Service Rules
Service Rules
Service Rules
2.0 Definitions
Note: The terms and conditions of employment and the period of training of all
apprentices/trainees will also be governed by the contract of
apprenticeship/employment and service bond and will be subject to the rules or orders
framed by the management from time to time.
(h) "Daily Rated Employee" means a casual employee appointed on daily wage
(j) "Part- Time Employee" means an employee who is not appointed to work on
full time basis.
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HR Policy Manual Issue Date: 25.03.2019
Service Rules Updated as on: 15.03.2019
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(k) "Probationer" means an employee who is, provisionally employed with a view
to being considered for appointment on the regular establishment of the
(o) "Notice" means any communication in writing given or affixed on the notice
(p) "Notice Board" Means the Notice Board specially maintained in a conspicuous
place at or near the main entrance or entrances of the establishment for the
purpose of displaying notices.
(q) “Executive” means an employee holding a post in the executive cadre of the
(s) “Unauthorized Absence” means absence by an employee from his / her duty
or place of work without authority either without sanction of any leave or after
expiry of sanctioned leave, if any.
3.0 Classification
(a) Regular
(b) Probationer
(c) Temporary
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(e) Part-Time
(a) Employees governed by the Standing Orders to be framed under the Industrial
Employment (Standing Order) Act 1946, to the extent of provisions of the said
Standing Orders.
(b) Employees on deputation and/or foreign service from the government, public sector
Undertaking or Semi-Government Organization unless the term of deputation / foreign
service other-wise stipulate.
(c) Casual/Daily Rated/Muster Roll/Part time employees in whose case, rules 6.0, 11.0,
12.0,13.0, 14.0, 20.0, 22.0, 24.0 and 26.0 and other provisions of the other rules
specifically made applicable, wholly or partially, to such employees shall,
however, apply.
(d) Any other employee who may be excluded, at the discretion of the management,
from operation of any or all of the Rules, wholly or partially.
5.0 Exhibition
A copy of these Service Rules (and orders passed by the management in pursuance
thereof) shall be affixed on the Notice Board
6.1 These Service Rules may be amended, modified, altered or rescinded from time to time
by the Board and shall take effect in accordance with the orders issued.
6.2 All amendments, modification, alterations or additions made to these Service Rules and
any notices, orders or instructions issued there under shall be notified from time to time
and affixed on the Notice Board.
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6.3 The Chairman & Managing Director may relax any of these rules to mitigate the hardship
caused to any employee or class/category of employees, at his discretion for reasons to be
recorded by him. He may also make supplementary rules/orders to give effect to the
objective of these rules including any procedural changes.
6.4 If any doubts arise relating to the correct interpretation of these rules, the decision of the
management thereon shall be final and binding.
7.0 Appointments
Subject to the NTPC Recruitment Polic y and Procedure, the following conditions shall
apply to all appointments in the Corporation.
7.1 Age
7.1.1 The age of a person at the time of appointment to the service of the Corporation shall not
be less than 18 years and shall not exceed the upper age lim it, including any relaxation
thereof as prescribed by the management.
7.1.2 (i) Every employee must declare, on his first appointment, his date of birth according to
the Christian Era, and produce confirmatory evidence like Matriculation or School
Leaving Certificate evidence as may be acceptable to the management.
(ii) An employee is unable to produce, for reasons beyond his control, documentary
evidence of his age, he shall state his age and make a written Affidavit sworn before
a Magistrate/Oath-Commissioner making a declaration (services of an employee
giving a deliberately false affidavit are liable to be terminated) that the age as stated
by him is correct. Where an employee is unable to state his exact date of birth, he
can state approximately the year or year and the month in which case the 1st of July
in the former case and 1st of the month in the latter case will be treated as the date of
(iii) In all cases referred to in clause (ii) above, the age of an employee as stated in
the affidavit will be accepted and entered in the records of the Corporation
subject to the condition that the said age is certified as correct to the best of his
judgment by the Medical Officer authorized by the Corporation for the purpose.
The opinion of the Authorized Medical Officer, who may subject the employee to
any medical test as he deems fit, shall be binding on the employee in this regard.
(iv) The date of birth record with the Corporation at the time of his appointment shall not
be altered except in cases of clerical error or on production of conclusive
documentary evidence as stipulated herein along with reasons for non- production of
such evidence earlier.
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The fact about any criminal proceedings pending in any court of law, conviction by a court
of law or any other fact which could debar him from entering into the service of the
Government/Public Undertaking or existence of any subsisting contract of service with
any other employer must be clearly conveyed at the time of making application and
subsequently, if such a thing has happened after submission of the application or
obtaining appointment or joining the service of the Corporation.
