GHSC-PSMGlobalStandardsTechImpGuide V1.0 FINAL
GHSC-PSMGlobalStandardsTechImpGuide V1.0 FINAL
GHSC-PSMGlobalStandardsTechImpGuide V1.0 FINAL
This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It
was prepared under the USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply
Management (GHSC-PSM) Contract No. AID-OAA-I-15-00004; Task Order 01 Contract No. AID-OAA-
TO-15-00007; Task Order 02 Contract No. AID-OAA-TO-15-00009; Task Order 03 Contract No. AID-
OAA-TO-15-00010; and Task Order 04 Contract No. AID-OAA-TO-15-00018.
Recommended citation: USAID Global Health Supply Chain Program-Procurement and Supply
Management Single Award IDIQ. 2018. Global Standards Technical Implementation Guideline.
Washington, D.C.
The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the
U.S. Agency for International Development or the U.S. government.
ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................................................... 2
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 4
RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................... 20
Transition Guidance................................................................................................................................. 20
GHSC-PSM Resources ............................................................................................................................ 20
GS1 Resources.......................................................................................................................................... 20
GDSN Resources ..................................................................................................................................... 20
ANNEX A: GLOSSARY OF TERMS ............................................................................................. 21
Chemonics is acting on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement
the Global Health Supply Chain-Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM) project. The
purpose of the project is to:
• Serve as the primary vehicle through which USAID will procure and provide health commodities
for all USAID health programs, including but not limited to HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Reproductive
Health, and Maternal and Child Health
• Provide systems strengthening technical assistance to improve supply chain management and
commodity security in partner countries
Through the project, lifesaving health commodities will be delivered to many of the world’s most
vulnerable people.
• Develop a contract requirement for implementing global standards for product identification,
labeling, and data exchange
• Seek to harmonize requirements and implementation timelines with other global stakeholders
• Design its management information system to support and exchange data leveraging global
• Support country governments in regulating global standards, product authentication, and track-
and-trace solutions
GHSC-PSM developed this requirement to address challenges in supply chain data visibility, supply chain
efficiency, and supply chain security in the GHSC-PSM global supply chain and the national supply chains
of USAID-supported country programs. Implementing global standards will enable these stakeholders to
develop automation, authentication, and track-and-trace solutions to address these issues, which will
Announcement of Intention to Implement Global Standards for Product Identification, Labeling, and Data Exchange.
The requirement mandates the use of product serialization for pharmaceuticals at the trade packaging
level, both secondary and tertiary. Serialization enables implementation of a comprehensive system to
track and trace the movement of drugs through the entire supply chain. By identifying every product
with a globally unique product number (Global Trade Item Number® (GTIN®)), and by capturing
information on its expiration date, batch/lot number, and unique serial number (where applicable), the
product’s lifecycle can be tracked from production to distribution across borders, all the way to its
dispensation to patients at a hospital, clinic, pharmacy, or other service delivery point.
In any document that speaks to procurement requirements, each company is also individually
responsible for meeting all statutory and/or regulatory requirements for the company and its products.
Consult with your company’s legal counsel or compliance team (regulatory or quality) for more specific
information about statutory and regulatory requirements on a country-by-country basis beyond those
detailed in this document.
If and when the GS1 DataMatrix is recommended for use on the logistic unit in the GS1 General Specification, suppliers are permitted to use
that data carrier to meet the GHSC-PSM logistic unit labeling requirement.
If and when the GS1 DataMatrix is recommended for use on the logistic unit in the GS1 General Specification, suppliers are permitted to use
that data carrier to meet the GHSC-PSM logistic unit labeling requirement.
Packaging Packaging
Requirement HRI Timeline
level type
Tertiary: logistic unit GS1-128 barcode4 Information printed in ASAP but NLT June 30,
symbology encoded with: human readable format 2022
Tertiary: Homogenous GS1 DataMatrix or GS1- Information printed in ASAP but NLT
trade item 128 barcode symbology human readable format: December 30, 2018
encoded with: • GTIN
And when applicable:
And when applicable: • Batch/lot
• Batch/lLot • Expiration date
• Expiration date
Mixed or partial GS1-128 barcode5 Information printed in ASAP but NLT June 30,
symbology encoded with: human readable format: 2022
Secondary: trade item GS1 DataMatrix or GS1- Information printed in ASAP but NLT June 30,
128 barcode symbology human readable format: 2020
encoded with: • GTIN
And when applicable:
And when applicable: • Batch/lot
• Batch/lot • Expiration date
• Expiration date
Primary: Trade Item GS1 DataMatrix or GS1- Information printed in Optional
128 barcode symbology human readable format:
Optional; required only when the encoded with: • GTIN
product is supplied in carton-less • GTIN
packaging. And when applicable:
And when applicable: • Batch/lot
• Batch/lot • Expiration date
• Expiration date
If and when the GS1 DataMatrix is recommended for use on the logistic unit in the GS1 General Specification, suppliers are permitted to use
that data carrier to meet the GHSC-PSM logistic unit labeling requirement.
