.

o-frete, gfre-tie, inf. the hearing of listening or obedience to,

a call.

ofr^te-kwdu, the distance at which a call is heard; furlong ; cf.


frf, w. [Eng. free] freedam, lihcHy; cf. ahofadi, ofadi; wama

no f., they have emancipated or liberated him; odi f. = wade neho,
he is emancipated, liberated.

afrihy i a, J??, m-, year, syn. afe. [fr. firi, logo foHhy liyia, to meet,
to return in a circuit to the starting-point; Ab. afrihyiae.] — d i af.,
to celebrate a yearly festival. — atViliyia-de, 1. afabye, annual cus-
tom ; 2. yearly tribute. — airihyia-di, inf. a yearly festivalf anni-
versary; the yam-custom. — afrihyia-tow, yearly tribute.

frofrow, frow, s. f^rg... — fro, frofro, s. foro...

fromm, fromfrom, a. fresh, green (of plants); dua fefew

foforo a, n^ababah ye f. — F. prgmprgm.

frdno', s. f5nono.
g-frote, j>(f. a-, a kind of antelope witb large boms; deer, stag.

fr 6 to w a, tbe calf of the leg; me nan akyi f. ye me yaw.

friifru, afrum, afriimpoiiko, s. furuf., afurum, -p.

fruntum, a., j>Z. a-, empty, hollow, hciuQ of a bulky, puffy

appearance witb no substance in it; of grains, Gen. 41,27. aburowf.
o-fruntuin, a large tree = popo; wgde sen akyene, pam funu
sidakt^.pr. 1167.202^.

fu, V. s. fnw. — o-fu, s. ofuru.

afii, afu, afnw, F. 1. = nwwra, grass. Mt 6^1. 15,19. — ^. =
fan, herbs. Mt. 13,32. Mk. 4,32.

fft, adv. much, plenteously, copiously; syn. pi, bebre; anky6

fil fobs.] = ankye kora ; gkasA ftl, gka nsem fh fu, = gkasa bebre
kwa, oka nsenhubuw, he talks much nonsense; odidf f. or odi no fu,
he eats greedily, gluttonously.

fu, perb. any part of the body or of a vessel tbat may give a
handle or haft for lifting it up ; phr. nil .. fu, s. under n u.

a f d, 1. hunch, hump, humpback, j^rotuberance; pr. 1157. — gyare

af., he has a crooked back. — J2. humpback, humpbacked or hunch-
backed person, pr. 2928.

afu-afii, a. [pi. of afui.J knobby, rough, rugged; hunchbacked.

fua, V. to hold, lay hold of, grasp; to carry; syn. de, kita, kura;
pr. 1158-60. ofua pcaw, he is carrying a spear; of. abofra wg n^abasa
so, he is carrying a child on his arms, cf. turn. — 2. to plant, used
of yam : of. ode, he plants yam. — 3. to become one, come to an
understanding or agreement; to restdt in; - won ano amfua h5, they
could not agree about it; nea wgadi afua ne se.. ., the resolution or
agreement they have come to is, that...
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138 fiiil — ofuhye.

fiid, a, 1, single, one, the (very) same; dafua, a single day =

dakoro; unafua nuaawotwe = uua mfua-mfua awotwe, eight single
dags, every day for a wJwle week. Cf. b^fua, befud, burofud. — ^.
hare, sole, mere, simple; - osekanfud, tJie (mere) blade of a knife,
without a handle.

afua, F. & G. fog, mist; cloud. Mt. 17,5.

afua, Afua, infua, 5. afuwa &c.

afua, a.&(idv. mere, simple, with the accessory notion of weak-

ness or littleness; oye obabasia afua, she was only a weak woman;
- a little hit; wonno no afua, they do not love him a bit.

mfuanfw6, inf. wodi no mf. = (nnipa bebre fua onipa biako

f wo no), they together hold him and give him a flogging or thrashing.
mfuatc, the figure of a cross in the form of an X, cut on one
side of a die; osikyi ho nkyerewe a wgaye no X.

fiiaw, v. [red. fuf&aw] to chip, cut or slip off a piece: wifii&w

dua no ho abon akyene, he has cut tlie hark off the tree and cast it
away; wotwa dua bo ho affiaw; - fufuaw ho ^ to chip, cut off small
pieces; - wafiifiiaw ode no hh. agu, he has cut the yam into stnall
pieces; woafuffiaw no (= woabobg no) nkrautc, they have cut him
with swords in several parts of his body. — Cf duftia, hkamfdaw.

mfudwe, pr.326.
dmfudwiima, a kind of parrot; s. ako.

fug, V. f. mu, to renew, revive; to be rencivcd or revived, he

taken up again. lonatan fuee o-n6 Dawid aygrikofa rau bio = g-ne
no nyan wgh aygnkofam' bio, Jonathan and David renewed their
covenant of friendship ; asem no mu afOc, the matter has been taken
up again (ahka eregyae, emu aye merew, na wgahye mu den bio),
fue, v. f. 8 0, to reveal, uncover, lay bare: wakoffiO gdt^ no so
(:= wakobue so, wakofurafunu so) ato hg, he has dug up the ground
in order to look after the yam, and has left it uncovered.
mf fie mil, inf. renewal, revival.

fufu, a. [2d. af. & red.] white; cf. fita, hoa, hyen, furu-ban.
fuf u, n. white thing, what is white, pr. 3164.
o-fufu, 2)1. A-y 1. white person, Euro2>can, but rarely used; s.
Obdroni. — 2. ohiani fita. pr. 3149.
mfufu, F. whiteness. Mf. Gr.p. 101.

f u f u, foofoo, a common food of the negroes, prepared of yam

or 2>l(intuins, which, after having been cut into pieces and boiled,
in which form the plantains are called amp e si, are then pounded
in a wooden mortar (gwgaduru) till they have become a tough doughy
mass which in the shape of a round lump is put into the soup (hkwan)
and eaten with it; - wow f., to 2^ound foofoo ; di or* tew f., to eat
f. — fufu-tow, a ball of foofoo; cf. alien tow, nkwaseatgw.

fufuaw, red. v., s. fiiaw.

mfufuwa, a kind of bead, white; s. ahene.
o-fu-hy e [afuw ghye] border, boundary, frontier; wgbg or wgtg

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ofiu — afiio. 139

f., iJiey border J hmmd, confine on each other, are hordererSy confiners,
neiffJthours, landmat^.

ofiii, s, pataku.
fuk u, fiikufiiku, a. villous^ shaggy witti soft, long hairs; ogiian
DO bo ye ff.; iJiat sheep has much hair; akramabmma a wounyin
pi uo ho iibwi ye fuku = kuha = §ye fe ua eho dwo nanso edoso;
cf\ 84k ti.

afu-ky6akyea, humpback; s, affi.

afum' = afuw mu. — afum'-bayere, s. gd^.

film fun u, red. v. funu (q.v.), to turn, root or dig up; batafo
de n'ano f. fam'.

o-fumni, ph afumfo, in- [afuw-mu-ni], clown, rustic, ])easant;

a person who leads a secluded life on his plantation, hardly ever
coming to the town, and hence is ignorant of the rules and manners
of the more extended spheres of social life; syn. kodaafuom\ kura-
aseni; cf. okuafo.

afunl: bg af., te af. (cf. ofonni).

afun-sie, inf, [efunu sie] burial, funeral, intermfCtU; funeral

rites, obsequies; pr.l569. syn, amusie; cf. ayi.

afun-sbd, iw/". [efunu soa] a kind of necromancy, viss. the carry-

ing of a corpse, during which the dead person is supposed or pre-
tended to direct the carriers to the house or person of his murderer.
Phr. efunu asi no, the corpse has hit him i.e. pointed him out as the
murderer; pr. 1163. efunu ada-ase, the corpse has given thanks, i.e.
has not hit.

fun turn, v. to turn, root, or dig up, break or tear up; to plough;
syn. fct^w, funu, fumfunu; cf fentem. — fun turn afuw no so = tutu
fam' fa t(5etce asase no.

afuntumereku, s. futumerefu.

afuntumfra: edi af., it is jumbled or huddled together, it is a

medley, mingled and confused mass, jumble, hodge-podge; wodi af.
= wodi afrafra, wgafrafra mu, they are mixed together.
funu, V. [red. fumfunu q. v.] to dig, dig up; syn. funtum; f.
amoa ^= tu tokuru wo fam'.

f u u u, a. [cf. efunu, n.] dead, rotten, useless, good for nothing,

wotiUess, vile; gsekah-fiinu, a knife that is not sharp; s. asemfunu,

e-funu, pi. a-, corpse, dead body of a man, more decently called
amii; pr.liOS. carcass; of animals it is only used when compound-
ed with, or put in apposition to, their names: oguan-fuuu, a dead
sheep; cf afunsie, afunsoa.

^ffuuini, afunum-ponko, s. afurum.

e-fii numa, navel; cf. yafunu.

afunu-sod, inf. s. afunsoa. Obi wu na wose, obi na akum no a:

nea wose okum no no, wose: funu asi no (nekara); opp. funu ada-
ase ^^ wansi.

afuo, Ak. = afuw. — afuofo = mfumfo, s. ofumni.

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1 40 of u p(j — . In Lu rii w .

o-fiipc [afuw ope] a season of tite year, intermediate hcttceen

the rainy and the dry season,

afiiponko, F. camcL Mt 19^24. 23,24. cf, afrumponko, joma.

fur a, V, Ak. fira, 1, to put on, viz. ntama, a ncgro-dress con-
sisting of a large piece of cloth wbicb is wrapped round the body;
red, furafura, pr. 644. — cf. fira, bye. — J2. n'ani afura or afira, A«
is blind; wafura n*ani, Jie has blinded him. — o-fura-tum, opp. ade-
inu-taro. — fiira tama, ntama a wafura awia, eny6 nca wode kata
wo so anadwo.

afurado, F. blindly, rashly, unadvisedly.

furefiire, the young of the sharks, pr. 1166.

o-furei, a kind of river-fish, syn. nnomma.

furow, V. [red. frtrofiirow] to break off or away, break into
small pieces, crumble (tr.dtintr.) — Ofuro dan, Ak. = owoBow dan,
Akp., 7*e breaks or crumbles off the clay from the house or iUi tcaU;
wafurow d()k6no no mu ; ofurof. asikre; dokono no afurofurow.

mfurof lirowd, crumb; small fragments ov pieces; syn. mporo-


o-furu, 1. the maw or stomach of a beast, or (contemptuously

used, of a man; cf. dawadwa, nsonokese, ayam'dc. Onipa nui furu;
wo yam' wo furu, you have a matv like a beast, i.e. you are a glutton!
— ^. pith, the white, soft, spongy substance in the centre of many
plants and trees (ade a eda duam\ eye merew kyen korow, nso
eboa; brofere mu wo f.).

afi'iru, the belly; the womb; cf. yam', yafunu, ayaase, fuuuma;
pr.l56. — n'afuru abye, his belly is swollen or blown out; wafa
afuru, sJw is with child, cf. yem.

furu ban, a. white; syn. fufu, fita; ne bo aye f. se hyirew, Jie

has become as white as chalk.

f urufuru, a. mellow (of the soil or a glebe); jwwdery, dusty,

crumbly; fam' bo aye f., tIte soil there is mellow. [G. fru, frufru, flu,

a^iirixm, pi. m-, ass, donkey. [G. ted&i.]

afurnm-ponko [afrump. afunump. afrup.] pZ. m-, the mule.

[F. afuponkQ, camel; G. aflukpohgo, afukp.]
fii run turn, o-fiiruntum, s. fruntum.
futu, V. [G. id.^ to mix, = fra; fa nsa no futum', mix thai
palm-wine with the old one.

afutu, s. afotu. — Afi'itu,j;r. n. of a town & country and of aman.

afutu-afutu, pr. 1171,

ni flit lima, dust of the ground or lying on objects; mf. wo pon

so; popa mf. no; cf. tutuw.

mfiitiima-kokonini, a small insect that always goes backward.

futuuierefu, pr. 1172. />*• ii^-'^^-

fiitiiru,i>Z. m-, rcdf. futurufutiiru, o. raw, unwrought, in the

natural or primitive state, consisting of small particles; sikA mf. or

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ofuturufuturu — afuwdow. 141

sikafuturu, native gold, gdd-dusi; dw6t6 mf., dwet§futuru, native

silver; abrobe mf., the fibres of the pine-apple leaves (ef. firiwa);
asawa mf., raw cotton; nbwea ff. =:: nhwea a nsu nnim' na awo.

0-futurufiituru, a beast, pr. 1173.

fuw, 17. [Ak. fu; proh, related with fi, v. = fiw] to shoot up,
eofne fotih ahundanily,^ grow lua^iriantly or rankly; nwnra refuw
asase no so, weeds arc shooting tip on that land, — 2. to overgrow:
ok wan yi afuw, this way is overgrown. — 3. tr. to eansc to grotr, to
get by grotvth, produce plentifully (hair, feathers); me tiri fuw d wen,
I am getting gray hair; ne ti afuw, his head is covered with hair,
pr. 669. onnya mfuw bogyese e, he has got no beard yet; anoma no
afuw ntak&ra, the bird lias got feathers; nnoma no, wgn ho fuwi
ansa-na mekoyii won, the birds were fledge when I took them, — 4,
ne b o fuw, his breast heaves, grows, stvells, i.e. he gets angry; ne
bo afuw me, he is angry with me; syn. ofa abufuw, wafa me ab. —
/r. ofuw me bo, lie causes my breast to swell, i.e. he provokes me to
anger, make^ me angry, syn, oyi me abufuw. — 5. \^prob» related
with fua] to unite in Iwlding: wofuw no afweno, they togetJ^r hold
him in order to flog him; fvire may be omitted and still be under-
stood: g-ne ne nua afuw me, he and his brother have flogged me; s,
den & di .. mfuaiifwe; m6nkofuw adwuma no ho nkowie = mo
nb. m6nkosu86 ad^. no mu n4 monye, you all shall unite in, con^
jointly put your hands to, the work to finish it.

afuw, Ak. afuo, ^^ m-, 1. plantation, cultivated ground, field

occupied by vegetables which have been planted ; F. ek wa, Og. ham*.
In compounds the prefix is lost: odefuw, abrgdefuw, abiirofdw, bah-
kyefuw; so with koko, mahkani, af^ere, kafe, asawa, asg, hkru-
ma, ntgrewa, nkate, atwe, ntoa ... Cf. dow af. — 2. F. tcceds, = Akr.
wura, hwura.

afuwd, pi. m-, [afuw, dim.] a little plantation; odgw af.

mfuwa, an old plantation now given up so that the bush grows

on it afresh; - a place cleared of trees; babiara a wgatwitwa ho
nnua hhlna.

m f li w a-n i n i, a former plantation given up about eight years

ago, where the bush has reached a man^s height ("P^ — kwae a woa-
dgw no b§ye mfrihyia 8 a.s. 10.

Af u wa, A fua [= Afiwa] pr. n. of a girl born on Friday. Gr.


a f u w-d w, inf. the cutting of the bush; af. ye yaw, - is trouble-

sofnc; af. adu so, now it is titne to cut the bush.


The combination of these two letters is not a compound of the

common f and w (the f in it being formed by the tongue and both
lips), but a palato-labial transformation from the gntturo-labial
combination hw, which has still been retained for it in Fante dia-
lects. — It occurs before e, e, i, in Ak. also before a (fwa = hwa,
hua). It interchanges not only with hw and iihw or iiw, but also

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142 fwa — aiifw&\.

with h, f, s; e.g. fwinta, Ak. = hintaw ; f^inti, sunti, Ak. = fintsiw,

F., & hintiw.

fwa, fwa and other words containing these three combined

letters in Ak., s. hua, hfia...
fwa, imit expression of the whizzing of a ball flying through
the air : korabo nam m^aso ho fwa besene, a bullet passed mp ear
with a whizzing sound,

fwe, V, [F. hwc; red, fwefi^s^e, g,v,] 1, to direct ihe eye toward
' an object so ad to see it (always implying inienfional, not acciden-
tal, seeing^ in contradistinction from hu); to look (at, on)y to view;
to eye; to consider; cf, fwe, interj. - pr, 140, 894. 1218. 1.318. 2081. 2293.

— 2. to fix the eyes upon, look at or see with attention , behold; to look
at in order to imitate^ cf, 12 a, pr. 1232. — 3, to leat^, infer, know :
da no a wuhu no sa a, fwe se woawo wo foforo, when you have come
to this, you may know that you have been bom again. — 4, kofwe
(.. anim), to visit, call on, wait upon; mckof^c no, / am goivg to
call on him, — 5. to look aft<*r ; to watch, guard; to keep, tend, attend,
wait on, nurse (oyarefo, a patient); to feed ^nnuan, nantwi, mprako);
to tnke care of, maintain, provide for (nneauafo, ahiafo);|ir. 976. 101,
cf 12 d. — 6, fwe.. yiye, to look well (to), to mind, take care, he
careful; fwe wo adwuma yiye, mind your work; fwe yiye na wo-
ammo kuruwa no, take care not to break the jug; fwe woho yiye na
woanfwe ase, be careful lest you fall: cf 12 e, — 7. to expect, de-
sire, want: mefwe se moba ho hi, / want you to come there too. —
8. fwe .. okwan, to look out for, expect, wait for (expectantly). — 9.
fwe .. akyi, a) = fwe.. atiko, to look after, s. 1. — b) to look for
the things in one's absence, prepare (something to eat) for one's re-
turn. — 10. fwe.. muy to look, pry or peep into; inspcci, examine.

— 11. fwe.. anim, a) to look into one's face. — b) to have a regard

for; fwe m*anim ye ma no, do it for him to please me, to favour me
until it, for my sake. — c) to visit; mebefwe wo anim, I come to visit
you. — d) to expect (= fwe gkwan) : gfwe m'anim' wo Osu 'ne, lie
expects to see my face to-day at Osu. — X2. f w e .. so , «) to look upon
(cf. 2); fwe so kyerew, look on (it) write i.e. copy it; fwe so ye,
imitate it. — b) to examine, review, revise: fwe nea makyerew yi so.
look at what I have umtten and cm-rect it; to overlook] surrey. —
c) to inspect, control, superintend, govern, nde, Gr. § 213. — d) to
look after, tend (cf 5): of we nnnaii so; obea gyigyefo fv^e abofra
so. — e) to do carefidfy: fwe so kan, read (it) carefully, — IS. fwe..
atiko, to look after (one). — 14. to try, in hQa .. or hi1 am .. fwe,
ka.. fwe, so., fwe, twa.. fwe, ye., fwe &c. kan nhoma yi fwe.
try to read this book.

fw^! interj. fimp. of fwe, v.] sec! behold! look there! lo! take
notice! observe! s. fweofweo.

11 fwe, F. prop. don*t you see? = look here!

of w e, inf. looking, beholding d-c. visitation; care; providence i£^c,
an f wc-a, (adv.) F. perhaps, prop, unlooked for [= woanfwe a];
= Akr. ebia; - most probably: woanfwe-a, pko a, grama bio, when
he goes away, he will most probably come no more.

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fwe — nfw6bom\ 143

fwe, t?. [red. fwef^e] 1, to folly tumble, drop (used of single
things and never without a locative complement, whereas gu, /o
fully is used of a collective multitude and can stand without a com-
plement, like to, which is used of single things). — fwe ase, fwe
fam', to fall dowUy fall to the ground; ofii dua so fwee fam', he fell
dotcn from a tree. — fwe.. so \cf gu..8o], to fall to (an action) with
eagerncsSj rapidity; ode fweo so, ohuruw fwee kwah so, of wee kwan
so ycredede, he hastened on in his journey, — 2. with the aux, v.
de, /o cause to fall, throw down: mframa de me dan afwo fam\ the
wind has thrown my hotise down, — 3, tr. to strikey heat; (ne ba wu
aworeho nti ode ntama-gow abo aboso, na) ode ne nsa fwe ne yam',
she heats her breast c^c. in loud wailing; to flogy scourgey cudgel; to
efiastisey chasten, punish; - of woe no mpire, he whipped him; gf\Xee
no bambarobam, tatata, f^etgro. — 4, to stingy of wasps or other
stinging insects numerously falling on man. — .o. to wet thoroughly,
drench, soaky of rain ; osu fwee me fwee me fwee me ara, / tvas con-
tinuedly exposed to heavy rain. = 6, of we mu = oboa, he tells a lie.

fwe, V, ^= fwew. pr. 1785. cf, fwebom'.

o-fwe, inf, f idling,,,, flogging y castigationy chastisement y punish-


e-fwe, a shrub the leaves and seeds of which, pounded and put
in water, kill fishes.

e-f w e, a defective prejmee; oyare or oye fwe, he has a df, prp,

fwe, faint cry of a child; - bo f., to whimper y tvhine,
fwe, imit, expression of the sound of a flute or of whistling;
s, fwirema. pr, 633,

fw6, Ak. fwete, somethingy anythingy = biribi(ara) - in neg.

sentences: nothing; fwe nnim\ there is nothing in (it)y it is empty;
wunnim fwe, you knownothingy you are altogether ignoranty fwe anye
mo, no harm lias befallen me; wgammu fwe ara anye no, he was
preserved unhurt; ontumi nye me fwe, he cannot do me any harm.
— red, fwefwe, fwcfwefwe.
af w ea, a kind of mole,

e-fw ea, pi, n-, the serotumy jmrse. — afweabo, testicley stone.
II f w e a, o large knife used for chopping off the head; cf. oyiwah.
fwda, fwOawa, Ak. rr^ hoawa, wax. pr. 712.
fweafwea, a. narroWy pointedy tnpenng; abantenten no fw.
O-fweain, the current or swiftest part of a river; asubonteh
mfinimfini a eye den a efa ade no; asu no fw. ano ye den, the river
has a strong current.

iifwe-anim', inf. [fwe anim] looking each other in the face;

s, di^; syn. mmoanim.

f w e a s e am m 6 [ef we ase a, emmg, when it falls down^ it does

not hre(dc\ a large eatihen bottle; cf. abgdeammo.
f w ^-b ere, a time of visitation,
iifwe-boni', inf, (fr. fwew, to bale out, draw, viz. the water of
a fish-pond or pool, & bom\ to unUCy viz. in catching or taking out

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144 fwede — efweiiewa.

the fishes and sharing them]; di nfw., to make common camCfjain

inter estSy associate; cf, di 81.

fwe-de, sptf-gJass; syn. kyikyi.

afwedo [fwe ade] a deed for whieh one deserves a flogging or

chastisement. Luk. 12^48,

afwe e, a place for taking a view, looking out or watching j look-

otdy watch-tower J observatory ; e.g. the highest part of a building or
mountain which commands a wide view.

o-fw6fo, jp/. a-, looker; overseer, superintendent, surveyor, in-

spector, director; warden; guardian; curator, trustee; keeper, con-
servator, x>rescrver; herdsman, shepherd; pastor, parson, curate,
bishop; rider, chief; cf, oguanfwefo, asafo-so-fwefo. — o-lwefo-
panyiii, pZ. a- m-, bishop, chief or general overseer, super infendeni.

— Q-fwetb-kiinini, _pZ. a-, archbisJiop.

fwefwe, red. v. fwe, q. v, — to look repeatedly and intensely.

hence to look for, seek, search for; to endeavour, attempt^ strive. Mo
pane ayera, mefwefwe na minhu, I have lost a needle, I am seeking
for it and do not find it. pr. 284. 1192-90.

afwefwe, pl.n-, looking-glass, mirror, glass; pane, plate or

piece of glass. Mefwefw^ m'afw^fw^ mafw^, / am seeking my glass
to look (into it). — afwefwe-b6''", diamond; jasper. (Ex. 28,17.)
afwefwQde, F. desire; cf. apede.
fwefwefwe, adv. s. fwe; omfra fw. = kora; s. abomHa.

e-f w e m m e, one who snuffles, speaks tJirough the nose ; cf. bo 70.

afwcm-p6ii, inf. [pon afwene] bleeding at the nose.

f w 6 m p w, a swelling of tJie nose.

fwen, V. [rctZ. fwinf wen] to strike, give a blow or slap; of wen

n'asQm' = obo no sotore. — 2. to inquire about or concerning a child
in the mother's womb : 6fw6h oba, okof wen ne yere wo okgmfo ii-
kyen. (Obarima kO a ne yere yem no, ode no ko okgmfo hi nkyen
na wakobisanebaaowoyafunum' no anom* asem, se gbeba no den?
oye obarima a.s. gbea? a.s. den na ogye ansa-na waba.)

afweu-afwen, adv. in great distances; won ntdm' dp^h af.,

th4iy are separated far from one another; nnuano sisi af. = emmen,
the frees are not close.

a-fwenakroii, pi. n-, a kind of bat; s. ampan.

Q-fwene, Ak. ehwen, nhwen, F. ehwen, i. the nose; obo nefw.

kasa, okasa ne fwenem', he speaks through the nose, snuffles; ne fw.
dwa ahuhm = oye dwae, he is haughty. — 2. the spout or project-
ing mouth of a pitcher or jug, directing the stream of a liquid poured
out; the beak of a lamp; the eye of a needle. — e-fwenem', the in-
ner part of the nose, nostrils. — fwenem'-kurii, sores within the nose.

— fwenem-tokuru, nostril. — fwene-ntam', the upper part of the

nose between the eyes. — afwene: opon' afw., he bleeds at the nose.

e-fwenee, i??. n-, Ak. = ahene, Akr., bead.

e-fwenewa, pl.ii-, Ak. == ahenewa, Akr., a kind of beads;
$, ahene.

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afwenhema — fwete. 146

afweii-hema, white-nosey = osda.

fwennore [efwene, doreV] snoiy snivel: mucus, pr. 1199.

o-fw en-tea, hhw. /"= iJiln nose] a kind o^ perfume or sweet-
stneUing spices (ohiiam bi).

e-fwento, o-, a noseless ^yerson, one wJwse nose has been cut off
by a disease or by way of punisbment. pr, 27L1200(l2832.

afwen-tu, inf. eradicaiionf excision, destruction of the nose,

[pr, 1200 b.
f w eii-nii^- [efwene dua] the tiose; opakum ye wo a, fa ntama
bo nsuobyew mu to to wo fw.

fweo-fweo, a by-name of tbe dog; s. the foil. & okraman.

fwe-o [fwe, imp,&6, Gr. § 144. 145,2.] behold! lot look here!

fwe-o, fwe-o, holloy holloa! het/, ho! attend! here! pr,1537.

f.f., iw^ a 6rek6 no 6! holloa, friend, who goes there!

fwer, V. F. = fwere, to sjJcnd (years, F8.90,9.)'^ to lose (life,

soul), Mt, 16,23/, nkombyenyi nfwer enidzi, a prophet is not without
honour, Mt. 13,57,

fwere, v. to spend; to waste, squander, consume (money ^ pro-

perty) ; to use up (a lead-pencil) ; to j^ass (time) ; to exhaust (strength) ;
mefweree sika pi ua mede mebaa odan mu hayi, it cost me much
money (I had many expenses) before I could oeciq)y this lodging;
mafw. m'adagyew nhina, / have spent all my leisure. — 2. to lose,
forfeit, deprive one's self of: fw. tiri, to expose or lose one's life,
pr. 1592. f w. debisafo, semodebofo, yere, pr. 1700. 3569. 3587. — 3. intr.
lobe spent, icasted, consumed, exhausted,..; odon no afwere, the watch
is (gone) down; asawa no afwere, the wick (or candle) has burned
dowm; m'adagyew nhina n^ m'ahoedeh iihina afwere, all my time
has past away and all my strength is exhausted. — Syn. see; sa, ma
esa. [G. fite; ta.] Cf. adefwerede. ,
fweree, n-, a-, Ak. s. fwere w, a-.

fwerede, anything, with neg. v. nothing; syn, kora; cf. fw6,

fwete; ebiara nnim' fw., there is nothing in it at all.
afwerfede, i>^ n-, a kind of bat; s. ampan.
0-fwerem', s. ofwirem; pr.60d.l201f.

fweremu-ky ew, F. crown of tlwrns.

fweremd, s. ofwirema.

fwere w, Ak. hfweree, nky6kyere, wild sugar-cane, a kind

a f w e r e w , Ak. af weree, sugar-cane. [of grass.

fwferow, adv. unawares, all at once; mebefii so ara fw. —

syn. mpofirim.

o-fwe-sie, inf. [fwe, sie] providence.

iifwes6, inf. overseeing ... (s. fw§8o); pattern, example; origi-

nal; biribi a eda ho a worefwe asiisuw so aye bi; cf. nsusuwso.

fwe tafw eta, a. acufCj pointedj sharp; wama me osekan a

ano (ye) fw. — cf. nnam.

fwfete, Ak. == fwe.


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146 fwete — fv^im.

fwete, v, 1. to scrape, scraich; red. fwetefwete: akokofw.

sumana so. — J2,to scatter, disperse (fw.. gu, bo .. fw., id.; mef w. won
magn, I shall disperse them); - to squander, dissipate; - to sjmad,
strew; - to sprinkle, rf. pete; - to dU<soli'e (parliament); to breakup
(a meeting). — 3, to he scattered, dispersed, dissipated, squandered
(a capital, pr. 1062)\ to be dissolved; to be in disorder. — 4. to spread,
be diffused: bore no af wete (adodo, adidi ako) ne honam nhina mu.

f w 6 1 i, fwiti, the point of a knife, billhook &c. [= fwcne anoj

f w e-t r o, s. fw. 3. syn. bo-toro.

fwew, V. [red. fwifwew] to suck in, draw into the mouth (wa-
ter, marrow from a bone); cf. few & fwirew ^.

f w e w, V. [red. fwefwew] 1. to throw out or off ox to sweep away

(water with the hand); ofwew n^anim fifiri, he removes the sweat of
his face with his hand; gfwew me nsa ho nsn, he flings off the water
on his hand by a jerk; nsu gun pon so na mede me nsa mefwew
migui; - to bale a boat; nsu ba korow mu a, wode kora ana nsa
fwew gu; - to draw (off), drain, etupty; cf. nfwebom'. — 2. gfwew
aben mu = onim aben-hyen yiye.

afwe-wo-da(bi), nea waye wo yiye pen, a former benefactor of

yours, pr. 1188.

nfwe-yem', F. [nfwe-yiye mu] advisedly, considerately.

fwl, haste, eagerness; gbgg fwi kgfae, he wetit and took it ha-
stily, snatched it aivay; cf. fwim.

fwi (fwit), fwifwi, adv. expressing the cracking, clapping, or

rather the hissing sound of a whip or switch: ode aba no too no so
fwft fwit fwit

fwf (fwtt), interj. in pa fwi', an acclamation of consent.

fwidom, a kind o£ locust; s. abebew.

f w i e, V. [red. fwiefwie] 1, topour out from a vessel, usually com-

bined with gu; fwie kuruwa yim* nsu gu, poitr out tlie water con-
tained in this jug; fwie nsu gu kuruwa yim\ pour water into this
jug. — 2. to spill, shed; ofwie mogya = oka mogya, Ite spills or
sheds blood by murder. — 3. to be spilled, nsa no afwie agu, Luc.5,37.
— 4. Akp. ofwi6, he celebrates the yam-custom, = gma ne bosom de,
Ak. otwa dwira, ghye fa. — 5. ofwie nsa, he makes or offers a liba-
tion of palm-wine.

afwie, inf. [fwie 4.] Akp. ///c ?/rtm-cw^om = odwira; afwie adu.
afwie-g^yd, afwiegyA, the fuel for the fire kept during the yam-
custom; nnyansin a wgde apagyji gya so wg adiwo, da a edi kau
a wokum gya [s. kum 11.] no kosi da a wowie afahye no.

afwi6-sa, afwiesd, thej[;aZm-t(?/«c(nsa)or rum brougJit as a drink-

offering or libation; s. fwie 5.

fwifwi, adv. sligMy, superficially ; gkasa asem yi hd fw., he

speaks slightingly of this matter.

fiVifwi, unsteady, fickle; ghene nennam fw. a, wotu no so,

when the king is unsteady, wayward, capricious, he is dethroned.

fwim, t\ 1. to snatch atvay; = hiiam, Ak. fwara; w^fwim me

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fwfm — g$. 147

nsAm^ os^kdn no ; f wim (fi) ne nsam' ! — 2, F. wobeka nsembon

ato bom do akofwim, ihctj shall say evil against you falsely. Mt5^1L

fwim, fwimfwim, adv. hastily, speedily, nimbly y hurriedly,

snntchingly; omaa n'adesoa so fwlm, he s^wifily took up his load;
omaa ne nan so fwim fwim, he hurried away; — (n, haste, speed,
hurry.) Fwlm-fwim-ad6 k^ sorowsorow, lightly won, lighUy gone.
fwinta, Ak. = hintaw. IP^- ^^04.

fwinti, sunti, Ak. = hintiw.

fwir, hwir, F. [Eng. tvheel? 6. Swili] chariot. Of. teaseenam.

o-fwirem', fwirom\ a,prick;ly shrub, growing to a heigbt of 6
feet, brier; n'abA n6 ne dua no wq nsQe-nsoe; pr. 604. 1201 f. Heb.6,8.
cf. nsoe, nnuare. — fvViremu-kye, s. gfwerem.

o-fwiremma, whistling, hissing. — bo fw., to whisUe; obg f\v.

fwefwc; womfaawerehommofw.; onipaanigyea, naobofw. j9r.X205.

fwireii, f. to penetrate, pierce; break or get through; edom

no abo afwiren mu abefi ba, the (hostile?) army have forced their
way through and Mve come out or appeared in this place.

fwirenfwireii, a. acide, pointed, sharp, having or ending

in a sJuirp point; = fwetafweta.

ufwireii, flower, blossom, pr.684. — gu nfw., to bloom, blos-

som, flower; dua no agu nfw., the tree blossams; dua no nfw. agu
or ato, the blossoms of the tree are fallen down.

fwirew, fwirow, v. [red. fwirefwirow] 1, fw. mu, to pierce,

run through or into, perforate: ode sekan fw. dua no mu, - onipa
no mu, he thrust his knife into the tree, - he stabbed the man with his
knife. — J2. to sip, draw (in), imbibe; to drink (iikwah, soup); syn.

fwirow, draught (of a fluid); bg fw. biako pe na fwe! take

only one draught and try (it) !

ufwirow-md, (inf.) the diameter of a globe.

f\vf ti, 5. fweti.


This letter in genuine Tshi words occurs as a guttural conso-

nant, before the vowels o & u; before (e) e& i, and also before a,
it becomes palatal and assumes the accessory sound of y, which,
however, before i, i, e, is less distinct. — The gutturo-labial com-
bination g\v, when united with the vowel a, is written gua, and,
when followed by e, e, i, is changed into dw (excepting some Fante
dialects). — The simple consonant g may in a few cases interchange
with k; s. borogo.

ga, does not occur in Tshi words; gy a is used in its stead.

gar 6 g a, name of a sort of cloth brought from the interior;

s. ntama.

ge, ge, gi, does not occur, but gye, gyi; only when the
e or 1 is nasal, we might sometimes be inclined to write merely g
instead of gy ; but, as the nasal consonant, when put before it, docs

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148 geneneiien — g6r6ww.

not change it into the decided sound of ii, we must keep to gy

(cf. gyenennycnen, nnyinaso, fr. gyenen, gyina), perhaps with the
sole exception of the following.

gene u e ii e ii, adv,, n., tingling ; but s. gy6nennyenen.

agegenu [G.] dokono a woahono no ne ewo ana asikre afra,
a kind of pap or thick beverage made of water, bread, and honey
or sugar.

giiigan, = gingham,

gi rase, i>L n-, glass, wine-glass; cf. tomere.

go does not occur, but go, go, gu.

go, V. Ak, = goro, Ak. = goru, Akr.

go, V. F. =rr gow, Akr., gono, Ak. — won do bogo, F. -= won

do ano bed wo, Mt 24,12.

go, adj, Ak. F. ~ gow.

go, adv, in a croivd? wopia kohyee ho go, they all iogethcr ran
to the spot,

go, a kind of rccd; sgn, abo'bow; s. kete. pr. 3021,

ag6, inf, 1, plat/, amusement (=Agor\i)\ 2, affahilitt/y kindness
of manners, civility, sociuhleness ; wunim ago, you are sociablCy you
know how to treat, attract or oblige one,
ago, velvet; cf. bofua, agodwumahono.

ago, interj, a salutation in or before entering a house by night,

announcing that a visitor is coming; pr,l)0. cf. kmh,

iigo, s. nno.

a go-bone, lit. had play; licentiousness, debauch.

agode [ago ade] play-thing, toy; trifle,

agod6n [agoru a eye den] a serious play; wogoru ag., they

play harshly, forcibly,

o-gof6, Ak. ogofo, pL a-, 1. player (singer and dancer); play-

maie; pi. gofo, the choruSy the company of singers (in a play) an-
swering to the precentor. — J2. an unfaithful wife, lewd woman.
ago-dwumah6no, velvet.
ago-hia, pr.l207.

ago-hina [nno ahina] pot of palm-oil. pr. 1203.

ogo-hye-ase, promise of a play, pr, 1209,
ago-kyew, a velvet cap.

g-gom, slowness, tardiness; neg. nti onnya biribi. pr, 622.1210,

a g o-m e r d w [agoru a eye mere w, agorupa] a soft, gentle, rea-
sonable play; wogoru ag., they play gently.
agona-ne-toa, a kind of plantain; s. oborode.

gon 0, V, Ak. s, gow, r.

g o n 11 11 o, red, v, Ak. s, gugow ; ogonn6n6m^ = ogugow' mu.

goro, Ak. = go, Akr. goru. — agoro, Ak. = ago, Akr. agoru.

goro, Gy. = nkyekyerewa.

goro WW, gorgwgorow, a. 1, weak, faint, feeble, languid,

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gorii — gow. 149

duH; Sf/n. b^te, brogo, broko, merew, si^md... Oyaro aye no g. -=

agurow no ; okom nti wayc g. = wagurow ; n*aniwa aye g. = si^mo ;
m'akwa mu aye me g. = m*akwa mu nni aliooden bio. — a?, gg.,
waicrish; insipidy vapid, tasteless (nkwan, nsa). -- 3. lukewarm;
nsu no aye g. = botiir6bod\v6.

gorii, V, [red. gugoru?] Ak. go, goro, 1. to plat/, sporty frol-

ic, divert or amtise one's self (nimofra g. abotiten so; agyinamoa,
mpata g.; g. asafo, pr. 1478.), — ^. to be of a friendly, communica-
live disposition^ he sociable; g-n^biara goru, he is friendly tvHh every
body; o-n^ bi nnoru, he is unsociable; - to have intercoursey be inti-
mate with each other, pr. 1367. — 3. to play for moneys toy amble; cf,
tow nhoma, tow ntrama, si ntew. — 4, to perpetrate some wicked-
ness; g. aguaman-noru, to commit fornication; g-n^ bea g., he com-
mits whoredomy adiUtery; - g. abayigoru, to practise witchcraft. —
5.^. ho, aj to mock aty deridCy scoff. - b)to neylect, slight. pr.l219.

agoru, tn/*. Ak. ago, agorg, 1. playing; playy sporty amusementy

espec. singing and dancing; pr. 1211-18. game; gu ag., to give up a
play. — 2. sociablenesSy friendliness; onnim ag., he knows no jokCy
is sourminded; s. ago. — Different kinds of play, consisting of
singing and dancing (s. asaw), are: adewd (a common name); of
women: bewd, ad^hkum, nnyjin^; of men: dasumm^n, dwae, agyfe-
mannare, alienkwa', onnibfamine, nnontwiiwa, paw', asafo, oseky^,
asfbftlete, antgrfepirA. Other plays are: gware-tow, dam-di or -to,
atwe-di or -sisi or -tow &c. Children's plays: aba, ba-bg, odo-tow,
amuamuani, esono-n^-ne-mma &c.

agorii-gu, inf. the giving up of a play.

agosana, pr.2185.

0-gO-sodf6,^?. a-, pahn-oil carrier [fino, soa, fo] pr. 1220.

ago-tras6 [agoru a etra so] a play carried to excess; wngorn

ag. a, kanses^ ey6 a, wo ani wu akyiri, ifyouiJilay ovemiuchy though
it be nothing bady you will afterwards feel ashamed.

gow, V. [red. gugow; Ak. gono, red. gonnono] 1. to slack,

slackeHy relaxy loosen: a) to become slacky be made lax, i.e. less tensCy
firm or rigid, to become loose; hama yi mu agow, e.s. emu yeree,
na afei asan aye 'merew. — b) to render slacky make less tight,
make loose; gow wo amirikatu mu, slack thy riding. 2 Kl 4,24. —
2. fo weaken: a) to become weak; ne nsam' agow, his arms are weak;
- b) to make weaky infirm, feeble: onipa foforo no gow nipa dedaw
no mu. — 3. to soften: a) to become soft, tender, mellow: duaba no
abere na ennowe e; adnan a woanoa no agow = aye merew; -
b)to make soft. — 4. ho gow, nsam' gow, to become easyy comfort-
able: ne ho agow no, prop, every thing around him is softy i.e. he
has an easy comfortable life, = ne ho adwo no (asem bi nni neso,
nanso biribiara a gf wefwe, ne nsa k3) ; ne nsam' agow = wape ade
anya bi; cf. 2 a) — 5. to moderatCy restrain: ogow (~ odwoo) nV
ni kae, she said in an under-tone or modestly, — tutu wo anan gow
mu di kan, go before slowly. — ^. mu gow, to be spacious: gdah
yi mu gow, this room is spacious; opp. emu kyere, it is narrow.

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150 gow — gu.

gow, |)/. agow-ag6w, I, n. fragment, piece, damaged part, rag,

remnant; remains, ruins; cf. ofa, fere, sin; opp. emu, ^;. amuamu;

- biribi abo na wuhd n'^fdafd bio no, ne fa no bi na wofre no gow:

ne infl ni, this is the thing in its perfect state or as a tchole; n6 g6w
ni = ne fa ni, this is a fragment of it; n'dg6w-ag6w ni = n*afa-afa
ni, these are the fragments or pieces of it; kOrow no aye gow, the
iotcn is in a ruinous state; wama ktirow no aye agow-agow, he let
the town fall to ruins. — IL adj. 1. damaged, spoiled, broken; the
attrib. adj. in the sing, is compounded with its noun: adaka-g6w,
opon-now, ahina-g6w(j[;Z. hhinAag6w-ag6w), afwefweg6w; korag6w,
a leeking calabash; - ^. ragged, tattered: kcnteg6w, ntamagow;
m'asepatere aye agow; - 5. rz«woM5, decaying, dilapidated: odan-
n6w; gdah no aye g., yerebebu; kCiro no aye gow; woama adan
no aye agow-agow; s. I.

granate^ [It. granata, Sp. grenade] grenade.

granate,+ granate-akutii, pomegranate, the fruit being in

shape somewhat like an orange (akutu) or rather like burukuriiw^;
cf ntoropo.

gu, r. [red. gugu] J. iyitr., sometimes cansatively used, gener-

ally with a locative complement:

1. to fall, pour down (ofa collective multitude, whereas f we and to

are used of single things or persons) : dua no nfwireh regu fam',
the blossoms of the tree are pouring down; aba no bi koguu abo so,
smne of the seed fell on the stones; Mt 13,4 f cf. 11. & porow 4, —
^. (contin.) to lie (of a collective multitude, whereas of individual
things or persons da is used); ntrama bebre gu ho, many cowries
are lying there. — 3. cans, (in connection with a preceding auxili-
ary or principal verb: to cause to fall or lie i.e. to cast, throw, pour;
to lay, put (of single things to is used): fa ntrama no gu ho, throw
the cowries down there; mode abiirow migu nsum', I am pouring
corn into the water; roframa tetew ahaban gu fam\ the wind severs
the leaves and throws them down; yerebebu dan yi agu fam', we
are going to demolish this house and to throw it down; — ode ne
nsa guu me so, he lay or put (both) his hands uj^on me; ode ne nsa
guu n'akyi, he put his hands behind his hack. — oka nnuan no gu
dan mu, he drives the sheep into the stable. — 4. of fluids : to floiv
out (into, upon), be spilled, shed; (contin.) to be scattered, sprinkled
(somewhere): ode hno no bae no, ebi gui (== guu fam'); ebi gugu
dan mu ho, when he brought the palm-oil, part of it was spilled; some
has been scattered on the floor there in the room; cf. 13. — 5. cans,
to pour (into, upon): fa nsu gu tumpan yim', pour water into this
bottle; f wie nsu gu me nsa so, poiir water on my hands. — 6*. to
fall or hang down, hang loose and tearing, flow: ne nhwi gu nekon
mu, ne mati, his hair hangs down into his nape^ on his shoulder. —
7. cans, tothroiv over, put on: ode hnugifso guu ne konmu, he threw
a loose garment over his shoulders, wrapped himself up in a mantle.

— ^. gu.. mu, a) to accrue, be added, increase, augment; ne Tvri

no, biribi rcgugu mu, his knowledge of the Tshl language is increa-
sing; cf mmagum\ — b) to intervene: nda gum' kakrano, F. after

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gu^ 151

some da^s. Mk. 2,1. — 9, gu.. so, a) gu kwafi so, to be on the way:
ogu kwan so reba. — b) to lean upon i.e. to rely for support, depend
on, be committed to one*s care: nnipa pi gu me so nti, minya sika a,
entew, because I have to cme for so many people, the money I earn
does not stick mith me ; cf. boa, v, — c) to be bent upon, diligently
occupied tcith: ogu n'adwnma so, he is at his work; wogu aduah no
so redi, they are still in the hd of eating. — d) to come dowfi upon,
numerously and impetuously, to attack: wokoguu no 8o(cf wokgtow
hyee no so, Acta 7,57), — e) cans, obu n'ani gu so, oka n'ani gu so,
s. ani; ki ntam gu.. so, to conjure, s, ntam (Gr.§243 6); ye..gn..
so, to do against, Gr. § 109,32. — 10. gu ase: n'anim gu ase, lit
his face falls down i.e. he is ashamed, abashed, put out of countenance.

II. intr., without a locative complement :

11. to fail, come down: obosu gu, dew falls. — X^. to be shed, spilled
s. 4. ebi gui. — 13. caus. fwie..gu, ka.. gu, to spill, shed; waka
mogya agu, he has shed blood. Gen. 9,6. Lev. 17,4. — 11. to succumb,
be defeated; to run away, flee: dgm agu, the (J^ostile) army has been
beaten, routed, put tofligJU, defeated, dispersed; woako agu, they have
been defeated; woagu, they have given way, arc fleeing. — 15. caus.
ka.. gu, to rout, put to fligJU: yeaka dom no agu, tve have fought
and defeated the enemy; bo., gu, pam.. gu, to scatter, disperse;
cf. 3 the last ex. & yepam dom no guu ahabanmu, tee routed the
army and drove them into the forest. — 16. to become desolate, go to
ruin: kurow no agu. — 17. to be abandoned, finished: agoru no
agu, the play has been given up. — 18. to be finished, be over: okom
agu, the dearth has ceased. — 19. ase gu, to be decreasing; to cease,
die out, be extirpated: n'ase agu, his posterity is utterly destroyed;
ode, mmoa, nnipa no ase regu, = woresa; Abotakyifo ase agu, the
inhabitants o/" Abotakyi have been (as it were i.e. nearly) extirpated.
III. tr. without a locative complement:

20. gu ase, /o extirpate: magu wura no ase, I have extirpated those

weeds; magu m'abrode ase, / have entirely taken out my plantains.

— 21. to end, to abolish, prohibit: gu aguadi, to stop the trade; gu

agoru, a) to cease from playing for a time, to put a stop to it for this
time; - b) to give it up or abolish it altogether, to prohibit it. — gu
adwuma, to finish the work (altogether, = wie yo kora). — J22. gu
ne nkyerew, gu n'dpkre or n^ mpire, to finish, complete, conclude,
consummate: woagu ne nky, = woawie adwuma biara ye; s. nky.

— 23. gu ns5, to 2)erform the concluding part of a funeral cttstom.

— 21. gu.. so nsu: woagu no so nsu n.s. woawie asem bi di, na

nnyafinkae nti ohene ma wogu ne dehye bi so nsu, na obiara antu-
mi ankae asem no bio.

IV. tr. without a locative complement (ef. I.):

25. gu, to sow: gu mo, to sow rice, (cf dua, v.) — 26. gugu, to
scatter: ogugu aburow ma hkoko. (cf.4.) — 27. gu nfwiren, to pour
out i.e. put forth blossoms, to blossom. — 28. gu ahome, to emit a
breathing, pour out i.e. utter a sigh, to sigh, groan; gu homtsen, Y.to
emit a long breath, sigh deeply. — 29. to found (iron, brass, copper,
type, bells), cast (lead, tin, zinc, silver, gold) cf. gude; to coin, stamp
(dare, dollars), — 30. gu asawu, to cast or throw (out) Hie net —

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152 gua — o^rtiaboii.

worigugu wo pom', F. tkei/ were casting a net Mo the sea. Mk, 1,16.
— 31. gu nsu, to make icater, euph. = dweDso.

F. ga may be called an aux. v,, when it shows the direction

of the movement or action expressed by a preceding princ. t?. as
ka, fwie, bo, pam, tow; in connection with a following ma or
so it supplies the place of the Eng. prepp. info, upon (s.3.5.); when
no complement follows, it answers to the adv. away (fwie gu, tow
gu!) or the notion of loss or icaste is contained in the Eng. t\ (as in
to spiUy to rout). Cf. Gr. § 109,32. 223,4. — 5^. tow., gu, /o vast
away. — 33. ye., gu, lit. to do (t cast away i.e. to do in vain, work
for nothing.

g^a = gua, F. gpira9 Ak. dwa or even dSua.

gua, V. [rc(?. gugua] //) cut in pieces, cut up (an animal), carve;
pr. 3025. - to flay, skin, strip off the skin of an animal; gua nantwi-
nhoma, to skin a bullock; wagua a boa hhoma atoii ; pr.l223. - to gut,
eviscerate, take otd the bowels.

e-gua, 1. public place, market-place; market; open place, cf

abannua, court; - okae wg gua so, he spoke it publicly; oko gua so,
he went to the market; woafi gua ase, the market has begun. — 2. a
2>ublic assembly, council; perf. to hold a council, used espec. of the
elders of a town who assemble for deliberations on public affairs;
oko guam', h^ went to the place of ctssembly; gua atu = woatra ase
asore, woafwete gua, the assembly is dispersed, the session is broken
up; cf bagua, guabo, guam'fo, agua ase. — 3. trade; di gua, to
trade, traffic, deal (in); cf di bata, mpewa, nsesa, nsesagua, nnu-
kurogua; odi no gua (or bata) = odi gua ma no, he trades for him;
g-n^ me di gua, / am engaged in trade with him (mutually); g-n^ me
di bata, he and I go and buy things &c. — ne gua abg no, he has
fallen short, has come off a loser, has suffered a loss in his trading.

agua, pl.ii-^ seat, chair, stool; throne, s. ahennua; nan ase

a^na,^ foot-stool; c/*. akonnua, akentehnua; aponiiua; mfino'.

gna, V. 1. to separate; - gua neho, to retire, retreat, withdraw;

gua woho fi wgfiho == twe woho fi wgn ho, separate or withdraw
thyself from ihem. — 2. to level: wgagua bepgw hi ani ase, the lower
slope of a hill has been levelled. — cf. guae.

agua: bg neho agua, to retire, retreat, get away, make off, run
away (secretly), take to one's heels, flee, = guan.

o-ofu^, oguAwA, pi. a-, the guava fruit and tre^. [Sp. guayaba;
Psidium pyriferum, white guar a; Psidium poniferum, red guava. ^

0-gnabi1n, a thorny shrub; nhndre bi a w6de y^ gsdw; wgw^

agudbf rim, Ak. adwabfr^m, q.v., a large place for assemblies

(nea wodi asehkcse a.s. wgbg gua kese bi).

gud-bg, inf. [bg gua] the act of assembling, the state of being
assetnbled; assembly; guabg, wgbg no wg neannipa nh. benya atra-
y6; won g. no ahwie fe yg, e.s. wgammg gua no senea wgbg gwa;
won g. no akyi ansi yiye. (Wgbg gua di asem, di adae, yi wgahd
adi, tra ayi ase, nom usa, goru, bg semgde, di hkgmmg.)

o-guabon [nea ogua bon] one who flays a beast, pr. 1233.

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afj^uabuin — o^nampraheh. 153

aguahum^ disturbance^ uproar of an assembly^ in a market.

aguad6 [egua ade] goodSy wares, merchandise. [pr. 3254,

agud-di, inf. [di gua] trading, trade, pr. 565. 1224.

o-guadini, -fo, pi. a- -fo, trader, mercJuint; cf.obatani, gpewa-
o-g u k-d u a , gtiava-tree. [difo.

giiae, V. g... mu, to disjoin, part, separate, sever, sunder,

rend; to tear asunder; g. nc nhwim\ g. nwnrani', to part one^s hair,
Uie needs, the hush (in order to go through); sgn. bae mu, dae mu,
hah' mu, pae mu, pah mu, tan mu, terew mu.
guaguagua, adv, very much: ne se bo so g., his teeth chaiter
from feverish cold; owia pae g. = keteketekete, the sun burns,
shines very briglU.

guahii, gudhd [egua, ha] a halm, straw, or stalk of grass, with

some cowries strung on or added to it, serving to conclude tJie sale of
a person or thing by tearing it asunder and putting the parts into
t!ie hands of witnesses, at the same time distributing to them the small
amount of money (perh. 25 strings) given by the buyer besides the
actual price; hence, tew ne ti g., to conclude the sale of, lit. to tear
a straw cancerning one^s head or price in testimony of the sale, which
ceremony seems to indicate, that the previous connection between
the seller and the person or thingnow sold is broken asunder. ^..9555.
Watew ne yerc ti g., he has (completely) sold his wife. The witnes-
ses are bound to keep the ends of the straw and the cowries handed
over to them, and, if necessary, to produce them in testimony to the
bargain; this giving testimony is then called wokotoa guaha, lit.
they join together the ends of the straw. Me ti guaha da n'akohhua
ase, the straw of my purchase price lies under his chair, i.e. I have
been bought by him (as a slave).

gu-akuro, a kind o£ weed; wode ta kuru so.

guam, V. [red. guhhuam] 1. to grow together.be double; duAba

no aguam ntd, Agu^m abieh' = aba no ye abieh, nso ebgm\ the
two fruits are groum together; 2^1' eguhhuam nta-nta or abieh-abieh.
— J2. to run or flow down copiously; fifiri reguam no = f. repnim
no, he perspires copiously. — 3. to run, galop, of horses; opohko
guam reba. Hab. 1,8.

0-giidmma [oguah ba] 2i>l. h-, lamb, yeanling; kid.

ogudmma, a-, pi. h-, \dim.'\ a little lamb, lambkin, kid.

nnuammdn [oguah, pi. h-, &b«h] sheep- fold, sheep-cot, pen.

aguamdn, 2>Z. h-, fornicator; ichor e, harlot, prostitute, strum-

pet. [The j>Z. must not be confounded with the preceding word.] —
bo ag., to commit fornication'^ cf. bo 41. 106. goru aguammahhoru,
id. — aguamfim-mo, aguamaimoru, /brw/a/^/ow, whoredom, lewd-
ness; prostitution. — o-guamlLmmofo, pi. a- (= aguamah) wJwre-
monger, lecher.

o-guamm^re [oguah here] a female sheep (or goat), eice.

guam'f6 [egua mu fo] tlte people belonging to a public as-
sembly; g. ne baguafo n^ ohene ho nnipa ; s. gyaasefo.

0-guamprdbeii [oguah, pra.^beh] a sheep or goat with red hair.

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154 op^uammuruwd — ^nantiri.

O-gu a m m u r u w d [oguaii abaruwa] pL ii-, a grown sheep or
goat that has not yet had any young,

aguam-s6m [gua mu asem] a public palaver, pr. 1943.

guau, V, [red. gunnuan] 1. to wUhery fade, decay, dry (afuw,
unecma, dua, ababan); syn. botow, kagyaw, kisa, nyani, tuam; -
to ripen (abtirow g.), syn. boa. — ^. guAn ..bo, to trouble j didress,
cause pafn or anguish to; me bo gukn me =:= me bo bia me, / am
in a strait; 6gu^n me bo = oblabia me bo, he troubles, harrasscs,
annoys, vexes me.

guaiV, V. [inf. a-, red. gnan'nuan] to flee, rtm off or away; to

avoid (aaem, kaw) ; to escape. — pr. 1784. 2250. guan do, g. kg, g.
toa, to flee to .. for sticcour, seek a refuge or hiding-j)lace with a per-
son or o^ a place.

Gu&n, j>r. n. oftbe language of Date, Kyerepon, Anum, also of

K&rakye,Ntwammnru,Nta; c/". Gr. introd. § 5Al. § 1DII,5.6. §2,3.

guann, a. fine, nice; onipa no aye g., his dress, face, whole

appearance look fine; wasra nedan mu nti, emu aye g., because he

has whitewashed his room, it has become nice; syn. Me, k^m^ os6.

O-gudn, pi. n- [F. egwan, Ak. odwane, odzuane] the sheep; the
term includes the goat also, but as tbere is a particular word for the
latter {s. abirekyi), it is commonly used for sheep; if the sheep is
to be expressly distinguisbed from tbe goat, it is called oguanten.

aguaii, inf. tbe act o^ fleeing or running away; fligJU, escape.

fir. 1929. — hasty, hurried steps: fa ag. = tu mmirika; fa ag. ko na
b^ra! — dze or tutu angwah, F. = de or tutu mmirika, Mt. 5fi. 9,35.

0-guaii-aniwa (sheep's eye), a kind of bead, s, abene.

g u a n-d o-b e a, place of refuge for protection ; s. guaiikobea.

0-guanfo, pi. a-, fugitive.

o-giiau-faiiii, a dead slieep or goat.

o-guan-funuma, oguan a n^funumd tua so, a lamb whose

navel-string has not yet fallen off.

o-guan-fwefo, pi. a-, shepherd.

oguan-homa,^?. n-, sheep-skin, leather prepared from it; skin

of a goat.

o-g u an-h w i , wool ; the hair of a sheep or goat. (Tbe sheep on

tbe G. C. bave hair, no wool).

^ixah-ko-bea J place of refuge for sbelter; s. bintabea.

o-guan-nam, the flesh or meat of sheep or goats; mutton.

o-guan-sae, wether, castrated ram or he-goat; cf. opaposae.

o-gii a n-t c II, pi. n- [oguan & -ten, long i.e. long-legged] the sheej).

o-guanteii-ba, j;Z. nhuanten-mma, lamb\ s. oguamma.

o-guantcii-hdma, sheep-skin.
guan-tiri, sheep^s head; wgye me abofra g., they send me on
a fool's errand (make an April fool of me); wodada abofra soroah-
k^fo se; kogye guantiri wo obi hkyen b^ra, na mama wo bi; nso
ob& biara na obisa no a, se onipa-ko no nim ase dedaw nti, okyere
no foforo bo kwan.

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op^uantoa — of^uasonipa. 155

o-guantOa, a kind of plant; woguan wo a, wokobu n^ahabaii

na woawe.

agudn-tware [oguan t^a] killing sheep for a feast or a sacri-

fice, pr, 1125,

guanuuaiV, a. [= gunnuan, gunnuan6, fr. gu^n] withered;

dry; ripe; abtirow ^., pr. 678.2044.

guare, v. \inf. a-] to wash the whole body, to hattie (tr.) [of,
horo, hoho, hohoro, to wash single parts of the iodf/, or clothes and
other things]; - to bathe (ifitr.d^tr,), to wash (one's self); - koguare
no or fa no koguare (wo) asnm\ go and wash him in the river; me-
koguare, I am going to bathe or to wash myself (by pouring down
water over the bodj, as the negroes regularly do every day) ; gde
anka guare, he washes himself with limes, i.e. he rubs his body
with lime-juice, in washing or after having washed it. pr,2427. —
ogaare po, samina, nsuohyew, he wasfies himself with sea-water^
with soap, icith hot water, — ^. to swim; guare bSra or ko mpoano,
swim to the shore; ognare twaa asu no, he swam over the river. —
3. guare asum\ s. asumguare. — 4. to worship some patron spirit
(family fetish). Aboadefo nhina g. Bosonotwe, all the family o/Aboa-
dee have B. for their family fetish.

aguar e, inf the act of bathing or swimming; bath; ablution.

aguare(-o), a word of politeness spoken by a guest (?) before

be begins to eat.

aguare-anni, washing without (subsequent) eating, pr. 2687.

agiiaree, a place for tvashing or bathing, pr. 1234.

o-g u a r e f o , ^?. A-^'bathcr ; swimmer.

agii are-g ud, a scat used in washing one'^ body.

aguare-ns ra [wode guare a, wonsra] a large kind of lemon,
so good for washing with, that you need not anoint your body after
washing, as the negroes usually do.

agu aase [egua, ase] 1, the king and his elders sitting in coun-
cil; ohene n6 ne mpanyimfo a woabo gua; • Kwadade aguaase mu
nnipa doso. — ^. the whole assembly; oko aguaas^m'=^9ko guAm\
he went to the council.

a g u a a s 6 nrT d e, the things i.e. the proper manners observed in

public assemblies, polite manners; 6ye ag., onim ag. yo (= onim
nkyid n^ aky^mii n^ kAsA; 6pow), he is polite, polished, elegant in
manners, well-bred, courteous, — aguaasem-kasAj polite speaking;
a courteous address; courtesy.

o-giiaas6inn(, pi. a--fo, 1. an attendant of a king or chief in

a public assembly, one of his follotvers or train (not one of the coun-
selors, who are called baguafo). — 2. oguas^m*nipa, = aguasoba.
gua-s6n [guare, gseh, = ahina a wode nsu gu mu guare]
hasin, vessel or pot for washing, laver.

g u a-s 6 [egua so, mi the market] openly, publicly, pr.l222.Mat.6,4.

aguaso-bd [egua so oba], oguas6m'ni (2), a polite, courteous,

genteel, elegant, cleanly, clever, active man; bye ag.

o-g u a s o-n i p a , gentleman.

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156 ognasoiii — gya.

o-guasoni, member of a council, man of distinction in puUtc

assemblies. — agiiaso-niwu (^qixa so Amwuli j^i^bliv shame; woa-
hyc no ag., tJief/ have publicli/ put him to sJmme, made him a puUk
example. Mt 1,19,

agu^ton, goods sold at retail: 1. palm-tvine sold by retail; nsa

a wosoa ton no aban-aban; wode ag. retwam', people retailing palm-
wine are passing. — J2. pedlergy goods not made in a proper way
and bought up by peddlers^ ade a wgto di inpewa; fi ippcry, lumber,
refuse^ out-shot, riffraff; cyi de, eye ag., nsee wo sika wo ho!
0-giiawa, s. ogua.

glide [gn ade] a thing cast and wrought of metal, espt'cially

of gold; trinket, jewel ; cf. 'mranniian (wobg bi na wogu bi).

gugow, red. v., s. gow; = gonono.

gugii, red. v., s. gn. — ^^^^^^y !*• s. gu 30.

gugua, red. v., s. gua.

gum' = gu mu. Fa tumpah no kgfa nsu gum' bora. pr. IM-
agunia, fighting, wrestling ov struggling, not in earnest, but /ar
sport and exercise; pr.1800. wodi ag. == wodi ayeusin (nuipa bi
goru kitikiti bobo wonho n.a., na eny^ aniboreso).

aguma-di, inf. wrestling or struggling in a combat for cjcer-

cise or for a prize.

guuuuan, red. v. guan.

guiiiiuane, a. =guannuan, withered, dry, fully ripe; aburow

g. dokono na 4y^ d^.

guram, v. to strike, beat with bothliands; cf. biram, bg,

boro, five.

gurow, V. to become loose, slacky weak; to break dotcn; to be

shattered, broken, exhausted; syn. hodwow; gpc ama adakanoagu-
row, on a<^count of the harmattan the box has become out of joint;
me nnompe ag., my bones are consumed. Ps. 31,11. m'akwam* hh. ag.,
cdl my joints are loosened; wagurow gSrgww = waye gSrgww, he
has become quite feeble, imbecile, debilitated, enervated, worn out,
seedy (as after a drunken debauch).

g^a, gwan, gwar &c. F. = gua, guan, guare &c.

gwaii-suma-bew, F. = guankgbea, hintabea. P^. 90,1.

gwe, gwl, F. = dwe, dwi.

agwew, F. = adwew. — gwimfo F. = odwumfo.

gwom, F. = guam', ML 12,38.

gwoii, F. = dwen, Mt. 18,12. — tg gwon, to go astray.

gya. [G. d§a.]

gy a, V. [red. ^y'^gy^^ 1< to go along tcith; to send or lead away,

dismiss; to guide, conduct; to accompany, especially with kwnn, or
adding the place to which one is accompanied: ogyaano kwah so
6nkg po ho, he sent him away to go to the sea; okogyaa no de no kgg
Atene, he conducted him and brougJit him to Athens; okogyaa no
hyen no mu, he accompanied him to the ship; (Acts 17,14.15. 20^38.)
— kogya me sc Nkwantanan, come along with me about as far as

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gya — gy^biriw. 157

Nkw.; wokogya wo ygnko 'sa a, woboa woh6 bi, if you accompany

your friend into the war, you prepare yourself too. — 2. to help,
assist: onipa yi kogya me adwumaye 'iie, this man is going to help
me (in ray work) to-day. — 3. gya ..nan, to cover on^s feet (Judg. 3^24.
1 Sam, 24,3.)y to ease one^s self. ; cf. ne.
gya, V. Ak. s. gyaw, 1. to leave; gya ho, F. to leave, forsake.
Eph. 5^1. — 2. to worship.

gya, n. Ak. s. gyaw, the leg.

gya, V. [red. gyagya] 1. to let loose, quit one's hold, let pass,
let dip; wogya won nsam\ F. they loose their hands, to let go, let
alone; - to loose, loosen, release, set free or at liberty. Mt, 18^.^45.
Ads 26,82. — 3. to omit, he unthout, cf gyaw; pr. 221. 1004. — 4. to
desist front. Mk. 14,6. gya me fwe, do not always look at me; cf. gyae.
— 5. gya.. kwan, to dismiss, let go, set free. — ^. gya.. kyene
(dan kyene) to give up, relinquish, abandon, drop. pr. 510. — 7. gy a
inxLy a) to slacken, relax, loosen, let go; gya mu to fam\ to let doum
to the earth. Acts 10,11. Mark 2,4. — b) to grant liberties. — 6. to let
floic out: nnipa binom da a, wogya won anom^ nsu gu sQrai so. —
0. gya siade, to miss good luck. — 10. gya, F. — gyae, to cease.

gyky adv. disorderly, confusedly, distractedly, in perplexity ;

cf. gyabegyabe, gyigya, adv. — mmea ne mmofra de su nam gya,
women and children walked about lamentingly,

o-gy a, l.fire; pr. 467.1245.1247-53. ogya so, dew, fram, tutu sran-
sran, dum; - the power of striking fire, pr. 490. — da gya, to sleep
at the fire, pr. 559. cf. nnyahyee. — 2. fuel, cf. nnyansin, nnyentia,
nnyina, any an. pr. 1246.

^S7^y P^' agyanom (F. agyam), father, male parent; syn. gse;
progenitor, andestor; master; the word is also used as an honourable
appellation : m'agya Kofi fre wo, Mr. K. calls you. — Syn. gse,
father, akora, old father. In Ak. agy a is used only in speaking of
owe'*' own father, omitting the prow, me or yen (my, our) before it,
whereas gse is used in other cases; agy a ahu wo se Asuom', my
father has seen your father at Asuom.

agy a, n. the opposite part or side. — agya no hoa, (adv.) be-

yond, on yon side, on the other side; cf. asuogya, ayannya.

gy a , pi. n-, s. gy awa. — tggya = tg apakye.

gy a, pi. n-, smithy coal, charcoal, made of gs6n4 wood, former-

ly also of palm-nuts (nnwea) i.e. the shells with their kernels, of
which the natives did not know to extract the oil.

gya haw, adv. besides, nevetiheless, nothwithstanding ; eyi

nhina gy., leaving all this aside, [fr. gyaw, to leave, & haw = ba,
bea, here, bew, a place.]

gy h b e gy ^ b e, disorderly, confusedly, distractedly ,falt€ringly ;

^yn. gyll, gyigya. — gnam ^y, == ogyigyd, n'ani adg nkran, gbg
8on8ohku. — waye gy. = waye twintwan-twintwan, he reels, stag-
gers, tumbles.

gy^bia, Aky. s. gyama.

gya-biriw [gya, biri] coal, charcoal.

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168 agyabonti — ogyamfo.

agyabonti, name of a hecist. pr. 1975.

agyade [agya ade] paternal inheritance; Akuapcmfo a wg-

kasa Guan, wodi agyade, among those Akuapems that speak Guah,
the fatJier's property is inherited by the son ; of, wof ade.

agyadw6 [agya? adwo]: twa agy, to waily lament; wotwa

agy., they weep or cry aloud, orig. for a deceased father; otwa no
ho agy., he bewails him; cf. twa adwo, bo bfena, bo abubuw.

gy ae, t?. [red. gyaegyae] 1. = gya, to drop, let go, let loose,
let alone* — J2. to set free, — 5. to leave off, discontinue, with an
inf, wagyae ta nom, he has left off stnoking tobacco ; gyae sii, weep
no more; gyae no fwe, leave off beating him. — 4. intr. to ahaie,
cease: mframa agyae, tJie wind has abated; ne yare agyae, his sick-
ness is over or gone; n'abufuw agyae, his anger has ceased.
gy ae-a! ifUerj. be silent!

agya-fanii, asu no agy., both sides of the river.

agya-fa-me-tg [lit. father take me buy it] a kind of herb used

to season food; wgde to aduan so; ete se gyene.

gy a-frama, flame of fire, blaze; cf. mframa, suframa.

gyahdiife, a kind of cloth (kente); s. ntama.
0-gya-hene, jpi. a-, 1. the leopard; s. osebg. — ^. a kind of

agy a-hind [ahina a wgde gy aw gbosom] a smcdl pot in wMch

palm-wine is offered to a fetisli.

ogya-h5-mporoporowa or ntiituruwi, sparks of fire.

gy^kisi, ashes from the husks of plantains, used in making
soap; it is also mixed with snu£f, in order to make it sharp; gy^re
nso a wgde to asrA mn na ano aye hyew.
agyakiimedii, s. gkankan.
gykrUj V. to be in the agonies or 2)angs of death, breathe ones
last, expire ; oregyam, he is at tJie point of death, at the last gasp. —
^. to bemoan or bewail a deceased person; 6gytim nenua; syn. su.
— 3. to condole with, express sorrotv, grief or sympathy at tlie death
ofone^s relation (= kgma no due, kgkyekye ne were). John 11,19.
agyammeii, s. patu.
gyam'gyam*, adv. [gyamu, lit. in fire, repeated] hotly, i.e.
eagerly, swiftly, rapidly; wgakgka asem no gy. ma at^rew, s. ahyds^ra.
gydm^, adv. [Ky. gyam^a, gyabia] perhaps ; pr. 2438, cf
ebia, anfwe-a, sese.

agyammd, a shrub growing about 8 feet high, bearing small

red fruits, a favourite food of birds; wgde n'ahaban nh hd bono hg

gyainadiidu,a large kind of drum, kettle-drum; cf. akyene.

gydmara, -awa, a kind of cloth (kente); 5. ntama,
gyame, a kind of amulet.

0-gyamfo, pi. a-, one who commiserates or pities another.

[pr. 1464.

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agyamu — gyitto. l6d

agyamu, a kind of amulet.

gyaii, 5. nnyinnyan.

gyaii, gyan-ara-gyan, adv. [red. gyennyan, a.] F. = Akr.

kwa, teta, (Ak.) hunu, in vain, for nothing, without campy icithout

agy an (pi. id.) arrotc; cf. bemma; pr. 362.372. — spine or quill
of a porcupine.

gyane, pr.l643. 8. gyansakyi.

agyanee, s. pataku.
agyanka, pr. 1258.

agy auka, i^^n-, Akw. = aylsa, orphan.

agyansako, a kind o{ jumping insect.

gy a n s a ky i, pr. 1643. a by-name of the bird apatipere.pr. 2640.

agyansrammdy^Z. n-, live coal, burning coal, [gya, sram, ba.]
agyapad^, 1. heritage, inheritance; nneema pa a eye fe (a.s.
nkoa, mi^nH, ahene; sika) a wo wgfa awii agyaw wo; syn. apegyade,
awunnyade. — 2. F. treasures. Mt 6,19. 13,44.
o-gyapam, a kind of tree. pr.l259.
gyapatid, a kind of sandals; s. mpaboA.
gy ap6in, gyapim, a disease consisting in a permanent swd-
ling of the leg.

gy^re, soap, = samina. — gyare-ns5, brode-hono a woa-

byew de rebeye samina; cf. gyakisi.
gyasil-boafo, s. osebo.

gy a-ase, lit. under the fire; 1. place where the hearth stands,
hitchen. — 2. the household espec. of a king» and the people belong-
ing to it; household servants, domestics; attendants, suite; Qf\Ve ohene
gy., he has the care of the kings household.

gyaasefo, i??. domestics, attendants, s. gy aase 2. — ohene

gyaasefo ne: mfoaf6 (afoasoafo), akyenekafo (akyeremadefo),
beohyenfo (mmentiabyenfo), ahopriif6, a8oamf6, ketesoafo, konniia-
soafo, kyinikurafo, mpaboaf6, atufo (ahumfo, tumtofo), abrdf6 (a-
damfo), sannaf6 (fotosahfo), nsaneafo (sen)) aky^ame.

gyaaseni, sing, one of the domestics or attendants; s. before.

gy aase-h6ne, overseer of the king^s household, captain of the
bodg-guard; cf. ankgbea.

gy titd (pi. a-), the lion; pr. 1260. other names are: ohy^egyA,
sdremuse^. — gyata-ba, a lion's whelp. — gyata-bere, lioness, —
gyata-f6ro, goung lion. — gyata-niiii, male lion.

gy a-tan n a , 1. a pile oftcood to be burned, especially in pre-

paring a plantation. — ^. F. a fiery furnace.

o-gyateii, pi. a-, torch made of dry palm-branches; mpopa a

woapapaem' na wode abom' akyekyere na woaso de fita abe a.s.
wode f^efwe ok wan anadwo.

gy^to, gy atowd, the yaws, a disease of the skin, produ-

cing ulcerated tumours of a contagious character.

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160 gyatodidi — gyo.

gyato-didi, a disease of the skin, producing a rough surface

of the body.

gyato-duru, a medicine [aduru] used to cure gyato.

o-gyatofo, pi. a-, a person having the yaws.

gyatg-nammon, ulcerated sores on the sole of the foot.

gy aw, V. [red. gyigyaw] 1. to leave, quit, depati from (for a

time) ; ML 4,13. — 2. to part from (never to return), to forsake, d^
sert, abandon, relinquish; Mt. 4^20,22. — 3. to leave (behind), let re-
main; pr. 12612735.2776. John 4,28. Mt.22^5. — 4. to leave in or com-
mil to the care of, intrust. — 5. gyaw m u , /o depart this life, expire,
give up the ghost; cf. wu; onnya unyaw mu e, he has not yet brea-
thed his last.

gyaw, V. [inf. a-, red. gyigyaw] gy. obosom, to worship a

fetish (patron spirii) by bringing him piilm-wine or other gills and
petitions. Wokogyaw bosom a, wode nsa akotokyiwa ko agyawe
ho kosSre akwahosan, na titiriw no wogyaw won atamfo tiri so; —
wode wonho akogyaw no; - osofo gy. ne bosom a, okura nsa a.8.
oguan na ode koyi mpae ma nea ode bae no.
agy aw, inf. the act of worshipping a fetish,
agyawe, place where a fetish (obosom, patron spirit) is served,

gy aw, w. a gap between the two upper front-teeth. pr.2831.

gyaw, gyaw a, gya', pl.n-, the leg from tlie knee to the foot.

— fa., gyaw, to take or embrace the legs, beg pardon; mAf^ wo

gy&w =pardon me; okotow ne nankroma anira wo n*anim na waf^
no gyiw; m6nkofa n^ gyAw. — gyaw-fa, inf. begging pardon.
gy^wii, the best kind o^ yam; s. od^.

Syawurusl, a broad and large piece of linen or cloth, sewn

er of 2 to 4 pieces or 5 to 10 yards (a sheet, Acta 10.); otan-
kese a wode aboho 2 n^ fa a. 3 a. 4 apam ; obarima-tam a woapam
(no) ebia sin 3 a. 4 a.s. 6 ; cf. s^pra.

gye, V. [red. ^y'^^yQ', Q*'^*] -A^* ^y^ [with a narrow ^, whilst

Akr. & F. (?) have a full e] 1. to take (especially what is offered or
given), to accept, receive, obtain; cf. fa, nyft; - ^y^ taforoboto yi, take
this plate (off my hand); begye wo akatua, let me give you your wa-
ges; megye (=mebegye) m'asranne, I come to receive my monthly
pay; obi kye wo sika a, wiir^nny^ ana? - pr.307. - ^ye adniaba,
F. to receive seed, Mt. 13^19 f. — gye ahom, F. to take one^s rest,
ML 26,45. — gye mpata, adanmude, to take a ransom, a bribe;
Num. 35f31. Ps. 15^5. — dua biako gye mframa a, ebu, if ofie tree
receives, i.e. has to stand or endure, (all) the wind, it breaks, pr. 1005.

— gye bo, to receive a stone, be hit by a stone, pr. 2488. — It may

serve for the Eng. prep, for = in view of, in expectation of: mete
ase megye den ? what do I live for? wote ha regje den? for what
are you sitting here ? cf. Gr. § 243, b. — 2. to take (against the for-
mer possessor's will), appropriate (to one's self), pr. 302. take posses--
sion of, take away from, pr. 1267. gye ne nsam' ade no, take the thing
off his hands, take it from him; to capture, occupy: oko gyee kiiro
no, he carried the toum by storm. — 3. to take up, take upon one*s^

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gy^ 161

sdf; woagye hainanka no, they have taken up the hammock; obi
nnye obi amanne nye ne de, pr. 304. 308. — (>gjee hen wu wui, F. he
suffered death in our stead; - magye asem no mabo me bo = mafa
asem no mato meho so ; - ogye ahotsewe asets^na yi (r=awar) to no
do, F. he enters into this holy estate (viz. matrimony). — 4. gye ntam,
fo tak^ an oath, i.e. to sir ear with solemnity, in a judicial manner; -
medentam migye wo, I give you the oath. — 5. gye dase(wia), F. to
hear (false) mtness, Mt 19,18. 27,13. Mk. 1^44.-6. to draw into Uielum>gs,
inhale: gye mframa, to take the air, walk out; s. pase; ^yoi htia, to
scent, smelt. — 7. to seek or try to obtain, to engage: okogyee ahene
banu adom, he called in two kings to his aid; s. dom, v. - wokogyee
Akyemfo sa, they engaged the Akemsas allies; cf. gye pa, gyebata. —
H. gye nim, to gain the victory; to win favour, honour, praise^ glory.

— '^^ gy® aware, to demand in marriage, engage a woman for mar-

riage. — 10. F. to take up, buy = to; mekogye tam = mekoto
Dtama. — 11. to ask, demand (as the price of goods): wugye ahe?

— 12. to receive as th^ price of something sold : oton ntama no ^y^Q

dare do, he sold the cloth for ten dollars. — 13. to desire, demand,
require; nea okom g>e ne me, pr. 2191. cf. 36. - F.=pe, Mt 9,13. - ^ye
anyibir, to suffer violence i.e. require eagerness and force. Mt 11,12.
— 14. to require, render necessary: ongye de woko, F. = enhia se
woko, they need not depart^ Mt 14,16. — 15. to propose in expecta-
tion of An answer or decision. — 16. to take of or from, exact: ode
^ee me dare du, he made me pay ten dollars for it; wogye no (ho)
ayefare, they exact of him a fine for adultery; wagye no (ho) sika
pi, lit. they have taken much money from him (as a tine), he has been
severely fined. — 17. to receive, take, collect, gather money or other
things from other persons; ^. 710. gye or gyigye tow, akwanne&c,
to raise or levy taxes, custom, toll or dtUy, to lay a duty upoji. — 18.
to gather, contract, nkanare, rust, pr. 2385. ntuw, mould, i.e. to become
rttsty, mouldy. — 19. gye ban, to make a fence, pr. 104. 1265. — 20.
to receive, take in, accommodate, shelter, harbour: wogyeeyen few-
^,Act821,17.] ekwae yi agye wo. pr. 1872. — 21. gyQ.. torn', to give
a hearty reception; to receive among or into (a society). — 22. gye..
ata, to receive into one's arms, = ye .. atti. — 23. gye.. a wo, to wel-
come. — 24. gye wo, to cry? — 25. to rescue, retake, recapture; to
redeem, ransom, buy out of servitude or penalty; to release, free,
deliver, liberate; to save ; Mt 14^30. 18,11. — gye me (fi) m'atamfo
nsam\ deliver me from my enemies; gye me (wo) bone mu, save me
from sins or eml. Mt 1,21. — 26. gye.. nkwa, to save or preserve
one's life; c/'.agyenkwa. Tit. 3,5. — 27.totake into protection, protect,
defend, preserve; wgpee me aknnfi me, na Onyahkopgn gyee me,
they sought to kill me, but God protected me; ode nkrante kts gyee
nebo, he defended himself with a stvord; ogye ne nua ti, he defends,
fights for, his brother. — 28. to take along (with), lead, conduct,
^ide; s. gyigye; cf. gya 1. — gye abofra ta-ta, to lead a child by
^ hand, teach it to walk. — 29. to take up, admit, believe: gye..
di, fo believe; migye no or n'asem midi, I believe (in) him or his
word; F. gye dzi, Mk. 9^3. (diff. gye .. di, to receive, accept and eat,
pr. 307.) gye .. tie, to obey. — 30. to take up (a saying) and respond or


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162 gye — ogye.

rejyli/ to (it) in one or other way : gye .. kyim, (to tnke up and wrest
I.e.) to doubt, contradicty dispute; gye., &kymnyey id. Acts 13,4o. 28^29.
— gye.. pene or knW, to assent; gye.. pen, F. to accept, receive
(ji saying) 1 Tim. 1,15. — gye.. daso, lit. to accept (a summons)
and sleep upon, i.e. to linger or delat/ in obeying the summons : se
wgsamina obi a, ounny^ nnnA so; ommSra ntem. — 31. gye.. so,
a) to take up i.e. answer y return an anstcer, respond j reply ^o(=bua) ;
to respond to a call ; to return the firing of the enemy. — b) to take
up a cause, Mf. Gr. p. 115. — c) to approve (of), commend, congratu-
late, praise for some performance; adwini a odii no, oman nh. agye
no so = woakamfo adwini a odii no, ttie wJwle town praise him for
the execution of his skilful work. — d) gye .. do, F. to set forth: wodze
won abrabg-pa gye wo nokwar asem no do, they by tfieir life set forth
thy true word. — e) gye .. do, F. to ligJU upon^ lodge in. Mt. 3,16. 13^32.
(('f.37.)Mt.27,40. — 32. to call forth continuation (prop. fortJicoming)
of speech, gye .. ba, to cause one to proceed in his speech by assen-
ting acclamations. — 33. to be entitled to: wugye daben ? what rejdy
depending on the week-day of your birth or on your rank and fa-
mily) is due or belongs to you? migye any^^do, ah^newa, aberaw',
imu, gb^re. — 34. regyc with a locative or objective complement
and a verb in the consec. form: to tend to or toward, to aim at, be
looking for, have in view: gno nso regye kurow no mu akg bi, he
too was endeavouring to go into Uiat town; o(re)gye una awu, he is
drawing near to death, his time to die is at hand = oreye awu, ne wu-
da abeh, adu, newu adu so. — 35, gye bata or aguadi, to take up,
begin (or enter into) a mercantile or trading connexion, commercial
relation, connexion in business (oguadifo ma wgkose gdefo bi se gpe
se g-n^ no di gua). — 36. to require, take up, occupy (a time): adwu-
ma yi begye nnaawotwe; cf, 13, — 37, to take up, occupy, fill up (a
space): dua yi agye asase pi, IJuk. 13,7. wim' nnoma begye ne nwin'
ase, F. the fowls of the air lodge under tJie shadow of it, Mk, 4,32. cf.
31 e). — 38. to detain: ne nna gyee no traa ho ara, his sleep detai-
ned him in that place for a while, — 39, gye ntini, to take or strike
root, — 40, gye,, anom': aduah no agye n'anom', lit. that food has
taken (root) in his mouth i.e. has become his favourite dish; nam agye
n*anom', he is fand of meat. — 41. n'ani gye, lit. his eye takes or
catches (iw/r.^ [or perh. his eye glitters, sparkles? cf. gyigye] i.e. Ae re-
joices, is joyful, cheerful, glad, he delights (.. ho, in..). — tr. ogye
n'ani, he amuses himself; gde gye n'ani, he amtises himself with, he
delights in, rejoices in; Lk. 16,19. — 42, gye, to except, s. gye, adv^

f^y e, adv. or conj. except, excepting, with the exception of, eur-
elusive of, save, bid, only; Gr.§ \M,<^b. 235 b. — gye Onyamc hko
na onim, God only knows; obiara nnim, gye Onyame nko, no mafi,
knows but God alone. — gye se or se gye, except, unless, if not; ear-
cept that, save that. Gr. § 277. John3,2.

^yc, frenzy, madness, — bg gye, to be mad = bg dam; gbo

me so gye, he rages against me,

o-f^yo, inf. 1, the act of taking, receiving,,, s. gye, v, — 2. .<?o/-

t>atiott, deliverance, redemption, — 3. ogye a wonnye uni, unbcliffl

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•agye — agyenennyenemisu. 163

agy e! int. [= agya-6! oh fatherf] oh! alas! woe w me! o dear!

gyebum, a kind o£ plantain; s. ob6rode.

gye-de, F. = gye se, except^ s. gye, adv,

gyedi, -fo, s. gyidi, -fo.

agyedo, F. = nnyeso, answer, reply.
gye-dua, 1. [a tree of receiving scil. in its shadow] a sliadif
tree in the street, umbrella tree; symb. the king, in the phrase: otow
gy. ababan, he tears the leaves of the shadow-tree, = ohyira ohene, he
curses the kings life. — ^. t?ie stick of an vmhrella to which the ribs
are fastened.

o-gy6fo, 1. one who takes, receives, exacts... cf. otowgyefo. —

2. rescuer, redeemer, deliverer, saviour; syn. agyenkwa.
o-gyef6, madman, lunatic, crazy person; syn. obgddmf6.
0-gy efuo, name of a month, about February; s. osram.

%y^Ey^^y^y '^oise, bustle, alarm, tumult; ye ^y.^ to make a

noise, be noisy, boisterous, bustling.

agyegye-nsu, Akp. s. agyenennyene-nsu.

gyem' = ogya mu. pr. 3634.

agyeman [nea ogye oman] defender, supporter, savimtr of the

agyemannare, a kind of song; s. dwom. [nation.

agy e-mpar e [nea egye mparow] Siprop or support of a rafter

(piece of timoer standing on the tie-beam of a roof and supporting

the rafters).

gyen, v. [red. gyen'ny^h] 1. to be pure, clear, still (of water);

nsu no ^j. = emu ye kronkronkron. — 2. to be sincere, simple,
harmless. Mt. 10,16. PhU. 2^15. — 3. to gaze; ogyeh' n*ani (te se wafe
n'aniwam'), he clears his eye i.e. he looks closely or sharply; ogycfi
me = of we me yiye (te s§ ade a ohhuu hi da), of we m'anim ma
agyen-agy en-nsu, s. agyegye-nsu. [ekye kakra.

gy^nii, a.&adv. pretty much, pretty long, for a ivhile; cf.

prann ; gkasae ara gy., osQi ara ^y. — odii nna gyehn supow no
mu, ^ stayed several days on the island.

gy ene, v. 1. Ak. = gyen, v. — 2. to separate; the blood at

death separating into serum and coagulum or clot, **wagyene ne-
ho" has become a euphemistic expression used in speaking of the
death of kings or high persons ; he has resigned or surrendered his
Zi/e = wawu, wAgy^wmii, wa86pa neho, waddn neho, wdkk babi.
gyene, F. (pi. id.) onion; syn. soprada.
gy^nennyeneh, a. dear, pure, transparent, bright; syn.
gyirennyiren, kurennyeh, krohkroh; ode nsu gy. bereeme; wa-
nah sika no gy. asi ho.


adv.orn. iinglingy of the shrill, sharp, vibrating sound produced e.g.

by striking metal; eye m'asom* g., U thrills tftrough my cars; cf. yonn.

agy onen-ny eneu-nsu, Ak. [agyegye-nsu, agyenagyennsnj

Aky. takyirldi, dragon-fly, adder-fly, libelMa.

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164 Qoyeiiko — gjigye.

J^y e II k o, name of a month, about April? s, osram.

afrjeiikwa [nea ogye or egye nkwa] J. sarioury redeemer,
deliverer J preserver; the SariouVy Redeemer, — 2, the safety4id or
eovcritig of leather over the lock of a gun.

«i j^y e n s ii [ade a cgye nsu, tchiU reeeives Oie icaiei-] guUer; spout.

*r je H t ia [ogya tia] />/. nnjentia, fire-stiek, fire-brand; fuel;

remains of a fire, remainder of fuel; mannyi nnj^nsih mannA, na

gy. bi ua medae; m6nkotwa nnjentia mm^ra! dunnum nny. a ewo

ofie nhina ansa-na woako!

fcyt^nnyaii, F. a kind of tree.

f^ycnnyaii, F. [rer?. of gyan] a., adv. in vain; vain, rile, —

gycnnyan biara, F. perhaps, 2^ossihli/.

aj^yen-Hyan-dze, agyen-nyaii-ne, F. a vain thing, vanity.

o-gy ennyent \Vi, pl.H.-y a person given to vanity, ef. nnycn-
uyentwi; 1. a thougMess, heedless, careless, foolish person, who does
not care for advice, but foolishly takes his own way, cf. okwasea. —
2. a profligate, intemperate, licentious, dissolute, debauched, lascivious,
leicd person; r/*. ohofwini. — 3. a shameless, infamous, ignominious,
vile, contemptible, despicable person ; cf. odapafo.

agyesowd [fr. gye so] a certain tone or melody in music;

to agy., to sing the accompanying voice.

gyew^yew: n*asem ye ^j.^ he is rash, precipitate, his man-

ners arc rough, rude; sgn. bye why ^w.

af^j'cw =adagyew, leisure; eho agyew na mannya, I did nM

get time for it,

gy i d i, inf. [gye di] F. gy idzi, faith. — gy idika, inf, confession

gy id in i, -to, pi. -fo, F. gy idzifo, pi, a-, believer, [of faith,

l^y^t^y ''h ^^^' ^' ^' ^' &>**» ^'^' — ^' ^0 ^'' unsteady, unstable,
fickle; to waver, vacillate, Rog. 149.605, — 3. to be unsettled, excited,
agitated, in a passion, distracted. Rag. 824. — wagyigya = waye
basabasa, he is confounded, confused, perplexed; cf. bo nnyinnyan.
— 4. to be impaired, deteriorated; won Kristosom no gyigyae, their
Christianity was on the decline.

o-gyigyafo, a passionate, quarrelsome person; cf, otangyi-

gyafo. Prov. 9,13. 25,24,

g y i gy jVg y i g y {\ a,, ad v. unsteady, unstable, fickle, variable ;

unsettled, disorderly; oye n'ani f^y„ he is unsteady <€r, onam gy, nti,
ehkyere se no koma da neyam\ his rash, restless, stormy, fidgefty
manner shows that his heart is not at peace,

gyigy aw, red, v., s, gy aw.

gyigj'C, red, v. s, gye 1-40. Other meanings: 1, f^y, abofra,

to lead, tend, attend, nurse, feed, foster a chUd; raabo bi pa se 6nny i-
gyh me hk, I have hired a person to attend or nurse my child, — ;?.
to instruct in, train for: wogyigye no akom. — 3, to lead aside or
astray; to allure; to coax, flatter; to entice, decoy, tempt, seduce,
persuade; to cheat, deceive, delude; cf, so fwe, dofedefe, dada, sisi,
^ ogyigyc-fwiroma; to prevail on, win over or try to do so; obon-

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oji^yi^yedifo — p:yiiia. 165

sam gyigyec lesu ; ogyigyee no so 6nye bone, he seduced him to do

evil. — 4. to excite, provoke; ogyigyee me se me n^ no iiko, he pro-
voked me to figJU with him; ogyigyee me pee m*anom' asem, lie tried
to elicit y draw or catch a word from my mouth, — 5. gy. ano; a)
ogyigye m'ano, he teases me, provokes me to fight or anger, — h)
id. he tries to catch me in my words. — c) se ogyigyee ano a, anka
§yee tgkwaw, if he had replied to every things it woidd have led
to a scxifflc. — 6". to begin to grow red or ripe (of fruits). — 7. to
shine, glisten, glitter, glister, sparkle; gy. so, to dazzle; owia gyi-
gye lio '•= ye hq hanh; kanea no gyigye m^ani so, the light dazzles
my eyes. — 8. to sound, eclw, resound; bepgwnom* agyigye, the echo
rings from that mountain; egyigye m'asom', the sound of it is in my
ears. — 9. de neho gyigye .. m u , to interfere, intermeddle, meddle
with; syn. ft-afram'; wgmmfa wgnho nnnyigyera', they shall not inter-
fere, not meddle (or mix themselves up) with (or in) the matter; nsem
libin& na gde nebo gyigyem', he meddles or busies himself with every

o-gy igy e-difo, a woman wlw takes things from men and after-
wards breaks her agreements with them; bye ogy.

o-^yigyefo, 1. gbea gy., nurse. — J3. (ouipa gy.) seducer, al-

lurer, flatterer, pr. 2386 f. adversary, antagonist, pr. 2407. — F. tihe
trmpter, Mt.4,3. = gsgfwefo, gdadafo.

0-g y i gy e-f w 1 r e m a, delusion, deceptive promise ; lit. a decei-

ving by whistling to; ogyigye wo ogy., he deceives you by flattery or
vain promises.

agy fgye-nnyc-nnl, a story to be received and not to be be-

lieved, fable, feigned story or talc, fictitious narration; cf. anaiisesem.
The story-teller first addresses bis audience witb tbis word, perb. =
will you believe or not? and tbe assembled bearers answer: Yegye
di, we believe (it certainly).
o-gy f gyirifo, an inconsiderate, unwary, rash, giddy, indiscreet,
imprudent, foolish person; cf. gkwasea.

agyigyirisem, inconsiderateness, indiscretion, imprudence,

rashness, unreasonable actions, harsh proceedings, violence actuated
by foolishness; wakodi agy. — cf. nkwaseasem.
gyim, V. F. = gyimi, to be an idiot dtc.

o-gyimfo, pl.^^-y a stupid person, fool, idiot, simpletofi dx.

Bog. 499. oOl. 503. cf gkwasea, ogy6f6.

gyimi, v. to be stupid, foolish, senseless, thoughtless, crazy,

mad. pr. 1278. 2708. — o-gyimi, i«/., stupidity, folly dc. pr. 1277.
ne gyimi nti gnte m'asem ase; cf. nkwaseasem, gye^ adammg.

gy in a, v. [red. gyinagyina] to stand (of persons and quadru-

peds, cf. si, ta); to remain firm on a foundation; to stand still, make
a stand, stop, pause, halt; gyina bg, stop I gdgn no agyina, the clock or
watch has stopped; owia agyina, the sun has reached its highest point,
is in the meridian, it is midday. — gyina.. akyi, to stand at the
bark of or behind, to support, help, back, second, encourage, shield,
defend^ protect, stay, assist; cf. di.. akyi, boa. — gyina ..mu, 1.
to stand, hold out, endure, bear, sustain, stand the proof or test. —

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166 ^yiiia — at^yiiiatii.

2, io flourish; anemdwuma-dafi no gyinam' s$, (he manufactory is

in a very flourishing state, — gyina..ano, to stand against, witJ^
stand, resist, — gyina ..so, a) to stand on, be founded on, rest on;
wo fo a wudi yi gyina asem a wokae kaii no so, the reason of your
being declared guitty is your first saying. — b) to stand to, be faith-
ful to: ogyina nahkasa asem so :=onnan n'asem, he keeps, is true to
his word. — c) to keep to, obey: wogyina n'asem 8o = wodi n'as. so,
they adhere to his orders, — d) to flourish, thrive: kilrow no gyina
80 s(», the town is in a flourishing stctte, — e) to consist in or of; a-
honu pots no gyina nsem abiesa so, Kurtz § 272.

gyina, 1. stay, support, prop; odan yi gyina ne odum yi,

this room is supported by this pillar; one me gy. = me mu-dua,
m'akyidua, he upholds me, on him I rest. — 2. stay, delay, conti-
nuance in a place for some time: di gy., to stay or last for a whUCy
to delay; mesomaa no no, wanni gyina na osah bae, when I sent
him, he did not stay long, but returned; bone mu anigye nni gy.^
sinful pleasure does not last long; ntama yi anni gy., this cloth did
not last long; s, di, F, G.

a gyina, the constdtation of several persons who leave a greater

circle to co^iverse apart; kg agy., to go apart for such a consultation,
to deliberate; tu agy., to consult apart, [fr. gyina, to stand, because
the act mentioned is performed by the parties standing.]
gyina-bea, gyina-bew, standing-place, stand, station; hycn
gy,, harbour, road, roadstead.

gyinae, the point or that on which one takes position or in-

sists as being of importance; the main point, the principal part of
a statement; object, end, conclusion; - asem yi, minhil ne gy,, I do
not see the real purport of this palaver; osii n'asem mu gy. ansa-
na greka, o.s. gkyeree asentitiriw a enti gbae nh nsentitiriw a ewg
ne kase no mu, he stated or set forth the principal points of his ob-
ject before he entered into particulars; woanya asi asem no gyinae
no; eyi ansa-na yerebefa wo gy. no so de akg agyina, you have now
stated the essential points of the matter; on these your statements we
shall now hold our consultation; (wgtase nea won nhina kae na
ckosi asem biako so a, wose:) nea yede asi ne gyinae ne se: ada-
pen anah obetua kaw no, the decision we have come to is, thai he
shall pay the debt in four weeks; mohyee negy. den? how did you
settle it? yeahye mu gyinae se adapeh 4 obetua, we have determined
that in 4 weeks he shall j)(iy*

agy inam' [gyina mu]lit.5/anJm//-m, i.e. taking another's place,

hence surety, security, bail; - di agy., to be bail, give security; odi
agy. ma me, he gave security or has become surety for me. — cf,

agy inam'fo, tlie members of a council,

a gy i n a m a, pi. n-, the cat; other names are: ateiikyeraa, fie-

bgfo, gsa, ameew.

gyinantwi, a medicinal plant.

gy i n as6-eh ft-po, a kind of flower, lily?

a g y i n a-t u , inf. deliberation.

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ogyinatuf6 — eha. 167

o-gyinatuf6, pi, a-, one that has gone for deliberation,

agjirae, mark, visible sign made upon a thing for some pur-
pose; significant token; character made, instead of signature, by
one who cannot write; cf. kgna, kra, nsow, botae; - mehye no agy.
n.s. wode biribi ato ho na woaf^e no yiye «cnea eda, na se obi de
ne nsa ka a, woahQ. — agyirae-hye, inf. the Act of marking a thing.
gyirhnij Akw. = tdf6d^, nkyene. — gyirase, s, girase.

agyir^twe, a weight of gold = ntaku 16, J2 dollars or ackles,

9, 3. (As. borpwo, whilst As. agyiratwe is half a taku more.)

agyiratwefa, a tveight of gold, the half (ofa) of agyiratwe.

(As. boro6fa, nt. 8, whilst As. agyiratwefa is nt. 9.)
gyirenny iren, a, pure, clear, clean (of water); syn, gye-
nennyenen, kurennyen, kronkron.

gyirigyiriw, a, gristly, cartilaginous, used in speaking of

things which cause a crunching noise in chewing; syn, hawhaw;
kotoko nam ye gy.

The guttural or faucal consonant h occurs before a, o, o, u

and before the nasal vowels e, i. Before the pure vowels a, 0, o (u)
some individuals pronounce it stronger than Eng. h, f with stronger
friction of the breath between the soft palate and tne root of the
tongue) similar to the guttural ch in German ach, Bacharach; be-
fore all nasal vowels it is not stronger than Eng. h, and between
the nasal prefix ii and a nasal vowel or w it is almost mute, as in
nhina, nhoma, nhwen, nhwi. — Before the pure palatal vowels e,
e, i, the consonant becomes palatal and has more friction of the
breath between the palate and the middle of the tongue, so that
it answers to the palatal ch in German ich, Aachen, Mimchen, or
y^ of the Standard Alphabet; in analogy to ky, y^y, ny, we express
this simple sound by the letters by. — The consonant h is also
joined with the labial sound of w. In our books we retain the com-
bination hwa only when it assumes open prefixes, as g-hwanyan,
whereas, when the prefixes are half-open, we write it hiia or hua,
as o-hudm, o-huan', 6-hu^h. — In Fante dialects we find hw not
only before a, but also before o, o, ii, and e, e, i; for F. hwo,
hwo, hwu, we write only ho, ho, hii, and hwe, hwe, hwi
have been changed into the palato-labial combinations fwe, fwo,
fwi. — In Ak. even hwa or hvia has been changed into fwa. —
The simple h is, in single instances, to be found interchanging with
k, ashann, F. kann; with s or fw, as hintiw, Aky. sunti. As. fwinta;
with w, as F. ahoba, Akr. awowa; and with y, as Ak. hara, Akr.
yera, F. yew.

e-ha, pron, of place (Gr. § 60,3.) Jiere, this place; hither; hence;
her a ha, come here; it may take the adj, prop, yi after it: bera
ha-yi, come just here, or an attribute in the possessive case before
it: b6ra me ha, come hither to me; me ha ye me yaw, this place (of
my body) Jiere pains me; it may stand as an attribute in the poss.
case before a noun : eha nnuan, the sheep of this place or country,

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168 ha — ahaboben.

Gr. § 61, or in apposition after a noun of place, when it must be

rendered in Eng. by this: waba kurom' ha 'ne, he came into this
ioton to-day. — ehanom(a kind of plural form), hereabout, here-
abouts, — The emph. part, ara may be added: eba-ara, this same
place, just here; wgte hanom-ara, tliey live here about (nowhere else).
— Cy*. ha-n^-ha, hayi.

ha, h4, interj. 1. = hahS, &, expressing pleasure or joy. —

2. a call for attention. — 3. an* expression of contempt. Gr. § 145.
e-ha, 1, woody forest, hush; gnam ham* kwa, onhu fie kwan, he
wanders about in the bush, does not find the way home; cf. (a)haban,
hanam &c. — 2. F. plantation, cf- afuw, kwa. — 5. chase, hunting,
sport; - ye ha, to hunt; cf. ahayo.
o-ha, hundred.

ha, Ak. F. s. haw, v.

o-ha, pi. a-, a kind of bat; a harmless kind of monkey. pr.lSB.
aha (interj.) mema wo aha, contr. maha, mahao, / give i.e. wish
you good day!

ha, hate, adv. hard, soundly (of sleeping); wada ha, Ac is

fast asleep = wada nnahg. Acts 20 fl.

ha, adv. (to V. fwe) staringly, fixedly, unmoveably; ofwe no ha,

he gazes at him.

h^bababa, imit. expression of unintelligible chattering or

babbling (wgkasa a, eye m'asom h., tJieir speech is quite uninielU"
gible to me), or of the crackling of a fire: with a crackling noise;
ogya 01' gtanna no rehyew h.

nhab^mmd (ahaban nketenkete), leaves of different trees,

ahabam-mema, pr. 1291.

ahabilim-mono (ahaban mono) 1. fresh or green leaves. — 2.

(a.) green; of green colour. — 5. a venomous snake of a green colour.

habdn, 1. bush:=wur&. F. field, Mt. 6^28. 13,44. — 2. apiece

of land overgrown with bush; raakgtg h. — 3. foliage, pr. 1289. —

Aky. hahane.

a h a b d ii, pi. n-, Ak. ahabane, leaf, leaves, foliage ; shrub, shrubs,
bush, bushes; wood, forest; cf. wura, kwae; - nnuru hi yenh., ebiye
nnunhin, some medicines are leaves, others are roots of trees; wobe-
bubuu all. agu yen so, lit. th^y came and tore leaves have cast upon
us, i.e. they have sympathetically comforted us (e.g. after a defeat),
haban-sem, an agreement concluded in the bush, without
witnesses, pr. 2635.

ahaban-ti\, prepared tobacco in leaves (hands), unrolled to-

bacco, imported from Europe or America; s. ta.

a h a-b it y 6 r e , wild yam. pr. 1390.

aha-bo: watow ah., he has slain a man uniutcntionally, — ne

nsa apa.

ahrl-b(Wi pi, n-, beast of tlw forest, wild beast, game.

ah {1-1)0 1)0, a kind o^ wild vine.

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habodom — ham. 169

ha-bod6m, j:>Z.a-, (lit. dog of the forest), a kind oi' jackal, gioga-
rions, brownish, with a slender body and long tail ; cf, hatwea.

aha-b(isi\ [eha mmusu] the tnarrlng or spoiling of the chase or

hunting; pr. 307. gje no ah., he does him Itarm in his hunting, drives
the game away &c. (Obommofo ko M'uram' a, wobg no mmusu mma
onnya aboa ntowno.)

uhadd, sleeping in the hush; (ahdy6 k wodd wo mu) eho ye nh.,

there are only single huts to which hunters resort, there while hunt-
ing one must sleep in the hush, it is an extensive uninhahited forest;
cf una h so.

ha-dwiw, tick, a little insect infesting sheep, goats &c.

hie ha^, interj. a cry to scare or fright away birds of prey;
oye me hh., he teases or irritates me, cf gtane m'ani.

ahafi, a remote place in the midst of a wood or forest; gtwec

neho kgtraa ah. babi.

e-hdf6, the people from here, inhahitants of this place, toivn or


ahafo = nnan so; oko ah. = gkg wuram\ kwaem'.

ahafod, Akw. = ahaban.

hagire [Dan. hagel, hagt] small-shot, hail-shot.

ahjigya, hasket of pcdm-hranches of an inferior, careless make

berew a wgammg no akyem-medew,

hah a, v, = hoahoa. fr, 1799.

hah d, interj, an expression of gladness, satisfaction &c. cf ha.

h a h a, s. heha. — pr,570. — a h ah a, pr. 1879.

ahJh^e' Ak^*""""^' } = ^*^*"' *^*^*^' ahabane, F. ahataw.

hahare, F. attrih. adj., s. hare.

h ah 1, grief for a great loss; me h. abg meho.

o-h hhini, pi. a-, a large, hlack ant emitting a bad smell. pr. 315.

h&harj\, hahra, hahraha, a. hroad, wide, spacious, wide open;

cf. tetre; gdah no mu ye h. = gdah no mu gow.

h i\ h y e-h a h y e, culv. heavily (of breathing).

^hai, a kind of heer made of Indian corn; corn-wine, pito.

hiU, interj. an expression of fear or astonishment. Gr. § 145.

hd[mu-]k ram an = habgdgra, is used for wolf; but s. pataku.

ham, V. to hrawl, quarrel, wrangle, altercate; to chide (Ez. 17 ,2.)

o-u6 no ham or wghlim = g-ne no yaw, kasakasa, perepere; mekge
no, na greham.

O-ham, inf. dispute, quarrel, altercation, hrawl; efi ham mu;

koo k6 80, from chiding it came to hloics. — bo ham, F. to rehtike.

[Mt 17,18. 20,81.

ham' = ha mu, in the hush, tcood, forest; F. on the plantation,
in the field, Mt. 24,18.40. eham*, Mf. noiihward.

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170 hama — olidu.

h a m a , irf. a- or n-, 1. cord, strin{f, rope; bond; pr. 1293f,2o30.

cf. mfiriwa, mofuml, nntiahllni^, ntampebama. — wahye hama =
wasen ne mene; ode auiwu kohyee h., she strangled herself through
shame. — ^. climber ^ tendril, creeper, creeping or trailing piant, a
plant that grows clinging to the ground or trees or other means of
support; mekobo ahama e.s. mekotwitwa nhamam*, na afe anohyia
a, na mered6 (Ak.) — 3- twe hama, s. ntontobo.

hama-biri, a medicinal plant nsed to cure belly-ache,

ham a-hama, a. boisterous; epo ye h., the sea rages as wheu
agitated by a storm.

o-h am a n i , one bound with cords.

aha man ka, pi, h-, [Span, hamaca"] hammock; cf, denkye-
dehkye. — ahamaukafo^ hammock-carriers,

hamanka-soa, hammock carrying, (Phr, bo no akonkon!

fa to wo atifi ! yebedi no nnyigy^ or adanndn'.)

a h a m a-n 6 [hama ano] pr, 1123, the end of a string,

ah am a-sa-de: ne nan ah. = ade a woma ma wodc sa obi hama

=r atramatiri 24 a wode ma oheue se oroma wonkum nipa.

ahama-tw6, inf, s, ntontobo. pr, 2841.

uhamawa [hama dim.] 1. little strings dtc, — 2. vermicelli.

o-ha-mu-ni, j;/. a- -fo, 1. inhabitant of a plantaiion-mlldge =

ofumni, okuraas^uf. — 2. a person living in the busli, tcood or forest,
a savage. — 3. an uncivilized person,

hhiiy V, [red. henhan] 1, to stretch, extend. — 2. to be extended;

cf, ghan. — 3. to loosen (intr.J: ahan me, it has been loosened (be-
come loose) for me, s. "ahih me ahan me" under bin. — 4, red. to
become or be distant, loose (of texture), 7iot joining closely (of things
fitted together); ntaraa yi ani ahenhan, this cloth has become ihread-
bare{?)'^ ntabow a woka sii anim no ah., there are chinks inthe boards
you fitted together; they no longer fit closely. — 5. Phr. ade no ahen-
han n'ani so, the thing has become unimportant or indifferent in his
eyes, he makes light of it, he disregards or slights the thing; ohenhah
a ahenhan won ani so no nti, womfA ny^ biribi bio, it has become
so unimportant in their eyes, that they do not care for it any more;
ne kafe a owg ahenhan n'ani so nti, onko mu bio, his co/fee planta-
tion has lost all attraction for him, so that he does no more go into it,
haiV, V. [red. han'h^n] 1. h. mu, to spread out, to extend, to
open wide; han akatawia no mu, open the umbrella; ohah n'anom\
-^ gte n'anom*, he opens his mouth wide, he gapes, stands agape;
ohan ne nsam* (se ode rebo no), he stretches oid his arms, he raises
his arm (to strike him). — 2, to swell, augment in force or loudness:
hah wo 'n6 mu teem', cry aloud, Is. 58, 1. — 3. ohahhan n'ani, he
stares, gives a stare, he threatens, frightens (ogye biribi aberahso,
oka asem dennennen). — 4. intr. to be extended, wide open: mmere
no ahan, the mushroom has opened or expanded; n'ani ahan, his
eyes are tcide open or staring (of one drowned or taken by the throat) ;
m'ani ahan, / am quite surprised or astonished.

g-hdn, a cord, reaching from one side of a river to tJie other, to

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aln\imui — hliran. 171

lay hold of in passing over; pr.440, — sanku-hdh, the string of a

violin or other stringed instrument.

ah^nmii, the groin (sfire n^ yafunu ahyiae, ayaase).

hftnu, adv, & a. deary light, bright, himinom, lucid; cf, h^na-
h&ua, h^rah, hyereh; osoro ye hann, the shy is bright (cf. wim'
atew); gdan no mu ye hann, the apartment is light; wapue h., Jie
has become clearly or distinctly visible; n'ani so da ho h., hh' eyes
are open, clear and bright; anim ye h., it is brigJU, broad daylight.

— n. light, brightness ; clearness; open, clear place or space, glade,

lawfi. John 1,4. 3,19, — osoro hann no nti, yehG po *ne, the atmos-
phere is so clear that we can see the sea to-day; osebo nam na odu
hann (= pet§) mu a, osuro, when the leopard in his roaming abotU
comes to an open place, he is afraid; obi nnantew h. mu nyera gkwah ;
cf. John 11,9.

hanah^na, a. bright, brilliant, glossy, shining, glittering, re-

sjdmdent; cf. hann, hyehye; adaka no (ho) ye h., this furniture is
glossy, bright, highly polished.

h a-n a m , game, deer, venison.

ah dn n ^n, four hundred. Gr. § 78,3.
hd-n^-hd, here and there; woko Akiiropgn yi, nkg h., ... do;
not go to certain places (to others you may go),
hanhan, red. v. hah.

h^nk^re, pLh-, circle; any thing circidar, made of string,

cloth, iron ; hoop.

ahilukr6n, nine hundred. Gr. § 78.

hhan 5d [eha, wood, n6a=ano, border] the border of or between

the bush and a plantation.

ah^nsia, six hundred. — a h d n s 6 n, seven hundred. Gr. § 78.

h a u s p a [Ger. handspatcn] spade.

g-hantan, a kind of large /rce.
lih An tRUy pride, haughtiness; arrogance; c/*. ahokyere, ahupo;

- ye ah., /o be proud,

o-hdn tanni, pi. a- -fo, a prouA, hatighty person, pr. 1395.

ahdntan-sem, proud or haughty speaking, behaviour or de-
meanour; arrogance, coficeitedness.

ahdnnu, two hundred. — ahdnniim, five hundred.

ahdiiw6twe, eight hundred. Gr. § 78,3.
h^ra, V. [red. h&rah&ra] Ak. = yera (F. yew), yeraw [yera-
haram^ v. = yeram, to yawn, gape. yeraw].

haramata^ pi. a- [Sp. harmatan, an Arabic word] the har-

mattan, a dry wind from the interior of Africa, which blows in De-
cember, January and February toward the Atlantic ocean and is
accompanied by a dusty haze; cf. ope. pr. 1296.

hardn, s. l.to shine, glitter, glister (owia, gkanea, sika); to

be bright, glossy, splendid, beautiful ; cf. hyereh ; wahyehye ne dan
niu ma ahdrah, he has adorned or decorated his room beatUi fully. —

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172 gharau — ehayi.

2. to make shining^ bright, glossy, heauiiful: woah. ayeforo no, /%

have adorned (dressed up, trimmed up) the bride beautifuUt/; ahye-
hyede ah. ayeforo yi, this bride is adorned with finery and jewels;
beh&rah me ma menko agoru.

O-hiirau, «. brightness, splendour; m6nfwe nsoroma baran few

liiirauii, adv, brightly d-c, wapue h. [biako!

\\kYQj v,to row, paddle; pr. 1731. F. kwine.

hare, harehdre, F. hahare, a. 1. light (not heavy, not bur-
densome); cf, duru. — 2, thin (leather) : pr. U19. — 3, quicky nimhk;
ne h6 ye hare, he is quick, nimble, active, lively; ye wobo bare! ma
wo ho nye hare ! be quick! aboa yi ye hareharo = tutu mmirika
ntemntem, this animal is very swift; ne nan ye bare, he is light-
footed; cf, we we. — 4. light, sligJit, frivolous, vain, wanting dignity ot
solidity: gye neho bare, n^anim ye bare, n'adwenem ye (no) bare,
he is lightminded, frivolous, a blackguard, a mean, shameless person,
g-hare, inf. quickness^ swiftness, briskness.
g-harem', g-hareSo, quick, swiftly, briskly; oye n'ado hareso
a has a, three hundred. Gr. § 78. [bdreso.

hilse, cask, tun, pipe, puncheon; cf. op^nkran, piim'pa.

h a t a. V. [red. batabata] to spread (clothes or other things for
the sake of^ drying by the sun or wind); to be spread out; ode nta-
ma h. awia mu; ntama a ehatae no awo. [G. ka.]

hat a, hdtahata, a. thin, of things that have a flat, eoctended

surface, as nhoma, paper, leaUier; asonboma ye pipri, na oguan-
homa ye h., an dephanVs hide is thick, bid a sheep's skin is thin;
syn. frdfra, trdtra.

ah a taw (F. = ahabah), the bush and weeds shooting up afresh

on a newly prepared plantation, pr. 1298.
hate, adv. = ha, nnaho. Acta 20/.
ha-twea, bush-dog, = odemereffiA, odompo, q.v.
haw,y. to trouble, disturb, disquiet, afflict, distress, annoy , vex,
fret, worry, plague, persecute, bother, iJother, harass, importune, per-
plex; to hurt, wound, pain, grieve, mortify dx. F. ha,3/f.5,i0. Mk.5fHo.
— ghiiw me, syn. 6gu^n (Ak. gdwane) me bO, ohidhta me ho, 6hye
me ahooyAw*, 6y^ me ayayade or aninnyAnne; wo na wohaw wobo,
you hurt yourself f - F. gha neho, he disquiets himself. Pa. 39,6. — intr.
to be troubled d-c. wdh^w = wab€re, aden no, he is weary or tired
(of); F. ha, to faint, Mt. 9,30. n'ani ahaw, he is lazy, idle, indoHent,
sluggish, slothful; cf. onihafo, gkwadwerg; - gdd no ahaw, the yam
has become watery by lying too long in the ground.

g-haw, inf. trouble, affliction, distress, plague; troubling &c.

g-hawfo,i>^ a-, one who troubles dx.; afflicter, tormentor dc

hawh&w, a. watery, insipid, vapid, used of yam not yet ripe
or fit for eating; hkani a enye ye b. = gy iriwgyiriw, hweuenweue.

e-hay i (pronounced ehju)=eha yi. — hayi-hayi, hithcr-thither,

this way-that way: mprempreh gdan nebd kg hayi, na mprempren
gdan nebd ba b. bio, lie turns now that way and (lien again this way*

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ahdyd — ohempd. 173

ahd-yo, inf. [ye ha] chase, hunting; kg ah., to go a htmiing.

ahaygboa [aboa a woye no ha] an anitnal pursued and taken

hy sjyortsnienf game*
o-hayofo, pi. a-, sportsman, hunter; cf. obommgfo.

e-he, Ak. ehene, pron. interr. where? whither? whence? Gr. §

60,3. 61 , 1 . owo he? where is lie? odi giia wo he? tohere does he trade ?
okg he? where did he go to? ofi hS? where does he come from? from
whence *5 he?

a he, prow, interr, [Ak. son] how much? hoic many? eye ahe?
how much is it? pr. 2476 f, 1660- wosi ahe? how many are they? - how
dear? at what price? Gr. § 60,5. 61,2. Woatg iino ah6? how much
palm-oil have you bought? woatg iino no ahe? hotv dear have you
bought (or, what have you paid for) that palm-oil?

e-he-fa, where? on or to tvhat side? eh. na woate sa pen? where

did you ever hear such a thing? gkyeree no kwah kgg h.? whereto
did he lead him? F. Mt 2,2.

heha [haha]: onipa yi de me hehil bo me dim-mone kycre n

krofo, this man disparages, bespatters^ defames, calumniates me be-
fore the people; cf sopa &c.

h e m, V. to bloto one's nose; gh6m no fwenem, he blows his nose.

ahe ma, a. in cpds. white, light; cf. ahwehhem^.

a hem a, n. dawn, day-break, the first appearance of light in the

morning; ah. pe, with the first ray or gleam of daylight; wotuaa ah.
kgg gda no so, lit. they prevented (i.e. anticipated, had the start of)
the daicn went to the grave, i.e. they went to the grave before day-
break, very early; m6n8gr^ ah. mmgra na yenni asem no, rise early
and come to settle the dispute or palaver.

hemahema, a. vo-y early in the morning; angpa-h. (= ang-

patdtn) na wgkge, they went away very early; akwdnkg h. se de,
inintumi menk6 hi dA, lean never set out on a journey so very early.

n h e m a-da , morning-sleep.

ahemadakye, the time before sunrise (4 to 6 o'clock), when

the cock crows and the birds begin to sing; at dawn, just before
or about day-break.

g-h e m m a, o-hdmmea, pi. h-, [ghene, gba or gbea] queen, a wo-

man who is the sovereign of a kingdom, a female monarch; the con-
sort of a king, wife of a chief; cf. ghenyere.

ahcmmdn,^?. id. [ghene man], kingdom^ monarchy; cf. ahen-

ni; the people and territory or country subject to a king; a people
having a king; Akp. the town of a king = ahenkiirow.

ahemanakye, s. ahomad...

g-hemmea, = ghemmii.

ahem fi [ghene ofi] the king^s or chiefs house, dwelling, residence,

palace. — ahemfi-soafo, mXister (lord steward) of the king's household,

g-hem-f6ro = ghene f6f6ro. [chxxmberlain.

g-hem-m5ne = ghene bbn6.

g-hem-pa = ghene pil, a good king; also a courteous title in

addressing a king.

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174 ohempefo — ahenne.

O-h e in-p e f , j:>Z. a-, royalisL mm&ra-so-h., Icgiiimist. Hist.

o-hem-p6poro = ghene k^krakd, a great king.

0-h e m-p II , j;^ a-, emperor; cf. kaesare. J3i»i.

hen, F. 1, = yen. Gr. § 58. — 2. ~ hyen, ship,

o-heii, Ak. = oh^ne.

hen, F. = ehe, ehene. Mk. 14,12.

e-hena, hona [F. wana = hwana, Aky. nhwah, nhwae] ^>/.

hena-nom, pron. interr, who? whom? tvhosc? Gr. §60,1. 61,1-3. —
heoa dea? wlwse? belonging to whom? Gr. § 62. Wofre hena? hena
na wofre no? whom do you call? hena sckan ni? osekan yi ye hena
dea? whose knife is this?

henakyir, nsatseaba h., F. = aheuniakyiri, the fourth finger.

a h en-n A n, (pi. id.) [ohc^ne ddn, ad.] a room or house of the king.

e-hene, Ak. = ehe; eh. fa na woreko? which wag are you going ?
h^ne, henehene, a. itching, pruHent; cf. hyew, hyerehyere;
me ho ye me hene or heneh^nehene, my skin itches, is irritable; me
nsa ho ye me h., me nan ye me hh. (= ekeka me), my hand, my
foot is itching; eye me h. na mauhuane a enye yiye, it itches so t/iai
I cannot help scratching.

O-h 6n e, pL a-, ahemfo (Ak. ghen) 1. king, prince, chieftain, chief;

in Akp. this title is given to the chief of every town as well as to
the chief of the whole country; in As. its use is more restricted;
cf. gdekiiro, gmanhene, gsafohene, gsee. In public assemblies fre-
quently other words and names are used to designate the king, e.g.
katakyie, gpanyifi, Agyakwa&c. — 2. the office of a king, kingship,
royalty: odi hene, he exercises the office of, or he rules as, a king ;
odi ne hene yiye, he rtdes well; wodi amah so hene, they rtde over
the nations; wgagye ne nsam' hene, the kingdom has been taken from
him, he has been dethroned dtc. — 3. di ahene, to make a pompous
exhibition or display of royalty: oredi ahene 'ne = ghene rebefi gua
de neho abekyere (a.s. abekyia), he is about publicly to display kis
royalty (^or, to give a reception); ahene a ebehyiaa mu nna-no no
redi ah.'ne, the kings who came together the other day will turn oiU
in parade or appear in state to-day.
alien 6, J)?, h-, Ak. afwenee, coral, pearl, bead; string of corals
or beads, pr. 1319 f. ahenepa, ahene-panyih, n, precious coral, having
the value of gold, as b6td (kakawa), bgd6m, adlaba, n^hkyenemma,
nnyan6, aseh, teteasg. Other kinds are: bahkoroapem, B.hii(pr.443)f
abrok6kgkgt6, dad^p6ti, dde, adebgn6a, adob^-aba, adobodobo,
adwerebia , adw6a-ab\rf (hhiiwA-tuntum), mfjinsii, mfufuwa, ogudn-
aniwa, hhid, hhflwd, kab6n6a (n^ adeb6n6a), aketebih, hkoruw4,
hkwadw6, hkwantab6h, mmobltiri, mmorgkgkgd, mmorgt6a, mmo-
ta, anylnylreh, mp^neme (mpr.), gs^-aniwa, ns^nkw^ne, ns)b{a,
ntdka, ntahkamagydn^wa, ntdntoa, ateA-m6gya', Att)a', tgkotoko,
dnt6pllntiri, dntrak{ir6, atwebewii, ntw6mma.

ahenne(e) [ghene ade] the insignia of the king or chief, con-

sisting in the chair (ahehhua), the stvord (afoa) and the ornaments
(trinkets of gold and corals).

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oheneba — hetsew. 175

o-he n e-ba, pi. ahene-mma, son or child of a king, royal prince.

ahene-basd, heads stringed & tied round the wrist.

ah^ne-dl, inf. the pompom exhibition or display of royalty ^ s.

oheue 3.

ahene-mma, 1. s. oheneba. — ^. the best sort of sandals; s.


ahene-mma-nsatea, a tree with edible fruits.

a h 6 11 e-a s 6 n , heads worn round the hips.

g-hen ewd, pi. a-, a small, petty king, prince, chief.

ahenewd, a small head.

ahenewa, a name given to the members of certain families in

different Twi tribes, in answer to a salutation. Gr. § 147,9.
Iieuhau, red. v. bin.

aheuhfema, ahwenhema, s. osiia.

ahenni, inf. [ohene-di] 1. kingdom = kingship, exercise of

kingly dominion. — ^. kingdom, meaning a land and people under
kingly rule; cf. ahemman.

ahenniaky iri [ohene adiakyiri] 1. the successor to the throne,

prince hereditary. — 2. ring-finger, the fourth finger from the thumb,
coming after the nsateahene; it is also called nsatea safohene.

ahennim', 1. = ghene anim, the king^s face; the place hefore

tfie king; nea ghene ankasa te hg, the king's presence; gkg ah. akg-
ka asem, he went hefore the king to report. — ^. = ghene dan anim,
the place before the king's dwelling; the court.

alien ko r a (tet. ayonkorawa), a kind octree; mmofra do n*aba

si ntew.

g h (j n-k es 6 = ghene kese. — ohb ii-k A m a = ghene akiima.

aheiikiiro w pL n-, [ghene kiirow] the tmcn in which the king

resides, residence, capital.

ahehkwa, pi. h-, [ghene akoa] the servant of a king (or of a

fetish = abosonkwa).

aheii-sdw, a climber, the fibres of which are made into a kind

of sponge (hama bi a ewg wuram' a wgboro ye sap6w); the sponge
itself: mepe ah. bi matg mAgu^r^; cf. gsaw, sapgw.

ah66nsid, ahensid, As. awi^ns^', a kind of mouse or rat. pr. 1326.

ahentam, = ghene ntam, pr. 1327.

h en t\d (h^ntiid), pi. n-, noose, running knot; loop; mesh, stitch;
- wabg (hama no) h.; wgde s^ mm6a, wgde kyeky^re ade; - mabg
nob. du na mereye wg nnuii so, I have ten stitches on the needle and
am knitting.

ah en tow [ghene tgw] a small lump of "fufu", as becoming

kings, who ought to eat little, cf. e-tgw, nkwaseatgw.

ah e u-ii u a, pi. n-, [ghene agua] the stool or chair of a king or

chief, throne. — 2. its carriers. — ah e ii u w d, Ak. id.

g-h en-y ere [ghene y ere] pi. -nom, a wife of a king; cf ghemma.
hetsew, F. roof Mt.8,8. Mh 2,4.

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176 he — hia .

he... he... hi... s. hye, bye, hyi...

h\, V. to came or drmo to an end or close; to close; to be ftd-

fUled or completed; [cf, hini, ehih, hhin, nhina.] - m'adagyew rehi,
mi/ leisure is passing away; me bere abi = aka ketewa se na asn,
my time is nearly spent; me nna a mode merebeko no rehi or reye
abi, my days to go away are nearly at hand; obia abi ato no, poverty
has (notv finally or fully) overt^xken him; - to be spent, wasted or
worn out by frequent use: os^kdh no rebi or abi ak^ ketewa bi, e.s.
woasew dade bi asew asew na eresa; otuo no ano abi; - t^ cjcasc
burning; ogya no abi = awie d§w mix aka nnyansramma iiko.
Syn. sa, fwere.

ahi, perb. an inf. of bi: an ending y stopping, reluHance to pro-

ceed, used of what is irksome, tedimis, wbicb causes dislike or dis-
pileasure (ade a eye tan or denndnnennen), pr. 1328; - indignafion.
Phrases: ye abi, to provoke, to excit-e disgust, indignation, resent-
ment: asem yi ye me abi = tan, this matter is vexatious, irksome,
afflicting, provoking, teasing^ loathsome, disgusting ^ repulsive, odious
to me, I have had enough of it; ne bo ye me abi,=mfonee, I am wea-
ry or tired of him, I loathe him; n'anom' kasaye abi, his talking is
intolerable, pr. 1492, — tew abi, to be refractory, to resist; to set
at naught, to despise, utterly disregard; watew me abi, = wds^n m<^.
86, wammu m^, n'ani anso m'asem, m'asem ansg n'ani, he disre-
gards me, disdains, slights or scorns to obey me; watew m'asem abi
= meka mekyeree no se : ny6 se! na obuu so koyee; woatew obene
asem abi e.s. ebia wo-n^ gbene abgfo a osomaa won kgo bo kodii
asem no anni asem no yiye na wgyaw se wgfwee wgn; - watew won
abi, = gmpe wgn nneyee, wgn nneyee ny^ no fe, n86 n'ani, he has
become averse from them, he disapproves, disowns or disavows them;
gpgnkg no atew n6 wiirk(86) abi, thatJwrse is refractory against his
master, (Matew nea eye tan abi maba = many a mayi nea eye tail
(adi, or) maba guam\ Obi baw wo baw wo baw wo na dakoro eye
wo tan a,*wu8e: matew abi, asem yi, minni so bio.)

ah!, 1. fright, affright j dread, terror: oyi no abi, he frightens

him = oyi no hu, cf. bg pirim or piriw. — ^. mockery, derision, tw-
sidt; oyi no abi, he mocks at him (= odi ne bo few).

hi a, V, = bin; dompe, kasae, nsge abia me == abih me, a

bone is sticking in my throat, pr, 444,

hi a, V, 1. to straiten, distress, perplex, trouble, to press with

poverty or other necessity; me bo bia me, / cannot move (in a too
narrow place); .... se biribi or dodo, / am so pressed, in a great strait
(2 Sam, 24,14), much troubled; ebo bia me (dodo), it is of (great)
consequence to me, I am very desirous to obtain it; - ade bia me, /
am distressed for want of money or food, am needy, indigent, poor;
pr, 796-801. — impers, ebia me, / am in a strait, in distress, perplex-
ity, trouble; abia me, I have been reduced in my circumstances, have
become poor, indigent, needy, I am in need, in want, in distress^

pr, 775. 1829-35 2, impers, to be required or needfid ; ebia me sika.

I need or am in want of moneys ebia so.., it is required or necessary

that., cf, etwa se, Gr. § 157,2. 255,1 b, — ehbiii, it is no matter, of

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ohtd — ahim. 177

no importance, I don^t care for it. N'ani afara nti ehia no se obi
kyereno kwan, or, ehia no kwankyerefo, because he is blind, he
wants or needs to be conducted by somebody , he is in want of, stands
in need of a gvide, — Red, hiahia, q, v.

o-hia, inf. poverty, indigence, want, necessity j straitened circum-'

stances, straits; pr, 3S2. 740-45. 1336'o6. — ohia de no, hia no, skk no,
poverty has overtaken him, he has become poor, has been impover-
ished; odi hia, he is needy, destitute, hard up, poverty stricken; pr.880.
ohia rehi ato no, poverty stares him in the face, awaits him {s. hi).
— ohia-da, day or time of necessity, trouble, danger^ distress, pr. 1357.
hia (Aky.) some membraneous part on the liver of an animal,
ahid^ a kind of bead; s. aheuc.
hia-fwe, inf. wodi h., they take core for each other, help each
other, in time of need, = wodi mmoa or nngboa.

hiahia, red. v. hia; 1. me ho hiahia me, I am straitened or

pained, Luk. 12,50. — 2. tr. ohiahia me ho = oguan me ho, he trouh-
les me, is troublesotne or loathsdme to me, presses me hard or close,
is hard upon me &c. pr. 1358.

hiahia, a. F. = hihia. Mt. 7,14.

O'hl 6.niy pi. ahidf6, 1, a poor man (=nea onni biribi, oh. pa);
cf. obgrefo. pr. 1359-78. 2864. — 2. a quiet, unpretending, unassuming
private man (nea ompe ne ho asem, otra babi komm; me de, meye
ohiani hi a mete me babi); - cf. ayemfo.

0-hiani-damas, imitative damask. — ohiani-ago, velveteen.

ahianiwd, (dim.) = ohiani 2., ayemfo.
o-hia-tQn, (inf.) sale enforced hy necessity, forced sale.
o-hia-asubo, baptism of an infant whose premature deaUi is
abide = ade a eye ahi. [apprehended.

hie, V. [red. hiehie] Ak. hini, to open, to let out; hie pon no
= bae dan no ano, open the door! hie yen, open to us! Mai. 25,11.
bie no, lei him out! kohie nnuan no, let the sheep out! cf. hini, bue.
hiehie, red. i;. hie. — Sihihijpr.1379.
hieroglifi [Gr.] hieroglyph, a character in the picture-writing
of the ancient Egyptian priests; nsenkyerene-kyerew. Hist.

hihia, a. narrow, strait, straitened, close; cf. teatea, mdamuH.

him, v. [red. hinhim] to move or cause to move one way and
the other: intr. to shake, tremble, shiver; to totter, stagger, reel; to
rod; to swing; dua ahaban him, the leaves of the tree sJiake; ehy§h
Mm, Uieship rolls; ehfi mfi ne ho him, fear makes him tremble; awQw
nti ne ho him, he sJdvers from cold. — tr. to shake, agitate, to make
one tremble or totter, to swing; to wag, wave, flourish, brandish;
mft>ama him nnna, tJie unnd shakes the trees; mframa hinhim po mu
nsu, the wind agitates the water of the sea; oponko him ne dua, the
horse wags his tail; ohim neho, he swings. Syn. pope, posow, wo-
80 w; %e, fefere.

ahim, inf. di ahim, to shrike: ode ne ti di ahim, = ohinhim ne

ti; - to wave, soar, hover: akroma redi ahim wo ahnnmn. — twa
ahim, F. to be lunatic. Mt. 4,24.


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178 hima — nhin4.

hi ma, v, [red, himahima] 1, to shake, wag; ohimaneti, he

shakes his head, — ^, to turn, change; oma ne ti bimae = dane, he
sJtook or staggered him in his resolutions, he caused him to change
his opinion or intention. — 3. to remove, toithdraw: hima wo nsa,
wo ti, woho, turn aside;- to drive away: wahima wo tamfo, Zeph3,15.

— 4. h. gkwan, /o alter the direction of a way, to tratisplace a wap,

— 5, to turn aside, diverge, deviate gradually from a given direction :

asubonten no n^ okwan no himae, asu no hima fii kwah no bo, the
river and the way parted, — 6, to arrive at puberty; obea no ah.(=
adan nebo, aboe bra) nti woye no popompordwA. — 7, to punish,
chastise (? obs.) pr, 131, Ahlma, ih,

juhimaho-bea, iiliimaho-dantAbah, tropic, the place, or circle,

or zone at or over wbich the sun in its vertical position gradually
shifts its apparent course from the northern side of the equator to
the southern, and vice versa. Geog,

ahimbiribiriw, F. earthquake. Mk. 13,8.

bin, v. to stick fast; nsoe abin me (ahih me menewam'), a fish-

bone is sticking in my throat; twerebo, mabin dade ntam\ the flint-
stone (says), I am hemmed in, wedged in or sticking between iron,
i.e. I am in a strait. Bed, binbin; wobegyee asem no hinbin mu,
they interceded, interfered or interposed in the matter (stopping the
proceedings). — Abin me ahan me, prop. I stick fast am loosed, i.e. J
am in a dilemma, critical situation, strait, perplexity, I am doubtful
which to choose, undetermined what course to pursue.

e-hin, pi, a-, edge, corner [perh. end, extremity, cf, hi]; As. =
twea; septum, diaphragm, e.g. the white of an egg intervening be-
tween two yolks of the same e^^ (nkesna no mu da hin); cf nbin,
dubiii, nangyebin.

nh i u, the root of a tree, espec. the buttress-like part above ground

of some large trees, as, onya, owowa; cf ntini.

ahind, pL n-, fi, pot, earthen vessel, with a gibbous belly and
comparatively narrow opening, for water, palm-wine, palm-oil; cf,
k\\]5M.pr. 485, 1380^3.2188. — ahina, ...nawA,jpZ.h-, rftw. of abina.

11 hind, nhiniinA, nbinilra, nhina ara, n. (supplying also the

place of the Eng. adj.) 1, all, every, prop, the whole (number or
sum, of individual objects). — J2. wliole (in contradistinction to
fragment), prop, the whole, total, totality, entireness; tJie whole quath
iity or amount. — Wadi ne nhina, wannyaw me biribi, he has eaten
all and left nothing for me; pr. 2327; ne sika nh. asi, aU his money
is gone; Onyank. wo mma nh., God is everywhere; won nh. de won-
hd, iliey arc all free men; da or nna nh., every day, always, pr, 2378,
nnipa nh., all men, i.e. every body. — Ne ho asem ahye asase no
hb. so, the rumour of him has spread over the whole country; yere-
bebubu dan no hb. agu fam', we are going to break the whole house
down. — Observ. The pronunciation of this word being very nustable,
a great variety of forms is met with in the earlier attempts to write
it, as: ning-yindra, ninyinra (:=: ne hbina), yiua, ninwa, adingna
(=ade nhina), niyina, nenana (Nig. E.xp, Voc, under all, each, every,

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hinam — ohfntiiDpr5,kii. 179

whatever, whole); iniara^ injiana, inyina (R.)^ iDgina (Diet,)t nnyina

(Chr.)j uy'msirTfi (Mf. €h',)ny\n&TSk(Prk) — When the Ed. had learnt
that in Elmina it soands hfna, be changed the writing into nhina,
and thinks it probable that it is made ofnhinoara, even the endy
utmost, last remaindery cf. hi, r., ehih, nhin. This is confirmed by
the way in which it is rendered more emphatic, viz, enka being
added to it, the meaning of which is: there is not wanting (see ka);
consequently **enka-nhina'* means : there is not left or excluded even
the last remainder, i.e. all or the whole without exception,

hinam, v, to squirt, spirt, spurt (water or spittle from the

mouth); cf, anohyira; - a wo h. ntasu, snakes eject or discharge
slaver; wohinam no so, thet/ spit on him,

ahin-andii, n.d^a. quadrate, square; four-cornered, quadran-

ahiu-asa, n,d^a. triangle; tJiree-cornered, triangular, [gular.
ahin-asid, n.d^a. Jiexagon; hexagonal, sexangular,

hiuhim, red, v,, s, him; - ohihhim ne ti de di adehyesem, he

waves or tosses his head in pride and arrogance.

hi II hi 11, red, v,, s, bin.

hiniy V, 1, to shut, close, lock a door, a gate; hini dan no auo

= koka opou no hini ano; hini berapae; mihhinl ddii no &nb (=
mento pon nom') ana? - opp, hie; cf. mua. — J2, Ak. = hie, to open,
utdock; hini dan no, open the room; opp, to mu. — 3. intr, to open,
he opened, pr, 713,
Ahinime, name of a month, about October; s, osram.

hintdb^a, -bere, -bew, hiding-place.

hintahintaw, red, v., pr, 393, 1265,

hintahunu, the smallest kind oi ant,

hintaw, t;. Kuk. fwinta, F. hota, hnnta, to hide, conceal; to

he hid or concealed; wakohintaw or wah. neho, he has hid himself;
wah.ne sika, he has concealed his gold; ade a ahintaw nhina befi adi,
aU that is concealed will come to light, - h. is also used to express
the adv. secretly: wqye hintaw, or, wohintaw ye, thep do it secreUy;
ahintaw e, hiding-place. fpr. 183-85, 1384,

ahintdw-md, in secret, secretly, stealthily, by stealth, clande-


hintiw, v. [Ak, sunti, F. purow] to stumble, to strike or knock

ihe foot against, to hurt the foot by knocking against something; ma-
hintiw bo, I have knocked my foot against a stone; mah. me naii,
I have hurt my foot (by knocking it against something), pr, 1387.
h i n t i b 6 , stumbling-stone,

hintiddd, stumbling-block, any cause of stumbling or falling,

cause of offence or sin, occasion of sinning,

hinti-hintiw, red, v,

bin tin, v. to excite, rouse, stir up; me bo ah. me, my heart is

stirred up, my anger has been roused or excited,

o-h In ti(m)pr ^kii, a piece of wood contrived so that it flies back

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180 ahfs^m — ho.

• upon whatever touches it; duasin a wode sum afiri; ehuan a, ebo
wo; - masi anoma no h. pr, 1385 f.

ahi-sdm [ahi asem] a vexatious or provoking word or matter,

= asem a eye ahi or tan, abantdnsem ; oka ah.

ahi-tew, inf, reluctance^ umvillingnesSj displeasure y didike.

ahl-ye, inf, teasing^ vexation, provocation,
alii-yi, inf. mockerg, derision, scoff, scorn: cf. fewdi.
O'hlyUOypl. a-, mocker, derider, scoffer.

hm hm, interj. an expression of faint-hearted or reluctant

compliance, acquiescenso or assent, or of anger, pr.3568,

e-h 0, pron. of place, Gr. § 60,3. that place, there, thither; some-
times applied to time: then, cf ehgbere; onam bo, there he goes;
owo ho, he is there, he is present; onni bo, he is not there; ehg ye,
it is well; - di ho, to he the second, the next in a row, in rank, s. di
^3. — It may take the adj. pron, no after it: ebo no, wndu ho a,
wobebQ biribi, there, ifg&u co^ne there, youw'dl see (experience) some-
thing! — It may stand as an attribute in the poss. case before a
noun: ehg awgw sen hade, the cold in those countries is severer than
here. — In connection with some verbs, as gye, sSre, it answers
to the Eng. 2>rep. from: wagye me bg sika, he has takcfi money from
me; gsere me bg ade, Gr. § 225,3. — wgba no hg, F. = wgba ne
nkyen. Mt. 14,29. Mk. 12,18. — ye hg, F. to he dotie, to come to pass.
Mk. 11,23. 13,4. 29 f — ^nye hg, he it so! — When hg stands in ap-
position to a noun of place, it must be rendered in Eng. by thnt:
tcirom' hg, nnua abien sisi hg, ttvo trees stood in that garden. —
ehoiiom (a kind of plural form), thereahout(8), — The emphatic
particle ar a may be added: ebg-ara na ope se gkg, he desires to go
just there; wgte hgnom-ara, theg live thereahouts, nowhere else. —
Cf, hg-n^-hg.

ho, v., red. hobo, s. horo.

ho, V. Ak. = how.

l\6, interj. expression of contempt; obi ka asem bi na $ny^

wo de a, wuse: ho!

h6\ interj, expressing disdain and defamation : wohuro no h6o

= wgbg no tutuw, iheg deride or revile him with shouts; wgsg no ho,
they speak indignantly of him, — ho ho ho, F. interj. of shouting.

ho, a. dt adv. 1, deep, hollow; ne kuru nom' da tokuru b6»

there is a deep hole in his wound; n'aniwam' aye h6, his eyes are
hollow i.e. sunk in their orhits or sockets; cf. honn. — J9, leaky, pre-
senting a gap or opening to see through: osuhye no mu da hg ho
nti, gdan no nwini, hecause the roof has holes large enough to see
through, the house is damp, lets water in; mpapac ho, a fissure, cleft
or crack that can he seen through.

ho, adv. d: n. loudly, aloud; a roar, uproar, huhhuh, tumtdt,

riot; wgteem' ho, wgyc ho, they crif aloud, they hollo, halloo, make
a loud noise, huhbuh or riot; cf. hgbgbgbg, hO.

6h o , 6\\b6y interj. F.=n'h66, dabi, no, nay; Gr. § 146,3. Mt.5,37.

ho, interj. an expression of disgust at 8om<». stench, pr. 460.

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jDho^ 181

e-ho, Gr. § 118-120. iJie exterior: J. a) of things: the otder or

outward part, ouisidej surface, appearance ; - h) of persons : the hu-
man frame; - c) the whole body; - d) the whole person, — 2, of
place: tlw otdward parts, the space without or outside (excepting
cases in which akyi or akyiri stands); nearness, proximitif, —
3. a) of local relations: on, at, by, near, to, sidewards, about, aroundy
against; - b) of causal relations : o^, at, about, touching, concerning,
rdaiing to. Gr. § 121/2. 2i0,a, 243 Hem. 1.

A. Examples in which ho is the grammatical subject of a sentence.

1. Ne ho ye hfi, - nwohwa, - serew, his appearance excites fear, -
wonder, - laughter. — 2» When denoting the outer part of a thing
of which the predicate expresses an action, condition, or quality
that may be perceived by the senses of vision, smell, or touch : it
is, in Eng., generally left untranslated, its attribute being the sub-
ject of the Eng. sentence: Mpata ho wo abon, fishes have (lit tlie
surface of fishes has) scales; adaka no ho y§ h&uah^na, this furni-
ture is very bright; ahina ho ye hyehye, pr. 1383.- nantwi hi ni, ne
ho koko ni fufu, there is a bullock of a red and white colour; akoa
(afiina) no ho ye fe, this fellow (icoman) is pretty; wo ho aye fi, you
are dirty; neho ye riwini, ye tan, lie is nasty, ugly; ahohow ho bon,
the red ant stiffs, pr. 215. 2427. won ho ye htifim, they are or become
sweet-scented, have a sweet smell; opon no ho ye torotoro, this table
is smooth; oye onipa a neho nhwi-nhwi, lKi.1,8. okura poma, eho
apow-ap6w, he has a knotty stick in his hands; mahu dua hi, ehS
nsoe-nsoe, / have seen a tree with the bark full of thorns. — 3. In
the sense of body (in contradistinction to mind) h 5 occurs in a num-
ber of expressions which denote conditions and qualities of the
bodily constitution of man: Wo ho te den? hoto are you? me ho te
yiye or me ho ye, I am well; me ho ye p6se or pintihu, I am per-
fectly well; me ho ye kakra, I am tolerably well; me ho ny6 kora,
I am not at all well; me ho nye me den, I do not feel tvell; ne ho
aye no den bio, ne ho agyae, he has got better again; ne ho ye den,
neho pirim, he is strong, healthy, stout; he has a strong const Hut ion;
ne ho him, popo, saw, he shakes, trembles, quakes, shivers; ne ho
ye hyew, he is hot; ne ho huru no, ye no hyew or hyerehyere, Jie
feds hot; ne ho keka no, ye no bene or henehene, his skin itches, is
irritable; nehd apa, his body is bare^ espec. of beasts: ase ama oguan
no ho apa, the mange (scab, or itch) has caused the sheep^s hair to
fall off; ne ho abubu no kora, he is entirely shattered, broken down,
exhausted, strengthless, laid low; ne ho aba ne ho bio, neho asan, he
has recovered from his sickness, is well again; neho tua ne ho, he
is fat, well fed, corpulent; ne ho twa, ne ho ye hare, kamkam, we-
^^ he is nimble, quick, active, brisk, alert; ne ho da ho, he is un-
covered, exposed, denuded; neho aii, he is pure, clean; fig. he has
been cleared from guilt, acquitted, justified; neho tew, he is bright,
pure, blanncless, holy; neho ye no yaw, he feels pain in his body;
oyare; ne ho worow, his skin peels off. — neho awu, s, wu. — 4.
Other combinations of h 6 , body, self, with a verb, have, by a trans-
fer from the bodily to the mental province, become expressions for
mental conditions and a£fections. In some such phrases ho signifies

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182 ^ eh5^

tJie things round ahoiU or the circumstances of a person or thing.

Neh5 abow no, he is disheartened; neho bono, F, he is amazed.
Mk. 2JJi, ne h5 dwiriw no, he is amazed, terrified; ne ho ad wo, agow
(no), aka, k& ne ho, asan no, pesew no or sepew no, ato(no), atn bo,
he is at ease, calm, composed, comfortable, happy, joyftd, rejoiced,
contented dtc, ne h5 afom no, he is in anxiety, cast down, dejected,
dismayed; nehd hiano, kyereno, yeraw no, he is in a strait, in
distress, trouble, perplexity; neho haw no, hwanyan no, pare no,
nsen no, titi no, he is impatient, restless, uneasy d;c, ne ho hyia ne
h5, his means meet his wants, he has all he wants; ne ho a wow, his
means are dried up i.e. exhausted; ne ho twa, ne ho wo, lit, his about
is smooth or dry, i.e. he is not disorderly (sakasaka), he is clever,
adroit, smart, well-mannered; neho ye sakasaka, he is disorderly,
iU-mannered. — 5. In some phrases ho means the space about, the
way to get at, or a source, a place to receive something, or the con-
cerns of a thing: Afuw no ho da ho, the access to the plantation lies
there i.e. is open, not impeded, the plantation is not fenced in; nhoma
yi h6 ye me ni or hia me, / am anxious to get this book; nhoma yi ho
y§ na, this book is not easily to be got at; asem no h6 hia, that word
(or matter) is of importance. — Ne ho ye fow, good wages may he
had from him, he gives good wages. Me ho wo ade, - akyede, I am
fortunate in getting things, - presents.

B. Examples in which ho is an attribute in the possessive case:

Wo hd ade ye den, things belonging to your nature are very hard,
i.e. your dealings or manners are troublesome (?), there is not much
help to be had from you; - wo hd ade ye n5, things from you are diffi-
cult, i.e. there is little to be expected from you. — In most cases ho in
the poss. case must, in Eng., be rendered by prepositions: Oko no
h6 asem ni, this is the history of that war; ne hd hQ nti wognane,
from fear of him they fled; wakyerew me n'akwantu ho nhoma, he
has written me a letter about his journey.
G. Examples in which ho is the object of the predicate:
i. ho in the reflexive pronoun forms the object of refl. verbs, cf Gr,
§57.218,1 a. — 2. h6= the outside, outer part: dufua ne dua a wga-
fufiiaw ho kakra.

D. When h 6 is the locative complement of a predicate, or the spe-

cific complement of a verbal phrase (6r. § 208. 213. 214), or when
it occurs in an adjunct of place, concern or cause, it always refers
to an attribute expressed or understood, and is, in Eng., rendered
by prepositions or adverbs of place. Ote pon h6, Jie is or was sit-
ting at the table; me nso migyinaa h6 hi, I also stood by; yeab§n
kiirow no h6 (Gr. § 208,3), we have come (close) to, or, are near the
town; eti bg akyenehd, a skuU sticks to the drum, pr.llll; mfonini
sen dan h6, the picture Jiangs on the wall; Akwam' da Firaw bo,
Akwam is on the river Volta; agyinamoa de ne ti tiS^itwiw nenan
ho, the cat is rubbing its head against his leg; - waka wo ho asem
yiye, he has spoken well of you; ne h6 asem hyee (wo) asase no nh. so,
tJie report of him (his fame) spread over the whole country; nkyene
ns6 ne ho se : meye de, salt does not say of itself: I have a pleasant
taste, pr. 1942. mabSr§ (wo) no ho, I am tired of him; mid wen me

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hoa — ahOdannaii. 183

nna ho, I am (kinking dboid my brother. M6ka n6 h6; m^ka nb h6;

ode nnipa ha kaa dom no ho; Gr. § 214,1 b. Bern. 6.

Verbs that have ho for their common complement:

bo ..ho, to be double; caus.^o double^ reduplicate; - bata..h6, fam..
ho, ka..ho, to join, be added; cans, to join, add; - dura..h6, kata..
ho, to envelop, cover; - goru ..h5, di ..ho few, to mock at; guan . ho,
hia .. ho (caiis, of ho guan, ho hia), to trouble; - tew .. ho (caus. of
ho tew), to clean, make bright, holy, to sanctify; - tu (atade) ho, to
brush (clothes); t\Viw (asepatere) ho, to brush, rub, clean (boots) &c.
hoa, V. to be white, pale, ligJU-coloured ; dwete hoa na sika
here, silver is white and gold is red ; - to be brigJit, to shine, glisten,
glitter; - to turn, grow, or become white drc, pr. 293L — okom nti
n'ano ahoa, his lips have become pale with long continued hunger;
- to ripen: abiirow no ahoa = abere, aye kg, the com is ripe, yd-
low or white (to harvest, John 4, 35) ; pr. 672. — hoa ho, to make white,
to polish; dwete dwinne ho biri a, odwumfo na ohoa ho. Red. hoa-
hoa, q. V.

hoa, n. a ligJU colour; UgJU-blue cotton-yarn or cloth; wahye

no hoa, he has dyed it light-blue.
hoa, s. hoawa. — hoae, F. whiteness.

h a h a, red. v. 1. s. hoa. — 2. to praise or extol beyond merit;

to flatter; - h. neh6 (refl.), to boast or brag (wg .. ho, of..).

o-ho-anka-nl, a selfish, self-sufficient person; nca grape se onipa

ho ka no, na ne nkuto pg neho. pr. 141T.
hoanyah, s. hwanyan.
e-hovLra,jiist there, (at) that very place; pr. 3251. s. ehg.
h o a w a, 5. gfw6dwa.
ahoM, F. s. awowd; ode n'ano asi me ah.; medze me nokwar
si w'ano ah., thereto I plight or give thee my troth.
ahobadze, F. pledge.

ahoba, tJie generative fluid of the male, sperm, animal seed;

e-ho-bere, that time, then. [<^f- ^^^'

ahobo, F. s, ahobow.

aho-boa == onipa ho aboa; cf. tiboa, nsaboa; - neho mmoa

keka no, he is in a flush or glow, from excitement, joy, passion.

a h 6-b oa, ah6boab6d, inf. preparation; syn. ahosiesi^.

hobobobo, adv. loudly, aloud, noisily, clamorously; sii, kasa,
bom\ teem* h. = ho, hfi.

aho-bo w, inf. (F.) [ho, bow v.] wonder, astonishment, amaze-

ment; surprise; eye me ah. (= ahodwiriw, nwohwa), I marvel,
wonder, am astonished. Mt. 9,33. 13,54. 22^3. 27,14.

ahdbodze, F. wonder, miracle. Mt. 24,24.

a h 6-d Ada, inf. [dada neho] self-deceit, self-deception.

a h o-d a n , inf. [dan neho] turning, conversion.

aho-danndiV, inf. [dannan neho] repeated change or trans-

formation; nimblcness, agility, versatility, pr. 2347.

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184 ahodjisd — ahofw^s6.

ah d-d ^s 6, inf. [da neho so] readiness, preparation, precmUion,

circumspection. Ah. nje bfi, pr, 1393.

ah6-(ie(e), F.tLh6dze[eh6tLie\ personal property, effects, things;

gener. property. — e-h6-de, inf. [de neho] independence, liberie-

aho-eden, aho-gdeu [ho ye or wo oden] (bodily) health and

strength; strength in general, power, might, vdtotir; cf. tumi. —

o-h6^odeiifo, pi. a-, a strong, healthy, stout man or person, a

man of valour; cf. oberan, otwentwemfo, oturafo.

a h d d e n-n e, ahogden-sem, valiant, powerful or mighty deeds.

ah5odeii-iiwuma, mighty works.

aho-dom, inf. [dom neho] effeminacy, delicacy, softness, weak-

ness; oje ah. dodo, he is too delicate (in feeling), too tender or weak.

o-h5d6mf6, pZ.a-, weakling, tender, delicate, effeminate person.

hodoo, ahodoo, Kj. s. horow, ahorow.

aho-dwane, At = ahoguan.

ah5-dwird, ah6dwira, inf. [dwira neho} purification.

aho-dwiriw, inf. [ho dwiriw] terror y horror, amazement; cf.

nwonwa, ahOjeraw.

ah6-dwo, ahodwoee, inf. [ho dwo] rest (from trouble); quiet,

peaceful, happy state and circumstances.

hod*o, hodwohodwo, a. dt adv., slack, lax, relaxed, loose;

weak, feeble, strengtMess; syn. b^te, berew, borogo &c.; ^je adwu-
maye mu hh., Tie is slack in his work.

hodwow, V. L to be or become slack, relaxed, loose, weak,

feeble; n'adesoa ah., his load is no longer tight; wabo akwakora nti
or ne jare nti wah., from old age or from sickness he lias becofne
weak; ne nsam* ahodwow =agow. — ^. fr. to dacken (adesoa ma,
to make a bundle less tense or tight); to loosen (ham a or epow mu,
a string when tied, or a knot), opp. mia, yere mu; to untie, = sab,
opp. kyekye; to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, relax; woahodwow no
hodwohodwo, he has been entirely disabled, sprained or exhausted
(so that aU his limbs are, as it were, out of joint).

ah6-fa-di, inf. [fa neho di] emancipation, manumission, liberty.

o-hofadifo, pi. a-, an emancipated slave.

ahofadi-pefo, the liberal party. Hist.

ahdfama, inf. [fa neh6 ma] voluntary offering of one's self for
some purpose, voluntariness, volunteering; devotion. — ah. d^m, a
volunteer company, corps of volunteers, free corps.

o-hofamafo, pi. a-, volunteer.

ah5-ef^, -gf^w [ho ye or wo ofew] beauty, fairness, fineness,

handsomeness, grace, elegance, prettiness. — o-hogfefo, />^. a-, a
fair, handsome, pretty person; = nea neho ye fe; cf. oso.

ah6-fi, inf. [ho fi] cleanness; innocence; acquittal; deliverance

(by the verdict of a jury).

ah6-fom, inf. [ho fom] dejection, depression of spirit or mind.

aho-ofwam, Ak. = ahd-ohddm. ^

ah6-fw$s6, inf. [fwe neho so] chastity, pudicity; heedfulness.

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ahofwi — ahohdrd. 185

ahofwf, debauchery, dissoluteness, intemperance, lasciviousness,

lewdness, licentiousness; extravagance, lavishness, prodigality; riot-
ing, — cf. nnyennyentwi.

o-hofwini, pi, a--fo, debaucJ^e, sensual or dissipated person;

prodigal, squanderer; cf, ogyennyentwi.

a h f w i- s ^ m, profligacy, vicious and pernicious or destructive


ah 6-go n o, inf. [ho gono or go w] 1, ease, easiness; freedom from

pain, disturbance, trouble, toil, distress, exertion, annoyance, poverty
and difficulty; rest, quiet; absence of any thing that ruffles, discom-
poses or frets, tranquillity, peace, f Asem bi nni wo so, nso wonno
bi kaw bi na wowo biribi to biribi di.) — J2. carelessness, indifference.

aho-gaan, inf. [guan h5] vexation, Jmrassing, troubling (act.

cf &h6yerfiw,pass.). — o-ho gnsihfo, pi. &-, a vexatious, trouble-
some person, vexer, troubler, disturber.

aho-gye, inf. [^ye neho] self-defence, self-deliverance.

ahogye-ko, war of independence, liberation-war.

ah5-gyigyem', inf [6y^ ah. = ode neho SY^gye mu] inter-

ference, (interjhneddling; forwardness, cf. t^r6t^r6y6.

o-hogyigyemfo, pl.&', busy-body, saucy or inquisitive j^crson,


ahS-h^rah, inf. [ho harSn] splendour, magnificence; cf anuo-


aho-ehare, -ohdre, Ak, ah6-gh6re [ho ye hare] swiftness,

quickness, lightness, nimbleness. pr, 506.

ah6-hia, inf. [ho hia] distress, embarassment, perplexity, press-

ure (passively), trouble.

o-hohiafo, pi. a-, = ohoguahfo.

aho-hiahld, inf. pressure (act.), vexation, tribtdation, trouble.

aho-him, inf. [ho him] trembling.

hoho, red. v., s. horo.

0-h6h6, pi. a,-, 1. stranger, foreigner, cf. onanani, omarofrani. —

2. guest; meye no h. = migye no wo me fi, mekokye no aduan, I
show him hospitality; meye ne h. = me8oe ne nkyeh, I put up, take
lodgings at his house, am his guest; wak68oe h., he has gone to take

ah h o ah 5 d, inf [hoahoa neho] boast, brag, bravado, ostentation,

h h o-b 6 d, a foreign place; okg h., he went abroad. [P'^ff'

ah h o-d an, a house (or room) for strangers or guests; inn, hotel.

ahoho-duaii, food of a guest, food obtained by the hospitality

of others.

ahoho-fi, a house where travellers are lodged and entertained;

syn. ahohodan; cf. asoee.

ahohdrd, ahoroh6ra, Ak. ahoroh6rowd, disgrace, dishonour,

ignominy, infamy, shame, scandal; wdy^ ah., n'anim aye ah., he
has been disgraced (perh. disgraced himself), has become infamous,
abject; ho or ye., ah., to defame, disgrace, dishonour; to msM, abuse,

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186 ohohdrtoi — horn.

revile; s;y».yaw, ka anim, teetde, ma ani wii; cf, didi atem, gu anim
ase. — ahohora-bo, ahohora-ye, inf.

O'hohdvhnijpL a- -fo, an infaynom, despicable, abject, vile per-

son (onipa a oye bone na obi mmu no; opp, onuonyamfo).

aho-horan', inf, [horan nebo] arrogance, assumption. Ah. na

edc ko ba, pr.

hohore, red. v. bore, to heave, stocll, rise (said of dough]; to

grow fast, thrive: abofra no ah6hore kokiiro, onipa no ah. aye kese.

h 6 ho re, mucm, spittle, pJdcgm; obo waw na ofe h., he coiigJts

and throws out phlegm \ cf. ntasu.
\io\\OYOj red. v.hoTO.
{ih6h6w', a species of ant, emitting an offensive smell, of a
reddish colour, living on trees, espec. lime- and orange-trees. pr. 2427.
ah6h6w' = ahuhuw, huruhiir6w a efi nipa anom\ breath; n'a-
nom' ah. bon, ye hCiam, ye hyew.

g-hgho-y^, a-, inf reception and entertainment of strangers or

guests, hospitalUg.

aho-ohiiain, sweet scent or smelh grateful odour, fragramc.

aho-hurii, inf. [ho huru] heat, warmth.
ahohiiru-bere, summer.
aho-hwanyau, inf s. hwanyan.
aho-hyehy e, inf [hyehye neho] = ahohoahoa.

aho-hygs6, inf. [bye neho so] self-command, self 'discipline,


ahO-ehyew, -ghyew, Jieat of the skin or bodg in fever &c.

cf. ahohuru.

g-hokafo, a single man; nea onni hi iika ne ho, onni yere, nui
mma; cf. ohokwafo.

ahokeka, inf [ho keka] itching, pricking, tingling; prickly-

heat, a cutaneous eruption of red pimples, s. fifise.

ahokeka, m/". [keka neho] adornment, decoration; aUire, dress.

ahokekade, ornament, adornment; set-off, finery; trimmings;


g-hok wafo, pi. a-, 1. nea okunu se gyere mfam ne ho, a single,
unmarried person, also a widower or widow; cf. ghokafo, osigyafo,
okunafo. — 2. nea gyare hi nkurano na biribiara ny6 no, a sound,
healthftd, hale, hardy, robust, stanch person.

aho-kyere, inf. [ho kyere] = ahohia.

aho-kyere, inf [kyere neho] ostentation, vanity, (self-)conceU,

vain-glory; cf. ahantan, ahohoahoa, ahohyehye, ahom, ahupo.
g-h kyere fo, pi. a-, an ostentatious, vain, self-conceited person.
hom, Ak. F. pron. s. mo & Gr. § 58 Rem. 1. 2^
horn, v. {red. hSnhom] F. ghom no so, Akr. ghye no so, odi
no so mmerantesem &c. to mUrage, treat with violence and wrong,
roughly, rudely. - hom do, F. to rule over. Mk. 10,42.
hom, a-, F. == homo, strength, pr. 1510. Mk. 12^0.

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ahom — ahomegii. 187

iihdm, inf. F. i. = ob6me. — 2. 6jh ah. = oy§ ahokyere, ahan-

tan, he is haughty, proud, — 3, n'ahdm ka noh6, he is happy.

[Mt 5A2. Ps. 128^.

ah5ma, F. 1, = hama. Mk, 1,7. 7,35, — J2. = nhomft.

u h &m a, tet. homa, F, ahoma, woma, hwoma, 1, tlie shin or hide

taken from an animal body (di/f, ^ere); of. oguanhoma, nantwi-
nboma, asonboma. — 2. leather. — 3. paper; c/'.boro-nboma, kr&ta'.
— 4.playmg'Card(s) ; tow nb., to play (at) cards. — 5. letter, epistle;
cf. roSna-nboma. — 6. book; syn. brdkti'. — 7. nb. or nhOmam',
book-learning; literary knoivledge; osfta nb., he learns to read; he
studies; onim nbomam*, he is an educated, learned or literary man,
a scholar. — n h om a, nhdmawd, pi. nboma-nboma, tracts treatise,
pamphlet, little book.
auhomaguaii[nbomaadguAh] a dried skin; owuyeanb. yaw,
• [pr. 3491.

nhoma-kdii, inf. = nh6mA kAn, reading books; cf. 6r.§203,l.

uhoma-kjerew, inf. writing on paper, writing of letters or
books. — di hb., to correspond, have epistolary intercourse. — nb,
bo kwannya, liberty of the press. — u ho ma-ny ans a^ science.

n h o m a-p 5 e, nb6ma a woapo no aye }LxkiB! , parchment. 2 Tim.4,13.

nhoma-sud, inf. = nboma sQa, learning from books.

nhOma-tintim, inf printing ; nb,- tintim-afiri, printing-press.

n h 6 m a-t w, inf. card-playing.

ho man, v. [red. bomabOman] to swell (of a bud, a carcase),
to bloat, distend; to be puffed up or bloated, inflated or flushed (witb
pride); to puff oneself up; waboman ako won so, he flew upon them,
railed at them, used rough and angry words, imolent and reproachful
language, against them. 1 Sam. 25,14. Cf. boran.

e-hom-ara, F. = mo ara.
home, t7. i. to breathe; wawu, onbome bio, he is dead, he brea-
thesno longer; ontumi nbome nsi so, he cannot breathe well, breathes
with difficulty (ne bomo no nsi so yiye, ent^ senea da ete no). — 2.
fo rest, repose; mabSre, mekobome kakra; owigyinae mebomee wo
Abari; se woforo bepow yi ^ie a, wobebome. — 3. to vibrate, pul-
sate, beat or throb, as tbe arteries and tbe heart.

0-h6m6, e- (inf.) 1. breathing, breath. — 2. strength: o, akoa

yi n'ni borne, dfi, this fellow Ms no strength (to work, to fight). —
3. Phr. me home tew, lit. my breath rends, i.e. my strength fails me,
I can bear it no longer, am in consternation, despair, despondency;
it is nsed in tbe present tense; in tbe preL and perf. tense tbe phr.
•mebo yerawme" is used for it. — 4. rest, repose: eyi ansa-ua
manya oh., now at length I have got rest; oh. hi nni asase so, there
is no rest on earth. — 5. Phr. me home ka me bo, my rest is undis-
turbed, I have peace; cf. abomeka.

ahome, (inf.) 1. breath; sigh; gu ah., to sigh. pr. 291. — 2. F.

rest, repose: kogye wo ab6m^, go take your rest; ma roiuny6 m'ab.,
let me have my repose.

ahom e-g li , inf. a sigh ; sighing.

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188 ahomegy6 — h6nfeh 6.

ahome-gy6, inf, recreation, refreshment^ recovery of strength

and spirit after toil; F. rest. ML 11,28 f.

ahome-ka, inf. [me home aka me ho] satisfaction, gladness,

joy, happiness,

ahome-tew, inf [home tew or tew home] hreatltUssness, the

being out of breath; distress, excessive trouble, vexation <S:c. biribi a
etew wo home (something that takes aicay your breath or red) e.s.
emma wunnya ahomey^, ehaw wo; syn, abotu, ahdyeraw. Owo do
ahometew (a.s. ahdyeraw) na oka. pr. 3446.

aho-em6rew, -omer^w, weakness, infirmity, debility.

ahom-gye, -ka, F. s. ahomegye, ahomeka.

ahomkam', F. gladly. Mk. 12,37,

o-h6mo, shouting to welcome a person; bo h., to make a noise

in welcoming; cf, bo twi. Woboo homo gyee no awo.
homofo, the criers in chasing game,
homtseu [ahome tenten] F. gu h., to sigh deeply. ML S,12,
h II, V. [red. honhgn] to pull otd thai which stuck fast (the blade
of a knife, the iron of a hoe from the handle, a nail from the wall);
to extirpate (a horn from a goats head : hoh oguan aben no, hoii-
hon abeh no); to screw out, unscretc; honhon akycne no mfewa',
take out the screws of that drum.

hoii, V. to seize by the nape and push away; 6h6n no = owo

no nkonsiaw, opo no taw, osum no atiko.

h 11, t;. [red, honhon] to swell ; me nsa rehon, my hand is swel-

ling; n'afono ahon, his cheek is swollen; - tr. to cause to swell: mfa
hon me nan, tJie Guinea-worm causes my leg to swell,

o-hou, marrow in the bones; brain; tirim h. the brain(s); hoii-

ntini, the nerves,

li6nii, a.dtadv, deep, very deep, said of a wound, a well, the-

eyes in their cavity ; cf. h6.

honu, the humming or buzzing of flies; wotu a, wote won nta-

bah mu h. — cf. honyohonyo.

o-hon4m [= h6 nam; onipa honam, n6h6nam] 1, the body of

a man or animal ; pr, 1420-22. q-xkh me te se ohonam no ntama, we
are close or fast friends. Cf, onipadua ; efunu, amti. — 2. the flesh,
Scr. - ohonAm ak6nno, flesfdy lusts.

o-honam-ani, otdward appearance; ohonam-ani ha-yi, outward-

ly; - ghonam-ani-ade, outward, bodily, temporal (not spiritual) things.
alionam-dzen, F. health.

g-honan-n6w [ohondm dew] sensual pleasure, sensuality, volup-


o-honam-nfpa, a person of one's own flesh i.e. family, kin, kin-

o-h6nan-k6ro = ohonam koro, Mt. 19,5, [dred or people.

honan-kuru = honam mu kuru^ pr. 1433 f.

hg-n^-h6, 1. there and there, certain places there; woko kttro

nom' a, nko h. — J2. intermediate, middling; indifferent; owo h,,

lie wavers, is undecided.

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hdohdm — ahooden. 189

h6iihdm, (pi.) a-, a spirit; (he spirit of man [ah. =g8dinAh

a.s. sunsiiin, ahanmu ade neh; sunsuma na tetefo freno sa(se): ne
h. asore uo so akje (orebewu nen); onipa wa a, ne h. fi no mu ko
soro]. Onyame h., the Spirit of God; Honhora kronkron, the Holy
Ghost; hohhom ahoto, spiritual joy or happiness; bonhom-mu-ade,
spiritual things.

ahonhom,a mild, gentle wind; rf mfare, mfraraa, abura.

honhom, red- r., s, bom; nbonb6m roe so, ma menb6m^!
hoiihoii, red.v. hoh,
houhoii, red, v, boh.

o-honl, pi. a-, a figure made of clay or wood, meant to repre-

sent a sick person and pnt at tbe outskirt of tbe town for tbe spirit
supposed to be tronbling the person; image, statue ; idol. [G.amaga.]

ah o-nim, inf, [nim nebo] 1, self-consciousness, — 2. conscience.

Kurtz § 12. 154. 173' — hkwa a ah. worn* or ah. hkxv a ^ personal life.

ahonimfo+, 1. rational being; 2. person within the Godhead.

aho-niniifm, inf. [bo ninnim] beginning recovery , gradual re-

storation from sickness, convalescense.

ho u 0, V. intr.dtr. [red. bohbonoj to melt (not by fire, cf. nSh),

to dissolve, liquefy; to steep, macerate; nkyene, asikre no ah.; wa-
uoa o<le no ma ah., she has over-boiled the yam; ag^genu ne dokono
a wode nsu bono nom ; ag. is a beverage of maize-bread macerated
in icater; - ode nsa bonoo yen, he pressed upon us to drink.

e-hono, 1. bark of a tree, daa (bo) bono or aboh; rind, husk,

shell; abrgbe ho h., the rind of a pine-apple; akatu bo h., orange-
peelings. — 2. scales; apata h(J b. or aboh, the scides of a fish. —
3. F. = Bare, grass for thatching houses.
honta, V. F. = bintaw.
honton, a. = tenten, long.

o-ho-nto-wo-so, an unexpected trouble, espec. used of debts in

which one is involved by unexpected swearing. Wunnim nea amane
fi na wote ho a, oh. abeto wo so; as^m a wunnim ase no na ebia
abeto wo so. Oh. te se obonsam : ahkye na adada nnipa = abeto
nnipa so. [On the etymology cf. "Me sunsuma ato me so ^= me h6
aye yiye*; perh. "oh. abeto wo so" means: a matter in which your
own self did not fall upon you i.e. did not protect youy has come to
fall on you.]

ah6-n u, inf [nG nebo] F. nnubo, repentance, pr. 1425.

ah6-ny a, inf. [nya nebo] the state of having got one's own self
i.e. a) one's living or livelihood, i.e. wealth, riches, b) mie's liberty, i.e.
independence; cf. eb6d^, abofadi. — ahonya-de, wealth, riches.

o-houy afo, pi. a-, a rich, wealthy man; cf odefo, osikani.

o-honyanyi, F. id. Mt. 19,23. Mk. 10^25.

aho-nyannyan', inf. [ho nyannyahj horror, shudder.

h6ny6h5ny6,n. or adv. imitative of the humming or buzz-
ing of bees or flies; odowd ye h., the bee hunts; cf. h^nh.

ahooden and other words beginning ahoo... seek without re-

gard to the o.

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190 h5p^6 — hor6n6a.

h5p&6 [nea neho apa] (an animal) naked, hare, or bald on

the body; oguan h., a bald, naked sheep or goat Cf. tipae.

aho-pe, inf. [pe nehS] self-love, selfishness, egotism.

oA\6\}efOyph a-, a selfish, self-interested person.

aho-pere, inf. [neh6 pire no] eagerness (ntem a worepe de

akoyQ biribi a egye wo ani) ; impatience.

aho-pere, aho-perep6re, inf. [pere neho] self-defence. — aho-

pere-ahoQden, ability to defend oneself.

ah5-popo, inf [ne hO popo] trembling; alarm, fear.

o-hdprafo, pi. a-, nea okura m&ra de pra ohene ho, lit. a swee-
per about the king, a bearer of an elephant* s-taH before the king ;
cf. gyaasefo.

ah6rd, contr. fr. ahohora; WQyeme ah.

hordii, V, to raise, enlarge, swell, puff up, expand; spread;

syn. boman; to make or talk much of; wohoran woho papa, you make
too much of yourself, you are arrogatit, assuming, overbearing; wa-
h6ran, he has become haughty, inflated with pride; cf. w4p6w; ne
din ahoran = nehO asem ahye, ahyeta, he has becotne renawtied;
oh. ne din, ode ne din ah. kiirow yi nhina, he talked much of his
dignity in the whole town; ohoran me bo = ohnru me bo, he excites
my anger; nhoraii wo bo sa, do not fret yourself thus. [Diff. h&ran.]

horOj V. to raise, throw up; mfote hore slw, the termites throw
up earth, raise a hill; - to swell; n'ano ahore pgw, he has pouting lips
(by nature); his lips are swollen (forming a bump, by accident);
red. hohore, q^.v.
horhora, F. = ahohora. Mt 1,19.

horo, v., red. hohoro, also hoho; 1. to wash, espec. by re-

peated rubbing; to rinse, cleanse. The three forms are discriminate-
ly applied thus: a) hoho with anim\ auom', nsa, nan, to wash the
face, mouth, hands, feet; 6^ horo with tam, atam, ntama, atade, to
wash a cloth or clothes; also akonnua ho, a stool d-c. c^ h oh o r o with
tirim, ahina mu, kuruwa mu, to wash the head, the inside of a pof^
cup, mug, jar, jug &c. — Ohoro fa ayi mu sika, he treats earth with
water in order to separate the gold contained in it, i.e. he washes gold.
— J2. to chide, reprimand: 6h6ro no, = oyaw no, obg no ahohora.
ahoro, a plant with broad leaves; ahaban tetr§te a wode twiw

horo, a-, 5. horow, a-,

ahoroh6rd, -hdrowd, s. ahohora ; Bog. 874.

horghoro, a. puny, small and feeble; tender, weak; soft;

unripe; sickly. Abofra (no ye) h. = ab. ketcketewa a woawo no b§
*ne no; ••- gd^ h. a ennyini na wodi no, wofre no gdedomfl; - abiiro-
nhwi y§ h., abibi-nhwi ye dennen, cf. nhwi; - n'anim ye h., he looks
sickly; - obfironi hd(nam) y§ h.

bdrQbobo, a. bloated; w4y^ h. ta h6 sg n^ oyar4 pJLpasisi.

lior6n5a, blister; aboh. = dodonku, it has raised a blister.

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nh5rodo — ahotwetVirfe. 191

iih5rodo, not yet fully ripe^ softy ^reen (corn); wgwe abttrow
ma bi nh.

ho row, a. [Ky. hodoo] differenty various; several.

a h r w, «. i. kindy species, variety ; okasa ahorow bebre, many

kinds of language i.e. many different languages; alioro nhin& bi, F.
of every kind, Mt 13,47, — ^. times (in multiplication); edu ab. da
ye eba, ten times ten are one hundred.

aho-sau, inf. 1. [h6 BtLti'] recovery , restoration from sickness;

deansing, F. Mk. 1,44. — 2. [sah neho] vindication, (self-) justi-

a h 5-s ^ n, inf. [ne ho san no] lit. looseness, freedom from restraint;
hence joy, joyfulness, happincsSy frolicsomeness; gladness, gleCy en-
thusiasm; also extravagance, unruliness.

ah6-sep§w, inf. [nebo sepew no] joyfulnesSy joyousness, cheer-

ftdnessy gladness, gaiety, joviality y hilarity y happiness.

ah6-sesew, inf. [sesew neho] = ahosiesie, 1.

ah OS io si 6, inf. [siesie neho] 1. preparationy preparedness,
readiness; cf ahoboaboa, abodaso. — J2. F. adorning. 1 Bet 3^. cf.

ahos6re, inf. [sore neho] carefulness about one's oum person

OTself; chastity.

aho-sinsidm, inf. [siam] : ab. n. s. wode wo nsaabo nsura^ afa

wo bo babi mpen 2 a.s. 3 de reyi biribi agu ; a.s. biribi aka wo ho
na w6y^ no sa' ylyl gu.
hSta, F. = hintaw.

ah5-otan [ho ye tan] F. ugliness.

o-h o t efo, pi. a-, a holy, righteous person, saint.

aho-tew, inf. [tew neho t>r ho tew] sanctificaiiony the act of

sanctifying oneself ; blamdessnesSy chastity, sanctity yhoUnesSy the state
of being holy or sanctified.

aho-te we [s. bef] 1. the state o^ being (or, things being) brigUy
cleaUy tidy; cleanlinesSy neatness; ony6 nenneema afiafi, nehhina
ahotew§. — 2. F. glory; holiness.

ahotsewefo, F. Uie rigUeous. Mt.9yt3. Mk2,17.

hoiiriyV. to take out from .. by force; to snatchy wrcM, wring
from; h. ne nsam' sekan no, tm'est the knife from his hand.

aho-to, inf. [ne hoato no] quiet, quietness, peace; happiness, joy;
comfort, comfortable feeling.

aho-to-asetjin/*. [tonehoase] self-neglecting, unconcernedness.

aho-to-s6t, inf. [de neh6 to so] reliance (upon).

o-h6-trafo,jp^ a-, [nea otra..h6j lit. a by-sitter, assessor, judge

lateral; counselor, adviser; minister of a sovereign or regent; pr. 13 10.
ho£se, V. F. = f^ete, pete, to scatter, strew. Mt. 12^0. 25,24.

ahd-tutilo, Ak. = atataw? samS?

aho-t w 6 1 we, inf. [twStwe neho] tardiness, slacknesSy slotvness,

duggishness; backtcardness, dUatoriness; lingering, protaction; gye
ah. == wosoma no a, omm6 p^nkraii nko.

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192 ho w — hu.

how, V, 1, to dry on or by the fire; wode gya na wode how apa-

ta; fa nam gu gya so how; nam no ahow. — ^. io he not sufficiently
boiled, underdone: wonda aduan na woamfa nsu ahhu mu seneaete
a, na emmen, na wose: aduah no ahow = auwen (efis^ ogya nni
ase, nsu pa hi nso nnim\ woammua so nso yiye). pr, 639, — 3, to be
ligJU, not weighty or heavy in flying or walking: wotow kyew ko
soro a, ehow; mafon nti, menama, na mehow; to be ineffective: hem-
ma no how, the arrow has no power to go far, emu ye hare, enje
duru pi; - gka asem a, na ehow &§ ben = enn4 kora; asem a ye-
reka yi, ycbo so a, ehow = eteh ani, ani nnd babiara. — 4. to he
weaky remiss, slack, loose, not fast, not close, not well joined: ekyew
no how, the cap does not fit tiglU; ehow so = ennA so, enya ok wan
pi; biribi a ehye ade bi mu na ent6 so pe na ofa nwen ho; syn. ho-
dwow, cf bg so. — 5. to be lofty: Akuapem asase how soro kyeh
Krobg. — 6. Fhr, ..were how, how .. were, s, were.

0-h w, inf 5. how; blasting; r/*.opo, withering. Dent. 28,22, Am,4fi,

a h o-w o w, inf [ne ho awow] exhaustion of means or property;

ah. nti ontumi ny^ mfefew-ade a ne mfefo ye, from want of means
he cannot equal his comrades in finery,

aho-ydw, castigation, punishment. Mat, 25,46, [i.q. seq.]

ahd-eydw',-oy dw' [neho ye no yaw] 1, pain, suffering, irri'

taiion; wohyeno ah. = wgyeno ayayade. — 2. irritability, tou-
chiness, pettishness, — 3, envy, grudge; ambition^ jealousy; male-
volence; ahoeyAw d! wo ani abereme! that is nothing but malice!
you envy me! Cf apese-nenko-nya.

ahOeyawde = ayayade.

0-h5Qydwf6, jpLa-, an envious, jealous, malicious person; syn.

gbofo; odi wosika ana wo adwuma ho aboro; ade a obi ye na eye
no ho ye no yaw.

aho-oy 6d, Ak. = ah6eyaw,^am d^c,

aho-yeraw, Ak. ahoh^ra, inf [neho yeraw no] uneasiftcss,

anxiety y mortification, vexation, tribtdation, wretchedness, anguish;
cf, ahometew; pr, 3446,

hr&hra... s. h&nahana.
hran, s. h&ran (& horan).
h u , v. s. huw.

ohu, a kind oi pap; mmgre a wgayam na wgati bi an5a na

wgde afra m* bio; awi a wode sughyew aka se wgka abete no.

hft, «. or adv, imit. of blowing or of a confused noise: mframa

bg hu, the wind blows strong; ankonam mmg hu, pr. 1708, nnipa no
kasa hu = hgb6bgbg; kftrow nom' aye hu = ho. — 2, completely:
wadgw kwae no nh. hO, he has cleared (away) the wood altogether;
syn. kora; pr, 983,

h ft*, interj, an exclamation to call one from a distance.

. hu, Ak. hunu, v. to see; diff, fwe, gyen, kari. 1, to perceive

by the eye, to behold, discern, descry; mihfiu no (= m^ani tnaano)
wo hg mprempren (Ak. mihunuu no hg sese ara), I saw him there
just now; ohui se wawu, he saw that he was dead; - to Imve in sight;

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hil — liiia. i^

to take notice of. pr, 187-93. 1428-53, 2023. — 2. to discover, find, find
out, invent; mefwefwe me pfine na ininh&, / am looking for my needle
and cannot find it. pr. 483. 2670. — 3. to recognize: mihua no ney are-
pa 80 na manha no bio, I saw him on his sick-bed and did not re-
cognize him. — 4. to perceive by mental vision, note with the mind;
to form an idea or conception of; to discern, distinguish; to know,
pr.1014. - to understand, comprehend. - Fhr. hii ase, - akjiri,-
mu, to understand (the meaning or reason, the consequences, the con-
tents); hu ano^ ^0 understand how to manage* — 5. to learn; perf.
to know, understa>id, be conversant with, be able; cf. nim ; pr. 565.
592.1430. 1438. 1452. wahu neho so fwe, she knew how to guard her-
self, she has kept Jicrselfpure or chaste. — 6. to know, to have sexual
commerce with. Gen. 4. — 6'. to perceive by the organs of taste and
feeling; sj/n. te. — 8. to experience, suffer: wobehfi biribi, gou wUl
have to suffer something! pr. 586 f. 1451. Phr. hCl amanne, to see adver^
sity i.e. to be in affliction, to suffer; to be tormented (F.) — 9. Phr.
bu ma.., F. to feel for, sympathize with; - hQ .. mm^bo, to look at.,
with compassion, to pity, commiserate, have compassion or mercy on;
- ha., anim, to obtain admission or admittance before; mahu ohene
anim 'ne, to-day I was admitted to the presence oftiie king. — 10. Phr^
Wuhuu den na woaba yi? lit. what did you see that you have come?,
i.e. wJuit induced you to come, why are you come? wnhnfi den na^
wobesam&naa no yi? for what reason have you summoned him?

h u, 17. to burn the hair from a dead animal; moye den ni? ye-
hd aboa, - oguan; wohQ abirekyi hO wq afikyiri.

e-h u, n. fear, fright, terror; ehft ak& no, fear has befallen him,
he is frightened. — ye ha, 1. to excite fear; iy^ hfi, it is frigJUfid,
awftd, dreadful; ne hd ye lift, his appearance excites fear, he isfright-
/W, formidable, terrible. — 2. to be fearful, ^afraid, timid: 6yk h6 s^
ak6ko, he is as timid as a fowl, = 6ye ohfifo. — hq hd, F, to be
amazed. Mt 12,23.

ahu, 1. a treasure found in the earth or ground; sika a wota

wo fam' a.8. nnupAn mu; syn. od^en, asased^; - tu ahfi, to find or
dig out a treasure hidden in the ground; watu ahfi (afa), he has found
some hidden treasure, wafa od wen. — ^. = ahfinu, a thing seen.prJ.455.

h tx&y V. [red. hQahQa] to smell, scent; mema no adnan a, ohfii

f^^ ansa-na odi, wlien I give him food, he smells (or snuffles) at it
before he eats (it); okraman de ne fv^ene ahOahda ara akohCi aboka'
Qo, the dog has with his nose traced out i.e. has scented the carcass.
Cf. ehfta, htiam. (hiia tie, pr. 1565.)

htiS, F. hwa, Ak. fifra.

hii&y i;. 1. to scrape, scratch; htta gde, to scrape or scrcUch off

the burned parts of the roasted yam ; to graze, to ruh or brush lightly
in passing (c/lhttfisu); syn. t^ere, tV^erew; cf. hiian, h&ane, & red.
htihda. — J2. (hQa, cf. red. httahtia) to bring a fresh leaf into close
contact with fire to mdke it flabby, flaccid: tew ahaban no htta (ka,
tdto) gya posa sq knranomn. — 3. [inf. ahtta] to beg, to crave for;'
ohiiaadnan, okohuano adaan, he craves for food, begs food from ^
hm; obehM ha d&; pr. 213. cf. sSre.


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194 ahu& — hUh.

ah u&, inf. begging (for food), pr, 2Q7.

H u a, j^T.n. the country to the east of the Volta beyond Akwam

and Anum, called by the inhabitants £90, by the Akras Ay igbe,
by the Europeans Krepe. Ok^ Httam'; Ohtiani, j)Z. Hiiaf6.

e-hiia, smelly odour, scent (good or bad). — te h., to perceive

the smelly to smell; met^ atudnru h., I am smelling the powder; (tie
h., pr, 1565,) — gy^ htifi, to scent, smell: akraman ^y^ htia na wg-
toa won aboa; migye no ho httS. — y i h., to give (yield, produce) a
good smell, Ca. 1,12,; to have a had smeU, to stink, == boii.

hiia, brode htta, the viscous juice oozing from a newly cut
bunch of plantains (atomprdda mu nsu fita a eye ml ; 8§ eka wo
ntama ana wo nsam* a, §ka ho, it stains (he clothes or hands).

h \ii.j a. d^adv. viscous, viscid, sticky, glutinous; tenacious, tough;

syn. hdini, tw&, sIL, mft, fd, prapra &c. Me fufa sq hiil.

o-hiiae, pi. a-, broom; syn. oprae; wgde ab§ berew na wode ye,
0-hiiaf6, pi. a-, beggar, mendicant.

Hullf6, the people or inhabitants of Hiia.

huahiia^ hfiahfia, red.v, 1, s, htia & hua. — 2. refl. (s.'htia 2)

to bask; fa gya ma minhuahua meho (= men to) kakra, provide some
fire (hat I may warm myself a little.
ahil^hd. a kind of plant.
ahii^ha, the tobacco-plant, growing wild in the country.

Huam', = Hti&m6.

huam, V. to pluck, puU off, out, or from, with a twitch; syn.

pan, pgn^ tew, tu ; obi renhtiUm won me nsam', John 10^8 f. — 2.
to decrease, abate; syn. htian, twe; nsu no ahti&m. — 3. to smell i.e.
to investigate by smelling; combined with tie & te or fwe&h&:
mihiiam ta matie se eye ana ; ohtiam ta f w§ (Ak. of wam tawa no
fw§) se ebeye de ana? / smell, he smells the tobacco to know wlidher
it be good.

0-huam, 1. the scent or oe^^ur emitted from sweet-smelling sub-

stances, perfume, fragrance, aroma. — 2. sweet-smdling substances,
perfumes; aduru hi a eye htiam, se krob6w, beweonua (two kinds
of gum), mmdwa (a bark), ofwent^a (a fruit), p^pr^ (alo@), 08ik6,
fofowa, nhw^ne, osonwere. — ye or sra h., to apply perfumery to
the face, neck, arm-pits, upper arms.
huani; huamhu&m^ a. odoriferous, fragrant, sweet-smeUing;
-ye h., to be fragrant, smell sweetly; nehS y§ htiftm, pr. 2427. 4yib.;
nn6 hti&mhtiilm.

o-huammo, inf. [htian, bg] or huammo [gbo a ehtian] disap-

pointment; bo or di h., ^ disappoint; to be disappointed; wadi me
h., he has disappointed me; $te se w4hti&u biribi a ekura ade bi mn
na ade no abg fam* (af we ase). pr. 1458,

hu^n^ t^. [red. hunhtian] Ak. f^ane, 1. to pull or draw away^

off or forth, to withdraw forcibly, espec. a thing from under some
other object; wasoma me soro ahtian m'aseant^erifpr.^OO^; wahuan
no nan, he has forcibly withdrawn his foot. — 2. to di^oin, dislocate^

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huan' — huhua. 195

put out of joint; to sprain (?) with mu : wahi&an ne nao mu, he has
sprained his foot; - to be dislocated, out of joint: ne nan ahttan.

— 3. to snap, to spring or fly up or back, rebound: afiri no ah., the

spring has snapped off, pr. 3031. — 4. to burst, crack (of eggs in hatch-
ing chickens). — 5. to recede, flow back, lower, ebb; epo ahttan, the
sea ebbs. — 6. .. bo httan, to decrease, decline, diminish, lessen (of
fluids or any thing accumulated, of strength, pain &c); eso ah., it has
become less or lower; netumi so rehttan, his power is on the decline;
ne kaw no so ah., his debt has decreased; - cans, huan .. so, to di-
minish; wahttan me kaw so ama me, he ?tas lessened my debt for me;
opp. dqre, hjia so. — 7. dhUkn apakje = oto ap., gka (he touches)
ne nan mu, ne sisi mu, ne gya mu, Jie limps, walks lafndy, in conse-
quence of a dislocation or fracture in a joint or leg.

huan^ V. [red. httan htt&n] Ak. fw&ne, to peel, to strip, draw

or tear off the skin, husk or rind; h. ahttrow == yi bttr6h6no fi abtt-
row ho; h. akutu, to peel an orange; h. kwadu h5 hono, apat& ho
bono, to peel off the husk of a banana, scrape off iJie scales of a fish.
Cf htta, httane, wae.

huan e, t7. Ak. fwane; to Scratch (neho, the skin when itching).

— h. nk6r6m, to snore,
hhn&ney s. nhw&ne.

hfi&ni, a. = httS, twa, twani.

o-hiia-sii, Ak. of^fisAo (htti, to graze, nsu, water] the water or
moisture of the grass and bushes from the morning-dew or rain,
wetting the clothes of the passer-by ; oh. afgw me ntama. pr. 256.

ah u-b a, 1. aboa a wokum no a wohtt ne nhoma. — ^. (ehu-

boa) aboa a eys htt, pr. 1459.

ahu-de, 1. ade a §ye htt, a fearful thing. — J9. ade a woahtt,

a thing found out, invention; cf. abQrdiQde,anyansah&de,anyade. —
ahude-adwene, inventive power or faculty of mind, ingenuity.

hufo, hnwfo, s. huw.

o-hfif6, pi. a-, a timid person, coward, pr. 1460.
ahiigya = bodua, nantwidua, a cow's tail, used as an orna-
ment on festive occasions.

huhd, innumerous; mp^m mp^m hiihft (gpedu ahorow opedu,

ten millions) = Qpehuhi, opepeh&, Qpepet^, innumerable or count-
less thousands or myriads.

huhu^ 9. huhnw.

huhu^ a. [red. of ehtt] fearful, alarmed, fuU of fears and dp-

prehensions; Qman mu ay$ h. = WQkekft asem se ebia d^m reba
njt. na wosuro ntia gman no abg t#i.

huhtia^ ananse h., a spider's web or net, Ak. ntontan.

hfthiia, red. v. httft, 1. to graze, to rub, touch or brush lighHy

in passing; ote pgnko no so a, na ne nan h. (= t#S) fam^; ne ntama
h. (= sesi) fam*. . — ^. with ho or aky i: to be near one: oh. me
^^ heis always near me; woke babi a, raih. wo akyi (wo hd), I
crave to be near you wherever you go.

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196 ahuhuA — ohum.

ahuhud, i. a little famine j scarcity of food; nnansi ji ah. aba

kakra, provisions have become rather scarce in these days (in May or
June, when the yam begins to grow). — 2. s. ahuhuwa. — pr. 1253,
0-huhu-bo, pi, a- [obo huhuw] a fahe weight, pr. 1461,
ahiihu-de, = ade huhuw, a vain, futUe, useless, tcorfhless, con-
temptible, mean, base, vile thing or tJiings.

ahuhu-dze, F. lasciviotisness, Mk, 7,22,, wickedness.

ahuhu-dwuma, trifling, domestic work.
huhuhuhfty murmuring; kasa h., to murmur, cf. nwinwi.
pr. 2187, dzi .. bQh^hQ, F. to murmur against. Mk, 14JS,

Huhuhuhu^ name of a month, about June; s. osram.

0-hiihu-ni, jp?. a--fo, = onipa huhuw, a mean, base, vile, ab-
ject, wicked, worthless fellow or person, pr, 1090,
o-huhurow, s. ohuruhurow.

ahiihusem, = asem huhuw, vain or idle words or talk, non-

sense, futility, vanity; meanness, baseness, vUeness; akoa yi di ah.,
this fellow is fuU off nonsense, plays wanton tricks,

hiihuw, a. vain, worthless, useless, good for nothing; common,

despicable; mean, base, vile; se wonni sika a, anka eye ade huhuw
bi kwa, if gold (gold-dust) were not used in' commerce, it would be
but a useless thing, pr, 917. Cf. hunu, funu.
huh li w, red. v. huw, to blow repeatedly; h. nkwan, to blow or
cool the soup; nkwan no ye hyew dodo, huhuw so naennwolpr. 1462.

— Ohuhdw' ne hk no, oprapra ne ba h5 huhuw no ho = 68^re ne

ba, Qf^e ne ba so yiye, she is very particular or careful with her chUd.

ahiihiiw [huw, to blow] 1, breath; whiff, puff; blast; n'anom'ah.

ye hyew, ye hO^m, boh, the breath of his mouth is hot, - smells good,

- stinks; mede m'anom' ah. memaa ne h6 y§e no hyew, I warmed

him with my breath. Cf. ahohow, ghome, ahuhuwiL, ohuruhurow. —
2. = ahuhude.

ahuhuwd, 1. blast, the hot stream of atr coming from a fire;

i^rama hyewhy^w k efi gyam'. — 2. s, ahuhu4.

a-hu-kdn [hQ kau, to see first]: wadime ah., he has seen me

first, pr. 2910.

hum, V. s. hom.

e-huni; doum, the fine, soft, hairy outgrowth from the leaves of
some plants; ade bi a ete se hhwi wq sasono n^ af^erew ni aw6-
rdh n.a. ho.

0-h Q m'; a yearly festival, annual custom of the Ouah people TDa-
t§, Kyerepgn, Mamf^, Mampou, Tutu, Asantemma) and part ot the
Akems, celebrated with feasting, playing and dancing; amah a wq-
kasa Ouah hh. na edi hum, tese Akropghfo n^ Aburifo twa odwira;
c/1 odv&ira, aberekwasi, akohhuro. — od6-him', a festival for the
fetish at the time of planting (?) yam; s. ohnmkah; - abet^-hi!un'.
. O-hUm. pL a-, a brazen gun, blunderbuss; tuo tia bi a w6de di
ahemf6 anim ;' hi^6w4 na wota de ye ne dade a eda ne b5n& ma no.

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ahdm — hunh6ii. 197

ahiim^ 1. a strong wind, gale, storm; roframa kgse or bebrfi,

cf. mfare, oprannft ; ah. reta, a storm is rising ; ah. tai na ebuu daa
gaa kwan mu; ah. abesi man ma; ah. abeta ade a etua Qdan atifi
no ko; ah. abefa onipa afi hyeh Dom\ — JS. s. ahan 3.

ah am^ introduction of a song; bo aham.

-hum a, adj. (in cpds.) common, not sacred; s. dahnma, oni-


h u m'-d a, da a Guanfo di won afrihy ia, 5. ohiim. .

ahumfO; won a wokura ahum di bene anim, s. obum & gya-


ahum-kdii, the time of tJie first ohum custom, — ahum-di, inf.

a h li m-n fe-a h d m , mistte-toe, a parasitic plant on trees.

ahuin6b6, ahumOb5re,.TnmQborohunu, m/l [hd.. mmobo]

pity, sympcUhg, compcission, commiseration, mercy; cf timgbo, ayam-
hjehye. — n'ahfimobQr dosS dodo, F. he is most gracious,

ahumobor-do, F. mercifully.
huii, Ak. = hunu, a. d:. adv.

ahuu, Ak. ahuno, ahonu, 1. ahunmd, ahunum, the air,

atmosphere, the apparently empty space above the earth; cf. V^im;
[fr. hunu, a.] — ^. ahiln mti dsl or ato d6 86, something invisible
(from the air) has come down on him Le. he has fallen in a swoon,
is in a fainting fit, has had an epileptic fit; ah. y§ ade a wanhii,
ete se Qhome ara; cf. ahum = mframa, ahonhom, & ahunum^ piti,
beraw, abiribiriw). — 3. ahuu, ahunmu, ahum, ahuntwam
kakra, a little while; ma ahun ntwam* kakra ansa-na mentoa m^a-
8em so, wait or let me wait a Utile and then I shall proceed in my re-
latum; wokgyi, ahunmutwam^kakraa, hhr^L, you are going now, but
come again in a little while; ahunmu fa mu kakra a {or, ahun [ahum]
kakra fam' [twam'] a), na agyae, in a little while it will be over;
tbonmu faa so no, Qsgree, after a little while he arose.

a h u n-m u-h yen, air-bcUloon ; cf. mframa-toa.

huna, t?. [red. hunahuna] 1. to importune, tease, defy, provoke^
challenge; wope se wo ygnko hye wo ase na wohy$ no so a, na wu-
hnoa no nen; wode asemmone hi (anuoden) h. wo ygnkd; ahene 2
ye dom na obiako hkoa bet^am' a, Qpe s§ ohaw wgn na §yQ won
wura abufuw (tan). — J2. de neho hh... mu, to obtrude upon, to be
burdensome to; to intrude among; ode neho hunahuna adwamay§fo
no mu te se nea oy$ adi^uma no bi, nanso gnye hi. — 3. to threaten,
frighten, terrify; ode aba, sekan, tuo, buna no = yi no hQ. P8.10,18.
cf. popo.

ahunahuro, by-name of the dog.

ahiin-4n(-&n k4-n sa [ade a ema aniwa hfl (nea ewo dan mu)
nansade, $nkft] lattice; lattice-window, treUised window, window
with crossbars; Venetian window blind, jalousie.

ahunanyllnkwa, F. [nea wuhii no a wunya hkw&] a saviour

(one from whose sight you obtain Ufe).

bunhdn, a kind o£ pot-herb or vegetable. pr.Ji537.

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198 himhiiau — ahupo.

hunhuan, red. v. h&an.

nhunhunii [hunhunu] 1. the dust ofworm-eaien wood. — 2.
a worm thai eats wood; wood^fretier, wood-worm. — 5. adj. worm-
eaten; watow diia nhunhunii nkS, he has felled a iree worm-eaten

hunhunu, red. v. hunu.

o-hunky§ree, 1. [hflnu = hft, & kyere = kye] nea wuhQano
aky§ ; **6, oh. ni!" here I see a friend whom I have not seen for a
long time! — ^. [ehii, ky§]: Wose: hQnkyeree, na wonse se : nnan-
kygree, pr.2809. = wose: woye hQ a, na wokje, na wonse se:
woy$ nnam a, na wnnyin kye. (Obi ye nnam bebrebe wo oko ma
a, enna wokft no sa.)

nhuni; inf. [htinu] Ak. = nhai; wanyft nh., Jie has often seen.
ahufimu, s. ahun, ahunum\ [Gr. § 104,5.

huno, Ak. = hunu.

hunta, huntsa, F.=hintaw. Mt 10^.13^5.44, Mk. 4^2. cf sfima.

hunu, V. 1. espec. with mu: fo hollow (oui), make hollow, ex-

cavate; to corrode; mmoah. dua. — 2. to be worm-eaten: duanoah.;
mmo& ire mu ade no, na ehunu gu se kjekyer^. — 3. Phr. n'anom*
ah&nu, lit his mouth is empty, he has no appetite i.e. he is in trouble^
is grieved.

hunu, a. 1. empty, void, hollow. — 2. unsubstantial; vain,

worthless, unsatisfying; — 3. idle, inactive, unemployed, unoccupied.

— 4. unfruitful, fruitless, ineffectual. — 5. mere, simple; bare, na-

ked; without any thing else; - wokoe Qko-hunu, = wokoe no, won-
nim as$n-k5 ase, they went in their simplicity (lit. a mere going) i.e.
ioithout knowledge of the matter in question. — 6. having no proper
right: nktirofo hunu ne nnipa bi a womfr4 wo abusGam* na Qdo so
ana ajQnkdgoru so na wo-n6 wo trft. - — 7. groundless, false (ntam).

— Cf. huhuw, kwa; cpds. adehunu, asenhunu, ntanhunu.

hunu, Ak, hun, adv. merely, only, for nothing, to no purpose,

in vain, for no reason, without reason; 6tan me ara hunu, he hates
me without cause. Syn. kwa, teta, gyan.

hunu, v. Ak. = ha, to see dtc. pr. 1453.

o-hunu, one who has seen, pr. 1454.
ahQnu, a thing seen, 'pr.1455.
hunu-amanne, ade a em& wuha amanne; h. bra=amanne-
hunu-bra, pr. 1456.

ahunum', 5. ahnn; ahunum = ade-tQ-wo-so; ete se abiribiriw,

nanso etetew wo ani so a, ensan mma bio se abiribiriw.

ahupo', 1. imperiousness, arrogance, presumption, insolence;

vident behaviour. — 2. exaction of unlawful profit: imposition, ex-
tortion (6y^ ah., onam bg nktfrofo fth., = odi tumi hy$ nkttrofo so
gye WQn ho nne$ma); cf. amimdi. — 3. exaction of undue reverence:
pride, haughtiness, ambition; 6y^ ah., oho ah., = oye hQ hfi, ne nneyee
mu 9y§ se qwq biribi, nso onni ahuro; vainglory; gye n'ade hdh^,
he does things in a light-minded way, acts frivolously. Cf. ahantaa,
ahdkyere-hunu, ahdhoahoa.
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ohupofo — hixTu. 199

o-hup6fo, i??.a-, an arrogant, overhearing dtc. person; bye oh.,

e.g. he goes to settle matters as in tke king's name, and the Mng has
not sent or empowered him.

ahupo-sem^ doings or dealings implying ahupo, q. v.

h ura, v. l.tohe covered, set or overgrown with; to overgrow,
to shoot up on; neti ahura d^eo or d^eh ah. n*atifi or netirim, his
head is covered with hoary hair; edw no sb ah. mm6re, or mmfire
ah. siw no so, mushrooms have shot up on that ant-hill, — 2. de..h.,
to convey, throw or cast to; ne din ye me se ohtiam a mframa bo de
hura me, his name is to me as a fragrance which the wind blows or
wafts to me (Co, 1,3.) — 3. h. ho or ran: to soil, make dirty, bemire,
bespatter, besmear, bedaub, stain, defile, pollrde; intr. to be soiled^
dirh/, polluted, defiled dtc. ohura dan no mu ; gdan no hd ah., n*a-
daka h5 ah. = aye fi, agye ntuw; ne nnade h5 ah. = agye nka-
nare; - oh. ne som ho = on86m no yiye na osom no sakasaka, he
is disioycd or dishonest in his service. — 4. h. .. a ni m\ to abuse (with
words), to revile, vilify; to disgrace, dishonour; to insidt, affront;
cf. hye aniwa, bo ahohora.

hurae, a disease causing violent pain in the limbs; ema wo

•nnompem* iutaw wo; ne nua ne atutuw.

ahurahuradwo^i. [ade a ahurii-ahuru na asan ad wo bio] a

quick but transient bubbling or boiling up; mmfl ennye ah., na ma
enkg so se afi ase yi. — J2. a plant that can be used for salad.

hureuhureu, a.dradv. smart, keen, sharp: mako hyehye

m*anom* h., my mouth burns intensely with pepper. — J2, unmitiga-
ted, not softened by any admixture; wayam osi&m a.s. adaru h.,
nsn aiikd. — 3, brisk, quick, sprightly: akokoa h. = abofra a oye
hyew, n'ani ye den.

h u r i, V. Ak. = hnruw. ^^ 1463^5.

o-huri', Ak. ohurie, a kind of stinging insect, gadfly (?) = gt^n.

huro, V. to hoot, cry out or shout in contempt, to mock, deride^
jeer, flout; to expose to derision, to put to shame by crying 'hS, hfl,
ye! wohuro n6 = wgbgno tutuw; Nkranfo huro kgm.

a hilro, 1. Ak. = ahuru, foam, froth. — J2. scum i.e. dross, refuse,
recrement; hence what is vile or worthless, a trifle; = fwe, a little
something; eny6 ah., it is nothing; ehkd ah., nothing at all is wan-
ting; memfA meny6 ah., I do not make anything of it.

o-huron, a kind of small tree.

hiirbnhuron, adv. quick and tall (of growth); abofrd no
m*p^w, na 6ny\h h.=onyin ntem-ntem, tententen, gb^ran, akg soro
ntem-ntem; - adedenkruma nyin h., the castor-oil plant grows fast,
shoots up vigorously.
nhurodo-nhiirodo,i)?. w. the holes, loops or gaps in stuffs or
mats of loose texture; - adj. loosely woven: ntama (kete) no mu ye nh.
hhru, V. 1, to bod, bubble, effervesce; to foam, froth; to be
picHenUy agitated, to rage; nsu rehuru, the water is boiling; nsu a
ahum, boiling water; aduan no huru gu, the food boUs over; epg h.,
the sea is raging horribly. — 2. to excite, agitate: h. man no ani,

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200 ^hiiru — nhilwd.

==^taii6.. ani, tostirup thepeople,Ac. 17^3. — h.bo, toslir upthc breast

he. to provoke, arouse to anger or pasdon, to incense. — 3. ho hnni,
to be hot; me bo h. me, I am hot — 4. hum dwira, to anfwunce tite
beginning of the yam-custom on the previous evening (Wednesday)
by beating drums &c. — h. biironyl, to celebrate Christmas eve.

4hiirUy foam, froth, spume, scum; cf. ahuro; ogjam' ah., (he
¥Hxter or froth ooxing out from green wood in burning.

ahurubia, pi. n-, a^kind of bird, pr.l466.

hu rii-f6m, inf. [huruw, fem] : bye b., to give forth upon usury.

[Eee. ISfi.U.
ahuru-fi, inf. [huruw, fi]: wodi (dan no mu) ah. = wohuruw
fi .adi, they jump forth (out of the house) one after the other.

0-huruhdr6w, steam, vapour; oh. fisen mu, - bakam*, sieam

rises from the pot, - the lagoon.

huriihhruw, red. v. huruw, to leap, jump (repeatedly) as

one who is rejoicing; to gambol, skip about, in sport
ahuruhuruw', inf. jumping, pr. 1268.

ahuru-si; inf [huruw, si]: di ah., to exult, rejoice exceedingly;

woate asempa na wo bo ato wo na woretew akrayam a woredi ako-^

a h u r u s f-d f , inf. exultation.

ahurutod, F. ahrutsia, pi. n-, a poisonous serpent, with a big

head and black and light-yellow streaks ; viper, asp.
0-hiirutiitu, the lungs. [G. flufla].
hiirutututu, a. boUing, bubbling (of water on fire) ; raging,
foaming (of the sea or a swelling river) : |y^ h., it casts up foam; nsu
ho ani ye b. = menem-menem.

huruw, t;. Ak.huri, i. to leap, jump, hop, skip, spring, bound

(tc. b. si, to jump for joy (to jump so as to place oneself again on
the ground) pr. 378. red. huruhuruw, q. v. - ohuruw fwee kwan so,
lie quicJ^y resumed his journey. — 2. h. sika, to lend money on usury,
practise usury. Deut. 23,19. Fs. 15,5. Obi ah. no sika akotua ne ka na
awo no (adQ, adoso); oh. no sika = ofem no sika hhye no da senea
wobye no d&, na ohye no da-tia, na wammetua a, 6hh gu s6.

hu-se, a thing or matter seen and told; se eye mo atoro o, s§

eye mo h. o, mo ara mokofaa asem no, whether it be a lie on your
part, or whether you have seen and told it, it is you who have brought
(out or on) the moMer.

ahu-tu, inf. [tu ah(i] the finding or digging out of a treasure

hid in the ground; digging after hidden treasures.

hutCihutu, o. rugged, rough tvith hair, shaggy; okuntii no

ani ye h. = wo nhwi dodow ; opp. dab5, torotorotoro, asawa biara
nni ani (nsore wo ani); cf. fuku &c.

hutuma, F. = mfntuma, dust. Mt. 10,14. ML 61,1.

huw, v. to blow; ohuw nensam\ Jie is blowing upon his hands;
pr. 1427. — syn. fita; - red. huhuw, q, v.

iihdwd, a kind of bead; hhene hketehkete hi.

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nhw&ne — hye. 201

hwtt, F. see hiia, Ak. ttm.

nhw&ne^ a kind of perfume: civet; ohiUim bi; nea okankan

kjima na okopopa ne to a ewo doa no h5 no.

h winy an, v. 1, refl. to stir or rotise oncsdf up to livelif ac-

tion or vigorous exertiaUy to stimulate oneself, to exert oneself; asafo
bi hw. wonh5 wo ofie na wonhw. wonho wo dom ano a, wgfre wqA
hdfo; wqHw. wonhd kyere nnipa nti, won h5 7§ hCI; ohene wo hq
na wanhw. neho a, wonsur6 no; ohw. nehd = okSny&n neho, oy$
neh5 kese, gkS nebo ma obi wq bo a obfi se ne nsam' ye dnra (a. s.
oye onipa). — P. ne h6 hwanyan no = onseii ne ^erem', he is agi-
iatedy in perturhcUion; cf ne bo s§pew no. — 3. hw. ..mu, to agitate,
disturb, derange, disorder, throw into confusion; obw. ntramam*, si-
kam\ ntadeni\ nnipam' = opet§ ntrama &c., oma woy§ sakasaka ;
gbw. nkran mu, ntetea mn,=8e woje komm a, omA wosore na om&
woye manyaminyd; ohw. ne nhwi mu, she dislievels her hair, puts
it in disorder; cf. pesew.

hwinyauhwanyan, adv. disorderly, in a disorderly state

or manner; Qde ntrama guu dan mu hg hw. == sakasaka, cf mftnya-

hwe, F. = f wie. Mk 26,7.

hwg, V. As. = htta, fw5, to scrape, scratch.
hw6a, f^Sa, F. breath.
nh w6a, F. abwSa, sand. pr. 917. nhwea-s5, (in) the sandy desert.
nhw6a-dgn, sand-glass. — nhw6a-nhwea-b6, sandstone.
§-hwene, F., Ak. nbwen, nose; s. efwene.
ahwfen-hema, s. ostta.

nhw^ntea, QfVirent6&, a kind of perfume; duaba bi a wohata

na wgayam ; s. obttam.
ahwen-tokur, F. nostrils.

hwSti, hwiti, s. fw6ti.

nhwi, Ak. ehw!, (he hair; abfironhwi ye horgboro, ebeabea hg
oresesabo; abibihbwi ye dennen, ^pompono; cf. akura-hhwi, ehum,
hQtubfltQ, sakQ. — abo-so-hhwi, dua-bd-nhwi, moss.

nhwi-nhwt, a. hairy; nehd nb., he (his garment or body) is

hairy. 2 KL 1,8. cf. horoborg, saktl, fnkti.
hwt, s. f^i.

hw, before q, o, u, is often written in F. (by Parker), where

other dialects have merely h ; e. g.

hwo,hwoa,hwohwo,hwom,ahw5m, hwon, hwotse,

ahwuhwudze, ahwfim, hwun (hfl)&c. -
see all these words in the place they occupy without w.
hwom, V. F. (perf.) to ebb; s. httan.

by = X .

hye, t?. [red. byebyg]

1. to stick (fast), to be put, set, fixed, inserted (bg, mu, ase, there, in,
nnderdtc.) espec* in the contin. form; pgtea hyg ne nsfk, a ring is put

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202 hy§.

on his finger; dadekyew hye ne ti, he has a helmet on his head; -

hye mn, to he comprised, included in (= wo mu, fra mu); to set in
afresh: qjatq no abehyem' = asan aba dennennen; hy§ .. ase, to
he concealed under, covered hy, subject or subordincUe to, dependent
on, in the power of. (of 14-16.) — 2. de (fa)., hye (caus., cf. 1),
to put, set, fix, stick, insert; mede me nsa mebye me kotokum\ I put
my hand into my pocket; ode ta hye n'abrobuam', he fills his pipe
(with tobacco); fa (asem no) hye (nh6ma)m', put or write it down
(on paper) ; ode.. ahy§ kotoku nom', he lias put it into the hag; also
he has sealed the hag = wasiw kotoku no ano. — de.. hye .. nsa, to
deliver, surrender; to give in charge of, commit to one^s care. — 3.
bye..anan mu, to put instead of, i.e. to replace, restore, repay, give
hack, reimburse; to repair, amend, compensate, indemnify; mehyeeno
ne sika anahrou, I paid him his money hack. — 4. to put on, to wear
(of clothes fitting to the body or parts of the body, cf. fura; of shoes,
hat, rings); Kramofo hye batakari, obiironi nso hye atade, Moham-
medans put on caftans, but a European wears a coat; ghyee nekyew,
he put on his hat. — hye haraa, s. ha ma, pr, 170. — 5. to measure
(com, by putting a calabash into the corn and the corn into the
calabash and thereby filling another vessel); mede kora mehye
abtirow, / measure corn in or by means of a calabash. — 6. to fill;
ohye ta, he fills a pipe ; to pour in (nsa); ghye no nsa, he serves him
out liquor; pr. 147 L - hye sapow mu nsu, to fill a sponge with water;
hye atuduru, to fill cartridge-boxes with poivder. — 7. hye .. ma, to
make full, to fill; hye.. dodowura or nwuradodo, to enlarge or swell
the numbers, swell the ranks of (without increasing the valour or
value) : asansafo na ahye atufo no dodowura, unarmed men have
swelled the number of those who carry guns. — 8. to dye, tinge (ntt^mtL,
asawa, cloth, thread, by putting or dipping it into the dye, cf. bibiri,
boa ; pr. 387). — ohyee duku kokg or ode aduru koko hyee dukQ,
he dyed a handkerchief red (br, with a red colour). — 9. to tan (nho-
ma, hides, by steeping them into an infusion of bark to convert them
into leather). — 10. to impress, stamp; hye nsow, hye agyirae, to set
a mark upon, to mark. — 11. to bring to the possession of some quality,
iftto some state, to impartdtc. hyebaninha, nkuran, to encourage, cheer;
hye..b6re, to weary (out), to jade, tire, fatigue; hye..(mu) den, to
strengthen, coin firm, corroborate; to ratify, sanction; hye.. akonmu-
d^fi, to impart strength to the neck; pr. 400. hye .. mpamd^h, to com-
fort, support, strengthen; - hye.. nkyene, to salt, pickle, com, cure
by salting ; - hye .. prgwe, to spoil (a child), to effemifiate ; woahye
wohoprgwe, you have spoiled yourself ; - hye.. yamgya, to grieve,
make angry, to enrage, — hy§ nim, ntwo, to ascribe victory, defeat
to.., pr. 1470. — 1J2. to bring to some performance: wgahy§ no asuko
= wgaka ne ti ahye usum', they have immersed him, baptised him by
immersion, cf. bg asu. — 13. to fix in the ground: hye mpam, jr.
mpam. — 14. to put, fix, lay; hye ase, to lay a foundation, i.e. to
begin, commence; F. Mt. 12,1. Mk. 4,1. 5,17. cf fi ase. — 15. to set, fix,
hold out to; hye ase, to lay a foundation i.e. a promise, to promise;
hye bg, to promise, to make a vow, to vow. — 16. to order, bespeak,
give orders for^ to commission (also with ase): mekghye kete (ase)

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hy^: 203

wQbg, / am going to order a mat (here; - hy§awQfo, to bespeak (hire)

people for working the clay (in bnilding a house). — 17. to appoint,
prescribe: ykomfo bi hy§§ adaru mfta no, a feUshman indicated to 7dm
a remedy. — 18. to appoint, set, fix (a time); bye tare, to appoint a
day for the plastering of a bouse; ohy§ (no) da = otQ no da, he
appoints (him) a day; mabye no sram se 6mmetu& meka, 7^ai;e him
a month to pay me in; fr, 109.194. — bye da, to do purposdy: manby§
(dam') da bi manye; watu ahy§ da, he has postponed it. — 19. to
fix, set up, institute: bye a fa, to celebrate a festival; hye mom,
to issue a decree; bye mm&ra, to give, make, enact a law or laws;
bye ap&m, to «e^ tfp a covenant (?) s. pam. — J^. to set, constitute,
appoint; by§ panyin, F. Mt. 24,45. — 21. to predestine, predestinate,
appoint or ordain beforehand; s. by§bea ; to be predestined for, pr. 621,
22. to command, charge: oby^ abien yi na Qby^^ no kete se 6ny$,
Qktse two commandments he strictly enjoined on him. — 23. to com-
pel, constrain, force, oblige; to impel, urge: pr. 195/. qhyee me se
m^nnom aduru, he compdled me to drink a medicine; se gmma a,
m^bye no na waba, if he do not come willingly, I wiU compel him to
come; Or. § 279,2 a. — 24. to put to: bye adanse, to call to witness,
pr. 164. — 25. bye ..bo akgtQko, to ifistitute cm inquiry or search af-
ter a missing person or tbing, to set in operation endeavours to seize
or recover. — 26. to obtrude, to force, press or urge upon: bye af §:
ode me bye afe or ode nWe bye me, he makes or considers me lUs
comrade^ forces his companionship upon me. — 27. bye neb 6, a) to
force oneself i.e. to do with reluctance; -b) to fix upon, resolve, de-
termine, make up one*s mind; - c) gbye nebo fie, he confines himsdf
to his house. — bye nebo so, to suppress on^s own feeling or de-
sire, to command one*s own mind, to be master of one^s self or pas-
sions. Gen. 43^1. 45,1. — 28. by§..so, to press upon, oppress; to
restrain, check; bye wo t§kr§ma so! cf. James 1,26. 5,5. - to suppress,
subdue, stifle. — 29. to cause to bear or act upon or affect: bye ..
nsew, - domamfiri, to curse, accurse; cf. bg dua, dome. — 30. yi
..by§, to transfer (a duty) to, make over to; s. ak6mma. — 31.
hy§ is also used as an aux. v. serving for tbe Eng. ^ejp. against:
to refer to, relate to, direct against, have for its object: ne bo afuw
abyg me, wamuna abye me, he is angry, sullen, on account of me or
against me ; wokasa byee no, they spoke against him. — 31. b. de atuo
hy§ .. mu, to fire at or on, give fire upon. — 32. de .. bye .. yam', lit.
to put into one^s breast, bosom, or belly, i.e. a) to bear a grudge, or
malice: mede no (or asem no) mabye me yam', / owe him a grudge
(= metan no, wadi me asemmone bi na minyii mimfii metirim e);
- W to adopt, to take or receive as one^s own child; s. yam'. — 33.
yi .. ani by§.. nkyenmu, lit. to take off one^s eye Ktki.putit aside, i.e. to
disappoint; wayi m'ani abye me hkyen mu, he has disappointed me.
—34. bye .. da so, to accumulate treasures, pr. 667. — 35. bye .. kwan,
a) to provide wUh money for a journey, cf. akwanbyede. — b) to
lay in ambush on the way, = tew, siw kwan. — 36. bye., fer, F. to
abuse, insult, Mt 22,6. — 37. bye .. nsew, F. to secure, make safeorsure.
Mt2rfi5. — 58.by§8am,F.=durusam, tobe darkened. MtJ24,29.— 39.
hye .. Dtsirim, F. to advise, persuade, instigate. Mt.l4,8.2r,20.Mk. 154L

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204 hye — hyebea.

h y e, V, [red. hyehye, q. vj to extend (intr.) ; 1. to swell: n'af arn

aHye, his beUp is swollen. — 2, to spread: n'ascm ahye, his famt
has spread abroad; oyare no ahye (wo) asase no nh. so, (he disease
has spread over the whole country: ohiani bu be a, enhye, pr, 1361.
syn. hyehye, hyeta, terew. — 3. to reach: m'ani ahye ho = mahii
no kakra, / caught a sight, glance, or glimpse of it; onipa no bae
no, m*ani anhye ne ho (= m'ani ammo no so, mahha no) na okoe,
when the man came, he went away before I liad got a sight of him,
— 4. to reach, border: eha na m'akura hye, here is the border of my
plantation; cf. ohye.

hye, hyew, v. [red, hyehye, hyehye w] to burn: 1, hye, to

bum = to hurt with heat or fire: a^ia hye or hyehye me ti, the
sun bums my head; okanea hyee me nsa, the light burnt my hand.
2. hyew, to consume or destroy by fire: wode gya hyew ktirow no,
they burned the town with fire. — 3. to be on fire, to be consumed by
fire: odan rehyew, the house is burning, pr. 263, — 4, hyew gya, to
hum charcoal. — 5. hyew atndnru, to blotcup (tr, dtintr.) wUhgunr-
powder. — 6. to di-y up (tr, d^ intr. of plants, from an excess of heat);
abtkro no ahyew kora, all the maize-plants are wiUiered. — 7, to he
consumed (in battle, by famine, sickness &c.), to die in numbers:
agnan no mu nnipa-mma hyew se sare, in that flight people were
consumed like grass, — 8. to be lost (said of money, espee. in- weigh-
ing ont gold-dust for separated items): mede agyiratwe metotoo
rikoko mfua-mfna, na emu nkokoa 2 ahye. — 9. to spend or expend
(money) uselessly or to excess: mahyew sika bebre wo meyare yi
h6. — 10. Phr. '*Wo gya anhye me!** your fire has not burned me!
i.e. your saying or threat has not made any impression, has not had
any effect upon me. — Qhy e, inf. burning, being burned, pr. 621,

o-hy e, inf, 1, the act o^ fixing, putting on &c. cf. hye, v. — 2,

compulsion (Mf. nhye). — 3. commandment, cf, ahyede, iihyehyee.

e-hye, gum, resin, espec. gum copal; cf. amane, nsu.

o-hy e, jpZ.a-, border, boundary, limit, frontier; me-n6 no bo hye

= to fuhye, / border upon or confine with him; wgde hama to hye,
they mark or fix the limits by a line or cord, Cf. hye, v. 4, & hyeban.
hyfe, hyfehye, a. (or w.) famous, famed, noted, renowned;
distinguished, eminent; of note, of distinction, of rank; (syn. onao-
nyamfo; cf. hye, v., gdehye;) wo a woye hye no na wuwu a, woye
wo ay i yiy e na wgbo ase kaw ; ony^ hyfehye, lie does not make mudi
of himself = gmfd neho nkyer^ s§ oye onipa hi, na qy^ ne nneema
nhina abotgasem^ (abodam*) n^ komm ; onipa yi ye hyehye, he seeks
to attract the attention of others.

ahy@-andnmii, n-, inf. [hye ananmu] reparation, compensa-

tion, repayment, restitution, restoration, indemnification; amends,
return; retaliation.

nhy e-as6, F. a-, inf [hye ase] foundation; beginning; com-

mencement; promise; di nhy., to give a promise, make an agreement
hyeban: bghy.=:bghye, dahyia, tohaveacommonboundary'

o-hye-heeLy predestination, fate; cf. nkrabea.

hye-bea, F. -hew, a place where to put dtc. Mt. 2Sy52,

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ahy^de — ahyemfiri. 205

ahy^-de [bye, v., adej commandment; cf, 9hy$, tnm&rn, mom.

hy^den [= hye den, piii on strength^ he strong] a condoling
or consoling salutation; gmaa no hy., he consoled or comforted him
(at the death of a relation).

ahyedo, F. = hhyeso. (Mf. an overpowering.)

e-hy^-dtid, gum-tree, copal-tree (EltBOcarpus copallifera? Rhus
copallinum?) s, ehye. — g-hy6-dud, a houndary-tree,
hyee, a, Ak. s. hyew.

hy eew-hy 66w, a. burning; neyam ye no hy., his conscience

pricks him, — hy e^w-hy e^w, adv. flaming, sparkling; ebayifo
dgw hy. = yer^w-yer^w.

o-hy§fo, ph a-, oppressor (s, hye J28.); dictator. Hist.

o-hye-h^md, = hamS a wosesa de kyere ghye, a string indi'
eating or marking o%d a boundary.

hy ^hyg, a. glittering, glossy, bright, shining; .ahina a wgde

ko asu ho ye hy. pr, 1383, — cf. hann, h&nah&na.

hye hye, a. s. hye.

hy ehye, red.v. 1. s. hye, v. — J2.to put in due order for any

purpose, to make trim, firm, compact, tight and snug, to adjust, ar-
range: 9tamonw6mf6 benwen^ t&m &, ohyehy4 n'as4w& ^nsa, wo
as^ nh bgs6 mu ; - ohyehye adesoa, he packs a load. — 3. to trim,
dress; to attire, adorn; to decorate; espec. of women : woahyehye
ayeforo no, they have dressed the bride ; Qpe s§ ohyehy§ ne h5 papa,
5^ is very fond of dressing; cf. keka, mia. — ^. hy. so, to join to-
gether; to proceed with or in: ade kyee no, wode asem no hyehyee
80, on the next morning they proceeded with the palaver. — 5. hy.
dom, to reUse, fit out, equip an army (cf. 2).

hye hye, red. v. 1. = hye, r. — 2. de.. hyehye, to cause to

he spoken of: ode m* ahyehye = wakoka me hd nsem pi akyere

nk&rofo. — 3. F. to magnify. — 4. hy. neho, to 6oa5< =hoahoa nehd.

hyehye, red. v., s. hye, hyew. 1. to burn (vehemently); to

scorch, — 2. F. to be grievous to; cf. ne yam' hyehye no.

ahyehyed^, ornament, adornment; jewels; cf. ahokekad^.

ahyehye e, a shed or hut on a plantation for the reception of

tods or produce and for shelter from rain ; lumber-room.

nhyehyee, ordinances, cf. nsiesiei, ahy§de.

nhyehye-ho, irhyehy§-in\i, nhyehye-s6, inf. = ade a ehye-

hye (a.s. wode anyehyg) ho, - mu, - so.
hy ehy e w, red. v., s. hye, hyew.

ahyehye w-nsa [ade a ehyehyew nsa] a kind of nettle.

uhyehye-wo-akyi, boasting, pr. 1473. 2765. Cf. akyi. -

ahyem', F. covenant, agreement. Mk. 14,24. == apam ; s. dziahjem.

nhyem', F.=:nhyiam'. - nhyemdan=hyiadan. MtlO^ir. Mk.1^1.

ahygmraa, jpi. n-, [ehyen, dim.] boat; cf. gkorow, obonto.

ahyem-firi, inf. [hyen,t;., fi, v.] going in and out; di ahy., to

go in and out, to frequent, resort to or visit often; oiii yen mu ahy.,

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206 hy^h — hjeta.

he weni in and out among us^ Act$ 1,21, mannni dan mu ho ahj. st!
do not thus constantty go in and out of ihat room!

hy^n, V. [red, hyenby^n] to blow, sound, or play a wind-in-

stniment (aben, torob^nto, adakabeo, hkontwg,...).-
hyen , v, [red, hjen by^ii] to enter, - mn, into,
hy§n, a, (only in cpds.) white; cf, oduaby^n, tumm-n^bjen.
hy $n n. a. dt adv, bright, brilliant, 4y; owia, Qsram, nsororoa
apAe by. — nyenhy^a , = b&nahina, bright, glittering.

e-hy^n, tbe moon (called so from its silvery ligbt or lastre);

cf. 08ram\ 9bo86m.

e-hyen, string, chord of a musical instrument, cf, sankOhj^n.

