Part A - WARM UP GAMES - PROFORMA - PDHPE (Students Are To Use One Part A Proforma For Each of The 8 Games, One Page For Each One)

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Part A - WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 8 games,

one page for each one)

Name of the Game : Chasing Cats and Dogs! Stage: ES1

Explanation :
The students are placed in a large circle holding hands, one student is selected as a Dog and another student is selected
as a Cat. When the teacher yells “Cat” the cat must chase the dog. The cat and dog are allowed to run around inside and
outside the circle. It is the students in the circle that have the power to let them in or out by forming a barrier with their
hands. When the teacher yells “Dog” the roles are reversed and the dog must then chase the cat. Once caught a new cat
and dog are selected.

Why is this game important for this stage?

This game is important as it teaches students to be comfortable with their movements and allow them to think about
strategising in order to manipulate the game. Eg. If they want the dog to catch the cat, they can close the barrier and
block them in order to challenge the cat. It also allows students to communicate with one another and solve problems in
order to win. It involves students thinking of their actions and pre planning the results that could occur from each move
my calculating and pre judging what the other student will do. It allows students to feel comfortable with their bodies
whilst encouraging them to think.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

-INES1.3- Relates well to others in work and play situations. This allows students to interact with each other and develop
friendships as they cooperate throughout the activity.
- COES1.1- Expresses feelings, needs and wants in appropriate ways: responds to simple instructions and rules Allows
students to follow the guidelines in front of them which will subsequently help them develop in other areas. These include
listening and recall.
- MOES1.4- Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory
movement experiences. This skill is used through allowing the students to develop their running skills as well as the
ability to stop, start and change directions when necessary.
- ALES1.6- Develops a repertoire of physical activities in which they can participate. This also incorporates interaction and
communication as it requires these skills in order to successfully complete the task in escaping from the opponent.

Equipment and Teaching cues

` - Teacher ensure all students actively participate
- Encourages students to make the game for challenging through creating barriers.
- Evaluates the game using the feedback from the students.
Part A - WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game: Move and Groove! Stage ES1

Explanation :
The teacher scatters a range of balls across the field, each type of call is assigned to a movement and all students have
to run, pick up a ball and place it in a bin located in the middle of the field using the movement associated with the ball.
E.g. Tennis balls allow you to skip, Basketballs allow you to bounce the ball back, Soccer balls allow you to jump,
Netballs allow you to side step, a Football allows you to hop. With this students will have to recall the movement
associated with each ball and use it to get back to the middle. The student who has placed the most balls in the bin will
win. All students must participate in retrieving the various types of balls.
Why is this game important for this stage?
- This game is important for ES1 because it allows them to develop one of the syllabuses objectives in “moving with
competence and confidence” as well as knowledge in “the composition, performance and appraisal of movement.”
- It allows the students to think and act the movements involved with each resource and allows them to recall and
coordinate their movements.
- This activity will allow for a growth and developmental change as students will be able to express their decision
making skills in finding the closest ball and using a technique to get back to the middle of the field in order to score
more points.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

- This activity involves the use of V5 from the syllabus: willingly participates in regular physical activity.
- MOES1.5- Demonstrates a general awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play and other introductory
movement experiences. This is achieved through the various movements involved with each apparatus and their
competency in achieving the movement.
- GSES1.8- Demonstrates fundamental movement skills while playing with and sharing equipment. This is evident
through the ways in which students must move differently depending on what ball they have, it also allows them to
move freely and help each other, whilst competing.
- COES1.1- Expresses feelings, needs and wants to in appropriate ways; Responds to simple instructions and rules,
Uses correct vocabulary for body movements. Eg run, slide, skip, stretch, and reach. This links to the warm up
routine though providing students with various forms of movement and also allows them to practice following rules
and communicating whilst achieving a goal.
- ALES!.6- Develops a repertoire of physical activities in which they can participate: Takes part in different types of
physical activity. Eg, climbing, jumping, walking, dancing, skipping. Therefore this activity allows students to feel
comfortable with their bodies and the way they move as well as allowing them to feel comfortable with the
terminologies associated with the exercise.
Equipment and Teaching cues
- Variety of ball, bin
- Teacher must encourage students to use the correct method of movement
- Teacher must praise and assist students and help those that may struggle with the movements.
- Teacher must allow students to challenge the idea of movement and build their own strategy.

Part A - WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game: Stop and go Stage 1

Explanation :
A student is to stand at the front of the field and the rest of the students will stand at the other end of the field. The
student at the front will receive 3 coloured cardboards; one red, one yellow and one green. The student chooses the
coloured cardboard they want to display, red means stop, yellow means walk and green means run. When the red card is
shown, all students must freeze, it is then the nominated students’ job to walk around and find a student that has moved.
This person is then the traffic light controller.

Why is this game important for this stage?