If and when the GS1 DataMatrix is recommended for use on the logistic unit in the GS1 General Specification, suppliers are permitted to use
that data carrier to meet the GHSC-PSM logistic unit labeling requirement.
Tertiary packaging refers to upper levels of the packaging hierarchy. A tertiary pack may be:
• A pallet that contains (one or usually) several cases
• A case that contains (one or usually) several items in their primary or secondary packaging
Tertiary packaging may be used as either a logistic unit or as a trade item. Tertiary packages can be
homogenous (i.e., consisting entirely of the same trade item, batch/lot, and expiry), partial (i.e., consisting
of a homogenous pack of iems that is not to be considered a trade item because it is less than full) or mixed (i.e.,
either more than one unique trade item or entirely the same trade item with different batch numbers or
expiration dates).
Labels containing the barcode symbols, with their associated HRI, should be positioned on two faces of
the tertiary packaging to enable ready access for scanning when the product is stored, stocked on
shelves, or handled.
Logistic Unit
A logistic unit is an item of any composition established for transport and/or storage that needs to be
managed through the supply chain. In this instance, the tertiary package logistic unit refers to the logistic
units issued by the supplier to GHSC-PSM. In most instances, the tertiary package logistic unit will be
the pallet, but may also be an export carton.
The logistic unit is identified using the SSCC. This packaging level is marked with a GS1-128 linear
Trade Item
Trade items are products and services upon which there is a need to retrieve predefined information
and that may be priced, ordered, or invoiced at any point in the supply chain. The tertiary package trade
item will typically be a case or carton, but may also be a shrink-wrapped tray or other configuration.
A homogenous pack trade item is identified with a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), batch/lot
number, expiration date, and serial number. A mixed or partial pack trade item is identified with an
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications – Section 8.1 GS1 Glossary of Terms and Definitions
If and when the GS1 DataMatrix is recommended for use on the logistic unit in the GS1 General Specification, suppliers are permitted to use
that data carrier to meet the GHSC-PSM logistic unit labeling requirement.
Secondary packaging is a level of packaging that may contain one or more primary packages, or a group
of primary packages containing a single item. This packaging level is marked with a GS1 DataMatrix,
either on the packaging or on a label affixed to the packaging.
Pharmaceutical products and medical devices can have more than one level of secondary packaging, such
as an inner pack (bundles) and intermediate packs (inner case). Identification and marking of inner
and intermediate secondary packaging levels are required for GHSC-PSM.
Marking products at this level is optional, unless the supplier is providing items in “carton-less
packaging,” i.e., without a secondary packaging level.
GHSC-PSM will leverage the GS1 Application Identifiers (AIs) referenced in this section for identifying
items and locations.
The SSCC must remain unique and not be reallocated for a minimum of one year from the shipment
date of the logistic unit from the SSCC assignor to the trading partner, in accordance with GS1 General
For more information on how to generate an SSCC and apply it to a logistics label, please refer to the
GS1 General Specification and the following resources:
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3.3.1, Identification of a logistic unit (SSCC): AI (00)
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3.3.2, Identification of a trade item (GTIN): AI (01)
The GTIN can be 8, 12, 13, or 14 digits in length. The format of the GTIN-14 is as follows:
For more information on how to generate and maintain a GTIN, please refer to the GS1 General
Specification and the following resources:
AI (10) Batch/lot10
The GS1 AI (10) indicates that the data field contains a batch or lot number.