§-hy en, bubble, air-bubble, soap-bubble; abo by., it has formed
(or risen in) a bubble.

§-hyen, n-, pron. F. = yen. Gr. § 58. Mf, p, 102,

§-hy§6, F. n-, j^Z.a-, Ak. yen, ship, vessel (cftihyehwij abyem-
ma, Qkorow, batadewa, obonto); Mk, 3fi,4,l,38,5,36,''hy. apuekiisfi,
a ship has come in sight dimly; by. no abegjinakilintann, the ship has
come in and rides at anchor tn its full size; by. no atu kg Goa, the
ship has weighed anchor and sailed to Cape Coast.

hygii-horowy hy§n-nodow, mtMtude of ships, fleet.

ahyen-hyen-md: di -, to be interlaced, interwoven, entangled,
nhy§n-mii, inf. introduction.

nhy en 6 4, obye ano nobo, the farthest point or part of the border,
hyenntid [bygn dua] mast of a sbip. - ahyeiiwd, dim.oi ehyen.
hyera, bera, v, F. = bara, ycra, yew, to perish, Mt, 26fi2,
hy era,i)Z. n-, Y.pot,pitcher. ML 7,4, 14,13, cf, abina, pore, kumwa.
hyerebarhyereba, a. dt adv. hasty, precipitate, rash, fool-
hardy, inconsiderate, careless; gye by. = n'adwenem' ve no hare,
he is light-minded, unsteady; gyen'ade or oka n'as$m by., he acts
or speaks inconsiderately; aberante by., a very brisk lad,

hy ere-hyere, F. byerew-byerew, a. dt adv, 1. hoi, burning,

fervid; me b6 ye me by., I feel very hot. — 2, acrid (?) — 3, urgent.
hyergn, v. to shine, glister, glitter, sparkle; to be bright, bril-
liant, splendid; to flame or flare up; ogye ogja no abyeren, he stirs
the fire, increases its burning; ogye asem no abyeren, he enhances
or enlarges the palaver, — a, shiny, brigJU, — n. brightness.
o-hyerem-m6+, = obo a ebyeren, a brilliant.
ahyese, F.=nbyga8e. Jiff. 15,55. ilffc. 1,1. aby.no, in the beginning.
ahy6-s^m, = a8em a abye, asem a wQakoka gyim^gyim' ma
aterew, a report which has spread rapidly.

n h y $ s 6, inf, [s. bye, 28] 1. oppres^on, tyranny, despotism ; d$n

Bhyes6 ni I what a tyranny! oye nby., oy§ abdro, he is despotic, —
2. check, restraint; restriction, — nhy eso-d6, despotic or Ufran-
nical actions. — iihyeso-do, F. of necessity. 2 Cor, 9,7.
o-hy^5neho, thereistheborder. — Qhyeso-hene, margrave.SuL
hyeta, t?. to spread (abroad), to be made known extensively f

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hyew — hyira. 207

to he divtdged, propagated; ne din hyetae, his name became widely

hnown,hehecame famous or renowned; cf. hye, hyehye, horan, ter§w.

hyew, red, hyehyew, v, s, hye, hyew, v.

hyew, hyewhy^w, a. 1, hot, very warm; nkwan no ye hy.,

(he soup is hot; cf. nsughyew, hyerehyere. — JS. hot, fiery, fierce,
wild, vehement, ardent, very active, impetuous, violent, passionate;
gje or n'ani ye hyew, he is fierce, impetuous, passionate, cf, kr&ma-
krama, abnfuhyew. — 3. warm, comfortable; ne fi ho ye hy.
ahye-ye-de, duty, obligation, D.As.

hy ia, t;. [inf. n-, red, hyiahyial 1, to meet, fall in with, come to*
gether, assemble, join, converge ; mihyiaa no okwan mu, I met him
on the way; pr. 1071. — kehyia.. kwan, F. to go to meet; Mt,25yl, —
me n6 no hyiae (wo) wuram', I came together with him in the bush;
afe ano reye ahyia, the end of the year goes to meet (the begin-
ning of another year) i.e. new-year's day is at hand. — J2, intr. to
be close together, so as to touch reciprocally (said of the teeth);
pr. 2831, — 3. to agree, accord, be accordant; enkohyia, it does not
fit properly. — 4, to meet or encounter in hostility, to come upon;
ohyiA no i, otumi n6, when he attacks him, he is a match for him,
he is able to withstand successfully, pr, 3223, — 5, to call, send for;
to cite, summon; cf. fre; to call together, convene, convoke; to in-
vite; Onyame ahyia no, God has called him (away, or to him, by
death); ohene hyiahyia ne mamfo, ^ king caUs his people together.

— 6. hyia gyere, to matry, take a wife; cf. ware; hyia aygforo, to

marry, celebrate a wedding. — 7. hyia mu, hyiam*, to meet or as-
semble in the same place; to have an interview; mpanyimfo hyiam'
(wo) abonten so, the elders assemble in the street, — 8. hyia so, <o
fill up by pouring in, to pour into; pr. 2545. opp. hnku. so ; nsuyi abe-
hyia nsu yi so ; wahyia so = wama aye matg. — 9. Phr. me nsa
hyia m'adwuma, my hands suffice for my work == metumi m*adw.
JQ, m*ade a mewg ye nhin&, mitumi yg ; - me nsa hyia meho, I pro-
vide with my hands for aU my wants. - ne ho hyia neho, Jie has aU he
wants. - 10, da hyia, bg hye hyia, s, ohye, hyeban. - t^ahyia, s. twa.

ahyia, inf. F. dzi ahyia, to assemble, == kohyia fako. Mt 22,34.

^hy la, ithyi^o, inter j. a salutation to a person who is met with

on the way. — ahylahyia, inter j. the reply to that salutation.

nhy ia, inf. a meeting, interview; an encounter; a call, calling,

invitation, summons,
hyia-dant, pi, hyia-adan, house of assembly, synagogue.

ahyiae, a place of meeting, joining or assembly,

iihyiaet, drcmt, circumference, compass'^ cf, afefarem'.

hyiahyia, red, v., s. hyia, 5.

ahyiakwa. iW luck, fatality, misfortune, disaster; wobehyiaa

ahy. ; ^b^kaa any. a woakodi.

nhyiam', it^, a meeting, assembly, conference, convention, con-

vocation, congress, synod, council. F. nhyem\ — hyim^ «. him.
hyira, V. [inf. n-, red. hyirahyira] 1. to bless, to wish happi-
ness to, to invoke or bestow a blessing upon; Oen.l,28,9,lJ2,2,DeHt33,

— 2. to invoke; hy. wo Nyankopgfi se obedi wo akyi ana, call on

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308 nhyira — ohyiribi.

your Qo4 ihat He may assist you. — 3. to bless, praise, glorify for
benefits, to extol for excellencies; JPis, 103. — 4. to esteem or nccoufU
happy, Jer. 4^. — 5. euph. to curse, Uaspheme; 1 Ku 21,10. Job2fi.
wahyira ^hene = watew gyedua aliabab, he has cursed the kings
life. — 6. hj. BOy a) to decide on (?), to give validity or authority to,
to ratify, agree, assent to, to sanction: Qhene ahy. so 8§ w6hkain no,
the king has decided that he shall he killed; mahyira oguan yi so se
w6nkum no, I have designed this sheep to he killed. — b)to dispose
of(Vt ^0 renounce, resign, give over: wahy. so akye, lie has given U
up (as a present to a friend or for destruction) long ago. — c) to
consecrate by prayer. Mat. 14,19. Lk. 9,16. — d) to accurse, devote to
destruction ; to destroy utterly ; Deut. 20,17. Josh. 6,21. — 7. Phr. Ohy ira
n'ano, he blesses his mouth, is used for some religious or ceremonial
observances of the heathenish negroes, viz. a) = oguare asnm', he
washes at the watering-place, s. asumgnare ; - b) he takes some water
into his month and squirts it into the calabash again, uttering cer-
tain petitions to his soul (for money, length of life, honour, recov-
ery of lost property &c.); or, he spurts the water to the ground
and invokes a blessing or a course on others ; ~ c^ he takes some
consecrated fluid (water mixed with some ^'medicine*') into his mouth,
spurts it and mentions something by which he brought a curse upon
himself, asking for the removal of the same, and for new blessing.
{b) Anopatutu mpanyimfo sore na wohohoro won anim a, na wode
nsn no bi gu won anom'^ na wohinam gu koram' bio, na woka won
tirim asem biara a ehia won, se ebia (wose) : Me k&ra^ mes^re wo
sika, mes^re w6 nnyinkye, mes^re wo anuonyam, me biribi wq ba-
bi a, ma emmek& me nsa n. a. — Otu nsu de hyira n'ano = otu nsu
de gu n^anom' na ohinam mu gu, na gde hyira obi a. s. ode bo obi
dua. — c) Woabo wohd dua na nsew no akita wo (e. s. woyare), na
okQmfo k5 a wofre ne bosom no abehye aduru am& wo, na wutn
aduru no bi gu wo anom*, na wuse : ''Me k&ra, se mabo meho dua a,
mehyira m^&no**, na woka wo tirim asen-kd a enti woboo dua no, na
afei wuse: 'ne medan nsew yi.] — Mihyira m'ano mepa, I caU upon
my soul to ward (rff danger. — nhyird, inf. a blessing. - hhy.neno,
lit. blessing i.e. (all or nothing but) blessed is he. Mat. 5. — Ohyirauo
nhyira-fvr6w,ohyira no nansonekdmaredomeno; cf.nkQmmodom.

ahyira-d6, a blessed thing; an accursed thing. Josh. 6,17.7,1.

nhyira-s§ni, a matter about one's cursing the king^s life.

nhyiren, F. = nfwiren.

hyir6w, white clay, a white kind of earth, used like lime to

whitewash houses (sra odan). — bo hy., to dig white clay and form U
into baUs; - bo, ma or sra obi hy., to make strokes unth white clay on
one's body to show thai he or she has been acquitted of tin accusation^
or that a woman has been set free by her former husband to marry
again; - qhq n*anim hyire, Ak. he rubs his face with white day
i.e. entirely gives away his dave as a present to another person (-in
Akp. only a blow on the slave's back is required for this purpose).
— WQabg me hyirehunu. — gu hyire, As. to divorce.

o-hyiribL pi. a-, [Guan] a ligfit-minded fellow, = aperewa; oye

ohy. =3 n'adwenem' ye no hare.

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L J. — ka. 200


The vowel i does not begin any Tshi word, except when a pre-
ceding y is omitted (ye n' Mye = ye no yiye); in F. it occurs as a
prefix before close sonTids instead of e (ibi, idu = ebi, edu).


The consonant j is not used m Tshi. — Instead of F. jue, jui,

jo, jii, see dwe, dwi, dwo, dwu (dzCie, dzfii, dzo, dzu).


The guttural consonant k occurs before the vowels a, £1, o, o,

0, 6, 11, fi. Before e, e, e, i, the simple k is used only when the next
syllable of the same word begins with s or (, and when e is shor-
tened from a (by reduplication, or in k6na=k&ra), in all other ca-
ses the k before palatal vowels becomes palatal and assumes the
accessory sound of y, which is distinctly heard before e, e, - less
distinctly before e, e, i, i. (In Asante the pronunciation of the y is
less distinct than in Akem, especially before r: ka kere no = ka
kyer§ no.) 6r. § 10,1. — The gutturo-labial combination kw now
occurs only before a; when followed by §, e, i, it is changed into
tw (excepting in someFante dialects). Gr. § 11. 12. (In Fante kw
occurs also before o, o, u. where the other dialects have simple k.)
— The simple k in single cases interchanges with g or h, as in
brpgo, ahahantwere = broko, akekantwere. Gr. § 19 B.

k a, i\ [red, keka] 1, io bite, to seize or wound with the mouth;

Qkraroan aka me nan, a dog has bitten my leg; qwo ka onipa, the
snake bites (man); cf. kaw & sgw. — 2^ to sling: ntontom aka mo
nsa, a mosquito has stung my hand; cf. bo. — ka, v. Ak. s. kaw.

ka, V, 1. to remain, be left where or as it is; Benyamin kaa

n'agya nkyen wo fie, Benjamin remained at home wiUi Ms father;
ma ehka! let it remain as it is, let it alone, forbear, leave off, leave
it undone; eno de, §ka wo ankasa nsam* or wo fam\ as for thai, it
is It ft to you, that is your own business; pr. 372, — impers, aka me
nko, I only am left; ebeka wo hkd, you will be left alone, pr,1097,
ka (= eka) mehko a, anka wobeny& nea wope, for ought I have
to say, you might obtmn what you desire; cf, Gr. § 276,5. pr,14T6'79,
cf. to, pr. 3283-86. — ^. ka h o , /o remain or continue in a fixed place,
in an unchanged form or condition, — 3. ka so, to remain on or in,
io abide with: mmere, wonnl nka so, luxurious life is not indulged
in or does not last for ever, pr, 2036. — 4. ka aky i r i, to remain or
stay behind (one's companions in walking &c,): woaka akyiri, mk
wo nan so ! you remain behind, make haste! — 5,to die: waka babi,
he is dead; gkaa a woe, it died at the birth, or, it was still bom. —
6, not to be where it ought to be, to be wanting or missing; generally
impers, aka dgkono, kgfa bSra! bread is wanting, go and fetch it;
aka me biribi, / want something; enkdno fwe, he wants nothing;
aka mmofra no bi; wgko hS? some of the boys are missing; where
have they gone? QbakO pe na aka, but one is missing; obiara nkae
S, won nhina wq ha, nobody is missing, they are all here; bena na
aka? or aka hena? tcho is missing? aka Kwaku, minhQ no, Kw, is


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210 ka — ka.

missing y I do not see him; enkAme e, mewo ha! I am not missing,

I am here. — Aka k&ina or kkkrA or k^tewa (se), (very) litth «
wanting, often corresponds with the adv. almost, nearly, soon: aka
kuma (se) na wato n8um\ he had almost fallen into the water; aka
kOma (se) na dna yi bepo, this tree will soon lose its leaves; ekaa
kdm& (F. d^ = 8^) na won nsa kaa ghene, they nearly caught the
king, — 7. ka ano, (to stick or be accustomed to one's lipsj to he
ready, easy, fluent: dwom a misQae no aka m'ano, the hymn I hare
learned is always ready on my lips, or, on my tongue's end.

k a, V. to he cammon, often met with, usual, frequent; ade a eka

(= ewo ho da) ni, this is a common thing; sa nhoma yi ta ka, such
hooks are often met with; ntama yi nta nka (=enni roan mn da or
pi, wonnya sa ntama no), such cloth is seldom to he had; sa nnoma
yi nkd dodo, such hirds are not very common; y^gyeeyeh nido a
§nka, they showed us no little kindness. Acts 28,2.

ka, V, F. = kae. — ka mroon, F. to wail, Mk. 5,38.

ka, v. [red. keka] /. to touch, to come or he in or hring into

contact with, to join drc. (1-25); II. to move or stir, to he or cause
to he active (26-40); III. to move in order to join (41-51).
(I.) 1. to touch, come in contact with, pr. 466, - to handle (slightly), fed
i.e. perceive by the sense of feeling; mfA wo nsa nka dade no, na
ado, do not touch the iron, for it is red-hot; gbekfla ahempoma noti,
she touched the top of the sceptre, Est. 5,2. — adurn no kaa n'ano,
the medicine touched his mouth; pr,3315, fwe nkaa m'ano e, noOting
has passed my lips yet; wode kda u'nno, they put it to his mouth,
John 19,29. okaa n'ano no, gmpe se onom, when he had tasted there-
of, he would not drink. Mat. 27,34. — 2. de .. ka .. ano, to taste, eat;
ope se ode biribi ka n*ano, he would have eaten, Acts 10,10. — 3. ka
.. fwe, to examine hy feeling or tasting, to feel, to iaste^ to try; ode
ne nsa kaa no fwee, he felt him, Gen. 27,22. ka nsa yi fwe! try this
wine! Ps. 34,8. — 4. to touch, hit, strike against; ka gu, to spill;
waka nsa no agu, lie has spilled the mne; ka mogya (gu), to shed
hlood. — 5. to touch, come to, reach; wo hlioma no kaa me nsa, your
letter came to liand, readied me. — 6. nsa ka, to attain to, ohtain, re-
ceive, get, gain: me nsa ak& nhoma no, I have received the letter; ne
nsa kaa nea ode too ne tirim, he gained his purpose. Acts 27,13. —
7. to touch, to meddle, interfere or have to do with : (mamfd me nsa)
mahk4 nhoma no, / have not touched the hooks; de neho kgka obea,
to touch a woman, 1 Cor. 7,1. - meho renka, Ishcdl have nothing to do
with it, — 8. to touch, affect, strike, hefaU, seize, take possession of
hecoiue tlie property of: ehQ k§se kaA no, great fear hefell Aim, he
was sore afraid; ohia aka no, poverty has come upon him; pr. 1340.
- awerehow bi aka no, some grief has hefallen him ; nna aka wqd,
they were lieavy with sleep, Luk. 9,32; asomd^oee nka mo! peace he
unto you! — 9, to heat (a drum, akyene, bom ma, atumpan, otente,
mpintin). — 10. to strike or flog with (mma, mpire, twom); wokaa
no mpire, they scourged him; Acts 16^3. woaka no dade, Ak. = woa-
kum no, — 11, to make a painful impression on: wadi a8§m(roone)
na ak& n'ani = ama n^ani aye no yaw, or wahtk so akatna, he has

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ka^ 211

done something (wrong) and it has affected his eyes (as pepper rubbed
ioto the eyes for punishment) i.e. he has had to si^cr for it, 1ms feU
the had consequences in a manner not easily to he forgotten; raerna
aka wo ani ! / shall let you suffer for it, serve you out for it! — 12,
to touchy hurty injure, harm, afflicty distress: yeankawo, Qen. 26,29,
to transgress against: y§aka (== yeafotn) yen Nyankopon. — 13, ka
gya, to hold to tlie fire for a moment, to wither (green leaves) hy
fire; fa ahabaii yi ka ogya posa so kuni nom\ put tliese leaves to
ifie fire a little and then squeeze them out upon tlie wound. — 14, ka
.. byew, to warm (up), cook up: ka nsu no hyew, warm tttis water;
fa hkwan no koka no hyew, take that soup and warm it (put it on the
fire again). — 15. to dip up, eat up any kind of pappy or pulpy food
or medicine with some other more substantial food, as bread, plan-
tains &c. fa nnuru yi noa no nkwan, na fa aduaii biara ka, hoil these
herhs into a soup and eat any thing you like with it, — 16. to stick
together, he closely united in friendship ; he on good ienns, in union
or concord; to agree together; to suit, accord, harmonize; o-n^ no ka,
or wgka, they are good friends; g-n^ me nka, or yenk^ we do not
agree together; aduaii yi n^ nam yi ka, this food and this meat agree
well togetJier; aduan yi n^ me yafunu nka, this food does not agree
with my stomach. — 17. me ho aka (some part of me that was, as it
were, attached to the departed, has gone from we, i.e.) lam in trouhle
ahout^ tJhe loss of a relative. — 18. ne h 5 k a n e h 6, lit. his self, or, what
is about him, sticks or fits to his self (0 !•©• he is well content, con-
tented, satisfied, pleased, happy, feels comfortable; me ho kcl me ho
wo m'akura ha, / live quietly, peaceably Jwre on my plantation ; -
me ho aka me ho = me ho ato me, cf. ahomeka. — 19. u'ahom ka
no ho, F. he is happy, glad. Mt. 5,12, — 20, n'ani k a, his eye is
pleased (^voi^, is attached to or caiHivated by any pleasing object), i.e.
he rejoices, is pleased, rejoiced, delighted, glad,h<ippy; m'ani ka ha (or
aka ha, my eye has been caught or attached to, cleaves to this place),
I like this place; m'ani ka adwuma yi ho. Hike this tvork; m'ani
aka, / am (or have been for some time in the state of) rejoicing. —
^i. n'ani ka ase or fam\ lit. his eyes arc fixed on the ground, i.e.
he is bashful, modest, decent, chaste, sober, discreet, considerate, de-
liberate, careful (=gyen'adeyiye; opp. onipa a n'ani ye sorosoro,
gye u^ade sakasaka). — 22, k H .. h 6 , a) to be in contact with, to ad-
here to, cleave to, stick to: ewo aka me nsa h6, tlie Iwney sticks to my
fingers. — b) to be added, joined to, conjoined, connected with ; to he
given over or in; to belong to; akyede yi ka wo asranne no ho, this
present has been added to your wages. — c) to accompany (in doing
something), to go with, be tvith: gkii me ho na yekgg Osu, he accom-
panied me to Osu; Onyankopgn ka yen ho (= di yen akyi) da, God
is always with us. cf. 25, — d) k&h 6, when connected (as an aua:U-
iary verb) with another principal verb, is often rendered by the ad-
verbs also, moreover^ too, besides: odi hia na gyare ka ho. he is very
poor and sick besides; cf. Gr.§ 237 c. — e^ de..ka ho, caus. to add,
join, annex, umte to; fa kakra ka ho, add a little; in Eng. we may
oflen use the adv. more: ma me kakra m6iika h5, give me a little
more; gmfii me bi mekaa ho, he gave me some more; manya nkesua

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212 ka^

dn, na mepe du maka ho, I have ten eggs and tcish for ten more.
— f) aduan no aka no ho = ato no ho, the food has done him good,
pr.924f. — ^^, ka ..ho (aduru), to daub, paint: maka pon no ho
aduru, / hdve painted the door (with colour); waki adaka no ho
koko, he has painted the box red, — J24. ka neho, fo adorn or dress
oneself: waka neho fefefe = wakeka nelio, she has dressed herself
very nicely, — 25, ka .. do, F. = ka .. ho (22 c), di akyi(ri), to join,
to follow; wobaka' no do==wobekaa no ho; w^oka niodo = m6Dka
mehS, miinni m'akyi, Mt 4,19, 8, 1.10. 9 J^,

(II,) 26. to be in commotion: ne tirim* ka, his head is a little touched,

affected with insanity (in a slight degree); he is touclhed in the head,
crackbrained, crazy. — 27. ka neho, to move, stir; gnW neho bio,
wawu, he moves no more, he is dead; to bestir oneself, be active, live-
ly, quick; w6n'ki w6h6 ara?! mil you be quick? — 28, kft..n8a,
/o be quick, active, agile, alert, diligent; kft wonsa = kft woho, be
quick! make haste! oka nensa, he is diligent; (diff. eka ne nsa, it
comes to his hands i.e. he receives, s,5.) — 29. ka ..mdti, to raise or
draw up the shoulders, to shrug, give a shrug, — 30, ka aduan, a)
to turn the food in the mortar with the hand: mekoka aduan mama
me na. — b) to stir the food in cooking on the fire; ode ta ka abet6,
nkokonte; cf. nil mn. — 31, ka nkwaii, to deal or serve out soup,
pr. 207, — 32. ka afa, to blow the bellows. ^— 33. ka atuo, to take up
arms (prop, guns) in order to fight against some one. — 34. to move,
put or set in motion, impel; to drive, compel to move on, urge or push
forward, urge on and direct tJie motions of; mframa ka hyen no kg
anim\ the wind moves the vessel onward; ka nnuah no ko dan mn,
drive the sheep into the pen; ka hkoko no fi adi, drive the fowls oui;
ka teaseenam, to drive a chariot, 2 Ki.9,20. ka (afurum) no ko aral
drive (the ass) and go forward, 2 Ki. 4,24, — 35. to excite, distract,
agitate, trouble: ne bone aka no, his sin drives him about restlessly. —
36. to stir up, cause, bring about, tokwaw, a quatTd, brawl, scuffle,
amanne, mischief (cfksL, to speak), — 37. to move, actuate, incite, in-
duce, instigate: den na ekaa no se ommSra? what induced him to
come? — 38, to attack; wokgkaa won nkaakjiri, they attacked them
from behind, — 39. kA ok wan mu, to commit highway-robbery. —
40. to try to move or stir: ^kh no bftbl 4mmd (or, me-, wo-, g-, wg-
kS no babi [scU, a,] em ma, wherever it is touched, or, try as you icill,
it does not succeed, \,e,) it will not do by any means; wama me adwu-
ma a mekano bfibi emma, he has given me a work to do which I
cannot carry out by any means,

(III.) 41, ka.. bom', to unite, join, put together, reconcile. — 42.
ka.. bg ..ho, ^0 conjoin, connect, annex, combine, associate, attach,
affix dtc, ka ad^^bAw (batabata ho), to bind the shoots oftJte yam-
plant to the supporting stick; s, adwobaw. — pata ka .. bg ..h5, to
reconcile, 2 Cor. 5,18 f, Eph.2,16, — 43. ka .. f am, to join mth an ad-
hesive substance: fa amane (hye, manng) ka kuruwa no fam, join
or mend (the broken pieces of) the jug with gum. — 4^. ka.. toa,
to join, to bring to the proper place or connection, to set a joint, to set
(a limb): gka me nan a ahiian no toa, he sets my dislocated foot. —
45. kjl ..foa, F. (^^k« ..ffi, nfi .. fn?) to embrace; gdze n'aba kano

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ka — okk. 213

fqa, he embraces him, — <f^. k a .. k u .. h 5 , to bring near together ,

8. ku. — 47. ka .. kfta an im, to join the opposite ends, s, ktia. —
48, ka .. h y e, to trouble aud force, i.e. to exact, or enforce payment
from; wabcka me ahy§ n.s. wode bi kaw na wabehye wo agye wo
ho; of ka bye in ka, to speak, — 4,9. ka .. by e mu, to confine, shut
up, close, straiten; to keep in (Lk. 19,43), hem in, urge, press upon, —
50. ka.. tom\ to shut, lock; to shut or lock in or up; ka pon no
torn', shut the door; ka no to dan mii, lock him up in tlie room, —
ka wo ano torn', F. = mua wo ano, hold thy peace, Mk, 1,25, — 51.
k |[ .. room ano, /o pack or roll up; waka ne hb. amom ano. — 52,
ka .. gy aw, to throtc aside and leave i.e. to pass by; yehCiu Kipro
no, yekagyaw benkum (yegyaw too b.) na yekog Siria, Acts 21,3, —
53, ka is also used as a secondary verb in phrases like the follow-
ing: onnwu nnkil, may he not die, not even tasting of or touching
it; ommmo nnka, may Jie not break it, not in the least, not in the re-
motest manner, i.e. God forbid that he should die, — that he should
break it,
ka, V, [red. keka] to emit a sound, to utter, speak, say, tell; cf,
kasa, se, be, besebese, bo 75-8.2., woro; - agyinamoa ka ne mene-
wam', the cat emits a sound from Us throat, i.e. it purrs; woaka, thou
hast said it, Mt, 26,25. 64. — ka as§m, to utter words, speak, talk; to
deliver a speech, tell a tale; to preach; den asem na moka? of what
do you talk? ok& me bo asem, he speaks or talks of me, often meaning :
he speaks ill of me; oka (oto) anansesem, he tells a legend, — ka..
kyere, or ka with a personal object, to tell, to say to; okSa asem
bi kyereeno or okaa no asem bi, he told him something, — ka..
hy e, to ascribe a saying to, to impute to; to speak against; waka
asem no abye me, e.s. eny^ me na mekae, na obi aboapa {or apa-
tuw) aka ato me so. — ka kaw, ka amanne, by spoken words to
cause or incur debts, mischief, to involve oneself in debt, in (the
mischief of) a public law-suit or fine, — ka .. ma .., to speak for, put
in a word for, intercede, recommend; cf, kasa ma. — ka.. anim,
or ka alone with a personal object, to rebuke, reprove, reprimand,
reprehend, chide, scdd, blame, censure; onipa yi, waka me 'ne =
waka n'anim, watwiw m'anim 'ne; — =: twiw anim; r=— kasa kyere,
ta fo; ka ntam or ka alone, to utter an oath, to swear (upon,pr. 344,
to appeal to by an oath) ; to cdnjure, caU up, or bring about (a sick-
ness); cf, ntam, di nsew. — ka .. sie, to foretell, predict,

e-ka, pi, n-, ring, pr,267, s. ka.

e-ka, pi. a-, (Ak.) debt; s. ekaw. pr, 747 f, 1497-1503,

aka, Ak. enmity dx. s. akaw, akaye.

aka, tcaier into which charms (short sticks [bofunnua] or pieces

of string daubed with red wood [korgw] &c.) are pttt to be used for
an ordeal or trial to determine guilt or innocence. Phrases: bo aka,
kg aka ase (pr, 379.)', aka no ato no. Akab6 ne se : obi wia ade a.s.
gy$ bone bi a, na wgkgfa aka de bebisa no se ewom' ana. Wgkg-
f^efwe onipa a gwg aka, na wabehono aduru n6 nsu de ata hg aho-
horo wo anim, na se wo na woyee sa bone no a, na wuntumi mmue
wo aniwa, a.s. niwa (a cowry) ahyeii wo aniwam'.

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214 oka — iikaboho.

o-ka, e-, ditchf trench, canal; the led of a river; 6y\ ki, he digs
(makes, sinks) a ditch.

nka, 1. smelly scent; - te nkS, ^o perceive the smell, to smell. —

^. noise, report, rumour; mate ne nka (se obeba ne), I have heard
of him, have hadneu^ of him (that he mil come to-day); wotee ne nki
(== ne ho asem terewe) asase no nhina so, his fame spread abfvad
in all that countrfj, — 3. perception; te nka, to learn, hear, come
to know, he informed of; mate nka se yeadan bone, / know from
experience that we have become bad or sinful-
afika, Ak. aiikiina, ankara, conj, then, in that case; (former-
ly;) under other circumstances. This word is put at the head of a
sentence to indicate that the idea expressed in the sentence is no
present reality, but either a) a thing of the past, or b) merely im-
aginary, its reality being excluded by auother fact or being made
to depend on the reality of another idea expressed in a conditional
accessary sentence preceding the principal: (a) kah no anka 0-
nyahkopgn ben fam\ formerly (it teas so that) God (or Heaven) was
near the ground; (b) anka meba, na meyare nti mintumi memmd,
I should come, but I cannot, because I am sick; or, se menyare a,
anka meba, if I were not .sick, I should come; - na anka! (=na se
entc sa de a, na anka eden ?) what else? of course!

ka, kkw4, j;Z. h-, ring, finger-ring; link of a. chain; c/*. petei,
k^p6, nomifiiru, tonkoka'.

a k a, a kind of fish, pr. 1899.

a Ilka, ai'ik^wd, akaiikawa, 2^1* "-» lime, lemon; s, duaba^.

nka, F. = nkae, remnani, rest, the others. Mt 22,6. 25,11. Mk. 1,38.

aka-bkso = akagyinam'; security, surety (for the payment of

a debt; lit. a coming up for debt); d i ak., to stand or give security;
mede no akabaso, I owe him money by standing security.

k&-bed, manner or tvay of speaking; 6b6hu ne k., he will know

hotv to say that, to speak of that further.

kfiber^, pLn-, a kind of charm (suman bi) consisting of a

stick driven into the ground and wound round with strings, inten-
ded to keep off evil spirits from entering the towns and houses and
to avert their influence from the inhabitants; wokyeree bayifo k.,
they caught or bound a wizard by (or tied for him) a k., they have
made fetish against him, by driving a stick into the ground and
performing certain ceremonies with it, whilst imprecations are ut-
tered against an offensive person, whose death or some other calam-
ity is supposed to be effected thereby.

kkbl, k^bikabi, a. (added to esum, darkness) thick, deep, ut-

ter; cf kusu, tumm.

aka-bo, inf. [bo aka] undergoing Hie ordeal by water; s. aka.

akd-bo, inf. [bo kaw] making or contracting debts; osafoheue-

di no, eye ak., to be captain causes one to incur debts.

o-kabofo, pi. a-, contractor of debts, pr. 1506.

nka-bo-ho, inf. [ka.. bo..h6] annexion, annexation; comhi-


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iik&bom — iikafra. 215

Ilka-bom', inf. [ka.. bo mu] union, joining, conjunction, com-
pound, composition. — hk.-apftm, a separate league, confederation.
kabonnafo (ekaw, bonna] a person strolling and making
debts; stroller, vagrant, vagabund; nea ontra ne kiirom na Qnennam
aman so bo aka sakasaka; obo ka na ODtua; cf. obadueduefo, kobofo.
kab5nn6a, -a^ pi. n-, a pad for carrying loads, undertaken
on account of debts; sumi a w6de soa ad^soa; woabo ka na w6kQ-
s^m h\ na wosoa a, euna wQfre no k.; woankasa w686d ap^ ade a,
enna wQfre no adeb6nn6a.

kab5nn6aue adeb6nn6a, a kind o(bead; s. ahene.

kabonn6ruwa, j?a^, bolster; sQmi dennen a ebinom de soa
adesoa, ebinom ye no tententeh de to won stlmi ase.
akabii, inf. (di ak.) = akab6.

Q k a d a [ka-dedaw] old debts. Woy e asobiannaso a, wo nk. yera.

akd-ddn [dan kaw] exaction of debts.

ukd-den [kaw, den] rigorous enforcement of payment; 6d^n no

nk., he rigorously exacts the payment of the debt from him.
k4de, a kind o^ yam (bayere); s. od^.
akade [ka, ade] seasoning, spice, condiment, sauce, any thing
that makes eatables savoury; ade bi a wode reka adnaii h5 adi na
aye wo de: nam, mako, bdtiru, asikro n.a., meat, pepper, butter,
sugar dtc. added to or eaten with any species of food ; cf atomde.
. ka-dedaw', an old debt, prA507.
akdd6, F. kad6, shell-lime.
a n k a-d ^enhjihe young fruits of the lemon-tree. pr. 1805,

kae, V. [inf. nk46, red. kakae] to remember, recollect; to re-

mind, put in mind, call or recall to mind. pr. 1508 f.
nkde, inf. memory, remembrance, recollection.
ixkh€ [ka, to be left, remain] remainder, remnant, rest, residue;
the others. F. nka. Cf nnekae, nnikae.
o-kaefo, pi. a-, remembrancer, reminder.
Kaesaret, Caesar, emperor; cf. ohempon.
kafet, coffee, the berries (kafe-aba), the tree (kafe-dua), and
the drink made from the berry ; - ye kafe, to work, dress or prepare
the plucked berries till they are ready for sale; noa k., to boil coffee.
kafirimd, a kind of amulet or charm; cf. siimlln.
o-kdf6, blood, used by hunters, = mogya, Ak. bogya.
0-kaf6, i??. a-, [ekawl l, creditor: akafo rebedan kaw. Lk. 7,41.
— » 2. debtor, pr. 1510. mahti me k. = nea ode me kaw no.

o-ka-foni, pi. a--fo, 1. debtor, onipa a gde k&.pr.l51L cf. ode-

firifo. — 2. creditor: me kafoni a mede no kaw ni.
o-kafo, (pL a-) driver, taskmaster. Ex. 1,11. 5,6.
o-kafo, pL a-, As. a good friend; mek. = nea me-ni no ka,
mepe n'asem, medo no.

nka-fra^, inf. [ka.. fra] mixing. — nkafrade, the elements of

a chemical mixture. — kafra-nyansat, chemistry; cf. adufra, -8§m.

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216 kaguam — dkakaiitw^re.

ka-guam, doubling or increase of (ictive debts (?) pr,1513.

kagya, a plant growing on ant-hills, pr. 2926,2971.
kagy aw, t?. to mther, fade; anopa na ahaban (nfwiren) yi
ye frgmfrgm, na awia yi de, akagyaw = aye bete koko; cf, bow,
guan, ki8&, nydm.

aka-gyinam' [ekaw agyinam'] security or surely for a debt;

d i ak., to bail, give or stand security,

0-kagy inamdifo, p^ a-, a bail, security, surety, guarantee,

kd-hi [ekaw ahi] refusing to pay a debt; pr, 1513. otew no k.,
he insults his creditor.

kdhiri, Ak. kabire, Akr. kdre, pi, n-, a pad, consisting of a

bolster stuffed with any soft substance, or of a cloth, or of a bundle
of dry banana-leaves tied up in form of a ring, which porters put
on their heads to rest their loads upon; pr.l391. — bo k., to make
a pad; cf. sonkahiri. — twa kahirim', to break off connection; o-
n6 n'abusQafo atwa k., he and his relations have come to an open
rupture, they have broken off the friendship. — kahirim'twa, inf. se-
paration, break of friendship.

iikkhb, inf. [ka..h6, to add[] addition; the thing added; an

adjective; cf, mfdkftho, nkekah6.

a n k i-h 6 no, n, lemon-peel, pr. 1514. — adj. lemon-coloured, ci-


o-ka-hye, inf, [ka.. hy§] 1. the act of enforcing or exacting

payment; extortion; sa kahye yi ase ne den? — J^. the act of tm-
puting a saying to somebody else.

kdl, interj. an expression in cursing a person; e.g. in pursuit

of a fugitive, an Asante man may, with his legs crossed, pronounce
this word with the name of his king or fetish: Kdf, Osee a, fwe ase
e! cf. tram.

kaka, s. keka.

o-kaka = okekaw. pr. 1515.

nkaka, F. especially; s, enka-nka.

nkaka: nkuku ne nk., patterns ware, pottery, eartJien ware.

a k ak ab 6 11 -s 5, ma bold, daring, regardless, obstinate, forcible,

violent manner; yerekg no ak. = akokobiriso, mmarimasem so,
anuodenso, aporiso.

akakaben-ne, oyh-, \oredi n'asem naseodifod, odibemo,

akakabensem, odi-, / owy ahooden 6, onni ahooden a ode

bedi 5, ono de, nea esi ne tirim ara na odi, he acts in a wayward, wil-
ful, stubborn, obstinate manner.
kak^6, any thing that frightens children; bugbear, frig^Uftd
beast, terrific object.

ka k a e, red. v. kae. (Etg-dabi-a mekakae ns^m pi, na se min-

tumi menkyere ase yiye nti, meuk^.)

ak ak a-ni [ani] a bad, wild, angry face; wantutn me ak. bi, he

made no bad face towards me.

dkak^ntwere, s. akek...

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kakara — okam. 217

kakara^ -a, s. kakra, -a.

akdk&Vagyd, Ak. akyekyeregya, a kind of wild goat.

kakdrak^, 1?;. n-, cockroach, imported from Europe; cf. te-

ferew. F. moth, Mt 6,19,

kakate = ntane-ani; bo k., to he dispersed, disturbed, dis-

composed, unmanageable; nnaan no abo k. = atu apetg, woboa won
ano a, eny^ 'ye.

kakawa, 1, Akp. the smallest, least, — ^. a kind of yellow

precious bead, = bota; s. ahene.
akakawere, 5. akek...

kdk6ro^ a string of beads worn round the waist; nhdwd k

wodsina na wode abobare (akyekyere) ntama a.s. asawa h5 de to
ascn mu.

kakrd, a., w., adv. little, small; few; a little; a little while; -
ma mensn kakra, give me a little water; me ho ye kakra, / am not
very well; tra ha k., stag here a moment. — agya k., the father's
brother (cf. wgfa); ena k., the mother's or father^s sister; cf. gsewd.
kakrd, kakrdwa, F. kakrdba, little, very little; kakra bi,
some, a few; aka kakra s^, verg little is wanting. Cf, ketewa, kuma,

akakra, littleness, s^tidllness, slightness, weakness, pr.48,

kdkra, kakrakd, a.dtn, large, bulky, extended, great; bulk,
largeness, sise. — cf, kese, kokiird, hah^rS...

akakramakoro, pi. n-, a small beast of prey, in shape and

size similar to a civet-cat.

nkakrd-nkdkrd, by little and little, by degrees, gradually.

nkakramantan: abo won nk., it has provoked them t^ a fu-
rious pursuit,

kdkresaw, a. great, mighty {ohene, osafohene); big, large

(odonko, asoamfo); ade a esd pi no; cf, otitiriw, kese.
nka-kuhd^ inf. [k&.. kfi .. h6] reduplication, Oram.
k aku m a = eka, ekaa or aka kQma, it wants, wanted^ is want-
ing but little, i.e. almost, nearly, well nigh,

nkd-kyeree, inf, wanyano nk., he has often, repeatedly, told

Mm. Cf, Gr. § f04,5. l05,l.c. 107,22. 230,2.

o-k a-k 7 e r e, inf, information; knowledge, wisdom ; pr, 1634, —

cf. nyansa.

g-kd^kylre [neeiok€aL&kjiri]theyoungest child ; c/*. apopaydm'.

o-kddkylri = okyirikafo, one who remains behind, pr.t516.
ukd-aky iri, inf. [ka, akyiri] aggression or attack from behind;
WQkgka won nk., they are going to attack them in the rear,
kdm, ^. k^m-kam.
kam, V. F. = kame, to deny, refuse,
o-k dm, pi, a-, n-, incision, cut, gash, wound; hurt, damage; mark
left by a previous injury, scar; flaw, crack in a vessel; cf. nkamd;
woabono kam, woabobono akam, ihey have wounded him {hny where,

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218 kam — kameso-kwakye.

whilst f e means a woand only in the head) ; tafroboto no atew kam,

the plate is damaged (Ky.). pr. 485. 589. 2680. — d i kam = di dem, io
he damaged, deficient (gka ho biribi).

kam'y kit md, with di: kurow no di kam (adi kamu = aka
mu), iJietown is besieged, invested^ blockaded , blocked up; 2 Ki. 24,10.
wodi k., they are surrounded, woato dom mu.

akam^ a species of wild gam, eaten in times of famine,

kama, F. lance, spear. (N.E.Voc.) — kama, v. s. kame.
kam a, a. dt adv. fine; nicely; asoredan no ye k., wama me
nhdma k.; wasiesie ne dan mu ara k.; woanweue kyew no ara k.;
syn. fefe, gnann, &c.

ka-ma, inf. [ka.. m^,.^intercession, recofnnhendation; - kama-

nhdma, a letter of recommendation ; cf 2 Cor. 3,1.

iikama' [gkam, dim.l^ incision, cut, gash, wound; - sa nk., io

make incisions in a human body, in wood &c. - f we ne mfem nk., F.
belwld the gashing wound in his side!

kama, a contraction of a conditional sentence : if it be so, then.

Obi bes^re wo ade bi na wuse womma no a, ose: kania(= woaroma
me a), meko, Ak. kara-5,mmd-^ = woka na amma (mu sa) a, ma
menko e!
Ank^lraa, pr. n. of a man. pr. 1517. [pr. 1518.

aiikama-brafoo, ankamawa-fnimoa, a by-name of onuniim,

^nkamaseperepe, a by-name of the goat; s. abirekyi.
o-kamafo = gkasamafo.

kame, Ak. kama, to withhold or keep from, pr. 628; to refuse,

decline, deny; to check, restrain, debar, hinder, forbid, prohibit, pre-
vent; to object to, oppose, protest against; - wope se wofa ade yi a,
men kame wo, if you tvish to take this thing, I do not forbid (it) you
(I give it freely, gladly); wobeko a, menkame (wo), if you will go,
I do not prevent you; menkame wu (= mem& owu ho kwan), 1 do
not refuse to die; - to contend or be concerned for: okame n*ade yi
ho kyen no (gmp^ se obi fa), he has this thing of his more at heart,
is less inclined to give it tip, than that, — k. is often to be rendered
by scarcely, almost, nearly: okasa a, yekame ate, when he speaks,
we can scarcely Jiear what he says; ekame ma aye du, Ak. ekama
ma n'aye du, it makes nearly ten; 6r. § 235 a. ekame ma anka me
nneema fihina abobo, almost all my things were broken; ekame ma
anka wawie n'afuw nhina dow, he has nearly finished his plantation
work; wokameahfi, they are near finding i.e. have almost found (it);
wgrehkame ahu, it is scarcely to be seen.

akamekame, contradiction, contention, altercatian, quarrel,

struggle; wodi ak. (woyaw biribi so a.s. wgpcre biribi), they ham a
quarrel or struggle (about something), they are at variance,

akame, a sickness of children, making the face swell and in-

jnriously affecting the skin in a line from the forehead to the crown
of the head.

kamese-kwakye, name of a bird. pr. 1519.

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nkrim^na — kane. 219

iikamf&na, Ak. s. nkramfoa.

kamfo, t?. to exiol, praise; st/n, bo din, yi aye; ok. ne wura,

he praises his master; wok. biribi a eye fe, onipa a oye biribi a eye
nwonwfl. pr, 1521,

n k ^ m f 6 , inf. praise,

iikdinf6, a kind of yaw, of yellow colour, od^ kokoko; pr.l520,

Akamfd, s. Okanni, Akan.

nka-mfuaw, adv. [nnkammfftaw (?) ka, to (ouch, fttaw, to chip]:

eyi nhina nk., all this may remain untouched, i.e. leaving all this
aside, besides, exclusively of all this; eno nk., setting that aside,
k&inis*S,' [Port, camisa, camisao] shirt, shift.
ki^mkam^ a, brisk, lively, sprightly; quick, nimble, agile, ac-
tive; strong, healthy, syn. wewe.
akammo, inf, = akam-bo.
ka-mu, s, kam.
khh, V, [red. kenkan] Ak. kane, 1. to count, number, reckon,
tdl; k. ntrama, to count cowries, — 2, to read, used in the simple
form with an object, in the red. form without an obj.

0-kdii, inf., counting (ade-kan, ntrama-kau), reading; misua

okenkan or nhoma-kan, / am learning to read,

e-kaii, (F. n-) n. the first, foremost or fo^-mer place, rank, or

time; hence (adv.) kan, kaii no, F. ekanno, nkan no, first, at (the)

first; before; mefa nea ebeba k., I will take what comes first; —

fonnerly ; previously ; waba nea kan ote bio, he has got (to the same

place or into the same situation) where he was formerly; ekan no

wokoe, afei de wgye biako, formerly they had tear, but now they

agree; - di k., to be first, foremost; to go before; cf di anim; cf Gr.

§ 83,1. - kan heme, formerly, a long time ago; s. kanky^rekyere.

-kail, a. in cpds. first; cf, abakin, adekdn, aduahkdn, ahukdn.

kan, F. Ak. s. kanii, kane & kan kan.

kan n, adv, clear, bright, not dim; n'ani da ho k. (=biribiara

86 gyarc a.s. asabow nni n'ani so), his eyes are perfectly clear, he

is quite lively, quite sober; F.— hann, q. v, — eho tew k., that place

OT spot is light, luminous; odan no mu aye k.; kanea yi ma odan

yim* ye k. sen yi; cf, anikan.

AkaUypr, n. of a country or nation and language; s. Gram.

Introd. Notes § 1. 3.4. 8. & Okanni.

kana, t;. & w. s, kra. — ankana, Ak. s. anka.

o-kana, -kyi, s. okyentl.

ukannare, F. fikandar, rust [=nea eka dade or nnade, that

which affects iron or iron tools] ; also copper rust, verdigris; - do or

gye (or ye) nk., to gather or contract (or corrode with) rust, to rust,

kaiVdi, inf. s. ekah & okannifo; onnyae me kah-di, he does

not leave off walking before me.

kane, a-, Ak. s. kan.^. 966. — Akane, Ak. s. Akan.

kane, F. = kan, kann.
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220 kine — okankan.

k&ne^ kan, Ak. F. stinginess^ niggardliness; 6y^ kdne, F.=

neyam' ye hwene, oy§ ayam-onwene, he is stingy; 6b6 no k4h, Ky.
F. = qhq no ayamgnvene, he is stingy or illiberal towards him.

kine, a- (kanne?), competition, emtdation, contest; si k., to

contend, vie, or cope with, to do in competition; to rival, to strive to
equal or excd each other ; cf, akinsi, oper^dso ; me-n6 no sii kane
tutuu mmirika, / run a race with him.

akane, euphorhiortree, spurge-tree (emu nsu ye bgre, the juice

of it is poisonous),

nkaue [formed fr, kan, to count, in analogy with nkarii, nsa-

suwi] number; numbering, counting; list; ne hk. si s^; ode oman
no nk. beree ghene; kofa wohnk. (-nhoma) no bera!

0-kan 6il, F. kandzea, pi. a-, n- [Port, candea, candeia, G.kande,

kane, or fr. kann?] light, lamp, candle; gsoro or wim' akanea-puruw
no, t?ie celestial luminaries. Kurtz § 135.
kandd-dua, candlestick.

akane-sl, inf. s. akansi.

nka-iihina, all or the whole without exception, s. nhina.

nk&nf, 1. a species of yam (with poisonous leaves) consisting

of several varieties; s. gd^. — ^. a kind of butterfly; s. afafantg.

nkani-htine, a variety of nkani i.

O-k^nnl, j^?. Akaiifo, a man of Akan descent; a man speaking
the Akan or Tshi language, 5. Akan. Oye Odgnkg a.s. Okanni? gye
Okanni ba. Akoa yi de, waye nehd Kanni, this fellow has become
like a genuine Tshi man. The name is used for the inhabitants of
Akem, Akwam, Akuapem, Asen, Asante, Dankyira, Twuforo, Wasa,
in contradistinction to the Fantefo and the Nngnkgfo and other pg-
tgfo. Dabihg na anka nsuanofo pgtgfo ni Otwini nnuare gu&sen
koro mu, nanso wg-n6 nnipa-pd mma nnldi.

o-k^nnl [id.] a nice, refined, well-mannered man; gyegkanni=

ne ho ye fe, n'ani atew, gny^ atetekwS'; - okanni ba, pr. 1525.

0-k a n n i f 6, 2?^ a-, = gkandif6, better: odikanf6, q,v.

nka-anim', inf. [ka anim] rebuke, reproof; cf aniroka; esiane

ne nk.a gka wgn anim no nti, wg-n^ no nkd.

akauka' = ahka.

e u k 4-11 k a, adv. not fo mention, not io speak of, especially ; m mo-

fra yi ye mmofra bone, na ehk. na oyi de (ony6), these are bad
children, but above all this one.
Kankan, i. Nkran K., a town by the inhabitants called Kan-
ka, Kehk§, Kinka or Ginga, by the Europeans Dutch Accra. —
2. Butch; K. brgfo, the Dutch; K. Abrokyiri, Holland, the Nether-

kankafi, a.d^adv. stinking; with an offensive smell; ne ho k.,

he stinks: ehg ye k. dodo, there is a bad stench; efunu bgn k., a
carcass stinks; ebon kdnkan(kan).

o-kankan, -ne, pLh-, civet cat, Viverra civetta; cf.hwILne. —

by-name: agyaktim^du.

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kaukantiri — kant&un. 221

kank&ntlri; tbe lid of a powder-case (toa a wode atudurn

gum^ ti).

akank^wd; s, ahka'.

kankO; Ky. = kordkdma; etwa k.

iikdukom, a kind oi mushroom.
akankrima-kdro, -dii, pi. h-, s. akakr...
kfiiikraiiii, a., adv. large, broad, long and big; cf. k^krft,
ktlntann; oje onipa k. = okg soro tentententen ; n*ano k. = n'ano

0- k aij k ran tan, a lean man, pr, 281B.

kau*k ua, ph n-, tbe fruit of a tree called pam6m (q.v.), used in
bleeding as a cup (cupping-glass),

k anku m a, crocus, curcuma [Heb. karkom, Co, 4,U.^ Ar. kur-

knm, Skr. kunkuma].

kaiiky^, v, [inf. n-,] to pray, rehearse or spe<ik a prayer ; to

invoke or call upon (the fetisb). Mek. metirim; raek. mabg mpae
= meka asen-kO a migyina so merebebo mpde ; merek. roa me
bosom na wafw§ me nkwa so. — Obi yare a.s. ofom bosom a, ode
D8fi a. ognah de koma obosom na osgfo no k. ma no se 6mfa mfiri
no a.s. ne ho nje ne den. — Osgfo atifi na wgkahkye bo, di nsew
fwefwe nokware.

u k a 11 k y e, inf Wobefi ase akankye (a.s. asgre) kanky erekyere

a, wose: Onyankopon n^asase, m6mmegye nsa nnom, a.n. afei wo-
afre obosom biara asfere no nkwa, sika, mma, ahdtg n.a.
kaukye, a mark made by a stroke or line. D.As.
nkankye, As. cake, (N.E.Voc.) s, kankyew.
katfkye', i>Z. n- [Eng.] can, canister; watering-pot; any tin-
vessel; tin, tin-plate.

kaii-ky^rekyere, at the very first, in tiie first beginning;

first of all; formerly. [G. tSutSu klenklen.]
kan ky e w, F.=dgkono. [G. ab6l&' k^md, Coast lang. kenche.]
akano [ekaw ano] 1. price of goods, ne bo ankasa. — J2. bill of
charges or expenditures, account of goods sold or delivered, invoice.
u k a n s a^ a medicinal plant,
kansa, kasa, Mt 26,35. s. the foil.

kanse [kano se] or kans6-s$, (conj.) tJwugh, aWwugh, even

if; k. gko a", obi beba bio. Gr. § 141,1 B ^. § 278,2.
akan-sl, inf. [si kane] competition, rivalry; race.
akdnsl-de, the prize set out for competition; a wager, stake.
kantamma, otuo k., the cock of a gun or musket, pr. 3387.
kantamanto, the '^language** of the drum of the chieftain of
nkantaml; a kind of yam; s. od^. [Aburi,

kllntiLii; collar-bone, clavicle.

kantan, v. to spread &nd stretch irregularly, to sprawl, strag-

f^e; to straddle; s. kenten; dna bH bi abn abekantan kwan ma ho.

kiln t a nil, a.dtadv. straggling, stretched out irregtdarly; high

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222 k&ntankaniki — karg..

and broad; straddling; dita no ab& nhina aye k.; gbarima no abe-
gyina odan ano k.; ne nan k.

kantankaniki, kantaukraiikyi, sickle; a longy crooked

sabre; dade kontonkye bi a Nnonkofo de twa sare ne mo; cf, k6n-
tonkQrdwi, pampankwd.

k^ntaukurodo, asase aowo nmia, an cpitbetic appellation

of God (Onyankdpon); okata nneema nbina so, obye nnipa nhina
nso so.

akantaniiua, Ak. akantannwa, s, akentennua. i^r. 2o^.

O-kanto, candle-woody a certain tree and its wood whicb is bur-
ned as a candle or torcb ; dua bi a woso ano na edew Se okanea;
ok. koko na edew, na ok. byeh a.s. fofu de, enn^w.

fik^nt6, crooked legs; wonantu akurunkurum se adare, a.s.

wo nanny^bin anim aye konkronn. — o-kaiitoni, a man having
crooked legSj a bandy- or howlegged person.

11 k an torn', F. a-, [nka.. nto mu, do not touch,, not pxd m] adv,
not to mention, to say nothing of, (how) much less, (Iww) much more;
omfii ase e, na hk. se wawie, he has not yet begun, much less finished.
kanto-nfni, a kind octree.
nkannuan, a. uncovered (of SihouBe)^ unfinished or beginning
to decay; - odan no aye nk.; odan hk. = odah a ^nn{ suhy^, nk
ereye abii; adah hk. hko na esisi bo.

kanwe, a. fresh, new and strong; vigorous, unimpaired; flor-

id; oniparaono k., a fresh healthful youth; dua k., a green, fresli
tree; cf foforo, amono.

g-kinweii, a kind of tree; wodeseh baduaba.

kanyaii, v, to stir, incite to action, instigate, rouse; - k. neho
to stir from long quietness, rouse and exert oneself, be active, lively;
[cf kfi, nyah, hwanyah].

Ilk any an, ramp, prank, frolic, gambol; ramping, pranking

dtc; agitation; opohk6 no at^w hk., the horse has become shy, ram-
pant, frantic,

k^nyaiiii, a. prickly, spiny; thorny; kotoko bo k.; s. adwo-

kii; syn. nnya'-nnyi', hwrahh.
akape, scissors,

kaper, F. [Eng.] a copper. Mk. 12,42,

akapfire, inf, [pere kaw] the shifting off of a debt; mibu wo
ak., I shift off the paying of my debt to you upon another in reference
to money due to me (e.s. roede wo kaw na obi de me bi, na mise wo
se: kogye onipako no ho tua wo kaw). pr, 2919, Cf. obutew.

akapimafwe [ka, pirn, fwe] familiarity, intimacy; di ak.,

to be familiar, intimate; to favour each otlier in return; me nk wo
nni ak. bi, we have no close communion; cf, twaka &c.

kapo, pL h-, bracelet, armlet; sika, dwete, dade k., - ofgciddc.

kara, v. s, kra,

k&ra, t;. s. kra, kSna, k^na. — afikftra, A. s. ahka.

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5kard — okdsddi. 223

5-kard, s. ok'rA.

kara..., s, kra...

karada, kararft, n. noise, f^stling, e.g. of palm-branches.pr.46*^.

karadada, adv, (with) a rushing noise; ef. kurududu.

kara-^mmd-a, Ak. s. kama.

o-karawd, s, okra.

kardwd, 5. a kind o^ monkey, pr. 1182, — '2. a barren, vnfruii'

fid male animal. Job 21,10, boa onini ana obarima a on wo; cf, obo-
nin, kjenene.

kare, v. is not used simply; s. red, kekare.

k d r 6, s. kdbf ri.

kari, v, [red. karikari] to weigh (gold, sugar &c.); io pay by

weight; to ponder in the mind, to balance; to take aim; to regard,
esteem, care for, neg. to disregard, make sligld of, pr.l527. — de..
ani k., to watch, vietc, review, muster; to observe, take heed to, attend
to, mark, Lk. 14,7, to look searchingly at, to consider or examine for
the purpose of forming an opinion or finding out something: nnipa
a ewg ho nhina, mede m'ani mekari won (= mefa won itiu) a, mehfi
won mu t6r6fo no.

nkarii, v.n. [kari] weight, quantity of heaviness.

karibo"^, pi. n-, a stone used for a weight; a pound,

o-karikari [nea okarikari sika] a weigher of gold-dust,

k as a, t;. [red. kasakasa, q, v.] 1. to speaJc, ialk,=kSi asem ; oka-

sadodo, he talks too much; men^ no kasa, I am speaking ivith him.
(F. kasa nokwar daba, speak the truth ahvays.) — J2. to chirp, chat-
ter (of birds); cf. akasanoma. — 3. to crack, crackle (of burning
thorns, shoes), to creak (of a door on the hinges); to crepitate, grate.
— 4. ir. to censure, reprove, reproach, upbraid ; pr. 340 ; to chide,
abuse; mepe se nie-ne wo tra ; na wokasa me de a, minti6. — 5. to
decry, speak ill of; woak. me! — 6. kasa ky ere, a) to speak to (cf.
ka.. kyere). — b) to instruct, admonish, exhort; cf, tu.. fo.

0-kdsd, inf. 1, speaking, speech; the peculiar manner of speaking,

the particular sound uttered; pr,2479. — 2. language, dialect; okasa
a edi aduasa = ok. nhina-nhina a ewo wiase; ok. ahorow bebre wo
asase 8o. — 3. word, expression, cf. asem. — 4, di,. kasa, to fine,
mulct, amerce, Wadi no k. ne se: wodi ohene asem bi na ohene n6
wo adi asem na wabu wo fo nd wagy^ wo sikd.

iikd-sa [kaw nsa] additional payment for not having paid a debt
at the set time; da a wohyee wo adu na woannya bi amma a, na
wogye wo sika foforo.

akasa-bebiif [okasa a wode buu be] a proverbial saying, by-

word, proverb ; (wode) aye ak.

Q-kasa-bere, weariness from speaking; fa ok., to grow weary

by speaking or admonishing, pr, 3463,

kasa-bo-d i n, repeated mentioning of a matter, with indigna-

tion or cursing, pr, 1529.

0-kdsd-df, a-, inf. [di kasa] penalty, fine, mulct, amercement;

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224 kasae — okasasfe.

syn, sikagye; - okasadi [=oka8a a wodi no] yaw nti na onipafi

ne ktirom. — akasadi ye no fe, qy^ ak. (actively), lie is in the hahU
of imposing fines.
kasae^jpLn-, a bone; syn. dompe, nsoe.
kasae+, v. w. a verb. Cham.

akasae, i??. n-, a tingling instrument; awowa a woafitifiti ano

de awowa nka ahyehyem' na wgwosow de goru; cf. akasawd.

nkasae^ inf. talk, sayings; report, rumotir, public talk; misuro

ho nk., I am afraid of its being talked about; ne hk. nyed§, the con-
tents of his speech are disagreeable.

o-k a s a f 6, pi. a-, talker, chatterer, babbler, prattler, loquacious


akasa-gua, n-, slander, calumny, backbiting; syw.ntwiri; mtd-

tering, grumbling; odi no (ho) nk., he grumbles, mutters against him,
gives vent to his ill feeling against him, yet not in his hearing;
wo nh bi wo asem na wonkd wo n^anim na wobo din yaw wo so;
a.8. obi ay§ wo biribi, na w6m{& mmo n*anim nyaw no, na w6yaw
gb ahunm\

o-kasa-gjefo, i?L a-, intercessor, mediator, advocate.

kasdk^sa, red. v. 1. s. kasa. — J2. to talk much, talk noisiJp;
to chatter. — 3. to dispute, contend in words, altercate, wrangle.

akasakdsd, inf. dispute, contest, altercation, wrangling, quar-

rel, broil.

iikasa-kod [okasa nkoa] the end or aim of a speech, scope, pur-

port, design and tendency, meaning, import.

0-kdsd-kyfer6, inf. [kyere kasa] the teaching of a language;

instruction in a language, grammar.

0-kasa-ky 6re, inf. [kasa kyere] admonition, exhortation; syn.

afotu. — o-kasaky erefo, pi. a-, monitor, exhofier, Uistructor. pr.9U.

o-kasa-inafo,i>/. a-, (F.) mediator, advocate; s. gkasagyefo.

o-kasa-m§, inf. lit. satiating with speaking i.e. tnlkativenesSj

loqtmcity, garrulity, pr. 1530.

kdsamp^re, As. = sasabonsAm, a wild man (satyr, sylvan)

of a monstrous size, mentioned in fabulous tales.

iikasanim, pr.^55. = hkasae, nnompe, bones.

nka-san-mii, inf. repetition, (reHteration in speaking.

akasa-noma, ^2. n-, a kind oi sparrow, prop, chatter-bird.

kasa-nydnsa, good advice; okyereno k., he gives him an

kdsante [nea wokasa a gnte] a disobedient person.

Easante^ pr. n. formerly given to a nation in the interior,
frequently at war with Asante.

o-k a s a-p 6 n"*", paragraph.

o-kasa-san-mii, awkward repetition in speaking. Wdkhsiskn
mA (= ti mu) pi; gyama wo were afi nsem a wose beka no ani?

o-kasa-sf e, inf. previous c^reement; pr. 1533. — di k., to talk

over a matter beforehand, previously; okodi k. ansa-na waba.

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akasawn — akaUisia. 225

a k a s a w a, pL n-, a kind of brazen bell hanging inside a drum

(kettle-drum) and giving a doleful sound; cf. akasae.
kase, k&se-n'ara, ak^sedze, F. s, kesc &c.
akas6, 1. the indif/o-plant, Indiyofei-a tinctoria. — ^. indigo, s.
brti. — S, imlif/o colour, bhu% darlc-blne; cf. bibiri, hoa.

k as 0(3, a message, officird address or communication; gbo

(n'anom') k. = amane6, he delivers his message.

kaasee, privg, 7iecessan/-hm(se ; st/n. duase^, duAs^, tea &c.

k as I aw, himch. Husier, (of fruits, keys); cf. osiaw.
o-k a s i e, a kind of animal. rj£^ ^q ^

nka-sram-s6+, Inf. [ka, sram, so] 1. harrowing. — J2. harrow.

ka-su, manner or wag of sjjcaking, reporting or stating a.
matter; pr. 2878. syn. kabea; yennya asem yi akasu, Ak.

kata, V. [red. katakata] 1. to cover; often with 8 0> ho, anim:

to overspread, red, envelop, enwrap, Infold; r/.dura ho; - k. mu, to
line or finish the Inside of, = dura mu. — 2. to cover, conceal, cloak.

— 3. to cover, protect, defend. — 4. to extend over; he sufficient for.

— 5. to overwhelm. — 6. k. mpa, to cover the back i.e. to bring up

the rear, to be last, make the conclHslon (of a train).

k a t a b a u, a. large ; dua k. kokilr 6 si ho. — k a t a b a n a, adv.

very much; wohyee no k. se onye, they forced him very much to do so.
ukata-bo [ade a ekata bo] breast-plate, cuirass; cf. adebo.

katae, the cover of a gun-lock.

ukata-li6, F.a-, v.n. cover, covering, envelope, integument; F.
garment; cf. iikataso.

katakata, red. v., s. kata.

katakata-su-muamua-s6: wodi asem no k. (= womfd

asem no nto kwanmu peie, na woksl no ebf-n^-bi ara) they muffle
or stifle the palave^r.

II kata-k o n m ii [nea ekata kon mu] mantle, shawl.

o-katakyf(e), pi, a-, [also okwAtakyi] a gcdlant, a brave, val-
iant, gallant, hold, undaunted, courageous, powerful man, herOt giant
(F. Mt. 12,^9. Mk. Sf27.); onipa a oy§ nnam na ne ho ye den na oso,
afj/a. obSran, dommanin; sometimes it is put for A:iw^; in pr. 2647.
it is a by-name of the swallow, = bold, nimble; cf. akatanini.

katakyi, kw., bravery, valour; kw. nti odii nim, through va-
lour he conquered.

ka tarn an [nea okata oman] one who covers the wJwle nation
or world, a mighty ruler, used also as an attribute of God. pr. 1534.
kata mail, katamanso, a very large umbrella of gaudy col-
ours used on festive occasions; cf. kyinii^ bamkyinii.

akatamasfaba, F. girl, maid, virgin. Frotten, 1760. s. akatasia.

iikata-m li, v. n. the lining of the inside.
akdtanini = okatakyi, used of a tree in pr. 1535. waye neho
ak. agylt'ben [F. katanin-agya bina ] a onni mfuwam^ nanso onni
kwaem\ = odi amanterenii.

akatasia, F. girl, maid, damsel; s. ababa, oh abasia. Mk. 6,22.


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226 iikatas6 — kaw.

nkata-s6, v.n.i. cover, covering, lid. — 2. great coat, overcoat,

cloak, mantle. — 3. ne bone fto nk., a colouring, palliation of his sin.
kataw', overwhelming (V) pr.4o4.

akatawia, pi. n- [ekaU awia] umbreUa, parasol; sgn. asowit.

kate, r. to harden; k. anim, to harden the face, i.e. to dare,
brave, defy; to be froward, refractory, obstinate; okat^ or wakite

kite, a. 1. hard, of eaUbles (opp.so/l): aduan k. ne aduan a

enye de. — 2. hard, of the face or rather the mind or will: waye
n'anim k. = dennennen, Jie has a decided purpose, is finnly deter-
mined, inflexible, stubborn; cf. ket6. — 3. difficult to bear or endure,
rigorous, unreasonable; n'asem ye k. = den ; g-n^ no di asem k. =
ajeyesem, a8$m a enni aso, asem a eka ne babi emma.

uk^t6{e)j ground-nut, earth-nut, Arachis hypogaea, the plant

and fruit. — nkate-futiiru, ground-nuts in tlie husks,

iika^t^^ inf. feeling, perception,

iikatend^^, sense, the (5)senses.

akitewa, a large fruit, the seeds of which are eaten by the

negroes; syn, aky^ky^A,

ka-tiri [ekaw, tiri] capital, principal, stock, pr. 366

kktirik^tiri, adv. to tutu or pere, said of bo or koma:
flutteringly: ne bo (koma) tutu k. wo ne yam', ne bo pere ne yam' k.,
his heart throbs or palpitates violently,
akdto, v, n. [watQ no kaw] satisfaction, the money paid in set-
tlement of a claim for adultery with one's wife, .syn, ^y^fare; wagye
no ak., he has taken satisfaction-money from him,

iika-to-hgt, v, n, [ka, to speaks to hg, to lay down] agreement,

stipidation; aiiicles, conditions or terms of agreement.

katraka, F. ring, Jtoop, circlet, crown, Mt, 27,29. s, hankare.

akatrdm, wodi wonho ak., they stnke one another, fight, com-
bat (like gladiators); twn b^ra tetretem' ha na yenni ak.!

aka-tiid, v. n, [tua kaw] payment of what is due or deserved,

wage^, salary, pay; hire; (ak. pa,) reward, recompense; (ak. bone,)
punishment, penalty, deserved chastisement.

aka-tutii, inf, [tutu kaw] procrastination of the payment ofn

debt; wode bi ka na oredaii wo na wores^re no ma wato wo da na
woakgpe sika abetua no.

ka t w i, spleen = tAni. pr, 607,

kaw,t;. to ferment, undergo fermentation, become sour, be leav-

ened, said of palm- wine and dough ; syn. pae. Wode angpas4 si
hg na edu anadwofa a, na akaw; woyam mmgre si hg na edinna-
nsa a, na akaw ana apae, = aye nwenenw^ne.

kaw, V. [red. kekaw] 1. to 6i7e = ka; to bite off, knap; pr. 529.
— to masticate, chew, (?) cf ^esaw; - kaw so, to bite upon or cff;
pr. 708. 2013, — 2. kaw m u. kekaw m n, to cry, make a noise, scream;
cf. bom', bon, teom'. ^

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ekaw — kekare. 227

e-kaw^ l^/.a-, [ka, fo be wanting] a debt; pr. 1497 -loOS. tJiat which
is duCy liability; a dtdy neglected, trespass* — bo k., to make, con-
tract a debt; de or ma k., to have debts, to owe (a debt); dan k.,
to recover a debt; pr. 721-23, tu a k., to pay a debt; otaaa no so kaw
pa, he rewarded him; otuaa no so k. bone, lie punished him,

akaWj enmity, hostility; haired, gmdge; woye ak., = wonk^,

they are at enmity, at variance with each other; cf, akaye.
a 11 kaw, a kind of river-fish.
kiiwa, ,s'. ka.
ank^wa, .s. anka.

kdwu, ammoniac, a resinous gum brought from the interior,

ofa pungent taste, likegyakisi, used as a medicine or put into snuff,
aka-y^, /w/*. fye akaw] enmity, contention, strife, open nipiure;
ak. wo wQh ntam .
keka, red. v. [inf. n-] 1. frq. of ka, to bite; to sting; ntontom
keka me, the mosquitoes sting me, — 2, to itch, to cause a particu-
lar uneasiness in the skin, which inclines the person to scratch the
part; me nsa ho keka me, mihiiane, my hand itches, I scraich it.
^yfi' y§ bene. — keka m u = &-. kekaw mu.

keka, red, v. 1. frq. of ka, to touch, — 2, to stir, more: ade

no keka neho, the thing moves; okekft neho, obenyah, he is moving,
he will awalce, — .9. to adorn, dress (by washing, anointing, putting
on clean clothes &c.); to trim; wakeka nehd se ayeforo; k. funu,
pr. 1536. — 4, to stain. — 5. to touch, fumble, feel or gro])e about;
ade saa yen no, yenh6 kwan na yekeka. — 6. k. nftm, to cut meat
and boil it with salt, pepper, oh a, tomatoes dc, into frofrow.

keka, red, v,, frq. of ka, to speak, relate; to rehearse, repeat,

keka, irritability; fierceness, ferocity; - oye k., he is fierce,

wild, unruly, intractable, quarrelsome; abofra yi ye k. = n'ani ye

den, dennSnnen, hyew, woka asem kyere no a, ont^, onsur6 biara,

omfer6 biara; - n'ani ye kekakeka -^ n'ani ye hyew, ^y^ hyew.

11 keka, inf, biting, pr. 1832. — iikeka, F. = nkekac.

akek^-boa, pi, n-, a tcild beast, beast of prey,

akeka-dnru [okekaw aduruj a medicine against tooth-ache.

nkekae [keka, to touch, stain] stain, blot, spot, speck; ntama

no dy^ (ddan) nk., nk. ay§ atade nom', = atade no aye fi.

Q-k e k a f o, pi. a-, an irritable, irascible, quarrelsmne, mischie-

vous persan; nea gye keka a.s. anieden, na da nhina onam pe atu-
taw (ntokwaw), = omanef6.

n keka ho, inf. [keka ho or neho] 1. moving. — .?. addition,

what is added, cf, nkaho, mfdkahd. — 3, dressing, adotmrneni; cf.

akeka-nam, a jumping insect.

ak^k&utwere, akak... ahah..., pi. n-, scorpion.

kekdre, red.v, to take up something great; to try, attanpt,
undertake, dare, venture; okekdr^ dan, he lays the foundation for a

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228 kekate — nkeresiakyew.

large house; ok. adwuma sy obeye a, ontumi nye, tchen Jw fries to

work, he cannot; wakekare n'ani se obebo me ade, he purposed
beating me, dctennined to heat me; wak^kar^ n'anim se obetumi
abu dan no, nso ontumi, he presumed that he could pull down the
house, hut teas not able to do it; gkekare n'anim repe me ayaw me,
he ventures to scold me; ok. atoro ma me, he is so hold as to frame
a lie against me or to imptde to me a lie.

kekate: wab§bg me k.,?

ke kaw, red. v. 1. frq. of kaw, k. nhwi so, pr.20t3. — 2. ke-

kaw mu, to hark, yelp (gkramah k. mu); to cry, scream; abofrano
resii na okekdw' mu se: e, wura, fwe nea woreye me! c/l bobom';
to howl, yell. — nkekaw-mu, inf., howling, yelling.

g-kekaw, Ak. okaka, 1. anom^ a. ese mu k., tooth'ache,=B,de&ty

boaduam; etutu s§. — 2. tirim k., a kind of head-a^^he ; epa ti. —
3. aniwam* k., an inflammation of the eye, which may cause blind-
ness or swelling of the face. — 4. nsahO k., the tchitlow, an inflam-
mation and suppuration of the finger; ekum wo awerew.
a ke kaw ere, akak..., pi. n-, gad'fly, horse-fly (?), s. oteii.

kekem, F. = kekaw mu, to cry. Mt. 14,26. 20,30 f.

kekrakekra, a. rough (of leaves with a rough surface).

kekre, As. s. kyekyere.

o-kekrebesi, a kind of plant.

kern', F. = kaw mu, to cry. Mt. 8^9.14,30.27,46.50. ML 1,23.

k e 11 11, adv. expressing the sound of a bell ; edgn bg k.

kena, s. kra, kana.

ken kail, red.v.l.frq.ofksLU, to count, tell; to read. — 2. wg-

kcnkan su-dwom, they wail, set up a lamentation (for the dead).

0-k en k an, inf, reading, = nhoma-kan. — keiiKan-hoina, read-

ing-book, reader; primer, spelling-hook. — o-kenkaii-ukyerowe,
-iLsenkyerene, printed letters, cf. ntintimi.

kenkenkeu, kenkrenii, s. kyeh.., kyenkyerenn.

k elite, pi. nkentewa, country cloth, a home-inadc negro-dress,

consisting of a number of narrow stripes of cotton-cloth sewed to-
gether. Diff. kinds, .*?. ntama. Cpds. with adj* kentegow, kentepA &c.

ken ten, v. to spread out, straggle, straddle; = kantan; gye..

k. so, to occupy much space; Lk. 13,7. — Wagye uhoma pi no ak.
so kwa, he has accumulated those many hooks to no purpose.

k^.ntenn, a. d- adv. straggling; straddling; broad, wide; s.


keiiten, i>/. n-, wicker-basket; cf. kyerenky^, plrebi, s^soa.

sikentenuua, akantannua, Ak. ...nwa, pL n-, [agua a cken-
teii] a stool or chair with straddling legs.

kere, kere, kerebenn... s. kyere, kyere, kyerebehii...

kereliia, F. s. kesua.
11 ken* sin, a-, the date-palm, date-tree, Phoenijr dactyl iferu.
iikei'esia-kytjw, a-, a hat made of the leaves of the date-palm.

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iikesa — kete. 229

iikesa, s. nk^sewa. — kesaw, a, kasiaw.

kese, Ak. kesee, 7^7. a-, akese-akese, 1. f/reaiy t/rand; large;

biff, bitmt; pr. 1658. kese n'ara, F. excccdiny greaty Mt:J,lO, 7,27, — sgn.
bansoiiD, banteiiH, kokuro, k&kra, kakresaw, k^taban, kunini, ti-
tiriw; koti, k^ntann, kuntann, vSi; petopgn, ky^madu; -pou; v. so.
— ^. loud (of ene, voice).

k e s t», adv. greatly, sirongh/, very much, in a high degree dc.

!>!/n. 80, pi &c. — mframa hq k., the wind blows violently,

kesen'ara, F. exceedingly, Mk. 5,23, 15,14,

kose, n, greatness, largeness, stoutness,

o-kese, Ak. okesee, a great man; a large, big or stout person,
akese-dze, F. [ade kese] a great deed, deed of renown; (heroic)
feat, noble achievement, exploit (also in a bad sense).

kese, kesekese, a, dry, arid; syn. v, wo (opp, fgkyc, foso,

wd, moist; v. fow); asase kese, the dry land (opj), cpo, the sea); fam*
aye or awo kese, the ground has becmne perfectly dry.

kesem'j kese-fjBm*^, in the arid zone; in the south; soidh.

k s e k e s e, 5. atirimkesekese.

keseiienene, ne tirim ye no k., he (prop, his head) is dizzy,

confused, bewildered, perplexed, puzzled,

kes^w, tu k., to emaciate, become tabid, lean and pale (as wa-
sted by tabes, consumption or another sickness); -<: kyenkyen; to
grow or turn jndc; watu k. fita = wafon aye ffta, he has pined away,
become tabid or worn out so that he is (juite pale; n*anim atu k., he
looks pale from anxiety and fear; asem bi aba wo so ua wo anim
apatuw ahoa.

nkyse Wa, -sa, a kind of plant

kesiw, f. to belch,

kesi, a roll of tobacco, rolled tobacco, orig.from Portugal ; 5. ta.

k e s r e k e s r e, a kind of tree. 2^^- lo38.

kesu [Ger. Mse^ cheese,

kesua, -suwa, 2)1, h-, F. kerefua, egg; wgbg nk. tafo, they are
m a friendly, familiar, intimate footing, cf. di 79.S2.83,

k e t ^, pi, a-, a mat, the usual bed of the negroes, pr, 798 f. 2236,
Diff. kinds : nt6mma or mpa, apa , aberewd, go-kete. — bo or nwene
k., to weave, plait a mat; sew, to spread out, bobow k., to roll up the mat,

k e t e [with full e] 1, a kind of reed with thorns, growing near

rivers, that may also furnish walking-sticks; cf, demmere. — 2- a
Hide or pi2JC made of it, played before kings and accompanied by
other instruments (e.g. odurugya), drums and bells.

kete, ketekete [with fulle] a. dado, bright, -ly; in full lustre;

owia afi kkk., gsram apae kk.; awia ket?, in or at broad daylight,
broad noon, — k(»tein\ south; cf. kesem\ Scr.

kote, adv. 1, hard (?) cf. kate. — 2. sharply, strictly: ghye

no or gbra no k., (F. kitsi, Mt,9,30.) he commands or forbids him
stricUy; mekraa wo k., I let you know plaitdy, erpresdy. — 3. thick-
ly: wgakyere so k., they throng thickly, cf. pepepepo, pftipiti.

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230 kote — kii'ididi.

k 9 1 e, 5. ketekete, ketewa.

o-k e t e, 5. oketew.

fikete: si nk., 1. to he (istride, straddle; o%\ hkete = ne nan

(mu) asekyisikyi, hl^ feet are bent outward. — ^. to put sometbing
astride (on the ground or on branches of trees?) in order to mark a
place in the bush as destined for farming.

aketebfn [oketew bin] a kind o^bcad; s. ahene.

ketebo, a name of the leopard, s. osebo.

o-kete-bofo, ok§te-hw^mf6, a manufacturer of mats; s. kete.

a k e t e-h e n e :. d i ak., to be the chief of mat-weavers, pr, 1727.

k 6 1 ^ k e t e , a. d- adv. (to the v. stia) small, very stnatl, very
little, tiny; nworam ye aboa a osda k., woaiifwe n' 'iye a, wunhu
no, tlie itch-mite (siro) is a tiny insect, scarcely to be perceived tcith
the eye. — pi. nk(5te hkete; cf. ketewa.

nketekrakye, diliyence(?) si nk., to apply close attention,

yreat carefulne^^% to be zealous, take pains; syn. bo mm^deh; w4bl
hk. se obekyerew hhOma no, he is closely or intensely engaged in
icriting tJtc letter.

aketekre, -kyere, i)?. h-, cricket pi\ ld40.

ketem', south; cf. kesem'. 8cr.

iiketenkete, terror, Jwrror, consternation, panic; hk. akita

or akyireno, he is terror-struck, horrified, paralyzed or stunned
(with fear), = wabirikyi.
akete-iiwene, inf. weaving or plaiting of mats; s. kete.

o-kete-iiwemfo,i??.a-, a weaver ox plaUer of mats; s^w. ketebofo.

g-k e t e-s o a f o, carrier of (the king's) mats; s. gyaasefo. pr. 1341.

aket(isia, F. s. akatasia.

o-k6te-aniloro, a tree with fruits similar to figs.

o-ketere I pi. a-, lizard; s. odAhnenll, ntafont4f6, gborom, osA-

o-kete\v / manapA, abosomAketew, oky^ky^. pr. 509.720.1473,

hketijw i\ , a kind of sandals. [1542-49.

ketewa, a.[pl.i\'\ cf.ketckete] small, little; mmofra hketewa,

little children; syn. kdrna, kwdda, c. sfia. — ketewa, F. ketse-
waba, very small, very little; k. bi, a little, a few; a short time: wa-
mk me abodo k. bi, he has given me a little bread; mmofra ketewa-
bi, some few children; onipa te asase so k. bi na own; syn. kakra,
kdkrabi; - ketewa se, very little; ^kk k. se (kdkra s^, kdma »e),
very little is wanting.

aket e wa, pi. h-, a little person; mmofra yi mu aketewa no na

n'ani atew, that. little one (smallest one) among these children is an
intelligent boy. — aketsaba, aketsewaha, jd. h-, F. a little one, the
least. Mt 2,6. o,19. 11,11. 2o,4iJ.

11 k e t s e^ F. rather, in preference.
kill i [Eng.] king (in Europe) pr. 246n. — kini, v. s. kyini.
kirididi, kirrr: bo k., to rush (forward); woboo k. koodah
nomu, they rushed into the house.

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kisa — kitikiti. 231

kisa, t7. 1, to turn, cf, dan'. — 2, to wring off (akoko kon,

the neck of a fowl), — 3, to turn in or over tfie fire: to roast (yam,
plantains, meat), pr. 1550. — 4. to change hy the heat of the sun or
by sickness: to wither, fade, decay, shrink, dry up; awia ak. nwiiri,
(he sun has withered the grass; gyare ak. no kora, a sickness has
wasted him very much; cf. kagyaw, po, guan &c. — 5, n'ani akisa
(mp.) = n'ani agyina (ne kiirom), his eye is turned i.e, he is longing
for home, is homesick. — 6. n*anim' akisa, his face has turned pale.

o-kfsi(e), pi. 9L'y a rat; by-names: kwarifiia, aduokii, manni-

anno. pr. 210. 371. 610 f 1444. 1551-57.

O-kfsibiri, a kind of tree; sare so dua a wodi.

a-k isiw&y pi. n-, 1. a yotmg rat. — 2. a young child. — 3. dandi-
prat, mannikin, dwarf, pigmy; oye ak. = omfrd, he is a worth-
less fellow, to be accounted good for nothing.

iikisiwa-fe: ye nk., to associate with children, opp. ye afehye.

nkisiwd-sem = mmofraasem, childishness,

akisi-kuru, ulcer, a sore discharging pus; s. ekuru.

kita, 17. i. to touch; to hold, have in hands; syn. kura, fua, de,
wo ; generally with mu: to seize, lay hold of; syn. fa, kyere, so mu ;
- ok. poma, he has a stick (in his hand); mik. pon mu, I lay hold
of the table; kita noma na wannuan, lay hold of him lest he run
away; s. nketenk^te, kitam\ — 2. F. to adJiere or cling to; Adam
bon' kitaadasa nhina. — 3. to hurt; to take vengeance on, pr. 655. —
i. kita 8 0, /o wipe, to rub atvay, off, out; to polish; syn. popa, twi-
twiw, twutwuw ; k, poh so, wipe the table; fa wo nan k. ntasu so,
rub off the spittle with your foot.

kit am'! imp. = iyiterj. a salutation to one engaged in work«

or in eating, equivalent to : God speed! or I wish you a good appe-
tite! - to which the reply is: mifua no, I hold it.

11 kita, = nkriimakwah.
kita-d6ii, lit. hold-fast, a name of the ^p4sew, q. v.
kit^e, p?. n-, file; rasp; = twitae.

aki t a-o s \i a, j?^ n-, the most poisonous serpent, able to shoot
through the air from one tree to another.

akita-twerebo, the hammer of a musket, in which the flint-

stone is fixed by means of a screw.

Akita-wo-ns a, name of a month, about July; s. osram.

akitferekii, pi. n-, a species of beans, the seeds of which are

roasted and eaten, pr. 1559.

kiti, V. [red. kitikiti] to gnaw off, nibble, scratch o/f (with the
teeth or nails) ..ho, the otUside; = titi ho; nkura akitikiti od^ no ho
= woadi ho bi ; cf, bebee ho.

kitikiti, a word expressive of turbulent or violent commotian;

wgye k., they are turbulent, tumultuous, unld, unruly {syn. basabasa,
bisibasa) = wogoru na wgde won nan pempem fam' k., in playing
they stamp and trample on the ground, making a clattering noise ;
wotu mmirika k., they run with a clattering or pattering noise; onam
kkk. he tramples, patters, treads naisUy, stamps, wcdks furiously;

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232 kitirfkitiri — ko.

wnyi anoma a, oye kitikitikiti (=^ piltuputuputu) = Qpere, a bird,
when caughty struggles desperately; ogya no adew kkk. (kyirikyiri-
kyiri, framframfraiDf frafrafra) the fire hums vefiementlgt brightly j
tvith glaring or daiiing flames.

kitirfkitiri, v. = kitikUi, v.

kg, V. [Ak. also korq^ pret kgre; red, kokg] to go; more par-
ticularly: 1, to go alongy to walk (cf. nam, nantew); yeko ntem, tec
are walking fast; obayifo reko e ! there goes a witch! pr. 60. — ^. toga
off, away; to pass away, leave, depart (opp, ba, to come, tr«, to stay),
gko, he is gone (cf. wako under 3.); meko maba, I go away bid sJiall
come again, cf. Gr. § 112. 147,4. pr.l590. - wokg-bae no, wgbekae
Be : ewom' sa, when they were gone and returned, they repotied, that
it was so (that the matter was true); - wobekg, na me de, metra ha,
you will depart, hid I shall stay here. — to escape, pr. 601. — 3. to
go to a place: wokg he? tvherc are you going? mekg ofie, I am going
home; gkg n'akura, he has gone to his plantation; pcff. wakg, he ha^
gone and returned: wakg Osii preko, he has been at Osu oficc; yere-
kg wuram', we are going into the hu.sh ; gkgg bepgw so, he went upon
a mountain; yebekg ghene nkyen, tee shall go to the king. — 4. to
be going to do something, to set ahoid doing, - with and in the in-
gressive prefix kg-, ko-, s. Gr. § 93. 96. 107,11. 280,1 b.c. (pr.30O.
1218. 2081.&C.) — 5. to go for some object, with some purpose or in-
tention, used with an infinitive (v. n.)ov some other noun: gkg aduan-
tg, he has gone to buy food; cf. Gr. § 126.280,2. — gkgg anyan, she
went for wood (fuel); wgrekg asika, they are going to wash gold;
kg ahayg, to go hunting; s. 13-15. — 6. de.. kg, fa., kg; in connec-
tion with de, fa or similar verbs the meaning of kg (esp. 2.3.) be-
comes causative : to take aicay, to take to a place, to lead, conduct:
wgde no kge, they led him away; ma wgmfA no nkg, let them take
him (away or with them), yr. 13S2. — 7. In connection with other
verbs, kg frequently supplies the place of an Kng. adv, or jnep.:
a) the place of the adv. away, denoting removal: Ouyk. ayi m'a-
manne kg, God has taken away my affliction ; b) together with a
noun of place it supplies the place of a prep., denoting a direction
towards a place : oguan kgg wuram', he fled into the bush; ka oguan
no kg dan mu, drive the sheep into the pen ! wonky ekyire ne nsa
nkg n'akyi, they shall tie his hands behind his hack. — 8. kg (yiye),
to fit, becmne, suit (well), used of clothes : at^d^ yi k6 me yiye, this
coat fits me well; ekygw no nkg me ti, that hat does not fit my head;
ka no kg me nsa, |>r. 5^^. — ^y. kgmu, kom\ to enter, penetrate;
gsekan nnamndm twa wo a, ekom*, when a sharp knife cids you, it
penetrates deeply. — iO. kg so, to go on, to continue {cf. da so): ko
s6 kan ! or kdn k6 so ! continue to read, read on / - kg so yiye, to
prosper, increase. — 11. kg nten, to agree well, be agreeable, to go
straight i.e. to do, to succeed, be to the purpose, ansiver an end; eko
me nten = et^^m^; n'asem a greka yi tee me, what he mys appears
to me correct, I approve it; aduaii yi kg me nten, =: eye me de,
this food suits me well; ehk6 nt^n, it does not go straight, it wont do.
— 12. kg bone, to issue or terminate badly, to be ill-fated in child^
hearing, to die in or afler the labour of childbiiih. — 13. kg abuw, to

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ko — nk5. 239

go a-hatching, to sit, to cover the eggs, pr. 2776, — 14. kg adidi, to go

to feed Hi>on; nek&ra ko ad. — l^j. kg gsa, to go to war, pr. 1563'
1579. 1581. — 16. kg .. ase, F. to become stibject to ; bon ami yeakg
yaw ne wu ase, bg sin tee have become subject to pain and death.

ko, V. F. 1. to sit, Mt 24^, = tri, tSna; ko fain\ F. = Ak. trft

ase. — ^. to cower, squat, couch; s. kow. — 3. F. to remain; qhko
fakor da, he continueth not, Job 14,2,

k 6, V. 1. to figltty combaty contend, strive, in battle or in single

conflict, with arms, blows, words; to be at tear; gde nkrante ni no kdo,
he fottght unth (i.e. against) him ivith tl^ sword; wgda so rek6, they
are still at war with each other, pr, 1589, 1591 f. 1962. 3952. — k6 dgm,
to wage war, carry on a war; ko ntgkwaw, to fight, strive or struggle
in close contest, to wrestle, scuffle, pr. 3606. — ^, tr, to fight, combat,
oppose; ko nkran, to keep off, drive back the wandering or visiting
ants (by fire or smoke), pr. 1590. — 3, ko nnoma, to shoot birds, to
kill icild fowls, to foicl. pr. 2040. — 4. ko a wow, to ward off the cold. —
5. ko a wo, to be in travail, in labour, in parti^rition. — 6'. k6 yere, to
dismiss or divorce a wife. pr. 1593.

e-ko, Ky. lake; pond, pool; = gtare, cf. atekye; ekg bi tH bg.

nko, the cavity or hole in which the yam is planted; cf. nkgbg,
okgmoa; gbg nkg fna gd6 worn'. [31t, 15. Mk. 7.

nkg, ukO, F. ye .. ho nkg, to defile ; .. ho ye hkg, to be defiled.

hko, slumber, doze, nap; tg nko, to fall or drop asleep, to doze,

nod, be drowsy, sleepy.— 6wg ne ti (or neho) nko, he shakes^ tosses
(throtcs up) his head; he nods (?).

o-ko, okowd, ak6wa, top, gig, whirligig; bg ko, to spin the top.

tj-ko, Ak. ekog, a buffalo,

ko, in the phr, bg ko [to join, Iiave company icith, the buffalo,
roaming about as it does?] 1, to run away, deseii; wabg ko, he has
become a fugitive, leaving his native place on account of debts or
palavers. — X^. to throw off obedience, fall off, apostatize, revolt, turn
recreant; s. akobg, kobgfo. — 6'. wabg ko, site refuses her husband,
ko, imit. adv., expressing tlie sound of falling drops of water:
nsuasgko, watir lias dropped audibly; metee se nsnnosge kokoko.

e-ko, num. one; used in counting; in other cases compounds are

employed, s, biakd, Akp. bako, Aky. bieko; cf. koro. Gr. § 77.

ko, adj,profi,<, the one concerned or in question, the single, par-

ticular or respective person or thing; who, what, which, in indirect
questions; cf. Gr. § 74,1. Eye hena? minnim nnipa-k5; who is it?
I do notknoio who it is; cf. oniko, gyako; eye den? minnim dekdde;
eye dua ben ? minnim dna ko, whctt tree is it? I do not know what
kind of tree it is; wankyere da-k6 a obewie, lie did not tell which
day he would finish (it).

iiko, adv. alone, only, but; apati. aside; - me nk5 ne kuatb,

/ alone am a planter; aka me nko (= gno nko), he is left alone;
eyinom nko eni won su, these form a kind by themselves; eyi nko-
ara-kiM etia abien a, mefwe wo ! but for this one time! when U occurs
a second time, T shall flog you! s. hkuto.

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234 (»k5 — koa.

o-k5, inf. 1. figlUy fighting y war (rf. osa); combat, contest, strife;
battle, conflict; pi. nkopeh, battles; gko wo ye-ni Akwamfo nUm\
there is war between us and the AJcwam-people. — ^. divorcemetU,

ak5, inf. fighting, war; di ako, to war, be engaged in war, he

at war (with); wodi ako = woko; Akjem n& Asante ta di ako,
Akem and Asante are (or were) often at war with eacli other; cf.

kQ, adv. red, yellow; added to b er e. ^o &e or become red, ripe:

aaka bere ko, the lemon ripens (or is) yellow; the low tone of ko
may be changed into the highland low tone, whereby the idea of
redness is made emphatic : akutn yi abere ko^, this orange has be-
come quite or JUghly red or ripe. — ko may be used as a predica-
tive adj. when die verb is omitted (Gr.§248,3a): fweno, n*aniko!
look at him, Itow red his eyes are! in other cases the form of the adj,
is k o k 0; 9* t7. — ko, kokg, are applied to different shades of r(^,
brown and yellow, and likewise the v. bere and the adj. -ben (in
cpds.), F. men, memmen, memmene; whereas fiery red seems to
be denoted by d^nn , y^hn, y^mm§nn, scarlet or vermilion by -dam
(in cpds.) and dam&rama, crimson by -dam (cf. a dam) and by the
V. bere-dum ; cf. akutuhono, orange-coloured, ankahono, yellow (as
lemons), bofua (odubeh), yellow; dodowe, brown.

ko, kokoko, kokOko, adv. used with ky i or tau, to hate;

Qtan no ko, lie hates him ardently, fervently, extremely.

k 0^ the unicorn, an antelope, in size nearly equal to a horse or

cow, furnished with one horn on the forehead ; spoken of, as really
existing, from Fante to Krepe. [G. nmanma.]

ak6\ pi. n-, parrot (Psitaccus). Diff. kinds: opesare, grey (P.
erythactis, ne ho ap6w aye se nso) ; akoh^ne, red ; dnkye, dark (ne
hoasi tumm); dmfudwdm^ (ne ho aye ho-n^-ho, biribibiribi, not ea-
sily described) ; Awlrikwdw\ green (esono ne nko). — Mmofra ako
(in children's lang.) = abebew, grasshopper, locust.

ako a, 2?Z. n- [akowd, orig. akobd?] 1. a male, man; fdlotc;

akoa no h6 ye fe, that is a fiandsomc fellow; akoa no diihene pi,
tJuU man sJwwed himself a king indeed (a saying elicited from a
native by the description of Solomon's throne, 1 Ki. 10,20.) — 2. a
nwle slave; bondman, serf. — ,-;. a servant, subject; Kokofu bene
ye Asante bene akoa; Akyem bene nkoa dgso sen Akwam bene de.
— In cpd. words akoa is changed into kwa or k wa and ko; c/*.
akokoa,akwakora = akwakwara, akwaiikwa, ahenkwa, awurakwa,
Kwad^o, Kwaku (Gr. § 41,4) Kofi, Kofori &c.
kda, v. [red. koakoa] 1. to bend, crook, curve, tp\ dintr.; perf.
to be bent, crooked or curving; syn. konton, kuntun, pono, pompono;
okda dua no, lie bends the tree; koa (= pono) wo nsa bSra; k6a
akutu no bSra na raentew, hcud thai orange (i.e. the twig on which U
hangs) toward me that I may pluck it; ne nsa akoa = akonton, his
Iwtnd is crooked; poma no ti akoa. — ^. fa poma no kda no, hold
him by the stick! — 3. koa mu, to join together , to trim in, to insert;
to joint, uHictdate, unite by means of a joint; ekoam\ it is connected,
holds toget/icr ; medc makoa mu, 1 have joined it. — ekoakoam*.

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ukoa — akodJ. 235

it coheres, is afiictdated, jointed. — ukoakdam', v. n, atiictdcUionf

joining, juncture, connection by joints; a joint, node; cf. iitdatoam\

11 k o d, the end, the lust, utmost or upmost part, upper end, top
(of a tree), extremity, termination, border; pr, 1008. afw^rcw no, ne
hkoa nko na ode maa me, he gave me only the upper end of the sugar-
cane ; - of. nkasakdd; - nkoadse, s, nkwaase.
akoakyirikyiriw, a kind of spider.
akoha (?): Esono akoa na esouo akobd. Ak. pr. 3015.
nkoba [eko, aba] a whip made of buffalo's skin, consisting of
2,3,6,9 lashes twisted together; wgde nk. nko ara na efweno, they
fiog hi7n severely.

k 6-1) lie [ko, ba] i. a male child horn after a brother or sister
who died; cf. ap6nt^. [G. gbobalo.] -r- 2. a cupboard, closet, press,
wainscot-chest. [wokQfa ade worn' do ba; G. kobai.]
ako-bau, F. defensive wall, fence, bulwark, rampart,
a II k o b e a, -fo, [asafo a wote bene bo a wonko bea (= babiara)
da gye se ghene atn na wotiam'] the hinges body-guard.

kgben[kQko,ben] a kind of cloth dyed red (yrith ntwoma and

bise). worn at funeral customs and in warfare; scarlet. Nah. 2,3(4).
k 6 be re [Port, cobre, Dan. cobber'] copper.
ko-bew, F. a place to sit; a seat = agua. Mt. 12,39.
ako-bowerew, a thorny shrub.

k 6 b i [kwdbi] a kind of river-fish. [G. did^e.]

11 ko-bo, inf. [bg nko] meting holes for tht planting of yams.
ako-bo, inf. [bg ko] secession, dcsertian, defection; disloyalty;
stubbornness; apostacy; sedition, rebellion, revolt, mutiny.

o-kobofo, pi. a-, fugitive (slave), maroon; runaway (e.g. on ac-

count of debts, pr. 493); deserter; vagabond; apostate, renegade; re-
heller, rebel, revolter, mutineer, seditionary.

ako-dadweu(akoadad^en) F. care; Mt.l3,22.MJc.4,19. cf. dadweh.

k d aa f u o m' [lit. goes to sleep in tiie plantation] = atetekwa,
onipa a gmpgwe, n'ani ntewe, an uncivilized, rustic, boorish, clown-
ish, barbarous tnan; cf ofumni.
kodaanna [gkgda anna, he goes to sleep (in order) not to sleep]
^sleeplessness; ije no k. = emma onnya aday^, U causes him sleep-
less nights.

okodze, F. a story, tale. Ps. 90,9.

akode, = sense, a kind of food prepared for the fetish (tute-

lar spirit).

akode [gko ade] 1. a thing or things used for fighting, weapon(s),

annour. — J2. things paid for fighting, reward paid to warriors when
they return.

nko-deu, hard fighting; g-ne wgn kOo nk. ansa-na grepam wgn.

akodi, inf. [di ako] warfare, military service; war, warring;


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236 akodlhj^n — okoha.

akodf-hy ^n, a war vessd, man-of-war,

akodf-hy(^nmu-iil, a naval officer.
kodob^ii, a bird, oriolm galhida?

k o d i a w i\ 0, pL n- [nea wode kodi awu] pistol; 5^/1. at were wA.

o-ko-d6in, a by-name of the leopard^ 5. osebo.

kodoso, a cutaneous eruption, a kind of ntwom; s. ase.

akodwobo, a kind of ^/one containing iron, of which suitable
pieces are used as slufjs for the charge of guns; Qp6mni6 bi a wo-
bubu de poma atuo.

koc, «;. [red, koekoe] to notch, jag, dent, indent; wakoe daa
no mu, nso metraa so (no), ammu, he has notched the pole, yet when
I sat on it, it did not break; wgakoekoe akantannua no nan ho, the
legs of the chair are wrought or notched htj turnery.
koekoe, a small tcorm. pr, 1635,
akoekoe-l)6a, jpZ. n-, insect (called so from its body having,
as it were, notches or incisions).

a k 5 e, akoe-mu [ko, t;.] figMing-placCj field of battle, pr. 168SJiS13.

kofn-bera fgo tcdce come]: waye k., he or she has (by grow-
ing up to an age of 6 or 7 years) become a fetcher or ^fetch'Sinne-
thing", i.e. one that can be told "go and fetch it" i.e. can be sent
on errands.

kofabyoow, Akw. = mpofirim'.

ak 6 fa 11 a, pi. n- [ok6afana, af5a] 1, a sword of war. — x^ a sword
of state, tJis king's stvord, a sceptre. — 3, embl. destrneiion by the
sword or in batUe; war; dissensimi; royal authority and^oirei*.
kofe, F. = fita, plainly, thoroughly. ML 3,12.
Koff, pr. n. of a boy or m<in born on Friday. Gr. § 41,4.
k ofi, pl.&'y a bed in a garden or plantatiofi. Matwa ak. 2mere-
bedua nkate. Nkranfo na eta twa k. wo won akura ukwanta. Eto-
dabia wotwa k. kurukurawa, etod. wotwano ahinanan.
kofirimS, a kind of amulet or charm, pr. 3114.
o-kdfo, pi. a-, fighter, crmibatant; a man able to go to war, war-
rior; opponent, adversary.

akofo-de [akofo ade]: osam' ak. kfmini, warlike feats.

o-kofouf, pl.—fOi a man of valour, warrior, champion; syn.
dommariraa, osabarima.

k 6-f 6 r o [§ko a wasi so foforo, wasi nsiforo] a young buffalo.

kofwcibi', 2>/.n-, [akoa&?] a private, common, low, mean,
vidgar young man, young fellow, chap; cf. nkwafwcabanfo, apapa-
fwekwa, akwanihumani, odeseni.

iik6-gu, inf. defeat; di nk., to suffer a defeat; cf. komusu.

ko-<^yau [koko, gyan, nothing bid red] a kind of red cUdh
(ntama a wode adidi hko anwene).

ako-gy inamoa, s, akwagyiuamoa, okraman. pr.l637.

o-k g h a, s. okwaha.

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koha — kokodm. 237

kuha', koha, a large bird with long legs, a long neck, a crest
on its head and feathers like a Guinea-hen, making a noise like
geese, living in the vicinity of rivers ; from its strong voice it is also
called Sakumo-bentia, ihe Sahum'trumpet i.e. the trumpeter of the
fetish of the river Sakumo.

ako-henej s. ako. — oko-nhoma, hill of divorce. Mt. 5^31,

ak6-hyen, = akodi-hyen. — ak. safoliempauylh, admiral.
kokO; red. v. ko, to go; mmea no rekokokoko anyan. i

koko, V. inf. n-, to pety fondle, indidye; to bring up delicaielift

to spoil hy too much tenderness; opanyin no kokg nerama, e.s. woye
bone a, ontwewgn asonti, won ani nso obi; Hdafo k. wonmma do-
do; red. wgkokokokg wonmma; s. korokoro.

koko, 1. the breast, cJtest; nek. aye konkronh; nek. ahoii;

pompo asi nek. so. — 3. heart = courage, boldness; pr.1038. syn.
bo, koma; s. kokom*, kokodnru, akokobiri.
k6ko-s6, adv. boldly, energetically.

koko, pi. a.-, a grain, a small hard particle of salt, sand, earth,
e-koko, Q-,2;Z.a-, h-, hill, a natural elevation of ground; cf be-
pow, bepgwa, akokowa, pampa, pempe, siw. — F. koko tsentsen hi,
an exceeding high mountain. Mt. 4fi.(cf. 17,1)5,1.

k5ko: bo k., to warn, forewarn; to threaten, menace (with

something); mede ade yi mabowo k. na ny^ sa bio; s. kgkob6.

Koko, pr. n. of a female, said to be the mother of Aknapem

and Akem and the yo'unger sister of Dede, q. v.

koko, = koko, red, e.g. in the j?r. w. Owusu Koko.

koko, 5. red. kokgkoko.
ako kg, />^. n-, the domestic fowl, hen (akokober^), cock (akoko-
nini); j>r. 1641-61; by-name: ntiwa.
akoko, F. looseness of the bowels.

Ilk ok 6, inf. indidgcnce, the spoiling of children by too much


kokcV, a. [pi. akgko & red.] red, yelloic, with their several de-
grees or shades; s. kg, kgkgkg. — n. redness, yellowness; pr. 467.

g-kokO, a red person, whose skin is not of a glossy black (tun-

tum), but of a brownish hue. pi\ 810.

koko', yellow, rii}e. plantains (the husk is yellow, the substance

inside, espec. when boiled, is red).

koko, coco, an edible root of three kinds, one came from

Jamaica, the two others are also called amankani & ntwibg. pr. 853.

kokoa, kokoa (kokwa, kwokwa) F. hiU, mount, numntain.

Mt. 5,14.14,23. 17,1.9.21,1. Mk.9,2. — Ak. bepgw; cf koko, akoko w^.
akokoa', i>?. n-, babe, baby, suckling, nursling, infant.
akokoaba, F. id. Mt 11,25. 21,16.

akoko-akoko [pi. of gko, ako] qiiarrclUngs ; abusua no mu

wg ak. dodo nti, won nhina ntra fako.

kokodm', pi. n-, corner; a secret or retired place; pi. in the

corners, in secret, secretly; oye n'ade iik. nk.

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238 nkokoas^m — kokokyiiiiako.

nkokoa-s^m, a secret; forbidden transact ions,

a k 5 ko-b a, pi hkokg-mma, chicken, ptdl^,
akokobane, = dab^nka, an iron crow. — kokobe, pr,1663.
k6ko-b6r^bera [lit. go, go, come, come}: gyeno k., Jiede-
ceives, deludes, decoys him, makes a fool of him, = ogyigye uo.
ak 6 ko-b ere, g-, pi. h-, a hen. pr. 363.1664.
ak5ko-besa [the fowl will he coiisnmed i.e. eaten up] a shrub,
2-3 feet high, the root of which has a sweet smell and is put into
soup with fowl.

k6ko-beto [the fowl will lay scil. eggs] the little finger (by
which hens are examined whether an egg is to be expected),
akoko-bew u [the hen will die] a kind of herb, killing fowh.
kokobiutorc, a shrub with eatable fruits,
akoko-bf ri (koko, breast, biri, to be black, Jieavg, stout, immo-
vableli braveness, boldness, courage connected with violence; cf ko-
kodiiru. — akokobiri-so, boldly ==^nimkrimisb. — akokobiri-seni,
violence; di ak., to commit violence; syn. akakabens^m.
k Q k o-b o, inf. [bg .. k6kg] warning.

kokobo, a small beast of prey of the size of a* small cat;

weasel? pr. 1665. (K. ak6kyeri m^akokg kokg kg.)

akoko-bo ue [akokg bgn] the time when cocks crow early in the
morning, cock-crow, (at) cock-crowing.
akoko-biiw, hen-coop; syn. pesu.

hkokQd^-s^my pleasing, but unfounded and dcceitftd repre-

sentations, fl4xti€ry, flirtation, humbug; - di.. hk., to flatter, wheedle,
coax, hoax, humbug; nk. na grekayi, he talks, without thinking, re-
presents things in a better light than they really dc8erv>e.
kokQ-ddmma = dgnngmma.

k6koddma, a. quite red pr yellow (or ripe)\ bgmmgfo-adna-

ba ye k. = kgkgkgkgkgkg.

kokodommo, a kind of corn.

ak6koduodii&, a small bird with a yellow breast, pr. 1666 f
koko-diiru, courage, valour, bravery, intrepidity; .syw.abgo-
duru, cf akokobiri.

k6kQdVire,a plant the root of which is mashed and put on ul-

cers; wnra hi a §tetare fam'; mmofra tia so debg nkuro (agora hi).
akdk66, n-, a disease of the toes, corroding or destroying them,
akokdekd, F. Mh 13/. = akoko-akoko.

akokQfwerew, Ak. -e^pl.h-, wood-hen, = asam&nt^.

[pr. 151M8J668.
ak6ko-kwaiitenn(, pi. n- -fo, a bird, the pin-tailed sand-grouse.
Ex. 16,13.'Nu. 11,31. = ab6ko.

kgkQkokQ [ko, imp. go!] gy§ no k., he drives him away.

k6kokoko, k^kgkg, s. kg, kgkg, k6kgdoma.
kokokyiiuako, a kind of bird. pr. 3474.

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kokom — akdkotafi. 239

kokom' [koko mu] I. (he hfxasty bosom, — J2. tJie breast as the
seat oi ihQ passions, affections and operations of the mind. — 5. the
concave side of a joint, opp. to the knuckle : nankokom\ tlie cavity
of the leg behind the knee; basakokom, the cavity of the arm at ths
nkoko-nh wi, the hair on the breast (of a lion),
akoko-nanta [cocks-claw] a shrub with edible fruits,
akokonimpd,, = akokonini-pa. pr, 1672.
ak 6ko-n ini, pi- n-, a cock. fr. 353.1669-73.
a-k6ko-niwa [hen*s eye] the sore of a toe the tip of which has
been accidentally knocked off, the little bone in the midst of the
raw flesh reminding of a fowFs eye.

ak ok6no, i^Z. n-, a big white worm found in palm-trees, the

larva of the beetle called aslimanadwo, eaten by the negroes and
esteemed a great dainty, pr. 1674 f

iikokonda [okoko, ano] the brink of a lake or river.

kok5nte, n-, a kind of food, prepared of plantain, looking
like country-soap. pr. 2147.

ak6ko-pesu, hen-coop, syn. akokobuw.

kokora, a tJwrny climber or prickly bush, a kind of bayerc,
with leaves like nkani, the tubers of which are eaten in famine.

[pr, 1676f.2505.
kokord, n-, concealment, recess, retreat, hiding-place, asylum.
— bo nk., to hide oneself before the enemy.

Q-kokordni, pi. (a- n-)-fo, a person in a place of concealment,

^onachoret, recluse, hermit; monk (cf. ntwehoni).
nkokora-fekuw, monastic order. Hist.
k6koram, kwakoram, scrofula, a disease, espec. in the head
or neck, by which the lymphatic glands swell and ulcerate ; syn.
akuru; it is even said to cut the nose, lips &c.; king^s evil, struma;
hronchocele, goitre, wen, pr. 895.

ukgkore, F. abiSrow a amnm yiye aye nnodowA-nnodowA,

maize of stunted groioth.

kokorow, odee k. = dwok5rgw. pr.828,

k6kosakyi, a name of the vulture, s. opete; it is sometimes
put for the name of the king, which the speaker does not dare to
mention, pr. 513-15. 1678-80,

ak6ko-ser^ [Iien^s tfUgh] the trigger of a gun.

k6k6sl [Europ.] the cocoa-palm (k.-dua.^ Cocos mwifera)ar\d
its fruit.

k6ko-s6 [s. koko] boldly, energetically.

o-kokos6nf, j9?. a--f6, man, in contradistinction to the wor-
shipped spirits (fetishes), in the language of the fetish-priests, [fr.
k6ko, on ttie hill, or k6kos6, s, before.]

Kgkosukwakwawia, name of a month, about Sept.? ^.osram.

ak6ko-taii, i??. n-, a hen which has chickens, — ak6kotau ne

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240 kokotd — koni.

lie in ma [itie htn and her chickensj the Pleiades, a group of 7 stars,
the brightest of whicli is Alcyone.

kokot^, the wild hog. sf/n. batafo.

k okote, a species of corn, resembling millei, pr. i7S4. sytt.awi

[G. nma]; diff. at6k6 [G. ^koko]. — k.-fuw, a plantation of such
corn, s. afuw.

koko teko, tekot^k6, hiccoiajh; k. si me, I have the lUccough.

fikoko-tware, inf, [twa akoko, killing of fowls] sendiwjfood
to the relations or acquaintances of one's own husband or wife,
akokowa, pi, n- [koko, dim.} a small hill, hillocJc.
nkokowii, a kind of /bot?, prepared of maize-bread with palm-
oil; abiiroduan bi; dokono a woapesew mu de nno agu so.

kokoyeredungyei, a strange insect, 3-4" long, looking

like dry sticks ; = kriimpoh-^kumgudn.

kokro, F. thistles, Mt. 7,16.

k o k r b 6 1 o, the golk of an e^^.

akokromfi, yi\ 518. cf, akukomfi, pr.lSOL

ko-kiima == (a)ka-kuma.

kokuro, a kind of herring, larger than mpan^i & mmah.

k 6 k u I' 6, k.-ampon, s, nsafufu.

kokuro, kokuro ko, a. great, large, big; .<?//w. kese, kakra&c.

— adv. greatly, venj much; ne nsa ahoh kokftro.

ko kuVo-beti, the thumb, pr, 221.752.1682. — k.gya(d\Va, da)

so, Ak. he replied bg an abusive gesture.

ko kurO kd, a, (s. kokilrd). — n., largeness, bigness, greatness;

largeness of the body united tvith strength, pr. 753.

o-kokuroko, a stout, corpulent man, pr.lGSS.

akokiiroko-de, great things; wgfwefwe ak., they make gyeai

pretensions. — akokurok6-s«jui, boasting, bullying, swagger, boast-

fidness or insolence of manner. — wodwen ak., they have high ideas.

kokwaw, red, v. 1, frq. of kwaw. — 2, to grow smooth and

round (mmosea, pebbles, pr.2046.) ; perf. to be smooth. — S. to smooth,
make stnooth, syn. torom, — 4. to become well knotcn or familiar to;
woanya hkae nti akokwaw wo, by repeated recital you have attai-
ned a fluency in saying it; adwuma no ak. no, he is (perfectly) well
acquainted with, or well versed in, that work, the work lias becmne
easy to him.
ak6-kyew, helm, helmet, steel-cap, casque; syn. dadekyew.

kom, V. [inf. a-,] to dance wildly in a state of frenzy or ecsta-

sy, ascribed by the negroes to the agency of a fetish; to be posses-
sed tvith a fetish; to perform the actions or ^yractices of a fetish man:
s, akom, n-, okomfo. pr. 1698. red. konkom, q.v.

kom', = ko mu, to enter, j^enetrate.

kom^ V. to bend, bow, incline (tr. & intr.), perf. to be wry, in-
clined, turned or bent to one side ; syn. konton, kuntuh, koa, kyea;
dua no akom; kom dua no ko nifH; kom wokoma ma niease,

[Frov. 2^, Ps. 119112. 1411

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komm — ak6mnia. 241

komm, a. quiet, stUl, silenty peaceable; ye or m6nye k.! be

quiet! — adv. quietly y silently; oda ho k.» he lies there quietly; ofii
adi k., the went out silently.

komm, a. 1. neat, complete; entire, intact; safe; ade a mede

memanaa wgfi no, ode kge k., the things which I transmitted to them
were delivered by him safely; oka asem a, oka no k., when he has
something to say, he says it cofnpletely, — :2. net; of a capital sum
of money the principalj in distinction from interest or profit; me
sika k. na miregye, meiifwefwe mfentom' biara maka h6» I want
only the principal of my money to be paid to me, I do not desire any
interest besides; sika a woagye no k. si (ntramatiri) 600, the money
he has been made to pay amounts to 600 lieads of cowries (without
the 50 per cent increase of that amount, due to those who lent the
money). — 3. safe and sound, but at the same time only, solely,
singly, merely i.e. without anything besides: okodii gua, wamfd biri-
bi ammA, ne ho komm na ode aba, he went to trade, but has brought
hack nothing beside himself. Cf. sgnn.

o-k m, hunger; gkom de m', hunger seizes or holds me, i.e. I am

hungry; scarcity, dearth, famine, pr. 521. {cf. ahuhuwa); in general:
want o/* something; cf. nsukgm, takom, namkom.

o-k 6m', a kind of eagle; cf. gkompete.

akom [kgm] inf. the state of being possessed with a fetisli, i.e.
a temporary madness or ecstasy, expressing itself in dancing and
wild gestures, aud ascribed by the negroes to the agency of a fe-
tish; wafa ak., he or she has taken in such an agency, has been pos-
sessed with a fetish.

u k o m, v.n. [kgm] oracle, communication, revelation, or message

delivered by God or a fetish to a prophet or a fetishman; prophecy;
prediction. — hy e nk., to prophesy; to foretell, predict; to soothsay.
Kramofo ny6 akgmfo, nanso wghye nkgm; cf. kra.

nkom = nko, in to nkom, pr. 996. — totg nk5m, !F. Mt25,5,

komd; F. a-, Ak. k5nona, korona, L the heart, as the centre

of the bodily system. — J2. the heart as the centre of the affections:
a) kOma-pA, a good i.e. joyful heart, contentment, cheerfulness, glad-
ness, happiness; asem no ama me koma-pd, this matter has made me
happy; mewg no ho koma-pa, I am not at enmity with him; me k6ma
atg (me yam'), my heart has subsided (in my breast), i.e. I am con-
tented, happy, cheerful, at ease, at rest; syn. bo to; pr. 773. — b)
od^en ne kdmam' bone, he devises (is contriving) evil in his heart.
— c) oyare koma = ne bo haw no, he is passionate, given to anger,
irritable, touchy, resentful, pettish; ne koma awu, he is not excitable
or irascible, has no feelings of revenge. — d) koma-bone, an iras-
cible temper, pr. 153. 1694.

ak6m-ma [akgm ba] a child obtained by the (supposed) help of

fetish, bound, in afterlife, to observances similar to those of a
Kazartte. (Onyi ne ti, wgmm6 no atifi, onni nneema nh., gye se wa-
kgbg afgre ayi ne ti ansa na gwg ho kwan se gye senea ne mfefo ye,
a.8. onyin wo ba na oyi hy^ ne ba a, na gny^ sa bio.)


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242 koma mtew — nkommodom.

komam'tew, inf. cleanness or purity of heart.

nkom-man [akom,bah] the fence within which a soothsayer

performs his practices.

iikg-mana, = nko-moa.

ukomandd, shelf er, refuge, lodging, abode. Wota no no, dua

yi ho na obehintawe de gyee ne ho nk. WannyA biribi amfA annj^
ne ho hk.

akoma-toDi', F. satisfaction; cf, aboto(yam').

o-kom-bekum-wo, a kind oi plantain; s. oborgde.

o-kom-hoii^o, pi. ti'y hdperj assistant, accomplice, associate or

co-operator in the practices of a fetishman; pr. 1695. cf. akgrnfowa.

n k6 m m e r a a, j[)?. -fo [akom, b6ran] = okomboafo ; odi no uk.,

he is his accomplice or disciple in fetish-practices; cf asapate.
kommere, F. = dwedwewa, the gullet.

akom-mew [ekon, bew] a tumor of the neck or throat.

a k om fem, pi. n-, 1. the domestic guinea-fowl. —J2. a beetle sim-

ilar to theamanku. — akomfem-tiko, a kind o^ herb.

o-kb mf 6, pi. A-y [kom, akom] i. = obosomfo, a fetish-man, pos-

sessed with or prophesying by a fetish; soothsayer, diviner. — 3. =
os6niknf6, charmer, sorcerer; syn. buwfr^fo, mpAkyiwafo, ntafowa-
yifo. — Cf. gsofo. The komfo (1.) pretends to be the interpreter and
month-piece either of the guardian spirit of a nation, town or family,
or of a soothsaying spirit resorted to in sickness or other calamities.

akomfo, head over heels, head foremost ; - hye ak., to tumble

topsy-ttirvy; to fall headlong, to precipitate; wo .. ak., to throw head-
long, to precipitate.

akonifo-ddfi, = akonnan.
Akomf6d6, t^. n. of a certain company, yr. 1962.

akomfo-hen^, s. eton.

akomfo-hy6, inf. precipitation. pr.231.

akomf6 wa, jpZ. n-, a disciple or apprentice of a fetishman.

iikom-hye, inf. [hye nkom] prophesying, prophecy.

iikom-hye-fo (F.-nyi)^^. -fo, soothsayer, prophet ; cf. odiyifo.

iikg-mo4 [nko amoa] a hole dug for planting yam in. pr. 858.

nkg m-mg, inf. [bo kgn] 1. talk, chat, familiar discourse, conver-
sation. — bo nk., di hk., to converse; me n^ no hq hk., I converse
with him; deh hk. or hk. beh na mobg yi? what are you conversing
about? what is your conversation? — ^. concent, care, sorrow, so-
licitude; eye me hkgmmo-m6, it is my heartfelt desire; ma yehkope
yehhk.pd bi nni, we have better things to care for (than to sit here).

— 3. complaint, lamentation. — di hk., <o complain, lament, moan;

odi ne nua ho hk., odi hk. ma ne nna, lie moans about his brother.
(Mehk. ni, medemerebgme koh.) — 4. beads worn round tlie neck.

— u k Q HI m o-d i, inf. lamentation. — u k q m m o d i f o, p?. tel. /o-

mentcr, moaner.

n kg III III g-d 6 rii : d i .. hk., to simulate sympattty with a suffering

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nkommomim — ekon. 243

person. — iikommod6mf6, pL id., nkommodifo a ogoru nnipa ho,

one who simulated sympathy and in the mourner's hack ridicules or
censures him,

iikommo-mim, talkaiiveness, loquacity, by which others are

prevented from taking their due part in the conversation, pr, S569,

ukommo-to, inf, [to hk., to meet conversation']: osram ye nk.,

the moon comes up at the time of evening cmiversation, in the days
following after the full moon, about 7 or 8 o'clock.
0-kom-muafo [nea obua okom] (fprovider against hunger, pr,3106.

o-kom-pdt^, a bird between the eagle and vulture.

iikompew-do, F. grudgingly,

Akompifd, = Afiituf6, a tribe in Fante, speaking their own

language (Guan?) besides theF. — The Tshi people consider them
as uncivil, or, counting them among the "potgfo", as less civilized
than themselves.

o-k m p i- w e r e, i)r. 1701,

nk5m-p6no, inf, [pono kon, or kohmu pono] unwillingness;

indignation, vexation, annoyance, trouble, — iikomp6n-ad6, vexa-
Uous things, annoyances; da batafo ye me nk. = hyeme anibere.—
Tikromp6no-s6, unwillingly, reluctantly,

nkom-pow [ekgn, pow oi- pow?]: bu nk., to turn the head

(prop, neck) in order to look round about or back : obu nk. fwe won
nbina, obu nk. fwe n'akyi.

kompu, necklace, string of beads; ahene k. da ne kgn mu

(ahyia ne kgn pe, atwa ne kon ahyia pu, = esi ano pe); s. kona.

kon (full o), the gurgling noise of liquor pouring from a bottle;
pratUe. pr. 2742.

kon, V. s. red. konkgn.

e-kon, Ak. kgno, the neck of a man's or animal's body, the slen-
der part of the arm; s. bakon; neck of a vessel; bank of a river;
8. nsukgn; throat, cf. menewa; - ne kon do (aduan, own), lit. his
throat deepens for, i.e. he lusts after, desires, covets, longs for (food,
death); own do no kon, he listeth to die. — obo ne kgn, he speaks
out in conversation, pours out his heart, — gtoto ne kgn, he turns
his neck aboui for making a show, or in contempt, or in disobedience;
he looks about in a haughty, contemptuous, impudent manner. — ne
kgn asen, his neck has become stiff, he is obstinate. — kdn-akyl,
the back part of the neck, nape; afei yekura adwuma yi kgnakyi,
now we have this work fully in our grasp or power, have got the better
of it, are able to manage it ai pleasure, — kou-mu, kgn-mu, the
inner parts of the neck; the throat, in tJie throat; in or round about
the neck: sika ntweaban gu ne kgn mu, he wears a gold chain round
his neck (cf. Gen. 4142.). — ne kghmu ye den, his neck is strong,
enabling him to carry heavy loads on his head ; gsafohene no kgn-
mu ye den, that chief bears (as it were) or commands a large, power-
ful army; - yede tow no yii yen kgn mu afoa, by that tribute we
warded off the war or destruction impending over our heads; - yeayi
yen kgnmn ahuruhuro, = yeayi adwuma a eye den afi yen kon mu.
Cf. iikoQ-mu.

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244 k5na — nk6nkQii.

kdna, necklace^ string of heads; nhene a WQasina no hamu 1

so a ahyia konmu pe; s. kompu.

kona-b6agy 6, osekantia k., a knife without a handle. pr, 2851

diikO-nam [nea ne nko nam] a lone traveller ^ a person walking
or travelling alone, without a companion, pr, 1706-9,

akoii-ndii [akom d^n] a house in which soothsayers have their

business; syn. akomfodah. [G. gbatSu.]

akondo, F. s. akouno. ^

ako-n^-aba, inf going and coming, pr. 1595 f. 2483. — di ak.,

to go to and fro. — ak.-di, inf. intercourse, communiccdion ; com-

nkongya, F. s. nkonnya.

akoiihania [akwanhama] subsistence, sustenance, livelihood,

means of support. — bo., ak., to provide for; onipa yi, me na me-
bo no ak., this man is supported or fed by me. — akgnhama-l)0
sukut, boarding school.

akoii-huaii, inf. [ekgn] distortion or spraining of the neck,

akoii-hiiro, inf. [huro kgm] lit. derision of hunger, the annual

feast of the Akra people at the harvest of corn and yam ; cf odwira.
[G. homgwo.]

akoii-hye-ase [akom nhyease] the prediction given in sooth-

saying, pr. 1703.

k 6 nl, a.dtadv. silent, absolutely sHll, speecMess, perfectly quiet;

wayek.; men^no kasaa, ogyinaho k., ommQame bi; syn.k6mm,
demm, dihn.

n k o n i m [gko, ni m] victory, triumph; nk. abira ne nkogn ; pr.6.24^

— di nk., to be victorious, to triumph. — iik6nim-df, inf.
koniabo = akoa a n'ani abgno = anitgre.
k6u k(5, pi. n-, tumbler, large drinking glass. [G. id.]
koii kom neho, v. red. (£• reft., to be puffed up, flushed, proud;
to strut, flaunt, look big; syn. kyere nehO; wak. neho te ho, — watra
hg se ghenc bi na gmp^ se gye fwe (gmpe se gde ne nsa ka pane).

11 ko nko mi; ascaris, pi. ascarides.

akoiikommiia: wabu ak., he stoops, is crooh-bachtd; adesoa-

soa bebr§ nti ne mn akarum na pgw kakra bi aba n^akyl.

koiikon, V. red. to be pending, to hang (down); to wave, soar,

hover; demmere a abukaw na ekonkgn hgno, omrou no kor&( 18.42,3);
gdan, akentenima no k. hg, the house, the chair, is crazy, rickety,
does not stand firm; anoma bi k. dan no so, a bird soars over thai
house. — konkoii, F. to be bruised: ndzembira wakonkon,ilfM^r?0.

koiikQii, a. dark, pitch-dark, deep, full, added to anadiSro,

night, gdasu, midnight; wofi anadwo kkk. agoru agoru, tliey began
in the dead of night and have played until now.

akoiik6ii, adv. [ekgii]: bono ak.=:fa bg wo kgh ho, put it

(the pole of the hammock) on your shoulder.

1) k oil kg II, a cough of children; hooping-cough? asthma?

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nkofikon^nc — ak(3iinocle. 245

nkonkon^ne, a discolouring of the skin of negroes, ascribed

to sitting by the fire. Wot& tra ogyaho a, na eye wo nkoko-nkoko;
mmerewa a woda ogya pi no na ^ta ye won; nea aye pi na aye ko,
na nea anye pi no na aye atuntum-atuntam a.s. nwranwran.

nkonkonsd. falsehood, dupUciiy, double-dealing, dissimulation,

hypocrisy; ojh nk. — syn. nk6utompo, nnabrabA. — o-konkon-
s a n i, pZ. a- -fo, a false, insincere, hypocritical, double-ton gued fel-
low; pr. 1705. ^ye ok., syn, ot6r6fo, okontomponi, odabrabafo. —
nkonkonsd-sem: odi nk., he plays the hypocrite, is false, dissem-
bles, feigns, pretends to act for somebody, whilst he is against him.

nkoukon-nua^ a shrub, of the bark of which a medicine is

made to cure nkonkgn.

akonk^r^Q, Ky. the fruit of the okuo-tree, similar to an a-

corn, but larger.

Kdnkori, a by-name of the Asantes. O- -nl, pL A- -f6.

konkdruwd, dysentery. — k6nkr5ii, pr.3607.
o-kdnkroma, a kind of tree; wgde sen ahoni yi 'musu.
kdhkroiiii, kgukrgnkoiikroii, a. protuberant, prominent;
bowed, curved, arched, vaulted; of roots of large trees; ofram hhih
nyin sesa okwah mu kk.; of the legs, s. nkanto; of the cJiest: no
k6ko ay§ k., he has a vaulted chest: of a long or Roman nose: ue
fwene k. ; Brofo fwene k., Abibifo de tritra ; n^anim k., adesoa k.
k6nkiiro (konkiir6), duab6n k w6de8esaw' wiird, a piece of
bark to take up and carry off sweepings.

ko ilk wan, red. v. kwah, q. v. 1. to wind or wrap round, to

put on or round: ode ntama no ak. ne konmn a.s. neh(3. — 2. to go
or make a round-about way: oreba no, okohkwane ansa-na ode besii
kwanmu.) — 3. to make digressions, to use circumlocution: nsem a
mede mibisaa no hhlna, ode konkwane a.n. ode besii kwah mu; ok.
asem no ho, Qmfd nto kwanmu; wo de, wudi asem a, wope se wode

koumu, s. ekon.
nk 6 h-mii, Ak. nkonom', the axil or axilla formed by a branch,
shoot, or many shoots, with the stem of a plant; the young shoots
rising from an axilla or sheathing leaf, the new blades of palms,
plantains &c. pr. 1608. 2720.

akon-mu-d6n, strength in the neck, pr.400.

e-kgno, Ak. s. ekgn.
k5no, V. to work or prepare, dote, earth or clay, for building
purposes by mixing it with water and working it with a hoe; cf. wow.
a k o-no [ok6 ano] the front of battle, pr. 312.
akonno, inf. [kon do] Itist, appetite, longing desire, cupidity,
concupiscence; wiase ak., worldly lusts; honam ak. n^ aniwa ak.,
t John 2,16. — eye no ak., it excites a desire in him, Cf anibere.

ak6nno-de, a thing eagerly desired, object of lust; pleasure,

pr. 133. — akonnQ-so, for pleasure, pr. 641. F, wUh delight, cheer-
fnUy. 2 C<yr. 9/.

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246 konom — nk6ntompow.

konom^ nkonom^, Ak. s. kon-mn, nkonmn.

akonon, iikondn, kdn5nk6n5u, s. akroh, nk5ron, kronkroo.
konona, korona, Ak. = koma, heart.

k6nnore, a kind of spider, spinning strong yellow threads,

akonow, F. = akroh, nine. (Mf. Qr.)
akon-se [akom ase] explanation of soothsaying practices.

k6ns6bre, Aky. k6us5miri [Eng.] constable.

nkon-sidWy owo no nk.==opono taw, 6h6n no, 68iimno atiko,
he seizes or pushes him by the nape.

akdn-sin [ekon] headless body, trunk; torso; cf. akiintunsin.

ak6nsoii,jp?.n-, kontromA, chimpanzee. pr.ld7L baboon? N.E.V.
nkons5nk6nson, chain; fetters; cf. ntweaban; w6g^ no nk.,
they bind him with chains.

akonsontew, a plant. — ako-nsuro, a kind of fowl.

akontd^ the wife's brother, brother-in-law. — akontagye, id.
a k on tit', F.&pl.h-, [Port, conta] account, reckoning, calcuia-
lion, computation; biU; cf. akano; number, cf. dodow, ano. — ak.
senkyerene, cipher. — (y e or) b u ak., to cast up an account, to cal-
culate, compute, reckon; Mt 18,23. — fa ak. no hye nhomam\ put
down the account on paper; fa ak. no hye wo tirim, na woko a, wo-
aka akyere no, keep the account in your mind thai, when you go, you
can tell him.

ak5nta-bu, inf. [bu ak.] reckoning, ciphering, arithmetic.

akontagye, = ak6nta; pr. 2814. is a pun : akonta ^y^^ brother y
o-kontan^ a large tree with edible fruits. [take!

akdnta-sem = asem aewo ak6nta n^ ak6nta ntam\

k n-t e n [ekgii tenten] qhq ne k. f we, he stretcJies his neck to look.

nk6n-tla [ekgn, tia] a kind of small black fly or mosquito.
nkontimma, club; cf. nsaba, aporiba, apotiba.
k 5 n t i w a [tet. kwenti wa] a kind of gourd used for calabashes
and in tanning leather, pr. ITU.

konto-konton, red. v. konton, q.v.

nkontommer^, the young tender leaves of the koko plant. ;>r. 1713.

nkdntompo, falsehood, falseness, mendacity, perversion of truth,

unfairness; insincerity, duplicity, double-dealing; dishonesty; hyjHh
crisy; slanderous lie, calumny; perfidy, treachery; syn. nkonkonsa,
nnabrabd; cf. nseku, ntwiri, nydtwom. pr. 764 f. — twa (no or no
ho) nk., to be false, dishonest; to tell lies, bear tales; to slander, ca-
lumniate; to deceive, delude; to act or deal perfidiously, treacherously.

o-k6ntoinponf, j?Z. a--fo, slanderer, liar, calumniator, hack-

biter; talebearer; hypocrite; perfidious or treacherous fellow, traitor;
pr. 1714. - ose asem bi na oye wq nnipa anim, na ony^ no kokoam';
syn. otorofo, konkonsAnf, dabrabdf6, fAtwafo.

nk6ntompow, Y.brag, boasting, pretension, ostentatioti; oy^ikk.,

he brags, makes a show as if he possessed riches which he has not

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kontoii — nkonyL 247

konton, konton, v. [red. kontokontofi] to bend, curve, make

crooked; to he bent, curved, crooked; okwan, duabasa no ak.; dua,
ofasa no mu ak.; asu no kontokonton pi; si/n. kom, kuntun, kilrum,
kjea, pono; cf. kontonkye.

kQiit6n, ba^, bight, gulf; epo abu k., the sea forms a bay;
cf. donnon, braka.

uk5nt6nk4ntrin, tliat which has numerous curves and wind-

ings, or forms curious complicated figures, or is entangled, intricate ;
arabesques, orwamcwfe of furniture, garnish; flourish {m writing);
dua no abH nhina aye nk. = akyeakyea pi.

kontoukrdu, a. circular, round, in the shape of a ring; di/f.

korokorowa, kurukurnwa, puruw. — n. a round, ring, circle, cir-
cumference, circuit; cf dantaban, hankare, katraka, — bo k., to
make a circle; bo or twa ..ho k., to go round a thing; cf. twa..h6
hyia or si.

k 6 n 1 11 k u r 5 w i, 1, the halo or luminous circle round the sun

or moon. pr. 1712. 2844, — 2, si<ikle; syn. kantah-kr^nkyi, -k^nfkyi.

kontonkye, a. i. crooked, curved, bent, wry, tortuous (dua,

poma, ok wan), pt*. 998, 1014, — ^. distorted, perverted, dishonest (nne-

yee); untoward, froward, refractory,

akontonkye-s6m intrigue; trick, artifices; crooked ways i.e.
dealings, crooks (of the heart &c.); frowardness; n*ak. a obekekae
nh. abo no bo or abua n'atifi. — di ak. = twa nkontompo, ye ade
a entee.

ak5ntono, Akw. = nkontompo.

o-kontoro, a kind of beaver, — 0-k5nt6r6, abe ho biribi (?)

ak5n-t6ro, h-,[akoni,atoro] deceitful oracle, lie in soothsaying,

kontromfi, a species of monkdy, chimpanzee; other names:

adu, ak6n8gh,eku,eku-m^reme, kw&gysidii.pr, 154. 195,237, 1445,1715,

n k o n t w e, accordion, harmonica, '■

kontwekontwe, adv, limpingly, toUeringly ; nam k. , to walk

lamely, to totter, stagger (from infirmity by sickness or old age.)

ukontWe-bew, in a state or condition of infirmity; oyare no

gyaw me nk., the sickness has left me in, or reduced me to, a feeble

akon-nua, Ak. -iiwa, phn- [ekon, agua] the common stool of

the negroes, a low stool neatly carved out of one piece of wood;
also the king's stool, throne, s, ahehnua. [When a man has his stool
carried after him, it is carried by his attendant not on the head, but
on the shoulder, at the neck (kon) or nape, prob. from some super-
stitions notion, cf. butuw.]

koimua-soafo, pi. a-, a carrier of the king's stool, s. gyaasefo.

o-k6nndni, a large tree; eho fita s^; cf. fofrahd.

konnuroku, a. mean, vile, paltry, worthless, despicable, mis-
erable. = btirohono.

nkonya, F. nkongya, miracle, wonder, miraculous act; - yi

nk., to perform a miracle. — inf, nkonya-yi, cf. ntafowa-yi.

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248 nkonyade — konibd.

nkonya-de, a miraculous act or acts; ye hk.; cf. anwonwade.

nkonya-yifo, a performer or worker of miracles; cf, osumanni.
akon-nyigye [akom, gyigye] training for the performances
of a **komfo«.

ko ny 6, a kind of amulet; suman bi a wgde pe odo ana mmea;

wode blbiri n^ ahene n^ aboa bi nhwi na eye.

iik6nyobi, the thorn-apple, Jamestown weed; Datura sir atnonium.

k6-penlpe,pZ. a-, a mound of earth or embankment thrown

u]p for fighting or defence, huUcarky rampart, fortificaiion; c/lpempe.

k6p6n, jpZ. n-, a single figJUing, battle, action; wako nk. du,

he has fought ten batUes,

ak5-peree, a place for fighting in defence, bidwark, fortificatian,

entrenchment. — o-ko-peref6, pL a-, defender, champion.
kOpo, F. [Eng.] cup.
kor, F. = koro.

kora, V. i. to hide, cover, conceal; syn. hintaw. — ^. to con-

tain. 2Chr.2fi..6,ld. — 3. to lay aside, keep, preserve; k. me ye, F.
keep me safe; - to store, treasure up; sgn, sie. — 4. to burg; kora
honam wo asase mu, to commit a body to the ground; syn. sie. —
5. to care for, manage; nensa nkoranehkoa, he is not able to man-
age his subjects. — 0. kora so, a) to conceal, keep close or secret, to
withhold from; mankorA m5 fwe so = matnfa biribiara mankoramo,
I have withheld nothing from you, Acts 20,27; 5j^w. hintaw, siw so.—
b) to keep, preserve, spare; ohofwiui ntumi nk. ne sika so; wowo
tam na wokora so a, ekye; syn. kyee so.

k 6 r ^, {pi. ak6raf6) 1. a fellow-wife, viz. when a man has sev-

eral wives, they call one another m6 k6ra; s. kbrM;pr.l2. — 2.
sister-in-latv, a woman's brother's wife; cf. gyere. — 3. thejealmisy
of a woman; cf. ninkunu ; - t w e k., ^o 6e jealous; o-n6 mo twe afuw
no mu nneema ho k.

kord (tet. kwara?) j?Ln-, gourd; calabash, a vessel made from

one half of a dry gourd scooped out and used for various purposest
s. sakora, nsoase, kdroklima; cf. apdkyi, tod.

kora', korawd, a small calabash; cf kyekye.

kora [kwa ara?] red. kora-kora, adv. merely; quite, wholly,

entirely, completely, totally, thoroughly; in negative sentences: (not)
at all. Gr. § 134,5 c. 248,4. — ne fi abo korakora, his house is com-
pletely ruined.

akord, 1. an old man, = tLkw9kor&. pr. 1722 f. — bo ak., to

grow old. pr. 880. — 2. father, sire, used by one speaking respect-
fully of his own father; cf. agya, ose & aberewd.

diik5rd, pl.n-, [Dan.,D., Ger., Eng. anker] cask, syn. pankraii

&c.; anker, a liquid measure (10 gallons).

kord-bfed, kordbdw, hiding-place, [kora, v., bea, bew.]

kordb5,pZ.a-, buUet, musket-ball ;pr. i724. c/*. iiboba, mp^neme,

kotokyerewdse, hdgke.

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akorad6 — koro. *249

a k o r a-d 6 [ade a wokora] pi, id,, a thing that is hidden or pre-
served, a treasure; cf, ademude.

o-k 5 r af6, ph a-, = k6ra, fellow-wife; jealous woman; 6ye m6 k.

o-kora-kltafo, he who holds the calabash, pr, 1725,
kordkora, red.v,, 1, s, kora. — ^. k... mu, = siesie, sesew,
to bring about reconciliation and peace; wok. man mu a, enna emu

kdrakora, s, kora.
Auk or-an koro [koro] a, of single, separated, scattered, scanty
existence, rare, thin, not dense, not copious; abtirow ahk., ears of
maize bearing only single or scanty grains; cf, nkore-nkore.

a k r a-s e m [kora asem] a palaver among or concerning fellow-

wives of tlie same man. pr, 296,

ak6ra-simma, pl-ii-y [nkorata sin, ba,] an upright 5<fcA: or post

in the frame of a negro-house, espec. one forked at the top to re-
ceive a pole or beam for the rafters of the roof. Gy. kw&tia; dua a
abo nta a wode si dan mu de agye beae (de beae atom').

nk6rd-ta [F. nkorbata, /r. koro, ba = basa, nta, twins] branch-

es of a ramification, proceeding from the same stem or place; dua
no abo nk. (nta, abS, abasa) abiesa, the tree has shot out into three
branches; Cfen. 40,10.

akora-ten, pi, n- [nkorata tenten] one of the (2) principal posts,

poles or uprights (king-posts), supporting the ridge-pole of a roof,
akora-ten [akora tenten] a tall old man.
nkorbata, F. s. nkorata; nnuia nk. = nnubE, Mk, 11,8.
kor^yi^Z. nkore-nkore, a, alone, single; cf. koro; onipa bako
nko-k6r^ na obae, only one single person came; mihyiaano nenkdto-
kbr^, I met him quite alane; anyamesem mu nsem nkor6-nk6r6,
single passages of the Bible; nnipa no gyinagyina hkore-nkore, the
people stand about singly, straggling or isolated; cf, koro.
kor6, a cutaneous eruption; a kind oi itch in the skin,
koree, inf [ko, v.] act or manner of going; minim ne kore6
ne ne bae , I know his going and coming i.e. his whole conversation
or manner of life,

g-kore, 1??. a-, eagle; syn. 6k5ropon; cf, gkom.

o-kore-bla, pi, a-, a smaller kind of eagle,
o-korefd, a kind of beast (bird?), pr.l729.
kore-dada, = nea okoe dedaw, one who has gone before,
kore-kyerekyere, = one who went in the beginning, pr, 1730.
koro, v. Ak. = kg, to go.
k6ro, Ak, s. k6r6w.

koro, V, to close, unite, coalesce, heal with a scar, as a wound;

dua no ak., kuru no ak.

koro, num, one; adj. the same; only, single, alone, but one, sole;
uni^e; pr, 1359.1616.3223.3256. cf, ^}gio, biako, gbako, nko, nkuto,
kore, fua, prek5 & penkoro; wowui da-koro (pe), they died on the
(f>ery) same day; oye neba-koro, neba a gwoo no koro, he is his
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250 koro — ukoron.

only child, his only-begotten son; 6bi da-koro da-koro or nna-koro

DDa-koro, lie comes only on certain days, occasionally, now and then;

— joL nkoro-(n)koro, F. = mmiako-mmiako, one by one; cf. ahkor-

ankoro, fikore-nkore. — kor, F,l, bako, h'lAkd, Mt 5,18.19.3639.6^7-

— J2. = koro, kronn, single, ML 6,22. — 3. = ko, what, Mt 7,2. pi.

nkokor, Eph.5,33. every one in particular ; nkorkor: nworaba woii
animnyam nkorkor, one star differs from another in glory,! Cor. I5,il

— ekoro no, F. = biakd no, obako no, the other.

koro, a pot before the place, tree&c. of a so-called /c/tsA, con-

taining water, palm-wine, leaves, eggs, cowries &c., which things
(called abo), when stirred up by the komfo, supply what he has to
soothsay; syn. kunkunia; ahina a wode nsu n6 nhabarama [nnnm-
wa-nnuruwa] n^ nsa n^ nkesuwa n^ ntrama agum* na eta obosom-
pa no anim.

0-k6r6, a kind of tree; dua kokur5 a woso.

ak6r6bo, 5. osebo.
k6rodo-k6rodo,i>ra«ie, babble, tittle-tatUe, chit-chal.pr.irSS.
k 6 r o d 6 m, 5. osebo. [*• kiirodo.

akoro-g(5w [gk6r6w g.] a^rohen bowl. pr. 1372.

O-koro-kesd = gk6r6w kese, pr. 1732. cf. koro-kuma.

k o r k r 0, red. v. = koko, to pet, fondle, indulge ; ok. ne ba,

7ie cherishes, , is indulgent towards, his child; ok. n'ano kyereme, he
makes his mouth i.e. words palatable to me, u^ses fair and flattering
speech towards me.

korgkorg, As. bar, bolt; F. krakra? [G. kloklg.]

akorok6r6w, obtrusion, intrusion, intrusiveness; - odi me so
ak. (e.s. oko a, enky6 na waba, ;,;), he intrudes himself ujwn me,
pesters or troubles me; edeh na wudi me so ak. se? why do you thus
importune me?

korokorowa, a. round and small, of grains, seeds, globules;

cf. kurukuruwa, puruw.

akorokorowa, -kora, pi, n-, a weavers shuttle.

koro-kuma [gkorow, kQma] the largest sort of calabash. [6.
tfienesa.] Osram atwa kr. = atwa puruw.
iik6r(5m, snoring. — hiiane hk., to snore.
Nkoromma, i>r. w. the ninth child; Gr. § 41,5. [G. Akron.^
akoroma, pL n-, a bird of prey, hawk. pr. 1734.2776.
akdroma-bia, a smaller kind of hawk.
g-korgmfo, s. kromfo.
koromporow, a small insect, having feet like tiny sticks;
cf. krampon, krompono.

korgn, korgno, n. s. kroh, krono.

korgu, v., k5ronk6rgn, a., s. krgn, kronkron.
akoron, akoiion, n-, sSSSnf^s. akron.
n kor oil, iikoiiou, a pit dug on purpose to seek gold, a shajL

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korona — kdsoroma. 251

— fikoron-dwuma, mining, mining operations. — nkoron-tufo,

gold-digger; miner.

korona, As. = konona; s. koma.

akor6nk6ran, F. raven, = an^n^, kw^kwdd^bf.
nkoro-nkoro, F. s. koro; mmako-minako.

kordnte, a kind of bird; lark?

g-koro-patu, a kind of bird. pr.l735.

k 6 r 5 p e 6, pZ. n-, a broad-headed brass nail, hiUion; cf. pot worn,

o-koropon, a large kind of eagle, = okore. ^. 1735.
k6r6sa, three Unes cut on one side of a die, s. osikyi.
kor6sa-anan, four lines ditto.
Rkorbi^ik, pl.ii', pin.

akoro-t6n [k6r6w tenten] canoe; cf. ob6nt6, F. bat&dewd.

koroto, F. only one. Mk. 12,32. — kortomo, only; s. nkuto.
k6 r6w, 1. the core or inmost and hardest part of the stem of
a tree, that has become red or brown by age; 5. korow-beh. — 2.
an amulet or charm (pieces of string) dyed with it.

0-k6r6w, pi. a-, 1. a large, round, flat, wooden vessel, made of

one piece of wood (wode onyft a.s. owowa na esen k.), used to wash
clothes, to bathe little children &c.; a howl; a van or fan, for win-
nowing grain; syn. ap^wd, apampa (cf. kor6kAma). [G. tSese.] —
2. canoe, boat made of the trunk of the silk-cotton-tree (onyS) hol-
lowed ont; pr. 1731. == okorokese, akoroten; cf. batfidewa, obonto,
ahyemma, hyen.

akorowd, i??. n- [korow, dim.} bowl; stnall van; small canoe.

Dkorowd,5.nkoruwa. — k6row-b6ii, the red inner part of & tree.
hkoruwd,!. 9, play or dance of old women. pr.2099. — 2. &
kind of bead, $. ahene.

koro-ye, F. kor-ye, unify ^ communion; = biako-ye.

^kosau, i7if [ko, san] going and returning; di ak. = di ako-
n^abd, to have intercourse. — ak.-ntini, vein; ntini a mogya a eko
honam mu nam mu san ba komam\
k6se, k5sekose, interj. of deprecation, pity, indignation; a
term of civility used in excuse e.g. for having accidentally pushed
against a person : I beg your pardon! excuse! (syn. tafarakye;) alas!
dear! fye !

k6s§, F.ye.. k., to be doubtful to. - gny6 hen k., we do not doubt.
kos6nene, s. kes^nenene.

k5s0; ddv. gorgeously y splendidly, of adorning; ode sika u^
nhene ahyehye neho k., she has adorned, bedecked, bespangled her-
self in a gorgeous manner, brillianUy.

akoso-bi-afwe+ [fr. so., fwe] speculaiion (in trading &c).

ko-soroma, the morning-star; cf. owuodi, kyekye-pe-aware;
\fr. oko&nsoroma: k. fi a, nase worekotua oman bi a, en'na wode

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252 k6sonk6 — kotob^nkye.

h& se ade reky§ (it shines so bright as to enable an attack on the

enemy early in the morning); or, fr, eko: k. fi a, na eko asore ko-
didi; or,-/r. ko, to go: yeko sare so a, na yefwe na y^A^ nantew.]
kdsoiikd, a large bird on the savanna,
kosow, V, F. 8. koso.

kQSQw, kwQSo, ^?. n-, F. sheep, Mt 25,32 f. cf. oguaii.

O'kb so Wy partnership; si k. = di ntQnt6, to join or associaU
in a trade or business under an understanding that there shall be a
communion of profit; pr, 2336. cf, nfwebom', nnuammoa.

0-kosow-fekiiw, joint-stock company y society of shareholders.

kosow-sf, inf. the forming of an association or partnership.
kosow-si-de-pefo, socialist. Hist.
Akbsud, Akwasiba,j)r.w. of a female born on Sunday. Gr.§41,4.
ako-sum-abe-hyen-nipa, Akw.: waye neho ak. = gnam sum
mu ko.

kot^, obsc. a man's yard^ penis; syn, akori, barima, n'anoso.

kot6, kotdkotd, noiscy clamour, din, noisy talk, noisy quarrel,
brawl; asafo no di kot^kot^ == wokasa gyegyegye.

hkdtehy l.the principal or full sum^ amount, or number; seuea

sika no te na wobegyee no n'ak. nen, they took from Mm the money
in its full or complete amount; of money, however, it is better to use
aboten. — 2, the chief or pHncipod thing, the main point; ns^myi
di Kristofo kyere mu ak. = ye mu nsenk6nini a.s. nsentitiriw. —
3. the main part; asafo nomu ak. kuram' ara; dom no ak., the main
body (adu ho); the whole army (si se n^ s^, including every person).
— 4. substance; essentials.
akotere, As. = gketere.
n k 6 1 e w-m u, nkotete m\ inf, [tew or tete w oko mu] desisting
from and parting after fighting; wodi nkOtewmu, e.s. nuipa bann
ako, na obi ampam neyonko ua wofibanu nhina gyae; wodiinko-
tetem\ thej^ parted with equal strength after an undecisive batUe,

k5ti, a.dtadv. large; rank, luxuriant; od^ no afi k., the yam
has come out with luxuriant growth, cf. dwobesAre.

akotid, s, akwatiA. — akotia-a-ote-ate-so, (-siw-so), a plant.

koto, a staff or stick borne by the eunuchs of the Asante kings,

o k 6 to, pi, a-, crab, sea-crab.

akoto-bo, searching for crabs, pr. 329. 505.857.1431.1739-47.

koto [£ng*] coat; asrafo k. k^ko.
koto, t?. s. kotow. F. Mk.5,6.

kpto, t?. [inf, n-] to entreat, beseech, supplicate^ implore; usu-

ally combined with s 6 r e: mekotQ mes^r§ wo, I beg and beseech you,
I beg you earnestly, I implore or entreat you.

nk6to, inf. entreaty, supplication; nkotg-s6re, id.

nk6-t6, inf. [tg nko] sleepiness, drowsiness; slumber.
ak6toa, s. ak6towa.
kotob^nkye, a kind of cassava or manioc, pr. 38.42.

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kotobonyi — kotow. 253

kotobonyi, kwot,, F. a foolish man. ML 7^

k ot o d w6, |>Z. n-, (he knee; syn. naDkroma. pr. 1349.

koto-fd [efaagkoto apiiw afi n^amoam' aba] earth of a brown-

ish-ydlow colour like sienna (terra di Sienna); three kinds of a
dingy^dlow clay, one of them agreeing with odubSn.

kotoi, a name of the leopard; s. osebo.

K5tokQy pr. n., a bjr-name of the Asantes.

koi6k^y pi. a-, porcupine, pr. 1749 f. Worebek jere k. a, w68iim

ap& nk ^b^ no.

akot6ko-hy^: me nipa ayera na mahy§ no ho akotoko se

wontie nsem mmeka nkyere me, a man of mine has been lost and I
have (as it were, made an entrenchment round, so that any way he
takes ho may fall in, i.e.) sent round to make inquiry after him and
bring me word; - ne biribi ay era, na wahye h6 akotoko se wgnko-
fwefwe mma no, he has lost something and issued an advertisement
aboiU it to seek it for him.
o-k^tok6ro, i>^a-, a hook; pr. 172. — ak. ni n'aniwa, hooks
and eyes, cf. nsoae, nsdamMe.

kotgko-sabire, pr. 1754.

akotok6t6w, inf. [kotow, v. red.] repealed bows, repeated acts
of throwing one^s self at somebody's feet, prostration.

kotoku, Ak.-o, pi. n-, 1. bag, sack, pouch, pocket; pr. 768.syn.
bgto, botowd = k. a wode tu kwan, pr. 1752. atwea = k. a wode
ntama sie mu n.a.; cf pae, tekrekyl. — 2. purse, money-bag; cf
foto. — 3. a wrapper or cover that has the form of a bag; agyan k.,
quiver; akatawia k., the cover of an umbrella; also the skin of a
beast, s. wore, woro. — 4. a dress that may be compared with a
sack, coat, cloak; Brofo hye k. mu = wohye atade.

Kotoku, Akyem K., pr. n. of the Akan tribe dwelling at A-

kyem Soadarn, formerly also (under king A gy eman) at Gyadam.

kotdkii, a kind of aquatic (or water-)fowl, as large as a tur

key; anoma a odidi asuom*.

k(^t5ku-saab6be. the flower of a certain tree; a kind of bird.

[pr. 1751. 3580.

kotoki'irodii, i??. n-, a kind of wasp. pr. 1753. cf. gyannare,
= gy e-ad are, mpenna.

kotgkyerewdse, a kind o{ shot, s. korabo.

akotokyiwa, = a gy ahina, cf. gyaw & nkuku.

Kotonimrna, name of a month, about July; s. osram.

akoto-pene, a certain play; di or ye ak., to play at blind-
man's-buff, pr. 3257.

nk5t6po, F. = nkon tempo, Lk. 19,8.

kotoromod, kuturumoa,^; cf. nsdkot^), knturuku.

n k o t Q-s e r §, inf. [koto, sere] supplication.
kototwe, a kind of animal; obobo nnua wo wuram'.
kotow, V. 1. to stoop, cower, couch, crouch, squat, pr.2160. -

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254 ak6towa — 5krd.

to kneel; to perch (of birds), sometimes = sen (of men). — k. ne nan-

kroma anim, to kneel down; k. ..nan ase, pr, 1755, — 2, to how to^
and, combined with sore, to worship, adore, revere, reverence; cf,
sore, som. Fib, 5,7, 95,6, 138,2. — akotow-akoUyw^inf, frequent cotich'
ing dbc, as of leopards, yr, 1756.

ak6towa,-wa, ^Z. n-, a small cask of gun-powder (Ys keg); cf.

atentenim\ okwdddm.
iik6tiiini-dl, a baU for playing. (F, o, wonk6tilimi y6!)
k6 1 w^-as 6 k u m, a kind of huiterfly, flying about in thousands
about the time of planting corn.

a k 1 w fe, a hly, a basket roughly made of palm-branches or reeds

to carry pots of oil or palm-wine, cf. ky^nkyen.

o-kotwe-b6ref6, pi. a- [nea 6kotwe asem anase am^nnd hk]

originator, author, abettor, instigator, nngleader. Cf. gfarebae. Ok.
nkoe a, omansdbodf6 nko, pr,

ko w, V. 1. to cower, crouch, squat; s. ko & kotow. — 2, tr, lo

bend forward: k. ahina no !

o-k6wd, akdwa, [oko, dim,] top, gig, whirligig,

kra, k&ra, v, [infit-, red. krakra] 1. to take leave of, bid fare-
well; makra wo, I am now going, therefore good-bye! — 2. to de-
part, leaving an injunction or commission to those that remain. —
3, to dismiss on an errand, Acts 17, 15., to give an errand, — 4. to
send word to. — 5. to tdl a message. — 6. to advertise, advise, ap-
prise, inform, give notice of (in person, cf. 1,, or by some other per-
son, cf, 4.). — 7. Phr. wakra me una, a) he bade me good-nigJU, cf
nn4kr4nnd; b) he took leave to May away one or two days; wankri
m6 nnA, he did not say tliat he would stay over nigJit, — 8, to appoint
or ordain beforehand, to predestinate; cf. nkrabea.

kra, k&na, v, to pray, to put up, recite, or repeat prayers, to

mutter prayers, to ask or inquire of God, to prophesy, soothsay (said
especially of Mohammedans, s, Kramo) ; cf, kankye, pa kyew, sSre,
kotow, sore, bo mpae; hye nkom.

kra, k&na, kSna, n. a mark == agyirae; wahye ne nneema

nhina mu k., he has marked all his things, pr. 3590.

n k r a, inf. [kra] 1, taking leave, — 2, errand, mandate, order,

commission, word, message; information, notice; pr, 1761. nkra bi
nni akyiri bio, that is all I have been commissioned to say, I have
nothing else to say, — di nkrd, 1. to part, be separated; quit- each
other, = di mpapaemu; ye-ne mo adi nkra, we have no connection
with you any more; Q-n6 ne kra adi nkra = waka babi. — 3. to
have conversation or communication, me n^ no nni nkra or nkradi
(q. v.), I have no communion or friendship^ unth him.

ukrd, w. blood, syn. mogya, kafo; tuo no aka or abo aboa no,
6gili nkrd, the gun has hit the animal, it bleeds.

5-k'rd. 5kdrd, F. e-, pi. a-, 1, the soul of man. According to the
notions of the natives the kdra of a person exists before his birth
and may be the soul or spirit of a relation or other person already
dead (cf. bra, v. 3.) that is in heaven or with God and obtains leave

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okra — krWa. 255

to come again into this world {cf, Ababio); when he is thus dis-
missed in heaven, he takes with him his errand, i.e. his destination
or future fate is fixed beforehand; from this the name ok&ra seems
to be drawn (cf, kra, v, 3. 8,), and the realization of his errand or
destiny on earth is then called obra or abra-bo, q,v. The k&ra,
put by God or by the help of a fetish into a child, can be asked
while it is yet in the mother's womb {cf. fweh). In life the k&ra is
considered partly as (he soul or spirit of a person {cf. sunsum, hon-
horn), partly as a separate being, distiuct horn the person, who pro-
tects him (me kra di m'akyi), gives him good or bad advice, causes
his undertakings to prosper (pr. 83.) or slights and neglects him {cf,
okrabiri), and, therefore, in the case of prosperity, receives thanks
and thank-offerings like a fetish (cf, asumguare). When the person
is about to die, the k&ra leaves him gradually, before he breathes
his last, but may be called or drawn back {cf, tVire kra). When he
has entirely left (whereby the person dies), he is no more called
k&r a, but sesaorosaman. — 2, destiny, fate, lot, luck; ne k&ra
ye, he has a good luck (can be said even of game that escaped the
shot of a hunter); ne kra yiye, happily, luckily; ne kra ny6 = ne
ho ade nye ; cf, okrabiri. — 3, pi, akrafo, a male slave chosen by
his master to be his constant companion and destined to be sacri-
ficed on his death in order to accompany and serve him in the other
world; syn, akrakwa.

o-kra, okarawa, pi. a-, a female slave destined to be sacrificed

on tlie death of her master, pr. J783. cf, okra 3,

o-kra, a kind of grasshopper ; cf. abebew.

kra, klirawa,2>Z. n-, a kind of monkey; kra-iiini, -berejpr. 1781.

nkrd-bed [kra8., bea, manner] fate, destiny, appointed lot, at"

lotted life, final lot, manner of death; pr. 1762 f. 2538. syn, hyebea.
Wobewo wo a, ha wo asem a Onyk. de ka kyere wo se ebeye wo,
ebia ose : wode tuo na ^beko, ebia osekan, a.s. Odomankama wu
n.a., eyi na wofre no nkr.

kr^-b6f^§ [send word (kra 4.6.)'. come and see!] a wonder,

wonderful sight, worthy to he advertised to persons dwelling elsewhere
to con%e and see. Wodi mm&ra yi so yiye a, afika wgne kr., if they
would live in close conformity with these laws, tliey would come to a
state or conditimi that wauld he spoken of as a wonder far and wide,

o-krabiri [okra a ebiri] 1. a hlack sotd, not caring well for the
person to whom he belongs. (Wose: onipa kra ye koko na ofura
nnwera; na se obi kra ye tuntum a, en'de eye mmusu, okrabiri nen;
wope sika a, wunnya hi, wonam a, wonky^ na wunya amanne.)
pr. 1530. 2453. — 2, a blackguard, person of low character (an abu-
sive word).

k r 4 d d [krSda , G. klal A] white linen or cotton cloth, calico, shirt-

ing, white haft, soft croydon, maddapoUam; syn, nnwera. (Kan tete-
fo no, da a woguare asum' no a. s. won kra da adu no na wofr$
DO kradi ; Aburifo n6 Amantensof6 da so fre no ea ara 'ne.)

kr^da^ k&r^ra, rattle, rustling, the noise caused by tearing

cloth or paper, or by grasing a branch with a hook, fr, 466.
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256 kradada — iikramloa.

kradada^ k&rad..., cf. karududn.

kradakrada, a kind of bird,
akr a-d6, 1, [okra ade] a thing belonging to the soul; a bdoved,
favourite thing. — J2, [nkra ade] a final present given by a trader
or retail-dealer to the pedlar employed bj him. — 3. luck, good
luck, good fortune, godsend, pr. 118,

nkrd-df, inf. [dinkra] 1. separation, parting, = m^^ptiemrn.—

2. communion, communication: me n^ wo nni nkradi, / and pon
have nothing to do with each other.
krado, a. ready. [G. klalo.)
kradoye, inf. readiness, adroitness,
kr &dbsLj padlock. [G. id.]
nkrd-dtid, & kind oUJwms, briers; wonamsareso kwaufuim'a,
nkr. titiw'; cf. sakrdn, akrate, Heb.6,7.

akra-duan, favourite dish or food, pr.254.

akrafo^ pi. of okra 3. & okra.
krd-kd [kra, v., kaw] a debtthepayment of which is demanded
by occasionally sending word. pr. 721,

0-kra-kofi, a kind of chintz, s. okraku, ntama.

Q-kra-kofw§, -kose, -kosu, inf. sending word that one shall go
and look, say, weep, pr. 1761. 1764.

kr akra^ a. & adv. 1. briskly, quickly ; - me n^ no siim^ kr.;

nantew kr. — J2. s. anikrakra. — [G. id., hot.]

krakra, F. bar, bolt. [As. krokro, G. kloklg.]

akrdkraku, a chink, fissure, cleft, crack, crevice of the earth
from the burning sun. (Asusowbere akyi awia bo a, fam^ apaepae
wo Bare so.)

0-krdku, a kind of chintz or cotton cloth printed with flowers

in different colours, named from a man who first bought and wore
it; s. okra-kofi, ntama.

krakdm^jpZ. n- [Dan. kalkun, T). kalkoen] turkey.

karakuma, 5. kankuma.
ak r a-k w a, pi. n- [okftra, akoa] a slave, considered as the king's
ok&ra (s. okra 3); a soul-slave, body-slave, page, valet de chambre,
0-kr^-ky6re, Ak. k^rakere [okara, okj^re, lit. soul-binder]^
soul-money, gold and precious beads fastened to the wrist of the
right hand in thankful acknowledgment to the "kra** for having
enriched the person.

kram&krama, a. hot, fierce, wild; n'ani ye kr. (n'ani ye

kekakeka, y§ hyew, 6j^ hyew), ?ie is fierce, wUd, unruly.
o-krimaUj^Z.a-, F. n-, = F. obodora, a dog; ot^eA, a bitek;
nicknames: 6pe, akwagyinam6& senekotoku, fweo-fweo, ape-a-be-
gyebi, anadwoboa a obi mfa ne nsa nhyem* (ntom*), n.a.
o-kramaii, a sickness of the genitals, gonorrhoea.
o-kraman-awiw, pi. a- -n wiw (prop, dog's-louse) fl^a. 1 8am.24,U.
iikramfo a, Ak. -tan4, a kind o{ small sea- fish. pr. 1776.

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krammen — akrawa. 257

k r am m e 11 [kramo aben] a hollow cane or reed, used in smok- '

ing tobacco as a pipe-stick (tasen-dna, pipc-tuhe) and in writing
(by Mobamroedans). — kraineii-nua, id,, = gberaii-'motoam'-dua.
kramo, KrtXnionl, pi. -f6, Mohammedan; pr.3085. cf, kra, v.
akramo-s^m, I Mohammedanism, islam;
n k rfi m o-s o m, / //«c creed of the moslems,
akrdmya, a by-name of the vtdture, s. op6t6. pr. 742.
k ram poll (okum gudn) s, kokoy^rfe-du&gy^f, krompono.

kran u, a. wildy disorderly , confused, entangled, intricate, (Kan-

no afuw no so ye kr., e.s. nnua s^si 86 nk 6gugu 86, na afei woparae
yi de, §8o atew.)

ukraii, wildness, fierceness (of the eye): n'ani do hkran, he

chafes, rages, raves; n'ani ado n'ade a eyerae no ho nkran, Jte is
raging, furious ahmd, greedy after the thing he has lost.

kraii kran, red. v., kr. .. ani, to give a fierce expression to the
eye, to disfigi$re one's face, make one's self fright fid, he eager about,
fr.l779. okr. n'ani = oye n'anim hQh6hD, 6yi (6hy^) nnipa hfi, Jie
assumes a frightful countenance ; okr. n'ani kyeree abofra no se 6nye
fS, he looked fiercely at the boy that he should he silent.

akraiikr&n-s^m, di-, to act upon others hy intimidation;

to have a baleful influence; owia nni akr. senea gsram ye.

nkr^u , Ak. nk&rdn6, a kind of black ants biting severely; they

wander about in great swarms and thus often invade the houses
killing and devouring every thing living that comes in their way.
pr. 313.1539.1590.1777. [G. tSatfiu, -bii.]

Nkr&ii, pr. n. 1) of a country, people and language on the Gold

Coast, called by the Europeans Akra (Accra) and by the natives
themselves GA; 3) of one of their leading towns, which is also called
Eniresi, Jamestown. See Gr. p. XXI. aud Zimmermann, a Gram-
matical Sketch of the Akra or Ga Lang., p. VIII, and a Vocabulary
of the same, p. 86.^
0-krannf, jpi. Nkrkuf6, an Akra-ma^i, Akra-people.
kran a, krani, krananana, silent, absolutely still, perfectly
quiet; syn. dinn, komm. pr. 1152. 1174. Woko, na kr., s. Gr. § 248,4.
nkra-iihdma, a stuff or cloth, scarlet-red or crimson; the red
of English uniforms; cf adidi, damarama; nkra = bogya.
kraiik6, the shea-butter tree; - aba, its fruit; s. nkfi.
akrdnte, hedgehog; ewo apesee ni kotoko ntam?; Fante de,

[wony^ nil.
ukrAnte, sword, sabre, cuflass; cf. afda; 6s6 nenkrantem\
akra-s#m /a word belonging to your soul] secrecy, secret. pr. 260
kr4ta' [fr. Port. Sp. It. carta] a leaf of paper.
krata-fa, half a sheet of paper; a page in a book; cf. bu6p^n.
krata-m6, a sheet of paper.
akrkte, akrdt6, akAr&te, a kind of cactus, a prickly plant,
akrate-abd, an eatable ftmit of cactus. [G. agbdmu.]

akrawa, a kind of gun. Cf. klirdwi, akarawA.


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258 nkrdwiri — kr6nkr5n.

ukrAViriri, a kind of drum; s. akyene.

akray Airf [akyere yam'?J tew-, to frisky frolic, he froUcsome.
gap, merry; gtew akr. =■ ohuruw dannah nehO, he leaps or skijis
mill joy and pleasure, as children, kids,
kre . . . kri .., s. kyere . . . kyiri . . .

krebeiin, s. kyerebenn. — krofwere, a small bird.

11 k r e s i d, 5. n keresia.
krididi, s. kirid...

Kristofo, Christians. Kristoni^ aChristian. Kristofo asafo,

the Christian Church. — Kris tofo-sem, -soni, the Christian re-
//^i(m;Xristofo8om- kyere, instiniction in (the doctrines of) the Chri-
st ian religion, — Kristo-sem, -sum, Christianity.

kro, kro, ... s. koro, koro, ktiro. — kro, F. = okorow.

akroba, akrobase, i?^ n-, F. = akdrowd, akura, akuraase.
Krob 0, pr. n. of a mountain, country, people and language
(or rather dialect of Adanme) between Akuapero and the Volta,
called by the natives Krq, — Krgboni, pL Krobof6, a Krobo-man,
Krobo^eople. — krobow, s, kttrobow.
akrokraw, dew dropping from trees.

kro kro &c. s. korokoro.

nkrokrotibane, Gy. frog. pr. 1785,
iikrom, akroma, Nkromma, s. hk6rgm, ak6rdmjl, Nkdromma.

kro me, a disease of the knee, causing it to swell,

o-kr om f6, pL a-[kron, krono] thief robber, ^= owif6; cf. odwow-
akrommo, inf, [bo kron] stealing, theft, pr. 228, [twafo.

ukr6mp6no, s. nkgmpono.
kroii, Ak. krono (k6r..), tlieft, larceny; syn. awi; bo-, tosteal,
to practice tlieft, commit robbery; s, wia.

ki'Qn, koroii, v. to be high, elevated (bepow); to be deep (ahina,

kora, kuruwa); - esiw no rekrou; bepow no k6ron, wugyina so a,
fam' ye karonkiiron; Abetid dabere k5ron kyeh Okwau akOrow
nhina, Ab, lies higher than all Okwau towns, Cf, kiironn.

kr5ii kroii, k6ronk6rgn, a, high (odan, bepow), lofty, ardumts;

steep; F. obo kronkron, a steep place, Mt.8,32. — n. steepness; cf
sronsron, kgnkrgnh, ktironkilron.

kroiin, s. kiironn, ktironkdron. — krou, V. clearly. Mt8,25,

kro 11 11, a., adv. pure, clear; nsuno aniagy^nkr., kurennyen.
kronkron (k6nonk.), a. <£- adv, 1, pure, clear; unmingled,
unadulterated; nsu kr., pure water: nsa kr., unmixed palm-mne,
— 2, real, true (cf, pgte). Otwini kr., a genuine Tshi-man; omam-
frani nnyin kr. (pr.2004), a foreign settler does not become pure, ie.
he mil never become quite like a native, so as to retain nothing of
strange habits. — 3, fair, fine, beautiful: n'anim ye kr., Jte has got
a very fine shape; onipa yi, n^anim atew krkrkr.; ad were, ne daa
kdnonkonon -= fefefe; anoma no, n^ dfia kr., that bird has a benu-
tiful tail. -4. unspotted, unsullied, unstained, untarnished^ unpol-

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kroiiki'onni — kua. 259

luted, tmdefiled, immaculate, clean, chaste, innocent, -p 5. holy, per-

fect; hallowed, sacred; oye nie kr., he makes me holy, sanctifies me;
oje'kr., he is holy. — adv, clearly, distinctly; correctly; kasa kr.
— n, L purity; genuineness, — 2, reality, slncetnty; enye ne kr. so,
it teas not (done) in the right manner, in its due form. — 3. holiness.
kronkroiini, pi. -fo, a holy person; syn. ohotefo.
kroiikroii-ye, L sanctification. — 2. holiness; cf. ahotew.
akroii (akSnon), n-, nine. Gr. § 77.
Ilk roil, s, hkoroh. — krono, Ak. s. kron.
akfonnoe, a disease brought on by unchastity; oyare a efi
boasipem' n^ mmape; eka nebo a, nea oyare no ntumi ntu nammon.
kru,... krum, 5. kuru,... knrum.
iikrum, F. 8 i -, to sigh. Mk. 7,34.

o-k r A n ijpl. a- -f 6, sailor, one of a ship's crew; Kroo-man, Kru-boy.

k u, k u, tbe cry of tbe bird obereku & aferaw.
ku, V. s. kuw. — e-kii, 5. ekuw.
e-k u, a species of monkey, = kontromfi, chimpanzee, pr. 1787 f.
kfi, V. Ak. F. = kfim, to kill

ku, V. -ho, to he bent to, to join; n'ani ku me ho, he cares for

me always, visits me, has me in mind, defends and saves me in trouble,
is always zealous and active about me, = Qnt6 me ase; ma wo ani
nku ho = fwe (nea woye a. s. ewo wo nsam' no) so yiye; mo ani
iiku mo ho yiye = m6fifwe moho so yiye wo biribiaram'. Wgakg-
ka aku no ho redino kasa, tJiey together urge or importune him,
press upon him, demanding something from him.
o-kn, gap, cleft, chasm, gulf, abyss; precipice.
iiku, sh^a-btUter, a kind of grease got from the fruit of a tree,
used by the negroes as ointment to make their skin soft and glossy,
uku-aba, the fruit from which the shea-butter is got.
11 k d-d u a, the shea-tree, Bassia Parkii; s. krankd.
ki\d, 1. = afuw, platitation, farm; meko m6 ku^m^; m^ ku^m*
lie ha-yi; ni kua aba (= n^aduan ayg yiye) afe yi so; onyaa kua
afrihyia yim'; 6y^ kua = ope adwumay§ nanso nea oye ye yiye,
he understands how to make a good plantation; ne ho wo kua, he is
successful in his plantation-work; cf. kwa F., akua i., okuafo. — 2.
kA4,a-, the working of a farm or plantation, husbandry; agficuUure.

[2 Chr. 26,10.
akiia, 1. = k^ik 2. — 2. brgd^ba akiia, the young sJioots or
suckers at the foot of a plantain-stalk.

^kiia, akiiawa, a recess in the court-yard, a small yard behind

a house, used as a kitchen, washing-place, store for oil, palm wine &c.
Akua, s. Akuwa.
kua, V. to bring near or together, to join; used with ano or
anim; cf. kCi. — kiia (== pfia) gya yi ano, put the (burning) ends
of these two pieces of wood nearer against each other; gpon a emu
haneno, awowbae ara pe na ebekQaa anim bio, as soon as the cold,
damp weather set in, the chinks in the door disappeared; m6mfa mo

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260 iikuaba — kdku.

ti nkua anim na menfwe nea gkyen ne ygnko tenten, bring pour

heads together that I mag see which of you is taller than the other; wg-
ka asein de kQa no, they press upon him with remonstrances, try to
induce him by entreaties.

iiku-aba^ s. nkd.

o-kuafo, p/. a-, [kua] planter ^ farmer, husbandman, espec. one

who excells in husbandry, pr, 1587. 1790.

ak uani a, a kind of plattt, pr. 1791.

akuapem, a Danish musket, pr. 1792.

Akuapem, j9r.n. of a country, 5. Gr.p.XII. Ak. asafo: Ak6m-

fode, Kyeremim, ApagyA, Apesemak^, Asonko, Atiwa &c.
()-kuap6m-maii, the kingdom of Akuapem.
0-kuap6iini, pi. Akuapemfd, an Akuapem-man, Ak.-people.
kube, i. the fan-palm, Borassus flabelliformis? — 3. (k.-aba)
its fruit, pr. 505. 179^.

ku-dedaw, an old sore; kuru a akye, akisikuru.

kudo', cart (to carry stones, earth &c.), wheel-barrow; dedge;

- twe k., to draw a cart.

kiidy, helm, the rudder by which a ship or boat is steered; -

dannah k., to steer.
nkii-dua, s. nku & krank6.

ukd f e, beads or other things worn round the wt^t as ornaments,

not as amulets; nsumamma a wokura bobo wonho few-so.

0-ku f 6, pi. a- [ekuru] a person full of sores and wounds ; nea gyare
a.s. watutu akuru. pr. 1800.

kti f II, kufukufu, I a. shaggy, rough with long hair or wool, rag-

kiiha, kiihakuha i ged, rugged, bristly; gkraman, oguan, gsa

ho nhwi a a8gre(sgre) ye k. ; cf fukti, sakti, hutQhQtu.

k u f w e-k u f w e, pr. 2143.

^kiikomfi, 1. a kind of grasshopper; cf akokromfi. pr. 1801.
[G. gig6nlgig6.] — J2. onipa a gnam fen fen fen.

kukd, V. s. kukuru. — kiiku, F, palsy. Mt.Sfi.

kii ku, pL n-, earthen vessel, pot — iikuku n^ iikaka, patterns

ware, pottery, eaiihen icare, crockery. — kuku is the general name
for earthen vessel, but may also be used in limitation to smaller pots,
whilst OS eh is a larger cooking-pot, and ahina is a general name
for pot, especially a pot for keeping or carrying fluids; kuruwa
is a drinking-vessel, not of native black pottery, but of European
manufacture, of earth, porcelain-clay, glass, wood or metal; pgre
is 9, jug of stone. — 1) Of kuku, ahina, pot, being more deep than
wide, or as deep as wide and narrow-mouthed, we note the following
particular kinds: abahhina, bgm, b6n8uwa, agyahina or akotokyi-
wa, ahina, kuku, kukuwa, kutu, akutuwa, hkyera, gp^dg, asahind,
asSa, or Ak. nsemma, gseh, gs^ntere, osentid, sikakiiku, sobuwa,
at&hina. J2) Of asahka, a dish, wide open and less deep, we note:
abey&, aboy&, Ak.=as(iiika; abuabuogydsb, akyem-asahka, kwan*
s^h, anandn6wa, oposi, asahka-sanya, asAhkasgh (has a foot), tapo-
asahk.-i, ntrotrowA, ayawa.

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iikiikii — kum. 261

nki\kti, a kind of f/am, s. od^.

akukua, L a small drum of the king's, more esteemed than

any other; wode twom nhoma dura ho, se odehye bi wu a.s. asem
pa bi ba a, enna woka. — ^. a kind of butterfly; s. afafanto.

0-kukubaiV, Ak. -ne, a small wild animal of a yellowish gray

colour, with a long tail and pointed snout, feeding on corn & fruit.

[pr, 1802 f.
k u k u ba u k u^ a cutaneous disease or eruption^ with pustules
smaller than those of ntoburo.

k u k u d u'd h', hud; nkruma no abo k., the okra has budded.
akukuhddeu, 6y^ ak., <5di akukuh6dens^m, J^e acts roughly,
onam ue bSrah a oye no so kukuru ade a eye duru.

ktikuradabiy corn (maize) of the last year; cf, popftroku.

n k u k ii-ii w e n e, inf. pottery.

kukuru (kuku) v. 1, to rise: owia akukuru, the sun is risen;

si/H, pue, sore. — ^. to raise up, take up, lift up single, espec. heavy,
things from the ground (aba, bo kese, adaka, duku, kaneadua,
pane &c.); pr. 2792. syn. ma so; of many things tase or mdma so
is used. — 3. red. of kuru, to thatch, roof (adan so, houses).

kukur u-bln-sih, -sini, pi, n-, a kind of beetle, dung-beetle.

kukuru-me-t^-awiAm' [lift me up, place me in the sun] name

of a disease, making the body bloated and the mind doltish; syn.

k u k u w, red. v. kuw, to pidl off, out; to have the nap worn off;
w'oak. neti so, they have pulled out his hair in lighting, or, his hair
has been cut with scissors (not shaved) in a disorderly manner; ntama
no ani ak., the cloth is threadbare, shabby, worn out.

kiikuwa, pi. n-, a small earthen vessel, smcdl pot; s. kuku.

akukuwil, ^. akukna.

kum, V. Ak. kd [red, kunkum] 1. to kUl, slay, put to death;

pr. 339.1^73.2194.2444. wgakum no, euph. woayi no ho, they have ca-e-
cu/^d /^i/it; hyperbolically, to denote a strong sensation: awow, gkgm
rekum me, the cold, hunger is killing me, i.e. I am very cold, very
hungry, — ^. to defeat, overcome, vanquish, destroy; k. dgm, to beat *
the enemy, conquer, gain t1^ victory, pr. 1990. — 3. to cause to cease:
6khm mi k6m, he stills my htmger; but: okura me k6m. he kills me
with hunger, i.e. he starves me; k. sukom, to quench the thirst; k.
kum, to heal a sore, pr. 1038. — 4, to tire (out), weary, wear out:
wokum nuipa n^ kasa, nsenhunu, serew, = wgde kasa ... kum nnipa,
they tire one out with speaking, with nonsense, make one die with
laughing. — 5. to silence: mikum no aniwu, I silence him with shame
i.e. I stop his mouth, make him ashamed to speak. — 6. to disfigure:
oknm n'anim = omuna n'anim, he darkens his face, makes a dark,
angry, or sad face. — 7. to defde, pollute, desecrate: obi kum fi a,
wgde nnuan mogya n.a. na wgde dwiram\ if one defiles his dwelling,
U is purged or purified by the blood of sheep dx. — 8. (k. ano) to
hinder from using, to stop, prevent, obstruct: oknm gbosom ano, he

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262 okum — okiimpa.

prevents the fetish from eaiing the new yam oflFered to him, by trans-
gressmg a fetish-law. — 9. (k. ano) to prevent the effect or ef/iciency
of to render ineffective, inefficient: wakum aduru no ano = ode
nea aduru no kyi aka no, he has made the medicine ineffective (by
adding to, or eating with it, some other thing incompatible with the
medicine). — 10, k. ano, to finish, accomplish, complete, make ready
[= G. gbe na, Tw. wie]; wakum n'adow ano = ahaban a wosii,
wawie adow. — 11, kum gya, to put out the fire made at the yam-
custom, hi/ putting new yam into it {vf ode da Moro koto afwiegyam')
to show that new yam may now be eaten universally. — 12. to ditUj
to become dtdl or blunt, said of a) the edge (ano) of an instrument:
osekan no ano akum, the edge of the knife is blunted; b) the mouth,
taste or appetite: n'anom akum, his mouth has lost its sensibility or
taste, i.e. he has lost the appetite; c) the eye: n'ani kum, his eye lacks
its vigour, is dull or heavy i.e. he is sleepy, drotcsy, F. n'anyiwa akum,
Mt 26,4S, — 13. to be effaced, obliterated: dare no ani akum, the
stamp (marks or characters of coinage) on the dollar is effaced; srete
no so nsensane no akum, the lines drawn on the slate have become ob-
literated, indistinct.

o-kum, inf. the act of killing drc; defeat.

o-kum, a tree similar to an oak; wode ye nnaka &c. cf. okuo.

k 6 m a, a-, pi. n- & nkdma-nk6ma, a., small, little {syn. kakri,
ketewa, kwada); young (opp, panyin); the form with a- is added
to names of persons: ne ba akuma, his youngest child; me nuaak.,
my small i.e. younger brother. — f^^y^ kfinia, tfic fatJier^s brother;
ena k. or kakra, the father's or mother's sister. — n. a Wle; aka-
kuma (shortened into kokfimA) little is wanting, used for almost,
nearly; soon. Gr. § 235 a. (229.)

kktimmvLypl. n-, okunu nuaba, the husbands sister.

akuma, i)Z. n-, hatchet, axe; syn. abonud, atwapo.

kfimaba, F. = kGma.

kum a-b i, F. kfimaba bi, very little, very feiv.

kum-afrote (that which kills antelopes, inducing them to
run after the semblance of water until they are exhausted) a mirage,
an optical illusion frequently seen in deserts, presenting the appear-
ance of water; fata Morgana. Is. 35,7. •

Kum-ap^m-^-ap6m-beba fif you kill a thousand, a thousand

others will come] a by-name of the Asantes.

ekii-m6reme, s. eku = kontromfi.

fikumid^ a kind of small white ants; cf. mfote.

ku mi-yaw [pr. n. of a man] a kind of bayere, s. gd^.

o-kiim'kom (who kills i.e. stills hunger) a word used in address-

ing a benefactor, beneficefU man, = gdefo.

o-kiim'n ip a (wJw kills a man) a title used in addressing or prai-

sing a king, as having the power over life and death. Cf. Gr. §
39,9 b.

k u m u n, a. rising in pillars (of smoke) ; Jod 2,30. Acts 2,19-

0-kum-pd [= okunu pa] a good husband; it is also used as a

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kuminram — kaiituu. 263

pr. H- of a slave presented by a man to his wife, reminding her

constantly that her slave is the gift of her '*good husband".

kum-mram, a powerful means to cleanse or keep from ovU.

k umpgno, F. the European governor] k. Brofo, the governor

and his chief officers (secretary, commissary, military officers, chief

akiiin-siiindn, an amulet tvhich hills i.e. destroys (neutralizes)

the power of other amulets. j>r. 115.

kumtoa, a kind oi razory s. oyiwdn.

kun, pi, ekunom, F. = okdnu, -nom.

kdna, widowlioody the state of a tcidowcr or widow; gye k., he

or she is in the state of a widower or widotv, slie performs the duties
of a ioidow.

kfina-ba, kfinab^a, a widow hAu^ part of the inheritance of

her husband^s successor; ofa no k., he marries her hy right of in-

kuna-dan, a widow^s house or room.

o-kfinafo, pi. a-, widower; tvidotr; gbarima k., oba k.

k u nfi kd wa, the first child born after the death of a husband
from his successor (brother or nephew) and named after the former
husband; oye k.

akim-far, F. adultery of a tcife. ML 3,32.

e-kun-for, F. = okunu foforo, bridegroom. Mk. 2,19.
o-kfmini, F. kunyin, ^?. a-, a. notable, distinguished, einineni,
remarkable, renowned; capitcd; bone-kdnini, a great, chief oy car-
dinal sin (opp, bone mfetewa-mfetewa, minor sins); gwo dih-k. =
din a eso na eye hwSnwa; don-k6nini, the main army; onipa-k.
=onipa a oye mmaninuc na neho a.s. nea obeye nhfna ye hwohwa;
asen-k. = asen-titiriw.

kunkuma, i. the water-pot of a fetish, s.k6ro. — 2. bouquet,

bunch of flowers, nosegay? wgakyekye nfwireh no k., they have tied
up flowers in large leaves.

akunse [okum ase] a cause or reason for killing ov for waging

a war against a people.

k u n s li n k u n s li ni, discord, dissension, cmitention, strife, va-

riance, enmity; qnh no ntam^ aye k. bi, wodi k., k. da wohntam',
ihey are at variance, at enmity. 1 Cor. 1,11. 2 Cor. 12,20.

khntatiiy a. 1. large, bulky, huge, enormous, gigantic; clumsy;

esono gyina ho k. ; hyen no abegyina k. {s. hyeh); sore fi me fi na
wngyina ho k. se gdan (gpgnkg). — syn. kiiikraun, k^ntann, kftn-
tunh, ki'isQ; wi. — 2. esum k. = kabi, pitchy darkness.

o-kCintu (pi. a-), wool; woollen cloth, flannel; woollen carpet,

blanket. — kuntii-kye, a cap made of woollen cloth.

akdntumma [kuntun, ba] a little would-be-great, blusterer,

swaggerer, bully, ruffian, pr. 1826.

o-kuntumpa' [kuntun, clumsy'] the hyena, s. pataku.

kuntuii; V. 1. to bend, crook, curve; to be bent, crooked, or

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264 kuiitun — okuraaseiii.

curving; dua, ofasu no mu ak.; syn. kom, kontoii. — J2. fo bend or

subdue under one's rule, to mUy govern, sway. — S. to fights wrestled
pr, 1826. — 4. to strut, be swelled or puffed up, to bluster, sicagger,

kfin tdu, a crooked piece of wood in a snare or trap for catch-

[ing birds.

kfintunu, a. large, bidky, huge; dark; clumsy; cf. kSntanh,

k un t u n, a by-name of the hyena, s. kfmtumpa. [kusu.

akuntim-akuntu n, blustering, swaggering, pr,1670, syn. ahokyere.

k 11 n t u n-si n, a headless and handless, sometimes feetless triitik

of a human or animal body; cf. akonsin.

0-kunu {pi. okununom) husband; the sister^s husband.

o-kun-ydw' [okiim yawyAw] a pain fid way of killing; if. ato-

o-kuo, a large tree with fruits similar to acorns; c/!okuw, oknm.

akuos6ii, the seven elders of a town (y)-^ Nkran asafo ak.^ the
seven companies of Dutch Akra.

k u r a, v. [red. kurakura] 1. to grasp, clutch, to hold by clasping

with the fingers, to have, to bear in hand or on Uie arms; to be in
(the grasp or gripe of) one's hand: okura poma (wo ne nsam') or
poma kurano, he has a stick in his hand; ok. abofra wo n*abasa so,
he bears a child on his arm; cf. turn, Gr.§ 102,2. Bern. — 3. to hold,
contain: iihdma yi kura nseh-horow anan, this book contains four
different matters. — 3. reft, to be self-dependent or independent, to
stand by itself; nsem abien yi kurakura neho ^ne nhina dede neho),
ebi nnan hi, each of these two words is by itself (has its own meaning),
they cannot be interchanged.

a kura, pi. n-, mm*se. pr. 311.7 20.1836 ff. — by-names: bewa, da-
biebio; aduemme, ahyemme (otewabe); akura-tawia; s. abotokura,
odontwf. — nkura-se, inf. [se nk.] pr. 232.

akura, pi. h- = akttrowa, F. akroba, [kfirow, dim. Gr.§20,4]

hamlet, a village on a plantation, inhabited by the family and the
slaves of the proprietor; gkg akura, Gr. § 124,1. ote akura, lie lives
on the plantation. - Ak. village, country town, i.e. any town besides
the capital.

kuraba, F. = kuruwa. Mt. 10,42. 20,22.

a ku ramp on, by-name of the tree called gsesea. pr.2917.

nkiirdn, courage, firmness (?) - hye.. nk., to encourage.

nkriraii-hye, inf. encouragement, — baninhahye.

nkuranto, ya nk., reply on a salutation, made to royal prin-

ces at Knmase.

n k u r a-u h w i [lit. mice-hair] down, the soft hair of babes or of

the face (the beard) when beginning to appear; nhwi biara a ennya
mmirii; the pubescence of plants.

o-kuraaseni, pi. n- -fo [akura ase 'ni] clown, fustic, peasant;

a person living constantly on the plantation, never coming to the
town; syn. ofumni.

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kureiifi — Akiiropoii. 265

kurefin, a, deary clearly visible; minepow gyinae k.

k I'l r enny en, a. clears limpid^ pure ; nsu no ye k., ani atew k.
kuro, Ak. F. (pi. a-), s, kttrow, kuru, & kiirokdro.
nkuro, complaint; controversy, dispute, contest, debate; me ne
no wo nk., I have a complaint against him; me n^ no boo nk., I
made'my complaint against him; meboo me nk. mekyeree won, I
told th&tn (brought before them) my complaint (against another per-
son); wgbo nk., they are engaged in controversy, they state their ca-
ses before the judges, pr. 588. (asem bi nto bi n6 bi ntam' na worekeka) ;
cf. kokodwe.

akuroba, akurobase, phi\-^ F. =akiira, aknraase. Mt9,35.21,2.

nkuro-bo, inf. = nten-yi.
kurobow, a sweet-smelling resin or gum; the tree yielding
it; dua bi a emn nsn nene se ehye na ne hOam nti mmea yam ye.

a kuro do, n-, card, song of mirth, lay; a play with dancing
or ambulating and singing, accompanied by the clapping of hands
or by adenkiim-bo; amusement, sport, frolic, gambols; - wotweak.
= wgto dwom kyini mmSron so, they sing or carol in the streets;
they play, frolic, tcanton\ ak. na gnam twe da, loitering about and
sporting was his constant occupation; otwa nk. = gkasa pi, n*ano
ye b^reberc or betebete, he is loquacious (?).
akuro-fo [kurow fo] the site of a destroyed town, = amamfo.
iikiirofo [pi. of kiironi] the inhabitants of a town, townsfolk;
people; me nk., 7ny relations, my townsmen or countrymen; cf. okilro-

kiiro-kese [kiirow kese] a large town, city, capital.

kur6kur6, a kind of pot-Jterb or vegetable; fan a wodi.

kurokiiro, a. loquacious, talkative, garrulous; taUling, pratt-

ling, prating; chatting, chattering; pert, forward, bold, meddling;
fraward, peevish, fretful; 6y^ or n'ano ye k. = blrebire, he is lo-
quacious d^c. (abofra a oka n6§m a ense no se oka, na oka asem biara
a obehu, ode ueho fra nsem nhina mu &c.)

o-kiir6kiirofo, i>^. a-, babbler, blabber, tattler, talker, telltale;

a grumbling, peevish person, grumbler.

o-kuro-mu-ni, pi. a- -fo, inhabitant of a town; ahgho ne akuro-

mn-fo, strangers and residents; cf. kuroni.

kuroun, kuroiikuron, a. 1. deep, very deep; amoaor abura

yimu ye kiironn or kilronkiironkiiron, or, dgkk.; syn. donkudonku;
low in situation, lying far below or beneath: bepgw no kSrgn, wu-
gyina so a, fam' ye kftronkilroh; woforo dua a, nafam^ ado kk. —
2. deep, precipitous; bepgw no sian kk., tJie mountain descends in
a steep declivity. Mt 8,82.

kiir6ni [ki1row-ni] ^ot^n^waw, countryman, i.e. one of the same

town or country with another; cf. hktirofo.

iiku ro n 11 u a, sandals of wood; cf. mpabod, ntokota.

A kiiro-p h [ktirow, pgn] pr. n. of the capital of Akuapem (also
called Koman) and of a town in Akem.

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266 Ilk 11 ro tarn* — kunim.

hkitro-tam' [hkurow ntam'] the way between two towns.

nk liro-tepa: obo fik., he travels froni t^wn to tmvn; s. tcpA.

kiiro-tia [kfirow tia] end, border, outsklrt, entrance of a town.

kiiro-tia, |;/. h, a country town, village, opp. to the capital;

a petty, tmimportant town or country (as Akuapem, Akem, in com-
parison with Asante).

nkuro-tow, Ak.-too, the single toivns or townships of a country.

"Akyem hk. si 333.** Cf. araautow.

k li r 6 1 wi am d n s a, the leopard, s, osebo. pr. 519. 984.

kiiro w, kfiro, pi, h-, 1. town, village; cf. aknra, oman. — 2.

any inhabited place or country, one's own country or home; oko kfi-
row bi so, he went to some foreign place; gko ne kuroni\ he lias re-
turned to his native country.

kiiro-mu-panyih, burgomaster. - kiiro-nipanyimfo, magidrutc

akurowd, F. akroba [kiirow, dim.'] a small town; s. akura.

kiiru, V. [red.kukuYu^q.vJ 1. to tie together (r/".nkufo); to tit

grass on a roof i.e. to thatch, roof, put a roof on, cover with a roof;
ok. (Jan so == ode sare kata dan so. — 2. to lift tip (in order to show):
ode knru neho nini kwa, in this he exalts himself for nothing, boasis
without right or reason.

kurd, V. [red. kuriikiiru] s. kuruw.

e-k u r u, Ak. kuro, pL a-, a sore, wound, pr. 1423-25. 1854-60. —
cf. apirakuru, a bleeding wotmd; akisikurn, aw 7^/ccr; pompo, a boil
abscess. — Ne kuru adg nsu, his sore has collected pus or purulent
matter; - ado mpumpunase, has swelled or bloated the skin with scrum
or matter; - atu, has become purtdent; - aporow, has become putrid;
- asa, awii, has healed; - ne nsatea ye k. pr. 2796, - oda ak. mu —
lie ho nhina atutu ak. pr. 700. - kum or sa k., to heal a sore,
a kuru, = kokoram, q.v.

k ii r u d u du, the cracking, crashing, clattering, rattting or rum-

bling sound of bursts or 2)e(ds of thunder, of an earthquake dr. —
osoro bobom' k.5 asase wosow kurnruru.

kiirududu, adv. accurately, exactly, in due order; syn. ^e-

pepe ; tase nhoma yi boa ano k.

kurukere, s, kurnkyerew.
akurukiiro-de, pi. n-, iikiirukiir-ade, old things, old articles.

kurukurupa, a kind of yam, s. od6.

kurukuruw, red, v, kuruw.

k u r 11 k u r u w a, a. round and large, of flat and globular things;

circular; globular, spherical; cf, korokorowa, puruw; kontonkron,
dantaban, hankare, katraka.

kurukyerew, As. kurukere, v. to scrawl, scribble, wnte; ode

asem no ak. nhoma no so ; cf. kyerew.

kurum, v, [red, kurunkurum] to bend, bow, crook, curve; to

be bent, crooked, curving \ ok. nemu; osekan no ak.; ofasu no ak.
= akuntun ; nkant6n{ ndntu akk. s^ addre; syn, kom, konton &c.

kunim, a, bent, crooked; false; dua yiyek.; adaDse-kitrdm,

false witness.

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kiirum — kiitii. 267

kiirum^ n. wogye no k. = wogyeno pone, wopeneno, they
applaud, nod assenty receive or accept favourably,

nkuLMlinia^ okra, ochra, okro, Hibiscus esculentus, an annual

plantaud its green seed-pods abounding in nutritious mucilage, used
for soups, salad, pickles. — nkrdnia-fdu [c/*. fan] the young leaves
of the okra plant, used for soups like cabbage. — Dkrfima-tttw [cf.
afnw) an okra plantation. — iikrQma-kwdn [cf. iikwan] a soup
prepared with the green pods of the plant.

o-kiirftn(, i?7. a--f6, s. okrfinf. — kurunkuriim, red. v. kurum.

nkuriinyaii, a kind octree; dua bi a wowo nedua; wode si
dan ye akoraten.

klirutlayisf, an iwa k., eyeball, apple or globe of the eye ; pupil.

kiirutu, an animal, pr. 520.

kuruw, V. to cut several things together or plenty of things

(it once (sare, brode, nnua, ti, nsa, nan); to cut into several pieces
(onipa, dua); red. kurukuruw; syn. twitwa.

kuri'i wd, pi. n-, a kind of vessel, espec. for fluids, artificially
made of earth, porcelain, glass, wood or metal; pitcher, jug, mug,
cup dx. Cf. kuku.

kuruwd, Okw. = kord.

k ii s u, kusukusii, a. 1. dark, dusky, obscure, dim, dull, gloomy,

shadowy, nebulous, indistinct; gdaii mu ho ye k., it is dark in the
house ; m'ani so ye me k., my eyes are dim, it is dark before my eyes ;
hyeh apue k., a ship lias appeared indistinctly on the horizon; wim
aye k., the sky is dark, overcast, clouded; anim ay§ k., the air is
dusky, the dusk of the evening has set in; dua yi (ase) ye k., this tree
is shady. — 2. rank, luxuriant in growth; nwura no abum k. = aye
ahaban bebrS, od6 no abua k. — 3. overgrown with wood, wooded,
woody. — 4. damp; s. kusukusu 2. — 5. dull, heapy, weak; me tirim
ye me k. (from want of sleep); me yafunum' ye me k., J have a strange
feeling inmy belly, haveno appetite. — kusu-tam', k.-asase, ^.kusum.

kusukAkft, a thick mist or fog; cf. omununkum.

kds u k II s II, 1. s. kifisQ; ogya aso kk., the fire lyurns dimly. —
2. damp, dirty, nasty; syn. fongfono, wusuwusu.

kusum', kustl-fam', k.-asase, norili. Scr. (Heb. zaphon.) Cf.

kwaem', ketem'.

kusiim', fraud, deception; wadi me k., he has defrauded or

cheated me, taken imfair advantage of me; kusum-a-ne-ktiriim, /raiw?
is (nothing but or tfie same as) falsehood or unrighteousness, he has
bluntly deceived me, wawie me ye korft.
k k u s 11 w, a kind of river-fish.

I'lkuto [nko, to, adv.'\ alone, only, but; ne hkuto (= ono nko)
vg hg, he alone is there; onni biribiara se duaba nk., he eats nothing
hd fruits.
kutiiy a kind of j^o^ used to boil soup in; cf. kuku.

k ii t u, ktitiikutu, expresses a feeling of being bloated, or, the

noise of boiling water; me yafunu(m^) ye me ki!itu, me yafunu ahuru

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268 akuti i — kwa. ___

aye k. = me yaf. abye, my belly is bloated or puffed up, inftcded,

distetidcd; aduao no huru kilitukutu, Ihe food bods with a bubbling

akutU, ^/. id.y orange; orange-tree, — akutu-aba, orange-seed.

— akutii-duii, orange-tree. — akutu-guri, apple (combining qual-
ities of akutd & oguawa); cf, granate-akutu.

kutu-bo, dan kutii do bo, F. cornerstone. Mt 21,42. Mk. 12,10.

kutudiidi'i, bud; knop; syn. kukudo'dti'; abg k., it has pro-

duced (or grown into) a bud.

k u t u r k u, pr. 2438. gyama-k., pr. n. ? coward?

k II t u k u, F. \ ph a-, fist, the hand angularly clenched so as to

kuturukd, I render the knuckles bard and protuberant; cf.

twere & the foil.

kuturumod, fist, the hand clenched roundly so as to approach

to the shape of a ball; cf. kutruku & twere.

ak u-tutu, inf. a disease producing ulcerating sores; oyare ak.

or akuru, watutu akuru, akuru atotow no, oyeoknfo; cf. kwakoram.

kuw, V. 1. to draw or pull out, off, away; s.red. kukuw; okaw

no afwe ho = gwere no afwe fam\ Jie draws aicay his feet to make
him fall. — J2. to cut close to the root: ode adare k. wura, sare; knw
dua no ase = twa aso pi ara ma ento fam' (that the cutting reaches
to the ground).

e-ku \v, pi. (akuw)akuw, a heap, a collection of things; a collec-

tive body of persons, pr. 684. — b g k., to make a heap, put in heaps;
gboa ntrama k. gugu hg.

o-kuw, a large tree; eho wg nsge, esow aba k(J\ tentrehu hyein\
Akuwa, s. Akua.
nkuwa-nkuwa = akuru nketenkete, small sores.

kwa, V. s. kwaw, kwae & kwati.

kwa- in cpds. is often a shortening of koa or akoa; some-
times it is -kwa, or shortened into ko-. Gr. § 20,4.

0-kwa, adv. only, solely, merely, simply, purely, absoltdely;

without design, insipidly; without cause, gratuitously; gratis, for
nothing, to no purpose, to no profit, vainly, in vain; unused, unem-
ployed, idle; gkgg hg kgfwee kwa, he went there mdy to look; gnam
hg kwa, gny^ fw$, he merely walks about, doing nothing; obi mfgn
kwa, pr. 1.31. 1784. 2383. wgtah me kwa, John 15,25. — munyaa no
kwa, m6mfa mma gkwa, Mt. 10 J8. gprem no da hg kwa, tlie canon
lies there unused; ogyina hg kwa, he is standing there idle. It is also
used elliptically, 5. Gr.§248,4. Syn. teta, hunu (Ak.hun), F. gyaii,
gyennyah (ara); t^ta ara kwi; cf, kora.
akwa, pi. n-, F. = akoa.
akwa, a round-about way, by-way; yi akwa = kwae, v.

k w a, t?. [red. kwakwfi] to make incisions(?).

kwa, pi. a-, n-, 1. joint, juncture of limbs in an animal body;

joint or knot in the stem of a plant, as of grass or cane; ahenemm?

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akwa — kw^du. 269

m^akwa akron* yi biaraso, I have no heads tied on any of my nine

joints. — 2. joint = the part incladed between two joints, knots or
articulations: ne nsatea kwa 1 se akwa 2 atwa, one or two joints
of his finger are cut off; okyee me afwerew nkwa 2, he gave me 2
joints of sugar-cane. — 3, link, ring (of a chain). — (4, It is ques-
tionable whether kwa can be used for a limb or member of the hu-
man body, or for a member or fellow of a society: Kristo akwa no
bi ne mo, meye Kristo ho kwa.)

*Akwa akr6n a WQhye so ahen^ a.s. firiwd ne: wo bat^ew so,

wo bakon so, wo nantu, wo nanase n^ wo asenmu a.s. wo konmu.
a k w a = akoawa, a small slave.

e-kwa, pL a-, F. = afuw, plantation; Mk, 13,24. — oko ne kwa

80 akofa aduan aba; madow akwa abien. — akwa-so-fo, F. the
people limng on the plantation, = mfumfo, s. ofumni.

ilk wa, life, vitality; vigour, health; happiness, felicUy; cf. ase-
tra; iikwa ni akwahosan, life and health; - gye nkwa, to preserve,
to save from death.

ak w ^ b ^, akwdbo! inierj. [akg aba] welcome! form of salutation

to one arriving after a temporary absence; cf aba-6, abo, Gr.§ 1 47,5.
oma no akwdbi, he bids him welcome.
akwabdu (obsol.) = ntetea.
Kwab6nfi., i^r.w.ofaboy or man born on Tuesday. Gr.§4l,4.
kwabfena-afwi [pr.n. of a man] a kind of bayere; s. oM.
k wabferau [akoa gberan] a wetl-sized, strong slave, pr. 187.
kwaberentuw, s. kwae.

Kwaberenyan, a village belonging to Kankan (Dutch Akra),

where Adow Dan kwa, king of Akropong, died, wherefrom the name
became an oath of the kings of Akropong.
kwa-beteii, cf. qh^t^n. pr. 2828.
akw^-bo [nea wobo no kwa] = oboab6, QS^bow, g. v.
ukwa-dd; lit. life-day, a day of 24 hours, including the night;
da a adekyee n6 adesae wom'; emu nnohfwerew 12 ye adekyee,
na emu 12 ye adesae; cf. adekyee, awia.

kwada, -dawa, a. small, little; syn. k^tewa, ktlma, kakr^.

akwa da, a little boy or cMeZ=abofra ketewa; F. an old man,
= akwakorft. — as^m akw. na woka kyere me = nea woka no,
cny^ se wudwen ne no. — nkw ada(wa)s^m, 1. trick(s), sty pro-
cedure, pr. 164. — 2. = mmofrasem (?).

akwadamma, musket; syn. otuo. pr.2262.

kwadaw, v. to be exercised and brought to cleverness, to be
practiced, accustomed; wakw. ho, he is weU versed or exjyert in it,
accustomed to it. Cf. kokwaw.

o-kwdd u, pi. a-, a species of antelope; pt*. 515. s. gdab6.

kwadd-ampQii-kyerefo, = ewea.

kw^diS, kvvadu-aHii, jil.id. banana; banana-tree; Mma sa-

pientum; cf. gborgdo. — kwadii-bakua, a species of banana-tree.

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270 okwddiim — iikwakorabere.

— kwadii-diid, banana-tree. — kwadu-ddru^ the whole cluster of

fruits of the banana-tree; s. oduru. — kwadu-fuaw: auodeaetaa
n'aba no ano. D.As. — kwadii-siaw, a hand or smaller duster of
4 to 8 bananas, s. osiaw. — jS\ epaulet, shoulder-piece of military of-
ficers, called 80 from its resemblance to a hand of bananas.

0-k wdddm, pL a-, a large barrel of gunpowder (Vs keg?); cf.

atentenim\ ak6towa.

o-kwadw6ro, a-, idleness, sloth, laziness; 6y^-, Jte is idle, laztf,

slothful, Syn, aniliaw, werehunii. — 0-kwAdw6f6, F. kwadwefo,
pi, a-, idler, lazy person, sluggard; Mt 35,26. syn, onihafo.

K w k d w 6, j?r. n. of a male person born on Monday ; Gr. § 4 1 ,4.

kwadwo-bowere, = gsebo.

ukwadwd, a kind of bead; s, ahene.

kwadwem, F. lamentation. Mt, 2,18.

kwa-dwom, a song of mourning, a song expressive of sorrow

and lamentation, delivered in a dramatic manner; an elegy (dwom
a.s. as§m a onipa wu a womoma wo n'ayi ase de ka ne nsem a otraa
ase no odii); okobe kw.; onim kw. be = onim su; to, twa, momakw.
kwae, V. to go round about, take a round-about way, by-icay
or side-way; syn, yi akwa, kwati kwah, man babi; - to turn {the
enemy); - to avoid, evade, elude; to dispense with; eye ade a wod-
kwae (nto ho), Uisan indispensable thing or matter ; yebekwae ntam
ama wo, we shall absolve thee from the oath,

e-k w d6, forest, wood, thicket; pr. 1006; the wooded inland coun-
try, bush-country; cf. wura, ahaban, odoto. — kwae-berentuw, a
dense forest. — akwaefo, people living in the bush-country. —
o-kwaefoiii, one of those living in the bush-country. — kwaem',
kwae mn, pr, 1673 f, in the forest, wooded inland; notih; r/*. knsQm';
opp. pom' = po mu. — akwaewd [dim.] small wood, grove, cop-
pice, copse, shrubbery; underwood, pr,1872.
kwafo, pi. a-, F. = okuafo.

nkwafw^^ba, s. kofw. j low, mean people; cf, akwanihum&ni.

n k w a f w e a b a n f 0, j?i. \ the lowest people ; cf, odeseni.

kwdgyadii^ = kontromfi. pr. 1875,

akwagyansa, = odompo. pr. 1887.

akwagyinam6d fakoa-agy., slave of the cat] ^.okr^man. pr. 1637.

o-k wdhd, okoha, a disease in the limbs, rheumatism; okw. ano

ye den kyen os^nmii.

nkwahama^ pr. 1793. cf. nnuahama.

akwahosan^ life and health, returning or long continuing

health; pr. 162.2519. ma onnya iikwa n^ akw., = ma ne ho nyc no
den. (F. nkw& ahosan, saving health. I^.6T,2.)

nkwahumafo, s, akwanihdmani.

akw&ko, a kind o( yam, s. od^.

akwakora, akwakwarawd, pLn-, an old man; syn. akora;

wabo akw., he has become an old man.

iikwakora-bere, old age; cf. mmerewa-bere.

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kwakoram — gkwau.

kwakoram, =^ akututa? cancer of the nose? s. kokoram.

Kwaku, ^.w.ofamaleperson born on Wednesday. Gr.§41,4.
g-k wakil, -o, pL a-, a species of monkey = osiia. pr. 4.521.1009.
kwaku-ntakii-amlni, a by-name of the goaf. s. abirekyi.
kwakiirekure, a kind of bird.
o-kwilkwil = ddb6dAb6.
kwa'kwad^bi, raven; syn. anene, w&wS.
kwakje, a by-name of the vulture, opete. pr. 2688.
kwakye-agjei, a by-name of the apetebi. jjr.2692.
Kwakye, pr. n. m. KwStkyewa, pr. n. /*., yr. 3583.
g-kwa-kyenkyeiia = kwae mn akyehkyona, a kind of hoopoe.
akwa-ky^re [akoa akyere] pL n-, roguCj rascal, scoundrel, vil-
lain, wretch; gallows-bird, crack-hemp, crack-rope, hang-dog.

A k warn (Akwamu)^r.w. of a Tshi tribe, their country or king-

dom, its capital and dialect. Gr. p. XII. -^ O-kwanmi, Okwamu-
ni, pi. A- -fo, an Aktcam-man, Aktoam-people.

a k w dm-m a, -m a [ok wan, dim.'] pi, h-, a small way, path, lane,

kw^man, pi. h- -fo, a slave of a deceased king before he has

a new master; - pi. people without a king; the common ^^eople, the
jwpidare; mob, rabble, pr. 1882. 2890. — kw^raaii-maii,2)/.-aman
[nkoa-gman] republic; democracy; cf, kwasafoman.
kwamaii-man-pefo, democrat.
kwaman-tumi, nkwamaiifo-tumi, ochlocracy. Hist.
ukwammanSa, pr.2478.
Kwa'me, Ak. Kwamena, /w.n. of a male person born on Sa-
turday. Gr. § 41,4. [G. Kwamli.]

kwame-fwi [pr.n. of a man] a kind of bayere, s. od^.

kwame-tabi, a by-name of the akwantwea.
kwa'mena', an ant-hill of small white ants. pr. 1883.
akwdm-mew [gkwan, abew] the roots of trees running across
the road; any obstacle in the way.

akwam-fanu [ok wan afanu] clover, clover-grass, trefoil.

o-kwam-ferene, alley, walk, avenue of trees.
o-kwamfo, jf;Z. a- [kwane] roiver.

akwam-fo, pi. n-, [ok wan, afo] a desolate, bad, impassable way.
o-kwani-fuwi [ok wan a afuw] an overgrown way.
akwdm-mg, inf. [bg kwan] the making of a road.
nkwam-mge, a well-made road.
kwan, V. F. s. kwane 3.

k w an, v. [red. kohkwan q. v.] to wind or put round: ode ntama

akwan n'asen, h^ has wound a small cloth (of 1 '/^ yards) round his
loins ( — of a large cloth f u r a would be used).

0-kwan, pi. a- [Ak. ok wane] 1. way, road, path; ne H kwan,

the way to his house, pr. 48.3. cf. otempgn, gsa, akwamma, unantam\
iikurotam^; passage, walk, route, course; cf. afae, mpotam'. — ^.

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272 akwaii — akwaijko.

opening: onipa ho akwan nhina, s. fei. — 5. place, space. — 4. fig.

wap, manner, mode; proper place or manner, order; s. kwanmn,
kwanso. — F. means; mboa n'akwan no, (he means of grace. —
4. fig. permission, allowance, leave, libeiig, license; occasion. — F.
kwanmu, lawfidly, righteously. — Phrases with governing verbs
^alphabetically arranged): hg kwan, to make a wag; - bg kwah
(fita), to clear a wag. - fa ok wan (bi so), to take a wag or road; -
fa kwanmu, F. to be lawful. - f we., kwan, to expect, look mdfor.

- fom or to kwan, to miss the wag. - gya.. kwan, to dismiss, dis-

patch, accompang. - h y e .. kwan, to suppigwith necessaries or means
for ajourneg. - hyia..kwan, kwan mu, kwan so, to meet on the
wag. - kQ kwan, to go on ajourneg. - kyer e .. kwan, to show the
wag. - kyere..8o kwan, to betrag. - ma. .(ho) kwan, to give way
i.e. to give permission, occasiofi, leave, libedg, license, to permit, al-
low, suffer; to admit. - n y a (ho) kwan, to obtain permission, be per-
mitted, find occasion, be able. - si kwan (mu or) so, to set otU (on
a journey), to depart, -"siw.. kwan, to hinder, impede, obstruct,
prevent, prohibit, forbid. - to kwan, to grant or give libcrtg, freedom,
to give a loose; ode papa kwah a to yen bg, he has laid before us, i.e.
enabled us to choose, the wag for good. - to (or f o m) kwah, to miss
the wag. - tu kwah, to undertake ajourneg. ~ twa ok wan, a) to
make or cut out a wag = yi kw. y b) to cross or pass over a way.

- c) to shorten a wag, pr.l892. - yera gkwah, to lose the wag, go

astrag, to err. - yi kwah, to open, prepare or make a Hew wag. —
Okwah no ano afuw, na akyiri-nohoa de, wgabg, the beginning of
the wag is overgrown, but farther on it is cleared.

akwan-akwdii, adv. along the wag, in walking; pr. 24T4. odii

brgde no akw.; grekg no, na gto dwoni akw. de kg.

0-k w a ii-a s e, the end of the wag.

o-kwaii-aso, the edge or border of the wag; cf. gkwdhky§h.

11 kwan, soup; nom -, to take (prop, drink) soup. Cf. aduah.

kwdne, V. 1. to cackle; akokg no kw., gbeto, this hen cackles,
it will lag (eggs). — 2. to hatvk, hem; gkw. ne menewam\ he is clear-
ing his throat; kw. hohore, to force up phlegm bg hawking. — 3.
F. kwan, to row, paddle; sgn. hare; deriv. gkwamfo.

0-kwane, Ak., 5. gkwah. — iikwane, Ak., 5. hkwah.

akwanne [gkwah ade] passage-^noneg, passage-toll, tunipike-

toll, toll, custom, dutg.

Q-kwan-fwg^ inf. [fwe gkwah] expectation.

akwaii-hyed6 [ade a wgde bye gkwah] subsistence, money

given to carriers to buy their food on the way. pr. 3004.

ak wan-hyid, inf. [hyia..kwah] going to meet one.

akwa-niliAinani [akoa onih6mani] a person of no rank, of
low social condition; = gdeseni.

akwdn-k6 inf. [kg kwah] setting out on a joumeg; pr. 1071.

akw. hemahema se de, mintnmi mehkg bi da, I shall never be aWe
to sei forth upon ajourneg so earlg in the morning.

akwdn-ko-gyd, inf. [gya, akwahkg] accompanging on the wag;

cf. akwAnnyd.

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kwaiikoni — Nkwantanaii. 273

k w aii-kor^^ As. kwaukwara, nkwantd, pL n- [nkwaii, kora],

large spoony ladlCj soup-ladle^ carved of wood. pr. 1896,
kwankora-senfo, a maker of ladles.

ak w an k w a, pi, n- [akoa] youihy young man. pr. 1897. — syn.

aberante, -wa, -kwa. — 2, dandy, fop, coxcomb. — iikwaiikwa-
s^m, strutting, flaunting, finery, foppishness; ostentation; di nkw.,
pr. 2.30,253. cf. kjea & inmerantiwasetn.

iikwaiikwa-diia, Ak. = osekyedua.

o-kwdii-ky eii [okwan nkyen] the way-side, by the way, pr,1898.

tlie edge or border of a road or path ; syn. gkwan-asd.

o-kwaii-kyor^, inf, the act o( showing the way. pr. 648,

o-k w an-kyerefo, pi. a-, guide, leader.

O'kw ail-ma, inf. [xnH qkw&ii] permission, dllotvance, leave, li-

cense; admittnnce.

o-kwaii-mu, a-, in the tcny, in Die proper manner, = kwanso,

«-; cf, abrammo-kwanmu.

g-k wdii-mii-ka, inf, occasioned high-way robbery.

o-k w a u m u k a f 0, high-way robber.

akwau-mii-sem [a word heard on the way, Gr. § 194] news,

report, informaiion received on the road,

iikwa-nod [kwae ano] the neighbourhood of tfte primeval forest;

cf, nhanoa, nsanoa.

Kwanokii, pr. n. of a weak or worthless man. pr, 2969.

ukwa-noma [kwae anoma] a bird from the (primeval) forest.

g-kwan-s$u [hkwan, gsen] soup-pot,

iikwdn-siane [okwan, siane] by-way; cf, akwd, akwatikwan;

akwansi-de, s. akwansisem. [wafa nkw.

o-kwan-siii [ok wan Bin] pi, a-, the extent, length or distance of
a way or roadf from one appointed halting place to another; pr, 818,
— a mile.

akwansimma f dim.] pi, n-, a smaller division of a way; a sta-

dium; a furlong; cf. ofritekwdn.

akwan-siw, inf, [siw kwan] the act of hindering d^c, hinder-

ance, impediment, obstacle,

a k w a n s i-s § m, hinderance, impediment, difficulty,

o-kwan-srdf6, pi. a- [era okwan] scout, spy.

0-kwdii-s5, a-, on the way, in the proper place, manner, order; fa

nneema no toto n^akwahso = siesie nneema no yiye, put these things
in order; eny^ ne kwanso = ne kronkronso, that is not the proper
way, — kw4Ds6-kwdiis6, properZy, orderly, in due order; 6y^ n^ade
nh. kw. — akwau-so-sem^ = akwahmusem.

ukwan-td [okwan nta] double road i.e. the place where a road
I>ranches off into two, or, where two roads cross, pr, 284. 2983, —
ogyina own n^ nkwa nkw.

ukwan-td [nkwan ta] As. = kwankord, ladle; cf, bebata^

iikwantab^u^ a kind of bead, s. ahene.
nkwanta-bisd; a plant. — Nkw., j[>r. n. m.
Nkwan ta-n ail; pr. n, of a town or village (in Akem&c.)i^om
which fonr roads proceed.


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274 akwanted — okwasea.

akwaiite&y s. opurow.

a-kwantemm^refiid, a kind of bird,

akwantemfi, somewhere in or on the wayy not near the start-

ing-place nor the end of the journey.

akwanteii-befua, a single paini-nut foxind on Uie way. (Wo

ba nkasa a, na wofa roa no di, na okasa!)

o-kwantenni, wanderer, traveller, trademnany journeying tra-

der y syn. batanf ; nea qnkm rekodi guA; akwantemto asafo, caravan,
company of travellers or merchants,

ok w kn-t (5 n t e ii, a long way or journey-

o-kwan-tia, a short way or journey. pr,281o.

u k wan-tla [ok wan tia] pr, 1903. the end of a way; the outskirts
of a town, syn, kur6tia.

akwan-tu, inf, [tu kw sih] journey , travel; voyage. — o-kwan-

tufOji^^.a-, wanderer. — akwantii-kdtokii, travelling-pouch or -hag.

— akwantus6 [akwantu ase] the reason for undertodclng a journey,

Uie intention, aim or design in travelling.

akwan-twed, a kind of animal; by-narae: kwame-tabi.

akwdn-nyd; inf. [gya.. kwanj dispatching; accompanying on
the way, syn. akwahkogya. — o-kwan^nyafo,i>Z.a-, companion, con-
ductor; escort, convoy.

ak wan-ny a [ok wan agya] the opposite side of the way. pr..S69.
nkwdn-ye [nea wgde ye nkwah] boot, gain, advantage; ichat
is given in addition (over and above 'usim' and 'ntoso') in buying

g-kwapae, fool, blockhead, dullard &c. Rog. 501. :=^ okwasea,

ogyennyentwi. — iikwapae-sem^syw. nkwaseasem, agyimisem&c.
kwapen, by-narae of the dog; s. okramah.
kwarifd, -fud, == okfsf, rat; pr. 210.371.
kw as a, nkwasS, a kind of tree or shrub; oduahyen di n'aba.
k w lis afo [hkoa asafo] jyZ. id., a person or thing belonging to
the whole company or community. — kwasafo-de, a thing or things
belonging to a community or serving for the use of all; common or
public propetiy. — kwasafode-pe, communisni ; kw.-pefo, commu-
nist. Hist. — kwasafo-diid, a tree (bearing fruit) for common use.

— kwasafo-man, republic; common-wealth; syn. kwaman-m^n.

— kwasafoman(pe)fo, the republican party. — kwasafo-ni, pi. -fo,

a republican. — kwasafo-s^se, a cammofi, coinmon or public
ground. — kwasafo-sem, a palaver in which every body is aUowed
to give his opinion.

iikwa-ase, the end of a plantation ; afuw (F. akwa) no hkoa

a.s. ano a.s. an afo a ede reko hhanoa. pr. 1O07. cf. hkoa.

g-kwasea, pi. h-, h- -fo, fool, idiot, ignorant or stupid person,

silly feUow; simpleton, dolt, dunce, dtdtard; oye okw. se oguah, he
is as stupid as a sheep; - syn. ogyennyent^X^i, ogyimfo, oses^o; cf.
obodamfo, ogyefo; kwapae, kwatee, tibohkgso. — kvf a 8 e^f fool-
ishness, stupidity. — iikwaseam\ in a foolish manner. — fikwa-
soa-de, foolish things or deeds; V. (-dze) folly. — iikwasea sgui,

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kwksdsa — kwaw. 276

foolish tdlJc or behav^iour, foolishness, folly. — iikwas ea-t ow, a

large dumpling of the favourite dish of the negroes called *fufu\

kwlis6sd, a mixture of chaff and red clay to rub [kwaw] the

floor of dwellings with; wode oskio a.s. roposA6 a.s. brodeba-akiia
na wgde ye.

