Andrew Godwin-Trading Secret of The Inner Circle
Andrew Godwin-Trading Secret of The Inner Circle
Andrew Godwin-Trading Secret of The Inner Circle
Skype: andreybbrv
Chapter 1
RSI =100-(100/1+RS)
RS= Average of x day's up close to close changes/average of x day's
down close to close changes.
For 8 day RSI you will be averaging the close to close changes of the last 8 up days.
Then you will divide this figure by the average close to close changes of the last 8
down days.
Market Wizard Filter 11
dealing with a poor system is a W/L ratio worse than the .70 and intraday drawdown
nearly half as large as the net profit.
By themselves, oscillator systems are extremely dangerous if used in the traditional way.
Buying when an oscillator such as stochastics or RSI turns up from oversold can bank-
rupt you during a landslide decline. Nothing in the oscillator system will provide you
with an exit from your trade except a turndown from the overbought area by the oscilla-
tor. If the oscillator goes down after your buy and does rally enough to make the oscilla-
tor go above the sell line, you may lose a tremendous sum.
The process of transforming the 8 day RSI system from lemon into a gem involves filter-
ing with internal and intermarket models. What we will do is tell the system that it may
only enter into the stock index futures contracts when conditions for an advance are
most favorable. Furthermore, if the conditions that led us to enter the market deterio-
rate, then we build in a mechanism for exiting the trade. We can exit before RSI crosses
below the sell line when danger approaches. Now I will give you two ways to do this
including the "Market Wizard" method.
1) Calculate the 10 day simple moving average of the number of advancing issues on
the NYSE. This number is available from most quote services, brokers and finan-
cial television tickers. A ten day moving average is calculated by adding the last
ten days of advances and dividing this sum by 10.
2) Calculate the 10 day simple moving average of the number of declining issues on
the NYSE. Follow the same procedure that you did to calculate the 10 day mov-
ing average of advances.
12 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
4) If the value of the division is greater than .75 or 75% then our market breadth filter
is considered positive.
5) If the value of the division is less than .50 then our market breadth filter is consid-
ered negative.
6) If the breadth filter is positive then buy the S&P 500 contracts on the close of the
day when the 8 day RSI crosses from below to above 30.
7) Exit your long position if the 8 day RSI crosses from above to below 65.
8) Also exit your long position if the market breadth filter changes from positive to
This system adds a trend filter designed to get us out of the trade if market breadth
deteriorates while we are in the trade, but the 8 day RSI fails to provide us with an exit.
This technological advance allows us to get out of bad trades more quickly than we
would if we were trading the 8 day RSI system. Profit factor rises to 4.55 from the 3.29
of the basic system. Our net profit increases by $28,000 and our maximum drawdown
shrinks by nearly 65%. This system clearly improves the result of the basic system and
gives us a safer way to trade. However, the W/L ratio is still too low at .71. So let us
move to the "Market Wizard" version.
These filters were adapted from a concept discussed by the great S&P trader, Marly
Schwartz who was interviewed in the trading book "Market Wizards." Schwartz sug-
gests trading S&P futures when both bonds and short paper are above their moving
averages. This model draws on Schwartz's concept, but we have added our own twist.
Market Wizard Filter 13
1) Each Friday, record the close of the CBOT's ten-year note future. When the
Friday close of the ten-year note is greater than its 40 week moving average then
the note filter is positive. If Friday is a holiday, use whatever close is the last close
of the trading week.
2) Each Friday, record the close of the Treasury bill future. When Friday's closing
T'bill future price is greater than its 40 week moving average, then the short paper
filter is positive.
3) If the note filter and the bill filter are both positive then the interest rate component
is positive.
4) If the note filter and the bill filter are both negative then the interest rate composite
is negative.
5) If either the note filter or the bill filter is positive while the other is negative, the
last reading of the interest rate composite stays the same. A change in the reading
is only possible if both the note and the bill filter are above or below their moving
averages simultaneously at Friday's close.
6) If the interest rate composite is bullish, buy on the close of the day when the 8 day
RSI crosses from below to above the 40 buy line.
7) Exit your long trade if the 8 day RSI crosses from above to below the 75 sell line.
8) Exit your long trade if the interest rate composite changes from positive to nega-
tive even if RSI has not given an exit signal yet.
This version of the 8 day RSI system permits us to trade only when monetary condi-
tions are favorable for stocks. When both short interest rates and intermediate interest
14 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
rates are declining, the monetary environment should normally be favorable for stocks,
We only will trade the S&P futures when we have the interest rate climate on our side.
