Lovest Thou Me A Study of John 21 15-17
Lovest Thou Me A Study of John 21 15-17
Lovest Thou Me A Study of John 21 15-17
A Study of John 11:15-17.
Peter will not claim that he loves Jesus with the higher
form of love called o:YU1r'T/, but that he ventures only to say
that he has ljILA{d. for his Master. For why should he say
'Yes,' if he means 'NO'?"21 Ours is not a defense of the
theory that Jesus had in mind a "higher" word rendered by
John as o.'Yd.'Ir~S, but it must be pointed out in reply to Ber-
nard that he has disregarded two important words in arriv-
ing at his conclusion, namely,uv oI8a,S . Regardless of the
punctuation, Peter's added declaration is "Thou. (uv em-
phatic) knowest (intuitively) that I love thee." The em-
phasis here is upon <TV, "thou," and ljILAw, "love." It is wrong
to emphasize ol8as, "knowest." It is not, "Thou know est
that I love thee."
So, therefore, what Peter says immediately to Jesus is,
"Yes," or "Yes, Lord." By that he means to say that he has
a higher regard for his Lord than he has for the old life.
But he does not stop with this declaration. His devotion to
and his consuming love for Jesus will not be satisfied with
a simple "Yes" to the searching question of Jesus. He has
something to say on his own part. Appealing to his Lord's
power of intuition and perception, he declares further, "Thou
knowest that I love (c/JLAW) thee." More than choice, more
than preference, more than esteem, is the passion which
surges in Peter's soul. With his tPLAC> a« Peter adds to and
beautifies these, warming them with the fires of human emo-
tion, kindled anew as he stands again in the presence of him
whom he had loved and lost for a while.
As if to echo that other charge, "If ye love me, ye will
keep my commandments" (John 14:15), Jesus pleads with
Peter and the others, "Feed my little lambs."
Jesus puts another question to Peter. It is different from
the first. Jesus leaves off reference to the old life now; he
accepts Peter's declaration that the regard he has for him is
greater than his regard for the old life; deeper now he
probes into the heart and mind of his disciple; no room is
21 Gospel According to John, II, in International Crit. Corn., pp. 703-4.
440 "Louest Thou Me?"