Kwasi, pr, n, of a male person born on Sunday. Gr. § 41,4.

Akwasiba, -wa, Akosua, jir. n. of a female born on Sunday.

Kwasi-da, Sunday; cf, dapeh. — akwasi-dae = adwedae.

kwasi-^maukwa, talebearer , telhtale; ^ye kw. =yye nsi-

kyi-n84yam\ he is double-tongued, deceitful, treacherous; cf. gfdko-

kwasiare, overweening, haughtiness, conceit; woy^ kw. =^

[woye ah&ntan.
ukwa-s5m, inf. F. -— nkoa-s6m, service of slaves, slavery.
0-kwasonf, ;??. a- -fo, a person (pi. people) living on the plan-
tation; s. ofnmni.

kwTitSiy leprosy; syn. pit'i, fawohokodi; yarekw., to be leprous,

o-kwatanl, jpi.a--fo, leper; syn. opitini.
o-kwatakyi, 1, a brave person, valiatit man, — ^. bravery,
vailour; - s. okatakyi, akatanini.

kwat^e [recent] foolishness, conceit, foppery, flaunting, brag-

ging, pretentiousness ; 6y^ kw. = ohoahoa neho; cf. kwapae, okwa-
sea, kwasiare.

kwdterekwa, ragamuffin , ragged or nea rly naked fellow ;

pr. 1910. F. kwatserkwa, Mk. 14,52. cf. kwati, kwawow.

kwdterokwOy adv, barely, merely; oki kyere wo kw. se:

do me! he gives the absolute command: love me!

kwati, V. to omd, to leave, set or lay aside, pass by, avoid,

evade; not to come into, not to pass through; it servos also instead
of tbej^rep. ivithotd: wgakwati bene adi asem no, they held the pa-
laver withotU the king; raokwati me a, muntumi ny^ fwe, or, mun-
tumi nk. me nye fwe, John 15,5. pr. 1027.1031.1039. — kwati dufuaw
or kyem, to go round a "medicine*^ or a shield =-- to call upon a fetish.
kwati, kwdtikwati, a, bare, bald, naked, nude; smooth;
simple, plain; cf. kwawow. — watwitwa ne ti so kw., he has his head
close shaved, close cropped; neti apakw.kw.; dua no ho or so (ye)
kw. (= pata, without leaves); masSh mprampro no ho kwkw.

kwdtia, pi. n-, Ak. a forked stick or post on which the poles
for the construction of the roof rest, = akorasimma.
Kwdtla, pr. n. m, — Akwatid, Akotia, pr. n. m.
akwatia [akoa, ti&] adj. sm^zll, short; pr.J2833. — n. 1. a small
person^ short man; fr. 693. 3564. — 2. a wooden bar or bolt, door-
bar, cross-bar.

akwatid-bibii'l, a kind of river-fish.

akwatl-kw an, pi. n-, round-about way, by-ivay, side-way.

kwaw, V. [inf. a-] 1, to rub the floor with a mixture of red clay
and chaff. pr.I867. ~ 2. to wear off; s. red, kokwaw.

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276 kwaw — kyg.

-kwaw, a. plain^ simple^ common; nnua-kwaw, s. kjeh dan.

Kwaw, (F.)iJr. n. = Yaw. Gr. § 41,4. 293,6.

akwawd [akwa, dim,\ a small plantation, pr, 2299.

kwdw6w, rt. harey empty y unfurnisJted ; mere, alone; plain,

simple; cf, kwaterekwa, kwati; wis! dan-kwdwow agyaw ho araa
no, he has built a single house and left it so to him without any ap-
purtenance {&8 kitchen &c.) or furniture: wakan'asem kw., = waki
asem a eho da ho na nnlpa nh. te ase.

kwQ, kwe, kwe, kwi, F. = twe, twe, twe, twi. Gr. § 12.293.

kwia, F. = twa. Gr. § 12,2. 293,1 c Bern. 3.

kwo, kwo, kwu : kw, before o, o, u, is often written in F.fPrh)

where other dialects have merely k.; e.g.

kwo, akwoa (Mk, 12,2.), kwokwa, = ko, akoa, kokoa.

kwoii, akwondo, iikwongya = kon, akonno, hkonya.

ukwouhyefo, akwotuia = nkomhyefo, akatua &c.

kyakya, tSatSa, akyakyawa, -kya, s, akyekyewa.

o-kyame, s. gkySame.

kye, v. 1. to last^ endure, continue, hold md, stand for a lotig

time, pr.lOOl; to be long he. of long duration; n'asemakye dodo, his
speech was very long; to stay long, to stay away ov out a long time;
wAky^biara nen, he has stayed out long enough indeed; s. Gr.§231,l.
3-5., where instances are given to show the rendering by the t?. kye
of the Eng. adtwrbs and phrases Hong, a long while, a good whilCy
for a long time, long ago, not long ago, a (long, slwrt) while ago,long
since, long before, soon, soon afterwards*^, — ^. to delay, defer, with-
stand a long time, require a long time before, with another verb in
the inf.: 6ky^ ne b«l, he delays his coming, lie does not or will not
come soon or for a long time; Luk. 12,45. ekye bo or bu, it withstands
breaking, i.e. it will not break soon or easily; enky^ bo, it does not
withstand breaking, i.e. it will easily break, it is fragile; ekye see,
it is not easily spoiled or ruined, w durable; enkye see, it is not
durable, is perishable, frail; pr. 1017. Gr. § 231,2.

ky e, V. [red. kyeky§] 1. to divide, or separa/e into classes, or-

ders, kinds, parts, portions or shares, to cut up, parcel (oid); - kye
nam, to cut up a piece of meat; often with mu: kye akata no mu
abieii, ditndc the orange into two parts. — 2. to share, part, araong
two or more, to distribtde, divide among several; to apjwrtion; to
present or give (also a single thing to a single person) : gkyee ne
mfefo nhina ade, he distributed presents to all his friends; ode dukfi
kyee me, he gave me a handkerchief. — 3, to give away, make a pres-
ent of: memfd me ba menkye, I do not give away my child, pr. 3538.
— 4. to forgive, pardon: ode me bone akye me, = afiri me, he has
forgiven me my offence, — 5, to remit, to acquit of (a debt) ; wamfA
me kaw no ahkye me, he has not absolved me from (paying) mydehU

kye, V. :/. Ak. = kyew. — 2, F. (khe) = kyekye, kyere, kye-


kye, V, 1, to become clear, visible; to appear, cotne to light; to

come or bring forth, to obtain or impati consistency; this v, is only

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kye — akjeafo. 277

used in connection with ade: ade kye, the day breaks (lit. the things
become visible?) [G. d6e tSere or tSere]; wo abofra yi, nea woy§ yi,
worenkyg ade, you child that you are, by so doing you will (not bring
things to lasting existence or duration i.e.) not live long or fare weU
or prosper; pr. 565. — ade renkye no, things wUl not prosper to him,

— 2. s. red. kySkye.

k y e, interj. expressing the unwillingness of a monkey to give

up what he has got, pr. 1787.

ky ^, adv. in an elegant^ exquisite or luxurious way; wakyekye

nc fi kye. (ade a eho tew fgremm, asem biara nni ho.)
e-kye, Ak. s. kyew.

o-kye, inf. lasting, duration; oky^ naanky§, it did not last long,
akye, F. = anka, ank&na. — nkye, F. 1, = anka. Mt. lfi.11^1.12/.

— jj. A word expressive of an attempt. Mf. Gr. p. 46 (hkhe).

akye, fishing-net; c/*.adwokii & atra, boa, eb6a,asitwu. [G.atS^.]
e-kye, ekyen(V) F. immortality.? Cf akyewa.

akye [fr, kye, v. a forth-coming?] a salutation y greeting , espec.

in the morning; compliments^ respects; cf. makye. — ma akyS, to
salute, greet (cf, kyia) ; mema wo yere akye ; I beg to send or pre-
sent my kind regards to your wife ; ma no akye ma me, give my re-
spects to him or her; obi aba ha abema wo akyS, a person has come
who desires to pay his respects to you.
an'kye, a kind of parrot; s. ako.

^ n k y 5, a kind of icild cashew tree with fruits eaten by theKrobos.

ky 6a, V, [red. kyeakyea] to become or make oblique, inclined,
distorted, wry, crooked, squint rfr.; to slope, slant, bend, incline, dis-
tort d'c. akyea, it is wry, sloping, not straight; kyea asem, to wrest
judgment, to pervert one's cause; okyea n'aso di asem, he perverts
judgment; wakyea n'aso abn no ntenkyew. Cf. kyew, v. cf* a,

kyea, ky^4 fnif-'O ^ bending sideward or a sideward inclina-

tion of the head, as for close or careful inspection; a look from the
side; ofw^j no {or ne) kyc^d, he looks or cares well for him (her, it),
is careful for or mindful of him = gmmd biribi nhia no, n'ani ka
{or ku) no ho ; onfw^ no kyea, he does not even look at him, does not
care the least for him.

hk jea: to-, pr. 2863.

nkyeae, i. obliqueness, crookedness: the slanting of a wdU;

minhu dan no nkyeae hi. — ^. a sloping or slanting line. — 3. fig.
crooked way; crooks (of the heart &c.); yenhuu nenkyeae da, we
never found in him any fault, wrong, tresjyass or deviation from mor-
al rectitude.

ky6a, V. to walk in an affected, conceited, ostentations manner,

to strut, to behave proudly; okyea = odi nkwankwasem, oye neho

akjeafo, ankyeaf6, -g, a person or thing worthy of distinc-

tion, excelling others of the same kind; gbedew mu nni anky. = ob.
biara ny^ fe, biara hky^n h\,pr. 7 1.17 16. 17 19. 3546.

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278 kyeakyea — kyekye.

kyeakyeayred. v., pr.3l73, — kyeaw-kjeaw, a kind g( sandals,

o-kye&me, i>?. a-, speaker, reporter , interpreter; one of the

plders of a king or a negro-town or community, called linguist^ who
in their coancils has the office of a speaker being the month-piece
of, or reporter to, the king or the assembly; - di ky., to be or ados
a speaker, Cf. opanyiii.

aky e-buro, parched corn, pr.394. syn. nkye-wee.

aky e-de, pi, id, [ade a wokye] present, gift: cf. adekyede, kye-
fa, ayeyede.

akye-duafi, fried meat, cakes dtc, Cf, nkyewa.

kyee, v. -so, to spare, retain as precious, save, ttse sparinglif;
cf, kora so ; okyee n'aae so, he is ihrifttj, economical, parsimonious,
close; - red, k^eekyee, q,v,

ky^-6dwo [6ky6 a edwo]: (>ye k. = onipa a oka asem a,

edwo [etwa]. Cf, pr. 2659 f, 2606,

kyeeky^e, red. v, 1, s. kyee. — 2, ky. mn, to mix persons

or things of different kind or size, to alternate, to catise to siwceed
hy turns, to arrange in reciprocal succession ; gwo kyeekyee mu, sht
bears sons and daughters alternately [G, efo nmafi]; momfa mmofra
no nky. mpanyimfo no mu; wasina n'ahene akyeekyee mu, e.s.enj^
ahene sukoro, na esonsone na Qde afrafra mu.
kye-fa, F. [kye, of&] portion, share, allotment, dividend,

iikye-g6 [nno a woakyew ma aben na wode asi ho ma adan

fita na wuguare a wosra] palm-oil prepared for anointing one^s skin
after washing,

iikye-hama [nhama a ekyere] bonds; oda nky. (mu), he is

bound, kept in bonds, fig. he is restrained or hindered in an action,
prohibited to act in a matter; onam nky. m' na obae, he came in
bonds, as a captive,

nkyekwaky enna: bo- =: di ahantansem. pr. 1921,

akyekya , s, akyekyewa.
kye kye (mu), red, v., s, kye, to divide.

kye kye, the evening-star; osi sram nkyen, osram yere nen,
odi sram akyi da; hence it is also called ky^kye-p6-aware, awar6-
m'p^-n5, or, pe-h^ne-ad\, owuodi, implying thsit it is betrothed t^ the
moon and desirous to be married to it, though never able to come
up with it, or, that it is desirous of becoming king (instead of the
moon), and that, when the moon dies i.e. disappears, that star takes
its place; cf. ko-soroma.

kyekye, ;jr. a-, callosity, hard spots of the skin; ky. asi ne
nsam\ ne nsam' asi ky., {or asisi aky.) his hand has become (or his
hands are) callous; ne nankroma anim asi ky., his knees have be-
come callous,

ky eky 6 [full e] spindle; nkora ntra-ntra abien a wode dua

ahyem' ; wode nsatea dan no a, na etwa neho na wode to asdwd.
kyekye, a kind of kente, s. ntama.

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kyekye — akyekyeregya. 279

kyekye, kyikyi, spy-glass; telescope.

kyeky e, red* i;.[e/*.kyere, kyekyere] i. to bindf tie (up), hind

together J pr, 1923. — 2, to gird, girdle^ girt; wakyeky e n^asen = wabg
neho 80. — - 3, to precipitate^ form a sediment, to tlmhen, inspissate,
coalesce, concrete, congeal; aburow, dote no aky. (after being dis-
solved in water or soaked), — 4. to groio or become firm, hard, solid:
od6 no aky. kakra-ara gyenii. — 5. ky. kfirow, to huild a town,
pr. 447. — 6. gkyekye ne were (lit. he ties up his hreast?) he comforts,
consoles, solaces him; ne were akyekye, he has been or is comfor-
ted, consoled.

kyekye, red. v. -..so, to keep close together; oky. nesika

so = omfk ne sika nt6 aduan nni, nto ntama mfnra.

u kyeky e, iw/". avarice, stinginess, niggardliness* cf. smihere,

ayamohwene, kane. — o-kyekyefb, ^.a-, miser, niggard; pr.l922.
one heaping up treasures; cf. oyamohwenefo.

o-kyokye, a kind oibat, having bumps about the head.pr. 711,

kye'kye, n. a sound agreeable to the ear, harmonious, satis-
fa<^torif, gratifying; wdfl ky. akyi, he comes behind hand, a day after
the fair.

ilkyekyed, a large fruit (melon?) with eatable seeds; syn.


akyekyea, a dish of roasted meal of Indian corn or maize.

nkyekyern', inf. [kyekye mu] the act of dividing; division;

part, section, verse; fraction; syn. nkyem*.

kyekye-mawe, As. a fish of a finger's length. /

aky ekye-mawe, F. locust. Mt 3,4. Mk. Ifi. - s. boadabi, abebew.

uky^kyera, nkyeky^rewa, Gy. gorg, a cord made of pine-

apple fibres (sevenfold, mfiriwa).

iiky^kyere, a kind of gras^ or weeds preventing the growth

of any thing else; sare atenten bi a ete se nnua; papyrus; rtish,
Job. 8,11. cf. sakran. *

11 k y 6 k y e r e, wild sugar-cane ; syn . f werew.

kyekyere, red. v. [kyere] 1. to bind, tie, tie together; ky.
boa, to make a bundle; ky. adesoa, to prepare aload; wgkyekyeree
ne nsa kgg n'akyi, they tied his hands behind his back; bone aky.
n^ani, sin has blindfolded him. — 2. to gird, girdle, girt; cf. nkye-
kyeremu. — 8. to be tied round a thing; dukfi ky. neti, she has a
handkerchief tied round her head. Cf. kyekye.

kyekyere [kekre] roasted corn ground into flour; syn. osidm;

wgde abOrow a wgakyew na eyam ky.

aky ekyere-e, pi. n-, tortoise; cf. awuru, apuhurn.

[pr. 1465. 1467. 1924-31.

n k y e k y e r e e, a wea ver^s spool ; Syn. dodo wa.
kyeky erebesi, a kind of tree; dua bi a eho wo nsge, ey§ den,
n^lhaban nteantea, wode eho bono ye hama, ebgn na ebon ; wokgr
ase a, wntu nnee.

akyekyere-gy^, -twe, a kind of ant.

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280 kyekyerehii — kyeii.

kyekyerehd, a kind of food prepared of maize.

k 7 e k y e r e-k 6 ii a, different sorts of precious beads drung to-
gether, worn by kings, pr, 448.
akyekyere-k6iimti [neaekyekyerekonmu] nccMace ; neck-
nkyeky ere-mi'i, belt, girdle; syn. aboso. [cloih.

nkyeky ere-s6 fnea wode akyekyere adesoa so] that tchich is

bound upon a load in addition to it.
nkyekyerewa, s. nky§ky^ra.

iikyeky^wa, 1. notchy indentaiioti; gsekan no an© abo nky.,

the edge of the knife has got a notch. — ^. a clicking or smacking sound
produced to scoff at one ; wgbo no nky. (=ntwom), ihep deride Aim,
scoff at him by smacking tpith the tongue.

ukyekyewa, the spicy bark of a tree ; cinnamon ?

akyekyewd, -kya', a humpbacked, hunchbacked person.

[pr. 741. 1046, cf afn.

ky^kyewa^ a. small; okura adaka ky. bi s^ or adaka kete-
w« bi a ete se.

0-kye m, i>?. a-, a shield plaited of twigs; nwene ky., to make a

shield; woyeno tetere akinanan ; buckler; cf. nwAky^m, wokyem.
akyem-akyem, a. [^pl. o/'okyem] flat (as the wicker-work of
a shield); atntnw nti abofra no nsa adan aky.

nky em', inf. [kye muj division, part, fraction; s. hkyekyem'.

ky em, 17. to press (together) forcibly, to force out.

Akyem, jpr.w. Akem, a country consisting of two territories,
Akyem Abd^kwa and Aky6m K6toku, Gr. p. XI. XII. — pr.n.m.
dnky ^m', pl.n-, a small bird, perhaps 300 living on one tree,
kyema, s. kyima.

ky^madu, a. large, said of a bunch of bananas, palm-nuts,

akyemddud (kgko), a kind of beans.
kySmS', a most precious kind of cloth from the interior (sa-
rem'), made of silk-thread, pr. 1365. (pr. 805.)
akyem-medew, s. obed^w.

k y e m f e r e, i>Z. n-, potsherd, pr. 3669.

o-ky e m f 6, ph a-, a large spider; its bite is said to be venomous,
o-ky e m f 6 o, pi. a-, a shield-bearer (of the king of Asante). pr. 799.
Akyemfoo, pr. n. of a sea-coast town in Fante.
ky^mi, a kind of small fish, pounded and made into lumps,
stinking = ose^-s&min^. pr. 2345. [6. gbemono.]
kyemmiri, F. a kind of snake.
nky em-pa e [nkyene pae] a bag of salt. pr. 3609.
n k y e m-p e, equator. D.As.
nkye-mii, s. nkyem'.

Q-kyemwd [okyem, dim.^ a small shield, target.

kygn [Ak.F.kyeneJy. to surpass, go beyond, exceed, excel, be

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kyeii — hkyene. 281

larger than; syn, 8§n, cf. tra; it is ased for the comparative form
of £Dg. adjectives and the conj, than; after another verb it is trans-
lated by more than, better thatiy rather thauy when negative, by not
80 .. as, not more .. than, Dabodabo ye kokiiro kyen akokp, or d.
kyen akoko koktiro; Onyame nhyira ye kyen sika; metnmi maye
kyen nea wosnsuw; moanyin sen me, enti mntu mmirika kyen me;
biribi nky^n ogya kok5. R,p. 202, Gr. § 73. — kyen so (without an
expressed object of comparison) to be eminent, excellent, superior;
nneema a ekyen so, extraordinary things.

kyen, t;. to erect the sides of a house; wokyen dan, wokyen

nnua-kwaw no, they put in the common sticks for the walls of a negro-
house. — Cf, nkyen.

ky eii, r. [s. kyfinkySn] 1, to become hard, dry, stiff, durable;

ekaw kyen na empSrow, pr, 1498, — ^. to make hard: wokySh won
yafunu, tJiey abstain frotn food, live on scanty food, s. yaf. — 3. F.
gkyen ne kon wg n'agya do, he rebelled against his father \ cf sen kon.

Okyefi, j>r. n. a surname for the name Atiammo.

a k y e n, the side, side-part or 2)l(ice by the side of a thing ; in

connection with verbs it is, in Eng., often rendered by prepositions,
as, near, by, mth, to, from; or by adverbs, as, aside, apart, private-
ly; F. Mt. 14,13. Mh i5,5. = gfa; - ogyina me nkyen, he stands near
or by me; kyekye da sram nkyen, the evening-star is near tlie moon;
mekg ne nkyen, / am going to him; eii ghene nkyen, it comes froim
the king; cf, Gr. § 122. — Cpds. s. gdankyeii, gkwankygn.

o-ky ena, F. e- [gkye da] to-morrow; the day or a day follotcing

the present; gky. bi, some future day.

o-kyena-kyi, the day after to-morrow*

ky§ne, r. Ak. F. = kyen ; m'agwima kyene me, my work is
too hard (too much) for me.

kyene, v, to swing, fling one's self, as an ape from one tree to

another; gkyene e.s. (kontromfi, duahyen) gtow fi dua biako so kg
biako so. — de.. kyene mu; ^ cross, to throw across: gde ne nan
akyene mu, h^ has crossed his legs. In the combination tow., kyene
the v. tow means to throw, send, fling, hurl from the hand or from
a starting place, and kyene points to the end and aim of such
movement, s. Gr. § 109,.32. 243,&. Kyene is used of single things,
gu of a multitude of things or of materials ; gtow tnmpan no kyenee
pom', he hurled the bottle into the sea; watow ne sekah akyene, he
has flung his knife away, or, he has lost his knife (by carelessness).

aky ene,pZ.n-, drum; diff. kinds: gbgmma (akyenek^se), atQm-

pih, hkrdwiri, adedenkiira, et^i, akuku4 (at Kumase and Akro-
pong); sa n kyene yi nhina di bene anim nh n'akyi; gt^nt^, mpin-
^"; gyamadudu; - ka or yan aky., to beat a drum.

u kyene, salt. Akw. tdfode, gyir^m. — Fhr. hky. atem\ U is

sufficienily sailed; nky. atwam\ it is excessively salted, overscdted;
nky, no nt^ adem\ the salt has lost its savour; wgny^ nky, na woa-
hono, the rain w'dl not kill you; waka nky. agu (lit he has cast away
sail) he has ceased to use salt i.e. he is dead; n'aniwa soa nky. =

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282 ukvenohoa — kyeiikyeiiara.

n'ani kum na n'aniwam' aye no fremfromfrem or dededede, he isai

the pMfd of dropping sweeiJ If asleep; akoa yi, gye m^anim nkyene,
medai^ mebo a, na oye m'atiko yiea, he speiiks good words in my
earSf heMnd me had ones; cf. wotoo no tekremakyone, they laid scM
upon their tongue for him by sweet words; onan nkyene gu n'asom',
he bribes or persuades him; obeka hky. a, mirentieno bio, though
he try his best to persuade me, I will not listen to him any more. —
bo nky., s. bo 98. - si nky., ft. nkyenesi.

a k y e n o-b 6 a,}?!, n- [aboa a gkyene] ape^ monkey {^euera} name).

akyeiie-dam, s. adam.
ky en edur u, a tree the wood of wliich resembles cedar-trood;
cedar^; dupoii a wode sen akyene, ye mpuran &c.

akyene-ka., inf, drumming, bent of drum; syn. ayan.

g-kyene-kfifOj drummer; syn, gkyerema, oyanfo; ef. gyaasefo.

a-kyenc-k§sej the king's large drum, called gbgmma. pr.711.

nkyeiie-mu, v.n. a crossing of two lines as in the sign of mul-

tiplication X ; ef osikyi.

kyeiiene, a barren, sterile^ unfruitful female (of animals);

oguan yi abu ky., this sheep has become fat instead of bringing forth
young; cf, obonin, karawa.

jukyene-iikyeue, adj. salty; nsu nky., bracki^i water.

nkyeno-si, inf. the putting of salt into bags. [Wosi nkyene =

wgkyekye nky. wg abobow mu a.s. akyem-medew mu a.s. ahaban
biara mu.]

o-kyene-8oafo, pi. a-, a carrier of a drum. pr. 2822.

nkyene-s6af6, pi. id., satt-earrier. pr. 1943.
ixkyeii-k6k6j pL hkyene-ak6k6, a grain of salt.
ukveukyerama, a kind of grass.
uky6hkyemk^6, pr. 1944. cf. kyekyemawe.
nkyeiikycn, F. = hkyene-hkyene; saltness. Mk. 9,-50.
kyeiikyeii, red. v. [s. kyen] 1. to make or grow hard, dry,
stiff, numb; awgw akyenkyen me, the cold has benumbed me; wa-
kyenkyen na oye awu, he has became torpid and is about to die;
onipa wn a, gkyenky<*n, when a man dies, he becomes stiff, — 2. to
strain, to put to the titmost tension, excH to the tdmost: kyenkven
woho ma adaka no so» exert yourself (call up your strength) to lift
np the box. — 3. V. to dry up, tcither away. ML 4,6.1 1,20 f
kyenkyeii, a. stiff; tadua ky. pr. 3156; s. ky.-ara & kven-

ky ^11 kySii, basket, pannier, ma deofpalm-branches and reeds,
to carry palm- wine; syn. akgtw6; cf. bedew, apakan, kyerenkye.
akyeiikyoi'iy pi. id., an unripe jmlm^nut.

kyenkyea-be-infi, pr. 310.1940-47.

akyeiikyena, a bird with a large bill, the toucan or horHhUi
buceros? pr. 1948. — by-names; pebiakrro, m^amea.

kyeiikyeh-ara, adv. hard, forcibly; needs, necessarily, «»-

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akvenky^nne — ky^re. 283

dispensable; absolutely, by all meanSy peremptorily, positively y utterly;

mise, memma ghko ; na o»e kyenkyen-ara obeko, I say, I do not
tcisk to let him go ; btU he says, he null go by all means. [Cf. G. ke,
kSle, still, yet, though,]

aky enkyen-ne [kyenkyen, adej a forced matter or thing; -

pdo ny6 aky., love is not enforced, obtained by force.

iikyeiikyene, something hardened; biribiara a akjdnkjgn,

86 dote, adaan a aye dennennennen na wudi a enye bio, nam a
woahow Da aky^n; - obosu nky.+, hoar-frost; nsu nky.t, ice; amO
nky.t, a mummy,

kyenkyfineuHj s. kyehkyoronn.

kyenkyenkyen, adv. hard, rigidly, inflexibly, unrelenting-

ly, excessively; (jhyeno ky., he forces him hard, rules over him with
severity; Eniresi-abiirofo nhye abibifo ky., the English do not deal
rigidly with the negroes; otgn n'ade abooden ky., he sells his things
exceedingly dear.

akyenky^n-nuru [aduruaeky6hky$n| a medicine for hard-

ening any thing, for embalming a corpse, for mummification,

kyeiiky entakyi-a, ado. by force, forcibly; eny6 kyenkyen-

takyi-ekyf do, it is not an irresistible love; kyenkyentakyi-^i a,
ose m^mmayenko, he absolutely wants me (or, with all his migJU he
forces me) to go unih him; syn. ky5nkyen-ara.

kyeukyentakyi-kurow, pr. 2818.

kyenkyerenii, a. d: adv. very hard, dry, stiff; cf. kySn &

kySnkyeh, v. — nam no aye kyenkyerehn, the fish (or meat) is well
dried; asase no mn {or so) ye kyfenkySngnn, = emu akySn or awo,
ihe land is Mrd and dry, arid, meager, barren; ne ntama no asen
ky. ; ne nsa seni ky. or kyehekese, 1 Ki. IS. — wakySn ky^nkyer§hn,
he has become stiff (in his body or joints, for some hours) : ey4 akose
abiribiriw-twa, .syn. ade ato no so, ahunmu ato (oi* asi) no so.
kyenkyerenkyeu == kyenkychkyeh.
akye-nya-de [ade a woakye anya] share, portion, = kyefa.

kyepe, Akw. = pedna, to.

kyepefij F. portion, inheritance. Mt. 5,5.

nkyertl, a kind oi pot; s, knku.

kyer,F. kyere, Ak. = kye, v. to last, endure; F. roambekyer',

/ am not to remain long; gb§kyer ahe, Jiow long will it last? bekyer
ahS nko, how long (wilt Uiou stay away)? Ps. 90,13.

kyere [kye, v. to lastdx.^ a delay ^ lingering, prolonged stay;

mehhy^ wo ky., I do not detain you, will not cause you a delay or
detepition; wannye ky. yee ntem kgg hg, he hastened there without

kyere, v. [red. kyekyere, q. v.] 1. to catdi, lay hold on, seize

(by pursuit); to take captive (ky. or fa dommum), apprehend; to
detain; agyinamoa ky. hknra, akroma ky. nkokg; pr. 3111.1954-57.
ky. asem, Lk. 11,54. — 2. to bind, tie round (adare, the handle of a
hUlrhook). — 3. to become thick, to curd, curdle, clot, concrete or coa-
gtdate into a thick inspissated mass; nufnsu no aky., the mUk has
curdled. — 4. ..mn ky., a) to be narrow; gdan yi ran ky., this room

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284 kyere — akyere.

is narrow; opp. mxx gow, to he spacious. — b) to be hurtied and in-

distinct in pronunciation : Aburifo kasa mu kyere, e.s. wokasa ntem-
ntem na emu ntew a.s. emu nnA ho. — 5. kyere mu^ to interweave,
tissue f variegate; woaky, mu = otamanweDef6 adi mu adwini; s.
ukjeremu. — 5. to be in great distress or straits: ne ho kyere no =
ne ho hia no wo mma nhina; ne tirim aky. no (e.s. asem bi aye no
ehfi niawereho nhina), he has become distracted^ out of his senses or
wits. — 6, to press or be pressed togetJwr; kyere so, to throng, crowd:
nnipa no aky. so, the people are crowded together; woky^re no so,
theff throng him; woko kyere tow, thei^ huddle together into a cZusttr,
swarm or crowd. — 7. kyere {or kyekyere) sa, to prepare for icar
(by collecting an army &c.); wakyere me ho sa-bone, he has plan-
ned, devised or determined eml against me. — 8. to show or manifest
ill wiUf hostUitify animosity, aversion, to bear malice, to make one fed
a grudge; s, nkyeree.

kyere, V. [red. kyerekyere, q. v.] 1. to show foiih, j^rodwr.

exhibit, present to view (often preceded by de, fa, yi, with the ob-
ject that is shown) : fa mfonini yi kyere no, show him these pic-
tures; mede maky. no {or, maky. no mf.); - fa woho or yi woho
kyere, shoic yourself; gkyere neho (dodo), he i*? ostentatious, boast-
ful, vaunting. pr.:i82. 1318. - yi.. ky eve, to manifest, reveal, make
knotvn. John 1,31.^,11. ~ - 2. to show, point out (to): to guide or lead
to; kyere no kwan, shoiv him the way; kyere no odan a obedam\
lead him to the room where he is to sleep, pr. 1617. — 3. kyere ase,
to show the reason, meaning, sense, i.e. to e.v plain, interpret, pr. 1950.
kyere lino, to siate or declare the amount, number, weigM dr. F. to
declare. — 4. to teach, instruct in: mekyereeno nhoma-kan, I taught
him to read (cf. red.). — 5. to advise, c(mnsel, exhort: okyeree no se
onnnan, he advised him to flee; pr.226. — 6". to have a direction or
situatiofi toward, to front, face, to look toward: adannim ky. apuei,
the frojit of the house looks eastward; nemfensere ky. abonten so,
his window faces or looks into the streH. — 7. After another verb, ky.
often shows the direction of an action and is rendered in Eng. by
iheiprep. toward (Gr.§ 223,4): oterew ne nsam* kyere gsoro, he spreads
foiih his hands toward heaven ; or it denotes the reference to a per-
son and is rendered by to: ka.. kyere, to sjjcak or relate to, to tell,
give instruction or information to, to inform: okai ne dae kyeree no,
he told him his dream; wanya asem no nki nkyeree, Jie has often
incidcated this matter; - to makeknown, re veal. John 1,18. — 8. kasa
kyere, a) to speak to. pr. 513. - b) to instruct, exhort, admonish. pr. 911.
— 9. to do for a pretence: wobg mpae tenten kyere, they for a jm-
tence make long prayers. Mt. 23,14.

kyere, F. unless, except {^^ye')-^ till, untU: mgdg w'ky. owu

apa hen mu, I shall love thee till death us do part; cf. kyere-de.

kyere, inf. Ak. = gkye, lotig duration, time. pr. 1949.

o-ky ere, the act oi teaching; doctrine, ride, precept, inslrt4ction.
o-kyere, precious beads and pieces {ingots) of gold, fastened
round the wrist; s. gkrakyere.

aky e r e^pl.ii-, a wretch worthy or destined to be killed; pr.636J9o8.

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kjeree — ukyerekyerewd. 285

cf, akwakyere; wode no too akyere, they sentenced him to he killed

after previous torments in dragging him along the streets,
kyeree, = aboso, the batten or movable bar of a loom.
iikyeree"^, v,n. [kyere, i.] example, sample, pattern, instatire;
syn^ nfweso; elio nky. bi ni.

nkyeroe [kyere, v.\ 1. manner of binding; state of bondage,

bonds; nkyeree a womd wokyeree no yee no yaw se. — J2. a grudge,
ill will, animosity, hostility, malice, aversion; medenena ho nkyeree
(= ne ho tan, ne ho ahi) na mede merekyere no, I make him feel
the grudge I owe to his mother; mfA m'agya ho nkyeree iikyer^me,
do not make me suffer for the aversion you have conceived to my
father. — 3. = duasoe, kaasee &c.

nkycre-ano, inf. V. answer, declaration.

iikverease, inf. explanation, interpretation; cf. asekyere.

akyereba, -wa, -ba, pi. n-, F. sister; cf. onna-ba.

[Mt. 13,56. 19,29. Mk. 3,35. 6^.

kyere be II 11, kfereb^n-krebeiiu, (fnll e) o. c^ adv. 1. erect,
upright, straight, not crooked at all; (ogyina hg ky., nnua no anyin-
nyiii krbkrb.) — 2. fast, firm; syn. pintinn.

o-kyerebeii, jjL a-, a species of snake; oye ahantan se oky.

kyereb^iikuku, tlie queen of the white ants, = mf6teh^ne.
ky ere hik{s 6), a three-angled piece of wood or shelf fastened
in the corner (or nook) of a room to put things on ; s, kyereso.

kyere bo, hardened dung, excrement; onipa, atoteboa biara

a.s. akoko bin a eye dennennen; syn. bin, sebew; cf. bintnw.

kyere-de, F. (in order to see) whether; = kyere-se; or only:

kyere: Mk. 11,13. — kyere oboku no, hoping to kill him.

a k y e r ^ d e w a, a little something to make a show ; a small token.

akyerekyo, an animal that eats nnripe plantains, pr. 1960.
akyerekyereo, id.? a kind of rodent animal; s. opurow.
nkyerekyera, -kyere wa, dry land, barren desert; nky. sone
nea wura ntunii mfiti yiye na aduan nso mmo.

kyere kyere, a. only used together with kan, s. kahky....

kyerekyere, red. v., 1. «. kyer§: the red. form is used, with
the meaning to teach, instt^ct, when the thing or matter that is taught
is not mentioned; cf. didi, kenkan. — 2. kyerekyerg .. mu, to ex-
plain, expound, elucidate, illustrate.

nkyerekyeree, examples, instances; s. nkyeree; ehonky.bi.

g-ky erekyere f 6, pi. a-, teacher, instructor, tutor; preacher,
miniMer of the gospel.

a k y e r e k y e r e-k w a 11 , li t. tvhat shows the way ; 1. the forefinger,

index. — ^. in a slnp the helm, or perh. better, the steering compass.
— 3. way-'mark, direction-post.

ukyer§kyeremu, inf. explanation, explication, elucidation.

kyer§kyerew, red. v., s. kyerew.

u kyere kyere wa, engravings, figures, pr. 2583.

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286 nky6rekyerewa — kjerewo.

nky^rekyerewa, 5. nkycrekyera,

o-kyeremkjpLA'y drummer, by the fetish-priests called oyamfo;

pr. 1961, aheue n6 aky.» lit. kings and drummers, i.e. Idngs and other

akyeremadel'o, the king's drummers, j^- ^^^' ^- gyaasef9.

ukyeremma, whiie flakes of fishes (gbrode-hono a wgahjew
mu gyaren86 mu apgwapgw a ededam' titafita no).

iikyeremii, a kind of precious cotton cloth, mixed of red and

black, similar but far superior to mmobom\

kyereiiky ^, J??, n-, 1. basket made of wicker (hama n^ mpo-

pa), strong & coarse, used to cover fowls, chickens &c. — of. ken-
t^n, kyfenkyen, (akotwe), s^sea, plrebi, tekrekyi. — ^. hird^s cage.

ky erep^ii, pL n-, rote, tine, rank, file; wafua ode gyau nko
kyerep^hkyerep^n, Jie has planned yam in (several) rotes consisting
only of '*gyawu**. — F. aky. mu, in rows, Mt.6,40.

kyere-se, conj, (F. -de) = se ebia, whether or if perhaps;

Gr. § 141,1.B. a. kofwe ky. gwg ho ana? koka kyere no ky. obetie
ana? ko ky. wobenya biribi aba na yeadi.

kyereso, = ky^rebias6, duabon a.s. duabia wgasen de ahye

kokoam^ na wgde nneema gu so.

k'yere-sua-sem (-nh6ma)+, eat€cMsm.Kurtz§7,

kyere-tie, listening to instruction; meko ky., I go to have a

lesson; asubo ky., the attending to instruction previous to baptiging,

kyer^tie f o'*', (pL id,) catechumen.

k y e r e w, v,{red, kyerekyerew] Ky . t^ere, to ^vrite ; to engrave;

ky. nhoma, to write on paper, to write a letter, deed, document, tract
or book; cf kurukyerew.

ukyere w: the phrase gu ne nkyerew is used when of things

portioned out successively nothing is left; wokye ade hi mu wie a,
wgka se: yeagu ue nky^rgw, = yea wie kora, we are at the end of
it, we have done or finished, all is spent, there is nothing left; aduan
a yede koe no, yesan akodi bi a, na wgagu ne nky. dedaw, when
we went again to partake of the victuals we had taken mth us, ihetf
were already done (finished, consumed, used up).
akydrewa, -ba, Ak. F. sister, = onua-bd, -bea.

kyerewd, screw; cf, mfewa.

kyerew-de, jp^ n-, letter, character in icriting (s, kyerewe)

or printing (s. ntintimi).

kyerewe, -e, pi, h-, a line, syn. nsanhg; a mark or character

in ivriting; letter; s. kyerewde.

11 kyere we, -e, 1, engraved or impressed artificial lines or fig-

ures on calabashes, pottery &c.; ahina no ho nky. ye fe. — 2. any
engraving, writing, drawing, design, delineation, — 3, the lines in
the palm of the hand. — 4, a mark, notch, incision, groove, — 5.
the worm or thread of a screw (nkyinkyimi).

g-kyerewfo, 7)Z. a-, writer; scribe; clerk; author (of a hoo\i\,

kyere-wo, a kind of bird, catching snakes.

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akyetgii — akyi. 287

aky e-tofi,i«/. [kyere, tgo] catching and selling; wodii Krobg-

fo aky., iheg took to catching and selling the Kroho-people,

e-kye w^ Ak. ekye, hafy cap, bonnet, any covet: for the head: cf,
bftro-kyew, fo-kye &c* — pa., kyew, lit. to take off the hat, to heg
subntissivelg, to entreat, supplicate, beseech, peUtion; to beg pardon;
5yw. koto, s<5re, koto sere; [G. kpa fai, Vac. p. 66.] niepa wo kyew se:
fa firi me, I beg you to forgive me! wo kyew ni! lit. your hat is this,
i.e. / beg your pardon! kyew nhina yo wo dea ^= fa iiri me, na fa-
firi fihina ye wo dea, eny^ me dea, / have nothing to forgive, I crave
only yofir forgiveness; mepaa no me bone ho kyew, I asked him to
forgive the wrong done by me,

kyew-pa, inf. entreaty, supplication, asking for pardon.

ky ow, V, to fry, bake, roafit, j^circh (akokg, nam, nkyewa, kafe,

abOrow, pr. 394,, ase n.a., with or without fat, in a pan. on a roaster
or potsherd, whereas tdtd is, to bake in an oven, or, as kisa, to roast
at the bare fire.

kyew, i\ to squint; cf. kyea; okyew n'ani, he squints his eye,

looks asquint; n'ani akyew, he squints, is squint-eyed.

-kyew, a. in cpds: crooked, wry, wrong, unjust; s. brakyew,

akyew-akyew, adv.squintingly; gfwe noaky., he looks at him
in a squinting manner, by side-glances.

ky ew'ky ew': ne ho ye no ky., he feels uncomfortable, tmeasy,

is anxious, timorous, apprehensive, susjncious, from a bad conscience,
from fear to be seen.

akyevva Nyahkopon, F. the immortal God. Cf. ekye.

iiky ewa, fried calces, roasted meat, delicate food; c/*.akyeduan.

n ky e-w e-e [abdrow a wgakyew na wgwe]jpflrc/<e<? corn. pr.l944.

ky i, Ak.kyiri, v. [red. kyikyi] to turn the back to; 1. to dislike,

not to like, to loathe, have an aversion to, hate, detest, abhor; cf. tah;
to shun, fear, shrink from. pr. 417.1190. 1517. neg. not to be against^
pr. 1805. wonkyi, it vi not objected, not found unallowable, pr. 1488. 1963.
woka no sa a, wonkyi, you may say so, although it is not the right
word or answer. - abosom nhina wg ado awokyikyii. — J2. to abs-
tain from, to avoid, to consider as forbidden (by the fetish) and
unclean; mikyi, Jam not allowed to eat it. — 3. kyi anim, to shtm,
keep clear of, beware of, get out of the way of; nea ese sg yekyi n'a-
nini ne gbonsam, he tchom il is necessary for us to shun is the devU.
— 4. kyi ayi, to abstain from certain victuals for a month to a year
after the death of a member of one's family.

kyi, v. [red. kyikyi] to press, squeeze, wring or crush out; wg-

horo ntama a, wokyi mu nsu no agu, in washing clothes tJie water
is wrung out fram them; kyikyi atam no mu; - kyi nufu, to milk;
kokyi nnuan no nufu, go and milk the goats; - kyi nuo, to press otU
oil; kyi bobe-aba, to pre^s grapes; Gen. 40,11.

akyi, cf. akyiri, Ak. akyire, Gr. §11 9. 120,4. 130,5. 1. the back,
the hind(er) part, rear; the outer (outward) part, outside of a vessel
or enclosure, of the hand. pr. 468. — 2. the space behind or outside. —

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288 iikyi — okyikaf6.

5. behind (qwq m'akyi, he is behind me; dua bi si dan no akyi;

pr. 2160); oidside, wWiotd (opoh akyi, outside or before the door);
after (of time) ; opranna akyi na osu to da, aft^r a thunder-storm
it always rains. — 4. in specific cases or phrases: a) the property
left at a person's death; b) the time of one^s abseficc; c) one's sup-
porters or relations. — di ..akyi (di akyiri), to follow y go or come
after; to sticceed; to accompany j attend j assist; to pursue, cJKise;
pr.89.3. 895. 898 f. — ogyina m'akyi, he stands behind me, backs me,
supports, assists or protects me, stands security for me. — n'akyi tweri
me, he leans upon me, s, aninsem. — waba m'akyi, Jie has come in
my absence; obi aba wo akyi, somebody came to visii you whilst you
were absent. — edom abefi yen akyi, the enemy has made his ap-
pearance in our rear, at our back, behind us. — wafi m'akyi ako ho.
he went there without my knowledge; - siesie m'akji, provide for mtf
coming home (that I may find something to eat); of we n'akyi, sfie
looks for the things which he has left; nea wode fwee m'akyi wo he?
iohat did you prepare for me whilst I was absent? - ohyehye n*akyi,
he boasts of what he has not with him (what is left behind or expected);
- owo bi wo n'akyi, he has a rich relation; n'akyi ny^ durn, he is
not of a rich or renowned family, ISam. 18,23.

nkyi, F. adv. then, now, afterward. Mt. .3^10.12,44 f. Mk. 1,14. =

eno na; cf. akyiri no, F. n'ekyir' no.

ky ia, i;. \inf. n-, red. kyiakyia] Ak. dwa, 1. to shake hands,
greet, salute, bid welcome. — J2. to give or send one's compliments;
cf. ma akye. — 3. to bet, wager, lay (a bet or wager), hold a wager;
wokyia wo so, they hold a tvager on it; me nh no kyia, I wager iclth
him; kyia me e! lay me a wager!

ukyia, inf. joining hands, salutation, greeting; (pi. nkyiakyia,

Mt.23f7); bet, wager.

aky i-de [kyi, v., ade] a detfsiable or abominable thing; any food
disallowed by the fetish ; wadi n'aky., he has eaten wh<U he was for-
bidden to eat.
akyi-di, inf. following after, pursuing, pursuit; pr, .300.
kyi-dom, tM rear, rear-guard, reserve of an army, reserve
troops of the centre.

akyi-dua, a support, stay, prop; a defender; n'akyidna aba,

the person in whom or t?ie thing in which he trusted is no more.

akyi-dtiaiV, knnaf6 adaan a wodi, bread of mourners. Has. 9,4.

0-kyifo, nea okyi ad nan bi. pr. 1965.

akyifo, pi. n., the stcccceding generation; cf. akyikafo, nkjriri-

mma; yen akyifoa wobae yi de, won ani nso nnipa, this rising gen-
eration has no respect of others, = ne-mma yi ani nso mpanyimfo.

aky i-fwe-d6 [ade a wode fwe obi akyi] necessities or presents

prepared for one to receive him as a guest or on his return home;
m^aky. wo h§? what is prepared for me?

akyi-gyind, inf. [gyina akyi] support, assistance, protection.

o-kyigy\n&{6j su^pporier, protector, counsel, attorney, advocate^

comforter. John 14-16. — 2. one who handles (a gun), shooter, pr.lT92.

0-kyi-kaf6, pl.Hy 1. one left behind, left in charge o/* something

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kyikyi — kjiuliyia. 289

by a departing person. — 2. heir (= owunnyafo, gdedifo). — H.

straggler. — 4, otie who remahis behind, the last. Mat Wyl2.14.1(!, -
•>'. okyirikafo, F. nkyirdzifo.

kyikyi, kyikyi, recL vv., s. kyi, kyi.

kyikyi, kyekye, i('h\sroi)ey spg-gJms; of, afwede.

kyi kyikyi, ye-, to rrenJc; opoii no rebue no, eyeeky. =^- e-


kyi kyirikyikyiri, vttriilines-% rashtfess; oytj ky., he does

not sit qidet, is rash, nnnd//, turhtdcnl, refractory,

kyiiii', = kyi mu.

kyim, v. [red, kyinkyim] to tt(rn, ttcisf, windy wrings tcrest:

.v//».dan', kyima; to turn round, revolve, wheel; woky^m hama, fra,
nsa...; wiase oronipa nkwa rekyiYn, the world, or human life, is not
permanently standing, is turning, wheeling.

kyim, v.n. wresting (fx. ogyeme kyim. he tales my word and

wrests it, he doubts, disputes what I say. pr. 76. Cf. akyinnye.
e-ky im, a food prepared of blood, spiced witb salt and pepper.

kyima, v. 1. to turn, twist; oky. nekoii, ne ti, ne nsa, safg. —

J2. to ttitit aside: dom no akyima akofa nkwansianc abesi kiirom',
the enemy turned and entered the town by a round-about way; - oko-
kyima, he goes to ease himself, to the privy ;(pr. 569.) F. he goes about,
Mi. 4,2.3; - wakyima neho = wadaii nehO, a) he has withdrawn; b)
he has eased himself (evaeuated his bowels); ef. ye neho yiye, gya
ne nan. — H, = ye bra.

kyima, blame, blemish, defect, fault; ne ho nni or nto ky., there

is no defect in him; neho tew or to ky., there is something amiss or
faulty with him; ne ho tew ky. (biribiaraye no a.s. ono ye biribi) a,
wode bebisa wo, if any thing goes amiss tvith him, you will answer
(be answerable) for it.

nkyimfiri, an engine with a combination ofivheels, wheel-tvorh.

ukyimi', a winding; the thread or worm of a screw (mf^wa
no ho nky. at5r6m); wheel (?)

iikyi-mii, inf. [kyi ma] the act of icringing otd.

kyiii, v. = kyini.
O-kyiiiako, a kind of bird, s. kokokyiniako.
Akyinin, Akyinlintan mogye mogye, a surname given to Euro-

kyini [Eng.] = hing (in Europe); mesom ky. [peans.

ky IdI [Ak. kyin; red. kyihkyini] to circulate; to walk or go

(round) about (oky. dan ho; oky. man mu, gnye fwe; osebo kyini
kwaem', owiaky.wim'); to rove, ramble, roam, range, stroll, wander.

ky iiiii, pi. n-, a large parasol of kings, also called kataman;

ef, akatawia. — ky.-knrafo, s. gyaasefo.

kyin-hyia, inf. lit. a turning round and meeting; the revolu-

tion or rotation of & wheel, of he hands of a watch or clock; an hour,
r/1 donfwerew. — di ky., to turn round again and again; hnf^wi no
adi ky., the screw turns tvithout catching hold in its box.

kyiuhyia-mlVamu, whirlwind.


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290 kyinkyim — nkyfri-mma.

kyiukjini, red, v. kyim. — F. to tarrt/, ML 23 fi. orekyihkyim

ne bd, he delays his coming; cf, twentwen. Mt 24,48.
kyiiikyin, -kyini, red, v, kyin, kyini.
iikyiiikyinii, fako a obi kyinkyih h^.
kyinkyirau, bo-, to he idarmed by sad news, ef, bo twi.
iikyiii-so, inf. circtdation, the act of goivg ahoid or passing
from place to place or person to person.

iikyihso-iihoina, circular, circular letter or paper,

akyin-ny e, inf. [gye kyim] doid)t, unbelief (F. Mk.9^4), dis-
belief scepticism; dispute y controversy, debate; ogyeno akyinnye,
(better : ogye no kyim) he disptdes with him, caUs in question or ejr-
presses dissent or opposition to what he says; pr. 440.2147.2716. —
oye aky., he is a habitual disputer.

o-kyinnye-gyefo [akyinuye-gyCj inf.] doubter, sceptic, dis-

puter, controvertist. pr. 1966.

kyiri, v. (F. kyir) = kyi.

akyiri, Ak. akyire, F. akyir, 1. = akyi 1-4. (In Akr. akyi is
used witb a noun or pronoun before it, akyiri without such.) — di
akyiri, to go or follow after, pursue drc. — san aky., to turn back,
return. — 2. behind; in a distance, afar off: onam aky., he wdJes
behind, or, in a distance; - ka aky., to stay behind. — 8. the time
after; - akyiri no, F. n'akyir no, afterwards: kan no gmp^ se gko,
aky. no gkge, at first he did not choose to go, but afterwards he went;

- akyiri yi, recently, lately; wo akyiri yi nhoma, thy last letter. —

4. the latter end: aky. besi yen den = ebewieyen den? how will it Ite
with us fimdlyY aky. besi mo yiye, it will turn out well for you; mi-
suro aky., I am afraid ofttie consequences; - ohu akyiri, a) he is
far-sighied, long-sighted; b) he can account for it. — 5. nam or fa
akyiri, to do withotd the knowledge of another. — 6. m'akjiri firi
ho, my mothers family, my maternal relations are from that place.

aky iri-di, inf. following or going after, pursuit.

Rkyiv\{(V\)i'Oy follower(s)'; F. akyir(dzi)fo, the last. Mt. 20,12. 14.

ky iri-afase, a kind of razor [ekyi afasew, it does not agree
with af., getting dull when used to cut af.]; s. oyiwan.

kyiri-aheml'io, a middle sort of sandals; s. mpaboa.

aky iri-kAfo, = okyikafo, one who remains behind, the last.

a kyir i-k y e r e w f o"^, telegraph.

akyir ikyifi, -kyiri, far, distant far behind, far away, (tit)
a remote distance; okg akyky. asase hi so (or, asase hi so akyky.),
he has gone to a distant country; - ..ani ye., akyirikyiri, s. tLnii^A-

- mma wo ani nny^ wo akyiri kyiri se merebehye wo da-tenten hi,

do not apjyrehend tfiat I shall put you off very long.

nkyiri-n kyiri, F. akyiri-akyiri, backwards; s. pini.

kyirikyirikyiri, adv. blazing, in fnU blast, in or with a
brigtd flame, lustily, vigorously; ogya no dew ky.=framframfrain,
frafra, kitikiti.

nkyfri-nuna, F. (Akp. in songs) the rising generation, =nky'i'

fo, 'ne-mma, mma a woaka akyiri a wgwo ho 'ne-yi.
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akyirisau — L. M. 291

akyiri-saii, vnf, [sah akyiri] harl'sliding; ef, nsanakyiri.

o-kjirisai'ito, ph a-, F. hacksUdcr,
a k y i-s a ii, inf, f/oing hark.

ikyiwadOy ~ akyido.


The letter 1 is used only in foreign proper names. In some

Fante dialects 1 is used for \\ probably only by people who are not
of '^I'slii origin. In words adopted from foreign languages, d is put
for I as an initial sound, audi* in otlnr cases; r/*. dagire, bru, dare,
dadare, liagire, i^c. Gr. g 293, 1 1 r/.

Words which have m as the first letter of tlieir stem (usually

with another in, in verbs sometimes with two uis before it), but
are not found under M, — seek under B.

The consonant m, when radical or original, is united with nasal

vowels (a, c, i,o, u); whenever it is followed by pure vowels, it is
a transformation of b, caused by a preceding ni (or orig. ii, n) or
by negligent pronunciation. — It interchanges with b, w, ii, u;
Gr.§ 18.19 B. 37. — ni before f has a different pronunciation, being
produced not with both lips, but with the lower lip alone.

m is a frequent prefix before stems beginning with p, f, ni,

and with I) which is then assimilated, i.e. changed into m. This
prefix is found 1, in nouns in the sing, and plur. (Gr. § 29,2. 35,3.
42,2. 43,1. 104,3.5.), in a feiv ndjcrtives (as mmerew, or in plural
forms as mmia-mmia), in mtmcrnls (Gr. § 77, 7^,4.6. 81.), and in
some adrerhs (derived from or formed like nouns, as mmom, mpo,
Gr. § 134,3 h). — ^. m is also a prefix of the 2 nd. imperative and
all negative forms of the verb (Gr. § 91,10. 92. 95,1. 96 II.) — As
a prefix, m, being a semi-vowel, usually forms a syllable by itself,
except when it is joined to a preceding vowel or pronounced to-
gether with the ni of the subsequent syllable in equal tone. Gr. §
23,2?/. 24,3. 95,1. 96,2.

\\\ i. = me, pron, a) before a vowel; h) after a verb (in quick

.speaking). — ^. = mo, j9ron.( seldom). — Gr. § 55 Reni.^, bG.Jlem.^,
— H, -^ mu. Gr. ^ 120,2.

mma, i;/., s. gba; nnaa, 7>Z., s, oba, tcoman, aba, rod. hh^ place.
-uia, F. mba, fmffix in dimimdive forms of words terminating
in in, u, ne, ni &c. Gr.§37,l. ,v. bamma, barima, bemma, abomma,
d^mma, odammi &c.

-ma, seems to be a formative suffix of verbs (buma, hima, kyi-

ma) and noans(adwuma, mframa, aguma,hama, abema, lihoma&c.)

ma, V, [red, mem a, moma q, t\] 1. to give, hand, communicate,

hesiow, confer, impart, grant, present (cf kye, de.. hye nsa); to de-
liver, yield up ; to aUow. When the thing given is mentioned in the
form of a simple object, it is usually put after the personal object;
oth#*rwise an aiix. r. (de, fa, yi &c.) is used: oma me sika; ode ne

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292 ma — mabo.

sika uhina ama me; ma me nsu! fa wo ade no ma me! Gr.§206,1.2.

pr. 1916. 3 176. — ma ok wan, io give leave or permission dr. s, gkwan.

— J2. io put, fipphf to: wgde (asem no) ma nnipa n^ mmoa, the word
is used in speaking of men and beasts, — ,V. to dedieate, s, moma. —
4. to address with a salutation, to wish one something (ma akye,
nnopa, akwaba, amo, due&c.) — .>. ma asem, to tell or relate a story:
cf. m6ma (ho). — 6. to let, eanse, make, allow , permit or stiff er one
to do any thing (used as an auxiliarg before another verb, s. Gr.§
91,10. 107,25. 255,3. Bern.) : ma entra ho (Ak. ma no tena hg), Ul
it (remain) there; gma wgkgkyeree no, he lei them go and eatch him,
he had him caught; gma wgbekyeree no, he suffered himself to be
caught by them. pr.40Sf4S9f.i969f — 7. (used as an aux, after an-
other verb, s. Gr.§ 109,32. 243 /;. Bem. 1.2.) io perform an action or
to be in some state or condition for the benefit of out of st/mjjothtf
with, or with respect to somebody : gye adwuma ma me, he works for
me; odi nkgmmg ma ne nua, he laments for his brother; gbgg tuo
maa Kofi, he shot himself that Kofi should or m^ist do the same. —
Sometimes ma shows a general and indefinite reference of the prin-
cipal V. without an object following, cf. asempa a Luka kyerew mae;
in F. it answers to the adv. very: gye few ma, it is very beautiful.

— 8. ma., so, F. do, to raise, lift, lift up: ma adesoa no so, lift or
take up thai load; cf. kukuru ; ma wo nan so, lift your fed i.e. quicken
your steps, be quick, make haste; gma n'ani (ne nsa, ne ti, ne ndntin,
ne'n6) so, he lifts up his eyes (7</5 hand, his head, his heel, his voice);

- to hold up; - to elevate, exalt, elate ; gma neho so, he exalts Mmself;

- to take and carry away, to remove ; io take up : wama n^asem so,

he has again taken up his speech, — .9. ma, to plaster: wgde abanto-
atere ma gdan ho, nsemso ani, they plaster the wall of the house, the
ceiling, with a trowel. — 10. ma, to cause, occasion, serves also for
the Eng. conjunctions so that, Gr. § 27.3,1 r.

ma, F. — am&na, amoa. Mt. 15,14.

e-ma, a. ;)7. ama-ama, fulh filled up; cf. matenn, matg; ro'ahina
aye ma, my water-pot is fidl; ye, hy e or gu.. ma, io make fuU, io
fill (up); wghyehyee nhiua no ama-ama, they filled the water-pots:
nsu ayetumpan no ma, the bottle is fidl of water; wakyerew uhoma
yi ma, he has written this paper full.

e-ma, w. fulness; ema mu nni sin, fult is ftdl.

ama, lime, bird-lime; pitch; glue; cf. am^ne. [G. id."]
ma, ^. slimy, ropy, clammy, glutinous; viscid, viscous, sticky:
syn. matamata, fa, s^, twa &c.

Am'ma [contr. of Amem^newa] F. Amba, pr.n. of a female horn

on Saturday. Gr. § 41,4.
nnmia-auuwo-kora ^^ nea wamma asem no ahhwo kora.
amma-ahuwo kiirow = kurow a emma gmanmu nnwo da.
mmaba-bero [ababa, here] maidenhood. — mmaba-sem,
d i -, to be fond of dress or finery, to try to appear lady-like.

mabo, inter j. [= raema wo aba-6] welcome! salutation to*

stranger arriving; cf. akwaba; Ah. (Amantonsofo na etS ka.)

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mndn — omampaiiyin. 293

mada, F. = me ara; m. nko = mo ara nko, I (of) myself.

made, mide, a kind of //awj, a. gd6. pr, 1988.
in ad wo, Inicrj. [memawo ad wo] good evening!
uiuiae, inf.freq, [ba] waba ha m., he hits often come here,
o-mafo, pL a-, giver,

uiina-jj^oru [mma ag.] unchaste play with womenj fornication*

uimagum', v.n. [ba gu mu] reinforcennent. pr, 1990.

maha-o, ipitcrj. [mema wo aha] good dag! a form of salutation

used in the middle of the day.

mti ko, the pepper-shrub and its fruit, consisting of pods with
many small seeds, of a hot, biting taste, Cayenne pepper , Capsicum,
pr. 1898. - Diff. kinds: nt6n k6 (the largest), nnyera (the smallest);
mako koko (with red pots), m. tuntum (with dark-green pods), m.
fita (with whitish ^odi»)\ m. db6rti, brofo m., opapo m. — mako-duu,
the pepper-shrub. — makowa, [dim.] wabehye m'asem ani m., he
has put pepper in the eyes of my palaver i.e. has made it grievaus
to me.

mniako-mmako jobako, pl.\ one by mie, one after the other,

each by himself pr.?89.'^548.S258.

m m ak m in a-s e ni \s. bdkomma | manners and dealings of high-

bom persons, impcriousness. — mmakomaseui-pefo'*', aristocrat,
the aristocratic party, aristocracy.

niakuruwa [kuruw = twit w a] a kind of lejyrosy {cf. kwata,

piti); when it has cut the fingers and toes, it heals,
makye, interj. [mema wo aky§] good morning!
g-mamma [oman ba] citizen; pi. oman-mma.
o-mamma [oman, dim.] a small toivn or state; cf akurowa.
am a mm a [am^ne aba] the fruit of a tree called amiine.
amma-mknni-auwu, a kind of yam; s. od^.
0-m^mf6, s. omaiifo.

amamf6 [oman afo| pi. id., a desolate, deserted and decayed

dwelling-place or habitation, ruined town, the site of an ancient ton*n;
pr.2003. syn. aktirofo. — amamfo-hama, a kind of creeper, climber;
wgde gye ban, kyere adare.

y-mamfrani, pi. a- -fo | nea ofra oman J settler, a person tcho has
ctnne from another place and settled in a totcn. pr. 2004 f.

a mam moo [omnh bg] destruction or ruin of a town, country or

nation. — amammge-s^m [asem a ebg gman| a cause of mischief
or destruction for a town or nation.

g-mammoft), one icho brings mischief on a community or nation.

g-mammg-nipa. id.

g-mampam, pi. a-, the guana, iguana, a very large species of

lizard, eaten by negroes.

g-mam-panyiu, 2^/. a- |orgman-mpanyimfo] a chief, eider, al-

derman, chief officer or magistrate in a town, tribe or nation; sena-
tor, pi. senate.

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294 auminnu'i — urnaiiadc.

amdm-mii, inf, [human] deportment, cmnportmcnt, demeanmtr,

behaviour, conduct, manner of living t^ygether in a community; den
am. na wo-n6 me rebuyi ? what manner of fjehaving yourself toward
me is this? wo am. ny6 me fe! your demeanour in this totvn does not
please me; wo am. mu e? how are you doing in your situaiiofi? m*am.
mu ye, I am doing well. - am. pA, sociahleness, sociable disposition.

amammui = am^mmu; mo am. = senea mubu mo man fa.

amanimui-s§m [nsem a wgfwe so bu man] statutes or regu-

lations for a community.

a m a m-m u m [omah bum| disturbance or confused state of a

country or town.

mail, t\ to turn or go aside, to turn in somewhere from the way

or journey; m^h na mensen, go aside, let mc pass! waman (wo)
nkwanta so ho, he turned off from the main road to the other way
where it branches off from the former {opp, wafa tempoii no so); ye-
duu Mamfe no, yeman koo ofi bim\ when we came to M., we turned
aside to a dwelling; otwam* a, oman me, when he passes through mp
town, he turns in at my house. — ^. to pass by, not to happen: eyi
mman w6 = eyi mpar^ wo! may this not happen to you!
0-maii, Ak. omane, pi. amah & amah-amah, 1. (Akp.) town, syn.
kGrow = a collection of houses larger than a village, cf, akura. —
X?. the inhabitants of a town as a political body, a community. — 3.
the body of inhabitants of a country united under the same govern-
ment, a nation, tribe, people, state, pr. 200:i. — i. the people i.e. thf
mass of a community as distinguished from their king or rulers. —
5. the representatives of the people, assembled for public transactions
with or without the king. — 6*. pL amah-amah, the nations of the
earth, the heathens. fScr J — 7. Phrase: bu mah, s. hn 28.

in'miliiV, a kind o^ herring, more common and smaller than two

other kinds called kokuro & mpanei. pr. *J16.

man a, m&ra, mra, v. to send (a thing or tilings) by an occasion

or opportunity, to transmit; wam&na me aduah, nam, sika, he has
sent mc food, meat, money; merekyerew hhoma mamrA Abrtrokyiri,
/ am writing a letter for (i.e. to be sent to) Europe ; 'nera raede hhoma
memUnaa Nkrah, yesterday I sent a letter to Akra; (when it was
sent by an express messenger, soma is used: *nera mesomae ma
wgde hh. koo Nkrah); - mmuruku yi li Abilrokyiri na wode mauae
(man A a me), these boohs were transmitted (to me) from Kurope.

0-mn n a, inf. sending, transmission; - omaua hhoma or-kyerew.

a letter.

am ana, amkra, Amona. Ak. F. nejtt younger brother or sister;

oye m'am. "—oye m'Akyi-bd; oye m'am. kiima, he is the brotlwr or
sister coming second or third after me.
Ak. s. amod.

amana-dc [m^na, ade| pi. id. a present transmitted: "^ goods or

letters conveyed by the post. — am.-fwefo, postmaster ; am.-kurafo,
postman, letter-carrier.

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anijiime — oiuanfwefo. 295

amanaet, post, post-office, — amaiiae-fw6fo, postmaster.

m^n^-gua: di-, to trade by sending for articles^ instead of
one's own going.

g-mana-hhoma, m&na-homa, gmima-kyerew, letter, dispatch.

a man-am a II, 6\ oman.

g-m a ii-a n i d a ii, revolution.

g-man-anitane, disorder, disturbances of a town or state.

g-mdii-aniwa, y;/.-fo, an important or principal man in a town

or stcUe (able to care for it and an honour to it); a noble, nobleman,
peer; ph the chief men, head men of the town.
g-man-ba, pi. -mma, citizen. — omaii-mma-obgio or ananinu-
sifo, deputy, rejnreseniative of Hie people.

g-maii-mmd-panjin, burgomaster, mayor. Hist.

aman-bu, s. amamrou.

amandze, -hunu &c. F. s. amanne &c.

a mane, l.lime, bird-lime; pitch; glue; resin, gum; any vis-

cous substance exuding from trees and used to catch birds with, to
mend pots, some also (as ktirobow) to rub one's body with, in or-
der to make it sweet-scented; rf. ama. — 2. a kind of tree; cf.

a mane, amanne, F. amandze [omah ade] trial, trouble j af-

fliction, misery, misfoHune, calamity. pr,3Hl. 462.567. — hfi am., /o
he unfortunate, to be in afflictian, to suffer. — n y a am., to get into a
mess or scrape, into diffictdties, to be prosecuted or involved in a law-
suit. (The word in its primary sense probably was applied to the
trial of a cause before the judges in presence of the people, and to
the grievous results of such a trial.)

aman-ne, Ak. -nee [oman ade] 1, a public tax; custom, impost,

duty, contribution; cf. tow, akwanne. — ;i, custom, fashion, habit,
manner, ways or usages (also religion) of a people.

amanne^, = kasee.
mane, Ak. mane^, quarrel, brawl; quarrelsomeness, quarrel-
some dispositimi; syn. atutuw ; 6yh mUnd, oredi mance, he quarrels,
squabbles, wrangles, brawls.

g-manefo, quarreller, wrangler, brawler, quarrelsome j^erson.

amanne-aba, a kind of creeper, climber; wodi n'aba.

amanne-hi\nu, inf. [hu amane] 6'w/ferm</, affliction, tribula-

tion, trouble, adversity, unhappiness, misery, wretchedness, torments;
yegyina amandzehunum\ F. we stand in jeopardy, am.-kiirow, hell,
(Gehenna, the place of torment. ~ g-m a nn e h u n u fo, pi. a-, a suf-
ferer, one who labours tinder affliction.

g-m an ne 111, onni-bi-amanef6, one who is in affliction, being

icUhouf a friend or supporter.

g-manfo, the people in contradistinction to the king or govern-

ment; tite members of a community as distinguished from tlieir rulers.

g-man-fora-nyi, F. sojourner. Ps. 39,12. s. omamfrani.

g-mau-fwefo, i>i. gm.-a-, consul. Hist

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296 in.iii«ro — luriiuK).

inau^o, s. m^n no.
o-uiaiVlithie, the hiny or chief of a nation^ (own or vUlage.
o-ni a n - u \\y i u m\ parllnmeni.
o-inaii-iilijiam'fo, member of parUament,
o-manni, pi. amAnnffo, an aajuniniamc (uea oben wo abusua
ho kakra a.s. obi hunu a wunim no); yiied^ pr. 284. — cf gnianmuni.
— om. dorowa, a needle of native mannfadurc.

maiini-amfre, gagy bridle; a piece ofwood put in one'a mouth

to prevent his talking or swearing [wo manni gyina ho, nso wuu-
tiimi mfre no]. — to., (anom') m., to gag.

inanui-aniig, a by-name of the rat; s. okisi.

ininaniii-ne [gbanin ade, mniarimad6j manfidy valiant deedif.
Ill ma II ill- wow [obanih awow| shudder, shuddering, as before
a daring feat; - -mm. agu no so, he shudders, sJiakes icith horror; vf
awose, ayise.

mmaiiiii-yare [gbanin] any disease of wen from uuehastity:

beae, gkraman, b^ba, akronnge, twow.

niniaiiin-yc, -yo, manliness, valour; cf. abanins^m.

amankaiii^ an edible root, coco --= ko'ko; a small species i»
indigenous, a larger species was introduced in Akuapem from the
West-Indies in 1843.

Ill an k a H a [me iinkAsa] Ak. me ara, Itngself; my own. Gr. §59.

a niaii-ko [gman ak6| civd, intestine, domestic tear; am., woko
a, wontwA tiri, wgmfa nnommum nso. — wgko am. = woko mma-
tgkwa, fighting with fists, sticks dr. abgntehko, fighting with guns.

g-man-korakora, inf. peace between neighbours or pahies op-

posed to each other.

g-mfiiikrsido, y>Z. a- [G. mankralg| the first in rank after the

king in some of the small states or their capitals (leading towns)
on the Gold Coast.

aiiiaiikrofi, a kind of tortoise, pr. 19^*7 >

aiiiaiiku-o, a large species of beetle.
g-maii-kuw, -kuo, pari of a nation.
amafikwatia, a kind of bead; s. ahene.
< )-m a ii-k y e r (J w-ii i, chancellor of state. Hist.
in maiikyiri, = hAh akyi, i.q. duasee, dua-so &c.
o-man-nima, 7>/., s. gman-ba.

g-man-mmara, public law; constitution; cf. amanyg-ramrH.

g-mAn-nimara-poio, constitutional party. Hist.
g-maiiniiiiii, y>/. a--fo, countryman, townsman, one of the same
country or town with another.

niAiio, man'iio. mango fruit; mango-tree {inSinO'dufi.)

mAiio', miiii no [Ger. bank] footstool: bench, form; c/*. benkyi.
man no, 7. (sare so dua bim* amane a wgde t^re ahioa) the
gum of a tree, used to plaster up leaking pots; gum elastic, caout-
chouc, India rubber. — JJ. the tree yielding such gum.
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amaniionc — omdnf^m. 297

amjinnonc [omafi & ?] a foreign ciruniry; abroad; pr. 1496.

(alioho a.8. ananatb) kfirow bia euy^ wo kdrow-a. Am. asem yedi-ua.

o-man-perefo, protector, defender of the commonwealih. Hist.

Mans a, Mensri [oba, esa] 2)r. n, m, of one born as the third
chiUl of his mother. — Mansa [oba, esa] 2?r. «. f given to a girl
being the third child of her mother.

amrin-san [omah, sah, ef. santen] all people, all nations; the
human race, mankind, pr. 455. 1712.2844.

o-nian-s^c, calamity, ruin, destruction of a nation, state or town.

a in an-s e m [oman asem] state affairs, business of state, political

affairs, policy, politics, public negociatian; diplomacy.

o-inrmsem-difo, iH. a-, diplomatist.

o-mansem-kyerewni, pi. a- -fo, secretary {or chancellor) of state.

aman-sesew, ( organisation, reorganisation of the state;

a m a n-s i e s i e, / restoration of peace and order.

o-man-sin, 7^/.a-, a subordinate, partly independant, part of a

nation; a province; woaye wonho om., wgde or wgada won m., they
are a separate people for thanselves.

man so, discord, disagreement, variance, mutual animosity, ho-

stility, enmity, strife; - twe m., to be at variance; g-ne won wo or
twe m.\ m. wg ye-n6 Krgbgw ntam'. — o inanso-boafo, pr. ^Oi^.

g-m ansofo, a person offended with, or at variance with, another;

fptarrcllcr, wrangler, brawler, pr. 2017. onipa yi ye gm., this is a
quarrelsome, revengeful, vindictive person.

o-maiVsoafo, minister or secretary of state. Hist.

a ni a u s o f o, people of other countries; lieatliens. Mk. 10, 33.

g-m a n-s o-f we, the government of a country; reign, regency.

g-mansofwefo, pi. id. or a- or gmanso-afwefo, a man at the head

of a government, regent, ruler, consul.

g-mansofwe-nyansa, policy, politics.

a ma n-s 6 m, the service of a subject due to the head of a state;

am. na yesom no, we serve him as his subjects, not as slaves (nkoasom).
manso-pe, quarrelsomeness, quarrelsome temper or disposi-
tion, litigionsness. — g-mruisop6fo,j?Z. a-, a quarrelsome, contentious,
litigious, seditious person.

amrmso-sem [mansd-.isem] a cause of disagreement, discord,

contention or hostility; controversy, litigionsness.

g-m a n-a s 1 u f o, demagogue. Hist.

mfinsO-twe, inf. discord, strife, quarrel; hostility, sedition,
open rupture, disruption; diff. atfiatew. -- g-mans6tw^tb, i>7. a-,
a quarrelsome, contentious, brawling person, seditionary.

man tarn, o. to bind, tic, fasten, a cow or sheep with a rope,

a ship witli an anchor, so tliat some liberty is left for movement.
pr. IOCS. — cf. kyekyere, sa. — red. mantam-mantam : no ntini m.
abf>-kuw ho, its roots fasten themselves to a heap of stones.

g-niantam, pi. a-, a populous district or nation; a people form-

ing n distinctive political bodff. a state. Akyem nh Akuapem, am.
abieii yi, Asautefo tumi won. — mantam-fa, paHofastate, province.

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298 omaiituii — Ama owia. _

o-man-tdiiy /)/.a-, [omah, otan] a primitive people; a fnother-dak

or country; an independent state; omah a eso, omah kokdrokoa
ne hko da ho.

o-man-tease-kur6w [kurow a eti tetete te ase se omah] a m-

Hon of long standing or existence.

aman-ten [amah a etoatoaso kg pi, cf. teh] a series or succession

of towns. Amdnteh-su fi AkCiropoh kosi Berekuso; mpoanofo am.
da po ho. — amaiiteiisofo, the inltahitants of such towns.

am^nfceren ii-a d e, double-dealing, duplicity ; odi am., he is

double-minded f halts between two opinions or parties, sJiift^ or turns
from one side to the other, shuffles, prevaricates; s, di 7.

om an-tid, pL a-, province.

man ti ase, subordinate towns, dependent of a leading tmcn
(as the coast towns from Osu to Nino are dependent of Nkrah pa).

aman-tifi [omah atifi] the upper part of the country, the high

amari-toro [omah atoro] high treasmi.

o-man-toto, inf. disturbance of the good relations between fm


Ji man-tow, (pi.) [omah, tow] single states, tribes or districts,

towns, townships or communities; Akuapem am. si 17.

o-man-nua, a neighbouring people; woany^ woh mannuAfopa

bi, they were no good neighbours to them.

0-mS.iVnwoee [omah, dwo] peace, tranquillity of a people,

a-manyakil', a kind of yam, s. od6. [E(fe lang.]

manya-manya (n.,a,, adv.) disorderly, in a confused state
or manner; scattered; crotvded, teeming, stvarming; cf. hwanyah
mu, sakasaka; - nuipa nennam ho m., people waUc there in a crow-
ded confused manner; mpah nennam dahmu m., the house or rooftt
is swarming with bats; woaye m., they have been confused, jumbled
or huddled (together), are dispersed (woh hh. hko fak6, oyl afa ha,
oyi afa ha). Gen. 1,20.21.

o-man-nyina [omah gyina] welfare of the (whole) peoiAe; firm

establishment of the kingdmn or commonwealth, pr. 3010.

aman-ye, ami1ny6, inf. [ye omah] social relation, demeamntr,

behaviour, deportment (in living together with others) ; i?^«. amammu,
abrabo; wo amanyo ny6 m6 fe! dye amanyo-pA = obu amammuipa.

ama n-y o-d c [ade a wgde ye omah na aye yiye] good manners:
morality, civilization. — o-miiii-y ^i'o, a good, quiet, considerate citi-
zen, onipa a oye omah yiye, ope asem a ema omah mu d wo. pr. 2020.
— a m a 11 y o - m m a r a, constitution ; h y e am., to give or agree upon
a constitution. — amany Q-sem, politics.

^mapa (sikAlimapa), native, pure gold that has not yet under-
gone any operation and is unmixed with dross ; wode amapa hko
gu petea a, eny^ yiy^* gy® se wofram'.

Oma-omc /he who grants sat ikying] an appellation of God.

A ma- 08 11 [he who gives rain} ditto; .s*. Amosu.

Ama-owia [he who gives the sun] ditto; s. Amowia.

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Hnnr4)(j — muiatahokvi. 299

HI m a-p e, inf, [pe, gba] love or fondness for women, cotirtiny of

or gointj after women, fornicaiion. pr. 2021,

mara, m'adn, F. = me ara; mara a! it is /, Mk. 6^0.

in mar a, v. n. [b^ra, bra] laiv, commandment, order, decree,

edict, regulation, ride, statute. - h y e (or d i) mm., to make, give (or
is'iiie) a law; - d i mm. s o, (or ye mm.) to observe or keej) a law; -
to mm., to transgress a law,

mard., mra, v., s. m&na. — auia r^, s. am&nS.

amara, s, amonl

mm ara, a broom or fan made of an elephants tail or ear used

by the ahoprafo or mmSratofo (q,v.) before the king.
mmarabara-mi^, s. mmrabram'.

m m ^ r a-ddh o [mm&ra a eda bg] an old law, a standing rtde.

amarSrde, s. am&nade.
amaradow, s. amrado.

mmara-frene, s. frene.

mmara-hye, inf, the act oi giving laws; s. mmilra.

iniiiara-hycfo, 2)1, id., lawgiver, legislator,

m ma ran, s. mm^ran.

mmaranuiiaii, trinket, trinketrg; jewel; syn. gude.

m mark-to, inf. transgression (o^ aIaw), — mmaratu-de, /me

for the transgression of a law; wobegye nehg m., Jw will be fined,

mmaratofo, i>/. id,, transgressor (of a law), malefactor,

mma ra-t olo, mmunat., pi. id., nea otow mmara a.s. gpra ohene
ho; sf/n, ohOprafo.

0-m a r a t o ii i, ^>/. a- -fo, mulatto ; better : omuritoni.

mare ma re, a kind oi' cloth; ntama bi a enam ahorow bcyc
se 4 a wgapam afa; s, ntama.

nimara-yofo [nea oye mmilra] a fulfiUer of the taw.

mmarima-de [gbarima ade] = mmauinn^ , oye m. ^^ oye

nnam, he is manly, behaves tike a man.

mmarima-sem — abaninsem.

mmarima-so, manly, manftdly.

mma-sit<ya\v [gba, sigyawj the state of being without children;

di mm., to he childless, deprived of child r on; s. has. & iSam. 1.5,33,

nima-sii [nsu a eb«, efi nsu aniwam' baj living water, issuing
continually from the earth; rvnning or flowing water; gde mm. bi
a okohui gkwan mu kum ne sukgm, he found some spring^waler on
the tcay and quenched his thirst with it.

m a t a t \V e n e, a kind of climbing plant or creeper. pr,1167Ji022.

m mat alio, ////*. [batahoj 1. the act o^ adding ov joining a thing

to another. — :i, the cooking or roasting of different things on the
same fire, which is superstitiously avoided. — 3. appendage, appen-
dir, accompaniment; cf.iikkhb, nkekaho. — mmataho-kyi, the act
of avoiding or shunning promiscuotis cooking or roasting.

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300 matji — mem.

mata, mat^matil^ «. slimy, clammy, vloggy, (flnimous, luhri-

couSy viscmiSy mucous (e.g. fwenore); syn. ma, prapra; cf, sa, twa;
dote 110 ye m. (eny6 samsam).

ma-t^iiii, «. brim fid, full to the brhiL

mma-ti, Ak. batiri [ba, baw, basa, & ti, tiri] shoulder ;-in&to ue
m., / have empowered him, s. to 17. - oka nem., he shruys, gives a

ma-to [ma, G. to J choke ftd, topful, crammed.

mmfifcokwaj mmatdkwa [aba, abaw, ntokwaw] i^cw/y/t*, /</////-
lug with fists, sticks cCc ; woko m. = wok5 amahko.
g-maj\t\ta, a mediciu al |?2cin/.
ama-woho-so-o, inter j, said to a leaving visitor,
me, pron, F. eme, /, me, my. When prefixed to a verb having
close sounds (i, u, full e & o, gya, nya, twa, dwa), it is written mi;
the e is dropped before the prefix a-. Gr. § 53-59.

e-m e, mint, Menta, an aromatic herb used as a medicine; Mt.23^S.

ebinom due suman a, wode fra akoko noa na wodi.

o-m e, pi. a-, the palm of the hand or a stroke with if; wgabo no

me, woabobg no ame; F. Mt. 26,67. — cf ntentemme, bo twere^ kutrn-

moa, kutruku, sotgre; bo fe,i^/.afe; guram. [G. gba ma, gbla inai.]

m§, V. [red. meme] tr. to feed to the full, to fill, satisfy, satiate;

- intr. to eat so as to be satisfied, to eat enough; perf. to be satisfied

or satiated, to have enough; pr. 243 f- - wame s^, lie has eaten his fill.

— didi me, to eat enough, pr. 2154. — gme, inf. the act of satisfying
i£-c. or of eating enough; the state of having eaten enough, so as to be
satisfied; satiety, fulness, pr. 2191.

ame, inter}, come in! said in answer to ^go, by which word

one's coming (in darkness &c.) is announced.

mm6a-mmed, mmeae-mmeae, pi. s. bea, beae, place.

meamea, 5. akyenkyena.

mm e am u-dua, F.mb., mberemu-dua [dua a ebi bea mu] cross.

m e-a r a, j)ron. even I, just I, I myself. Gr. § 59. F. mara, raada.

am e e w, name of the cat in fables, from its voice; s. agyinamoa.

mm^-fe [abe ef^| the refuse or trash of the palm-nut, the fibres

from which the oil is taken out.

m'6hemehe(mehe), a. fine, finely woven, smooth; nekenU*

or kete ani ye m.; nhoma or atuduru no ani ye m.; watwitwa nam
no m., better: nketenkete.

m e h o, myself. Gr. § 57. pr. 242.

m me k wail [abe nkwan] palm-nut soap, a greasy soup, pre-
pared with the pulpy or mealy and oily substance of palm-nuts, a
favourite dish of the negroes,
ammekyevva, not having come to stay or /((*7 long; onipa yi am.
=== amma ammeky^ kora.

mem, v. [red. memmem] to sink (down, nsum\ in water, nsase

mu, in tlie earth); to be sunk, swallmcedup, absorbed; nsu no am§n).

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ameme — menommeneii. 301

tJie water has been sucked wjp, absorbed in the gnmnd; to disappear^
hide or lose oneself y be lost (wuram\ In tfic bush); to (cause to) sink,
put tinder water, immerse in a fluid ; osraman aniem fani\ the light-
ning (thunderstone) has entered the ground,
a me m e, a kind of animal, pr. 523.

me me, red. v, mL

memmen, F. red. a., s. men. — amemeii, F. redness.

mem m ene, red. v. mene; pr. ^6*94. — red. a. men.

Memeneda, Mera6r§da, Saturday. Gr. § 41,4.

memmoiic-ahene (one who swalloivs up kings) a vaunting

appellation of a king; ohene biara a oye otnmfo, ghye ahene nh, so.

amemmenemre fwamemmene nemf?, he has sivallowed his

side] disgust, displeasure, dislike, distaste, vexafioyi, indignation; eye
no am. r= ompene, eny^no de, eny6 no abodwo, ey§ no a^ereho;
ode am. sane, vexed or fretting (at his mistake) he returned.

amemim, leech, blood-sucker, Hirudo, Sanguisuga medicinalis.

[G. Siti.]

men, memmeu, memmene, F, a. red; onipa-m^mmen, otam-

memmen, sika-m'.; cf. beii, koko, tofammen.

mena, s. mSna, mmara, mra.

meniise, mene ase, menewdasc, the utider or lower part of

tlte throat, gullet or esophagus; the heati as the seat of suppressed
resentment; a grudge; ode me m., ode me ahye m., he bears nie a
grudge or spite; obi n^ wo wo asem na omp^ se oka a.s. onnyit ho
adagyew a ode ka a, ode ahye neyam' a.s. nemenase.

menase-bofunnua or -da' (daw4), the nvida in the throat; ne

menase-da ayi, ahon.

menase-p6w, 1. the prominent paH of the throat, Adam^s-apple,

(the projection formed by the thyroid cartilage in the neck). — ^.
a grtidge, hinder ance of cordialitg; owo no m., he owes him a gmdge.

menba, F. = menewa.

mene, v. [red. memmene] to swallow (up), suck up, to gtdp

(dotC7i), devour; to ingulf, absorb, pr.2694. mmene nam sa, na wo-
80W ansa-na woamene, do not this gtdp down the meat, but masticate
it before you sicallotv it.

mene, menewa, the throat, gidlet, esophagus; wotwaa ne

raene, they cut his throat; pr. 387. — okoseii ne mene, he went and
hanged himself. — ne menewam* a wo, his throat is dried up; cf.
menase, amcnew4.

mmene [ben] nearness, neighbmtrhood; gbeda mmene 'ne, he is

to sleep in the neighbourhood to-day.

menem, t?. <o stcell, e.g. of the virile member.

menemmenem, red. v. to stcell, of a river; - nsn no ani m.

= ye hurntututu.

men em men on: ye m., to be absorbed, imbibed (water, in

the ground). Am. 8,8.

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302 menenuua — niereiikonjan.

menennua, F. publicly, ML 64.6.16^ = gua-Bo.

menewa, menewdase, s. mene, menase.
amenewA: otim no am., he takes him by the thronf. Mt. 18^8-

menewam' kiiru, sore throat

o-m6ii6-awo, pi. a-, a bird of the savanna, as large as a tur-
key, in form like a raven, black with a white breast.

me-iiko-medi (I alone shall eat or enjoy): ye m., to be self-

ish, self-interested, pr. 357L

mmeukyee, mmenkyeue [benkye(n)] = mmene; mefre wo

akyirikyiri a, ^y^> me mmenkyenS, if 1 call to thee as from a far,
answer and save me as one being near.

Mensa, Mansa [gba, nsa] pr, n, m. ('-= the third child).

mensa, -SjI, a kind of yam y s. ode. pr. 2033.2201.2559.
m ensure, == bensere, basin.
mm en-son [aben,n8on] a kind of wind-instmnient; seven harm
blown together (mraen ason na wode gyc dwom biakd so).
amenson, V. = amansan.
mm e ran, mmSrah, surname^ by-name: wobp no or wopaono
m., they yive him or cry out his (honouring) by-names; cf. gberan,

m m6r an te- bcre [aberante, here] yotdh, Ihe part of life between
mmofraase and nkwakorHbere.

mmerantd-bo, exuberance of youthful gaiety, arrogance, pr, 88.

mmerantiw«a-som [aberante wa, asem] brag, boast, rainit,

ostentation; eda adi wo kasam^ ne nnoyeem': oye m. ^= oyt* ahAn-
tan; nkwankwasem (flaunting) da adi wo nantew n.a. mn.

m me r e, pi., s. ebere.

mm ere, Ak. mmere, mushroom, fungus; s, ananse-ntamma-f.

mmere, s. mmere w. [pr. 373.399. WSi.

aniere, amere, mmere [obsol. = here, bea, nea] place or man-

ner (in which) ; where; amere (= amere a) wuii e? ^= nea wufi c?
— fako mer§ ogyinae na ohuu sa no, ommekyere na yentie! —
amere woye ni! =8enea woye ni! F. mbeye m'adwima de-mre n'a
sem kyere n* ara, I shull do my duty according to his word.

amere, 1. a plant used as a medicine on sores, pr. 2035. — 2.

s. amiri.

nimer ebere [here] a disease of the skin; eye onipa ho kgk6'.

mm ere bo, berebo, liver.

mm^reboa, a species of ant. small, of a reddish colour, hav-

ing their nest upon trees ; nt^t^a bi a wowo dua so koka onipa.

m m e r e h u a, pr. 855.

mmere nu'u hid, F. -^ mmeamudua, cross; cf. as§ndua.

mmere n k e n s 6 ii, -sono, ihe young, light-green shoots or blades

of palms; .v. I'lkonmu.

merenkonyah, ^r. f?.W. - I'ikuma.

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mmerenson — mia. 303

mmere-nsoii [bere, ason]: nna-m., the u^hde round or lenffth

of days or of time; all days throughout, Se wq n6 me anko a, nna-m.
(eha ara nna oha) uk wodk 86 t^ hd! if yau do not go with me note,
you will never get away front this place ; s, OdoiDaDkamd boo nna-m.
ui me r e-s a [obfere mu nsa] refreshment after hard work or figJUing.

m m e r e-s u [obSre mu nsii] refreshment after a journey.

mmerew, a. [berew, berebere] 1. soft (e. g. wood, pr,1244.),

impi-essihUf yielding. — 3. meeky mild, — 3. tender; delicate, effem-
inate. — 4. trcak, feeble, infirm , sickly; neho ye m., he is not strong
(bodily); - oye m., a) =^ odwo, he is meek; b) he i^ weak, yielding,
pliable, indulgent; n'aso ye m., he is obedient. — Syn. b^te, b6do,
b6ko, b5r6g5, d4b5, dufudufu, d^fe, fifS, f<^tefete, h6d\v6, hor6horo,
n A, n*i, nydmo, si^mo, posoposo, p68opo80 &c. opp. den/

m m e r e w a-b ere [aberewd, bere] the latter part of life or old

age of a woman, following after mmababere.

mmerewa-se m, dealings, talkings or concerns of old women,

mm^sa [abe, 8h, to hang down?] 1, a catkin or nment of the oil-

palm. — ^. a braid, plait or tress of hair; gnwene neti m., owow
nenhwi m., she plaits the hair; m. tetare (fomfam) ti ho, pna de,
egyina ho.

mmesoa, Ak. = boaea, mmosea.

mesemes6,i. Ak. = nketenkete. — ^. a kind of cloth; Abfiro-
kyiri kente bi na Akyemfo atono sa.

rametemma [betem, oba] the thorns betireen the nuts of the oil-
palm, pr. 68S.

mmew, i. a kind of reed or msh, bulrushes. — ^. a kind of

printed cloth; s. ntama.

Ill mew [bew, ph] places, mottntains; mmew-nhoma, map, chart,

geographical drawing or delineation; atlas, collection of maps.

Ill me w a [abe, dim.'] a creeping plant or climber, winding round

palm-trees; abe ho hama; wotwetwe sum ns^mma; wode ye tui.
m \,pron., conjunctive form of me before close sounds. Gr.§ 54.

mia, V. [red. miamia] 1. to press, squeeze; atade no nko me

yiyo, emiame, the coat docs not fit me well, it pinches me; adesoa
no mia me ti so, the load presses my hea4. — 2. to press together,
to shut, close (the eyes) ; omia n'a n i , a) = omiia n^ani, he shuts his
eye; b) he meditates; c) he exerts himself, fries his best in doing some-
thing. — 3. mia .. mu, a) to press together: mia mu ma enye tra-
wa kakra, squeeze it to make it thinner, — b) to restrain, restrict,
straiten; omiane kwannyamu, he restricts his privileges. — c) mia-
mia.. mu, to repair (odan mu, biribiara a asee na wopam a ebeye
'ye mu); cf. pompam, dwuw. — 4. to arm oneself, take arms, be in
armour, go in arms; orebemia = orebebo ntoa na wase akotwga na
waso tuo mn. Dawid n^ GoUat kokoe no, wammia na okoe. — 5.
to adorn or dress oneself; wamia = wakeka neho, wafura ntama a
eye fe, wahye atade a eye fe; mia is more used of men, hyehye
more of women. '

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304 amia — amo.

am la, v. n, the state of being armM; armonr; wokoo amiamn.

thef/ went in full mfnmr.

aiiiia-(le, (a piece of) armour or dress, 'pr, 3114. 3195.

ni m i a-s o, inf, 1. exertion. — 2. ado bi a wode amianiia biribi so.
UHiiiako-inmifiko [biako,^?^] one by one, one after the other. sin(/h(.
nimiehe, Ak. how many? = ahe.
niifiia-duaui\ .«?. kwata.
mikum-anaTiso, s. aturnkuku.
mini, V. F. to preponderate (?).
amim, e-, undue advantage, prevalence or superiority; greedi-
ness; fraud; force^ violence, pr. 249. 7o3. — d i .. a., to over-reach,
defraudy take in, cheat; to do violence. — yea., to be selfish, self-
interested, greedy; inequifahle, unfair, unjust. Onyaiik. nye amim,

amfm-di, inf. the act oi over-reaching, defraudation; videnee:

ade-kye mu wope se wofa nea eso; syn. nsisi.

0-m f m f 6, ph a-, a greedy, avaricious, rapacious person ; syn.

onlberefo, odlfud^p^fo.

minsiniy v. F. to be gloomy, clouded, loioering, of the sky. Mt.lSfi.

amiri, a beast of prey(?); a hunter (?) pr.544.

A'miri, a surname of the Asantes.

amirikd, ni-, \s. abirika] a run, mnning, race, rapid course or

motion; de m., to be in full speed; tu or tntn m., to run; to hasten^
hurry, [6. foi (dfie, d§o, hie, §a, tse f.).]

aniirika-de, tJie object or things for which a race is run.

a-mirika-den: otu am., he runs with all his might.

a-mirikd-til, inf, the act of running, a run, course.

mo, m6-6! or mm6, F. mbo, [the o is full & pure] interj. a form
of congratulation, thankful acknouiedgment, and of wishing success:
well done! well then! good speed! good luck! hail! all hail! It may be
said twice, thrice &c. Cf, amo.

mmo, na mmo (mmo) F. = mmom, adv. rather; then; hut. —

Mi. lOfi.28. 19^5. 22,43. 24,45. 25fi. Mk.5,26. 10,26.48. 14^31,1 Cor. 15,46.

mo (with nasal o), })ron. (F, Ak. often bom) ye, you, your.
When prefixed to a verb before i, u, full e & o, gya, nya, twa, dwa,
it is m U-. Gr. § 53-59.

m 6, v, to fie about, wrap or wind round; mo amoase, to tie (he

under-garment abotit the loins.

mo, v, F. to be bad. Mt. 6,23. 12,34. s. muo.

amo [pure full o] F. am bo, congratulation, felicitation; ma a.,
to congrattdatc, felicitate, hail, praise, acknowledge, to wish joy, good
speedy or success; mema no amo, I bid him good speed (God speed);
woma no amomomo, they hail him. pr. 242, 729. — Cf. m6.

amo [amiio?] badness(?) some moral defect, as ingratitude, stingi-

ness; wayi m' amo = wannd m' ase, he has manifested against m
ingratitude, i.e. he has been ungrateful to me: woyi m*arau - wo)i

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emo — mm6b6. 305

me ayamonw^ae (wos© me yam' ye nwene), diey upbraid nie ivUh

or accuse me of stinginess.

o-ni 0, rice, Oryzn, the plant and the grains; gu mo (in Kyere-
hi: saka mo), to sow rice.

iiioa, r. [red. moamoa] 1. to (father, press or form into a ball,

lump, round mass; to roll or wrap up: m. duku no hye wo ntama
mn; wamoamda ne ntama ahye ne mmgtoam\ — J2, to become or
male close, narrow, short: wamda n'akatawia ano, he has closed his
umbrella; odah m> ano amoa, the aperture of the room has been di-
minished; (ne yare nti) nenan ano am5a, his steps have become short,
ontumi utwe ne nan mu se kaftno bio.

in 111 6 a, v.n. [boa] help; wodi m., they midually help, aid, assist
each other; cf. di nnoboa, di hiafwe & oboa; F. mboa, grace.

m moa, s. boa, mraoadi.

in m 6 a, a kind of checked calico, chilloes.

aniod^ Ak. amana, hole, cavity, pit, den, ditch, trench; cf. etfi,
oka, nkonon; - bo or tu a., to dig a hole.

m moadabi, s. boadabi.

nim6a-df, inf. [di mmoa] mtdnal assistance.

mmoa-di, inf. [di mmoa] the taking of bribes.

miiioa-doma [aboa, doma] animals of all kinds, pr. 540-44.

amoagyanftwd, -gyanoa, a species of food tor widows, pre-

pared of mashed maize; s. siw 1.
a in 111 oak 11 a, j!>Z. m-, a kind of squirrel; syn. adwere.

inaioana, F. which. Mk. 2,9. 12,28.

mmo-anini, inf. [bo anim] the state of facing each other; di m.,
to face each other; wodi m. fwe woiiho anim* ara, they sit opposite
each otl^r looking each othe^^ in the face.

mo-ankasa, | you yourselves; your own;

m o-ar a, j>ron. ) even you, just you; Gr, § 59.

Diino-ano [eboano] breast, cheM; sdmdu bi sen nem., an amu-

let hangs on his chest.

uimoa-aiio, inf. a gathering together; cf. anoboa, mboaanofo, F.

mmo-ase, inf. [bg ase] beginning, foundation (of a town, king-

dom). Cf. ammose, iihyease, mfiase &c.

auio-ase, pl.xn-, [mo ase] the under-garment or loin-cloth of the

negroes, syn. Qtam, oddnta.

m ui o b a [boba] dry twigs, brush-wood, stnall sticks of a fagot,

inmoba-dua, a plant, the rods of which are tied across the sticks
or poles in the framework of a negro house; s. nw5rri.
m III d b i t f r i, a kind of bead, s. ahene.

m n\ 6 hbymmoboro^ pity, compassion, mercy; 6y^ m., he causes

pOy i.e. he is pitiable, miserable, pitiful, deserving pity, he is a poor
fellow; ohu me m., he looks on me with pity, is pitiful or comjmssio-

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306 mmobommOlx) — mom.

nate towards mCy pities mCy has pity, mercy on me, slums me mcrcf.
hu (or fwe) yen m., have mercy on vs.

mmobg-mmobo, a.&adv., miser all c, pitiftd, in a nmcrahh

state or condition; n'anim ye m., he looks tcrctchcd, miserable, Aa>'
a sad countenance, 1 Sam. 1^8; onam m., he walks about in a snd

mmobom' [bobo mu] 1. a kind of white cotton cloth iiiterK(f

ven with red threads in squares; kente no ye m., wode adidisika
anwene mu ahinanan-ahinanan. — 2. a collection, accumulation,
mass, heap, assemblage; opp. ankorankoro.

mmgboro = mmobo. — mmobgrm', F. humbly.

m m b r b u n u, inf. [hu mmoborg] mercy, mercifulness. pifff>

compassion, mildness; cf. ahftmobo, timgbo.

ninioborobuinifo, pi. id. a merciful person.

mmoboroni, pi. -fo, a pitifid, pitiable person.

mmo-deu, v. n. [bo v., den a.] a strong exertion, effort, seal

earnestness, ardour; -bom., to be zealous, strenuous, eager, anxious:
m^bg m. mafwe, / will try my best. — ilimgdcii-b6, inf. [bg mmo-
deh] exertion, zeal, eagerness, diligence.

mmg-f6ro, v.n. [bgv., foroa.] a new exertion, new beginning:

- bg m., to begin anew; mefi *ne mabg asetra foforo ho m., from //>-
day I shall begin a new life; eyi na 6reb$ m. (= grebg ase foforo)
dsl dAh.

mmofraasc, \ [abofra, ase, here] childhood, the time from

mmofra-bere, I birth or infancy to puberty.

mmofrjl-abrocle, a siliquose j^lant.

minofra-forowii, -akokoa, -kgkgte, different kinds of planiii.

mmofra-som, childish talkings, dealings or concerns.

mmofuma, 1. a kind of tree. — 3. the inner hark, Uie bast or

fibres of that tree; gtgtga bo bono. — 3. a siting or cord made ot
it, = unCiahama; cf. miiriwa; diff. bofu, boffinnua.

amo^om, a kind of tree; sareso dua bi.

mogy d [s. b6gyd] blood; cf. kafo, dase, danse; ka or gu m.,
to shed blood; wgama m. agu fam*, blood has been shed. — mog>'a-
su-feiie (-funu?) matter, 2>us; the serum exuding from a wound.

mo bo, yourselves; raoh6h6, moh6 m^h6, yourselves mutmllf

Gr.§ 57.218,1 a.

ni g h [mm6h^g, G. muhg] curtain, veil.

mmg-bo, inf.[hohQ] doubling, duplication; double; pair (f^nm-

twi m. anan, four pairs of oxen); multiplication by two or wore than
two; mitua no kaw m. anah, I pay him or restore it to him fourfold-

mmg-kdw [mmgre a akaw] leaven, leavened dough.

mmg-kwa, the borrowing of anoUier^s garment.

mom, V. [red. mommom q.v.] to roll or tcrap uj), furl, envelop:

to squeeze together (that the hollow space disappears): doroben no
amom; mom akatawia no ano, shut or put up the umbrella; waka
ne nneema iihinfi amom Tmo, he has packed up all his things.

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em6m — j\m6noni. 307

e-ui6in [ormmom', fr, bo mu?] i. ordinance, injunction , decree;

interdiction, prohibition^ prohibitory law; cf, mmara; woaliye mom
se obiara mmmg so, they have decreed that noljody should mention
the matter; every one is forbidden to speak of it. — 3. agreement;
of. mmom'; woakohye m. ^= woapam.

in mo in', iyif\\iqv(\\\\joiningy reconciliation; agreement, conven-

tion y contract, stipulation, treaty; communian, peace,
mmom', adv, (s. bef) F. mmo (= mpo, Ak.) rather, in pre-
ference, more properly ; mepe eyi m., I like this better; mepe ha-yi
m, kyen ho, / like this place better than that one: eno m. na eny^
kora, that moreover is not good at all, that is even worse.

mo in A, mema, red. v. 1. s. ma. — 2. to dedicate, devote to;

ode asoredan (sika, ne ba) momaa Onyame. — 3. to praise, ejctol,
exalt, glorify; woraoma ohene::^wgbg ne mmeraii ka nea waye ne
nea ne nenftnom aye agyaw no n^ abusua ko a ofim* ; abrafo m.
ohene ye neh5 hu. — 4. onim m6ma = kwad\vom-to or -be. — 5.
m. ho, = keka ho nsem, to speak of a matter in detail, to enlarge -
upon, expatiate on, give a discourse on, make the application of. —
6*. red. to talk unintelligibly ; wobisa no asem a, n'ano mom4m6ma.
nimoma-ho, inf. (s. bef) circumlocution; discussion, explana-
tion; expatiating o^i, (idle) talk; eho m. ni.
m 5 m a, moma-so, the forehead, front.

m 5 m m 6 m, red. v. 1. s. mom. — J2. to shrivel, shrink together;

to curl up (as withering leaves).

mommdno, F. momon, a. s. aroono, rate.

mdmonoto, momroto [G.] uncircumcised; uncircumcision.
momporo, a strap of leather pnt round one s neck and drawn
so as to strangle the person.

nion, V. F. (= mo, mtig?) to be unrighteous. Eeb.6,10.

nimQn (cf. boh v.) a neigh, neighing, tvhinnying; - bom., to
neigh, whinny (of horses). Jer. 5,8. 8/J6. — k a m., F. to wail. Mk.5^8.
nimonna, s. bonna; - to m., to intrude upon women by night,
to ravish. — inf. m-t5.

am5na, F. mona, s. am^na, am&ra & amoa.

indnkyem, v. to bend, turn up, wrinkle; to double down (a
leaf &c.); to be bent, turned up, to get a boss (as, a brazen vessel);
gsekah no ano am., hhoma nom^ am.; awowa no am. = babi atom*
sen babi.

ilmono, -m6no, red. m6nmi6no, or m6mm6no, a. raw; fresh,

green, soft; unripe, immature; un dried; unboiled, crude; s. Gr. §
70,1-3. gd6m6m6no, ode-am6no, an^mmono (wodi andmmono, they
eat meat, wodi ndm m6mon6, they eat raw meat), gde no y6 momo-
no; cf. ahabdmmono. — am6no k&hw^, quite fresh or new, used also
of persons, as, a blooming youth; cf. bun.

amouo-aka-ogya = nam momono a wgahow dakoro pe.

Hni6nom' [amono mu, lit. in the fresh] directly, immediately,
forthwith, on the spot; obo no bog no no, a. hgara na gtge, tvhen ilte
stone hit him, he fell dead on the spot. F. amonm Iioara, suddenly.

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308 monom — mmdwd.

mono III; red. monommonom, m6roinin5r5iD, a, smooth; opon
no ye m. ; rf, eso ye torotoro.

ni in n t o II k y c = okwao kontonkye, pr, 1900.

m in o pom Ilia [cf. bapomma] ^. cf'|>/., a respectable, hofimmhlr

person (onipa a oye opanyin h^-ne-ho nanso onim do).

inbordo, F. = mmoro-s6, ejcceedingly.

mmore [bo, bore, t;.] dough,

mniore-lniy ~ pitahu.

muiorka, F. = ramokaw, Mt. 13,33.

mmorokokowa, a kind of heady s. ahene.

mmorommorome, s. aborom^ -m^.

mmoro-sa [bftro, nsa] n/w, brandy, bronghtfrom Enrope or

America; ef. nsA.

mmoro-so, inf. [boro so] abundance, exuberance, orerfloicing

fulness. — adv. exceedingly.

mmorotoa, a kind of bead; s. ahene.

inmo-sa, nsa a ebo?r, strong drink, = mpAhyewa.

ainmgse; = mmoase, ase, beginning. pr.lS91.

miii6sea, s, bosea, pebble; gravel, pr. 2046.

m m s e a w a [dim.] small pebbles, gravel.

e-m 0-8 i, inf. s. erao & si.

ill mo si, a kind of country cloth, s. ntaroa.

Amosu, AmA-osu [nea oma osu, Gr. § 39, 9. j the Jiain-girer, a

by-name of God; r/". Amowia.

m in o s a w a [obosu, dim.] the early dew, condensed before day-

mmota [bota, dim.] a kind of bead, s. ahene. [break,

motau, V. F. = mantam. Mt 21,^. Mk. 11,2.

m m o t g, -doma, green (plantains), fresh (yam), pr. o98J133.

mmotoam' [ba = basa, toa, muj arm-hole, arm-pit.

mmotoam-ma, a swelling or tumor in the arm-pit; wgboapafreno.

mmgtoa-siti, na pompo no anhdn koktiro anye 'motoam' ma.

mmgtoaase: wabo ne m. afa oba no na ode no aguan akotra...

nimotg-krdma, tfie new yam of the first crop; wopan m-; rf.
mpow. — m-m\ m-bere, tJie time or season in which the new yam /^
taken out; mmotokroma-b^re adu.

mmgw, mediation, negotiation in a matter between two naiiona

which may lead to war; di m., to mediate, act as a go-betweefi, irp
to reconcile ; abofo yi di m. ; woadi ntam^ m. dedaw, na anye yiye.

Amowia [nea omaowia] the Snn-giver, he who gives sunltine:

a by-name of God ; cf. Amosu, Ama-ome &c.

m m o w Ay a tree, the bark of which is burned to coal and mixed

with sweet-scented spices; ohdam bi; dua bi a wotwitwa na wode
to gyam' ma edan gyabiriw, na woayam na wode nhwane torn' na
mma de fra won adnni mn do yo wonhd (won anim, akyi, koko so.
nan ho, nsa ho).

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mniowerebiwa — emu. 309

mm o we re hi w a, -wuwa: gy arc m-, he has lost his nails hy

the whitlow (s, okekaw 4.) or by gy ato; s. bgwerewua.

am 6 yi. inf. [yi am6| ingratUndc,

o-m 6 y 1 f 0, an ungrateftd person,

• mmo-to-ho, inf. [bo to ho] procrastinatio^ny postponement, ad-
journmcnt; delay.

mmg-to-s6, inf. [bo to so] false aceusatlony syn. osusuka, ntwa-

to8o; nye wo ygnko ho mm., do not cast anything upon your neigh-
hour wiifwut being able to prove it.

mmra & cpds. s. ram&ra.

mra, v. s. m&na. — mmra, 5. mmara.

mmrabram', v,n. \s. bra mu] the act of ivifhholding, conceaU

ing dee.; unfairness^ dishonesty y misstatement; dissimulation.

amrade, omra-kyerew, omra-iihoiiia &c. s, amanade &c.

amrado, ^inviiAoyr \2ovi. governador?'\ governor; c/*. broheiie.

iiimran, s. mmSraii. — mmraniiuan, s. mmSr.

o-mrdtonf, s. omnratoni.
m II, pron. s. mo.

e-mu (u = u), the interior. 1. the inner or middle paH, inside;

any part or point within the limits of a line, surface or body. — X^
the inner part^, cf. anom\ as6m\ mfem', yam' &c.; the space tvithin
or inside. — S. the interior of a country: emu noho (nohoa) tonn,
far in die interior. — 4. As a postposition after nouns & pronouns
it stands for the foil, prepp. <t advv.: in, at, into, throwjh, tvithiny
inward, inside ; between; of time: in, at, during, iviihin; of a plu-
rality of things: among, amo7igst; connected with certain verbs (as
fi, to proceed from): out, from. See Gr. § 1 19. & Eem. on the tone
of mu, which is high after a preceding low tone, and low after high
tone. When used as a postposition or complement, the vowel u is
oflen dropped, and the remaining m' connected in pronunciation
with the noun or pronoun to which it refers, or with the verb. —
5. In some 2)hrases emu forms the grammatical subject (instead of
the thing to which it refers), as : emu da ho, it is or lies open, is mail-
ifest, plain; emu do, it is deep (abura, asu no mu, epo mu do) ; emu
gow, it is spacious; emu tSrew, it is wide; emu ye den, it is diffi-
cult; ne yare mu ye den, his illness is severe; emu ye duru, it is im-
portant; emu ye hare, it is easy; emu siwme kakra, emu ntew me
yiye, Gr.§215. — 6. When compounded with nouns, mu expresses
a manner of doing = after the manner or fashion of; e.g. mraari-
mam\ nnipam\ brgfom*, s. Gr. § 131,4. — 7. In composition with
verbs, mu has the power of an adverb, meaning in, between, to-
gether; c/lbam', bom', dam\ gum', worn', nnim', hyiam', tiam' &c. —
luu or m' influences the pronunciation of preceding vowels, making
the open vowels (a, e, g) half-open (a, F. e ; e, o), and the half-close
vowels (e, o) close (i, u).

e-m li, the interior or middle part of tfie body, the chest, thorax,
rump, back; espec. the upper part of the bach cf akyi; gyare n6
vitiy he has a disease of t/ie chest or lungs; ne md bu fanh, his rump

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310 infi — iniilirnnuhn.

is flexible; opono ncmu, he is hending his back; otec nc mu, he

stretches his bade.

mu, a. \^pl. am u am a] 1. whole, entire, complete; unbrokm, in

good condition; opp. sin, gow, piece, fragment; odii dokono mu, ht
ate a tvhole (loaf of) bread; onipa yi, gye mu (pirim), this man Is ruit-
sickly, but lively (indeed); odi mii, he is without blemish or defect
(mpakye ridzi mu, F. Mt. 15,31); edi mu = enni dem; nknruwa no
biye amu-amu, ebi nso ye agow-agow, some of the vessels are whole
(not broken), others are damaged, — ^. true, real; full, earnest, se-
rious, sincere; eye me asedd-mu, it is a matter of h^iatifelt (thanks to
tnc, I am tndt/ thankful for it; eye me nkommg-mA, it is a matter
of deep concern, serious care, grave solicitude to me, I earnestly wish
or desire it. — 3. j>erfect, accomplished, excellent: onipa-mu, a man
of distinction, of rank. pr. 2397.

e-m fi, a-, n. a whole, entirety, totality; bo no mu, say it at once-

mebo no amu maka se: / will gather or sum it up in these words:..,
mu, mo, t\ F. — ratio, to be bad,
amu, o dead (human) body, corpse; a more decent expression
than efunu.
mil a, V. 1, to shut, close; om. ne nsa ano^^^r. 468), n'ani, heclo-
ses his hand, his eyes; om.n'ano, he shtds his mouth, holds his tongue,
is silent, keeps silence, forbears talking, pr. 247. — 2, to be shut or
closed; n'ani amua, his eyes are closed, — 3, anim' amQa, remfla, s.

mm 11 ad a, s. abnada.

mmuae, v,n, [bua] an answer; ascmmisAnenem., questions

and answers.

muamila, a, narrotv (as, the opening of a small bottle or

phial); cf. dwedwcwa, hiahia, teatea.
a m fi a m li a n i, blind-mans-buff,

mmii-ano [bu ano] the edging, hem, skirt of a garment,

mmua-so [bua so] cover, lid, pot-lid; cf, mmutuso, nkataso.
mmua-tama, Akr.-tam; Ky.-tomA [ntama a obi de bua (kata)
neho so] a cloth to cover one's body, also in sleep {opp. gdaso); o
cover; cloak, pall, j^cdlium (as of the ancient Greeks).

mbubiiA, F. = bubuafo, pi, m-, lame j^ersons, Mt. 15^0 f

mmubui, v,n. [bu, v. red.] 1. lameness, a disease in the legs
causing inability to walk. — ^. a fraction in ciphering.

rabubui, F. a) pcdsy, Mt. 4,24. 9,2. b) fragments, crumbs, Mt 15,37.

mbubuinyi, F. a man sick of the palsy, Mt. 9,6. Cf. obubuafo.
mii-dud [dua a ehye onipa mu na otumi gy ina] support, skfff
oflife^; onipa m. ne kankyew (F.) or aduan, man's staff of life is
bread (food); pr. 2398.

mu-hama, a piece of cloth or rope tied round the chest to show

excessive grief; - wabo m. = awerehow aka no na ode hama anase
ntama abo (akyekyere) ne yam'.

m u h u m u h fi, a. fine, of dry things that are ground ; obo be-

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nuika — oiiiuniiiikrnn. 311

dwiriw wgii aye atodnru m.; oykm kyekyere m.; st/n. Kko^nko] cf,

muksi, mukyia, in-, l)ukjia, hearth, fire-place; the hearth

ou which the negroes usually cook their food consists of three round-
ish elevations, formed of clay, between which the fire is made and
oil which the cooking-pot is placed.

muka-ase, the place or apartment where the hearth is; kitchen,

a m u-k y c n e^, miimmi/.

mum, a, L deaf and dumb, — 2, having no opening or en-

trance. — e-mum, mumu, deaf and dumbness, dumbness caused by

deafness; cf, asitiw. — o-miim, e-murau, a person who is deaf and

dumb, pr.2047. F. Mk. 7,37,

Miimo, name of a month, about December; s. osram.

o-mumo, mdm6,j!>Z. a-, [muo, v,] an ugly, Ul'lookingy ill-shaped,
bodily misformed person; (nea n'anim a.s. nehonam ny^ fe, ne ti
kokdroko, n^aniwa nkete-nkete, n'aso ntitiwa-ntftiwa nkete-nkete,
nekoh tia u.k.) pr, 217,1801,2048-60, (mumo-kaii, miimo-kyiri).

amumo-y^, F, amumuye, inf. crime, (act of) wickedness; wan-

tonness, looseness. — ye am., F. Mt 13,41. 22,18. Mk. 7,22,

o-mumoy^fu, j?/. a-, miscreant, mischievous, wicked 2ierson,

villain, scoundrel.

o-mumo-w^sewa [omnmo aoye n'ade wese or wewc] a person

not fair, but clean and tidy ; opp. oyiyeburu.
mumu, s. mum.
amumuaha, a kind of plant.
amumuy^, 5. amumoye.
m una, v. [red. munamuna] 1, to become or be dark, to look
yloomy; osu am., the clouds are dark, — ^. m. an i m, ~ kum anim,
to darken the face, make a sour face, to frown. — 3. wamuna, n'anim
am., he looks sullen; he is gloomy, sad; wamunaahye me, he frowns
upon me; pr, 248. — onam munamuna, he is melancholy.

o-miinamiiuafo, i?Z. a-, a sullen, morose, peevish, discontented

fellow; woye om., you are always displeased, discontented,
m u n i, V. to roll about, pr. 1364,
mmunkam-so, inf [bunkam] transcendency, Kurtz §165.
muntum,t?. to turn over, turn upside down, ivpset, overset,
overturn, subvert; m. toa {or aduru) no = fwie gu! — syn. dan aui

amiintum-^mum, adv, secretely, privately, in secret; yedii

asem no rfm. = yehintaw kokoam' dii asem no na obi ante.

munum*, mCirQm, v. [red, mtinum-mfinum] to cover entirely,

wrap up, enwrap, wrap round; syn. kata; qde ntama bemilnum'
yen so, amdnnm poh so nneema fihina so, am. ne hdnam nh|na; -
om. fasn so bae, he tumbled over the waU(Y).

o-mununkum, i^/. a-, 1. fog, mist; om. resi, a fog is coming ;

cf. knsukuku. — ^. cloud, cf.hqvt, osu, suwisiw. — H. F. blackness,
cf tnmm. — 4. a kind of dark-blue cloth. — 5. adj. dark-coloured:
afasew m. bi ye adweadw^.

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312 nnio — N.

mild, V. to he hady physically or morally; omiio = oye omiV

mo; ne nneyee mtio = ny6.
o-muratoni, pL a- -fo, [Eng., Port.] a mulatto.

mmiiro-nuo, bttro hno, olive oily sweet oil,

m n r n m, s. mtinum.
amu-sie, inf. [sie amu] burialy inter menty sepulture.

mmu-s6, inf. [bu so] abundance.

mm us II, -o, mischief y misfortune , disaster, misery, ealumitif,

adversity; a thimj that causes mischief cH. m. aba inc so, a ealamiitf
has befallen me; ahogden bcibreyem., too much strength brings mis-
chief y 'pr. 581.648.1894. — bo m-, to cause mischief to come, to do mia-
chief; mabo meho m., I have brought mischief upan myself. — fa in.,
tosufferfor mischief done; pr. .555/. 1788. — yi m., to remove or ward
off mischief ; s. mmusnyi; mekobisa me bo, mckoyi me ti m., lam
going to ask advice (i.e. to consult the fetish- man) to get rid of i»p
adversity (lit. to remove my head's calamity) ; p^-. 898. — (7/*.obu8ufo,
obusuyefo, ahabusii.

mmiisu-bo, inf. the act of cursing; the committing of an act

or acts that bring mischief. — m miisu-yi, inf. the removal of mis-
chief ; oyi ne ti mmusu ne se: ode ade a ode rekoyi mmusii no si
neho ananmu de koma obosom a.s. gsaman-ko a g-ne no anya no;
ne se nti mmusu biara a wobcyi no, wgde kwati onipa-ko no ti an«i
na wokoyi.

musumusum, F. wim ye m., the weather is foul, stormy. ML 16 ft

am u-t one tone, inf. Ak. the act of keeping one's back straigld.

amu-tcw, inf. [tew mu] prop, a rending of the interior or heart,

i.e. grief y afflictiony distress; diff. ntewmu.

mu-twa, itif. [of twam' = twa mu] adekyee ye awie mu-twa,

the day (daylight) is abmU to finish passing y i.e. the day is nearly sjnmt
or passed. Mk.6y85.

mmutu-s6 [butuw so] cover d-c. cf. mmuaso, hkataso.

o-mn-yare, e-, a disease in the chest or baeky causing difticuh

breathing, crookedness of the back &c. cf. sisiyare, gseiimu.

Words which have ii as the first letter of their stem (usually

with another n, in verbs sometimes with two lis before it), but
are not found under N, — seek under I), or, when y follows,
under G (gy).

The consonant ii, when radical i.e. original, is united with na-
sal vowels {cf. M); whenever it is followed by pure vowels, it is a
transformation of d, caused by a preceding n (or orig. m, u) or by
negligent pronunciation, as in anadwo, Ak.adadwo. It interchanges
with (1, r, m, n; Gr. § 18. 19. B. 37. — n before y & tw, is not
dental, but palatal. — ny is either original before Ti, e, iy or, when
followed by pure a, e, i, it is a transformation of original gy, usu-
ally caused by a preceding n (m^ n).

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n — oiia. 313

II- is a frequent pre/ix before stems begiiiDiDg with t, tw, s, n,

and with d which is then assimilated i.e. changed into n, also be-
f<»re stems with y and <ry^ (in which cases we write n-y and n-ny).

— This prefix occurs 1. in nouns; 2, in verbs, viz. in the 2nd im-

perative and all negative forms. It forms a syllable by itself, if it
be not joined in pronunciation to a preceding vowel or to the ii of
the subsequent syllable. See under m-.

n' often stands for ne (pron, poss.) before a-, seldom for no
(pron. ohj.). Gr. § 58. It may also stand for na, conj,

II a, conj. 1. and. — 2. bid, however, yet, nevedhelesH, noiw'dh-

standlng, vf. de, nso, nanso. — 3, (na) for. — If any part of a sen-
tence (subject, object (»r other complement, attribute, or adjunct) is
to be rendered prominent, it is put at the head of the sentence and
n a follows with the proper sentence, in which then the part put at
the head is indicated by a pronoun. Gr. § 247.
ijnua (F. inna) r= eno na, then, id that time, after this.

aiiii, ana, F. ana, ana, am}, conj. 1. or; vf. anAse. — ^^ a par-
ticle noting the sentence, to which it is attached, as an interrogation ;
when the question is indirect, the dependent sentence is connected
with the principal one by so, and the words 'se... ana' are equiva-
lent to the Eng. conj. trhcther or if. Gr.§ 139.1 42.1 53. —In F. ana
is also found at the head of an interrogative sentence. Mt.6,!i6.7,16.2:i.

ana, F. ^-r ansa , before, prior to, pre vionsly. ML 5,18.24.26. 8,21.2D.&c.

n na, v.n. [da] sleep; wada own nna, he sleeps the sleep of death;
wakra me nna, s. kra, v. 7. — nna-nna, s. eda.

nna [s. nnawa], or, nna-ase-nhwi, the mane of some quadrupe-

dal animals, as the horse, the lion &c. - gyata wo nna; gy ata nnil-
ase-nhwi ye kiifukufu (fukufuku); odvvennini no nna-ase-nhwi doso.

o-n Ti, e-, {dullness? slowness? cf. na;) the exact and original mean-
ing of this n. (ov adj.?J is not easily determined; we give the de-
rived meanings thus: 1. scarceness, scarcity, rareness, rarity; want
of, lack, defect. — 2. rareness or value arising from scarcity, cost-
liness, precionsncss, importance. — 3. difficulty of access (to obtain
or to perform). — i. disUlce, disinclination, aversion, repugnance.

— Phr. na is used as a complement of the verbs ye, d i, do, as the

foil, examples will show. a. (J.) Nnipa pa ye 'na wo asase so, good
people are rare (ov scarce) on eatih; pr.2950. aka kakra se nd min-
ui nkesua na bio, in a short time I shall no longer have scarcity (or
want) of eggs, i.e. I shall soon have eggs enough; nnansa yi nno h 5
ye na, just note oil is scarce; ade h5 ade ye na, pr. 805 f. — (2.) Adc
yi ho ye me na = eho hia me yiye, this thing is valuable to me, I have
it at heart; o, se hhoma ho ye me na; minya a, anka mepe! oh, I
desire such a book; I wish I cmdd get one! — (3.) fiho ye na, = eyc
den se wobenya, it is approached or gotten only with difficulty; hho-
ma yi ho ye na, mape bi mape mape, mannya, this book is not easi-
ly to be got; I sought for one repeatedly, but got none ; (mape me-
beree ansa-na mekonyae, I had lang to seek before I fmind one).
Adwuma yi ye oyf-nji, this work is not easy to perform; Gr.§ 105,5.
onipa nye dada-nit, man i^ easily deceived ("Mundm vult decipi^);

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314 (jiifi — imaho.

yr, o73.634S6o,7S8J880. — h. (3,) Asempa no dii ho byen-na kaiiiio,

the gospel (had, or met wiihy (Ufftctdty in entering) had no easy en-
trance there at first; ofa abnfuw a, wodi no pata-na, 6r.§ 105,5. —
c, (4.) OdQ mena, he has (entertains, harbours) a secret haired against
me; he hears me a grudge or spite, he hears a malice or Ul-mll a-
gainst me; Laban doo lakob na se wafa n^ade de anya neho, L.owed
Jacoh a spite hecatwe he had enriched himself from his (i.e. from Us)
property, Cf. adona, Dowuona.

e-na, ph enanora, 1, mother; Tpr, 2057-2069, — in Ak. it is used

only of the speaker's oton mother: ena aba, my or our mother is cmne;
cf. onl, awo. — ^. an honoaring title of another elder female: ena
or me na Aforo fre wo, Mrs. Aforo calls thee,

an ft, relatio^iship, ancestors, mothers (?); to ana, to give one's

genealogy, prove one's descent, claim relationship ;pr, 358, e.s. wokyero
wo nh obi ntam' abusuasem a cda mu.

nu, (n, or«.?) weah, dtdl (cold, sluggish, hcacy, phlegmatic i')
n'adwenem' (ne tirim', ne komam*) ye no na, he douhts, is doubtful,
irresolute, in perplexity, at a loss (which way to take &c.) = onha
nea gyc, se 6nny6 nni o, onnny^ nnni 6, onnim, Gen, 45^6,;- syn,
nann, nennann; nl, merew &c.

nnabrabd, = nkgnkgnsd, nkontompo; oy^ n., ^-.gdabrabdfo.

iiada, nara, F. = gno ara, eno ara.

nil ad A, v.n, [da da] deception, delusion, imposition, imposture^

deceit, fraud; temptation; cf. nsisi, nnyigye, kusiim-di; sgfwe.

i\niii\i\-^^xn,fratidtdence; stratagem, trick, cheat, wile, artifice;

cf. nkwadasem.

nnade-dworg, nnadewa asin-asin, a kind of gold used as

currency by the Akems in ancient times, before they learned to use
gold-dust from the Dankiras.

anadwo, F. anadwe, Ak. adadwo[da, dwo, lit. the coolness of

the day] night. — anadwo-boa [aboa] a niglU-animal, nocturnal
bird drc, pr, 1283, 2072 f — anad\Vo-d e [a thing (ade) brought into
the house by nigJU, secretly] bribe; cf, boa, adanmude.

anadwo-fa [ofa, half,pati'\ F. anafoa&c, //^cZa/c evening after

sunset (ade reye asa na anim reniQa); cf. anwummere, — 2. Aky.
any part of the night; cf. gdasu.
anadwofa-SQm, an evening-word, an occurrence, altercation
or quarrel in the evening, when men are usually intoxicated by palm-
wine. — anadw O'^fi^orWy playing in the nigJit. pr. 2180,

anadzo-gua, F. = anah ase agua, foot-stool. Mt, 5,35.22,44.

nnae, v.n. [da] couch, bed, day-bed , sofa; cf. mpa.

anafo, the place below, the part ofa bed or couch at tlie feet; the
under or leeward coast; F. leeivard, eastward, syn. boka; opj). atlfi.

anafofo, the people of the lower or nether part of the town or

country &c. — analba, F. = anadwofa, evening. Mk.6,47'

ani^frdnaku, a plant; n^aba kum nnuan. pr, 2075,2472.

anago, F. (anagyo) =r anadwo, night. Mt. 28,14, Mk. 13,35.

nna-ho, a deep sleep.

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iniakardTiiiri — nnaine. 815

nna-kanl-niia [da & kra, v.']: g-nJ no ko n., wgko n., thet/
go to sleep bidding each other good nigliiy i.e. they are on friendlyj
familiar, intimate terms with each other; cf. wakrarae nna, under
kra. [Diff, w6k5, na krina !]

nna-koko, a fowl or slicep given by a man to his bride before

she comes to sleep with him.

g-nak wa, 1. a large tree with very fine flowers, hard wood and
a thick bark; wowaewae eho bono de saw wura. — J^. a man no-
tonus for some deed and, therefore, able to do the same thing again;
on. se obcye yi, obeyc ampa; ade a asi netirim' no, omfere ho se
obeye; - waye on., he has become famous; wobo nedih a» na asem
bata ho. — Diff. A'nakwa, pr. w. in pr. 2596.

nam, v. [a = a; used only in the continuative form (in all

other forms fa or nan tew is used); red, nennam] 1. to walk, to be
in any progressive motion, to go, run, crawl, creep, swim, fly, saild'C.
to travel, pr. 2078ff. Cf. kg. Onipa hi nam ho, a man is walking there;
mihuu no segnennam ho, I saw him walking there (to and fro); ehyen
uo nam ntemntem, the ship sails very fast; gkwadu nam ntemntem,
the antdope runs very fast; anoma nam soro, na apatanso nam nsum',
a bird flies in tJie air, but a fish swims in the water, pr. 457.1437.2081.
— ^. nam is often combined with m u or so before another verb of
motion, thus noting the way in which that motion is performed, or
the means or mediator of an action, and is then rendered in Eng.
by the prex^ositions through, by; e.g. gnam mfenserem' kgg dan mu,
he went through the window into the house; gnam atoro so dad&a no,
he deceived him by a lie. Gr. § 108,27. 223,2.237 a. — In F. it is also
combined with nti: gnamhom atsetsesem ntsi wamma (= moamma)
ncmbra antsim, Mt.15,6. — 3. nam so, to proceed, walk on; to do
forthwith, straightforward ; wgnam so reba, they are coming on, draw
near. Gr. §111. Mrk. 15,43- - obi nam so beka kyeree me, some-
body straightway told me (of it). — nam ntenteso, ^.this. — 4. nam
(sQm) ase ye, to do underhand, secretly, privately (Gr.§ 1 11): ghene
pee onipa nam ase koyii Akyem bene asitiw, the king appointed a
man secretly to apprize the king of Akem of the matter; gnennam
m'ase (=gpe me bone, gpeme amane-nyd, ofitifiti me nsem ho, odi
me ho nseku), he aims at me, seeks my hiui. — 5. to exist in a cer-
tain number, to be so many together (Gr. § 199,4); yenam basia na
ebae, we were six of us when we came; nkyeneboa nam ahorow pi,
aj^cs (monkeys) are of many different kinds.

e-uam, i. flesh, meat of any animal; pr. 2077. 3301. 3407. cf. gho-
nam. — ^. fish = nsunam. — 3. the flesh or soft, pidpy substance
of fruit, also of palm-nuts: mSngo yi ho nam dgs5; abe yi ho wg
nam bebre.

nnam, a., red. nnamnam, 1. sharp, of a cutting instrument,

of soap; gsekan yi ano ye n. ; samina no y§ n. se, eye ogya! — ^.
brave, bold, daring, intrepid, courageous, valiant. — nnam, n. sharj)-
ness, efficacy; p^\2939.272.3. bravery, boldness, valour; cf. abooduru.

nnam-kyeree, nnanky. [nnam, kye] pr. 2809. s. ohfln kyeree.

nna me, wedge; dua a wosen ano afanu de pa ogya. pr.2065.

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316 iinniinnereiison — iiriim.

n 11 a-m iii e v c-ii son, all days throughout; length of days; s. p. 303.

nam in oka [nan, ratio or bone, ka, to touch] the striking or

knocking of the foot against something, considered as an ill omen
(waka nan bone, he has struck his foot painfully^

o-nammon, |7?.a-, [enan,boh] 1, foot-print, foot-mark, foot-step,

pr. 290. 354, — 2. step, stride, — 3. tlie sole of (he foot; the foot;
pr. 2087ff,24Gl, — ondmmon-mu, the sole of the foot.

nammoiVkoro, a narrow pcUh, pass, way for only one foot.

g-nammon-tenten, 1, a long step; fan., to walk with long
steps, to stride, pr. 378. — 2, a person who takes long steps, ivho is a
good walker, a long-shanks, Gr. § 39,9 d pr. 3003.3005.
niianimon-nampan [s. gddinpan], vestibule, porch, ante-
chamber, lobby, waiting-room, the place of the door-keeper; a hmse
through tvhich a way leads to the inner yard; a covered entrance
into the yard of a dwelling. Ky. ntwironod.

ana ni-mo 11 o [nam amono] fresh meat, opp. nanliowe (wodi an.,
they eat meat; wodi n^m m6mon6, they eat raw meat).

nam-pr owe, rotten meat. pr. 364.

nnaii so, s. nnahso.

n a iV, V. [red. nan'nftn] to melt, liquify, dissolve (tr. d' intr.), to

become liquid, be dissolved; said of metals, wax, tallow, fat (srade,
nku, nno &c. opj*- da); cf bono.

e-n a n, 2)1. id. & a-, Ak. iiane, the foot of a man, in Ak. the ewtrem-
ity below the ancle, in Akp. sometimes including the leg (gya) and
thigh (sSre); the foot of any animal; of quadrupeds, tlie hind-foot,
hind-leg (the fore-foot or fore-leg is called nsa); the foot of a table,
candlestick &c. — Ne nan ye hare, he is UgJU-footed, swift-footed.
— mo uafi-ase ye me bare dodo, you go too fast forme. — wo nan
ye den a, (na) wobedu ntem, if you are a good ividker, you tcill
soon be tJiere, — ode ne na n m u kyere, he takes to his Jieels. — gnara
ne nanmu = ne nan hunu, he walks barefoot; gnam ne nan a no,
he goes on tiptoe. — gnam me nan ase, he is my attendant, one of
my followers, icalks in my suite. — me nan ka ase, 1 feel the bottom
of the river. — ne nan tia adare so = nenan gyina gkwan so rekg,
he is on the point of staiiing; pr. 3561. — tutu woanan duom na
merebd, go on slowly (leisurely), I am coming after, — tutu wo
anan m u kgtra babi, change your place \ gtwe ne nan mu, he walks
quickly, with long paces; gtwetwe nenah m u, he stretches his feet;
gt went wen ne nan ase, he lingers, walks lingeringly. — bg anan
(s. bg 27), to walk together, keep pace; mintumi ne mo mmg anan,
I cannot keep ]}ace with you, — Cpds. a. nanase, nahhin, nahkroma,
gnammgn, anafimu, nansa, nansih, nansoa, nantin, nantu, nannwea.
anan, n-, four. Gr. § 77.

11 a nil, nennaiiu, = na, q.v. — aye n'ani so nann, = onhft

noa 6nye no ; cf. ya.

nTma, pd, nananom, F. nanam, 1. grandparent, grandfatlter

(n. barima), grandmotJier (n. bea); pi, forefathers; first parents. —
2, (pi, nenanom) grandchild, = gbanana.

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onana — naimodow. 317

o-nana, -ni, stranger , foreigner, pr.2094,

an an 3.-d e, a thing (things) against the rule; opp. ade-trene.
nanahdy a cutaneous eruption appearing after some stay at a
foreign place; ase akese-akcse; uknwa-nkuwa bi a etotow nipaho
te se nsowa.
anannannewa [nan, vJ( a brass box in which shea-butter is
molten for anointing.

0-nana-ni, pL a- -fo, stranger ^ foreigner (nea ofi kiirow bi so;

eye yaw kakra; "ghgho" ny^ yaw). pr,2095.

nnaiVani, inf. [dan ani, of. anidan] perversion; subversion;

revolution; n.-manso+, revohUion,
n an a ii k an s o, great-grandchild.
anana-nsa (Aburifo mmrah); wgye an. = onanani nsa won
(mfrA woii mu). — ananaransa-fo, people tvho do not permit foreign-
ers to mix with them. pr. 2096.
nau-anu, pr. 2U27.

ndn-ase, 1. the foot, tJie lotver paH of the leg. — ^. the bach or
upper part of tJie human foot from its junction with the leg to the
toes; cf. nansa. — 3. the space or 2>la^e under one's feet. See enan.
anana-t^u, [cf. ntenkyew'] partial, unfair judgment; bu an.,
fo Jiave respect of persons in judgment.

n a h-h i ii [s. hih] the shin, the fore part of the leg or crural bone.
nnan-lio no, the axis on which a sphere revolves, pole. D. As.

n a nh w e [nam a ahow] dried meat or fish; opp. anammono.

anaii-hyehjem', = ananwuram\

o-nanka, a large horned snake, syn. eb6re. pr. 524.2097.2356.

nankasa, = gno-ankasa, eno-ankasa, gnoara, enoara. Gr.goO.
naii-kom [nam kgm] scarcity or dearth of meat or fish.
nan-kofi, the joint between the leg and the foot.
nan-koro, pr. 2127-
anankotf [enah& ?]: tow an., to kick with the (hind-)foot; -
gpgnkg tow me an., a horse kicked me.

naiikroma [enah & ?] pi. a-, the knee; syn. kotodwe.

nankroma-bemmen, anankroma-b^n, a swelling of the knee.
nhhktim [nam &?] a piece of meat, the leg or any other part,
nankwi, F. == nantwi. — nnan-kyeree, pr.2809. s.nnamkyeree.
nnan-mii,«»/'.[danmu] 1. change, transformation; reform; con-
version. — 2. inflection, conjugation. Chram.

anan-mii [s. enan] lit. in tlie feet i.e. footsteps, i.e. instead of, in
the place of; ogyina m^an., he stands in my place, represents me; -
(de..) hye or si an., to supply, replace, make up (for), compensate,
restore, repair, repay dtc. 6r. § 237 b.

anaiumu-hye, -si, inf. s. hhyeanahmu, nsiananmu, hye S, si, r.

ananmu-sifo, pi. id., rej^resentative.

nna-no, nnanobi, the other day, lately, recently: .s. eda, dabi.
nfm-nodow - nam dodow, yr. 3611.

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318 nansa — nnantwerem.

n an-s a, ninsa-bon, the foot below the anTdes, consisting of nan-

ase & nammoDDiu. \s. enan, nsa, sAbon.] — nansa-atade, gaiters.
nna-nsa [eda] three days; nna-nsa-yi, in th^se days, nowadm/s,
in our time ; recently, lately, of late.

niiansa-()m dn, a thing of only three days standing, of no long

duration, temporary, provisory, tratmtory; - eye n.ade, it is a thing

that sJiofily passes away. — n.-mansof^elo, provisional government.

an^nse, spider; of kgnnore, ntikfima, okyemf6; pr.2098ff.—

an. akyere me nan, my foot sleeps.

ananse-huliua, a spider^s weh, cobweb. Ak. nt6ntdn.

aiianse-akete-nwene: eye an., it is (a thing like) weaving a
mat of cobweb, i.e. vain, unsuccessful work.

an an s e-n ta in m a, 1. cobweb. — 2. bob-net, bobbin-net, ground

of lace. — 3. hair-net. — 4. & kind of mushroom, s. mmdre.

ananse-sem, stoi^, tale, fable, fictitious narrative; to an., io

teU (prop, spin) a tale. — [anaose asem, lit. a tale of An., being a
mythic personage, gener. called agya Ananse, to- whom great skill
and ingenuity is attributed, a personification of the spider ; his wife
is konnore, his son ntikuma.)

n A n-s in, F. a-, stump of a leg, pr.934. one-footed person. Mi. 18 S,

na-n so, conj. [na nso] and also, but also; but, yet, still, hotc-
ever, notwithstanding, pr. 7.12.606.512.

nndn-s6. a place in the forest with a hut or huts for hunters

to sleep in; eno ye nn. =2 $ye nhada, q. v.

n an-s 6 a, toe; the particular toes have the same names as the
fingers: n. kokiirobeti, the large toe; n. kyerekyerekwan, n.-hene,
n.-henniakyiri or safohene, n.-kokob§to.

nanta, nantam, the foot of a bird. pr.l648.

nnan-tam' [odan ntam'] a narrow passage, alley or lane be-
tween houses.

nan tew, v. [inf. n-, red. nantenantew] to walk, to travel on

foot; onantew dodo, onim udntew dodo, he is a good walker; rf nam;
- red. to wander, rafnble, rove; cf. kyini.

o-nante-b6re, toil and weariness by travelling.

o-ndn tefo, pi. •-, walker, traveller on foot; wanderer; pr. 2102-7.
syn. Qkwantemfo. -^ anantenaute, inf. wandering, rambling rfr.

an an te-s 6 [nantew, ase] the reason for, or the cause or aim and
object of travelling, of a journey.

n a n t c w-y iy e, nante-i6, inierj. farewell!

ndn-tin, -tini, Jieel.

nantin-ka: aye no n., it caused him to stop where he was.

nantiii-iikafd: 6ye n., = onantew a, nenantin iik4 fa yiye,
nso onsi si-pd, he walks (steps, treads) more with the fore-part of the
foot, the heel scarcely touching the ground.
n a n-tii, the calf of the leg. pr. 2108.
nnan-twerenr [odaii &?1 a covered way, thoroughfare, pas-
sage, alley between houses, leading into a yard.

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nantwi — ne. 319

nantwl [Ak. -e, F. nenkwi] j??. a-, hidl, ox, cotV; a single bo-
vine animal; pi, (horned) caitlCy neat; pr, 976, 2109,3612. — by-name:
popododobi. — nantwi-ba, jpl, nantwi-mma, calf, — Hantwi-bere,
pL a-, cow, any female of the bovine genus of animals. — iiantwi-
biiriiwa, heifer, young cow. — nantwi-foro, steer, bullock, young
bull (from 1 to 4 years old). — nantwi-nlioma, hide of a bullock,
— nantwi-kafo, -fwefo, herdsman. — nantwi-nini, bull, bullock,
any male of the ox kind. — naiitwi-sa6, a castraled bull, ox-calf or
bull-calf, steer, ox or bullock,

anaii-wuram'[enan, wura, mu] an entangling of the feet with

those of another; yeadi an., we have mutually entangled ourselves
e.g. in using '^sakraman" in Twifor ^fox" and "nangbfi** (meaning
the same as sakramah) in Ga for "wolf", — di anauwUrawuram',
= ananhyehyem', to be intermixed, as by marriage, in friendly inter-
course, concerning the settlements, as the English and Dutch on the
Gold Coast before 1867.

naii-nwea, ^Z. id., a-, [enan, ad we] tlie ankle, anklebone.

nftn-ny ehiii, pi, id,, a-, [nan, gya, hin] the shin; s. nanhin.

anapa, F. = anopa, (in tht) morning, Mt 2148, Mh 11,20,

anapatii, F. = anopa-tutu, early in the mornipig.Mt,20,l,Mk, 1,35,

nara, F. = gnoara, enoara. Mt, 13,57, — e-nara, s, en^ra, en^da.

n n a r e ka [dade, ka, cf, kawd] bridle (head-stall, bit and reins).

imaase, inf. s. ndaase, aseda. — iiiia-ase, s. nna, nnawase.

na-so, F. = nanso, and yet, howbeit dc, — anaso, F. =ji ana nso.

ana-to, inf, enumeration of ancestors and their children in the

natnral order of succession, genealogy; pedigree.

n n a w a, nna, mane of a lion &c. See nna.

nnawa-se [-ase] the wings of an army; - twa n., to go^ march

or follow behind the wings of an army,
unawase-twafo, the reserve-troops of the right and left ioing.

nnaworopewa: mm^a nhwi k w6dwere s\ won atifi sj^ dua',

the hair of women twisted or contorted and tied up that it standft out
from the vertex or top of the head like a straight stick.

iiuawutd [dawura nta] a town-crier's bell, consisting of two

pieces of iron fixed in a wooden handle; s. oddwum.

ne..., nne..., inFante words, are often written nye..., ndze...

ne, pron.poss, [ono, eno] his, her, its; titeir (of things). Gr.§66.
n e, Ak. d e (F. nye), to be (to the full extent of the meaning
of the predicate), to be identical with, to consist in; cf. ye. When
ne is used, the subject coincides with the predicate, or entirely
absorbs the characteristics of the predicate; when ye is need, th()
subject partakes of the characteristics of the predicate; e.g. 6neh^ne,
tie is the king (the one reigning for the time in the country of the
speaker) ; oye oh^ne, he is a king (as there are other kings beside
him) ; 6ne k^s^, he is the great one (no other being great to the full
extent of the word or in comparison with him) i.e. lie is the greatest;
oye kcs^. Jte is great (as others maybe likewise), pr. 1375,1721,2191.

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320 lie — nedadu.

From Gr. % 102,1.199,1. it may be seoo that this verb occurs only
in the continnati ve form, that the position of the subject and of the
predicate or rather the complement of this verb may be interchanged,
and that ne yi, ne no, may be contracted into ni, ncn. — Tbe
negative is expressed by premising en ye to the positive sentence:
eny^ ohene ne me, / am not ihe kiu(j. Gr. § 247,3 b,

ne, ene, F. onye. ronj. [/>. de, r. fo have, hold, Gr. § 139.] 1,
and; tciih; pr. 63.249. 101o.3460. It connects not sentences, but words
or parts of sentences, viz. collateral subjects, complements or attri-
butes, Gr. § 245, — ^. trith, from, an account of; orewa ne
serew, he almost dies tcith laughter: due-ne-awgw, bear up agninsi
the cold, cf. due 8 a) k Gr. § 2406.

ne = de or nh: obeko a, one IdLna = obeko a, gye okyena, If

he says he Kill go, lie means tomorroic. (pr. 1962.)

e-ne, enne, nne, 'ne, F. nde, fo^ay, transformed and con-

tracted from edi yi, this dag, which is often added : ene-dayi, this
very day; cfAn French atijourd'hui (lun=^ho€ die, on this day), and
in Ga nmene gbi ne.

ane, F. tcest; tcesficard, icindirard. Mt. R^ll. = anafo.

ane, F. = an^ or.

ne, f. 1, to each (Lat. cacare), ease the body by stool, go to

stool; less offending or euphemistic expressions .are : kyima, ko dua
so, ye neho yiye, gya nenan &c. — inf. ene; pr. 407.501.2112' —
2. to exudCy discharge, s, red. nene.

e-n e, n n e (formerly written e-ne), F. ndze, 1. a sound, voice,

noise or report of any object perceived by the ear; cf. gyigj^* —
J2. the human voice; ode 'ne kese teem', he cries tcith a loud voice;
ne 'n^ nso, his voice is not loud enough; ne 'ne afa, he is hoarse; ne
'n^m' asi ^ow, he is hemmed in his voice; omftne ne so, he raises his
voice ; osi ne 'ne ase, he speaks low or softly. — 3. the tone, pitch or
degree of elevation of the voice or of an instrument: en^ a eko soro,
a high tone, eni a esi ase, a lotc tone, ene a eye ho-ne-hg, a middle
tone. — 4. clamour, vociferation, complaints, quarrelling dx. — bo
*n^, to set up or raise a clamour, make a noise, vociferate; ne 'ne a
obo da no tuatua m'aso, his coftstant complaining rings in my ears;
obg 'n^, = okasakasa da, n'ano nnd, biribiara a ne fifo ye nso n'ani.

n e a, Ak. d e a, F. ny ia, dzea, dza, [the n. de = ade, or tbe

pron. of the 3rd pers. sing, (gno, eno) together with the rel. part.
**a**] 1. he or she who,, he that, that which, what, also him or her
wlu), he whose, lie whom drc. according to the context of the sentence
and the succeeding pron. belonging to the rcl. part.; see the expla-
nation and examples in Gr. § 64. 65. — 2. (tlie place) wltere, tltc
manner (extent dr.) in wlmh; Gr. § 65,11.12. ^ pr.2nS''2283.

nne-bo, inf. [bo 'n6] clamour, vociferation, chiding, quarrelling.

pr.331. — nn^bofo, a contentious, quarrelsome, peevish person (oni-
pa a ope akasakasa n^ ko da); syn. gmanefo, wdnafo.

nneda, F. ndeda, to-day a day i.e. yesterday; s. nnera.

\iV'i\iiih\J(fday fen days, ten days ago; 'ne-dadu-dabiaku, iodrtjf

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ungd^6 — nnenkyense. 321

it is 11 days since,.,; -dadu-nnamien, 1J2 days dtc, (Gr. § 80,5); 'ne-

dadu-nna'num, this day fortnigJd,

nii<^A6€,inf,\dL^dih'\lyinginwait,lurking; wUe, aHifice.Eph,4^U,

iinee: tu-, to walk softly y slowly, carefidlyj stealthily, on tiptoe^

= nam breo, bete, de nansoa nantew ; cf, tu nsongo.

n nee ma (F.nyemba, ndzemba), ^iJ. of adee witb the dim* suff-

ma (= mm a), things; furniture ^ goods y property ; pr. 2284. s, ade;
sometimes it is put twice; nneema-nn^ema tvvam*, all things pass
nn6'fsL^ in f hoarseness of voice.

n n e f e d e f e-s e m [defedefe, asem] blandishment j flattery,

aiiefoa, anofwa, F. ML 2,14. 14^2,5. ^-= anadvvo, anadwofa.

n6-h'4', Ak. = ha.

no ho, F". noho, pron. refl, himself herself itself; de n., nya n.
see de, nya. Gr. § 57.218,1 a.

nne-kae [ade a ekae] a relic, relies.

nein, v, to he diligent, a^mdnons, sedulous, persevering, indus-
trious, careful; - onem n'adwuma (anyamesem-kan, suku-ko) ho,
he is diligent in his work (in reading the bible, in going to school); on.
neho sg = ony^ n^h6 ses^sesa, ommo ueho aliora or anyampa, he
is cautious, he takes care, is mindfid of himself dtc,

an em, diligence, industry, activity; assiduity, constancy , perse-

verance; care, carefulness, heed fulness, - y6 or di anem =^ ye nsi,
to he diligent, persevering, of an active mind; to be careful, heedful,
mindfid of, and taking up, every thing, pr. 2020. 3550. Oyarefo nni
(nye) anem, a sick man cannot carry out any thing.

anem-de-yo*, inf. [ye anem ade] industry, manufacture.

anem-dwuma+, manufacture; an.-dAn, manufactory,
n n e-m m a, children of to-day i.e. the present generaiion.pr. 2285.
n en = neno, Ak. de no, do no. Gr.§53.199,l . pr.
nen ay grandchild; s. nana.

n e n n am, red. i\ nam, to ivalk (much, abmd, to and fro), pr. 95.3.
'ne-nna-nnaiu four days ago; 'ne-nna-nkron, 9 days ago, ne-
nna-nsa, 3 d, a., 'ne-nna-nsia, 6 d. a,, ne-nna-nson, 7 d, a., ne-nna-
nnnm, 5 d, a., n^-nn^-aw6tvve, a week ago, Gr. § 80,5.

nene, red.v, 1, s. ne; wanene neho = wakyima neho. — 2,

to exude: dua no n., = nsu a ewo mu no, wutvva (wobg) ho a, efifi
ye apowap6w wo dua no ho.

anen^, j?^i^. or n-, raven; s, kwakwadabi, wSwft.

anene-diirn, rc^'w, ^wm; .<?. ehye. — anene-duhuam,t &^?w?;
the resinous and odoriferous or aromatic sap or juice of certain trees,
anene-mmea, nea one gu mmea-mmea (Jicre and there), pr.2286.
nn^uky^nema, -kyferemma, n kind of coral or bead of a red
colour ; s, ahene. pr. .3117,

nneiikyen-se [odenkyem, ese] a prickly plant, thistle,


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322 nnera — ani.

nnera, F. ndeda [to-day a day] yesterday,

nne-yee, v.n, F. ndzeye [ade-ye] doings, works, actions, deal-
ings, proceedings, practices, conduct, manner or way of acting; cf»
adwuma, bra, abrabo.

ni..., irni... in Fante words, are often written iiyi..., ndzi...

n i = ne yi, ne oyi, ne eyi. Gr. § 199,1 Bern, — wuni-o! here
you are! wuni mini a, ahka enen (.= ene no), if we both were to-
gether in one place, that wotdd be the right thing.

uni, neg.v. di, standing also instead of the neg, form of wo,
not to have; not to be at a place. Gr.§ 102,2.3. pr. 906-922. 2305ff,—
nnim\ nni mu, not to be in or among; not to be true.
ni, Ak. v., = nim (F. nyim), to know. Gr. § 102,2.

O-ni, Ak. mother (not that of the speaker, but of another person);
cf. ena, niwa, onua. pr. 1.

0-ni, i. relative, relation, kinsman or kinswoman, = obusuani;

onipa yi, me ni ni (me bi ni); neni awn. yr. 251. 2287 f. 317 6. — 2.
a person in general : a) in compounds or derivatives, forming, as
it were, a suffix which in the plural number is replaced by fo; Gr.
§38. — b) in the lengthened form oni', when followed by no, ko
or the rel. part. *a\ Hena na wasee m'ade yi? - minnim 6ni'-k6; -
6ni n6 nnu^! 6ui a 6bese^e m'Ade yi mmeyi n^h6 adi komm! Cf.
onipa, gya.

e-n i, honour; di no ni, show him honour, honour him. pr. 900.
ni, a. weak; waye ni, = wagurow; s. nK, merew.

an i, pi. id. 1. the eye or eyes; a look;pr. 2293ff. syn. aniwa (dim.);
m*ani ny6 hhu akyirikyiri ade, / am short-sighted; n'ani abg, his
eyes are destroyed; n'ani biako atu, one of his eyes is taken out; ani
mua n^ ne tew, the twinkling of an eye. — 2. the face, visage, coun-
tenance, cf. anim\ — 3. the face, front, forepart; also the front of
an army. — 4. the face, surface; ntam4 no ani atii, the cloth has be-
come thread-bare, shabby ; asas^ ani, tlie surface of the ground, coun-
try, globe; nsu-aui, po-ani, on the water. — 5. the face, visible pari
(cf. nyame-ani), pr. 2109. outside appearance, extem(d aspect. — 6*.
colour; ntama no ani ahoa = nt. no apa, the cloth has faded, lost
its colour, its colour is gone. — 7. a key-hole; a lock; cf. adakani.

— 8. Phrases. The eye and its look being expressive of understand-

ing, intelligence and prudence, of affections, of moral qualities &c,
ani (or ani so) is used with the following verbs (which are alpha-
betically arranged). In A) ani or ani so is the grammatical subject;
in B) ani, ani so, ani akyi, is the grammatical object of the sentence.

A) n*ani ba me so, he remembers me; n^ani ba asem no so, he

recollects the matter; n'ani ba neho so, he comes to himself, recovers
his senses, Acts 12,11. Lk. 15,17. - n'aui a here, 1, lie is in a passion,
impassionate, strongly affected, in a rage, angry; pr. 2290. - 2. he is
grieved, sorrowful, mournful, in a fit of grief or mdanchdy ; pr. 2292.

- n'ani here ade (sika, mmea), he covets, desires, eagerly wishes for,
lusts after something (money, women); pr. 2298. 2291. n'ani here a-
d wuma, he cannot rest satisfied till he gets something to do. - n'ani so
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api. 323

biri no, he is giddy > - n'ani bo me so, his look falls an me; n'ani
bota me, he has a look of me, - n'ani Ah u^ he is tired by expecta-
tion, impatient; yeatwen no ma yeii ani abu (ma afonoyen) = ye-
atwen no abSre, we waited for him till we were quite tired. - n'ani
da ho, he is modest, unassuming; he is sober, temperate, moderate,
cool, considerate ; he is awake, in his (sober) senses, in his Hght mind;
n*ani so da ho, he is awake; n*ani da ho kanh, he is fully awake,
lively, brisk, cheerful, quite clear, - n'ani da kwan (so), As. he ex-
pects, is in expectation; n'ani da sa, so is his intention; se m'ani da
ni, so is my intention, thus I have purposed; - n'ani da me so, he
hopes, trusts, confides in me, relies on me; n'ani daa so se meba, he
hoped I wotdd come; n'ani da, akatua so, he hopes for a reward;
m'ani da Nyahkp. so, / trust in God. - n'ani da neho so, he is cau-
tions, circumspect, considerate, - ani ad an (ani ^= surface, appear-
ance), the matter has changed, circumstances have altered, the aspects
are different; omah no ani adan, =man86twe aba omaii no mii, the
people or public a/fairs are in a state of disturbance. - n'ani do nkrAn,
he rages, is furious, frantic, rabid, infuriated. - n'ani dwoy he is quiet,
peaceable, calm, tame, soft, mild, gentle, meek; oye n'ade komm komra;
aboa no ani adwo, the beast has lost its wlldness; cf. n'ani ye mer^w;
opp. n'ani abere; - n'ani advirudwo, he has been softened, appeased,
pacified. - n'ani af a so, he has overlooked it; cf. n'ani apa so, ne
were afi. - n'ani af i, he has arrived at tJic age of discretion, is cun-
ni^ff; cf' n'ani apae, atew; - ani afi, the surface is clean; s. Hi 3.7. -
n'ani afura (Ak. afira), he has become or is blind. - n'ani (a)gyc,
he rejoices, is joyful, glad, cheerful, pr. 2208, 2296 f - n'ani gyina
(ne na, ne kiirom'), he longs, is homesick for (Ms mother, his courUry),
syn. wafe (ne na); cf, n'ani akisa, twa. - n^ani ah aw, he is lazy. -
n'ani ah an, Ais eyes are wide open i.e. he is astonished. - n'ani ahy e
me ho, he has had a glimpse of me, - n'ani ahye w, he has become
passionate; opp. ad^udwo, fiase dwo, ka fam'. - n'ani aka no so,
ato no so dwen, he stares at him. - n'ani k a = gye, he is glad, joyfid;
n'ani aka m'anim, he has become familiar, intimate with me; n'ani
ka me ho, he (or a tame beast) is quite used to me; n'ani ka fam' or
ase, he is quiet, cod, considerate, thotlghtfid, modest, discreet, moderate,
unassuming, = n'ani da ho. - n'ani so ka, he is crazy = ne tirim
k2. — n'ani aIlisa^ he is longing or homesick for. - n'ani kH me ho,
he cares for me <S:c. s. kii. - n'ani kum, lie is sleepy, drowsy, pr, 2298,

- n'ani akyew, he is squint-eyed; s. okyew n'ani (B). - n'ani nni

neho so, he is beside himself, not in his right senses; cf. n'ani wg so.

- n^ani any an, s. ani-nyanne. - n'ani apa so, he has forgotten U;

cf. n'ani afa so. - n'ani apae (= afi, atew), he is cunning, - n'ani
8 a .., he aims at, is after, is bent upon, tries to find out, pr, 1652, 2754,
n'ani sa me, he seeks my harm. - n'ani as en hayi pe, he feels quite
exfmfotiable or happy in this place; n'ani nsen, he is never happy,
does not feel comfoHaUe, pr, 3416, - n'ani sg no, he is pleased or con-
ieni with him, he respects or honours him; pr. 570, 2299. - n'ani atata
(nsn), water i.e. tears have filled his eyes, his eyes are swimming wiih
fears, - the tears standing in the eyes, - n'ani soaterewno = n'ani
so aye no tetere, he is absent, wandering, - ani tew, *< (Us surface)
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324 ani^

is pure, clear; tam fufu a anyi tsew, F. a clean linen clofh,Mt.2?fi9.

- n'ani a t e w, his eyes are open, he is intelligeni, prudent, shretcd,

cunninii {syn, waben); he is civilized, - n'anisoatew, helms become
sober, conscious of hintself. - n'ani atetew, he has recovered, coHec-
fed himself, come to himself. Acts 12,11. - n'ani a to, he is disappoin-
ted. - n'aui atg dwen, he looks and looks, forgetting himself, stares at
one place; cf. n'aui aka no so. - n'ani so toto, t6to,pr. 2300. - n'ani
ato (neho?), he is bashftd, ashamed, disgraced(?). - n'ani too so, it
came into his remembrance, = okaee. - n'ani tra no, he is preten-
tious, pr. 580. - n'ani atra ne nton, he is supercilious, presumptions,
hattghiy, arrogant. pr.2S02. - n'ani atu ato ne nsam', he is in anxie-
ty, confusion, jjerplexity (by grief &c.) = n'ani abere, onbA babi,
awereho akata n'ani twom, etc se n'ani atutn agu. - n'ani tiiano,
he sees him with his eyes; anyi tnia ho, F. it is visible. - n'ani twa

- n'ani gyina or kisa, his eye is turned towards, he longs for. - n'ani
wo 80, he bears it in mind. - n'ani awo = n'ani ye den, onsuro
fwe, he is not timid. - n'ani a w u, he is ashamed, abashed; pr. 2S0S.

- n'ani wu ade, he is bashful, - n'ani awia no, he is fallen adeep.

- n'ani ye den, he is hardy, forward, presumptious, insolent, self-

tcilled, stubborn, obstinate, impertinent, impudent, audacious, bold,
daring, dauntless, resoltde, intrepid. Hog. 742.861.885. - n'ani ye hyew,
he is hardy, rash, fierce, unruly, turbulent. - n'ani ye kramakramii,
he is fierce, unridy, tcild. - n'ani ye no kwanmu kwahmu, he lookb
out for (or, is ca peeling) some news or message. - n'ani so ye kra-
kra(kra), he is in anguish or anxiety. - n'ani ye no akyirikyiri, he
apprehends, fears, suspects. — n'ani ye 'merew, he is soft, meek. -
n'ani s o ye s^kas^ka, he is bewildered, confused. - n'ani ye osoro-
soro, =oy^ n'ade sakasaka, he is fickle, inconstant, careless. - n'ani
8 aye no tetere (or aterew no), he is absent, wandering, his mind
is troubled. - n'ani ye no ntirentire or totototd, he is in consterna-
tion, alarm, confusion, perplexity = eye no aniani. - n'ani so jeuo
ya, he is astonished. - n'ani so aye yiye, lie is tipsy, flustered. <f*c. -
n'ani so ny^, he is tipsy, muddled dr. cf. bow (nsa).

B. Wpde abare ani, they have engaged in battle, hare come fo

the close, are fighting hand to hand; cf. bare; ani = /ace, front, face
to face; oko no abo ani, the figMing has begun, both fronts meeting
together, encountering each other. - obu no ani, he tvinJcs at him ; ef.
anikyew; obubu n'ani, he winks, twinkles ; obu n'ani gu .. so, ^^ tcinis
or connives at, overlooks, does not take notice of. - Qda or odeda n'ani
akyi, odwudwo n'ani akyi nantew, he (she) has the eyes half shut,
has tcanton eyes (nea wgde yc ne se: mmarima de frefre mmea, na
mmoa nso de frefre minarima). - odah n'ani, //^ ttirtis his eyes some-
where; odah asem bi ani (= surface)^ he changes a matter (e.g. a
word said yesterday); woadan abiisua {or gmari) no ani, the fatnUp
(or natimi) has got a new head; t4 adah n'akoa ani, he has changed
his slave i.e. sold one and bought another in his stead. - odwo n^ani.
he moderates his haste, his demand. - gfwe m'ani akyi, he looks
whether I make a dark or cheerftd face. pr. 343. - ogow n'ani kae, he
said in a low or soft voice, gently. - ogyeh n'ani fwe no, he looks
sharply or closely at him. - gliaiVhftn n'ani kyere me, he flireatens or

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ani — 5,iiibere. 325

frightens me hy his looks. - ahenhah n'ani so, it has become unim-

poriant in his eyes, s. hkh. - aka n'ani, he has got to suffer for if, has
been served out for it, - oka n*ani gu so, he shuts his eyes for steep
or death. - omia n*ani, Jie squeezes his eye, i.e. he exerts himself he
tries, endeavours; memia m^ani maye preko, / will try and do it at
once. - omQa u'ani tew, he twinkles. - opupuw n'ani (kasa) kyerce
won, he spoke roughly to them, Qen.42,7.30. - esi n'ani so, it presents
itself before his eyes, i.e. it enters into his thoughts, mind or head. -
cso n'ani, it pleases him, he is pleased with it, has complacency in it.

- wode aso ani, tliey have fallen in with the enemy, are engaged in
battle or close fight, cf. wode abare aui. - susnw wo ani ^y^ me kakra,
lit. measure your eye take from me little i.e. moderate your demand,
do not ovet charge me. - gtane won ani, he disquiets, disturbs, teazes,
troubles, annoys, deranges them; ohye n^ hia ne awereliow tane nipa
ani. - gtew n*ani, 1. he opens his eye (from sleep); gtetew n'ani, he
opens the eyes; 2. he is cautious, cf n'ani atew. - nsa atew n*ani so,
he has become sober after his intoxication. - gtoto n^ani, he casts his
eyes or looks in different directions, he looks about. - ode n'ani to me
so. he confides or puts his trust in me; ode n'ani too m'anim yco, in
deference to me he did it; fa wo ani to m'agya anim yc* ma me, for
my father's sake do me this favour. - woatu(taj n'ani, they have put
out his eye(s)i in wo ani kyere Sidon, set your face against S. Ez.2S,21.

- woatu won ani de refwe no -^ wgref we no dinn, they set their pier-
cing looks at him; edeh na wututu wo ani refwe or rekyere me, tvhy
do you look at me so piercingly? - ot^an*ani, he turns his eyes, looks
arotmd; pi. wotwitwa won ani, they look around. - otwaa m'ani so
nnyinam, / caught J7(st a glimpse of him. - gwg me h6 ani. he has an
eye upon me, aims at me, seeks to get at me. - eyi n'ani, it (turns off'
his eyes, i.e.) displeases him. - wayi m'ani ahye me hkycnmu, he has
disappointed me. - mekoyi m'ani so kakrsi^ I am going to take a nap.

ani, a disease of the eyes, ophthahny.

ani-adam, 1. a red eye. pr.3373. — 2. a kind of shell-fish; its

."ihelly of a red colour; s. adam.

aulanf, 1. (adv.) the surfaces only i.e. superficially; perfuncto-

rily, negligently, carelessly; mefwee no an.; onyamesom ny6 ade a
woye no an. :=ebinebi; gko aniani, he has to face or fights with op-
ponents on more than one side(^) pt-. 1592. — 2. n. embarrassment,
puzzle, distress, pcrpleiity ; eye no an., asem no ye wgn an., sotgre
abien y? an. = anikrdkra, pr.3041. - anianl-d6, a superficial, out-
wardihing. - m\\QX\\-Avf\\xnii^superficidl, perfunctory, negligent icork.
aniape, a kind of jumping insect.

anf-ase, 1. the cheek; nsensane abien twa n'an., two lines are
cut across his cheek. — 2. the side or slope of a hill: bepgw no ani
ase fa ye kQronkdronkilron, na u'an. fa de, esian hkakra-nkakra;

- sOare bi aniaso, s. s&are.

^nf-bere, inf. [ani bere] 1. desire, longing, concupiscense, cupi-

dity f covetousness; sikayeno an., gold excites his cupidity. — 2.
excitement, irritation, exasperation; desperation; pr. 1597. — 3. grief
sorrow, distress, bitterness. — 4. hot displeasure, animosity, anger,

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326 aniberesem — i^nfo^ye.

icrathy rage, — 5. F. (anyibir) violence, Mt 11,12, — ani-bereWre,

coveiousness; ani-bereberee, Ak. rage. — anibere-de ^=^ ade a eye
wo anibere. — oniberefo, p^. a-, a person easily excited.

anibere-s^m = asem a emi anibere. Obfironi u^ yen redi an.,

the European brings us to desperation. — tinibere-s5, adv, flushed
teith anger; in defiance; nea wote yi no, wote no anibereso; F.anyi-
berdo, vehemenUg, Mk, 14,31, earnesflg,

ani-biri, onibirifo, F. anyibir, anyibirfo, Mt 11,12. s. anibere 5.

6nnl-bie, one who has nobody, a helpless, destitute person.
onni-bi-amanne-dwom, s, dwom.
oniiibiamannef6, = omannenl.

ani-bi-ann^-s6, forgetfulness, carelessness, negligence; anibi-

ann^86-86, by negligence; cf. asobiannaso.

ani-bu, inf. [n'ani bu] impatience, tbe state of being tired of


ani-da-h6, inf. [n'ani da ho] 1. modesty, decency, continence; 2.

mindfulness, attention; circumspection, carefulness; 3. discrimination,
judiciousness, good sense, intelligence; 4. taste for the fine arts, sense
for mechanics.

ani-da-h6, inf. the state of being aware or conscious of some

matter ; §ye no an, na oy ee, he was well aware of what he did; opp.

ani-d^-s6, inf. [n'ani da so] hope, F.anyidado, anyidar. [nsapa.

nidf, inf, [di ni] honour; enyidzi a ofata, F. due reverence. -
enyidzim', F. reverently.

nid(5 [oni = onipa, do] humanity, gentleness, affability, kind-

ness, amiableness; bye n., he is humane, kind, benevolent.^

ani-dwo, inf. [n'ani dwo] calmness, mildness dtc. of temper.

ani-eden, ani-§hyew, s. annoden &c.
nifft, F. enyifa, anyimfi [eni, fa, the side of honour?] 1. right
(opp. behkum, left); the right side; Qte men., he is sitting at my right
(hand); mefa n., / shall turn to the right. — 2. that which is on the
right side; (nsa) n., the right hand; aso n., the right ear. — 3. the
right wing in an army. — 4. the south, as the region or direction to
the right of a person who faces the east; cf, kese-fam\

0-nifafo, a right-handed person,

ani-fli-s6, inf an oversight, error, mistake, inadvertence; ey§ an.,

it was done inadvertently.

an f fere, inf, sharpness of sight, quick-sightedness, penetration,

sagacity, acuteness, cunningness, skillfidness, 5/^«e^;>-anitew; gye
n., he does every thing cunningly, in a sty manner; commonly in a
bad sense, sometimes in a good sense: woyean. a, nnipansankft wo.

0-niferefo, pi. a-, a keen-, sharp-, quick- or clear-sighted, saga-

cious person or animal; anoma n., a quick-sighted bird. pr. 2491.

ani-firlie (Ak.), anifiirae, inf. [n*ani afura] blindness.

o-nifir^efb, onifuraefo, F. nyifurafo, j>L a-, a blind person.

knigyey in/*, [n'ani gye] yo^, gladness, delight, happiness, pleas-

ure, gaiety; syn.anik^, ahSsan, ahosepew, ahOmeka,ahdto,abotoyam'.
— anigye-bea, a place of joy; an. sen awobea,pr.-55i0. ubi bene ibi

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^nfgycn — enim. 327

pattHa, where it istcelly there is one's country. — iinigye-de, ajjleas-

urCf pleasurable thing or performance, enjoyment^ ammement, sport.

ani-gyen: F. anyigyenm', soberly.

^ni-gyina, inf. [n*ani gyiua] homesickness; longing after, de-

ani-ha, staring eyes; of we no an., he stares at him. Z^***^ fof'

kni-haw, inf. [n'ani aha\y] sloth, lazinessy tardiness; pr. :?S14f.

syn. akwadwero, ^erehunu (Ak.). — gye an. {or an. aka no), he is
lazy, idle, inactive, — aniha-boa, a kind of ;^^.

o-nihafo, pl.R-y one too lazy to do any thing except eating and
chatting; sluggard; pr. 2^11 ff. syn. gkwadwofo.

ani-ha-y i, mdward, 4y; an. senkyerene, an outward sign.

o-ni-hum ani, one who is not a fetishman or priest, one of the

laity; layman; (= onipa hunu?) cf. akwa(ni)hflmani, ayemfo.

^nf-ka, inf. [n'ani ka] joy, gladness dtc. s. inigye.

anyikaber, F. covetousness. Mk, 7,22.

anyikaberedze, F. covetous desires.

nni-kae, v.n. [di, ka] remains of eatables; diff. nnekae.

^ n i-k a ii [ani, kah] prop, being of a bright or clear eye, i.e. alive,
living; syn. animono; wosieeno an., they buried him alive.

o-nikanfo, F. nyikanfo, a living soul; pi. a-, the living.

knikeLii-iiQ y property given to a son in the father's lifetime; opp.

awunnyade. M'agya ama me an. ansa-na orewn.

il-ni-kisa, inf. [n'ani kisa] homesickness; c/". anigyina. pr.2316.

6-ni-k6 [oni, ko] the person concerned or in question, the parti-

cidor or respective person.

inf-krakra, bewilderment, anguish, anxiety; desperation; own

an., agony, pangs of death, mortal fright

^nf-kum, inf. [n'ani knm] sleepiness, drowsiness, inclination

[to sleep.

Anf-kyew [ani, kyew a.] a wry look; obuno an., he eyes him
askance, asktw, he squints at or leers upon him.

nim, v. [Ak. ni, F. nyim; used only in the contin. form; cor-
rel.v. hii, Gr.§ 103,2.] 1, to know; minnim no, miiihQQ no pen, I do
not know him, I never saw him; nira de, to know things; onim d^ s^h
me, Jie has more knowledge than I; nim nyansa, to have wisdom, to
be wise, learned; nim hhomam', to have book-knotvledge, to be in-
structed, educated, learned. — 2. to know or understand how to do
a thing, to be able, can (denoting an acquired ability or skill, de-
pending on knowledge and exercise, Fr. savoir; cf tumi); wnnira
den ye? what can you do? what acquirements or accomplishments
have you? onim ay an or akyene-ka, he can beat the drum; onim
asenka, lie can deliver a speech, is a good speaker; onim nantew, he
is a good walker; minnim ko, I cannot fight; minnim ye, I do not
knoiv how to make it; minnim di, I have never eaten it, do not like it.
Gr. § 203,1. — pr. 2318-50.

nnlm' = nni mu, not to be in (without, pr.581.); not to be true.

e-nim, praise, honour, laud, approbation; perh. acknowledgment.

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328 aiiim.
recognition, recognizance; pre-eminence; victory, triumph; cf. nko-
nim. Meye ade y\ mama me wnra, na manya n^anim nim ; nim ne
ade a woaye so ayeyi a woyi wo ; wode abanins^ra na eye, eny^
adgw n.a.; ohene ko a neo, odi nim. — ^y^i nim, to gain the victory;
di nim, to triumph,

a nim [anl mu] i. the face, visage, countenance; n'an. apompono,

his face is wrinkled; pr. 2352 ff. — J2. Uie front, frontside, forepart;
cf adannim. — 3, tJie space in sight, in front of before; pr. 413, =
(prep,) before, in front of, in the presence of; abofra fwe nsum^ wg
n'agya anim a, onwii; pr. 1319. — (=adv.) forwards, on, onwards,
Gr. § 1 1 9. — 4, the face, surface, top, upper part, e.g. of the stamp
of a tree, pr, 403. cf. ani. — 5. the surface of the earth within the horizon,
together with all the things visible by daylight; s, the first phrases
under 7 A. — 6. m*anim\ my paternal relations; cf, m'akyiri. —
7. Phrases in which anim is A) the grammatical subject, B) the
grammatical object or locative complement:

A) anim fo^baebae, boeboe^buc, it dawns, the day breaks, mom-

ing twilight sets in; anim aye fontafontan, iiwaninwani, ses^sesa, if
dawns, gets twilight; anim tetew, the sky clears up, it gets dayliglit;
anim aye we, it is full daylight = ade aky6 kora, about 6 o'clock.
— anim te ase, it is still daylight, — anim akata, the surface (of the
earth) has been covered scil. by the shades of evening or of night,
= ade sa, the night sets in, it is groiving dark; anim abiribiri, amua,
aye kusQ, it has become dark, — n'anim gu ase, lit. his face falls
down i.e. he is ashamed, put to shame, - n'anim kisa, siam, bg tuo,
tow tuo, his face changes, loses colour, grows pale, perf. he is pale
from anxiety, he is anxious about past or impending calamities; he
is ashamed (n'anim asiam — - n'ani awu). - n'anim amuna, h^ looks
dark or gloomy from resentment (anger) or sadness, he is sullen or
sulky, - n'anim tew, he looks kind, friendly, affable, cheerful. - u'a-
nim tweri, he is welcome; asem a mekokae no, m^anim twerii = rai-
nyaa anuonyam. - n'anim awo, s. n'ani awo. - n'anim ye duru, he
is grave, dignified, venerable (owo anuonyam, wodi no ni, wuntumi
nka n'anim mmofraas^m). - n'anim ye fere, he is venerable, has a
solemn, majestic air, inspires or commands resj^ect. - n'anim ba or
ye nyam, he is illustrious, dignified, honourable, honoured, respect-
able, respected. - n'anim ye hare, he is lightminded, fickle, frivolous;
he is a mean, base, vile, disreputable fellow. - n'anim ye tan, he is
ugly, detestahle.

B) waba n'anim dodo, he has gone too far with his promise. -
obu n'anim = oyiyi ne nhwi ano, he shaves off the hairfram the fore-
head. - of we m'anim ye, he does it frotn respect to, in deference to or
with a regard for me; pr.262. syn, ode n'ani to m'anim ye, s, ani;
odi asem a, of we onipa anim yiyi mu, in litigations he has respect
of persons; cf, Bxim. 2,11. James 2,1.4. - okum or omuna n'anim, he
darkens his face, is sullen, sulky, gloomy. - okyi m'anira, he dete^
me. - oye m'anim nkyene, he flatters me, speaks well of me in my
hearing; s. nkyene. - oyi n'anim (ye), he sets his face, has the in-
tention (to do something^, is serious, earnest, upright (in doing some-
thing): mayi (m')anim se merekycrewnhoma^ne, / have the decided

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animma — aniinutete. 329

intention to tcrite to-day; .. se nhoma ara na mesQa, I have devoted

myself to study; wayi anim se bone ara na obeye, he is bent on no-
iking hid misdeeds; obi anyi anim anka ueho asem pefe, John7,1S.

- opirim n^anim, he sets his face fixedly^ has the decided intention^
is fully resolved (to). — otiatia in*anim, fie scorns, disdains, abuses
me; opp. ohu me, odi me ni.

anim m A, [onini,(im.] a young or small male animal; c/*.odwen-

nimdee, F. uyimdz^, inf. [nimde] knowledgCy under standing y
intelligence^ wisdom; s. nyansa. — wahu or wanya or owg n., fie pos-
sesses knowledge^ isintelligenly wise, prudent, considerate ;pr,191.3355.

— ne n. doso, fie possesses extensive, vast, immensefcnowledge; oseree

Nyankp. n. pa, na wamano n. kese.

nyimdzem', F. according to knowledge, 1 Pet 3,7-

o-nimdefo, ^Z. a-, a well informed, intelligent, sensible, judi-
cious, prudent person; cf onyansflfo, obadwemma. pr,300o.

anim-diiru [n'anim ye duru] gravity, dignity, solemnity (fere,

nidi, anuonyam, suro wom').

nimf^, enyimfa, a-, P\ = nifa. -— nimfi, pr,2356.

anim-gu-ase, inf. [n'timmgusifie] shame, shamefacedness, bash-

fulness; confusion; ignominy; cf. aniwu. — animguase-de, shame-
ful tfiings, disgraceful deeds, acts or actions.

anim-hare, ligfUmindedness, fickleness, frivolity; baseness, vile-

ness, infamy. — o-ninihdretb,pZ. a-, an unjmncipled, disrejmtable,
mean, profane, impudent, insdent person, a blackguard; obo bra
bone nti, obi ani nso no; n^ani hwu ade.

animhdre-sem, frivolity, impudence, blackguardism &c.

anini'ho, in front ttc. s. anim.

a ni m-h o a, inf. paleness of tfie face, pidlidness; green-sickness,


ani-mia, inf. [omia n'ani] exertion, endeavour, fair trial, per-


anini-kum, inf. [oknm n'animj suUeness, suUciness.

aniin'nkyeTi(»-atiko-y\s{l, pr, 2353. s. hkyene, sereserebokroh.

anim-enyani, -oiiyam, Ak., enyimnyam, F. s. anuonyam.

nnimni6, inf. [-^^ din-bo| mentioning of one's name in a bad
way; - nnimmo ;,; doso, afei j;yae! // has been mentioned enough,
leave off now; nnimmo-dodow ye oww, pr. 253.2337. — woaboano
nnimino-ky^w == wommo no din pa, na da wobo ne din a, oydw
n^ nDom6 na eka h5.

ani-mommono [ani, amono] adv.,n., alive; cf. anikah.

animpi? F. enyimpi, Mt. 11,12, by force; cf. mpi.

anim-pirini, inf. [opirim n'anim] earnest, earnestness, ardour,

zetil, fixed determination or attention.

anim-te-ase, before dusk, wfien it is (was) still dayligfd.

anim-tew, inf. [n'anim tew] friendliness, graciousness, cfiecr-

fulness. — animtew-ade, delightful, acceptable things.

an im u-tete, inf. [anim tetew] Kuk. daybreak.

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330 animtid — nipadua.

anim-tid, -tia, [aniin,tia,t?., tia, adj.] disgrace, disdain, scom

spurn; bu.« an., = tiatia.. anim, to hold in contempty make light o/,
set at nought, think nothing of; to despise, contempt, slight, scom,
spurn, kick.

anim-tiatid, inf. [otiatia n'anim] scom, disdain, abuse.

o-n 1 ni, pi a-, 1. the male of animals; pr. 2359, akoko yi ye n.;
it occurs espec. in cpds. (odwennini, ak6konini, nantwinini, opon-
konini &c.) Gr. § 41. — i. a person distinguished in or notable for
something, reputable, notorious; - onipa yt, oye 'nini, s.eb. oye opa-
nyin bi a owo sika bebre na owo nnipa. Deriv. anfmma, ninkuna,


e-nini, the largest species of serpent found in W. Africa, boa,

python? syn. opantene.

ninnim, red.v. to recover, to be or become better, regain somt

degree of health after sickness; ne ho an. no, he is a little better now;
wayare na ne ho aye no den kakra. *

n in-k lin u [onini, okunu] jealousy of a man; pr. 2360. cf kora.

— t w e n., ^ 6e jealous.

0-ninkuf6, pi. a-, a jealous man; cf. korafo.

anin-s6m [onini asem] manliness, manfidness, bravery, bold-

ness; di an., to act courageously; mise medi an. a, na mo na m'akyi
tweri mo na midi.
O-n i n s 6 m f 6, ony., pi. a-, = gp6mf6, a woman who is with child.
n in sen, v. [F.nyinsen] to conceive, become j^egnant; s.jem.

nninVv^o [din, wo, cf. kwawo] the bare name without the offi-
cial title ; gbg me n., he addresses me unceremoniously.

ani-nyan-ne [ani, nyan, ade] ^ro^. things which make the eyes
get sotir (?) i.e. torments, extreme pains, severe suffering; pr. 2361
oy^ me an., he torments me, inflicts excruciating misery upon me.

o-n f pa, pl.n- [F. nyimpa] 1. man, a man, human being, person
(it may be used also of God or spirits) ; pi. men, people ;pr. 2362-2439.

- it is frequently put as an object or attribute, where it is not ex-

pressed in Eng.: owgksLOin^a, a snakebites (man); abentua onipa
ano, the horn is put to the mouth (of a man), pr. 79. Gr. § 202. — 2.
a man of note,a notable, respectable, reputable person ; oyiye, oye on.,
this is a good or worthy, respectable man. Cf. oni, odesani, onipa-rot

0-nipa-ba [onipa 2., gba] a person oftJie kings family, espec. by

his mother; on. na oko no! on. ni!

nip a-b d u, 1. the stature, frame, bodily structure, make or build

of a person; ne n. ye duru sf , he is a very heavy man. — 2. the
character or qualities of a person; stamp, kind, sofi, set or race of
people; wo n., woye awi, thou art of a thievish set of people.

nipa-diid, 1. the figure, form, shape ofone^s body; the body;

cf. nipamu, ohonam; nen. ye ase oyi, as to his bodily appearance
he is nearly like this one; onipa yi, ohyehye (gkeka) ne n. ho, na,
ne k&ra de, gda adagyaw, this man trims his body, but his soul is
naked. — 2. the character, stamp, kind or sort of person, nipaban;
wo n. wg hgyi, wdn y6! such a one as you, you are not good! won.

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onipam u — ^nitwA. 331

wg ho yi, metan wo ! ( — medo wo !) mcmpd wo n., mth one like you

I tcUl have nothing to do!

o-n i p a-m u [miS, a.] i. a compJeie many the whole man or person;
wo n. yi, meinp^ wo (metan wo, medo wo); onipa mii a ote ho» ade
ky§ a, ony^ fwe; adidi nko na odidi, he is an idlefdlow; aU day
long he does nothing but eat, — ^. a full i.e. fresh or vigorous man:
wo D. a wugyina bo yi, wuntumi hkukura adaka yi! such a strong
man as you should he able to lift up this box! — 3. an excellent, dis-
anguished, honourable, eminent man.

o-nipa-s^e, s. gsae & oyitotonl.

nipa-su, F. = nipaban; nen. ny6 fe.

o-nipa-t6n, a (^hysxchWj) perfect or completed man ; s, ten 2.

^nl-pfiii, the caHty or socket (orbit, glene) of the eye.

nni-so, i/i/*. = eso-di, rule, ruling, domination, mastery, govern-

ment, sway; control, — nniso-pe, lust, thirst of power or ruling,

ani-si^f [oni = onipa, asiei] burying-place, burial-place.

^nf-so, inf. [so ani] pleasure, gratification; delight, contentment;

will, intention; eny6 me anisg, a) = en86 m'ani, eny^ me fe; b) =
eny6 se mimmu wo a.s. m'ani sa wo (wgde to gpauyin bi tafrakye
kasa), not that I disregard or disrespect you,

aniso-de, a thing or deed affording pleasure; syn, anigyede;

ade a eye an., wodan no biribiara a, enye yiye, any pleasant thing
(e.g. a meritorius deed) cannot be turned into anything else.

a n 1-s 5-h e n h dn, inf. [ehenhan n'ani so] negligence, carelessness,

heedlessness, recklessness; syn. anibianudso.

ani-so-ter^w, inf. [n'ani so atgrew no] distraction, wandering,

absent manner, absence of mind.

a n i-s 0- w o h 0, self-complacency.
n i-sii [ani, Ji8n]tear(s); more frequently pronounced nusii, q.v.

^nisuatet^w, cyelash(es). pr. 2440.

nitdn [oni = onipa, gtan] envy, spite, hate, hatred, enmity,
rancour, malice, malignity; opp. nidg; cf. gtan, akaw.

enyitau, F. id.; nya-, to be envious, Mt. 20^15.

o-nitdmf6, pi. a-; an envious or spiteful person.

^nl-tane, inf. [tane ani] teazing, continued chiding, troubling.

anitanee, v.n. [ani ataue] disquietude, disturbance, disorder,

confusion, tumuHt; syn. gy^gy^gje, sakasaka, mansoti^g; an. aba
kttrow nom\ the town is in an uproar.

o-nite^o, pi. a-, [anitew] n prudent, intelligent, shrewd person.

a n f-t e w, inf. [n'ani atewi^rwrfewce, intelligence, sagacity, shrewd-

ness; good sense, judgment, judiciousness, understanding,

nf-tiri [oni = nnipa, eti] a man's head; skull; cf. tikora.

Tiitiri-s5, a place of skulls; a place having the form of a skull.

a II i- 1 6, inf. F. [n^ani ato] shame, bashfulness. James 4J9. syn. auiwu.

a-ni-tore [nea n'ani atg?] a one-eyed person, pr. 2441.

^ni-twa, inf. [ot^an'ani] the turning of the face or head in look-

ing round.

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332 aniwa — iino.

^nf wa, pL id. F. anyiwa, anjaa [ani, dim.] 1. the eyt as the or-
gan of sight or vision; pr. 2444ff. — obu n'an., he shuts his eyes; cf.
aniwabubu, mia, roQaf tew; n'aoiwam^ aye ktir6nn or h6, his eyes
lie deep, are sunk in their orbits, he is hollow-eyed (from leanness or
by nature); n'an. di atwasi, his eyes are rolling from pride, haugh-
tiness, anger. — 2. the eye of a plant, hud, sprout, germ. — 3. nsu
an., a well or spring of water, fountain, source, — 4. of other things
resembling an eye: a) pane an., the eye of a needle, syn. pane aso
or fwene; h) the eye or catch for a hook; c) adaka an., key-hole, c/".
adakani. — a. aniwa-so: F. anyiwa-do, outward, I Pet. 3^. n'anyi-
wa-do, rightly and duly. Cf ani-hayi.

ni w a, a single cowry (from its similarity to an eye); pr. ii442f,

— niwa-du, uuodu, ten cowries; cf ntrama.

niwa [oni, mother, ba, child] ^=^ nua, brother dx.

n 1 w a-m m a [oni, dim.'] relatives onihe nwtliet^s side; nua mroa,
brother's children.

aniwa-biibu, inf. [bubu aniwa] the twinkling of the eyes; o-ne

no di an., they wink at each other, they have a mutual understand-
ing, they give each other hints by winking.

aiiiwam'-kekaw, s. gkekaw, 3.

u 111 w a m'-k u r u, a sore eye.

kuivi a-k n ( w a, a kind of yam, s. ode.

n i-w 11, death of a relation, pr. 296.

ani-wu, inf. [nani wu] shame; cf. aninigiiasc. atere, anito.

kniw u-d 6, shameful things or deeds. [pr. 464 J24o 1.2953.

ani-yiyi, inf. [yiyi ani] carelessness, negligence, neglect, heed-

lessness; oye an., he w careless.

o-n 0, pron. he, she; him, her; me-ne no ko, / and lie (or she) fight
i.e. / fight with him (or her). The poss. form is n e (F. ne & no), his,
her, its. For the pi. won is used. Gr. § 53-59.

e-uo, pron. it; pl.enoy enonom, they, used of things; pron. poss.
ne, its, their. In the place of an object it is usually omitted. Gr.§202,4.

— J2. intcrrog.part., eno dabeh naobeba? on which day will he come'^

no, pron. dem. 1. that, the. Gr.§74,2. It is sometimes not trans-

lated at all; aka abofra no biako, one boy is missing; when added
to biako, it imparts to it the meaning the other, the second: aka
abofra biako no, that other boy is missing. 0/'. yi, nom. — 2. When
added to a subordinate sentence, it answers to the conj. when. Gr.
§ 264,1 . (As it points out a thing as already mentioned or known,
so it may likewise point out a fact expressed in a sentence.)
a no, 1. the mouth of any living creature, snout, muzzle, beak, hill,
nib; espec. the outward motdh, the lips{&s the borders of its opening);
the mouth as the instrument of speech; pr. 2452-6 L hence in some
phrases (ip. below) speech, language; opp. anom\ the inside or cae-
ity of the mauth; the mouth as the organ of taste; s. anom* & cf. the
phrases under i^. — J2. applied to inanimate objects : opening, aper-
ture, orifice, spout, of a bottle, pot &c. ; the opening for a door (upon
aao da ho, the door stands open); tho entrance or door of a house

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mo. 333

(odanano); the mouth or muzzle of n, gi\n, — 3, mouthy mouth-piece:

a) =: a speaker, Ex,4,16. — b) of any wind-instrument. — 4. edge,

end: a) edge, verge, brinks brow, brim, rim, margin, border, skirt,
end (cf. mmnano); e.g. gpoii ano, the edge of the table; hence shore,
beach: mpoano, tJie seasJiore, asubonteh ano, the bank of a river;
also the cutting or sharp edge: osekan ano, the edge of a knife. —

b) point, upper end, top {cf. ti, atifi, fweti, opp. ase) ; peaw ano, the
point of a spear; - sting, prick, prong. — c) the outer or utmost part
or end, tip: tekrema, nsatea ano, the tip of the tongue, of the finger;
onam ne nan ano, he walks on tiptoe. — d) the remotest or hindmost
patis, extreme end, extremity, limit, termination, boundary; ofi asase
ano nohg bae, he came from the uttermost parts of the earth. Mat. 12,42.
eny^ ano bi ni (lit. there is not: some limit is here, i.e.) there is no
end to be seen, it is excessive, infinite, unspeakable, indescribable;
ohaw a ghaw me ny6 ano-bi-ni; Gr.§137. ehg awgw ny^ ano-bi-ni,
the cold there is or was excessive. — e) tJie fore or foremost rank,
point, part or parts, the front: ogyina dgm ano, he stands at the front
of an army. — />. iJie space along, at the end or border; the place of
performance; = prepp. on, at, along; Gr. § 1 1 9. gwg n'adwuraa ano,
he is at his work; onam ano ano, he walks along the shore (of the sea),
Gr. § 1 28. — 6. the end, limit, or bounds of a heap, collection or
number of things; number, amount, sum: the icorth or price of a
thing: wonniano, they have no end, are numberless; wodiano (they
adjust the end), they agree about or stipulate a sum to be paid, they
come to terms. — 7. the (well')defined state or condition, order; §wg
ano ano ano, every thing has its order; cf. wg-ano; me de, mahu me
de ano ampa, I do know hoiv my matters stand; neho ano, his own
welfare, pr. 977. — 8. efficacy, efficiency, onward course, power,
strength, severity: awia ano ye den, the heat of the sun is ven/ great;
ehg awgw ano ye den, the cold is very severe there; ne yare ano ye
deii, his sickness is very severe; ne tumi ano ab6re ase, the efficien-
cy of his power hasMbated; ma nebSre no ano mmfere ase, grant
thai his sufferings be mitigated; wabSre ne bra-bone ano ase, he has
moderated tJie course of his bad conduct. — 9. agreement with ; =
prepp. after, according to; gye no brgfo nsa fino, he performs it after
the fashion of the Europeans. Gr. § 131,4. — 10. answering or cor-
responding to, on account of, for: gsom me kaw no ano, he serves
me for that debt; bgme bosea dare du, na wobg me a, mesom wo
ano. — 11. opposition to, counter-action to; prep, against: gy are no
ano aduru ni, this is the medicine against that disease. —

12. Phrases in which ano or anom' is A) the grammatical sub-

ject, B) the grammatical object or other complement, or its attribute.
A) ano here ase, its efficacy, severity d:c. abates; cf. hnoS. - n'ano da
mu, he is (or was) all the while heard crying aloud. - n'ano ahoa, his
mouth has become pale from long continued hunger. - eha na m^ano
abeso, lit. my mouth has reached to here, i.e. this is my last word, the
utmost I can promise, so far I can go in tfie bargain. — n'ano tew,
he is eloquent, speaks fluently; cf. ne kasam' tew, he speaks plainly.
- n'ano atg, he has done speaking, finished his speech; ma m'ano ntg
{or nsi) ansfi-ua ka wo de, let me speak out, and then you may speak

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334 ano — noa.

whcU y&u have got to say; n'aiio a obuei anto» he had begun to speak,
hut did not finish. - n*ano ato me, his mouth has reached me i.e. he
has spoken had of me; da n'ano veto wo, he always speaks iU of
yoUy challenges you; - n'ano toto, he speaks confusedly; oka asem
no a, - ontumi nka mma en tee, he cannot relate it aright. - m'ano
ntwae e, my mouth is not yet cut off, i.e. / have my own mouth still,
I also have something to say, - n'ano a wo (wose), he is eloquent, has
a voluble tongue, — n'ano ye birebire, kiirokiiro, p6rcpere, he is
hasty, inconsiderate, indiscreet in speaking. - n'ano ye de papa, dew
dodo, doko, fr^mfrem, his mouth or tongue is (too) sweet, i.e. he is a
flatterer. - ano ye den, s. ano S. - n'Ano ye den, he has a sJtarp
tongue, uses strong, ahusive language, is quarrelsome; pr, 194.571. -
n'ano ye duru, Jie is not talkative; he is close, reserved; netam or
n^amoase. ano ye diirn, his purse is heavy, lie has a well-lined purse,
pr. 493. - n'ano ye t6ro, torofe-tftrofo, he has a slippery mouth i.e. he
cannot keep silence or secret, he hlunders out or lets out secrets* -
n'anom' ahunu, ahyehye no, pr. 264. - ano aknni or asiara, the edge
has hecome hlunt, dull. - n'anom' (cf. ano 1.) akiini or asiam, his
mouth is tasteless or undone, lie has lost his appetite. - n*anom* atew,
/*€ Jias recovered his appetite. - n'anom' ye no de, he has a licketish
mouth, likes dainties. —

B) b^re.. ano ase, to ahate, allay, mitigate, moderate; cf. ano ^;

kan-no n'ano ye den, na afei wab^re n'ano ase, formerly he talked
hlusteringly, hut now he has moderated his tone, -bo ano, to stop,
ward offf resist, pr. 2. s. bo 62. - boa(boa) ano, lit. to lay or adjmt
the ends, i.e. to gather , collect; to prepare; s.boa. - di ano, /o come
to terms, to agree, accord, to strike a bargain; cf ano 6. - agye n'a-
nom', s. gye 26. nantwinara agye n'anom', he has hecmnc fond of
beef. - obyira n^ino, s. hyira 6. - aka n'ano, his mouth has been used
to it, he has learned it well, is able to repeat it easily, s. ka 5. - okasa
amrado ano, he is interpreter to the governor; wonkasa wohbo ano,
they do not speak with each other. - wakum obosom no ano, he has
prevented the fetish from eating (taking the yam offered to him). -
wakum (n'adwuma) ano, he has finished (his work); better: wawie
(n'adwnma). - kyere ano, F. to declare. - mesart ni'ano, I justify,
vindicate, clear myself. pr.4S6.''ao ano, to keep hack, restrain, pr. 2."
oto(to) n^&no ase, he lets his mouth be at rest; gnto(to) n'ano ase, he
does net hold his tongue. - ototo m'ano, he falsely accttses me, slan-
ders or calumniates me; pr. 435 f. watdto neho ano = wanoa bore asA
neho, s. noa. - ontow n'anom toa ma, 5. toa. - mitn n'ano mewo faro*,
I refuse to hear him (lit. I pull out his mouth, I put it to the ground).
otntu m'ano sisi, he contradicts me, he distorts or confounds what J
am saying (prop, pulls out what I have stated and puis it somewhere
else). - yi ano, 1. to interpret, to explain; 2. to refute, confute, dis-
prove (a statement) ; perh. to remove tJie force (ano 8) of the accu-
sation or opposite argument; to defend, apologize, make excuse.

noa, t;. to cook (aduan, food, nam, meatjy to boil (nsu, water)\
pr. 24S7ff. — noa gsa, to prepare for war by some superstitions pro-
ceedings: boiling certain herbs and sheep's blood, mentioning the
enemy's leaders and calling on the fetish to make them weak. —

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andd — Unof&a. 335

wanoa bgre asa neho, he has prepared poison to stick fast in him-
self, = waka as^mmone agu neho so, watdio nehd ano, watow dna
afwe neho so, he has injured or slandered his own character.

anod, n- [ano 4. dim,?'] used onlj in compound nouns, a place,

space or region adjoining or contiguous to or bordering on that which
is indicated by the first part of the cpd., s. nh^nod, nkokonod, n-
komanod, nkwanod, mpenod, nsanoa, nsunoa,ntentenn5a,ntonanoa.

o-no-au kas a, nkhkdsa, (lie) himself; (she) herself, — ndnkasa

n^bd, his (her) own child. — on6-ara, id,; just he, even he {or she);
the same; obarima a 'nera wuhuu no no, onoara ni, this man is the
same whom you saw yesterday, — e-n o-a ii ka s a, nankasa, itself,
— e-no-ara, itself; even that, just that; the same thing, Gr. § 59.

ano-babde, iw/*. [ano, baebae] dispute, contention; - di an., to

be engaged in a dispute,

niiobae, v.n, [dgw, ba] plentiful produce of husbandry or of

the fields; ma nn. nkata yen mfuw so, let our plantations be cornered
wiih produce!

ano-bi-ni, lit. some limit is here; eny^ dno-bi-ni, it is unlim-

ited, excessive, extraordinary; s, ano 4, d). Gr. § 137.

a n o-b er e b e r e, soft speech, pr, 2452,

ano-bir^bire, a talkative, prattling mmdh or tongue; 6yh an.

= 6ye bfrebirefo.

ano(boa)b6d, inf, [boa ano] the act o{ gathering,

nngboa, inf, fdow, boa] co-operation in farming work; wodi
nn. = woboa wohho dow, wosonsom wonho, they aid each other,
co-operate, are allied, work together,

an o-b one, a quarreller, brawler; onipa a asemmone fi n'anom

da, obna nk&rofo so da. pr, 2453.

an O-b 6 w, ivf, [ano a ebow, a stinking moutJi] a scornful, mock-

ing or jeering reply, 2 Ki, 7,2, oma me an., lie gives me a scoffing, iron-
ical, abusive, instdting or defying reply,

ano brdmmram, cf, ano-bf rehire, -kiir6ktiro, obrdmmramf6.

a no-da- so [ano a eda so] the upper lip; an. bogyese, mustaches;
gyaw an. bogyese, to grow muslachios,

ano-d^, flattery; eny^ me anode o, it i^, I assure you, no flattery,

when I say this, — ano-d^fedefe (ano a enka ahuposem) fair,
mild, flattering speech,

an6-df, inf, [di ano] agreement, bargain, compact, contract,

anodi-sera, resolution of an assembly, decree, Kurtz §7,

nnodowa-nnodowa, s, dodowa. — nnodowe, s, dodowe.

ano §n nam [ano a eye nnamj sharp-pointed; a sting; ma bone

ano anoennam nknm, grant that the sting of sin may be blunted,

ano-f^fa, the Up or lips (ase an., tJie lower lip, gsoro an., the
upper lip) ; F. anofamfa, Mk, 7,6,

no^a, nofSa, F. = anefoa, anadwo(fa).

ano-f5a: twitwa..an., to ctU or wound with the sword ofone^s

mouth, i.e. with grievous speech, to scold, ~ yaw, bo .. ahohora.

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336 onofb^ — nom.

o-nof66 [nea gfow obi ano] one who makes one's motiOi moist or
fat (fofo, with meat), a benevolent nourisher, heneficient enteriainer
(wosom no a, womS, omm^ wo ano nbod).

aniM'rdnakd, anafranaku? pr. 2075.2472,

ano-ghare, quickness of speaking. pr.lOSL

ndhSa, n6h6S, noho, Ak. dohM, beyond; the place (places)
or regions beyond. Gr. § 1 27.

ano-hoba, F. [ano, ahobaj promise; cf. cbo, nbyoaso. - bg an.,

=: si anowowd, to promise, MtHJ. anohoba-man no, the promised
ano-iih5ma, Ak. = anofafa. [lattd.

ano-hyira, inf. s. hyira ano.

ano-kese, a large-monthed person, pr. 2464.

6no-k6 [ano, oko] lit. mouth- fighting, dispute; jest, raHlery; wo-
(t^i)twa on., they have a dispute with each oilier; g-ne no twa on.
{or di akdsd) kwa, he is merely jesting with him.

n6k6dsiri, a valnable kind of cloth, softer than silk (koko,

fufu, tuntum, ankahono, bonwoma, apop6biri); cf unokua.

nnokonngk o-a d e [dgko] sweet or agreeable things, pleasures,

luxuries; cf. rafefewade. — nnokonn6ko-asgm, sweet, pleasant
words; flattery; cf. dokodokos^m.

anokorampoii, a certain parasitical plant (climber) growing on

trees, pr. 2473.

n o-ko r [anokoro] unanimity, unison, common consent; yen.,

to be unanimous or in unison, to agree. — iiok6ro-s6, nnanimmi^y,
with one accord, by or tvith one consent, to a man.

0-noko-twd, inf., s. gnoko.

nnokua, a kind of cloth, s. ntama, nokoasiri.

ano-kuin, inf. [kum anoj cmnpletion, bringing to an end.

a n o-k u r 6 k u ro, pr. 1085. 2455. = ano-brammram, ano-bfrebire;

6y^ an. = 6ye okfirokurofo.

An6kwi', pr. n. m.

o-nokwdfd, i?^.a-,^ a truthful, trnst worthy, faith fid, honest, up-

right person, pr. 755.2474.

n ok ware [anokoro?] truth, truthfulness, faithfulness, Jum-

esty, probity ; pr.761f.2475ff. —din., to be true, truthful, faithful

honest, to speak the trutti, to act honestly; odi no n., a) hea.<isures

him; b) lie acts according to his promise, deals faithfully with him.

iiokware, nokwarem', F.nokwar, nokwgrem', truly, in tntth.

a-ii k w a-s ^ m, truth, a true saying or story; ku n., to speak

truth; - honest dealing, pr. 755.
nokwere, Ak. = nokware.

11 m, pi. pron. the (company of) ; in most cases it may be con-

sidered as a suffix, used espec. when a phirality of persons known
as connected is referred to, but also with the neuter pron. eno and
the local pronouns ha & ho, s. Gr. § 42,5; 60,1.3; the companions
ov party of, Gr.§G3. owura W. nom abesen kg, Mr. W.teith his parti/
has passed.
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^ iiom — nnoiVabien. 337

n in, V. to drink (nsn, water, naa, palm-wine (tc.y or any fluid) ;

n. nkwan, to take soup; - to smoke (ta, tobacco) ; cf. we, mene, som
(asra), num; - nom mframa, to inhale air; pr, 869. cf» gye 6. — nom
abosom, to confederate, s. abosom.

anom* |ano mu] th^ mouthy viz. the inmlc of it, espcc. as the or-
gan of taste; s. an o, 1.12, with the phr. n'anoin akum, atew, ye no
de; §;yo anom, tow anom toa mA; pr,2AG4ff. - wososp n'anom' anka,
they drop lemon-juice into his mouth (to he spit out) i.e. they in a cun-
ning way and with ill intention compel him to give his opinion.

anom'-kekaw, s. okekdw 1.

a n m'-k u r u, sores in the mouth.

a no ma, dim. anoma, 7>Z.n-, 1. bird, fowl ; pr. 248 Iff. cf. atuboa,
atakraboa; an. atu ncnnam dan ho, a bird flics about the house; -
ko nn., to fold, to shoot birds; y i nn., to catch birds. — ^. a certain
appurtenance to a weaver's loom. — 3. Phr. anka anoma, without
any exception.

nonia-furu [anoma afuru, bi)'d's belly] a finger-ring thicken-

ing at the back part, having, as it were, a *belly^ of gold, silver, beads.

u 11 6 mm a, a kind o^ river-fish; syn. ofurei.

anoma-kw adee, a kind of bird in the Akem woods.

anommanne, an evil, wicked, vicious deed, espec. when done

in secret; vice, wickedness, viciousness; oye an. = odi nsemmone;
oyc me an. =ioye me ayaydde, oy^ me ho sk wo ns^m mu; cf. amu-
moye, ram&rato, abusus^m, abonefosem.

o-nommaneni, 2;^ a- fo, a vicious, wicked person.

g-noDiaiikoma, F. 1. s. Odomahkama. — 2. eternity (?)F8. 90,1.

— on. gya, everlasting fire, ML 18,8. — on. ahem man, eternal king-
dom ; On. Nyankopon, the eternal God.

an 5 maw a, pi. n-, nnoma , nnomH mma, dim. of auomd, q. v.

a n o m'-d c w, lickerishness. pr. 392. 3548.

o-u m d 6 w-f 6, i^Z. a-, a lickerish person, dainty-feeder, sweet-

tooth; nea ope nam pi. pr. 2494.

anomdze, F. Mt. 25,35. = anonne.

a no me [nom, v.] a drinking-place.

nnOme, inf. [dome] cursing; curse, malediction, execration, im-
precation; pr. 198. cf. nsew, nnuabg.

a n o ui'-h o h O r o, inf. pr. 2495. cf. anohy ira.

n u o ni p e-n n o m p e, a. [dompe,^>^.] i. bony, strong-limbed, stout

(wpye beran a won ho nn.) — J^. extremely lean like a skeleton (so
that the bones are perceptible) ; s. fofg.

nnommum, s. dommum. — nnommiim-fa, s. dom..., capture;


n n on, inf. graceful, affected walking; s. don'; pr. 230.

x\i\oh-ah\eu, two o'clock; nnoiVabiesa, three o'clock; nnon-nan,

four o'clock; nnon-dn, ten oV/orA*; nnoii-dubiako, eleven o'clock;
nnon-dumieu, twelve o^clock; s. odon, Gr. § 80,4.


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338 anonne — dn5w4tere.

anonne, F. anomdze, [ade a wonom] a drink, beverage, potim,

nn6nn66niina [won a w6do ade mma = amanmTna] children

or members of the communitf/ or people. (Oh^neba da mo ase, nn.!)

Nn5iik6, -m', the coxintries in the interior to the north of the

Tshi and E©e tribes, inhabited chiefly by Mohammedans; cf. odonko

& Gr. page XIV.XV. (Introd. § 2).

nnoiik6-besa, a kind of couniry-clothy s. ntama.

imoiiko-nnoiiko, a kind of T/am, s, od6.

nnoii-kde, s. donkoe.

nnoii-kroii, nine 6'clocTc. Gr. § 80,4.

nnonnommd [don, dim,"] a little bell.

anonnom-nsa, 6j^ brof^re no ^n., he sucks out the papaya-fmi

as if drinking liquor.

nnonnontutuo, Gy. rags?

nn6nn6wa, a kind of bees; cf. odowA.

nnon-sia, six o'clock; nnon-soii, seven o*clock.

nnon-niim, five o'clock; nnoii-wotwe, eight o'clock.

nnopa-6, interj, menngpd, = m6m^ wo nnapA, (I give i.e. idsh

1/ou) good sleep! good night! (reply: da yiye!) Gr. § 147,3.

an op d, Ak. adopa, F.anapa, [eda, pa] morning; in the morning.

angpa-h6ma(hema), anopa-tutu, very early in the morning (about
5 o'cl.); - 5. anapa, adekyee. — anopa-didi, anopa-duaiV, breakfast.
— anopa-dwuma, pr. 2497. — anopa-nom' [anom'] pr.2496.

angpa-sore, morning prayer or service.

ano-pd [ano pa] a mouth that tises pleasant language ;pr. 2458-60-
a good or friendly reply; gma me ano-pd, opp. anob6w.

ono-p ou-hunu, empty boast or bluster, ade a wuuni bi ho aho-

hoalioa. pr. 1086.

nnora, Ak. = nnera, yesterday.

o-no-se [ano, se] F. concord; b o on. tSna (awar m), to live to-
gether (in the state of matrimony).

a n o-s ^ m [ano asem] boc^, vaunt, rodomontade, bluster, stvagger;

6y6 an., he boasts, exaggerates (always in a bad sense).

anosemfo, a (vain) boaster, swaggerer, braggart, Tpr.2498f.

a n o-s e s e-a d e, braggaH. yr. 959.

ano-sfn, one witJioid lips, whose lips are cut off by way of
punishment; cf asosin,

ano-so, pudenda, genitals, nakedness,

nnotee, Ak. s. dote.

ano-t6w, inf. fluency of speech.

an6-t6, inf. sending an abusive tcord.

an6-t6, rin6-toto, inf. false accusation, denunciation, sycophancy.

anowdt^re, dnowdt^re, a species of melon. F. anumdna, ane-

dn5wdtere, lavender-tcater. [mora?

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anowowd — onufut^n. 339

an o-w w d [ano awowd] promise; wasi me an., he has given me

a promise; s. anohoba.

an6-yi, inf. [yi ano] defence (by answering or accounting for),


nu, V. [red. nunu] 1. to stir (kutum\ mmekwan mu, mogyam'

= ka kyim); pr. 2500. — 2. to move; mframa nu franka nom*, the
wind moves the flag, — 3. to pokCy pick; to cleanse, by removing,
with a pointed instrnment or the lingers, that which is objectionable;
onu n'asom*; onu n'aniwam* = oyi n*an. (with a hair of the *bew').

— 4. na abe, to get out the palni-nui-cluster from near the stem and
between the branches, by pricking or pushing with a long-handled
pick or digging bill, to pick or gather the palm-niUs from the trees.

— 5. nu neh6 (refl,) to repent; manu meho wo me bone ho or mu,

I am sorry for the sin I Juxve committed, - nnvi woho, do not be un-
easy about it. pr, 473, — 6. nQ.. fO, to touch, lay hold on, seize or lift
up and remove; nu ahina no fQ, lift up that pot; munnfi no fu (=
mtSmmano so) mfa no nko, lift him up and carry him away (on your
arms) ; onG no fu = oso obea no ahene or asenmud^ mu, oso gba-
rima no ddntA mu; onQu wofii a.s. ofaa wo fa p^? did he only show
fJie intention or really commit lewdness with you? — 7. nfi agoru, to
perform plays, e.g. before a new-made king. — 8. n& nyimpa, F.
to catch men. Mk. 1,17,

e-uu, ttco, both; this simple form is only used in counting and
in compounds; more frequent is the cpd. form abien' (= abienii),
mmienii; won bfinu, both of them. Gr.§ 77.80. fr. 1390.1731.1859.208L

o-nua, F. nuia, [=oniwa, on!-ba, mother^s child] brother; sister

(F. akyerewa); cousin, the mother's sister^s daughter (ena-kakra ba) ;

— me nuanom, (F.niiianom, nuiamo, nm&m) my brothers and sisters;

annanom, (voc.) brethren! woye nua(nom) F.anuiam (Mt.23fi,), they
are broHiers or sisters (or cousins)\ pr. 2502 ff, — onua-panyiu, an
elder brother, pr. 2501; onua akuma, a younger brother. Cf. niwa-
mma, akyir^wa.

o-nua-banin, o-nua-bWmA, brother; pi. nuabarimanom.

o-nua-b^a, onua-b4, onuawd, pi. -nom, sister; cf, akyerewa.

nnuddewa (As.) & nnuafw6, s, ntgrowd.

nue-nue, slmcness; carefulness; syn, bSreo; - bg n., to be
cautious, to act considerately, wiUi circumspection; gbg n. akgkyere
anoma; gbgmmgfo no bog n. koyii ue foto.

anu-ed^n, anu-ehy^w, anu-enydm,5. anu-gden, -ghyew, -onyam.

aniifo, F. fishers, catchers, Mt 4,19.

nufii, (conn. n6 nufu) F. numfo, the breast of a female, udder;
meton. mUk. — ma .. n., to stickle; Mk, 13,17- - num n., to suck; - twa
.. n., to wean. — nufii-an5,j?ap, nipple, teat. — nufu-boa, mammal.

— nufu-kyi, inf. the milking of goats, cows &c. — o-nufu-maf6,

a suckling woman, wet nurse, — o-nufu-ndmf6, a sucking child,
suckling baby, nursing-child; F. pi. nQmfoanomba, MtM,16. cf, ako-
koa. — iiufu-sd [nufu nsuj milk,

0-n u f u-t 6 u, the Baobab, or Adansonia digUata, a famously large

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340 nufutwa — nuru.

tree, and its fruit called MonTcey's-hread, having the size and shape
of the long hanging breast of an elderly woman.

nufu-twa, inf. the act of iceaning (a child), ahlactation,

iiiiubo, F. = ahonfi, repentance* Mt.SjS. — n.-kwanmu, Iiemiy

mim, F. s. onua. - nniam-benyiii = nna-barima-nom.

nnuku-iinukuwa [dClku'r/Zw. pi."] handher chiefs, small pieces of


11 n 11 k u r o-gii A [adukuro, egua] smuggling, clandestine trade; -

d i nn., to smtiggle, to batier, traffic or trade behind the stems or in
the inches or nooks of large trees; cf. dupfin.

nuin (nnfn), v, to sncl\ to draw the breast, — nunr =^ nunin.

an urn, n-, five, Gr.§77. — anum-anum, a plant, the sqnashed

leaves of which are put on a sore caused by the Guinea-worm.

A'nuni, pr. n, w., sign, the fifth child,

Aiiiim, pr, n, of a town, country and tribe to the north-east of

Akwam. Gr. p. XX. The town was destroyed by the Asantes and
Akwams in 18G9.

nfinri, r, red, 1. to stir up; s, nu. (onun6 nno mn). — 2. to

ticJcle; wanfinu mc mil maser(^w, he caused me to laugh by lidding.
niinu, niiru, i\ 1, to blamCy censure; pr, 1067. 2o05f. — onfmu
no = gbo no sobo; asem yi de, memfa h6 fwd, na t6ta nk wunilnu
m^ yi, this matter does not concern me in the least, and yon blame
mc undeservedly. — J2, nfmu neho, to blame oneself, to repent.

o-nuniiin, an aromatic plant, used like eme. pr. 2507.

an u-od 6 ii, F. anyiedzen [n'ani ye den] hardiness, fortcardness;

presunqytion, insolence, self-will, stubborn ess, obstinacy, impudence;
audaciousness, audacity, boldness, daring spirit; 31 f, ha'oism.

anii()(lenne[ade]/)roo/5 of, or deeds proceeding from, hardiness

i('c, — o-nuodciifo, pi. a-, a hardy, forward, insolent, impudent, au-
darious, bold, daring fellow.

anil giiycw [n'ani ye hyew] hardiness, rashness, ficrcene^, nu-

an u-o ny a m, Ak. animonyam, F. anyimnyam [n'anim ye nyam]
Vit.. splendour of the face, hence L glory, splendour, brilliancy, excel-
lency, celebrity, honour, dignity. — 2. condescension, grace, farour,
undeserved kindness. — o-nuonyamfo, 7)?. a-, a glorious, praisewor-
thy, eminent, excellent, illustrious, celebrated, person, — anuonyani-
po, inf. eagerness for glory or distinction, ostcntcdion, prct^ntiousne:?^,
selfishness. — anuonyan-hunu,-pe, vain-glory, boast fulness, empttf
pride. — aniionyannc [adc^] glorious thing.s, deeds, actions.propcrties.

nnura-lio, inf. [dura ho] 1. the act o^ covering, decking, lining

dr. — J2. a cover, covering, case (of a pillow), coat (over a thin«r),
coating; envelope, wrapper.

nil ura-mii, inf. [dura mu] J. the act of lining, finishing the in-
side of dc. — J2. the lining of the inside.
niirfi, r. s. nunti.

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iinnrni, o,n, [duru] a divine ordinance^ will or det/rcc; inflic-

tion, faUdity; an. abcduru no, an affliction came (down) upon Itim
hif name imknown Uf/enct/ or reason; cf\ obubnafo.

nusii, uisii [aiii nsii] tear, tears; n. gu, tears are sited ;pr. 1509.2508.

— n. jitatn no, tears stand in his eyes; n. abu ne kon, tears start
from her ctfcs, slie bursts into tears; n. tere or tetere no, tears (juali
oaf, trickle or run dotvn the cJwek; -=c n'aniwa poroporow nsu.

niisuvva, F. nyisna, Mk. 9,24. id.

nya, v, [red. nyinya] J, to yet, receive, obtain, acquire, find,

gain, come by, come into possession of, win; to receive as a reward,
pr. ,396. — in the perf tense: to have, 2^(>i>scss; da osram wu a, onya
n^akatua, at the end of every month lie yets his wages; niinnyji da-
bere, I have no sleepiny-place; yr. 2298. — mdny^! I have found
something! m^nyam' (= mo), / shall get you (i.e. 1 tvill avenge my-
self on yau)! pr.693.1198.2d09-34.28l6.:^2ol:3407.367r. — ^.nya ade,
to get things, grow rich; pr. 973. 1371. — nya neho, to get oneself i.e.
to become a freeman, pr. 1623., also to become rich ; in the perf to be
free (cf. de neho), to be rich, pr. 2524. — 5. Pfirases in F. : nya (obi)
abiifii, tobe angry, vexed, indignant, Mt. 20 ,24. 21,15. - nyaafodi, to re-
ceive condemnation, Mt. 231,4. — nya Hnyitan,^o be envious,Mt.20,to.

— nya (obi) yam'gya= de (obi) hye neyam\ to have a quarrel or

grudge against, Mk. 6,19. — nya ayamhyehye, to be moved with cam-
pas.b'ion, Mk.6,34. — oyer nya okun lio fekwii, inboa na awerekye-
kye, the wife enjoys tlie Jtusband^s company, help and comfort. — 4.
Phrase: me-ne no any a (scil. oko), I have got into a quarrel or con-
fiict with him, we are at variance, I shall fight with him, — Cf the
full, examples of Id' 4: me n^ no ntnmi nnya, I and he cannot get (if);
mintumi n6 no nnya, I cannot get (it), though he get (it); me no no
rennya, mintumi me n6 no nnya, I cannot be al variance with him.

— 5. nya, put as an aux. v. before another finite verb, denotes the

setting in of the action expressed in the latter: onya ba a, befre me,
(IS soon as he comes, call me; wanya aba, he has come now; when
both verbs are negative, it denotes that the action has up to the
time present or in question not been performed, and must accord-
ingly in Eng. bo rendered by not yet: onnya* mmae(e), he has not
yet coma; onnya nhui no, ose. orennye nni da, wlien (or as long as)
he had not yet seen it, he said, he would never believe it. Gr.§107,14.
230,3. pr. 642, — 6. nya with the freq. form of the infinitive denoti^s
repetition, frequency or acquired habitualness of the action expres-
sed by the inf.; wanya sa nkae, Jie has become used to say so, he
often says so; manya ntee, I Jiavc often Iieard (it); manya no fo
ntui,manya no hka-kyeree. Gr. §104,5.105,1 c.107,22.230,2. /jr. V^m

o-ny ii, pi. a-, slave (prob. called so from his or her being bought
or acquired); pr.2534. cf. akoa, afana', odonko, anyenson; odi me
nya, he deals tvith me cruelly, sets me hard to work.

o-ny a, /^?. a-, Ak. onyina, sillc-cotton-tree., Bombcuv; esowtentre-

hu; pr.2536. wgde sen okorow n^ ahyemma.

ny'a, adv., a., n., slowly, tardily; pr. 719. — slow, alack, tardy,
lazy, languid, drawling, drowsy, sluggish; — slowness, tardiness.

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342 nnya — ony^me.


slackness; - 6y6 nya, he is tardy y sluggish, Syn. berew, pgntwe; </.

nydmo; anihaw &c.

nnya, pi. of gya, gyawa.

anyakdo, a word of civility added to ya in reply to the salu-

tation of a man superior in rank. Gr. § 147,9.

anya-biiw: qhq no any,, he calls him his slave, pr.434.

anya-de, invention; cf, ahude.

anya-di, anyadimQ, rigoi'Otis treatment of slaves; akoa yi, oyj

any. se biribi, this fdlow treats his slaves with excessive rigour.

anyS.-duasa, thirty slaves, pr. 2535.

ny&fi, v.l. to despise, contemn, look down upon, think nothing
of, treat with contempt, to scorn, disdain, spurn, kick, trample upon.

— 2. to maltreat, useUl, abuse; ed^nnawunyafi nose? nnyafinyafi

abofra no sa!

nny dfiu [ogya mfih] an old fire, fig. an old palaver, pr. SUi.

nnydfin-kae, remembrance or producing of old grievances; s.

nnyafoa, Akw. [gya,?] = mmoba hketenkete. [gu..so nsu.

nnyahyfe^ [ogya» hyew] a burning, large fire, cofiflagralion,

e.g. on or proceeding from a prairie. — Da bi nny. fi Huam nohg
bye we ara kodnu Nkran.

nny am, inf. [gy am] commiseration, compassion. pr.2144,

nyam, v. F. = yam, to grind. Mt. 24,41.
ny am, v. [reef, ny in nyam] 1, to move quickly, rapidly, one wop
and the other, to wave, brandish, flourish; 6njhm (ohim) gya, he
waves a fire-brand. — 2. to wink. — 3. to squint; onyam n'ani nifa,
he squints with his right eye; n'ani anylim, he is squint-eyed. — 4. to
wither, fade, decay; red. to shrivel togetJwr (of plants); cf. gu^Oi
ti^am &c. ababan, dua no anyam ; wAny^m, he has become lean, is
consuming, wasting or pining away = waye nySmo or siamo.

ny am, a. shining, bright, splendid, illustrious, glorious; digni-

fied, honourable, stately, august, majestic; graceful, beautiful; accep-
table. — o-nyam, n. glory, dignity, majesty, grace dtc. Cf. n'anim
yenyam', n'anim ba onyam, pr. 18. & anuonyam. Na wo de, woanim
ye nyam den ara na wokyere woh5 se? who are you (in u^iat con-
sists your dignity or claims) that you behave thus?

ny am 5*, v. ^0 move to and fro; to beckon; oiiy. nensa, he beckons

with his hand.

nyamma, a. 5maK, now only confined to proper names: Botwe

Nydmma or Nyimma. — Anyammd, pr. n.f.

0-njhm6y (no pi.) 1. heaven, sky, pr. 227. 2052,, prob. called so
from its splendour or brightness, cf. nyam and the root div- in Sans-
critic languages; c/lgsoro, \vim\pr. 234.1653,2436.2538^777 J2787^S55.

— ^. Ony^m6, the Supreme Being, the Deity, God, the Creator of

all things; Ony. nnyae ade bo da, God never ceases to create things

facArding to the notions of the negroes); in recent-use also: a god

of H^theists, with a newly introduced pi, a- ; the heathen negroes
are,^Bea^^a great extent, rather monotheists, as they appl^the

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nyameuni — ny&ue. 343

term for God only to one supreme being). Cf. nyankonr^ Onyaiikopon.
— 3, Ouyain6, pr. n. of a slave, given him in acknowledgment of
the help of God enabling the owner to buy the slave. Other names
of this kind are : Onyame-as^m, Onyame-ye-adom.

nyame-ani, the firmament, the visible expanse of heaven, the

sk^ in which the sun, moon and stars are seen. — o-nyame-bayerc,

a kind of yam, s,qd^. — o-nyain6-bewu-n^-mawu, a small trail-

ing plant. — o-nyame-dua, s.osennuru. — o-nyame-kyifo, i>i. a-,

an impious, ungodly person. — nyame-mau-mu, F. heaven. —

nyame-mu, in a godlike or godly icay or manner, after God.

ny ame-so, the upper (inward, invisible) part of heaven,

anyame-s^m [Onyame asem] 1. the Word of God, the Bible, tlie

Scriptures. — J2. the religion of tJie Bible, opp. abosons^m, idolatry

and fetishism. — 3. a divine ordinance, will or decree, pr. 3547. —

o-nyamesenkafo, preacher.

o-nyame-sdm, a-, the service or worship of God; (the true) relig-

ion; godliness. — 0-nyames6mf6, pi. a-, a worshipper of the true
God. — o-nyames6m-pa, true godliness, piety.

0-nyain6wd [dim., denoting a female] i.= onyam6b6a, a god-

dess. — ^. pr. n. of a female slave or of an *apenteba\

ny&mo, a. lean, feeble, tender, sntaU; waye ny. = siamo, he

has been emaciated; wawo ba ny. hi, she has born a weakly child;
abiirow no afifi ny,, the corn has come out slender, meagre, poorly.
nyamo, adv.weak,powerless, strengthless, faint, drooping, lan-
guid, slow; n'awerehow nti onam nyamonyam5 = bereo-beroo; -
asem to Qmah so a, woyc nydmonyamo.

any&mpd,-pa, disgrace, disjyaragement, dishonour, infamy; ghg

me any., he heaps infamy upon me, he abtises, disgraces, defames,
vilifies me, = obo me adapa or ahohora, ommu m^ &c.
anyampa-bo, inf. = adapabo, ahohorabo.
anyampa-sitiw, 1. s. asitiw. — 2. simulated deafness; gye-, he
feigns himself to be deaf.

n yan, Ak.nyline, v.\red. nyinnydh] to sour, become sour, turn

acid; aduan no anylin, the food has become sour (from being kept
over night &c.) Cf. nyane, nyinyanyinya.

nyau, Ak. nyane, v. [red. nyan'nyan, q, v.] to awake: 1. to

cease to sleep; to awake, rise, arise from sluggishness or from death;
perf. to wake, be awake. — 2. tr. to rouse from sleep, to wake (up),
awakefh; to raise, cause to rise up from death. Cf. kanyan; sore,
o-nyaii, inf. awakening; resurrection. Cf. gsore.
anydii [cf. ogya, fire, fuel]: ko anyan, Ak. ko nnyina, to go
for wood or fuel; inf. anyan ko.

nyane, v. Ak. s. ny&n & ayah'.

nnyane, a kind o£ bead; s. ahene.

ny &ne, nyanenydne, n.c^a. the sour taste of food rising from

the stomach; the sour or pungent smell of a lish being carved; nam

no y^ ny^ne, the meat begins to smell, e.s. ennya mmon kankan e,

nanso eyi hiia a ema onipa bo yerew no; - ^y^ me nyane, U (6.g.

