Objectives, Evaluation, and The Improvement of Education: Studies in Educational Evaluation

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Studiesin EducationalEvaluation31 (2005) 102-113
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Lorin W. A n d e r s o n I

University of South Carolina, USA


For five years, froln 1995 until 2000, a group of eight educators and researchers met
twice annually in Syracuse, NY, for the purpose of revising Bloom's Taxonomy.
Based in part on the structure of educational objectives, in part on advances in
cognitive psychology, and in part on numerous other attempts to classify educational
objectives that were made since the publication of Bloom's Taxonomy, this group
produced a two-dimensional table, known simply as the Taxonomy Table. The
horizontal dimension was a modification of Bloom's Taxonomy, with verb forms
replacing the noun forms of the original category labels: Remember, Understand,
Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create. The vertical dimension consisted of four types
of knowledge: Factual Knowledge, Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge,
and Metacognitive Knowledge. The purposes of this article are to (1) describe the
major differences between the original Taxonomy and the Taxonomy Table, (2)
discuss ways in which the Taxonomy Table can be used to examine and ultimately
improve tile quality of assessment and instruction, and (3) explore how the Taxonomy
Table can be used to provide more accurate estimates of curriculum alignment and
opportunity to learn.

0191-491X/04/$ - see front matter © 2005 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.

dot: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2005.05,004
L. W. Anderson / Studies in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005)102-113 103

Objectives provide specifications for much of the information to be collected. Any

educational enterprise seeking to bring about changes in learners is duty-bound to
collect inlbrmation about the extent to which such changes have occurred.
(Wolt; 1979, p. 51)

On the surface, it seems so reasonable and so simple. You specify the changes in
learners that should result from schooling. You evaluate the extent to which the changes
have taken place. You use the results of the evaluation to improve the schooling process.
Although it is reasonable, it is not simple. Problems arise at each step along the way.
Dick Wolf was aware of all the problems. "One frequently voiced dissatisfaction
with statements of educational objectives, both general and specific, is that they fail to say
anything about the basic structure, intentions, or framework of an educational enterprise"
(Woll; 1979, p. 44) (emphasis mine). Furthermore, although a "great deal of activity goes
on under the heading of evaluation, relatively few people are trained to do such work.
There is also. alas, a widespread lack of agreement about what evaluation is and how
evaluation studies should be conducted" (p. iii) (emphasis mine). Finally, "educational
evaluation is clearly decision-oriented, It is intended to lead to better policies and
practices. If this intention is in any way lacking, evaluation probably should be dispensed
with" (p. 6) (emphasis mine).
One of the early attempts to develop a framework that was intended to promote
agreement among educators and had the potential to lead to better practices was the
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, which was designed by Benjamin Bloom and his
colleagues. 2 Ahnost a half century after its publication, the Handbook in which the
Taxonomy first appeared remains one of the most familiar educational books of all times
(Bloom (Ed.), Engelhard, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956). Educators throughout the world
can recite its six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis,
Synthesis, and Evaluation. Krathwohl (1994) has estimated that the Handbook has been
translated into twenty-one languages.
The decision to embark on a revision of such a classic text was not made easily.
Preliminary discussions of the possibility of a revision began shortly after the publication
of the volume, Bloom's Taxonon~v: A Forty-Year Retrospective, in 1994 (Anderson &
Sosniak, 1994). These informal discussions - between David Krathwohl and Lorin
Anderson - led to a decision to invite a group of educators from across the United States to
attend a two-day meeting at which the feasibility and desirability of revising the Taxonomy
was discussed. By the meeting's end, those attending were in agreement that a revision was
both needed and worth attempting.
Between 1995 and 2000 a group of educators worked on a revision of the
Taxonomy. The group included those with expertise in cognitive psychology (Richard
Mayer, Paul Pintrich, and Merle Wittrock), curriculum and instruction (Lorin Anderson,
Kate Cruikshank, and James Raths), and testing, measurement, and assessment (Peter
Airasian, David Krathwohl). Meetings were held twice a year for five years, with most o f
the writing done between meetings.
As in the case of the original work, the revision was a group effort. The results of
this effort were published as A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A
Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy (Anderson (Ed.), Krathwohl (Ed.), Airasian, Cruikshank,
104 L. W.Anderson / Studies in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005) 102-113

Mayer, Pintrich, Raths, & Wittrock, 2001). The purposes of this article are to (I) examine
the primary differences between the original Taxonomy and the revision, (2) describe how
the revised Taxonomy can be used to examine and improve assessment and instruction, and
(3) discuss how the revised Taxonomy can be used to increase our understanding of
curriculum alignment, particularly opportunity to learn.

