FORM A2 Revised Form
FORM A2 Revised Form
FORM A2 Revised Form
To, AD CodeNo.
The Branch Head Branch D No.
Punjab National Bank
Applicant's Customer ID
B (3). Purpose of Remittance with Purpose Group & Code (For details refer Appendix)
B (4).Country codeproviding ultimate services (if the purpose group No. is
02,03,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,15,16 or 17)
Name of the country
providing ultimate services:
B(5).Source of Funds
Source of funds
C. Beneficia Details:
Beneficiary's name and address
0. The details of Forward Contract(s), if any, booked against this payment is/are as follows —
Forward Contract No. Forward Contract Amount to be Utilized Due Date of the
& Date Amount for this remittance Contract
B(5).Source of Funds
Source of funds
C. Beneficia Details:
Beneficiary's name and address
D. The details of Forward Contract(s), if any, booked against this payment is/are as follows —
Forward Contract No. Forward Contract Amount to be Utilized Due Date of the
& Date Amount for this remittance Contract
I / We, (Name)
declare that the total amount of foreign exchange purchased from or remitted through, all
sources in India, during the financial year including this application is within the overall limit
of the Liberalized Remittance Scheme prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India i.e. USD
250,000/= (USD TWO HUNDERED FIFTY THOUSAND ONLY.) And certify that the source
of funds for making the said remittance belongs to me and the foreign exchange will not be
used for prohibited purposes.
Declaration by Applicant
I / We hereby declare that the transaction details of which are mentioned above does not involve, and is
not designed for the purpose of any contravention or evasion of the provisions of the aforesaid Act, or of
any rule, regulation, notification, direction or order made there under.
I / We also understand that if I / we refuse to comply with any such requirement or make only
unsatisfactory compliance therewith, the Bank shall refuse, in writing, to understand the transaction and
shall, if it has reason to believe that any contravention / evasion is contemplated by me / us, report the
matter to Reserve Bank of India.
I / We also hereby agree and undertake to give such information / documents as will reasonably satisfy
you about this transaction, in terms of the above declaration.
Yours faithfully,
Signature of Applicant/Guardian
Account Number:
This is to certify that the remittance is not being made by/to ineligible entities and that the
remittance is in conformity with the instructions issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to
time under the Liberalized Remittance Scheme.
Date andPlace.
Appendix to Annexure I
Purpose Name Group Purpose Description
00 S0003 Indian Direct investment abroad (in branches & wholly owned
subsidiaries) in equity Shares
00 S0023 Opening of foreign currency account abroad with a bank under LRS
13 S1303 Donation