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'Mi aiiyaukania — anyaiL*-ad»»n.

a medicine, food ) is repuguuHi or iffftPt»icr. bigkiff disUu>itffd to me,

goes against m^ taste or indi nation; mem cue a, cnkn; - ncm^viisi.
ioath'Some; - cf. nyan, aDinyanDe.

an yank a III a. a tree and its edible fmit resembling sweet-sop;

pr. 577,3491 brofo-any^ stcecl-sttp, Anona squamostt.

Nyaiikamago, />r. n. of tbe first cbild bom afler iine ealU*<l

Tawia, q, f. — Xyaiikamatiiakosan, pr. n. of tbe second child bom
after one called Tawia.

any an-ko, inf. [ko anyan] tbe going for tco^td or fad.

nyaijkom, Y. ^^ osn, rain. — anyan kouia, pr. 577. s. -kdma.

O-nyankOme, F. tbe name for God in F. ( Afutu). W. T,Mallei\ 1670.
nyankOmmereniere, osn a yete se eto babi na emmen yen e
(eto abunm, osoro akjirikyiri). pr. 2549.

nyaiikommerclere, a kind of tree. pr. 2550.

o-nyaiik6(iii)poii, Ak. -koro(m)pono \rf. onyame, uyankoin,
ko or koro (?), pon] 1. the visible expanse of the sky, ike apparent
arch or vault of heaven: ony. atereterew o»oro nbina, the hearetis
are expanded all over (this earth); niibu uy. akyi naminhu n'aoim,
/ see the backside ofny., but not its for his) face. — ;^. Onyanko-
jioii, God, the Supreme Being, the Creator and Sovereign of the uni-
verse; cf. Onyame, Odomankaroa, Borebore and the by-names Ama-
ome, Amosn, Amowia, Totorg-bo-nsu, Tweadn-ampoii, OtuiDfoo;
R.p.220. — pr. 1653. 2023. 2538-4S. 2656' — 3. onyai'ikopoii, in recent
use, pi. a-, a god, a deity, an object of worship. — i. rain; ouy. ba,
rain is coming. — (5. thunder: ony. bom\ it thunders.)

0-nyankopoij-fl, lieavcn, the house or habitation of God and of

the departed spirits of good men. li.

0-nyankopon-kuro, Jieacen, tlic city of God, the jjHace trhercGod

lives and under his dominion the departed spirits of good men. R.

a ny a n k o n-n e [nyankom adc] fate, destiny, appointed lot; eye

ny. bi a eda ho dedaw; wo bra mu yiye a.s. bone a wnnya; syn.

nkrabed, hyebea.

nyaiikon-soroma [nsoroma] star(s). pr.2551f.

nyankon-su, rain-water, pr. 2534.
nyankon-toh, rainbow.

nyankon-nuru [aduru] a parasitical platU ^vKixain^ on Xxet^

and used as a medicine, pr. 2553.
nyaii krente, s. nycnk..
o-nyankyereii, a kind of tree; its leaves have a rough snr-
face. pr. 3423.

nnyfin-mu, inf. [nyan mu] revival.

nyanoberfete, = onufuten.

nyansa,-sa, knotvledge, learning, wisdom; skill ^ dexterity; arU

artfulness, craft, cunning ;pr. 2554. cf. nimdee,aMitew, aniferc; okyere
me ny., he teaches me knoicledge, instructs me; wahu ny., onini ny.
(trencnS), he possesses (trm) knowledge, is wise, intelligent.

anyansa-dgii, Ak. = edon, watch, clock, called so because it

is skilfully made.

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onyaiisjifo — niiyip^ye. 345

o-nyansato, 7?/. a-, a person icho possesses knowledge ^ a wise,

hifcHifjcnfy cunning, artful man. pr. 25o5'60.
anyansa-hfide, Indention; s, ahude ^.
ny linsani'j In a wise, prudent, Infelllgent, skll/ul, artful man-
ner or wag, wlsclg, discreetly, artfully,

nyausa-mpatabom'-suku, nyaiisa-poii-suku, university, s.

anyansa-ye: woyec wgnbo any., they behaved wisely.
liny an sin fogya nih] a large log of wood used for fuel; ycasg
niiy. a no, we have kindled a fire of two logs of wood placing their
burning ends opposite to each other.

nnya'-nnyii', a. prlcklyj spiny; syn. k^nyann, nwrann; cf. a-

gyan; s. adwokii.

Nyanya, name of a month, about May'^ s. gsram.

ny li n'n y a n, red. v. 1. s. nyah'. — 2. me ho ny. me, / shud-
der, 1 am struck with horror.

anyanyan-biara, F. perluxps, pcradveniure, perchance.

n y'a-tw o m, 1, hypocrisy; simulation, a feigning of good qual-
ifies, or dissimulation, a concealment of had qualities; tfie assuming
of a false appearance of modesty ending In a sudde^i dash at an ob-
ject [fr. My^^ slowly, twom, to catch at once]; oyc ny., he Is a hypo-
crite. — , 2. a certain disease. — nyatwonini, pi. -fo, hypocrite.
nyc... F. = ne... — nye-, F. = ye-, we. Gr. § 58.
nyeni, F. = yem. — nyeii, F. = yen, to nourish. Eph.5,29.
any en, pi. n-, F. = ayen.

nyenko, F. — ycnko, ygnko, friend.

nnyencnycmina, ?

nyo Ilk rente, a certain star, asterism, constellation; Orion?

any ensoii [any/i nson] seven slaves or their value demanded or
paid in expiation of a murder or manslaughter; woakum obi ni a,
na woregye wo nnipa asoh a.s. won ti sika de tua kaw.
nnyentla, s. gyentla.

n n y e n n y a n, n n y e n n y e n : b g -, /o Z/c //i anguish, pangs or

agonies; wabg (own) nny. = ehfi ne awerehow ama u'ani aye kr^-
kra; cf nnyinnyam, nnyinnyan.

nnycnnyentwi, heedlessness, foolishness; licentiousness, las-

riviousness; 6bg-, = 6ye gyennyentwi (q. v.) 1. odi nkwaseasem;
2, gbg ahofwi.

nnycpi, the (upper & lower) ^a/t;; cheek-hone; the gum(s); cf.
nny era, a kind fyi pepper; s. mako. [abogye.

nyere, Mf. = yen, our; - nyereho = ychho, ou/w/ye6'.Gr.§58.

nnyeretia, nnw., a species o^ plantains; ditto of bananas.
ny ew, F. = yiw, yea, yes. Mt 5,37.
nyi... F. = ni... — nyia, F. = nca.
n ny igy e, inf. [^y^^ mutual or alternate receiving; wodi no nny.,
they petfomi it alternately, in reciprocal succession, by turns.

Digitized by

346 nyim — nnjinnyam.

nyim, enyim, enyimfa, nyimpa, F. s. nim, anim, nifa, onipa.

enyin, Mf. = onini.

nyin, nyini, v. 1. to grow, to increase in stature or sue andm

yearsy to grow up to full size, to become old; pr. 256 If. 3119. — perf.
to he groum up, to be old; wanyiii, ne tl afuw dweh; wanyin sen me,
he is older than I; minnyini e, / am not old; - n'asO any in (s.aso).
— 2. to grow, to become gradually, by a gradual process, by devel-
opment {cf. dan) ; omamfrani nnyih kronkron, yr. 2004- — 3. to get
full-sized, to ripen, of edible roots in the ground.

o-nyin, inf. growth, pr. 2563.

o-nyina, |?Z. a-, Ak. = onyl, siUc-cotton-tree.

n nyin a, Ak. F. fuel, (fire-Jwood, = ogya^., Akr.; oko nnyina

= oko anyan, he goes for fuel.

^nylna-boa, nnyinab6a [nnyina aboa] a beetle in fire-wood,

wood-fretter ; mm6awa bi a wohunu nnua mu.

nnyinS;, nnyinana, nnyinara, (F.) = nhina &c.

nnyina-s6, inf. [gyina so] something to stand upon, foundaiion,

groundwork, basis; stag, support. — nnyinasode, principle, eUmenU
fundamental substance, — nnyinaso-s^m, principle, fufidamenUd
truth or tenet, maxim, axiom, postulate.

nyin am, v. to glimpse, to appear by glimpses; to flash; to

glitter, gleam ; s. red. v,

k nyin am, v.n. lightning; any. apa, apa any., osoro pa or tew
any., itligJUens; pr.510. (any., epa kwa naentumi nyc fwe; naosra-
man de, epae, na enya nipa a, ekumno, na enya dua a, epaem*;)
obi bo wo ani so a, na wo ani pa any., if one strikes you in the eye,
it flashes with light. — anyinam-ahOodent, electric power.

nnyindm, adv, in a glimpse, hurriedly; etwaam' ara nny., ii

passed in a sudden flash; otwaam' wo m*ani so nny., he passed so
quickly that I caught but a glimpse of him.

nnyinam-nyinam, a. (n.) sparkling, glittering; etwa nny.,

lightnings are flashing; awia no ye m'ani so nny., the sunshine dazz-
les or glares in my eyes; osu rebetg a, osoro ye nny., when it is going
to rain, the sky assumes a peculiar lustre-

ny indn-nyinam (ani, so, mu) re(?. v. [nyinam] to overspread

scantily; 1, intr. to be thinly spread or scattered over: dote kakra na
enyinannyinam ani, abo no so ; usu, nhwea nyinannyinam so kwa,
na emu nno. — 2. tr. to spread or scatter over: wode nhwea gu dan
mu (fam' or nnua so, on the boards of the floor) ansa-na wotwiw; ode
prase kakra ny. ntama ani ; akoa no se, onn6 do-pa bi, na obenyinan-
nyinam m'ani so kwa, that fellow does not mean to work (with the
hoe) properly; he will only deceive me by a false show.

o-ny in-kye, -kyere, inf. length of life. pr. 2564.

nyinsen, nyinsemfo, F. = ninsen, onins^mfo.
nyinny&m, red. v., s. nyam; to shrivel together d-c.

nnyinnyam [gy am] : o wu nny., agony, pangs of death ; = owu

hu, mortal fright; cf. nnyennyan, nnyinnyan.

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nnyinnydn — iifioru-me-nsa. 347

nnyfnnydn, bg-, to be confounded, disconcerted^ hewMered,

perplexed, put out of countenance; to lose one's self-command; syn.
gyigya. Cf, nnyinnyam, nnyennyan.

anyinyiren, a kind of head, s. ahene.

nyiseu, F.Mt 24,19. s.ny'mseh. — nyisiia, F. Mk,9,24, s.nusu.

nyo, F. =c k6ra.

ny 011116, F. abo no ny. = eye no nwonwa, it astonishes him.

ny inya, a trailing plant, the sour leaves of whicli are used

against fever; atiridii ye wo a, wode n^ahaban potow nsam' nom,
wodo bi nso gu nsiim' guare.

nyinya-nyiiiya, a. sour; anka yi ye ny. or Akiw.


Words beginning with 1111 or nw, nw, and not found here,
seek under g, or dw, or hw, or w & w.

The consonant n, as an initial consonant, is either 1, a trans-

formation of g before the vowels 0, u, by the influence of the nasal
prefix II, or (in compounds) of an m, n or n terminating the pre-
vious syllable ; or J2, it is combined with w before the vowels a, e,
i, o ; in this case it seems to serve as a nasalization of the w ; - 5.
when combined with w, before a, e, i, o, o, u, it is a) either a trans-
formation of d w by the same influences as mentioned under 1,, or
h) it serves as a nasalization of the w (in nwini and its derivatives),
as mentioned under ^. — As a final consonant, 11 is more frequent
in the Akuapem dialect than in Akan and Fante. In Akan we usu-
ally find ann with a vowel in its stead (ane, ene, ene, ini, ono, ono,
uno or unu = an, en, eh, in, oh, oh, uh), and in Fante we find n
for it. — It stands in the place of an initial u and a lost vowel in
abieh & neh = abienu, ne no. — In compounds, n frequently inter-
changes with m & n.
n- is a frequent prefix before stems beginning with k, kw, ky,
h, hw, hy. fw, 11 w, iiw, also with w & w, and with g & dw, which
are then, oy way of assimilation, changed into n & uvfr. — This
prefix occurs in the cases mentioned under m- and n-, and may
likewise form a syllable by itself.

nn66, nno', interj. no; cf. dabi. Gr. § 146,3.

nho [hgo] oU, palm-oil ; 5. hho-ye; c/*. hkyego, agohina, ogosoa-

fo; - mmtiro-hho, European oil, stceet-oU, olive-oil. Oyinaogukuru
mu hho yi, this one puis oil into the wound i.e. (not as in LuJc. 10,34)
he makes evil worse.

II no-tod, -to a, calabash, flask, flagon, vial of or for oil.

nno-hh wga [hhwea, sand] palm-oU coagulated (concreted, con-

gealed or thickened) so as to present some similarity to sand (hho
da na wofwe ani a, eye se hhwea).

nnoru-h5 [goru ho] inf. = fewdi.

nnoru-me-nsa [do not trifle with my hand or power] a kind of

amulet; s. sumah.

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348 iinoyo — nwaiis^na.

find-ye, the process of malcituj oil of palm-nuts; syiuM\k-

(Woye nno don? Wokoiid abe na woadwow na woabuw ua aporow,
iia wode akogu antvvorim' na woawow na woatiti ati autwcrim^ ua
wodo agufam' a.s. korow inu, na woasa adwe no atow agu, ua wode
betd no akogu opo'do rau wo ogya so anoa, na bet(\ uo akyl iino
no nhina worn' nia woasesaw agu sobuwa ana agobina niu ansa-na
woatoe aii gya no so, na woasaii de bctu abye bedew a.s. oUhmu
na woakyi agu antweri mu, apaani hno maaka mmesu. Cf, abesa.)

nft iia-daii, inf, [gua, dan' r.] saUf opportunitif to selL return for
goods sold, pr, 820.

Jiuiia-hama [cgua, or oguan, j>/., b.] a cord with which sheep

and goats are tied ; wode mmofuma (gtotoabohono) na eye. pr.l378.

niiiiam-mod [oguan, jj^., boa]: pr.269. di-, /o unite in hut/inij

a sheep or goat in order to share the meat. [nn. no oguaii a unipa
basa a. banan abom' atg na wgakum akyej dabi wodi hn., naraede
meho mekgfraam' midii bi.]

nnuan-fwy, inf, [fwc nnuan] the act or occupjition o( tendiwh

feeding and guarding sheep. — iinuaniiya, pr. 2565.

11 11 u a re, 1, a hmh or shrub with a dense tender foliage and full

of thorns; okuafo dow twehiiuare(wura bi a nsge wo ho pain)au«i
na wanya biribi adi. — ^. fig. difficultg, difficult place or sitnatiou,
in a battle (ne mpastta asi uo rinuarein'), in the circumstances of life.
iinugu-so [ado a wode gugu 'mati so] mantle; cf\ ukataso, n-
katakohmu, kotoku.

riiiii-so [nea wode gu so] Ak. = nt^so, something to boot, giifn

over and abovCy given into the bargain. Cf, likwanye.

11 w a . . ., 11 11 w a . . . see also under wa . . ., nil lia . . ., u I'l wa ....

nwam, v. to walk about, rove, ramble, roam; gnwam wunW
= oky ini wuram\ Ps. 59,16,

Q-fi warn, pL a-, a large bird (with a large bill), feeding on palm-
nuts; toucan, Bhamphastos. pr.2566ff.

aiiwaii-hema, a species of on warn.

0-11 warn a, = ofuruntum, a kind of tree; drums, ncgro-stool^

soup-ladles are carved of its wood.

h waiifi, F. adc, clear, light, bright; clear, plain, evident; gdaii

mu, wim\ n^ascm mu tew hw. = lianh, kanh.
nwanam, iiwanaii, s, nwSram, nworan.
I'lwrmo, V. to scrape or scratch; to scrape out the soft parts
of {ox nw. kora foforo mu, to scratch figures in) a calabash; nw.
(abilrowase) wurd, to weed, to hoe, to clear of weeds; - apgnkokwan
no, woanwanono afdnu, the road has been cleared on both sides.
nwtlno, s, nhwane. — auwaii-hema, s. on warn,
iiwani-iiwaniyi. to7/V///^- dusJcg, dim, gray, dimly visible : -
anim aye nw., the morning dawns; the evening'twilight has set in.--
2, a kind of butterfly.

nwansana,/?2/.pr. 2570-75. — fiw.-biri, a small species, nw.-

[)obi, a larger species of fly, — nw.-tiri, a kind of bead, s. aheue.

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iiwrmsi — uwiTi. 349

n wan si, v. to sneeze, pr. 671, The sneezing of another person

is considered as lucky (favourable) or unlucky (ill-omened),
iiwantdm', ==■ ntgnka ntam\

iiwrintriu-nwuntaii, a, dm, gloowi/: n'ani so aye nw. (—

wusiwiisi), hh^ eye is dim, gloomy^ weak,

iiwji ta-iiwA ta, a, dazzling^ dizzy; n'anisoyeno nw., he is

dazzled by some glaring light.

iiwauwa, Ak., V,Mk.6y^l, woawoa, M. 5,70. .9,5. — nwonwa.

aiiwa-iiwene, s. awonwene & nwa-nwene under w.
11 aware, s. nnuare.

iiwem, F. = dwom, song. Mt 26^29. Mk.U^G,

o-n wouifV), pi. a-, [nweno] 1, potter; ef, okuku-nwemfo. — 2,
otama-nwemfo, weaver; okete-n wemfo, plaiter of mats,

o-iiwoni-m6 [nwene, gbo] potters clay; obo nw., he digs clay,

u we n, V. 1, to remain hard, not to become soft; to lose softness;

ode no ahwen e.s. gd6 no rebo wq fam' na woankata so yiye a, aye
donnennenncn; nkrfima no anweh = a8en(?); wode aduah si gya
so na woankata so a, gsoro de nwcn. — 2. to he insufficient.^ too
short: ntama a worepam na woantwa n' 'iye na biako akyeii biako,
na wuse: emu tia no ahwen. — 3, to reluct, to become or be unwil-
ling, reluctant, backward, obstinate: wan wen = meretwe no na gii-
kg, makgfreno na ose gremma; cf, sorow; onipa no at^w ahw^h,
that man has broken off connection and keeps away in a stubborn,
manner, has become obstinate, — 4, ghweii(hweh) ne se kyere me,
he shoics me his teeth, grins at me, pr. 500.

uuweiina', pi, of dw^nna, young, tender fruits or berries,

iiwene, v. 1. to tveave, braid, plait, plat, mat (ntama, kente,

kete, tekrekyi, kyew, apakah, kyem, mmesa, cf, wgw); to knit (asta-
gire); to join, prd together (twone). — 2, to form, shape, mould, to
make or manufacttire {hknkxiy earthen vessels, as ahina, asaiika, ku-
ruwa, taseh). — aii w en c, //?/*. a potter's trade ov occupation ; osua-;
vf. ntama-iiwcne, ghwemfo.

uweiie, F. = pesewa, Ak., a penny woiih of gold-dust; sika a

ano si bah n^ niwodu. — iiwene-fa, F. =::r pgwa, Ak.
g-uwenefo, = ghwemfo.

hwene, red, iiweue-uweue, Ak. hweh(hwch). As. hwoma-

(hwoma), a, bitter; aduru no y ciiwene, that medicine is bitter; adnru
hwonehwcne sa yafunum' yare,i« bitter medicine cures a disoi'dered
stomach; no yam' ye hw., s.yfim\ — n, bitterness; hw.nti mintumi
miMinom, // is so bitter, I cannot drink it,
arnvei'iheina, s, afwehhema; yr,2576.

I'lweiiuw en, 1. red, v, hweh. — 2. red, adj. s. hwene.

h w e n t c n, v. to make oiieself stiff (of a serpent).

u w es e-i'i w e s e^ drizzling ; in very small or fne particles: osu

to hw., it drizzles; cf. mesemeso, nRU-w6ns6a.

hwiii, mvini-ber, F. := hwini, ahwnmmere.

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350 nwfnwt — nuwensa.

hwVhwijred.v. to grumble, murmur with discontent, midttr;

^^ kasa hnhCihahu.

nwona, nwonam, iiwonan, s, nw5ra, nw6ram, nworan.

A 11 w 5 n a, = Anlo, Awoonah, the country eastward of the month
of the Volta. — anwond-s6bo, an inferior kind of couniiy-doih,
made in, or named from, that country.

11 w 6 II w a, Ak.&F. nwahwa, wonder, surprise, marvel, asfon-

ishment; nehoyenw., his appearance or manners &nd doings are
wondrous, strange, curious; asera yi ye me nw., this matter or storp
surprises me, strikes me witli wonder, — auwohwa-de, a wondrous
thing or things. — 0-fiw5iiwaf6, a ctirious, strange, odd felloic.
aiiwonwa-s^m, a wondrous word, matter, event or story,
uwora, nw6na, v. to lattice, to form into a sort of net-worl:,
trellis or lattice-work by binding thin rods, laths or strips across
stronger sticks or poles; wonw, dan, = wode mmobaduA de kye-
kyere nnua no a woasisi no h5; wohw. dan so, = wode mpopakye-
kyere dan so ; cf, kuru, sem so.

iiworam, nwonam, v, to strain, stretch, extend, distend (f);

ohvr6r&m n'ani (kyere no), he stares, casts an angry look (at Jdm);-
onw. neto ntama, he pulls offtl^e cloth from his body, — 2. to shrink
back from fear or anger ; to fall off, desert (from a party), t4) revdi,
turn recreant; ntam' a etwe nwaname nom' yee den, the discord or
dissension increased.

^nw6rain, anw6nam, a small insect attending the itch, slro,

Acarus scabiei; mmoaa wodeda ase ano, nketewa ;,; ;,; fufufufufiti.
^nworammaii, a circle, circuit, round; c/l dantabaii, kontoii-
kron, atwasi; - bo or twa ahw. = kyinkyinky\nkyin pi, tamn
or move in a circle; wota yen de yen bo anw. de kofi nea asofo wo,
they persecuted us and drove us about until we fell in wWi mission-
aries (came to a missionary station).

nwSriLii, v. to scratch with all the fingers of one's hand, (o

scrape, curry; onwordn me; manw6ran no; cf. titi.
nworah-iiworan, red., pr. 432.
aiiworens^, a shrub with edible fruits,
nwr^nn, a. prickly, spiny; scraping, scratching, grating;
syn, kanyann, nnya-nnya; s, adwokii.

iiwrafinwran (nworan- or nwftran:,;) 1. a. striped, streaked,

streaky, variegated; cf ntokoa-ntokoa. — 2.n. stripes, specks, spots
(of a leopard), pr. 3054. '

anwraiiiiwram-moa, carnivorous beasts with a striped or

spotted skin, espec. of the cat tribe; akekaboa a won ho yenwran-
nwran se osebo, asabontwi, agyinamoa, aduatia, atoatoa, okankan.
niiwa... s. nnua...

niiwerd, F. ndwera, white calico. — nnV^era, nnwerawa, a

small piece of cloUi to keep gold-dust in.

iiiiwerdtfa, nny., a species o^ plantains; ditto of bananas.

iinwen-sa [odwcn, nsa] the reward (lit.&orig. the palm-wine

Digitized by VjOOQIC
nwini — 0. 351

or other liquor) ^ven for tlie redelivery of a lost thing or person;

ransom, redemptory price; nneema a wode rebegye dwen a wofae
no ako.

nwini, v. L to leak, run, drop out, tricJde, ooze; odan no nw.,

nan regu fam', this house is leaky, the water is coming down ; kora
no asee, erenw., this calabash is broken, it is leaking. — ^. to be
damp, humid. — 3. to be cool, cold.

nwini, nwiniiiwlni, a. 1. damp, humid. — 2. nasty, dirty,

filthy, sluttish; neho (ye) nw., lie (she) is a dirty, nasty, filthy per-
son, a slattern, slut, daggle-tail; ne ho ye me hw., he (his doings) are
utterly detestable or abominable to me, I loathe him. — 3. cool, cold;
nsQ-onwini, cold water.

o-nwini, i. the coolness es^^ecofthe evening; onw. adwo(atom')

the cool of the evening is come, has set in, it has become evening;
pr. 2577. — 2. the (cool) shade of a tree &c. ote dua no nwini ase,
he sits in tJie shade of that tree.

anw5, F. garlic; it is brought from Wasa; cf. gyene.

aw 6 ma, nwoma-nw6ma As. = hwene; cf. bghwoma.
nw6ma-s6, o-nino di no n w., he deals Jiardly, severely, with him.

n nwommd [§dwo? ba] cooked or stewed yam. pr. 708.

afiwomaiiwoma : oye neho anw. = oye kwasiamankwft; cf.


iinw6nk6ro [ed\Vom, koro] = §bAdwom, a song, love-song of

females; dwom a mmabd hyia anadwofa to bobo won adofo din.

nnwowe [dwow] corn which is roughly ground. [pr,2062.

anwum-mere [on^ini, here] the evening, espec. from 5 to 6

o^clock, between mfaretu-bere & anadwofa.

auwumme-bdw-mii (F.m the arms [abaw] of evening) the time

from about 3 to 5 o'clock.

au wumme-duan, supper, a meal taken at the close of the day.

o* o. o.

The vowel sounds o, o, 9, o, & 5, 0, o, 5, & oe, oi, & ow, ow,
ow (Gr.§2-5.17.19A.) frequently interchange and are intermixed
in the alphabetical arrangement, especially in compounds.

in our books represents both the full & the narrow o; cf.
Gr. § 1 Bern. ^. & § 2.

0- or 0-, prefix of nmms in the sing., s. Gr. § 29,2. 35,1., of

pronouns, % 60,1., o{ numerals, % 77,1. 78,5. — is often dropped in
close connection with a preceding word; Gr. §49,1.
0- or 0-, a pron. for a person, which is prefixed to the verb, s.
Gr. §"54.58.; in F. also for a thing, % 58 Bern. 1.

Oy interj. an enclitic sound after an expression containing a

salutation, or after an exclamation or a sentence addressed to a per-
son from some distance or with emphasis. Gr. § 147.145.144.

g, 6, interj. expressing indignation or regret.

6, interj. expressing admiration or surprise. Gr. § 145.

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352 pa.


The letter p lias the same sound in Twi that it has in Eiiglisli.
It occurs before pure and nasal vowels and interchanges with Taud
\v in a few instances, e.g. promprom (F.). potow, posow, patiriw,=
frgmfrom, fgtgw, wosow, watiriw.

pa, V, [red, popa, pepa] to move or remove in a gliding or stt-

2)erflcinl way: i. intr, pa .. ho, to pass htfy more along: wapam«h6
(kg) = wabe8en (wg)meh6, watwa nieh6(kg). -F. pa..do = pa ho,
twam, Mt. 26^9. — 2^ refL to take one's self off: pa woho! take your-
self offy go aside! — 3, intr. pa .. h 6, so, to sliji or glide over: ne osa
apa, he hus committed an miintentional en-or or fatdt (a slip); ne nsa
kgpaa no ho, he inadvertently committed something amiss concerning
him or her; cf. sakwAii, nsapa, ; n'ani apa so, he has forgotten or
overlooked it. — 4. tr. pa., so, to pilane: gdeapasoapaduanoso.—
5. to take off (anl-ani na wgpa, na ciikgm' ana enkg ase): a) to take
off superficially : aburowawosiw so mmurofua, the nncmshed grains
of corn; syn, po so. — h) to skim^ scum, scoop off: abe ani nfio, the
oil from the boiled mash of palm-nuts; at^£ ani nsa, the liquor fron\
the mash of malted corn. — c) to scrape or shave off: nhonia so»
the flesh or Jiair of a skin; wgyere nhoma a, wgpa so nam na awo
nteni; to peel off, loosen from: donipo ho nam, the meat from a bone.

— d) to put or strip off (one's clothes) : wapa ne ntama, he hasthtotcn

off his (own) garment: cf. 1. & yi uiadc ; pr. 257S. — wapa me ho,
he has stripped or divested me of my clothes. — c) to take auay: pon
8 ntama, the table-cloth . — f) to take down: ne dan so, the roof
from his house; pa hetsew, F. to uncover tite roof, Mk. 2,4, — 6. pa..
to ..so, to shove, push to: to exonerate oneself from .. by throwing U
upon..; wapa asem no ato neygnko so = wayi asem no ahje ne
ygnko; s. mpAtoso. — 7. to draw up: n'ani akyi, the eye-brows, from
vanity or conceit^ in order to appear lady-like, =:di mmabiis^m. —
8. to withdraw from (akyi, behind), forsake, deny; ¥. Mt 27, 46.20 Mf-
m apa no, / have dropped my acquaintance with him, I will not he
concerned tciih him any more: gpa neho akyi, he denies himself; -
to refuse, reject, cf. po. — 9. to draic out, get out in a sliding or slip-
ping way: gpa neto ase fi adi, he manages to get out (of a snare),
pr. 424. — 10. to draw off: abaw, the arms, to give up in despair;
wapa abaw or ne nsa apa, he has desisted from it, got tired (of it).

— 11. to make or to become or be bare or bald: gy are apa ne ti, a

disease has caused his head to become bald; ne ti apa, his head is
bald; ase nti oguah hO pa, from the itch a slicep gets bald. — Xl^ to
fade, go (of colours), to lose the colour: ntama no pa, that cloth doe^
not keep colour; ani apa, it has faded. — 13. to be wanting, missing,
lost; nsa m pa ne fi da. pt*. 590. 690. — 14. red. popa: to wipe (off,
away), to blot out: popa pon so, tcipe or dust the table; popa nsn a
egu so no, wipe away the water spilt on it; gpopa n'ani, pr.2714 -
gpopa n'anim fifiri, he wipes off the persjyiration from his face; mom-
popiipopa m6 srete so, wipe off the writing on your slates; wapopame
mfomso, he has blotted out my iniquities; cf. kita&pra, to streep. — -
lo. pa .. kyew, to take off the hat respecting one {cf. 5 d), i.e. to beg

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pa — epa. 853

mhmissivelyy to beg pardon; s, kyew. — 16. to fling: pa., abo, to fling

stones atf to pelt wiUi stones (perb. witbont hitting, diff. bo., abo);
pa bntuw fam\ to fling or throw oneself down, so as to lie flat on the
belly. — 17. pa ogya, to strike fire (cf. apagya, Hre-steel); to beam,
dart or sparkle tire; cf, gbayifo. — 18. pa auyinam; to flash (as
lightning)^ to lighteti, pr. 510. — ID. to allege, pretend, feign, simu-
late: 6p^ payar6, he simulates a sickness; pr. 2579. cf boapa. — 20.
pa 80, (to let pass over the vocal cords in the larynx, to let slip or
escape a sound, to emit or w//cr a slight noise) to gnarl, snarl, growl,
grumble (as a dog); to rattle in the throat {cf hwane); onipa sen
ne mene a, opa so se gsebo, when a man hangs himself (i\t. his throat),
he growls as a leopard; akonsuro, wuyi no afirim' a, opa so se gse-
bo; kotie gpA k gsebo no repa so ! — J21. p a .. m n, F. to paii, ptd
asunder; own pa hen mu, death parts ns; cf. pae.

p a, t?. Ak. s. paw. F. to choose, elect,, select, Mt. 20M 24,22 Ji4.
(13,49. pa .. fi .. ho, to sever from among).

pa, F. added to an affirmatory clause, conveys a negative idea ;

gye f§w pa (this would be in Akp. = // is very fine); in a negative
clanse pa conveys a contrary idea: gnye few pa. Mf. Gr. p. 137.138,

pd, a. [red. papa, q.v.] 1. good; it is always, as it were, com-

pounded with the noun to which it is joined, so that the noun usu-
ally has alow tone throughout : onipa-pa, a good man; nsa-pjl, good
palm-^ine; ahene-pA, a good i.e. precious coral; koma-pA, a good
heart i.e. joy, gladness. — 2. proper, properly so called, true, real;
cf. pgtS; bise-pA, the proper gola-nnt, opp. bisft-t(')ro ; nna-pd, sleep
in the common sense of the word, John 11,13.

apa, F. 1. borders, frontiers, region, district. Mtl5,22. — ^.=apaw.

a pa, 1. a scaffold of sticks erected near the houses of the negroes,
to put plantains and other fruits on, in order to keep them secure
from the goats; a similar scaffold erected by the wayside near a
town or village, on which the corpse of an unknown stranger is put,
in order to give opportunity to passers-by to ascertain his identity;
rf. apata. — 2. trap; afiri bi a wosum de yi akura ana wuram'
aboa biara, gye nnoma ne akyeneboane mmoa akese a wgnkg apa
ase; wgde dua na eye, na wgde abo gu so, na wgdeaburow, nkate,
kwadu, brgde n.a. bye ase, na se aboa no ba na obeyi aduah no
afi ase a, ah&ah abg no. — S. Ak. = apaw, q. v.

mpa, conch, bed, any thing to sleep on, mat, mattress, cloth, board
drc. F. = kete; cf. mp^boa, mpadud, mpatiA, owup4, gyarepA.

ampd, adv. d; inter] . really, trtdy, indeed; earnestly; to be sure,

certainly; undeniably, not to be refused or rejected {cf. pa, v.7); asem
yi worn' ampa, it is really the case. It is frequently used as an el-
liptic confirmation of what another person says, for: so it is, you
are right; - also as a question : ampa? indeed? is it really so? - or
as an expression of surprise: ampA-^! indeed! — Cpds. ampA-ara,

e-pa, pi. a-, a curved iron closing round the wrist of a prisoner
and fixed in a block; (diff. m] hush, handcuff, manacle;) wgabgnopa
rt= wgabg no duam\


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354 apa — mpadiid.

a pa, an oldy agedj long-lived person j beast or tree; akoa no ye

apa pA ara = ne so apa biara nni babi; bo apa, to grow old; cf.
opanyin, dupa.

p&, nipa, pam', the lower part of the hack, where the ilium is
joined to the lumbar vertebrae; loinSy reins, mmp; pr. 3173, syn.
sisi, sisiakyi. — katampa, to cover the rear, to conclude (or he hin-
dermost, he the last in) a train of persons. Cf. mparaden.

p a, f. 1. to strike, smite ; pa so = bo 86 na enye den ! opa n'ani

so, he strikes him in the face; opa n'asom, he gives him a box on the
ear; s. pae,i. pa, 17. — 2. to split; wapa pon no ho, he has split apiece
from the table; s. pae. — 3. to hit: apel nosb = asem no abono,
the matter has been decided against him. — 4. pa so, a) to continue
in a struggle or any action, to go on: me n^ wifo no apa so (= adi)
ara magye m^ade hh. wo ne nsam'; pa so = bo so ma enye den ! -
b) to add; s. pae 14. — 5.F.== pae, to burst — 6.F.—- pae, to curse.

pa, adv. forthwith, with all haste; pa woguane = terem wo-

guane; cf. fwi; - p& fwi', s. fwi, patwe.

p 0, pi. a-, a contract or agreement by which the services of a

person are engaged for another person ; - 6di (me) pa, he serves (me)
as a hired labourer or carrier, carries loads dx. for payment. — obo
me pa Q;7. gboyen apa), he hires me (us) as a labourer, carrier or
for any service; mabo adwumayefo pa, mabo apafo, Ilmve hired
labourers; gye pa, to enter into an engagement as a labourer or car-
rier for pay; wagye ntamanwene pa, 7ie has received cotton to be
woven into cloth by him for pay.

mpa, 1. a kind of mat plaited of narrow stripes; = nt6mraa. —

J2. a stroke with the flat hand; wodi mpa n.s. wosi ntew ma obi twa

(kum) ne yonko a, onny^ no ho ntrama, iikaten.a., naobo(otwa)no

mpa, he gives him a stroke with the palm of his hand, senea wotoAe.

apa, pl.m-^ a kind oi mat plaited of broad stripes.

pa, adv. palpitatingly; ne kdma bo no pa, his heart smites him

(1 Sam. 24,5), throbs, palpitates, beats excitedly, pidsates violently.
o-pdbeii, a bird with red eyes,
mpd-boa [mpa mn aboa] (bed')bug.

mpa bod, sandal, a pair of sandals; = ntokotA. Diff. kinds:

ahenemma (Nnonkofo na eye), kyiri-ahemfi (Kodiabefo ua eye),
gyapatid, nketewd, kyeawkyeaw (twawtwaw). — mpaboafo, s.
gyaasefo. — tow mpaboa-tuo, to walk with clapping sandals.
apa-bo, inf. the act of hiring a workman or carrier.
apabo-de, hire, wages or pay for some performance,
mpabotwaw, ^. 2563.

padede [Guan: palele] = siwabiri, sowa.

pado, F. porch. Mt.26fi9. Mk. 14,68.

ptl-dua, the log or block of wood in which the iron called pa,
securing the hand of a prisoner, is fixed.

m pad lid, bedstead; mpaduat^n, F. along-legged bedstead: mp.

tla (mpaduatid or mpatid), a short-legged bedstead.

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pae — mpji^. 355

p ae, V. [red. papae] 1. to strike, smite; opae n'asSm', n'atifi,

ne mpampam', pr. 160,400. s, pa. — ^. ir, to split, rive, cleave, break;
p. dua, to split a piece of wood; p. gya, to cleave wood; p. mpurah,
ntabow, to sawheams, hoards; p. abo, fo break, cut, dig or take stones
from the earth, from a quarry, to quarry stones. — 3. intr. to split,
rend, burst, crack; opranna duru duam^ a, epae, when tlie lightning
strikes a tree, it bursts; dua no apae, the tree is riven; kora no apae,
the calabash has a cJnnk; ododoben, pr. 947. - ne tuo mu pace, his
gun burst, flew into pieces; emu apae abien, U has burst in two. —
4, to pari, divide: gpae (opa) ne tirim, he parts the hair on (the top
of) his head; gpae sa, he cuts or opens a path through the bush; -
intr. to branch: okwan pae abieii, the road branches off into two; -
pae ..mu, to divide. — 5. pae .. mu, a) to cut open, rip up, 2 K%,8,12.

— b) to lay open, display; pae mu se, say it plainly, frankly, pr. 2580.
Gr. § 234. — 6. to exclaim (thereby rending the air), to cry out;
gsen pae: tro! the Jierald cries: Attend! - pae mm^rah, to give a sur-
name; opae ohene mmaraii, he cries out the titles of the king (in his
praise) ; pae din, s. 15. — woapae gnah no, i^tey (by the town-crier
and his bell, s. dawuru) have made publicly known that the sheep has
been lost; - wgpae no saneb§ne, they want him to say the watch-word,
to make himself known as a friend or enemy; - p. hum, to announce
or proclaim the ohum custom or festival. — 7. to cackle; cfy kwane.

— 8. to burst or break forth as a flood of light, to shine, to flash,

espec.inthepci/.; owia,g8ram apae, the sun, the moon, shines; gsra-
maii, opranna pae, tlie lightning flashes. — 9. to ferment, effervesce;
to get sour; nsa or ahai no apae = akaw, the palm-wine or beer has
undergone fermentation. — 10. to pain, ache: meti apae, me ti pae
me (= ben me), my head aches; meti mpaeme, nothing ails me,
I am quite well. — 11. n'ani apae = n'ani atew or afi, he or she
is a cunning person. — 12. ne koma apae ne yam', he is utterly ter-
rified; ne koma ye apae, 7ie is very uneasy, terribly friglitened. —

13. to refuse; gpae = gmpene (perh. gpA^, past tense of pa v.7). —

14. pae 80, to add; fa pae so, = fa pa so, fa bo so, fa ka ho; yea-
nyji odoro apae dom so, ive have received grace upon (in addition to)
grace, cf.John 1,16. — 15, pae din; gpae ne din, Jie separates i.e. for-
bids his name and gives him another; kanno wgfre no se: Dannya-
me, na ne wura apae ne din ato no Fasadamase. (Gye wo akoa iiko
na wobetnmi apae ne din.) — 16. to call the name of b. person, at
the same time invoking the power of a higher being for good or bad;
to curse; wakgpaeme ama Kyenku; cf. mpae^.

pac^ pl.m-y a bag matted or plaited of a kind of grass (ntgi'i)

for carrying salt, dried fish &c., larger than tekrekyi.

inpd6, v.n. [cf. pae, 6.] 1. invocation, prayer, supplication; -bg

or yi mpae, to pray; gbg Nyankp. mpac ama nenua, he prays to
God for his brother; sometimes: gbg mp. ma Onyank., he prays to
God. Osgfo na oyi mp., e.s. wosgre asfire biribiara; se wokasa berew'
<">, wokasa denneh 5, ne nh. wgfre no mpae; mekankyc mabg abosom
mpae; mede nsa merebg me ncnasaman mpae na me ho aye me don.
Obiara kgbg mp. a, na gbghye worn* (according to P. Ket.,othersdenyH).

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356 nipaebo — mpakyiwafo.

Miinyi {or m6ininQ) mpae mma no> na ne ho ye no den a, wobema no

aboade (abohyed^). — 2, imprecation, curse, execration; c/l nsew;
mpae nka no ! F. let him be cursed!
mpae-bo, inf, the act of praying; prayer; mnnnnyae mp., do
not give up prayer^ pray icithout ceasing.
mpae-mii, inf. division dtc. cf. mpapaem'.

paep^e^ s, pftpae.
mpaepd6, v. w. cracky chink in the wall, gronnd &c.
paewd [pae, dim.'] a small hag platted like mats,
mpa-fe, pains in the side; pr. 2561,

pa-fwl, an exclamation at the breaking up of an assembly,

acclamation to the laws published.

apa-gyd [nea wgde pa ogya] fire-steel, steel for striking fire. -

pr. 3288. — apagyakwa, pr. 1795.

pagyaw.v.to inflate, puff up, elate; ne nimdee ni n^adeasum

no atiri na n^adwene ap. no, ensnared by his knowledge and riches,
he is lifted up in his oicn conceit; to act regardless of others, pr. 2263.
ap a-h 0, F. passover, Mt. 26,1, = twam'.
apahunu bi wo iikwa na wugye akyinnye wo wo tirim.
mpdhyewa, strong drink or liquor, = mmosa, nsa a eye defi,
enkye nnipa bow.

apakdn, Ak.-kAne, 1. traveUing-hasket, a long basket in whidi

kings or chiefs are carried; for European travellers the hammock

has supplanted it. — 2. basket for carrying palm-oil, palm-wine (in

pots), salt and other things; cf. bed^w, akgtw^, ky^hkySu. — ^Sfi^^^

apakan kes6 a wode soa nnipa, ap. a mmarima de soa nno ni nsa.

asante-ap. a wodesoankyene, lA apakoko-ap.a mma de soa adesoa.

g-pakanfo, o-pakau-soAf6,i>?.a-, carrier ofthetravdling-baskeU

apakan-sew-mu, a cloth spread inside the travdling-basket.

pakapaka (Kuk.): ye p. = bompatabiribiri: eponoaniyee

p. kese, Mt 8,24.

apak6k6^ 5. apakan (at the end).

o-pakiim, cold, catarrh; oyare p., op. aye nefwene, he is of-

fected with a catarrh.

pdk usu, bed-room, any room in a negro-house except the haR

where the meals are taken (s. asA-sb); c/*.pia, pnmpunu, dabekyiri.

apaky 6, 1. lameness; - to or yare ap., to halt, to be lame. -H

2. pi. m-, a lame person; gye ap., he is lame; ap. na otg dwonku a.8.

gyawa, 68\ si'. Cf. si, osifo, hiian, dwonku.

mpa-akylri, inf. [pa akyi] denial, desertion of somebody,
a p d ky i, pi. m-, a broad calabash with a cover ; jfr. 2582 f. cf. kora
apakyi-ti, pi. m-, cover or lid of a broad calabas?L pr. 1151.
apdkyiw a, pi. m-, [dim.] a small calabash with a cover.
m p d k y i w af o, a man or woman possessing a soothsaying fetU
in a calabash, which, when asked, he or she takes upon the hea
and, without holding, lets it slip forward or backward, to the rig]
or left. Cf. gkomfo.

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pani — opjlmkg6. 357

p a m', V, [red. pam'p(im] to drive or chase away, to disperse,

dispel ; to put to fligM, rout; to expel, dismiss, banish; pam nkoko,
pr. 164i.2d84^, p. dom, of. yi dom; 5. gpdnyifo. (F.paro, MkAOM-
to forbid to conie.)

pam, t?. [red. pempam, pompam] 1. to join, to make by pMing

together pieces of wood: p. adaka, to make a box; to sew (together),
to make by sewing: p. ntama, p. atade, pr. 2590. - to mendj pr. 1372.

— :2. red. a) to join, bring together, unite, organize; eyi na yerem-

pempam asafo no foforo bio. — b) to repair, restore, 2 Ki. 12fi-8.
(ofi no mu adahnow). — 3. intr. to be joined together, to close; nkwdn
no ani apam, the eyes on the soup (broth) have joined i.e. there is fat
or oil all over; n'Ab^gye Ap4m, lie has a locked-jaw. — i. pam afuw,
to clear the place destined for a plantation, by gathering the rem-
nants of the burned trees and brushwood in order to complete their
burning; opamn'afuw, pi, wgpempW won mfuw, e.s. woahyew afuw
na wotase so nnua n^ nnubS mmiako-miako siesie. [Inf. apam.]

pam', pem', F. = pa mu, pae mu, paw mu.

pam, adv. very much; cf, papapa.

pam, F. 1. = pam', Mk. 10,14. — 2. = pim ; pam nter (ntade),

to make clothes.

pam, <;. [inf. apam, red. (?) pompam] to enter into a confeder-
acy, to confederate, unite in a league, join in a covenant; gmah yi
ne man yi apam, these two nations arc confederate, allied by treaty;
won bann p^me ; me n^ wo bepam ato ho, Gen. 6,18. 21,27. cf apam. -
pam .. tiri so, F. pam ., do, Mt 12,14. to conspire against, hold a coun-
cil against,

apam, inf. covenant, confederation, alliance, league, treaty, agree-

ment; wowgapam, apam da won ntam\ they are confederate, there ^
a leagvteoT covenant betweenthem, = wgapam ; cf Gen.9,9ff.l4,13.17,2ff.

— kg apam or mp., to enter into an agreement; s.mpam; - mp^mwo

ygnko ho ap.-mone. - F. fa apam, to take counsel. Mt 22,15. 27X^7!^'
— kg apam, F. to hold a considtation. Mk. 15,1.
apam, inf. s. p^m, v. 4.

e-pam, pl.m- (cf. pam, v. 4.), a stick pid in the ground by the
aide of a planted yam, a stay; dua biara a wgde si gd6 ma eforo
kobua so (wgde d^ no f^ h6); worekotwa sa nnua a, wuse: meko-
twd pdm a. mekgb6 pdm; cf. apammg, pamfi. pr.l298.

e-pS.m', = pa mu, s. pa, mpa.

mpam, = apam; mpanyimfo kg mp. na wgadi mmara, — na

wg-neasiamasi akgko, tfie elders have gone to unite in issuing a law,

— have agreed to enter into hostilities against some one.

mp^m, 2)1. id., pricks, sharply pointed pieces of wood or palm-
branches, thorns, nails or knives put in the ground to wound or pierce
the feet of a thief who is going to steal palm-wine or other things
from a plantation ; wahye me mpam = gde nsge akghyehye fam'
se mekgfa so a, ^hwowg me.

o-pam-^go [nea gpompam'' ade a eye agow-ag6w] nea oye ade

a asec yiye, restorer, renovator.

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358 mimnideri — |mi'i.

m p a m-d 6 n, firmness of the back (5. pa) ; hye wo nuanom mp.,

comfort, support or strengthen thy brethren^ encourage them when
they begin to faint; syn. hye.. baninha.

pam-fi, pi, a-, a bundle of sticks (5. pam); any large bundle, n
heavy load; wakyekye nhoma no p. asoa me, he ha^ given me a largt
pack of books to carry; yen bone a woakyekyeno p. de asoa lesu
no, ense se own ana?

o-p&mf6, pi, a-, sewer y seamstress, tailor.

mpamfo, mpemfo, F. the elect, Mk, 13,30. = mpawmufo,

o-p&mfo, p^m-, confederate, ally; partisan, party-man; asuf

ciaie, companion, Osee nh ne mp. (=ne nkoa), the Asantc king antl
his subjects; cf. apamni; mfefo, mpraprafo.
apamfo, F. council, Mk.l3fi,

apam-foforo, a new covenant; the New Testament,

o-pam-fufu, a kind of tree.

mpam-ho, inf. junction; a pair or yoke (e.g. of oxen).

apamni, j>Z. a--fo, confederate, ally, associate; cf, opamfo.

a p d m-m 6, inf. [bo apam] the cutting of sticks or stays for the yam.
pamom, a kind of tree and its fruit, the shell of which senes
as a cup (cupping-glass).

pdmpd, ^?. m-, hiU, hillock; s, p6mp6 (smaller), k6ko (larger).

[yr. 1017,

m pamp d, a thin pap or soup of ground corn mixed with water,

sieved and boiled with red plantains or bananas. [6. pampa, aflata.]

apampa, pL m-, a round, flat, hollow vessel, made of one piece

of wood; a bowl in which women carry provisions from their plan-
tations; pr. 128. mp. gu afuo so, Ak. bowls lie scattered over the plan-
tation, i.e. there is much disorder,

mpampa-so, bo-, <o trifle with, use carelessly; onipa-pa wu a,

womm6 no mp.

pam pam, adv, successively; me-n^ no abo anah ako kOro no

so p. mpen 3; makodan ka no p. mpen 5, wantua me; woka *p.*
yi bere ntoatoaso mu.

pam'p^m, red, v., s. pam'. F. to persecute.

mpampdm', tJie crown of the Jiead^ vertex, top; = atifi.
g-pampam, a kind of tree. pr.2588f.

p dm pan, exhalation, evaporation, effluvium^ scent, biribi hua

a mframa de ba; duasee no p. boh befaa me so.

pampankwaw, a long knife or sword to cut plantains; Ky.

= kftnt&hkr^hkyi.

pampf m, a low fence or obstruction over the foot-path near a

town or village, to prevent the entrance of evil spirits; stile.

pampotoporopo, a kind of tree used for fuel.

pdn, v. [red. pempah, pomp.] to pluck, pull off or out; w^ko-

pdn od^, they are going to take out yam (of the first crop, yr.827; to

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pan — pansdm. 359

is used of the 2d); wdpAn duba, dadewa {diff. hon); wopempan' aha-
ban ; obi ntntni mpan won me nsam^ John 10^8 f, Syn. pen, tew,hiiam.
pin, V, [red. porapan] p. mu, ^ leave a void, an empty or blank
space, a distance between; wode ntumpah sisi ho a, pompan mu na
atnmobo; -ma pah, to be distant from each other: Akyem hktirow
mn pan, Ahem totvns are at great distances from each other. Syn. tan,
pan, m-, a, 1. empty, void; odah pan = odah hunu ; F. Mt 12,44,
espec. in cpds., cf oddmpah, nsapah, yafumpah. — da mpah, to be
empty, void, — J2. adv. won adah sisip^h pllh, their houses are built
at considerable distances from each other. — 5. = k wa, hunu : meny6
wo biribi pah hko a, woyaw me, though I have not committed even
the least thing against you, you scold me !

pan, adv, imitative of the sound of firm, heavy steps; firmly,

boldly; gnam pdh p^h koo asu nom\ he stepped boldly into the tvater;
onam td, wannyina babi, nso oune hu na okoe.

paun, adv. imitative of the ringing sound of a bell: odoh no

[bo or bom' p.
dmp^ii', Ak. dpan6, pi. m-, a species of bat; cf. afwenakroh,
afw^r^d^, gpantw^fenlni. pr.231.

ampadn^, a kind of thorn or prickly plant; nsoe hwanyahh a

nnipa tia so a ewo wgh.
pana ... s. pra...
apana-do, F. lightly. Frk. Awar p. 29.
0-panamiri, 5. opramiri.
pane, -nee, pi. m-, needle; pr. 758.2590ff. [pam ade] cf. abui,
dorowa; - p. aniwa, aso, fwene, to kwah, the ear of a needle.
apan-nedaw [apam d.] an old covenant; tJie Old Testament.
m panfei, a species of herring (middle-sized); s. mmah, kokurb.
pdnfwenn, a. long, tall; opohko anim p.; dua p. hi si ho;
onipa yi nan ye p. ; ogy ina ho p. = oware tenten ; cf. tenteh.

panhin, i?. ^0 excite, rouse, stir up; = hintih; me bo ap. me,

my heart is excUed dec. to anger.

o-pani, pi. a--fo, a person who works for wages, hired labourer

or carrier, hireling ; pr. 1330. 2593. s. pa; bg apafo, to hire people,

pan kr an, a. tall, slender, slim; gbea p. [labourers.

p auk ran, ». quickness, agility; bg p. (befwe)! get up quickly!

be lively I = sgre ntem! ye woho hare; cf. ahotwetwg.

0-pankran, jo?.a-, m-, a small barrel or cask; c/lhase, pum'pa.

o-pruikran-jefo, pi. a-, cooper.
pan ky 6 r^ (so) i?. to turn aside = man, Joel 2^. — gp. ne nan-
tew (ne kwah) so = oyi akwa, ohima ne nantew.

pa n 5' [Port, pao] European bread, wheaten bread, marchpane;

ef. abodo, dgkono.

pans dm, v. 1. to scatter, strew about, disperse; syn. sampam,

pete, fwete. — 2. to search through or all over; map. me dan hhina
mo, mahhQ.

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.*^G(» a[»ansf — nipanyinsem.

apa-nsi, inf. [si apam] the act of putting in Hie siaifs for the

apanta, a^ kind of herb. Ly^™ plants,

pantaii, v. to he wide open (?)

pantauii; a. plain, open, wide; ebo je p.; st/n. tetre, b^fara;

high and wide; odan nom* ye p'.; cf, kltutann, kdutanb.

pant^ntwdre, hovel, shed, poor cottage, miseralde hut, de-

caging house.

o-p an t e n e, i>Z. a-, the largest species of snake fonud in Western

Afrika, = enini.

panto, a kind of tree; wode ye gyedua.

mpantii, a kind of plantains; s, obrode.

o-pant\Ve^nini, pl.a-^ a species of hat, a little larger than

ampan, with a long snont. — apantwewa, i>r,2594.

o-pdny ifo, pi. a-, [pam, yi] one expelled or banished, exitc. out-
cast; nea woapam ayi no.

0-pany imma [opanyin, dim.] a subordinate or stdtaltern offi-

cer; syn. adiakyfri.

apanyimmd [= op.] a half grown hoy or girl (of 7-1 2 years) ;

a young person that (has attained to, or only) arrogates the rights of
an adult; d peii, assuming, forward, impudent child, girl, fellow or
person; gye ap. = odi mmerautiwasem ; onipa a g-ne wo nse pa-
nyin no na woyaw no se : woaye woho ap.

mpanyim-mere [ebere] the age of an adult person, nutnhood,

the time, age or period of a man's life after his having grown to full
maturity, between mmerantebere (mmababere) and nkwakorabere

0-panyim-pd, a worthy, respectable, reputable man.

o-panyin, gpanyini [apa, nyin] pi. m-. 1. an old person; an

adult, opp.abofra. — ^. a gentleman, respectable man, person of raid:,
senior, alderman, senator, elder, grandee; a superior, chief, m<tster
(is also used of kings and of God, pr.J64.2542.);pr.564...5S6.2o95'2025.
pi. mpanyimfo, the elders, grandees of a town, who form the coun-
cil of the chief or king, each of them having his particular charge
(gsafobene, military commander; gfotosanfo, gsannani, treasurer;
gkydflme, speaker, reporter; gb6f6, ambassador &c.). — 3. pauyin,
pi. m-, adj. old (of persons, cf dedaw), aged; adult, chief; me nua-
panyih, my elder brother, opp. akOma. — 4. w. ihe chief (part), prin-
cipal (thing), pr. 1421. — 5. gp., eldership, magistracy, office ;pr. 576.
onyaa gp. bi dii, he obtained an office to perform.
Q-panyin-hi'inii, a poor or indigent, old and decrepit man.

mpanyfiVniii, ado. after the manner of aged, old, elderly per-

sons, considerately, prudently; odwen asem ho mp., he has a sound

mpanyin-ne, things or doings fitting adults or elders, pr. 576.

o-panyiiVpanyiu, an aged, old person, = akwakora.

mpany in-s6m, 1. the tvord, talk, speech, mode of talking, man-

ners and dealings of a man advanced in years or occupying a repu-
table place in society. — J2. what an old man relates, legend, Justory;
cf atetesem. — ka mp., to talk like an old man, wisely and gravdy;

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mpanyintam — piira. 361

to relate an event that has happened in hy-gone times; - di mp., to

arrogate or assume tJte air of an adtdt or an elder, to he presumpt-
uous, forward, arrogant; cf. apanyimma.

m panyin-tam, a costlg kind of cloth or stt^ (as nsa &c.)

o-p ftn-y [pam, ye] inf. previous agreement, preconcerted matter.
pdpa, 1. red. a., s. pa; Gr.§ 69.70. — ^. n. good, good things,
morcU good; goodness; good action; benefit, favour, kindness; wel-
fare, well-being, prosperity; good luck; syn. yiye. pr.2626.

pdpa, pdpapa, adv. 1. very good, very well. — 2. well, very,

much, very much, too much; syn. dodo, pi, yiye; ok^sii papa, he talks
too much; okksA papapa, he speaks very well; ope se gliyehyc nebo
papa, site is too fond of finery; wafwe no papa, he hds flogged him
well or severely; mikyia no papapa, I salute him most heartily. Gr.
§ 1 33,3. — papa ara pi, F. full well, Mk. 7fi.

p{\pa, fan; cf. fitae; kube ababan na wode ye p. a wode buw

wonho, of the leaves of the fan-palm fans are made to fan oneself with.
papa, pi. -nom, pope. — p. Ii5 trafo, cardinal. Hist.
papa, red. v. F. = papae. Mt. 25,32.

papap, red.v. pae, to cleave, split, burst multifariously: tr. to

split into many pieces, to split many things; intr. to burst asunder,
to fly into pieces, to get many chinks or craclcs. — p. mu, to speak out
freely; to separate, divide; s. pae.

mpapde, v.n. 1. tbe cracking or crackling of soles (of tbe sboes)

in walking, tbe cracking of a newly daubed wall. — ^. a bursting
of the skin of the heel and the back of the foot.

mpapaee, fissures, clefts, cracks of a rock, of a dry soil.

inpapaem(u), inf. division, disjunction, disunion, separation.
— di mp., to be divided, disunited, at variance with each other.
ai)apafo, pi. F. saints; ap. won korye, the communion of saints.
apapafw ekvv^, 1. a private man, a common citizen; onyi* kdro
a ote mu no mu panyin, onni din hi wo mu. — 4?. bachelor, unmar-
ried man; c/*. osigyafo, unmarried woman, & ohokwAfo. pr. 1189.2627.
p a'p^k li, a tree or shrub with spongy pith ; WQde ye sukudon.
P., wosow ntrama, nanso wudi hia (wiinni sika). pr.

p a p a n i, i>^ -fo, pabist. — pap a-s e m, popery. Hist.

p^pasisi, a disease similar to dwoko, kukurume-tawiam*,
atata; it causes tottering and inability to stand upright without sup-
port; s. horobgbo.

p^payeredg, adv. flat and lengthwise; dua yi atg p., opp.

atQ ma akyea.

papem', F. == papae mu, Mt.21,9.

mpapem*, F. = mpapaemu, division, section.
0-\ik\i6,pl. a-, he-goat; Ak. abirekyiuini. — opapo-sae, a cas-
trated he-goat. — apapowd, pi. m-, a young he-goat.
o-p^p<5-fwewA, a shrub with edible fruits.
0-p^p6-m^k6, s. mako.
papn, pepun, F. fever.
para, v. s. pra. — para..., para..., s. pra... pra...

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362 paradada — aniparuwl)6.

paradada^ pradadada, a. open, plains wide, extensive; vast,

void; waste, deserted, desolate, solitary; uncultivated, hare, barren,
witftout trees, said of a region, field, plain or wilderness; sare p^ =
sare pete, sare a dua bi nsi so, steppe, savanna, prairie; ehgnom
ye p. — si/n. pata, which may be more confined. [G. na kpdta.]

p^re, v. [red. popare] to pass by, go by; to go or be far from,

recede from, not to come to pass, not to happen, to be spared to, Eyi
mpare me, be this far from me, may this not happen to me! Onykp.
mma empare se (anka) dua yi bcbu abu wo! Aiika dua yi re(be)ba
aho me, ap4re^ ! E'p^re wo a, wo ho beto wo ! pr. 2628, — Ade mpare
ade a, anka..., if it Imd not been fortunately avoided,.,

apare, m/*. the act of passing by or sparing, exemption; a threat-

ening but averted danger {cf asiane). ApAre mpare me 8$ anka dua
yi bebu abo me!

ap a r e, m-, Ak. 1, gu n^dp&re, n4 mp^re, = gu n6 nky^rew, wie

no ye kora, to complete, discharge, dispatch, consummate, to bring to
an end or close, to get it done, to get through. — -5. = aparow, m-;
cf dampar^. — 0-par6, 'pr. n. m.

mp dr^ k 6, jest, joke, sport, raillery, pleasantry; bo mp., to jesty

joke, sport, play: woboapa ka asem a eye serew a.s. e^ye ani de
goru; cf. nsenkwa.

aparew, s. aparow. — mparewd, the false ribs,

paripariw, red,v, pariw, s, paruw.

paro w, t;. p. ho, <o knock at? yebep. nsem no bi pi ho ayiyi

bi afi mu, we shall discuss several of these words and turn out (dis-
card, reject) some. *

a p a r 6 w, jpZ. ra-, 1. a rib, one of the bones enclosing the thoracic

cavity; kyiniimp., tJie ribs i.e. springs of an mnbrella. — 2, a spoke,
the radius or ray of a wheel. — 3. spar, rafter of a house, c/'.dam-
p^r^. — 4. A stripe or streak on the body, e.g. the marks which one
gets from trees or branches in running through the bush : fwe ne
ho ap.! ogu4hf6 h6 mpa ap. da, pr. — 5. F. an enclosure (as the
ribs are one of the chest): wgabo me ho ap., F. they have encom-
passed me; cf. bo ho dantaban, kontohkron, twa ho hyia.

paruw, V. [pariw, red. pariparuw, inf. a-] 1, to cut off stnall

particles from a surface, to notch, edge; to rough ox fresh-cut (a mill-
stone); op. ne wiyamm6 =ode bobd bobo owiyamm6 a.s. owiyam-
m6ba no so; opariparuw mpuran no ho de aye apohhud. — 2. to
make a remark, to utter one's sentiments, give one's opinion; oparuw
asem no bi, he expresses his opinion concerning the matter; wapArnw
m^ ascmmone, he has expressed himself about me in a bad way; op.
me mparuw-hwoma = oka m^asem ho asemmone. — 3. red. with
ho: to occupy oneself preliminarily or superficially with: wodiasem
a, woparipariw h5 ansa-ua wobu nten ; opariparuw honeho, he trifles
with sin, he acts or talks with levity concerning sin, is not serious in
his repentance and in praying for deliverance from sin.

ainpariiw'-b6, pLid. or m-, hailstone. Osu beto na amp.agu a,

aberewa bi na oparuw ne wiyamm6 wo soro, na nea oparuw na eta-
riituruw(wo) gbo no so gu no ne amp. yi.

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mpaniwho — pafca. 363

mparuw-ho, inf. preliminary speech, introduction, comment.

mparuw-iiw6ma, unfavourable or malignant utterance about
some person or matter, s. paruw ^. & nwoma, bitter r

p&sa, pasapasa(pasa) a. <!t adv. utterly spoUed or ruined;

akwaomukafo ay§ onipa no pasa, robbers have put him in a most
miserable condition (cf Luk. 10,30.); wsiye p., he is inawoftUpUght;
kftrow no aye p., tJie toion has gone to ruin. Cf sampam.

ap as a, /ratirf, deception, falsehood, lie, roguery^ extravagance;

cf. atoro, nkontompo, hkonkonsa. [G. guile, John 1,47., hypocrisy.']

o-pasafo, i>^. a-, a rogue able to do every kind of mischief, in

the way of theft, lying, extravagance; akoa yi ye gp. = oye n^ade
sakasaka, odi nkwaseascm, oye onipa a obg ka, gtorofo, ohofwini.

mpasa-mpasa: onam mp., he goes about in ragged clothes.

pasaw, v., apdsAw, F. =: pase, apase.

pase, V. [red. pasep^se. Fort, j^asscar-se, Germ, spaziren. It.

spazziare] to walk (for amusement or exercise), take a walk, prome-
nade; mekopAsi, meko apds^ == mekogye mframa or mfare, mekg-
teetee m*apgwmu; mekgpasepase kakra, I am taking a short walk.
apas6, inf ambulation; mekg ap., s. pase.

m p d-as e, i. the lower part of the bed, = anaf6, nea wo nan kyere
ho. — A?, adv. unawares (prop. /row under the bed); cf mpaso;
Asantefo abefi yen mp., the Asantes have come over tis unexpectedly;
edgm biara rentumi mfa won mp., no enctny can take them by sur-
prise; wgahyewno mp., or mpaase-hy^w, they have burned the bush,
which he had cut, before he was ready for it, Gg. in his absence they
have done something at tahich he ougJit to have been present.

mpd-sferewd [serewA^wgApAw] small cowries, held in prefer-

ence to large. ones and therefore purposely selected.
J) a-s i k a, hire, wages.

mphsdj adv. [red. mpkso-mpiiso] 1. by chance, accidentally, un-

aicares. — 2. unadvisedly, inconsiderately, tlwughtlessly, witlwut
thought, carelessly; 6y^ n^ade mpasorapaso; s. sesekwd86m.

2i^ks6j plane; ajoinefs tool; s. pa, v. 4.

a pas 5; As. = epAw86, on the plain.

Apds5, pr.n. a town in Akwam.

mpasiia, the line(s) of battle; pr. 165.26.30 f — ba mp., toextend

the lines of battle; t w a mp., to arrange or arra^ the battle, to set tlie
battle in array; wgatwa Akwam so mp., they are encamped against
or ready to fight with Akwam; ohy^n mp. so, he had the lines of
battle formed. [G. gba ta.] — mpasiia-twa, inf.

patsiy v. 1. to ward off, keep off, prevent; wop. wo ka, you arc
kept from debt, pr. 157L — 2. to quell or quench the fire of a burning
house. — 3. (to make straight, plain, level) fig. to adjust, settle, com-
pose; to assuage, appease, allay, soften, sooth, quiet, pacify; to recon-
cile, conciliate, propitiate; to expiate, atone for; pata asem, to ad-
just a law-suit; mepataa won manso, I reconceUed their difference;
wapata ghene, lie has propitiated the king; wapata ne mfomso, ne

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364 pat a — pataku-nsono.

fom a ofom obene no, wapata, he has expiated his transgression a-

gainst the king, pr. 26S5. — [inf, mpata, q.vj

p a ta, v,to put together Join; as an aux, in connection with other

verbs it supplies the place of an adi\, together, at the same time, si-
mnltaneouslg. pr, 314.2425.3634. — mpatH hhoma abieh nkan, do not
read two books at tlie same time,
patd, pLm-y a scaffold innde of sticks on which plantains and
other fruits are preserved; shed; syn. apa. pr. 702.792 f. 2633 f.

a paid {pi, m-), apatAm\ poHico, entrance-holly vestibule, porch,

covered entrance; Qdan ketewa a wusi mu kah no. [The word is
more used in Ga, = Tw. ntwironod.] F. porch, common hall.

[Mt 26^1, 27,27,

mpata, inf, 1, the act of settling (a dispute), pacification, (re-)

conciliation, pr, 427, propitiation, expiation, atonement. — 2. the
means for ptacification dc, wgma mp. = wode biribi pata; indem-
nification, indemnity, pr. 2636,

mpdta, 1. a scaffold to stand upon in the building or repair of

houses; dua a wgkj^re no odah ho gyina so nw5ua a.s. wotaredan
no. — 2. litter, carrying frame (woyeno se apakah de sda funu ne
nam). — 3, & sort of bridge; wodky^re mp. wo asu yi so, e.s. wgA-
sisi nnda (w5) nsii no k6n ablen s6 na w6de nnud gd 86 k wonam sb.

apatd, slovenliness, sluttishness ; oyh ne dan mu ap., he neglects

cleanliness and order in his room,

pata, a. level, plain, open, free, denuded of trees or bush, bald,

bare; wadow hg (ma aye) p.; k&row no ho ye p:; saresoyep.; ko-
kop.; dua no so ye p. = kwati, without leaves, bare. C/l pSradadada.

apata', apatawd, pl.m-y fish; cf. enam, nsunam. Diff. kinds of

sea-fish (po-nam): esir^ (gydkii), basAewi, nsikowd, Antere, kokftro.
mpanei, mroan, nkramfod; - of river-fish (asubontcn mu nam): ko-
bi, apat^re, adwene; gd6, ^kusuw, ahkAw, t^re, akwatidbibiri.

mpdtabiribiri, commotion or agitation of a sheet of water;

nsu no bg mp. = nsuani him bebre.

pdtabubu, a rush, rushing motion and noise, rustle; boister-

ousness, turbulence: gde p. fi adiwo aba gdah mu, gde p. fi dua so
abefwease; adv, boisterously, tumultuously, noisily dtc. 6yh n'ade
nhina p., he does all his things impetuously.
mpata-de, F. -dze, satisfaction, propitiation, lJohn2,2,

0-pdtaf6, pi. a-, pacifier, appeaser, peace-maker; mediator, con-

ciliator; reconciler, propitiator, pr. 2637 f.

o-pataf6, j>Z. a-, sloven, slut, slattern; onipa a oye neho saka-
saka na onsiesie ne biribiara yiye; gsee ade na gye n*ade fi; cf.
obufo, burn (burum).

patdkdw, F.= betekaw, a kind of small ant; cf. t^t^a.

pataku, pi. m-, hyena; wolf; by-names: kuntuh, kuntump^
pataku-nsdta, a climbing plant ; sareso hama a wodi n'aba.

l)atakii-nsono, macaroni, made of a paste of flour into long,

slender tubes.

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mpatantwer — ap^w. 365

mpatantwer, F. a steep place, = gbo kronkrgn. Mk,5,]3.

ap&teram, |)Z. m-, a large kind of beans, pr.277.

apatere, ph m-, a kind oi river-fish; s, apata.

mpa-tid, a short-legged bed-stead; s. mpadua.

patipatiriw, red. v. s. patiriw.

apatiperew, a kind of bird. pr. 92.532, 2639ff.

apatipere-nkesud, a kind of beans; s. ase.

patiriansidw, a certain /bo^ prepared of red plantains and
palm-oil, eaten by widows; s. nteberefua.

apatiri-atom', an (unforeseen) accident; eyeeme (wq) ap. mu

= mpatuw mu, it happened to me or it befell me accidentally.

m pd-tirim [mpa tiri mu] the upper side of a bed.

mpa-tirim\ inf. [pa, pae, tiri mu] the parting of the hair on the
top of the head.

patiriw, 1?. [red. patipatiriw] /o glide, slide; slip, trip; to loose

footing, to miss a step; op. fwee ase; fig. to commit a fmdt; pr. 2461.
also watiriw.

pato, = odampan, a house or room with an open front.

pktoro-ptitoro, a. slippery; osu ato nti ok wan mu aye p.
mpd-to-so, inf. imputation, shuffle; wodii as§m no mp,, they
conducted tlie law-suit in a shuffling way; §.8. wopa a8§m bi to wo
yonko so, wuyi asem bi de hye wo yohko se quo na gyee; cf. pa..

[to .. so, under p a, v. 6.

patu, pi. m-, owl; ne mmran : aduamm$h, agyammeo. pr.533.
patuni = patu ani, the eye of an owl. pr. 2304.
' patu, V. s. patuw. — F. wgpatu bo mpae [ye asgr] tsentsen,
they for a pretence make long prayers. Mt 23,14. Mk. 12,40.
o-patu-kiim, unexpected killing.
o-patu-wii, a sudden death; cf. awusfn. pr.2544Ji646.
patu w, t;. \inf. m-] to surprise, overtake, to (?o something un-
expectedly, suddenly, at once, without warning, unawares, unlooked-
for, undevisedly, eny^ mpatuw a f patuw yen, U does not befall us
unprepared; mepatuw na mebaa ha yi, 7 came here without having
previously designed it; ade repatuw asa, t?ie night breaks in all of a
sudden; nnipa nhina remp. nwu, all men will not die at onccpr. 315.
4Ol.24O8.2430.2544.2643ff.3336. — mpatuw-mu, unexpectedly.
pa tw e: d i-, to laugh at, make sport of.
paw, V. [red. popaw] to choose, select'^ to pick out, more than
one or as many as possible of a plurality of things (or persons),
whilst yi is used of one object or of more; - mepaw nea mepe, I
choose what I like; gpaw ntrama fufu, he is picking out the white
cowries; opaw nkokg akgse, she selects the large fowls; ompaw won
mu biara, he makes no difference among them. pr. 1373.1625.
aptlw, F. falsehood, lie; twa apaw = boa, di atoro, twa hkon-
tompo; wuntwaap., = wommoa, tJiou doest not lie i.e. you are right,
you speak truth.

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366 pawa — ope.

paw a, [= pa, g.r.] ph (dim.) mpawA, a work or engagement

for hire or wages; job; - eye a, odidi mpawa-mpawa, occasionally
he undertakes a job.

pawa, pi. m-, F. plale, platter. Mt 23^5. cf, abeyea.

ap^wd, a round, flat, hollow vessel, made of one piece of wood,
used also for winnowing; gkorow tratra bia mmea de woii nneema-
nneema gum\

0-paw-hene, pL a-, elector, one of tbe princes of Germany for-

merly entitled to choose the emperor or king. Hist.

mpaw-mii, inf. selection, choosing, choice; sgn, nyiyim'; nnipa

mil mp. biara nni Nyankopon fam\ C/. Rom, 2^11. Eph, 6 fi. James 1,2.

e-pdw-s5, As. apaso, on the plain.

apaw-twd, inf; s. twa apaw.

p a-y kr& [pa, v. 17] a feigned or simtdated sickness, pr. 2579.

ampd-y6, inf. [ye ampa] reality, sureness. Prov. 2,7.8,14.

pe, V. [red. pepe] 1. to seek, pr. 818. to search for, procure, pro-
vide, to try to get; pe bdrg-hhoma bi ma me, get me a piece of paper.
— pe ade, to seek riches, try to become rich; pe ade nya, to gather
riches, become rich, make a fortune. — 2. to desire, wish, want, will,
be willing, intend, followed by an objective complement and a verb
in the consec. form or by the conj. se, pr. 2647 ff. 266 L Gr.%2bQE€nK;
ope mo aye, he would like to be in your place; ope se ohu ade nbina
kronkron, he wants to know everything clearly; mempe wo agom,
/ do not want to have you for my play-mate or friend, pr. 415. —
3. pentemye, to be quick in doing, to do quickly, pr. 418. — 4. repe
followed by the consec. form of another verb, to be going to; afei na
erep§ adah atntuw, now it would probably have come (or, it nearly
came) to a quarrel. — 5. to like, love, be fond of, Gr. § 203 Bern.;
memp^no, / do not like him; ampah pe sum, the bat likes the dark;
mepe n'asem, I like him lit. his word i.e. his conversation, I am
fond of him; - mempe n'asem, I will have nothing to do with him. —
pe atutuw, to be quarrelsome; ope atntuw dodo nti obiara mp4
n'asem, because he is very quarrelsome, nobody will have any thing
to do with him; - pe adifude, to be greedy. — 6. to love a person
of the other sex. pr. 2666.

p 6, a* l.like, alike, same; ye pe, se pe, to be alike, to be tJie same;

nnipa abien nose pe, those two men are like each otJier; nsem abieh
no ase se pe, the meaning of these two words is the same. — 2. com-
plete, perfect; onipa yi te ho pe; ne ho nhina pe.

p6, p6pe, p^pSpe, adv. exactly, accurately, precisely; just,

even, btk, only; completely, thoroughly, perfectly; adan anah pe wo
kfirow yi mu, there are but (^or only) four houses in this village; wosi
nnipa oha pepe, tJiere are exactly a hundred people; wasiesie ne dan
mu pepepe, he has put his room in excellent order.

0-pe, inf. 1. will, desire; wope a wope nye, thy will be dope
(Mt. 26,42.); ope na mepee se mehu wo anim, I have heartily desired
to see thy face (Lk. 22,15); cf. apede. — 2. love or affection for a per-
son of the other sex, amorous passion; ope fi dompem', love comes

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ope — pe. 367

from the inmost heart, the hearfs core, prop, from the interior of the

\hone. pr, 2671,

0-pe, 1, the harmattan, a dry and cool north-easterly wind from
the interior of Africa, which blows in December, January and Feb-
ruary toward the Atlantic ocean, and is usually accompanied by
a haze which obscures the sun; it withers vegetation and shows
the effects of its excessive dryness in the skin, lips, nose &c. of the
human body, in things made of wood, leather &c. — ope asi, the har-
mattan has set in. pr, 2672 f. — - 2, the dry season, from Dec. to Feb.,
marked by the harmattau-wind, the haze and fine dust accompa-
nying it, extreme drought and a cloudless sky. Cf opebere, ofupe,
apenemma, opepon. Qpe afe adu. Ope mu a.s. ofupe mu wobu aba
row tu d6 (mpowm'), ntommo, koko...

pe, night-watching; s\ ^^e^td sit up at night, pr, 2155.

pe, adv, thicMy; mme nko na ehye ho pe; cf pepe.

6 pe, = kontromfi, a kind of ape, chimpanzee, [G. ekpe, hahoon,^
ape, a by-name of the dog, s. okraman.
6-pd, a by-name of the cat, s, agyinamoa.

p e, V, [red, pep6] to throw or cast upon or a/, to strew, scatter,

sow (F. Mk. 4,3,); to sprinkle; syn, pete, which is also used of li-
quids, whilst pe is not; - wgde hhwea pe no, they throivsand at him;
wode nhwea pe wo dan mu a, §ye yiye, if you strew sand on the
floor of your room, it is well; ode kokote ape afuw so, he has sown
guinea-corn on the plantation. — pe w e, to he frustrated in an attack
or attempt; wape awe, he did not succeed, Jie has made a fruitless
attempt; cf sian.

p e: to .. pe, /o asperse, slander, calumniate, vilify; wato me pe,

he has spoken ill of me.

mpe, the matter found sometimes, espec. after the sleep of the
night, in the corner of the eye^pr, 615, oto.. ho mpe (e.s. obo biribi
din dimmone se eny6 fe, osopa no), he speaks of it despicably, con-
temptuously. Ex, 14,31,

ape, impediment or cessation in growth; to ape, to cease from

growing, to remain stationary (used of children); abofra no nnyin
kora, watg ape, this child does not groiv at all, it remains as it is, it
is of a dwarfish growth, below the common stature or size; wannyin
yiye, gnko soro yiye, wanyin (wo) mfrihyiam*, na onnyifi ten ten a.
kese mu.

pe, adv. even? "anka wgreye ato Rina hempon no wo n'aheii-

kdrom^ Pekin ho pe, they were about to attack the Emperor of China
even (?) in his capital Peking.

I)e, V. [red. pepe] mu, to search, examine, scrutinize, investigate,

inquire; kope no mu yiye (na) benya bi beka kyere me ; on^na ogyi-
na ho yi, woaiikasa pepe no mu na hQno nokware; wopepee mu
na wobisae, Jud, 6,29. pepe asem no mu yiye na woanni atoro.

pe, V. to fleer, gibe, flout, sneer, scoff, mock at; ope no, he mani-
fests his contempt of him by producing a sound tcith the vibrating
lips, espec. the lower lip (prr).

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368 \) ^h — o pdha.

p6&[Eng. pearl mountain-peart avocado-pear, Laurus persea;

a fruit-tree introduced by the Basel missionariesfrom the West-Indies.

apea? s. apeatow. — Apea, pr. n. m.

pSa, t?. to grow thick, hard, firm, strong, stanch, solid; ne nnom-
pem' ap6a, his bones have grown stout, sound or robust; ode no
mu apea, the yam has grotcn consistent, substantial, is no more sofl
and waterish.

ap6d, a kind of plant; wura bi a emu nsu keka henehenehene;

aduru bi, n^aba fef^fe, wode to nhnan kon mu.

ap6-^-begye-bf, a by-name of the dog, s, ok ram an.

pe-ade-a-hu, a successful seeker; woye p., you have been lurk^
in finding the things sought for,

apea-nimma, pr, 2674. — apeapeawa, Ak. pr, 1643,

apea-tow, tribute; s. §tow. — Apeawa, pr,2675,

e-peaw, pi. m-, spear, lance; syn. peme.

inpebeb6, filthiness, nastiness; ne h5 mp.! = ne ho nsemmone

a.s. nneema a enye doso bebre.

o-j)e-bere, the time in which the harmattan blows (s. ope), the
dry season.
pebiakrro, s, akyenkyena.

ap^-de [ope ade] 1. Ak. nea wgpe, uill, desire; F. apedze {ho-
nam n'ap., s^inftd desires of the flesh), — J2, Ky. = ade a wgape,
things acquired, riches; Akr. adepede. — 3. nea gbarima de akye
nempSnft, love-token, love-favour; the j;nce of a whore.

o-p6du, ten thousand. — g-pedu-akr6n, ninety thousand.

o-pedu-anAn, forty thousand. g-pedi!i-asa, thirty thousand,

o-pedii-onu, twenty thousand, o-pedu-oniim, fifty thousand.

o-pedu-osia, sixty thousand. g-pedu-g86n, seventy thousand.

g-pedu-ow6twe, eighty thousand. — Gr. § 78,2.5.

pe-dua, = pidua, kyepe.

pee, V. to chisd, to cut, pare, gouge or engrave with a chisel;

to enchase; to cut out, carve; wgde as^nsiisiia pee akoraten n^ nko-
rasimma. {Cf. pepee.)

pee, 1. graver, graving tool, chisel, burinc, gouge; screw-driver,

turn-screw. — J2. midi no pee = menya no nketenkete, mey§ no
hkakra-nkakra, meny^ no bd bO.

ap6gya-de [ade a wo wgfa pe de agyaw wo] inheritance, ti pos-

session transmitted or to be transmitted at the death of its owner to
another as his heir; syn. awunnyade, agyapade.

0-p (5gy afo, pi. a-, heir, inheritor, successor; pr. 2950, — gye me
p. = nea mepe ade magyaw no.

apegyebi, s. apeabegyebi.

o-peha, a hundred thousand. — gpehd-nndn, 400,000; gpebA-

hkr6ri, 900,000; gpehd-nsU, 600,000; gpehA-nstin, 700,000; opehA-
nnu, 200,000; gpeh4-nnum, 500,000; gpehd-uwotw^, 800,0(X); oye-
hksa, 300,000.

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opehuhi — pemm6. 369

o-pe-huhA, many thousands, hundreds of thousands. Gr. § 78,6.

epei, F. interj, of surprise.

o-pe-ku,t inf, the act of voting , vote,

nipekua: bo (di) mp., to disregardy disparage, disrespect, shoio

disrespect to, hold in no esteem; gbo me so mp. = n*ani ns6me, ode
me bye afe, ode me ye me se ne yonko. — nipekua-bo, inf. dis-
paragemetit, disrespect, arrogance, insolence, impudence.

mpekua-sem: odi me so mp. = ope mo ode me ye ne yonko.

pem', F. = pam\ pa mu, pae mn, paw mu. Mt. 3^3.9,27. Mk. 1,3.
pern, V. [red. pempem] 1. to strike, knock, push, thrust on or
against, to hit; me batwew apem dua, mg elbow has knocked against
a piece of wood; me ti apem dan, / have knocked my head against
file lintel of the door of the house; ka.. pem auo, to slam: mframa
aka pon no apem dan no ano, the wind has slammed the door. —
J2. to reach to: bepem, kgpem, as far as; kan no a Osu-brofo te ase
no, won na wodi cfi Osii so kopem Ada, formerly tvhen the Danes
were in the counlry, it was they that ruled from Christiansborg to (or,
as far as) AdI (Addah). — 5. to concern, touch, relate or belong to,
to affect the interest of: en'de, epcm me den? tvhat is that to me? me
de, emp^m me, it is no business or concern of mine; cf fa., ho. —
4. to discompose, disconcert, ruffle; asem bi mp^m no da (mfi no mii
da) nothing takes him by surjmse, finds him unprepared, he is al-
ways ready. — 5. pem.. ase, to suspend, to debar from any privi-
lege or enjoi/ment; yepem won ase wo Awurade adidi ho, we suspend
them from the Lord's supper. — 6\ to miss fire, flash in the pan: otno
peme. — 7. pem .. anim, to double.

o-pem: bo-, to make a halt, stop or stand; onipa no abo pem

=- onam nam na wagyina; dgm no abo p., s. pemmg; gpem ara na
adwuma no abobg mma nhina, the work has come to a stand, is at a
stand-still everywhere,

apem, pi. m-, a thousand, pr. 2676. Gr. § 78,5.

mpemma, a kind oi plantain, s. gbrgde.

pema, F. == poma, staff. Mt. 10,10.
p^me, i??. m-, spear, lance; syn. peaw.
pe m §, a. heavy, not light, weighty, ponderous; syn. duru ; sum-
pi ye p.; n'adesoa a gso ye p. nti, ontiimi hkaneho; wakyekye ade-
soa p. de asi ho se memmesoa.

mpem'fo, F. ^le elect, Mt. 24,31. s. mpamfo.

0-pemf6, pi. a-, a tcoman in pregnancy, a woman who is with

child; pr. 1194. s. yem.

mp6m-nnan, 4000; mpem-nkr6n, 9000; mpem-unum, 5000;

mpem-nstd, 6000; mp6in-nsuii, 7000; nipem-iiwotwe, 8000. Cf.
mp^nsd, mp&nnu. Gr. § 78,4.

mpem-anim. inf. doubling; double amount of a debt. pr. 1497.

apem-nfe-aaa, s. mpenna.
pem-m6, inf. [bgpem]: bg p., to fall down or backward into
a sitting posture; pr. 415.3280. cf. dgmpemmg.


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370 gpemind — pen.

0-pein-m6, pi. a- [pern (?), obo] a heavy kind of stone, containing
iron ore, or consisting of gravel or pebbles conglomerated or ce-
mented together.

pempam, pompam, red, v., s, pim.

pempam, pomp&m, red, v., 5. pam.

pern pan, pompan^ red, t?., s. pan; wopempdn ahaban, they

pully tear or pluck off leaves,

pern p 6, p6mp6,pZ. m-, hUlock, knoll; a heap or mass of earth

forming a low eminence or elevation, as an ant-bill; tnound of earth,
bank, embankment, bulwark, rampaH; cf. kop^mp^; pampa, koko.
mpempem, F. thousands; s, apem. [pr, 3119.

pempem, red,v,, s, pern; to move to and fro, to thrust about;

mpempemma, a kind of 5maW6ir^5 living in companies of 20-30.
a p e m p 6 m, extortion, exaction by force or with usury; - si., ap.,
to extort, exact, screw or press out, force, wrest or wring money &c.
from, under pretence of some righteous claim ; osi ap. = ogye sika,
akoa, ntama n.a. na oboapa ye se nea owo ho kwan. Obi de wo ka
na woabye no ho da, na da no nnui e na woboapa ara liye no ani-
bere se wogye no ho, na onnyi bi mma wo a, na wugye no (nsa) hi
ka ho. pr. 147, — apempen-si, inf [si apemp^m] the act of extort-
ing, practice of extortion; deceit-

o-pempensff6, pi. a-, extortioner, pr, 710.

pern p§ II, red,v, pen; p. so, to give partial, previous or pre-

liminary indications, to give hints, allusions or intimaUons, to do in
a preliminary manner, to take preliminary measures, make previous
arrangements or observations, make preparations; to sketch; - opem-
p^n' asem no so ka, = onki asem no hhina kora, na obuba so ka
mii b), nanso uetitiriw no de, §wo ho; oman no hq a ebebg no afi
ase pempeh so, the impending ruin of the nation begins to come on,
shows itself already in single facts; nesee repempen so ba, her de-
struction begins, draws near, approaches. Jer, 48,16,

mpempeu-s6, inf. hints, oHlusions, intimations ; j^. 2677, -pre-

paratory acts; sketch, outlines,

pempen, red.v, pen; to pull, drag, draw forth, put forth, take
along with violence, Ac, 19,29. 33,

mpempens5n6, a kind of oAro, nkrOma bi a ensow ntem.

pen, V. (to strike, hit^) s. red. pempeh.

p e n, t?. topuU(at), to draw, drag, tear; to squeeze, pinch, twinge,

ttceak, twitch; s^w.twS; titi; open m^aso, me nsa, m'anah, atade, nta-
ma, kyew, hama, adaka ; wgkopen no de no baa guam', they fetched
him and pulled him along (dragged him) into the assembly. — p. ma,
to tighten, straiten, strain, stretch; cf. dwom; opp, gow.

p e 11, pl.m-y 1. orig. a stroke ? — 2. a time, one titne, once = pen-

koro, Gr. § 81. 130,4., ever, before, in neg. sentences never; cf. da,
dabi ; the point or portion of time in which an action is performed
or an event occurs ; performance or occurence of an action or event
with reference to repetition; woaba ktlrom ha pen ana? have you

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p6u — penpeii. 371

ever been in this town? maba ha pen, I have been here once; mam-
mA ha pen, I have never been here; wokoo ho pen ana? did you
ever go there? mako ho mpeu anah, / have been there four times;
onyare pen, ?ie is never ill; mentee pen, I never heard it; pr. 1906.
— cf, mpreh, preko, mpgrennu, mpgrensfi; ahorow, ntow. — 3. in
cpds: a series, row, number or succession of things presenting them-
selves together, at the same time or in the same manner; cf, dap^ii,
ky^repen, abup^n, nk6p^h, tip6n, bu^p^n, ascmp^n.

pen [obsol.] the upper part of the chest about the collar-bone.

p6n [full e] 1, a single stroke on, or beat of, the drum, or the
sound of it: pen ny^ ay an; pr, 2678. — J^. the sound of breaking:
dua no abu p^ii (pen pen), (diff. pep^p^p^); s. pen-pen. — 3. pen
pen, the sound of a slow and measured pace, firm steps; pr. 1107. o-
nantew' p.p., he walks with measured steps; cf. pan pan.
0-peii, by-name of the dog; s. okraman.

pen [Eng.] pen, steel-pen.

peu, adv. distinctly; bo wo din p., tell your name distinctly/

mpena, openammiri, s. mpra, Qprammiri.
mpen-na, mpenn^wd [tet. apem-n^-ada] 1. a kind of an^, pr.778.
mmoa nketenkete bi a wgte se nt^t^a na wofwe nnipa. — ^. a kind
of dotted chinte, ntama a n'ani ye nketenkete.

mpenna-twdwu, the nest of those ants; won dan a ete se nea

ahohow ye no nnua so; won hh. abom' preko na wosen ho.

pene, V. [red. penepene] 1. to pinch {?cf. pen); neho peneno

kakra, he is a little indisposed, euph. said of kings or high persons,
even when they are really sick (oyare papapa po a, se woka no
nen). — J2. to groan or sigh from pain or ill treatment (c/*. si apini,
from grief); mekotoono no, na orepen^p^ne. pr.3040. cf. pini ^. —
3. to assent, consent, to express agreement, concurrence or concession ;
to agree, be content; mapene, / am content; - to grant; - p. so, to
admit, concede, grant; to allow, permit; mereka sa no, wans6 fwe,
na gpene ara na openee so, whilst I was thus speaking, he said no-
thing, but was constantly expressing his consent.

g-pene, inf. 1. groaning. — 2. consent; cf mpeneso.

mpe'nema, mp^neme, s. mper ...

mpSnen, mpSnensa, == mpreh, mprensa.

apenepene, inf. [s. pene 2.] groaning from old age.
m penes 6, inf. assent, consent; concurrence, acquiescence.

Mp6ni, pr. n. of a fetish (s. gbosom) and a tree at Akropong of

the kind called opant6, in which the stems and leaves of several
climbers are intertwined (Qfont6 a ete se hama na akouyfn wom' ho).

0-penimmd, name of a month, about December; s. osram.

mpenkyiren [full e] = mpokyere, iron fetters.

mp§-n 5d [ope, ano] the time bordering on or contiguous to the dry

season; Akr. autumn, Ak. the end of the harmattan season.

p enp e n [full e] 1. a. brittle, fragile; girase, afwefwe, dua, hama

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372 apensa — Qpep^m.

&c. opp, hu3, tough, — 2, n, a tin-vessel with a lid; sany^ kurnwa

bi a woakata so a wode nom nsu.

ape-n s a, pay for making; opoh no ap. si atiri 4; ogyee me ap.

se, so much he made me pay for making (for the making of it).

mpensa, a transitory swelling of the heel and back of the foot,

causing a traveller to rost Tor a while; if frequently recurring, it
may turn into gyapim.

mpensa [mpem nsaj three tlwusand, Gr. § 78,4.

pensepense, t7. to Jtohhle, limp, walk lamely.
o-pen-sian [infy pern, sian] invincihUj impregnable; ene-yide,
Asantefo nye op. bio.

ap ^ n t ^, apente-ba, a child whose mother, having lost previous

children by death, gave it a name signifying o slave in general, as
Odohkg, or the slave of a fetish, e.g. Kwadade, or a name referring
to death, as Dowuona, or any despicable name (e.g. suroana), in
order to ensure for it a longer life; a child that lives after the moth-
er has lost many children.

pentemmerefu, pr, 1172. •

mpentemi, a kind oi plant; wode nedna sfim afiri; wode nV

haban bo akisikuru odudo.

penteii, v, /o flounce, flounder , fling, jerk; pr,2323, op. neho'

he flings his limbs and body.

mj)eDriii [mpem nnu] two thousand. Gr. § 78,4.

apen-nuasa = gpedu-asa, thirty thousand; an enormous mnl-
titude. pr. 449.

pep a, red. v. pa, = popa. — mpepare, 5. mpopare.

p^pe, pepOpe, adr. s. pe.
pepe, a. pepepep^, adv. 1. firm, hard; consistent, dense; ahara-
matfl abieh ka bom' a, eye pepe = kesekese, opp. fgsof6sg, pr. 1296.
— 2. dense, close; nkdrofo boaboa wgnho ano pep^ or pep^p^p^ =
pftipiti. Luk. 11,29.

pep^p^pe(p6p6) adv. expressing the i^stling sound of dry

leaves trod upon or otherwise broken; gp^ ba na wokg wuram'tia-
tia nhabamma so a, eye p...; ade a owia ahyew na aguan bobu

p ; syn. pereperepere, cf. dwedwe...

pepe (mu) s. pe (mu), r., dt cf. pepee.

peped, a kind of yam; s. gd^.
o-p e p 6 d u, ten millions. Gr. § 78,5.
pSpee, red. v. pee; cf. pe, pe mu; p. mu, to search, examine^
investigate; wopepee asem mu a, wuhQ nekabea.

pej)^(5 [pe v.]covetousness, avarice, niggardliness; syn. nkye-

ky6. — o-p e p e ef6, pi. a-, one tvho is covetous, avaricious person,
miser; syn. gkyekyefo.

Q-p e p 6 h a, a hundred millions.

Q-pepeh^, many millions, innumerable muHtUudes. Gr. § 78,6.

0-pep6m, pL m-, [apem] a million.

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opep^mndn — peredV^ane. 373

o-pepeni-nan, m-, four millions^ cf, mpemnan &c. Gr. § 78,5.

o-pepensa, m-, three millions; - o-pepcnnu, m-, two millions.

o-pepep6ra, m-, a thousand millions, a milliard.

u-pepetQ, = opepehft; nkrah a mekoh&G won ho beje p.
p^p'Sre, cloves, the spico obtained from the Caryophyllns
aromaticns. [/>•. Eng. pepper, but cf, scssL.]
pep6r^, red. v., s. pfere.

pdpSre, a. thick, said of wales on the skin; atdp^ na ej6 p.

pepew, red.v,, s. pew.
inp^pew: di mp., to glean, to gather ears of grain left by reap-
ers; odi abiirow (mu) mp.

mpepgwd, ears of grain left by reapers; — abdrow mp., the

small ears of corn which are easily left behind,
mp^pew-di, inf., the act of gleaning.

Op§-p6ii, name of a month, about January; s. gsram; the sea-

son of the year in which the harmattan wind prevails; s, op^.
pepu, pepuda, papu9 F. fever. Mt.8,14f. Mk.lfSOf.
p6r § se [cf. pe] after a neg. v, & biako, (none) at all; wofwc-
fwe a, wurchhfi biako pere se, you will not find any; nsu biako p.
se nni kuruwa no mu, not a drop of water is in the jug,

per, i;. F. to strive, struggle, press upon. Mt 12,19. Mk. 3,10,

per 6, V. [red. per^p^re] 1. to struggle; to make efforts with a
twisting or with contotiionsof the body (pr. 559); to strive, contend, use
great efforts; to labour in pain or anguish, to be in agony; wuyi ano-
ma na oye kitikitikiti putuputuputu a, wuse: oper6 or 6p^re (pi.
wopep^r^?^; Qper6 or 6pere, 6peree, he is in the agonies ^or struggle)
of death. — ^. to strive or contend for, pr, 3667. — to defend, protect,
fight or plead for; opere neh6, uh tf, he defends his own life; pr.325S.
mepere me ti fi ne sotoro ho, I defend my head against his bloics, I
strive to ward off a box on my ear; opere no = ogye ne ti, he de-
fends him, fights for him; op. ama onipa yi, he pleads for this man;
mepere^ no na wonnkum no. — 5. = p6re J2.3.

pfere, r. [red. pepere] 1, = per^ 1. — J2. ne ho p. no (= haw

no), he is impatient, passionate (nea orefvvefw§ no, ontumi ntwen
gye 8§ ne nsa aka ansa). — 3. p. ho, to be anxious, impatient ox-
eager for, to be unquiet, fidgetty about, pr. 559. to desire ardently; syn.
bo ho mmgden. — 4. (p. kwan,) to go, walk or travel along ;'pr. 2679.
yehyiaa no na oresii pere kwah no ba; eha de, wons6 mp^r^ mAn!
opere kwan ko Jerusalem, he is on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
,0-pere, inf. struggle; the agonies of death.
ape re e, a place for defence, bulwark, rampati, intrenchmcnt ;
cf. akdpempe.

e-pere-begye-bi, a by-name of the dog and the goat.

perede, perededede, = parada, paradadada, plain, extensive,
bare of trees; sare p., a grassy plain, steppe or savanna.
peredwane, Ak. s. pereguan.

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374 operefw^ — apereper^.

0-pere-fw6, inf. [perew, fwe] secret derision; - wodi nop., they

make merry of him f ridicule him in secret, s.pereperc; pr.2680. opere-
fwe-di ye yaw sen afedi pa.

perego, s. prego.

pereguaii, pL m-, an amount o£ gold-dust equal to 36 ackies

or dollars, 4^2 ounces, or ^ 8. J2/'i. — pr. 7 16. 2681-86.

mpere-ho, inf. impatience, eagerness, impetuosity, haste, hurry,


aperekesima, a kind of rodent animal.

p6re-k6, s. preko.
o-pfirem', perem... s. oprem, prem...

mp6reinma (mpewa), hail-shot, aboba nketenkete; s. hagire.

mperem^, mp^nem§, id.; a kind of bead; s. ahen^.
ap6rempesiwd, a flat piece of wood with five thin and flat
sticks on it, of unequal length, which are strummed or thrummed
with the fingers and accompanied by singing for the dancing of
children; dua frafra [tratra] na wofiti mu anum na wosen mpopa
a.s. adob§ ntSantga 5 na wode kyekyere so ma ebinom ware kyen
hi, na wode dna biako hye dua n^ mpopa no ntam* wo soro, na w^de
biako hye fam* saara, na ano moma so ko soro, na wobo, na woto
d^om na mmofra saw.

mperen, perenn..., s. mpren, pren....

aperenten: tu ap., to hasten one's journey, to travel by forced

marches; = pe ntem tu kwah; wutu kwah a, nea vfddk h6, w6n*ni

hg na wutwa ho koda wo anim, na wokodu nea woreko ho no ntem.

Q-p6r6nten, a kind of drum, s. akyene.

0-p 6r6ntenk6ro,a certain play at a funeral ; otutu p., he calls

people out for that play.

p6rentoa, flask, flagon.

p6repere, forwardness; oy ^ p., he is precocious, premature,

forward; cf. aperewa; akokoa a odi mpanyinsem.

p6rep6rep6re, adv. = pep^pAp^, dwedw6dwWw^.

p6r§p6re (= perepere): 6y^ p., he is forward, pert; rash,
hasty, precipitate; ode ne nsa keka nneema fihina a ohu ; ontnmi
ntra ftlko; oy§ p. wo okasam^ = asem biara a emfa no ho no, ogye
ka; n'ano ye p. = one miipa a ohu asem na ontumi nkata so.

pferepere: 6ye (ade no ho) p., lie is impatient, unquiet, eager,

rash, hasty, precipitate (about it), he precipitates the matter.
per6p6re, red. v., s. pere; neho perepere no, he is eager.
aperep6r6, inf. the striving for right or mastery or for the pos-
session of a thing; syn. akamekame; - di ap., to struggle, contend
(ho, for); to dispute, quarrel, wrangle, contest; wodi ap. = nnipa
banu kura ade 1, na oyi regye, na oyi nso regye; oyi se: ^sqse
midi panyin, na oyi nso se: ese sc nso me na midi; oyi susuw 8$:
m^asem na §y§ de, na oyi nso susuw se: n*asem na eye d§; - »p»
te se akyinnyc, na §ny^ enoara: s§ mise: me de na eye, na oyi ^e:

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apereperesem — opesem^dlfo. 375

me dena eye, na nea ebeye no, oko aba; - ap., emu ye den a, ropoa-
twa na aba.

apereperesem, a matter of contention, dispute or quarrel.

apere-s§m, apology, Kurtz §7,
peresuru, As. a weight of gold. = 5 dollars or ackies, 1 L2 sSd,
o-per^t6so, inf. [perew to obi so] the act of shifting off a thing
9inA putting it on another, op. wo yen asafom', one waits for tJie other,
tciU not do more than another in our congregation; opp. akansi.

pereperew, v. red. \s. perew] to intimate, give a hint, notice

or call hy a slight touch with one or more fingers; op. me se mem-
mSra;-- woperepere wonho f^e no, they pinch each other and look
(at each other and) at him, making merry and ridiculing. him; cf.

perew, v. i. /o touch slightly, to pinch; s. before. — ^. to re-

move a small thing with the finger or toe (pirew, to roll a heavy thing);
to send away with a jerk, to fling, jerk off; intr. to jerk, spring, to
crack off, hurst or fly off; pr. 1249.1251. p. sekan no ma me; p. nta-
kfira no kyene; p. (sika) powyi to fotom'; cf. petepSrewa. — 3.
to shift off, shuffle off; cf. operetoso.
kp 6 r e w, claw of a crab. pr. 1743.

aperewd, a precocious, premature, fast and forward person,

mostly used of girls; cf, p^repere, perepere.

mperewh-s^m^ forwardness, pertness, — mperewas^mf6: 'n^-

mmafb mp., young fast i.e. rash and inconsiderate fellows,
m perew a, a, play at funeral customs.

p fere-were [nea gpere were, who pleads for a piece of skin,

as he gets no soft meat] orphan (ayisIL mm&ran).

perper, F. ye p. (= pepe?) to he just. Cf. perepere.

o-pesare, a kind octree; s. gpesere.
p§se, V. s. pesew. — Q-p^s^, a-, s. obese, apeseb&ro.
Pdse, pr. n, a village in Akwam. — Op6s§, pr, «. m.
Ap^e, pr. n. a village near Abonse, Aknapem.
mp^se, ^Z. mpese-mp^se, a small tuft of hair; nhwia w6de sdw
n^ samind akyim ma dk^ h6 sk. - bo mp., to form tufts, to join or
twist the hair into tufts by mixing with it some glutinous matter.

p^se, p6sepese, adv, altogether, quite; neho (ye) p^se, he is

quite well; gfvrefwe asem nom' p^sepese, he carefully or thoroughly
investigates the matter.

apese-burow, L maize planted in August (before or in the

second rainy season), of which it is doubtftd whether it will come to
ripeness or full growth (abGrow a wgnani nnd so se gbeye yiye);
pr, 115. — s. abesebiiro. — 2. pr. n, of an apentgba, s. don kg.
apes^e, 2?^ m-, hedgehog, urchin; s. fiampakwA, siadeboa.
mpesee, the tufts of blossoms of the maize; pr. 674, abfirow tu
mp., the maize blossoms. [G. able egba ahwdnya.]
ape-s§m-adi, litigious disposition, intermeddling.
Q-p§sem^d(fo [nea gpe asem adi] litigious person, busybody.

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376 Apesem^kafo — petep^te.

Apesem^ka-fo, sing.O'-m^ pr.n. the king's "asafo* at Akro-
pong: ahene-mma n4 abeanana n6 wonhkoa; Asohkofo ne Akuro-
pontb a eka nhina.

ape-se-iiko-ny a, self-interest, selfishness [Vit^aliking that one

alone gets a thing]; me de, mikyi apese(me)nk6(mi)n7a ; w6y^ ape-
8e(wo)nk6nya! oyk ape8e(ne)nk6nja.

0-p6sere, a thorny tree, used for building purposes and fuel.

p e s § w, t?. /o tug, worry; - to pull to pieces, to pi^l or pluck

in pieces; p. dokono mu, s, nkokowd; - to piU in disorder; to di-
shevel (nbwi mu, the hair); - intr. to hang in a loose and negli^&ni
manner, to flow without confinement; ne nbwi mu ap.; - to blossom
(of maize); syn, bwanyan.

p^sewa, pZ. m-, a penny tcorth of gold-dust; pr, 2685/. mpese-

wakoro, Ak. id, F. Mk. 6,37, — p^sewa-bo, the dark-blue seed
of a leguminous plant (climber), used for the smallest gold- weight;
the plant yielding such seeds, with dark-green leaves, as of beans,
and brown-red flowers growing into pods, of which there are three
on each peduncle, containing two seeds each.

p 6-siy inf [si pe] abstinence frotn sleep at night, the act of keep-
ing awake, a wake, night-waking; watch, vigil; lucubration.

ampesf, Ak. apesie, boiled plantains before they arc pounded

for fufu. pr, 114,405.2821,

apeso, pi, m-, F. scissors. Cf, akape.

ap6sow,pZ.m-, a wild animal, similar to a monkey, very fierce;

also called kit a den, from the extraordinary strength of its paws;
52/«. aberebe; sloth.

pesii, j?L m-, hen-coop; syn, ak6kobuw.

pete, v., s, petew.

pete, V. [red, petepete] to scatter, strew; op. abiiro ma nkoko.

- to sprinkle; osii p., it drizzles; F. to be scattered abroad, Mt.2S^L

- bo., pete, to scatter, dissipate, disperse; syn. pansam, fwete; cf. pe.

o-p et6, pi. a-, vulture, carrion-kite ;pr, 2687 ff, — by-names: ko-
kosakyi, akrampa, kwakye, oborobin. — opete-tak&ra, a feather
of a vulture. — opete-ntgn, = ntomme, a kind of palm?

mpet6, small-pox; cf, bSrompete.

mpete-twa, pock-hole, pock-mark, grain of small-pox.

p6te, a. open, free, plain, clear, unobstructed by trees &c. F.
manifest: no mu da ho p., it is manifest, — n. the open field (babi
a eho nni wura na eliQ ye hann, ok wan a emu ye; ofaa pete mu.
- adv. plainly; openly, F. Mk,8,:i2. syn, fe, pefe, fann, kete.

pete a, pi. m-, finger-ring, of gold or silver; ohye sika p.; cf.
ka , tohkoka , nomllfuru.

petebere-nyankobere, pr. 534. [cf apeterebi.

apetebi, a kind ofopurow, squirrel, not e^tcn. pr. 1101.2692.3129.

mpetema, spot, speck or stain produced by sprinkling, splask-
ing or spattering, pr.3116.

petepete, red, v., s. petg; osu p., it drizzles.

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pdtepofi — pia. 377

p^te pon, «. large; meko p.mii, meko m'afuw p. n6 mu (nnee-

nia pi, abrode pi, abdrow ne nneema wom^).

petep6rewa, pi. mpetepra [pSrew], 1. spring, trigger of a

springe or bird-trap (apa). — J2, Ebia vvokan ade a, enna mmofra
de si akyiri; asem kwa na wode ka; cf, aseserebe.

petere, v, to writhe, wriggle; wukum wo na onwiee wu a,

op. ; apata no p.

apeterebi, opeterebie-kuru, s. apetebi. pr. 2693.

peterepeter6: onnA hokomm, naoy^ p., he is unquiet, fid-

gety, restless. [G. fidSitefidSite, fitrifitri.]

pete w, v. ^0 bruise, quash, squash, crush, grind, pound, to dash

in pieces; to be bruised, crushed &c. cf. fetew, potow.
apeti, 5. apiti.

p6tgp6tg, a. thick; dote aye p. = d. mu ayeduru, SLj^iw.pr.lSOd.

petu, F. s, patii, patnw.

p e w, i;. [red.]^epew] to remain behind, be backward in grotcth;

onipa yi apew = wato ape; unua no apepew, n'aso apew = n'aso
ye den, he is disobedient,

mpewd, B. small shot; s. mpgremma, hfigire.

pewd, a. many, plenty, plenteous, plentiful, copious; syn. pi,

bebre, domankama; wob^ttimi adl akutii p. yi ana? wonsem p6wa
a wubisabisae no.

pew a, a kind of play; Akyemfo mma agoru bi.

mpewd: di mp., to retail; to hciwk, peddle.
mpewa-di, inf. retail-business, retail-trade; hawking, peddlery.
o-pg wadlf6, pi. a-, retailer, retail-dealer, small dealer; peddler,
hawker, huckster, pr. 767.

O-peyi, a kind of amulet, s. suman.

pi, v., s. piw.

p\, adv. very, truly, indeed; asem a woka yi §wom* pi, ete sa
pi ; syn. ampa. F. papa ara pi. Mk. 7fi.

pi, pi, pirn' = pa, pam', cf. apiapow.

pi, a. much, many. — adv. much, very much. — F. pi n'ara,

many, very many, Mt 3,7. 33,23. - syn. bfebre, ]p^wi, ddmankSma.

in pi, stubbornness, obstinacy; scorn, disdain, spite; insolence,

affront; crossness, peevishness; 6yh mpl, he is froward, refractory,
obstinate; syn. atfia.

nipi-y6, inf. frowardness, obstinacy, peevishness.

pi a, pi, m-, back-room, chamber, a small room for sleeping or

retirement, for keeping treasures or stores, store-room, tcarehouse;
syn. pumpunu, pakusn; gener. opposite to asa (on the other side
of the yard); odi (ohene) pia (== of we ohene nneema so wo ne fi),
he is (the king's) chamberlain; odi guadifo yi pia, he.is the steward
of this merchant,

p i a, v. [red. piapia q. v.] to press or push onward, forward or

upward; to urge on; to promote, to lend a helping hand, to help for-

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378 piabo — apfni.

ward; pr, 1142,1144. pia brfiku yi ma me, pmh this book towards me;
meye biribi a, on'na opia me, if I am doing any thingj it is ke thai
helps me in it; - to command j order. — pia gy am\ to stir, poke or
rake the fire; - wopla kohyee ho go, they thronged to the spot (crowd-
ing it); - opia biribi so, he aims at something, directs his efforts to-
wards something.

piabo, a kind of gold-weight

pi d-d I, inf. stewardship, chamberlainship.

o-piadif6, o-pidm*nf, opiani, joZ.a--fo, steward, cJiamberlain;
obene piani kura (fua) ne sa^ n.a.

piafo, F. steward. ML 20 fi. s. opiadifo, opiani.

0-piafo, pL a-, helper, promoter; one who (in a battle) urges on
or impels the men to fight.

piapia, red. v. 1. 5. pia. —2.10 urge on, command (dom, an

army). F. to constrain.
apiapo [pim apow] the protuberant bones oftJie pelvis, the up-
per parts of the hip-bones projecting on account of leanness, j^r. 924f.
mpia-s6, inf. furtherance, promotion, help; opp. asabawm-gye.

pib^baba, plbibibi, adv. descending in streams or torrents,

said of rain, s. osa.

pidiiii, pediia, buttock, the extremity of the back of an animal,

where the tail is appended; aboa biara dua a etoa nesisi so de re-
ba ne to no, eso na ne dua pa no toae.

pie, v. Aky. = pue.

mpiehhd, the winged white ant, eaten by negroe children as a
dainty; syn. asisirape.

opi6sfe, Ky. = op6sle. .

plkapik§^ thick, inspissate(d) ; dontori^. se abiirow mpamp4,

a mire as thick as a meal-pap.

])\kyiypl.m-y mattress.

pim' = pi mu, pam\ pr. 163.145.925.

plm, adv. firmly; uprightly; 6b\ pim, he steps firmly, is tkoi--

oughly sound or healthy; fa wo nsa si pim.

pimpi, a dish prepared of maize; abdroduan bi.

pimpini, red. v. pini.

pin, V. F. to come nigh. Mk.2,4. s. pini. — pinara, F. s. pi.

pini, V. [red. pimp.] 1. to move, change place, draw near, ap-

proach to or towards; dom p. dQm ansa-na otuo tow, an army ap-
proaches another before a gun is fired; pini ha, Ak. = twiw b$ra
ha; pini do, Ak. = twiw ko nohoa; ayise apinino, he has shrunk
or started back with horror: pini wo aniro kakra, advance a little;
pini wo akyi kakra, go or move back a little; wapini n'akyi; wo-
pinii nkyirinkyfri, they went backward; - red. opimpinfl n'akji
guahe, he receded and fled; mimpimpini m'akyi se mewu, / do not
shrink from death. — 2. = pene, 2. to groan, pr. 1668.

apini, i?^ id., a groan; si ap., to utter a groan: 1. to murmur

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apinisf — pirim. 379

tcUh disUkCy = Dwinwi, kasa hnhQhuhfi; 6si ap., okasa ne mene-

warn', ebia ompe se obi tc asenko a orekft no. — 2. to groan in
severe pain, to sigh lieavHy, = pene ; of. gu ahome.
apini-sf, inf. groaning, sighing; cf. gpene, ahomegu.

pinky e, v, Ak. = benkye, ben, to approach (to); op. no =

oben no.

pinn6, ? pgtow kwadn bun a woanda no p.

pin tin n, a, <fb adv. firm, 'ly, fixed, constant, completely; wusi
dua bi na eye p. a, wuse: Atim; awia gyina p., the sun has exact-
ly its highest stand; awia p. = awia kete; me ho ye p., my health
is excellent, firm, unshaken, constant.

mpintin, a kind oi tahor, tahret, tambourine, timbrel; toa ko-

kiird a woatu ano na wode nhdma ayere na wosS wo won kgn mu
de won nsa ka; gye ahene n^ asikafo na wota ye ade no.
a pi pi, a small bird, wren?

plprl, pipripf, a. thick; deme; dua p.., a thick stick; omunun-

kum p., a dense fog; nsri p., muddy, miry water.

pi^rii^i, n. thickness; density.

pir SLy pi. id. dwarf,

pira, V. [s. red.] to knock; to hurt or be hurt by violence, to

wound, be wounded; mapira men8a(m*), me nsa apira, my hand is
wounded; mapirapira me nsa ho anum, / have received five wounds
in my hand; cf. bo afe. — Phr. w6k& won tf plra, they lay their heads
together, i.e. they troop or collect together for a common undertaking,
for an evil purpose; they combine, conspire, plot.

o-pird, pl.m-, a wound; nep. fi mogya, his wound bleeds; ne

mp. nfi mogya, his wounds are bleeding.
o-pirdf6, pLei'^ a tcounded person.

a p i r d-k li r u, pi. id., a wound, i.e. a breach or separation of parts

by violence, as a ctd, stab, bruise; diff. akisikuru, an open sore, ul-
cer; s. kuru.

plrami(di) [Egypt, piromi] pyramid.

pirapira, red. v., 1. s. pira. — 2. p. mu, to knock together;

wopirapiram' = wobobom', wgpempem wonho ; cf. wodi atipira.

mpire, whip, scourge, cut from the skin of an elephant, hippo-

potamus, buffalo, wild horse, b^w, tor^m &c., twisted, sometimes
three or fourfold, and fastened to a stick. Cf. aba &c.

pirebi, a basket with a lid, madeof kub6 leaves, used for car-
rying provisions or preserving clothes; cf. s^sea, kyerenkye.

pirew, F. piro, v. to roll (hfise, a cask, abo, stones); - red.

pirepirew, F. piropiro, to roU, wallow, welter. Mk. 9,20,

pi rim, V. to make or grow hard, to harden; to parch, scorch;

ne ho apirim, his skin is getting hard, said of a baby of 3 or 4 months ;
ode, ntgrnmo no ho ap., the outside of the yam or the sweet potato has
become black (in the ground); gd^ a eda gyam' na ogya pi nni ho
pirim ; gd^ no ap., the yam has become hard over the fire (in boil-
ing or roasting), pr. 1550, — gd6 mmeh yiye a, epirim, wototo a,

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3B0 pirim — po.

emnieD bio, if the yam is not well roasted in tJie beginning, it remains
hard, and does not become softer by continued or repeated roasting;
aduah a wonoa nda noa na entumi mmen, wose: apirim; ekura a
wototo a emmeii, wuse: ap. — Phrases: ne koma ap. = ne k. ye
den na ontie asem biara a woka kyereno, afotits^m biara nkom';
opirino neho or ne koma, he hardens himself or his heart, so that he
does not listen to advice; opirim^ netirim\ he took courage; pirim
woanim, take heart or courage, do itmanfuUy; opirim n'anim tu no
fo, he boldly (or earnestly) admonishes or forewarns him.

pirim [ob8ol.] = piriw. — pirim, F.^^er/cc^^; mayendow' p.

pirimm, primprim, hard, strong, healthy, lively; neho primm

= neho ye d^nn^nnennen, gnyar^ nen; onipa yi, oye mii primm,
this man is not sicMy, bid healthy and indeed lively; 6ye pdmprim,
he is quite nimble, = ne ho ye den, gny^ fbnofbno.

piriw: bo p., to be struck with fear or terror, to be startled;

tr. bo., p., to strike with terror, to startle, frighten, terrify; - syn. bo
prim, bo pitiri; yi.. hO, yi.. ahL

piro, red, piropiro, v, F. = pirew. Mt 27,60, Mk. 9y20.

pitahii, a kind oi frumenty or pap; abttrodaah a wgyam na
woama ahono (aboii?) na woason so na wowie (so son) a woaka.

[G. aHaU.]
pfti, swoon, fainting-fit; to p., to become weak, fidgett'y, rest-
less, senseless, to swoon away, faint, espec. from hunger; pr. 32i?3. -
to cause to faint: okgm na eto nnipa p.; cf, to beraw, twarc.
plti, leprosy, = kwata, fa-woho-kodi, mifua-duam*.
5-pi ti, a jamping insect.

apiti, the name of a small bird; anoma ketewa bi, osow nnipa
se; neho nwran-nwran, neho kankan, ne ntak&ra mn boii so, na-
nso wodi.

apiti, ebiti, F. apitsi, unleavened bread; abiirow a woyam no

mmore na wonoa na wobo no ap.
o-pitifo, pi. a-, leper, = okwatani.
pftipiti, thickly croicded, thronged, close together; syn, pepe;
nkiirofo no aboaboa wonho SiUO]p.(Lk.ll^.); nkrAn yi, w5fores6 p,
pi tip it i, adv. much, continuously; wofweno p.
pitiri: bg p., to be struck with terror, to statile, shrink; cf.
0-pitiri, pi. a-, a kind of river-fish. pr. 2694. [piriv.

0-piti-to, inf. falling in a swoon, fainting; op. nhina fi kgin {?),

0-pititofo, a starving person, pr. 2695.
piw, v. 1. to become or be thick, inspissate(d) ; nkwan, aduru
no apiw. — 2. to be dense, stand thickly or close together; kwae yi
mil piw, emu nnua n.a. (bemmen ho) piw so, kyere so; nimriiku
yi, emu mpiw. — 3. to make thick, hard; p. dote = ma dote ye p^to-
p6to. p^\ 1596.

mpi-y§, inf. s. mpi.

po, pgr, V. F. to strip (off), atar, one's clotJies; s. pore.

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po — p6. 381

p Q, V. Ak. s. pow.

po po, or po po, expressions imitative o£ the sound of beating,


po, V. [red. popo] 1. to push; gpo me taw = osum me, owome

nkonsiaw, holding me hy the neck, he pushes or thrtists me forward.

— J2. to shake, tremble [inf, apo, q,vj - red, opopo, ne ho popo, ne

honaro popo, fie trembles; mframa popo nnua, the wind shakes the
trees (syn, him, posow, wosow); nnua no apopo, the trees have been
shaken, — 3, red, opopo ne ti, he shakes his head, refuses, declines,

— 4. po, to refuse, decline, reject; F. Mt. 2J,42,Mk,7,9. — to forsake,

F, Mt 19,27, — to disdain, scorn, despise; to repudiate; to spurn
away; F. to renounce; to deny; Mt 10,33.16,24, — syn, pa [G.kwa].
Phr, woapo ne bra amano, they have left him to himself. — po s o,
to refuse, decline (a present, an invitation to eat); to simulate refu-
sal (mema obi biribi na ope, na oboapa se omp^ a, na opo so uen).

— 5. po abiirow so, to sift, winnow or fan corn by pushing or sha-

king the vessel containing it; cf, huw so. — 6. to throw off or drop
the leaves, to grow leafless; aka kuma na dua yi apo', this tree wUl
soon lose its leaves; dua yi apo, this tree is leafless; nnua no apopo.
pr, 993.997, — 7. to emit, discharge: n'ano po ahuru, he foams, Mk. 9,14,

— 8. to utter words by repetition: po d6d6w, to stammer, stutter.

Mk. 7,32. — 9. to emit other sounds: po waw = bo waw, to cough.

— 10, to growl, gnarl, snarl (as a dog, leopard, lion, bear); c/lpgw.

— 11, po so, to rattle in the throat in the last struggle before death;
pi. wgpopo so. — 12, to beat: po nhoma, to curry leather by a pro-
cess of scraping, cleansing, beating, smoothing and colouring ; mmoa
nhoma na wodah ani maeho dwo (Hie hides of animals arc dressed
and prepared that they become soft and pliant), na wode di adwini
biara; etgd. wode hye fam' ma eho dwo na woapo so hhwi no, na
woahye no kgko a.s. tuntum, a.n. wode aye mpabod, utoa, mmoha,
eky§w, hkotoku n.a. — 13. po abrgbe, to sever or extract the fibres
from the leaves of the pine-apple; wgboro abrgbe-ahaban na wg-
^ere so na woyi mu abrgbe-mfuturu no.

apo (pL id.) fetters, shackles for the feet, = poky ere, m-.

e-po, Gy. a lizard. pr.l023.

g-p 0, inf. withering ; cf, ghow.

ap6, inf. trembling, tremor of weak, infirm or old persons;

trembling of hands, feet and head; gy are apo.

§-p6, pi. ?, a bale of cloth; ntamd p6 or ntamap6 = ntama a obi-

ara ntwaa so bi pen e.

€-p 0, a-» a dish made of some herb. pr. 3017.

epo, sea, ocean, c/*. bosonopo ; pom', in the sea; po s6 or po anl,

on the sea; - kg po, to go to fish, John 21,3. - epo yiri, (he tide flows,
sets in, is coming on, it is flowing water; epo twe, the tide goes out,
ebbs, falls, it is ebbing water. pr.670, — po nom' tea, gulf;-^o nom'
tetret§, bay. D.As. Cf. kgnt6n, dgnn6n ; poka, pokwantea.

p6, mpo, (full o) adv. even; nay; mpo madi awu a, aiika wgn-
y6 mh sf, even if I had committed a murder, they would not deal

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382 pQ — ap6kd.

with me thus; me nuanom, mpo mc na mma ne won; Jud. 8,19- —

Gr. §75,3.134.36.

p6, adv, expressing the sound of steps in walking: n'asepatere

no si fam' p6 po (=ko ko) na ode ko; Qno de, da osore a, po po na
oko, e.8. mprempreii na oko,;,:.

po', adv. expressing the sound or act of heating, striking or cut-

ting: mabo no po = bum [G. gba, gbu, bam]; wotwa ogya po' po'
or p6 p(S.

pO, t?.[rec/.popo] -ani, to cast an angrg, piercing, intimidating

look at; opo n'ani, opopo (opupuw) n'ani kyere me, opopo me, he
threatens, frightens me, addresses me harshly, flies at me, speaks rough-
ly to me, = otutu n'ani kyere me, ot^etee me huuahuna me, gye n'a-
nim kyere me se, onya biribi a, obeye me. Oen, 42/.30.

mpo: obo me mpo, lie ill-treats, ill-uses, abuses, maltreats me, =

6y^ me sakasaka, oye me pup6p6p6, oboro me, gnfwe me so yiye.

poa, pi, m-: i\^&., poa, to challenge, defy, with words, espec
by the use of debasing or vilifying expressions; otwa me poa, wo-
twit^a yen mpoa.

mpo a-t w a, inf challenge, setting at defiance, defamation; d wom

yi mpo y§ mp. (mp. ne se; ohene bi wo hg na wo ani nsg no na wo-
kasakasa senea wo n^ no se, se ebia wobese se : oyi a, minsuro no,
ontumi nkum me, mewo sika mekyen no, ohiani no nso, wgde no ye
deu?) pr. 1096.2698ff,

mi}0'hn6j sea-shore, strand, beach, shore; sea-side, coast, sea-

coast, pr. 1107. 2697, — m p an ni, i>Z. m- -fo, a dweller on the sea-
coast; people living near the sea-shore.

pobi, a by-name of the fly, pr, 2572 f. — mpobi, pr. 2701,

pobid, j»L m-, a black boil, very painful and enduring longer
(perh. 6 months) than pgmpd (8 days); p. na eye yaw bebrebe, nso
§ta tu kuru kyeh pgmpg.

0-p6bi-def, pr. n. 1. an ancient king; - 2. a brook, G. Ogboli.

o-pO'd bj phtk'i a large pot to keep water in; pr. 2702. cf. ataliina.

mpoflrim', unexpectedly, unawares; suddenly, on a sudden, aU

of a sudden; cf. mpaase, mpasompaso.

Q-pofonl, pi. a- -fo, fisher, fisherman, pr. 2703.

mp6-f6ro [gpgw foforo] assumption, forwardness^ pertness, flip^

pancy; Bog. 878.885- c/*.n8oAf6ro; '*gp6w ana mp.?** is it "politeness
or pertness?" abofra a orefiti ase asua kasu na gde mpanyins^m nh
mm^rdntiwasem afra ne bram\

apogya, s. apagyA. [shHi.

ap5-hdru [§pom' awuru] sea-tortoise, -turtle; ap. boo, tortoise-

po-k&^ channel, strait, narrow sea between twopofiionsofland.

mp6ko [mpgw akgkg-akgkg] lumps, ingots or nuggets of gddf

bullion. — pokgwd, pgkoa, pl.m-^ a smaU nugget of gold.

0-p6kd, pr.n.m. pr.2704f

ap5kd -o, pokupoku, a kind of white heron, aigret

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cf. nufu




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384 mpompODsa — oponfo.

kora no anim ap^ that old man has a wrinMtd fact; op. ne moma,
he knits his brows, — 3. to tcriihe tcUh pain or agony. — 4. to bend
or wind in manifold curves: asu no ap. = akonton, akjeakjea.
mpomponsa, three cues or hom-Uke twists of hair.

poll, r. to disjoin or separate with some effort: i. to take away

by force, pull off, snatch from; afammoa, wompon no, yr. 1089. wo-
pon nekyew fi n*atifi; syn. pan, huam. — 2. to strip or dejtrive one
of property given to him at some former time (said of persons who
impoverish one previously enriched by them): Ownsu Yaw apon ne
ycre Manu, Mr, B. has taken back from his wife M. all he had ^ven
her. — 3. to discharge , issue: opon' afwene, Ite bleeds at the nose. —
4. to miscarry: gb^a no apon. — 5. to let go or quit one^s hold; pgu
f we, to fall off, away or down, to drop (down) pr. 542. — odah no bo
apoD, the plaster or coating of the wall Jtas fallen off; - pgn fi .. ho,
to be pulled off, to fall away from, to be frustrated in; ma wompon
mfi won agyinatu bo. Fs. 5,1L — 6. to go away, retire or desist from,
to cease, leave off, give up, breakup or off; woapon adwumayo, they
have left off working; wgbo nnonnum a, adwamajefo apon, at 5 o'-
clock the labourers leave off working; woapon asgre. Vie church ser-
vice is over; woapon suku, the school is over or finished, the scholars
have been dismissed, pr. 2706. — 7. to dismiss front work or from a
meeting, assembly or congregation; wura M. apgh n'adwumajefo,
Mr.M. has dismissed his labourers; kyerekyerefo no ap. ne sukufo,
the teacher has dismissed his scholars or pupils; woapon asafo no,
the congregation hasbeen dismissed. — 8. to call people out of or away
from their homes: wapgn nktirofo aboa ano, fie has called the people
to assemble. — 9. to call back, recover, win or bring back (fugitives,
under the assurance of their not being hurt, from the place to which
they fled perhaps from fear of being killed): wopgn akobgfo a, wo
ntama ano ye duru, pr. 493. cf. pgno, F. — 10. to redeem, recover a
pawn. pr.770.

pon, a. in cpds. great, large; cf. abgpgn, obirempgn = ghene,

nantupgn, Akiiropgn, Mampgn, Onyaiikopgn.

pon, pono, F. to redeem, = ^y^. — pon, inf. redemption.

o-pon, inf. abortion, miscarriage.

m p6 a n^ mm4, the whole family or household, mpanyin n^mmofra.

km pon, a. old, used of palm-wine; o, ^mpgh nf! nsa no aye i.
0-p6n, pi. a-, F. epon, 1. door, gate, hatch, = odan ano pen (ebo
yg wurekyerg, adidipon ye trotro); to pon mu, shut the door. — ^.
table, dining- (breakfast-, supper-Jtable, = adidipon; writing-table
or -desk, kyerewpon; cf. adwump6n. — 3. meal, repast; feast: wg-
t6 w* no pon, they made him a supper. — 4. the table in the court of
justice: wgde no kg pon so (= asa so) akodi asem, he is brought to
the bar for a decision of the matter. [G. i. Sina, ^-4. okplo.]

pgnam, a well-formed piece or nugget of native gold.

mponee [biribia wgapono] abend, curve, curvature; a bind or
tie [ ^^y^ n)p. kQma, a breve [as on li ^ i . .] : m6nyg mp. wg so !
Q-ponfo, F. redeemer, = ogy^fo.

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opouk6 — mpo pa-kmin6-wo. 385

g-p o u k 6, pi. a-, F. m-, horse, pr. S707ff. - Q-pQuko-bd, pi. a-, coif,
foal. - o-poiiko-h6r6 J pi. & -.mare. - o-ponko-nini,j?Z.a-, sfoZZioti.-
O'poukQ'SSL^jpLei', castrated horse, gelding. — gpQiiko-furum,t»wZc,
an animal generated between a horse and a she-ass (cf. afurumpohko,
— between a he-ass and a mare).

g-poiik6-atc3, saddle. — o-poiiko-nnadeka, hit, hndle.

apgiiko-kwaiiypZ. id. \\\i.liorse-wayyhorse'road\ road, the broad
road, high-roady highway.

aponko-ndii: wasi ap., he stands astride, having set one foot be-
fore the other; he strides.

o-pou-k(Uok6ro, door-hinge.

aponkye, nm-^pl. m-, Ak. F. goat; = abirekyi.

apouky er6ii, i^Z.m-, toad; ap. te abo ase n^ atarem' ; ap.puw

bore ma awo. pr. 2712f. cf. apotorg.

po no, V. [red. pompono, pompro] 1, to bend; gp6no ne mu, ne

naiikroma. — 2. perf. to be bent, crooked; to be arched, vaulted. —
Cf kyea, kurum.

p6no, pon, V. F. to redeem; gp6n6, inf. redemption, = ogye.

ap6no^ F. circle; bu(bu) ap., to form a circle, to surround.

mpono, F.: tu mp. = tu nten or ntene; watu m'asem mp., he

has gone straight-forward with my cause.

kvci pono-dl-iisua, an old monkey-eater, obayifo mm&ran.

gp6n6ntom', j)7. a-, [pono, tom*j pocket-knife, clasp-knife.

pgnse, 17. [Eng.] Akp. F. to punish; cf twe aso, f>Ve, tua ka.
mpgnse (F. Akp.), punishment.
g-p6n-ntd, folding-doors, folding-gate.
mpon-tQre, door-hinges; iron ligaments of a door. pr. 3.328.
ap6n-t6w, inf. [tow pon] feast, feasting, banquet, banquetting;
luxury, delicate living; wode ap. nko na egye wgn ani.

p5n t w e, pontwgpgntwe, slow, sluggish, tardy, duU; lazy, sloth-

fid, indolent, idle; syn. ny^.

* •
ap6ii-iiud, Ak. aponnwa, pi, m- [open, agua] the frame of a
door or window, pr. 2711.

mp5-iiw6raa, = Qde mp6w It Ahy^ (= erebebg) na ennyini na

wobubu di no, unripe tubers or roots of yam.

pop a, popdp6pa, red. v., s. pa, espec. nnder 1J2.

pop dp op a, adv. expressing the sound of breaking; gdan no

ye p. na ebu fwee hg, or, gdan no bubu p. na gfwee ase, tfic house
fell or tumbled down with a crashing or cracking noise.

pophy pi. m-, palm-branch, i.e. thelong mid-rib of the ?eo/*espec.

of the oil-palm, together with or without the long leaflets (berew)
proceeding from it on both sides, pr. 466.570.592.2715.

inpopa-amin(J-wo, a swelling of tlie hand alleged to be caased

by a charm against thieves in a plantation.


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386 mp6pare — p6roky6wd.

m* pop a re, a place cleared from trees, brushwood, weeds dtc. —

bo mp., to clear a j^lace in a forest.

(Vp6paw, pL a-, a kind of tree, used as timber; wode sen wg-

aduru, adaka n.a.

apopa-ydm' [nea opopa yam'] tJie last child' of a mother; cf.

m p o p ^-y d m , the fibres of palm-branches. [okiUikjirr.

popo, red, v., to shake, tremble dr. s. po, espec. under J2.3.6
popo [G. kpekpe] a kind of cloth; Ak. aweree; s. ntaroa.
mp6p6, a native dish made of maize. [G. kpekpe.]
p6pQ, s. p6. — popo', = ofuruntum.
popo, = abonuA, atwap6, from the sound of cutting, s. p6.
po'pft, red.v.y s. po'.
apopobibfri, 1. the dark-green or dirty film on the ground
where water has been spilled or on stagnant water, consisting of
tiny water-plants, algae; (wuguare gu a, na fam' aye tumm, wofre
no ap.) — 2. dark-green moss on stones or trees; pr.3S70. cf. abo-
so-iihwi, dua-ho-nhwi. — 3. a. dark-green.
popododobi, s. nantwi,
apopokyfkyi, a kind of river-fish, pr, 2716.
popomporitwa, a custom performed with females arrived
at puberty ; wgye no p. = wogoru no bra, e.s. ababa bi a oboe bra
wode gudd n^ hnwinnc n^ nhenepd hyehye no to dwom di n'akyi
de no ko asura' kognare no bo no asu de no ba ofie na w6y^ no aye:
nkesua, ntrama n.a.

pop6p6p6, fighting, scuffle; se p. fi mu a, m6nye no den? -

insolent usage; gye p., he is a rough man, disposed to fight or flog
others, to show his power; mmobg me p. so! do not knock tne about
thus! [fr. the sound of beating.]

poporokii, new corn (maize) which can be ground, com of

this (the present) year; cf. kukuradabi.

pore, V. 1. to strip one of his clothes. — 2. to challenge by stri-

king; gpor6 m'ano = opotf m6.

p 6 re, jj?. m-, jar, pitcher, jug or bottle of stone ware.

aporl-bii', apotiba,^^m-, a clUb, bludgeon, cudgel, thicker than

asciba , cf. nkontimma.

p6ripori, a. ready to strike or fight; ne nsa ye p.

apori-S(), by force or violence; ogy»^ biribi ap.; odi asem no
ap., e.s. onfwefwe bem biara se nea esi no tirim no nko.

poriwa, a., pi. mporiwa-mp., short, said of sticks of 1 or 2

fingers' length; Nkranfo kotwa nuua mp.-mp. de ko fie kgton.
poro... cf. pro..., pono...

l)6voky6wL tender, soft, delicaie, dainty, effeminate; ^jk^

ne mma pr., he brings up his children tenderly, effeminately; wahy?
ne mma pr. or prow 6, he shmcshis children too much indulgence (cf
kokg), he sjwils his children.

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oporoD — posaw. 387

o-poron, a kind of tree. ^

g-porontom', 5. opSnontom*.

poroporo, a disease in the throat; ^ye wo mene; wokasa a,

enye yiye.

poroporo w, poroporow, red, vv., s. p6row, porow.

ni p 5 r 6 p 6 r w a, small fragments or particleSy crtimbs, splinters,
filings, sparks: dgkono(h6) mpr., crumhs of bread, r/l mfGrofurowA;
dua (ho) mpr., small bits of wood, splinters, saw-dust; dade(h6)mpr.,
iron-filings; gya (ho) mpr., sparks, cf. nturiituruwa.

porow, r. [red. porgporow] 1. to rot, corrupt, putrify, decay,

spoil; to become putrid, grow virulent, to fester (o{ vfoiinds), ulcerate;
perf. to be rotten, putrid; dua no hep. ntem; nam'no ap. - cf, saw,
see. — JS, to spoil, to bring up or accustom to bad habits; op. ne ha
= ohye ne ba prgwe, gkokg ne ha. — porQwe, v, n, rottenness.

p6row, r. [rec?. poroporo w] 1. to beat out, thrash {kokoti, at6-

k6, emo, cf. fewahfirow & siw, G. ghenma); to beat o/f (ah§: wgde
bemu ho [or f we] fam' de yi mmefua no mmiako ;/: ;/: afi bemQ no
so). — ^. to beat, to shake out, to remove the dustdtc. or clean (prow
or proprow atadem\ clothes dtc.) by beating; to shake, stir up, clean
from the seeds &c. ; mmea de tadua p. asawam\ women clean raw
cotton by a wooden instrument. — 3. to pluck off, gather (dua aba,
tlie fruits of a tree, = tetew). — 4. p. abgm, to remove the single pots
from under the felled palm-trees (wgtetew nhina a wode sua abe fi
mmedefunu ase). — 5. to fall, espec. in small portions or particles,
to crumble, to be scattered, strewed (strown) or thrown down (of dry
things): dua no so ahahan uL. porow =:po; nhweap. gu ade no so;
nkyene porow gu; - tr. to remove small particles, shake off, cast off;
gporow nkyene gu, yr. 702. — 6*. to spend in defraying different ex-
penses; map. me sika nh. matua m'akaw 'ne. — 7. p. atuo, to di-s-
charge guns in a volley ; yep. atuo guu wgn so, we poured a volley
of muskets upon them. — 8. n'aniwa poroporow nsu, his eyes gush
Old water; oresii na nusu fi n'aniwam' gu worgdg-w6rgdg y^yQ,=
nusu tere no.

poruwa, a, s. poriwa.

posa, v. [red.] 1. to rub (with the hands); p. ta, to rub the to-
bacco; ntama no abiri, mep., the dress is dirty, I am rubbing it; a-
wgw ade me nsa na mep., my hands are cold, therefore I am rub-
bing them; mep. mekoko so, I am rubbing my chest; wgde dgte p.
n^ani, they fmb dirt into his face or eyes. — ^. to break or crush the
strength of any one : gyare no ap. no, he has become lean and feeble
by the sickness.

po-sa, F. = posaw. Mt. 27,48. Mk. 15,36.

mposae, the withered bark or the dry fibres of the plantain-tree,
used for various mean purposes [comm.lang., 5^n.baha].pr.i0.^491

posaw, t;. i. /o rub to powder; to bruise, crush, grind, smash,

dash in pieces; syn. petew. — J2. to be crushed: ma\Vie p. kora, I
am completely exhausted. — 5. p. so, to murder, trith cruelty, atroc-
ity or in a frantic manner, to massacre.

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388 posaw — ap6tompo.

• po-saw, F. po-8a [gsaw a e^ pom'] a European sponge.

apose, a kind of brown-red fruit ; aba a ebere diim.
0-posf, pi, a-, a kind of eatihen vessel; asanka (abeja) bi a wo-
anworaiiwoian mil (wonweneno pipiri yemii abin-abin) k wopotow
mu mako, nkruma, efan n.a.; s. kuku.

0-p6s f e, Ak. opi^ie, the first child; me (ba) p. ni. (R. ihcyoungeM
child, a child horn to a man in his old age.) Cf, abakaii & apopa-
ydm\ okd^kjiri.

posi, phm- [pow a asi] a tuber of the yam plant growifig a-

fresh after those of the first growth have been pulled off; od^ a wo-
apan (woatii ase dc a edi kan) na asah abo bio; s. mpow; odd no
sisi so pi nti, wofre no mpow a asi (esi) a.s. mposi. Wode odd a wg-
befua no mposi-mposi na §hychye nko no mu.

p 6s op so, a. Zoo^e, rickety, unfixed, not sticking fast ; epam

no aye p., enyd den bio.

p6so, p6soposo, a. weak from old age (or sickness), feeble,

infirw, imbecile, decrepit, shaky , tottering; aberewap.; waboakorapp.
po-soro-samini, pr. 2696.

posow, V, to shake, tremble dtc. = wosow, pusnw, popo, him;

- mframa p. ahaban ; awow p. me h5nam ; awow de me, me ho p.

mpg-ta m^ [(be)pow ntam'] pass, passage between mountains or

houses; strait, defile; alley, thoroughfare; wafa mp. hayi; cf. afae.

pot§, a. right, true, genuine; adv. in the right manner.

poti, V. to challenge by striking one's nose or mouth with the

finger; cf pore.

mpo-tia [pow, tia] stunted tubers of yam; odd a ammo yije na

eboo nkorowa-nkorowa no. pr, 281,

apoti-ba, F. apotsiba, Mt 26,47, s, aporiba.

poto, t;. Ak. 1, s, potow. — ^. = foto, F.foro. — 3, F. 1o cor-
rupt, become corrupt; dz6a gmpoto no, that which is not corruptible.

[1 Cor. 15,42,
p5t0, a, dirty y filthy, nasty; ne ntama or no ho aye (fi) p., ne
ho ye p. = neho ye fi dodo.

p5topoto, a, thick, inspissated; hkwan no apiw aye pp.; siif»^^

muddy, miry, - adv. wokunkum nnipa guu ho pp., they slaughtered
people with a fearfid carnage,

apotobies&'se, Ab. a kind of owl = wtirepf, Akr.

mpQto-de, a kind o^ pottage-herb,

mpQtoe, 1, the dregs, lees, sediment of any thing; puw is used

only of nsa or other liquors, and ta. — 2, F. corrMp^ion, = prowe.

0-potofo, pl.fi' [potow 5.] foreigner, alien (barbarian), one who

does not speak Tshi, one who speaks an unintelligible language. —

2. s. botofo, patafo.

poto-raau, a people of a language different from Tsbi.

Apotokau, an impure Akan dialect; Kwawufo kasa ap.
apdtouipo, hurry, precipitation, flurry, fuss; gbo no ap., he does

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apotopore — epow. 389

it in hurry and confusion^ helter'Skelter, hastily, wHlumt stifficieni

preparation and reasons; obo asem no ap., e.s. odi a, onhii ano;
ose : eiiy^ hiribi, meye no ntemntem.

apotop5r6, -p6r6, a small bird with greenish grey plumage,

potopoto, s. potg, potow.
potorQ[En^.'] poiier; c/*. nsa.
a p o 1 6 r o, frog ; cf. apon ky er6h.
apotoro-dom, a poisonous plant; dupon bi.
pot6r6p6t6r6, negligent, careless, slovenly, disorderly; on-
f w^ u'ado yiye, qy^ ne nuecma p. = sakasaka ; ony6 ne ba yiye
kora, 6yh no p.

potow, V. L to crush, squash, press into pidp; Qp. mako wq

asankam*; otia biribi so wg fam' na epetew. — J2. to pound, heat;
to knead; p. mmorc = fotgw m., to knead, motdd dough or bread;
p. dote = wow d., to work clay and water with the feet; dote no apo-
tow (awow), the clay is well mixed, ready for use. — 3. to speak a
foreign (barbarous) language, at least not pure or genuine Tshi; gp.
Brofo, Date &c. Otwi de, yempgtgw.

poturopodwo, s. botttrobodwo.

potwa, 1. glutton, greedy felloio; onipa a onya aduan a. nsft

na odi a. gnom no pi kyen se ete; syn. odidff6. [G.fulg.] — J3. glut-
tony, greediness; oye p. = gpe adifud6, he is greedy (not only of
food or drink).

pot worn, button,

pow, r. [red, popgw] 1. to rub, scrape, scour, clean, cleanse;

pgw sg, pr. 401, 6p6w korow no mu; syn, twiw. — J2. to cut closely,
to lop or poll the branches of a tree, espec. of a palm-tree felled in
order to extract the palm-wine; wapgw abe no; wgapopgw won
mme. — 5. to polish, burnish, furbish, make smooth, bright or glossy ;
to refine; wgp. awowa, sanya ho; mapgwmo se d^ete; cf trom,
boa. — 4. to become or be civilized, polite, refined, cultivated; 6p^w
= onim agaaascsemde yg; akoa no apgw nnansa-yi, e.s. wahu kQrow
a Qwq mu no amanne yiye; p6tgf6 biara mpgwe, none of the tribes
that do not speak Tshi are polite or refined. — 5. to grow rich, pr. 884.
to improve or rise in worldly affairs, to become comfortable, pr, 1626,
Asantefo amma Fantefo ampgw amfew, the Asanies did not suffer
the Fantes to improve and thrive or prosper. — 6. to become or be
proud, puffed up, arrogant; to behave proudly; syn, horan; gpgw
neho, he puffs himself up; gpgw n.s. gnso nea gbeye dwae na greye;
n'aninsgnnipa; wapgw, he is proud, presuming, atrogant, insolent,
overestimates himself; ghgho ba kGrom' na gkyere neho a, wose:
wapgw dodo. — 7. to growl, grumble, gnarl, snarl, roar, said of the
dog, leopard, lion &c. gkramah pg me, the dog growls at me.
o-pow, inf. politeness <£rc. haughtiness, arrogance.
pow, r. to come up, come forth, appear; dua aba no apow ==
poW; V. F. = po, to forsake, e.g. sin, [apue.

Q'PQw^pl.9r or apgw-apgw, i. bump, swelling, protuberance,

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390 i*I»Qw — apra.

tumor; knob; n^aoim wopoWyhe has a bump on his face; n*ano ahore
pow, his mouth is swollen (by accident or by natare) ; pr. Ido. 163. —
menewaase pow, a>a wen on the ikroai, goitre, struma: b) grudgt,
pique, spite: oyi ne m. p., he gives vent to his anger. — ^. couglo-
balion, conglomeration; mogja apQW-apow, clots of blood; cf epow.
pt.m-, — 3. curlf ringlet; Abfirokjiri nnaan no ho nhwi je apow-
apow. — 4. knot; pow yi ye den se. mintnroi mensan, this knot is
too tighty I cannot untie it; -ho or s\ p., to tie (in or into) a knot:
si wo nsa so pow = bo so bama na wo were amfi; - bo hama p.,
to tie a rope into a knot; - bo tirim p., to design, project, plan, de-
pise, to make apian, project, design, plot. — 5. knuckle, protuberant
joint, espec. of the fingers; cf. nanpgw, nannwea; gteetee n'apow
nin, ^ stretches himself, lit. his joints, he takes exercise, walks; oje
me apgw s^ ad^, he treats me badly, cruelly.

e-pow, pi. m-, a cluster or group of trees, grove, thick wood or

forest of small extent; cf. abosompow, asamampow, asoreso.

e-pQw, /?Lm-, conglobation, lump ; sika p., an ingot, nugget or

billot of gold; rock-gold; s. epow, ^. & poko.

mpow, the new tubers of yam growing after those of the first crop
from the head which has been cut off and planted again; ode awo-
atu na aka ne ti wo fam\ od6 a wopan mmotokroma a esah bo no,
od6 a wpapan dedaw na abg mpow no; s. posi. Wo mpow mfew da,
your capacities wiU never be developed.

nH)gw-bere, mpow-mu, the time of the second crop of yam.

p6wa, i?Z. m-m- [epow, dim.] a small grove for the fetish —

e-powd [ep6, dim.] a (small) sea as part of an ocean.

p6wa, Ak. the smallest amount of gold-dust, the half of pese-
wa, abont a halfpenny. Cf. simp6wa, t^po.

powa-de, things bought for a half-penny, pr. 1362.

mp5wa-ka, Ak. small debts.

apow-mu-d6n: ohye no ap. na wabo ne krou, he confirms, en-

courages or Jielps her in her theft.

apow-mu-t6et6e [stretching of the joints or limbs] gymnastic

exercise, gymnastics.

po-w6 [lit. sea-snake] a kind of eel; syn. aberekurf.

powpaw: bo-, to put aside as unimportant, pr. 2308.
pra, para, v. \red. prapra] 1. to sweep with a broom or besom
(odan mn, abonten so, pata so) pr. .322.2718. — to gather; yepra boa
ano a, efwete bio, what we sweep together, is scattered again; pra
ahony a bye kwii, F. to heap up riclies; cf. prapra ; - opra (di) n'akyi,
he sweeps behind him (to remove the least thing or influence he may
have left behind). — 2. to sweep, to drive or carry along or off, i»>
destroy many at a stroke or with celerity and violence. — S, Phr.
Oprapra n'aso akyi, s. aso; gprapra ne ba huhuw no h6, s. hahuw.
— 4. pra yare, As. = sa yare.

§-pra, pi. a-, armadillo, Basypus. pr. 3310.

aprft, pil' ro-j « small species of armadillo.

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opra — pranii. _ '^^l

apra: yi.. apra, to warn, forewarriy give warning, admonition^

information or notice to, to caution; s. eb. woako ginuti bi so ua wg-
116 wo bedi asemmoiio, na obi aliintaw aka akyere wo ; ete so otia
wo nan so. Kebeka yii Jakob apra se 6nnuaii,

nipra, mpana, pl,-fo, 1. loiter, paramaur; concubine, mistress,

courtesan; gbarima a. gbea a gnam twe mpra ;pr. 2719, cf, agiiamAn.
— 2, the connection between a man and a woman living together for
a time without being properly married, concubinage; two mpra, to
form such a connection, to live in a state of concubinage, to have il-
licit (sexual) intercourse, — mpra-ba, pi. mprA-mma, a child be-
gotten in concubinage. — mpra-tam': odi g-ne bea no mp., he is the
go-hetween to him and her, — mpra-twe, inf. living in concubinage;
illicit (sexual) intercourse.

o-prada, s. opranna. pr.2720.

aprAda, a kind of musical instrument, made of horns; ^.abcn.

pradadada, s. paradada.
O-prae, ph a-, broom, besom; sgn. ohttae; cf. tui; - wgpe asem
80 prae, theg are too inquisitive.

mprae-so, an open level place sivept clean for trading or other


prak 0, ^Z. m-, hog, swine, porker, pr. 499.5So. [Port, porco, G.
kploto', old: kproko.JCy. batafo. — prako-ba, /)///, porket. — prako-
bere, smo. — prako-dan, hog-cote, pig-sty. — prako-n?iin, pork. —
prako-niui, boar.

p ram', v, to issue, flow or run copiously from one's body, said

of sweat or blood; mihyiaano na fifiri repram no; syn. gujim. —
F. ])rem, to overflow, inundate; nsu prem wiadze, the world teas

pr&in, a. (?) nimble, brisk, quick; gde akutu no maa me, mo

ho pram, madi, when he gave me the orange, I was quick and had
soon eaten it up.

pr^ma, pramma, pi. m-, [fr. pra, to sweep?] 1. a lane betvi een
houses, cf. nnantam\ brgh. — 2. a large yard enclosed by 6 lo 8
liouses, not forming part of the main street; a place, a broad w ty
or open space in a town; court-yard.

rapram&-s6, pr. n. a place or street at Akitropong.

prammafd, /^c people living in one large yard. pr. 2721.

g-priminiri, panam..., penam..., pL a-, a snake 4-6 feet long,
yellow at the neck, grey at the belly, and black (dark-blue) on the
back and at the tail, spitting at people's eyes and blinding them.

prampram(pram), adv. issuing ov flowing copiously ov pro-

fusely; mihiiu bgfo bi a oii kwan so a ne ho fifiri prampram; otuu
abara no no, nsu no ba prprpr. = nterantem.

mprampuro, bamboo. [Malay & Port, bambu, G. pamplo.]

pranii, a. dt adv. 1. open, free, plain, -ly; wgabu afuw no so

nnua nti eso da hg or aye pr.; gkasii pr. = gka asem na onsiw bi
so, gkasa ne nhinam' kora, onsur6 akyiri; - cn6 pranh, elie na wu-

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392 opranna — oprein.

hOfi me kah? idl me plainly: where did you see me first? — syn^^,
pefe, pete, fann. — ^. ftUlyy in the whole; kaw no nhina si ahe pr.?
wMt is the full amount of the debt? — 3. pretty much or many, pretUf
far or long; mad6w mak^ m'anim pr. = kakra ara g§nn, / Mre
advanced pretty far in clearing the ground (from weeds or trees);
midii nna pr. or mekjee pr. wo ho = mekyec kakra, I stayed there
for a good while.

Q-p r a n n a , 2??. a-, (oprada, pr,2720) thunder, lightning, thunder-

storm, tornado; cf anyinam, osramah; - op. bom' or pae, it thun-
ders; op. si or duru d«am\ the lightning strikes a tree; op. bediiru
wo! may the lightning kiU thee; op. duruu no de no kofwee pom\
the lightning struck him and cast him into the sea; op. akyi na osu
to da, Gr. § 228,4.

pran-hene, a mock-king, a king without any power, having

only the name; odi p., 5ye p.; wosi no p.
mprapiriwa-so, hastily, superficially,
prapra, red. v., s. pra. — F. nyimpa dodo kesenara prapraa
hwohho behyiaa nenkyen, Mt 13,1.

prapra, a. slimy, pituitous, mucilaginous, mucous (e.g. fwen-

nore); syn. matamata; cf. twS, hi\L

mpraprafo, pi., accomplices, companions, associates; won a obi

apraprawon aboa ano se ne mf^fo; y^nk6nom, mp^mfo.
aprapra-ha [sweeps the bush] a kind of bird.
aprapra-nsa, s. asefSroe.
prsise,v.[Eng.'] to plaster; to pave; c/lfomfam so, tare so, sew.
pr^se [Eng. plaster] a plaster for wounds &c., cerate, un-
guent, liniment; syn. mfomfamso, ntares6.
mpra-tam', s. mpra & di.. ntam\

pr a-t u, the hole of an armadillo, amoa (etQ) a ppra dam' ; wo-

tuano p. = woko amoa nom' se wokgkyere no; wotua onipa p., he
is watched and attacked as in an armadillo's cave, onipa wg danmu
na woakotod no ua onnya okwan mfa babiara.
mpra-tw6, inf. s. mpra.

apr^tw^m, -tw6m,i?Z.m-, lock of a door or case, of European

or native making; cf kradoa.

Opraworam, name of a month, about May; s. gsram.

apra-yi, inf [yi apra] warning, caution against danger &c.,
pre..., pre.., s. p6re..., pere... [admonition.

nnpre, adv. Y, presently, Mh6,25. - cf. preko, mpren, mprepre.

prego, pSrego, preko, pi. m-, nail. [Port, prego; G. bleko.]
pr ^.-k6, pSre-ko [pen, ko] 1. once, at one time, on one occasion,
= penkoro ; mihGCi no prek6 pe, I saw him only once. — J^. at once,
at the same (point of) time, immediately ; enihi mene nipa preko;
owui preko-pe, he died suddenly.

prem, v. F. to oveiflow, inundate; s. pram,

o-preni, pfirem, pi, a-, cannon; gun, hotcitzer, mortar; tow ap^
to discharge cannon, pr.876. 1790.2465,2723.

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premf ii ti — p fa. 393

premin ti, pomatum.

pr6m6-ba, |j^m-, cannon-haUy -hullet, -shot,

mpre-mpre, F. [mprc, red^ presentlj/, inslantli/, immediately, this
moment. Mt 26^3.

mprempren, [mpren, red.^ 1. of time past: Jm5< now; mp. na

midua ha yi; mihuu no (wo)he mp. — 2. of the future: presently ,
on the spot J immediately; forthwith; meroba mp., / am coming pres-
enily; mp., orcfwefwe bosca a, orennya ; mpremprempren, on the
spot; of. amonom'-ara, Ak. sesS-ara. pr. 2724. — 3. when repeated
in correlative sentences, it answers to Eng. now -then: anoma tu
a, mp. odan neho ko hayi, na mp. odan neho ba hayi bio, when a
bird flies, it turns now that way, then this way.

m pre 11, mpSren, = *ne; na mprempren de, en'de na wontumi

ntwen bio; F. rapre; cf. pen. — mpren-ko-tse, F. too soon.
mpren-nu, twice; = mpen abieh, two times.
mpren-sa, thrice; = mp§n abiesa, three times.
o-prenten, s. -per... (akyene bi.)

Q-prentenkoro, s. per (agoru bi a wogoru no ayi ase.)

p r e n 1 a, pZ. m-, bottle. (Vac. Nig, Exp,)

prep... prep... s. perep... perep...

pr^teypl m-, [Eng.] plate, dish.

prew, v. s, p§r§w.

prim, 5. pirim.

primprim, F. dzi-, to he strong, well, in good health. Mt,9,12,

pro, V, F. = p6row, to rot.

aprow, F. bo ..ho apro, to he round about. Mt3,5, Ps, 128,3

gtoo n*anyiwa apro f wee won, gtoo n'any! aprow fwee no, he looked
round about on them, ..,.to see her, Mk. 3,5. 5,32.
pr6, V. s, pono, to bend.

pro kii -0, 5. piir6kn. pr, 2725, — prQky6wd, s. poro...

pr5in, the sound of discharging guns; wgbgtow atuo p.p.
apr6mp6, a kind oi esculent herb.
inprompranne, gold-trinkets,

promprom, a. F. fresh, flourishing, JRj. 90,6, = fromfrgm.

Q-pr6iitom, s. gp6nontom.
prop... s. p6rop... e.g. mproproba, F. = mporoporowa.ilfAc.^,45.
prow, prow, s. p6rgw, p6row; aprg.

prumo [Eng.] plummet, plummet-line; kyerebeun-ye hama.

pruw, s. puruw. [Am, 7,7.

pu, V, s. puw. — epu, s. epuw.

p u, adv, = pe, completely; s, k6mpu.
pii, adv, expr. the sound of breaking: duA no, ode no bA pu.
mpu, F. amazement, consternation, dismay, sudden alarm. 1 Pet. 3,6.
p (i, adv, expr. the sound of a discharged gun: otuo tow pG.

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394 pua — pum'pa'.

p u a, pi m-, 1. a weft of hairy plait or tress of hair; pigtail ^ cut;
nhwi a woayi na woagyaw wo atifi kuriikurtiwa ; wasi pua; syn.
ntakua (on the vertex or top of the hoad). — 2, sama bi, e.s. woa-
yi wo nhwi hkuruwa-nkuruwa atuatua wo tiri ho; yi mp.

p fi a, ik [red. pflapua] 1, to draw or press together, cotifrad,

ivrinkle; wapua n'anim, opuapua n*anim, n^anim puapua (opp, n'a-
nim tew), he knits his brow, he frowns; of. pono. — ntwetwe nsem
no biara mpuapua, kyerew nenhina ma ma, do not contract any of
the words, write them all fully out, — 2, to he crooked, curved, bent;
nemu apua ^= apono, Lk. 13,11. ; wafi dua so afwc ase nti wapua,
because he fell frotn the tree, he lies crooked (perhaps only for 2 or 3
hours). — 3. to shrink, shrivel: nhoma no ap.; ntama no ap. (aftw
washing). — 5. to press upon, be close upon (the enemy) : dom no ap.
yen ; otwiw puaa me e.s. otwiw ben me aye me biribi. — 5. to chal-
lenge, irritate^ pick a quarrel with: wapua me; okisi mpuapua gya-
hene, pr, (obi mpuapua ohene). — 6, red. to urge, force or press on
or upon: ode ade no puapuaa me na manto; obi mpe biribi ato na
wode hyehye no a, ose: wode puapua me! — 7. to push together:
pua gya yi ano ! syn. kQa. — 8, p. so, to add, to supply (money) io
make up a certain sum: ntrama no nnu, pua so! = fa foforo gu so
naadupe! kofa dare 1 bepuame or bopiia(me) so! dare biak6 kaw
a mema wo no, mema wo sirin anaii na mede ntrama mapua so.
mpfia-s6, inf. money which is added to make up a certain sum.

puduw, V. 1. to blow up, inflate, distend (with wind, e.g. an

air-balloon), to puff (a bubble) ; to stvell. — 2. to be inflated, dis-
tended, puffed up; to swell, — 3, to heave, lift, raise or elevate a sur-
face by pressure or by any power from within or below; to cause
to swell or rise. — 4, to be raised or lifted up, to rise, heave; fam'
ap., the ground is raised by a germ ready to burst forth. Am. 8,8,

pue, V. [red, pnepue] 1. to come fotih, appear, make one*s ap-

pearance; opue abonten so, he is coming into the street; wapuehrinn,
she has presented herself in gorgeous or splendid attire. — F. to come
forth, go out. Mt. 8,34.12,14.20,1.27,53 (red.) = Heidi. — yi .. pae, F.
to bring forth. Mt. 12,35. — 2. to become manifest, publicly known;
to get out, abroad, transpire, take vent: ohQi se asem no reye apue;
F. esum-adze nyinara bopue, all secrets will be made manifeM. — 3,
to open: wopue atuduru kwadum ano (or so) na wohye, they open a
cask of powder and distribute it. — 4, to rise, of sun, moon and stars;
cf. sore.

piifepi\fe, Ak. buebue, Akr., lamenting cries, latnentation, vo-

ciferation; oy^ p., osu or gteem'p., he or she laments, wails, sets up
a lamentation.

api'iharn, s, apohuru.

piika, a kind of bead, s. ahene.

apiika, a kind of yam (afasew), s, od^.

mpummf ri, a kind of bead, made of the shell of the cocoa-nut;

ahene bi a Adampefo de kokosi ho bono denneh no ye.

piiiripft', i?Z. m-, a large (oil-) cask; cf. opankran.

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pumpiui — piintnupuntun. 395

p u m p a 11, V. red. s. pun.

mpumpuu-ase: asu no ado inp. =^ nsu no apumpun (pi) wo

fani', tlie water (^or brook) has lost itself in the (/round and flotvs under-
neathf having soaked through (?).

0-pumpunf, F. kumpon6, a man who has the higJiest authority

in a country, as in Akuapem the King and the English Governor.
Kwadade nam ho no, odi p., brohene di p.

p u m p u n n,i?Z. m-, small room, hack room, hack chamber; store-

house, store-room, room for luggage, packing-room ; syn, pia, pdkusu.

[pr. 2726.

mpumpun-nyd, a blister caused by fire; ogya hye wo na eho

bo horonua a, wose: abo mp.

pun, V, Ak. punu [red. pumpun] 1. to become or be tumid, tur-

gid, swelled, enlarged or distended, puffy or inflated, to grow big, to
rise in a tumor, to swell, tumify, turgesce (e.g. by some fluid gather-
ing underneath) so as to be ready to burst out; ade no apuh = aye
kokiiro na epe se eii adi; ekuru no apiin = anka ereye awu, na
akyiri yi ado nsu a.s. ase aba nsu foforo ; wapumpun serew, he is
swelled with laughter i.e. ready to burst out into laughter; manso no
bi pumpun i kQrow bi so, a similar rising or rebellio'n was attempted
or (nearly) broke out in another town; dgm no pumpun reba, the
army is ready to make its appearance. — 2. to cause a swelling: nsu
no apumpun wo dua no ase = nsu aba fam' wo dua no ase pi a ^pe
ayi neh6 adi; cf. asu no ado mpumpun-as6 ; - to cause to swell: 6pih
n'df6no» he inflates, blows or bloats his cheeks = wayenp kokiiro;
mekopun nsu, / am gaing to take a mouthful of water; wota pun nsa
a, wo anim ye horohoro. — 3. to whirl up or ascend in a black pillar
of smoke: odan no hyewe no, ne wusiw pun koo 'soro. — pun wu-
siw, F. to emit smoke, to smoke, smoulder. Mt 12,20. — 4. to smoke,
expose to smoke, to smoke dry, to dry or blacken by smoke; wopuh
hhina mu, earthen pots of native manufacture are smoked by the
potter in making them, and, after they have been used, from time to
time. — o. to smoke (out), to ?meaj*//i (animals) by means of smoke ; pra,
aprawd, atwdboa, apesee, ali^nsid, kot6k6 ne mmoa a wota deda
atu mu a, se obi kohu won a, okosQ ano gya (wode make uso gum')
ma owusi w no pun won wo mu ma wofi adi ba na wokum won ; akisi
ne nkurd nso, woye won sa bi. Asantefo ba Ogua a, wota pun akisi
di. — 6. to become smoky, old-looking and dirty or dingy, of a dark,
or dusky or dark-brown colour; ofasu or gdampare no ani apun ; ade
bi apnh or eh5 a pun = aye dedaw na eh5 aye se kgkg a efi worn';
ntama no ho ap.; gyata no ho ap.; nenhwi no h5 apun.

mpunan, F. beam. Mt 7,3. = mpuran.

mpunimpu: bo., mp., to startle, surprise, attack by surprise,
amaze, 2)erplcjc, confound, bewilder, stun, stupify; aboa no abo me
mp., e.s. waben me papa na minnya aguaii-ye; biribi a eye hu abo
no mp. = akano mpofirim, ontumi nhyia ade no na ontumi nnuah

punti\iipuntiin,a. reeling, vacillating; nsubgkorow naebg

hayi bo hayi a, korow no ye p. ua etwiw kg hayi, etwiw ba hayi.

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396 punu — piitu.

punu, t;. = pun. pr.2726,

apun-niid [pun, agua] the hinges stool, black from old age.
pup6pup6, ado, expr. the motibn of pushing and knocking
about: wobobo wonhop.; uy6nop. = nhiahiano, nhyenoahometew.
apupu, |>r. 2727,
apupua, a medicinal pZan^(?^; akrftmannuru.

pupuw, V, red,, s, puw. — e-pdpiiw, s. asunsonpupiiw.

o-p upuwfo, pi. a-, one who frightens another, nea oyi bi hu.
nipiirdii, F. mpunah, a large piece of timber, beam,

p ii r 6 k u, pr6ku, = nea ne sS ap5rQ w; bje p., he has rotten teeth,

[pr, 2725,3582.

p u r w, v. i. F. to stumble = hinti w. — ^. to snap one's fingers

at one, to challenge by a stroke with the finger; wapurow me or wap.
m^ano, he lias challenged me to fight by striking me over my mouth
with the tip of his finger. — 3, to disgust one, provoke one's dislike,
excite aversion in; asem yi ap. me = afono me, I am weary of or
disgusted with this matter, it has become loathful or an abhorrence to
me* Is, 1,14,

o-p u row, pi, a-, a small kind of squirrel, pr, 1101.2566,2728,

apuro-hemd, a white species of opurow.
apiirukii, that which is rougfdy or coarsely ground or pounded;
that which is rough instead of being soft and smooth; ado biara a
woayam se wQasiw na amfe no; wosgn abdrow a woayam so a, nea
eka sone no mu ye ap. ; woyam abiiro a.s. mmore ap. a, ne dokono
ny^ de; fuffi no ye ap., wama me fufu ap.

apurupuro, the rustling noise of an antelope in the bush.

puruw', 1. a, round, circular, orbicular, globular, sjjhericd,

cylindrical; cf korokorowa, kurukuruwa. — J2. n, a round, disk,
cylinder; osram atwa p. = kr6ktima» Hie moon has formed into a
disk i.e. is full; woahyehye kyinii no e.s. wgde ne mparow no ahye-
hye nep. mu; akatawia no p. abu.
apuruwd, = n&hkiXm^ pr. 3026.

p u r u w-m Q a, globe. D,A8,

p lis do, a kind of play or dance.

pusupusu, red. v., to shake; s. posoposo & pusuw.

o-pusu-anfni, s. opete.

p u s u w, v. i. to shake; wngoru me h5 a, mep. wo mpren, if you

want to make sport or game or a fool of me, I shall just shake you!
— J2. pusuw wo anom' [G. gblo odah], wash your mouth (before or
after eating) by shaking water in it. — Cf. posow, wosow.

putisi, F. cork. VocNig.Exp,

putorl, a kind of food; aduah bi, wode mmore na eye a.8.

wobo, na wode gu s§n mu na wonoa.

pii tu, a hut for storing yam in; asese bi a wode d6 siem'; wosi
no se gdan, WQdennua na ede wurawuram', na afei wode d^ no nbfln
mu; wotu gd^ wode akoban putum'. j>r. 326,

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putiipurii — ara. 397

putiSpurii, a stidden, an unexpected occurrence, surprise; -

ebgo won p., it came on them unexpectedly = mpofiriiii ; oguan na
abekA asM nh adaan no afwe ase p. so.

p h t u p (i t u, the sound of drumming.

putuputuputii, struggling y forcible and molcnt efforts, as of

a captured oird; wuyi anoma a, oye p. = kUikitikiti; wusc: gpere.

p u w, v. \red, pupuw] 1, to throw out; p. ahum = fi ahuru, to

form, gatJter or throw out spume or foam, to foam, froth; nsu a esen
bebre no puw ahuru ; to eject or throw out from the mouth, to spit,
spew; opuw nsu ana aduan gu, = oyi or ogya fi n*anom' gu; yeny6
mmofra na yeadi ade a woapuw. — J2. to throw up scil. the cud from
the 2d stomach of ruminants to the mouth; puw v^esaw, to chew the
end, to ruminate. — 3. to come forth in a crowd: kfiromhgfo nhlna
puw (= boaa wgnho ano) befwee no, all tJie inhabitants flocked to-
gether to look at him. — 4. to raise the surface of the ground; s.pu-
duw ^. — 5. to bring forth: asase puw mmere, abtirow, od^. —
6. red. to stand out, project, be prominent: n'ani apupuw, he lias got
large eyes; Ps. 73,7. — 7. red. a) to cause to stand out, to thrust forth;
opupuw n'ani kyereme, he seeks to frighten me, speaks roughly to
me. Gen. 42,7.30. — b) to frighten. — 8. to puff, assume importance;
to threaten; osuro won puw a wopuw no (1 Pet 3,14.).

e-puw, sediment, lees, dregs, espec. of palm- wine; nsa fufu ase
pgtopgto no; remainder of any thing; cf. nnikae; asunsoapupuw.

apuw, m-, something thrown out from the mouth; yenni ade
mpuw; yeny^ kgsa-ankgm§ na yeadi ade apuw; cf. puw, v. 1. •
-puw, adj. much; adipuw, awupuw, |)r. 955.

pu-Vr e s a-f [puw ^] ruminant, an animal which chews the cud.

The letter r does not begin any proper original word (or root)
in Tshi, and, therefore, does not occur as the first consonant of
any word, except in the particle ara, in the verbal prefix re, and
in foreign proper names; but frequently it occurs in secondary syl-
lables, enlarging the vowel element of primary syllables and either
commencing a second syllable, e.g. pira, pere, foro, suro, burn &c.
or, if the very short vowel of the first syllable be suppressed, ap-
pearing as a second initial consonant, especially after p, t, k, f, s, h,
and before a, g, 0, e.g. pra, tra, kra, fre, sram, bran, krgh. In F. the
vowel of the second syllable is frequently dropped, and r appears
as a terminating sound : war, yer, sor, dur, = ware, yere, soro, duru.
Before nasal vowels r interchanges with n, e.g. tra, t6na; m&ra,
miina; and by negligent pronunciation it may interchange with d,
cf. 'neda & 'nera ; dadewa, darowa ; dodoben & doroben ; horo, Ak.
hodog; me ara, F. m'ada. — In words borrowed from foreign lan-
guages, r is put instead of 1, if this be not the initia consonant; cf.
bra, girfise, sirikyi, Enresi = English. Gr. § 19,B. 28,2.3.5.

ara (F. ada) is a particle of either particularizing or generali-

zing power, chiefly added to, or compounded with, pronouns, or

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398 ara — sa.

following after verbs, often combined with other adverbs: 1. even,

just; self, same; ever, -soever; this very,,,; of. meara, woara, ono-
ara, enoarH (F. mada, wada, nada); yenara, moara, won ara; Gr.
§ 59;-ehenaara,o7iara,obiara; deh-ara,ebiara,biribiara*, ehe-ara,
ehaara, ehoara; saara; §60.61.133,1;- ben-ara,yiara,noara,biara;
§ 74.75; - sesei-ara, mpempren-ara; dabiara(da); ntem-ara, atno-
npm(ho)ara. — 2. even, just, merely, only; § 134,3 a. — ara bam,
ara gyenn; § 134,2.3c. — ara pe, § 141 ,3c. 264,2. — : 3, anyhow, in
any way, at any rate. — 4. on and on, by degrees; continxMly, con-
tinuously, uninterruptedly; § 130, 134,3 c. — 5. indeed, really,
truly, very, augmenting the force of the adjective to which it is ad-
ded: F, pin'ara, many indeed; kesen'ara, great indeed, very great;
" oye apa pa ara, s. apa.

ara, a, = ara 4; the lengthening of the terminating a symbo-

lizes continuance. [6. Ihu.]

re- is d^ prefix of the progressive and second future forms of

the verb, marking action in the progress of performance, such action
being considered by itself alone, or as joining to a preceding action
or state; Gr. §91,5.7.173 f 176f. [It seems to have originated in the
verb de : greye = ode ye, he holds (the thing) does = he is doing
or he proceeds to do; c/'.(n)nye in F. onyemba da, menyennom bio,
menyempa wo da (Mt. 24,21. 26,29.35,)^= oremma da, merennom bio,
merempa wo da; wouyemfa, onyeye dem(Mk. 8,12. 10,43.) = wqrem'
fa, orenye sa.] In quick pronunciation the vowel frequently seems
to assimilate to the succeeding vowel, so as to be changed into i,
0, n] e.g. oridi, origu, oroko, orusu, = oredi, oregu, oreko, oresu. F.
Mt 2,18. 3,3.6.4,18.

ridididi, adv, imitative of the noise in running; wota no r.

= kirididi.


The consonant s has the same hissing sound as initial s in

English, and occurs before pure and nasal vowels. (Before la, via,
the pronunciation shows some tendency towards that of Eng.^/*-) —
In F. we find d or dz for it, in do = so; de = se, saying or that;
ade or adze = ase; ditde, dSdze = asase; wiade, wiadze = wia8e
&c.). It seldom interchanges with other consonants; we only men-
tion: nsokota;F. = ntokota; sunti, Aky. = fwinta, As.,hintaw, Akr.

sa, v, [red, sesa] 1. to cut in or into, incise, make incisions; sa

nkamfi, to cut marks in one's body; woasa n'ani ase, he has a cut
on hi^ cheek. — 2, sa .. m u, to prick, pierce, lance; mesa ne pom-
pom', / shall prick his hoU; mesa ne mfa mu, I shcdl open his skin
that the guinea-worm can come out, — 3. red, sesa, to scarify for
cupping, to cup; mesesa me nan, I shall have small incisions made
into my foot so as to draw blood from it; cf. siiah. — 4, to take or
ap2)ly a clyster, to syringe; mekosa = mekobo bentoa, I am going
to take a clyster; mekosa no = mekobo no bentoa, I shall give
him a clyster. — 5. to geld, castrate, emasculate ; woasa no sae, they
have gelded him, — 6. to scrape (with the paw), to dig up, scrape
out; odpmereftia, wusio funu a, ode ne nsa sa (==funu) fam'; s. osa*

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sa — sa. 399

funn; pr, 1023. — 7. to dig out, take out; mekosa sika a (mede) mo-
hjee, / am going to dig out money which I hid in the ground. - 8.
sa a be, to pick or take out the palm-nuts from the pulpy substance
formerly covering the shell and separated from it by smashing, in
order that the pulp containing the oil may be boiled; s. nn6y|. —
9. sa mu, to pick out, cull, select, to choose, elect more than one out
of many things or persons; syn, paw mu; of one single thing se-
lected, yi or tu must be used; wasa ode no mu nea eye hhina afa,
he has picked out all the good yam for himself, — 10. sa yare, to take
away (cut off) or cure a disease, to cure, to heal; masa no yare ; aduru
nwenenw^ne sa yafunum yare. pr. 394. — sa or kum kuru, to heal
a sore, pr. 1038.1854. — 11. sa.. ano, to steel or harden iron tools;
wosa abonua (adare, asow, ososow) ano, e.s. wode koma otomfo na
oye ano yiye bio. — 12. sa boa, m-, F. to mend a net.Mt 4^1. Mk.1,19.
cf. sa 1. — 13. sa, F. to he partaker with, = bom'. Mt. 23,30.

s a, v. Ak. s. saw, to draw, scoop, pr. 2729. s. asatoro.

s a, v. Ak. F. = saw, to dance. — s a, v. = s a, <o mix, weave.

sa, sa, subst. dem.pron. (adv.) so, thus, (in) thai manner or
way, degree, quality or quantity; (in) such a manner, such; sa'ara,
just so, in the same way <S;c., equally, still so, always the same; cf.
se, se. Gr. § 60,5.61. (ne sa nye; sa onipa yi.) 133,1 (ete sa, ete sa-
ara). — Sa na eye, so it is right; wose sa, wgka sa, so they say or
speak, so the tcord is used.

sa, V. [red. sesa] general idea: to bring into, or be in, or aim

at connection. — 1. to tie together, bind, mend, repair, patch, cobble;
sa me mp&boti ma me, mend my sandals for me; cf. sa U2. — J2. to
tie, fasten (a rope &c.); ode hama kosa dua kese bim' na ode asil
dna tiatia a wasi no nso, s. seren; osa me, he ties me to a stick; cf.
roantam. — 3. to be tied or fastened somewhere, to hang down; hama
bi sa or sesa ho, the rope or runners of a climber is or are hanging
down (from trees) or across; odonko sa ho, a swing is suspended
there. — 4. to stretch, be stretcJied; asu bi sa ho, a river runs along
there. — 5. red. sesa, to cast forth rays, to radiate. — 6. to strain:
sa ani, to fix one^s eyes upon something, to regard attentively, observe
closely: nea osa n'ani kakra se tumi hi\ se eye asisi ara nko, one
who looks at it a little closely, can see that it is nothing but deceit —
7. to be bent upon or directed to, to aim at; ani sa, to direct tJie in-
tention or purpose to; to have in view; to have a bad eye or intention
against; akokg ani sa btirofua, the hen^s eye points at the grain; asa-
fu ani sa akura, the troop have set their eye on (seek for) a plantation-
village (to obtain food from); pr. 1652.2754. — ybonsam anisa Onya-
me mma, tJie devil aims at the children of God. — 8. to run after;
osa me = ota me. — 9. to hit, to enter and stick fast; bemma {or
agyan) a otowe no akgsa dua no mu, the arrow shot by him has struck
the tree and sticks fast in it; otow agyan sa no, osa no ben, he shoots
him with an arrow, pr. 1473. — wanoa bore asa neho, lie has boiled
poison to his oum hurt. — 10. s. red. sesa, to change, exchange.

si, V. [G. ta] to end, come to an end, pass away, die away; to be
spent or consumed; perf. to be at an end, to be done or gone, to be

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400 osa — nsa.

out or over, to he ended, fimshedy past; me ta resa nkakra-nkakr^,

my tobacco is gradually diminishing, coming to an end; me ntrama
nbina asa, roinni bi bio ; - dabi, ensae e, ebi wo wo adakam'; aUm^
cowries are spent, I have no more; - fw, they are not (all) spent, there
are some in your box; pr. 337L — wotoh wo tu'a, me n^ wo bedi na
asa (from a song), if you sell your gun, you and I will eat it up, i.e.
we untl spend the money in feasting; - pr.812£21.986.2638.33TL -asem
asa, the matter is over or finished; - tr. to cause to cease, pr. 2785,2795.

— ekuru sa = wu, the wound heals. pr, 1857. (ne yare asa, better: dc
yare agyae, ne ho agyae, = ne ho aye no den bio; cf. ne bo asao,
he has recovered. — Fhr. a d e s fl [6. dSe na], the things come to an
end i.e. the day closes, evening draws near, it grows dark; ade resa,
it draws towards evening; ade asa, the day is spent, the night is at
hand or has set in, it is night

0-s a, pi. a-, a path cut through the bush, okwan ketewa bi a eda
wuram', abommofo kwan ; t^a sa {pL iwitwa asa), to cut a path.

Q-sa, [G. ta] war; ko or tu sa, to go to war, make war, take the
field ;pr. 2438Ji730f. wotu no so sa, they make war upon or wage war
against him; y e or n 6 a sa, /o prepare for war. pr. 2469.

Ash, adv. then, again; else, besides; hut; ed^n Ask? what then?
(John 1,21.); eden na wofwefwe asa? asa wofwefwc den? what dse
do you seek? asa ahe na worekp na woboaboa woho? hut where wiU
you go seeing (or since) you are preparing yourself?

asd, Ak. s. asaw.

asd, the largest room in a negro house; drawing-room, assem-

bly-room; hall, saloon; ote asA s6, he sits in the large room.

asd^ loom; = asadna.

nsd, warp in weaving, the threads which are extended length-

wise in the loom and crossed by the woof; cf. dwese, mfa.

n s a, i. hand; pr. 2733ff. finger (s), cf. nsatea; arm, cf. basa; /bre-
/bo< of quadrupeds, c/'.nan; - nsam', a) the palm of the hand; b) prop-
erty, pr. 402. — nsa-akyi, the back of the hand; - ode ne nsa ato
adwumaye, he has put (the) hand to work. — 3. hand, index or poin-
ter of a dial, watch or clock. — 3. handle of a jug or similar vessel.

— 4. branch (of a climber); cf basa. — Fhr. nsa ka, (lit. the hand
touches,) to receive, obtain, attain; to reach; me nsa aka uhoma, /
have received a letter; wo hhoma no aka me nsa, your letter has come
to hand; nea of wef^ee no, ne nsa aka, he has obtained what ht de-
sired, or, attained what he sought for; mahfi mmepow yi, na minim
se me nsa aka me ktirow, having seen these mountains, I kfww that
I have reached my home. — i^e nsa hy ia neho, what he earns with
his handsuffices (is sufficient) for his wants. — ne nsa h y i a oman no
so, lit. his hands meet over i.e. he is able to manage the people, (to
keep tJiem in due subjection J to rule the country. — oman annya ohene
hoodenfo a, ne nsa h k ora won, if the people have not a strong king
over them, he is not able to manage them. — ne nsa n n d, lit. Ids hand
does not rest, lie idle or sleep, i.e. a) he is busy, active; b) he is bus-
tling, not quiet; c) he is industrious, diligent = oj^ nsi, oyegdeyofo.

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sa — osa. 401

— ne nsa a pa, to hand has left off holding, i.e. he has desisted {from
doing something), he has grown tired, given up in despair; syn. wapa
abaw. — ne nsa kopaa no ho, he hurt him unintentm2 alii/, by inad-
vertence; s. pa 3, & sakwan. — me nsa ns^n won fwenem', they
are too high for me, I cannot reproach them. — ne nsa si fam' : woa-
ma ne nsa asi fam\ they have caused a great loss to him(?); ode ne
nsa si fam\ ohjira ghene, he curses the king's life. — ne nsa so, lit.
his hand reaches, is (strong) enough, i.e. he is able for, obetumi.pr.^^r^.
— ne nsa tee, Ae i5 a sharp-shooter, a good marksman, — ne nsam'
tee, he is liberal, generous, bountiful, munificent. — ne nsa ye den,
he is rigorous, severe, violent, pr. 2736. — ne nsa yehareorduru
dodo, he is too ready to flog. — nensam* ye deii, he is illiberal,
near, close, miserly. pr. 2740. — ne nsam' ago w, ahodwow, his liands
have become slack i.e. he is discouraged, disheartened; cf. wapa abaw,
n'abasam' atu. — ogow ne nsam', a) = nensam'tee; b) he is slack
in working. ' — de.. hy§ ..nsa, to give in charge of, commit to one's
rare; to surrender, deliver (up). — bye., nsam' ade, to satisfy by
giving, pr. 573. — o m Q a ne nsa a n o, he folds his hands. — o w g ne
nsam\ = owo sika, he is wealthy, optdent, in good circumstances.

— oy i ne nsa, a) he withdratcs his hand; b) he is at his meal, he is

eating; mekoyi me nsa maba mprempren ara.

sa, a kind of tree (willow?); pr. 3622. mframa bo no a, eye (L

e-s&, n-, three; cpd. abiesa, mmiensa. Gr. § 77.
OS a, pi. a-, caterpUlar. pr.2732.

nsa, strong drink, intoxicating liquor ; s. nsafiifu, palm-wine;

pr. 65J2742'46. cf. mm6s4, mpabyewa, benano, mfrdsa; - nsii aborow
pi wo ho: nsafiifu, ahai, atokosa, kubesa; mmorosa: raereken, gyin,
(G. aolende,) kobi, kurabraka; p6torQ, brofo-ahai; wlua.s. bobesa;
-bow, bo, boro nsa, to be intoxicated with liquor; - ebebo wo nsa
wo as5m', it will offend your ears; - aberante no asi ababa no ti nsa,
the young man has brought the palm-ivine for his affiance or betrothal
to that young woman. — Phr. nea mekae no, mise sa a, eye nsa, I
recall, recant, revoke, take back what I have said. Hist.p. 101.

^nsE, adv. first, at first, in the mean (time), meantime, meanwhile;

tra ha ansa, stay here in the mean time; - ausa-na, before, nsually fol-
lowed hy the consec. or imp.; wobekyerew eyi ma ansa-na woagyae?
to mfensre mu ansd-na esum nnuru! R§ 226,1. Gr. §266,1. - na..
ansa, till, untU; to wo bo ase na(or ma) menkyerew me nhoma ansa
(na me n^ wo nkasa), R.§ 226,2. Gr. § 266,2.
ansa-ana, F. before. Mt. 6,8.26,34.75. Mk. 14,72.

s a, sAara, s. sa. — sa, F. wo sa, = di nokoro, to agree. Mt. 18,19.

8 a, v.,red. sasa (mu), to mix; to be mixed; to weave in different

colours; syn. fra, frafra ; - nsafiifu no asa, = wgde 'nera nsa afra
'ne de mu ama ne nhina aye dc ; ode nsa-bone n^ nsa-pa asasa mn ;
osa ne ntama = gde bibiri n^ boa n^ asawa fiifu frafra (sasa mn)
nwene ne ntama; cf. nsasa.

sa' [Engl.] a saw; s. ser>ida, owan.

Q-sa, F. eunuch; s. gsae. Mt 19,12.


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402 nsa — sdbdn.

nsa, a kind of blanket from the interior of Africa; Nnonkofo

ntama pipripi bi a ahene de sew won apakan ma. pr. 1443.

sa, a, 1. tough = twA; amane n^ bankje fufu ye 8&, wotew a

entew. — J2, soft, gentle; slow, slotvly; agyinamoa nam sa. — 3.
weak, feeble, drooping, flagging, languid; waye si, his whole hodp
has become weak; n'ani aye s^ = n'aniakisa, he languishes, pines;
he longs, yearns (for home &c.)

0-S&, a by-name of the cat; s. agyinamoa & s& 2,

as§.; Ak. asawa, an edible berry (as large as that of the coffee-
tree), of an exceedingly sweet taste which is communicated to any
thing eaten or drunk afterwards, pr. 47L

asa(wa)dua, the shrub on which it grows,

asft, = asae, hammer,

asaba, F. = asawa, cotton, flax; ML 6^8,21,20. -to as., to spin,

as Sib Si J pi, n-, bludgeon, club, cudgel; aba a wgde horo saw (pbro-
d^wd, ahensdw, akdse, ognaben) n^ ntama; cf aporiba.

asabawin(u) [sare? iibaw mu]: ogye or ogyigye me as., he

hinders me in the work I have in hand, prevents me from proceeding
in my work,

o-sa-barimd, hero, powerful warrior; = dommaHmd.

g-sa-barima, = osabofo. pr. 2747,
s a b 6, a kind of charm ; wato me s., he has poisoned me with s.

[s, sHmlii.
sab6n^ a word put instead of the name of a person, cf, asia-
mksi n^ obent6n.

o-s4beii, a slight disease in tJie skin; discolouring it; epa wo

nsa ho ma eye ko se obdroni nsa ho ; - e wotere wo honam ko na
anw6rdm wo wo ano; sabeii-kokO nen; ebi nso ye tumm, sabeni-
miri; ebi de ye fita.

o-sdb^na^ s, osdneb^n^.

asdbera^ a disease of children, causing looseness of the bowels

and leanness ; mmofra yare a wgne pi, nso won akwa mu ye won
bete na ema wodow kokoko.

nsa-beraiV, lionorary tide, appellation of honour; mmeran a

wgrenom nsa a wode pa obi.
sabire, = birisi,
a s a b 6; 1^7. n-, = kidney.

nsd-boa [nsa, aboa]: nens. keka no = ne ns. k3'ere no adewia

da, his hand itches or instigates him to steal.

g-sa-b6f6, Ak. -borofo, F. sabokwafo (ML 24,49), pi, a-, an in-

toxicated, drunken man; drunkard, caroiiser; cf osabarima, osa-
dweam, sadoi, osani; osanomfo.

asa-b6w, n-, iw/*. [bow nsa] drunkenness, inebriation, intoxica-

tion, occasional drinking,

s d b 5 n, the stock of a gun, the wood in which the lock of a gun

is fixed; dua a otuo no dam'; cf otuo; nansabon.

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asabbntwi — asafbakwd. 403

asabontvlrf, a kind oH panther or leopardy inferior to osebo,

and of a lighter colour; as. kyere nhnah.

sa-broi*ere [sare so br.] a shrub with edible fruits.

asa-bu, inf, [bu nsa, to reckon by the fingerSy scil. the time of
seclasion] the menseSj monthly courses of women.

o-sabufo, ph a-, a mensfruous woman, Eze, 36,17.

sade, s. siade.

asd-de [gsaade] 1, requisites for war, warlike or military stores,

ammunition, — 2. booty , spoil, prey made in war; fa asade, to plun-
der; cf. fow.

sa-doi, habitual drinking, mania for drinking,

asa-dud, pi, n-, loom; s. asa.

o-sa-dw^dm, pL a-, a habitual drunkard, pr, 2748,

o-sae, F.o8a,^/.a-, [sa, t?.] gelding, castrated animal (r/loguan-

sae, nantwisae, oponkosae); for a castrated man, eunuch, its use is
indecent; 8, ojitotoni, opiani, osft.

a s a e, asa, hammer,
sdfe, j?Ln- (F.) or nsafewd, key; - sdf^-kksiaw, nsafS-twaw,
hunch of keys, — saJowa, pi, n- [dim.]

asa-fe, the lees of palm-tcine smeared on the shoulder; nsa a

woanom na woafwie kora ase puw no agu fam' na wode nsatea 2
potow de twa mmati so; asafe a otwae no apopa.

s a-f 1 [sare fi] a bundle of long grass for covering roofs.

o-sdfo, pi, a-, [sa, to C2«rc] = oyaresdf6, one who cures a disease;
cttrer, healer, physician, pr. 2749,

0-8 df 6, pi, a-, [saw, to dance"] dancer; nea onim asaw. pr.2753.

o-sdfo, = osaw f5, an old sponge of fibres; s, kwis^sd.

o-saf6, pi, a-, seller of palm-wine. pr. 199.1163. Cf, gsani.

o-s&fo, 85f6, a swelling in Uic neck, throat ov gullet, causing diffi-

culty of swallowing and hoarseness, extending to the ear &c.

asdfo, (pi., used also as si.) 1. company, society, association; a

division of the men of a toivnship or country; troop, band, gang, host,
army, pr.2754f. - community; (religious)congregation, church; -bo as.,
to form a company d'c; mmofraanyinagiias.nomunti, won as. ado,
young people having grown up and entered the company, their host
has increased; as. no agu akohyen bi mu, the company has been dis-
banded (dissolved) and incorporated with another, The adult males
of every township or country on the Gold Coast are divided into
companies or hosts bearing distinct names; those of Akuapem are
called: Atiwa (at Amannokrom), As6nko and Apesemak^ (at Akro-
pong, s, Ap.; if a woman of the Apesemakafo marries an Osonko-
ni, the child will be Osonkoni); Ak6mfode (at Abiriw and Date),
Apagyd(atAbur{), Kyeremim (part of Amannokrom, Nkranfodea),
Z^fnua, Amfere, Asabi &c. — ^. a kind of play; goru as., pr, 1478.

asafq-akwd, a couch or layer of palm-branches to lay the mat

on for sleeping; berew a woatwano tententen se nea woda so a ebg-

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404 gsafoh^iie — as^guase.

ye *ye, na wopapae mn na wode ano ni ano hyiahyia, na wosew

wo kete wo so da.

0-safo-h 6n e, ph a-, [asafo, ohene] captain, mUUary officer, tear-

chief, commander of an army; vassalchief, duke, governor, pr.l3 18 J^56.
Asafohene nam ahorow abieh: ohene asafohene ni oman de: ohene
de ne won a wodidi nkOrow so, na oman de ne won a wodidi kfirom'
ho asafo so. — o-safo-hemma. osafoheiVkumu, under captain, sub-
ordinate officer, - safohen-m-akyiri [adiakyiri]+ wa;or. - o-safo-
h^m-pdnyin, osafohfeii-kunini, chief captain, general; - g-safo-
heii-titfriw, osafohene a ne kohmu (ne dom mu) ye den, general:
cf. osahene.

asafo-lien-nee, decoration for a war-chief, pr, 104O.

as afo-kii w, 1, a single company or congregation, syn. asafotow.

— 2, a smaller division of a host or army; troop; battrdion. — ?.
the whole crowd or assembly of a congregation.

a s a f o-k ye^mejthe speaker of a company of citizens ; n'ad wn-

ma ne se : asafo rebeka asem bi akyere obi a, na ono na wode hje
n'ano na oka.

asafo-kyene, = asafo akyene; as. reka, the dmm of the com-

pany is beaten.

o-safoni, pi. a- -fo, member of a company or congregation.

g-s a-f r = Qsaw foforo.

a s a f o-s e m, a matter, affair or transaction thai concerns the whole

company or community, in which all the members have a right to
speak; as. de, mm^rante na edi; asennf de, eye mpanyinscm a mpa-
nyimfo na edi.
asafo-t6w, a single company or congregation; asafo ahorow;
s. asafoknw ; ne-nnansa asem a ebae yi, Datefo as. abiesa na ebae
(ene kiirom^ ho asafo h6r6w).
safotow-liene,+ colonel,

asa-f r^6, place where palm-wine is mixed and sold. pr. 199.

nsa-fiifu, palm-wins; three weeks after felling the palm-tree

and lopping its branches a hole is cnt in the trnnk to the core, from
which the gathering sap rnns through a kind of reed into a small
pot which is emptied every morning and afternoon, and the opening
is each time cleaned and made fresh by cutting and burning; the
palm-wine continues to flow out for about six weeks and is called
by different names, according to the different qualities it assumes
during this time: 1) wokoka no gya a edi kan a, na n'adekyee no
na worekoyi nt^teas^ a.s. nslis^; 2) ebeye se nennannuro so na
wokofa n t Qn k dm, ntunkuntiri; 3) na ebeye ne nnaawotwe de-reko
dadu-nnannum na adan nsapd, odomono; 4) na ede-reko sram n^
fH a, na adan k6kdr6(ampon). Cf. nsa, ben-ano, mfrasa.

g-sa-funu, = odompo.
s&-gua^ & place where drinkers are assembled; gte8.mu=pte
nea woaoo gua renom nsS.

asagua-se [ase] & place where liquor is to be had; qko as., he

goes to (is a visiter of) the public-house.

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osdgyefo — sakraman. 405

o-sa-gy efo, pL a-, [ohene a.8. obiara a ogye sa] collector of an

army; ane wlw hires an army to join his own. - F. deliverer.

o-« a-h e n e, pi. a-, chief commander in a war, captain-general;

leader, duke; field-marshal.

o-sahene-mau, dukedom, dtichy. — o-sahen-kese, grand-duke.

o-saheii-kunini, p^a-, arch-duke; marshal, fidd-marshdl. Hist.
asa-ahensa, ase-ah., a kind of black beans; s. ase.
a s a-h i n d, ph n- [nsa ahina] 1. pot for palm-wine, pr. 2757. —
2. a kind of yam (bayere), s. ode.

asa-huru, nsa ahnru, froth of palm-wine. pr. 1565.

iisa-hy e vv [nsa a ado hyerehyere] wine or strong drink which
is hot from fire or the sun or spiritaousness.

nsa-hy e, inf. [hye nsa] the act o^ pouring wine and giving it to
one to drink; the office of a cup-hearer.

nsa-hyefo, cup-hearer, fore-taster, hutler.

saka, t;. (in Kyerehi, Gr. p. XIV.) to strew, scatter, sow; ba-
saka mo = woga mo, tJiey sow rice.
sdka, adv. s^as&ka, n., a., adv. disorder, confusion, turmoil,
disturhance, tumxdt; disorderly, orderless, unarranged, irregular, -ly,
confused, -ly, tangled^ fumbled, scattered, promiscuous, tumultuary.
asakasaka-de, disordered or confused things; irregularities.
asakas&ka-seni; a confused or intriccUe matter; tumultuousness,

sa-kane [nsa, kane]: ogye me s., he says I am stingy or nig-

gardly with my palm-wine; ose: me yam' ye nwene, memma obi
nsa nnom. pr. 1586.

nsa-ka-an6, tasting of the palm-wine. pr. 2758.

sakdra, sakira, s. sakra.

Q-s&k6^pl. a-, a kind oi conveyance (litter, hammock) for carry-
ing a person ; nnua a woakyekyere no na woaye biako asen ase
a onipa tra so ua wosoa no se ahamanka; nnua abien a wode hama
asesa ntam' ma obi da mu na nnipa banan soa.

sako, a. pure, white; ntama no, wahoro ma aye s. = fita.

sa-kora [nsakora] a calahash for^drinking palm-wine, pr.948,
nsdkgt5, /w^; cf kutruku, kutrumua. ^^^^•

sakra, v. [red.] F. sakyir, Ak. sakyire, to change, alter; cf.

sesn; mekosakra mentade, / am going to change my clothes; os. ne
koma, n'adwene, he changes his heart or mind, his thoughts or pur-
pose, his views, he is converted, turned or cfuinged; - intr. to change,
he changed.

nsakraC; change, alteration; ns. bi nni no mu, there is no al-

teration in him.

sakraka, pr.2696.
sakrama = tekrema. pr. 3219.3228.

sa-kr&man [sare so kraman] a kind of jackal, Oanis aureus

or mesomelas; s. kyere hkoko.

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406 sakrau — samL

sakran y a kind of grass that has small sticks growing ontof

its stem; sare a iye nnua-nnna. Ex. 2^ [G. kla.]

s^kU; s^kusaku, a. brisUy, rough; hairg, hirsute, hispid,

rugged, ragged, shagged, shaggy; patakn n^akraman bi ho nbwi ye
ss.; enyi f§ pi na eje den kakra; cf. fukfi, kafd, kuha.

sa'kw^y a large quadruped (antelope); cf. torom.

sa-kwdn: okosiw s., ^ gives satisfaction {cf.siw kwah): wo

nsa kopa obi ho, se ebia woreye ha na woatow tiio na akoka onipa,
na awerefo no toto nsa na wode sika koma won na woantoto nsa
bebrebe a, na woka no sfi.

sa-kwara-ma, ns& kora ma, a calabasfi full of palm-wine. pr. 9S6

nsa-kyerew,+ manuscript
Nsakye, i>r.n. (a river, a village).

sakyi, pr.2052. — Sakyi, pr, n. m.

nsd-kyi, the back of the hand.

nsdkyi-nsdy ana , deceitfulness, duplicity, double-dealing, tipne-

seroing, hypocrisy; perfidy, treachery; oy6 ns., = kwasi-amahkwii,
he is double-tongued, double-dealing, ambidextrous, a deceitful per-
son, an ambiguous talker,

sakyir(i), F. saky ire, Ak.=sakra, to change, alter; to be changed.

nsakyir, F. change, renewing.

sam, 17. [red. sensam] 1. to lie in a disorderly manner, to h

scattered or thrown about; abilrow, nkate, ntrama, nhoroa sam ho
= egugu ho saka bebre; ne nne§ma nhina sam (boa, gu) fam\ —
^, fact, to throw down, prostrate, strew, scatter; wode nhami asara
(aboa, owadifo, onipa biara a ose okyere) no ho se wode bekyere
no. — 3^ to lie about weak and languid: ^sam ho, wosensam bg. —
4. Phrase: sam bra, to lie about without retiring to a secluded spot
(as it ought to be daring the monthly courses). — Cf. boa, pansam,
sampam; sem, sew.

s^m, adv, scattered, throton about disorderly; abiirow gu ho

sdm ; ode ntrama agu ho sam.

sam, F., adv, in small particles; obodwo no s., it will grind

him to powder, scatter him like chaff, Cf. sllmsam.

sam, V. s. siam. •

as dm, a fissure or flaw in a knife or other instrument made by

forging; akam a eyi wo dade mu; osekan yi (ano) ayi as., as. aba
ano, = oldLm dam\

ns am' [nsa mu] s, nsa; pr. 27S8ff, - nsam' (ado), property, pr. 402.
dns&m', Ak. ds4m', pi, n-, the wild G-uinea-hen.
nsam a, handbreadth; span, distance or width of a span; brief
extent or portion of time; cf. nsatsema, F.

samaj pi, n- & nsamS', figures made on the head by unequal

cutting of the hair; woyi (wotwa) wgh ho a.s. won ti so n8,]pr,2002.32o9'
figures or decorations on paper or in any thing, woakyerew or woa-
t^a, or woayi mu ns., tJ^ have made figures in it, pierced work,
net-work, cut-work, fret-work, or in relief.

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nsama — samana. 407

nsama, F. worms. Job 19,26.

o-s a mam-pa, 1. a good-natured spirit ;pr, 2759. — 2, a common

spirit, of a man that died a natural death, s. QsamSn.

asamam-p6wm', n-, a grove for the dead, in which strangers,

women that died in childbirth, and slaves, are buried or castpr.^tfO.

o-saman, p^a-, asamanfo, n-, i. departed spirit,pr. 165.2761-64.

ffluist, goblin, spectre, apparition, Mk. 6,49. — cf. sesa, asdm^n. ■ —
^. skeleton of a man. — Esono atofo asaman (a.s. sesa), §8ono asa-
man-pa, esono asaman-tw^ntweh ; won de, wonnya ok wan hko asa-
man, nea wonmfefo wo, na wotete mfikyiri so; - atofo sesa: womfA
wonho mfra asaman-pd mu, na wonam da, woabo hyirew na wofura
D n wera, nso wonsnro; - asaman-pd de, wohQ nipa a, na woguan, wom-
p6 se ouipa hu won po. There are, according to the opinions of the heathen
Negroes, three differ mvt kinds of departed spirits: a) those who fed in battle
(or by an accident, as by afaUing tree); o) common spirits; c) lingering
spirits. The last named are not admitted to the world of spirits, wKere the
others are, but hover about behind the dwellings; the spirits of those who
were killed do not associate wifh the common spirits; they walk aboiU, rub-
bed wUh white clay and in white garments; they are not afraid, whilst the
common spirits flee when they see a man, and do not toish even to be seen.

asam&ii (F. as^ mdii?), the world of spirits, the nether world,
the lower regions, the place of the dead; by some it is conceived to
be in the upper regions, the milky way being the road leading to it;
pr. 2765-68. - onipa wu a, gkg asaman, wJienaman dies, he goes into
the world of spirits. — Wose: As&mah wq ho yi, ahene wo ho, nkoa
wo ho; woyare wo wiase hayi kye kye a, mfrihyia 3 ansa-na wo
ho aye wo den wo ho ; na woto de a, en^de ebey§ se osram bi (nna-
nsa bi) na wo ho ay§ wo den. Wose: Asaman wo fam*; ebinom se:
ewo soro; en'de, wonnimn"iye. Nea wuwu a wode wo ko ho no,
eho na wo saman wq ; se wuwu na wode wo kg pgwm' a, na wo saman
wo powm\ Nsamahfo no ktirom' uni powm', na ewo fam^; §ye kiirow
kakra, okwan nso ware se, nso wobeko ho a, woforo bepow ansa-na
woko ho. Nea owu wu-pd de, onam a, ne kwan so ye tumm wo soro;
na nea otoe de, onam a, neho hyirew bi gngufam\ na enti wobehu
se ne kwan da ho fita. Asamampowm' de, wose, nsamahfo nte ho
da, na nnakoro-nnakoro bi na wobaho na wohyiaho; ebiawonom
nsa a.s. wodidi a.s. wogoru. It is said: In the realm of the dead there
are kings as well as subjects (slaves). If you were sick in this world for a
long time, you unU be restored to health tnere after three years; but one
who died in battle or by accident will be toeU aaain vn^ a short Hme, per-
haps in a month or so. It is said: the realm of the dead is below (in the
earth); some say: it is above (in heaven); about this there is no surety.
Where one is taken to, when he dies, there his spirit is; whenyoti die and
they take you to the spirits^ grove, then your spirit is in the grove. The
town (or country) of the departed spirits is not in the grove, but in tlie


way, some of the white clay, with which lie is rubbedy drops doien, there-
fore his way (the milky way) appears white. — In the spirits' arove the
departed spirits do not stay alioays;^onlg on certain single days they come
and assemble there for dnnking or eating or playing.

s a man a, V. [Eng.] to summon.

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408 asamanad^ — sampannuodu.

asaman&-dc, money paid to a magUtrate in order io procure

the summons of (mother person.

asamdnadwo, the heeUe whose larva or grub lives ia the oil-

palm ; s. ak9k6no. jpr. m5,27U.2770f,

saman-adze, F. = asaraan-ase, heU. ML 11,23. osian kor as.,

he descended into hell.

asaman-yifitewd, a kind of tree.

asamafi-akydkyed, a kind o{ plant.
g-saman-^ka'^ a kind of thorny tree.

o-samanap&, a kind of lizard of a yellow and black colour,

asaman-aan, F. tomb.

o-samankrofi; a person dead a long time; an old ghost ap-

pearing again (osaman a oko fie ?) pr. 1125.
asamanofi, s. asammorofi.
asaman-po, F. = asamampow.
saman-sew [osaman nsew] the last will of a dying person;
nea orewu nsem a Qkae no se, woanyeno saa, nesamaii bekum wo;
ohyee s. se neba m'fa ne dan, ode ne dan hyee neba s., he by his
last will bequeathed his house to his son.

asaman-td^ -tawa, a kind of at a (q.v.) which is not eaten, but

left to the spirits, pr. 2769.

asamantd, i>^n-, wood-hen, = akokof werew. pr. 5»7.

asdman-tw^ntweii, a depatied spirit that does not come to
his rest in the asdmdn, on account of his wickedness in his life-time,
but must hover about behind the dwellings; s. osaman.

saman-nyd [osaman gya] Aky. matches; cf. biirogya, F.

asaman-nyd [osaman gya] mole, mother spot, dark or black
spots on the human body, considered as marks burnt in by a spirit.
o-saman-yere, 1, the wife destined for a man before he or she
was bom; nnipa nhinS wo won s. — 2. the deceased wife of a de-
ceased man.

sa-marafo [m&na nsa] pr.1186.

same', Ak. same6, i. = asam. — 2. rheumatism, espec. in the

hips, thighs and legs; cf. os^nmu; oyare a ebon s^re na edidi fa

nsamerewa? pr. 218.

s&mina, soap; syn. gy^re; kyew or ye s., to make soap of
gy^kisi (gyare-nsO) and palm-oil ; s. yi ye nnam se, eye ogy4, this
soap is as sharp as fire.
samo, s. siamo.
asammproff, asamanofi, JR. asomerofi, fire-place, the })lac€
where the fire is made and food is cooked, hearth; odan rafinimfini
a.s. adiwo nea 'muka sisii a woso gya ho. pr.2080.

samp am, a. waste, devastated, ruined; waye nefi ho s. =

pasa; cf. pansam, sam.

s am pan a, t;. Gy. to wear a rope or rag tied about the chest
in mourning for a near relation; gs. = ode abom* bo ne mu.
sampannuodu ?

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samsam — sann. 409

sjimsam, a, sandy, crumbly; nhwSa, dote no je s.; opp.mktk.

nsamso, Ak. = nsemso.

s an, V. [red. sensan] 1, to dratv a line, to make a stroke, e.g.

with a stick in the sand; oresan fam\ he is drawing a line on the
ffround; to mark with a line; fa san ho, make a line (which signi-'
fies something): sah nhoma no so = fa hye hhomam*; ode sekan
asikh m^ani ase d^ dy^ me k^sante, with a knife he cut a line across
my cheek as a mark of disobedience. — J2. to be drawn across or in
another direction; etwit s&n (j)L sensan) n'ani ase, a scar is (scars
are) on his cheek. — 3. to make a slit, cut lengthwise into two long
jjieces or strips; s. sensan. — 4. to return, go or come back; mayen-
san nko fie hio, let its return home again; onipa wa a, obesan aba
bio, if a man dies, he will return again (by metempsychosis, accord-
ing to the ideas of the negroes); san akyiri, to return, go back; wa-
san n'akyi, he has turned back; wdsin or wasdn ab^, he has come
back. — 5. to repeat, (re)iterate, do again; to do besides; owie asem
no ka no, mesan mekaa bio, wJien he had finished his speech, I re-
peated it; osan kaa enoara bio, he said the same thing again; kasa
san mu = kasa ti mu, to repeat what hasbeentold already; s. okasa-
sanmii. — 6. to cause to return, to send back: mesan no, I sent him
away; kosan no, let him go home. — 7. to stop one who is ready to
go, = siahka, Lii/r. 24,39. — 8. to put off, defer; osan won ansa, he
put them off in their cause, Act824,32. — 9. to restore, justify, mndi-
cate, clear: osan neho, he pleads for himself, restores himself to his
former purity, vindicates his innocence ; wasan neho, Jie hofi cleared
Imnsdf from the imputation of guilt; sore besan woho na yen tie, arise
and let us hear your defence! wasan ne nua ano, he lias cleared his
brother from the accusation, cf. toto ano. pr. 435. — 10. to return to
the former state ne ho asan (no), he has recovered, his full health
has been restored to him; pi. won ho a6ensan(won); - hd san, F, to
be healed, cleansed. Mk. 1,40-42. — 11. to take back a spoken word,
withdraw an expression, retract an accusation: asem a wobeka na
woasah no, fa sa ma enka wo tirim, pr. 2856. — 1^. to deny, disown,

s an', V. [red. san's^n] to infect; oykr^ no asdn no, he has been

infected with tJw disease; pi. oyare no asansan won; esan wo a, wo-
renserew bio; inf. nsan, q, v.

san , V. [red. san'sHln] 1. to loose, loosen, untie, unbind, unfasten,

open by loosening: wasdh pow no, hama no, kotoku no (ano.) —
2. to be or become loose, relaxed: ne tam asan, his (under-)garment
sits loose. — 3. to free or be free from restraint: me ho asan me, I
am at ease, glad, joyful, cheerful, gay, merry, happy dtc. ; wo ho awie
wo San a, na wudi ahuritsi, if you are perfectly rejoiced, you leap
for joy. Cf. anigye &c. — 5. san .. m u, to cause to sound clearly: os^n
ne'n6 mu fteee neho) kasae, he spoke with a clear voice, loud and
distinctly (and adroitly, s. tee).

s an n, adv. freely, properly, distinctly; obuaa me s., he answered

my questions in an orderly manner.

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410 sann — osaiiku.

san 11, adv. quietly, pleasantly; ne ba bo ue bo s., her child rests

peaceftdly on her bosom,

san, sail, F. s, «ian, sian, siane, sen &c.

o-s d II, />?. a-, barfly shed, corn-house; a hut erected on poles in
a plantation, in which corn &c. is laid up.

as a 11, pi. id. a Iwuse of two stories with a grass-roof; wdsi {pi.
wasisi) asan.

nsaii, inf. [san'] infection, -ye nsah» to he contagious, infec-

tious, infective; oko yensah, war is likely to spread, easily entan^
or complicates others.
ans^-na (F. ansa-ana), s. ansa.

o-sanria, 1. something large, biribi a eye kokiiroko no(?). —

^. a large money-bag; the king's purse or treasury = ohene fot6. —
sanna-mu-mansoafo, minister of the finances; Eug. chancellor of the
exchequer. Am. secretary of the treasury. Hist-

Osanna, name of a month, about August; s. osram. Os. fi a,

ua okom agu. pr. 2772.

saniia-b6, the king's tceiglU (for weighing gold).

g-sannaiii, pi. a- -fo, the hing''s treasurer, = ofotosanfo; okura
ohene foto na of we ohene sika so; osan foto nti na wofre no sanna.

nsah-akyiri, inf. backsliding; cf. akyirisah.

osan-de, F. = esiane-se, because, for. Mt 27^.

sane, s. siane & sCiane. — sane, F. = siftn, Mk. 15^0.32,

nsane, |?i. nsensane [san, t?.] stroke, line; cf. nsanho.

n san eafo, heralds, a class of attendants on tlic king; s. nsanee.

o-sdneb6ne, = gsa (ne) ben, wliat host? In order to know a

friend from an enemy, the watch-word is demanded by asking **08i-
neben' a?" and the reply is: yen hko-nko, it is only we (friends)!
or, Mankdtd, i.e. of McCarthy's host! or, Osee a! Osee Ayisi a!
Fedii A'gyeman! or, the respective king^s name; a(kwan)srafo de
osanebene u6 ne mmuae hyehye wohho nsow.

nsanee = sen, herald.

nsane-h6, track, rill, run. pr. 2773.

nsau-li6 [nea esau ho] line, stroke; cf. nsane.

nsan-h6,+ comma.

o-sani, pi. a- -fo [nsa] a habitual drunkard; pr. 2774, c/losabofo,

o-sa-aniwa (ostta-an.?) a kind of bead; s. ahene. [osadweam.

saiika, s. sianka.

as an k a, 2??. n-, Ak. abeyea, a sort of black earthen vessel, dish,

used for serving up, partly also for cooking food; diff. kinds (asan-
ka-sanya, asahkasgn &c.) s. nkuku ne hkaka.
s a II k a e, Ky . corkscrew.

o-sanku, pi. a-, n-, a stringed musical instrument, a rude kind

of guitar; diff. kinds: od6ns6n, sahkupd, Akp. sankut6n, Ak. sankd
a §80 [slinkCibdh si] nwotwe, or (simply) nwotwe, & nsia or sebere-
wa; s. it also used for European musical instruments, as gmtwr,

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sankubo — sdnten. 411

fiddle, violin, harp, harspichord, piano-forte, organ; but $. aben,

obenta, benta-sankQ, adakaben; -bos., to play on the guitar, harp
dtc; jisanku aao = to s. ano dwom, to sing to the guitar.
sankfi-bg, inf. the playing of the guitar, harp <S;c,

o-saukdbofo, pi, a-, player on the guitar d;c, singer and harper ^
minstrel, musician,
sank ii-h All, pi. id,, chord or string of a guitar, sanku so hdma.
san-ky iri, adv, [sah, v., akyiri] s. bio, s. yi, again, after that,
fufiher, fuHhermore; cf. akyiri no, akyiri yi; Gr. § 130,5.

nsaiVkyiri [asan, akyiri] the king's harem, seraglio; ohene

mma-mu, abenyerenom fi ; cf, awiriwa.

nsaii-akyiri, s. after sannft.

nsau-mii, inf. repetition = ntirad, cf. okasasanmu; - reaction,

nsaumufo, reactionary, reactionist. Hist, wasan n'akyi akofa

uea onam bae hq.

nsa-n5A == asase a §wq sare ano (as from Kwabercnyan near

Berekuso to Apcse near Abonse).

asa-nom, inf [nom nsa] drinking pcdm-tvine. pr, 124,

o-sa-nomfo, i>i. a-, drinker, drunkard; s, osafo, osabofo.

Tisa-nsa, a,, adv. empty-handed, having nothing in the hands;

cf. iisabunu, nsapan. - nsa-nsa-dodow, many (empty) hands, pr, 277 8,

o-sdnsd, pi, a-, a bird of prey, harrier, hen-driver, pr,2775ff,

as an-s h. [asan esa] F. ns^mso abiesa dan, a liouse of three stories.

o-sansan(, pi, a--fo, (nea gnam nsa-nsa] an unarmed follower

of a host; asansafo na ahy§ atufo no dodow-wura, unarmed men
have swelled the numbers of the men at arms.
sail si, V, to analyze (?),

nsa-nsia, a small excrescence on the band or finger of a new-

born child, called a sixth finger, and considered as an object of ab-
horrence; s. nsawa-nsia.

A s An 1 6 [orig. Asian te, F. Asiantse, Mf,Qr, AsOantsi] the country,

people and language of Asante, [6. ASanti. The English spelling
Ashantee is owing to the circumstance that the interpreter of Mr.
Bowdich (the author of the most important book hitherto written on
Asante) was an Akraman.] — Cpds. Asante-hene, s.Qsee; Asante-
kasa; 0-santc-maii; asante-sem. — O^santeni, pi. a- -fo, a man
or inhabitant of Asante, — Asantefo mmaran hi ne: Bae, Baebae-
ntwa, Konkori, Asante Kotoko, Kum-apem-a-apem-beba. pr,2779,

asante-anhu-nteni, a kind o£ yam (bayere), s. gd^.

san ten, «. a long row or train of persons or things. pr. ^750.
— a. all, said of people forming a long train, continuing in a long
line; gman-sAnteh dii n'akyi, the whole town (all the people) follow-
ed him; mma-santen, the whole number of children; {i^\ people liv-
ing at tJie same time, generation;) mma sAnteh a gwoo wgn nhina,
won mu biako pe na gyee yiye, of all the children whom sJie bore
only one prospered (became rich); wgsoso nsa atoa s. rekg, they walk
in a long line, all carrying rum.

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412 osantseii — sare.

o-santsen, F. generation, Mt 3/. 11,16. 12^4.39/^16,4. 23^. —

abusQia-santsen, aU generatiotis. Mt. 1J7.

o-sdn t6w, a kindof ^rea; esow aba nteantea aekyea se osekan.

asdntorofi, a kind of bird. pr. 3099. 2781.

sa-nunum, a kind of plant.

sanya, sdnyiwA, fin, pewter; pewter- vessel, pewter-dish, tin-

plate; pewter ware.

sapa, imitated gold, =o8oro-8ika; sikafuturu biara a woantu

no fam' na onipa de awowa a.s. abene morokokowa a woayam a.s.
dwetc aye aka no aberednru (alum) na aye ko se sika a efi fam\
nsa-p4, inf. [pa 5.] mistake, inadvertence, slip; ns. nbina, epa
(wo) wuram'; nsapa-ma, bg mistake, inadvertently. Num.35,lL15.
Cf, sakwan.

nsa-p&n, a. empty-handed; = nsahnnu, nsansa.

sapara, a woman^s garment, oba ntama a woapam, ebia sin

n^ fa a.s. sin 2 ; cf. gyawurusi.

asapat6, accomplice, assistant, co-operator, espec. of a feti^-

man (gkomfo); pr. 1698. — odi no as. = odi no aponko-ndnase,^
waits upon, attends or serves him as a footman, foot-bog, lackey.

s§.pf ew, = aseredowa.

s a-p 6 w [cf. Qsaw] 1. a kind of sponge made of tbe hard fibres

of a climber, used for robbing the skin in washing; s. ahensaw.
pr. 411.1679. — 2. wad stopping the charge of powder in a gan.
asapo-kan [asapow a edi kan] the first volley.
nsS,-piiw, lees, dregs or sediment of palm-wine.

saara^ s. sa, sa.

s&ra, s. sra, v.

s ara, a paltry kind of musical instrument or toy] dua a wo-

twitwa hd na wofiti asratoa to na wode ahyem\ na wode tantako-
rowa afam ho na wotwiw asratoa no wo dua no ho; dwom a woto
(wo) ho de, eye dwommone pa.

S^raha, i^r. w. Salagha, the capital of Nta. Gr.p.XIV. § 2,3.

sar^hkj s. sraha.

sare, v. 1. to fail, be wanting or lacking, be ctd off, cease to

present itself; ohiiv nsAr6 dA, poverty never becomes extinct, always
sticks to one destined to be poor; adwumaye nsare = ensa da, work
is never wanting, is never out of reach, never fails to present itself,
after every hindrance we can yet find opportunity to do our work (on-
ly lazy people excuse themselves : I have tried it 3, 4 times, it is of
no use), — 3. to be prevented, intercepted and stopped. — 3. to pre-
vent, intercept and stop, hinder, thwart: oyare nti m^adwuma a^are
me or Qyare asare m'adwuma, sickness has prevented me from work-
ing, put a stop to my work; aduannoa nti afumko asare me, on ac-
count of cooking I have not been able to go to the plantation; ade uo,
esare me afumko, that does not let me go to the farm. — 4. to for-
bear, refuse, decline: akoa sare asukg, t?ie slave has ceased to go for
water usually, having attained or assumed a condition in which he

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esdre — asas^hdno. 413

deems himself above it or too good for it. pr. 1627, — 5, to forbear,
abstain from: w6skre niiA, the^ forbear sleeping , do not sleep, keep
awake; m'anf as&re dwe, lit. my eyes have wUJUwlden mucus (^ s,
dwe), deep has been unthheld from my eyes.

e-s^re, A k. sere, 1. [F.ehono] a long grass, used for thatching.

— 2. [F. sare] also sare mu, sareso, Ak. serem, sereso, a plain cov-
ered with grass, as that between the sea, the lower Volta, and the
Aknapem mountains, or that in the north of Asante; savanna, prairie,
steppe, heath, wilderness, desert. — sare p&rada, p&radadada, pere-
dedede, tatrS, an extensive open plain, mostly destitute of trees and
covered with grass.

sare-dwuma [ade a esare ad^uma] hinderance, impediment,

obstacle in working, asem ketewa ba na woanfwe anni ntem a, e-
dan' 8. pr, 370.

sdre-md, s. esare; used espec. of the steppes or grassy plains

in the north of Asante. — sdre-niti-see,* the atrocious king of the
steppe or wilderness, i.e. the lion, s. gyata & gsee.

sdre-s5, s. esare.

sfisa, red. v., s. sa.

n s a s d, a cloth or garment of many pieces sewed together; ntama
aborow bebre a woapompam na woaye no biako.

sasabonsdm, 1. [asase obonsam? As. k&sampt're] an imagi-

nary monstrous being, conceived as having a huge body of human
shape, but of a red colour and with very long hair, living in the
deepest recess of the forest, where an immense silk-cotton-tree is his
abode, inimical to man, especially to the priests, (osese nnipa nn6m-
pe nh ade; wokg wuram' na gkyere wo a, na wafa wo nnompe;)
but the friend and chief of the sorcerers and witches; pr. 2782. [R.]

— 2. [s^sii mu bonsam] onipa a wawu na n'asem ye den no, na wa-

dwu na gkotrn wuram' akyirikyiri; **wonk«i d6do, they are not very
common.^ — S. a kind of bat? aboa a otu se ohA; gkyere nnipa.

asdse [red. of ase: what is below] 1. tlhc earth, the globe which
we inhabit (asase-md); gsoro n6 asase, heaven and earth; pr. 27 87.
in Negro mythology it is also personified and invoked after Onyaii-
kdpgfi. — 2. land, opp. to water; gnam asase so or fam', gmfAnsu-
ani, he travels by land, not by water. — 3. ground, soil, cf. fa, dote ;
the superficial pa^i of the earth, in respect to its nature or quality;
asase ahorow ne: afuw, abesase, mfuwa, mfuwanfni, kwae, hkyere-
kyeraso. — 4. a portion or tract of land belonging to an individual,
family or community, estate, possession, landed property, land, ter-
ritory, pr. 7.36. 2784 f — 5. country; gkg as. hi so, he has gone to an-
other country.

a s a s e-b 6 a, pi. n-, [asase aboa] a small insect, infesting sleep-

ers; sand-worm? pr. 101.2788 f. = asone.

asase-d6, a treasure found in the earth; ade a wotu wg fam',

[= ahu.

asase-h6no, the sutface of the soil, humus, mould of decayed

leaves dtc. Wodgw afuw na wodah ani na as. nhina wie gdan a, na
mme fifi.

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414 asase-h5-nsem — osaw.

asase-h5-Tisem or asase-seni^ geography ^ a description of the

earthy or of a particular country, of its physical structure and cbar-
acteristics, natural prodacts, political divisions, and the people by
whom it is inhabited. (Amaii-hd-nsem, ethnography,)

asas6-m^k5^ $, mkk6,

asase-t^md., ribbon{?) cf. bamma, b^na.

as a s e-t a w, a plain, level country.

asase-wo, a kind of centipede; cf. 6f5n6m.

nsa-siU; a one-handed person ; cf basin. pr,262,

nsa-siu, sa-sin, the rest or remainder of palm-tvine or other

liquor in a calabash or glass which is no more full. pr. 129.696.1183,

sas5, F. = s§so5 eyi ne s., this kind. ML 17,21. Mk. 9,29.

sasdnOy a kind of nettle; wura (hama) bi a eka woh5 arapc

a, na eh5 hum atutu akeka wo h5 na enti wo ho ye wo bene ; cf.

ahyehyew-nsa. ^ [pr. 2790 f.

sdson-not6 [Qd6t6]*a thicket o/*such stinging plants (cWmheTs).

o-sdta-diia, Ak., anydmfbrowd, Akr., a kind of tree or sftrub;

its roots, leaves and fruits are used as a medicine against dysen-
tery; dade twa wo a, woyam a.s. wowe n'ahaban de tare kurum'.

iisdt6a^ -teawa, finger; nsa is also used for finger when it is

not to be expressly distinguished from hand. fn\ 2792-97.

iisatea-hene, the middle finger [prop. tJie finger-chief, s. ghene];

the other fingers are called : koki^roheti (thumb), akyerekyerekwan ,
ahenniakyiri, kokobeto.

o-satofo, pl.A', a reckless contractor of debts, spendthrift, prod-

igal; an extravagant man; braggati, swaggerer; impostor, cheats
rogue, sunndler; onam totg nneema-nneema sakasaka na onnfra nea
ode ye, na gbobo akaw; oye ade a ekyen no na onni ho sikfi.pr.2798'
[G. osatofo, hypocrite.]

asatoro, inf. [saw, to gaiJier or take up, scil. cowries, money,

& tow, to cast or fling away] the doing of an osatofo : reckless can-
traction of debts, extravagancy, brag, swindle dtc.
nsatsema^ F. handbreadth; span; s. nsama.
a-sa-tu, inf. [tu osa] war, warfare, warlike expedition.
nsdtu^ the upper arm; cf. nsa, nantd. Adampefo de ahene bo-
bo wonns.

sa-twe [sareso otwe] a small gray antelope; cf. otwe,

sau^ asaU; 5. sawu, asawu.

saw, v. [inf. a-] 1. to dance. — 2. to shake, syn. wosow, posow,

popo, him; - ne ho saw, he trembles; n'aniwa saw, his eye-lashes
quiver (a good or ill omen).

saw, V. [red. sesaw] 1, to take up or gather from the ground

(a collective multitude, as, cowries, rubbish, dust &c,) — 2. to take

out part of a fluid, to draw, scoop; saw nsu, to draw water; pr.2799.

saw nkwan, to scoop or take out soup. pr. 322.1941.2799.2801.

saw, s. si aw, sdaw.

