CH 19 Practice
CH 19 Practice
CH 19 Practice
Review of Concepts
Fill in the blanks below. To verify that your answers are correct, look in your textbook at the end of
Chapter 19. Each of the sentences below appears verbatim in the section entitled Review of Concepts and
The suffix “_____” indicates an aldehydic group, and the suffix “_____” is used for ketones.
The electrophilicity of a carbonyl group derives from _____________ effects, as well as __________ effects.
A general mechanism for nucleophilic addition under basic conditions involves two steps
1) nucleophilic attack
2) ________________
The position of equilibrium is dependent on the ability of the nucleophile to function as a _______________.
In acidic conditions, an aldehyde or ketone will react with two molecules of alcohol to form an .
The reversibility of acetal formation enables acetals to function as _______________ groups for ketones or
aldehydes. Acetals are stable under strongly _______ conditions.
In acidic conditions, an aldehyde or ketone will react with a primary amine to form an .
In acidic conditions, an aldehyde or ketone will react with a secondary amine to form an .
In the olff-Kishner reduction, a hydrazone is reduced to an _________ under strongly basic conditions.
of acetals, imines, and enamines under acidic conditions produces ketones or
In acidic conditions, an aldehyde or ketone will react with two equivalents of a thiol to form a
When treated with Raney nickel, thioacetals undergo desulfurization to yield a ______________ group.
When treated with a hydride reducing agent, such as lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH4) or sodium
borohydride (NaBH4), aldehydes and ketones are reduced to _______________.
The reduction of a carbonyl group with LiAlH4 or NaBH4 is not a reversible process, because hydride does
not function as a ____________________.
When treated with a rignard reagent, aldehydes and ketones are converted into alcohols, accompanied by
the formation of a new ___________ bond.
rignard reactions are not reversible, because carbanions do not function as __________________.
When treated with hydrogen cyanide (HCN), aldehydes and ketones are converted into .
For most aldehydes and unhindered ketones, the equilibrium favors formation of the __________________.
The ittig reaction can be used to convert a ketone to an _________.
A Baeyer- illiger o idation converts a ketone to an __________ by inserting _____________________
next to the carbonyl group. Cyclic ketones produce cyclic esters called .
Review of Skills
Fill in the blanks and empty boxes below. To verify that your answers are correct, look in your textbook at
the end of Chapter 19. The answers appear in the section entitled SkillBuilder Review.
CHAPTER 19 703
704 CHAPTER 19
Ph3P C
19.7 Proposing a Synthesis
Review of Reactions
Identify the reagents necessary to achieve each of the following transformations. To verify that your
answers are correct, look in your textbook at the end of Chapter 19. The answers appear in the section
entitled Review of Reactions.
CHAPTER 19 705
This reaction is covered in the context of the reactivity of ketones and aldehydes. The same reaction does
not occur for other compounds containing a carbonyl group, such as esters:
Students often make this mistake, assuming that acetal formation will work for esters, just as it does for
ketones. It does not. This is a common mistake, and it should be avoided.
As another example of a reaction that is often applied in the wrong context, consider the Wittig reaction.
Once again, Chapter 19 covers this reaction in the context of the reactivity of ketones and aldehydes. You
cannot assume that the same reaction will occur for other compounds containing a carbonyl group, such as
Students often make this type of mistake, by applying a reaction outside of the scope in which it was
discussed. Try to avoid doing this. Whenever we cover a reaction that applies to ketones and aldehydes,
you cannot assume that it will apply to esters (or any other functional group for that matter).
Useful reagents
The following is a list of reagents encountered in this chapter:
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CHAPTER 19 707
19.1. methyl groups (two at C2 and two at C5), giving the
(a) We begin by identifying the longest chain that following name:
includes the carbon atom of the carbonyl group. In this
case, the parent is a chain of six carbon atoms, with the
carbonyl group at C1, so the parent is hexanal. Next, we
identify the substituents. There are four: two methyl
groups (both at C2) and two bromine atoms (both at C5).
Finally, we assemble the substituents alphabetically,
giving the following name:
(d) We begin by identifying the longest chain that
includes the carbon atom of the carbonyl group. In this
case, the parent is a chain of five carbon atoms, with the
carbonyl group at C1, so the parent is pentanal. Next, we
identify the substituents. There is only one substituent: a
propyl group at C2, giving the following name: