RemoteControl II v301
RemoteControl II v301
RemoteControl II v301
RemoteControl II
User Manual
November 2010
RemoteControl II User Manual
© 2010 WinCESoft
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means -
graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information
storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the publisher.
Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks
of the respective owners. The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the
author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of
information contained in this document or from the use of programs and source code that may
accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss of profit or any
other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................6
2 System Requirements........................................................................................................................7
2.1 Supported Device Classes..........................................................................................................7
2.2 Supported Operating Systems....................................................................................................8
2.3 Required Memory......................................................................................................................8
2.4 Touch Display and hardware buttons.........................................................................................8
2.5 Supported Display Sizes............................................................................................................8
2.6 Supported Processors.................................................................................................................9
2.7 Infrared / IrDA Port (optional)...................................................................................................9
2.8 CF IR Extender Cards (optional).............................................................................................10
2.9 External IR Transmitters (optional).........................................................................................11
2.10 WLAN Module (optional).....................................................................................................11
2.11 Bluetooth Module (optional)..................................................................................................11
2.12 Desktop Computer with Windows, Linux or MAC- OS (optional).......................................11
3 Program Features.............................................................................................................................12
4 Program Installation........................................................................................................................13
4.1 Installation via ActiveSync......................................................................................................13
4.2 Manual installation by a CAB- file..........................................................................................14
4.3 First Launch of RemoteControl II...........................................................................................15
4.4 Activation of the full version...................................................................................................19
4.4.1 Creation of the Key Request File “RegInfo.txt”..............................................................19
5 Program De Installation...................................................................................................................22
6 Program Menus...............................................................................................................................23
6.1 File Menu.................................................................................................................................23
6.2 Edit Menu................................................................................................................................24
6.3 Help Menu...............................................................................................................................25
6.4 Panel Selection Menu..............................................................................................................25
7 Program Settings.............................................................................................................................26
7.1 Infrared / IrDA- Port Settings..................................................................................................26
7.1.1 Setting the Infrared / IrDA port........................................................................................26
7.1.2 Setting the IR Extender....................................................................................................27
7.1.3 Infrared Signal Transmit Priority.....................................................................................27
7.2 Network Settings......................................................................................................................28
7.2.1 The network connections.................................................................................................28
7.2.2 Creating a new Network Connection...............................................................................28
7.2.3 Testing a Network Connection.........................................................................................29 Ping Test...................................................................................................................29 HTTP Request Test...................................................................................................29
7.3 Display Settings.......................................................................................................................30
7.4 Time Format Settings...............................................................................................................31
7.5 Quick Help Settings.................................................................................................................31
7.6 Miscellaneous Settings............................................................................................................32
7.6.1 Auto Display Off..............................................................................................................32
7.6.2 Auto Power Off................................................................................................................32
7.6.3 Audio Settings..................................................................................................................33
7.6.4 Enable Edit Password.......................................................................................................33
1 Introduction
RemoteControl II turns your mobile device into a configurable universal network and infrared touch
screen remote control for your home automation and entertainment system.
RC-II was created for mobile devices like PocketPCs / PDAs, Smart Phones, PNAs, Handheld PCs,
and Web Tablets and allows the creation of a individual touch screen interface page for each
controllable device with the included page editor.
2 System Requirements
RemoteControl II was created for mobile devices which use Microsoft's operating systems
Windows CE / Pocket PC / Windows Mobile and Windows Embedded Compact.
3. Web Pads:
PDA-IR Extender
This card was available from: and eBay
• UltraMote CF Extender to increase the IR transmit angle and the range to 50feet.
UltraMote IR Extender
This card is available inclusive the UltraMote application from:
A review of this CF card can be found at:
The CF IR extender cards are presently tested and supported for these devices:
• Siemens SIMpad (Web Pad with 800x600 display)
• T- Com T-Sinus Pad (Web Pad with 800x600 display)
• DTResearch WebDT375 (Web Pad with 800x600 display)
• Sumo ST375 (Web Pad with 800x600 display)
• Escient EWP-1000 (Web Pad with 800x600 display)
• IBD Future.pad-CE (Web Pad with 800x600 display)
• DELL AXIM X5 (Pocket PC)
Many PocketPCs and Web Pads have already a CIR capable IrDA transceiver with a very good IR
transmit range included and a CF IR extender card is not required.
A list with some tested devices including their IR transmit ranges can be found in the chapter “List
of tested devices with infrared port”.
3 Program Features
With RemoteControl II you have obtained a feature rich application to control you home
entertainment and home automation system.
Some of it's unique features:
• Send commands via wireless network connections
RC-II can send HTTP- requests via WLAN, Bluetooth or USB connections to network
capable devices like Media PCs, Set Top boxes, IR transmitters and RF switches.
• Universal infrared remote control
RC-II can use the included IrDA/infrared port of your mobile device to send infrared signals
to your home equipments like TV's, DVD-/Blu-ray players with a IR transmit range of 3 to
20 meters.
• Teachable infrared remote control
RC-II can learn new IR codes directly from your existent remote controls.
New learned IR codes can be added to the IR code database.
• Configurable user interface with the included graphical layout editor.
Create for each controllable device an individual user interface.
• Support of many bitmap formats (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG) for the graphical user interface.
• Included IR database with predefined IR codes
• Support for macro functions
Create a list with IR or network commands and send this with one click.
• Commands can be assigned to the soft buttons and the hardware keys of the device
• Quick learn mode for IR codes
Simply touch any button to teach it a new IR code from your original remote control.
• Import and export of IR codes in the common Philips Pronto CCF IR hex format
• Auto power off and auto display off time configurable from 5s to endless
• Supports optionally CF IR extender cards to extend the IR transmit range
• Supports hi- resolution display mode on PocketPCs and smart phones with VGA display.
• Can call external applications including command line parameters.
E.g. Internet Explorer with a link to a EPG website.
4 Program Installation
RemoteControl II is distributed in two variants:
1. As a Windows PC- set- up application in a ZIP- archive. E.g. RemoteControl_II_v3xx.ZIP
2. As a Windows CE- CAB- file. E.g. RemoteControl_II_v3xx.CAB
Both variants can be downloaded from or from the website of the
distributor of the full version.
The CAB installation file with RemoteControl II and some sample projects will be automatically
copied by ActiveSync to your mobile device.
Click on RemoteControl_II.CAB
RC-II will start per default with the full screen mode. In this mode, the start and program menus are
not visible.
To leave the full screen mode there exist three methods:
1. By pressing the button “OK/Enter” of the
This button has per default the function “Toggle
Fullscreen” assigned.
The included sample projects are good starting points to discover the functionality of RC-II and to
create new page designs.
Step 2:
Enter you name and email address and click on the
“Next” button.
Step 3:
RC-II has now created and stored your activation
request file to “\RegInfo.txt” and “\My
Documents\RegInfo.txt” on you mobile device.
This file contains your given name, email address, the
version number of RemoteControl II and a unique
registration number.
To receive your activation key you have to send this by
an email to
For this you may use the email application of your
mobile device or copy the file RegInfo.txt via
ActiveSync or a memory card to a PC with a email
The activation key will be sent within 10 hours.
Step 4:
After receiving your activation key via email you have
to click on the button “Enter requested Activation
Key”, enter it into the text box and click on the “Next”
If you have more than one device you have to create a key request file for each.
There is no additional license purchase required. All additional keys for your personal use are free.
5 Program De Installation
To de install RemoteControl II from you mobile device, you should first exit the program and then
use the Remove Programs control panel of your mobile device. On Smartphones and PocketPCs
you can find this at: Start- Menu → Settings → System → Remove Programs:
6 Program Menus
A short description of all menu functions.
Menu: Exit
This will exit the application.
All modified panels will be saved automatically.
Menu: Fullscreen
Toggle between the full screen and visible menus mode.
Menu: Settings...
This opens the settings dialog of RemoteControl II
Here you can configure the IR-interface, network connections, display options and other program
settings. See chapter 7, “Program Settings”.
Opens the included help pages.
Displays some program informations like the version
number and the registered user.
Help Menu
7 Program Settings
IR Port Settings
Start in Fullscreen:
Per default RC-II will start in full screen mode.
In this mode, the start and program menus are not
Use Hi- Res.:
Most windows mobile devices have a QVGA
(240x320) display.
If you have a Windows Mobile device with a VGA
display (480x640), the panel graphics will be scaled per
default by a factor of two.
To use the full display resolution you can set this
In the hi resolution mode the graphics of the loaded
project will appear half the size as before.
A program restart is required to use the new display
Display Settings You can find some hi- resolution projects at
Misc. Settings
Enter a password
RC-II will ask for your password if you try open the
layout editor, IR editor of if you try to add or remove a
panel page from your project.
Select the project package and press the top right OK button.
RC-II imports the contents of the ZIP archive into its program directory.
After the import has finished you can open the new project file.
Each project package ZIP archive contains also a README.TXT file with some informations about
the included project:
This ZIP archive contains all components (IR codes, panels, buttons, macros,
bitmaps, fonts...) of a RemoteControl II project.
