Surface Features of The Earth, Earth System
Surface Features of The Earth, Earth System
Surface Features of The Earth, Earth System
Closest galaxy: Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy (its stars are being added to MW
Asteroid belt
The Earth 🌏
Hydrosphere (blue planet)
Atmosphere (clouds)
at the same time, north of Syene the sun cast a shadow on a different well
at an angle
he measured the angle between the rays of the sun & the vertical of the
well → calculated circumference of the earth
Spherical shape
% Ocean: 71%
% Land: 29%
F = GM₁M₂
W = mg = GmMₑ / r²
Mₑ = gr² / G
Nitrogen: 78%
Oxygen: 21%
other elements
air is rarified → less air molecules per unit volume in higher altitudes
Atmospheric Circulation
low latitudes = insolation is the highest
higher latitudes: cyclonic systems where warm air interacts w cold air
The Hydrosphere 💧
total mass of water on Earth's surface
The Geosphere 💩
Large scale features
Submarine landscape
Oceanic ridges
Abyssal plains
Transform fault
Oceanic ridges
Abyssal plains
Transform fault
The Biosphere 🌱
part of the Earth where life exists
4,000 mammals
Isolated communities at ocean ride (black smokers: energy from heat &
chemical reactions)
Goldilocks condition: Earth is not too hot or cold, and liquid water exists
How old is the Earth? 4.543 B years
The Earth is not the center of the solar system and the solar system is not
even at
the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Which part of the Milky Way does the
system reside? Orion-Cygnus arm, located 25,000 light years to the
galactic center & from the rim (halfway between the center & the edge)
The inner terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars and beyond
asteroid belt are the gaseous planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
Neptune). What
is the meaning of terrestrial? terrestrial means earth, they have rocky &
solid surfaces
The Earth is the “third rock” from the Sun but is also referred to as the Blue
What does the Earth has an abundance of that other planets lack? water in
3 forms (solid, liquid, gas)
Why is the Earth bulging at the equator? centrifugal forces of its rotation
make it bulge outwards
he measured the angle between the rays of the sun & the vertical of
the well → calculated circumference of the earth
How much of the Earth is Land and how much of it is covered by water?
71% ocean, 29% land
Why are the oceans at an average deeper than the continents are tall?
oceanic crust is thin & dense while continental crust is thick & light
What is a hypsographic curve? What information can we get from the
curve? shows the average topography of the earth, percentage area,
depth below & above sea level
F = GM₁M₂
W = mg = GmMₑ / r²
If the average density of the Earth is 5.517 g/cm3 and the rocks on the
surface is
from 12.9 g/cm3, what conclusions can you make regarding the density of
rocks in
the Earth’s Interior? What are the implications?
the rocks below the crust must be greater than the ones on the
surface, aka VERY DENSE
What is the current composition of the Atmosphere? Has the composition
of the
How does the Earth’s atmosphere change with increasing altitude? What is
the basis
for separating the atmosphere into vertical layers?
North America
South America
Oceanic ridges
Abyssal plains
Transform fault
What is the Biosphere? part of the Earth where life exists, the set of all life
What are the main factors that control the distribution of life on Earth?
pressure, temperature, chemistry
What makes the Earth unique among the other planets in the Solar System?
not too hot or cold, presence of liquid water, life exists