Q-saw, a little mass, tuft or bundle of some soft and flexible m«-

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asaw — se. 415

terial or fibrons substance; a wad to stop tlie charge of powder in

a gun; a kind of sponge for washing (one's body) or rubbing, scour-
ing and wiping away, consisting of a wisp or conglomeration of
the fibres of some climber or shrub or its bark; cf t6tg, baha, gb6-
sdw, brod^wd, ahensdw, sap6w, posdw; ahensaw na woboro ye sa-
pgw; oguaben (nhuare bi) nh akase nso, wgde ye saw; wode saw
kwaw daii mu.

asaw, inf. dance; tutu asaw, to begin, make or perform a dance,

s a w a, a small spoon to take out or up small quantities of gold-
dust for weighing the required amount; nea wode saw sika no.

asdwd, F. asaba, cotton; cotton-plant , cotton-shrub; cotton-yarn;

cofion-thread; cotton wick; as.mfuturu, raw cotton, cotton in the seed
or not yet tunsted. — asawa-dtid, cotton-plant, cotton-shrub,

asawa-tdm, cotton cloth. Lev. 13,47.

n sawa-n sia, a child with six fingers; the sixth finger may con-
sist only of a very small globular excrescence at the little finger,
yet having a nail; such children are held in abomination by the
heathen negroes and are usually killed immediately after birth; s,

saworowa, nicely twisted strings with cotvries, worn as an

ornament about the neck.

iisd-wo-so [lit. hands are upon scil. the same thing]: di ns.,
to have communion in eating dtc, to join interest, to associate, ef. di
(nfwebom' &c.).

siiwu, expression imitative of the sound of a net cast out in

the sea; wode asawn gu nsum' a, eye s.

asj^wu, a large fishing-net; cf, eboa, boa, atra, gtaii; these are
made of strings; - adwokil, sukusuku, akye, are made of wood

saw us a [sareso wusa?J a kind of plant,

O-sa-wee [gsaw a wgwe] the smashed fibres of a certain shrub

(nhuare), which are chewed in order to keep the teeth clean; nhuare
na woboro na edah s.; gs. tua n'ano kyehkyeneh, she has her chew-
ing-fibres sticking in her mouth; cf. tw&'pfea.

nsd-yani', the palm of the hand; cf, nsa, yam', nsam', nsdkyi.
so, r, to crack (open); gse ad we, kube, e.s. gde bo a.s. dua bi
hq ad we a.s. kube-aba no so na oyi mu aduah; kokosi de, wgbg.
s e, V, [red. sese, sesee] 1. to equal, be equal to, be the same in
quantity or degree; gse no ahogdeh, Gr. § 235, c. [G. ye egbg.] —
^. to be or look like, to be similar, to resemble ; neg. to be unlike, of
a different kind Sc. ^se n'agya, lie is like his father; gse no, q-nh no
se, wgsese wghho, wgsese, wgsesee, they are like each other; wgse
din nk wgns6 honam, their names are alike or similar, bid not their
bodies, pr, 1545. 6s^ n'agya = owiewie n'agya: se ebia gr^ye ade bi
a n'agya ye a, na wose: gs6 n'agya, e.s. gns^ n'agya pepepe, na
oje akgs^ no. [G. tamo.] — S. to b& fit, proper, becoming, rightful,
right, just, equitable, fair; to be due to, to be deserving, meriting,
worthy of; to behove, become; to be meet, due, seemly, befitting, be-
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416 se — se.

honing, incumbeni on; cf. faU, di; ese wo se wunji akatoa pa, pom
have deserved a retcard; owu se no or ose own, he is tcorihp of death.
[G. sa.] — 4. to concern f touch: ese wo ara! that is pour concern^ in
in your hands, is your oum fault, you hare to ansurer for it^ — 5.
se so, to be alike (cf, ho so, to he of like dimensions, to be equalj;
es§ so, = ese pe, edi nse.

se, V. Ak. = sew, q.v,

se, conj. [fr. se, to be like] as, like, denoting a similaritj in

manner or degree ; $bere se mogja, it is as red as blood; pr. 293,
47 1 1182.1312ff, — as (much as),pr. 3660, — as if, as though; hotr, a*
far as, just as dr. Gr. § 141,2. also on p.93.§ 255,1 c.d. 5.268-271.

— da se 'ne Gr. § 248,6.- ete se, it is as though, it appears as if;pr. 1104.

cf. senea, se. — se ete ni or nen, ne no, so it is; se wgye no ni, it
is made thus [= eyi ne se(nea) woye no, this is the way in v^hich it
is made. pr. 2800 f. [G. tamo, take, ake.]

se, sg, conj.l fr.se, to say. F. de; G.ake.] 1. that (introducing

a noun-sentence that supplies the subject or object or other comple^
ment of a preceding verb); whether, f/'(when Uie accessory sent, is
interrogative); - nea oka no ase ne se, orenko, the meaning of what
he says is, that he will not go; etwa se oko, it is necessary that he
goes, = his going is a necessity, lie must go; metee se oresii, I heard
tliat he was screaming, = I heard his screaming, I heard him cry:
kofwe se waba (ana), go and look wJiethcr he has come. pr.2323.2343ff'
Gr. § 255,16. 2.3fe. 4.66. 265,2.273,2. — ^. se, Ak., se, Akp., is often
used to introduce the words 8poken,=5a^w^, also to introduce an ex-
planation, = namely, videlicet (viz.), or as a mere mark of quotation.
Mt 21,13. 15f. Mk. 26,61. 27,37. LkSfi. pr. 189. 192.205 f. 323-26. 2367.
3. so that (introducing an adverbial sent, of manner or extent; Gr.
§ 273,1 6. — 4. that, in order that (he might &c.) or to, in order to
(introducing an adverbial sentence of purpose, Gr. § 279,1): mabo
obi pa se 6nnyigye me bd; otuuno fo se 6nye papa; ogyigyee no
se pnye bone. (R.p.234.) — 5. if (being pui at the head of an adv.
sentence of condition or concession, Gr.§ 276,3. 278,2); seetesaa,
anktt eye, if it were so, it would be well. pr. 2603. 2624 f. Whenever
s § stands at the head of a sentence, sometimes in an interrogative
way, as in Mrk. 9,11.28., some ellipsis has taken place^ e.g. [eba] se
woko a, b§fre me = if or when [it comes or happefis that] you go,
call me ; [oka] 8§ omma a, mehye no na waba, if [he says] th(ti he
does not come, I will compel him to come. — 6*. 6ccaM5e (standing at the
head of an adv. sent, of cause, or connected with efi or esiane with
nti or ntia at the end of the sent. Gr. § 275,16.2.248,5. Mat 10?.

— 7. se, se %ye^ gye se, except, hut; anihaw mu nni biribi se chit,
pr.2315. onn£ biribiara se dua aba nko. (12. p. 5546.; Gr.§ 277. 2356.

— 8. se, anase, or, e.g. in disjunctive questions, s. aua. Gr. § 253,2.

se, adv. 1. thus, so=se eyi, se, sa; ebinom rebom^ se, na afo-
foro reborn* se, Acts 19^32. — 2. se, very: otu'mirika se, he runsrenf
fast; ^ye kokdro se, he is very tall; aka kakra sO na woawie wo
ad^uma ye, there is very little wanting before {or till) you have fin-
ished your work. — 3. about (before numerals): wobeye se du, ikejl

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se — ase. 417

tpRl be about ten; mato nkoko beye se adaonn, I have bought about
twenty fotcls.

se, V. [red, sise] Ak. F. se, 1. to sap; to tell; to command; cf.

ka ('pr. 1492) J kasa, bo 78-82, — sc no yiye, say it nght; wanse biri-
bi, he said nothing; osee sa, so he said; kose no sq ommera, go and
tell him, he must come; ose (often instead of osee, Ak. osee); gbeba
tion^ speak of. pr. 982. — 3, to say within oneself to purpose^ intend,
design, pr. 35.94,2825,

se, after a previous v. se, ka, fre, bisa, bua &c., introdncing
tlip words spoken, Ak. se, F. de, or ratlier s6, d6, = saying, is often
not to be translated, and serves as a mere quotation mark ; s. se, se, 2.

se, V, Ak. = sew. — se, v, F. = sie.

s6, V. 1. to hang or gird round or about; to wear about one*s

body, nkrante, odonno, pr,2827.; cf, siane. — J^, to bear something
Imng up: gfasu se nkotoku, the wall bears bags, pr.328; - to carry
something heavy; pr. 1389. 2828, — 5. to follow in a train; to stick or
cleave to,

e-s§, a mass of clay in a roundish elevated form, a small pillar;

dote bi a wode aliore ho na woaboro so a.s. wode aye biribiara (ebia
woaye se wotra so 5, se wogyina so o); dote siw bi a wode musn-
yfde bi ahye ase.

o-se, inf, a saying, uilerance, remark, word; pr. 2802,

o-s e, a shout, loud burst of voices, vehement and sudden outcry of
a multitude, expressing joy, triumph, exultation, animated courage,
or exhortation; war song, war-cry; dom no nhina boo se = wohuroe
(h arc is also said of a single person); woboo no se, they gave him
a shoid.

g-se, father; Ak. tJie father of another person, not of the speaker
himself; cf, agya.

ase [m'As^, Akr.]|)?. as^nom, the wife^s or husband^s father, father-

in-law; pr, 690, 28.^5. cf gsew, osewa.

ase, (Gr. § 118. 1 19.) 1. the nether or lower part, end or begin--
ning; (opp. eso, osoro, the upper part or end; cf, a no, the fore or
upper end, to, the hinder part -^ - bepow ase, the foot of a mountain;
ese ase, the lower teeth (?); the gum; - s, bewase, nauaso. — 2, the
nether or lower parts, the way down; s, 6, — 3, (adv,) down; s. 6.11,

- below, beneath, downward; (prep,) under, beneath; ai; - of time:

in, at, under, during. — 4. the place or time of, cf. aylase, mmofra-
ase. — 5. the end: mc-n6 wo bepa so akosi ase, we both shall go on
to the end; nea ne kwah ase akosi ne ha, here his way ends, — 6.
the ground {cf, fam'): tra ase, to sit down; fwe ase, to fall down;
bott/ym (nsn ase). — 7, root or trunk of a tree (dua ase = dunhiii,
duantini). — 8, fig. root, source, cause, origin; ahantan na ey§bone
nh. ase, pride is a root of all evil ; cf 1 Tim, 6,10. tu ase ka kyere me,
puU up the root tell me, i.e. relate thetchole matter from the beginning.

— i), sense, import, meaning, signification ; gkasa hunu, n^asem nni

ase; ment6 be no ase (R.p.l50); ase beko sa, or, se ase bekg nen,
thai will be the meaning, — 10, offspring, issue, descent, descendants,


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418 ase — sebere.

progeny y posteriiy; race; od^ no ase nye; n^akoko ase ye; wafee n'a-
koko ase; won ase aga or atore; abusua, oman, kua ase gn. — 11,
Phr. bSre ase, <o bring low, dhate, humble dtc. — da ase, to ilmnk,
" bo ase, fi ase, fiti ase, to heg'm\ - hy§ ase, a) to begin, to lay the
foundation of: en^ra na ghyee nedan ase; - b) to promise: wahye
me ase se obetQ otno ania mQ\ c) to warn = bo., kokg. — nam ase,
to do secretly. — osi ne ti ase, he sinks his head; id, or osi ne 'ne ase,
he speaks with a low voice, — to ase, a) to finish the plastering of
the walls of a new-built house at the bottom; b) to pay in advance;
c) tosHighty disregard, neglect; dtc, — te ase, tra ase, to live; otra
neho ase, he lives by himself is independent, pr. 415-

ase, bcan(s); F.aduwa;|>r.5554. Diff. kinds: akft^rckili, akye-

mdd^ii, apAteram, apatfpere-nkesua, asaahensa, asebtiam, nscns^o-
kd^, aset^n, asetid, nsetia.

as 6, itchy a cutaneous disease, an eruption of small vesicles pro-

duced by a parasitic animal (anw5ram); ebi ye akese-akese (atoto^),
ebi ye nketewa (nsewd); cf, fifis^, nanahd, ntwom, k6dos6, osAben.
e-se, tooth, pi, teeth; w6 sfe ase, the flesh under the teeOi, the g^mn.
— nnfpa sfe nam aborow 3: adont^h-mu-s6 si 8, sSbommofo si 4,
ny^pi de si 20, tlic teeth of man are of three kinds: there are 8 inci-
sors, cutters or fore teeth, 4 canine or dog-teeth, and 20 molars or
grinders, pr. 500.2829-33,

n s e, inf, [se, to be equal] equality; - edi nse, 1. it is (or, the things

are) alike == ese pe, ese so ; J2. it is an even number.

s 0, 1' conj. that dc s. se, — J2, adv. very, very much.

s^', = sa yi, s. sa, sa, so, thus,

s e, V. F. = see, to be marred, destroyed, to perish. Mk. 2,22.

sea [Ueh,]seah, aJewisb dry measure containing 14-1 7 pints,
asea , aseawa, pi. n-, a small cooking-pot; cf. osen, kukn. pr. 913.
as e-ade, an inborn, inbred, innate, inherited or hereditary qual-
ity; awi aye won as., theft is inbred in them; cf. woe, awosanne,

a s 6-a m a u [nea ose aman] a public speaker having the office

to transmit a message to the assembly; meye as. = oky^ame, q.r.

se-an te [nea woseno asem bi a onte] a disobedient child or

person ; pr. 2886. Ak. gserantefog.

s6be, amulet, talisman, worn from superstitious motives, as a

charm, or for finery only; eye aduru ana asuman bi a wgde ahye
ntamam^ apamno ahinanan; Nkramof6 ma obi ka nea gfwcfwe na
wokyerew y§ sa bi ma no; ebinom de to wonkon mu, won asen mu,
won nsa, ebinom de kyekyere won ti, na ebinom nso defejnfamba-
takyiri mu. - ns^bea, F. amulets, phylacteries, prayer-fdlets.Mt. 2.3,5.

s e b d, sybeo, s e b 9 w, i. interj, with your permission, by your

leave, — to sebc, to premise an excusing expression, pr. 3311. = to
tafrakye. — ^. n. = ebin, kyerebo.

sebere, u. to turn inside out, to extend, unfold; to turn out;

to bring to light, disclose; to manifest, set forth, exhibit; cf. yere mu.

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seberewa — asehono. 419

ra» eyere bo or ese so; sekyore; Onyankp. pe se, n^ahintasem no,

wonsebere no nkyere nnipa iih.; Ony. asem de, cno ankasa asebere
ne mn agu ho a atetekwa mpo nya ne de a ehiano worn'.

s6berewa, a kind of stnngAnstrument; osanku a eso ns!a;

s, osanku.

o-sebire-bo-ntii, asebirekyi-e, ~ abirekyi, goat pr. 2887-40.

0-s6-b6, inf, [bo ose] a shout j the act o{ shouting.
0-seb^, ^Z. a , a kind of leopard or panther, black and brown',
•pr. 497.531.800, — Other names are: gyahene, aboafufu, adamma-
kwadwo, ode-ne-ha, gyasaboafo, ketebo, akor6bo, kor6doni, ktiro-
twiamensa; cf. asabont^i, afem.

0-se bo w, a loaf or lump ofhoilcd bread, made larger than those

destined for sale ; dokono a WQbo no kokdro abedi no na wont6n
no; = Qboab6, akw&bQ.

se-b m m gfo, pi. id. dog-tooth, canine tooth; s. ese.

seda, seda [Port, seda^ silk, hair of some animals] 1. silk =
sirikyi. — ^. velvet (R.), cf. ago. — 3. hysstis. Sa\

a s e-d d, inf. [da ase] thanksgiving, thanks; thankfulness, gratitude.

ase-de [ade a ese] a right; just claim, just due; privilege.
a s e-d u d, lentils. Eze. 4fi.
sge, Ak. = sen = den? — usee, Ak. = nscw.
see, v. F. se, 1. to make useless, spoil, corrupt, damage, mar,
destroy, ruin. pr. 65.2136.2482.3661. — 2. to spend, use up or waste
(money, syn. fwere). — 3. to grow useless, to spoil, go to ruin; to he
spoiled, corrupted, ruined dtc; cf. suw, to rot. pr.3449. — 4. to be
stirred up, to be boisterous, tempestuous, agitated, turbulent; nsn no
asce, the water is blown up by the wind; epo seee, John 6,18.
0-see, F. se, inf. destruction, ruin.

o-s e e, king, majesty, title of the king of Asante. pr. 2841-44.

anseeyi [woansew a wutumi de yi] razor; s. yis^kdn.
ase-fee, inf. [f^eaae] propagation, successful breeding, increase.
ase-fl, inf. [fi ase] beginning; cf. mfiase &c.
nsefid, Ak. a place where formerly a house stood, now a heap
of stones and rubbish, = afasnsln. Job 15,28.

s ^ f 0, pi. id. [se, v.] one who is equal, like or similar; wo sefo

= w6 8^s6, thy equcd; mahti nipa yi s. p§n; mobeye Onyank. sefo.

stjfo, such people, such a set of people.

asefo, pL [aseni] descendants, children, offspring, progeny, seed.

asef6r66, a mixture of beans, flour of roasted com (kyekyere)

and palm-oil; = aprapra-nsa.

s6-fufu-dua, a kind of tree or wood to clean the teeth with.

ase-fwe, inf. [fwe ase] the act oi falling; fall.
as6-gu, inf. [ase gu] decrease; extinction, extirpation.
segyere, Ak. = es^ md gydw, tooth-gaping. [s, ase.

asehono, the husks of beans. — ase-hiiam, a kind of beans;

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420 as^hy^ — asem.

ase-hy^, tn/*. [hye ase] beginning, commencement; cf. mfiase^

fihyease; the laying of the foundation.

asekam-ma, pi, n-[o8ekan, dim.] a small knife; as. ketewa, id.

0-s6kdLi, Ak. -ne, pi. a-, knife; razor, fr. 669. 2845-49.

o-sekau-tud, 1. a single knife. — 2. a knife mihout handle, (he

blade of a knife, pr. 2846. — o-sekan-tia, a shoti knife, pr. 2850/.

Q-s e k an-ny a [osekan gya] 1, tlie flash or glare of a knife; wodc

sekan foforo a nkanare nni ho gyina awiam* na wuliim no a, eho
pa anyinam se ogya; gs. gyigye wo ani so a, wuse: ogya pa! —
2, the acute pain of a cut tvith a knife; os. ahyc no : osekan twa wo
a, yaw a edi kan na w^ofre no sa.

nseku, slander, calumny [fr, asem, kuw?]; b o or d i ns., to slan-

der, calumniate, backhite. — nsekii-b6, nsekii-df, inf. slander, de-
tractation, aspersion; e.s. wonam banii a.s. basa di nkdrofoho nse-
ku da. — o-sekufo, pi. a-, backbiter, calumniator, detractor.

s6kye, |?l.a-, anchor; tow s., /« cast or drop anchor; tew s.,
to weigh anchor. — sekye-hkma, cable.

as^kye, sconce, bulwark of stones; abo a Krobofo ato no se o-

fdsii abg no kontonkron agyigyaw ntokru (a.s. akwan) worn' na
wotra muko, na dom no ben won a, wosum gu won so de knm wou;
abo a wosunsum no afiri huan bo nnipa so.

0-sekye, a kind o^ play; wogoru s. = at6nt6.

seky6, seky^re, v.tobendback(wards), recurve; r/*.bukaw;
to bend outwards what had been bent inwards; cf. sebere; to turn
out; to display, expose, set forth; woas. dua no mu; s. asem no mn
yiye, state the matter thorongJdy and plainly.

o-s^kye-diid, setwedua, [dua a woasekyere] a kind of ben^k,

of two poles on six posts, forming a seat with a back-pole.

0-s^kyere, pr. n. 1) of a man of the royal family of Asante; 2)

of a town, where no goats are admitted. — sekyere-mp^-wo, S.
does not like tJiee, a by-name of the goat; s. abirekyi.

seky§w, v. F. to waste, a day &c. — sekyi, r. s. sekye.

sem, V. 1. to lie or to lay close together; fa nhoma no nhina
sem (= toto) poh no so, put all the books together on Uie table; wode
abo ntrilntra as6m amoa no ase, they have laid out Vie bottom of the
cavity with flat stones {s. ntwerl); nnipa no hhina akoscm dua no
ase, all the men are sitting crowded under the tree; hkOrofo no nh.
sem ho, atl the people are huddled together there; mmofra no sem so
w^rododo, the children are crowded together in thick or long rotes.
— 2. sem dan so, to ceil, to overlay or cover the inner roof, to line
the top or roof of a house: wode mpur^h d^ gu s6, na wouwonA so
na woatare (so). Cf. sam, sew, bea, boa, gu ho; s. nSemso.

asem, i>Z. n-, 1. word, talk, speech, saying, tale, story, history;
k a as., to speak, to deliver a speech, to preach; to tell a tale; ma as.,
to relate a story. — 2. matter for talking, object of deliberation or
discussion; incidence, occurrence; cause, concern: asem no ny^ me
ho asem {^ mfA me ho biribi), this matter t5 no concern of mine. —

3. transaction in words, palaver, conference, deliberation, public and

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asQiiima — as(»inm6rn5. 421

formal discussion, debate; any kind of negociation or litigation; pro-

cess, plea, lawsuit, action, cause; - di a8§m, to liold a palaver d;c.,
to carry on a lawsuit; to adjust, compose or settle a matter or litiga-
lion; to judge (sU in judgment, hear causes, administer judgment),
pr. 869.887-90.897.902 — n'asera nye de^ he is wrong, guilty; s, dew ^,

— 4. manners, daneanour, deportment. — 5. Phr. pe obi asem, to

like a 2^ersofi, be devoted to him; obarima no pe obosom asem: da
angpa obg afgre ma no (R. p. 151.); memp| n^as§m, I do not like him,
I will have nothing to do with him ; n'atutupe nti obiara mp^ n^asem.

— Cf. asemmone, asempa, asenhunu; ntrofos^m &c. pr. 2852-86. —

6'. Other phrases: n'asgm awu = n'aso awu, he is ungovernable, stab-
horn, refractory. — Ose: n'asem, WQnni=n'a8em yeden, he declares
or deems himself invincible. — N asem ntoa, ?ie is inconsistent (na to
bis conduct, with himself, in his actions), unprincipled. — Wama
asem no ani afura, Jie has perverted the judgment, lias given a wrong
turn to the matter.

asdm-ma, inf. [ma asem] narration, telling or relating stories.

nsdmrna [neaesen menewa?] snare; afiri bi a wosum yi ^b6a;

eye hama a woabono h^ntua d6 dkomant^m okwAnkyen wo nea
atoteboa bi fa, na 6b^ a, aso nemenewa ayi no. -'si ns., to prepare
or lay a snare, pr. 520.

ns em-ma [gseh ba] Ak. Akw. = asea, akutuwa.

ns§mma-nsdmma [asem, pil* dim.^ little stories; asem a eny^

asem biako, na nsem ahorow pi wom^ ho ua csusuae; 'nera anadwo
okaa ns. bebre; cf. ascmwa.

sem-ansa, = nea n^asem nsa. pr. 2888,

g-s e m-m a r ad d [asem, brada] ; to .. as., s. to .. tekremaky^ne.

nsem-ase-nhoma, dictionary; nsem-moaano, vocabulary.

o-s6niasi, F. = asiamasi. ML 26^18.

as 6 m-fOy pi. n-, a nasty, impertinent word or dealing; asem a

eye tan a.s. ahi a ense se wgkakyer§ onipa (den as. na wok& kyere
me?); asem a wgmfa nni nipa.

as^m-fua, pi. n-, a single word; mepe mu ns. mabisa as6.

asem-funii, jpZ. n-, a vile, frivolous, futile, worthless word or

matter; syn. asemfo, asenhunn> ahuhusem.

o-sem-furaf6, lit. ablind word; gkA me gs., he tells me something

contrary to reality.

o-se m-hy ee Jasem a ehye] a rapidly spreading report, pr.2868.

asem-misa [bisa asem] questioning, catechising; question.

o-semmisafo, catechiser.
' nsem-mod [asem, boa] confirmation, corroboration; foa.. ns.,
to confirm, corroborate, attest, bear witness or testimony ; gfoa me ns.
n.8. meka asem bi na obi rebg me so.
nsemmoA-f6d, inf. attestation dtc.

o-sem-od^ [asem, de] 1. agreeable word, i.e. agreeable news or

conversation; ygbg s., we are having an interesting conversation ;

— sport, joke, pastime.

asem-mone [asem b.] a bad or hard word, action or dealing;

d i as., to commit a heinom or atrocious thing or crime* pr. 25i8.3865»

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422 gs^mpa — sen.

Q-s4m-pa, interj. very good! a reply upon any matter not dis-

asem-pA, i. a good word, good counsel, jogfnl message, judicious

talk. pr. 1720,2496. — r 2. wo as. ara, nothing htU tJie truth (the reality)
of thy circumstances; pr, 762. — 3. a righteous cause, pr. 2873. — 4.
a true story, not a fictitious story. — 5. good manners or conduct;
di as., to act or deal honestly or faithfully. — 6. the Gospel; k a as.,
to preach the gospel. — asempa-mu-terew-ni, pi. -fo, missionary,
missionary people; - asempa-mu-terewfo asafo, missionary society.

o-s e m p d-n 1, pi, a- -fo, an evangelical, one of evangelical prin-

ciples or one who adheres to evangelical doctrines. — asempafo
asafo or fekuw, the Evangelical Church or confession.

asempd-s^m, evangelicism, evangelical principles.

asempa-terew, the spread of the gospel, mission. — aseropa-

terew ho adwuma, mission work. Cf. asomasem.

o-s e m-p e f 6 , i?Z. a- [pe asem] a litigious, quarrelsome person;

cf. gpesemadifo. pr. 2887.

s6mperempe, a kind of grass.

o-sem-p6w [asem pow] difference, dispute, quarrel; matter in

dispute; point of dispute, controversy/, quarrel; mo nh Ny. ntam^ wo
s. bi; OS. bi nnf me ne me yoiiko ntam'.

a s e m-s a s o n o, a word stinging or irritating like a nettle. prJi875.

nsem-so, inf. [sem] 1. ceiling. — 2. a story of a house, a set of

rooms on Hie same floor; odan no wo ns. abien, it is a house of two
stories. — nsemso-dua, beam or piece of timber for the ceiling.

asem-mtid, F. [asem bua] the act o£ answering, accounting for, (tc

asemmtid-dd, F. the day of account or judgment, doomsday.

as e m wd [asem, dim.] pi. n-, a little matter (used only in a neg.
sentence); nsem a y^kodii no ny^ ns.; syn. asenketewa, pi. n-.

s§ii, «• [red. sonsen] 1. intr. to Jiang, be suspended: mfonini s.

dan ho; atade s.dadewa so (B.p.235); s. so, to depend on or upon;
caus. to hang, suspend; gde mfonini s. dan ho; mede m*atade ma-
8§n dadewa (ib.) — 2. to hang, kill by hanging: wasen neho or ne
mene, he has hung himself. — 3. to squat, to sit on the hams or heels:
osen ho redidi, he eats squatting on his heels; cf. kotow. — 4. sen
berew, to hang palm-leaves at the border of a piece of land to mark
it as occupied for planting purposes and forbidden to others; wode
berew sen asasem* de kyer§ se obiaranni hokwan ss oye mu biribi.
— 5. sen abo, to hang stones upon a tree or anywhere, as a charm
to prevent a threatening danger, pr. ,3052.

sen, v. [red. sinsen] to carve, cut, chip, to make by cutting or

carving; sen agua or akohhua, to make a stool (carved out of one
piece of wood); s. ntakara, to make or nib a pen; s. ano, to cut the
point i.e. to point, make pointed, to sharpen, pr. 994.

sen, V. [red. sinsen] 1, to grow hard, stiff: hkrumanoasen, aye

denngnnen, the okro (ocra) pods are no more soft or tender; ne n*n,
ne nsa, ne kon asen, his foot, hand, neck has become stiff {horn sick-
ness); s. kyenkyerenn. — 2, nekon aseh, n'aso asen, n'asem asen,

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sou — Asen. 423

he ?MS become or is stiff-necked^ headstrong^ stubborn, obstinatCy per-

tinacious, sturdy, refractory. — 3. to be reluctant, show rcluciance:
akoa no aseb sq onko bio = wan wen; - to resist, make resistance,
not to give way: mepoin so a, esen me so. — 4. to become chill or dull.
SGhy v» to go or move along: 1, to pass (on), to proceed: sou
daom na yenkQ, go forward and let us go! — ^. to pass by: bgsen
k^fa ahina no b6ra, come along and fetch that pot! — 5. to go off or
away, pr, 986. — 4. to pass away, perish: ade nhlna bosen (ako) =^
betwam\ all things will pass away. — 5. to surpass, excel, exceed,
out-do: (= kyen) pr. 328ff.388.422f, 2878.2891/, mesen no adwuma-
ye; Qsen me akyene-ka (£.p.229.); mesen wo adgw or medow me-
sen wo, / sufpass you in tilling the ground; - to be better or to be
worse than; to be different in degree, more than, stronger than, rather
than dtc. pr, 2385, 2387.2461. — woto wo bo ase a, eye sen se wofa
abufuw; oponko so (or j^ kese) sen uantwi, or, op. sen nantwi ke-
se; nyansa ye sen sika, or, ny. sen sika ye; moanyin sen me, you
are older than I; mututu 'mirika sen me, you can run better than I;
oye okwasea sen so oye bone, he is more stupid than wicked; ope se
obo krono sen se oye adwuma, he likes to steal better than to work.

— 6*. to flow, run: asu bi sen ne dan akyi, a river flows behind his
house, pr. 3092, — 7. to have or afford (sufficient) room: (espec. in
the neg.) wons^n dan mu hg, they have no room in the Iwuse; dan
mn ho an sen amma won, the house was not large enough for ail of
them; gnsen ne werem', lie is beside himself witJi impatience, ready
to leap out of his skin; ne bonhom usen no mu (= no honam nso se-
nea ne hh. benya ok wan atra mu); me ho or m*ani nseii me, / do
not feel comfortable; xn'a.ni ansen abahmu na efi asiamasi, I cotdd
not bear it (or, I did not like to stay) in the (mission-)house any longer
on account of N.N. ; m'ani asen hayi pe, I like this place exceeding-
ly, I feel joy in (^or am well contented with) this my place and stale.

— 8. sen so, to live upon good terms together, to agree: n'abusflafo

ii6 no nseh so bio, his relations will not live together unth him any
longer, wiU not tolerate him among them any longer.

sehfpron. Ak. :/. =den, what? how? wo dine te sen (see), what
is your name? — ^. = ah6, how much? how dear? at what price?

e-s^hypl. seneafo, herald, an officer of the king, commanding

silence when the latter desires to speak, or calling attention to any
speaker's address; esen pao: (mun)ti'o! the Iierald cries: Attend! -
ohene s^neaf6, wopae ohene ns^nea. pr. 2889 f.

o-seii. (pi. a-?) pot for cooking; earthen or metallic vessel; ku-
ku (a.6. anina) a wonda mu aduan; wgde dgte na §hwene a.s. wo-
de dade na egu; pr.953. - F.dish. Mt. 26,23. - Cpds.: 08entiA(asei),
dades^n, oguis^n, Qkwanseh, pr.563., tas^n.

g-sen, inf. passing, surpassing d^c. superiority, pr. 2891.

aseu, 1. the loins, the part of the body where the garment is
tied; bo wo asen, gird thy loins. — ^. a precious bead; s. ahene.

Asen, a country of the Gold Coast, having Pante in the south,

Wasa and Twiforo in the west, Adanse (a province of Asante) in
the north, Akem in the east.

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424 osena — osennifo.

o-sena, a kind of tree; fdfa wom\ kokg worn' (gs.-beh); woso.

da6na'^ a kind of tree with edible fruit. — asena^ Ak. = a8ei.

o-sena.-b6n, s. gsSni. — sena-meii, a thorni/ plant or tree.

0-sen-na-h6 [asem a edaho] exami)lc, precedence; pr. 2896. wun-

ni 8. na wudi asem a, wunni bem, if you have not a cause again^
your opponent from former times, you will not carry the point.

s6nama, snaman, F. = osramah, lightning, thunder, Mt. 2AJ17-

[Mk, 3,17.
nseii-anim', v. n. [ade a esen anim] apron ; pinaforCf slabber-
ing bibf slavering cloth.
asefi-dua, [sen, dua] gallows; a tree or beam on which mate-
factors are hanged; cross; ef, mmeamudtia, mmeremudua; - bg..
asendaam\ to crucify.

asendzi, asendzT, F. = asenui,jM(?^me;w<; asennii,j^/«cc of judg-

ment. Mt. 5 Jilf. — sendzifo, F. = osennifo, yj^r^^^e, mediator.
seue, V. Ak. = sen; sen.

sen e, V. ^ cut into slices, cut off pieces from; to carve, to chip;
mesine gde no atra, I cut the yam iiito (thin) slices.

sene, v. to exchange. = sesa; mede sika ji mesene dwete; fa

wo nhoma yi (be)8ene me de; gde neiikwa besene nea oguan no de,
2K%. 10j24. lesu de nenkwa besenee yen de. Tpr. 772.
as6n-n§w [asem dede] \)r. 2897.
o-s en-new [asem a eye d§] a righteous cause. ;>r. 2898-
se-nea [se nea or dea, ade a] as, like as, just as. Gr. § 141,2.
255.260.268. pr. 289Hff.

nseued, s. esen, nseneaf^. Cf. nsenla.

o-se-ne-kotoku, s. gkrdman.

nsen-ffjan, F. an idle word; Mt 12,26. == asenhunu.

aseii-liunu, pl.n-^ [asem hunu] a wortldess, futile, trifling, vile,

frivolous word or matter, vain or idle talk^ nonsense; cf. asemfunu.
seh-hunu-sem, d\-,to commit useless, unprofitable deeds.

nsen-hyehyee [nsem a wohhyehye] plan, plans.

ase-n f, pi. as6f6 (q. v.), descendant.

asen-nf, inf. [di asem] the act oi' setUing a patacer; a public
or judicial transaction; judicial proceedings, proceedings of a court;
- yekg asennf; asenni de, eye mpauyinsem a mpanyimfo na cka;
s. asafosem.

asennl-dd, law-day, court-day; yeakghye as.; wodi as.

a s e n n i-d an, session-house, judgment-hall, town-hall, court-lmise.

court of judgment. [dan.

asen-n ii, a place for public or judicial transactions ; s. ascnni-

n s e ii-n i i, v. n. [nsem a obi di | behaviour, conduct, deportment ;

manners, doings.

o-sennifd, pi. a-, 1. nea odi asem, member of a council, judge,

chief justice; counsellor, alderman^ senator; c/'.gpanyih — ^.=g8em-
pefo, onipa a gde neho frafra nsem a emfa ncho fwo mu, busybody,
meddler, intermeddler.

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ns^nia — sonkyerene. 425

ns^nfa, balance, pair of scales; ns. ada, the scale has weighed
down. [G. nseni.]

nsenia-kwdnniii, a balance in right condition, just weight,

aseu-nfni [ascm, nini] a grave, flagrant or enormous matter or

deed; odi ds., he deals violently, rashly; he commits an atrocity; =
odi ntfntim mensem, akakab^^us^m, akokobirisem ; odi atratrdsem;
c/*. senky^ird', tekremanini.

as ^n-ka, inf. [ka asem] the act of sj^eaking or preaching; onim

as.,' he is an able speaker; wo as. nye = wunnim kasa. pr. 3899.

asen-kfie, v, n. manner or way of speaking; n'as. nye fe.

a s e n k a-g u a, pidpit.

g-sen-kam [asem, kam] a wounding word (pains more than a

wounding sword, pr. 2900),

o-seii-kau [asem a edi kaii] preamble, preface,

aseiVkekae, talk, sayings; report, rumour; asem biara a cda

oman mu a eye-a wokeka.

iisen-kekae, talking, loquacity, prattle, prate, gossip dtc. nens.

uye fe = n'asem a oka ny6 fe; wo de, ns. no ara na wonam keka!
yoH always go about chattering or gossiping,

o-sen-kese, a large pot, pr.2904.

aseii-kese [asem k.] an important matter, palaver or trans-

action, pr. 2901-3.

asenkunini, a capital, cardinal or important matter or doc-

trine; a principal article; cf. asentitiriw.

ase u-kwa, phn-, a smooth word. 1. an ingenious, witty expres-

sion, bon-mot, sally, pun; asem fremfrem, adokgdcSkosem; asem a
wode yi aseresoresem ; asem a woakAno tia nanso eka nsem pi a
ebia eye iiwonwa a.s. eye serew; - nhoma no mu wo ns. ; (Sy^j ns.
se biribi, he is a wit, a witty fellow, ready-witted. — 2. pi, = tekrema-
kyene, flattenng, sweet or fair words; flattery, blandishment, coax-
ing; courtesy; aseresem worn' bi.

nseukwane, a kind of bead ; s, ahene.

sen-kwdumti [asem a ewo kwan mu] upright conduct, up-
riglUness, righteousness, i^robity, honesty, integrity; equity, fairness,
candour, plain dealing. — d i s., to be tiprigJit, honest, fair, just, equi-
table, trusty, true, straigJUforward, candid,
seakwaiimu-di, inf, honesty.

asen-kye: wabo as., /^ has become a fw/itive, has left his na-
tive place on account of debts or padavers; ohia a.s. kaw a.s. asem
ama ne ho akyereno na watu afi ne kurom', =: wab^ ko. Oyi a wa-
bo as. a! (said in contempt of one going from one place to another).
o-sonkyeni, a- -fo, o-seukye-bofo, vagabond; syn. okobofo.
seu-kyenii' [asem a ekyen so] enormity, atrocity, crime; cf.
atratrasem : wadi s. = wakodi asemmone a §tra so.

asen-kyer^-dze, i>?. n-, F. = senkyerene. Mt 12,38f.

s^u-kjere-ne, pi. n-, [ade a ekyere or wode kyere asem] a
sign for remembrance (= nkae); miracle; oyi nensam* s. = oyi

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426 osenkyereni — asentrene.

o-s e n-k y e r e-n i, pL a- -fo, catechist.

seh-kyere-ase [asem hkyerease] explications. pr.2906.

o-sen-kyiri [asem a edi akyiri] concluding word or address.

o-s6ii-mu, rheumatism, rJieumatic pain, espec. in the loins and

small of the back; c/*. okwAhA, emuyare, sisiyare, same.

asen-nodow [asem d.] : as. bi nni won auom' a wowo ka, ihe$
had hut little to say.

asensdm, a kind oi plant,

as6nsam-ase, a shrub with edible fruit,

sensaii, red.v,, s. san; 1, to draw (many) lines, make strokes,
cover with lines; to rule (a slate, copy-book). — 2. to draw or he
drawn across: woas. n'ani ase abieu, two lines are cut in on his cheek.

— 3, to slit: OS. nton no abo (or anwene) kete. — 4. s. afuw, to mark

out the extent of a plantation: wosensah afuw a, enna wosesa kama
de nnua sisi ho de kyere nea 6ni' afuw kgso.

nsensane, 1, n. (sing, nsane), lines, strokes; stripes, streaks;

strips; rays, — J2. a. striped, streaked, streaky; ring -streaked.

s^ns^, sense, parched corn-flour (kyekyero) mixed with palm-

oil; abfiroduah bi = akode, made for the fetish.

as ens e, a hen without a tail. pr. 1654.3059.

sen sen, red. v., s. sen; 1. akutu sensen m'atifi, oranges hang

above my head; wode hama sensaii' ho se 6mfa ho mfi amoa no ma

mforo, they let a rope down that he might climb up by it from theinL

— 2. woasensen awudifo no nhina, all the murderers have been

hanged. — 3. wosenseh ho redidi, they eat squatting on tJieir heels.

— 4. s. ahunmu, to be suspended in the air, to hover, soar; ade bi

abes. ahunmn; mihu anoma bi se 6sens^n ahanmu. — 5. s. .. so, to
depend on or upon; es6h so, esens^n s6; won anigyede sensen won
foto so, their enjoyments depend on their money-bags.

sensen, cramp, convulsions; D.As. (perh. sinsen?)

nsens6nktid, a kind of bean; s. ase.

o-senserema, a kind oi plant (shrub).

nsensesewe [nsem a woasesew] regulations, statutes.

o-s en-sin [asem sin] an uncompleted law-suU.

asen-sin, F. paragraph. [wood.

as6n-s6sow [ososqw a wode sen] a tool used for carving in

asdnsdsua, id. (dim.)

asen-susuw, 2'?. n-, [asem, susuw] thought, idea; design, pur-

pose, intention.

o-s^n-tere [osen, tere = tetre] a large pot, for palm- wine; s.


osen-tid [oseh tia] cooking-pot; oseh a w6nda mi brgde u.a.

ase n-t i tl r i w [asem t.] the main or chief point, principal thing,
a chief or cardinal doctrine; cf. asehkfinini.

a s e n-t r e n e [asem trene] a just or righteous matter or dealing;

rigJUeousness. — di as., to act, speak, deal or judge righteoudy.

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osentsir — serema. 427

o-sen-tsir, F. for what, tohyy wherefore; dze-ko a osentsir ma wo-

bo awar, whtf matrimony was instittUed; asem bi a osentsi ma onso
de wgka won bom', any cause why they may not lawfully be joined

o-s e n-t Vir a m f o, $1. a-, [nea ot wa asem mu] arbitrator y umpire,
referee, judge; nea oba asem bi mu nt§h; cf* Qtemmufo.

asepdt e r6, i?i. n- [Port, sapato, G. as(i)patre]5/*oe; as. teuton,

boot. — as.-pamfo, -yefo, shoemaker.

sepew, v. [cf, pesew] to become free from constraint or re-

straint; ne ho as^pe w no, he has become exhilarated, enlivened, glad,
joyous, cheeiful, or merry; asem a metee y\ ama me ho as. me na
many a nkwa. 1 These. 3,8, Cf, anigye &c.
s6pOy a thin sharp knife thrust through the cheeks of human
victims (cf, wura, v.) to prevent their uttering any curse; dagger,
dirk, poniard; stiletto?

sera, s&ra, s. sra. [pr,2906.

o-ser4nt^fo-o, Ak. [=8e-a-nte] a disobedient child ox person.

s^rilda [Port. serra'\ saw; s, sa, owan.

sere, t;. [reci. sSresftre] 1, to beg, ask, request; mes. nsu kakra
manom; mesSreeno ntrama kakra; os^re wo ho ade. — 2, phr.uxQ-
kos^re m'aso a, mete se.., I heard indirectly (I learned by hear-say)
thai,,; cf. sSren. pr, 125,7 39. 2907 f,

sere, v., s. red, sesere. — sere, v. s, serew.

sere, Ak. = sare.
0-8 Sr 6, pl.9k'^ the thigh; the ham of an animal; - sfirem', s^reso,
the lap; - tw6yen si woserem\ draw us to thy bosom; ote n'agya
sere so, Jie sits on his father's knees; wogu ne sere so, they are en-
trusted to his care (wode won ahye ne nsa se gnf we won yiye).
o-sereb6ii', -ber6, a kind of rodent animal.
0-s6re-b6, pi. a-, [sew, obo] grinding-stone.
as6rebo-s6, Akw. = 86r§s6.

asere-d6 [serew ade] derision, object of derision or contempt,

laughing-stock, Jer. 48,26,27.

aseredowd, aseredewa, sap{6w, a small hiti, pr. 179.300.1351.

2909. — as.-hene, as.-pa, two species of that bird,
o-s 6r ef6, pi. a-, laugher, mocker, pr. 2830,
asere-hy ^.hy e, (roar or burst of) laugJder, peal of laughter;
bo as., to break (or burst) out into a (roar or fit of) laughter; gyc-
gyegye, he he en4 serew nam; to chuckle (?); to as. dwom, fre nsere-
hyehye-dwom, to break forth into singing, Is,14/.i9^13.54,l.
nsere-kyiri [sSre, akyi] buttock, the buttocks, s. eto.
sSrem' = sfire mu, s. osfire.

serem', serem\ = seremu, sare mu, sare-so; a grassy plain,

espec. that in the north of Asante, inhabited by tribes formerly sub-
ject to Asante, partly Mohammedans; s. Or. p. XIV.
s6r§-ma, inf. intercession.

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428 scromiisOe — §sesa.

8 6 re-m iVsde [ihe king (o8§e) of the desert] the lion; s, gytU.

s6ren, s. sreh.

serene, adv, expressing the hissing sound of a fluid spurted

through the teeth or a small orifice: watow ntasu s. afa ncgyaw
mu; owo puw n6 b5re tow gu se s.
aserene, asSr^ne, a mat used instead of a door, being fastened
above and rolled down ; pr, 2910. a door or shutter made of thin slips
of palm-branches united together by strings; c/*. berapae.
asere-sem [screw, asem] ^oAjc, ^es^, witticism; cf. asenkwa.

seresere, red. v, sCre, to beg (muchy constantly), to mendi<^a{e,

to ask alms going from one door to another; 5. hiia; onipa a os. nnee-
ma, wofre no huafo.

seresere-bo-krofi, one ingratiating himself by friendliness, but

stealing or secretly doing other mischief; onipa okontomponi, atf-

aseresere-de, s. aserede. — o-sereserefo, pL a-, laugJier,pr.39lt.

ascresere-sein, s, aseresem. — sereserew, red. v,, s. serew.

s^re-s6, sere-s6, s. sere, gsSre.

sere-toa: bo s., to smile.

serew, v. [red. sereserew] to latigh, smile; pr.2S30.2852. - tr.

to laugh at, deride, mock, pr. 332.8564'

serewd, Ak. cotme^,=^ntrama. — serewa-tow, in f^ playing

for cowries. — o-serewatofo, pi. a-, a player for cowries,
aserewd, a small bird. pr. 2912.

serew-serew, adv. crawlingly; akyekyere ko s., the tortoise

moves in a crawling manner, pr. 1925.

sesa, red. v. sa; to scarify, make small incisions in, so as to

draw blood from the smaller vessels; to cup; to bleed; mes.menah.

s e s a, 5. red. sesasesa. fpr. 2913.

sesa, V. Ak. s, sesaw, saw, v.

s c s d, red. v. s. sa (1, to mend, 2. to tie, 3. to hang, 4. to stretch

dc.) 5. to radiate: owia sesa m'ani so, the sun-beams strike upon mtf
eyes (cf. sa 9. otow bemma sa me); owia sesa a esesa sika ktiro no
so nti, emu anuouyam so dodo, the reflection of the sun upon the gold-
en city was extremely glorious.

sesTi, V, [inf. n-] i. = sakra, to change, commute, be changed

or ottered: ne 'n^ as., his voice is changed, he has got a hoarse voice;
gdon no 'ue as., the clock no longer S02inds well. — 2. =sene, to ex-
change, give or receive in exchange; to interchange; to barter, truck;
sesa dare yi ma me, change me this dollar; mepe dare masesa, /
wish to exchange cowries or gold-dust for dollars, I wish to gbtain dol-
lars in exchange for cowries (gold-dust &c.); cf. nsesa.

nsesa, inf. barter, exchange; - di n8e8a(-gua), to batier.

e-sesa, pi. asesafo, 1. = osAmdn, the sinrit of a deceased })erson.
supposed to work mischief on survivors (only if the corpse is bur-
ned, this can no more be done); n'ds^safo rekum no, his deceased
relations are troubling or killing him. — 2. the effect or mischief
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sesh — Qs^se. 429

wrought hy a spirit (in this sense Qsaman could not be used): meye
wo s. =miwu a, meba mabeye wo bone; o(re)7e no s., he is inflict'-
ing some disease on him; s. akitano, c. s. osaman aye no bone; s,

ses&', a kind of black pepper, Piper nigrum; dua bi aba a eye

yaw se yisd; esow (wo) dutan ho se ^domA.
asesa-boa, = kontromfi.

sesabor6, a disease, prob. dropsy; onipa nantu n^ ne8er§

hou na eho babi tu knru ua efi usu-da, na da nso ehon; cf, ntata.

sesa-dua, a shrub attaining a man^s height, with a stinking

sap, white flowers, and small round fruit; the root is used as a
medicine against tooth-ache; s, sesa-yare.
nsGsae^ rays; cf. sesa, nsensane. Hob. 3,4,
g-sesaf6, i?Z. a-, a loose, dissolute, disorderly person; a crazy,
crackbrained, shatter-brained person; idiot, simpleton, fool; onipa
a wagyimi na onam sesasesa s^res^re nkiirofo aduafi n.a. - cf. okwa-
sea, ogyimfo, obodamfo &c. — asesa-sem, disorderliness, ill con-
iluct; n^as. nti wanseh adwuma no mu.

nsesa-gua, (trade of) barter, exchange, truck; s. nsesa.

sesasesa, a.,adt\ disorderly, out of order, deranged, confused;

syn. basabasa; okwan no so ye s.; Nkranfo, etodabia won kasa ye
8. bi; oye n'ade s.; onam s.

sesa-yare, a disease inflicted by a departed spirit. Obi yare

s. na wode sesadua ahaban gu gyam' a, osaman bi ntumi mma ofie
ho mfa ne nsa mmeka oyarefo no.

sesaw, red. v. saw, 1. to take up a collective quantity or multi-

tnde from the ground, nhwea, sand, nwura, sweepings, nkyene, salt.
pr. 322. 1941. — 2. to draw (nsu, water) repeatedly, to draw a great
quantity. — 3. to draw in folds; wasesaw sirikyi atade ahyehye ne-
ho kusG, lie is gorgeously and pompously dressed in silk.

s ese, red. v. se; = sise. pr. 2914.

s e s e, red. v., s. se, v. wosese or wosesee, they are eqtial, like

ea^h other.

sese, ses(3', sese yi, sesei, adv. [se se, lit. as thus'] 1. = afei,
niprenipreh, jw5< now, till now, as yet, still: woye den wo lia sese (when
the word stands at the end, the e is short) or, sese woye den wq ha?
tehat are you doing here just now? sese woda so te kwan mu? what,
you are still on the way? - immediately, instantly: sese na mereba;
sesei de, wada ; - mprempren na mihQu no, na sese wayera, I saw
him just now, and he suddenly disappeared. — 2. sese =ebia: per-
haps; probably, likely: s. wada, perhaps he is asleep; s. oko, he is
probably gone; s. wawu, he is likely to be dead,

sese-ara, adv. [sese emph.]ju3t noiv, this moment, instantly,

immediately, in a trice, in a twinkling*

g-scse, pi, a-, htit, cottage, small house; pr.2915f. — s. asesewd.

0'S6se, pi. a-, a kind of tree; dua fita bi a wpde sen akonnua,
wode pam pon n.a. (dua-pa se.)

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430 sesea — os6t6.

s^sesiy pl.n-j a rotmd basket^ plaited of a kind of reed (go\

with a flat cover, wider at the bottom tlian at the top; cf, kenteii,

o-s6sea, akindof/rce; duaketewaawgdeyeinparowa.pr.29i7.

seseba, F. rebuke, reproach. Ps, 39,9,

asese-b6u [s, aben] a kind of horn or mnd instrument of mn-
sic; aben a wode bo ohene mmran na wode k& asem nso kyereno;
mmen abien a nnipa banu hyen na won nh. ka asem biako pe.
nsese-foro, inf, [sesew, foforo] reformation. Hist.
s 6 s e k w a, adv. 1. perhaps, peradventure,perchanre, by chanet,
possibly; likely; cf, ebia, sese; meko wo afuw mu a, s. hi menja ogya
matwa ana? wlien I go to your plantation, am I likely to find wood
to cut there? — 2. at random^ at hap-hazard, at a venture: kobisa
B. bi na y^nfw§.

sesekwa-sem, a superficial or an uncetiain, doubtful matter,

a mere probability; n'asem nye s. = n'as. nye asem bi a wonnim
no yiye.

sesekw5.-s5m, a superficial, careless, negligent service; osom

no 8. = gsom no mpaso-mpaso, ghf \v6 so nsom no yiye.

as6-s6m [asem a wose] a mere saying, rumour, talk, hearsay;

syn. at^s^m; asem no nh. ye as., na nkontompo wq mu; cf.hjis^m.
sesere, red. v. s^re, to poll, shear, citp; Qses^ri netf s*), he
polls his head. Eze,44,20.

asesc^reb^, a word without a proper sense, used to mark the

end of a tale; yen tipen, seebiay§rebo semodenayewiea, nayese:
as.; sa asem na yekohui na as., that's what we saw, and now (we
say) basta! (wonta nka no pf ; womfd nkg gnam^ bebrebe.)

sesew, red.v. 1. s. sew. — 2. to put or set in order, put or set

to rights, reduce to order, restore: wosesew kiirow no (mu yiye), o-
man mu; os. ne fi (ofie), syn. siesie, ye yiye. — 3. sesew so = ta
so, Ky. te so, to level, make level. — 4. s. ntam', to restoi'e peace
and harmony between parties at variance; s. siesie, 3.
sesew, red. v. l.s. sew. — 2. phr. ode n'anim s. fam\ he dis-
graces him or himself.

asesewd [gsese, dim,] shed covered with palm-leaves,

nsesewe, 1?. ti. [8es§w] regulation, institutions; arrangement,
adjustment, settlement, pacification.

s d-s 6 [ade a ese so, biribi a ese] a thing having the same figure
or quality with another: ntama yi s. wg hg, there is cloth of the same
quality; wgtgn kuruwa yi s. wg Nkraii, other jugs of this kind are
sold (or, may be bought) at Akra.

nsd-s6 [s. before] likeness, similitude, comparison: ns. bcii na

yede besusuw (ho)? with what comparison shall we compare it?
ase-tade, ase-tar, F under- garment.

0-s6-t6, os6-tie, inf, [te or tie ose] obedience, submission to an-

thority; osete na eye = w68^ wo nd wutl^ A, na ey^; os. ye sen afgre ;
cf. asogmerew. — ye os., to be obedient, dutiful.

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aset^ii — si. 431

ase-teii, ase-tld, nse-tia', di£F. kinds of heans; s. ase.

ase-to^ inf. s, to ase & ntoase.
a s e-t 1 0, inf. [to .. ase] neglect

iis e-tra, F. ase-tsena, inf. [tra or te ase] 1. life, the course or

time of life [= pio;, cf hkwa = c^wtj]; existence; condition or cir-
cumstances of life; manner of living, conduct, deportmefit. — JS. met.
= asetrade. Mk, 12,44. Lk. 8,43.15,12.30.21,4.

asetra-de, the means of life or subsistence, livelihood, lining.

setwe-diid, = sekyidua, a bench made of poles bi/ the way-
side, the seat oftJie toll-gatherer.

s e w, r. [red. sesew] to spread, spread ou^ (kete, a mat, Mk. 11,7.8.

ntama, a cloth); sew kete means also to make the bed; sew abo, to
pave, e.s. wode abo tintim fam*.

s e w, V. \red. sesew] to sharpen, grind any cutting tool; pr. 882,

cf. serebo.

o-s ew, mother-in-law, the htisband^s or ivife's mother; cf. as^, ose-
wd. — F. asew, mother-in-law, daughter-in-latc. Mt. 10,35.

ns ew, Ak. nsee, curse, malediction, imprecation, execration; cf.

mpae; obye me ns., he curses me, syn. obo me dua; di ns., to swear,
to hind one's self by an oath; to curse one's self; pr. 891. s. d i 49.
nsew, F. = nsow, mark, note; hy§ nsew, to make sure, Mt. 27,65 f.
o-sewd, (Ak.) aunt, the father's sister {ni* &gja. ne nuabea); niece;
female cousin : the father^s sister* s daugJifer (m'agya ne nnabea ba
= me na-kakrd ba); tJie father's brother's daughter (m'agya-kakra
ba); cf. wofasewa, ase, osew.

s ewa [ase, dim,] a small vesicle, scurf, scab: s. anti no, =

biribi ampira nebonam babiara. — nsewd, a small kind of itch
sewa-nfni, s. mfowanini, odehye 4.
nsewe, t;.n. [sew, v.] abo ns.y pavement.
8 i, V. Wed. sisi] 1. contin., to stand, be fixed in an upright po-
sition (chiefly of things that are placed, cf. gy i n a, of man and ani-
mals, ta of things extended morehorizontally than vertically): dua
bi si bo, there stands a tree; nnua pi sisi ttirom' ho, many trees are
(or were) in the garden; abrogua si ho; tumpan si pon so; adaka si
pen ase; ohene dan si kiirow mfinimfini (R p. 2.80); asrftf6 no sisi ho
kyerebenn, those soldiers stand strictly upright. — 2. to stick, to be
stuck or fixed: ntakara si ne kyew akyi, ne kyew so (B. ib.); cf. bye.
— 3. to sit, to perch: patu si duabasa so (R. ib.); - to sii in state, in
a stately manner (of a king) : osi ho kusli, he is sitting there in grave
or solemn majesty; cf. te, tra, bum. — 4, caus., preceded by de, fa,
ka, twe..., to put, place, set: fa agua no si ho, ptit the chair thither;
fa kanea no si pon so; ode honi asi ne dan ano (Rib.); ode aduan
sii n'anim, 1 8am. 28,2 lJi5 ; otw66 abofra no sii neserem*, he took the
cMld between his knees; ode no sii woii so bene, or, osii no won so
bene, he made him king over them; wode no sii agua so, they placed
him on the stool (throne); ode no sii asase no so. Oen.41,43' — 5. (also

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432 si.

without a preceding verb) to puff place, set (tc. si ban, to place (plani,
post) troops in a strong posUiotiy s. bah 4. — si awenfo, F. to net a
watch, ML 27,66. — si awowa, F. alioba, to give a paten or pledge.

— 6, contin.y followed by a numeral: to he, amount to: nnipa no si

ahe ? Jiow man^ persons are there ? wosi du, there are ten ; wosi bebrc
= wgdgso; mmofra ahe na ewg ho? wosi anum pe (R-p- 230). —
7. to rise, come up: a) to appear (of an elevation on the body): pom-
pg asi me koko so, / have got a hod on my chest ; - h) to grow velh
come to vigour, flourish, thrive : dua no asi, the tree has hecome state-
ly^ = ereuyih yiye; kah no de na ahka §r6t6 ap^, na afei na tsi
yiye; - of persons: wasi nsiforo, he has come up afresh; - si so:
abofra no asi so, this child grows well; kah no ahka greto ape, ua
afei na wasi so yiye; mmofra a wgasi so yi ye nsi, the rising genera-
tion is industrious; cf. before & 45. — S. to stand (together): won nsa
a wgrenom yi, y§-n^ wgh na yebesi afram^ mpreh, lit. their liquor
which they are drinking, we sllall stand with (or to) tJiem and minglt
in it (or, among them) at once i.e. w^w'dl at once join, share or par-
ticipcUe with tJwm in their proceedings. — 9. to step, set foot (into,
xipon): osii bonto mu, he entered into a ship; yr. 2GS. osii ne kwan
so, orosiim'kge, he departed, — 10. si ntam\ to step in, interpose ,
mediate hetween contending parties. — 11. to lead (of a way) : won
kwah nsi ha, their way does not lead them through this place; ne kwan
asi roe de mu, his way falls in with mine, pr, 134, — 1J2. to descend,
come or get down, light (down), alight (off, from, expr. by fi): ofi
dua so si fam', he descends or gets down from a tree; ofi hyeh mu
si fam\ he disemharks; ofi ne pghkg so si fam\ he aliglds from his
horse, dismounts. — 13. to descend into, to strike: gpranna sii duam',
the ligUning struck a tree; cf, duru. — 14, to come dotvn, set in:
omunuhkum resi, a fog is coming; gpe asi, the harmattan 1ms set in;
awia asi, a great heat or drought has cotne; awia si bebre a, ekyere
gkgm = ede kgm ba, much drought hrings dearth, — 15. si .. so, to
come down upon, take possession of: gbosom asi no so, the fetish has
come upon him. — 16. to turn out: asem no asi me yiye, the matter
has turned out well for me; woye sa a, erensi wo yiye ara da. — 17.
to stop, stand still, make a stand: ehana m'ano abesi, here my mouik
has come to a stand i.e. with this I have finished my speech; mctra
mu makosi ase, I sMll remain in it ox endure unto Die end. - si oft«n
serves as an aux. v. for the prepp, to, unto, till, until, cf. Gr. § 1 1 7.
227,2. 229. — 18a, tr. to push or knock against : efunu asi no or ue
k&ra, the corpse Jms pointed him out as the murderer, cf, afnnsoa.

— 18h, to strike with the head, push with the horns, to hutt: abire-
kyi de nemmeh asi no; the goat has pushed him with itslwms; apa-
po si, the lie-goats are pushing each other ; cf. 28, — 19. to give shocks,
to cause a convulsive motion of sohhing: osu asi no, he sohs. — 20.
to stick (fast): aduah no asi me, the food sticks in. my throat (ete Be
me menewam' kwah asiw); - to stifle, choke: asi me, my voice fails,
§te 8§ biribi asiw iqc roenewam' kwah a mintumi mehkasa bio. —
21. to raise, erect, huUd; si dah, to huild, esp. a house of sticks (cf.
to abah or f4d<ih, to huild a stone-houseov mud-house), pr.2920f.; aUo
with d e (cf. 4.): b6rgh yi so na mede me dah mesi ; wasi fi aroano-

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sL 433

— 22, to institute f set on foot, set in operation^ make, arrange: si

agora, to commence a play; cf. tutu agoru ; si kane, to arrange or
set on foot a competition, to me, contend, to do in competition. — 23,
to raise, lift up: si franka, to fwist a flag; si abranna, to set a sail.

— 24. to cause to hang down ; si mmoho, to hang a curtain; si adu-

rade, to put on a robe or garment, pr. 1547. — si ns^mma, to prepare
or hang up a snare. pr,520. — 25. si ntama, to wash clothes; cf. horo.

— 26. to fill into bags or bundles: si nkyene, emO, to tie loads of

salt, rice; Okwawufo si emo no mmoa (du a.s. oha) na wonam ton.

— 27. si, to design beforefiand in card-playing, cf. toa.

Various phrases with complements of the v. si, alphabetically

arranged (besides those under — 28. si., bo or koko,
lit. to strike one^s (own) breast in an ostentatious, boastful, or brag-
gart manner, i.e. to boast, to venture, undertake: wasi nebo se obe-
ko n6 no akoko, he undertakes to flight with him (e.g. David with
Goliath); mesi me bo maye, / shall venture to do it, I toUl do it at
my risk. pr. 338. — 29. si afuw, to mark out a place in the bush for
a plantation, pr. 333. — 30. si nketekrakye, to apply great diligence
or carefulness (in doing any thing). — 31. si mn: a) sim'=sikwan
mu (cf. 9), to step into the way i.e. to set out on a journey, to start,
depart, gener. followed by ko: osiim' koe, hetventoff; s. sim*p.440.

— h) to put in, i.e. to repeat: oka sii mu, he said it repeatedly; cf.
ti mu, kasa sah mu; - c) to put in, i.e. to add, to give into the
bargain: mato nam mman du, nd s) me mii = t6 me s6, cf. nsimi\.

— 32. si ananmu = hye ananmu, to ptU instead of, to repair, re-

stitute, restore, campensate. — 33. si anim, caus. a) to push, put,
join or fit the ends togetJier: ka ntabow yi si anim, fit these (two)
boards together; fa apon no si anim, push those (two) tables together,
pr. 653.766. - b) to put, place or set before; s. 2. - c) to charge with^
upbraid with: mede masi wo anim': wo na woyee ade no, I have
set it before thy eyes, say it to your face, declare it plainly to you,
charge you publicly with it, that you have done the deed. - d) F.
mframa asi wgh anim = hyia won, the wind is against them. Mk. 6,48.

— 34. si pe, to stay up, sit up at night, over a play, attending a sick
person &c. — 35. si apempem, to practise extortion; s. apempem.

— 36. si mpoma, to set or place the canes of the speakers in public

assemblies, i.e. to transact or discuss a public or judicial matter; s.
poma. — 37. si pgw, to fix or tie a knot; cf. si nsemma, s.24. — 38.
8i..nsa: wasi neti nsa, he has placed pdlm-wine before the elders of
his town, declaring that he now intends to marry a certain woman,
i.e. he has declared his intention to marry her before the elders (in
putting palm-wine before them). — 39. si .. ase, to put doum, make
low: osi ne 'n6 ase, he lowers his voice, speaks with a low voice; he
draws in(?); wutwa nkontompo a, wusi wo'n^ ase; - osi n'ani or
ne ti ase, he sinks his face or head, from shame, grief, modesty, hu-
mility, Jie casts doum his look, droops or hangs the head, is dispirited
or desponding, flags; wakoye bene nti wontumi nhyeno dennen hi
na WQasi won ti ase, = woamuna te ho komm, because he has be-
come king, they cannot, as it were, force him, but must contain them-
selves, restraining their indignation. — 40. si sf, to Jwbble, limp,


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434 si — siade.

halt; 8, si. — 41. si nsiforo, to come tip afresh; s, 7. — 4J2. si.. siyere,
to prmnise a woman (iu early childhood) for marr^iofjie. — 4S. si so,
a) to come up in growth, to grow fast, thrive: abofra&c. s.7; fo come
up in repute: ohene yi din si so, this king Juis become renowned; —
h) ne home si so, his breath or his pulse is regular (comes in dne
manner, in its due time, follows in regular succession); ensi so^ Uis
irregular (the duration being shortened &c.); - c) to fit, be suitable
or appropriate : ensi kasa so, it does not fit or agree wUh the language
(senea nktirofo no ka, as it is spoken by the people); sfenea wakyere
ase yi, ensisi so, his interpretation or explanation has no proper con-
nexion; ka si sol speak it out! (say the rest to complete the sense!)
finish the sentence! - d) to accompany (in continued & full activity):
woreye eyi no, na nkyene n^ mmen n6 abubuw si so; ef. da mu.—
e) to add, repeat, in pouring liqtwr; to pour in addition: si (no) 86!
(e.s. woahje obi nsa na woasah ahye no bio) serve him (with liquor)
once more! - f) wasi so dua = wahye mu den, wama atim; si so dna
fwe, lit fix on it a stick, i.e. mark it and look (whether it will not
come as I say) = depend upon it! you will see! [G. ma no mi ok we.]

- g) si so, s, 15. — 44. si., atwetw^, to mock; syn. goru .. ho. Mt S7^.

Phrases with two combined verbs (besides those under 4.8,9.

12. SI. 38.): 45. osi fa no ho, he surrounds him (with words), i.e. he
makers sport or game of him, banters, hoaxes, rallies, ridiades him.

— 46. si fra, s. H. — 47. hurnw si, to exult, lit. to jump up and set
the feet on the ground again. — 48. twa.. (ho) si, s. twa, atwasi.

S i, Ak. = siw, q. v.
a si, inf. [si 18] the act of midual pushing : o-ni no di asi, he is
against him, his adversary or antagonist, they are against each other.
n s i, diligence, sedulousness, assiduous induMry, careful attention:
oye nsi ~ gbo mmoden, oy^ an6m, he is diligent, interestedly and
perse icringly attentive, assiduous, not careless or negligent (of we n'a-
dwuma yiyo, onim n'adw. pe), industrious.

si, shortness of one leg, so that in walking only the tx)e8, not
the heel, touth the ground; oyare hi a wutia fam' na wo nantiii nkft
fa na eseh ahuhmu; wuntumi mfa wo nan nsi fam* nnantew wo nan-
tin so, na wonam wonansoa ano; cf. nantinkefd, osifo.

asia, n-, six. Gr. § 77. — asia, = nsa-nsia, nsawa-nsia, q. v.

as i a, a gold- weight, pr. 305. 565. - Akyem asia,=ntaku 54 (nsoa-
fakoro 9) = Jf /. 10 s. 4^2 d. - Asante asia, = ntaku 48 (nsoala-
koro 8) = ^ dollars or ackies, or 11. 7 s.

11 si a, a six-stringed musical instrument; osanku a eso nsia, ^.


esia, a large tree of hard wood, good for fuel; s. esiakokobin.

siabaw, t;. to tie, tuck, pin or truss up: os. ne ntama wo n'a-
8enmu = ode ne ntama kyekyere n'aseh, he girds Ids garment abtrnt
his loins, [fr. siaw & haw ^= bare.]

SI ado, good Itirk, fortune, success, prosperity ; lucky chase; w«-

fa or wanyft s., he has had good luck, has sncceeded weU, has made
his foiiune, has been lucky, fortunate or prosperous; wagya s., he

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siadeb6a — sian. 435

hcts missed good luck; oka s., he succeeds in his business, is success-
ful in making money by it; meka s. a, emma, if Ilabourfor money,
I get none.
siade-boa, a kind of hedgehog, urcMn; okame aye apesee;
ne ho agyah ye ntia, ente se ap. de. (If yon are going to trade and
meet such animals, you will be lucky.)

siade-d\Vuma, a business to make one^s fortune ; 6y6 s., he

has a prosperous business.

siadefo, siade nipa, a lucky, prosperous, prospering person;

oye s. = ne ho ade ye.

O-siatb, pr. n. of a man; cf. osiyefo.

esia-kokobin, a kind of tree; cf. esia, esiapi.

siam, t?. [red. sinsiam] 1, to strip off, to pull, tear or take off
mith the hand at once, as the leaves from a twig; s. nhene no, strip
the beads from the string. — 2. to pass the hand over the face or any
part of the body to remove any thing; to wipe; wgbo wo aka a, wg-
md wos^w aka no nsu no hi siam (= hohoro) woani so; se wobo
woho asu a, wode nsu a egu awowa no mu hi sinsiam woho de yi
fi ko a aka wo a enti wuguare asnm^ no fi woho; - osinsiam neho,
he washes himself superficially. — 3. perf. to be stripped, emptied,
made void, pale; n'anim asiam, he is ashamed, confused, abashed,
humiliated, ==n''sLmtLW\i. — 4. n'anom' asiam, his mouth is undone,
dull, tasteless, greasy, as if it was daubed with grease or fat. — 5.
(osekan) ano asiam, the edge (of a knife) has becmne dull or blunt,
= ano akum.

nsiam, disgrace, dishonour, shame, defeat; 5^w. aniwu, nkogu;

ns. baa won fam', they were put to shame by defeat^ the fight turned
Old badly for them.

o-siam, 1. parched and ground corn = kyekyer^; when mixed

with pepper, salt, ground-nuts and fish, it is used as food in travel-
ling or going to war. — 2. gun-powder, powder and shot.

o-siam-md, pi.a- [siane, oba] a child or person that brings mis-

ehief; 6ye os. == Qta siane a.s. ogyigye onipa, he is a seducer, a man
against whom one must be on one^s guard.

a s {k m asl (asomasi) s. obenten. — Asiammoa,pr. w.m.i>r.5P^5.

siamo, a. 1. weak, /ceWe-(from hunger, intoxication, flogging,

hard work, grief) : okom or nsa ama waye s. ; woaf we no ma waye
8. ; 'nera adwuma a mekoyee nti ene maye s. ; - awerehow nti n'ani
ay§ s., ontumi mmue po, his eyes have become weak from gnef, he
can scarcely open them. — 2. motionless; waye s. gyina ho.

si^n, t;. [red. sinsian] to recoil from, fall back, retreat, be re-
pulsed, to make a fruitless attempt at, to attack without success. 1864
Asantefo baa Fante se wobeko na wokohyiaa Akyene no, wodweh
s§ wganya abomfla hi rekokyereno ; na wokoe no, wosidn' no. Obuu
me se dnkonam na enti gr^p^ me df^m6 ay^me akod; na me-ni no
koQ guam' no, osi&n me.

siau, V. [red. siansian] 1. to be or become sloping; bepgw yi

gian kurohkuron, this mountain descends steeply, p^-ecipitottsly. —

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436 asianna — siaw.

2, to descend from: ofii bepow no so siane or osian fii b. no so or

osiiih' bepgw no, he descended from die mountain; miinsiansi^n! de-
scend (all of you) ! F. san .. do, to descend upon. Mk. 1,10.

asianna, a kind of food; kgkot^ a woajam na wgde biribi a

eye dew fram', na ade kye a, wodi.

nsi-andu-mii, v. ». compensation, reparation, restUutiony resto-

ration; substitute, equivalent.

asiananta-twene, (-akyene), pr. 2924.

siane, t;. [red. sinsiane] 1. to go alongside (I8.am6a,pr. 2401),
along wiih, side by side with; to flank. — 2. to hold or side with, he
or stand at the side of: efi tete na D6nafo n^ Asantefo sianee, from
old times ttie Elmina people adhered to the Asanies; to have inter-
course, conversation or cotnmunion with, to associate with: wo n^
abofra yi siane a, obekyere wo adeboue, if you associate with this
boy, he will teach you bad things. — 3. to seek one's hurt, to brood
mischief against, to seek a cause for accusation, to wish to entrap one:
68ianeme = gpe me bone; wokosiusiane no, they watch, lurk for
him. — 4. s.h 5, a) s. fasu ho, to go along the wall, whether groping
with the hand (s.7) or not; b) to pass by, glide on; pr.334. syn.twa
ho, cf. tere ho, fere ho; c) to neglect, slight, disregard: wos. mmjira
ho som Nyank., they worship God contrary to the law. Acts 1843. —
5. (contin.) to hang from the side of: afoa siane no, ^siane n'asen so,
he has a sword hanging about him, it is girded about his loins; mioa
sinsiane won asen so, they are girded about with swords, Jiave swords
girded about their loins. — 6. tr. to hang about, gird on: munsin-
siane mo mfoa! gird on your swords! cf. bo. — 7. red. to grope, to
feel one's way: Deut. 28,29. 18.59,10. — 8. to proceed from (some cause
or reason); s. esiane.

e siane, followed by se or nti or both, stands, before an ad-

junct or adv. sent, of cause, for the conj. as, because (Gr.§ 275,1), or
for the prepositional phrases: in consequence of, on account of, owing
to: esidni ne nneyee nti nkdrofo nhlna pe n^asem, on account of his
doings all people like him ; esiane lesii hkaanim a okaa Farisifo anim
nti, wg-n^ no fika, because Jesus reproved the Pharisees, they were
not on good terms with him.

asiane, v. «. a thing going by one's side, threatening mischief

impending danger, peril, adventure: munhyirahyirame na as. bi
ankos. me, give me your blessing that I may not incur any danger.

n s i a n e-h 6, inf the act of passing by ; wodi ns., tliey repeatedh/

pass by each other (in going to and fro); syn. ntwaho; cf. ntereho.

o-siane-dantabafi,^ a parallel to the equator. D.Ajs.

si ail ka, 1?. /o stop, keep back, cause to stay.

A s i a n t e, s. Asante.
O-siapansam, name of a month, about Sept.{?) s. gsram.
c-siapi, a kind of tree; wotwa dwira a, wgkotwitwa na wgde
ne nnyansin bekye mpanyimfo; s. esia.

aiiia-puruwa, a kind of esculent herb, pot-herb.

siaw, v. [red. sisiaw] to be caught (by or in): to be entangled,

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osiaw — a.s(eberennya . 437

to sfick(in) wotow ade bi kycne a, ebia esiaw d6t6 bi so ; ntak^ra

8. ne tirim\ a feather sticks on his head; - patir'ausiaw ne aduan bi
a wudi a ensiaw = ennyina, it does not sticky s. nteberefua. — si-
8iaw ho, to stick about: wode nfviriren as. dan no ho; wode abQrow
asiaw pata no ho.

0-s law, pi, a-, a small cluster of 4 to 8 single bananas or plan-

tains hanging in a circle round their stalk and called a hand from
their resemblance to the fingers proceeding from the metacarpus;
cf. odurn. Obrode-duru biako mu wo bey§ se asiaw 5 ana 6 ana 8,
obrode-siaw mn wo mmetem beye se 4, 5, 6 an& 8; cf. kwadusiaw.
asiaw, = kasiaw, cluster, hunch. [Diff. gsaw.

asih 6yph id., n-, a kind of monkey, pr. 1182.

sibea, sibere, sibew, 1. a standing-place, station, stand, po-
sition, occupation, einploymeni; wode no kosi ne sibea bio, lie is re-
stored to (re-instated in) his former office. — J2. a place to put or fix
any thing; opon yi, minhu ne sibea, I do not know where I shall place
this table. Cf. dibea, dabew &c. — 3, structure, construction, style
or mode of building: gdah yi sibea (= damman) ye fe or wo asiy^,
this house is fine or nicdy built.

nsiM^, a kind of bead; s. ahene.

sibiri, a kind o^ plant; ahaban a mmirekyi we. pr. 187 3.
sibiridenkye, pr. 2925.

sideri, F. [Eng.] shilling, pi. ns.-mba; cf. sirin.

sie, t;. [secondary form of si; red. siesie, g. v.'\ 1. cans, (with
a preceding v. de, fa &c.) to put or stow in a place. pr.2164. — ^.
to lay uj), preserve, reposU: fa aduan no kosie; womfii mmere nsie
siw so. R p. 230. pr. 373. — 3. F. to keep, take care of, attend to,
support: ana bodo no dze no asie wo yarbam* na ahonamdzen mu?
wilt tJwu love her and keep her in sickness and in health? — 4. to
keep, perfoi'm a word or promise, cf di so. F. sie mmra, to keep a
law; sie nsu, ahyem, to fulfill, perform a vow, a covenant. — 5. to
bury, inter; cf.kortx, pr. 2928, Fantenibi kae se: Se abibifo se: oni-
pa wu na onsore a, asem no nnim, na yen ara yen kasa yi na ekyere
se gbesore ampa, enese yese: wokosieno a.s. wgkgkorano: n^ ade
a wokosie no, - gye se wosan kgfa bio, na ehka ho korakora. —
6. to put things in order (s. red.): me n^ no sie a, ens^n, if I and he
put up (things), there is no place for them, i.e. we cannot agree or
live peaceably together. — 7. asie me yiye = asi me yiye, it has
turned out well for me. — 8. sie is used as a supplemental or aux.
V. for the adv. beforehand, previously: ka sie, to foretell; maka ma-
sie, / have told it before; kasAsie, di sie, to arrange or settle before-
hand; - also for the prepp. for, against (an event) : obi nnom nsu
nsie ope,pr.^6^^.;oboaboaab&row ano sie okombere; w6nsi^sie won-
ho nsie nea §b§ba no, Gr. § 117 ^ 4c. 2436.

e-s i e, Ak. = esiw, ant-hill. — asie, — nea ode biribi asie. pr, 2927.
asieberennyk': osi as. or 6yg 08ieberennyAf6 (^=odi asem fi
bi ho koka kyere obi, na otie onik6 no d^ beka kyere no), he Is a
tale-bearer, tell-tale, inter meddler, busybody; cf. ofAkgn^fabafo.

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438 asiede — sika-adwini.

asie-de, ade (nn§ema) a wgde sie funu, tilings that are buried
with a corpse for the use of the deceased person in the other world,
as, ntama, ntrama, sika, ahene, dwinne, forowa, asanya, kuruwa,
nsa, tasen (abiirobua), mpaboa n^ nnipa.

asiei, hurying-placCf burial-place; syn, anisiei.

Asiemiri, pr. n. of a famous hunter, (?)pr, 87.2. 892.

siesie, F. = sese. Mt 3,15.9,18.

siesie, red. v. sie (q. v.); 1. to arrange, put in order, make

ready, put in readiness, prepare; syn. boaboa, sesew; - oresiesiene
noeema; mas. me danmu; ma yensiesie yenhd anea-nayen wura aba.
B.p.230. — 2. 8. ..ho, to make provisions; to take precautionary or
preventive measures. — 3. s. .. ntam', to settle, compose, make peace:
wasiesie (= wasesgw) won ntam\ E. ib.

nsiesie. F. peace, Mk. 9,50. good will, Lk. 2,14. us. nka adasa-roma.

nsiesiei, v.n. instittdions, regulations; cf. nsesewe, iihyehyee.

siesiefo, pi. a-, F. peacemaker. Mt 5fi.

nsi-fa-ho, inf. bantering, raillery; hoaxing; cf. si 45.

o-sif6, pi. a-, [nsi] a diligent, industrious, assiduous, sedulous

person. Cf. nsiye.

o-sif6, pi. a-, [si] one having a short leg; nea ne nan biako ware
kyeh ne nan biako na enti onam ne nan biako no nausoa ano.

nsi-foro, inf. [si, foforo]: wasi ns., lie has newly come up; 5. si 7.

nsiforofo, young people, = mmSrante n^ mmabawa.

si-gyaw, inf. [si, gy aw] unsteadiness of abode or sexual con-
nection; single life, unmarried state; d i s., not to be in a regular or
constant sexual connection; to be single, unmatTied; to live without
a wife or husband: odi s. ne se : okosi hayi 'ne a, okyena na wa-
gyaw ho akosi ha; ony^ owarefo, na gye mpratwefo.

o-sigy a fo, pi. a-, an unmarn^d person i.e. a man or woman

who has either not been married at all, or a man who has sent away
his wife, or a woman who has forsaken her husband, in general, one
who is not in the stale of regtdar marriage. As such a state with the
negroes is hardly ever one of abstinence, the word rather includes
than excludes irregular intercourse with the other sex. pr. 2929f.

nsi-ho, (inf.) 1. = ade a esi biribi ho; apposition (Oram.), ad-

ditament, accompaniment (&c. — 2. the additional sum required in
repayment of a loan, consisting in 50 per cent of the borrowed sum
or less ; cf. mfentom', huruw (sika). Wofem sika biara a efi tin de
rekg yi a, se wuretua kaw a, sika no fa na esi aboten no ho. — F.
interest. Mt.'25,27.

sika, i. gold; — 2. money in general ;i?r. 838.2931-52,3623. —

sika amapa, native, unmixed, pure, solid gold; s. mfuturu, gold-dust;
s. kiiku, a lump of gold; s. pgw, a lump, nugget, ingot of gold.

asika: mekgye as., / am going to dig and wash gold.

sikd-d^re, gold coin, gold piece.

sika-d^, sweetness of money, love of money; s. nti watgn atoduro

ama Asantefo.

sika-adwini, goldsmith^ s work; di s., to work in gold.

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sika-advVinne — osikyi. 4:\9

sika-adwfnne, pL id, a thing wrouyhi of gold, gold trinket ; ebi

lie: akyekyerc, Qkoto, dawuru, safe, sosgw n.a.
sika-dwuma. work for money* pr. 2953.
sikd-dwiimtb, a worker in gold, goldstnith.
asika-fe, a tax or dutg taken from gold-diggers.
sikaf6re, riding-cane, riding-icMpy Iwrse-^whip.
sika-Mturu, Ak. F. gold-dust. — sika-fwefb, treasurer.
sika-gy6, inf. the receipt of gold or money; aka s., the money
has yet to he received. — sika-hama, gold thread, spun gold.
sika-hunu, money (a fine) nndidy taken.
sika-k^se, a large amount of gold. pr. 211.
asika-mono, ready cash. pr. 76?. 2939.

o-sika-nl, or -K, pi. a- -fo, a rich, wealthy, opulent man or person.

pr. 1506.2954-60. — sika-nibere, thirst or lust after gold. pr.2961/f.
sika-p6, inf, love of gold or money.
o-sikapgfo, j>Z. a-, ajyerson covetous or greedy of money.
asika-see, inf. lavishne^, wastefulness ia spendiug or oxpeudiug
money ; syn. adesee, ahof wi. [2964
sika-siD, defective, deficient, incomplete money or payment, pr.
sika-Sii [sika a woadan no se nsu a w6de gu uneema hd] gold-
leaf, tinsel, for gilding purposes; wgde s. ayi ho nsiima', they have
made gilt ornaments on it.

sika-tam [otam a woatwe sikahamadeafranr anweuoa.s. wode

sikahama n^ asawa asasa mu anwene] stuff worked of silk or cotton
and gold. \ usa.

sika-t6rej plate of gold; s. dane konmu, f'am n'aiii akyi, bg ue

sika-tuo, a gun inlaid with gold.
sikawd [dim.] a small amount of gold, little money.
asika-ye, inf gold digging and washing.
n s i k a-n s\ k a , a small beetle.
si-kese [siw kesc] a large mass, heap, pile or body of any
thing; nsukyerema s., avalanche.

o-sikb. a /ree whose bark prepared and used like ininowa has a
good smell; dua hi a nehilam nti romea yam ye. — ()sfkb,7>r. w. m.
nsi-koro"^ [nea esi ho koro] item, article, single sum, separate
particular, in an account.

nsikowd, the smallest kind of sea- fish, sold inland. pr.l848.

asfkrd [Port, azucar, Dan. sukker, G. gukle] sugar.
asikre-aba [sugar-fruits] dried fruit from YAiropc, as plums,
pears, cherries, raisins &c. — asikre-bo, sugar-candy.

asikre-siam [sugar-flour] wheaten flour from Europe or Amer-

ica. [G. SikiSaii.]

o-s f ky I, a die; -tow s., to dice, play with dice; - eye asommeii
a.s. dua a.s. adobe-aba a wosen no ahinanan na wotwitwa ho : wotwa
fa abiesa, na wotwa f4anah, nawotwafamfuate(wodeakyeuem'x).
na ofa da ho teta; na wotow ^ye, sika a. ntrama ana nkato, a.s. wg-
tow gy& wgnani. Nea wgahkyerew ho no, wgfreno sikyi; nea wg-
atwa 80 abeam', wgfreno mfuate; nea wgatwa so abiesa n^ anah,
wofr^ no korgs^ n6 korosa-anafi.

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440 sikyidon — esire.

sikjiddn, 5. Bukud6D.

sim' [si (kwah) mu] to set out, start on a journey; aim' ko, to
depart; sim' ntem ko, set off quicMy! wunsim' ntem a, wunnu ntem;
ahemadakye na misiim* wo Nkran ; E. p. 231. s, si 31.

nsim', nsi-mA, inf. what is given into the bargain when a large
quantity of any thing is bonght; besides nsim', an nt6s6 Ak« oi'm-
80 (q, V.) is given ; cf, nkwdnye.
simma [sin ba]t minute, = miniti. — simraa-siu,+5ecotid.jBcfl.
osimasi, F. = asiamasi.
o-slm'pdm, a kind of cottmi cloth made in Europe. [powa.

simp6wa,F. a weight of gold-dust, equal to threepence; cf,

e-s in, pL asinasin, 1. remaining piece or part of any thing, frag-
ment or remnant of a whole, stump; duasih (eny6 dua-mu no, naeje
nesin); sin is not used of broken vessels (gyirase, nkora, nkurnwa,
of which go\*^, fa or fere is used, except of the scattered pieces: wg-
abo no asinasin; n^asinasin gu ho; opon no nan a ebui no, ne sin
ni ; but it is said of other things, e. g. hamasin, and of fluids in
a vessel: nsa ye tumpan ma na wufwie so bi a, nk aka sin; nno a
mehyee no ma kosii ho no so ato sin, the oil no longer fills the ves-
sel as when I placed it there; - gsekansin ye osekan a n^ano ye sin;
cf. dunsin, nnyansih ; basin, fw^nsin, ak6n8in, ndnsin, anosin, as6-
sin; oman-sin; - asem no sin nko ni, this is only the half of the case
or malter; - sika no, omaa me asin-asin, he paid me the money by
installments (and has not yet paid all). — J2, fathom, a measure of
two yards or dx feet of cloth, when bought from the European mer-
chant, hut of five feet only among the natives; nthuiAsih, s, B.p.231,

sin Sij V. to perforate, pierce; to thread (a needle); to string, to

file on a string (nam, nwaw, nhene, meat, snails, beads dtc.)pr. 443.

sina-mm§ri, s. senamen.
asin-asiu, pi. of (e)sin.

sin-koro, a kind of European cloth; s. ntama. [G. ogbale.]

sinsen, i. red. v. sen, to cut, carve; to ad off, ped (a fruit,

e.g. a pine-apple, by cutting away its rind by small pieces; cf wae,
huan. — 2. (inf) cramp, convulsions.

sinsiam, red. v. siam.

sinsian, red. v. sian.

sinsiane, red. v., s, siane, 4-6. & botohuhuw.

asi-pe-ntama [siw a epe nt.] a small ant-hiU. pr. 265.
asi-pim, a large chair.

sipiripl, a. dizzy, giddy, confused; dull, torpid, insensibk;

-n. dizziness, duUness d:c. trembling. Is. 21,4. — me ho aye me s.,
me honam te se ahonhon, biribi bo me a, ment6, I am stunned, pet-
rified, awe-struck, horror-stricken, I shudder, I have become inscn-
sible, apathetic; cf. awgse, ayise.

sipiripi-ye, inf. dullness, heaviness, gloom, sadness; apathy.

e-s ire, a kind of sea-fish, caught frequently in the month of Au-
gust; = oydk^. [G. tSile.]

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siri — siw. 441

siri, V. Ky. = siw; siri nsuo no ano = siw or waw nsu no
ano, dam the ivater up (in or out)y obstruct the flow of the water.

sirikyi [Eng.] silk; cf. seda.

sirin [Eng.] shlUing. F. sideri.

sise, red, v. se, to say repeatedly, talk much of; mate se wo-
sisesise se WQbekg babL

nsise, inf. talk, sayings; rumour, report, pr, 1600 f

asi-s^m [asem a wosiw so] a talkovmatUr to he concealed from

general knowledge, to he kept secret, a secret; eny6 as., as. biara nni

yensom ma.

sisi, red, t;. si: i. 5. si, 1,2. dtc, nnSma bebre sisi dua no so;
kokosakyi s. sflmftna so, pr. 1680. tJie i>ulture often perches on the
dung-hill, — 2, sisi atw6, s. atwe. pr. 2968, — 3. to cheat, deceive,
impose upon; yr. 12,139.154.767. cf. gyigye, dada. — 4, Phr, otutu
m^ano sisi, s. ano.

nsisi, inf, the act oi cheating d^c, deceit, imposture.

sisi, ^Z. a-(?) bear; other names: sisie-kw^brafo, osisir^, osf-

simo, oto-atweree.

sisi, the lower part of the back, from one thigh-bone to the other;
pr. 2966f. syn. pft, pam\ pirn' ; cf. akyi. — Phr. so me sisi, support
me, help me in paying a debt.

sis id, pLid. the rump, endoftlxe back-bone of an animal, with

the parts adjacent.

o-sisid, bower, arbour; a shelter in a thicket of trees and shrubs;

odoto bi a aye se odan a mm6a d^ as^; meko or mehyen s. ase;
— o-sisiam': ahaban mu a eho aye odoto na ehg aye sum no.

si si aw, red. v., s. siaw; - wgde nnamram as. apakan no ho.

asisi-d e [ade a wonam nsisi so any a] a thing or things acquired
by cheating or deceit, unlawful property.

0-sisif6,i)Z.a-, cheat, deceiver, impostor; 5^w.gdadafo, ogyigyefo.

o-sisimo, oslsirfe, s, sisi, bear, — asisirape, = mpienno.
Sisiriku, pr. n. of a strong man = ohoodehfo. pr. 2969.

o-sisiriw, 2>l' a-, a kind of /rce bearing red flowers; tulip-tree?

pr. 3624. ebere ko a, na wodua abiiro; wgnoa eho bono nom se ayam-
kaw-aduru; wgde ye afa a wgde tono.

a s i s i-s e m, a deceitful matter or act; deceit.

sisiw, F. sisu, red. v., s. siw.

sisi-yare, lumbago, pain in the loins and small of the back;

cf. emu-yare, samd, gs^nmili.
n si-s6, V. n. 1. repeated pouring in of liquor, s. si i3c. — 2. the
complement of a verb. Oram.

nsT-ta, onipa a gnam ne nan abieh ano; cf. si, osifo.

asitiw, = asotiw, deafness. — o-sitifo, jpi. a-, a deaf person.

siw, V. [red. sisiw] Ak. si; i. to pound, stamp, bruise, beat.

thrash; wosiw kgkgte de ye dgkono; osiw abiiro w = gde abttrow

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442 esiw — so.

gu wgadurum'na ode woma wow (deye amoagjanoa). — 2, to stop;

to he stopped: osiw n'aso, he stops his ears, Ac, 7,57. n'aso asiw, his
ears are stopped i.e. he is disobedient, s. aso. - 8 i w k wan, /o obstruct
one^s way, to bar, barricade, block or shut up iJie way, to stop, check,
to give a check, put a stop to {cf, sakwan); to prevent, obviate; to
hinder, impede; to resist, oppose, withstand; to prohibit; osiw mekwan
se menuye adwuma or osiw me adwumaye ho kwan, B. p, 23L —
siw ano, a) = siw kwan, to withstand dtc. [G. tfii na]; b) to skuA
up, close, seal: wasiw kotoku no ano, he has sealed up the bag, —
siw 80, to conceal, to hide or keep from, keep close or secret, husk
up. Sam.3,17.18.Act820,20. — emu siw, it, is hidden from, it is not
clear, unintelligible, obscure to: emu siw me kakra = emu ntew me
yiye, it is not quite intelligible to me. — 3. to stand in the way, to
hinder: eden nti na esiw fam'=agye asase no akenten Bo(Lk,13f),
= emma ennya biribi afifi-y^. — siw sfim, to stand in one's light:
me wura, tafarakye, woasiw me sum ! — siw awia, to stand in the
sun: nsiw me awia! (Diog. to Alex.) — 4. to let grow (cf. si 24. to hi
hang down); osiw ne nhwi, ne ti, osiw atimum*, = oma ne U nliwi
fuw ware, he lets the hair grow long, wears longhair, a sign of mourn-
ing; pr. 1445. — siw bogyese, to let the beard grow. — 5. siw nten-
ue, to suppress or hold back the voice of complaint, pr. 335.

e-siw, Ak. sie, ant-hill, the conical structure of the white ants,
made of a reddish clay and from 8 to 1 2 feet high.

[pr. 371.373.2926.2970f

' siwabiri, sowa, pad6d6, an herb or grass with fibrous stalks,

very frequent at the sides of the foot-paths in the bush; perh. a spe-
cies of lihea, China-grass, Boemeria puya? Afr. Times 1866. (M.Dec
sf wadonno^ Akw. oye asem no mu s., = otwa mu hkontompo.

asi-ye: odan no sibea wo asiye, that house is built in a good

stile; cf. sibea.

n si-y 6, inf. [ye nsi] diligence, industry, dose application to on^s

business. — o-siy 6f6, pi. a-, better ; osifo, q. v.

s 0, v. [red. sosg] 1. to drop, drip, trickle, distil, fall or discharge

itself in drops: nsu (nsa, nno) so fam' ; tr. to pour or let fall in drops.
Deut. 32,2. 33,28. P6. 65,11.12. Prov. 3,20.5,3 — 2. to light, kindle, in-
flame (okanea, ogya, a candle, afire); maso gya = makoyi nuyan-
srama wo obi gyam* makogu medem'; yeaso nnyansiti ano, tre have
kindled two logs of wood opposite each other; intr. to catch (fire), io
be kindled, to blaze, flame, to flare up : ogya no aso, the wood has
caught fire, the fire blazes; hence 3. afahye no aso, the festival is
celebrated with brightness, sprightliness or joy, lias cotne to its pUch,
is in high glee; agoru no nso, the play is not merry, joyous, glee fid,
pleasant. — 4. to be tough, clammy, sticky: me fufa so (hfta), my
dumpling (of pounded yam or plantains) is tough. — 5. to apply,
examine, taste, try, exercise: osg netuo (wg) dua no mu, he tries
his gun at that tree; espec. with fwe: sg .. f we, Gr.§ 110.220,1. me-
sg aduan (nsa, ta) no maf^e, I am tasting the food (liquor, tobacco)
cf. ka .. fwe; mesg meho mafwe se me hO ye den ana, / shall try
whether I am strong (enough for it); gsgne nsa, he exercises his hand

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so — oso. 443

(in shooting, throwing stones). — 6» sq dade mu, to weld iron. —

7. 8 0.. ano (cf. 1) to seal, orig. by dropping sealing-wax on some-

thing; mede dagire mesg nhoma ano; pr.3978, John 6,27. Bev, 5,1. —

8. 8 0.. Auiy to satisfy or gratify the eyes of, to please, to content; to

he acceptable in the eyes of; biribiara nso difudepefo ani, nothing
satisfies the discontented; oso m'ani, I am well pleased in him.
Mat, 3yl7. 12,18. — 9. n'ani so me, he respects, esteems, honours me,

— 10. so, Y. to endure. Mt. 24,13 11, so, Ak. F. s. sow.

s 0, V. [ted. suso] to seize, catch, take (lay) hold of or on, lay hands
on; so mensa, take hold of my hand; miinsonomd! lay hold on him!
pr.2972, — so pon no mu, take hold of the table; so nkrantem', to
put one's hand to the sivord; cf.kyere, kita. — Phr, so., m u, <o give
or lend a (helping) hand: bSra b6so me mii, come and help or assist
me; Gr.§215.16. misom' a, ens6, when I try to go on with it, it will
not (or, no more) do, I try it in vain. — so mu, so ano, to stop,
check, stay (a thing), to give a check, put a stop (to a thing); to with-
stand. — so n'asem mu, to take hold of his words. Lk. 20,20. (with a
hostile intention); F. to lay hold of his word, receive his word.

so, v.[red. soso] 1. to be carrying on the head, to tvear; cf. soa;

oso adesoa, ?ie carries a load; pr. 64. 2755. 2973-77. — oso kyew, Jie
wears a hat; pr. 3262, — so bosom, s, under soa. — ^, Phrases: oso
asem no hhina ti, he is the principal person (head, chief, leader) in
the matter; meso asem menam, lam sent on an errand; meso aman-
nehunu menam, I walk about in great affliction. — 3. Phr, oso no
soro, he carries him up or about i.e. abuses him with words; wgso no
ho, they speak indignantly of him. — 4. red. soso, to arise, get up,

so, Ak. s, sow & sow. — so, F. = sow (aba). Mk.4,7f.

s5, V. [red. soso] 1, to reach, arrive at; kosd, to go as far as:
merekoso Abiriw maba, / will go as far as Ab. and then come back;
mokosoo he na mosan bae? how far did you come before you turned
back? pr. 403. — ma enso ha ara, let the matter rest here, do nOt go
farther; eno anso ho ara, it did not stop there, that was not enough.

— F. mber no aso = ebere no adu, the * time is fulfilled. — 3. to

suffice, be sufficient or enough: erenso ye-n^ mo, it will not be suffi-
cient for us and you; pr. 2489. - cf. do, doso. — 3. to be able (for):
meso mesatu, I am able to go to war iviihout another^s help; meron-
80 kaw nom* = ekaw no dgso sen se medu ano, I cannot afford, or,
it is out of my power, to take upon myself, or to pay, this debt. — 4.
to be fit for: As6 di, ka, ye, it is fit for being eaten, spoken, done;
pr.2979. — 5. eontin. [red. sosoe, Gr.§103.] to be big, large, great,
much; oso k6kiir6, kakra or kes^, he is very large. — 6. ne'ne so,
he has a loud voice; ne 'n^ aso, he has attained to a manly voice (at
his entenng into the state of puberty); ne^n6 nso, his voice is not loud
enough. — 7. so bo, F. to be precious, of great value; oso mbo kese,
it is of great price. Mt. lOfSl. 26,7. Mk. 14,3. — 8. so dae, to dream; pi.
soso adae;i>r.7'05. Gen. 40,5.41,1,

6-sg, shark; cf. furefiire. [G. ogbolele.]

0-s6, a fine, handsome person or thing; bye os6, = oye ohogf^-

fo, Jw is gay; eye os6 = ^ye fe, it is fine, a fond word.

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444 so — aso.

so, F. aso, interrog. particle at the head of an inter rogatiye

sentence. Gr. § 142. F. Mt 6^0. 26,40^

§-so [cf. osoro & Gr. § 118-120] i. the upper part or surface o/.
— 2. the upper parts, the space above, and what is in it. — S* on,
up, upon, over, above, upward, on high; of time: in, at, duHng; of
other relations: on, at, concerning, in, from, tcith; - osekan dapoD
no so; ogyina n'abobow-Sno fwe abonten no so; etwenenni abonten
no BO', pr. 373,592.883. 1427. 1680,2427.2708.8023. c/ldwen so, f^^e so,
ma so, se so &c. — 4. Phr. eso nni, there is nothing above U, His
incomparable, excellent.

so, eso, F. = nso, also, too.

nso, adv., conj. [Gr. § 134,36.140.] also, too, likewise; besides;

but, yet, however, moreover; nno wo yonkonom nko, nado wo atam-
fo nso ; odenkyem da nsiim', Qmampam nso da wuram'; 2tp. 177.pr.622.
628.859.1848.1924.2287. Cf nsoBO, pr. 522. nAxmo, pr. 12. 506. 512 dx.

e-so, blame, reproach; culpability; guilt; — obua no so, he re-

proaches or upbraids him; cf. asobua; eso da no so = asemmone da
no so; syn. efo da no so, odi fo; - odi so, he is blamable, culpable,
deserves blame or censure; odi mogya ho so, he is culpable of (he
sJwddmg of blood (by omitting what he ought to have done to avoid
or prevent it) ; cf. odi mogya ho fo, he is guilty of blood, by a deed
committed ; - wode so yi too no, they brought this reproach or acctt-
saiion against him ; wato no so, he has falsely blamed him, declared
him culpable; (in blind-man's-buflF:) he has seized the wrong person.
Cf. asobua, asoto.

aso, (pL id.) the ear; auricle; pr. 1312 f 2980-89. — pane aso =
p. aniwa or fwene, the eye of a needle; ok wan aso, the border oftM
way; otiio aso, the pan of a flint-lock; awowa aso or aso ano, the
edge or rim of a brass-pan. — a s 6 m' = aso mu, the cavity or in-
ner jjart of the ear; m*agya asem da m'asom', / am mindful of my
father^s word. — Phrases: 1. n'aso ye den, he is disobedient; n'aso
anyin, apew, asen, asiw, awu, id.; n'aso asorow, id. = waye
neho se osogdenfo, woka asem kyere no a, ont^, na ote wo n'aso
akyi {or n'ani akyi), na gnt^ wo n'asom'. — J2. n'aso nni so, he
gives no heed to it, cf. aso-bi-anna-so. — 3. n'asom' nni agua, lit
there is no seat in his ear, i.e. he soon forgets what he is fold. — 4.
n'asom' ad wo, lie has peace, rest, tranquillity, is undisturbed: wo
asom^ dwo a, enna wo ho ato wo; Mankata amayeh asom^ ad wo yen
na yen ho ato yen; n^asom iinwo no, he is not at rest, he is distressed
or disturbed e.g. by a bad conscience; syn. neho niiwono. — 5.
ohuw n'ade no a86m'=oton n'ade no. — 6. okyea n'aso, hebends
his ear i.e. perverts judgment. — 7. opra n'aso akyi, he tcUl hear
nothing of it, does not at all mind tvhat was said to him: asem a me-
ka mekyerecno no, oprapraa n'aso akyi (de guu so) na osiim* koe.
— 8. okgsferee n'aso kgtee, = gteeno abansosem, he heard it by
Jiearsay. — 9. oshren n'aso, he pricks up his ears, listens to a sound
from a distance. — 10. wot u no aso, they persuade, induce, inveigle^
seduce him, prevail on him, win him over, gel him to do anything good
or bad. F. yebotu n'aso asoma, we wUl persuade him, Mt. 28,14 —

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nso — nsoa6. 445

11, wotwe no aso, they draw him by the ear i.e. he is punished. —
1J2, o wen n'aso, he wakens his ear i.e. he is attentive j pays close at-
tention, — 13. Qye aso, he gives ear, lends an ear, pays attention
(to); in6nye aso! = muntie! hearken! attention! give heed! - qye
n'aso demm or komm, he listens attentively. — 14. ode ye n'aso so
ade or asem, he takes the hint, takes warning, hears that in mind,
lets it he a warning to him, is mindful of it; gmfd ny^ n'aso so asem,
?ie does not care ahout. — 15. oyhno aso = 6y\no asitiw, he gives
him a private hint. — 16. oy i n'aso, he withdraws his ear i.e. he is
careless, heedless, unconcerned, secure: nnipa a woayi won aso te
ase yi, wQmfr& kora, these men, living so carelessly, or passinff their
life in over-confident security, are worthless people, good for nothing
feUows. (D.As. F8.S9,6. Ger.) — 17. Wo asem a wokae yi nni aso,
this word of yours has (deserves) no ear i.e. attention, i.e. what you
say is not worth hearing, is not acceptable, cannot he true, is a fool-
ish word, is absurd, nonsense.

nso, 1. ashes; oda nso mu, he lies or sleeps in asides, i.e. he is

very poor. — 2. a. ashy, ash-coloured, whitish gray.

S^O SO; a. fat; ne nkwan ani ye so so, nam no ho ye so so.

soa, a weight of gold, = P/2 dollars or ackies, 6s. 9d.

so a, V. [red. soasoa] 1. to take up, espec. upon one^s head, in

order to carry; to carry any load, a man in a travelling-basket &c.
pr. 408. 2434. 2990-93. to put on or wear a hat, pr. 3263. - cf. so ; to give
to carry, to load (something) upon, to burden (one with); pr.424; to
give a lift, pr. 3075a. - de .. soa, to put upon the head (or knee)pr.756.
[3262.] - wabubu kaw asoa no, he has brought a large amount of
debts upon him by fining him. — soa abosom, to carry a fetish; s.
abosom-soa in the Supplement. — soa efnnu, to carry a corpse, s.
afunsoa. pr. 1408. - soa .. hamanka, to carry (one) in a hammock. -
soa nhoma no boa ho = tase nh. no gugu hg, heap up, accumulate
those hooks. 2 Tim. 4,3. - soa..ko, to carry off or away: Asantefo abe-
soa kdromhgfo nh. ko. - wasoa tam, he wears a considerable part
of his cloth on his left shoulder. — J2. to rise or swell, to fonn an ele-
vaiion or swelling, to be swelling or swollen: n*ani ho asoa = n*ani
ho ahon or abobo atAp6 ; n'anim asoa = biribi abo no na n'anim
ahon a.s. oyare hi repe apue wg n*anim; ne nsa ho asoa; ne honam
b&bi asoa = amS so kakra sen nkk^, te se atape. — 3. to become
haughty, assuming, arrogant: onipa yi, wasoa pi = wasoa nsoA-
f6ro, waye ahantan. — 4. to become flourishing, to increase and en-
large, to thrive, flounsh: krtrow no asoa = wgado na wgapgw; cf.
si so, fefew.

0-sod, inf. a rising or swelling on the body; cf. soa 2., nsoae,
nsoasoae, atape. Lev. 13,10.

soa, V. [red. soasSa] s. mn, to hook in, to fasten ioith a hook,

to hitch, become entangled or caught, catch or fasten as by a hook;
syn. toa mu.

asoa, asowa, F. = aso. Mt 10,27. 26,51. Mk. 7,33.

nsoaba, F. tabernacles. Mt.17,4. — nso-tic, = gsoa, nsoasoae.

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446 soafa — asobhd.

soa-fa, sgafa-koro, a weight of gold, the half of soa,

u-soafo, in cpds., s. omansoafo, ahemfi soafo.
nsod-f 6 r o, inf. [s, soa 3] the giddiness of youth, sauc^ hotfhood,
the pride and petulanee or saucy pertness of the age from 12 or 15
to about 25 years; when one takes upon him what he has never
done before, another maj ask him saying: afe a.s. nsoaforo? =
wode wo af^ hy^ me a,8. (eye) ns. ? is that insolence or youthful spright-
liness? pr. 2994. - syn. mpoforo.

nsoa-korOy = SQa; Asante nsano ye ns. mmiennn.

sOa-kyini, tit/l the act oi carrying about; agnade s., export
or import and transmission of goods, transaction or business in goods;
rf, mpewddi, peddling, hawking.
n s a m*, an eye or catch for a hook (akot^koro); a loop through
which a lace or cord may be run for fastening; rf hentna.
nsoarade, hooks and eyes of a dress.

o-soamni, pl.^- -fo, a bearer, carrier or porter of the king's

person; onipa a n'adwuma ne se osoa ohene.

so ansa, a weight of gold in Asante, = ntaku 20, or Us. 3d.

rf. bodommo. — nsoansa-fU, the half of it.
nsoas6, a kind of calabash.
aso-aso, F. 1. ass. Mt 21,2. — 2. Mre.
asoaso-ba, cdt of an ass. Mk. 11,2.

nsoasoae, risings or swellings on the body from strokes &c.;

cf osoa, atape; morbid tumors, boils.

asoasoa-sem /is. soa 5.7 arrogance, assumption of too much im-

portance; odi as., he acts foolisldy, shows himself proud without hav-
ing the means; cf. atratrAs^ra.

so-b a, in/", [sow, ba]; gye.. s., to hurl or toss to and fro, to ttse
as a playing-bdll. pr. 1268.

sobakiir^y F. = soduro, Ak. = siSkum, Akr.

sobe [Dan. sup, sopken'\ draught, gtdp; dnnk, liquor.
as 6-bi-a nn d-s o [&s6 bi 4nnd so] forgetful ness, careless omission,
inattention. Woye as. a, wo nkada yera. pr.

s 6-b 6 [eso, obo] reproach; bo., s., to blame, reproach, up-

braid, censure (for some omission which had bad consequences; wo-
bo no s. = woudnii no, e.s. wokodi asem bi na ascmmone nam asem
no so aba, na nktirofo ka se:, onipa yi ankodi asem no sa a, anka
amanne amma. (Ehafo boo Nkranfo sobo se woankofwe srani no
anto a, anka Borofo ani ammere won so.)
sob6-bg, inf. reproach, upbraiding.
o^s6boas6, a kind of plantain.

a^o-bofunn ud, Akw. the cartilaginous prominence of the au-

ricle (at the entrance of man^s ear) called tragus. Lev. 8,23.

aso-bo-nsii, a disease of the ears connected with & discharge ({


a-s o-b 11 d inf. [s. eso & bua 7.] reproach, upbraiding; as. ye yaw;
as. nti (=-r obuaa me so fiti) na me r\h no koe. (Onfpa yi, ontoto n*anb

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sobiiwa — as6kr5fw6. 447

as^, na asem biara wo obi ho a, oka da na obua nktirofo so; se ebia

ose: woako aguan pen! wonena adew wo bayi pen!)
s o buwa, pi. n-, an oil-poty previously used for cooking palm-
nnt-soup; kutu a akjea wgde hno gum*.

e-s o d i, asodi, inf. [di so] ctdpahleness, guilt.

s6do, kitchen. — 0-s6d6nl, pi. a- -fo, As. a male cook. Asante

de, Qhene nni ba aduan, na obarima na onoa aduan ma no na odi.

sodiir6, Ak., s6kum, Akr., sobakiir^, F., helve, handle of a

conntrj hoe (asow).

soe soe, inter j. utterance of one who eats food which is pep-
pered too much.

s oe, t?. l.to set or put down (adesoa, a load). — J2. to help in
taking or putting down. — 3. to bait, to stop on the road for the sake
of resting and refreshment. — 4. to alighty put up, take up lodgings
somewherei to cotne to lodge u^th, osoe me fi. pr. 2783.

a s o e e, a place on the road where a traveller stops to rest, resting-

place; ef. ayang; lodging, shelter, quarters; inn, hotel; cf. ahohofi.

nsoe, F. nsoe (nswe Mt. 7,16. 13,7.) 1. thorn, prick, prickle. —

2. thorn-hush, bramble, brake, brier; cf. ofwirem, oguab^n, nnuare;
-other kinds of thorns: bamfo, k6k6ra, ako-bowerew, akr&te, nkra-
dua, nnenkyensg, op^sere, osdman-anka. — 3. fish-bone; cf. dompe,
kasae. — nsoe-nsoe, a. [jpl. of nsoe] thorny, full of thorns.

soea (swea) F. = soa, v. to bear; to put upon one^s Jiead.

[Mt. 28,17. 7,29.

asoeden, asdemerew, s. asooden, asoomerew.
so§r (swer) F. = s^r^, v. to arise dtc. Mt. 2,20 f 26,46.
o-sdfdy ph a-, [s^re, v.] 1. priest, one who officiates in the ser-
vice of God or of a fetish, or who performs religious ceremonies;
minister; missionary. — ^. bl kind of butterfly.

Q'SOfow A. pi. n-, assistant of a priest; nea 6nnu (onnya nyee)

sofo-pa (e). F. osofo kakraba, a young minister.

o-sofo-panyiii, pi. as6f6-mp., high-priest, chief priest.

asofo-suafo-fi, theological seminary.
s6-fwe, F. n-, inf. trial, temptation,
s oh bri, pi. n-, ostrich.
asbU pi. n-, handle of a knife, sword, vessel (osekaii, nkrante,
afoa, kuruwa); so n'asoi, hold it by tJie Iiandle.

asok§t^^ akiudof /^are; c/*.adanko. [G. kpemkple, afdtuoko.]

asoko-ben [aben] horn to blow with, made of an elephant's
tusk; esono se a wohyen; cf. pr.2996.

nsokode: wodi (no h6)n8. = nseku, they slander him, dividg-

ing or propagating bad reports.

sokomin, dripping with fatness; nam no ho wo srade s.

n s o k o td, F, = ntokotd. Mt. 10,10.

as 6 k r5f w 6, a disease of the ear; ase a egu nnipa aso hO ; mmo-

fra na eta ye won. ,
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448 os6kii — asSmerewd.

0-s6kQ, Siikuin, Akr. s. soddro Ak., sobakdr^ F.

aso-ky ea, inf. [kjea aso] perversion of judgment.
s in, V. : osgm n'ano gu me so, he distorts his mouth (makes a
wrym^tUh) against mc, protruding ^/slower lip to express contempt;
cf. pe.

som', so mu, <o take or lay hold of, to seize; to touch, handle;
to continue, go on with (a work) ; to hold otit, endure, bear, suffer,
stand, sustain. — Phr. misom' a enso, in ichatever way I try to man-
age it, it does not succeed, it does not answer. Cf. so, p. 443.
som, v. s. asra, to take snuff.

soni, V. [red. sonsom] to serve (a master, a king, God, or an

idol or fetish), to be a servant or subject; pr. 2996-99. — okosom,
he goes to serve, enters service, becomes a servant; osom me hobo,
he entertains me hospitably, as a guest, treats me well as is due to a
stranger, pr. J22. 1620.2996-99.

o-soin, inf. service, servitude; religion. — o-som-adwuma, of-

fice, service, duty, trust or charge conferred by authority,
asdm'y aso-mu, s. aso.

esom no, F. at midnigJU, Mt 25,6. cf. esum, odasum\

a so m-m a, pi. n-, [esono gba] the young of an elephant, pr. 300S.
somSLj V. to send (a person; cf. mftna, to transmit a thing); to
dispatch an agent or messenger; cf. yi or tu bofo : masoroa onipa
Nkran, I have sent to Akra. pr. 340. 426 f. 3000 ff,
o-somdf6, ^Z.a-, messenger; apostle; cf. ob6f6.
asomafo-s6m, the book of the Acts of the Apostles by St. Luke.
0-s6mauka [soma v., ka, to touch'] 6yho8., when sent on an er-
rand, he does not go nor touch the matter, pr. 1458.

o-somaiikaf6, pi. a-, one who does not go wJien he is sent; oye gs.
= ^y^ osOmahka, oye onipa a wosomano a gnko a.s. wose '*so mu*
a gnka; cf. guantiri. pr. 3007.
soina-nyi, F. = gsomafo.
asoma-sem,"^ mission; cf. asempa-terew.
asomasi, s. asiamasi.

asom-dwoee, -dwee, Ak.-dwoe, F. -gwec [n'asom' ad wo no]

quiet, tranquillity, peace ; freedom fromperturbation.pr.3010. Mt.J0^34.
nsom6, obsol. = nso; oyi nscim^ d^, ofi h6. ni?
asom-m6, i>?. n- [esono'* abe] & plant, an emblem o£ purifica-
tion B,nd peace; ade titiriw a wgde dwira nneema nhinana; wgde
yi mmusu; cf. twe k&ra & ntgmme.

som-mea [gsom bea] manner of (religious) service.

as 6 m-m ^n [esono aben] 1. an elephants tusk, viz. a small one^
whilst asons^ is used for a large one. — J2. ivory, pr. 3009.
asomerofi, s. asammorofl.
asoinerew, F. s. asograerew.

asomerewa, a medicinal plant; a shrub with small fruits like


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asomfana — os6iik6raii. 449

asomfana, Ak., asonomfoa, Akr., swallow; eft kwatakyi.

o-s6mf6, jt?/. a-, servant, attendant — osomfo-panyiiij oraan-

sofwc mil 8., minister, secretary of state. Hist.

sOmmdrCy tick; aboa bi a ofemfam nnuaii ne akraman ne

anantwi ho na onom won.

nsompdmma, a kind o£ pot-herh, fan bi. [foro.

o-som-sesew, religious organization or reformation; c/lnsese-

son, V. F. — sono.

s iV, V. to follow one after the other (ebi di bi akji, ;,;) 1. to

flow in successian, to trickle, gush: nsu son' n'4niwam\ or n'aniwam'
nsu son, = osu pi, nsu ba n'aniwam' pi, tears fill his eyes, gush from
his eyes, — 2, to cause to trickle or flotc, to strain, filter: gson' nkwan.
— 3. to follow in succession (with the eyes), to aim at, take aim:
wotow aboa na woanson no a, wunnya no, if you shoot an animal
trifhout taking aim at it, you will not get it. — 4. t-o be oblique, slant-
ingt sloping, to slant, incline from an upright or horizontal direc-
tion: odah no son'. — 5. son gu, to be wasted, pine away, = fgn;
onipa no, wason agu.

soiin, a. adv. 1, safe and sound, unharmed, unhurt, secure,

whole: gde neho s. aba, wafi mu s. aba; ne ho beye s., Frov,29,2S.
cf. 28,20. oremfA n^ho s. nni, syn. neho reny^ tgtoroto. — 2. pure,
untnixed, mere, alone, only, nothing but: woyi no worn' s., they select
him alone, him only from among the crowd.

osoii, a kind of tree, tamarind, and its fruit, pr. 195.

asoii: obo akoa no ason, he gives the slave bad advice (to run
away from his master).

as 011^ n-, seven. Gr. § 77.

Asona^ one of the original families of the Tshi people.

U-sonani, pi. A- -fo, a member of tlie Asona family.

asona-wo, a red snake, the terror of the Asonafo.

s6n-nam [esono nam] the flesh (meat) of an elephant, pr. 602.
sone', Ak. sonee, strainer, colander, filter, skimmer.

as5n e, a kind of small worm in the ground, sucking blood from

man^s feet; sand-worm? c/*. asaseboa. — asoiie-ne-na (nsis^boa ne
na) a kind of ^j^; sand-fly? — asone-takum,' id.(?)pr. 3034.3468.

ns5uee, v.n. [sono] difference; syn. nsonsonee. Rom. 3^2.

n s n go : otu me ns., he follows me in a stealthy manner, he walks

dowly after me in order to spy, to observe me.

asdu-homa [esono hhoma] the sMn of tJie elepJtani, an ele-

phanVs hide.

0-s6ii-kdhfri [osom, kahiri] \\iq pad used in carrying loads or

tribute in the service of another king or nation; w^bono s., they
submit, yield, become tributary to him; ogye won s., he demands sub-
jection from tJicm, puts tliem to tribute.

0-s6uk6raii, -kwaran, a kind of ^cc with edible fruit; kwae-

mu 8., sareso s.; - brofo s., the tamarind-tree and its fruit.


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450 osofikoromanlfi — asdom^r^w.

o-sonkorgnranin, a kind of hawk (akoroma).

o-soiikurobia, a- bia, a kind of tree and its red edible fruit. pr.SOli.

ason-kwa [nea gsom kwa] a good-for-nothing fellotc, pr.3574.

so no, y. [re(i. sonsono] Ak.sora, to he different y peculiar: ano-
ma te afirim' no, esono ne kasa nko, when the bird was in the snare,
its cry was different, pr.2479. esono asem yi mu, na esono eyi mu,
the contents of this matter or word are different from those of the other;
den ho na sesea sono pirebi ? in what lies the difference between a
basket called s. and another called p. ? omd esdno, he makes a differ-
ence; nneema din a esonsonee, different names of things; wahume
mmobg a esono no kora, he has shmvn me his mercy in an extraor-
dinary manner, pr. 3012-20. — o-sono, inf. difference; ne sono a
esono no ne nea ewg he? in what is it different?

e-S n (pi Ad.) elephant, pt*. 256. 278.300.444. 455. 893. 1084. 1444.

e-sono, Akw. = korgwb^h. [3021-31.

n s 6 n [connected form : n^ nsono] bowels, etitrails, intestines,

guts; pr. .3033. - cf ayam'de.

ns6iio-kds6, n8onop6n, stomach oi*mB,n, cf. ofuru, mau7 of animals.

asonoka, s. asoroka. — nsonoma, s. nsoromma.

as6noinfojl, s. as6mfU'n^. [asommcn.

ason-se [esono ese] an elcphanfs tusk of larger size; ivory; cf.

o-sons6ii, Ak. = osuns6n.

s5nsouku: bg s., to loiter, linger , tarry, delay, stay; to. stand
still, stop, pause; to be irresolute, undecided, wavering, embarrassed,
bewildered; gbo s. := gnam gy^b^gyib^; ka'hno Asantefo reba na
yen nenanom te a, wgbg s. tetew wgn mma de bg nnu4 nk w6wnwn.
sonsoiiku-bo, inf. the act o^ loitering <^c.; a standstill, stand,
stop, pause; irresolution, indecision; onyamesom mu nni s., the ser-
vice of God does not admit of indecision.

n s n s n e e, v.n. difference ; cf. nsonee.

so nsono, red. v., s. sono.

sonsono-manso, sonsoro-m., indistinctly; approximately, a

random; biribi a woahu na wuhhu no yiye; ka no s. biara kyere me.

asonsiiJl, sap of trees, sometimes falling down in drops: as.

asg agu me so.

ason-takuni, s. asone-t.

o-s5ntg, an elephant's car prepared for a drum.

asontoreni' [asO] the part of the head between the eye and
the ear, temples.

son-nua [esono dua] an elephant* s tail, used to fan before

kings; s. mra.

g-s5ij-were [esono were] 1. the skin of an elephant. — ^. a

kind o{ sweet-smelling bark; ohuam bi; wosina to wgn konmu.
s o g do, F. = toa so.

aso-gdcn [aso a eye den] disobedience; r/l asowni.

aso-gnierew [aso a eye merew] obedience; cf, osete. gsetie

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sopa — asore. 451

so J) a, V, to disgrace, dishonour, defame^ cover with ignominy,

bring public shame upon; to slander, calumniate; intr. to he dis-
graced dtc; gsopame e.s. obo me din bone, obgme ahora a.s. ohye
me aniwu wo guam', oyi m'anim anuonyam ; wo anim gu ase a, na
woasopa [wo] mma nhina.

nsopa, inf, defamation, slander, calumny; disgrace, dishonour,

shame, ignominy; cf, ntwiri, ahohora(bg), animguase.

asopono, F. beginning, the first state, Mt 1245. - as. no, first, in

the beginning; - cf kan, mfiase &c.

soprada, j^/. n-, miion; syn, gyene.

sopropo, an hei'b similar to nyinya; pr.SOSS. mmosoiikwa de

gugu won konmn de kyer§ se woye mmosonkwa.

sor, swgr, F. = sore, v. to pray. Mt.6/i-9. 26,36.39.41.

asor, F. church. Mt. 16,18. — esor, F. heaven, Mt. 6,9 f = gsoro.

sora, V. Ak. = sono; esora eyi==esono yi, this /.s different, i.e.
(ynly this time and never again.

O-sor^ni, F. gsoranyi, pi. (n)-fo, s. gsrani. Mt. 27,27.

sore, V. to become humid, dami), moist, to absorb moisture, -

said of nkyene, salt.

s6ro, V. [in/*, a-, red. sosgrej 1. to be careful about, treat care-

fuliy: sore woho o! mind yourself, take care of yourself ; 685re neba
no se = gfwe no so yiye, gntoto no ase; gs. ne mma bo; gs. ne nho-
ma yi se eye nboma pa bi. — 2. to worship, adore; gs. Nyankopgii;
OS. ne bosom. — 3. to perform official religious duty or sermce, de-
votional exercises, religious rites ; to say the prayers in the family or
congregation; wgsgre, they are toorshipping, have divine service.^ —
4. to baptize: wgasgre no, wasgre neho, he lias been baptized; better:
woabono asn, wama wabgno asu.

s{)re, V. [red. sgresgre] 1. to rise, arise, get up (espec. from a

seat or bed &c. sgre fi metrabere! gs6re.fi nekete so); m6nsgr^mma
yenko ! arise and let us go! — to rise (in rebellion), rise up (in arms):
oman besgre (wg) gman so, Lk. 20,10. — owia sgre = pue, the sun
rises; - to rise, swell (mmgre, dough; epo, tJie sea; asu, a river). —
2. to part or depart; to leave, go away; to cease: nek&ra (sunsum
or honhom) asgre [wg] no so, his sold or spirit has left him (this is
said even before the person has actually expired); mesgr^ brayim*
k, fwe me mma so ma me, when I depart from this life, take care of
my children; wgn a wgafa wghho adi iihina asgre ha, all those who
have become free, have left this town; - eno ansgre mu a, wgh yiye-
ye wo akyiri, if that does not cease (is not given up), it will be a long
time before their circumstances change for the better. — 3. to rise up,
rise from the dead; c/".nyan; - to revive: nhabah a ebowe no asgre
bio; nhaban no sgresgre. [owunyah.

o-sor6, inf. 1. the act of rising. — J2. resurrection, = owusgre,

asore, inf. common prayer, devotional meeting; divine service;
devotional exercise; family worship; 2^ublic worship. — kg as., to go
to church. — asgre n^ adesua mu man-soafo, miniver of state for
church and school matters. Hist.

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452 nsor^ — nsoromtna.

nsore, the place outside the town, where corpses are cast or bur-
ied; si ns., to place food ci^c. on the grave of newly deceased rela-
tives. Akyemfo si won awnfo nsore, e.s. wonSa aduan na wgsaw nsu
n^ nsa na wode gya ka ho koso wo kCirotia ma nea wawn no, eda
aowufo no wui dapen. Asante, Asen, Dankyira, Twnforo n^ Wasa
si nsore bi, Fante n^ Akuapem n^ Akwam na w6n8f.

as ore-dan, ahouseforprai/er and divine service, chapel, church,

temple, fane (raog). — asgre-fl, the temple (of Israel) together with
its courts and porches and other edifices {iegov). — asore-ko, the
act of going to church Sc, attendance on public or family worMp.

nsore-lio, inf. exaggeration; oye ns., he makes a crime appear

more than it really is, he exaggerates it.

gsorekye, F. = gsorokye. Mt 8,24, 14.24. Mk. 4,^.

nsorem', asore-s6, 5. nsor^; burial-place; nea woknm nnipa

a.s. wot we nkyere kogu, nh nea woma nsamamf6 adnah. pr. 224S.

n s r e-s i, inf, s. nsore.

so res ore, red. v,, s. sore.

asor-mba, F. members of the church.

soro, V. = sono, sora.

o-soro [cf. eso; s. Gr.§ 118-120] 1. the upper part ov parts. —

^. the space or situation above. — S. what is above, the upper world,
upper regions, sky, heaven. — 4. (adv.) above, on high, up, upwards.
— ko soro, to go up, upwards, to rise, to ascend; owisiw ko soro,
the smoke ascends; fi soro de besi fam', from the top to the bottom;
Mt. 27,51. cf. eti, atifi. - pr.SSOGf. - eho(Okwawu) da soro sen ha
(Begoro), Okwawu lies higher than Begorg ; - anoma tu (wg) gsorg,
a bird flies in t/ie sky; OnyahkOpgn te soro, God dwells on high, in
heaven; gs. atew, the sky has cleared up, cf. wim atew, osn atew;
gsoro amuna, asiw, aye kusti; cf. onyame, nyameso; gsoro nohoa,
far above in heaven; s. gsorosoro.

g-s6ro-l)Oa, pi. a-, an animal living above the ground, i.e. on

trees, as the duahyen, in contradistinction to those which live on the
gronnd, s. atgteboa.

g-sorodAni, -nyi, pZ. a—fo, F. contr. gsorSnl, gsr&n{ [fr. Dutch:

soldaat] soldier.

sorgdg, s. srgdg.

asoro-duan [gsoro, aduan] /h</<, fruits; food obtained from

trees; opp. afamduah.

s r o-f r a m a, ether. Kurtz § 175.

asoroka, indisposition, ailment, attack of indisposiHon; oysiTe-

wA bi se mmofra yare ; as. abg me, lam indisposed, am a little nnweH.

g-sorgky6, 2?Z. a-, wave, billow; pi. breakers, surf, surge; epo

bg as., the sea is agitated; cf huru; as. rebg, the waves are breaking.


Tisoro(m)ma [gsoro, gba] 1. star, stars; names of single stars

or constellations are: ky^kye, aberewd or ak6kgtan n6 ne mma, the
phiades, nyenkr^nte, the Orion (?), todo. — ^. a kind of hdlerfly.

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nsoroma-baltin — sona. 453

nsoroma-balan, fijced star; nsoroma a ekyih, planet; iihwi-

nsoroma, comet. D.As.

soron, B5ron85roD, ... s. sron, sr...

Q-soro-sika, = sapa, an imitation of gold.
o-sorosoro, high above, very high, the highest heavens; 6. osoro.

s o r w, V. [red. sorosorow] to grow or make stiffs to take or

cause fright? to become or make shy, coy, timidy stubborn, obstinate y
mostly used with aso: n'aso asorow, he is disobcdieni {s. aso), stub-
homy refractory; was6row, id. = wAnw^n, n'ani abere [G. egbli];
woka asem kyereno a, onte; anka ese se oba, iia omma; - aboabi
asorow a, e.s. meb^ nedih mefre no a, omm4, uanso ne ho nnwo se-
nea Qte kan no; wasorow oguan no aso nti, wofre no a, oremma;
was. akoa no (aso) = watu akoa no aso.

s 6 r o w w, s6ri)ws6row, (toith) a rushing or rustling noise, rap-

idly; memai ne kete so ara nk mekotow miguu s. ; wototow uuee-
ma kyene wuram' a, eye ss.; fwimfwim-ade ko ss. pr.1204.
o-s6rowa, a kind of tree.

aso-sin, one witlwut ears, i.e. deprived of the ovier ear, whose
ears are cut off; cf anosf n ; - to as., to grow disobedient, pr. 1966.
so so, red. v. so. — F. = sosow: nndtnil bososge, Mt. 13,4.
soso, red. v.y 1. to carry, pr. 303tf. s. so. — ;^. = s5re, to rise
from the ground or bed.
n'soso, Ak. = nso.
nsosoe,+ v. n. a drop, drops.

sosow, red. v.y s.sqyf\ - akoko sosow abttrow, the lien picks up
ific com; nkiSrofo no sosososgw ha, = kftro do abo ma woayeye hku-
ra sosQW sare ani, the towns-people were scattered and have taken
up their temporary abode hero and there in plantation-villages.

{)-s6sow, j?L a-, a kind o{ hoe or mattock, digging-billy digging-

iron with a long handle; pr. 3039 f 3328. cf. asow, asensusiia.
g-sotifo, ositifo, a deaf person. — asotiw, asitiw, deafness.
a-so-to, inf. [to., so] false accusation.

asoto-de, iw(me^[ade] paid as a satisfaction for false accusation.

sot6re, Ak. sotgro, pi. a-, 1. palm, the inner part of the hand,
cf. nsam', nsayam'. — 2. a stroke or blow with the palm, bojr on the
ear; gbog me s., wgboboo me as. pr. 752. 3041.

aso-tii, inf. [tu.. aso] persuasion, enticement, seduction.

nso-tii, inf. [tu nso] the taking up and strewing of the ashes of
afwiegya, q. v. = afahye totwa; wofwie a (s. fwie 2), nnaawotwe,
nso a wotu de kogu kilrotia kyere se wgawie afahye no.
aso-twe, as6tw6, inf. [twe ..as5] punishment.
sou, F. interj. expressing pity.

sow, F. 1. sow fwe = sg fwe. Mt 4,1.7. 22.ls.3r), — 2. sgw and,

= so ano, Mt. 27,66. — 3. sgw = soa, Mt. 4,6.

so>v, V. [red. sbsgvj i. to catch, ccUch up, snatch up, with the

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454 sow — asm.

bands or mouth: metow mesow, I cast up and catch (a ball); obi

foro dua bi na gtew n'aba no bi a, na nea ogyina ase na osow ; -
yede yen ano kgsow ade a ense se yesgw; - osow or n'ano so aho-
hom, he gapes, gazes, stands agape, stands gaping or idling abotii.
— ^. to jnck up; to pick, peck at, of birds with their bills; apiti ye
anoma ketewa bi, osow nnipa se. — 3, to catch (up) or receive in
breaking a fall or blow, to intercept, ward off: anka merefwe ase, na
oyi na osow me, I should have fallen, but this one caught n%e; anka
Persini bi de iikrante rebo ne ti, na Klitokosow ano, Clitus warded
the blow. — 4, to receive into a vessel, to gather, collect: ode ahina
sow nyankonsu, he goithers rainwater in a pot; de.. sow., ano, to
place a vessel for that purpose, = sum. — 5. sow gu, to flow or tricMe
down from one place or object upon another: nsu sow guu me so
wo me dan mu, the (rain')water, that had fallen on the roof, tricJded
down on me in my room,

s w, v. [red. susow] 1, to hatch (eggs) : akokg no ansow ne

nkesua no, na wanom ne hhina. — 2, to cut into pieces (yam, for
planting): w6s6w ode.

S w, t?. [red. sosow] L (with or without ab a) /o produce or If car

fruit, Mt.7,17. 21,19. — 2. sow m u, to set, stud, e.g. a cloak with pre-
cious stones.

asow, ^Z.n-, hoe, mattock; pr. 3042. cf. soduro^ sokum, sobakura
& gsosow. ■*

nsow, F. foxes. Mt. 8,20.

nsoWj sign, mark; hye ade yi nsow ma me, tnark this for me;
mahye ne nsem no bi ns., / have marked (taken particular notice
of) some of his sayings or expressions.
sow a, 9^ plant, s. siwabiri.

asowa, F. = as6, ear; Mt 26,51. — nsgwa, = adwoku./;r. c?06*(>.

nso we, v.n. [sow] fruit, seed; F. Mt 7,-2^ = aba, adua, aduaba.

aso-wui, v.n. [aso a awu] disobedience; cf. asooden.

aso-wia [ade a eso awia] umbrella, parasol; = akatawia.

asp^terd, s. asep&ter^.

sra, s&ra, v. [red. srasra] 1. to stroke, rub; to daub, plaster;

to smear, besmear, grease, oil, anoint; gsra gdan, gde hyirew sra g-
dan no hd, he whitewashes the house, daubs the house with white day;
gsra (neho), gde nku (srade, bdrg-nno) sra ne honam, lie anoints his
body with shea-butter (fat, oil). — 2. to spy (out), search, watch, guard,
lie in wait for; sra dgm, to watch or reconnoitre the hostile army;
sragkwan, to scout, spy (out), explore the way, reconnoitre; mekgsra
m'afuw, I am goijig to search or watch my plantation ; gkgsra wuram*,
he searches the bush; asrafo sra aban, the soldiers guard the fort:
gsra no pe se okum no, he is lying in wait for him that lie may kill
him; cf. buw 5., tew 4. - 3. to arrange or array the battle; cf. twa

0-s r d, inf. the act of rut)bing, daubing, anointing dtc.

asra, ^sa'r^, snuff; som as., to take snuff.

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nsrd — nsrdm. 455

nsra, catnpy encampment; bo ns., to pUch a camp, to encamp;

to he drilling (of soldiers) ; woboo nsraban aborow 3, thet/ pitched
3 camps successively,

srdda, s&r..., saw(9) s. ow4h.

g-srllda, s&r..., bottle (of rum).

sra-d6 [adea wode sib] fat, grease, suet, tallow; do s., /o groto
fat; cf awonhua.

o-srdf6, i??. 8rdf6, scout, spy,

sr^f6, = nsram'fo, the people in the camp, encamped warriors,

asr4f6, F. sorafo, sorodHfo, soldiers; s, gsr^uf.
asr^fo-ha-so-panyin, asr^fo-panyiii, oha-so-panyin, centurion.
Acts 2347,23. 27,1.31.43, — asrMo-s6m, military concerns,

srdhd, s&rdhA. the great desert^ [Arab, sdh&ra, pi, sahdra]. Cf,
S^aba. Wgatono s. (woapo ne bra amano, 6nyc senea ope, obiara
nkasd nkjere no bio), they have left him to himself, have abandoned
him, have withdrawn from him,

srdhA-to, inf. abandonment, neglect dtc,

a*sra-kwa [sra akoa] pr. 1682.

sram, V. /o overspread, overflow; ka sram so, level the ground

over it, fill out the excavations or holes in the ground; nsu no asram
ne kgn so, the river overflows its banks; nsu no asram asase(krirow)
no so, the tvater has inundated the country (the town) so as to cover
it completely.

o-sram,^Z. a-, a tall, high-grown man, giant; cf. gt^nten, gbran,


o-sram', Ak.osran6, pi, a-, 1. the moon; syn. by en, gbo86m; gs.
afi, the new moon has appeared; gs. apae, the moon shines; gs. pue,
the moon rises (overtbe horizon); gs. asi no so, the moon Aos smitten
him, i^. 121,6. (ama ne tirim aye no sakasaka, 50 that his head i^ de-
ranged and he is lunatic or moon-struck); gs. atwa puruw or k6r6-
k6ma, the moon is full; gs. awu, tJie moon has died, i.e. its disk is
tcithout illumination, pr, 3043/. — J2, the moon-light, moon-shine; s,
srara'sd. — 3, month, syn, gbosom; gs. fi, the month begins: gs. wu,
the moon ends, da gsram wu a, onya n^akatua, at the end of every
month he gets his wages, pr..2810. — According to Kofi Akwatia of
Akropong the natives have 4 months of 28, 3 of 30, and 5 months
of 32 days; he and other informants differ concerning the names
and succession of the single months ; we give the names in the most
probable order, adding the numbers of the corresponding European

months (I.January, 2. Febr 12. December): obubuo 9,10,11,12;

gpenimma (mdmo?) 11,12,1 ; gpepgn 12,1,2; onyamewia? ogyefuo

1,2,3; obenem 2,3,4,5; oforisuo (ogyenkg) 4,5; otwanyokgn? gpra-
woram5; aye-woho-mumo 5,6,7; 1 1,12; akita-wo-nsa 6,7; kgtonim-
ma 5,6,7,8; huhdhfihu 6; nyanya 7; gsanna 8; odwenhwane 9,10?
kgkosukwakwawia(m), osiapansam 9; ebg 9,10; ahiuim(e) 9,lD;
gpese 10 or 10-12 & 1.

nsrdm, Ak. = yafumpanmu: gda ns., he sleeps with an empty


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456 nsrammd — sreii.

psrammd, live coals, fiery coals; = nnyansramma; cf. sram-

sram & gjabiriw.

o-s r am aii, 1, liglUning; os. apae, the lightning flushes, U liffkt^ns,

cf. anyinam; os. si (or duru) duam, the lightning strikes a tree; os.
apae asi no so, the ligMning has struck him. Opranna boDi* a, na
nea eduru duam' no nayefre no sraman, tJiunder-stone, = Nyanko-
pon abonua. Os. dnra duam* a, epaem* na dua no byew, nso osu to
gum* a,ennum ; na os. no ahkasa mem fam* ara, na ano koka (koto)
nsu wQfam* a, na esan ba bio; nanso wose: wode awowa si sum' &,
na 08. apae asim' na atu to na amem fam\ — ^. smvd, rocket. —
3, pr. n, of a fetish at Akropong.

asrampon, unawares.

0-sram'-s6, in the moon-light or nwon-shine; won am s., ihe^

travel hy the moon-light.
sramsrd,msram, adv. emitting sparks, sparkling, -ly, i/Hi-
tering, with twinkling or vivid brilliancy; dade no ado sss. ; nnyan-
sr^mi tu sss.; cf. osram, sransransran.

o-s r ana, & pUe of yams bound together and stowed in the pn-
tu from its bottom to the top until it is taken out for sale; os. bia-
k$ kura od6 mpo w mmako-mako 1 2, etod. woye no 15; esono ode-
mti 3 a.s. 6.

0-sr4nl, Akp. srawni, F. sor&nyi, sorodanyi (q, v.), soldier; cf.

pi. asrtfd & sr^fo, asafo, osafoni, okofo, okofoni.

sran(sran)srS,u, adv. sparkling, glistering, glittering, -ly;

ogya no tutu ss.; dade no ado ss.; otam yi ani, obo yi ho, dade a
woayi afi gyam\ sika, kobere n6 awowa ho ye ss. - owia aye sran-
srah, the sun has become bright (that you cannot look into it any
more, about 9 o'clock, when it is not yet very hot) ; owia wo wo m'ani
so sss.; cf. srasrasra.

srasra, red. v, sra; to stroke, caress, flatter; osrasra agyina-

moa ho, he is stroking the cat.

srasrasra, glossy, smooth and shining; onipa, oponko ho

aye s.; cf. hrahrahra, sramsramsram.

asra-s6in, inf the act of snuffing, taking snvff. — di as., to

have close communion, pr. 3456. — o-srasomfo, pi. a-, one who takes
snuff, snuff-taker. — asra-toa', snuff-box.

asraw-di, inf. service as a soldier. — o-srawni, s. gsrani.

asray^re [usram or srafo yere] the proceedings and ceremo-

nies of the women for the supposed benefit oi' their husbands lying
in camp against the enemy; di as., to perform such ceremonies: wo-
di as. ne se: mmarima ko 'sa na mmea te won akyi wo fie to dwoni
na wosaw na woyi mmusu na wobo asuman.

s r e, v., s. s^re.

sr^dedede, in a straight continuous line: asrafono gyinaho

(toatoa so) sr.

srefi, ser6n\ v. to become, grow or be lean and white ov pale:

wasr^n = wah6a fita; oyare hi bo wo na woasren tita a, worenkye

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nsrenso — nsu. 457

wu, wo sunsuma asore wo so. — 2, to comb: osreh ne nhwf, ne ti,

s?ie cofnbs lier hairy her head. — 3, to direct the climbing of the run-
ners (twigs or shoots) of the yam-plant: gs. ode, lie causes the yam
to climb up a tree; os. bayere n.s. wufua bayere, na efifi a, wusi
dua tiatia bi na wode hama kosa dua kese bim^ na wode asa tiatia
uo, na bayere no aforo. — 4. to prick up, aso, one'^s ears: gs. n^aso,
he listens to a sound from a distance,

nsren-s6, aloof from, in or from a distance: gwg no ani abere

nti migyina ns. na mefwe no, e.s. dekode no memmeh no na migyi-
na akyirikyiri mefwe; metee no ns., / heard it indirectly,
asrene, s. asSrene.
sro, F. = suro. — osroanyi, nsroafo, F. = gsoranyi, nsorafo.
srodo [G. srglg] shavings brought oflF by the plane,
nsrom, F. sparrows. ML 10^29.
11 srQfi, = oson aba, a certain fruit; pr, 195,237,
sroii, soron, v. to be high, lofty,

sr6nsrofi, n, the highest point, summit of a mountain, tree,

house &c. sharply pointed height; bepgw yi ss. ware sen yi de, the
summit of this mountain is higher than the top oftJiat one; wadube-
pow DO 88. so; andma si dan no ss. so.

sr6nsron, a. high, lofty, steep (when viewed from below, cf.

kuronkiiron) ; opp, ta ; bepgw, dua, gdan no atifi ye ss.

srQ nsrom ma, a. high, lofty, stately: dua or abaii no si ho s.

asroto, F. kinds, Mk, 1,34,
a s t jI g i r e, stockings, socks.
s u, s u, the sound of pounding f ufti in a wooden mortar ;pr. 349'
s u, V, s. suw. [cf turn, turn.

su, V, 1. to weep, sf^ed tears, cry; woasft, na wo ani abere, you

have been weeping, for your eyes are red; osd mmgborosd, he weeps
pitifully; osu nusu, he weeps tears; eden na wusu kasakasa se yi?
— su fre, to implore, pr. 3047. — 2, to weep for, to deplore, to lament
over, to betcaU, bemoan; pr. 3945 f, 3048. osu nenua. Gr. § 200,3. —
3. to cry, squall, scream, roar, beUow, low, bleat, croak, sing, twitter,
warble, chirp dtc, used of any kind of animal voice.

o-sii, inf, 1, weeping; wailing, lamentation; pr. 3049. — osfi asi

no, he sobs. — 2, cry; crying of a bird &c. pr, 1481.1524. esono ne
su hko, = ne kasa, pr, 2479,

e-sii^ species, kind, sort; nature, pro2)erty, quality; character;

manner; cf, ban, suban, seso; - ntamd yi su nte se kan de a metge
no, this cloth is not of the same sort as that which I bought formerly ;
wo sii nye! you are of a bad character; wo sii n^ wo bin biara nsg
m'ani, neither your character nor your manners please me,

nsu, Ak. nsuo, 1. water; nom nsu, to drink water; nsu ba, ivater
comes, i.e. a) water springs, comes forth, from a well ; b) the river
fills (ready to overflow its banks); nsu yiri, the tcaier overflows,
pr. 3097, cf. bg 3, pr. 3080-97, — also a body of water, standing or
flowing, cf. asu; pr. 3083-86.3092.3094. — ^. sap of plants, cf, ason-

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458 HSU — sua.

sda; juice of fruits. — 3. some or other kind of liquid secretion from

animal bodies: a) milk, nsu nni ne nufu mu bio; s, nufusu; b) sperm,
cf, ahoba; c) urine; gu nsu, to make water; cf. dwensg; d) cf. ntji-
su, S2>ittle. — 4. the drink or potion taken in swearing an oath of
allegiance or mutual fidelity ; hence the oath, or the alliance or cov-
enant itself: o-n^ no wo nsu, the two are confederate, associated by
an oath, leagued together; also the water which two men mutually
pour on the heads of their nephews (heirs) under some solemn prom-
ise: gu nsu: nnipa banu bo obosom bi din, na wode nsu ga won
wofasenom atifi se wobedi wonho nokware; - to nsu, to break faith;
wato ne nsu, he has broken or violated his promise, oath or covenant;
wgatoto wohho nsu, iheg have mutually broken their covenant; cf.
nom or di abosom, di nsew.

nsu, F. vow, solemn promise ; hye (dzi) nsu, to vow, make a vow,
O-su, Jf. rain; cf, nyankdm, nyankopon 4. -pr, 8051-65, osn reba,
rain is coming; osut^, it rains; osu gu, it rains moderately ; osu-pa,
a common rain; osukese, a Jieavy rain; osut^ nw^senwese, it driz-
zles, c/'.n8uw6ns6a; osu to trirara, trkdada, pibibibi, pipipipi, pibj^-
bababa, pub^baba, pii-w^, w'o, yk, tlie rainfalls, descends or gusJies
in a heavy shower, in torrents, — J2, cloud, rain-cloud, nimbus; osu
amuna, the clouds have darkened; osu reseh, the clouds are passing;
osu no apa, the cloud is gone,

as u [_pl,s. asuasu] 9^ place where water is fetched, any body or col-

lection of water, standing or flowing, wdl, pond, lake, spring, brook,
river; nsu biara a eta nea nsu fi ba; pr, 3066-79- - cf. asum*, nsu ;^.,
asuwa, asuten, asubgnten, gtare ; kg asu, to go for water, fetch water;
pr, 2188. asu no abg, the water, river dx, overflows, breaks out of the
banks; cf,yir\; - bg .. asu, to dive, duck, submerge, immerse, for bod-
ily or religious puriiication, to perform a religious rite with appli-
cation of water; to baptize; s. asubg j^-ij, — guare asu, to swim,

o-su, a kind of yam; s, gd^.

asu: tu or tutu asu, to whisper,

sua, V. 1, to set, place or pui, e.g. a pot under a felled palm-

tree: wgde bgm sua abe (ase); pr. 599. cf. porow; sua afiri [F. snia
aiir) = sum afiri, to set or put up a trap, to lay a snare, F. ML 22,15.
— 2, [inf, a-] to avow, declare with confidence; to swear, esjiec. ttie
oath of allegiance, to avow one's obligation of taking the field: wosua
kyere b5rghene se: meka meka: se mihyia dgm na mankoa(..me-
ka)! — misua a, miyi wo hko, if I were to swear, you alone wmdd
be the exception (that it does not extend to you); sua ..so, to swear
or conspire against, to boast, brag or bluster against, to bully; w(g)a-
sua me so, = w(g)aka se (w)gbefwe me. [G. eSwa miyi no.]

sua, V. [red. sustia, susiiae] to be small in size, power or num-

ber, to be little, few; kiirow no siia; nnipa ahogdeh siia; wgn dgra
no sOa. — F. sfla, siiar (swar), ML 8,26. 14,31. 16,8. Kuk. sQere.

s ua, V. to learn; yr.3099. — osua gkenkan or nhoma-kan, Gr.

§ 203,1 ; - to learn from, be taugJd by, to imitate: os. pr^k6, he is
learning from the pig; yr, 499. — wos. ntgkwaw, they learn to fight.
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nsna — nsiiaiio. 459

they wrestle; 80a..h(l, to become expert, experienced, well versed in:

wasua okasa yi yiye ahQ, he is well versed in Hits language; wa-
silka adwuma no ahO.yo.

nsua, inf, the act of swearing, oath of allegiance dtc, solemn

promise; ns. nye oko; pr,3098.

o-siia, inf. the act of learning, imitation, pr. 613.^284,

o-sua, pi. a-, a kind of monkey; s. ahwenhema. pr. 894.3100ff.

o-sua, a weight of gold = ^ dollars or aokies, 21. 6d. pr. 132.

siiri-bise, a certain tree and its fruit; cf. bis^.
sujl-l>^d, a place for learning, scJiool; cf. sukti.
sujl-ddu, pl.9L'y a house for learning, school-house, school-room,

asua-de [ade a wosQa] any thing to he learned, lesson; ene de

woansua wo as.; cf. asiiasem.

o-s u a-d m, s. gsebo.

o-sua-hu, inf. experience, successful learning; ade nhina d^n

suahn, every knowledge is acquired by learning and only thereby.
pr. 802. — asuah6-de,+ knowledge, acquirements, accomplishments,
(literary dec.) attainments.

nsua-hiinu, an oath or solemn promise that is not frdfilled.

nsuahuiiiif(), nea waka ntam se obeye biribi na ontumi nye.

asu£lkwa, a kind of bird O^oopoe, hoop, dungbird?) ; anoma

bi a oreye akose aky^hkyfen^, nso ohwie no se. [ogya.

nsu-akyl, the other side of the river, beyond the river; cf. asu-
sii^n, V. [iTf/.sunstian] 1. to ptdl, to draw out, forth, or away;
sftau dua no fi tana a erehyew yim' (syn. tw&, koyi fim* here me)!
sfkan no fi nea od4 ho! mekoe no, na aboa no da okwanmu ho, na
misuan no mifii ho; 6sii^n no ase, otwe no fam\ he drags him on the
ground (much or little of the body touching the ground); kosGan
guan no ase, t^ke that sheep up by the feet; wosunsttan n'ase, s. tobe.
— 2. to bleed, let blood, draw or take blood from, by opening a vein
or by scarifying and cupping, cf. sa, sesa; wdsu^nme; ode sekan
8. no. — 3. to eat with greedy appetite, voraciously; 6sti^n aduan,
nam, == odino pi.

asudii, a climber and the swelling caused by the sap of it; ha-
ma bi a ewo wuram'; emu nsu ka wo arapea, na cho ahon; naegow
na wumia a, aboa bi fi mu.

suj\ne, y. [red. sunsuane] 1. tr. to tear, slit, split, rend, rive, to

separate thin and soft things into long pieces or strips, to make a
long fissure; cf. tew, pac, twa; dadewa no as. me ntama, the nail has
torn my dress; osd^ne n'auo, he opens his mouth; c/.bue. — 2. intr.
to split, rend. pr. 1419.3413.

n s li-anl, the surface of the water; pr. 1899. - on the water; on am

ns. kg ho, he goes there by water. — ns. barima, a naval hero.

nsu-aniwa, well, spring, the opening in the earth from which

water issues; cf. nsuti, source.

nsu-aii6, bank, shore of a river, lake, or sea; cf. nsunoa.

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460 osiianoni — osuboafo.

o-siianonf; ^i^.nsuaDofo, a man from tlte coast; people living near

a river, a lake or (he sea.

asua-nu, a weight of gold = 18 dollars or acMes, 4L Is.

sudre, any spot or place in the bush, a piece, patch, tract, or
2)lot of ground, hush, or other land; obi nnim silare ko a onam so,
nobody knows where he roves or roams about; mihyiaa no na onen-
nam s. bi so na mefaa no dwen, I met him strolling about in the hush
and made booty of him; woahhu ne s. so, no vestige of him was found;
wo de, woamfi siiare bi aniase kora, you did not come very far!

a s u a-s a, a weight of gold, J^ dollars or ackies, 61. Is. 6d. pr. 132.

o-siia-nsawa, -nsatea, a kind of shrub with edible fruit.

nsii-ase, the bottom of a river or of any other water. pr.2716.

asua-s6iii [asem a wosfia] any piece of instrudion, precept or

doctrine to be learned; catechism. [water.

asu-asu [pi. of asu], waters here and there; tu as., to wall: in

s uaw, V. [inf. a-, red. susfiaw] to lop a tree or its branches, to
cut branches off a tree.

su-b dri, figure, form, shape, fashion ; stuture; constitution, con-

dition, quality, nature; kind, pattern; cf.su, ban; nesuban (=uipa-
bdh, nipadua) te se oyi de, in his figure he resembles this one; ntama
yi 8. ye fe, this is a fine kind or pattern of cloth; mihGu ade no, na
manhd nes. yiye.

su-ben, = nno, palm-oil.

asii-bd, inf. 1. [asu bg] the overflowing of a river, inundatiotu

— 2. [bo asu] a bathing in fresh water, the act of diving in water;
a cleansing, wetting or dashing tvith tcater. [Obo neho asu, he dives;
mankasa mekgbo meho asu; 5, ne ho ye ti, monkobono asu! esono
mohkoguare no ! woguare no, e.s. woaso saw mu na wgde reguare
no.] — 3. an ablution, purification; a religious ceremony connected
tvith application of water, also without washing or diving the whole
body; cf. ahodwira, asumguare. [Obo neho asu =obg ne k&ra asu;
wgbg wonho asu a, eny^ se wgde nsu no guare wgnho nhina, na
wgde kakra bi na epete wgn so a.s. wgde sinsiam wgnhC] — 4. fig.
a setting to rigMs, correction, remonstrance, reprimand. [Asubg yi,
ete se obi ye onipa bonena wgde no abgre wo se : kyere no nyansa;
na wanye yiye a, na wuse: mabg no asu abg abg (abg, mpeh du),
(w)anye yiye, wannya koma-p4 bi (= makyereno nyansa akyere
akyere, wanhu); gye se wgde no akg ton^asum akgbg no foforo]. —
5. the act of baptizing; Christian baptism.

asiibg-fwefwefo, pi. id., candidate for baptism.

o-suboni, pi. a- -fo, baptist: a) one who administers baptism, spe-

cifically applied to John, the forerunner of Christ ; b) an anabap-
tist, one who maintains that baptism ought to be administered only
to adults by immersing the body in water.

asu-boa, pi. n- [nsu aboa] toater-animal, i.e. a quadruped tir-

ing in the water, espec. the crocodile or alligator, s. gdenky§m,

o-su-boafo, pr. 3104.

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osubodom — asukwaiikyeba. 461

o-su-b od m, water-dog, pr. 3105, = osukraman.

0-su-b6n, i)La-, valley, with or without water; cf, obon, obon-
o-subonk6to, = osukraman? [hunu.

as u-b qui^hjpl. n-, [nsu, abonten] river y stream ; ef, asu, asuten.
asu-bonteu-ano, the hanh of a river, cf, asukoii. [river,

Bsu-bunmii, -bAniim, [nsn, bun] a deep place in the water, in a

o-su-ddnnd, s. osuhuru.

asu-de, things (ade) that came or deserve tveeping. pr. 2411.

s u-d e w, sweet i.e. pathetic or affecting lamentation.
siidiio, Ak. = sum.

suere, red, susiiere, v, Kuk. = siia, sustta.

o-s u f o, pi. a-, weeper, mourner, pr, 3106.
asu-gui\re, inf, [guare asu] the act or art oi swimming, (Diff.
aRumgnare.) — o-suguarefo, pi, a-, swimmer.

su-gud-s6ii [nsu, guare, gseh] washing-pot. pr.l76.

asu-harefo [asu, hare t?.] ferry-man.
asu-hina [nsu ahina] water-pot pr. 3109.
o-sd-hur u,i>?.a-, [nsu, awuru] a species of turUe or tortoise found
in rivers; = osuddnnd, sukyekyere, siipurupu; cf, apohuru.

o-su-hy^, roof, espec. its outside or upper side; neaekata dam-

pare so; cf. gdimpare. — osuhje-fa, one half of a roof, pr. 3110.

o-s ii-k a, n-, a Iwllow passage or fissure in the ground, caused by

the water, gutter; channel or bed of a river or brook; cf, ob6nka,

as u-k 0, inf, [ko asu] 1. the act or duty of going for water. pr. 1627.
— 2, do as., to dive, descend or plunge into water, thrust the body
deeply under water; bye (obi) as., to dive, submerge or immerse (one)
into water.

suko'k6, pi. n-, a kind of lily, growing in watery places.

O-s u-k 6 m, F. n-, [nsu okom] thirst ; os. de me, I am thirsty, Mt. 5,6.
asii-kon, n-, bank of a river; pempe a ewo nsu ho; asukonso
nnna, willows, P». 137,2.

asu-k6nkofi, pi, n-, a kind of water-bird.

asdkotw^a, hail-stone, hail; = amparuwbo; as. pi agu 'ne.
nsi\k6.wa, nsfkowd, the smallest kind of sea-fish; pr. 1848.
o-s u-k ram an, water-dog; = osubodom, osubonkgt6.
sdku [Eng.] school; ko s., to go to school; kyere or ye s., to
keep school; cf, s&abea.

sdku, sdkusuku, slovenly, disorderly; neh6 ye s. (ss.) d6do.

s u k u d 5 II; a popgun, a child*s gun, being a toy for children ;

papa kii a.s. bankyedua a wotwa na wotu mu furu de abtirobia tun-

tnm ahye ano, na wotwa dua we ano, na wgde pia abdrobia no akyi

ma efi adi, na ne tow no agyigye.

su ku-p6ii, university; s.-suafo, student of a university.

nsu-kuniwd, water-pot, jug, jar, pitcher, ewer,

sukijshki'i, a kind of net (f) for catching fish; s, as^wu

asukwaiikyeba, -kwenkyeba, F. snmc. Mt. 28,3. Mk. 9^3.

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462 osukyekyere — suniau.

o-su-kyekyere, = osuhurn.

su-ky6ne [nsu a akyen]+ ice,

su-ky6renia [nsu nky^remA]* snow.

asu m' = asu mu, water-place, a place where the water collects
and whence the Negroes fetch it; well, pond, brook or river ;pr. 3075,

sum, V. [re(^. sunsum] 1, to stand, of things forming a heap or

mass, or being of a considerable circumference (c/l si of thin or slen-
der things, or of hollow structures, as houses); ab6 kiiw hi sum ho,
a heap of stones is set up there; abo, nhwea, dote, ntrama sunsam
ho, there are heaps of stories, sand, mud, cowries, — 2, cutis, with
de, fa &c. to set, put, place, espec. in heaps or in a mass: fa abo
no sunsum ho; wQde gkorow s. wiyammo ano degye dokono a wg-
yam gn mu; syn, sow; woakeka doteasunsum dan no ho, they have
heaped up mud or clay around the base of the house, — 3. s. afiri, to
set a snare or trap, = sua afiri; pr. 2081,3113. — 4, s. brode, kwadu,
to plant plantains, bananas; pr.3112, cf, tew. — 5. to put or use as a
support, rest, stay, or prop ; to lie, repose or rest on, to lean upon or
against: l^8um ne nsd, he supports his headby hishand or arm, wheth-
er he be in a sitting or in a lying posture; oskm ddw, he supports
his chin by the hand (wunnya nnae na wote ho na wusum wo nsa a,
wofreno dawsiim); osum sumi, he rests his head on apilloic; osum
dan, he is leaning against the wall; cf, waw. — 6, to push, thrust:
wasum abofra no afwe ho, he has pushed the boy so that he fell, has
i'un the child down, has cast the boy down to the ground; wosum no
fii adi, they cast or thrust him out; pr. 345.368, osum' pon no kyenee,
he thrust the table down.

e-siim, the dark, darkness; esOm kabi, kftntann, kusu, tumm,

black darkness; esnm aba, darkness has come, it has become dark;
esum duruu asase no so, a darkness came over the land; owia dtiru
sflm, the sun is darkened; - esum apatuw atu, the darkness ?ias dis-
ajypeared at once; - n'abrabo mu ye sumsfim, her dealings are not
plain and upright.

e-snm-adze, esum-asein, F. secret, mystery.

sfima, V. F. = hintaw, to hide, to be hidden, Mt. 5,14. 11,25. 13^i.

44,25,18. Mk. 4,22. — nsilmam', F. = kokoam', in secret, secretly,
privily, privately. Mt. 1,19.2,7.6,4.6.24,3, nsumam' bon, secret sins:
ns. asgr, private prayer.

asumammd, jp^ n-, [dim, s. suman] an amulet of little signi'

ficance (pr, 655,) or worn only as an ornament; wgye ebi few so;
wgde nhenewa n6 ako ntakara n^ nkyekyera bobg toto won ho;
cf. nkufe.

Slim a 11, Ak. -ne, pi. a-, 1, charm, amulet, talisman, worn as a
remedy or preservative against evils or mischief, such as diseases
and witchcraft, consisting or composed of various things, as feath-
ers, hair, or teeth of various animals, beads, scraps of leather or
paper inscribed with mystic characters &c. and tied round some
limb or hung about the neck. pr. 162.655.115. — 2, any protecting
power, including the abosom : gkg n^asnman akyi, (euphem.) = he
died; s. wu.

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osiim&nni — sdnsum. 468

o-s it m ann i, pL a8dmanf6, nea osnman y§ nedea no, the otcner

of a charm ; one who understands to make amulets and sells them ;
sorcerer, magician; onipa a asiiman pi n^ as. ahooden wone n8am\

asum^n-sem, sorcery, witchcraft, magic, enchantment.

asuman-niiru [aduru] amulets to cure a disease.

sum an a, sumena, sumira, sweepings, dung; dung-hill, heap
of siceepingSj found at the end or outskirts of every negro town.

su-menewd [nsu menewa] the wind-pipe, supposed by the
negroes to be the passage by which water or any other liquor is
taken into the stomach.

asum-guare, inf the washing of one^s sotd {s. gkara) in the

(holy) well or other water, a ceremony performed by a king or any
other wealthy person in thankful acknowledgment of the prosper-
ity procured to him by his soul. This washing, being considered
as a purification and as a means of ensuring further prosperity, is
at the same time an occasion to display one^s riches and show one^s
munificence by the feasting following upon the ceremony.

asum*guare-de, things (ade) to sacrifice for one's soul, or to he

shoum and spent in the said ceremony, yr. 505,

sum!', Ak. sflmi^, pillow, cushion; nea woda a wosum a.s.

wode won ti to so.

sum-nfe-hy eii [dark and light] a kind of butterfly,

sum pi, a raised ground, stand, tread, stage, scaffold, plat-
form; dote a woaboro no pempe a ohene tra so. 2Ki,lhl4, 2 Chron,
sump!', lead; syn, w6s6w. ' ^^'^'^- -^^^ •^»^-

sunisum, F. = sunsumma, shadow. Mt, 4,16,

nsu-nam, nsu-nam \\it, water-ficsK] fish, when considered as a
kind of food; cf, nam, apata. F. asunam, Mk,6,41.
sun-dze, F. = sumii, pillow, Mk. 4,38,
iisu-n5d [asase a ewo nsu &no] a land or country by the side of
a river; in Akp. espec. applied to Akwam; c/.nsu-ano.
nsu ns omnia [osunson, ba, dim,"] small worms.
o-s un s ii, Ak. osonsdh^pl. a-, worm; cf. aboa; a) intestinal worm
(yam's.), helminth; qy Are m,^ he suffers from worms; b) earth-worm;
c) slow-ivorm, blind-worm, a harmless reptile resembling a serpent,
believed by the negroes to be blind, pr. 2274,3119,

asunsoii-piipiiw, slimy mud or sUt left by earth-worms; dgte a

asnso w tue a, asunson boaboa ano gu wuram ne ban ase n^akwanmu.

sunsua, F. = sunsiiane. Mk, 14,63, — sunsiian, red.v,, 5.suan.

nsiinsiian, the water of a heavy shower of rain overfloteing

the ground, but quickly flowing away ; etod. Nkranfo sesaw ns. na
8§ gboho retwam a osukom de no a, wode ma no na onom.jn-. 3 120ff,

n s u ns uan-s u, id. Ohoho ye ns. pr. 1411. [pieces.

sunsuane, red. v. sdane, to tear (much, in many places) in

8 un sii m, red. v., s. sflm.

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464 sunsum — susu.

su n su m, the soul or spirit of man; a spirit, ghost; F. pi. n-,

Mt.8fl6, Mk, lj27, cf. sunsuma, ok&ra, honhom.

sun sum a, 1. shade (cf, onwini), shadow. — 2. = sansnm;

me 8. ato me so = me ho aye yiy e ; ene de, minnidi 'ne, me 8. agn
me 8o; cf. ohontgwoso.

a s u n s urn a-b o : tow as., lit. to cast stones at a shadow i.e. to do

any thing at a venture, at hnp-hazardy at random; obommgfo ta tow
as. a, enky^ na ne nsa apa, if a hunter often fires at random, he trill
probably kill a person unintentiondlly ; watow as. abo oyidin se ono
na owiaa ade no, lie at a venture named this one as having stolen
the thing.

sunti, V. Ak. fwinti = hintiw, to stumble, trip; - to cause to

stumble, pr. 2711.

sunuma, As. boil (?).

e-suo, o-suo, asuo, nsuo, Ak. = esu, osn, asu, nsn.
s u d u n a [G. §nod0na, prop, an elephanVs buttocJc] a roof pro-
tecting also the gable-ends of a house, not only the sides, as snhy e.
as uogy a [asuo agya] the other side of a river, pr. S107f.
esuom', F. at midnight, cf. gdasum. MklSfSo.
o-suo-ne-obaii, Akw. some part of the human body (below the
nape?) = nnawase, mfease.

asuo-yawa, Ak. = ekoro, Akp., water consecrated to a fetish,

in which the komfo stirs to soothsay from it.

0-su-p6no, gutter, spout, made of the bark of a tree and used

where two roofs meet on a wall. pr. 1019.

su-p6w, stipQW, pi. n-, island, isle. [G. f^kpg, nSgkpo.]

Siipurup5, a kind of turtle; pr.S 123. gte se akyekyero^ na
nsum' na oda ; cf. osiihuru, ap6huru.

suro, v. to be afraid (of), to fear, dread; cf. fere. pr. 1114.2274.

o-suro, inf. fear-, cf ehii. [2602.2613.3124-35.

Tisur6-gya, a climber which after some contact with fire is fit

to bind things with ; wgde ko gya a, na aye bete ansa-na aye yiye

na wode kyekyere adesoa, gyaten n.a.

suru, siidi'io, a weight of gold = ntaku 36, 4'/* dollars or

ackies, or 11. 3d. Of. dwoasuru, peresuru.

nsii-sa, the palm-wine distilling from the newly cut palm in tht
first five days; = nteteasa, s. nsafufu.
nsusoa, pr. 3136. s. nsiisua,

ii s li s w, the first or great rainy season, from about April to

July; cf, adom; as. atue, the rains have set in; afrihyia yim* as,
ware, the rainy season lasts long this year. pr. 31.Vf. [G. agbien^.]
ksusow-bere, rainy season; as. na mekg hayi se hayi.
asuso-buro w, corn grown in the time of the early rains, opp.

su-s6no [nsu, esono] hippopotamus.

susu, r. F. sOsfi, to measure, Mt. 7^. Mk. 4,24. s. suauw.

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susua — iisututu. 465

susiia, red, v, sua; wod nkfirow susdae, opp, sosoe.

iisusua, (pr.Slse.) a kind ofpdt'herh; fan bi, atom'de.

susua^ F. = sunsttane, Mt 26fi5,
susriampa(ara)de, F.ma5w««c7*as, forasmuch as, smee. 311.25,40,

nsusiiasu, F. = nsnnsiiansn. — susuaw, rechv, sttaw.

susu-de, any thing or insfrutnent (ade) for measuring (si\-
saw). — F. asfisudze, Mk. 4,24. — s u s u-d h a, measuring rod or
stick, measure, yard, ell; ride, nder; stafion-slaff,

s u s I'i-h d m a, measuring line or cord; station-line,

nsusui, t7. w. i. measure, — ^. thought; cf, asensusuw.

o-susu-ka, inf, [susuw, kfi, to speak] prop, the act of uttering

whaf one thinks, utterance of a mere suspicion, unfounded imputation ,
groundless incidpation, false accusation, aspersion; (>yk (me ho) os.
= $y^ Tnmoto86 or ntwato86 = wabo or wat\Va asem ato me so, he
charges me with something without foundation, renders me suspected
or suspicious; woye os., you are in the Jiabit of framing (inventing,
fabricating) falsehoods; - eye os. (= mmotoso, gwetare), it is only
fief ion, an unfounded suspicion, aspersion,

susii-k5ra, a measuring calabash, a mcasttre ^^or dry things

(as corn, salt &c.) or flnids (as palm-wine, palm-oil).
susuw, V, 1, to measure, espec. by the application of a staff
or similar instrument of a certain length : os. ntama, he is measur-
ing doth; pr, 791.807, cf, hye; - to sound, to search or measure the
depth of, pr, 158. to calculate the capacity of, pr. 346, - to estimate; -
to adapt, pr,3139f. — J2. to think, imagine, suppose, presume; s. ho or
8 o, to think on, reflect upon; to consider; to meditate; cf, dweh; s. ho or
soyiye, consider it tvell, — 3, s...so ye, to measure, meditate on and
do i.e. to imitate; pr. 2283, cf, f\ve..so ye, to copy, — F. osusu no do
se de, he says after him, as fdlotvs; - wosusu wana do bg nyimpa,
in whose image (likeness) was man created? — 4, munsusuw' mo
ani nk munnyey^h^ kakrd, measure your eyes i.e. moderate your de-
sire and do not take too much from us, make a moderate demand,
impose on us a reasonable fine, — 5, susuw ka, to guess; to utter a
suspicion; cf, osusuka.

n s u s u w-h 5, inf, the act of Unnking on, reflection.

nsusuw-s6, inf. pattern, model; example; cf nfwgso.

Nsuta, pr. n. a town at the confluence of two rivers, Gr. p. XIII.

asi\-ten, i)?. n-, a long-stretched piece of water, flowing water,

river; pr. 301, — F. asntsen; cf, asu, asubgnten. [aniwa.

nsi'i-ti, the head i.e. source of a water, brook or river; cf. nsu-

nsi'i-to, inf, [to nsu] the act of breaking an oath or covenant,

breach of faith, faithlessness, perfidy. — nsut61*6, one who violates a
covenant, truce or engagement, truce-breaker; an unfaithful, untrust-
worthy person; onipa a wo-n4 no apam se mobeye biribi, na ade no
ye da a, ogyaw to wo nko so.

asu-tu, inf, [tu asu] whispering. — o-sutufo, joL a-, whisperer,

conveyer of intelligence secretly, instigator. — asu-tutu, inf [tutu
asu] a whispering, whisper, whispering talk; as. na ede asem ba, pr.

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466 asiitwd — eta.

asd-tVv^d, inf, [twa asu] the act of crossing (or ferrying orer)
a river.

r;su-twaree, & place where a river is crossed in boata, ferrp.

Asutware, pr, n, a town on the right bank of the river V'olta.
su-twene, a medicinal herh:

suw, V. io roty pnirify, motdder, decay; cf, porow; - iikesua

no asnw, this egg is putrid; asawa no asuw, this thread is spoiled.
being no more strong, but easily breaking.

asuwd, p?. nsuwa-nsuwa, [asu, dim.] a small watery brook, rir-

idet, rill, streamlet, pr. 3U2f.

nsuwin, F. — nsuonwini, cold water.

O-su-wisie, -wusiw, clovd; cf. omununkum, osu.
0-sii-wo, pi. a-, a serpent living in water, water-snake.
nsu-wgiisea, drizzling rain; ns. regu, it drizzles, = osu re-
pete nketenkete. Mic. 5,6(7).

aSQ-wu, F. death in or by water; wu as., to be drowned.

esu-wiisiw, F. cloud. Mt 24,80. 26,64. Mk.9,7.

nsu-y iri, F. suyir, inf. inundation, flood, deluge. Mk. 24,SSf.

sw, occuM in F. (in A^W. Parker's writings), as follows:

aswaso, = Hs6a86. — swea, 8o6a, = soa. — swia, suia^^ sua.
swe ~ soc. — swQ == so (Mk. 1,13.). — sworn' = so mu. —
swor = sore.

'J'he dental consonant t occurs before pure and nasal vowels,

— In several Fante dialects t is changed into ts when coming be-
fore the vowels e & i, seldom before e. — In a few cases t inter-
changes with s; cf. toa & soa; ntokota, F. nsokota; koto, F. kosow.

The combination tw has nothing to do with the sound repre-

sented by single t, and will be treated afterwards by itself.

ta, V. [red. teta] 1. to dab a sore or wound at one or several

places with plaster or sticky medicine; to lay or put (a medicine)
upon or into a sore or wound; ode aduru ta ne kurum; okyena me-
ta me gyato (wo me nammonmu), to-morrow I shall dress (the ulcer-
ating tumours of) my yaws. pr. 8234. — 2. ta ntasuo, s. ntasn.

ta, s. taw.

ikj adv. just, exactly; completely, throughout: ^^n. pe; meko-

dun ktirom ho ara ta na menua no behyiaa me wo ktirotia; misii
dan mu ho ara ta na mesane; Qboo ne nkiiro kosii ta; woma won
nsa hyia ta.

ta, the maw of fowls (birds); cf. ofuru.

eta, pi. id. pot-ladle; syn. bebetA; dua (dwuma a.s. opampan) a
woasen no tratra a wode nu mmpremu, wgde ka nkokonte a.s. abete
a.s. ohu; cf kwankora; wat^a ne ta so, e.s. wokeka woho dii a.s.
wudi asem hi da, na akyiri ehia wo na wuntnmi nye nea kaii wo»
yee bio.

e-ta, p-, pi. a-, bow for shooting arrows; syn. tadna, kuntnn; rf.
bemma, arrow; - ne tamu agow or agugow, his bow is slackened or

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ata ~ ta. 467

relaxed; fig. he flags, is fatigued, exhausted, debilitated, unnerved,

weak (bodily and mentally, intellectually and morally or spiritn-
ally), low-spirited,

ata, twin, male ttcin, twin-brother ; pL nta, twins (nnipa banu a

oboa bako awo won dakoro); - nta-tefi, male itcins; - Ata, pr.n.
(pr. 3144-48) ; AttL-^tLuyxh y the first-born male tmn, Ata-obiwom\ Ata-
kuma, the second male twin; pr, 3148. t— wqwo barima ne bea a, wo-
fre won Takyi-n^-araane; cf, Tavvia,

ata, atawd,^/.n-, /cwa^e/w'm, twin-sister. Ata-panyin, the first-

horf}. female twin, Ata-obiwom\ the second female twin.

n ta in cpds. signifies double; cf fikwanta, nnawuta, ntnta. Phr.

wope ti pe nta, = wope ade abien preko.

Nta,^r.w. ofacountry; capitals: Salaga(Saraba),Peme; s.Qtani.

ta, V. [red. teta] (obsc.) to emit or let out wind, to fsLrtpr.1388.

0-ta, inf. wind, windiness, flatulence, pr. 3008.3149.

ta, V. [red. tata] 1. to become (contin. to be) level, even, flat,
plane, horizontal, to form a plain; elianom ta, here it is level, even,
flat ground; muntu dote nsiw amoa no usesew ho mma ehonta, dig
earth, fill up the hole, and level it, that the place becomes even or a
plane. — ^. to make or render level drc, to level; ta so, Ky. te so,
to level. — 3. to become smooth and quiet, of a sheet of water; ta
dzihn, F. = ye komm, be still (of the sea). Mk. 4,39. — 4.' contin. to
stand, of fluids in an excavation, hollow place, broad vessel; to stand,
be put or placed, of vessels that have more horizontal than vertical
extension, as kora, ahina (c/'.gyina, si, sum): nsu ta gya so, water
is (standing) on the fire; n'aduan ta ho, ^ta pon so, his food stands
t/iere, it stands on the table; ahina, kora ta ho, a pot, a calabash is
standing there; spec, to stand upright (opp. butuw): ne koraban,
wotow kyene a, eta ho (etata ho) da, this sort of calabash, when
thrown away, always comes to stand upright. - cans, to put or place:
fa, akonnua no ta ho, put the seat (a stool of more breadth than
height) there! obi mfa aduan nkota nkwanta, pr. 284. — 5. to float,
as sea-weeds; pr.3499. — 6*. ta..mu, to put in or sew on (a piece),
to mend, patch, botch; Lk. 5,36. F. Mk2,21. cf. 7. — 7. ta(..)mu (of
persons), to sit, as in water or mire : ota nsum\ abofra no ta dotem';
caus. to set; cf. kiikQru-me-ta-awiam\ — 8. Phr. ota mu, odi ta mu,
he sit^ in scil. abundant wealth, he rolls in riches, walloics in wealth.
— 9. ta, tuo, to level, point or aim a musket; ode ne tuo ata me so
(ode ne tuo asi ne bo rebetow abo me), he aims his gun at me; ota ne
fwede, he directs Jiis spy-glass. — 10. Phr. ta wo bo, set your heart
at rest, compose your mind! — IL tata nsem, to settle, set at right,
adjust disputes or other matters. — 12. Phr. madidi na me se ata,
prop, my teeth have stuck fast, in eating, i.e. / have eaten with fi
good appetite ; ehg de, mididii, me se anta, there I did not relish wJiat
I ate. — 13. gdom nta wo! the gdom watei' shall remain with Uiee
(i.e. not be vomited); odom ata no {or agyinano), the ordeal has
decided against him, proved him to be guilty.

ta, V. 1. to pursue, persecute, chase, run after, with hostile in-

tentions or in joke; pr. 2250.3160ff* — ota aboa, ne tamfo &c.; ota

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468 ta — atddw6.

m^ de-kghy^n ahemf[, = 6d\ m'dky i ara de-kodti ah&mfi; cf.ae, tiir,

[G. tao.] — ^. to continue, do often or repeatedly: gta ko ho. Tie (^ien
goes there; Gr. § 107,21.230,1. ota ye sa [G. efg nakai f(§m6].

tfi, adv. continuously ; wof^eeno ta ta tli, they kept flogging

hinif flogged him long,

til, Ak. tawA, obsol. taba [Port. tabaco'\ tobacco; hye ta, tofXl
a pipe; cf. kf^si, ahabant^, asra, abiikba'. Fhr. onifAno nhye ta, =
oniM DO nye two, he esteems him for nothing.
atd, a taw a, the fruit of a certain tree. pr. 2769.
atri', atawd, s. after ata.

ata, ivf. [ta, v.\. twe ata (\vg..h6), to struggle, contend (for)-
n ta-b au, wing, pinion of a bird, wing of an insect; fin of a fish ;
cf. ntakiira, ntahua, ntetew.

tabanfo, heater, one who heats up game in a battue; s. at we.

tab aw, V. to be overdone in cooking; aduanno at. =aben a-
tdbifo, child, lang. [G. tabilg] = asrafo. [t\vam\

0-tabir(i)a, a kind of snail. pr.S153.3426,

o-tabirifo, = okwatafo? pr.5154.

i^ho, pi. n , [Port, taboo] board. F. = brete.

nt^bowd, dim. a small board.

at'Si 1)6 (atii^bo), sling; tow at., to sling, throw with a sling.
ntaboi. = ntebge; ahintasem; onim wont. mn.

0-tab6ii, pi. a-, paddle, a sort of short oar with a broad bladp.

[pr. SJ35.

TaboiV [orig. Port. cstA bem, bom, bo, it stands or t^ weli, a

reply to the saluting question (kVim'sotR) como estd, how does it
stand i.p. how are you? used by the liberated Mohammedan slaves
who came from Brazil to Dutch Akra about 1835-40, then convert-
ed into a name of that country] Brazil; the West Indies [from which
some Christian immigrants came to Akuapem 1843]. Cf.Zitn.GaVt^c
p. 283. — TaboiVnf, j^^ -fo, a Mohammedan come from Brazil; a

ta-daii, F. = asese, ntamadan. Mk.9,o. — si t. = bg nsoaba.

atade, pLu-^ a complete dress or any part or article of clothing

made in the European manner, so as to answer to the form of the
body; at. nnuso, coat, upper-coat, upper- or outer garment, frock,
gown (£c at. n by case, under-dress, under or nether-garment, under-
pefticoal; at. wuw, robe, gown; - cf. ntama, batakari, koto, kotoku,
trgs, kamisS; - bye at., to put on, or (contin.) to wear clothes (cf.
fura ntama); yi nt., to undress.

atade-hyefo, pi. n-, a person, pi. people in European dress.

o-ta-d ua, 1. — ta, bow; the strip of wood of which an archer's
bow is made; hotv of a , springe, pr, 3156. — ^. a wooden instrument
resembling a bow, used for separating cotton from the seeds; mmea
de ta porow a8awam\ — 3.^ distaff. Prov. 37,19.

a ta d vV e, a kind of sweet oily nut or bean growing undcr-gronnd

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ot4idw6^ni — atakuru. 469

as the gronnd-nut (nkate); cf. at we; when cooked, they are called
aboboe. [G. at^hm^, tiger-nut? cf, akwei, aboboi.] pr, 100,3506,

o-ta-dwe^m, pL a-, an excessive smoker, pr, 2748,3157.

iAfhrhky^j a term of apology, used to excuse an improper
or indecent expression, or by a person who involuntarily happens
to incommode another, e.g. by treading on his toes: excuse me! I
beg your pardon! - to t., to apologize^ make excuse, pr, 1488. Cf, pa
kyew, kose, sebe-6.

ntafi, F. = ntasu, spittle; to nt., to spit, Mt,26fi7,Mk,7/i3.

tafo, V, = taforo. — tdf5-de, Akw. = nkyene, salt,
taforo, V. [red. tafotaforo] to lick, lap, Judg. 7,5, Luk. 16,21.
t6f6r5-b6t6, -b6nt5, ^i. n-, plate; t. kese, large plate, dish;
cf. prete. pr. 3159- — tafotafo, red, v, taforo.

ntafo-ntafb, a kind o£ lizard, s. oketew.

n t a f w d, a magic production, performance by m agic or sorcery,

trick by legerdemain, sleight of hand, juggle, jugglery ; oyi nt. = ode
snman ahooden hi yi nkony5 a.s. oy^ biribi a eye nwonwa.

ntafowa-yi, inf, witch-work, witchcraft, magic, sorcery ; jugglery,

ntafowaylfo, magician, sorcerer, charmer; juggler, conjurer,

ta-hania, bow-string,

ata-hina, a large pot set in its proper place, into which the
water, fetched in smaller pots, is poured; opodo, ahina kese a ata
bo a woko asu gum\

ntdhua, dou;ti (feathers) of birds; cf. ntaban; utenterehu.

tahye, F. = hyeta, to spread abroad (of fame). Mt9,26. Mk,l,28,

n taka, a sort of bead; s, ahene.

taka, creek. Nig. Exp, Vac. , cf, epo-faka, ateky^.
t4ka, t^katkka, a, muddy, miry; marshy, swampy, boggy; wet
all aver; dripping with fat; - osu ato nti kftro yim' aye takataka-
taka; fam' ha ye t^kataka; Huafo de nkii, mmoa srade, ohdam ne
nbw^ne di afra sra t^ka; wafow taka; fifiri afgw no t; wode nsu,
nkfl, lino afow no t. — cf toko, ateky^.

ntakdrd, F. ntekere, 1, feather, fl^tg-feather, quill-feather^ pin-

ion; pr,3160, — ^. quill, writing-pen; - cf, ntahua, ntaban.

atakara-b6a, pi, n-, winged creature, fowl; cf, anoma, atuboa.

ntak&rd-wo-gydm\ lit. a feather is in the fire, = ye ntem kq

so na ntakSra no rehyew! Phr, ohye no [or won) t^krAw6gyam\
?te incites, excites or spurs him (them) to act unadvisedly, foolishly
(otu n'aso ma oye bone bi a amannenya wo ho); he excites him, sets
him on, against an opposite party, he excites two parties against
each other.

ata-kora, a silver thumb-ring,

tkk\\y pi, n-, a weight of gold equal in value to about sixpence
halfpenny, — taku-fii, the half o^ the former (but in V,^ 6 pence?),

ntakua, the hair tied together on the top of the head, so as to

stand or stick oat behind like a horn; syn, piia.

ata-kuru, pr. 2909,

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470 Takvi — ntaui.

Takji, pr. n. m. — Takyi ne amaniie, s. ata.

Takyimafi, pr.n. the capital of Bron, a cowntry to the north-

east of Asante proper, bordering with Nkoransa in the west, from
which the Fantes and the Gyamans are said to have emigrated;
Gr. p. XIII. (II. 1. Burum).

takyiman-sua, As. a weight of gold, = ntaku 44, o'/s dd-

lars or ackies, IL 4s. 9d.

takyl-ampoo-bene, a name of the bird called asantrofi.

takyfrldi, = agyegye-nsu.

t^m, V. [pure a; red. tentam] 1. to clasp round, embrace; to

wrestle; wktkm duA = ofam dna no ho rebeforo; woAtim, ihcf/ have
takenhold of each other in wrestling; w6t^ni = wosiia ntokwaw, ihtp
are wrestling; o-n^ no tame na oboo no, he wrestled with Mm and
thrust him down. — J2. to take up a heavy thing: kotam adesoa no b^ra.

t^m tarn, adv. imitative of the sound of measured steps in

walking gravely or resolutely: otutu uenan t.t. (otutu ne nan mmia-

e-tam [pure 9^'] placenta, after-birth; ade a funuma toa so.

11 tdni, oath; pr. 3161. ka nt.-, to stvear, to take an oath; ka ntan-

huuu, to swear falsely; wo ma no nt., they put him on his oath ; ogye
nt., he desires to swear an oath; wode ntam gye no ma oka, they
impose an oath upon him, admit him to swear an oath; fa ntam
gye me nd menka! =me86re ntam; upon this the kyiiame says: ka
Wukuda e! and the defendant or plaintiff says : meka! - kwae
nt., to dispense from an obligation undertaken upon oath; to nt,, /o
disregard or transgress an oath; y i nt., to give satisfaction for the
neglect or transgression of an oath; pr. 3316. — On the nature and
significance of an oath in the sense of a Tshi man, s. Cruickshank,
Eighteen Years on the Gold Coastvoll.p. 256-268. When one swears by
a king or chief, he mentions a place or day which refers to the most
calamitous event in the life of that chief or his forefathers or his
tribe, whereby the said chief, in order to avoid a similar calamity,
is prompted to look well to the matter which occasioned the oath,
and to claim the forfeit due by him who disregards or acts contrary
to the oath. The great oath of the kings of Asante is "Memeneda
Koromante" ; that of the king of Akuapem •* Wukuda uh Sokodei*;
in a similar way certain companies (asafo) have their peculiar oaths
e.g. Aktiropon Asgnkofo ntam ne "Yawda". - Abosom nni ntam,
^yQ se wofre no bo woho dua. Agya ntam n.s. woka kyere onipa
biara se: meka wose (wo nan, wo amannehunu n.a.) se di asem yi
ma me; na se wuse: "meka wose, meka woni* a, enMe na woa-
yaw no.

ntdm' [v. n. fr. ta mu, to lie in or between] tJie place or time

between, also the things between; cf. Gr. § 122. Akyem da Asante
n^ Akuapem ntam'; obon da mmepow abicn yi ntam'; manso wo
Akuapem ne Nkran ntam'; ogyina me n6 wo ntam\ he stands be-
tween me and thee, also fig. in a good or bad sense : he makes fads
as) the mediator between us, he prevents our becoming one rf*c. odi

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otam — nt,ammard. 471

won ntam', he is their mediator or go-between. — ntam' no, in the

mean time.

o-tam, F. e-, j>?.a-, 1. Ak. the Under-garmeni or loin-doth of the

negroes, = amoase, ddnta. — 2. Akp. the upper-garment of the
negroes, = ntama 2. pr. S162ff. — 3* F. atam, clothes. - gtam-an(»,
the corner of the loin-cloth as the place to keep gold-dust in, purse.

[pr. 493.3164.

litama^ Akj. nt6m4, 1. stuff y cloth, cotton cloth, calico; nt. ho-
row, different ferries: a) nk^nt^wa, of Negro manufacture: abere-
wd, bommo, bup^, biir6b6no, daho-§home, gar^.g^, gyahAn^, gy^-
mara, obye^gyA, konnuroku, nkrumakw^ln, kubi, ky^kye, kyemd',
nkyeremu, maremAre, mmobom' (ofvarioUrS colours), mmosl, anwo-
n^-85b6, nsa (Abibirim' kQntu, ntoroa-panyin a ahene de kyekye
ahennda ho), asante-toma, t^tewakoro, ow^komma; b) Abtiro-
ky iri ntama, European stuffs: bew, birisi, abodabdh, bofua, bom-
mo-nserewd, brgfo-k6nt6, abftrokyiri-sOa, adat^wa, denkyeb^6, do-
mdre, duakoro, dukodon , adu-twAm, gingau, ago, ago-d^nmahono,
ohidni-^go, ohidni-d^mas, kofi-^p6 Clom-Coffee), kogydn (red twill),
kradd, okra-kofi,9krd-kn,kumpon-nwcra, kuntu, mmaro-n)6no(ban
TDono^ raw herring), mmew, nokoasfri, nnokua ('reti^, ungnk^-besa,
nnwerd, popo, sabirc, seda, osim'pam, sinkoro, sfrikyl, atehkd, an-
toko-asafo, ntwisd, ntwisa-tuntum, wdwa-aba, yisd-ne-nkyene. —
^. a negroe-dress, made of European or native stuff, consisting of
one large cloth wrapped round the body in various ways; fura nt,
to wear a negro-dress. — 3. any piece of cloth serving for other pur-
poses: mpasont., (bed-)shect; bed-linen, bed-clothes, bedding; gpoh
so nt., table-cloth.

ntama, -mawd, dim., a small piece of cloth, swaddling-clotfi,

tarn a, tamatama, a. plain, even, level, smooth: ok wan so da
ho t., the wag is plain.

tama, tamatama, a. stnooth, soft, tough: wawgw aduan (or

fufo) no ma afe t. or tt., the yam has been pounded to great soft-
ness; cf. mlltamata, hd&nn &c.

ntdma, ntdmmd [gtdn, net, ba, dim."] a woven net, fine net-
work, reticxdated work; s. ananse-nt.

nt^md-bamma, -bena, riband, ribbon.

ntama-g6w, a ragged or tattered garment or piece of cloth; rag,

tatter, shred; mean or tattered attire.

n tain a-n wen e, inf. the act or art of weaving; cf. asa, -dua,
asawa (tenten), nsa, dwes^, d\veseb6r6, mfa, akorokorowa, auomd,
aboso, kyeree, nkyekyeree, d6dowa.

0-tama-hwemfo, p/. a-, weaver; cf. onwemfo.

atama-sf, inf. the act or business of washing clothes,

o-tamavSf f6, pL a-, washer-man, washer-woman, pr. 3167.

n tam a-sin, a fathom or two yards ( = 6 feet) of cloth, as bought

from the European merchant; among the natives the length is on-
ly 5 feet.

ntam-mara [ntam, bra]: di nt., to swear oaths on both sides;

wodi nt. = asem biak5 ho wgka ntam afanu.

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472 atjimfl — nfaneanf.

atdm-fi, atahfi, inf, [fi tan] the first going out of a woman ihal
has been lying in (8 or 14 days after the beginning of her confine-
ment) and the observance connected with it. (Wowo ba a, nnda-
wotwe wodgaare ay) woti ahyebye afa otampa afura r^kokyin ade-

o-tdmfo, tAhfo, F.tinfo, ph a-, hater, foe, enemy, adversary; cf.

edom. pr. 1673.3168-78,

tam-hofo, F. = otamasifo, washer, fuUcr. Mk, 9,3.

atain-m5e, F. gye .. bo at., to witness against, Mk 14,60, 15,4.
atam-m6e-so, Akw. = ataso, ntodowdso.
ntdmp6, ntampe-hAmA, rope, large twisted cord; cable; also a
rope girt round the loins; 8. ntomporie.

o-tam-po, a roll of cloth. — tam-tam, s. tam.

nta-md, inf. [ade a wode ata biribi rau] patchy botch, piece
(of cloth).

ta-mii [s.iiiS]: di ta-mu, to live in opulence, affluence, wealih,

tamii-di, inf. a state of affluence, abundance, wealth,
tan, t?. F. tan [red, ten tan "| to hate, dislike, detest, have a threat
aversion to; cf, kyl, pr, 428-433. 3175-80.3503.

tkhj tantdn, tantdntah, a. 1, ugly, disfigured; foul, dirty, nctst^;

opp.fe; c/".nwini. - 2. odious, hatcftd, repulsive, offensive, disgusting.
Q-tdn, inf, hatred; pr, 3174, cf. nitan ; - inafa no tan, he has be-
come odious to me, I hate him; wotew asem no tan kyeue, thet/ re-
move what makes the matter unbearable,

o-tan, pi. a-, a net in which fruits are carried ; inmea de soa bro-
de; wohwene no se asawn.

Q-tdn, 1, a parent of children, pr. 177.3181-83. s. obatan, obaiiin-

tan, okokotan, dutan, obitahbiba. — 2, the state or time of confine-
ment for a woman lying in; oba wo a, nnaawotwe ana dadu-noaD-
niim ansa-na oti tan, s. atAnifi.
tan, Ky. =• tllni, cf, katwi.

tan, V, [red. tentah] to leave a void or distance between; nnna

2 no ntam* tan or tentan, there is a distance between the two trees;
= pin, pompan. — tan-mil, aloof,
tana, t6na, s, tra, v,

t an n a , ^pUe or heap of wood to be burned or already bm^ing.

tane, v, to stir, trouble, teaze; to be stirred or troubled; only
used with ani, face, surface: ot. n'ani, he does not let him rest, he
troubles one who will sit quiet, enrages him, perseciUes him; ghy^
n6 hia n^ awerehow t.nipa ani, forcing (violence or oppression) and
poverty and sorrow are the things tJiat trouble a man ; wotanee omah
no ani. Acts 17,5,15,24, cf, hwanyah mu. — omah mu ani atane, the
(whole) town is in alarm, uproar, disorder.

ntaneanf, inf. trouble, anxiety, commotion; disturbance; wabo

no nt., he has made him uneasy, has disquieted, disturbed him; me-
soma obi wo hkyeh a, fwe no so yiye na woammono atHrkni, cf.
anitane, anitanee.

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ntdnharc -- ati,pe. 473

ntiiu-hare, qtiicJc breeding j easy child-hearing, pr,3184.

atan-hi: tew at., to despise a sworn oath,

n tan- hi, i?if. setting an oath at nmight

ntan-hunu [ntam h.] a false oathy perjury,

0-tanf, pL NtAf6, a native of Nta, Nta-fnan; s, Gr. p. XV.
tani, Ky. tan, spleen.

n t^u-ka, inf [ka ntam] the act of stcearing an oath.

ntaiikamagyan^wa, a sort of bead, s. ahene.

o-trin-kokO [gtam or ntama kgko] purple {Lk. 16,19' atadeko

ko) Acts 16,14. scarlet, crimson cloths or stuffs. Frov. 31,21.

ntah-kyinny By pr. 3185. — tan-mu, aloof.

nta-nsa, a weight of gold, = mperedwane 3, 108 dollars or

ackies, ^7* ounces, 241. 6s. pr. 3187,3473-

n t an-s e m [ntam asem] a matter concerning an oath, or in which

an oath has been sworn.

atan-s6re, borrotving of clothes, pr. 3237.

o-tan-sf h, s. ntamasin. — tantakorowa, s. sara.

t?.nt^kuma, the largest species of beetle, goliath, Goliathus.

taiitdn, a., s. tan; - woayc woti tantdntan, tigly-headed fel-
low that you are! — at^ntan-no, ade tantdn, jj/. id. a nasty thing.

atAiitdn-sem, asem a eye tan, ahisem, a nasty or impertinent

saying or message.

t^ntia, pZ. n-, 1. a vessel to cover a larger one; pr. ir^^. —

^. Vie cap of the pan (of a flint-locJc) against which the flint strikes;
dade a ebutuw tua aso so, na twereb6 twerew anim a, epa ogya to
utno no asdra\ pr. 3189.

n tan-to, inf. [to ntam] transgression or disregard of an oath.

ntdntoa, a kind of bead; s. ahene,

n tan-twee [ntam atwe]: si nt., to beat about Vie bush in order

to find out tchether any oath has been sworn from which money may

nta-nu, a weight o/*<7oZc7, = mperedwane 2. 7J2 dollars or ackies,

4^2 ounces, 161. 4s.

0-tan-n u r ii [otan aduru] a medicinal ^?aw^; wgiiOanom se ayam-

kaw aduru; csow aba na otfpateram' di.

0-tan-niirii, a kind of tree, good for fuel; dutah a wosg.

atan-yi, inf. [yi ntam] money forfeited by an oath.

o-tan-ny igyafo [otan a oye gyigya-gyigya^ nebo nkye fuw]
an imprudent, rash, giddy parent who fights for his or her children
whether they be right or wrong.

a t a p c, pZ. id. wale (weal), streak or strij^e ; mark of a stripe or

blow; a swelling or raising in the flesh caused by the touch of poi-
sonous weeds (sdsono) or insects (gsA, b6rtgoru); boil, bump, pimple,
pusttde, ade a ^honhon wo ho nkete-hkete-hkete; ade a wgabg wo
mma na asoasoA (a. dhouhon). Gen. 4,23. m^at. nti mikum aberante.

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474 ta|)6 — ntasii.

tdpo, half a string of cowries, twenty cowries^ about a haJf-

penny; 2>r. 3100, cf oban.

ta-pori, a common ladle; fr.319L

ta-puw, tobacco-ashes, — atar, F. = atade.

tara. .. s. tra... — tara, t&na, tSna, s. tra.

tar ad ada, trara, adv, imitative of the sound of water poured

out: nsu gu fkxn t.; cf, osu, t^rod^do, twgrododo.

ti\re, V. [ree^. tetare] 1, cans, with de, fa &c. to castor lay (ftt,
upon, into): wode dote t. dan, they plaster a house, overlay or cover
a wall with clay ; ode pr^se atare kuru no so, he Ims laid a plas-
ter on the wound; wode fa tare tokuru no mu, they fill up the hole
with earth; de..t. ani, to paste up or on; - tare nno so, to stop the
mouth of a pot filled with palm-oil, — J2, to he cast, to stick or be fast-
ened (at, in, on): dote t. dan nohd; prilse t. kuru no so; amSua-gyi-
ra(! t. hhoma no ani, a postage-stamp is affixed to the letter. — 3. tare
..ho, to sit on; e.g. of a lizard. — 4. to subside, fall into a state of
quiet; kwae no mu atare k6ni, all is perfectly quiet (ov, deep silence
reigns) in the forest; wotarec koni, tJiey became quite silent,

o-tare, lake, pond, of sweet water; pr.301. Ak. eko; cf. baka.
ntare-ho, v,n. [nea wode atare ho] the plaster of a wall,
iitare-inu, r.n. [nea wode atare mu] any thing inserted; itiser-
tion, intercalation, interpolation; an additional fee, charge or pay-
ment, (Wogyeno nt. ne sc: ghene adi wo kasa agye wo se dare ha,
na okyeame atew so se du, na ose: nea wodii no kasa no m'pemine-
hycm*; a.s. ghene agye obi guan, na ognaii no sCia, na wogye nea
wogyee oguah no wo ne hkyen no ho se atiri 4 de ka ho a, en'de
wgmfd nka ogiian no ho nkgma ghene; sa dare 10 n^ atiri 4 no na
wgfre no nt.)

n tare-s6, v,n, [nea wode atare so] a plaMer on a wound,

tflse, V, F. tase [red. tasetase] to pick up, glean, gather, collect,

assemble; pr, 3192. met^s^ mosea; mekg wuram' mekgt. hwaw; gtascc
ne hktirofo de won kgg gsa (R.p.236.) cf, boa ano; - t.mu, /o pick
out from, to choose among ; - t. so, to take up one by one; me ne wo
betase so, we will gcUher up the facts in question one after another;
- t. akyiri, to meditate, reflect, muse (on, upon), to consider one
by one, to carefully examine: gtase ne nsem akyi, he ^ recollects'^ his
words, i.e. he reflects on the single words spoken by another ; ne n-
sem a gbgkae da no hhina na metasec akyiri no, niihuu no se 03*0

tri-seii, pi, n-, [ta gsen] tobacco-pipe of native manufacture.

ta-s i w, a heavy load of tobacco, pr. 1897, fP^' ^^' ''^^•

ata-s6, hip; cf, dwonku, thigh; asen, loins.

nta-so, v.n, [ade a eta biribi so] head-piece, e.g. of a pillar.

t as li, a stand, standing, hiding-place, lurking-place in a forest,

from which game is watched; babi a abgmmgfo ye tra ho tew aboa;
gkgwaw (a.s. gkgbg) t. ; gte tasum*.

ntasii, Ak.-suo, spittle, drivel, slaver; fe nt., Ak. ta, te or to

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iifcjisdakrodo — ii\ 475

utasuo, to throw otU spittle* pr. 1899,2347. 3 19SJ, — wato no nt. = wa-
bo no dua, he has cursed him.

ntasiiakrodo, a slight disease in the throat; wo menewam' yare

a eye wo na womene ntasu a, §nye yiye.

tn-sua-nu [ta, asttanu] a weight of gold y ~ 1 Y2 peredv^ane,

54 dollars or acTdes, S^jn ounces y 121. 3s.

tasu-t6. inf, the act of ivatching women to see their secret parts,
a shameful deed punished with death.

tata, As. a two-edged sword; nkrante anofanu.

tata, adv. imitative of the setting of steps: gye^ gyigye or ye

(abofra) t., to lead (a little child) hy the arms or in leading strings.


ta'ta, red. v. ta, to be filled or mvollen with water; n'ani atati

(msu), tears have filled his eyes; watata, he has the dropsy [G.^iwf^x,
he is swollen all over]'^ ne naii ase at, he has the dropsy in his feet.

at at A, n-, inf. dropsy ; oyare a enia onipa honhon ne nan akwa

so a.s. ne honam nhina, na ewo ho wo ho a, na nebabi atu kuru na
usu fim' (sewa bi tow wo ho a esen nsu pi). — mniofra at. ma won
nan a.s. won anim honhon.

ata t A^ inf. [ta] di at., to run after each other in turnSy in play
or with hostile intentions.

t d taw, 1. a. plain, leveh flat; mfuwa t. so, openy cultivated land.

— J2. n. a plain, an open field, level land; t. mu, t. so, syn. apa-so,
apaw-so; t. yi, woad^w mu; Asantefo nim t. mu kd.

ntatdwil [ta mii, Ak. te mu, to patch'] a patch; pieces of cloth

of different stuff; waye ne ntama mu nt., ofura nt. ntama, he wears
a cloth patched with pieces of other stuff.
ntd-teii [ata] male twins.

tatra, a. wide, extensive, large; syn. tjjtero, hahra,kokuro, para-

dada; sarc t., an extensive plain y prairie or wilderness.

taw, a. plain y level; asasetaw, a plain; level land; s. tataw.

taw, V. = ta(?)

taw, a push icith the hand hy the neck: <^p5 no taw, he pushes
him by the neck; wopoo no taw fwee fam\

iitaw-ntaw, quarrel, angry contest, brawl, altercation, conten-

tion, dispute; wodi nt. n.s. wo-n^ bi nya asem na moreyaw na mo-
pe ako; syn. (di) akamekame, (di) twe-ma-mentwe, (ye) akasakasa.

tawd, atawa, atawii, Ak. ta , at«i, ata .

tawa-gyd, fire to light up a pipe with; grebetew abofra no na

wakofd no t., he is about to take away the boy that he may serve him.

Tawia, pr. n. a male or female born next after twins.

taya, pi. n-, tile.

te..., ti..., is changed into tse... tsi..., in Fante words.

te, V, Ak. = 1. tew. — ^. = te so, == ta so,^o level; sesew so.

te, = tew, ntew, pr.3210.

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476 te — ete.

t^; ae^t;. imitative of the sound of rending, breaking or tenring

(in two): hamano atew t^ ; the siring broke at once; cf. wa, we. pr,3037.

te, v, contin, [red. tete, tctee; B. p. 236.] F. tse, 1. to sit; to be

in a place, dwells Uve, to have one's regular and lasting abode in a
place: cf, wo, da; correl, v. tra, ba, kg, betra, kotra (Gr. § 102,3);
mete abttrogna so; Qte dan mu; Qte menifa; ote ponko so, he is sit-
ting on a horse i.e. riding; pr. 2708. - ote teaseenam mu, heis siUing
in a chariot, i.e. riding in a carriage; - anoma te afirim\ pr, 2479;
kdrow y\ stia, mmusfia abiesa pe na ete n)(u); mmoa bebre te asa-
se so, ebinom nso te nsum; onipa te asase so ketewabi na owu.
pr. 3W5-3202. — te ho, te ase, /o live, exist; Onyankopgii te ho or
tease da. — 2. to be with respect to quality, to be in a certain states
correl. v. ye (Gr. § 102,4. 209,1. 255,5); wote seme, you arc as I
am; ghoho te se abofra, a stranger is like a child; senea afoa te na
boha te, pr. 14 10 f. 1837,2893. — woho te den? how are you? mete ji-
ye, I am well; onipa a ote se (or gnte sc) na wawu yi ! such a man
(who scarcely had his equal) is now dead!

t e, V, [red. tete] F. tse, 1. to perceive by the nerves of sensation,

to feel; to perceive within one^s self, to be affected by; also to be fdt
or perceived by; wo aba a woabgme no ante me, (or) mante kora,
the blow you gave me with your rod, I did not feel at all; gtee ue
honam mu se neyare no asa, Mk.5,29. — te.. ma, to sympathize
with: mete wo yaw mema wo, / feel your imin with you, I syfnpa-
thize or have compassion with you concerning your grief. — J2. to
perceive by the taste: ment6 mako a ose ode agum' no, / do not per-
ceive the pepper he says he has put in (in cooking the food); also
to be felt or perceived by the taste; nkyene antem\ the salt is not
tobe perceived in it, it is not sufficiently salted. — nsa, mm^kwan no
ate me dew mu, the palm-tvine, the palm-soup, is palatable to we,
tastes sweet. — 3. to perceive by the smell, to smdl, com. used with
nka, hila: opete te funu nka, the vidture smells a carcase; mete
aduan no hiia, I smell the food; mahuam ta no mate se eye, / /uice
smelted the tobacco and found it good. — 4. to perceive by the ears,
to hear: wote dgn ana? do you hear the bell? gyegyegye no ntimen-
t6 n'asem; mete se akokonini rebon, / hear a cock crowing., In the
imp. tie is used, — 5. te asem, to obey; gnt6 ne na asem, Jie docs
not obey his mother, pr. 581. — 6'. te, te ase, to understand; ment^
asem no ase, I do not understand the meaning of the word; the perf.
mate is often said in reply to a command or request, involving
not only that the person understands what is meant, but also his
willingness to do what is desired: I have understood it and shall
do accordingly. — 7. mate masie, I thought so beforehand, I antici-
pated that it would be or come so. — 8. Phr. te mu dew, to enjoy
the pleasure or benefit of. pr. 484.

te, Ak. = tew. — Q-te, a kind octree.

e-t e, 1. a film, membraneous covering, on the pupil of the eye^ a

disease of the eye, cataract, perh. aliJo glaucoma, amaurosis, leuco-

ma (albugo); ade kurukuruwa hi a enyin wo aniwa so; aboa a ewo

woani so [kiirutiayisi], ekum no wie na ne nhina ye fita a, ua wo

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ati — nteberefiid. 477

ani ohd ade bio ; pr. JS295, - ete asi (no so, or) n'ani so, he has got
a cataract, has become blind with a cataract; ft. 3628. - ete atu afi
n'ani so, he has been cured of his cataract. — J2, fig. won ani so tew
atew, the object of ilieir contention has been removed, timr quarrel
has been settled*

at^, a cushion, bolster or covering of leather, with various fig-

ures, e.g. for kings, to sit on; cf. snmi; - Im ate, to make or sew such
a chair-cushion, — gpQhko-ate, saddle.

te, V. to make wide, open unde; wate n'anom = ohAn u*anom.

Prv, ISfH, — s. red. tete.

ate, a beetle with small dots,

t e, t66: ode so tee (= twam ?) he snaps, snatches or caix^hes it up
or away.

t§, a., adv. straight, -ly, -ivay; uprightly, honestly; gnain te, he
walks straight on or along, straight- forward, moves in a straight line;
wgnam t§ r*»ba ne nkyen, they made up apace to him; dua no nyin
t^, the tree grmvs straight; n'asem nam kwanmu t§ = n'asem tee
pe, he is upright or honest in his dealings; me n^ nokware afiko td;

[pr. 3211.
te, n. straightness; uprightness; frankness: ne te ye me nwo-
nwa; f/. tge, trene.

ted, = du^se^, duAs^, kase6, mankyiri, teasee; cf tia, tiaff.

tea, teatea, a. narrow, stnall; thin, slender, slight, lean: close,
fight, strait; okwHii, poraa, atade; ne kon teatea, F. tenaba, tenatena,
atena, tseaba, atsea. Mt.7,13.14. Cf. hihia, mQamda, fweafwga.

a tea, a kind of cashew tree and its edible fruit; Anacardium

occidentale. r^^ ^^i

aiite-ade [te, to feel] a cheerless, comfortless, dull, dismal place.

ateakosewa [nea wate na okose] tdlebarer; ^ye at. = 6ye
gfdkg n^ fdba, obetie nscm koka na okotie bi beka.
ateain^gya, a sort of bead; s. ahene.
nte-ase, inf. understanding. F. ntsease. Mt. 15,16.
teas6(t\)-6n am, pi. n-, [wote ase a, enam] carriage, waggon,
coach d-c. cf. kudo'. — iof(Jseenam-us.UjWaggon-whe€l,carriag€-wh€el.
tease-awu: oye t, she is dead while she lives (1 Tim.5,6.) ^^
gtc Lg de, nanso te se wawn ara ne sa.

o-teasefo, pi. a- [te ase] i. an inhabitant of the earth, mortal,

man, human being, pr. 2546/. cf. gdesani, onipa. — 2. a living per-
son; opp. owufo, gsaman ; pr. /y^iJ. - in appos, ^ii'ii?^; Onyame te-
asefo, the living God. — 3. one sitting on the ground^ j.r. 3214. —
4, one living on his estate, tilling the ground, opp. gnantefo. pr. 2104.
te-bea, 1. a place of existence, abode; cf. trabea, trabere, tra-
bcw. — 2. manner or quality; nature; condition; rank; cf. su, ban;
dibea. •

Q-t§bed, a kind of tree good for fuel; dua kwada bi, eye ogya.

nteberefiia, a kind of food prepared of plantains and paHm-

oil: wgde brgdebun na eshv na wgde nno gu so na wgde tn kwan;

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478 tebo — at^L

akunafo nso, w68iw bf di; won de, wode brgd^ kykg' na eyfe woo
d^, wgfre no patiransidw.

t^bO, tebotebo, a, dough)/, dough-haked; tough; ned^kono ye

t. = asg hil^hn.

11 tcboe,ntaboi, exisicnce, manner of limng, behaviour, conduct,

= nneyee (wgbrawo kasam^ a, na wgfre nneyee no se nt.); mahu
wo nt. mu, Ih<ive seen through your dealings, ^= mahu woakyi, ma-
hO wo nneyee a woye nhina; Onyankopgn nim me nt. nhina mn,
God knows all my ways (me trim' o, me nneyeem' o).

tc-diid [dua a wgatew] a planted tree: asubgnten ho t. Ps. 1/i.

tee, V, \red. teetee] F. tse, tsea, Ak. tene, 1. a) to he straight,

right, direct, even, level; h) to he erect, upright, right: c) to he rigiU,
correct; d) to be plain, straight-forward, honest, righteous, just; e)
to he fit, suitable ; to fit, suit; f) to seem or appear as Hgltt or correct;
n'asem tee pe, he is perfectly upright or honest in his doings; he is
quite right in what he says; his cause is quite a righteous one; etee
(etene) se ben, it is as siraiglU as an arrow, fig. it is quite correct;
etee me = ekg me uten ; u'asem a greka yi tee me, what he says seems
to me to he right, — J2. to flow, take its course; nsu noatee, the tcfder
is flowing along (though perhaps in curves). — 3. to make straight,
straighten, pr. 1011. to stretch, stretch out, extend: gtge ne nsa, he stret-
ches out his hand; mesgre matee me mu, I am getting up to stretch
my hack; mekgteetee me nan mu or m'apgw mu, I am going to take
some exercise by a walk (= mekgpasc) or by gymnastics; mekgtee
me mu, I am going to stretch myself i.e. lie down on a bed or couch:
cf. twe ne mu; gtee ne mu tu 'mirika, he runs with his whole body
extended to its full length (cf, Phil, 3,13); gtee neho kasa, he speaks
adroitly, in an adroit manner; akoa yi atee neho akasa, = waka
no nsem hhina akwanso-akwanso. — 4, to cause to form straight
lines; to direct, train, exercise, drill: t. asrafo, to drill soldier,^. — 5.
tee so, to rectify, correct; to set right, lead into or show the rigid wcuf:
to instruct, advise, admonish; to chasten, chastise, castigate, disci-
pline; ma mentee wo so, allow me to correct a misstatement. — ti.
teem', i^ed, t^eteem*, to cry out (Gr. § 214)5 ^ * tseam, tseatsea mu,
Mt. 27,22. Mh'l5,i3.U. cf bgm\ paem\

ntee-s6, inf. correction, instruction, discipline, chastisement.

teetee, red, v. 1, s, tee 5-6". — 2. to cry at somebody, to

threaten, rail, reproach, F. tsea, to rebuke (Mt. 8,26.), to cJuist^n,
a t e e t e e, inf. threat, thrcatenings,

t^fere w, pLn-^ cockroach, a beetle of the genus Blatta, Biatta

orienlalis; cf. kakaraka. — te fere-yam, s, yam, ringworm.

tefwlre, i. a tooth-gaping, cf. gyaw; t. da ne sfem'; yare U,

pr. 2279. — 2, a gap-toothed person; onipa a nd sfe atu na gkwan dara\
n te-hama, the climber which yields the seeds called ntew, q,r.
ntehye, F. = tete, asthma,
ate\, malt, malt-dust; abiirow a wgabuw ma afifi na wgasiw de
nsu ahono de asi gya so de akosi ho, na ade bekye na akaw, na
wgsan noa bio, na wgtgn.

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t^kdn — tern. 479

t^-kaii [tew, kaii]: di.. t-, to prevent or thwart another per-

son s secret intentions^ insidious acts or wai/I apings; yeadinot. amma
wannya nea okofwefwee no Te.s. obi pe se okodi asem bi hintaw yen
na yeanya ntem akosiw no Kwan), tve have got the start of him in
hindering him frmn carrying oiit his 2>^irj)oses.

teke, s. taka, ateky^.

ntekere, Mf, = ntakara.

te-ko, inf. [te, to hear, kg, to go] talebearing,

O-tokofo, pi, a-, talebearer; gye ot. = gy^ tekg, (asem biara a
obete na gkgka), he is a talebarer; cf, ateakosewa.

tekgt6ko, hiccough, hickitp; t asi me, the hiccup has befallen

me, I have the h,; also: kokot^kg. [G. fnkgfukg, hikghikg fele.]

t e k r e k y 1, ^Z. n-, a bag or sack plaited like a mat of a kind

of grass or reed, smaller than "pae"; wobobg ano a, eye yiye, it
way be rolled up. pr. 3216, — tekrekyiwd, dim, — Cf, kycrenkye.

tekrema, Ak. F. tekyeremd, F. gyerem4, tongue (t. de sakra-

m^). pr. 769ff.3317'28, — tekrenm-atoa: otwitwame t., he rebukes
me sfuirply, severely. 2 Cor, 13,10. — tekremfi-b^re: 6y^ t., he has
a soft, gentle, humble, modest tongue, speaks softly itc. — tekrema-
biituw, stammering; oye a.s. gyare t., he stammers, mispronounces
single letters, = gkasa matamata, cf. gpo d6d6w. — o-t§ki*eiiiaf6,
pi. &-y liar, cf. gtorofo; braggart; flatterer; babbler, pr,3229,

tekremakam, a wound caused by the tongue i.e. by cutting words,

tekrema-ky one, -ky ^re, [tekrema a eye borgbrgbrg se nkyene]

a flattering tongue, flattery; gtono t. (= gka asem fremfrcm kyere
no, nanso nea grebeye de, ewg ne tirim = wakgto no semmiiradd)
he entires him by fair, mild, flattering speech, he decoys him with
honeyed icmds; cf, anode, anodefedefe.

tekrenia-nini: oyh t., he has a sharp tongue; cf, di asennfni.

tekreina-sd, lingual sparring, pr. 1581.

0-t6-kuui, inf, [te, to hear, kum, to kill] sudden anger, choler,
violent j^assion: oye gt. (gte asem biara a na ne bo afuw), he is pas-
sionate, so as to condemn at first hearing and, as it were, to kill in
his mind without giving room for defence.
at e ky e [G. ateke, short] a short-legged person; onipa a ne nan
ye ntiA-nti4 a.s. ne nan si nket^.

a te ky d, 2)1. id, plash, pool, puddle; morass, marsh, swamp, fen,

bog; osu totg a, at. ba Akyem kwan ran bebre; r?/*. dontori, denkye-
denkye, t^ka.

tekyerema, Ak. F. == tekrema. Mk.7,S3.35,F8.39,l,

tern, V, [red. tentemj 1. to become sile^nt and quiet, to be over-

awed; me ho hu nti watem = osuro me nti waye komm; ghene yere-
nora twam' a, Kumase atem dinn. — 2. to be or stand on one's guard,
in expectation of, in cautious readiness for; me-n^ no rekgko no na
watentem* dedaw ansa-na miduu hg, when I went to fight unth him,
he stood awaiting me in silent readiness (to meet me), before I ar-
rived latere, — 3, to tread cautiously (on a slippery way); so wonam
gkwan a eso ye toro so a, wotentem a.s. wutintim wo awerew yiye
na woauwatiriw anfwe ase (cf, tam tam).

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480 tern — ateii.

tern' = te mu.

atem: di .. at, to insult, abuse, revile; odi mc (wodidi me) at,

n tem, qtiickness, swiftness, velocity, speed, haste, rapidity; ntem

yo, na ggom ye, pr. 622, 1931. pe ntem ! make haste! ne ntem-bone a
okopee, his unadvised Mste. — adv. with haste, tw hnste, fast, quick.
quickhj, swiftly^ speedily, rapidly; early, soon, immediately ; ntem!
ntem! m6nko inotrabere! quick! quick! to ymir seats! bera ntem!
come quickly; woaba ntem 'ne, you Jiave come soon to-day; woam-
ma ntem, you are late; ye ntem, ma enye ntem, makeha^e, he quick!

ntemara. adv. id., with all speed; immediately, forUiwith; nt^m

ara a woye-ebc'y^ (= wgye a ebeye yiye), tcith all possible speed,
as soon as possible.

ntem-iitem(-ntem), adv. id., in greatest speed, hurriedly; rf.

fwihfwim. — nt^m-pd, betimes, in good time, early, soon.

ntem-p^, inf. hastiness, speediness, precipitation.

ut^m-s6, luistily, speedily; in haste, in a hurry.

atem-fanu [aten, fa, enu]: yi at., to hear and try or prove the
statements of both parties.

atein-pd[aten, pa] good judgment; obuat., he gives a righteous

judg^nent; owo at., he has a sound judgment.

o-tem-pon, p/.a-, highway, main road; a way or path frequen-

ted at all times, on which you always meet persons, pr. 3230.

atem-mu, atenbu, inf. [bu nten] F. atsembu, atsenbaa, the act

adjudging, judgment.

g-teaimufo (or 1,\\*S), pi. &-, Judge; umpire, arbiter, arbitrator,

referee; cf. gsennifo.

aiemmii'SGm, jurisprudence, the science of law; matter ofjustirCf

case in law. — atemmusem-di, inf. administration of justice; at.-
difo, officer or counsellor of justice; atemmusem-mii-niaiisoafo,
minister of justice.

ten, V. [red.tenteii] 1. i. ani, to rest on the surface ofhny flnid,

to float, swim, be buoyed up; wode dua to nsum' na enko ase a, wo-
se ; eten ani. — J2. red. to sit in a kingly manner.

t^un, t^nteun, a., adv. full to the brim, brimful; nsn aye
ahina no ma teiin ; wohyehyee nhina no ma tentenn; wohye me nsa
no a, ma eny^ t^hh.

. o-te 11, pi. a-, a kind o{ stinging fly, conops, horse-fly, ox-fly, gad-
fly; pi' 596.3231. = ohurii; cf. akekawere. [G. ofgi.]

ate 11, n-, F. aten, ntsen, 1. charge, accusation, imputation; state-

ment; grievance, complaint, expostulation; yi at. or nt. (~ woyi nt.
nnipa banu de won asem abehyiam' na wgrekeka), to prefer a cluirge
or charges against another or each other, put forth a case for trans-
action ; to charge with or accuse of having done something amiss or
neglected a duty; to ask in stating a complaint; to remonstrate or ex-
postulate with, to reprimand, reproach, reprove, censure; oyi no otea
pe se asem a ato o-n6 no ntam* no, wgka na woyi fi ho; oyii no nten
se edeh-nti na omma ne nkyen bio; nea oyi nten no peoraan-kora>
kord; cf. bo nkuro. — 2. decision, verdict, judicial determination.

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t6n — ot^nt^. 481

judgment, sentence; bekyere ateh no ma yentie, let us now hear the

decision! ateh no (ateh a wobui no) anye no de, this decision did not
j}lease him; - bu at. or nt., to decide a case, to pronounce judgment,
to judge, give or pass sentence on; woabuno asem no mu nt., theg
have passed judgment on him in that case or concerning the matter;
cf. di asem, bn fg, bubem; Asantet^h, ^^r. 740; ananateh, ntehkyew,
atempa, ntentrene.

ten ten, a. crisp, short, not tough, not cohesive; s, pen pen,

[tiw tiw.

-ten [red.s. ten ten] only in cpds.; 1, long-stretched, long, high,

tall; cf, banteh, obeteh, abonteh, oguanteh, nufuteh, asuteh. — 2.

rigid, regular, true, real, genuine, syn. trene, trodo; cf. gb5fot6h,

abilrot^h, onipatdh, ntdteh. Cf. tee, tene, te, trenS.

nten (straigMness, straightly, strakjht, right dec): i. ko nteh,

to he straight, rigid, correct, convenient, agreeable: ehk6nt., it is not
correct, not good (e.g. to say *abunum' for *ahnhmu'); ekg ment. =
etee me, it suits me, I find it suitable, think it right; aduah yi, nau
yi kome nt. = eye me de, this food, this water is agreeable to me,
I relish it. — ^. tu nt eh, F. ntene, to go (on) straightway, straight-
forward, to advance; gtrfta byeh mu fi Koma tuu nteh kgg Kartago,
lie sailed straight icay from Rome to Carthage; wokg yi, tu nteh ara
fwe wo anim na wobehu, when you go, always look straight before
you, then you uMl find it.

ten a, F. ts^na, v. = tra.

tena, atena, tenatena(tena) F. = tseaba, tea, teatea, slender.

nteii-ani [nea eteh ani]t raft, float. 1 Ki. 5fi.
tene, i;. Ak. = tee.

tene, v. [red. tentene] to creep or sneak almig: hwaw no atene

kg, the snail has crept away; red. to creep, run, trail, of plants: hkate
nh ntgmmg tent, fam', the ground-nuts and batatas (sweet potatoes)
trail upon the ground; atadwe no at6nten6 afum* bg hhina, the tiger-
nuts have overrun the whole plantation.
nt^n-ne, = nteh 'n6, pr. 335.

tfenene, s. trene.
a ten-nidi, inf. [didi atem] tbe act of abusing, reviling d:c.
ate-nka, inf. [te hka] 1. report, nimour; name, character, repu-
tation; atehka-bonen^atehka-pa, 5 Cor. 6,S. — 2. a kind of Euro-
pean cloth; s. ntama. — Atenka, pr.n.m.

at6iiky ema, a by-name of the cat; s. agyinamoa.

n te ii-ky e w, wrong judgment; bu nt., to per veti judgment; s, ateh.
tentam,rc(?.i?., s. tam; gt.no, he wrestles with him; wgtentam,
they wrestle.

ten tan, red. v. tah. [between.

t e n t a n, red. v., s. tah ; ntam' t. (= pompah), there is a distance

ntentane, = ntontah.

