Measurement: Nenad Markovic, Slobodan Bjelic, Filip Markovic, Marko Markovic, Srdjan Jovic

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Measurement 169 (2021) 108344

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Theoretical method for determination of the impact of parasitic torques

from the equivalent scheme of induction machines fed by PWM inverter
Nenad Markovic a, Slobodan Bjelic b, Filip Markovic b, Marko Markovic c, Srdjan Jovic b, *
Higher Technical Professional School in Urosevac, of November, 38218 Leposavic, Serbia
Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Pristina, Kneza Milosa 7, 38220 K. Mitrovica, Serbia
Faculty of Business Valjevo, University Singidunum, Serbia


Keywords: This paper presents a theoretical method for determining the impact of parasitic induction torques analyzing the
Induction machine quantities and parameters of equivalent schemes of induction machines fed by PWM inverter. Tested are three-
PWM inverters pased and one-phase induction machines of different parameter and power types. For the fundamental values of
power supply from PWM invertor and for important parameters of tested induction machines, comparation of
Software packages MATLAB
results has been made, of simulation of electrical (stator and rotor current) and mechanical sizes (number of
rotation and parasitic torque) of equivalent schemes of induction machines with squirrel cage and wound (phase)
rotor are adopted. Theoretic model contains a correction factor, defined as relation of supply power and electro-
engine force of induction machine when the rotor is stable. Comparing the real values of resistance parameters of
induction machines and values obtained, taking into account a correction factor, certain discrepancies could be
observed between values calculated by equivalent T and Г scheme for both groups of machines which do not
exceed a value of 5%. Obtained formulas calculated according to equivalent Г schemes could be used for
determination of short circuited currents. They are also used for analysis of properties of electric motors, usually
for determination of currents that electric motors in the case of short circuits inject into electric network, as well
as for the calculation of operating, mechanical and electrical characteristics of induction machines. Adapted
simulation in the software package Matlab-Simulink in the sub-program psbupwm.mdl, replaced missing labo­
ratory equipment, which has been used to perofm comparing of results of matematical method of such a system.

dealing with electric machines [1,2]. One of the pioneers in applying it

were Boльдeк and Кyлик who, in their papers, mostly discuss theoretic
1. Introduction and theoretical approach
and analytical models of induction machines. However, relations
derived in the papers [1–5] are not applicable since there are contra­
Induction torque of the machine creates fundamental harmonic of
dictions related to equivalent schemes and often is not indicated where
rotating field. Higher spatial and temporal harmonics of magnetic
they can be applied. Therefore, the finding of a method for determina­
excitation forces of the stator windings create rotating field resulting in
tion of electrical and mechanical parameters of the equivalent schemes
emerging of electromotive forces. The result of interaction of these
for some specific analyses is very topical.
currents and fields created by these currents are parasitic induction
Determination of electrical and mechanical parameters of the
torques. In three-phase induction machine, parasitic torques created by
equivalent scheme will be considered for two types of induction ma­
the fifth and the seventh harmonic of rotating field have the greatest
chines: squirrel cage rotor and wound rotor. In the reference [1] nominal
value, and in single-phase machines it is the case with torques created by
values of quantities for both types of induction machines are obtained
the third harmonic [1,2].
using the method for electromagnetics through the procedure of pro­
For analysis of the transient processes of induction machines and
jection of induction machines. For calculation of short circuited currents
impact of the squirrel-cag currents on the operation of the electric
it is sufficient to use equivalent impedances Г of the induction machine
network it is necessary to know the parameters of active and reactive
schemes in nominal operation regime in initial torque of the machine
resistances in equivalent schemes. Methods for determination of pa­
drive, which will be determined according to the derived formulas in
rameters in the equivalent schemes are described in many papers

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S. Jovic).
Received 10 September 2019; Received in revised form 20 July 2020; Accepted 7 August 2020
Available online 14 August 2020
0263-2241/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Markovic et al. Measurement 169 (2021) 108344


Mmax maximal torque

Mn nominal torque
R0 active resistance of magnetic circuit
R1 active rotor resistance
R2 = R2 /s active rotor resistance reduced to stator side by sliding

R2 active rotor resistance reduced to stator

s sliding
sk critical sliding
T equivalent scheme
X0 reactance of magnetic circuit
X1 inductive rotor resistance
X2 inductive stator resistance
X2 inductive rotor resistance reduced to stator