• Year: the tens and units of the year (e.g., 2003 = 03), which is mandatory
• Month: the number of the month (e.g., January = 01), which is mandatory
• Day: the number of the day of the relevant month (e.g., second day = 02); if it is not necessary
to specify the day, the field must be filled with two zeros
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3.4.1, Batch or Lot Number: AI (10)
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3.4.7, Expiration Date: AI (17)
The serial number field is alphanumeric. The character sequence resulting from the combination of the
GTIN and the serial number will be unique to a given pack of a medicinal product until at least one year
after the pack’s expiration date or five years after the pack has been released for sale or distribution,
whichever is the longer period.
GHSC-PSM does not require the GLN to be labeled on packaging, but will leverage GLNs in the data
exchange process. Chemonics’ GLN is 0858939007009 and will be used by the GHSC-PSM as the
identifier for AI (410) Bill to — Invoice to in procurement transactions.
GHSC-PSM expects suppliers to assign and provide GLNs for the following entities at a minimum:
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3.5.2, Serial Number: AI (21)
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 4.6, GLN Rules
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3.7.9, Identification of a physical location — Global Location Number: AI
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3.7.10, Global Location Number of the invoicing party: AI (415)
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3.7.11, GLN of the production or service location: AI (416)
Per GHSC-PSM requirements, all tertiary and secondary packages should be labeled in accordance with
the specified barcode requirement, encoded with relevant GS1 Application Identifiers, and printed in
their human readable form.
All barcode symbols should meet print-quality “Grade C” (1.5 or above).17 As part of the regular
manufacturing/production process, barcode symbol print quality and data content must be verified and
graded in accordance with the appropriate sections within the GS1 General Specifications. Many GS1
Member Organizations (MOs) provide comprehensive barcode verification services to ensure
companies are implementing barcode labeling requirements to specification based on optical and data
structure requirements.
GS1-128 Barcode18
A GS1-128 barcode is linear barcode symbology using bars and spaces in one dimension that leverage a
subset of Code 128 that is used exclusively for GS1 system data structures. A linear barcode can be
concatenated (i.e., represent all elements of a data string in a single barcode) or non-concatenated (i.e.,
represent individual elements of a data string over two or more barcodes).
Concatenated (preferred)
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications — Section 5.5, Barcode Production and Quality Assessment.
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 5.4, Linear Barcodes — GS1-128 Symbology Specifications.
GS1 DataMatrix19
A GS1 DataMatrix is a standalone, two-dimensional matrix symbology that is made up of square
modules arranged within a perimeter finder pattern. DataMatrix symbols are read by two-dimensional
imaging scanners or vision systems.
The GS1 DataMatrix is the preferred barcode symbology for trade items. If and when the GS1
DataMatrix is recommended for use on the logistic unit in the GS1 General Specification, suppliers are
permitted to use that data carrier to meet the GHSC-PSM logistic unit labeling requirement.
Example of a GS1 DataMatrix for a tertiary package — trade item or secondary package
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 5.7, Two-dimensional barcodes — GS1 DataMatrix symbology
All suppliers of pharmaceuticals, medical devices, sterile kits, and laboratory reagents are expected to
register with the GDSN and complete data sync with GHSC-PSM by December 30, 2019. The GHSC-
PSM Data Sync Implementation Guide and GHSC-PSM Data Attribute Guide (on our landing page at includes instructions for registering with a GDSN data
pool provider and initial priority attributes expected to be provided as relevant on products supplied to
Transaction Data
At the point when the supplier implements the product identification and labeling requirements, the
primary identification number on all transaction documentation provided to GHSC-PSM — including but
not limited to the packing list, commercial invoice, and advanced ship notice (ASN) — must reflect the
GTIN for the products included within. The packing list must also include SSCCs for logistic units once
applied to the logistic unit label.
Event Data
GHSC-PSM does not currently have a requirement to share event data.
To meet the GHSC-PSM requirement, all suppliers will be required to register their products and
locations with GS1. The following steps are illustrative and can be used as a guide based on experience
with other implementations.
The GHSC-PSM Data Sync Implementation Guide and GHSC-PSM Data Attribute Guides include
instructions for registering with a GDSN data pool provider and initial priority attributes expected to be
provided as relevant for products supplied to GHSC-PSM. Those resources and additional information
can be found on GHSC-PSM’s GDSN landing page:
The position of the barcode on the packaging will need to be checked to ensure that it meets the use
case and any requirements within the GS1 General Specifications.20 Any final labeling or wrapping should
also be examined to ensure that the barcodes remain visible and easy to scan.
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 6, Symbol Placement Guidelines.