ProjectName: "Lion"
Display: 640x480
VersionRCII: 3.00
VersionScript: 1.2
Archived: 2009.03.25, 15:17:52
This archive contains:
Fonts: YES ( 1)
Bitmaps: YES (200)
Panels: YES ( 18)
Buttons: YES (119)
Macros: YES ( 94)
IRCodes: YES ( 8)
Network Connections: NO ( 0)
You can import this archive with the "Import Project"- function of RC II
(v3.0 or higher).
Create a new and empty project Enter the name of the new project
A new project contains no panels. You have to add new or already existing panel to the new created
The project has still no panels Add panels to the new project
See: Adding Panel Pages to a Project
Only the used objects of your active project will be
If you want to export also the unused objects you have
to add these manually to the ZIP archive.
Enter the file name of the project package and press the
OK button at top right.
The file name extension “.ZIP” will be added
Your project is saved into a ZIP file Project was successfully exported
Calling the panel list via pop up Calling the panel list via Edit →
menu Jump to Panel...
Project Editor
After creating the new panel page, we have to add this to our project.
Copy the new panel from the left ... … to the right list
With a click on the “OK” button, the new blank panel page “Sony DVD Page 1” will be loaded and
can be selected from the panel selection menu.
Select the new panel page New panel “Sony DVD Page 1”
Switch to full screen mode Full screen mode without any menus
If you tap and hold the stylus for more than two seconds on any point of the background, a pop up
menu will appear. To open the layout editor select “Edit Panel...” from the pop up menu:
Select “Edit Panel...” from the menu To close the dialog click on the “X”
The context sensitive layout editor dialog “Objects Settings” should appear.
“Context sensitive” means that the contents of the dialog will depend on the selected object.
If you click on the blue background you will see the the settings and options of the background. If
you click on a soft button or a text label you will see the settings and options of the soft button or
text label etc.
The dialog can be dragged around by holding and moving the stylus on the title bar or the
background of the dialog.
If you click on the top right “X” button, you can close the dialog and leave the layout editor.
If you are in the edit mode and tap and hold the stylus for more than two seconds onto any point of
the blue background, a pop up Menu will appear:
Paste Object:
Will add a previously copied object to the panel.
If you select a object instead of the background, “Copy
Object” is displayed instead.
Add Object:
This opens a button, bitmap and text label addition
Enables / Disables the program and system menus.
Edit Panel:
Leaves the layout editor.
Show Edit Panel:
Shows / hides the Object Settings dialog.
Jump to Panel...:
Displays a list with all panels of your project.
Pop up menu in edit mode
Object browser
Delete a Object
Button A: Bottom
Button B: Center
Button C: Top
Button A: Center
Button B: Bottom
Button C: Top
Button A: Top
Button B: Bottom
Button C: Center
To use a background color instead of a bitmap, choose from the bitmap list “_NONE_”, click on the
button “Background Color” and choose a color.
Change the RC model to RM-836 Click Yes to assign the new IR codes
Alternatively you could click on each single soft button and change the IR commands manually.
The font type, color, size and the text alignment and position offset can be modified for both button
Step 2:
Select the new added button and click on the “Edit”
button to open the button layout editor.
Step 3:
To create a new layout to the list of existing layouts
click on the “New” button.
Step 4:
Enter the name of the new button layout (e.g.
You can choose between two button types:
1. Bitmap Button:
The layout uses up to two bitmaps for the
button graphics.
2. Standard Button:
The buttons looks like the standard Windows
buttons without graphics. The size and the color
of the new button are adjustable.
Step 5:
Select the new layout from the layout list.
Select the new layout from the list New layout with default settings
Step 6:
Choose a bitmap for the two buttons states “pressed” and “released” and set the desired font
options. If you have finished the new layout leave the layout editor with the “Exit” button.
Set bitmaps and text options Final result: A new button layout
Step 3:
Set additional parameters for the selected button
For the function “Jump to panel” you have to choose
the destination panel you want to display after clicking
the assigned button.
Step 3:
RemoteControl is now waiting for a button press on
one of the device buttons.
Step 4:
Press any of the device buttons (e.g. the up arrow
RC-II will display the recognised button code.
If you have pressed the desired device button click on
the “OK” button to leave the button scanner dialog.
Step 6:
Set the optional parameters for the assigned device
button function.
Overview of which functions are callable from soft buttons, device buttons and macros:
Function Available for Available for Available for
Soft Buttons Device Buttons Macros
Call External Program yes no no
Call Macro yes yes no
Close RC II yes yes no
Hide RC II yes yes no
Jump to Panel yes yes yes
Send HTTP Request yes yes yes
Send IR Code yes yes yes
Show Battery Gauge yes no no
Show Memory Gauge yes no no
Show Panel List yes yes no
Show Time yes no no
Toggle Fullscreen yes yes no
Wait (for macros only) no no yes
Step 2:
To select the external application click on the “Browse”
This will open a file browser.