Г equivalent scheme
γ phase position between the vector of electro motor force
E1 and power V1
σ1 correction factor Fig. 1. a) T-equivalent scheme b) accurate Г scheme of induction ma­
chine [1,2].

practically have no impact on mean value of electromagnetic torque and

this paper [1,3]. often are neglected. However, higher harmonics of fluxes and currents of
In their papers, Åström, Hägglund and Vas, suggest vector work different order, due to interaction of rotating field and currents, create
control of induction machines with help of checked simulation method parasitic torques whose amplitudes can reach significant values [14,15].
in program package of MATLAB-Simulink [6–8]. Vector work control is The torque in the induction machine creates basic harmonic of
based on the model of referent adaptive system *MRAS*, genetic algo­ rotating magnetic field. Higher spatial and time harmonics of magnetic
rithm and PI speed regulator, and his work represents optimization of excitation forces of the stator winding, create a rotating field that in­
genetic algorithm. duces electromotive forces due to which currents will flow through the
Iordache [9] and others establish their simulation on transmitting rotor winding. These rotor currents and their magnetic fields produce
condition of inducting machine that has changeable values of resistance parasitic torques in the induction machine. The principle of creating
parameters, depending on the impact of electric sliding. parasitic torques is practically the same as the principle of generating
Computer simulation today, represents one of the leading methods the torques when basic harmonic of the rotor current and the rotating
for resolving, description, understanding and analyze of the dynamic field is produced. If the rotor rotates in the same direction as the vector
systems within electric machines. of magnetic induction of the rotating field of that harmonic, but, at a
The basic need for simulation consists the following: lower angular velocity than the rotating field, the torque has the char­
acter of motor torque and direction that coincides with the direction of
– experiment with realistic system is expensive or impossible, rotation of that harmonic, as Markovic and the others concluded in their
– analytic model has no analytic solution, paper [16].
– the system can be too complex to be described as analytical (for Kumar and others [17] in their paper also deal with analyzes of size
example with the system of differential equations). and parameters of equivalent schemes of induction machines, where
they suggest the technique that is based on multifunctional genetic al­
Advantages of the simulation modeling during resolving concrete gorithms used to minimize the error between actual data and data ob­
problems are: tained by an equivalent circuit. For the analysis, they used ready-made
parameters from the plates of induction machines, as was done in this
- it is possible to describe and resolve complex dynamic problems, paper, where the validity of the parameters of induction machines was
- conditions of experimenting are under full control, unlike experi­ successfully confirmed by simulation.
ments with real machine where it is impossible to impact on dynamic In the referent literature, different possibilities of speed estimation
of induction machine, and motor torque are presented. Generally, we can divide them in two
- mark and analyze of work are easier with work animation of the major groups: first, one scheme of the open loop [18] and other scheme
model. of the closed loop [19,20]. In works [18] and [19,20] equivalent
schemes for stable analyze of induction machines were given, where
Disadvantages of simulation modeling are: suggested model, useful for getting the current from the stator and rotor,
of the power and torque.
- model development is long and expensive, In that sense, quoting and adaptation of existing checked simulation
- mark of the model is complex and requires additional researches. models, established in this paper as well, represent one of better solu­
tions. The goal of simulation represents getting of relevant data on dy­
Models of three-phase induction machines in “Park’s coordinate namic behavior of induction machines in transmission processes and
system” are also known and very common in the literature [10–12]. impact of harmonics on speed of rotor as well as appearance of parasitic
When forming the model of the transient process, the idea is advocated torque.
that the induction machine can be presented as an active load, which
significantly simplifies the entire simulation procedure [13].
Higher harmonics of voltage at the exit of static transducers

N. Markovic et al. Measurement 169 (2021) 108344

2. Determination of an expression for parasitic torque from the ( ′ )

′ ′

equivalent schemes of the induction Machines s⋅E2 = s⋅ − R0 I1 − jX0 I1 − R0 I2 − jX0 I2 ,

while at locked rotor is equal to:

In the available literature [21–23], no adequate or simple method to
determine important parameters or induction machines hasn’t been

