Environmental Pollution and Hazards: Structure

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Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns



9.1 Introduction 9.6 Soil Pollution
Expected Learning Outcomes 9.7 Noise Pollution

9.2 What is Pollution? 9.8 Summary

9.3 Causes of Environmental Pollution 9.9 Terminal Questions

9.4 Air Pollution 9.10 Answer

Types of Air Pollutants 9.11 Further Reading
Major Air Pollutants
Air Pollution and Atmospheric Problems
Case Study : Bhopal Gas Tragedy

9.5 Water Pollution

Types of Water Pollutants
Marine Pollution
Thermal Pollution
Water Quality Parameters

In the previous unit you have studied about biodiversity, the threats it focus and the need for
conservation. In this unit we will discuss pollution, which is causing a serious problem to
human health as well as agriculture. Pollution is caused by any undesirable physical,
biological or chemical change in the components of the environment i.e., air, water and soil.
In our daily usage pollution implies the adverse state of environment in which we live. In the
preceding units you have studied about the concept of environment and earth’s resources
available for meeting the basic requirements and developmental needs of ever-growing
human population. Unmindful use of resources and energy intensive technologies that
generate lot of wastes have resulted in degradation of environment. The adverse effects are
on living systems including humans, buildings and other materials.
In this Unit you will learn about the phenomenon of pollution in air, water and soil, their
sources and their effects. Apart from gaseous emissions and liquid effluents, noise,
radiations and thermal pollution also have adverse effects on living organism.
Expected Learning Outcomes
After completing the study of this unit, you should be able to:
 define pollution and pollutants;
 identify and list major types of pollutants that contaminate our air, water
and soil;
 explain the critical importance of a temperature range for the living
 understand and trace the pathways of major pollutants in the
 explain the reasons for high noise levels in the urban areas; and
 discuss the hazardous effects of radiations and the need for safeguards
to prevent accidental release of radioactivity.


Pollution is defined as any undesirable change in the physical, chemical or
biological characteristics of environmental components i.e., air, water and soil
that adversely affect the life forms and life support systems of the biosphere. Persistent organic
You can also say that pollution is unfavourable alteration of our environment pollutants (POPs) are
mainly due to human activities. The agent that contaminates the
chemical substances that
environmental component is called the pollutant. accumulate through food
A normal constituent of the environment becomes pollutant if its concentration chain in the humans and
cause health problems.
increases beyond the threshold, destroying its usefulness. A pollutant is also a Nine organic chlorinated
new substance (biotic or abiotic) or energy (heat, sound, radioactivity etc.) that agro pesticides derived
is added to or formed in any component of the environment and builds up to a from chemicals like
level where usefulness of that component is damaged. Aldrin, DDT, Chlordane,
Dieldrin and three types
Pollutants can be grouped into two broad categories: of chlorinated industrial
products derived from
i) Biodegradable Pollutants: Pollutants that remain in an unchanged
chemicals like Dioxin and
form in the environment for a very long time such as pesticides, heavy Polychlorinated Biphenyls
metals, rubber and nuclear wastes. Plastics also fall in the same are listed as POPs.
category. Such substances are not broken down or decomposed by
ii) Biodegradable Pollutants: Generally pollutants such as paper, garden
waste, domestic sewage, agro-based residues, and fertilizers breakdown
into simple products by bacterial decomposition process. These simple
products are raw materials of nature and are reutilized in the ecosystem.
These biodegradable pollutants pose a threat when their input in the
environment exceeds the decomposition capacity.
Pollutants can enter the environment either through point or non-point sources
(Fig.9.1). Point sources are distinct and confined sources that discharge the
pollutants/effluents through a chimney or through a discharge channel such as
pipes or tunnels from industries or municipal areas. Non-point sources or
area sources are diffused sources discharging pollutants over a large area.
Some of the examples are run-offs from construction sites and agricultural
fields. 171
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns

Fig. 9.1: Point and non-point sources of water pollution


Industrial processes and pace of increase in human population led to the
increase in the consumption of energy and natural resources. Growing use of
the resources has ensured the steady rise in the emissions of gases,
chemicals, wastes and other materials into air, water, soil and eventually in the
biosphere. Resources and energy are required by humans for fulfilling their
needs as well as greed for food, housing, transportation, entertainment and
luxuries. With ever increasing human population, demand for resources and
energy sources like wood, minerals, water, soil, coal, oil and gas increases. In
Table 9.1 you can see how during more than last fifty years of 20th century
there an increasing trend in the usage and build up of resources that affected
the environment adversely.
Table 9.1: Increasing trend in the resource usage, buildups and their
effects on environment
Items Concentrations Concentrations Effect on
in 1950 in 1995 Environment
Coal use 884 million tons 2083 million tons Climate change
oil equivalent. of oil equivalent
Oil production 518 million tons 2953 million tons Climate change
Natural gas 180 million ton 2128 million ton Climate change
production soil equivalent soil equivalent
Fertilizer use 14 million tons 125 million tons Water Pollution
Items Concentrations Concentrations Effect on
in 1950 in 1995 Environment
CFC production 42 thousand tons 300 thousand tons Ozone layer
Nuclear Arsenal 304 45100 Global security
Human 2.55 billion More than 5.6 Changed land
population billion use and
resource use
Source: Vital Signs, 1995, World Watch Institute
The obvious reason for the presence of pollutants in our homes, offices and
other indoor areas is that there are many potential indoor sources of pollution
(Table 9.2).
Table 9.2: Some examples of usage sources that lead to indoor and
outdoor pollution
Predominantly Indoor
 Particleboard, foam insulation, furnishing, Formaldehyde
ceiling tiles, tobacco smoke
 Building materials – concrete, stone, Radon
water and soil
 Fire proofing, thermal and electrical Asbestos, mineral wools,
insulation, acoustics synthetic fibres
 Adhesives, solvents, paints, varnishes, Organic substances,
nicotine cooking, cosmetics, tobacco aerosols, volatile organic
smoke materials
 Pesticides, paints, spills in laboratories, Mercury, Cadmium
 Consumer products, domestic dust, Aerosols of varying animal
debris, infected organisms composition, allergens,
viable microorganisms

Predominantly Outdoor
 Coal and oil combustion, smelters, fires Sulphur oxides
 Photochemical reactions Ozone
 Automobiles, smelters Lead, Manganese
 Soil particulates, industrial emissions Calcium, Chlorine, Silicon,
 Petrochemical solvents, vaporization Organic substances
of unburnt fuels
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
Indoor and Outdoor
 Fuel combustion Nitrogen oxides
 Incomplete fuel combustion Carbon monoxide
 Fossil fuel combustion, metabolic activity Carbon dioxide
 Resuspension, condensation of vapours, Suspended particulate
combustion products matter
 Petroleum products, combustion, paint Organic substances, heavy
, metabolic action, pesticides, metals
 Cleaning products, agriculture, metabolic Ammonia
insecticides, fungicides products
In the following sections you will read about what causes pollution in various
environmental components.

Fill in the blanks:
i) The agent that contaminates the ………… component is called pollution.
ii) Plastics are ………… type of pollutants.
iii) Sulphur dioxide can be absorbed in small ………… .
iv) Of all animal species, ………… have inevitable spirits and capacity of
adjusting to and manipulating the environment.
v) Our ………… consumption strategies and living styles have compelled to
live in polluted environment.


Have you ever felt that air is as much a resource as water or food? To stay
alive the average adult human being exchanges about six times more amount
of gases per day as compared to daily consumption of food and water. This is
More number of
people are killed due the reason why air quality is important to us. You might have read about the
to choking caused by composition of normal air. For most of the living beings oxygen is the
smoke and fumes immediate requirement from the environment. We can live for days without
generated by fire as food and water but only for few minutes without oxygen. Any significant change
compared to that
killed by being burnt. in the normal composition of air is harmful. Dry air contains almost 78%
nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide and small amounts of other
gases. Air also contains variable amount of water vapour.

9.4.1 Types of Air Pollutants

Broadly air pollutants can be grouped into following categories.
1. Natural Pollutants: These pollutants are released from natural
sources or as a result of natural activity. Some examples are: pollens
and volatile organic compounds from plants; gases like sulphur dioxide
174 and hydrogen sulphide from volcanic eruptions and decay of organic
Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards
materials; particles from wild fires and sea. In general natural
emissions are low in concentrations and do not cause serious

2. Primary Pollutants: These pollutants are emitted directly into the air as
a result of natural or human activity (Fig. 9.2). Examples include
sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide,
hydrocarbons and particulates released from fuel burning.

3. Secondary Pollutants: Secondary pollutants are produced as a result

Ozone is both
of chemical reactions between primary pollutants and normal protector and a cause
atmospheric compounds under the influence of electromagnetic of problem for us. In
radiations from the sun (Fig.9.2). For example, the primary pollutant the stratosphere
ozone layer protects
sulphur dioxide (SO2) reacts with oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere to
us from harmful UV-
form sulphur trioxide (SO3), a secondary pollutant. Sulphur trioxide radiations. In the
further reacts with water vapour to form another secondary pollutant lower atmosphere it
sulphuric acid (H2SO4), which is a component of acid rain. Another acts as powerful
oxidizing agent and
example is the formation of ozone on a bright sunny day over the urban
causes damage to
areas. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) absorbs ultra violet radiations that reach crops, vegetation,
the earth’s surface and splits into nitrogen oxide (NO) and oxygen fabrics etc. and harm
atoms (O). These oxygen atoms combine with oxygen molecules to to human beings.
Some people are
form ozone (O3). NO2 also contributes in the formation of other
affected even at a low
secondary pollutants, peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) and nitric acid concentration of 0.001
(HNO3). Smog, a mixture of smoke and fog is formed by complex ppm. The oxidizing
reactions between oxides of nitrogen and a wide range of hydrocarbons agent is a chemical
that takes away
triggered by sunlight. It is formed mostly in urban areas especially in
electrons from other
stagnant air. The main reason is vehicular overpopulation. chemicals.

