Waffen SS - in Combat

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Text by Robert IMlichulec Editedl by Iorn Cockle Colloif plates by Ronalld Vollstad


The Waffen-SS had it origm in the post WWI Nazi organization known a the SA - Sturmabteilungen - the storm troops headed by Ern t Rohm. In the early 1920s, a

mall group of men within the SA were formed into Hitler's per anal bodyguard, at first known as "Stosstruppe Adolf Hitler". They later became known as the Schutz Staffel - protection squad - or SS for hart. By 1929, they numbered les than 300 men, as compared to mar than a quarter million in the SA, and held no pecial place in the organization. However that year Heinrich Himmler wa given command of the SS and during the next five years, member hip fa e to 30000. By this time, the strength of the SA had grown to more than 3 million, and Hitler had serious concerns about control of this large, private army controlled by Rohm.

On June 30 1934, R6hm and his SA leader were arre ted and shot to prevent a suppa ed coup attempt, with the SS providing the firing squad , an event which came to be known as 'The Night of the Long Knives".

In the following years, under Hirnrnler s guidance, the SS took over political poLice work in Germany, working its way into many areas of the azi party and various functions of the government.

By 1939, there were two di tinct and eparate part, the Allgemeine-Sf or general SS, the political and bureaucratic arm, and the armed SS, the SSVerfiigungstruppe, known after 1940 a the Waffen-SS.

The first combat units of the SS- Verfugungstruppe were the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, SS-Standarte 1 "Deut chland", SS-Standarte 2 "Germania" and SSStandarte 3 "Der Fuhrer". They had been trained during the period 1937-1939 to combat readiness under the direction of SS-GruppenfLihrer Paul Hausser, a fanner Wehrmaeht general.

In September 1939, "LAH", under SS-

Ohergruppenfuhrer "Sepp" Dietrich, fought as a regiment under 1 O.Armee in Poland while "Gormania" served under 14.Armee and "Deut chland" formed part of PanzerDivi ion Kempf". "Der Fuhrer' occupied defensive positions on the West Wall. In October, the three SSStandarte were combined to create the first SS field divi ion, officially called SS-VT Division (mot.) with Hau er in command. In addition, there were five regiments of Totenkopfstunnbanne, low quality units formed from security police and concentration camp guards under the command of SS-Gruppenfiihrer Theodor Eicke.

Three regiment served on occupation duty in Poland.

They were then pulled back to Germany and. along with other Totenkopf unit SS-VT and Allgemeine-SS units, formed into the SS-Totenkopf-Division.

Due to recruiting restrictions placed on the SS, Himmler was only able to expand his combat units by recruiting men as ecurity personnel into his Totenkopf units and then transferring them into the combat unit. Tn thi manner ten new Totenkopf regiment were raised in ]939-40.

The following spnng, LAH and SS-

Verfiigungsdivision, as it was now called, made a good showing during the battle of France but the inferior SSTotenkopf-Division suffered heavy casualties, their record further stained by the murder of 100 British prisoner at Le Paradis.

Another low quality unit created in 1939 from members ofthe Ordnungspolizei was the Polizei-Division, under SS command but not actually part of the Waffen-SS until February 1942. They served in occupation duties in Poland and saw some limited action in France in 1940 before being tran ferred to Russia just after the beginning of Operation Barbaros a.

In December 1940, Regiment "Nordland", Danish and Norwegian volunteer , and Regiment "Westland' , made up of Dutch and lemish volunteers, were combined with "Germania'' from the SS- Verfiigungsdivision to form SSDivision (mot.) "Germania", By the end of December, it had been renamed SS-Division "Wilting". Committed to the Eastern Front for the entire war, it earned a good reputation as a fighting unit.

In late 1940 6. and 7.S -Totenkopf-Standarte were transferred to orway and combined to form SSKampfgruppe "Nord". It was upgraded to divisional status in early June 1941 and renamed SS-Divi ion "Nord". It saw action with the Finnish Army but did not perform well against the battle hardened Soviet troops who had fought in the Russo-Finni h War. The divi ion wa again renamed SS-Gebirgs-Division "Nord" and then 6.SS-GebirgsDivi ion "Nord' .

The seventh Waffen-SS division to be establi hed wa the SS- reiwilligen-Division "Prinz Eugen" e tablished in March 1942 with ethnic Germans from the Balkan states with Austrian and Rumanian officers. They were used olely in anti-partisan actions in the Balkans thereby freeing de perately needed regular troops for the Russian

Front. Later renamed 7.SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirg -Division "Prinz Eugen", many of their personnel were tried and executed after the war for atrocitie .

8.SS-Kavallerie-Division "Florian Geyer" was originally formed in September 1939 as 1.SS- TotenkopfReiterstandarte and was stationed ill Warsaw in May 1940, Tt was u ed mainly behind the front line ill security and anti-parti an duties and wa also uspected of many atrocities. Originally commanded by S-Standartenfuhrer Hermann Fegelein, who later became Hirnmler's liai on officer to Hitler, it was destroyed in Budapest in 1945.

9.SS-Panzer-Division ' Hohenstaufen" was created in December 1942 with young conscripts under the command of SS-Gruppenfiihrer Wilhelm Bittrich, seeing action in Poland in the spring of 1944 and in France, mainly around Caen, during that ummer, Retreating through France and Holland they were resting and refitting in the Arnhem area when the Briti h 1 t Airborne landed during Operation "Market Garden" in September 1944, They fought later in the Ardennes and Hungary, surrendering to US. troops in Austria.

lO.SS-Panzer-Division "Frundsberg" was raised at the same time as "Hohenstaufen", also from young con cripts. They fought in Russia in early 1944 and France during the summer ending up in Holland during Operation "Market Garden" as well. Sent back to the Ea tern Front, they surrendered to the Soviets at Schonau in 1945.

11.SS-FreiwiUigen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Nordland" was formed in the summer of 1943 from

everal existing volunteer units. The main one was "Nordland" Regiment from 5,SS-Panzer-Division , Wiking" with SS-Grenadier-Regiment 1 "Danrnark" and 3 battalions of SS-Grenadier-Regiment 2" orge". In the fall of 1943, it was employed in anti-partisan duty in Croatia and was transferred to the Baltic states ending up in Berlin in 1945.

A cadre from LAH provided the basis of 12.SSPanzer-Division "Hitlerjugend" made up primarily of 17 year old member of the Hitler Youth. They developed a ferociou reputation during the battles in Normandy. After fighting their way out of the Falai e Pocket, they were refitted and took part in the Ardennes Offensive. Involved in heavy fighting around Budape t, they marched west to surrender to U.S. forces near Enn , Austria, in 1945.

Throughout 1943, several new Waffen-SS divisions appeared made up of foreign volunteers from conquered lands, In the pring of 1943 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division

der SS "Handschar" was raised around a cadre from

Prinz Engen" recruited mainly from Bosnian Mo lerns and used in anti-partisan operations in the Balkan . The 14, Waffen-Grenadier-Division der S S (ukraini che r.1) was made up of Ukrainians eager to throw off the yoke of Communism. More than 30,000 men volunteered for this unit. The first of two Latvian volunteer units, the 15.Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS (lettische r.l) was originally formed from several internal ecurity units - "Schuma-Bataillone" - in arly 1943. It fought in the Baltic states, Poland and Northern Germany.

Himmler's e cort battalions was expanded to Sturmbrigade "Reich fuhrer-SS'' in early 1943 and to 16.SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Divi ion "Reichsfuhrer-SS'' 111 October that year. It took part in the occupation of Hungary in March 1944 and in the defensive battle 111 Italy.

17.SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Gotz von

Berlicbingen" was formed in France in late 1943 with men from training and replacement units, the "Frund berg" divi ion and "Reichsftihrcr-SS" A sault Brigade plus some Balkan Yolksdeutsche. It took part in the defensive battles in Normandy and later in the Alsace region during Operation "Nordwind" in December 1944.

18.SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Hor t We el' was created mainly with Hungarian Yolk deutsche in the spring of 1944. Named after an early "martyr" of the Nazi party, it fought in the Eastern European countrie .

There were several other units formed with divisional status although most were not more than battle groups or brigades, while other were divisions on paper only, with a staff and a few units in training. Over a dozen of them were foreign volunteer unit organized with Croatian, Estonian, Latvian, Albanian, Hungarian, Dutch, French, Italian and Russian volunteers. Most were commanded by GCI111an officer and many were unsuitable for frontline service due to lack of training and equipment.

When WWII ended in Europe, there were almo t 100 units organized in the Waffen-SS, large and mall. Most were low quality formation and few couJd be called fir t class. There were, in fact, very few first rate divisions in the short hi tory of the Waffen-SS, but it was these few that created the elite image of the Waffen-SS that is known to us today.