Notice how with such an excellent filter as positive monetary conditions, we can change
our RSI parameters to make buying easier and selling harder. This allows us to capture
more dollars during favorable periods while avoiding risk when the monetary climate is
stacked against us. In fact over $200,000 in profits have been collected with this trade.
If the bill and note markets deteriorate while we are in a trade, we simply exit the trade
and wait for the next signal. This system has one of the best track records of any S&P
oscillator system that you are likely to see. With an 8.19 profit factor, 82% accuracy, and
a largest losing trade of less than $7,700, we have a great system. Add in the fact that the
system sports a 1.82 W/L ratio and you have the ingredients of a true "Market Wizard"
Market Wizard Filter 15
16 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Market Wizard Filter 17
18 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
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Type : System
Name : Chapter1 Basic 8 day
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Last Update : 08/26/97 03:24pm
Printed on : 08/26/97 03:27pm
Verified : YES
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Type System
Name Chapter1 A/D Filter
Last Update 08/26/97 03:16pm
Printed on 08/26/97 03:18pm
Verified YES
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
Market Wizard Filter 23
24 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Market Wizard Filter 25
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Type System
Name Chapter1 Wizard
Last Update 08/26/97 03:39pm
Printed on 08/26/97 03:47pm
Verified YES
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
Chapter 2
In developing your OEX trading strategies, you should take into account the level of
implied volatility as measured by the VIX. Ideally, you should be selling options when
implied volatility is high and about to fall. By the same token, you should attempt to buy
options when implied volatility is low and about to rise.
The VIX model that I am about to share with you is designed to give you a small advan-
tage in figuring out the direction of implied volatility. The model has excelled at catching
2-3 point moves in the VIX on the long and the short side. In fact, the model has had a
perfect track record using only very simple rules.
You cannot go and trade the VIX index since no vehicle exists that isolates option im-
plied volatility. In fact, I tried to price custom derivative options on the VIX with five
major Wall Street equity derivatives departments and each refused to be my counterparty
28 Trading Secret s of the Inner Circle
on the trades. Therefore, rather than trade the VIX, you should incorporate the VIX
model into your option strategies as noted.
Track records referred to in this chapter can be found on pages 29-32.
1) Sell VIX index at the close if it rises 2 points (i.e. from 15 to 17) above its 40 day
moving average.
2) Exit short VIX index on close if the index falls more than 2 points below your
short entry level and the VIX is less than 2 points above its 40 day moving aver-
3) Buy VIX index at the close if it falls 2 points (i.e. from 11 to 9) below its 40 day
moving average.
4) Exit long VIX index on close if it rises more than 2 points above your long entry
level and the VIX is greater than its 40 day moving average minus 2 points.
The VIX model gave 37 signals. Every signal but one, eventually showed a gain. The
average trade resulted in a pickup of 2.93 points on the VIX. Of course, the model does
not capture the exact turning point in implied volatility. At times, markets have moved
against positions for a number of sessions.
Wall Street has hired a bevy of scientists to predict implied volatility. However, by simply
recognizing that the VIX index has a distinct tendency to revert to mean values, we
should be able to make our options trading more efficient. Also note that short positions
initiated by the model on the VIX last fewer days than longs. This may be due to a
tendency for market volatility to rise less rapidly than it falls. The shorts have generated
more rapid exits.
The VIX Index Timing Model 29
30 Trading Secret s of the Inner Circle
The VIX Index Timing Model 31
32 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
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Type System
Name Vix System
Last Update 08/26/97 04:12pm
Printed on 08/26/97 04:17pm
Verified NO
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
Chapter 3
Crash Filters For The Stock
This chapter will be short and sweet. Though the topic may seem a bit unusual, it may
end up being the most important chapter in the book for many of you. The information
contained is crucial. Indeed, recognizing the pattern I will show you may very well end
up saving your career as a trader. It may also make your career as a trader if the pattern
unfolds, and you take aggressive positions for a smash. In fact, in 1994, this model gave
a signal that I relayed to my fund manager. He took immediate action in the OEX Put
market and saved the fund millions of dollars over the next month. The subject of this
report is panic liquidation of the stock market, when it has happened, how to predict it,
and how to profit from it.
My crash filter pattern does not get tripped too often. Usually the market goes up. In
fact, on only 235 days has the trade called for a short position in the market since 1986.