Fig. 9.2: Primary and secondary pollutants in the atmosphere result due to
natural and human activities.

9.4.2 Major Air Pollutants

Let us now study Table 9.3 to know about major air pollutants, their sources,
and an overview of their effects on humans and the environment.

Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
Table 9.3: Major air pollutants, their sources and effects on
humans and environment.

Pollutants Sources Effects

 Oxides of Carbon Combustion of coal, CO2 has a major role in
(COx ) oil and other fuels for green-house effect,
energy production, produces weak
- Carbon dioxide (CO2) carbonic acid adding to
manufacturing and
- Carbon monoxide (CO) transport; biomass acid rains; CO affects
burning human health by
binding to haemoglobin,
which may result in
Combustion of sulphur SO2 can cause severe
 Oxides of Sulphur
containing fuel e.g. damage to human and
coal, petroleum other animal lungs and
- Sulphur dioxide (SO2) extraction and refining; is important precursor
- Sulphur trioxide (SO3) paper manufacturing; to acid rain; adverse
municipal incineration; effects include
- Sulphate (SO4)
ore smelting for metal corrosion of paints,
extraction metals and injury or
death to animals and

 Oxides of Nitrogen Burning of fuels; Form the secondary

(NOx) biomass burning; by- pollutants: peroxy
product in the acetyl nitrate (PAN)
- Nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitric acid (HNO3);
manufacture of
- Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) fertilizers suppression of plant
growth and tissue
- Nitrous oxide (N2O) damage; cause
irritation to eyes.
- Nitrate (NO3)
 Hydrocarbons (HCs) Evaporation from Can have carcinogenic
also called Volatile gasoline tanks, effect on humans;
Organic Compounds carburators; burning of higher concentrations
(VOCs) fuels, biomass; are toxic to plants and
municipal landfills; animals; can convert
- Methane (CH4)
microbial activity of into harmful
- Butane (C4H10) sewage; industrial compounds through
- Ethylene (C2H4) process involving complex chemical
solvents changes that occur in
- Benzene (C6H6)
atmosphere; some are
- Benzopyrine (C20H12) more reactive with
- Propane (C3H8) sunlight and produce
photochemical smog

Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards
Pollutants Sources Effects
 Other organic Aerosol sprays; foam CFCs cause reduction
compounds] and plastics for in stratospheric ozone
making disposable thus allowing greater
- Chlorofluorocarbons
fast food containers; penetration of
refrigeration ultraviolet light at
- Formaldehyde (CH2O) earth’s surface;
- Methylene chloride intensified UV
(CH2Cl2) radiations cause skin
cancer and can have
- Trichloro ethylene
lethal effects on
(C2H Cl3)
various life forms
- Vinyl chloride (C2H3Cl)
- Carbon tetrachloride
- Ethylene Oxide (C2H4O)
 Metals and other Cause respiratory
Oil wells and
inorganic compounds refineries; transport problems, toxicity and
even death to humans
- Lead (Pb),Mercury (Hg) vehicles; municipal and other animals;
landfills; fertilizer,
- Hydrogen sulphide(H2S) ceramic, paper, damage to crops;
prove to be
- Hydrogen fluoride (HF chemical and paint
industries; pesticides;
fungicides; aluminium
production; coal

 Liquid droplets Agricultural Contribute to acid

pesticides; fumigation; rains; corrosion;
- Sulphuric acid (H2SO4)
oil refineries; damage to various life
- Nitric acid (HNO3) reactions of pollutants forms
- Oil in the atmosphere

- Pesticides e.g. DDT

and malathion
 Suspended Fuel combustion; Have chronic effects
particulate matter building constructions; on respiratory system;
(SPM-solid particles) mining; thermal power deposition on the
- Dust, soil, sulphate stations; stone surface of green
salts, heavy metal salts, crushing; industrial leaves thus interfering
fine particles of carbon processes; forest with absorption of CO2
(soot), silica, asbestos, fires; refuse and release of O2;
liquid sprays, mist etc. incineration blocking of sunlight;
particles size that
range from 0.1 to 10
mm, cause lung
damage 177
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
Pollutants Sources Effects

 Photochemical Produce haze; irritation

oxidants to eyes, nose and
- Ozone (O3), peroxyacyl reactions in the throat; respiratory
nitrates (PANs), problems; blocking of
atmosphere that
- Formaldehyde (CH2O) involve sunlight,
- Acetaldehyde (C2H4O) oxides of nitrogen
and hydrocarbons
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Hydroxyl radical (HO)

