A Dictionary of The J G Johann G (Ebooksread - Com)
A Dictionary of The J G Johann G (Ebooksread - Com)
A Dictionary of The J G Johann G (Ebooksread - Com)
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I FEB 27 1S62
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VI Preface.
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Preface. VII
(4) The Fante dialects have not followed the other dialects
In changing the commencing sounds kw, gw, hw, before palatal
vowels, into tw, dw, fw, and in occasionally softening b (espec.
in diminutives) into w &c., but have deviated from them by
changing t, d, n, before (e) e, i, into ts, dz, ny, and by curtail-
ing many terminations by cutting off their final vowels.
VIII Preface.
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Prefa<;e. IX
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X Preface.
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Preface. XI
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Xn Preface.
17. The author begs pardon for the length of this Preface
and the following Introduction. If there be many who will not
read this or that, others may still be helped thereby in their
endeavours to master the language. And so the author concludes
with the fervent wish and prayer that his work may contribute
to a thorough knowledge of this important language, so that
it may more and more become the vehicle of true knowledge
and spiritual light to the numerous tribes to which it has been
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— K, Kurtz, see the list p. XV (No. 12). — Mf, Or. Mfantsi Grammar
(p. XVI). — N. E. Voc. Vocabulary for the use of the Niger Expedition
1841. (Gr. p. VII. B. 5.) - P. Ket Paul Keteku. — pr. proverb (3600 Tshi
Proverbs, $. p. XVI, No. 24). — Frk. Parker (p. XVI> — JB. Riis (p. XV).
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prepared by the Basel Qtrtnan MUHonariea,
We omit 4 publications previous to 1868, 8 of Bible portions (1869—66)
and 12 others (1866—74), as superseded by new works or editions. —
For brevity's sake we give of No. 6—24. only the English titles. —
The figures in parenthesis refer to the order in which the single publi-
cations followed each other. Cf. 6r. p. YIIL
Basel 1854.
3.(39.) A DinHonary, English, Tshi (Asante), AJcra, hj J. 6. Christ-
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lY. Tracts.
F. Folk-lore.
All these Books were printed at Basel and are sold at Basel,
London, Christiansborg, as indicated on the title-page of this book.
— These 24 publications contain altogether 5550 printed pages,
the 24 publications here omitted (as mentioned at the head of this
list), 2881 pages.
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to the Tshi Dictionary.
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A. In points of Phonology,
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B, In points of Etymology.
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XX Grammatical Introduction.
13. Adverbs are for the most part in analogy with nouns;
some are derived from verbs. There are also many onomatopoetic
0. In points of Syntax.
17. The subject stands before and the object or other comple-
ment (Gr. § 198-220) after the verb. L. 8. 9. (The subject and the
object never stand together; if the object be put first, for em-
phasis' sake, it stands absolute, and either a comma, or the con-
junction "na" separates it from the succeeding subject.)
18. The aUribviive adjective, numeral and adjective pronoun
follow their noun.
19. The attributive noun and pronoun (in the genitive case)
precede their noun. (L. 7.)
20. Double verbs are sometimes used for Eng. simple verbs.
Finite verbs are also frequently employed as auxiliaries, especially
in the way of co-ordination, where the Eng. language uses adjec-
tives, participles, adverbs, prepositions.
§ 6. Simple pure vowels, short&long: In Fante books of A.W. Parker:
a, a (thin) = a » fat;
0, o (middle) = o » tobacco; •
a sound unknot
(before i & u).
= e in met, li =
wn in
u in
= ee
» prey.
» pit.
» meet.
» not.
= 00
y> no.
^» foot.
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i u (of the 4th degree), but remain broad before the half-dose vowels
e (of the 3d degree).
Bern. 1. Of two or three nasal vowels only the first, or, if this
should be very short, the second, bears the nasal sign.
c) Gutturals
d) Palatals
t) Gntturo-labials
D Palato-labials
hard soft
P b
t d
k K
ky gy
=X ^J
|kw gw
Iku gu
tw dw
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2* The compound consonants ky, gj^ hy, ny, tw, dw, fw,
nw, w, appear before e, e, i; gy, ny, tw (and Ak. dw, fw, nw)
also before a, tw, dw, iiw, w also before o, 0, u, transformed from
4. The consonant h does also not begin any root, and occurs,
besides its use as a prefix, as the commencing sound of a word (or
a syllable in a compound word) only in the place of an original g,
when preceded by the prefix n; e. g. iino = n-go.
A. Monosyllables.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
a a
a h
aw (aw)
ae ae
am ah (an ar)
em eh (en er)
eh (en er)
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Formation of Words. XXIII
e §
(er) em en
i 1
i i
(ir) im in
Qe om on
I (on or)
oi cm on
6 5
oe oe
(or) 6m on
a u
(ur) urn un
ia ia
U ua
B. Disyllables,
are ari ane ame
&ra dna
aruw anim
ere (§nie)
eri eni
ea ea
ee ee
ia ia
ie ie i
Ie io(w)
iri iriw ini irni
ori oru
oa 6a
oe og
Verbal Stems.
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i. § & (e & o), chiefly used in the singular ; they are dropped
when they closely follow after a word ending in a vowel more
narrow than themselves.
5. be-, ko-, (be-, ko-) in the fiiture I d: II. and ingressive forms.
The prefixes 1,2., 1,3., 1.4,, 1.5., 1.2.4., 1.3.4., 1.3,5., 1.3,4,5,,
may be combined. See § 29. — For the meanings of the forms
mentioned under 2-5, see Grammar § 91-96. 166 182.
§ 22. In infinitive forms we find the prefixes o-, a-, m-, and
sometimes the palatal suffix.
Defective Writing.
§ 24. One admissible kind of defective writing consists in the
omission of diacritical signs that are not absolutely necessary.
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iiw^ yon will in many cases have to seek the word under b, d, g,
di^y and if you meet the consonants nw, nw, ny, it may he doubt-
ful whether it is the prefix n or n before w, w or y, or whether
the stem begins with nw, iiw, ny. On both these difficulties see §30.
§ 29. The different prefixes with tbeir combinations (§ 18. 20.
28a.) may, for practical purposes, be grouped together as follows:
i. a-, am- (an-, an-), m-(n-, n-), in nouns and verbal forms;
» nyanyenyi » 7, . .
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nwi nwu
nnya nnyi
kyere me.
asibelete, esono-nfe-ne-mina, s. agoru.
sudre,+ a beaten path, track, trace, vestige, mark; yehua sono
anammon n^ wohsiiare pi, beboro dakoro kwah po, we
saw many footprints and other marks of elephants for
even more than a day^s journey.
yera, v.+ 6. caus. ode yera nenan so kwan, he seeks thereby to
obliterate his tracks to mislead or frustrate investigation.
7. tew ani yera, to frustrate. Ezr.4,5.
ayera, a kind of amulet; otuo sumaii.
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2L-ypref. 1. of nouns in the sing, and pi. (Gr. § 29,2. 35,2. 42,1.
43.44.71. 104,2), of adjectives {§ 69,1 b.c. 70,2. 72.), of numerals
(77. 78,2. 3.) and of a few particles, viz. adverbs (134, 3), conjunc-
tions (142) and interjections (147,1. 5. 6.) — J2. of the verb in the
perf. and consec. forms (§ 91,4. 8. 92. 95-97.)
a = ara, s. under R.
am-, an-, au-, pref, 1, of nouns in the sing., Gr. § 29,2. 35, 5.
2. of the V, in the perf. or consec. neg. forms, § 92. (95, 1-5. with
w=o). 3, of the particles ampd, ^nsa, ^nka.
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ba — babayenteii.
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gbdbea — bafow. 3
bae bae, red, v. 1. s, bae; dua no ab., the tree has spread;
2, anim baebae, the day breaks; s, buebue.
bafaii, -ne, pi, m-, a child who did not learn to walk within
the first 2-7 years; pr, S5. — sluggard^ Inzybones ; onihafo.
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abafra — abakyere.
bako, Akp., F., = biako, koro, one; gbako, one person; 6r.
§ 77. 80, 2. mmako-'mako, one by one, each. pr. 2548. 3258.
0-bakofo, obiak., a single person, pr. 455— 459.
Q-bakokonfmma, dim. of the foil, [oba, akoko-nini.]
bakua, s, kwadn b.
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bam — oban.
aban, -ne, (pi, id.) a house built of stone, cf. odah; a large
fine building, palace; pr,31B0. - a large, strong building = abah-
k§8e, fortj casCie.
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dhaii — abantid.
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abanto — basd^wi.
abdntd, inf. [to aban] (tho act of) buUdinff a stone-house;
masonry^ mason's work,
b annua [ban dua], any kind octree (ofosow, atoa, ...) tised
for fences.
g-basd, pi. a-, the arm; the forefoot of quadrupeds; c/". abaw,
nsa;-daa basa, branch of a tree; cf, bk, dub a.
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basafil — batakari.
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obdtdm — abayisem.
baw = ba, bea, bere, bew, place] Qnk6 baw = babi, he goes
nowhere] cf. gjabaw. ^
o-bayifd, pi. a-, witch, hag; wizard, sorcerer, pr. 59-62- cf.
bayi, ayen, baniny§n, bay§n, obonsam ; ob. kgdgwe, na wgkyeree
DO kabere. The Negroes describe a wizard or witch as a man or woman
yoho stands in some agreetnent with the devU. At niaht, when all people
deepf he {or she) rises or rather leaves his {her) boay, as a s^iake casts
tke slough, and goes out flaming from his eyes^ nose, mmUh, ears, arm-
jnts; he may walk with his head on the ground and his feet stretched
uvward; he catches and eats beasts, or kUls men either by drinking their
Uood or by catching their soid which he boils and eats, whereupon the
person dies; or he bites tfiem that they become fuU of sores. Some change
themselves into leopards, snakes, anteCopes; some use their witchcraft am
for trade in seUing things.
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10 be — b6b6re.
a-be, pi, m-j palm, palm-tree; the species of palm from which
the palm-wine (nsa-fnfu) and palm-oil (nno) is got, the most common
in Western Africa: oil-palm, Elaeis Guineensis; palm-ntU {cf,
befua, adwe); bunch of palm-nuts (bemu); aU the palm-nuts grow-
ing on a tree; pr. 64-69. cf. nO, dwow, sa, sc, pow, tow, twa abe. —
Diff. species of oil-palm: obedam, abefufu, abetuntum, abehene;
other paHns, s. adobe, kube, nkresia, kokosi. ^
ab6be, pi. m-. As. butterfly; winged insect in general. pr.'70. 806,
ab c b e w, j)Z. m-, grasshopper, locust; cf. ho&ikhi (ntunturae),
obfrihkran, otiituy'ura, fwidgm, gkra, opiti, ewi, otwe, odabg.
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bebferebe — ebem. n
a-befud, pi. m-, a single palm-nut with the skins, (diff, bafua.)
abefUfu, a species of oil-palm.
be go r 6, a palm-nut without a kernel.
abegui, place where palm-nuts are cast before the oil is
made of them.
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12 b6mina — aben.
b^inma, pi. m-, arrow, cf. b§n, agyan; how, cross-bow wWi
the arrows, cf. ta, kantun; - gtow yen (so) b., otow ne b. sa (wg,
si) yen, he shoots arrows at us, discharges his bow against us. —
bdmma-dua', arrow, = ben, agyan. — b^mma-h^md, bow-string,
bemmu, = bembu.
ben, pron. what (kind of), which. Gr. § 74. F. cb§n, ebena.
ben = aben, horn; won ano kg b. koro mu, they are unani-
mous, in unison.
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ebena — bepodwuma. 13
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14 abepow — obere.
gbSran-mmotoanr-dua, s. krammennua.
aberan-sem, violence] cf. anuodensera.
aberau-so, (after the manner of strong men, i.e.) by force.
aberdnt6,-e, pi. m-, young many youth; syn. akwankwa.
aberant6kwd, aberantewd, j)Z. m-, id.
o-b e r an- 1 e t e t u, pZ. a-, giant (oberan tenten, honton, oberan
a oware na oso te se nea tok«ru da ne mu).
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ebere — aber§kwasi. 15
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16 ab^rekyi — besr^de^^
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b^tg — beweondd. 17
abetwa, inf. [twa abe] to tap the felled palm-tree and cut out
the opening (to keep it clean) every day as long as the palm-wine
bew, 17. [red. bebei^] to steal, filch, pilfer, snatch away; cf. bee;
ntrama a egu ho mprempren no, wabeb§w mu niwa-du ko, he pil-
fered ten of the cowries that were but just lying there; wota bebew
won wara ade, they often pilfer things from their master.
e-bew, Ak. bee, a large animal between the elephant and the
§-bew, pi. m-, F. bone. [buffalo,
g-bew, place (cf ba, baw, bea, here), esp. in cpds., as dabew,
tobew, gy inabew, sibew; pi. m-, places, countries; a map.
bew, F. == bepQW, mountain, hill; cf. Abetifi, Bewase.
bew-ase, a low tract of country at the foot of a mountain.
ab§wodu4, abedud, mortar for bruising (wqw) palm-nuts to
separate the edible part from the shell.
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18 abeya — obibambiba.
abi <4, a kind of herb the seeds of which are used for beads; cf.
abiirobia, ahene ; pr. 443. 795.
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abibiduru — obirebirof6. 19
e-biu, Ak. bini, diii, dung, muck, excrement; cf. 6^b6w; dross,
s. dadebin, dwetebin. —
e-bio, biow, Ak. biem', again, further, more, any more; in neg.
sentences no more; mihhu no b., gmma b., minni bi b.
abird, Gr. §31,2. the reverse, contrary, wrong way; aye ab.,
tV has turned otd to the contrary; wakano ab., he has repotied it per-
versely. - bg ab., to reverse, to alter to the contrary, to turn the icrong
way, turn upside down: bg asem no ab. ma yen five, take the case in
. the. opposite way and let us see; wobg asem ab. ka a, wgnte ase, if
yoii represent a matter perversely, it will not be understood; - cjf.
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20 obirebe — abirimmuro.
birim, F. = binom.
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obirinkrah — bo. 21
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22 bg^
abg, the river has overflowed its hanks, — 4. to heconie loose : ne yam'
abg, his bowels are loose; ebebo ne yam, it will cause mm diarrhoea.
— 5. to emit cjccessive heat: owia bo, the sun shines vehement! f/, burns.
— 6*. to blow vehemcnili/ : mframa bo, the wind blows; cf.15. — tr,
to whirl up: mframa bo tutuw, the wind raises, whirls up the dust. —
7. to start (up), startle: bo birim, pirim, piriw; (from fear) bo mpu-
nimpu, toy am. — 8. to rise or cause to rise in tumultuous disorder:
bo bum, to rise at once; tr. to make havoc; cf. 54 \ bo \vi, twi, nyin-
nyan, to alarm, to be alarmed or confused. — 9. to fall back: bo
pemmo (into a sitting posture), dompemmo (of an army), — 10. to
hasten: bo fwi, pankrah, aperenten. — tl. to move forward with im-
petuosity cf' tumultuous rapidity: bo kirididi, to run to and fro; bg
(kirrr) kg or hyeh.., to rush into; bg hyia or to a,., to rush
against; bg to w or gu.. so, to rush, fall, or come upon. — 7X^. to
rage: bg dam, gje^ to run, go or be 7nad\ to drive mad; s. dagye.
13. to strike, ring (to sound by percussion) : gdgn bg (paiih!), the clock
strikes (bang!), the bell rings. — 14. to strike, beat, play on, to cause
to sound by beating (of musical, resounding instruments): bg dgn,
dawurum', donno, mma-mu, sanku, adakabeii. — 15. to roar: mframa
bg bu, the wind roars; cf. 6. — 16. bg mu, bom', to cry (syn. pae
mu, teetec mu, kekaw mu); bom' na ennyigye! cry aloud! to roar,
thunder: gyata bobom', a lion roars; Onyankopgn, gpranna, osu
bom', it thunders.
23. bg mu, bom' (to strike together in tJie same place, Gr. § 214.
Jiem. 2), to join, unite] to discharge itself into, pr.3084; to agree, he
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jjQ^ 23
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24 bQ^^
if you do not address the speaker first, you will not he admitted to the
king; mede asem no makobo akyeame 8o se w6mina enkodu ahemfi,
/ have set the case before the speakers that they may bring it before
the king's court. — b^ bosom, to surrender or devote one's self with
all one's property to a fetish. — 43. to resort to a shelter or hiding-
place: bg dofoa, bo nkokora. — 44. to desert, fall off, run away: bo ko.
45. to break, knock out: wabo n'aniwa, he has knocked out his eye;
cf. tu; - n*aniwa abo, his eye has been knocked oid, destroyed, his
eye-sight is lost; pr.2295. — 46. to break (tr. & intr.); to crack; to
shatter, dash; red. to smash, be smashed; bo ahina, nwaw, to break
a pot, a snail, pr. 2188. 557; ahina no abo, the pot is broken (in pieces
or only cracked); hg ad we mu, to crack pal m-nut-kernels, cf. abo-
bgbe. — 47. to ruin, destroy : bo man, to ruin a toivn, people, nation;
syn. see, pr. 2005. oman bg, iJie town (people, nation) is going to ruin,
pr. 1995-98. 1371- — 48. bg bere (to break up the time i) to commit a
heinous act. — 49. bg tuo, to destroy one's self by a gun: wabg (neho)
tuo, lie has shot himself. — 50. to fall back, relax: bg tgm' to fall in,
sink, become hollow; n'ano abg atom', his mouth (and cheeks) have
sunk, he is hollow-cheeked from old age and loss of teeth. — 51. to
fail, happen amiss, be marred: dgte-dwini a odii no abg no, pr. 258.
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bQ^ 25
hefaU: oyare boo no, a sickness befell him, he feU sick. — 57. to stingy
odowa (kotokuroda) abo me, a hee (wasp) has stung me. — 58. bo.,
mu, to pnck, ptincture: obo ne pompo mu, ne mfa mu, Jie opens (by
a puncture) his boUy cuts open his ulcer ca/used by a guinea-worm;
9yn. sa. — 59. to cut asunder: bo abama, to cut the climbers previ-
ous to the cutting of the bush and preparing of the land for a plan-
tation. — 60. to hammer: hq dade, to forge; cf. 89. & tono; pr. 3329.
— - 61. to drive into the ground: wabo no dua, lit he has driven in
a piece of wood in order to produce a magic effect against him^ i.e.
he has cursed him. — 6J3. to counteract a movement, to stop: bo a no,
to prevetU from advancing or spreading, to stop the onward progress;
to ward off, resist, syn. waw ano, so Sno, som'; pr. 2. 3345. bo gy ina,
to cause a stand, to stop; bo., to ho, to defer, dday, put off, ad-
journ, postpone (a case) ; - bo sonsohku, to stand still, stop, stay,
pause, linger.
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26 hQ.
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bg^ 27
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28 bo — ebo.
ho; (bo ahina ho, to knock a pot, 54,) - hq ho, to be double, eaus.
to d&uble^ 26 ; bo . . ho, to stick, adhere to d^c. caus. to fasten, tie to,
31; to join to, 41, — akyi: (bg pon akyi, to knock at the door, 54.)
— mu: bg mma mu, dawuru mu, to sound dtc, 14; bom', to cry,
roar, thunder, 16; to join, unite, agree, caus. to reconcile, to connect
dtc, 23; de.. bg.. mu, to admix, join, 23; to dip in, 36; to fasten,
affix to, 37; bg.. mu, to crack, break, 46; to prick, puncture, 58; to
hit intOi s, botae. — ani: bg ani, to join face to face, cf, bare ani,
28, — anim: bg anim', to face, cf, mmganim, pem anim, 29; de..
bg . . anim, to set before, 29, — a n o : bg auo, to stop the onward
progress, 62, — ase: bg ase, to begin, 84; bg. . ase, to bend or bow
down, 68, — so : (bg ,, bo, to beat upon, 54,) bg so, to begin, to con-
tinue, 84; to be lilting, equal, level, 25; bg.. so, to gird, 33; to tie
on or to, to thatch, 35; to fall or glance upon, 56; to apply to, 42;
to speak out, mention, 80.
a bo, odi (no) ab., he serves (him) as a boy at table &c. cf, gbSai.
Q-hOy pounded tobacco; cf bgw.
e-bo, chest, breast, bosom; syn. koko; de abofra bg.. bo, gye asem
bg.. bo, s, bg 38. 37,; stomach: ne bo fono or yerew no, he is qualm-
ish, qtieasy, inclined to vomit, affected tvith nausea, he feds disgust;
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ebo — boa. 29
Q-bo, pi. a-, stone; rock; flint-stone', pr, 490; bullet, slug cut from
a bar of iron; abo, the marks (cowries, eggs, leaves or other things)
in the pot of a fetish, s. §koro. — bg, pa, or siw abo, to stone, to beat,
pelt, or MU with stones. Phr. anka bo anka poma, all at once; - to
bo, /o ?a^ a bet or wager, cf kyia; oto no bo, lit. he puts a stone for
him; he bets or wagers him; to me bo se ob§ko 'n§ ! wiU you bet me
that Jte will go to day? me ni wo gye akyinnye se obi beba 'ne, na
wase ^dabi na oremma*, na oba a, na meka se : to me bo e ( = ka
kyere me se, meye gnokwafo) ! na wuse : wo bo ni ! if I dispute with
you, whether some one wiU come to-day or Hot, and you say, he will
not come, — when he comes, I say: pay me the wager (= testify to
my truthfulness)! and you say: there it is, you were right! - 5, mkih
wo b6, you are rigid! = wo de wom', wo de abam' I
Donan pi boa abgnten so, many sheep are lying in the street; nyisi
binam preko boa no so, five orphans lie i.e. depend on him at once;
earn, with de or f a: fa boa ho! lay it there! mede mato ho, I have
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30 boa — aboadi.
laid it Ihere. — tr. io put in o)r!er: gnye onipa a gboa n^ade yiye,
ommoA n'ade yiye, he does not keep his things in order. — Phr. boa
ano, to lay or bring together, i.e. to gather, collect^ assemble, — red.
boaboa; boaboa neho, to make one's self ready j get ready,
boa, 2)1. m-, bundle, parcel, package, packet; bribe, syn. adan-
mudo, anadwode; - di mmoa, to receive bribes; wamano mmoa,
he has bribed him,
hh6viy pi, m-, animal, beast, creature; in fables: aboa onipa, the
animal (called) man; a rude, ignorant, uncivilized man, p»\ loOT- —
Phr. di.. aboa frequently used in verdicts, e.g. wukum no a, wudi
no aboa (= wubu no aboa), // you had killed him, you would hare
dealt tvith him as with a beast (you wotdd have imposed upon his
quietness, treating him as a beast that does not complain) i. e. yoti
wmdd have killed him innocently, undeservedly; s, aboadi.
obo ad ee, F. bgadze, creator [nea gb6() ad«^e, Gr. § 39, 9 b,=
aboadi, inf [di . . aboa] pr. 538, 972, 1813. [gdeb6fo, gbgfo].
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boadifo — boba. 31
boadifo, one who receives a bribe [di mmoa].
boaduam, iooih-aclie, = ades6, gkekaw.
o-bodf6, pi. a-, helper J assist ani, supporter, B6kfo, pr. n.
boafo, a hunter at his stand, waiting for game; s. boa.
a b a-f u f u , a name of the leopard (s, gsebg), used in the hearing
of a king (also of an osumanni) when he is at meals.
mboaanofo, I\ congregation.
b ap a, t'. #0 do purposely , intentionally ^with predetermination;
to feign, pretend; oboapa yee, he did it on purpose; pr. 558. cf. boa^.
o-boapawfo, = oboayifo. [pr.l643.
g-boayifo [nea wgaboa ayi no] trustee, chosen for some special
purpose; pi. committee, board of commissioners.
g-boayifoni, board officer.
ab6ba, pi. id., bidlet, slug, square piece of lead or iron used as
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32 bobare — ab6b6w.
abobo-ano, s. abobow.
abobo-boa, pi. m-, the class of stinging insects (bee, wasp. . .).
bobow, red. v., to wind up, roll up (asawa, yam, kete, ntama,
nhoma...); qwq bobo neho, the snake is coiling itself up.
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abobow — boe. 33
ab6b6 w, = go, a kind of reed or rush used for mats (5. go-
kete). Akyemfo tetew ab. no gkwanmu na woakyekye asoa ako nca
worckgto nkyene ho; eho na wode ab. no si nkyenc bo wo bed^w
mu 8oa ko Akyem.
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34 aboe — abogyaboa.
0-b5f6, J)?, a-, hunter, syn. obommof6; pr. 549-551. — di.. abof6,
= di . . yaw, to provide a hunter with food during his lonely stay
in the wood. pr. 549.
abofrd, pLm-, 1. child, boy, girl; young; ab. barima, boy, lad;
ab. bea, girl, lass. — 2. servant, attendant; person subordinate or in-
ferior in rank. [F. abafra; gba, forowa = foforo?] pr, 341-343.554-592.
0-b 6 f li , the bark of a tree (as, ofo, opanto) that can be used as
a cloth or sack; s. bofunnua.
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abogyabum — obomafo. 35
abogy afra, inf me-neno di ab., tve both are ofthesame blood,
0-b 0-h e m m a [lit. queen of stones'] very hard white stone, quartz,
g-bo-hene \jpl, a-, precious stone,
36 abomana — bonna.
O-b 11, 7>?. a-, ralCy valley; bed of a river; oboiihunu, valley with-
out water; cf. osubon, gka.
bon, pi. a-, rind, bark (of a tree, dua ho ab.) ; scales (of a fish) ;
cf. hono. — Phr. gmmgg ho bon e, he has not even mad^ a begin-
abon', F. badness; s. bone. /wiw^ ofU.
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bonam — ahonsc. 37
g-bonsdmf6,^La-, = obayifo.
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a b n t e n-k 6 , street-fighting.
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bore — boroboro. 39
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40 gborode — gborofotefb.
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borohaniie — b6sea. 41
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42 bosea-ho — ahosoukwa.
g-b s 6 m' , jp?. a-, the moon ; a mofith ; syn. osram'. ML 24^.
g-bosom-muw, s. gbosombuw.
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abosonno — obotof6. 43
hh6tehj tJie right or full sum, = abo a eye gkwaii mii; the
principal sum ; cf. akoten ; n'4b6ten kofuaa ahannu, the complete
sum amounted to 200 (heads of cowries).
ab oto, inf. [to (me) bo]: laying a bet or wager; enam akyin-
ny egye mn na ab. no ba, na ete se nkyia.
o-botofo, jp?. a-, nea odwenso kete so, who pisses on his mat
[bg tgw J cf. p6tgf6.
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44 botohiihiiw — bow.
bow, Ky. boro, to grow weak, flag, slacken; tr. to make weak,
slack, flaccid, flabby, flaggy; gpe nti hhabah nhinaabow, on account
of the harmattan the leaves are all drooping; awia abow (= akisa)
nfwiren no, the sun has withered the flowers ; abe no abow, that palm^
is no more as fresh as in the first three days after foiling it. — bow
nsa, to become weakx.Q. intoxicated, to get drunk, by drinking much
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bowema — bra. 45
bowema, F. = bonwoma.
bowere w', pZ. a-, Ak. abgw^re, nail of a finger or toe; claWy
clutch, pounee, talon ; syn, ^erew.
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46 Obra — brakyew.
o-b ra, (inf,) L tlie coming into this worlds the state of exigence
or life in this world; obra a wo woo me too mu yi, the life into which
I have been horn; mesgre bra yim', I shall depart this life; obra
akyi wo amane, ifi after-life more trouble is met with than in child-
hood; or, in future days trouble may befall you; raeboo obra, men-
nom bi da, as long as I live, I never drank any. — 2. manner of
life, conversation, behaviour, conduct ; pr. 409.634.635, obra a eho
nni dem or akasay^, blameless behaviour; bo bra, to behave, con-
duct, to bear or carry one's self; bo bra-pa, to behave well; bo bra-
bone, to behave ill; 6mpe bra foforo mmg, he shall seek to lead a
new life, shall alter his conduct; n'aso awu nti, woapo ne bra ama
no = woato no kwan, wonni n'asem akyi bio, they have left him
to himself (nobody exhorts him any more). — 3. the nature i.e. th^
menses or monthly courses of women, euph. asabu; ye b. (bu nsa, kg
afikyiri), to menstruate, to have the mofUhly flow or discharge, cf.
bu 5 c. (wobeye b., a nasty abuse). — bra-agoru, a ceremony
performed with a girl having attained to puberty. — bra-tam =
afikyikg-tam, adabu-tam.
abra, falsehood, fraud, deceit, pr. 1024. 1025. 2327.2475. syn. nna-
braba, nkgnkgnsa, nkontompo.
mbra, F. = mm&ra.
bra, 5. bSna.
bra-bdh, manner of behaviour, conduct; ne sa b. nye me fe.
abra-bo, inf. [bgbra] life in this world, pr. 3060; way, F.P8.67^.
conduct, behaviour.
abrada, F. s. abranna.
Q-b r d f6, pi. a-, executioner, hangman; pr. 636. forerunner; a by-
name of the bird apatipere.
g-b r ^f6, pi. braf6, a woman that has her monthly courses.
braka, round-about way, by-way, side-ivay; (merekg no, men-
nam t5 na) mekobuu b. na mede mekofii akura hg, I came to the
village by a round-about way; wabu br. akofA m'akyi, by a side-
way he came in my back; wobebu yen ho b., they wUl go round to
attack us from behind.
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bram — bu. 4?
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48 bu^
C. i5. bu.. so, to break off the end or point, to blunt, (opp.
son ano), pr. 994. — 14. hn.. bo, to break, transgress, disobey (a law,
command, order, injunction); obu n'asem so= onnyina n'asem so,
he breaks his (own) word, does not keep his promise; obu ne na asem
so, he disobeys (acts against) his mother^ s word. — 15. b u.. so, to
go beyond, surpass: ebu n'abasa so, it goes beyond his power or abi-
lity ; adwuma y i abu me nsa so, this wofk is too much for my strefigtJi ;
edgm no bu yen so, tJie enemy is stronger than we are; syn. kyeii,
bunkam; cf. bramso. — 16. bu so, to run over, overflow: wafwie
nsu agu mu ma abu so, Jie has poured water into it so that it Jms run
or flown over; Ps. 23,5; syn. boro so, fe ho. — i7. b u so, fo tc a5tin-
dant, plentiful, frequent, often met with, common; mama n horn a no
abu so, I have made that book common, caused it to be in the Imnds
of many; cf. ka. — 18. huso, to be common, undean: nni nea abu
so. do not eat unclean things. Acts 10,14.
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bii. 49
D. 19. To break otU or forth: obu fua won so, he broke forth
upon them. — ^0. to end or turn out badit/: n'asem abu, his matter
did not conie to a good end, has turned out badly, — 2L to befall:
abu abu uo, lit. a breaking has broken upon him, i.e. a great calamity
Irnsbe fallen him, — 22, to fail, fall shoti, fall off in respect to vigour,
activity &c. bo bu, to get out of breath; no bo abu, he is out of breath
{s, ebo) = nebonie atew no; ii'ani bu, lit. his eye breaks, i.e. he is
weary of waiting longer; wofwe obi kwan na omnia a, na w.o ani
bu = eye wo abometew.
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50 , bu — bubu.
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obubuafo — abufuw. 61
ababah noa nom, pluck some leaves together with the stalks of the
herb called asom., boil them and drink the decoction; - to break
mnplrJeJi/y Ps. 10,1,5.37,17. bubii.. mu, Ps. 46, 10. Is. 9,4. bubii abodo,
to crumble bread. — perf. to be broken down by hardships, i.e. fa-
iigtted, exhausted: okwan no ware uti mabiibu, from the long way
I came quite tired or undone; Pa. 38,9; to be lame, s, the foil.
o-bubuafo, i??. a-, a man lamed by sickness, palsy; onipa a
wowoo no mu na oyare abeye no ana nnurui abeduru no na wa-
bnbu gu fako na ontumi nye fwe; - gkasa bubuafo, a lame i.e.
atcktoard language or manner of expressing one's self
nibubui, F. s. mmubui.
biifu^, s. bofua.
a b ufuw, -fuo, inf. [ebo fuw] anger, wrath, passion ; fa or nya ab.,
to grmc angry; yi.. ab., to excite to anger; gy^ ab., he is irascible.
o-bufu-fafo, pi. a-, an irascible man, easily provoked br offended.
abufu-hy<^.w, hot anger, wrath, fury.
abufu-nim' [anim] an angry countenance. Prov. 25,23,
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52 abui — abiintwere.
C-bu 11, a. Ak. bunu, 79Z. a-, green, unripe; akutu-bun, an unripe
orange, pr.2344. cf. gbabuh. — c-buu, F. unripeness.
e-buii, pi. a-, abyss, gulf; the depth of the sea; amoa a emu do
a ewg nsum'.
abu-nnam' [nea obu nn^ mu] he who cuts off one's days, an
appellation (or title) of kings; cf. okumnipa.
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abunu — abiiro. 53
buo, s. buw.
obuobi-k waw, a kind of bayere; s. ode.
abiir6 w, maize, Indian corn. pr. 672-80, ab. aben, the corn is
sufficiently ripe for use; ab. aboa, the corn is ripe to perfection. —
bu ab. to break the ear from the stalk; hQan or sunsQane mmetem,
io husk maize ; few or tutu ab., to take out the grains.
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54 aliurotseii — abnsiide.
a b u s u a-ni a u , tribe.
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abususem — bwe. 55
butiiw, s. tekrema-biituw.
e-bu w, nest, coop, cage, cot, cottage, hut, lodging; cf, berebiiw,
akokobuw; odah bi a wofre abosom n6 asamanfo wo mu = obo-
86inbuw, abosonnan, asamanfredah. — F. =ntamadan, teni, taber-
nacle, [G. ba.]
56 da.
Phr. 10. da aba so, to sit on eggs for breeding^ to brood, hatch;
syn. buw, butuw. — 11. da adagyaw, pr. 699. da kwaterekwa, to be
naked. — 12. da adi, to be manifest, evident, open or clear; cf.
da hg> yi adi. — 13. da. dvieh^ to lie and think, to meditate. — da
f we, to consider; s. 28. da tirim. — 14. da afa, to sleep at a sepa-
rate place, pr. .384.705. — lo, da fam\ to be level; ehg da fam*, U is
a lerel place. JPs. 26,12. — l(j. da ogya (ho), da gyentia, to sleep at
the fire; pr. 359. — 17. da ho: a) eh 6 da hg (pefe), it is mani-
fest, evident, obvious; it is open, accessible: asem yi ho da hg, the
matter is now plain or clear, = asem yim' ye pefe; - emu da hg,
it is clear, plain, intelligible, open; opp. emu asiwr me; - gpon a no
da hg, the door is open. — b) n'ani da hg, he is modest, sober^ care-
ful, attentive, mindful, heedful; syn. n'ani ka ase. — 18. d a ho,
— da so, 5^. 25 c). — 19. da hyia, to border upon, to confine with; syn.
bo bye (hyia), bg hyi^bah, to fuhye. — 20. da kapua, to importune^
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(la — da. 57
g-da, inf, asase no d^ won di, the country lies open to them.
da, 5. daw.
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58 oda — (labi(h\l)i.
d^bi [eda hi] L one day, one time, some time back, once, in
time past, formerly ; = dabihg; cf. nna-no, nna no bi. — 2. some
day, one day, some time, i.e. at a fufnre time; another time; cf. da-
kye; pr. 693.1644. — 3. any day, i.e. ever, together with a negation:
never, usually shortened into da. — 1. no, never; in this meaning it
is the only remnant of a whole negative sentence, s. Gr. § 146,*^
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d^biho — dadu. 59
gbae d. yi, wunhQu no ana? he lias been here a long lime, did you
not see him? Joh,14,9. woamma ntem, ebe na woko d. yi? t/ou are
coming late; where have you been so long? d. bemme, long agoj long
since, a great while ago. — J2, [red, of d ab i 4/ no, not at all.
d^bfho, = dabi 1.
dadare, F. s. dare.
dadawra', s. dodom'.
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60 (ladii — dAji-ere.
da-(lii, ten days, dadu-d^bak6, dadu-nnammien' &c., 11, 12
dai/s dx, dadu-nnannum, a fortnight; Gr. § 80,5. adadnonu^ ada-
duasa, adaduanan &c., 20, 30, 10 days dec. Gr. § 78,2.
daduianyi, F. = deduani, Mt, 27^5.
o-da-dweii, inf. meditation (in lying down), care, mental am-
iety; odi no ho d., he is in anxiety about him; od. rekum no, cares
are icearing him to death; 5. da 13.
dj\":o — addm. 61
addka, pi. n-, box, case, chesty coffer, trunkypr,?13; (closely cup-
board;) rectanglCy parallelogram.
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d^mma — d^u.
damma-l)(), the red seed o{k certain shrub, used as & gold-
weight; d. ahaban ye owaw-aduru, the lerwes of the damma skrtib
arc a medicine used to cure a cough.
. damankama, s. dom...
damaram, J!??. n-,( a flower with vermilion leaves; the shrub
dainar§.min, i on which it grows; scarlet, cinnabar red.
damas [Eng.] dammk. - Am. 3,12. - ahiafo d., mock satin,
ddm'd^in', chequered; yam atotow no ho d. mmako-mako.
ddme, a red powder from iron ore; 'mosea kgkg a wgasew
a wgde twa (won) anim a.s. asaf%.
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inflnonce, ^ve (one's self) over or up to, adhere to; to depend on; ode
neh<^adA.n Brofo; ode iieh5 abedan bosom; Ahitofel de neho bedan
Absalom ; onipa yi dan me (= ode neho bg me bo) ua wanya biribi
adi; odahme or odan me da-yi, he ahva/js applies or comes to me
(for his \\ym^\ pr.720, 2595. — 2. to appeal to: ode asem no kg-
dan Kaesare, he appealed to Cesar. — 3, to claim; to desire; medafi
se menya adwuma-pa bi maye na manya biribi madi, the only thing
I ask or care for is, that I may get some proper work to do in order
to get something to eat. — 4. to call in, demand, exact payment from:
odin me ka, he demands payment, calls in a debt from me; cf. aka-
Am; pr. 721-723. — 5. s. dennan. — ad ail, inf. clieniship, a state
of being under the protection of a patron; ne nkyen a gte yi, eny^
osom, na eye adan.
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G4 ddudiid — ddnta.
adaiikum, s. adenkum.
daukwanser6, a kind of bat; s. ampafi.
0-d da no, the stick in a bird-trap on wbich the bird stops and
causes the trap or snare to spring so that it is caught; the trigger
of a springe ; cf. nterewso.
d a n s e k r u ni f o , a false witness.
d d u-s 5 , the upper part or floor of a house, garret ; cf. abansoro.
da-nsow, a. [nea eda nsow] easy to be known, remarkable,
conspicuous, patiicular; pr. 3254.
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dantabdn — odasfiwa. 65
ndautapii^ ?
daponua, p/. n-, a high, festival day. [da, pgn, da, = eda a
eso.] Yedi d. 'ne, to-day we have a feast; Adae nna ye n., the Adae
days are festival days. Cf. dapA, afahye.
add re, ^>Z. n-, Ak. adere, hook, hill-hook, large knife, hush knife,
nsed by the negroes to cut down branches and shrubs, pr. 728-30. —
Own ad., pr.3481. fig. the destructive power of death, Death^s scythe.
Phr, me nan tia ad. so, / am on the point of starting {for work on a
plantation or for a journey). Cf adatia, adawd.
adasa, F. men, 2ieople (in general). Mt. 5,11,1^.19. Mk. 9,S1. s. adesa,
Q-dasanyi, F. s. odesani.
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60 dase — addw5roma.
Odaasede, edaho [edaaSe, fara'], owoaduru nso si ho; od. de, akura
watch (of which the negroes count three: from 6 to 10, lOtol and
d. biako, he has slept the first part of the night; wgadd ayi d. fa,
they lie in the first sleep: wgada ayi ad. abiefi, they have slept from
the beginning of the nigld till after midnight; wgadd ayi ad. abiesa,
they had slept till about 4 o'clock in the morning; gbaa gd. abien mu,
he came in the second watch; eduu gd. kgnkgn, it was in the middle
daw a, pi. n-, [eda, dim.] a shoti day or time; yekodii nnawd
bi wo ho na yebae, we spent some fetv days there and then returned.
dawa, pL n-, 1. (a x>air of) fire tongs. — 2. a bell of native
manufacture, hung on sheep's or dogs' necks, s. da.
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adawiibo — de. 67
kincfs mercy L should have been put to death; midi no ad. ansa-na
many a od an madain\ e.s. mesomno ansa-na omaame kwan medaa
ne dan mu; - woye biribiara de ma obi na otaa wo so kaw a, wuse:
midi no ad., I procured permission^ hisfavotiry to allow mc.pr. 644,
de, F. L = se, that; ose de, bera ! =-• oka se : bera ! — .^. = se,
as, even as; de-bre, de-mbre, Mt. 6,2. = senea, like as. — 5. = se
(used elliptically) ; ekd^ d^ = ekd^ s{j, it wanted as (Utile as possible)
i.e. almost, nearly. — 4. = sO, very, very much. — 5. = den, ML 26,66.
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m de^
de, dee, dea, profi. put instead of a previous noun //*r. atle,
thingJGT,%Q2. me de, mine, also my party my portion; yende, oitrs&c.
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od& — deu. 69
o-de, Ak. gdee, F. edwo, ^am, a large esculent tuber or root
of various climbing plants, of the genus Dioscorea, forming, when
roasted or boiled, a wholesome, palatable, and nutritious food;
pr.82o-i^. The difiP. kinds have each its particular names: L ode-
p4 ne: gyawii, akwakg, krukrup^, nkantdmi, dikd, mSde, odanndn,
ode-kwaseii, ammd-ra^nni-anwu (Ab.), amanyakti, nnonko-Agnko,
osu, pepea; 3. hk^nf: nkauih^ne, nkukii, Aniwa-^niwa; 3. hk-
yere: ahabnyere, onyame-bAyere, kSde, kokora, asahiud^ asante-
anbiViit^m, ntonto, obuobi-kwaw, aduoku, kumi-yiw,kwabena-afwi,
kwame-fwi (the last 5 are names of men who first planted these
kinds); 4. afas^w; afase-k^ni, afase-tuntum, apiik'a, adi-amma-
wo-ba; 5. m^nsil (ye fremfrem), nkdmf6 (ye nwene); ayamkaw-
de. — S* fua, bore, pan, tu &c. mmotgkroma, mpgw; fufu.
dea, Ak. = nea, Akr.; F. nyia, he who; dzea, dza, that which;
^^ place wfierc, manner in which, pr, 3354,3359.3116. (3113-3283.)
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70 adi^bisa — detiSdijfc .
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adefem — dekode. 71
o-defo, 2)1. a-, a man of wealth, wealthg, opulent, rich man; sgn.
osikanL, obonyafo.
ade-fw ere, inf. (tbe act of) expending or wading money; ex-
penditure. — adefwcrede, costs, expenses; charges.
o-deh ve, pH^ *-» ^- f^^^ man, free woman; noble man; member
of the king's family; me d. ni, this is one of my sister's children (wben
they are freeborn). pr. 122.839.843-47.134:4. — 2. tbe state or rank of
a free man; pr. 330. 836-38. ko wo kCirom* na kodi wo d., go to thy
cmmtry and live there as a free man. — 3. (adj.) free, not in bondage
free-born. F. no bogy a debye, his most precious blood. Ftk. —
4. (n.) od., an eruption and swelling of the eyelids.
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72 adekora — demcrekn.
adeky ee- ha ma, the first ray or sfre(dc of light at the hori::on
in the morning sky; morning-twilight, dawn, day-break, day-blush,
the xmrple glory of the morning.
dem, F. = sa, sa, so, thus; ML :3/}^ 5.16,19. dcm no, whereupotk,
Mt. 14,7. dem yi, thus, Mt. 3,lo. on this fashion, Mk. 2,12. — deiiiara,
= saara, so, even so, the same, likewise. Mt 5,12.46 47. 7, Vi.
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ademud6 — dennan. 73
(e-)deu , F. den, de, Ak. deeben, deen, sen, pron, interrog, Gr. §
60, 2.5. i. what? ivhat thing? ose d^n ? tvhai does he say? wofrc yi
den ? ichat (or how) is this called? eden ni, what is this? It may be
used in the poss. case: ed^n asem ni? = as^m ben ni? eden asem
na moka, what (thing's word) are you talking? — Ji?. ^den, ed^n nti,
for what, from tchat cause, ichy? woyee den na wofwee ase, what
did you do (i.e. how was it) that you fell? moye den na mugyina ha
kwa? Iiow is it that you are standing here idle? — 3, how? woye
nno den ? hmc is the palm-oil made? — 4. den, F. how much? Ak.
sen? Akr. ah^? — Ed^n , contr. = eye den : edeii na wofwefwe,
what i^ it that you seek?
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74 o(16neh^ — odesanf.
h(us become thickly covered with foliage; wode ohene iikyinii abed, ho,
the place has been crowded icith the king's umbrellas.
o-de-nc-h{i, = odeba, q, v.
d e n n e h , red. v. s. den.
d e n s w , s. da-nsow.
ad e-n y a, inf. becoming rich, acquisition of wealth.
a de-pa, a good or precious thing, something good; goods.
ade-p^, inf. seeking for riches, pr. 1441.
dde s iV, -saw4, tbe eatable fruit of a large tree, of tbe size and
sbape of a lime, of a yellow and reddisb colour, and of a sbarp
sweet-sour taste ; tbe tree on wbicb it grows.
adesfie [cf. ade sa] 1. evening-time. — J2. the whole day from
morning //// night; Mat. 20,12. maye adwuma ad., I have worked till
adese — gdeyotb. 75
ade s e [ade ase a aka, what is left at the bottom of a thinif] sedi-
fHenty residuum y dregs; a mean, useless thing; cf. puw; - ad. Twi,
ajargofi or patois of the Tshi language,
detse, F. = dote.
dew, a, s, de.
o-dew, siocetncss, agreeablencss, pleasantness; agreeable taste,
taste fulness, relish; flavour; j^leasure, joy, cmnfort, benefit; wosom
Nyame yiye a, wobete mu dew, if you serve God well, you will have
the benefit of it, you will see how happy it will majce you.
dew, F. joy, Mt, 13,20. 44, 25,21. 28^. — dzi dew, to rejoice,
Mt. 2,10.5,12, — dew-do, = fewso, gladly. Mk.6,20.
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70 di.
1. to eat J to take <f taste (food) : odi aduan, d^, fufu, mo, kwadii,
nam ; cf. we. pr. 'J26. S62-65. 870. 875. 882 f. 905 f. 914. 1644. 2690. 3111.—
The red. didi is used, when no object is mentioned and the act of
eating is denoted in a general way: mekodidi, I am tjoiny to cat;
odidi, he is at his meal, sits at table. — J2. to eat, live upon: onui afuw,
na odi ntodii, he has no plantaiion, but lives on bmtffht thinf/s, has to
buy his victuals; di.. ade, s. ade 6' a. — 3. to spend, me up, waste:
wadi no sika nhina, he has used up all his money; watgn no adi, he
has sold him and eaten i.e. used up the money received. — /. to use
in traffic: Akyemfo di sika, Akuapemfo di ntrama, the Akcms use
ffold'dust, the Aknapems cowries for their currency ; pr. 917. — 5. to
take or keej) and use for one's self: pr. 1070. se m'akoa di da a, mi-
gye no mman du, if my slave takes a day for hinhself (staying away
on one of the 3 days [Sunday, '^i'uesday, Saturday] beyond which
even hard masters do not sot their slaves to work, instead of coming
to work for me), / take from him ten strinys. — di bore, /o 6f a
loiterer, shiyyard, time-killer. — 6. to use freely, to enjoy: di here,
to enjoy one's time, to live a luxurious life; pi. wodi mmere. — fa
ncho di, to obtain the free use of one's own self to become free, be
emancipated; to live independently, to enjoy one's libeiiy or freedom;
pr. 1075.1439. — 7. to use naturally (Rom. 1,27) j to have sexual inter-
course with; cf. fa (gbea, oyere, sigyafo), euph. ko.. ho, hu, hyia
(2 8.13,14); di u^\\o,pr.881. to practise onanism, masturbation; of
beasts, irr. 3411. — 8. to receive, yet, accept o/'and use up; to partake
of, have the benefit of: di ade, s. ade 6* a; di abaguade, to receive or
draw fees for attendiny to palavers; di mmoa, adaiimude, to receive
presents or bribes; - cf. odi amanterenu-ade, he is a doubt e'deaicr^
insinuates himself with both parties dr. — 9. to inherit: odi n'ade, he
inherits his goodSj is his heir, tie succeeds him in fiis office or on the
tlirone; s. ade 8b; odi nhyira, nkwii, tie receives, intierits a blessing,
life. — 10. to obtain : d i n i m , hkonim, to gain oi get ttie victory^
be victorious, triumpti. — 11. to suffer: opatafo di aba, ttie peace-
maker receives blows, pr.2637. — obedi mmusu, miscliief teill come
upon or bcfatl tiim ; wadi ko-musu, nkogu, tie has suffered a defeat. ^
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di^ 77
16, to have capacity for, to be able to lake in, to hold, contain: ahina
yi di nsa siisukora du, this pot holds ten calabashes full of palm-
wine, Joh.2,6. — 17. to have, be infected with: odi dem, he has a
(])liy8ieal) failing ; edi dem, it is defect, Cf, 29. — 18. to possess: odi
nya, he possesses a slave (diff. 60), — 19, neg, nni, not to have;
pr, 907-922, (excpt. 914.917.) cf wo. Gr. § 102,2.'
