SAP Navigation Document: By: Abhishek.P
SAP Navigation Document: By: Abhishek.P
SAP Navigation Document: By: Abhishek.P
By: Abhishek.P
This document gives a brief idea how to logon to SAP server and ICONS
used in the SAP screens.
Select the relevant server from the SAP screen. Keep your system mouse
curser on the relevant server and double click on it to open the SAP screen.
When the SAP user double click on the relevant server, system will display
the above SAP user login screen.
In this SAP screen each line bar as its own spesepications.
1. In the above screen, serial number 1-line bar is called as MENU BAR
This menu bar contains different menus from screen to screen. But in every
screen the System menu and the Help menu are common. Every menu bar
contains further sub menu.
This standard tool bar contains some symbol icon buttons which are same in
all SAP screens. But based on the screen we are using some icons. The
highlighted icon in the screen can be used by the SAP user and the grayed-out
icons cannot used by the users.
This green right mark symbol icon button is called as Enter button
in SAP screen. This icon will be there in all SAP screen.
This yellow upper arrow mark symbol icon button is called as Log off
button in SAP screen. This icon will be there in all SAP screen. This icon is
used to close the screen.
This squre stare mark symbol icon button is called as Create new
session button in SAP screen. This icon will be there in all SAP screen. This
icon is used to create new session or new window in the system.
a. This status bar displays the name of the data base server, SAP application
server and transaction code which user is using. It also displays different
kinds of messages resulted while using SAP screen. They are like Ok
messages - it is displayed in green color
b. Error messages - It is displayed in red in color. When the error message is
displayed user cannot move forward until the error message is solved.
c. Warning Messages - It is displayed in yellow color. If the warning message
appeared user can ignore this message. In order to ignore the warning
d. user need to click on the enter button on his desktop.
2. The Second way of entering the SAP screen is by using Transaction Codes
or (T- Code) it the technical name of the screen it contains generally 4
character. It is alpha numeric. It is not case sensitive. It is the easy way of
accessing the screen. The T-code is always entered in the command area or
field. Below is screen short where to enter the T-Code.
While entering the T-code users are not suppus to give any space in between
the T-code.
a. /n is used to close the existing screen and to open the required screen.
b. /O is used keep the existing screen open and to open another screen.
c. /I am used to close the existing screen.