Good Governance and Social Responsibility Module
Good Governance and Social Responsibility Module
Good Governance and Social Responsibility Module
Instructor Information
Instructor: Angelo Paolo C. Acosta
Phone: 09750192882
Institution: Core Gateway College Inc.
© 2020 A.C. ACOSTA
Copyright Notice: This course pack may be used only for the CGCI educational purposes. It
includes extracts of works from outside sources which are duly cited and acknowledged on this
material. You may not copy or distribute any part of this course pack to any other person. Where
this course pack is provided to you in an electronic format you may only print from it for your
own use. You may not make a further copy for any other purpose. All rights reserved.
Course Description
Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility examines how corporations respond to ethical
dilemmas whilst taking stock of the needs of their various stakeholders and the expectations of
national governments. This requires an understanding of the social responsibilities of business
in a global environment. The roles of government regulation and community collaboration, as
they impact on businesses operating across cultures, are also explored and current reforms of
corporate governance are analyzed.
Course Scope
The content of this course includes, but is not limited, to the following topics:
Virtual Class Schedule
Course Materials
Evaluation Procedures
Please join the forums each week. Students must post a reply and comment on uploaded topics
on Edmodo class. The Forums are for student interactions in order to fully participate in the
discussions. Students should demonstrate their own knowledge in the forums and avoid copying
and pasting from websites.
Throughout the semester you will write responses to questions. These responses will involve
analyses of readings, comparing and contrasting the views of authors, and critique of arguments
presented by the readings or the class. Questions will be posted on Edmodo class. Papers will
be graded for accuracy of interpretation, rigor of argument, and clarity of expression.
All writing assignments, unless otherwise noted, should be: 1) composed as Microsoft word
documents, 2) written using 12pt Times New Roman font, 3) double-spaced, 4) submitted
electronically. 10 points will be deducted for every day an assignment is late. Be sure to edit,
proofread, use spell check, double check your grammar and correct all errors before submitting
your weekly writing assignments. Title your work with your full last name, given, middle initial,
class, then assignment/activity number or name.
The success of this course depends on your ability to read the assigned readings closely, think
carefully about the points raised or ignored by authors, and bring to the group your questions
and concerns. Prior to each new week in the class, please review announcements and lessons.
Having prepared and read the required readings prior to class ensures your productive
participation. We should work to achieve conversational exchanges with each other through
Forums and emails, constructively challenging each other to think broadly and critically about
ideas or assertions posed by the readings.
In all participation and assignments, I am looking for evidence of:
• demonstration of substantial knowledge and higher order thinking and analytic skills and
application of facts, concepts, terms, and processes learned/read/discussed;
• critical contemplation, e.g., "grapple" with issues and topics;
• appropriate use of knowledge learned;
• imaginative thinking and responses to challenges/problems/issues;
• exploring underlying assumptions about education and schooling;
• clarity of expression and logical connection among ideas expressed; writing that reflects
precise and concise thinking; excellent grammar, and spelling.
Examination = 40%
Quizzes = 30%
Projects = 20%
Attendance on virtual lectures = 10 %
TOTAL =100%
Please see the Student Handbook for full reference on all College policies.
Websites: Do not quote or paraphrase published sources, including assigned readings and Web
based sources, without explicit reference to the original work. Credit the source using APA style.
Cutting and pasting from a website without citing the electronic source is plagiarism, as is taking
phrases, sentences and/or paragraphs from textbooks without referencing the source.
Documents/Files: When uploading assignments, make sure they are in Word doc format. Make
sure to properly format papers (or PowerPoint) with a cover sheet. Use black 12, Arial.
You are expected to use your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the content of
this course. While it is appropriate to reference experts and outside resources, students should
do so judiciously to avoid simply summarizing and paraphrasing what all other sources have
stated about a given topic. Remember to always cite any work that is not your own intellectual
property. Failure to do so may result in failing an assignment and/or course; and ultimately may
result in being removed from the program due to a violation of professional dispositions.