A two man patrol of SS~Heimwehr Danzig watching the Polish part of the beach in Zoppot (Sopot) between Danzig (Gdansk) and Gdynia during the lirst lew days of the war in September 1939. At this point the border was constructed of barb wire spread over wooden posts in the sand which was intended to make any attack from the direction 01 Gdynia more difficult for the Poles. Neither soldier has the sleeve eagle common to other SS units and they also have standard Wehrmacht collar patches. This is because SSHelmwehr Danzig was only partly an SS formation. the largest part of which was created Irom police units, which since 1938 were under SS control. The soldier nearest to the camera has an Austrian Army entrenChing tool on his belt. Nole the emblems on the helmets - they are the City of Danzig emblem painted in yellow over a red background.

SA, SS and Police members crossmg the fence around the Polish post office in Danzig during the first day 01 combat. The SS man seen on the right was a member of the Danziger Allgemeine-SS organized into SSAbschnit1 XXVI and, like most of the organized Nazi units in Danzig (SA men, 55 men and even NSDAP members in party uniforms with arm bands). supported SS-Heimwehr Danzig in the fighting in that city.

Three mounted troops from SSHeimwehr Danzig. including a bugler, crossing the German-Danzig border on September 1, 1939_ These soldiers are all from police units involved in the fighting in the Danzig-Gdynia area under SS-Heimwehr Danzig. Many SS and Waffen-SS officers and NCO's served in different levels of 55- Heimwehr Danzig. which was formed from SS-Totenkopf-Sturmbann "Gotze" that had been sent to Danzig as a police unit before the war.


Two soldiers of SS-Heimwehr Danzig cautiously approach the post office building where the Poles had organized a defense. Tile building was very strong and the defenders had been armed by the Polish Army and were commanded by ex-Polish Army officers. Almost all of them were civilians, wore no uniforms and fought in a city that did not belong 10 Poland and so most were executed by the Germans as partisans after their surrender. Three defenders later died as a result of severe wounds.

A 10.5cm leFH18, the standard light howitzer of the German Army, with the barrel in ful! recall as it fires a round into the post office building. Note the white let1er D painted on the back side of the gun shield, which indicates the fourth gun in the battery. The white spots on the helmets are the Totenkop! emblems.


Men Irom SS-Heimwehr Danzig approach the post office supported by an ADGZ heavy armored car employed by an Ordnungspolizei armored car platoon. One of fourteen ot these Austrian-built armored cars used in Danzig, it carries the police emblem on the turret and S8-runes and the Toter-kept emblem on Ihe hull in addilion to the name "Ostmark" painted on the hull sides. Note that the leading SS trooper is wearing only a brown shirt with black trousers and cap. The other men are equipped with the prewar M1916 helmet and tall leather gaiters with short lace up boots.

The final moments of the post office defense. In the foreground is an ADGZ armored car displaying its S8 emblems painted on the Iront and back, while Ihe post office building blazes in the backqround after a few hours of fighting. The Germans storming the post office had. one platoon of 4 ADGZ armored cars at Iheir disposal, however,. only one or two were used in this action, the rest being sent to Gdynia.

The battle is over. Police and SS omcers view the post office building' which has been severely damaged by 1 a.Scm artillery lire. The SS officer in the middle maybe the commander of Ihe S8-Totenkopf-8turmbann which bore his name.


Another view of SSHeimwehr Danzig dug in at Gdynia where they could provide cover lire along the main street through the city. They were armed with a variety of weapons including obsolete WWI vintage machine guns and ineffective 3.7cm PaK 37 anti-tank guns. Note the man posted on the rool of the building in the center of the photo.


These SS-Heimwehr Danzig troops dug in at the main square in Gdynia are ready to light. After the capture of the Polish post office in Danzig. they were sent to fight against Polish forces in Westerplatte and Gdynla where they were also employed in the mass arrests of Polish civilians suspected of anti-German activity. They are heavily equipped but none of them have any V-straps. Note the emblems painted on the helmets - they are the white deaths head emblem.

Another shot of the same defensive position which covered SWietojanska Street, the main street in the city. The big building seen to the right Is the city administration office. Here we see another Maxim MGDS, a WWI vintage heavy machine gun.

Soldiers of S8-Heimwehr Danzig remove the emblem of the forest administration and national Piast eagle from a Polish government building in Gdynia as two men from a Police unit look on. They were armed and equipped the same way as most other Wehrmacht and SS units in this period. Such equipment was quite expensive - for example a gas mask cost 22.80 RM, the M1935 helmet 10.80 AM, cartridges for the Mauser rifle 5.60 RM each, bread bag 2.80 AM, water bottle with cup 5.00 RM and mess tin with strap 3.50 RM. Note the numeral "1" on Ihe shoulder straps of the 5SHelmwehr Danzig troops. The rifle carried by the man in the darker uniform Is a Mauser 9Sa and the man just beyond him is equipped with a gas cape contalrled In the flat bag just above his gas mask case.

Hitler among the soldiers of a seoond line unit behind the front during the first days of September 1939. His back is protected by an 88 guard, selected from the best members of the LAH Regiment, who traveled together with him across the Polish battlefields durin;! that time, when he was constantly on the move by car and train. Nole the two SS bodyguards do not have Ihe standard 88~runes on their collar patches. There are many instances when 5S soldiers wore nonstandard or no patches against authorized orders or regulations.

A Wehnnnacht patrol traveling down the central square in Posen (Poznan) during the first few days of the war in a Strassenpanzerwagen, a commercial vehicle armored lor use by the SS police and armed with a Maxim MG08. It carries a two color camouflage scheme with a full set of markings typical for these type of vehicles - a white national cross, the license plate SS 532, an improvised Totenkopf emblem and a white number "1", the exact meaning of which is unknown. There is a small Nazi flag attached to the side and visible to the left of the officer standing in front. It is unknown if this vehicle actually look part In combat and the d'amage to the front end was likely caused ,by an accident.


A group of soldiers from LAH dig in not far from Warsaw, sometime in mid-September 1939. Note the unusual style of camouflage straps seen on the helmet of the man standing and the light colored cuffbands on both the men to the right.

A heavily retouched photo 01 men of I.SS-Kavallerie-Brigade traveling down a village road in Poland during the autumn of 11939. This unit took part in second line duties against Polish partisans and Ihe expulsion of the nonGerman population from the new territories incorporated into Ihe Third Reich.

Another relouched photo of police troops during a meal break in October/Novernber f sas, while taking part in action against one of the many Polish villages pacified by the Germans. The heaviest actions had been launched throughoul thelirst month 01 the war when resistance had been the strongest and Poland was still under military rule. The main forces employed in these actions were police battalions and regiments supported by about a dozen Totenkopf regiments. Note the soldier on the axtrerna right - he is one 01 the NSKK volunteers from Berlin who joined the police troops as a motorcyclist in the almost completely non-motorized police units.

A mounted patrol, commanded by an 58· UnterscharfOhrer, composed of young candidates for the SS, members 01 the quasi-military youth organization, Hitlerjugend. They are wearing military uniforms typical for Ihe N5KK with a sleeve eagle but w.ithout collar patches. The armbands on their left arms indicate they belong to the HJ organization.

An SS police troop during anti-partisan training along the edge of a pine forest. The soldier closest to the camera is armed with the rare MP28 usually issued to second line or police troops. The officer is wearing a black leather overcoat which was to become a trademark symbol of the Gestapo.

A close-up photo 01 two soldiers from SS-Reglment "Wes!.land" during training. The closest man appears to be wearing a checked civilian shirt under his tunic. This regiment was formed on May 25, 1940 from volunteers in occupied Holland and Flanders and together with SS-Regiment "Nordland", was later that year grouped with S8-Regiment "Germania" to form 88-Division "Wiking".

Another photo 01 this group of soldiers showing an NCO machine gunner watching enemy positions through his lield glasses. He is armed with the Czech manufactured Z8-26, designated MG26 (t) by the Germans, which was used by many 88 police units. Both these shots were probably taken during anti-partisan training for police employed in occupation duties in Poland.

I 1

Men of 5S-Standarte "Germania" in Holland or France in May 1940.

Though widely used by 5S troops In this campaign, only one man appears to have a camouflage smock and it is tuckeo under his belt. The 58- Unterscharfuhrer on the right has applied mud to his helmet as camouflage. The man on the left is carrying a tripod which is used to set up their MG34 for use in the anti-aircraft role. In December that year, this unit was transferred lathe newly formed 55-Division "Germania" which was renamed "Wiking" a few weeks later.

55·Yerjugungsdivision (later 58-Division "Oas Reich") commander, 88- GruppenfOhrer Paul Hausser discusses the battle situation with one of his officers in France, May 1940. Affectionately called "Papa" by his men, Hausser was the first commander of this division after its creation in 1939. In August 1941, he was awarded the Knights Cross for his successful leadership during the early phase of the war in Russia. In July 1943 he received the Oakleaves and in August 1944 the Swords, as commander of 7.Armee.

Men of 8S·YerfUgungsdivision in a victory parade across a bridge at Hendaye on the French-Spanish border, July 9, 1940. Leading the parade are three 8S-UntersturmfUhrer including a standard bearer wearing large white gloves and a gorget around his neck. The other two men have both been awarded the Iron Cross First Class.