9.4.3 Air Pollution and Atmospheric Problems

Apart from causing damage to materials, plant and animal communities and
health problems in humans, air pollution affects the atmospheric processes.
Acid rain, smog, global warming and ozone depletion are some of the effects
of pollution in our atmosphere. Let us look into some examples of the
problems of air pollution in our atmosphere.
1. Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) : SPM in the ambient air is
complex and variable mixture of different sized particles with many chemical
components. Larger particles are trapped by nose hair (vibrissae) and
breathing tubes. Particles smaller than 10 mm in size, known as PM 10, are
respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM). Finer particles of size less
than 2.5 mm are known as PM 2.5. They can be inhaled deep in the lungs and
cause a lot of trouble. Study of ambient air quality of some Indian cities
conducted by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) in recent years indicate
that many Indian cities such as Raipur, Kanpur, Delhi, Gwalior and Ludhiana
have RSPM more than 200 microgram per cubic metre. Standard level of
RSPM is 60 microgram per cubic metre.
There was a decreasing trend in the levels of SO2 and NO2 in the past decade.
This could be due to low sulphur diesel introduced in Delhi and prohibition
from plying of commercial vehicles more than 15 years old in Delhi. The use of
unleaded petrol has drastically lowered the level of lead in the air in India.
2. Acid Precipitation : Acid rain or acid precipitation (Fig.9.3) includes wet
acidic depositions like rain, snow, fog, mist or dew and deposition of dry acidic
particulates from the air. Acid precipitation occurs in and around the areas
where major emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx)
occur as a result of anthropogenic activities. Hydrochloric acid emitted from
coal fired power plants also adds to acid rain problems. Acid depositions have
disastrous effects on the life forms as well as the materials. Soil fertility is
adversely affected because acidic water in soil releases immobile heavy metal
ions which are highly injurious to plants and other soil biota. Apart from
damaging forests and lakes, acid rain corrodes and harms building materials
such as steel, paints, plastics, cement, limestone, sandstone and marble.

Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards

Fig. 9.3: Acid precipitation and its pathways.

3. Atmospheric Inversion : Atmospheric or temperature inversion (Fig.9.4)

occurs when a stable layer of warmer air lays above the cooler air. The
normal phenomenon of temperature decline along the increasing height
reverses and thereby, convection air currents that normally disperse the
pollutants are prevented. An inverted temperature gradient occurs, air
circulations are restricted and pollutants are trapped in the lower atmosphere
within the stagnant air mass. Such atmospheric inversion is responsible for
dangerous levels of air pollution over polluted cities in India.

Fig. 9.4: Temperature inversion phenomenon. (a) Sun heats the ground during
the day, warms the air near surface. Warm air rises up carrying dust
and pollutant aloft. (b) At night the heat from the grounds devoid of
greens as well as the paved streets quickly escapes into the sky
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
9.4.4 Case Study: Bhopal Gas Tragedy
In 1969, as part of its global empire, Union Carbide Corporation set up its
pesticide formulation unit in the northern end of the city of Bhopal in central
India. In December 1979, its Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC) plant with an installed
capacity of 5000 tonnes went into production (Fig. 9.5).

Fig. 9.5: Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC) plant.

On the night of December 2, 1984 during routine maintenance operations in

the plant, at about 9.30 p.m., a large quantity of water carrying catalytic
material entered Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC) storage tank no. 610. In the early
hours of December 3 forty tons of toxic gases were released from the plant as
a result of contamination of the storage tank and spread throughout the city.
The result was a nightmare that still has not ended. No alarm ever sounded a
warning and no evacuation plan was prepared. The gas leak lasted less than 1
hour, yet the accident killed about 2500 people. About 100,000 were seriously
injured by the gas which causes burns on contact and severe irritation to
eyes, nose, throat and lungs (Fig. 9.6). Only a few ppm of inhaled gas causes
violent coughing, swelling of lungs, bleeding and death.

Fig. 9.6: Disastrous effect of Methyl Iso Cyanate on human population

180 during Bhopal gas tragedy.
Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards
Some of the findings of ICMR on the health status of the persons who directly
or indirectly suffered by the exposure are as follows:
 Fibrosis of the lungs, neurotic depression, anxiety and psychosis was
reported in 22.6% of exposed people.
 Studies from 1987 to 89 show that gas exposed children (up to age 5
years at the time of disaster) suffered two to four times more from fever,
breathlessness, vomiting and cough compared to children among similar
unexposed populations.
 As late as in1990, spontaneous abortion rates among the exposed
women were more than three times that among unexposed women.