Late Assignments
Students are expected to submit classroom assignments by the posted due date and to
complete the course according to the published class schedule. As adults, students, and
working professionals, I understand you must manage competing demands on your time.
Should you need additional time to complete an assignment, please contact me before the due
date so we can discuss the situation and determine an acceptable resolution. Routine
submission of late assignments is unacceptable and may result in points deducted from your
final course grade.
Forums on the Internet can occasionally degenerate into needless insults and “flaming.” Such
activity and the loss of good manners are not acceptable in an educational setting – basic
academic rules of good behavior and proper “Netiquette” must persist. Remember that you are
in a place for the rewards and excitement of learning which does not include indecent or
personal attacks or student attempts to stifle the Forum of others.
Technology Limitations: While you should feel free to explore the full-range of creative
composition in your formal papers, keep e-mail layouts simple.
Humor Note: Despite the best of intentions, jokes and especially satire can easily get
lost or taken seriously. If you feel the need for humor, you may wish to add “emoticons”
to help alert your readers: ☺
Disclaimer Statement
Course content may vary from the outline to meet the needs of this particular group.
Assessment Rubrics (Jones, n.d.)
Criterion\Level Unacceptable Reflective novice Aware Reflective
practitioner practitioner
10-14pts 15-19pts 25pts
Clarity Language is There are Minor, infrequent The language is
unclear and frequent lapses in lapses in clarity clear and
confusing clarity and and accuracy. expressive. The
throughout. accuracy reader can create
Concepts are a mental picture of
either not the situation being
discussed or are described.
presented Abstract concepts
inaccurately. are explained
Explanation of
concepts makes
sense to an
Relevance Most of the Student makes The learning The learning
reflection is attempts to experience being experience being
irrelevant to demonstrate reflected upon is reflected upon is
student and/or relevance, but the relevant and relevant and
course learning relevance is meaningful to meaningful to
goals. unclear to the student and student and
reader. course learning course learning
goals. goals.
Analysis Reflection does Student makes The reflection The reflection
not move beyond attempts at demonstrates moves beyond
description of the applying the student attempts simple description
learning learning to analyze the of the experience
experience(s). experience to experience but to an analysis of
understanding of analysis lacks how the
self, others, depth. experience
and/or course contributed to
concepts but fails student
to demonstrate understanding of
depth of analysis. self, others,
and/or course
Interconnections No attempt to There is little to no The reflection The reflection
demonstrate attempt to demonstrates demonstrates
connections to demonstrate connections connections
previous learning connections between the between the
or experience. between the experience and experience and
learning material from material from
experience and other courses; other courses;
previous other past experience; past experience;
personal and/or and/or personal and/or personal
learning goals. goals.
Course Outline
Attributes of a corporation:
Artificial Being
This simply means that a corporation is a non-human entity whose personality is separate and
distinct from its owners. Corporation has some of the rights that a natural person possesses.
Corporation can sue and sued in court. It can own and sell properties.
Right of Succession
A corporation can continue to operate even in the death, incapacity or insolvency of any
stockholder or member. The corporation will not be closed even if the ownership of the
corporation will be transferred.
This refers to the party given the authority to implement the politics as determined by the
Board in directing the course/business activities of the corporation (Security and Exchange
Commission (SEC), Code of Corporate Governance). This is the group of people composed of
decision makers from the top to the bottom of the corporate hierarchy.
This refers to the party who lend to the corporation goods, services or money. Creditors
may gain from corporation by way of interest for money loaned or profit for goods sold or
services rendered. Whenever there is a liquidation the first priority of payment belongs to the
outside creditors.
This refers to people who invest their capital in the corporation. A shareholder, also
referred to as a stockholder, is a person, company, or institution that owns at least one share of
a company’s stock, which is known as equity. Because shareholders are essentially owners in a
company, they reap the benefits of a business’ success. These rewards come in the form of
increased stock valuations, or as financial profits distributed as dividends. Conversely, when a
company loses money, the share price invariably drops, which can cause shareholders to lose
money, or suffer declines in their portfolios’ values.