Adolf Hitler inspecting a French Char 81 bis heavy tank knocked out by the Germans somewhere in France, 1940. Behind, to his right, is ReichsfUhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler along with Himmler's adjutant, SS-Gruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff over his left shoulder. Hitler's 5S adjutant, SS-UntersturmfO'hrer Hansgeorg Schultze is the young officer to Himmler's right.

Another trip by Hitler to the French battlefield, this time to one of the fortifications on the Maginot Line accompanied by a large group of officers from the SS, Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Polizei. In the center of the photograph, Colonel-General Wilhetm Keitel is speaking to Luftwaffe Hauptmann Nicolaus von Below, Hitler's Luftwaffe adjutant, while his 88 adjutant, SS-Untersturmfi.ihrer Hansgeorg Schultze is visible over Keitel's right shoulder. Heinrich Himmler's profile can be seen just over Hitler's right shoulder while Martin Bormann is on the extreme left.

SS·Obergruppenfuhrer "Sepp" Dietrich during an inspection of LAH by General Johannes Blaskowitz, February 1941. LSSAH was considered to be an elite unit and Himmler did much to promote this ideal throughout the SS units. He claimed the Waffen-SS to be the elite of the Nazi movement and of the military lorces of the Third Reich. LAH was originally formed in 1933 as Hitler's personal bodyguard. The tank visible to the right is a Pz.Kpfw.1 Ausl.S.

Dietrich leaving the HQ of his LAH at the Hotel Acropole in Athens, Greece, April 1941. The soldier guarding the entrance is wearing the field gray version of the black panzer uniform issued to LAH assault gun crews tor Ihe Balkans campaIgn. He is also wearing ankle boots and canvas gaiters which were very rare for this period. Several divisional command pennants are visible, one in the doorway, two mounted on the vehicl'e and one painted on Ihe mudguard which consist of a black over white over red stripe. The one painted on the mudguard also indicates the staff of a motorized division. LAH was not elevated to the status of a panzer division until October 22,1943.

SS-Hauplsturmffihrer Fritz Klingenberg, one of the best known heroes of Ihe Wallen-SS during the Balkan campaign, speaking on a radio broadcast about his capture ollhe city of Belgrade. All three of the soldiers are wearing the FeJdmutze cap with slightly different details. Klingenberg's cap is Ihe standard army pattern wilh the Nazi eagle on the front, silver braid around the lop and front of the turn-up, Inverted "V" waflenfarbe (soutache) but with a silver Totenkopf pin instead of the sewn on embroidered Totenkopf. The SS-8charfuhrer on the right has the 88 pattern cap with an embroidered SS eagle on a black triangular patch on the side of the turn-up and an embossed Totenkopf on a matt gray button on the front under the soutache. The officer holding the microphone also has the army pattern cap but without the soutache. His early "Palm" pattern camouflage smock is fitted with a zipper and also has two white stripes on each sleeve, an early form of identification. NCOs had one stripe, ollicers had two and field grade officers had three. Note also the absence of collar patches on Klingenberg's unllorm and Ihe Wehrmacht style eagle insignia on his left sleeve.


The military action over, the job of cleaning up and maintaining Nazi policies in the conquered lands fell to the Ordnungspolizei, here photographed in the company of SS-GruppenfUhrer Kurt Daluege on the right. Daluege, nicknamed "Dummi-Dummi" because of his limited intelligence, was an early member of the Nazi party and was appointed Chief of Security Police in Ii 936. This photo was taken in Slovenia in early May li941 during a visit to the police units involved in the Balkans. The Ordnungspolizei were created in the early 1920s as a way of increasing the strength of the military beyond the limits imposed by the allies after WWI and was later on taken over by the SS when Himmler was given command of all German police units in 1934. Their uniforms were similar to those of the S8 and Wehrmacht and differed only in minor details such as the cuffs and inSignia.

A group of LAH soldiers in carnoutlaqe smocks photographed' during an excursion somewhere among the ruins 01 Olympia after the Greek surrender in May 1941.

88 soldiers

Inspecting a bunker abandoned by Soviet troops during the first days 01 Barbarossa in June 1941, which InVolved all of the units of the 88, over 200,000 men in all.


A traditionally valuable war prize, an enemy flag - here the banner of a Soviet military formation with the slogan "To fight for Lenin's - Stalin's cause be ready!" - was captured by these men of S8-Division "Reich" in July 1941. The civilian at left Is providing a translation of the meaning to them. Members of a reconnaissance unit, these men all wear camouflage smocks and helmet covers with a summer "Plane Tree" pattern with light green. dark green and light brown colors.

An 88-NCO, perhaps a war artist, sketches on a drawing board while seated in the remains of a damaged Soviet Polikarpov 1-16 fighter plane in June 1941. His collar has the white NCO braid around it but the SS runes on hs collar patches appear to be a dark gray color.

d s ir t d

A combat council attended by Wehrmacht. Luftwaffe and SS officers.

s The SS-Oberslurmfuhrer, an experienced oHicer decorated with the black

9 Wound Badge for 1-2 wounds and silver General Assault Badge, is wearing

y the M37 officer's tunic with the SS pattern Feldmutze complete with all the standard S8 Insignia.

Soldiers of SS-Division "Nord" (later 6.SSGablrqs-Dlvlslon "Nord") in the Northern Soviel Union in 1941. They are wearing early pal1ern camouflage smocks and helmet covers in a "Plane Tree" pattern with field gray trousers tucked into puttees over lace up ankle boots which is typical for this unit at this time. Four of the men are equipped with mosquito nets pushed back up over their helmets. In the foreground is an MG26(t) and the soldiers are posed around a 3.7cm PaK 36 anti-tank gun with a white number "7' painted on the rear side of the gun shield. The man standing in the rear is also wearing a wide leather bandolier used by artillery crews to move their gun.

SS men from the same unit marching down a road through a field in the Soviet Union. The twoman machine gun team is carrying another Czech produced weapon, the MG37(t) (ZB37). The overall weight 01 this weapon was 19k9 so it was nol easy to carry. The camouflage smock worn by the soldier carrying the machine gun is an early "Palm" pattern which had been widely distributed by Ihe time of the invasion of RUssia. Another MG26{t) for anti-aircraft defense is mounted on the cross country car used by the troop commander.

Soldiers from SS-Division "Totenkopf" struggle to move a BMW R12 motorcycle combination bogged down in a soft. sandy road somewhere in the Soviet Union in the early autumn of 1941. The motorcycle. driven by an SS-RottenfUhrer who is wearing the Iron Cross Second Class ribbon. is marked with a tactical sign of the 1'3th company of a motorized infantry division and carries the white Totenkopf emblem painted on the side of the front mudguard along with a white number "23" or "25" on the side of the gas tank.

S.SStovlat mern

A similar situation, but this time the SS crew 01 this BMW R61 or R66 motorcycle combination has run into problems with mud, As can be seen by the collar patches, this SS-Sturmann is also from 55-Division "Totenkopf". Note the unusual tactical markings painted on the front of the sidecar. There is an "s" painted above the symbol for the second company 01 divisional services.


Members of various arms of service having a conversation somewhere in the Soviet Union In 1941. The four soldiers on the left are from the Wehrmacht "French Volunteer Legion" which passed to Waffen-SS command in August 1943. The national shield emblem was then moved over to the left sleeve keeping with tne practice of the 55 to display their insignia opposite to the Wehrmacht. Also visible in this photo is an SSSturm ann and a Luftwaffe Feldwebel on the extreme right.

The same group of soldiers photographed marchlngthrol.Jgh the village led by an ss-untersnsmtcnrer. Many of the men in these two photographs are wearing spurs which indicates they are from the SSKavallerie-Brigade. Initially, this unit was used behind the front lines to mop up pockets of Russian resistance bypassed by the rapid advances of the German Army.

An SS soldier examines a captured Soviet mine in September 1941. His uniform is a little irregular in that he IS wearing a heavy wool sweater instead of his field uniform tunic under his early "Plane Tree" pattern camouflage smock. His helmet has been painted with a light coat of camouflage painl that is beginning to show signs of wear.

A group of SS pass through a burning Russian village with their two 7.Scm leFH 18 light howitzers being towed by horses in a quite unusual manner. Ropes have been attached to the axles of the gun's wheels and are being towed facing forward. The gun trails are being supported off the ground by two men aided by another man and some boxes of ammunition as 8 counterweight on the front. Note the number of stick hand grenades carried by these men.

These men looking over the city of Odessa just after its capture in October 1941, are likely members of Einsatzgruppe D. This city of half a million people had a large population of Jews and so the soldiers of these units had much to do. The Einsalzgruppe members came mostly from the different police units - the Gestapo and SO who were employed in roundinq up the victims - and the Ordnungspolizei who manned the firing squads. Note the detaifs of the MP28 being carried by the man on the left and the motorcycle coat worn by the man on the right.

On leaving the village, the SS troops were fired on fordng the men to seek cover In a ditch near the road. These photos were taken in August 1941.


A 7.5cm lelG 18 in action against Soviet defense positions in a village set ablaze by artillery fire in October 1941. 88-Division "Reich" led the attack toward Moscow in November 1941 coming within a few miles of the city. The Russian winter counteroHensive employing the Siberian divisions inflicted severe casuallies on "Reich" - almost 11,000 men by the middle of February 1942. In May 1942, il was renamed S8·Division "Das Reich".

