Bai Thuyet Trinh
Bai Thuyet Trinh
Bai Thuyet Trinh
Hello everybody, as you know climate change in the global has reached the top of the risk. Most
reported said that the heat rises up in the globe today because of human activity, but for many reasons,
the most effective to the emerge of climate change is by natural factor. The natural variability and the
climate fluctuations of the climate system have always been part of the Earth’s history. To understand
climate change fully, the causes of climate change must be first identified. The earth’s climate is
influenced and changed through natural causes like volcanic eruptions, ocean currents, the Earth’s
orbital changes, solar variations, and internal variability So want to know it, My team will help you
Many scientists disagree that human activity is primarily responsible for global climate change. Rising
levels of atmospheric CO2 do not necessarily cause global warming. Human-produced CO2 is re-
absorbed by oceans, forests, and other “carbon sinks,” negating any climate changes. Global warming
and cooling are primarily caused by fluctuations in the sun’s heat (solar forcing), not by human activity.
Sea levels have been steadily rising for thousands of years, and the increase has nothing to do with
As you know, the main cause of the greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide, but do you think humans can
produce enough carbon dioxide to change the earth?. I don't think so because CO2 has a natural source:
plants and animals. This is a fact, when there is light, plants will absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and release
oxygen (O2) and vice versa when there is no sunlight. Let's continue with animals. Same as humans,
some animals use Oxygen to breathe then release CO2 and when they die, their carcasses decomposed
to produce co2.
Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 do not necessarily cause global warming.
Earth’s climate record shows that warming has preceded, not followed, a rise in CO2. According to a
study published in Science, measurements of ice core samples showed that over the last four climactic
cycles (past 240,000 years), periods of natural global warming preceded global increases in CO2. [117]
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published a study of the earth’s climate 460-445
million years ago which found that an intense period of glaciation, not warming, occurred when CO2
levels were 5 times higher than they are today. [4] According to ecologist and former Director of
Greenpeace International Patrick Moore, PhD, “there is some correlation, but little evidence, to support
a direct causal relationship between CO2 and global temperature through the millennia
Influence from within:
Ocean changes: changes of processes that take place such as the circulation of heat salt in the ocean
floor. And plays an important role in the redistribution of heat in the oceans across the globe.
Influence from the outside
Changes in Earth's orbit: Small changes in Earth's orbit also affect the seasonal distribution of solar
energy on the Earth's surface.
Volcanic activity: When the volcano erupts, it spews out some negatively affected gases such as SO2, ash
dust, water vapor, aerosols,... It is re-radiated into the air or even with the sun, reducing the
temperature on earth.
Earth orbital changes - Shifts and wobbles in
the Earth’s orbit can trigger changes in climate such as
the beginning and end of ice ages. The last ice age
ended about 12,000 years ago and the next cooling
cycle may begin in about 30,000 years. But orbital
changes are so gradual they’re only noticeable over
thousands of years – not decades or centuries. The
earth makes one full orbit around the sun each year. It
is tilted at an angle of 23.5° to the perpendicular plane
of its orbital path. Changes in the tilt of the earth can