Match column A with Column B:
Column A Column B
a) Natural pollutants i) Anthropogenic activities
b) Photochemical Oxidants ii) A stable layer of warmer air lays
above the cooler air
c) Acid Precipitation iii) Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC)
d) Atmospheric inversion iv) Oxides of nitrogen and
e) Bhopal Gas Tragedy v) Volatile organic compounds from


Any physical, biological or chemical change that degrades the water quality
results in water pollution. Water being a universal solvent can dissolve various
types of substances in it. For this property, contamination of water becomes

Fig. 9.7: Day to day human activities that cause water pollution. 181
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
Visible forms of pollution like formation of colour and foam in water
discourages the use of water. Therefore, such visible pollutants sometimes
tend to become more important issues than many more serious pollutants that
solubilize in water and are not visible to the naked eyes.
Polluted water is a threat to our health and survival of aquatic life and other life
forms. The pollution in non-flowing water bodies like ponds, lakes and
underground water becomes localized and confined, making it more serious.
The major human generated sources of water pollution are sewage, garbage
and refuse, industrial and agricultural wastes like fertilizers and pesticides.

9.5.1 Types of Water Pollutants

Water pollutants are divided into following major categories. The types,
sources and effects of water polluting agents shown in Table 9.4 are
sometimes interrelated.
1. Biological Agents : Pathogenic organisms like viruses, bacteria and
protozoans are serious water pollutants as far as human health is concerned.
Cholera, bacterial and amoebic dysentery, gastroenteritis, typhoid, polio, flu,
viral hepatitis and worm infections are important water borne diseases. Some
insects that have aquatic larvae transmit malaria, dengue, yellow fever and
filariasis. In our country generally onset of rainy season is accompanied by
such epidemics. Overpopulated areas, unplanned industrial and human
settlements, lack of proper civic amenities are some of the contributory
factors. Water gets contaminated due to human wastes, animal wastes,
domestic sewage and wastewater discharges from tanneries and slaughter
2. Chemical Agents : Chemical pollutants can be inorganic in nature like
nitrates, phosphates, acids, salts and toxic heavy metals. Organic chemical
pollutants include oil, gasoline, pesticides, dyes, paints, plastics, cleaning
solvents and detergents. Radioactive substances that make the third
category of chemical pollutants are released into water bodies as a result of
processing of uranium ore and wastes from research laboratories.
Organic wastes and inorganic nutrients like phosphates and nitrates enrich the
water bodies and cause eutrophication due to excessive growth of certain
plants. Inorganic salts ionise in water, enrich it and also render hardness to it.
The effects in water bodies include colour changes of water (iron oxide gives
red colour and iron sulphate gives yellow colour) and foaming by detergents.
Such changes are harmful to the organisms dependent on these water
3. Physical Agents : Suspended solids, sedimentary solids and
temperature are the physical factors that affect the quality of water. These
pollutants adversely affect water bodies by silting, clogging waterways, filling
the dams and making the water muddy. Aquatic animals face problems in
breathing through gills in such waters. Suspended organic and mineral solids
adsorb toxic substances like heavy metals and pass them in food chain.
Thermal pollution occurs when heat-laden water from industries enters the
182 water body.
Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards
Table 9.4: Major water pollutants, their sources and their effects.
Pollutants Sources Effects
Biological agents Human sewage; animal Oxygen requiring
Bacteria, parasitic and plant wastes; bacteria feed on these
fungi, and protozoans decaying organic matter; biological wastes and
industrial wastes (oil deplete oxygen in the
refineries, paper mill, water body; life is
food processing units); destroyed in absence of
natural land and urban oxygen; foul odours,
runoffs poisoned live stock

Chemical agents Natural run off from land; Toxic to various life
Inorganic chemicals industrial wastes; acid forms and humans
and minerals deposition; leaded through food chain, can
Acids, salts, metals gasoline; lead smelting; cause genetic and birth
pesticides; agricultural defects; increased
like lead and mercury,
runoffs; mining; oil fields; solubility of harmful
crop nutrients like
minerals in water; make
phosphates and domestic sewage; food
water unfit for domestic,
nitrates. processing industries;
agricultural and
detergents containing
industrial uses; salinity
phosphates build up in soil; upsets
ecosystem of water
bodies and cause

Organic chemicals Agriculture, forestry; Toxic to aquatic life

Pesticides, herbicides, pest control industries; forms as well as
detergents, chlorine home and industrial organisms that depend
compounds, oil, wastes; water on such water bodies;
grease and plastics disinfection processes; eutrophication of water
paper industry; bodies
bleaching process;
machine and pipeline
wastes; oil spills.
Radioactive Nuclear wastes from Radionuclides enter the
substances research laboratories food chain and cause
r and hospitals; birth and genetic
processing of uranium defects; causative
ore; nuclear plants agent for cance