The Original and Revised Taxonomies

As mentioned earlier, the original Taxonomy contained six major categories situated
on a single dimension. Along the dimension the categories were arranged from simple to
complex and from concrete to abstract. That is, knowledge and comprehension were
believed to be more simple and concrete than synthesis and evaluation, which were more
complex and abstract. In addition, it was assumed that the dimension represented a
cumulative hierarchy. That is, mastery of each "lower" category was a prerequisite for
achieving mastery of the next "higher" category. Finally, with the exception of
Application, each category was broken into subcategories. Comprehension, for example,
was subdivided into Translation, Interpretation, and Extrapolation.
Those engaged in revising the original Taxonomy had two major resources at their
disposal. The first was a set of 19 alternative taxonomic frameworks that had been
developed during the time period from the publication of the original Taxonomy to the time
at which the revision was published. Based on his analysis of these frameworks, David
Krathwohl divided them into two general types: unidimensional, representing a single
dimension or set of categories like the original Taxonomy (11 alternative frameworks) and
multidimensional, representing two or more dimensions or sets of categories (8 alternative
The second resource was the curricululn standards that had been adopted by
numerous states and which were intended to be used by teachers in those states to plan and
deliver instruction and to assess learning. As the various standards were examined, two
things became evident. First, standards are simply mandated objectives. That is, they are
objectives that teachers are expected to teach regardless of how important the teachers
themselves believe thena to be. Second, and more importantly, all statements o f objectives
(standards included) have a common grammatical format, namely, subject-verb-object.
The subject is the student or the learner. The object indicates the content that the student or
learner is expected to learn. The verb indicates what the student or learner is expected to
do with or to that content.
Consider the tbllowing objective: The student will use the law of supply and
demand to estimate the costs of goods and services. The subject is "the student," the verb
is "will use," and the objective is "the law of supply and demand." The final portion o f the
objective - " t o estimate the costs of goods and services"- simply indicates the purpose for
which the law of supply and demand (the object) is to be used (verb) by the student (the
subject). When the original Taxonomic categories were examined within this context, it
became apparent that, with one exception, the categories, although stated as nouns, were
intended to function as verbs. This interpretation was supported by comments made by
Bloom and his colleagues (1956) throughout the Handbook. On page 18, for example,
flaey wrote: "We are of the opinion that although the objectives and test materials and
L. W.Anderson / Studies in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005) 102-113 105

techniques may be specified in an almost unlimited number of ways, the student behaviors
involved in these objectives can be represented by a relatively small number of classes.
Therefore, this taxonomy is designed to be a classification of the student behaviors which
represent the intended outcomes of the educational process." (p. 18). Behaviors are verbs.
The lone exception was Knowledge which had a dual function. At first blush,
Knowledge is simply the lowest level of the cognitive Taxonomy. At the same time,
however, statements made by the authors of the original Taxonomy suggest that
Knowledge is different from the other categories in the Taxonomy. Consider the following

A teacher, in classi~ing the goals of a teaching unit, may find that they all fall
within the taxonomy category of recalling or remembering knowledge.
Looking at the taxonomy categories may suggest [that the teacher] could
include some goals dealing with the application of this knowledge and with the
analysis of the situations in which the knowledge is used (Bloom et al., 1956,
p. 2).