26. to amount to: mahu amane a edi aduasd nhina, I have seen all
the thirty misfortunes, i.e. I have had every possible misfortune; okasa
a edi adnasa, all the innumerable languages,
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78 di.
I. To be active inwardly.
39. odi ne tirim, he meditates, ponders, revolves or resolves in Jtis
mind; he musters resolution or eourage; he takes pains; di wo tirim
ma wonsiian wo, bear ttw bleeding manfully; - odi no bo dad wen,
he is anxious about him. — 40. to bear, sustain, to stand: obedi yare
no, he will stand the siehiess; wadi yare no, he has recovered from
the sicl-ness; nea meye no no, orcnni, he will not be able to bear what
I slwill do to him; ose n^asem wonni (= nea oma woye no, won-
tumi), he is haughty, overbearing, ready to repress or subdue by in-
solence or effrontery, (he thinks himself irresistible?). — 41. to neu-
trcdize, render harmless (a blow or cut) ^. 482.
42. di bene, amrado, kyeame, sofo, to be and act as king (cf. 47),
governor, speaker (linguist, interpreter), priest (or minister); odi
panyin, he is entrusted with an office (odi me panyin, he is older
than I, cf. 23); - odi adiakyiri, he holds an inferior office; - di
srani, to serve as a soldier; - di bakoma, to play the superior or
nobleman (s. bakoma); di debye, pr. H36. cf. 53.
43. di.. so, to ride: odi man no so, he rules over the country; odi
kdrow no so, Ite has authority over the city. — 44. to perform some
business or duty: odi boa no = oye no abia, he helps him in what
he is doing. — di adwinni, to do skilful work; di dwuma, to profess
some trade; odi ne dwuma, he is at his work. — di bouno, to work
at intervals, intersecting other work. — di abo, to attend at table; di
pia, to act as steward, chamberlain, valet. — odi no nkommSran, he
is his disciple or accomplice in his fetish-practices; di pa, to serve as
a hired labourer or carrier. — di abofo, di yaw, to provide a hunter
in the bush with food, pr. 549.3389. — 45. to carry on (trade) : di
bata, to traffic, trade; di gua, to carry on a trade ; di nsesa, nsesa-
gua, to barter, exchange, truck; di mpewd, to peddle, hawk. — 46.
to perform a play: di dam, to play at draughts; - wodi asrayere,
they perform their ceremonies for their husbands absent in the ca^np.
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di. 79
51. to proceed, act or deal with: me n^no bedi no bone, I shall deal
witli him in a most unpleasant way, witliout mercy. — 5J2, di asempa,
seDkwanmu, to walk uprightly, deal honestly, lead a good and honest
life. — di nokware, to speak truth, act faithfully or trustworthy, to
be faithful. — di anem, = ye anem, to be diligent, industrimts. —
di d^, to exhibit one's love. — 53. di debye, to live as a free man or
nobleman, pr. 836. cf. 42. — di tumi, to exercise power or authority.
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80 di.
me. — 56. wodi no kmsa, fhf^ imtke him accoutvt or pn§ for, fine him,
take redrew from him. — 57. odi no were, Ite takes revenge or ven-
geance OH him. — 5^. wodi no mfaanfwe, 04eg hold and flog him,
give him a thrasiuug. — 5'J. odi (no) awu, he cotnmits a murder (on
him). — 60. odi no nya, he treats him tuf a si a re, hard or rntellt^;
ef. JS. — 6fi. odi no ni, he renders him honour, patfS him respect or
homage. — 0^. odi no tow, he renders or pags him tribute; rf. yi
tow. — 63. odi no adaworoma, he np^tties to or craves for his bene-
toteme, favour, kindness.
71. odi atoro (Ak. toro), he tells a lie or lies; odi nkontoro, 5. nk.
Q. To practise habitually.
77. wodi atubo, tttcg are given to frequent change of abode; (cf 37.)
wodi atiib^, theg have the practice of shooting themselves. — 78. odi
awommawu, she bears children who ttsuallg die soo^i.
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di. „ __ ?1
from their food or meals. — (Si. wodi nnuaromoa, ihey unite in buy-
intj a sheep to kill and share it; wodi nfwebom\ ntontg, ihey have
joined interest ^ have assoeiated, have made cmnmon causey are in
partnership. — <S*^. wodi twaka, twawe, usAwgso, theyiave cmnmti'
nion, eat together dx., are on good or friendly terr)is, on a familiar
footing; wodi nuakranna, they are on a familiar or intiinate footing.
83. wodi akapimafwe, they hare close communion, favour each other
in turn. — wodi aniwabubu, there is a mutual understanding or
agreement between them. — 8i. wodi mmoa, iinoboa, hiafwe, they
aid each other , are alliedj work together, mutually support each other.
— So. wodi aware, they intermarry.
V. To be disengaged or sepanUcd.
95. wodi nkotewmu, nkotetem', they nmtually desist from, or leave
off (break off, give up) fighting, none of the parties having gained
the victory. — 96. wodi mpapaeni', they part, separate, divide, are
divided; wodi likra, they part, separate, bid each other farewell.
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82 (li. _ _
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adi — adidiikyiri. S3
ade na ese se wov^ia, whatever we can get from a white man, by fair
d id i-a m f 66, a man who eats much and yet has no fat.
adidf-befl, manner of eating; dining-room.
adidf-bcre, time of eating.
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84 didikaw — adiiikara.
adi-ff , adfn, inf. [fi adi] going otd, going fotih. P?. 1:21,8. Mic.S^.
adikaufo, mie (or pi. many) gone before, the fare-most, first.
dikpei, [Ga] dart.
dim-mo, inf s. bo din, nnimmo.
dim-mone, = din bone; dim-[>a = din pa.
e-di II, i. name; ne din de den? what is his name? wgato no din,
they have given him a name; cf Gr. § 205, 4.5. — pae din, s. pae.
bo din, to mention; pr, 1776. on account of; cf. Gr.§243Z>. (the last
ex.) on pretence of: obog adwumaye din bae, he came on pretence of
working; gbg ne d. so, he mentions his name; gbg ne d., he calls upon
him. — 3. the good name, reputation, character; bg din (pa), to
praise; bg din bone, see din, to revile, slander, defame; wgde wgnho-
ho dira-mone bae ^= wgbekaii wgiiho-ho asem, they reproached, up-
braided each other. — 3. a well-known name, fame, renotcfi: wagye
(ne) d., gwg d., he has become renowned, celebrated, famous, he is
renoivned; onipa a gwg d., a man of rank or distinction; ned. ada
kakra, his name sleeps a little, i.e. he is no more spoken of so much;
ne d, atg nsum, he is no more mentioned.
d 1 11 11, d 1 11 11. a., adv. stillj silent; quiet, calm ;pr.3069. Mk.4f39.
syn. demm, koni, krAnanana.
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dinsed — do. 85
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86 do — dododo.
Phr. 19. no kon do, his throat deepens for, i.e. he has an appetiie,
a lonying desire for, eagerly desires, lusts after. — ^^0. do iikraii,
to become wild, fierce, frightful; n*ani do hkran, he rages, chafes. —
21. do,, na, to dislike, s. na. — 22. do aniwii, to be bashful. — 23,
do 80 : to take prerentive measures: odg so ntem siesie lio na amroa
sa, he quickly takes precautiotis that this may not come to j^ass. —
21. do, s. dgw. pr. 33H. — 25. do, do., so, fo suffice, be sufficient;
eyiara do me so, that will just do for me; ddg me so, // suffices me;
anno me so, it is not enough for me.
do, r. s. dow.
do, F. = so, Ak, soo.
do, Ak. = ho; pini do = twiw ko ho; s. dob^.
e-do, s. edow.
do, f(dt'. staringly; of we me do, lie stares at me. 2 Ki 8,11. syn. hn.
ododoben — odoko. 87
dodom', F. = kokoam'.
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88 floko — dom.
dgni, V. Y. to belong to; gdom won, =ofi won mu, Mt. 26,33.
e-d g 111 (pL Id., dgm horow, d. afanu) 1. a host, an army;pr. 685.
956.057.060. — 2. the hostUe army, the enemy, pr. 050.2268 2176. —
di dgm, to be (d war. — di nehO dgm, to rommlt suicide. — ^ya dgm,
s. dgm, V. — kd dgm, to wage war, goto W(fr. — y i dgm, to oterconte
the enemy, gain the victory, pr. 2052. woayi dgm, nanso wgadi nko-
nim, they have vanquished the enemy and triumphed. — edgm gu,
a host or the enemy Is defeated, pr.456. — Cpds. dgm-heue, general;
dgnki'inini, tlie main body or gross of the army, main army; dgra-
kuw, a division J brigade; dgm-tow, a regiment. Cf. asafo.
dom, V. F. = dome.
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dommd — adc^mmere. 89
o-domm ji, pL a-, (F. odomba) a fruit similar to a fig; the tree
bearing it. F. Mt 7,10. 21,19. '
fpr. lUl.
doman k a ma, -koma, a. many, manifold; plentiful, abundant,
copious; syn. bebre. pi, powA. — Ne yiye d. a ode yee no no, wan-
yi n'.\yd (wanna n' &se), he did not thank him for his manifold bene-
fits; [Onyahkopgn yee ade nbina d., God made all things. R.p, 166.]
asem rl., a icorld of palaver, a prolific, incessant, perpetual, inter-
minable, endless palaver or litigation.
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90 adomffrilw — adond.
don n, softly y delicately , slowly and finely; onara d., tic walks
softly drc.y gracefully (onantew mmerantesem mu, for pleasure or
show), he promenades.
o-d on, bell; e-dgh, clock; bo don, to strike the bell or clock; wo-
80 w don, to ring the bell; edgn bo, the clock strikes; cf dghfwcrew;
abo donkoro, the clock has struck one, it is one o'clock; abg nngti-
abieh, it is two o'clock cCt. Gr. § 80,4.
don, odd (number); edi don, it is odd; opp. edi nse, it is even.
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a(]onkt^M — doiitori. 91
he displeased with Death, scil. that the preceding three or more
children of the same mother did not live; do not ascribe it to men.]
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92 odontwi — adowa.
o-dontw(, n^ abotokura.
0-d6rob(jii, s. gdodoben.
the two parts: edg me so, // is enough for me, enng no so, it is not
dote, Ak. nngtee, F. detse, .<oil, earth, clag, mud; sgn. efd.
e-do w, the fibres (ham a) of the goung leaves oftlie adobe palm;
a kind of twine made thereof; - adobe nkgnmu 'mcrenkensono niu
na woyi dgw; wgmfd nye nnuahama; wgde bg asuman, wgde nwene
gtah, na AUtafo na ciiwene ntama nso; ef. demercku.
edow-tam, a mat-like ivoven cloth.
dow, V. [red. dodow] to become or be brown; uneema a wg-
kyew nhina ho d.; s. asabra.
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dm — nilua. 93
dm... s, duru.
adiiil (pi. id.)j kernel, seed, fruit (of trees); odiad., he eats fruit
(ogna, akutu, odgmA, asa...). -^///z.aba, adiuiba, F. eduiaba, eduia-
dzewa. Gm.1,11. Mt. 21,S4. ML lh,;>. Luk.lSfi. 20,10.
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94 dufi — aduan.
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aduanndkd — due. 95
a d u a iJ-f 1 11 [aduan a aye mfin] pi, n-, stale food, pr. 285.932,1115.
a d u a u-k d u (pi. n-), first-fruits.
aduaii-sit, kind of food; ad. ben ni?
aduau-su, a fruitful rain; ad. na ereto yi.
a d u a n t a ^ food withoui salt. D.As.
ad u an ill Ilk ^m, sour-sop if-c. (the fruit aud the tree); cf. adu-
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96 due — ducdue.
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odiiofoo — duku. 07
d 11 foky e, a tree that has fallen dawn and lain on the ground
for some time; a large y rotten block, log or piece of wood, pr, 1039-41.
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98 diikuduku — duom.
dukuduku, a. dadr. fai and fint, stont; waye d.; oguan no
ado srade d. — dukuduka, id^ ovo mma d. anan, he has four
stotd and UcfJy ihUdreu.
0-duni, pi. a-, 1. the Odum-iree, a large tree; the wood is used
for timber, furniture, fuel. — 2. As. edura, pillar, supporting a honse
or erected for remembr^ce; tomb-stone; monument; - adum ne
nea wode gyinagytna odan ; abo a Brofo de sisi ada so no ye adum
a wode ye hkae.
duiidum, F. s. dum.
o-dunni = dumni, s. pi. adumfo Sl dunnyi.
e-d ii-iJ k r u II , nineteen.
e-dii-nsid, sia-teen.
d u-ii S i u , pi. n-, the stump of a tree. pr. 403. [dua, sin ; dua a
wgativa so na esi ho no.]
adiWnna — adiiru. 99
d u-p o 11, ^;?. n-, [dua, pon] a large tree. pr. 426.
d u p w , s. ntetea-d.
du-p fi 11, jp?.n-, the hroad and large part of the root of certain
trees above ground, projecting like a buttress from the low part of
the stem ; dua kesc utiiii a aii adi aye kokiiro ; odum, ofram, ofo,
onyii, owataku, ow6wa wo nnupun.
put in the inside of. Ex. 25,11.28. 26,29 Wode twom-nhoma dura
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O'duru-mafo, s. odumafo.
ad ur u-toa, -toa, pi. n-, a case, box, phial j or cruet for any kind
of powder or fluid, e.g. an ink-stand; a medicine-box. ♦
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ode asem no abedwa ho = abeto ho, lie told the matter publielf/, in
the public jAacc,
dwe, dw(3iin, adv. id. afuw mu atanna ahyew dwe, the heap
or pUe of wood on the plantation is burned completely; ode a wode
kgtoo gya mu no ahyew dwenn, the yam which you put in the fire
is totally burned; otam no ahyew dwenn, enkA hi.
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it d w c I) a w, s. adwobaw. f r. 40.
adw('-l)o, inf, cracking of palm-kernels, pr.l55?.
adwe-dae =-- akwasidae, s, adae.
dwed w6, s. after dwe. — dwodwe, red, v, F. = dwudwo.
d >V e d w e w a , adj, close together, narrow (of an opening or
passage); s, adwoku. 0/*. hihia, muamua.
e-dwoii, Mt. egwen, grey hair; edwen aba netirim, neti afuw
dweh, he has grey hair,
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no dwen, or watg dweh» he has been seised and made a slave. Onipa
nam na oto dweii a, obi ua okyere no kwan^^^r. Mato dwen minliu
nea menko, / am at a loss where to go; u'aniwa ato dwen, he is lost
in thinking.
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adwf 1)110, pi. id. or n-, [adwini ade] a thing made artificially,
artificiid work, work of art.
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out the fire. — J2. to break tij>, break or pidl down, to demolish (odan,
pempe, siw); to prostrate; to ruin (gyare no dwiriw' nipa no pasa).
dwiw, V. s. dwuw.
e-dwiw, dwuw, Ak. edwie, pi, n-, louse.
e-d wo, F.yam; fa dwo here me, bring me a yam; cf. brodee-dwo.
adwo: ya adwo, reply on salutations, addressed to one born
on Monday [5. K wad wo] or to any other person.
dwo a-gy i n a, the same amount minus one taku or 6*Y* d. i.e.
gold dust balancing the dwoa weight in equal scale, without the
usual over-weight, pr. 747.
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dw omnia, s. nnwgraraa.
o-dwoni-frefo, the leader of a choir, precentor.
dwonkd, dwehku, the hip, haunch, hip-bone, thigh; cf. asen-
mu, the loins, sSre, the thigh; - to dw., to tvalk lame, hobble, limp\ cf.
to apikkye, to halt, be lame,
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d wo w, t'. 1. to cut, sever, citt up, cut to pieces, cut down ; odwow'
no, Ji€ cut him down, slew him; 6dw6w abe, he cuts or severs the
single palm-nuts from Uie stalk; pr. 310. odw. brode = otwitwa no
ai»iaw-asiaw fi gsaw ho, lie cuts the hands ofplantcUns from tfw whole
bunch; ode sosow dwow wuram' b^yere, he takes out mid yam with
a digging-iron ; pr.1067, cf. t u (afum' bayere). — 2. to grind roughly,
abCirow, maize, awi, Guinea-corn ; cf yam. — 3, to thrash, thresh.
e-dwow, j>;. n-, tassel; fringe. Cf ndwo, F.
dwu, V. s. dwuw, V.
e-dwu, s. edwiw.
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o-dwum 1*6, i>Z. a-, artist, artisan, workman, one doing artificial
work as a carpenter, joiner, gold-, silver-, or coppersmith, brazier,
pewter er, tinman, saddler, umbrella-maker, shoe- or sandal-maker Sa^.
(nea osen apon n^ nnaka a.s. hkonnua, gye ate, opam hkyinii, obn
mpaboa, obu ntoa, a.s. onipa biara a oye biribi a eyo nwonwa na
nnipa Dbina ntumi nye).
timj pass their fingers through a medicine rubbed over one's body, wg-
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110 atlzesa — e.
e in our books represents two sounds : 1, the full e, and J2. the
narrow e. Cf Gr. § 1 Bern. 2. and § 2.
e- or e-, prcf. of nouns in the sing. (& pi.) s. Gr. § 29,2. 35,4.
43.44., of pronouns, §60,1-3., of numerrds, §77.78,1. — is usually
dri>pped in close connection with a preceding word, Gr. § 49,1 .
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^ — fa, m
The letter f has the same sound in Twi tiiat it has in English,
except in the combination Iw, on which see a later page.
The consonant f occurs before pure and nasal vowels. It seldom
interchanges with other consonants; cf, fotow & pgtow; fromfrom &
F. promprom; few & fwew; funu & hunu; fintsiw, F. = hintiw,
Ak. fwinti, sunti.
fa, V. [red. fefa, fofa] to take; cf, gye, kukuru, tase, m& so, som'
yi, & de, fua, kita, kura. — i. to take to make use of: pr, 1081,
to lay hold on for use. In these senses it takes the place of the aiix, v.
de in all negative and imperative sentences; s, Gr. § 108, 26-29.
205,5. 206,2. 208,3.4. 237. 240 a. c. 241. Cf, 26 (below). — 2. to
take away: hena na wafa me tuo? who has taken my gun? — 3. to
carry off (said also of inanimate subjects): nsu afano, the water
has taken him, i.e. he is drowned; pr. 389. 3085, mframa afa me kyew
ko, the wind has carried off my hai. — 4, to lay hold on, to seize:
wafa no gyaw, he has embraced his legs i.e. implored him, begged
his pardon, — 5. to take up and keep, to appropriate what is found :
pane yi, maha wo fam'; m6mfa ana? / have found this needle on
the floor; may I keep it? fa! you may have it! fa abofo, to find a
dead animal (game) in the bush, pr. 497. fa or tase nwaw, to take
up or gather snails; pr. 1080^ F. to gather (fishes in a net) Mt. 13^7,
— 6, to take i.e. keep for one's own: wubu kyew yi ma hena? mibu
mafa, for whom do you make this cap? I make it that I may keep it,
i.e. for myself; P^, 22,19. cf Gr.§ 109,32. 243 6. Bern, 2, — 7. to take
possession of what is left or prepared by others : asase a Germanefo
no gyawe no, Wendefo befae. — F. fa ahemman tsena mu, to in-
herit the kingdom, Mt, 25,34. — 8. to obtain possession of by force,
to seize, capture, conquer: fa d wen, to seize for a slave, to make booty
of; woafa no dommum, he has been made captive; wgfaannommum
pi, iliey made many captives (in war); wafa kiirow no, he has con-
qtiered the town. — 9. to take and use or misuse: fa gbea, osigyafo;
pr. 167, fa oy ere (fa kun, F.) to take one's wife (husband) illegally,
i.e. to commit adultery. Mk. 10,11.12. — 10. to take, get, win, acqtdre:
fa abarim^, to engage as a servant; pr. 1077, fa ad^mfo, to enter one^s
service; or == fa oyohko, to make friendship with, pr. 1078. — 11,
to obtain, get: wafa afuru, she has got a belly i.e. she is (big) with
ckUd. — 12. to bear in mind: mafa me tirim, I have got (it) in my
head, i.e. / have taken the sense or the warning, I understand it =
iDthu ase; I remember = makae. — F. fa ad wen, to take thought,
concern one's ^e//'=dwendNven, Mt, 0,25^34. fa apam, to take coun-
sel, Mt. 27,1J7. — 13. to take inwardly, to conceive: gfa(mo) abufuw
da, he often grows angry (with me); pr. 1079. wafa me adona, Jie has
taken a dislike to me, — 14. to take, admit; to choose, elect. 1 Tim, 5,9,
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112 fk_ _^
mobo adi, on Sunday you (dl are free, have your time for yourselves,
Cf. gfadi, fawoho-kodi. — ;^^. fa di, to take and use up, to consume,
spend, waste; cf. afaadi. — 24. fa (mu) to partake of. — 25. Very
often fa in its imp. and neg. forms and in the inf. is used, in con-
nection with another verb, as an aujr. v. introducing or referring
to a passive object of the principal verb, and at the same time im-
parting to the princ. verb a causative meaning. Cf. de, Gr. § 108,
pr. 136-169. 1072-74. 108.3-88. 3170.E.g. fa b6ra! lit. take come i.e. bring:
kgfa bera, go take come, i.e. fetch; fa kg! take go, i.e. take it off, away
with it! fa tom* or fa to so, lay (it) in or on, add it! fa firi me, for-
give me! Cf. 1 (above). — 26. In other cases fa is used as an out. r.
referring the action of the principal verb to a place, as taking its
way through, or to a means employed; cf. 16. 19b) above; it serves
then to express the Eng. prepositions through, by dr. Cf. Gr. § 108,
27. 109,30. 223,2. — In pr. 3374. fa supplies the place of the Eng.
words up to, as far as.
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efa, afa, pi. a-, feast, festival, holiday; - hye fa or afa, to cele-
brate a festival, e.s. wgye afrihyiade biara, wodi afe ; oheno bye fa
= oh. behyd di-
g-fa, ph afa, afa-afa, i. the half of a thing or number of tilings;
moiety. — J2. the other side or part of a thing or place, a separate
place. — 3.2)art, piece; cf. sin. pr. 64. 1286. 1858. 3110. S481. gfa-n^-
fa, half and half; only in part; ogyina fa or fababi, he stands apart ,
aside; da afa, to sleep separately, pr. 384. cf. Gr. g 80,7. 84., fftko,
af^nu, afllsa, afanin, & faro\
Q-f a-b e h , red or yellow clay; cf, kgtgfa, ntwoma. Afab6n, pr, n.
afd-b6, (pi. id.) clod, glebe; a lump or pieces of swish (i.e. the
earth of a pise-wall) from a ruined building; ruins.
fa-o b 0- 1 -m e-gy am' flay a stone into the fire for me/ name
of a sickness, = kukrn-me-ta-awiam\
f a-d ^ iiypl. a-, dgt^din, mttd house, mud cottage, building in pise.
afdde (pi. id.) gain, profit, lucre, acquisition, proceeds : booty,
spoil, plunder ; cf. asade, afowde; earnings; - ade a wunya wg obi
ho fa no tumi so, a.8. wunya no gsom mu.
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m fadi, inf. the (taking and) keeping of a thing for one^s self.
afa-adi, spend-thnft; bankrupt, insolvent debtor; woaye woho
afa-adi, you have made yourself bankrupt.
mfafato, ¥. s. mfamfanto.
fagiide*^, metal [efa, gu, ade, things from the soil that may
be molten and cast].
mfa-haina, s. mfa.
faho-faho, adv. (fa ho, to move along) wofa fah6-f., they sail
along the shore; cf wonam ano-ano, they walk along the shore.
mfahu, tinder; abe ho boh bi akyi na wode ye mf.
afa-hye, inf. festival, celebration of a festival; af. bi dui, somt
festival came on.
fam' = fa mu.
e-fdm' [efd mu] soil, ground, floor, bottom; in the ground, on
the ground, at the bottom; down, below; syn. ase; asase, asase so;
cf. Gr. § 1 19. 1 24,.3. Ofii dua no so sii fam', he came down frmn the
tree; ofii pohkg so sii f., he alighted from the horse; ofii hyeh mu sii
f., he came from the ship to land, he disembarked. Osoro n6 fam\
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heaven and earth; fam* u^ nsu ani, hi/ land and by sea; efi ue soro
besi ne fan' dem bi nni no ho, from the head to the feet, from head
to foot, from (op to toe, there is no blemish in him; cf. 2 Sam. 14,25. —
iitama no mn tew abien fi soro de-besii fam', the veil was rent in ttvo
from the top tothebottmn. Mat.27f51. — Red. fanf-fam', adv, very low.
nimm, «., adv. red; yellotc; syn, Lg, kokg... Wgde sika aye
ho f.; wgde ntwoma akwaw dan no mu f.
alam', F. district ^ region. Mt. 15,21. Mk. 7^31. n'afam' dze no, for
his part.
afam'd 6, (pi. id., = ade a ewg fam' a.s. efi fam') eartJdy things;
low or mean things; earth, stones and minerals. Kurtz § 173.
[Mk. 14,54.
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m fdr e, fresh air; ligld, cool hrecze, gentle wind; mframa a eye
a awow nnim', nso ahohuru nnim'. Mekogye mfare, / am going to
take the air, I want to take an airing; - mfare tu nnoh-abiesa n6
nnon-nah mu, die cooling hreeze cofnes between 3 and 4 o'clock.
ofdr 61) ae [nea ofa* bae] the author or originator of a new play,
song or other thing; onipa a ode agoru hi ana dwom bi ana biri-
biara a woye wo omah mu ba; sa agoru no f. ni! pr. 1098.
m f a r e-d a n, parlour for cooling, summer house. Judg. 5,50. Am. 3,15.
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afase w, Ak. -see, an inferior kind of yaw; s. odL pr. 858. 1094.
afaso-kani, afasew-tuntum, s. gd^.
mf^s6, inf. gain, profit, benefit, emolument; pr. 1095, - wafa mf.
pi = wafa so pi, he has made or gained much profit.
m f a s 6 - p e , inf. greediness, self-interesiedness.
mfaso-pefo, a self-interested x)erson; greedy of gain or profit.
g-fasii, pi. a-, wall. pr. 328. — to f., to build a wall.
aljisii-t(), inf. building a wall. — mfasu-siii, ruins; cf. afabo.
fata, v. to fit, suit, meet; to become, pr. 2864. F. to be worthy
of. Mt. 10, 10. — f. so, to agree, accord or harmofiize wiHi; to be fit,
titling, suitable, proper, appropriate. Cf. se, se so, & sen, kyen so,
boro so.
[pr. 1097.
fe, few, red. fefe, fefew, fef<ife, &c. (Gr. §70.) adj., adv.
l.finc,prdty,nicc,beautiful, amusing; pr. 12 18. 2950. 3555. — after ho,
handsome; pr.28. 1.392- syn. guahn, kama, oso. — 2. glad, in the ex-
pression eye me fe, it makes me glad, gives me joy: eye me fe(w) se
moaba, / am glad that you are come. Cf. few, n., ahogfe.
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118 fe — cf(5.
f^, V. [red. fefe] 1. to eject from the stomach, Uic tJiroat, die
mouth; to vomit; pr. 190. — fe ntasn, Ak. ta or to ntasu, to throw
otd saliva or spittle, to spit out ; pr, 2347, — fe h6hore, to throw md
phlegm ; fe ahohora (fig>), to foam out shameful words, to commit
sJmmefid deeds, — ^. fe ho, <o flow over; cf, fere ho, tere ho, boro
80, bu so. — 3, to yearn or long for, to desire, desiderate; to be home-
sick: mafe (= ni*ani agyina) me na, me kiirom, meygiikd yi; ofe
no, wafeno. — 4. fe neho akyiri, to repent; asem a midii no,
mafe meho akyiri sd, I repent very much (of)^ what I have done.
F.id. Mt. 21,32, 27,3'
fe, V, s, few.
fe, V, s, fei.
fe, adv, openly, plainly, clearly; cf, filhh, fenh, p^fe. Eda h6
fe; mihftd no fo.
ffe, adv, deep, deeply, far doton, far below the surfctce, Edaasc
f(^; ehye mti fd; me nsA ak6 nsu no md fe na miiiha.
afe, 2^1' (^' id.) mf6f6, a person of equal age, size, rank; jday-
mate, coinpanion, comrade, fellow; F, afe, neighbours, — wo Afe ne
nea wo n^ no se afe; pr. 1826. w6ye me mf^fo; pr. 1104. b g afe, to
enter into fellowship with; pr. 682. — gdem(^. hye af6, gde n'df^ hye
me, he deems me his equal, he obtrudes himself upon me; cf, afehyv,
mpekua, fekuw.
e-fe, a kind o£ fly-brush, fail for flies, made of the tiny sticks or
fibres of palm-leaves, tied together: berew mu nnua a wgayiyi a-
wcre ho na wgde abom' akyekye ne ti de pra won ho ohurii, gtcn,
nwansana ; emu akese hi wg hg a akgmfo de kgm. Cf mm^f6, asaff.
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mfe, -ban, tl^e side oftJu! body; of man and animals. — mfem\
the side of the body, viz. the inner part of it: me rafem' ye me yaw,
/ have pain, in my side,
ftid, a child that died first in a family (before any of its bro-
thers or sisters); "abofra a wawu yi ye foa". pr. 630.
f e f e, a. s. fe.
afefede, fi>ne, nice, beaidiful thing or things; s. mfef6w-ade.
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df^f [afe yi?] adv. now, at present ; after that, Uien; ekau-no
wgkoe, afei de, woye biako. — F. afi, amfi, mfi.
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122 mKnsero — gfere.
[pr, 1878.2620.
fen tern, a. (£• adv. even, level, plain, flat; smooUi; levelled tcilJi
the ground; lazy, idle; quiet. Oda fam' f., he lies flat ofi the ground
and does not stir (or, idle, without stirring); woaye kiirow no f. =
woasee k. n. abubu ho adan hh. agu fam' kora, tfiey have levelled
the town with the ground, evened it with the sod.
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fe tere, t?. <o strip off, draw back, draw up, tuck up (a cover-
ing, a sleeve); syn. worow. — afeterefetere (R.pr.129.) the dem^
ding of the glans by drawing the prepnce or foreskin.
few, t?. to squeeze, pinch; to jam, to wedge in; syn. fem, pen,
ti, titi. Ode n'akantannua afew me nan ; waka no afew dua ntam\
— f. aburow, to take out the grains from tJie ear of maize, = tutu
ab. fi abdrodua ho.
few, 17. F. few ano, to kiss. Mt. 26^48. Mk. 14,44. = few ano.
few, a. s. fe, fefe.
e-f^w, n. 1. fineness, beauty, fairness, handsomeness: ade no,
nef. ne d^n ! ne f. no biribiara nse ! nc few de, wonk^, its fineness
is unspeakable. — 2. gladness ; efew a eye me no, eny 6 adewa ! F.
dzi few, to rejoice. — 3. sport, mock, mockery; di.. ho few = goru..
ho, to make sport with, make a mockery of, mock at.
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uDua ma panyin, dennennen, ketewa s^; wode fwe nnipa, wode tow
8ukud6h. — gfewa-biri, another similar kind of /re^; wode ye
osoku n6 ntweri.
f i, V. Ak. firi [red. fifi, q. v.] 1. to come oid, come forth, issue,
appear; syn. pue; owia fi, the sun appears (comes forth from behind
the clouds; diff. pue); osram fi, the moon comes forth i.e. the new-
moon appears, pr. 3044. — mogya bebre fii, much blood ran out; nsu
pi fi bae, Num. 20,11. — 2. to come up, spring, shoot up, out or forth,
to rise above the ground; aba a midiiae no afi, tJie seed which I plant-
ed has come up ; cf fifi; to grow. — 3. to grow fit for proper use:
n'ani afi, his eyes have come forth i.e. he has arrived at the age of
discretion. — 4. to be prosperous, advantageous, come out well: ade
yi afi. — 5. to go off readily, sell wdl, meet with a ready sale or
market: m'aguade fi; me ntama a metone no fii. — 6*. to come out,
become public, be revealed: asem no afi, this thing is known. Ex.2,14.
cf fi adi 14^b). — 7. to become clean: m'atade afi, my dress is clean;
knruwa no ho afi, na emu mfii e, the outside of the jug is clean, btU
not yet tfie inside. — 8. to be justified, be declared guiltless : ne ho
afi. — 9. to come or go from, forth from, out of (a place, person or
thing); to proceed or begin from; in these meanings it is followed
by a locative complement (Gr. § 207. 208,5), and serves most fre-
quently as an atix. v. showing the direction (from some starting-
point) of a movement expressed by another verb and supplying the
Eng. prepp. from (with the complement m u, out of) and since ; cf Gr.
§ 109,30.31. 208,5. 223,4. 224. 229,1. 230,3. 239,1. 240«.&. 265,1.
Ohuruw fii hyen mu too pom', he sprang out of the ship into tJte
sea; wgtow no fii hyen no mu kyenee po mu, they cast him out of
the ship into the sea; ofii dua no so durui (=sii fam'), he came down
from the tree; wanyftn afi nna mu, he has awoke from sleep; nam no
aboh, yi fi kutu mu, the meat is done, take it out of the pot; efii se
ne ba wui no, onserewe da, she has never laughed since fwr child
died. Cf efise. — 10. to come or be from, derive, have origin from a
place (or person) : wufi he? where do you come from? what country-
man are you? mifi Nkran na mereba, I am coming from Akra;
mifi hayi, I am from here; ofi nsuase (ba), he comes up from tlie
bottom of tJie river, pr. 2716. me na asem yi fi me, this matter is from
me, lKi.l2M John 8,47.9,16. lJohn4j.6. — 11. to leave, to go aivay
from; ofii ho koe = ogyaw ho koe, he departed from thence; fi me
so! (go) away from me! mifii n'anim' ho mifii, I went away from
before him. — 12. to escape ; wafi mu afi, he has escaped from it. —
13. to emerge from or appear at a place : Filipo kofii Asoto, PJiilip teas
found at Azotus. Acts 8,40. Cf 14. 18. 20. — i4. f i adi, a> to go or
come out: ofii adi fii ne dan mu, he went out from his house; caus. to
bring out: koyi adaka no fi adi, go and fetch the box out; - h) to
come to lighti become manifest: n*awi afi adi, his theft Juts cotne to
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— 2d. tr. to cause, to come forth, to send forth, emit: fi fifiri, to emit
.nceat, perspire; fi mogya, to send forth blood, i.e. to bleed: me nsa
refi mogya, my Jiand is bleeding ; fi ani, to get eyes; pr.8119. fi se, to
teeth, breed or cut tcMh.
o-fi, o-fio, pi, afi, home, the place a man lives in, mansion; -
hence 1. a man^s own house, in contradistinction to other houses and
the street; a dwelling including all the houses and the yard be-
longing to a single family (diff, fr. odan & aban, which denote the
house as a particular kind of building) ; bera me ^, come into my
house; y4nko ofie? shall we go home? mesoe ne fi da, I always take
up my lodgings in his house; pr.2782. Gr. § 124,1. — 2, town, in
contradistinction to the forest and field or to the villages belonging
to it (diff, fr, kilrow, denoting the town as a collection of houses, and
fr. oman, usually denoting the inhabitants as an organized political
body), pr. 7 53. 1129. 1680 f, — 3, home, lasting abode: yen fi pa wg
(or nc) gsoro, our true home is Jieaven,
e-fi, filth, dirt; n'atade aye fi, his dress is dirty; ne ho aye fi,
he is dirty; efi aka no or wagu neho fi = n'akyiwade bi aka no.
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Jie has defiled himself (by eating something that was forbidden to
him); ne yere de fi abeka no, his wife has defiled him (by adultery).
e-fi, fifi, pi. afi-afi, a. filthy, dirty , nasty, unclean; cf. buru,
bnrum; ne ho ye fi, he is dirty, unclean; 6yh n'dd6 tlft, he does ev-
ery thing in a nasty manner; ghye atadefl, ofura ntamafi or ntama
afiafi, he wears nasty clothes.
aflase [ofi ase] the lower part or story of a house; hence 1. store,
store-house, ware-house, magazine; cellar. — 2. prison; cf. dcduafi,
nneduafo fi; pr. 1126. oda af., he is in prison; wgfaa no too af. ; me-
kof we§ no wo af. ; oyii me fii af.
o-fie-panyin, steward.
f\fi, a. weak; syn. siamo.
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fin, adv, [Dan. fin, 6. fin] finely, nicely, exactly; oye n'ade
nhina f. = fefefe, pepepe.
-fin, mfi ii, a. stale, old, notfre3h, kept over night, having lost
its flavour from being long kept ; aduan no aye mf., this food (having
been kept over night) has become tasteless; aduamfin ne aduan a
ade akye so; fufQfin, nkwamfin; cf nnyafih.
mfina, F. = nhina, all. Mt 22,28,
{luauiy V. to make fifie or smooth by grinding, pounding, pla-
ning; to grind a second time [G. fra]; it is also used with mu or
so: wafinam awi no (mu) or fufu no ma afe; fa apaso finam so!
bo af., our houses are in conneciwn wUh each other j we are neigh-
bours. — o-fi(>amf6, pi. a-, neighbour.
afirihyia, s. afrihyia.
a f i r i m , atuo-suman hi.
ff tfi, fitaHta, a., adv. clean, clear, pure, white (nhoma, ntama);
wahoa fitaf., he is pale, of a sicMy, yellow complexion; cf. fufu &c. -
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fitae, i>Z. m-, fan; wode fita gyam\ wode demmere na eye.
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al'o [rf. fo, a.] 1. rarra.sSf carrion, the dead body of an animal
r-^ efunn, abgfd, ab6ka. — 2. smnething ca.st away, but taken up
again: fa afo, to take up as a forsaken thing, pr. 497. — wdfa m'aseni
afo, e.8. asein bi a woatu bi fo kan na wantie, na akyiri yi wakyin
abesi so, he has first despised bid aft^'rwards appreciated my word.
o-fo, a largo, tree; wgso; wode ne fihii'i poma adare; the bark
may be used as a cloth; s. oboffi, boftlnnua.
[May 1854.)
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o-fo koro, j>?. a-, buff (do, £os bubulus, or, zebu, Indian ox. Bos
Indirus, with a hump on the shoulders and a mane; nantwi bi a
n'atiko wq pow, emu anini no wo una; wonye na (wo) Asante ne
Dwabeh; cf. eko.
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afom foil uud [fom, red., gua] a mistaken bargain, bad job; -
wadi af , he has made a blunder, committed a fault, done wliat he
ought not to have done.
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fono — afore. 133
afono, (pl.id.) the check. — afonom', the inner part of the check,
the 2^art of the mouth between the teeth and the check, especially of
monkeys, the cheeks of wliich form a sort of bag or pouclu pr. 1026-
fon tafontafi, a. dim, not clear, not distinct; misty, hazy;
animaye f., the things are beco7ning dimly visible (anopahemahema) ;
the air is misty, hazy; syn. anim aye sesasesa. [G. futefute.]
font ail, V. to stir up; cf. fono; me yam* (nh.) f. (red. fon-
tdmf^ntah) me, my bowels are stirred or stirring, yet without belly-
ache (ayamkaw). [G. futa.]
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afo ree [foro, r.] ascent, stair y stile, set of steps; odau abaii no
af. no, w gamma wamforo.
afo ree, 67. a sash with a bell 10 the midst of it^ girded round
the waist; belt. pr. 1140-
fgrfgr, F. = frgmfrgm.
Ofo risuo, name of a month, about April; s. gsram.
fo ro, 17. [red. foforo] to move upward, go up; to get up, ascend,
dimb (a hill, a tree, a ladder), to mount (a hill, a horse, the pulpit);
to scale (a wall); to leap, cover (said of certain animals); foro po,
to launch into the sea, pr. 645.
afo t OS an, inf. the oldening (loosing) of tlic money-bag, pr. 2980.
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afo w, inf. the act of foraging or providing food; search for pro-
visiofis. pr, 34. — afow-de [fow ade] food or provisions collected;
forage; spoil. (Afowde, wokgfa a, wuhvviaa ade e, efise eye amanne
se: babiara a wgatu sa na aduah biara wg ho a, wgfa di kwa.)
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mframa, wind, air; gas; mfr. bo. the wind blows; mekogyc
mfr., I am going to take an airing; cf. mfare, ahum; ogyafraraa,
nsuframa. — mrrama-daii, pavilion; cf. mfaredan. — mframa-
tod, air-balloon; s. ahunmuhyeh.
o-f r a fi' k a , pi. a-, flag, ensign, cdlmirs, banner, standard. [G.
aflanga]. — si fr., to hoist a flag. — o-fraiika-kurafo, ensign.
fre, t;. [f^re, red. frefre] to call; to cite, summon: fre no bera,
call him in or hither; mede nedin mefree no, I called him by his
name; pr. 022, cf. hyia. — 2. to call, name, give a name to: wofre
cyi don? what is this called? wofre no den? = nedih de den? cf.
to dMi'^ pr. 122.570. 1623.1872. 2S31.3460.3o03. — 3. fre dwom, losing
■= to dwom ; to lead the choir.
o-fr c, inf. the act of calling; call, demand: mekotie fre na maba,
I am going to hear tvhy I have been called and shall tJien return.
afre-duau, a meal to u^ilch one is invited, pr. 1156.
frcne, s. forene.
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afrihy i a, J??, m-, year, syn. afe. [fr. firi, logo foHhy liyia, to meet,
to return in a circuit to the starting-point; Ab. afrihyiae.] — d i af.,
to celebrate a yearly festival. — atViliyia-de, 1. afabye, annual cus-
tom ; 2. yearly tribute. — airihyia-di, inf. a yearly festivalf anni-
versary; the yam-custom. — afrihyia-tow, yearly tribute.
frdno', s. f5nono.
g-frote, j>(f. a-, a kind of antelope witb large boms; deer, stag.
fu, perb. any part of the body or of a vessel tbat may give a
handle or haft for lifting it up ; phr. nil .. fu, s. under n u.
fua, V. to hold, lay hold of, grasp; to carry; syn. de, kita, kura;
pr. 1158-60. ofua pcaw, he is carrying a spear; of. abofra wg n^abasa
so, he is carrying a child on his arms, cf. turn. — 2. to plant, used
of yam : of. ode, he plants yam. — 3. to become one, come to an
understanding or agreement; to restdt in; - won ano amfua h5, they
could not agree about it; nea wgadi afua ne se.. ., the resolution or
agreement they have come to is, that...
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mfudwe, pr.326.
dmfudwiima, a kind of parrot; s. ako.
fufu, a. [2d. af. & red.] white; cf. fita, hoa, hyen, furu-ban.
fuf u, n. white thing, what is white, pr. 3164.
o-fufu, 2)1. A-y 1. white person, Euro2>can, but rarely used; s.
Obdroni. — 2. ohiani fita. pr. 3149.
mfufu, F. whiteness. Mf. Gr.p. 101.
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f., iJiey border J hmmd, confine on each other, are hordererSy confiners,
neiffJthours, landmat^.
ofiii, s, pataku.
fuk u, fiikufiiku, a. villous^ shaggy witti soft, long hairs; ogiian
DO bo ye ff.; iJiat sheep has much hair; akramabmma a wounyin
pi uo ho iibwi ye fuku = kuha = §ye fe ua eho dwo nanso edoso;
cf\ 84k ti.
fun turn, v. to turn, root, or dig up, break or tear up; to plough;
syn. fct^w, funu, fumfunu; cf fentem. — fun turn afuw no so = tutu
fam' fa t(5etce asase no.
afuntumereku, s. futumerefu.
e-funu, pi. a-, corpse, dead body of a man, more decently called
amii; pr.liOS. carcass; of animals it is only used when compound-
ed with, or put in apposition to, their names: oguan-fuuu, a dead
sheep; cf afunsie, afunsoa.
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1 40 of u p(j — . In Lu rii w .
afi'iru, the belly; the womb; cf. yam', yafunu, ayaase, fuuuma;
pr.l56. — n'afuru abye, his belly is swollen or blown out; wafa
afuru, sJw is with child, cf. yem.
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fwe, V, [F. hwc; red, fwefi^s^e, g,v,] 1, to direct ihe eye toward
' an object so ad to see it (always implying inienfional, not acciden-
tal, seeing^ in contradistinction from hu); to look (at, on)y to view;
to eye; to consider; cf, fwe, interj. - pr, 140, 894. 1218. 1.318. 2081. 2293.
— 2. to fix the eyes upon, look at or see with attention , behold; to look
at in order to imitate^ cf, 12 a, pr. 1232. — 3, to leat^, infer, know :
da no a wuhu no sa a, fwe se woawo wo foforo, when you have come
to this, you may know that you have been bom again. — 4, kofwe
(.. anim), to visit, call on, wait upon; mckof^c no, / am goivg to
call on him, — 5. to look aft<*r ; to watch, guard; to keep, tend, attend,
wait on, nurse (oyarefo, a patient); to feed ^nnuan, nantwi, mprako);
to tnke care of, maintain, provide for (nneauafo, ahiafo);|ir. 976. 101,
cf 12 d. — 6, fwe.. yiye, to look well (to), to mind, take care, he
careful; fwe wo adwuma yiye, mind your work; fwe yiye na wo-
ammo kuruwa no, take care not to break the jug; fwe woho yiye na
woanfwe ase, be careful lest you fall: cf 12 e, — 7. to expect, de-
sire, want: mefwe se moba ho hi, / want you to come there too. —
8. fwe .. okwan, to look out for, expect, wait for (expectantly). — 9.
fwe .. akyi, a) = fwe.. atiko, to look after, s. 1. — b) to look for
the things in one's absence, prepare (something to eat) for one's re-
turn. — 10. fwe.. muy to look, pry or peep into; inspcci, examine.
fw^! interj. fimp. of fwe, v.] sec! behold! look there! lo! take
notice! observe! s. fweofweo.
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e-fwe, a shrub the leaves and seeds of which, pounded and put
in water, kill fishes.
e-fw ea, pi, n-, the serotumy jmrse. — afweabo, testicley stone.
II f w e a, o large knife used for chopping off the head; cf. oyiwah.
fwda, fwOawa, Ak. rr^ hoawa, wax. pr. 712.
fweafwea, a. narroWy pointedy tnpenng; abantenten no fw.
O-fweain, the current or swiftest part of a river; asubonteh
mfinimfini a eye den a efa ade no; asu no fw. ano ye den, the river
has a strong current.
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144 fwede — efweiiewa.
e-f w e m m e, one who snuffles, speaks tJirough the nose ; cf. bo 70.
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e-fwento, o-, a noseless ^yerson, one wJwse nose has been cut off
by a disease or by way of punisbment. pr, 27L1200(l2832.
[pr, 1200 b.
f w eii-nii^- [efwene dua] the tiose; opakum ye wo a, fa ntama
bo nsuobyew mu to to wo fw.
fwe-o [fwe, imp,&6, Gr. § 144. 145,2.] behold! lot look here!
fweremd, s. ofwirema.
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fwew, V. [red. fwifwew] to suck in, draw into the mouth (wa-
ter, marrow from a bone); cf. few & fwirew ^.
fwl, haste, eagerness; gbgg fwi kgfae, he wetit and took it ha-
stily, snatched it aivay; cf. fwim.
afwie, inf. [fwie 4.] Akp. ///c ?/rtm-cw^om = odwira; afwie adu.
afwie-g^yd, afwiegyA, the fuel for the fire kept during the yam-
custom; nnyansin a wgde apagyji gya so wg adiwo, da a edi kau
a wokum gya [s. kum 11.] no kosi da a wowie afahye no.
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ge, ge, gi, does not occur, but gye, gyi; only when the
e or 1 is nasal, we might sometimes be inclined to write merely g
instead of gy ; but, as the nasal consonant, when put before it, docs
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148 geneneiien — g6r6ww.
giiigan, = gingham,
go, adv, in a croivd? wopia kohyee ho go, they all iogethcr ran
to the spot,
iigo, s. nno.
goro, Ak. = go, Akr. goru. — agoro, Ak. = ago, Akr. agoru.
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agosana, pr.2185.
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gu^ 151
some da^s. Mk. 2,1. — 9, gu.. so, a) gu kwafi so, to be on the way:
ogu kwan so reba. — b) to lean upon i.e. to rely for support, depend
on, be committed to one*s care: nnipa pi gu me so nti, minya sika a,
entew, because I have to cme for so many people, the money I earn
does not stick mith me ; cf. boa, v, — c) to be bent upon, diligently
occupied tcith: ogu n'adwnma so, he is at his work; wogu aduah no
so redi, they are still in the hd of eating. — d) to come dowfi upon,
numerously and impetuously, to attack: wokoguu no 8o(cf wokgtow
hyee no so, Acta 7,57), — e) cans, obu n'ani gu so, oka n'ani gu so,
s. ani; ki ntam gu.. so, to conjure, s, ntam (Gr.§243 6); ye..gn..
so, to do against, Gr. § 109,32. — 10. gu ase: n'anim gu ase, lit
his face falls down i.e. he is ashamed, abashed, put out of countenance.