A couple of soldiers from the Polizei-Dlvision, note the army style collar patches and SS sleeve eagle on the man on the left, take up a position behind a farmhouse in the Leningrad area in January 1942. The winter camouflage smocks were specially made tor the SS whereas the Wehrmacht had none and their men commonly used bed sheets as a temporary expedient Both of these men are wearing them over their uniforms without the greatcoat underneath.

A group at SS soldiers travel across the Russian landscape in their Horch Kfz.15 personnel car in late October 1941. The vehicle is an overall gray color that has been covered in dust and mud. The man closest to the camera is wearing the wide leather artillery bandolier as well.

SS-OberfOhrer Max Simon, wearing the rubberized motorcycle coat,

presents the Iron Cross Second Class to the brave soldiers of SS-Division d

"Totenkopf" which had been encircled for several months in the "Dernyansk Pocket" in the winter of 1941-42. Note the officer standing behind is wearing li

a variation of the uniform sometimes seen in this division - Totenkopf 84

embtems on both collar patches. Simon later commanded 16.SS-Panzer· Ell

Grenadier-Division "Reichsfilhrer-SS" hi


-avel Soldiers of 8S-

their Division "Wi king"

late marching across the

reratl ailfields near Taganrog

dust in 1942 during "Fall

the Blau", the German summer offensive into the Caucasus. During their retreat, the Soviets set fire to the wells and storage tanks to deny them to the Germans. Although motorized, 'Wiking" was poorly equipped for this operation. S8-Division 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" and "Reich" were pulled from the Iront for refitting and did not participate.

After the German-Finnish agreement of June 1941, the FlnnischesFreiwilligen·Batailion der Waffen-SS was raised with about 421 men. The size of the battalion grew to over 1000 men and, in 1942, was absorbed into SS-Division "Wiking", and fought on the Eastern Front lor the duration of me war. Here we see troops Irom this unit picking up their personal' equipment from a transport truck.

SS soldiers marching through a village in the central Soviet Union ounng anti-partisan action in late fall of 1942. These men are also lacking full equipment such as "Y" straps, mess tins, Zaltbahns and even water bottles. The two soldiers closest to the camera do not have gas masks either but are equipped with Ihe M1939 pack frame lor carrying heavier pieces of equipment on their backs such as the Scm mortar ammunition boxes seen here.

An MG34 machine gun team under light artillery fire Irom partisans in the spring or summer of 1943. It is worth noting that neither man is fully equipped except for entrenching tools, gas masks and Ihe spare machine gun barrel case carried by the man closest 10 the camera. During the first 1 1/2 years of the war in Russia, the first SS divisions had become better equipped and armed than most Wehrmacht divisions while the newer ones were often more poorly equipped.


Two oHicers and men of SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "TotenkopF photographed on a Pz.Kpfw.IV in the center of Kharkov in March 1943, just after the recapture of the city. The SS-UntersturmfUhrer tank commander is wearing a sleeveless sheepskin jacket over his black panzer uniform. The other men wear the fur-lined anorak.

One of the many T-26 tanks captured during the first year of the war against the Soviets. These tanks were put into service in second line units such as the Ordnungspolizei or other SS police formations. to light against partisan movements through occupied Eastern Europe. This T-26 was employed against Polish underground forces in the early spring of 1943 in the Zamojszczyzna area. It has been repainted in dark gray and carries national crosses and the tactical sign for an armored formation.

Men of SS-Panzer-GrenadierDivision 'Das Reich" entering Kharkov in March 1943. These young SS men are riding on a Pz.Kpfw.1I1 Ausf.M and are wearing the fur lined anorak. At this time the ranks of the SS were being filled out with 17-18 year old boys who were put into front line service with only 6·12 months trainlnq. Their lack at experience sometimes resulted in unnecessary casualties during combat, especially in the autumn of 1943, when the SS were used as lire brigades throughout the front. The tank turret visible in the foreground is from a Pz.Kpfw.lV.

A Kfz.15 heavy cross country car with the tactical sign of SS-Panzer· Grenadier-Division "Das Reich" on its left mudguard in the Kharkov area, where the SS fought one of its finest battles, in March 1943. The vehicle with license plate SS-500594 has a Nazi flag draped across the engin~ compartment for air identification, a common practice during offensive operations. The Wehrmacht soldier on the len is wearing a white winter hood while the two SS soldiers on the right are wearing white winter two piece camouflage suits over their fur lined anoraks along with a colored arm band on the left sleeve. In warmer spring weather, these suits became very dirty which reduced their effectiveness. Standing orders dictated they be used only when weather conditions were suitable, but it was often not practical to follow at all times.



Heavily loaded with winter equipment, SS troops march across an open field in the Soviet Union in January 1943. They are wearing one piece snow overalls that were normally issued to Wehrmacht troops and the felt and leather winter boots. They are also wearing fur lined caps without any insignia that were similar to Soviet ones. II is worth noting; that they are all carrying packs containing their personal belongings that were normally transported by supply vehicles.


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Staff officers of SS-Kavallerie-Division review their situation on a map board during anti-partisan action in February 1943. The officer is wearing the fur lined anorak that had just been introduced along with a colorful pair of civilian mitts. On August 2. 1941. 8S-Kavallerie-Regiment 1 and 2 combined to form SS-Kavallerie-Brigade with SS-Slandartenluhrer Hermann Fegelein as commander. The Brigade began mopping up operations in the rear of the central sector of the Eastern Front and continued with this duty until late 1942. On October 22, 1943, it was reformed as 8.SS-Kavellerie-Division.

An 88 machine gun troop heavily loaded with boxes 01 ammunition. combat equipment and blankets photographed during a march break near the front lines in early 1943. The vast expanses of the Russian landscape made supply to the troops difficult which resulted in the men having to carry most 01 what they needed with them wherever they went.


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March 1943. These young SS men are riding on a Pz.Kpfw.1I1 Aust.M and are wearing the fur lined anorak. At this time the ranks of the SS were being filled oul with 17-18 year old boys who were pul into front line service with onty 6-12 months training. Their lack of experience sometimes resulted in unnecessary casualties during combat. especially in the autumn of 1943, when the S8 were used as fire brigades throughout the front. The tank turret visible in the foreground is from a Pz.Kpfw.IV.

A Kfz.15 heavy cross country car with the tactical sign of SS-Panze Grenadier-Division "Das Reich" on its left mudguard in the Kharkov are where the 58 fought one of its finest battles, in March 1943. The vehicle license plata SS-500594 has a Nazi flag draped across the engifl\ compartment for air identification, a common practice during oftensiv operations. The Wehrmacht soldier on the left is wearing a white winter h while the two SS soldiers on the right are wearing white winter two pie camouflage suits over their fur lined anoraks along with a colored arm b on the left sleeve. In warmer spring weather, these suits became very di which reduced their effectiveness. Standing orders dictated they be us only when weather conditions were suitable, but it was often not practical follow at all times.

Two officers and men of SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Divlsion "Totenkopf" photographed on a Pz.Kpfw.IV in the center of Kharkov in March 1943, just after the recapture of the city. The SS-Untersturmfuhrer tank commander is wearing a sleeveless sheepskin jacket over his black panzer uniform. The other men wear the fur-lined anorak.

One of the many T-26 tanks captured during the first year of the war against the Soviets. These tanks were put into service in second line units such as the Ordnungspolizei or other SS police formations, to fight against partisan movements through occupied Eastern Europe. This T-26 was employed against Polish underground forces In the early spring of 1943 in the Zamojszczyzna area. It has been repainted in dark gray and carries national crosses and the tactical sign for an armored formation.


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Only the camouflage helmet cover and belt buckle identify this motorcyclist as a member oj the Waften-SS. The golden yellow piping on his shoulder board further Identifies him as belonging to a motorized reconnaissance unit Until June 1942 the piping would have been copper brown.

The waterproof motorcycle coat was a poputar and practical item. Originally introduced lor army motorcyclist, the

'Kradschutzmantel' was soon adopted by the 5S. Despite regulations restricting its use to authorized personnel, It was a much prized acquisition for general wear particularly

by officers.

It was made of field grey rubberized colton twill: with all seams waterproofed. The collar was faced with fIeld grey wool although early examples were dark blue/green. The double-breasted design was generously cut and was intended to be worn over eculoment (contemporary photos tend to show otherwise). An overlapping pleated panel in back allowed some ventilation. The half belt in back could allow some' adjustment of the waist. With the back vent reaching almost to the waist, the lower panels could be wrapped around the legs and buttoned in place providing superior weather protection. A pair of large pockets With buttoned flaps were located in front It should be noted that not a!l coals had provision for attaching shoulder straps.

'Motorcyclists were issued various types of goggles . presumably whatever was available, In this case, aviators' type is worn. The gauntlets are the standard pattern made from heavy field grey colton duck. Grey leather is used: for the palm, thumb, and separate lingers as well lor the adjustment straps on the back.