Step 3:
Enter the optionally command line for the application.
If you call the Internet Explorer you could enter a URL
to a on-line EPG service like “”,
“”, “”,
“” or similar.
Step 1:
Select the soft button to assign the button function and
select the button function “Call Macro” from the
function list.
Step 2:
Choose a predefined macro from the list of available
Click on Edit
Step 2:
Enter the name of the new macro and click on “OK”.
Step 3:
A new macro with a empty function list was created.
Click on the “Add” button to insert the desired function
calls to the macro list.
IP address incl. part of the URL path Second path of URL incl command
Please see chapter 20, “Network Application Examples” for further examples.
By editing the button layout the dimensions and the color of the capacity bar can be modified.
Changing the dimensions of the bar Batter capacity bar with new layout
The format of the time text can be changed in the settings dialog of RemoteControl II:
With a click on the button the display will toggle between the menu- and fullscreen mode:
In the upper third you can see the pulse graph of the
selected IR codes in the tree.
In the mid a editor window with the CCF IR hex code.
Here you can modify existing codes or enter new IR-
hex codes manually.
In the bottom you can see a tree with all IR codes.
The tree has the following structure:
+-Device Type 1 (e.g. VCR, DVD, TV, etc.)
| +-Device Manufacturer 1 (e.g. NEC, Kenwood, etc.)
| +-Device Model 1 (e.g. RB-D1G)
| +-IR Function 1 (e.g. “Channel Down”)
| | +-IR Code 1
| | +-IR Code 2 (Optional only for toggle codes)
| | +-Some additional infos
| +-IR Function 2 (e.g. “Channel Up”)
| +-IR Function n...
The IR Database +-Device Type n...
To add new IR codes to the IR database you have to select one of the existing device types in the
tree or add a new device type category.
Step 1:
To add a new device type category select the root of the
tree and click on the button “Add Type”.
Step 2:
RC-II will ask you for a new device type category. You
can chose one of the predefined from the list or enter a
new device type (e.g. “Video Games”).
Step 3:
To add a new device manufacturer name to the newly
created device type category select the new device type
in the tree and click on the “Add Brand” button.
Step 4:
Choose one of the predefined manufacturer names from
the list or enter a new name.
Step 5:
To add a new remote control to the manufacturer select
the newly created manufacturer in the tree and click on
the “Add RC” button.
Step 6:
Enter the name of the new remote control (e.g. “XBOX
360”) and optionally the name of the controlled device
and add the required IR functions to the right list.
You can use predefined IR code function names from
the left list or add still undefined IR codes names by
entering the name in the edit box “User defined
To get an enhanced list with uncommon function names
set the “Extended functions” check box.
It is recommended to use one of the predefined
function names instead of creating new names because
RC code sets can be exchanged easier when they all
use the same IR functions names.
If your controlled device uses a toggle IR code you
have to set the “Use toggle code” check box.
Add IR function the right list
With this option you have to learn two IR codes for
each function.
Step 7a:
In the last step you have to teach the IR code to the
added IR functions.
You can teach all functions in a single step by select the
new IR device in the tree and click on the “Learn All”
Step 7b:
...or teach each IR function step by step by selecting the
IR function from the tree and click the “Learn IR-
Code” button.
Step 8:
RC-II is now waiting for a IR signal from your original
remote control.
If no IR signal is received within 10 seconds learning
will be cancelled.
Put the IR- transmitter of your original remote control
with a distance of 15-30cm / 6-10inch from the IR-
receiver of your Windows CE device and press the
button of your original remote control until you hear a
beep noise from RC-II.
If you have clicked on the “Learn All” button, RC-II
will automatically ask for the next IR code until all
codes of the new device are learned.
Step 9:
In the last step you can verify and test the learned code
by selecting the code in the tree and click on the “Send
IR-Code“ button.
Here you can also verify and edit the IR code manually
if you find any drop outs in the signal.
The red part of a signal is the looped signal, the green
part a single shot signal.
There exist also IR codes which start with a single
sequence and end with a looped sequence.
The looped sequence will be repeated until the soft or
device button is released.
If the signal of the original remote control has to much
drop outs, RC-II can't automatically detect the looped
area of the IR signal.
Test the code with “Send IR-Code” If your mobile device behaves sluggish or freezes while
sending a IR signal, the IR code may be very long (>3s). Try to relearn this IR code again or make
only very short button presses on your original remote control while learning.