Every candidate (other than a deputationist) appointed to a post in the Corporation shall
be r e q u i r e d to undergo a medical examination by the Corporation's authorized
doctor/medical b o a r d . In case of a deputationist getting absorbed in the services of the
Corporation, he shall be required to undergo medical examination at the time of his
abs or pt io n. All appointments will be subject to the candidate's medical fitness as per
prescribed standards for the post. The opinion of the Corporation's authorized
doctor/medical board in this regard shall be final. This shall, however, not apply to an internal
candidate of the Corporation who has already been medically examined and declared fit at the
time of his initial appointment. An employee shall be liable to be medically examined any
time during the per io d of his employment with the Corporation.
Such verification, if considered necessary may be obtained subsequently at any time during
the course of employment.
8.1 An employee in the service of the Corporation shall be liable to be transferred to any of its
Project, Division, Office or any other place or location or job where he may be posted for any
of the Corporation's work in any part of the country or abroad as may be required by the
competent authority.
conditions in the totality on such transfer shall not be inferior to those applicable to him
immediately prior to the transfer.
All Engineering or Medical Graduates appointed to any post in the Corporation shall, if so
required by the appointing authority, be liable to serve in any of the Defense Services or
in posts connected thereto for a period up to four years including the period spent on
training, if any, provided that unless the Government of India decides otherwise, such
persons shall not:
(a) Be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of ten years from the date of
their appointment:
(b) Ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining the age of 40 years
in the case of Engineering Graduates and after attaining the age of 45 years in
the case of Medical Graduates.
9.1 Unless otherwise provided in the terms of appointment or any other agreement or award,
the following rules shall govern the probation and confirmation of an employee:
9.1.1 All employees on first appointment in the service of the Corporation including employees
appointed to a higher grade on the basis of an open selection shall be placed on
probation for a period of one year during which period their performance will be watched
with a view to determining their suitability for confirmation against the regular post.
9.1.2 The following categories of employees shall be exempted from the requirement of
probation. An employee who is on deputation/foreign service or an employee who retains lien on the
service of the previous employer shall be deemed to be confirmed as a regular employee
with effect from the date he surrenders his lien on the service of the previous employer.
In respect of other employees who are exempted from probation under these rules, they
shall be deemed to be confirmed as regular employees with effect from the date of joining
the service of the Corporation.
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9.1.4 The period of probation may be extended at the discretion of the competent authority, but
will not be extended by more than one year save for exceptional reasons to be recorded
in writing.
9.1.5 Unless exempted under these Rules, every employee appointed in the Corporation's
service will be issued a formal order of confirmation on satisfactory completion of
probationary period or the extended period of probation, as may be applicable. The
employee will be deemed to be on probation until so confirmed in writing.
9.1.7 If during the probationary period or extended period of probation, the performance,
progress and general conduct of the employee are not found satisfactory or unto the
standard required for the post, his services are liable to be terminated at any time by
giving such notice or payment of salary in lieu thereof without assigning any reason
provided hereinafter.
10.0 Training
10.1 Employees are liable to undergo such training/ induction/refresher courses for such
period and undertake such examinations/tests, as may be prescribed by the
management from time to time.
11.1 Every employee shall comply with such instructions as are issued from time to time
relating to attendance arrival and departure, the period and hours of work for different
classes of employees. Every employee shall be at work at the time fixed and notified by
the competent authority from time to time.
11.2. Attendance shall be marked daily according to the method prescribed by the
management from time to time.
11.3. Employees who are required to sign in attendance register will mark the time of reporting
for duty as per instructions issued by the competent authority from time to time.
11.4. Absence from duty including absence due to late coming, shall be reckoned as follows:
11.4.1 An employee who does not report for duty on time may not be taken on work, and his
absence for the day will be treated, at the discretion of the competent authority, as leave with
or without pay or as absence from duty.
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11.4.2 Nothing in this rule shall prejudice the right of the management/Corporation for
deduction of wages for the period of absence and/or for taking disciplinary action against
the delinquent employee as per Conduct, Discipline & Appeal Rules.
12.0 Holidays
12.1 The list of festival/closed holidays shall be notified by the management, in the beginning
of the year or at any time thereafter, if necessary.
12.2 Casual employees will be entitled only to the three National Holidays subject to their being
on duty on the working day preceding and succeeding the holiday.
13.1 Every employee shall enter and leave the Corporation's premises by such gates as may
be prescribed. Employees entering or leaving the premises are liable to be detained and
searched by such staff as may be authorized for this purpose by the management.
14.1 Every employee of the Corporation would be provided with an identity card.
14.2 Every employee shall show his identity card if required to do so by the representative(s)
of the Corporation authorized to check the card and regulate entry of persons to the
premises of the Corporation.