R2 ′
′ ′ ′ ′
0 = − R0 I1 − jX0 I1 − R0 I2 − jX0 I2 − I − jX2 I2 .
spotted, which could be spotted in some special areas, such as area of s 2
protective technique. For analyze of transient processes, where the In equation (12) rotor quantities are derived to stator side. Analo­
mostly determined values of stator and rotor current, as well as electro- gously to equivalent schemes for transformers, in equivalent magne­
magnetic torque in literature [16,24–26] two types of equivalent tizing circuits of induction machine are incorporated parameters of
schemes are available, presented on Fig. 1.a,b. Mathematical model of active resistance, R0 that includes losses in magnetic circuit and reac­
three-phase induction machine within the time domain, which also tance of magnetic circuit X0 .
presents mechanical equation of rotation, i.e. relation for determination When considering the transient processes and determining the cur­
of parasitic torque which almost does not exists in references [22,27]. rents of short circuits, the so-called Г equivalent scheme is used, where a
Therefore, in this paper, based on known procedures that apply for branch that presents parameters of the magnetic circuit, resistance R0
establishment of equivalent schemes of induction machines, the re­ and reactance X0 connected directly to network voltage V1 , Fig. 1.b. In
lations related to dominant harmonic are determined, and validity of synchronous speed of the rotor rotation s = 0, Rs2 →∞⇒I2 = 0, all ele­

obtained results is verified by simulation. Due to limited scope of this

ments of the equation (12) on the side of the stator are equal to zero.
paper, relations that refer to higher harmonics, above dominant shall be
With the impact of resistance R0 that refers to losses in the magne­
presented in a future paper.
tizing branch and condition I1 = I0 we obtain:
Both schemes in Fig. 1 include parameters and quantities of the
stator, rotor and fictive load of machine at the ends of the rotor winding V1 = [(R1 + jX1 ) + (R0 + jX0 ) ]⋅I0 (13)
(if the rotor is squirrel cage, the value of the impedance of such resis­
Correction factor σ1 is defined as relation of the network voltage and
tance is equal to zero). R1 is active rotor resistance, R2 =R2 /s is active

electromotive force of induction machine in case that its rotor rotates in

rotor resistance reduced to stator side by sliding, X1 and X2 are inductive synchronous speed when sliding is s = 0:
resistances, while R2 and X2 denote active and inductive resistances of
′ ′

the rotor, respectively, reduced to stator that are, in fact, reduced to the V1 R1 + jX1
σ1 = =1+ =
stator side. E1 R0 + jX0
Because of the different frequencies of the stator and rotor and R1 R0 + X1 X0 R1 X0 − X1 R0
impact of sliding, in equivalent schemes, reduced active resistance of the =1+ − j .
R20 + X02 R20 + X02
rotor to stator side is R2 /s. Variable resistance of fictive load Rr 1−s s can
′ ′

Correction factor σ 1 can be presented in exponential and trigono­

also be included into scheme in Fig. 1.b, to simulate operation condi­
metric form:
tions with sliding s. Scheme in Fig. 1.b is obtained from the condition of
equality of m − phase magnetic excitation forces of the stator and rotor at σ 1 = |σ 1 |e− jγ
= |σ 1 |⋅(cosγ − jsinγ) (15)
locked rotor.
Following equations correspond to T equivalent scheme: The imaginary part of complex value of correction factor σ 1 usually
has negative value, and therefore, the minus sign was introduced in the
(1) exponent of equation (15). Due to all this, the argument is:
′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
0 = E2 s − Z2 I2 ⇒0 = E2 s − R2 I2 − jX2 sI2 .
R1 X0 − X1 R0
γ = arctg ≈
- For stator: R20 + X02 + R1 X0 + X1 X0
V1 = R1 I1 + jX1 I1 − E1 , (2) R1 X0 − X1 R0
≈ arctg .
X0 (X0 + X1 )
E1 = (R0 + jX0 )I0 , (3)
Argument γ represents phase position between the vector of elec­
R2 ′
′ tromotive force E1 and voltage V1 and is conditioned by the impact of
(4) active resistance R1 at synchronous speed of rotor rotation. Due to
′ ′ ′
0 = E2 − I − jX2 I2 .
s 2
relatively low value it may be considered that γ ≈ I0VR11 . Since the argu­
ment γ is very low value with sufficient accuracy, correction factor σ 1 is
- For rotor, when values and parameter are derived to stator:
determined by approximate expression:
′ ′ ′ ′ ′
0 = E2 s − R2 I2 − jX2 sI2 , R1 R0 + X1 X0 X1 ωL1 L1
σ1 ≈ 1 + ≈ 1+ ≈ 1+ ≈ 1+ (17)
R20 + X02 X0 ωL0 L0
′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′
0 = E2 s − Z2 I2 ⇒0 = E2 s − R2 I2 − jX2 sI2 .
This means that in practical cases the impact of active resistance is
The final voltage equation (4) for stator and current equation that is neglected (R1 , R0 ) ≈ 0.
obtained on the basis of Fig. 1.a is: From the equivalent scheme on Fig. 1.a follows:

R2 ′
(7) V1 − I1 (R1 + jX1 ) V1 R1 + jX1
′ ′ ′
0 = E2 − I − jX2 I2 ,
s 2 I0 = = − I1 , (18)
R0 + jX0 R0 + jX0 R0 + jX0


I1 = I0 − I2 . ′
V1 I

V1 I
I1 = − 2 = = − 2. (19)
Electromotive force of the rotor derived to stator is equal to: σ 1 [R0 + jX0 ] σ1 (R1 + jX1 ) + (R0 + jX0 ) σ 1
( ′ )

E2 = − (R0 + jX0 )⋅I0 = − (R0 + jX0 )⋅ I1 + I2 , (9) Current I00 in equivalent Г scheme of induction machine is:

E2 = − R0 I1 − jX0 I1 − R0 I2 − jX0 I2 ,
′ ′
(10) I00 = . (20)
(R1 + jX1 ) + (R0 + jX0 )
From equivalent Г scheme, Fig. 1.a, it is clear that the value of the

N. Markovic et al. Measurement 169 (2021) 108344

Fig. 2. Adapted model for simulation of induction machines operation in the software package Matlab-Simulink in sub-program psbupwm.mdl.

current I00 corresponds to the current of stator winding at synchronous Mn = 0.9 − 1.4 [5]. Sliding sk at maximum torque is called critical and its
speed of rotor rotation when the sliding is s = 0 and therefore such value determines as:
current is called the current of synchronous rotation [3]. The final
expression for stator current in equivalent Г scheme of the machine is: n = ns (1 − s) = (1 − s) (25)
V1 V1
I1 = + ( ), (21) ′
(R1 + jX1 ) + (R0 + jX0 ) dM σ 1 R2
σ 1 Rk + jXk + R′2 1−s s = 0 ⇔ sk = ±√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ (26)
ds R2 + X 21 k

where Critical sliding sk is got per definition of electromagnetic torque, i.e.

′ ) when from torque equation (23) and (24) their first excerpt is equal to
Zk ′′ = Rk ′′ + Xk ′′, Rk ′′ = σ1 (Rk ) = σ1 R1 + σ 1 2 , zero.
For induction machines of greater power is R1 << Xk2 , and the value
( ′ ) for R1 can be neglected. Then:
Xk ′′ = σ 1 (Xk ) = σ 1 X1 + σ 1 X2

If σ 1 = 1, equation (22) presents the expression for stator current in

σ 1 R2
sk = ± (27)
equivalent T scheme of the machine: Xk

V1 V1 Next it can be determined and corrected the approximate maximum

I1 = + ′ . (22) value of the electromagnetic torque:
(R1 + jX1 ) + (R0 + jX0 ) R + jX + R2 + jX ′
1 1 s 2 ′
m1 V12 s2
According to equations that correspond to equivalent Г scheme is M= ( √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ) (28)
possible to perform correction of relation for electromagnetic torque, 2ω1 σ1 ± R1 + R21 + X 2k
which is calculated according to electromagnetic power of reduced rotor
winding: In the last equations sign (+) refers to operation of induction ma­
chines in motor regime (as motor or brake) as engines or brake and sign
→′ →′ ) (− ) refers to operation of the induction machine in generator regime.
( E 2, I 2 ′
m 1 I2 ′ ( →′ →′ ) m ( ′ ) R′
Because of these signs the values of maximum torque in the operation
′ ′ 1 2 2
M = m1 E2 I2 cos ∠ == E2 cos ∠ E 2 , I 2 = I ,
ω1 ω1 ω1 2 s
regime of the induction machine when it operates as an engine or
generator are not equal. The ratio of induction machine maximal torque
( →′ ′ ) and nominal torque determines the ability of its load and for machines
since E2 cos ∠ E 2 , I˙2 = I2 R2 /s.
′ ′ ′

with squirrel cage rotor such value is Mmax /Mn = 1, 8 − 2, 5 [5].