11. to fail, come down: obosu gu, dew falls. — X^. to be shed, spilled
s. 4. ebi gui. — 13. caus. fwie..gu, ka.. gu, to spill, shed; waka
mogya agu, he has shed blood. Gen. 9,6. Lev. 17,4. — 11. to succumb,
be defeated; to run away, flee: dgm agu, the (J^ostile) army has been
beaten, routed, put tofligJU, defeated, dispersed; woako agu, they have
been defeated; woagu, they have given way, arc fleeing. — 15. caus.
ka.. gu, to rout, put to fligJU: yeaka dom no agu, tve have fought
and defeated the enemy; bo., gu, pam.. gu, to scatter, disperse;
cf. 3 the last ex. & yepam dom no guu ahabanmu, tee routed the
army and drove them into the forest. — 16. to become desolate, go to
ruin: kurow no agu. — 17. to be abandoned, finished: agoru no
agu, the play has been given up. — 18. to be finished, be over: okom
agu, the dearth has ceased. — 19. ase gu, to be decreasing; to cease,
die out, be extirpated: n'ase agu, his posterity is utterly destroyed;
ode, mmoa, nnipa no ase regu, = woresa; Abotakyifo ase agu, the
inhabitants o/" Abotakyi have been (as it were i.e. nearly) extirpated.
III. tr. without a locative complement:
25. gu, to sow: gu mo, to sow rice, (cf dua, v.) — 26. gugu, to
scatter: ogugu aburow ma hkoko. (cf.4.) — 27. gu nfwiren, to pour
out i.e. put forth blossoms, to blossom. — 28. gu ahome, to emit a
breathing, pour out i.e. utter a sigh, to sigh, groan; gu homtsen, Y.to
emit a long breath, sigh deeply. — 29. to found (iron, brass, copper,
type, bells), cast (lead, tin, zinc, silver, gold) cf. gude; to coin, stamp
(dare, dollars), — 30. gu asawu, to cast or throw (out) Hie net —
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worigugu wo pom', F. tkei/ were casting a net Mo the sea. Mk, 1,16.
— 31. gu nsu, to make icater, euph. = dweDso.
agua: bg neho agua, to retire, retreat, get away, make off, run
away (secretly), take to one's heels, flee, = guan.
o-ofu^, oguAwA, pi. a-, the guava fruit and tre^. [Sp. guayaba;
Psidium pyriferum, white guar a; Psidium poniferum, red guava. ^
gud-bg, inf. [bg gua] the act of assembling, the state of being
assetnbled; assembly; guabg, wgbg no wg neannipa nh. benya atra-
y6; won g. no ahwie fe yg, e.s. wgammg gua no senea wgbg gwa;
won g. no akyi ansi yiye. (Wgbg gua di asem, di adae, yi wgahd
adi, tra ayi ase, nom usa, goru, bg semgde, di hkgmmg.)
o-guabon [nea ogua bon] one who flays a beast, pr. 1233.
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guann, a. fine, nice; onipa no aye g., his dress, face, whole
appearance look fine; wasra nedan mu nti, emu aye g., because he
has whitewashed his room, it has become nice; syn. Me, k^m^ os6.
O-gudn, pi. n- [F. egwan, Ak. odwane, odzuane] the sheep; the
term includes the goat also, but as tbere is a particular word for the
latter {s. abirekyi), it is commonly used for sheep; if the sheep is
to be expressly distinguisbed from tbe goat, it is called oguanten.
o-guantcii-hdma, sheep-skin.
guan-tiri, sheep^s head; wgye me abofra g., they send me on
a fool's errand (make an April fool of me); wodada abofra soroah-
k^fo se; kogye guantiri wo obi hkyen b^ra, na mama wo bi; nso
ob& biara na obisa no a, se onipa-ko no nim ase dedaw nti, okyere
no foforo bo kwan.
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guare, v. \inf. a-] to wash the whole body, to hattie (tr.) [of,
horo, hoho, hohoro, to wash single parts of the iodf/, or clothes and
other things]; - to bathe (ifitr.d^tr,), to wash (one's self); - koguare
no or fa no koguare (wo) asnm\ go and wash him in the river; me-
koguare, I am going to bathe or to wash myself (by pouring down
water over the bodj, as the negroes regularly do every day) ; gde
anka guare, he washes himself with limes, i.e. he rubs his body
with lime-juice, in washing or after having washed it. pr,2427. —
ogaare po, samina, nsuohyew, he wasfies himself with sea-water^
with soap, icith hot water, — ^. to swim; guare bSra or ko mpoano,
swim to the shore; ognare twaa asu no, he swam over the river. —
3. guare asum\ s. asumguare. — 4. to worship some patron spirit
(family fetish). Aboadefo nhina g. Bosonotwe, all the family o/Aboa-
dee have B. for their family fetish.
agu aase [egua, ase] 1, the king and his elders sitting in coun-
cil; ohene n6 ne mpanyimfo a woabo gua; • Kwadade aguaase mu
nnipa doso. — ^. the whole assembly; oko aguaas^m'=^9ko guAm\
he went to the council.
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gya, V. [red. gyagya] 1. to let loose, quit one's hold, let pass,
let dip; wogya won nsam\ F. they loose their hands, to let go, let
alone; - to loose, loosen, release, set free or at liberty. Mt, 18^.^45.
Ads 26,82. — 3. to omit, he unthout, cf gyaw; pr. 221. 1004. — 4. to
desist front. Mk. 14,6. gya me fwe, do not always look at me; cf. gyae.
— 5. gya.. kwan, to dismiss, let go, set free. — ^. gya.. kyene
(dan kyene) to give up, relinquish, abandon, drop. pr. 510. — 7. gy a
inxLy a) to slacken, relax, loosen, let go; gya mu to fam\ to let doum
to the earth. Acts 10,11. Mark 2,4. — b) to grant liberties. — 6. to let
floic out: nnipa binom da a, wogya won anom^ nsu gu sQrai so. —
0. gya siade, to miss good luck. — 10. gya, F. — gyae, to cease.
o-gy a, l.fire; pr. 467.1245.1247-53. ogya so, dew, fram, tutu sran-
sran, dum; - the power of striking fire, pr. 490. — da gya, to sleep
at the fire, pr. 559. cf. nnyahyee. — 2. fuel, cf. nnyansin, nnyentia,
nnyina, any an. pr. 1246.
^S7^y P^' agyanom (F. agyam), father, male parent; syn. gse;
progenitor, andestor; master; the word is also used as an honourable
appellation : m'agya Kofi fre wo, Mr. K. calls you. — Syn. gse,
father, akora, old father. In Ak. agy a is used only in speaking of
owe'*' own father, omitting the prow, me or yen (my, our) before it,
whereas gse is used in other cases; agy a ahu wo se Asuom', my
father has seen your father at Asuom.
gy ae, t?. [red. gyaegyae] 1. = gya, to drop, let go, let loose,
let alone* — J2. to set free, — 5. to leave off, discontinue, with an
inf, wagyae ta nom, he has left off stnoking tobacco ; gyae sii, weep
no more; gyae no fwe, leave off beating him. — 4. intr. to ahaie,
cease: mframa agyae, tJie wind has abated; ne yare agyae, his sick-
ness is over or gone; n'abufuw agyae, his anger has ceased.
gy ae-a! ifUerj. be silent!
[pr. 1464.
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agy an (pi. id.) arrotc; cf. bemma; pr. 362.372. — spine or quill
of a porcupine.
gy a-ase, lit. under the fire; 1. place where the hearth stands,
hitchen. — 2. the household espec. of a king» and the people belong-
ing to it; household servants, domestics; attendants, suite; Qf\Ve ohene
gy., he has the care of the kings household.
gy titd (pi. a-), the lion; pr. 1260. other names are: ohy^egyA,
sdremuse^. — gyata-ba, a lion's whelp. — gyata-bere, lioness, —
gyata-f6ro, goung lion. — gyata-niiii, male lion.
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gyaw, gyaw a, gya', pl.n-, the leg from tlie knee to the foot.
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gy^ 161
sdf; woagye hainanka no, they have taken up the hammock; obi
nnye obi amanne nye ne de, pr. 304. 308. — (>gjee hen wu wui, F. he
suffered death in our stead; - magye asem no mabo me bo = mafa
asem no mato meho so ; - ogye ahotsewe asets^na yi (r=awar) to no
do, F. he enters into this holy estate (viz. matrimony). — 4. gye ntam,
fo tak^ an oath, i.e. to sir ear with solemnity, in a judicial manner; -
medentam migye wo, I give you the oath. — 5. gye dase(wia), F. to
hear (false) mtness, Mt 19,18. 27,13. Mk. 1^44.-6. to draw into Uielum>gs,
inhale: gye mframa, to take the air, walk out; s. pase; ^yoi htia, to
scent, smelt. — 7. to seek or try to obtain, to engage: okogyee ahene
banu adom, he called in two kings to his aid; s. dom, v. - wokogyee
Akyemfo sa, they engaged the Akemsas allies; cf. gye pa, gyebata. —
H. gye nim, to gain the victory; to win favour, honour, praise^ glory.
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rejyli/ to (it) in one or other way : gye .. kyim, (to tnke up and wrest
I.e.) to doubt, contradicty dispute; gye., &kymnyey id. Acts 13,4o. 28^29.
— gye.. pene or knW, to assent; gye.. pen, F. to accept, receive
(ji saying) 1 Tim. 1,15. — gye.. daso, lit. to accept (a summons)
and sleep upon, i.e. to linger or delat/ in obeying the summons : se
wgsamina obi a, ounny^ nnnA so; ommSra ntem. — 31. gye.. so,
a) to take up i.e. answer y return an anstcer, respond j reply ^o(=bua) ;
to respond to a call ; to return the firing of the enemy. — b) to take
up a cause, Mf. Gr. p. 115. — c) to approve (of), commend, congratu-
late, praise for some performance; adwini a odii no, oman nh. agye
no so = woakamfo adwini a odii no, ttie wJwle town praise him for
the execution of his skilful work. — d) gye .. do, F. to set forth: wodze
won abrabg-pa gye wo nokwar asem no do, they by tfieir life set forth
thy true word. — e) gye .. do, F. to ligJU upon^ lodge in. Mt. 3,16. 13^32.
(('f.37.)Mt.27,40. — 32. to call forth continuation (prop. fortJicoming)
of speech, gye .. ba, to cause one to proceed in his speech by assen-
ting acclamations. — 33. to be entitled to: wugye daben ? what rejdy
depending on the week-day of your birth or on your rank and fa-
mily) is due or belongs to you? migye any^^do, ah^newa, aberaw',
imu, gb^re. — 34. regyc with a locative or objective complement
and a verb in the consec. form: to tend to or toward, to aim at, be
looking for, have in view: gno nso regye kurow no mu akg bi, he
too was endeavouring to go into Uiat town; o(re)gye una awu, he is
drawing near to death, his time to die is at hand = oreye awu, ne wu-
da abeh, adu, newu adu so. — 35, gye bata or aguadi, to take up,
begin (or enter into) a mercantile or trading connexion, commercial
relation, connexion in business (oguadifo ma wgkose gdefo bi se gpe
se g-n^ no di gua). — 36. to require, take up, occupy (a time): adwu-
ma yi begye nnaawotwe; cf, 13, — 37, to take up, occupy, fill up (a
space): dua yi agye asase pi, IJuk. 13,7. wim' nnoma begye ne nwin'
ase, F. the fowls of the air lodge under tJie shadow of it, Mk, 4,32. cf.
31 e). — 38. to detain: ne nna gyee no traa ho ara, his sleep detai-
ned him in that place for a while, — 39, gye ntini, to take or strike
root, — 40, gye,, anom': aduah no agye n'anom', lit. that food has
taken (root) in his mouth i.e. has become his favourite dish; nam agye
n*anom', he is fand of meat. — 41. n'ani gye, lit. his eye takes or
catches (iw/r.^ [or perh. his eye glitters, sparkles? cf. gyigye] i.e. Ae re-
joices, is joyful, cheerful, glad, he delights (.. ho, in..). — tr. ogye
n'ani, he amuses himself; gde gye n'ani, he amtises himself with, he
delights in, rejoices in; Lk. 16,19. — 42, gye, to except, s. gye, adv^
f^y e, adv. or conj. except, excepting, with the exception of, eur-
elusive of, save, bid, only; Gr.§ \M,<^b. 235 b. — gye Onyamc hko
na onim, God only knows; obiara nnim, gye Onyame nko, no mafi,
knows but God alone. — gye se or se gye, except, unless, if not; ear-
cept that, save that. Gr. § 277. John3,2.
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the rafters).
by striking metal; eye m'asom* g., U thrills tftrough my cars; cf. yonn.
«i j^y e n s ii [ade a cgye nsu, tchiU reeeives Oie icaiei-] guUer; spout.
l^y^t^y ''h ^^^' ^' ^' ^' &>**» ^'^' — ^' ^0 ^'' unsteady, unstable,
fickle; to waver, vacillate, Rog. 149.605, — 3. to be unsettled, excited,
agitated, in a passion, distracted. Rag. 824. — wagyigya = waye
basabasa, he is confounded, confused, perplexed; cf. bo nnyinnyan.
— 4. to be impaired, deteriorated; won Kristosom no gyigyae, their
Christianity was on the decline.
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o-gy igy e-difo, a woman wlw takes things from men and after-
wards breaks her agreements with them; bye ogy.
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agjirae, mark, visible sign made upon a thing for some pur-
pose; significant token; character made, instead of signature, by
one who cannot write; cf. kgna, kra, nsow, botae; - mehye no agy.
n.s. wode biribi ato ho na woaf^e no yiye «cnea eda, na se obi de
ne nsa ka a, woahQ. — agyirae-hye, inf. the Act of marking a thing.
gyirhnij Akw. = tdf6d^, nkyene. — gyirase, s, girase.
e-ha, pron, of place (Gr. § 60,3.) Jiere, this place; hither; hence;
her a ha, come here; it may take the adj, prop, yi after it: bera
ha-yi, come just here, or an attribute in the possessive case before
it: b6ra me ha, come hither to me; me ha ye me yaw, this place (of
my body) Jiere pains me; it may stand as an attribute in the poss.
case before a noun : eha nnuan, the sheep of this place or country,
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168 ha — ahaboben.
Aky. hahane.
a h a b d ii, pi. n-, Ak. ahabane, leaf, leaves, foliage ; shrub, shrubs,
bush, bushes; wood, forest; cf. wura, kwae; - nnuru hi yenh., ebiye
nnunhin, some medicines are leaves, others are roots of trees; wobe-
bubuu all. agu yen so, lit. th^y came and tore leaves have cast upon
us, i.e. they have sympathetically comforted us (e.g. after a defeat),
haban-sem, an agreement concluded in the bush, without
witnesses, pr. 2635.
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habodom — ham. 169
ha-bod6m, j:>Z.a-, (lit. dog of the forest), a kind oi' jackal, gioga-
rions, brownish, with a slender body and long tail ; cf, hatwea.
o-h hhini, pi. a-, a large, hlack ant emitting a bad smell. pr. 315.
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aha man ka, pi, h-, [Span, hamaca"] hammock; cf, denkye-
dehkye. — ahamaukafo^ hammock-carriers,
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- ye ah., /o be proud,
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a he, prow, interr, [Ak. son] how much? hoic many? eye ahe?
how much is it? pr. 2476 f, 1660- wosi ahe? how many are they? - how
dear? at what price? Gr. § 60,5. 61,2. Woatg iino ah6? how much
palm-oil have you bought? woatg iino no ahe? hotv dear have you
bought (or, what have you paid for) that palm-oil?
n h e m a-da , morning-sleep.
ahemanakye, s. ahomad...
g-hemmea, = ghemmii.
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a h en-n A n, (pi. id.) [ohc^ne ddn, ad.] a room or house of the king.
e-hene, Ak. = ehe; eh. fa na woreko? which wag are you going ?
h^ne, henehene, a. itching, pruHent; cf. hyew, hyerehyere;
me ho ye me hene or heneh^nehene, my skin itches, is irritable; me
nsa ho ye me h., me nan ye me hh. (= ekeka me), my hand, my
foot is itching; eye me h. na mauhuane a enye yiye, it itches so t/iai
I cannot help scratching.
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g-h en-y ere [ghene y ere] pi. -nom, a wife of a king; cf ghemma.
hetsew, F. roof Mt.8,8. Mh 2,4.
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176 he — hia .
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no importance, I don^t care for it. N'ani afara nti ehia no se obi
kyereno kwan, or, ehia no kwankyerefo, because he is blind, he
wants or needs to be conducted by somebody , he is in want of, stands
in need of a gvide, — Red, hiahia, q, v.
hie, V. [red. hiehie] Ak. hini, to open, to let out; hie pon no
= bae dan no ano, open the door! hie yen, open to us! Mai. 25,11.
bie no, lei him out! kohie nnuan no, let the sheep out! cf. hini, bue.
hiehie, red. i;. hie. — Sihihijpr.1379.
hieroglifi [Gr.] hieroglyph, a character in the picture-writing
of the ancient Egyptian priests; nsenkyerene-kyerew. Hist.
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e-hin, pi, a-, edge, corner [perh. end, extremity, cf, hi]; As. =
twea; septum, diaphragm, e.g. the white of an egg intervening be-
tween two yolks of the same e^^ (nkesna no mu da hin); cf nbin,
dubiii, nangyebin.
ahind, pL n-, fi, pot, earthen vessel, with a gibbous belly and
comparatively narrow opening, for water, palm-wine, palm-oil; cf,
k\\]5M.pr. 485, 1380^3.2188. — ahina, ...nawA,jpZ.h-, rftw. of abina.
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hinti-hintiw, red, v,
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• upon whatever touches it; duasin a wode sum afiri; ehuan a, ebo
wo; - masi anoma no h. pr, 1385 f.
e-h 0, pron. of place, Gr. § 60,3. that place, there, thither; some-
times applied to time: then, cf ehgbere; onam bo, there he goes;
owo ho, he is there, he is present; onni bo, he is not there; ehg ye,
it is well; - di ho, to he the second, the next in a row, in rank, s. di
^3. — It may take the adj. pron, no after it: ebo no, wndu ho a,
wobebQ biribi, there, ifg&u co^ne there, youw'dl see (experience) some-
thing! — It may stand as an attribute in the poss. case before a
noun: ehg awgw sen hade, the cold in those countries is severer than
here. — In connection with some verbs, as gye, sSre, it answers
to the Eng. 2>rep. from: wagye me bg sika, he has takcfi money from
me; gsere me bg ade, Gr. § 225,3. — wgba no hg, F. = wgba ne
nkyen. Mt. 14,29. Mk. 12,18. — ye hg, F. to he dotie, to come to pass.
Mk. 11,23. 13,4. 29 f — ^nye hg, he it so! — When hg stands in ap-
position to a noun of place, it must be rendered in Eng. by thnt:
tcirom' hg, nnua abien sisi hg, ttvo trees stood in that garden. —
ehoiiom (a kind of plural form), thereahout(8), — The emphatic
particle ar a may be added: ebg-ara na ope se gkg, he desires to go
just there; wgte hgnom-ara, theg live thereahouts, nowhere else. —
Cf, hg-n^-hg.
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jDho^ 181
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182 ^ eh5^
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ahobo, F. s, ahobow.
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aho-dwane, At = ahoguan.
ahdfama, inf. [fa neh6 ma] voluntary offering of one's self for
some purpose, voluntariness, volunteering; devotion. — ah. d^m, a
volunteer company, corps of volunteers, free corps.
ah h o-d an, a house (or room) for strangers or guests; inn, hotel.
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revile; s;y».yaw, ka anim, teetde, ma ani wii; cf, didi atem, gu anim
ase. — ahohora-bo, ahohora-ye, inf.
g-hokafo, a single man; nea onni hi iika ne ho, onni yere, nui
mma; cf. ohokwafo.
g-hok wafo, pi. a-, 1. nea okunu se gyere mfam ne ho, a single,
unmarried person, also a widower or widow; cf. ghokafo, osigyafo,
okunafo. — 2. nea gyare hi nkurano na biribiara ny6 no, a sound,
healthftd, hale, hardy, robust, stanch person.
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e-hom-ara, F. = mo ara.
home, t7. i. to breathe; wawu, onbome bio, he is dead, he brea-
thesno longer; ontumi nbome nsi so, he cannot breathe well, breathes
with difficulty (ne bomo no nsi so yiye, ent^ senea da ete no). — 2.
fo rest, repose; mabSre, mekobome kakra; owigyinae mebomee wo
Abari; se woforo bepow yi ^ie a, wobebome. — 3. to vibrate, pul-
sate, beat or throb, as tbe arteries and tbe heart.
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o-hdprafo, pi. a-, nea okura m&ra de pra ohene ho, lit. a swee-
per about the king, a bearer of an elephant* s-taH before the king ;
cf. gyaasefo.
horOj V. to raise, throw up; mfote hore slw, the termites throw
up earth, raise a hill; - to swell; n'ano ahore pgw, he has pouting lips
(by nature); his lips are swollen (forming a bump, by accident);
red. hohore, q^.v.
horhora, F. = ahohora. Mt 1,19.
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iih5rodo, not yet fully ripe^ softy ^reen (corn); wgwe abttrow
ma bi nh.
a h 5-s ^ n, inf. [ne ho san no] lit. looseness, freedom from restraint;
hence joy, joyfulness, happincsSy frolicsomeness; gladness, gleCy en-
thusiasm; also extravagance, unruliness.
aho-te we [s. bef] 1. the state o^ being (or, things being) brigUy
cleaUy tidy; cleanlinesSy neatness; ony6 nenneema afiafi, nehhina
ahotew§. — 2. F. glory; holiness.
aho-to, inf. [ne hoato no] quiet, quietness, peace; happiness, joy;
comfort, comfortable feeling.
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192 ho w — hu.
ahOeyawde = ayayade.
hr&hra... s. h&nahana.
hran, s. h&ran (& horan).
h u , v. s. huw.
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hil — liiia. i^
to take notice of. pr, 187-93. 1428-53, 2023. — 2. to discover, find, find
out, invent; mefwefwe me pfine na ininh&, / am looking for my needle
and cannot find it. pr. 483. 2670. — 3. to recognize: mihua no ney are-
pa 80 na manha no bio, I saw him on his sick-bed and did not re-
cognize him. — 4. to perceive by mental vision, note with the mind;
to form an idea or conception of; to discern, distinguish; to know,
pr.1014. - to understand, comprehend. - Fhr. hii ase, - akjiri,-
mu, to understand (the meaning or reason, the consequences, the con-
tents); hu ano^ ^0 understand how to manage* — 5. to learn; perf.
to know, understa>id, be conversant with, be able; cf. nim ; pr. 565.
592.1430. 1438. 1452. wahu neho so fwe, she knew how to guard her-
self, she has kept Jicrselfpure or chaste. — 6. to know, to have sexual
commerce with. Gen. 4. — 6'. to perceive by the organs of taste and
feeling; sj/n. te. — 8. to experience, suffer: wobehfi biribi, gou wUl
have to suffer something! pr. 586 f. 1451. Phr. hCl amanne, to see adver^
sity i.e. to be in affliction, to suffer; to be tormented (F.) — 9. Phr.
bu ma.., F. to feel for, sympathize with; - hQ .. mm^bo, to look at.,
with compassion, to pity, commiserate, have compassion or mercy on;
- ha., anim, to obtain admission or admittance before; mahu ohene
anim 'ne, to-day I was admitted to the presence oftiie king. — 10. Phr^
Wuhuu den na woaba yi? lit. what did you see that you have come?,
i.e. wJuit induced you to come, why are you come? wnhnfi den na^
wobesam&naa no yi? for what reason have you summoned him?
h u, 17. to burn the hair from a dead animal; moye den ni? ye-
hd aboa, - oguan; wohQ abirekyi hO wq afikyiri.
e-h u, n. fear, fright, terror; ehft ak& no, fear has befallen him,
he is frightened. — ye ha, 1. to excite fear; iy^ hfi, it is frigJUfid,
awftd, dreadful; ne hd ye lift, his appearance excites fear, he isfright-
/W, formidable, terrible. — 2. to be fearful, ^afraid, timid: 6yk h6 s^
ak6ko, he is as timid as a fowl, = 6ye ohfifo. — hq hd, F, to be
amazed. Mt 12,23.
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hiia, brode htta, the viscous juice oozing from a newly cut
bunch of plantains (atomprdda mu nsu fita a eye ml ; 8§ eka wo
ntama ana wo nsam* a, §ka ho, it stains (he clothes or hands).
o-hiiae, pi. a-, broom; syn. oprae; wgde ab§ berew na wode ye,
0-hiiaf6, pi. a-, beggar, mendicant.
Huam', = Hti&m6.
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put out of joint; to sprain (?) with mu : wahi&an ne nao mu, he has
sprained his foot; - to be dislocated, out of joint: ne nan ahttan.
huan e, t7. Ak. fwane; to Scratch (neho, the skin when itching).
— h. nk6r6m, to snore,
hhn&ney s. nhw&ne.
huhu^ 9. huhnw.
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hum, V. s. hom.
e-huni; doum, the fine, soft, hairy outgrowth from the leaves of
some plants; ade bi a ete se hhwi wq sasono n^ af^erew ni aw6-
rdh n.a. ho.
0-h Q m'; a yearly festival, annual custom of the Ouah people TDa-
t§, Kyerepgn, Mamf^, Mampou, Tutu, Asantemma) and part ot the
Akems, celebrated with feasting, playing and dancing; amah a wq-
kasa Ouah hh. na edi hum, tese Akropghfo n^ Aburifo twa odwira;
c/1 odv&ira, aberekwasi, akohhuro. — od6-him', a festival for the
fetish at the time of planting (?) yam; s. ohnmkah; - abet^-hi!un'.
. O-hUm. pL a-, a brazen gun, blunderbuss; tuo tia bi a w6de di
ahemf6 anim ;' hi^6w4 na wota de ye ne dade a eda ne b5n& ma no.
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ahumobor-do, F. mercifully.
huii, Ak. = hunu, a. d:. adv.
ahiin-4n(-&n k4-n sa [ade a ema aniwa hfl (nea ewo dan mu)
nansade, $nkft] lattice; lattice-window, treUised window, window
with crossbars; Venetian window blind, jalousie.
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nhuni; inf. [htinu] Ak. = nhai; wanyft nh., Jie has often seen.
ahufimu, s. ahun, ahunum\ [Gr. § 104,5.
a hilro, 1. Ak. = ahuru, foam, froth. — J2. scum i.e. dross, refuse,
recrement; hence what is vile or worthless, a trifle; = fwe, a little
something; eny6 ah., it is nothing; ehkd ah., nothing at all is wan-
ting; memfA meny6 ah., I do not make anything of it.
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4hiirUy foam, froth, spume, scum; cf. ahuro; ogjam' ah., (he
¥Hxter or froth ooxing out from green wood in burning.
hu rii-f6m, inf. [huruw, fem] : bye b., to give forth upon usury.
[Eee. ISfi.U.
ahuru-fi, inf. [huruw, fi]: wodi (dan no mu) ah. = wohuruw
fi .adi, they jump forth (out of the house) one after the other.
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by = X .
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202 hy§.
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hy^: 203
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206 hy^h — hjeta.
he weni in and out among us^ Act$ 1,21, mannni dan mu ho ahj. st!
do not thus constantty go in and out of ihat room!
nhy en 6 4, obye ano nobo, the farthest point or part of the border,
hyenntid [bygn dua] mast of a sbip. - ahyeiiwd, dim.oi ehyen.
hyera, bera, v, F. = bara, ycra, yew, to perish, Mt, 26fi2,
hy era,i)Z. n-, Y.pot,pitcher. ML 7,4, 14,13, cf, abina, pore, kumwa.
hyerebarhyereba, a. dt adv. hasty, precipitate, rash, fool-
hardy, inconsiderate, careless; gye by. = n'adwenem' ve no hare,
he is light-minded, unsteady; gyen'ade or oka n'as$m by., he acts
or speaks inconsiderately; aberante by., a very brisk lad,
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hy ia, t;. [inf. n-, red, hyiahyial 1, to meet, fall in with, come to*
gether, assemble, join, converge ; mihyiaa no okwan mu, I met him
on the way; pr. 1071. — kehyia.. kwan, F. to go to meet; Mt,25yl, —
me n6 no hyiae (wo) wuram', I came together with him in the bush;
afe ano reye ahyia, the end of the year goes to meet (the begin-
ning of another year) i.e. new-year's day is at hand. — J2, intr. to
be close together, so as to touch reciprocally (said of the teeth);
pr. 2831, — 3. to agree, accord, be accordant; enkohyia, it does not
fit properly. — 4, to meet or encounter in hostility, to come upon;
ohyiA no i, otumi n6, when he attacks him, he is a match for him,
he is able to withstand successfully, pr, 3223, — 5, to call, send for;
to cite, summon; cf. fre; to call together, convene, convoke; to in-
vite; Onyame ahyia no, God has called him (away, or to him, by
death); ohene hyiahyia ne mamfo, ^ king caUs his people together.
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your Qo4 ihat He may assist you. — 3. to bless, praise, glorify for
benefits, to extol for excellencies; JPis, 103. — 4. to esteem or nccoufU
happy, Jer. 4^. — 5. euph. to curse, Uaspheme; 1 Ku 21,10. Job2fi.
wahyira ^hene = watew gyedua aliabab, he has cursed the kings
life. — 6. hj. BOy a) to decide on (?), to give validity or authority to,
to ratify, agree, assent to, to sanction: Qhene ahy. so 8§ w6hkain no,
the king has decided that he shall he killed; mahyira oguan yi so se
w6nkum no, I have designed this sheep to he killed. — b)to dispose
of(Vt ^0 renounce, resign, give over: wahy. so akye, lie has given U
up (as a present to a friend or for destruction) long ago. — c) to
consecrate by prayer. Mat. 14,19. Lk. 9,16. — d) to accurse, devote to
destruction ; to destroy utterly ; Deut. 20,17. Josh. 6,21. — 7. Phr. Ohy ira
n'ano, he blesses his mouth, is used for some religious or ceremonial
observances of the heathenish negroes, viz. a) = oguare asnm', he
washes at the watering-place, s. asumgnare ; - b) he takes some water
into his month and squirts it into the calabash again, uttering cer-
tain petitions to his soul (for money, length of life, honour, recov-
ery of lost property &c.); or, he spurts the water to the ground
and invokes a blessing or a course on others ; ~ c^ he takes some
consecrated fluid (water mixed with some ^'medicine*') into his mouth,
spurts it and mentions something by which he brought a curse upon
himself, asking for the removal of the same, and for new blessing.
{b) Anopatutu mpanyimfo sore na wohohoro won anim a, na wode
nsn no bi gu won anom'^ na wohinam gu koram' bio, na woka won
tirim asem biara a ehia won, se ebia (wose) : Me k&ra^ mes^re wo
sika, mes^re w6 nnyinkye, mes^re wo anuonyam, me biribi wq ba-
bi a, ma emmek& me nsa n. a. — Otu nsu de hyira n'ano = otu nsu
de gu n^anom' na ohinam mu gu, na gde hyira obi a. s. ode bo obi
dua. — c) Woabo wohd dua na nsew no akita wo (e. s. woyare), na
okQmfo k5 a wofre ne bosom no abehye aduru am& wo, na wutn
aduru no bi gu wo anom*, na wuse : ''Me k&ra, se mabo meho dua a,
mehyira m^&no**, na woka wo tirim asen-kd a enti woboo dua no, na
afei wuse: 'ne medan nsew yi.] — Mihyira m'ano mepa, I caU upon
my soul to ward (rff danger. — nhyird, inf. a blessing. - hhy.neno,
lit. blessing i.e. (all or nothing but) blessed is he. Mat. 5. — Ohyirauo
nhyira-fvr6w,ohyira no nansonekdmaredomeno; cf.nkQmmodom.
nhyiren, F. = nfwiren.
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L J. — ka. 200
The vowel i does not begin any Tshi word, except when a pre-
ceding y is omitted (ye n' Mye = ye no yiye); in F. it occurs as a
prefix before close sonTids instead of e (ibi, idu = ebi, edu).
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210 ka — ka.
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ka^ 211
done something (wrong) and it has affected his eyes (as pepper rubbed
ioto the eyes for punishment) i.e. he has had to si^cr for it, 1ms feU
the had consequences in a manner not easily to he forgotten; raerna
aka wo ani ! / shall let you suffer for it, serve you out for it! — 12,
to touchy hurty injure, harm, afflicty distress: yeankawo, Qen. 26,29,
to transgress against: y§aka (== yeafotn) yen Nyankopon. — 13, ka
gya, to hold to tlie fire for a moment, to wither (green leaves) hy
fire; fa ahabaii yi ka ogya posa so kuni nom\ put tliese leaves to
ifie fire a little and then squeeze them out upon tlie wound. — 14, ka
.. byew, to warm (up), cook up: ka nsu no hyew, warm tttis water;
fa hkwan no koka no hyew, take that soup and warm it (put it on the
fire again). — 15. to dip up, eat up any kind of pappy or pulpy food
or medicine with some other more substantial food, as bread, plan-
tains &c. fa nnuru yi noa no nkwan, na fa aduaii biara ka, hoil these
herhs into a soup and eat any thing you like with it, — 16. to stick
together, he closely united in friendship ; he on good ienns, in union
or concord; to agree together; to suit, accord, harmonize; o-n^ no ka,
or wgka, they are good friends; g-n^ me nka, or yenk^ we do not
agree together; aduaii yi n^ nam yi ka, this food and this meat agree
well togetJier; aduan yi n^ me yafunu nka, this food does not agree
with my stomach. — 17. me ho aka (some part of me that was, as it
were, attached to the departed, has gone from we, i.e.) lam in trouhle
ahout^ tJhe loss of a relative. — 18. ne h 5 k a n e h 6, lit. his self, or, what
is about him, sticks or fits to his self (0 !•©• he is well content, con-
tented, satisfied, pleased, happy, feels comfortable; me ho kcl me ho
wo m'akura ha, / live quietly, peaceably Jwre on my plantation ; -
me ho aka me ho = me ho ato me, cf. ahomeka. — 19. u'ahom ka
no ho, F. he is happy, glad. Mt. 5,12, — 20, n'ani k a, his eye is
pleased (^voi^, is attached to or caiHivated by any pleasing object), i.e.
he rejoices, is pleased, rejoiced, delighted, glad,h<ippy; m'ani ka ha (or
aka ha, my eye has been caught or attached to, cleaves to this place),
I like this place; m'ani ka adwuma yi ho. Hike this tvork; m'ani
aka, / am (or have been for some time in the state of) rejoicing. —
^i. n'ani ka ase or fam\ lit. his eyes arc fixed on the ground, i.e.
he is bashful, modest, decent, chaste, sober, discreet, considerate, de-
liberate, careful (=gyen'adeyiye; opp. onipa a n'ani ye sorosoro,
gye u^ade sakasaka). — 22, k H .. h 6 , a) to be in contact with, to ad-
here to, cleave to, stick to: ewo aka me nsa h6, tlie Iwney sticks to my
fingers. — b) to be added, joined to, conjoined, connected with ; to he
given over or in; to belong to; akyede yi ka wo asranne no ho, this
present has been added to your wages. — c) to accompany (in doing
something), to go with, be tvith: gkii me ho na yekgg Osu, he accom-
panied me to Osu; Onyankopgn ka yen ho (= di yen akyi) da, God
is always with us. cf. 25, — d) k&h 6, when connected (as an aua:U-
iary verb) with another principal verb, is often rendered by the ad-
verbs also, moreover^ too, besides: odi hia na gyare ka ho. he is very
poor and sick besides; cf. Gr.§ 237 c. — e^ de..ka ho, caus. to add,
join, annex, umte to; fa kakra ka ho, add a little; in Eng. we may
oflen use the adv. more: ma me kakra m6iika h5, give me a little
more; gmfii me bi mekaa ho, he gave me some more; manya nkesua
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212 ka^
dn, na mepe du maka ho, I have ten eggs and tcish for ten more.
— f) aduan no aka no ho = ato no ho, the food has done him good,
pr.924f. — ^^, ka ..ho (aduru), to daub, paint: maka pon no ho
aduru, / hdve painted the door (with colour); waki adaka no ho
koko, he has painted the box red, — J24. ka neho, fo adorn or dress
oneself: waka neho fefefe = wakeka nelio, she has dressed herself
very nicely, — 25, ka .. do, F. = ka .. ho (22 c), di akyi(ri), to join,
to follow; wobaka' no do==wobekaa no ho; w^oka niodo = m6Dka
mehS, miinni m'akyi, Mt 4,19, 8, 1.10. 9 J^,
(III.) 41, ka.. bom', to unite, join, put together, reconcile. — 42.
ka.. bg ..ho, ^0 conjoin, connect, annex, combine, associate, attach,
affix dtc, ka ad^^bAw (batabata ho), to bind the shoots oftJte yam-
plant to the supporting stick; s, adwobaw. — pata ka .. bg ..h5, to
reconcile, 2 Cor. 5,18 f, Eph.2,16, — 43. ka .. f am, to join mth an ad-
hesive substance: fa amane (hye, manng) ka kuruwa no fam, join
or mend (the broken pieces of) the jug with gum. — 4^. ka.. toa,
to join, to bring to the proper place or connection, to set a joint, to set
(a limb): gka me nan a ahiian no toa, he sets my dislocated foot. —
45. kjl ..foa, F. (^^k« ..ffi, nfi .. fn?) to embrace; gdze n'aba kano
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ka — okk. 213
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o-ka, e-, ditchf trench, canal; the led of a river; 6y\ ki, he digs
(makes, sinks) a ditch.
ka, kkw4, j;Z. h-, ring, finger-ring; link of a. chain; c/*. petei,
k^p6, nomifiiru, tonkoka'.
nka, F. = nkae, remnani, rest, the others. Mt 22,6. 25,11. Mk. 1,38.
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216 kaguam — dkakaiitw^re.
kaka, s. keka.
dkak^ntwere, s. akek...
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kakrd, a., w., adv. little, small; few; a little; a little while; -
ma mensn kakra, give me a little water; me ho ye kakra, / am not
very well; tra ha k., stag here a moment. — agya k., the father's
brother (cf. wgfa); ena k., the mother's or father^s sister; cf. gsewd.
kakrd, kakrdwa, F. kakrdba, little, very little; kakra bi,
some, a few; aka kakra s^, verg little is wanting. Cf, ketewa, kuma,
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kam'y kit md, with di: kurow no di kam (adi kamu = aka
mu), iJietown is besieged, invested^ blockaded , blocked up; 2 Ki. 24,10.
wodi k., they are surrounded, woato dom mu.
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n k ^ m f 6 , inf. praise,
time; hence (adv.) kan, kaii no, F. ekanno, nkan no, first, at (the)
first; before; mefa nea ebeba k., I will take what comes first; —
fonnerly ; previously ; waba nea kan ote bio, he has got (to the same
wokoe, afei de wgye biako, formerly they had tear, but now they
86 gyarc a.s. asabow nni n'ani so), his eyes are perfectly clear, he
is quite lively, quite sober; F.— hann, q. v, — eho tew k., that place
gye (or ye) nk., to gather or contract (or corrode with) rust, to rust,
akauka' = ahka.
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akank^wd; s, ahka'.
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and broad; straddling; dita no ab& nhina aye k.; gbarima no abe-
gyina odan ano k.; ne nan k.
11 k an torn', F. a-, [nka.. nto mu, do not touch,, not pxd m] adv,
not to mention, to say nothing of, (how) much less, (Iww) much more;
omfii ase e, na hk. se wawie, he has not yet begun, much less finished.
kanto-nfni, a kind octree.
nkannuan, a. uncovered (of SihouBe)^ unfinished or beginning
to decay; - odan no aye nk.; odan hk. = odah a ^nn{ suhy^, nk
ereye abii; adah hk. hko na esisi bo.
kara, v. s, kra,
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5-kard, s. ok'rA.
kara..., s, kra...
iikd-sa [kaw nsa] additional payment for not having paid a debt
at the set time; da a wohyee wo adu na woannya bi amma a, na
wogye wo sika foforo.
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katakyi, kw., bravery, valour; kw. nti odii nim, through va-
lour he conquered.
ka tarn an [nea okata oman] one who covers the wJwle nation
or world, a mighty ruler, used also as an attribute of God. pr. 1534.
kata mail, katamanso, a very large umbrella of gaudy col-
ours used on festive occasions; cf. kyinii^ bamkyinii.
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akatrdm, wodi wonho ak., they stnke one another, fight, com-
bat (like gladiators); twn b^ra tetretem' ha na yenni ak.!
kaw, V. [red. kekaw] 1. to 6i7e = ka; to bite off, knap; pr. 529.
— to masticate, chew, (?) cf ^esaw; - kaw so, to bite upon or cff;
pr. 708. 2013, — 2. kaw m u. kekaw m n, to cry, make a noise, scream;
cf. bom', bon, teom'. ^
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e-kaw^ l^/.a-, [ka, fo be wanting] a debt; pr. 1497 -loOS. tJiat which
is duCy liability; a dtdy neglected, trespass* — bo k., to make, con-
tract a debt; de or ma k., to have debts, to owe (a debt); dan k.,
to recover a debt; pr. 721-23, tu a k., to pay a debt; otaaa no so kaw
pa, he rewarded him; otuaa no so k. bone, lie punished him,
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kereliia, F. s. kesua.
11 ken* sin, a-, the date-palm, date-tree, Phoenijr dactyl iferu.
iikei'esia-kytjw, a-, a hat made of the leaves of the date-palm.
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k s e k e s e, 5. atirimkesekese.
kes^w, tu k., to emaciate, become tabid, lean and pale (as wa-
sted by tabes, consumption or another sickness); -<: kyenkyen; to
grow or turn jndc; watu k. fita = wafon aye ffta, he has pined away,
become tabid or worn out so that he is (juite pale; n*anim atu k., he
looks pale from anxiety and fear; asem bi aba wo so ua wo anim
apatuw ahoa.
kesiw, f. to belch,
kesua, -suwa, 2)1, h-, F. kerefua, egg; wgbg nk. tafo, they are
m a friendly, familiar, intimate footing, cf. di 79.S2.83,
k e t ^, pi, a-, a mat, the usual bed of the negroes, pr, 798 f. 2236,
Diff. kinds : nt6mma or mpa, apa , aberewd, go-kete. — bo or nwene
k., to weave, plait a mat; sew, to spread out, bobow k., to roll up the mat,
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k 9 1 e, 5. ketekete, ketewa.
o-k e t e, 5. oketew.
aket(isia, F. s. akatasia.
11 k e t s e^ F. rather, in preference.
kill i [Eng.] king (in Europe) pr. 246n. — kini, v. s. kyini.
kirididi, kirrr: bo k., to rush (forward); woboo k. koodah
nomu, they rushed into the house.
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11 kita, = nkriimakwah.
kita-d6ii, lit. hold-fast, a name of the ^p4sew, q. v.
kit^e, p?. n-, file; rasp; = twitae.
aki t a-o s \i a, j?^ n-, the most poisonous serpent, able to shoot
through the air from one tree to another.
kiti, V. [red. kitikiti] to gnaw off, nibble, scratch o/f (with the
teeth or nails) ..ho, the otUside; = titi ho; nkura akitikiti od^ no ho
= woadi ho bi ; cf, bebee ho.
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kitirfkitiri, v. = kitikUi, v.
kg, V. [Ak. also korq^ pret kgre; red, kokg] to go; more par-
ticularly: 1, to go alongy to walk (cf. nam, nantew); yeko ntem, tec
are walking fast; obayifo reko e ! there goes a witch! pr. 60. — ^. toga
off, away; to pass away, leave, depart (opp, ba, to come, tr«, to stay),
gko, he is gone (cf. wako under 3.); meko maba, I go away bid sJiall
come again, cf. Gr. § 112. 147,4. pr.l590. - wokg-bae no, wgbekae
Be : ewom' sa, when they were gone and returned, they repotied, that
it was so (that the matter was true); - wobekg, na me de, metra ha,
you will depart, hid I shall stay here. — to escape, pr. 601. — 3. to
go to a place: wokg he? tvherc are you going? mekg ofie, I am going
home; gkg n'akura, he has gone to his plantation; pcff. wakg, he ha^
gone and returned: wakg Osii preko, he has been at Osu oficc; yere-
kg wuram', we are going into the hu.sh ; gkgg bepgw so, he went upon
a mountain; yebekg ghene nkyen, tee shall go to the king. — 4. to
be going to do something, to set ahoid doing, - with and in the in-
gressive prefix kg-, ko-, s. Gr. § 93. 96. 107,11. 280,1 b.c. (pr.30O.
1218. 2081.&C.) — 5. to go for some object, with some purpose or in-
tention, used with an infinitive (v. n.)ov some other noun: gkg aduan-
tg, he has gone to buy food; cf. Gr. § 126.280,2. — gkgg anyan, she
went for wood (fuel); wgrekg asika, they are going to wash gold;
kg ahayg, to go hunting; s. 13-15. — 6. de.. kg, fa., kg; in connec-
tion with de, fa or similar verbs the meaning of kg (esp. 2.3.) be-
comes causative : to take aicay, to take to a place, to lead, conduct:
wgde no kge, they led him away; ma wgmfA no nkg, let them take
him (away or with them), yr. 13S2. — 7. In connection with other
verbs, kg frequently supplies the place of an Kng. adv, or jnep.:
a) the place of the adv. away, denoting removal: Ouyk. ayi m'a-
manne kg, God has taken away my affliction ; b) together with a
noun of place it supplies the place of a prep., denoting a direction
towards a place : oguan kgg wuram', he fled into the bush; ka oguan
no kg dan mu, drive the sheep into the pen ! wonky ekyire ne nsa
nkg n'akyi, they shall tie his hands behind his hack. — 8. kg (yiye),
to fit, becmne, suit (well), used of clothes : at^d^ yi k6 me yiye, this
coat fits me well; ekygw no nkg me ti, that hat does not fit my head;
ka no kg me nsa, |>r. 5^^. — ^y. kgmu, kom\ to enter, penetrate;
gsekan nnamndm twa wo a, ekom*, when a sharp knife cids you, it
penetrates deeply. — iO. kg so, to go on, to continue {cf. da so): ko
s6 kan ! or kdn k6 so ! continue to read, read on / - kg so yiye, to
prosper, increase. — 11. kg nten, to agree well, be agreeable, to go
straight i.e. to do, to succeed, be to the purpose, ansiver an end; eko
me nten = et^^m^; n'asem a greka yi tee me, what he mys appears
to me correct, I approve it; aduaii yi kg me nten, =: eye me de,
this food suits me well; ehk6 nt^n, it does not go straight, it wont do.
— 12. kg bone, to issue or terminate badly, to be ill-fated in child^
hearing, to die in or afler the labour of childbiiih. — 13. kg abuw, to
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ko — nk5. 239
e-ko, Ky. lake; pond, pool; = gtare, cf. atekye; ekg bi tH bg.
nko, the cavity or hole in which the yam is planted; cf. nkgbg,
okgmoa; gbg nkg fna gd6 worn'. [31t, 15. Mk. 7.
o-ko, okowd, ak6wa, top, gig, whirligig; bg ko, to spin the top.
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o-k5, inf. 1. figlUy fighting y war (rf. osa); combat, contest, strife;
battle, conflict; pi. nkopeh, battles; gko wo ye-ni Akwamfo nUm\
there is war between us and the AJcwam-people. — ^. divorcemetU,
ak6\ pi. n-, parrot (Psitaccus). Diff. kinds: opesare, grey (P.
erythactis, ne ho ap6w aye se nso) ; akoh^ne, red ; dnkye, dark (ne
hoasi tumm); dmfudwdm^ (ne ho aye ho-n^-ho, biribibiribi, not ea-
sily described) ; Awlrikwdw\ green (esono ne nko). — Mmofra ako
(in children's lang.) = abebew, grasshopper, locust.
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11 k o d, the end, the lust, utmost or upmost part, upper end, top
(of a tree), extremity, termination, border; pr, 1008. afw^rcw no, ne
hkoa nko na ode maa me, he gave me only the upper end of the sugar-
cane ; - of. nkasakdd; - nkoadse, s, nkwaase.
akoakyirikyiriw, a kind of spider.
akoha (?): Esono akoa na esouo akobd. Ak. pr. 3015.
nkoba [eko, aba] a whip made of buffalo's skin, consisting of
2,3,6,9 lashes twisted together; wgde nk. nko ara na efweno, they
fiog hi7n severely.
k 6-1) lie [ko, ba] i. a male child horn after a brother or sister
who died; cf. ap6nt^. [G. gbobalo.] -r- 2. a cupboard, closet, press,
wainscot-chest. [wokQfa ade worn' do ba; G. kobai.]
ako-bau, F. defensive wall, fence, bulwark, rampart,
a II k o b e a, -fo, [asafo a wote bene bo a wonko bea (= babiara)
da gye se ghene atn na wotiam'] the hinges body-guard.
nko-deu, hard fighting; g-ne wgn kOo nk. ansa-na grepam wgn.
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koc, «;. [red, koekoe] to notch, jag, dent, indent; wakoe daa
no mu, nso metraa so (no), ammu, he has notched the pole, yet when
I sat on it, it did not break; wgakoekoe akantannua no nan ho, the
legs of the chair are wrought or notched htj turnery.
koekoe, a small tcorm. pr, 1635,
akoekoe-l)6a, jpZ. n-, insect (called so from its body having,
as it were, notches or incisions).
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kuha', koha, a large bird with long legs, a long neck, a crest
on its head and feathers like a Guinea-hen, making a noise like
geese, living in the vicinity of rivers ; from its strong voice it is also
called Sakumo-bentia, ihe Sahum'trumpet i.e. the trumpeter of the
fetish of the river Sakumo.
koko, pi. a.-, a grain, a small hard particle of salt, sand, earth,
e-koko, Q-,2;Z.a-, h-, hill, a natural elevation of ground; cf be-
pow, bepgwa, akokowa, pampa, pempe, siw. — F. koko tsentsen hi,
an exceeding high mountain. Mt. 4fi.(cf. 17,1)5,1.
kokcV, a. [pi. akgko & red.] red, yelloic, with their several de-
grees or shades; s. kg, kgkgkg. — n. redness, yellowness; pr. 467.