- This is important for this stage as the syllabus states that children must become aware of road safety and road
smart. The representations of colours associated with a movement will allow students to understand the operation
of traffic lights and relate it to pedestrian crossings.
- This game allows them to incorporate the social and physical capabilities in achieving day to day tasks.
- This exercise allows for extension ideas through decision making and communicating by allowing students to know
the difference stop and go, and know when it is safe to cross the road.
- Stop and Go also allows students to practice how to following directions, practice stopping suddenly and tests their
reaction rates to what is being shown or said.
- It incorporates different movements to achieve a goal.
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?
- DMS1.2- Recalls past experiences in making decisions. Students knowing when it is safe to cross the road or not.
- MOS1.4- Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of
predictable situations. This is done through the association of movements to each colour, eg: students running,
walking or stopping.
- SLS1.13- Recognises that their safety depends on the environment and the behaviour of themselves and others.
This relates to Stop and Go, as students must realise that their personal safety is at risk when near roads and
vehicles so their behaviour and reactions are important.
- V4- Increasingly accepts responsibility for personal and community health: values their health and safety and that
of others. Students will realise through this activity that their personal safety will often lie within their own actions
and choices.
- PSS1.5- Draws on past experiences to solve familiar problems. Follows basic safety procedures. This uses the idea
of Stop and Go to teach students the importance of stopping and looking both ways and assessing danger.

Equipment and Teaching cues

- Teacher is to ask students if they could relate this game to any aspect of their life, such as crossing roads and how
they can actively practise what they have learnt in day to day life.
- Encourage students to think outside the box and strategize their steps.

Part A - WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game: Look at the time! Stage 1

Explanation :
One student (known as the Leader)must stand at the front of the field facing away from the class. The rest of the class
must stand in a row and ask “WHAT’S THE TIME?” The leader at the other end then replies with a time eg. 12 o clock, the
students then must take 12 steps towards the leader. When the leader calls out the times feels that the class is close by
and the class asks “what’s the time?” the leader must then reply “Bed Time” and try to catch the closest student. The
game then repeats with the student that is caught becoming the leader.

Why is this game important for this stage?

- This game is important because it incorporates other KLA’s such as maths into the game where students are
recognising numerals and also the practice of telling the time and using the appropriate terminologies in doing so.
- Its helps students have the ability to build strategies by realising that they need to take 12 steps, but how big do
those 12 steps have to be? Thus developing strategies.
- Students become comfortable and aware of numbers and the step counting in collaboration with the number
- Students also relate to decision making and communication skills in reaching their goal. These skills will help
students in all areas of their life and education.
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?
- COS1.1- Communicates appropriately in a variety of ways. This is achieved through communicating a number to
the conversions of steps
- ALS1.6- Participates in physical activity, recognising that it can be both enjoyable and important for health.
Engages in a range of planned activities, eg fundamental movement skills, favourite simple games, movement
exploration. This shows how students can benefit from the physical side of this activity through pacing and
counting their steps towards the time caller, and the run back to safety.
- It incorporates the use of mathematics and basic life skills in achieving a goal as well as promoting healthy active
lifestyles through physical exercise.
- This activity draws upon the use of interaction and communication skills in order to benefit the students experience
throughout the game where they will learn to strategise and approach the target from a different perspective.

Equipment and Teaching cues

- Teacher will ask the students what areas this game relates to and if they found it challenging.
- Teachers are to observe the steps that students take in order to determine areas of improvement for students.
- Students are asked to evaluate how they felt in completing this task and the emotions they felt.

Part A - WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game: Ball Attack Stage 2

Explanation: The class is divided into 2 groups. The field is divided into 2 with a clear barrier. 5 medium sized balls are
given to each group. The aim of the game is to roll the ball over to the other side and hit a person from the opposing
team in the leg. Once tagged that student must stand behind the opposite team and if that team fails to get the ball
before it reaches the end they must catch the ball and roll it back into the game, trying to hit the opposition from the

Why is this game important for this stage?

This game is important for this stage as it using communication, interaction and moving skills, whilst promoting team
work. This game forces students to watch what is coming towards them, but also makes them cautious of what could be
coming from the back. To achieve this students must communicate with their team in order to win, they must also
strategise with one another, for example if they collect as many balls as possible on their side, they can all roll the ball
and target one person to cover the chances of missing them if they hop around. This activity also requires comfort with
movement as students will be jumping, hoping and running to avoid being hit.
What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?
COS2.1- uses a variety of ways to communicate with and within groups. This will allow students to strategise and come up
with solutions on how to win. This will allow them to build their team work skills through communicating vocally.
DMS2.3- Makes decisions as an individual and as a group member. This involves the students making decisions on where
to stand on the field and builds their skills in movement through deciding what to do in order to avoid being hit by the
ball. It also includes strategising in ganging up on the opposition in order to win.
INS2.3 – Makes positive contributions in group activities. This will allow students to interact with their team, build positive
relationships and unite as a team to beat their opponent.
MOS2.4- Displays a focus on quality of movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations. This will focus on
students abilities to move around the field and practice coordination as they have to watch and move in a fast paced

Equipment and Teaching cues

- 10 medium sized balls
- Marked field.
- The teacher is required to facilitate students participation through challenging them to look at all dynamics of the
field and become spatially aware of their surroundings.