Even when the pattern does occur, there have been times when no panic liquidation has
taken place. Do not panic yourself when the pattern appears imminent. No market move
can be called inevitable. However, taking protective measures with your money and
making a speculation in put options seem warranted.
Many commentators have theorized that drops in the price of Treasury instruments such
as bonds, notes or bills can be very negative for stocks. Similarly, other researchers have
found a link between the U.S. dollar's price momentum and stock prices. A falling dollar
34 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
What this report will show you is a completely mechanical method for gauging the weak-
ness of Treasury notes and the trade-weighted U.S. dollar for use in S&P trading. My
studies show conclusively that panic liquidation of stocks occurs most readily when a
simultaneous deterioration of intermediate/long term government bonds and the trade-
weighted dollar is taking place. Sometimes just one of these conditions can be met and
stocks drop, but the combined meltdown has carried more dire consequences.
1) Maintain the weekly closing prices of the ten-year note future. Every Friday, write
down the closing price of the ten-year note. If Friday is a holiday, record the close of
the last day of the week in its place.
2) Maintain the weekly closing prices of the U.S. dollar index futures contract. Every
Friday write down the closing price of the trade-weighted dollar futures. (Symbol
DX) If Friday is a holiday, record the close of the last day of the week in its place.
1) If the weekly close of the ten-year note is lower than the lowest weekly closing price
of the ten prior weeks, then the interest rate filter is bearish.
2) If the weekly close of the U.S. dollar index future is lower than the lowest weekly
closing price of the eight prior weeks, then the currency filter is bearish.
3) If both the interest rate filter and the currency are bearish on the same date, then our
crash model goes into effect. The crash filter remains in effect for 20 days following
the signal. Long positions at this time carry maximal risk while shorts carry maximal
reward potential.
4) At the end of 40 days, exit shorts and reset the model. If the interest rate and cur-
Crash Filters for the Stock Market 35
rency filter are both bearish at the next weekly close, then the signal goes into effect
for 40 days starting at that repeat signal date instead of the previous signal date.
As you can see, this model went into action during all the bear market years since the
study period began in 1986. The model handily caught the collapses in early and late
1987. It caught the landslides of early and late 1990. Finally, the model caught the last
bear year, which as of the date of this writing, was 1994. The model signaled two false
trades in 1988. As you can see, not even the simultaneous declines of the Treasury and
U.S. dollar markets can guarantee a stock market decline.
However, the model made 9.10 dollars for every dollar that it lost. It isolated the three
major bear phases of the past 10 years and made $101,295 on a single contract in less
than 250 days of activity. I pay very close attention to this model and encourage you to
do the same.
36 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Crash Filters for the Stock Market 37
38 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Chapter 4
Trading the Options
Expiration Method
As you may know, on option expiration day each month in the stock market, volume and
volatility have a tendency to swell. Very small moves in the stock indices may determine
whether or not vast sums are won or lost in the options markets. Indeed, there is an
overwhelmingly powerful motive for large traders to act to make their positions profit-
able at expiration. In this chapter, you will learn how market makers and large traders
act in ways that create profit opportunity for savvy professionals.
Specifically, I will teach you how and when professionals have been taking positions to
profit from the expiration shenanigans. The mechanical entry into the S&P 500 futures
contract provided has made approximately $115,000 with 76% accuracy trading a single
contract. I encourage you not to fear to trade the expirations, but to study them instead.
Track records referred to in this chapter can be found on pages 42-51.
One tactic that can sometimes be seen on expiration day in stock indices is nicknamed the
"Paris March" by top hedge fund traders. The nickname comes from the famous pictures
of the Nazis marching by the Arc de Triomphe in Paris during WWII. In the photo,
heavily armed bullies storm the city while the residents stand by defenselessly.
40 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Similarly, in the stock market, major players will buy large positions in individual stock
call options before expiration day. Traders are happy to sell these short-term options to
the big players because the time decay is so extensively close to expiration that the sale
looks like a good bet. However, the trick that follows can end up putting the seller out
of business.
To carry out the Paris March, the large house that bought the calls buys the underlying
stock(s) just an hour or so before expiration to force the calls into the money. Call
options that were slightly out of the money suddenly go into the money and force the
brokerage houses to scramble to buy stock to meet the exercises. This strategy creates
a short-term buying surge and the buying looks to be coming from many sources—a
powerful psychological driver in the market. The trading house profits on its long cash
position and its calls or short puts at expiration. Naturally, the market has a tendency to
go down the morning following expiration as the artificial demand for stocks disappears.
I have created a historical calendar for you of options expirations from 1981-1997 so
that you may conduct your own research into expiration phenomena. But now, I will
give you my best trading strategy for exploiting the upward bias of many pre-expiration
I look for an unusual disturbance in volatility patterns 4-5 days prior to options expira-
tion to tip me off that a tradable expiration move is on the way. This system takes
positions at the close of the "tip-off day and holds until the close of the expiration day.
1) If the range of the day five trading days before expiration day is less than 70% of the
average range of the previous three days or is greater than 140% of the average
range of the previous three days then an unusual volatility disturbance has taken
Trading the Options Expiration Method 41
2) Given an unusual volatility disturbance five days before expiration, buy the S&P 500
futures on the close of the unusual disturbance day.
3) Hold the long futures position until the close of options expiration day.
(Using Prophet Information Services continuous, adjusted futures S&P 500 data from
4/82-4/97. ($75 deducted for costs.)
We have tested results of trading on a volatility disturbance four days before expiration
with very similar results. However, for the record, we will use five days as our model
pattern. The expiration system has traded 66 times since 1982. Total net profit of
$122,530 has been achieved trading only one lot. Profitability for this model has in-
creased sharply in recent years as the phenomenon has become more pronounced.
The system has also tallied up an extraordinary win/loss ratio of 2.43 and an impressive
profit factor of 7.30.
You would have been in the market for only 340 days using this model. Therefore, being
long less than 10% of the time since the inception of the S&P contract, this model has
captured approximately 51 % of the total index points of buy and hold. This statistical
phenomenon is very powerful. If you think likewise, maybe you will conduct your own
research into this type of trading.
For users of Tradestation, the code and calendar for the expiration system are included
on the following page:
42 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
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Type : System
Name : GTC-Expiration
Notes :
Last Update : 08/28/97 11:34pm
Printed on : 08/28/97 11:35pm
Verified : YES
then begin
daysleft=WkB4optl; {user function for all months 5 days B4 expiration)
If daysleft=5 then Conditionl=true;
If Conditionl=true then begin
If B4Count=5 then buy on close;
If barssinceentry=5 then begin
exitlong on close;
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
48 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
Trading the Options Expiration Method 49
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
50 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
Trading the Options Expiration Method 51
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
Chapter 5
Reactive Day Trading of the
S&P 500
By using daily pattern analysis to determine our short- term trades, we accomplish sev-
eral worthwhile goals. First of all, we insure that our performance as traders reflects the
quality of our statistical research and not just the trend of the market. Second of all, we
create a diversified portfolio of trading methods, which when united, create a lower risk
profile than any one method can yield. To trade one method alone is to base our results
on certain random factors and certain elements beyond our control. Finally, by entering
and exiting our positions rapidly, we create an environment that will tolerate our missing
a move.
As a trend follower, I cannot make an error or take time off from trading. If a signal
occurs and I am not watching, I may not be able to get back into the market at the system
entry price. Short term pattern trading helps solve this problem. Many of the greatest
money managers trade exclusively in this fashion but will never reveal to you the basis of
their success. Every statistical trader has a bunch of pet patterns that are used each time
certain conditions take place. I am giving you a sample library of pet patterns, but you
must have experience in other areas to make money trading this way.
One great secret of many professional traders will really shock you. They almost never
use stop orders to exit losing positions. Contrary to the advice of most trading manuals,
the dozen or so large fund traders that I have worked with do not use intraday protective
54 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
stops. Many use entry stops to gain advantages, as I will describe later. Traders who use
protective stops end up degrading their systems. The stops tend to get triggered at the
extreme price levels of the day, thus giving up positions at the very worst possible mo-
ments. A large trader with a protective stop in the market becomes extremely vulnerable
to manipulative strategies. We will hang onto our trades until time runs out on our
patterns. We will not use leverage that will force us out of the market upon adverse price
movements. If we do use leverage, then we will buy out of the money hedging options to
trade against repeatedly without requiring our using protective stops.
Without further comment, let me present you with a collection of S&P daily trading
patterns that I found through extensive computerized searches of historical price behav-
ior. So that this chapter did not turn into a mindless exercise in data mining, I have only
included patterns that contain common sense reasons for their effectiveness.
The patterns are presented in a way that a professional computer based trader might use
them. They need to be entered into a real time system monitoring machine such as
Tradestation™ by Omega Research. When Tradestation signals that one of these pat-
terns has fired, the code will tell you what signal has occurred and what orders you must
place. Response time must be fast and furious. In cases in which entries or exits are
based upon the closing price, you must know your systems' rules and not depend upon
the computer alerts. A bell ringing at the close and telling you to enter your position tells
you too late what you should have done. I have provided the Tradestation™ code for
each pattern so that there will be no ambiguity caused by my written descriptions. Track
records in this chapter can be found on pages 64-84.
(Data: All pattern work was performed using Prophet Information Service's adjusted
continuous futures contracts for the S&P 500. The time period studied ran from 4/21/
82-3/31/97. $75 in costs per trade were assumed.)
Patterns #1-2 use exits at a point after the close of the entry day. Therefore, they need
to be stored on a page separate from the other patterns. These patterns make up the
first charting page.
Reactive Day Trading of the S&P 500 55
that pure day traders and pit traders do not exploit. The following code will appear in
your Tradestation software for Pattern #2.
Daily Pattern #3: 'Buy on the Cannons and Sell on the Trumpets'
When Tuesday turns into a "Countertrend Tuesday" reversal day, often we would have
been able to buy into the frightening collapse on Monday guided by our other patterns.
To heed the commandment of the Marquis de Rothschilde, we must look to sell into the
fanfare (the metaphoric trumpets) of a confirmed reversal day. When Tuesday reverses
on a large range day and makes the highest closing price in four days, we will sell Wednes-
day on a move down from Wednesday's open for a trade. We hold this short position
until the open on Monday for maximum gains. With an average winning trade of $1850
we have good reason to agree with the Marquis.
The following code will appear in your Tradestation software for Pattern #3.
{Exit is in code. Do not set a TradeStation stop}
if dayofweek(date)=2
and range>highest(range,3)[ 1 ]
and close>highest(close,4)[ 1 ]
and (low<low[l] or
absvalue (low-low[l])<.4)
then sell ("Sell D3") tomorrow at open tomorrow -. 1 stop;
if barssinceentry=2 then exitshort ("X D3") at market;
Reactive Day Trading of the S&P 500 57
(Pattern #4-14 trade intraday and then exit at the close of the entry day. These
patterns must be tracked separately from the others and will make up Charting page
The following will appear in your Tradestation software for Pattern #5.
{Set TradeStation to close trade at end of day}
value 1=lowest(range,2) * .45;
if high[2]<low[5]
and high>highest(high,2)[ 1]
and close<open
then buy ("Buy D5") tomorrow at open tomorrow + value1 stop;
The following code will appear in your Trade station software for Pattern #8.
{Set TradeStation to close trade at end of day)
If (dayofweek(date)=4 or dayofweek(date)=5)
and close[l]>close[2]
and close>close[l]
and range<range[l]*.75
and open tomorrow>close
then buy ("Buy D8") tomorrow at open tomorrow stop;
if high<low[2]-.70
and dayofweek(date)<4
and range<range[l]*.75
then buy ("Buy Dll") tomorrow at open tomorrow + value 1 stop;
The following code will appear in your Tradestation software for Pattern #13.
{Set TradeStation to close trade at end of day}
if low<lowest(low,2)[ 1 ]
and dayofweek(Date)<4
and low[l]<low[2]
and open tomorrow<low[l]
and range>range[l]
and open tomorrow>low+.50
then buy ("Buy D13") tomorrow at low[l] + 1 point stop;
The focus of my reversal system is a short-term move that reverses a recent extreme in
price. You await the onset of a reversal from a relative high or low before trading in the
direction of this counter-swing. The historical results of our system are high enough to
warrant the use of such vehicles as OEX put and call options. We do not recommend
futures positions leveraged far .beyond your cash. Rather, the safety net provided by
slightly out of the money hedging options against futures positions can be crucial to your
survival when the unexpected strikes.
In the S&P 500 futures market, many traders employ stochastics, RSI and other trading
oscillators. Normally these traders will buy at the close when the oscillators move from
oversold to overbought and sell when the reverse occurs. I refer you to my chapter on
the "Market Wizard" method for more detail on this type of strategy. The prevalence of
oscillator trading strategies can provide an edge in using intraday reversal systems. In-
deed, I will show you how oscillator traders will actually push our reversal system trades
in the direction we want.
86 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
1) If the S&P 500 contract closes below the lowest price of the preceding six days,
then we search for a trade.
2) If a close below the lowest low of the preceding six days occurs, then just before
the open the following day, we place a buy stop at the highest close of the preced-
ing three days.