If the desired IR code is not available as plain text but included in a Pronto CCF file you can extract
the hex codes with the Phillips ProntoEdit layout editor or with this tool: from
19 Designing Layouts on a PC
If you don't want to edit the layouts on your Pocket PC or Smart Phone you can install and use
Microsoft's Windows CE emulator or the free remote window application “MyMobiler” on your PC
and use a mouse instead of a stylus.
RemoteControl II running in the 800x480 emulator and the MyMobiler remote window
I recommend enabling the shared folder option of the emulator and install RC-II into this folder.
20.1 EventGhost
A media PC can be controlled by using tools like EventGhost.
EventGhost is an advanced, easy to use and extensible automation tool for MS
Windows. It can use different input devices like infrared or wireless remote
controls to trigger macros, that on their part control a computer and its
attached hardware. So it can be used to control a Media-PC with a normal
consumer remote.
EventGhost is free open source software and can be downloaded from
To control your PC by a WLAN or BT connection enable the webserver plugin of EventGhost:
To send events to EventGhost you have to create a network connection to your PC.
If your PC has the IP address “” you have to create the network connection (e.g.
“EventGhost”) with this IP address:
Leave the panel editor and click on the soft button to send the new created HTTP request
“VolumeUp” to EventGhost.
Event Ghost should display the received event in the log window at the left side:
Now you can connect this event to any EventGhost action or macro like “Change Master Volume by
Please read the EventGhost manual for further information.
You can also define auto repeat events.
A auto repeat event is repeated until the pressed button is released.
To send a VolumeUp auto repeat event enter
“/?VolumeUp&withoutRelease” instead of
“/?VolumeUp” as the HTTP- request parameter for a pressed button
“/?VolumeUp&ButtonRelease” for the released button.
Enter these two commands separated by the “|” sign:
The command in front of the “|” sign will be send at pressing the button and the command behind
the “|” sign will be send after releasing the button.
A list of the Ethersex features can be found at
Ethersex can be controlled by ECMD (Ethernet Commands) interface via a HTTP server, USART,
To send ECMD commands to the ATmega board you have to add the HTTP server module to the
image. See
http://<SERVER>/ecmd?<ECMD Command>
Examples: (Set bit 0 of I/O port 2) (Clear bit 0 of I/O port 2) (Set bit 1 of I/O port 2) (Clear bit 1 of I/O port 2)
This device has a included HTTP server and can be controlled by RemoteControl II via HTTP
command requests.
This device enables you to control RF devices like simple RF switches, light dimmers and rolling
shutters by RemoteControl II via HTTP command requests.
• Qtek 9100
• Samsung i700
• Siemens AT&T Wireless SX56
• Siemens SIMpad SL4, CL4, IR- transmit range > 50feet/15m by using the supported CF IR
• SPV M3000
• Stampcomputer Stamp 8402
• Sumo ST370
• T-Com T-Sinus Pad
• Toshiba e350, e355, e550G, e570, e740, e750, e755, e800, e805, Genio-e
• ViewSonic V35, V37, Viewpad
• VPA Compact S
• VPA Compact II
• XDA Neo
• XDA mini S
• …
RC-II can use the IR port off all mobile devices with Intel StrongARM (SA1100, SA1110), Intel
XScale (PXA250, PXA255, PXA260, PXA270), Samsung (S3C2410, S3C2440) or Texas
Instruments (TI OMAP750, TI OMAP850) CPU.
• PocketLOOX N520 / N560 battery warning message problem fixed.
• Enhanced signal accuracy for devices with Intel XScale- CPU.
• PNG bitmaps with alpha layer are now loaded correctly.
• New button function "Hide RC II": Minimizes the RemoteControl II- application window.
• New button function "Close RC II": Quits RemoteControl II application.
• Improved start-up speed.
• Button function controls are now refreshed when another function was selected.
• Support for TI- OMAP 750 CPU's
• Complete rewrite of all bitmap import functions (BMP, JPG, GIF).
• Support of the PNG (Portable Network Graphics)- bitmap format added.
• Optimized memory management (50% less memory required, useful for large projects
(>20pages) with high resolution VGA background bitmaps)
For some projects of RC II- user see here: RemoteControl II projects
• Support for devices with quadratic (240x240)- display.
• Some small bug fixes.
• Enhanced signal accuracy for devices with TI- OMAP CPU.
• Support for devices with raw IrDA on port COM0.
• Adjustable time format added.
• Some other bug fixes.
• Bug fix: All sample projects should be importable also in the trial version of RC-II.
• Import function supports now also projects with umlauts in the file and pathnames.
• Also partially loaded panels are now visible.