A careful reading of this excerpt suggests two important points. First, "recalling or
remembering knowledge," not knowledge p e r se, is the lowest level of Bloom's Taxonomy.
The consecutively higher levels are comprehending knowledge, applying knowledge, and
so on. This is consistent with the contention that the original Taxonomic categories were
intended to function as verbs. Second, knowledge, as used in this way, is a second
dimension, one which crosses all levels of the cognitive dimension. This need for a second
dimension is also consistent with the multidimensional frameworks that David Krathwohl

Table 1: The Taxonomy Table

The Cognitive Process Dimension

The 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
knowledge Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

Source: Anderson, Krathwohl,et al. (2001). Reprintedwith permission.
106 L. W.Anderson / Studies in Educational Evahtation 31 (2005) 102-113

As a consequence, the revised Taxonomy contains two dimensions, which can be

best represented as a table (see Table 1). The horizontal dimension, known as the
Cognitive Process Dimension, is a modification of Bloom's Taxonomy. Application,
Analysis, and Evaluation have been replaced by their verb forms. Knowledge has become
Remember; Comprehension, Understan& and Synthesis, Create. The shift from
Comprehend to Understand was based on the desire of the authors to use terminology that
was consistent with the way in which teachers talked about their work. The shift t?om
Synthesize to Create was based on general agreement that synthesis was a part of the
process of creating, with creating being superordinate. After a goodly amount of
discussion, the relative position of Evaluate and Create was changed, with Create assuming
the highest (i.e., most complex, most abstract) position on the Cognitive Process
Two final points regarding the Cognitive Process Dimension must be made before
moving on. First, although the dimension is believed to be hierarchical in that the "higher"
categories are believed to be more complex and more abstract than the "lower" ones, the
constraint of a "cumulative hierarchy" was removed. That is, fbr example, Understand is
no longer a necessary prerequisite for Apply. In fact, a student may Apply in part in order
to Understand. Second, when multiple cognitive processes are included in an objective
(e.g., Understand, Analyze), the objective is classified according to the most complex
cognitive process (e.g.. Analyze).
The vertical dimension, known as the Knowledge Dimension, consists of four
general types ol~knowledge: Factual, Conceptual, Procedural, and Metacognitive. Moving
from "content" to "types o f knowledge" permitted the development of a taxonomy that was
appropriate for all subject matters and all grade or school levels. Since content is subject-
specific, staying with "content" would have required a somewhat different Taxonomy
Table be prepared for each subject matter. Bloom, Hastings, and Madaus (1971) attempted
to address the problem of the content-cognitive process interface in their H a n d b o o k o f
Formative and Summative Evaluation o f Student Learning. The entire second half of the
handbook is devoted to eleven experts describing the modifications o f the original
Taxonomy that they believed necessary in order to conform more closely to the content and
structure of their subject matters.
Factual Knowledge consists of the terminology, details, and elements that students
must know to be acquainted with a particular subject matter. Knowing what to call
something is an example of Factual Knowledge. Conceptual Knowledge is knowledge of
classifications and categories~ principles and generalizations, and theories, models, and
structures. It is knowing the interrelationships among the basic elements within a larger
structure that enable them (the elements) to function together. Procedural Knowledge is
knowing how to make or do something. It includes methods, techniques, algorithms, and
skills. It also includes the criteria one uses to determine when to use appropriate Procedural
Knowledge. Finally, Metacognitive Knowledge is knowledge of cognition in general as
well as awareness and knowledge of one's own cognition, it includes strategic knowledge,
task knowledge, and sell-knowledge.
In combination, the verb and the object provide clues as to the proper placement of
an objective in the Taxonomy Table. Consider the objective mentioned earlier, "The
student will use the law of supply and demand to estimate the costs of goods and services."
L. W.Anderson / Studies in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005) 102-113 107

As mentioned earlier, the verb is "use." "Use" suggests Apply. The object is "the law of
supply and demand." "Laws" are "generalizations" which suggests Conceptual
Knowledge. This objective, then, is a special case of the general objective: Apply
Conceptual Knowledge.
Why is important to be able to classify and categorize objectives in terms of the
Taxonomy Table? The best answer to this question may have been given by Bloom
himself ahnost 60 years ago. A taxonomy of educational objectives

could do much to bring order out of chaos in the field of education. It could
furnish the conceptual framework around which our descriptions of
educational programs and experiences could be oriented. It could furnish a
framework lbr the development of educational theories and research. It could
furnish the scheme needed for training our teachers and for orienting them to
the varied possibilities of education (1949, p. 4).