3) If the market does not hit our stop, then we cancel the stop at the close of the day.
4) If the market does not hit our stop, but it closes again below the lowest price of
the previous six days, then we place a new stop just before the opening the follow-
ing day at the current highest close of the three preceding days.
1) If the S&P 500 contract closes above the highest price of the preceding six days
then we search for a trade.
2) If a close above the highest high of the six preceding days occurs, then at the open
the following day we place a sell stop at the lowest close of the three preceding
3) If the market does not hit our stop, then we cancel our stop at the end of the day.
4) If the market does not hit our stop, but it closes again above the highest price of
the previous six days, then we move our stop at the open the following day to the
current lowest close of the three preceding days.
Short Term Reversal Systems 87
5) If our stop is hit, we stay short the market for five days including the day of entry
and exit on the close of the fifth day.
As you can see from the system results page, our reversal system has had a marvelous
record in jumping into profitable reversal trades. These reversals have signaled large
moves in the majority of cases. It would seem that the psychology underlying the stock
index futures contracts changes for a few days after an x day extreme reversal. The build
up in optimism that creates a six day high rapidly dissipates when the market reverses
from the extreme. Similarly, the pessimism existing when a six-day low is made vanishes
when the market moves back up through our channel of recent closes.
Another advantage of the system is the fact that our stop will not be in a cluster where
the pit will normally be looking for them. We are not buying at a high or low itself.
Instead, we are able to take a position intraday on days when many oscillator systems
will signal at the close. Look for your yourself at the position of short term trading
oscillators when the market makes a six day extreme price. These indicators will nor-
mally show an oversold or overbought market. By positioning ourselves in the direction
of the reversal intraday, we get a bit of a jump on other traders.
With an average trade of over $1,500 on the S&P, 76% accuracy and $56,976 in profits
and a W/L ratio of 1.52, you should spend the time required to monitor the reversal
system signals.
88 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Short Term Reversal Systems 89
90 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Short Term Reversal Systems 91
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Type : System
Name : Chap6 Reversals
Notes :
Last Update : 08/26/97 06:44pm
Printed on : 08/26/97 06:44pm
Verified : NO
Symmetrical Pattern
Traders trained in macroeconomic theory run the risk entering trades based upon super-
ficial analysis of inter market price action. As many of you know, a sharp upward move
in a commodity such as crude oil or gold can scare S&P 500 traders into selling their
stock positions or going short. Commodity prices are perceived as having an inverse
relationship with stock prices.
The reasoning of many traders taking short positions springs from the following logical
chain: 1) commodity prices rising means that inflation is growing and therefore the Fed-
eral Reserve is more likely to raise short-term rates. 2) This monetary tightening will be
bad for stocks and therefore S&P's should be sold based upon the commodity price rise.
This macroeconomic logic, used at the wrong moment, leads to what I call the commod-
ity fakeout trap. This chapter should get you to steer clear of this trap.
The psychology behind the average trader's decision to trade must be studied. It is this
psychology that will take the poor trader into the wrong positions over and over. The
methods that I teach you are designed to move the average trader's losses into the credit
field of your account statement. Remember, in a field as complex as leveraged trading,
decisions of the average trader will nearly always prove incorrect. I am about to show
you one situation in which intuition may lead you astray.
94 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
What I have done is identify intermarket patterns that trick the average trader into mak-
ing a mistake. By acting in a counterintuitive fashion and by taking the opposite side of
the trade, we will move ourselves into the small camp of winners. The crucial insider
concept about what are called "symmetrical patterns" will also be discussed.
One of the traps that has ensnared many traders is the inflation fakeout trap. News over
the weekend and moves in overseas markets create unique volatility patterns on Mon-
days. In effect, Monday reflects over two days of events because traders cannot enter or
exit positions over the weekend. We want to trade a market that reaches an extreme
price just prior to a reversal, and Monday's have frequently ended with futures markets
at extreme prices. Therefore, the commodity fakeout system will enter trades only on
Monday at the close.
Buy Rules:
1) If the S&P 500 contracts close at a lower price than the closes of the preceding six
days on Monday then the first condition (extreme price on Monday) has been met.
2) If the New York Silver Futures contracts simultaneously close at a price higher than
the closes of the preceding 9 days then the second condition (extreme commodity
price on Monday) has been met.
3) If condition 1 and condition 2 have been met, then we will buy the S&P 500 futures
contracts at the close. We will exit our long trade on Wednesday's opening.