Until the supplier can comply with the trade item tertiary pack labeling requirement identified in
Sections 1 and 2 (except serialization), trade item tertiary packs must be labeled with the GHSC-PSM
stock-keeping unit (SKU), batch/lot, expiration date, and quantity in human readable form at a minimum.
Once a supplier is ready to transition to the new requirement, GTINs and relevant product master data
must be provided to GHSC-PSM through the GDSN, or the GHSC-PSM Product Master Form until the
point at which data synchronization through the GDSN is compulsory. Once GHSC-PSM confirms
receipt of the master data, shipments will be accepted with the GTIN labeling requirement.
GHSC-PSM’s primary contact for global standards is:
Kaitlyn Roche
Manager, Global Standards
+1 (202) 558-5890
Samuel Oh
Product Catalog Manager
+1 (202) 558-5772
A total 112 GS1 MOs are globally available to support registration, training and education, and
implementation. Information on how to contact GS1 is available here:
A total 39 GSDN-certified data pools are available to support registration, training and education, and
implementation. Information on those organizations is available here:
data-pools. More information on syncing data with GHSC-PSM can be found on our GDSN landing page:
Term Definition
The GS1 identification key used to identify trade items. The key
Global Trade Item Number
comprises a GS1 Company Prefix, an item reference, and check digit.
GS1 AISBL. GS1 General Specification. Release 17.1, Ratified July 2017.
The first level of packaging for the product marked with an AIDC data
carrier either on the packaging or on a label affixed to the packaging.
For nonsterile packaging, the first level of packaging can be the
packaging in direct contact with the product. For sterile packaging, the
healthcare primary packaging* first level of packaging can be any combination of the sterile packaging
system and may consist of a single item or group of items for a single
therapy, such as a kit. For packaging configurations that include a retail
consumer trade item, primary packaging is a packaging level below the
retail consumer trade item.
A level of packaging marked with an AIDC carrier that may contain one
healthcare secondary packaging* or more primary packages or a group of primary packages containing a
single item.
The GS1 identification key used to identify logistic units. The key
Serial Shipping Container Code
comprises an extension digit, GS1 Company Prefix, serial reference, and
check digit.
A tertiary pack that consists entirely of the same trade item with the
tertiary homogenous pack
same batch number and expiration date.
A tertiary pack that contains either more than one unique trade item or
tertiary mixed pack entirely the same trade item with different batch numbers or expiration
The highest level of packaging that may include a pallet that contains
(one or usually) several cases or a case that contains (one or usually)
tertiary packaging
several items in its primary or secondary packaging. Tertiary packaging
may refer to either a logistic unit or a trade item.
The questions in this document are organized into four main sections:
• Section 1, IDENTIFY: Questions about GS1 identification numbers, including the identification of
trade items (products), logistic units, parties, and locations
• Section 2, CAPTURE: Questions about data carriers
• Section 3, SHARE: Questions about GS1 data sharing standards Global Data Synchronization
• Section 4: Additional questions beyond the above three topics
The questions in this section address identifying things — assigning a GS1 identification number to items
and locations so that it can be unambiguously referenced in data that is captured within an organization
and shared with other organizations.
1.1.2 What happens when my case quantity changes? Do I need another GTIN?+
Yes. You need a new GTIN to identify a case containing a different number of trade items or to
identify a predefined pallet configuration containing a different quantity of cases.
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 4.3, GTIN Rules
GS1 US. Frequently Asked Questions by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Preparing for the U.S. DSCSA. Release 1.0, May 23, 2017.
A label may also repeat other information found in the barcode, such as the expiration date or
lot number, on some part of the label not near the barcode. Such printed information is not
considered HRI and is not subject to GS1 formatting rules (although other regulations governing
label content may apply).
Common logistic units in the pharmaceutical industry include a pallet of cases picked to order, a
mixed case of items picked to order, or a homogeneous case of items that contains fewer than a
full case. Unlike a trade item, each logistic unit contains different contents.
US. Frequently Asked Questions by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Preparing for the U.S. DSCSA. Release 1.0, May 23, 2017.
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 4.14 Human Readable Interpretation (HRI) Rules
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 4.4 SSCC Rules
1.2.6 My company already has a GS1 Company Prefix, which it uses to assign
GTINs. Does my company need another GS1 Company Prefix to use SSCCs?+
No. You can use the same GS1 Company Prefix that you already use for GTINs to create
SSCCs. If you have more than one GS1 Company Prefix, you can use any or all of them to
create SSCCs (and so you will have greater capacity than if you just had one GS1 Company
1.2.7 Can I use a SSCC when shipping partial homogeneous cases? What about
mixed cases?+
Yes to both. SSCCs should be used to identify partial cases of homogeneous items or mixed
cases of different items.