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k6ko-beto [the fowl will lay scil. eggs] the little finger (by
which hens are examined whether an egg is to be expected),
akoko-bew u [the hen will die] a kind of herb, killing fowh.
kokobiutorc, a shrub with eatable fruits,
akoko-bf ri (koko, breast, biri, to be black, Jieavg, stout, immo-
vableli braveness, boldness, courage connected with violence; cf ko-
kodiiru. — akokobiri-so, boldly ==^nimkrimisb. — akokobiri-seni,
violence; di ak., to commit violence; syn. akakabens^m.
k Q k o-b o, inf. [bg .. k6kg] warning.
akoko-bo ue [akokg bgn] the time when cocks crow early in the
morning, cock-crow, (at) cock-crowing.
akoko-biiw, hen-coop; syn. pesu.
[pr. 151M8J668.
ak6ko-kwaiitenn(, pi. n- -fo, a bird, the pin-tailed sand-grouse.
Ex. 16,13.'Nu. 11,31. = ab6ko.
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kokom' [koko mu] I. (he hfxasty bosom, — J2. tJie breast as the
seat oi ihQ passions, affections and operations of the mind. — 5. the
concave side of a joint, opp. to the knuckle : nankokom\ tlie cavity
of the leg behind the knee; basakokom, the cavity of the arm at ths
nkoko-nh wi, the hair on the breast (of a lion),
akoko-nanta [cocks-claw] a shrub with edible fruits,
akokonimpd,, = akokonini-pa. pr, 1672.
ak 6ko-n ini, pi- n-, a cock. fr. 353.1669-73.
a-k6ko-niwa [hen*s eye] the sore of a toe the tip of which has
been accidentally knocked off, the little bone in the midst of the
raw flesh reminding of a fowFs eye.
[pr, 1676f.2505.
kokord, n-, concealment, recess, retreat, hiding-place, asylum.
— bo nk., to hide oneself before the enemy.
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ko-kiima == (a)ka-kuma.
kom^ V. to bend, bow, incline (tr. & intr.), perf. to be wry, in-
clined, turned or bent to one side ; syn. konton, kuntuh, koa, kyea;
dua no akom; kom dua no ko nifH; kom wokoma ma niease,
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akom [kgm] inf. the state of being possessed with a fetisli, i.e.
a temporary madness or ecstasy, expressing itself in dancing and
wild gestures, aud ascribed by the negroes to the agency of a fe-
tish; wafa ak., he or she has taken in such an agency, has been pos-
sessed with a fetish.
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iikg-mana, = nko-moa.
akonifo-ddfi, = akonnan.
Akomf6d6, t^. n. of a certain company, yr. 1962.
akomfo-hen^, s. eton.
iikg-mo4 [nko amoa] a hole dug for planting yam in. pr. 858.
nkg m-mg, inf. [bo kgn] 1. talk, chat, familiar discourse, conver-
sation. — bo nk., di hk., to converse; me n^ no hq hk., I converse
with him; deh hk. or hk. beh na mobg yi? what are you conversing
about? what is your conversation? — ^. concent, care, sorrow, so-
licitude; eye me hkgmmo-m6, it is my heartfelt desire; ma yehkope
yehhk.pd bi nni, we have better things to care for (than to sit here).
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iikompew-do, F. grudgingly,
kon (full o), the gurgling noise of liquor pouring from a bottle;
pratUe. pr. 2742.
e-kon, Ak. kgno, the neck of a man's or animal's body, the slen-
der part of the arm; s. bakon; neck of a vessel; bank of a river;
8. nsukgn; throat, cf. menewa; - ne kon do (aduan, own), lit. his
throat deepens for, i.e. he lusts after, desires, covets, longs for (food,
death); own do no kon, he listeth to die. — obo ne kgn, he speaks
out in conversation, pours out his heart, — gtoto ne kgn, he turns
his neck aboui for making a show, or in contempt, or in disobedience;
he looks about in a haughty, contemptuous, impudent manner. — ne
kgn asen, his neck has become stiff, he is obstinate. — kdn-akyl,
the back part of the neck, nape; afei yekura adwuma yi kgnakyi,
now we have this work fully in our grasp or power, have got the better
of it, are able to manage it ai pleasure, — kou-mu, kgn-mu, the
inner parts of the neck; the throat, in tJie throat; in or round about
the neck: sika ntweaban gu ne kgn mu, he wears a gold chain round
his neck (cf. Gen. 4142.). — ne kghmu ye den, his neck is strong,
enabling him to carry heavy loads on his head ; gsafohene no kgn-
mu ye den, that chief bears (as it were) or commands a large, power-
ful army; - yede tow no yii yen kgn mu afoa, by that tribute we
warded off the war or destruction impending over our heads; - yeayi
yen kgnmn ahuruhuro, = yeayi adwuma a eye den afi yen kon mu.
Cf. iikoQ-mu.
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244 k5na — nk6nkQii.
akondo, F. s. akouno. ^
nkongya, F. s. nkonnya.
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koumu, s. ekon.
nk 6 h-mii, Ak. nkonom', the axil or axilla formed by a branch,
shoot, or many shoots, with the stem of a plant; the young shoots
rising from an axilla or sheathing leaf, the new blades of palms,
plantains &c. pr. 1608. 2720.
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kQiit6n, ba^, bight, gulf; epo abu k., the sea forms a bay;
cf. donnon, braka.
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k6p6n, jpZ. n-, a single figJUing, battle, action; wako nk. du,
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kdrakora, s, kora.
Auk or-an koro [koro] a, of single, separated, scattered, scanty
existence, rare, thin, not dense, not copious; abtirow ahk., ears of
maize bearing only single or scanty grains; cf, nkore-nkore.
koro, num, one; adj. the same; only, single, alone, but one, sole;
uni^e; pr, 1359.1616.3223.3256. cf, ^}gio, biako, gbako, nko, nkuto,
kore, fua, prek5 & penkoro; wowui da-koro (pe), they died on the
(f>ery) same day; oye neba-koro, neba a gwoo no koro, he is his
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k6s§, F.ye.. k., to be doubtful to. - gny6 hen k., we do not doubt.
kos6nene, s. kes^nenene.
k5s0; ddv. gorgeously y splendidly, of adorning; ode sika u^
nhene ahyehye neho k., she has adorned, bedecked, bespangled her-
self in a gorgeous manner, brillianUy.
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k5ti, a.dtadv. large; rank, luxuriant; od^ no afi k., the yam
has come out with luxuriant growth, cf. dwobesAre.
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kotoku, Ak.-o, pi. n-, 1. bag, sack, pouch, pocket; pr. 768.syn.
bgto, botowd = k. a wode tu kwan, pr. 1752. atwea = k. a wode
ntama sie mu n.a.; cf pae, tekrekyl. — 2. purse, money-bag; cf
foto. — 3. a wrapper or cover that has the form of a bag; agyan k.,
quiver; akatawia k., the cover of an umbrella; also the skin of a
beast, s. wore, woro. — 4. a dress that may be compared with a
sack, coat, cloak; Brofo hye k. mu = wohye atade.
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ukrd, w. blood, syn. mogya, kafo; tuo no aka or abo aboa no,
6gili nkrd, the gun has hit the animal, it bleeds.
5-k'rd. 5kdrd, F. e-, pi. a-, 1, the soul of man. According to the
notions of the natives the kdra of a person exists before his birth
and may be the soul or spirit of a relation or other person already
dead (cf. bra, v. 3.) that is in heaven or with God and obtains leave
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o-krabiri [okra a ebiri] 1. a hlack sotd, not caring well for the
person to whom he belongs. (Wose: onipa kra ye koko na ofura
nnwera; na se obi kra ye tuntum a, en'de eye mmusu, okrabiri nen;
wope sika a, wunnya hi, wonam a, wonky^ na wunya amanne.)
pr. 1530. 2453. — 2, a blackguard, person of low character (an abu-
sive word).
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kraii kran, red. v., kr. .. ani, to give a fierce expression to the
eye, to disfigi$re one's face, make one's self fright fid, he eager about,
fr.l779. okr. n'ani = oye n'anim hQh6hD, 6yi (6hy^) nnipa hfi, Jie
assumes a frightful countenance ; okr. n'ani kyeree abofra no se 6nye
fS, he looked fiercely at the boy that he should he silent.
[wony^ nil.
ukrAnte, sword, sabre, cuflass; cf. afda; 6s6 nenkrantem\
akra-s#m /a word belonging to your soul] secrecy, secret. pr. 260
kr4ta' [fr. Port. Sp. It. carta] a leaf of paper.
krata-fa, half a sheet of paper; a page in a book; cf. bu6p^n.
krata-m6, a sheet of paper.
akrkte, akrdt6, akAr&te, a kind of cactus, a prickly plant,
akrate-abd, an eatable ftmit of cactus. [G. agbdmu.]
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ukr6mp6no, s. nkgmpono.
kroii, Ak. krono (k6r..), tlieft, larceny; syn. awi; bo-, tosteal,
to practice tlieft, commit robbery; s, wia.
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[2 Chr. 26,10.
akiia, 1. = k^ik 2. — 2. brgd^ba akiia, the young sJioots or
suckers at the foot of a plantain-stalk.
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iiku-aba^ s. nkd.
0-ku f 6, pi. a- [ekuru] a person full of sores and wounds ; nea gyare
a.s. watutu akuru. pr. 1800.
kti f II, kufukufu, I a. shaggy, rough with long hair or wool, rag-
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[pr, 1802 f.
k u k u ba u k u^ a cutaneous disease or eruption^ with pustules
smaller than those of ntoburo.
k u k u d u'd h', hud; nkruma no abo k., the okra has budded.
akukuhddeu, 6y^ ak., <5di akukuh6dens^m, J^e acts roughly,
onam ue bSrah a oye no so kukuru ade a eye duru.
k u k u w, red. v. kuw, to pidl off, out; to have the nap worn off;
w'oak. neti so, they have pulled out his hair in lighting, or, his hair
has been cut with scissors (not shaved) in a disorderly manner; ntama
no ani ak., the cloth is threadbare, shabby, worn out.
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prevents the fetish from eaiing the new yam oflFered to him, by trans-
gressmg a fetish-law. — 9. (k. ano) to prevent the effect or ef/iciency
of to render ineffective, inefficient: wakum aduru no ano = ode
nea aduru no kyi aka no, he has made the medicine ineffective (by
adding to, or eating with it, some other thing incompatible with the
medicine). — 10, k. ano, to finish, accomplish, complete, make ready
[= G. gbe na, Tw. wie]; wakum n'adow ano = ahaban a wosii,
wawie adow. — 11, kum gya, to put out the fire made at the yam-
custom, hi/ putting new yam into it {vf ode da Moro koto afwiegyam')
to show that new yam may now be eaten universally. — 12. to ditUj
to become dtdl or blunt, said of a) the edge (ano) of an instrument:
osekan no ano akum, the edge of the knife is blunted; b) the mouth,
taste or appetite: n'anom akum, his mouth has lost its sensibility or
taste, i.e. he has lost the appetite; c) the eye: n'ani kum, his eye lacks
its vigour, is dull or heavy i.e. he is sleepy, drotcsy, F. n'anyiwa akum,
Mt 26,4S, — 13. to be effaced, obliterated: dare no ani akum, the
stamp (marks or characters of coinage) on the dollar is effaced; srete
no so nsensane no akum, the lines drawn on the slate have become ob-
literated, indistinct.
k u nfi kd wa, the first child born after the death of a husband
from his successor (brother or nephew) and named after the former
husband; oye k.
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[ing birds.
akuos6ii, the seven elders of a town (y)-^ Nkran asafo ak.^ the
seven companies of Dutch Akra.
a kura, pi. n-, mm*se. pr. 311.7 20.1836 ff. — by-names: bewa, da-
biebio; aduemme, ahyemme (otewabe); akura-tawia; s. abotokura,
odontwf. — nkura-se, inf. [se nk.] pr. 232.
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a kuro do, n-, card, song of mirth, lay; a play with dancing
or ambulating and singing, accompanied by the clapping of hands
or by adenkiim-bo; amusement, sport, frolic, gambols; - wotweak.
= wgto dwom kyini mmSron so, they sing or carol in the streets;
they play, frolic, tcanton\ ak. na gnam twe da, loitering about and
sporting was his constant occupation; otwa nk. = gkasa pi, n*ano
ye b^reberc or betebete, he is loquacious (?).
akuro-fo [kurow fo] the site of a destroyed town, = amamfo.
iikiirofo [pi. of kiironi] the inhabitants of a town, townsfolk;
people; me nk., 7ny relations, my townsmen or countrymen; cf. okilro-
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kurukere, s, kurnkyerew.
akurukiiro-de, pi. n-, iikiirukiir-ade, old things, old articles.
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kuri'i wd, pi. n-, a kind of vessel, espec. for fluids, artificially
made of earth, porcelain, glass, wood or metal; pitcher, jug, mug,
cup dx. Cf. kuku.
kds u k II s II, 1. s. kifisQ; ogya aso kk., the fire lyurns dimly. —
2. damp, dirty, nasty; syn. fongfono, wusuwusu.
I'lkuto [nko, to, adv.'\ alone, only, but; ne hkuto (= ono nko)
vg hg, he alone is there; onni biribiara se duaba nk., he eats nothing
hd fruits.
kutiiy a kind of j^o^ used to boil soup in; cf. kuku.
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o-kuw, a large tree; eho wg nsge, esow aba k(J\ tentrehu hyein\
Akuwa, s. Akua.
nkuwa-nkuwa = akuru nketenkete, small sores.
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ilk wa, life, vitality; vigour, health; happiness, felicUy; cf. ase-
tra; iikwa ni akwahosan, life and health; - gye nkwa, to preserve,
to save from death.
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e-k w d6, forest, wood, thicket; pr. 1006; the wooded inland coun-
try, bush-country; cf. wura, ahaban, odoto. — kwae-berentuw, a
dense forest. — akwaefo, people living in the bush-country. —
o-kwaefoiii, one of those living in the bush-country. — kwaem',
kwae mn, pr, 1673 f, in the forest, wooded inland; notih; r/*. knsQm';
opp. pom' = po mu. — akwaewd [dim.] small wood, grove, cop-
pice, copse, shrubbery; underwood, pr,1872.
kwafo, pi. a-, F. = okuafo.
nkwahumafo, s, akwanihdmani.
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kwakoram — gkwau.
a k w dm-m a, -m a [ok wan, dim.'] pi, h-, a small way, path, lane,
akwam-fo, pi. n-, [ok wan, afo] a desolate, bad, impassable way.
o-kwani-fuwi [ok wan a afuw] an overgrown way.
akwdm-mg, inf. [bg kwan] the making of a road.
nkwam-mge, a well-made road.
kwan, V. F. s. kwane 3.
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272 akwaii — akwaijko.
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o-kwan-siii [ok wan Bin] pi, a-, the extent, length or distance of
a way or roadf from one appointed halting place to another; pr, 818,
— a mile.
ukwan-td [okwan nta] double road i.e. the place where a road
I>ranches off into two, or, where two roads cross, pr, 284. 2983, —
ogyina own n^ nkwa nkw.
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akwaiite&y s. opurow.
u k wan-tla [ok wan tia] pr, 1903. the end of a way; the outskirts
of a town, syn, kur6tia.
ak wan-ny a [ok wan agya] the opposite side of the way. pr..S69.
nkwdn-ye [nea wgde ye nkwah] boot, gain, advantage; ichat
is given in addition (over and above 'usim' and 'ntoso') in buying
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[woye ah&ntan.
ukwa-s5m, inf. F. -— nkoa-s6m, service of slaves, slavery.
0-kwasonf, ;??. a- -fo, a person (pi. people) living on the plan-
tation; s. ofnmni.
kwdtia, pi. n-, Ak. a forked stick or post on which the poles
for the construction of the roof rest, = akorasimma.
Kwdtla, pr. n. m, — Akwatid, Akotia, pr. n. m.
akwatia [akoa, ti&] adj. sm^zll, short; pr.J2833. — n. 1. a small
person^ short man; fr. 693. 3564. — 2. a wooden bar or bolt, door-
bar, cross-bar.
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kwQ, kwe, kwe, kwi, F. = twe, twe, twe, twi. Gr. § 12.293.
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used in connection with ade: ade kye, the day breaks (lit. the things
become visible?) [G. d6e tSere or tSere]; wo abofra yi, nea woy§ yi,
worenkyg ade, you child that you are, by so doing you will (not bring
things to lasting existence or duration i.e.) not live long or fare weU
or prosper; pr. 565. — ade renkye no, things wUl not prosper to him,
— 2. s. red. kySkye.
o-kye, inf. lasting, duration; oky^ naanky§, it did not last long,
akye, F. = anka, ank&na. — nkye, F. 1, = anka. Mt. lfi.11^1.12/.
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aky e-de, pi, id, [ade a wokye] present, gift: cf. adekyede, kye-
fa, ayeyede.
akyekya , s, akyekyewa.
kye kye (mu), red, v., s, kye, to divide.
kye kye, the evening-star; osi sram nkyen, osram yere nen,
odi sram akyi da; hence it is also called ky^kye-p6-aware, awar6-
m'p^-n5, or, pe-h^ne-ad\, owuodi, implying thsit it is betrothed t^ the
moon and desirous to be married to it, though never able to come
up with it, or, that it is desirous of becoming king (instead of the
moon), and that, when the moon dies i.e. disappears, that star takes
its place; cf. ko-soroma.
kyekye, ;jr. a-, callosity, hard spots of the skin; ky. asi ne
nsam\ ne nsam' asi ky., {or asisi aky.) his hand has become (or his
hands are) callous; ne nankroma anim asi ky., his knees have be-
come callous,
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kyeii — hkyene. 281
larger than; syn, 8§n, cf. tra; it is ased for the comparative form
of £Dg. adjectives and the conj, than; after another verb it is trans-
lated by more than, better thatiy rather thauy when negative, by not
80 .. as, not more .. than, Dabodabo ye kokiiro kyen akokp, or d.
kyen akoko koktiro; Onyame nhyira ye kyen sika; metnmi maye
kyen nea wosnsuw; moanyin sen me, enti mntu mmirika kyen me;
biribi nky^n ogya kok5. R,p. 202, Gr. § 73. — kyen so (without an
expressed object of comparison) to be eminent, excellent, superior;
nneema a ekyen so, extraordinary things.
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akyeiie-dam, s. adam.
ky en edur u, a tree the wood of wliich resembles cedar-trood;
cedar^; dupoii a wode sen akyene, ye mpuran &c.
ky ^11 kySii, basket, pannier, ma deofpalm-branches and reeds,
to carry palm- wine; syn. akgtw6; cf. bedew, apakan, kyerenkye.
akyeiikyoi'iy pi. id., an unripe jmlm^nut.
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kyenkyfineuHj s. kyehkyoronn.
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nky^rekyerewa, 5. nkycrekyera,
ky erep^ii, pL n-, rote, tine, rank, file; wafua ode gyau nko
kyerep^hkyerep^n, Jie has planned yam in (several) rotes consisting
only of '*gyawu**. — F. aky. mu, in rows, Mt.6,40.
e-kye w^ Ak. ekye, hafy cap, bonnet, any covet: for the head: cf,
bftro-kyew, fo-kye &c* — pa., kyew, lit. to take off the hat, to heg
subntissivelg, to entreat, supplicate, beseech, peUtion; to beg pardon;
5yw. koto, s<5re, koto sere; [G. kpa fai, Vac. p. 66.] niepa wo kyew se:
fa firi me, I beg you to forgive me! wo kyew ni! lit. your hat is this,
i.e. / beg your pardon! kyew nhina yo wo dea ^= fa iiri me, na fa-
firi fihina ye wo dea, eny^ me dea, / have nothing to forgive, I crave
only yofir forgiveness; mepaa no me bone ho kyew, I asked him to
forgive the wrong done by me,
akyew-akyew, adv.squintingly; gfwe noaky., he looks at him
in a squinting manner, by side-glances.
akyi, cf. akyiri, Ak. akyire, Gr. §11 9. 120,4. 130,5. 1. the back,
the hind(er) part, rear; the outer (outward) part, outside of a vessel
or enclosure, of the hand. pr. 468. — 2. the space behind or outside. —
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ky ia, i;. \inf. n-, red. kyiakyia] Ak. dwa, 1. to shake hands,
greet, salute, bid welcome. — J2. to give or send one's compliments;
cf. ma akye. — 3. to bet, wager, lay (a bet or wager), hold a wager;
wokyia wo so, they hold a tvager on it; me nh no kyia, I wager iclth
him; kyia me e! lay me a wager!
aky i-de [kyi, v., ade] a detfsiable or abominable thing; any food
disallowed by the fetish ; wadi n'aky., he has eaten wh<U he was for-
bidden to eat.
akyi-di, inf. following after, pursuing, pursuit; pr, .300.
kyi-dom, tM rear, rear-guard, reserve of an army, reserve
troops of the centre.
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kyiii, v. = kyini.
O-kyiiiako, a kind of bird, s. kokokyiniako.
Akyinin, Akyinlintan mogye mogye, a surname given to Euro-
kyiuhyia-mlVamu, whirlwind.
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akyir ikyifi, -kyiri, far, distant far behind, far away, (tit)
a remote distance; okg akyky. asase hi so (or, asase hi so akyky.),
he has gone to a distant country; - ..ani ye., akyirikyiri, s. tLnii^A-
akyirisau — L. M. 291
ikyiwadOy ~ akyido.
mma, i;/., s. gba; nnaa, 7>Z., s, oba, tcoman, aba, rod. hh^ place.
-uia, F. mba, fmffix in dimimdive forms of words terminating
in in, u, ne, ni &c. Gr.§37,l. ,v. bamma, barima, bemma, abomma,
d^mma, odammi &c.
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292 ma — mabo.
— J2. io put, fipphf to: wgde (asem no) ma nnipa n^ mmoa, the word
is used in speaking of men and beasts, — ,V. to dedieate, s, moma. —
4. to address with a salutation, to wish one something (ma akye,
nnopa, akwaba, amo, due&c.) — .>. ma asem, to tell or relate a story:
cf. m6ma (ho). — 6. to let, eanse, make, allow , permit or stiff er one
to do any thing (used as an auxiliarg before another verb, s. Gr.§
91,10. 107,25. 255,3. Bern.) : ma entra ho (Ak. ma no tena hg), Ul
it (remain) there; gma wgkgkyeree no, he lei them go and eatch him,
he had him caught; gma wgbekyeree no, he suffered himself to be
caught by them. pr.40Sf4S9f.i969f — 7. (used as an aux, after an-
other verb, s. Gr.§ 109,32. 243 /;. Bem. 1.2.) io perform an action or
to be in some state or condition for the benefit of out of st/mjjothtf
with, or with respect to somebody : gye adwuma ma me, he works for
me; odi nkgmmg ma ne nua, he laments for his brother; gbgg tuo
maa Kofi, he shot himself that Kofi should or m^ist do the same. —
Sometimes ma shows a general and indefinite reference of the prin-
cipal V. without an object following, cf. asempa a Luka kyerew mae;
in F. it answers to the adv. very: gye few ma, it is very beautiful.
— 8. ma., so, F. do, to raise, lift, lift up: ma adesoa no so, lift or
take up thai load; cf. kukuru ; ma wo nan so, lift your fed i.e. quicken
your steps, be quick, make haste; gma n'ani (ne nsa, ne ti, ne ndntin,
ne'n6) so, he lifts up his eyes (7</5 hand, his head, his heel, his voice);
- to hold up; - to elevate, exalt, elate ; gma neho so, he exalts Mmself;
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mti ko, the pepper-shrub and its fruit, consisting of pods with
many small seeds, of a hot, biting taste, Cayenne pepper , Capsicum,
pr. 1898. - Diff. kinds: nt6n k6 (the largest), nnyera (the smallest);
mako koko (with red pots), m. tuntum (with dark-green pods), m.
fita (with whitish ^odi»)\ m. db6rti, brofo m., opapo m. — mako-duu,
the pepper-shrub. — makowa, [dim.] wabehye m'asem ani m., he
has put pepper in the eyes of my palaver i.e. has made it grievaus
to me.
y-mamfrani, pi. a- -fo | nea ofra oman J settler, a person tcho has
ctnne from another place and settled in a totcn. pr. 2004 f.
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aman-bu, s. amamrou.
amanne^, = kasee.
mane, Ak. mane^, quarrel, brawl; quarrelsomeness, quarrel-
some dispositimi; syn. atutuw ; 6yh mUnd, oredi mance, he quarrels,
squabbles, wrangles, brawls.
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amrin-san [omah, sah, ef. santen] all people, all nations; the
human race, mankind, pr. 455. 1712.2844.
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aman-tifi [omah atifi] the upper part of the country, the high
ama n-y o-d c [ade a wgde ye omah na aye yiye] good manners:
morality, civilization. — o-miiii-y ^i'o, a good, quiet, considerate citi-
zen, onipa a oye omah yiye, ope asem a ema omah mu d wo. pr. 2020.
— a m a 11 y o - m m a r a, constitution ; h y e am., to give or agree upon
a constitution. — amany Q-sem, politics.
^mapa (sikAlimapa), native, pure gold that has not yet under-
gone any operation and is unmixed with dross ; wode amapa hko
gu petea a, eny^ yiy^* gy® se wofram'.
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mmara-frene, s. frene.
m ma ran, s. mm^ran.
mma ra-t olo, mmunat., pi. id., nea otow mmara a.s. gpra ohene
ho; sf/n, ohOprafo.
mmarima-sem — abaninsem.
nima-sii [nsu a eb«, efi nsu aniwam' baj living water, issuing
continually from the earth; rvnning or flowing water; gde mm. bi
a okohui gkwan mu kum ne sukgm, he found some spring^waler on
the tcay and quenched his thirst with it.
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300 matji — mem.
o-m e, pi. a-, the palm of the hand or a stroke with if; wgabo no
moa, kutruku, sotgre; bo fe,i^/.afe; guram. [G. gba ma, gbla inai.]
m§, V. [red. meme] tr. to feed to the full, to fill, satisfy, satiate;
— didi me, to eat enough, pr. 2154. — gme, inf. the act of satisfying
i£-c. or of eating enough; the state of having eaten enough, so as to be
satisfied; satiety, fulness, pr. 2191.
meamea, 5. akyenkyena.
mm^-fe [abe ef^| the refuse or trash of the palm-nut, the fibres
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tJie water has been sucked wjp, absorbed in the gnmnd; to disappear^
hide or lose oneself y be lost (wuram\ In tfic bush); to (cause to) sink,
put tinder water, immerse in a fluid ; osraman aniem fani\ the light-
ning (thunderstone) has entered the ground,
a me m e, a kind of animal, pr. 523.
me me, red. v, mL
[G. Siti.]
menba, F. = menewa.
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m m6r an te- bcre [aberante, here] yotdh, Ihe part of life between
mmofraase and nkwakorHbere.
m me r e, pi., s. ebere.
m m e r e h u a, pr. 855.
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rametemma [betem, oba] the thorns betireen the nuts of the oil-
palm, pr. 68S.
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304 amia — amo.
mo (with nasal o), })ron. (F, Ak. often bom) ye, you, your.
When prefixed to a verb before i, u, full e & o, gya, nya, twa, dwa,
it is m U-. Gr. § 53-59.
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o-ni 0, rice, Oryzn, the plant and the grains; gu mo (in Kyere-
hi: saka mo), to sow rice.
in 111 6 a, v.n. [boa] help; wodi m., they midually help, aid, assist
each other; cf. di nnoboa, di hiafwe & oboa; F. mboa, grace.
aniod^ Ak. amana, hole, cavity, pit, den, ditch, trench; cf. etfi,
oka, nkonon; - bo or tu a., to dig a hole.
m moadabi, s. boadabi.
mmo-anini, inf. [bo anim] the state of facing each other; di m.,
to face each other; wodi m. fwe woiiho anim* ara, they sit opposite
each otl^r looking each othe^^ in the face.
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nate towards mCy pities mCy has pity, mercy on me, slums me mcrcf.
hu (or fwe) yen m., have mercy on vs.
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mniore-lniy ~ pitahu.
nimotg-krdma, tfie new yam of the first crop; wopan m-; rf.
mpow. — m-m\ m-bere, tJie time or season in which the new yam /^
taken out; mmotokroma-b^re adu.
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o-mrdtonf, s. omnratoni.
m II, pron. s. mo.
e-m li, the interior or middle part of tfie body, the chest, thorax,
rump, back; espec. the upper part of the bach cf akyi; gyare n6
vitiy he has a disease of t/ie chest or lungs; ne md bu fanh, his rump
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mm 11 ad a, s. abnada.
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dwiriw wgii aye atodnru m.; oykm kyekyere m.; st/n. Kko^nko] cf,
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312 nnio — N.
m n r n m, s. mtinum.
amu-sie, inf. [sie amu] burialy inter menty sepulture.
The consonant ii, when radical i.e. original, is united with na-
sal vowels {cf. M); whenever it is followed by pure vowels, it is a
transformation of d, caused by a preceding n (or orig. m, u) or by
negligent pronunciation, as in anadwo, Ak.adadwo. It interchanges
with (1, r, m, n; Gr. § 18. 19. B. 37. — n before y & tw, is not
dental, but palatal. — ny is either original before Ti, e, iy or, when
followed by pure a, e, i, it is a transformation of original gy, usu-
ally caused by a preceding n (m^ n).
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n — oiia. 313
n' often stands for ne (pron, poss.) before a-, seldom for no
(pron. ohj.). Gr. § 58. It may also stand for na, conj,
aiiii, ana, F. ana, ana, am}, conj. 1. or; vf. anAse. — ^^ a par-
ticle noting the sentence, to which it is attached, as an interrogation ;
when the question is indirect, the dependent sentence is connected
with the principal one by so, and the words 'se... ana' are equiva-
lent to the Eng. conj. trhcther or if. Gr.§ 139.1 42.1 53. —In F. ana
is also found at the head of an interrogative sentence. Mt.6,!i6.7,16.2:i.
ana, F. ^-r ansa , before, prior to, pre vionsly. ML 5,18.24.26. 8,21.2D.&c.
n na, v.n. [da] sleep; wada own nna, he sleeps the sleep of death;
wakra me nna, s. kra, v. 7. — nna-nna, s. eda.
o-n Ti, e-, {dullness? slowness? cf. na;) the exact and original mean-
ing of this n. (ov adj.?J is not easily determined; we give the de-
rived meanings thus: 1. scarceness, scarcity, rareness, rarity; want
of, lack, defect. — 2. rareness or value arising from scarcity, cost-
liness, precionsncss, importance. — 3. difficulty of access (to obtain
or to perform). — i. disUlce, disinclination, aversion, repugnance.
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nu, (n, or«.?) weah, dtdl (cold, sluggish, hcacy, phlegmatic i')
n'adwenem' (ne tirim', ne komam*) ye no na, he douhts, is doubtful,
irresolute, in perplexity, at a loss (which way to take &c.) = onha
nea gyc, se 6nny6 nni o, onnny^ nnni 6, onnim, Gen, 45^6,;- syn,
nann, nennann; nl, merew &c.
anafo, the place below, the part ofa bed or couch at tlie feet; the
under or leeward coast; F. leeivard, eastward, syn. boka; opj). atlfi.
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nna-kanl-niia [da & kra, v.']: g-nJ no ko n., wgko n., thet/
go to sleep bidding each other good nigliiy i.e. they are on friendlyj
familiar, intimate terms with each other; cf. wakrarae nna, under
kra. [Diff, w6k5, na krina !]
g-nak wa, 1. a large tree with very fine flowers, hard wood and
a thick bark; wowaewae eho bono de saw wura. — J^. a man no-
tonus for some deed and, therefore, able to do the same thing again;
on. se obcye yi, obeyc ampa; ade a asi netirim' no, omfere ho se
obeye; - waye on., he has become famous; wobo nedih a» na asem
bata ho. — Diff. A'nakwa, pr. w. in pr. 2596.
e-uam, i. flesh, meat of any animal; pr. 2077. 3301. 3407. cf. gho-
nam. — ^. fish = nsunam. — 3. the flesh or soft, pidpy substance
of fruit, also of palm-nuts: mSngo yi ho nam dgs5; abe yi ho wg
nam bebre.
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n 11 a-m iii e v c-ii son, all days throughout; length of days; s. p. 303.
ana ni-mo 11 o [nam amono] fresh meat, opp. nanliowe (wodi an.,
they eat meat; wodi n^m m6mon6, they eat raw meat).
e-n a n, 2)1. id. & a-, Ak. iiane, the foot of a man, in Ak. the ewtrem-
ity below the ancle, in Akp. sometimes including the leg (gya) and
thigh (sSre); the foot of any animal; of quadrupeds, tlie hind-foot,
hind-leg (the fore-foot or fore-leg is called nsa); the foot of a table,
candlestick &c. — Ne nan ye hare, he is UgJU-footed, swift-footed.
— mo uafi-ase ye me bare dodo, you go too fast forme. — wo nan
ye den a, (na) wobedu ntem, if you are a good ividker, you tcill
soon be tJiere, — ode ne na n m u kyere, he takes to his Jieels. — gnara
ne nanmu = ne nan hunu, he walks barefoot; gnam ne nan a no,
he goes on tiptoe. — gnam me nan ase, he is my attendant, one of
my followers, icalks in my suite. — me nan ka ase, 1 feel the bottom
of the river. — ne nan tia adare so = nenan gyina gkwan so rekg,
he is on the point of staiiing; pr. 3561. — tutu woanan duom na
merebd, go on slowly (leisurely), I am coming after, — tutu wo
anan m u kgtra babi, change your place \ gtwe ne nan mu, he walks
quickly, with long paces; gtwetwe nenah m u, he stretches his feet;
gt went wen ne nan ase, he lingers, walks lingeringly. — bg anan
(s. bg 27), to walk together, keep pace; mintumi ne mo mmg anan,
I cannot keep ]}ace with you, — Cpds. a. nanase, nahhin, nahkroma,
gnammgn, anafimu, nansa, nansih, nansoa, nantin, nantu, nannwea.
anan, n-, four. Gr. § 77.
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ndn-ase, 1. the foot, tJie lotver paH of the leg. — ^. the bach or
upper part of tJie human foot from its junction with the leg to the
toes; cf. nansa. — 3. the space or 2>la^e under one's feet. See enan.
anana-t^u, [cf. ntenkyew'] partial, unfair judgment; bu an.,
fo Jiave respect of persons in judgment.
n a h-h i ii [s. hih] the shin, the fore part of the leg or crural bone.
nnan-lio no, the axis on which a sphere revolves, pole. D. As.
anan-mii [s. enan] lit. in tlie feet i.e. footsteps, i.e. instead of, in
the place of; ogyina m^an., he stands in my place, represents me; -
(de..) hye or si an., to supply, replace, make up (for), compensate,
restore, repair, repay dtc. 6r. § 237 b.
nna-no, nnanobi, the other day, lately, recently: .s. eda, dabi.
nfm-nodow - nam dodow, yr. 3611.
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318 nansa — nnantwerem.
n an-s 6 a, toe; the particular toes have the same names as the
fingers: n. kokiirobeti, the large toe; n. kyerekyerekwan, n.-hene,
n.-henniakyiri or safohene, n.-kokob§to.
an an te-s 6 [nantew, ase] the reason for, or the cause or aim and
object of travelling, of a journey.
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nantwl [Ak. -e, F. nenkwi] j??. a-, hidl, ox, cotV; a single bo-
vine animal; pi, (horned) caitlCy neat; pr, 976, 2109,3612. — by-name:
popododobi. — nantwi-ba, jpl, nantwi-mma, calf, — Hantwi-bere,
pL a-, cow, any female of the bovine genus of animals. — iiantwi-
biiriiwa, heifer, young cow. — nantwi-foro, steer, bullock, young
bull (from 1 to 4 years old). — nantwi-nlioma, hide of a bullock,
— nantwi-kafo, -fwefo, herdsman. — nantwi-nini, bull, bullock,
any male of the ox kind. — naiitwi-sa6, a castraled bull, ox-calf or
bull-calf, steer, ox or bullock,
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From Gr. % 102,1.199,1. it may be seoo that this verb occurs only
in the continnati ve form, that the position of the subject and of the
predicate or rather the complement of this verb may be interchanged,
and that ne yi, ne no, may be contracted into ni, ncn. — Tbe
negative is expressed by premising en ye to the positive sentence:
eny^ ohene ne me, / am not ihe kiu(j. Gr. § 247,3 b,
ne, ene, F. onye. ronj. [/>. de, r. fo have, hold, Gr. § 139.] 1,
and; tciih; pr. 63.249. 101o.3460. It connects not sentences, but words
or parts of sentences, viz. collateral subjects, complements or attri-
butes, Gr. § 245, — ^. trith, from, an account of; orewa ne
serew, he almost dies tcith laughter: due-ne-awgw, bear up agninsi
the cold, cf. due 8 a) k Gr. § 2406.
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no ho, F". noho, pron. refl, himself herself itself; de n., nya n.
see de, nya. Gr. § 57.218,1 a.
n e n n am, red. i\ nam, to ivalk (much, abmd, to and fro), pr. 95.3.
'ne-nna-nnaiu four days ago; 'ne-nna-nkron, 9 days ago, ne-
nna-nsa, 3 d, a., 'ne-nna-nsia, 6 d. a,, ne-nna-nson, 7 d, a., ne-nna-
nnnm, 5 d, a., n^-nn^-aw6tvve, a week ago, Gr. § 80,5.
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uni, neg.v. di, standing also instead of the neg, form of wo,
not to have; not to be at a place. Gr.§ 102,2.3. pr. 906-922. 2305ff,—
nnim\ nni mu, not to be in or among; not to be true.
ni, Ak. v., = nim (F. nyim), to know. Gr. § 102,2.
O-ni, Ak. mother (not that of the speaker, but of another person);
cf. ena, niwa, onua. pr. 1.
e-n i, honour; di no ni, show him honour, honour him. pr. 900.
ni, a. weak; waye ni, = wagurow; s. nK, merew.
an i, pi. id. 1. the eye or eyes; a look;pr. 2293ff. syn. aniwa (dim.);
m*ani ny6 hhu akyirikyiri ade, / am short-sighted; n'ani abg, his
eyes are destroyed; n'ani biako atu, one of his eyes is taken out; ani
mua n^ ne tew, the twinkling of an eye. — 2. the face, visage, coun-
tenance, cf. anim\ — 3. the face, front, forepart; also the front of
an army. — 4. the face, surface; ntam4 no ani atii, the cloth has be-
come thread-bare, shabby ; asas^ ani, tlie surface of the ground, coun-
try, globe; nsu-aui, po-ani, on the water. — 5. the face, visible pari
(cf. nyame-ani), pr. 2109. outside appearance, extem(d aspect. — 6*.
colour; ntama no ani ahoa = nt. no apa, the cloth has faded, lost
its colour, its colour is gone. — 7. a key-hole; a lock; cf. adakani.
- n'ani here ade (sika, mmea), he covets, desires, eagerly wishes for,
lusts after something (money, women); pr. 2298. 2291. n'ani here a-
d wuma, he cannot rest satisfied till he gets something to do. - n'ani so
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api. 323
biri no, he is giddy > - n'ani bo me so, his look falls an me; n'ani
bota me, he has a look of me, - n'ani Ah u^ he is tired by expecta-
tion, impatient; yeatwen no ma yeii ani abu (ma afonoyen) = ye-
atwen no abSre, we waited for him till we were quite tired. - n'ani
da ho, he is modest, unassuming; he is sober, temperate, moderate,
cool, considerate ; he is awake, in his (sober) senses, in his Hght mind;
n*ani so da ho, he is awake; n*ani da ho kanh, he is fully awake,
lively, brisk, cheerful, quite clear, - n'ani da kwan (so), As. he ex-
pects, is in expectation; n'ani da sa, so is his intention; se m'ani da
ni, so is my intention, thus I have purposed; - n'ani da me so, he
hopes, trusts, confides in me, relies on me; n'ani daa so se meba, he
hoped I wotdd come; n'ani da, akatua so, he hopes for a reward;
m'ani da Nyahkp. so, / trust in God. - n'ani da neho so, he is cau-
tions, circumspect, considerate, - ani ad an (ani ^= surface, appear-
ance), the matter has changed, circumstances have altered, the aspects
are different; omah no ani adan, =man86twe aba omaii no mii, the
people or public a/fairs are in a state of disturbance. - n'ani do nkrAn,
he rages, is furious, frantic, rabid, infuriated. - n'ani dwoy he is quiet,
peaceable, calm, tame, soft, mild, gentle, meek; oye n'ade komm komra;
aboa no ani adwo, the beast has lost its wlldness; cf. n'ani ye mer^w;
opp. n'ani abere; - n'ani advirudwo, he has been softened, appeased,
pacified. - n'ani af a so, he has overlooked it; cf. n'ani apa so, ne
were afi. - n'ani af i, he has arrived at tJic age of discretion, is cun-
ni^ff; cf' n'ani apae, atew; - ani afi, the surface is clean; s. Hi 3.7. -
n'ani afura (Ak. afira), he has become or is blind. - n'ani (a)gyc,
he rejoices, is joyful, glad, cheerful, pr. 2208, 2296 f - n'ani gyina
(ne na, ne kiirom'), he longs, is homesick for (Ms mother, his courUry),
syn. wafe (ne na); cf, n'ani akisa, twa. - n^ani ah aw, he is lazy. -
n'ani ah an, Ais eyes are wide open i.e. he is astonished. - n'ani ahy e
me ho, he has had a glimpse of me, - n'ani ahye w, he has become
passionate; opp. ad^udwo, fiase dwo, ka fam'. - n'ani aka no so,
ato no so dwen, he stares at him. - n'ani k a = gye, he is glad, joyfid;
n'ani aka m'anim, he has become familiar, intimate with me; n'ani
ka me ho, he (or a tame beast) is quite used to me; n'ani ka fam' or
ase, he is quiet, cod, considerate, thotlghtfid, modest, discreet, moderate,
unassuming, = n'ani da ho. - n'ani so ka, he is crazy = ne tirim
k2. — n'ani aIlisa^ he is longing or homesick for. - n'ani kH me ho,
he cares for me <S:c. s. kii. - n'ani kum, lie is sleepy, drowsy, pr, 2298,
324 ani^
- n'ani gyina or kisa, his eye is turned towards, he longs for. - n'ani
wo 80, he bears it in mind. - n'ani awo = n'ani ye den, onsuro
fwe, he is not timid. - n'ani a w u, he is ashamed, abashed; pr. 2S0S.
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- wode aso ani, tliey have fallen in with the enemy, are engaged in
battle or close fight, cf. wode abare aui. - susnw wo ani ^y^ me kakra,
lit. measure your eye take from me little i.e. moderate your demand,
do not ovet charge me. - gtane won ani, he disquiets, disturbs, teazes,
troubles, annoys, deranges them; ohye n^ hia ne awereliow tane nipa
ani. - gtew n*ani, 1. he opens his eye (from sleep); gtetew n'ani, he
opens the eyes; 2. he is cautious, cf n'ani atew. - nsa atew n*ani so,
he has become sober after his intoxication. - gtoto n^ani, he casts his
eyes or looks in different directions, he looks about. - ode n'ani to me
so. he confides or puts his trust in me; ode n'ani too m'anim yco, in
deference to me he did it; fa wo ani to m'agya anim yc* ma me, for
my father's sake do me this favour. - woatu(taj n'ani, they have put
out his eye(s)i in wo ani kyere Sidon, set your face against S. Ez.2S,21.
- woatu won ani de refwe no -^ wgref we no dinn, they set their pier-
cing looks at him; edeh na wututu wo ani refwe or rekyere me, tvhy
do you look at me so piercingly? - ot^an*ani, he turns his eyes, looks
arotmd; pi. wotwitwa won ani, they look around. - otwaa m'ani so
nnyinam, / caught J7(st a glimpse of him. - gwg me h6 ani. he has an
eye upon me, aims at me, seeks to get at me. - eyi n'ani, it (turns off'
his eyes, i.e.) displeases him. - wayi m'ani ahye me hkycnmu, he has
disappointed me. - mekoyi m'ani so kakrsi^ I am going to take a nap.
anf-ase, 1. the cheek; nsensane abien twa n'an., two lines are
cut across his cheek. — 2. the side or slope of a hill: bepgw no ani
ase fa ye kQronkdronkilron, na u'an. fa de, esian hkakra-nkakra;
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o-nihafo, pl.R-y one too lazy to do any thing except eating and
chatting; sluggard; pr. 2^11 ff. syn. gkwadwofo.
^ n i-k a ii [ani, kah] prop, being of a bright or clear eye, i.e. alive,
living; syn. animono; wosieeno an., they buried him alive.
[to sleep.
Anf-kyew [ani, kyew a.] a wry look; obuno an., he eyes him
askance, asktw, he squints at or leers upon him.
nim, v. [Ak. ni, F. nyim; used only in the contin. form; cor-
rel.v. hii, Gr.§ 103,2.] 1, to know; minnim no, miiihQQ no pen, I do
not know him, I never saw him; nira de, to know things; onim d^ s^h
me, Jie has more knowledge than I; nim nyansa, to have wisdom, to
be wise, learned; nim hhomam', to have book-knotvledge, to be in-
structed, educated, learned. — 2. to know or understand how to do
a thing, to be able, can (denoting an acquired ability or skill, de-
pending on knowledge and exercise, Fr. savoir; cf tumi); wnnira
den ye? what can you do? what acquirements or accomplishments
have you? onim ay an or akyene-ka, he can beat the drum; onim
asenka, lie can deliver a speech, is a good speaker; onim nantew, he
is a good walker; minnim ko, I cannot fight; minnim ye, I do not
knoiv how to make it; minnim di, I have never eaten it, do not like it.
Gr. § 203,1. — pr. 2318-50.
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328 aiiim.
recognition, recognizance; pre-eminence; victory, triumph; cf. nko-
nim. Meye ade y\ mama me wnra, na manya n^anim nim ; nim ne
ade a woaye so ayeyi a woyi wo ; wode abanins^ra na eye, eny^
adgw n.a.; ohene ko a neo, odi nim. — ^y^i nim, to gain the victory;
di nim, to triumph,
B) waba n'anim dodo, he has gone too far with his promise. -
obu n'anim = oyiyi ne nhwi ano, he shaves off the hairfram the fore-
head. - of we m'anim ye, he does it frotn respect to, in deference to or
with a regard for me; pr.262. syn, ode n'ani to m'anim ye, s, ani;
odi asem a, of we onipa anim yiyi mu, in litigations he has respect
of persons; cf, Bxim. 2,11. James 2,1.4. - okum or omuna n'anim, he
darkens his face, is sullen, sulky, gloomy. - okyi m'anira, he dete^
me. - oye m'anim nkyene, he flatters me, speaks well of me in my
hearing; s. nkyene. - oyi n'anim (ye), he sets his face, has the in-
tention (to do something^, is serious, earnest, upright (in doing some-
thing): mayi (m')anim se merekycrewnhoma^ne, / have the decided
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animma — aniinutete. 329
- opirim n^anim, he sets his face fixedly^ has the decided intention^
is fully resolved (to). — otiatia in*anim, fie scorns, disdains, abuses
me; opp. ohu me, odi me ni.
nimdee, F. uyimdz^, inf. [nimde] knowledgCy under standing y
intelligence^ wisdom; s. nyansa. — wahu or wanya or owg n., fie pos-
sesses knowledge^ isintelligenly wise, prudent, considerate ;pr,191.3355.
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o-n 1 ni, pi a-, 1. the male of animals; pr. 2359, akoko yi ye n.;
it occurs espec. in cpds. (odwennini, ak6konini, nantwinini, opon-
konini &c.) Gr. § 41. — i. a person distinguished in or notable for
something, reputable, notorious; - onipa yt, oye 'nini, s.eb. oye opa-
nyin bi a owo sika bebre na owo nnipa. Deriv. anfmma, ninkuna,
— t w e n., ^ 6e jealous.
nninVv^o [din, wo, cf. kwawo] the bare name without the offi-
cial title ; gbg me n., he addresses me unceremoniously.
ani-nyan-ne [ani, nyan, ade] ^ro^. things which make the eyes
get sotir (?) i.e. torments, extreme pains, severe suffering; pr. 2361
oy^ me an., he torments me, inflicts excruciating misery upon me.
o-n f pa, pl.n- [F. nyimpa] 1. man, a man, human being, person
(it may be used also of God or spirits) ; pi. men, people ;pr. 2362-2439.
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o-n i p a-m u [miS, a.] i. a compJeie many the whole man or person;
wo n. yi, meinp^ wo (metan wo, medo wo); onipa mii a ote ho» ade
ky§ a, ony^ fwe; adidi nko na odidi, he is an idlefdlow; aU day
long he does nothing but eat, — ^. a full i.e. fresh or vigorous man:
wo D. a wugyina bo yi, wuntumi hkukura adaka yi! such a strong
man as you should he able to lift up this box! — 3. an excellent, dis-
anguished, honourable, eminent man.
a n i-s 0- w o h 0, self-complacency.
n i-sii [ani, Ji8n]tear(s); more frequently pronounced nusii, q.v.
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332 aniwa — iino.