Sell Rules:
1) If the S&P 500 futures contracts close at a higher price than the closes of the preced-
ing 6 days on Monday then the first condition (extreme price on Monday) has been
2) If the New York silver futures contracts simultaneously close a price lower than the
Symmetrical Pattern 95
closes of the preceding 9 days then the second condition (extreme commodity price
on Monday) has been met.
3) If sell conditions 1 and 2 are both met, then we will sell the S&P 500 futures on close.
We will exit our short trade Wednesday's opening.
This system provides what professionals call a symmetrical pattern trade. In layman's
terms, this means that simply reversing the rules for buying and selling creates a profit-
able result on both longs and shorts. This type of pattern carries great value to the
professional hedge fund trader. The value derives from the fact that symmetry can indi-
cate a cause and effect relationship between a statistical phenomenon and its outcome.
In this system, the symmetry seems to indicate that the price changes of silver, our proxy
for inflation sensitive commodity prices, create a cause and effect price pattern in the
S&P 500.
The symmetrical pattern made over $5.00 for every $1 lost. It maintained an accuracy
rate in excess of 75% and made an average of $1618 on each winning trade. Silver is by
no means the only commodity that can be used for intermarket systems.
We have noted value in the crude oil, soybean and copper markets in timing the S&P as
well. However, the inter-market concept draws on a theory about perceptions of com-
modity price increases. It is very difficult to find successful short sale patterns during a
secular bull market in stock prices. The short sale record should impress the experienced
analyst of S&P trading methods.
96 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Symmetrical Pattern 97
98 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Symmetrical Pattern 99
Page 1
Type : System
Name : Chapter7 Symmetry
Notes :
Last Update : 08/26/97 06:51pm
Printed on : 08/26/97 06:52pm
Verified : YES
If close<lowest(close,6)[1] and
close of data2>highest(close,9)[1] of data2
and dayofweek(date)=l then buy on close;
if barssinceentry=l then exitlong at market;
if close>highest(close,6)[1] and
close of data2<lowest(close,9)[1] of data2
and dayofweek(date)=1 then sell on close;
if barssinceentry=l then exitshort at market;
Printed using TradeStation PowerEditor by Omega Research Version 4.02.17 - Oct 02 1996
Chapter 8
What I will present to you in this chapter is a sample program that you can use to test all
possible patterns of a technique called range expansion. If you are unfamiliar with the
concept of range expansion, let me explain. Range expansion refers to any system that
takes the value of one chart point, subtracts the value of another chart point and then
adds or subtracts this value from an opening or close to derive a buy or sell point.
In many cases, we will be using a percentage of the value we calculate and then add or
subtract this value to tomorrow's opening for our buy and sell points. Since it is easy to
run a comprehensive search of all volatility expansion patterns and then to consider the
possibilities, we will demonstrate the technique.
Our Tradestation program to find volatility expansion sell signals reads as follow:
102 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Our program to search for volatility expansion buy signals looks as follows:
This program will test every day of the week for volatility expansion trades. It alters the
values that are searched as well. Since the highs, closes and lows are inputs, we can test
all values from 1 -5 days ago and all days from 1 -5 (Monday to Friday) and all percentage
expansions from 109& to 200%. We will use the lesser of the two values that we calcu-
late. In addition, we will test all parameters of each of the three components to get a
sense as to whether there is a range of values that shows some promise.
If we only find a single working value, we must suspect an over-optimized system and
avoid it. Our general rule is to base our trading only upon pattern systems that have
profit factors above 3 and percentage accuracy in the area of 70% or better and many
similar profitability reading at different parameters.
Range Expansion Search Code 103
On the sell side, the range expansion search program only identified the opening on
Monday as a profitable time for placing orders using the system. Thursday's opening and
Friday's opening showed up as tradable by this method, but only at very selective param-
eter values, so I would not use them. By selling a volatility expansion to the downside on
Mondays, given our parameters, we are playing the odds and betting on a continuation of
the phenomenon.
On the buy side, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday openings were identified as tradable
range expansion times. By buying volatility expansions to the upside given our param-
eters, we have come out winners in the past.
Volatility systems have use in identifying tradable market patterns. However, we would
not make them the basis or our entire trading strategy. These types of trades prove most
useful when you are already in a trade and want additional information on the likely
outcome. The triggering of any of these systems gives you a strong clue as to likely
directional bias for that day.
Results table:
The spreadsheet shown provides the parameters that met our profitability conditions.