Only the magazine pouches for his slung MP40 and a 'M1935 dispatch case are worn on the belt. Leather marching boots are visible beneath the long coat.




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This is the typical image of Waffen·SS mounted personnel from 1942 to 1945. The uniform is the same as that worn by dismounted troops with the exception of riding breeches and high leather riding boots with spurs. The field grey breeches have a leather seat reinforcement in shades of grey or brown. Late production examples had this reinforcement made from field grey cloth.

Over the M-1940 field blouse is worn a camouflage smock M·1940 in 'Palm Tree' pattern. It was very much the fashion to wear the early style smock with both cuffs and skirt tucked back under the elastic.

Issue of the camouflage cap officially began in the summer of 1942 and it quickly became a popular and lunctional item. Typically there were variations with most having a central seam along the top panel and ventilation holes were not always present. While fully reversible, the 'autumn'

side had all the exposed seams; most notably around the lower edge.

Subdued insignia were

authorized for a brief period in late 1942 but this was quickly rescinded.

Standard equipment for a rifleman was provided with the usual belt and cartridge pouches. The bread bag and field flask were worn in the normal position,

however, the bayonet and shovel (if worn - it was sometimes fastened to the saddle) were carried on the right rather than the usual left side. The purpose was to prevent the Kar 98k - slung over the right shoulder - from striking these items. Accordingly, the gas mask canister was slung over the left

shoulder and positioned rather high on the right side. Cavalry pattern belt support straps were used since mounted personnel did not require the 'D' rings and pack straps needed by dismounted troops. In fact, the right saddtebag M·1934 had integral carrying straps and could be used as a pack when necessary.

The saddle is the Army Model 1925 (Armeesattel 25). The saddlebags M-1934 (Packtasche 34) are attached to a coupling device which Is then fastened to the saddle. Suspended from the left rear of the saddle is a carbine carrying device (a similar scabbard was provided for the MG34). However, the carbine 'bucket' saw limited use since the rifle could be just as easily slung across the back. On the rear of the saddle, the zellbahn, overcoat and a blanket might be strapped. The mess tin was commonly strapped to the right saddlebag. His helmet was frequently slrapped to the ring behind the right skirt leather. The left saddlebag was for care of the horse while the right side was for the cavalryman.


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This 'Volunteer' wears the standard Waffen-SS field grey uniform of the period. The standard M-43 field cap had by now replaced the mountain cap and from October 1943, the 'Edelweiss' flower could be applied to the left side.

The SS did wear army issue uniforms and uniforms produced specifically for the Waffen-SS followed Ihe design changes of the army version. However, the M-43 field blouse of the SS had a front closure with five buttons - the army tunic had six buttons. As the Waffen-SS was not recognized as part of the official German armed forces, they were not entitled to wear the national emblem on the right chest - instead it was displayed on the left sleeve. Out 01 view on his upper right arm was another 'Edelweiss' embroidered on an oval patch. The right collar patch bears the 'Odal' rune unique to 'Prinz Eugen' division. The cuff litle as well is worn on the left sleeve. The left collar patch along with the chevron indicates his rank. In his second buttonhole is the ribbon of the Iron Cross 2nd Class. The Infantry Assault Badge is pinned to his left pocket. The black shoulder straps bear only the light green piping of mountain troops.

By 1944, the 'Keilhose' trousers had largely replaced the mountain trousers. Rugged lace-up mountain boots remained standard though. The heavy, studded construction provided support and protection in difficult terrain and the boots were much favored by other than mountain troops. The original elastlcated puttees were now commonty replaced by issue canvas gaiters.

The usual rifleman's belt and Kar 98k pouches are worn with the bread bag and bayonet in normal positions. The integral hooks of the field blouse provided support assisted by internal cloth straps that helped to distribute the weight. The shoulder straps of the M-1931 rucksack had adjustable hooks that could be hooked into the • D' rings 01 the pouches. The rucksack carried the soldier's requirements on longer patrols. Underneath the flap of the pack is his 'blurred edge' smock with his helmet strapped to the outside. The water bottle would normally be the larger 1 liler type rather than the standard .8 liter version.


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In 1941 a lightweight, reed green drill uniform had been made available for wear by Waffan-SS armored lighting vehicle crewmen. It had been recognized that when dismounted, the black panzer uniform offered little towards concealment. In January 1943 a one piece camouflage overall was authorized and well received by panzer crew. Still, in early 1944 a two piece camouflage drill uniform was produced to remedy the shortcomings of the one-piece garment. Virtually Identical to its reed green predecessor, it was first made in 'oak leaf' and 'blurred edge' patterns. The 'dol' pattern variants were the most common by far. All of these lightweight outfits were intended for use during the warmer months.

This NCO has chosen to wear his black field Jacket with his camouflage trousers, a fairly common practice. The Waffen-SS jacket was shorter than the army pattern. 'The collar and lapels were smaller and the front seam was vertical rather than slanted. Standard S8 insignia are worn on the collars and the shoulder straps were piped in pink. The lett sleeve displayed the national emblem and 'Viking' cuff title. An experienced veteran, his awards include a Close Comb a! Clasp (perhaps earned prior to his transfer to armor). Iron Cross 1 st Class (hidden by his arm). Tank Batlle Badge and a Wound Badge.

'The black field cap was worn long, after the introduction of the M-43 field cap. as the 'Schiffchen' was rather more practical within the confines of a tank. It bears the usuat 'eagle' and 'death's head'. Lace-up ankle boots without hobnails were preferred but both are evident in contemporary photos.

While the throat microphone remains wrapped around his neck he carries the standard AFV headphones in his right hand. The large rubber ear cups were necessary to dampen the substantial noise made by an armored vehicle. Note that the plug with three prongs is for the microphone, the two prong plug is for the head phones. The wires are covered In brown cloth. The switch control for the microphone is suspended above the waistline and although it did have a clip that could be fastened to the front seam of the [acket, it was seldom seen that way.

His personal equipment is limited to his belt and P-38 holster. The 6 x ao binoculars are painted the same dark yellow as vehicles (but note that this color had its variations).


A Pz.Kpfw.38 (I) Ausf.G painled in overall sand, inlhe streets of Warsaw during the Jewish Ghetto uprising in the spring of 1943. The police and SS units slorming Ihe Ghetto were supported by obsolete tanks produced by the Czechs, Germans and Italians.

Transport trains of SS-KavaUerie-Oivision traveling through a Russian village in June 1943. This was the only real cavalry unit In Ihe SS for most of the war. 22.Freiwilligen-Kavallerie-Oivision der S8 and 33.waflen-KavallerieDivision der SS were hastily assembled, under-strength units formed lale in the war mostly from Hungarian cavalry forces. 37.88-Freiwilligen-KavallerieDivision "Lutzow· was fonmed from the remnants of 8. and 22.SS-KavallerieDIVisions in February-March 1945. Cavalry unit were generally not suitable tor flghling in urban areas and were used moslly behind the front engaged in anti-partisan duties in open rural areas.

NSKK soldiers supported by a captured SA 1 0 Model 1937 heavy armored car during anti-partisan actions In a b,est in the central Soviet Union in June 1943. The vehicle, which originally belonged to an S8 police unit, is painted with a green camoullage pal1ern over Ille sand background and has national crosses painted on the sides and on top of the engme compartment. A vehicle name has been painted on the side under the open visor and the unit emblem, a winged sword, painted on the Iront

88 soldiers give aid to an injured Soviet pilot after his obsolete Polikarpov U-2 plane used for daytime reconnaissance and night bombing missions was shot down. The manner in which the soldier stepping over the pilot is wearing his gas mask suggests these men are from a motorcycle reconnaissance unit. They are all wearing the early style "Palm" pattern camouflage smock. The soldier kneeling on the right is wearing a camouflage field cap introduced in June 1942.


Another Soviet victim falls from the sky onto the flat Russian steppe as a group of soldiers rush to capture him. The flak units of the Waffen-SS divisions did not have much work 10 do up until mid-1943 because the Luftwaffe controlled. the skies over the Soviet Union without much trouble. For example, during "Operatlon Zitadelle", when this photo was taken, through the first week 01 the battle only a handful of Soviet planes were bmught down over German territory, however,dozens were intercepted and shot down by German fighters over Soviet controlled territory. The strength of SS anti-aircraft units grew rapidly after June 1941. There were only 79 guns and 2,000 men at the end of 1941 but by the end of 1943, this had grown to 1,118 guns and over 21,000 men.

This photograph illustrates how effective the SS camouflage smocks and helmet covers were. Since 1941, uniform insignia was produced in a dull gray color so as not to compromise the camouflage, as can be seen by the S5 runes on the collar of the man on the right. In this photo, showing antipartisan action prior to "Operation ZitadeUe" at the end of June 1943, we can see 55 soldiers approaching an enemy village through a field of sunflowers.

Another two Soviet airmen taken into captivity by SS troops, probably during "Operation Zitadelle" in July 1943. The panzer crewman standing on the left is wearing the new camounage summer coverall in the "Plane Tree" pattern which was issued to tank and armored car crews to replace the black panzer uniform in the spring. Note there are two buttons on the pocket flap which normally only had one.