14.3 The first issue of the card will be free of charge. Loss of the card shall immediately be
reported by the employee to the management. A new card shall be issued on payment of
rupees four hundred only.
14.4 Every employee leaving the service of the Corporation for any reason whatsoever, shall
surrender his identity card.
15.1 Every employee must notify to the management his residential address on joining the
Corporation's service and must also notify any changes therein.
16.1 Wages due to an employee shall be paid before the expiry of the seventh/tenth day after
the last day of the wage period in respect of whic h the wages are payable in accordance
with premises of the Law.
16.2 Any wages due to an employee but not paid on the prescribed day on account of their
being unclaimed shall be paid on subsequent working days on demand by the employee
during the time fixed by the management.
16.3 All claims for unclaimed wages must be submitted within three years from the date on
which the wages became due to the employees. If no claim is made for the unclaimed
wages within a period of three years, the claim would be treated as time-barred.
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16.4.1 Deductions from the wages of an employee may be made for the following purposes:
(vi) for refund of any advance taken from the Employee's Provident Fund;
(vii) deductions made with the written authorization of the employee for;
(viii) deduction of amounts due to the Corporation from an employee on any account;
(ix) any other deductions made with the written authorization of the employee
(x) fines;
17.0 Overtime
17.1 The management reserves the right to require any employee to work overtime including
work on weekly holidays and festival holidays in accordance with the instructions of the
management issued from time to time. He is also liable to be called for duty at any time.
For such overtime work done, compensatory off or overtime allowance payment as
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admissible under the rules/law, will be allowed to such categories of employees and at
such rates as may be specified by the management from time to time.
18.1 Any employee who wishes to acquire higher/additional qualifications by pursing any
course of education/training in any institution either by attending such course(s)
personally or through postal coaching, may do so onl y after obtaining specific sanction
of the management. Such permission will not be accorded in case it is considered that the
same will interfere with the proper performance of his duties.
An employee shall be liable to proceed on tour in the course of his official duty to any
place within India or abroad as and when so required by the management for which he
shall be p a i d as per TA Rules of the Corporation.
20. Removal of Books Drawings, and other Papers etc. outside Corporation's
20.1 No employee shall carry with him outside the Office/Project premises any papers, books,
drawings, photographs, instruments, apparatus, documents or any other property of the
Corporation except with the approval of the competent authority.
21.0 Inventions
21.1 Within one month of taking up employment with the Corporation, it shall be incumbent on
every employee who has taken out or applied for either individually or jointly with any
other party, patents or is in possession of any inventions/discoveries, to furnish to the
Corporation a list of such patents taken out or applied for and the titles and nature of the
invention/ discoveries in his possession and demonstrate if so required by the
21.2 In the course of any investigation undertaken by him in the employment of the
Corporation or within a period of five years after the termination of his employment with
the Corporation, if any employee makes any invention or discovery which can be
reasonably deemed to be in consequence of his employment in the Corporation, he
shall hold them in trust on behalf of the Corporation and shall forthwith disclose to the
Corporation full and complete description and nature of the said invention and the mode
of performing the same. He shall not publicize the results without the approval of the
Corporation. The Corporation shall have the absolute discretion to adopt, use, permit,
assign, change or transfer patents for such inventions/discoveries.
22.0 Safety
Employees shall be bound to observe safety rules as notified from time to time by the
management and to use safety equipment and take other precautions as are
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23.1.2 Subject to Rule 23.1.3, after an employee has been promoted, no application will be
forwarded during the first year after promotion. Thereafter one application per year may
be forwarded. However, this restriction of one application per year shall not apply to
executives in E8 (AGM) level and above.
23.1.3 If an employee has completed his probation on his initial appointment and has been
confirmed, no application will be forwarded during the first year from the date he has
been confirmed, thereafter, one application per year may be forwarded.
23.1.4 Regular employees of NTPC who are selected for appointment in other
Government/Public Sector Organization against applications duly forwarded by the
Corporation may, on specific request, be permitted at the discretion of the management
to retain lien in NTPC for a period of one year, subject to the condition that leave salary
contribution and CPF contribution (both the employee's and employer's shares) are
paid to NTPC either by the employee himself or by the new employer.
23.1.5 Applications from persons who have executed service bonds with NTPC will not be
forwarded during the period for which they are liable to serve the Corporation in terms of the
service bond.
23.1.6 Applications from employees who remain in the same scale of pay for a period of five
years or more, may be forwarded without any restriction on the number of applications.
