Central force motion solutions can be represented by conic sections. The radius as a function of theta for a central force represents a conic section in polar coordinates. Energy conservation solutions and conic section representations are sufficient to examine spacecraft motion. Elliptical orbits are a generic conic section used to model orbits, with parameters like semi-major axis depending on total mechanical energy and eccentricity depending on both energy and angular momentum.
Central force motion solutions can be represented by conic sections. The radius as a function of theta for a central force represents a conic section in polar coordinates. Energy conservation solutions and conic section representations are sufficient to examine spacecraft motion. Elliptical orbits are a generic conic section used to model orbits, with parameters like semi-major axis depending on total mechanical energy and eccentricity depending on both energy and angular momentum.
Central force motion solutions can be represented by conic sections. The radius as a function of theta for a central force represents a conic section in polar coordinates. Energy conservation solutions and conic section representations are sufficient to examine spacecraft motion. Elliptical orbits are a generic conic section used to model orbits, with parameters like semi-major axis depending on total mechanical energy and eccentricity depending on both energy and angular momentum.
Central force motion solutions can be represented by conic sections. The radius as a function of theta for a central force represents a conic section in polar coordinates. Energy conservation solutions and conic section representations are sufficient to examine spacecraft motion. Elliptical orbits are a generic conic section used to model orbits, with parameters like semi-major axis depending on total mechanical energy and eccentricity depending on both energy and angular momentum.
We first define the vector product concept employed for
N-body case, as shown below. Central Force Motion Trajectory
Next, we take scalar product of the result with vector ‘r’
and simplify the expression, as follows.
We now have a solution for radius magnitude in terms of
θ ’, with ‘e’ and ‘µ’ as constants. ‘θ Central Force Motion Features Solution obtained for ‘r’ as a function of ‘θ’, represents the equation of a ‘conic’ section in polar coordinates. ‘Conic’ sections are geometries that are created from intersection of a plane with a cone, as shown below. Energy Conservation Solution
We can also obtain the solution for energy conservation,
as outlined below.
Conic section solution, along with energy conservation
solution, are sufficient to examine spacecraft motion. Conic Section Features
r(t) is a vector drawn from focus, with ‘θ(t)’ (Positive
anti-clockwise), measured with respect to vector ‘e’, which is taken as one axis of plane. Ellipse is the most generic ‘conic section’ that is used in orbit solutions, as it is able to capture the features of the other conic sections e.g. circle, parabola and hyperbola. Basic Orbital Solution Elliptic Orbit Parameters
Consider general elliptical geometry, as shown below
. We can relate the ellipse parameters with the motion variables, as given below. Ellipse as Generic Conic Section
Ellipse is the basic conic section that is applicable to
orbits. Following are the orbit related parameters.
Here, ‘εε’ & ‘h’ are related to the burnout parameters of
the corresponding ascent mission performance. Orbit Nature & Parameters
We see that ‘a’, which denotes orbit size, depends only on
total mechanical energy imparted by the ascent mission. However, we note that ‘e’, which denotes the shape of the orbit, depends on both energy & angular momentum. Orbit Nature & Parameters
We also note that all missions that have ‘e’ between 0
and 1, will form the orbits. Therefore, we can arrive at the conditions for either r and v, or for h and ε, for forming an orbit, for designing the ascent mission. Bound on Orbits
It should be noted here that e = 0 represents lower limit
that degenerates into a circle, as shown below.
Similarly, e = 1 represents the upper limit that
degenerates into a parabola, as shown below. Orbit Nature & Parameters
However, there are many missions in which there is no
orbit (e.g. sounding rockets, inter-planetary travel, re- entry etc.) so that either e > 1 or e < 0. This can be achieved by appropriately designing the energy ‘εε’ and angular momentum ‘h’. Non-orbital Trajectories
In case of e > 1, equation of conic corresponds to a
hyperbola, as follows.
In all such cases, the spacecraft escapes from earth’s
gravitational field and attains inter-planetary path. Non-orbital Trajectories
However, in case of e < 0, definitions of ‘ra’ and ‘rp’
inter-change, resulting in a reformulation of problem. This can be understood by assuming that (2εεh2/µµ2) < -1 so that e2 < 0, making ‘e’ a complex number, and leading to situations where a < RE. Thus, in such cases, the object will fall back to earth, as per the various forces and entry initial conditions.