Q-t6nt6,jp?. a-, a drum, with leather stretched on it on two sides;

dua bi sin a wgatu mu tokuru na wgayere no to ayere n^nno; ebi


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482 atentebeu — tere.

nso (nketenkete no) wofreno donno; cf. akyene; - wogoru atente
= oseky^, a kind oi play. — tented, s. tantiA.

a ten te-beii, pi, n-, flute; s. aben.

ten tern, red. v. tern.

ntentem-me: obono nt. ^=gterew ne nsam* de bo n'akji a.8.

ne serem', he strikes him with the flat hand on the hack or thigh; s. me.
ten ten, red. v. ten.

t^nteu [red. often], tentententen, tententen, a. adv. 1. long;

ese tt., long teeth; pr. 2832. — 2. high^ tall; bepow tt., a high moun-
tain; obea tt, a tall woman, pr. 25. owaretenten, he is very tall; fi.
wo wo ware atenteh-atenten. — tenteii, n. length; heigM,

o-tenten,jpi. a-, a tall person, opp. akwatLa;pr.^fi^5. — oyeoten-


n ten ten, lengtJnvays; w^de adarc pae dua (ofo) no bo nt.

nt^nten: gyina nt., to stand opposite, to face or front; to be on

the point of, pr.l282.

ten ten e, 1. red. v., s. tene. — 2. Ak. = ten ten, height.

ntentene, a kind of herb; akisikuru aduru.

atentenlin , any keg of powder; cf. okwddum (large), tikotoa

n t e n t e n-m u, alongside. (small).

ntentennoa, </ee vjtmost, extreme end, highest point, top, espec

of a tree; dua atifi bl a ekyen dua no aba nhina tenten.

ntenteu-s6, the place opposite to, over-against, fronting or fa-

cing; mete wo nt.; afiasedaii yi si wo dan nt.; woasieno nedan nt

o-tenten-t^a, pr.3232f

ntente-s6, odi (onam) me nt, Jte foUows me closely, goes along

or keeps pace with me. [5. aten.

n t e n-t r e n e, righteous judgment; b u nt., to judge righteoitdy;

at6n-y f, inf. [yi ateh] 1. the act of remonstrating d:c.; remon-

strance, expostulation, rebuke, reprimand; r/lnkiirobo. — 2. atenyi,
a fine, mulct; a payment 0^ money imposed as a punishment for an
offence; (sika a wogye wo ntam a nkdrofo to mu;) nbenkwa' gji-
gye hktirofo ho at d\ (nhenk wa no, asgm a enye asem no, mprempren
na woama adah asem na woagye sika adi).

t^pa, a sterile or barren spot, place or tract of land; bahi a

eho biribiara nnyin yiye, eho sare nyih tenten bey§ nammon pe,
na enti WQde to asase biara a aduan ny6 yiye wg so bo. Cf. nkiiro-

t e-p r 6-k6 [tew, preko] a bit or pinch of yam-pudding, as much

as is taken or pinched off at once with the ends of the first three
fingers; cf. bu-preko.

e tera, etara, Ky. expression of consent; = gte sa, se ete ara, so

it is! true!

ater4n5, a kind of bird, whistlcp, the green plover?

t^re, Ak. tere, a. broad, flat, flattened; bo., t, to ftatirn; pe^
ne dade a wgabg no t sc atwapo; cf. tet6re, terew; gsentere.

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tSre — atesem. 483

t6re, Ak. F. 1, = terew, F. tsr§w, v. — J2. (inf.) hreadiJi,

tere, tsere-bia, F. = ete se (ebia) as fhotigJi, as if.

t ere, V. [red.tctere] 1. to dropf fricMCy flow, run or stream down,

to gush from: nusu tere or tetere no, tears gush from his eyes; cf
nter«^su. — 2. t. hfl, to run over, flow over; cf fe ho; to miss, to fail
to hit; obo no atere ho; wantia so yiye na watere ho af\Ve ase; cf
fere ho, siane ho.

tere, a kind of river-fish. — dntere, a kind o£ sea-fish.

at e r 6, pi. n-, Ak. atoo, spoon. [G. awale; at6, Za^e = kwahkora.]
ntered e, s. tete; asem a mpanyinitb dii tete-nt. no, woda so di
*ne-ara, the customs observed by our forefathers in times of yore are
observed unto this day.

ntere-ho, inf. [tere ho] missing, failing; what has flowed over.

terem, adv. quickly, hastily, in (all) haste, hurriedly; helter-

shelter; t. wogaaiie = pa woguane; nkurofo twam' wo ho t^rem
tfirem or torom t6rom, people are passing there in haste. Cf. ntcm,

tferene, 5. trene.

terensu, a kind of shrub; wowe ne dua, wodi n'aba.

ntere-sii [nsu a §tere] perspiration, sweat, = fi^Y\\ neho fi nt.
or nt. totere no, he perspires, perspiration trickles down from him.

teretere: ye t., to be a busybody, to run here and there with-

out being called for; to be restless, fidgetty, pert, fortcard; to dabble,
tamper, meddle; oye t. = oye ghogyigyemfo, opesemadifo, osem-
pefo: 1 nm. 5,13.

terew, i;. [red. tereterew] l.intr. to spread, extend; to expand

itself, become broad: perf. to be spread out or expanded: Onyanko-
pon atergterew osoro hhina, the heavens are expanded above every-
where. — J2. fig. to spread, be divulged, diffused (cf hye, hyeta) : ne
din atere w, his name or fame has spread far and wide; anyamesem
at. mma nhing, the word of God has spread everywhere; ne ho asem
at. asase no nhina so, the rumour of him has spread over the whole
country. — 5. .. mu terew, to become or be wide, spacious: odan no
mu t., cf. odan no mu gow; adaka no mu t. sen yi, that box is wi-
der than this one. — 4. tr., to extend, make broad d^c. gterew neho
kataaokwahno mu, he straddled over the whole breadth of the way.
— 5. terew .. mu, ir., to spread, expand, extend: kraknm t. neduam',
the turkey expands its tail; wot. won mpasOa mu, they extend their
lines (of battle), syn. yer§w mu; - to stretch forth: gt. nensam', he
stret<;Jies forth his arms. - 6. t. m u, fig. to spread, divulge, diffuse, dis-
seminate, propagate: wgt. asempa no mu, they propagate the gospel.

terQw, inf. breadth.

n tere we, v.n. enlargement, extension dc.
n terew-mii, inf. enlargement dr. expansion, expanse. Gen. 1,6.
Titerew-s6, inf. the noose in a bird-trap; h^ntua a wgb6 kata
afiri diAn6 so.

at^-sein [asem a wgatc] a word heard, hearsay; cf. asesem.

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484 teti — atetede.

t et d, red. v. ta; 1. s. U; tela gyato, pr. 3234. — 2, entetA mn,

it has no effect, is of no use, avails nothing, does no good; matu no
fo matn mata, sc onnwia ade, na nea mekaebiara antetain' (= anje
no fwe), I Juive repeated! i/ admonished him not to steal: htd aU I
could say was of no avail. — 3. Ak. n'ani tetA = n'ani nka, he is
dissatisfied, annoyed, feels uncomfortable, uneasy.

teta, red. v. tn.

teta, adv. merely, only, nothing hut; in vain, for nothing; with
a negation in the verb: not even; wanfweme teta, he did not eren
(not so much as) look at me; syn. honu, Ak. bun, okwa, F. gjan,
gjennyan. — ateta-de, a vain thing, vanity; ete se adehnnu bl
at. biara kwa! syn. ahuhnde. — ateta-sem, o rain pursuit, ran-
ify, futility; syn. ahnhnsero, asenbnnn.

nteta, = ntetewA, chaff; abtiro ade a mframa huw no no.

t e t a r e, red. v. tare. [ofam.

ietsLve,pl. id. a flat cake; wgde nno a.8. srade na ekyew; cf.

T^te, pr. n. of a town in Akem. pr. 3235.

T^te, G.pr. n. of a second son. — Tete, G. pr. n. of a first son.

T^te (with the fall e), G\x9,rx pr.n.m.

Tete (with the narrow e), Guah pr. n. m.

t e t e, tetee, red. v. te, to sit, live, he.

tete, red. v. te, to hear.

tete, Ak. =^ tetew, red. v. te = tew, to rend.

t^te, [red. tetete, cpd. tete- heme, tetebere, tete-nt^rede' q.r.]

remote antiquity, ancient or old times, the olden time; adv. of old;
pr. 3236-39. ade no fi tete or tetete, this thing comes from ancient or
immemorial times, is very old; wope se ade nhina bo san besi ne
tete mu bio, they wish tMt the prices of every thing migid become
again as they were of old; ope se okosi ne tete-ananmu, Jie wishes fo
be restored to his former state.

tete, asthma; oyare bi a wuntumi nhome yiye, na wohome

a, wo bo bu.

tgte, red.v. te; n'ani t. (n8u) = tata, his eyes are full of wattr
(i.e. tears).

nt^t^a, a kind of small black ants that are very fond of sweet
things; syn. akwabAn (obs.). pr. 3243-46. — ntetea-dapgw, nest of
such ants. — ntetea-sa, nsiisa, the sweet palm-unne obtained in the
first 4 or 5 days after the tapping of the palm ; 5. nsftfafn.

tetc-ab6taii, rock of ages; ab. a etim ho ntwiw nko babiarada,

tetc-aso, a kind of precious bead; s. ahene.

tetc-asoee, a place by the side of the road, which was former-

ly resorted to by travellers as a resting-place, but has now grown
out of use. pr. 3240.

tete-beme, t.-bemmeme, in long by-gone times; long ago, long

since. — tete-bere, t.-so, ancient or old time, antiquity; s. tete.

atete-d^, any thing very old, a thing of the olden time, remain
of ancient times, antique, antiquity; ancient instiitdion or custom.

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tetnfo — tew. 485

tetef6, pi. of oteteui, people of ancient or by- gone times; old

peajde, tJie old generation.

tete-honaiii [Guan : totohdnam] ^je t., he has a dark-brown skin.

ate t e-k w a , pi, n-, an old or aged fdlow, pr. 3247., old-fashioned
man; a simple, plain, simple-minded, harmless fellow; a simple, silly,
foolisli fellow, simpleton. — ntetekwdirf, 1. in an old-fashioned,
simple manner: 6ye n^ade nt. — 2. in simplicity, artlessly: me de,
mitie m^asem a, mitieno nt., memp6 hkontomposem.

Tetekwaframua, ntetekorafrdm6a? a title of God, said to sig-

nify "he endures for ever". Beecham, Aahantee and the Gold Coast. p.l72,
o-teteni, |>i.5.tetefo, an aged man; onipayi, ony6 abofra, oye
ot. (a more honourable appellation than akwakora or akora).

tcte-ntercde [s.tete] in the most ancient time, in days of yore,

tetere, red. v. tere.

t^tere (F. teter, j)l' a-) a,, adv. broad; wide, spacious, exten-
sive, large; of. klikra, h&hrd, t^tra; ^pon t., a broad table; adaka t.,
a broad or wide box; asase t., a spacious country; n'ano t., he is

t e t er e t d, i. a. = tetere. — J2, n. breadth. — 3. a broad place

for holding council.

a t e t e-s e m [tete asgm J history, legend, tale referring to by-gone

times, accoutU of an event that took place in times past; cf. panyin-

tetete [= tete-tete] s. tete. [asera.

tet6tet6, an esculent Jierb; fan a wodi.

t e t e\v, red. v., s. tew.

tetew, red. v., s. tew; to rend, to tear much, in many places*

in pieces; wat. ne ntama. — to pluck offm^ny things. — to be torn,
cracked, pr. 3263.

ntetew, i%n(s) of fishes; awn, bristle or beard of grasses, ari-

sta; chaff; cf. anisnatetew.

ntetew, ntetewd, F. ntsew, chaff, husks of grain.

t^tewakoro, a kind of country cloth, s. ntama.

n tete we, v.n. 1. a rent. Mt. 9,16. — 2. torn things; ode nam
nt bi berec me, he brought me some lacerated pieces of meat.

n t e t e w-m u, inf. disruption, rent, separation, disunion, discord;

wode nt. ba, they cause dissension, bring about a separation.

iitetewoma: gtetew neho nt. he rids himself from disagreeable

recollections (?).

tew, V. [red. tetew] 1. to fix in the ground, to set, plant, trans-

plant {cf dun) : WQtewbankye, abe, kafe; (abe de, wonnuapenkoro
pe) ; wakotew dua wo ttirom\ or, ode dua akgtew tfirom*. — 2. to
lay or cover with stone or brick cH., to pave, = sew. — 3. to be fixed,
to abide, remain: minya sika a, entew =ennyina, entra ase, entim.
— 4. to lie in ambush, to lurk, couch, to lie in wait (for), to be on tlie
look-out, to waylay; tew dua, to lurk drc. behind a tree; pr. 605. wo-
tetew kwahkyeu, tJiey are lurking on tlie way-side; cf. buw5., sra^.

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486 few.
tew, V, [red. tetew] F. tsew, Ak. te, 1, ir, to Uar: dadewa no
atew m'atadem' tokuru, R.p. 237. — 3. to tear off, pluck off: t. aduan,
pr. 3212. - t. hama, to tear off a (piece of) string; pr. 2530, - to break
(hama, asa wa, a cord, thread); cf, 13. — t. akutu, to pluck off an orange;
tetew ahaban, pr. 3242. — wgtew abofra no ti boo dua, = wotew
abofra no fii ne na ho de ne ti pem diia ma owiii, they tore tJie child
from its mother and dashed its head against a tree. - Cf. 21. — 3.
to tear open, to open: metew m'ani, I open my eyes, cf. 7. &bue. —
4. tew .. mn, a) to rend asunder, break in two: t. akutu no mu, di-
vide the orange into twohalvcs; b) to breakthrough: mako matew mn,
/ have fougJU my way through {the enemy). Cf. 8. 11. — 5. inir. io
be torn, to break, rend, burst: me ntama atew or atetew, my dress is
torn; pr,3241. — ahene tew, the string of beads breaks; pr. 1319.^
hama, asawa no atew, the cord, thread is broken. — 6. to sever, be-
come separated, break loose, run off: akutu at., etoQ metiri so, an
orange Juts dropped from the tree, it fell on my head; ne guan atew,
his sheep has broken loose, pr. 1906. -^ 7. to open, perf. be open (cf.3):
n^ani ate w, his eyesore open, fig. he insensible, iiitelligent, prudent,
sagacious, cunning, shrewd (syn.wQhehy^ he is civilized. — 6. tetew
m u, intr. to part, separate, be disunited, fall out with one another;
o-ni won tt. mu. — i). to rend: of clouds; osu atew, the rain-cloiids
have cleared or passed away; hence: to become free from clouds or
fog, to clear, clear up, brighten, to become fair; ^erf. to be clear; ^^.
to be serene; wim or gsoro atew, th^ weather or sky has cleared up;
gdah mu atew, the apartment has become light; ehg atew, the place
has been lighted up. — 10. ho tewy lit. the outside is clear or dean,
free from spots or blemish: oguah yi ho tew, this sheep is without
bletnish (ne ho nye tan wggyare biaraho, gnyare yare biara); hence:
io be morally clean ov pure, to be blameless, holy; Gr.§ 171,3. to he
sacred: ade biara ho ntew wg n'ani so, nothing is considered sacred
by him. — ^r. te w h 6, to clean, purify, to make holy, to hallow, sanc-
tify. lJohnl,8. 3,3. Mt 6,9. — 11, m u tew : to become or be clear, plain,
distinct, perspicuoiis, intelligible: emu ntew wo yiyo, = emu siw wo
kakra, it is not quite clear to you; also to be clean; - tr. tew mu, to
make clean. — 12. u'anim tew, his countenance is serene, he has
a clean and fair countenance, a cheerful, pleasant face, Jte is kind,
friendly, affable, gentle, benevolent; - tr. tew .. anim, to assume a
cheerful, friendly air or mien : gbetew n'anim n6 me bekasae, he
came and spoke friendly with me. — Other phrases: 13. wgatew nh
ti guAhd, they have sold him; s. guaha. — 14. tew ahi, to be refrac-
tory, to disregard, set at naugJU, to disdain, slight or scorn to obey;
s. ahi. — 15. etew no home, it takes his rest from him i.e. troubles
him exceedingly; - ne home atew, his breath or rest has been torn
offov broken, he is out of breath, in the utmost perplexity; cf. ahome-
tew, no bo abu. — 16. tew hkanyah, to become shy, rampant, fran-
tic; s. nkanyah. — 17. n'ani so atew, he is restored from his inebria-
tion, or from a deadly sickness. - 18. ne nsa or ne nsabow atew n'ani
so, his intoxication is gone. — 19. gtew (asem no) ani yera (watew ani
ayera), he causes the right face i.e. appearance or representation of
the matter to be lost. — 20. tew anyinam, to flash, lighten, pr. 5J0.

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t^w — eti. 487

— :il, tew sekye, io weigh anchor, to wind up, start or purchase the
anchor. — 22, tew .. ayerem, to give free scope d;c, s. ayerem.

t^w, adv. immovably; atim t, it is immovably fixed in the


tow, pi, r\'y the seed of a climbing plant, pr.l476.y smaller and
flatter than a horse-chestnut, used in a certain play (reminding of
billiards), in which it is forcibly jerked by the fingers upon an ele-
vated piece of mat against one or more seeds of the same kind thrown
by others; si ntgw (mpatew, nkatetew, ntramatew), to play that
game (the victor is to strike his antagonists with the hand, or to
receive ground-nuts, cowries &c. from them),
ntew-si, inf. — te-were, pr. 3210.
n tew, soreness of the lips in the angles of the mouth,
an tew, F. ambuscade, ambush.
dnt^w, Akw. = bamma, abranna.
ii tcwa, a kind of small bird. pr. 608.
atewa, a kind of razor; s. oyiwau.
ntew-ho, inf. purifi>cationy sanctification; cf. ahotew.
ntew-mil, inf. the act oi making clean or clear dc.
iitew-ani, inf. enlightening; inspiration. Kurtz §6.
ntew-s6, inf. deduction, reduction, pi-. 2934.

t i, rep. ti ti, imit. adv. asawa no atew ti, the thread has broken
all at once, quite suddenly (as if rotten); asawa no tetow ti ti, tfie thread
often breaks •= as. no ye tiwtiw, opp. as. no ye den.

t i, V. [red. titi q. v.] 1. to scratch: nsoe ati me nsam'; ti ani, to

scratch open the leaves covering the spikes or ears of maize, pr. ^7^.

— 2. to pinch, nip: oti mebasa; cf. pen. — 3. to pick, cat by small

portions taken with the fingers: ti abete, fufu; pr. 1340. ti ketewa hi
ka fwe! — 4. t\m\ ti mu, to repeat; syn. si mu, safi, Gr.§ 107,20. -
5. ti asum\ to cleanse the place ivhere water is fetched for the house-
hold; wotiti mu dote ne nwura n^ nnua a apSrgw agum\ na woyi
mu aboa a atotgm\ na wghohoro emu abo akese no ho.

e-ti, tiri {pi. atiri) 1. the head of any animal body, pr. 3248-65.

— neti afuw, his head is covered with hair, pr. 669. ne ti afuw dweh,
his head has produced gray hair, i.e. he has gray hairs or a hoary
bead; - ghohoro ne tirim, he washes his head; osra notirim, he
anoints his head; cf. atifi, atiko; nitiri, abotiri. — Phrases: meti pae
mc, ben me, I have head-ache; me ti mpae me, (my head does not
acJie), nothing ails mc, I am quite well; wgka won ti pira, s. pira. —
2. head, top; uppermost, prominent or fore-part of an inanimate .ob-
ject, as of a cane, a nail, a ship. — 3. head, chief, leader of any or-
ganized body; cf. tiban, otitiriw. — 4. head, source, fountain, spring
or beginning, as of a stream or river; cf. nsu-aniwa; - fig. fountain-
head, primary so^irce, origin; Onyame ye nkwa ti, gbonsamyc asem-
mone ti. — 5. first principle. — 6*. principal sentence or matter,
theme, subject; principal article. — 7. head, heading, superscription,
title, rubric, column. — 8. chapter or subdivision of a book.

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488 Gil

From the primitive sense (1) in various peculiar phrases the

following new and figurative senses are derived: ^. the tohole per-
son, cf. ti-ade, the sum paid or fo he paid for a person (or thing); osi
ne ti nsa, he places (before the elders) the palm-wine for her person,
viz. to have her legally acknowledged to be his wife; wo tiri (n-
nya) nkwa! your head (shall obtain) life! i.e. may you live (long)!
a salutation to a new-born child, to a person having recovered from
a sickness or escaped from any danger, also after sneezing &c. —
the reply is: me ti da ase! — onhu nea ode neti fa bio, he docs
not know which way he shall turn; - ogye ne ti nkwa, he saves his
own self or another. — 10, the life of a person: opere ne ti, he de-
fends his own life; ogye neuua ti', = gpere (okoko apere) ne una
ti, he figJUs for his brother; wen tiri, pr. 769, — yen ti da obi nsam',
our life lies in another's hand i.e. depends upon some one else; ne ti
da (or wo) nkrante ano, amannehunuktirom\ e.s. dakye wobetwa ne
ti, wodeno beto amannehunukdrom\ he has incurred or deserves
the penalty of the sword, of hell; ne ti ato, his life is endangered, for-
feited, tJiere is mischief awaiting him, a woe hanging over him which
may bring him death. — 11. the head as the seat of intellect, thought,
deliberation and determination, also of feeling; the mind in the va-
rious meanings of the word ; that which perceives (and feels), thinks
and remanbers, reasons, wills and desires in man : — o^ ne ti ada,
his mind has been set at rest, his objections, doubts d^c. have been si-
lenced or removed. — b) o, onipayi, onni ti (kora)! ah, this man has
no understanding, no (good) sense (at all)! — c) owo ti-pA, lie has a
good head i.e. character, sentiments, dispositiofis, perh. also^oo^i'n-
tellectual or rational faculties; ti-bone, a bad head i.e. character dx.

— d) ne ti so no soa, his head is sufficient for him to carry what is

to be carried, i.e. he is a man of a firm character; ne ti ns6 no soa,
he is light-minded, takes important matters slightly; syn. n'anim ye
hare. — X2. tirim' espoc. is found in severfil jphrases with various
meanings, A. as the grammatical subject, (Gr.§2l7,2): a) net aka
no, = ne t. ye sakasaka, his head is deranged (in a bodily, physical
sense); - b) net. ka(no)=ne t. ye sakasaka or basabasa, ne t.nye,
ne t. nye yiye, n'ani so ka, he is deranged (in his mind or under-
standing, in his intellectual or rational factdties), he is crazed, crasy;

- c) ne t. rekisfi, his inmost feelings are stirred up, his bowds are
turned i.e. moved with compassion, his heart aches or bleeds; ofwee
ne ba no sa no, ama me t. akisa me = adah me; - d) net, kyere no
or twgtweno, net. ye no k^sekese or kesSrSnenene, he is anxious or
perplexed, at a loss, in anguish or perplexity ; - e) net. wo adwene,
he has good talents, is intelligent, sensible; - f) net. ye den, he is
cruel, hard, hard-hearted, inflexible; - g) net. nye or nye no yiye,
he has a bad conscience, is troubled in his mind; - ne t. bue, Jiis con-
science awakes. — B. tirim as the grammatical object or attribute
(Gr. § 218,1 6.): a) wahu or onira net., he knows his or her senti-
ments (e.g. the faithfulness of his wife); onh6 net., Jic is not sure of
his or her fidelity, is suspicious of him or Jier. — b) wafa ne t., he
lias taken into his head, i.e. he minds, retains, remembers, recollects;
of we ne t., he looks in or into his head i.e. tries to recollect; - esi ne
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ti — ntia. 489

tirim, it conies in his mind; - de .. to tirim, to take to heart, to mind;

woaka no sa akyere me a, mede mato me tirim. — c) obo ne t. (pow),
he ties (a knot) in his liead i.e. devises, plans; - gko or otu ne t.
agyina, he goes to council with (lit. in) his head i.e. devises, delibe-
rates, he examines himself,
ti, = nti.

nti, Ak. ti, tiri, F. (n)tsiri, at the end of a sentence ntia, As.tira,
a «. of relation, or postposition, indicating cause, expressing 1, the
prepp. for, from, out of, on account of, through, by; J2. at the end of an
adv. sent, (often together with efise, esiane (se) at the beginning of
such adv. sc7it) the conjj. because, as, since; cf. Gr. § 121,1. 240fl.6.
243a. 255,6a. 275,1.2. 279 j?m. 2.3. (B.p.l78: n^atutupe nti obiara
mpe n'asem; nsan nti oyare mpete; akwadwero nti ohia aba no so;
gbfire nti mintumi menye 2L^^wmdL\pr. 1427. 2670.) -.edennti(a), why?
wherefore? from what reason?

enti, = eno nti {s. bef.) hence, wlierefore, therefore, on that ac-
count; it stands at the beginning of a co-ordinate sent., 6r.§2522»;
the sense is the same when the preceding sent, is made subordinate
and nti put at the end of it (R. p. 178: maforo bepow tenten nti, ma-
b6re; woasu nti woani abere; - oye otntupefo, enti obiara mpe n'a-
sem ; mo de, moanyin sen me, enti mututu 'mirika sen me).

ntia, s. nti.
tia, V. [red. t'l&tifL] 1. to tread, step, to set the foot {mn^ in, into;
so, on)-,pr. 181.3031. — me nan ye me yaw, mitia a, entia, my foot
pains me, when I will step on it, I cannot. — 2. to kick, strike, thrust, hit
with the foot; hence 3. ^g. (in connection with another t;.) to be, do or
act against; gkasa tia me, he speaks against me, Gr. § 117,4d.243&.
— 4. otia me nan so, = oyi me apra, he secretly warns or cautions
me, gives me warning or notice. — 5. watla ber^w so, he has had too
much to drink, has become tipsy; cf. n'ani so ny6, n'ani so aye yiye,
wabow nsa &c. — 6. otia no tuo, he sets the cock or draws back the
trigger of his gun. — 7. tiatia so, to tread (much) ofi or upon, to tread
about, to trample, to tread down or under foot. — 8. otiatia m'anim,
he abuses, affronts or insults me, treats me with pride, contempt and
insult: eny^ wo yonko ne me na woatiatia m'anim sa! hena na, wu-
tiatia n'anira a, eye no de? cf. bu animtia. — 9. otutu tiatiain* ara
se orekokum no, he persists in his attempts to kiU Mm.

tia, V. [red. tiatia] 1. to add, to give or put to, to join or ufiite

one thing or sum to another; fa brftkti' yi kotia mmrCikti' no, put
this book to those other books; tia biribi ma ennu, fill up or make up
the sum (of money); cf. pua so. — 2. followed by a numeral: to fill
up to any given number: otia (won) anah he is the fourth; etia(no)
anum, it is the fifth; cf. to so. Gr. § 83,3.

tia, border, boundary, end of a town or way, s. kttrotfa, akwAn-

tia; cf. tea, teasee, tiafi; - wgde onipa no ako tia aba t£a, they have
taken the man to one end of the town and from there to atwthcr.
0-tia, dross, slag (scoriae) of iron, = dadebfn.
ntia, inf. addition, pr.3266.
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490 tia — tiboQk6s5.

tia, tiatia, |7Z. ntia, ntia-ntia, a. short, brief; concise^ com-

pendious; twa..tia, to cut short, shorten, curtail, abridge, dbbreciaie.

ti-ad6 flit, thing(s) given for the head] the price paid for a
person, espec. for a woman given in marriage, or for a portion of
land; purchase-money; obea bi t., dowry in the sense of a reward
paid for a wife, cf awarede; asase bi t., ti-bo.

atiae, v. n. (jpZ.n-) place of stepping: tread; treadle; step, spar,

round (of a ladder).

tiafi, necessary, privy; cf, duasee, tea &c.

o-tiafo, = nea otia tuo. pr.3388.

liiih'fuTiu, false steps? going astray, losing one^sway, stumbling,

falling into pUs d;c,

O'tiSif Oy.pl, &'^ partner, companion, associate; wiinni t. a, woka

asem a, emmam\

tiam', tiem*, = tia mu, pr. 181.

ntia-ntia^ v,n, [tia, v.] oye me fi nt., he often enters, repairs to
or comes into my house. Frov. 25^17,
ntia-ntia, pi., s. tia, a,

ntiantiam'^ Gy. shortly; in few words, in a shofi time. jn-. 1374.

ntia-S(5, v,n. a thing to tread upon, footstool; better: nan ase

tia tia, red. v,, s. tia. pr. 3268. [agua.

tiatia, red, v, tia.

tl-bdfi, 1, hind or shape of head (?). — 2, the head, principal

person or thing, head, chief or president of a company or society, iu
a play of boys &c. cf. otitiriw; oyi na odi won (mu) tiban (= won
mu titiriw); Kofi ye won mu t.; won t. ni! gsram ne sore ayanifo
mu t; one hbyiam' no mu tibah, he presides in (the sessions of) the
assembly, he is the chairman or president oftfie assembly; oklLra na
odi honam n^ bonhom mu t.

ti-bo, price, purchase-money, pr. 434. Cf, ti-ade.

ti-bo, head or top-stone, cope-stone. Mt. 21,42.

ti-bo a, 1, the cause or origin of any strong commotion of the

mind, conceived as a being existing by itself, as it were an animal
in the liead (t. yi, wosusuw se eye ade bi a eka neho se ouipa a.s.
aboa): onipa yi, owo t. pa (oye onipa a oka nsem pa na odi usea-
trene nk onim' d^), this man has a good disposition or character; ne
t. aka no, his distemper has come upon or seized him, ■•=■ ofi ase ke-
ka nsenhuhuw, n'adwenem^ aye no sakasaka, onni ne nsem (ommo
ne bra) senea kan no odii (oboo)no no bio; (se obodamfo bi dam ^
ase ba a, na wose ne t. aka no; na sc n'ani so tew no de a, enMe
wonka;) ne t. ny6 = ne t. kii asemmone kyere no da. — 2. the in-
ward voice, conscience: worekoye bone bi a, wot. ka kyere wo se:
nkgy6! na se wubu so kgye a, na wot. haw wo; net. awu or asee,
biribiara ny^ nh fer^, his conscience is dead or spoiled, i.e. lie Itas
lost all reverence or fear, Cf ahonim. [G. gbeSi, the inward voice,
bad or good.] »

tibouk6s6, a silly , foolish person, stupid fdloic, blo(Mead,

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atfda — tim. 491

dullard, dunce, numskull, sot; ouipa a woka asem biara kyere no a,

ogyaw ne tirim' de bedi wo de bo.

ati-da, inf. [neti ada] contentment, satisfaction. pr,3964,

ti-dan^ inf. [ti dan] change of mind.

tie, v.[re^.tietie] F. tse (ts'e = tsie) 1. to hear, hearken, listen;

cf. te, y§ aso, wen as6; mekotie fre maba, I am going to hear what
I have been called for. — 3. to obey; meka asem mekyer§ no a, on-
tie (= onni so), when I tell him any thing, he does not obey. — 3.
gye .. tie, lit. to receive and obey, i.e. to believe; cf. gye di. — 4.
hua or hiiam .. tie, lit. to smell and perceive, to perceive by the sense
of smell, to smell (tr.)

o-tief6, pi. a-, hearer. — tie tie, red. v. tie.

tlfaw, adv. to tia, v. [rcf?. t\fawtifaw] with heavy steps; care-

lessly, heedlessly, relentlessly, unmercifully; watia me t., he Ms trod-
den upon me in a relentless manner; wotiatia k^te no so tt., they
walk over the mat heedlessly,

atifi, i. the crown or top of the head; cf. mpampam; vertex^ ze-
nith, the point of the heavens directly overhead: o^ia gyina yen at.,
the sun is in our zenith. — J2. in general: top, summit: bepow at,
the summit of a mountain; odan at, (lie house-top. «— 3. the place
above; adv. d: prep, overhead, above; on, upon. 6r. § 122. — 4. tlie
upper part of a town or country; cf. amantifi, anafo. — 5. F. etsi-
fi, west, westward, windward, syn, ane = anafo ; cf. atoe. — atififo,
the people of the upper part of the town or country, highlanders.
ati-fra, inf. di at = di atipira.

tf-gy 6, inf. [gye ti] fighting for another; rescue; cf. atipere.
atlko, hind part of the head, occiput; - adv., prep, after; gfw§
n'at, he looks after him. — Phr. oye m'at yisa, he rubs the hinder
part of my head with guinea-pepper, i.e. he backbites me, slanders
me, or speaks evil of me, in my absence, pr. 3270.

tl-kora, sktdl.
atf-kiiru, achor, scaU or scald, scurf on the head, scald-head;
oyare a eye mmofra atifi te se asfi, na eno de esosSe; lat. favus, ti-
nea, porrigo scutidata.

t i-k wd w, a close shaved or close cropped head; ti a wode se-

kan ayi so nhwi nhina; - wabQ t., he or she has the head shaven
closely; wayi ne ti kora na pua nsi so; - gye wQn a won ntinom n6
won agyanom awuwu nko na wotumi bo t.

tim, V. [red. tintim] 1. to be or stick fast; to be (strongly) fixed;

to stand firm or unmovable; to be established: to be valid; wusidua
bi na eyepintihn a, wuse: atim, it does not shake, stands firm; abo-
taii no tim ho, the rock sits there immovably: n'ase atim, he has ob-
tained a solid foundation; ohene di asempa na ohye mm&ra a, etim\
when a king that rtdcs well makes a latv, it is valid; sa mmftra or
asem yi atim, this law or custom has taken root, has become firm or
valid, is observed mthout being disputed, — 2. cans, (with d e, f a &c.)
to fix; ode dua no atim ho, = ode dua no asi fam^ na aye dennen-
nenneh; fa ob<» no tim fam' ho. — 3. ne yam' Mim, his bowels have
become strong or firm again, being no more lax or loose: enera me

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492 tim — tio.

yam' boo, na ene de, maoom aduru no nti, emmo bio, na atim. —

4, tr. to hold fast: otiin no, he holds him against his wUl; otim no a-
mcnewa, he takes him by the throat. Mt. 18^28,

tim' = ti mu, to repeat; meka mitim*, I tell you again, I af-

firm it, I assure you.

tim, imit. adv,, expr. the heaviness of a thing in falling or

lying: forcibly , heavily; obo no betoo n'anim ara tim ; ogya no da
ho ara tim, the log of wood (fuel) lies there heavy; onara tim tim tim
(or tfm tim?), Jie treads or steps heavily.

tim tim, adv. imitative of the sound of pounding fufu : gwow

fufa t.t. ; cf. 8U su.

ntim-ano, v.n. [tim ano] seal impressed on a letter &c., oba-

buu hhoma no nt., ^c broke the seal of the letter.

tim6re [Eng.] thimble.

timi, Ak. s. tumi.

ti-m6b6 [ti mrngbg] tenderness oftJie head (opp. atirimgden)

i.e. mercy, compassion, pity, tenderness; pr.3272. cf. ahumgbo or
'mgborohunu, ayamhyehye; - gye t., he is merciful, cotnpassionate,
pitiful, tender-hearted.

ntim-ii, inf. [ti mu] repetition.

atimilm, long hair; siw at., s. siw. pr. 144$.
ntiu, ntini, i. root or roots of any plant; cf nliiii & F. ndwo.
— 2. vein, blood-vessel; ntini home or pere, the pulse beats; utini a
ehome, artery; mogya nt. or akgsaii nt., vein; ohon nt., nerve. —
3, sinew, /enc?o«(ntiuhftma?). — j\im-k^SQytendo AchilUs, the strong
tendon above the heel,

ntini-pere, inf. the stroke or beating of the ptdse, pulsation.

n tin tdfi: tg nt., to stagger.

tin tim, red. v. s. tim, to be impressed: n'dsipdtere asennade-

w4 t. ho (miamia hg), the marks of the nails on the soles of Jti^ sitoes
are impressed or to be seen there. — x?. (~ tim 4.) to hold fast, with
or without one's consent; to force. — 3. t. .. so, to keep close together;
wot. sika no so. — 4. t. nhoma (so), to print a book, to imprint. —

5. otintim n'anim (oye n'anim biribi-biribi se gde yi obi hd), he

makes a bold or fierce face to frighten somebody, he tries to carry out
his intentions in an arbitrary manner.

ntintim-man-s^m: di nt. = di asennfni.

n t i n t i m-a n i ni , inf. arbitrariness, violence, outrage.

n t i n t i m i i, printed letter (s) .

n t i n ti m-s 6, inf. perseverance, persista^ice.

o-tintin-kum, inf.: ot. na oretintimme akum me (sikam'), he

wishes to kill me without slwwing me a reason for it.

o-t i n t i n-n y e, inf. [otintim no gye ne nsam' (sika), he holds Mm

fast till he gets it from him] extortiofi, exaction.

o-tin tin-to, inf. stupidity CO-

tio, muntio! = tie 6, muutie o! attend! give ear! a call for si-
lence when a person desires to address a multitude.

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tipd. — titi. 493

ti-pa, s. eti lie,

tl p a, adv, suddenly, all of a sudden; osgree ara t. na oguah ko.

ti-p^e [eti a apa] 1. baldness of the head, h aid-he adedness* —
J2, a hald-hcad; onipa t., a bald-headed man. Of. hopae.
ati-pae, inf. [ti pae] hcad-acht; syn, atibeii. pr. 3273.
atipateram\ a kind of bird feeding on gfantobia.
ti-p6ii, eqtudity in size: w6nnyinAgyina ho tip^n s^, they sJiall
stand ottt, draw npy arrange themselves, according to size.
tipeufo, pi. id., a person or persons of equal size.
ati-pere, inf. a figJUing for, or defence of, one's own head or
life, self-defence; cfiigye\ anyamesem ye at., by keeping to the word
of God we save our own selves.

ati-pira, inf, di at., to knock the heads together ^ s. pira.

iitir6iitir(5: n'ani ye no nt. = n'ani ye no tot6tot6, he is in

atirenii [atiri enn, two heads'] akind of serpent, amphisbaena.

e-tiri, pi. a-, s. e-ti, nti. — o-tiri, pi. a-, a head of cowties, i.e.
fifty strings of cowries, cf. oban, gtram atiri.

atiri-dif, fever, espec. intermittent fever, ague; ^vo^, the aching

of the head, but cf. atiben, atipae, awgw. [G. atridf, atdridi'.]

tirim', tiri mn, s. eti i.^.i^.&tsirim, ntsirim, F. - pr, 3274f.

odan tirim, the gable-end of a house; wonya kyen gdan no anim n^
akyiri (de) a, na wgde rekg ne tirim nh ne tirim; ne tirim n^ tirim
hgnom, its two gable-ends; - also of geographical situation: Nngnkg
tirim' nohoa na Saraha wg, Salaga lies far behind where the Bonko-
country begins.

tirimM)0,t. noankyc, that (good) purpose did not last or hold

out long. — tirim-kam (one who has) a scar in the head, pr. 589.
tirira-kekaw, s. gkekaw, ^.

atirim-k^sekese, vexation, irritation, mortification, fret; eyee

no at. = any ^ no abodwo, it displeased or vexed him exceedingly.

atiri mo d6h [s. eti 1J2 A f] cruelty, inhumanity, barbarity; in-

human OT pitiless treatment; implacability; gbg me at., he is hard,
cruel dtc. against me.

o-tirimodenfo, pi. a-, a hard, oniel, inhuman person, barbarian.

atiri mod6n-ne, cruel and barbarous deeds, cruelties.
atirimoden-sdm, manners of a barbadian, inhumanity.
at irim-p 6w, a design, device, scheme, plan, plot.
atiri-mu-sdni [tirim' ascm] the (secret) thoughts; pr. 3277, wo-
di at., they are on terms of intimacy with each other.

1 1 ta, adv.: wabow (nsa) t., he is excessively drunk, dead drunk,

go that he cannot move; wabow nsa atra so, na ontnmi nka neho.
t i-ti, s. ti, tfwtiw.

titi, red. v., s. ti; 1. to scratch: agyinamoa titii me nsa (ho),

R. p, 238. — 2. to pick, to pull with the fingers, e.g. a closed hand,
on purpose to open it, pr, 468, to take out any pappy or pulpy sub-
stance with the fingers, — 3. to feel icith tJie fingers, to grope: oni

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494 ntiti — to.

furaefo de nensa titi (keka) fasu fwefwe okwan. — 4. to stroke or

bedaub tvUh the fingers: watiti hyirew, he has strokes of wJiUe day on
his body, — 5. ne ho titi no, he has a restless or constant irritating
or itching desire^ is eager or impatient for something,
nti ti, inf. the act or habit of scratching.
atiti-iti (n^) brafooti, centipede? pr. 3280.

tftfriw, a.yOdv.^n.y capital, principal, chief main, essential;

often in cpds., 8, osafohentitfriw, asent.; - chiefly, principally, espe-
cially; - netitiriw no, its principal thing i.e. especially.

o-titiviw,pL a-, chief, chieftain, headman, grandee, peer, lord,

prince; *ot." kjere dwuma-kese a nea ode sa di.

ntitiwa-utftiwa, a. pi. small, said of the ears; s. om6m0.

o-ti-trafo, i^La-, chaitman, president; cf tiban ^.

titri, a. tasteless, insipid, dtdl; eye t., it does not taste plain
(neither sweet nor sour, of fruits, soup &c.).

ati-twa, inf. cutting of heads, decapitation. Mf. atsikware.

tiw, v. to run after, follow, pursue, with good or indifferent

or hostile intentions; cf tfi, to persecute, sS, di akyiri. pr. 3338.

tfw tiw, a. not tough or tenacious; crisp, crimp, short; said

of fufti: wanhd fuffl no wow, wama aye tfw tiw, = cns6, wotew a,
eny4 htt^ eye t^n ten or pen pen; cf. ti ti.
ntiwa, a by-name of the fowl, s. akoko.
at i was 6 [eti a §wo ase] malice, maliciousness, malignity, ran-
cour, spite; metirim' nni at., I intend or mean no hann; 6y^ at. (se
obi ade res§e a, eye no f§; ade a neyonko ye a obenya ho biribi
na odi no mu aboro), he is malevolent, malicious, rejoices in the ca-
lamities of others, pr. 3575.

o-tiwasefo [nea ne ti wo fam'] a malicious, rancorous person.

ti-yare, a disease in the head; ema woti ye wo duruduru,

eporow wo tirim hon, wonam a, ema wo f wenem boh wo scnea nam-
prowe bi fam wo fwene ano.

to, V. [red. toto] 1. to fall, drop down, sink (cf. fwe, gu): aku-
tu (atew) atg fam\ an orange has fallen down; metgo nsurn', aka
kOma s§ miwui, I fell into the water and had nearly perished ; obo
no akoto nsu no ase, the stone has fallen into the water and sunk to
the bottom, pr. 3281. 3287. — o s u t g, rain falls, it rains. — 2. to set,
go down, sink, pass below the liorisson, of sun, moon and stars; uwia
atg, the sun has set. ^3. to fall, be killed, be slain, die, perish, in battle,
or by an accident, not by a natural death; cf. gtgfo; wo de, gye se
wotg! (Gr. § 248,5) I will not let you die a natural death! — 4.
to pass (suddenly and passively) into a weaker or lower state or cir-
cumstances: a) tg beraw, fo fdll into a swoon, to sink into a faint-
ing fit, to faint or swoon (away) from blows or tormentfi; b) to do-
bos a, id. from a sun-stroke fJon. 4,5^- c) to piti, F. tg bitsi, id.
from hunger and starvation, Mt. 15,32. Mk. 8,3. d) to riko or hkom,
to fall or sink into a slumber, to fall asleep, pr.996. — c^g mflm,
to groiv dumb, speecJdess. Mt. 22,12, — 5. o^ tg kg., ho, F. to be
inclined to or toivards; b) g t g k o (ne ponia) so, he sinks upon, leans.
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to. 495

rests or reposes on (his staff). — ^. o 1 6 k6 6 hk^ he reds, staggers

or tumbles to and fro. — 7. to ntintdn, to stagger. — 8. to gya,
to apakye, to hobble, limp; to be lame; cf. kontw6kontw6. — 9. to
ape, to cease from grotoing, remain stationary; s. ape. — 10. to siu^
to fall, sink, decrease, stibside, to be diminished, of a fluid in a ves-
sel; cf. sin; nno no (so) ato sin, the vessel of oil, or the lamp, is no
more full; cf. eso ahtiaii. — 11. to wuram', = guan ko wuram\ to
flee into the bush, to become a foot-pad, prowler, ranger, robber,
roving thief . pr. 150. — 1J2. to mn, torn': a) to sink in; perf. to
be lower; eho ato mii, there is a depression, deepening^ excavation,
hollow (of the ground, the surface of the human body &c.); n'ani ase
atom", he is hollotC'Cheeked; - b) to be inferior (in size, dress, rank,
knowledge &c.); watgmu, he Jias been found inferior (e.g. in an ex-
amination). ^ c) to fall in, come on: onwini atom', the cool ofifie
evening has come. — d) to fall in or among, i.e. to increase; also
cansatively : osomaa abofo too abofo mu kofree no, he sent messen-
gers upon messengers (in order) to call him; cf. to (abofo to abofo
ara). — e) to disappear, vanish behind the clouds, of sun, moon or
stars: owia atom', the sun Ms disappeared. — f) s, 13. — g) ne
koma, ne bo ato mu = ato ne yam\ — h) Ak. ot6^ no mii = oy§e
no atu; cf. to 6. — 13. to, to fall, happen, chance, come to pass; to
prove, turn out, become ; ato bea, it has fallen somewhere, i.e. has
come to the right point: ento bea, it is of no use or avail, it is aU
in vain. — ktlj me mu, it has fallen out to me, i.e. it chanced or
happened to me; eto-dabi-a oko ho fit happens) sometimes (that) he
goes there; - 5. etg-dabi-a. — 14. tq dwen, F. to gwon, to fall a prep
being seized as a slate; to be lost, to be at a loss; s. dwen. pr. 3288.
— 15. to p6mp6n mil, to come to the extreme, to the highest point or
pitch. — 16. to ..tirim, to fall or come into the mind, to occur; etog
me tirim, I cJianced to think of, I hit or lighted upon the idea. —
17. to ase, to arrive at the end, i.e. to finish or complete; waye a-
dwuma no ato ase, = waye (watase) ne nhina awio, he has perf ect-
ly completed the work; wantumi anye anto ase, = wantumi anvvie
ne nhina ye, he has not been able to bring it to the end. — jf8. to ..
so: a) to fall upon; b) biribi ato no so, ade atg no so, an epileptic
fit has befallen or seised him, he has lost consciousness and has be-
come stiff, numbed or torpid; onipa a gte hg na biribi aye no na wa,
kyenkyen a.s. gte se onipa a wawu na onnim ne ho biribiara bio,
na ewg l»g wg hg a, na n'ani so atew; he has had an apoplectic fit; -
c) ade atg no so, he is in a trance, in ecstacy. — 19. tg, to come to
rest, be set at rest, become quiet, calm, be appeased, be satisfied, espec.
perf., to lie or be quiet dtc. in the foil, phrases: me ho atg me, me ho
nhina tg me ho, me bo atg, me bo or me k5ma atg meyam\ me yam'
atg me, I feel quite well, am happy, comfortable, at ease, glad, joy-
fid, content, contented, satisfied dtc. cf. me ho ka me ho, me bo adwo,
m'ani ^ye or ka; ma wo bo ntg wo yam', set your lieart at rest, com-
pose your mind, rejoice, be joyful; cf, ta wobo. — 20. tg {or to) wo
bo ase, lay or put your breast down, i.e. be patient, have patience,
wait patiently; s. ebo. pr. 3299-3303. — 21. aduan no atg no ho =
aku no h6, the food has done him good, has made him thrive, — 22
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496 to — to.

otode oye, F. = otaye, oye da, he is wont to do, lie often does; cf. 13.
Ml 9,14. 17,15, 27^5, Mk. '2,18.9,22, 10,1.

to, a defective form of tlio v. to 13, to fall, happen, •= eto, used

in the suppositive sentence: to me nko a (= ka me nko a), if I aloM
were concerned, as for me; to me nko a, ankii meko = se me nku-
to na raefwo ho kwah se meye nea mepe a, ahka meko.


to, V, [red. toto] 1. to lay down the price for a thing, to Imy^
purchase ;pr. 226.290.353.3290-98.3331. nea abofra pe na gtotg, pr.2124.
— wato no kaw, he has paid him the money due to him in order to
give him satisfaction for adultery with his wife; cf. akato; - tq aye-
fare, to pay for adultery. — to asem di, to take bribes in a law-suit.

to, V. [red. toto] 1. to throtv, cast <&c., Ak. = tow, g. v. — 2.

to lay or put somewhere, gencr. cans, (preceded by d e or fa) and
followed by a locative complement: fa ade no to pon so, put this
on the table; fa to ho, put it there; mede ahene meto me kgn mu, I
put a string of beads round my neck; ode ne nkranteato (n*asen) =
wabo ne nkrante, Jie has girt on his sword. 1 Sam. 25,13, — 3, to (n)-
kesua, to lay an egg (eggs)^ also simply: to, to lay: akokg kwane,
gbeto, the hen cackles, she is going to lay.

Phrases with postpositions (Gr. § 118f.213f.): 4. de .. to .. ho,

to lay by the side of, i.e. to compare. pr. 136.1083.2877. Gr.%'20b Bern.
to ho mpe, s. mpg. — 5. to(..)mu: a) topiU, throw or lay in, to add:
fa tom\ fa torn ! na eye adesoa, pr. 1073. — b) to lay in the door,
lid &c. i.e. to close, shut: to pon mu, shut the door; pr. 2524. woatom'
dedaw, it is (or has been) shut already; m6ntot6 mfensere mu, shut
the windows; - c) to lock up, shut in or up: koto to nhuah no ma,
shut up the goats; wgato no dan mu, he has been locked up in the
room. — d) toto (atade) mu, to button up (a coat <tc.). — 6- gy e ..
to m u (to mu? s. tg 12h), to receive for shelter or protection, to give
a lodging, a heatiy reception, to welcome; s. gye 21. — 7. to a no,
to weigh together several small amounts or receipts of gold-dust.
Wodi mpewa wie ansa-na wgto sika ano (sika a wgakari dedaw na
wgresan akari bio). — 8. to .. ase : a) wgto dan no ase, they secure
the base, socle, or bottom of the walls of the house outside by cover-
ing them with clay; wgtare dan wie a, wotiti dgte a aka no dehgre
dan no ho hyia srasra so, na gdah no atim hg yiye. — b) gto adnm
ase, he pays (down) or deposits the money for a medicine which he
wishes to receive. — c) gto neho ase = gbSre neho ase, he hum-
bles himself. — d) to neglect, disregard, slight, treat slightly, throtc
aside: wato neho ase ma dgm abefa no mpaase, he has not been on
his guard so that the enemy could take him by surprise; grekg gsa,
nso wato (watoto) neno ase, he goes to war, but is not sufficiently
prepared; monntomoho ase, be always watchful; monnto mompae-
bg ase, do not neglect your prayers, do not give up praying. — e) to
ase, intr. to be the last: asem a eto ase a merebebisa wo ni, the find
question which I am going to ask you is this. — f)to.. bo ase, lit to
lay down the breast, i.e. to have patience, be patient, wait patiently;
pr. 3299-3303; s. ebo & tg 20. — 5. to .. so: a) to put or lay on, to
cast in, to give over and above, to add: matg nam pi, afei to me so!

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to^ 497

I have bought much meat (fish) of youy now give me some into the
bargain! cf, ntoso, nniiso, nkwaDj§. — h) inede meho or m'animeto no
8o, I cast mysdf upon, commit myself unto him, confide or trust in
him. — c) to so, foil, by a num., to he in number the. .tJi: gto so auan,
he is the fourth; eto so anum, it is the fifth; cf tia, Gr. § 83,3.

Phrases with other nouns (alphabetically arranged): 10. to,

to buUd, aban, a house of stone ; abantenten, a tower; fadan, a house
with mud walls; gfasu, a wall. pr.3S06. (cf si 21), — 11. to.. be,=
bu..be, pr. 3305. Cf — 12. to., bo, to lay a bet
or wager, s. obo. — 13. to .. bo ase, s. 8f. — 14. to da, to appoint or
fix a day: meto no da na wakop§ sika abetuame; syn. by§ da. —
15. to .. dade, Ak. to apply a deadly weapon to..; wgato no dade =
woakum no. — i^. to .. din, or simply to, to give a name, impose a
name upon, to name, call: matono (or ne) din B§koe, I have given
him the name B.; mato me ba Adow, J have called my child A.; cf
Gr.§205,4.5. pr. 691.774.789.3304. — 17. to dwom, to sing; s. dwom.

— 18. to hama: kgto dan no hama, line (mark out) the sides oftlie
Iwuse, stretch the cords to mark out the lines for building the Jiouse;
cf, kyen dan. — 19. de .. to hg, to leave to one^s pleasure or dispo-
sition, pr. 413. — 20. to .. kwan, to give free way, grant liberty, ac-
cord freedom to; mato no (nko) kwan, I have left him to himself, to
take his own way; I have permitted him to do as he pleases; - to sra-
ha, s. sraha. — 21. to .. mmati, to lay on one's shoulders, i.e. to em-
power, authorize, invest with (full) power; gpanyin soma wo na gto
wo mmati a, wudt asem a, womm6re. — 22. to ana, to give one's
genealogy, to show one^s parentage, to prove one's descent, pr. 358. —
J^3. toanansesem, to teU (prop, spin) a tale, cf. 11.28. pr. 359. — 24.
to or toto ani, to anyiwa (aprg) F., to look round about. Mk.3,5.34.9fi.
25. to .. pe, to asperse, slander, calumniate, vilify; s. pe; to ho mpe,
s. mp§ ; diff. tg ape. — 26.*to or toto .. apimafo, to neglect, disregard,
be careless about; s. apomafo. — 27. to nsa: a) to stretch out the
hand (usu. teg nsa): to wo nsa fa ade no ma me, stretch forth your
hand, take that and give it to me. — b) gto ne nsa, he waves his liand in
angnish or anger, Zeph. 2,15. - gto no nsa, he beckons him to come. —
c) to nsa didi, to eat from iJie same dish: me n^ no to nsa didi, ==
me n& no didi taforoboto biako mu; wgto nsa, = won banu didi
asanka koro mu. — 28. to asawa, to spin (woseh nkora hkitrn-
koruwa 2 na wgde dua tSatea hyem' na wgde asawa mfuturu kye-
kyere ho, na wgde wgn nsate& 2 kyim, na wgbobgw wg dua no ho).

— 29. tg s^mmliradd, to tekremaky^ne, to entice by sweet words d:c.

8. tekremakyene. — 30. to sebe or tafarakyg, to premise an expres-
sion of apology, pr. 1488.3311. — 31. to ntasu, Ak. = te? or fe nt.,
to throw out spittle, to spit. pr. 360*

to, v. 1. to meet (tcifh), fall in with; to come or light on (upon),

to find; metoouo gkwan mu; pr. 3307-10. — 2. to reach, arrive at,
come up with, overtake, catch. pr.3313. .3338. — ehia wato won, F.
poverty has overtaken them, Mf. Gr.p. 107. n'ano ato me, lit. his mouth
has readied me, i.e. he Juts spoken ill of me, s. ano. — 3. to come up to,
perf. to equal, match: wato no, now he equals him (in riches, know-
ledge &c.) — 4. tojoiiu attach one's self (to), pr. 1810.2810. — 5. to


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498 to^

expose one*s self (to the heat of a fire or of the sun, to the cold &c):
to gya, to warm one^s self at the fire; to awia, to warm one's self in
the sun; to awgw, to expose one's self to the cold; mekoto a wow, I
am going to seek coolness; - wato neho sere, he has exposed himsdf
to laughter, pr, 3312,

to, 17. [red, toto] 1, tr. to turn, twist, wrest, pervert, distort;-
to transgress, violate, break, infringe, act contrary to: a) to mmiira,
to transgress the law; pr.3317. - b) to nsu: wato nensu, he has vio-
lated his sworn covenant; watSto wonhonsu, tJiey have mutually broken
tJieir covenanted obligations. - c^ t6 ntam, to disregard or vidak
(the obligations of) an oath, pr. 3316, — 2, to entangle, involve, com-
plicate, confound, make intricate, embroil (c/l toa): a) ohenemmSra
ato wo = woato ohene mmiira (s, 1); wo mm&ra a wohyee me no
ato wo, you are yourself at variance with the law you gave me, have
transgressed your own law given to me; -b) o to me so, ^ involves
me in guilt, he falsely charges me (s. eso) = ode asem a menyee {or
enni me so) de ato me so, asem a ode to me so no, ebiara nni me so;

- c) gtoto m'ano, he falsely accuses me; - d) otSto won ntam*, he

sets them at variance with each other, throws them into contention;
woka yi, ntoto won ntam', as they agree or are good friends now,
do not disunite them! - ej w hi did asem no, = waddnn^ asem no
ani na ensi n'asem trenS so bio, na waye no basabasa, he has con-
founded the matter, has made it intricate. — 3. intr. to be entangled,
confused, confounded, disconcerted, discordant, disturbed, embroiled,
endangered. pr. 2. 3345. — Phrases: a) ne ti ato, his head is en-
tangled, his life is in danger ;=wqahye se w6iikumno mprempren,
he has been declared guilty of death. -b) n'ani ato, n'anyiwato, F.
his face is confounded', i.e. he is ashamed, bashful; Mk.8,38. - c)
kete no at 6 to, the mat has been woven an^iss, improperly, fauUUy;

- d) oka asem no a, n'ano toto = ontumi hka mmft entee, when

he represents the matter or relates the story, his motUh is confused (he
confounds himself) i.e. he cannot relate it aright; - e) q-rxh no n tam'
at oto (kanno woyeadamfo, nnans&-yi woaye sakasaka, wonkil bio),
they have been disunited, have fallen out with one another; Onyan-
kopgh n^ nnipa ntam' atOto, there is a disruption (a state of discord)
between God and men. — 4. to kwan, to miss or lose the way, to go
astray; cf f5m kwan, yera okw Ah. pr. 479. — 5. to injure, spoil,
destroy, kill: nsQ nto wo, abosom' nto wo, tlie fetish-water, the guar-
dian spirits shall kill thee. — 6. to .. aduru, to attack, injure, or kill
by poison, to poison, pr. 3315, — 7. to ,. ano, to curse, imprecate, exe-
crate one's self: wato n'ano, he has cursed (falsely accused, cf. 2) him-
self (se ebia ose: ka me nko a, anka mawu! / wish I were dead!), cf.
anoto. pr. 435 f — 8. t5to ano, s. 2 c.

to, V, [red. toto] to turn or change by heat: 1, to bake; to roasi,

to dress by applying to the fire without making use of any pot or
pan, cf. kisa, kyew ; to abodo, to bake bread; to ode, to roast yam;
toto brode, to roast plantains; toto nam, to roast meat, pr, 364.3407.

- 2. toto, to cause to fade, toither or shnvel by exposing to fire for

a few moments, = de ka o^ya, e.g. leaves that are to be used as a
medicine. — 3. to dua, to make a fire round about a tree in order to

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0t6 — toa. 499

make it die. pr. 3314. — 4. toto kiirii, to dresSy stupe or foment a hurt,
wound or sore with warm water or medicaments, pr, 365, 1433 f,

0-to, mashed yam (first boiled, then crushed by pressure or


e-t6 (Gr.§49,3c) hreech, buttocks, posteriors, anus, the hinder

part or parts of an animal body; cf. sisia, trumu; pr. 425.3318. - ne
th atim (gko babi na wakgtra ho kora na n^ani agye ho na ompe
se oba bio), he has settled permanently; mintii me to wo ha, / will
not leave this place; wabo w6 to ato ho (ato guam'), he has revealed
all thy secrets; n6 t5 ada or ayi adi (wo nneyee [bone] ada adi na
nnipa nhina ahu wq gudso, na enni wo iikokoamude biara a ennaa
adi e), his secrets have been revealed; gener. of bad conduct; = n'ani
awu, he has been put to shame; wgayi n6 16 akonnua na fwe nni no
tb bio a otra so. — 2. hind part, hind end, of any other object: pa-
n^ no U> kwdn (=pane no aniwa, aso, f^ene) siia, - terew, the eye
of the needle is smaU, - is wide; pr. 2590. - ehy^n t6, the stem, after
or hinder part of a ship; - of a vessel: the part with which it rests
on the ground: awowa to, the bottom of a brass basin, s. osramaii.
— 3. the end of immaterial things: twa .. to, to cut the hind part i.e.
to cut off, finish; vritwk as6m no t6, he lias brought the palaver to an
end; eto ntwae e, the end has not yet come; eda a eto rentwa da,
the day or time whose end will never come, i.e. eternity.

ato, in cpds. (atokoro, atosem) = atoro, lie.

ato, Ak. 1. soup-ladle, = k wankord [G. id.] — 2. spoon, = atere.

0-t o, a kind oi pap, prepared of corn; woyam abttrow de si ho

nnansa, na gb6n wie k, wode nsu ahono na woasoh so na wgde gu
osen mn asi gya so aka; cf. mmore, ohu.

0-t 6, inf. 1. contention, dissension, discord; broil; cf. ntoto. —

2. F. transgression; ebon nye Nyahkp. ne mmra no to biara.

toa, V. [red. to&toA] 1. to join, conjoin, bring or put together; t.

gaaha, s, this. — 2. to connect, file, string; to tie in weaving; to talk:
t. nsententen, to make or multiply words, talk a long string of words;
otoa nsenten a fw6 nnim', he talks a great deal, but there is nothing
in it; otoa nt^nt6h, ?ie spins a long yarn, talks at random, tells a
long story; nea oretoa ne nkramosom ho asem bi, he is talking about
Mohammedanism. — 3* to trace, track, follow the trace or track of,
pursue: aboa na wotoa no, e.s. woakotow aboa tuo na wafiwn n'a-
nanmu ho na oko, na wutiw no. Wotoa aboa a, nea wode pe no ne
okdfo k egugu n^ adae a odae n^ nan a ode tiatiae ; na s§ wonya
hu a, na wotiw so ara, kodu se wobeto no. — 4. to take up, renew,
resume something that had been interrupted; in/". toa, renewal. Kurtz
§ 1, — 5. to fall upon, be hard upon, press Jiard or close, to urge,
trouble, to attack (with abuse or blows), to assault, assail, challenge
(cf. tua, twa mpoa);i3r. 215. — 6. to apply to, assail with petitions,
urge, solicit; waguan atoa no, he has taken refuge with him; Fs. 2,13.
31,2; wo bone ahye wo so ara se den, na woreye apa abaw, na wode
kotoa no a, grempam wo da. — 7. to design beforehand in dice-play-
ing or in the game called ntewsi (not in iihomatow). — 8. Phr.
n'asem ntoa, he is inconsistent with himself, he is an unprincipled

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500 t5a — otoasefd.

man, unstaUe, unsteady, ficJde in his manners and doings; n^asem

antoa, his dealings had no consisiencyy from improper conduct he
cotdd not hold hvi position, — 9. ton 8o: a) caus. to join, put to, sctc
to, adjust together; ntama ye tia a, wode bi toa so; - b) to adjoin^
lie or be next to, be contiguous; B§gorofo toa Kamltnafo so; - c^ to
fit, agree, suit, be adjusted or adapted: eyi de, entoa so kora, tftis
composition (of two words) unll not do at all. - d) to continue, to
proceed in (a speech or narration): woka asem a, toa so na enko&i
preko ansu-na woagyae; mekoe no, na okasa^ na otoaa nekasa so
ara kosii. — 10, toatoa so, o^ /o 6e put or arranged in a row; -
b) to follow after one another in a row: m6nkQ no ntoatoa so, go one
after the other.

t5a, v. [red.ibeXoK, q.v.] L to involve, implicate, entangle; op§

se ode n^amanne betoa me kon, he wishes to involve me in his own
difficulty, — J2. to be entangled or caught, to entangle one*sself; aboa
no atoa, the animal has been caugJU in the snare; wndi sono akyia,
wontoa, pr,893, — 3. F. (twSa) to accuse, Mt, 12,10,27,12, Mh 15,3.

— 4, to cause disorder drc. ewo toa ne yarn', the honey causes pain
in his belly, pr. 445.

toa, pL n-, calabash, gourd and the plant producing it; pr. 599.

- small bottle, flask or flagon; box; small pot ox jar; pr. 3320-22, {¥.
twa, Mt 9,17.) - ntoa ahorow : nn6t64, n8i!it64, b^nt6a, odinka, aden-
kum, mfoa. - cf. toa, kora, kuruwa, tumpan.

toa', toAwa, F.toaba, pi, n-, a small calabash, bottle, flagon or

box; phial, cruet; cartouch, cartridge, cartridge-box; cf. asratoa.

ntoa, ntoa, l.pl. of toa, toa. — J2. a leatJier belt or girdle con-
taining cartridges in 6 or 12 small boxes or cells; s. gbarebyia; -
woakQ ntoa mu, they are ready for figUing: m6nka ntoa, make your-
self ready for fighting.

dt6a , i. a kind of tree, used for fences, with edible fruit. — 2.

a kind of bead, s. ahene.

o-to-aber6 [nea ne to abere, whose buttock is red"] s, aferaw.

ntoa-do, F. place where two things meet or join, comer; border

of a territory, region, district or country. Mt, 2,16,4,13.6^5.8^4^ Cf.

ntoadze (?) F. the uttermost part of, Mk.l3^. [ntoaso.

toa-fufu, vessel or box of white porcelain, pr. 3319.

toa-m 6 m, a gourd without opening, pr. 168,

nto-ana, = nea oto ana, pr.3323.

n t o-an o, inf. [to ano] the sum or amount of gold-dust consisting

of several smaller amounts now weighed together,
toapo, As. spitting-box.

nto-ase, inf. [to ase] 1. payment in advance for a medicine or

any other thing promised ; wode to ade a wode reb§ma wo a.8. wore-
beye ama wo no ase; a gift to the fetish; ade a woma na woyi mmu-
su ma wo anase wgye aduru ma wo a.s. wotu suman mft wo. — 2^
condition. Kurtz § 311,

o-t o a-s e f 6, pi. a-, a m(\n having a belt with cartridges about him ;
one who wears a belt with cartridges for anotlier; armour-bearer.

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iitoaso — atoduru. 501

n toa-sOj inf. [toa so] continuation; juncHon; F. ntoa-do, q, v.

toa-tiri, pZ.n-, the covering of a cartridge which is bitten off
before use; g-n^ me kekaw nt. (= q-uh me ko), he is in active hos-
iilitif wHh me, acts hostUelg against me.
toatoa, red. v., s, toa.

toa to a, red. v., 1. s. toa; hhama toatoa m^adesoa, climbers

Jiave entangled my load. — 2. to become or be bent or crooked: ne
Dan atoatoa, his legs are bent (togeUier). — 3. to prefer a cliarge
against; to accttse, F. Mt. 27,12. Mk. 15,3. - to calumniate, backbitCy
slander (more than twiri): okontomponi t. neyonko. — 4. to em-
broil, to sow or stir up dissension, disunion, discord d^c. among: oni-
pabone na otdatoa (ototo) man n6 man ntam\ — 5. t. mu, a) cans,
preceded by de or fa: ^ interlace, join together, insert dtc. - b) to
he joined together, inierwovcn, intimately united, closely connected;
syn. koakoa mu.
at6atoa, p^ n-, a beast- of prey, lynx(?); neho te se obitd, a
little bigger than a large country-dog, preys on sheep &c.

Iit5at5ae, impediments (nhama, nnnbi nh nuua a ewo kwah

mu wo soro n^ fam\ ua wonam mu a, esuso wo mu.

n t o a 1 5 a m', = nkoakoam\ joints, connected members.

ntoatoa-s6, inf. 1. continuation; a continued, uninterrupted

row. — 2. adv. repeatedly, in repeated succession, continually, con-
tinuedly; waye bone no nt.

g-to-atweree, s. sisi, bear.

tobfi tob^, adv. noisily, itnpctnously, vehemently; monnyeno
1. 1., do not treat him violently; asafo kura onipa a, wokasa nanso
wosiinsuan n*ase t.t.

to-be a, place or manner of laying. — to-bew, j?Zace to pat

or lay something; minhO ne t., I do not know where to put it.
atobSre, s. atgpSre.

a 1 b i a : waye at., he is in despair, looks about him in desperation.

o-tobo: akoa at, F. an unprofitable servant. Mk. 25,30.
ntoboa, F. tnbxUe (money). Mt 17,24 f Mk. 12,14,
tdburo, toburobo, a. hisipid, tasteless, not sufficiently salted

[or seasoned; cf \Vo.

ntoburd, a disease similar to small-pox (mpete) yet with smal-

[ler pustules,
e t o-d ab i-a, lit. it falls i.e. happens some day that, i.e. sometimes;
8. to 13. Gr. § 130,4. pr. 3282. — F. otg-dabi-a, oto-febi-a.

nto-de, roasted things, roasted yam. — nto-nam, roasted meat.

nto-dii, V. n. [ade a wgtg di] Uiings bougJU and eaten: bought
victuals; expenses espec. for food ; ounow (onni afuw) na odi nt., fie
has to Iniy his victuals; fa nt., t^. 1082.
todo^ a certain star.
ntodowd-s5^ Akw. nea womo amoase fa ho no, dwonku-86.
atodu-dubefi, adubeu, sufre, sulphur. D.As.
ato-duru^ atuduru [tow aduru] gunpowder, pr. 1252.3371,

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502 toe — atokwa.

toe, V. to take away from on the fire: toe adoao no, = ma so

fi gya so; nsu no ado dodo, na toe si fam'; to hdp down (a load),
cf, soe.

a toe, r. n. tJie place where the sun sinks or sels, west; s. to, v.

atge-fam', west side; to west, west-ward,

o-tofammen [mSh = ben, red\ a kind of herb.

a t o fo, 1. ade a biribi tra so; nave of a wheel, wherein the spokes
are inserted; socket, opening in which any thing is fitted; ade no a-
huan asi n'lit. so, the thing has snapped into its proper place, — 2.
cushion worn by negro-women in their dress behind, distinguishing
their dress from that of the males; they may carry children on it

o-tof6, pi. a-, buyer, = gdetofS. [G. atofo, atofo.]

o-t o f 6, pi. a-, one who has fallen in battle or has been killed by an
accident, pr. 957.3324. — atofo-kwan, asaraankwan, the milky way.

0-tofo-sesa, s, osaman. — (tofo, Mf. apparition.)

to-fge [to a afo]. pr.3137' — tdfor, F. gluUon. Mt. 11,19.

ato-^ye, -gyei, F. custom Jwuse, collector's office. ML 2,14 f.

o-togyefo, pi. atogyigyefo, publican, toU- or t<ix-gath€rer.

dtoha, a kind octree,

ntohoro, food without meat or fish.

toko, adv. (to fow or sra) richly, plentifully; wgde nku afow
n'anim t. = tAka.

at ok 6, a kind oi m'dlet, guinea-corn. [G. ^koko.] — atoko-sa,

a kind of beer made of guinea-corn; nsa a wgde atoko aye,
antoko-asafo, a sort of European doth, s, ntama.

o-tokoataka, a kind of creeper or climber, pr. 3423.

ntokod-ntokod, a. variegated, spotted, dotted; ansam ho ye

nt.; ntama a biribi sisim' bebre (nneema worn' bebre) ye nt; cf.
nwranwran (more used of flowers).

ntokontrama [with pure a; atotohg ^mako-mako sg ntrama]

speckled; gpgnkg nt., a gray and white horse.

ntokondn, s. ntgkwanan.

ato-koro, = atoro koro, a single lie. pr.3325.

ntoko-ta, F. nsokota, sandals; = mpabod.

tok6 t6k6, a kind of bead; s. ahene. [Guan, =: biribi biribi.]
1 6 ku ru, ^?. n-, a hole; a hollow, excavation, cavity; pr. 2590
tew t., to tear a Jwle, as in a dress; bg t., to tnoA^e a hole, as in a
board or in the ground; cf. tu, am5a, nkoron.
tokuwa, i?^ n- [dim.] a small hole.

ato-kwa, pi. n- [akoa a wgatg no] a bought slave.

atokwa, n-t ok wdw, figlUing, scuffle, affray; ko nt., to fight,

scuffle, cuff, be at fisticuffs; wgde kutruku ana twere a.s. sotgre ko
nt., they fight with the fist (clinched in two different ways) or with
tJie flat of the hand; pr. 1189. wakgka nt., he lias caused or brought
about a scuffle; di nt., pr.297. cf. mmatgkwa.
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tokwabo — ntdh, 503

tokwa-bo, tokw&-b6ba, a kind of stone found in Akem, hard

and heavy as quartz, pr, 332G, a burdensome stone, Zech. 12,3. a stone
to he lifted up by young men to show and exercise their strength;
obo a hktirofo ma so de kyere won ahooden.
tokwa-mirika, pr. 3327.
ntokwa-ndn: wasi nt., he has set his feet in a fighting altitude.
tokwa-tam, a cloth tied round the thiglis and regio pubis by
persons ready to fight.

1 m', = to mu, to mu ; s. to 12., to 5.6.

ntouia, Ak. = ntama.
1 6 in ma, n-, 1. F. Akr. ntama a wgde bo asen, sash, a strip
of cloth worn about the waist, tied over the clothes. — 2. Ak. ahene
hunu a mma de to won asen, ^asenmuh^u^, a string of beads worn
about the waist.

at m-d ^-e [ade a wode to (nkwan) mu] greens, seasoning, spice,

fish or other meat put in the soup. pr. 106.

n tomm^ [ntoh abe] a^Za«^(kind of palm) with ensiform leaves,

the living stems of which may serve as posts in fences; ne nkonmu se
obeten nti na ema wofre no sa; cf. nton, opete-nton.
nt^mme-ntomme, a. = hwrahwran.
tome re [Eng.] tumbler; cf. gyirase.
O'tbmKjpl. a-, [tono] smilh, blacksmith; pr. 234.3328 f. cf. odwumfo.
0-tomfo, tonfo, pi. a-, [ton] seller ; syn. gdetgnfo.

ntommo, nt^mg, sweet potato. Batatas edulis, Convolvulus ba-

tatas. [G. atomo.]

o-tom-m6 [tono gbo] anv'd. — tomo, F. alone, only; cf. fikoto.

.ntomporie, Ak. — ^ ntampeh^md, rope; hama a wgafirano ko-

kilro, adwumayefo de hi to won asohmu ye adwuma; nsuanofo na
etil de to wgn asenmu. pr. 744.

atomprdda, the viscous juice of newly cut plantains; brgdc

a wokotwa fi dua so mprempren de betg hg na ano nsu ansgh na
wokodi a, na akita wo.

n to-mii, inf.^ addition, augmentation, pr. 2934. cf. ntoso.

ton, V. [red. tontgh] to sell; pr. 3330-32. — tgh .. di, to sell and
use up the money received ; gdefo no kgtgn asem no ma nea odi a-
sem no.

t o II [full o] adv. imitative of the loud and harsh sound of a

bell, gong or dawuru [G, nono].

t6iiii (tgnn, tonn) adv. far, to a great distance, to a remote part

of; gkg Abrokyiri t., gkgfa akura t.
o-t6n, inf. the act of selling, sale; slavery.

e-ton, amber, beads of amber; wgfre no akgmfoh6n6, akgmfo na

eta hye ntia; s. ahene & bankam.

nt6ii, & plant (kind of palm) with long ensiform leaves used for
plaiting mats; ahaban bi a wgde nwene kete; pr.3333. cf, opete-
ntgn or ntgmme, twitgn.

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5()4 ntofi — atontorebda.

n ton, Ak. iit6ro, = abu8fiabAn, family, consanguinity, kindred;

wufi nt. ben mu? w6ntih de d^h? meye DwAmokninl &c.

nton, = ntgnka: n'ani atra nent., he is stq^ercUious, arrogant,


n 1 n an 6d, the eaves of a roof,

tonasii-m', otonsu [nea otomfo tono ho] forge, smithy, smith-
erg, workshop of a smith.

nt6rika, (eye-)hrows; cf Dtoh, uyahkonton.

ntonko, the largest kind o^ pepper, with red or dark-green or

whitish pods, s. mako. ^^r, 3334.

T5uko, pr. n. a town on the left bank of the Volta; efi Anam
ko ho beye dakoro kwan; wufi Paremft a, na woko ho a.n. woada
Soha^ (E9e).

1 n k gy e i, pi. n-, hook, large fish-^wok. Am. 4,2. cf. akotokoro.

touko-ka, a finger-ring with a knob resembling a mitre; c/l
ka, mp§tea.

tono, v. [inf. a-,] to forge, to heat or work iron or sted, to do

smith's tcork, - used without an obj., cf. bg 60 S9; - s. tontono.

0-ton-su, s. tonasu.
ton tan, v. to twist, inteHwist, entwine, intertwine; to entangle;
f4 tontan md = f a toatSa mu, make a noose, loop, loose knot!

nton tan, Ak.-ne, net, net-work, cf gtan; - spider's web, cob-

web, s. h^hda.

ntontan-tam, crape, gauze.

nt5n t6 (cf ton, to sell, to, to buy): di nt, to buy tilings on joint
account and share the money received from the sales; = si kosow.

nton 1 6 [full o] a kind o^ yam (bayere); s. gd^.

n t5n 1 [full o] several strings united, with beads strung on each^
used to decide any matter by drawing the beads, which may come
or not; b g or t w e .. so nt., to draw lots (cast lots or raffle) for (or
upon)\ asase yi nt. abg me, the lot of this land fell on me; wgbg no
nt. (cf. wgbg no aka), they recur to the drawing of lots in order to
decide his case. F. twe(..h6) tonto, Mt 27,35. Mk. 15,24.

ntonto-bo, the act of drawing lots or deciding by lot ; wgde asem

bi ato nipa so na wohh6 mu nokware, na nea gwg ntonto no hi wg-
ma gkgfa, na wgkankye wie a, gtwe ahene a.s. ntrama a ewg hama
no 80 no. So onipa no, wgto no so a, na ayi atg fam* ; se n&o ewom*
ampa a, wgtwe a, emmd. Ade koro no ara na wgfre no ahamatwi;
wgye wg Fante.

nton 1 5m, mosquito, pr.3335. — nt6nt6n-tam, mosqtiUo-net,

tontono, red. v. 1. s. tono. — 3. de..t., to work or ad upon
..with .., to cause or give trouble by, to inflict or cast upon: made asem
makgtontono no, I have brought a palaver upon him which will give
him much to do. — 3. F. to laud, magnify; to adore*

ntontiino, inf. F. adoration.

aton tore-b5a, atontroboa, pL n-, gnat, small fly. Mt 23,24.

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otontiiroTii — t6rod5. 505

o-tonttironi, pi. a--fo, reveUer, rioter, carousery bacchanalian;

onipa a wadidi amfi na n*aiii agye kjen se ete, odi nkwaseasem,
oteeteem' (ye ye, me, twea), oye sakasaka, odi atuntuuansem.
Ant6pkntirij a kind of head; s. aheoe.

atop6 (obsol.) hoe, mattock; cf, asow; spade (?) pr. 1081,

0-tope, a large snail, cf, nwaw, owdnfni. pr, 1080,3437 f

a top e r6, a play in which a victim (a person destined for death)

is cruelly hilled; pr,S336; de.. goru at. (As. d^a at.), to worry, tor-
nteni, torture one to death; maye bone, na mommfdme nnnoru at.,
/ have done evil, but do not torment me to death; neawodenoregoru
at. no, wohyeno anibere, e.s. wobobg no nnade ansa-na woakum no.

0-toperefo, pi, a-, pr, 8337.

tOpo' [Eng.] tub,

tore, v. \red. totgre] to fall (cf, to); 1. to fall or turn or be de-

cided against; asem no atoreno (=as. no atg no so, abo no) or sim-
ply dtore no, the matter has fallen or turned out against him, he has
been found guilty; as^m yi, ^t^re wo, you are guilty, — ^. red, to
fall on or upon, to attack, assault, assail, begin an attack upon; oto-
tore no, he attempts to catch him, assaults him. — 3. to be reduced
in number, become less; woatore, they have become few, — 4. ase
tore, to die out or away, become extinct, be extinguished: won (oman,
abusiia, mmoadoma, afieboa) ase at. = won ase agn; aduan (ode,
obrode n.a.) ase at.

n t o re-m u, inf, di nt. = to mn, to sink in, fall down, e.g. a cov-
er or lid in a pot of too wide an aperture.

at6re-mu-ad6, F, = amanne, a custom of long standing, ha-

hitual practice, usage; ade a wofi t^tetete 4y6 abedii 'ne ; Guahfo

at. ue se wodi agyade, na Atwifo de ne wgfade; Eniresi amradofo

at. ne se, oman biara a wodi so no, wogye won tow.

antor-epira [wanto a wapira] the name of a kind of native song.

ntorewa, s. ntgrowa. — torfo, F. = otftrofo. Mt, 7, 15. 24,11.

tdro, t6rot6r6, a, 1, smooth, glib, slippery, lubricous; ok wan
yi 80 y§ tro, this path is slippery; gkwan trotro ni. — J2. false, spu-
rious, not genuine; cf. bisetr6, opp, bisepd. — toro, v. s. tor6w.

at6rp, gt., a lie, untruth, falsehood; di at.. As. di toro, to tell

lies, to lie; pr. 450. 457, cf. boa; gma gtoro wie toro, he makes Vie Ue
cease to be a lie; y^mma gt. hwie gt. ana? shall we make the lie told
of us a truth?

o-t6ro, a kind of plant, used to destroy lice; staves-acre; wgde

guare won tirim na dwiw kg.

ntorg, Ak. a person of the same ancient family, worshipping

the same fetish; wo nh bi guare gboson-koro a, na moye nt.; me
ntgrg nl! gye ment.; cf, ntgn.

torob^n^to, /)Z. n-, [Dan., Dutch: trompet] trumpet.

torodo, t6rododo, 1, a, straight, erect, upright, aright, right;

slender, slim; plain, smooth; dua no si hg t. (ehkyed na eh5 nni

apgwapgw, na enni ab3 pi gye ne soro nko); e or o torodo, a plain,

decided e or o; mo de a moreka yi ye nokware torodododo, what

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506 torodg — ntotoananmu.

f/ou say here is quite true, the plain truth, — 2, adv. predsdy, jusl,
exactly, perfectly.

torodo, tgrodgdo, tdrodododo, ait?t?. imitative of the sonnd

of a fluid being poured into a vesBel or upon the ground ; pr. 327.
usu gu t6rododo; nsu gu mu t6rododo; nsu gu fam* taradada; ode
nsu gu ahinam^ tworododo.

t6r6fet6rofe, a. smooth, glib; cf. toro; nano ye t., he has a

smooth, glib, flippant, voluble tongue.
o-t6r6fo, pi. a-, liar, pr. 2596.3338-41.
ntorofo-s^m, = atosem, lies, falsehood; s. atoro.
t6r6u\y a kind of antelope; nehonwranwran se owaosab.
to roin, ... s. terem, trom, troma, tromtrom, tfirom'.
atoropd, a kind of tomato, a fruit similar to a pomegranate;
s. ntorowa. pr. 3136.Ex.28^3. — at6rop5d?

torotor6,a. s. t5ro. *

toroWy V. to become smooth, to wear out, be worn out or off by

friction or rubbing, mfewA no bo nkylmi at.; n'aso atorow, = na-
som'aye trotro, asem biara nsiaw mu, he turns a deaf ear to all that
is told him.

n torowd, As. nnuad^wa, an edible fruit, espec. eaten in soup,

tomato, love-apple, Lycopersicum (or Solanum) escidentum; diff. kinds:
nnuafw^, nt.-kyen, nt.-pd, nt.-apo, s. atoropo.

to-sika, F. tow-sika, tribute money. Mi. 22,19.

at6-s^in [atoro asem] falsehood, falsity, unirfUh, lie.
ntb'Sd, inf. [ade a wode to so] addition, what one gets into the
bargain when buying a thing; Ak. finuso, cf. nsim', nkwanye.

o-toso-fd, inf. the act of embezzling (taking for one's self) whni
is given into the bargain, instead of bringing it to him or her who
sent to the market.

t5te, pi. n-, foot of a fourfooted beast, paw, daw, hoof.

ato te-b6a, pi. n-, any quadruped that lives on the ground, not
on trees; opp. soroboa; adowa ne nt bene, adowa na ne tote siia papa,
ato-tein, n-, inf. [tow ntem].
toto, red.v., s. to, to fall dtc; to, to buy. — F.=8i^re,Mt 18,29.
to to, red. v., s. to 1-31. espec. 5c.d.8c.d. (gtoto neho ase: 1. =
gbere neho ase; 2. gnfwe neho so yiye.) - F. to cast a hook, Mt 17,27-
- toto aba, F. to shoot out branches. - toto anyiwa, F. to look round
about. ML 9,8. - toto ntafi, F. to spit. Mt. 26,67.

t6t5, red. v., s. to 1-3. to be entangled, complicated dtc. pr. 2.

t. aiiaiimu, F. to offend, Mt5,29.13,21.18fi.24yl0.
t5tO, child, lang. = b6sdw.
0-totg, nea gtoto, one who often buys. pr. 3342.
ntoto, inf. frequent buying, inclination to buy. pr. 392.3548.
ntoto, inf. [s.to] discord, contention, embroUment; perplexity;
o-totoa ho bono, s. mmoffima. [confusion.

nt5t5-ananm, inf. F. offence, things that offend. Mt 13,41.18/'

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nfcotoanlm' — tow. 507

ntofco-anim^ v.n. what is put before anotber tiling; a casing

of timberwork; dua a wgasen de fomfam apon d^ mfensere anim
ma eye fe, = infomfamb6.

ntoto-ano, inf. false accusation, calumny, slander.

atoto-b§, pr. 3347.

ntotobfsiwa, a. small and numerous; yen mmofrant. de,yen-

nim, we little children, many as we are, do not know tliat,

0-t o t o b on e f 6, i^^ a-, a profligate, flagitious, abandoned, vicious,

icicked, rex)robate person, ruffian; onipa a ope se ode neho fra bone

g-totobr5f6, pi. a-, artless fellow; brutish person, pr. 3296.

ntotoe, V. n. F. supplications; s. toto = Ber§.
atot5e, = ase akeseakese. [akisiwa.

n totoflfiwa, mraofra nketehkete, boys of about 12 years, cf.

Ti to to-k6n, inf.: 6ye nt., ode nt. nam (nantew), = ototo ne kon,
a to t o-n s a, one who has bought palm-wine. pr. 3.343. [^' ^5"'
t o 1 re, red. v. tore, to assail, assault, attack, try to catch or kill.
o-totore, a kind of tree; dua k§se, woso.
n 1 6 to re, dry spittle about the mouth of sleeping children ; mmo-
fra da na ntasu sen won ano na §kyenkyen ho a, wofre no nt.

totorot6, a. large, tall, big, stout: hye onipa t. = gso, oye

kese, oye oberan.

t6torot0, <*. safe and sound; unhurt, uninjured, unimpaired;

unimpeached: wako sa de neho aba t., e.s. korab6 bi ank^no se
oy are bi amm6 no, na ode neho dwddwo aba ofie; wafi asem nom'
t., e.s. obi de asem atonoso a.s. amanne bi abetg no so, na rapa-
nyimfo ahyia adi asem no, na fo biara ammd ne fam'.

totof S, adv. lengthways, lengthwise, at full length; obea ho t.,

he lies there (idly stretched out) at fuU length.

toto to to: n'ani ye no t. = eye no aniani, he is sad, grieved,

in perplexity, at a loss (so that his eyes fall now here, now there).

o-totowd, atotowa, a kind of tree; dua kese, wodi n^aba, wode

n'ahaban ye fan.

to toy an. As. bog, morass; s. dontori, dehkyedenkye.

1 6 1 6 r o-b o-n s u (toturob., R, tetrcb.), he who causes rain to fall
cojnously and makes water (rivers) overflow; a by-name of Nyanko-
pgn ; ototg toto a, na nsu abo, when the rain falls abundantly, the
rivers <S;c. overflow.

t o 1 w, red. v. to w ; pr. 3346.

tow, v.[red. totow] 1. to fling, cast, send or throw from the hand,
to whirl, hurl, pr. 3348; otow no bo, he flings a stone at him, tow kyene,
tow gu, to cast somewhere, F. Mt 13,42. to cast away. pr. 3346. 3350 f
3358. - tow kyene or pete, to throw or cast to; gtow poma no kyene^
me, he threw me the stick ; tow nnua no pet6 yen ha, fling the pieces
of wood to us liere! tow at^bo, to throw with a sling, to sling a stone:
otow atHbo no boo no, 1 Sam. 17,49. — 2. to fling or throw one^s self
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608 etow — tra.

in a violent or hasty manner, to rush, dash, spring, bound; ohuruw

fii abyemmam' tow pom', E, p. 240. wotow hyec or guu yen so, theif
fell upon us and seized us; mmoadoma a etua awerew nonhinatow.
— 3. to propdy shoot, let fly (bemma, agyan, an arrow); pr. 36S, —
i. to shoot, fire, discharge (otuo, a gun); ehena na gtowe? who did
shoot? to shoot, to kill by shooting: otow'no tuo, he shot Jiim;pr. 3349.
cf, bo tuo; - also of the gun : to be fired: otuo atow wuram', a gun
has been fired in the bush. pr. 1479. — 5. to give, fcich or deal a Idow,
to beat or strike (kutruku, sOtgre, twerc, with the fist, the palm of the
hand, the knuckles of the fingers); tow anankoti, to kick, wince, fling
out, to jerk (of horses). — 6. to brandish, flourish, wave, fan (mana,
ponkodiili, sohori ntakard). — 7. tow osikyi, fo cast or throw a die
or dice, to play with dies; t. ntrdma, to play with cowries (wgfa iitra-
ma nd wgde g& f&m^ nd wgkari n^a ^butuw nh nea eddn); t. nhoma,
to play at cards; t. dam, t. ware, to play at draughts ;pr. 3354,U 6do,
to play with a kind of baU made of palm-leaves. — 8. tow (atade) so,
to iron, smooth (a dress). — 9. tow pon, to spread the table, lay the
cloth, give a banquet or entertainment. — 10. tow dua, to fell a tree,
pr. 361.3352. —11. Phr. wantow n^anom toa ma, he did not shoot one
cartridge full from his month, i.e. he answered or replied nothing at
aU. — U^. wgtow gye so, they shout to each other for joy.

e-tow, pi. n-, atgw-atgw, 1. lump, bump, globe, round mass, ball,
as of wet clay for pis^-building; dumpling, of foofoo (fufQ-tgw; ahen-
tgw, a small one, nkwaseatgw, a large one); clod, dot, coagulation;
'mogya atgw-atgw, Lk. 22,44. pr.3266. — 2, duster, swarm, crowd:
nnipano abg tgw, the people are crowded together; wgkgkyeree tgw,
they huddled together.

e-to w, 1. tribute, toll, tax, poll-tax; gye or gyigye t, to receive,

take, gather or collect taxes; yi t, to raise or levy taxes; to pay tuxes;
ghene de kaw a, woyi t. ma no, wgkye no asafo ma ; Kwadade yii
t. gbarima mman 12, gbea mman 8 (1854 May). — 2. in cpds: asa-
fo-t6w, a single company; kiirot6w, amantow, a single township or

o-towa, a kind of tree; sare so dua kese.

ato-wo-so, = adetgwoBo, ahanum\

to wow, a. tasteless, insipid, unsavoury, from want of salt,
pepper &c. nkwah no ye nkwah t. e.s. nkyene n^ mako n.a. nnim'.

toy din , anxiety, anxiousness, dejection, apprehension, alarm,

despondency; bg t., to be cast down, cdarmed, depressed, dejected;
gde owu t. (= anikrakra) guane, he fled in a mortal fright.

toydm'b6, inf. the state of being dejected, dejection dtc.

tra, tdra, v. [red. tratra] to go or move ovet* any object or 6c-

yond any limit in doing any thing, pr. 5555. to pass, go over, pr.l033.
to pass by, forego, relinquish, pr. 366. In connection with another r.
it serves to express the prepp. over, beyond, s. Gr. § 109,31.223,4.
pr.3356. ohuruw traa gbo, amda, he leaped over a stone, a jnt; n'ani
atra nentgn, he is supercilious, haughty, overbearing; tra so, fo be
excessive; gye hu tra so, he is excessively timid; aye ma atra so (aboro
so, abu so), it is overfull.

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trft — ntrdma, 509

tr a, tina, tSna, v. [red. tratra] F. ts^na, 1, to sit down, to place

one^s self on a seat; it expresses the action, whilst the state of sit-
ting, the posture of being on a seat, is expressed by te, Gr.§ 102,3.
tra ase! m6ntra ase (§)! sit dotcn! take a seat or seats, he seated! tra
fam* ! sit down on the ground! watra abrogua so, he has placed him-
self on a chair ; k o t r a or b e t r a, to </o or cotne to sit down, to
take up habitation; de .. tra, cans, to seat, place on a seat, cause to
sit down or to occupy a post, site, situation ; to station, locate, setUe,
establish; - otu kgtraa Akyem, he emigrated to Akem; otuu won ko-
traa Babel, he carried them away to Bahd (and settled them there) ^
— 2. to sit, dwell, live at a place (in ih^pret and fut tenses, when the
contin. t e cannot be used): otraa Aburi, he lived at Ab, (bnt is no more
there); ope se obetra Ab. da, he wishes that he may be able to live at
Ab, always; cf ote Ab., he lives ai Ab, at present; ne ycre wui no, na ote
Ab., when his wife died, he lived ai Ab. — 3. to stay, retnam, continue:
tra ha kakra, stay here a litUe; wobeko, na me de, metra ha; m§tra
ha adapeh anab ; asase betra ho da ; ma ^ntra hg, leave it there, let
it remain where it is, let it rest as it is, let the matter alone, = ma
enka; - akutu no mmeree e, ma §ntra dua so. R, p. 241. — 4. tra
ohcne ho, to sit by the side of a king, to be a counsellor of the king's;
tra asem ho, to attend to a palaver or public transaction.
atra, = boa, net, fishing net; cf. asawu. pr.3357.

tra, trawa, a. thin, flat, smooth, soft; s. tratra. pr. 3302.

a tra, slice, cut, thin broad piece cut off, oi yam (gd^ a wgatwa),
of bread &c.

tra-bdd, o-tra-b6re, trft-bew, seat, place to sit in; abode,

dwelling, place of residence; watra metrabere, he has taken my seat;
me t. ni; sore fi met.; mfi yehkg yen t.; me t. ne Akropon.£p.^4i.

t radadada, s. taradada. tP^- ^^^^'

g-tr&f6,i>?.a-, 1. assessor; Judgelateral, coufisdlordtc. Kurtz §178.

- ohene atr. = mpany imfo, the king*s counsellors, advisers, ministers.

— 2. steersman, helmsman, steersmate: hyeh mu (akyerekyerekwan

ho) trafo a okyere hyeii no kwan.

Antra-ktird [entrakftrow, babifo kyi] a kind of bead, s. ahene.

train', = tra mu (s. tra, v.): wndi mmekwan na wususuw wo

tirim asem a, nkwan aba wofwenem' atram\

tram, v. [red. trantram] 1. to cry out, cry at or about; tram

fre, to call upon, invoke: wahintiw atram afre obosom na ohintiw no
any^ no biribi, lie has stumbled and called upon tlie fetish (simply
pronouncing his name) that the stumbling may not hurt him. — 2.
to bewitch, charm, enchant; to curse, imprecate, ccdl down some hurt
or calamity, invoke evil on: ost!im&nf6 no atrAm barima no ama w^-
fw6 ase; cf. kai. — 3. ohuruhuro no tram no twareno, he was smoth-
ered by the damps, — 4. gtran'triim me, = okasa dennen yime hu,
oteetec me, Jte threatens me, snarls at me, addresses me harshly. —
5. anadwo yi nnipa bi trantram mu, last nigJU some people kept up
a clamorous noise, a great vociferation.

lit r dm a (pi,) cowries, small shells imported from islands in the

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510 otrdmatlri — trdm.

Indian Ocean, serving in parts of Western Ahrica instead of money;

fortv make a string (oban), and fifty strings (mman 50 or 200Q cow-
ries) go to a head of cowries (otiri); cf. niwa, serew a, pr,3360. The
value is constantly decreasing; in 1860 a dollar (4s, 6d.) was ^-orth
85 strings, in 1870, two heads. Dabi dare biako si mman 85 (n4>f
otiri nh mman 35), nnansa yi esi atiri abien.

g-trdma-tlri, a head of coteries; in ihepl, atiri is used for 2

to 9 heads and a tram atiri for 10 or more heads.

ntrama-t6w (or 1,333), inf. playing or gaming with cofcries^ s.

tow (v.) 7. — ntramatofo, a player for cowries.
ntra-mu, inf, immanence, Kurtz § 163,

tran, v, [inf, q- & a-] to discharge many guns in company or

in a volley, to volley*
nivknij s. ntane-ani.
atrdnn5, a kind of bird = afiafi-anoma, pr. 1125,

tran tram, red.v,, s, tram,

atra-nnufiia, = nea watra nnnfda, pr, 3359-
atrdp5 e, pLxx-y [Dan. trappe] step, degree or gradient of a stair-
case; (pi,) stair-case, flight of steps, stairs made of stones, bricks &c.
cf. antweri. [G. atrakpS.]

trara, = taradada.

tra-ase, tra ase, 1, s. tra. — JS. inf. abono tr., it has caused
him to sit down. — atraasfe(6), interj. salutation to one sitting.
traase-fe litem: waye tr. (waka ofakO, ontumiiiko babi), he
sits idle or unoccupied, always at the same place, he lies faUow &c.
wanye tr. wo n'adwuma no mu, he did not sit idle, was not lazy in
his work.

ntra-so, inf. [s, tra] what is beyond the limits; excess, extreme;
egyina ntraso abien no ntam\ it stands (or Jiolds a position) between
the two extremes.

trdtra, a. thin (of things that have an extended surface); syn.

frafra,hata; flat: wonti ntra-ntra, they are flat-headed; smooth, soft,
tender: okraman ayaase ye tr., the belly of a dog is soft.

atrdtra-sem, an act of (flagrant) transgression, otdrage; odi

atr. = obu mmiira so di asem bi, he commits a trespass; cf. senkyehe.

trawa, a. s. tra & tratra. — tre, F. = t^re, tsere, te se.

trene, tSnene, 1, a. straight, right, righteous, just; cf, okwan-

trene, asentr. — J2. n. rigMeousness,

trSnene, tSnenene, trenenene, adv. rightly, justly; truly, re-

ally; exactly, accurately ; properly, well; entirely, fully; onim ny an-
sa tr., he possesses true wisdom or an accurate knowledge, is well-
informed; nea wuseno, wudi atoro trenenene, what you say is simply
a (downright) lie.

trim... s, ti, tirim\ atirimoden, atirimpow, atirimsem.

tro, trodo, trofetrofe, trom &c. s. toro ... t6rom, ttirom.

tr5m, torom, v. [red. troutrom] i. = torow, to become smooth;

to wear out: ani atorom; mfewa no hkyimi atrom ; eso atroutrom. —

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tromd — tsew. 511

^- to make smooth, plain or evetif to smooth, plain or plane; trom

adaka no ho ma me; iron trom dan mu, e.s., se eye dote a, wode
aboroba boro so ma ne nhina se pe j§ trdmtrom; se eye nnua nso
a, wode dade sen so ma ne nhinft ye pe pe; - odan no wo a, ma
WQn8ra(no) preko ; na wotrom so na afei wode hyirew fa so a, na
ntokuru nhin& atdati!ia; - otorom (= otow) n^atade so.

troma,atromA[G.tr6ma]wor5e?, mouthful, bit of food; RvJth2,li,

a small quantity, little piece.

atr ma^ a dram, the 8th part of an ounce or 60 grains in Apo-

hecaries Weight. BeU,

trdmtrom, a. smooth, even, glossy, polished; nensam ayetr.;

opp» awereawere.

trontrom, red. v. trom; tr. so, to make the surface smooth,

trOs [Eng.] trousers; cf tw^koto, ntwontw6, won6.

trotro, s. t6ro, #.

tru, 5. tnru. — true, F. = ture, garden, Mk. 12,1,8.

trumii, tnrum', htunuma, strait-gut, rectum, terminal part of

the large intestines; anus, breech, buttocks, posteriors; n^tr . = n^
t6m'; cf. eto, adintrQm.

t s, F. = t before e, i, seldom before e.

tse, V. = te, to sit dtc. — tse ase = te ase, to exist, live.

tse, V. = te, to feel (tse ..ma.., to sympathize with); to hear,


tse, ts'e, tsie t;. = tie, to hear, listen, hearken, obey. Mi, 18,14.23,

tse, t?.=tew, to tear dtc. otse asorekye nom', he passes the waves,

tse, V, = t§e, to stretch dtc. tse wo nsa, Mt. 12,13.49. tse apom\ to

[be wdH.

tsea, V. = tee, tSetSe, to rebuke, to chasten, [slender,

atsea, tseaba,a. = at6a, tefi, narrow, strait, atena, tenatena, ilf/*.

tseam', tseatsea mu, = teem', t^eteem', to cry out, Mt 27,22.

ntsease, = ntease, understanding, Mk. 13,16, [Mk. 15,13f.

atsembu, ats^mboa, atsenbna, = atemmn, Mt 12,,23.

iitsen, = nten, bua ntsen, = bu nten, to judge. Mt. 7,1.2.
ntsei'i, pride; syn. ahantan; - ye ntseii, to be proud.

tseiia, V. = t6na, trA, to sit drc,

tsenabew = trabea, trftbere, trabew, place to sit or live, dwd-

tsenfim, = tra mu, to continue, [ting-place,

tsenene, = tSn6ne, trene, straight , righteous. Mt 3,15 Ac.

tsentsen, = tenteA, long, high, tall.

otsentsendem, = otenten, opp. akwatia.

tsfipoh, pi, a-, = otempon. Mk. 1,3. — tsere-bia, s, tere.

tserew, v, = t?rew.

tsetse(-ber), = tete(-bere) &c.

tsetse, V. =- teetee, to become or make straight dtc, Mt 3,3. etsS-

[tse n*abrebo, it makes him amend his life.

tsew, V. = terew, to be tcide, Mt 7,13. cf, tserew, t6.

tsew, V, = tew, i. to plant, Mt 15,13. — 2, to watch, Mk, 3,2.

tsew, V, = tew, to tear dtc, tsew tor, to fall off (from), to drop.

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512 ntsew — tu.

ntsew, F. = nt§tew^, chaff.

tsewe, = ntetewe, rent. Mt. 9,16. Mk. 2^1.

ntsew-ho, = ntewho, coiisecration.

tsi, = eti, head <f c. ne tsi ase, lie is beside Mmsdf. Mk. 3^1.

tsia, V. = tia, to tread dtc. to he against, Mt IS^Slf. Mk. 9,40.

tsia, = tia, priv^y, draugJUliouse. ML 15,17. Mk. 7,19.

tsia. V. = tia, to be added in the row, making up the number of;

tsiaoa, a. = tia, short. [tsia abien, to he second.

tsie, tse, v. = tie, to hear, listen, hearken, obey.

atsif i,atifi,cro«rn of the head, top; westward, windward, si^ ^ne.

tsintsim, v. = tintim, to confirm.

tsiri, n-, = ti, nti. — tsirini: aaase ne ts., under the earth.
n tsi rim : hye - to incite, itistlgate. Mt. 14,8. Mk 15,1 1
atsi-tsew, plaiting the hair. 1 Pet. 3,4.

tsitsift) = ositifo, a deaf person. Mt. 11,5. Mk. 7,32.

o-tsitsir, pi. a-, = otitiriw, prince.
atsi-tware, -kware, inf. decapitation.

tsiwatsiwa, extremities, ends; cf. tsia = tia; asase nets., the

[uttermost parts of the earth. Mt. 12,42.

tsrew, V. = terew, to spread dec. Mk. 11,8.

tu, V. [red. tutu] to pull or draw, move or remove with a short

and quick motion : 1. to drdw out any thing that is fi^ed, to root ouiy
get out; to pull out (nhwi, a Imir, pr.2333. se, a tooth, agyaii, an ar-
row, pr. 372). — to pluck out (hwura, weeds, pr. 592; young plants,
pr. 3367.)] to tear out (ani, one's eye)\ to pluck (mmere, m%ishrooms,
pr. 373)] to cut (sare, grass for thatching)] - tu de, to take out Uic ripe
yam. pr. 3362. — 2. intr. to he pidled (plucked or torn) out; n'ani bi-
ako atu, he has lost one of his eyes; - to fall out; ne sfe nhina ata
(atutu) pr. 401; - to he torn or taken out, to he worn off: ntama no ani
atu; - n'ani atuato ne nsam', s. ani; - tutu, to he uprooted, of a tree.
pr. 1047. — 5. tutu, to pluck i.e. strip by plucking (akoko, a fowl,
anoma, a bird, pr. 382). — 4. in ho, to remove by brushing, to brush,

— 5. Phr. tu ase, to get out the root, .fig. to begin from Uie very out-
set: tu ase (ka) kyere me, tell me all from the beginning, relate me
tJie whole fully, atfidl length, at large, in detail, minutely. — 6. tu, to
take out, dig, make (araoa, a hole in the ground, abura, a well, pr.3361).

— 7. tu kuru, to cause an open sore, pr. 1425. to ulcerate, suppurate;

watutu akuru, ne honam nhina atutu akuru, he (7it5 whole body) is
full of sores. — 8. to draw, scoop (water with the hand or with a
calabash) : otu nsu de hyira n'ano, s. hyira Oh. pr. 3366. tu nsa kora
ma here me ! — 9. to take up (nso, asJies) s. nsotu. — 10. to take otU
from a mass, from among other things: mekotu ampesi = mekofa
bi mabedi; tu gya, to take out a fire-brand, pr.437. tu gyentia no
biak5 fi gya nom' here me! tu kyene, pr. 3364f, — 11. to take or
pull off, amoase, the loin-cloth covering the pudenda. — 12. to take
out i.e. dispose of: watu n'aguadi nhina ahy§ me nsa, he has conferred
all his trading-business upon me; watu ne fi nne§ma nhina ahy$ m'-
ase, Jtc has given all the things in his Jumse in charge to me, has in-
trusted them or delivered Ihem in trust to me. — 13. to take out (from

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tih 513

a ship), disembarJCy land: woatu liyen no ran aguade agu; akodi-

byen 2 betuu asrnfo gun Gua. — 14* in .. gu, io reject; otu n'afotn
gu, he slights his admonition, — 15. tu, to turn out, cast ottt, eject,
expel, banish, excommunicate; watu ne ba (afi n'abusilara') = wapo-
pa DO afi Demma mii; woatu no afi asafo no ran. — 16. tu .. so, to
depose, dethrone, = tu agua so, to remove from a throne, tu ade so,
io divest of authority.

Phrases with different complements: 17. a) tu abasam', prop.

io pull out the strength oftJie arms, i.e. to dishearten, dismay, disable,
ihtcari; - b) n'abasam' atu, the strength of his arms has beeh taken
out, i.e. he is discouraged, dismayed, he despairs of: n'ab. atu ade
no h6 = eny6 no few bio, ontumi nye bio. — 18, in .. bo, a) to pro-
voke to anger, cf, fuw or horan or hum bo; - b) to frighten, discour-
€^e, disfiearten; cf, tu abasam*; - c) nebo atu, he is frightened, in
consternation, perplexed^ disheartened, discouraged, dismayed. —
19. tu bofo, to send or dispatch a messenger, — J^O. tu .. fo, to ad-
tnonish, exJunrt; s, fo; pr. 912, ~ J21. tu or tutu ani fwe or kyere, lit.
io take out the eyes and look or direct to, i.e. to cast a piercing look
at: woatu won ani de refwe no, otutu n'ani rekyere me, s, ani& p5.
— J^J2, tu or tutu an o: a) to take or cut off parts of the end, to point,
give a point to, sharpen (the sticks to be fixed in the ground in build-
ing a house); - b) otutu m^as^m &no sisi (meka as§m a, na wadan
ani), he wrests my words or cause, lit. he pulls out the borders of my
matter and puts them in other places. — c) otu m^ano wo fam\ he
refuses to hear me, to hearken to me. — ^3. tu .. aso, (to pull out
one's ear J to persuade, win over; F.tu aso asoma, to persuade, paci-
fy, conciliate, Mt 28,14. — 24. tuortutuasu, to whisper; to plot
secretly, to devise mischief. Bs, 41,7(8) ;]^erh. taken from the sound of
splashing, cf. 8,42.

25, tutu, /o call forth, bring about, arrange: agoru, gprenten-

koro, a play, asaw, a dance, — 26. tutu, to pain, smart, ache: ekuru
no tutnme. pr, 1859, (diff. 7). — ^. tutu, to drive back, to force
one to give up his position; tutu nkran, pr. 313. — 28. tutu .. kau-^
to put one off co^tcerning a debt, to defer, put off payment, pr. 165.722.
762.1368,3398, cf. nkaden, akatutu. — 29, tutu., an an, to pace, go
on slowly; t. woanan duom*!

30. tu, intr. to fly (from the jerking motion of the wings): ano-
ma tu gsoro (wim). — 31, to fly up, jump up: o t u f a m me, he jumps
and embraces or hugs me, — 32. tu tare, <o 66 thrown or spattered
on, so as to be fastened, to stick, cling or cleave to.

33. tu, tutu, intr. & tr., to remove from, to change on^s (dwel-
ling-Jplace; matutu mafi Akttropon makotra Aburi, / have removed
from Akr. to Ab.; niatu no mafi ofi no mu, I have caused him to leave
that dwelling; cf. 10. — 34. tu (k g), to go (away or off), pr. 1036, to
go, remove, depart, or journey from (Numb, 33,), to set out, set forth;
to break up, decamp; to emigrate; Agyeman ne neman atu akgye
dgm, Agy. and his people have emigrated and become enemies (to
their former master or compatriots, s. dgm); wgatu afi guam' hg,
they have Igft the assembly; - to break up {a, session or meeting): gua
no atu, the session or assembly has been broken up or dissolved, has


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514 atn — tua.

dispersed, — 55. tu gyaw, /o desert, dope, run away, escape pn-

vatelt/. — 36. tu agyina, to consult (leaving a greater circle and
standing apart, s. agy.) — 57. tu hye da, /o adjourn, postpone, de-
fer; wgatu ahyc da, lit. they have parted (^or, woatn as^m no, ih^
have put aside the matter) and fixed a day; cf. woab^ asem no ato
ho. — 38, tu kwan^ to leave for, set out or forth on a journey, to
journey, travel, pr. 8338,3363- — 39. tn or tutu (a)inirika, to run,
pr, 1321,1771,3397, — 40, tu aperent^n, to travel irith great speed, in
forced marches, — 41. tu .. nnee or nsongo, to wcdkdowly, stealikUy or
secretly after; otu me nnee = ot)am m'akyi breow, ohintaw di mV
kyi; cf, odi {or onam) me ntenteso; odi me nsongo, == odi m^akyi
komm. — 4J2. tu asuasu, to walk along in a water or brook.

43, ne ho atu, /te has been delivered or freed from his pressing
circumstances, - — 44, aduan no atn {or atg) me ho (e.s. adnah «
midii no asa me yafunum), I feel no further strength from thai food
(being digested long ago; Germ, die speise Mlt nicht mehr vor); a-
duan no ntu me hd ntem, that food (is heavy /ioi* or clogs my stomach?)
does not let me feel hunger soon,

45. in k^s^w, to grow or be pale, emaciate, tabid, worn out; wa-

tu k. fita. — 46, tu mpesee, to put forth (or display) a tuft of blos-
soms, to bloom, said of maize.

47. tu do, F. to move (= twiw), Mt,23,4. — 48. tn .. si ho, to

put aside, apaH, to remove; - (j>rep,) without, lFtL3,L
atii, inf, flying; anoma kyere ne ba atu.
ntu, 5. ntuw.
e-tu, pl.K', hole, den, lair of a beast in the earth.

tu, adv. completely dark; ade saa so tu, whilst this was going
on, it grew full night (it continued or was deferred to the dark of night).
attf , clasp, embrace; ye atQ, to embrace; woyeat., they embraee
each other; meye no at., / e^nbrace him; cf, bam, fam.

tua, t?. [reri. tuatua] 1, followed by locative complements (ino,

ho, mu, so): a) intr. to stick (at), to be stuck, fixed, fastened, appHed
to: bonenwane tua otno ano, the bayonet is fixed on the end of the
musket; ntuaano tua tumpan ano, the cork sticks in the mouth of the
bottle; aben tua onipa ano, the horn is applied to the mouth; pr,79.
ekuru t. me nsa ho, there is a wound on my hand; etua me ho, Ihavr
a wound, a sore, pr, 3368, ntakara tuatua ne honam mu, pr, 1659, -
b) cans., to stick, fix, fasten, put somewhere: ode ntuaano (ahabao,
bdrodua, dua) tua tumpan ano, he puts a cork into the mouth of the
bottle; ode dua tua dade so, s. 8. — ^. to have at the extremities of the
body : mmoa bi tua tote, ebinom tua awerew, some beasts have hoofs,
others have paws tvith claws. — 3. tua.. mu, a) intr. to lie, be situa-
ted in: m*ani tua me tirim, my eyes lie in my head, pr, 2294. - b) tr.
to close or obstruct a hole, fill up a void or gap, to mend, repair;
ahina a.s. biribi hd aba tokuru a, wotua = wo8iw; kotu aban nore\
go and repair that fence, — 4. tua .. ano : a) to shut, close or stop
an aperture, gapor opening; 5. 1. - b) to stop, one's mouth, Ht&fig.:
wode biribi a.s. asem tua onipa ano na ontnmi nkasa bio; - c) to
reply, espec. in refutation : obi aka wo asem, nanso woanya bi abna

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ntua — iitudde. 515

no; merebetaatua nsem a wubisa do ano, / now will answer yotir

questions, — 5. etuatua m'asO, the report, talk or noise stops or fills
my earSy it is ahcays ringing in my ears. — 6, to apply (pepper,
soap) to the anus: wotuanomako = wode makohye neto. — 7. tua
kaw, to fill up or replace what is wanting, to apply the desert: a)
to (rc)pay a debt; to make amends; pr. 3111.3369, cf. hye (wsi anafimu;
h) also simply tua, to suffer f or , pay for y pay damages^ expiate ;pr, 728,

- €) to pxmish: obetna won (asem no so) ka-bone, he will punish them

(for it); - d) to reward: ode akatua-pa betua won, he wUl reward
tJiem well. — 8. t., to join welly sit close, fit; caus. to fit on: ode dua
tna dade so, he fastens a piece of wood on the iron; s. 1. — 9. tua,
to he compatible or consistent toith, to agree with: m fen torn yi n^
mm&ra antua, =:= wommjlrae se w6nnye sa mf. yi; cf. 14. — 10. to
fall or hit on: m'ani tuaawo mprempren se wokofaa iihoma no;
m'ani tnaa owifo se wako ako>Via ade, my eye fell on, i.e. I saw with
my otcn eyes... — 11. to fall upon, to attack^ assault, assail (unex-
pectedly and with force, cf. toa), espcc. to surprise early in the morn-
ing: wotua won e.s. edgm 2 akohyia na dgm no ran biako asore
anadwo na woako won a wo-ni won byia no nsram* na wo-ni won
ako an^pa; s. ntua, inf. — wotua na wghyew kfirow, tfwy assault
and bum a town. — 1J2. to besiege, block up, invest; to enclose, en-
compass, surround: wotua kfirow no (pratO); wotua no pratu ne se:
onipa wo danmu na woakotoa no na onnya okwan mfa babiara; s.
pratQ. — 13. to anticipate, to be before in doing: t. ahem a, to be ear-
ly in doing, to begin a work or any thing early in the morning be-
fore the usual time: mituaa ahemadakye or anopa mekoo ho, I went
there early in Uie morning, I rose early and went tliere. — 14, ..ho
tua: asem yi h«> tua (==a8. yi ho nni kwan, a.s. woaka na woanni
no sa a, eny6 yiye), this word is a) incontestable, incontrovertible,
indisputable, hrefragable, irrefutable, b) indispensable, imperative.

— 15. neho tua neho, a) omfonee, he is well fed, corpulent, stout ;^

-h) he is at ease, quite comfortable. — 16. t., to abstain fram: otua
(neho) aduan, nsa, he (shuts himself up against, i.e,) abstains from
food, liquor, lie prohibits himself to take food, palm-wine d:c., in the
way of a religious observance; watna neho ade ama lehowa, he has
separated himself unto Jehovah as a Nazarite, Num. 6. — 17. to pro-
hibit or forbid a person any thing to eat or drink: ohene de hi y§
akrakwa a, otua no n*akyide nhina; nempanyimfo atuano nsa =
abra no mmorosa-nom.

ntua, inf. [s. tua 11.] a sudden attack, a taking by surprise:

Asenfo de nt. na okum dom.

atud, refractoriness, restiveness, obstinacy, obstinate reluctance,

syn. mpi. — tew atua, to disobey, defy, turn restive; to be refrac-
tory, disobedient, stubborn; to break with, break allegiance; watew
ne wura so at. se or^mmA (omp^ se oy^ biribi); to riot, to engage in,
or to raise, an uproar or sedition ; to mutiny, rebel, revolt, [G. tSe
atQa, fe ho.]

n t ud-de, prey, rapine, spoil; ade a woakotna onipa bi aberaii-

so na woafa no hg ade (though not in war, cf. asade).

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516 tiiafuru — tue.

t li-^ f u r u, tiito^f ara, a kind of grasshopper, green locust.

tu-akwan [nea otu akwan, wanderer, migratory birdf] ^.aferaw.
tukmono^ a kind of herhy watl-pepper, Sedum acre; when
squashed and mixed with palm-oil, it is put on boils (pompo) to
open them.

tu-ani, infantile convulsions, eclampsy.

n tu aau 6, t?.n. [ade a etna ano] 1, cork, stopple. - 2. answer, reply.
ntua-ntlni^ a climbing plant, nsed as a medicine,
atua-tew, inf. disobedience, sedition, mutiny, rebellion, reroU.

t u at u a, red. v., s. tua.

ntuatua-ano^ v.n. [s. tna 4.] answerings, gaiftsaying, contra-
diction, remonstrances.

o-tu-ba [otuo aba] butt-end of a musket; wapem no t. = ^de

tuo to apem no.

atu-bo, inf [tu 34, bo 40] the act of changing one's dwening-
place; wodi at. = w6tu a, wode akobo ha, wotu a, wode akobo ha,
they frequently change tJieir place of settlement.

atii-b(5, inf [bo tuo] the act of shooting one's self; wodi at., the
practice of shooting themselves is common among them.

atu-bo a, pl.n- [aboa a otu, 5. tu 30] any animal that flies; bird;
includes also a bat.

0-tubofo, pi. a- [nea 6b6 t6o] one who shoots himself

t u-b 6 n ft [5. otuo] gun-stock.

o-tii brkfd, pL t., settler, colonist; nnipa a woatutu afi won kfirov
mu akotr& obi kiirow bi so, people that have left their native country
(perhaps in enmity) and joined another nation. pi\ 3370. - at. kiirow,
settlement, col&ny. Acts 16,12.

atu-de [ade a wotu] : fam' at., things dug out from the ground,

atu-duru [otow aduru] gunpowder; better: atoduru.

tue, V. 1. intr. to open, break or burst forth, begin (to take its
flow or course): a) asusow atue, the rainy season has begun or set
in; asusow rebetue, the r. s. is approaching; - b) asu tue, the (water
of the) river, lagoon or lake bursts forth, breaks out [6. (k f^, tiki].

— ^. tr. to open in order to give a free passage or course: a) wore-

tue asu, they are letting out the water, pent up in the lagoon into the
sea in order to catch the fishes which had remained unmolested for
some months. [G. ametiki fa] ; - b) tue nsa, to draw (off) the liquor
(wine, beer, rum) from a large cask into a small one (aguadifo fwie
nsa fi huso mu gu pankran mu); - c) tue nsa ano, to let out, tap,
broach, uncork the liquor (wotu nea wQde tuaa nsa no ano fi ano);

- d) tue kwan, to open a road that had been shut up (gkwan asiw
na afei wgadi asem no na woama ok wan bio); - e) tue fasu mu kwan,
to break an opening or way through the wall. — tue hetsew, F. h
break up the roof. Mk. 3,4. - f) tue su, to commence wailing, -g) tac
ayi, to repeat a funeral custom after a certain time (a fortnight to

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atiifanu — tumi. 5 1 7
6 months); Gitafifo n6 Nkranfo tiie. ayi, e.s. WQsan ye ayi koro no
ara a woye kan no bio.

atu-fanu, muskets fired from both sides, from opposite direc-

tions, pr. 3372.

o-t uf6, ph a-, [tu 34] emigrant; cf, oguanfo, otubrafo.

o-tuf6, ph^i' [otuo] a man, warrior or soldier armed with a gun

o-tu-gy a, a former channel or bed of a river, now dried up; asu-

boii ka a asu bi agyae mu fa akofa babi.

o-tu-gy a, atu-gyaw, inf. elopement, desertion. pr. 2327. 2329. 3373,

atu-horow, s. otuo.

atu-hunu: tow at., to fire guns m honour of a deceased king,

without killmg men besides.

t ui, Ak. tuie [ade a wgde tu] brush; y i .. tui, to stir up, incite,
iftstigate to do something wrong; oyi me tui = ogyigye me, okd kyerc
me se meye hu hii, ua nichko m'anim menkokd; cf. otu m*as6; he
excites me to mischievous deeds. Obi yi wo tui na wutie a, akyiri wu-
nO woho.

tu-kQ, inf. [tu, ko] emigration.

tiiku, F. = taku.

ti\-kuw, a crowd [kuw] of people that have come out [tu] of

their houses: wgabg t., they have assembled in a crowd (nnipa pi aboa
wonho ano gyina fako redi asem a.s. worebo semode); wgabo t. kg,
all of them went off together.

turn, a kind of animal, pr. 536.

tiim turn, adv. imitative of the sound of pounding "fuffi** in

a wooden mortar, pr. 1162.2266.3269. = su su, pr. 349.

tfimm, t until m, a. black, dark; - it is also used of dark

shades of red, brown, blue, green. - n. something black (pr. 181); a
dark spot; blackness; - s. tuntfintum.

tu met II me, a kind oi fern, with fine flat fronds or leaves.

turn, F. authority, power. Mt 8,9. 24,29. (pi. a-).

0-tiim'f6, pi. a-, one who has great power or strength, a strong
man (pr. 3374)^ man of power, a mighty one; the Ak. form o-tumfoo
is also used as a title of kings, and of God, == the Almighty.

tumi, Ak. timi, F. tum, v. 1. to be able, can; it denotes an abil-

ity depending on natural gifts, on physical conditions, or on power
and influence; diff. nim; it is followed by se or by a v. in the con-
sec, or, when neg., by a neg. v., s. 6r. § 256 Bern. Wobetumi aye
den ? or Eden na wobetumi aye ? what would you be able to do ?
(said in abuse or scorn; otherwise: wunim d§n ye?) — misusuw se
nietumi maye ade bebre; metumi maye kyeii (s§)nea nkiirofo bebre
snsuw, R. p. 242. ontumf nye me fwe, he can do me noVdng (no harm);
mintumi minsoa adesoa no. pr. .3375-84. — 2. to be able to icUhstand,
to match, master, ovefxome; to be a match for, to be equal to (follow-
ed by a passive object): mantumi no, I cotUd not withstand or over-
catne him, s. 6r. § 203 Hem. — 3. (foil, by an inf.) to be accustomed

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518 otnmi — otdo.

or know well (to do), to be well versed (in doing): otnmi sh yo, Gr.
ib. - to dare: kuromhofo tumi ahgho fwe.
0-tiimi, inf. abUif^y power, might.
tumi-s^m, display of power, mighty or strength; odi t. = odi
ahoodensem, oye ade a nnipa nhina ntumi nye. Adow Dankwa dii
t. kyen Kwadade.

n t u m-m o a, small black flies; pr. 604. nt. retow gn yeii so we yen,
we yen, we yen.

tumpan^ pi. n-, bottle; syn. abgdeamnig; of, toa.

atump&n, j!7Z. n-, the large big drum played before tlie king
(beaten to call dead kings, and to speak to the people); akyene bi
a wQde moma ohene.

0-t um 1 f 0, pi. a-, bearer of the king's guns; ot. kura obene tuo;
cf otufo, ohumfo, gyaasefo.

ntumiiniim, -m6riim, a medicinal plant; wode ta gyato.

ntun-adze, F. end, Mt. 24,31.
tun-do, F. end, last state. Mt. 12,45,

tiiukum, V. to become turbid; nsu no ani at., the water is m

more clear (having the lees or sediment disturbed or stirred up, efi
a ewo nsu no ase nhina en^ papa no adi afra); n^ani at. (Detirim)
ko, = n'aniwa aye akese-ak^s^ na adan koko, his eyes are filled or
swollen with blood (under the skin), by harm, vexation, flogging,

ntfinkum, palm-wine as it is gotten from the 5th to the 8th

' day from the tapping of the palm; s. nsafufu.

ntunkun-tlri, palm-tvine that makes the head giddy.

tun turn, s. t^mm, tuntuntum.

o-t un t u m, black person.
o-t un t u m a, the side of a house, pr. 3385.
ntuntum6, a kind of locust; s. boadabi.
tiintiin'ftnd, some part of the human skidl, opposed to, Le,
most distant from, the chin ; wo t. ne wo mp^mpam' ne wo atiko

0-tuntunam-fo^ an insolent, impertinent, impudent fellow.

atuntiinan-sem (otoutdroniad\Vuma, abransem, asem aenni
aso or enye de), insolence, impudence, violence, rash dealintjs, un-
lawful deeds; odi at., trusting in his own power, lie is doing some-
thing wrong, despising every toarning; obi nam ho na okohyia obi a,
na ope se o-ne no di asem senea n^ankasa koma pe, a.s. onam ho a,
u'ani agye nkwaseam' na ode di nkwaseam'.

ihnixx^iwxii^ very black; 5.tumm, tuntum; t.hrahrahrnlirahra,

glossy black.

tu n t u n u n t fi, a. large; oguansae t. bi; syn. kese.

tunu, s. afoa-tunu. — n-tunum, s. trum.
O-tiio, pi. a-, musket, gun; pr. 798 f. 3386-95. atno = atu(o)-iow»
pr,376. - parts of a gun: otuba, tubonfl, sdboh, aso, tautiA, kautaro^.

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atuhorow — atiittiw'. 519

akita-twerebo, twerebo, akokoser^, twenewa ; - b g tuo, to shoot one^s

self; tow tuo, to fire a gun; wgatow no wim' tuo se neto nhka agua
y\ so da-biara-da, he has been publicly declared unfit for the throne
for ever; - n'anim bog or tow tuo, s, anim*; - cf otufo, ntutA.

atu-h6r6w, different kinds of guns: bomti, gdantd, ohum, kan-

kan-tuo, akiirawa, akuap^m, akwadamma.

tur, tore, F. garden, Mt 20,7 J3, 1 Cor, 9,7- tftrom, in the garden,

tiird, tur6m,|>La-, n-, garden; iikArofo ayeye iituro pi wg lig.

tiiru, t?.[/e(?,turnturu] to carry on tlie arm, bacJc or shoulders.

pr, 376 f 6ti!iru neba wg n'abasa soj cf, kura; t. mma, to bring up

(aud keep alive) children; mawo mma du mituruu won mu anum,

1 have given birth to ten children, of whom five are still alive.

ntiirudu, -b6: gbg nt. (n.s. onipa fi ktlrow mu kg kurow mu di

asakasdkasem n^ apempensi), he does mischief extorting money &c,
atiirukiiku, pi, n-, turtle-dove; mmran: fa-gbSrebSre, mikum-
ananse-obi-ammoa-me ; pr. 3S96,

nturuturiiwi(ogyant.)5i>arA» (of fire); small particles ^y'mg

out with a cracking noise.

turn w, V. [red, turuturuw] to throw out small particles, to sput-

ter Old: ogya no t., the fire sparUes^ emits sparks; wgkyew abiirow
a, eturrituruw, when corn is roasted^ single grains or snudl particles
fiy Old with a cracking noise; tumpan (ahina, toa n.a.) aturuw, a
bottle (pot, flagon) has burst sputtering and spilling its conteuts.

n t u-s 6y inf [tu so] the act of dethroning or deposing, dethrone-

ment, deposition,
n tu-td [otuo nta] a double-barrelled gun, ,

atu-tow, inf [tow tuo] the firing of guns; mmarima a wgaso at.,
men grown so far as to be able to fire guns, i.e. fit to bear arms,

o-tiitrafo, i;L t., settler, colonist; s, otubrafo.

tutu, red, v., s, tu, espec. 1-3,7,21,22, 24-29,33.39.
tiitu, tiitututu^a. early, is used only in connection with ang-
pa: angpa tutututu, very early in the morning; gkyena angpatiitu,
to-morrow morning,

tdtutu tu, adv. imitative of the sound o£ boiling water; ehuru

t,, U boUs and bubbles.

Tutu, pr, n, of an Akuapcm town. — OtiUu, ^;r. n, nt.

o-tiitu-^furu, = tiikfuru.

o-tiitu-bofunniid, a kind of tree; dua kese bi a wot wit wa n'a-

ba bi de sen bofunuua.

atutuhono, tutuhunu, a kind o( stinging fly, = gbenem, gbenom.

atutu-ptj, inf. [pe atutuw] quarrelsomeness, quarrelsome dis-


0-tutupQfo, i?^ a-, a quarrelsome person,

atii t u w', Ak. atutuo, 1, quarrel, strife, discord; d i at., to quarrel;

okgpe no at., he instdts or provokes him. — 2. & certain disease, vio-
lent pain in the limbs, aching in the bones with swelling of the limbs;
gyare bi aema da uhina wo nnonipe mu ye wo ydw' na 6hohhoiV wo.

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520 otiitiiw' — twa.

o-t li t u w', L dust (flying in the air; mfutiima, dust of the ground).
— JJ, b g .. tutu w, to expose to shame, to hold up to shame, to disgrace
publicly by shouting after one (hfi, wo, yA, ho!); wQbo no t. = wo-
huro no; m6minono t. e!

tuw, V, F. to boast, brag, vaunt; otuw, or 6tuw neho, or oy^

n tuw', he boasts; Akr. ohoahoa neho. — n'tiiw', in/, boasting,

-tuw, a. (used only in cpds.) desolate, uninJiabiled, decaged;

afituw, odantuw = oii, odan a ada utuw; c/l kwaeberentuvr.

tuw, F. = etu, den. Mt 21,13,

n tu w, 1. mould, a substance like dotoii (consisting of microscop-
ic plants) on plants, clothes &c. - gy^ ntuw, to mould, grow moutdg,
fusty, musty, pr, 1417. — ^. da ntuw, to lie or sleep withotd fire; oda
nt. = onnA ogytL,pr,3365. - of a way : to be void of goers, pt\337^.
twa, F. = toa. Mk. 2,22.

twea, toSa, v. = toa; to6a do, to follow, succeed.

twea, toea, F. = toa, to accuse, Mk.3,2,

twia, tuia, F. tua.

The combination of these two letters (tw) is not a compound

of the common dental t and w, but a palato-labial transformation
from the gutturo-labial combination kw, s, Gr. § 12. This trans-
formation took place before e, e, i; in some cases, however, these
vowels, when followed by final w or in, have been transformed in-
to o, 0, u, and so we find tw also before o, o, u; cf. twow, twom,
twuw. The combinations twa, twa, twa, twa, in most cases come
from original kwia, kwea, kwea &c., but tw may also take the
place of ch in English words (or even of c, e.g. tVirap = cap) or of
ts and tsw in Ga.

twa, v. [orig. kwia, red. twitwa.] Many of the different mean-

ings of this word may, in a generalizing way, be reduced to this:
to pass (move, or cause to move) in a line, espec. in an effective move-
ment tlirouyh (on, over, across, along, by the side of(Sx.)fiuy thing. —
1. to cuty gash, wound (with an edged tool): osekan nnamnam twa
wo a, ekom*; cf. pira, bo akam or nkami; red. to wound the feel-
ings, Acts?fi4i. meyam' twitwa me = (mate asem na) me yam* hye-
hye me, it is heart-rending to we. — 2. red. to cut up, cut to pieces,
chop, hack: (pr.l244,) Lev. 1,6.12.8,20. 1 Sam. 15,33. Ps. 118,10. — 3. to
cut, make by cutting: abo, slugs from lead- or iron-bars, kora, a cala-
bash of a certain size; poma, a walking-stick; pr. 388.; sama, figures
on one's head: pr.2002. — 4. to cut down, fell: abe, a palm-tree;
pr. 54tf0.brodee,brofere,p»%5.?!?P/'. to hew: dua, wood {cf. tow),/w. 991.
1244. twene, a tree serving for a bridge, pr 3406. — 5. to cut, mow,
reap: awi, grain, emo, rice {cf. bu abrtrow, tu sare); - to gather:
obobe-aba, grapes {cf. tew,tetew). — 6". to cut through: twa..menc,
to cut one^s throat, pr. 387. — 7. to kill for an offering, pr. 1661. cf.
40. twa oguan . — 8. to cut off, sever: duba, a branch; gy entia, pr. 8401.
fufu, a pinch or bit off oof oo, pr. 583.; nsa, nan, one^s hand, foot, Mat5,30.
ti, one's head, to behead, pr.26olf; otwitwa ueiihwi, ]ie cuts his fMir,

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twa^ 521

nennoah ho iihwi, he shears his sheep (cf, yi 4.). — 9. to cut short,

shorten, a way, pr, 1892, — 10, twa ..bo, a) to cut oif a piece of,
pr.57T.3407. - to pare (the nails, cf, hu); to clip; - 6^ = twa ti&,
to cut short, slwrtcn by cuitmg, make Sorter; to abridge; - c) to
bring to a sudden termination, to make to cease ; otwa so = oma
egyae. — 11. twa, to cut off, bring to an end; intr. io be cut off or
ended, come to an end: asem nonh. atwa. — 12> t^a .. to, to cut off
the hindmost end, to put an end to, to finish: watwa asem no to or
daa, he has cut off the hind part or tail of the matter, has brought it
to the end, has done away with it. — 13, eto twa, the end is cut off,
it comes to an end; n'amanne no to betwanteni, hismisery will soon
be ended; n*anigye to rentwa da, hisjoy'wUl never cease, is endless.

— 14. twa, to cease to flow, to stay: mogya no atv^a, the blood has
been stanched; nno no twae, the oil stayed; 2 Ki. 4fi. tr. to stop from
flowing, to stanch: aduru no atwa mogya no.

15. to cross (over), to pass over; pr. 389. 3405. - ode korow twaa
asu no, he crossed the river in a canoe; - twa in connection with
another v. supplies for the prep, or adv. over, across; oguare twaa
asu no, he swam across the river ; etv^ene nni asubonten no so nti,
oguare twae, ILp. 239. — to intersect. — F. ode won twa' sar n, he
led t/tem through the tvilderness. — 16. t\Va .. h 6, to pass by, overtake,
outstrip; pr. 383. initwaa no h5 ok wan mn, R. p. 238* - to omit, syn.
kwati, gyaw; - watwa ne nyih ho or mu, he or she has passed the
proper age (for any thing) r= wabii ne ramerem', ne mmere atwam*.

— 17. twa.. mu, twitwa .. mu : a) to cut asunder (twa .. mu abien),

Mat. 24,51. — to cut off, F. P8.90,10. -b) to interrupt: watwa n'asem
nnu f G. efole wiemgn]. - c) de .. twa .. mu, to insert, put between, put in
(a new beam &c.) -d) to impregnate, penetrate (of salt) beyond what
is proper: hkwan yi, nkyeneatwam'(nkyeneatwa hkwanyim'), the
soup is over-salted, salted too much [G. no efomli tSo]. - e) to pass
over: osram twa man mu, tJie moon passes over the town, pr. 3044. —
18. twam\ t\Va mn: a) to pass by, of persons = sen. pr. 458.3408.

— b) to go to and fro: wode agoru no betwam*, they go to and fro

jAaying ofi the street. - cj to pass, go by, of time : mfrihyia asoh a-
t^am', seven years have passed. - d) to pass away, vanish, perish:
uneema-nneema twam\ na asase de, ebetra ho da, M. p. 240. — 19.
t\Va .. ano, a) to pass by, pr.386. - b) to pass the edge or front of, i.e.
to be beforehand, to anticipate, do sooner than another. In conjunc-
tion with another v. it serves for the prep, before: obi nt^a akoko
ano mma akye, nobody will say good morning before Uie cock, pr. 385.

— F. ot^a n'ano se de, he prevented him (i.e. spoke first to him)

saying. Mi. 17,25, — J20. tvira ..so (s. 16.): otwaa m^ani so (anyinam),
lit. he passed before my eyes (with a transitory flash), i.e. I got a
glimpse of him. — 21. twa .. ti so, to pass, elapse (of time) : asram
asia atwa ne ti so, she is in the sixth month (Luk. 1,36); nna kakra hi
twaa yen ti so ansa-na y etii ho, some days elapsed before we came off.

22. twa, to draw a line, to make a streak with, to touch: twa si-
ka fwe, to try gold on a touch-stone. — 23. to stroke, rub: ode nt^o-
ma twa n'ani akyi, Jte makes strokes with red ochre above his eyes;
de..t\Va..so, to spread or lay on: fa twa wo ani so, cf. fa to wo ani

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522 twa^

80, pr. 1074, — 24. twa, intr. to he dratvn (of a line), to be ctd across:
nseuBane abied twa n*ani ase, two lines are cut across his cheek, —
35^ twa, to cut off a measured part from the rest, to measure; cf. 3.
(twa kora), atwade, at^ahina, twakora.
26, twa wonho, to part, separate, divide (Intr., drawing, as it
were, aline between themselves), to disunite: woatwa wonho (wgatew
won mu) reko, e.s. ena mma a.s. agya mma a.s. Qman hi aba won
mu abieh reko, they are at war among themselves; cf. axnanko. —

27. twa neho, ^0 turn, wheel or whirl round; ontwd neho nfwe
n'akyi, he does not turn tolook back, i.e. he is constant ; okgrnfo kom
a, ot^a neho : pr. 169. twa neho si, s. atwasi, cf. 29. — 28. twa n'a-
ni, a) to look about, turn b'ack, turn round; pr. 60. - b) wotwa won
ani fua no (n^ no adi), they turn their face against him. — 29. n'a-
ni twa, Ak. = n'ani gyina, Ive is home-sick: m^ani nt^aa (= nnji-
naa) ofie pen e. — 30. twa, to faint: watwa, he has fainted or fmvUs
from weariness &c. cf, tware. — 31. twa (simply), or twa abiribiriw,
to have an epUeptic fit or fits; tobeltmatic; F. twa ahim, 3ft. 4^4. 17^5.
— 32. twa.. ho h 7 ia or si, to surround, encircle, encompass: wo-
tv^aa odan no ho hyiae; nsu atwaasase ho ahyia, B. p. 239;hone nkje
t^a yen ho si, sin easily besets tis, Hebr. 12,1. - cf, 23. — 33, twa ..
h6 kontonkron, to go round something; cf bo k. — 34, twa puruw,
to form a circle; osram atwa p., the moon is full.

35. de.. kot^a, to denounce, denunciate, to inform against: wode

no kotwae, they denounced him {cf gfatwa): Farisifo no fwefwee
senea wobeye na woanya neho asem bi de no akotwa; wode asem
no kotwaa no, they brought an accusation against him on account of
the matter.

36. twa, impers., followed by the conj. se, to be urging, pressing;

6tyvk or htirk s|, it is necessary that...; ..must: etwa (me) sc meko,
I must go; it is mostly used in the corUin. form: abofra ye merew,
na eti^a se obi (be)fwe no (so); but may also occur in the pret,: okom
bae, na etwaawon se wokog asase bi so kotQO ab&row, Kp. 238, cf,
hia, se, v,3.

Phrases with different specific complements:

37. twa ..bo to .. yam', to appease, assuage, soothe, pacify, satisfy: ne
bo fuwi na ose: ompene; na mitwaa nebo metoo ne yam' ma ope-
nee; osnro se obeba me nkyen, na enti mitwaa ne bo metoo neyam'
na obae); s. ebo. — 38. twa abrodo, to desert, run away. — 39. twa
adafi, to disclose, reveal, discover, make known what has been kept
secret. — 40, twa odiJirira, to celebrate the yearly yam-custom (proh,
from the killing of sheep for expiatory or propitiatory sacrifice, ^.
odwira). — 41. twa oguan, to ktU a sheep by cutting its throat, hen.ce :
to atone for, make atonement, to appease: ohyiraa ghene ara pe na
wotwaa oguan, or WQkofaa oguan betwae, when he had cursed ike
king, a sheep was immediately brought and killed for an expiation;
wokotwaa no guan, they killed a sheep for him from respect or good
will or in order to appease him; the same may be done for appeas-
ing one's husband or wife,pr. 384, — 42. twa adwo, agyadv^o, kwa>
dwom, to wail. — 43. twa mfete, = kyini. — 44. twa kahlrim,
prop, to cut asunder tJie pad, i.e. to break off connection or retation-

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etVi^a — twahind. 523

skip; o-n^ n'abnsuafo aiwa k. — 45. twa nkontompo, fiamparakwa,
to deceive, delude^ decoy y take in; to calumniate, pr, 2294.3402/. —
46. t\va oQoko, to set up a dispute, contend in words, dispute with
anger, altercate, wran^^e. — 47. twa..nnffl, to wean (a child); to he
wearied; watwa ne ba nufu, she has weaned her child; ne ba at via
nnfu, her child has been weaned. — 46. twa mpastta, to cut out the
lines for the advancing warriors, to form the lines, to place in regu-
lar lines or ranks, to range, arrange, or arrag a host for encamp-
ment or battle, to set the battle in array; woatwa yen so mp., they
are encamped or in battle-array against us. — 49. twa asem to .. so,
to pick, take up, catch or invent some matter for (false) accusation;
cf. boi/7,.. osusuka. — 50. i^s... twetia, to circumcize. — 51. twa awo,
to cease breeding or child-bearing; watwa awo, he or she begets no
more children.

More meanings and j^^ro^e^ in Fante:

5j2. twa, twar, F. to tear, rend, Mt ^^OM. = tw§twe. — 58. twa
in far, F. = bo afore. (jomm.p. 15. — 54. twa f we .. anjim, F. to fall
down before, Mk.3,11. — 55. twa iihur, F. = po ahum, to foam.
Mk.9,20. — 56. twa apaw, F. = boa, di atoro, to lie^ teU a lie. —
57. twa awo (ewQ?), F. to lament, Mt. 11,17. Cf 42.

e-twa, pi. a-, scar, cicatrice, cicatrix; kura a awn na n'amoa a

eka no, en'na wofre no twa; atwft wq no hp pi; wo ho babi a eny^
wo yaw no na biribi yo ho (hurts the place) a, wuse: eh<? de, mede
ho mabii atwa =: mibu no se eny^rae yaw; - obu neho atwa, he
is insensible, indifferent, unfeeling, cold, callous to it.

e-twa, a certain prickly plant; wura bi a eye yaw 80; ekyere

nimoaawon ho wo»hwi nawokofam'a, naasuso won nhwi mu.pr.800.
atV^a, s. atwSa.

tw a, a. tough; tenacious; elastic; fufti, were a wo we no, ntini

nso ye twi; syn. hQH, hildn!, twani, twap^, sa; cf md, matamata.

tVi^d-bo, touch-stone; obo a wgde t\Va sika fwe se eye sikapa

a.s. sika bono.

a t w a-b o a, pi. n-, hedgehog? Gtiinea-pig, similar to wea [G. kptn];

jerboa? an animal as largo as a small pig or goat, going in herds,
living in rocks, pr. 587. Lev. 11,5. Prov. 30,26.

atwa-de, F. measure, bushel. Mt. 23^2. Mk. 4,21. cf. twa 25.

tw4f6, lit. the cutters, those wo are to cut into the enemy, the
company that begins the battle, the van, van-guard, front or first line;
wodi t\V., they are in tlie van.

twafdro bi, a young shark; cf fiirefiire, obodede. [G. tSaflo-

(bi), a small kind of shark that is eaten.]

twjl-fw§, inf. probation or trying of gold on a touch-stone,

atwd-gu, inf. [twa, to pass, gu, to fall vn plentifully] di a-, to
pass numerously: hkata^ia di a-; nnoma no di dua no so a- (= wo-
twa w^.); mmoa di d§nkyed$nkye no ani atwagu; asrafo nkrante
no di nnipa no mu atwagu kasa. Hist. p. 41.44.
twd-hina [ahina, twa 25] measuring pot, holding 12 — 15

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524 ntwah6 — tw^re.

ntwa-ho, inf, [twa 26\ turning or wheeling round, pr. 169.620.

t>Vd-kS,, inf. [t^a8, ka, to dip] the dipping into or eating from
the same dish; di tw., to have friendly intercourse, to he in dose com-
tnunion together; nnansa yi Akuapemfo nh Aktiroponfo nni tw.; cf.
t#awe, akapimaf^e &c.

twdka-di, inf the keeping up of friendly intercourse.

n twa-kae, v. n. [twa, to cui, ka, to remain'] wJuU remained after
repeated cutting, i.e. remnant of a hale of cloth, ntama a wodt6 ato
na kkk as^.

twa-kora, measuring calahash, = susukora; cf. twa 3.25.

twkkoto, hreeches, a garment worn by men, covering the

hips and thighs; ntama hi a wopamno se tros, na asen ne ns^re-
kyiri hk6 na edu, Ntafo atade ne no; syn. ntwontwo, w6n6.
atwakurudu, 1. = sakraman? — J2. a kind of insect.

twam' = t^a mu, s. twa 17.18.

twam' [twa mn] pa^sover, pascha, a feast of the Jews; the

sacrifice offered at the feast. F. apaho, Mt.26,2.17ff.Mk. 14,1.12.

twam, V. [s. red. ti^^intwam] to hecome dry, lean, to languid,

to pine away, ofonewhohas consumption; of plants: to wither, fade,
syn. botow, kagyaV, kisa, nyam.

twam: de so twam, s. t^om.

a t w a-m e ii e, hemorrhage.
ntwam'-tam, F. veil. Mt 27,51.

twan, V. s. red. twintwan.

twanu, adv. languidly: mekotoo no no, na aniwu (or awere-

how) nti neti si fam' {or, siase) tw., his head drooped or hung down
heavily (omm^ ne ti so, ommd n^ani so).

twani, a. clammy, glutinous; dua yi mu nsu yc tw., t/.twa,

a t w a-n s a m a, a kind of hird.
Otwanyokon, name of a month, about Aprtl(?); s. osram.

twapa, a. t<mgh, tenacious, pliahle; hama ye tw., cf twa, sa.

twa'p fe a, t^eapea, a kind octree, little sticks ofvfhich are chew-

ed to cleanse the teeth; dua a wowe de twiw won se so. pr. 190.7.
atwap6, jt?^ n-, axe, hatchet; syn. abonua.

twa-pr^.ko, a little hit cut off at once; cf. bu-preko, te-pr§kd.

twar, F. 1. = twa, twetwe, Mk.9,20. — 2. = twa: gtwar de

mo ho tsew = ctwa se me ho tew, I must he holy. — 3. = tware.

tw^re, V. [red. twitware] 1. =t\Va 15, to cut i.e. cross a way.

' pr.S076.3078. — 2. to cut off, stop, intersect; to ctU (one) out, to get
the start of, to outrun, to meet in order to catch. — aboa hi guan a,
wuse: fa hayi tware no! aboa no reguan no, mekotwaree no na mi-
kum no. — 3. to stun, make senseless or dizzy e.g. with a blow on
the head; fo cause to faint: a) (impers.) etwareno, he is fainting;
wapira na atware no, he faints, swoons, from loss of blood by his
wound; - h) aduru no atware no, the medicine (being too strong)
has made him faint; nsa, okom, apirakuru atw.no; r/*. twa, to beraw,

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ntware6 — tVi^g. 526

to piti. — 4. tware s o, to inquire about or concerning: 6twkre ykr^

s6 = okobisa nea efi so na oyare no bae (wo okomfo nky^n); wo-
kotw^re 8^ fwe = wokobisa ade okQmfo nkyen a.s. wokobisa fuau.

ntwaree [cf, twa J22J bad gold, not proof or sterling; dross:
sika-bone, sika mu fi; nea twabo no atwitwa; cf. bin, tia.

twase [twe ase] obsc. scoundrel^ rascal; a most impudent abuse.

atwase-tem [atem]; okodidii atw., Jie began to use most insolent

and impudent language.

atwd-si, inf, [twa J27, si, to stop]: di a-, to describe a circle^ to

go or turn round; wodi a- n.s. nnipa pi bo kontonkron, a.s. onipa
biako twa neho si n^anaiimu; wodi no h6 a-, thep walk or dance
round him; cf* di kyinbyia; - n'aniwa di a-, his eyes are rolling,
from pride, haughtiness, anger. Job 15,12,

0-twasiogbo [G. otSwa-Si-ogbo, tlwu strikest i.e. fallst to the ground,

ihou diesf] Uie cholera.

atwaata [twa, to separate, ta, to stand] puddle, slough, plash.

iitwa-t6, inf. end; enni ntwato (=:ase), better; etorentwada.

ntwa-to-s6, inf. [twa, to so] false accusation; syn. asoto, ano-

toto; mmotoso, osusuka; pr. 3409.

e-tviraw, (nest or^ swarm of ants, bees, wasps; odan a ahohow,

kotokiir6dii, mpenna n.a. ye wo nnua so; nnowa-twaw.pr.l755.

twd-we, in/*, [twa 5, we, to eat] cutting and eating together

(of the same piece); d i tw., to have communion together; cf. twdka.
twawtwaw, common sandals; s. mpaboa.
• twawa, adv, iipitative of the noise produced by a stone or
piece of wood cast into the bush.

twe, v. [red. twetwg] 1. to draw, pull, drag, lug: apgnkQ twe

teaseenam; otwe dua di n^akyi; otwee adaka fii mpa ase. B. p. 239.

— to draw out (a sword), pr. 1486. — 2. to drive: mframa twg amu-

nnnkum, the wind drives the clouds. — 3. to withdraw, retire: epo
ret we, the sea ebbs; watwg neho ko, he has withdrawn; twe woho,
As. be off! — 4. to remove (e.g. one's leg) pr. 719.962' — 5. twe nan,
to tread in weaving. — 6. to unthdraw mutually: wgtweS wonhd koe,
they fell out with each other and fought. - — 7. twe neho ase, to creep,
to move slowly by drawing the body along the ground as a worm
or reptile does; cf. gtwdasee; otwSneho ase, he crawls off, iciUidraws
secretly. — 8. twetwe, intr. to be stretched. pr.l047. — 9. twe mu,
a) to draw out in length, to lengthen (out); pr. 3419. twg kotoku mu,
to open a bag or purse, opp. dwom ano; - bj to stretch, extend: otwg
ne mil, he stretches himself or his limbs, cf. otee ne mG ; metiJ^e me mu
merepe anim de, Phil.3,13. — 10. .. mu twe, to be drawn out; to be
internipted (the interval between being lengthened): dom abienno
nhyiam* no mu tw§§ kakra, the hostilities between the two armies
were interrupted for a while; n'awo mu twee, the time between, in
her child-bearing, became long, she "stood from bearing" .Gen. 29 f35.

— 11. ..ntam' twS, it is far from.. F. Mtl6,8. Mk,7,6.12,34. — 12.

..so twe, to be diminished, to decline, abate (the upper part with-
drawing or flowing off): n'ahoodeii so antwe, his natural force was

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526 twe — twe.

not abcUed, Deui. 34,7. — 13. tw?, to protract, p9olong,prorofftie, post-

pone, put off, defer, delay, adjourn: woatwe asem no ahye da, the
matter has been deferred to a certain (fixed) day; woatwe asem no
ato bo, the matter has been put off indefinitely, — twetwc asem, to
continue or keep on contending. — 14. tw6 hama, F. twe tonto =
bo ntonto, to draw lots. ML 27,35. cf. aliamatwe. — 15. two kanea,
to trim a lamp. — 16. twe .. kara, to recall one's soul; s. okra. —
17. twe akurodo, to carol, play, sport, frolic, wanton. — 18. twe man-
so, to be at variance. — 19. tw6 nworam: ntam^ a etwe nwaname
no yee den, the discord increased (Ger. die spannung umchs tmmer
mehr). — J20. t\V6 mpSnd, to form a connectionor cohabit tvith a mon
or woman not legally married; to live in a state of concubinage. —
J21. t^e sika, to draw, demand money which is due. — ^^. twe .. aso,
to pinch or pull one*s ear i.e. to punish (for disobedience), to chastLse.
castigate, discipline; woatw5 n'aso, he- has been punished. — J^3. twe
ata (wo ..ho), to struggle, contend (for). —^ 24. twe.. toa so, to recon-
cile, reunite; Brofo atwS Akuapem n^ Nkran atoa so. — 25. red.
Qtwetwe neho, he loiters, lingers, hesitates; wosomano a, onim6paD-
kran nko; biribiara a orckoye na gny^ no mprempren, na ogyina
ho kakra. — 26. red. watwetwe neho, he has dressed himself as «
beau, dandy, fop or coxcomb, having pulled his trousers or other
dress so as to make them tight. — 27. twetwe .. pGapfia, to contract
ntwetwe ns§m no biara mp., do not contract any words (in writing);
kyerew nenh. mft ma. — 28. ne tirim atwetweno = ne t. akyercno.

29. neyam' twe no, F. = ne yam' hyehye no, twitwa no, ht is

moved with compassion. Mt. 9,36. 18,27.

30. twetwg, V. F. to provoke; yede at w etwe wo abufnhyew no

asensen hen do, we have thereby provoked thy wrath and indignation
against us. — ii. twe (twi) pin, F. to draw near; cf. twiw 1.

twe, adv. completely, entirely; wgaka ne nhina atom' tw^; ebo

80 twe = pe.

twe, obsc. female genitals; di-, to cohabit with a woman.

Q-twe, pL a-, 1. &kinio£ antelope, cf, qdsho.pr. 1427.17913410-18.
— 2. 9. kind of grasshopper.

dtwe, a kind of beans, growing in the earth like the ground-

nuts; cf. at4d^^; when cooked they are called aboboe. [6. Akw^.]
atV^e, a ceri&in play; - di or sisi at we, pr.2968.

twe, v.[red.twetvfG] 1, to look or search for or after, to search

out: wot we no, they search him out; otwe n'afum' ade; okotwetwc
abe, he goes in search of palm-nuts; otwctwe ne mme so se obenya
hi ana; mekgtwetwe (= mekofwefiXe) meho se menya ntrama bi
memawo ana? — 2. to seek out what is laughable about a person,
to censure, criticise, satirise, to mock, deride: wgtwe no, they are mock-
ing him = wodi no ho few, woserew no.

atwe,tw/*. bo or ko a-, to make ox institute a battue; nnipabebre

bom^ kg wnram* na woma mmofra kasa pam mmoa b^rewgn na
woknmwgn; cf. boaboafo, homofo, tabamfo.

twe, interj. s. pat ire.

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otwed — tVsr^m. 527

o-twed, 1. dog, hitch; cf. okramari, otwea-tan.iw. 474, — ^. abu-

sively : a mean worthless fellow y good-for-nothing feUaw, wretch.

atVirea', aiweawa, i. a small dog. pr.QlS. — J2. slave (only his

own master may call him so), pr, 1788,

atwea, atwS, pi, n-, sack; wode kente na eye; cf, awotwS.
tw6a^ interj, expressing utmost disregard or contempt.
tw6a, pi. n-, corner, extremity/ of something angular, e.g. of a
table, a house &c., external angle; r/lhin, kokoam, batv^ow, Ak.ba-
tVk^ea-ti bo, the head comer-stone, [twee.

Dtwea, a kind of climber, hama bi a eye den.

ntVreabdn, chain worn as an ornament, about the neck, wrist
or loins, made of silver or gold.

TVv^eadui.mpon, a by-name of God, s, Onyankopon; it is

said to mean the Almighty; nea gboo ade nhlnft so. [/r.twe adi am-
pon or twe aduan & pon?]

0-twe-aniwa, a kind o£ pot-herb,

atwea-nim-meu, Akw. woato no at^. = woato no sraha.

tViredp^a, 5. twftpea.
o-t w e-as e. -asee [aboa a otwe ueho ase] serpent, snake; cf, owo;

tw§ase, s, tv^ase, obsc, scoundrel, rogue, rascal.

atifrfia-tam, n-, sack-cloth, — o-twea-t^ii, bUch,
atw6-ba, inf. di a-, to remove from one place to another.
tw6bein', tw6bew, twem, twd, interj, certainly, of course,
to he sure!

at>Ve-bew\i, a kind of head; s, ahene.

twe-bo, adv, completely, entirely; wamua n'ano t\v. = kora,
Tie keeps entirely silent,

twe-b6+, magnet, load-stone,

twedee, Ak. =: twere.

twee, pi, n-, K. [that which is dragon] drawer of a table, chest

of drawers &c. kotwc tVi^ee no na yi adee no b6ra!

n t w e e [th(U which is drawn] mre; k0ber6 or awowa nt wee, wire

of copper or brass.

t\Vee tViree: y§..tw., to scare or frighten away; obiara ba ne

nkyen a, orenye no tw.

twe'fo, persons engaged in a battue; won a wgko at we no;

s. atvSre.

iitwe-ho. inf. withdrawal, retirement,

iitweho-aaiit, monastery,
ntwehoni, pl.-fo^ monk; cf. okokorani.
twem, adv, 1, completely, entirely, thoroughly; s. tCi^om. — 2,
nimbly, strongly; otid fam* twfera twem twem r-r p\m pim pim.
ntw6m, a kind o^itch; wado ntw6m ■=:= gyare ase.
. twem', adv, s, twebem.

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528 twemamentwe — twerebe.

twe-mft-mentwe [lit. draw, let me draw, or that I also may

draw, i.e. do what you please and let me also do what I please'] dis-
cord; tw. mpA won nsem mu; contention for mastery, pr. 3501, — di
twemamentwe-d^, to he disunited, to he at variance with caehoiker;
gmaii no tA wqo hene di tw.-de; lehowa na mo-n^ no nnni tw.-de,
do not rehel against the Lord!

atvSre-mu, Ky. length; gdan no atw. si anammon 20.

n t w e-m li, inf, the act of stretching one^s hack or hody.pr^7^3420,

twen, V. [red. twentwen] to wait; twen kakra, wait a little;

tr. to wait for, expect: ma yentra ha ntwen no, let us sit down (ot
remain) here and wait for him. pr, 390.3421, - twen .. ase, to loiter,
linger, tarry, delay: w6tw^n won nan ase kakra (e.s. wonam bereo,
wgnnam se kan-no bio), they slacken their pace or gait a little f make
stoppages in walking; twentwen wo nan ase, slacken your pace; cf.
tutu wo anan duom, go on slowly; sika a ode betua ka no yaw a e-
yeno nti, gtwentwen (kanotua) ase, hecause he grudges the money
required for paying his deht, he is tardy in paying it.

tw 6h twen, adv. nimhly, cleverly: ohurtiw* twentwen =feii

fen, he jumps ahout nimhly.

e-tw6ne, hridge; etw^ne da asubonten no so, tJiere is a bridge

across the river; cf. mpata 3.

tweneb6a, twer..., a large tree similar to kyenednra, with

smaller leaves, used likewise for house building and drums.

twenewd, p/. n-, rammer, ram-rod, gun-stick; wode tw. na

epoma tuo ; - gretwe n-, he takes up the number of the men (war-
riors, soldiers) belonging to a company.

o-tw en iwemt 6, pi. a-, a healthy, strong person; onipa a owo

ahOoden, oyare biara nhaw no; 6ye gtw'. = ohoodenfo; gny6 otw.
= oyc gyarefo.

twentwen, red, v., s. twen.

t\frer, V. F. = tweri, to lean on; to confide on,Mt,27,43,Mk.lOy2i'

twer, F. = ntweri ; s i -, /o dig a winepress, wine-vat. Mk, 12,1.

ntwer, F> bu-, to how the knee. Mt 27,29.

tVi^dre, V, 1. to gnash, grate, grind; abufuw nti 6tw^re nese

(ase), he grinds his teeth (ebinom de "ase" ka ho, na ebinom nso ka
"twere* iikuto); ebinom wu a, won ho ye won yaw nti wgtwere won
se ansa-na wgawu. — J2. to peel with the teeth: tw. abe; pr. 65.1590.
1739. — 8. = twen, to wait for.

twerQ, V. Ak.=i. twerew. — 2. =kyerew; red. tweretwere.

tw^r^, Ak. twedee, pi. a-, the hand half -way clenched on pur-
pose to strike with it; also the blow thus inflicted; pr. 3251' -tow
or bg tw., to inflict such a blow; mmarima tow t^., ramea bg tw.
- oyii twedee na gde abg me fwene so; - ko at^^r^^i pr. 518. - cf,

atw^re, a kind of frog; cf. apgtorg. pr. 1548.

tVirer^be, s. dwerebe.
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twerebo — twew. 529

twQre-b6, flint-stone; cf. otuo. pr. 3422,

at\ivere-boa, pL n-, a kind of rodent animal.
at we rede, atwergro, a kind of animal, pr. 1548,

twe re w, v. to scratch as a honj to scrape, grate; s. wen*, werew.

t we re t w e re w, red. v., to scratch, paw: oponko do ne nan tw.

fam*, the horse patvstJw ground with his foot; to scrape with a knife;
cf. hiia.

a t w e r e w d, JO?, n-, pistol ; syn, kodiawua.

twe ri, V, [red, twitweri] 1. to incline, lean against: otweridua,

he is leaning against a tree; etweri lio, it is leaning there; - dc ..
tweri, cans., to put or place so as to lean against: fa tno no tweri
kokoaTn\ put the musket into the corner. — 2, to trust or confide,
hare or place C07ifidence in; to rely on: ma yenifa yen akyi ntweri
wo, let us place our confidence in thee, -— 3, n*anim tweri lig dagna
se afwefwe, his face is shining brightly as a looking-glass; m'anim
twerii = minyna anuonyam, s, anim.

n t w6rl, 1. a place for squashing the pnlpy snbstance of pdlm-

fiiiis, pidping-place ; nea wgwgw abe worn'; wgatu fam' kurukurn-
wa, na wgde abo ntnVntra asem ase, na wgde bi agyiuagyinam'
atwa mn ahyia, na se wgp5row abe a, wgde gfini', na w6de wgmA
wow na wgnoa ye hho. — 2. nsa-ntweri, wine-press, Mt.21,33.Mh.l2jl.
ail tw erf, F.a-, j^Z.n-, ladder, scale, stairs; F. steps, stairs made
of wood, stone, bricks; s, atrdpo6.

antweri-be, a palm-tree to he ascended by a ladder.

atwer-se, F, = setwere, gnashing of teeth. Mt 13,42,
atwe-se [ade a wgtwe wg ase] thumb-bolt, sliding catch-bolt.
atwe-s6 [ade a wgtwe biribi so]t rake.
e t w e-s u in,+ locomotive, CJir.
t w e 1 1 a: t w a .. tvV., to circumcise. [G. fo ketia.] Eiis pr. 130.
twetiafo, a circumcised man; cf, momSnoto.
twetiaf6-i\niia, a kind of small ants, ntdt^.a bi.
twetia-tvVa, inf, circumcision, practised by some of the sur-
rounding tribes, as the Nkranfo, Huafo, but held in great disdain
by the Twi- tribes.

twetwe, red. v,, s, twe, cspec. 8.13,25-28,30,

atwetw6: si., a-, to deride, mock; syn, scroserew; Onyanko-
poii, wonsf no atw. — F, — gorn ho, Mt 27,29.41.

twetwetwetwc, adiK : gsere w tw., he laughs heartily, roars

with laughter.
t w e't w fe, red. v., s. twe.
0-twe twefo, pi, a-, mocker,

11 1 w e t w e d 6 : w g -, logo astray, be ernng, watider, roam aboid:

/)wo n-, c.s. obi nam kwan na wayera rekyini wuram'fwefwegkwan ;
ode no wg n-, he leads him wrong, astray, out of the way,

utwetwee, Ak. r^ apane. — iitwetwewa, a kind oihat,

twew, 8. two, twow.


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530 twi — ntwisd.

twi, v. [red. twitwi] 1. to thrust, pmh or knock about; wotwi

no = wosunsum no. — 2. Ak. = twiw, twuw.
twi pin, F. to draw near. ML 15fi,

tViri, w. i. twi or twitwf, retreat: Agyeman de (twi, or) twitwf

beboo Yaw Duoda so, Agy, fell hack upon Y.B. — ^. bo ..twi, to
thrust, push or drive back, to repel, repulse: yeabo dom no twi, we
Jiavc pushed back the enemy (perhaps only for a while, not yet de-
feated). — 3,hQ twi, intr. to be alarmed by sad or joyful news; to
be in a stir, agitation, tumuliuous commotion, to get up in confusion,
to run together hastily and confusedly, but with determined steps:
woate se asemmone a emu aye huhti reba oman mu, se ebiadom re*
ba n.a. a, na omah no abo twi = abo wi.

e-twi, -e, pL a-, leopard; yr.851. cf. osebo, kiirotwiamansa, asa-

bontwi (odontwi).

Twi, the Tshi Language, s. Gr. p. X-XVI.

t wi-b 6, in/*. [bQ twi] public alarm; confusion connected with it
dntwibo, a large edible root, similar to the tubers oi yafn, with
large leaves like the plants of the Arum family (Taro? Indian tur-
nip?); one kind has been brought to Akem and Akuapem from Wa-
sa, another, called k6k6, from the West-Indies; a similar kind,
known in Akr., Aktiap., Fante for a long time, is amankani.

antwifdu,i. a kind oi pot-herb, — 2. a cutaneous eruption on

the legs.

Twiforo [F. Kwiforo] a country of the Gold Coast to the north

of Wasa, and the Tshi tribe inhabiting it, written by Europ.; Juffer,
Tufel dtc. Gr. p. X.

o-TVv-I-kdsd, the Tshi language,

o-Twinf, pi, a- -fo, a man of the Tshi nation; cf, Okanni.

o-twi-nfe-twe ahoodeii,^ the dectro-magnetic power,
twin tw am, red, v, twam, to become dry, hard (duaba bi, a-
duam-momouo biara a wondae, kuru anim nsu a ekata anim se nea

n tw in twam e,t;.n. scwf, scab; ade a atwintwam kuru anim.

twintwan, red. v. t wan, to become lean, wrinkled. F. to wither,
twtntwan-twintwan: way§-, he reels, staggers, tumbles;
cf. ntintan, gykhi^ykhL

twiri, t;. <o slander, calumniate,

ntwiri, inf, slander, calumny,

atwiri-b6a, a small kind oi ant; aboa a eso kakrakyen nte-

tea na Qkawo a eye yaw se, nso oka wo a, na ukdrofo se: obi re-
twiri wo.

0-twirifo, pi, a-, slanderer, calumniator,

o-twf roukii, joZ. a-, a kind of wading bird; anoma a ote or
osiane nsu ho, mpata ara na odi; ne mmran ne: bak&si^nepo.

ntwironowd, vestibule, porch, entrance into a house ; odan a

woasi na wonam mu ko ofie; cf, apatam, nnantwerem*.
ntwisa, a kind of chintz; ntw. tun turn, ditto; s, ntama.

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twitae — ntwom. 531

iwitSLCy file.

twit6ii, A plant with leaves like those of a pine-apple; wgde

n^ahabah kyekyere gya. pr, 3311. Gr. § 291.

twitwa, red, v., to cut several things, to cut into many pieces
€tc, s. twa 1,2.8.27, (yetwitwaa yei'i ani, we looked around us); otwi-
twa ne nan ase.

twitware, red. v. tvs^are.

ntwitwa-an5, Ak. ntwitwaran6, inf., - wodin-, they overtake
or outrun each other in racing; wo-ne wo ygnko si mmirikakdne na
oyi twa ne ygnko ho na oyi nso twa neyghko ho.

twitweri, red. v., s. tweri.

twitwl, hastCf confusion; = kitikiti; s. twi. — bg tw., to he

agitated. Mt. 21,10. - fa twitwi, ¥,'to run violently, Mt. 8,33.

twi twi, twitwi w, red. v. twiw == twutwn.

twiw, twuw, Ak. twi [red. twitwiw, twutwuw] 1, to move for

approach or recession; t^^ iw bgra, draw near! twiw gyina hayi, pro-
ceed and stand here! twiw kg hg kakra, remove a little to that place!
twiw kg wo anim, move forwards! — 2. to rub mutually, to suffer by
friction or attrition, pr, 992. — 3, to rub; agyinamoa de ne ti twitwiw
roe nan ho. — 4. to rub for cleaning or polishing, to wipe, to clean
by rubbing or scraping, to scour (asepatere ho, pon so, akcnteniitia
bo, dan mu &c.). — 5. to rub one's body, e.g. with lemons, with a
liquid substance: gde ankaye or twitwiw nehd. — 6. twiw .. anim,
to rebuke^ reproach, chide, ahi^e (stronger than ka .. anim); e.s. wo-
ye bone hi a, na wgyaw wo.
two, pr. 3424. s. twgtwgw. .
ntw6, defeat; di n-, to suffer a defeat; wadi ntwo = wadi hkO-
gn, wako aguan; ntwo no wiee nim, the defeat ended in a victory.

tw5 (i.e. tvfdh) interj. s. twebem &c.

twom, V. to catch al once? cf. twem = twe mu.

twom, F. = twam'. Mk, 9,30,

twom: de so twom (t warn, te) to snatch away quickly, speedily.

tw6m, adv, = twem; ade asa tw., it is completely nigJU; wadi

ne nhiua tw., he has eaten it up altogether; so mii tw. (preko, nso
dennen), hold it fast at once!

twom, obsc, corrpt. fr. twem'.

twom, 1. an animal living in the sea or a river, compared to

a sea-turUe; aboa a gte pom' n^ Firawm', ne ho ye den se, gte se
osaburu, eny^ apata pa; wgde nenhoma dura akukua nh mmentia
boy wgde ne dua fwe nipa. — ^. a whip made of its tail: wgka no

ntwom, a kind of itch: wadgn-, he is affected with itch.

ntwom, a click or smacking with the tongue from displeasure,
indignation, annoyance, grief &c. gbg no n-, he hisses at him, smacks
at him with his tongue, e.g. at a roaster's too severe task of labour
demanded; = gkasakasa, onwinwi ne ygnko ho; wgde ahoyeraw
a.s. awerghow na ebg. [6. dg ntdgi = gu ahome.]

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532 ntwomfi — W.

n two m a, red ochrey used by the negroes to paint their houses,

to rub the floor of their apartments {pr.290S.s. kwaw), also to stain
their dress or to rub on their face as a sign of grief; ntw. (dote kg-
ko a wgde kwaw) kyere anibere; obi n'agya wu a, ode ntw. peu*
ne tam mn ana ode twa n'ani akyi (a. ode bo n*anim kora) de kyere
fie n'ani abere; wgrebekum bi a, wgbo no ntw. ne gyabiriw; yede
won bebo ntw. = yebeto won akyere a.s. yebefa m nnipa no akam
won de akyere se: won de, yehnsa aka won, yebetumi aknm won
aye won se ntwoma.

n two 111 ma, a kind of head; s, ahene.

twgu, V. F. = twen.
ntwontw6(o full) a kind of wide breeches; atade a wopamno
tiatia koktiro de si wohasen mu; of, twakoto, wbno.
a two p 6, s. atwapo.
tVi^oi'odo, tworododo, ndv, imitative of the sound prodnced
by pouring water into a vessel: ode nsu gu ahindm^ tw.; pr. .^^. cf.
torgdodg, tdradada.

two ro do do, a. thin; nkwaii no ye tw. = ampiw.

twotwo, pr. 3424,

two t wow, corner f outer angle \cf. twea, batwow or batwew]

kusu-fam t\v.,i^. 48,2(3) the noiihern corner soil, of Jerusah^m, the
site of the temple.

t w w, s. before, pr. 3424.

e-twow, a disease of the virile genitals; mmaninyarc bi a ema
fwea hoh ye kakra. 'pr. 393.3425. ,

twu, V, s. twiw; tvvu pirim, As., twi pin, F., to draw ntar. —
to clean: twu kuraba akyi; F. Mt.23^5. twu anyim, F. to upbraid,
rebuke, Mt. 11,20.19,1.3. —niwu-myim, F. rebuke,

E-Twum, pr. m. of one of the earliest kings of Asante, the builder

of Kumase. — Twuinasi, pr. n. m.

NtvViimurii, jjr. n. of a country on the enst side of the Volta be-

tween Karakye and Nta.

twutwuw, red. v. = twitwiw. — twuw, v. ^^ twiw, twu.


The labial consonant w, a semi-vowel formed with both lips,

Gr. § 8, occurs as an initial consonant only before the pure vowels
a, 0, O, o, u. Before nasal vowels we find iiw, Gr. § 11. (In F. w
is also found before nasal vowels instead of nw.) Before e, e, e. l,
we use w, Gr. § 10,2. (In F. w is retained.) — As a final sound,
w forms diphthongs (Gr. § 5), which are mostly avoided in Ak. (part-
ly also in A.W. Parkers Fante writings), — The consonant w if
often an attenuation of original b(e8pec. in the diminutive syllable
wa), and in some cases interchanges with ]) and h; 5. Gr. § 19 B.
patiriw, posow, ahoba= watiriw, wosow, awowa. — It is also found
as a second initial consonant after k, li, n, in F. also after g, s; «•
kw, hw, nw, gw, sw.

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wa — ware. 533

w a, v. Ak. 1. :-= waw, to support, ward off; wa usuo uo iliio

= siri (siw) nsuo no ano. — ^. = ware, to he long, — 3. ^^ ware,
to marry.

o-wa, 5. gwaw. — iiwa, s. nwaw.

wa, imit, adv. expressing the sound of breaking or splitting
of wood: dna no awae wA!

wa, imit, adv. expr. the rushing sound of trees agitated by the
wind or in falling: moreko uo, metee semframa rehim ababan wa.

w a b i r i m, ifi. pr. 3399.

iiwa-bcna, -brS., a file of dried snails through which a wooden

stick is run to keep them together; nwaw 9-12 a wgasina no dua

biako so.

wada, F. = wo ara, even thou, thyself.

o-waduru, s, owoaduru.
wae, V. [red. wawae, waewae] 1. to take off, strip, draw, tear,
or pndl off, to peel off, pare off, espec. with a knife or some other
instrument: w. duabon, to peel off the bark of a tree (one large or
small piece at once); w. apata ho bono or abgn, to scale a fish; w.
ne twa so bon, to take off the scurf of a scar; w. nhoma, to draic or
strip off (a piece of) the skin from the body, cf. gua, to skin, flay;
w. dan ho dote, to loosen and take off the clay coating tJie wall of a
hausc. — 2. intr. to grow loose and come or fcdl off, to flake (break
or separate in layers), to peel or scale off; dan ho dote no awae wae,
the clay has fallen off from the wails of the house in several places.
— 3. to be disjointed, dislocated, put out of joint, luxated (abogye,
yr. 697). — d. to fall off or atvay, to desert (from a party), revolt,
rebel, turn recreant, apostatize; neman fa awae akgye dom, a part
of his people have fallen away (deserted or renounced allegiance) and
turned enemies. — waowae, red. v., s. before.

wau-we, inf. [wae, to get off a piece from, we, to eat\. ueh<5

wo w., tl^ere is something to be gotten from him; wunya ne ho biribi di.

iiwd-ky 6ni, a lot of dried snails combined on twice ten sticks

(uwab^na) in the form of a shield Tokyem); nwaw a woasinasinano

nnna pi (10 ahorow 2) so de abom aye no biako; ebeye nwaw20().

o-wdii, saw; cf. sa, s^rada'. lpr.3436.

waniifpl. wanam, F. = woana, hwana, bona, hena, jpron. who?

o-wd-nini, a large snail, otope.

o-wansaiV, pi. a-, a species of antelope, middle-sized, of a red-

dish colour with white stripes; s. gdabg. yr. 1445. 1801.343 If.
a w a n t a, shotdder-blade, blade-bone.

w a n t e r e ni a, ear-pick, pr. 2788.

nwa-nweue [nwaw aiiwene] snail-shell.
wara, wada, F. = ewo ara. — nwara, =^ hwora.
ware, v. [red. wo ware] Ak. wa, to be long, to be tall; cf. ten-
ten; gkwah ware, the way is long (pr. 1892), the place is far off; ko-
yi wo bogyese, eware dodo, R. p. 243; nea ghene no pc titiriw ne nsra-
{o a wgwgwaree, Gen. Hist. p. 137.

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534 ware -— owaw.

ware, t?. [red. wareware] Ak., F. wa, to many, take in mar-

riage; w. yere or ba (bea), syn, byia yere, to take a w%fc [G. wye];
w. kunu, to take a husband [G. gba, gbla]; perf. to be married with;
won nbina aware (Ak. awa)no, they all had her, Mt, 22,28* — to live
together as busband and wife, to cohabit, said also of animals; -
okogye neba aware, he intends to take his dauglder to tcife; - ode
neba mft no aware, he gives him his daughter to wife.

awitre, i;. inf. marriage, the act of marrying, tbe state of being
married, matrimony, wedlock, married state; n'aware yi anye yiye,
his marriage which he had concluded did not turn out well; sec aw.,
to commit adultery, cf. fa gyere & wia.

awd-re [G. awale = atere, spoon] trowel. — uwdre, s. nnuare,

aw^re, aw a rem' [wo dwire irni, ne wkrerau], the part of the

back between the shoulder-blades; efi wo kon akyi bepem wo akyi

ware, a certain game of the negroes played with small balk

or globules passed into the holes of an oblong draught-board or
table, as in backgammon the men are played into the points of the
tables: d i or to w w., /o play that game, pr, 910.

aware-de, money or other valuables given at the conclusion of

a marriage, dower, dotvry, = gbea ti-ade(?>.

0-Wdr6f6, pi. a-, a married person; gbanin-warefo, a tnarried

man; oba-warefo, a married woman. [pr,3d35.

aware-gy ae, inf recession fram conjugal connection, divorce.

a w a r e-g y e, inf. offer of marriage; marriage-contract.

aware-s66, inf. destruction of matrimonial life, adultery.

o-wareseefo, pi. a-, adulterer; adtdteress.

aware-sem, marriage matter; matrimonial cause.

Wasaw, a country, tribe and dialect on the Gold Coast, Gr. p.X.
was a was a, red. v., to fumble, to feel or grope about.

g-wd taku, a kind of tree. pr. 3436.

watiriw, v. [red. wati-watiriw] = patiriw, to slide, slipy trip,
loose footing, miss a step.

waw, V. [red. wowaw] 1. to prop, stay^ support, sustaiti, uphold,

keep from falling by placing something under or leaning against;
wgde biribi aso ade bim' na anfwe ase; gdan bi rebu ua nea akyea
kg hg no wgde dua dennen akosi hg de asom'; wgde dua bi a abg
nta waw brgde ana dua bi a asow pi, na ammu. — J2. to screen, pro-
tect: gde ne nsa waw me so na owia ahhyehye me, he screens me with
his hand that the sun may not burn me; fig. he protects me mth his
power. — 3. >vaw aui, to defend from an enemy's attack; gde kyem
awaw n'ani (n'anim), he screens his face (his whole front) with a skidd.

— 4. waw ano, to wltlistand, oppose, resist; - 5. waw mpastta §no,

to stay the lines of battle, to stop them from receding or retreating.

— 6. ka p6n no wkw ano, leave the door upon the latch, lean the
door against the door-post.

0-waw, cough; bg waw, to cough; gyare waw, he has a cou^;

ne waw ye den, his cough is severe.

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auwAw — wo. 535

aiiwdw^ a kind of bead; abene bi a woapap^e mu na wof^re.

nwaw, Ak. nwa, snail; cf. otabiria, otope, owsininu i>r, 3436-30,

wawa, «;. = haha, hoahoa. pr, 1799,

g-wawa, a kind of large tree.
wawa-aba, a sort of chintz; s. ntama.
wawa, red. v. wa, F. = waewae. Mk, 13,25.
wdw&, a kind of raven; $, auene.
aw A wft: 6y^ no aw., or otSe ne nsa ye no aw., he stretches forth
his arms for him (witb a longing desire, in order to embrace him).

we..., we..., wi..., see under we.... we..., wi....

Besides some Fante words inserted unaer w^ we mention here
such in which F. w stands for Ak. nw or nw, or is of other origin,
awem-bo-wen, = ayam'onwene. 1 John 3,1/,
Q-wemfo, = ohwemfo, potter. Mt,27,7. — owgnfo, s. ow§nfo.
wen, = nwene, F. a penny worth of gold-dust. [Mt. 27,65.
wen, wenwen, a, = nwene, nwenenwene, bitter.
awendadze-bu, den of lions,

e-wim-ber, nwimber, = anwummere, evening. Mt.6,16,

win, = nwini, cool; coolness. — winwin, shadow. (Ps, 39,6,)

w 0, V, [red. wowo] 1. (orig. to stick to a place), to be or exiM

in a place: owo he? where is he? mewQ ho, I am here, present; gwQ
dan mu, he is in the house. In this sense w o is nsed almost exclu-
sively in the contin, form (but: eno hwo ho ansa, that may remain
aside or let us leave that aside in the meanwhile = eno ntra hq ansa);
besides tra the t;t7. b a or ko are used to supply the wanting forms,
and the neg. is taken from the v. di: onni ho, he is not there, not
present, pr, 97. 1300,2268.2347. 3439 f — ewo obi .., there is some one.,,
pr. 3437. — ewo nea oy e na onya, somehow he gets (at) it, pr, 3438. —
^. wo often serves merely to introduce an adjunct of place, stating
the place in which the action expressed by a preceding verb is going
on; it is then not translated at all : oye adwuma wo afnw so, he does
(some) work (and in doing this work) is on tJie plantation, i.e. he is
working in the plantation ; magyaw nepoma wo ne dan mu; mihQu
no wo Mamie; mekofwee no wq afiase; mih(idno [wo] ho mprem-
pren ; odi gna wo babi. M. p. 244. The aux, v. w o is, however, bet-
ter omitted wherever it can be done without injuring the intelligi-
bility of the sentence, espec. in Ak.; s, Gr. § 102,3.117.223,1.224.
225. R§ 196,1. pr. 353.883.1319.1457.3025. — wo is used of an indefi-
nite, casual or transitory stay at a place, te of a stay of some du-
ration. — 3. Phrases: a) worn* = wo mu (to be in,) to be real, ac-
tual, to be indy so: asem yi wom'ampa, //*€ matter is really so; neg.
ennim', it is not so; - ebewom' se..., = ebia, sese, gy^ma (gyibia),
perhaps. — b) m'ani wo so, my eye dwells on (it), i.e. I have it in
my mind, have not forgotten it, — 4. (orig. to stick to a person) to
be in the possession of, to belong to, to be one^s property : ewo me, Ak.
= eye medea, it is mine; gdaii yi wo me, this house belongs to me;
Gr. § 102, 1. Rem. — 5, to have, possess, hold, to be possessor or
master of: gwg sika pi, he has much money; aberekyi wo mm§n; gwg

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536 wo — i\w6.

romoBea (wo) ne kotokum'; mewo abusuafo wo ba ne Akyem; mewo

nnamfo bebre Two) kOrow yim*; B. p. 343, pr, 3439-45. - In this sense
also wo is used only in tbe contin. form (for other forms ny a, fo
get, obtain, is used), and the neg, is taken from the v. di: onni fwe,
he has nothing. Gr.§ 102,2. pr. 907-22.

6. to sting, prick: nsoe n6 sekah wo nipa, thorns and knives may

prick one. pr. 604. — 7. Phr. wo., nnua, to examine closely by patting
several questions indifferent ways; yewowoononnua wowoe wowoe,
we examined him in every possible way. — 8. to pierce, stab, perforate:
ode peaw woo n'ani, lie pierced hi^ eye with a spear; ode sepo woo
no, or, QWQo no sepo, he stabbed him with a dagger. [G.gbu.] pr.994.

— 9. wo mu, to stitch, embroider: owontamamu, sJic makes figures

in a cloth (already woven). — 10. to push: wg.. akomfo, to fmsh
(one) headlong, head over heels; wo .. iikonsaw, to pnsh (one) by the
throat or neck. — 11. to shake: owg neho nko, he shakes (intr.) = odi
ahim; gwo ne ti nko, he shakes or tosses hi^ head = owosow neti. —
1J2. wg, Ak. = wow (to kick, to pound, to knead, to plaid or braid).

wo, V. 1. to engender, beget, generate, procreate (said of both

parents); to bring forth, breed, bear, give birth to (a child); wawo
mma du, he has begotteyi or she has born ten children, pr. 17403463-67.

— 2. to yield or bear interest: ohuruw nkurofo sika na awo no =r

na adg or adgso, he lends (his) money on usury that it may bear him
interest; sika no awo, the money has increased by interest; -pr.351.
ehw6no, he ts not to pay (cannot be charged) interest for a thing

wo, V. 1. to dry, grow dry, become free from moisture or juice;

perf. to be dry: m'atade awo, my coat is dry; dabi, en woe e, no, it
is not yet dry; asase so or fam' awo, the earth, land or the ground
has dried up; gtetewahuaha na ghata (no) awia-so naawo, heplucJcs
tobacco-leaves and spreads them in the sun Uiat they tnay dry; diff.
w o = wew, to dry (up), evaporate, said of moisture, or a liquid.

— 2. Phr. a) n'ani or n'anim awo, s. ani^^.p.324. - b) n'ano awo,

s. ano 12 A. ^.334. - c) wg-n6 nontam' hwo, they are not in a proper
understanding, do not agree well with him.

wo- or W0-, the pron. w gu, prefixed to the verb; Gr. § 54.58.
89,7. — In F. the same form wg or wo is also used for mo, ^^you.
wo- or WU-, the pron. wo, thou, prefixed likewise, ib.
wo, F. e-wo, thou, poss. thy, obj. thee; Gr.§ 53-58. pr. 34o2'6L
§-w6, honey; gwo no adg, the cells of the lioney-comb are filled.
o-wo, pi. a-, F. n-, snake, serpent; cf. gtweasee. pr.2274.3446'5L
Diff. kinds: gpantene, nini, ebgre (guanka), gprlimfri, gkyereben,
ahab^mmouo, atirenu, asouawg, ahurutod, bamiawu, akitaosi^a,

aw 6! (full o) mamma! mother! used in addressing one's own


awo, wo: gye.. awo, to welcome, to receive gladly, joyfully.


aw 6, inf. birth: 1. childbirth, travail or labour of women, ^or-

turition, delivery, pr. PA68f. — 2. nativity, descent, extraction, fam&y,

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ow6aduru — awoko. 537

riice; Mrh 7^6; generation, Mt. 1,1- — awo ka no, oko awo, she trav-
ails; awo no (mil) den no, n'awo mu ye den, she has hard labour;
Gen, 35,16, Mev. 12,2. mereko awo, fig. I am in the greatest pains; -
wogye no awo, the^ assist her in childbitih; - awo akyi ade, after-
birth; cf. etam.

0-w6aduru, pi, a-, [wow adnru] wooden mortar, in which yam

and plantains are pounded; cf. fufu, woma. pr. 571.

woanS., F. = wana, hena, who? pi. woanam, Mk. 3,33,

o-yv6-h n fni [nea qwoo anfni] a woman who gave birth to many
male children.

wo-^nkasa, | thou thyself, thy own self;

wo-ara,(Ak.) ] just thou, even titou, Gr. § 59.
wo-an w o-an o, adv. in a proper, moderate or orderly man-
ner; odi n'asem nhlna w.w. (— okwsinso kwAiiso), =^ ony^ biribi-
ara mma entri so.

woawoa, F. = hwohwa, ML 8,10.9,8, 15/^1.21,20.

awoawoa-dze, F. =:r ahwonwade, Mt. 7^^2.21,15, Mk, 13,22.
awoba, F. ahoba, s, awowa.
awo-bea, birthplace. pr.2310,
aw6-bcre, the time of birth,

awo-bere [a wow here] the cold season, winter. Mk. 13,18.

o-wo-bic [wQ, bi] one who has the (desired) thing, pr. 3470,
aw6-da, birthday; odi n'aw., he celebrates his birthday,
awo-dibca, birthright.
wodow, v. = guah bereo, to steal or sneak off 6t away; wa-
hebo me kakate nti na ema mewodow mn no.

o-wodzc, owodzi, F. heir; Mt. 21,38. Mk. 12,6.1 Pet. 3,7,

woe, = awosanne, Kurtz §144.

a w o e, place of childbirth, pr. 178,

11 woe in', F. birth, descent, parentage; ne nw., by nation. Mk. 7,26,

wofa, j[>?.-nom, uncle, mother's brother; wo na ne nuabarima.
w o f tl s e, i>7. -nom, nephew, sister's son; wonuabca ba (where-
as a brother's son is called oba); F. also niece,

wol'itsewa, pi, -nom, niece, sister^ s daughter, wo nuabea ba-

bea (brothers daughter = oba).

o-wofo, 2^1' a-» a woman who can bear or has born children.
a w f 0, pi,, parents,

awd-gy e, inf. [gye awo] a tcclcoming, as a mother welcomes

Iter children or is welcomed by them.

awo-gye, inf. [^y^ awo] midwifery, assistance in childbirth,

awogyo-duru, medicine to promote delivery,
o-vvogyefo, pi. a-, midwife: accoucheur, obstetrician,

wo-ho, re//, pron. thyself; Gr. § 57.

awo-ko, inf. [ko awo] labour, travail, parturition, the pangs
and efforts of childbirth. — awdko-yjlw, throe, pain, pang or an-
guish of travail in childbirth; aw. akil no, - has seined her.

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538 w6ky6m — iiwora.

w6-ky6in, honey-comb; cf. gkyem, nwa-kyem.

w m', = wo mu, s. wo, 3a.

w6ma, ii-, F. = nhoma, a-, leather, hook dtc, Mk. 1,6, Ml IJ.,
o-w6mma, pi. a- [wow, ba, ef. aba] the wooden pestle (heater,
pounder) with which yam and plantains are pounded in the woaduru.
aw6-mma-gti-dkyi, a kind of herh for food and medicine,
awo-mma-wu: odiaw. (=owommamaowa), she bears chUd-
ten OfUt/ to see them die, i.e. children all of whom soon die.
won, F. = wen, to watch. Mt 24,42.26^38.40.27,36.
won, pron. Ah. ben, Ak. yen, F. hwon, they, them; their.
[Gr. § 53-59.
w Q n-a nk a s a \ihci/ themselves, themselves, just Uicy, even th€$,
w n-a r a ( Ak.)/ tfie very same persons; poss. their own. Gr. § 59.
won-h5, pron. refl. themselves. Gr. § 57.
awonio, pr,3471.
awonkoruwa, a kind of plant.

0-w5n6, wonn6(fullo),Zp(>5C and short hreeclies; 5hyc or osi w^

he wears breeches; atade a Nkramof6 n^ \¥6s\ kai'i no, nanso mpa-
nyimfo binom a w6ye sikafd no, wgta t5t6 ntama a ^yh fe, ua wode
pompom bi; syn. ntwontwo.

wonow, a kind of animal, pr. 1042.

awonnud, F. angwa, fat, lard; aboa mu srade; pr.2072. - cf.

Awonnua, Angwa, a country in the interior, once tributary to

Asante, a 4 or 5 days' journey from Sal&ga. Gr. p. XIV. § 2,4.

aw 0-11 w en e [Ak. ahwanwene] wormwood; ahaban bi a wode

n'ahaban yam aduru; wonom ho nsu.

wora, V. [red. worawora] L to enter into any thing that covers

or conceals, as into a wood or forest, a cave, a remote place; to rm-
merge or plunge into (e.g. the bush); to disappear by entering into
any concealment; to hide oneself, get out of the way, he lost; nnansi
yi, ehe na wokgworae? where have you been hidden these last days'^
ode neho akowora (■= akosie, okohintaw) ayi me ad wo, he hid hivh
self and has kidnapped me, or in order to kidnap me; osunson no dc
neho awora hhaban no ase k6, the worm has hidden iisetf under the
leaves and has crept away. — 2. to ramble or rove through {w.shn-
ban), to search through; onipa ayera, wgakgwora haban ape no. —
3. to thrust, run, drive or push (a pointed instrument &c.) Uirough:
woawora no 86pg, syn. wura. — 4. wgwora, they grapple (or, lay fad
hold on) each other, they ivrestle or struggle; wgworae kosii se gbi-
kO boo ne ygnko, they wrestled (or, contended by grappling together)
until one threiv the other down. — 5. F. wora wo hhyira gu won do,
send thy blessing upon them.

o-w6ra, Ak.^=gtare, ek6, pond; lake, prob. of small extent and

abounding with bulrush, reed-grass &c.; swamp, bog, fen, marsh,
moor; swampy morass.

nwora, shell. — nwora-boa, shell-fish; cf. ad^de, oyster.

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woraba — worow. 539

woraba, ph n-, F. star, = nsoroma. Mt 2^, 24,29.

woradada(dada), adv. in a lengthened, elongated, long ex-

tended fonn, shape or way.
aw6rdm, a kind of plant.
aw6rdii, a kind of plant; s. ehum.

wo raw, V. to emerge, rise or come forth from concealment, to

make on&s appearance unexpectedly; bgtowd fwe (ni a,) osdm^h
woraw (pr. 633.) = mpofirim na waba.

aworaw, adv. n., unawares, unexpcctedlg = in]}o^Tim^ mpaase;

asemmone a odii no gnah koo akura no, n^ani nni neho so na ye-
kofii DO aworaw kyeree no bae.

worawora, red. v. wora. — Q-wordw6rA-k6t;6, pr. 3472.

Worawora, a country and tribe in the interior of the Gold

Coast, Bronfo a wosom Asante beduu 1874 (subject or tributary to
Asante until 1874).

wore, pron. poss. F. = won, their. — woreho, F. = wonho.

wore, V. [red. wowore] to strip or take off the skin or a sim-

ilar tegument; gw. guan no kotoku, he sMfis or flags the sheep;
wojiw6re (wgaw6wor^) won ho atade, theg put off or took off tlmr
clothes; syn. worgir.

Q-w o-r e m ft-m m a r a, an edict or decree enjoining the restitution

of goods in possession.
aworo, a kind of herh.

woro, V. 1. to murmur, roar, rumble with the noise of a cata-

ract or of agitated waves: wowg akyiri a, (Am&napj) nsu yi woro
se asukese bi. — 2. to babble, prattle, chatter, to speak or relate
flippantly, rapidly, in excitement, without stopping: wakgworo asera
no nhina akyere ne na.

aw6ro, inf. cataract; the swell or agitated motion of the sea,

surge, surf.

aw6ro-s5, rapid (rapids) in a river; breakers.

worQw, i?. [red. worgworgw] 1. topush,puU, move: w. ka, to

push a ting. — 2. to strip off, draw, ptdl or take off the skin or any
surrounding tegument, covering or wrapping, to skin, /Za^ (5. wgre);
gwg no aworgw nehd foforo, the snake has cast the slough, has cast
or changed the skin; mew6rg akatawia kotoku, I am pulling off the
cover of the umbrella; meworg ra'atade, I take off my coat; gworgw
nc ntama, he pidls off the clotli (in which he has dressed or wrapped
himself) from his shoulder (in respectful salutation) [G. ekpd ema-
mA] ; waworgw wgn : a) said of beasts : he has skinned tfiem; - b)
said of men : s. foil. — 3. to take away or back from, to deprive one
of things (treasures, valuables, wives, slaves) that were formerly
given to him. — 4. gworgw neho (or ade no) gu ne ygnkS so, he
shakes, casts or shuffles off the matter (away from himself) upon his
companion, putting the fault or blame upon him. — 5. intr. to glide
or slip down: gd^-hama no aw. agu fam' (instead of clinging to a
stick). — 6. to retire, quit one's place in battle; dgm no aworgw afi
wgh mpasda so, = waguan komm kg.
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540 worow — n wot we.

wo row, V, s, wodow.
o-worobeii, a-, ye- io he selfish, proud,

worodg-worodo, worododo, adv, (to sen, to fhwj copimtd^,

of tears gushing from the eyes; nsu H n'aniwam' gu w. = yo yo;
cf. porow 8. & wergdgdo, wirododo, wg.

aworo-ko-ama (poet.) = nea oka akOsem pi.

worowora-worowora, red. v. to make a raiUing noise as the

contents of a powderhorn when shaken,
awo-saii: bone-aw., original sin.

awo-san-ne[ade a wode asan onipa wo awo mu] an inherited

sicknesSj fault or defect; bone a eye aw., hereditary or original sin;
Kurtz§185. cf woe, awiiagyAmma, aseade.

wosaw, t;. s, yres&w, pr. 2743. — awosawosaw, inf. the

ehewing of food, something or plenty io eat, pr. 3i73.

wose, wosewose, a, 1. dry, arid; wohow nam yi bio a, ebe-

ye wose. — 2, clean, cleanly, neat: oye neho wose (onye uehd fifi),
he keeps himself cleanly, orderly,

awo-s e, a peculiar roughness of the skin [compared to asc, itch]

produced by cold [awow] or fear, goose-flesh, goose-skin; a shuddering
fit, chill, shivering; horror (awow a se wuhyia gsamah a cde wo na
egu wo so); aw. agu no so, he is seized with a cold shudder; he shud-
ders, shivers; aw. pini no, he is atvc-struck, horror-struck, Iiorrified,
apjndled, staiis hack with horror = ne ho aye no sipiripl; s^n.ayise.

wosereka, a. rough, uneven, not smooth or plain (onipa ho-

nam, dua ho, mmoa ho, utamap ani); cf wurikyere, awereawere,
we were, abonkyi-abohkyi; opp. tromtrom.

wosercka-ye, inf. roughness, asperity.

w6s6w, = sflmpi', lead.

w s 6 w, V. [red. woso wosow] to shake, wag (tr. & intr,), to trem-

hle, shiver, quake; asase w., the earth quakes; gyataw.neho, the lion
shakes his mane; ow. ne ti, he shakes (wags) his hedd; ¥. Mt27,39M.
- syn. posow, popo, him.

wosowoso, F. duia w., a fruitfid tree. Ps. 128,3.

awd-sii [a wo su] native character, nature; inborn, inbred or
innate quality; sex(?).

awo-s li [awo nsu] the fluid contained in the amnion, the liquor
of the amnios, flowing off previously to delivery.

wo tore, V. to scald (akoko, prako, a fowl, a pig) in order to

clean from feathers or Jiair; to peel: gsdbeh w. onipa honam ko; to
decorticate, strip off: mawgtere (= mawae) dua no ho bon, / have
harked (stripped tlie bark from) the tree; - to separate: wosiw abu-
row wgtere ho ntetewa no; - to strip, deprive: wawgtere ne ho uuec-
ma nhina, he has stripped him of all he possessed, cf. worgw 3. —
to leave one^s body as a serpent casts its slough: anadwo gbayifo
w. neho tu.

awotwe, n-, eight.

11 w 1 w e, a kind o^ stringed instrument (saukfi) with eigtU cords.

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awotwea — wu. 641

.awo-twea', womb, matrix, uterus,

AVOW, V. [cf. wo] 1, to strike, hit, Jdch: ode ne nan awowno, he
has kicked him, — J2, to stamp, pound, bray, beat: w. fiifu, pr. 3474,
s. fnfQ; w. dote, to work clay (mixed with water) with the feet for
bnilding purposes; cf. potpw & kono. — S, to twist, braid or plait
into a weft or tress: owow ^nwene) ne nhwi or ne ti (mmesa), she
weaves or plaits her hair. [G. egbo eyi].

awo w, Ak. awo [fr. wo or wgw, to shake?] cold, chill, chilliness;

cold weather; aw. wo niframam\ nsnm*, pr. 357.604. — aw. de me,
I am cold; aw. agu no so, eyi na ekyere se n'atiridii resan aba bio,
chilliness has come orcr hitu, which is a sign that his fever is returning,

o-wowd, a kind of tree, good for fuel.

awowa, pl,n-y Ak. awoba, F. ahoba, pawn, pledge, gage; host-

age, cf. adohwowa; - wgde abofra, nhene, ntama n.a. si kaw imo
aw., a child, beads, clothes <fr. mag be given or deposited as a pawn,
pledge, surety or security for a debt; ode neba akosi aw.; ode n'ano
asi me aw. pr. 770,

g-wowani, pi, a--fo, a paten for a debt; onipa a wgde no atra

kaw ano se {msom.

w w a w, red, v, waw. — wowo, wowow, red, vv, wo, wgw,

wowo, (fuy o) F. = oho, no, not? Mt, 22,17. Mk. 12,14.

0-woo-wo, = nea gwoo wo, pr. .3475.

awo-y e: oy^ aw., she bears easily, bears healthy children.

woyirini, F. = eyinom. Mk.4,15f. 8,4. 10,14.
wu,t7. [ree?. wuwu] 1, to die, expire, decease, perish; pr. 774. 996,
1286.1445. 17 17. 3494-98. - wAwii, he has died, is dead; syn. wanyakg,
ode ato ho, wagyaw mu, waka babi, waka nkyene agu, wagya ne
kra twe, g-n^ ne kra adi nkra, gkg n^asQman akyi, was^re brayim\
gdao ansgre bio; onnihg (bio); - wawii amiino (wawu at6 n6s6), he
has killed himself upon another i.e. so that the otJier must kill himself
likcioise; osii m'anaiimn wui, he died in my stead; owu kyecme, he
died for me, for my benefit; mprako no sian koguu po no mu wu-
wui nsu no mu, Mt.8,32; wu asuwu, F. to be drowned; wu awumon,
F. to be stf-uck dead; oregye nna awu, s. eda & gye 34; - mewu!
I sh(dl die! (F. interj. of sorrow); - mirewu-o, lam quite exhausted,
over-fatigued, done up, — ^. to become extinct, be lost: nkyene dew
awu, Luk.l4y34, — Phrases: 3. ne bo or ne ko ma awu, he has no
feelings of revenge (which by the heathen is accounted for coward-
ice), he does not care for abusive words against him; me de, me k5ma
awu, piemp^ me ho asem, as for me, I do not take or lay it to Jieart,
(I do not let it affect me,) wishing to keep myself out of palavers. —
4. ne ho awu, Ak. F. he is hnpotent; cf. kotewui. — .o. n'ani wu,
he is or feels ashamed (of); n'ani wu ade, he is bashful. — 6. n'ascra
awu, his talk is worthless, futile, he utters fmd language; oka asem
a, adwempa biara nnim\ - 7. n'aso awu, s. aso Phr.l., gbra 2. —
H, wu bo, lit. to die of the (high) j?r/V?c, to pay an exorbitant price:
mawn bo makgtg kente a wgka no biibi a emma, I have bought an
exquisite country-cloth at an exm'bitant price; gya asem no akyi nA

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542 owu — awuosoii.

wu b6 ! cease to prosectUe the matter and pay any sum (rather than
proceed any farther); onipa nwii bo nto adebone (or, adehnna), no-
body willingly pays an excessive pnce for a mean or worthier thing;
miwu bo a, ^ne se: ebo no sd a misusuwi se ekum me (wo) sikam*.
— 9, wu sika, lit. to die in money, to pay money beyond one's power
or fortune: mewn sika na mede magje me naa, I wHl take the Iteavy
expenses upon me to redeem my brother.

o-wu, inf, death, decease, demise, departure, dissolution, exit, ex-

tinction of life; mode or manner of dying ;pr, 439.3476-93. — own ye
yaw, death is painful; own adare, death's scythe, pr. 3481. — oda
owu BO (= ownpa so), he is in a dying state; gse own, or, owu se no,
he is worthy or guilty of deaOi; wak& owu afwe, he has tasted death;
owu, wowuno dakoro, pr. 417.3488.

awu, inf. di awu, to commit a murder; to kill, murder: odino

awn, he murders him.

awii-a-gy ^-m md [1. ad^ 4 wiiwn na wode gyiw mmA; 2. mma

a obi wu gyaw won wo n'akyi.] 1. inheritance, left at tJie deatJt of
parents to their children ; a hereditary thing or possession, custom,
knowledge dtc. nyansa no ye Brofo aw.; gyare yi aye aw. (wg) abu-
sua no mu. — 2. children left behind at the death of a person (?).
Cf awnunyade.

a w u a s i s i, jpr. 284J2. cf. awusin. •

awu-de [owu ade] tilings pertaining to death or execution: wgye

no awude, e.s. a) wobu no fg se w6nknm no, they pass sentence of
death upon him; - b) wgbg no kam, wgfwe no a.s. wgye uo biribiara
a efa own ho na ekyere se wgrebekumno, (hey maltreat him before
hilling him; wganye no aw. biara = biribiara a ese owu, cf. akunne^

awu-di, inf. [di awu] murder. [Lk. 23 J5.

o-wudii6, pi. a-, murderer.

o-wuedi, s. ownodi. — wuentwi-wuentwi, F. s. wentwi-w.

o-wufo, pi. a-, a deceased or dead person.

o-wu-home, rest in or after death.

Wtikiida, Wednesday. — awuku-dae, = ayaw-dae, s. adae.

awu-mon, F. = awusin, a sudden death; s. wu 1.

awii-nny d-de [ade a obi awu de agyaw wo] iftheritance, heri-

tage; F. awnngyadze, Mt.21^. cf. apdgydde, agyapad6.
wu-nyd-kaw, debts caused by funeral customs.

awu-nyam-bo, F. = awiyammo. Mt 24,41.

o-wii-nyan, inf. [wu, nyan] an awaking from death, resurrec-

tion = owusgre, F. awufo mu sgr, Mk. 9,10.

owii6di[owu a odi] the moon's successor, an appellation of the

morning- and evening-star.

awdonu, [owu, enu] a twofold deaifi; ehafo hyg nsew se; wo-
b^wu awilionu I g.s. wobewu wg ha asan ako wu wg asaman ; cf. own-

awuosoii [own akyi ade a wgtgn?]: wgkgtgn n^aw., they seB

his things by public auction, public or open sale, subhastoHon; ogna-

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owupd — awuse. 543

dini a ode ka, wodan no a, onny& bi mma a, na woaboa ne nnegma

ano rekotoh no awuos6n. [G. awuSon .]

o-wu-pd [own mpa] deaih-hcd; gda owupd 86, he is in a dying

o-wu-pa [own pa] a natural death. [state,

o-wu-perenuii, the second deaths a twofold death; s. awnonn.

o-wu-preko, a death to he suffered once with no other death to

come after; se wowo wo mperenna a, wuwa wu-prcko.

awu-piiw, speedy death, great mortality, pr,938,

wura, v. [red, wurdwura] 1. to pierce with, to run, thrust, pass

or twist something long through: woawurano sepo, tJiey have pier-

ced both his cheeks with a dagger, have thrust a fine pointed knife

through his cheeJcs; wowura adesoa no dua or nnua, they carry their

load by means of a pole; adesoa biara a enye nea obakofo soa na

wode dna kyekyere ho na nnipa bann soa; akwansrafo no wuraa

obobe no nnua. Num. 13,23; s. putu; cf wora, nw6ra. — ^. to cling

or stick to, be attached to, pr. 460, — 3, to adorn [G.wula]; onipano

awura (neho) sg = wahyehye ueho, wakeka neho.

w^r6,,weed(s), grass; bush; wood, forest; whatever grows wild;

all overgrown land outside the inhabited places; ofien6 wuram\ in
the town or village and in the bush or field; ohCii se wura bi redew
gya, nanso ehhyew, Ex, 3Ji,Mk.l2^6. Lk, 20^, pr. 1479,3499,
nwiird, weeds, grass; i^bbish, sweepings.
o-wiira, pi, -nom, F. e-, Ak. owira, master, lord; landlord, pos-
sessor, owner; voc, sir; in passionate address: awurd! oh master!
voc.pl, iiwnr8inom\pr,483,1507,1625.1694.2694,3500'3503, c/lagya, ofi-
wura, od^kiir6, ghene, ohempd, daas^bSre, gdefoo, okum'nfpa, otdm'-
fog. [6. nontSg, pL nontSgmei, tSiemei.]

awura', Ak. awiraba, awirawd, mistress, lady; landlady.

iiwura-dau, F. thieves, = awifo. ML 6,19,
awur^de, master, lord,
iiwura-d6d6(w), rubbish; cf. dodowura.

wura-haban, F. weeds. Mt, 13,25,

Awurahae, a town on the right bank of the Firaw (Volta).
n w u r a-h \\ n ii, a kind of grass.
wurawura, red, v,, s, wura; - w. mu, to run or pass through;
putu wg hg yi, wosi no s§ gdan, wgde nnua na ede wurawura mu.
wurepf, a kind of otcl, = apotobiesise.
wurikyere, wirikyere-wurikyere, a. rough, uneven, rugged
(of a person, wood, stone, a way); eho w., its outside is rough; oboii
WW., a rugged vaUey,

hwiXru, (land')tortoise, cf, akyekyere [perh. = awo-huru; cf.

apohuru]. pr, 1584,3504-

awiirukyim, a climbing plant, bearing 5 or 6 small red ber-

ries united in a bunch ; hama a wgde kyekye gyaten, gd^.
wusa, i. = yisa, pr, 2353. — 2. a grain (BdlArithm.)
awu-se [owu ase] reason or cause of death. F. Mk. 15^6,

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544 owiis^m — aw^.

0-wu-s6m [own asem] a criminal tnaiier; asem a woka a wo-

bekam wo.

awu-sfii, a sudden death. pr.930.

O-wusi w, Ak. owisie, smoke; pr. S505. - ow. atw6 akogyinawon

80, the smoke has passed away and gathered upon them, Cf. boto-
huhuw, steam; ohurdhurow, vapour. — Phrase: asem no wiisiwani
abere(no), = adai'i bone (amano), tlie matter has assumed a most
tlireatening aspect (for him).

o-wusi-hy^ii, steam-ship^ steam-hoot, steamer.

0-wi'i s i w-t6 as e-dii a m, locomotive-engine.

wiisiwusi, a. 1. dim; gkaneanoyew., the candle hums dim-
ly; n'aniwa so ay§ w., his eyes liave hecome dim, — 2. wusiwusiw,

o-wu-sore, resurrection, tlic rising again frotn the dead; o wuny iii.
wiisuwusu, a, disorderly, dirty, nasty; oye neho w.

o-wu-yar6, a deadly sickness; cf. oyarewu.


The palato-labial consonant ^ (a semi- vowel equal to wy pro-

nounced together) is written (instead of w in F.) before the pure
palatal vowels c, e, i Tin some cases also before o, o, u, when stand-
ing for original e, e, i). It is also used as the second letter in writ-
ing the palato-labial sounds of tw, dw, fw, iiw. Gr. § 10,2. 12. —
It interchanges with w and y.

we, V. 1, to gnaw, nihhle; to eat, espec. by way of gnawing or

nibbling; to cheiv, cf wesAw; owe abiirow, he is eating Indian corn,
picking it with the teeth from ilie cone; oguan we nwura; on we ne
konmu dawa, ^^.526.800.1768.3407. 3506 f — Cf. m^we-mewe, pr. 329,
— 2. to drink, e.g. palm-wine (colloq.) — 5. = di 7. (in beweonua);
s. we we. — 4. we so, to suppress (one^s wrath or anger, pain), to for-
hear (laughing). — 5. wawe ahinam (se gbekg), he is determined
or resolved (to go). — 6. we tare, to asperse, hespatter ivith false
cJiarges, defame, slander, calumniate; wawe atare me, s, wetare.

we, Ak., s. wow. — we, s. red. we we.

w^, imit. adv., expr. the sound of cutting or tearing; wutwa

biribi tratra bi a, na eye w^! watwa ne ti (ne fwene, n'ano, n^aso),
we ! watew hama no, we !

we: anim aye w^, the face of the earth and every thing on it
has hecome visihle (in the early morning, before sunrise), it dawns;
cf. anim.

w e, awkwardly, heavily, in a irouhlesome manner: gpk ne t«»

ase w^, he moves his hinder part on the ground in an awkward man-
ner, e.g. when on account of the guinea-worm or another sickness
he cannot use his legs to get into another position ; opp. w6we.

dwt\ Awfei^.! friend, comrade, good friend! used when a man

wants to call one of his aquaintances or equals without making use
of (or not knowing) his name; pf\ 3461.

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ow^ — wer§. 545

o-w6, a cutoiieous eruption, similar to k6r^, appearing on the

occiput or the whole body of infants, in the groins of adnlts &c.

>Vca, t?. [red. weawea] to crawly creep, sneak, to move slowly

with the body close to the ground as some quadrupeds, or as a child
does on its hands and knees or feet; to move slowly, feehly, as from
weakness or old age; to move stealthily or secretly in order to be
unobserved; pr. 1218.3504-

e-wea, Guinea-pig, Cavia cohaya; s, kwaduampgnkyerefo.

we-a-ewo-wo, a kind of plantains. D.As,

iiwe-fe, 5. nwewefe.

wek5, vkoko, an old or broken pot containing a mixture^ of red

clay and chaff to rub the floor of Negro houses with ; ahinagow a
wode ntwomd nk kwas^sa gu mu kwaw. pr. 11H2.8508,

o-w6k5m ma , a precious silk cloth of pink or light rose-colour,

from Sarem; 1 fathom costs about 40 dollars, pr. 629.

w6n, V. 1. intr. to watch; to wake, keep vigil; cf. si pe; to be

attentive or vigilant, be on the look out, keep guard. — J2. tr. to watch,
fjfire heed to, observe the actions or motions of; to tend, guard, have
in keeping; to keep, preserve (from danger), pr. 769-

w^na, Ak., y^ni, Akp. discontent, quarrelsome temper: oy^

"w,, he is discontented, malcontent, dissatisfied, not to be pleased with
any thing; he i3 quarrelsome; n*ani nnwo na ota ko ntokwaw (gta
ye atutupg); abofra a ota f\Ve ne mfefo na ota su; abofra ketewa.
a onna na omma ne nS. nnya adagyew kora nye biribi, na osQ nko
ara na osQ.

0-wenaf6, crier, bawler, brawler; squalling child; s. 'n^bof6.

awen-h^ma, ahweiih. (tvhite nose), Ak. ahenh., = osua.

wentwi-wentwi, F. uproar, tumult. Mt. 26,5.27,24. Mk.14,2.

awennuadc, a kind of plant, ahaban hi.

wer, F. = were, skin.

h'^evA (pr.3509), iiwera, Ak. nwerawA, s. nhwera &c. p. 350.

wer-dam, F. ransom. Mt 20,28. Mk. 10,45- — bow.

were,v. 1. to scrape ox peel (off), in smaller particles than by
wae, cf. werew, twere, twerew; wopo abrgbe a, wo were n'ahaban
so na wuyimu abrgbe-mfuturu. — 2. to pull the feet in order to sub-
vert, oveiihrow, throw dotvn: g were no af\vefam'=rokuwno,afwehQ
= wa80 ne nan na watweno ama wafwe ase; wantumi anwereme.

were, v. Ak., s. werew; - w...mu, to scrape lines and figures

in pottery.

were, seems to have orig. signified the part of the body en-
closed by the ribs and breastbone, the chest, thorax, audits contents,
and is no more used in a bodily sense, but only in some peculiar
phrases. [G; mi.] 1. the heart or breast as the seat of the affections and
capacities of the soul : a) ne were ahow, his heart is dried up, i.e.
he is in (deep) grief, is dejected, sad, sorrowful, looks doicncast; also
ne y^. ahow neho ; me w. ahow no, / am angry with him = mempe no,
way i me abnfuw, mafano abufuw; b) ghow mew., he grieves me,


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546 , were — aw6r&iw^r6.

makes me sorrowftd, causes me grief or pain, makes me angry dtr.

— c) okyekye me were, lit. he binds up my (wounded) heart (cf.
muhllini), i.e. he comforts, consoles me, cheers me up again; - d)
ne were akyekje, he is comforted, consoled, has found composure,
his heart has been set at rest. — J2. the Jieart as the seat of courage,
trust and confidence: a) ne were aba, F. his peace of mind, courage
or confidence has come (again), cf. Id) & a^ereba. — b) wabo ne
were, F. he has provided for his confidence i.e. has secured his suc-
cess or welfare; = wasua nea ehia na dabi a ode beye biribiara a,
obenja biribi adi. — c) me were bye wo mu, F. mg confidence is
in thee; gdene were ahye Onyankp. mo, he has put his trust or con-
fidence in God. — d) nya were, F. to trust; - e) hen were twer
(tweri) w'ahQmobor kese no, we trust in thy great mercy; ne diin
mu ode ne werebetwer. — 3. the mind, memory: a) ne were afi (so),
his mind has come off from (upon) it, i.e. he hcts forgotten t/, = n'am
apa so ; kae m^asem yiye, mma wo w. mmfi ! remember my word wdt,
do not forget it. pr.SolO. — b) ne were afi, he has forgiven (an offence,
injury or wrong), pr.492.

wfere, the skin of a living human body; the thick skin of the
sole of the foot and of thick-skinned quadrupeds; ne hdnam ani
fihina ye dennennennen se w.; ^yisl, pere w., na mpere merebo,
pr. 3511.3667. ohu ne were bo, Jte learns the price of his 5/wit, i.e. the
price he is sold for; pr. 582. — Phrases: 1. ons^h ne werem\ he has
not (sufficient) room in his sMn, ne bonam ye no se enso mma no, i.e.
?ie is ready to leap out of his skin. — ^. di .. were, to take sati^ac-
iion for a killed person from: woredino w. = woregye onipa a wa-
kum won busuani no ho sika; wukum wo yonko nipa a, na wogye
wo so akatua: nnipa bason (ene wogye akoa n^ af^na) na woagye
asiede (woabu def werede na woatua). — 3. to .. were, a) to avenge,
to take satisfaction for, by punishing the injuring party, to vindicate
by inflicting pain or evil on the wrongdoer, to inflict just punish-
ment upon evildoers in behalf of ourselves or of others for whom
we act; to revenge, to inflict pain or injury for, in a spiteful, wrong
or malignant spirit, to wreak vengeance for^ maliciously : meto me
i^ere wo m'atamfo nsam' or ho or so, I avenge myself on my enemies
(perh. orig. I vindicate my skin from or against my opponents); me-
to no w. mama me nua, I execute vengeance on him in behalf of my
brother; - b) to pay what is demanded or due as satisfaction for
killing (t person: mereto or mekotono w.=miretua onipa a miknm
no no abusGafo ka, merekotua no anyanson ka.

awe re, Ak. s. awerew.

aw6re, kyi-, to be in open enmity; me nh no kyi aw.; awerea

o-ni me kyi no, emu ye den.

aware, a thick stuff, as coarse linen, sackcloth. pr. 3512.

aw6re-aw6re, a. rough, uneven, of man's skin, a board &c

open no, woansenno yiye, eho aw.; wo nsam' nye betebete a, na
woyaw wo sa: wonsam ye aw.! adwumaycfo nsam' ye aw.; wo ho
a^.! == wo hdnam ny6 yiye; won a ete Firaw ho (Akwamfo), won
h6 aw.; cf. wewere, wurikyere.

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awerebobdw — aweresem. 547

awere-b6bdw, the folds of the skin round the hodijy produced

by excessive fatness; wayiyi aw. ^ ne 'motoam' kosi n'asen so, he
has gathered fat on his body from his armpits to his loins. Joh.13,27.

awere-bd, inf. Y, comfort, return of confidence: m'awereho be-

dan awereba; 5. were.

awere-di, inf tbc act o( taking satisfaction or compensation for

a inau^s life; revenge; revenge fulness; vengeance; me na aw. wo me,
vengeance is mine, Bom. 12,19; cf. aweretp.

awere-firi, -firie, -fire, inf. [were fi] forgetting, forgetfulness,

oblivion, negligence: eye no aVir., it is forgetfulness on his part; oka-
sa Tkk n'aw., I have forgotten to mention.

awerefirim', F. suddenly. Mk. 13^6.

o-werefo, pi. a-, avenger of blood; kinsman.

awere-gyd [were, ogya]: so a^., lit. to kindle the fire, i.e. to

pay fees previous to a lawsuit, concerning the killing of a person;
nnipa banu bedi \^ere ho asem a, na mpanyimfo no se: beso aw.e!
na wogye won bdnu nhina beye se atramatiri 24 ansd-na woam^

avirere-hdwjiw/'. [5. were]F.-hwo, <7n>/*, sorrow, sadness, heart-

ache, affliction; oyi roe aw. dfi, he constantly causes or gives me pain,
grief dtc, annoys, troubles, aggrieves or provokes me, cf. me were
ahow no. pr. 2447. — awereho-de, a grievous matter or experience;
trouble, affliction; affront, outrage. — o-werehofo, pi. a-, an afflic-
ted, sorrowful, unhappy, unfortunate person. — awerghd-s^m, a
grievous matter; (mutual) communication of grievances, confidential
eonversaiion; di aw., to converse, cf. bg or di nkgmmo.

were-hiinu, Ak. = anibaw, laziness, idleness, slothfulness,

sloth: akoa yi ye v^., this fellow is lazy, slothful; eye no w., he did
not do it from laziness.

awere-kaw [were] a debt for which life is forfeited.

uwerek6, gold or silver chains worn about the loins or from

one shoulder to one hip; adefoye de gu won a.s. wQn yerenom aseh
mu, etgd. nso a wode hyehye won ak^rafo.

awere-ky6kye, inf. [s. were] comfort, consolation.

awerekyekyer kasa, F. comfortable words.

awer§ky6kye-sem, a comforting, consoling word.

awere-kyi, inf. open enmity. -

weremfoo, = okore, eagle, pr. 2348.

wer§mpe, awer§mpef6 [were-perefo?] 1. the body-slaves of

a king, liable to be killed after his death and buried with him ; ohene
biara nkoa fekuw a own a wokum mu bi sie no; ohene bi ka babi
a, sa nnipa no so atuo mu gn wuram' (pere won Vtrere = won h6-
Bam), na abrafo no asuro na woankura won dodo. — ^. the official
mourners who have to care for a proper funeral.

wereiikyiren, adv. (to sore, to rise) suddenly, hastily.

awere-se m [were a8§m] a deed which requires vengeance; di-,

to commit dtc.

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548 awereso — ewi.

awere-s6: yeato no aw., we have falsely charged him tciih

having Jcilled a person, but now it is proved that be did it not; cf,
to .. 80, to defame one's character.

awere-to, inf revenge, vengeance; s. were & aweredi.

werew, t7. <o scratch, scrape; cf were, tw§re, twerew.
awerew (pi. id.) nail of the human fingers and toes; elate or
talon of a bird or other animal; pr. 698.1104. cf. bowerew.

11 were wd, s. nnwera, -rawjl, p. 350. - wowiee nenw. mu te-

tew, they finished settling the palaver even to the smallest pariicidars.
iiwerewerewa, -ra, cockroach; cf. kakraka, teferew, pr. .3513.
wereydu, = kyere a wgde bg nea wawu nsa.
w6rododo, 1. in a long row; wosem so w. — 2. dowly, tar-
dily; sen w., to flow dowly; - cf. woradada, wirododo.

wesdw, wosaw, t;. [we, to gnaw, saw, imii.adv.^ to chew, mas-

ticate; yewosaw adnah ansa-na yeamene, we masticate the food be-
fore we swallow it; puw w,, s. puw.

0-wesa-mene, inf. chemng and swallowing, pr. 3615.

wesawesa, red. v. F. to murmur, grumble; syn. nwinwi, Mt^,ll

awesawesa, s. awosawosaw. pr. 3473.
awesdvsres^w-s6, Akw. temples; == asontgrem'.

w6se, a. Ak. 1. = wos6. — ^. = wewe 1.

aw^sewa: oye neh5 a^., he is a nimble, clever fellow; s. wewf,

o-we-tare, inf. false accusation, aspersion, slander: n^ ^^tare

ne se okokaa asem no too no so, fr. ow6 t^re me, lit. he chews casfs
at me, c.s. obi asusuw asemmone biara a enni wo so de ato wo so;
s. we; - ^ye (eyi or asem yi ye) gw. = osusukd, mmoto86.
^ew,v. s. wow. F. Mk.5,29.

w6w§, a. i. clean, neat, nice, tidy, pretty; ne ho ye w. (==ne

ho tew), oye n*ade w. (^ese), s. omumo^esewa; not dovenly. — 2.
nimble, quick, active, lively, dapper; cf. kamkam ; neho ye wewe(we)
= ne ho ye hare, harehare, oye n^ade hAres5-hAreso; nenan aseye
w4we; nkoko-mma ho ye w.

wewe, red. v. 1. s. we. — 2. to have iUicU (sexual) infercoftrse;

o-n6 no w. = o-n^ ne wewe gorn.

wew6, n-, pi. n-, lover, love, paramour; mistress, stveetheart;

cf. mp&na. pr. 294.

11 we wee, moth; wood-worm, wood-becUe,

iiwewe-fe [wewe, afe] a European comb.
wewew-do, F. dry places; on tJic land. Mt. 12,43. Mk.4J.
wi, confusion, agitation, stir, public commotion, alarm; bo *i,
to be alarmed, by sad news, perh. falsely, without immediate danger;
obgQ wi kgg otie; gman no abg wi, syn. bo kyihkyirau, cf. bo twL
e-w i , 1. one of the larger species of anielope, of dark colour,
called also bobiri; cf, odabg. pr.3410f.3516ff. — 2. & kind of grass-

e-wi, 1. the apparently vacant space encompassing the earth: air.

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cwi — wiaseW. 549

cUmospherCy firmament; ihe revolving, lucid air; the apparetU arch

or vault of heaven, the sky with its clouds: ewi agyina, the sky re-
mains as it is (?) cf» kontonkttrowf ; s, wim' & wiase; - J2. weather,
climate (?); - 3, the course of things, the world as it is at a certain
time: nnansa yi minhd. wi yim' yiye bio, / do not understand the
world in which we live nowadays; s. \Viin\

e-wi, iwi, F, = awia, ewia, sun.

awi, i. a sort oi grain, a kind of wheat, also called kokoto [6.

nnia] ; cf at6k6, a kind of millet, Guinea-corn. — J2. the flour of
Indian corn.

awij theft, the actor custom of stealing; robbery; cf fcrgn, krgno,

adwowti^a& wia; wo nipabah, woye awl, yoti are a thievish fellow;
moabusuabah, moye awi, you are a thievish set of people! pr. 3519.

wi, descr.adv,, hugely, enormously, immensely, of large things

moving, passing by or turning round or about; aboa no ti^Se neho
WQ m^anim wi, niahhQ no bio; biribi kyim wo soro or osoro kyim
vf\\ m^ani so kyim me or ye me wi (: biribi ye, wuhQ na wunnim
dekode, wot§e wo nsa som* nso a, eny6 yiye), I feel so giddy, as if
every thing reeled or turned about with me.

wia, v^ [red. \Viawia] 1. to steal, filch, pilfer, purloin; owiaa

mcsekaii; to practise theft; syn. bo kron. — :2. refl. to steal away,
to icithdraw or pass privily; ma^ia meh6 raakgye m'ade, I did my
work secretly, stealthily. — 3.to cmnmit adultery, said only of a wife
(cf fa oyere, of a man, see aware, of both).

