Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus: WARHAMMER 40,000
Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus: WARHAMMER 40,000
Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus: WARHAMMER 40,000
Although we strive to ensure that our rules are perfect, the Canticles of the Omnissiah ability, while the second
sometimes mistakes do creep in, or the intent of a rule would apply only to those units in Mars Detachments.
isn’t as clear as it might be. These documents collect
amendments to the rules and present our responses to Q: When is the Litany of the Electromancer Canticle resolved?
players’ frequently asked questions. As they’re updated A: Immediately – i.e. at the start of the battle round
regularly, each has a version number; when changes when the Canticle is chosen/rolled for.
are made, the version number will be updated, and any
changes from the previous version will be highlighted Q: Does a weapon that ignores cover ignore the benefit bestowed
in magenta. Where a version number has a letter, by the Shroudpsalm Canticle?
e.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only in A: Yes.
that language, to clarify a translation issue or other
minor correction. Q: Can the Refusal to Yield dogma be used to prevent a unit
from being slain due to a 1 being rolled to hit when it uses its
ERRATA plasma weapon?
Page 83 – Onager Dunecrawler, Damage table A: Yes.
Change the top value under ‘Remaining W’ to
read ‘6-11+’. Q: How do the Chorister Technis Warlord Trait and Glory to
the Omnissiah dogma interact – when do I re-roll the first dice?
Page 95 – Graia: Refusal to Yield A: Roll the first dice, then (if you wish) re-roll it. Then
Change the first sentence of rules text to read: roll the second dice.
‘Roll a D6 each time a model with this dogma is slain
or flees – on a 6 that model refuses to yield; either that Q: How do the Gloria Mechanicus Stratagem and Glory to the
model is not slain (and has 1 wound remaining), or that Omnissiah dogma interact – which Canticle can you change
model does not flee.’ with this Stratagem?
A: Choose one Canticle to change.
Page 96 – Scryerskull
Change the last clause of the last sentence to read: Q: When using the Binharic Override Stratagem, when do the
‘or, in your Shooting phase, shoot with an Adeptus new Battle Protocols you choose come into effect?
Mechanicus unit from your army without the penalties A: Immediately.
to your hit rolls from the Dawn Raid, Low Visibility or
Cover of Darkness rules.’ Q: When using the Cognis Overwatch Stratagem, do I apply
any relevant modifiers to the firing model’s Ballistic Skill?
Page 99 – Forge World Warlord Traits, A: Yes, as long as the weapon is a cognis weapon. Note
Masterwork Bionics that modifiers to hit rolls do not apply.
Change the title of this Warlord Trait to
‘Superior Bionics’. Q: When using the Monitor Malevolus Warlord Trait, can
you re-roll a dice that determines how many mortal wounds
FAQs are inflicted on an enemy unit (i.e. is this classed as a
Q: Do I need to spend reinforcement points to return units when damage roll?)
using the Fresh Converts Stratagem? A: No, such a roll is not classed as a damage roll.
A: No.
Q: Does the Static Psalm-code Warlord Trait affect the range of
Q: If you have a Detachment which receives the Mars forge the Master of Machines ability?
world dogma, and another Detachment which receives a A: No.
different forge world dogma, what happens when rolling for
Canticles of the Omnissiah? With Mars’ dogma you roll two dice
when determining Canticles and units with that dogma benefit
from both results, but what happens for the other Detachment?
A: In such cases you would roll dice separately for the
Canticles, rather than rolling for both together. The first
Canticle rolled for would apply to all of your units with