GRE Study Guide: Exam Basics
GRE Study Guide: Exam Basics
GRE Study Guide: Exam Basics
Are you preparing for the GRE exam? This study guide covers exam basics,
what's covered on the exam, and how to prepare for the exam.
Exam Basics
Test time: 3 hours and 45 minutes
Number of questions: 40 questions; 2 tasks The exam assesses the
for the Analytical Writing sections following content:
Test type: Your GRE test is scored on the
questions you answered correctly. You will
get a raw score, which is then turned into a Analytical Writing
verbal score. For the verbal reasoning Verbal Reasoning
section, you will typically see a score of 130- Quantitative Reasoning
170. The quantitative reasoning section
typically has a score of 130-170. For the
analytical writing section, you will typically
see a score of 0-6.
Reasoning and for the GRE Examand
Organizing - Reading Organizing - Writing
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There's no penalty for wrong answers on
Style -the
Tip GRE exam. Educated guesses are
best, but even random guesses are
better than leaving an answer blank.
Style - Writing