Laboratory Test Report: Test Name Result Biological Reference Interval TSH
Laboratory Test Report: Test Name Result Biological Reference Interval TSH
Laboratory Test Report: Test Name Result Biological Reference Interval TSH
3-6-16 & 17, Street No. 19, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad - 500 029
Email :
Pregnancy :
First Trimester : 0.3-4.5 µIU/mL
Second Trimester: 0.5-4.6 µIU/mL
Third Trimester : 0.8-5.2 µIU/mL
Method : Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay (CLIA)
Comments / Interpretation :
- Patient preparation is particularly important for hormone studies, results of which may be markedly affected by
many factors such as stress, position, fasting state, time of the day, preceding diet and drug therapy.
- TSH levels are increased in primary hypothyroidism, insufficient thyroid hormone replacement therapy, Hashimotos
thyroiditis, use of amphetamines, dopamine antagonists, iodine containing agents, lithium and iodine induced or deficiency
- Decreased levels of TSH may be seen in Graves Disease, Toxic multinodular Goitre, Thyroiditis, Excessive treatment
with thyroid hormone replacement and central Hypothyroidism.
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Comments / Interpretation :
- ADA Guidelines (2019) are adopted for the evaluation of Diabetic Status.
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Interpretation :
Nonreactive Specimen is negative for Syphilis antibodies or antibodies are at an undetectable level.
Reactive Specimen is positive for Syphilis antibodies.
* A reactive card test may suggest past or present infection with a pathogenic treponeme.
* The result of this test should be used in conjunction with other laboratory findings and patient symptoms.
* A nonreactive RPR card test result does not rule out an incubating Syphilis infection.
* All positive results should be confirmed by Treponemal-specific antibody test such as TPHA.
* RPR Titres > 1:8 are considered significant.
Note : RPR test performed in the sample has similar sensitivity and interpretation as VDRL test.
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Interpretation :
Nonreactive Specimen is Negative for HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies.
Reactive Specimen is Positive for HIV - 1 antibodies.
Specimen is Positive for HIV antibodies (HIV-1 and HIV-2; or HIV-2 alone).
*Confirmation of HIV-2 sero-status at identified referral laboratory through ART centres.
(As per the NACO guideline test result is considered positive only when all 3 test are reactive)
Indeterminate Collect the fresh sample in 2-4 weeks and repeat the test. If the sample continues to be
indeterminate send the sample for Western blot or PCR for confirmation.
Clinical Significance :
A nonreactive result does not exclude the possibility of HIV infection. Levels of HIV antibodies may be undetectable in the
window period.
(Ref : National guideline for HIV testing Dec 2016)
Email :
ABO Group : A
Rh Typing : Positive
Comments / Interpretation :
- Reconfirm the Blood Group & Rh Typing along with cross matching before blood transfusion.
- Recent blood transfusion, if any, interferes with interpretation of blood grouping.
- The blood group and Rh antigen may change in the new born, hence please repeat the test after 6 months.
- Subgroups and Bombay blood group needs to be further verified.
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MCH : 29.00 27 - 32 pg
Neutrophils : 62 40 - 80 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Lymphocytes : 25 20 - 40 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Eosinophils : 3 1-6 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Monocytes : 9 2 - 10 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Basophils : 1 0-2 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Absolute Leucocyte Count
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Platelets : Adequate
Microscopy : Leishman stain/Modified Giemsa Stain
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Urobilinogen : Normal NA
Modified Ehrlich reaction
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Nonreactive Specimen is negative for HBsAg or Hepatitis B Virus surface antigens have not yet reached
detectable levels.
Reactive Specimen is positive for Hepatitis B surface Antigen .
* This is a rapid test designed for qualitative determination of HBsAg in human serum.
* This test is a screening assay; it should not be used as a sole criterion for confirmation of Hepatitis B infection.
* Test results should be interpreted in conjunction with other HBV serologic markers like (eg, anti-HBs Ab,
anti-HBc Total and anti-HBc IgM, HBeAg & Anti HBe Ab) and patient symptoms.
* Individuals who have recently received Hepatitis B vaccination may have transient positive HBsAg test results
because of the large dose of HBsAg used in the vaccine.
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Interpretation :
Nonreactive Negative for HCV antibodies
Reactive Presence of detectable HCV antibodies.
* This is a rapid qualitative diagnostic test for the detection of antibodies to Hepatitis C virus in human serum.
* This test is a screening assay; it should not be used as a sole criterion for detection of HCV.
* A Nonreactive screening result does not exclude the possibility of exposure to or infection with HCV.
* It is recommended to test further for HCV RNA detection and quantification by PCR, if clinically indicated.