When the rotor is static s = 1 (initial-starting torque), the value of the
torque is:
3. Adapted model in matlab-simulink for determination of
induction machines parameters

m1 V 2 R
Mp = ( 2 1 2 2 ) (24)
ω1 Rk + Xk
Obtained mathematical relations (1–28) show functional abilities of
The value of the torque for machines with squirrel cage rotor is Mp / methods for calculation analyze of operational, electric and mechanical

N. Markovic et al. Measurement 169 (2021) 108344

Table 1
Calculated values of correction FACTOR (equations (17)) on the basis of adopted real values of induction machines with squirrel cage and wound.
Mechanical protection: IP 54 Voltage: 400 V, 50 HzStator coupling Y Correction

Machine Pn Mn nn J η cosϕ IN M1 /MN I1 /IN R1 L1 R2 L2 Lm , L0 σ1

− 1 2
kW Nm min kgm % A Ω H Ω H H
3 3 3
1. ZK 132 7.5 25 2860 0.013 84.0 0.90 14.3 3.7 8.5 0.6 2*4.14∙10− 0.53 4.14∙10− 168.8∙10− 1.049
S-2 [28]
3 3
2. ZK 160 15 99.5 1440 0.073 88.0 0.82 30 3.0 6.8 0.342 2*2.75∙10− 0.217 2.75∙10− 112.4 1.049
L-4 [28] ∙10− 3
− 3 − 3 3
3. Phase 16 213 718 0.075 82.5 0.86 16.3 3.0 6.8 0.26 2*1.15∙10 0.278 2.05∙10 86.3 ∙10− 1.027
400 V
3 3 3
Phase rotor 3*0.736 12 1440 0.089 96.7 0.92 4.34 3.0 6.8 0.435 2*2.05∙10− 0.816 2.05∙10− 69.31∙10− 1.059
Model in
*220 V