If an employee is unable to route his application through proper channel because the
advertisement has not mentioned about the same or because of shortage of time, at the
time of interview, he may be issued NOC only if such a request is accompanied by a
photocopy/attested copy of the advertisement and if according to the last date of receipt of
application as mentioned in the advertisement, the employee concerned was eligible for
getting his application forwarded.
23.2.2 In case of such Supervisors in Technical category who qualify in AMIE, a total of Six
application per year can be forwarded for outside job based on their individual requests.
23.2.3 Internal candidates may apply for posts in the next higher grades advertised or notified
openly in the press and/or elsewhere including employment exchange, subject to the
following conditions;
(i) Internal candidate must have served for a minimum 2 years in his existing grade in
(ii) Internal candidates must fully satisfy the job requirements and specifications as advertised
or notified including the minimum period of service in the specified grades.
Reference Clause (i) & (ii) above will be the last date of receipt of applications as stated
in the advertisement or notification. For the purpose of determining length of service in the
specified grade under condition(s) seniority weightage granted at the time of in it i a l
appointment will be taken into account2.
24.0 Termination
24,1 Eventualities:
Subject to the provisions of law for the time being in force, an employee's services may be
terminated in any one of the following ways:
(b) resignation;
(c) retrenchment;
(d) retirement;
(f) death;
The services of an employee may be terminated by giving such notice or pay in lieu thereof as
may be prescribed in the contract of his service. In the absence of any such specific
provision in the contract of service, the services of the employee may be terminated in the
following manner:
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24.2.2 The services of a casual employee can be terminated without assigning any reason or
giving any notice.
24.2.3 The services of a fresh recruit on probation can be terminated without assigning any
reason by giving one month's notice on either side or payment of salar y consisting of
pay and dearness allowance in l i e u thereof3.
24.2.4 The services of a regular employee can be terminated by either side by giving three
months' notice if he is an executive or one month's notice if he is a non-executive or
payment of salary consisting of pay and dearness allowance in lieu thereof 3.
24.3 Resignation:
24.3.1 An employee resigning from the services of the Corporation shall be required to give
such notice as is prescribed in his service contract or in the absence thereof as per the
provisions indicated under Rule 24.2 above.
24.3.2 Under no circumstances shall the resignation tendered by an employee whose conduct is
under investigation, be accepted, without the sanction of the authority competent to
dismiss him.
24.4 Retrenchment:
24.5 Retirement
The normal age of retirement for the employees of the corporation shall be 60 years i.e.
from the afternoon of the last day of the month in which the employee completes the age
of 60 years.
Note In the event of the date of birth of an employee falling on the first day of a month, the
concerned employee shall retire in the afternoon of t he l a s t day of t h e previous
An employee is liable to be discharged at any time from service on being found medically
unfit to continue in the service of the Corporation.
24.7 Death:
Pay and allowances of an employee may be drawn in his name up to the day of his demise,
the hour at which it took place having no effect on the c l a im of his outstanding dues.
Employees may be removed or dismissed from the service of the Corporation as a result
of disciplinary action in accordance w i t h the NTPC C o n d u c t , Discipline and Appeal
An employee who remains unauthorisedly absent from duty or place of work either
without sanction of any leave or after expiry of sanctioned leave, if any, and does not
report for duty for any reason whatsoever within 90 consecutive days from the date of
his/her unauthorized absence, shall automatically lose lien on his/her post and he/she
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shall be deemed to have voluntarily abandoned and left the service of the corporation
without notice.
Provided, however, if the employee subsequently substantiates and accounts for his/her
unauthorized absence from duty within 90 consecutive days from the date of the
termination order to the entire satisfaction of the management, the management may
regularize his/her period of unauthorized absence on such terms and conditions as it may
deem fit and proper.
Not withstanding anything contained in these rules, an employee who has attained the
age of 58 years and has put in a minimum of 20 years’ service in NTPC may resign by
giving notice in writing to the appointing authority of not less than three months / one
month as the case may be and on acceptance thereof, retire from service of NTPC. The
employee so released will be entitled to all retirement benefits as in case of normal
superannuation including the post retirement medical facilities admissible to an employee
retiring on attaining the age of superannuation.
On receipt of a request, every employee may be furnished with a service certificate at the
time of discharge, dismissal, termination of his service, resignation or retrenchment,
giving duration of his employment in the Corporation, posts held by the employees, pay
scale of the last post held and the pay drawn by the employee at the time of his leaving
the Corporation.
Every employee leaving the service of the Corporation shall, before leaving, return all
property or equipment or tools belonging to the Corporation issued or lent to him in
connection with his employment in the Corporation. The cost of such property, equipment
or tools not so returned shall be deducted from his pay or the amount due to him or
recovered otherwise.
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HR Policy Manual Issue Date: 25.03.2019
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