Physical agents Soil erosion, runoffs Filling of water ways,

from the agriculture; harbours and
Particulates and heat
mining, forestry and reservoirs; increase in
construction activities; temperature lowers the
power plants, industrial solubility of oxygen in
cooling water; reduction in biotic
life in the water bodies. 183
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
9.5.2 Marine Pollution
Oceans are the ultimate sink of pollutants that are either directly dumped in
the form of wastes or reach there as run-offs through streams, canals or
rivers or accidental spills like oil spill. Major pollution of marine waters occurs
near the coastlines where large cities, harbours and industrial centres are
situated. The pollution of oceans, seas, estuaries, salt marshes and other
similar water bodies is called as marine or ocean pollution. About 25% of the
total Indian population lives in coastal areas and dependent on marine
resources. The kind of pollutants encountered here are sewage, municipal
discharge, agricultural run-offs, sludge, industrial effluents, waste heat
generated from industries during cooling, processes, oil spills and discharge
from marine vessels, oil and grease discharge from shipping industry and
accidental discharge of oil from tankers. About 210 million gallons of
petroleum enter the seas world over each year as a result of extraction,
transportation, and consumption of oil and its products. About 180 million
gallons of oil come into seas annually from natural seepage. After an oil spill,
the aromatic hydrocarbons that are low boiling are the primary cause of
immediate killing of number of aquatic organisms (Fig. 9.8). The floating oil
can coat the feathers of marine birds, especially diving birds and few of
marine mammals such as seals and others. This oil coating destroys the
animals natural insulation and buoyancy, and most of them drown or die of
exposure from loss of body heat. Marine pollution is also causing immense
harm to coral reefs. Millions of tonnes of plastics reach the oceans.
Researchers estimate as much as 2,45,000 tonnes of plastics floating on sea
water, but there is also considerable down below. Plastics have also been
found in the stomach of sea birds and fish.

Fig. 9.8: Oil spill in ocean killing animals.

9.5.3 Thermal Pollution

Thermal pollution occurs when the temperatures of a water body or air in the
atmosphere are raised or lowered and subsequently deviate from normal
184 levels. If the temperature of tropical oceans is lowered by even one degree,
Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards
the environment can become lethal to some corals and some reef species.
Raising the water temperature can have similar effects on sensitive
organisms. Thermal pollution occurs when waste heat is released into a water
body. Human causes of thermal pollution are altering of vegetation cover as
well as discharging of heated water from steam generators. Metal smelters,
processing mills, petroleum refineries, paper mills, food processing factories
and chemical manufacturing plants use water for cooling purposes. Eventually
this water gets heated and is released as effluent from the industrial units.
The solutions to the problem of chronic thermal pollution lies in retaining the
heated water and effluents discharged by the power plants and other industrial
unit in a holding unit and be cooled prior to their discharge into the water body.

9.5.4 Water Quality Parameters

There are several parameters applied to assess the quality of water. Water
samples are tested for these parameters to ensure that water is fit for
consumption. Dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD),
chemical oxygen demand (COD), most probable number (MPN) and total
dissolved solids (TDS) are some such parameters.
1. Dissolved Oxygen: It refers to the amount of oxygen gas (O2) that is
dissolved into the water of any water source. Higher amounts of dissolved
oxygen indicate that water quality is good. Low concentrations of oxygen
content in the water indicate the presence of organic waste pollutant in
2. Biological Oxygen Demand: BOD is a measure of oxygen used by
microorganism such as bacteria to decompose the organic matter like
sewage, dead plant leaves, grass blades and food wastes. If the amount
of organic wastes is high in the water source, more bacteria will be
present to consume oxygen. Under such polluted conditions demand for
oxygen will be high and so the BOD values will be high. With high levels of
BOD, levels of DO in the water decrease.
3. Chemical Oxygen Demand: It is the amount of oxygen required to
degrade or breakdown the organic chemical compounds of wastewater. A
water body that receives effluents from chemical industries shows high
values of COD.
4. Most probable Number: The water polluted with organic wastes such
as sewage/sludge will have high population of bacteria like E.coli and
coliforms. With the help of MPN test both E.coli and coliforms can be
detected and enumerated. MPN method statistically predicts the number
of these organisms present in the water body. Coliform is present in
human intestines and isn’t necessarily harmful to us. But its presence
indicates the presence of human waste in the water. Polluted water will
show high values of MPN.
5. Total Dissolved Solids: The amount of salts and solids dissolved in
water is measured by testing the TDS and salinity contents. Some of the
dissolved substances that make the water quality poor are calcium,
phosphorus, iron sulphates, carbonates, nitrates, chlorides, and other 185
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
salts. Heavy metals also fall in this category. Excessive amounts of TDS
degrade the quality of water.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word given in the parentheses.
i) …………… (Water/Alcohol) being a universal solvent can dissolve
various types of substances in it.
ii) Polluted water is a threat to our health and survival of ……………
(aquatic/terrestrial) life.
iii) …………… (CPCB/MHRN) is monitoring the water quality of water
resources at various locations in the country.
iv) The productivity of an ecosystem reflects the rate at which its producers
…………… (manufactures/photosynthesise).
v) The oil coating destroys the …………… (animals/humans) natural
insulations and buoyancy.
vi) The release of heated water into a water body changes its temperature
and concentrations of dissolved …………… (oxygen/chlorine) in the
water body.
vii) …………… (BOD/COD) is a measure of oxygen used by bacteria to
decompose the organic matter.