machines. In the scheme of Fig. 2 adapted model for work simulation of

Table 2
induction machines has been presented.
The examples of induction machines selected for simulation in software package
Table 1 shows the fundamental values of quantities and parameters
of 2nd class tested induction machines type “Sever”-Subotica the Re­
Parameters with no correction Existing mode public of Serbia of and with their help are calculated input parameter
σ1 = 1, SC rotor σ1 = 1, SC rotor σ1 = 1, Phase σ1 = 1, Phase rotor, data, needed for simulation in program package of MATLAB-Simulink in
1. ZK 132 S-2 [28] 2. ZK 160 L-4 rotor, 220 V sub-program psbupwm.mdl. Based on these data, simulation has been
[28] 3. Model 400 V Model in MATLAB
realized and answers received for stator and rotor current, reverse speed
and parasitic torque with squirrel cage and wound (phase) rotor [28].
Induction Induction Induction Induction Machine Based on equation (17) the values of correction factor σ1 are calculated,
Machine Machine Machine X1 = [3*746, 220, which served us as a base for simulation.
X1 = [3*2500, X1 = [3*5000, X1 = [3*5333, 50]
400, 50] 400, 50] 400, 50] X2 = [0,435
Developed method of parasitic torque of the induction machine is
X2 = [0,60 X2 = [0,342 X2 = [0,26 2*2.0e-3] tested in adapted sub-program psbupwm.mdl of program package
2*4.14e-3] 2*2.75e-3] 2*1.15e-3] X3 = [0,816 2.0e-3] MATLAB, on examples of machines which parameters are given in
X3 = [0,53 X3 = [0,217 X3 = [0,278 X4 = 69,31e-3 Table 2. Table 2 contains comparative data, condisering or not, the
4.14e-3] 2.75e-3] 2.05e-3] X5 = [0.089 0 2]
correction factor σ 1 that was used for simulation. Block parameters of
X4 = 168,8e-3 X4 = 112,4e-3 X4 = 86,3e-3 X6 = [1.0 0,0,0
X5 = [0.013 X5 = [0.073 0 2] X5 = [0.075 0 2] 0,0,0] induction machine (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6) in Table 2 represents:
0 1] X6 = [1.0 0,0,0 X6 = [1.0 0,0,0
X6 = [1.0 0,0,0 0,0,0] 0,0,0] X1 Nominal Power, L − L voltage, frequency,
0,0,0] X2 Stator [Rs (Ω) Ls (H)]: Rs = R1 , Ls = L1 ,
Parameters with correction Existing mode
X3, Rotor [Rr (Ω) Lr (H)]: Rr = R1 , Lr = L2 ,
′ ′ ′ ′ ′
σ1 = 1.049 SC σ1 = 1.049 SC σ1 = 1.027 σ1 = 1.059 Phase
rotor rotor Phase rotor, rotor, 220 V X4, Mutual inductance Lm (H),
1. ZK 132 S-2 2. ZK 160 L-4 3. Model 400 V Model in MATLAB X5 Inertia, friction factor, pairs pole [Jkgm2, F(Nm), p()],
Induction Induction Induction Induction Machine X6 Initial conditions, details.
Machine Machine Machine X1 = [3*746, 220,
X1 = [3*2500, X1 = [3*5000, X1 = [3*5333, 50]
400, 50] 400, 50] 400, 50] X2 = [0,448
4. Simulation results and discussion
X2 = [0,615 X2 = [0,350 X2 = [0,267 2*2.06e-3]
2*4.25e-3] 2*2.819e-3] 2*1.18e-3] X3 = [0,866 Fig. 3.a shows time forms of voltage harmonics Vab (1, 3 and 5-th)
X3 = [0,557 X3 = [0,228 X3 = [0,293 2.122e-3] (rectangular impulses of the same amplitude at the exit of the static
4.35e-3] 2.889e-3] 2.162e-3] X4 = 69,31e-3
transducer, which also represent the values of fluxes in the gap of the
X4 = 168,8e-3 X4 = 112,4e-3 X4 = 86,3e-3 X5 = [0.089 0 2]
X5 = [0.013 X5 = [0.073 0 2] X5 = [0.075 0 4] X6 = [1.0 0,0,0 stator and rotor), and corresponding spectrum of harmonics of stator
0 1] X6 = [1.0 0,0,0 X6 = [1.0 0,0,0 0,0,0] and rotor current is shown in Fig. 3.b. Fig. 3.c shows time form of
X6 = [1.0 0,0,0 0,0,0] 0,0,0] parasitic torque and speeds of rotation during the run-up of the induc­
0,0,0] tion machine. The impact of parasitic torque reflects on fluctuation of
rotor angular velocity, which is also verified by simulation in the given
characteristics of induction machines fed by PWM inverter. software package Matlab-Simulink in sub-program psbupwm.mdl.
The MATLAB simulation replaced the missing laboratory equipment The resultant amplitude of the parasitic torque, which will be
which is very expensive and which the authors could not use in this confirmed by the simulation results in Matlab-Sumulink, is created by
paper. geometric sum of torques of certain harmonics that are the product of
The advantages of MATLAB are many possible simulations, and the fluxes and currents. Relations for parasitic torques of three-phase in­
results of these simulations, shapes and characteristic values of the ob­ duction machines are obtained starting from equivalent single-phase
tained stator and rotor wave diagrams, numbers of rotation and parasitic schemes of the machines, since three phase windings of the stator and
torque confirm the proposed method for determining the impact of rotor have the same phase parameters of the impedance Z (active re­
parasitic torque from equivalent schemes of induction machines. sistances and reactance) through which (if connected to symmetrical
Calculation and simulation can successfully replace expensive and un­ system of phase voltages V), flow the same values of the currents i.
predictable type tests of pre-power in laboratories on electrical Diagrams obtained by simulation of the quantities in software

N. Markovic et al. Measurement 169 (2021) 108344

Fig. 3. a) Voltage Inverter induction machines 220 V, b, c) Voltage Inverter induction machines 400 V.