The Taxonomy Table, Assessment, and Instruction

When Bloom came up with the idea of a taxonomy of educational objectives, he was
serving as the Associate Director of the Board of Examinations of the University of
Chicago. It is not surprising, then, that he saw the development of a taxonomy as a way of
reducing the labor of preparing annual comprehensive examination. In fact, the second
half of the original Handbook contained test items for the six taxonomic categories. Like
its predecessor, the Taxonomy Table has implications for the preparation of test items and
other assessment tasks (e.g., performance measures). In addition, however, as suggested by
Bloom in 1949, the Taxonomy Table has implications for planning instruction.

The Taxonomy Table and Assessment

As shown in Figure 1, all assessment tasks are derived from the same blueprint. The three
major components are the introductory material, the stem, and the response. As shown in
Figure 1, the introductory material can take many forms: written, pictorial, or real objects
(e.g., rocks to be classified). The stem can take the form of a question, an incomplete
statement, or a directive (e.g., "Do this." "Prove that."). Finally, the expected response can
be short or long (i.e., extended). Within the short-answer format, students may have to
supply the answer or choose one from a set of response options. Within the extended
response tbrlnat, students may have to write something or perform some action (or series of
Not all assessment tasks include all three components. In fact, the components that
are included provide clues as to the nature of the objective being assessed. Assessing
Remember Factual Knowledge objectives rarely includes introductory material. Such
material is not needed. In contrast, tasks for the purpose of assessing Apply Procedural
Knowledge quite often contain introductory material. This material provides the context
within which the procedural knowledge is to be applied and provides information needed to
apply the procedural knowledge.
108 L. W.Anderson / Studies in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005) 102-113


( 1) Written (2) Pictorial (3) Real Objects


(1) Question (2) Incomplete Statement (3) Directive


( 1) Short-Answer (2) Extended Response

* Supply (Fill in the blank) * Written

* Select (Multiple-choice, * Performance
Matching, True-False)

Note: To score short-answer tasks, you need a scoring key. To score extended response tasks, you need
criteria and an accompanying checklist, rating scale, or rubric. For short-answer tasks, the
standards are embedded in the task itself (introductory material, stem, response). For extended
response tasks, the standards are largely or completely embedded in the criteria used to evaluate the

Figure 1: The Structure of Assessment Tasks

Similarly, when short-answer responses are included in an assessment task, clues as

to the objective being assessed (e.g., Understand Conceptual K n o w l e d g e ) can be found in
the task itself (particularly the introductory material, i f it exists, and the stem). In contrast,
when an extended response is called for (as in the case o f objectives including Create as the
verb, tbr example), the clues are not in the task p e r s e . Rather, the clues are found in the
criteria used to evaluate the extended response given by the student. These criteria are
usually included on a checklist, as a set o f rating scales, or, increasingly, as a set o f rubrics.
The fact that different objectives require different approaches to assessment has
been known tbr s o m e time. Dick W o l f put it this way:

[Assessment] of learner perlbrmance - in relation to a set of objectives - is not

limited to the measurement of factual information acquired during a period of
L. W.Anderson / Studies in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005) 102-113 109

instruction. Neither is it limited to paper-mid-pencil tests . . . . Evaluation is a

continuous and comprehensive process, utilizing a variety of evidence-gathering
procedures. It is inextricably linked to the objectives and learning experiences of an
educational venture ( 1979, p. 51 ).