These are the people who contribute their skills, abilities, and ingenuity to the
corporation. They are the ones who invested their future in the company with full trust and
confidence that the entity would make them secure.
The party considered to be the very reason for the existence of the corporation. They are
the buyers of the corporation’s product or services for final consumption, enjoyment or maybe
for the use in the production of another goods.
The government is the body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a
political unit or organization. The government has several interests in private corporations the
most apparent of which are the taxes that the corporations are paying.
The public has a stake in corporations considering that the latter provides the citizens
with the essentials such as goods, services, employment and tax money for public programs.
The actions and conduct of a corporation can affect the public Economically, Environmentally,
and Culturally.
There are several theories on the aims and objectives of a corporation. However, for an
entity which has just started, the main objective would be survival especially during the early
years of its existence. Corporation should aim first for the most basic. That is, how to gain the
momentum especially when its entry is during crisis, for it to withstand the hostile environment
of commercialism.
To increase Profit
According to Milton Friedman, the social responsibility of business is "to increase profit."
This is anchored on the argument that stockholders are the owners of the corporation and
therefore, corporate profits ultimately accrue to them. Corporate executives and hired managers
are the stockholders' agents and should operate in the interests of their principal, the
Stockholders are entitled to their profits as a result of a contract among the corporate
stakeholders. A stakeholder in this perspective refers to employees, managers, customers, the
local community (public) and the stockholders. Each cluster of stakeholder has a contractual
relationship with the firm, since they receive the remuneration they mutually and freely agreed
to, in pre-established agreement or contract.
Based on the above, giving the corporation the authority to operate carries with it the
idea that corporation should earn for the following purposes: first, to serve its purpose of
existence which is to make the stockholders happy. Second, to perform its contractual obligation
to stakeholders embedded in the grant or authority to operate. These includes but not limited to
the payment of taxes to the government, taking care of employees within the bounds of what is
legal, giving back to the community and many others which is part of the implied agreement for
its existence.
There are services that are hard for the government to offer to the vast majority of
people without the help of private enterprises. The government cannot even solve by itself the
problem as basic as traffic. It is in this context that partnerships between the government and
the private corporations be considered to deal with some problems. Typical example of this in
Metro Manila area where traffic is almost intolerable, fortunately, the government got a big help
from private investors in NLEX, SLEX, Northrail, Southrail, and other semi-private
infrastructures and other mass transport system investors. Other services in which the
government needs help are in areas of power, water, education and health services.
Some corporations are run not only for the sole purpose of generating profit but also to
provide service to masses. This endeavor will meet the needs of the lower income class group
by offering them something at a price they can afford. For example, cheap and accessible
transport service. Some might ask, what is the difference of this purpose from the previous one?
First, they differ in the area of pricing. Pricing in vital industries are not market-dictated. The
investors are given guaranteed returns to cover for their investment risks. And, most are
government-sanctioned and enjoys an almost monopolized if not fully monopolized
environment. Second, they differ in the area of competition. In a perfectly competitive market,
the services and goods are easily obtainable because there are lots of suppliers. In the less-
competitive vital industries obtained by government contracts, regulations and/or franchises, the
service and goods are only provided by a few or worse, by one producer.
After getting a significant understanding about the corporation and its stakeholders, one
needs, to know the other players of the corporation. Shareholders, bondholders and directors
complete the cast when the corporation starts to operate. These are the parties which will be
having various claims over the entity. Shareholders will be having its claim in the form
dividends. Bondholder’s claims will be in the form of interest earned via long-term agreement.
And, the directors will have their eyes on their salaries, incentives, stock options and bonuses.
To gain a better understanding, we need to discuss who they are and how they are
related to the corporation.
Shareholders or stockholders are artificial or natural persons that are legally regarded as
owners of the corporation. Stockholders are bestowed with special privileges depending on the
class of their stockholdings. These rights may include:
However, stockholders' rights to a company's assets come only second to the rights of
the outside creditors of the company. This means that stockholders typically may receive
nothing if after the company is liquidated, there is not enough money to pay its creditors.