^nf wa, pL id. F. anyiwa, anjaa [ani, dim.] 1. the eyt as the or-
gan of sight or vision; pr. 2444ff. — obu n'an., he shuts his eyes; cf.
aniwabubu, mia, roQaf tew; n'aoiwam^ aye ktir6nn or h6, his eyes
lie deep, are sunk in their orbits, he is hollow-eyed (from leanness or
by nature); n'an. di atwasi, his eyes are rolling from pride, haugh-
tiness, anger. — 2. the eye of a plant, hud, sprout, germ. — 3. nsu
an., a well or spring of water, fountain, source, — 4. of other things
resembling an eye: a) pane an., the eye of a needle, syn. pane aso
or fwene; h) the eye or catch for a hook; c) adaka an., key-hole, c/".
adakani. — a. aniwa-so: F. anyiwa-do, outward, I Pet. 3^. n'anyi-
wa-do, rightly and duly. Cf ani-hayi.
aiiiwam'-kekaw, s. gkekaw, 3.
o-n 0, pron. he, she; him, her; me-ne no ko, / and lie (or she) fight
i.e. / fight with him (or her). The poss. form is n e (F. ne & no), his,
her, its. For the pi. won is used. Gr. § 53-59.
e-uo, pron. it; pl.enoy enonom, they, used of things; pron. poss.
ne, its, their. In the place of an object it is usually omitted. Gr.§202,4.
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mo. 333
b) point, upper end, top {cf. ti, atifi, fweti, opp. ase) ; peaw ano, the
point of a spear; - sting, prick, prong. — c) the outer or utmost part
or end, tip: tekrema, nsatea ano, the tip of the tongue, of the finger;
onam ne nan ano, he walks on tiptoe. — d) the remotest or hindmost
patis, extreme end, extremity, limit, termination, boundary; ofi asase
ano nohg bae, he came from the uttermost parts of the earth. Mat. 12,42.
eny^ ano bi ni (lit. there is not: some limit is here, i.e.) there is no
end to be seen, it is excessive, infinite, unspeakable, indescribable;
ohaw a ghaw me ny6 ano-bi-ni; Gr.§137. ehg awgw ny^ ano-bi-ni,
the cold there is or was excessive. — e) tJie fore or foremost rank,
point, part or parts, the front: ogyina dgm ano, he stands at the front
of an army. — />. iJie space along, at the end or border; the place of
performance; = prepp. on, at, along; Gr. § 1 1 9. gwg n'adwuraa ano,
he is at his work; onam ano ano, he walks along the shore (of the sea),
Gr. § 1 28. — 6. the end, limit, or bounds of a heap, collection or
number of things; number, amount, sum: the icorth or price of a
thing: wonniano, they have no end, are numberless; wodiano (they
adjust the end), they agree about or stipulate a sum to be paid, they
come to terms. — 7. the (well')defined state or condition, order; §wg
ano ano ano, every thing has its order; cf. wg-ano; me de, mahu me
de ano ampa, I do know hoiv my matters stand; neho ano, his own
welfare, pr. 977. — 8. efficacy, efficiency, onward course, power,
strength, severity: awia ano ye den, the heat of the sun is ven/ great;
ehg awgw ano ye den, the cold is very severe there; ne yare ano ye
deii, his sickness is very severe; ne tumi ano ab6re ase, the efficien-
cy of his power hasMbated; ma nebSre no ano mmfere ase, grant
thai his sufferings be mitigated; wabSre ne bra-bone ano ase, he has
moderated tJie course of his bad conduct. — 9. agreement with ; =
prepp. after, according to; gye no brgfo nsa fino, he performs it after
the fashion of the Europeans. Gr. § 131,4. — 10. answering or cor-
responding to, on account of, for: gsom me kaw no ano, he serves
me for that debt; bgme bosea dare du, na wobg me a, mesom wo
ano. — 11. opposition to, counter-action to; prep, against: gy are no
ano aduru ni, this is the medicine against that disease. —
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whcU y&u have got to say; n'aiio a obuei anto» he had begun to speak,
hut did not finish. - n*ano ato me, his mouth has reached me i.e. he
has spoken had of me; da n'ano veto wo, he always speaks iU of
yoUy challenges you; - n'ano toto, he speaks confusedly; oka asem
no a, - ontumi nka mma en tee, he cannot relate it aright. - m'ano
ntwae e, my mouth is not yet cut off, i.e. / have my own mouth still,
I also have something to say, - n'ano a wo (wose), he is eloquent, has
a voluble tongue, — n'ano ye birebire, kiirokiiro, p6rcpere, he is
hasty, inconsiderate, indiscreet in speaking. - n'ano ye de papa, dew
dodo, doko, fr^mfrem, his mouth or tongue is (too) sweet, i.e. he is a
flatterer. - ano ye den, s. ano S. - n'Ano ye den, he has a sJtarp
tongue, uses strong, ahusive language, is quarrelsome; pr, 194.571. -
n'ano ye duru, Jie is not talkative; he is close, reserved; netam or
n^amoase. ano ye diirn, his purse is heavy, lie has a well-lined purse,
pr. 493. - n'ano ye t6ro, torofe-tftrofo, he has a slippery mouth i.e. he
cannot keep silence or secret, he hlunders out or lets out secrets* -
n'anom' ahunu, ahyehye no, pr. 264. - ano aknni or asiara, the edge
has hecome hlunt, dull. - n'anom' (cf. ano 1.) akiini or asiam, his
mouth is tasteless or undone, lie has lost his appetite. - n*anom* atew,
/*€ Jias recovered his appetite. - n'anom' ye no de, he has a licketish
mouth, likes dainties. —
noa, t;. to cook (aduan, food, nam, meatjy to boil (nsu, water)\
pr. 24S7ff. — noa gsa, to prepare for war by some superstitions pro-
ceedings: boiling certain herbs and sheep's blood, mentioning the
enemy's leaders and calling on the fetish to make them weak. —
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wanoa bgre asa neho, he has prepared poison to stick fast in him-
self, = waka as^mmone agu neho so, watdio nehd ano, watow dna
afwe neho so, he has injured or slandered his own character.
a no-da- so [ano a eda so] the upper lip; an. bogyese, mustaches;
gyaw an. bogyese, to grow muslachios,
ano-f^fa, the Up or lips (ase an., tJie lower lip, gsoro an., the
upper lip) ; F. anofamfa, Mk, 7,6,
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o-nof66 [nea gfow obi ano] one who makes one's motiOi moist or
fat (fofo, with meat), a benevolent nourisher, heneficient enteriainer
(wosom no a, womS, omm^ wo ano nbod).
6no-k6 [ano, oko] lit. mouth- fighting, dispute; jest, raHlery; wo-
(t^i)twa on., they have a dispute with each oilier; g-ne no twa on.
{or di akdsd) kwa, he is merely jesting with him.
An6kwi', pr. n. m.
him; b) lie acts according to his promise, deals faithfully with him.
anom* |ano mu] th^ mouthy viz. the inmlc of it, espcc. as the or-
gan of taste; s. an o, 1.12, with the phr. n'anoin akum, atew, ye no
de; §;yo anom, tow anom toa mA; pr,2AG4ff. - wososp n'anom' anka,
they drop lemon-juice into his mouth (to he spit out) i.e. they in a cun-
ning way and with ill intention compel him to give his opinion.
anom'-kekaw, s. okekdw 1.
a no ma, dim. anoma, 7>Z.n-, 1. bird, fowl ; pr. 248 Iff. cf. atuboa,
atakraboa; an. atu ncnnam dan ho, a bird flics about the house; -
ko nn., to fold, to shoot birds; y i nn., to catch birds. — ^. a certain
appurtenance to a weaver's loom. — 3. Phr. anka anoma, without
any exception.
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nnoii-kde, s. donkoe.
ano-pd [ano pa] a mouth that tises pleasant language ;pr. 2458-60-
a good or friendly reply; gma me ano-pd, opp. anob6w.
o-no-se [ano, se] F. concord; b o on. tSna (awar m), to live to-
gether (in the state of matrimony).
ano-sfn, one witJioid lips, whose lips are cut off by way of
punishment; cf asosin,
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— 4. na abe, to get out the palni-nui-cluster from near the stem and
between the branches, by pricking or pushing with a long-handled
pick or digging bill, to pick or gather the palm-niUs from the trees.
e-uu, ttco, both; this simple form is only used in counting and
in compounds; more frequent is the cpd. form abien' (= abienii),
mmienii; won bfinu, both of them. Gr.§ 77.80. fr. 1390.1731.1859.208L
tree, and its fruit called MonTcey's-hread, having the size and shape
of the long hanging breast of an elderly woman.
mim, F. s. onua. - nniam-benyiii = nna-barima-nom.
an u-o ny a m, Ak. animonyam, F. anyimnyam [n'anim ye nyam]
Vit.. splendour of the face, hence L glory, splendour, brilliancy, excel-
lency, celebrity, honour, dignity. — 2. condescension, grace, farour,
undeserved kindness. — o-nuonyamfo, 7)?. a-, a glorious, praisewor-
thy, eminent, excellent, illustrious, celebrated, person, — anuonyani-
po, inf. eagerness for glory or distinction, ostcntcdion, prct^ntiousne:?^,
selfishness. — anuonyan-hunu,-pe, vain-glory, boast fulness, empttf
pride. — aniionyannc [adc^] glorious thing.s, deeds, actions.propcrties.
nil ura-mii, inf. [dura mu] J. the act of lining, finishing the in-
side of dc. — J2. the lining of the inside.
niirfi, r. s. nunti.
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nusii, uisii [aiii nsii] tear, tears; n. gu, tears are sited ;pr. 1509.2508.
— n. jitatn no, tears stand in his eyes; n. abu ne kon, tears start
from her ctfcs, slie bursts into tears; n. tere or tetere no, tears (juali
oaf, trickle or run dotvn the cJwek; -=c n'aniwa poroporow nsu.
o-ny ii, pi. a-, slave (prob. called so from his or her being bought
or acquired); pr.2534. cf. akoa, afana', odonko, anyenson; odi me
nya, he deals tvith me cruelly, sets me hard to work.
ny'a, adv., a., n., slowly, tardily; pr. 719. — slow, alack, tardy,
lazy, languid, drawling, drowsy, sluggish; — slowness, tardiness.
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nny dfiu [ogya mfih] an old fire, fig. an old palaver, pr. SUi.
0-njhm6y (no pi.) 1. heaven, sky, pr. 227. 2052,, prob. called so
from its splendour or brightness, cf. nyam and the root div- in Sans-
critic languages; c/lgsoro, \vim\pr. 234.1653,2436.2538^777 J2787^S55.
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term for God only to one supreme being). Cf. nyankonr^ Onyaiikopon.
— 3, Ouyain6, pr. n. of a slave, given him in acknowledgment of
the help of God enabling the owner to buy the slave. Other names
of this kind are : Onyame-as^m, Onyame-ye-adom.
sk^ in which the sun, moon and stars are seen. — o-nyame-bayerc,
o-nyamesenkafo, preacher.
the stomach; the sour or pungent smell of a lish being carved; nam
nanso eyi hiia a ema onipa bo yerew no; - ^y^ me nyane, U (6.g.
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any an-ko, inf. [ko anyan] tbe going for tco^td or fad.
lives and under his dominion the departed spirits of good men. R.
nkrabed, hyebea.
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anyansa-ye: woyec wgnbo any., they behaved wisely.
liny an sin fogya nih] a large log of wood used for fuel; ycasg
niiy. a no, we have kindled a fire of two logs of wood placing their
burning ends opposite to each other.
nnycpi, the (upper & lower) ^a/t;; cheek-hone; the gum(s); cf.
nny era, a kind fyi pepper; s. mako. [abogye.
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k nyin am, v.n. lightning; any. apa, apa any., osoro pa or tew
any., itligJUens; pr.510. (any., epa kwa naentumi nyc fwe; naosra-
man de, epae, na enya nipa a, ekumno, na enya dua a, epaem*;)
obi bo wo ani so a, na wo ani pa any., if one strikes you in the eye,
it flashes with light. — anyinam-ahOodent, electric power.
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nyo, F. =c k6ra.
Words beginning with 1111 or nw, nw, and not found here,
seek under g, or dw, or hw, or w & w.
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nft iia-daii, inf, [gua, dan' r.] saUf opportunitif to selL return for
goods sold, pr, 820.
Q-fi warn, pL a-, a large bird (with a large bill), feeding on palm-
nuts; toucan, Bhamphastos. pr.2566ff.
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nwini — 0. 351
o* o. o.
The vowel sounds o, o, 9, o, & 5, 0, o, 5, & oe, oi, & ow, ow,
ow (Gr.§2-5.17.19A.) frequently interchange and are intermixed
in the alphabetical arrangement, especially in compounds.
in our books represents both the full & the narrow o; cf.
Gr. § 1 Bern. ^. & § 2.
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352 pa.
The letter p lias the same sound in Twi that it has in Eiiglisli.
It occurs before pure and nasal vowels and interchanges with Taud
\v in a few instances, e.g. promprom (F.). potow, posow, patiriw,=
frgmfrom, fgtgw, wosow, watiriw.
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pa — epa. 853
p a, t?. Ak. s. paw. F. to choose, elect,, select, Mt. 20M 24,22 Ji4.
(13,49. pa .. fi .. ho, to sever from among).
mpa, conch, bed, any thing to sleep on, mat, mattress, cloth, board
drc. F. = kete; cf. mp^boa, mpadud, mpatiA, owup4, gyarepA.
e-pa, pi. a-, a curved iron closing round the wrist of a prisoner
and fixed in a block; (diff. m] hush, handcuff, manacle;) wgabgnopa
rt= wgabg no duam\
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p&, nipa, pam', the lower part of the hack, where the ilium is
joined to the lumbar vertebrae; loinSy reins, mmp; pr. 3173, syn.
sisi, sisiakyi. — katampa, to cover the rear, to conclude (or he hin-
dermost, he the last in) a train of persons. Cf. mparaden.
J2. a stroke with the flat hand; wodi mpa n.s. wosi ntew ma obi twa
mpa, he gives him a stroke with the palm of his hand, senea wotoAe.
ptl-dua, the log or block of wood in which the iron called pa,
securing the hand of a prisoner, is fixed.
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— b) to lay open, display; pae mu se, say it plainly, frankly, pr. 2580.
Gr. § 234. — 6. to exclaim (thereby rending the air), to cry out;
gsen pae: tro! the Jierald cries: Attend! - pae mm^rah, to give a sur-
name; opae ohene mmaraii, he cries out the titles of the king (in his
praise) ; pae din, s. 15. — woapae gnah no, i^tey (by the town-crier
and his bell, s. dawuru) have made publicly known that the sheep has
been lost; - wgpae no saneb§ne, they want him to say the watch-word,
to make himself known as a friend or enemy; - p. hum, to announce
or proclaim the ohum custom or festival. — 7. to cackle; cfy kwane.
14. pae 80, to add; fa pae so, = fa pa so, fa bo so, fa ka ho; yea-
nyji odoro apae dom so, ive have received grace upon (in addition to)
grace, cf.John 1,16. — 15, pae din; gpae ne din, Jie separates i.e. for-
bids his name and gives him another; kanno wgfre no se: Dannya-
me, na ne wura apae ne din ato no Fasadamase. (Gye wo akoa iiko
na wobetnmi apae ne din.) — 16. to call the name of b. person, at
the same time invoking the power of a higher being for good or bad;
to curse; wakgpaeme ama Kyenku; cf. mpae^.
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paep^e^ s, pftpae.
mpaepd6, v. w. cracky chink in the wall, gronnd &c.
paewd [pae, dim.'] a small hag platted like mats,
mpa-fe, pains in the side; pr. 2561,
pots), salt and other things; cf. bed^w, akgtw^, ky^hkySu. — ^Sfi^^^
apakan kes6 a wode soa nnipa, ap. a mmarima de soa nno ni nsa.
p. kese, Mt 8,24.
where the meals are taken (s. asA-sb); c/*.pia, pnmpunu, dabekyiri.
2. pi. m-, a lame person; gye ap., he is lame; ap. na otg dwonku a.8.
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pam, <;. [inf. apam, red. (?) pompam] to enter into a confeder-
acy, to confederate, unite in a league, join in a covenant; gmah yi
ne man yi apam, these two nations arc confederate, allied by treaty;
won bann p^me ; me n^ wo bepam ato ho, Gen. 6,18. 21,27. cf apam. -
pam .. tiri so, F. pam ., do, Mt 12,14. to conspire against, hold a coun-
cil against,
e-pam, pl.m- (cf. pam, v. 4.), a stick pid in the ground by the
aide of a planted yam, a stay; dua biara a wgde si gd6 ma eforo
kobua so (wgde d^ no f^ h6); worekotwa sa nnua a, wuse: meko-
twd pdm a. mekgb6 pdm; cf. apammg, pamfi. pr.l298.
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pam-fi, pi, a-, a bundle of sticks (5. pam); any large bundle, n
heavy load; wakyekye nhoma no p. asoa me, he ha^ given me a largt
pack of books to carry; yen bone a woakyekyeno p. de asoa lesu
no, ense se own ana?
[yr. 1017,
sieved and boiled with red plantains or bananas. [6. pampa, aflata.]
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is used of the 2d); wdpAn duba, dadewa {diff. hon); wopempan' aha-
ban ; obi ntntni mpan won me nsam^ John 10^8 f, Syn. pen, tew,hiiam.
pin, V, [red. porapan] p. mu, ^ leave a void, an empty or blank
space, a distance between; wode ntumpah sisi ho a, pompan mu na
atnmobo; -ma pah, to be distant from each other: Akyem hktirow
mn pan, Ahem totvns are at great distances from each other. Syn. tan,
pan, m-, a, 1. empty, void; odah pan = odah hunu ; F. Mt 12,44,
espec. in cpds., cf oddmpah, nsapah, yafumpah. — da mpah, to be
empty, void, — J2. adv. won adah sisip^h pllh, their houses are built
at considerable distances from each other. — 5. = k wa, hunu : meny6
wo biribi pah hko a, woyaw me, though I have not committed even
the least thing against you, you scold me !
[bo or bom' p.
dmp^ii', Ak. dpan6, pi. m-, a species of bat; cf. afwenakroh,
afw^r^d^, gpantw^fenlni. pr.231.
o-pani, pi. a--fo, a person who works for wages, hired labourer
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.*^G(» a[»ansf — nipanyinsem.
apa-nsi, inf. [si apam] the act of putting in Hie siaifs for the
o-pdny ifo, pi. a-, [pam, yi] one expelled or banished, exitc. out-
cast; nea woapam ayi no.
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m p d-as e, i. the lower part of the bed, = anaf6, nea wo nan kyere
ho. — A?, adv. unawares (prop. /row under the bed); cf mpaso;
Asantefo abefi yen mp., the Asantes have come over tis unexpectedly;
edgm biara rentumi mfa won mp., no enctny can take them by sur-
prise; wgahyewno mp., or mpaase-hy^w, they have burned the bush,
which he had cut, before he was ready for it, Gg. in his absence they
have done something at tahich he ougJit to have been present.
patsiy v. 1. to ward off, keep off, prevent; wop. wo ka, you arc
kept from debt, pr. 157L — 2. to quell or quench the fire of a burning
house. — 3. (to make straight, plain, level) fig. to adjust, settle, com-
pose; to assuage, appease, allay, soften, sooth, quiet, pacify; to recon-
cile, conciliate, propitiate; to expiate, atone for; pata asem, to ad-
just a law-suit; mepataa won manso, I reconceUed their difference;
wapata ghene, lie has propitiated the king; wapata ne mfomso, ne
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o-pataf6, j>Z. a-, sloven, slut, slattern; onipa a oye neho saka-
saka na onsiesie ne biribiara yiye; gsee ade na gye n*ade fi; cf.
obufo, burn (burum).
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mpatantwer — ap^w. 365
mpa-tirim\ inf. [pa, pae, tiri mu] the parting of the hair on the
top of the head.
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pe, V. [red. pepe] 1. to seek, pr. 818. to search for, procure, pro-
vide, to try to get; pe bdrg-hhoma bi ma me, get me a piece of paper.
— pe ade, to seek riches, try to become rich; pe ade nya, to gather
riches, become rich, make a fortune. — 2. to desire, wish, want, will,
be willing, intend, followed by an objective complement and a verb
in the consec. form or by the conj. se, pr. 2647 ff. 266 L Gr.%2bQE€nK;
ope mo aye, he would like to be in your place; ope se ohu ade nbina
kronkron, he wants to know everything clearly; mempe wo agom,
/ do not want to have you for my play-mate or friend, pr. 415. —
3. pentemye, to be quick in doing, to do quickly, pr. 418. — 4. repe
followed by the consec. form of another verb, to be going to; afei na
erep§ adah atntuw, now it would probably have come (or, it nearly
came) to a quarrel. — 5. to like, love, be fond of, Gr. § 203 Bern.;
memp^no, / do not like him; ampah pe sum, the bat likes the dark;
mepe n'asem, I like him lit. his word i.e. his conversation, I am
fond of him; - mempe n'asem, I will have nothing to do with him. —
pe atutuw, to be quarrelsome; ope atntuw dodo nti obiara mp4
n'asem, because he is very quarrelsome, nobody will have any thing
to do with him; - pe adifude, to be greedy. — 6. to love a person
of the other sex. pr. 2666.
0-pe, inf. 1. will, desire; wope a wope nye, thy will be dope
(Mt. 26,42.); ope na mepee se mehu wo anim, I have heartily desired
to see thy face (Lk. 22,15); cf. apede. — 2. love or affection for a per-
son of the other sex, amorous passion; ope fi dompem', love comes
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from the inmost heart, the hearfs core, prop, from the interior of the
mpe, the matter found sometimes, espec. after the sleep of the
night, in the corner of the eye^pr, 615, oto.. ho mpe (e.s. obo biribi
din dimmone se eny6 fe, osopa no), he speaks of it despicably, con-
temptuously. Ex, 14,31,
pe, V. to fleer, gibe, flout, sneer, scoff, mock at; ope no, he mani-
fests his contempt of him by producing a sound tcith the vibrating
lips, espec. the lower lip (prr).
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368 \) ^h — o pdha.
o-j)e-bere, the time in which the harmattan blows (s. ope), the
dry season.
pebiakrro, s, akyenkyena.
ap^-de [ope ade] 1. Ak. nea wgpe, uill, desire; F. apedze {ho-
nam n'ap., s^inftd desires of the flesh), — J2, Ky. = ade a wgape,
things acquired, riches; Akr. adepede. — 3. nea gbarima de akye
nempSnft, love-token, love-favour; the j;nce of a whore.
0-p (5gy afo, pi. a-, heir, inheritor, successor; pr. 2950, — gye me
p. = nea mepe ade magyaw no.
apegyebi, s. apeabegyebi.
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apem-nfe-aaa, s. mpenna.
pem-m6, inf. [bgpem]: bg p., to fall down or backward into
a sitting posture; pr. 415.3280. cf. dgmpemmg.
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pempen, red.v, pen; to pull, drag, draw forth, put forth, take
along with violence, Ac, 19,29. 33,
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ever been in this town? maba ha pen, I have been here once; mam-
mA ha pen, I have never been here; wokoo ho pen ana? did you
ever go there? mako ho mpeu anah, / have been there four times;
onyare pen, ?ie is never ill; mentee pen, I never heard it; pr. 1906.
— cf, mpreh, preko, mpgrennu, mpgrensfi; ahorow, ntow. — 3. in
cpds: a series, row, number or succession of things presenting them-
selves together, at the same time or in the same manner; cf, dap^ii,
ky^repen, abup^n, nk6p^h, tip6n, bu^p^n, ascmp^n.
pen [obsol.] the upper part of the chest about the collar-bone.
p6n [full e] 1, a single stroke on, or beat of, the drum, or the
sound of it: pen ny^ ay an; pr, 2678. — J^. the sound of breaking:
dua no abu p^ii (pen pen), (diff. pep^p^p^); s. pen-pen. — 3. pen
pen, the sound of a slow and measured pace, firm steps; pr. 1107. o-
nantew' p.p., he walks with measured steps; cf. pan pan.
0-peii, by-name of the dog; s. okraman.
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perego, s. prego.
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me dena eye, na nea ebeye no, oko aba; - ap., emu ye den a, ropoa-
twa na aba.
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p 6-siy inf [si pe] abstinence frotn sleep at night, the act of keep-
ing awake, a wake, night-waking; watch, vigil; lucubration.
- bo., pete, to scatter, dissipate, disperse; syn. pansam, fwete; cf. pe.
o-p et6, pi. a-, vulture, carrion-kite ;pr, 2687 ff, — by-names: ko-
kosakyi, akrampa, kwakye, oborobin. — opete-tak&ra, a feather
of a vulture. — opete-ntgn, = ntomme, a kind of palm?
pete a, pi. m-, finger-ring, of gold or silver; ohye sika p.; cf.
ka , tohkoka , nomllfuru.
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p\, adv. very, truly, indeed; asem a woka yi §wom* pi, ete sa
pi ; syn. ampa. F. papa ara pi. Mk. 7fi.
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ward; pr, 1142,1144. pia brfiku yi ma me, pmh this book towards me;
meye biribi a, on'na opia me, if I am doing any thingj it is ke thai
helps me in it; - to command j order. — pia gy am\ to stir, poke or
rake the fire; - wopla kohyee ho go, they thronged to the spot (crowd-
ing it); - opia biribi so, he aims at something, directs his efforts to-
wards something.
])\kyiypl.m-y mattress.
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pin tin n, a, <fb adv. firm, 'ly, fixed, constant, completely; wusi
dua bi na eye p. a, wuse: Atim; awia gyina p., the sun has exact-
ly its highest stand; awia p. = awia kete; me ho ye p., my health
is excellent, firm, unshaken, constant.
pirebi, a basket with a lid, madeof kub6 leaves, used for car-
rying provisions or preserving clothes; cf. s^sea, kyerenkye.
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emnieD bio, if the yam is not well roasted in tJie beginning, it remains
hard, and does not become softer by continued or repeated roasting;
aduah a wonoa nda noa na entumi mmen, wose: apirim; ekura a
wototo a emmeii, wuse: ap. — Phrases: ne koma ap. = ne k. ye
den na ontie asem biara a woka kyereno, afotits^m biara nkom';
opirino neho or ne koma, he hardens himself or his heart, so that he
does not listen to advice; opirim^ netirim\ he took courage; pirim
woanim, take heart or courage, do itmanfuUy; opirim n'anim tu no
fo, he boldly (or earnestly) admonishes or forewarns him.
[G. aHaU.]
pfti, swoon, fainting-fit; to p., to become weak, fidgett'y, rest-
less, senseless, to swoon away, faint, espec. from hunger; pr. 32i?3. -
to cause to faint: okgm na eto nnipa p.; cf, to beraw, twarc.
plti, leprosy, = kwata, fa-woho-kodi, mifua-duam*.
5-pi ti, a jamping insect.
apiti, the name of a small bird; anoma ketewa bi, osow nnipa
se; neho nwran-nwran, neho kankan, ne ntak&ra mn boii so, na-
nso wodi.
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po — p6. 381
p Q, V. Ak. s. pow.
— 10, to growl, gnarl, snarl (as a dog, leopard, lion, bear); c/lpgw.
— 11, po so, to rattle in the throat in the last struggle before death;
pi. wgpopo so. — 12, to beat: po nhoma, to curry leather by a pro-
cess of scraping, cleansing, beating, smoothing and colouring ; mmoa
nhoma na wodah ani maeho dwo (Hie hides of animals arc dressed
and prepared that they become soft and pliant), na wode di adwini
biara; etgd. wode hye fam' ma eho dwo na woapo so hhwi no, na
woahye no kgko a.s. tuntum, a.n. wode aye mpabod, utoa, mmoha,
eky§w, hkotoku n.a. — 13. po abrgbe, to sever or extract the fibres
from the leaves of the pine-apple; wgboro abrgbe-ahaban na wg-
^ere so na woyi mu abrgbe-mfuturu no.
apo (pL id.) fetters, shackles for the feet, = poky ere, m-.
p6, mpo, (full o) adv. even; nay; mpo madi awu a, aiika wgn-
y6 mh sf, even if I had committed a murder, they would not deal
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382 pQ — ap6kd.
poa, pi, m-: i\^&., poa, to challenge, defy, with words, espec
by the use of debasing or vilifying expressions; otwa me poa, wo-
twit^a yen mpoa.
o-pO'd bj phtk'i a large pot to keep water in; pr. 2702. cf. ataliina.
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cf. nufu
feVj deli
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kora no anim ap^ that old man has a wrinMtd fact; op. ne moma,
he knits his brows, — 3. to tcriihe tcUh pain or agony. — 4. to bend
or wind in manifold curves: asu no ap. = akonton, akjeakjea.
mpomponsa, three cues or hom-Uke twists of hair.
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g-p o u k 6, pi. a-, F. m-, horse, pr. S707ff. - Q-pQuko-bd, pi. a-, coif,
foal. - o-poiiko-h6r6 J pi. & -.mare. - o-ponko-nini,j?Z.a-, sfoZZioti.-
O'poukQ'SSL^jpLei', castrated horse, gelding. — gpQiiko-furum,t»wZc,
an animal generated between a horse and a she-ass (cf. afurumpohko,
— between a he-ass and a mare).
aponko-ndii: wasi ap., he stands astride, having set one foot be-
fore the other; he strides.
o-pou-k(Uok6ro, door-hinge.
pgnse, 17. [Eng.] Akp. F. to punish; cf twe aso, f>Ve, tua ka.
mpgnse (F. Akp.), punishment.
g-p6n-ntd, folding-doors, folding-gate.
mpon-tQre, door-hinges; iron ligaments of a door. pr. 3.328.
ap6n-t6w, inf. [tow pon] feast, feasting, banquet, banquetting;
luxury, delicate living; wode ap. nko na egye wgn ani.
* •
ap6ii-iiud, Ak. aponnwa, pi, m- [open, agua] the frame of a
door or window, pr. 2711.
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popo, red, v., to shake, tremble dr. s. po, espec. under J2.3.6
popo [G. kpekpe] a kind of cloth; Ak. aweree; s. ntaroa.
mp6p6, a native dish made of maize. [G. kpekpe.]
p6pQ, s. p6. — popo', = ofuruntum.
popo, = abonuA, atwap6, from the sound of cutting, s. p6.
po'pft, red.v.y s. po'.
apopobibfri, 1. the dark-green or dirty film on the ground
where water has been spilled or on stagnant water, consisting of
tiny water-plants, algae; (wuguare gu a, na fam' aye tumm, wofre
no ap.) — 2. dark-green moss on stones or trees; pr.3S70. cf. abo-
so-iihwi, dua-ho-nhwi. — 3. a. dark-green.
popododobi, s. nantwi,
apopokyfkyi, a kind of river-fish, pr, 2716.
popomporitwa, a custom performed with females arrived
at puberty ; wgye no p. = wogoru no bra, e.s. ababa bi a oboe bra
wode gudd n^ hnwinnc n^ nhenepd hyehye no to dwom di n'akyi
de no ko asura' kognare no bo no asu de no ba ofie na w6y^ no aye:
nkesua, ntrama n.a.
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g-porontom', 5. opSnontom*.
poruwa, a, s. poriwa.
posa, v. [red.] 1. to rub (with the hands); p. ta, to rub the to-
bacco; ntama no abiri, mep., the dress is dirty, I am rubbing it; a-
wgw ade me nsa na mep., my hands are cold, therefore I am rub-
bing them; mep. mekoko so, I am rubbing my chest; wgde dgte p.
n^ani, they fmb dirt into his face or eyes. — ^. to break or crush the
strength of any one : gyare no ap. no, he has become lean and feeble
by the sickness.
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0-p6s f e, Ak. opi^ie, the first child; me (ba) p. ni. (R. ihcyoungeM
child, a child horn to a man in his old age.) Cf, abakaii & apopa-
ydm\ okd^kjiri.
houses; strait, defile; alley, thoroughfare; wafa mp. hayi; cf. afae.
finger; cf pore.
[1 Cor. 15,42,
p5t0, a, dirty y filthy, nasty; ne ntama or no ho aye (fi) p., ne
ho ye p. = neho ye fi dodo.
2. s. botofo, patafo.
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poturopodwo, s. botttrobodwo.
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tumor; knob; n^aoim wopoWyhe has a bump on his face; n*ano ahore
pow, his mouth is swollen (by accident or by natare) ; pr. Ido. 163. —
menewaase pow, a>a wen on the ikroai, goitre, struma: b) grudgt,
pique, spite: oyi ne m. p., he gives vent to his anger. — ^. couglo-
balion, conglomeration; mogja apQW-apow, clots of blood; cf epow.
pt.m-, — 3. curlf ringlet; Abfirokjiri nnaan no ho nhwi je apow-
apow. — 4. knot; pow yi ye den se. mintnroi mensan, this knot is
too tighty I cannot untie it; -ho or s\ p., to tie (in or into) a knot:
si wo nsa so pow = bo so bama na wo were amfi; - bo hama p.,
to tie a rope into a knot; - bo tirim p., to design, project, plan, de-
pise, to make apian, project, design, plot. — 5. knuckle, protuberant
joint, espec. of the fingers; cf. nanpgw, nannwea; gteetee n'apow
nin, ^ stretches himself, lit. his joints, he takes exercise, walks; oje
me apgw s^ ad^, he treats me badly, cruelly.
mpow, the new tubers of yam growing after those of the first crop
from the head which has been cut off and planted again; ode awo-
atu na aka ne ti wo fam\ od6 a wopan mmotokroma a esah bo no,
od6 a wpapan dedaw na abg mpow no; s. posi. Wo mpow mfew da,
your capacities wiU never be developed.
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pradadada, s. paradada.
O-prae, ph a-, broom, besom; sgn. ohttae; cf. tui; - wgpe asem
80 prae, theg are too inquisitive.
prak 0, ^Z. m-, hog, swine, porker, pr. 499.5So. [Port, porco, G.
kploto', old: kproko.JCy. batafo. — prako-ba, /)///, porket. — prako-
bere, smo. — prako-dan, hog-cote, pig-sty. — prako-n?iin, pork. —
prako-niui, boar.
pr^ma, pramma, pi. m-, [fr. pra, to sweep?] 1. a lane betvi een
houses, cf. nnantam\ brgh. — 2. a large yard enclosed by 6 lo 8
liouses, not forming part of the main street; a place, a broad w ty
or open space in a town; court-yard.
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hOfi me kah? idl me plainly: where did you see me first? — syn^^,
pefe, pete, fann. — ^. ftUlyy in the whole; kaw no nhina si ahe pr.?
wMt is the full amount of the debt? — 3. pretty much or many, pretUf
far or long; mad6w mak^ m'anim pr. = kakra ara g§nn, / Mre
advanced pretty far in clearing the ground (from weeds or trees);
midii nna pr. or mekjee pr. wo ho = mekyec kakra, I stayed there
for a good while.
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prew, v. s, p§r§w.
prim, 5. pirim.
gtoo n*anyiwa apro f wee won, gtoo n'any! aprow fwee no, he looked
round about on them, ..,.to see her, Mk. 3,5. 5,32.
pr6, V. s, pono, to bend.
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api'iharn, s, apohuru.
[pr. 2726.
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[pr, 2725,3582.
pii tu, a hut for storing yam in; asese bi a wode d6 siem'; wosi
no se gdan, WQdennua na ede wurawuram', na afei wode d^ no nbfln
mu; wotu gd^ wode akoban putum'. j>r. 326,
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e-puw, sediment, lees, dregs, espec. of palm- wine; nsa fufu ase
pgtopgto no; remainder of any thing; cf. nnikae; asunsoapupuw.
apuw, m-, something thrown out from the mouth; yenni ade
mpuw; yeny^ kgsa-ankgm§ na yeadi ade apuw; cf. puw, v. 1. •
-puw, adj. much; adipuw, awupuw, |)r. 955.
The letter r does not begin any proper original word (or root)
in Tshi, and, therefore, does not occur as the first consonant of
any word, except in the particle ara, in the verbal prefix re, and
in foreign proper names; but frequently it occurs in secondary syl-
lables, enlarging the vowel element of primary syllables and either
commencing a second syllable, e.g. pira, pere, foro, suro, burn &c.
or, if the very short vowel of the first syllable be suppressed, ap-
pearing as a second initial consonant, especially after p, t, k, f, s, h,
and before a, g, 0, e.g. pra, tra, kra, fre, sram, bran, krgh. In F. the
vowel of the second syllable is frequently dropped, and r appears
as a terminating sound : war, yer, sor, dur, = ware, yere, soro, duru.
Before nasal vowels r interchanges with n, e.g. tra, t6na; m&ra,
miina; and by negligent pronunciation it may interchange with d,
cf. 'neda & 'nera ; dadewa, darowa ; dodoben & doroben ; horo, Ak.
hodog; me ara, F. m'ada. — In words borrowed from foreign lan-
guages, r is put instead of 1, if this be not the initia consonant; cf.
bra, girfise, sirikyi, Enresi = English. Gr. § 19,B. 28,2.3.5.
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sa — sa. 399
funn; pr, 1023. — 7. to dig out, take out; mekosa sika a (mede) mo-
hjee, / am going to dig out money which I hid in the ground. - 8.
sa a be, to pick or take out the palm-nuts from the pulpy substance
formerly covering the shell and separated from it by smashing, in
order that the pulp containing the oil may be boiled; s. nn6y|. —
9. sa mu, to pick out, cull, select, to choose, elect more than one out
of many things or persons; syn, paw mu; of one single thing se-
lected, yi or tu must be used; wasa ode no mu nea eye hhina afa,
he has picked out all the good yam for himself, — 10. sa yare, to take
away (cut off) or cure a disease, to cure, to heal; masa no yare ; aduru
nwenenw^ne sa yafunum yare. pr. 394. — sa or kum kuru, to heal
a sore, pr. 1038.1854. — 11. sa.. ano, to steel or harden iron tools;
wosa abonua (adare, asow, ososow) ano, e.s. wode koma otomfo na
oye ano yiye bio. — 12. sa boa, m-, F. to mend a net.Mt 4^1. Mk.1,19.
cf. sa 1. — 13. sa, F. to he partaker with, = bom'. Mt. 23,30.
sa, sa, subst. dem.pron. (adv.) so, thus, (in) thai manner or
way, degree, quality or quantity; (in) such a manner, such; sa'ara,
just so, in the same way <S;c., equally, still so, always the same; cf.
se, se. Gr. § 60,5.61. (ne sa nye; sa onipa yi.) 133,1 (ete sa, ete sa-
ara). — Sa na eye, so it is right; wose sa, wgka sa, so they say or
speak, so the tcord is used.
si, V. [G. ta] to end, come to an end, pass away, die away; to be
spent or consumed; perf. to be at an end, to be done or gone, to be
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— ekuru sa = wu, the wound heals. pr, 1857. (ne yare asa, better: dc
yare agyae, ne ho agyae, = ne ho aye no den bio; cf. ne bo asao,
he has recovered. — Fhr. a d e s fl [6. dSe na], the things come to an
end i.e. the day closes, evening draws near, it grows dark; ade resa,
it draws towards evening; ade asa, the day is spent, the night is at
hand or has set in, it is night
0-s a, pi. a-, a path cut through the bush, okwan ketewa bi a eda
wuram', abommofo kwan ; t^a sa {pL iwitwa asa), to cut a path.
Q-sa, [G. ta] war; ko or tu sa, to go to war, make war, take the
field ;pr. 2438Ji730f. wotu no so sa, they make war upon or wage war
against him; y e or n 6 a sa, /o prepare for war. pr. 2469.
Ash, adv. then, again; else, besides; hut; ed^n Ask? what then?
(John 1,21.); eden na wofwefwe asa? asa wofwefwc den? what dse
do you seek? asa ahe na worekp na woboaboa woho? hut where wiU
you go seeing (or since) you are preparing yourself?
n s a, i. hand; pr. 2733ff. finger (s), cf. nsatea; arm, cf. basa; /bre-
/bo< of quadrupeds, c/'.nan; - nsam', a) the palm of the hand; b) prop-
erty, pr. 402. — nsa-akyi, the back of the hand; - ode ne nsa ato
adwumaye, he has put (the) hand to work. — 3. hand, index or poin-
ter of a dial, watch or clock. — 3. handle of a jug or similar vessel.
— 4. branch (of a climber); cf basa. — Fhr. nsa ka, (lit. the hand
touches,) to receive, obtain, attain; to reach; me nsa aka uhoma, /
have received a letter; wo hhoma no aka me nsa, your letter has come
to hand; nea of wef^ee no, ne nsa aka, he has obtained what ht de-
sired, or, attained what he sought for; mahfi mmepow yi, na minim
se me nsa aka me ktirow, having seen these mountains, I kfww that
I have reached my home. — i^e nsa hy ia neho, what he earns with
his handsuffices (is sufficient) for his wants. — ne nsa h y i a oman no
so, lit. his hands meet over i.e. he is able to manage the people, (to
keep tJiem in due subjection J to rule the country. — oman annya ohene
hoodenfo a, ne nsa h k ora won, if the people have not a strong king
over them, he is not able to manage them. — ne nsa n n d, lit. Ids hand
does not rest, lie idle or sleep, i.e. a) he is busy, active; b) he is bus-
tling, not quiet; c) he is industrious, diligent = oj^ nsi, oyegdeyofo.
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sa — osa. 401
— ne nsa a pa, to hand has left off holding, i.e. he has desisted {from
doing something), he has grown tired, given up in despair; syn. wapa
abaw. — ne nsa kopaa no ho, he hurt him unintentm2 alii/, by inad-
vertence; s. pa 3, & sakwan. — me nsa ns^n won fwenem', they
are too high for me, I cannot reproach them. — ne nsa si fam' : woa-
ma ne nsa asi fam\ they have caused a great loss to him(?); ode ne
nsa si fam\ ohjira ghene, he curses the king's life. — ne nsa so, lit.
his hand reaches, is (strong) enough, i.e. he is able for, obetumi.pr.^^r^.
— ne nsa tee, Ae i5 a sharp-shooter, a good marksman, — ne nsam'
tee, he is liberal, generous, bountiful, munificent. — ne nsa ye den,
he is rigorous, severe, violent, pr. 2736. — ne nsa yehareorduru
dodo, he is too ready to flog. — nensam* ye deii, he is illiberal,
near, close, miserly. pr. 2740. — ne nsam' ago w, ahodwow, his liands
have become slack i.e. he is discouraged, disheartened; cf. wapa abaw,
n'abasam' atu. — ogow ne nsam', a) = nensam'tee; b) he is slack
in working. ' — de.. hy§ ..nsa, to give in charge of, commit to one's
rare; to surrender, deliver (up). — bye., nsam' ade, to satisfy by
giving, pr. 573. — o m Q a ne nsa a n o, he folds his hands. — o w g ne
nsam\ = owo sika, he is wealthy, optdent, in good circumstances.
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[s, sHmlii.
sab6n^ a word put instead of the name of a person, cf, asia-
mksi n^ obent6n.
o-sdb^na^ s, osdneb^n^.
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asa-bu, inf, [bu nsa, to reckon by the fingerSy scil. the time of
seclasion] the menseSj monthly courses of women.
a s a e, asa, hammer,
sdfe, j?Ln- (F.) or nsafewd, key; - sdf^-kksiaw, nsafS-twaw,
hunch of keys, — saJowa, pi, n- [dim.]
o-sdfo, pi, a-, [sa, to C2«rc] = oyaresdf6, one who cures a disease;
cttrer, healer, physician, pr. 2749,
0-8 df 6, pi, a-, [saw, to dance"] dancer; nea onim asaw. pr.2753.
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asa-f r^6, place where palm-wine is mixed and sold. pr. 199.
g-sa-funu, = odompo.
s&-gua^ & place where drinkers are assembled; gte8.mu=pte
nea woaoo gua renom nsS.
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nsa-hy e, inf. [hye nsa] the act o^ pouring wine and giving it to
one to drink; the office of a cup-hearer.
sakraka, pr.2696.
sakrama = tekrema. pr. 3219.3228.
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sam, V. s. siam. •
ns am' [nsa mu] s, nsa; pr. 27S8ff, - nsam' (ado), property, pr. 402.
dns&m', Ak. ds4m', pi, n-, the wild G-uinea-hen.
nsam a, handbreadth; span, distance or width of a span; brief
extent or portion of time; cf. nsatsema, F.
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asam&ii (F. as^ mdii?), the world of spirits, the nether world,
the lower regions, the place of the dead; by some it is conceived to
be in the upper regions, the milky way being the road leading to it;
pr. 2765-68. - onipa wu a, gkg asaman, wJienaman dies, he goes into
the world of spirits. — Wose: As&mah wq ho yi, ahene wo ho, nkoa
wo ho; woyare wo wiase hayi kye kye a, mfrihyia 3 ansa-na wo
ho aye wo den wo ho ; na woto de a, en^de ebey§ se osram bi (nna-
nsa bi) na wo ho ay§ wo den. Wose: Asaman wo fam*; ebinom se:
ewo soro; en'de, wonnimn"iye. Nea wuwu a wode wo ko ho no,
eho na wo saman wq ; se wuwu na wode wo kg pgwm' a, na wo saman
wo powm\ Nsamahfo no ktirom' uni powm', na ewo fam^; §ye kiirow
kakra, okwan nso ware se, nso wobeko ho a, woforo bepow ansa-na
woko ho. Nea owu wu-pd de, onam a, ne kwan so ye tumm wo soro;
na nea otoe de, onam a, neho hyirew bi gngufam\ na enti wobehu
se ne kwan da ho fita. Asamampowm' de, wose, nsamahfo nte ho
da, na nnakoro-nnakoro bi na wobaho na wohyiaho; ebiawonom
nsa a.s. wodidi a.s. wogoru. It is said: In the realm of the dead there
are kings as well as subjects (slaves). If you were sick in this world for a
long time, you unU be restored to health tnere after three years; but one
who died in battle or by accident will be toeU aaain vn^ a short Hme, per-
haps in a month or so. It is said: the realm of the dead is below (in the
earth); some say: it is above (in heaven); about this there is no surety.
Where one is taken to, when he dies, there his spirit is; whenyoti die and
they take you to the spirits^ grove, then your spirit is in the grove. The
town (or country) of the departed spirits is not in the grove, but in tlie
way, some of the white clay, with which lie is rubbedy drops doien, there-
fore his way (the milky way) appears white. — In the spirits' arove the
departed spirits do not stay alioays;^onlg on certain single days they come
and assemble there for dnnking or eating or playing.
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s am pan a, t;. Gy. to wear a rope or rag tied about the chest
in mourning for a near relation; gs. = ode abom* bo ne mu.
sampannuodu ?
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o-s d II, />?. a-, barfly shed, corn-house; a hut erected on poles in
a plantation, in which corn &c. is laid up.
as a 11, pi. id. a Iwuse of two stories with a grass-roof; wdsi {pi.
wasisi) asan.
nsan-h6,+ comma.
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o-saukdbofo, pi, a-, player on the guitar d;c, singer and harper ^
minstrel, musician,
sank ii-h All, pi. id,, chord or string of a guitar, sanku so hdma.
san-ky iri, adv, [sah, v., akyiri] s. bio, s. yi, again, after that,
fufiher, fuHhermore; cf. akyiri no, akyiri yi; Gr. § 130,5.
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412 osantseii — sare.
s&ra, s. sra, v.
sar^hkj s. sraha.
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deems himself above it or too good for it. pr. 1627, — 5, to forbear,
abstain from: w6skre niiA, the^ forbear sleeping , do not sleep, keep
awake; m'anf as&re dwe, lit. my eyes have wUJUwlden mucus (^ s,
dwe), deep has been unthheld from my eyes.
— 2. [F. sare] also sare mu, sareso, Ak. serem, sereso, a plain cov-
ered with grass, as that between the sea, the lower Volta, and the
Aknapem mountains, or that in the north of Asante; savanna, prairie,
steppe, heath, wilderness, desert. — sare p&rada, p&radadada, pere-
dedede, tatrS, an extensive open plain, mostly destitute of trees and
covered with grass.
sdre-s5, s. esare.
asdse [red. of ase: what is below] 1. tlhc earth, the globe which
we inhabit (asase-md); gsoro n6 asase, heaven and earth; pr. 27 87.
in Negro mythology it is also personified and invoked after Onyaii-
kdpgfi. — 2. land, opp. to water; gnam asase so or fam', gmfAnsu-
ani, he travels by land, not by water. — 3. ground, soil, cf. fa, dote ;
the superficial pa^i of the earth, in respect to its nature or quality;
asase ahorow ne: afuw, abesase, mfuwa, mfuwanfni, kwae, hkyere-
kyeraso. — 4. a portion or tract of land belonging to an individual,
family or community, estate, possession, landed property, land, ter-
ritory, pr. 7.36. 2784 f — 5. country; gkg as. hi so, he has gone to an-
other country.
[= ahu.
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asas6-m^k5^ $, mkk6,
out part of a fluid, to draw, scoop; saw nsu, to draw water; pr.2799.