The Taxonomy Table encourages educators to act on this long-standing knowledge

by working together to develop and use prototypical assessment tasks for the various cells
of the table. For objectives that focus on Remembering Factual Knowledge, for example,
the prototype may take the form of a three-step procedure. First, write the factual
knowledge to be remembered as a statement. Second, transtbrm the statement into a
question about the factual knowledge. 3 Third, either have students supply the answer or
develop a set of response options which are relatively homogeneous and consistent with the
types of factual errors made by the students.
For objectives that locus on Understanding Conceptual Knowledge, the stem of a
prototype for multiple-choice items may take the following tbrm: "Which o f the following
is an example of X?" (where X can be replaced by "spider," "sonnet," "rational number",
"impressionistic painting," or any other important concept). Each question would be
lbllowed by l~bur plausible and homogeneous response options (that is, they belong to the
same general category of responses and are likely to be selected by at least some o f the
Finally, tbr objectives that focus on Applying Procedural Knowledge, a simple two-
step procedure may serve as a useful prototype. First, prepare introductory material that
describes some problem or situation. Second, write a stem that instructs students to
demonstrate the use of specific procedural knowledge to answer the question or solve the
problem embedded in the introductory material.
The three examples of prototypes given above were selected because of the
frequency with which objectives fall into these three cells of the Taxonomy Table. It must
be emphasized, however, that prototypical assessment tasks can be developed for all 24
cells. All it takes to do so is to convene groups of educators who are willing to use the
framework and spend the time necessary to develop the prototypes. One major advantage
of such prototypes is to increase the validity of the assessments tasks. A second
advantage, one consistent with Bloom's original purpose, is to increase the efficiency of the
preparation of assessment tasks.

The Taxonomy Table and Instruction

Just as different assessment tasks are required by objectives that are placed within
different cells of the Taxonomy Table, different objectives also require different
instructional approaches and techniques. Because Factual Knowledge is so plentiful (since,
lbr example, almost any sentence in a textbook can be designated as important by some
teacher), lbcusing students' attention on the most important terms and details is a crucial
element of effective instruction when Remembering Factual Knowledge is the objective.
The use o f repetition, mnemonic devices, acronyms, and songs are also effective ways of
helping students Remember Factual Knowledge.
1 l0 L.W. Anderson/Studies in EducationalEvaluation 31 (2005) 102-113

In contrast to Remember Factual Knowledge, objectives that focus on Understand

Conceptual Knowledge require the building of cognitive categories and their
interrelationships. Consequently, when possible, the defining features of the categories
(i.e.. "What makes X. X?") should be emphasized. Giving students exmnples, non-
examples, and "near" examples can be used to help students hone in on particular concepts
and differentiated them from related, yet different, concepts (e.g., tourists, migrants,
immigrants). Finally, helping students make connections between and among concepts (to
build conceptual frameworks) and using metaphors and similes to help students make
connections with what they already know and understand are important instructional
strategies when Understanding Conceptual Knowledge is the objective.
Teaching students to Apply Procedural Knowledge requires yet another set of
instructional techniques and methods. The Procedural Knowledge should be presented
visually so students can see the entire skill, method, or algorithm. Modeling the procedure
tbr students enables them to tbllow the application of each step. Giving students "worked
out examples" is a another useful instructional technique. Finally, discussing the limits of
the applicability of the Procedural Knowledge helps students see the bounds of application
and reduces the likelihood of overuse (or misapplication).
In contrast to the instruction pertaining to objectives that focus on Remember,
Understand, and Apply, instruction related to objectives including Analyze, Evaluate, and
Create is substantially different. Specifically, instruction related to these objectives
requires teachers to assume a less direct role in facilitating student learning. Suppose, for
example, the objective emphasizes evaluating. In teaching such an objective, the teacher
needs to make students aware of the criteria they should use in conducting the evaluation or
make, in fact, encourage them to come up with their own criteria. The teacher also may
need to emphasize the importance of two kinds of evaluation activities: monitoring work in
progress and critiquing the finished product. Other than that, the teacher spends most of his
or her time supervising student work and monitoring student learning, providing
constructive feedback as necessary and appropriate. If a teacher assumes too direct a role
when teaching these types of objective, he or she is likely to change the very nature of the
objectives: Suppose, for example, a teacher decides to show students how to evaluate
something (e.g., "First you do this, Then you do this," and so on). When this approach to
teaching is used, Evaluate has been transformed from a cognitive process to a type of
knowledge, specifically Procedural Knowledge. The teacher's decision may result in a
more efficient way of teaching, but what is learned is not the same as what was intended.
One of the benefits of the Taxonomy Table vis ~ vis instruction may well be its use
as an organizing fralnework for the ntunerous findings derived from research on teaching.
Rather than search ~br correlates of general student achievement, the search for correlates
of specific types of student achievement may be more beneficial. Each cell of the
Taxonomy Table represents a different type of intended student learning. Organizing the
current research in terms of the cells of the Taxonomy Table (or, alternatively, the row or
columns if the cells prove to be too specific) may provide a level of understanding of the
research which has not been possible to this point in time.
L. W.Anderson / Studies" in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005) 102-113 111