If a package is a trade item (e.g., an individual unit of use or a homogeneous case of fixed
composition), it will carry a GTIN; if a package is a logistic unit and/or a mixed or partial pack, it
will carry an SSCC.
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section, Allocating Serial Shipping Container Codes
GS1 US. Frequently Asked Questions by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Preparing for the U.S. DSCSA. Release 1.0, May 23, 2017.
Identifier on Identifier on
Identifier on
Scenario tertiary pack tertiary pack
secondary pack
(trade item) (logistic unit)
Full homogeneous case where GTIN (based on the GTIN (based on the SSCC
there is a GTIN for that case item-level GTIN) + case-level GTIN) +
configuration, and the case is serial number serial number
packed onto a pallet with other
Partial/incomplete homogeneous GTIN (based on the SSCC SSCC (different than
case, and the case is packed onto a item-level GTIN) + the case-level SSCC)
pallet with other cases serial number
Mixed case, and the case is packed GTIN (based on SSCC SSCC (different than
onto a pallet with other cases various item-level the case-level SSCC)
GTINs) + serial
Full homogeneous case where GTIN (based on the GTIN (based on the SSCC
there is a GTIN for that case item-level GTIN) + case-level GTIN) +
configuration, and the case is serial number serial number
shipped by itself as a logistic unit and SSCC
Partial/incomplete homogeneous GTIN (based on the SSCC
case, and the case is shipped by item-level GTIN) +
itself as a logistic unit serial number
Mixed case, and the case is shipped GTIN (based on SSCC
by itself as a logistic unit various item-level
GTINs) + serial
The following table summarizes the identifiers present for GHSC-PSM compliance for medical
devices, sterile kits, and laboratory reagents:
Identifier on Identifier on
Identifier on
Scenario tertiary pack tertiary pack
secondary pack
(trade item) (logistic unit)
Full homogeneous case where GTIN GTIN SSCC
there is a GTIN for that case
configuration, and the case is
packed onto a pallet with other
Partial/incomplete homogeneous GTIN SSCC SSCC (different than
case, and the case is packed onto a the case-level SSCC)
pallet with other cases
Mixed case, and the case is packed GTIN SSCC SSCC (different than
onto a pallet with other cases the case-level SSCC)
Full homogeneous case where GTIN GTIN and SSCC SSCC
there is a GTIN for that case
configuration, and the case is
shipped by itself as a logistic unit
Partial/incomplete homogeneous GTIN SSCC
case, and the case is shipped by
itself as a logistic unit
Suppliers will provide SSCCs for all logistic units to GHSC-PSM on the packing list.
1.4.2 Does the GS1 Company Prefix uniquely identify my company or brand?+
No. The GS1 Company Prefix is not an identifier. It is a string of digits that is used as a part of
GS1 identification numbers. A GS1 Company Prefix does not uniquely identify a company or
brand because a given company could have more than one GS1 Company Prefix, and sometimes
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 4.6, GLN Rules
GS1 US. Frequently Asked Questions by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Preparing for the U.S. DSCSA. Release 1.0, May 23, 2017.
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 1.5, GS1 Company Prefix Allocation
1.4.4 Our company does business in multiple countries. Do I need a GS1 Company
Prefix for each country?+
No. Your GS1 Company Prefix can be used to create GTINs, SSCCs, GLNs, or any other GS1
identification number for use globally. You are encouraged to license your GS1 Company Prefix
with the country where you are headquartered and where you will look to receive GS1
The questions in this section address capturing data from physical items using barcode data
carriers. GS1 data carriers provide machine-readable representations of GS1 identification keys that
facilitate automatic identification and data capture.
The GS1-128 barcode is most commonly used to label a logistic unit with a SSCC.
GS1 US. Frequently Asked Questions by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Preparing for the U.S. DSCSA. Release 1.0, May 23, 2017.
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 5.4, GS1-128 symbology specifications
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 5.7, Two-dimensional barcodes — GS1 DataMatrix symology
The GS1 DataMatrix is most commonly used to label a trade item with a GTIN and other
related information, such as batch/lot, expiration date, and serial number.