You can create similar sheets to establish volatility daytrading parameters for other mar-
kets or to rerun our study using the Tradestation code. This "brute force" search method
showcases one excellent use for Tradestation.
104 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
Range Expansion Search Code 105
106 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle _______
Chapter 9
Informational advantages
In return for giving millions of dollars of commissions to the large sell side brokerage houses,
hedge funds are given better information than public traders. Hedge funds do not need to use
material, nonpublic information to achieve profits. Instead, hedge funds have advantages that
are not available to public or small traders. For instance, if the drug analyst at a top brokerage
house on Wall Street has decided to change his/her recommendation on Merck, who do you
think gets the first call? Since the brokerage firms have such a tremendous following any
change in analyst opinions or estimates will generate follow-through trading. Whether or not
108 Trading Secrets of the Inner Circle
the analyst is accurate is irrelevant. In the hours or days following the analyst's announcement,
the short-term trading profits have already been made by the large funds.
The second type of profits available to large traders comes in the form of IPO shares. Again,
in return for frequent business, the underwriting syndicates at the major Wall Street houses
give the hottest IPO shares to the best customers more or less. Simply by having significant
assets under management and high turnover, a customer is given shares at prices below the
opening prices of IPO shares on the issue date. All the large trader has to do is sell the IPO
shares at the market at the open ten minutes or so after receiving the shares. This is the closest
thing to a free lunch on Wall Street.
What many of the equity and futures traders overlook is that it is not quantitative screens or
insightful analysis that makes markets move in your direction. It is the knowledge that people
will buy the trading vehicle after you that makes it a worthwhile investment. Perhaps you will
not get the "first call" or any IPO shares, but let me give you a method that will show you how
to get in front of other traders in the stock market.
To understand why buying stocks that register surprisingly positive earning is a successful
strategy, it is important to understand how Wall Street analysts and salespeople function.
Analysts are assigned to a group of stocks categorized by industries. They provide recom-
mendations and publish their opinions in monthly or quarterly publications. If they change their
opinion about a stock, they pass on their opinion and hopefully bring in business for their firm's
trading departments. If a few weeks after the new recommendation, a client decides to invest
in the sector of the market that the analyst covers, that client will oftentimes solicit the analyst
recommendations before buying. In addition, once an analyst recommends or downgrades a
stock, the brokerage firm's retail arm will start to push the recommendation.
Therefore, changes in analysts' estimates have a longer term effect on flows of capital into
certain stocks that they like or dislike. Many companies provide screens that rank the uni-
verse of stocks on several factors to generate buy lists and sell lists. For most such screens,
the key factor is earnings surprises. Zweig Securities and The Value Line Investment
Survey are two companies that create rankings that incorporate earnings surprise data. These
Why the Large Hedge Funds Win and How You Can Too 109
screens have excellent track records in selecting stocks that outperform market averages.
When a stock reports earnings higher than analyst consensus estimates, the Wall Street com-
munity rapidly changes its forecasts.
With this knowledge, we can employ a sophisticated method to get into stocks before the
analysts and mechanical screens reach all traders that use them. Here is my special method for
getting in front of Wall Street.
Our Power Stock Selection Method: The Value Line Outflanking Maneuver:
I subscribe to the Value Line Investment Survey. Each week I receive a summary and index
report that lists stocks that have been upgraded or downgraded on their scale of 1-5 for
timeliness. Stocks that are ranked a 1 have a dramatic history of outperforming the averages
and to some degree the outperformance may be self fulfilling. If you look at the section in the
weekly report called "Noteworthy rank changes," you will see the stocks that have changed in
rank and the reason for the change. In the overwhelming majority of cases it is the stocks that
have reported earnings surprises that get listed.
We are going to try to identify stocks that are about to be upgraded to the ranking of 1 in the
Value Line Investment Survey. What we do to accomplish this is to monitor all the stocks
ranked 2 or 3 in the survey on our quote machine ticker. This news monitoring can be done on
many quote machines by ticker symbol. Anytime a stock ranked 2 or 3 in Value Line Reports
a positive earnings surprise, we will buy it at the market immediately following the announce-
Since the analysts at the major firms did not get their consensus estimates correct in evaluating
the stocks we are buying, it will certainly cause them to either change their estimates upward or
to look more carefully at the reporting company. In addition, since many of the quantitative
screens used by top money managers employ earnings surprise data, we will get the jump on
many portfolio managers using our method. Ideally, the Value Line Investment Survey will
also give a new ranking to the stock, and we will hit a homerun.