The Taxonomy Table and Curricular Alignment

A curriculum is said to be aligned when there is a strong connection among

objectives, assessment, and instruction (Anderson, 2002). Curriculum alignment is a
multi-faceted concept with opportunity to learn being a key component. While opportunity
to learn focuses primarily on the relationship between assessment and instruction,
curriculum alignment also addresses the relationship between assessment and objectives,
and between instruction and objectives.
Why should educators be concerned about curriculum alignment? At least three
answers can be given to this question. First, examining alignment enables educators to
understand the differences in the effects of schooling on student achievement, particularly
tbr certain groups of students (Winfield, 1993). Tracking or streaming often results in
curriculums that differ in terms of their academic demands, both in terms of rigor and
pacing. Students in the more demanding, rapidly paced curriculums tend to learn more
independent of the quality of instruction provided. This finding led Gamoran, Potter,
Smithson, and White (1997) to conclude that "low-achieving high school students are
capable of learning much more than is typically demanded of them. The key is to provide a
serious, meaningful curriculum" (p. 336).
Second, poor alignment results in an underestimate of the effect of instruction on
student learning. Teachers may be providing high quality instruction, but if what they are
teaching is not aligned with state or national standards, either as stated or as assessed, the
quality of their teaching will not be recognized; indeed, their teaching efforts may be
viewed as failures. Third, proper alignment is central to the success of educational
accountability programs. As Baratz-Snowden (1993) has asserted: "If students are to be
held accountable for their learning, then schools must be held accountable as well by
demonstrating that they provide students with opportunities to learn to meet the standards
that have been set" (p. 317).
What value does the Taxonomy Table have in examining and, ultimately, improving
curriculum alignment? To answer this question, it is necessary to describe the procedure
used to examine alignment within the context of the Taxonomy Table. The first step is to
place all the objectives in a given curriculum unit (or set of units) in the appropriate cells of
the Taxonomy Table. The next step is to analyze the unit assessments in terms of the
Taxonomy Table. Typically, the number and/or percent of items (for short-answer tasks)
or the number and/or weighting of the evaluation criteria (for extended response tasks) are
written into the appropriate cells. The third step is to analyze the lnajor instructional
activities and related materials in terms of the Taxonomy Table. Similar to the analysis of
the assessments, the number of and/or emphasis given to various activities are noted in the
appropriate cells.
At this point in the process, there are some cells that contain one or more objectives,
related instructional activities and materials, and appropriate assessments. This is
indicative of a high degree of alignment. There also are cells that have one or more
objectives and related instructional activities and materials, but no assessment. Similarly,
there may be cells that have instructional activities and materials and assessments, but no
objectives. These are instances of partial alignment. Finally, there may be cells with
112 L. W.Anderson / Studies in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005) 102-113

neither objectives, nor instructional activities and materials, nor assessments. These cells
indicate potential "missed opportunities" in designing and/or delivering the unit(s).
Using the Taxonomy Table to examine alignment provides at least three benefits
over more conventional approaches. First, because the Taxonomy Table requires
examining objectives in terms of both knowledge and cognitive processes, it provides a
more accurate estimate of alignment (Gamoran et al., 1997). Second, because objectives,
instruction activities and materials, and assessments are each examined in terms of the
Taxonomy Table rather than with each other, the Taxonomy Table emphasizes alignment
in terms of student learning and provides a more in-depth examination of alignment. Third,
because the Taxonomy Table is appropriate for use across subject matters and school or
grade levels, it enables educators to examine differences in alignment from one subject
matter to another or, perhaps more importantly, from one grade level to the next.

