Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida: (Even Semester, 2011)

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(Even Semester, 2011)




Indranil Sen(08102179)

Amber Gupta (08102190)

Abhinav Gupta(08102193)

Shishir Jain(08102200)

Gaurav Jain(08102270)

Pratik Kalia(08102306)

We would like to express our gratitude to Mrs Swati Sharma,

our Project Management Course lecturer at JIIT University, Noida for
developing our Project Management skills under her guidance. She has
provided an invaluable help with ideas and discussions throughout our entire
time working on this work. It was both an honour and a privilege to work with
her. She also provided help in technical writing and presentation style and we
are extremely grateful for her invaluable guidance in bringing this project to a
successful completion.

1.1 Objective of the Project

The objective of the project is to develop a business support system for the Computer
Department at Capsule Corporation that maintains in a single database, the data needed
for a variety of business functions such as Manufacturing, Transactions, and Customer
Management etc.

The system must be based on a common database and a modular software design. The
common database can allow every department of a business to store and retrieve
information in real time.

Initially, the company was maintaining customer database and transactions database
using excel sheets. It became impossible for company to maintain data using excel
sheets once the customer base crossed the thousand mark. Hence, a software was
needed which could automate the whole process.

The project will also include the continuous maintenance of the software in case of
problems arising or changes and modifications to be made in the software to match
with the changes in the company policies along with time.

1.2 Project Overview

One of the major objectives of the project is to develop a module for Customer
Relationship Management which includes adding customer details, multiple customer
contacts, maintaining customer purchases and transactions, sending sms and mails to

Another important objective is Employee Management System to store all the

information about the employees of the company, adding new employees, editing the
information of existing employees, maintaining their pay slips etc.

The project must also provide the solution to keep a record of the vehicles owned by the
company, the number of trips a vehicle makes, the trip details, the details and facility to
add and delete routes. In addition to this a full-fledged record of the number of jars and
dispensers in stock, those on rent, those which are sold and those which are in
maintenance or are discarded must be kept.

As already mentioned, the company was initially maintaining data using excel sheets.
Hence, just to avoid re-inputting of data, the user must have an option of importing data
from excel to Sql database. The user must also have an option of exporting the data from
Database to Excel.
Besides this, just to make the software more secure, the employees of the firm could use
it only after entering their username and password which they could get after making
an account. The software must divide the users into two types: Admin or Limited.
Anyone must be able to make a Limited Account which provides limited functionalities.
In case the user makes an admit account, it must not allow the user to log in until and
unless it is activated by the CEO of the company. If the user forgets the password then
the user’s password must be mailed to his/her account on request.

The project will also include the setting up and configuring of the various terminals
(computer systems) all over the company premises with the developed software along
the facility to be interconnected over LAN (Local Area Network) and share information
with each other and the common database server. There remains a big risk of database
or server crash which may lead to complete loss of the important data of the company
hence the software must be equipped with the functionality of keeping a database
backup from time to time so that the data can be retrieved in case of emergency.


2.1 Project Life Cycle (Process Model)

The project lifecycle will include the following steps:-

1. Requirements specification

2. Analysis and Design

3. Construction (AKA implementation or coding)

4. Integration

5. Testing and debugging (AKA validation)

6. Installation (AKA deployment)

7. Maintenance and Monitoring

The project implementation will be based on the Waterfall Process Model.

The Waterfall Model for Software Development

2.2 Description of the Life Cycle

Requirements Specification: This forms the foundation of the software development

project and needs a lot of care and attention to be paid. All the designing and planning of
the project is based on the requirements of the customer. Collecting and analyzing the
requirements takes a good percentage of time from the life cycle of the project. The
expenses during this phase include the conveyance charges, telephone charges,
stationary and printing charges.

Analysis and Design: The project derives its form from the design phase. It forms a
major part of the project life cycle and consumes a respectable amount of time.
However the cost involved in this phase is small as compared to its importance in the
project life cycle.

Construction/ Implementation: The construction phase is the soul of the project and
takes the maximum portion of the life cycle. It includes the complete coding of the
software and involves rigorous work form the programming team. The cost involved is
again nominal.

Integration: This phase involves the linking together of all the modules of the software
developed and the hardware/ external components.
In our project before integration could start we need to setup a database server and the

• The installation of database server requires a specialist and involves a major part of
the cost in the form of buying the high power PC based server.

• The setting up of LAN includes the cost of hardware like switches, hubs, cables,
connectors, etc and the raw material like cement, plaster of Paris, wall sockets and cable
holders. It also involves the cost of unskilled workers to lay down the cables.

Testing and debugging: Once the system is integrated every part needs to be rigorously
tested by the testing team and the shortcomings detected are removed by the designing
and development team. It constitutes a major part of the project life cycle and is
dedicated to the improvement of the performance of the software.

Another dimension of the performance of the software i.e. the security analysis of the
software developed is also extended with the testing phase.