O'WisLyinf adultery on the part of a wife; no kunu bisaa no wia,

her husband inquired her concerning adultery.

o-wia, a-, F. ewia, the sun;pr. 3524. — ow. pue or sore, the sun
rises; ow. ^, the sun comes forth from behind the clouds; - pae or
bg, - shines hot; - home so, bye me, - shines at me, burns me ; - hyew
nneema, - scorches things; - to, - sets; aw. ano ye den, the heat of
the sun is verf/ great, the sun shines very hot.

awia, 1. sunshine; to aw., to bask in the sun; nam aw. so, to walk
in the sun; hata .. aw. so, to spread .. in the stm. - J2. day in contra-
distinction to night: Onyahkopgn fweyenso anadwo sc awia, God
cares for tis at night as in the day; awia nh anadwo, (by) day and
night; - 3. the time in which the sun stands high: forenoon, noon dt
afternoon; aw. kete, noonday, the noonday ot noontide heat, thehottest
part of the day from 1 2 to 2 o'clock.

awia-here, the hot time of the day; the hoi season of the year.

awia-da, n-, sleep in the day-time; a short sleep taken about

the middle of the day, siesta, pr. 524.

awia-didi, dinner, the meal taken about the middle of the day.

o-wia-dgii, dial. — ewi-adze, F. = ewiase, world.

o-wia-gyinae, s. owigyinae.

awi d-p II e f , the place or time of the sun's rising, sunrise; cf apuei.
e-wl-ase, what is under tJie sky or heaven, the world; pr. 3525.
wiase hayi, or ^Viyiase ha, here in this world; wi lihina ase (nhina),
under the whole heaven, in all the world.

wiasefOypl.id. inhabitant of this nether world, man, mankind.

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550 awidtoe — dwirlkwdw.

awid-to6, the place or time of the sun's setting, sunset; cf. atoc

ewi-aniwa, = otweaniwa, a kind o^ pot-herb.

wi$! interj. yes! tveUf very well! true! cf. y'le, yiw, yiye.
wie, v.{red, wiewie] 1, to finish, complete; to end, bring to an
end, terminate, close, conclude; ko*ie wo adwuma, go and finish your
work! ma wie m^adwuroa (ye), I have finished (to do) my work; 6r.
§ 107,19. — waka n'asera awie, he has delivered his speech to the
end; nea ode wiee u'asenka ni, with this he concluded his speech; -
wawie wo ma, he has done giving thee, i.e. has fulfilled his promise
to give thee. pr. 406. - o wiee won ye or kum, he completely destroyed
them; wurewie me dakoro, tJwu makest an end of me in one day;
Ib. 38,12. — osuro kowie odo, from fear it comes lastly to love; - eye
den nso a, en wie den bi yo, though it be hard (difficult), it is not too
hard. — ebewie no den? how unit he fare, what wUl be the result for
him? wobewie den? F. what wiU become of them? — J2. (especred-)
to favour, to resemble in features, to have the aspect or looks of: owi^
or owi^wi^ n'agya, he resembles his father, = ose n'kgyk di, na on-
8^ no kora; oy6 akbwi^ n'agya (oy4 ak^^s^ n'agya), na wan wie n'a-
gyk 8^; - n'anim wiewie me se minim no, his face seems to me as if
I knew him; n'anim wiewie obi a minim no, in his features he re-
sembles some one of my acquaintances.

awiei, inf. end, finishing, conclusion. (F. ewie^Mt 2i^. Mk.l3f7.)

- n'awiei no, finally.

n-wiei, inf. end, aim; biribi a wo ani tuae a worepere akofa.

o-wifo, pi. a-, [s. wia, awi] thief purloiner, = okromfo.

awifo-de, 1. stolen things; - 2. fine imposed for stealing.
awifo-s6m, doings of a thief.
awifuakwa, F. = kokgtefuw.

o-wigyina-bea, meridian. B.Aa. o-wigyinae-dantaban, id.

o-wigyinae [owia gyina] the time when the sun is infJtefHerid-

ian (has attained its highest stand), noon, noontide, noontime.

e-wim\wimu[5.ewi] 1. the air, atmosphere, firmameftt, heaven;

syn. ahunum, ahuhmu; - 2. weather; - 3. the course of things or
one's circumstances or situation in this world; syn. bra, abrabo: me
wim' (me bra, m'abrabg) ny^ me fe bio, I do no longer fed comfort-
able in my situation; wim bra nhina = biribiara a woye wo v^iase^
whatever the course or the use and custom of this world inchides; -
nnansa-yi wi yi mu adah kora, the aspects of this world Jmve com-
pletely changed in these present days.

wim, descr. adv. forthwith, immediately, speedUy; altogether, en

masse; - wim na dgm no atu; wobgg wim kgo agyina, they arose
all at once and went aside for deliberation.

wim'de, things in the air or sky; celestial bodies; Kurtz §173.

awi-nyam-bo, F. = owiyammo, miilstone.

o-wira, Ak. = owiira. — awiraba, -Ava, Ak. = awura.

a win', 1. a kind o{ parrot, s. ak6\pr. 1440. — J2. pincers, nip-

pers, from the similarity with the beak or bill of a parrot

dwirik wdw', i?Z. n-, the 'green parrot pr. 794.

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awiriwd — wopQ. 551

awiriwd, 1, Ak. a secluded yard, hack-yard^ where not every

body is allowed to go, = akiia mu. — 2. As. the apartments of the
taives, harem, seraglio; gkg n'avir. = oko neyerenom mu, (or, nea
ne yerenom wg) or, ne mma mu.

wiridudu, a, cold, cool: aduan no aye w.; madi aduan ir.

bi; Dsu no mu dwo w.; nsu w.; me nan ho ye me ^irudududndu =
n^ininwininwini, my feet are very cold.

wirikyere, a. rough, uneven (t^bo a wgampaso; obi were).

wirododo, adv.in a gushing manner, rushing forth mth viol-

ence, flowing copiously; nsu no sen w.; asu no abg tSe wirodododo;
n© yam' abg or atu Vi^ddd. — cf wergdgdg.

Viririw, v. F. ne bo wiriw no, he is greatly amazed, Mk,9,15, =

nebo dwiriw no.

o-wfsfe, Ak. = ovi^isiw, owusiw, smoke,

wi-to-de, fine imposed for theft; cf, awifode.

wi-tor, F. = awia-tg, sunset,

o-wi-y am-m6, pi, a- [gbo a wgyam a\Vi wg so] a large stone on
which the corn is ground. — o-wiyamrno-ba, pi, a- [gb6ba a wgde
yam awi] a smaller stone with which the com is ground,

wo, V. s. wow.

w6, wowo, w6wowo, j profusely, copiously, abundantly, ex-

w6, w6w6, descr, adv, \ uberanUy: fifiri pram no ^6, per-

spiration copiously runs down from him; obi so nsu na ohim a, egu
no so w^wgwg; cf, w6rgdg & yg in porow 8,

w6, imit, adv, 1. with a loud noise: osu tg w6 (or ya), the rain
gushes with a rushing noise, noisily; wosti wd (or ya), they weep or
lament aloud; ofwiee ntrama no guu hg y^6, he poured the cowries
out with a rustling noise; gman mu aye wg (better: ho, h^bgbgbg),
the town is full of noise. — 2, in a gang or train, altogether, to the
last man: yesiim' w6 kgg hg, we started altogether and went there.
(The common idea of this, of the preceding and of the succeeding
word, as well as of wergdgdg, w5rgdg, may be that of continuance:
continuously, in a stream, in rapid or uninterrupted succession,)

wo, descr, a, <& adv, noiseless, quite silent or still, quiet as the
grave: gman mu aye w6, the town is quite still (all the people having
gone out); syn. w6nn, krilna; Akuapemfo a ebae no iihin& asim* kg
w6, aU the Akuapems that had been here are now gone again, so that
the town is quite still.

w6, a, 1, pale, terrified, intimidated, as a thief when found

out, 80 that appetite and joy is gone: wAy^ w(i, he is frigJitened,
struck with fear, terror-struck. — 2. lecm, thin, meager, as from
hunger, fear, anxiety: waye w(i, he has become lean. — 3. tasteless,
from want of salt and pepper : aduan yi y§ w6, = nkyene nnim\
mako nnim\

woko, s. weko.

w^nn, a.= w6, quiet, stUl, silent; gman mu aye w.; cf. ygnh.

w^pO, descr. adv,, in a gang or train, altogether, to the Uist

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552 wow — yk.

man: gkygna mo nhlna motoa so w. na ekg Aburi, so then to-morrow

you all together will go to Aburi; wotoaso w. na eko = won nhina
sam so ko; - cf, w6.

wow, V. [orig. we, wew] 1. to dry up, evaporate, he exhaled

(of a fluid): nsu no ai^ow nti mpata pi abebo wonho atuo, because
the water has been dried up, many fishes (lit. have come and ^ud
themselves^ i.e.) were forced to die; epo nwow da, the sea never dries
up. — J2. to become destitute of money: me ho a wow = me ho nni
ntrama; nekotokum' awow=onnya biribi nto biribi nni bio; opp.
ne kotokum' ad wo, aye duru.

0-w w, inf, the drying up or dryness of a river.

aw6wd,j9Z. n-, L brass. — J2. brass basin. — 3. Ak. = asanka,
but cf. abeyea. [G. ayawa.]

w6wo: Krobo-dahkyir a w6mp^ w. n^ wgda aboo sd.

wowO, wowo, s. wo, w6.

wil, a., adv. 1. copious^-ly; wahye atade wu, he wears a long
robe, a loose, flowing upper garment or gou?n. — 3. in a dense crowd,
in a long train: wonam w£i, nnipa di n'akyi wil.

w u w, wiw, V. to follow in a long train, as a king's attendance,

when he goes somewhere; obi refi adi na nnipa pi atwane ho ahyia
n^ no nam; w6wuwno; wohhhina wuw franka no, funu adaka no
n^ no nam.

wiiw, adv.: wado wuw, he is cloyed, filled to loathing, over-

filled, puffed up, has his stomach clogged or overloaded.


The palatal consonant y (a semi-vowel, pronounced as in Eng.)

occurs before the pure vowels a, e, e, i, in a few cases, partly inter-
changing with w, also before Q, o. Before nasal vowels and in some
Fante words ny takes its place. — It is joined as a second initial
consonant to k, g, h, n, before e, e, i, also in gya, -nya, nya. —

It is found interchanging with ny (e.g. yem, F.nyem), with w

and w (e.g. yie, wie; Ak. yen = wen, won, Gr. § 58 liem. 2.), with
hy (yen, F. ehyen, nye, nyere, Gr. § 58 Rem. i.), and with h (yera,
F. yew, Ak. h^ra).

ya, F. = yaw (Ak. ye), to revUe, insult, rebuke. Mt. 27f39.U^

ya, Ak., = yea, yaw; eye me ya; s. eyaw. [ML 10,13.

ya, F. = eyaw. Mt 23,4.24,8. Mk 6,26.10,22.

enya, F. blasphemy. Mt. 15,19. Mk.7, 22.

ya, only in cpds. as yam\ yafunu, ayaase, ayannya, the fort

or lower part of a human or animal body.
ayd, Ak. a kind of fern.

ya, interj. used in replies to salutations, with the addition of

a word referring to the week-day on which the saluting person was
born (obosom a wo agya de woo wo no, ne da na wgde gye), or a
word peculiar to the members of certain families serving the same
fetish; s. Gr. § 147,9; also onua or owura may be added.

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yh — 7«>in. 553

ykj a. broad, wide, large; plerUiftd, profme; in a disorderly

and confused state; startling, striking, astonishing, undescribable dtc.
cf. baya, bebre, tetre, 8ak& &c. eye m*ani so yi, it is wondrous or
marveUous before my eyes; eye m'asom ya (there is not/iing which
could rest in my ear, every thing is in confusion) it is quite surpri-
sing for me to hear; woapete (fwete> pansam, gu) ya, they are or lie
scattered in disorder and confusion.

jky a certain low, yet perceptible, sound produced in common

by a multitude of termites on account of an approaching danger.

ya, Ak. brass basin, = awowa; cf, ayawa, abeyea. fp^-^^^^-

o-ya, |?^yanom, a person (whose name is not known or men-
tioned), syn, 6nf ; 6y^ a gbeseee m'ade yi mmeyi neho adi komm,
t/ie one (i.e. that particular or respective person) who spoiled that
thing of mine sluxll come forth quietly; wonim gyako a oyee no? do
you know which one did it? minnim oyako, I do not know the re-
spective person; ih^ pi, yanomisused in addressing a company
or number of confident or associate persons, follotvers or attendants;
one^s own peoi)le, people that are uiider the care of him who calls
them by this word (sons, kinsfolk, dependents, slaves), or that are
his equals: onipa a wote ho na wofre wo mfefo aka asem hi akyere
won a, wuse: yanom! pr. 922, 3538 f.

yhh6m(i, a kind of yam, s. od^.

o-y afo, pi. a-, [yaw, v.] revUer d;c. brawler.

yafum-paii [yafunu mpan] an empty stomach or belly; oda

y., he sleeps without having eaten; Ak. nsram.

yafum-yare, indigestion; '*meyam' ye me pupu-pupu; ade

sa a, na m^afuru ahye; mikesiw a, kankan; mididi a, eny^me de."
0-y5.-fiinii [mcydfunu] that part of the body which is between
the breast and the thighs: belly, abdomen; wgkyeh won y. ye ayi,
pe sika, = wonnidi bebrc a.s. wonnidi kora, they abstain from food
on account of a funeral custom or from avarice, pr. 3526f.

o-y^fiUium\ beUy, espec. its inner part, abdomen, stomach:

aduru nwenenwene sa yafunum yare; womb; syn. yam*.
0-ydkti^, a kind of sea-fish, = esire.
ayakayaka-dze, F. persecutioti. Mt 13,21, Mk, 4,17.
o-ya-ko, s. gya.

yam, v. to grind (aburow, corn) on a large stone by means of

a smaller one (s. owiyammo, -ba), - a work always performed by
women; cf. dwow.

e-yam, a disease of the skin; ringtoorm? gyare bf; erebefi ase

a, ase biako pe na etow hg, na afei nkete-hkete totow ho na eyerew
a kosi se ckata ghonam nhilia so; ebinom de, se wganfweno yiye
a, edan wgn kwata. pr. 1547. - kinds: yam-pA ne t§fereyAm.

yam' = ya mu, the inner cavity of the human or animal body,

the cliest as well as the abdomen, belly, womb, and its contents, viz.
the heaii, lungs and other intestines (bowels, guts); cf. ayam'de;
hence also the heart, bosotn.

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554 ayambo — ayamhy^ehye^w.

A. the word used in a physical sense: berebo da ouipa yam'

nifa, the liver is in the rigid (side of the) abdomen; neyam' ka no,
he has bdly-ache; neyam' abo, /*e has lax or loose bowels, having
too frequent discharges; ne yam' atim, his bowels are no more loose;
s, tim 3; - me yam' asan me 'ne, e.s. me yam' a eyee me kusd no
agyae, io-dai^ I feel release from my stomach-complaint; me yam' ato
me, as to my belly, I have no more any complaint; me yam' atew
me, I Imve recovered my appetite; - ode h&md abo neyam*, s. wabg

JB. The following pArcwes express, not physical or bodily, but

psychological functions, or phenomena of the mind (Gr. § 216-19),
or contain the word (yam') in a figurative sense. 1. me yam* te se
me nsam', what is in my heart is (as plain or as clearly visible) as
what is in my hands, i.e. I am telling you the plain iruih. — 2. ne
yam' hy eh ye no or twit w a no, a) he feels compassion, is compas-
sionate; F. neyam' tw6 no, Mt 9,36.18,27. — bj he is in great anxie-
ty, in painful uneasiness or solicitude; ne yam' twitvra no, = asem
a wate no ye no awereho papa. — 3. ne yam' y e no hyeehyeew, his
conscience burns or tonnents him. — 4, ne yam' ye, he is good-na-
tured, good-hearted, of a kind disposition, benevolent, benign, liberal,
bountiful, charitable. pr.3o28f. — 5. neyam' yenwene, Aeis illib-
eral, stingy, niggardly. — 6. wododow won yam' su, (hey weep from
secret longing. — 7. ne nko ara pe neyam', he likes to be for him-
self, to keep his things for himself (ompe se obi fa ne biribi a.s. odi
n'aduan a.s. g-ne no bom' ye adwuma biara). — 8. medeno mahye
me yam*: a) I have adopted him (mafano aye mankasameba, mafa
no maye no se me ba, I have taken him to be my own child, to treat
him as my child); - b) I bear him a grudge (me n6 no any a asem
hi na mehka wo n'anim na mede asem no masie metirim, na enti
metan no); mede asem no mahye me yam', id. — ^. ne bo da ne
yam', he is confident, courageous, of good cheer. — 10. ne b o or ne
koma atg ne yam', his heart has been set at rest or ease, he is wdl
content, happy, cheerful. — 11. ot w a me bo to me yam', he sets my
heart at ease or rest, he appeases, stills, composes me. — 12. ne k 6-
ma apae neyam', lit. his heati has split in his bosom i.e. he is utter-
ly ternfied. — 13. eye me yam' = eye me d§. pr. 1286. — 14. oyi
neyam' (fita, pefe, kroiikron) with ye or another I?, following, Ae
does from his heart, candidly, sincerely, willingly, purposely: miyi
me yam' meda wo ase, s. yi 17. Gr. § 234.

ayam'bg, inf. looseness of the bowels.

ay^m'de [yam' ade] a decent expression for stomach (ofuru,

nsonokese, nsonopon), intestines, entrails; watwa ne yam' ma n'a-
yam'de nhina ayi agu.

ayam'duru, stomachic(s) ; medicine against disorder in the


o-y amf6, pi. a- [yan, v.] drummer; s. okyerema.

yam'gyd[yam' ogya]: ohyeno y., lie incenses him, enkindles
or inflames him to violent anger, irritates, exasperates, enrages him;
Qde awereho ba no so.

ayam'hyeehye^w[5. yam'] bowds yearning from compassion

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ayamhjehye — jare. 555

or anguish; anxiety, anguish or trouble of conscience, remorse, com-

pufuUioti, compassion (also for one's own body).

ayan)'hyehye,in/*. [5. yam'] compassion, commiseration; anxiety.

ayam'kaw, beUy-ache. pr. 394.1546.

ayam'kaw-de, a kind o^ yam; s. gd6.

ayam'onweue [s. yam'] niggardliness, stinginess; bg.. ay. s.

bg.. kan; wgbg Nyankp. ay. = wonni nea Onykp. sSre se w6nye
nima no.

g-yam'onw^nefo, pi. a-, a niggardly, stingy, illiberal person, who

does not give any thing to others ; miser, pr. 3530-34.

ayam'tu, ayam'tuo, inf. looseness of the bowels; = ayam'bg.

ay amii [gd6 a ehye or ewg gd6 yam?] yam not taken out in the
first crop, bnt remaining to the time of the second crop; gd6 k wg^
4ntd amma ammg mpgw, na etrft hg kosi se wotn mpgw pd mu ; gd^
^ w6mpdne dd, nd wotii wg mp6wb^re mu.

ayam'y6, inf. [s.yam'] good-heartedness, good-nature, benevoh

ence, benignity, liberality, bountiftUness, charitableness, pr. 3535.

o-y am y efo, pi. a-, a benevolent, liberal, charitable person. pr3536f,

ayam'yljiw/*. [s.yam']/rce-W?, willingness, readiness, forward-

ness or alacrity of mind.

yhUy the breast of an animal, as far as the ribs go. pr. 502.
yhhjV. [inf. 9k-]to drum; yan akyene, to beat a drum with sticks
(formed as hooks); cf. ka aky.

yan [red. yenyan] 1. to lie in, to lean, rest or repose on ('*yan"

ase dgso kyen "tfreri", yah has a wider sense than tweri): gydn
{pi. wgyenydh) apakah mu or bohkrd mu; dua no abu yah duano
hkohmu; cf babayenteh. — J2. cans, to put, set, or lay down or on,
to lean or rest upon, to lay over, so as to support a thing at some
point of support or rest; mabSre nti mede m'adesoa mayah hg; gde
ayah so, fie has put down his load at a resting-j^lace (ayahe); mede
bruka mayah brukQ yi so.

o-yahe', the scaffold of poles outside the town used as a privy,

necessary (eyah hg ntia); cf. dud-sb, duasee, kaasee, mahkyiri, tea.

ay SLiL&\ place wheie loads are put down, that the carriers may
take some rest, resting-place (nea wgd^ ad^sod yah da n6 nea wg-
soe da); cf. asoce.

yane, v. Gy. to wear round the neck (sika, ahene). pr. i575.
y hnom, pi. s. gya.

ay a n-n yd [yam\ agya] the backside (opp. to yam', theforeside)

of the human body; d a ay., to lie on the back, pr. 3023.
yan t am, v. to wallow; gyantdm' (neh5 wg) dontorim', ^yan-

tam fdm' ; m^kg^ no, ^de neh6 yantdm' fam* na mekgmaa no so.

y an-nud [eyam, dua] 9i plant used as a medicine against "yam.**

yar, v. F. = yare, to be sick, to have pain. — yarba, s. gyare.

y are, v. 1. to be sick, be ill: ne ho ye deh, gnyare peh. R.p.195.

— 2. to be sick of, suffer from, be afflicted toith: gyare mpete, atiri-

dii, he has the smaU-pox, he has fever; y. anom'dgw, ntotg, twow,

ay^mka &c. pr. 392-4.3548.

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556 oj^re — yay^yk.

o-y^re, pJ.a-, n--wd, sfckness, UlnesSy disease ; pr. 3540-47. nej.

agyae, his disease is past - fa woh6 nyarewa koga pom* o ! - nno-
wa retwam' (wo) ahunmu a.8. woyi^mnsu a, na wokasa; wode obo-
Bom-ko a okyere 'musu no; - ayareyare dodow no ano ab^r§ ase
nnansa yi, the frequent cases of sickness have become less of late; -
di yare, to recover from a sickness; medi yare yi ana? 5. di -iO, —
8 a., yare, to heat or cure from sickness: aduru yi asa no yare; wa-
sa ne y. amano. — yareba, pi. n-, F. = oyare, oyarewa. ML 4,23.

o-yare-d6in, 1. a mtdtUude of diseases; - 3, an epidemic dis-

ease j pestilence, plague; qy, asi ktirow mu, aba oman mu = owu aba
omah mu na ekum nnipa pi ; cf. ownyare.

0-y arefo, pi. a-, F. yarfo, sick person, patient; invalid, sicM^
person; one afflicted with sonie bodily defect; cripple, pr. 3549 f.

ayar6-hunu, a cutaneous eruption on the lips.

ayare-sd, inf. [sa yare] the act, art or power of healing, o( cu-
ring a disease.

ayaresa-de, reward for curing a disease, physician^ s fee. pr. 5545.

o-yaresdfo, one that IteaU or cures a disease, doctor, pJiysician;

Q-y are wd, pi. n-, 1. s. oyare; - 2. cf. asonoka. [cf. oduyefo.

o-yare-wu,owuyare, deadly sickness, fatal disease; pest, pesU-

y a r e y ar e, F. y aryar, red. v. Mk. 1,32. [lence, piague.

aya-ase, the lower part of the belly; abdomen; pubic region.

ayaase-duru, = aduan. pr. 782.
yaw, V. {red. yeyaw] Ak. ye, to abuse, chide, scold, upbraid,
revile, insult, affront; pr. 409.442.3o32f. oyaw no, syn. 6h6ro no, obo
no ahohora, gbono adapa, osopano &c.

o-yaw, in/*. F.§- abuse, scolding, upbraiding, reviling, insult, in-

vective, abusive word; pr. 411.3551.

§-ydw [cf. gyare] pain, ache, bodily distress; mental distress,

grief; ope no yaw, he wants to cause him pain. — ye yaw, to pain,
give pain; pr. 464.388. eye ydw^ se, it is very painful; eye no yaw pa
ara dodo se, it grieves him exceedingly; me ti ye me yaw = ben me,
I have head-ache; ok wan no mu ye yaw, the way is rough, difficuU;
fig. ne sika ye no yaw, his money pains him i.e. it is painful to him
to spend it, though circumstanjces make it necessary ; pr. 2951f. —
ne ho ye no yaw, a) he is effeminate, too sensitive to (bodily) pain:
neho ye no yaw dodo nti, omma wonsCiAii no; - b) lie is enciouSr
jealous, spiteful (gmpe se ne yonko n'nya papa a wanya no bi). —
Phr. di .. yaw, to attend to a hunter = di abofo, pr.o49.

Ydw, F. Kwaw, pr. n. of a male born on Thursday. Gr.§41,4.

Yawd, Ya, F. Ab^ [= Ayaba] pr. n. of a female ditto.

yawa, Ak. = a^owa, brass.

ayawd, Ak. earthen ("or wooden?) vessel, dish; s.kuku, asanka.

Yaw-dd, Thursday. — ayaw-dae, = awukudae; s. adae.

y awy dw, a. painful; owuu wu y.yhe died a very painful dcaih.

ay dyd-de, ay^ydde [ade a eye yaw] torments, torture; w6yhno

ay., they torment him. - F. ye .. ayayadze, to persecute,=tA. ML 23,34.

ay ay a,'S6m: grievotis matter, injury, wrong, insult; wadimeay.

y^y^y^: ye..y., to disgrace; bo ahohora, hye 9kniwxi.pr.3905.

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' ye. 557

y§, V, [red. yeyi^\ cf, yo.] La) to come or enter into existence,
he created or produced: ^nye hann! hi tJiere be light! eyee hann,
there was light. Gen, 1,3, — h) to conie to pass, come about, happen,
occur, chance, befall, take place : ey§§ d§n na ahina no boe? how
came it that the pot was broken? minnim 8§nea eyee, 1 do not know
lioic it came to pass. — c)tobe done, performed, executed: §yee eft, U
was so, Gm. i,7.9. daben na ejinom bey§? when wHl these things be?
Uc, 21,7, aye senea wokae no, it is done as thou hast commanded.
JJc 14y22, nea entnmi ny§ nnipa fam^ no, Onyankopon fam' de, ebe-
turai aye, the things which are impossible witfi men are possible with
God, Lk. 18,27, — d) s§ gbeye a, F., if it be possible, Mt 26,39, — e)
Sometimes the v. ye serves instead of adverbs or conjunctions ex-
pressing time, manner or intention : eyee sa no, Swissifo asom dwoo
won, when it had come thus i.e. in this way, by or after this, the Swiss
had at length peace; nea §beye na woanya sika nti wosii oman no
apempem n.a. Gr.§ 264,2. lim. §279 iJm.^. — /) ye ho, F. = ba
mu, to be done, be fulfilled; 6nye hg, so be it; w*apedze ny§ hwo,
ihy wUl be done; Mt24f3,34, 26,42, — 2, a) to become, grow, turn, come
to be (to assume or receive tfie character or quality expressed by the
noun or a^'. forming the complement): ohia na emaodehyeye akoa,
pr,1344, " in the perf. &ndftd. also: to be; ne sika nhina asa, waye
ohiani ; "waye akwakora; Qdan no ay§ gow; m^atade aye fi ; ^ p,197;
pr. 1292, 1344,3556,3579.3o80, John 1,14, woye no sa a, §b§ye yiye (con-
tracted: ebeye' ye), if you make it so, it wiU be right, - b) to behave,
conduct ones self: otuu no fo se 6nye papa or 6nye abofra pa, he
admonished him to behave well, to conduct himself as a good boy; <?n-
y^ papa, he behavesbadly; - ye kyikyiri-kyikyiri, to be unruly d;c.

3. in the co«fm. form (Gr.§ 9 1,2. 102,1. 167. 168. 199,2. 3.) to be,
= to have or possess the character or quality expressed by the noun
or adj, forming the complement: gy§ abofra, oye obayifo, sika ye
fe ; abrobe bun ny§ fremfrem, Rp, 197, pr.60Jil54^950,3565.3563f. 3574.
ey§ f§ de, nanso eny^ de, it is pretty, but it is not sweet or agreeable;
asem no y§ asempi, the report is a good news, or, proves to be true;
oye ghene, lie is a king; - §ye na, eho ye na, pr, 991.2950. s. na. —
4. iropers. a) with a succeeding noun or a sentence : to be =^ to turn
out to be: ey§ ohene, it is the king; §ny^ ohene (ne no), it (or, that)
is not the king; eye no anihaw, it is laziness on his part; §ny^me
anisQ, s. aniso; eny^me a^ereiiri, it is not forgetfulness on my part.
— b) The neg. eny6 must be employed when the v. n e, marking
identical existence, shall be made negative : §ny^ me nua ne no, or,
gnye me nua, he is not my broUier; cf, Gr. §199,1. 247, 1. 3a. i>r. 5595.
3601-5, — c^ In a sent, connected with a preceding sent, by way of
co-ordination, the neg. eny^ is sometimes put instead of a repetition
of the predicate in the neg., the same predicate having occurred in
the preceding sent in the affirmative; in Eng. in this case merely
the adv. not is used, = itis not true of: gbarima hi wu a, ne mma
na edi n'ade; $ha yi de, ne wgfase na edi, eny4 n^ mmd; R,p, 197.
pr. 1892, Gr. § 253,3. — d) §ye and eny^ serve also to make any
member of a sentence prominent, s, Gr. § 247. enye meba na wo-
fwpo no? teas if not my child that you flogged? pr, 3064,3371,

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558 y^

5. to be in number, fo amount, rise or reach to a certain nnm-

ber or quantity : woye (= wosi) nnipa du, tket^ are ten in number;
woaye aduonn, theif hare increased to twenty; the fut. does not state
th e exact number, but merely the amount probable in tbe opinion
of the person speaking: mmofra beye se aduonum na ewQ ho (or,
mmofra wo ho beye se 50), there are about fifty boys there; mato
nkoko beye se aduonu; wobeye se oha, they uill amount to a hund-
red. Gr. § 175,2.

6. to appear, seem, look: eye me or gye me se wada, he seems

to me to sleep; eye me se osu beto 'ne, I think we shall have rain to-
day; ebeye yen se yeaso dae, we shall be like them that drean^
7. to be in some state : ye bra, to be in the state or period of
menstruating; ye kuna, to be in the state of widowhood (pr. 35€7.);
cf. lOe). — 8, to show, exhibit, manifest or display (some inclination,
temper, quality): ye nnam, pr. 3572. ye an§m, nsi; ye ntem; ye ti-
mobo &c. ye hQ, to be in fear, be afraid, be a coward; pr35683$38.

— ye akaw; - to be addicted to: ye anihaw, werehunu; - ye aban-

tan, to indulge in pride, to pride oneself, to be proud; yeahope, abo-
sompe, btirofope, anuonyampe, apesemadi &c.; ye potwa; ye bere-
bere, pr. 3558; ye nyl; - ye aniyiyi, to be careless; - ye nkommo-
mim, pr. 3569. ye menko-medi, pr. 3571. ye atiwase, pr. 3575. - ye fa-
kye, ye nten, F. (see these and other words, of which the meaning
is not given here, in their proper places).

9. to make (to cause to exist, be or become) in various senses:

a) to produce, create: Onyaukopoii yee^iasen^ nea ewo mu nhina.
Acts 17,24; ojee asase n6 soro, Gen. 2,4. cf. bo (ade); - ye ahnru, to
make foam i.e. to foam; ye nkjnare = gye nk.; ye ho, to make a
tumultuous noise, a roar. pr. 3582. - y$ ho iiko, F. to make unclean.

— b) to form, frame, fashion, fabricate, manufacture, construct: wo-

de aben (na e)ye afS, of horn combs are made; ye afiri, to make an
engine (&c. — c) to institute, constitute, compose, organize, arrange,
set on foot, set in operation: ye (..) ha, to go hunting (to give chase

to, to hunt after); pr. 3578 ye ayi. to make a funeral custom. —

d) to make or convert into: oye neho apanyimma, he makes himself

i.e. behaves as a pert, saucy person, plays the malapert. — e) to put
into a given state or condition (expressed by a qualifying noun or
adj.), to constitute, to appoint or elect to an office or employment
(often with the aux. v.de for the passive object): wgyee no safohene,
or, wode no yee gs., Gr. § 205, 1.5; ye woho hare ! s. hare ; oyee no
kronkron, Gr. § 205,2. John 17,17; - ye., yiye, to make good i.e. to
mend, repair; ye neho yiye, to ease oneself; s. 10c & yiye. — 10. to
do; a) in general: pr. 439. 2283. 3557. 3581. woye den (ni)? what are
you doing? what shall this be? ade no, wode beye den? what wUlyou
do with that? ma yen biribi yenye, give us something to do! pr. 3561f-

— b)to effect, produce an effect or result, bring about, work out, car-
ry through; to accomplish, fulfill, achieve, effectuate: woAy^ad^!
you have done a (great) thing, accomplished a noble object, achieved
an important undertaking, performed a praiseworthy work. — c) to
perform, discharge, execute, transact; to commit, perpetrate; ye a-
dwnma, to do work, to work; koye wo ade, mind your business; ye

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y^ 559

yiye, io do good; ye bone, to do evil, to sin. pr.586f, 3559. 3565 f, 3576 f.

— d) to manage, conduct, keep: ye sukfl, to keep school. — e) io

keep, observe: ye mmSra, to keep a law; ye kuna, to observe the du-
ties of widowhood; cf. 7. — 11. io ca/use, occasion, call foriJi (from),
excite, elicit: ye akonoQ, anibere, to excite lust or desire ;pr.3555.357.S.
ye yaw, to cause or give pain, to pain; ye mfonee, ahi, tan, to cause
or excite loathing, disgust, dislike, to be loathsome, odious, liateful d:c.
ye mmobg, to excite pity, be pitiful or miserable; ye., bene, to itch;
ye abodwo, -abufuw, -aniani, -screw, -ani so or asom ya, -abo-
bow, -nwohwa (F. woawoa) &c. see tbese words.

12. to fiappen or ocair to, be done to, befall (cf. 1): eden na aye
no na osii, what is the matter with him that he weeps? kobisano de-
kode a aye no, B. p. 197- wofa bo a, ade beye wo! if you go thai way
(take that road), something will befall you i.e. that way is dangerous.

— 13. to do something to a person, espec. to do hann /o' somebody:

mentee se osaman aye onipa biribi dabiarada or pen, B,p.l97;pr.
440.3455. - oyefo ay§ me, a mischievous enemy has wrought mischief
against me; wdy^no = way e no bone bi a §kano babi a §mma,
he has done him something extremely and unconceivably bad; fwe
nea woaye me as^m yi bo (= nea wo-n6 me adi asem no afa), look
how they have troubled me about this matter ! wa wie no ye or jq (inf.),
he has done him all he could, has undone or completely ruined him,
has made away with him. — 14. to affect with (produce an effect or
change upon), to cause io, do to, bring upon, inflict on, commit upon,
shoic or offer to: oyeme bone, yiye, abobora, nkomponade, aninyan-
ne, aniwude, anuonyanne, ayayade, ayisade &c. — 15. to apply to,
rub with: oye m'anim nkyene, m'atiko yisa, s. fikyene; ktirobow
ne bdftm a mmea yam ye; wode ye wonbo, s. mmSwa. — 16. to af'
feci as (br according to the manner of): qye me sesa, he acts upon me
as a departed spirit. — 17. to treat as: gy§ me boho, he receives i.e.
lodges and entertains me as a guest. — 18. to bestow care upon: ye
(o)ba, to bring up, nowish, maintain, care well for a child, pr. 1177.

— 19. to apply, use J make use of: ye aso, io listen, hearken; m6nye
(no) aso, give or lend an ear (to him)!

20. to make as if, to pretend or make show thai: oyeesenea ore-

ko n'anim, Lk. 24,28. — 21. (aux. v. followed by anotber v. in tbe
conscc.) to prepare or make ready for (anotber action), to be in pre-
paration for .., be about to ..; meye mako (= aka kakra na meko),
I am on the point of going; eye akose, U is nearly the same; osu ye
atg, it is going to rain; Gr. § 107,13.

22. yeny&ytodo and get (by it) i.e. io do with gain, to acquire,
merit, deserve; cf. ye fa, to do for one's sdf; ye ma, to do or act
for (another), Gr. § 243 Bent. 2. — ^5. y e gu, to do and cast away,
i.e. to do in vain. Gr. § 220.

ye, V. Ak. 1. = ye, io be good. — 2. = yaw, to chide, scdd.

ye, V. [only in the contin.; red. yiye, yiyei] Ak. y§, i. to be

good, io be right: ntem ye na ogom ye, pr. 622.1931. — sa nk ey6, so
it is right; ne sa ny ^, so it is not right ; - ahooden ye sen odan fefe,
B,p,195;meBe nye, my teeth are bad; wuny6! you are a wicked
fellow! pr. 12.785.2833. nneem4 no yiyei, all the things are in a good

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560 je — ay^fare.

ecndition; Dtinoytyci, ihe i^rins arewfH'far(mred(w€n-f^>n»edmnd

heaUhtfy capable to Urej. [Tbe forms eyee, ebeye, as heard in quick
speaking, maj be mistaken for a prd, or fut. tense, bat are onlj
contractions of ejee jiye, cbeje yije; r/laye viye, anye yiye» erea-
jc yiye.] — 2. (with an obj.) to he good for, useful to: oye roe (wo)
m'adwaraa nom\ he is a good help for me in wtf ^ork; o, onipa yi
oyem^ (= oye roa me), ah, this man is of good service to me^

ye, a. or n. = yiye, good; goodness, good state, proper mem-

ner; enye 'y^ = eny^ yiye; - -ye is compounded with infinitiTes,
s. Gr, § 105,5; onny^ adidiye, he cannot properly get at his food
they do not lei him eat unmolested; meye adwoma a, ommimennyi
no ayey^, if I am at work, lie does not let me have the eonteniency
or ftdl leave of doing it.

ye, ye, F. = yiye, well, Mt. 2/.6. virtue, Mk 5^.

ye-, ye-, the pron. yen, ve (in Ak. also (hey) prefixed to the
verb, Gr. § 58 &Bem. 2. In yea- (§ 54 Rem, 1.) the e is scarcely heard.

0-y 6, Ak. = gyere, ivife; cf. gy ebon^, gyepA, gyefam, ayefare&c

Q-y^j iw/*. the act of making, doing, performing dte.

aye, r. n, good(?); L = ad^ky^: ye., aye, to do good, to make

a present or presents; wAyh me ay^, he has made me a present;
pr.646. — ^. = aseda, gratitude: owo aye, he is thankful, grateful. —
3, praise: oyi me aye (obo me din wo me papa a maye mama no
nti), he praises me. pr. 1860.3661.

ye, ye, inter j, a) a reply to a call, showing that it has been

heard ; wofre wo a, wugye so se: ye! - 6) a shout indicating determ-
ination, joy, scorn &c. Gr. § 145,1. well (then)! huzza! hurrah f je^
6ni-6! ah, there he is! mmofra dino ye ye, = wohurono.

ye, adv. amain (with sudden force, strength or violence), vio-

lently and suddenly; cf, yeredede; wgde ^mirika ye rehyiano, ihcy
came running to meet him amain.

ny6, F. = nyee, nney^e, 3ft. 16,27.21,42'

ye&j e-yed, Ak. = eyaw. pr. 13o5f.1949.2324,

o-y ea: abofrdgyea (ab. a oye ey^a, a child to be pitied) poor chUd!

0'j6A, Akw. = mak6, wisa, yisA.

yd-bea, F.n-, manner of doing or making: minnim ney., I
do not know how to make it. — y e-bew, place of doing dc,

o-y e-bon6 [gyere bone] a had wife. pr. 3641.

ay ^de [ade a wgye, ade a yewg ye] a Uiing to he done, custom,

duty: gde gbea no kg ne kiirom' akgye no n'ayede, he has taken her
into his town to do unto Jier what is customary in the family; - cf,
ahyeygde, ahyede, asgde. Kurtz § 19. — ey e-di, F. = \'iyedi, welfare,

o-yc-deddw, on^ who has heen a tvife for a long time, pr. 3642.
g-ye-faf6, = gyerefafo. F. Mt. 12,39.

o-y e-tAui f pi. a-, concubine, not of the same standing as a regu-
lar wife (gyere a [ete se gwg fdm^] gnye woyere papa, nanso wo-
ni no awo); mfame nye oy., na fame ye gyepal

a-ye fa-dee, Ak.\ [gyere-fa ade] fine imposed for adultery, in-

aye-fare, Akr. i demnification daimed by, or^a>dto,the offen

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Q7^fo — yiti'&rsL. 561

ded hnsband; pr. 3643. - to ay., to pay for adultery with another
man^s wife.

o-jfifo, a mischi^ous enemy (nea wakum woba bi pen a.s. wa-

ma woanya amaiie bi pen): gy^fo aye me, s. ye 13.

eyefo, F. = apapa, good, jiistf piovs persons, Mt 5,45,

ay^-foro [oyere foforo] 1, a young wife, hnde; hyiaay., to meet

(take home) a bride, to marry, make a marriage or wedding, — J2.
ba ayeforo no ase, to come fo the marriage-feast. Mt22,3John,2,2.

ay^foro-hyid, inf. wedding, wedding-feast, marriage.

ay^fdro-kiinu, F. aycfor-knn, bridegroom,

ayefor-pem mba, F. = ayeforo-piam* mma. Mt, 9,15,

o-y e-guo, inf. [yc go, doing dt casting away"] vain labour; mabo
Tnmodeh ara se ebeye 'ye ana, na no nhina oy.l pr, 504,

yem, v. [red. yenyem; Ak. & F. nyem] 1, to conceive, become

pregnant. — J2. prcs. & contin. {oyhm & 5yem) to be pregnant, to be
(big) with child, to be with young; syn, ninsen, bo duru, fa afiiru; cf.
opemfo, onyinsemfo. — o-ye^p, inf. the state o^ pregnancy,

g-y^m-md [yen, v., oba] 1. a young one of domestic animals,

born whilst its mother was entrusted by the owner to the care of
another, and given to this other person as a reward. — J2. mena afa
me gy^mmd, / take after or resemble my mother, have more of my
mother than of my father. [ Abiirokyiri.

o-y6-mafo lye ma] agent; attorney, cf. odimafo; mewQ y. wg

ydmmeiin, a. fiery red: ^.yenn, kgkg. — o-yemfo, s. gy enfo.

ayeraf6, pi. id. or n-, 1, a simple or single, quiet, harmless, in-

offensive, unoffending, private man; onipa a odwo na gmp^ neho
asem, gmp^ n'asem gu4s6 gudso, gbcre nehd ase, gmpe ntgkwdw,
Qte nebabi komm, gnhoahoa neho, gny^ hyehye, gmp^ kasakasa:
ay. a mete m'aseg na wgde asem bi abghyeme, mehQ yi ano he?
ay. a mete mebabi na memp6 me ho as§m na obi abegyigye m^&no
ma manya amane yil — J2, a man of low rank; an humble, obscure
person; onipa a gnye gdehye (omfi bene abnsuam^) nanso sika nni
n^abu6uam\ — ayemfo-de-yo, modesty, unassuming manners,

ay^m-moa, ^^n- [aboa a wgyen no] domestic animal (sheep,

goat, cow, dog &c.); cf. afieboa.

y $ 11, V, to bring up, nurse, nourish, foster; to breed, raise, rear;

ig feed, maitvtain, support; to educate, instruct; gbea no yen me ba;
Kkranfo y§n mprako, E. p. 197; Kramofo yqh nantwi ; pr, 913.916. -
oyen ne ba baprgwe (opp. bapA), he miseducates or spoils his child.
yen, pron. 1. we (prefixed to the v.: ye-, ye*), poss. our, obj.
us; Ak. yene, yere, y^ii^ F. ehyen(nom) nye, nyere, hyen. Gr. §
53-69. — 2. Ak. = wgii, wen, Ab. bgn; Gr. § 58. Bern. 2.

y ^ 11 II, y ^mmeiiii, a, fiery red; ogya no aye y. ; gbayifo dgwy.

* ay 6fi, pi, n-, wizard, sorcerer, magician (gbaninyen); witch, hag

(gbayen); syn, gbayifo. y^na, yenafo, s. w^na, -fo.

y eii-kiikdsa, \ we ourselves, our oicn selves; our own; -even

y tJii-6ra(Ak.) f we, just we; we, the same; Ak.also= wgnara.


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562 yene — yere.

y e n e, Ak. s. y§h, pron. [educator 4tt,

O-yeiifo, jpL a-, nourisher, nursCt breeder, feeder, mmnfaifur^

yenho, reft, pron. ourselves; Ak. also themselves. Gr. § 57 f.

yeuko, ayeuko-fa, F. = oyonko, ayonkofa.

ay cnsk', a kind of white mouse, s, akura.
iiyensin, Ak. = agnmA; wodi ay. (wogoru kitikiti bobg wod-
ho n.a., na eny^ anibere so), they fight, wrestle, grapple together for
exercise or amusement.

ye-nya, y^-ny^, ittf. [nea obi ye nyae] merit, desert; gain, pro-

yenyan, red, v. yan. /i^'» ^f- n^f*so-

o-y e-p a [oyere pa] 1. a good wife. — 2. a proper, lawful wife;

yer, pL yermo, F. = oyere, yercnom, Mt 19,3.8. [cf. yefAm.

yer, v. F. = yare.

y era, v. Ak. hSra, F. jew^ 1, to go astray, to lose one's vsay;

wayera okwan, he has lost (bimself concerning) the way, ef. wato
kwafi ; way. wnram\ he has lost himself in tlie hush, — 2. to be lost
adeno ayera, minhA; Kp.l95.pr,565,817'19.1&/7.1319,mesekAiiHjenL
(me), I have lost my knife: (not : may. mesek., but ratber: m&tow
me sek. makyene, or, me sek. afi me nsa); f we n' Hye, mma ennyera,
take care of it, do not lose it (prop, do not let it he lost) ; eso ajera,
every trace or vestige of it is lost; - nehkwa ayera no. — 3. to pass
away, vanish, disappear: osram ayera, minhu bio; mprempreh na
mihudno, na sese way.; B.p.l95; gyerae won anim, Lk.24,31.- asem
no ayera m*ani so = afi or apa m'ani so, me were afi, tJie matter has
vanished from my memory. — 4. t-o he killed: kah no, se worebedi
asem anadwo na wompc se obi te a, na woabo dawnru se: ohcne
se: obiaraaofi anadwo yi beyera== wobekumno; a.s. obene wu na
woreye n'ayi a, na nnipa nbina nim se, wosi kwan so a, wgbeyera
= wobekumwgn; - wayera n^ndn sb (kwdfi), vulg. his vestige is
;o5f, =^ woakum no a.s. wQatgnno, woayi no ho. — 5. wayera meao
(or, me nan so), he has made me lost, wiped away my existence; wa-
yera so, he has caused it to he lost.

y erdm, v. Ak. briram, 1, to yawn, gape, — 2. y, (sokan, adare,

fikranto, dade biara) ano, to whet, sharpen, make very sharp (a knife,
billhook, sword, any iron tool); cf, sew.

y eramyeraTn(yerfim), adv, rising in bubbles, of boiling li-

quids; nkfi no reburu y.; cf, hurutututu.

yer aw, v. Ak. hara, to trouble, disturb, perplex, distress, an-

noy, vex, harass: a) ne bo yeraw no, he is troubled or distressed, he
is in trouble, perplexity or distress; cf. nehobia no, neho dwiriwno;
abofra bi ko ntokwaw a, na ebia nena seno se: me ho yeraw me
(woyerawmebo, cfb)^ sen duom nayenko! - h) monkoyeraw no ho,
go and harass him! cf, aboyeraw.

yera-yeraw, red. v, yeraw; oy. won bo, lie troubles them,

yhre, v. [red. yeycre] 1. to spread, stretch, extend, distend,

strain, straiten: wgyfere nhoma, they stretch or distend the skin of a
sheep Slc, (wokum guan na wode nhoma no akohata awiaso, na

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oyere — yerdy^rew. 563

wode nnua abobom* na awo; c/*. pa 5c.); yere hboma no mu, stretch
ox plain that wrinkled paper! wayere hama no mu pintinn, he has
strained or straitened the cord very tensely (tightly); n'akwah yere
ho pintihn, his ways are tense i.e. /irm, unwavering, Fs. 10,5. - yere..
bo, to enlarge the chest; cf, fuw or horan bo; pr. 1157' — 2, y. akyeno,
to stretch a skin upon a drum, to cover a drum with a skin stretched
upon it* — 5. to rest upon one's head as a heavy load that requires
the straining of one's nerves or muscles; eyerewo (=§39 wo), it is
heavy for, presses) on your head; mihyiaa no na adesoa yere no
(==so no), when I met him, he carried a heavy load on his head, —
4. dyire s6, prop, ii has been stretched or strained (upon) i.e. it Has
been put to the utmost stretch, so that it cannot bear any more; hence
the words: se ayere so a, (= se emu aye den a,) serve to express
the adv. absohdely, positively, utterly, by all means, at any rate, at
most, at the utmost, or, with negation, by no means d'c.i Ayhro sd
kora (e.s. woye no biribiara na enye yiye, or, wokft no babi na
emma) na wuntumi nko a, ma obi nko, if you cannot go by any
means, let another go. — 5. 5. yeyere, 2.3. — yero, v. s. yerew.

o-yere, pi. -nom, Ak. oye, 1. wife, spouse or lawftd consort of a

m&n ; pr. 3645-55. — 2. a woman destined to become one^s icife, cf.
siyere. — 5. the wife^s sister. — hyia or ware y., to take a wife, to
marry; fa oy., to commit adtdtery with another man^s wife.

yeredcde, 1. a. acid, sharp, biting to the taste, acrid, pun-

gent, hot: wokkw yisA A, eye y. -— 2. adv. in one course, in full
speed, speedily, with rapid strides dtc: ade kyee no, na ode fwoe
(kwan) so y. koduu Osu, the next morning lie set out and without
interruption proceeded or Imstened on to Osu ; cf. ye.

ay e re-do do w, many wives; j^oligamy. pr. 3655.

ayere-duru, a medicine [aduru] to enlarge or fester lyere] a

wound, to make it ulcerate.

aye re-fa, inf. adtdtery committed with another man's wife; cf.

o-yercfdfo, pi. a-, adulterer. [owia.

ay ere m, Kuk. : ne ho ate ay., efi biara nni neho biem, he has
become quite clean, there is no more any. uncleanness about him.

aye rem: tew yen dyerem\ mfa wo nsa nka! make clear the
space for us, grant us a clear, free, open space, give us free hand
or scope (and let us fight out our scuffle), do not meddle ivith if! aye-
rem o! obi 5 obi h nka 0! nobody shall touch to pacify, let them fight
(and we shall see who is the strongest)! Kwasi atew Kwaku n6 Kofi
ayerem, Kws. has set on (or instigated) Kick, and Kf. to fight (in-
stead of pacifying them), he has set them at a fair trial.

ayerem-ko, duel, single combat.

ay ere mire, a bird with red eyes. pr. 2317.

yerew, v. [red. yereyerew] 1. to spread, e.g. a fluid, a drop
of oil on a garment, a drop of ink in blotting-paper; cf. ba, bae,
terew &c. fa kafe no yereyerew adiwo; yereyerew kafe no mu! —
2. ne bo yerew no, he feels disgust or nausea; cf. fono.

yer^yer§w, red. v., s. before. — yerdwyerow, pr. 3656.

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564 yer^ye rew — yi.

yer^yerew, a. souvy acid, = nyfnyanyinya; nsa no aye y.

= kkkw, dnj&D. — F. qy^ no y., /te is hitter against her, CoL3,19.

ay <5-8 6m [a8§m a w^aye] a word made for an occasion; inven^

tion, fiction, unfounded tale; eyi de, eye ay^s^m kwa (= aaem bi
a ennim' kor& na woboapa afa reka se nea ewom', opp. nokwds^m).

aye-tew, a wife [gyere] substittUed [cf. tew, v.] in the place of

one who died; wosi wo ayetew n.s. wo ware obi bana woyere no awu
na woma wo yere foforo si ananniu.

yew, F. = yaw; yey. Mt. 18,3 J. d/A y. Mk.3,5,

» yew, r. F. = y era, to lose ; to be lost ; Mt 5,13,10,6. 39. 15,24. 18,10.

ay§w, F. = aye, Mt9fi.l5,31.

nyew, F. = yiw, Mt 5,37.9,28.13,51.

aye-ware, inf. [ware yere] marriage, mairimony; di ay., to

intermarriage. — ayeware-di, inf. intermarriage.
yewa-s§n, F. brazen vessel.

Ay§-woho-mumo, name of a mouth; about June, s. osram.

yeya, s. yea. — aye-ye, s. -y6.

^7^y6) «w/l [ye aye] the act of making presents, pr.3658.

ayeyc-de [ade biaraa wgde ye obi aye a.s. wode kye obi; en-
y4 akatua, nanso entwase w6mfa mma no] a present^ gift, donation,
offering, oblation; wode nnuan, nkoko, nkesua, nsa, ntama, ntrama,
sika, koye abosom aye (to obtain his protection).

o-ye-yere, favourite wife, tJie most beloved among a pluralHy

of wives, pr. 3433.

yey ere, v. red. 1. s. yere. — J2. y. neho, to puff one's self up,
to be inflated, swell: krakum y. neho (e.s. oye neh5 kokiiro or kusfi
no), the turkey-cock swells. — 3. gyeyeri n^anim (oye n*anim se
obarima de), he looks big, struts, swells, assumes a pompous, osten-
tatious, or arrogant air or manner.

a J G y 6-s § ni [asem a eyeyere so] extravagance, eccentricity, rash

or inconsiderate (mode of) proceeding, precipitation; stuhborness,
wilfulness, obstinacy (^c. asem a eye den, nanso nyansa nni mu pi;
d i ay., to be stubborn, wilful, capricious, dtc.

aye-y i, inf. [yi ^yid] praise, laud, commendation, pr.3657.

yi, V. [red. yiyi] 1. to take away, remove, take off, take out: yi
nnecma no fi pon so; oyi hon fi dompem' na odi; adaka no si pon
ase, yi fi adi; R.y.l96; koyi aduan wo mukaase, go and fetch the
food from the kitchen; yi nenkataso, take off the lid or covering;
yede tow yi yede yi yenkgn mu afoa or yen ho'musu, by this poll-
tax we ward off the sword from our neck, turn off our danger, — 2.
yi aguade, to take out goods or wares: a) woyi by en mu ag., they
light, unload, unlade, discharge, disembark or land goods; b) woyi
aguade, they buy or purchase goods from a shop or store. — 3. yi
atade, to take, pull, put or cast off a coat or other European clothes;
cf. pa. — 4. yi, to shave, take off the hair; oyi neti, ne bogyese, he
shaves his head, his beard. — 5. yi.. ho, to remove: wgayi no ho,
euphem. expr. = woakum no, they have kUled or execttttd him, c/1
waycra ne nan so.

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yl 566

6*. yi.. ho, a) to Hnae, wash away: wuguare samina wiea, wode
nsii Ibforo y i wo ho ; - h) yiy i h 6, to cleans clcansey purge, Jok 15,2.

— 7. yi ra u, a) to rinse, wash out: fa nsu foforo koyi asahka yi mu;

- 6^ yi or yiyi mUy to pick out, choose, select from or among: mama

wo ade yi a, nyiyi mu \pr. 399, — c) to except; to exclude from; pr, 1093.

8. yi, to pick out, choose, elect, select; yi bofo, cf. tu bofo; yl ..

si ho, to elect and present, pr. 543. — 9. to set apart, appoint, take
for some purpose, pr, 3659.

10. yi .. ani, a) to turn off the eye (from): oye adwuma a, ou-
yiyi ani = ofwe so yiye. — h) wayi m'ani ahye me nkyeDmu(wa-
ma m'anidaso ay§ okwa), he has disappointed me. — c) ntama yi, eyi
n'ani(=ani tew pe), this cloth gives or has its proper colour, the col-
our appears as it ought to he without dimness or mixture. — 11. yi
an im, prop, to produce i.e. come out with a frank, candid, open face;
to set one's face on, have the decided intention, be bent upon: s. anim;
woka asem a, yi wo anim ka, na nnipa nhinante, speak with a bare,
open face, without fear, that all may understand. John 7,13.

12. y i a n o : a) (to remove the obstacle,) to make the beginning

with eating (new yam); - b) to give an account, to answer or account
for; - c) to interpret, to explain; - d) to answer; to gainsay; to re-
fine, confute, disprove (a statement); to defend; to plead for; to clear
(one's self) from an accusation; oyi n'ano, he mndicates or justifies
himself; obi koka asem bi to wo so na wokoyi ano a, enna wose:
wayi n'ano; - oyiyi ano, he answers; he gainsays; - e) to make ex-
cuse, to apologize; oyi ano se ontumi nko; - wokaa asehkoro yiyii
wonho ano. — yi anom', lit. to clear one's mouth: wayi n^anom\
he has relished his food,

13. yi .. nsa, ^ draw off the hand; enphem. for to eat: mekoyf
me nsd mab^ mpr^mpreh ara; moayi mo nsa ana? have you eaten
already? — 11. yi .. so: a) to lift off, take off or away from upon,
to detract, diminish; to uncover dx. - b) to dethrone: w6yino so
= w6tuno 86. — 15. yi .. tirim*, to speak out or discover one's
thoughts, opinion or sentiments; to disclose one's self; to make a decla-
ration; oyii net. kyereeme, he broke his mind to me; wayi netirim'
aka, he has confessed (it) plainly. — 16. yi .. yam', to take or give
out one's heart i.e. to do something heartily, cordially, purposely:
miyii mc yam' mekyeree no, / frankly and sincerely told him what
I /tad against him; miyi me yam' (fita) meda wo ase, I thank you
(very) heartily; woyii won yam' pefe or kronkron gyee asgm no, tfiey
received the word willingly and sincerely, with all readiness; Acts 17,11.
oyi neyam' redi (or, se obedi) asgmmone, he purposely commits

17. (yam') yi, to be evacuated: aduru no ama neyam' (nneema)

ay i or ayiyi, this medicine Juts evacuated his bowels. — 18. y i, to
cause to loathe, become loathsome to: aduan no ayi me = afono me.

19. to catch in a snare or net, to entangle, apprehend: yi ano-

ma, apata;pr.^4Pi. se wgmmeyi no asem mu, to catch him in his
words, Mk. 12,13; to catch, seize, s.adwow. — 20. to take to one's self,
appropriate: yi ad wow, to kidnap, panyar, s. ad wow. — 21. to re-
lease, liberate, deliver: oyii me (fii or wg) afiase; cf. ^y(i25.

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566 yi — ayi.

22. to bring ov draw forth (from a state of concealment); tobring

to light, to manifest, reveal, unveil, disclose; espec. withadi: oyi
asem no adi, he brings tJie matter to light; oyi neho adi, he manifests
himself; obetumi ayi ne ti adi Onyank. anim? wiU he be able to ap-
pear before God? pr.934. - (yi .. adzi, F. to cast out, Mk. 3,22 f -) yi
.. pue, F. to bring out or forth, produce, Mt 13fi2, — 23. to exhibit,
display: oyi nkonyd, oyi nensam' senkyerene, he performs a won-
der, shows or works a sign. — 24. yi .. kyere, to revecd, discover,
disclose to. — 25. to bring forth, speak out: yi mpae, to pronounce or
make an invocation, make a vow, ptd up prayers; s. (bo) mpae. —
26. yi.. aye, to draw forth, reveal ot speak out on^^^ good (qualities)
or weU'doing, i.e. to praise, (rejcommend, extol, exalt. pr.3661f.

27. yi, yiyi, to plead, cf. 12 d), oyi ama me, he pleads for me;
oyi ntoh ama me, he complains for me. — 28. to charge with, up-
braid with, reproach: oyi me nten, he complains against me, = oka
m'anim, obQ me sobo, oququ me (e.s. asem bi aewo ne tirim na enye
no de na oreka akyere me); yi aten, pr. 3663. oyirae atoro, ?te accu-
ses me of or charges me with a lie, = ogyeme akyinnye; oyi me
amo, oyi me ayamohwene, = ose, me yam* ye nwene. — 29. yi «
menase pgw, (prop, to eject or cast up what has been conglobated in
the stomach,) to give vent to one's grudge, speak oid one*s complaint,
to cast sometbing in the teeth of.

30. to give out, bring forth, produce, yield, emit: yi ahaban =

fefew: diia no ayi abSn6 ahaban pi, the tree has brought forth many
branches and rich foliage; oyi bOa, he gives a scent.

31. to draw forth from, to produce, cause or occasion in another

person ; oyi me abufuw, he provokes me to anger; - oyi me ahi: a)
= oyi me bu, he frightens me; b) = ogoru me ho, he mocks at me;

— oyi me kasa, he begins or seeks a quarrel with me, okeka nsem

bebre gu me so de rope me atutu (ayi me abufuw); obeyi m*ano kasa
= obegy6 m*ano akasakasa. — 32. to cause, incur, contract, catch:
to bring upon (another or one's self), involve (one's self) in: yi kaw,
pr, 1642. yi amanne (espec. by an oath); akoa koyi kaw a, eye ne
wura de. — 55. yi tow: a) to raise or levy taxes or tribute; b) to
pay taxes or tribute.

34. to lay, put or set aside; to do away, remove: yi ^muso, to

turn off mischief; cf. l.pr. 398.3662. yi ntam, to absolve from an oath.

— 35. to rout, ind to flight: yi dom, to rout the hostile army. pr. 29o2.

— 36. yi kwaii, to make a new way (through the bush); cf. bo kwan.

37. yi .. kyere, s. 24.1Cor.2,10. — 38. yi mk, a) to give on^s

self airs; onipa yi, oyi m^ se biribi! s. oyima; - b) yi.. ma, to de-
liver (over), give up to, handover to; to betray. Mt. 26^21-25. -c)s, 27.

— 39. yi.. apra, to warn, caution.

o-yi, pi. eyinom, this persofi, this one: oyi beka akyere yen.
e-yi,^L eyinom, this thing: eyi, wofreno den? or, wgfre eyi den?
yi, (pLyinom) a. pron, this, that: adaka yi, wgde dua na aye.
yiara, o-, e-, even this, the very same. Gr. § 60,1.2.74,2.
ayi [removal, scil. of the corpse? s. yi,t?.7 the funeral custom of
the negroes, celebrated with dancing processions, shooting, dram-
ming, drinking palm- wine or rum &c. pr.44L3664. ko ayi or ayi ase,

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ayiasefo — oyltotonl. 567

io goto a funeral custom, pr. 191,752,2782, — se ayi, to invite to a

funeral^ pr,2911, — ye., ayi, to perform the obsequies or funerals of
a person.

ayi-ase-fo, those who have to care for or who attend a funeral.

o-yibiribi, a kind octree.

ayl-bua-de [ade a wgde boa or bna ayi] contribution to the costs

of a funeral custom(?); nea obi awu na obi akoy^n6 ayl nil wgde

o-yidam, F. = oyisekan. [ami no.

yi-dom [edgm a woayi] a cJwsen or select army.

y i§^ = yiw, wie, yes; well. — 0-yie, Aky. a kind of reed.

o-ylf6, pi. a-, barber, hair-cutter.

ayifo, ayiasefo, tJie people engaged in performing a funeral

custom; gfra ayifo mu bi.

yi-hamS,, mourning necMacc, a string of white beads (mfufu-

wa), round black seeds (abia), and fine small bones of a beast; mmea
kyi ayi a, n^ wghye (wgde to wgh kgn mu).

0-yi-ma, inf. the act of delivering or handing over to; delivery;

treachery, treason.

o-y fma, a handsome looking person; paragon, elite, the best, fi-
nest; ao, woye oy. ! me yima ne wo ! (used of a person of the other
sex); minnl oy. bi wg babi; afofantg yi ye oy., this butterfly is an
(unusually) fine one, Cf fen.

ayimafo, a private person; cf. ayemfo. — o-yimforo, iw. 8665.

yiriyV.to swell, rise (of water); to overflow, break out of the
banks, inundate: nsu ayiri asee kQrow no; cf. bg, sram; fufQ no aho-
raan ayiri awowa no.

y iridi: bg y., to rush, dash: won nhina bgg y. kgg gko no ano.
yirim, F. = yinom, pi, of yi, pron. Mt, 1^20.10,2.0,
yisd, Guinea-pepper, Cayenne pepper, grains of paradise; a
species of Amomum and its seeds, pr. 3542, [G. gbgwyei.]
yisd-ne-iikyene, a sort of European cloth; s, ntama.

tiylsa, kyisS., -sawa, pi. nyisA', orphan, pr. 3666-69,

ayf sa-de, things [ade] done to an orphan; gy^ no ay., he uses

him despitefully, Ultreats him, [G. efele niiseniianii.]

ayi-s6 [ase a, se obi yi a, egu ne tiriaseno; c/*.awgs6, mmanin-

wow] shudder, horror, dread; ay. pini me, agu me so, apirim me,
my blood runs cold at a frightfid or grievous sight; a wow apatuw agu
me 80 na me ho aye se nsewa-ns6wa, I am seized with a cold shudder.

o-yi-sekdii, pi. 9.- [gsekan a wgde yi] razor; kinds: ansd^yf,

oyiw^, at^wa, kfimtod, kyiriafas6, nfw^d. [G. yiSe-kakla.]

ayi si (pl.id.) Ab. a week, = dapeh, nnaawotwe.

Ay Isi, pr. n. of the genius of the day called Kwasida (Sunday);

the name is also used in addressing a male person born on Sunday
(Kwasi = akoa-Ayisi), s. Gr. § 147,9. Cf. kurutiayisi.

ayft5to: w6ylno ay. = woyi n'dfw^ab6.

0-yl t5 1 on 1, eunuch; one whose privy member is cut off; cf gsae,

which is only used of beasts.

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568 yiw — yu.

ylw*, Ak. yie, inter j. yes; pea; well; - cf. wie; - waba(ana)?
yiw, is he come? yes; when said in reply to a negative question, it
corroborates the negation and must, in Eng., be rendered with no:
so ommae e? yiw, is he not yet come? no.

0-yiwd, o-yiwi^ii [mpanyin kasa], a smaller kind o{ razor; s,

yiy e, yijei, red. v, ye. [oyisekan.

yiyi [red. of ye] 1. adv, well: kae m'asem y.; fwe woadwu-
ma y.; maye m'adwuma y., R.p.l94; after an adj. very; eny^ de
yiye, it is not very sweet or agreeable. — 2. n. good; good quality;
benefit; welfare; syn. papa. pr. 292. — ye yiye: a) to turn out well:
pr. 22S2. ye no senea woye a ebeye yiye (contr. ebey"ye), make it
so that it may turn out well; to thrive, become rich, pr.2364. - h) to
make welly i.e. to mend, repair. - c) to do good (to); pr. 35G0.3576f.
- d) euphem. ye neho yiye, to ease oneself; cf. ne.

o-yiye-biiru, a handsome, yet dirty, person; opp. omumow^s^a.

y fy ^-di. a-, inf. [di yiye] welfare, prosperity; Prv. Jf32.
yfye-hu, inf. certain knowledge, certainty, assurance.
y i y e-y ^, -yo, inf. well-doing; performance of dtdies; prosperity.
yiyi, red. v. yi, to take away, remove &c. (many things simul-
taneously, repeatedly), pr. 3064.

ny i y i-a n f, inf. the act or habit of withdrawing the eye, i.e. care-
lessness; ye ny., to be careless: woye ny. a, wgmfa ade mma wo nsie;
ny. so = anibiannas6s5, carelessly.

nyiyi-an6, inf. gainsaying: - 6y^ ny., he gainsays.

nyiyim', inf. selection ; distinction, discernment, discrimination;
exception; difference: ny. biara nni me nh wo ntam*, there is no dif-
ference between me and you.

y 0, t'. = ye ; onim yo (inf.), he knows how to do or to make it.

y b = wo. - y = w6. fP^' 2324.3671.

yo, ay 6, inter j. [eye-o, aye yiye o] =^ wie, well, oil right.

yoma, camel. F. yomo, Mt.3,4.Mk.],6.

you II, imit. adv. tingling; n'asom' ye no y., his ears ring, tingle,
tinkle; 1 Sam. 3,11. cf. wgiin, gyenyenyenyen.

0-y 6iik6, pi. -nom [wenko, yeiiko], 1. friend, companion, com-

rade; - 2. neighbour, fellow-man, another person; pr.902. 1369.1644.
1907.3368.3672-75. - cf. adamfo, afc, mfefo, awe; fa gy., to take as a
friend, to make friendship; q-nh wgn fa y. = gde neh6 bo won ho,
g-n^ won siane; wgfofa wgnho yghko.

ay Ilk o-fa, inf. (the act of making) friendship; amity, friendly

alliance, league of amity; fellowship, communion; wodi ay., they
maintain friendship. — ayoukofa-di, inf.

ay oiiko-goru, inf. [agoru] playing with friends, i.e. feasting,

carousing, gaming dtc. wherewith a prodigal debauchee entertains
his friends at his own expenses, pr. 3676-79.

ayoiikora, s, ahenkora. — nyow, F. ^= yiw, yes. Mf.0r.pJ38.

ayowa, yewa, F. s. awowa.
yu = wQ.

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Hemarks. 1. The Additions consist chiefly of words, meanings

and phrases occurring in the Bible and in some other books re-
ferring to Christian doctrines and institutions.

2. The Corrections are for the most part suggested by the na-
tive missionary D. Asante, who had two copies of every printed
sheet (1—36) sent to him to Africa, one of which he returned with
his corrections to the Editor. Also his answers to numerous ques-
tions put to him by letter iiave been made use of.

3. The asterisk * is put before leading words not contained

in the previous sheets.

4. The sign + is put before meanings or phrases added to

those already contained in the Dictionary, if the addition be not
evident otherwise.

5. The sign x is, generally in parenthesis, put before or after

words which are to be expunged, whether supplied, by words pre-
ceding the parenthesis, or not.

6. In the single articles the line to which an addition or cor-

rection refers, is counted from that of the leading word or of the
subdividing figure or letter, unless the number of the page be given;
e. g. tua, L 1. 3. — ^ 5, I. 3. — i. p. 515. 1. 1.

7. For the explanation of the abbreviations used for the references, see
the list at the end ot the Introduction.

8. Students of the lanp^ua^ will do well to indicate in the first part (pp.
1—568) the additions or corrections to be found in the second (pp. 569 ff.), un-
less the correction be made in the first part at once, in which case the words
made superfluous thereby in the second may be crossed out with lead-pencil.


ai,fi1,-i-woe! Pr,!>3,29. Cf.dne,


ba, r. + to spring, to flow; asuteii a eba yiye, n flotving sireatn.-

1. 8. wanya (x waba) ha mmae.
0-ba,+ mfrihyia du ba, mfe aduosia oba, a person of ten, sixty

years, one 10, 60 years old, Le.27,3.

*aba, a play of children; 5. agoru. — aba: cf. + hkoba.

bri-bi: ne b. a onsen, his being not confined to space, K.§ 165.

*babi-fo, people of other places; b. mu asempaterew, foreign
*ba-bg, a j^^/a^ of girls ; s. agoru. [missions.

*o-ba-bonin, a barren woman, Di.113,9.

*aba-de, pi. id, potiion of a child, portions for children; what is
due to a child. Ex. 21,9.
ab^6fb, s. abefo. — *abakaii-ye, inf, birthright, lCh,5,l.
0-bak6, o-bfikofo, are used of persons, biako of things.
*o-ba-koro, an only child. — *o-ba-kunafo, pi. m-, widow.
*o-ba-kwasea, a foolish man. Pr. 14,7.21,20.


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570 bainuia — heat^

banima,+ compass, Ex.27,5, settle,8et-off',rebaieoftLWK\\.lKiMfi,

bam-koii, he speaks + with a stiff neck, P8.75,5(6) .. he walks

+ wUh stretched forth neck, l8,3, 16.

bam-sem, odi no so b,^+he outrages, spitefully treats him.

abau a wgabram ho {s. bram) K^ stronghold. Da.11^4.38.

*aban-iiennen [aban a ey§ denjr ^ "^

*baium-mere-ye, inf bloom. Fr.5,9.

*o-baniu-imaman, pi. m-, fornicator, lecJier (sodomite, IK. 14, 24).
o-baiiiii-yere, a male friend held as dear as a wife; oyoiikd-
barima a wope n'asem se oyere.
baiikam, a bead of amber, = ahene ton, akomfo-hene.
*aban-sin, a rdin, ruined palace or castle. 18.35,2.
aban-tia, 2. prison. — abantia-dah, id. cf. afiase.
o-barima, 1.-2.-3. cf. kote; ob. ano were, foreskin. lSa.18,2.5.

basabasa, ye b., to confound. Ge.11,9.

*basa-koro, triune. Onyame b. - da, Trinity Sunday.
o-ba-sim-ma, a low, humble, simple, unpresuming woman, not
entitled to much respect or esteem.

bata,-f fo trust, Pr.3f5. wode wonho b. no ho, tlwy hang on him,

[Iau 19,48.

0-bata: di b. 1, to journey about with wares for sale^ to travel in

commercial business. Ohia hia wo a, enna wudi b. a. s. wutu bata-

kwan.. Merekodi bata kakra kyere-se me dwetiri bedo a.8. menya

ntama koro bi mabefura. - ^. Cf. obatadi 2. — gje bata, to invite

traders for a merchant. Merekogye ob. mama o w. John, na wadom

me ntama bi mabefura. Nnansa yi migye adwe ob. mema Osradoni

bi, na otuame ka dakoro siren. — 0-bat^-di: i. = obatatu. - 2.

ase ne se: wo-n^ wo yohko abom* de mo aguade akohye ahina a.s.

biribi a wosasuw aguade wom^ ma atgn. Mekodii bata na mede

mitwaa m'adwe ansa-na eduu adaka ma. Rottmann aban ma, gye

gbata ansa-na wubetumi atwa agohina. — o-batd-gye n.s. wuhyiagaa

a.s. won a worebeto biribi se nso worebeton biribi ma oguadini bi.

h?i{skiiY\j-\- robe, upper garment. Ex. 28,4.

*o-bata-kwan, txx^^ to set out on a commercial journey.

0'baUini, + commercial traveller; nea oko agnadi na onnun ofie

gnam kwah so; c/*.+ gpewani. — 0-bata-tu, = obatadi 1., ase ne

se: worekg babi akgtg biribi abetgn.

eLbaw-pei,+ despair, desperation. K.§14S.

*o-ba-warefo, pi. m-, a married woman.

*aba-wo, inf child-bearing. — *oba-wofo, a woman in travail

*o-ba-ye, mma-ye, iw/*. the being child of a person; the adoption

of sons; gb. honhom, the spirit of adoption. K.§29l

beac, pi. m-, a beam or pole on which tJie ends of tlie rafters

(mparow) are fastened; one (mostly a bamboo-cane) forms the ridge

of the roof, two are above the two sides of the wall.

beae, pgmpg a ebon ahanmii, a boil or stcelling in the groins

(^of men or women).

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abebe, As. yrasshoppcry hectle (x huitetfly), — P. 11. o-be-datii.

abgfo, 2. a kind oi perfume, the roots and skin of a creeper; s,

*cbei, F. interj. of surprise. — bentoa, J2, Jcw^s harp, [oh dam.

bere. 2.-\- ano b6re ase, to assuage, Qe.8,L - b6re .. bo ase, to

he patient 1 Th. 5,14. s, ebo.

bere,+ /o 6e red, ruddy, yellow.
e-bere, 2. ebere a ensa da, entwam' da, eto rentwa da, eternity.-
Fhr. bu .. here mu wu, to die before the time. Ec.7,17.
ab^re, gkwadu? cf. odabo.
ber^bere, 1. a. - 2. n. safety. lTh.5,3.
*obere-dwuma, wearisome labour, toil, travail. Ec,s,16-
*abere-duru [adum a wode here ..] alum.
aberekyi (not abirekyi). — aberekyiwa, hid.
*bere-santeii, the fidl duration of a time, age or generation;
time in its continuance; pi. m-, ages, etemiiy; mmeresanteh nna-
santeh, for ever and ever. Ep.3,2t lTi.1,17.
*berew-kwasida, FdtmSunday.
*berew-ye, inf. composcdness, calmness, mildness dtc.
bere-ye^x gracefidness. Fr. 31,30. — o-b6se, must be gpdsc.
abese-bftrow, s. apese-b., maize planted in August before the
second rainy season has set in, &c. — bese-heiie, s. bise-fita.
*beso, a kind of strong drink made of honey by the Nta people;

mead, metheglin; ani ko te se mm6rQ8a; ebow se.

abefce, a common food of the Guan and Nta negroes, ... consid-
ered to be very healthy.
betein,+ a single fruit of the banana or plantain tree, s. osiaw
b e w , + ^0 take away; to embezzle, purloin. TU. 2, 10.
*bewa, s. akura.— bew-ase.i??. m',Eze.36,4. rapines; cf. mmonsc.
*abew-botafi, rock of offence. Ro.9,33. cf. watiri-b., hintiduato-b.
o-bi, ohi-hi^ any body. Je. 26,9. 49,33.

abia ye dua hi aba, na wosina bye se aheno, na eny^ ahene.

biakd ought to be used of things, bako of persons.
o-biak5, -fo, must be gbako, -fo.

*biako-ye, in/*, unity; biakoyg-sem, h.'hh6m3.,concordia. K.§T,

*bibl-tama, m-, blue cloth, blue or violet purple. Eze 27,7.23,6.
o-bi-hunu, . . . or (x i. e.) ...+ a stranger. Pr. 5,10.
e-bi-ne-bi, + negligently. Je. 48, 10.
abira: bg ab., -ffo be or do the contrary, Eze. 16,34.
abirekyi must give way to aberekyi.
o-birempoii,+ i^rincc, rtUer.

biri, y. 1. 4. biri .. ani, <o darken. Job38,32.

biribiri: wosow b., to toss to and fro. to agitate. Ep. 4,14.
biriboro: dote aye ne ho (x no) b.
*o-birika-tnfo, i?Z. a-, runner, courier. Je. 61,31.
birisi mu, in dark raiment, mournfully. Mai. 3, 14.
bisa, ^. to require, Ge.9,5. — bisa n'ase, b) after Ga; Ca.8,8.-
Wode ne nneyee bisa no, he is responsible for his actions. K.§173.
abisabisa,+ emu ab., trial, judicial examination.

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572 biseky^m — ab6b().

bisekyem (not -ky§in). — *bLse-fita, = besehene.

bisibasa, Ex.5,4. (unrestrained, Pr.2948.) — a. hristlyyJe,51^.
bo, V, 1.+ ne k6ma(m') bog no pa. — i7.+ wabo nofu, she
has gotten full-sized breasts^ her breaks are grown to full size, —
22. + ode neho bo mo ho, he sets his love upon you. Dt.7J. —
26, + adv. (prep.) besides j in addition to, Mt 25,16. — 28, 4- to
join battle, Oe.14,9. — 29.-^ otu», no ka bo n'anim, he repays him
to his face. Be.?, 10. — 46. + bo nkesua. — 52. + anka adagjew
bebg me, the time would fail me. He, 11,32, — 53,x^+cf. twa nufu
& 17. — 54. + (1. 2. before and after twere) mS, kotromua, - (1. 4.
after guram ;) bo afonom\ to beat on one^s otcn mouth in howling.
Jo. 5,1. bo nsam*, smite thy hands together. Eze.21,14. — 4- (1. 6.
after law-suit) by swearing on bis life or striking him with a palm-
leaf. — 6'5.+bo kasa hy§, to withhold oneself from speaking. Job 4,2. -
^5.+ bo bore, to squirt venom. Fr. 23,32. — 66. bo .. nsa kjene, to
stay one's Imnd. Da. 4, 35. — 74,b. bg mmon, to neigh, whinny (of hor-
ses). — 84. de .. bo .. so, to add to; ne maye no mu na yefa odom ho
qdom so, out of his fulness we receive grace upon grace, — 85, (+
1.6. after matrimony;) nea wgbg too no ho, his original destination,
K.§ 178.180 f cf 62, 63. d' bye (21) .. to ho. — 91,-¥ bo kyidgm, to
be the rear-gard, 18.52,12. — bo anw6ramman, to go round about.
P8.59,e(7),— bo pentenkwaw, to skip. Ca.9,28. — 108.+ K § 155.
ebo,+ne bo ahuru, he is angry; ne bo atu,+/jc despairs; s,tnl8cj.
e-bo, pi. a-, gbg no bo, + /*e taxes him, 3 Ki 23,35.
Q-bo, pi, aho^ the wheels of a potter, Je.18,3. cf, owiyammo.
*bo-bo, int. alas! woe!
boa, V. i. + nimdee a wgboa freno sa no, the falsely called

knowledge. 1 It 6,20 3. boa aboade, to vow a vow. Ge, 31,13,

boaboa, red, v,^- to prepare for burial. Ac. 5,6.

boadekana, a fine straw-mat.
*aboae, place of gathering; nteaseenam ab., bulwark formed by

carriages. 18a. 26,5.

*aboa-mii, (he whole body of a beast. Jo. 3,3.

b6ap6a, a kind of ape, green, black and white; cf, aboatia.

boasipe, cf, akronnoi.

abdatw^w [aboa atwa, aboa yam' kotoku] maw of an animal.

o-boa-ye,-yo: boayg bone, presumptuous sins, Ps.39,13(14). —
oboayQ biara a wodan no fa babiara a wgpe, arbitrariness, K,§133,
abobadwe, the 9th article from below, ought to be the first from above.
^abO'haxiy watl, partition of stone. Eze.42,7.
*bo-bea, nature; ne bobeam' aba, the natural branches. B/o.llM-
o-bobe, 2. grape-vine. — *bobe-aba, grape(s). — *bobe-aba-
tew, inf. vintage. — *o-bobe-aba-tGwfo, grape-gatherer, — *bobe-
aba-wofo, vintage-treader. — *bobe-yefo, vine-dresser.
*bobo, red, v. - bobgm', to clinch; to rivet,
*bo-bo, inf, taxation, 2Ki.23,35,
ab6b6, = go; s. page 33 (abobowx).

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aboboe — boro. 573

abobge, the seeds of atwe, when boiled. — bobom', s. bobo.
e-bo-bone,+ gyae b. ye, forsake wrath. Fb.37i8.
*o-ho-bonetb, a wrathful man. Fi. 29,22.

*bobow, red. v., s. bow. — (abobow, most b© abobo).

*o-bo-da, pi. a-, tomb.
abo-dam', L+ confident waiting, silent expectation of the Divine
aid; rest; purpose of heaii. F8.65,1(2).94,1S. Ac 11,23.
abodwee-sem, comforting toords. I8.40,2.
abodyrO'kyerey+ patience. He.6,12.
*abodwokyerefo, one who is slow to anger. Fr. 15,18.
*g-bo-dwumfo, engraver in stone. Ex.28,11* — *abofasii, stonewall.
o-bo-fo, 2. angel, = osoro-bgfo ; — 3. missionary. •»— *g-bofo-
kuniniy one of the chief ov highest angels. — *o-bofo-panyin, arch-
angel. — *abQfo-trabea, missionary station.

bofunniia, (1.x s. gfo. - 3,x) 1. dua a woatwa no asen ano,

any piece of wood, sharpened ait the end, to be used as a charm; tent-
peg or pin, Ex.27,19. nail in the wall. 18.22,23.25. — (3.x) - 2.Cf.

abogya-dim must be abogye-dua; (xor shrub).

abogya-fra, inf. mixing of blood; me-ni no di ab. = ayonkofa
nil me-no no de yen mogya afrafra, we have mixed our blood.
*bogya-iii, pi. -fo, kinsman. — *bogya-sem, family concerns.
o-bo-h^mma-botan, rock of flint. De.8,15.
o-bo-hene, cf. ohyeremmo. — *abo-ho, s. gyawnrusi.
abO'huvUy-\- vexation, anger; indignation. Ec.5yl7.7,9. Je.l5,lT.
abo-ka, (x spoiled meat) — abo-kuw, heap of stones.
*bohye-ade, = aboade. — b()koboko,+/i«e (flour). Re. 13,13.
bom, V.+ tobe silent, Zep.1,7. — o-bo-mafo. Cf. kekare-mafo.
*abo-mu, belt, girdle; cf. aboso, nkyekyemti.

b6n,+ho abon, off scouring, refuse. lCo.4,13. — *abona, plates.

n-bone,+ ne bone a ekura no, his sinfulnes. — bone-mfua-ka,
private confession; mpatabom'-bone-ka, general confession; asom'-
bone-ka, auricular confession. K.§166.339, — bonenw6ne (xa).

*bone-pe, inf. malice, maliciousness. — *bone-ye,-yo, inf. evil-

doing, sin. — *boneyefo, evil-doer; cf. odeborieyefo. lPe.2,1.16.3,17.
Q-bonin: cf. kyenene, kftrawa.
abonkyi-abonkyi,+ rough places. I8.40,4. Lu.3,o.
*abo-nsewe, pavement; s. nsewe.

*bonu, o-boniikyerefo,=opataku; pr.oi5. [obonu,G.==bomma.]

*ab9-ohyew, wrath, rage, fury. Je.7,20.
*o-bo-paefo, pi. a-, quarry-ntan, stone-cutter, stone-mason.
o-bo-pon,+ monster. Job7,12.Je.51,34. — o-hO'pohypl.A-yEx.32,15.
boradekyena, must be boadekana.
bore, V. l.-^-to dig up, Fr.16,27. — 3.+ to search for.
bore,= onahka. — Borebijre &c. (both words without a prefix),
bo r so (4^ + to prevail; to be the better, to have the advantage.

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574 oboro-adwnma — abiifiabun.

*o-boro-adwuma, beaten work. Ex, 25, 18.

abrode-se, pi. id. 1. stump of a plantain-tree (nea woatu reko-

dua nh uea esi ho) from which new trees grow &c.

Boronfo, 1. a tribe subject to Asante; s. Gr. p.XIII. (II. 2.

Buroro). - ^. a name given by the Asantes also to other tribes

speaking Apotokan {ih, II.) = Kam&nafo.

bor6-w5-iiyfi. , Christmas and New -^ year' s-day. Okranni bi

kyeree ase se: Kan woiia wQSom B6rofo Nkran no ye Bdrofo no n-
koa, na afe du so na worebeye nkoa no aye a, woboro won ansa-
na woama won ntama n^ ade no. Bnti na nkoa no too sa afe no
Bor66nya = woboro wo a, enna wunya.

abosam,+ a hare rock, Ex. 26, 4. = botan ferefere.

*o-bosom-fre-dan, a Iwuse to consult tutelar spirits. I8.6d,4.
*()-boson-huhuw, pi. a-, idol. Ib.2,8. Ezt.20,7.
*b6sow-ye, inf. Jieaviness. Job 9,27.
o-bosu a akyenkyen, hoar-frost, s. nkyenkyene.

bota, 1.7. ... ammota no ho. — *botaii-tini, an immovable rock.

*abotau-forofo, the wild goats of the rock. Job39,l.
abotiri,+ ani akyi ab., a liead-band over the eyes,
*abotiri-mafo, ofie that bestows crowns. Is. 23,8.
*bo-to-ho, inf. [bg 621: monny^ no b., be not slothful to do it.
botoro:+ wabo no b., he has wounded him to death. Be. 13^3.
*botoro-fe, deadly wound,
hotow^+iobe relieved, Job 16, 6. - tr. + to make stoop, Pr.lJ2J25.
*abo-tu-bea, quarry. — *o-bo-twafo, i>^. a-, hewer of stone. 2Kil2.
bow, V. 1. is or belongs to bo w.

bowerewua, a nail that has become black by disease; s. mmow.

bo-yerew,+ heart'bum(ing).

bra, ^. + nea eye hohhom de bra ok&ra ne honam, soul and

body i)aHicipate of the nature or qualities of the spirit K.§180.
o-bra, ^.+ obra ho mmara, moral law.

*abra-bu, = abrabo; ab. rou nyin, moral development. K.§ 185,2.

bram, l.+ to enclose, Eze. 46,22. aban a woabram ho, 5, abah.
*o-bra-su, nature. 1 Cor. 11, 14. [Da. U, 24.

bu, 12. bu mu, d) to divide, Eze.5,1. cf abup§n. — 15. bu so,

4- ebu ne nsa so, his means are not sufficient to pay this. — ^^,-
bu .. ma, to impute. K.§275. — 28. 6) bu man, to form or con-
stitute a state or kingdom; Q-ni won kobuu esum>man, K.§195.
SihUy-h breach, destruction; mischief. F8.106,23.Pr.l0,15.EecJ,26.
*o-buafo, he that answers. Mai 2,12.

bubu,4- intr. to be humbled, to humble oneself Je. 44,10.

*o-bubufo, breaker. Mi.2,13.

aLh\\^'\\yeWj+ fierce wrath, rage. Ex. 32, 12. Fr. 6, 34.

*abufaw-yo mu nyt, dow to anger. Ps. 145,8. — (abCii, Ga.)

h\\ma,+ to lay hold of. — *o-bu-ina, inf. imputation. K.S275

*abun-abuii, green fruits. Ca.2,13.

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bimkam — odagyafo. „^1^

b u nkam so, to he veryexcdlentj superemment,iranscendent(dl).

biintwere, pi. a-; akutu no ye ab., these oranges are unripe.
abunux (o-bonu, G. a large drum.) — e-bunu, Ak. s, ebun.
*buroburo, adv, entirely, totally; syn. korakora.
bui-o-kiiruwa [brofo kuruwa] 1. a European jar, can, cup,
mug dtc. 2. a large tree and its edible fruii similar to a pomegra-
nate, but larger and with larger seeds.
(bur6-5nya x s. borowo-nya.)

(biinibuni = G. blubla.) — odi me nya buroburo &c.

*buru-kasa, foul talk, obscene language. K.§103.
(burukuruwa X 5. biirok.) — burum, pr,682. (xo-).
aburuwd-ba, a child of a female slave (xa vile person).
*buriiw-ade, batta-y. Eze.26,9.
*abusCia-kahiri, oguaii a. s. aboa bi yam' nsono a abobow se ka-
hiri no. — *abusuam', onipa nammonmu bon no, tJie low, concave
part of the metatarsus. — abiisua-ponni, a member of a large


abusu-de,+ a cursed thing, curse; iniquity.— *abusu-awuma,

toorks of iniquity. — abusu-dwene, tlwugMs of iniquity; evil devices.
*abususem-kafo, blasphemer.
o-busuyefo, pi. m'j-{- ungodly man.

*bu-tra-so, inf over-rating, over-estimation; obu no b., he over-

estimates him, K.§110,
♦biUiirii [Eng. Ger.] butter; s. dagyi.

b u t u w , intr. + to be overthrown. Jon, 3,4.

*butuw-bea, abutuwi, cauching-place, resting-place for beasts.

*o-buw, inf. s. bnw 5.

da, t?. - 13. da adi, cf. da gua. - 17. da ho: a^+ neh6 da ho,
he lay uncovered. Oe.9,20' - c) eso da ho, it is uncovered. ICor.llfi.
e-da,-[-da a enni ase, ensa dit, entwam' dk, eto rent^a dii, eternity.
*da-asetr&, eternity as a quality.
*da-ho-wo, id., eternal existence.
o-i\Ah&Wy-h snuffers. Ex.25,38.

dabea, i)Zace, lodge, resting-place. — AsL'heTej-\- resting-place.

*dabiebio, s. akura. — o-dabrabafo, pi. n-.
dada, 5. + «o eniice. — o-dadafo: ota d., a deceitful bow.
dade-kwasi,+ «n. — dade-kyew, cf. akokyew.
*dade-sanka, an iron pan to roast or bake in. Le, 14,21.
o-da-dwen-nfe-haw, care. Mt. 13,22. — adsie^+ place of sleeping.
*o-(laeinone, pi. a- [Gr.] demoti.
*o-daemoneni, pi. a- -fo, one possessed with a demon.

adae-so,+ dream. — *adafa-bo, inf. enticing d^c.

*adafae, Akw. = nsankyiri, hiawa, awiriwa, mmam*.
*o-da<a-tvlra, inf turning from one side to the other in (desire of)
sleep; tossing, tumbling and rolling abotd. Job7,4.
■*y-dagyafo, adagyawfo, the naked. Job 22,6. Eze.13,7.

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576 <1i^i?yi — adefijlbro.

*dagyi, As. [Marewa: wagyi] htdter; s. butura.

*adaka-tiri, top of the "hoses" in Solomon's temple. lKi,7yS5.
adaka-teu,+ ant^ long box, — *adakawd , a small box, coffer,
adakuro, + chief of a town or village.
g-dammd,4-^Z. adamma, chambers, Eze,40,17,
adaxi\{Oy + companion. — adamfowa, ^. acquaintance, friend.
*adamfowa, beloved^ love, Ca.1^9. — g-damoa, pi, a-.

d^n, v. 4,-\-to fetch, get or collect in (outstanding debts); to

efiforce payment, get cashed, recover a debt. — adan,+ dependence,
dan', v. — dan ani ,+ /o tvrest, distoH (judgment, the truth);
wonnin ani, it is unalterable, immutable, unchangeable,- odan m'a-
katua ani, he changed my wages, Ge.31,7. - dan aso; edah atiofo
aso, it subverts the hearers; dan butuw, to overthrow. 211.2,14.18.
dannan,+ <o turn about; Ja.3,3/. — adannaii, turning, tut^-
ings about, Ja. 1,17. Eze. 1,6. enni ad., it is unvariable. K.§295h
*dannaufo: tekrema d., a wayward tongue. Br. 17,20.
q-dkkxi6y-\- trap spring; stumbling-block, Ro.11,9.
adansd, better : adensa.
*adanse-gye, inf. a receiving or acceptation of testimonies given,
convincement, the being convinced of, Heb.11,1. — *o-danse-huliu-
ni, -fo, a worthless witness. — *adanse-hunu, witness without cause.
Pr. 19,28. 24, 28. — *adaiise-sem, testimonies. F».ll9.
*adan-sem [odam asem] madness. Lu.6yll.
*o-dau-sifo, pi. a-, builder of a house; od. nyansafo, master-builder.
da-nsow, 1.2.... nsow]; oyi d... tigyir&e,.,Je.l2,9.
danta^ = dena. — adantapu, silk-cotton; syn. tenterehu.
a.dsi.pa.y'^ ignominy ; (xadagjaw.)
*adapen-son-afahye, the Feast of Weeks. De.i6,9.

dasuman,? — dawadwa,dawagna,... c/H-ta(p.466),ayam'de.

de, r. 5.+ Qreko no na ode sQ, he went on weepings ode no
tan ara nna nbina, J^ hated him all his days, ISa.l, 10.6,12,18,29.

ade,+ IL eho ade, means, K,§207, - 12, eso ade, consequence,

result, fruit, reward, recompense. - 13. Cpds. ade- or nneema-hhina-
hu, omniscience; ade- or nneema-nhina-so-tumi, omnipotence.
*adebisa-de: ye-, to use divination. 2Ki,21,6.
g-debisafo,+ one tliat has a familiar spirit. Le. 19, 31, 20,6,
*adebg-su, nature, JudelO. Cf. su, ban, obra, obrasu.

dedaw, JS, ... adamfo .... — *dedaw-ye, inf. oldness, Ro.7,6.

g-dede, pi. a-, Ec.5, 11. — *adede-seni, goodly words. Ge.49,2t.
*ade-dodow, riches, fulness; IK. 10, 23. Ps.24,1.

*dedua-daii, dedua-fi^ prison, dungeon,

*adefedefe, inf. Job 32,21/. — *ad.-sem, smooth things, 18.30,10.
g-defemfo, pi. a-, borrower, = odefirifo.
o-defeveio y-\r devout (Ac. 2,5),
*ade-rurort3, a new, different, strange thing, s. foforo.

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odf^twelb — di. T)??

*o-de-t wefo, seer. 2 Sam. 24, it.lCh. 2H, 2U.

odeha, better: ode-ne-ha.

*ade-hu, inf. sights eyesight. — *odehiifo, pi. a-, a seeing person;
*ade-hye, inf. measuring (with hollow vessels). [seer.

O-dehye, l.-\-a) ohene bogyani; h) obiara a ote n*abnsuam' -x

(when ...). - 4.^a tumftr on tJte eyelid, sty, hordeolum.
o-dehye-ba, pi. adehye-mma. — adehyewa, (x o-).
*ade-kari, inf. the act of weighing.
*adekora-bea, -dau, -ofi, ade-korae, storehouse, treasnry.
*ade-koro, one or the same thing; dwen ad., to be likeminded.
*a(lekoro-t\ve, inf. simplicity. — *a(lek()ro-ye, inf. monotony.
ade-kye, 2. the act of 4 communieating. (He.)/i,l0.) [K.^^'iOfi.
*g-(lekyefo, pi. a-, divider. LH,l2,t4.
adekyeo-heuia(x-haiiia). — adekye-soroma, wuedi, kyekyep.
demereku (x-gu).

deii,+ (in 1. 9) mframa a emn ye den, a fierce wind. Ja.S,4.

e-deiJ, F oden naye na woanni mogya, be sure that thon eat not
the blood. De. 12, 2:i. — *i\Qh'\\ji^, inf. strengthening , confirmation,
invigoration; gyidi mu d., Confirmation.
adeiik6m, 2. a play of women, s. agoru.

adenstiy handcuff, manacle, s. ada-nsa. (x=kapo). [i TL 6,5.

aiie'nyH,'\^ property, Pr.4,7. increase, produce, Nh.1H,.w.- gain,

*deii-yi», hardness; anim d., boldness, effrontery; stubbonmess.

*ade-i>aw, inf. choosing, choice; ad. ho tiimi, liberty to choose,

power of choice, option, self-determination'. K.§ 176.19').

ad(v])e,+ craving, Pr. 10, .h. — *adope-do, means of worldly gain.

*ade-saiiteii, all existing things in the world. He 1,2.
*ade-sero, /w/*. petition. iSam.un. — *ado-sioi. treasury. Pr. 8,21.
*ade-so-di, inf. government of the world.
"^ade-so-fwe, inf. preservation of the world. K. 1^152. ISi*.
*ade-susuw, inf. measuring of length, measure. Ije. 19, as.
*ade-toii-iie, wares for sale.

ade-to-wo-so, atgwoso, fainting fit, swoon, in consciousness.

*o-dew-so, tvith grace. Col..H,iO.

ade-yi^ V operation. lCor.l.%0. e-so ade-yo, execution. K.§.W4.

di, 17. f di kam, to be damaged, deficient, lacking. Ec.l,lo. -
22. r ode won dii anim,- dii ho, - dii akyiri, he put them foremost,-
after, - hindermost. Oe..HS,2. - wadi me ahunkaii. - didi so, to follow
in succession. Ps.S9, 1(2). - ^5.4 di mu akoten, to be the main point,
the principal thing. - 27. di gyina, to last. - 32.-^ di kgm, to be
Iningry; di sukgm , to be thirsty. - 37. -\- atutra (Ge.l8,:i). - 0.?.+
(after adehyosem) akokurokoscm. - 8.9. + wodi mfew-ano, they kiss
eavh other; wodi abogyafra, 6*. this. - H7.\ di nsusom', to be, joined
or fitted together, to stick together. - 88.^ iihfianim. - T. To act in
(x^a) mutual ... 0(i. f wp-n6 mo di ntetewmii, they separate you frcnn
their company. Lai.6,^2. - A-W. ftMbogyafra, mfew-ano, gyina, nhu-
anim, kam, akokdrokosem, kom, akoten, anadwogua, sukgm, nsu-
Koni\ ntetewmu, atutra, a\'§ware.


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578 <ii — (lomuulUi.

*di, Ak. contr. = de yi, ni.

. *f\dlaba, G. adiagba, a precious cored or bead.

dibea,-^ sUuaiion, relation, state, K.§ too. 2sa. (abakah ^.,lhe

right of the firstborn, De.21,t7.) - order, manner. Ps. 110,4.

(lidi, V. - J2.+ didi ho, to have the usufruct of. K.§110. - 5. to

feed (of sheep &c.); red. didfdidi, Jerj),H. - adidi,T- Awurade ad,,
the Lord's Supper. — adidi-bea,+ pasture, Ge,47,4, cf, yemraeju —
*adidi-ddka, crib, manger, J6bn9,:i — adidi-de, 1,^ provision,
food, P8.1.rj,ir}.Fr.0,ft. - 3. Awnrade ad. = Aw. adidi. — o-didifo,
r devourer, Mai. 3, 11. — adidii: *adidii-asefo, sing.-m, persons al
meal, partakers of a meal; Awurade ad., communicants. — *adidii-
ase inpae, grace, prayer at meal.
*o-difo, pi. a-, one wlw eats dx. Ec.n, tl. rider, Mi. 5, 1(2). Na.a. It.
so d., prince, Be. 1,5. heir. He. 11, 7. 9.
o-difiide-pefo, greedy of gain, i Ti..H,.'i. 4,f^.
*o-dikaiifo, p/. a-, author. He, 12, 2.
*o-di-iiia, inf. intercession(s) ; o/l sere-ma. iTi.2,t.
*o-di-ma-fo, intercessor, mediator; advocate; redeemer, avenger.

[Job lit, 25.i{3, 2.1. 18.59, 13.

e-din, (1. 5.)-! eyi din na obo wui, to this end he died. Ro.i4,9,

diiin, ode n*ani fwe no d., his eyes are fastened on him. Lu.4,20.
adiiiam,jp7. n-, 2Ch.4,ia. flesh-hook, Ex.27, ."i. — adiiitruin.
adinkard, ^. a kind of amulet, otno-suman- — adij)!!.
*adiyi-da, Kristo ad., Epiphany. — *adiyi-dwuina, prophetic
office. — *adiyi-sei*i-ka, Vw/l (the gift of) propliecy. 1 Co. 13, 2.
*adiyisem-kafo, prophet. Mi. 2, it.

do, r. 7.4 Qe.ly22. 7, /7. - S. V do mmoawa, to breed worms.

Ex. 16,20. - 17. do ho, a) to love, like, Ge.27,4.9. - b) to spare rfr.
*o-.do-so, mllingly. lPe.5,2. — *do- adidi, love-feast. Jwki2.
2do-de,+ delight, P8.119, 24.92. Pr.8,.w.

o-d5do-bea, pi. a-, ... distills + (drops, runs) ...~h spout, pipe, long
tube, used as a conductor of water, oil &c. Zee. 4, 2,
*dodg-dodore, *dodpre, red. v., s. dore.

dodonku, ... abo d.^it has blistered; Ak. donnon; cf. horonoa.
^dodow-pofo, stammerer; I8.ii2,4.
*dodow-nya, inf. fulness. Nu.18,27.
*dodow-ye, inf. multitude.

adoe, + (inl. 1) mercy; — adoe-ye,+ goodness, mernf. Ex..^4.t*f

*ado(;ye-de, mercies. I8.56,s. — odoGjoio^^ gracious (person),
o-dofo, — 3. friend. Est. n, 10.

adokodokO'de, + dainty ; di ad., to feed delicately. 1^.4,5.

adokodoko-som,-l- ka ad., to flatter. Pr. 2, in.

dokou-kaukyee, bread of ripe plantains.

adokon-ni, the manner in which odokono is eaten.
*g-dom-akyedo, gift of grace, free gift. Ro.l,lt. 5,inf.6,23.
o-dom-niaiiiii, f the valiant, Am. 2, 14. syn. okofoni, osabarima.
dom-ma(a, pi. n-,-r 2Ki.s,23. — *dgm-di, inf war.lKi.l5.6.ie.

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odome — adurade. 579

*o-dome, inf, cursing; uiioinc, inf. curse,

doii, + /o pervade, imbue. K.§119.
Skdon-ne J + mercies. Ac.lSjS4.

*don-iiodow [dom dodow] multitude of a host. Ps. 33, 16.

*donnoii, Ak. :^ dodohku, cf. horouoa.

d ore, 'bone adore ahyo won so, they are laden with sins,
ado-sasc,+ field, Ne, 11, 25,

dote, + stt?/V», plastered elay. — *dote-tow, lump of clay.

*dotoyan, As. hoy, mora^; s. doto, doutori, dehkyedehkye.
e-dow, 1. 4. Alatafo na ede hwene iitama.
g-dowa, (;^.^) - 3. (x the armpit).
*o-dg-yere, beloved wife, favorite wife, P8.45,9(io).
*drako[Gr.] dragon, monster, serpent, cf. otvVeasee. lB.^7,i.50A
d a, V, + 1. 5 moma adii, I shall fidftll (the number <»f thy days).
Ex 23, 26. - + 1. 7 onnii, he is the worse, lCo.8,S. - Phr,-^ Ge.30,2.-
du ano, to be sufficient, to come to perfection. K.§214^1.
diia, V. 2, c) red. duadua, to set. 18.62,0.
e-diia, ii.v dua-rau, pl.w-^intvard, in prison. - D. s. si 43f. Col.2,2.
*diia-bo-dua, ebony. Eze,27,l.'). — *diia-dwuiiifo, s. duasent'o.
duam', pi. nuuam*; duam' da, dua-mu-nna, imprisonment, the
state of being imprisoned. Ezr. 7, 26. - dua-mu-nna ntade, prison gar-
tnents. 2Ki.2o,2.

aduan,-f (1. 3) food for beasts, provender. Ge. 24,32.

*adnaa-konri, hunger for or famine of bread. Je. 42, 14. Am.S,ll.'
*aduan-kora-dau, corn-magazine, garner; *adaan-kora-kiirow,
city of store. — *aduaii-noa-dan, house for cooking. Eze,46,24. —
*aduaii-twa, harvest. Joelt,n.

*dna-seiifo, pi. n-, carpenter. 2 Sam. 5^11.

*daa-towfo, feller of a tree, hewer of wood;
*dua-twatb, wood-cutter. Jc.46,22.De.29,ll.
*adu-befi [aduru b.] stdphur, brimstone; s. sufre, atodu-duben.
adii-biri, inJc. 2C0.3, 3. lead-glance, eye-pigment, 2Ki,9,30.Eze.23,40.
due, l.\A. verb (x ivord)- 1. 6f. amulets, or ... worship,...
*aduemine, = ahye-mme, a kind of mouse (otew abe); s. akura.
*adu-frae, confection dtc. Ex. 30,35.
^.([y\-\\\\ixin,-\ sweet incense. Ex. 30,7 f. ... fwcnt^a, abefo. -
*aduhuam-liyew-iniika, altar of inceme; cf, hiiam-aforemuka.
*adu-kokO, red paint, ruddle, red chalk, (vermilion?) Eze. 23, 14.
diikudukii, ebubnu d., it was broken to pieces. Ba. 2,3 4f.
diini,+ ani adum, it is faded, Le.l3y6. 21.
e-dum, 2,-\ pillar inserted in a wall, pilaster, post; cf. afasudum.

[Eze.40,<j. 14,20.

*du-inoiio, a green tree, opp. duwui. Eze. 20. 47. Lu. 23. 31.

*o-dmi-dri, pl.B.-, [odum, otiri] capital of a pillar, ntasotiri. 1K17,16.

diiobo, V. [ebia efi "odua obo,*'= oy6 nea obi nyec bi da, oyg

anuoden a etra so] -f to frisk, Je.60,11. [pg^ .95^ jf^^

adurade, + ahohora si no ad., he is clothed with dishonour.

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580 diiru — adwo\V.

d uru, V. i.+ U8ew aduru uo, a curse lies on him. De.29,20. -

4. d. mu afiforo, to dedicate (a new house). De.20,o.

aduru hiiamhilam, s. adubiiain. — *adui*u-hye, itif. the act of

embalming a corpse. Ge,50,3. — *aduru-tiH, inf.?
*du-wui [dua a awu] a dry tree; opp. dumono.
dwe, F. = due. •

*dVi^abiri, place of assembly. La, 2,6. cf, aguabirim*.

dwae, 1. 4. odi (x obg) me so ah.

*dvVae-je, inf. = dwaebo. Is. 25, 3,
dw(3, 1. 4. ankA (x enkA) bi. — dwe, 1, 2. dwedw^dwe.
dwcii, afinegirlflady. — *g-dwca, /ie/wwr/7taf/e, = atwameue.
(Q-dwehene x) s. odwennini. pr.2472.

*adwom-mone[adwene b.] nnipa ho ad., evil surmisinys. tTufi.i

*adweni-])a, reasonable^ judicious ihouyhts; discretion. I\:f,o.
d^ehj t?.+ dw. tirim, to devise, Ex. Si, 4. to meditate. Ps.27,4. -
div.adwempa, to be discreet, sobcrmindcd, Ttt.2,5f,
dwciuiweii,-l^o mnse. l*8,8i),3f,
adwcne, — n'adwenem* tew, + he is soberminded, ITI.3,2. u a-
dwenem'atew, lie is in his right mindagain. Mfcoylo. tew..adweiiem\
toteach, train. TU.2,4. — adweiionr harc-sem,-f lightness. 2Co./,t7.~
*Rdw6n(im{\-Mvo\'6,liglUminded,frivolousperson(s). — adweneni'-
tew, -r :^. sound mind, sobermindedness , sobriety, female modesty.
lTi.2,l4.2Ti.lj. — *adwene-nta-nta, rfoM^^e-iwrn^fec/wess; adwene-
ntautato, the doubleminded. — *adweii-hare, = adwcnem'hare.
K.§44f.48. — *adweii-koro, unanimity; wode ad. yee, titey did it
tcith one accord, unanimously; ye ad., to be of one mind. Bo.J2,ie.
Fhi,2,2, Cf. nokoro.

adwennimma. — dwenso-toji. — adwcimwere.

dwerew,+ /o 6e broken in pieces. Is. 8,9.

*dwerekuwa -= takuwa ketewa.
dwe-tiri, b g d., + to hoard. Is, 2.1, 18,
*odwiu-honi, pi, a-, idol. Is. 48,5. Ho, IS, 2. — adwin ri^d6, instru-
nient. — adwiii-nc,+ *dwoni ad., nsanku-dwiime, musical instrth
ment. lCh.16,5.42, — *ad\Viii-ni-h6-aboaro, the IndusfritU Committee
(of the Basel Missionary Society).

dwira, (1. 12. adweiinwere) + o?. to dedicate. Ne. 12,27.

*adwira-de, = odwira ho ayeycdo. Nu.6\tof
*o-dwira-twa, inf 1. s. odwira. - J2. dedication. Nc.l2,27.
*o-dwo, inf. meekness, gentleness, mildness. PhU.4,r).jTi.6,U.Ja.3,t7
adwobfiw, a (x the chief) branch...

dwodwo, + safe, insafety, in peace; ouam dw.. mu bae. Ge.ss,is.

ad>Vogu, most probably adwoku.
*o-dwo-koni, 2)1. a- -fo, one sick of the palsy. Mt.O.
*dwom-iiioiie, nasty song. — ^dwom-so-^^yc, inf, respomory
singing, alternative song. Ex.. 32, 18. — *o-dwon-kyerefo, singing
master. F8.4.o.&c.

*adwow, 5. 1. 1 . amim (x anim) - 4. (x for one's own payment)

thus paying oneself.

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d wo wade — afedi. 581

*dVFOw-ade, p^cf/, 2Ki.2t,l4,

dwiidwo .. kdma, to he refreshed. Ex,23^i2.
*ad>Vuma-dan, workshop,
*adViruma-de, fruits of labour. Ex,23,l6.

d wuma-di: asase-so-d., earthly calling; osoro d., heavenly calling.

*adwuma-tow, *adwunia-ye-tow, levy, tribute of bond service,

iribuie service. 1K%.4,6, 5,13. 9,15. 2L — *adwuma-ye-boafo, heliJer

in doing aworh. lCo.3,9. — *adwuma-ye-nnua,i/w/rMmcw^s. lKi.19,21.

o-dwuinfo, F. gwimfo,-fcra/?^maw. Ac. 19, 24.

fa, V. 16. -h efa he ara a, in every respect. K.§132. cf. :il. b). -
20* fa ase,4- o^ fa ase ye, to do secretly. iSam. 18, 22. cf. nam ase. -
h) fa ase, ...

afd, j^lf'^Ci room, side ; afa da so wo ho, st'dl there is room; Im.14,22,
owo yen afa, he is on our side; lAi.9,50.
*o-fa-ba, inf. [de ba, fa ba] the act oi procuring, bringing; ofaba
adwuma, a positive task. K.p.63.§221.
0-rabaf6,-f ^. = Qfarebae, inventor: Bo. 1,30.
*fa-bea: n*akwah no f., Uie pat]is of Umr course. Job 6, is.
dSA'hOy-^- rubbish. — *faliri-k{\, inf. absolution. K.§340.
fain, (xfcmfam) 2.-^ obo no fam fasa no ho, he smites him to
the wall. lSa.lH,n. 19,10. Cf. ka 43.

*fanr-ade, matter, stuff; the world of matter (and mind), nature;

opp. hohhom. K.§l73f. — mfdmfa, + bowls. Re. 5,8.

*fain'fam\ very low or deep beneath; f. asaue, Uic land of the.

depths, the lower parts of the eartJi, Eze. 32, IS. cf. 31,14- is. 32, 24. a-
saso ase (fam^).

*fani'ni, pi. -fo, a man from below, oftlie earth, earUdy. iCo. 15, 4S.
^^VkUi'^w, physical nature; f. mu nyin, physical development.

tanii,-t openly. Mk. 1, 45. [K.§1S5,2.

o-fare-bae,-f mte/i/or, author. He. 5,9. heretic; cf. ofabafo.

mf^re (not f^re). — infare, tu d^nkoro ne ... betw. 1 and...
uifare-tu-bere, from about 1 to 4 o'clock. IIU.9,17. 17,4.18,12. '
*afase-biri, 1. = afasew tuntum. 2. dark- violet colour, purple.
nif&,-s6,+ pe ho mf., to make merchandise of. 2Pe.2,3.
*mfa«o de, means of making profit.
*i\^diH\\Ay\mj projections of a wall. Eze. 40, 1(). 22.
afasu-sifi, ruins. I8.49J9.

n\\*VL'tO'h6y+ allegory. Ga.4,24. — tniatoho-se.m, parable. K.§318.

*fatu-dade,i^Z. f.-nnadc, mattock. lSa.13,20.

f9, I. fe neho akyiri,+ to relent. Ps. 135,14.

afe,+ woadi mfe du n6 akyiri, or, woadi mfe du de rekg, they
are ten years old and uptvard. Nh.3,14. 4,3.
fea, f. so, ^o repeat, do again. Pr. 19 J9. — mfeafeaho, K.§7,1.
afe-dan,+ the year's end. Ex. 34, 22. 2K. 4, 16 f
*afe-di, inf. = few-di, scorning. — *o-fedifo, = gfewdilb. Pr.1,22.
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582 fefa — ofini.

fefa,x better: fofa. — fiBtefo, quarrelsome men; of. va£e(%wL

*fefew, s. few, tifew; /o suck; to feed sweeUy on. Job ^4, JO.
mtefew-ade,+ ornawewfo. I»..v,/^. — *mrefevve, sprout, shoot,
*are-fotbro(-aa), New Year's day. [Blzc la, 7.

fei, fefei, to consider closely > tKu3^2l.

f(6kuw, + scc/, Ac.J4y5.- Kristofo f. bi, Christlansliacing the satne

creed or confession. — *fekii-bg, inf. formation of a society drc, as-
sociation; fellowship, companionship. K.^^Wh'. — *feku-seni, sect,
AC.24A4. heresy, 2Ft.2yL — q-^okumyi- prosdyte. Mt23yto,
fem, i.+ (dcfem) ... — temm, ^.•\ flat, Nu.22,SL
*re n t e m , -T to plough. — *fen tem-bere, ploughing time. Ex.3 4,21.
*o-f(}ntemfo, j>Z. f., plougher. Ps.l2if,3.

*are-p§n, + j;/. m-, a series ov period of 7 years, week of years ;cf.

dapen. Da. 9^24. 27-
*lere, v. [red. ferefore] s, fre. — t*^re, v. 2. f. or feri mu.
e-fere, l.-\ aliina a. 8. asanka a abo fa.
e-fere,-f cucumber. Is. 1,8. Je.io^o. — Ainfere, pr.n., s. asafo.

ferelere,4- wadi ne nhiua f., he has eaten up every bit.

*fere-fuw, cucumber field; *fere-turo, garden of cucumbers.
*feri, V. = fere 2. wode titii f. dua mu tii uiu tokuru, tJiey bore
out a twle frotn a piece of wood with a gimlet,
*mfe-santen ntoatoaso lihina, for ever and ever, from age to age.
*fete, V. s. fetew. — *fete-kwan, a furrow drawn by the plough
(of the length of an acre). lSa.t4j4. — *fot(jvv-ade, plough.
*o-f(;tfjwfo. pi. a-, plougher, ploughman.
*mfetowe-Ka, furrow. Job39,lo.
mfew-ano,+ di mf., to kiss each other. Ps.85, lO(ii).
few-di, o-fow-difo, = afedi, ofedifo.

fi, V. 15. fi gua P8.6S, 24(25). - 24. efifi utaban fa, it makes it-
self wings; Pr.23,5. fi wusiw, to emit smoke, to smoke. Ge.lo,J7.
mti-ase, 2. determination, direction or tendency to some end. K.§tf^2.
*fiaso, As. a weight of gold.
*li-bea, place from which a thing comes; mine, Job2S,l.

*afi-de [oti ade] household-stuff or goods, fur niture,mooablei)r(/perfy.

*ali-de [efi adej uncleanness. — *afide-yo, inf. id.
*at'ide-yofo, an unclean ]}erson. Ep. 4, to. 5,3. o.
*o-fie-asetrri-sem, the affairs of (this) life. 2TL2,4.
*o-fie-asore, family prayer, family devotion.
O'tie-iwe,-^ Tnanagement of a household, dispensation. tTLt,4.
o-fie-nipa, household servant, domestic. Lu.t6,i3.Ac.toj,
*fifew, red. v. s. few & fefew.
*infifii, bud, plants, productions of the earth. I8.42,5. 61^ li.
afi-foro, duru mu af., to dedicate. Be. 20, 5.
^mfimufo, pi. id. one that escapes; cf. oguahfo.
*o-fi-ni, one of the household, Qe.15,3. pi. (a-)fifo.

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iiirmigycr — iiitbwabere. 583

mfini-^yer, 4-0/1 asin, nsa-kawe, nsa nyfnyanyinya.

*o-fi-prania, a large yard, enclosed by 6—8 houses, not forming
part of the main street.

afiri, (1. 2) + ohintimpraku. — *o-firi-sumfo, pi. a-, fwcler.

*infitiase-de,-sem, elements, mditnents. Q^4,s, C6l.2^fi,20,2Ve,nytn.

*ariti-fwerow, cf, fw^row.

*afi-tra, inf. family life; wo af. mu, when tliou siUest in thy house.
*o-fitrrifo, pi. a-, one that sojourns in a house. Ex. 3, 22. fDe.6,7.

o-li-w u ra, f 7i05/, Ro. 16,23. — o-ii-wurabea, hostess.

o-^y wode n'ase titiriw (x ne nhin) poma ad.

(nifofi, must be mfua, mfuawa.)

fofa, f de nsaf. anim, to stroke one's face, soothe, flatter, make snit,
cf. de£edefe.JobH,19.Pr.l9,iJ.P8.45,l.^. — *mfofa-ho, (=-= afofare)
mounting, framing or setting (of jewels), socket, Ex.2R,l.^.
iiifotana, sores (xon the sole. ..and) betiveen the toes.
afotiiiito, butterfly; kinds: od^fufu', gyah^ne, nkuni, aknknd,
os6f6, nsoromma, tumm-n^-hyen.
*afofare, setting, socket (ofgemB)Ex.28,tl. compass, settle. Eze.4.%14.
*o-fofo, pi. a,'y [fow] plunderer, spoiler.
*t'6fo, s. i'b; home f., snorting. — *f6f5, mourning. Fa. 38, 6(7).
folo, 1. 2. horo (xboro) — fOloe, = foefge, s. foe. Job 12,23.
f6f6ro, + different, strange, ade-f.H- some strange thing, l Pe.4,4.12.
\oior6'yey+ tiewness. Bo. 7, 6. — fofrahd, a kind of ^rti^.
fomm, 4 in the twilight. 2Ki.7,5.7.
*atom-ina, s. afono-ma. — afom-akuni, better: gfoiikum, a-.
fomfTiin, f. ho, to be joined or cleave together or one to another;
cf. ka 43. Job4l, 17. 2.3. Da. 2,43.
inf<5nifain-h6, border, Ex. 25, 25. raft, float. 2Ch.2,l6. s. nteh-ani.
afointi)n-sem, di af.,4-#o commit a icrong, to commit treachery.

[he. 5, 21(6,2). Eze. 15,8.

nitomso-mu-sore, a rising or desisting from trespasses, correction,
a setting to rights what was tvrong, reformation. 2 Ti. 3, 16.
o-foii,+ leanness. P8.106,15,
*infoiiin-nuru, |?ai*«/er'j? colour. K.§41.
*o-lbiikum, a-, s. afomakum. — f6n5f6iio,4- 2. feeble. Ge..W,42.

afonom', bg.. af., to howl. Jo. 5,1.

*afono-ma, mouth-ful, morsel, piece (of bread). Fr.2.%8.Eze.t3,i9.
o-fonono, pi. a-, oven <£:c. — o-fonto-bia, cf. atipateram.
afore-b6-ae,4- sacrifice.
^afore-gya, an offering made by fire. Le. 23,25.
*afore-nmka, altar. Qe.8,20. — *afore-pou, aUar. lKi.6,22.
for 0, i\ f woma won mn nokware foro, they enhance or increase
the knotoledge of truth believed and obeyed among them. K.§293.
*iiiforo-s6, inf. going up, ascending. Pa. 120— 134.
forow, V. (1. G. f51o, flg, = twitwa.) ^.4- G. flgn.

fow, V. 1. 3 kg afuw biara a wgpe mu ... Cf. f5m.

*afow-ade, spoil, prey. 2Ki.21,t4.Eze.38,12. Cf. asade.

mf6wa-bore, usu. mfowa-pa.

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584 fru — twc-iidwimiH.

fra, i. 4- to mingle oneself, associate, keep company (wOh),

lCo.5,ii.lt. - .2. ofra, + heis approved; emfrA, it is bad, Fr.20yl4, wom-
frA, they are reprobate, 2 Ti,s,S. - 4. gfrd yen mu, he is one of us, be-
longs to us, HcJO^.W. gfra (mo) mu, he is within; Qmfra (mo) mu, Jtt
is without. 1 Co, 5^ IS. — *Qfra, inf, ne fra a gfra uo, his approved
character* Phu 2, 22. ne fra a gmfra, his frailty, infirmity, feeblene^,
unfitness, wortMessness, baseness,

afraira-duaii, mixed provender, foddei', Job6,r>,l8,.w,24,

*iiifrafrae, mixture, admixture, alloy, composition.
*afrafrafo, mingled people, Je. 25^ 20, 24, af. pi, a mixed multitude.
Ex,l2,,HS, Nu,lly4. asrafo af., auxiliary troops, hired soldiers, Je.rtfK.^j-
*mframa-tama, sail; sail-cloth, canvas, bunting, Eze,27,7.

f r (J , 4. red. to win ; ne bra je fg na efrefre, he is of a steed and

unnning deportment; frefre .. k&ra, to revive the soul. La. 1, it, in.
mfremfrem-ade,4- dainty morsels, Pr. W, 8. cf. adgkgdgkgde.
afr§-so,H- in a moment. Nu. 16,21,
(hy (gkasaf^) in connection with kasa it is Ga (i. e. an Akraism).
tXiy (x perh. ... up;) always connected with nu.

Si{a-a^Ciy-\- crooked, Is. 40,4,

fua,+ sinapi-fua, a grain of mustard seed. Mtl3,.si, 17, 20.
*nifua, miiiawa, s. mfoa. — afua, I. 3. even a hit.
*mfuakoko, a ceremony performed among the Abnri people on
account of a woman in the sixth month of her first pregnancy,
mfudw^, 1. ode (F. dwow) a wgatoto no afum'; 2. ode a wgatuto.
*afum'duaii, lierb(s), vegetable(s). Ps, 104, 14, Da. t,i2. Bo. 1 4,2.
*afum-inisa, in/'.[bi8aefunu]fi^rromanr^.— *o-fumiiiis^r6,/>/.a-,
*fun-iiaka, efunu-adaka, coffin; 2Sa.s,si, [necromancer,

fuiiu, v.-ff. (fasu) mu, to dig through (a wall). Eze,H,S.

*efuiiu-adaka, funnaka, coffin; bier, Lti.16,14.
o-furafo, o-furaefo, pi. a-, = onifiraefo. Ex, 4, 11. 18.59, 10.
*o-fura-tam [ntama a wofura] garment. He, 1, 11,
*afuru-fa, iw/*. [fa vS^ pregnancy. Ho.9,li.
afuruni,-i-af. Kakatefo, onager, tcild ass; syn, sareso-af. JobS9y5.
fiisa, small animals, eating or destroying the thatch which had
not been sufficiently dry when it was used to cover the roof.
*mratuniawa, dim. small dust, imrticle of dust,

fatunierefumi, a fabulous beast, having 2 heads & 1 body.

*o-fwaii-nua, myrtle; — mirite. Is, 41, 19, 5^,13,

fwe, 5.+ wgfwe n6 fwe, thry keep his (its) charge. NH.l,(i.H. 3.7.-
12. f) fwe neho so, to be cJiaste. TU,2,5.
e-fwee, a sJirub &c. - fwe, Jer.l9,s, red, fw^fw6, Zeph.2,15.
fw^,+ omfA nye fwe, Jte does not regard it, mak-es nothing of
it; eny^ mma fwe, it is to no profit, 2Tu2,14.
afw^a, afw^a, mole; odi fam' mmoa.
fweafwea, pi, nfwea-nfw6a,4- thin (of hair, Le.13,30),
*fwe-adwuma, office, charge, function. Ac. 1,20.

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nf^g-apjm — gu. 585

nfwe^anim, + g-n6 no di Af. kasa, he speaks to him face to face*

*fwe-bea, aspect, appearance, form. Lu.s,22,
• *afwe-de, 1. object to look upon, thing for show ; spectacle, gazing-
stock; iCo. 4,9. Na.3,G, - J2, charge, 2Clir.P»t,trt, wgfwe m'af,, they ob-
serve what is to be observed concerning me, they keep my charge.
Le.22,9. Nu. 9,2.3. — *afwe(le-fwefo, overseers over certain charges,
*af\Vedefwe-seni, instruction for an observance or for the per-
formance of some office or function. Ne. 13,33.
afweSy-^ lofty place, 2Chr,20,24. tvatch. Ha. 2,1. theatre, Ac. 19,29.
Q'fwefOj-h officer, Jos. 3,2. pedagogue, child-tender, Qa.3,24f,
*f\\refo-dwuma, the office of a bishop. I7t3,t.

fwefwe,+ fvr. ran pesepese, to make search, rack one's brains,

*fwefwe, s. f we. [Ep. 3, 8. K. § 206.

*fiVefwe-bea: enni or emu nnif., it is unsearchable, Pb. 145,3.

*nfwefwe-iiul, inf, investigation, examination, inquiry,
fwenakroii, fV^enenkron (x a-,x jo/. n-)
*fweii-sifi, one who has a mutilated nose, — e-fvi^ent^a, (xg-)
twere^ J^.-tto be deprived of Ge. 27, 45.
(g-fwereni, fiJJ^eremnkyew, fv&^erema, x s. f^i...) — fweti.
fwi.-h with violence. Re, 18,21.
fwie, 5.+ to pour a drink-offering, Oe.,35,14.
*fwie-gu, inf. pouring out; Honhom kroukron f., effusion or de

scending of the Holy Ghost,

afwie-sa,+ all the wine used during the festival, s, afwie.
fwim, l.to catch away, Ac. 8, 39, to rescue, Am. 3, 12. f . kg, to take
away,Job9,l2. — fwihfwim, to lift up, brandish, flourish. 2Sa,23,l8.
o-fvVirein'^ a creeper with large thorns; haraa a eho wg nsge.
*fwirema-bo, inf, whistling; object of hissing, 2Ch.29,8.
fwireii, V, cf donngn. K.§180.
fwireiVfwiren : gbotan ano f., the crag of the rock. Job39,28.

*gangaga, = garega.

SLgo,-h Damask silk. — ago-honey + revellings. Bo. 13,13.

ago-de,+ a light thing, Ik.l,4i. — *^o-fd, a nasty play,
o-go-!iye-ase, warning (promise of a play), — goro, Ak. (xGy.)

goru, red, gagorn. — agoru, 1. 6. pewA (x bewd).

*goru-kyere, inf play, drama, performance of a play. K,§104.
ago-sanawa, a small earthen pot in which palm-oil is kept,
o-go-soafo, pi. n-.

goWjS.b) cf, 7.- 4. 1. 5. ne nsam* gow, he is open-handed,

liberai, - 5.+ nnow wo aroirikatn mu, slack not thy riding, 2Ki.4,24.
7. gow mxkyto miHgatCy aUeviafe, soften, allay, assuage, soothe; to
lessen, diminish, temper,

granate^ ... bfirokdriiwd (xbnrnk.)

gUy 10, u gn asu, to make or suffer shipper eck. lTi.1,19.^ 3,-\-to

unite by oath. — o-gu, inf. fatting, casting; sowing (tc,


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586 ' egua — gyapim.

e-gua, i.+ fi gua, Ps. 68,24 (25). s. fi 15. — ada gua (= ada adi),
it is manifest f evident, public y notorious. K.§114.
. o-guabeii, a thorny creeper. — agudbi rim, + &roaJ«ray. Pr.l,2i.^
guaha, 2. fig. earnest. 2Co.l,22,

giiam, i.+ /o 6e closely united. Bo. 6,5, - 3. to prance about.

*aguaman-ba,|?^ ag.-mma, bastard. He.i2,8. — *a^namaiiimo-de,
*aguaman-ne-ye, whoredoms. Eze.i5y22. 23,29. — *aguauian-seiu,
fornications. Mk.7,21. — *aguaman-taiii, attire of a harlot. Fr.T.to.
*aguamantoa, a kind of tree ; s. oguantoa.
*o-guam-miri [oguan, biri] a brown or black sheep. Ge. 30,32.
*guane, a. dried (e. g. grapes). Nu.6,3.
o-guanfo,+ one that flees or escapes, Je.44,14. Am. 9, t
o-guaii-fwefo, pi. n-; cf. iinuanyeiifo.
*o-guaii-haiiia, pi. n-, a cord with which sheep and goata are tied,
o-gaantoa, aguamantoa (DAs.) a kind octree.
*guau-toa, inf. refuge. P.4.%2. cf. gnandobea, guankobea.
*o-guaii-yeiitb, s. nnnan-y.

guar e, 1. 4. fa no koguare no ... 3. g. asum', to offer sacrifice

to one^s (own) soul. - 4. to own (acknoicledge) a fetish as one's family
fetish. — aguare-6, a word of thanks for a meal presented to one
(x politeness ... eat). — aguare-anni, okyi ag., = waiinuare a, on-
nidi, ^e observes the fashion of not eating before he has washed.
o-guarefo, usn. osuguarefo. — guare-iisra (x a-).
*aguasein'-pauyin. chief counsellor, chancellor ; (royal) prefect,
governor. Ezra 4,9. — *aguaso-de, a public show, spectacle. He. 10,33.
*o-gufo, pi. a-, 1. sower, Mt. 13,3. - 2. founder, caster; melter, silrer-
smith. Fr.25,4. cf. gnanfo.
gugow,+ m*aniwa ag., my eye is wasted way. Ps.88,9(10).
*o-gu-noni, pl.A-, or gu-ah., molten image. 2 Ch. 28, 2. 34,3. Ho. 13,2.
aguma,+ di ag. ko, to strive in the games. 2TL2,5. — *aguinadi-
bea, a place of public contest or exertion, race-course^ stadium ^ arena.
*agumadi-kane, si -, to contend for the prize in the public games.

f J Co 9. 24 f
*gu-po, the molten sea (in Solomon's temple). 2Ch.4,2.
gurow, [red. gurogurow] + to languish. La. 2,8. - wag. go-
row w,+/ie is brought very loiv. Ps. 142,6(7). - tr. ogurow no, he de-
filed, humbled her.

gy a, 7. c) gya .. mn kyene, to throw away. lTil,19.

agya-nohg, beyond dr.— gyab^gy^ba. — gy^bea, — gyama.
*gyabuin, a kind of amulet.— ^gyahuhy hell, theGehenna.Ja.3,6.
*gya-gy^, coal-fire. la. 54, 16. — gya-Mn^x (kente).

gya-neiie, (x o) 2. a butterfly spotted like the leopard,

agyamu ? perh. — gyabum. — *agyan-boha or -kotoku, quiver.
agyanka, orphan. — agyansako, a kind of grasshopper.
*agyantovv, inf. shooting arrows. — *o-gyan-tofo, pi. a-, archer.
*agya-panyiu, pi. agyanom-mp., patriarch. Ac.7,8.He.7,4.
gyapatia, a small bushknife (x sandals &c.)
gyapim, elephantiasis (x gyapem &c.)

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gyaseh^ne — agyiiiafo. 587

gyase-h^ne, + comnhonder of the guard. Ac. 28, IS.

*gya-so-ade, censer. Le.lo,i.
*gyata-biri, the fierce lion. Job 28,8.

*gyata-sefo, pi. id. a lion-like or Uot^hearted man. 2 Sa. 28,20.

gyaw,+ 6. to leave (oiU), omU, translated by without (pr.22t),
rather than. (Pr.8,i0). - 7. odidi gyaw nc yere ase, he eats by him-
self, without his tvife. St. §101.
*o-gyaw, inf. forsaking, desolation. Is. 6, 12.

gyaw, a gap between the two upper or lower front-teeth.

gjGy 4.a) migye utam maka, I take (the) oath; b) mede ntam
migye wo, / tdke your oath, I administer the oath to you, bind you by
an oath. lKi.8,31. (Wode ntam gye onipa, ua ouoara de, onny^, gye-
se '*ka'*bataho). -6*. to draw in, inspire, inJiale. - 8. gyc aware, to enter
into a matrimonial engagement with a woman. - 11. to ask, demand
(a price &c.) - 14. F. = ennye s§ woko, - 16.+ they have fined him
heavily. ~J23. gye ..awo, to welcome. - 23, 1, ^yo .. a wo, to do tfw busi-
ness of a midtoife. - 31. d) by Uieir lives (x life). - 43. gye nt§m, to
summon up haste \. e. to hasten. Ec.1,5. — *o-gye-adwiiuia, work of
redemption. — *agye-de, ransom.
gy e-diia, 1. a shady, umbrageous tree drc.
*agye-nnare [gy^ adare] wasp; s. kotokurodu.
gyene, I. 5. x wasopa neho.
gyeneiinenen, imre c^c. P8.tt9,t4o.
^R^yehki\k{i,pr.2800. — ^agye-nsiijaplaceintowhichwaterpours.
*gyepi, s. nnyepi, £f. abogye. — *gyewgyew,4- uncouth.
agyew, mannya ho agyew, / have not got tiine for it.
*gyidi-ani-danfo, "^yidi-sakrafo, heretic, heterodox.
*gyidi-ka-sein, -fihoma, written confession, symbol. K.§7.
gyigya, v. 2.-\- to stagger ^ go astray. I8.t9,l4.je.48,26.
gyigye, p. 165. \.\.Jie persuaded him to do wrong, led him into
evil. - 4. from me (:< my mouth). - 5. b)to entrap (x catch). - 6'. to be-
gin to ripen; emu gyigye, it is reddish. Le. 13, 24. '•8.'\-to give a sound,
+ iCo. 13, 1. 14, 7. ... cmnes (x rings) ... the sound (x of it is in) strikes
an my ears. — ogyigyetb, 1.-^ nursing- father. 18.49,23.

o-gyimfOj-\^incompetent,itnbecil ;^no fam'g., a prating fool. Pr.l0,8.

*Bgyimi-sem, foolishness. — *gyin [Eng.] gin, brandy.

gyina, 1. intr. — gyina .. mu, a) .... + nsem yi gyina mu no,

meanwhile. - (p. 166) 6>... (1. 2.) + gyina .. ananmu, «. anahmu.-
(1.3.) + gyina si, to stand for some time; se odompiafo giian a, ne
domnitumi nnyina nsi,... cannot keep their ground. — gy i n a.. 8o,+
f) to continm, last. K,§ 217, 1. - 2. tr. to raise up, cause to stand. Am.9,li.
agyina,+ deliberation, conference; council, advice, counsel, pur-
pose; - tu agy.,+ to ddiherate, to take advice with; to give advice.
*agyina-kese, general conference. St. III.§io,

gy inH.-heay-{- state; attitude; K§318, order. Cf. agyinae, sibea.

*agyinae, standing-place, stage, Ne.8,4. haven, Fs. 107,30.
*agyinafo, jp/. i(i. counsellor; associate in office, colleague, com-
panion; Ear. 4,9. 7, 14. Da. 3, 24. - presbyter, pi. presbyterium. St.

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588 ag yinagyina — haw.

♦agjinagyind, inf, repeated standmg together; wo-ne n» •gj. no,

agyinamTOj+papa agy., cardinal. [wobegyae «, gJM.

agyinamoa, + pr. ooes, 497, ijessa. — ^a^yina-Dan, pr.nss.

ag7ina-tu,H- constdtaUon; resolution, detenninalion, counsel.
*agjinatu-sem, counsel. — o-gyinatufo,+ counsellor, adviser.
agyirac^H- Eli hy^ n'ano agy., Eli marked her mouth. iSam-Ui-
agyiratwe, As. b6rofo.

e-ha, 1. 4. me ha ... i. e. it pains me here, (his is the seat of pain.
o-ha, a bat. (x ... monkey.) — aha, .... mKhk,-^ good dwf!

ha, + obue n^anom' hky he opens wide his mouth. Pi. tt9, 131. Cf.

iihab&tnina,+ nh. nkyckyeree, 2)1. id. garland. K%.7j^. [hahri.

ahaban, ... nnaru bi ye nh., some medicines are prepared </

leaves, others of roots. - haban-sem, 1. an agreement decided upon

or determined in the bush, ... J2. a dispute about land.

habod6in, gregar. (going in flocks or companies); wolf, cf. pa

ahabiisu, oye no ah., he spoils the game - by charms. [takn.
hai hk\ (x hae hae).
*aha-furuin, better: sareso-afurum, q, v.
haha, v. fr. h&nah&na, v.
hah&, V, inf. a-, to speak through the nose.
hahra: asase yi da moanim h., the land is large enough for ^ou.
hahye-hahye,; ohome h., he breathes with difficultg, andM^;
abafuw ama ne home aye b.; home h., blast of the breath. 2Sa.22,te.
hkm,+ l.to strive, contend. Qt. 26, 20. Ex. t7, 2. fP^'tS,15(l€).
hama, 1.+ bye h., to cast a snare upon. iCo.7,3.'i. - 4. ka h., to
decoy or ccdl animals by imitaiing their cry through the nose.
*haniahama-ye, inf. raging. Jon. i, 15.
o-hamani, pi. a- fo, captive, prisoner. 18.24,22.
*ha-mu-bodom, wolf. Is. ll,6. cf. habodgm, patakii.
*ha-mu-afurum, ahafurum, wild ass; better: sareso-afurnro.
hkh, v. last words: no longer (x no more) go into it.
hd.firi, c/l4-fe, pefS, kete, petS; — ohCkfl ne hhina h., he saw every
thing clearly, Mk.8,25. — h^nflhlina, v. s. haha, v.
hkhkkre,+ rim of a wheel. lKi.7,.33.
nhandd, the border, edge or verge of.., a plantation.

harah, ^.-Y- to glorify. K.§ 247. — o-hnvmi, ■\- radiance.

^h&ran-ne [ade a ehSran a. s. WQde haran] ornament, glory; syn.
abyehyede. Da. 11, 20.=^ Jenisalem.
*aharawa, = ohurututu. — *ahare, inf. rowing. Mk.6^4fi. •

*h^ida, = ^andma-)k48ida, stork. Job39,lS,

*Q-ha-so-panyin, centurion. Ac. 21,32.

hata, 1.2. sonhdma (xa-). fraisins, lCh.t2,40.

*hhatae, something spread oiUfor drying; bobe-aba nh., cake of

hatey+Ju.4,21. wada h., he is (or was) fast asleep.
haw, 1. 6. + you are yourself the cause of your trouble .... cf.
Qk wad wefo (x okwad werg) Red. bebaw.
o-hdw,-l- cumbrance, De.t,l2 oppression*

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0-hawd — ehd. 589

*o-hawd, dim. a small iroubley stir dtc. Aclasis.

*ahayo-de, an animal hunted or to be hwtied. Eze.i3,2L
e he-fa, ... where did he lead him to? — *hehaw, red, v. haw.
o-hemraa,+ - a rich wmnan,
ahem-mah, ... (x Akp.) Cf. ahcn-kuro, (he toum of a king.
ahemfi-soafo, carriers from the hinges house. D,A8. .
*ahem-motiri [ohene abotiri] diadem^ crown.
*ahern-m6 [ohene obo] diamond, adamant. Je. 17,1. Eze, 3,9,
*ahem-poma, sceptre. — *o-hempoma-kurafo, sceptre-holder.
*ahen-nain, arm-chair; cf, abftrogua. fAm.t,s.

Q-hene, 1. 4. (osee). 1. 6. (Agyakwa).

ahene, 1. 3. (adiagba^ G.) I. 4. (Abia),-f berede, —
aheh-kwa, i.4- courtier, John4,46. — ^. a kiud oiplay, s. agoru.
*aheii-kyew, pi. n-, croum; cf. ahemmotiri.
ahe^nsid, (As. ayensd)... nehd ye tamm.
*ahen-sein, manners, doings, matters, stories of a king ; history

of kings; majesty. JPb.45,3(4).

*ahen-tade, royal apparel, Est.ti,s. 8,15, Ac. 12^2%,
♦ahen-nuah [ohene aduan] the king's food. Da. 2, 15,
*ahefi-nwuma [ghene-adwuma] kingly office. K.§235.
h\,\.b. my departure is at hand,
ahi, 1. 6. / am tired or weary of it. — ahi, 1. 2. bg birim.
hia,4- kA .. hia mii, to besiege, invest (a town). Da, 1,1.
o-hia,+ ne hia a odi, his neediness.
*o-hia-da,+ time of need; h, hi, if need be, in case of need.
o-hiani-ao;o, Damask silk. — *ohia-atoro, shift, fib, white lie,
*hiawa, As. ^^ nsankyiri, awiriwa, mmam', adafae.
ahim^ 1. *S.to bea lunatic.
h i m a, c^. Ne.9, 29, - to turn off, cast out, - 6*. to reach tlie age of

maturity; - to menstruate (in general),

hin, 1. 2.+ mihin ... ntam', / am in a strait betwixt. Phi. 1,23.

hhina, 2.^ completeness wannyaw me bi, &c. + yen banu nh.,

both of us; me-n^ no nh., we two together.

*ahiri-asa-ade, triangle. — *hinhim, to be unsteady. Ja.i,8,

*hihhini, red, v.,s. hini; h. ano, to shut up, lSa,6,iO.

*ahiuta-de, hidden thing(s), — *ahinta-duan, the bread of se-
crecy. Pr. 9, 17, — *ahinta-sein, hidden tf^h, secret, mystery, Lu,8,io,
a-hintawe,+ covert, Ps.27,5, — ah.-mii = a-hintaw-mu.
hinti-b6, l8.fi,i4.Je.6,2l, Bo,9,32, lPe.2,s. *hmti-de, = h.-dna.
hintf-duA,4- to h., to offend, i. c. cause to stumble or sin; ye h.,
io cause offence. — *h,-to, inf. offending, offcnce(s),Mt.H,6.ls,6f, 26,33.
ho» , wohuro no h., they hoot him (x deride ... with shouts).
ho, 1. 2. his wound is very deep,
§-h6, 1. a)-\- colour {cf. ani). Nu, 11, 7. — A. 3. 1. S.+ he has recov-
ered. - ne h6 worgw (x worow). - 4, p. 182. 1. 6. ne ho afgm no, he
is anxious, terrified dtc, - 1. 10. 4- ^ has a competence. - 5.+ Ne ho
dii ne ho, s. du, p. 93. — B. 1. 3. i. e. you are an unlucky feUow (x
If our ... you) - 1. 5; i. e. you are not very helpful, — D, p. 182. last

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590 hoa — o-hokwafo.

line: mab^re no ho, / have had much trouble on account of him (ef.
ne ho afono tne, / am tired of him);

hoa,\.4t, his lips are pale and pinched with hunger -

*ahoahoa-dc, something to boast of Ro.4,2.
*ahoahoa-sem, i?ra/iw^. Is. 16,6,
*ah6-akyi-pa, m/l self-denial, K,§3S.

ali6-ba, -bae, Le.l6,l6f — ahohoa, 1. 2. he is fluslied with ...

*ah6-b6ve-ase. inf. self-humUiatiofi, humilitg,
*ahobr§ase-aawene, humbleness or lowliness of mind, Phil 2,3.
*ahobrease-inu, humbly, lOol,3j2

*ah6brease-ni, pi, -fo, a humble^ lowly person.

aho-dan, Ac,l5,3,K,§27t, Cf. adwensakra.

*ah6daso-de, confidence, Pr,3, 26,
eAi6'dG,-\- substancCy goods, Lu.S,3. tbj2f.
aho-de, e-, independence^ liberty, iPt,2,l6,K,§l,
ah6oden,+ hye ah., to strengthen, invigorate. — *ah.-hye, inf..
invigoralion, — *ah6oden-nodow, great strengUi, P^.33,17.
o-h6-d6mfo,+ one given to pleasure, 18.47,8. iCo.6,9.
*Hh6d\vinW'deyastonishment,horror;wondcr(s).Je.42,lfi. Ps. io.%y

hod wo, „.-\-not diligetU at lUs work,

hodwow, ... + <o melt away. Ex. 15, (5^ lSa.U,16,F^tl2,lo.

*ahdfadi-fihoma, bill of emancipation,

*e-ho-lam', outwardy-ly; eh. abannua, the outer court. Eze.lo,5.

aho-fa-ma, inf+ dedication. K,§33,296b.

*ahd-ore-de, a tiung of beauty or glory. Wh.22,5.

aho-fom,+ astonishment, numbed or motionless staie. E2ra9,.3.

ahofwi,4- wantonness, Ro. 13,13, (x lavishness). - bo ah., to lux-

uriaie dtc. ah. abrabo, licentious behaviour; ah. asetra, luxurious liv-

aho-ff nan, 4- oppression. [^^^9* ^ ^- ^» ^* ^^•

*o-hoQnarefo, pi. a-, a swift person^ the swift. Am. 2, 14.

*ah6hia-da, day of adversity. - o-hohiatb,^/. a-, adversary, enemy.
*ah6liiahia-bere, troublous times, Da,9,25.

aho-him,-^ terror. 18.28,19.

ah5hoahoa,-f boasting^ glorying, lCo.9,t6f. pride <£^c. arrogance.

*o-h6hoahoafo, pi. a-, boaster. 2 Ti. 3, 2. .[iJo. 2, 16.

*hohoheii'asetrk,2}ilgr image. Ge.47,9. — hohobea-tra,so;o«ni-

ing, temporary residence in a foreign land, lPe.1,17.

ahohodan,+ guest-chamber y reception-room.

ahohora,+ reproach. — *ahohora-de, lewdness, Eze. 23,44.

o-hohorani,+ unhonoured,despised,exposedtocot%iumdious treat-
*ahohora-sem, reproach, Fs. 74, lo. [ment,

*hoho-trabere. lodging. Phile.22.

*ahd-hura, inf. the act o{ defiling oneself at a dead person. Eze.44,2.5.

ah6hyeso,-\^ modesty. K.§349.

*Q-h6-kafo, companion, neighbour, ludafo-ho-k., proselyte.
*aho-kata-de, long shield, buckler, Eze.23,24,
*aho-krim, inf uncleanness. Zee. 1.3, t, Cf. eti, buru &c.

o-hokwafo, 4- bachelor, ubanin-h.; spinster, oba-h.

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ahOkyerede — hotiri. 591

*ahdkyere-de, pride. J€,12,5. — ohokyerefo, + proudy insdent,

horn 80,+ <o oppress. Eze.18,7.
ii\i6ma-hu, inf. learning. Ac. 26, 24.
*iihonia-hye,tw/'. tanning (leather). — *iih5mahjefo, tanner.

hdm(ih,+ tobe proud; 1. 4. spoke roughly db angrily to them.

*aho-ma-so, in/l exaltation of one's self pride. Ec. 7,8.

home,]. I. he has ceased to breathe (x breathes no longer).

g-boine, 4.4- quietness, Ec.4,6. I have got well (x rest).
alioine, 1.+ blast. Cf ahohow, ahuhuw; ahum.
*hoine-bejl, place of rest.— *home-bere, time of rest.
*h6nie-dd, pi. h.-nna, day of rest, sabbath. — d i h., to keep the
*hom6-dd-di, inf. observance of the sabbath. [day of rest.

*ahoinee, resting-place. Eu.3,t. — *ahoinegye-da, F. sabbath.

*ahomegye-home, a sabbath of rest. Le.25,4.
*ah6meka-tiiro, paradise, K.§20S.
ahonie-tew,+ anguish of spirit. - hye ah., to disquiet. Je. 60,34.
ahomete-tra-so, excessive trouble, despair, desperation. K §272.
o-homo,+ shouting in hunting game.

hgu, to (extirpate or) eradicate, pull up by the roots.

o-hoii, marrow, Ak. amemene, brain.

g-honam,i.+neh. aonni, his incorporeity, immateriality. K§166.

*o-hoii dm-ade, honam-mu-ade, member(s). Bo. 6,t3. 19. 12,4. Ja. 3,6.
4, 1. o-bOnani-aiii, + bu h. nten, to judge after the flesh. Johns, 16. —
*o-b.-aiii-bayi-Di})a, outward man. 2Co.4,l6.

*hoiiain-irm-ba, inf. incarnation. — *g-honain-mu-ni, pt. h.-fo,

a carnal person. — o-honan-new, + love of comfort.
o-boiiam-uipa, a servant who is always near his master, body-
sertmnt, personal attendant, valet (x person . . . people).

*hoiihoiTi-ade, -de, -mu-de, (that which is) spiritual ; lCo.t4,t.

15,46. Ro 7, 14. — h.(-nm)-ni, a spiritual man; b.-nipadua, a spiri-
tual body, iCo. 2,15. 14,37. 15,44. — h.-ye, inf spirituality. K.§166.
e-boiii, pi. -fo, a man from that place.
O'hom, \- e/figy. — ob.-bubuw, idol. Eze.lS,e.
abo-iiim, 4. ^^ adwene, thought. Ec.W,20.
aboni-som, inf. idolatry.
li oh 0, 1. 4. f steeped or soaked. - 1. 5. he made us drink much.
*abonufo, pi. a-, repentant, repenting.
*ab6-nya. — aboiiyade f substance^ Pr.3,9.
g-bO-pefo, + self-willed, lover of himself 2 713,1. TU IJ.
aho-popo,4 quaking, shaking, shuddering. fiCo 5 2.

boraii, 1. \.+ be exalted, P». 12,7. 13,2. - 1. 4. + i^ puffed up.

bore kuw, to lay ina heap; h. nsem, to heap up words. Job 16,4.
aboro ... de guare ase. — borouoa, dodonku, Ak. dounoh.
*o-bo-seet*o, pi. a-, self -destroyer. Job 36, 14.
*aho-seu, issue, flux, running from one's body.
*o-b6senfo, one that has an issue. Le.l6.
hotiri, + <o undo, loosen (bands). Is. 68,6.

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592 ahdtoni — ahum.

*ah5to-ni, pi. -fo, a happy, blessed person, saved in heaven,

^Aibtos^y-^ confidence, — ghotrafo,+ companion, Ju,Syiif.

*ah6-tiia, inf. [tua neho] separation, rotced abstainment from cer-
tain kinds of food, drink dx.
*g-hotuafo, pi. a-, = nasirini, a Nnzarite,
how, 1,-Vto wither; abiiro no ah. €fe,4i,2.3,
*ho-wo, inf, existence; da h., eternity, K.148. 165.
*aho-wosow, inf, shaking, trembling, shuddenng. Eze. 12, IS.

*\\b-y^,inf. hnijbub, bustle, tumidt, riot; pomp; confusion; noise;

*ahdyeraw-de, wonder(s) <fv. P8.W5,27. [s. bo, buye.

*ah6-yi, inf, [yi neho] appearing, appearance, manifestation.

*ahdyi-da, Kristo ah., Epiphany,
hu, 1. 1. 3. ye ba, to roar. Je,r}i,55.
hu,+ /*o, l8.55,t.Zec.2,6(W).

hu, l.i.he perceived (saw) ... p. 193. 1. 1. ouh^ akyiri ade, he

cannot see afar off, 2Pe.l,9, onha akyiri, he does not know how it
will end. - 5. 1. 3. take care of (x guard) - 6*. connection (>c cotnmerce
with),- 7.8.-\- hu amanne tra mu, to endure. He. 12 J. - 9. bu ioa,-r
to spare. Je,13,l4.

hu, to singe (x burn) ... — *o-hu, inf. knowledge. Pr.tA.

ehu, 1. 1, fear has overtaken (x befall^ him. — ye bu,4- y i ba.

hua, 1. l.-i- or pare ... 3. to crave for (food only).

ahii^hA,+ all sorts of plants.

h u a m, i. + /o take by force; to resale. Ac. 23, to. - ^.-h/o flow off.

0-huam, 2, krobown, ... abef5 (roots & bark of a creeper), fweu-
tga ... ye or sr a h., to perfume or anoint (x apply p, to) ...
*o-huain-fufu, frankincense.
*huam-afore-niuka, cAtar of incciise. ~ adnbuambyew-miika.
0-huaui-mo, di h.,+ /o/ai^; to be deceitful; 18.58 jLJe.l54S.iO,i5.
*ohuammg-ade, deceit. l8,3o,io.
*ahuammo-dwuuia, work of mockery.

hHkhj l.X.l. to drag away. — 4. belongs to hiian', Ak. fwane. —

g, 80 hiian, + <o abate, Ge.8,3. h. so, opp. to mu, K.§324.— 7. ohQan
dwonku. Tie halts upon his thigh. Ge.32,3l.

*nhu-anim: me-n6 no adi nh., / have seen him face to face.

*nhu-ase, inf. understanding.
ohua-sii, 4- boro h., to brush off the dew in passing-by.
*huatu-huatu, s. butuhutCi.

hu-boa: h oh., to be panic-stncken, discouraged,

ahude, 1.+ terrible things. Ps, 106,22.

huh&, numberless (x opedu — opehuhR).

ahuhude,+ vanity, — ahuhu-dwuma, useless work,
*ahuhu-hoiii, idols, — *ahuhii-kasa, specddng evil, 18.58,9
o-huhuni, -f a profane person. He, 12, 16. — *ahuhusen-kafo, rain
talker. iTit.lJo. — *ahuhu-sonri, inf. idolatry.

huhuw- f Oh. me ma me bo dwo me, he refreshes ine (fanning

&cooling me). 2Ti.l,16.— ahuhuw aebuw kg, a fleeting breath. Fr.21,e.
ahum, 1. 3. too (x gun).

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iihumii — ohye. _ 593

*nhu-mii, inf. understanding; discernment; nim nh., to he endued

with understanding, 2Ch,2,i3.

*nhumufo, a wise, understanding, skilfuly expert person, lCh,26,8.

ahunahiiro, == wuhG no a, na wuharo no : o!
*hunu-70, inf. vanity. Ep,4,n, — ahiipo, boastings. Ja,4,16,
o-hupofo, 1. 2. as if in the kings name without his authority,
ahupo-sem, great swelling tcords. Judeie,
liura, 3. b. ho,-h to profane, Eze. 23,38/, — ohurl, horse-fly.
huroiihurori,a. flourishing; je b., to flourish, 18.66,14.
huru,4-h. bye, to fret against. Pr.19,3.
*o-huruhuro, breath, vanity. 1*8.39,56. — ob. fi or tu 8§n mu.
*ahurusi-anigye, exceeding joy Ps. 43,4. — ahurusi-dwom, re-
joicing, shouting with joy, jubilation. Ps. 126, 6.
hu-se, 1. 2. moara na mokofaa asem no bae.
uhu-so, s. nbuwso. — hutuhutu, better: buatfibuata.
*h u w, V. to cut down. Is. 10,34. buw .. gu, to cut off. Ps. 76,12(13),
hiiw,+ to fan; b. so, to winnow; h. atosem, to speak lies.
*o-huw, inf. breath, 18.30,33. — *o-huwfo, fanner, winnower,
*uhuwso-apawa, winnowing fan.
*hu-ye, inf, sound, noise; roar; rumbling; bustle, tumult, stir,
*huyetb, people making a humming, tumultuous noise, mob,

hwanyaii, v. 1, tr. to raise up; to stir, rouse, disquiet; to urge on.

*hwanyaiiti, a. discorderly, irregularly outspread.
aiihw6a-tan, large sandbank, shoal. Ac. 27,17,

ahweiihema, ^= afwehbema. — uhwentea — fwentea (xo-).

*iihwi-pempeufo, those who pluck the hair, the beard. Is 50,6.
hy e, 3,-i- bye mu, to repay, Luk. 10,35. — 8. (x or, - colour). —
9. 1. 2. in (x into) an inf. — 11. -f /o establish. Pr. 15, 25 — bye aho-
metew, to trouble, disquiet. — 16, p. 203, 1. 1. bye dgtewgfo, or bye
abewow; 1.2.+ bye dwnmayefo, bye abetow. — 18. bye da; Onyank.
nnaabo a gbye da bge, the actual or positive divine curse, K,§203.'
wanbye daahwareno, lie has not properly married her. St.§9.S.-' nea
woabye ato no hg {cf. bo .. to no lio), his destination, K.§178. 180 f. —
J27. bye nebo so, } to govern or control oneself. — 31, prepp. against,
icUh, for,^= on account of: ...he is angry with me, he is sullen on ac-
count of me; wgkasa byee no, they spoke for (x against) him, i. e.
instead of one forbidden to speak, but so tbat it is as if tbe one spoke
who is forbidden to speak. — 34.+ heap up riches, P8 39,6(7), bye-
hye ademade. to heap up treasure. Ja 5,3. — 40, bye okasa, to speak,
i.e. to annoy, vex, provoke, anger. — 41. bye .. mn aduru, to embalm.


hye, (x.4. to reach, border) eba ne (x na) m'akura bye, = oby^.

hyew, ;?.+ okgm bebyew asase no, famine will consume the

land. Ge.4t,30. — 6*. to wither, 1 Pe.1,24. — 7. ode mo bebyew, he will

cause you to perish in a war. — 8. byeee (x abye). — ohyew, inf,

o-hye, J2. + no dom a obye nni bo, his free grace; opene a obyc
nnim, voluntary assent, spontaneous concurrence. K.§172,182,
*Q-hy6-so, by constraint. 1 Pe 5,2.
g-hye, + ne bo wg obye, Jie is limited, confined, finite. K. § 174.


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594 ^^ hye -ade — ka. .^__^

*hye-ade, measure of liquids or grains, lCh,23,29,

ahye-aiiaiimii, ii-,+ reward, recompense, requital; cf. akatna.
hye-baii, bg by. 1, to set bounds. Ex.i9,ia.2S, — J2. =bg bye,
hye-bea, (x g-) 4- decree. Da. 4,24.
ahyede,+ statute, ordinance. Oe.26/>. Ex.8j6,20.
*hyedeninafo, pi. id. comforter. 2 8a.lo,s.
*o-liyiegyd, = gy ata. Ho.5,i4.

hyehye, 5.+ by. poDko, to saddle a horse. Nu,22,2l.

hyehye, JS. to become (cans, to make) known, famous, far-famed,
renowned,' i.+ (de) by. n akyi, to boast of one's past doings,
^hyehye-heeiy place for inserting, fixing, thrusting through* Ex.26,
ahyehyede,+ glory. Eze.20,6. [29.

ahyehyee, place on a plantation where loads are packed.

*ahyehye-kuru, burning wound. P8.38j(8).
*iihyehyemu tere, panel. lKi.7,28,
*hye-k wan, Earner. Eze.40,12. — *ahye-inme, akind ofmouse;
*iihye-mu-dua, axle, lKi,7,30, [s. akura.

hyeiin,+ eb&ran by., Us brightness is excellent. Da. 2^1.

hy6n hy§iY, woabere awowa no bo by. 2Ch,4^l6.
*liy^n-asafo, byenborow &c.+ navy.
*ahyeiie, (place of) entering, Ju,3,3,
*hyen-dannaiifo, steersman ; *hyen-kwankyerefo, pilot,
*liyen-gyinabea, harbour, haven,
*hyen-mu-ni, pl.-io^ shipman, sailor, mariner,
nhyenod,+ utmost border. Nu. 22,36,
hyereba-hyereba, adv, hotly, Ge. 31,36.
hyerehyere, 3. wabyia me nbyia by. bi.
*hyerehyere-f8lin', South. Ec. 1,6. Eze. 20,46. cf, ke8e-f&m\ nifa.
hyer§n, nno kakra gn gya so a, na aby.
*o-hyer§nfo, ?uo//er; nsoroma by., bright star, morning-star. Is. 1 4 ^2.
Iiyerenne pi. stars ? precious ihingsY Zee, 14,6.
iihyesode,4 passions, — *nhyesofo, oppressor; ruler, despot.
hyew, a, 2, 4- ne bo ye no byew, he is warm, Ec 4J1.
*ahyewe, place of burning, Je. 7,31,

hyia, 4.4 to be contrary to; mframa byiayen, Mt,14,24. - to

bear up against: byeh no tumibyia mframa Ac. 27,4.15, - 11. in con-
nection witb a preceding verb : to surround, encompass, pass around.
go round, adv. d prep, round about, iCh, 22,18, fwe wo bo byia. look
round about. Is. 60,4. Je.50,i4f. - 12. obyiaa no otoo no, he married
her (and found her) a virgin, St §94,

iihyia,4- convocation (Ex, 12,16, Le,23,l); session, = nhyiain".

hyira, 6*. c) to devote drc, - 7, b) I. 5. curse (xcourse).

ahyirade,4- a devoted or dedicated thing. Le. 27,28, Eze.44,2^,


k a, t;. 6. aka dokono, there is not any bread liere; 4- enki bo

bi, nothing is wanting, it is perfect, complete. K,§267. - 7. eka n'ano,
he has it at his tongue's end.

ka, V, nenneyee a eka a. s. ota ye, his ordinary aciivity.

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ka — nkamfuHW. 595

kh, V. lyU ka akoko to, to feel a hen whether it will soon lay
an egg. - 4, to fall upon^ l8a.22J8. lKi,2,29, - 7, /. neho ka mmM
abien y i, he has this twofold position. K.§ tso, ^ 8,1. to touch i. e. affect
one's feeling, make an impression on : gm& m'amanne kft no, he sym-
pafhizes with me. He. 10,34.- 13,l.kii abe gya, to warm a palm-tree
(felled to obtain palm-wine) with fire for the first time. - J2J3 d) ka
ho, cf. bo ho; Mt 25,17, 20. - 31. ka nkwan, to take out (xdeal or serve
out) soup and throw it back repeatedly while it is boiling on the
fire. - 54.+ ka.. kg, ^0 lead. 1 Co. 12,2. 35. -f kfi aniwu, to cause shame.
Fr. 17,2. - 40,i. ka..gu, to knock or put down; to defeat; to disappoint.
Pr, 10^. - 40,2. ka..hia, to narrow in, limit, confine, restrain, restrict,
stint, check. K.§144. Cf.49,1. - 42. + ka .. ti pira, s. pira. - 43.-\- ka
won ani fomfam, close their eyes hy plastering over. 18.6,10,29,9.'-
48. ka ..hy§,+ /o oppress, distress, afflict, vex. - 49. ka.. hy§ mu,+
to beset, Ps. 139,5, - 49,1. ka.. hia mu, to besiege, invcM (a town). Da. lyt.
49,2, ka.. to mpa so, to cause (one) to keep one's bed. Ex. 21,18. - 50.+
waka n'aso n% nekdma ato mu, he has shut his ears and heart. -
50,/. ka .. ani pam, to close or shut the eyes. Ge.46,4. - 50,2. ki bo-
bom', to smite one against another (of trembling knees). Da. 5,6.

ka, V. (p. 213) 1. 5. den asgm na moka, what are you talking
about? - + ka di m'akyi, say after me.
o-ka, e-, pi. a-, + furrow. Fs. 129,3.

o-ka, inf. concord. 2 Co, 6, 15. — o-ka, inf. confession. 1 Tx.6,l2f,

nka, 3. ade a ohonam te nka, a thing percejHible through the
anka, 1. 5. made impossible (x excluded). [senses. K.§322.

ka-bed,+ enni k., it is unspeakable, indescribable. Bo.8,26.

*kabere-kyere, iw/*. enchantment. Is. 47,9.12. [K.§305.

fikabonn',-r totality; nenneyee hh. nk,, his activity or operations

in general; nsa nk., folding, joining or clasping of hands.
akabu, = abosommg, giving oneself up to a patron spirit.
nkd6,+ memorial. — *nkae-ade, -de, memorial. Ex. 12,14.13,9.
♦nkae-bo, monumeni('al stone), pillar. 2Ku23,i7. lLe.2,2.

*nkae-ntamabamma, frontlet. Ex. 13,16. — kalirima, i>r.5ii4.

*kafo, one that remains. Je. 44,14.

o-kafo, I. Ex. 3,7. 5,6. Job. 39,7. 18.60,17. gk. poma, goad. Ac.9^5.
*o-kafo. III. pi. a-, speaker, preacher, herald. 2TLl,ll.
kaguam, paying a part of a debt.
kdhiri, pi. a-, (xh-) 1. 7. ... broken off all intercourse.
*iika-hyem', inf. [ka hye mu] siege. Eze.4,7.
*akakaben-s§m, violence. Je.20,s.
kakate,-f wabebgme k.
*kakatefo, an unrtdy, unmanageable beast or person. Job39,5.

kakrasaw. — *g-ka-kyerefo, messenger, informant.

nka-akyiri, ka -, to ruin one utterly. — k&ma [Eng. common].
kame^ 1. 7.+ gkameewgn newere kyekye, he refused to be
comforted. Qe.37,35.'- 1. 10. by almost, nearly, after a negative v.
hy scarcely: l.U . we can almost hear ... , yenkame ate, we can scarce-
ly hear it. — *akamekame-s§ui, controversy. Eze.44,24.

iika-mluaw, 1. 3. exclusive of. — kan .. kyer§w, to register. Lu.24.

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596 ukaiie — kitaden.

hkane,+ register; enni nk., in abundance. tCh,22,4.

*kanfo, the former y first. Ml. 20,10. forefathers. P8.79,8.
*o-kanfo, pi. a-, he that counts. Je.a.3,t3.
(J-kaoni, I. 6. Ntafo (xNnohkgfo). — akaiika, akenka.
o-kaukan , pt. a-. — okatikrantan, a lean tall man.
iikdnky^, prayer, invocation. Ps. 119, lOS.
k&ntd.nkanikyr, I. 2. Ntafo. — karawa, 1.2. aboa.
kari kdma, to ponder the heart. Pr. 24,12. — *g-karifo, weigher.
^kasd., a kind of carpet, used only by the king of Asante, said
to come from Mare w a.
'^ankasa, Gr.§59. self, Ak. ara; cf. m^ankasa, woahkasa, uankasa
(meara, woara, onoara), / myself dr. maiikasa mcdan, mj/ own
house; ghene ankasa, the king himself.

akasagua, 1. 6.4- he scolds or chides him openly without mefttion-

ing his name.

o-kasainafo,+ interpreter, intercessor. 18.4.^,27.
*kasa-ininara, grammar. D. As.
o-kasasie, + appointed sign. Ju. 20,.HS. 2C0. e, /,■>.
*o-kasa-sria-ti, faculty or ttdcnt for languages; owo ok.
*kasa-twaree [twa kasa] gdansefo di nsew a, na k. xi^n.
*kasee-bofo, hearer of tidings. 2Sa.is,20.
*kdsida [Heb.] stork. — o-kasie, akekaboa bi ; cf. odompo.
kata^ l.-\- k. ano, to muzzle. De.25,4. - k. anah bo^=gya nan.
18a. 24,4. -7. ok. n'ano so, he indemnifies Mr (a dismissed wife)
St.§96. — *nkata-anim, veil. — *nkata-ano, a hanging for a door
kataban, hard; syn. dennen (x large), [(of a tent). Blx. 26,36.
nkata-h6,+ raiment, Ex. 21,10. greaves, lSa.17,6.
^akatakram\ onipa a. s. aboa ahanmu pa ara bo.
nkata-s6, i.-f anim nk., veil. - ^.-f awning. - 5.+ excuse for.

kate,+ ok. n^anim kyere.., he has a form of.. 2 Ti..3,5.

nk&-t6, i.+ ade a etra ghonam hk. so, an immaterial thing, being
above the appreciation of the senses. - 2. report, rumour.
k^tirikatiri, pere k. to pant. Fs. 38,10(11).
*katirikatirifo, hoiihom mu k., one that is hasty of spit it. Pr.l5,29.
*o-katuafo, rewarder. Be. 11,6. — akatutu, postponement or dx.
kaw,+ to leaven. 1 Co. 6,6. — kawi\, [Marewa: kawua].
keka,4- untameable, irrepressible. Ja.3,8.
akekaduru, -h ^inpcr. — o-kekafo + /iercc, 2Ti.3,3.
*kekarem&fo : atoro k., forger of lies. Job 13,4.
kekate, better: kakate. — okekrebesf, a kind of tree.
^akenka, -kawa, ±= akanka, s. anka.
*kerefua, a piece of board fixed in the corner of the walls of a
room, to place things on ; cf. kyerebf^-so, kyereso.
kese,-l- majestic;... kakrasaw. — kesem', cf. nifa, 4.
nkesewa, a shrub; its fruit. — *kese-ye, inf. greatness, majesty.
kesr§kesr§. — kete,-f bgadekana. — *aketefo, a kind o€bird.
nketenk6t6,4- wgn ho nk. kitaa won, <Acy stood in dread ofihem.

kirididi, bg-, to make an onset. Ac. 14,5.

^kis&kis&y red. v., to ponder, consider, reflect upon. K.§3iO,
kitad6n = itp^gw. — aldtereku, pi. id.

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kitikiH — komd. 597

kitikiti, otu ba no so k., he rushes or hurls himself against him

like a whirlmnd. Da.ll,40. — p. 232. 1. 3. vigorously (x vehemently),
*kitikiti-ye, inf. tumult; rage, t So. 14,19. Job39,24. Am.3,9.

ko, 7. c) woadi mfe dii de reko, fheg are ten years old and up-
ward. Nu. 4y 3. - 10. 4 kgso boro so, to abound more and more. Phi. 1^.

- 17. ko (oba, gyere) ho, to go in unto. Ge. 6^4.

eko, ekoo, buffala. — oko,+ oryx,

koiiy 3. mu,-h to be closely connected withy accompany. He. 6,9.

- ekoakoae, ekoakoa mu, it is fitly framed together. Ep. 2^21. 4^16.

ukoa,+ the highest branch; cf ntentenoa. Eze.l7,3f.

*hkoa-ban, /brm of a servant. K.§235. — *akoa-som, *>//". serving
as a slave. — ^nkoa-tou, inf. selling as a slave or bondman. Le.25,
42.46. — *akoa-ye, n-, bondage^ servitude, slavery.
*kdbere-dwiimfo, coppersmith. — *kobi, s. nsa.
*g-ko da, day of battle. — *ak6de-kurafo, armour-bearer.
kodiawuwa.'— o-k()d6m, Ky. = kor6dom.
kodoso. — nkoekoe, a beetle.

(kofahyeow, kofirima,x better: akufahyeew, kafirima.)

k6fi, 2. funow. Job 31,38. — kofwe^ba', better: kwafw.
*kofwe-kofwe, ih^ sound o/" CM«in<7 something as by sawing.
kogydii,4- Turkey red. fP*'- ^^^•'•

*o-ko-hunu: wgkog ok., they went in their simplicity. 2 Sa. 15,11.

Kok6 [G.] & Ded6: fig. used to show the relationship between
g-koko (x e-) hill. — akdko: ntwiwa. [Aknapem & Akem.

k(5kga, pi, h-, a gold weight=4«.^d. — akokgbane,=daban.

kokobo, leprosy.
*g-kokobirifo, violent man. Pb. 140, 1(2); pi. a-, strong ones, stout-
hearted. Ps. 59,3(4). 18.46,12. — *akokobirisem-di, m/1 acts of vio-
lence. I8.59,6. — *akokodurufo, stout-hearted. P8.76,5(6).
k6kgdwe, 1. 2. mmofra tu ase (x tia so).
nkoko-nhwi, hair on the breast of a man.
akokoDimpa^ a large cock. — akokg-aniwa.
k6k6ra, (x or — bay ere) — kokoram (x kwak.)
kokdrgw, the inner part of roasted yam, put into the fire again
g-koko-s6-ni, pi. - fo. [to be roasted.

*akoko-tade, a garment covering the breast and back. Ex. 28,4.

kgkgt6, mid hog; by-name: onnow-na-6d\. — kgkgte, = awi.
kgkgt^kg. -- kgkgwa, s. k6kga. — kokoyer^d. = kromporo.
akokurokdsem, di-, to magnify oneself , to act proudly; ka-, to
speak haughtily. Je. 48,26. Pa. 35,26. 73,8. dweh ak., to be highminded.
kokwaw, 4. to be exercised or disciplined in\ Phi. 4,12. He. 5, 14.
sareso ak. no, she is used to the wilderness. Je. 2,24. - 5. to become fat,
k g m , + ^0 prophesy, l Ki. 18, 29. [fleshy, strong. Job 39,4.

k 6m, -\- to turn aside. Ex. 23, 2. — n'ani kom, s. kOm 12 c).
komm, 1. 8. atramat. - 4. genuinely, sincerely. Phi. 2, 20.
komd, 2 d) k. bone, a bad i. e. heavy heart, Pr. 25,20. - e) nek.
tn, he despairs, Ec. 2,20. s. tu 18 c). — *koma-koro, one mind, Eo.l5,6.
cf. adwenkoro, nokoro. — *k6mam'-pirim, inf. hardening or hard-
ness of heart. Bo.ll,26. — koma-mu-tew. — *k6ma-pirim, *k6ma-

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598 kdmA — okorefiL

sene, obduracy, induration of heart. K.§2Ho. — *ak6ma-to-yam',

rejoicing of heart. Je. 15,16. cf. abotgyam*. — *ak6ma-tu-de, terror.

fLe. 26,16.
*iikominan&, mine, gold-mine. — *ukom-mere, famine.
akgmfo, wo ak., to commit suicide hy hanging oneself; syn, 8§n..
Akomfode, s. under asafo. [mene.

*akoiiifo-sein, magic arts, Acs, it, u. cf asumanscm.

*k6mpase [Eng.] compass. I8.44,IH. — akompiwere.
iikompow [ekQOf pow]. — *rikom-tg, = nko-tg, dumber.
*komm-ye, inf, silence. F8.it5,n.

kou, the noise of a bottle or pot full of liquor set up.

e-kon: nek. aaeii,+ he is stiff- necked; oseh ne k., he hardens his
neck. Pr.29,1.- k6n-akyl: wokura yehk. kayen ko, by our necks
are we driven. La. 5^5.

kona,+ bead-row, Ca,l,l0. — *kofi-dua, yoke. Scr.

ako-n6-aba, de .. di ak., to drive and toss. Jo- 1^6.
*iikoniin-bo, reward or price of victory. C6L2J8.
ukonim-di, victory. — koniabo^ better: kwaniabo.
k5u k6, fr. G. ko, miko, = wofa a, mefa,= wonom bi, me nso

[menom bi.
konkou,+ ok. ne nankroma n^ ne nsa so, he couches or cowers
on his knees and hands. Da. 11,10.
iik6hkQh, dry cough (x asthma).
ukoukoiicne, 1. 2. to too much sitting ... eye wo nan ho nkoko-
nkgko, na woda h5 a, §ye wo akyi nso sa.
o-kQnkonsani, pL n- -fo, + treacherous. — o-K6ukorini, pi. -fo.

koiikron, waist-cloth; syn. amoase. — koukroma, (4 o-)

*akonno-fihyeso, passion; desire, lustfulness. Ps.78,29, CoL3,5.
*akQnno-duan, savoury meat, favourite dish, dainty food.
k6nsfepre. — ukonsiaw, ... osum n'atiko.
akonsontew, the Calabar bean. — akuwaonsuro.
*akontahyede, number. Be. 15, 2. — *akonta-kyerewe, figure,
*akonta-ntoano, number, sum. Be. is, 17. [numeral.

nkonten, obo nk. — nkontimma, cf. asaba.

kontfwa, (xfor calabashes and). — okontomponi, pi, n- -fo.
k 6 n 1 II ,+ /o 6e perverse. - de .. kontgn, to lead about. Ex,ls,iM,
kontonkye, ^.+ perverse. — *o-kontonkyenij -fo, pi. a-, a
perverse, froward, unjust person. — akontoii kye-seni,H- pcrt-ersc
things, per verseness, wrong-doing, -k. ano, a perverse mouth. Pr.8,i3.
g-kontorg. — g-k5nt6no. — akgntoro. Je.20,6. 27,io,i4ff.
k6ntroinn, 1. 2. obi-adee-wQ-no, [G. adu] ... asesAboa.
konnuasoafo, pi. n-. — nkonnyabi (x nkonyobi).
koThjpl.h'. - nsania-k., scaXe, dish of a balance. Eze.5,1,
AhkbrAy pi. id. — kor^bM,+ treasury, Ps. 135,7- cf adekorabea.
*akora-bo, in/*, old age. — *akorade-daii, store-house. Is, 39,2.
*akorae, place to hide or keep things ; cellar, store-house^ treasury.
akora-s& [nsa a wgkora] store of wine. lCh.27,27.
9-k9refA (xbird?) — k6r6d(}in, Ky. okodgm.

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^^__ korbkuma — iikiim&fo. 599

korbkuma, osram at^a k., the moon isftdh kA^^a^inf, Bi.81,3,

akoroin&, mran : mpeteakwa. ukoroh-hnane, snorting, Job39y20.

g-koropatu, anowL — k6rbpe6,+8tud.Cki.iyn. — k6r6w,x^.xl.3.

korgwbeh,+ with which charms and amulets are dyed.

*ukg-so, inf. progress; furtherance; success^ prosperity; edification ;

- ma nk., to catise to prosper , to edify; - nya nk., to prosper, he

edified, receive edifying; ka nk., to speak to edification. iCo. 8,1.10,

*ak6-tade, war dress; aboh ak., coat of maiL 1 8a, 17,5. fi4,3f
*kgte-wui, obsc. an impotent man, — kotobauky e, x a kind of.
kotodw6 (with full o). — *nkotgfo, one that sleeps, Pr. 10,5,
kgtgkg-sabire, = kamesek wakye, a kind of bird.
*kotoku-atade [kotoku 4] cloak. 2 11,4, 13,
k6t5kii-saabobe, ... climber (xtree ... bird).
kotok^rbd}!, pi, id. cf. agyennare, — kotdromuA, {s. kut...).
*kotu [Eng.] coat ; s, atade. — okotweh^refOy mischievousperson.
kra, 3,-\^to send on an en-and, — kr a, 1.2.-1- to divine (Qe,44,5).
*g-kra-de, that which pertains to the sotd (the animal or natural
mind and affections), that which is animal, natural. 1 Co, 16,46,
krdd5wa. — *gkra-fwefo, pi, a-, curate, pastor, minister.
g-kraman, 1.2 + epe, op^n, kwap^n, eperebegyebi, ahOnahnro.
kramo-sem, soothsaying. St, §126. — kr&mpdn, s. kromporo.
*g-kra-inu-ni,i>Z.-fo, an animal, sensual, natural man, 1 Co, 2, 14,
*g-kra-i)ipadua, an animal or natural body. 1 Co, 16,44,
iikra-nhdnia, a woollen stuff d^c. Rc.n,4.l8fi2,
*kromporo, D. As. krampdh. — krgii, inf. height, Ge 6,15. Ep,3,18,
kr6iiii,+ unmixed; sincere, artless, harmless. Mt. 10,16, Bo, 16,19,
koma kr., krohh-ye, inf, singlenes of Jteart, simplicity. 2Co,U^.Ep,6fi,
kronkroiijW. J2. ne k. so (xenye & it was not done), sincerely.

— *kroiikroii-bea, kronkroamu-hg, holy place, sanctuary. —

*kroukroiikroii-bea, kronkroii-mu-kronkron, the holy of holies;
s. mpiakyiri. 2Ch.3,8. He.9 3. — *kroiikroii-di, inf. homeda k., holy
observance, sancHfication of the sabbath-day, K,§64. — *akron-
kron-ne, a holy part, Eze,45,l. holy things: ey§ak.mu adekronkron,
it is most holy, Ex. 28,38 &c. — kvohkroh-y^j 3. simplicity, 2Co.l,l2.

*akr6n-ne [krgno ade] a stolen thing. Ex, 22,4. — akronDoi.

krAfo,p/. (xa-) — eku: woanim ye tan (kusu) se ku anim!
^kim-de, sowing-seed, Le,ll,37. — Akuap6m, Kyiriamim (xKye-
*kubesa, a strong drink obtained from the fan-palm. [remim).
kudg [G.] <^ua a wosom' twe dekyere hyeh a.s. korow kwan no..
*akufahyeew, Akw.= mpofirim. — iikufe, . . wokuru (wokura).
kuha,+ bushy, Ca,6,lL — kofwekofwe (not kuf^ekuf^e).
kukii, ]) 1. 4. kutuwa, 1. 5.x sikakuku, ^) 1. 4.x ayawd.
0-kiikub^n, a kind of squirrel; cf. amoakua; s. ntpmme-nt.
knkiiw, ne bogyese ak ,his beard isclipped; akyi ak., (the cloth)
is bare on the backslide, Le. 13,65, — kukuwa,+ censer. Nu,l6,6.
*oku-kyekyelo, j)?. a- [nea okyekyere kuru] healer; surgeon.
kum, ^.+ wak. n'anim, he is sullen, vexed, moody, lKi.21,4. -
12. c) n'ani kom (xkum), his eyes (eyelids) bend, are dull dtc.
*iikumafo, the husband's or wife's sisters (relations).

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600 okumfo — akwahdsaumu.

*o-kumfo, pi.a-, Mller, dayer. destroyer.

*akuml, place of killing, slaughtering-plaee. 18.14,21. Je. 11,19.
*kumpraka, a kind of rum or brandy (stops the nose) ; s. nsi,
kun4.+ kotri kunam\ remain a widow. Oe.S8,ll.
kunabd, \,*6.-\- he marries her as his brothers widow. Gt.S8,s,
*akQn-ne [okum ade] a thing worthy of death, cause of death.

kunini,+ pfincipal; .. opp. mtetewa-mfetewa.

*o-kim-kese (okum won k., he slew them with) a great daughter.
kuiikum, red. v. ktim. — kunsdnkunsdii (x m).
o-kuntumr)4'^i?i. n-, Is. 13,22. — kuntun, i.+ to pervert. Ex. 23^.
*o-kuntu-tam, woollen garmetU.

kura, 1.+ k. mu, to hold, keep, keep up, maintain^ sustain^

support; to cotdinue. - 3.\.2.-{- to be absolute, self-existent; honhom
a okiira neho, an absolute spirit. K.§174. - 4. nekra knra nensam'
na okofa n^adnan aba, he brings in his bread at the risk of his life.
akuranto. — kurennyen, + s/ncerc. — *k.-ye,inf. sincerity.
nkuro-bo, accusation. — *iikurobofo, accuser. Jo. s,io Ac.25.ie.
*nkurofo-Kuw, pi. nk.-akuwaku w^ multitude.
•kurokurowa, Job 7, 6. = akorokorowa.
♦kurom'hofo, people of the (or that) city. Lu. 7,12.
kiironi,+ one home-horn. Ex. 12,49.

kurududu, *k.-7e, a great crashing noise. Job 36,29. 2Ft.H,io,

kixrukyere^,-^ to engrave. Eze.4,l. Zec.3,9. to pourtray.Eie.23,14.
*ukurukjerewe, carved work; engraving. iKi6,35. Zec3^,
*o-kuriikyerewfo, j>i.a-, (sacred) scribe. Da. 2,2.

kusu, p2. akusakusti, Eze.6,13. — kusukdkH, Oe.2,6. Ac. 13, 11.

kusukusu, n'ani ye k., his eyes are dim. Ge. 27, l.
kusiim, k.-ara-ne-kurum. — *kusiim-di, inf. deceptiveness,
trickery, slight, versatile artifice. Ep.4,l4.
*kusu-ye, inf. dimness, gloom.
kuturoku, = aketewa. — kutuinikii, bg-, tobuffet. lPie.2,20,
kotoromud (x knturumda), cf. kutrukii, nsdkotd, twere.
akututU; cf. kokoram. — *kutuwd, a small pot; ase&, nsemma.
kuw, ^.+ okuw n'ase, he cuts him off. Is. 48,9 [Je.4S^.

kuw so, kuknw so, to clip (tlie beard); eso ak., it is clipped.
akuwa, i?^ nkuwa hknwa. — *akuwa6nsuro, a kind q( fowl,
kwa,^.a-, 4. Eo.l2,4f lCo.6,15. t2,i2ff. —^*iikw,'k-here, lifetime.
kwa-beteii, a high palm-tree in the forest.
kwk-bo, 6. = gboabo, nea woaboa e.s. woahye da abg.
akwada,x :2dtc. — kwaduampgnkyerefo, a beast living on
kwadu-bakua, fJie stalk of a banana-tree. [bigh trees,

akwkdworo (xg & ^). — *kwae-fwefo, keeper of the forests

*kwafw»yLb&', better than kofw. q, v. - cf. gkwanihnmani
akwagyansft, a kind of wUd dog.
*nkwa-gye, inf. salvation. — *iikwa^ye-seiii, saving ihrutks.
iikwaffye-nhy ehyee, - kwaii, way or order of salvation. K.§266.
o-kwdnd (xgkgha) =:g8enmili.
akwahosau-nm, safe and sound. Lu. 15,27.

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kwakorani — kyekyere. 601

(kwakoram x, s. kok.) — kwa'kwa d^bi, G.

iikwanuimnoa, side(s). — kvvame-tabi,+ or apetebi.
ak\vainf6, used only in the pL, roivers, canoetnen,
g-kwainto (xa-) — akwaiiiruo, //*r cleaning of a road.
akwainuioe, a well-cleared road.

0-kwaii, 1, 1. 3. mpgtam'. — J^. gkwan da mu, or emu da okwan,

it is hollnic. Ex. 27,8. Je. 52,21. — Phr. nam kwaii, to be on a journey.
akwaiifSiiu, akwanfo, okwaiilo, &c. s. akwamf. &c.
O-kwaiifwe: (Kristo) kw.-bere, Advent-season; kw. mu kwasida,

Sundai/ in Advent.
*kwa-ni-abp, s. p. 244. kouiabo, a one-eyed man.
o-kwaii-kyere, a-, guidance. Joh37,i2.
0-kwan-ma,-f ompeneno k., he will not let him go, Ex. 13,15.
akwaninusem, ... from the road; rumour; = akwansosem.
*o-kwan-preko: wokogyano nekw. a oreko yi, they follow him

on his way to his last home, attend his funeral.

*ak\vaiiSO-dnau, provision for the way. Ge.42,25.
nkwan-ta, U. usually: ta. — akwantejl, Ky. = akwantwea.
akwantemmerefua, nemenewa ne neyam' kg, n'akyi tumro.
akwantemfo-asafb, syn. akwantu-kuw. Is. 21, 13.
*o-kwan-to, inf release. De.15. — okwau-trene, a straight path,
*akwantu-kuw, caravan. Ge.37,25.
akwantwea, a kind of 5g?i/rreZ = apctebi.
0-kwapae, joZ.h-, dan hk., to dote. Je.50^36.
nkwapae-sem,+ hrutishness. la.wji.
*kwasafode-ye, inf. community of goods. K§112.
*iikwasea-so, foolishly. Ge.3i,28. ~ *okwasea-ye, inf. folly.
*nkwa-siahka-fo, restorer of life. Ru.4,i5.
*kwasiare-bg, inf. kw. mu, contemptuously. 1^.31,18(19),

kwaterekwa, a. bare, naked, -n. bareness^ nakedness, Eze.15,7.

o-kwati-kwaii,i)Z. a-. — *akwa-ye, inf membership. K.§312.
*kyat'6robi, a young shark. [G. tSaflgbi; s. twaf. p. 523.]
kye ade, to prolong one^s days; to prosper. De.4,40. Eze. 17,10.
kyea, v.+ gkyea n*anom, he is perverse in his lips. Pr.19,1.
kyea, n. perverseness. Fr. 15 J. — (iikyea^pr. 285.S. neg. v. kyea.)
*kyeawky^aw, the most common sandals; $. nipabod.
*akyede-pefo, one who loves gifts (bribes). Fr. 29,4.

ky^-^dwo,+ umpire. Job 9,33. — kye-fa, -f lot, inheritance.

*nkyee-so, inf. sparing, indulgence, forbearance, mercy, pity.

kyekye, v. 7. ky. ..ho, intr. to be bound to. lCo.7,27. [size,

o-kyekye, a kind of iguana, between mampam & denkyem in
akyekyea, a fruit like a melon. [He. 11,10.

*o-kyekyero, |>7. a-, binder of sheaves, Ps. 129,7. builder of & town.
*iLkyekye(re)-niu, band for girding^ girdle, belt. Ex. 28, 8. 27.
uky^kyere, Ak. a thick low bush with thorns (in general),
nkyekyere, Akp. a kind of grass or weeds, rush. Job9,26. I8.35,7.
kyekyere, 3. to be wrapped about. Jon. 2,6. ky...h6, to be knit
with, 1 Sa. 18, 1. ka .. ky . ho, to knit or tie to, K. § 282. - 4. intr. to
Eocl5,8. - 0. tr. to charge, convict. Bo. 3,9.


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602 akyekyere — kjinkylm.

akjekyer6, cf, awuru, apowuru. — iikyekyeree, s, nkyeree.

*nkyekyere-anim, bandage, plaster on a wound. Je.46,!L

kyekyerehii, ... prepared of roasted flmtr of maize.

*akyekye-tiri, a garland about the h£ad.= abotiri. Pr.4^9.
Akyeinfo, pr.n, — *o-kyem-kurafo, shield-bearer, armed man.
one who handles a shield. Pr,o,ll. Je. 46,9.
*iikyemii-abiesa mu biako, the third part, one third dr.
*nkyeniu-du mu biako, the tenth part, one tenth. Eze. 45, is.
o-kyemwR, pi. a-,+ buckler. Ca.4,4.Je.46,s.
nkyene-iikyene, nsu nky., saltwater. Ja.S,i2,
*nkyen-haban, a saline plant, orach, Atriplex halimus. Job 30,4-
kyenkyoii-be-mu, the whole cluster of palm-nuts.
kyeiikyeutakyi-kurow, town of obstinate people.
*iikyeii-so, inf. [kyen] eTcellence, preference, preeminence, sw-
kye-pa, inf. s. ky^w-p4. [periority; prerogative. K.§ll3,tis.
kyepc = pidua, the root of the tail of an animal,
kyere, i.+ ahopopo kyereno, trembling takes Iwld on him.
Ex. 15,14. cf. nketenk^.t^. - 5. ky. mu,+ ^o embroider. Eze. 27,7.

kyere , 1. yi.. ky.y+to profess, pretend; cf. 9. - 9. to profess.

1 Ti.6,21 " 10. Phr. enye obi na okyero, it is a matter of course.
*o-kyere, rn/1 binding, bonds. Ac. 20,23. 2S, 29.

kyeree(xe), batten. — nkyeree, 4.atveaver's spool; r/*.dodowa.

*kyere-abodo, -pano, F. shew-bread. Mt.i2,4.
i\kyeve-ssef+ discernment. Lu. 12,46. [pmmo.

*kyerebeuii-ye-bo or -hauia, plummet. Am.7,7. Zec.4,io. cf

akyerekye, a small kind of squirrel; cf. opurow.
nkyeremij,-} embroidered work. Eze. 27, 16.
*iikyeres6, throng, crowd, press, multitude. Lfi.8,19.

kyere w, ky... din, to register. Lu.2,3.

*o-kyerew, in/*. 1. writing, written document; title; John 19,20. -
2. Scripture. — kyere w-asem, word of the Scripture. lAi.4,^1.

kyerewd, screw. — nkyerewe, 2.-\- superscription. Mt 22.20.

*kyerew-peii, verse. K.p.i20.(§340).

*kyerew-pon, writing-desk, -table; ky. ketewa, writing tablet.

*nkyerew-so-dwoin, Fs. 16.56- 60.
*kyew-dade, pan for roasting or baking. Le.2,5.

kyi, 1. 2. gu (xagu); - kyi nsu, to trickle down. La. 3,49.

akyi, 1,+ bepo no akyi nob6a, beyond tJie mountain. Ge. 35,21.

- 2. the time and events behind, the end. Mi. 26,58.

Dkyia,-f suretiship. Pr. 11,15. — akyide,+ abomination.

kyidoni,+ wobowon ky., they are their rear-guard. Is. 52,12.

o-kyifo, 2. one that hates. Pa. 69, 14(15).

kyima,-!- eho ntg ky., in sincerity. Ep.6,24.

*kyiinl, h-, wheel. Ec.12,6. Eze.U5. Ja.3,6.
*o-kyiniyinf. going to and fro. Job 1,7. — kyinii, = bamekyinii.
kyiii-hyia,-l- ahumaedi*ky., whirlwind. P^. 77, 1S( 19). Je. 30,23.

- ky.-mframa, 18.5.28. stormy wind. Eze. 13 J 1.

kyiukyim, 1. s. kyim. - 2. me ho ky.me, / writhe, h.21,3.
m'ayam'de ky., my bowels yearn. La. 1,20. - S. to pervert, subveii-
Pr. 19,3. - 4. to tarry.
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nkjiiikyimii — mmSra. 603

*hkyinkyimii, windings; atrapoe nky., winding stairs.

kyinkyin,-f to rove about. Ge,27,40.

*o-k7ih-nsoroma, jyl. id, platiet,

*ak jinny e-sem, question, disptde; oppositions, tTi.6,20.

*akyi-pa, inf. cf. mpaakyiri. — *akyipafo nkontompofo, those
who perfidiously depart (from God), the wicked. Ps. It9, i5S.

akyiri, ^.+ aky. trabea, the lowest seat. Lu.t4y9. - 7. woadi afe
n^ aky., they are a year old and uptaard. Nu.3,15. — o-kyiridifo,
the last. — *akyiri-fam' po, ths hinder or western sea. Joel 2,20.
*Kyiri-amim, pr. w., s. under Akuapem & asafo.
*akyirikyirifo, p/. inhabitants of distant countries. Is. 8,9.
*o-kyiri-pafo, pi. a-, deserter, forsaker, apostate, renegade.

akyiri-san,+ returning; turning back or aside. Je.5,3. Pr.1,32.

*akyiri-si, inf. exit, final event.


ma, 5. ma a8em,+ to tell lies.

ania,+ bitumen, Ge.l4,iO. Ex.2,S. coal-tar; cfm&nno,pitch. Ge.6,l4-
mmae, wanya ha m. — *o rnamma-ye, inf citizemhip. Ac.22,28.
*mam-nian, red. v. man. K.§294a. lDa.4,27.

*amamf6-ye, inf. desolation, devastation; *-yefo, desdator.

*o-mam-pon, pi. a-, a (comparatively) large town or city. Mt.io, 11.
amammui: nnipa (or, abode) am. ho nsiesiei, the moral system
or the invariable moral laws of the world. K.§132f.l89.

o-m&n, 6. pl.-\- Gentiles. — *o-mana-gyirae, postage-stamp.

*aman-amau-mu-ni, pi. -fo, a gentile, heattien. Bo. 2, 14. Ga.2,l4.

amannehunu mu boaseto, i^o/icnce, endurance. Ja.5,11.

*amanne-nya, inf a getting into trouble ; peril, Bo.8,36. — aro.-
ntam, an oath causing detriment (to the swearer), Pa. 15,4.

*amafi-fratb, pi. mingled people, allied or admixed to a ruling

nation; cf afrafrafo; s. gmamfrani. Je. 26, 20. 24.
*mma-nhina-wQ, inf. [s. ba] omnipresence, ubiquity. K.§l6o.
*aman-hyia, imperial diet. K.§7.II,l.

0-mAi\h€ne, kitig of a nation^ adakiiro, chief of a town or village.

mmanin-y^,+ i!>oje?er, mrtues; *mm.-de, mighty acts. Pb. 106,2.8-

maiikrAdo, (xo) G. mankralo.

0-mhixkuw J -h province, iKi. 20, 14. people assembled. Ac. 12,22.
mann6, 1. cf. ama. — ^o-mafi-panyiu, pi. a,m-, prince, chief.
*aman-santen asafo, the catholic (not the Roman) church.
*amansem-mu afeforo, civil New-year's-day.
amansesew,+ a setting right, successful arrangement of govern-
mental or political matters. Ac. 24, 2.
*g-mansin-hene, tetrarch. Lu.3,t. Ac. 13,1.
g-mans6fo, pi. a-,-f rebel, seditionary, one given to change. Pr.24,21.

mantam,-(- to tether, - 1. 4. are entwined about. Job8,t7.

g-m&n-tam,4- district; gm. mu panyih, president of a district.
*0'mkT\thm-hene, pi. A, prince, satrap. Da. 3,3.
y-inantaii,4- tribe. Ps.74,2.

aman-y^, gye amanyo-pd, he observes decency. K.§349.

mmara: gbra ho m., moral law; asore ho m., ceremonial law;

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604 minara — mop^ya-tow.

gmah ho m., political law. — *mniHra-asein, cofnmandmenl ; cf.

ahyede. — niiniirahye,+ legislation, — *miimra^inifo, lawyer.
Tit. 3 y 13. — *inmara-so-difo, doer of the law; *miiiara-tetb, heartr
of the law. — *miiiarat6-(a)de, iniquity y transgressions. Bo. 6^19.
mmaraniiuaii, pieces of bronze or brass for abrammo &c.
maremare, I. 2. afra (xafa).

matamata, okasa no., stammer^ stamtnering speech. K.§3lS.

*mma-je, inf. s. oba-ye. — *ma-je, inf. ftdness, [§325.

*mma-yen\ inf. education. — *maye-trasu, infinite ftdness. K

*mmea-iiiu [bea mu] fcor, cross-bar, cross-beam. Ex. 26,26.
memmene, to swallow up several things,
amemene, Ak. brain: s. hoh. — amemein (x ameraim).

mene,4- to consume. Ex.32, to. - 1. 3. wosaw (xwosow).

♦mene-twajiM/l cutting of the throat , slaying. 18.22,13.
*menewam'-8iw, inf. strangling. Job? ,15.
amere, 1. a tree, gfram koko, (xplant).
mmerehua, pr,SS5, the finest part of gold dust.
*mereken [^American?] a kind of rmn or brandy.
mmere-nson, ^. a period or week of 7 years, cf. afepen. Da. 4,24.
*mmere-santen, s. bere-s.

*mmerew-ni, i^^.-fo, a weak, feeble person. £^.105,37. lCo.s,9.

mmesa [(xl^); esa ho seabe (berew)]. - 3. wreathen chain. Ex. 28,24,
mes^mese, sare m., clwpped straw, chaff. Ex. 5,12.
*mme-su [abe su] s. under nno-ye. — mmew, 2. better: bew.
mmewa, the fibres of the palm-tree (not of the leaves), x a... trees,
mia, i.+ to choke, Mk.4,7.l9. ~ 2. c) he strengthens himself.
Oe.48,2. - mia wo ani hu amanne, endure hardness, suffer affliction,
2Ti.2,3. omia n'ani tra ran, he endures. - 3.a)-\- to confirm, sfraiH.
strengthen. Is. 35,3. - 4. to gird oneself. Is. 8,9. — aniia-de,+ armed
host. Job39,2l. — *ainiade-dau, armoury. — *amiafo, armed men.
*minibi-taina, blue or violet purple; s. bibiri, blbitama. [Is. 15,4
amim, d i a., 4 to oppress. — amim-di, *-ye, inf. oppression.
*o-mim-difo, pl.SL-, oppressor, violent man.
amirikadeU; tu-, to run very fast. *inirikatufo, jA. a-, runner.
mo a, ^. 1. 4.+ are straitened. Job 18,7.
*minoa-ban, fold. Ge. 49,14. — *mmoa-adidide, manger. Ial2J2.
*minoa-fwefo, i?Z. irf. herdman. Ge. 46,34. Am. 7, 14.
*mmoa-ffye, m/*. = mmoadi, taking of gifts. 2Ch.l9J.
*inmoa-kiiw^ pi. m-a-, herd, flock, cattle. Nu.32. Lu. 2,8.
*mmobo-hii, inf. pitying, commiseration; cf. mmgborohunu, p*/^.
*mmobo-mmobo-ye, inf. sadness. Ne.2,2. Ec,7,3.
minobom', 3. roaring of a lion. Ft. 19, 12.
*mmoborohunu-ade, alms. — inmoboroni,+ miserable.
*mmobowe, scroll. J€,3ff, 2. Zee. 5,1. — niniodeii, hq-^-^- to study to.
*mmofra-yen, inf. education, discipline of children.
*mogya-ka-gufo, shedder of blood. Eze. 16,38.
*mogya-pefo, pi. id. bloody(-minded), murderous man.
*mogya-tow, clot of blood; embryo. Fs. 139,16,

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mommono — nna-nna. 606

mommono,+ tnoist (e. g. grapes), Nu,6y3.

*inomonot6-ye, inf. uncircumcision.
*nimoii-bo, inf. neighing, Je.l3,27.

^uimonse [obon asc] vallep, lowland at the foot of motiutains.

*mmonsefo, inhabitants of the lowlands. Ju. 1,19. 34.
*mmore-ini'i, inf. [bore] searching (out) y investigation. Job 11,7.

mmoro-so,4- plefitgy copiousness^ plenteousness,

*iiimoson-kom [abosom hkom] hye m., to use divination. De. 18,10.
mramra, red. v., s. m&na. Re. 11,10.

mil a, 3. s. anim 7 A; anim mQa a, anim remaa no, in the dark.

mmu-an6, edge, edging dx. [Eze. 12,6.7.

*e -mu-ha, inf. coming in; fulfilling y ftd fitment y realization.

*mi>di, inf. integrity. — *mfidifo, one who is perfect. Job 37,16.

*e-mu-do, m/". depth. Ep.3,is.

*e-mu-lain', inward, -hj; em. abahnua, the inner court. Eze. 10,3.
*e-inu-fifo, one that has escaped y fugitive. Eze. 24, 26.
*minukaw-mii, inf. [bukaw] hent or folding part. Eze. 41,23.
*e-mu-ko, inf. the act oi going in, entrance. He. 10,20.
*ainuino-de, : ye-, to live ungodly, act impiously. 2Pe.2,6.
*amumoye-de, iniquiiiesy Is. 64,7. 65,7. ungodly deeds, Judeis,
*amumoye-sen), ungodliness(es). Bo. 11,26.
*e-mu-nipa, the inward man. Ro,7,22. 2 Co. 4,16.
mmiinkam-so, K.§163. — miiimm, 3. to roll e.g. a stone.
*amH-siei = asiei, anisiei. — mmi\'S6y+ exuberancCy excess.Ja.1,21.
mmusu, 1. 7. mekobisa me ti (xho). - twetwe m., to make oneself
accursed. lSa.3yl3. - *mmusii-ba, son of wickedness. 1^,89,22(23).
*inmusii-bofo, blasphemer. 11^.1,13.
*mmusu-kyere, soothsayingy fortune-teUingy prophesying.
inu-twa,+ P8.77,8(9). - eiikye m., it is temporaly transient.


o-na, p. 313 1.3 from below: mepe (xmape) meberee.

nuadsLj-h guile. — nnside Aw or o, pieces of iron, used as money

anadwofa, F. anofa (xanafoa). [(xgold currency).

*anadwo-gua, trade in the night; di an., to deceive, delude.

anafd (xa). — *anago, Guinea sheep [Marewa].

*nna-ho [nea gda ho] pi. nnedahg, space, lKi.7y36.

nnakoko,... a week after the wedding (xbefore.... with him),

g-ndkwi, gyee on. maa mma, she became a name among women,
*nna-kyi, inf. shunning (evil) days, observing of tinges.

n a m, t'. i.-f nam kwan, to be on a Journey. iKi. 18,27. - 6.Phr.

e-nh no nam, it is closely connected, K.§190.
e-iiam,i.+ kokum nam, to hunt for venison. Ge.27,5.

*nam-di-nn6ma, ravenous, carnivorous birds. Eze.39y4.

*namfi, anamfisuru, As. certain weights of gold.

*nain-gua, shambles, flesh-market, l Co. 10,26.

*naniinoii-hunUy bare-foot. 18.20,2-4. — *anaminoiifo, anam-

mgnmufo, foot-men. Nu.ii,2i. lKi20,29. — nammonkoro, -kwan.
*nna-mu-nseni (nhdma), chronicles. — *niia-nna, s. eda.

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606 enSxi — anigyefo.

e-n&n, 2. stalk e. g. of the maize plant, s, btironan. Ge. 41/22. -

ananade,4- a foreign Uiing, Ne.i3,3n, [3. tenon. Ex. 2SA7.

*anan&-g7a, strange fire. Le, 10, l.

nnan-ani,+ overturning, Eze. 21,27, frowardness, Fr.6,14
n&n-anu [nan abien] ttoo-legged; si n. to be undecided in a
matter, double-dealing, double4ongued,
anana-ten, yi an., to reprove a friend.
*nnahe [dan', v.] turn; n. nhina mu, every way. Bo.3y2.
*anS,n6, smeUing-place or -house, crucible. Fb. 12,6(7).
*g-nftntb, pi. a-, metier, smelter ; cf. ogufo.
nan-koro, a single leg; one-legged. — anaiikoti, a kick.
n&nkr6mma [enah, kron, ma=wa].
an4fimu, nnadewa no an., the print of the nails. John 20,25. - si
an.,-1- to make good. Ex. 22, 11. — ananmu-hye, retaliaiion.
^nansua, As. a certain weight of gold.
*nan-tam\ between tJie knees. Qe. 48,12.
o-ndntef6, 4- jt>asscr-6^. Eze.39,l4f. syn. okwantenni.
anante-nante^in/*. walking up and down. Job 1,7. [Je.50,4.

*o-iiante-su, inf. wode n. fwef«we no, weeping tfiey go and seek him,
nnantwerem' [odau,twaremu]. — *nantwi-ka-poina, or-^o<wf.
nah-nVi^ea-so-ka, anklet. I8.3,1H. [Ju.3^3L

*nna-oba, a hundred days: eha ara n., for a considerable time.

*nna-santen nhina, all successive days. F8.93,5.
*ana-se, or; Gr. § 251 b. 253,2. Rp.l47b; s. ana.
*nasIreni,|)?.-fo, [Heb. nazir] a JVo^an^e, =Qh6tuafo, oji-ne-

dwira-ba, anyamekwa. Ge. 49,26. Nu.6j2. Am. 2,11.

e-ne,-f Ofi hyiraa me §ny4'ne, he has blessed me this long time
(not to-day or these last days only). — *nneda-ho, s. nnaho.
*nnedua-(lan, -fi, (house of) prison. 6^.42,19. iKi. 22^27. Is. 24, a.
diXX^v^j-^ pedantry ; constant use, exercise or practice, He.5yJ4.
*neiinaii, s. nahn. — an^ne, pi. id. (xn-) [G. kwakwadabi,]
anene-duru,+ stacte, Ex. 30,34. — nn^nkyenemma, La.4,7.
ani, 7. a) opening for a well, Ja.3Jl, cf aniwa5. - b) key-hdt
dtc. - p. 323. 1. 4. n'ani (so) da ho ; + ani a enna ho, intemperance,
incontinence dtc. 1 Co. 7, 5. - n'ani gyina, he longs after or for, ear-
nestly desires... - n'ani kom (xkum). - n' ani so asem terew, K.§31fi,t.
his thoughts are absent or dissipated. - p. 324. n'ani tra, he overlooks.
- ani a ewu ade, modesty, bashfulness, shamefacedness. l Ti. 2.9. -
13. bo ani, to join battle. Ge i4,9. - p. 325. to (xtu) wo ani kyere
Sidon; to wo ani fwe ha, look here! - otu n'ani sa no, he eyes him.
BXii-aniy-^ inconstanUy ; oko an., he fights superficially, here a
little and there a little (xhe has ... side). — *aniani-ha-y i, s. ani hayi
anibere, 1.+ lust, cf. akonno. — aniberesem, 2. covetousness.
ani-bi-ann4-s6, -f thoughtlessness. - n'an.-so, in his simplicity,
at a venture. iKi. 22,34. — ani-bu,+ ennui, tediousness. K.§305.
anidaho [ani a eda ho] l.-\- temperance, soberness. Ac. 26, 25.
*ani-dan, inf. [dan .. ani] change; perverting; perverseness.

nife, 4. cf hyerehyere-fam\ kes6-fam* (Exe.20,46), po-fam\

*anigyefo, pi. a-, one that rejoices. Bo. 12,16. [epom.

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anigyinade — nnokonnokgade. 607

*anigyina-de, desire, desired thing. IV. 13,12.

o-nihumani,+ stranger. Nu.i8,4. — *anihumafo-de, a thing or
place belonging or accessible to common people, profane. Eze.42,20.
o-iiikanfo, a. live, living. Ex.2l,35. lKi.3,22.
aiii-kom [ani a ekom] (xO). [f^^ return.

uim,+ se wonniin nna na wodan a, if at any time (or incase)

aiiim, A) 1. 1 2. n'anim amuna or asee (Qe. 40,7). - anim tua aDim,
face to face. - B) f we anim yiyi nnipa mu, to have respect of persons.
*nimdee-hri, inf knowledge. Pr.l0,l4. fJa.2,9.

*anim-fem\ eastward, cf. apuei ; an.-f.-po, the East Sea. 8cr.

*nimfo, knower,, one who knows. Ac. 1^24.

*animfwe, inf respect of persons. 2Ch.l9,7. Pr. 24,23.
animeuase-de, mockings. He. 11,36.

animharesem,H- boasting. Je, 23,32. — *aDimhare-so, slightly.

*animtia-bu, inf. contempt. Est. 1,18. Fs. 107,40. [Je.8,ll.

*animyo-bea, gesture, carriage, bearing, mien, look, air, numner,

external appearance. K.§ 318,2. [Bo. 11,11.

ninkunu [onini, koro, Ak.]. — n.-tw6, inf jealousy, emulation.

*aninseii-suindii, amulet used in the state o^ pregnancy.

nipa-baii, 1.-^ person, personal appearance or circumstances.

*o-iiipa-boiie, a wicked person, villain, rogue, knave.

*nipabone-de-yo, inf. wickedness, viUany, roguery, dtc.

*o-nipa-kuinfo, slayer; cf. okumnipa, owndifo. De.19,3.
*nnipam', in the way or after the manner of men, as men do.
♦nnipa-mu-nyiyim' (n6 anitnf^e), respect of persons. Ep.6,9.
♦nnipa-animl we, id. Ro. 2, 11. Ja. 2,1. [Col,3, 25.

*nnipa-santen, all men from the first to the last, aU mankind,

the whole human race. K.§ 185,1.
nipa-su, 1. = nipaban. - 2. human nature. K.§229.
o-nipa-ye, inf incarnation (of the Son of God),
ani-siei, syn. asiei, amiisiei.
*ani-so-ade, ani-so-ade-hu, inf vision. Ac. 2,17. 9, 12.
*ani-so-biri, inf. giddiness.
ani-so-de, 4- an acceptable tJiing ; loveliness. Co. 5, 16. good pleas-
ure, desire. 2Th.l,ii. — *aiii-so-s6m, tn/1 eye-service. Ep.6,6.
^n(tew-mii, with guile. — anitgre [nea n'ani atore].
*aniwabu, inf. moment. Eze. 26,16. — *aniwQden, s. auuQden.
aniwu-de,+ /cM?eln€S5. Eze. 23, 29. — *aniwu-hye, inf. contempt.
*aniwu-sem, vUe or obscene language, foul talk. CoL3,8.
ano, 4. a) + selvedge, Ex. 26,4. - /) nna nhina ano, the end of days.

- J5>) du or so ano (4. a. d. 6.) to be sufficient; to suffice. K§ 214,1.

- wakum obosom no ano,+ he has made the power of the fetish in-

nno-bae,+ fruit, produce, increase. lCo.3,5. [effective.

anoboa,-h ingathering. — *ono(boa)boafo, one who gainers.

anobow,+ bitterness of speech. — *auo-bu,tn/'. counting, number.

n6h6a, + kusQ-fam' ano noho tonn, the farthest North. [Eze.38,15.
*ano-hunu, wanton lips. Le.5,4. [39,2.

Q-no-k5, twa-, to strive about words. 2TL2,14.

nnQkoniiokoade,H- dainties, delicacies. Oe.49,20. Je.51,34.

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608 anokwade — anyausa^s^m.

*anokwa-de, the true riches. — *nokwa-kwaii, the rigid vay,

iiokwasem,+ truthfulness. — *nokwa-t^n, faithful judyemenL

*o-nomfo, pi. A-, one who drinks, drinker, h. 24, 9
*nnoma-sri, inf, chirping. — *o-n6ina-7ifo, pi. n-, fowler.
axiomey+ trough. Ge. 24,20. - Nnonkom', ^i7>p. Ntamah mu.
naonko-besa, a kind of red chintz (not of count rg-rl of h).
*aiio-pem, inf. the goings out. Nu.34,l2.

ano-s^in,+ vain words, vain talk, talk of the lips. Pr. 14,23.
*ano-som, lip-devotion. — *ano-nta, double-tongued. lTi..3,^.
*auo-tewfb, refidg speaker, eloquent man.
*ano-t6r6fet6rofe, a glib tongue, blabbing out secrets. K§122.
an6-ji, inf.+ excuse; an. bi nni ho mma wo, gou are inexcusable;
ewo an., it is excusable. Ro.1,20. 2,1. K.§12B-
nu, ^. nu..fu, a) to take away; b) to take away by force or
without permission.
*nnuaba-tew, inf. harvest of fruits (figs &c.). Je.4s,s2.
*nnua-tow, inf. hewing timber.
*nufusu-dae [nufusu a ada] curdled milk, curds. Pr.30,33. 18.7,15.
^numanuma^ v. F. to baptise; enumanuma, baptism;
^numanumanji, baptist. Cf. asubo.

nunu,+ wonndnn no, he is blameless. Phi. 2^ 15.

o-iiuodenfo,+ stubborn, outrageous, headstrong.
aDUOnyam, /^.+ manya n'anim an., / have found grace in his
sight. — *anuony am-hy e, inf. glorification; transfiguration, K. g 243.

— *anuouyainhyefo, one who honours anoUier. La. 1,8. — anuo-

nyan-ne,+ benevolent, kind treatment, Ac. 27,3. — *anuony an-sera,

*nusuatetew, s. anisuatetew. [id. Ps.^7,5.

anya^do, in reply to a certain class of people (xthe sal. &c.).

0-nyame: *nyame-do, divine love; *nyame-dom, divine grace.
*o-nyameferefo, pi. a-, a pious, godly, religious, devout person. —
*anyame-gua, a seat of gods, Eze.2S,2. — *Onyame-ho-ah5niin.
the (innate) knowledge of God (of hiB existence). K.§l49. — *o-nyaQie-
kyere, theology. — *o-nyaine-nipa, God and man, God incarnate.
K.§229. *ox\yanie-mpaL'yejtheanthropy. — *nyame-nyansa, divine
wisdom. — nyame-so,+ in a godly manner, right, = nyame-mn.
K.§22if. — o-nyame-s6m,+ ^ic/^; *nyames6m-bra, godly life.
K.§273. — *nyame-su, divinity, divine nature. Ro.l,20. — *o-nya-
me-tebea,/brwo/'6roe^. Phi. 2,6. K.§237. — *o-nyame-toro, a /b^
God. — *Onyame-tumidi , theocracy. — *o-nyame-ye, inf. god-
head, divinity. Col. 2,9. [s. agorn.

*nyamonyamofo, feeble persons. Ne.4,2. — nnyaue, 2. a plaj ;

anyaDkdn-ne,+ P8.77,10(11); event, chance. Ec. 9,2.11.

*nyankonne-ky erefo, i?Z. t(f . soothsayer. Da. 2,27.

nyankon-nuvu [duru, v.] ... trees ; (xand) it may be used...
nyansa-don(xa-)..— *anyansa-dwuma, skilful work. Ex. 2S,tK
cf. adwini. — *o-nyansa-dwiinfo,i);. a-, au^ise, skilftdman.2Ch.2,l4.

— *nyai)sa-hu, inf. knowledge. Pr.i,7. — *iiyansa-liye, *nyansa-

kyere, inf. admonition. Ep. 6, 4. — *any ansa-pam, crafty counsel.
Pb.S3,3(4). — *nyansa-pe, inf. philosophy. CoL2,s. — *anyansa-
s§in, wisdom. Pi. 37, 30. 49,3(4).Col.2,23.

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nyaiHiyaiiilorowa — pae. 609

*nyaiinydmR)rowd, s. osatadna.
*iiyatwom-yo, inf. hypocrisif. tl*e.2,i,
imyeiionyeinnia, ;>/. id, a small hell.
nnyitrye, ;?. deccptioi), delusion; seduction; rf. iisisi, unAda.
*miyi*i^yei, persutision: mappne n., I was persuaded.

nyiii, ^. i to develop, be formed bt/ growth. K.§ 18 iff. 214. 226.

o-nyiii,"H development; ih. f§188.

*iinyiiia-h6, inf. [gyina ho] existence, continuance, duration. K.

uuy ina-s6,+ socket, Ex. 26,^19; natural capacity or disposition (to),
K.fil82; nnyinaso-pa, a good standing or degree. lTi.S,l,H.
iiyinain,+ to glance. Ca.2,9.

*nno-bepgw, Mount of Olives. Scr. — *nno-diia, olive tree.
*nuo-huam, ointment. Ca.1,3. — iino-to}i,+ oil-vessel. Zee. 4,2.

iinuadaii, giving back what has been bought.

iiiiua-hama [«gua, b.] a cord with tvhich a load of trading articles

is bound; cf. oguanliama.
*iiiiuam-iuari [banj ji^Z. idf. sheepfold. Nu.32,16.
*iinuai)-fwo-atadft, sliepherd's dress.

*iiiiuaii-knw, a flock of sh^ep. — nnuan-nya, leg of a sheep.

*iiiiuan-yenfo, shepherd, sheepmastcr, herdman. 2Ki.3,4.Am.l,l.

nuuare, 1. a creeper (xshnib) ... — nnugus6,-+ ephod, Ex. 28,4.

Nw. Niir.
iiwaiisana-biri, a green species of flg.
uweii, .5.+ to rebel. Oe.14,4.
*anwen-iie [ade a woahwene] a thing framed, formed; earthen
*anwiiiwT, inf. murmuring(s), grumbling. [vessel.

anwoiivvade,+ wonder, marvellous work(s).

*auwoiiwade-yefo, one doing wonders. Ex. 15,11.

uw6ram, 1.+ to sharpen, Jobl6,9. - J^.+ tweuvr^ytoberefrac-

tory, to shun or avoid (tme's duty).
^liworammaii, bo-,+ to go round about. P8.59fi(7).
uworaii-iiworan, 2. = uwraauwrau, cf. ntokowa-nt. Ge.30,32.
^nuwenhddwoni [dwen] an instructive psalm, pious meditation,
kivvibj also the bark of a tree used like gyene. [f*s. 32.

imw6iik6rOy 1. 2. ... to de bobo ...


pa, [rcrf.xpepa] 5./^+paahyiae-ntamadan no, to take down

the tabernacle. Nu.l,5t. - 8.+ Ps. 118,22. Mt. 21,42. to forbear (e.g. to

keep the Passover), Nu.9,13. - 14. sreti - Ac. 3,19. De. 29,20. - 18. a-

nyiuam pa,^Z. popa, lightning flashes. Ex. 20,18. - J20. akuwaonsuro.

ampd, aye me ampa, I am persuaded. Bo. 14, 14. Cpd. ampa-ampA.

pa, ^. wapae pon no ho. — pa,x pi. a- 1. 4.

*apa-de, hire. h. 23, 17. — ^o-padifo, worker for hire, s. opani.
pae, ^.+ p. asase, to furrow the earth, Fs. 141, ?.-3.-\- to cleave
asunder, Nu. 16,31. - 5.+ p. ntain\ topiU a difference between. Ex.1 1,7.
- 6. esen pae ... sanebena ... +p. nhyia, to proclaim a convocation.
Le.23, 2.37. - 14. + h. 56, 8.


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610 pae — ampdy^.

pae, = tekrekyi. — mpde^ 1.7. bghye(xi>-).

*mpaemu-ka, inf, open confession. — *Apa^ya, pr, »., s. asafo.
g-pakanni, pi.a- -fo. — ui\ni-Bky\n,+ backsliding. Ho. 14,4(5).
pam, [re(^.x pemp.J 5.+ «su no ani apam, the surface of the
river is frozen. Job 38^30, - pam bo, to be doubled. Ex. 26, 24.
puin [Ga]. — e-pain, pi. id. mekpbo pam.
o paru-4g6,-f repairer of the breach. 18.58J2.
*iiipaiiie, seatn^ joining. John 19, 23.

iiipam-ho. — *apam-hye-de, sacramenl(s); better : adommanade.

^ainpampd — am pa-amp^, amp4-n^-ampd.

apampa ,4 shovel. Is. 30,24. — o-pampaii, pr.2588.

*apani-seefo, trucebreaker; implacable. B4). 1,31.2 7%. 3,3.

p k i\ \red. x pemp.] + to crop (off), Eze. 17, 4. - dade wa na wghon.

pau .. ntam\ to separate between. 18.59, 2.
pan, m-,H- abura no da mpaij, Ge. 37,24.
Aiupkii, cf. fwenakroii. — o-pfinf, si/n. opadifo, 18.19,10.

pankyere,+ Nu. 22,23- cf. pare. — apanta^ a kind of grass.

*o-pau-yi, m/". banishment. Ezr.7,26. La. 2,14.
*])anyin-ni, inf. eldership, office, government. 18.22,21. — mp.,
principalities. Cd. 1,16. 2,10. — *mpanyiu-akoiiuua, chief seat:
*iiip.-trabea, -trabere, the uppermost plar.e, highest seat. Mt.23,6.
Lu.14,7. — *nipanyiiViiwuma, eldership, office, charge. St. II. §5.
mpapaein',+ rupture, schism. Mt. 12^25. John7, 43. 9,16.
apapafo,+ the good. — *papani, a good, righteous person.
*papa-ye, inf. well-doing; syn. yiyeye. — *papayefo, wdUdoer.
O-papo, j!)hra- (x a) Ak. aberekyinini. — apapowa,4^ ib'rf.

papu, (xpepun) Ak. F.+ catarrh; cf. opakum. Lh.15,29.

*paradise [Ueh.] paradise, orchard, pleasure-garden. Ca.4,13.

*pasa,v. s. pasaw, pase. Ex. 2,5.
pasa, waye p.,+ he is utterly undone, he is desolate, destitute,
starving, perishing, pining away. La. 4,5. Re. 18, 17. — nipasa-uip.
*o-pasare, a thorny tree, used for building purposes and fuel.
*pasa-ye, inf. destruction. Bo. 3, 16.

mpasua,-f rank. iSa. 17,22. - ba or bae mp., f wobae kurow no

bo mp., they set themselves in array against the town. Je.50,9.

pata,+ woap. abom' ahye..mu, it is comprehended in. Eo.13j9.

pata,4- botah p., a bare rock, cf. fcrefere. Eze.24,7f.
Dipdtd, 2. H- ransom. — *mpata-ade, ransom. Ex. 30,12. — *nipatji-
afore, expiatory sacrifice, atonement. — *mpata-agua, mercy-scat.
ffe.9,5. — *inpata-da, day of atonement, Lt.23y27. — mpata-de, 4
a propitiatory thing, gift or sacrifice. lto.3,2.'>. — ^nipata-dwuuia,
expiatory work. K.§232. — *inpata-wu, expiatory death.
*nipata-boiTi', comprehension. *nip. inpaebo, general prayer.
pdtabubu,+ with a crash. P8.35,8.
o-patakn, by-names r + obonu, obonukyerefo.
nipatuw-mu,+ unawares. Job9,5. — apdwd, + /an. 18.30,24
*pa,wO J peacock. lKi.10,22. (not kob^).
*pawpaw: bo p., to do a thing quick and carelessly. pr.2308.
ainpa-ye,-h true knowledge, sound wisdom; safety, sincerity.

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pe — apeto. 611

p e , i. 4 orepe me asem, he seeks an occasion against me. 2Ki,5j.

- ^.+ koma a epe, a wiUing mind. iPe.5^2,

pe, a. 3. lie pe a owie ye, his peifection; cf. peye ; ne pe a onye
a. 8. ofii^ie ye, his imperfection. K.§166.
ape,+ check in growth, stunt; to ape, to be stunted.
pe, syn. aokasa. — pea, t;. must be changed into pi a.
apM, wura bi a n^aba ho nhwi (xeinu nsu) keka henehh.
pedua, = pidua, coccyx, root of the tail.
*pefe, a. open, plain, clear; adv. openly, plainly, clearly, freely ^

John?, 4. 11,14. 13,. 26. syn. fe, fariii, kete, pete, hann.
mpekua: bg-,+ toset light by, slight, despise* Eze.32,7. — 1. 3.
ode me ye se ne yghko. — mp.-sem, ope me de me aye ne yonko.
pern , 4.+ epem no, he stumbles i. e. takes offence at it; obii nea

epemno so di, he eateth with offence. Bo. 14,20.

i^eme,-\~ javelin, iSa. 17 6. — *peine-kurafo, /?/. m-, spear-man.
pein6, me tekrema ye p., / am of a slow tongue. Ex. 4, 10.
pempem anim, to push at each other (of hostile armies).
o-pempensifo,+ usurer. Ex. 22,3d.
*apempen-sik<a, gain of oppressions. 18.33, 15.

penipen, \A.4-to intimate, suggest, hint, insinuate; to foreshadow.

K.§ 17 1.175. - lastl.+ her calamity is near to come.
pempefi nhwi, to jAuck the hair. Ne. 13,25- Is.50,e.
*apeni-so-saibhene, captain of a thousand, chief captain, tribune.
pen, (s. huam, peii) 1. s. red. pempen. - 2. Ak. to watch one

in order to get occasion to ruin him.

pen, p. 371. 1.4. ouyaree pen.

pen, 1. distinctly; pae asem nom' ka kyere no pen! - 2, at once;

dua uom' abu pen ; 3. s. red, pehpeh 1, gyirase ye pen pen,
nipenna, 1.2. wofwe or wobobo .. 1. 3. ntama a ani ye nk.
o-pene, 3. contentment. 1 11.6,6. — mpihkyireu (xe).
*pensere [Eng.] pencil, style. — *pentekoste [Gr.] Pentecost.

pentennnereiu, a fabulous animal having two heads.

*pentenkwaw, ho-, to skip. Ca2,s. — *pepe, red. v. pe.
apepo, a small bird, wren'^ — opcpehA. (x many... mult.)
*pepe, inf. inquiry, investigation. — apepee, inf. searching.
*pepOpc, s. pe; n. accuracy, regular if y, — *pe\)()'yi}, perfection.
mpef)ewa: tase mp., to glean, nip.-tase-so, gleaning, as it were,
pere, 1. p. katirikatiri, to pant. l'8.3fi,iO(H).
pere, ,y. mpero ho mmu nteh, do it without prejudice. 1 Ti.n,2l.
perede, mpampa p., bare hills. 18.49,9.
*apere-di, inf strife. De.1,12. *o-percdifo, adversary. iKi. 11,23
n\\)evQ'\\b,-\- precipitation, hastiness, rashness. K. § 130. Ho8. 11,11.
mp<5rem6, small shot — aperenten, tu or bo ap.
apercsom,+ (written) defence. — gpesare, / i -
mpese,pZ.ir?.4-;ocA;(>fhair.ai.5,2.— opesere, i *^** opasare.
ajiese-biirow, (not ab.) -f maize of the second crop in December.
o-pete, by-names+obr6tea,opii8u-anini, huhfi-nyf^-wtVhft, kvasi-
*mpete-akwa, a by-name of the akdroma. [tipae.