Q-saw, a little mass, tuft or bundle of some soft and flexible m«-
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n sawa-n sia, a child with six fingers; the sixth finger may con-
sist only of a very small globular excrescence at the little finger,
yet having a nail; such children are held in abomination by the
heathen negroes and are usually killed immediately after birth; s,
iisd-wo-so [lit. hands are upon scil. the same thing]: di ns.,
to have communion in eating dtc, to join interest, to associate, ef. di
(nfwebom' &c.).
asj^wu, a large fishing-net; cf, eboa, boa, atra, gtaii; these are
made of strings; - adwokil, sukusuku, akye, are made of wood
nsd-yani', the palm of the hand; cf, nsa, yam', nsam', nsdkyi.
so, r, to crack (open); gse ad we, kube, e.s. gde bo a.s. dua bi
hq ad we a.s. kube-aba no so na oyi mu aduah; kokosi de, wgbg.
s e, V, [red. sese, sesee] 1. to equal, be equal to, be the same in
quantity or degree; gse no ahogdeh, Gr. § 235, c. [G. ye egbg.] —
^. to be or look like, to be similar, to resemble ; neg. to be unlike, of
a different kind Sc. ^se n'agya, lie is like his father; gse no, q-nh no
se, wgsese wghho, wgsese, wgsesee, they are like each other; wgse
din nk wgns6 honam, their names are alike or similar, bid not their
bodies, pr, 1545. 6s^ n'agya = owiewie n'agya: se ebia gr^ye ade bi
a n'agya ye a, na wose: gs6 n'agya, e.s. gns^ n'agya pepepe, na
oje akgs^ no. [G. tamo.] — S. to b& fit, proper, becoming, rightful,
right, just, equitable, fair; to be due to, to be deserving, meriting,
worthy of; to behove, become; to be meet, due, seemly, befitting, be-
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416 se — se.
honing, incumbeni on; cf. faU, di; ese wo se wunji akatoa pa, pom
have deserved a retcard; owu se no or ose own, he is tcorihp of death.
[G. sa.] — 4. to concern f touch: ese wo ara! that is pour concern^ in
in your hands, is your oum fault, you hare to ansurer for it^ — 5.
se so, to be alike (cf, ho so, to he of like dimensions, to be equalj;
es§ so, = ese pe, edi nse.
— 7. se, se %ye^ gye se, except, hut; anihaw mu nni biribi se chit,
pr.2315. onn£ biribiara se dua aba nko. (12. p. 5546.; Gr.§ 277. 2356.
se, adv. 1. thus, so=se eyi, se, sa; ebinom rebom^ se, na afo-
foro reborn* se, Acts 19^32. — 2. se, very: otu'mirika se, he runsrenf
fast; ^ye kokdro se, he is very tall; aka kakra sO na woawie wo
ad^uma ye, there is very little wanting before {or till) you have fin-
ished your work. — 3. about (before numerals): wobeye se du, ikejl
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se — ase. 417
tpRl be about ten; mato nkoko beye se adaonn, I have bought about
twenty fotcls.
se, after a previous v. se, ka, fre, bisa, bua &c., introdncing
tlip words spoken, Ak. se, F. de, or ratlier s6, d6, = saying, is often
not to be translated, and serves as a mere quotation mark ; s. se, se, 2.
g-se, father; Ak. tJie father of another person, not of the speaker
himself; cf, agya.
ase, (Gr. § 118. 1 19.) 1. the nether or lower part, end or begin--
ning; (opp. eso, osoro, the upper part or end; cf, a no, the fore or
upper end, to, the hinder part -^ - bepow ase, the foot of a mountain;
ese ase, the lower teeth (?); the gum; - s, bewase, nauaso. — 2, the
nether or lower parts, the way down; s, 6, — 3, (adv,) down; s. 6.11,
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progeny y posteriiy; race; od^ no ase nye; n^akoko ase ye; wafee n'a-
koko ase; won ase aga or atore; abusua, oman, kua ase gn. — 11,
Phr. bSre ase, <o bring low, dhate, humble dtc. — da ase, to ilmnk,
" bo ase, fi ase, fiti ase, to heg'm\ - hy§ ase, a) to begin, to lay the
foundation of: en^ra na ghyee nedan ase; - b) to promise: wahye
me ase se obetQ otno ania mQ\ c) to warn = bo., kokg. — nam ase,
to do secretly. — osi ne ti ase, he sinks his head; id, or osi ne 'ne ase,
he speaks with a low voice, — to ase, a) to finish the plastering of
the walls of a new-built house at the bottom; b) to pay in advance;
c) tosHighty disregard, neglect; dtc, — te ase, tra ase, to live; otra
neho ase, he lives by himself is independent, pr. 415-
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s ^ f 0, pi. id. [se, v.] one who is equal, like or similar; wo sefo
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0-s6kdLi, Ak. -ne, pi. a-, knife; razor, fr. 669. 2845-49.
s6kye, |?l.a-, anchor; tow s., /« cast or drop anchor; tew s.,
to weigh anchor. — sekye-hkma, cable.
asem, i>Z. n-, 1. word, talk, speech, saying, tale, story, history;
k a as., to speak, to deliver a speech, to preach; to tell a tale; ma as.,
to relate a story. — 2. matter for talking, object of deliberation or
discussion; incidence, occurrence; cause, concern: asem no ny^ me
ho asem {^ mfA me ho biribi), this matter t5 no concern of mine. —
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o-semmisafo, catechiser.
' nsem-mod [asem, boa] confirmation, corroboration; foa.. ns.,
to confirm, corroborate, attest, bear witness or testimony ; gfoa me ns.
n.8. meka asem bi na obi rebg me so.
nsemmoA-f6d, inf. attestation dtc.
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Q-s4m-pa, interj. very good! a reply upon any matter not dis-
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— 6*. to flow, run: asu bi sen ne dan akyi, a river flows behind his
house, pr. 3092, — 7. to have or afford (sufficient) room: (espec. in
the neg.) wons^n dan mu hg, they have no room in the Iwuse; dan
mn ho an sen amma won, the house was not large enough for ail of
them; gnsen ne werem', lie is beside himself witJi impatience, ready
to leap out of his skin; ne bonhom usen no mu (= no honam nso se-
nea ne hh. benya ok wan atra mu); me ho or m*ani nseii me, / do
not feel comfortable; xn'a.ni ansen abahmu na efi asiamasi, I cotdd
not bear it (or, I did not like to stay) in the (mission-)house any longer
on account of N.N. ; m'ani asen hayi pe, I like this place exceeding-
ly, I feel joy in (^or am well contented with) this my place and stale.
sehfpron. Ak. :/. =den, what? how? wo dine te sen (see), what
is your name? — ^. = ah6, how much? how dear? at what price?
o-seii. (pi. a-?) pot for cooking; earthen or metallic vessel; ku-
ku (a.6. anina) a wonda mu aduan; wgde dgte na §hwene a.s. wo-
de dade na egu; pr.953. - F.dish. Mt. 26,23. - Cpds.: 08entiA(asei),
dades^n, oguis^n, Qkwanseh, pr.563., tas^n.
aseu, 1. the loins, the part of the body where the garment is
tied; bo wo asen, gird thy loins. — ^. a precious bead; s. ahene.
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[Mk, 3,17.
nseii-anim', v. n. [ade a esen anim] apron ; pinaforCf slabber-
ing bibf slavering cloth.
asefi-dua, [sen, dua] gallows; a tree or beam on which mate-
factors are hanged; cross; ef, mmeamudtia, mmeremudua; - bg..
asendaam\ to crucify.
sen e, V. ^ cut into slices, cut off pieces from; to carve, to chip;
mesine gde no atra, I cut the yam iiito (thin) slices.
asen-nf, inf. [di asem] the act oi' setUing a patacer; a public
or judicial transaction; judicial proceedings, proceedings of a court;
- yekg asennf; asenni de, eye mpauyinsem a mpanyimfo na cka;
s. asafosem.
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ns^nia — sonkyerene. 425
ns^nfa, balance, pair of scales; ns. ada, the scale has weighed
down. [G. nseni.]
a s e n k a-g u a, pidpit.
asen-kye: wabo as., /^ has become a fw/itive, has left his na-
tive place on account of debts or padavers; ohia a.s. kaw a.s. asem
ama ne ho akyereno na watu afi ne kurom', =: wab^ ko. Oyi a wa-
bo as. a! (said in contempt of one going from one place to another).
o-sonkyeni, a- -fo, o-seukye-bofo, vagabond; syn. okobofo.
seu-kyenii' [asem a ekyen so] enormity, atrocity, crime; cf.
atratrasem : wadi s. = wakodi asemmone a §tra so.
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asen-nodow [asem d.] : as. bi nni won auom' a wowo ka, ihe$
had hut little to say.
sen sen, red. v., s. sen; 1. akutu sensen m'atifi, oranges hang
mforo, they let a rope down that he might climb up by it from theinL
ase n-t i tl r i w [asem t.] the main or chief point, principal thing,
a chief or cardinal doctrine; cf. asehkfinini.
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o-s e n-t Vir a m f o, $1. a-, [nea ot wa asem mu] arbitrator y umpire,
referee, judge; nea oba asem bi mu nt§h; cf* Qtemmufo.
sere, t;. [reci. sSresftre] 1, to beg, ask, request; mes. nsu kakra
manom; mesSreeno ntrama kakra; os^re wo ho ade. — 2, phr.uxQ-
kos^re m'aso a, mete se.., I heard indirectly (I learned by hear-say)
thai,,; cf. sSren. pr, 125,7 39. 2907 f,
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8 6 re-m iVsde [ihe king (o8§e) of the desert] the lion; s, gytU.
s6ren, s. sreh.
wrought hy a spirit (in this sense Qsaman could not be used): meye
wo s. =miwu a, meba mabeye wo bone; o(re)7e no s., he is inflict'-
ing some disease on him; s. akitano, c. s. osaman aye no bone; s,
sese, ses(3', sese yi, sesei, adv. [se se, lit. as thus'] 1. = afei,
niprenipreh, jw5< now, till now, as yet, still: woye den wo lia sese (when
the word stands at the end, the e is short) or, sese woye den wq ha?
tehat are you doing here just now? sese woda so te kwan mu? what,
you are still on the way? - immediately, instantly: sese na mereba;
sesei de, wada ; - mprempren na mihQu no, na sese wayera, I saw
him just now, and he suddenly disappeared. — 2. sese =ebia: per-
haps; probably, likely: s. wada, perhaps he is asleep; s. oko, he is
probably gone; s. wawu, he is likely to be dead,
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s d-s 6 [ade a ese so, biribi a ese] a thing having the same figure
or quality with another: ntama yi s. wg hg, there is cloth of the same
quality; wgtgn kuruwa yi s. wg Nkraii, other jugs of this kind are
sold (or, may be bought) at Akra.
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o-s ew, mother-in-law, the htisband^s or ivife's mother; cf. as^, ose-
wd. — F. asew, mother-in-law, daughter-in-latc. Mt. 10,35.
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432 si.
without a preceding verb) to puff place, set (tc. si ban, to place (plani,
post) troops in a strong posUiotiy s. bah 4. — si awenfo, F. to net a
watch, ML 27,66. — si awowa, F. alioba, to give a paten or pledge.
— 18h, to strike with the head, push with the horns, to hutt: abire-
kyi de nemmeh asi no; the goat has pushed him with itslwms; apa-
po si, the lie-goats are pushing each other ; cf. 28, — 19. to give shocks,
to cause a convulsive motion of sohhing: osu asi no, he sohs. — 20.
to stick (fast): aduah no asi me, the food sticks in. my throat (ete Be
me menewam' kwah asiw); - to stifle, choke: asi me, my voice fails,
§te 8§ biribi asiw iqc roenewam' kwah a mintumi mehkasa bio. —
21. to raise, erect, huUd; si dah, to huild, esp. a house of sticks (cf.
to abah or f4d<ih, to huild a stone-houseov mud-house), pr.2920f.; aUo
with d e (cf. 4.): b6rgh yi so na mede me dah mesi ; wasi fi aroano-
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sL 433
— h) to put in, i.e. to repeat: oka sii mu, he said it repeatedly; cf.
ti mu, kasa sah mu; - c) to put in, i.e. to add, to give into the
bargain: mato nam mman du, nd s) me mii = t6 me s6, cf. nsimi\.
— 34. si pe, to stay up, sit up at night, over a play, attending a sick
person &c. — 35. si apempem, to practise extortion; s. apempem.
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434 si — siade.
halt; 8, si. — 41. si nsiforo, to come tip afresh; s, 7. — 4J2. si.. siyere,
to prmnise a woman (iu early childhood) for marr^iofjie. — 4S. si so,
a) to come up in growth, to grow fast, thrive: abofra&c. s.7; fo come
up in repute: ohene yi din si so, this king Juis become renowned; —
h) ne home si so, his breath or his pulse is regular (comes in dne
manner, in its due time, follows in regular succession); ensi so^ Uis
irregular (the duration being shortened &c.); - c) to fit, be suitable
or appropriate : ensi kasa so, it does not fit or agree wUh the language
(senea nktirofo no ka, as it is spoken by the people); sfenea wakyere
ase yi, ensisi so, his interpretation or explanation has no proper con-
nexion; ka si sol speak it out! (say the rest to complete the sense!)
finish the sentence! - d) to accompany (in continued & full activity):
woreye eyi no, na nkyene n^ mmen n6 abubuw si so; ef. da mu.—
e) to add, repeat, in pouring liqtwr; to pour in addition: si (no) 86!
(e.s. woahje obi nsa na woasah ahye no bio) serve him (with liquor)
once more! - f) wasi so dua = wahye mu den, wama atim; si so dna
fwe, lit fix on it a stick, i.e. mark it and look (whether it will not
come as I say) = depend upon it! you will see! [G. ma no mi ok we.]
- g) si so, s, 15. — 44. si., atwetw^, to mock; syn. goru .. ho. Mt S7^.
— 46. si fra, s. H. — 47. hurnw si, to exult, lit. to jump up and set
the feet on the ground again. — 48. twa.. (ho) si, s. twa, atwasi.
S i, Ak. = siw, q. v.
a si, inf. [si 18] the act of midual pushing : o-ni no di asi, he is
against him, his adversary or antagonist, they are against each other.
n s i, diligence, sedulousness, assiduous induMry, careful attention:
oye nsi ~ gbo mmoden, oy^ an6m, he is diligent, interestedly and
perse icringly attentive, assiduous, not careless or negligent (of we n'a-
dwuma yiyo, onim n'adw. pe), industrious.
si, shortness of one leg, so that in walking only the tx)e8, not
the heel, touth the ground; oyare hi a wutia fam' na wo nantiii nkft
fa na eseh ahuhmu; wuntumi mfa wo nan nsi fam* nnantew wo nan-
tin so, na wonam wonansoa ano; cf. nantinkefd, osifo.
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hcts missed good luck; oka s., he succeeds in his business, is success-
ful in making money by it; meka s. a, emma, if Ilabourfor money,
I get none.
siade-boa, a kind of hedgehog, urcMn; okame aye apesee;
ne ho agyah ye ntia, ente se ap. de. (If yon are going to trade and
meet such animals, you will be lucky.)
siam, t?. [red. sinsiam] 1, to strip off, to pull, tear or take off
mith the hand at once, as the leaves from a twig; s. nhene no, strip
the beads from the string. — 2. to pass the hand over the face or any
part of the body to remove any thing; to wipe; wgbo wo aka a, wg-
md wos^w aka no nsu no hi siam (= hohoro) woani so; se wobo
woho asu a, wode nsu a egu awowa no mu hi sinsiam woho de yi
fi ko a aka wo a enti wuguare asnm^ no fi woho; - osinsiam neho,
he washes himself superficially. — 3. perf. to be stripped, emptied,
made void, pale; n'anim asiam, he is ashamed, confused, abashed,
humiliated, ==n''sLmtLW\i. — 4. n'anom' asiam, his mouth is undone,
dull, tasteless, greasy, as if it was daubed with grease or fat. — 5.
(osekan) ano asiam, the edge (of a knife) has becmne dull or blunt,
= ano akum.
si^n, t;. [red. sinsian] to recoil from, fall back, retreat, be re-
pulsed, to make a fruitless attempt at, to attack without success. 1864
Asantefo baa Fante se wobeko na wokohyiaa Akyene no, wodweh
s§ wganya abomfla hi rekokyereno ; na wokoe no, wosidn' no. Obuu
me se dnkonam na enti gr^p^ me df^m6 ay^me akod; na me-ni no
koQ guam' no, osi&n me.
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436 asianna — siaw.
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e-s i e, Ak. = esiw, ant-hill. — asie, — nea ode biribi asie. pr, 2927.
asieberennyk': osi as. or 6yg 08ieberennyAf6 (^=odi asem fi
bi ho koka kyere obi, na otie onik6 no d^ beka kyere no), he Is a
tale-bearer, tell-tale, inter meddler, busybody; cf. ofAkgn^fabafo.
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asie-de, ade (nn§ema) a wgde sie funu, tilings that are buried
with a corpse for the use of the deceased person in the other world,
as, ntama, ntrama, sika, ahene, dwinne, forowa, asanya, kuruwa,
nsa, tasen (abiirobua), mpaboa n^ nnipa.
nsiesie. F. peace, Mk. 9,50. good will, Lk. 2,14. us. nka adasa-roma.
o-sif6, pi. a-, [si] one having a short leg; nea ne nan biako ware
kyeh ne nan biako na enti onam ne nan biako no nausoa ano.
nsi-foro, inf. [si, foforo]: wasi ns., lie has newly come up; 5. si 7.
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o-sikb. a /ree whose bark prepared and used like ininowa has a
good smell; dua hi a nehilam nti romea yam ye. — ()sfkb,7>r. w. m.
nsi-koro"^ [nea esi ho koro] item, article, single sum, separate
particular, in an account.
o-s f ky I, a die; -tow s., to dice, play with dice; - eye asommeii
a.s. dua a.s. adobe-aba a wosen no ahinanan na wotwitwa ho : wotwa
fa abiesa, na wotwa f4anah, nawotwafamfuate(wodeakyeuem'x).
na ofa da ho teta; na wotow ^ye, sika a. ntrama ana nkato, a.s. wg-
tow gy& wgnani. Nea wgahkyerew ho no, wgfreno sikyi; nea wg-
atwa 80 abeam', wgfreno mfuate; nea wgatwa so abiesa n^ anah,
wofr^ no korgs^ n6 korosa-anafi.
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sikjiddn, 5. Bukud6D.
sim' [si (kwah) mu] to set out, start on a journey; aim' ko, to
depart; sim' ntem ko, set off quicMy! wunsim' ntem a, wunnu ntem;
ahemadakye na misiim* wo Nkran ; E. p. 231. s, si 31.
nsim', nsi-mA, inf. what is given into the bargain when a large
quantity of any thing is bonght; besides nsim', an nt6s6 Ak« oi'm-
80 (q, V.) is given ; cf, nkwdnye.
simma [sin ba]t minute, = miniti. — simraa-siu,+5ecotid.jBcfl.
osimasi, F. = asiamasi.
o-slm'pdm, a kind of cottmi cloth made in Europe. [powa.
sina-mm§ri, s. senamen.
asin-asiu, pi. of (e)sin.
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sise, red, v. se, to say repeatedly, talk much of; mate se wo-
sisesise se WQbekg babL
general knowledge, to he kept secret, a secret; eny6 as., as. biara nni
yensom ma.
sisi, red, t;. si: i. 5. si, 1,2. dtc, nnSma bebre sisi dua no so;
kokosakyi s. sflmftna so, pr. 1680. tJie i>ulture often perches on the
dung-hill, — 2, sisi atw6, s. atwe. pr. 2968, — 3. to cheat, deceive,
impose upon; yr. 12,139.154.767. cf. gyigye, dada. — 4, Phr, otutu
m^ano sisi, s. ano.
sisi, the lower part of the back, from one thigh-bone to the other;
pr. 2966f. syn. pft, pam\ pirn' ; cf. akyi. — Phr. so me sisi, support
me, help me in paying a debt.
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e-siw, Ak. sie, ant-hill, the conical structure of the white ants,
made of a reddish clay and from 8 to 1 2 feet high.
[pr. 371.373.2926.2970f
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so — oso. 443
s 0, V. [ted. suso] to seize, catch, take (lay) hold of or on, lay hands
on; so mensa, take hold of my hand; miinsonomd! lay hold on him!
pr.2972, — so pon no mu, take hold of the table; so nkrantem', to
put one's hand to the sivord; cf.kyere, kita. — Phr, so., m u, <o give
or lend a (helping) hand: bSra b6so me mii, come and help or assist
me; Gr.§215.16. misom' a, ens6, when I try to go on with it, it will
not (or, no more) do, I try it in vain. — so mu, so ano, to stop,
check, stay (a thing), to give a check, put a stop (to a thing); to with-
stand. — so n'asem mu, to take hold of his words. Lk. 20,20. (with a
hostile intention); F. to lay hold of his word, receive his word.
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444 so — aso.
§-so [cf. osoro & Gr. § 118-120] i. the upper part or surface o/.
— 2. the upper parts, the space above, and what is in it. — S* on,
up, upon, over, above, upward, on high; of time: in, at, duHng; of
other relations: on, at, concerning, in, from, tcith; - osekan dapoD
no so; ogyina n'abobow-Sno fwe abonten no so; etwenenni abonten
no BO', pr. 373,592.883. 1427. 1680,2427.2708.8023. c/ldwen so, f^^e so,
ma so, se so &c. — 4. Phr. eso nni, there is nothing above U, His
incomparable, excellent.
aso, (pL id.) the ear; auricle; pr. 1312 f 2980-89. — pane aso =
p. aniwa or fwene, the eye of a needle; ok wan aso, the border oftM
way; otiio aso, the pan of a flint-lock; awowa aso or aso ano, the
edge or rim of a brass-pan. — a s 6 m' = aso mu, the cavity or in-
ner jjart of the ear; m*agya asem da m'asom', / am mindful of my
father^s word. — Phrases: 1. n'aso ye den, he is disobedient; n'aso
anyin, apew, asen, asiw, awu, id.; n'aso asorow, id. = waye
neho se osogdenfo, woka asem kyere no a, ont^, na ote wo n'aso
akyi {or n'ani akyi), na gnt^ wo n'asom'. — J2. n'aso nni so, he
gives no heed to it, cf. aso-bi-anna-so. — 3. n'asom' nni agua, lit
there is no seat in his ear, i.e. he soon forgets what he is fold. — 4.
n'asom' ad wo, lie has peace, rest, tranquillity, is undisturbed: wo
asom^ dwo a, enna wo ho ato wo; Mankata amayeh asom^ ad wo yen
na yen ho ato yen; n^asom iinwo no, he is not at rest, he is distressed
or disturbed e.g. by a bad conscience; syn. neho niiwono. — 5.
ohuw n'ade no a86m'=oton n'ade no. — 6. okyea n'aso, hebends
his ear i.e. perverts judgment. — 7. opra n'aso akyi, he tcUl hear
nothing of it, does not at all mind tvhat was said to him: asem a me-
ka mekyerecno no, oprapraa n'aso akyi (de guu so) na osiim* koe.
— 8. okgsferee n'aso kgtee, = gteeno abansosem, he heard it by
Jiearsay. — 9. oshren n'aso, he pricks up his ears, listens to a sound
from a distance. — 10. wot u no aso, they persuade, induce, inveigle^
seduce him, prevail on him, win him over, gel him to do anything good
or bad. F. yebotu n'aso asoma, we wUl persuade him, Mt. 28,14 —
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11, wotwe no aso, they draw him by the ear i.e. he is punished. —
1J2, o wen n'aso, he wakens his ear i.e. he is attentive j pays close at-
tention, — 13. Qye aso, he gives ear, lends an ear, pays attention
(to); in6nye aso! = muntie! hearken! attention! give heed! - qye
n'aso demm or komm, he listens attentively. — 14. ode ye n'aso so
ade or asem, he takes the hint, takes warning, hears that in mind,
lets it he a warning to him, is mindful of it; gmfd ny^ n'aso so asem,
?ie does not care ahout. — 15. oyhno aso = 6y\no asitiw, he gives
him a private hint. — 16. oy i n'aso, he withdraws his ear i.e. he is
careless, heedless, unconcerned, secure: nnipa a woayi won aso te
ase yi, wQmfr& kora, these men, living so carelessly, or passinff their
life in over-confident security, are worthless people, good for nothing
feUows. (D.As. F8.S9,6. Ger.) — 17. Wo asem a wokae yi nni aso,
this word of yours has (deserves) no ear i.e. attention, i.e. what you
say is not worth hearing, is not acceptable, cannot he true, is a fool-
ish word, is absurd, nonsense.
0-sod, inf. a rising or swelling on the body; cf. soa 2., nsoae,
nsoasoae, atape. Lev. 13,10.
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so-b a, in/", [sow, ba]; gye.. s., to hurl or toss to and fro, to ttse
as a playing-bdll. pr. 1268.
a-s o-b 11 d inf. [s. eso & bua 7.] reproach, upbraiding; as. ye yaw;
as. nti (=-r obuaa me so fiti) na me r\h no koe. (Onfpa yi, ontoto n*anb
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soe soe, inter j. utterance of one who eats food which is pep-
pered too much.
s oe, t?. l.to set or put down (adesoa, a load). — J2. to help in
taking or putting down. — 3. to bait, to stop on the road for the sake
of resting and refreshment. — 4. to alighty put up, take up lodgings
somewherei to cotne to lodge u^th, osoe me fi. pr. 2783.
som', so mu, <o take or lay hold of, to seize; to touch, handle;
to continue, go on with (a work) ; to hold otit, endure, bear, suffer,
stand, sustain. — Phr. misom' a enso, in ichatever way I try to man-
age it, it does not succeed, it does not answer. Cf. so, p. 443.
som, v. s. asra, to take snuff.
o-somaiikaf6, pi. a-, one who does not go wJien he is sent; oye gs.
= ^y^ osOmahka, oye onipa a wosomano a gnko a.s. wose '*so mu*
a gnka; cf. guantiri. pr. 3007.
soina-nyi, F. = gsomafo.
asoma-sem,"^ mission; cf. asempa-terew.
asomasi, s. asiamasi.
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asoii: obo akoa no ason, he gives the slave bad advice (to run
away from his master).
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o-soiikurobia, a- bia, a kind of tree and its red edible fruit. pr.SOli.
e-S n (pi Ad.) elephant, pt*. 256. 278.300.444. 455. 893. 1084. 1444.
ason-takuni, s. asone-t.
asontoreni' [asO] the part of the head between the eye and
the ear, temples.
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sora, V. Ak. = sono; esora eyi==esono yi, this /.s different, i.e.
(ynly this time and never again.
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nsore, the place outside the town, where corpses are cast or bur-
ied; si ns., to place food ci^c. on the grave of newly deceased rela-
tives. Akyemfo si won awnfo nsore, e.s. wonSa aduan na wgsaw nsu
n^ nsa na wode gya ka ho koso wo kCirotia ma nea wawn no, eda
aowufo no wui dapen. Asante, Asen, Dankyira, Twnforo n^ Wasa
si nsore bi, Fante n^ Akuapem n^ Akwam na w6n8f.
sorgdg, s. srgdg.
g-sorgky6, 2?Z. a-, wave, billow; pi. breakers, surf, surge; epo
bg as., the sea is agitated; cf huru; as. rebg, the waves are breaking.
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aso-sin, one witlwut ears, i.e. deprived of the ovier ear, whose
ears are cut off; cf anosf n ; - to as., to grow disobedient, pr. 1966.
so so, red. v. so. — F. = sosow: nndtnil bososge, Mt. 13,4.
soso, red. v.y 1. to carry, pr. 303tf. s. so. — ;^. = s5re, to rise
from the ground or bed.
n'soso, Ak. = nso.
nsosoe,+ v. n. a drop, drops.
sosow, red. v.y s.sqyf\ - akoko sosow abttrow, the lien picks up
ific com; nkiSrofo no sosososgw ha, = kftro do abo ma woayeye hku-
ra sosQW sare ani, the towns-people were scattered and have taken
up their temporary abode hero and there in plantation-villages.
so>v, V. [red. sbsgvj i. to catch, ccUch up, snatch up, with the
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asow, ^Z.n-, hoe, mattock; pr. 3042. cf. soduro^ sokum, sobakura
& gsosow. ■*
nsoWj sign, mark; hye ade yi nsow ma me, tnark this for me;
mahye ne nsem no bi ns., / have marked (taken particular notice
of) some of his sayings or expressions.
sow a, 9^ plant, s. siwabiri.
nso we, v.n. [sow] fruit, seed; F. Mt 7,-2^ = aba, adua, aduaba.
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sra-d6 [adea wode sib] fat, grease, suet, tallow; do s., /o groto
fat; cf awonhua.
srdhd, s&rdhA. the great desert^ [Arab, sdh&ra, pi, sahdra]. Cf,
S^aba. Wgatono s. (woapo ne bra amano, 6nyc senea ope, obiara
nkasd nkjere no bio), they have left him to himself, have abandoned
him, have withdrawn from him,
o-sram', Ak.osran6, pi, a-, 1. the moon; syn. by en, gbo86m; gs.
afi, the new moon has appeared; gs. apae, the moon shines; gs. pue,
the moon rises (overtbe horizon); gs. asi no so, the moon Aos smitten
him, i^. 121,6. (ama ne tirim aye no sakasaka, 50 that his head i^ de-
ranged and he is lunatic or moon-struck); gs. atwa puruw or k6r6-
k6ma, the moon is full; gs. awu, tJie moon has died, i.e. its disk is
tcithout illumination, pr, 3043/. — J2, the moon-light, moon-shine; s,
srara'sd. — 3, month, syn, gbosom; gs. fi, the month begins: gs. wu,
the moon ends, da gsram wu a, onya n^akatua, at the end of every
month he gets his wages, pr..2810. — According to Kofi Akwatia of
Akropong the natives have 4 months of 28, 3 of 30, and 5 months
of 32 days; he and other informants differ concerning the names
and succession of the single months ; we give the names in the most
probable order, adding the numbers of the corresponding European
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asrampon, unawares.
o-s r ana, & pUe of yams bound together and stowed in the pn-
tu from its bottom to the top until it is taken out for sale; os. bia-
k$ kura od6 mpo w mmako-mako 1 2, etod. woye no 15; esono ode-
mti 3 a.s. 6.
s r e, v., s. s^re.
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nsu, Ak. nsuo, 1. water; nom nsu, to drink water; nsu ba, ivater
comes, i.e. a) water springs, comes forth, from a well ; b) the river
fills (ready to overflow its banks); nsu yiri, the tcaier overflows,
pr. 3097, cf. bg 3, pr. 3080-97, — also a body of water, standing or
flowing, cf. asu; pr. 3083-86.3092.3094. — ^. sap of plants, cf, ason-
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458 HSU — sua.
nsu, F. vow, solemn promise ; hye (dzi) nsu, to vow, make a vow,
O-su, Jf. rain; cf, nyankdm, nyankopon 4. -pr, 8051-65, osn reba,
rain is coming; osut^, it rains; osu gu, it rains moderately ; osu-pa,
a common rain; osukese, a Jieavy rain; osut^ nw^senwese, it driz-
zles, c/'.n8uw6ns6a; osu to trirara, trkdada, pibibibi, pipipipi, pibj^-
bababa, pub^baba, pii-w^, w'o, yk, tlie rainfalls, descends or gusJies
in a heavy shower, in torrents, — J2, cloud, rain-cloud, nimbus; osu
amuna, the clouds have darkened; osu reseh, the clouds are passing;
osu no apa, the cloud is gone,
nsu-akyl, the other side of the river, beyond the river; cf. asu-
sii^n, V. [iTf/.sunstian] 1. to ptdl, to draw out, forth, or away;
sftau dua no fi tana a erehyew yim' (syn. tw&, koyi fim* here me)!
sfkan no fi nea od4 ho! mekoe no, na aboa no da okwanmu ho, na
misuan no mifii ho; 6sii^n no ase, otwe no fam\ he drags him on the
ground (much or little of the body touching the ground); kosGan
guan no ase, t^ke that sheep up by the feet; wosunsttan n'ase, s. tobe.
— 2. to bleed, let blood, draw or take blood from, by opening a vein
or by scarifying and cupping, cf. sa, sesa; wdsu^nme; ode sekan
8. no. — 3. to eat with greedy appetite, voraciously; 6sti^n aduan,
nam, == odino pi.
asudii, a climber and the swelling caused by the sap of it; ha-
ma bi a ewo wuram'; emu nsu ka wo arapea, na cho ahon; naegow
na wumia a, aboa bi fi mu.
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a s u a-s a, a weight of gold, J^ dollars or ackies, 61. Is. 6d. pr. 132.
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as u-b qui^hjpl. n-, [nsu, abonten] river y stream ; ef, asu, asuten.
asu-bonteu-ano, the hanh of a river, cf, asukoii. [river,
as u-k 0, inf, [ko asu] 1. the act or duty of going for water. pr. 1627.
— 2, do as., to dive, descend or plunge into water, thrust the body
deeply under water; bye (obi) as., to dive, submerge or immerse (one)
into water.
tnm ahye ano, na wotwa dua we ano, na wgde pia abdrobia no akyi
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o-su-kyekyere, = osuhurn.
Slim a 11, Ak. -ne, pi. a-, 1, charm, amulet, talisman, worn as a
remedy or preservative against evils or mischief, such as diseases
and witchcraft, consisting or composed of various things, as feath-
ers, hair, or teeth of various animals, beads, scraps of leather or
paper inscribed with mystic characters &c. and tied round some
limb or hung about the neck. pr. 162.655.115. — 2, any protecting
power, including the abosom : gkg n^asnman akyi, (euphem.) = he
died; s. wu.
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osiim&nni — sdnsum. 468
su-menewd [nsu menewa] the wind-pipe, supposed by the
negroes to be the passage by which water or any other liquor is
taken into the stomach.
the ground, but quickly flowing away ; etod. Nkranfo sesaw ns. na
8§ gboho retwam a osukom de no a, wode ma no na onom.jn-. 3 120ff,
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to bind things with ; wgde ko gya a, na aye bete ansa-na aye yiye
nsii-sa, the palm-wine distilling from the newly cut palm in tht
first five days; = nteteasa, s. nsafufu.
nsusoa, pr. 3136. s. nsiisua,
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nsi'i-ti, the head i.e. source of a water, brook or river; cf. nsu-
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asd-tVv^d, inf, [twa asu] the act of crossing (or ferrying orer)
a river.
ta, s. taw.
e-ta, p-, pi. a-, bow for shooting arrows; syn. tadna, kuntnn; rf.
bemma, arrow; - ne tamu agow or agugow, his bow is slackened or
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468 ta — atddw6.
til, Ak. tawA, obsol. taba [Port. tabaco'\ tobacco; hye ta, tofXl
a pipe; cf. kf^si, ahabant^, asra, abiikba'. Fhr. onifAno nhye ta, =
oniM DO nye two, he esteems him for nothing.
atd, a taw a, the fruit of a certain tree. pr. 2769.
atri', atawd, s. after ata.
ata, ivf. [ta, v.\. twe ata (\vg..h6), to struggle, contend (for)-
n ta-b au, wing, pinion of a bird, wing of an insect; fin of a fish ;
cf. ntakiira, ntahua, ntetew.
at'Si 1)6 (atii^bo), sling; tow at., to sling, throw with a sling.
ntaboi. = ntebge; ahintasem; onim wont. mn.
0-tab6ii, pi. a-, paddle, a sort of short oar with a broad bladp.
[pr. SJ35.
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as the gronnd-nut (nkate); cf. at we; when cooked, they are called
aboboe. [G. at^hm^, tiger-nut? cf, akwei, aboboi.] pr, 100,3506,
ata-hina, a large pot set in its proper place, into which the
water, fetched in smaller pots, is poured; opodo, ahina kese a ata
bo a woko asu gum\
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takyfrldi, = agyegye-nsu.
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[pr. 493.3164.
litama^ Akj. nt6m4, 1. stuff y cloth, cotton cloth, calico; nt. ho-
row, different ferries: a) nk^nt^wa, of Negro manufacture: abere-
wd, bommo, bup^, biir6b6no, daho-§home, gar^.g^, gyahAn^, gy^-
mara, obye^gyA, konnuroku, nkrumakw^ln, kubi, ky^kye, kyemd',
nkyeremu, maremAre, mmobom' (ofvarioUrS colours), mmosl, anwo-
n^-85b6, nsa (Abibirim' kQntu, ntoroa-panyin a ahene de kyekye
ahennda ho), asante-toma, t^tewakoro, ow^komma; b) Abtiro-
ky iri ntama, European stuffs: bew, birisi, abodabdh, bofua, bom-
mo-nserewd, brgfo-k6nt6, abftrokyiri-sOa, adat^wa, denkyeb^6, do-
mdre, duakoro, dukodon , adu-twAm, gingau, ago, ago-d^nmahono,
ohidni-^go, ohidni-d^mas, kofi-^p6 Clom-Coffee), kogydn (red twill),
kradd, okra-kofi,9krd-kn,kumpon-nwcra, kuntu, mmaro-n)6no(ban
TDono^ raw herring), mmew, nokoasfri, nnokua ('reti^, ungnk^-besa,
nnwerd, popo, sabirc, seda, osim'pam, sinkoro, sfrikyl, atehkd, an-
toko-asafo, ntwisd, ntwisa-tuntum, wdwa-aba, yisd-ne-nkyene. —
^. a negroe-dress, made of European or native stuff, consisting of
one large cloth wrapped round the body in various ways; fura nt,
to wear a negro-dress. — 3. any piece of cloth serving for other pur-
poses: mpasont., (bed-)shect; bed-linen, bed-clothes, bedding; gpoh
so nt., table-cloth.
ntdma, ntdmmd [gtdn, net, ba, dim."] a woven net, fine net-
work, reticxdated work; s. ananse-nt.
n tain a-n wen e, inf. the act or art of weaving; cf. asa, -dua,
asawa (tenten), nsa, dwes^, d\veseb6r6, mfa, akorokorowa, auomd,
aboso, kyeree, nkyekyeree, d6dowa.
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atdm-fi, atahfi, inf, [fi tan] the first going out of a woman ihal
has been lying in (8 or 14 days after the beginning of her confine-
ment) and the observance connected with it. (Wowo ba a, nnda-
wotwe wodgaare ay) woti ahyebye afa otampa afura r^kokyin ade-
o-tan, pi. a-, a net in which fruits are carried ; inmea de soa bro-
de; wohwene no se asawn.
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ti\re, V. [ree^. tetare] 1, cans, with de, fa &c. to castor lay (ftt,
upon, into): wode dote t. dan, they plaster a house, overlay or cover
a wall with clay ; ode pr^se atare kuru no so, he Ims laid a plas-
ter on the wound; wode fa tare tokuru no mu, they fill up the hole
with earth; de..t. ani, to paste up or on; - tare nno so, to stop the
mouth of a pot filled with palm-oil, — J2, to he cast, to stick or be fast-
ened (at, in, on): dote t. dan nohd; prilse t. kuru no so; amSua-gyi-
ra(! t. hhoma no ani, a postage-stamp is affixed to the letter. — 3. tare
..ho, to sit on; e.g. of a lizard. — 4. to subside, fall into a state of
quiet; kwae no mu atare k6ni, all is perfectly quiet (ov, deep silence
reigns) in the forest; wotarec koni, tJiey became quite silent,
o-tare, lake, pond, of sweet water; pr.301. Ak. eko; cf. baka.
ntare-ho, v,n. [nea wode atare ho] the plaster of a wall,
iitare-inu, r.n. [nea wode atare mu] any thing inserted; itiser-
tion, intercalation, interpolation; an additional fee, charge or pay-
ment, (Wogyeno nt. ne sc: ghene adi wo kasa agye wo se dare ha,
na okyeame atew so se du, na ose: nea wodii no kasa no m'pemine-
hycm*; a.s. ghene agye obi guan, na ognaii no sCia, na wogye nea
wogyee oguah no wo ne hkyen no ho se atiri 4 de ka ho a, en'de
wgmfd nka ogiian no ho nkgma ghene; sa dare 10 n^ atiri 4 no na
wgfre no nt.)
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utasuo, to throw otU spittle* pr. 1899,2347. 3 19SJ, — wato no nt. = wa-
bo no dua, he has cursed him.
tasu-t6. inf, the act of ivatching women to see their secret parts,
a shameful deed punished with death.
ata t A^ inf. [ta] di at., to run after each other in turnSy in play
or with hostile intentions.
taw, V. = ta(?)
taw, a push icith the hand hy the neck: <^p5 no taw, he pushes
him by the neck; wopoo no taw fwee fam\
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476 te — ete.
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ani ohd ade bio ; pr. JS295, - ete asi (no so, or) n'ani so, he has got
a cataract, has become blind with a cataract; ft. 3628. - ete atu afi
n'ani so, he has been cured of his cataract. — J2, fig. won ani so tew
atew, the object of ilieir contention has been removed, timr quarrel
has been settled*
t§, a., adv. straight, -ly, -ivay; uprightly, honestly; gnain te, he
walks straight on or along, straight- forward, moves in a straight line;
wgnam t§ r*»ba ne nkyen, they made up apace to him; dua no nyin
t^, the tree grmvs straight; n'asem nam kwanmu t§ = n'asem tee
pe, he is upright or honest in his dealings; me n^ nokware afiko td;
[pr. 3211.
te, n. straightness; uprightness; frankness: ne te ye me nwo-
nwa; f/. tge, trene.
Q-t§bed, a kind of tree good for fuel; dua kwada bi, eye ogya.
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478 tebo — at^L
akunafo nso, w68iw bf di; won de, wode brgd^ kykg' na eyfe woo
d^, wgfre no patiransidw.
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tern' = te mu.
atem-fanu [aten, fa, enu]: yi at., to hear and try or prove the
statements of both parties.
t^un, t^nteun, a., adv. full to the brim, brimful; nsn aye
ahina no ma teiin ; wohyehyee nhina no ma tentenn; wohye me nsa
no a, ma eny^ t^hh.
. o-te 11, pi. a-, a kind o{ stinging fly, conops, horse-fly, ox-fly, gad-
fly; pi' 596.3231. = ohurii; cf. akekawere. [G. ofgi.]
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ten ten, a. crisp, short, not tough, not cohesive; s, pen pen,
[tiw tiw.
rigid, regular, true, real, genuine, syn. trene, trodo; cf. gb5fot6h,
tfenene, s. trene.
a ten-nidi, inf. [didi atem] tbe act of abusing, reviling d:c.
ate-nka, inf. [te hka] 1. report, nimour; name, character, repu-
tation; atehka-bonen^atehka-pa, 5 Cor. 6,S. — 2. a kind of Euro-
pean cloth; s. ntama. — Atenka, pr.n.m.
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o-tenten-t^a, pr.3232f
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ntere-ho, inf. [tere ho] missing, failing; what has flowed over.
tferene, 5. trene.
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teta, adv. merely, only, nothing hut; in vain, for nothing; with
a negation in the verb: not even; wanfweme teta, he did not eren
(not so much as) look at me; syn. honu, Ak. bun, okwa, F. gjan,
gjennyan. — ateta-de, a vain thing, vanity; ete se adehnnu bl
at. biara kwa! syn. ahuhnde. — ateta-sem, o rain pursuit, ran-
ify, futility; syn. ahnhnsero, asenbnnn.
ietsLve,pl. id. a flat cake; wgde nno a.8. srade na ekyew; cf.
tgte, red.v. te; n'ani t. (n8u) = tata, his eyes are full of wattr
(i.e. tears).
nt^t^a, a kind of small black ants that are very fond of sweet
things; syn. akwabAn (obs.). pr. 3243-46. — ntetea-dapgw, nest of
such ants. — ntetea-sa, nsiisa, the sweet palm-unne obtained in the
first 4 or 5 days after the tapping of the palm ; 5. nsftfafn.
atete-d^, any thing very old, a thing of the olden time, remain
of ancient times, antique, antiquity; ancient instiitdion or custom.
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t^tere (F. teter, j)l' a-) a,, adv. broad; wide, spacious, exten-
sive, large; of. klikra, h&hrd, t^tra; ^pon t., a broad table; adaka t.,
a broad or wide box; asase t., a spacious country; n'ano t., he is
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486 few.
tew, V, [red. tetew] F. tsew, Ak. te, 1, ir, to Uar: dadewa no
atew m'atadem' tokuru, R.p. 237. — 3. to tear off, pluck off: t. aduan,
pr. 3212. - t. hama, to tear off a (piece of) string; pr. 2530, - to break
(hama, asa wa, a cord, thread); cf, 13. — t. akutu, to pluck off an orange;
tetew ahaban, pr. 3242. — wgtew abofra no ti boo dua, = wotew
abofra no fii ne na ho de ne ti pem diia ma owiii, they tore tJie child
from its mother and dashed its head against a tree. - Cf. 21. — 3.
to tear open, to open: metew m'ani, I open my eyes, cf. 7. &bue. —
4. tew .. mn, a) to rend asunder, break in two: t. akutu no mu, di-
vide the orange into twohalvcs; b) to breakthrough: mako matew mn,
/ have fougJU my way through {the enemy). Cf. 8. 11. — 5. inir. io
be torn, to break, rend, burst: me ntama atew or atetew, my dress is
torn; pr,3241. — ahene tew, the string of beads breaks; pr. 1319.^
hama, asawa no atew, the cord, thread is broken. — 6. to sever, be-
come separated, break loose, run off: akutu at., etoQ metiri so, an
orange Juts dropped from the tree, it fell on my head; ne guan atew,
his sheep has broken loose, pr. 1906. -^ 7. to open, perf. be open (cf.3):
n^ani ate w, his eyesore open, fig. he insensible, iiitelligent, prudent,
sagacious, cunning, shrewd (syn.wQhehy^ he is civilized. — 6. tetew
m u, intr. to part, separate, be disunited, fall out with one another;
o-ni won tt. mu. — i). to rend: of clouds; osu atew, the rain-cloiids
have cleared or passed away; hence: to become free from clouds or
fog, to clear, clear up, brighten, to become fair; ^erf. to be clear; ^^.
to be serene; wim or gsoro atew, th^ weather or sky has cleared up;
gdah mu atew, the apartment has become light; ehg atew, the place
has been lighted up. — 10. ho tewy lit. the outside is clear or dean,
free from spots or blemish: oguah yi ho tew, this sheep is without
bletnish (ne ho nye tan wggyare biaraho, gnyare yare biara); hence:
io be morally clean ov pure, to be blameless, holy; Gr.§ 171,3. to he
sacred: ade biara ho ntew wg n'ani so, nothing is considered sacred
by him. — ^r. te w h 6, to clean, purify, to make holy, to hallow, sanc-
tify. lJohnl,8. 3,3. Mt 6,9. — 11, m u tew : to become or be clear, plain,
distinct, perspicuoiis, intelligible: emu ntew wo yiyo, = emu siw wo
kakra, it is not quite clear to you; also to be clean; - tr. tew mu, to
make clean. — 12. u'anim tew, his countenance is serene, he has
a clean and fair countenance, a cheerful, pleasant face, Jte is kind,
friendly, affable, gentle, benevolent; - tr. tew .. anim, to assume a
cheerful, friendly air or mien : gbetew n'anim n6 me bekasae, he
came and spoke friendly with me. — Other phrases: 13. wgatew nh
ti guAhd, they have sold him; s. guaha. — 14. tew ahi, to be refrac-
tory, to disregard, set at naugJU, to disdain, slight or scorn to obey;
s. ahi. — 15. etew no home, it takes his rest from him i.e. troubles
him exceedingly; - ne home atew, his breath or rest has been torn
offov broken, he is out of breath, in the utmost perplexity; cf. ahome-
tew, no bo abu. — 16. tew hkanyah, to become shy, rampant, fran-
tic; s. nkanyah. — 17. n'ani so atew, he is restored from his inebria-
tion, or from a deadly sickness. - 18. ne nsa or ne nsabow atew n'ani
so, his intoxication is gone. — 19. gtew (asem no) ani yera (watew ani
ayera), he causes the right face i.e. appearance or representation of
the matter to be lost. — 20. tew anyinam, to flash, lighten, pr. 5J0.
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tow, pi, r\'y the seed of a climbing plant, pr.l476.y smaller and
flatter than a horse-chestnut, used in a certain play (reminding of
billiards), in which it is forcibly jerked by the fingers upon an ele-
vated piece of mat against one or more seeds of the same kind thrown
by others; si ntgw (mpatew, nkatetew, ntramatew), to play that
game (the victor is to strike his antagonists with the hand, or to
receive ground-nuts, cowries &c. from them),
ntew-si, inf. — te-were, pr. 3210.
n tew, soreness of the lips in the angles of the mouth,
an tew, F. ambuscade, ambush.
dnt^w, Akw. = bamma, abranna.
ii tcwa, a kind of small bird. pr. 608.
atewa, a kind of razor; s. oyiwau.
ntew-ho, inf. purifi>cationy sanctification; cf. ahotew.
ntew-mil, inf. the act oi making clean or clear dc.
iitew-ani, inf. enlightening; inspiration. Kurtz §6.
ntew-s6, inf. deduction, reduction, pi-. 2934.
t i, rep. ti ti, imit. adv. asawa no atew ti, the thread has broken
all at once, quite suddenly (as if rotten); asawa no tetow ti ti, tfie thread
often breaks •= as. no ye tiwtiw, opp. as. no ye den.
e-ti, tiri {pi. atiri) 1. the head of any animal body, pr. 3248-65.
— neti afuw, his head is covered with hair, pr. 669. ne ti afuw dweh,
his head has produced gray hair, i.e. he has gray hairs or a hoary
bead; - ghohoro ne tirim, he washes his head; osra notirim, he
anoints his head; cf. atifi, atiko; nitiri, abotiri. — Phrases: meti pae
mc, ben me, I have head-ache; me ti mpae me, (my head does not
acJie), nothing ails mc, I am quite well; wgka won ti pira, s. pira. —
2. head, top; uppermost, prominent or fore-part of an inanimate .ob-
ject, as of a cane, a nail, a ship. — 3. head, chief, leader of any or-
ganized body; cf. tiban, otitiriw. — 4. head, source, fountain, spring
or beginning, as of a stream or river; cf. nsu-aniwa; - fig. fountain-
head, primary so^irce, origin; Onyame ye nkwa ti, gbonsamyc asem-
mone ti. — 5. first principle. — 6*. principal sentence or matter,
theme, subject; principal article. — 7. head, heading, superscription,
title, rubric, column. — 8. chapter or subdivision of a book.