Part A - WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game: Calculate the time! Stage: 2

Explanation :
One student stands on the other side of the field while the rest of the class stands at the opposite side. The class calls out
“What’s the time *students name*” the student then answers with an equation. Eg. 18-6 o clock the class must then take
12 steps closer towards the student. At any time the student calling the equations can answer “lunch time” and the
students have to run back to the starting point, if a student gets caught they become the student calling the equations.
Why is this game important for this stage?
- This game allows students to practice their movement within a set of rules.
- This game also allows students to incorporate mathematics within the PDHPE KLA
- This game challenges students to move forward in other academic areas and teaches them strategies within their
calculations and their steps.
- It helps students with social interaction as the students need to lead the game by calculating correctly.
- Calls upon problem solving skills in order to step forward.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

COS2.1- uses a variety of ways to communicate with and within groups. Students have to communicate the equation to
the rest of the class; the class also has to communicate their understanding of the equation when considering their
DMS2.3- Makes decisions as an individual and as a group member. Students have to decide on how many steps to take
and how to plan how big these steps should be in order to give them an advantage when it comes to “lunch time.” They
will soon strategise their actions with their movements.
MOS2.4- Displays a focus on quality of movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations. Students must
incorporate problem solving and decision making with their movement skills in order to work out the amount of steps to
make and the size of these steps.
PSS2.5- Uses a range of problem solving strategies. Students must use this skill in order to solve the equation and
progress in the game.

Equipment and Teaching cues

- Teacher will ask the students what areas this game relates to and if they found it challenging.
- Teachers are to observe the steps that students take in order to determine areas of improvement for students.
- Students are asked to evaluate how they felt in completing this task and the emotions they felt.

Part A - WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game: Jump a Letter Stage: 3

Explanation: Students are to divide into 3 groups. Each group is given a long skipping rope. 2 students are to stand on
the ends of the rope to manoeuvre it and the remainder of students in the group are to jump in to the rope one at a time,
call out the letters of their name, one jump at a time and then run out and the next student continues. Once this is
achieved a new word is called out by the teacher for them to spell. If someone gets caught in the ropes or miss spells
their word, they must then hold the rope and rotate.

Why is this game important for this stage?

- This game allows students to familiarise themselves with a vocabulary and practise their spelling at the same time.
- This game will challenge their coordination as they have to time and plan the right moment to enter the rope.
- They will have to plan the right moments to jump and move.
- Promotes active lifestyles through movement.
- Team work is used in order to help other members out with their timing or spelling.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

- COS3.3- Communicates confidently in a variety of situations. Students communicate with each other through
supporting one another.
- DMS3.2- Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for consequences. Students will have to decide when
on the correct time to enter the ropes and when to time their jumping.
- INS3.3- Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative situations. Students
interact with one another through assisting each other with their spelling and helping them time their jumping.
- MOS3.4- Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations. Students will jump,
run in the ropes and jump out. Their success will depend on their spelling and their movement because if they do
not time it correctly they will not succeed.

Equipment and Teaching cues

- Skipping ropes.
- Teachers are to ask students what areas of learning this game relates to.
- Teacher is to identify words that students struggle spelling.
- This leads into classroom practice and homework.

Part A - WARM UP GAMES – PROFORMA – PDHPE (students are to use one part A proforma for each of the 8 games, one page for each one)

Name of the Game: Back to Base Stage: 3

Explanation :
Bases are places around the field, one number short than the amount of students in the class. Students are instructed to
run around while the music plays. When the music stops, students are to run and stand on a base, the student that fails
to land on a base is then out. Each time a student is eliminated, so is a base. Once eliminated students are to practise
throwing bean bags in a bin till the exercise is finished.

Why is this game important for this stage?

- This game tests and accelerates their reaction rates between when the music stops and their movement towards a
- It allows students to practice following rules.
- This activity also makes students strategise and thing ahead, in terms of running close to a base that they can
quickly access.
- It allows students to make decisions about where the rest of the class is and the placement of bases to where they
should be.

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

- COS3.3- Communicates confidently in a variety of situations. Students communicate. Students will communicate
their understanding of the rules and the game through successfully participating.
- DMS3.2- Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for consequences. Students will realise a strategy
which allows them to run near a base in order to make the next round.
- INS3.3- Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of cooperative situations. Students
interact when they run around on the field and compete with one another for the bases.
- MOS3.4- Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations. Students are
required to be constantly moving throughout the duration of the exercise.

Equipment and Teaching cues

- Bases, CD player, bean bags.
- Teachers are to encourage students to move around into open spaces, not huddle up in the same area or run near
a base.
- Teachers are to encourage the movement of students or allow the idea of dance and gymnastics to be addressed.

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