• Bug fix: Error message if the number of valid objects or panels is exceeded in the trial
• Sample projects cleaned and redundant bitmaps removed.
• Bug fix: "First Start-up"- problem on some WM 5 devices after installation solved.
• Support for devices with TI OMAP850 CPU added.
Tested OMAP850 devices:
-HTC Prophet
-Qtek S200
-Dopod 818pro
-XDA Neo
-SPV M600
-I-mate Jamin
-VPA Compact S
-HTC Wizard
-Qtek 9100
-MDA Vario
-XDA mini S
-SPV M3000
-imate K-Jam
-T-Mobile MDA Vario
-Dopod 838
-VPA Compact II
-Cingular 8125
-and other
• Bug fix: IR- transmit buttons shouldn't freeze any more if a not supported CPU was
• Quick Help for Layout editor added.
• Time delay between IR teach requests added (prevents problems if you learn IR toggle
• Panel editor bug fixes:
The position of a selected element was accidentally set to the position of the previous
selected element.
Panel editor bug fix: The last selected element was not automatically deselected after copy
& paste.
• Support for devices with Samsung CPU (S3C2410, S3C2440) added. Tested on Acer N30,
Acer N35, HP iPAQ rx3715.
RC II supports now devices with Intel StrongARM (SA1100, SA1110), Intel XScale
(PXA250, PXA255, PXA260, PXA270, PXA272) and Samsung (S3C2410, S3C2440)
• Quick help function added.
• IR- Signal accuracy for Intel PXA25x and PXA27x CPU based devices enhanced.
• IR signal optimizations for Intel PXA270 systems. Please re teach your IR codes again if
you have any problems.
• Support for Pronto CCF 5000, 5001, 6000 and 6001 codes.
• Improved accuracy for imported Pronto codes.
• The transparent button skin package from the skins page can
now be imported without any error message.
• Bug fix: Error message "Screen rotation is not supported by this device".
• IR support for MDA II, XDA II, VPA, Qtek 2020, HTC Himalaya and similar devices
• Support for 320x240 and 640x480 landscape mode (90° & 270° display rotation) added
• Set-up- Error- Message: "The program you have installed may not display properly because
it was designed for a previous version of Windows Mobile software." fixed
• Unified Handheld- and PocketPC- set-up files. One set-up file for all OS- variants.
• Bug fix: Activation of the hi- res. VGA mode doesn't work on devices with specific
language- ID’s
• Bug fix: If RC II was installed on the internal flash storage, on some devices (iPAQ hx4700
and Dell x50v) the error messages "IrDA port COMx in use" and "Can't delete..." appears
after deactivating the hi-res.- mode.
• Support for hi- res. PocketPCs (VGA) added. Tools like SE VGA are not required any more.
• Display rotation for devices with IR transceivers at the bottom (e.g. iPAQ hx4700) added.
• CF- IR- extender card support for Dell AXIM x5 with "old" Windows CE 3.0.
• Up to 32 commands per macro.
• Automatic restore of needed RCII files (RCII_Help.exe and some help files).
• Full screen start-up option added.
• Optimized detection of high frequency IR carriers > 460kHz (BANG & OLUFSEN).
• Increased transmit range of the WebDT 375 IR- extender.
• Bug fix: In full screen mode, applications mapped to the device hardware keys do not launch
• Bug fix: Scrollbars disappears in full screen edit mode.
• Bug fix: Error Message "Unknown File Version xx, Please use a newer version of RCII.".
• Bug fix: Soft- keyboard is now automatically activated in IR database.
• Full screen start-up option added.
• Optimized detection of high frequency IR carriers > 460kHz (BANG & OLUFSEN).
• Increased transmit range of the WebDT 375 IR- extender.
• Bug fix: In full screen mode, applications mapped to the device hardware keys do not launch
• Bug fix: Scrollbars disappears in full screen edit mode.
• Bug fix: Error Message "Unknown File Version xx, Please use a newer version of RCII.".
• Bug fix: Soft- keyboard is now automatically activated in IR database.
• Support of the PocketLoox 710/720 CIR- port for a extended transmit range.
• Call of external applications (e.g. internet explorer with EPG website).
• IR- CF- extender card support for Dell AXIM X5.
• Bug fix: Device key assign .
• Bug fix: Handheld PC version: Task bar- show/hide- desktop- button works correct again.
• Bug fix: Auto- suspend is disabled when RC II is in the background.
• HPC Version bug fix: IR Database wasn't accessible.
• IR CF Extender bug fix: Time between card power on and first IR pulses was to short.
• IR CF Extender bug fix: SIMpad IR monitor LED was always off.
• Pocket PC 2002 support added.
• WM 2003SE VGA support added.
• Support for WM 2003SE portrait and landscape display orientation added.
• Pocket PC- full screen support added.
• Panels with a size of up to 800x600 pixels can be edited also on PocketPCs.
• Support for Pocket PC hot- buttons added.
• Bitmap file format support for JPG and GIF added.
• Auto- power- off function added.
• IR- CF- extender card support for "DTResearch WebDT375", "Sumo ST375", "Escient
EWP-1000" and "IBD Future.pad-CE" added.
• SIMpad: CF- IR- Extender card is now powered down after every IR- transmission.
• Improved panel editor speed.
• Some editor- bug fixes.
• Graphical preview of the selected button- layout.
• Improved IR. learn accuracy with PXA270 CPU's.
• IR- Quick learn function for buttons and device keys added.
• Editor context menus added.
• Copy & paste function added.
• New panels can be derived from existent panels.
• Some bug fixes...
• Support of CF- IR- extender cards (for SIMpad & t-Sinus pads)
(Laser- / Electric Dog- PDA-IR-Extender & UltraMote CF- Extender) added.
• Configurable battery and memory gauge views added:
Use the button type “Standard Button” and the button function “Battery”.
• Objects can be moved in edit mode with hardware cursor keys.
• Support for bSquare Maui.
• Range of adjustable transmit priority increased to +/- 100.
• IR- Learn routine optimized: No drop-outs should appear any more.
• Bug fix: New defined layouts doesn't appear in the "add element" dialogue.
• Bug fix: File names in panel project editor was limited to 32 characters.
• Bug fix: Panels doesn't appear if one panel could not be loaded.
• Intel XScale (PXA263, PXA260, PXA255, PXA250) support added.
• Support for display size of 640x240 (HP Jornada 720) added.
• Device keys auto repeat and click disabled.
• Some small bug fixes.
• Endless loop in IR code transmit function fixed.
• Philips Pronto- CCF IR hex code import/export added.
• Programmable device buttons added.
• More pause timing steps in macro editor added.
• Bug fix: Button properties dialogue was hidden if you tap on the background in macro edit
• Reduced memory requirements (from 10MB to 7MB free RAM)
• Bug fix: IR code file format: Some IR codes was not saved correctly.
• Faster button recognition. Now you can type much faster.
• Slightly optimized IR record function.
• More IR- code types are recognized now.
• Support of "old" non burst IR codes.
• Bug fix: Registry access (call of RegCloseKey() with correct handle).
• Bug fix: Save of button functions "TIME" and "MENU" could cause failed load of the panel
• Bug fix: SIMpad- .NET4.0 reset suspend freeze problem solved.
• Bug fix: Teach in function- repeat loop detection.
• The macro editor is now functional
• On line help integrated
• Support of up to 256 different bitmap objects instead of 64
• Support of up to 256 different button layouts instead of 64
• Support of up to 128 different fonts instead of 64
• Improved IR code loop timing. Now time critical devices should work also
• Support for SIMpad with Windows CE .NET 4.0 image. No suspend- hang any more
• Bug fix: re-initialisation of an bitmap button object if loading fails
• Bug fix: 8/16bit IR code file format
• Bug fix: new button layout can be selected even if no previous layout was existent
v1.00ß (2004.02.23)
• First public BETA release of RemoteControl II with graphical layout editor, IR database and
IR code learn functionality.
v0.01ß (2000.09.30)
• First working predecessor (RemoteControl I) with static interface.
Support for Windows CE 3.0 devices with Intel Strong ARM SA1110 CPU.
23 Support
You can find the newest version of RemoteControl II, this user manual, new project files and some
how- to pages at our website: or
If there are any questions or suggestions you can reach us at:
Please contact us also if you want to share your project files with other users.