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Soldiers from the same unit advancing through the field of sunflowers in pursuit of the enemy forces. The man nearest the camera is wearing an early style "Plane Tree" pattern camouflage smock.


An S8 soldier stands by while a Soviet infantryman tends to a wounded comrade in early July 1943, while the remains of a T·34n6 Model 1943 blazes in the background. The 88 soldier Is lightly equipped· he does not even carry spare ammunition for his MP40.

A few moments later. the 88 soldier gives the wounded Soviet a drink of water from his M1931 field flask. He has a well worn "Plane Tree" pattern camouflage helmet cover and an early style "Palm" pattern camouflage smock. originally introduced in 1940.

An interesting photo of three SS officers conferring with HQ on a field telephone. The SS-HauptsturmfOhrer with the telephone is wearing a nonregulation tunic made from Wehrmacht 'Splinter" pat1ern Zeltbahn material. Jusl as unusual, the oltieer on the left is wearing one madelrom S8 "Palm" pattern camouflage material with a "Blurred Edge" pattern helmet cover. Both are wearing them over their standard issue shirts. The officer on the right is wearing an early style "Palm" pattern smock with the two white bars indicating the wearer is an officer.


Waiting for orders. A group of S8 soldiers rest in a ditch during the fighting around Betgorod in July 1943. The Torn.Fu.f radio set seen on the left waslhe standard field radio used by assault troops in place of the field telephone which required. the laying of phone lines. Fast and simple battlefield communications were important and was one of the ways that gave the Germans super.iority over Soviet troops.

Soldiers from SS-Kavallerie-Division uncover a cache of weapons and ammunition left behind by the retreating Soviets. These men are all dressed typically for this period with early style "Plane Tree" pattern camouflage smocks over their standard field gray uniform and all but one is wearing the camouflage field cap. Camoutlaqe pattern trousers were not introduced until tater with the two piece reversible snow SUIt, white on one side with a camouflage print on the other.

An SS crew replenish their Tiger's ammunition through the loaders hatch in the turret roof. Both men wear the one piece camouflage coveralls with the camouflage field cap. The B.Bcm rounds have colored projectiles for quick identification dur.ing battle conditions. The shells with the markings "Pzgr.39" and "FES" are armor piercing andlhe tip is painted black. The other shells are probably high explosive which were normally carried in equal quantities. The shell casings may also be lacquered steel instead of brass.


The Pz.Kptw.VI Tiqer I Ausl.E, one of the most effective weapons used by the Germans during 'Operation Ziladelle", is seen here advancing across a vast grain field In the Belgorod area prior 10 the battle. All three 88-PanzerGrenadier-Divisions tak,ing part in Ihis attack were equipped with a company of these heavy tanks, which made them more powerful than most Panzer divisions of the Wehrmacht. Each company was equipped with 13 to 15 tigers. This TIger is Irom 8S-Panzer-GrenadierDivision "Das Reich".

A Pz.Kpfw.l11 Ausf.N of SS-PanzerGrenadier-Division "Tolenkopt" struggling through a muddy river crossing north of Belgorod. It is painted in overall sand which has been covered by mud on the lower hull. The divisional emblem, created for "Operation Zitadelle" IS painted on the Iront of the hull beside the driver's visor and consists 01 Ihree vertical white bars. In Ihe background, another Pz.Kpfw.111 can be seen along with an Sd.Klz.2S0, thr,ee 8d.Klz.251s, lour Opel Maultiers and a K.rupp Protz Klz.Bl towing a 2cm FlaK 36 anti-aircraft gun plus a tew other miscellaneous vehicles.

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Yak-l fighter plane of the Soviet Air Force shot down in the 8elgorod area being ,inspected by SS sol'dlers looking for souvenirs.

The S8 units had to fight partisans as well as Soviet front

line troops ,during "Operation Zitadelle" in July 1943. Here we see an S5 motorcycle company in action against partisans in a village behind the front. These two Zundapp KS750 motorcycle combinations are heavily stowed with the belongings of the crews rolled' up neatly with Zeltbahn shelter quarters.

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Tanks from an SS division marching in the direction of the front lines. The nearest tank is a Pz.Kpfw.111 Ausf.M with a full set of armored side skirts and bac

camouflaged with green spots over the sand background. The tactical number "06" in red with a while outline indicates a statt vehicle. The "0" beside it Is prir

white with a thin black outline. In front are the more powerful Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H armed with Ihe 7.Scm U48 gun. ant


'ont August 1943- heavy fighting in

we the Kursk Bulge destroyed many

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the ton Studebaker truck, built in the U.S. and sent to the Soviet Union under the lend· Lease Act of 1940. II was an excellent vehicle and was well liked by all who used it including Americans, Poles, Commonwealth forces and the Soviets. The vehicle In the lead is a Mercedes-Benz L1500A personnel carrier.

55 troops in a Polish village in the summar of 1943. The man standing in !he middle is wearing a Model 1942 type 1 camouflage smock in the "Oak Leaf" pattern and the others wear the

M44 camouflage drill uniform in the '001' and "Oak Leaf' patterns. The man on the right appears to have his NCO snoulder straps on his uniform. In the ~ckgrQund, an Sd.'Kfz.11 half-track

is ortme mover towing a 7.5crn PaK40 anli·tank gun can be seen.

Various tanks, armored and unarmored half-tracks and personnel carriers are spread out across the Russian steppe to present a smaller target in case of bombing or heavy artillery fire.

A Pz.Kpfw.11I Ausf.JI armed with the Scm U42 gun passes by an SS anti-tank position during Soviet ollensive operations In the Belgorod area In late August or early September 1943. The heavily camouflaged gun appears to be a 7.Scm PaK 40. The man on the left is wearing an early style "Palm" pattern camouflage smock while the others have "Plane Tree" or "Oak Leat" patterns - there are very lew photographs that show "Palm" pattern helmet covers.

Men of an S5 MG42 machine gun team climb aboard a Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.G which, judging by the small box with the national cross painted on, belongs r-

to SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Oivision 't.etbstandarte Ado'lf Hitler". A machine gun crew usually consisted of five men - the squad leader, machine gunner, and a

ammunition feeder plus two infantrymen to help carry spare ammunition. The man closest to the camera is carrying a spare barrel container on his back. c

S8 soldiers of a motorcycle company watch a landing Feisler Fi 156 "Storch" 'light plane with the code OM + BK under the wings and fitted with a water tank on the underside of the fuselage. The motorcycles are BMW A75 combinations. These men may be messengers waiting for orders arriving on this plane.

A medical officer attends to a wounded SS soldier who 'has been shot through the chest. He is wearing privately purchased officer's trousers with leather reintorced legs and officer's riding boots. The S8 soldier on the left is wearing an early style "Plane Tree" pattern camouflage smock.

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These SS soldiers have dug themselves into the side of an anti-tank ditch to afford better protection from shell splinters. They are all armed with the

mgs Mauser 98k rifle and hand grenades. The two MG ammunition boxes are being used to hold additional rounds for their rifles. Very often, this extra amrnunltlon

and iYaJlable to the Germans helped turn back Soviet assaults. The Russians were never supplied with enough ammunition and had to choose their targets

k. tarelully in order to avoid running out early in the battle.

After the collapse of Mussolini's Fascist .Regime in late July 1943, Hitler sent 1.SS-Panzer-Division "leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" to northem Italy with orders to react swittly and decisively to any action that would affect the German positions there. Here we see a column of Steyr 1500A heavy personnel cars 01 LAH entering the city 01 Rome. Note the white road width markings on the nearest vehicle and the stencil advising following drivers to keep back 30 meters. The unit emblem is painted in white as well.

An Ope! Blitz of lAH traveling through Mediolen. The truck has a camouflage pattern of green and brown over the sand background. Sending LAH to Italy was a move calculated by Hitler to help draw the Fascists to the German cause. Italy formally surrendered on September 3, 1943.

The SS acquired a substantial amount of captured equipment in France in 1940, including this Chevrolet staff car completely covered in mud thrown up by the vehicle towing it, somewhere in Russia, October 1943. The driver is wearing an early style field service cap with the embroidered Totenkopf on the front and S8 eagle on the side.

An Sd.Kfz.7 half-track modified for anti-aircraft duty by mounting a 2cm FlaK 38. This was quite unusual as vehicles this size usually mounted the heavier 2cm Flakvierling 38 or 3.7cm FlaK 36. It carries the license plate S8- 273603 with the tactical sign for a towed anti-aircraft battery on the vehicle rear. An indistinguishable unit marking is painted on the opposite side. The shol was taken in October 1943 during antrpartisan action in the northern Ukraine.

SS officers question a civilian during anti-partisan actions behind the front in October 1943, while an SS-OberscharfOhrer and SSUnterscharfOhrer look on, The officer on the left is an SS-Obersturmfllhrer from an unidentified SS unit while the officer on the right, an 88- UntersturmfOhrer, is a member of the SO. The SO played an important role in anti-partisan warfare in Eastern Europe_

An MG34 machine gun crew emplacement protected with sand bags and a camouflage net. 7.SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division "Prinz Eugen" was created for anti-partisan warfare and performed this duty almost until the end 01 the war. Though supplied with mostly obsolete equipment, it fought very well and often with brutality against its opponents.