Shareholders play an important role in raising capital for organizations, the capital that is
otherwise hard to be raised in a proprietorship or partnership form of business organization.
Shareholders are considered principals, and the directors and officers are considered
agents under the agency theory in governance. As principals, they are expecting that things that
the agents would do would be for the paramount benefit of the stockholders. Although directors
and officers of a company are bound by fiduciary duties to act in the best interest of the
shareholders, still the shareholders themselves deserves an independent third party that would
attest on what the management team is doing. This is here where the external auditors would
come into the picture to lend credibility on the reports prepared by management.
The bondholder will receive regular interest payments during the life of the bond
computed at face value multiplied by the interest rate. This interest payment usually takes place
every six months and will continue to go on until the maturity of the bond. Typically, the life of a
bond would take as short as 5 years to as long as 25 years. The bondholder has a guaranteed
return of the principal at some point in the future. This makes investment in bonds rewarding on
the part of the investor who can afford to have their money in the hands of the investee for
longer periods of time.
Board of Directors
BOD refers to the collegial body that exercises the corporate powers of all corporations
formed under the Corporation Code (SEC Code of Corporate Governance). It conducts all
business and controls or holds all the assets of such corporations. This body is formed by the
stockholders and they will act as the governing body of the corporation. The BOD will be
headed by the chairman of the board who is considered as the most influential person in the
corporation. The board's activities are determined by the powers, duties and responsibilities
delegated to it or conferred on it by an authority. These issues are typically detailed in the
corporation's by-laws. The by-laws normally specify the number of members of the board. It may
also contain matters such as how the board members are to be chosen including the specifics
on when and where they are going to meet to discuss things concerning the operation of a
Examples of these broad policies are as follows: investment policies that will answer the
question as to where to put excess money for additional revenue purposes;
diversification policies that will answer the question as to what type businesses that the
corporation will be getting into as additional lines of business in the near future.
Selecting, appointing, supporting and reviewing the performance of the chief executive;
As stewards of the corporation, the board of directors is expected to be with the chief
executive in latter's direct or indirect dealings with the corporation.
It is expected from the board that the survival and financially healthy functioning of the
entity will be on the top of their agenda. With the coordination of people from the finance
department, BOD has to make certain that funds are available to finance the day-to-day
activities of the entities.
Approving annual budgets;
Another responsibility of the board of directors is to approve the annual budget, which
can be described as the reflection of organizational program and plan into financial
terms. The annual budget will more or less define the operations of the corporation at
any given year.
One of the most critical duty of the board of directors is to account for the entity's
performance to its stakeholders; more importantly, to the shareholders who are the
owners of the corporation. They need to inform every stakeholder what went on at any
particular given period. This can be accomplished by providing the reports on financial
highlights, short and long-term plans, material investments during the period, including
the financial statements duly audited by an independent auditing firm.
What is Transnational?
These are corporations which operate in other countries, other than the home country,
and do not have a centralized management system. Decisions are hence made to suit the
operating zone. Similar firms operating in other countries cannot be referred to as subsidiaries,
since the management system is not centralized. Transnational companies are also not loyal to
the operating country’s value system, but are focused on business expansion.
Prudence is defined within the Code of Governance as "care, caution and good
judgment as well as wisdom in looking ahead." It is the management committee which is in
corporate setting, the board of director, who will be the body responsible in safeguarding the
interests of the organization through good planning and management of finances and other
resources of the organization.
To put it into perspective, Arthur Levitt (former chairman of the US Securities &
Exchange Commission) once said: "If a country does not have a reputation for strong corporate
governance practices, capital will flow elsewhere. If investors are not confident with the level of
disclosure, capital will flow elsewhere. If a country opts for lax accounting and reporting
standards, capital will flow elsewhere. All enterprises in that country suffer the consequences."
From the investors' perspective a simple question can be raised, "will you invest in a region or a
country the track record of which in governance is questionable? If yes, how long?"