Concluding Colnments

The Taxonomy Table provides educators with a conceptual framework that

promotes shared understanding and meaningful communication. It provides a means by
which educators can develop a more complete understanding of specific objectives and use
this understanding to improve assessment, instruction, and the essential link between them.
In the introduction to his book on evaluation in education, Dick Wolf (1979)
indicated his desire to present a conceptualization of evaluation that was "comprehensive,
coherent, sensible, and practical" (p. 2). Since 2001, the author has talked and worked with
literally thousands of teachers and administrators about the revised Taxonomy. In an
increasing number of instances, these efforts have has been translated into action, with
teachers and administrators using the revised Taxonomy to plan and deliver curriculum
units in their schools. Based on this rather extensive experience, the revised Taxonomy
seems to meet all tour of the criteria that guided Dick as he wrote his book. I think he
would have liked that.


I. The author expresses his appreciation to David R. Krathwohl for his insightful comments and
constructive suggestions on an earlier version of this lnanuscript.
2. Although it came to be known as Bloom's Taxonorny, time design of the taxonomy was a group
project. Furthermore, the volume in which the Taxonomy appeared was written by five authors:
Bloom, George Engelhard, Edward Furst, Walker Hill, and David Krathwohl. Bloom was the lead
author and timeeditor of the volume.
The question must be a verbatim transformation of the statement if Remember Factual Knowledge
is being assessed. A paraphrase of the statement would result in an assessment task that assesses
Understand Factual Knowledge.


Anderson, L.W. (2002). Curricular alignment: A re-examination. Theoo, into Practice. 41,255-260.

Anderson, L.W. & Sosniak, L.O. (1994). Bloom's taxonomy: A fbrly-year retrospective. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press.
L. W.Anderson / Studies in Educational Evaluation 31 (2005) 102-113 113

Anderson, L.W. (Ed.), Krathwohl, D. R. (Ed.), Airasian, P.W., Cruikshank, K.A., Mayer, R.E.,
Pintrich, P.R., Raths, J., & Wittrock, M.C. (2001), A taxonomy/or learning, teaching, and assessing: A
revision q/'Bloom's Taxonomy qf Educational Ol?jectives. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Baratz-Snowden, .I.C. (1993). Opportunity to learn: hnplications for professional development.

.lom'tkd q/'Negro Education. 62, 31 1-323.

Bloom, B,S. (1949). A taxonomy of educational objectives: Opening remarks at a meeting of

examiners, Monticello, Illinois, November 27, 1949. In D.R. Krathwohl (Ed.), Summary report: College
and universiO, examiners (mimeographed). Champaign, Illinois: Bureau of Research and Service, College
of Education, University of Illinois.

Bloom, B.S. (Ed.). Englehard, M.D., Furst, E.J., Hill, W.H., & Krathwohl, D.R. (1956). Taxonomy
q/'educational objectives'." The classification of educational goals'. Handbook L" Cognitive domain, New
York: David McKay.

Bloom, B.S., Hastings, J.T., & Madaus, G.F. (1971). Handbook on formative and summative
evaluation of student learning. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Gamoran, A., Porter, A.C., Smithson, J., & White, P.A. (1997). Upgrading high school mathematics
instruction: Improving learning opportunities for low-achieving, low-income youth. Educational Evaluation
and Policy Analysis. 19, 325-338.

Krathwohl, D. R. (2004). Reflections on the taxonomy: Its past, present, and future. In L.W.
Anderson & L.O. Sosniak (Eds.), Bloom's Taxonomy. A Jbrty-year retrospective. Chicago: University of
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Winfield, L.F. (1993). Investigating test content and curriculum content overlap to assess
opportunity to learn..lournal qfNegro Education, 62, 288-310.

Wolf, R.M. (1979). Evaluation in education. New York: Praeger.

The A u t h o r

L O R I N W. A N D E R S O N is a C a r o l i n a Distinguished Professor o f Curriculum Studies at

the University o f South Carolina, where he has served on the faculty since 1973. He
teaches graduate courses in research design, curriculum development, and effective
teaching, and conducts research on effective programs and practices for e c o n o m i c a l l y -
disadvantaged children and youth.

Correspondence: <AndReGroup@sc.rr.com>

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