How To Create A Glass Texture With Photoshop
How To Create A Glass Texture With Photoshop
How To Create A Glass Texture With Photoshop
1. Create a Worksheet
Open Photoshop, then create a new worksheet, press CTRL N . give
size 1200x800 pixesl , Resolution 300 pixels/Inch . Ok.
» Photoshop, » Tutorial
Step 2
Step 1
Create a new document, set the width to 800px and Height 600px.
Step 2
Fill the canvas with black color, then make the text "DESIGN" with
white color, I
used the Futura font, just adjust the size as shown below.
Step 3
Press Ctrl+E on the Keyboard, so that the layers are merged into one.
Step 4
Choose Filter>Distort>Wave . Arrange the points as illustrated
below, If you have, press OK.
Step 5
Next select Filter>Pixelate>Fragment , so the result will look like the
image below
Step 6
Select again Filter>Style>Glowing Edges . Set the points as shown
below, click OK.
Step 7
The next step is to press Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C on the keyboard
to copy , then Paste (Ctrl+V) in the Channel section, after
clicking New Channel which is in the lower right corner (see image
below), the new Channel is automatically named "Alpha 1".
Step 8
Go back to the Layer Palette , click the New Layer iconthen
select Select>Load Selection . Then open the channel
palette. Select "Alpha 1", so that the selected part appears (see image
below), fill the selected part with white using the Paint Bucket Tool .
Step 9
Next Ctrl+J (to duplicate the layer) on the Background layer so that
the background copy layer appears, then
select Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur . Set the radius to 1.5 pixels, click
Step 10
Next type the text STUDIO on the keyboard, then
select Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur . Set the
radius to 0.5 pixels, click OK
Step 11
Create a new layer, then select Filter>Render>Cluods , make sure
the Foreground is white and the Background is black, then double
click on the Clouds layer so that the Layer Style window appears,
check the Gradient Overlay section, set as illustrated below.
Step 12
Change the Blending Mode to Screen and lower the Opacity to 35%
See the result as shown below
Step 13
Enter the image of the circles of light ( Bokeh ) which you can
find here . Adjust the size, click Enter on the keyboard
Step 14
Change the Blending Mode of the bokeh layer to Soft Light and
lowerits Opacity to 85%.
Step 15
Then select Image>Adjustments>Exposure . Set the point as shown
The final result
Step 1
Create a new document in Photoshop , size 500x300 pixels with RGB
color mode.
Step 2
Change the background color to red (#cd0019).
Step 3
Double-click the 'Background' layer in the layer palette , then click Ok
in the new layer window that appears. This step is to change the
background layer to be editable and given a layer style .
Step 4
Double-click the 'background' layer in the layer palette , a layer
style window will appear. Check the gradient overlay list, and adjust
the settings as shown below. If so, click OK.
Step 5
Make sure the layer is 'active background', then on the menu bar,
choose Filter > Noise > Add Noise . Set the Amount value =
3, Distribution = Gaussian, and check the Monochromatic section . If
so, click OK.
Step 1
You can use any photo, but in this tutorial, I'm using a photo I found
on Flickr . Download the photo, and enter it into
the Photoshop application . Previously, I set the canvas size to
1024x731 px (according to the size of the photo). Rename the photo
layer to 'image'.
Step 2
Select the 'image' layer in the layer palette, then go to Filter > Noise >
Add Noise . Set the Amount value to 5, select Gaussian in
the Distribution section , then tick the Monochromatic check mark . If
so, click OK.
Step 3
Click the 'Create new fill or adjustment layer' icon at the bottom of the
layers palette and select Hue/Saturation . Set the values for Hue,
Saturation, and Lightness as shown below. Don't forget to check
the Colorize section . Up to this point, we have determined the color
'tone' of the photo.
Step 4
Click the 'Create new fill or adjustment layer' icon again. This time,
choose Exposure . Set the Exposure , Offset , and Gamma values as
shown below.
Step 5
Now use the Magic Wand Tool (W) to randomly erase part of 'layer
1'. When the Magic Wand Tool is active, in the Control Bar at the top
set the Tolerance value to 30 and check the Contiguous section , then
click anywhere on the canvas and press the Delete key to delete
it. The result will be something like the image below. Press Ctrl +
D keys on the keyboard to exit selection mode.
Step 8
Step 11
Select 'layer 2' then go to Filter > Texture > Grain . In the Grain
window , set the Intensity to 15 and the Contrast to 5, click Ok when
you're done.
Step 12
Final Result
This is the final result that we got after following the steps above. If
you have something to ask or say, please comment! Good luck and
hopefully useful! :)
Step 1
You can use any photo, but in this tutorial, I'm using a photo I found
on Flickr . Download the photo, and enter it into
the Photoshop application . Previously, I set the canvas size to
1024x731 px (according to the size of the photo). Rename the photo
layer to 'image'.
Step 2
Select the 'image' layer in the layer palette, then go to Filter > Noise >
Add Noise . Set the Amount value to 5, select Gaussian in
the Distribution section , then tick the Monochromatic check mark . If
so, click OK.
Step 3
Click the 'Create new fill or adjustment layer' icon at the bottom of the
layers palette and select Hue/Saturation . Set the values for Hue,
Saturation, and Lightness as shown below. Don't forget to check
the Colorize section . Up to this point, we have determined the color
'tone' of the photo.
Step 4
Click the 'Create new fill or adjustment layer' icon again. This time,
choose Exposure . Set the Exposure , Offset , and Gamma values as
shown below.
Step 5
Now use the Magic Wand Tool (W) to randomly erase part of 'layer
1'. When the Magic Wand Tool is active, in the Control Bar at the top
set the Tolerance value to 30 and check the Contiguous section , then
click anywhere on the canvas and press the Delete key to delete
it. The result will be something like the image below. Press Ctrl +
D keys on the keyboard to exit selection mode.
Step 8
Step 11
Select 'layer 2' then go to Filter > Texture > Grain . In the Grain
window , set the Intensity to 15 and the Contrast to 5, click Ok when
you're done.
Step 12
Final Result
This is the final result that we got after following the steps above. If
you have something to ask or say, please comment! Good luck and
hopefully useful! :)
Quickly Create A
Miniature Effect In
08/06/2016 Dwi Prasetyo 2617 Website
after that you click filter > convert for smart filter.
if you have you can click filter > Blur Gallery > tilt-shift.
You can follow the settings as shown below.
then the result will be like the image below.
How to Change Image
Background to Transparent
then a tilt-shift setting will appear, you can adjust the blur
effect on the lines that appear in the photo.
if you want to adjust the sharpness of the blur or not you
can set it on the blur panel.