Instruction Kit EForm IEPF-5
Instruction Kit EForm IEPF-5
Instruction Kit EForm IEPF-5
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Instruction Kit for eForm IEPF-5
(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and
Protection Fund (IEPF))
User is advised to refer instruction kit specifically prepared for each eForm.
Rule Number(s)
Form IEPF-5 is required to be filed pursuant to sub-section (3) of section 125 of the Companies
Act, 2013 and rule 7(1) of the Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting,
Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 which are reproduced for your reference
Section 125(3):
The Fund shall be utilized for:
(a) The refund in respect of unclaimed dividends, matured deposits, matured debentures, the
application money due for refund and interest thereon;
(b) Promotion of investors’ education, awareness and protection;
(c) distribution of any disgorged amount among eligible and identifiable applicants for shares or
debentures, shareholders, debenture-holders or depositors who have suffered losses due to wrong
actions by any person, in accordance with the orders made by the Court which had ordered
(d) reimbursement of legal expenses incurred in pursuing class action suits under sections 37 and
245 by members, debenture-holders or depositors as may be sanctioned by the Tribunal; and
(e) any other purpose incidental thereto, in accordance with such rules as may be prescribed:
Provided that the person whose amounts referred to in clauses (a) to (d) of sub-section (2) of
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Instruction Kit for eForm IEPF-5
(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and
Protection Fund (IEPF))
section 205C transferred to Investor Education and Protection Fund, after the expiry of the
period of seven years as per provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, shall be entitled to get
refund out of the Fund in respect of such claims in accordance with rules made under this
Section 7(1):
Upon submission, Form No. IEPF-5 shall be transmitted online to the Nodal Officer of the
company for verification of claim:
Provided that the claimant after making an application in Form No. IEPF-5 under sub rule 1,
shall send original physical share certificate, original bond, deposit certificate, debenture
certificate, as the case may be, along with Indemnity Bond, Advance Receipts, any other
document as enumerated in Form No. IEPF-5, duly signed by him, to the Nodal Officer of the
concerned company at its registered office for verification of the claim.”;
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Instruction Kit for eForm IEPF-5
(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and
Protection Fund (IEPF))
S. No/ Field Name Instructions
Section Name
(b) First Name Enter the First Name of the applicant
© Middle Name Enter Middle Name of the applicant
(d) Last Name Enter the Last Name of the applicant
(e) First Name Enter the First Name of the applicant
(f) Middle Name Enter Middle Name of the applicant
(g) Last Name Enter the Last Name of the applicant
(h) Date of Birth
(i) Name of entity In case ‘Other’ is selected in Category of applicant ,
then enter the Name of the Entity
(j) Date of incorporation In case ‘Other’ is selected in Category of applicant ,
then enter the Date of incorporation of the entity
(k) Address of the applicant Enter the address of the applicant
Phone number Enter the valid phone number of the applicant
(m) Aadhaar Number or Enter the valid Aadhaar Number/Passport/OCI/PIO
Passport/OCI/PIO Card Card.
No. (in case of
(n) PAN of applicant Enter valid PAN number of Applicant. PAN must be
verified by clicking ‘Verify PAN Detail’. Applicant’s
Name . Father’s Name and DOB should match with the
information available in PAN database.
2 Particulars of the
Company from which
the amount is due
(a) Corporate Identification This will be auto-Prefilled based on the CIN selected
Number (CIN) of through Lookup service.
(b) Name of the company This field would be pre-filled on the basis of CIN
/bank selected in lookup service. There would be a SEARCH
button enabled to search the CIN.
(c) Address of the This will be auto-Prefilled based on the CIN selected
registered office of the through Lookup service
(d) email ID of the This will be auto-Prefilled based on the CIN selected
company through Lookup service.
3 Is it a case covered Select the radio Button ‘Yes’ if the case is related to
under rule 7 (8) & 7(9) transmission. Or else select ‘No’.
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Instruction Kit for eForm IEPF-5
(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and
Protection Fund (IEPF))
S. No/ Field Name Instructions
Section Name
of IEPF Rules, 2016
(a) Name of original If Yes is selected in above, then enter the Name of
security holder original security holder.
(b) Relation of claimant If Yes is selected above, then enter the relation of
with security holder claimant with security holder
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Instruction Kit for eForm IEPF-5
(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and
Protection Fund (IEPF))
S. No/ Field Name Instructions
Section Name
(a) Bank account number Enter the Bank account number in which refund of
dividend amount is to be made
The maximum number of characters that can be entered
are 20
Bank Name Give the bank name in which refund of dividend
amount is to be made
IFSC Code Give the IFSC code of the branch in which refund of
dividend amount is to be made. Maximum 11
characters can be entered.
Bank Branch Give the description of the bank branch in which
refund of dividend amount is to be made
Demat account number in Enter your Demat Account number
which shares shall be
Attachments 1. Aadhaar Card of the claimant and if joint holders are there, copy of Aadhaar
card of all joint holders
- Mandatory
2. Passport, OCI and PIO card in case of foreigners and NRI - Mandatory
3. Client Master List of De-mat A/c of the claimant - Mandatory
4. Proof of entitlement (Bonds/Debentures/Fixed Deposit receipts/Certificate of
share/Interest warrant/Dividend warrant, Application No./Statement of transaction
etc.) - Mandatory
5. Optional Attachment – Optional
In case yes is selected in field 3 the below attachments are mandatory to attach
6. Notarised copy of death certificate.
7. Notarised succession certificate/Probate/Will
8. No Objection Certificate from other holder
9. Indemnity Bond for Transmission, duly notarized
10. Affidavit in form of surety
OTP Enter Mobile Number and e-Mail ID and click on Send OTP button.
Click on this button to send OTP to your mobile number and email ID.
Please note that separate OTPs will be sent to mobile number and email ID.
Further, please note that OTP can be successfully sent to the mobile number and
email ID against one form and IP Address, for a maximum of 10 times in one day.
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Instruction Kit for eForm IEPF-5
(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and
Protection Fund (IEPF))
S. No/ Field Name Instructions
Section Name
OTP shall be valid for a span of 30minutes.
For further chances, you may try with new form on next day.
Enter the OTP for Mobile Number and Email Id received on the mobile number
and email id entered in the form.
Verify OTP Button: This button will be enabled after OTP for mobile number and
email address are entered.
Please note that the OTPs must be verified before you Submit the form.
Submit Click on the ‘Submit’ button to proceed for challan generation.
Fee Rules
S. Purpose of the form Normal Fee Additional Logic for Additional Rem
No Fee (Delay Fees arks
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Instruction Kit for eForm IEPF-5
(Application to the Authority for claiming unpaid amounts and shares out of Investor Education and
Protection Fund (IEPF))
No. delay
01 Date of Filing of 30 days Rs. 50 per day. Maximum upto Rs 2500/-
Fees payable is subject to changes in pursuance of the Act or any rule or regulation made or
notification issued thereunder.
Processing Type
The eForm will be processed by the IEPF Cell (Non STP). On processing of the eForm the
details will be saved with MCA.
Once the eForm is uploaded (in case of normal filing or re-Submission), an email notification
shall go to Nodal officer of the company to upload eVerification Report for the claimant.
When an eForm is approved/rejected by the authority concerned, an acknowledgement of the
same is sent to the user in the form of an email.
Annexure A
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