Philosophy of Computer Science: An Introductory Course
Philosophy of Computer Science: An Introductory Course
Philosophy of Computer Science: An Introductory Course
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1 author:
William Rapaport
University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
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State University of New York at Buffalo
During the Spring 2004 semester, I created and taught a course on the
Philosophy of Computer Science. The course was both dual-listed at
the upper-level undergraduate and first-year graduate levels and cross-
listed in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
(where I am an associate professor) and the Department of Philosophy
(where I have a courtesy appointment as an adjunct professor) at State
University of New York at Buffalo ("UB").
The philosophy of computer science is not the philosophy of artifi-
cial intelligence (AI); it includes the philosophy of AI, of course, but
extends far beyond it in scope. There seem to be less than a handful
of such broader courses that have been taught: A Web search turned
up some three or four that were similar to my course in both title
and content.) There are several more courses with that title, but their
content is more accurately described as covering the philosophy of
AI. The philosophy of computer science deserves more exposure at
the university level. The UB course was popular (with an enrollment
of just under fifty), and the students found it valuable, not only for
its coverage of topics in the philosophy of computer science, but also
for the critical-thinking skills they learned (see p. 322). This article
presents my ideas on what a course in the philosophy of computer
science might look like.
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The course syllabus was organizedaround a set of questionswhose
various answerswe examinedduring the semester:2
1. What is philosophy? In particular, what is "the philosophy of
X" (whereX = things like science,psychology,history, etc.)? (These
questions are especially important to discuss in a course primarily
aimedat computersciencestudents,who might havemisleadingideas
of what philosophy is all about-or no idea at all.)
2. What is computer science?(Although the "final" answerto this
questionmay simply be the extensional"whatevercomputerscientists
do," this is a reasonableissueto discuss,evenif thereis no intensional
answer.The following subquestionsindicate some of the interesting
issuesthat this main question raises.) (a) What is science?What is
engineering] (b) Is computer sciencea science,or is it a branch of
engineering?(c) If it is a science,what is it a scienceof? (d) Is it a
scienceof computers(as someauthorssay)?(e) What, then, is a com-
puter? (f) Or is computersciencea scienceof computation(as other
authorssay)?(g) What, then,is computation?(h) What is an algorithm?
Unfortunately,thereis no textbookthat exactlycoversthe abovetopics.
Threepossibilities were offered to the studentsas recommendedtexts:
LucianoFloridi's Philosophyand Computing(1999),Timothy Colburn's
Philosophy and Computer Science (2000), and Floridi's Blackwell
Guide to the Philosophy of Computingand Information (2004). The
first two are monographsoffering the authors' points of view. There
is nothing wrong with this, of course,but I preferred a more neutral
approachfor the sort of coursethat I had in mind. Moreover,the topics
coveredin each of thesehad a relatively small intersection with my
topics. The third book is an anthology,but-again-there was only a
small overlap with my topics, and, in any case,I preferred that my
studentsread primary sourcesrather than overviews.
There are other sources,of course:A special issue of the philoso-
phy journal The Monist (82:1 [1999]) was devotedto the philosophy
of computer science.The journal Minds and Machines: Journal for
Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy, and Cognitive Scienceis almost
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. 1996).
It is a natural science,not of computersor algorithms, but of
procedures (Shapiro 2001).
. It is not a science, but a branch of engineering (Brooks 1996).
. It is the body of knowledge dealing with information-transform-
ing processes (Denning 1985).
. It is the study of information itself (Hartmanis and Lin 1992).
Note that several of these (especially the first two) might be "exten-
sionally equivalent" but approach the question from very different per-
spectives: Some emphasize the computer (hardware); others emphasize
algorithms, processes, procedures, etc. (software), or even something
more abstract (e.g., information). An orthogonal dimension focuses on
whether computer science is a science or perhaps something else (a
"study," a "body of knowledge," an engineering discipline, etc.). And,
of course, the name itself varies (computer science, computing science,
informatics, etc.), often for political, not philosophical, reasons.9
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The history of computers is a large topic, and we did not spend much
time on it. Consequently, the assigned readings were intended only to
give the students a flavor of the main events. I prepared a website, "A
Very Brief History of Computers,"11 based on the IEEE's "Timeline
of Computing History"12 and containing links for further information,
\ and I asked the students to read O'Connor and Robertson 1998 (on
Babbage), Simon and Newell 1958 (pp. 1-3 are also on Babbage), and
Ensmenger 2004 (on the controversy over who deserved the US patent
for the first computer).
What is an algorithm?-Part I. The other main answer to the
question of what computer science studies is: algorithms. So, what
is an algorithm? We began our two-part investigation of this by first
considering what computation is. One informal, introductory-computer-
science-style explanation proceeds as follows: A function f (viewed as
a set of ordered pairs, or "inputs" and "outputs") is computable means
by definition that there is an "algorithm" that computesf, i.e., there is
an algorithm A such that for all input i, A(i)=.f(i), and A specifies how
f's inputs and outputs are related (or howl's outputs are produced by
its inputs). Then an algorithm for a problem P can be characterized
as a finite procedure (i.e., a finite set of instructions) for solving P
that is:
1. unambiguous for the computer or human who will execute it;
i.e., all steps of the procedure must be clear and well-defined
for the executor, and
2. effective; i.e., it must eventually halt, and it must output a cor-
, . rect solution to P .13
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What is Software?
Introductory computer science courses often assume that the distinc-
tion between software and hardware is clear. Computer scientists and
philosophers know otherwise. JamesMoor's "Three Myths of Computer
Science" (1978) points out the inadequacies of the usual "abstract"
software vs. "concrete" hardware distinction, arguing that software
is a computer program that is changeable by a person. This allows
for the "software" to be "hardwired," as long as it can be changed.
The "software is abstract" point of view is well argued by Peter Su-
ber (1988), who considers it to be "syntactic form" (and this ties in
nicely with the discussion of syntax vs. semantics in the section on
implementation). Finally, Colburn (1999) views software as a "concrete
abstraction": It has a "medium of description" insofar as it is a text in
a formal language (which is an abstraction), and it has a "medium of
execution" insofar as it is implemented in circuits and semiconductors
(which are concrete).
Midsemester Course Evaluation and Course Correction
The previoustopic brought us more or lessto the midsemesterpoint in
the course.Borrowing an idea from my colleagueStuart C. Shapiro,I
traditionally give a midsemestercourseevaluation.I strongly recom-
mendthis for any course:It is far more useful than an end-of-course
evaluationthat is not seenuntil the courseis over and henceis of no
use in improving the coursethat just ended.For this course,I asked
two simple, open-endedquestions:What aspectsof the coursewould
you like to seechanged?and What aspectsof the course do you es-
pecially like? The answerslet me know what neededto be fixed and
what was going well. I summarized the answers and posted a response
to the course newsgroup.
For this course, the major complaint was the amount of reading. I
told the students that I would try to comply with their request for less
reading, but that there were just so many exciting things that I wanted
them to read that I would compromise: From then on, I only assigned
one (sometimes two) required readings for each of the remaining top-
ics, per class session, but I recommended (sometimes strongly) other
things to look at-if not now, then at their leisure after the semesterwas
over. Thus, for example, instead of requiring the students to read Moor
1978 and Suber 1988 (which is a very long paper) and Colburn 1999
(which is philosophically challenging), I only required them to read
Moor 1978 (which is well-written and also discusses other important
topics), strongly recommended Suber 1988 (which is wide-ranging and
has lots of things to think about), and recommended Colburn 1999. In
lecture, however, I discussed all three.
I hasten to add that there were many compliments, too! Students
were pleased with the topics and organization, and especially liked the
writing assignments, which I discuss below.
Can Software Be Patented? Or Should it Be Copyrighted? The topic
of whether computer programs are copyrightable entities or patentable
entities 15 is a fascinating one, because it combines legal, social, and
metaphysical issues.We concentrated on the last of these, since it flows
nicely from the previous topic of what software is.
Here is the fundamental paradox: If a computer program is viewed
as a written text, then it is, by definition, copyrightable. But the very
"same" program, engraved on a CD-ROM and, hence, executable on
a computer, can be viewed as a machine that is, by definition, patent-
able (as well as subject to legal limitations on exportation to foreign
countries; see Colburn 1999). Yet, also by definition, nothing is both
copyrightable and patentable. (Whether one should copyright or patent
a program vs. whether programs should be "open source" is one of the
interesting social issues that we did not have time to consider.)
We looked at the legal definitions of copyright and patent (available
from various US government websites)16and read a fascinating-and
little known-essay by computer scientist Allen Newell ("The Mod-
els are Broken, the Models are Broken") that appeared as part of a
symposium on this topic in the University of Pittsburgh Law Review
(1985-1986). Newell argues that we computer scientists need to devise
better models-i.e., better ontological theories-of such computer-
science entities as algorithms, programs, etc. In contrast, some legal
scholars (e.g., Koepsell 2000) have argued that lawyers need to devise
better methods of legal protection that better match the unique natures
of computer software and hardware. The point in both cases is that
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current (and probably perennially most popular) reply: John Searle's
Chinese-RoomArgument (Searle 1980).
Turing 1950,as is well known, arguedthat a computerwill be said
to be able to think if we cannot distinguish its linguistic (hencecog-
nitive) behavior from a human's.Searle 1980proposeda now-classic
counterexamplethat allegesthat a computercould passa Turing Test
without really being able to think.l? (A good sourcefor both of these,
and related,papersis Shieber2004; cf. Rapaport,forthcoming-b.)We
closed this topic with my own attempt at a rebuttal of Searle(Rapa-
port 2000), arguingthat syntactic symbol manipulationof the sort that
computersdo can sufficefor semanticinterpretationof the kind needed
for computationalcognition.
Computer ethics. Our final topic was computer ethics. As noted
above, and as with philosophy of AI, this is often the topic of full
coursesby itself and is the subjectof numeroustexts and anthologies.