A patrol of 7.SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division "Prinz Eugen" crossing a small stream in the mountains of Yugoslavia in 1943. Note the amount of personal equipment each man is forced to carry. They are carrying M31 rucksacks in olive green canvas which were very similar 10 civilian ones. This famous division !illS formed in March 1942 from ethnic German volunteers and conscripts from the Balkans and eastern European countries.


Soldiers from SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Artillerie-Aegiment 7 talking with two Yugoslavian Muslim natives in 1943. The gun is a 7.Scm GebirgsgeschUlz 36 (Geb G36), a simple and reliable weapon that could be broken down into eight loads for transportation on pack animals. Note the "Odalrune" insignia on the collar patch of the soldier on the left.

58 and Croatian soldiers raise the German flag over a fortification occupied by the Italians prior 10 their capitulation in September 1943. The Ustashi and German troops loughl hard in Yugoslavia and usually showed no mercy to Communist Partisans or civilians alike. Besides the 7.SSFreiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division "Prinz Eugen", the 13.Walfen-Gebirgs-Division der 88 "Handschar" (Kroatische Nr.l), 21Waften-Gebirgs-Divislon der S8 "Skanderbsrq" (Albanische Nr.1) and 23'waffen-Gebirgs-Division der 88 "Kama" (Kroalische Nr.2) also fought in Yugoslavia.

Mountain troops also used donkeys as pack animals. Here, 5S mountain troops cross a rocky stream. The soldier in Ihe foreground, carrying an MG34 fitted with a drum magazine, wears the standard marching boots instead of the climbing boots normally issued to mountain troops.

The barrel of a 7.5cm Gab G36 being carried by a pack mule, the "prime mover" of the mountain troops. The mule is being led by an SS-SchUt! wearing the new camouflage Feldmutze and a special "rucksack lor artillery for his personal belongings.


BP42 armored train Nr.64 used to support troops in anti-partisan actions In the Balkans 1943. The nearest wagon is armed with two 10.5cm gun turrets with a raised observation tower between them. The next wagon, the command one, is armed with a 2cm Flakvlerling 38 anti-aircraft gun which could also be used against ground targets. The camouflage paint IS quite visible on the nearest wagon, green and brown lines painted over the sand background. A white Totenkopf is painted on the side as well.

SS-Obergruppenfijhrer "Sepp" Dietrich participates in a pistol fire exercise in November 1943. His medals and decorations include the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, an honorary gold and diamond pilotJobserver's badge on Ihe center of the pocket with a round gold NSDAP badge and his IMNI tank crewman's battle badge earned in 1918 and one of ess than 100 awarded. On his left sleeve, above the SS eagle, is a Crimea battle shield. He was awarded the Diamonds to his Knights Cross on August 6.1944 after 1 1/2 months of hard fighting against Montgomery's forces in :he Caen area as commander of 1.88-Panzer-Korps "leibstandarte S8 Adolf 'iller".


Winter 1943-44 in the Soviet Union saw no respite from battle for either side, which involved all available infantry and panzer divisions from the Wehrmacht and S8. Here a group of soldiers wearing the reversible two piece snow suit, white on one side with a camouflage print on the other, are taking a break Irom the action to have a meal. These uniforms lost their white appearance in a short time, but they were still more usefut in the winter landscape than the inner camouflaged side. They also have the woolen toque and large miHs with separate trigger fingers worn over wool gloves. Each has a colored armband that utilized a color of the day 10 help identify friend from loe as the Soviets also wore similar winter suits. The tank visible in the

background T-34n6.



Two S8 soldiers in their bivouac during the winter of 1943-44. Both men are wearing the fur-lined anorak, which used the furs of many different animals, explaining the difference in color inside the hoods. Both have white painted helmets. Nole the tent, made from various SS and Wehrmacht camouflage pattern Zeltbahn shelter quarters, which is even equipped with a stove.

A February 1944 winter day in the Southern Ukraine as the Germans are steadily being driven back by the Soviet Army. An SS-Unterscharfuhrer with two men leads a pair of Bactrian camels, distinguished by their two humps, pulling cartsfll\ed with straw. The Germans had utilized camels for transport duties since the campaign in the Caucasus in 1942.

An officer from 4.SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Polizei" gives an order to open fire somewhere in the northern sector of the Eastern Front during the winter of 1943·44. He is wearing one of the earlier army sty.le reversible suits with the field gray color on the outside. The Ordnungspolizei style collar insignia and Nazi shield on the right side of the helmet were typical for this SS division until February 1"942 when they were integrated into the Waffen- 88 and standard SS rank insignia was authorized to be worn.

8S-0bersturmflihrer Hans Drexel 01 2JSS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 'Westland" just after the battles around Cherkassy in March 1944. He was awarded the Knights Cross in the fall of 1943 and was later promoted to SSHauptsturmfOhrer. He is wearing a sheepskin jacket over his uniform and appears to have his trousers tucked into his wool socks that have been rolled down over his lace up boots. Behind him is a Soviet ZIS-3 76.2mm anti·lank gun that has had a scruffy coat of while winter camouflage paint applied and is being towed by a half-track prime mover.



Soldiers of ILSS-Panzer-Korps retreating, from fhe Tamopol area around April 20, 1944. The nearest man is equipped with two, M39 egg grenades and a pouch containing 1 B cartridges for a flare gun. The second man in line, an SS-Scharfuhrer, identifiable by the two stripes on the camouflage rank badge on his left sleeve, is wearing the new M44 camouflage drill uniform introduced in March that year. Farther back in line, one of the men carries an MG42 and others are carrying Panzerfausts. At the bottom of the hill, a Tiger from s.Pz.Abt.507 is mired in the mud.

An SS soldier, probably from 16.SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Reichsfiihrer-SS", on the front line somewhere in Italy in April 1944 is offered an orange by one of his comrades. He is wearing his standard SS uniform and has a Wehrmacht "Splinter" pattern camouflage helmet cover with loops for attaching foliage. He has also fixed a small bundle 01 straw under his shoulder strap. The man in the foreground is wearing an early style "Plane Tree" pattern smock.

d Soldiers of ILSS-Panzer-Korps entering a town in the area of Tarnopol, where 9.SS-Panzer-Oivision "Hohenstaufen" and 10.SS·Panzer-Oivision

d Frundsberg" fought their first battles in April 1944, opening a corridor to the surrounded 1.Panzer-Armee. The SS-Artilierie-Regiments were fully tracked and

k consisted of 12 Wespe with W.5cm guns and 6 Hummel with 15cm guns plus two Hummel munitions carriers. Here we see a Wespe from the firsl battery

d with identification letter "F" painted on the front of the gunshield indicating the sixth gun in the. battery. Note the letter is repeated on the muzzle brake cover.

The two men walking on the left are wearing camouflage smocks over their greatcoats, a common practice often seen in these units.


After the battles around Tamopol, tI.SS-lPanzer-Korps was withdrawn in May 1944, and put into action against partisans under the command ct Heersgruppe Nord Ukraine. Here, two NCOs and another soldier were photographed during one of these operations in a small Ukrainian village.

A Bcm Granatwerfer 34 manned by SS troops In Iitaly. May 1944. These i~

soldiers are wearing the Model 1942 type 1 camouflage smock identified by the pockets in the skirt and foliage loops sewn on to the shoulders and upper back. The smock on the man dropping the mortar bomb into the tube is a "Plane Treen pattern and the other one is a "Blurred Edge" pattern. Note the camouflage face masks fixed to their helmets. The one in the foreground has an elasticized band.


In May 1944, aboul 600 men from 58· FallschlrrnlaqerBataillon 500 landed by glider and parachute at Drvar where Tito had his HQ at the time, narrowly miSSing

capturing the partisan c

leader. Here we see two p

of them pulling a a

standard supply n

container with exira

boxes of machine gun ammunition on it. These

containers were

dropped with the

paratroops and carried additional weapons and ammunition along with

other necessary

supplies such as

medical equipment and II


SS·Falischlrmjager In a position on the outskirts of Drvar. They were trained by the Luftwaffe in a very short period 01 lime and equipped Ihe same as the Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager units with helmets and camouflage smocks. They wore their standard S8 uniforms under the smocks, but were otherwise Identical in appearance.

Two SS soldiers leaving a barn after searching it for partisans. The man on the left is wearing the new M44 camouflage drill uniform in the "Dol" pattern with the S8 eagle on Ihe left sleeve. All insignia were later eliminated although they continued to be worn throughout Ihe rest of the war. The other man is wearing Ihe two piece winter suit with the lield gray side out.

This young SS soldier has tlushed out a partisan or Red Army soldier rom hiding. late May 1944. He is also wearing the new M44 camouflage drill uniform in the "Dot" pattern. The earliest versions of Ihese uniforms were produced in autumn "Blurred E,dge" or "Oak Leaf' patterns, though there are some instances of summer patterns being produced. Note the civilian blanket rolled up and carried on his back.


