Past Simple and Present Perfect Irregular Verbs Exercises

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Past simple and present perfect irregular verbs exercises pdf

Index of contents Video: present perfect This worksheet demands students rewrite the sentences with the proper verb form and grammatical structure for the appropriate tense (Past Simple or Present Perfect). The students should already have been taught the verb forms and the two grammatical tenses, this worksheet serves as extra
practice to help with memorization. Home > English grammar and vocabulary exercises > Intermediate exercises (1) > English grammar practice exercise, for pre-intermediate and intermediate level In this exercise you will practise using the past simple and present perfect tenses. Exercise instructions Use the words in brackets to put
each of the following into either the past simple or present perfect: positive negative question I / you /he / she / it /we / theyarrived. I / you /he / she / it /we / they didn’t arrive. DidI / you / he / she / it /we / theyarrive? I / you / we / they have gone. I / you / we / they haven’t gone. Have I / you / we / theygone? he / she / it has gone. he / she / it
hasn’t gone. Has he / she / itgone? I was work in London. I worked in London. In positive sentences, a helping verb such as was or did is not used. He worked in London? Did he work in London? The helping verb did is used in past simple questions. Worked he in London? Did he work in London? The helping verb did is used in past
simple questions. Did he wrote a letter? Did he write a letter? The main verb is used in the infinitive form in questions and negatives. He didn't wrote a letter. He didn't write a letter. The main verb is used in the infinitive form in questions and negatives. He writed a letter. He wrote a letter. Some verbs are irregular. Not all verbs end in -ed in
the past simple form. I worked every day this week. I have worked every day this week. We use the present perfect (have worked) when we speak about an unfinished time period (this week, this year, etc). Steven has wrote a new book. Steven has written a new book. We use the past participle of the verb – written is the past participle,
wrote is the past simple. Did you have seen him before? Have you seen him before? The helping verb have is used in the present perfect and it is inverted with the person (you have becomes have you). I didn't have seen him before. I haven't seen him before. The helping verb have is used in the present perfect – to make it negative we
simply add not (n't). I am here since last week. I have been here since last week. The present perfect is used to show an action which continues to the present (an unfinished action). I've been knowing him for 5 years. I've known him for 5 years. Verbs such as know, want, like, etc. (called stative verbs) suggest permanent states, not
actions, so are used in the simple form, NOT the -ing form. English grammar practice exercise, for pre-intermediate and intermediate level In this exercise you will practise using the past simple and present perfect tenses. Exercise instructions Use the words in brackets to put each of the following into either the past simple or present
perfect: positive negative question I / you /he / she / it /we / theyarrived. I / you /he / she / it /we / they didn’t arrive. DidI / you / he / she / it /we / theyarrive? I / you / we / they have gone. I / you / we / they haven’t gone. Have I / you / we / theygone? he / she / it has gone. he / she / it hasn’t gone. Has he / she / itgone? I was work in London. I
worked in London. In positive sentences, a helping verb such as was or did is not used. He worked in London? Did he work in London? The helping verb did is used in past simple questions. Worked he in London? Did he work in London? The helping verb did is used in past simple questions. Did he wrote a letter? Did he write a letter?
The main verb is used in the infinitive form in questions and negatives. He didn't wrote a letter. He didn't write a letter. The main verb is used in the infinitive form in questions and negatives. He writed a letter. He wrote a letter. Some verbs are irregular. Not all verbs end in -ed in the past simple form. I worked every day this week. I have
worked every day this week. We use the present perfect (have worked) when we speak about an unfinished time period (this week, this year, etc). Steven has wrote a new book. Steven has written a new book. We use the past participle of the verb – written is the past participle, wrote is the past simple. Did you have seen him before?
Have you seen him before? The helping verb have is used in the present perfect and it is inverted with the person (you have becomes have you). I didn't have seen him before. I haven't seen him before. The helping verb have is used in the present perfect – to make it negative we simply add not (n't). I am here since last week. I have
been here since last week. The present perfect is used to show an action which continues to the present (an unfinished action). I've been knowing him for 5 years. I've known him for 5 years. Verbs such as know, want, like, etc. (called stative verbs) suggest permanent states, not actions, so are used in the simple form, NOT the -ing form.
› Cram Up › Grammar › Simple Past, Present Perfect See also explanations on Simple Past and Present Perfect Simple Use In British English, the use of Simple Past and Present Perfect is quite strict. As soon as a time expression in the past is given, you have to use Simple Past. If there are no signal words, you must decide if we just
talk about an action in the past or if its consequence in the present is important. Note that the following explanations and exercises refer to British English only. In American English, you can normally use Simple Past instead of Present Perfect. We cannot accept this in our exercises, however, as this would lead to confusions amongst
those who have to learn the differences. Certain time in the past or just / already / yet? Do you want to express that an action happened at a certain time in the past (even if it was just a few seconds ago) or that an action has just / already / not yet happened? Certain event in the past or how often so far? Do you want to express when a
certain action took place or whether / how often an action has happened till now? Emphasis on action or result? Do you just want to express what happened in the past? Or do you want to emphasise the result (a past action's consequence in the present)? Signal Words Exercises on Simple Past and Present Perfect Simple Tests on
Simple Past and Present Perfect Simple Exercise 1: READ the text and complete the questions below by dragging the words to make questions in the Past Simple or Present Perfect Tense Hi. I’m Mark Swain. I’m an English teacher and I live in London. I started teaching many, many years ago, in 1980. I came to London in 1991 to find
a job and I’m still here! I got married in 2005 to my wife, Jane. I first met Jane in 1998. In 2005, we found a small apartment in the centre of London. We were very happy and lived there for 5 years. But, as our family grew bigger and bigger, we moved to a larger house outside the centre of London 10 years ago. We have 3 children,
Luke (17), Liam (15) and Leona (12). Exercise 2: True or False Exercise Are these sentences CORRECT or INCORRECT? If the sentence is correct, click TRUE. If the sentence is incorrect, click FALSE. Click on the Check button after every answer to check if your answer is correct or incorrect. More Exercises at B1 / Intermediate
Level: Present Perfect or Past Simple (50 questions & answers): Multiple Choice Exercise Multiple Choice Exercise: Present Perfect or Past Simple Multiple Choice Exercise: Mixed Time Words with the Present Perfect and Past Simple Multiple Choice Exercise: For / Since / Ago Learn the Grammar & Rules: Grammar Rules and Form of
the Present Perfect in English. Time Words for the Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses Difference Between Since, For & Ago Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses, then click the "Check" button to check your answers. Learn English at! Here's the first exercise about
irregular verbs. It's to practise the past simple. You can also review the list of irregular verbs on this page or download the list in PDF here. Finally, click here to download this exercise in PDF with answers. More irregular verbs exercises: Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Need more practice? Get more Perfect English Grammar with our
courses. Go to the main irregular verbs exercise page here. Choose the past simple or the present perfect. Click here to review how to make the past simple. Click here to review how to make the present perfect. Click here to return to the list of English grammar exercises. Download this exercise in PDF. Need more practice? Get more
Perfect English Grammar with our courses.

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