It is a well-established reality that investors would behave differently in settings in which
good governance, both in political and corporate setting, is not seriously practiced. Investors'
concern will be more on short-term prosperity instead of long-term stability. There are many
countries in the world where investors are so speculative. One of evidences of these speculative
behaviors are the fact that they are now more flexible in term of locations. For instance, HSBC,
in Hong Kong, has a collapsible building; that is, it can be dismantled, shipped out, and
assembled at a place of choice. A better example is in utility services, there was a time in
Nigeria when utility companies providing power are having their main supply of power on barges
for them to easily get out of the country if something goes wrong.
It can be deduced that good governance immeasurably benefits not only a specific
company or industry but also the country. The following are the specific benefits of good
Reduced Vulnerability
Adopting good corporate governance practices leads to an improved system of internal
control. This leads to greater accountability, protection of corporate resources and eventually,
better profit margins. Good corporate governance practices will also pave the way for probable
future development, diversification, including the capability to attract investors, both sourced
nationally and abroad. Good corporate governance will also reduce the cost of loans or credits
for corporations since companies with good corporate governance can be considered low-risk
companies in the eyes of debt investors.
Embracing principles of good corporate governance can also play a role in enhancing
the corporate value of companies. This leads to easy access to capital in financial markets
which helps the company survive in an even more competitive environment. Good corporate
governance will also make the company more attractive in open market. This attribute will be
beneficial and will place the company at the finer end of the bargaining in times when strategic
alliances are needed. Examples of these strategic alliances are mergers, acquisitions, corporate
absorptions and buy outs, partnerships, joint ventures and other risk mitigating initiatives.
There are a good number of benefits when an entity embraces good corporate
governance, one of which is the company need not spend more resources in compliance with
the regulatory and other financial institutions' requirements necessary since all these things are
already integrated in company's operating approach.
Companies that are known for good governance practices do not need to sell
themselves that hard for the investors to fuse-in their investment either as equity or as debt
investors. In the context of investment, everything could raise and fall in credibility and
reputation. When a company is credible, investors' trust comes next; where investors' trust is in,
money follows; when there is money, there is flexibility. It is in having that flexibility in a
competitive world that could spell out the difference between failure and success.
Observed evidence and studies conducted in recent years back the idea that it pays to
have good corporate governance. It was found out that more than 84% of the global investors
are willing to pay a higher price or a premium for the shares of a well governed company over
one considered poorly governed given all financial figures comparably equal. The issue is
reliability of company-provided information. This is one convincing fact that embracing corporate
governance principles and practices affects corporate financial and non-financial value of the
In traditional (neo-classical) approach, corporation is treated as a single entity, it is often
called holistic approach. It is one of the features of a sole proprietorship. Owner—managers
have no conflicts of interest. In big companies, we almost always have the separation of owners
and managers. Financial manager should work in the best interests of the owners by taking
actions that increase the value of the company. However, we've also seen that in large
corporations’ ownership can be spread over a huge number of stockholders.
If we assume that stockholders buy stock because they seek to gain financially, then the
answer is obvious; good decisions increase the value of the stock, and poor decisions decrease
the value of the stock. Given our observations, it follows that the financial manager acts in the
shareholders' best interests by making decisions that increase the value of the stock. The goal
of financial management is to maximize the current value per share of the existing stock.
The separation of stockholders and management has some advantages. It allows share
ownership to change without interfering so much with the operations of the business. It allows
the company to hire professional managers. This dispersion of ownership means that
managers, not owners can control the firm. But it brings problems, if the managers' and owners'
objectives are not the same and whether management really acts in the best interests of the
The goal of maximizing the value of the stock avoids the problems associated with the
sometimes-conflicting parochial goals. There is no ambiguity in the criterion, and there is no
short-run versus long run issue. We explicitly mean that our goal is to maximize the current
stock value. By this, we mean that they are only entitled to what is left after employees,
suppliers; and creditors (and anyone else with a legitimate claim) are paid their due. If any of
these groups go unpaid, the stockholders get nothing. Because the goal of financial
management is to maximize the value of the stock, we need to learn how to identify those
investments and financing arrangements that favorably impact the value of the stock.