I gave a brief overview of (computer)ethics, basedon Moor's "What
Is ComputerEthics?" (1985).We focusedon his claim that we needto
havemetaphysicaland ontologicaltheoriesof computers(in particular,
their "logical malleability") and relatedphenomenain order to answer
ethical and social questionsabout their nature and use.
I choseto concentrateon two issuesthat are not often coveredin
suchcoursesor books:Are theredecisionsthat computersshouldnever
make?and Should we build artificial intelligences?
We turnedto Moor's "Are ThereDecisionsComputersShouldNever
Make?" (1979). One of his main points is that there are no decisions
computersshouldn't make, at least as long as their track record is
better than that of humans,but it's up to us to acceptor reject their
decisions.An interesting contrastingopinion is that of Friedman and
Kahn's "PeopleAre Responsible,ComputersAre Not" (1992), which
arguesthat there are decisionsthat computersshould not make, be-
causeonly humansare capableof being moral agents.But "to err is
human,"and we looked at a recent caseof an airline crashcausedby
following a human's decision insteadof a computer's(as reportedin
qeorge Johnson's"To Err Is Human," 2002).
On ethical issues in AI, we read Michael R. LaChat's "Artifi-
cial Intelligence and Ethics: An Exercise in the Moral Imagination"
(1986). First, I outlined the plot of StanislawLem's "Non Serviam"
(1971)-which should be required reading for all researchersin ar-
tificial life!-in which what we would today call an Artificial Life
researcheris forced to pull the plug on his creationswhen his research
grant ends. LaChat considerswhether such researchshouldn't even
begin but agreesthat consideringthe possibilities enablesus to deal
with important issuessuch as: What is a person?Would an AI with
personhoodhaverights? Could it be moral?
A difficulty. I wanted the students to do a lot of reading and thinking.
Thinking is best done by active reading (Rapaport 2005a), discussion,
and writing-lots of writing. There is a well-known drawback to as-
signing a lot of writing to students: The instructor has to read it all
and, ideally, comment on it. When this course was first advertised, I
expected about ten to fifteen students, in a small seminar-like setting.
The first preliminary enrollment report said that thirty students had
signed up. Thinking that they thought that this might be a "gut" course
("A philosophy course in a computer science department? Oh, this'll be
easy to ace!"), I posted a note to the undergraduate newsgroup spell-
ing out the large quantities of writing that I would expect. Enrollment
doubledto sixty! It finally settled down at just under fifty students.IS
Still, fifty ten-page term papers plus frequent short writing assignments
during the semester was not a prospect that I looked forward to.
Nor could I rely on help from graduate teaching assistants or reci-
tation sections (a problem I was familiar with from my days teaching
at a primarily undergraduate institution). No recitation sections had
been assigned to the course, since I had not expected such a large
enrollment. They would have been useful for discussion purposes, but
that was not to be. I did have an excellent graduate teaching assistant,
but he was a computer-science grad student, not a philosophy grad
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I believe this to have been a worthwhile course, both for me and-more
importantly-for the students. It gave many of the computer science ma-
jors the option to think about many issues that they either hadn't thought
of before or had thought about but had no venue for discussing. It also
gave them an opportunity to (learn how to) think critically, and to find
out what philosophy could be like. The philosophy majors, in addition,
had the opportunity to learn somethings about computers,computing, and
computer sciencethat they probably would not have come acrossin more
traditional philosophy courses, as well as the opportunity to apply some
of their philosophical skills and knowledge to a different domain.
I am grateful to my studentsDima Dligach and Albert Goldfain, to my colleagues Peter D.
Scott and Stuart C. Shapiro, and to an anonymous reviewer for comments on earlier drafts.
1. In particular, CD5650, Swedish National Course on Philosophy of Computer
Science, at Miilardalen University (Sweden), coordinated by Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic
(; Selected Topics in the Philosophy
of Computer Science, at Tel Aviv University (Israel), taught by Eli Dresner (http://www.; and PHI 3 I 9, Philosophy of Computing, at Ari-
zona State University, taught by Bernard W. Kobes (
2. I am grateful to Timothy Colburn, Randall R. Dipert, Eli Dresner, James H. Fetzer,
Luciano Floridi, Bipin Indurkhya, James Moor, Robert Stainton, and Chris Viger for (e-
mail) discussions on the questions that such a course might focus on.
3. The home page for the course, with links to the complete syllabus, assignments,
and other course web pages, is at and
archived as Rapaport 2005b.
4. Pointers to these and other sources are at my course Web page "What is Philosophy
of Computer Science?" (http: //
5. This claim is based on a not unreasonable assumption that computer-science
students tend to be "Dualists" who see (and fear?) philosophy as being a "Multiplistic"
discipline. These are terms from William Perry's (1970, 1981) "scheme" of intellectual
and ethical development. For a quick online glimpse of Perry's views, see my website,
"William Perry's Scheme of Intellectual and Ethical Development" (http://www.cse -rapaport/perry. positions.htrnl).
Roughly, "Dualists" believe that all questions have correct answers and that the
student's job is to learn these answers, whereas "Multiplists" believe that most ques-
tions have no known answers and, consequently, that everyone's opinion is equally
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