All the terrestrial organisms including humans interact directly with the surface
layer of land i.e., soil as it provides us the basic necessities of life, food,
shelter and clothing. The vital source, soil, is only about 15 cm deep on the
land surface throughout. Apart from natural causes we, the human population
contribute to the degradation of our land surface mainly by three ways: by
using it (agricultural and developmental activities); by taking things out of it
(mining and deforestation); by putting things into it (waste disposal).
The major fallout of our over indulgence with our land areas are as follows:
1. Loss of Biodiversity : Natural flora and fauna are destroyed due to
cutting of vast areas of forests as land is required to fulfill the agricultural and
developmental needs, desires and greed of ever growing population of
humans. According to International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) it
is estimated that by the year 2050 up to 50,000 plant species will become
extinct or threatened. Presently about 4,500 animal species and 20,000 plant
species are considered by the scientists to be threatened.
2. Soil Erosion : It is the process of loosening, detachment and removal of
soil components especially the topsoil particles. Soil erosion is caused by
wind blows and water flows. But these forces can damage only if the land
surface becomes devoid of vegetation cover. Excessive loss of topsoil
Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards
reduces soil fertility and results in deposition of eroded soil in the riverbeds i.e.,
silting of water bodies.
3. Acidity and Alkalinity : Increase in the acidic or alkaline content of the soil
reduces its fertility and is not good for certain types of crops. Minerals like
calcium carbonate and alkaline compounds tend to get deposited in the soil if
the climate is dry or rainfall is low. This increases the alkalinity of soil.
Unmindful use of land and wrong agricultural practices are the main human
generated reasons for such state of soil.
4. Land Pollution by Waste Deposition : We can call our land area as an
ultimate garbage can as waste generated mainly by human activities is
dumped in it as well as buried in it. The major types of wastes and their
sources are listed in Table 9.5. As in other Asian countries, in India most of the
solid waste is land filled. All types of waste is dumped in the landfills and when
water seeps through them it gets contaminated and in turn pollutes the
surrounding areas. This contamination of soil and ground water through
landfills is known as leaching. The uncovered, untreated and unsegregated
solid wastes are also left in open dumps. The rainwater run-off from such
dumpsites contaminates nearby land and water bodies.
Table 9.5: Major types of wastes generated from different sources
that pollute our land areas
Urban Industrial Domestic Rural Nuclear Plant
waste waste waste waste
Municipal; Slag; lime Organic Pesticides, Radioactive
sewage; sludge; brine waste from herbicides; hazardous
industrial mud, scraps kitchen, agricultural wastes
effluents; of metals, crockery, tin runoffs
domestic glass, ferrous cans,
effluents; and non- plastics
hospital ferrous cans, bottles
waste metals, wool, and bags;
thread and glass
paper; fly ash; bottles, cloth
plastics; rags, paper
wastes from pieces;
tanneries and straw, board
other small boxes; ash
waste water

The pollutants once enter any component of the biosphere (ecosphere) can
cycle through all the components i.e., air, water and soil and can enter the
organisms (Fig. 9.9). Let us take the example of pesticides, the chemicals that
are used to eliminate the pests. For use in the fields, pesticides are dusted or
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
sprayed on plants or else mixed in the soil of the fields. Spraying and
evaporation enable the entry of pesticides in the atmosphere. Rainfalls bring
back these chemicals to land area and water bodies. Run-offs from
agricultural lands bring the pesticides into the water bodies. Irrigation from
such water bodies takes back pesticides in the field areas. Persistent
chemicals and pollutants follow this pathway for much longer time and enter
the food chain. If not biodegradable these pollutants can bioaccumulate and
bio magnify in the higher levels of food chain (Fig.9.10).

Fig. 9.9: Movement of chemicals through the components of the environment.

Bioaccumulation refers to the entry of a pollutant in a food chain. It is the

increase in the concentration of a pollutant from the environment to the first
organism in the food chain. Biomagnification is the phenomenon of increase in
the concentration of a pollutant from one link in a food chain to another.

