I decided to start new thread for the explanation of some of the astro
forecasting methods that I use as the thread I was posting in earlier
has a different topic.
I'm not a fan of when people take over my threads so I don't want to
do it to others. ( More than I already did, Sorry )
I don't have many large blocks of time to sit and explain a bunch in
each post but I will make posts when I do have a little extra time.
So I may make posts two or three times a day or two or three times a
week, it just depends on what I have going at the time.
When you open the astrolog 5.4 program this is what you will se
If you can figure out what those two verses are talking about then you
have the skill-set needed to start unlocking the hidden Bible.
The Bible is FULL of Astrological cycles for many different areas of
life, not just money but much more also.
If you want to be good at astro trading the more of the hidden Bible
you understand the better off you will be.
So if you have not done so yet give it a try. If you don't have a bible
just look one up online.
If you will put the time into it you could reap BIG TIME rewards.
This is the starting point that I was asked to use with this forecasting
method back in the other thread.
The basic idea is that a planetary cycle will finish what it starts.
Now keep in mind that the "cycle" that starts and ends a move is not
always going to be a simple one.
As A result you may have 1,2,3 or more target dates for the end of a
The good news is that if you get to a date and it does not end your
CYCLE it will still tend to cause a pause or even retracement.
After you work with this method of forecasting for a while, and if you
find you like it, you will most likely become very proficient with its use.
You will get to the point that you will have very nice results regularly.
Above when I say CYCLE talking about price what I really mean is
trend duration. One cycle would be from the start of the trend to the
end. In truth this is only half of a cycle so I use the word cycle losely.
I am out of time for today, but I will try my best to post again tomorrow.
I will explain why/how I came up with this method and hopefully give a
first few examples.
Post List
Number 1 is post #40 on page 4
Number 2 is post #46 on page 5
Ok, I know most people will most likely skip over this but take a look at
those two verses. See if you can figure this out as it is important to be
able to, IMHO.
And just to let everyone know the two verses are on topic.
The whole reason I started looking for a way to figure out when a
trend is ending is important.
The faster planet makes an aspect to a slower one, say a sextile (60
When the faster planet move 60 degrees (in relation to the slower
planet) it will be conjunct the slower planet.
When it moves another 60 degrees it will again be in the same aspect
that it was before just on the other side of the slow planet.
Opposition, or when the Mars is on the opposite side of the Earth from
the Sun, will occur 390 days after conjunction. At opposition, the Earth
and Mars will be nearly in a straight line from the Sun and shortly after
that, in about 37 days, retrogression will end. Also near the time of
opposition, both planets will become closest to each other at some
point that is not necessarily coincident with opposition time and varies
as much as a week or two. Mars will be visible for another 300 days
after opposition and will hide in the glare of the Sun once again as it
will then again reach conjunction. The cycle is complete in 780 Earth
One of most important Cycles is called the Etanic Cycle. In a 780 year
period the earth wobbles above the equator to a max of (4) degrees,
then wobbles back below the equator to a max of (4) degrees. The full
cycle take 1560 years. The 1560 year wobble can be broken down
into the four quadrants of 390 years, and to the Mayan Calendar
eighth part of 130 years.
The constant movement by Earth above and below the equator shifts
the exposure of different areas of the planet to annual sun light. It also
generates a lot of Tectonic Stress (Earth Quakes Storms) from the
planet’s core to its surface.
The year 3117 BC was a special year not only because of the special
alignment of Sun and Earth. There are 5280 Feet to the Mile. This
number is 0ne fifth of the duration of the Precession Cycle. The
periodicity of the well-known Economic Kondratiev Cycle is
5280/100=52,8 years.