Deployment: After undergoing the testing and debugging phase the completed software
is deployed in the company along with the add on software to be installed on the
computer systems in the company required for the execution of the software developed.
With the end of this phase the software is fully functional.

This phase also includes the activity of training the company employees about the use
and functionality of the software developed.

Maintenance and monitoring: This phase includes the monitoring the performance of
the developed software and analyzing and carrying out any modifications or corrections
in the software as reported by the users or the project sponsor, keeping in mind the
effect the change has on all other important factors.

2.3 Work Breakdown Structure

2.4 Resource Requirements

Collecting Software Requirements: The phase of collecting requirements of the software

will require a team of skilled professionals and conveyance facilities for the team to go
to the company office to collect the various requirements from different departments.

Analysis, Design and Documentation: We certainly require skilled people to analyze the
collected requirements and other detailed information and to design the software
structure and plan accordingly. We will also need few people proficient in technical
documentation and typist. During this phase the team will require the various modeling
software available for software engineering like Rational Rose and Visual Paradigm.

Development: The development phase will require a team of professional

programmers and software packages which provide the platform for the software
designing. This depends on the type of software to be designed and the choice of both
the parties the programmers and the process owner. For example Microsoft’s Visual
Studio for Windows applications, Java for open source or platform independent
applications, Oracle, MySql or MS Sql for the database backhand and so on.Here for this
application we choose Microsoft’s Visual Studio 2005 for developing the front end and
MS Sql for the database management. The programmers may also require books and
internet for reference during the development process of the software.

Installation of required Software on existing Systems: Few things like run time
environments, software packages, support systems and add ons like libraries, plugging
etc may be required to be installed on the machines for the complete and proper
functioning of the software developed. Hence this stage of the project will need the
licensed software to be bought and a small workforce to install these on the systems in
the company office. This team of workers will also need the conveyance facilities. For
this project we would require Microsoft Dot NET framework 3.0 and windows service
pack 2 to be installed on all the office machines.

Database Server Setup: During this phase we would require a specialist to setup and
configure the database server and a PC based Database Server with a high speed hard
disk, network card, sufficient amount of RAM and a powerful processor depending upon
the company requirements i.e. number of nodes connected and the number of database
transitions per second. This must be accompanied with a power backup.

Network Setup: To setup the network we need to have a team of professionals in

networking and some skilled labor for laying the network cables all around the office
premises along with the hardware like hubs, switches, twisted pair network cable and
connectors. The expenses will involve labor charge, cost of materials used for laying
down the LAN wire and the cost of other hardware.

Integration: The integration part would involve all the modules to be linked together
forming the complete system. For this we would require the specialists of every module
to work together and integrate the modules.

Testing: All testing sessions including operational testing, integration testing,

application testing and security analysis will require skilled testing team and the
documentation team to keep a record of the problems encountered and the changes
that the project needs to undergo. It would also require some end users to use the
software and give the feedback. Some automated testing and analysis software would
be required by the team.

Monitoring and Maintenance: This phase will require the users to send in a report or
feedback via email or on a telephonic conversation else a face to face meeting. The
designing and development team along with the documentation team would be
involved in bringing out any further changes and modifications according to the user’s

Materials (Hardware)

1. Storage Media:

• CD/DVD - 50* (Rs10) = Rs 500

• Pen Drives – 10* (Rs 400) = Rs 4000

2. Network Hardware:

• Switches (24 port) – 2* (Rs 6000) = Rs 12000

• Hub (4 port) – 5 * (Rs 200) = Rs 800

• LAN Cord (cat 5) – 200 Meters * Rs 10 = Rs 2000

• Connectors (RJ 45) – 100 (Male-Female Pairs) * Rs 5 = Rs 500

3. Database Server (IBM):- Rs 54,000

Raw Material for Laying Network Cable

1. Cement:- Rs 200

2. Plaster of Paris:- Rs 200

3. Cord Holder:- Rs 8 per meter * 50 = Rs 400

4. Wall Sockets:- Rs 10 * 50 = Rs 500


1. Conveyance Charges – Rs 60 per trip to the company office per person.

10 members * 20 trips during project *60 = Rs 12000

2. Telephone Charges –10 members *200 calls/month *5 months * Re 1/call = Rs 10000

3. Internet Connection Charges – Rs 700 per month* 5 months = Rs 3500

4. Electricity Charges – Approx Rs. 3000 per month* 5 months = Rs 15000

Software: Microsoft Dot NET framework 3.0 – Rs 6000

Stationary and Printing Charges

1. Stationary:
• A4 sheets – 10 packs * Rs 130 =Rs 1300

• Files/Folders – 30 * Rs 15 = Rs 450

• Pens – 50 * Rs 9 = Rs 450

• Staplers and paper pins – Rs 250

2. Printing:

• A4 sheets – 10 packs * Rs 130 = Rs 1300

• Printing Cost – Rs 0.30 * 5000 = Rs 1500

Wages and Salaries (Table)

Total Estimated Budget for the Project = Rs 2286850

In Words: Rupees Twenty Two Lakhs Eighty Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty

No. of Salary Time Total

Persons Duration Salary
Project Manager 1 25000/Month 5 Months 125000
Network Specialist 1 20000/Month 5 Months 100000
Database Server 1 20000/Month 5 Months 100000
Analysis And Design 6 18000/Month 5 Months 540000
Skilled Programmers 10 15000/Month 5 Months 750000
Testing Team 10 10000/Month 5 Months 300000
Documentation Team 4 10000/Month 5 Months 200000
Semi-Skilled 3 6000/Month 5 Months 36000
Unskilled 6 150/Day 5 Months 9000
Total Salary 2160000

Types of Risks

1. Project specific risk: The cost of materials may rise which would eventually lead to an
overall higher cost of project development. Hence some reservoir of resources is needed
to be maintained and included in the budget.

2. Competitive risk: Alternative offer or software in the market might attract the
company due to lower cost of development and so the demand will reduce. There is also
a possibility that another project company offers attractive features. In such a case the
profits might be at stake.

3. Market Risk: If capital for project is acquired on loan, and interest rate increases due
to certainmacroeconomic variations, then there is a risk that overall cost will increase.

Uncertainty Factors

1. Server down: Higher load on the server may lead to the temporary delays in the
project at different stages of development and operation.

2. Internet: Internet connection with limited connectivity or lower speed than that
required may lead to the extension of project life cycle.

3. Electricity: Electricity related problems or any discrepancy in the back- up system

provided for the electricity supply system may delay the progress of project.

4. Accidents: Personal safety at the project development site is very necessary. Skilled
or semi skilled all laborers and technicians should be having their insurance. In addition
to this proper ambience must be provided to the specialist developers in order to
extract maximum work from them.
5. Project Monitoring and Control

Continuously monitor and Analyze project variables: The key project variables will be
identified to be monitored at least weekly to ensure that their progress/status is in
accordance with their associated plan (i.e., project management plan, configuration
management plan, quality assurance plan).

The issues taken care would be: tasks starting and ending as planned, deliverables with
content and quality level required, level of effort as planned, milestones being met when
planned, risks as recorded applying the Risk Management Process.

The needed data would be provided through measurement activities, periodic team
reviews, and risk assessment events. In addition, the scope of work will be assessed
with respect to sponsor-initiated requirement changes to determine if the scope of
work has deviated from established agreements.

Team Meetings: The team meetings will be regularly scheduled to keep all the team
members informed about the current status of the work and to plan for the upcoming
project tasks defined in the documented project plan. All the teams would be required
to inform everyone about the individual tasks accomplished and project risks.

Revise the Course of plans: If the need of any corrective measure is determined as a
result of the analysis and team meetings, the team would be required to analyze the
effect of the change on the cost, schedule, requirements and the stakeholders and try to
find out the best possible solution after negotiation and approval form the senior
management and the project sponsor.

Initiate and track changes (Control):- The required changes and modifications will be
done in the plan and the design of the project. The changes and modifications would be
recorded and noted down by the documentation team for future planning activities. The
project manager would be responsible to keep a track that the required modifications
are properly
PERT Chart Analysis of the Project

Activity Description Norma Normal Crash Crash Crash

l Time Cost Cost Time Cost Per
A Collecting 15 40000 45000 12 1666.66
B Making The SRS 7 28850 30000 6 1150
C Analysis And Design 15 380000` 400000 12 6666.66
D Documentation 7 25000 28000 6 3000
E Development 60 700000 750000 55 10000
F Prototyping 7 25000 26000 5 500
G Installation of 3 60000 62000 2 2000
Required Software on
Existing Systems

H Database Server Setup 5 220000 230000 4 10000

I Hardware & Network 10 340000 350000 9 10000

J Operational Testing 7 75000 78000 5 1500

K Integration 10 95000 100000 8 2500
L Integration Testing 7 78000 80000 6 2000
M Application Testing 10 95000 100000 9 5000
N Security Analysis 5 125000 130000 5 -
117 2286850 2409000

Activity on node Network Diagram

The Slack Time for each activity are as follows:

Activity Slack Time (Days)

A 0

B 0

C 0

D 73

E 0

F 55

G 45

H 45

I 56

J 56

K 0

L 3

M 0

N 5

Hence the Slack Time is 0 for the activities on the critical path (A-B-C-E-K-M).

One day can be deducted from activity B with an increase in the cost by Rs 1150.00.
A deduction of up to 3 days from activity A will lead to an extra cost of Rs. 5000 (at the
rate of 1666.67 Rs. per day).

If more than 4 days are required to be reduced, then activity K can be taken into
consideration after activity B and A. For activity K the increase in cost is Rs. 2500 per
day for a period of maximum two days.

Activity M, activity C and activity E follow in the crashing process with an extra cost of
Rs. 5000 for a period of 1 day, Rs. 6666.66 per day for a period of maximum 3 days and
Rs. 10000 per day for a period of maximum 5 days respectively.

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