SS-BrigadefUhrer Jurgen Wagner, winner 01 the Knights Cross and commander of 23.SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Oivision "Nederland", talking 10 some of his young soldiers on the occasion of their decoration with the Iron Cross Second Class for bravery in combat, May 1944. Involved in an Ii-partisan operations in Croatia in the autumn of 1943, II was transferred 10 the Leningrad area in January 1944 and took part in the battles around Narva in the summer. All of them are wearing the M44 camouflage drill uniform except for the man slanding at the back who wears the trousers only with his "Plane Tree" pattern smock and Wagner, who wears the tunic only. Helmet covers were not produced in the new pattern and so remained the same as before.

French civilians jostle each other for treats Ihrown by the S8 crew of an Sd.Kfz.251/7 Ausf.D, the Pioniere version of this armored hail-track, somewhere in France prior to the Allied invasion in Normandy. The vehicle is liberally covered in foliage as camouflage against roving Allied fighter bombers who had almost complete control of the air. The soldier leaning over the side of the vehicle is wearing a black panzer jacket with an army style piped Totenkopf collar patch and no evident cuffband. His M43 field gray Feldmutze has the SS eagle on the side on a black triangular patch.

An SS-Unterscharfuhrer from S8-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 24 "Dan mark" firing a flare pistol in the ruins of Ubau in 1944. He has the Walther 27mm signal pistol and Mauser 98k rifle. This regiment was originally formed as "Freikorps Danmark". The name was changed to S8- Grenadier-Regiment 1 "Denmark" in July 1943. It fought in the Balkans and later, on the Eastern Front as part of 11.SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Oivlsion "Nordland" in the Narva area under SS-BrigadefDhrer Joachim Zeigler.


SS-Untersturmfuhrer Michael Wittmann, most famous hero of the Waffen-SS during the battle of Normandy, shown here in a photo taken in mid-January 1944 after being awarded the Knighls Cross. He was awarded the Oak Leaves two weeks later, which have been added rather poorly 10 Ihis earlier photograph, and promoted. He joined the S8 in 1937 and served in armored cars in Poland and France and SluG,lIl's in Greece and during the invasion of Russia After SS officer training SChool, he was trained on the Tiger I in early 1943. He won his greatest fame for the almost single handed destruction of the British 22nd Armoured Brigade at the French lawn of Villers-Bocaqe on June 13, 1'944 for which he was awarded the Swords to his Knights Cross and promoted again to 8SHauplsturmfOhrer. During his career, he claimed 138 tanks destroyed and 132 guns along with umerous other vehicles making him the highest scaring Panzer "Ace" of the war. He was killed, along with his crew. near SI. Aignan-deCramesnil on August 8, t 944,

~ to san nero :ern


An old Schwerer Panzsrspahwaqen (Sd.Kfz.231) BRad with the divisional emblem of 12.SS-PanzerDivision "Hitle~ugend" on Lhe front moving through the demolished city of Caen in July 1944, The tactical number on the side of the turret has been painted over, The S8 NCO riding on the side is wearing an M44 camouflage drill tunic in the "Dot" pattern over his field gray tunic, the collar of which is still visible, along with trousers made from Italian army camouflage' matenel. Close to his left leg, a Panzerfaust "kleine" can be seen.

British POW's being; led away guarded by two Watfen-SS NCOs, both wearing the M1936 field gray uniform with pleated pockets and M1943!ield caps. The battle fought by 1.SS-Panzer-Korps "LSSAH" in Normandy against British. Canadian and Polish forces was, as Winston Churchill would say, "their finest hour', The heavyf.ighting caused many casualties among the SS troops due to total Allied ground and air superiority, but it would be difficult to find another example of such determined resistance in any other two month period of the war,

SS-OberfOhrer Fritz Kraemer, chief of staff of 1.SS-Panzer-Korps "Leibstandarte S8 Adolf Hitler" in July 1944. Kraemer was a well educated Wehrmacht staff officer who joined the Waffen-SS in July 1943 as Dietrich's chief of staff. Wilhout his excellent work, Dietrich, who was untrained for the position of a corps commander, would have had great difficulty in commanding a force of this size. He was promoted to SS-BrigadefOhrer and served as Dietrich's chief of staff of 6.Panzer-Armee from October 1944 until the end of the war. The young messenger in the foreground is wearing the M44 camouflage drill uniform in the "Dot" pattern.


Probably the most famous general in the German Army, Generalfeldmarshall Erwin Rommel is accompanied by S5- ObergruppenlOhrer ·Sepp" Dietrich in this photograph taken two days before his staff car was strafed by Allied fighters and he was wounded. Implicated in the July 20 attempl on Hitler's life, Rommel was forced 10 commit suicide on October 14 to avoid a public spectacle and protect his family, and given a state funeral.


An Sd.Kfz.250/3 of an unidenlified SS division somewhere in France, August 1944 The battles in France during the summer resulted in severe losses in many of the high quality Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht divisions, which could not be adequately replaced Nevertheless, they fought with tenacity in Hungary and onlhe Oder River and even during the Ardennes Ottenslve, showed some of the offensive fighting spirit with which they had become famous for.

SS troops remove fallen trees from the road to open the way for an Sd.Kfz.251f7 Ausf.C, the Pioniere version of this APC. Judging by the relatively new condition of this vehicle, this photo was probably taken in 1943. Partisan groups continually staged such actions to make me for the German soldiers as difticult as



Members of an 88 unit man defensive positions somewhere in Central Europe. The soldier on the left is wearing a Model 1942 style camouflage smock in a "Plane Tree" pattern with an army "Splinter" pattern nslmst cover with foliage loops.

A similar situation only a year later. Here S8 troops are filling a ditch dug in the road overnight by the Polish underground movement in August 1944. In the background is another Pioniere APe, this one is an 8d.Kfz.2S1/7 Ausf.D which was first produced in September 1943. II is painted in a two color camouflage scheme with the barely visible tactical sign of an armored reconnaissance battalion painted on the upper left side of the front plate. Also visible is the license plate 8S-900008.

A young SS panzer command'er views the battlefield through the periscopes in the cupola of his Panther, The Panther made its battle debul during "Operation Zitadelle" and suffered many losses due to mechanical failure, Later improvements made the Panther arguably the best tank in WWII.

SS-Slurmbannfuhrer Erwin Meierdress, commander of 1.IS5- Panzerregimenl 3 of 3,SS-Panzer-Division "Totenkopf' who look part In the barnes east of Warsaw, where his unit destroyed many Soviel tanks and SPGs, He was awarded Ihe Oak Leaves 10 his Knights Cross on October 12 1:943, for his part in the battles in the southern Soviet Union, where he was wounded for the fifth time. He was killed in Hungary on January 4, 1945, The SS-HauplsturmfOhrer on the left is wearing the M44 camouflage drill uniform

in the "Dot" pattern, Behind them is a knocked out T-34/85. a


Two SS soldiers passing yet another T-34/85 destroyed in Ihe battle.

The man nearest the camera is wearing the M44 camouflage drill uniform in the "001" pattern while the other wears his field gray uniform. Each man carries only his weapon and ammunition.

A young SS-Sturmann of 3.SS-Panzer-Oivision ''Totenkopf' waiting for the enemy on the outskirts of Warsaw in August 1944. He is wearing the M1943 tunic with the field gray collar and simplified pockets combined with trousers from the M44 camouflage drill uniform in Ihe "Oaf' pattern. His cuffband is one of the earlier type with the "Totenkopf' emblem. Cuffbands with the division name in block letters replaced them in 1943 although they continued to be worn.

More S5 soldiers of IV.SS-Panzer-Korps which fought against units of the Soviet 2nd Tank Army in the fields easl of Warsaw in August 1944, racing past a burning T-34/85_


Heinrich Himmler tnspacts young volunteers into the Waflen-SS from the quasi-military Hiller Youth movement. Reserves in Ihe Third Reich in the autumn of 1944 were very limited and the Waffen-SS. as well! as the Wehrmacht. were forced 10 accept young boys and old men into their ranks. The Hitler Youth were fanatical and ready to sacrifice but their lack of training and experience resulted in unnecessarily high losses.


An example of a combat vehicle rarely seen on the battlefield in the summer of 1944 is this Schwerer Panzerspahwagen (Sd.Kfz.231) 6-Rad. Originally in service with an 88 police unit, it was captured by Polish partisans on August 26, 1944, in the Kurow area. It had been repainted in an overall sand color and carried the national cross and a tactical marking painted on the side. The soldier in the turret appears to be wearing a caplured German uniform complete with helmet and stick grenade in his belt.

The last day of the war in Berlin.

May 1945. SS troops work under Soviel direction to extinguish the fire in a burning S8 truck. Many S5 troops followed orders to fight 10 the last bulle! and preferred an honorable death on the battlefield than 10 surrender and ended in the POW camps in the Sovle' Union. Many also chose 10 flee 10 tIlE west to surrender to the Allied armies Regardless of the choice, many of the hardest core SS members lost that' lives in the last two weeks of the VIa and during the following years ri captivity in Soviet and Allied pristV' camps.

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