Agency Relationships and Costs
The connection between owners and managers is called a principal-agent problem and
the conflict is called an agency relationship. Such a relationship exists whenever someone (the
principal) hires another (the agent) to represent his interests. The shareholders are the
principals; the managers are their agents. Shareholders want management to increase the
value of the firm, but managers may have their own axes to grind or nests to feather. Agency
costs are incurred when (1) managers do not attempt to maximize firm value and (2)
shareholders incur costs to monitor the managers and influence their actions. More generally,
the term agency costs refers to the costs of the conflict of interest between stockholders and
management. Of course, there are no costs when the shareholders are also the managers.
Agency costs can be indirect or direct. An indirect agency cost is a lost opportunity such
as the one we have just described. Direct agency costs come in two forms. The first type is a
corporate expenditure that benefits management but costs the stockholders. Perhaps, the
purchase of a luxurious and unneeded corporate jet would fall under this heading. The second
type of direct agency cost is an expense that arises from the need to monitor management
actions. Paying outside auditors to assess the accuracy of financial statement information could
be one example.
Goals of Financial Management
Assuming that we restrict ourselves to for-profit businesses, the goal of financial
management is to make money or add value for the owners. This goal is a little vague, of
course, so we examine some different ways of formulating it in order to come up with a more
precise definition. Such a definition is important because it leads to an objective basis for
making and evaluating financial decisions.
If we were to consider possible financial goals, we might come up with some ideas like
the following:
1. To survive.
2. To avoid financial distress and bankruptcy.
3. To beat the competition.
4. To maximize sales or market share.
5. To minimize costs.
6. To maximize profits.
7. To maintain a steady earnings growth.
What would be the management goal if they have no control at all? One of main answer
comes from outside the mainstream economy. It is the idea that managers prefer the company
to be bigger than more profitable. So, managers left to themselves would tend to maximize the
amount of resources over which they have control or, more generally, corporate power or
wealth. This goal could lead to an overemphasis on corporate size or growth.
The Board of Oracle Corporation has throughout its history developed corporate governance
practices to fulfill its responsibility to Oracle Corporation stockholders. The composition and activities of
the Company's Board of Directors, the approach to public disclosure and the availability of ethics and
business conduct resources for employees exemplifies the Company's commitment to good corporate
governance practices, including compliance with new standards.
The Board has adopted the following corporate and committee guidelines to help ensure it has the
necessary authority and procedures in place to oversee the work of management and to exercise
independence in evaluating Oracle Corporation's business operations. These guidelines allow the Board
to align the interests of directors and management with those of Oracle Corporation's stockholders. All
guidelines are subject to future refinement or changes as the Board may find necessary or advisable for
Oracle Corporation in order to achieve the above objectives.
Oracle continually applies good corporate governance principles to multiple areas of the Company. In
addition to these guidelines, Oracle has had a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct since 1996.
Operating/lnternal Risk
Recurring organizational changes, turnover of key personnel are some of the
danger signs that the audit committee cannot afford to neglect. Things like this hamper
the operational momentum of the company rendering it slow in its progress in achieving
its vision.
In three (3) of the above, the auditor is impliedly given the right to access to any
information or material that is relevant to examination of the financial statements. In addition, the
auditor has a duty to review the other information issued alongside the audited financial
statements. There is, however, no guarantee that the statements are free from misstatements
and errors, this is partly because the auditor is only required to form an opinion for him to
discharge his duties. This must be understood that audit is not designed to discover errors,
irregularities and fraud. Activities in external auditing are only designed to form an opinion, not a
conclusion; it can only give reasonable assurance, not absolute assurance.
Based on the preceding items, it can be summarized that the external auditor is there to
attest to the data and other information prepared by management in accordance with some
legal and other established criteria. The criteria in the Philippine setting are provided by
Philippine Financial Reporting Standards and other standards. The overall role of the external
auditor is to express an opinion on the financial statements prepared by management. This
means that an external auditor lends credibility to financial statements which are to be used by
the shareholders and other stakeholders.