24 Index
A DELL AXIM....................................................27
ActiveSync.......................................................13 Designing Layouts on a PC............................104
Adding a Bitmap..............................................52 Display Back Light...........................................32
Adding a new Panel Page.................................45 Display Settings................................................30
Adding a Soft Button........................................52 Dreambox.......................................................115
Adding a Text Label.........................................52 DTResearch WebDT375..................................27
Adding Existing Panel Pages...........................44 Duplicating Objects..........................................58
Adding Panel Pages to a Project.......................43 E
Assigning Functions.........................................67 ECMD (Ethernet Commands)........................112
ATmega...........................................................111 EDGE...............................................................86
Audio Settings..................................................33 Edit IR Database...............................................24
Auto Display Off..............................................32 Edit Menu.........................................................24
Auto Power Off................................................32 Edit Panel.........................................................24
Automation Tool.............................................105 Edit Password Protection.................................33
AVR-NET-IO Board.......................................111 Edit Project.......................................................24
B Edit Raster........................................................57
Background Bitmap..........................................59 Editing a Button Layout...................................61
Background Color............................................59 Editing a Panel Layout.....................................49
Bitmap Transparency........................................63 Editing a Project...............................................42
Bluetooth..........................................................12 Editing Function Macros..................................77
Bluetooth Module.............................................11 Electric Dog PDA IR Extender........................27
BMP.................................................................62 Enable Edit Password.......................................33
bSquare Power Handheld...................................8 Enable Soft and Device Button Beep Sound....33
Button Layout...................................................64 Enable System Key Click Sound......................33
Button States....................................................61 Enable System Keyboard Autorepeat...............33
C Enable System Touch Click Sound..................33
CAB- file..........................................................13 Enigma............................................................115
Call External Programs....................................74 Escient EWP-1000...........................................27
Call Macro........................................................76 Etherrape.........................................................111
CCF IR Hex Codes.........................................102 Ethersex project..............................................111
CF IR Extender.................................................27 EventGhost.....................................................105
CF IR Extender Cards......................................10 Export Project...................................................23
Close RC-II......................................................81 Exporting a Project...........................................40
Context Sensitive Pop Up Menu......................17 External IR Transmitter............................11, 113
Copy Object......................................................58 EZcontrol........................................................114
Create a new Button Layout.............................64 F
Creating a new Project.....................................39 File Menu.........................................................23
D First Launch of RemoteControl II....................15
D-Box 2..........................................................115 Full Screen Mode.............................................17
Dallas 1-wire Bus ..........................................111 G
De Installation..................................................22 GIF...................................................................62
Default IR Device.............................................60 GPRS................................................................86
Deleting Objects...............................................55 GSM.................................................................86
H Media PC........................................................105
Handheld PC 2000.............................................8 Miscellaneous Settings.....................................32
Handheld PCs ....................................................7 Modbus...........................................................111
Help Menu........................................................25 Moving Objects................................................55
Hi- Res. Display Mode.....................................30 Moving Objects into the Depth........................56
Hide RC-II........................................................81 N
Home Automation Control.............................114 Network Connections.......................................28
HTTP Request Test...........................................29 Network Settings..............................................28
HTTP Server.....................................................83 Neutrino..........................................................115
I New Project File.........................................23, 39
I2C (Master and Slave) ..................................111 O
IBD Future.pad-CE..........................................27 Object Browser.................................................52
Import Project...................................................23 Open Project File..............................................23
Importing a Project File Package.....................36 Opening a Project.............................................35
Importing CCF IR Hex Codes........................102 P
Infrared / IrDA- Port Settings...........................26 Panel Background Color..................................59
Infrared Code Database....................................95 Panel Layout Editor..........................................49
Infrared Port.......................................................9 Panel List..........................................................42
Infrared Signal Transmit Priority.....................27 Panel Selection Menu.......................................25
Installation........................................................13 PDA....................................................................7
Intel StrongARM................................................9 Phillips Pronto................................................102
Intel XScale........................................................9 Ping Test...........................................................29
IR Extender.......................................................27 PNA....................................................................7
IR Functions.....................................................99 PNG..................................................................62
IR Pulse Graph.................................................95 Pocket PC...........................................................7
IR Quick Learn.................................................24 Pocket PC 2000..................................................8
IR Quick Learn Mode.......................................92 Pocket PC 2002..................................................8
IR Toggle Codes...............................................93 Program Features..............................................12
IrCOMM...........................................................26 Program Menus................................................23
IrDA port..........................................................26 Program Settings..............................................26
IrDA Port............................................................9 Project Editor....................................................43
IRTrans...........................................................113 Project Packages ..............................................36
JPG...................................................................62 Quick Help.......................................................16
Jump to Panel.............................................24, 82 Quick Help Settings..........................................31
Key Click Sound..............................................33 Raw IrDA.........................................................26
Keyboard Autorepeat........................................33 RC-II Skin Downloads.....................................35
L README.TXT................................................38
Laser CF IR Extender.......................................27 RegInfo.txt........................................................19
Learning new Infrared Commands...................92 Required Memory...............................................8
Linux.................................................................11 Rotate Display..................................................30
Locking Object Moves.....................................57 RS232 and RS485...........................................111
Looped Sequence...........................................101 S
M Samsung S3C2410.............................................9
MAC- OS..........................................................11 Samsung S3C2440.............................................9
Manual installation by a CAB- file..................14 Samsung S3C2442.............................................9
Marvell XScale...................................................9 Save Battery Power..........................................32