Fig. 4. Simulation of electric and mechanical characteristics, Left: 7.5 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, without the impact of correction factor σ1 = 1, Right: 7.5 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz,
with the impact of correction factor σ1 = 1.049.

package Matlab-Simulink in sub-program psbupwm.mdl on Figs. 4–7 commutations in the networks or installations. On the basis of obtained
show that correction factor has the impact on quantities that describe time flows in simulation they are present in the currents of stator and
the transient process in the induction machines. That impact, indirectly rotor, and naturally in fluxes. Fluxes are created by magnetic excitation
through the change of the values of resistance parameters although forces generated from stator and rotor currents (because of the scope of
small, impact on current values both in stator and rotor and is significant this paper, fluxes have not been presented). Obtained amplitudes of
for the operation of the machine in its initial period. The presence of parasitic torques are the result of the action, that is sum of the products
higher harmonics in electric and mechanical properties is evident. of corresponding currents and fluxes.
Higher harmonics of the currents in stator are the consequence of As it could be seen from the diagram of electrical and mechanical
application of static transducers or are generated due to different characteristics, there are small differences in start-sub transient period,

N. Markovic et al. Measurement 169 (2021) 108344

Fig. 5. Simulation of electric and mechanical characteristics, Left: 15 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, without the impact of correction factor σ1 = 1, Right: 15 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz,
with the impact of correction factor σ1 = 1.049.

Fig. 6. Simulation of electric and mechanical characteristics, Left: 16 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, without the impact of correction factor σ1 = 1, Right: 16 kW, 220 V, 50 Hz,
with the impact of correction factor σ1 = 1.027.

N. Markovic et al. Measurement 169 (2021) 108344

Fig. 7. Simulation of electric and mechanical characteristics, Left: 2.2 kW, 220 V, 50 Hz, without the impact of correction factor σ1 = 1, Right: 2.2 kW, 220 V, 50 Hz,
with the impact of correction factor σ1 = 1.059.

and these are very important for relay protection and management of 5. Conclusions
induction machines, particularly if supplied from PWM invertor.
When rotation directions of rotor and vector of magnetic induction In this paper we presented the theoretical model for calculation of
are the same, and the rotation speed of the rotor is higher than the speed parasitic torques with given electric and mechanical quantities and
of the rotating field, the parasitic torques is brake in nature (induction given values of the parameters of the induction machines where the first
machine is a brake) because it is directed opposite to the direction of step is the selection of equivalent T or Г scheme according to procedure
rotation of the rotating magnetic field. If the rotor rotation is opposite to that is presented in the paper and that takes into account the impact of
the direction of rotating magnetic field, an electromagnetic braking correction factor.
mode occurs. We can conclude that formulas (1–28), are used for determination of
Based on given calculated values of correction factor in the Table 2, all parameters that are included in equivalent T or Г scheme (which is
we can conclude that through comparaison of real parameters resistance more accurate), which are shown in Fig. 1.a,b.
values of induction machines and values given, having in mind the The following result can be reported from the simulation diagram:
correction factor, we come across to deviations between values calcu­ Deviations between values calculated by equivalent T and Г scheme for
lated by equivalent T and Г scheme for both groups of machines which both groups of induction machines, with a squirrel-cage and wound
are in range of 5%. For induction machines with squirrel-cage rotor type rotor they move in the range of 5%. It can also be concluded that the
ZK, diagrams of speed are similar in form and value for both groups of greatest value have parasitic torques which in three-phase induction
equivalent schemes (T-without correction and Г-with correction), which machine create rotating fields of the fifth and seventh harmonics. The
means that in terms of speed, the chosen circuit is not of great impor­ result of joint action of fundamental, fifth and seventh harmonics is to
tance, but the choice of scheme is very important for results in terms of obtain an electromagnetic torques corresponding to a critical slip point
stator currents (with induction machines of greater powers) and rotor that moves to the left or right of the expected value in the mode without
and parasitic torque. Through analysis of correction factor impact for the impact of higher harmonics. In order to reduce negative impact of
induction machines, it is clear that according to obtained form of values higher harmonics, the magnetic excitation forces created by currents of
on diagrams, significant advantage has the choice of an equivalent these harmonics in induction machine must be completely eliminated.
scheme, type Г . If electromagnetic fields of the stator and rotor have However, by analyzing the form and values of the quantities it is
approximately equal speeds, induction machine generates synchronous possible to establish the present possible errors and discrepancies
parasitic torque and if their speeds are different (phase rotor, model in regarding the given values from the Table 1 and Table 2. This mainly
MATLAB *220 V, Fig. 7) then periodical, changeable, vibration torque refers to nominal values such as, electric: stator currents, and mechanic:
and forces appear, that create vibrations in the rotor and in other parts of rotation speed and rotor torque.
induction machine. Simulations show that such discrepancies do not depend on the
structure of the rotor (squirrel cage or wound) but they are higher for

N. Markovic et al. Measurement 169 (2021) 108344

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