Fig. 9.10: Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of pollutants in the food

Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards


Sound is the medium for communication. It is almost impossible to lead our
day-to-day life without sound. However, sound is annoying and harmful if it
becomes noise. Noise is any unwanted or exceedingly high levels of
sound that can annoy, cause stress or impair the hearing ability. The
main sources of noise are industrial operations, machines, vehicles, railways,
aircrafts, military arms and ammunition, construction work and recreational
appliances. Loudness or the intensity of the sound is measured by measuring
on a scale called decibel (db). A tenfold increase in the sound intensity is
represented as 10 db on scale. The instrument is called decibel meter. Apart
from pressure sound has pitch also. High pitched sound is more annoying
than low pitched sound of same intensity. The unit that measures both
pressure and pitch of the sound is called decibel–A (dbA). Noise can affect by
interfering with communication, causing health and behaviour disorders and
diminishing the hearing. Increased adrenalin levels, hypertension, migraine,
high cholesterol levels, gastric ulcers, easy irritability, insomnia, increased
aggressive behaviour and other psychological disorders and permanent
damage to hearing ability may be caused in humans by high sound levels.
Noise pollution control measures include: (i) reduction of noise at source, (ii)
interruptions in the path of transmission and (iii) protection of the receiver.
Comparatively little attention has been paid to control noise pollution in our
country. Awareness, motivation, legislations and their effective
implementations are required to control the menace of noise pollution.
Monitoring of ambient noise levels by CPCB on Deepawali day at certain
locations in Delhi and Mumbai showed that noise levels were much higher
than the prescribed limits of 45 dbA during night time applicable to residential
area. Aware generated by mass media and initiative of school children against
the use of cracker for Deepawali celebrations can contribute in the control of
noise and air pollution.

Read the following statements and write True (T) or False (F):
i) Natural flora and fauna are destroyed due to cutting of
vast areas of forest. [ ]
ii) Excess loss of top soil increases soil fertility and results
into deposition of eroded soil in the riverbeds. [ ]
iii) Bioaccumation refers to the entry of pollution in a food chain. [ ]
iv) Fat-insoluble pollutants may be retained for a long time
and biomagnify. [ ]
v) Noise is a wanted and exceedingly high levels of sound. [ ]
vi) Awareness, motivation, legislation and their effective
implementations are required to control the menace of
noise pollutions. [ ]
Block 3 Environmental Issues and Concerns
In this unit you have read about the concept of pollution and pollutants of air,
water and soil resulting from human activities. Environmental degradation
also occurs due to noise and radioactive pollution.
 Pollutants are the agents that cause undesirable changes in the quality of
air, water and soil. Anthropogenic activities are primarily responsible for
pollution and environmental degradation. The natures of pollutants largely
depend on factors like our life style, occupation, habits, traditions and
awareness etc.
 Unmindful use of resources, by-products of industrial processes, waste
generation, lack of will on the part of people to treat and manage the
effluents and wastes are the contributory factors in polluting the
environments. Biodegradable pollutants breakdown easily but
nondegradable pollutants when introduced in any component of the
ecosystem can cycle through all the environmental components i.e. air,
water and soil.
 In the ecosystem pollutants affect the humans and other life forms directly
or indirectly by causing damage to materials and crops. Persistent
pollutants such as heavy metals and persistent organic compound enter
the food chain, get biomagnified at the higher levels of food chain and
eventually reach the human beings, causing a variety of health problems.
Public awareness of the causes and problems caused by pollution, and
active involvement of individuals and communities, apart from strict
environment law and their strict implementations are essential to control
environmental pollution. Use of ecofriendly technologies are highly
effective in combating the problem of pollution caused by industry..


1. Define pollution and discuss various sources of air pollution.
2. Describe Bhopal Gas Tragedy and its after effects.
3. What is water pollution? Explain various parametres applied to assess
the quality of water?
4. What is soil pollution? Describe the phenomenon of biomagnification by
giving example.
5. Discuss noise pollution and its effects on humans.

Self-Assessment Questions
1. i) Environmental ii) Non-degradable iii) Particulates iv) Humans v)
2. a) v b) iv c) i d) ii e) iii.
3. i) Water ii) Aquatic iii) CPCB iv) Photosynthesise v) Animals vi)
Oxygen vii) BOD.

190 4. i) T ii) F iii) T iv) F v) F vi) T.

Unit 9 Environmental Pollution And Hazards
Terminal Questions
1. Refer to Section 9.2 and sub-sections 9.4.1 & 9.4.2
2. Refer to Sub. Section 9.4.4.
3. Refer to 9.5 and Sub-section 9.5.4
4. Refer to Section 9.6.
5. Refer to Section 9.7.


1. Bharucha, E. (2005) Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate
Courses, Hyderabad: Universities Press (India) Private Limited.
2. Botkin, D. B. & Keler, E. A. 8th Ed, (2011) Environmental Science, Earth
as a Living Planet, New Delhi: Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
3. Kaushik, A. 2nd Ed. (2004) Environmental Studies, New Delhi: New Age
International (P) Limited.
4. Rajagopalan, R. 3rd Ed. (2015) Environmental Studies, New Delhi: Oxford
University Press.
5. Wright, R. T. (2008) Environmental Science: Towards a Sustainable
Future New Delhi: PHL Learning Private Ltd.


1. Fig. 9.5: Methyl Iso Cyanate (MIC) plant.


2. Fig. 9.7: Day to day human activities that cause water pollution.

3. Fig. 9.8: Oil spill in ocean killing animals.



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