*ape- tOyiw/". stunting, stunted growth; afnmduah h^., failure of crops.

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612 pew — aponnuartifl.

pe w , n'aeo ap., his ear has hevouhe duU? s. aso.

*0-p#wani, op^wadifo, uea ototo uneema nkakra-nkakra too.
*p§-ye, inf. integrity, perfection; awie p., it is perfccL K§30o
*peyefo, the perfect, upright, blameless. Fr, 1,12,10,29,
pleij V. l.to grow ihiek^ stout (£rc, see pea(x) p. 368. - J2. to press
onwardd^c, p.377f.+inframapiahyen, the mnd drives sfiips, JaS.i.
o-piafo,+ i^iskHnc^ster. Job3,l8.
*apiafo-hene, chief of the cunuclis. Da. 1,3,18.
♦mpia-kyiri, the hindmost room; oracle, lKi.6,5.
*o-piamni,i>i.in--fo, eunuch; s, opiadifo. 2 Ki. 21,12.
apiapQw. — pidiii,+ backbone. Le.3,9.

o-piesie, elder child, firstborn child. — pimpini, to go backtcard.

pin pin, the sound of approaching steps. 2Ki.6,32. of, pan pan.
*nipiiikyiren = mpokyerg, iron fetters.

pinn5, a dish of mashed bananas, greou or ripe.

pintinn,+ steady. Ex. 17,12. — apipi, bettor: apepe.
pira, 1.4. they lay or knock ... troop, gather, or ... Is.6l,io.
O-pird, pi. apirakurii ; ... n'apirakuru fifi mogya.

pirapiram\+ tojusUc one against another. Na. 2,5(6)-

*apirajpira-liunu, wounds without cause. Fr.23,29.

pi rim, p. 380. 1.7. nea opirim ne koma, the courageous. Am. 2, W.

- last 1. op. nanim pe nenkwagye akyi kwan, he earnestly strives

for his salvation. K.§257. - pirim = piriw, biriin.

piriw: bo p., bo biriin. — *piriw-l)0, ittf terror. Is.i7,f4.

o-\)itiiofo,+ a fainting person. Job22,7. - mpi-ye, stubbornness.
\iO, 4. + to set aside, make void, frustrate. Gal. 2,21. - 6\ + to
fall away (of a flower). lPe.t,24.
e-po. Cf. po-fam\ pom'. - p5, 1.2. wgny6 me se (xe).

p , 1. 4. + rebukes me sharply. 1 115,1- [by him.

*pg-bone [pow b.] wabg meho p., evil is determined against me

*pO'tam\ south. 1^.107,3. cfepom\ kese or by erehyere-fam\nifsi.
ap5hiirii, better: apowiiru; ap. bon.— pokowa,i?Z.m-, (xmpoko).
o-pokuwani, pl.m- -fo. — e-pom'. Cf nifa, 4. po-ftm'.
0-p5maf6, jpZ.m-. Is. 18,2. — *pompam, red. v. ^km.
*pompan, red. v. p^n ; p. .. ho, to prune (a tree), to dress (a vine),
pompon, better: pompon, s. pon'. Joell,7.
pompdno, 1.+ p...nsa, ~to fold one's hands together. Ec.4,o.
*o-pon-ba, an untimely birth. Ec.6,3.
*o-pon-ano-fwefo, (pi. a-) porter, doorkeeper.
*pon-ase,i?;.a-, threshold; cf aponnimase. — *opoh-kese, tjnte.
g-ponk(): *ponko-ba, horsewhip. — *o-pohko-biri, ablackhorse.

— *o-pQnkofo, *gponkg-so-(te)fo,p?.rt-, horseman.— *gpgnkg-

gua, saddle. — *aponko-nan-ase, di..ap., s. asapatc. - *apgiikg-
tama, horse-cloth, housing, covering for riding. Ezc. 27,20.

apoiVntJi, pZ.apon-nta-nta, folding doors. 2Ch.s,7.

*aponta, wing or door of a gate. lSa.21,13.

*apontow-daii, banquet-house. Da.5,l0.

%p6n-nua, + ^'de-^^os^ of a door. Ex. 12,7. — *ap.-nkvenmu.

door-post. Eze.43,8. — *ap.-ase(-do), ^AresZ/oW. lSa.5,4. tKlUjl.
Eze.4s,2.47,i. cf poll ase. — *apofiiHia-tiri, linid. Ex.12,7.22.

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popa — puw. 613

popa, s.pa i4.(xi;^): to destroy, Ge.7,4. - p. ho or mu^ to cleanse.

*rapopa-hd, iowel. — o-p6paw, box-tree. 18,41,19,
popo ^ akumd &c. — pop6p6p6, 1.3. sa (xso).
porow, J. + p. nnodua, to heat an olive-tree, De, 24,20, - 5.+
to break up (any food) Mo bits, to distritmte in order to feed. 1 Co,lS^,
- 9, poroporow gu, to overthrow, Ps, 136,15. — *porow-ade, threshing
sledge. Job 41,30, — *aporowe, threshing-floor,

po-soro-samini, a kind o^ sea-fish, — ap6-tam\ La,if3'

p5t§, nep., the certainty about it, 18a, 23,23.
o-ptjtoni = gp6tgfo. / Co, 14,11, — pot6ro-d5m. — potow, 1. 7. T wi.
pow, ^. 1. 2.+ pgw .. 80, to vaunt oneself against ; Jw 7,2. - to

wax wanton againut, 1 Ti,5,il. - 1. 3. opgw (x ueho).

pow, to appear, is puw. [grove dtc

e-pow, j;^/. a-, 6'. island. 18.11,11, s, nsnpgw. — epow, pl.B,-, (xm-),
e-pow,^^m-, lumpdtc, s.pgkgwa. — *pow-bo. inf. resolve. Ju,4,15,
*apo-wuru [epo aw.] sea-tortoise, turtle; ap. bon, tortoise-shell.
(powpaWjX s. pawpaw.)

pra, ^. pra.. kg, to destroy. Pr, 13,23. — e-pra,i>^frf. (xa-).

mpra, better: mpfina, /.+ stoeet-heart,
*rnpra-aware, concubinage; waware no mp. kwa, St. §93.
*mpra-awarefo, gbea mp., mpra-yere, concubine.
o-prae: wgpe asem se gprae. — *mprako-kuw, herd of swine.
iiiprae-s5, street, square, broad place. 2Ch.l8,9. 29,4. 32,6.
Mprac-so (xmpramit-so) j)r.«. (tc.
prania, 2. court-yard; large yard dx. = ofiprnma. - 3.a place,
street, broad way (-4c.o,i5== abonten), or open space in a town,
niprapiriwa-so, + jestingly.
prapra sika nh. to gather up all the money. G^47,14.
preko, 3. happened or done but once: kg-p., ye-p., asubg-p.
preminti, better : primin*ti, pomatum. — prfite. [K.§325.
*prlmprim: wgye pr. =kamkanri, they are lively. Ex. 1,19.
pr6in or *prum, prumpnim, the report of a cannon.
prumo = kyerebennye-bo, -haroa, sQmpIbo, tahama.
*-pfi, a, much; adipa, awupa. pr.P5«.
^apuei, Hwiapuei, the quarter where the sun rises, eoM,

piim'pa,' G. kpunkpS.
*o-|)iimpuri, inf, the rising of the smoke, 18.30,27, cf. pttn 3.
o-pumpiini, one holding tJie highest place ingovernement or power,
occupying the supreme rank in a country. lPe,2A3,

*apun-nurii [pun, aduru] fumigating-powder, articles for fumi-

gating, frankincense, perfume. — *piipii-pupu, s. yafumyare.

0-piirow: op. pa, op. ankasa, ne ho kgkg; cf. apetebi, apeterebi,

akwantea, akwantwea, kwame-tabi, akyerekye(re?); ainoakuwa.
*pariiw-twa, inf. gsram p., the getting fuU of the moon.
puw, i.+ fo cast up, 18.57,20. puw gu, to foam out, Jndeis. p.
anuodenbi'tn, to breathe out violence. P8.97,12, - to come up, come
forth, appear; dua aba no apuw = apue; anaromono repuw nsoae
no mu, living raw flesh appears in the rising, Le. 13, to. - 9. p. wusiw
(-—pun ivisiw), to smoke '\,Q,to be angry. P8.80,5. - (-puw, a.X5.-pa.)

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614 sa, sa — nsamft.


sa, sa: sa fa, half so much. Mx.S0,23.

sa, ^.-f de apgnko sesii teasegnam, to put (lie) horses to a car-

ri€Ufe. 180,6^7, - 11. sA so, to he connected, uninterrupted^ to follow
in a train. K,§244. — 8^, p. 400. 1.8.+ nwnyansa asa uetirim, kt
is at his wits end. P$. 107,27.

0-sa,-f- kyere 8a(boii€), s. kyere 7. 18a, 20 J. 9. 33. — ^fia, L3. ebe.

nsa, 1. 1. 2. pboo ne naam\ he smote fUs fiands together. Nu.24jo,

- nsam b) scU. ade, - 1.3. ode uc naa aso (xato) adwumayc mu. -
3»b) axle-tree, lKi.7,32f. - p. 401. 1. 10. ne nsam' tee, 4 Ac is open-
handed. — lie nsa y e de n , a) \.\\. he is rigorous drc. b)\.\ 2. ( -.
nsam^), he is not generous, illiberal dtc. — *no nsam' ye, he is wdl
off. — ne nsa ye hare (x or diini). — odah' or odan'n^n ne nsa, s. dan.

— gwg me nsam", he is in my power ; he is in my charge (given in

charge to me), I care for him.

sa, (x willow); s. esia. — o-sa (xg), cat.

nsa, 1.3.-f beso; 1.4. kumpraka; nsakawe, nsa-nyinyanyiuya,
asin, mfinigyer. - 1.8. mase (xmise) sa a, •..
*nsa-ano-nkyergwe, handwriting; cf. nsakyerew.
^asabtaw-mu-gye, inf. hinderance, disturbance.

*sa-bea, manner of healing; enni ^^ it is incurable.

*Asabi, pr. n., s. under asafo. — sa[)ire, blue cotton cloth.
asafo-kuma, pi. -h-, underparochud congregation. St. §-38.
*asafo-bo, inf. formation of a company or congregation.
*o-safb-fwefo, pLn,-, pastor, parson, curate^ minister.

asafo-kuw, :2.-h section, cmirse. Lu. 1,5.8. - 4. multitude. lKi.20^1.^

*asafo-niu-ni = gsafoni. — *nsa-lbro = nsa foforo. 1*^.4,8.
*asafo-sore, public worship. K.§350,

a«afo-tow, + horde, Eze.38,6. legion, Mt. 26,53. band, cohort, Ac,

*nsA,-IVa, inf. mingling of strong drink. 18.5,22. [27,1.

nsa-fufii : 1.8 -1 2 x i> - 4)+ Woapgw de bom agugu ase n'ade-

kyee de a ebebam* ye nsusa a. s. ntgteasa; ne unanii so de ye
ntunkum; ne nnansa so de ye n t u h k u n ti r i ; efi ne uuausa so kg
nhina ye nsa- pa kgpem adapen 3 n^ 4; na af'ei aye kokuro.
0-sa-afunu. — asa-giia-ase. — *sa*raaiisetb, reveller. AiH.6j.
*nsa-gu-so, inf. laying on of hands. He.6^2. •

*Q-sa-gyefo, ghene mm&ran. — nsa-hye,+ butlership. Ge. 40^21.

sakasaka,-f dissoluteness, 1 Pe. 4, 4. — *s.-bo, inf. Onyame din
B.» profanation of Ui^e name of God. K.§43. — *s.-yero, worker(s)
of iniquity.

*nsa-kawe [nsa a akaw] vinegar of strong drink ; s. asih.

sakra, Ak. sakyira,+ to go over to anotJier patiy or religion.

*nsakra-h6, change; atade us., change of raiment, a dress for
change, festal garments. Ge. 45,22. 2Ki5,22. Zee. 3,4.

sakraka, a large sea- fish. — sakraiY, I stubble, l8.j,24.

nsa-kyerew, cf. nsa-ano-nkyerewe. — sakyi, s. omununkura.^.
*nsh-kyih, pressman. l8.lfi,lo, — nsakyi-iisayam', P8.89,.33f.

sam, ^. s. ho, to surround, entangle. Ps. 119,61.

*nsa-ma, handful. Le.5,l2.

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sama — ase. 615

sania : oyiyii mma no ho nsam^ fltafita, he peeled white streaks

in the rods. Ge,iiO,37. yiyi kerabim ns., to carve chertdnm, 2Gk.3J.
o-sam&u^ 1.6. na wonam, da woabo hyirew...
asainaii, 1. 17. In negro MyihcHoyy it is said :
asaiiiau-anmnehunu-boii, Tartarus, 2Pe.2,4.
*o-saiimri-frero, ^/.a-, necromancer. I8a.28f3. 2K%.2U6.
*sanianhwi, tlie hair with which a chUd was born; abainfo ti
nbwi a wonyi kosi mfrihyia dti.
sainansew: bye wo fi s., set thy hottse in order. 2Ki.20^L
*iisam'bo-iinawuru, cymbals. iCk. 16^42.
*nsain'gow, inf. liberality.

*nsam'nye, inf. delivery y installation. Ex. 29^22. 27,

*nsam'hye-afore, consecration. Le. 8,22.28. s. astjfode.
*n8am'liye-de, tradUion(s). Qa.tyt4.
*sa-momono [sare m.] fresh or green grass. — s^nisam.

silu', 3.-\- Ma me komam^ nsan me, refresh my heart. Phile.20.

Jisaixj 2. denial of a committed act. — sanna (xq-).
(nsaneafo, nsanee, x s. nsenee.)
nsania^ balance d^c. (xns^nia) ns. ada, p. 425.
*nsania-kora, scale <»r dish of a balance. Eze.5,1,
ushmakwAumiXy just weight, scales of justice. Job 3 1,6.
*asaiikawa,i?Z.n-, bowLEx.25,29. — asankasou, laver. Ex.30yi8.
saiikfi-hdii, 2. a creeper used for tbe cbord of a mnsical in-
iisankyiri, Aky. cf. biawa, As., adafae, Akw. [strament.

*nsano, As. a weight of gold,

o-sanonifo, + winebibber, tippler. — nsa^DSla.
sduteu : mmere-s., nna-s., tlie times or days in succession, the

wliole length of times or days^ eternity. lTi.l,l7.

sapi^u. — *nsa-pon, banquet of wine. Est. 5,6. 7,2.Je.51,39.
S^raha, SalagJia, the largest of tbe towns of Nta-fufu, renowned
for its traffic in human beings, animals, manufactures &c.
*sarasara, sarasdra, s. srasra, srasrji.
*sare-so-afuruni, the wild asSy onager. Jobtl,i2. 24,5.39,6.
*asase-bere, fat soil, fruitful ground or country. Is. 6, i.
*asase-io, waste-land, unproductive or w'dd country.
*asase-ase-fo, beings under the earth,
*asase-so-fo, beings on earth. Phi 2^10.
*as^ewd, pi, n-, piece of land, plot of ground, field.
*asase-wosow, inf, earthguacke.

*{isa-si, inf, [si nsa] the solemnization of a heathen marriage.

*asdw^uiiwer4, fine linen, byssus; asdwk-t4m, linen garment.
nsa-wo-so, di-, to put the hand with. Ex.23, t.
sa-wusa, [w. a §8a bo, opp. w. a. egyina] black pepper; cf. seal.
*asa-y6, easiness of curing; enni as,, it is incurcd>le. Je. 30^12.
sc, 5.+ wose so nam, wofi adi a, wose so, they walk together,
go side by side (by the side of each other), when they go out. 8t.§10l.
o-se, inf. equality, similarity, fitness d^c. ne se a onse, hisunworthi-
e-se,-f a small artificial elevation of earth; syn. sQmpl. [ness.
ase, ii.1.5. fa ase n^ no kasa speak to hint secretly. I So. 18, 22.

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616 aseA — sensen.

sjse&j + pan (for the ashes). Ex. 27,3,

*0-se-awuo [nea ne se awn] 1. -— ayisa, orphan. Job 24,9. - 2, name
of a certain company of warriors in Akem. pr.S28S,
0-sebere-bo-ntu, aseberekyi — aberekyi.
o-se-bo, hyeh os., to blow an alarm. Nu.10,5.
ase-de a oregye, the right which he claims. K.§SO.
*a8e-de, the under part; aponima as., threshold; s. aponnua.
asedud; cf, asewa. — *ans6e, anomii hi, s. aketefo.
see, 5. n'anim asee, = wamuna, he looks sadlt/. Ge.40,7.
Q-see, pr.n, of the king of Asante. — *o-seefo, ^.a-, desiroifer,
ase-gu,+ destruction, Eze.7,25. — *ase-hu, inf, understanding,
as6-hye, 3, warning, — nseku-di,+ defaming, Je.20,lo,
O-sekyere, pr.n. 2. the district of Dwaben.
*ase-kyere, inf, explanation, interpretation, exposition ; discern-
ment; of, nkyerease. — *asekyerefo, interpreter, expounder.

asem, 1. eho asem, title, John 19^ 19. emu asein or ns., content(s) —
nea ewom\ nsem a ewoin\ - 3. pi. nsem-nsem. - 6*.+ Wonnya ho
as^m bi nka, it cannot be condemned, is unblameable. n.2,8.
nseinmojl-f6d,+ confirmation; Phi, 1,7. — gye ns., to ascertain,

to Jiave corroborated.
*QsempB.-akyiH?o, pl.id., an evangelical Christian.
*o-seinpa-kfi,fo, pi. a-, evangelist. — asenipa-iiiu-terew, mUision.
asempa-mu-terewfo fekuw, missio^iary association.
*aseinpaterew-h6-a8enkfi, missionaty speech; as. (ho adwuma)
mu mpanyimfo, the committee of the missionary socieiy; as. ho dwe-
tiri, missionary fund; as. ho nhyiam', missionary meeting.

0-semp^f6,+ adversary; lKi.5,4. Pis. 7 1,13. Je, 50,34. - os. \vg ebi-
nom nsem mu, a busybody in other men's matters. lPe,4,l5,

sen, 1, wonkwa besen ahinhim, thy life shall hang in doubt.

s eh, 2,1. osen ne kon, he hardens his neck. Pr. 29,1, (1>« 28.66.

sen, 6,1' ne h6 sen gu, he has a running issue. Le. 15, 2.-7. won-

s^n asase no so, t/ie land could not bear them. Ge..H6,7. (xdan ran ho

sen, p. 423. wo dine de sen (xsee). [ansen &c).

e-sen,pZ. ns^neafd. — *o-sen-adwuina, carved work. 2C%S^io.

nsenee, pi, n—fo = esen, Jierald,

*asen-nenneu [asem d.] rough word or answer. Pr. 18,23.

*o-sen-honi, j?i. sen-ah. carved image ox idol, 2Ch.33,7, 34,3.
*nseii-horow [asem, h.] articles. K.§ 146,1.
*nsen-hu, inf. [hfi nsem] knowledge, understanding,

asenf , + seed, l Ch. 17, ll. Bo. 1,3. Ga. 3, 16.

*asejini-agua, seat for judgment. — nsennii,+ dealings.
(ns^nia, better: nsania, balance dtc.)
*o-senkafo, pi, a-, speaker, preacher. — asenka-agua.
aseukekae,+ occasions of speech. De. 22,14.
nseiikekae, nsoroma mu ns., astrology. St. §7,
o-senkyem,+ outcast. Is. 11, 12.
as^Dsdm-ase, the edible fruit of the aseusam.
sensen, 1. nam a. s. were a §s. ho, deidap, flakes of flesh. Job4l.,23,
sensen, Ak. = sinsen, Akp. cramp, conindsions.

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nsensenS — nsiesiei. 617

*nseiisenS, shavings brought off by the plane. [G. srolo.]

*asen-tiru pi. n- [asem t.] a short sentence.
aseii-titiriw,+ emu as., Ihs chief contents.
*asentreue-di, inf. to do justice. Pr.2i,3.

*o-seii-nura, a kind of tree (cedar). — ascredewa, cf. ataknrii,

*aserehyolije-bg, inf. neighing, Je.SjO. better: mmoi'i-bo.
iiserekyiri,H-/////7A*-. Ex 28,4j. — sere-ma, cf. odima.
sei't^ne, p.4*28. 1.3. — *g-sereserefb, ;)7.a-, beggar. Jo.9,R.
*seveti, sreti [Kng.] slate. — serew-serew, drolUsh, hinghably.
sesa, V.3. to redeem. Ex.t:i,t3. — sesa, cf. sawusa.
asesjlboa,+ ote se oiiipa; tetefo se: asamanfo na edaii sa aboa.
g-sesafo, -t wicked, perverse. iV. llj. 2 Th. 5, 2.
iisesagua-de, merchandise. Eze. 27, 24. [shovel.

sesaw, L + 8. .. ko, to sweep away. Je.8j3. — *sesaw-ade,

SGSQjtobe eqnaly right, straight. — ade a esesee, equity. Pr. 2,9.
noa or nseni a esesee, right things. Fr.<%6. 2.9,16.
*sese-bere: okyena s., to-morrow about this time.
o-h6s6,+ pavilion, shed. — *ase8e-afahye, feast of tabernacles.
o-sfee, holm-oak. 18.41,19. — Heiiew-heve, time of reformation.
*ase-te, inf. understanding; cf. asebiS, n tease, nhumu.
*ase-tiin, inf. certainty. Pr. 22, 21. — *as6tra-bere, time of life.
*se-tweve^ gnashing of teeth. — *iisewhye, adjuration. Fr. 29,24.
O'S^w Aj+uncle,father^3brother. Je.S2y7-9.12. — *s^wa,wwc/e'5SOW.
*as§wa, lentiles. Ge.25,.34. cf. asedud. — ose-awuo.
nsewe, inlaid work, tessellated, checkered, mosaic work.
si, :/. 1. 6. asrfifo no gyinagyina (xsisi) b^ ... 21. 1. 2. si ntania-
dan, to pitch a tent; osii trabea no, he reared up the tabernacle.
Ex. 40, IS. - 36. 1. 2.+ to credit slaves. - 43.c) 1. 3. to agree to. Ac. 15,15.
- h) to be built up. P8.S9y2.4. (3.5). - 4:5.+ he deceives him. Job 13,9.
e-sia, pr.3622. (mframa bo no a, ey§ fH).
siade, di s., to prosper, do prosperously. lKi.22,12.
*siade-ade, gain. Pr.3l,ll. — siade-boa, gkame aye se ap.
*siade-kwah: ne kwan ye s., his way is prosperous. I8.4s,t5,
*siade-s§m, a good omen. iKi 20,33.
o-siam, i.+ meal, Ho. 8,7. cf. asikresiam.

siimo, 3. sofUy; nam s. s., iKu21,27.

*asiam-inone [asiane b.] mischief, evil, calamity. Je. 44,23.
si^ne, 5. to happen, befall. Ec.2,i4. — asiane, + evil occur-
rence, 1 Ki.5, 4. event, Ec. 2, 15. accident; as. bi asiane no, he has met with
an accident. St III§ 17.

*asi&ne, n-, descent. Jos.7,5. Je.48,5.

sianka,+ to hold back, to hinder, Ge. 24,56. to restrain, refl.

to refrain, 18.63,15. 64,12. ontumi ns., he has no rule over. Fr.25,28.

*asi-di, inf. [di asi] onam byiaroe asidim', he walks contrary to

' s i e , 1. 8. wontti mmer$ &c. [me, Le. 26, 21.

*asie-bere, sie-bew, pZoce to bury. Ge.23,4.Je.7^32* cf^ asiei.

asie-d6^+ 2. expenses of a funeral.

nsiesieij'^ordinance8,He.9,l.lFe, 2, 13. precepts, Fs. 119,4. charge,

Ge.26,5. preparations, purposes. Pr.l6,l.

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618 nsiesiehd — nsoe-haAkare.

*nsie8ie-h6, preparation, *n8iesie-mii, arrangement, disposition^

regulation, insiUtUion, ordinance, K.§5,206.214. Cf. nsisii, nhy^jee.
nsifahdjH- deceit. Job 13,9, — sigjaw, 1. 5.+ a. s. ote bo kwa.
sika, 1.3. «. kuku, a pot fuU of gold-dust (xlump), — *sika-
da-ho, dwetiri mu s., deposit, capital, stock, fund, — *sika-frae-bo,
(piece of) gold-ore, Je,6j27. — *sika-korabea, treasury; *sikakora-
fo, treasurer, — *sika-niu, fund(s), stock, — *sika-naufo, goldsmith,
founder, 18.40,19, Je,l0^, — osikapefo, lover of money, — sika-tam,
+ brocades of gold, — *sika-tan, -ten, capital, principal (capitalj,
nsim', 2, the slock of a tree. Jab 14,8, [stock.

*asin [G. aSih, Ger. essig] = nsakawe, mfinigyer, vinegar.

*sinapi, -aba, -fua, mustard, mustard seed. Mi, IS, 31, Lu,17,6.
sinseu, 2, nenah as., he is lame of his feet, 2 So, 4, 4. — 3. (inf.)
sipiripl,+ fearfulness, terror. — siren (x sirin).
*asisi, inf. ye as., to be wont to push with the horns. Ex, 21,29.
sisi, pi, id. bear; *6.-nsoroma, the constellation of the Bear.
sisia,+ the flanks. Le.3,4. [Jch38,32.

*nsisii, arrangement, institution: cf, nhyehyee, nsiesiei &c.

*nsisi-h6-adum [adum a esisi ho] = ntabo-adum, boards (of the

Israelites* tabernacle). Ex. 39, 33,

*nsisi-mii, 1, the calyx of the flower (of a pomegranate tree).
Ex, 25, 31, — 2, setting (of jewels). Ex. 28,20. — *ns.-mium, pillars,
at the entrances of the Israelites' tabernacle and its conrt. Ex. 39, 33,
asisi-sem, pl.n-,-h error. 18,32,6, feigned words, 2Pe.2,3-
*nsiso-nan, foot standing upon the axle. lKi.7,30'
siwabirijH- flax. Is, 19,9. — asiy6, 1. 2. place (x stile).
nsiyefo, pi, men of activity, (}e,47,e-
so, 7. 1. 2. d&gere. — o-so, inf. the soldering. Is. 41,7,
so: so m u,+ to appropriate to oneself, to confess. IL§8,L9.1I.

— oso nensamu, he holds up his hand, Ex. 17,11,

so, 2,-\- Qso neti, he is wayward, wilful, stubborn, obsUnaie,

unruly, without restraint, Eze. 16,30,

so , i.+ nea nnipa te kos5 nhina wo asase so, as far as men
dwell on earth; de koso se, as far as, inasmuch as, JC^'i52, - 1,1, to
attain to. Pr. 2,19. - so s o , to overtake. Am 9, 10. - 2. yeye asafo a
yensd okah, we are few in number. Qe,34,30. - so a no, to be suf-
ficient; syn, du aao. K,§232, - 4, so aware, to be fit to marry, mar-
riageable (lCo.7,36), aso se w^bebu h6 nten, U is ripe for judgment*
aso, Phr, IS, okenkan gun man no asom\ he read (it) in the

audience of the people. Ex. 24, 7.

*so: ye so, to hiss. lKi.9,8,
sga, better : sowa. — soa, i.+ to bear up, Ge,7,17, cf. ma so.
SQa-fa, soafakoro, better : sowafa &c. — nsoam', tache, ^26^33.
*nsg-ano, inf. sealing; seal; ns.-de, signet; ns.-ka, seal-ring,
aso-aso. — sobex s. sope. — sobo, 1.6. na wanto... — osoboaso.
*80-diy inf. [di 43,]: s.-ade, s.-asase, possession, inherOance..
*e-so-dua-si, inf. [si 43f,] assurance. lTh.1,6,

8 0@, 5. 6. .. nkyen or mu, to sojourn with or among, EoD,l2,4Sf.

nsoe, 1.4. op^sare. — *nsoe-haiikare, crown of thorns.

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osgfo-boafo — osorosoroni. 619

*gsofo-boafo, pi. a-, lielper of a minister, catechist ; cf, senkyereni.

— *asofo-de//>in(75 belongings to apriest; as. nsam'hye, consecration,
Kx,29y9.22. — *asofo-di, inf. ministering as a priest, priesthood;
*asofo-(lwuina, a priest's office. — *osQfo-hy§, ordination ofapriest
or minister. — *asofo-nhyia, council. Hist. — *asofo-kuw, priest-
hood, congregation of priests. lPe.2,5.9, — *asofo-kwa,|??.n- [akoa],
servant of the priests. lCh9^. — *SQfopanyin-nwuma, highpriesUy
office. K.§232.

*sot w§-bere, time of temptation. — *o-sofwefo, tempter. Mt 4, 3.

*8ofw^mU'yiyeye,proof, tried probity, approved integrity. 2 Co.
*so-fwe, inf. [fwe so] protection, guard. K.§ 168,1. [2,9.

*aso-kora, auricle, external ear. Am. 3^12.

*j[iso-ku ku wa, snuff-dish. Ex. 25, 38. [lTh.3,1.5.

som', + misom' a, eny4 yiye bio, I can no longer forbear.

s6m mframa, to snuff up the wind. Je.14,6. cf.2,24, bow raf.
^e-so-mhy inf. exaltation. K.§2.36. — *so-ma-ade, -afgre, -aye-
yede, offering, heave-off enng, oblation. Ex. 29, 28. 30,13.
*asomafo-dwiiina, apostleship. Ac. 1,25. [35^5. Eze.44,30, 45^1,
g-som-adwiima, service; charge, office; administration.
^somank^m, onipa atiko ntini ak§8e 2 no ntam* tokurn no.
*as6indwee-de, prosperity. Je.33,9. *as6mdwee-sem, words of
nsomc [Akw]. — som-m^ (x a-Y — asomorofi(xe). [peace.
nso-mii, handle, e.g. of a door-lock. Ca.5,5.
SQU, 2.+ to sift. Am. 9,9. '5. Eze. 24,23. — SQne,+ sieve.
sonn, oremfA n^h6 s. nni, ?ie will not go unpunished. Je.49,12.
ason^ (x sand-fly?) — *ason-f6 [esono afe] ivory comb; s. nwefe.
nsonno. — *Asonko, 0--ni, s. asafo.

sono, to differ. iCo.4,7. — g-sono, Akw. = k6rob6n.— nsonno.

nsono-kese, better: dawagua, dawadwa. [them. K.§159.

nsonsonee da won ntam\ there are distinctions to be made among

as6nsiia, 2. gonorrhoea? — e*s6n-Vlrer6 (xo-).

sopa,-f- gto.wo p§ = ode woasemmone a.s. woho ade a eye

tan ode ka kyere wo guam*. — sope, (xsobe) p. 446.

s 5 re, 1. 4. sore bye, to rise up against. Ge.4,8.
*asgre-bea, place of worship. — *asgre-da, pi. -nna, day of public
worship^ Sunday, feast, holy-day. — *g-sgrefo, pl.^-^^ suppliant, wor-
shipper. Zep. 3, to. He. 10,2. pi. congregation, church. K.§ 80. ~ - *asgre-
mu-afrihyia, ecclesiastical year. K.§e6. — *asgre-nsem, liturgy.
K.§f>6. — *asgre-poii, altar (in Chrietian churches or chapels),

*g-soro-bgfo, pi. -ab. angel. — *g-soro-ani-mu-kyeky$fo, astrolo-

ger, 18.47,13. — *q-sovQ{o,pl.celestialSj inhabitants of heaven. Da.7,lo,

— *g-soro-kg, inf. going to heaven, ascension; gsorokg-da or da-

pgnna, Ascension Day. — nsoroma a ekyin, better : okyin-nso-
roma, planet. — *nsoroma-fw§fo, star-gazer, astrologer. Is.47,t3.

— *nsoroma-h5-nsenkekae, astrology. — *nsoroma-son no, the

seven stars, the Bear (Arciuros) Job9,9. — *g-soroni, pl.-fo, a person
from above, from heaven, heavenly; inhabitant of heaven. lCo.15,48.

— gsorosoroNyame, the Most High &od. Qe.l4,8. — *g-sorosoroni,

the Most High. P8.9l,l. 92,1.

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620 sorow — suniplbo.

sorow, 1. 4. [G. egli]. — *sOsO, s, so. — nsosge, 4- dropping.

*SO-tefo, after pgnkg: rider; Ex, 15,1. after asase: inhahUant.
*so-t\i^a, iwf. [twa 10 a] concisian, mutilation^ Phi, 3, 2.
*80twa-mu-fo, tJwse of the concision^ the mtUHated, ih,
so w, p. 454. 1. 2.+ B. mframa, to snuff up the wind. Je.2^24,cf.
14,6. 8001. — 1. 4.-f to catch with the ears and mind: wosowe Be siade-
sem, they took it as a good omen. lKi.20,33.

sowa, SQwafa, sowansa, nsowansafa, s, soa, soafa &c.

*asowuifo, disobedient, unruly, rehcUious people. 18.65,2. TU.l,io.
*asd-ye, to hearken, hearing, iSa. 15,22. iKi, 18,29. 2K%.4,31
*sra-bere: anopa s. mu, in the morning watch, Ex,U,23.
*srade-bon, volley of fatness, fat valley. Is. 28 J. 4. — *srade-dua,
the fattaU of sbeep. Le.3,9, — *asrade-duan, a fat meal. Is. 25,6. 55,2.
*srade-hurim, ointment. Ca.l,3. — ^srade-nhm, fcU meat, 2 CkS, 7.
*asrafo-di(-dwuma), military service- — asrafo-ha-mu-panyin,
centurion. — *asrafo-kuw, hand, coJwrt of soldiers.

srahd, 1.3.+ have let him loose, left him unrestrained. Pr,29,t5.
asrakwa [asra, okwa] snuff for nothing. fK.§i89.

sram,+ asase srAm' won so, the earth closed upon tfiem. Nu
16,33, wasrdm won ani so, he has besmeared their eyes. Is. 44, IS.
*usramina-kukuwa, fire-pan. — *o-srain-fa, crescent. I8,3,i8.
*g-sran-hunu [osram h.] montli of vanity. Job 7,3.
*o-sra-nno, anointing. Ex.30,3L — *sreti [Eug.] slate.
srodo, Twi: usensen^. — nsroii = g-srono-aba.
srgnsron, jE?7.a-, Is, 30^25, — *srgnsrgii-bea,j[?Z. srgnsrommea,
high place(s). lKi.3,2, 2Ch,l^3, — sii: sQ wg, to howl. 18,65,14.
0-su, 1.+ gtg OBU gu .. so, he causes it to rain upon. Gt.2,5.
asu : gu asu, to suffer shipwreck. 1 TL 1,19.
sua, 1. 2. <o follow (the example of), 2 Th. 3,7,9.
*o-suani or -fo, p^a-fo, disciple, apprentice; suaib, follotcers.
*nsu-ani-fa, inf. sailing, navigation, voyage. Ac. 27,9.

asiib^, 4. 1. 6. gtonsu mu (xtonasum).

*asu-bura, joZ.n-, [nsu abura] well.
*sufre, sufOre [Lat.] sulphur, brimstone; syn, aduben, atodu-
*asu-gu, m/*. shipwreck, [duben.

nsugy e-adaka, pi, -n-, base or stand for the lavers iu Solomon's
o-su-ka (x n-), + conduit. 2 Ki. 20, 20. [temple. / Kl 7, 27.

o-sukgni,4- thirst for water. — sukgmdifo, the thirsty,

su-koro-ni, j?Z.-fo, monophysite. K.§228.

asiikgtw&t-gUjm/*. hail. Be.ll,l9.

sukupgn-kyergkyer^fo, professor (of a university),

nsu-kyene, nsu nkyenkyene, ice. Job6,l6. 37,9. r2j 2i.

sum, ^. s. gu, Zo cast off. Ro.ll,l. s. kyene, to cast dotcn. Pr.

sumam-mg, inf. [bo sumah] wearing of charms or amulets,
siimao, 1. syn, dohuwa. — *asuman-ne, magic arts; ye ae.,
to practise magic. Ac. 19,19. — o-siimdnnf, nea sumaii ye nedea no,
-¥ wizard. Le. 19,31. 20,6. — *asuinau-noru, = asumansem ; di
asumansem, to use magic arts. Ac, 8,9,

s\\mp\^ = 8Q,-\- pulpit, — *s^mpl-hOy plummet ; s. prumo.

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nsunomfo — ntama 621

*nsu-noinfo, a person or tree thai drinks water, Eze. 5/, 14. 16.
sunsdm, pi. &'. *siiiisiiina-l)aii, shadowy image. Fb.73,20.
*asunsumarbo, 1. 1.2.4. to (xtow) as. — sunti, v.
*nsiiohyew, hot water; ns.-aniwa, hot springs.
*nsuonwiiii, eold water. — nsurogya, 1. 2. wode ka ogya.
nsu-sa, ... on the first dag (xfive days).
*nsu-saw-ade, bucket. Nu. 21, 7. — *nsu-sawfo, drawer of water.
*DSUSOin', inf. [suso mu]: di ns., to stick together. J6bii,17.
*nsusoni'-iisa [usa a esuso guaseD mu] undersetters. lKi.7,30.
*asuso-suwa, a brook flowing only in the rainy season. Job 6, 15.
*susii-bea, way of measuring, nes. a onni, his incommensura-
bilUy. K.§165. — *susu-hina, measuring pot. Jo.2y6.
*siisuw, red. v., s. suw. — *asu-ti, fountain. Ja.3,11.
*o-su-to, inf. rain-fall. — o-sfi-tue, inf [tue J^f] waU. Je.9,20.
*o-sutiitufo, i^Z.a-, whisperer; talebarer.
saw, red. susuw, to wax old. Ne.9,2l. to be worn out. Je.38,ll.
*su-ye, inf. producing the kind or fortn of, forming. Go. 4, 19.


ta, maw of birds. — e-ta, 1. 4. akyiri yi.

e -ta, bow : okuntun ii6 ta, he bends his bow.
nta, ne kftra ye uta, he is double-minded. J a. 1^8. 4,8.
Nt4i, capitals: Pami, Yane &c. s. Otani, Ntafufu.
t a, 4. 1. 9. hyen no kotaa so, the ship rested upon. Oe.8^4. wgde
hyen no kotae, they ran the ship aground. Ac. 47,41. - ll.-\- de (nsem)
lata, to speak forth, produce (pi'oofs) , put forward, adduce (arguments),
order (one's speech). Job 37, 19. wotataano yiye kyeree, (hey stated
it more precisely. K.§ 208. tata woanamnion pepepe, ponder the path
of thy feet; gtata n*anammQn, he ponders (measures) his goings^ directs
his steps; gtata n'akwan, he establishes his way. Fr.4y26. 5,21. 16,9.
21,29. - 14. ta .. so : wata won nhina so, she exceUs them dU. Pr.81,29.
*ntaban-tiri ano, the end of a wing. lKi.6,24.

ta-daii, pi. A- [odan a woatare] a house built of sticks and plas-

tered wUh mud; opp* osese, ntamadan.
atade, 1. 5. kotu. - ohye at. a eye besi, he is dressed completely,
gorgeously. Eze. 23,12. — *atade-hye, inf. wearing of clothes.
g-tafo, pl.fi-, persecutor.

Nta-fufu,i)r.«. the tribes from Nt^ummuru to Salagha.

*tarhama, plummet; cf. prumo, silmpi-bo. 2 Ki. 21,13. 18.34,11,

takrdwogydm' na ohye, he soweth discords. Fr.6,14.

*ta-kimtuuifo, pl.id. one that draws or bends the bow, archer.
*ta-kurafo, a man armed with or handling a bow, archer.
atakuru, a small bird, s. aseredewa.
takuwa,i}/.n-, weft, braid, twist, plait or tress of hair; cue, pigs-
tail; cf. piia, t&pQ, dwerekuwa.
TakyimaD , a, country and its capital, N. of Asante, W. of
Nkoransa, E. of Gyamah, S. of Abes^m.
ntam': o-n^ me ntam' ware, he is far from me. Ec.7,23,
g-tam, 1.+ kdnkron. — utarn^, 1. a) gangaga (garega); b) bom-

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622 ntama — ntereho.

mo-nserewa, (xmm§w,) ant^kwksafo. - 2 ^negro-dress..* S.-^-curiain,

Ex.26, — ntania,+ nekings, Ib.s,18. — *atama-fura, inf. wearing
of a negro-dress. — *ntama-pemfo, ftdler. 2 Sa. 17,17. - *ntain'-fasu,
partition-wall. Ejge.40,16, — *btam'gymal*o, mediator.
*o-tam-moinono, nct€ cloth, uncarded, undressed by a fuller.
taniii-di,+ delicate living, Itixurg. Pr, 19,10. Be. 18,3.
*tamu-difOt those that are at ease. Ps. 123,4.
g-tan,+ net oftvire, treUis, grate, laUiee. Ex. 27,4.
*ntan-rian [gtan dan] the house of a woman in child-bed. Le.12,4.
*ntanhi-tew, inf. = ntanhi, ntankyinnye. — ntahhimu: ka nt.,
to swear falsely. — *ntaiikfi,-de, objectof swearing; execration. Je.42,t^.
things promised by oath. Mt5,33.
*o-tan-sifo, pl.a,-,=: otamasifo, n-, Mk.9,2. I8.7,3.

atantdnne,+ abomination; cf. akyide.

*ntan-t5fo, a perjured person, l T%. /, 10. — ntantwe : s i -, /o beat
about ^ bush (as they do by atwgbo) i. e. to search the town dx. —
atanyi,4- a fine, mulct dtc. s. atenyi 2.
*tapu, = takuwakese. — ntare-mii,+ appendix. K.§235,1.
*nta-ase [nea eta ase] saucer; foot (of a laver). Ex. 30,28.
*ntaso-tiri, capital of a pillar; syn. oduntiri. iKlT^te.
*ntasu-kora, spitting-calabash; cf. toapo. [cf. pete,

tasu-bo (+-t6). — iAtk, v. 1. s. tfi 4.11. - 2. — tataw,+ fidd;

te, V. contin. 1. te ho, te a8e,+ correl. v. trahg, tra ase. - 3. to be
by nature, to be natural: ent6 se ete bio, it has been altered, changed,
perverted from its natural state, has degenerated. K.§149f. yebea a
ete, (he natural use; yebea a ente, the use which is against nature*
i&^twom] cff mm.— t&,-\-immediate.K.§ 6. [Eo.l,2S,

*teafi, necessary, privy; cf. tea, duasee. — atemogya.

ntease, Pr.2,3.cf. asete, asehQ, nhQase, nbQmu. — 1. 3. kudo'.
*te-ban,= teheB.2.K.§237. — tebea, 2.+ appearance. Lu.9,29.
nteberefuwa, obrodebun a woanoa apoto n^ hno a.s. nno nni so.
*Q-tee, inf. righteousness; net. a gntee, his unrighteousness.
*nt6eni', cry, crying. — nte§t6ein', id.
*o-tSfo (jpi.a-) a righteous, uprigM person; syn. gtreneni.
*ateke [G. = short] a short-legged fowl, (xatekye I.&c.)
o-tekreinaf6, 1. + man of evil tongue, P».l4o, 11(12); enchanter,
Ex. 10, 11. - 2. dainty-moulhed, lickerish fellow, lover oftid-bits.

ntem, gye nt., to hasten. Ec. 1,5. — ntem-pd: ne mmusu reyeut,

his adversity hastes fast Je.48,16. — nteinpe,4- haste. 2Ki.7,i5.
atem-pd,+ wise counsels. Pr.24,6.
*atemmU'ag\x8L,'Skohii\iSij judgment seat. — *atemniii-de,ri4^/s,
manner, l8a.8,9. judgments, P8.119,7. Eze. 18,9. — atemii]u-sein,-i^
judgment. Ps. 105,5.

nten, yi -, + to convict.Ja.2,9. — nt6n-ne, statement in a law case,

ntcn-ani, cf. mfomfilniho.
*o-tentebeii-hyenfo, pi. a-, player on a flute (minstrel, Mt.9,23).
at6n-yi, nten-yi, i. 1. 2.H- reproof, 2Ti.3,l6. — 2. is atan-yi.
tere ho, -I- to go astray concerning, lTi.6,21. 2TL2,18. to be or
faU short of, not to attain to. K§178. — ntereho, + a faXHng aside

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ntereho, — tiinQbo. 623

or away J deftdcation (in faith). Bo.W^ltf, faitmty defatdt, iC^.ej.

— dntere, (xe). — atere [G. ato=:ta].

*nterewe, the opening or spreadi$tg leaves of the flower (of a pome-
granate tree). Ex.25, 3U — nterewmii,+ (firmament). Ege,l^22.
atesem hnnu, a false report. Ex. 23.

atetade, 2, a thing that costs nothing, gotten with little or no trouble.

•ntetekwa-sem, atetekwa-ye, simplicity. Pr.t,22. Ze. 45,20.
atete-sem,+ tradition, ML 7, 3. 8. cf. nsamhjede.

tetew,+ to pine away. Le. 26,39. — ntetewe,-f-|>r«y. N(L2,t2.

ntetewmu, i.+ di nt., s. di 96. — ^. tearing ; prey. Na.3,1,
tew, ^. 1. 4. otew anoma no ti, he wrings off the bird*s head.
Ije.1,15. - to gather (grapes). De. 24,21. - S. tew nsoano, to open a
seed. - 4. 1. 3. Qfweam tew faa odan no ho, the stream or current
forced its way by the side of that house. Lu.6,48f. - tew mn ko, to dis-
sociate oneself, to part, withdraw, depart. 1 Co. 7, 15. - 10.+ tew ani,
to clear up, clarify; to enlighten. K.§ 247.264.266. - 11. 1. 3.+ to be
pure; ahonim a emu tew, a pure conscience. 2Ti.l,3. n'ad^enem tew,
8. adw. - ip.+ tew., an i yera, to frustrate. Ezr.4,5.

*g-tew,in/l ambush. — tew, 1.5. rapatew. — te-were, theskin on the

points of the fingers where the "ntew" are jerked. — tew-ad#uma,
*tew-bere, time for plucking off. Is. 28, 4. [planting. 18.60,21.
*atewe, plantation, place fitted out with plants. Sze. 31,4.
*atewe, place of watch, haunt. Be. 18, 2.
*o-tewfo, lier in wait, waylayer; pi. a-, ambush, ambuscade.
ntew-mu,^. separation, parting; disruption^ severing, severance.

- di ni., to part. — *ntewmu-di, in/, segregation, separation, discon-

nection, disunion. — *atew-y6: emu nni at., they cannot be sundered.

tS-y e, inf uprightness. 1 Ch. 29, 17. Ps. 25, 21. [Job 4 1,17.

ti, 5. 1. 2.3. woyiyi mu abo a atoto mu.

e-ti, tiri, JS.-h (gable-)end of a house &c. cf. tirim. Ex. 26,28. -

ll.b) onni ti, he is foolish. Oa.3,1.3. Fr. 10,13.21. ti a wonni, lack of

understanding. - U2. B.c)+ odi ne tirim, s. di 39. St. §120. yeadi yen

tirim n^ wo rebekasa. Ge.18,27.

tia, 10. tia awi, to tread out the corn. De.25,4.

tia, i.+ to gather, lay up, treasure, red. to heap up, accumtddte

and reserve in store. Is. 23, 18. iCo. 16,2.

(Liafi X is teafi.) — o-tiafo, 18.34,16.
. ntiafunu, kicking and flocking at the same time, (xfalse st. d-c.)
tiam', to step in. — ntiaso, a) footstool; b) step, stair, Eze.41,25.
round or rundle of a ladder,
^atiatia, inf. treading (as of grapes), stamping (with the feet).
*o-tiatiafo, pi. a-, treader, at. dwom, vintage-shouting. la 16,9f.
*ntiatiaso, 1. inf. treading, trampling on.- ^.a kind ot river-fish.
*ntiatiaso-ade, a thing (to be) trodden down. la. 10,6. fQa.5,8.
ii'd8Lhj + persuasion, yielding to persuasion, assent, credulity.
*atifi-soroma, jooZc star; at.-s.-f&m', north, Job37fi. cf. kusQ-fam'.
*ntimase, inf [ase tim] grounding, establishing, rendering firm
and strong. K.§295b.
ti-mobo, oye t., he is of tender mercy, Jo. 5,11.

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624 tifitin — tobere.

*tiii tin, imii. adv. expr. the sound of stamping on the gronnd;

apgnkQ ntote sisi fam* 1. 1., the horses stamp with their hoofs. Je,47^,

tintim, 1.+ to become or be steadfast, iCo. 16,28. - (de..) tintim,

to establish. F!b,7S,5. 89^2,4.(3.5.) - ode n*aniwa t. wqu so ma booe,

he sets his eye upon thtem for evil. Am. 9,4, - 2.-^ to prevail again^.

Job 15,94. - 5. + otintim n'anim koe, Tie went presumptioudy. De,l,4S,

ot, n*aniro se gyq onipa-trgne, he feigns himself to be a just man.

^atintimma, the side of a house, pr.3385, [Ial 20,20,

atipransam: w^bo no at.=:woyi neti kora.

tirim', net. aobobo histhoughts, plans, designs, devices. A t4nA.

- won t mmaa advene, they have not yet any judgment of their own.
St.§88. — *tiriin'-adVirene, devi<'.e, Ec.7,29, — tirim'- bo, + device,
purpose. — atirim'od(^.n-s4m,-f violence. Piii.72,14. — a-tirimpow,
design d^o. — *ti(ri)-so-apam, atiri-so-pam, conspiracy, confeder-
acy, 2Sa.l5,12, 2Kx.ll,14. h.8\12.

titi, 3.-\- ode ne nsa n6 ne nan titii, he climbed up upon his hands
and feet, 1 8a. 14, 13. - 5.+ he is obstinate. Pr.20,3, - 6. titi adaru, to
paint or bemnear oneself with fragrant paint
*Atiwa, s. asafo. — ntiwa, better: ntwiwa. — ^ixw^Oj pursuer.

to J 1.+ tr, osoro too osu, the heaven gave rain. Ja.5,18, - gtoo
sufre n^ gya guu Sodom so, Gt, 19,24, - 6". oto k6 t6 bi. - 12. a) \
eho atoto mu asen were ho, the spot is lower than the skin. Le. 13,20.

tQ, 2. wato no ka ... the money accord<>d to him ... 3. to asem di.

to, ^.+ 9de won to af5a ano, he gives them to the sword. Je.2.\3L

- wamfa anto ne komam', he did not take or lay it to heart Ex. 7,23.

- to mu hk jene, to season with salt. Le. 2,13. - 5. e) ode ne kira to

mu, he exposes himself regardless of his life, he risks his life. Ffd. 2,30.

- f) to,, mu bi, to increase; opp. hdah so. K.§324. - S.a) = hje

ase, to lay a foundation. Lu.6,48, - 20.-\- to suffer (Ex. 12, 23). - 25.
cf. sopa. - 31. te or fe nt. — to, 2.-^ to come upon. Am. 9,10. - wgato
n^a Onjk. bo too won ho, they have attained to their divine desti-

t5, l.b) wat6no nsu (xne)... [nation, K.§i7C.

1 a , ^. toa asententen , K.§318. - to be coupled together. Ex. 26,1 1.

" 9. toa so: b) wgbo nsra toa no so, they encamp next unto him.
Nu. 2,5 - c) ne ti toa no so, his head stands on him. 2Ki.e,3l - e) to
follow: afe toa afe so, year after year. 2. 8a. 21,1. - f) toa.. so, to
edify, 1 Th.5,ll. - c) to be full, fat (closely set with grains, of ears of
maise^. C^e. 41,5. — *o-toa,fw/*. joining, rejoining, renewal, restoration
of a disruption. K.§1.8.

t5a, <2. red. de nehS tdatoa .. mu, to entangle oneself with. 2 II-

toa, 1.4. mfua. — *ntoae, place of coupling, Ex. 26,4. f^*-*-

nto-ano, 1. 1 . e. g. of gold-dust ... ; sum, number. Ps. 71, 15. 119, I60.

toa-ntini, a climbing plant used as a medicine,

nto-ase, 3. foundation; syn. nhyease. lAi.6,49.
ntoa-so,-f- continuance. — toatoa so, s. toa, i(?. — de..toatoa(so),
to couple together one to another. Ex, 26,3. 9. w^de s& ye toatoa wohho
«o, therewith they edify each other. Bo, 14, 19.

tdatda, 5. t. mu, b)+ to be compact, to cohere. P8.t22,3.K.§t94.

ntdatdam' Ep. 4, 16, CoL 2, 19, - systematical arrangement, orgaui-
*to-bere, time of setting (of the sun). P8,l04,t9. [satUm. K.S3^

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at5de — towfwgfo. 626

*Ht5-de, any thing that is baked. iKiJ7,12. — *ato-duau [aduan

a woato] food prepared by the bakery baker^s ware, pastry. Ge.40,l7.

*0't6iOj pi. &', transgressor. Ja.2,lt. ~ gtogyefo, jjii. etogyefo.

*iitoh6, ^Lntotoho, inf. a placing one thing by the side o/* another,

a comjmring, a parallel case, comparison, similitude, parable; type,

pattern, emblem^ figure. He. 9, 9.

autokwasafo. — utgkowa-ntokowu. — *atoko-sa, s. atoko.

ntgkwa (xa-). — tomma,+ girdle. Eze.2.3,U. — iitoiinue-nt.,
okukuban ho ye nt. (koko kakra, tiuitum worn', fufu kakra worn'),
iitguka-dubiri, pigment of stibium. 18.54,11.
Toiiko, Paremau, Soliae.
nt6iitaii,4- trellis, grate, lattice; Ex. 27, 4. anim nt., veil, Oa.4,tS.
*iitoiito-de, allotted portion. P8.16,.^>. — ak>|)e.

tore, 4. t. ase, to cut off, extirpate. I Ki.it, 16. - 5. to sink, sub-

side, decrease in volume, as liquids by coagulation; niio no ada nti,
atore; cf. anitore.

atijre-mii-de, da at, an ordinance for ever. Ex. 12,14. 17. 13,10.

*torobento-hytjiitb, pl.id. trumpeter.
torodo, torodododo, torodo-torodo, &c. okasa t. a emu tew, he
speaks readily cC- clearly.
*iitoso du, tithe, tenth; nt. anum^ the fifth paii; pi. s. ntotoso.

toto,+ t. nan mu, to supplant. Ge.27,.H6.

*atdto-atoto : mmara at., transgressions. Oa.3,19.
atoto-be, = abe a wgatOto.
o-tgtoboncfo, Ji. (x gtotobrofo) artless fellow ; fool, idiot; d;c.

atotoe (xo, 6) =r ase ak.; cf. ntotowe. — *nt.otoho, s. ntoho.

atutg-nsa, 'one who is fond of buying drinkables.
*iitotoin' [to 12.^ depressions (of the ground), dale, glen, ravine.
tutoro-bo-nsu (x 6, g) — totorotg. [Eze.31,12. 82^0. mmew-ase.
tgtorgtg, 1.2.4- (tried and) approved. Ja.l,12. - neho n'ye t.,
he shall be quit. JEjc. 21,19. - neho renye t., he sfuiU not be unpunished;
cf. sonn 1. [tithes. Oe.47,26. 14,20.

*ntoto-so, ^i. of ntoso; nt. anum anum, tJie fifth part ; nt. du du,
to tote — totgtoto, 1. 1+ of daubtful mind. Lu. 12,29.
totow, 1. to shoot, Ex. 19, 1,3. - 2. s. tow 2,1. Le. 13,18.29. 14,32ff.
biribi atotow me ho, spots (as of leprosy or other cutaneous diseases)
Jiave appeared on my skin. — *utotowe, a mark, spot, eruption, efflo-
rescence on the skin, rash, pimple; piti nt., plague of leprosy. Le.13,2.
atgtowa (xgtotowi) — (xtotoyaii is dotoyaii.) [14,34.

*to-twa, inf. [twa 1J2. 13. eto ,?.] conclusion, end. Mt.24,3.
t o w, p. 508. 1. 1 . (ohuruu fii hyen mu tog pom') - 2,1. to appear
in spots as marks of a cutaneous disease, Le. 13,18.29. 14,.3S. cf. totow.
- 6. f to wave a wave-oflfering. Le.8,27. - 12. .. (for joy). Je.48^,H3. -
1.3. tow nsu, to draw water. John4,7. 11.

e-tgw, 1. + nsu atgw-atgw, drops of water. Job36,27. - ^. wgkyere

tow fwe ase, they fall one upon anotJter. Le. 26,37.
e-tow, 1.+ (adwuma-tow), levy, 1K15,13. - 2. several companies;
several townships or communities (x a single); district; pi. ntow-ntow.
*g-tow-ad(^, wave-offering. Le.8,27. — *tow-adaka, treasury.
*tow-fwefo, pi. id. collector of income. iKx. 4, 7. [Mk. 12,41.


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626 otowt^ii — tukuw.

*g-tow-gu, inf. [tow 1. L3] casting away, Ec.3,6.

*nU>w-gye-so-d worn, 70^ou5 shouting, JeAH,H3,
*atow-gyci, place for paying custom, ML 9^9,
*o-towf^ye-iii, -fo, pl.A-, collector or receiver of customs, tax-gath-
er er, toll-gatherer y piMican, Mt.lS,I7. Ial^jsjo.
*o-tow-sika, trihtde-money.
ivkj tSna, 5. Phr, ontra ase nfwe, he does not sit and look at,
i. e. he is not indifferent (to) j not listless, apathetic, careless, regardless
(of), K,§tS9, - 6, Phr. tra ho, trii ase, cf, to ho, te ase, to lire; obe-
tra-ase da = obenya da nkwil, he will live for ever.

*atrae, v,n, place, seat; dwell ivy-place; possession; bepow so at.,

stronghold, iSa. 20,26. 22,5. lKi,to^,i9, — tram' /.^. atramwo.
atra-nnulua, nea watra dufiia so.
iitraso-ano, excessive speech, Pr, 17, 7.

tratra, thin (of ears of cor u, Gre.41^23.) ; flat (xsmooth, soft, tender).
*atreiie-de, righteous acts; justice. tSa,l2J, Ete.is,2t,
*l'riniti-da, Onyame-basa-koro-da, Trinity Sunday.
atronia, ... in Apothecaries' Weight.
tr6nitr5m,+ ano tr., a flattering mouth. Pr, 26,28, okwan tr.
til, 1.+ tutu mfuw mu ade or nnuati, to reap the fields. Ja.5,4'
- Syl.intr. to flow out; mogya tu no mu, she has an issue of blood.
Mi. 9, 20, - 14. in .. gu,+ to put down, destroy. 1 Co. 15,24.2$. - c)-\
nekoma atu 1. 2.+ he despairs. Ec.2,20. - 30^1. hnruhurow tn sen
mu, steam rises or ascends from the pot. Je.1,13. - 32. tu tare, 4- to
foUotv or purstie hard after, 1 Ch. io, 2. gko no tu taree won, the battle
overtook them. Ju. 20, 42, 45. - 34. 1.2.-f to set forward, Nu. 2,17. - p.
514. 1. 1.+ omaa gua no tui, he dis^nisscd the assembly. Ac, 19,41. -
34,1. tu (tr.) ko, to lead or carry away, to cause or force to c^ni grate.
Job 12,23. 2Ki,24, Uff. - 41. odime nsonno. — o-tu (+a-).

tiia, 1. 1.3. bonenwone .. 1.6. kuru tua meho - 3, b) 1.3. kotn*

ban no mu ; + de .. tua ananmu, to close up instead of. Ge.2,21. - 4.
p. 51 5. 1.1. now I will ... d) tuatua ano, to contradict. Ti.2,9. - 12.
tua..liyia, to besiege, lay siege against. De. 20,12.19. Mu4, 14(5,1).

iitua, J2, siege. Na.3,14. — *ntua-ban, bulwarks; *iitua-aban,

siegC'toicer. Eze.21,22.

*tu-agya, s. tugya, the bed, channel, ravine or valley of a brook

or river in which the water no longer flows, having taken another

(ntua-ntfni is toa-ntini.) — *o-tuatewfo, rebellious d^, person.

o-tiibrafo, pi. a-, + sojourner; *o-tiidanfb, pi, t., id. Le. 25, 2.3. 35.
tiiGj J2.b) ^ to pour out, Je. 48, 12.-dJ+ watue cmu-ko, he has
opened (i.e. initiated or comecrated) the going in (i.e. the way). He.
10,20. — *o-tuefo, pi a-, pourer.

o-tupya, s, tuagya, cf. obon, osubon, oka,

tui, -f oyii no tui hyee won, he moved him against them, 2 So. 24,1.
o-tiikg (forced) emigration, exile, captivity. Ezr.0,16. — *ot.inma,
atukpfo, tiMse that had been carried away, captives. Ezr.9,4. Da. 2 ,25.
tukuw, 4^ a band. Job 1,17.

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otiiin ft) — twe. 627

o-tuin f6, 1.2.+ magistrate. Lu 12,58. — 0'ii\miy+ authority. Bo.

Ll,L - nnecma nhina so t., omnipotence, K.§165.-^ i t., s. di 53. —

*tunii-de, miracle; syn. ahoodenne. — *tumide-7e, inf. working of

miracles. lCo.13,10. 28 f. —Humi-di, inf. dominion. Da. 4,22. K.§184f.

*tumi-d5m, mighty grace.

ntummoa, sand-flies. — o-tumtofo, cf. ahumfo &c.

ntniikum ... from the 2nd to the 3rd day... — ntufikuntiri,
palm-mne flowing out after the ntunkum, on the 4th day.
(o-tuntuma is atintinima.) — ntuDtiimm^.
*turom-fwefo, turo-yefo, gardener. Lu.lSJ. 18.61,5.
turuWjX nsoe turuturuw, thorns crackle. Ec.7,6.
* at ii'trh, journey, Ex. 17,1. di at, to journey {\y\th herds &c). Ge.
atutr§,fo,+ strangers, foreigners. I8.1,17. [12,9.

*ntutiii, scahy scald, scall, scutf. Le.lH,30f,

atutupe,+ strife. - atutuw,-f contention. Fhi.l,15f.
*atu-ye, inf. embrace.

t\y a, 8.+ to be ctd off. Jos. 3, 13. - 11. twa .. kyene, to cut off
((£• cast away). Fr. 24,14. - 14.-\- ennya atway^, it is not easily stanched
or stopped. La. 3,49. - 17. c) twa mu, to go or pass through^ Ex. 26,28.
to extend throughout. - f) etwaa n'asom' // sounded in her ears. Lu.
1,44. - 19.b)-\- otwa in*ano kg mu, he steps in before me. John5,7. -
J^l.+ mraa ebere biara nntwa woti so a wobetumi akaeno, do not
let pass any opportunity to admonish him. St.IL§8. - 35. 1.3. asem
no nti wodeno kotwae. - 37.+ to speak kindly to. Ge.34,3,
e-twa, 1. 4. ode neho abu atwa.
*o-twa, o-twa-adwuma, o-twa-bere, harvest. Mt.9,3S. 18a. 12, 17.
*atwae, pi. id. [twa 15] ford; passage. Jo8.2, 7. I8. 16,2. Je. 51,32.

twafo, 2. reaper. Mt. 13,30. — (twaf6r6bi,x s. kyaf.)

*o-twafwefo [twa 22] assayer. — *ntwah6-nan, wheel. lKi.7,30.
twaitwai, s. tweetwee. — twaka, + fellowship, 2 Co. 6, 14.
ntwakae, awi-, stubble. — atwakilrudu, a kind of insect. {^1..2.)
at^framene, = odwea.

iitwam'-tam, ntwamu-niohO, veil, curtain. Ex.27, 21.

twaniij misii meti ase t , I bowed down in sadness. P8.35,14.
(twapeax) twedpea. — atwj\p6, syn.-^ akBma, p5p6.
*atwaree, ford; cf. asutwaree, atVrae. Ju.3,28. — ntware6.

atwasi, di-,+ to compass round about. Job 16, 1.3.

*atwasi-tutuw, rolling or wMrling dust. I8.l7,t3.
*atwa-tani, n-, sack-cloth. — (twawtwaw,x s. kyeawkyeaw.)
iitwatoso,+ the act of rendering suspected; aspersion. K.§122.
twe, i. + twe mfetewe so, to harrow. Job 39, 10. - 2. yemaa
mframa twee yen, we let our ship drive. Ac. 27, 15. - 3.-^ to return,
decrease, sink (of water). Ge.8,3. Am.8,8. - 9. twe mu, a)+ Ex. 19,13.
long (adv.) - 21,1. to draw in (air), to pant (after), catch at, with
open mouth. F8. It9, t3l. - 25. 1.3 orekoye no, gny4 &c.+ wantwetwe
neho se obeye sa, he deferred not to do so, Ge.34,19. - twetwe nufu,
to draw out the breast in order to give suck to the young. La. 4,3.
twe, 1. to look, seek or search dx. - 1.5. mama wo. Je.50,20. -
3. twe .. so, to go over (the boughs) again. De. 24,20.

Digitized by VjOOQIC

62B twStwg — aworo.

*twS twg, the sound of a chirping bird; su tw., io chirp, IbA044.

*tw6al)ewuo, a kind of head\ s, ahene. — otwtkisee, (x-ase).
(atwebewux) — atwe-bo, inf. bo at we. — twebo (xe).
(tw^etw^e, better: twaitwai.) — ^utwd-ko, inf. seduction.
ntwemu, Akr. length. Oe.6,l5. — tweu,-i to defer. Pt.l9,H.
o-twentwemfo,+ vigorotiSj energetic. Is. 69,10.

t^ere, 2. tw. abon, to eat unripe fruit (sour grapes, Je. 31,211).

tw^r6, cf kuturuku, kot6romGd, nsdkgtd.

antw^rl (xn-) 1. pulping place. 2. nsa-antweri.
ntVv^es6 (xa-) ade a wgde twg biribi so. — otwesiini (xe-).
*twetiatwa-inu-fo, the circumcised. Phi.3,3.

twetwe .. to fam\ to let down. Ac.9,25.

*twetweredede, the rushing sound of chariots. Je.47,3.

Twikasa (x o-). — twintwam,+ to fade away. Ps. 18,45(4^).

ntwiri,+ railings. lTi6,4. — 0'twiritb,-h false accuser. 2TL3,3.

twitwa,+ to mow; tw. nnuaii ho, to shear sheep. Ge.3Syl3.

*o-twitwalb, pl.ti', mower. Fs. 139,7. - nnuan-ho-tw., shcepshcarer.
ntwivva, = akokg. — *ntwiw-aniiii,m/'. rebuke. Fr.l3J.8.

twom (xtwam). — twom, 1.3. apowuru (xosuhorii).

two-two, sgn. twe, obsc. — twotwgw, Ex. 27,2 (twow .^).

*^o-wae, inf. a falling away, apostasy. 2 Th.2,3. — *g-waero, pl.vL-,

deserter, apostate; refugee. Je.52yl5. — awaha, Ak. = aworam.
wanterema, a kind of grass* (x ear-pick).
aware, duty of marriage. Ex. 21, 10. — awaredc,+ endowment.
I K%.9,16.- *a,w'dre'gu,inf. divorce. K. §09. - awjire-gye,+cot/r/*w^,
wooing; stiit, match-making; affiance , betrothmcfit. K.§99b. St.§fJ8,
*watiri-botan, rockof offence. Is. 8, 14. c/.abew-botan, hinti-bo&c.
waw, i.4- ode bo waw neti, he put a stone for his pillow. Gr.
28, It. — 2,1 red. to further. Ezr.8,36.

*wln [Dan. Dutch] = bobesa, wine. — *wi n-dua, = obobe, vine.

*win-kjibea, = antweri, winepress. Ec. 14,19.
wo, 5.4- nea gwg ye, what he has to do, his duty, cMrge, ta^k,
business. K.§219ff. - 8, 1.2. gtow peaw no wgg gfasu no niu, he smote
the javelin into the wall. iSa. 19,10. [G. du.j

aw6bere,+<iwe of bringing forth young. Job 39,1. — g-wofo,4 a

travailing woman. Ho. 13, W. — ^awo-folbro, new birth, regeneration.
Mt. 19,28. — *awo-horow, generations, t Ch. 1,29. — *aw(^k6, calctng.
Job39,i. — awo-mma-gu-w'akji. — awo-mma-wu, odi-, — gwo
mma ma wowu. Ho. 9, 12.

*wo-mono, fresh, fluid honey, dropping from the liouey-coinb.

awonkoriiwa, a tree for fuel. [Co, 4,//.

*awo-ntoaso, i^/.awo-ntoatoaso, getieralion. Oe.2,4. Ju.2,10.

wora, l.\.l.he hid himself from me (chiefly: from a friend or

acquaintance ; (x and has kidnap me). - 3. + to put in.Eze.i9J.

o-w6ra,+ mire. Job8,n. — avvorani, Ak. awaha.

*nwora-huani, onycha. Ex.30,34.

woro, ^.-f- /o utter speech, utter fofih. F^. 19,2(3 f. 145,7.

aworo,+ the raging (of the water). Lu.8,24.

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worow — owigyinae. 629

wdrow, 2. 1. 2. to peel, he peeled. Ezt. 29^18,

wose, 2. oye neh5 w., h) he is well ordered in morcUs and habits.

*wose-yc, inf. drought. Je. 50, 38, [/ TL 3. 2,

wosow,+ io rattle. Job, 39^ 23, — *o-wosow, ««/". earthquake.

*avvowa-si-de, pledge, thing(s) put in pledge. Eze. 18, 7. [Eze. 38,19.

*awowa-tama, pavmed garments. Am, 2,8.

wowaw, to sustain, Ge, 27,37, — *awQw-bere, s, awobere.

*i\^owqe, piercings, Pr. 12,18, sting, 1 Co. 15,55.
*awo-yaw, pains in producing young; cf, awoko-jaw. Job 39,3,
awo-ye, 6y^-, is said only of beasts. [In,66,7.

w'u, 1.5. gdae wansgre bio. — *owu-asore, funeral service,

rites or solemnities, funeral sermon. — *owu-bQfo, angel of death.
— *awudi-som, murders. Mk,7,21. — *awudurn [owu-aduru] a
deadly thing, poison, Mk.16,18. — *owu-fida, Good Friday. — *a-
wuib-sgre, resurrection oftlie dead; s. owusgre. — *owu-nna, sleep
of death. — wu-nya-kaw, debts of a deceased person (x caused by
/*. c). — *awu-nnya-iiiaii, a people of inheritance. De.4,20, — *o-
wuiiyaiVda, tJie day of Christ s resurrection, Easter-day, = owusgre-
da. — *o-wii-DyaM), jpZ.a-, a person risen from the dead. K,§246.
awugsoii [Eng. auction], — awupu, speedy dt painful death.

wura, i.+ gde m^om&wurAVfui'Aa. AdakA no ho he set the staves

*wura-di, inf. dominion. Col, 1,16, [on the ark. Ex,40,20,
*awiira-kwa, pLu' [owura akoa] fdlow-slave, fellow-servant.

*wura-twa, inf. mowing of the grass. Am,7,l.

*o-wusorc-da, Easter-day, = owunyaiida.
o-wnyjir6,-f sickness unto death. — *owuyare-dom, pestilence.


nwcife, = asonfe.

o-wekomma , a country cloth woven with cotton or silk thread,

awnne, watch; watch-tower, look-md, observatory; cf, afwee.
were, 2. h) 1.3. na dabi (x a) gde bcye &c. — ohu ne were bg,

he learns to cofnfort or console himself, pr.582.

were, 1.4. (xohu newere bg, &q... pr.582,) belongs to were.
*g-weredifo, revenger, Ps.99,8. — *o-werefirifo,/i>r^ef/w/i>er5on.
g-werefo, avenger, Fa. 8, 2(3), Na.1,2. kinsman.
nwerewa, 1.2. they settled (+ finished settling).
*wew(jwe, n., cleanliness. — *wewgwe, a. lively. Ps. 38, 19(20),
II we wee, a fretting (leprosy) in a cloth. Le. 13,55.
*wewow, red. v., s, wow. Je.50,38, — e-wi, Ak. ewio.
o-wia, inf. 1. 2. concerning her ad. — o-wia, 1. 3. shines on me.
awia, 1.4. as well as in the day. — *awia-fi, inf. sunshine.
*o-wii\-kwaii mu nsoroma, the constellations of the zodiac Job
*o-wia atrae nsoroma, id. 2Ki,23,5. [38,32.

*wiasc-bere, time or period of the world, ages. Ep,l,2l, 2,7*

*wiiuse-amaii, tfie nations of the world, heathen, gentiles.
wie, 1.1 2.4- ase bewie won den? what will be the end of them or
to fhem'i' i Pe. 4, 17. - 2. 1.5. his face seems familiar to me (as if...)
1.7. acquaintance. — *o- wie, in/*, finishing, completion, conclusion.
awifo-sem, 4 thefts. Mk, 7, 22. — o^igy inae, 1. 2. point (xstand.)

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630 e\frim' — jere.

e-wim\ 1.4.x do, 1.8.x present.

*awi-porow-ade, threshing-carl, -insti^umcnty -machine.
*awi-porowe, threshing-floor, iSa.23,UDa.2^3n.
awiriwd, cf. biawa, nsankyiri, adafae.
*wiriwiriwa, pi. h-, a kind of sea-fish.
*aVi^i-twa, inf. wheat-harvest — *awitwafo, reaper. Je.9,32.
*Vriw, s. wQ. Ps. 48,4(6). — *awi-yame, mill Ec.i2,4.
V^Oi 1-4. thai were here. — wo, /.+ afraid (^intimidated).
wow [red. wewow]x 3. neho awow, he languishes, -ft. toifi^

*yafum-ma [oyafunu,oba]i)Z.td. fruit of the hodg, off spring, one's
own child; mey., son of my womb. Pr.31^2. 18.49,15.
yafum-yare, any sickness in the belly; 1. 2. ahye.
yam' p. 554. 1.6. relief (x release). - 10,L won yam' ad wad wo
won, their hearts have been refreshed, Fhile.7. — ay im'de, + Mc in-
wards.. Ex, 29, 13. — yam'gya, exasperation, grief; ohyeno j,,+ she
provokes her, lSa.1,7. — ohyehye neho y., he frets himself. I8.s,2!.
ayam'hyeehyeew, nnya neho ay., fret not thyself because of him.
Fr. 24,19. — ayam'ye,+ n*ay. doso, he is very kind or compassionate.
— oyam'yefOjXmerct/wZ. Pr.li,i7. 19,6. — *ayam'y i-ade, /re<*iri//-
offering(s). — *ayam yi-so, of a free will, willingly. Le. 22, 18. 21.
*o-yare-f^efo, tender of sick persons; nurse. K.§ 262,1.
*ayarefo-daii, infirmary, hospital.

o-yaw,H- railing. — e-yaw,+ ney. kaawon, they were sore. Ge.

yawd, bowl. Zec.l2~2. [34,25.

yaydy^, = basabasa; ye .. y., = bo gu (x to disgrace),

ye, 4. c) 1.6. newofase na odi. — 7. 1.2. menstruation.
ye, p. 560. 1.2.+ eye kyeh so, it is better. He. 11,35.40.
ye, a. 1. 5. the opportunity /x conveniency dtc.) of doing it.
aye, i.+ de .. ye .. aye, to bring an offering of. Gt.4,3.
ye-bea, + performance. K.p. 63.
aye-de, 1. a thing made, work, 18.29,16. - ^. duty. De.25,5.
o-yee, Aky. a kind of reed.
o-ygfo, 1. maker, doer. - ^. mischief-maker dtc.
*o-ye-koro, a single wife; gy.-aware, monogamy. K.§98.
*y§m-mea [oyen bea] pasture; cf. adidibea.
ayemfo, i.+ a modest man. P8.lo,8.lo. 19,7(8).
*ayemfom', in a modest, simple way or manner. St. §121. t24.
ayem-moa, J2. animal fattening or fattened for slaugJUer, fatting.
yen,+ <o cherish lTh.2,7. — oyeh, inf. instruction. 2 11.3, W.
*o-yeh-dan, stall, stable, fattening-house. Am.6,4.
o-yenfo,+ (schoolmaster) tutor, guardian. Ga.3,24f. 4,2.
ayensa', cf. ah^^nstd. — *yenyem, red. v. yem. Qe. 30,38.41
*o-y§-prek6, a making once for all. K.§229.
*Q'yera, inf. perdition, destruction; abolition. Ob. 12. He.8,w.
yere,jp.563. 1.2. smooth (xplain)..\.3.+ gyere nehonama-
hogden mu, he exerts the strength of his body. St. §.113. - 1.4. rigid
(xtense). - 1.5. + oyeree ntamadan no kataa trftbea no so, he spread
abroad the tent over the tabef^acle. Ex. 40, 19. - 4. 1. 2. asem no nyere

Digitized by VjOOQIC

yere — ayoiikOgoru. 631

so, the case or matter is a hardy diffictdt, grievouSy Imnous one* St IL

§14, - 4. 1.8.+ se enjere so a, gnko sa, except in case of necessity
he does not go to war. St. §137.

o-yere. Of. gyekoro &c. Oyerenom dodow aware, polygamy.

ayere-dodow, polygamy. — *ayerefa-seiii, adulteries. Mk.7y2t.
ayenmi, 1.2. there is no longer (^xmorc^...ayereni, 1.4. shall
interfere (x touch) to pacify them. .A. 7. set them to a fair trial of
strength. — yorew, 1. 3. on (xin) blotting-paper,
ayeware, di ay. (=di aware), to intermarry.
^Jtyt-y^d^? ^ ^^^^ ^^'^- J^c.OfJ. cf. ay^ydde.
*ayi'y(3de-ina,m/'. oblation. Da. 9/27. — *ayeyi'dej praises. 18.63 J.
yij 7. h) + yiyi mu, to purify. Ps.l2,6(7). - ll.-\- oyii n'anim
siesice ogye no de bae, he directly prepared and procured salvation ;
wanyi n^anim na osiesieewou maa ogye no, he indirectly prepared
them for salvation. K.§207. - J23.+ nsa yi n'ani, the wine gives its
.sparkling. Fr.23,3t.-J2i. yi kyere,+ to display; to show, TU.2,10. -
34. 1.1. + also: yi..tow gu, lPe.2,i. - yi..ga, to cut off. Ex.23y23. -
37, yi..kyere, a) s. 24. - W to commend. lCo.8,8.

nyi'iinOyinf. defence; cf sinoyi. 2Ti4yi6. — *oyi-an6ina, /bw^^er.

(oyit?, s. oyee.) — o-yifb, J2. catcher, Mk.1,17.
*o-yi-ko, inf. a taking away; oy. adwuma, a negative task. K.§221.
o-yima,+ a fair, handsome person &c. — yiri, 1. 3. ay. aw. no ma.
*iiyiri-srain-so, in/*, an overflowing y floody inwidation. Da.9y26.
*nyi-s6, a part separated for an oblation, for a specific purpose
or possessor. Eze.48,9'12. 20 f. — ayit5tonl, pl.-fo.

yiy6:-\- di y., to prosper. iKi.2,.3. — *o-y iye, |)i. a-, a person

goodly of form y fair, handsome. lKi.1,6. Job 4;^, 16. — ayiyedi,+ se-
curity. — *yiyt^dil(), (hose who are at case. F». 69, 22(23). — yiye-
ye, f doing good. He. 13, 16.

*a ji-je, inf. [ye ayi] mourning. — *o-y iyofo, pi. a-, mourner.

yiyi,+ to shave oneself. Ge.4l,l4.

nyiyianofo, gainsaying people. Bo.lo,2t.
nyiyim',+ election. Bo.9,ii. li,5. nnipa mu ny, n^ animfwe,
respect of persons. Bo.2,il. — *iiyiyim'so, by paHiality. lTL5,2i.
*yoina-lbro, a young camd. I8.60,6. — y(}fiii,-f Je.19,3.
g-yoiiko; *yonk5-deduani, fellow-prisoner; y. -difo, fcUoto-heir ;
*y.-adwumayeni, companion in labour, fdlow-labourer; *y.-8rani,
feUowsoldier;d;c. — ayoiik6fa-di,cowm«wio». K.§342,t. — ayonk5-
goru, 1. 3. ... expense.

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printed in 1871.

1 Mose 3,8. mommfa monsa... 6,6. abirempon - 43,31. Qhehoroo

n'anim, + na ofii adi, ... 48,20. de wo behyira — 2 Mose 26, 32.37.
27,17. fikotokoro (x iikoropee) — 3 Mose 2,2. gmfa mmerc — oMose
12,2. mdnsee osommea (xmma) ... anyame + wo ho, ... 26,12. adepa
... no nhin& ho, - 28,12. wode (x wode) — los. 9,23. woadomemo —
1 Sam. 6,18. Na adanse ne bo kese (xna ede koduu (Abel) ... ho) -
19,l.obekum (x w6nkum) - 20,30. Wo a woatoa atuatew mu kora!
(x bea ... ba) - 2 Ahene 13,7. mfutuma a wotia so (x gporow mu
tutuw). — Hiob 11,10. hena (xhene) - 19,18. mise mesgre - 26. me
wer§ a wgaseeno yi akyi, na minni mehonam mu a, mefwe... 30,14.
pirew (xyirew) - 41,31. beky^ky^re (x bekyeyere). — Nnwoiii
16,11. da(xda). - 57,9. 108,3. adckyge-hema - 89,48. wiasebere -
116,8. asefwe- 119,9. so(xbo) — Mnieb.4,22. wohu(xwohu)- 7,22.
se poky ere da ho ma ogyimfo asotwe, (x anase ... mu,) - 10,16. yenya
(xadeye) - 25,4. ogufo - 23. wo ...wo (x wg...wg) - 30,10. nnni —
Oseiik. 1,16. kam (x kam') - 8,10. wghych [wgh home] mu; (x wgma)
- Sal. dwom 5,15. amapa - 6,10. adekyee-hema - 13. Neaete (xOte)

- les. 5,17. atutrafo - 7,15.22. nufusu-dae (x nufusu, nufusu mu

srade) - 14,19. se atgfo...nkataso (x no.. so) - 21,3. asem a mete uti,
... ade a mihu nti; (x §mma mente...emma mihhil) - 25,4. ahome
(xhonhom) - 5. dwae-dwom (xdwaeye) - 31,9.8a (xsa) - 33,6. nV
korade. (xgman no ak.) - 37,21. Assur bene Sanaherib - 41,3. sonn
sonn - 44,12. Otomfo sew nWwinnade (x Adw.t.) - 52,12. abgmo
(xme) kyidgm. - 53,8. na n'asefo abusua, hena na obe^usuw ho aka?
n^ wgafwim ... ekaa no. - 12. mama no nnipa bebre no, na ode aho-
gdenfo akye asade: - 62,10. franka. — ler. 6,16. Yerennantew -
8,16. mmghbg (x aserehyehyebg) - 15,2. n'kg - 18,14. pa asaseso b.
(x m') 32,9. dwete sekel dunsoh (x sekel... du) - 38,7. wgde (x wgte)

- 48,32. nnnaba-tew (xaduantwa) - 33. awifuw (xKarmel) - 49, la

mema(xmeye) - 50,11. mmgn (x aserehyehye) — 7,9. eye roelehowa
(xmene Yeh.) -21,14. beba (xbebu) - 26,4. botan ferefcre (xabosam)

- 29,12. meye Misri asase pasa wo nsase a aye pasa mu (x Israel ...
ah6dwiiide)-33,28f. 35,3.7. pasa (xahodwiride) — Dan. 2,14. Daniel
de agyinatu n^ lihOmn ka kyeree - 10,6. [epo] huye 'ne (xasafo
V^uw nS) - 11,20. aba ahemman no h&ranne (lerusalem) mu (xafaah.
no hyetae mu), - 24. gbebg - 12,8. akyiri awiei — Hos. 7,5. Yen bene
da no asafohene de nsa hyew na efi ase; — 13,2. wgn ara na nnipa
a wgbg afore no ka asgm kyere won ; — Mik. 1,11. Bet-esel (xBet-
el) — Hab. 2,10. mmoaano (x twitwagu), - 3,10. hinhim (xkyen-
kyem); — Sak. 5,3. nk wgnam so pra awifo hhina fiha, nawgnam so
pra ntankekafo nhina fi ha. - 6. wgn afwede (xfwebea) - 5,11. Wgde
rekg na wgasi dan amano Sinear asase so, na wgasiesie na wgde no
atra netrabeahg. - 6,2.Tea8eenam a edi kah no, apgnkg kgkg wo
h5 ; na teaseenam a eto so abien no . . . 7,5. mmuadadi - 8,5. wgagom

- 1 1,7. adgeye ... nkyekyebom' (x bete ... nhama).

Digitized by VjOOQIC



Foreign Words occnrrlBS in the Tsbt Bible,

or taken from P]uropean Languages.

1. Proper Names of Persons and Places

have been adapted chiefly to tlie writing of the same names in
English, sometimes also to the German and more frequently to tlie
original Hebrew or Greek forms. Letters not heard in pronun-
ciation have been omitted; sounds or letters not used in Tshi have
been replaced by more congenial sounds or letters. In the termi-
nations of Greek forms the final s has been omitted. Tlic pronun-
ciation^of the letters is the same as in genuine Tshi words, not as
in English. — A list of such proper names need not he given here.
2. Some other Foreign Names of Personal Beings are:

diabolo [Gr.] devils Be.20yS. = gbonsam, Satan, Belial.

antikristo,i?/.-fo, adversary of Christ. lJohn:2^iS.

kerub, ph kernbim, cherub. G^.3,24. Ex.'J5,19. lKi,6,25,

seraf, pL serafim, seraph. Is. 6, 2.

o-daemone, nasTreni, s. pp. 575. 606.

3, To these we add some Names for Religious Objects:

terafiin, abusuahoni, household deities, images. Ge.31. lSa.l9.

elbd, asofotade, nnuguso, ephod, Ex,2S,6. Ju.17,5. lSa.23f6.

uriui-n^-tunimim, haiin ne nokware, lights and decision? Ex,

[28y30. Le8,8. 1 Sa,28,6.

4. Names of Times,
a. Hebreiv MontJis (from March or April to March).
1. Abib or Nisan. 2. Sif or lyar. 3. Siwan. 4. Tammus. 5. Ab.
6. Elul. 7. Etanim or Tisri. 8. Bui or Markeswan. 9. Kislew.
10. Tebet. 11. Sebat. 12. Adar.

b. European Montis.
l.Ianuari. 2. Februari. 3.Marsi. 4.Aprili. 5. Mai. 6.1uni. 7. lull.
8. Angusti. 9. Septembere. 10. Oktobere. 1 1 . Novembere. 12. Desem-
bere. — The Tshi names of the Months see under osram, the Days
of the Week see Gr. § 42,4.

c. Names of some Christian Festivals.

Epifani-da, Pentekoste-da, Triniti-da.
(The Sundays from Sexagcsimae to Exaudi, see Kurtzp. 128 f)

5. Names of Animals.
behemot, susono, hippopotamus. J6b40. — drako, s. p. 579.
lewiatan, odenkyem, crocodile. Job 41. — kiisida, s. 588. 596.
For all the other animals mentioned in the Scriptures correspond-
ing names have been found in Tshi.

6. Plants and Productions of Plants.

absinti [Gr.] awgnwene, absinthium^ loormwood. Ec.SjU.
dljrum- or almug-dua [Heb.] almug-tree, red sandal-wood.
dloe, aloe-dua [Lat.] aloeSy lign-aloe. [cf. ela-dua.

Allon-dua, elon-dua [Heb.] (odum,) okum, oak. €h.35,8. Is. 6,13.


Digitized by VjOOQIC

634 Foreiy:n Words. Plants. Minerals.

amiindola, -aba [Lat] almond. Ge.43,11. Ex,25,33. Nu.t7,8.
aniomon [Gr.] amomum, grains of paradise. Re, 18, 13.
cliiise [Gr.] anise, andhiim, dill- Mt. 23,23.
asera-dua, pi, as.-n- [Heb.] dua kyeri^benn, apow-mu-adum,
Asherahy pi. Asherim. Ex. 34, 13, Jii.6,25. lKul4,lo.
asur-(or tea8ur-)dua [Heb.] box-wood, Eze.27,6,
l)aka-dua[Heb.] haka-tree, imdherry- or balsam-tree. 2Sa.o,23,
barle [Eng.] barley. — bedola-hye [Heb.] bddlium. Qe,2,12.
berOs-dua [Heb.] s. dibo-dua, kupresi. 2Sa,e,5. iKi.s^S-
dndaim^ odp-aba, ntorowa, love-apple, tomato (mandrake), Gt-
tlla-dua (el, alia) [Heb.] odum, dupgn, s, terebinte. f3o,i4.
elon-dua, s, allon-dua. — esel-dua [Heb.] s, tamarise.
c^albano-hye [Lat.] galbanum, a gam-resin. Ex.30, 34,
gofer-dua [Heb.] gopher, cypress. Ge 0,14. s. kupresi.
tj^ranate, gr.-akutn (atoropo), pomegranate, Ex. 28,33. Ca.4,13.
harmon-dua [Heb.] plalane, plane-tree, Oe,3o,.S7.
hisope [Gr.J (cf. adwere, nsomme) hyssop. Ex.12, 22, lKu4,33
kdlamo [Gr.] calamus. Ex. 30, 23. [P^,5L ffe.9,19.

kiine [Heb.] x>recious or sweet cane. ib. Co, 4, 14. (die. 6, 23),
kdrkoni[Heb.l crocus, saffron, ib.— kAs\a[Gr.]cassiu. Ex.30,24.
kinaniomon, kinamon [Gr. Heb.] cinnamon, ib. (&Be.l8j3.)
kofer [Heb.] henna, alcanna, rypirus, Ca.l,l4. 4,13,
kumine [Gr.] cumin. 18.28,25. Mt 23, 23.

kupresi, k.-dua[Gr.] cypress-tree or wood Fs, 104,14. Co, 1J7,I$.

Iddano-hye [Gr.] ladanum (myrrh). Ge.37,25. 43,11.
libne-dua [Heb.] storax-trce. — lus-dua, almond-tree, Ge. 30,57.
•man, mana [Heb. Gr.] manna. Ex. 16, 15.
mire [Gr.] aneneduru, myrrh.
mirite-dua [Gr.] myrtle; s. ofwannua.
narde-nno [Gr.] spike-nard, a fragrant oil.
[)istasi-aba [Gr.] pistachio-nut, Ge. 43, 11.
votem-dxi&[iieh.\ genista, broom- wood. lKi.l9,4,(F^.120,4,akfi8e.)
sene-dna [Heb.] a kind of bush. Ex.3,2.
sikamlne-dua [Gr.] mulberry-tree, 2Ch,9,27. Lu.l7,fj,
sikom6re-dua [Gr.] fig-mulberry, 1 Ki 10,27. Lu.19,4.
sinapi, s, p. 618. — sitim-dua [Heb.] acacia wood. Ex. 25,5.
tamarise-duU [Lat.] tamarisk tree, Ge. 21,33. 1 8a. 3 2,6. 31,13.
teasur-dua, s. asur-dua.

ter(4)inte-dua [Gr.] terebinth, turpentine-tree, s. ela-dua. fe

35,4. Ju. 6, 11.19. lSa.17,2,19. lKi.13,14. 18.1,30. 6,13. 61,3.

7, Minerals, Precious Stones.

Most of these names are taken from Vie Greek and are fmmd

in Ex.2S,17ff. Re.21, isff,

adamanli-bo, diamond; Eze.28,13. Zec,7,l2, cf, yaspi.

agiit(% mfrafrae-bo, agate.

alal)Jistre, alabaster, a white, semi-pellncid stone.

ameliste, beredum-bo, amethyst,

berillo, (soham-bo,) apopobibiri-bo, beryl.

hiakfnti, afasebiri-bo, hyacinth. (Re. 9, 17.)

kalkedon, bohem ma-bo, chalcedony.

Digitized by VjOOQIC

Precious Stones. Measures, Weights, Coins. 635

karbunkiilu fLat.] nsramma-bo, carbuncle. Is.oi.lt. cf. rubi.

krisolite, sikaberee-bo, chrysolite or modern topit2.

kriso prase, ntomme-bo, chrysoprase.

kristalo, afvvefwe, crystal. Be.4^6. 22,1.

liguri, akutuhono-bo, ligure,

margarite, ahene-pa, j^>earZ. Be, 2 1,2 i. — marmare-bo, marble.

rubi, bogya-bo, ruby. 18.64,12, cf, karbuhkulu. [jBc. IS^IJ.

satire, hoa-bo, sapphire. Job 28,6. 16. Ca.oji. La. 4, 7.

sardi, bogjanftm-bo, sardlm, carnclian.

sardoniki, bgwerebo, sardonyx, onyx.

smaragde, ahabamraono-bo, emerM.

soham-bo, s. berillo. Ex. 25,7. Job2S,16.

tarsis-bo, s. krisolite. Ca.5,14. Eze.l,t6.

topase, akrate-bo, tojmz, modern chrysolite. Job 28, 19.

ya^spi, afwofwe-bo, ^'a5/;er or ratber diamond. Be. 21 ,11. 19.

The Tshi names proposed for the before- mentioned precious

stones, alphabetically ai-ranged, are the following:
beredum-bo, amethyst.
bogya-bo, ruby. — bogyanam-bo, sardius.
bohemma-bo, chalcedony, — bo we re-bo, sardonyx.
mfrafrae-bo, agate.
afVi^efwebo, diamond.
ababammonO-bo» emerald.
lioa-bo, sapphire. — akratebo, topaz.
akutuhono-bo, ligure. — apopoi)ibiri-bo, beryl.
sikaberee-bo, chrysolite.
nsramma-bo, carbuncle.
ntommc-bo, chrysoprase.
8. Measures, Weights and Coins [mostly Ueb.].
bat, twahina, bath.
darike, sika d., daric.
denare, denarius (penny).
(»ta, susuw-korow, snsnw-topo, ephah.
gera, gerah.
gomer, gomcr, omer.
bin, susu-toa, hin.

homer, afurum adesoa, homer, chomer. — kai), cab.

kesita, dwetebona, apiece of money, Job 42, it.
kor, koro-kese, opodo, corus.
letek, letech. — log, toa-ma, log.
mane, maneh, mina, pound.
sea, susuw-ade, berefi, seah.
sekel, dwetebona, shekel.
stade {pi. stadia), akwansimma, stadium.
talente, dweti-kese, mmcna-duasa, talent.
talente-bo, the weight of a talent.

For references and comparison with English measures &c see English books.

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GoM Welslito wed in Akent and

5|i $■





f ,


1 '


V2 .. .











= F. simpowa.


2 nkk. 2^mps. 8.


1 Vsi

= F. Ukuia.



6| %

As. dommafa


7 Vh


Ak. agyiratwefa


^ 1,

:= As. borgfofa.

Ak. dommafa

9 .

= As. agyiratwefa.

Ak. bgdommofa

lo; .,


= As.nsgwansafaV

As. »
ll! .'


12 17,


13 .

As. d^mind
14 .


uDomauu ~ 11 1. 24?

Ak. agyiratwe


16, 2,1

= As. borgfo.

As. »


Ak. d6mind

18 !il


Ak. bodommo



= As. sgwansa?

As. »

22, .

. 1!


24' 3



= usowakoro 2.

Ak. »

30 .



2 As.dwoasuru,iit28.

Ak. dwowasuru

32 4


=^ Ah. anamfisoru.


36 472

peresuru, As.

40 5

, ,




As. asia

48 6


— sgwafakoro 8.

Ak. »

54 .

, 10

= sgwafakoro 9.

As. dwowa

56 7

i 11

namfi, As. *

60 .

Ak. dwowa

64 8


= As. uausiia.


72 9

► '

nnwowa mniieiiu

. 16


1 6 akies =^ 1 ounce, t

id. ne dwoasuru


, 1<)

If 1 oz. i8 valued at




: 1





table muKt be cor-



1 4

rected accordin^lT.



I 2



, 3










Digitized by VjOOQIC

(teographical Appendix. 637


€i}£OGRAPHY of tbe Gold €oa(»t and Inland Comitries

in which the 'J'shi Language is spoken or understood.

I. Enumeration of Countries, Towns and Villages, Waters and

Mountains, Kings &c.

with Historical and Ethnographical Remarks.

Here we give only, aa it wei*e, a framework for a future Geography

of the said countries. — The ahhreviations "E., N., S.,W." stand not only
for "EaHt, North, South, West," but also for „to the east, eastern, easter-
ly &c. — Other abbreviations are: jBr.=Brackenbiiry (the AshantiWar,
1874). CV. = Cniickshank (Gr. p. VII). d=died. — The years added to
the names of some Kings are years of war with Ashantee, or of treaties
of peace, or of some other historical event.

A* South-western Group of states and districts on the Gold Coast.

!• Asini or Atakla country, about the lower course of the

river Asini and its lagoon, and N. & W. of the lagoons of the river
T4nn^. — Capital: Kwantiabo (Kinjaho) or KorankySabo. King:

2« & 3. Anka & Afuma, on both sides of the river Tanno.

Of these three countries, not included in the Gold Coast Colony,

of their language or dialects (see Gr. p. XXH) and their relations to the
French stations or settlements at Grand Bassam and Asini and to the
Asante Kingdom, we have no reliable information.

4« Am an ah i a (Apollonia Atuabo, Br, IL p. 861)^ from the

lagoons and lower course of the river Tanno to the mouth of the
Ankobra river. Towns: Apollonia or Benin (Banyin, Behien?);
king: Amakye, 187S; Nyanepoli (Nadepuli, IngaUipcHy Br.); king:
Ble {Blay, Beree, Bire?) t873. — Former kings : Kwaku Aka (1835.
1848. Or,); Bahinie.
5. A nw on wit, Awowin, Awini, a country N. of No. 4.
According to R. J. Ghartey of Anamaboe the language of Aowin

is spoken in Asini, Aowin, Apollonia, Ahanta, Wasa.

6. Safwi, Sahwif Sawce, a country N. ofNo.5&8, S. of No.32,

6-7 days' journey (according to Bowdich 8 journeys W. N.W.)from
Kumase, tributary to Asante before 1874.

Some maps have the name in 6^26', others in 6'' 46' or even 7** 16'.

?• Ahanta, from the lower course of the river Ankobra, in-

cluding the districts 0^ Axim, Adwemmeru, Akoda, Mffima (Dix-
cove) &c. and Ahanta proper from Busua to Sakunne (Seccondee).
Towns: Axim, Akoda, Mfuma, Busua, Butiri, Takorade, Sakunne.

8. Was aw, N. & E. of No. 7., extending on the sea-coast from

Sakunne to Akatakyi (5. No. 7 & 1 1 ). The Wasas are said to belong
to the Guan nation, but speak an Akan dialect not very pure. The
gold found in their country gave them a name. Wasa is divided
into two states: 1. Western Wasa or Wasa Amanfi, king: Apeko,
capital: Aheneberem, and J2, Eastern Wasa or Wasa Fiase, king:
Animiri, capitals: Amantea (Amantene?) & Takwa; coast towns:
Aboade & Esiama (Saraa, Chama).

9. Twiforo (Kwiforo, Tshuforo, Juffer, Tufd\ a country be-

tween Wasa, Asen & Adanse. The inhabitants belong to the genuine

Digitized by VjOOQIC

638 Gold Coast Colony.

A kaa tribes. Capital: MampQD. Kings: Owusn Oku, 1831, Kwa^i

Badu, 1873.

10# Daiiky ira (Dankara Denkera, Dinkira), once a power-

ful Akan tribe N. of Wasa, S.W. of Asante, is said to have first
introduced the use of gold-dust as a currency. Under its kingNtim
Gyakari it was subdued by the rising power of Asante in 1719,
and subsequently so much reduced that the remnant emigrated to
the Fante country E. of the Pra, N. of No. 11 -13a, W.of No.l4. —
Capital: D w ok w a ^e/ti^uoA), 15 miles N.W. of Cape Coast. Kings:
Kwadwo Tibo, 18S1. Kwakye Fram, cLl873. Kwasi Kyei.
B. The Fante Group, on the middle part oftheG. C, extending
from 80 to 100 miles between the rivers Pra & Sakumo to 20 or
25 miles inland.

11. Komane (Commenda), Aguafo, Abercmii, district*

E. &8.E. of No. 8. — Coast towns: Akatakyi (Liitlc or Brifi^
Commenda)y Komnne (Butch Commenda); king: Kru (Krew, 5r.).
Inland towns: Agnhfo (Great Commenda); king: Atrewfir.^/Agona;
king: Boaben. (Br.ILp.l27,}
12« Odfena, EdSnfi, or Elmina, coast town with the forts
St George del Mina dt Si. Jago. Chiefs: Kwamc Asirifi & 5 others,
see Payne's Lagos and W.African Almanack 1881. p. 166,

13a. Afiitu, capital: Ogna, Egua, or Cape Coast (Port.

Cabo Corso), with Cape Coast Castle, Fori Victoria, Fori WiUiam,
FortMacarthy, King: Agyiri, 1831, deposed 1865, Chiefs: Kwasi AU
& 8 others, see Fayn^s Almanack p. 166,

13b. Asabu^ capital: Asabu; king: Kwasi Ankasia 1873;

coast town: Mowure.

14. Ab6ra, N. of No. 13 & 15. — Towns: Abakrani|>a;

kings: Otu, 1831. Kwasi Tutu; Kwabena Amoa (Oman-ano); Otutu
Ababio 1863. — Abora; kings: Kwasi Etu 1863. Amfu OtUjd.1873.

— Duhkwa; king: OkraAmoa 1863, — Domonase; king: Ayisi,

Solomon Hope. *

iSm ¥hnt6 proper. a.Onomabo, Anamahoe; kings : Amo-

no, 1831, Kofi Afare, 1863. AmoanuIV. 1873, — b. Fan te Asene,
Brgbgr (Br, I. 55) or B6robore. Capital : oMankescm, a few miles
inland, E. of the river Amisa, considered as the capital of all Fante:
kings: Aduku 1831, Adu-bora 1863. 1873. Coast towns: Agya, Koro-

16. Korentsel (Korantiri?), Amanfo, Nkosokiirom'. These

three districts, to which Jos. Dawson ascribes 2500 (not25ooo)men
able for war (Br. I. 55, 11. 361), seem to belong to No. 15b.- Coast
town: Scdtpond; king: Asano 1873,

17. Agyimako, N.E. of No. 14. Capital: Agyimakft; kings:

Aduandh-Ap^a,H8ma, 1863. Ammoakwa^Br. I.p.55^- Akwasi-kuma.

— Any an, identical with No. 17, or between No. 17 and No, 21.

— Afua, N.W. of No. 19.

18. Akumfi, E. of No. 14. 15. 17., S.W. of No. 19., 24 towns.
Capital: Akumfi. Coast towns: TusLxa (Tantum), Lagu or Dago.
Kings: Abuku 1831- Aky^ne 1863. 1874,

Digitized by VjOOQIC

Fante Countries. Asen. Akem. 639

19. G m u d, Dv^ommod. Capital : Gomua Asen on the Aman-

kwade Range (or Omankesem?); kings: Ogudn-ako 1863, TAnn^
1S73. Coast towns: D worn ma, Mumford (^Hdnnioroi)^ Ap&orApam;
Obutu language.

20. Sonth -eastern Ag6na, S. E. of No. 23. Coast towns:

Winnebah = Slmpa, Gaah lang. ; AfutuBereku, Sanyd, Obutu lang.,
Fet4 Ny6ny^n6. Inland towns: AgonaSoaduru on the river Ayesu;
OnjS-krom, 3 miles N. E. of NsabA ; Nsaba, capital. King : Yaw
Duodu 1863. 1873,

31. North-western Agona or Asikfima, N.E. ofNo. 17,

8. of No. 23.24. Capital: Asikuma; kings : Ammoakwa./8ff^. A-
peko 1873.

C. South-eastern Akan Group.

22. Asen or Asene-fufu (Asene ankasa, cf. No. 15b.), con-

sisting of two kingdoms, viz. Asene Ateneso & Asene Apemanem,
N. of No. 14, E. of No. 9. One half of this tribe formerly dwelt on
the N. side of the river Pra ; but when they threw off the Asante
rule, their country N. of the Pra was left to lie waste or be occupied
hy Adanse and the river made the boundary. Capital of W. (or N.?)
Asen : Manso or Maneso; kings: Gy^biri, Nkyi, 1863. 1873. Capital
of E.(S,) Asen: Anyahkamaase; kings: 'Tiho 1831. 'Tibo-k&mai«ff5.
(Other towns, see II. Route la.)

23-25. Akem Country. Native writing: Akyem.

A. Situation. This most northerly part of the English Protec-

torate or Colony lies between 5^ 45' and 6^ 45'. N. Lat. and from
O" 5' to 1 ^ 5' W. Lon. — Boundaries: on the W. the Pra river ; on
the S. a line from the confluence of the Berem and the Pra to the
'*Akem-peak'*; on the E. a line parallel to the Volta (Firaw) about
24 miles distant; on the N. the Okwawu mountains. — Neighbours:
W, Asante; S. Asen, Asikuma, Agona, Akuapem ; E, Krobg, Ka-
mAna; N. Okwawu.

B.a, Mountains or hills: 1, Central range (in a N.N.E. direction

from Apinaman to Osinno) called Adokyi in the S., Atiwa in the
middle part (near the town of Apapam), Banso mmepo in the N.
Near Apapam two ranges branch off in an E. direction to the river
Bompon: the W. part is called Adwannua (Apedwa mmepo), the
N. & I'], part Eposi mmepo. - 2. In the E. we have a. the Pratu hills
near Ahawante on the borders of Akuapem; b. the Pantampa range,
E. of the way from Dwaben (Koforidua) to Oseem*. - 3, In the N.
the Begoro hills, being the southern branches of the Okwawu moun-
tains. - 4. In the S. the " Akem-peak** Nyanaw. — The said central
range (1) divides Akem into two parts : the smaller eastern part is
hilly in the N., E. & S.E. and level in the W. (between the ranges
1. 2. .7.^; the larger western part is lowland throughout. The land
between the Adokyi hills and the rivers Pram, Berera and Mmo is
marshy, likewise that between the Eposi hills, the Densu and the
Ayesu, and the whole valley of the Berem.

b, lUvers, i. In the N.E. theAkurum and the Pgmpgn, both

running to the Afram near Apaso. - 2, In the centre and W. part:
the Berem; it takes its rise near Apapam, flows first chiefly in a

Digitized by VjOOQIC
640 Gold Coast Colony.

northerly, then after a carve, in a S. S.W. direction ronnd the cen-

tral range, and then thronghjow and level land runs into the Pra.
Affluents of the Berem a. on its right side, from the N.: the Si (com-
ing from the Okwawu mountains) and the Asukolco, with the Subi;
6. on its left side, coming from the central range in the E. : the Pram
(with the Mirempon), the Mmo, and tho Siipon. - 5. In the S. the
Densu (Ga: Humo, Sakumo); it takes its rise S. of Apapam (near
the source of the Berem), flows eastward until it receives the Bom-
pon coming from the hills (N.)E. of Kukurantumi, and turns then
southward. In all its southern direction it is navigable by canoes.
-4. The.Ayesu likewise takes its rise S. of Apapam, and flows
southward to the sea near Simpft O^ii^nc^f^h); one of its affluents is
the Abokyen near Asiaman. — 5. The Pra take^ its ris« in the S.W.
corner of Okwawu and forms the boundary of Akem on the West.

C. Inhabitanfs, Towns and Villages, — The inhabitants of

Akem belong to three different tribes or statx^s, as now follows un-
der 23-25.

23. AkyemAbuakwa. This tribe occupies the greatest

part of Akem. Once a powerful nation, they were repeatedly sub-
jugated by, and repeatedly revolted againt Asante, from about 171i)
to 1 826. Some of them (Tafo, S6em) originally belonged to the Guaii
nation and have retained some peculiar customs, but speak Tshi.
A List of Kings o f A ky e m.

1 . Oduro. 2. Boakye. 3. Agyekum Aduwarae. 4. Boakyc Mensa.

r>. Aninkwatia. ■^. Ofori-panyih abotU 17S3. 7. Bakwante, d. 1742.
8. Pobi 1743. 9. Ohenkoko, Owusu Akycm. 10, Obiri-Korane abo^
1770. 11. T\vum Ampofo(ro). 12. Aparaku. 13. Ata Ayiekosan tsii.
14. Kwaku Asante ISIL 15. Kwadwo Kuma (Asiarc Bediako). 16.
Kofi Asante, Baninyiye, Twum 11. 17. Dokuwa (for her sons). 18.
Ata-panyin 1826. 19. Ata-biwom' d.l866. 20. Amoako Ata IHSa.

Akyem Abuakwa is politically divided into 8 districts named

from the following towns, to each of which are added an approximate
estimate of the number of inhabitants, the title and name of the
chief and the total number of places and inhabitants.

1. Kyebi, 2000; ohene Amoako Ata; 14 places, 8000 inhabitants.

2. Kukurantumi, 1000; obarima Ata Kwaku; 17 pi., l(XK)Oinh.

3. Begoro, 3000; obarima Kwasi Antwi; 15 pi., 8(X)0 iuh.

4. Asiakwa, 1000; obarima Amo; 16 pi., 4000 inh.

5. Osanaase, 1400; obarima Oben; 8 places, 3500 inh.

6. Wankyi, 1000; obarima Nyako; 21 pi., 9000 inh.

7. AbommosA, 800; bafoo Danso; 6 pi, 2400 inh.

8. Akygase, 5000; obarima ....7 pi. 8000 inh.

All these districts together contain in 104 or more places about
50000 souls, among them 4000 warriors. (K. Buck 1880.) — Ohserv.
The different places belonging to the same district are not all in the
same neighbourhood, but frequently separated by great distances,
parts of other districts intervening; e. g. Apapam and 5 other places
W. of Kyebi and Asuom with 3 other places far in the W. belong
to Kukurantumi in the E., and Apedwa, S. of Kyebi, belongs to
Begoro in the N.

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Akyem. Akiiapem. 641

About 240 nanie43 of towns (and villages*), rivers or brooks

and mountains of Akcm (23) are contained in the alphabetical list
annexed under III. p. 654 ff.

*) The Akems. having sufticient cultivable land in the neighbour-

hood of their dwelling-places, do not build villages or hamlets at greater
distances to live there part of the year for agricultural purposes, as the
Aknapems, Akras, Krebos &c. do; in Akem we maj', therefore, speak
only of towns, though some of thorn be very small m size.

24a* Akyei^ Kotokii; b. Akyem Manso. (Akyem

Soadiirn, Westeni Akem). This tribe immigrated from Asante
Akyem (No. 30) ahont 1830 or earlier; part of them settled in the
northern part of Akem, whence tbey withdrew in 1860, owing to
quarrels between their king Agyeman at Gyadam and king Ata at
Kyebi. Now most of them live in the southern part of Akem bord-
ering on Asen and Agona.

Towns and villages: Abahase, Bere-wo-nan-ase, Odamaneso

(the present capital), Adwafo, Akokowaso, Kotokuom, ^[kwanta,
Mmoseaso, Anamaase, Auyinara II., Anyina(wa)ase, Aperade, Nsa-
(wa)wom' Osoaduru, Asuboa, Wontodease, Awusa, Ayirebi. -
(Nsawom\ the town of captain DompSre, who after some years of
fighting against the Asantes and their allies in the countries £. of
the Volta fell in 1 870, lies separated from all the other places S. W.
of Akuapem on the left bank of the Densu.) In these 18 places this
tribe will number about 25000 inhabitants, among them 3000 war-
riors. — In order to secure their rights to the lands they formerly
possessed, some families settled again at Yayaso, Praso on the E.
side, and Kome on theW. side of the Pra, N.W. of Asuom. — Kings:
a, Agyemane,-i^7i. Kwabena Fua,-i57i>. Ata Fua. — h, Ammoa-
kowa 186S, Kofi Ahenkora 1873. Akyem Soadiiru or Manso, con-
taining only the two towns Osoadfiru and Omaneso^ was formerly
Hubordinate to, but is now independent of Akyem Kotoku.

25. Akyem Dwabeu. The Asantes of Dwaben, the sister

town of Kuraase, having succumbed in their contest with Kuroase
in 1876, quitted the Asante country, and in 1877 were led by the
British Government to settle in Akem, W. of the Pantampa hills.
The towns they built there, are.these: Odwaben (on tbe site of Ko-
foridua), Adweso, Afidwaase (Nkwankwadua), Asokore (Snhy^n),
Oyoko. Other members of the tribe live at Kwltb^n, Asiakwa, Kn-
knrantnmi and in other towns of Akyem Abuakwa. The whole
number of Dwabens living in Akem may be about 20,000, among
them 2000 warriors. Some live in Qkwawu, and one chief with
600 warriors and their families in or near Karakye. King: Yaw
Asafo Agyei Twum.

26« Akuapem. A.SUuafion. This small country lies between

5^42' and 6«5' N, Lat. and between O^S' and 0^20' W. Lon. — It
is bounded S. by Ga (Akra), E. by Adanme & Krgbo, N. & W. by
Akem. — B. Surface, It consists a) of a continuous hilly range run-
ning N. N. E., called Bewase bepQW, with the Adowado bepQW on
the S. E. and the Akono on the E., together with the valleys opening
into the plain towards the sea, and b) of the valleys and lower hills


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642 Gold Coast Colony.

on the Akem eide; there the Nsakye river flows S.W. into the Densu,
and the Ny ensi river N. N. E. to the Volta.

G. Towns. The following 16 towns lie in one successive row

on the ridge of the said hilly range, most of their villages in the
valleys in the W. (or S.W. and N.W.): 1. Bereknso. 2. Atweasin,
usually considered as part of the next town being closely contiguous
to it. 8. Aburi. 4. Afwerase. 5. Asantemma (Obosomase). 6. Tutu.
T.Mampon. 8.Abotakyi. 9. Amannokiirom. 10. Mamfe. 11. Akiiro-
pon or K 6 man. 12. Abiriw. 13. Qdawu. 14. Awukugiia. 15,Adu-
kurom. 16. Apirede. (Distances : between No. 1 &2. 12 miles, from
No. 3 to No. 16. 1 8 miles, between the single towns 1 — 3 miles; but
the distance of the remotest villages from their mother-town, espec.
from No. 3 & 1 1, attains to or exceeds 20 miles.) No. 1 — 11 are com-
prised under the name Amantenso, No. 12 — 16 under the name
KyerepQh. — No. 17. Date (Lete, Ga: Late) consists of 2 towns:
a. Ahenase, h, Kubease, both lying on the Akono mountain, 3 — 4
miles S. E. of AkAropon. — (No. 18.) The village of Abonse, lying
6 miles E. of Akiiropon in the valley of the Bompon, opening to-
wards the Krobo plain and the Volta, belongs to No. 14, but has
almost obtained the rank of a town.

Villages, Those 17 townships (or, if No. 17. be counted as two

and Abonse (No. 18) be considered as self-dependent, 19 towns)
have, at shorter or longer distances from the mother-town, numerous
villages in which some owners live part of the year, others the whole
year, for their agricultural pursuits. The number of villages reported
by name is as follows: Berekuso 1, Atweasin 2, Aburi 6, Afwerase 1,
Asantemma 2, Tutu 14, Mampon 11, Abotakyi3, Amannokiirom4,
Mamfg 19, Akfiropon 27-30, Abiriw 11, 'Dawu 9, Awukugua 4,
Aduktlrom 18, Apirede 9, Date..., Abonse 17. Of some of these
towns many more villages might be counted, the same name being
often applied to a number of separate villages, distinguished by the
names of their founders or owners added to the common name. —
More than 300 names of villages, brooks, lakes and mountains of
Akuapem, with the numbers of the towns to which they belong, see
hereafter in the alphabetical list (III).

Origin of the inhabitants. The inhabitants of Akuapem are of

a threefold origin: a. those of No. 1 — 4. originally belonged to the
Akwam nation, a genuine Akan tribe, h. those of No. 9 & 1 1. came
from Akem (1733) and c, those of No. 5— -8. 10. 12-16. 17. 18.
belong to the Guan nation; of the latter the 5 towns No. 5 — 8& 10,
situated between No. 3 & 11, have since about 1750 entirely given
up their own language, whereas the 5 Kyerepon and 2 Date towns
have retained it in their domestic affairs, and have adopted Tshi
only for their intercourse with others.

PclUicdl division. In the military organisation of Akuapem

the towns No. 1 — 4 stand under the duke of Aburi, leading the van ;
one party of the Akropongs (Asonko) under the duke of Akropong
forms the centre, and another party of them (Apesemaka) with the
king follow in the rear; the Kyerepongs under the duke of Adnkrom
form the right wing, and the remaining 7 townships under the duke
of Date the left wing. — Estimate of population : 40000 souls.

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Akiiapem. Akwam. Kamiinfi,. Okwawu. 643

A List of the Kings of Aknapem,

from the time when by the help of the Akems the Gnan population

were rescued from the tyranny of the Ak warns (about 1733).

1. Safori, a brother of Ofori-panyin, King of Akem. 2. Okye-

rcroa Manukur^. 3. Ofee Boa. 4. Ofee Ntoakyerewo. 5. Ofee Araa-
uapii. 6. Maniamfem (Amunamfi). 7. Fianko Betu-afo. 8. Sakyiam4-
Nten (-Tenten). 9. Kwapon Kyerefo. 10. Obuobi Atiemo 1784. 11.
Ohempanyin Awuku-Fr§n§. 12.0hefikiima, 13.Saforo-T^e(-Twie),
KakSrakd. 14. Adow-DankwaiS/5. 15. Adum. 1 6. Kwa-dade (Hen-
kuma)i^4^. 17. Asa Awuku-fr5n§ (Asa-KurofCia) i5^^. 18. Kwarae
Tawia Gyakori (Kwadade 11) 1873- Kwame Fori (Safori II) 1880.

27* A k w am , a once mighty and warlike Akan tribe between

Akem, Agona, Akra and Akuapem, with the capital Nyanawase on
the Densu, since 1733 occupying the banks and especially the
eastern side of the Volta (Firaw) from Senkye to Pes§.

Some of the Kings of Akwam: Akotia (destroyed Great Akra

1680, so that many Akras emigrated to Popo). Akonno 1702-26.
Akwanno (Ans& Sasaraku?) 1726-33. Dako, Akonno-kQma 1734-42.
Opoku-kQma 1742-49 (killed by king Pobi of Akem). Dako 1752.—
AkotoOyirefiAm^ns&kyi. 1807. 1824. — Dako Yaw. — Akoto 1869.

Toicns and Villages: Bepowso, DakSyekrom, Adom6, Domea-

b^ra, Fasati^e, Agyabon, Gyawhgfwe, Kotropee, Akrade (on an
ialand of theVolta), Kwadw6wusu, Akwam', Mem, Ntidu, Anyensii,
Aiiyinaase, Apepesu, Apiwkrom, Asafo, Senkye, Atumpoku. — The
towns of K^m&na see next.

2S* KamanS;, a small tribe under Akwam, N.W. of Akwam

on the W. side of theVolta, said to be the parent tribe of the Okwa-
wu people (No^29). They speak an Akan dialect not acknowledged
as pure and therefore called Apotokaii. — The name Kam&ulifo is
also applied in a wider sense to other tribes in the interior speaking
similar dialects, to whom the Asantes apply the name B6rdnfo.

Towns: Gydkiti, Pese, Apaso, ApStifi, Awurahae.

I>. North-western Akan Group.

29. Okwawu (surname: Kodi-abe), a province of Asante

until 1874, W.N.W. of No. 28 (distance 60—70 miles), separated
from Akem in the S. and from Asante & Asante Akyem in the W.
by uninhabited primeval forests. Its inhabited part is a small high-
land (between 6^40' and 7« N. Lat. and 0*^40' and 1<> W.Long.)
which rises high above the grassy plain on the N. and £. belonging
to it and extending to the Volta. Cf. No. 43.

^fountains in the centre (C) of the country (round Abetifi) or

S.,W., N.,E., alphabetically: Aberewabog (Subiri) W. C. Obon-
serewa C, Oboontin S.W., Buruko N. E., Odonko S.W., Ofrawie
8.W., Ahea S.C., Okata, Nkata, Kodoi, N.W.C., Oka 0., Kwamera
W. C, Kyekyere-wo-were N., KyiriabeS., MmonseS., Subiri W.C,
Atia-yaw C.

Rivers: 1. The Afram, N, E., with the following tributaries :

Asubiri, W.& N., Nkata or Asasu, N. &N. E., Koto, Obupuru, N^.,
Asubone, E. ; another Asubone, S., called Si in Akem, is a tribu-

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644 Gold Coast Inland Countries.

tary of tbe B^em in Akem. — 2. The Pra(Bo8otnpra) has it« tmarce

(out of which only the king is allowed to drink) near Akwasihd in
the 8.W. corner of the country. Besides these rivers and rivulets
the names of 45 brooks of Okwawu may be found in the list of
geographical names. (HI.)

Towns and Tillages of Okwawu, under the chiefs of 1. Abetifi

(Akuamoa, or, in his place, Kofi Dan kyi), 2. Aduanioa (Kwadwo
Boaman), 3. Obo (Osiama). The respective towns or villages be-
longing to the jurisdiction of the three principal towns do not form
continuous districts, but intermingle with each other, as we found
it in Akem^ p. 640.

To the larger places an approximate estimate of the number of the

inhabitants is added in parenthesis j small villages are marked by *. —
The figures 1. 2. 3. denote the leading town to which a place belongs.

Abene 1. Bepon 3. Abetifi or Abotifi (means: top of mountaic,

inhabitants 3-4000)1. Qb6(5500)3. Bokuruwal. Obo men (2000)3.
Aduamoa (3000) 2. Odumase 1. Ahenase* 3. Akankawaase^ 1.
Kotoso* 2. Nkwaetia (4000) 2. Nkwantanan*, Akwasihd*, Amama,
Pepease (3500) 1. PetekO 3. Mpraeso (3000) 2. Sadan (Sadae)*3.
Sadaii kuma* 1. Asakaraka (3000) 3. Tafo 2. Nteso 1. Atibie* 3.
Tweneduruase, Akp. Kyeneduruase(l500) 1.

The dialect of Qkwawu, although counted with the Apotokan

of the Kftm&rafo or Br5hfo, does not differ much from pure Akan.

80» As ante Akyem, on the W. side of the upper Era,

W. of No. 29 & 23, formerly under Asante, now desirous to be in-
dependent like No. 29. 31. &c. - Totons: Obogu, 2 days' journey
N.N.W. of Asuom (No. 23) via Yayaso, Praso, Kome (No. 24);
Amautra, 24 miles N. of Obogu; Aguogu, 10 m. N. E. of Amantra.

81» Adanse, formerly a frontier province of Asante, is

bounded S. by Asen and Twiforo (No. 22. 9., boundary rivers are
the Pra and its tributary Ofe), and N. by Asante proper. I'he rul-
ing families of Akyem Abuakwa, Asen and other kingdoms are
said to have come from Adanse, which is considered as one of Uie
most original seats of the Akan nation. — Most of the land between
the Adanse hills and the Pra. formerly belonging to Asen, lies now
waste. — Capital: Fomana, N. of the Mmonse Hill; ten other towns
or villages lie on the main road from Praso to Kumase or W. of
it, the most northerly of which are Adubiaase & Dompoase. Of, 11.
Route lb. - King: Kwabena Qben, independent of Asante by the
Treaty of Fgmana W.Feb. 1874.

82* Asante proper, consisting of the confederate Five Akan

States and several dependencies. Enumerating the single proviuce»
or districts we proceed from the centre to the N.E., E., S., W.& N.
— Names of districts which have a capital of the same name have an
asterisc added to them.

1. Atwoma (Atshoma) district; capital: Kumase (Oknm-ase,

under the okiim tree).

2. Osekyere, the N. part contains the following principalities:

a. Mampon* also called Osekyere-Mampon, or, from its king,
Dwomo Mampon, N. E. of Kumase. - b, Agyamaase; c. Dwira,
Advrira, subordinate to 2a, - d. Kumawu*, near Okwawu.

Digitized by VjOOQIC

Asante. 645

3, Osekjere, the 8. part countains: a. Dw&ben, the sister

towu of Kumase, E. of it, with the subordinate towns of h> Afi-
dwaa8e, c. Asokgre. The people of these towns in 1876 rose in
war against Osee Kwame Bonsa of Kumase, but were defeated and
left the country; cf. No. 25. Part of theDwabens, however, remained
under Asante, e. g. those of r^. Odnmase, E. of Kumase, living in
25 villages.
4. a. Asokgre-Mampoii*, 8. of No. 32,i;6.BaworQ*, S.of 4,a.
0. Kokofii*, S.E. of No. 32,i.

6*. Dadease, a district under Dwaben, now under Kokofu.

7. Single towns 8. of Kumase, not in vassalage to any of the

greater chiefs of the Asante kingdom: o. Aduaben; 6. Asumgya
or Nsumnya, the place from which the founders of Kumase came;
c. Amoaforo (battle of the 3U Jan. 1874); c^.Saman, S.E. of Kumase;
(J. Asaneso (position unknown),

8. Amanse, capital Bekwae, 8.8.W. of Kumase.

9. Maniponten*, W. (?) of Kumase; king: Kagya.

10. Territories in the W. and 8. W., domains of some chieftains

or members of the royal family, with no proper inhabitants, are:
a. Manoso (W.) with gold-mines; b. Ahafo (8.W.) with extensive
forests. Perhaps they are part of, or form the continuation of the
«*Dankyira bush'*, i. e. the former, now deserted, country of the
Dankirans W. of the Qfg river.

11. Districts N.W. of Kumase: o. Berekum*; b. An Iowa*

(some maps place it N. E., others place a district Atoa S.E. between
No. 31 & 23); c. Agona*; d. Kawenease, a single town N.W. of

X?. Nsuta*, N. or N.W. of Kumase. [Antowa.

13* Asafo, chief: Boakye; position unknown.

14. Ahenkiiro, a single town 8. of Abesem (No. 35).

U. Brackenbury in his Narrative of the Ashanti War 1 874.

vol. TI. p. 362. says : '*The kingdom of Ashanti is composed of a
number of separate kingdoms or principalities acknowledging as
their one governing head the King of Coomassie, who is, therefore,
really more an emperor than a king. •* (A similar system of vassalage,
reminding us of the feudal system in Europe in the middle ages,
obtains among the minor states on the Gold Coast, cf. No. 26. p. 626).
He gives, as received from Jos. Dawson, the names of the states
of the kingdom, with their supposed numbers of warriors. Of the
latter, Dawson ascribed to Okwawu 6000, Adanse 3000, Okum«ase
5000, Kokofu, Dwaben, Bekwae, MampQu, Nsuta, each 2000, to
Nkoransa 6000, Ebono 2000, Abesem 1500, Safwi 1500 (see our
Nr. 29. 31 . 32. 36. 37. 35. 6.), to Afid waase 1000, Okomas (Agyama-
ase?) 1000, Odagyawe 500, Amoaforo 300, Asaneso 200, Asum-
gya .100. — Dawson gives also "tlie order of the Ashanti march to
war^ in 1874. The same is given from information obtained by the
(Basel) native missionary Dav. Asante in 1880 as follows: Bight-
wing Captains: 1. Kwabena Dwomo of Mampon. 2, Yaw- mane, now
Asamoa Kofi of Afid waase. 3. Asamoa Nkwanta of Kumase. 4. Obo-
robea of Agyamaase. 5. Apampanin of Adwira. 6. Ata Fua of
Nkoransa. Left-wing Captains: 1. Kwasi Adae of Kumawu. 2.A8i-

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646 Gold Coast Inland Countries.

anno w a of Nsuta. 3. Osee of Ahehktiro. 4. Kwamo Awtika of Aaq-

kore-Mampon. 5. Osee of Baworg. 6. Berekum bene of Berekam.
Centre Force: 1. Boaben of Aduaben. 2. Adu Bofoo, now Opoku,
of KuDiase. 3. Saman Akyeampon of Saman. 4. Antoa Anyina of
Antowa. 5. Agona Gyima of Agona. 6. Asafo Boakje of Asafo.
7. 8efa dehyee of Kawenease. We see that Nkoransa is reckoned
among the host of Asante proper, but Adanse is no longer included.
The former empire of Asante seems by the catastrophe of 1874 to
have broken up and be now confined to the confederate provinces,
districts and towns of Asante proper together with Nkoransa, all
the other subject and tributary states considering themselves in-
dependent of Kumase. (1861.)

A List of Kings of Asante.

]. Konadu. 2. Etwum, founder of Kumase. 3. Antwi. 4. Obiri

Yeboa. 5. Osee Tutu (Otu, Etu) 1700. 6.0poku Koko, OpokuWarc,
Osee Ohyeamah 1731-49. 7. Kisi Boadum (B. Akwisi) 1749. 8. Osee
Kwadwo 1752? 9. Osee Kwame(na)Panyih, BonsuafraneakwalZ^i.'
10, Osee Kofo, Osee Dn, 1797-99, 1 1 . Opoku Kwabom, Op. Fofie
1799(30 days). 12. Tutu Kwamena^ Osee Bonsu, Diasibe, Obohycn
1800-1824. 13. Osee Yaw, Akoto, Seramraen-csi-sieso i^;?5. 14. Kwa-
ku Dua, Sikasoso, Teetod 1830. 15. Kofi Karakari 1867. 16. Mensa
Bonsu 1874.

£» Countries adjacent or adjoining to Asante proper in the North

(from N.W. to N. E.).

88* Gyaman, a country W. or N.W. of the upper Tanno

river, probably bordering 8. on Safwi (No. 6.) and N. on Kon
(No. 49). Capitals: Bontiikii; Nsram' (which means "in the camp'',
the camp of a former king during a war with Osee Bonsu having
become a town). Queen; Tetabea 1870. — The Gyamans seem to
have a language of their own, but speak also Tshi. (A communi-
cation in the African Times 1877. p. 27. says that the Gyawumans
and Fantos emigrated from Takyiman.) The Gyamans are said to
receive much gold-dust from a rude people at Lobi (to the N.E.?)
in exchange for cowries. Repeatedly attacked or subjugated by the
Asantes, they have regained their independence.

84. Takyiman* E. of No. 33, S. of No. 35. 36. W. of

No. 37. — The language of the people is the Tshi of the Bronfo.
During the reign of the Asante king Opoku Ware this country
was wrested from its connection with Gyaman by the king Bafoo
of Nkoranssl, a vassal of Asante, whereupon "a second emigration
to Gomua" took place; the rest remained in subjection until they
became free in 1874, defended their liberty against Nkoransa in
1 876, and, with their chief Kwabeua Fofie, returned to their former
dependence on Gyaman.

85. Abes6m* N. of No. 34 and likewise allied to No. 33.

8A. N korans4 (capital: Nkoransa, 7 days' journey N.N.E.

of Kumase), a subject province of Asante of considerable impor-

tance, N. E. or E. of No. 34 & 35, W. or S. of No. 47 a, W. of Nn. 37.
Language: the Tshi of the Bronfo. Kings: Bafoo about 1740. Ata
Fua 1874-

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Countries of the Volta. 647

87» Br5n (Bono, £bono, M'Queen: Booroom, Bvromy\ an

open conntiy E. of No. 36, N. E. of Asante, of which it was for-
merly a subject province (capital: Goya?), bounded on the E. &N.
by the Volta, which is called Ader§ by the Ntas and Asantes, and
Firaw by other Tshi tribes. The language of Brdh is Tshi, though
not pure Akan. [The Asantes use the name Bron also in a wider
sense (as the Akems and Akuapems the name Kamllna) for the
dialects of all the tribes N. & E. of the Akans, and likewise the
name Bronfo for all the provinces formerly subject to thom and
having Asante law and Asante rights.]

Bron [in the narrower sense of the word] seems to consist of

or to comprehend the following principalities:

a. Atabuobu (Atabuobi?)* with a lake called Buro? or Kyiri-

kora near the river Volta. — h, Prau* (a river Mpran is marked
by Bonnat as flowing into the Volta 8.S.E. of Salaga). ^

c. Dwae or Guan, capital : Kokofii; Abease lies N.W., Wease

lies E., Nsuta S. — Dwae & Atabuobu have a language of their
own, similar to Kyerepgn, besides speaking Bron; perhaps Dwae
(Akyem pronunciation) or Guah (Aknapem pronunciation) may be
regarded as the central place of all Guan tribes.

88. AmanteU; N.W. of Nsuta No. 37 c., also belongs to Brdh.

From the neighbourhood of the upper Volta, we return to its

middle part in the neighbourhood of No. 27 & 28.
If. Trans -Volta Group, or Tribes on the Eastern side of the Volta
speaking the Guah and Tshi Languages.

80* Anum^; a small tribe, bounded S.&W. by Akwam,

E. & N. by districts of the KrepS country (No. 68). The people
emigrated from Kyerepgh in the 17th or 18th century and speak
Qnah besides Tshi and Ewh6. Their town Anum, destroyed 1869,
was being rebuilt 1879.

Proceeding N. N. E. and passing through the ErepS districts

Tafigome (with the towns Ahfoe & Kpando) and Awume, we come to

40« l?rkonya, a small tribt, emigrated from Date (No. 26,i7)

perhaps 200 years ago, speaking Guah and inhabiting 27 villages
between the Volta and a parallel range of hills; capital: Awurupn.

41. Boe(in), a tribe E. & N.E. of No. 40, of the same origin,
speaking Guah & Tshi. Towns: Oworawora (which also occurs
as a name of the country, formerly a province of Asante), Ap^f6
( with iron mines and founderies), Sandrakofi, Tapa, Akoroso \ ef.
Route 4 c.

43. Kyerehi, Bowiiru, Apeso, B6rida, Kogyakyea, Qkra-

dwere, Kube, Amamforo, Sasabu, Otuka, Totor6mft, Ay^mlL, are
some towns of a country E. or N.E. of No. 41 in whidi Tshi is
spoken. Gr. p. XIV.

48* Pae, a small tribe of Tshi origin, speaking Kamiina (or

Broh), subject to Okwawu (No. 29). Towns: Ahehkdro, Apaso,
Sapiease; cf. Route 4 c.

44. Karaky e, a tribe of Guah origin, speaking Tshi besides

Guah, emigratod from Date (No. 26. /7). King: Brtsamuna. Towns

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648 Gold Coast Inland Countries.

along the Volta: Dentemaneso, Opampaso, Karakye (capital, also

the supposed seat of the far-famea demon or fetish Odente), Kete,
Woroto, Otareeso (belonging to the high -priest of K&rakye).

45. Ntwummuru, a smaller tribe than K&rakje, of the

same origin and language, N. N.W. of No. 44, between the rivers
Debo and Daka. Towns: Bagyamso, Akancem.
©♦ Countries of the upper Volta, from Salaga westward to Kong
and beyond it.

4©. Ntd country (Ghunjah proper of the Arabs), N.W. of

No. 45. The people are of the same origin and language as those
of No. 44 & 45, but have become Mohammedans. Principal towns:
Pami, the capital or residence of the king. Salagha, Twi: Saraha,
3 miles W. of PSmi, a large and far-famed market-town for Asantes,
Hausas, Mosis &c. Dab6yk, another large town, "the capital of
the province of Ghobago", W. of Salaga. — The country from the
river Daka to Salaga is called : Nta-fufu (i. e. White Nta or Nta
proper). — The name Ntaf o [sing* Qtani) is given to all the people
living Sw the steppe" ^ Ak. Serem' = sere-mu, Akp. Sare-mn, N. of
the tribes speaking Akan and Bron (or Kam^na)and of Ntwummuru;
it is also applied to all the northern tribes and kingdoms known
to the Asantes, as mentioned hereafter under No. 47-57. The name
Nnonkofo (sing. Odonkoni) is used for Ntafo (or Nnonko, as a
name of their countries, for Nta) in Akuapem, Akra, Krepe, but in
Asante the word od^hko, j^Z.nnonkofo, only means "a (bought) dave^,

(As the Ene. ^slavi^' originally meant a Slave Le. Slavonian, be-
cause people of the Slavonic race were frequently made slaves by people
of the Teutonic race, so in a reverse manner the word for "a bought
slave" seems to be used like a proper noun for the nations from which
most of the bought slaves came.)
47 a« Afowa*, a country W. or S.W. of Salaga, bordering
on ^TkorAnsa. — b« Soko, Nsoko? is put on maps between Takyi-
man on the S. and Banna on the N.

48. Banna*, a country N.W. ofNkoransa, about 1 750 &

1790 in war with, and afterwards subjugated by Asante, ,1877 re-
ported as allied with Gyaman in war with Asante.

49. Kon (K6n5), a country N. of Gyaman; capital: Kon, in

a W. direction from Daboya & Salaga, 12 days' journey (k 8 geo-
graphical miles) N. from Bontuku, 20 days N.N.W. from Kumase.

50.1. Gunisi, a country W. of Kon.

50.2. Grimini*, a country N.W. of Kon, 6 days' journey

through uninhabited land, with many elephants and buffaloes, the
home of the white cola-nut (besehene).

SO,d. DVirirasu*, a country N. of Kon.

H. Countries to the E., N., N.W. & N.E. of Salaga,

ftl. Tagyan, a country E. of Salaga, to which town the people

bring ivory and soap.

S2* Namonsi*, 3 days' journey N.E. of No. 45.

58 a* Yane(Yande), large capital ofDagomba (Dag&mmii),

7 days from Salaga N.E. (M' Queen) ^ or, the capital of Anwa, 3 days*
journey from No. 52. (D. Asante). — b. Anwa (Yngwa, iPQHeen\
a Dagomba town and district, 8 days' journey N.W. of Yane.

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Far luland and (xa-Adauuie Countries. 649

54. Mampamma^ a single town on a moantain like Mount

Krobg, with only one access, between Anwa and Ware ware.

55. Wai'eware*, two towns between which theVolta(Fi raw)

flows, having its source thereabout.

50. Woromara or Nkrousi*, N. N.W. of Wareware.

57. Giiruma, a country between No. 56 & 58.

58. Mo si, a large country in the N., from which slaves,

asses, sheep, fowls, shea-butter, cotton stuffs of native fabric are
brought to Salaga. Capital: Wagadugu; second town in size;
Kumpela. D.As, (Wdrdugo, Kupeala, KoUe; Wogodogo, Knlfela,
ff,Barth*) — Neighbouring countries: S^nA,, MozAnze, BAn6, K61nga,
YAr^g^, Gamara (Chr, Gr. p. XV.), Gumma (No. 57), E., And^m-
tenga,W., Bdlmera, Biilesa, Yaongo, B68an8e, Biisma (KdUe),

50,1. Doma* (on a mountain), 2. Dalla*, 3. Dinawugaru,

4. Duwaiis&, are 4 other countries between No. 53-55 & 58.
60. Mar ewa is the Tshi name for Hausa and other countries
on and beyond the Niger, from which ivory, woollen cloaks, half-
woollen blankets, silk stuffs, leather wares, horses, asses, mnles,
bnffaloes, sheep and slaves are brought to Salaga.

From the remote interior we return to the sea-coast, to tribes

speaking dialects of theAkra and Dahome languages, among whom,
however, the Tshi language is frequently spoken and understood,
so that their own languages have been much more infloenced by
Tshi than they in their turn have influenced it.
I. Countries from the mouth of the river Sakumo to the Akuapem
range and the lower Volta.

61. Akra or Ga country (Eng. Accra, Tshi: Nkran). The

loading towns are situated on the sea-coast and numerous villages
lie inland, bounded W. (between the Sakumo or Densu and the Ayesu
river) byAgona, N. by Akem and Akuapem, E.(N.E.) by AdSnme.
The 6 towns of Akra proper are the following:

1. Ga, British Akra, Jamestown, Tshi: Ehiresi; estimated

number of inhabitants, including the villages, 7000 souls.

2. Kenka, Dutch Akra (Usshertoum), Tshi: Kankan, 7000

souls. The king of Kehka (Kanka) is considered as the head not
only over the other kings and communities of the Ga and Adanme
countries, but also over the kings of Akyem, Akuapem, Akwam,
and of An wild (No. 67,1) Ayigbe and Agotime.

3. Osu, Danish AJcra, ChrisUansborg, 6000 souls. The king of

Osu is the head also over the 3 following towns :

4. La (Tshi: Dawade, Dade), 6000 souls;

5. Tesi, 7000 souls; 6. Nuhowa, lAtUe Ningo, 1500 souls.

A3-^6. Adanme or Adampe country; divisions:

•2. Ga- Adanme coast towns: 1. Tema, 2500; 2. Kpou,

Ponee, 2500; S.Gbugbra, Tshi: P%d,Prawi)rrtt»,350O; 4. Nuiio,
Ningo, 6000 souls, — with their inland villages.

AS. §ai, Shaty Tshi: Siade, two towns on the Shai hills (on
English maps erroneously called Croho Httts) with their villages,
10,000 souls.


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660 Gol d Coa^t Colony,

04. Krobo country, on the plain from the nordiem part of

the Aknapem range eastward to the Volta (Firaw, Fyirao), with the
solitary Monnt Kr^bQ, together with many plantations on and N.
of the Akuapem range between Aknapem, Akem and Akwam.
1 .Western Krobo (king: Akrobato), with the town Yilo on Mount
Krobo, the towns Sr a, Somany&, Kotokoli, Addekpo and 10 vil-
lages. - 2. Eastern Krobo (king: Sakite), with the town Manya
on Mount KrobQ, the towns O drimase, Agomanya, Nuaso, Ofoase,
Kpon (on the Volta) and 27 villages. Each of the two halfs of the
Krobo nation consists of 5 tribes or companies under their own
chiefs. Population 30-40000 souls. — The highest of the Krobo
mountains terminating the Akuapem range on the western banks
of the Voka is the Yogaga.

6S,1. Osudoku (king: Animli) with 2 villages (Lano and

Mahwa) on the top of the Osudoku mountain and 7 villages on the
plain and (among them Aknse) on the river Volta and 3 lagoons.
— 2. Asutsalc (Tshi: Asut'^aree, i.e. /brd, ferry). This name is
applied both to the town Krokoto on the river Volta (chief: Ablo)
and to the solitary mountain Noyo (Tshi: Gyansa) W. of the town.
Either the Osudoku mountain (in the meridian of Ningo) or the
Asutshare mountain (lying N. by W.) is understood by the Ningo
Grcmde Peak of the sailors. Some maps differ on this. Population
of No. 65,1 & 2: 10000 souls?

60,1. Ada* (Addah), consisting of 8 tribes dwelling in the

town Ada on the Volta, 13 villages on the sea-shore and 33 or
40 villages on the plain between the Volta (Firao or Fyirao, from
which 10 different branches are distinguished by names) and 3 la-
goons (SonQ from Ada to Wekumagbe, Wasaku near Togblokn,
&Auenya). Population: 20000 souls? — 2. Eight towns or villages
on the western banks of the river Volta, subject to Ada, but in-
habited by Anwonas and Krepes speaking the Ewh^ language :
1. Agrafi, 2. Sukpe, 3. Tefle, 4.Wume, 5. Blakpa, 6. Mlefi, 7. Mefe,
8. Batoo. Population: 10000 souls?

K. Countries E. of the lower Volta.

^ In the countries E. of No. 66. 65. 64. 27. 28. 39. also E. & 8.
of No. 40. 41. 42. the prevalent language is Ewh6 (^^^ better:
E^e). The whole territory of this language is called Ewh6mfe and
is, with regard to its dialects, divided into 5 principal parts : 1, Aolo
in tho S.W. comer; J2. Afifue, N. of Anlo; 3. Wheta, E. of Anlo~
with Nodze & Atakpame, E. & N.E. of Anfue; 4. Dkhdmb (Ana-
gome), N. of Wheta; 5. Mahi (Ma^^i), N.ofDahome. Only the parts
1-3 are in contact with territories of the Tshi and 6a languages,
wherefore we conclude with them our geographical review.

67,1. Anlo, Tshi: Anwona, 6a: Anla, AnwiU, £ng. JA-

woona, Aungla, Anglo. Coast-towns: Aolo, capital; Dielu-kowbe,
Jdlah Coffee, a place touched at by the mail-steamers; Keta, QwHiik,
fort; Anyako, on an island of the Keta lagoon. Kindred tribes, N.
& N.W. of the said lagoon: 2. Agbosome, 3. Aveno, 4. Atakln
(with the town Way a) &c.

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Hua, Agotime, Ton. — II. Routes. 651

68. Anfiie, I'shi: Hiia, Hiiam\ Ga: Ayigbe, Eng. Krepe, a
territory politically divided into many small districts, e. g. Peki,
the leading town; Ho, with the town Whegbe &c. — Both dialects
(of No. 67 & 68) have borrowed certain proper names and other
words from Tslu.

69* Agotime, Tshi: Aguatim, a small country, bounded

S.W. by At^lu, N.W. by Ho, N. by Agu, with 3 towns; the in-
habitants, whose ancestors emigrated from the Adahme country
(No.62) about 1760? still speak Adanme besides the Ewh6 of their
neighbours. — On the N. of Nodae, the original seat of the Ewhes,
there are also Adahme people who now speak Ewh^.

70. Ton, the Akra name for LttUe Popo, Ewh4: Anyiga, in
the Wheta (Whydah) territory, E. of No. 67,2., is a colony of Akra
(Gd) people who took refuge there in 1680, when their town and
country had been devastated by the Akwambus. The inhabitants
still use their own language besides speaking Ewh6.

n. Some Routes in the Gold Coast Countries.

1. From Cape Coast or Anamaboe to Eumase.

The names are taken from books on the Asante war in 1874 and
from a "Guide for Strangers travelling to Kumase" published at Cape
Coast in 1864 (Stanford's Maj) of the Gold Coast, 1873) and are, as far
as possible, given in the writing appropriate to the native langaagc.

a. Through Fante and Asen Territory.

aa. From Cape Coast: Egud. Nyamoransa, Nkwabem, Asabu,

Akrof9l (Akiiro-foro), Donase, Asokwa, Dtinkwa, Nyankomfode,
Fante NjankOmase.

bb. From Anamaboe: On5md.bo^ Kwansa kiirom, Dadagua,

Sonkwa-t^afo, Mframa-ann^ee, Ata-krom, Kwaw I'seka krom,
Hyebil-krom, Abol (Aboro), Afiafi, Banso, Bohyen, Bohy§nwa,
Akrofol, Donase, Kakan-ase, Ahinasa, Abra-hyia, Afiransi, Wora-
tsel (Worat#rc), Banso, Kwadu-gya, Fante Nyankdm-ase. [This
town was given to the Asens when they came to the protection of
the Fantes and was made the capital or residence of king *Tibo.]

— Katakyi-ase, Mpe-as§m, Atsema-manso, Edum-ase, Sibinsu,

Bohum-ase, Kyeneso (Tweneso), Akoko-benom-nsu, Damman,
Wonko-so, Atobiaase, Awiamu, Kwame-ata, Manso. [From this
town a main road leads through Asikuma, Agyimako, Akumft,
Gomuatothe coast towns Tuam, Legu, Apam, S\mj^k(Winnebah),]

— Adawara, Nyera-so, Ape-nkwa, Dadee-so, Dawuma-koro, Akro-

fomu, Ahinabilmu, Nsuta, Kwatwa, Banso, Adubia-ase, Ato-nsu,
Fesu, Fesuwa, Asen Nyankomase, Amponsi-kwanta,Nwa, Akom-
fode, Nnuaso, Barako, Barasia-akon, Dansamso, As§mpa-na-eye,
Praso (= on the Pra), Pra river,

b. Through Adanse and Asante Territory.

Pra-80 kQma, Kyekye(wo)wer§, Apagya, Atobia-ase, Asia-
man, Ansa, Fomoso, Akrofomu, Akwansramu, Of^iromase-kwanta,
Gyimaso, Bomen streamy Mmonse hUly Kwisa, Fgmana, Dompo-
ase; — KygaboQso, Esah-kwanta, Dote§so, Akankawa-ase; Adade-
waase, Nsafo, Kwaman, £dwen-ase, Amoa-foro (^^ep. 645) [firom

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652 Appendix C. Geography.

here a road leads to Bekwae]; D^abonwa, Asantemanso (the cap-

ital of Asante before 1700), Asuingya, Beposo, Kokofu-kwanta
[from here a road leads to Kokofii], Ad\Vuinamu, Adunku, Sakra-
ka, Aduaben^ Dedeaseewa, Qda streamy Oda-so, Asiago, Akanka-
waase, Kaase, 'Kumase, surrounded by the stream Saben.

Some places of Kumase: Apetesene (mdtures' passing-place,

th^ horrible pit filled with human bones and carcases), Adwabirein
(market-place), Mogyawee (place of blood driving up), Mpremoso
(cannmi'place), — Streets: Dadesoaba, Asafo, Amanhyia, Ano, &c.
— Bdntlimd, the blood-stained royal mausoleum, W. of Kumase.
2. From Cape Coast along the sea-coast to Ada.

Ogua, Amamforo, Queen Anne Point, Baraka river, 'Ek6n,

M6wur6, 'Ebra & 'Amfo rivers, Ansil?, Biriwa, Onomabo, Agya,
KoromsLTitey Sdlt^fond, Akyemfo, *Amisa r.dr vill., Adomafol, Asa-
fol, Ndkw^ r. <£: vill., Akra, Akupuano, NkQma, S^refA, Aboano,
Tukm (Tantum), LaguorDago, Dw6mmi, A^&(Apam), Abrakum,
Amankwade Uill, [Amankwade Range 5-6 miles inland,] Simpa
(Winnebah), Ayesu river, Bereki\, Sauyi, F^t6, Ny^uyano, Kro-
kr6bit6, Bakado, Sakum river; Ga or Akra (Nkran, Fort James
& Jamestown), Kinka (Kahkah, Usshertown), Osti (Ghristianshorg),
La (Dade), Tefii, Nunowa (Ninowa), Tema, Kpon, Kpukpra (Akp.
Plipdra, Prampram), Nuno (Akp. Nin6), OtSite, Lai, Wekumagbc,
Lolonya, Fute, Fo6, Totime, Ada.

3. From Qkwawu to Pae (for Salaga).

Abetifi, Pepease, Sadan (Sadae), Sadan-kCima, Nkwantanan,

Afram river (abounding with fish), Aframso, last plantation of the
Okwawus ; from here to the Pae country on theVolta the way leads
(24 miles in a N. and 60 in a N.£. direction) through fertile prairies
with gum, shea-butter and other trees, and single patches of forest,
full of game; the 12 or 15 streams and rivulets crossed on the way
and other halting-places are: Gyancboafo, Bonkureh (deep wUle^)^
Amogyancsuwa, Odonkyeae, KgtweboQm, Asanyausu, Obosom,
Nsuogya, Gyafoabotan, Ohemmene-abgmma, Hgreyenkyerem, Ata-
u^ata, Osieho orNkwaetam (the middle of the way), Subi, Boua(so),
Atw§renan-n^-atwerenan, Namasuwa, Dumien-ano, Wfi river, Di-
dwa. The Paes have four villages on the western side of theVolta:
Agyato, Abrawade, Abanwabi, Nkakyeua. Here theVolta is crossed
by canoe. The way from Sapiease and Ahenktiro to K^akye,
Ntwummuru, Salaga is as indicated in the following Route 4 d.
4. From the Mouth of the Volta to Salaga.

Of the riverVolta (Ewhe : Amu, Ga: Swilao, Ad. Fyirao, Tshi:

Firav/ & Adere) we indicate the rapids, some islands, and the prin-
cipal affluents; of its shores and neighbourhood, the countries, towns
and villages. The right shore we mark with W., or, according to
the bondings of the river, with S.W. or N.W., the left shore like-
wise with K, S.E., N.E.

a. From Ada-fog to Kpon.

E. AnlQ country: Asesano, Anlg lagoon. — W. Adaume

(proper): Ada-fgg, with European factories; Ada; Agrafi; S^W,

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II. Routes. 653

Sukpe, Tefle, Wtimo; S. Blakpa, Mlefi, Mefe, Bato; from here a

route from Nuno (Ningo) leads N.E. to Ewh6, Agotime, Dahome,
also to Salaga by land in 11 or 12 days. — Vlo & Dofo islands.

— S, Asntsare (Krokoto) at the foot of the Noyo mountain; 8.W.

Aknse (belonging to Osudoku ; factories) ; N.E, Amedeka, Kofikofi,
factories; Vodzoku Kapids, passable for steamers only in Ang.-Oct.,
the water rising by 30 feet. W. Kpon (Tshi: Tete^im), N.E. of
Odiimase in Krobo.

b. From Kpon to Asabi.

W. Krobg : Yogagft mountain. E. Akwam country. Rapid of
Senkye; Akrade island. iJ. Akwam (capital); W. Agyabon; Agyina
island; W. Kam&na: Mem, Pese, Aposo; E, inland: Anum — Peki

— Ho. — W, Awurahae. mouth of the Afram; Dodi; E, Ewhe

country: Boso, Tonko, Asabi. Kapids before and near Asabi orWupe.

c. From Asabi to Ahenkuro.

The land W. of the river consists of immense grassy plains

(prairies) with many gum and shea-bntter trees; the villages found
on the W. shore belong to the countries on the E. side. 8. W, De-
kgko; - N.E. mouth of the Dayi river. - E.N.E. inland: Nuseta
(Wusutra) — AnfSe — Tafigome. — S. E. Ahurase; S. DSome (Asu-
aso); W. Nkome(Siavigavi), Agraman, Demea, these four in Awume,
capital Atanrunu (?) ; 10 miles E. of Agraman : Kpando. — W.Dwum-
fo-ktirom, Sempe (rapids), Apuma, Amamforo, Bobo-kQrom, month
of the Obosombone; E Nkdnya country with 27 villages, capital:
Awurupu. — E.&N.E. of Nkonya: Boe country. — Higher up: E.
mouth of the Asu-koko (i. e. Red River, having a very strong cur-
rent) and near it Akoroso, a market town, belonging to Worawora
(Boem) or PaeV — Pae country: (capital: Apaso) E. Sapicase,
W. 4 villages, E. mouth of the Oti; Ahenkuro (in Pae).
d. From Ahenkilro (Pae) to Salaga.

W. Continuation of very fertile prairies. Above Ahenkuro:

rapid of Kontromfi. - E. K&rakye country : Dente-man^so; rapid
of Labale(V) 15-18 feet, 500 metres broad, passable in Sept. & Oct.,
the water rising by 50 feet; Opampaso; roaring cataracts, bank
of rocks; Karakye, capital; Kudenkpe, village; Woroto, Qtareeso;
great rapid ; N. E. mouth of the Debg, the boundary river between
Karakye and NtiXrummuru (No. 44&45). N.E. Bagyamso & Aka-
neem (Ntwummuru). N. E. mouth of the Daka, the boundary be-
tween Ntwummuru & Nta-fufu; TamkrankQ at the junction of the
Daka with the Volta, Fametwaasu, Krupi (or, in a straight line
from Akaneem: Nkwankwakdro, Kpanaye, Krupi); Pami, Salaga.
5. From Kyebi via Obogu to Kiimase,
and back via Fomfina and Asen-Praso to Kyebi.
35 Jan.— 21 Feb. 1881. K. Buck S D. Huppenbauer.

a. Akyem-Abuakwa: Kyebi, Adadeentam', P&men, Takyi-

manma, 'Tumfa, Amonom, Kokobi, Abomso, Asuom'. b. Akyem-
Kotoku: Yayaso, Praso (river Pra), Kome(so). c. Asante-Akyem:
Obogu. d. Asante: KQUom-hno, Odiimase (E. of Dv^aben), (river
Anum running E. and S. E. to the Pra), 'Bohank&ra, Ampebam,
Adadeentam, DQtebi, Beseaso, Di^oso, K&rapa, Kwammo, Fomasiia,

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654 Appendix C. Geography.

Dom, Kantik5rQn, Ayigja, AinakoiD\ Sapom\ Kumase; - Kaase,

Akabkawaase, Asiago, Qdaso, Dedea8e§wa, Adaabon, Aduaku,
Adwamam\ Poposo(Beposo), A8umennya(A8umgya), Adwabemma,
Amoaforo, £-dwenea8e, Koraman, Samfo (Nsafo), Adadewase,
AkaDkawaase, Dote^so, £r8aukwanta, Ky§abo(o8o). e. Adanse:
Dompoase, Fgioana, Ku8a,(Mmon8e ifi/{,)^Fwironiase,Akwan8ram\
Aktiroforom\ Fomso, Ansa, A8Lamdn(2), Atobiaaae, Apagya, Atase-
nkwanta, Kyekye(wo)were, Praso-kttma. /". Asen: Praso, Atase.
g, Akyem-Abuakwa: Kokotenten, Tvrereso. h. Aky em-Eotoku :
Auyiuaase, Abanase, Kwanta a. 8. MmoQso. u Akyem-Abuakwa:
Wankyi, Atakorowase, 'Kumase, Mpankyeso, Otomokiirom , Akwa-
tia, Boadua, Topr^man (2), ApinamaD, Abohema, Dompem, Afiesa,
Afwenease, Adadeentam\ Kyebi.

in. Vocabulary of Greographical Names.

The names contained in part I & II (of this Appendix C) and

many more of less importance are given here in alpbabetical order
(European names in italics). Of the single letters added to them,
h means lake^ m. momUain or AiW, r. river or rivulet (no. a wdl)>
If no such letter is added, the name means a country, district, town
or village. If m. or r. is in parenthesis, it shows that the name is
at the same time that of a village and of a mountain (hill) or river
(brook). The figures added refer to the number of the country (in
part I) and the smaller ones (after comma) to the district; R.1-5
points to the Koutes in part II. Names with an asterisc are ex-
plained in the Dictionary. The prefixes e, e, o, o are not written
in capitals, because they are very frequently omitted; they may
also be indicated by an apostrophe.

A. Native names beginning with the prefix A (or A approach-

ing to E) or with Am-, An-, An-, before another consonant, will
be found under the next following consonant — Accra, Akra, 61.
Anamdboe 1 5. ApoUonia 4. Axitn 7.

B* Bagyamso 45. Bakado R. 2. Abakrampa 14. Abam 23,2.

Banna 48. AbanaseR.5/t. Banka23,5. Bahkamon r.m. 26,<>. Ban-
kwa 32. Bano 58. Abanoso 23. Banso R. l.a.a. oBins6 23,d. Bin-
tllm4 32,/. R.I. AbanwabiR. 3. Banyin 4. Barakar. R. 2. Barako,
Barasia-akoh R.l. Batoo 66. R. 4a. Bawdre (r.) 26,//.i2. Baware-
80 26,i7. Baworo 32,4. Abease 37c. oBedamase 26,ii. Abedum
r. 26,16. Abefo r. 26,/5. oBegoro 23,5. (Behien 4.) B$kwae 32,8.
Abenawia26,i5. Abene29,i. (Benin 4.) Bepon29,5. Bepo-ano 26,^.
Beposo 27. R. lb. bd. Bepu m. 26,8-10. Bereku 20. R.2. Bereka-
hereku r.m. 2Q,10,1U3. Berekum 32,ii. Berekuso 26,i. Berem r.
23. Aberemu 11. Bergman. - Aberewa r. 26,5. Aberewaboo m, 29.
Aberewa-mforom.23. Aberewa-hkg 26,ii. Aberewa-ntrafr.^ 26,iOJ/.
Bere-wo-nan-ase 24. Beseaso R 5,d Abesem 35. Betabi 23,^. Abe-
temma r. 23. 26,11. Abetensu r. 23. Abetifi 29. Abibiri.* Abie r.
26,/0. Abiremponsu r. 23. Biribiri 26,14. oBirinibiri r. 26,1/. 29.
Abiriw26,/2. BiriwaR.2. Blakpa 66. R.4. Ahol.26,18. oBo 29,3.
Boaboa r. 26,10. Aboabo r. 23. oBoabeduru r. 26,15. Boade r. 26^.
Aboade8. BoaduaR.di. AboanoR. 2. oBoansa r. 26,P. QBoaansiao
m.23. Bobi-kiima 21. Bobo-krom R. 4 c. oBodan 26,5. Abodobi

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III. Vobaculary of Geographical Names. 655

r. 23. Abodom 23,6. Boe(m) 41.R.4c. oBogu 30. R5. Abogyasu

r. 23. Bohankara R. 5 17. Abohema 23,i. R. 5i. Bohnm-ase R. 1,
Bohye r. 26,16. Bohjen, Bohyenwa R. la. Boko r. 26,9.10, Abo-
kobi 61. Bokoso 26,9. Bokuruwa 29. Bom' (m.j 26,11.18. oB6m'
(r.) 26,11. Bomma 23,5. Abommar. 23. 29. Abomma-kronkron r. 29.
Abom§ 26,18. BomeD r. R. 1 b. oBomen 29. oB6menes6 23. Abo-
menasawa r, 23. Abommosii 23,7. Abompe 23,3.4 Bompon r. 23.
(r.) 26,11.18. Abomso 23,2. R.5. Abonade 26,i5. Bona r. Bonaso
R. 3. Abonbyire, oBonkamen, Bohkasu, Bonkub^n, Bonkuram,
r. 23. Bohkuren R. 3. Ebono 37. Abonse 26,18. oBonserewa m. 29.
oBgntete (r.) 26,10. Bontii r. 26,16. Bontiase 26,15. oBoontin iw. 29.
Bontu r. 23. Bontiikii 33. oBonyan m. 26,9. 'Ab6ra 14. Borada42.
Borebore 15. Borehye 26,11. oBoroahohoo r. 23. oBosabea r.26,/5.
Bosanse 58. Boso R. 4 b. r. 23. oBo8om(bone) r. R.3.4c. oBosom-
ase 26,5. Bosompra s. Pra. Bosommnro r. 23. Bosom-sawarn (m.)
26,10. Boson-otwe I 32. Abotakyi 26,5. Abotan r. 29. Botia r. 23.
Abotifi29. Bowura42. Ebrar. R.2. AbrabyiaR.l. AbrakumR.2.
Abrawade R. 3. Abromi 26,18. Brou 37. Abti^kwa 23. Abukare
r. 26,12. Abt!ikw^a8^, 26,tl. oBun r. 29. Bunktia r. 23. Bunkarnm
s. Bonk., Bnnton, oBupurn r. 29, Aburi 26,.V. Abfirokyiri,* Abnr-
onsa r. 23. Burnkd m. 29. Burnknmadaw m. 26,8. Bammpon r. 23.
Busiia 7. Butiri 7. Abuton m. 26,6. Obutn 19. 20.

C, Cape Coast 13. Chama 8. Comtnenda 11.

D. §Da, Q-, r. 26,5. 32. R. 1 b. m. 26,11. {cf. oLa m.) Ada 66,1.
Dabite r. 26,10. Daboso. Adabonso, 23 or 27. Dabo^ea r. 23. Da-
h6yk 46. Dadaknm 26,i5. Dade s. L&. Dadease 32,^. Adadee-ntam'
23.2. 32 R. 5 a.d. Dadeeso R. 1. Adadewa-ase R. lb. bd. Adaepowm
26,li. Adafoo 66,i. Dagamma, Dagomba 53. Dago 18R.2. oDa-
gyav^ee 32. Dagyimfa r. 26,/a Daka r. 45. 46. R. 4 d. Adaka r.
26,9. Dakobi r. 26,5. DakOyekrom 27. Adakfima 23. Dalla 59,2.
Daman 9. DammanR. 1. oDamaneso 24. Damfa61,5. Adamfa
m. 26,2. Adami, -war. 26,11.15. {cf. Alami.) Adammorobe (r.)26,S.
Adamperenya 26^1. Dampo r.m. 26,10-12. Adanka-ase. Adankrono
23,^. Adankumm.26,i5. DaiikyiralO. AdanseSl. Danteko 26.i5.i^.
Adanme 62-66. Dan we r. 26,4. Dannyame r. 23. Dansam-so R. 1.
Adapom' 26,/i. Adasiwaase 23,/. Adasem. 26,iO.Adaso23,(r. oDaso
R. 1 b. 'AdkUL=: Lagos. Date 26,/7. Dawade s. La. Adawara R.1.
Daaware m. 23. oDawu 26,13. Dawuma-kol (-koro) R. 1. Adawnra
23,-2. Dayi r. R.4c. Debo r. 44.45. oDeedu r. 23. Dedaku r.m.
26,16. Dedeaseewa R. 1 b. 5 (7. Dekoko R.4c. oDeknm-ase 26,^.
Dema r. 23. DemeaR. 4 c. §D6na, q-, 12. Adenkrebi 61. Aden-
kyensa to. 26,9. Adenso 26,13. Densu (Sakum) r. 23. 26,.9. 11. w. 26,12.
Densiia r. 23. oDentemaneso 44. Adenya (r.) 26,10. 11. Adere, r. s.
Firaw. Adiada r. 26,a Dibenase 23,? DidwaR.3. Dinawngiirn

59.3. Bixcove 7. Adobe-ase 26,13. Adobesa r.m. 26,11.12, r. 29.29.

Dobnro 26,5.5./^. (m.) DodiR.4b. Dodowa 26,5.9. DofoR.4a.
Adokwafo 26, /5. Dom R.5(2. Domma 59,1. Domaben. Adoma-fol
R. 2. oDomase r. 29. Adomasn r. 29. Dome 23,5. Adome 27. Do-
me-a-bra27. Domonase 14. DompemR. 5i. Dompo-ase R. 1 b. Don-
ase R. la. Donko 46. oDonko m. 29. Donkorowa r. 29. Odon-

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656 Appendix C. Geography.

kyeae R.3. Donto r. 26,/2. Dotebi 32. R.5. Doteeso Rl b.5d.

QDgtiirom m. 26,J5. Adowa r, 29. Adowadow m. 26. AdSekpo 64.
D^Qine H. 4c. Aduaben 32,7. K. lb. Duabyew 23. Aduamoa 29,^.
Adaasa23,^. Adnbia-ase R. 1 . Adukurom 26,i5. oDumahy^nkawa,
Aduraa8426,ii. oDumase 23,5. 26,i5.2V 32,5. (R. 5.) 64,2. Dumien-
ano R. 3. Aduhku R.lb. 6d, Dunkwaw 14. Dawansa 59,4.

D'^, oDwaben 25.32,d. Adwabemma, Dwabehwa R. 1 b bd.

Dwae 37c. Adwafo 24. Adw^nnua w. 23. Adwemmera 7. oDwen-
dwenam^ 26,iO. oI)wen6-ase 23^5. 32. R. lb. bd. Adwene-wo-n8ur.23.
Adwenketi L 26,6. Adweso (23.) 25. Adwira 32,-2. Dwirasu 50,3.
Dwokwa 10. Dw6mmd 19. R. 2. Dwgma r. 26,^. Dwommoa 19.
Dwomperem r, 23. Adwosika r. 26,iO. Dwoso R. bd, Adwuku r.
26,^^. Adwuma-mu R. Ib.bd. Dvvumfo-krom R.4c.

IS. Native names witb the occasional prefix e- or e- (which is

usually omitted) will be found under the next following consonant.
Elmina 12. Ehiresi, G. Enligi 61,1.

P. Afabeh 26,7. Fa-me-twa-asu R.4d. Fa-nkyene-ko 23,5.

Fante 11-21. Fasatwe 27. qF§ r. 31.32. F5f§ r. 23. Fesu, Fesu-
waeR.l. F^t^20R.2. Afiafi 26,i5. R 2. Fiankoabo w. 26. Fiase 8.
Afidwaase 25.32,5. Afigsa 23,^.R.5i. Firaw 27.&C. 64&c, R.4.
Firaw-kuma r. 26,9. Firempgn r. 23. FooR.2. Amfor. R2. Afoa-
kwar. 26,9. Ofoa8e64. Fodwoku 23? cf, Vodzoku R.4a. Mfomd7.
Fom&na 31. Fomasiia R. 5 r^. Fomdso R. 1 b.5e. oFohnua r. 26^?.
Fosu r. Afowa47. Afram r. 29. R.3.4b. Aframso R.2. oFrawie
m. 29. Afua 17. Anfue R.4c. Afuma 2. Fute R.3. Afiitu 13.20.

F"^. Afwe-ammog-asuwa r. 23. AfwenSas^ 23,2. R. 5 1. Afwe-

r^se 26,4. Fwiromase R. lb. 5e.

G. Gra61. Gamara58. (Gb begins no Tshi names, but 6a, Guan

and Ewh^ names.) Agomanya64. oGomer. 23. GomQal9. Agona,/! Agotime69. Goya 37. Agrafi 66 R.4. Agraraan
R.4c. Grimini 50,2. Agu 69. oGua, e-, 13. Aguafo 11. Gcian 26.
37 c. 39-41.44.45. Aguanbi-nsuwa r. 29. Aguogo 30. Gumma 57.
Gurusi 50,1. Gya 26,ia Agya 15. R.2. Gyabo 26,7. Agyabon 27.
R. 4 b. Gyadam (24). Gyadam-asuo-so 23,^. Gyafo-abotan R. 3.
Agyakyga23,5. Gyakiti27. Agyama('w.;26,/5. Gyaman33. Agja-
manti 26,^. Gyamase 23,4. Agyama-ase 32,2. Gyampomani 23^.
Gyampenomee r. 23. Gyampete r. 29. Gyaneboafo R. 3. Agyanewa
26,S. 6. Gyankama 26,2. Gyahkurufa r. 26,14. Gyansa m^ 65,2.
Gy^nsa 26,5. Agyansakyi 26,i4. Gyasiti r. 26,i5. Agyato R- 3.
Gyawhgfwg 27. Gyawso 23,4. Gyebidawa, Gyegyati, Agyeiasiia
r.23. Agyemba (m.) 26,tf. Agyepoma 23,4. Agyenedu (m.) 26,6.7.
Ag3dmako 17. GyimasoR.lb. AgyinaR.4b.

H. Ahabante, Ahawante 26,i/. Ahafo 32,iO. Ahanta 7. Aha-

Uwia 23,d. Ahea m. 29. Ahemma-nsu r. 26,ii. Ahen^ase 26,17. 29^.
Aheneberem 8. Ahenktiro 32,i4. 43. Hensua r. 26,/i. oHiani r. 23.
Ahinabilmu, Ahinasa R.I. Ho 68. Ahodome 68. Ahodwo r. 26,/^'.
Ahoho-mfoa r. 26,10. Ahohoro-mf^na r. 23. 29. Ahonf wewa r. 23.
Horeyehkyerem R. 3. Hiia 68. Ahura8eR.4c. Huruwtom' tc. 26,M
Ehye I 26. Ahyiresu r. 23. 26,ii.29.

I. does not commence any Tshi name, not even as a prefix,

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Appen dix F . Ethnolo gical Proper Names. 666

b. Names of original Families of the Tshi people.

According to T.E. Bowdich (Mission to AslMntee, London 1819,

p. 2J^9) the. whole of the Asante, Wasa, Fante, Akem, Asen, Akwam,
and part of the Ahanta nations were originally comprehended in
12 tribes or families. (Part of the Akiiapems, as far as 1 hey are
of a common descent with the Akwaros and Akems or have re-
lations in Fante, are inclnded. Whether the Bronfo and Kam&nafo
are inclnded or not, is uncertain.) Other native informants omit
part of the names given by Bowdich and give many other names
of original families. We arrange all these names alphabetically,
adding the number in Bowdich^s list, and mention with some of
them single towns or countries (marked by the number given to
tbem in Appendix C) in which members of such families live. The
principle of this division into families is descendance from the same
mother, or relation from the mother's side, which relation also de-
termines the right of inheritance among the genuine Tshi tribes.
It is natural that this maternal relation could not become a prin-
ciple for a political division, and it is, therefore, difficult to obtain
a clear insight into these family connections.

1. Abadie (Bowdich s), — 2. Abakamade. — 3.B6retu (Bd.2.)

26,5. & Nnonkofo. — 4. Abrade f^d.5.;26,5./i.27. — 5. oDdk5;
Nnakofo ye ketewa bi wo Fante (Wokofo nkoa); Boaten, DVraben
bene, worn* bi. — 6. Aduana 23.32. Woguare Bosommuni, cf, ntoro,
p. 506. — 7. D^umana, D wumo^nA (Bd, 12.) 26,1/. Cf, nton, p. 504.
8. Agona (Bd,lL) parts of Fante, 24. 26,ii. — 9. Ekdana^^JBd 1.)^%H.
10. Amoakdd^ (Httafo, No. 68). — 11. oNanyo 26,3. — 12. Anona
(Bd,5.) probably identical with Aduana (No. 6 above). — 18. oNyi-
go 26,5.11- — 14. Apiadie (Bd 9.), a servant race. — 15. Pon^ 26,5.
— 16. Asakiti. — 17. Asenee 32.61. — 18.*As6na (Bd,4') 13-21?
23. 26,5.11. (Fante abirempon nhinS, Akyem n^ Akuapem ahene.)
— 19. Tea 24. — 20.Ntwa, Nt^ea? (Bd.7,)—2\. Twidam (Bd, lay
22. oWoko & 23. Q^Qkg? (Bd.6.) 26,5. 11. 32.

According to Bowdich the Ekoana, Asona, Nt^a, Twidam

(No., — to which the buffalo (eko), bush-cat (eso), dog
(twea), panther (etwi) are said to be forbidden to eat, — are the
4 patriarchal families and preside over 8 other younger branches
rNo. 3. 4. 12. 22. 1. 14. 8. 7.). According to other informants the
ramilies No. 22. 23.9. 5. are from one mother, the families No. 7.18.
from another, the families No. 8. 13. 10. 2. from another ("mmusQa
barenum a woye §nll mma biakd*'), whereas No. 6. is designated
as "father's children, agya mma, ntorofo". — More light may be
thrown upon these original families by further researches, to which
the few dates furnished above, chiefly of Asante, Abnri, Akropon
(32. 26,5.11.), may give a stimulus.

0. Names of the "Companies*' of some Akuapem towns.

Amfere, Akdmfode, Kyiriamlm^ Nuua, ApagyA, Ap§s§m-

dkkj Asabiy Oseawuo, As^uko, Atiwa &c. Some particulars a.
under "asafo'' p. 403.

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666 Tshi Dictionaiy; Appendix G.


Proper Names of Persons.

Every indiyidnal among the Tshi negroes has osnallj two

names, sometimes one or two bj-names (kings may have even
more), apart from baptismal Christian names or other Earopeaa
names. — i. One name (usually, though not always, the first of
the two) shows on which day of the week the child is bom. These
names and some surnames belonging to them see in App. D. lU.
(p. 663) & Gr.§41,4. — ^. Of other names there is a great variety:
a, Names indicating the place which the person occupies among
other children of the same mother, s. Gr. § 41 ,5. "Panyin" and
^^Kfima** may be reckoned with these. - 6. Names given to children
from some superstitious motive, in dedication to some fetish &c. as,
OdonkQ, Kwadade. - o. Names referring to bodily qualities, as, tall,
short, red, black &c. - d. Names indicating general or special oc-
cupations or doings, often in the form of a short relative sentence,
as, Bekoe, Osiadan, Yianoma. - e. Names indicating appurtenance
to a possessor, as Abankwa, Kwatiemo. - f. Names taken from
fetishes, ancestors or other persons, town or countries, animals or
other objects of nature or human manufacture. - g. Names giveo
to slaves, sometimes consisting of short sentences. — Of many
names the original meaning is not known. Some are compounds
of two simple names and the constituents may mutually change
places, as Koranten or Tenkoran. — Female names may be derived
from male names by adding the word 'bea or the termination (ba,)
wa or ma, or by lengthening a final "a", as Qfgebea, Ofosuwa,
Korantemma or Tenkoramma, Ampons&; most of the^se have been
omitted in the following list. Some female names not derived in
the said way are marked by f. and names of slaves by ^. — Names
already contained or explained in this dictionary have an asterisc
before them, or the page added.

A&bk F.= Ayaba, Yawi, Ya' (Gr.§41,4). Ba, BL Ababio

p. 255 L 1 . *Badu. BagyirL Bampo. Baninyiye. Abankwa or -kwa.
Barimpa. Bedi-^k6. Bekoe. ^Abena. Qben, Qbenewl Berebo.
Abien. Obi-nnim-kyena, si* Obiri. Obi-wom\ Abo. Boa. Boadum.
B6&fo. Aboagy^. Boahene, Boahemma. Boakye. Boam. Boaman.
Boaten. Bodii^. Qboe. Bgfo. Abokyi. Qbone-afere, si. Abonna.
Bonsu. Boo. Abora. Oborobe. Bosompra. Bosommuru. Abotan.
*Botwe. Bow. Ebow. Abransamadu. Obuaben. Obuo. Obu6bi
^Buobisa. Buriiwi. — Adade. Adae. Dak6. Adaku. Dakwa. Dame.
Dampo. Damte. Dankwa. Qdankyi. Danso. *Adantam\ Dapa.
Adapenkye, sL Adarekwa. Date. Date. Adaw. Odawuru. Ade-idTa-
okye, si, 'Ded^, f. Odei. Odente. Ade-ye-pc-na, si. Adi. OdoL Doku.
Domfe. Dompftre. Odohko. Odontan. Adow. Do-wuo-na. AdiL Edu.
Dua. Adu-akwa. Add-bSra^^iri. Duko. Add-k6ram'. Odum. Addm\
Odumrai. Adn-mil-nnuro. Ad66b^. Duodti. Oduro. Adu-warae. —
D^erobe. *Adi^owa. D^omo. — Afari. Fa-sl-da-m^ase, d. Fa-
asem-kye. Ofee. Feni. Afi. Fianko. Firempon. Afiriyiye* *Afiw».
Mfod^o. Fofie. Ofori. Ofori-kfie. 'Afbro, f, Ofosu. Fram. Fr^^

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Proper Names of Persons. 667

frede. FrenS. Fua. Fufu. Mivoi. Aftmyam. Afuwa. — F^e-nea-

onipa-ahQ, si. Afwi. Afwiren. — Agame, sZ. Ago.Aguanako. Agya.
Gyaemfi. Gyakari. Agyakwa. Gyktn, Qyamabi. Gyan. Gyanadu.
Agyar^. Gyaw. Gyawa, Gyawu. Agya-ye-ba, sL Agyei. Gyekye.
Gyekyi. Agyekum. Agyeman. Gyima. Agyiri. — Hama. Qliein-
panyin. Qhene. Qhenewa. Ahenkora. AhenkCima. — Oka. Qkae.
Kakraki. Ank&ma. Ank^na. Ok&ra. Karakari. Okata. Kes^. Ke-
seku,^. Nk§tea. Ketekn. Aketewa. Kisi. Kisieda. Ako. Ko-adow, d.
^koama. AnkQbea. Kobinko. Kodi-abe, sL Kofo. Ko-fori. ^K^ko.
K^kg . Koko. Kokora. Kokdroko. Ko-kyere. Nkoma. Komanu.
Komm^ Akon* Koaadu. Konkon. AkoniiQ. KQ-ntow. Koran.
Korankyi. Koranten. Akosuwa. Koto. Akoto. Akotia. Akotua.
Qkra. Okra. Okraku. Nkrdmma. Qkrom^a. Okromo. Akron. Oku.
Aku. (Aku-amoa.) Akufu. KQiri^. Kumi. Okumpa, si. Okum-nipa.
Ktirofua. Kosi. Akuwa.*Kwabena. Kwabiri. Kwabom. Kwabonua,
Akwada. Kwad^d^. ^K wad wo. Kwafam. Kwafo. Kwagyabradn.
Kwagyeraan. Kwakowa. Kwaku. Kwakuwa. Ewakwa. Kwakye.
^Kwame. Akwanno. Kwanoku. Nkwanta. Nkwantabisa. Kwapgn.
*Kwasi. *Akwa8iba. Kwdtia, AkwatiA. Kwatiemo. Akwatua. Q-
kyeame. Akyeampon. Kyei. Akyem. Qkyeh (= Atiemo). Akyene.
Kyenku. Okyere. Kyerefo. Okyer§ma. Kyorewa. Okyiri. — Amma.
Amakye. Amlinapd. ManiamfSm. Mankata {= Macatiht/y Manko.
Amankwa. Amankwatia. AmannQ. Mmansa. Mmausa. Amansa.
Mmana,-karo,-kwaw. Aminasa. MenBa. Minta. Amo. Amoa. Amoa-
ko. Ammoakwa. — Anah. Nantwi. Ane^. Aniapam. Aniro. Anim-
ma. Animiri. Animwa. Nge. Anobi, An6kw&'. Annm. — Nyiko.
Ony^m. Ny^mma. AnyAmma. *Onyame, Onyamo-asem, Onyame-
ye-adom, 5^. Nyanaw. *Nyahkamaag6, Nyahkamatiiakosan. Nyan-
koa (G.). Nyante. Onyina. — Apagya. Pagyaw, sh Apampauin.
Atnpana. Apdnim. *Panyin. Oparo. Ampasakyi. Pata-wo-tuo, 5^.
Ampaw. Apea. Pedei /". Apeko. ApSnem. Op6se. Apetekona. Pintin.
Pipim. 'Pobi. Ampofo(ro). Opoku. Opoh. Apond^^d. AmponsS.
Apraku. — Asa. Ansa. SH. Sabu. Saduasa. Sae. S&fori. SaHSro.
Sakyi. Sakyiama. Sakyiiifa. AsSmami. Nsame. Sanl. Asdno. Asante.
Sapawudno. Saw. Osee. 'Sekyere. Asemnyame. Seniagya, 5/. Osete.
8e-yeBe-nyg» sL Osew. Asi. Osiabo. Osiafo. Osiama. Asiammoa.
Asiampon. Asianowa. Asiare. Asiaw. Asiedn. Asiemiri. Osiko.
Asirifi. Sisirikn. Asg f, Ason. Sgnkg. Asnmen. — *Ata, Ate. Ota-
kwa. Takyi. Etara. Tanno. Tantanti. *Tawia. Teakataku. Oten.
Atenka. Qten-koran. Tenten. Teta-bea. *T^te, Tet^ (G.). *Tfete
Tet4(Guan). Ati. Tia. Tift. Otibo. Atiemo. Ntim. Tiri. Ntoakyere-
wo. Tomfo. Ntgmmg. Otopa. Ntow. Otu. Tuo. Otutu. Otutnkond.
— Ot^6. T^eneboa. Twento. Ntwentwena. Twerebe. Antwi. O-
fwiwa. Twot^ow. ^twum. TwAmiurf. Twumwa. Ottawa. — Wa-
nyin. Ware. Wia. Woko. Woroko. Awoso. Woyo. Awukii. Owuo.
Owusu. — Ya. Aya, sh Ayakg. Yamfo. Yaw. Yawmane. Aye. Aye.
Oye. Yeboa. Yeke, si. AyensS. Ayerakwa. Ayesu. Yianoma. Ayie-
kgaao. Ojrirefi. Yirenkyi. Ayiripe.

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668^ _ T st ^i Dictio aarj: Appendix JL


On the English Writing of Native Names

of the Tshi, Akra, £wb^ and Yoruba Languages*
Names of ^Places in the and adjacent to the Gold Coast Protec-
torate" are published in Payne's Lagos and West African Alma-
nack 1881, p. 638eq. in their official "correct" spelling. That list
of about 370 names, however laudable as an attempt to check the
unbounded arbitrariness in writing such names after the English
mode of spelling, does not yet meet the requirements of the case.
Besides many misprints, the different names are written in so multi-
farious and inconsistent ways, that the same name frequently occurs
in two or three forms and at different places, e. g. Crackee, Karaki
= Kftrakye; Edtoabin, Juabin = l)i?iraben ; Sewhee, Sefui, Shawi =
Safwi &c.*) — We may retain the established orthography a) for
names of European origin, as Apollonian Axim, Cape Coasi, Ckri-
stiansboi-fff Di^cove, Elmina, Saltpond^ Vdta; b) for places con-
sidered as European Settlements and occupied by officers or func-
tionaries of the Government, though their names be of native origin,
as Accra (Akra), Addah, Anamahoe, Prampram, Quiliah, Seceondee,
Winnebah (= Ga, Ada, Onomabo, Kpukpra, Keta, Sakunne,
Simpa) ; but for all other names of places and persons the English
way of writing ought to be accommodated to the simple struc-
ture of the native language and the plain way of orthography fol-
lowed in the vernacular literature. To this end we suggest the fol-
lowing rules :

1 . Native names in English writings are written with the same

Roman letters which are used in the vernacular orthography (just
as English names in German or Negro writings are written after
their English fashion).

2. The vowels a, e, i, o, u, sound as in *'past, best, list, past, fuU^^

and are always short, except they have the macron on them (a,
e, T, 5, ti). [If these long letters should not exist in the printing
office, the vowels ought to be doubled. A chief point is, not to
use "ee, oo", instead of "i, u".]

3. a) The broad vowels §, o (as in ''very, hoi") are written with the
short line under them, as in the vernacular orthography; in
printing, if the office has not the proper letters, the e £ o may
be put in italics (as proposed by Professor Max M filler) or the
inverted letters e & 5 may be used. In Yoruba the letters e & o
have a perpendicular line joined to them underneath.

b) The thin a (as in ''faf% which the Fantes express by e,

stands instead of the full a (as in '*far") before i, u, and other
close sounds, and wants no distinction from a.

*) The above mentioned list of names in Payne's AlmanadE Bigfat be

rectified, if the country or situation had been added to the single
but as the names stand, many of them cannot be identified.

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En8:lish Writing of Native Names. 669

c) The narrow ^ & Q may be written without the dot, e, 0. It is

a decided mistake to write them i & u (as the anglicized Fantes
do), which confounds them with the real i & u. Thej are indeed
shades of e & o, as the broad e & Q in the opposite direction ;
the Kru language likewise distinguishes three shades of e & o.

4. The frequent nasal vowels, not known in the English tongue,

must needs be marked as such. The letters & 6 1 d fi of the Stand-
ard Alphabet answer the purpose very well indeed ; but if they
be wanting in print, the nasal character of the vowels may be
indicated by a dot on the right hand of the vowel, as in Kolle's
Polyglotta Africana; e. g. Ada*. [In Yoruba the nasal sound is
indicated by an n after the vowel; but in Tshi it is impossible
to do so, because common m, n or n often follows after vowels.]

b. The consonants bd f g(hard) h k iinii p rs t vwyz aroused

as in English, but c,j, q, x, are excluded in the Standard Alpha-
bet Consonants are not to be doubled to indicate the shortness
of a preceding vowel.

6. Consonants peculiar to African orthography.

a) The letter n represents the simple sound of ng as in *'ring"

(never two sounds as in ''finger")^ and the dot answers the pur-
pose very well ; but if it cannot be printed on it, the dot may be
put on the right hand of n, and before h & k it may be omitted.
The final n of the Akuapem and literary dialect is often mere-
ly n in Fante.

b) The Tshi letter Vir, if not to be had in print, may be rendered

by simple w or wy, and the combinations dW, tw, nw, tVir,
by dw', fw, iiw', tw' or tsh' (not by^w, wh, - twh or tch).

c) The Akra and Ewh4 letters ds (= dz), s, ts of the Standard

Alphabi*t ought to be expressed by dzh, sh, tsli; but if English
writers prefer j, ch, let them use these, as j is retained also
in Yoruba, whilst sk is expressed by s with a perpendicular line
attached to it underneath.

d) The Ewh^ letter ^ (better (f) may be rendered by wh.

e) The combinations gb, kp (in AkrA, Ewh4, Yoruba) and gy^

hy, ky, ny (in Tshi) are retained. If, in the latter, the y in some
cases escape an English ear and be omitted, as in Akem =
Akyem, it is no serious fault. It is of more importance not to
overlook the n of ny, as in Nyankomase, Anyankamaase.

Postscript, The name Tshi or Tshwi having such a curious

spelling and pronunciation, the language might have been desig-
nated on the title-page as **the Asante- Fante language", in
analogy with the name of "the Anglo-Saxon language".

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Preface, page V— VII.

I. The Tsbi Dictionary, a counterpart to the Tshi Grammar. -
2."Why so late and so large. - 3. For whom intended. -4. Whence
the materials. - 5. Dialects. - 6. A new Fantc orthography re-
futed. - 7. Foreign and new words. - 8. Arrangement of words.
- 9. Parallel forms of the same word. - 10. Occasional expli-
cations. - 11. Synonymes &c. - 12. Abbreviations. - 13. English
diction. - 14. Additions and Corrections. - 15. Appendices. -
1 6. Future improvement. - 1 7. Conclusion.

Abbreviations explained, p. xm seq.

Tshi Literature, p. XV seq.

Publications a) of the Basel Mission, h) in Fanto.

Grammatical Introduction, p. XVII— XXVIL

A. Gleneral Remarks.

Name and territory of the language, § 1 .

Orthography and pronunciatibu of the nime, Bern.
Position among other African languages, § "2, 3.
Dialects, § 4. — Characteristic features, § ^^1-21.

B. Grammatical Specialities. — I. Sounds and Letters.

Vowels, pure and nasal, § 6. 7. — Diphthongs &c. § 8. 9.
Consonants, simple and compound, § 10.

II. Formation of Words.

Stems and AfBxes, § 11. — Reduplication, § 12.

Stems, consonantal and vocalic part, § 13-15.
Verbal stems and their varieties, § 16. 17.
Affixes of nouns: prefixes and suffixes, § 18. 19,
Affixes of verbs and of the infinitive, § 20-22.

III. Additional Remarks on Tshi Orthography.

Inaccuracies of the Alphabet, § 23.

Defective writing, § 24. 25.

IV. Directions for the use of the Dictionary.

Alphabetical order of the letters, § 26.
Deviations from the strict order, § 27.

Prefixes to be severed from the radical consonants;

difficulties caused by nasal prefixes and radicals, § 28-30.

Addenda (words supplementary to p. 1-631), p. XXVIII.
Dictionary of the Asakte and Fante Language, p. 1-568.
Additions and Corrections, p. 569-^31.
Corrections of the Tshi Bible, p. 632.

Digitized by VjOOQIC
Contents. 671

Appendices, p. 633-669.

A. Foreign Words occurring in the Tshi Bible, p. 633.

B. Gold Weights used in Akem and Asante, p. 636.

C. Geography of the Gold Coast and Inland Countries :

I. Enumeration of Countries, also of towns, waters, hills &c.,

with historical and ethnological remarks, p. 637.

A, South-western group of countries. No. 1-10.

B, Countries of the Fante group. No. 11-21.

0. South-eastern Akan group. No. 22-28.

D. North-western Akan group, No. 29-32.

JE. Countries N. of Asante proper, No. 33-38.

F. Eastern Trans- Volta group. No. 39-45.
6r. Countries about the upper Volta, No. 46-50.
U. Countries of the remoter interior, No. 51-60.
/. AkraAdanme countries. No. 61-66.
K. Countries E. of the lower Volta, No. 67-70.
XL Some Routes in the Gold Coast countries, p. 651.

1. Cape Coast — Kumase. — 2, Cape Coast — Akra — AdI.

5. Okwawu— Pae. — 4. Adafoo— ('FoZto^— Salaga.

5. Kyebi, Obogu, Kumase, — Fom&na, Praso, Kyebi.

III. Vocabulary of Geographical Names, p. 654.

D. Mythological Proper Names, p. 661.

E. Expressions of Ethnological Interest, p. 663.

B\ Ethnological Proper Names, p. 664.

G. Proper Names of Persons, p. 665.

H. On the English Writing of Native Names of the Tshi, Akra,

Ewh^ and Toruba Languages, p. 667.

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_ _ Ilf. Vocabulary of Geographical Names. 657

except it be incorrectly put for B or before N (as Iguah = Egu&,

Insooiak = Nsuta).

J. JeUa Coffee 67. Juffer 8. Juquah 9. — A sound similar to

£ng.y is contained in d^.

K Anka2. Kabi (m,) 26,ii. Kade 23A KakanaseR.!. Aka-

kom 23,^. NkakyenaK.H. Ankamar. 26,/^. KamJina28. Ahkamani
r. 26,iO. Akaneem41. 45. 5rkanewa r. 29. Kankan 61. r. 23. Akan-
kaase 23,i. 29. K.I b.l). R.5dd. Akantamasu s, Dodowa. Akanten
23,^. Kantikoron R.5^. KHrakye 44. Karamo r. 26,5. Nkliran 61.
KftrapaR.5^. Kaase R. lb. bd. Ankaase {s. Akank.) 23,1. Akasu
r. 29. Akasu r. 23.26,//. gKata, STkata w.r. 29. Akatakyi (7.) 11.
Katakyi-ase R. 1. Nkawanna, Akawasu r. 23. Kawenease 32,//.
Akehkawaase 5. Akank. 23,/. Kentenkyiren, cataract of the Densu
26,/i. Akeresuwa 26,//. KeseZ. 26,/^. Keta67. Kete44. Kctem26,/2.
Kinka 61. Kinjabo 1. oKirikeraw 26,/^. Kitaase 26,2. Akiti r. 23.
oKoabena r. 29. Kobi r. 26,2. 3, Akoda 7. Kodiabe 29. Kodib§nom
r.29. Kodoim.29. Kofikofi R.4a. Koforidua(23)25. Kogyakyea
42. Ak0hia§r.23. Akoko23,^. Nkokdr.29. Akokoa26,7. Akoko-
ase m. 26,//. Kokoben 23,^. R. 1. Akokoben, 26,^. Akoko-benom-
nsn (r.) 26,9.//. Kokobere m. 26^3. Kokobi 23,^. Akokobi m. 26,li.
Akokobitiano 26,18, Kokodam' r. 26,//. .Kokof6 26,/5. 32,5. 37c.
Kokofd-kwantaR.lb. Kokrobo (m,) 26,9.10. oKoli. Kdman 26,/i.
Komane 11. Kome 24. 30. Nkome R. 4 c. Akomeadae 1. 26,14. Ako-
m§8ur.23. Akomfode R.l. K6n 49. 'fikdn R.2. Kohkonnuro 26,5.
Akono m. 26,/7. Konom-nno 32,5. R. 5. Kononkrom 26,3. Nkonoso
23,2. Nkontan 26,^. Kontonkoniataso m. 26,9. Kontromfi rapid
R. 4d. Nkonya 40. oKope 26,1^ Kopo r. 26,^. Korada8o23,5. Kora-
roan (Kwaman) R. 5 (2. Koran kyeaoo 1. I^Tkoransa 36. Koranson
I. 26,6. Korantiri, Korentsel 16. Nkorebi r. 26,^. Akorobeto 26,/5.
Koromanten 15. Akoroso 41. Korownra r. 29. £kQSO 23,1. Nkoso-
krom 16. Kotakyi r. 23. Eote r. 26,iO. Koto r. 29. Kotokoli 64.
Kotoku, Kotokuom 24. Kotoso 29. Kotropee 27. Kot^SboQm R. 3.
(Kp- in 6a, 6uan & Ewh^ names.) Kpanaye R. 4d. Kpando R.4c.
Kpedekpo61,.5. Kpon 62,2. 64,2. R. 2.4. KpukpraR.2. Akra61.R.2.
AkradeR.4. Nkraduwa26,/5. oKradv^ere42. Krakye44. Nkran61.
Akrasu r. 23. Krepe 68. Krobo 64. Krobonyami 26,18. Akrofol,
Akrofomu, AkQroforom R.la.a.b« Krokoto 65,2. Krokrobite R. 2.
Nkronsi 56. Akropon 23,^. 26,ii. Krotwibo r.m. 26,10. Krupi R. 4d.
KrutViri w. 26,9. Akuanimma-abomanar.23. Akuap^m26. Kube42.
Kubease 26,/7. Kube-koro 26,10. Kudenkpe R.4d. Kukurantumi
23,2. Kuluga58. NkumlR.2. oKumase32.R.5e^.A. Akuma8ur.29.
Knmawu 32,2. AkQmff 18. l^kum-krom tn. 26,2. Kumpela 58. o-
Kumtei-ase 26,18. Rnnsu r. 41 ? Akupn-ano R. 2. oKnrease 23,tf.
Kuriti m. Kuriti-ase 26,13, Akiiroforom* R.5e. Akiirofbfu 23,/. A-
k&ropon 23,2. 26,//. Akurum r. 23. Kusa R.5e. Akuse R.4a. Aku-
sa r. 23. I^kwabem R. 1 . Kwab^n 23,/. Kwabena r. 26,6. Kwabiri
32,9. Akwabooso 23,7. KwaduagyaR.l. Kwad^o-wusu 27. Akwae-
Mur. 29. NkwaotamR.3. Nkwaetia29. Kwagyebim.26,/5. Kwako
r. 23. Akwam 27. Akwamma m. 26,^. Kwaman R.l b. 6d. Kw&-
rnerU m. 29. Kwametiar. 29. Kwammor. 26,5.7.9.//. R.5d. Kwam-


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658 Appendix C. Geography.

moso 26,5.7.^. Akwano 26,4. Nkwankwadua 23. 25. Nkwankwa-
kuro R.4d. Nkwanoa 26,15. Kwansa-kromR.!. AkwaDsramu R. lb.
5e. KwantaR.5/i. Nkwanta24. Nkwantanan 23,1,6. 26,11. (mj 29.
R.3. Kwantiabo 1. Nkwapraano, Nkwap&ran-ase 26,//. Akwasiho
29. Kwasu r. 26,11. Akwaten, Nkwaten 26,ii. 16. Akwatia 23,^. R.5f .
Akwatiakwa r. Akwatiakwa-80 26,^. Kwatwa K. 1. oKwawa 29.
KwisaR. lb. 5c. Nkyaworaw*. 26,i5. Kye2Q,ll. KyeaboosoR. 1 b-
5d. Akyease 23,8. Ankyease 26,2. 11. Kyebi, -ri, 23,i. Kyekyebon
r. 29. Akyekyerede 26,12. Kyekyere-wo-wer§ w. 29. Kyekyewere
R. lb.5e. Akyem 23-25. 30. Akyem-bepgw m. 26,9. Akyemfo R. 2.
Akyena32. Kyeneakuanow.2r),ia Nkyenenkyener.26,/tf. Kyene-
so R. 1. Kyehkubo 26,5. Nkyenowa 26,14. Kyerehi 42. oKyeremateo
26,/5. Kyerepgn 26,12-16. oKy^86 21. Nkyim-dua? Kyirikote r. 23.
oKyiri-ahantan, oKyiri-akomfo 61 . oKyiriyawa. Kyiriabe ifn.r. 29.

Li, in Ga, Adanme, Guan &c. names. La, Dawade 61. R.2.
oLa w. 26,12.13. Lagu 18. R.2. Lai R. 2. Elaloir. 62,2. Alami rM.
2642.13. V. 26,18. Lammo 26,/^. Lainpakii w. 26,13. Alankum m.
26,5. Alata 8. Adata. Late, Lete 26,/?'. Lobi 32. Lolonya R.2.

M. Some names with the prefixes M-, Am-, are found under P.
Mmadwaree r. 23. Amahepe m, 26,11. Amakom K. 5d. Mako-wom^
23. Amama 29. Mamen 23,^. Marafe 26,m Amamfi 8. Amamfo 16.
Amamforo 19. 26,ii.42. R.2.4c. Mampamma 54. Mampon 9.26,7.
32,2.4. Mamponten 32,9. Amamp5robi 26,//.Amamu^. 26,/^. M&na
26,i^. Amanabyia 4. Am&napa (r.m.) 26,11. Manne (m.) 26,8.10.
'Maneso s. Manso. Amanfol s> Amamforo. Amankansu r. 29.
^Mankesem' 15.19. Amahkoradabi w. 26,X9. Amankwade m. R.2.
Amannokurom 26,9. Manoso 32,iO. Amanse 32,^. Manso 22.24.
oManso 24. Mante r. 26,/0. Amantea8. 32. Amanten, Amantene
8. 38. Amantenso 26,-2-//. Araantra 30. Manya 64. Marewa 60.
M mease 23,4. Amedeka R.4a. Mmedwamu, Mmeguam' 26,^.7.
Mefe 66. R.4a. Mmem' 27. R.4. Amenese 26,18. Mmerameri
r. 23. Mmetaase, Mmetease 26,//. MirempQn r. 23. 'Amisa r- 14.
R. 2. Mlefi 66. R.4. Mmg r. 23. Amoaforo 32,7. R. 1 b.5rf. Ammo-
Annd 26,6. 7. Amoani r. 23. Amogyanesuwa R. 3. Jioniahyi 26,1$.
Amonom 23. R.5. Mmonsa 26,/^. Mmonse m. 29.31. JR. lb. Monu
26,/6\ Amosaw 23. (Mmoseaso 24.) Mosi 58. MmoQSo 23,/. 24. R. 5 A.
Mowure 13. R. 2. Mozanze 58. Amu r. R.4. Mumford 19. Mmurara-
murS 26,i^.

N. Some names with the prefixes N-, An-, are found under 8,
T,Tw. NdkwaR.2. xVnamaase24. Nama8uwaR.3. Namonsi 26,i»J0.
Namonsi 52. Ananami r, 26,16. Anahkaasu r. 23. Nanteta I. 23.
Anemer. 29. Animporebote26,/5. Nino, Nihowa6l.R.2. Noda6e69.
oNomabo 14. Anompete w. 26,10. Nnonko 46. Notum 26,5. Noyo
m. 65,2. Nnuakokom 26,10. Nnuam 26,12. Nnuaso R.I. Nudu 27.
Anum 39. Anum r. 32. R,5. Annmso 32, Nuno, Nunowa 61. R. 2.
oNyfidabi r.m. 26,11. Anyam 26,7. Nyamannao r. 26,12.13. Nyam-
prete m. 26,5. Anyan 17. Nyana I. 26,14. Nyannaw fH. 23,26^.
Nyanawase 26,c^. Nyanease 26,/5. Nyanepoli 4. Anyankama 32.
Anyan kamaase 22.23,8.26,15.16. R.l. Nyankomfode R.l. Nyan-
sotio 26,7. Nynnnyame r. 26,^. Nyato r. 26,6. Nnyednaase 26,/6.
Digitized by VjOOQIC

III. Vocabulary of (teo^raphical Names. 659

Nycnsi r. 26. «-/^. r.:r5. Nygn8i86 26,^.7. /2./5. Anyensu 27. Ny6-
iiyan<S20.61.R.2. NyerasoR.l. Nyerede 26,//. Anyinam 23,7. 24.
Anyina(wa)ase 24-27. R.57i. Anyinasu r. 23.

Iff. Some names beginning with the prefixes N-, An-, are found
under the succeeding consonant. Nuase 64. Nuseta R.4c. Ahlo 67.
Afiwi 53 b. Ahwamasu r. 23. AnwS 26,i5. Anwona wi. 23. Anwona
67. Anwoni, G. = Alata, Adata, Lagos. Ahwohwii 5.

O. Native names beginning with O or O are to be sought for

under the next following consonant.

P. Apai9.R.2. PadekreCw.;26,/5. Pae43. Apaetifi27. Apa-

fo 41. oPafodabi r. 26,/a Apagya R.lb. oPaha r. 29. Mpakadan
26,5. Mpako(^m.^ 26,9./0. Mpakyempakye 26,il. oPt^meh 23,5. R. 5.
Pami46. Pampanso 26,5. oPampa8o44. Apampatia 23,4. Pampcra-
mantan r. 29. Pamprami r. 26,/^. Mpankyeso R.5i. Panno 23,7.
Panobir. 29. Pantaman. Pantampa w. 23. Pantan. gPanto-ase 26,7,
ApApdm 23,2. P&ra $, Pra. Pareman 68. Apaso 27. 43. Apatawa
r. 29. Patiri-ansaw m. 26,P. Apatoro r. 29. Patuaamamfo 26,/<?.
Apeabura r. 29. Mpeasem R.l. Ampebam 32. R.Srf. Ap^dwA (m.)
23,5. Mpeha (r,) 23,2. Peki 68. R. 4. Apemanem 22. Pempampan
26,15. gPen^ope r. 26,9. Apenkwa (r.) 26,1/. R.l. Pepease 29.R.3.
Pfira*. Pra. Aperade24. Perekuma. Apesarem 26,1<?. P^8e27. R.4.
Ap6se 26,/8. Apeso 42. Apetedae 26,/i. Peteko 29. Mpe-woho-asem
(V.m.) 26,//. Apinaman 23,5. R.Si. Apiusi (r.) 26,/0. Apfr^d^ 26,/^.
ApirckQnia 26,/i. Apitibi r. 26,/<9. Apiw-krom 27. ePo r. 26,5. Pg-
bg r. 26,/^. oPoku r. 26,/(?. Pgmpgn r. 23.26,/(?. Aponapon r. 23.
Ponee 62. Amponkyera r. 23. Aponompa r. 26,/o. Amponsia r. 23.
Amponsikwanta R. 1. Popo r. 26,/0 Popo 70. Popgso R.5(?. Apo-
potia r. 26,//. Popoyinti r. 26,9. Poroporo r. 26,/2. ePosi r.wt. 23.
Aposo R. 4. Apotosu r. 29. Pra r. 8.9. 22. 23. 29. 31. Praboh r. 23.
Mpraeso 26,2. 29. Aprakyc m. 26,/^. Pram r. 23. Pram-kese 23,5.
Pram-kuma 23,^. Pramiri,r. Pramiriso 26,5. Pran 37. Mprahr.37.
gPranka /. 26,/^. Praso 22. 24. 31. R. la.b. bhf. Praso-kuma R. be.
Mpraso 26,2. 29. Aprasu r. 29. PratQ m. 23. (r,) 26,//. Aproapro w.
26,2. Apuma R. 4c. — Quittah s. Keta.

S. Ansa R. 1 b. be, r. R. 2. Nsaba 20.26,5. (r.) Asabi R.4. Asa-

boro m. 26,//. Asabu 13. Sadac, Sadah 29. R. 3. Sadwumase 23,4.
Asae-nsu r. 26,/^. Safo (r.) 26,//-/5. Asafo 23,4. 27. 32,/5. Nsafo
R. lb.5ci. Asafol R. 2. Safwi 6. §ai (Siade) 63. Sakraka R. lb.
Asakftraka 29. Sakum(o) r. 20.61. Sakunne 7. Nsakye (^r.m.; 26,5.
Salagha46. SaUpond'\6.'R.2. Sama 8. Samafi, Saraane 23,(?. 32,7.
Asamahkaw 8. Asamansu, Asamansuwa r. 23. Samfo s, Nsafo.
N8amrabi26,/<?. (Samu23,2.) San^58. gSanaase23,5. Sandrakofi41.
Asaneso 32,7. Sankgbanase 23. Esankwanta R. lb. 5rf. Sansami
m.26,/. Asante32. A8antemma26,5. AsantemansoR. lb. Sanyii 20.
R. 2. Asanyansu R. 3. Sapiease 43. Sapo m, 26,5. Siira 64. gSara-
ase23,5. Saraha46. Sarem46. Sa8abu42. Asds^dn626,ff. Asase'ibi,
Asase-kgkg 26,/2. Asasu r. 29. Nsawawom' 24. Sawuru-asc 26,/S.
Asebemma 26,/^. Nsebi ter. 26,/2. Seccondecl. Ascdwa? gSecm23,5.
Asefease 26. /5. Asekesuwa r. 23. gSekyere 32,25. Semekwawso w.
26,/5. Asempa-na-eye R.l . Sempe R.4c. A»en(e) 22. 1 5b. Aseneakwa

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660 Appendix C. Geography.

r. 2640. As^nemma, Aseremma (m.) 26,i5. 16, Senkye 27. S^refi,

R.2. S§rein 46. Ases^wa r. 23. Si r. 23. Siade 63. Asiafuni r. 29.
Asiago R. 1 b. bd. Asiakwa 23,4. eSiama 8. Aslani&n 23,^. R. lb.
A8iamaDmma23,7. Siavigavi R. 4 c. oSiben 26,10. Sibiri 26,li. Si-
binsu R. 1. oSiebo R.3. Sienkyeninn r. 23. Sikasn r. 26,5. AJsi-kr^
beDnm.23. A8iktlina2l. Simpa 20. R. 2. Asini 1. oSinnQ 23^7.
Asipe, Asiposi r. 26,^. Asisa m, 26,^. Asitiase m. 26,15. Sitokuru
m. 26,1C^. Si-wo-tir'-asee. 3oab§ 23,^. QSoaduru 20. 24. Nsoansa,
Nsoansadua r. 23. Sobae*68. Soko, NsQko47b. As^kgre 25. 32^.
AsokwaR. 1. A8Qkye23,4. SomanyA64. Sompontiasi r. 26,10. Som-
mua, Nsonso r. 23. Sonkwatwafo R. 1. oSowase 23,5. Sra 64. Sra-
boa26,P. N8ram32. 08u61. A8uadwo r. 26,d. A8uafu, A8oako r. 23.
Asuakoko r. 26^10. N8ua8e 26,c^. A8ua8o R. 4c. Asuaye r. 23. oSu-
ben r. 23. R. lb. oSubi (r.) 23,5. 26,1^. R. 3. Asubiaka 26,1^. Subiri
m. 29. Asubiri r. 29. Asaboa 24. A8Tiboner. 23. 29. 08udoku65,l.
A8udiia8a, Sufi r. 23. Subum 23,^. oSubyen (23.) 25. AsukQko r.
23. 29. Sukpe 66. R. 4. A8ukubi Im. 26,^. Sukwar. 23. Asumgya
(Asumennya, N8Uinanya),32. R. \h.bd. Asanafo 23,7. oSunoo23^.
A8uno8iia r. 23. A8iin8a r. 29. Sun8fian r. 26,^. Asuofu r. 26,^.
N8uogya R. 3. Asuom^ 23,2. R.5. A8u6nwiQi r. 26,1^. Asuowerer. 23.
SupomR.5c;. Suponr. 23. Nsuta 32,1^. R. 1. NsuUm' 23,4. Asa-
twaree 65,2.

T. Nta46. Atabuobu 37. Tafigome R.4c. 1'afo 23,3. 29. Nte-

fufu 46. Tagyan 51. Takaase (r.) 26,18. Atakla 1. Takon^ w. 26^.
Takorade7. Takorowase, A-, 23,ff.R.5i. Ataklu 67, Takuampa
r.23. Takwa8,2. Takyiman 23,2. 34. Takyimanmma 23^. R. 5.
Takyi-panyih-tare I. 26,tf. o-Tamanini r. 26,16. Tamkranku R. 4d.
Ata-nfe-ataR.3. Tknn^r.l-A. Tan/wm 18. R. 2. Tapa41. oTare
r. 26,1/. Ntare r. 26,5. oTarefufu 26,11.12. oTareso m. 26,1^. oTa-
ree8o44. Atare80 26,19. AtarewaZ.26,5. Ata8cR.5/*. AtauniDuli.4c.
TefleR.4a. Tekregya r. 26,10. Tema 62,1. Temantee r. 26,1^. Te-
muni r. 23. Atene80 22. Tgprepo r. 26,10. Tesi 61,5. Nteso 29.
Tete23,l. Tetfi-odi-ne-fomfo-atifi m. 26,4. Atetekwa. Tetewii' R.4.
Ati 23,2. 6. Atia-yaw m. 29. Atibie 29. Atiekobi r. 26,12. Tini r. 23-
oTi-nni-nhwi 62. Atiwa tw. 23. Toam* Badagry? QToasa r. 29. Tg-
bereman 23,^. R. 5i. Atobiaase R. 1. 5e. Atobiasii, Atobia8u-awowa
r.23. Otommokiirom R. 5i. Ton, G. 70. Tonko*R. 4b. Atonsu
R. 1. Atopasin r. 23. T^preman s. Tob. Totroa 26,10. Totor6nii42.
To(tu)toro 26,7. Antowa 32,11. At8ema-man8o R. ]. buiiteR.2.
Atuabo 4. Tuam 18. R.2. oTuka 42. oTumfa 26,4. tf. R. 5. oTum-
fog r. 23. oTiimi 26,6. Atumpoku 27. Tutu 26,6. oTutu-ano r.w.
26,11. Tutubo r. 26,12. Tutubon (m.) 26,6.11.

INir. Twanwah r. 29. Twgapeaasuwa r. 29. Atweasin 26^.

Tweneduru-a8e 29. gTweraso 23. Twereso R. bg. Atwerenan R.3.
Twete I 26,14. oTwetiri 26,11. Atwetwerede 26,12. efwi r. 26,m
Twiebi tv. 26,15. Twlf6ro 9. Atwoma 32,1. Ntwomabew 26,15. A-
twubi r. 26,ia Ntwummuru 45.

V (in Ewb^, 8eldom in Ga). Aveno 67,5. Vlo, Vodzoku R.4a.

W. & W. Nwa R. 1 . Wa r. R. 3. Wagaduga 58. A wabam 23,6.

Wakwaase 26,15. Wahkyi 23,6. R.5i. Wareware 55. Wasakti L 66.

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Appendix D. Mytholo^j^. Proper Nam es. 661

Wasaw S.^Wease 37. Wekumagbe 66. R. 2. AV^eoade 23,/. oWia-

wo6o2:i Wiekyiren23,/. (AwiniS.) Winnebah 20. R. 2. oWiramase
5. Ofwiromase. Wonk^so R. 1 . Woutodease 24. Aworamma 2640.18.
Woratsel R, 1. oWorawora41. Aw^re w. 26,5. Woroin&ra56. Wo-
roto 44. (Awowin 5.) Awukiigua 26,/^. Wume 66. Awurupo 40.

Wil or ^ stands for a simple sound in the Ewh^ or Daho-

me language, an f pronounced vniti both lips, for which the Greek
letter© would be more appropriate than ^. Ewh^, Whegbe, Ewhe-
me, Wheta (Whi/dah) 67. 6f^. 70.

Y. pYadufa, G. Oyarefa 61. Yamoransa 13. Yilne 53a. Y4-

r^gi 58. Yaya r. 23. 29. Yayaso 24. Aye r. 26,70. Ayebn m. 26,iO.
Ayema 42. * Ay ^su r. 20. 23. R. 2. Ayigya R. 5 d. Yilg 64. Ay im 26,i.
Ayirebi 24. Ayisi r. 26,5. Yogaga m. 64. R. 4 b. oYoko 25.


mythological Proper IVameeu

(Names of Objects of Worship and Superstitious Usage.)

I. Names for God, the Supreme Being.

Qbgadee. Boreb6re (in mythical stories). [BurukA, Guan.]
Odomankama (Guan?). Onyame, (Onyankdme,) Onyank6(m)pgti,
-koro(m)poiio, Onyankdpon Kwame, Amd^mS, Amosu, Amowia,
Totorobonsu, Otnmfoo, T^eadnampon. (See these words.)
II. Names of "A bosom", i.e. Genii^ Demons, Onardian Spirits,
or Spirits created by God, subordinate to Him and execnting His
will with regard to Man. — The appellation '^ fetish", from Port,
"feiti^o, artificial; amulet, charm; sorcery,^ ought to have been ap-
plied only to objects of superstitious usage commonly called amu-
lets or charms, as those under IV., and not to the following kinds
of imaginary beings worshipped or consulted by heathen negroes:

a. Oman bosom, town or country genius or demon, tutelary

genius of a country or community.

&. Abusua bosom, family genius or demon, guardian spirit of

a family. — These two kinds, also called abosom-pon,^ea/ demons,
are serv^ed by priests (asofo) but may have their spealcers (akomfo,
prophets, soothsayers) besides. Though they are said to be spirits,
they are represented by, or occasionally dwell in, stones, caves,
trees or other objects; the names of some are at the same time the
names of rivers, mountains &c.

c. QkQmfo bosom (obosom a osi nipa so kom), soothsayer^s or

medicine-man^ s demon, spirit of divination, consulted in sickness or
other misfortunes. The spirits of this kind are of a later origin or
invention than the former; they are considered as the children of
the old or great demons^ are, therefore, also called abosom-mma,
the younger demons, and their number is still increasing.

In the following list the letters a.b.c. added to some of the names
show the class or kind as (described above); the figures point to the
country or town in which toe demon or genius is aaored.

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662 Appendix D. — U. Names of ^^Abosoin^.

Bankamon 26,tf. Abanninu 23. oBereku (Kyere ba) 23. Bere-

kumadaw 26,.9. Biribiriku 26,/i. oBoafwefwe (Firaw mn bo). oBo-
agye26,7/. (asnwa). Boaky6-yaw 2H,5. oBoanie? oBo-a-osi-sum' 26,5.
(Nyanawa8e).Bob5T=Ati26,ltf. Bojnfii26,/5. Bom pome 26,276. oBoo
23,^. BoDsam 23,^. Abontoa 23. Abop6? QBoBom-Nfi6. 6,^. (asawa).
oBoBom-ayesu 6. Bosom-pra a. h* 23,5. 26,/7./d. Bosom-mum &. 32.
BosoDOtw^ (alake)5. d2.26,i/. Abotow 26,5. oBo-wanaan (esi Fi-
rawm*). oBrafoa. 14. Brapa (oboaesi nsum). oBua 26,5. Baadnwa,
Bnamme 26,/5. Abnfuw 26,^. Abuko? Burukd 29 (arock near Tafo).
Burukti 26,i4./5. Bamkumadaw 26,7. oDa, oLa26,/2.i5. Dade 26^.
Adade 23,5. 26,1/. Adae-yaw, Adare-yaw 26,11. (an iron of au arm's
length). Dakabi26,i. D&mmore a. 26,i5. Damte26,7. Dapa,Lakpa
61,^. oDisikyi (obo tententen). Dedaku 26,1^.15. oDente a. 44.
Adinkra 26,/5. Adweda c. 26,/i.23,5. Dwerebe, Dvirirobe, 6. 29 (a
cave). Ad^i 26,/4. Fiankoabo 26,5. Mfodv^o (Akwasi-aku). 23^
Fofie c. 23. 26 (11.15). 27. 29. 32. AfonkS 26,5. Afram 23,5. 27. Afre
2Syl6. Furukow 44? Guarcbe a. 26^5. oGyaensa 65,2. Gyaremfi
26,/i. Gyigyafo 26,/. oHyiawu a. 26,/7a. Kftrara6-kofi 23,5. KaU-
were 23. 24. 26,5. Nketea b. 23 (asu). Kobiri 32. Kofi-am amfS 2.3^.
Konkomi 26,i7. (abo). Kohkonmn a. 26,i76. (obodan bi mu nipa).
Konkromi c. 26>ii. Akonedi, Akwenedi Abeni (dna, Konkomi
yere) 26,17. Akonno (nsu bi) 26,/. Akonno 26,5 (Nyanawase).
Konsi Abena c, 26,//. Korankye Amma 26,/. Kpe 26,/a. Akrapiti
26,5. gKret^fr. 26,2/. Kubekoro,«. Tutusuman. Akiiru 26,//. Kwa-
benfi 23,5. Kwabena Buaduwa 26, /o. Kwaeti 26, /7a. Akwagyan a.
26,/. Kwagye26,i5. Kwaku-mumuaku 26,5 (Nyanawase). Akwatia
26,/. Kyiiw, Akyeawu b. 26. Kyenku (in the cave of a rock) a.
26,5.//. Kyer§ (Akyer^) 23.(24.) Akyerem 26,5. Ky6reti 6. (obo)
26,5. QLa s. oDa. Am&nano 23,5. Mante a. 26,/7&. 27. Mantebi
26,5..27. QMant!m(8iw)26,/76. Mere26,/5. Nanabanih 6. (nsu) 26^1
Nananom = gBrafo a. 14. Ananse 26,6. Ananu 26. Anc^kye 29,
Nyada 26,/4. Nyanaw (bepo) 26,5. oNyawonsu 26,/.5. Mpak6 (nsu)
26,P. Amp^ni (dua) 26,//. oPiabo 26,//. oPintan23 (Apedwa). Piti-
mante 26,4. Pge 26,/5. Amponagyei 29. Apoutua 23,5. Ampontua
26,5. Pra s. Bosompra. oPrahka 26,/4. oSae26,/7a. Sakura 61. oSe-
du26,5(Adammorobe). Nsemi26,/5. Aseue-kwadwo23,5.26,//(obo).
27(P?se, obo a esi nsum). Senyane (gbea) 26,5.9. oSiaboQ 26,/. Esie
23,5. oSraman 26,// (Adenya nsu n^ k6ro). Nsuansa 26,/.5. oSudum
26,1?. TAnnic. 23.26,//./^.29.32. Tebere 26,tf. 'At^ko 23,5. oTem-
moso 26,/5. gTene-yaw 23,5. Ati, Ati-kwaw 26,/^. Atia-yaw23,.?.«>.
oTfmm6ft.26,/4. Tipe26,5. Top^re 26,<?./a NtowA a. l».26,//. Ntowa
(obea) b. 26,5. oTntu 26,/./5./76. oTutusumah (Kubekon») 26,/.
Twneboa b. 26,//. Tworodo 26,/. Wentum 26,/5. Wontumi 26,//.
Yentumi 23,5. Awuruawuru 26,/. Aye 26,/4,/5.

III. Names of Personal Beings referring to the seven

days of the week.

As the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Indians and Germans

named the seven days of the week after seven gods, so the I'shi
negroes seem to have named them after seven personal beinjrs or
Genii, called Ayisi, AdVird, B6n4,Wukii, Yaw', Afi, Am6n. (The

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Appendix D. (mythological), E. (ethnological). 663

names of the days are: Ewasida, D'^oda, B6n&da, Wukuda,

Yaw da, Fida, Memeneda.) Every boy receives a name from the
day on which he is born, the syllable Kwa (=akoa, a many slave)
being prefixed to one of those 7 personal names: Kwasl. Ewkdwd,
Kw^bena, Kw^kii, Kw^w (F.) or only Y^w, K5n, Kwdme.
Thus the name ''Kwasi*' means a man belonging to Ayisi, just as
'^Kwad^d^" is the name given to one who before or at his birth
was dedicated to the bosom Ad^d^, or as ^'Kw^gy^man*' is the
name of a slave belonging to a man called 'Agy^mah. If one called
Kwasi, Kwad^o &c. salutes a person knowing him by this name,
that other person replies: YaAyisi, Ya Adwo &c.; "obosom n
wo agya de woo wo no, ne da na wode %yQ.^ The corresponding
female names are: Akosuwa (=Akwasiba), Advirowa, Abfini,
Akuwa. Ya'(YawA), Afuwa, Amma. Such a male or female name
is called the name of that person^s ''okra'^ or sold ('^wo kra" ne
Kwasi), but ^gkra** is sometimes spoken of as if it were a personal
being distinguished from the man himself, so that one who has
attained to wealthy circumstances ascribes it to the favour of his
"kra" and brings thankofferings to his own "soul**. There are also
nicknames connected with those names corresponding to the days
of the week, viz. Bodii^ for Kwasi, ()k6t6 for Kwadwo, Ogydm
for Kwab^na, Ote-anankarnnuro for Kw^m^ Ac.

IV. Names of Asdman,

i. e. charms, amulets, talismans or (impersonal) fetishes for single
persons, which they have in their houses to cure sicknesses, to
poison with &c. See suman, dohuwa. — The persons preparing or
selling them are called akQmfo, asumanfo, or aduruy§fo.

Bese*, Abukd (woteenipana wafwe ase), AdiiikrA*, Dwenfd*,

Afirfm*, Gyabim(AgyamuV), Gyame, (iyirapaw, s. Kyerapaw,
Ahiinii*, Kofirimd*, Konyo*, Aku (s. Abuka), Nku, Akum-
sumai'i*, Kyerapdw*, AmamfS, N«oru-me-ns4*, Opeyi, Sab6*,
Teii, Ayera*, Ayim-affyem*.

*Soe the words in t£e Dictionary or its Additions.


Cxpre««iiNnH of liUtnologleal Interest

referring to Religions or Superstitious and Psychologic Notions and

Ideas, and to Customs and Observances in Private or Public Life.

a. Expressions of worship, sorcery &c. See b»yi, obonsam,

obosom, abosonsoa, adebisa, afunsoa, gyaw, ahamatwe, hyira, aka-
bo, kai, kankye, kom, hkgm, akgmma, okorofo, kra, kramo, kyi,
akyide, mmusu, mmusuyi, dnohyira, mpae, nsew, s^re, os^fo, osra-
mun, suman, ntafowayi, ntontobQ, tram.

&. Notions of the human soul&c. See bra,i;.^., Qbra i. A^uw 5.

fwen J2. honhom, okra, nkrabea, okrabiri, okrakyere, QS&mdn, sa-
mansew, sesA, asumguare, sunsum, t^e kra.

c. Observances referring to birth, marriage, death, familiar

and social relations &c. of individuals. 6Veabadin, abakyere, ab«m,

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664 Ap pendix E & F (elhDologica.1).

Qbaninyere, abiriwa, bra^, adgb^w-sifd^om^ ofifoforo-dnru, mfna-

koko, afunsoa, agoru, gnaba, guantiri^ bTirew, kaiia, kji ayi, po-
pompornwa, nsu-si, ns^re-si, atoremude, ntQro, tae 2g» Hretiatwa,
v^erempe, ayi-ye.

d. Customs of the people as a body, festival days: See abere-

kwasi, adae, od^ira-tV(ra, ohum-di, akoo-btfro.

These words may also serve as themes for debcriptioas or essap

to be written by pupils in the schools &c. (in Tshi or English), that
they may learn to procure for themseiyes and for the benefit of others
a clearer knowledge and understanding of such notions or observances &c^
and the teacher may then elucidate what is erroneous in the notions
of the heathen or compare them with other truer notions and nobler
observances. E.g. Describe the classes and functions of asQfo, priests,
the genii to whom they serve^ their yearly, weekly or extraordinm
ofiferings, their prayers, their watching and care to preserve the respect
of the people and to ensure their obedience to traditionary laws &c;
— likewise state the functions and practices of the different sorts of
akomfo, asumanfo, ntafowayifo &c.&c

Ethnological Proper Names.

I. Names of Languages and Dialects.

Br5n or Kam&na dialects are spoken in the above-named

countries No. 28. 29. 34-38. (39-41.) 42. 43. (44-48.)

Obutn language (a dialect of Gfuan?) is found in No. 19. 20.

Adampe (Adahme) dialects are spoken in No. 62-66. 69.

Fante dialects in No. 11-21. — Ga. s. Nkran.

Guan dialects in No. (19. 20.) 26,/^./«. 39-41. 44-46.

Hua (£90, Ewh^, Krepe, 6. Ayigbe) dialects in No. 66,«. 67-70.

K&m&n^. 5. BrSn.— Akan dialects in No. 7-10.22-27..30-3i.

Nkraii (Ga, Akra) in No. 61 . 62-66. 70. — Kyerepgn, s. Gaa».

AnwODa^^.Htii. — AnwOfiwl)(Awdwin),spokenuiNo 1.4 5.7.8.

TViriy comprises Akdn, Br5n or Karo&na, and Ftot^.

-Of No. 2. 3. 6. 3B. 47-60 we have not sufficient informadon.

II. Sundry names of nations, tribes and divisions of people,
a. By-names of some nations, and some other names.

Bae, Baebae, Bftbae-ntwa, K6fikori, K5toko, Amiri, = A-

Adakade, Fwergmma, Neap6aso, = HdHfo. [santefo.

Adawurantu-adawai'antda 26,1/. p. 67.

AMtu^ p. 140. — Ket$-mma = Nkranfo.

Akompif5, p. 243. — Akotg, Ogua Akgto = Cape Coast.

K6rantiri ne Akwam, the chief host of the king of Asante.

Easante p. 224. Kramofd p. 257. Tab6n f6 p. 468.

Akyinan, Akyinlmtao m6gy^ m^gy^, = Bdrofo.

Amluiten(86-f6) 26,i— i/. — Amantiase(fo), p. 198.

Amumuadufo, the people of 7 towns or villages in the neigb-

bonrhood of Begoro, forming together with it a politieal division
(<^man8in) of Akyem-Abnakwa.

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