2.2.3 What is the physical difference between a GS1 DataMatrix and a QR Code?+
GS1 DataMatrix and QR Codes can be distinguished by the naked eye by looking at the finder
patterns. A GS1 DataMatrix will appear to have a solid black line on two sides of the symbol. A
QR Code has a distinctive square “bulls-eye” pattern in three of the four corners.
2.3.1 What are GS1 Application Identifiers?30 How are AIs manifested in the
barcode and/or human readable information?+
GS1 AIs are used in barcodes that are capable of holding more than one data element, such as
the GS1 DataMatrix. In such barcodes, each data element is prefixed with a GS1 AIto. indicating
the meaning of that data element. Each AI is a two-, three-, or four-digit numeric code. When
rendered in human readable form, the AI is usually shown in parentheses. However, the
parentheses are not part of the barcode-encoded data.
GS1 US. Frequently Asked Questions by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Preparing for the U.S. DSCSA. Release 1.0, May 23, 2017.
For more information, see GS1 General Specifications, Section 3, GS1 Application Identifier definitions
The combination of a single AI and the following data is called a “GS1 element string.” A series
of GS1 element strings in a single barcode is called a “concatenated element string.”
The following table lists the AIs that are relevant for GHSC-PSM.
Typical Characters following
Use case Data element AI
barcode type the AI
GTIN 01 14 digits
2.3.3 Is there a specific order in which AIs must be encoded in the barcode?
No. AIs may be encoded in any order. However, for the most efficient encoding, it is best to
have fixed-length data elements precede variable-length elements. As an example:
• (01) GTIN
• (17) Expiration date
• (10) Batch
• (21) Serial number
Systems that read barcodes must not rely on AIs being arranged in any particular order. They
must be prepared to process the data regardless of the ordering of AIs.
2.3.4 Can additional AIs be encoded in the barcode, other than those specified by
The GHSC-PSM requirement identifies the minimum GS1 identification keys to be included on
product labels. However, additional AIs are permitted at the discretion of the supplier,
particularly in producing multimarket packs.
GS1 US. Frequently Asked Questions by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Preparing for the U.S. DSCSA. Release 1.0, May 23, 2017.
The questions in this section address sharing data between trading partners using GS1 data-sharing
Product information is referred to as “attributes” in the GDSN. Attributes are defined by the
supplier (e.g., GTIN, size, weight, height, brand). More than 3,000 item attributes are available in
the GDSN.
3.1.6 What are the benefits of syncing data through the GDSN?
Data synchronization offers several benefits, including:
• Reduces data errors between trading partners
• Allows for real-time item attribute maintenance and updates
• Ensures logistics information, including size, dimensions, and weight, is accurate and
received at the each, case, warehouse pack, and pallet levels
• Provides accurate, standards-based, synchronized data that reduces supply chain
• Enables accurate data exchange from many data sources to many recipient parties with a
single entry
For questions on how to choose the right data pool for your organization, please refer to the
GS1 website:
The GS1 website has a list of GDSN-certified data pools with contact information, which can be
found here:
3.3.4. Will GHSC-PSM use EDI for the exchange of transaction data?
GHSC-PSM is evaluating the use of EDI for transaction data exchange with suppliers, and
additional information will be provided once requirements have been developed. In the interim,
if a supplier is interested in piloting EDI for transaction data exchange with GHSC-PSM, please
4.1.3 Are there circumstances in which suppliers can request an exemption from
the requirement?
GS1 US. Frequently Asked Questions by the Pharmaceutical Industry in Preparing for the U.S. DSCSA. Release 1.0, May 23, 2017.
4.1.4 Are there circumstances in which suppliers can request an exception from the
Exceptions to adherence will not be granted for product identification. All suppliers are
expected to obtain a GS1 Company Prefix and assign GTINs to items and GLNs to parties or
Exceptions for adherence will be considered on a case-by-case basis ONLY for the labeling
and master data exchange requirement, when the supplier can demonstrate a reasonable
effort to implement within the required timeframe.
4.2.1 Which guidelines need to be adhered to in the case that the importing country
has specific requirements?
If the importing country regulatory authority has mandated its own specific requirements for
barcoding, the supplier need not comply with the GHSC-PSM requirements for identifying and
labeling various levels of packaging. However, an instance in which the GHSC-PSM requirement
will not be applied needs to be confirmed with GHSC-PSM and relevant authorities.