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488 Gil
- c) ne t. rekisfi, his inmost feelings are stirred up, his bowds are
turned i.e. moved with compassion, his heart aches or bleeds; ofwee
ne ba no sa no, ama me t. akisa me = adah me; - d) net, kyere no
or twgtweno, net. ye no k^sekese or kesSrSnenene, he is anxious or
perplexed, at a loss, in anguish or perplexity ; - e) net. wo adwene,
he has good talents, is intelligent, sensible; - f) net. ye den, he is
cruel, hard, hard-hearted, inflexible; - g) net. nye or nye no yiye,
he has a bad conscience, is troubled in his mind; - ne t. bue, Jiis con-
science awakes. — B. tirim as the grammatical object or attribute
(Gr. § 218,1 6.): a) wahu or onira net., he knows his or her senti-
ments (e.g. the faithfulness of his wife); onh6 net., Jic is not sure of
his or her fidelity, is suspicious of him or Jier. — b) wafa ne t., he
lias taken into his head, i.e. he minds, retains, remembers, recollects;
of we ne t., he looks in or into his head i.e. tries to recollect; - esi ne
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ti — ntia. 489
nti, Ak. ti, tiri, F. (n)tsiri, at the end of a sentence ntia, As.tira,
a «. of relation, or postposition, indicating cause, expressing 1, the
prepp. for, from, out of, on account of, through, by; J2. at the end of an
adv. sent, (often together with efise, esiane (se) at the beginning of
such adv. sc7it) the conjj. because, as, since; cf. Gr. § 121,1. 240fl.6.
243a. 255,6a. 275,1.2. 279 j?m. 2.3. (B.p.l78: n^atutupe nti obiara
mpe n'asem; nsan nti oyare mpete; akwadwero nti ohia aba no so;
gbfire nti mintumi menye 2L^^wmdL\pr. 1427. 2670.) -.edennti(a), why?
wherefore? from what reason?
enti, = eno nti {s. bef.) hence, wlierefore, therefore, on that ac-
count; it stands at the beginning of a co-ordinate sent., 6r.§2522»;
the sense is the same when the preceding sent, is made subordinate
and nti put at the end of it (R. p. 178: maforo bepow tenten nti, ma-
b6re; woasu nti woani abere; - oye otntupefo, enti obiara mpe n'a-
sem ; mo de, moanyin sen me, enti mututu 'mirika sen me).
ntia, s. nti.
tia, V. [red. t'l&tifL] 1. to tread, step, to set the foot {mn^ in, into;
so, on)-,pr. 181.3031. — me nan ye me yaw, mitia a, entia, my foot
pains me, when I will step on it, I cannot. — 2. to kick, strike, thrust, hit
with the foot; hence 3. ^g. (in connection with another t;.) to be, do or
act against; gkasa tia me, he speaks against me, Gr. § 117,4d.243&.
— 4. otia me nan so, = oyi me apra, he secretly warns or cautions
me, gives me warning or notice. — 5. watla ber^w so, he has had too
much to drink, has become tipsy; cf. n'ani so ny6, n'ani so aye yiye,
wabow nsa &c. — 6. otia no tuo, he sets the cock or draws back the
trigger of his gun. — 7. tiatia so, to tread (much) ofi or upon, to tread
about, to trample, to tread down or under foot. — 8. otiatia m'anim,
he abuses, affronts or insults me, treats me with pride, contempt and
insult: eny^ wo yonko ne me na woatiatia m'anim sa! hena na, wu-
tiatia n'anira a, eye no de? cf. bu animtia. — 9. otutu tiatiain* ara
se orekokum no, he persists in his attempts to kiU Mm.
ti-ad6 flit, thing(s) given for the head] the price paid for a
person, espec. for a woman given in marriage, or for a portion of
land; purchase-money; obea bi t., dowry in the sense of a reward
paid for a wife, cf awarede; asase bi t., ti-bo.
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atifi, i. the crown or top of the head; cf. mpampam; vertex^ ze-
nith, the point of the heavens directly overhead: o^ia gyina yen at.,
the sun is in our zenith. — J2. in general: top, summit: bepow at,
the summit of a mountain; odan at, (lie house-top. «— 3. the place
above; adv. d: prep, overhead, above; on, upon. 6r. § 122. — 4. tlie
upper part of a town or country; cf. amantifi, anafo. — 5. F. etsi-
fi, west, westward, windward, syn, ane = anafo ; cf. atoe. — atififo,
the people of the upper part of the town or country, highlanders.
ati-fra, inf. di at = di atipira.
tf-gy 6, inf. [gye ti] fighting for another; rescue; cf. atipere.
atlko, hind part of the head, occiput; - adv., prep, after; gfw§
n'at, he looks after him. — Phr. oye m'at yisa, he rubs the hinder
part of my head with guinea-pepper, i.e. he backbites me, slanders
me, or speaks evil of me, in my absence, pr. 3270.
tl-kora, sktdl.
atf-kiiru, achor, scaU or scald, scurf on the head, scald-head;
oyare a eye mmofra atifi te se asfi, na eno de esosSe; lat. favus, ti-
nea, porrigo scutidata.
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yam' boo, na ene de, maoom aduru no nti, emmo bio, na atim. —
4, tr. to hold fast: otiin no, he holds him against his wUl; otim no a-
mcnewa, he takes him by the throat. Mt. 18^28,
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titri, a. tasteless, insipid, dtdl; eye t., it does not taste plain
(neither sweet nor sour, of fruits, soup &c.).
to, V. [red. toto] 1. to fall, drop down, sink (cf. fwe, gu): aku-
tu (atew) atg fam\ an orange has fallen down; metgo nsurn', aka
kOma s§ miwui, I fell into the water and had nearly perished ; obo
no akoto nsu no ase, the stone has fallen into the water and sunk to
the bottom, pr. 3281. 3287. — o s u t g, rain falls, it rains. — 2. to set,
go down, sink, pass below the liorisson, of sun, moon and stars; uwia
atg, the sun has set. ^3. to fall, be killed, be slain, die, perish, in battle,
or by an accident, not by a natural death; cf. gtgfo; wo de, gye se
wotg! (Gr. § 248,5) I will not let you die a natural death! — 4.
to pass (suddenly and passively) into a weaker or lower state or cir-
cumstances: a) tg beraw, fo fdll into a swoon, to sink into a faint-
ing fit, to faint or swoon (away) from blows or tormentfi; b) to do-
bos a, id. from a sun-stroke fJon. 4,5^- c) to piti, F. tg bitsi, id.
from hunger and starvation, Mt. 15,32. Mk. 8,3. d) to riko or hkom,
to fall or sink into a slumber, to fall asleep, pr.996. — c^g mflm,
to groiv dumb, speecJdess. Mt. 22,12, — 5. o^ tg kg., ho, F. to be
inclined to or toivards; b) g t g k o (ne ponia) so, he sinks upon, leans.
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to. 495
496 to — to.
otode oye, F. = otaye, oye da, he is wont to do, lie often does; cf. 13.
Ml 9,14. 17,15, 27^5, Mk. '2,18.9,22, 10,1.
to, V, [red. toto] 1. to lay down the price for a thing, to Imy^
purchase ;pr. 226.290.353.3290-98.3331. nea abofra pe na gtotg, pr.2124.
— wato no kaw, he has paid him the money due to him in order to
give him satisfaction for adultery with his wife; cf. akato; - tq aye-
fare, to pay for adultery. — to asem di, to take bribes in a law-suit.
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to^ 497
I have bought much meat (fish) of youy now give me some into the
bargain! cf, ntoso, nniiso, nkwaDj§. — h) inede meho or m'animeto no
8o, I cast mysdf upon, commit myself unto him, confide or trust in
him. — c) to so, foil, by a num., to he in number the. .tJi: gto so auan,
he is the fourth; eto so anum, it is the fifth; cf tia, Gr. § 83,3.
— 18. to hama: kgto dan no hama, line (mark out) the sides oftlie
Iwuse, stretch the cords to mark out the lines for building the Jiouse;
cf, kyen dan. — 19. de .. to hg, to leave to one^s pleasure or dispo-
sition, pr. 413. — 20. to .. kwan, to give free way, grant liberty, ac-
cord freedom to; mato no (nko) kwan, I have left him to himself, to
take his own way; I have permitted him to do as he pleases; - to sra-
ha, s. sraha. — 21. to .. mmati, to lay on one's shoulders, i.e. to em-
power, authorize, invest with (full) power; gpanyin soma wo na gto
wo mmati a, wudt asem a, womm6re. — 22. to ana, to give one's
genealogy, to show one^s parentage, to prove one's descent, pr. 358. —
J^3. toanansesem, to teU (prop, spin) a tale, cf. 11.28. pr. 359. — 24.
to or toto ani, to anyiwa (aprg) F., to look round about. Mk.3,5.34.9fi.
25. to .. pe, to asperse, slander, calumniate, vilify; s. pe; to ho mpe,
s. mp§ ; diff. tg ape. — 26.*to or toto .. apimafo, to neglect, disregard,
be careless about; s. apomafo. — 27. to nsa: a) to stretch out the
hand (usu. teg nsa): to wo nsa fa ade no ma me, stretch forth your
hand, take that and give it to me. — b) gto ne nsa, he waves his liand in
angnish or anger, Zeph. 2,15. - gto no nsa, he beckons him to come. —
c) to nsa didi, to eat from iJie same dish: me n^ no to nsa didi, ==
me n& no didi taforoboto biako mu; wgto nsa, = won banu didi
asanka koro mu. — 28. to asawa, to spin (woseh nkora hkitrn-
koruwa 2 na wgde dua tSatea hyem' na wgde asawa mfuturu kye-
kyere ho, na wgde wgn nsate& 2 kyim, na wgbobgw wg dua no ho).
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498 to^
expose one*s self (to the heat of a fire or of the sun, to the cold &c):
to gya, to warm one^s self at the fire; to awia, to warm one's self in
the sun; to awgw, to expose one's self to the cold; mekoto a wow, I
am going to seek coolness; - wato neho sere, he has exposed himsdf
to laughter, pr, 3312,
to, 17. [red, toto] 1, tr. to turn, twist, wrest, pervert, distort;-
to transgress, violate, break, infringe, act contrary to: a) to mmiira,
to transgress the law; pr.3317. - b) to nsu: wato nensu, he has vio-
lated his sworn covenant; watSto wonhonsu, tJiey have mutually broken
tJieir covenanted obligations. - c^ t6 ntam, to disregard or vidak
(the obligations of) an oath, pr. 3316, — 2, to entangle, involve, com-
plicate, confound, make intricate, embroil (c/l toa): a) ohenemmSra
ato wo = woato ohene mmiira (s, 1); wo mm&ra a wohyee me no
ato wo, you are yourself at variance with the law you gave me, have
transgressed your own law given to me; -b) o to me so, ^ involves
me in guilt, he falsely charges me (s. eso) = ode asem a menyee {or
enni me so) de ato me so, asem a ode to me so no, ebiara nni me so;
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make it die. pr. 3314. — 4. toto kiirii, to dresSy stupe or foment a hurt,
wound or sore with warm water or medicaments, pr, 365, 1433 f,
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— 4, to cause disorder drc. ewo toa ne yarn', the honey causes pain
in his belly, pr. 445.
toa, pL n-, calabash, gourd and the plant producing it; pr. 599.
- small bottle, flask or flagon; box; small pot ox jar; pr. 3320-22, {¥.
twa, Mt 9,17.) - ntoa ahorow : nn6t64, n8i!it64, b^nt6a, odinka, aden-
kum, mfoa. - cf. toa, kora, kuruwa, tumpan.
ntoa, ntoa, l.pl. of toa, toa. — J2. a leatJier belt or girdle con-
taining cartridges in 6 or 12 small boxes or cells; s. gbarebyia; -
woakQ ntoa mu, they are ready for figUing: m6nka ntoa, make your-
self ready for fighting.
o-t o a-s e f 6, pi. a-, a m(\n having a belt with cartridges about him ;
one who wears a belt with cartridges for anotlier; armour-bearer.
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[ler pustules,
e t o-d ab i-a, lit. it falls i.e. happens some day that, i.e. sometimes;
8. to 13. Gr. § 130,4. pr. 3282. — F. otg-dabi-a, oto-febi-a.
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a toe, r. n. tJie place where the sun sinks or sels, west; s. to, v.
o-t o f 6, pi. a-, one who has fallen in battle or has been killed by an
accident, pr. 957.3324. — atofo-kwan, asaraankwan, the milky way.
ntokondn, s. ntgkwanan.
nt6ii, & plant (kind of palm) with long ensiform leaves used for
plaiting mats; ahaban bi a wgde nwene kete; pr.3333. cf, opete-
ntgn or ntgmme, twitgn.
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T5uko, pr. n. a town on the left bank of the Volta; efi Anam
ko ho beye dakoro kwan; wufi Paremft a, na woko ho a.n. woada
Soha^ (E9e).
0-ton-su, s. tonasu.
ton tan, v. to twist, inteHwist, entwine, intertwine; to entangle;
f4 tontan md = f a toatSa mu, make a noose, loop, loose knot!
nt5n t6 (cf ton, to sell, to, to buy): di nt, to buy tilings on joint
account and share the money received from the sales; = si kosow.
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atop6 (obsol.) hoe, mattock; cf, asow; spade (?) pr. 1081,
n t o re-m u, inf, di nt. = to mn, to sink in, fall down, e.g. a cov-
er or lid in a pot of too wide an aperture.
hitual practice, usage; ade a wofi t^tetete 4y6 abedii 'ne ; Guahfo
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f/ou say here is quite true, the plain truth, — 2, adv. predsdy, jusl,
exactly, perfectly.
torotor6,a. s. t5ro. *
o-toso-fd, inf. the act of embezzling (taking for one's self) whni
is given into the bargain, instead of bringing it to him or her who
sent to the market.
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tow, v.[red. totow] 1. to fling, cast, send or throw from the hand,
to whirl, hurl, pr. 3348; otow no bo, he flings a stone at him, tow kyene,
tow gu, to cast somewhere, F. Mt 13,42. to cast away. pr. 3346. 3350 f
3358. - tow kyene or pete, to throw or cast to; gtow poma no kyene^
me, he threw me the stick ; tow nnua no pet6 yen ha, fling the pieces
of wood to us liere! tow at^bo, to throw with a sling, to sling a stone:
otow atHbo no boo no, 1 Sam. 17,49. — 2. to fling or throw one^s self
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e-tow, pi. n-, atgw-atgw, 1. lump, bump, globe, round mass, ball,
as of wet clay for pis^-building; dumpling, of foofoo (fufQ-tgw; ahen-
tgw, a small one, nkwaseatgw, a large one); clod, dot, coagulation;
'mogya atgw-atgw, Lk. 22,44. pr.3266. — 2, duster, swarm, crowd:
nnipano abg tgw, the people are crowded together; wgkgkyeree tgw,
they huddled together.
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trara, = taradada.
tra-ase, tra ase, 1, s. tra. — JS. inf. abono tr., it has caused
him to sit down. — atraasfe(6), interj. salutation to one sitting.
traase-fe litem: waye tr. (waka ofakO, ontumiiiko babi), he
sits idle or unoccupied, always at the same place, he lies faUow &c.
wanye tr. wo n'adwuma no mu, he did not sit idle, was not lazy in
his work.
ntra-so, inf. [s, tra] what is beyond the limits; excess, extreme;
egyina ntraso abien no ntam\ it stands (or Jiolds a position) between
the two extremes.
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trotro, s. t6ro, #.
tse, ts'e, tsie t;. = tie, to hear, listen, hearken, obey. Mi, 18,14.23,
tse, t?.=tew, to tear dtc. otse asorekye nom', he passes the waves,
tse, V, = t§e, to stretch dtc. tse wo nsa, Mt. 12,13.49. tse apom\ to
[be wdH.
tserew, v, = t?rew.
tsew, V, = tew, to tear dtc, tsew tor, to fall off (from), to drop.
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tsi, = eti, head <f c. ne tsi ase, lie is beside Mmsdf. Mk. 3^1.
tsiri, n-, = ti, nti. — tsirini: aaase ne ts., under the earth.
n tsi rim : hye - to incite, itistlgate. Mt. 14,8. Mk 15,1 1
atsi-tsew, plaiting the hair. 1 Pet. 3,4.
— 5. Phr. tu ase, to get out the root, .fig. to begin from Uie very out-
set: tu ase (ka) kyere me, tell me all from the beginning, relate me
tJie whole fully, atfidl length, at large, in detail, minutely. — 6. tu, to
take out, dig, make (araoa, a hole in the ground, abura, a well, pr.3361).
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tih 513
30. tu, intr. to fly (from the jerking motion of the wings): ano-
ma tu gsoro (wim). — 31, to fly up, jump up: o t u f a m me, he jumps
and embraces or hugs me, — 32. tu tare, <o 66 thrown or spattered
on, so as to be fastened, to stick, cling or cleave to.
33. tu, tutu, intr. & tr., to remove from, to change on^s (dwel-
ling-Jplace; matutu mafi Akttropon makotra Aburi, / have removed
from Akr. to Ab.; niatu no mafi ofi no mu, I have caused him to leave
that dwelling; cf. 10. — 34. tu (k g), to go (away or off), pr. 1036, to
go, remove, depart, or journey from (Numb, 33,), to set out, set forth;
to break up, decamp; to emigrate; Agyeman ne neman atu akgye
dgm, Agy. and his people have emigrated and become enemies (to
their former master or compatriots, s. dgm); wgatu afi guam' hg,
they have Igft the assembly; - to break up {a, session or meeting): gua
no atu, the session or assembly has been broken up or dissolved, has
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43, ne ho atu, /te has been delivered or freed from his pressing
circumstances, - — 44, aduan no atn {or atg) me ho (e.s. adnah «
midii no asa me yafunum), I feel no further strength from thai food
(being digested long ago; Germ, die speise Mlt nicht mehr vor); a-
duan no ntu me hd ntem, that food (is heavy /ioi* or clogs my stomach?)
does not let me feel hunger soon,
tu, adv. completely dark; ade saa so tu, whilst this was going
on, it grew full night (it continued or was deferred to the dark of night).
attf , clasp, embrace; ye atQ, to embrace; woyeat., they embraee
each other; meye no at., / e^nbrace him; cf, bam, fam.
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atu-bo, inf [tu 34, bo 40] the act of changing one's dwening-
place; wodi at. = w6tu a, wode akobo ha, wotu a, wode akobo ha,
they frequently change tJieir place of settlement.
atii-b(5, inf [bo tuo] the act of shooting one's self; wodi at., the
practice of shooting themselves is common among them.
atu-bo a, pl.n- [aboa a otu, 5. tu 30] any animal that flies; bird;
includes also a bat.
o-tii brkfd, pL t., settler, colonist; nnipa a woatutu afi won kfirov
mu akotr& obi kiirow bi so, people that have left their native country
(perhaps in enmity) and joined another nation. pi\ 3370. - at. kiirow,
settlement, col&ny. Acts 16,12.
atu-de [ade a wotu] : fam' at., things dug out from the ground,
tue, V. 1. intr. to open, break or burst forth, begin (to take its
flow or course): a) asusow atue, the rainy season has begun or set
in; asusow rebetue, the r. s. is approaching; - b) asu tue, the (water
of the) river, lagoon or lake bursts forth, breaks out [6. (k f^, tiki].
- d) tue kwan, to open a road that had been shut up (gkwan asiw
na afei wgadi asem no na woama ok wan bio); - e) tue fasu mu kwan,
to break an opening or way through the wall. — tue hetsew, F. h
break up the roof. Mk. 3,4. - f) tue su, to commence wailing, -g) tac
ayi, to repeat a funeral custom after a certain time (a fortnight to
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atiifanu — tumi. 5 1 7
6 months); Gitafifo n6 Nkranfo tiie. ayi, e.s. WQsan ye ayi koro no
ara a woye kan no bio.
t ui, Ak. tuie [ade a wgde tu] brush; y i .. tui, to stir up, incite,
iftstigate to do something wrong; oyi me tui = ogyigye me, okd kyerc
me se meye hu hii, ua nichko m'anim menkokd; cf. otu m*as6; he
excites me to mischievous deeds. Obi yi wo tui na wutie a, akyiri wu-
nO woho.
tiiku, F. = taku.
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or know well (to do), to be well versed (in doing): otnmi sh yo, Gr.
ib. - to dare: kuromhofo tumi ahgho fwe.
0-tiimi, inf. abUif^y power, might.
tumi-s^m, display of power, mighty or strength; odi t. = odi
ahoodensem, oye ade a nnipa nhina ntumi nye. Adow Dankwa dii
t. kyen Kwadade.
n t u m-m o a, small black flies; pr. 604. nt. retow gn yeii so we yen,
we yen, we yen.
0-t um 1 f 0, pi. a-, bearer of the king's guns; ot. kura obene tuo;
cf otufo, ohumfo, gyaasefo.
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tur, tore, F. garden, Mt 20,7 J3, 1 Cor, 9,7- tftrom, in the garden,
pr, 376 f 6ti!iru neba wg n'abasa soj cf, kura; t. mma, to bring up
1 have given birth to ten children, of whom five are still alive.
atu-tow, inf [tow tuo] the firing of guns; mmarima a wgaso at.,
men grown so far as to be able to fire guns, i.e. fit to bear arms,
o-tiitu-^furu, = tiikfuru.
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o-t li t u w', L dust (flying in the air; mfutiima, dust of the ground).
— JJ, b g .. tutu w, to expose to shame, to hold up to shame, to disgrace
publicly by shouting after one (hfi, wo, yA, ho!); wQbo no t. = wo-
huro no; m6minono t. e!
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twa^ 521
— 14. twa, to cease to flow, to stay: mogya no atv^a, the blood has
been stanched; nno no twae, the oil stayed; 2 Ki. 4fi. tr. to stop from
flowing, to stanch: aduru no atwa mogya no.
15. to cross (over), to pass over; pr. 389. 3405. - ode korow twaa
asu no, he crossed the river in a canoe; - twa in connection with
another v. supplies for the prep, or adv. over, across; oguare twaa
asu no, he swam across the river ; etv^ene nni asubonten no so nti,
oguare twae, ILp. 239. — to intersect. — F. ode won twa' sar n, he
led t/tem through the tvilderness. — 16. t\Va .. h 6, to pass by, overtake,
outstrip; pr. 383. initwaa no h5 ok wan mn, R. p. 238* - to omit, syn.
kwati, gyaw; - watwa ne nyih ho or mu, he or she has passed the
proper age (for any thing) r= wabii ne ramerem', ne mmere atwam*.
22. twa, to draw a line, to make a streak with, to touch: twa si-
ka fwe, to try gold on a touch-stone. — 23. to stroke, rub: ode nt^o-
ma twa n'ani akyi, Jte makes strokes with red ochre above his eyes;
de..t\Va..so, to spread or lay on: fa twa wo ani so, cf. fa to wo ani
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522 twa^
80, pr. 1074, — 24. twa, intr. to he dratvn (of a line), to be ctd across:
nseuBane abied twa n*ani ase, two lines are cut across his cheek, —
35^ twa, to cut off a measured part from the rest, to measure; cf. 3.
(twa kora), atwade, at^ahina, twakora.
26, twa wonho, to part, separate, divide (Intr., drawing, as it
were, aline between themselves), to disunite: woatwa wonho (wgatew
won mu) reko, e.s. ena mma a.s. agya mma a.s. Qman hi aba won
mu abieh reko, they are at war among themselves; cf. axnanko. —
27. twa neho, ^0 turn, wheel or whirl round; ontwd neho nfwe
n'akyi, he does not turn tolook back, i.e. he is constant ; okgrnfo kom
a, ot^a neho : pr. 169. twa neho si, s. atwasi, cf. 29. — 28. twa n'a-
ni, a) to look about, turn b'ack, turn round; pr. 60. - b) wotwa won
ani fua no (n^ no adi), they turn their face against him. — 29. n'a-
ni twa, Ak. = n'ani gyina, Ive is home-sick: m^ani nt^aa (= nnji-
naa) ofie pen e. — 30. twa, to faint: watwa, he has fainted or fmvUs
from weariness &c. cf, tware. — 31. twa (simply), or twa abiribiriw,
to have an epUeptic fit or fits; tobeltmatic; F. twa ahim, 3ft. 4^4. 17^5.
— 32. twa.. ho h 7 ia or si, to surround, encircle, encompass: wo-
tv^aa odan no ho hyiae; nsu atwaasase ho ahyia, B. p. 239;hone nkje
t^a yen ho si, sin easily besets tis, Hebr. 12,1. - cf, 23. — 33, twa ..
h6 kontonkron, to go round something; cf bo k. — 34, twa puruw,
to form a circle; osram atwa p., the moon is full.
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atwa-de, F. measure, bushel. Mt. 23^2. Mk. 4,21. cf. twa 25.
tw4f6, lit. the cutters, those wo are to cut into the enemy, the
company that begins the battle, the van, van-guard, front or first line;
wodi t\V., they are in tlie van.
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t>Vd-kS,, inf. [t^a8, ka, to dip] the dipping into or eating from
the same dish; di tw., to have friendly intercourse, to he in dose com-
tnunion together; nnansa yi Akuapemfo nh Aktiroponfo nni tw.; cf.
t#awe, akapimaf^e &c.
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ntwaree [cf, twa J22J bad gold, not proof or sterling; dross:
sika-bone, sika mu fi; nea twabo no atwitwa; cf. bin, tia.
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atwea, atwS, pi, n-, sack; wode kente na eye; cf, awotwS.
tw6a^ interj, expressing utmost disregard or contempt.
tw6a, pi. n-, corner, extremity/ of something angular, e.g. of a
table, a house &c., external angle; r/lhin, kokoam, batv^ow, Ak.ba-
tVk^ea-ti bo, the head comer-stone, [twee.
tViredp^a, 5. twftpea.
o-t w e-as e. -asee [aboa a otwe ueho ase] serpent, snake; cf, owo;
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tw^r^, Ak. twedee, pi. a-, the hand half -way clenched on pur-
pose to strike with it; also the blow thus inflicted; pr. 3251' -tow
or bg tw., to inflict such a blow; mmarima tow t^., ramea bg tw.
- oyii twedee na gde abg me fwene so; - ko at^^r^^i pr. 518. - cf,
tVirer^be, s. dwerebe.
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iwitSLCy file.
twitwa, red, v., to cut several things, to cut into many pieces
€tc, s. twa 1,2.8.27, (yetwitwaa yei'i ani, we looked around us); otwi-
twa ne nan ase.
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532 ntwomfi — W.
twgu, V. F. = twen.
ntwontw6(o full) a kind of wide breeches; atade a wopamno
tiatia koktiro de si wohasen mu; of, twakoto, wbno.
a two p 6, s. atwapo.
tVi^oi'odo, tworododo, ndv, imitative of the sound prodnced
by pouring water into a vessel: ode nsu gu ahindm^ tw.; pr. .^^. cf.
torgdodg, tdradada.
twu, V, s. twiw; tvvu pirim, As., twi pin, F., to draw ntar. —
to clean: twu kuraba akyi; F. Mt.23^5. twu anyim, F. to upbraid,
rebuke, Mt. 11,20.19,1.3. —niwu-myim, F. rebuke,
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wa — ware. 533
wa, imit, adv. expr. the rushing sound of trees agitated by the
wind or in falling: moreko uo, metee semframa rehim ababan wa.
biako so.
wau-we, inf. [wae, to get off a piece from, we, to eat\. ueh<5
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534 ware -— owaw.
awitre, i;. inf. marriage, the act of marrying, tbe state of being
married, matrimony, wedlock, married state; n'aware yi anye yiye,
his marriage which he had concluded did not turn out well; sec aw.,
to commit adultery, cf. fa gyere & wia.
— 6. ka p6n no wkw ano, leave the door upon the latch, lean the
door against the door-post.
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536 wo — i\w6.
wo- or W0-, the pron. w gu, prefixed to the verb; Gr. § 54.58.
89,7. — In F. the same form wg or wo is also used for mo, ^^you.
wo- or WU-, the pron. wo, thou, prefixed likewise, ib.
wo, F. e-wo, thou, poss. thy, obj. thee; Gr.§ 53-58. pr. 34o2'6L
§-w6, honey; gwo no adg, the cells of the lioney-comb are filled.
o-wo, pi. a-, F. n-, snake, serpent; cf. gtweasee. pr.2274.3446'5L
Diff. kinds: gpantene, nini, ebgre (guanka), gprlimfri, gkyereben,
ahab^mmouo, atirenu, asouawg, ahurutod, bamiawu, akitaosi^a,
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riice; Mrh 7^6; generation, Mt. 1,1- — awo ka no, oko awo, she trav-
ails; awo no (mil) den no, n'awo mu ye den, she has hard labour;
Gen, 35,16, Mev. 12,2. mereko awo, fig. I am in the greatest pains; -
wogye no awo, the^ assist her in childbitih; - awo akyi ade, after-
birth; cf. etam.
o-wofo, 2^1' a-» a woman who can bear or has born children.
a w f 0, pi,, parents,
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w6ma, ii-, F. = nhoma, a-, leather, hook dtc, Mk. 1,6, Ml IJ.,
o-w6mma, pi. a- [wow, ba, ef. aba] the wooden pestle (heater,
pounder) with which yam and plantains are pounded in the woaduru.
aw6-mma-gti-dkyi, a kind of herh for food and medicine,
awo-mma-wu: odiaw. (=owommamaowa), she bears chUd-
ten OfUt/ to see them die, i.e. children all of whom soon die.
won, F. = wen, to watch. Mt 24,42.26^38.40.27,36.
won, pron. Ah. ben, Ak. yen, F. hwon, they, them; their.
[Gr. § 53-59.
w Q n-a nk a s a \ihci/ themselves, themselves, just Uicy, even th€$,
w n-a r a ( Ak.)/ tfie very same persons; poss. their own. Gr. § 59.
won-h5, pron. refl. themselves. Gr. § 57.
awonio, pr,3471.
awonkoruwa, a kind of plant.
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wo row, V, s, wodow.
o-worobeii, a-, ye- io he selfish, proud,
awo-s li [awo nsu] the fluid contained in the amnion, the liquor
of the amnios, flowing off previously to delivery.
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wu b6 ! cease to prosectUe the matter and pay any sum (rather than
proceed any farther); onipa nwii bo nto adebone (or, adehnna), no-
body willingly pays an excessive pnce for a mean or worthier thing;
miwu bo a, ^ne se: ebo no sd a misusuwi se ekum me (wo) sikam*.
— 9, wu sika, lit. to die in money, to pay money beyond one's power
or fortune: mewn sika na mede magje me naa, I wHl take the Iteavy
expenses upon me to redeem my brother.
awdonu, [owu, enu] a twofold deaifi; ehafo hyg nsew se; wo-
b^wu awilionu I g.s. wobewu wg ha asan ako wu wg asaman ; cf. own-
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ced both his cheeks with a dagger, have thrust a fine pointed knife
through his cheeJcs; wowura adesoa no dua or nnua, they carry their
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544 owiis^m — aw^.
o-wu-sore, resurrection, tlic rising again frotn the dead; o wuny iii.
wiisuwusu, a, disorderly, dirty, nasty; oye neho w.
we: anim aye w^, the face of the earth and every thing on it
has hecome visihle (in the early morning, before sunrise), it dawns;
cf. anim.
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were, seems to have orig. signified the part of the body en-
closed by the ribs and breastbone, the chest, thorax, audits contents,
and is no more used in a bodily sense, but only in some peculiar
phrases. [G; mi.] 1. the heart or breast as the seat of the affections and
capacities of the soul : a) ne were ahow, his heart is dried up, i.e.
he is in (deep) grief, is dejected, sad, sorrowful, looks doicncast; also
ne y^. ahow neho ; me w. ahow no, / am angry with him = mempe no,
way i me abnfuw, mafano abufuw; b) ghow mew., he grieves me,
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wfere, the skin of a living human body; the thick skin of the
sole of the foot and of thick-skinned quadrupeds; ne hdnam ani
fihina ye dennennennen se w.; ^yisl, pere w., na mpere merebo,
pr. 3511.3667. ohu ne were bo, Jte learns the price of his 5/wit, i.e. the
price he is sold for; pr. 582. — Phrases: 1. ons^h ne werem\ he has
not (sufficient) room in his sMn, ne bonam ye no se enso mma no, i.e.
?ie is ready to leap out of his skin. — ^. di .. were, to take sati^ac-
iion for a killed person from: woredino w. = woregye onipa a wa-
kum won busuani no ho sika; wukum wo yonko nipa a, na wogye
wo so akatua: nnipa bason (ene wogye akoa n^ af^na) na woagye
asiede (woabu def werede na woatua). — 3. to .. were, a) to avenge,
to take satisfaction for, by punishing the injuring party, to vindicate
by inflicting pain or evil on the wrongdoer, to inflict just punish-
ment upon evildoers in behalf of ourselves or of others for whom
we act; to revenge, to inflict pain or injury for, in a spiteful, wrong
or malignant spirit, to wreak vengeance for^ maliciously : meto me
i^ere wo m'atamfo nsam' or ho or so, I avenge myself on my enemies
(perh. orig. I vindicate my skin from or against my opponents); me-
to no w. mama me nua, I execute vengeance on him in behalf of my
brother; - b) to pay what is demanded or due as satisfaction for
killing (t person: mereto or mekotono w.=miretua onipa a miknm
no no abusGafo ka, merekotua no anyanson ka.
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o-wia, a-, F. ewia, the sun;pr. 3524. — ow. pue or sore, the sun
rises; ow. ^, the sun comes forth from behind the clouds; - pae or
bg, - shines hot; - home so, bye me, - shines at me, burns me ; - hyew
nneema, - scorches things; - to, - sets; aw. ano ye den, the heat of
the sun is verf/ great, the sun shines very hot.
awia, 1. sunshine; to aw., to bask in the sun; nam aw. so, to walk
in the sun; hata .. aw. so, to spread .. in the stm. - J2. day in contra-
distinction to night: Onyahkopgn fweyenso anadwo sc awia, God
cares for tis at night as in the day; awia nh anadwo, (by) day and
night; - 3. the time in which the sun stands high: forenoon, noon dt
afternoon; aw. kete, noonday, the noonday ot noontide heat, thehottest
part of the day from 1 2 to 2 o'clock.
awia-here, the hot time of the day; the hoi season of the year.
awia-didi, dinner, the meal taken about the middle of the day.
o-wia-gyinae, s. owigyinae.
awi d-p II e f , the place or time of the sun's rising, sunrise; cf apuei.
e-wl-ase, what is under tJie sky or heaven, the world; pr. 3525.
wiase hayi, or ^Viyiase ha, here in this world; wi lihina ase (nhina),
under the whole heaven, in all the world.
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awid-to6, the place or time of the sun's setting, sunset; cf. atoc
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wo, V. s. wow.
w6, imit, adv, 1. with a loud noise: osu tg w6 (or ya), the rain
gushes with a rushing noise, noisily; wosti wd (or ya), they weep or
lament aloud; ofwiee ntrama no guu hg y^6, he poured the cowries
out with a rustling noise; gman mu aye wg (better: ho, h^bgbgbg),
the town is full of noise. — 2, in a gang or train, altogether, to the
last man: yesiim' w6 kgg hg, we started altogether and went there.
(The common idea of this, of the preceding and of the succeeding
word, as well as of wergdgdg, w5rgdg, may be that of continuance:
continuously, in a stream, in rapid or uninterrupted succession,)
wo, descr, a, <& adv, noiseless, quite silent or still, quiet as the
grave: gman mu aye w6, the town is quite still (all the people having
gone out); syn. w6nn, krilna; Akuapemfo a ebae no iihin& asim* kg
w6, aU the Akuapems that had been here are now gone again, so that
the town is quite still.
woko, s. weko.
w^nn, a.= w6, quiet, stUl, silent; gman mu aye w.; cf. ygnh.
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yh — 7«>in. 553
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ayamhjehye — jare. 555
ay amii [gd6 a ehye or ewg gd6 yam?] yam not taken out in the
first crop, bnt remaining to the time of the second crop; gd6 k wg^
4ntd amma ammg mpgw, na etrft hg kosi se wotn mpgw pd mu ; gd^
^ w6mpdne dd, nd wotii wg mp6wb^re mu.
yhUy the breast of an animal, as far as the ribs go. pr. 502.
yhhjV. [inf. 9k-]to drum; yan akyene, to beat a drum with sticks
(formed as hooks); cf. ka aky.
ay SLiL&\ place wheie loads are put down, that the carriers may
take some rest, resting-place (nea wgd^ ad^sod yah da n6 nea wg-
soe da); cf. asoce.
yane, v. Gy. to wear round the neck (sika, ahene). pr. i575.
y hnom, pi. s. gya.
tam fdm' ; m^kg^ no, ^de neh6 yantdm' fam* na mekgmaa no so.
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0-y arefo, pi. a-, F. yarfo, sick person, patient; invalid, sicM^
person; one afflicted with sonie bodily defect; cripple, pr. 3549 f.
ayare-sd, inf. [sa yare] the act, art or power of healing, o( cu-
ring a disease.
Q-y are wd, pi. n-, 1. s. oyare; - 2. cf. asonoka. [cf. oduyefo.
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y§, V, [red. yeyi^\ cf, yo.] La) to come or enter into existence,
he created or produced: ^nye hann! hi tJiere be light! eyee hann,
there was light. Gen, 1,3, — h) to conie to pass, come about, happen,
occur, chance, befall, take place : ey§§ d§n na ahina no boe? how
came it that the pot was broken? minnim 8§nea eyee, 1 do not know
lioic it came to pass. — c)tobe done, performed, executed: §yee eft, U
was so, Gm. i,7.9. daben na ejinom bey§? when wHl these things be?
Uc, 21,7, aye senea wokae no, it is done as thou hast commanded.
JJc 14y22, nea entnmi ny§ nnipa fam^ no, Onyankopon fam' de, ebe-
turai aye, the things which are impossible witfi men are possible with
God, Lk. 18,27, — d) s§ gbeye a, F., if it be possible, Mt 26,39, — e)
Sometimes the v. ye serves instead of adverbs or conjunctions ex-
pressing time, manner or intention : eyee sa no, Swissifo asom dwoo
won, when it had come thus i.e. in this way, by or after this, the Swiss
had at length peace; nea §beye na woanya sika nti wosii oman no
apempem n.a. Gr.§ 264,2. lim. §279 iJm.^. — /) ye ho, F. = ba
mu, to be done, be fulfilled; 6nye hg, so be it; w*apedze ny§ hwo,
ihy wUl be done; Mt24f3,34, 26,42, — 2, a) to become, grow, turn, come
to be (to assume or receive tfie character or quality expressed by the
noun or a^'. forming the complement): ohia na emaodehyeye akoa,
pr,1344, " in the perf. &ndftd. also: to be; ne sika nhina asa, waye
ohiani ; "waye akwakora; Qdan no ay§ gow; m^atade aye fi ; ^ p,197;
pr. 1292, 1344,3556,3579.3o80, John 1,14, woye no sa a, §b§ye yiye (con-
tracted: ebeye' ye), if you make it so, it wiU be right, - b) to behave,
conduct ones self: otuu no fo se 6nye papa or 6nye abofra pa, he
admonished him to behave well, to conduct himself as a good boy; <?n-
y^ papa, he behavesbadly; - ye kyikyiri-kyikyiri, to be unruly d;c.
3. in the co«fm. form (Gr.§ 9 1,2. 102,1. 167. 168. 199,2. 3.) to be,
= to have or possess the character or quality expressed by the noun
or adj, forming the complement: gy§ abofra, oye obayifo, sika ye
fe ; abrobe bun ny§ fremfrem, Rp, 197, pr.60Jil54^950,3565.3563f. 3574.
ey§ f§ de, nanso eny^ de, it is pretty, but it is not sweet or agreeable;
asem no y§ asempi, the report is a good news, or, proves to be true;
oye ghene, lie is a king; - §ye na, eho ye na, pr, 991.2950. s. na. —
4. iropers. a) with a succeeding noun or a sentence : to be =^ to turn
out to be: ey§ ohene, it is the king; §ny^ ohene (ne no), it (or, that)
is not the king; eye no anihaw, it is laziness on his part; §ny^me
anisQ, s. aniso; eny^me a^ereiiri, it is not forgetfulness on my part.
— b) The neg. eny6 must be employed when the v. n e, marking
identical existence, shall be made negative : §ny^ me nua ne no, or,
gnye me nua, he is not my broUier; cf, Gr. §199,1. 247, 1. 3a. i>r. 5595.
3601-5, — c^ In a sent, connected with a preceding sent, by way of
co-ordination, the neg. eny^ is sometimes put instead of a repetition
of the predicate in the neg., the same predicate having occurred in
the preceding sent in the affirmative; in Eng. in this case merely
the adv. not is used, = itis not true of: gbarima hi wu a, ne mma
na edi n'ade; $ha yi de, ne wgfase na edi, eny4 n^ mmd; R,p, 197.
pr. 1892, Gr. § 253,3. — d) §ye and eny^ serve also to make any
member of a sentence prominent, s, Gr. § 247. enye meba na wo-
fwpo no? teas if not my child that you flogged? pr, 3064,3371,
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558 y^
— b)to effect, produce an effect or result, bring about, work out, car-
ry through; to accomplish, fulfill, achieve, effectuate: woAy^ad^!
you have done a (great) thing, accomplished a noble object, achieved
an important undertaking, performed a praiseworthy work. — c) to
perform, discharge, execute, transact; to commit, perpetrate; ye a-
dwnma, to do work, to work; koye wo ade, mind your business; ye
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y^ 559
12. to fiappen or ocair to, be done to, befall (cf. 1): eden na aye
no na osii, what is the matter with him that he weeps? kobisano de-
kode a aye no, B. p. 197- wofa bo a, ade beye wo! if you go thai way
(take that road), something will befall you i.e. that way is dangerous.
— 19. to apply, use J make use of: ye aso, io listen, hearken; m6nye
(no) aso, give or lend an ear (to him)!
22. yeny&ytodo and get (by it) i.e. io do with gain, to acquire,
merit, deserve; cf. ye fa, to do for one's sdf; ye ma, to do or act
for (another), Gr. § 243 Bent. 2. — ^5. y e gu, to do and cast away,
i.e. to do in vain. Gr. § 220.
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560 je — ay^fare.
o-y ea: abofrdgyea (ab. a oye ey^a, a child to be pitied) poor chUd!
o-yc-deddw, on^ who has heen a tvife for a long time, pr. 3642.
g-ye-faf6, = gyerefafo. F. Mt. 12,39.
o-y e-tAui f pi. a-, concubine, not of the same standing as a regu-
lar wife (gyere a [ete se gwg fdm^] gnye woyere papa, nanso wo-
ni no awo); mfame nye oy., na fame ye gyepal
a-ye fa-dee, Ak.\ [gyere-fa ade] fine imposed for adultery, in-
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ded hnsband; pr. 3643. - to ay., to pay for adultery with another
man^s wife.
o-y e-guo, inf. [yc go, doing dt casting away"] vain labour; mabo
Tnmodeh ara se ebeye 'ye ana, na no nhina oy.l pr, 504,
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ye-nya, y^-ny^, ittf. [nea obi ye nyae] merit, desert; gain, pro-
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wode nnua abobom* na awo; c/*. pa 5c.); yere hboma no mu, stretch
ox plain that wrinkled paper! wayere hama no mu pintinn, he has
strained or straitened the cord very tensely (tightly); n'akwah yere
ho pintihn, his ways are tense i.e. /irm, unwavering, Fs. 10,5. - yere..
bo, to enlarge the chest; cf, fuw or horan bo; pr. 1157' — 2, y. akyeno,
to stretch a skin upon a drum, to cover a drum with a skin stretched
upon it* — 5. to rest upon one's head as a heavy load that requires
the straining of one's nerves or muscles; eyerewo (=§39 wo), it is
heavy for, presses) on your head; mihyiaa no na adesoa yere no
(==so no), when I met him, he carried a heavy load on his head, —
4. dyire s6, prop, ii has been stretched or strained (upon) i.e. it Has
been put to the utmost stretch, so that it cannot bear any more; hence
the words: se ayere so a, (= se emu aye den a,) serve to express
the adv. absohdely, positively, utterly, by all means, at any rate, at
most, at the utmost, or, with negation, by no means d'c.i Ayhro sd
kora (e.s. woye no biribiara na enye yiye, or, wokft no babi na
emma) na wuntumi nko a, ma obi nko, if you cannot go by any
means, let another go. — 5. 5. yeyere, 2.3. — yero, v. s. yerew.
aye re-fa, inf. adtdtery committed with another man's wife; cf.
ay ere m, Kuk. : ne ho ate ay., efi biara nni neho biem, he has
become quite clean, there is no more any. uncleanness about him.
aye rem: tew yen dyerem\ mfa wo nsa nka! make clear the
space for us, grant us a clear, free, open space, give us free hand
or scope (and let us fight out our scuffle), do not meddle ivith if! aye-
rem o! obi 5 obi h nka 0! nobody shall touch to pacify, let them fight
(and we shall see who is the strongest)! Kwasi atew Kwaku n6 Kofi
ayerem, Kws. has set on (or instigated) Kick, and Kf. to fight (in-
stead of pacifying them), he has set them at a fair trial.
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564 yer^ye rew — yi.
ayeyc-de [ade biaraa wgde ye obi aye a.s. wode kye obi; en-
y4 akatua, nanso entwase w6mfa mma no] a present^ gift, donation,
offering, oblation; wode nnuan, nkoko, nkesua, nsa, ntama, ntrama,
sika, koye abosom aye (to obtain his protection).
yey ere, v. red. 1. s. yere. — J2. y. neho, to puff one's self up,
to be inflated, swell: krakum y. neho (e.s. oye neh5 kokiiro or kusfi
no), the turkey-cock swells. — 3. gyeyeri n^anim (oye n*anim se
obarima de), he looks big, struts, swells, assumes a pompous, osten-
tatious, or arrogant air or manner.
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yl 566
6*. yi.. ho, a) to Hnae, wash away: wuguare samina wiea, wode
nsii Ibforo y i wo ho ; - h) yiy i h 6, to cleans clcansey purge, Jok 15,2.
10. yi .. ani, a) to turn off the eye (from): oye adwuma a, ou-
yiyi ani = ofwe so yiye. — h) wayi m'ani ahye me nkyeDmu(wa-
ma m'anidaso ay§ okwa), he has disappointed me. — c) ntama yi, eyi
n'ani(=ani tew pe), this cloth gives or has its proper colour, the col-
our appears as it ought to he without dimness or mixture. — 11. yi
an im, prop, to produce i.e. come out with a frank, candid, open face;
to set one's face on, have the decided intention, be bent upon: s. anim;
woka asem a, yi wo anim ka, na nnipa nhinante, speak with a bare,
open face, without fear, that all may understand. John 7,13.
13. yi .. nsa, ^ draw off the hand; enphem. for to eat: mekoyf
me nsd mab^ mpr^mpreh ara; moayi mo nsa ana? have you eaten
already? — 11. yi .. so: a) to lift off, take off or away from upon,
to detract, diminish; to uncover dx. - b) to dethrone: w6yino so
= w6tuno 86. — 15. yi .. tirim*, to speak out or discover one's
thoughts, opinion or sentiments; to disclose one's self; to make a decla-
ration; oyii net. kyereeme, he broke his mind to me; wayi netirim'
aka, he has confessed (it) plainly. — 16. yi .. yam', to take or give
out one's heart i.e. to do something heartily, cordially, purposely:
miyii mc yam' mekyeree no, / frankly and sincerely told him what
I /tad against him; miyi me yam' (fita) meda wo ase, I thank you
(very) heartily; woyii won yam' pefe or kronkron gyee asgm no, tfiey
received the word willingly and sincerely, with all readiness; Acts 17,11.
oyi neyam' redi (or, se obedi) asgmmone, he purposely commits
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566 yi — ayi.
27. yi, yiyi, to plead, cf. 12 d), oyi ama me, he pleads for me;
oyi ntoh ama me, he complains for me. — 28. to charge with, up-
braid with, reproach: oyi me nten, he complains against me, = oka
m'anim, obQ me sobo, oququ me (e.s. asem bi aewo ne tirim na enye
no de na oreka akyere me); yi aten, pr. 3663. oyirae atoro, ?te accu-
ses me of or charges me with a lie, = ogyeme akyinnye; oyi me
amo, oyi me ayamohwene, = ose, me yam* ye nwene. — 29. yi «
menase pgw, (prop, to eject or cast up what has been conglobated in
the stomach,) to give vent to one's grudge, speak oid one*s complaint,
to cast sometbing in the teeth of.
— 35. to rout, ind to flight: yi dom, to rout the hostile army. pr. 29o2.
— 36. yi kwaii, to make a new way (through the bush); cf. bo kwan.
o-yi, pi. eyinom, this persofi, this one: oyi beka akyere yen.
e-yi,^L eyinom, this thing: eyi, wofreno den? or, wgfre eyi den?
yi, (pLyinom) a. pron, this, that: adaka yi, wgde dua na aye.
yiara, o-, e-, even this, the very same. Gr. § 60,1.2.74,2.
ayi [removal, scil. of the corpse? s. yi,t?.7 the funeral custom of
the negroes, celebrated with dancing processions, shooting, dram-
ming, drinking palm- wine or rum &c. pr.44L3664. ko ayi or ayi ase,
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o-y fma, a handsome looking person; paragon, elite, the best, fi-
nest; ao, woye oy. ! me yima ne wo ! (used of a person of the other
sex); minnl oy. bi wg babi; afofantg yi ye oy., this butterfly is an
(unusually) fine one, Cf fen.
y iridi: bg y., to rush, dash: won nhina bgg y. kgg gko no ano.
yirim, F. = yinom, pi, of yi, pron. Mt, 1^20.10,2.0,
yisd, Guinea-pepper, Cayenne pepper, grains of paradise; a
species of Amomum and its seeds, pr. 3542, [G. gbgwyei.]
yisd-ne-iikyene, a sort of European cloth; s, ntama.
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ylw*, Ak. yie, inter j. yes; pea; well; - cf. wie; - waba(ana)?
yiw, is he come? yes; when said in reply to a negative question, it
corroborates the negation and must, in Eng., be rendered with no:
so ommae e? yiw, is he not yet come? no.
yiyi [red. of ye] 1. adv, well: kae m'asem y.; fwe woadwu-
ma y.; maye m'adwuma y., R.p.l94; after an adj. very; eny^ de
yiye, it is not very sweet or agreeable. — 2. n. good; good quality;
benefit; welfare; syn. papa. pr. 292. — ye yiye: a) to turn out well:
pr. 22S2. ye no senea woye a ebeye yiye (contr. ebey"ye), make it
so that it may turn out well; to thrive, become rich, pr.2364. - h) to
make welly i.e. to mend, repair. - c) to do good (to); pr. 35G0.3576f.
- d) euphem. ye neho yiye, to ease oneself; cf. ne.
ny i y i-a n f, inf. the act or habit of withdrawing the eye, i.e. care-
lessness; ye ny., to be careless: woye ny. a, wgmfa ade mma wo nsie;
ny. so = anibiannas6s5, carelessly.
you II, imit. adv. tingling; n'asom' ye no y., his ears ring, tingle,
tinkle; 1 Sam. 3,11. cf. wgiin, gyenyenyenyen.
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2. The Corrections are for the most part suggested by the na-
tive missionary D. Asante, who had two copies of every printed
sheet (1—36) sent to him to Africa, one of which he returned with
his corrections to the Editor. Also his answers to numerous ques-
tions put to him by letter iiave been made use of.
7. For the explanation of the abbreviations used for the references, see
the list at the end ot the Introduction.
8. Students of the lanp^ua^ will do well to indicate in the first part (pp.
1—568) the additions or corrections to be found in the second (pp. 569 ff.), un-
less the correction be made in the first part at once, in which case the words
made superfluous thereby in the second may be crossed out with lead-pencil.
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[Iau 19,48.
beac, pi. m-, a beam or pole on which tJie ends of tlie rafters
of the roof, two are above the two sides of the wall.
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dua nh uea esi ho) from which new trees grow &c.
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da, t?. - 13. da adi, cf. da gua. - 17. da ho: a^+ neh6 da ho,
he lay uncovered. Oe.9,20' - c) eso da ho, it is uncovered. ICor.llfi.
e-da,-[-da a enni ase, ensa dit, entwam' dk, eto rent^a dii, eternity.
*da-asetr&, eternity as a quality.
*da-ho-wo, id., eternal existence.
o-i\Ah&Wy-h snuffers. Ex.25,38.
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diiin, ode n*ani fwe no d., his eyes are fastened on him. Lu.4,20.
adiiiam,jp7. n-, 2Ch.4,ia. flesh-hook, Ex.27, ."i. — adiiitruin.
adinkard, ^. a kind of amulet, otno-suman- — adij)!!.
*adiyi-da, Kristo ad., Epiphany. — *adiyi-dwuina, prophetic
office. — *adiyi-sei*i-ka, Vw/l (the gift of) propliecy. 1 Co. 13, 2.
*adiyisem-kafo, prophet. Mi. 2, it.
o-d5do-bea, pi. a-, ... distills + (drops, runs) ...~h spout, pipe, long
tube, used as a conductor of water, oil &c. Zee. 4, 2,
*dodg-dodore, *dodpre, red. v., s. dore.
dodonku, ... abo d.^it has blistered; Ak. donnon; cf. horonoa.
^dodow-pofo, stammerer; I8.ii2,4.
*dodow-nya, inf. fulness. Nu.18,27.
*dodow-ye, inf. multitude.
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d ore, 'bone adore ahyo won so, they are laden with sins,
ado-sasc,+ field, Ne, 11, 25,
[Eze.40,<j. 14,20.
*du-inoiio, a green tree, opp. duwui. Eze. 20. 47. Lu. 23. 31.
diiobo, V. [ebia efi "odua obo,*'= oy6 nea obi nyec bi da, oyg
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*dVi^abiri, place of assembly. La, 2,6. cf, aguabirim*.
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fa, V. 16. -h efa he ara a, in every respect. K.§132. cf. :il. b). -
20* fa ase,4- o^ fa ase ye, to do secretly. iSam. 18, 22. cf. nam ase. -
h) fa ase, ...
afd, j^lf'^Ci room, side ; afa da so wo ho, st'dl there is room; Im.14,22,
owo yen afa, he is on our side; lAi.9,50.
*o-fa-ba, inf. [de ba, fa ba] the act oi procuring, bringing; ofaba
adwuma, a positive task. K.p.63.§221.
0-rabaf6,-f ^. = Qfarebae, inventor: Bo. 1,30.
*fa-bea: n*akwah no f., Uie pat]is of Umr course. Job 6, is.
dSA'hOy-^- rubbish. — *faliri-k{\, inf. absolution. K.§340.
fain, (xfcmfam) 2.-^ obo no fam fasa no ho, he smites him to
the wall. lSa.lH,n. 19,10. Cf. ka 43.
*fani'ni, pi. -fo, a man from below, oftlie earth, earUdy. iCo. 15, 4S.
^^VkUi'^w, physical nature; f. mu nyin, physical development.
fi, V. 15. fi gua P8.6S, 24(25). - 24. efifi utaban fa, it makes it-
self wings; Pr.23,5. fi wusiw, to emit smoke, to smoke. Ge.lo,J7.
mti-ase, 2. determination, direction or tendency to some end. K.§tf^2.
*fiaso, As. a weight of gold.
*li-bea, place from which a thing comes; mine, Job2S,l.
*ali-de [efi adej uncleanness. — *afide-yo, inf. id.
*at'ide-yofo, an unclean ]}erson. Ep. 4, to. 5,3. o.
*o-fie-asetrri-sem, the affairs of (this) life. 2TL2,4.
*o-fie-asore, family prayer, family devotion.
O'tie-iwe,-^ Tnanagement of a household, dispensation. tTLt,4.
o-fie-nipa, household servant, domestic. Lu.t6,i3.Ac.toj,
*fifew, red. v. s. few & fefew.
*infifii, bud, plants, productions of the earth. I8.42,5. 61^ li.
afi-foro, duru mu af., to dedicate. Be. 20, 5.
^mfimufo, pi. id. one that escapes; cf. oguahfo.
*o-fi-ni, one of the household, Qe.15,3. pi. (a-)fifo.
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*afi-tra, inf. family life; wo af. mu, when tliou siUest in thy house.
*o-fitrrifo, pi. a-, one that sojourns in a house. Ex. 3, 22. fDe.6,7.
fofa, f de nsaf. anim, to stroke one's face, soothe, flatter, make snit,
cf. de£edefe.JobH,19.Pr.l9,iJ.P8.45,l.^. — *mfofa-ho, (=-= afofare)
mounting, framing or setting (of jewels), socket, Ex.2R,l.^.
iiifotana, sores (xon the sole. ..and) betiveen the toes.
afotiiiito, butterfly; kinds: od^fufu', gyah^ne, nkuni, aknknd,
os6f6, nsoromma, tumm-n^-hyen.
*afofare, setting, socket (ofgemB)Ex.28,tl. compass, settle. Eze.4.%14.
*o-fofo, pi. a,'y [fow] plunderer, spoiler.
*t'6fo, s. i'b; home f., snorting. — *f6f5, mourning. Fa. 38, 6(7).
folo, 1. 2. horo (xboro) — fOloe, = foefge, s. foe. Job 12,23.
f6f6ro, + different, strange, ade-f.H- some strange thing, l Pe.4,4.12.
\oior6'yey+ tiewness. Bo. 7, 6. — fofrahd, a kind of ^rti^.
fomm, 4 in the twilight. 2Ki.7,5.7.
*atom-ina, s. afono-ma. — afom-akuni, better: gfoiikum, a-.
fomfTiin, f. ho, to be joined or cleave together or one to another;
cf. ka 43. Job4l, 17. 2.3. Da. 2,43.
inf<5nifain-h6, border, Ex. 25, 25. raft, float. 2Ch.2,l6. s. nteh-ani.
afointi)n-sem, di af.,4-#o commit a icrong, to commit treachery.
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fwe, 5.+ wgfwe n6 fwe, thry keep his (its) charge. NH.l,(i.H. 3.7.-
12. f) fwe neho so, to be cJiaste. TU,2,5.
e-fwee, a sJirub &c. - fwe, Jer.l9,s, red, fw^fw6, Zeph.2,15.
fw^,+ omfA nye fwe, Jte does not regard it, mak-es nothing of
it; eny^ mma fwe, it is to no profit, 2Tu2,14.
afw^a, afw^a, mole; odi fam' mmoa.
fweafwea, pi, nfwea-nfw6a,4- thin (of hair, Le.13,30),
*fwe-adwuma, office, charge, function. Ac. 1,20.
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*gangaga, = garega.
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e-gua, i.+ fi gua, Ps. 68,24 (25). s. fi 15. — ada gua (= ada adi),
it is manifest f evident, public y notorious. K.§114.
. o-guabeii, a thorny creeper. — agudbi rim, + &roaJ«ray. Pr.l,2i.^
guaha, 2. fig. earnest. 2Co.l,22,
f J Co 9. 24 f
*gu-po, the molten sea (in Solomon's temple). 2Ch.4,2.
gurow, [red. gurogurow] + to languish. La. 2,8. - wag. go-
row w,+/ie is brought very loiv. Ps. 142,6(7). - tr. ogurow no, he de-
filed, humbled her.
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e-ha, 1. 4. me ha ... i. e. it pains me here, (his is the seat of pain.
o-ha, a bat. (x ... monkey.) — aha, .... mKhk,-^ good dwf!
ha, + obue n^anom' hky he opens wide his mouth. Pi. tt9, 131. Cf.
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hyew, ;?.+ okgm bebyew asase no, famine will consume the
o-hye, J2. + no dom a obye nni bo, his free grace; opene a obyc
nnim, voluntary assent, spontaneous concurrence. K.§172,182,
*Q-hy6-so, by constraint. 1 Pe 5,2.
g-hye, + ne bo wg obye, Jie is limited, confined, finite. K. § 174.
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ka — nkamfuHW. 595
kh, V. lyU ka akoko to, to feel a hen whether it will soon lay
an egg. - 4, to fall upon^ l8a.22J8. lKi,2,29, - 7, /. neho ka mmM
abien y i, he has this twofold position. K.§ tso, ^ 8,1. to touch i. e. affect
one's feeling, make an impression on : gm& m'amanne kft no, he sym-
pafhizes with me. He. 10,34.- 13,l.kii abe gya, to warm a palm-tree
(felled to obtain palm-wine) with fire for the first time. - J2J3 d) ka
ho, cf. bo ho; Mt 25,17, 20. - 31. ka nkwan, to take out (xdeal or serve
out) soup and throw it back repeatedly while it is boiling on the
fire. - 54.+ ka.. kg, ^0 lead. 1 Co. 12,2. 35. -f kfi aniwu, to cause shame.
Fr. 17,2. - 40,i. ka..gu, to knock or put down; to defeat; to disappoint.
Pr, 10^. - 40,2. ka..hia, to narrow in, limit, confine, restrain, restrict,
stint, check. K.§144. Cf.49,1. - 42. + ka .. ti pira, s. pira. - 43.-\- ka
won ani fomfam, close their eyes hy plastering over. 18.6,10,29,9.'-
48. ka ..hy§,+ /o oppress, distress, afflict, vex. - 49. ka.. hy§ mu,+
to beset, Ps. 139,5, - 49,1. ka.. hia mu, to besiege, invcM (a town). Da. lyt.
49,2, ka.. to mpa so, to cause (one) to keep one's bed. Ex. 21,18. - 50.+
waka n'aso n% nekdma ato mu, he has shut his ears and heart. -
50,/. ka .. ani pam, to close or shut the eyes. Ge.46,4. - 50,2. ki bo-
bom', to smite one against another (of trembling knees). Da. 5,6.
ka, V. (p. 213) 1. 5. den asgm na moka, what are you talking
about? - + ka di m'akyi, say after me.
o-ka, e-, pi. a-, + furrow. Fs. 129,3.
o-kafo, I. Ex. 3,7. 5,6. Job. 39,7. 18.60,17. gk. poma, goad. Ac.9^5.
*o-kafo. III. pi. a-, speaker, preacher, herald. 2TLl,ll.
kaguam, paying a part of a debt.
kdhiri, pi. a-, (xh-) 1. 7. ... broken off all intercourse.
*iika-hyem', inf. [ka hye mu] siege. Eze.4,7.
*akakaben-s§m, violence. Je.20,s.
kakate,-f wabebgme k.
*kakatefo, an unrtdy, unmanageable beast or person. Job39,5.
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ko, 7. c) woadi mfe dii de reko, fheg are ten years old and up-
ward. Nu. 4y 3. - 10. 4 kgso boro so, to abound more and more. Phi. 1^.
k 6m, -\- to turn aside. Ex. 23, 2. — n'ani kom, s. kOm 12 c).
komm, 1. 8. atramat. - 4. genuinely, sincerely. Phi. 2, 20.
komd, 2 d) k. bone, a bad i. e. heavy heart, Pr. 25,20. - e) nek.
tn, he despairs, Ec. 2,20. s. tu 18 c). — *koma-koro, one mind, Eo.l5,6.
cf. adwenkoro, nokoro. — *k6mam'-pirim, inf. hardening or hard-
ness of heart. Bo.ll,26. — koma-mu-tew. — *k6ma-pirim, *k6ma-
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fLe. 26,16.
*iikominan&, mine, gold-mine. — *ukom-mere, famine.
akgmfo, wo ak., to commit suicide hy hanging oneself; syn, 8§n..
Akomfode, s. under asafo. [mene.
[menom bi.
konkou,+ ok. ne nankroma n^ ne nsa so, he couches or cowers
on his knees and hands. Da. 11,10.
iik6hkQh, dry cough (x asthma).
ukoukoiicne, 1. 2. to too much sitting ... eye wo nan ho nkoko-
nkgko, na woda h5 a, §ye wo akyi nso sa.
o-kQnkonsani, pL n- -fo, + treacherous. — o-K6ukorini, pi. -fo.
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*ak6-tade, war dress; aboh ak., coat of maiL 1 8a, 17,5. fi4,3f
*kgte-wui, obsc. an impotent man, — kotobauky e, x a kind of.
kotodw6 (with full o). — *nkotgfo, one that sleeps, Pr. 10,5,
kgtgkg-sabire, = kamesek wakye, a kind of bird.
*kotoku-atade [kotoku 4] cloak. 2 11,4, 13,
k6t5kii-saabobe, ... climber (xtree ... bird).
kotok^rbd}!, pi, id. cf. agyennare, — kotdromuA, {s. kut...).
*kotu [Eng.] coat ; s, atade. — okotweh^refOy mischievousperson.
kra, 3,-\^to send on an en-and, — kr a, 1.2.-1- to divine (Qe,44,5).
*g-kra-de, that which pertains to the sotd (the animal or natural
mind and affections), that which is animal, natural. 1 Co, 16,46,
krdd5wa. — *gkra-fwefo, pi, a-, curate, pastor, minister.
g-kraman, 1.2 + epe, op^n, kwap^n, eperebegyebi, ahOnahnro.
kramo-sem, soothsaying. St, §126. — kr&mpdn, s. kromporo.
*g-kra-inu-ni,i>Z.-fo, an animal, sensual, natural man, 1 Co, 2, 14,
*g-kra-i)ipadua, an animal or natural body. 1 Co, 16,44,
iikra-nhdnia, a woollen stuff d^c. Rc.n,4.l8fi2,
*kromporo, D. As. krampdh. — krgii, inf. height, Ge 6,15. Ep,3,18,
kr6iiii,+ unmixed; sincere, artless, harmless. Mt. 10,16, Bo, 16,19,
koma kr., krohh-ye, inf, singlenes of Jteart, simplicity. 2Co,U^.Ep,6fi,
kronkroiijW. J2. ne k. so (xenye & it was not done), sincerely.
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kuw so, kuknw so, to clip (tlie beard); eso ak., it is clipped.
akuwa, i?^ nkuwa hknwa. — *akuwa6nsuro, a kind q( fowl,
kwa,^.a-, 4. Eo.l2,4f lCo.6,15. t2,i2ff. —^*iikw,'k-here, lifetime.
kwa-beteii, a high palm-tree in the forest.
kwk-bo, 6. = gboabo, nea woaboa e.s. woahye da abg.
akwada,x :2dtc. — kwaduampgnkyerefo, a beast living on
kwadu-bakua, fJie stalk of a banana-tree. [bigh trees,
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Sundai/ in Advent.
*kwa-ni-abp, s. p. 244. kouiabo, a one-eyed man.
o-kwaii-kyere, a-, guidance. Joh37,i2.
0-kwan-ma,-f ompeneno k., he will not let him go, Ex. 13,15.
akwaninusem, ... from the road; rumour; = akwansosem.
*o-kwan-preko: wokogyano nekw. a oreko yi, they follow him
*o-kyekyero, |>7. a-, binder of sheaves, Ps. 129,7. builder of & town.
*iLkyekye(re)-niu, band for girding^ girdle, belt. Ex. 28, 8. 27.
uky^kyere, Ak. a thick low bush with thorns (in general),
nkyekyere, Akp. a kind of grass or weeds, rush. Job9,26. I8.35,7.
kyekyere, 3. to be wrapped about. Jon. 2,6. ky...h6, to be knit
with, 1 Sa. 18, 1. ka .. ky . ho, to knit or tie to, K. § 282. - 4. intr. to
Eocl5,8. - 0. tr. to charge, convict. Bo. 3,9.
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akyiri, ^.+ aky. trabea, the lowest seat. Lu.t4y9. - 7. woadi afe
n^ aky., they are a year old and uptaard. Nu.3,15. — o-kyiridifo,
the last. — *akyiri-fam' po, ths hinder or western sea. Joel 2,20.
*Kyiri-amim, pr. w., s. under Akuapem & asafo.
*akyirikyirifo, p/. inhabitants of distant countries. Is. 8,9.
*o-kyiri-pafo, pi. a-, deserter, forsaker, apostate, renegade.
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*e-mu-lain', inward, -hj; em. abahnua, the inner court. Eze. 10,3.
*e-inu-fifo, one that has escaped y fugitive. Eze. 24, 26.
*minukaw-mii, inf. [bukaw] hent or folding part. Eze. 41,23.
*e-mu-ko, inf. the act oi going in, entrance. He. 10,20.
*ainuino-de, : ye-, to live ungodly, act impiously. 2Pe.2,6.
*amumoye-de, iniquiiiesy Is. 64,7. 65,7. ungodly deeds, Judeis,
*amumoye-sen), ungodliness(es). Bo. 11,26.
*e-mu-nipa, the inward man. Ro,7,22. 2 Co. 4,16.
mmiinkam-so, K.§163. — miiimm, 3. to roll e.g. a stone.
*amH-siei = asiei, anisiei. — mmi\'S6y+ exuberancCy excess.Ja.1,21.
mmusu, 1. 7. mekobisa me ti (xho). - twetwe m., to make oneself
accursed. lSa.3yl3. - *mmusii-ba, son of wickedness. 1^,89,22(23).
*inmusii-bofo, blasphemer. 11^.1,13.
*mmusu-kyere, soothsayingy fortune-teUingy prophesying.
inu-twa,+ P8.77,8(9). - eiikye m., it is temporaly transient.
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*o-iiante-su, inf. wode n. fwef«we no, weeping tfiey go and seek him,
nnantwerem' [odau,twaremu]. — *nantwi-ka-poina, or-^o<wf.
nah-nVi^ea-so-ka, anklet. I8.3,1H. [Ju.3^3L
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- wakum obosom no ano,+ he has made the power of the fetish in-
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ano-s^in,+ vain words, vain talk, talk of the lips. Pr. 14,23.
*ano-som, lip-devotion. — *ano-nta, double-tongued. lTi..3,^.
*auo-tewfb, refidg speaker, eloquent man.
*ano-t6r6fet6rofe, a glib tongue, blabbing out secrets. K§122.
an6-ji, inf.+ excuse; an. bi nni ho mma wo, gou are inexcusable;
ewo an., it is excusable. Ro.1,20. 2,1. K.§12B-
nu, ^. nu..fu, a) to take away; b) to take away by force or
without permission.
*nnuaba-tew, inf. harvest of fruits (figs &c.). Je.4s,s2.
*nnua-tow, inf. hewing timber.
*nufusu-dae [nufusu a ada] curdled milk, curds. Pr.30,33. 18.7,15.
^numanuma^ v. F. to baptise; enumanuma, baptism;
^numanumanji, baptist. Cf. asubo.
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*nyaiinydmR)rowd, s. osatadna.
*iiyatwom-yo, inf. hypocrisif. tl*e.2,i,
imyeiionyeinnia, ;>/. id, a small hell.
nnyitrye, ;?. deccptioi), delusion; seduction; rf. iisisi, unAda.
*miyi*i^yei, persutision: mappne n., I was persuaded.
*nno-bepgw, Mount of Olives. Scr. — *nno-diia, olive tree.
*nuo-huam, ointment. Ca.1,3. — iino-to}i,+ oil-vessel. Zee. 4,2.
Nw. Niir.
iiwaiisana-biri, a green species of flg.
uweii, .5.+ to rebel. Oe.14,4.
*anwen-iie [ade a woahwene] a thing framed, formed; earthen
*anwiiiwT, inf. murmuring(s), grumbling. [vessel.
the tabernacle. Nu.l,5t. - 8.+ Ps. 118,22. Mt. 21,42. to forbear (e.g. to
keep the Passover), Nu.9,13. - 14. sreti - Ac. 3,19. De. 29,20. - 18. a-
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pe — apeto. 611
John?, 4. 11,14. 13,. 26. syn. fe, fariii, kete, pete, hann.
mpekua: bg-,+ toset light by, slight, despise* Eze.32,7. — 1. 3.
ode me ye se ne yghko. — mp.-sem, ope me de me aye ne yonko.
pern , 4.+ epem no, he stumbles i. e. takes offence at it; obii nea
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612 pew — aponnuartifl.
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e-pow, j;^/. a-, 6'. island. 18.11,11, s, nsnpgw. — epow, pl.B,-, (xm-),
e-pow,^^m-, lumpdtc, s.pgkgwa. — *pow-bo. inf. resolve. Ju,4,15,
*apo-wuru [epo aw.] sea-tortoise, turtle; ap. bon, tortoise-shell.
(powpaWjX s. pawpaw.)
piim'pa,' G. kpunkpS.
*o-|)iimpuri, inf, the rising of the smoke, 18.30,27, cf. pttn 3.
o-pumpiini, one holding tJie highest place ingovernement or power,
occupying the supreme rank in a country. lPe,2A3,
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- nsam b) scU. ade, - 1.3. ode uc naa aso (xato) adwumayc mu. -
3»b) axle-tree, lKi.7,32f. - p. 401. 1. 10. ne nsam' tee, 4 Ac is open-
handed. — lie nsa y e de n , a) \.\\. he is rigorous drc. b)\.\ 2. ( -.
nsam^), he is not generous, illiberal dtc. — *no nsam' ye, he is wdl
off. — ne nsa ye hare (x or diini). — odah' or odan'n^n ne nsa, s. dan.
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asem, 1. eho asem, title, John 19^ 19. emu asein or ns., content(s) —
nea ewom\ nsem a ewoin\ - 3. pi. nsem-nsem. - 6*.+ Wonnya ho
as^m bi nka, it cannot be condemned, is unblameable. n.2,8.
nseinmojl-f6d,+ confirmation; Phi, 1,7. — gye ns., to ascertain,
to Jiave corroborated.
*QsempB.-akyiH?o, pl.id., an evangelical Christian.
*o-seinpa-kfi,fo, pi. a-, evangelist. — asenipa-iiiu-terew, mUision.
asempa-mu-terewfo fekuw, missio^iary association.
*aseinpaterew-h6-a8enkfi, missionaty speech; as. (ho adwuma)
mu mpanyimfo, the committee of the missionary socieiy; as. ho dwe-
tiri, missionary fund; as. ho nhyiam', missionary meeting.
0-semp^f6,+ adversary; lKi.5,4. Pis. 7 1,13. Je, 50,34. - os. \vg ebi-
nom nsem mu, a busybody in other men's matters. lPe,4,l5,
s eh, 2,1. osen ne kon, he hardens his neck. Pr. 29,1, (1>« 28.66.
sen, 6,1' ne h6 sen gu, he has a running issue. Le. 15, 2.-7. won-
s^n asase no so, t/ie land could not bear them. Ge..H6,7. (xdan ran ho
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srahd, 1.3.+ have let him loose, left him unrestrained. Pr,29,t5.
asrakwa [asra, okwa] snuff for nothing. fK.§i89.
sram,+ asase srAm' won so, the earth closed upon tfiem. Nu
16,33, wasrdm won ani so, he has besmeared their eyes. Is. 44, IS.
*usramina-kukuwa, fire-pan. — *o-srain-fa, crescent. I8,3,i8.
*g-sran-hunu [osram h.] montli of vanity. Job 7,3.
*o-sra-nno, anointing. Ex.30,3L — *sreti [Eug.] slate.
srodo, Twi: usensen^. — nsroii = g-srono-aba.
srgnsron, jE?7.a-, Is, 30^25, — *srgnsrgii-bea,j[?Z. srgnsrommea,
high place(s). lKi.3,2, 2Ch,l^3, — sii: sQ wg, to howl. 18,65,14.
0-su, 1.+ gtg OBU gu .. so, he causes it to rain upon. Gt.2,5.
asu : gu asu, to suffer shipwreck. 1 TL 1,19.
sua, 1. 2. <o follow (the example of), 2 Th. 3,7,9.
*o-suani or -fo, p^a-fo, disciple, apprentice; suaib, follotcers.
*nsu-ani-fa, inf. sailing, navigation, voyage. Ac. 27,9.
nsugy e-adaka, pi, -n-, base or stand for the lavers iu Solomon's
o-su-ka (x n-), + conduit. 2 Ki. 20, 20. [temple. / Kl 7, 27.
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*nsu-noinfo, a person or tree thai drinks water, Eze. 5/, 14. 16.
sunsdm, pi. &'. *siiiisiiina-l)aii, shadowy image. Fb.73,20.
*asunsumarbo, 1. 1.2.4. to (xtow) as. — sunti, v.
*nsiiohyew, hot water; ns.-aniwa, hot springs.
*nsuonwiiii, eold water. — nsurogya, 1. 2. wode ka ogya.
nsu-sa, ... on the first dag (xfive days).
*nsu-saw-ade, bucket. Nu. 21, 7. — *nsu-sawfo, drawer of water.
*DSUSOin', inf. [suso mu]: di ns., to stick together. J6bii,17.
*nsusoni'-iisa [usa a esuso guaseD mu] undersetters. lKi.7,30.
*asuso-suwa, a brook flowing only in the rainy season. Job 6, 15.
*susii-bea, way of measuring, nes. a onni, his incommensura-
bilUy. K.§165. — *susu-hina, measuring pot. Jo.2y6.
*siisuw, red. v., s. suw. — *asu-ti, fountain. Ja.3,11.
*o-su-to, inf. rain-fall. — o-sfi-tue, inf [tue J^f] waU. Je.9,20.
*o-sutiitufo, i^Z.a-, whisperer; talebarer.
saw, red. susuw, to wax old. Ne.9,2l. to be worn out. Je.38,ll.
*su-ye, inf. producing the kind or fortn of, forming. Go. 4, 19.
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tS-y e, inf uprightness. 1 Ch. 29, 17. Ps. 25, 21. [Job 4 1,17.
e-ti, tiri, JS.-h (gable-)end of a house &c. cf. tirim. Ex. 26,28. -
understanding. - U2. B.c)+ odi ne tirim, s. di 39. St. §120. yeadi yen
tia, i.+ to gather, lay up, treasure, red. to heap up, accumtddte
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*tiii tin, imii. adv. expr. the sound of stamping on the gronnd;
apgnkQ ntote sisi fam* 1. 1., the horses stamp with their hoofs. Je,47^,
he sets his eye upon thtem for evil. Am. 9,4, - 2.-^ to prevail again^.
- won t mmaa advene, they have not yet any judgment of their own.
St.§88. — *tiriin'-adVirene, devi<'.e, Ec.7,29, — tirim'- bo, + device,
purpose. — atirim'od(^.n-s4m,-f violence. Piii.72,14. — a-tirimpow,
design d^o. — *ti(ri)-so-apam, atiri-so-pam, conspiracy, confeder-
acy, 2Sa.l5,12, 2Kx.ll,14. h.8\12.
titi, 3.-\- ode ne nsa n6 ne nan titii, he climbed up upon his hands
and feet, 1 8a. 14, 13. - 5.+ he is obstinate. Pr.20,3, - 6. titi adaru, to
paint or bemnear oneself with fragrant paint
*Atiwa, s. asafo. — ntiwa, better: ntwiwa. — ^ixw^Oj pursuer.
to J 1.+ tr, osoro too osu, the heaven gave rain. Ja.5,18, - gtoo
sufre n^ gya guu Sodom so, Gt, 19,24, - 6". oto k6 t6 bi. - 12. a) \
eho atoto mu asen were ho, the spot is lower than the skin. Le. 13,20.
tQ, 2. wato no ka ... the money accord<>d to him ... 3. to asem di.
to, ^.+ 9de won to af5a ano, he gives them to the sword. Je.2.\3L
- wamfa anto ne komam', he did not take or lay it to heart Ex. 7,23.
t5a, <2. red. de nehS tdatoa .. mu, to entangle oneself with. 2 II-
nto-ano, 1. 1 . e. g. of gold-dust ... ; sum, number. Ps. 71, 15. 119, I60.
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*iitoh6, ^Lntotoho, inf. a placing one thing by the side o/* another,
*ntoto-so, ^i. of ntoso; nt. anum anum, tJie fifth part ; nt. du du,
to tote — totgtoto, 1. 1+ of daubtful mind. Lu. 12,29.
totow, 1. to shoot, Ex. 19, 1,3. - 2. s. tow 2,1. Le. 13,18.29. 14,32ff.
biribi atotow me ho, spots (as of leprosy or other cutaneous diseases)
Jiave appeared on my skin. — *utotowe, a mark, spot, eruption, efflo-
rescence on the skin, rash, pimple; piti nt., plague of leprosy. Le.13,2.
atgtowa (xgtotowi) — (xtotoyaii is dotoyaii.) [14,34.
*to-twa, inf. [twa 1J2. 13. eto ,?.] conclusion, end. Mt.24,3.
t o w, p. 508. 1. 1 . (ohuruu fii hyen mu tog pom') - 2,1. to appear
in spots as marks of a cutaneous disease, Le. 13,18.29. 14,.3S. cf. totow.
- 6. f to wave a wave-oflfering. Le.8,27. - 12. .. (for joy). Je.48^,H3. -
1.3. tow nsu, to draw water. John4,7. 11.
tow fwe ase, they fall one upon anotJter. Le. 26,37.
e-tow, 1.+ (adwuma-tow), levy, 1K15,13. - 2. several companies;
several townships or communities (x a single); district; pi. ntow-ntow.
*g-tow-ad(^, wave-offering. Le.8,27. — *tow-adaka, treasury.
*tow-fwefo, pi. id. collector of income. iKx. 4, 7. [Mk. 12,41.
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tratra, thin (of ears of cor u, Gre.41^23.) ; flat (xsmooth, soft, tender).
*atreiie-de, righteous acts; justice. tSa,l2J, Ete.is,2t,
*l'riniti-da, Onyame-basa-koro-da, Trinity Sunday.
atronia, ... in Apothecaries' Weight.
tr6nitr5m,+ ano tr., a flattering mouth. Pr, 26,28, okwan tr.
til, 1.+ tutu mfuw mu ade or nnuati, to reap the fields. Ja.5,4'
- Syl.intr. to flow out; mogya tu no mu, she has an issue of blood.
Mi. 9, 20, - 14. in .. gu,+ to put down, destroy. 1 Co. 15,24.2$. - c)-\
nekoma atu 1. 2.+ he despairs. Ec.2,20. - 30^1. hnruhurow tn sen
mu, steam rises or ascends from the pot. Je.1,13. - 32. tu tare, 4- to
foUotv or purstie hard after, 1 Ch. io, 2. gko no tu taree won, the battle
overtook them. Ju. 20, 42, 45. - 34. 1.2.-f to set forward, Nu. 2,17. - p.
514. 1. 1.+ omaa gua no tui, he dis^nisscd the assembly. Ac, 19,41. -
34,1. tu (tr.) ko, to lead or carry away, to cause or force to c^ni grate.
Job 12,23. 2Ki,24, Uff. - 41. odime nsonno. — o-tu (+a-).
tui, -f oyii no tui hyee won, he moved him against them, 2 So. 24,1.
o-tiikg (forced) emigration, exile, captivity. Ezr.0,16. — *ot.inma,
atukpfo, tiMse that had been carried away, captives. Ezr.9,4. Da. 2 ,25.
tukuw, 4^ a band. Job 1,17.
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t\y a, 8.+ to be ctd off. Jos. 3, 13. - 11. twa .. kyene, to cut off
((£• cast away). Fr. 24,14. - 14.-\- ennya atway^, it is not easily stanched
or stopped. La. 3,49. - 17. c) twa mu, to go or pass through^ Ex. 26,28.
to extend throughout. - f) etwaa n'asom' // sounded in her ears. Lu.
1,44. - 19.b)-\- otwa in*ano kg mu, he steps in before me. John5,7. -
J^l.+ mraa ebere biara nntwa woti so a wobetumi akaeno, do not
let pass any opportunity to admonish him. St.IL§8. - 35. 1.3. asem
no nti wodeno kotwae. - 37.+ to speak kindly to. Ge.34,3,
e-twa, 1. 4. ode neho abu atwa.
*o-twa, o-twa-adwuma, o-twa-bere, harvest. Mt.9,3S. 18a. 12, 17.
*atwae, pi. id. [twa 15] ford; passage. Jo8.2, 7. I8. 16,2. Je. 51,32.
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t^ere, 2. tw. abon, to eat unripe fruit (sour grapes, Je. 31,211).
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nwcife, = asonfe.
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*yafum-ma [oyafunu,oba]i)Z.td. fruit of the hodg, off spring, one's
own child; mey., son of my womb. Pr.31^2. 18.49,15.
yafum-yare, any sickness in the belly; 1. 2. ahye.
yam' p. 554. 1.6. relief (x release). - 10,L won yam' ad wad wo
won, their hearts have been refreshed, Fhile.7. — ay im'de, + Mc in-
wards.. Ex, 29, 13. — yam'gya, exasperation, grief; ohyeno j,,+ she
provokes her, lSa.1,7. — ohyehye neho y., he frets himself. I8.s,2!.
ayam'hyeehyeew, nnya neho ay., fret not thyself because of him.
Fr. 24,19. — ayam'ye,+ n*ay. doso, he is very kind or compassionate.
— oyam'yefOjXmerct/wZ. Pr.li,i7. 19,6. — *ayam'y i-ade, /re<*iri//-
offering(s). — *ayam yi-so, of a free will, willingly. Le. 22, 18. 21.
*o-yare-f^efo, tender of sick persons; nurse. K.§ 262,1.
*ayarefo-daii, infirmary, hospital.
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*a ji-je, inf. [ye ayi] mourning. — *o-y iyofo, pi. a-, mourner.
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- 29,12. meye Misri asase pasa wo nsase a aye pasa mu (x Israel ...
ah6dwiiide)-33,28f. 35,3.7. pasa (xahodwiride) — Dan. 2,14. Daniel
de agyinatu n^ lihOmn ka kyeree - 10,6. [epo] huye 'ne (xasafo
V^uw nS) - 11,20. aba ahemman no h&ranne (lerusalem) mu (xafaah.
no hyetae mu), - 24. gbebg - 12,8. akyiri awiei — Hos. 7,5. Yen bene
da no asafohene de nsa hyew na efi ase; — 13,2. wgn ara na nnipa
a wgbg afore no ka asgm kyere won ; — Mik. 1,11. Bet-esel (xBet-
el) — Hab. 2,10. mmoaano (x twitwagu), - 3,10. hinhim (xkyen-
kyem); — Sak. 5,3. nk wgnam so pra awifo hhina fiha, nawgnam so
pra ntankekafo nhina fi ha. - 6. wgn afwede (xfwebea) - 5,11. Wgde
rekg na wgasi dan amano Sinear asase so, na wgasiesie na wgde no
atra netrabeahg. - 6,2.Tea8eenam a edi kah no, apgnkg kgkg wo
h5 ; na teaseenam a eto so abien no . . . 7,5. mmuadadi - 8,5. wgagom
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4. Names of Times,
a. Hebreiv MontJis (from March or April to March).
1. Abib or Nisan. 2. Sif or lyar. 3. Siwan. 4. Tammus. 5. Ab.
6. Elul. 7. Etanim or Tisri. 8. Bui or Markeswan. 9. Kislew.
10. Tebet. 11. Sebat. 12. Adar.
b. European Montis.
l.Ianuari. 2. Februari. 3.Marsi. 4.Aprili. 5. Mai. 6.1uni. 7. lull.
8. Angusti. 9. Septembere. 10. Oktobere. 1 1 . Novembere. 12. Desem-
bere. — The Tshi names of the Months see under osram, the Days
of the Week see Gr. § 42,4.
5. Names of Animals.
behemot, susono, hippopotamus. J6b40. — drako, s. p. 579.
lewiatan, odenkyem, crocodile. Job 41. — kiisida, s. 588. 596.
For all the other animals mentioned in the Scriptures correspond-
ing names have been found in Tshi.
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kiine [Heb.] x>recious or sweet cane. ib. Co, 4, 14. (die. 6, 23),
kdrkoni[Heb.l crocus, saffron, ib.— kAs\a[Gr.]cassiu. Ex.30,24.
kinaniomon, kinamon [Gr. Heb.] cinnamon, ib. (&Be.l8j3.)
kofer [Heb.] henna, alcanna, rypirus, Ca.l,l4. 4,13,
kumine [Gr.] cumin. 18.28,25. Mt 23, 23.
Most of these names are taken from Vie Greek and are fmmd
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For references and comparison with English measures &c see English books.
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5|i $■
f ,
1 '
V2 .. .
= F. simpowa.
2 nkk. 2^mps. 8.
1 Vsi
= F. Ukuia.
6| %
As. dommafa
7 Vh
Ak. agyiratwefa
^ 1,
:= As. borgfofa.
Ak. dommafa
9 .
= As. agyiratwefa.
Ak. bgdommofa
lo; .,
= As.nsgwansafaV
As. »
ll! .'
12 17,
13 .
As. d^mind
14 .
uDomauu ~ 11 1. 24?
Ak. agyiratwe
16, 2,1
= As. borgfo.
As. »
Ak. d6mind
18 !il
Ak. bodommo
= As. sgwansa?
As. »
22, .
. 1!
24' 3
= usowakoro 2.
Ak. »
30 .
2 As.dwoasuru,iit28.
Ak. dwowasuru
32 4
=^ Ah. anamfisoru.
36 472
peresuru, As.
40 5
, ,
As. asia
48 6
— sgwafakoro 8.
Ak. »
54 .
, 10
= sgwafakoro 9.
As. dwowa
56 7
i 11
namfi, As. *
60 .
Ak. dwowa
64 8
= As. uausiia.
72 9
► '
nnwowa mniieiiu
. 16
1 6 akies =^ 1 ounce, t
id. ne dwoasuru
, 1<)
If 1 oz. i8 valued at
: 1
1 4
rected accordin^lT.
I 2
, 3
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Some maps have the name in 6^26', others in 6'' 46' or even 7** 16'.
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— Any an, identical with No. 17, or between No. 17 and No, 21.
18. Akumfi, E. of No. 14. 15. 17., S.W. of No. 19., 24 towns.
Capital: Akumfi. Coast towns: TusLxa (Tantum), Lagu or Dago.
Kings: Abuku 1831- Aky^ne 1863. 1874,
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640 Gold Coast Colony.
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on the Akem eide; there the Nsakye river flows S.W. into the Densu,
and the Ny ensi river N. N. E. to the Volta.
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from the time when by the help of the Akems the Gnan population
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Asante. 645
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646 Gold Coast Inland Countries.
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41. Boe(in), a tribe E. & N.E. of No. 40, of the same origin,
speaking Guah & Tshi. Towns: Oworawora (which also occurs
as a name of the country, formerly a province of Asante), Ap^f6
( with iron mines and founderies), Sandrakofi, Tapa, Akoroso \ ef.
Route 4 c.
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(As the Ene. ^slavi^' originally meant a Slave Le. Slavonian, be-
cause people of the Slavonic race were frequently made slaves by people
of the Teutonic race, so in a reverse manner the word for "a bought
slave" seems to be used like a proper noun for the nations from which
most of the bought slaves came.)
47 a« Afowa*, a country W. or S.W. of Salaga, bordering
on ^TkorAnsa. — b« Soko, Nsoko? is put on maps between Takyi-
man on the S. and Banna on the N.
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AS. §ai, Shaty Tshi: Siade, two towns on the Shai hills (on
English maps erroneously called Croho Httts) with their villages,
10,000 souls.
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70. Ton, the Akra name for LttUe Popo, Ewh4: Anyiga, in
the Wheta (Whydah) territory, E. of No. 67,2., is a colony of Akra
(Gd) people who took refuge there in 1680, when their town and
country had been devastated by the Akwambus. The inhabitants
still use their own language besides speaking Ewh6.
The names are taken from books on the Asante war in 1874 and
from a "Guide for Strangers travelling to Kumase" published at Cape
Coast in 1864 (Stanford's Maj) of the Gold Coast, 1873) and are, as far
as possible, given in the writing appropriate to the native langaagc.
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D. §Da, Q-, r. 26,5. 32. R. 1 b. m. 26,11. {cf. oLa m.) Ada 66,1.
Dabite r. 26,10. Daboso. Adabonso, 23 or 27. Dabo^ea r. 23. Da-
h6yk 46. Dadaknm 26,i5. Dade s. L&. Dadease 32,^. Adadee-ntam'
23.2. 32 R. 5 a.d. Dadeeso R. 1. Adadewa-ase R. lb. bd. Adaepowm
26,li. Adafoo 66,i. Dagamma, Dagomba 53. Dago 18R.2. oDa-
gyav^ee 32. Dagyimfa r. 26,/a Daka r. 45. 46. R. 4 d. Adaka r.
26,9. Dakobi r. 26,5. DakOyekrom 27. Adakfima 23. Dalla 59,2.
Daman 9. DammanR. 1. oDamaneso 24. Damfa61,5. Adamfa
m. 26,2. Adami, -war. 26,11.15. {cf. Alami.) Adammorobe (r.)26,S.
Adamperenya 26^1. Dampo r.m. 26,10-12. Adanka-ase. Adankrono
23,^. Adankumm.26,i5. DaiikyiralO. AdanseSl. Danteko 26.i5.i^.
Adanme 62-66. Dan we r. 26,4. Dannyame r. 23. Dansam-so R. 1.
Adapom' 26,/i. Adasiwaase 23,/. Adasem. 26,iO.Adaso23,(r. oDaso
R. 1 b. 'AdkUL=: Lagos. Date 26,/7. Dawade s. La. Adawara R.1.
Daaware m. 23. oDawu 26,13. Dawuma-kol (-koro) R. 1. Adawnra
23,-2. Dayi r. R.4c. Debo r. 44.45. oDeedu r. 23. Dedaku r.m.
26,16. Dedeaseewa R. 1 b. 5 (7. Dekoko R.4c. oDeknm-ase 26,^.
Dema r. 23. DemeaR. 4 c. §D6na, q-, 12. Adenkrebi 61. Aden-
kyensa to. 26,9. Adenso 26,13. Densu (Sakum) r. 23. 26,.9. 11. w. 26,12.
Densiia r. 23. oDentemaneso 44. Adenya (r.) 26,10. 11. Adere, r. s.
Firaw. Adiada r. 26,a Dibenase 23,? DidwaR.3. Dinawngiirn
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3. a) The broad vowels §, o (as in ''very, hoi") are written with the
short line under them, as in the vernacular orthography; in
printing, if the office has not the proper letters, the e £ o may
be put in italics (as proposed by Professor Max M filler) or the
inverted letters e & 5 may be used. In Yoruba the letters e & o
have a perpendicular line joined to them underneath.
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A. Gleneral Remarks.
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Contents. 671
Appendices, p. 633-669.
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Li, in Ga, Adanme, Guan &c. names. La, Dawade 61. R.2.
oLa w. 26,12.13. Lagu 18. R.2. Lai R. 2. Elaloir. 62,2. Alami rM.
2642.13. V. 26,18. Lammo 26,/^. Lainpakii w. 26,13. Alankum m.
26,5. Alata 8. Adata. Late, Lete 26,/?'. Lobi 32. Lolonya R.2.
M. Some names with the prefixes M-, Am-, are found under P.
Mmadwaree r. 23. Amahepe m, 26,11. Amakom K. 5d. Mako-wom^
23. Amama 29. Mamen 23,^. Marafe 26,m Amamfi 8. Amamfo 16.
Amamforo 19. 26,ii.42. R.2.4c. Mampamma 54. Mampon 9.26,7.
32,2.4. Mamponten 32,9. Amamp5robi 26,//.Amamu^. 26,/^. M&na
26,i^. Amanabyia 4. Am&napa (r.m.) 26,11. Manne (m.) 26,8.10.
'Maneso s. Manso. Amanfol s> Amamforo. Amankansu r. 29.
^Mankesem' 15.19. Amahkoradabi w. 26,X9. Amankwade m. R.2.
Amannokurom 26,9. Manoso 32,iO. Amanse 32,^. Manso 22.24.
oManso 24. Mante r. 26,/0. Amantea8. 32. Amanten, Amantene
8. 38. Amantenso 26,-2-//. Araantra 30. Manya 64. Marewa 60.
M mease 23,4. Amedeka R.4a. Mmedwamu, Mmeguam' 26,^.7.
Mefe 66. R.4a. Mmem' 27. R.4. Amenese 26,18. Mmerameri
r. 23. Mmetaase, Mmetease 26,//. MirempQn r. 23. 'Amisa r- 14.
R. 2. Mlefi 66. R.4. Mmg r. 23. Amoaforo 32,7. R. 1 b.5rf. Ammo-
Annd 26,6. 7. Amoani r. 23. Amogyanesuwa R. 3. Jioniahyi 26,1$.
Amonom 23. R.5. Mmonsa 26,/^. Mmonse m. 29.31. JR. lb. Monu
26,/6\ Amosaw 23. (Mmoseaso 24.) Mosi 58. MmoQSo 23,/. 24. R. 5 A.
Mowure 13. R. 2. Mozanze 58. Amu r. R.4. Mumford 19. Mmurara-
murS 26,i^.
N. Some names with the prefixes N-, An-, are found under 8,
T,Tw. NdkwaR.2. xVnamaase24. Nama8uwaR.3. Namonsi 26,i»J0.
Namonsi 52. Ananami r, 26,16. Anahkaasu r. 23. Nanteta I. 23.
Anemer. 29. Animporebote26,/5. Nino, Nihowa6l.R.2. Noda6e69.
oNomabo 14. Anompete w. 26,10. Nnonko 46. Notum 26,5. Noyo
m. 65,2. Nnuakokom 26,10. Nnuam 26,12. Nnuaso R.I. Nudu 27.
Anum 39. Anum r. 32. R,5. Annmso 32, Nuno, Nunowa 61. R. 2.
oNyfidabi r.m. 26,11. Anyam 26,7. Nyamannao r. 26,12.13. Nyam-
prete m. 26,5. Anyan 17. Nyana I. 26,14. Nyannaw fH. 23,26^.
Nyanawase 26,c^. Nyanease 26,/5. Nyanepoli 4. Anyankama 32.
Anyan kamaase 22.23,8.26,15.16. R.l. Nyankomfode R.l. Nyan-
sotio 26,7. Nynnnyame r. 26,^. Nyato r. 26,6. Nnyednaase 26,/6.
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Nycnsi r. 26. «-/^. r.:r5. Nygn8i86 26,^.7. /2./5. Anyensu 27. Ny6-
iiyan<S20.61.R.2. NyerasoR.l. Nyerede 26,//. Anyinam 23,7. 24.
Anyina(wa)ase 24-27. R.57i. Anyinasu r. 23.
Iff. Some names beginning with the prefixes N-, An-, are found
under the succeeding consonant. Nuase 64. Nuseta R.4c. Ahlo 67.
Afiwi 53 b. Ahwamasu r. 23. AnwS 26,i5. Anwona wi. 23. Anwona
67. Anwoni, G. = Alata, Adata, Lagos. Ahwohwii 5.
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In the following list the letters a.b.c. added to some of the names
show the class or kind as (described above); the figures point to the
country or town in which toe demon or genius is aaored.
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